#oc: dawn allen
arrows-unofficial-ocs · 2 months
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Arrowverse: Next Gen Families: The West-Allen Family
Bartholomew Henry “Barry” Allen
Iris Ann West-Allen
Nora Esther West-Allen
Joseph Henry West-Allen
Benjamin Wallace “Ben” West-Allen
Dawn Francine West-Allen
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ardate · 2 years
4, 8, 9, 30 :]
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
Honestly? Humans as a whole, still. I started art a long time ago, originally mostly focusing on animals and creatures, til I started drawing humans sometime in middle school - and I never stopped drawing them since! But yet, somehow, even though by now I probably have drawn more humans and human-adjacent characters than not with all those years, beasts are still much easier and come more naturally to me. Maybe those very early years wired my brain this way hbghb
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
Oh holy fukc so many of those uuuuuuuh,, right now the one that comes to mind is this old story I had made up in middle/highschool - something about a kind of death land, a sort of limbo, and the ghost lords that 'ran' it; and the main character having to go through it to bring his love back from the dead (orpheus and eurydice inspired). And though even then I wasn't particularly optimistic about my chances of going through with it, I really wanted to make a comic of it! Obviously, never happened. I should redraw those old OCs one of these days hgbghb
Have a sneak peek of what my art (and one of my ghost lords) looked like back then. Not the full pic cuz even just sharing this lil tidbit is hurting my ego
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9. What are your file name conventions
I've been meaning to change it cuz it's no longer organized enough for my taste! My file themselves don't have any fancy names, they're usually just named after their subject (like 'demoman_sketch' or 'pernelle_portrait' or 'morribel_reference' etc). Of course, no accent in the file names since that renders them unstable and makes it easier for them to get corrupted, same (to a lesser extent) with spaces, so I always use an underscore instead.
So rather than by name, my organization goes by folders: • First off I have a folder per art program (one for Photoshop, After Effects, Corel Painter, Krita, etc), each of which have two folders, 'Unfinished' and 'Finished'. The latter usually only has the PNG renders, while the Unfinished folder houses the PSD (or other) files. Sometimes I'll have a 'Done' subfolder there for the files of pieces that i've finished, but most of the time they'll hang in there in the middle of WIP files forever • And in those Un/Finished folders, I have subfolders for the subject of the art piece (one folder per fandom (like TF2, Rayman, etc), a folder for commissions, one folder per original story, etc) so I can easily find what I'm looking for.
I plan on changing my naming conventions though, keep my folders but name my files with dates at the beginning (year/month/day), then theme (fandom/story/commission, etc), and then the piece's name.
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
I'm... Not sure? 🤔 To be honest I post my art to share it but I don't really have expectations regarding its reception from the public... I used to! Back when I was on deviantArt. And honestly it sucked, getting legitimately upset when an art piece didn't get enough digital attention, not enough internet points. But I've grown past it years ago, so I don't really have many feelings if a piece does badly anymore. I've had OC pics get like 2 likes and nothing else and I felt fine with it ghbgh
Don't get me wrong I still want them to do well, I still want people to reblog my art, and nothing brings me more joy than comments in the tags because that's a direct reaction to my art, which always feels very personal and legitimately touches me. But not having expectations means I don't really feel disappointed as much
The last time I've had the thought 'oh i expected this to do better' was for my HLVRAI zine piece, but that's about it!
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seenoversundown · 4 months
Sparrow Of The Dawn : Chapter Five
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Sam x Willa (Fem OC)
Warnings: Swearing, One mention of the word 'Daddy', mentions of boners? Mild accidental groping, light talk of spit kink if you squint, a lot of movie references, Jumpscare Warning: Jeremy Allen White, mentions of very minor injury, Girls Night (gender neutral term), guys being dudes, mentions of avoiding a car accident, fluff, and per usual Sam just being his usual self.
Word Count: 8k.
Author’s Note: Taco Bell IS on the boycott list and just included for entertainment purposes. Also, if you need help with figuring out which companies are on the boycott list you can download the “No Thanks” app to keep track!
Summary: Sam unfortunately finds himself in not so meet cute with Willa. Hopeful that he doesn't cross her path again; the world works in mysterious ways and not always in your favor.
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That's Not My Name - The Ting Tings “Are you callin' me darlin', are you callin' me bird?”
‘If it weren’t for bad luck, we wouldn’t have any luck at all’ is a phrase my grandfather repeated growing up. I feel that a little more deeply these days, especially when it comes to my truck. As I sit here, willing her to turn over every time I twist the key, I lose a bit more hope. I have got to get her looked at. I pull my phone from my back pocket and text the group chat, praying that someone is awake this early. 
Me: Is anyone awake that loves me enough to drive me into work. Edith wont start again ☹️
Tweedle Dee 🦐: It’s your lucky day.
It only takes about ten minutes before Josh pulls up in his white Jeep truck, and I’ve never been more thankful that we all live so close. 
“You look awfully dapper for 7:30 in the morning,” I remark, eyebrow cocked. 
“And you are just a pair of cargo shorts away from being Steve Irwin, but you don’t hear me questioning you.” He retorts. Touche. “I thought I was dropping you off at the newspaper office?”
“You are, but we’re going to Wolfe’s Neck to take some nature photos for the assignment we’re working on. I’m meeting her at the office first.” Josh and I haven’t spoken much in the last few days; he’s always busy lately, working at the bar or devoid of his phone for hours, so I fill him in on the project.
“An incredible idea, Sammy. All hers, I assume?” He chides.
“Not.. all hers. I helped.” I speak a bit more defensively than I mean to. 
“I did! We’re even using a couple of my film cameras because I’m so nice.” I further defend my stance.
He pulls up to the curb, effectively cutting our conversation short, thankfully, and I exit his car.
“Sam!” He yells jovially, and I turn around, his window fully unrolled. “Have a good day, Sammy Boy! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” He twists the dial on his stereo volume. The soundtrack of my suffering plays to the tune of ‘Barbie Girl’ by Aqua. I wave him ‘goodbye’ with a simple middle finger as he drives off. As I make my way back to the front door, there she is. 
She greets me with, “I bet he’s a nightmare in the morning.”
“You have no idea.” I reach for the door, opening it for us both and letting her walk in first because I am a gentleman; however, I am still a pain in the ass. “Is it not too early in the morning for my voice today?” 
“It's always far too early to hear your voice, Samuel.” She presses the button on the elevator and twists her shoulders toward me. 
“How are we supposed to work together if you refuse to talk to me, huh?”
“It’s not like taking pictures requires conversation.” The sound of the elevator dinging catches our attention, and we both enter. Birdie reaches to press the correct floor button.
“How about,” I start, facing her and smirking with a cocked eyebrow, “we stop for coffee and breakfast, my treat? Since now, I don’t have to break the news to you that you have to drive.”
“You.. have my attention.” The elevator arrives, and we exit right, down the hallway, through the glass door, and past the reception desk. Sharon greets us warmly with a wave; she’s no Daisy, but she is lovely. Once we reach the cubicles, we separate, unloading our belongings on our own desks. Birdie looks good today. Her earth-toned Patagonia pullover fits snuggly, along with the black leggings on her legs. The tail ends of her brown bob poking out the bottom of her tan Carhartt beanie. 
“I see you’ve dressed for the occasion.”
“Oh, uh yeah. I couldn’t exactly wear my Steve Maddens in the forest.” She stares down at the white socks and brown hiking boots I know are on her feet. “Where are we going, by the way? You never told me, just said, ‘I have a place.’”
“Wolfe’s Neck State Park, you been before?” 
“Surprisingly, no. It’s on my list though.”
“It doesn’t open until 9, so we have a little bit of time to kill before we have to leave; it’s only a half-hour drive. Maybe forty-five or fifty with breakfast.”
“Did you wanna hit up Dunkies for breakfast?” she asks.
“Please, god no. They can never get my food right. I swear they have a secret vendetta against vegetarians.” 
“I didn’t know you were a vegetarian. Is it an animals with faces thing?”
“Nah, Daniel, bet me fifty bucks I couldn’t do it. I never turn down a bet.” I sit down on my desk and cross my arms. Looking at her over the divider.
“How’d that turn out for you?”
“A new diet and fifty bucks richer,” I snicker. 
The trail I lead her down is not a very long one. I can hear her small feet padding behind me, breaking branches and rustling leaves in quick steps. She takes two to match my every one. I figured one of the shorter trails would work better for getting in and out with enough time to head back and finish our project. 
“Ooooh, it's giving Twilight,” she beams, eyes huge with excitement.
I turn to follow her gaze toward the large, moss-covered rock wall. A few fallen, slimmer trees lay around the bottom. She runs over toward it.
“This is the skin of a killer, Bella.” Reenacting a scene from the movie. A movie I’ve definitely never seen. “I don’t care. You won’t hurt me.” she quotes dramatically, switching from Edward to Bella. She matches Bella’s awkward movements perfectly. It’s hard not to laugh, her head bobbing, arms flailing, jumping back and forth between spots for each character. I haven’t seen this side of her yet, A fun side. Who knew Birdie had it in her? 
“You know I’ve never seen Twilight before.” I lie as I slip one strap off my shoulder and pull my bag around to the front of my body. Unzipping the compartment that has her camera in it, I pull it out and give it a wiggle. She walks over to meet me. 
“Never had a girlfriend in high school who forced you to watch it?” she smiles, jokingly as she takes the camera from my hand and slips the strap around her neck, checking over her settings.
“Nope.” popping the ‘p’, “Never really dated til I got to college.” I take out my own camera.
“Aw got no game huh?” She makes a mocking frown at me as we walk down the trail. 
“Got no game, huh?” I mimic her. Way to go, Sammy. Wicked come back. That’ll teach her. 
We take our time, snapping photos as we go until we reach the water. It's beautiful here. Large formed rocks surround the lake that makes up an amazing scenic view. The sunshine only adds to the effect. It's breathtaking every time. I can’t believe she’s never been here before. We slowly walk up to the edge of the water. She finds little crevices that the water runs through. In her continued child-like wonder she can’t help but kneel down to run her fingers through it, picking up small rocks to inspect before dropping them back into the tiny flowing river. The sun’s rays bounce off the water, the reflection a bit blinding, but I’ll take it on a day like today. It sparkles off the waves created by the small gusts of wind, which keeps me comfortable, but I notice the little shivers that run through her shoulders. Despite the minimal clouds in the sky, the sun isn’t strong enough to truly warm you from within this time of year. 
I watch as Birdie steps onto one of the taller rock formations. She brings the camera to her eye, the clicking sound pleasantly mixed with the sound of all the petite rivers running nearby. She drops her camera and tilts her face toward the sun, eyes closed, taking in the warmth from the sunshine above. She looks as peaceful as it feels out here. I snap a photo of her. She brings her arms out as if she's standing at the head of the Titanic; I snap another one. That is what Maine is about, the simplistic beauty of being with nature. Any time of year, any weather. Just enjoying the feeling of connecting to nature. Water, trees, rocks, sunshine. All of it. Always. 
I’m so lost in thoughts of her and home I don’t notice her suddenly standing in front of me. 
“Earth to Samuel.” She sing-songs, fingers waving in front of my face.
I shake my head, willing my brain to focus on the task at hand. “Yeah, what.”
“Can I put this in your bag?” She’s holding a rock. A damp, white-ish looking rock clutched between her delicate fingers. 
“Uh, sure?” I’m very confused. I open a compartment, and as she places the rock inside, she shivers again. I guess it is chilly despite the day’s sunshine. It's still March after all, though I’m not a great gauge for temperature because I run warm.
“Are you cold, Birdie?” I question.
She scrunches her nose in response. I fight with the thought of how cute that is. “I’ll be fine,” she dismisses. “I’m always cold.”
“Here, take my scarf. I’m hot anyway.” Pulling my scarf from around my neck.
She immediately gives me a side-eye. 
“It’s.. not gonna bite, Birdie?” I tease her with a little wave of the scarf.
“Not my name,” she scrunches her nose again, apprehensively reaching out to grab it. “Biting I'm not worried about. It being magically cursed into strangling me when I least suspect it, on the other hand.” She tosses her hands back and forth like an invisible set of scales. Her hands work intently as she folds the scarf in half and places it around her neck, taking the ends through the loop and pulling it tight. 
“What am I? Harry Potter?” I scoff. 
She lets out a cackle. “Not even remotely. More like Lucius Malfoy.” She raises an eyebrow at me. 
“Wow, straight to Lucius. Not even Draco, huh? Yeah, I guess I am Daddy.” I stop in my tracks as I watch her pluck another rock from the tiny river leading out toward the water.
“Ew. God, no.” Her infectious laugh hits me right in the gut.
“See, Lucius was evil.” She stands, and her eyes give me a once over before placing the rock in my hand, presumably to be put in my bag with the other one. “Draco had a good heart even if he was a little chicken. Plus,” raising her pointer finger, “he was hot. And you are neither of those things.” She turns back to the small river of flowing water.
My mind flashes back to the other night at the bar, where she’s sitting with her friend. “No, you’re right, Wilson. Sam IS cute.” Replaying in my head. 
“Oh, really?” my mischievous side coming out to play. I step toward her. 
“OH, REALLY??” I repeat louder, taking another step. She stands to face me.
“YES,” she says pointedly. 
I smile wide, now looking down at her. 
“That’s not what your friend said the other night.” I bite my lip, tilting my head to the side and running my hand along my jawline. I watch as her eyes follow my movement, a fire lighting behind them. I know I’ve gotten under her skin by calling her out. 
She raises both of her eyebrows, this time taking a step toward me to fully bridge the gap between us. Nearly chest to chest, nose to nose, she says, “Wow, I’m actually shocked you were able to pull your head out of your ass long enough to hear someone speak besides yourself.”
I chuckle, running my tongue along my teeth. “I don’t hear you denying it. Go on, you can say it. You think I’m hot.”
“And why would I need to deny such a clearly false statement, Samuel?” Confusion etched across her face. “You know, when you come up for air, usually you can hear better. You should try it sometime.”
“So, that’s not what I heard, huh? ‘You’re right, he IS really cute.’ ? Your friend never said that?”
“No, you didn’t. Because no, they didn’t.” She huffs. I pick up on the use of ‘they.’  
“Right, right.” I nod my head. “So, do they frequently lie to embarrass you?” a silent acknowledgment between us. 
She pulls out her phone, tapping away. 
“Whaaaat are ya doing?” I question her clear deflection. 
“Just looking to see if there is a quick care clinic open on our way home because, obviously, you need to have your ears checked out,” She pockets her phone. “Can we continue, please?” A swift eye roll follows as she turns to walk back toward the little river.
“Wait, wait, wait,” a breathy chuckle falling from my lips. “If it's not you who thinks I’m cute. Then it must be your friend, right?” She opens her mouth to try to cut me off before I even get started, but, “So, can I have their number then?” slips out before she can manage. I relish in the fact that I know I’m bothering her. 
“No, no. Absolutely not.”
“Wow, for being Birdie, you’re not much of a wing-woman, are you?”
“First off, they would hate you. Second off, what makes you think I’d ever be your wing-woman. And THIRD-OFF, that’s not my name.”
I feel a bit of satisfaction and a warm swell of my belly when her nose scrunches in distaste. 
I wander off back toward the trail we came down, keeping my gaze pointed toward the opening in the trees. Trying to focus in between the little gaps for anything interesting or photo-worthy. The leaves are not quite growing yet, and the ground still wet with leftover melted snow. I can hear the squish of the damp soil with every step I take. The lead into spring is probably my favorite time of year. Most people enjoy the summer because the weather is nice and warm and the surrounding cities are alive with tourists and events. But those moments of fresh life leading into spring show you that despite the dark coldness of the winter, you can still grow and bloom into beautiful potential. The hope of it all, to come out the other end of the darkness to greet the sunshine, is why it's such a valued season to me. 
Just then, Birdie comes padding over to me with two more rocks in her hands.
“Sam, I found more.” She calls on her way over. I, once again, pull my bag to the front, and she opens a pocket, attempting to deposit the rocks herself.
“No, not there, I have a lens in there.” I zip it back up and choose a different one. “Try this one.” As she’s trying to fit the larger of the two in there, something clicks inside my brain.
“You’re one of those girls, aren’t you?” 
“One of what?” Her brows are knit in frustration when she realizes the rock is too big. She picks another, thankfully empty, pocket.
“One of those girls that sits around with her crystals and her tarot and her moon water.” I chide.
Her hands stop what they are doing and she slowly looks up at me, eyes narrowing. “How do you know about moon water?”
“It’s a long story.” I shake my head and sidestep the comment so I don’t have to talk about ‘she who shall not be named’. “You know my brother is into all that shit. He’s got crystals all over the place.” 
“The brother that owns the bar or the one with the mustache?”
“Uhh.. both of my brothers have a mustache.” 
“You sure about that.” She smirks. Oh, they’re both gunna just looove that. “Actually, why don’t you give him my number since we seem to actually have things in common.”
“No.” immediately denying her. “If you refuse to be my wing-woman. I refuse to be your wingman. No way.”
“Fine then, at least make yourself useful and find some space to fit this in your bag.” Flashing the rock, she couldn’t fit before. 
“Seriously, how many more of these do you need, Birdie? My bag is getting heavy.” 
“How about you hold this one.” She pulls a small crystal from her bra, and drops it into my open hand. “It’s good for grounding. Maybe it’ll help center you. Woo sah, Sam. Woo Sah.” 
Very funny.
I offer to drive the way home and now I’m curled uncomfortably in the driver's seat of Birdie’s car. Partly to get warm again and partly because of the intense growling of my stomach. 
“We should stop for lunch before we head into the office,” I suggest.  
“Where?” She pulls out her phone, searching for options.
“Is there a Taco Bell nearby?” 
“You can eat at Taco Bell? I wouldn’t think a Mexican food place would be vegetarian friendly.”
“Taco Bell is hardly Mexican, but you can sub almost anything out for beans. Plus, I’m craving a crunchwrap.” 
We pull up to the drive-through speaker, and I place my order. “I’ll have a cravings box with a black bean crunchwrap supreme, a spicy potato taco, and cheesy fiesta potatoes, and a Large Dr. Pepper, please.” Her eyes are boring holes into the side of my skull as I pull out my card to pay. I scrunch my face in question. 
“Nothing.” is all she says.
She leans over the center console to place her order, elbows perched and ass off the seat. I know she’s trying to be able to project her voice from across the car, but she is so close. I shrink back into my seat to try and give her space, but I can't escape her sweet floral perfume. Oh, she smells so good. I close my eyes, reveling in the mixture of orange blossoms and vanilla as it clouds my brain.
“I’ll have two soft taco supremes and a medium Baja Blast, please.” She plops her ass back in her seat, “Ready?” 
I open my eyes again. “Yep.”
I hand the cashier my card and receive the receipt and we pull up to the second window. She is staring at me again with the most unpleasant face. 
“Okay, what gives. Why are you looking at me like that?”
The worker opens the window and hands us our order. Birdie's own customer service voice shining through her ‘thank you so much!’ Unwrapping our straws and sticking them in our respective drinks while I slowly pull away from the building. I reach for my Dr. Pepper and take a large, satisfying gulp. 
“How can you possibly drink that?” 
“A Dr. Pepper?”
“Yes! It's like.. Against the law in at least 22 states to not order Baja Blast when you go to Taco Bell.” she quips.
“Oh, you’re not gunna like this.” I pause.
She stares intently.
I take a deep breath in and exhale slowly, “I.. don’t.. Like Baja Blast.” 
She stares some more. This time, the brown of her eyes barely peeking through the thin space between her eyelids. 
“Dr. Pepper just hits better.” I shrug.
“We- Are not friends.” Turning back to the food in her lap.
“Consider it one of my 19 crimes,” mumbling around a bite of my lunch. 
“Every sip is a little act of warfare, Sam.” She argues a bit further down the road. “I cannot believe you would commit such.. Such TREASON in my own car.” Her hands wave theatrically in front of her.
