#of resilience in times of adversity
bypatia · 4 months
When A Thousand Splendid Suns said like compass needle that points north, a man’s accusing finger always finds a woman; and when it said, a man's heart is a wretched, wretched thing. It isn't like a mother's womb. It won't bleed. It won't stretch to make room for you; and when it said, I will follow you to the ends of the world; when it said it always falls on the sober to pay for the sins of the drunk; when it said And I wrote you. Volumes. Volumes; and when it said but the game involves only male names. Because, if it's a girl, Laila has already named her; when it said One last time, Mariam did as she was told; and when it-
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i hate that i already told everyone how happy i was allegedly and that i was getting my shit together allegedly but now i realise that it was all hinging on this job and well. the illusion has crumbled! i remember how much i hate office jobs but also dont know what else to do and i remember why i have such issues holding down a job because i get burned out so easily! fuck! and i told too many people i intend on trying sobriety which. also not actually. sobriety would be great to get into fitness and cooking fresh again but! for that i need a fix routine and its not possible with my work schedule! i dont know what to do i wish i did not have to pay rent and shit so i can try out some stuff to find something that i can actually do. im right back where i was six years ago and four years ago and one year ago…
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i had a week off two weeks ago and i was not really able to do much because of a minor surgery and i finally had the mind to read and i took so many walks and it was so nice and ever since i have not been able to shake the feeling things are not working out the way i thought they were. fuck i thought i was finally able to settle and work on myself and be secure but im just back where i was and i feel like now everyone is expecting me to get better and everyone thinks im in a much better place mentally and i feel like a huge disappointment because it was all an illusion.
and i feel so ungrateful and guilty because of all the women stuck in prostitution and i had the privilege to exit and get a posh job im in such a privileged position why cant i just be content and do my silly little job why do i feel so fucking depressed and like i want to scream and so demotivated. well i guess the world around has not changed either and we live in fucking depressing times. but why is it affecting me in a way i cant do my job and provide for myself. aggh
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harmonyhealinghub · 8 months
Understanding Trauma and Exploring Strategies for Healing
Shaina Tranquilino
October 24, 2023
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Trauma is a powerful, life-altering experience that can leave lasting emotional, psychological, and even physical scars. It can be caused by various events such as accidents, abuse, violence, natural disasters, or the loss of a loved one. While each person's experience with trauma is unique, it often leads to feelings of fear, helplessness, and disrupted daily functioning. However, there is hope for healing and growth. In this blog post, we will delve into what trauma is and explore strategies to navigate through its aftermath.
Defining Trauma: Trauma refers to an event or series of events that overwhelm an individual's ability to cope effectively. It disrupts their sense of safety and security. Such experiences trigger intense emotions and physiological responses that may persist long after the traumatic event has occurred. Common symptoms include intrusive thoughts, nightmares, flashbacks, hypervigilance, anxiety disorders, depression, mood swings, and difficulty trusting others.
Recognizing the Impact: It's crucial to acknowledge that everyone processes trauma differently; what may be traumatic for one person might not have the same effect on another. Therefore, it's essential to validate personal experiences and offer support without judgment or comparison. Understanding the impact of trauma helps individuals develop empathy towards themselves and others who have gone through similar challenges.
Strategies for Healing:
Seek Professional Help: Trauma recovery often requires professional assistance from therapists specializing in trauma-focused therapy techniques like Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), or Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). These therapeutic approaches empower individuals to process their trauma safely while developing coping mechanisms.
Practice Self-Care: Engaging in self-care activities can promote healing by nurturing your mind, body, and spirit. This includes getting adequate restorative sleep, maintaining a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, exercising regularly, and engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation. Self-care also encompasses setting healthy boundaries, practicing mindfulness or meditation, and seeking support from loved ones.
Connect with Support Networks: Sharing your experiences with trusted friends, family members, or support groups can reduce feelings of isolation and provide a sense of belonging. Surrounding yourself with empathetic individuals who validate your emotions helps rebuild trust and foster a supportive environment for healing.
Cultivate Resilience: Building resilience is an integral part of trauma recovery. Engaging in activities such as journaling, art therapy, or participating in support groups can enhance self-awareness and personal growth. Seeking out positive role models who have overcome similar traumas can inspire hope and motivate you to move forward.
Practice Mindfulness Techniques: Incorporating mindfulness techniques into your daily routine can help manage stress levels and regulate emotional responses triggered by traumatic memories. Breathing exercises, grounding techniques, yoga, or meditation can promote relaxation, self-reflection, and emotional stability.
Trauma is a harrowing experience that disrupts lives but navigating through it is possible with proper understanding and support. Healing from trauma requires patience, self-compassion, professional guidance, and the implementation of various coping strategies tailored to individual needs. Remember that everyone's journey is unique; there is no predefined timeline for healing from trauma. By embracing these strategies and cultivating resilience within ourselves, we can embark on a path towards healing, growth, and reclaiming our lives.