“Oh, you’re a Queen now, are you?”
“It is my car, so if I say I’m the Queen of my car, then I’m the Queen of my car. And I rule that drinking Dr. Pepper is an act of treason.” She crosses her arms, chin raised high, a playful smirk sitting on her plush, chapstick-covered lips.  
I laugh, a good, full-bellied laugh. She’s fun when she wants to be. When she’s not being so combative.
“I’m so sorry, Your Grace,” I respond and enthusiastically take a bite of my spicy potato taco. She rolls her eyes at me.
“How much food did you order?”
“What? I’m a growing boy!” I argue.
As soon as I take another bite, chipotle sauce comes out the bottom and lands right in my lap. “Oh shit!” I once again say around my food. She starts to rummage through the bag for some napkins. When she finds one, I reach my hand out to take it, but she bypasses me completely, leaning right over the center console with her head nearly in my lap, hands working to try and get the sauce out before it stains.
That’s how I ended up praying to the Gods above that I don’t accidentally pop a boner while she cleans up my crotch. What have I done to deserve this?
“It’s fine. It’s not on the seat. It’s just on your pants. Hold on.” I squirm under the pressure of her fingers as she tugs to flatten out the fabric of my khakis to make sure she gets it all. 
“It's fine, Birdie. Birdie!” raising my voice to catch her attention, to no avail. “I can take care of it when we get back. Or we can stop off at my apartment, and I can change.” I plead, desperately wishing for this to be over. 
“I almost got it. Stop moving!” I glance down as she slaps my thigh. Holy shit. She licks the napkin then and I swear I see Jesus in the middle of the freeway. I press the brakes to slow down to avoid a collision. Trying my best to focus on the road ahead, but instead, now all I can think about is her spit on my dick. Oh God. My eyes go wide as soon as the thought crosses my mind, and my dick definitely twitches. 
Oh, don’t go there. Not now. Think Sam, Think. Grandma Althea. Her house is old and smells like moth balls. Her hands are always dry from all the fabric she touches because she’s always sewing something. She coughs really loud and wet because of the cigarettes she smokes. I breathe a heavy sigh of relief when Birdie sits up. She clears her throat, “I uh think it should be all set.”
We drive the rest of the way back to the office in silence. I really hope she didn’t notice. But then again, I do have terrible luck.
When I walk into the dark room, Birdie is already in there; the red lights casting a glow on her that reminds me of the first time she walked into my brother’s bar. Though now she’s rifling through the lower shelves.
“Whatcha lookin’ for?”  
“I uhh, I haven’t developed film since college. Tryna find some instructions.” Her ass in the air as she continues her search. 
“I don’t have nine film cameras for nothing, Birdie. I know how to develop film I can help.”
She stands and faces me, the uncomfortable expression on her face taking on a completely different view under the light. I wish I knew her well enough to know why she’s so uncomfortable. 
I get us set up with our film canisters and developing mixture while she grabs the rolls of film from my bag. We each carefully cut the film off the cassette. I try to focus on what I’m doing instead of how our fingers gently brush each other while loading the film onto the reel. I pour the developing mixture into each canister while she watches on. 
“We have to shake them every, like thirty seconds for a few minutes, and then we can do the stop bath,” I instruct her, and she nods.
Her small, delicate hands hold the rather large container as she shakes it back and forth. “Like this?” She questions, her brow furrowed. And.. I am only a man. Staring too closely at the motion of her hands, I freeze. For christ’s sake Sam. Be normal for 5 seconds. As I clear my throat to answer, I drop my canister. In her attempt to help me we end up crashing our heads together.
“OW.” “Oh Fuck.” We mumble at the same time. I feel around for the edge of the counter and end up knocking the other film canisters into the sink. 
“For fuck’s sake,” I whine. I reach to grab those, and Birdie bends down to grab the one I dropped. And, it is so dark in here she ends up ramming her head right into my junk.
“Fuck!” I yell. At the rate we’re both complaining, I’m sure they think we’re trying to fuck. If only I were that lucky. Instead, I now need to ice my goods.
I hold my breath, willing the pain to stop.
“Sorry.” her apology is small. 
A strained “It’s fine” tumbles from my lips.
We continue awkwardly fumbling around each other, trying to make sure the rest of the containers stay properly agitated, and instead, she gets properly agitated. If this was a cartoon, I’m positive that steam would be coming out of her ears.
“It’s too small in here; you are far too large, and it's too dark.” She huffs. 
“I don't know what to tell you, Birdie. It’s a darkroom, and I cannot get any smaller.”
“That’s not my fucking name.” Angrily, setting down the container with a loud thud. 
We add the stop bath and then the fixer, making sure to keep a good distance from each other, and then finally rinse and soak the film. 
When we hang the film up to dry, I realize I have about a foot on her.
“Need me to get you a stool, shortie? Or should you just hop on, and I could lift you up.” A cocky smirk spreads across my lips. 
“Nah, you’re the man you could do the heavy lifting,” she makes air quotes around ‘heavy lifting’. 
 Once they’re fully dry, I gather the film strips and bring them to the lightbox. Scooting our stools close and setting each strip up one by one to see the negatives of our photos. Shooting nature is one of my favorite things but Birdie really does have an incredible eye for it. Of course, I’d never tell her that because she would hold it over my head. Our styles are very different, which is clear to see lined up next to each other, but they still look amazing together. 
“These.. Are really great, Birdie.” I smile down at her and bump her with my shoulder gently. Her face softens a bit and I can’t help but think how beautiful she looks. I am a man- I’m not blind.
“The hard part is choosing the best ones. It feels like choosing my favorite children.” Her infectious laugh plays through my ears, and I smile back.
We take some time discussing which ones have the best lighting or the best proportions. Which ones we think will make great features and finally settle on eight ‘prized children’ to print. The other eight photos selected for our presentation will be digitally edited and printed outside of the darkroom, making at least half of this project easy. At least the editing and printing we can do from the comfort of our homes in our PJs. Which is exactly what I will be doing after I see Daniel for dinner. 
We settle back in the dark room using the projectors to print our respective photos. I don’t know what’s in the air today because I keep messing up. Either exposing for too long or too short and I keep running back and forth between the developing tray and my projector to try to correct it. On one of my passes, I run smack into Birdie. In my effort to stop the collision, I put my one unoccupied hand out to cushion the momentum and ended up grabbing her boob instead. For fucks sake. How does this shit keep happening?
I pause, slowly backing away. She just heavily sighs.
“Well.” She brushes her hands off and adjusts her beanie. “That’s the most action I’ve had in a minute.”
Before I can stop myself, I blurt out, “Is that why you’re such a tight ass?”
“No, I have,” she emphasizes, “such a tight ass because I do squats.” And now I’m thinking about her in tight gym pants doing squats.
“Well, if you ever need help loosening up a bit, you know who to call.” 
“Jeremy Allen White?” 
“Who?” I match her confused expression.
“Oh, you know, he was in Shameless. The bear?” her brow further knits each second that passes. “He just had that big ad campaign for Calvin Klein?” Calvin Klein? As in.. models. Cool. First Edward, then Draco, now.. models.
“Yes, because I definitely seem like the kind of guy who keeps up with Calvin Klein campaigns.” Really trying to drive the point home with a snarky tone. 
“Oh..” I try to read the expression on her face before she continues, “I just thought because of you.. You know, actually know how to dress yourself.”
“I’m going to take that as a compliment.”
“You shouldn’t. Your competition is the genre of men who pick up a shirt off the floor and go, ‘yeah, this smells clean’.” She stands on her tiptoes as she hangs her last photo and then promptly exits the darkroom. 
A few minutes later, she returns through the circular door. It always reminds me of something a magician would have on stage. A weird sort of contraption to ensure the light stays out and doesn’t ruin the developing process for those inside.
“Sam.” her voice is quiet again, just above a whisper. I look up at her and can barely make out her petite frame in the dark. She’s just standing, a strip of film pinched between her fingers, head hung low. 
She continues just as quietly, “Did you.. Um. When did you take these?” The realization hits me. I forgot about the pictures of her. 
“Oh. Uhh. You were just.. Ya know in your element. And I sorta thought. Well, this is a big part of what Maine is like. Ya know. Outside, nature. You just seemed.. Happy. Thought it should be captured..” I trail off. Oh God, she’s gonna think it's weird. It's not weird, though, right? No, Sam, it's fine. 
The length of silence kills me. The longer she doesn’t talk the more I start to internally freak out. As if being a naturally warm-blooded person wasn’t bad enough, I feel myself start to sweat. I wipe my forehead of the perspiration gathering there and grab at my wrists for a hair tie, of which is conveniently missing at this moment. Please say something… please.
“This.. um.” she pauses, inhaling and exhaling a deep breath. “They’re lovely, Sammy. Thank you.”
“Yeah.. yeah. You’re welcome.” I shift my focus back to my photo.
“So, uh.. Anyways,” she says, calling my attention back to her. “Since we’re printing the photos here and we’re editing the digital ones at home, you can just email me the finished ones when you’re done, and we can talk about the bullet points we’ll go over for the presentation.” She turns on the projector light until she gets the desired contrast, and then turns it off and carries her photo to the developer bin. I grab my own photo and walk over to meet her, dropping it in the solution to join hers. She idly uses the tongs to move her photo around the bin to help the developing process. Just like shaking a Polaroid picture, it doesn’t really work; it only passes the time. 
“That sounds good, Birdie.” I reach to grab the other set of tongs and end up blindly bumping her arm in the process, knocking hers to the ground. She bends down to retrieve them, and I set my sights on a different pair of tongs to my left. Two things happen at once. First, I bend slightly to reach the other pair. Second, she headbutts my ass. That’s two parts of me she has head-butted today.
“We’ve touched more today than I ever thought we would in this lifetime.” She groans.
“Think about us touching often, huh?” because I can’t help but try to get under her skin every chance I get. 
“Why are you like this?” she complains. She tosses the tongs back on the counter and goes to fish the photo out with her fingers. I lunge to stop her, but I’m too slow.
Now, it’s definitely not life-threatening to handle photo-developing chemicals without gloves. But they are, at the end of the day, chemicals and can sting like a bitch if you have opened wounds. Given how clumsy she is, I anticipate –
“Ouch, FUCK!” she yells, cradling her hand. I grab her by the wrist and shimmy us over to the sink, where I turn the water on cold. When the temperature is cool enough, I pull her finger under the running water.
“That was stupid of you.” I gently scold her. There’s no weight behind my words, just concern. 
“How stupid, Sam? I didn’t realize I had a cut. Is it bad? Do I need to see a doctor?” She rattles off. 
“Hey, hey, hey.” I leave one hand on her wrist, keeping it in place under the faucet, the other one I place on her cheek. Settling in the crook of her neck beneath her ear. The palm of my hand burns against her cool skin; she really is always cold. Despite the darkness of the room I still pull her gaze to meet mine. “Calm down, okay? You’re fine, I promise. A little stupid, maybe. But you’re fine.” I rub my thumb along her cheekbone, hoping to soothe her worries. I can barely make out her eyelids as they flutter closed for a moment and then open again. 
“You promise?” I can feel the anxiety radiating off her.
“I’d pinky promise if you wanted me to.” I joke, and she lets out a small giggle. Pride settles in my chest, knowing a crisis is averted.
“God, that was stupid.” she laughs again and rests her forehead against my chest.
“Lil bit.” I shake my head and slide my hand down to rub her back. Part of me doesn’t want to move from this spot, knowing she's comforted, but I ruin the moment anyway. I pull back from her, hand resting on her shoulder now. 
“Lesson learned, huh?”
She zips the top portion of her Patagonia pullover a little higher when we make it outside. I pull out my phone to see who is available to be my chauffeur home.
“Did you need a ride home, Sam?” She asks, pulling her collar up to her ears. The ends of her hair start to stick out. 
“I was just going to see which brother was a spare and could swing by.” I drop my eyes back to my phone. 
“I can give you a ride home if you want? I know you’re not too far out of my way, I can just.. Drop you off?” placing her foot on the next step down and pointing toward the parking lot. 
“You don’t have to do that. None of them do anything productive anyway.” I laugh. 
“Do you have more than just the two?” I bite my lip and smile when her brow furrows in confusion. 
“No, but you know Daniel? The bouncer? We went to grade school together so he’s been my best friend since we were like six. He's basically a brother at this point. Ya know, brotha from anotha motha.” Her gentle laugh bringing forth another swirl in my belly. 
“Oh, I was about to say. I’m not sure the world could realistically handle any more of you Kiszkas.” She says when we finally reach the sidewalk. 
“Yeah, they broke the mold with me. Realized I was peak Kiszka genes and said, ‘all done’.”
“Seriously though, I can give you a ride. It’s no big deal.”
I fall in step with her, “Why not? None of my degenerate brothers are answering me anyway.”
The drive back to my apartment is quiet. Almost too quiet for us. The awkwardness of the day still lingering in the air. I clear my throat to cut the silence, but I can’t think of anything to say to fill it. I just fidget with my fingers instead.
“How are you getting to Boston tomorrow?”
“Uhm, well, the plan was to ride the train in like I did last time, but Edith almost made me miss it.”
“Edith. Right. Your truck.” 
“She’s having trouble turning over.” I run a hand through my hair.
“Well, I don’t want to have to worry about you missing your train and messing up this presentation for us by not being there, so i'll pick you up at like 6 a.m. if that’s fine with you.”
“You don’t have to do that. I told you I live close to my brothers. I'm sure one of them can take me.” 
“It’s really fine. I have to make the drive anyway and I really want this presentation to go off without a hitch. It would make me feel better if I knew for sure you’d be there.”
I don’t read into that sentiment. She just wants the project to be successful, and I know that. So I agree, much to my dismay. I hate feeling like a burden to people, and with Edith giving me trouble, I feel pretty much like a burden to everyone who has to deal with me. 
When we reach my apartment, she pulls over to the sidewalk out front. 
“Why don’t you put your number in my phone, and I’ll text you when I leave my apartment. I’m only like ten minutes away.” She pulls her phone out from the center console near her gear shift, and I put my contact info in. Entering my phone number and email under Sammy Kiszka with the camera emoji.
“I put my email in there so you can flag it, but shoot me a text with yours when you get home so I know where to send the digitals.” I place her phone back in her palm. “Thanks again for.. carting me around.” I let out an awkward laugh and scratch the back of my neck. 
“No problem, see you in the morning,” she gives me a tight-lipped smile. 
“Yeah, see you tomorrow.” I grab my camera bag and hop out of her car. Shutting the door with a small wave through the window. 
When I hear the signature knock, I know Daniel’s arrived. Two quick knocks, a pause, a single knock, another pause, and ending with two quick knocks. I don’t know when he developed that habit, but he only uses it on my door. Penelope lets out a loud boof of a bark and runs ahead of me, her shaggy hair swaying with her little jumps. Well, little for Pen. When I open the door, she’s already sniffing and pawing at his legs. 
“I brought beer.” He says as he holds up the 12-pack of coronas, careful not to trip around her. “Hope you got limes.”
“It’s me. Of course, I do.” Gesturing to myself and stepping aside to let him in, “Plus, I have an extra large meat-lovers pizza on the way.” I resist the urge to make a joke about ‘meat-lovers and guys night.’ “So.. tell me what’s wrong.” I continue, following him into my kitchen. He's stacking the beers one by one inside the fridge to keep cold, Penelope impatiently waiting for her attention from her favorite uncle. Her words not mine. I can tell by the expression on his face he’s struggling with whatever is on his mind. He closes the refrigerator door and shrugs off his coat, setting it on a nearby chair. 
“Hello, Penny girl. I wouldn’t forget about you, I promise.” She laps at his fingers as he playfully pets her face. Still reaching for her head as he stands, he takes a deep breath. “I, uhh, went on a date last night..”
“Still living up to your name, I see. How was it? Awful? Terrible? Did she have a big head or lipstick on her teeth?”
“Very funny.” He snarks back. “It was terrible, thank you very much.”
Eventually, I get the full story out of him. His date, named Allie, a very adorable waitress he met through a friend of a friend, was completely horrible (pleasant), didn’t let him pay (she wanted to split the bill because her drink was expensive and she felt bad), and.. the kicker? She opened the door for him (she got to the door first). We’re each two slices and a few beers deep, and I can’t figure out where the awful comes in. 
“She sounded completely fine, Daniel. I don’t get it?” I lean back against the couch, Penny quietly snoring by my feet. 
“She ordered a salad, Sam.” he looks at me expectantly as if that answers everything. “A SALAD!”
“Oh no. A salad. How completely terrible of her.” I roll my eyes. 
“I.. want a girl who isn’t afraid of eating a burger.” he shrugs, drawing a sip of his corona and lime. 
“Do you want me to be honest with you?” I pinch the bridge of my nose and close my eyes in frustration.
“Bro.. you have got to get over Melody.”
He stands, effectively scaring Pen awake, and I watch him pace back and forth in front of my TV. She pads over to him, nails clicking against the hardwood until she can get her paws on him. 
“This has nothing to do with her.” He stops and reaches down to run his fingers through her fur for some comfort through this uncomfortable topic. 
 The subject of Melody has always been a touchy one.  He dated her in high school, and we were all pretty good friends for most of our childhood. I really liked her for him, actually. Until she broke his heart when we all graduated and ran off to college, leaving him in the dust and I was the one who was left to clean up the mess. The mess being Daniel because he was.. A full blown mess. He would never admit that, though. But what can you expect when you get your heart broken for the first time? I kind of get it. He has always been and always will be my brother, and I’ll always be there for him. No matter what. Which naturally means I’ll always harbor a severe distaste for her, even if I know I don’t have to worry about seeing her ever again.
“This has everything to do with her. You haven’t been able to make it past the first day with a girl since you broke up. It’s been what? six years?” I shoot him a pointed glare. He stops pacing and crosses his arms, waiting for whatever else I have to say.
“Have you considered that trying to get to know someone while eating food is actually incredibly awkward? Or is this really just about the monstrous salad?”
“She also wanted to go for a walk after dinner.” He defends. The sigh I let out.. My God. “Why would I wanna go for a walk when I stand all day at work?” 
He cannot be serious right now. The weakest arguments known to man.
“You’re an active guy, Daniel. Why wouldn’t you want to go for a walk? Doesn’t Linda always go on about your golf arms or whatever?” 
“No, that’s completely different, and you know Linda is the love of my life.” he smiles wide, his tongue poking out just beyond his teeth. 
“Right. So what other red flags did she have?” I dig a little more. 
“Okay, well, she tried to kiss me?”
“GASP.” I feign shock. “She wanted to kiss you? How very dare she. Daniel, that’s absolutely insane. It’s not like you guys went out on a date or anything.” 
“I don’t wanna talk about this anymore.” he plops himself back down on the couch beside me, his shadow following him until she perches her head on his knee. I swear, when he’s here, it's like I don’t exist. “Tell me about poking girl. How’s that going?” He lays his head back and pulls his trucker hat down over his eyes. 
“Good. Project is good. I still can’t ever tell if she likes me or not. We bicker and banter all day long. It’s entertaining as hell for me. Then, there are some moments where she acts like a sweet, normal girl. But most of the time, it's just bickering.” I take a swig of my beer. “I gave her a nickname to get under her skin, and she makes this face every time I say it. It's very.. Samantha from Bewitched.” I swallow my laugh down with another sip. 
“Whaddya call her?” he asks with a smirk, eyes poking out from underneath the brim.
“Birdie? Why on earth does that get under her skin?”
“Dunno.” I shrug. “But it does. And I take sick enjoyment out of irritating the fuck out of her.” I set my empty beer back down on my coffee table. 
A maniacal laugh escapes him. Clutching stomach, he bends forward. I start to wonder if he got high before he came over because what the hell is so funny?
“Oh god.” He wipes a tear from his eye and rights himself on the couch. “So you think she’s cute, huh?” 
“I mean.. I.. have eyes, yeah?” I answer with confusion heavily present in my tone. “But we don’t get along. As in cannot go five minutes without bickering, don’t get along.”
“You always did like em’ psychotic, Sam. None of us are stupid.” he chuckles.. to himself because I am not laughing. 
“No, I don’t!”
“Right, and Chelsea was what? Totally normal? You didn’t listen to a single one of us on that one, and we all told you.”  I forgot about her. The girl I dated right before ‘she who shall not be named.’ We saw each other for only a few months but what a whirlwind it was. We went to a concert an hour away, and she ran off with one of the roadies. A fricken roadie? Left me there to get home by myself, considering, yep, she drove. But again, she was hot, so what was I to do?
“Hey now! She wasn’t.. that bad.” I say innocently.
“Right, that’s what you always say. Sam – I never take advice from anyone – Kiszka.” 
“Yeah, alright, keep laughing. As if I’d take advice from ‘One Date Daniel’.” I elbow him in my defense. “Besides, I’m not sure I have much to worry about. Once the project is over, I won’t have to see her again unless we actually do well.”
I get up and head to the kitchen to retrieve another beer from the fridge, and my own dog doesn’t even glance up at me. She just rests peacefully by Daniel’s side. I open the drawer to the left and pick up the bottle opener, and pop the top. I take a long drink before I reenter the living room.
“I uhh, actually the receptionist at the Boston Globe is really cute. Her name is Daisy. We hit it off a bit when I was there last.” I point to the flowers laid on the shelf. “I stopped by the farmer’s market after work and picked up some daisies. Thought I might ask her out tomorrow.”
“Daisies for Daisy. Real creative, Sam.”
“How’s Birdie gonna feel about that?” he inquires. I pick up the flowers from where they rest and give them a light sniff. 
“Oh, she’ll hate it. She already chirped me about hitting on Daisy last time we were there. Said something about ‘it's easier watching teenagers flirt.’ or whatever.” I set them back down and take up my spot on the couch. 
“Yeah, you never did have any game.” He tips his corona back, finishing the remaining liquid and setting it on the coffee table.
“You say that like your game is any better.” I shove his shoulder.
“I may be ‘One Date Daniel,’ but at least I get dates.” he chides, linking his fingers together with a crack of his knuckles in front of him and placing them behind his head.
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Masterpost | Taglist (or reply and let me know if you want to be added!)
Other fics / one shots are here
Taglist bestiees! (I missed you all week and i'm so glad that we're back together again 🫶🏻 I hope you enjoy the chapter!!)
@gvfsstardust , @myleftsock , @mindastreamofcolours , @dont-go-home-without-me , @literal-dead-leaf , @lizzys-sunflower , @mackalah , @klarxtr , @ourlovesdesire , @threadofstars , @edgingthedarkness , @writingcold , @takenbythemadness , @i-love-gvf , @ladywhimsymoon , @earthgrlsreasy , @peaceloveunitygvf , @violet-hayes , @musicspeaks , @anythingforjtk
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vexic929 · 11 months
OCs Masterpost
Taglists (if you would like to be added or removed to any of these please message me!)
Everything: @negative-speedforce
Born To Run (Berrie Thawne): @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @shrinkthisviolet
Lavender Lightning: @shrinkthisviolet
Beth Allen: @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @shrinkthisviolet
Malcolm Allen: @goldheartedchaoticdisaster
Earth-63: @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @shrinkthisviolet
Child in Time: @starstruckpurpledragon @elutrosop
Arrowverse/Titans OCs
Soliton (Dr. Lana Rydberg)
Tecromancer (Marco Macías)
FireFlower (Lara An-Veks/L'Harann)
Professor Spectre (Alana Wells)
Experiment 929
Echo (Lea Brava)
The White Rabbit (Dr. Lise Chien)
Earth 150
Beth Allen
Bishop's Gambit (Percy Priest)
Earth 111
Cobalt Blue (Malcolm Allen)
Earth 100
Cherry Bullet (Berrie Thawne)
Earth 63
Reverse (Eoland Thawne)
The Flash (Barbara Allen)
Dr. H Wells
Dr. Rodriga Sterling
Pied Piper (Hartley Rathaway)
Charmer (Yǔqí Lǚ-Nguyễn)
Detective Eden Thawne
Detective Ira West
Qi (Cisca Ramon)
Killer Frost (Dr. Caelen Snow)
Cobalt Blue (Mallorie Thawne)
Dr. Dawn Helaeton
Superman (Kal-El/Kal Danvers)
Batwoman (Brienna Wayne)
Nightwing (Ricki Grayson)
Red Hood (Jessie Todd)
Red Robin (Tiffany Drake-Wayne)
Robin (Damien al Ghul-Wayne)
Changeling (Gabi Logan)
Bernadette Dowd-Fitzmartin
Klara Bleak
Characters from original works
The D Team
The Ace Arrow (Laska Ace)
Harmonic Sine (Piper Melony)
Agent V-92 (Lara Valdez)
Fire & Ice (Jisoo Lee)
Angel Valdez
Four (Set al Khafaji)
Agent J-57 (Alex Jacobs)
Mihael Ireton
Agent G-37 (Dan Guo)
Broken Chains
Ember Fei
Prince Kamau
Princess Amara
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negative-speedforce · 5 months
writing prompt from the song stuck in my head atm: "the future haunts with memories that I could never have"
Oooooh we're getting some Pippa/Onnie angst here-
cw: hallucination-adjacent?
also featuring a cameo from @vexic929's Berrie and my OC Siv
"Fuck!" Onnie cursed as they crashed into a wall, their reality shifting to a barren nuclear wasteland, a looming monstrous figure towering over them. "Damn it, cooperate for once!" They closed their eyes a few times, and when they blinked again, she was back in her apartment overlooking the harbor.
Onnie was not having a good time today. All day, their powers had been glitching up, her connection with the Negative Speed Force sending her consciousness bouncing throughout the multiverse, giving them glimpses through the memories of every negative speedster all through space and time. Unfortunately for Onnie, they needed to be present in order to complete the tasks that their father had assigned them to be completed by sunset- wait.
"Cisco Ramon, I told you not to come around here." Onnie said to the man who stood behind her, barely noticing as her apartment shifted to the basement of STAR Labs, a thousand Earths away.
"You're him. The Reverse-Flash." Cisco said, horror in his eyes. Onnie scrunched up her face.
"No. No I'm not. You know who I am." Onnie was bewildered by the absurdity of it all. "Onnie Thawne, idiot."
"Thawne. Like Eddie." Cisco replied.
"Yeah, exactly." Onnie said.
"The night we trapped the Reverse-Flash... you almost died."
Onnie nodded. "I mean, yeah, I wouldn't say I almost died, but I definitely got the shit kicked out of me. I'm not sure how an event that happened almost five years ago is relevant, though."
"There were two of you."
"Joe was right." Cisco said. "You were there that night, fifteen years ago, in Barry's house. You killed Nora Allen."
Realization dawned on Onnie. Damn it. This isn't real, is it?
"But why?" Cisco asked, taking a step back. "You're his friend-"
"Hey! Wake up!" Onnie felt a pair of hands grab her on the shoulders, pulling her back into the waking world.
"Pippa?" Onnie blinked. "Are you real?"
"Yeah, I'm real. As real as that door you crashed through." Pippa pointed at her front door, which looked like it had been through a woodchipper. "Looks like you were sleepwalking for a minute there."
"Temporal displacement." Onnie corrected.
"What?" Pippa looked confused.
"Never mind." Onnie shook their head. "I'm just not having a good time right now- shit!"
"Onnie?" Pippa's voice seemed to fade away, as Onnie took in their new surroundings. She stood in a hospital room, a bouquet of blue roses clasped in their hands. She looked down, examining the blue-and-white suit that she wore.
"Man, this is sexy."
"Oh my god." Onnie looked up, gazing straight into the face of the Flash's wife. "Eddie?"
Shit. Onnie thought to themself, as the scene from across the multiverse played out.
"You take one step closer to her-" Onnie suddenly was brought back to reality by a harsh, stinging slap across her face.
"I'm sorry!" Pippa apologized. "You were levitating, and making the lights flicker! I didn't know what else to do."
"It's fine." Onnie said. "I'm just not having a good day right now."
"Why'd you come here?" Pippa asked. "If you're comfortable asking, that is."
"I don't know." Onnie replied. "I just kinda... sleepwalked."
"Maybe your body knew that this place was safe." Pippa shrugged. "Because I'm not gonna hurt you. Can I ask what was happening?"
"It's nothing. It's just... sometimes I get lost in my head, literally. I'm used to it, though. It used to be a lot worse, back when I first got my powers. Today's just a bad day."
Pippa frowned. "How long?"
"Five years." Onnie replied. "You know I was normal once, right?"
"Yeah. I tracked down your old socials, from back before you were named as the heir to your father's fortune."
"You cyberstalked me?!" Onnie said in disbelief.
"I was curious!" Pippa shrugged. "You were a cute kid. Personally, I was a big fan of your mint-green side shave era."
"That one's not coming back." Onnie replied. "Ever. Also, don't stalk me online. It won't end well for you."
"What, and miss those photos of you with braces?" Pippa laughed. "Seriously, though. You were such a cute kid. What happened to turn you into Mrs. Grumpypants?"
"I ascended."
Pippa deadpanned. "Shut up, you know that fake-ass god complex shit doesn't work on me."
"It's not just a god complex, Pippa, I am an actual god." Onnie shook their head, blinking a few times as their reality shifted once again. She looked down, a human heart dripping still-warm blood onto their hand. A sense of rage and panic flooded her body, despite having been in this same situation hundreds of times. Did I hurt Pippa?
A man she didn't recognize, but whoever these memories belonged to did, collapsed to the ground. Despite having been either responsible for or complicit in hundreds of deaths just like this, panic rose in Onnie's chest, her heart pounding faster than the rapid flutter they always felt in their core. Oh god. Oh god, I killed him, didn't I?
They took a step back, the heart dropping from their hand, before taking off running. They only made it a few steps before a pair of strong, capable arms wrapped around their back, holding her back.
"What the-" Onnie struggled, squirming out of her jacket to escape the person holding her, ducking under their arms as her vision blurred, before turning back to the interior of Pippa's apartment.
"Hey, you almost ran into a wall. You okay?" Pippa asked. Onnie took a deep breath.
"For now? No. But I'll be fine. This has happened before, it'll pass." Onnie replied.
"Where'd you get those scars?" Pippa rubbed her hands down the Lichtenberg figures that ran up from Onnie's hands and onto her back. "You told me you weren't struck by lightning."
"Not in the same way you were." Onnie replied. "I got my powers artificially. That's all I'm at liberty to tell you."
"He did this to you, didn't he?" Pippa took Onnie's hands into hers, tracing her fingers over the thin, silvery scars on her hands. "Your father."
"No. He didn't." Onnie lied, but Pippa seemed to see right through that.
"I can help get you out." Pippa offered.
"What if I don't want to leave?" Onnie shook their head. "It's better if I don't. There's no other way."
"Onnie, I know he's not good for you. There's something in there, something good and kind that you've hidden from the world to survive. I've seen it. Otherwise, you wouldn't have saved my life."
"I saved your life because you saved mine. I owed you a debt." Onnie objected. "I didn't want to owe you anything."
"A truly evil person wouldn't care about debts." Pippa said.
"Even evil has standards."
"Look, Onnie, you don't have to pretend with me." Pippa pleaded. "Please, just come with me. We can get out of Central City, and we can go somewhere where we can actually have- well, this, but for real."
"This? Whatever we have? It can't continue." Onnie turned her back to Pippa. "It's just going to get one of us killed."
"I don't care."
"Well, I do." Onnie replied, snatching their jacket away from Pippa. The cold leather in her hand pulled her into a memory, one that wasn't hers but had invaded her mind nonetheless.
They had their body looped around a glittering metal pole, clothed in nothing but a gold strapless crop top, a pair of matching shorts, and a knee-high pair of platform boots. Heavy bass pounded through her ears as she began to spin, a crowd of intoxicated, leering men and women throwing money up onto the stage where she danced.
They began gyrating against the pole, enticing a round of cheers from the crowd. Although Onnie, when in their right mind, would never lower herself to this level, they surprisingly were enjoying themself. She blew a kiss to a tall, uncomfortable-looking woman with long black hair, and dropped to her knees, rising back to her feet by arching her back enticingly.
"So you tell me we can't talk anymore, and then you give me a striptease?" Pippa's voice pulled Onnie out of the memory. "Talk about mixed signals."
"My powers glitched out again." Onnie replied. "I would never."
"Maybe you should stay here, since your powers keep tossing you around spacetime." Pippa offered. "That way you don't accidentally sleepwalk and embarrass yourself."
"Fine. Just stay out of my way."
Pippa grinned. "I make no promises."
"For what it's worth, thanks." Onnie shrugged. "I guess I owe you one."
"Take me out for dinner. You said you would once." Pippa offered. "I've never been to one of those fancy restaurants with a dress code."
"As long as It's not a date." Onnie replied. "I don't date."
"Well, you're in luck, because I'm kind of romantically occupied at the moment." Pippa smirked. "She's short, she's got long black hair, deep eyes like the ocean, and a tendency to turn into an eldritch god when she's pissed off."
"We're not a thing." Onnie narrowed their eyes. "Maybe in another universe, where circumstances were different, but not here. Not now."
"I can wait." Pippa said. "As long as you need me to."
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kitkatt0430 · 1 month
What's a character you haven't written about but would like to? O r a character you'd like to write more of, if you prefer
How about two for the price of one. 😉
I wrote Homeward as a response to a prompt from @avatarskywalker78 and in it included two OCs who are the E90 version of the Tornado Twins. Dawn Allen and her brother Jay. And I really want to write more for these two, though right now my focus is on other places.
So what I know of these two thus far is that they were born identical twins, but Dawn was quite insistent about being a girl when she was still very, very young and while Barry and Tina were a bit confused at first, they were supportive of their daughter even when they didn't really understand her. They've had their powers since early childhood. But Barry and Tina were very good at explaining to a child's understanding of logic why exposing their powers to others wasn't safe.
Jay is, of course, named after their deceased uncle, Detective Jay Allen. Dawn picked her name herself because she thought sunrises were beautiful and Dawn is when they happen. I don't know what name she was given at birth, but it's not really relevant unless I ever decide to write something about back when they were still babies.
By the time the baby twins were born, Tina had come up with a chemical formula that would bind with certain pain medications, increasing the amount of time it could last in a person's system. It'd probably cause a normal amount of pain meds to overdose a normal person, but in a speedster it makes the medication work - and last - the way it's supposed to. Tina was able to adapt the formula to bind to puberty blockers for Dawn and then to her HRT later on.
Jay has, absolutely, gotten in trouble for punching a school bully who would misgender Dawn. But Dawn has also gotten in trouble for punching that same kid for bullying Jay over being artsy. Tina had to be the one to scold them over resorting to violence first and not last because Barry was trying too hard not to say 'good job, slugger' to Jay and 'that's my girl' to Dawn.
Dawn wants to be a CSI like her dad, though she's just interested enough in pure research that Tina still has a chance to steer her towards a career at Mercury Labs instead of forensics. While Tina and Barry have a friendly 'rivalry' over Dawn's career choices, they've also made sure she knows they'll respect whatever she chooses. It's her life, she should live it the way that makes her happy.
Jay was nervous to admit he wasn't all that interested in science. He's good at it, but he's not really drawn to it. Unlike Dawn he really just... does not know what he wants to do with his life, so his parents suggested he do an Associate's Degree in General Studies. Which he could then build on for a Bachelors in whatever ultimately catches his interest. He still hadn't figured it out when Barry was captured by Zoom and imprisoned on Earth-2, but he either figures it out while Barry's away or not long after his dad gets back. Jay wants to be an art teacher.
They're both really close to their Uncle Julio and Aunt Sabrina, who are both in the know about the Allen family Speedster Powers. They're less close with their Aunt Eve (Dt. Jay Allen's widow) and their cousin Shawn, but that's more because of the distance between where Eve and Shawn moved and Central City. They do love Eve and Shawn and enjoy the chance to see them whenever possible.
Admittedly, some of this is subject to change once I finally start writing additional fics for the series, but this is where I am with them right now.
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tsarinatorment · 2 years
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About a week ago, I posted a WIP graphic that represented a bunch of the Apollo kids (mostly ocs but including canon) using their camp necklaces.  At the time, it went back to only kids that were in camp when Will was, but that’s now been expanded as far back as all the kids Lee ever knew!
Another change is the post-TOA year bead; originally I had a design for The Sun and the Stars, but as that book’s looking more and more like it’s taking place the same summer as TON and therefore won’t have its own bead, I’ve replaced it with a new design!
As always, bead designs are free to borrow with credit, but please don’t use my ocs’ names!  (You are, however, welcome to use the full names I’ve assigned to Yan, Jerry and Gracie, once again with credit).
Questions about the beads or the ocs or canon kids are all very welcome! 
I’ll list their names properly under the cut in case the graphic’s a bit hard to read, as well as preferred names if different, pronouns and nationalities!  Head counsellors are also indicated, and whether they’re an oc, named canon character, or unnamed canon character.
All are listed in order of arrival at camp.
Kim Ha-Yoon //  김 하윤  (she/her); South Korean (*head counsellor) - oc Kelly Boyd (she/her); Irish - oc Ray Strickland (he/him); American - oc Aarohi Sengupta //  আরহী স���নগুপ্ত (she/her); Indian/Bengali - oc Owen Bell (he/him); American - oc Lasse Åkerström (he/him); Swedish - oc Elizabeth “Lizzy” White (she/her); American (*head counsellor) - oc Gabriel Moss (he/him); American - oc Mitchell “Mitch” Green (he/him); Canadian - oc Gilbert “Gil” Weeks (he/him); American - oc Michelle Best (she/her); American - oc Lauren Best (she/her); American - oc Emily Teague (she/her); American (*head counsellor) - oc Baird McNeilly (he/him); Scottish - oc Clara Wolff (she/her); German - oc Lyam Pastrana (he/him); Puerto Rican - oc Ceridwen “Ceri” Priddy (she/her); Welsh - oc Lee Fletcher (he/him); American (*head counsellor) - named canon Yvonne Calvert (she/her); Canadian - oc Laura Piper (she/her); American - oc Melody York (she/her); American - oc Helen Sangster (she/her); American - oc Brendan Howard (he/him); Canadian - oc Reece Gold (he/him); American - oc Bran Thrussell (he/him); American - oc Daisy Teague (she/her); American - oc Michael Yew (he/him); American (*head counsellor) - named canon Lear Howard (he/him); Canadian - oc Lawrence Hunter (he/him); Canadian - oc Dawn Harper (she/her); American - oc Phoebe Buckley (she/her); American - oc William “Will” Solace (he/him); American (*head counsellor) - named canon Morton Shepherd (he/him); American - oc Robyn Archer (she/her); American - oc Xavier Campara (he/him); Spanish - oc Joy Norris (she/her); American - oc Alice Tuner (she/her); American - oc Nye Rimmer (he/him); American - oc Sally Farmer (she/her); American - oc Elias Robinson (he/him); American - oc Nathan Lister (he/him); American - unnamed canon Tristan “Tris” Barnes (he/him); Canadian - oc Samson “Sam” Clair (he/him); American - oc Austin Lake (he/him); American - named canon Kayla Knowles (she/her); Canadian - named canon Raphael Diego (he/him); Mexican - oc Emma Bard (she/her); American - oc Cheung Yan //  张焰 (they/them); Chinese/Hong-Kong - (half-)named canon Jeremy “Jerry” Allen (he/him); English - (half-)named canon Gracie Crowe (she/her); American - (half-)named canon Merida Stringer (she/her); Scottish - oc Robin Stringer (he/him); Scottish - oc
(a huge thanks to @burning-moths, their unnamed friend, and @ferodactyl for helping me with Ha-Yoon, Aarohi and Yan’s names and being general sensitivity checkers.  Of course, any persisting mistakes are all on me, not them!)