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darlingkeyzblog · 9 days
Cultivating Resilience: How to Thrive in Times of Adversity”
In a world that’s constantly changing, resilience has become more important than ever. Whether facing personal setbacks, global crises, or everyday challenges, the ability to bounce back and thrive is a crucial skill. But how do we cultivate resilience and turn adversity into opportunity? Here’s a comprehensive guide to building resilience and thriving in tough times. Understanding…
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The Journey of Faith Through Trials
This article is inspired by the episode titled “Walking With God Through Trials (Part 2 of 2)” on “Focus on the Family”. The episode requires deep diving into the topic of enduring faith through life’s trials, as illustrated by Michele Cushatt’s experiences and insights. This article will weave biblical principles with practical applications, offering an inspirational guide for Christians to…
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motivexesmotivational · 3 months
"Journey of Improvement: Progress, Not Perfection"
🎯 "Ever-Moving Target: The Pursuit Beyond Perfection"
🤗💖Thank you for your wonderful time. Please if you like the video, share it
Description: Embark on the journey of improvement with the mantra "Progress, Not Perfection." This video explores the significance of celebrating every step of progress as a triumph on your personal journey. Understand the ever-moving target of perfection and how the pursuit of progress is the true essence of success. Strive for improvement, and discover a path with an endless horizon of growth, learning, and achievement.
Progress 🏆Perfection 🎯Growth Horizon 🌱Personal Journey 🚀
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deargravity · 4 months
i will weather 8 life-stopping crises without breaking a sweat but one minor inconvenience will elicit a breakdown measuring 9.5 on the richter scale
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borngeniusworld · 5 months
Suffering, Struggles and Hardships
Suffering, Struggle and Hardships “The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.” – Chinese Proverb “Strength does not come from the body. It comes from the will.” “Out of difficulties grow miracles.” – Jean de La Bruyère “The only way out is through.” – Robert Frost “It’s not the load that breaks you, it’s the way you carry it.” – Lou Holtz “Suffering is a…
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kajmasterclass · 9 months
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watchigtbj · 10 months
Admin's New Book Released: “The Light After the Tunnel: Discovering Your True Purpose In Hard Times”
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youngkody-blog · 1 year
Gaining Balance in Turbulent Times: Finding Solid Ground When Your World is Shaking 🌍⚖️
In life, there are times when the ground beneath us feels unsteady. Our stability is shaken, and we have a hard time getting our feet under us. However, these moments of uncertainty can become opportunities for growth and resilience. Let’s explore how to regain your footing during turbulent times. 💫💪 Understanding the Feeling First, it’s important to acknowledge your feelings. The sensation of…
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theleotarot · 3 months
How Your Person Of Interest Sees/Thinks/Feels About You
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Choose the image you are most drawn to or resonate most with… pile 1, pile 2, & pile 3 ✨
Pile 1
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(Knight of Pentacles, Nine of Pentacles, Three of Wands, Knight of Swords, The Unknown Card, Three of Swords, Mentor, Plane, & Thriving)
Hi Pile 1! Welcome to your reading. ♡
Your person of interest sees you as someone who is very hardworking in all areas of your life. Perhaps, right now you are pursuing a degree or job, or maybe you are working towards a goal that requires lots of resilience and financial responsibility. Your person sees you very successful as well. I am also getting this energy that they may think you are above them in some way, whether it be financially, emotionally, or mentally. I really think they do look up to you in every way regardless if you feel like you are struggling yourself or you feel like you can do better. They see you as someone who is very helpful to other people and the community. Your job or every day work may involve with interacting and helping people out, and this is confirmation that this is your pile! They might find you very funny and young at heart as well. I'm getting that some of you may not think you're funny, but your person definitely thinks that you are. I'm getting that you may be the type of person to also laugh things off when you feel scared or hurt, it's kind of like a coping mechanism, only for some. Besides that though, I really do think your person sees you as someone who radiates bright energy and that's why people and even animals enjoy being around you. Not only they see you as bright energy, but they also see you as someone who attracts very much positive things into your life, again, abundance, school, work, you name it. What your person thinks about you is that you have a huge future ahead of you, and you have the ability to achieve your goals if you just go for it. I believe that they also think that you are very good with your words. Again, I keep getting this energy from your person of interest that they do not think they are as good as you. Honestly, I feel like they are intimidated by your potential and success. I believe that your person is going through something difficult or heartbreaking. It may be because of a separation, insecurities, or any kind of past trauma, but it is unknown. I think that this difficulty they are facing has an affect on how they feel about you. I do think that their feelings for you are developing though. I think that this person just cannot show your their full interest or attention because they need to focus on themselves more. Even though they are facing their own difficulties, I do believe you cross their mind, and their feelings for you have potential in growing into something bigger within time. Overall, I feel like your person sees you as a light in their life. They really look up to your for your positivity and ambitions. I think that once they get their life together and feel better about themselves, their feelings for you will escalate and they will start to show how they truly feel.