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kirstenonic05 · 1 year
I can't believe I got tagged for this. Thank you @rottenpumpkin13!
Rules: post the names of the files of your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you asks with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it. If you want, tag as many people as you have WIPS.
I'm gonna tag people now and then put the WIP names under the read more because I wasn't lying when I said I have an unholy amount of WIPs!
@nibwhipdragon @idolcrescent @shadowsageingempress and anyone else who wants to do this! No pressure, though! :D
I have this many stories:
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And this many finished:
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So uh. This'll be fun. (I won't do all my WIPs but... it's still a lot...)
I think this would be a lot funnier if I took screenshots of the names/adding the pictures that are attached to the Keep notes, but there are just too many to do that. Anything in italic isn't in the title, it's just present me screaming
(Sadly all my finished fics have funnier titles since I finish crackfics in a day, and sorry for the weird formatting! I reached the paragraph cap apparently :()
Star of the Sea 2 (No name)
"What should we do with its corpse?" (Rewritten) (Two ghosts discuss throwing away a dead centipede. One throws it at the other)
Encounter with the Local Dark Mage (I only have a title... I don't even know who the characters will be yet... Why am I like this...)
The Demon and the Boy (I am SO CLOSE to finishing this. Just need to edit. Might end up on Ao3)
The Dark Mage and the Dark Alchemist
I don't have a title but Sig cheers up Schezo
A New Cave???
A Len, Two Lens (Waiting on Ink to send me some of the script, collab moment)
Also no name, smth abt Allen and Hibiya but fantasy???
The Closet's Other Door (Continuation of a fic named The Closet)
Also no name, Armani (OC)'s birthday
The Master of the Heavenly Yard
I don't want to die
Nightmare (I thought this was done...)
Times Two (I wrote so much for Echoed Time and. Forgot)
No name but continuation of Joseph has a dragon spirit that goes out of control (Aurora Dragon)
No name, everyone's animal hybrids except Sonic
I'm so sorry Mayday (I'm so sorry for doing this to you Mayday...)
No name, Joseph post apocalypse(?)
Me, the Stall Wall, and You
You tried (That sounds so angsty without the context of Chrom walks into a Minecraft desert temple and blows up...)
Spin a Tale of Silk and Cotton
Isle of Destiny
Reality Check
Guardian Angel
To the Pure Body, to the Perfect Existence
Volume Control (Help how do you write sad Tsukasa)
Last One Standing
Twist of Fate
Dimensional Scream
Before Disaster
Fighting a King
Red String
At Dawn (DD edition)
Bottoms Up
What's in a name?
Couple of Strays
Stuck in Stone
City Boy Lost (Joseph gets lost: The story)
Merry Chrimpus
Tales from the Shattered Star
Birth... marks? (This was meant for Caejose week but I was busy rip)
From the Dark World
Dark Fear
Night in the Desert
So, do you like him? (Huh Joseph? Do you like him? It looks like you do)
Corrupted Code
Crumbling Stars
Hotel (My lord I was on a full SoSS spree after Frontiers, that's like 6 in a row including two others that are here somewhere)
Heads Up! (Local hedgehog yeets ghost friend's head at people)
Ridgegate Rumble (Also the name of the song I'm turning in as an assignment lol)
Redeemed Flame
Light of the Sun
Out of Known Time (Almost done...)
Carriage (The only Shrimp fic that isn't finished, set before Soggy Shrimp and Emotional Support Shrimp)
Another Life
The Ultimate
Faded Light
Wish Come Through - Wish Fall
Aurora Dragon
Murky Water
Land of Ice (Light, Butterflies and the Never-Ending Winter)
Refracted Invader
"Best Coffee to ever grace the earth"
The Boy
Enter: The Ripple
Skirmish Pack
At what cost?
Your Turn
A New World
Threaded Stars (SOSS DD crossover I forgot about...)
Sugar Rush
To Turn Back Time
BOY I DIE The End (I've finished BOY I DIE the first and almost finished this one :3)
BOY I DIE the middle one (I have not started this one though...)
Yearn For Home
Wait ghosts can't-
A Totally Normal Day (Putting my OCs on a date...)
Sweet Treat
Blue Eyes, Red Stone (I forgot to finish this one sorry Nibwhip... It's the Monster Hunter JoJo fic)
Photo Ghost
Unfounded Kingdom
Not so Dark
Similar (Hedgehog and Human)
Popsicles (Will be on the Caejose collection once it's done. If I finish it, of course)
Just a Familiar
Final Battle...?
Time Stops
Heart's Pulse
Welcome to Vivosaur Island
The Heroes
Like Surviving the Apocalypse (OC edition)
Like Surviving the Apocalypse (AU Joseph edition)
Live Play
Aragami - 荒神
It's Time (Kirsten finish Echoed Time fics challenge: impossible. Literally this is the beginning of the series and I STILL haven't finished it.)
Light in the Dark
My Own Hands (Rerun)
My Own Hands
Comrades No More (Rerun)
Comrades No More (OG CitS edition)
Distorted Graffiti (It's literally just Comrades No More with a different name and they dance before killing each other... what the heck past me...)
Winter Wonderland
The Supernatural
【End of Days】 (Kirsten don't write the end of the AU before the start challenge: Impossible impossible)
Midnight Dancing
Arena (I think I never finished this because the characters changed names 3 times during writing lol)
Learn to Dance
Ruins Deep
How to say "I love you" (Learn to dance from Caesar's POV)
Snow Tower
Time, again and again
Heart Burn (Probably gonna split this into 4 different oneshots ngl)
Cute? (Not in the way you think)
Jail of Burning Hell (An actual mission name from Sonic Adventure. How.)
Treading the Needle (I wrote the start to OG CitS and never finished it, then proceeded to write everything in between and the end. Ok me.)
Legendary Heroes II
Beautiful One Day
Brioche (I have like 3 fics named brioche. Which fic is this.)
Braving Lightning
Meet the Ghosts
Rift Token Pendent
Joe's Diary 2
Zombies at Port
Zombies at Port (Dream accurate) (Technically done?)
The Start of Origins
Beast on World's End (The day I figure out how to write DIO, the day I will finish this fic)
Shuniji (EotD version)
Shuniji (Minecraft accurate)
Mice on Venus
Anigame 2 (Kirsten name your fics-)
Ridgegate Rock (OG CitS version)
Night Market
Arrival (i wrote this playing Stardew) (The previous brackets is actually in the title...)
Butterfly House (Valentines 2021) (NOOO I NEVER FINISHED THIS D:)
Water's Edge
Turtle Beach
Allen, Joseph, and the Mizutsune (I need to. Finish this.)
Streak of Lightning
(Not So) Secret Island
Son of a Champion (Nuzlocke gone wrong not clickbait)
Kars' 100% Accurate Retelling of Meeting Joseph (It's not accurate)
Through Ghost Eye
Dance of the Decorous
March of the Profane (So I made this challenge where I wrote two fics at the same time (This and Dance of the Decorous) that share the same amount of sentences, and chose two songs that are the same but remixes as the titles. I wanna continue these fics sometime cause I'm kinda proud of them ngl...)
Purest Sky and Sea (Started this with Ink and. Forgot abt it)
Wrong Seat, Right Timing (Ink and I have to finish this! :D)
Blue on the Run
Dawn (Another fic named Dawn??? It's... Stardew???)
Shadows on the East (This is one of my most important fics and it wasn't tagged as story...)
Up towards the sky (I wrote a Caejose New Years fic??? What??? When???)
Where it all went wrong
Poffins (Continuation to Underground on Ao3!)
Eye of Memory
Sunflowers Spring Forth Day
~ℜ𝔢𝔴𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔢~ Bluebells Sound Death
Sunset Orange (I think I've written more oneshots for this AU than the actual main story...)
Sunrise Yellow
The Mystery of the Two Pranksters
Lost Memory
I know who you are (Well that's not cryptic as heck)
Dreaming of Shooting Stars
Dreams (3 SoSS fics in a row again. Huh.)
Golden Friendships
No name, Eye of the Sea intro for EotD
Who are you?
Stairwell (This was a story where anything stupid that happened to me at this stairwell would be rewritten with characters but... I'm not at that school anymore... this might be finished...)
The Legendary Wolf Likes Coke (COCA COLA. NOT COCAINE)
America? (America is not real)
JOeStar rEcreation: Project Hamon (J.O.S.E.P.H ;) )
Rain under the Trees
It feels like midnight
The Revolution Comes Around Again
Before I say goodbye to you
Collab Story
The end of the 10 year story (10 years irl)
The Mentor Servant's Name
Who's She? (Sounds kinda angsty but it's not... It's SoSS)
Shadows of the Past (White Deal)
Sea of Fire
Left in Ruins
The Concept of Love
A little spider goes a long way (Eden why did you name the spider that) (My friend named a spider Joseph and then we talked abt it and a crackfic spawned...)
Safari Zone
DD rewritten
Around the World
One and the Same
Royalty is not for us
Servant of the Worlds
The Evillious Chair
Why does a flaming arrow hold a curse instead of killing the victim straight away?
Strengths and Weaknesses
Christmas Snack
Happy birthday Sonic!
Back in Time
Blossom Storm
A day in the life of the Kagamine/Lucifin Twins (TYPO SPOTTED. IT'S SPELT "LUCIFEN")
Tricksters in the Lucifenia Palace
Slice of Life - Ancestral Bonds (I'm 100% sure there's a continuation to this somewhere that's unfinished but I can't find it...)
As Faith Foretold
Dimensional Defenders - 1 (My first ever fic!!! Wow!!!)
Experiment TS-#042 (Sad that I didn't get far in this, I had so many ideas for this AU as a kid)
A day in the Lucifenian Castle
Len's Adventures at Gakupo's Sushiria (Collab with my friend, who wrote Miku's Scooperia)
Tuna why did you make me do this you peckneck smh (Speaking of said friend...)
Shattered Mirrors
Through the desert's flames
Earthen Guardians
Ships on a Spaceship (There are 3 separate stories for this, and 2 more planned. Why would I do that to myself)
Azure Gold
Azure Wind (These two fics are not related to each other. Azure Gold and In Love with a Wyvern are. What.)
Mirror Cave
In love with a wyvern
Lab AU??? (The AU has a name y'know, past me)
Among Us there are Two (Part 3) (ONE DAY I WILL FINISH THIS)
And that's all! If you made it this far, thank you for dealing with my disaster!
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sunnydaleherald · 4 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, February 20
Willow: What were you thinking about? Buffy: Nothing. Xander: Oh, c'mon, you can tell us. We're your bosom friends! The friends of your bosom! Willow: Xander. Buffy: I wasn't thinking anything, really. Willow: What'd you do last night? Buffy: Mm. Slept. I had weird dreams. Xander: Dreams are meaningful. Willow: Tsh! Tell me about it. The other night I dreamt that Xander... Uh, I-it wasn't Xander. I-in fact it wasn't me. It was a friend's dream, and she doesn't remember it.
~~Buffy Episode #13: "When She Was Bad"~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Camisole (Buffy/Spike, M) by firemanwhenthefloodsrollback
Buffy Had a Little Lamb (Who Got Eaten by a Wolf) by TheClowniestLivInExistence
Settling Dust (Fred/Gunn, T) by NAOA
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Xander's Gift (Ensemble, T) by KagamiPINKAgreste
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Dress My Body All in Flowers White Ch. 31/45 (Buffy/Spike, M) by othellia
Staying Afloat Ch. 9 (Willow/Oz, Buffy/Gage Petronizi, M) by othellia
I Don't Want to Be the One Ch. 3 (Buffy/Spike, T) by pommedapi
Secret Diary of William Henry Allen, Watcher 1908 – 1912 Ch. 6/15 (OC Watcher, M) by jaybird023
Goodbye to Everything That I Knew Ch. 21 (Buffy/Spike, M) by My_Barbaric_Yawp
Worth Fighting For Ch. 30/71 (Buffy/Angel, T) by melodys_muse
Switch Ch. 4/10 (Buffy/Spike, E) by sunalso
Straight to the Heart Ch. 6 (Buffy/Faith, M) by QuillBard
49 Cemeteries Ch, 10 (Buffy/Spike, T) by firemanwhenthefloodsrollback
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Everything is different now Ch. 19 (Buffy/Faith, M) by alwynjaegar
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Lil' Ripper Makes a Friend, Chapter 38 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Soulburnt
The Neighbor's Point of View, Chapter 86 (Buffy/Spike, T) by the_big_bad
Agency Has It's Price, Chapter 18 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Desicat
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Heaven Sent, Chapter 2-3 (Buffy/Spike, E) by sunalso
Oblivious, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, E) by hulettwyo
Coming Through, Chapter 37-38 (Buffy/Spike, E) by hulettwyo
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Plastic Hearts Ch. 20 (Dawn, M, MCU xover) by PatriciaLouise
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Willow & Tara by kayummii
Artwork:Spike by snottiesnot
Artwork:Buffy by lijzeil
Artwork:Giles and Wesley by yarboyandy
Artwork:Wesley by yarboyandy
Artwork:Spike & Buffy by spikedru
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Video: Willow + Spike - Humour by FaithVictoria
Video: Willow + Spike - Humour by FaithVictoria
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Mothman’s Buffy Rewatch, Season 2, Episode 14, “Innocence” by mothmans-wedding-photographer
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PODCAST: BTVS 510 - Into The Woods by Another Buffy Podcast
PODCAST: Episode 16 - Hey Meatpie! (School Hard) by The Sunnydale Diaries
[Fandom Discussions]
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Please Don’t Reboot “Buffy”. Reboot “Sunnydale” instead. by Dark and Twisty
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paralells between Buffy and Dawn standing up to mr Maclay in Family and Tara standing up to Xander and Anya in Older and Far Away by tara-fantastico
truly makes me giggle sometimes by werewolferr
The thing about Buffy shipping discourse by coraniaid
Every time I see somebody criticize Xander Harris for being a “Joss Whedon self insert” by brunnismemorybank, coraniaid
Spuffy style Reading Challenge - #26: Ready & Go Reading Challenge by mcgnagallsarmy
So I’m fresh off a rewatch of S2 by elysianholly
This is what I personally think about the characters in Buffy and their queerness by musingsfromthelagoon
Willow + Spike - Humour by girl4music
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Do you think Angel/Liam loved his father? by The Whirlwind
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Oz and Willow were so amazing together by Sweet-Siren
Speedo Xander remains my favourite Xander by Sweet-Siren
Dr Gregory by geekgirlau
Is there a trigger free way of watching buffy? by Herjules
Buffy fix it and Anya by Reviewingremy
Angel Tattoo Ideas by SaucyParrot
At first, did you believe Parker was showing genuine interest in Buffy? by InfiniteMehdiLove
Giles by WittyWhisperer01
sometimes Xander felt like Buffy's scorned ex by PristineSituation498
“It's not always about holding hands”, what does Wesley mean to say? by jenny_plushie_1401
Do you think the writers wanted us to believe that the world might actually end in season 7? by Glum-Substance-3507
Happy 70th birthday to our favorite librarian today! by sdhuskerfan
Predictions in something blue by annoyingpanda9704
Viewing as a kid vs an adult/then vs now. Part 1. Characters. The Girls. by user_name_taken-
Viewing as a kid vs an adult/then vs now. Part 2. Characters. The Boys. by user_name_taken-
Viewing as a kid vs an adult/then vs now. Part 3. Plots/plot holes. by user_name_taken-
Buffyverse extended community by RestlessTome
Question about Illyria in S5 by Nostromo87
Wesley’s Akimbo skills by Long_Foundation1354
In 4x16 'Who Are You,' Faith (in Buffy's body) asks Riley how he got to the hostage situation by alrtight
Genuinely underrated pairings that deserved more scenes together by quoththeraven1990
Cordy season 4 (*spoilers) by m0wgliiiiiii
What happened to Faith's criminal record? by Piper6728
Would Illyria see through Jasmine's lies without the help of knowing Jasmine's true name? by jdpm1991
Did you know you can borrow things like the (long out of print) Buffy script books from the Internet by sudo-sbux
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: How Buffy and Spike's Relationship Set the Stage for Fantasy Love Triangles by CBR
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thechaosmuses · 1 year
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Below the cut you'll find a list of my TVDU muses along with their face claims (more info about each oc muse will be up soon but if you have any questions in the meantime don't be afraid to pm me, I have info on Google Docs for all of them.)
Total Muses; 111 Newest Member; Matias Garcia Added; 1/29/24
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(Quick note: all families are in order of oldest to youngest; and a few of the Mikaelson's (Cyrus, Willow, and Tobias) are all honorary/adopted Mikaelson's, not children of Mikael and Esther.) Freya Celeste Mikaelson... portrayed by Riley Voelkel Elijah Daniel Mikaelson... portrayed by Daniel Gillies Elizabeth Haven Mikaelson... portrayed by Zoey Deutch Roman Ryker Mikaelson... portrayed by Alex Pettyfer Erik Flynn Mikaelson... portrayed by Joseph Morgan Kareena Dawn Mikaleson... portrayed by Melissa Benoist Niklaus Ryder Mikaelson... portrayed by Joseph Morgan Thyra Selene Mikaleson... portrayed by Selena Gomez Kolton Nathaniel Mikaelson... portrayed by Nathaniel Buzolic Karsyn Devyn Mikaelson... portrayed by Vanessa Hudgens Mateo Maxwell Mikaelson... portrayed by Keegan Allen Serenity Faye Mikaelson... portrayed by Dianna Agron Sawyer Finch Mikaelson... portrayed by Kristen Stewart Henrik Alexander Mikaelson... portrayed by Andrew Garfield Aurelia Nova Mikaelson... portrayed by Madelyn Cline Felix Ares Mikaelson... portrayed by Jamie Campbell Bower Willow Luna Mikaelson... portrayed by Maia Mitchell Tobias Floyd Mikaelson... portrayed by Grant Gustin Hope Andrea Mikaelson... portrayed by Danielle Rose Russell
Malachai Silas Parker... portrayed by Chris Wood Zephyr Raven Parker... portrayed by Froy Gutierrez Zariyah Dove Parker... portrayed by Sabrina Carpenter Kennedy Taylor Parker... portrayed by Taylor Swift Myles Zane Parker... portrayed by Ross Lynch Mariana Joy Parker... portrayed by Noah Cyrus Olivia Mae Parker... portrayed by Penelope Mitchell Paisley Juniper Parker... portrayed by Katherine McNamara
Silas Xavier Salvatore... portrayed by Paul Wesley Braeden Talia Salvatore... portrayed by Florence Pugh Holden Atlas Salvatore... portrayed by Colin O'Donoghue Damon Luca Salvatore... portrayed by Ian Somerhalder Ezra Grant Salvatore... portrayed by Hero Fiennes-Tiffin Stefan Lance Salvatore... portrayed by Paul Wesley Liberty Faye Salvatore... portrayed by Brenna D’Amico
Jensen Graham Gilbert... portrayed by Jamie Dornan Easton Reed Gilbert... portrayed by Matthew Gray Gubler Jesse Jonathan Gilbert... portrayed by Julian Morris Elias Rhodes Gilbert... portrayed by Dylan O'Brien Jeremiah Steven Gilbert... portrayed by Steven R. McQueen Jazmyn Sophia Gilbert... portrayed by Jenna Coleman
Atlas Rowan Petrova... portrayed by Dylan O'Brien Titus Izaiah Petrova... portrayed by Dylan O'Brien Katherine Maria Pierce... portrayed by Nina Dobrev Kamen Maverick Pierce... portrayed by Dylan O'Brien Natalie Adrianna Pierce... portrayed by Lily Collins
Qetsiyah Zione Bennett... portrayed by Janina Gavankar Eleanor Marie Bennett... portrayed by Zendaya Coleman Salem Elijah Bennett... portrayed by Jordan Fisher Gabriel Graham Gustin... portrayed by Chuku Modu Bonnie Sheila Bennett... portrayed by Kat Graham Belladonna Sharie Bennett... portrayed by Vanessa Morgan
Marcel Leon Gerard... portrayed by Charles Michael Davis Hayley Jane Marshall... portrayed by Phoebe Tonkin Seraphina Rose Ward... portrayed by Madelaine Petsch Theodore Joseph Brickenden... portrayed by Timothee Chalamet  Kaia Asherah Halloran... portrayed by Odette Annable Elizabeth Anne Forbes... portrayed by Marguerite MacIntyre Carter William Forbes... portrayed by Charlie Hunnam Josette Olivia Saltzman... portrayed by Kaylee Bryant Ryan Nicholas Clarke... portrayed by Nick Fink Landon Maxwell Kirby... portrayed by Aria Shahghasemi Aurora Violet De Martel... portrayed by Rebecca Breeds Cameron Myles Lawrence... portrayed by Lucas Bravo Aiden Matthew Lawrence... portrayed by Colin Woodell Jameson Tyler Rosza... portrayed by Tyler Posey Tatum Jaxson Lockwood... portrayed by Morgan Evans Tyler James Lockwood... portrayed by Michael Trevino Tatiana Jade Lockwood... portrayed by Adelaide Kane Taylor Jacob Lockwood... portrayed by Taylor Launter Axel Madden Hughes... portrayed by Cody Saintgnue Ashton Malik Hughes... portrayed by Cody Christian Alexia Rae Branson... portrayed by Arielle Kebbel Sebastian Sawyer Sharpe... portrayed by Aaron Taylor-Johnson Niall Nash Novak... portrayed by Ryan Kelley Montgomery Felix Langston... portrayed by Jedidiah Goodacre Sebastian Killian Jones... portrayed by Thomas Doherty Milton Gabriel Greasley... portrayed by Quincy Fouse Ophelia Esme Lovell... portrayed by Gage Golightly Sapphire Lee McGuire... portrayed by Jennifer Love Hewitt Rami Calder McGuire... portrayed by Kit Harington Benjamin James Kenson... portrayed by Zane Phillips Warren Jaxon Kingsley... portrayed by Ricky Whittle Jeremiah Michael Kenner... portrayed by Michael Vlamis Cecilia Jaklyn Labonair... portrayed by Camila Mendes Rosemary Belle Whitlock... portrayed by Sophie Turner Hadley Kamryn Fuller... portrayed by Sofia Carson Kamryn Avery Marshall... portrayed by Katherine Langford Lorenzo James St. John... portrayed by Michael Malarkey Lorella Diane St. John... portrayed by Gal Gadot Andrew Kolton Rogers... portrayed by Louis Tomlinson Vincent Keith Griffith... portrayed by Yusuf Gatewood Sean Kieran O'Connell... portrayed by Matt Kabus Lucien Maverick Castle... portrayed by Andrew Lees Blair Lilith Walsh... portrayed by Kristine Froseth Zachariah Cole Norwood... portrayed by Oliver Stark Matthias Lucien Delacour... portrayed by Jonah Hauer-King Matias Camilo Garcia... portrayed by Danny Ramirez
Crossover/Genderbent Muses
Cyrus Boyd Mikaelson... portrayed by Cody Kearsley (spn to tvdu) Harmony Iris Johnson... portrayed by Shay Mitchell (tw to tvdu) Chandler Matthew Rawlins... portrayed by Charlie Gillespie (tw to tvdu) Mckenna Stella Parker... portrayed by Katherine Langford (genderbent kai parker)
Test Muses
Dorian Lee Williams... portrayed by Demetrius Bridges Sophie Danielle Deveraux... portrayed by Daniella Pineda Monique Marie Deveraux... portrayed by Yasmine Al-Bustami Evangeline Amaya Sinclair... portrayed by Maisie Richardson-Sellers Inadu Tayen Labonair... portrayed by Blu Farias Hunt Rafael Alexander Waithe... portrayed by Peyton Alex Smith Finch Taylor Tarrayo... portrayed by Courtney Bandeko Cleo Ada Sowande... portrayed by Omono Okojie Penelope Eden Park... portrayed by Lulu Antariksa Jade Ivy Young... portrayed by Giorgia Whigham
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coffeology · 2 years
This is a list of a few of the best fanfictions(Multi Fandoms) I read over the years
It's going to be listed as the most recent to the old ones, and it'll be updated as I keep reading.
Let's bare with the fact that it's been over 10 years since I started reading fanfictions, and some of them were amazing to my eyes years ago, and might not be to everyone's liking.
Also, they are mostly, if not all, female OC's.
• Consumed – Kai Parked by tvdkai
• Waiting Game – Kai Parker by -inslaytiable
• She Promised – The Originals by -escarlate
• Anomaly and Absolution – Elijah Mikaelson by -GossipRiley
• Tally Marks – Klaus Mikaelson by nimuekru
• Sincerely Yours – Stefan Salvatore by CaptainMjolnir
• Tragedy – Steve Harrington by mmxiinarry
• Dreamwalker and Moonmaiden – Steve Harrington by sarahoppers
• The Killing Moon – Steve Harrington by loverspit
• Matilda – Eddie Munson by -FUCKTHEPATRIARCHY
• Losing Game – DreamWasTaken by savsnothere
• Reforget and Descent – Klaus Mikaelson by bluevelvets
• Borderline – Stiles Stilinski by dyiansobrien
• Iron Fists – Eli Moskowitz by f4brays
• Apathy – Boku no Hero Academia by vigilantedekus
• Honey Bee – Fred Weasley by Rose_Baylee
• We'll Always Have Summer – Stefan Salvatore by papertides
• Unsteady – Lucas Gottesman by Unco0rdinated
• Coffin Kisses – Jason Dilaurentis by hargrovs
• Ethereal – Pretty Little Liars by _felicity__
• Into the Unknown – The Witcher by shortfilipino
• Shinegan: The Secret is in the Eyes – Naruto by Meara1
• Silhouette – Until Dawn by bobafettuccine
• Killing Curse: CRUCIO – Harry Potter by harringtonsbloom
• Halcyon – James Potter by kmbell92
• Date for Fake – James Potter by papyrophobia
• Modification – Tom Riddle by EmilyTheHorcrux
• Riddle – Tom Riddle by ravenclaws-
• Bubblegum Bitch – Peter Parker by zendayas
• Little Spy – Peter Parker by lokidyinginside
• Schrödinger's Cat – Peter Parker by spiderlad
• Ruins – Harry Potter by halfblood
• The Storm Bringer – Naruto by Nashoba
• Little Bird – Draco Malfoy by marissa-lynn
• Within Seconds trilogy – Barry Allen by xxwinterschildxx
• Echo – Peter Pan by Cat_Archer
• Flawless – Spencer Reid by _imagine_fantasy_
• Hostage – Spencer Reid by katielees4
• The Sense of Me – Caulscott, Life is Strange by trecoolio
• The Listening – Caulscott, Life is Strange by ChichiriCatSan
• Staying Vertical – Caulscott, Life is Strange by midnight_neverland
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graceandtheidiotsquad · 7 months
Dawn Lucien (In Sound Mind Oc)
Tumblr media
(picrew from: https://picrew.me/share?cd=uSGKhcqmsU )
- Dawn is very, very neurospicy. Cannot sit still without fidgeting, cannot draw without tapping her pencils and will go CRAZY if she can't find anything, despite having just seen it minutes ago-along with the sort of anxiety one gets when being repeatedly told 'Not now!' whenever she asks someone to pose for her or just look at what she's drawn. She gets it, people can be busy-but sometimes it just...hurts, y'know? Feeling like nobody listens to you…
- Going off the first thing-she has a mild obsession with body types. (Not THAT way, get your head out of the gutter.) She's a sketch artist, and loves challenging herself with different body types to expand what she can do! This is initially what caught her attention to one Mr. Allen Shore-though part of her felt so shy to even say anything that she was a bit too nervous to even talk to him. (It didn't help that she...did-find him kind of...cute-just. Just a little. Just a little bit. Totally not head over heels. That is a massive lie.)
- Often asks the local kids to pose for her in goofy ways, for fun. It's basically almost twister-and she doesn't blame them if they stumble or nearly fall over, it's more fun that way! (Asssssssss long as nobody gets hurt.) She makes it seem like some sort of modeling shoot, which is very fun for the kids-showing of their stuff!
- She isn't actually from Milton Haven, having moved here from out in California to get away from all the noise. It's very peaceful here, and she enjoys sticking around the Icarus point area-it's a gorgeous landscape and she enjoys finding new places, people, and things to sketch on her walks every day! But of course, her favorite subject is the Lighthouse And it's keeper.   - She also dabbles in photography-! It started as taking pictures of subjects in poses so they wouldn't, y'know, have to stand there all day-but she found she genuinely enjoys it and has a blast taking as many pictures as she can of the Town! She has an old Polaroid camera she inherited from her grandfather, and uses it frequently.
- She collects so, SO Many fairy lights. She's obsessed with them, she thinks they look very pretty and it just-has the sort of 'vibe' she's going for most of the time in her room.  - Secretly collects stuffies. She is very embarrassed about this, trying to excuse it as 'drawing subjects'-but she can't help it, they're cuddly and having something to hold helps her fall asleep at night. 
- Actively opposes the corporate takeover happening in town right now-how can these 'Mayer' people push these fine folks around!? And it only got worse after the crash of USS Thanatos. Let's just say-...things got very personal.
- She is. Absolutely HORRIBLE with a fishing pole. As in, an active DANGER to anyone standing around her. She enjoys fishing, she really does-but everyone best get the hell back away from her when she's casting, she flails that thing around like no one's business!
- Avid Cat petter. It's pretty obvious, she adores cats and if she could take every single stray home in town-she probably would! And she's attempted to at least once. She will just sit there, realize there's a cat-and immediately drop whatever she's doing and try to get it to come over to her. At one point she sat down, and got swarmed by cats.
- Constantly moving her hands-if she doesn't, she will go CRAZY-and that's honestly part of why she picked up sketching in the first place. She always has to be moving them, have something in them, or be touching something-or she will mcfucking lose it.
- Protective/Angry girlfriend privileges'. Or any figure of your life, really. If she finds out you hurt somebody she cares about she WILL take away your kneecaps or whack you with a wooden plank. or chase you around with her sketchpad shouting profanities that would seem normally out of character for her.
- Says things COMPLETELY out of pocket at random times. She doesn't know why she does it, it seems to be just a reflex response to certain things-she'll just say whatever is on her mind, unless she's very anxious about it-
- frequent picker-upper of random trinkets. Shiny rocks, bottle caps, beach glass, you name it-she likes to make crafts with them!
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dickmedowndc · 2 years
This Too Shall Pass
Bart Allen x Wisteria Turner 
Canon/OC - Vampire!AU
Note: While this is a "DC x Reader" blog, this is going to be the exception of my posts here - we (@frostbittenbucky and myself) were trying to figure out which blog to post it to as is and then decided upon this one. But, despite this including my OC, of which I have never mentioned here or anywhere else, I am very proud of this work. Not my usual style of writing for something as long as this - usually that would look more like my original works - but it does the job in this case, I feel.
I should also mention that Wisteria is not human - but at most you need to just understand she had feathers, and wings, and very sharp talon-like nails. Also understand she is for fun so yes, she is 100% a menace that keeps worming her war into the lives of criminals. The ones mentioned here are Bronze Tiger, Catwoman, Poison Ivy, and Harley Quinn.
Wisteria and Bart were in a pre-established relationship for some time before the events that led to him being turned on a mission.
TW: Death, blood, corpses, hurt no comfort
This is an angsty vampire story though to be fair - in the similar vain of DC vs Vampires (but if you mixed it with Young Justice [Animated] and DCeased), except not canon compliant, like, at all.
Central City  September 26, 22:03 CST 
Nobody ever seemed to mention the quiet that came with the end of the world. 
When a refuge was safe until the next barrage of the hungered dead came tearing desperately at the walls. When the only company by one’s side at times was the silence and the stars. Times the world was too still, waiting with bated breath to see what would happen next. When the sun rose above the skyline wondering who had made it through those isolated hours, long enough to see the next dawning light as it chased back the night. 
Wisteria had never been exceptionally fond of the daylight. Too harsh on her eyes and far too hot on her skin as well. Given the distance that there would be to travel, she had set out long before the first rays of morning had the chance to show – but for once, when daylight finally broke, she found herself wishing she had taken a bit more time to appreciate the sun. Before the world began to end. 
Instead, she continued her travels, resolute in what needed to be done. One foot in front of the other. And when she had been far enough away, somewhere in an all too quiet pocket between the refuge and the decimated city that she had decided upon as her destination, her silent march became a divulgence into the daylight hours. A final recount, in case no one would get the chance to hear her again. 
With no time to linger, she had continued her journey forward. 
Her plan required more than a days' time to walk, and she found herself thinking about her family. What little had been left of it, scattered to the winds. If the stars had any mercy, they would be safe until her return. If she returned. She had left as much magic and as many guardians behind to watch over the walls as she could spare. They would need to be enough. 
Hours more of walking, until the sun had set once again, and Wisteria finally laid eyes on the smoke and remains of the once bustling city. She was too close to afford being spotted now. The outpost she was searching for should only be a few minutes inside the city limits. They had lost three scouts in the process of confirming that information. 
Three more families grieving as they lost one more piece of themselves. Three more bodies among the mass graves. 
Wisteria was done with mourning. 
Instead, the cold of the night seemed to seep past her feathers and skin, the frost striking her down to the bone. It was just enough to keep her awake for the time being. Sleep had proven to be a fleeting wish, after all. Despite her attempts at resting, even a nap had remained elusive – as though the enemy could sniff out her attempts at rebellion, they had remained unrelenting until two days prior. When the threat had passed for the time, Wisteria could not give in to the luxury of rest. Instead, she had devoted herself to fortifying the walls and traps, ensuring the best chance of survival for anyone who relied on them for safety. 
Quiet as the dead, Wisteria stalked through the shadows of building debris and overturned cars, gutted homes and vacant stores. Too often for her liking she would stumble across another corpse, left to waste away in the abandoned city – she could only turn her head and continue onwards. She tried not to wonder if she had met them before, passed by at the corner or crosswalk in a time of happier memories in the city streets she was searching through. Too many ghosts lingered here for her comfort. 
At the sight of a family, crushed somewhere under the fallen stone of a wall, Wisteria found herself thinking of her own father who had no doubt found her letter by now. He would be worried. Wisteria had entered his life in a whirlwind – a mix of wildness and distrust – and yet he had still considered her his own. He would never have let her walk into the fight alone. But this was no longer a time she could argue. The choice to keep him behind was the only way she could focus on the task ahead. She would not lose her closest family. 
Fighting back the enemy every time they arrived at the gates was no longer a viable solution. It never had been. And it was now that she would finally put an end to it. 
In the face of her daunting task, Wisteria focused on the magic that thrummed through her veins. Her shield. It seemed to beat in time with her steps, just as it had been doing for all the miles she had covered until this moment. A call to arms. 
The winds shifted and Wisteria recoiled at the smell of carnage that it carried through the air. All too close. She was nearing the outpost. Decay and blood served as her final warning, the last chance to turn tail. Fleeing promised her one more day, if nothing more. 
She kept moving forward. 
Turner Household  November 5, 09:19 AKST  THREE YEARS AGO 
“I don’t like this, Bart.” 
Sharp teeth worried the soft skin of her lower lip once she finished speaking. Wisteria had been watching her partner as he darted around the room, collecting the last of the to-go boxes that had accumulated during their movie marathon the night before. 
“I know, little love, but we already talked about this. It’s an important mission, and besides, I'll have the whole team with me.” He tossed the empty containers into the trash bag by the door before stopping in front of Wisteria. “Everything is going to be fine,” he assured. 
A scowl quickly crossed his face before he brought his thumb up, swiping it against her lip in a successful bid to stop her from tearing into it. 
He clicked his tongue as he chided her, “you’re gonna break the skin again at this rate.” 
She paid no mind to his latter comment and Bart had to reign in the desire to roll his eyes in mock annoyance before she started speaking. “Something just feels wrong about this mission. Can I at least come with you guys?” 
“Sorry, lightning rod, but not this time. Outsiders only. Besides, you already promised that you would help your dad with something this weekend – and stealing his daughter away seems like the worst way to stay on his good side.” Bart paused before taking one of her hands in his own and bringing it to his lips, brushing a soft kiss across her fingers. “It’s just for a few days. And when I get back, I’ll take you to that light show you’ve been wanting to see, just like I promised.” 
“I would rather you promise me that you’re going to come back, Allen.” 
“Oh, last names now, is that how it is, Turner?” 
“Bart, I’m not kidding.” Wisteria stepped closer to him; a pleading look in her eyes as she desperately tried to get her point across. 
He pulled her closer, pressing feather light kisses to her face until he heard her crack and laugh before he rested his forehead against hers. “I know. Just trying to lighten the mood a little bit.” 
“Bart -” she stopped, unsure of what else to say.  There was still a fear gnawing away in the pit of her stomach, but he was certain that he would be okay. She just had to have faith in him. “Promise me again, night-fire. Three days?” 
“Three days, and as soon as I get back I’ll come straight here, I promise.” Bart grinned, wrapping his arms just under her waist and hoisting her up until she was barely above him. “Besides, what could go wrong, lightning rod?” He let her drop back to the ground suddenly, surging forward to steal a kiss while she was distracted – he couldn’t help it when he found the surprised noises that she made cute. 
Wisteria could feel the contagious smile still etched onto his face, having no choice but to return one of her own. 
Days later, in the confines of her own room, through struggling breath she would remember his question. She hated that the bitter answer was one simple word: everything. 
Central City – Enemy Outpost  September 26, 22:17 CST 
It takes her no time at all to sneak up on the outpost. Though she can only see a handful of stragglers outside she knows there are plenty more lurking deep within the surrounding buildings. 
No sounds fill the air around her. The only other scent she picks up are a few animals and the smell of blood, too old to be the product of the vampires currently staked out in the city. Still, the scent clung to the stone and plants that surrounded Wisteria now. A morbid reminder of the atrocities that had occurred. Mostly human, but a few animals after they had made their way into the decrepit city to scavenge – before they had the smarts to leave this location to its own rot and look elsewhere. She could not blame them. 
Despite the blisters that Wisteria had accumulated over the course of her trek she garnered no reactions, still out of sight and swallowed whole by the shadows. Her small cloaking spell had been enough to hide her up until this point. Looking around and taking stock of the area she noted a large pillar – regardless of what the building it had once supported might have been, she approached it. As quietly as she could, she began to hook her wings into the crumbling stone before hoisting herself upwards. Climbing the sides, just out of view of the underlings that remained lazily scattered around the area. 
Situated at the top safely, Wisteria stared down from her vantage point before using some of her magic. If any of the vampires below were to recognize her then her plan could be blown, and her wings and feathers were the easiest giveaway. Instead, she hid them. Shifted to appear as human as anyone else they had seen. Content with her look, she dropped her shielding spell. 
Then, with a burst of courage she could later argue was somewhere between reckless abandon or wildly stupid, she screamed. 
Their response was instant. 
Heads snapped up now that the scent of blood was in the air – she had gained enough cuts and scrapes on the way in to ensure that much. 
The prospect of a fresh meal proved too enticing for them. She was sure it had been some time since they had last fed. Driven by an unnatural hunger and the need to tear apart anything they could sink their own fangs into, they swarmed. Too far gone, deep in their sickness and on a mission to reach her first, not a single one of them seemed to think about what was wrong with the setup. And as they continued to pour from the buildings or wherever else they had dug themselves up from, Wisteria almost felt pity. 