Pile 2
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(Ten of Wands, Ten of Cups, The Fool, King of Wands, Eight of Swords, The Magician, Shape-Shifter, Flowers, & Transformation)
Hi Pile 2! Welcome to your reading. ♡
Okay pile 2, before I start your reading, I just want to say that this is the sweetest pile. 🥺 Okay let's carry on. Your person sees you as someone who carries or has carried a lot of baggage on themselves. Perhaps, you have struggled financially or educationally, or you have really struggled with your family or friend relationships. I also get this energy from you that part of your baggage has something to do with the fact that you always put others as a priority rather than yourself. You are always sacrificing yourself, even if it costs you your happiness. Even though you've been through so much emotional baggage, you continue to persevere through adversity, and your person of interest definitely sees this about you. They see how hard your life has been, yet you find the power to proceed with your life, and they find this absolutely inspiring about you. It's like, you have the choice to stay in despair and yearn for a better life, but you choose the opposite and make changes to your life to be happy instead. Your person sees that you have amazing grit and can also adapt to your environment, whether it be difficult or easy. They might also see you as someone who is very emotional and someone who wants to have their own family and children in the future. They can see you feminine as well. The way that your person sees you is very warm and precious. There are lots of pink and purple in your reading pile 2, so this means that your person sees you very delicate and they are really romantically connected with you too. I think they think you are confident in your actions as well, and whatever risks or actions you take, you are able to go through with it. I think your person thinks you're very playful as well. Even though sometimes you may feel stressed or upset about certain things in your life, your person knows that inside of you, at the very core of you, you are actually a very warm, delicate, loving, affectionate, and playful individual. I think that they believe that you deserve the best, pile 2, especially since you've gone through so much. They also think of you as a flower. Not only are they beautiful and delicate, but they're also a product of growth and transformation. Your person not only sees you for your beauty but for also all your hard work, tenacity, and sacrifice. Pile 2, I believe that your person has very romantic feelings for you, but they do not know how to come forward with it towards you. I believe that they want to turn your bond with them into something more, but they are intimidated at the same time. I think that maybe you have a chance to come forward instead, and this will save your person a headache lol because they feel for you so much. One more message I'm getting is that they see you as a butterfly. Again, you have transformed so much in your life. You may have felt stuck in the past and over worried, but you will grow into your wings and you'll be set free to fly. Your reading is beautiful pile 2. Your person deeply feels for you.
Pile 3
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(King of Pentacles, The Hermit, The Star, Seven of Cups, The Tower, Four of Wands, Servant, Unity, & Protection)
Hi pile 3! Welcome to your reading. ♡
Your person of interest finds you very, very attractive, and maybe even very addicting pile 3! I say this because The Devil card popped out twice in the back of the deck. You're quite appealing to them I would say. 😏 Anyway, I think you give off independent vibes to your person. You're very successful, and you're independent. You're not a loner, you're in solitude. There's a big difference between those two. I think they see you as someone who does not take bs either (I'm getting that some of you here are more mature so I can insert bs here lolol). I think they see you as someone very helpful to others. Maybe you are a people pleaser, for some? I just got that. Your person also might see you as quite mysterious. You may be more of the quiet type, and they are intrigued by you. They just want to know more and more about you. I get the feeling that your person also thinks that you may have a lot of people lined up for you in regard to romantic partners. Your person may think that they don't even have a chance with you because you're so hot lol. They do think of you as a star though. You radiate light in their life, and I think that they may admire you from a distance, and they keep their feelings to themselves at times. I think that when you or if you have conversations with them, they will feel very emotionally connected with you. Your conversations with them are easy, and they feel like they can open up to you about pretty much anything comfortably. I think this is what separates you from others. You just get them in a way that no one else does, this pertains to your conversations with them, as well as your looks. 😉 One random thing, I think they might like your hands lol. Your person's feelings for you are strong pile 3, it's a given here. I think they did not expect to be this attracted to you though. Maybe some people here are in a work or classroom environment with your person, and your relationship with them could almost feel "taboo" but they can't help but be so drawn to you. Another situation I’m seeing here is a friend dynamic. Just take what resonates. I think that your person does really want something more with you though. I think if you two were together, they would really make it known to the world that you are theirs and they would celebrate your love lol. They also feel very protective over you. Even if you are already strong on your own and independent, your person still wants to be the one to protect you at all costs and even be your knight in shining armor. I believe that your bond with this person does have potential to lead to something more pile 3, even if you do not talk to them, the both of you still have potential together. Overall, they are so attracted to you pile 3. Do you ever have that person that you like so damn much that they are ruining your life???!! Yeah, that's you to them. Lol.
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botanicalsword · 4 months
Indicators for “it’s impossible to ignore you ♡ ” • Astro placements
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Harmonious aspect between Sun and Jupiter
Sun conjunct Jupiter + Jupiter in Sagittarius/ Pisces / Cancer
Chart Ruler in 10H + Harmonious aspect with personal planet
Personal planets in 2H / 4H / 10H
Venus in Libra, Asc in Libra w/o challenging aspects
Venus in Leo w/o challenging aspects
Harmonious aspect between Venus and Jupiter
Sun/ Moon / Venus / Jupiter in 11H + Harmonious aspect
11H Ruler in 1H / 4H/ 7H / 10H
11H ruled by a domiciled planet
Chart ruler in 11H / 2H
5H ruler in 11H
Harmonious aspect between Venus and Jupiter
Harmonious aspect between 2H and 5H and 11H (rulers / planets)
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Harmonious aspect between Sun and Jupiter - wisdom and compassion
They have a captivating aura that attracts people and ensures their safety. They remain calm, never losing their composure. Their wisdom and kindness secure respect and support from everyone, regardless of the location or situation.
they tend to handle difficulties actively. When faced with difficulties or troublesome situations, those with a positive outlook tend to actively work to find solutions. They don't face major issues often, but smaller problems help them improve.
Easy success can dampen motivation, while challenges fuel drive. Even conflicts can be beneficial. Handling minor frustrations early fosters resilience. A blend of support and issues prevents complacency and maintains goal pursuit.
Sun conjunct Jupiter + Jupiter in Sagittarius/ Pisces / Cancer - they are defined by their cheerful outlook on life. With a harmonious astrological aspect boosting their mood, they tend to see the positive side in any situation. People enjoy their energy and smile easily in their presence. Their can-do attitude also helps opportunities come their way. Their natural luck maximizes when paired with practical wisdom about ups and downs.
Chart Ruler in 10H + Harmonious aspect with personal planet - They are strong, can handle high pressures and challenges, and stay resilient in adversity.
Personal planets in 2H / 4H / 10H - Coming from a wealthy family background, receiving strong support from their loving family circle.
Growing up with financial security provides a solid foundation for success. Their chill, can-do attitude lets their skills and talents to thrive in the work sphere. Recognized for contributions, opportunities come readily - good stuff just seems to find them.
With a little help and faith from the family, they keep their confidence sky high. No sweat, they can handle any bumps in the road.
Venus in Libra, Asc in Libra w/o challenging aspects - elegance and nobility. their gentle temperament makes people feel very comfortable and intimate.
Venus in Leo w/o challenging aspects -When everyone is watching, they stand amidst a vibrant light show, feeling incredibly classy. It's as if they have a unique filter making them look even better. The show is extraordinary, and all eyes are on them. The audience may express approval, jealousy, or admiration, but they accept it all. Because this is their stage, and they are the star of the show.
Harmonious aspect between Venus and Jupiter - Their financial success and enjoyable experiences are like eye-catching flowers. They display their wealth and easily gather attention. It's not just about getting rich, but also about having an impact. They're charmers, kind of like how flowers pull in bees. Living like this, they stand out from the crowd, just like a blooming flower in a field of grass.
Sun/ Moon / Venus / Jupiter in 11H + Harmonious aspect
11H Ruler in 1H / 4H/ 7H / 10H
11H ruled by a domiciled planet
Chart ruler in 11H / 2H
5H ruler in 11H
The 11th house is closely about forming friendships and spending time with your community. It primarily represents popularity and online traffic, both of which are crucial factors. As a social media influencer possess strong likability, their content will attract a larger audience, and they'll attract more views, leading to more clicks. Traffic is also a significant indicator of success in the realm of social media. All of this bodes well for them seeking exposure on their journey as social media creators.
Harmonious aspect between Venus and Jupiter - Venus, as a symbol of aesthetics, grants us a unique perception and appreciation of beauty, enabling us to seek and create elements of beauty in our daily lives.
Jupiter, as a symbol of opportunities and expansion, provides us with the ability to seize opportunities and amplify our influence in the digital age. These abilities are not limited to the physical world; they extend into the digital realm, allowing us to share our creations and ideas with a wider audience through the power of the internet.
Harmonious aspect between 2H and 5H and 11H (rulers / planets) - There will be a more direct relationship between wealth, traffic, and creativity. This means that wealth not only depends on our efforts but also on our ability to create compelling content and generate a significant amount of traffic. The value of such content will be more prominently recognized, and their wealth will more accurately reflect their creative abilities.
The more traffic and creativity they generate, the more wealth they will accumulate. The key is to invest effort in creating exceptional content that attracts a lot of viewers. The value of their content will be recognized appropriately, and the income they earn will accurately reflect their talent.