Armed with apathy, she watched as they scrambled up the sides of the stone. Pulling each other down in a race to see who could sink their teeth in first. There was a burning under her skin, the itch to protect herself. Her magic was gearing up, looking for the shortest path out. An electric heat that burned so hot it felt as though it was freezing her from the inside out. 
It was seeking redirection. 
Once, when the end was just beginning, she had felt remorse for what she was about to do. But now, as a single finger brushed the skin of her ankle in a desperate grab for her, she felt nothing. 
She lit the ground beneath her ablaze, washing over the underlings in a sea of burning white and blue. 
Gotham City  November 7, 12:47 EST  THREE YEARS AGO 
The flowers that grew in the greenhouse were lush and vibrant – calming even Wisteria’s rapid heart as she meditated beside her Aunt Harley. The clink of mugs on the counter was enough to stir her, hot teas and one mug of hot chocolate with extra whipped cream sat just a room over. Both Harley and Wisteria perked up, attention on the doorway that was now blocked by her Aunt Ivy, come to retrieve the pair. Before a word could pass her lips however, Wisteria had already shimmied past her in search of the London Fog. 
Selina smiled from where she was sat on the couch, her own drink in hand as she watched her honorary niece scuttle around the tile floors, a grimace on her face from the texture, before sitting and curling into her side. “Feeling any better, kitten?” 
The tension was practically radiating from her, enough to give away the answer to the thief. Though Wisteria had yet to admit the true source of her stress and anxieties for the last two days. 
“He’ll be back tomorrow, right?” 
Selina paused for a moment. “Bart?” 
“He said he would be back tomorrow – three days, that was it.” She was speaking lowly, eyes glazed over. Not for the first time that day were worried glances shared between the three older women who had invited her over for lunch. 
Taking the reins again, Selina once more attempted to calm her niece. “Three days, so he’ll be back tomorrow – along with the rest of his team. I’m sure that he’s fine, honey.” 
“It’s not like this is the first mission he’s gone on for a few days in a row. What’s got you so twisted up about this one, wildflower?” Ivy had moved on from the kitchen, her own drink in hand as she took a seat on Wisteria’s opposite side, with Harley still hovering in the doorway. 
Wisteria looks as though she barely registers her aunt’s question before she finds her voice. “Something just doesn’t feel right about it, I can’t put my finger on it.” She hesitates before slumping further into the side of her aunt. “I just want to know he’s alright.” 
Ivy silently nods in acknowledgment, taking a sip from her drink. 
Selina instead sets her own on the coffee table, running one hand through thick curls as she hums a low tune. It seems to do the trick; Wisteria’s eyes are drifting open and closed as the minutes pass on. 
Suddenly Harley steps forward, almost tripping over air as she reaches for the remote to turn the TV volume up. 
The TV, which had previously been playing reruns of an old show none of them cared enough to watch, was now flashing an emergency warning across the screen. There, before the cameras, was most of the Justice League. Members pitted against each other in a vicious battle. City buildings in smoke and disarray. Another begins to fall as Wonder Woman manages to throw Superman through the stonework. 
A few leaguers are already scattered across the ground. Motionless. Wisteria feels her stomach lurch – bile rising in response to the unnatural way some of the bodies are contorted. A few civilians caught in the crossfire lie mixed among them. 
Hawkwoman, whom Wisteria had grown fond of flying with, was driven down onto a jutting metal rod by Nightwing. How he had gotten to her Wisteria was unsure. The younger girl felt her blood run cold though as soon as her mind caught up to what she had witnessed. 
Nightwing had been with the Outsiders on their mission. 
There was panic rising in her mind as she felt the sting of a warning alarm deep against her bones. The barrier around her home had been breached, and Wisteria – unable to look at the screen any longer – rushed from the room, a portal barely swallowing her in her haste. The alarmed cries of her aunts drowned out in moments. 
The first thing she noticed as she barreled through to the other side of the portal is the soft glow of a light, visible through the balcony sliding door. She forced back down the growl that was rising in her throat. Her room had been pitch-black when she left. 
Carefully she made her way inside, slipping through the unlocked front door. Immediately, the rancid smell of blood and something vile assaulted her senses. The smell grew stronger as she moved down the hallway and she froze when she picked up the sound of movement just beyond her bedroom door. 
She wanted it to be Bart. 
If he was injured, she could help heal him; if he was scared, she could help calm him. Even if he only needed a place to hide. 
She just wanted it to be him. 
Wisteria slowly pushed open her bedroom door, listening closely. The feeling of alarm intensified when she could hear nothing more. Her senses felt dialed up to eleven on every front, ready for her to turn tail and run at the drop of a needle. And just to her right was the soft glow of the bathroom light filtering from under the door. 
The horrid smell from the hallway seemed to gather here, but just underneath it was an all too familiar scent. Bart was here, she was sure of it – she just could not place what was wrong. 
Too tired of waiting, she called out. “Bart?” Her eyes remained locked on the bathroom door when she heard water sloshing in the tub. An odd time for a bath considering what had just been on the news, but she pushed it aside. Maybe he had been cleaning out wounds, or he was hurting, she reasoned. Maybe he just needed a soak while waiting for her to return. 
Knowing he was there helped her to relax. Just a little. 
But something in the back of her mind was trying to remind her it had been a warning of danger, not her love. 
It was only a moment before Bart opened the door and relief washed over her as she finally saw him. He stood, adjusting the waistband of the sweatpants he wore, hair still dripping wet. 
Wisteria wasted no time, crashing into him fast enough to send them both staggering backwards. Though Bart managed to keep them upright. She remained there for a moment, face buried into the crook of his neck before the vile musk overtook her once again and she recoiled, realizing it was coming directly from him. 
Bart finally spoke, arms still wrapped tightly around her. “I promised you that I’d come back, lightning rod.” 
His words held no comfort as Wisteria caught the flash of light in the corner of her eye, a set of fangs just barely visible, drawing her immediate attention to the bite mark slotted into the side of his throat. 
Central City – Enemy Outpost  September 26, 22:28 CST 
Wisteria leaves nothing in her wake except ashes. Quickly dispersed by the winds around her seeming to cry out for a victory that leaves her feeling nothing but hollow. She watches as the sooty remains are swept away at her feet. 
Those who had been lingering deeper in their hiding holes had realized what was going on, but they had sealed their fates as soon as the alarm had been sounded. Despite the best efforts of whatever remained of their self-preservation none of them had realized who she was – only what she was doing. Their call for backup had been answered but had not gone as expected. 
Just out of her sight she can hear the screams of the last few fleeing underlings before the world is quiet once more. If they had been nothing but fodder for her purpose there then she may have pitied them, instead, she saw it as removing an infestation before they had the chance to overtake the refuge that she had worked so hard to protect. 
She knew the cause of the silence was Bart. 
She had yet to see him, but even after his initial turning, he had retained his protective streak over her. None of the underlings that served him would have been able to outrun him – not by a long shot with his speeding metagene to assist him. 
Though none of them had really gotten the chance to harm her, it was enough for him that they had even considered trying. She was certain, in his mind, this was the best way to ensure that they would never get that chance again. 
Having used more magic than expected, and still sporting just enough for a human look, it set in just how tired Wisteria was already becoming. Hesitantly she dropped the spell, reassuming her real form and acting quickly to correct for the added weight of her wings. 
With a shakiness that she opted to ignore, Wisteria made her way down the stone pillar, clawed wings hooked deep into the crevices she found until she could feel her feet touch the still hot ground. She ignored the heat for a moment, looking to the sky instead. 
There is a gust of wind behind her, one she knows is not the doing of nature. An electric buzz hums through her veins in response, one so different from her magic but just as welcomed. Or as welcomed as it used to be. But she is tired. Tired, hungry, and the world is almost spinning around her as she remains looking at the stars. 
And despite the smell of death that coils into the air around her, just under it is a scent she would recognize anywhere. It is so intrinsically Bart that she finds herself caught off guard. She wants to say she is stronger than this. Want to say the tears in the corners of her eyes are from the ash and dust. But she knows better. 
It’s him. It’s home. A piece of it she has lost. And for a moment she lets herself be weak. She ignores the smell of death that permeates the air. Instead, she collapses back, falling straight into his chest, into the feeling of familiarity and electricity that always remains. He catches her. He always does. But he remains silent. A small mercy, she thinks. 
They remain like that for almost two minutes. But weakness has little place in her plan for the night – no matter how desperately she wishes otherwise. Rather, she gets her bearings, and the world seems to stop spinning. She still feels sick. But just confident enough on her own two legs that she pulls away from Bart. 
It is as she is turning to look him in the eyes that she sees it, just briefly, the way he reaches forward for her. Just before resigning himself to the new distance between them. 
Instead, Bart breaks the silence. “Why are you here?” 
“Because I knew you would come if I was in danger.” 
There is nothing but a ringing truth to her words, so he cannot argue in response. He changes the subject. “You look tired.” 
“Thanks to you.” She stops for a moment, lost in thought about the relentless attacks she had fought off for the last few days. All led by him. “Do you know why I’m here?” 
“Because it’s been a week,” he offers, carefully watching her. Trying to read her like an open book. Just has he learned to do years ago. 
“No, no more of that,” she whispers, sure of her words. No more blood is the phrase she hears on repeat in her mind before she amends it. Not mine. 
Survivors Refuge  May 1, 03:26 CST  TWO YEARS AGO 
Wisteria can hear the alarms blaring around her – so deep into sleep her brain mistakes them for a regular wake-up call. For a moment, to a tired brain, the world is still turning, as though nothing is wrong. At most she is late for a mall meetup or a lunch. It takes her far longer to move than she will ever care to admit. 
And then, all too soon, her brain catches up. The world is ending, and that alarm means the undead are at the gates. 
Her base of operations, a refuge for almost 500 people, is under siege. Again. 
Already forced out of her cabin home with her father, she will not be chased away from her new residence. Without much thought she is tumbling out of bed and pulling on a pair of shorts. Wings unfurling in their full glory above her, sliding the heavy blanket off away from her body. 
In moments she is bolting out the door, weaving through a sea of people desperate to get to the underground bunker before the outer wall falls. It won't fall, not today of all days. Not if Wisteria gets any say in it. 
She strains her ears, and somewhere over the thundering steps of hundreds she can hear orders being divvied out by her dad. She focuses in on the sound of his voice and heads the shortest distance she can to get to him, finding herself crawling through the metal rafters that hold the ceiling of the building up. 
She can see him now, he whips around until his eyes land on her, and in only a second she is standing in front of him. 
“How bad is it?” 
“The gate has already started buckling. Most of them are swarming the north wall instead though.” 
“Has anyone caught sight of Bart? The faster I find him the better.” 
“Just blurs, your spell is the only thing keeping him out – but the barrier won't hold forever.” 
“I know, I can already feel where it’s cracking.” 
She says nothing more as she leaps forward, hooking her hands and the claws on her wings into the wall before she scurries upwards. Distantly she can hear Bronze Tiger below her, calling for her to be careful. 
He hates sending her into the fray alone, hates seeing his daughter fling herself into the madness, but she is the only one that won’t get infected – and their best chance at calling off the horde that has descended. 
Wisteria sits for only a moment, scanning the area. Bart is still moving, too fast to pin an exact spot on. Wisteria opts for the next best option. 
Everything is too loud. She is thankful that the world is still dark at least. But even the calming breeze is not enough to tempt her out of what she will later consider a contender for her dumbest plan of the week. She throws herself over the wall, shifting through her barrier before anything else can get inside. Wings tucked, she barrels towards the ground and lets out a screech that no one within miles would be able to misplace. 
It only takes her getting within an arms width before attention is drawn. The newest of his underlings seem to have missed the memo, and they gather around her as though she will make an easy meal. Some of his more seasoned soldiers flee the second they catch sight of her – unwilling to get caught in the line of fire sure to follow. 
Unable to focus on where Bart is for the moment, Wisteria changes tactics, sinking her own fangs into limbs and necks before tearing them away from the bodies. A furious mix between the savage bird of prey she was born as and the tiger she had learned to be – respective to both of her fathers. She manages to get five bodies in, a small pile forming underneath of her before she feels the air knocked from her lungs and the world is a blur. 
The new area is calmer, only slightly, and the grass under her fingers has been trampled. But she is still close enough to see the refuge and hear the creaking of the metal gate as it begins to give way under the pressure of an unrelenting army. Time is running out and instead she flicks her gaze to the shadow standing above her and blocking the moonlight. 
“Bart, call them off.” 
He crouches down, looking her in the eye before responding. “Not even a hello?” 
Wisteria can’t help the snarl that breaks her defenses – she is far too tired to play nice, and the cold grass is almost inviting for a nap. But time is of the essence. 
Bart ignores the outburst, knowing her well enough by now. “It was a direct order. They want your camp wiped off the map.” He can be curt in this situation; she is low on magic, and he knows it. They both know it. If she had the power, she would have cleared the underlings out already and taken Bart on in a hand-to-hand match. 
Bart is calling her bluff this time – the huffing and snark is a façade she had hoped he would not see through. But that was the issue fighting an enemy who had once known you all too well. 
Instead, Wisteria switches tactics. “Bart, you know they’re in there – Iris, the twins, they’ll get hurt in the process too.” 
It seems to work, for a moment, and a solemn look sets in on his face. “It’s a direct order.” 
She bites her tongue, wanting to scream. The twins can’t be turned. They’ll be lambs to the slaughter. “Then a deal – name your price and you can have it but call off the dogs.” 
“Anything?” His attention is caught, and the piqued interest it is all Wisteria needs. If she can buy herself a day, then they’ll be ready for the next time. 
“Anything, as long as you all leave for today – please, Bart, today of all days, just give me this to spend with my dad.” 
“Then let me turn you.” 
She flinches – she had known, on some level that he would ask, but she had hoped that he would pick anything else. He takes her silence as an answer, and not for the first time since he had started asking does her anger burn unregulated. With a single warning growl, she takes her own teeth and sinks them deep into his hand. 
Bart hisses in pain, managing to pry Wisteria off before staring her down. 
It takes her a moment before she realizes how drastically she has fucked up in this situation – she needs him placated, not pissed off. Quick to try and salvage her mistake she begins talking. “Bart, I won’t turn. You know I won’t. But anything else that I can give you – that won't endanger the people I am protecting – I'll do it. I just need a day. Give me this one more year to spend with my dad on his birthday.” 
It is a long shot, but if there is anything left of her Bart then he’ll take the bait, knowing how dearly she holds her family. And Bart knows she is correct on which day it is today. But she feels on the verge of tears, and it shows, she’s sure. 
“I can ask for anything in return?” 
Their conversation is broken by the sound of a loud metal clang – one of the beams has fallen. She needs this decision quick, or time will run out. The barrier could only hold on its own for so long. 
Bart turns his attention back to her first before he continues, having decided. “I want you to answer one question.” 
Wisteria hesitates, caught off guard by the request, but agrees, nonetheless. 
“Do you still wear the ring that I got you?” 
The question halts her in her spot. The ring had been a gift early on in their relationship, with a recording of his heartbeat and she had given him one as well in return. It had helped when one of them was away on a mission. 
Snapped back by the sound of another beam clattering to the ground she blurted her answer out. 
Bart watched her carefully for a moment, and for a second Wisteria is ready with what little magic she has. About to set it free to do as much damage as she can. But before the chance arises Bart is calling for a retreat. His eyes are still glued on Wisteria, but at the least, those under his command – though confused – seem smart enough to follow his orders as they set off in the direction they came. 
“I’ll give you a week, lightning rod.” 
There is a burning in her chest and her eyes. Even after everything that nickname is enough to make her want to cry. But she stands her ground and watches him leave instead. In the time just before dawning, she decides to head back inside, letting them repair the gate while she gets enough sleep to reinforce it with magic when she wakes back up. 
Her father is waiting by the wall with open arms as she rushes in to greet him. “We have a week before he’s coming back – I may need to go out before that because of the blood. But we have a few days.” 
He nods along, holding his daughter for a minute longer before ushering her back off to rest. 
In the safety of her small and cramped room, Wisteria brings out the ring he had asked about. The lie still sitting heavy on her tongue. Of course, she wore it, only when no one was around to see, and she missed him too much. She pressed down on the cold metal and the wires buzzed to life, mimicking the heartbeat she would never get the chance to fall asleep to again. 
Central City – Enemy Outpost  September 26, 22:33 CST 
If Wisteria could ever remember a time that Bart had looked so ready for a fight, just from standing in front of her, none were coming to mind. Not even when they would spar. 
But she has one last desperate trick up her sleeve before her final option. 
It won’t work. She knows this option will fail – just like similar attempts before it had. But she can’t reason going to her grave without getting everything off her chest at least. So, she takes a deep breath. She needs the extra time to get some more energy back as is. 
“Can we talk? Or well -” she has to stop and think, her brain is running a mile a minute with every little thing that she could say. She stumbles over her words a few more times before she finally figures out how to continue. “I have some things that I need to get off my chest – no interruptions, no threats, no fights.” At some point she had started looking at the ground, so she raises her gaze to meet his own. “Bart, I can’t die without saying this.” 
There is a twist in his expression, a rebuttal on the tip of his tongue. She is not going to die here, that is what he wants to say. Bart can give her eternity, but she will still refuse it. 
“I’ll listen,” is what he says instead. “But I want something in return.” 
His voice and eyes are soft in a way Wisteria has not experienced in a long time. His request, made in just the same way he always had for the most mundane things. Before everything went south. 
She knows what he wants. 
He wants the same thing he wanted when she needed to untangle herself from the bed to retrieve their hot chocolate. The same thing he wanted when she was ready to leave the house in a bad mood. The same thing he would ask for before either of them would leave for something as simple as a grocery run or as dangerous as a mission. 
She asks what he wants anyways. 
“A kiss.” 
“Just one?” 
“Just one.” 
He seems all too pleased with the situation when Wisteria nods her head in acceptance. For a moment, they’re not in the remains of Central City. For just a moment Wisteria feels like they’re back in her room, and he has that same stupid smile on his face that she always begrudgingly admits works, while he is ready to tease her for being so easily flustered. 
But moments are fleeting, just as the memory. 
She can’t help it when she collapses into a heap on the ground. So little sleep in the last three days, very little food, walking for almost a full 24-hours, and the expelling of far too much magic. It catches up. 
Wisteria can see the smile drop from Bart’s face and she misses it. As though her mind is looking for any little fragment of his old self that remains – a last ditch effort to find a little peace. 
“I miss you, Bart.” 
One sentence in and she can already feel the pressure building behind her eyes. She wants nothing more than to reach forward and pull him straight into her lap just like she used to do. 
She makes do when Bart joins her on the ground, just out of reach. 
Wisteria starts again. 
“I miss you, Bart. But I am so, so tired,” her voice cracks vicious enough to have them both flinching as she fends off the tears. “I can’t keep doing this. I just can’t.” 
He sits silently, waiting for her, but the worry is clear on his face, and she can see the twitch of his hands – knowing, once again, he is stopping himself from reaching out for her. 
She looks at him for only a second before it becomes too much and she casts her gaze to the sky again, eyes focused on the moon. “Even after everything that you’ve done, some days, the only thing I want in the world is to go running and find you. Because I just want to come home.” 
She has to take a breath, though it’s shaky and she can feel the tears already falling. 
“You’re home, in a way. A piece of it I’ve been missing for years now. It’s still missing.” 
Wisteria stops, dropping her gaze and using the crook of her arm to wipe away the tears still falling before she chokes back an onslaught of coughs and hiccups already threatening to take over. “You just keep showing up. You know, you know, that I'm tired. And I know you’re trying to wear me down enough to turn me.” 
Suddenly the busted watch on her wrist is more important. A drop in her defenses. Because as messed up as their situation is, and she knows that it is, nothing is going to be able to touch her as long as Bart is there. She can afford this moment. 