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thewulf · 3 months
Calming Storms || Aaron Hotchner
Summary: Request - It's aaron hotchner x reader, and reader is the mother of one of Jack's new friends (let's call him Marc for now but you can change it obvs), and one time the bau have a kind of short case but away, Jessica is away also so Jack says he could do a sleepover at Marc's and everything goes fine until the second night where Marc's dad gets so angry at reader that she locks the kids in Marc's bedroom... Read Rest Here
A/N: Whew this ones a doozy. Very sweet but triggering. Talks of violence against reader/kids. Please be cautious while reading if this triggers you!
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Female Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
TW: Talks of DV, drunk absent fathers, scared kids
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The evening unfolded with a rare promise of simplicity, a brief respite from the relentless whirlwind of investigations that consumed the Behavioral Analysis Unit's days and nights. Aaron Hotchner, taking charge in Jessica's absence, found himself overseeing operations with a steely determination. With each passing case, he was reminded of the fragility of life and the weight of responsibility that rested upon his shoulders.
Amidst the chaos of their lives, Aaron made it a priority to ensure that his son, Jack, found moments of normalcy and joy. Tonight, he had arranged for Jack to have a sleepover with his best friend, Marc. It was a small gesture, perhaps, but one that Aaron hoped would offer Jack a brief respite from the realities of their world.
As Jack eagerly packed his overnight bag with the essentials—a favorite stuffed animal, a handful of snacks, and a well-loved book—Aaron couldn't help but feel a swell of gratitude for Marc's friendship. In the short time they had known each other, Marc had already become a source of light and laughter for Jack, a sense normalcy in the chaos.
With a reassuring smile, Aaron watched as Jack bounded out the door with excitement shining in his eyes. It was moments like these that reminded Aaron of the importance of cherishing the simple joys in life, even in the darkness that surrounded them. The best thing about Jack’s friendship with Marc though? You. His mother. The woman that walked into his life, took a seat and had taken ahold of him in a hurry.
When Aaron Hotchner looks at you, he sees more than just physical beauty. Sure, you're undeniably pretty, with features that catch the eye and an elegance that's hard to ignore. But what really captivates him is something deeper, something that goes beyond mere appearance.
In his eyes, you carry yourself with a quiet strength and confidence that sets you apart. There's a grace in the way you move, a poise that speaks volumes about your inner resilience. Your eyes, he notices, hold a depth that hints at a wealth of experiences and emotions, drawing him in with their intensity.
Everything about you attracts him to you. It's the way you approach challenges with unwavering resolve, the way you stand by your principles even in the face of adversity. He admires your determination, your ability to stay true to yourself no matter what. To Aaron, you're not just beautiful. You're a testament to strength and resilience, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there's always the possibility of finding light. And as he looks at you, he can't help but feel a sense of admiration and respect for the remarkable person you are.
Aaron got to know you through a series of casual encounters that gradually evolved into something more meaningful. It started with the occasional coffee break during team meetings or after-work gatherings where the BAU team would unwind. As the kids played and laughter filled the air, Aaron found himself drawn to your presence.
At first, your interactions were brief and centered around small talk—discussing work, sharing anecdotes about the challenges of balancing career and family. But over time, those conversations grew deeper, more personal. You discovered shared interests and common values, forging a connection that went beyond the confines of the office. As Aaron spent more time with you, he began to appreciate your unique perspective and unwavering dedication to your work. He admired your intelligence, your ability to analyze complex situations with clarity and precision. And as he got to know you better, he found himself drawn to your warmth and kindness, your willingness to listen and offer support when needed.
Before long, those casual coffee breaks evolved into something more—a genuine friendship built on mutual respect and understanding. And as Aaron navigated the complexities of his own life, he found solace in knowing that you were there, a steady presence amidst the rocky days, offering comfort and companionship when he needed it most.
After he dropped Jack off at your house he went back to work, even though he had no desire to go back after the already stressful week. As the night settled in and the BAU headquarters grew quiet, Aaron allowed himself a moment of respite, a rare chance to breathe amidst the chaos. He found solace in the knowledge that, for tonight at least, Jack was safe and happy, surrounded by the warmth of friendship and the promise of a new day. And as he settled into his own quiet routine, Aaron couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope among the darkness—a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there was always the promise of light.
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As laughter and chatter filled your home, your watchful gaze swept over the scene, a silent sentinel guarding over the children's fleeting moments of joy. The sound of their innocent giggles echoed through the room, a melody of pure happiness that brought warmth to your heart.
But then, like a sudden squall, that joy was ripped from everybody in the room. Marc's father, a distant figure with visitation rights, arrived in a whirlwind of anger, his shouts piercing the tranquil evening air. His words were sharp, laced with bitterness and resentment, tearing through the peaceful atmosphere like shards of glass. You felt a chill run down your spine as his presence loomed over the room, casting a dark shadow over the innocence of childhood.
Taking a peak outside the window you were hit with a sense of overwhelming dread. He was drunk. There was no mistaking the glassy look in his eyes, the slurred speech that spilled from his lips like poison. This was why you moved time and time again, running away from the man that scared you senseless, the specter of his rage haunting your every step.