“It's the cruelest reminder.” Her words are broken by a hiccup this time. “I miss my Bart Allen more than anything in the world.” She castes her gaze back to him but cannot help the venom that mixes into her next words. “But you’re not him. You’re sitting right in front of me, but you don’t feel like home anymore.” 
Bart sits up a little straighter at that, the only indication that her words have caught him off guard. His lips press into a thin line, but he still waits. 
“And the worst part of it all? I know it’s not entirely your fault. I may not know what happened on that mission, but you are not the same Bart.” Another round of hiccups punctures her sentence as she searches for her next words. “But sometimes? The things you do, or the words that you say, or the way that you act – sometimes it’s enough to pretend, just for a second, that everything is okay.” 
Wisteria stands again, even though every muscle in her body is screaming in resistance at the idea of moving. 
Bart follows her lead. 
“I miss my Bart, and if there is any part of him left, you won’t try to turn me against my will. You won’t ask me to go against what’s left of my family.” 
Bart seems to think for a moment, but the look on his face is a dead giveaway. He heaves a deep sigh before looking back to her. “I’m still your Bart, I promise.” 
“You’re going to try to turn me again, aren’t you?” 
He has the decency to at least look ashamed at her question. “There is no one that I want more by my side.” 
Both Wisteria and Bart are silent for a moment. She had known that would be the answer, but a small part of her had still been hoping otherwise. 
After what feels like forever and a little bit of waiting, Bart holds his hand out. A silent asking for her to approach. He is still owed a kiss, just as she had agreed. 
A part of her still wants that more than anything. 
Turner Household  February 2, 02:14 AKST  ONE YEAR AGO 
Wisteria’s magic was running low. Too low. 
She had been forced to abandon the cabin years ago when Bart had broken through the barrier on more than one occasion. In her rush to evacuate, both herself and her father had left everything behind. Some of the jewelry and trinkets hidden there had been created to house fragments of her magic for emergencies. Now she needed to collect as many of them as possible to make up for the lack of magic she was managing to hold in reserves. 
The goal was simple enough: find and retrieve anything that had a trace of magic, break them open later after they had all been sorted through. If she was lucky as well, grab a picture of her father’s fiancée before she left too. He had been unable to grab one at the time, and Wisteria knew it still bothered him. 
Unsure of what the situation would look like regarding vampires, Wisteria opted to open her portal where the barrier wall once stood and fly the final few miles inwards. Though there was nothing there for an underling to eat, it was better safe than sorry. 
It was a nice change of pace as well – finally being far enough removed that she felt safe enough to take to the skies, even if she had to fly level with the treetops to remain hidden. The foliage was untouched still, and lush greens surrounded her. She felt a sense of peace wash over her when her old home finally came into view. After two loops to fly over the area, Wisteria was content that the grounds were clear and she came in for a landing, stumbling over herself when she failed to slow down. 
The hallway was still dark, but the open windows and lack of magic had left the house open for nature to begin making its way inside. Water damage and plants had made themselves apparent and Wisteria mourned the loss of the place she loved so dearly. Still, the scent was overwhelming in the best way. Focused back on her mission she made a b-line for her old bedroom. 
The moment she was across the bedroom threshold she knew she was not as alone as she had assumed. But she never was faster than a speedster, and Bart was on her in a second, one hand around her throat and forcing her against the wall where she now remained pinned. 
He had to have come in through the balcony if Wisteria had not picked his scent up until that point. Not that it mattered much given her current situation. 
Bart stopped, his grip loosening as he realized who had entered the room, and began to calm down – though he still managed to keep her back pressed against the wall. 
They both stood quietly for a moment longer. Wisteria not daring to breathe. 
Bart broke the silence first. “Why are you here?” 
“Because this was my home,” she snapped back, finally shaking herself free from his grip and standing taller to face him, feathers fluffed around her neck and shoulders. 
“You haven’t been back here in years.” 
“How would you know?” 
“Because you would have known I would be here.” 
Wisteria held her tongue, eyes scanning over her room. There sprawled out on the table just to her left were the photo albums she had been keeping. Pictures of not only her family, of Bart, but ones she had taken with his family as well. All of them laid out with immense care. 
He catches her eyes before he finally backs off, taking a step away from her and then turning back to the pictures. 
“You’re going through them?” 
“I do sometimes when I -” Bart halts mid-sentence, shaking his head before going silent and thumbing through the album pages. Just beside him Wisteria can see the boxes of souvenirs that she had gathered after their dates. 
Still wary of the situation, Wisteria scurries around the room, keeping Bart just within her field of vision as she seeks out anything holding her magic. They both know what she is doing, but he makes no move to stop her. And to her surprise and relief he has left her things alone. From what she can tell, almost everything has been left alone, in fact. 
Trying to gather the last necklace had her crawling across her boxed-in bed, looking for where it had been abandoned beneath the covers. The light just barely outside is blocked suddenly, and Wisteria is all too aware that Bart is right behind her. Instead of showing her surprise, she glances back at him, turning in her bed until she faces him. 
He seems to fidget for a while before he finally sits next to her. “It’s been over a week.” 
Ah, she realizes. He was hungry. Wisteria was lucky her magic seemed to satisfy his need for blood, at least for a few days, or there would be nothing left to save of the Earth. Though how they found out – after his first attempt to turn her – still left a bitter taste in her mouth. 
“On the same conditions as always,” she warned. 
“As if I would have it any other way.” 
There’s a drop in his voice and all too easily Wisteria is reminded of just how much he’s changed since becoming infected. 
She remains seated as he moves closer, though she draws her magic forward to hide her normal features and switch to a more human façade. Feathers never did make the process easier, as much as she found it humorous for him to be spitting out feathers afterwards. It had been more amusing when they used to do it for fun, not feeding. 
Instead, the prick of fangs as they break skin in the junction of her neck and shoulder was enough to have her attention mentally. Leaving her eyes searching elsewhere as she tried to think of anything else for the next few minutes until he seemed satisfied. Wisteria was thankful when he called it quits, too tired from the blood loss for the moment. 
Too tired to argue when he wrapped his arms around her as she swayed. 
“Too much?” 
“Mm, just sleepy already,” she admitted, her brain attempting to catch up. She would have to sit for a few minutes before grabbing the last necklace and picture, then return to the refuge. 
Without the sense to stop herself, Wisteria finds a question slipping from her mouth, surprising them both, while she remains in his arms. “Why did you kill your own last month?” 
Bart hums, planning to enjoy their embrace for as long as she allows – he had missed holding her in his arms – before he finally answers. “They were coming after you. I couldn’t let them hurt you.” 
His words leave the taste of bile in her mouth and Wisteria pushes him away, an action he does not try to fight. He knows why. Know she still struggles with the changes he has undergone. 
Instead, content for the day, and knowing he can return later to look at the pictures and last bits of memories, Bart stands to leave. He casts one look back before he makes his way onto the balcony, ensuring she still seems okay. 
It is quiet as he leaves, but just before he gets out of earshot he hears it – a soft, and all too sad, “happy birthday, Bart.” 
He says nothing about it. 
Central City – Enemy Outpost  September 26, 22:37 CST 
As badly as she wanted a kiss, this was not her Bart, and this had been a part of her plan. 
Instead, Wisteria uses what bits of magic she has regained, sending out a large enough blast to nullify his metagene for the time being. Her action is enough to catch him off guard, and she takes advantage of his surprise to hook one clawed wing into his shoulder. 
Bart catches her other hand, equipped with a blade she had been hiding on her person. His reaction is fast enough to stop her attempt at driving the weapon through his chest. Her actions are enough for him to realize that she intends for only one of them to walk away from this fight. 
No time for weakness or second guessing now. Wisteria could not afford to fail. 
Blood and magic are beating like a war drum in her ears. She ignores the tears now freely falling and surges forward, sinking golden fangs deep into the arm he blocks her with – the force enough to send Bart backwards, with her crashing straight into him. 
But she is still too tired from days of magic use and her long travel to the city. Bart is on his feet far quicker. One hand pinning her wing before she can use it to shove him off, while his other arm stays rested tight against her throat, keeping her in place against the ground and gasping for breath. 
It becomes clear that what Wisteria had gone into hoping to be a quick attack is anything other, escalating into an all-out brawl between the two. 
She manages to secure talon like nails into the arm around her neck and the next moments go by in a flurry of movements she can no longer keep up with. She is acting on instinct alone, just trying to put space between herself and Bart. 
It works for a moment, and she manages to scramble to her feet. When she makes eye contact with Bart she freezes. The look he gives her is enough to chill her to the bone in the worst of ways. 
He is intent on winning. She knows it. 
Bart is faster than her. He always would be. If she could get into the air, she could take the upper hand, but it requires too much energy and just moving around is enough to have her feeling waterlogged on dry land. 
Bart knows this. He knows her. Too well, she realizes, far too late into the fight. 
It takes two clawed wings sank into his shoulders to keep him far enough away when he rushes her again, and Wisteria is desperately trying to scan the area for her blade. She needs it to win this fight. The poison and magic that coats it her one chance to end this for good. 
Bart is in a rage in front of her. And for the first time in years, she looks straight at him – and she doesn’t see a trace of the one she fell in love with. Not a fragment. 
The person standing before her is all savageness and sick. Forced to kneel from the disease that had taken him away from her in the first place. But still too smart and too fast for her. 
He manages to get himself away, seemingly unphased by the wounds punctured deep into his skin. Putting space between them himself, Wisteria is on high alert for his next attack. 
And then she catches it, a glint in the corner of her eyes. Just a few steps away lies her blade. She casts one glance back to Bart before she lunges for the handle. Before her fingers can even brush the cold metal, she is body slammed by Bart, sending them both further away. 
He has her pinned, one wing bent up against the stone and another caught between her body and his leg. She can feel her magic slipping further, if it continues, she won't have enough to fight off the transition when he bites her. 
She’s scared. Terrified. 
Even worse, she can feel him reeling back, though she is twisted facing away enough that she can no longer see his face. A moment later she doesn’t need to. 
He sinks his own fangs into the junction of her neck. No grace or gentleness this time. 
Though her voice is already scratched and fading, Wisteria cannot help the scream that rips from her throat. She can feel herself attempting to thrash, to try and throw him off. She fails. His grip is tight enough to keep her in place, and his fangs are sank far too deep into her neck to allow her to move. There is the sting of tears in the scrapes along her face, garnered from the deep stone under her. 
It’s luck, she thinks, when she manages to force one wing out from under her, losing feathers in the process as they’re ripped out. As fast as she can, she bends her wing as sharply as possible and makes a jab in Bart’s direction. The force is enough to stun him, and she uses whatever strength she has left to push herself up onto one arm and send him sliding off of her, flipping around as quickly as she can to shove him away before throwing herself backwards. 
She can feel her magic, desperate to stop the infection. She has nothing to spare to heal the wound itself or dull the pain. She pressed one hand as tightly to the area as she can, blood already coating her fingers. Putting one wing up to act as a barrier between them, she dives for the blade. 
She gets her hands on it, fist so tight her knuckles are white before she spins to face him. 
Wisteria manages to stand, but she is swaying on her feet from the pain and the tiredness that is seeping so deeply into her body. One more bite and this fight is over – she wonders briefly if she should flee instead. 
Bart would just catch her. 
For everything it is worth, through the tears she can see the shock on Bart’s face where he stands, looking at her. His eyes are fixed on her neck where it continues to bleed, and one hand is haphazardly covering his mouth. 
Before she can think too hard on it, Wisteria charges him with the dagger in hand. 
His mind seems to catch up with him and he moves forward to intercept her. 
She pulls her free hand back to swing, and all too late she realizes she has thrown herself off balance when one of her wings refuses to move with her body. 
But she can see it in his eyes, just as quick as ever. He glances to her hand with the dagger, and then he shifts his body to catch her instead. 
It’s as if the world is in slow motion around her. 
Bart has enough strength to send Wisteria backwards, lying on top of her. But before he has the chance to get back up, she forces him off of her, switching so she is now straddling his waist, before she plunges the blade into his chest – letting her magic take effect. 
It isn’t until she’s taken three deep breathes that she realizes it was too easy to turn him over. 
The realization hits her like a freight train: he had thrown the fight. 
Gotham Survivor Refuge  August 31, 18:15 EST  TWO MONTHS AGO 
She halts, moments away from stepping through the flickering portal, only to find her father in front of her. 
“Be careful and come back as soon as you know they’re safe.” 
She nods to him, lip chewed until it is bleeding between her teeth as she ignores the same gnawing fear that gripped her those few years ago, before this all started. 
With a quick hug and a few more words of assurance, she sends herself through, closing the portal behind her. She is just outside the gates, wanting to ensure the exterior defenses are secured before going inside. 
The sight Wisteria sees before her instead halts her in her tracks. 
The camp is nothing but cinders and a few buildings that are still burning further off. 
Bodies lie crumpled on the ground all around her – corpses ranging from torn open to crushed. 
She can’t help it when she turns, throwing up nothing but bile on an empty stomach. 
Though she cannot see or smell anything living, she wades through the massacre, ears pricked for the sound of any life. A sound she is desperate to hear. Any survivors would need to be moved, and any vampires would need to be eradicated. Plans begin buzzing roughly in her head. They did not have the space at her own refuge, but they could make it work. Wisteria would make it work. They may be able to move some of them to Iden with her aunts Ivy and Harley – Wisteria will need to send them a warning to fortify their walls even more than they already have. 
Through the mixed scent of decay and underlings that is fading fast, there is one trail that sticks out to her. Selina. Somewhere ahead was her aunt Selina. 
Abandoning stealth, Wisteria picks her way around the corpses until she finds the body in question. The one she had dreaded to see. Twisted in too many angles and covered in too much blood, she does not need to check for a pulse. 
Selina is dead. 
Beyond any doubt in her mind, all Wisteria’s magic would not be able to save her aunt from the gruesome death she had endured. 
Biting back her tears she has a job – recover any survivors. 
It is over three hours later when she finally stops and collapses, admitting there is nothing left alive within these walls. Not a voice, or a cry, or even a faint heartbeat to be found. 
The camp had been attacked days ago. And Wisteria had been powerless to stop it. 
At her breaking point, her head shoots up when she hears the tumbling of rocks, gaze snapped around until she comes face to face with Bart. 
“It was an order.” 
His words make her sick, and he says nothing more as Wisteria stares him down, backing up before she turns once more, as quickly as she can. Again, losing nothing but bile with no water or food to empty out in its place. 
She can see Bart moving towards her from the corner of her eye, before they’re forced shut by her dry heaving, and she can feel her hair pulled back. Otherwise, he waits silently. She smacks his hand away when it stops, sending the most dangerous warning growl she can while she tries to compose herself. 
“Selina -” 
“Was not killed by me.” 
She recoils at his response, as though it makes the unmarked grave they stand among any better. 
As though it pardons him of his part in the death of family. 
Wisteria can see him open his mouth again, but before a word can be uttered, she turns tail, spreading her wings. Though she feels faint, she cannot afford to open a return portal on the ground. 
And she cannot listen to Bart anymore. 
She is one more family member down – and she knows they’re coming for her refuge soon, she knows it. 
Central City – Enemy Outpost  September 26, 23:05 CST 
Wisteria has no words for a moment. 
The only thing on repeat in her head is the growing need to save him. 
She can’t. 
Even, if by some miracle, she had enough magic in her system to help him – and she doesn’t - she can’t remove the sickness that has taken over him. And she cannot afford another fight. This is what she had come to do after all. 
Remove Bart from the equation or die trying. 
Even then as she sits above him, she can tell it’s working. Her magic, despite being stretched thin as is, is slowly beginning to make its way through his system. But Wisteria feels helpless as Bart tries to sit up, tapping her thigh in a silent request to get off of him. She complies, gently swinging her leg over before slumping onto the ground next to him. 
He grips the handle of the blade and Wisteria makes a noise of protest as he pulls it out. He has already died once; it makes no difference now – she realizes. Blade or not, her magic has hemmed itself into the wound, spreading diligently. Yet Bart seems to ignore it for the most part. She can see him flinch every few movements from the pain, but that is the extent of what he shows. 
He reaches down and tears at the bottom of his shirt, just until he has a long strip of it in his hands. Looking up to where she sits beside him, he reaches forward, motioning her closer. 
Too tired to resist, Wisteria complies. 
To her surprise, Bart carefully wraps the fabric around the still bleeding neck wound he had left in his wake. There is just enough pressure to finally stop the slowed blood flow. Still, he doesn’t pull away, wrapping his arms around her waist instead and laying his face onto her shoulder. Wisteria cannot bring herself to tell him off, instead welcoming it when she mimics the embrace. 
“Bart, you could have turned me.” You still could is unhelpfully supplied by her mind. 
He seems to take a moment, and she can hear as his breathing becomes more labored. “You would hate me forever then, wouldn’t you?” 
She stays silent. They both know the answer. 
“Wisteria, I never wanted to hurt you, you know that, right?” He has one hand resting just under the wound on her neck. It is sure to leave a scar once healed. She hums, her voice lost to her as she closes her eyes. 
“This ends with Dick – it all falls apart without him.” His voice is so quiet Wisteria barely hears him even when he is so close. Still, she finds herself letting out a breath she had not realized she was holding, filing that information away for later. 
Instead, Wisteria finds herself anchored to the present when cold fingers brush the skin of her chest before trailing down and fishing the necklace now dangling out of her pocket. She had forgotten about it in all the commotion, thankful it at least had not been lost during the fight. 
But when she looks at Bart out of the corner of her eyes, he is focused on what currently hangs from the end of the silver chain. The ring he had gifted her – with his recorded heartbeat. Without looking away, he reaches into his pocket, pulling out its matching partner with Wisteria’s recorded heartbeat. 
“Do you still wear the ring?” 
There is nothing to stop her from telling the truth this time, and she finally answers him honestly, though her voice is hardly above a hoarse whisper for the moment. “Of course, I do.” 
He seems lost in thought for a moment, but she can see a small smile on his face as he slips his ring on, before unclasping the chain that keeps her own. She allows it, and as soon as the small band is in his hand, he is slipping it back onto her finger where it belongs. For a second he puts pressure on it, forcing it to start and he sits in her lap, bleeding out but feeling the pulse of his own heartbeat for the first time in years. 
Once it finishes a cycle he moves in place, resting his head over Wisteria’s own heart to listen to its beating. 
“Are Iris and the twins okay?” 
“As alright as they can be during the end of the world. They’re safe.” 
Bart cranes his neck to look up at her. “Can I get something off my chest too?” 
“I’d never stop you,” she hums, brushing wild locks of hair from in front of his eyes. 
They close in response, and he leans into her touch. 
Wisteria can see black veins under his skin as the magic continues to work through his system. 
“I’ve missed you. I missed you so much it hurt.” Bart is fighting back his own tears now as he begins to talk, words spilling forth before he has much time to think about them. “The only thing I wanted was to come and find you. But I never wanted to hurt you – not like this, not like I have.” 
When his voice cracks again Wisteria meets his eyes. It is not hard to spot the tears already beginning to fall. This was the Bart she had fallen in love with, the one she had wanted to see again so badly – not twisted by a sickness she had no cure for. The magic was working. 
She found a bitter taste in her mouth that she still could not save him. 
He continued, unaware. “I just wanted you beside me. It was like this drive, trying to make sure that happened. But I never wanted it like this. I didn’t want to force you into it.” 
“I know, night-fire, I know.” 
Bart choked back a sob at that, and Wisteria could feel the hot tears on her skin. 
“You haven’t called me that since the day I left for that mission.” 
It feels like barbed wire is encircling her heart as he speaks, but she still listens. 
“I saw how tired I was making you – I’m sorry.” 
She cuts him off then, “that wasn’t you, love, not really. I know that.” She can’t handle another apology. She had known it already. Wisteria would not let his last words be apologies. 
“Do you remember when you found me at your cabin looking at those pictures?” 