In that moment, instinct propelled you into action. With trembling hands, you gathered the children, ushering them into your young sons bedroom. Their faces were a mixture of confusion and fear, mirroring the turmoil raging inside your own heart. Marc, wide-eyed and trembling, clung to your side, seeking comfort and safety in the shelter of your embrace.
You locked Marc’s bedroom door behind you, the click of the bolt a final barrier between the children and the storm brewing outside. With each passing moment, the tension in the air grew thicker, suffocating in its intensity. But you stood firm, a pillar of strength amidst his fury, shielding the children from the darkness that threatened to engulf them.
As you huddled together in Marc's room, Marc clung to your side, his small frame trembling with fear. "Mommy, what's happening?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper, eyes wide with uncertainty.
You knelt down beside him, wrapping him in a tight embrace. "It's going to be okay, Marc, Jack," you reassured him, your voice steady despite the turmoil. "We're safe here."
Jack, sensing the tension in the air, looked up at you with wide eyes. "Are we in trouble Miss Y/N? Daddy says if I’m in trouble I should call him." he asked, his voice tinged with worry having had to go through this same scenario one too many times for being such a young kid.
You shook your head, mustering a reassuring smile for both boys. "No, sweetheart, we're not in trouble," you said gently, brushing a strand of hair from his forehead. "We're just going to stay here until everything calms down, okay?"
The boys nodded, their trust in you unwavering despite the chaos unfolding outside. Together, you formed a tight-knit circle, finding solace in each other's presence amidst the uncertainty. But you knew you couldn’t just wait it out in Marc's bedroom. You had to do something though, anything. You couldn’t wait for Marc’s father to break down the door.
Your mind raced with possibilities as you scanned the room for any means of defense. Should you grab a knife? Look for any baseball bats around? With a sense of urgency, you sprang into action, determined to protect the children at all costs.
As the tension in the room thickened, you took a deep breath, steeling yourself for what needed to be done. With a gentle hand, you lifted Marc's chin, meeting his frightened gaze with a reassuring smile. "Listen to me, Marc, Jack," you began, your voice firm but gentle. "I need you both to be brave for me, okay? We're going to find a hiding spot, and I need you to stay quiet and stay hidden until I come back. Can you do that?"
Marc nodded; his eyes filled with determination as he squeezed your hand. "We can do it, Mommy," he whispered, his voice steady despite the fear that lingered in the air.
Jack hesitated for a moment before nodding, his small frame tense with uncertainty. "Okay, Miss Y/N," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
You pressed a kiss to each of their foreheads, a silent promise to keep them safe. "Good," you said softly, your voice filled with determination. "Now, I need you to find a hiding spot and stay there until I come back. I'm going to call your Dad, Jack, and he's going to help us, okay?"
With a nod, the boys scrambled to find a hiding spot, their small figures disappearing into the shadows of the room. As they huddled together, you felt a surge of pride and love welling up inside you. They were scared, yes, but they were also brave, just like Jack’s father.
The sound of fists pounding against wood echoed through the room, a chilling reminder of the danger lurking just beyond their sanctuary. Every blow sent a jolt of fear coursing through your veins, your heart pounding in your chest as you fumbled for your phone, the air thick with terror.
With trembling hands, you dialed Aaron's number, each digit feeling like an eternity as you prayed for his swift arrival. The urgency in your voice betrayed the gravity of the situation as you finally managed to connect with him.
"Hotchner," his voice was calm, a reassuring anchor that threatened to engulf you.
"Aaron, it's me," you managed, your words tumbling out in a rush, your voice trembling with fear. "Something's happened. Marc's father—he's here, and he's... he's furious and drunk. I don't know what to do."
There was a brief pause, the silence heavy with unspoken understanding. In that moment, you could almost hear the gears turning in Aaron's mind as he processed the gravity of the situation. But despite the fear that threatened to consume you, his voice remained steady, a beacon of strength in the darkness.
"I'm on my way," he replied, his words infused with determination.
As you hung up the phone, a sense of relief washed over you, knowing that help was on the way, but the danger still lurked just outside. With trembling hands, you made your way to the window, your heart pounding in your chest as you peered outside.
Marc's father stood in the dimly lit street, his figure looming menacingly in the shadows. His shouts filled the night air, a chilling reminder of the mayhem that threatened to engulf you all. You could see the anger etched on his face, the twisted expression of rage that sent shivers racing through your body.
Your stomach churned with fear as you watched him pace back and forth, his movements erratic and unpredictable. Every fiber of your being screamed for you to hide, to protect yourself and the children from his wrath.
But you stood your ground, rooted to the spot as you watched the scene unfold before you. You were the first line of defense to those kids, and you wouldn’t let him through. Not in your wildest dreams. You knew that help was on the way, that Aaron would be here soon to put an end to this nightmare. But until then, all you could do was wait, your heart pounding in your chest as you prayed for safety and protection for you and the children.
As you strained to listen, the angry shouts of Marc's father pierced through the stillness of the night, each word a sharp dagger of fear that lodged itself in your chest. His voice was laced with venom, filled with threats and curses that sent chills down your spine. Through the window, you saw him pacing back and forth, his movements frenzied and erratic. His fists clenched and unclenched at his sides, and every now and then, he would pound on the door with a force that made the wood tremble.
The streetlights cast eerie shadows across his face, distorting his features into a grotesque mask of rage. His eyes burned with a wildfire, his gaze sweeping over the house with a predatory intensity that made your blood run cold. With each passing moment, the tension in the air grew heavier, suffocating in its intensity. You held your breath, your heart hammering in your chest as you prayed for Aaron's swift arrival.
And then, just when you thought you couldn't bear it any longer, you heard the distant sound of sirens wailing in the night. Relief washed over you like a wave as you realized that help was finally here, that Aaron had arrived to put an end to this nightmare once and for all.
From your vantage point at the window, you strained to hear over the pounding of your heart. Marc's father's voice grew louder, his words slurred with anger and alcohol. He stumbled, his movements unsteady as he continued to rant and rave. Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared on the street. Aaron emerged from the darkness, his presence commanding and authoritative. He approached Marc's father with caution, his hand resting on the holster of his gun.
"Sir, I need you to calm down," Aaron's voice cut through the night, firm and unwavering. "You're causing a disturbance."
But Marc's father didn't heed the warning. He lashed out, his fists swinging wildly as he advanced towards Aaron. In one swift motion, Aaron drew his weapon, his stance defensive yet controlled.
"Back off," Aaron commanded, his voice leaving no room for negotiation.
But Marc's father refused to listen. He lunged forward, intent on causing harm. With a steady hand, Aaron moved to subdue him, the click of handcuffs echoing through the night as he wrestled Marc's father into submission.From the window, you watched as he engaged Marc's father in calm but firm conversation, his authoritative presence making it clear that his priority was the safety of you and the children.
After what felt like an eternity, Marc's father finally relented, his anger simmering down as he was escorted away by the authorities. With each step he took, the weight of the tension that had filled the room seemed to lift, leaving behind a sense of calm in its wake.
As the chaos outside began to subside, you approached the door cautiously, your heart still pounding in your chest with each step. Peering through the peephole, you saw Aaron's familiar silhouette standing on the other side, strength amidst the darkness. With trembling hands, you reached for the door handle, the sound of your own heartbeat echoing in your ears. You hesitated for a moment, unsure of what lay on the other side, but the urgency of the situation spurred you into action.
Gripping the handle tightly, you slowly turned it, the creak of the door breaking the eerie silence that had settled over the house. As you swung the door open, Aaron's concerned gaze met yours, his expression filled with determination and resolve. Without a word, Aaron stepped inside, his presence a comforting reassurance in the midst of chaos. And as you closed the door behind him, the weight of the tension that had filled the room seemed to lift, replaced by a sense of calm and security in his presence.
But just as he looked at you with the utmost concern, a sudden realization hit you like a bolt of lightning. The kids. They needed you. Panic surged through you like a tidal wave. Without a moment's hesitation, you broke free from Aaron's grasp and rushed past him, your mind consumed by one thought: the safety of the children.
"Aaron!" you called out, your voice trembling with fear. "We have to check on them, Marc's father—he can't hurt them, right?" Your words spilled out in a frantic rush as you bolted towards the bedroom door, your heart hammering in your chest knowing they were fine but fear bested you in the moment.
Every worst-case scenario played out in your mind, fueling your panic as you reached for the doorknob. But before you could open it, Aaron's strong hand gripped your arm, halting your frantic movements.
"Wait, Y/N," he said firmly, his voice cutting through the chaos of your thoughts. "Take a breath. The children are safe. You need to trust that."
Your breaths came in short, ragged gasps as you struggled to rein in your panic. "But what if something happened?" you choked out, tears blurring your vision. "I can't bear the thought of them being scared and alone."
Aaron's gaze softened, understanding flickering in his eyes as he pulled you into a reassuring embrace. "I know, Y/N," he murmured, his voice a soothing anchor in the storm of your fear. "But right now, we need to stay calm for them. They need you to be strong. Kids can sense these things." His BAU training was working diligently as he calmed you down just outside Marc’s bedroom door trying to stay as quiet as possible. He, better than anyone, knew how these things could traumatize kids. He had seen it time and time again as he worked these cases.
While his words sank in, you felt some of the tension begin to ebb away, replaced by a glimmer of hope amidst the turmoil. With Aaron's steady presence grounding you, you took a deep, shuddering breath, steeling yourself for whatever lay ahead. With a newfound sense of determination, Aaron gently guides you back to the living room, his steady presence a calming force amidst the chaos. As you sink onto the couch, still trembling with adrenaline, he kneels beside you, his eyes filled with reassurance.