She nods while rubbing circles on his back to try and calm him. 
“You said it felt like you were missing a piece of home earlier. That’s why I was always going back to the cabin. It was as close as I could get to you. I just wanted to come home too.” He breaks completely at that, beginning to lose his voice. 
It is all Wisteria can do to hold him as tightly as she can, mindful of his wounds, until two minutes later he has managed to calm down once again. 
Wisteria can feel the unsteady rise and fall of his chest as she holds him. She knows the pain he is feeling now is likely more than he is letting on. She had not wanted to hurt him. Regardless of the things that had been done, she had never wanted that. But the flinching and soft whines if she put too much pressure was a dead giveaway. She placed a soft kiss on his forehead before pulling back to get another look at him. 
Her heart breaks more than she knew it could. 
Despite it all – the fights, the time apart, the fact she had stabbed him through the chest only minutes before. 
There he is, looking at her like she had hung the moon and stars in the sky, just for him. 
“I think I still owe you a kiss,” she breathes out, barely loud enough for him to hear. 
“Was that not what that was a moment ago?” His laugh is weak, but he still pulls a smile from her. 
She tears off a dangling piece of the wrap on her neck to wipe away the blood that had gotten onto his face over the course of their fight. 
“So, when I want my burrito back it doesn’t count, but now suddenly a forehead kiss qualifies?” 
Despite the grimace of pain on his face as he shifts to be more comfortable in her hold, he still continues to smile up at her. “Only if you want, lightning rod,” he rasps out, taking a deep breath in a bid to get whatever air he can into his lungs. 
For the first time in three years, Wisteria welcomes the nickname with open arms. 
“More than anything.” 
Bart is smiling through the pain, and it shows, hardly reaching his eyes. But it’s enough. She can see the twisting black as it overtakes his veins. The pain is becoming too much for him to hide. She can feel a small surge of magic, a need to protect him, and she uses it. Slipping her hand under his shirt, onto cold skin, she lets a small wave of magic find its way to him – dulling his nerves and lessening the pain as much as she can. 
She won’t need the spell for long and she knows it – a grace, because she does not have enough power to keep it going for more than a few minutes. But every second is worth it when she can feel Bart’s body relax, the pain and tension washed away. The relief he feels is almost palpable. “Bart, do you know what today is?” 
His gaze is soft as he answers. “Our anniversary. The 26th.” 
“So, you do remember,” she teases, before her voice goes soft. “If I could take you back home then I would.” 
Bart stills for a minute before pulling his body upwards with shaky arms. “I’m home now.” 
Wisteria can feel her breath stop before she leans down to meet him halfway, enjoying the kiss she had promised him. Knowing it’s the last one either of them gets. 
After what feels far too soon, it’s over. Bart’s grip around her loosens as his hands fall away and Wisteria pulls back. 
He’s gone. 
She cannot help but look at the small ticking watch around her wrist, where both hands read 11:11 through busted glass. 
Wisteria does not bother trying to stop the tears that come this time as she pushes herself to stand, still holding Bart’s body protectively in her arms. She takes only a few steps from where they had been before laying his body out in a smaller clearing as gently as she can and stepping back. Her magic still coursed through his body, and it cost her little to twist it to her needs, watching as the flames engulfed him and rose higher into the sky. 
She backed up slowly before feeling the bend of her knees hit stone and she sat – intent to remain until the flames had died out as she fiddled with her ring, pressing down until she could feel his heartbeat pulsing on repeat. 
Two hours later, when the flames were nothing more than gently glowing embers, Wisteria finally stood. With a pendent in hand, retrieved from her pocket, she approached all that remained of the proof he had been there. Carefully, over where his heart had been, she gathered a small handful of ash and let it flow into the pendent, before she shut it tight, slipping it onto the now barren necklace chain before clasping it around her neck. The cold metal pulled at the edges of the wound that was exposed, but she ignored it. 
The stars above shone brightly, a reminder that dawn would not break for another few hours to see who had made it out of the fight. But for now, only the sky and silence would keep her company once again. This time however, she would let the memories flow – filling in the heavenly bodies on memories of family and loved ones she had lost, instead of dangerous plans and final words. 
For the first time in a long time, as far as she could recall, she felt a heavy weight lifted from her heart. The load felt lighter. 
Somewhere, in the back of her mind, replayed the single phrase: this too shall pass. The worst had passed, and while there was no easy solution for the future, there would be an end. 
The world had begun to end three years ago – and yet, here she stood. 
A pulsing ring playing the melody of a heartbeat, with her hand wrapped delicately around the necklace she now wore. 
Content, even if only for the night, Wisteria began the long trek back to her refuge. 
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vexic929 · 8 months
1, 4, 5, 9, 11, 16, 22, 27, 31, 38, 43 for Eoland, Yuqi, H. Wells, and Berrie
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
Eoland: Eoland Everard Thawne; Eoland is old Greek meaning "dawn", it was also the closest name I could find to Eobard which doesn't have a meaning or origin (I debated keeping her name Eobard for a while but it just didn't feel right), Everard is a traditionally male name that I honestly just thought suited her and rolled off the tongue with Eoland, Thawne because she's a female doppelgänger of Eobard Thawne
Yǔqí: Yǔqí Lǚ-Nguyễn honestly because I liked the name and it suited her lol
H Wells: Harriett Gene Wells; Harriett because it's close to Harrison, Gene because I wanted more of a callback to HG Wells (HG Wells being the author of The Time Machine and Dr. Wells actually turning out to be the time traveling Eobard Thawne is still one of my favorite references), Wells because she's a female doppelgänger of Dr. Harrison Wells, and Dr. H Wells to allude to the fact that while some of Earth-63 is debatably better than Earth-1 she still has to hide that she's a woman to be respected, at least at the beginning of her career
Berrie: Berrie Elizabelle Thawne; Berrie because it sounds like Barry and Eobard's definitely the name your child after your worst enemy type, Elizabelle because it sounds somewhere between normal and weird-future-name like Eobard, and Thawne because her dad is Eobard Thawne lol
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
Eoland: her relationship with her parents was distant at best, they had a lot of high expectations that Eoland never quite measured up to, even if they hadn't tried to stop her from pursuing Barbara she probably would have still killed them at some point
Yǔqí: she came from a very strict but loving family that also had high expectations which she chose to completely rebel against as soon as she was out of their house
H Wells: her parents were very supportive of her scientific pursuits, slightly less so of her choice in partner but mainly because they wanted grandkids, they got over it eventually especially after the adoption of Jesse
Berrie: Eobard was a surprisingly good father albeit extremely strict and controlling in some aspects, Berrie still has yet to meet his Earth's Barry Allen so he only knows one of his dads
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
Eoland: she had one sister named Reoin who she erased from existence because she was jealous of her achievements
Yǔqí: she has two younger siblings who she adores with all her heart; Trường and Quý
H Wells: has no siblings
Berrie: has no siblings
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
Eoland: animals can detect her evil from miles away
Yǔqí: she gets along with most animals but particularly snakes; she loves snake and snakes love her
H Wells: animals like her and she tolerates most of them lol
Berrie: animals love Berrie and Berrie loves animals
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
Eoland: she subsists on Barbara Allen's tears no special diets except that she had to eat a lot to keep up with her speed
Yǔqí: she is lactose intolerant
H Wells: she went vegan for a while in her college years and still prefers plant-based for many of her foods and takes her coffee with oat milk
Berrie: basically has to be constantly eating due to her speedster metabolism and the fact that he's a teenager lol
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it?
Eoland: lives flash memorabilia
Yǔqí: snake themed accessories and she wears them constantly
H Wells: vintage comic books which she keeps in a special bookcase she designed to keep them pristine
Berrie: key-chains, they get at least one everywhere they go and keep them all on one massive key-ring which is getting quite heavy
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
Eoland: anything that implies the person is below her, usually insulting their intelligence, and she will be a bitch to your face AND behind your back lol
Yǔqí: "con cặc" she'll call anyone and anything a dick in Vietnamese and she doesn't care if you hear her or not
H Wells: "moron", "idiot", "incompetent", depending on how much she hates you you might hear it or she'll just vent about you to her wife lol
Berrie: "dumbass" it's succinct
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
Eoland: will never admit to crying about anything ever (is also a little bit of a stone cold bitch anyway but the last reason she cried was Barbara)
Yǔqí: Vietnamese and Chinese dramas, anytime an animal gets hurt or dies irl or in fiction, emotional music, she doesn't cry in public but she's not shy about doing so behind closed doors with people she trusts
H Wells: she tries not to cry openly as she feels it's unprofessional but obviously she's cried quite a bit since being widowed
Berrie: isn't shy about crying but usually only cries when he's overstimulated or otherwise not feeling well
31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?
Eoland: drinks but can't get drunk, used to be an absolutely pathetic mess when she could get drunk, definitely teasing when other people are drunk or hungover
Yǔqí: social drinker, extra outgoing and giggly when she's drunk, a miserable bitch when she's hungover lol, also the teasing kind
H Wells: drinks on occasion, usually just a glass with dinner with her wife, she's a cuddly mess when drunk and used to constantly gush about Rodriga, now she just gets sad, if one of her employees comes in hungover she'll do some light teasing
Berrie: is not old enough to drink but has had alcohol with mixed results, sometimes it doesn't affect her at all sometimes he's a complete lightweight lol
38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
Eoland: she's only ever really admired idolized Barbara and the only talents she's really tried and failed repeatedly are the ability to get the girl and socialize lol
H Wells: she admires people with emotional intelligence because she's always felt lacking in that area
43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?
Eoland: thinks religious people are stupid
Yǔqí: considers herself spiritual but not religious, doesn't have an opinion on religious people
H Wells: not religious and doesn't personally understand the appeal but doesn't have a problem with religious people
Berrie: not religious but definitely superstitious, thinks it's all silly anyway
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kitkatt0430 · 4 months
4, 8, and 30?
4.) Do you have any OCs? Do you have a story for them?
I don't have a whole lot of OCs, and they do tend to be more supporting characters than main when I write them.
Jay Garrick, from Complicated and Messy, is an OC (if based loosely off the canon Jay Garrick from the comics to some degree) and I will get back to him eventually. The real Flash of Earth 2, twin brother of the villainous Hunter Zolomon, and rather traumatized from the time he spent in the iron mask while trapped in his brother's lair. He's currently depowered, but I do have plans to fix that. He's gay, unlike the canon Jay Garrick of both the show and the comics, and used to have his own small lab where he managed to do science impressive enough that STAR Labs - and thus Harrison Wells - was quite interested.
I've actually got another story in mind for him, entirely unrelated to Complicated and Messy, where Jay ended up working at STAR Labs because Harry didn't give a damn about him having an evil twin. He and Harry wind up friends and Harry is who Jay goes to when he discovers his speed post accelerator incident. It'd be a Jay/Harry fic, where Harry realizes pretty much immediately that the Jay he meets on E1 is damn well not his Jay, but actually Hunter in disguise. But I've really only got broad strokes ideas for this fic, so it remains unwritten for now. (Alternatively Ronnie lives in this fic and proceeds to fix-it a few things... or they could be two separate fics, I'm still work shopping this a lot.)
I've also got Dawn and Jay Allen from Homeward, who'll eventually get more fics written about them. They're identical twins and the Earth-90 versions of the Tornado Twins, the children of Barry Allen and Tina McGee. In this 'verse their dad (not the E3 Jay Garrick) was who Hunter had kidnapped and imprisoned behind the iron mask and Barry of E1 helps him get home. Dawn is trans - something that wasn't directly mentioned in Homeward though I did try to hint at it a bit - and both she and her brother do hold a strong resemblance to E1 Barry, whom they've both will come to see as a sort of older brother figure pretty quick.
Herobard probably counts as an OC too. The Eobard Thawne of the new timeline created when Wellsobard messed too hard with the timeline. He's well adjusted, is at times more father than brother to his sibling Robern (after their parents died when Eo was 16 and Robern was 6), and perhaps a little too eager to time travel to meet his heroes... thought at least he did intend to meet them from a distance to prevent any interference. Intentions that did not last, but only because he wants to protect the timeline. And, well, Barry's pretty cute, kind of hard for any version of Eobard Thawne to stay away.
8.) How slow is a slow burn?
Slow enough to feel natural without dragging anything down. I do enjoy a well paced slow burn, but go too slow and it starts to feel like it's being slow for the sake of dragging things out and not because it actually makes sense. So depending on the fic this could be the entire story or just part of it, but as long as it doesn't feel like characterization or plot are being sacrificed on the slow burn alter...
I'm more likely to read slow burns than write them, but they can definitely be fun to write when the mood strikes me.
30.) Describe a fic that almost happened, but then it didn't.
I had a fic idea for KotOR/KotOR 2 that heavily remixed both games up into a single plot. The Exile and Atton were a smuggling duo, Revan still had amnesia but no false memories like in the game (instead found wandering the lowest levels of Kashyyyk and semi-adopted by Jolee afterwards), and lots of other changes. I really liked the concept for it, but I think it was too ambitious for me at the time. I ended up dumping the file - something I perhaps regret a bit now, but it was frustrating me a lot to the point I did need to let it go. I still remember enough about what I was considering for it that I could bring it back as a fic series one day, but my interest in writing for that fandom comes and goes a lot so I doubt I'll be interested in it enough to do so.
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rosietrace · 2 years
Inconvenient Circumstances {IV/???}
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{ Disclaimer: Evonie Apfel does not belong to me. She is an oc created by @phoenix-manga . }
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As the family walked to their rooms in the palace grounds, all Evonie could hear out of her uncle Florian was constant nagging about Malleus.
"My daughter whom I love unconditionally and would vehemently die for, it is incredibly incomprehensible for you to agree to dance with that pretentious little prince." He nagged, making his daughter sigh heavily.
Vivian gently patted his back."Darling you and I both know that prince Allen was the one who selected the two of them to dance…" She argued.
Florian hummed."My darling, it is unseemly! It is preposterous, IT IS UTTER MADNESS!" He complained.
Epel hummed."Father I'm sure Victoria will fulfill her promise by not associating herself with the Draconian royal family. It just happens that they somehow encounter one another…" Epel added, crossing his arms.
Victoria hums in amusement and nods in agreement with Epel's words, making Neige and Evonie chuckle a bit.
"Epel has a point father. I promise to not associate myself with that family so as to not upset you." Victoria vowed, sending her parents an affectionate but arguably intimidating smile.
A bead of sweat fell down Evonie's face. Sure seems like uncle Florian and aunt Vivian are protective of their children when it comes to the Draconia family…
Having arrived at their personal suites, Vil clapped in order to catch the attention of his family members.
"Unless there aren't enough rooms for all of us individually, we will be sleeping separately. If there is a case in which the rooms are limitedly numbered, you can share a room with any of us since there are usually two beds in a single suite anyway." enunciated Vil.
His siblings, Neige, and Evonie nod in agreement and in sync.
Thankfully for the family, there were a good number of rooms. Meaning they didn't need to share a bedroom.
Conveniently enough, Evonie's suite was somewhat close to the area she was standing in.
She smiled as she walked to her room, marveling in all of the spectacular decorations surrounding the palace halls. It felt almost intimidating to her that there was so much gold.
Unaware that someone was in front of her, Evonie ended up bumping into them. And to her surprise, the impact was strong enough for her lower body to hit the ground.
The Addams are a family of immense wealth…. But I don't know if we can top something like this
As well as make the person drop their books.
"I-I'm so sorry!" Evonie exclaimed, immediately picking up the many books in an almost frantic way.
The person chuckled as they placed a hand over her hand."It's fine. Accidents can happen no matter the circumstance." They stated, a gentle smile on their face.
Blonde hair… Blue eyes… I'm sure he's Prince Allen's brother. If I didn't know any better, I would've assumed he was Briar's brother. Evonie thought, remembering her golden haired friend from the slumbering willows.
After a moment of silence, they extended their hand. Knowing that they were trying to help her up, Evonie cautiously took their hand.
"I apologize for bumping into you…" she repeated, feeling anxious.
They smiled slightly brighter."It's nothing to fret, it was accidental after all. In any case…" they trailed off, piquing Evonie's interest as she rose an eyebrow at them.
"My name is prince Erez, Allen's younger brother and the second prince of the kingdom of dawn." Erez greeted Evonie with a polite bow.
Evonie hummed as her awkward smile remained on her face."Evonie Apfel. It's a pleasure to meet you, your highness." She curtsied, perfectly maintaining her composure.
Erez chuckled yet again."I see. So you are the cousin of Lady Shard that I've been hearing about recently?" He asked as he tilted his head, curiosity seemingly filling his aura.
"Eh…. Yeah, actually." Evonie answered cautiously, scratching the back of her neck. In response, Erez grinned.
…. After a long moment of silence, Evonie sent Erez a nervous grin as she walked past him.
"Well uh… I gotta go to my room now. Can't exactly stand in this hallway forever, right?" Evonie said, attempting to crack a joke.
Unfortunately, she immediately regretted making that joke out of pure embarrassment-
Upon that realization, Erez turned red with embarrassment and laughed nervously."O-Oh! Right, I see…. I-I'll see you around, Lady Apfel!" He promised, making random hand gestures that made Evonie giggle.
"B-But before you go…"
Before Evonie turned around to face Erez, waiting for his question to escape his lips.
He looked at her sinisterly."Don't trust Allen, behind that facade…. Lies a no-good little…" He mumbled the last parts of his sentence before sending Evonie a reassuring smile. A complete opposite to his words moments earlier.
Evonie gripped her suite's doorknob tightly before humming softly."O-Okay…" she murmured, before entering her suite.
Erez was in the palace library, calmly reading books without a care. He hummed softly as he picked up his next book, "To kill a mockingbird".
After reading a couple pages, he heard the library doors slam open as Allen marched into the room. Fury within his aura that it would've been enough to make Erez laugh.
"EREZ!" Allen shrieked,"WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT DID YOU SPEW TO OUR GUESTS?!" He grabbed him by the collar.
Erez gasped as his energy feigned "innocence" and "confusion".
"Oh my dearest brother… Whatever are you talking about? I simply do not know what you could possibly mean.." Erez held back his laughter as Allen's face increased in his fumes of anger.
"YOU ASSHAT, YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!" He yelled while his voice echoed throughout the large halls of the library.
Sending him a sweet little smile, Erez placed his pointer finger over his lips."Easy there brother, inside voices only." He mocked, whispering so quietly that Allen could barely hear his voice.
Grunting, Allen shoved Erez away from him as he crossed his arms.
"Whatever you're doing, it won't work. I am the eldest, therefore that makes me the heir." Allen proclaimed, looking down at his significantly shorter younger brother.
Erez rolled his eyes."You may be older, but you are no match for me in terms of popularity in high society. Now, you are beloved by the commoners and deemed 'relatable' for your rowdiness…" he continued.
"But remember brother…. The nobility is the class of mortality that actually matters."
Allen pursed his lips, unable to find any words for a response. As for Erez, he merely smirked as his blue eyes glowed with insanity..
"Besides… You and I both know that once you come of age, father will simply discard you to marry a foreign princess and make me ascend the throne."
"Just because he favors you over me does not mean jack shit, Erez."
Erez hummed softly, slamming his book shut."To you at least. You and I know damn well that mother and father simply act like they care for you so their social standing increases. After all, I'm simply playing a role. Just like you, like our mother… And like our father." He concluded, crossing his legs and looking up at his older brother.
"Face it, Allen… You're never going to get what you want. And what you want… Is love."
Allen couldn't think of a response, and merely sighed heavily."I don't have time for this…" he muttered before turning around to leave.
Before he did, he turned back to face his brother.
"You and I both know that I will be the one to win this chess game, brother."
Allen marched out of the library, slamming the doors so hard that it echoed throughout the library for a couple minutes.
Erez smiled sweetly as he continued his book."Oh my darling older brother…" he trailed off.
"... A pawn will always be brought down first."
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