"Listen, Y/N," Aaron begins, his voice steady and calm. "I'll go check on Marc and Jack, okay? You stay here and try to relax. They need to see that everything's going to be alright."
You nod, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over you at Aaron's words. With a reassuring squeeze of your hand, he rises to his feet and makes his way towards the bedroom door. As he disappears from view, you can't help but feel a sense of unease gnawing at the edges of your mind. What if Marc's father returns? What if Aaron can't calm the children down? But you push those thoughts aside, trusting in Aaron's ability to handle the situation. You focus instead on taking deep breaths, trying to steady your racing heart as you wait for news.
Moments later, Aaron returns, a small smile playing on his lips. "They're okay," he says softly, his voice filled with relief. "A little shaken up, but okay. They’ll be right down; they’re changing for bed."
A wave of relief washes over you, and tears prick at the corners of your eyes as you let out a shaky breath. "Thank you, Aaron," you whisper, your voice choked with emotion. “Thank you for coming so quick.”
He nods, his eyes filled with understanding as he takes a seat beside you on the couch. Together, you sit in companionable silence, the tension slowly dissipating as you find solace in each other's presence. As you sit together on the couch, the weight of the situation in the air slowly beginning to dissipate, a tremor of unease still lingers, casting a shadow over the room. Suddenly, the sound of hurried footsteps echoes down the hallway, and before you can react, the two kids come bounding into the room more concerned about you than anything.
In a flurry of motion, both Jack and Marc jump on top of you. "Miss Y/N!" Jack cries out, his voice thick with emotion. "Are you okay?"
Their presence is like a balm to your frazzled nerves, and you reach out to them, pulling them into a tight embrace. Tears prick at the corners of your eyes as you hold them close, feeling the weight of their love and concern wash over you like a soothing tide. Aaron watched from beside as the two little boys clinged to the loving presence that you were.
"I'm okay, sweetheart," you whisper, your voice trembling with emotion. "I'm okay."
But Marc's small frame trembles with fear as he clings to you desperately, his tears mingling with yours as he buries his face against your shoulder. "I'm scared, Mommy," he whispers, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm scared of Dad. I don't want him to hurt you."
Your heart breaks at his words, and you hold him close, offering whatever comfort you can in the face of his overwhelming terror. "I know, baby" you murmur, your voice thick with emotion. "But Dad's gone now, and he won't hurt us. I promise you that."
As you speak, Jack wraps his arms around you, his presence a steady anchor in the storm of your emotions. "We'll protect you, Miss Y/N," he says firmly, his voice filled with determination. "We won't let anything happen to you."
Tears well up in your eyes as you look at your son and defacto son now, feeling an overwhelming surge of love and gratitude for the brave, compassionate young boys they've become. With their arms wrapped around you, you know that together, you can face anything that comes your way, united in strength and love.
Marc clinged to you, his trembling form gradually relaxing in your embrace. Jack's voice cuts through the tension-filled air, filled with desperation and fear. "Daddy, please stay," Jack pleads, his eyes wide and pleading as he looks up at Aaron. "I don't want anything to happen to Miss Y/N or Marc."
Aaron's gaze softens as he looks down at his son's friend, his heart breaking at the fear in Jack's eyes. Without hesitation, he nods, his voice filled with reassurance. "Of course, Jack. I'll stay."
With a sense of relief washing over the room, Aaron gently guides Marc and Jack to their beds, tucking them in with care and tenderness you hadn’t seen from a father before. As he leans down to brush a gentle kiss on each of their foreheads, you can't help but feel a swell of gratitude towards him as you watch from the doorway letting him take control.
Once the boys are settled, Aaron returns to the living room with you, his eyes meeting yours with a mixture of concern and determination. The soft glow of the lamp casts a warm, intimate light over the room, accentuating the vulnerability in both your gazes.
"I don't think any of us should be alone tonight," he says softly, his voice filled with sincerity, as if he's making a silent vow to protect you from any harm that may come your way. "Would you like me to stay?"
Your heart skips a beat at his offer, a blush rising to your cheeks as you meet his gaze. The rush of warmth flooding through you at the thought of having him by your side through the night is overwhelming. It's more than just a gesture of protection; it feels like an unspoken promise of comfort and solace, wrapped up in the tenderest of sentiments.
"Yes, please. If you don’t mind," you reply, your voice barely above a whisper, your eyes shining with gratitude and a hint of something more.
With a small, gentle smile that lights up his eyes, Aaron settles himself beside you on the couch. The soft brush of his hand against yours sends a flutter of butterflies through your stomach, igniting a spark of something that feels incredibly special. “Not at all.”
As you lean into his embrace, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against your own, a sense of peace washes over you. In that moment, with Aaron's strong arms wrapped around you, everything feels right in the world.
His gaze softens as he looks at you, his voice filled with sincerity and affection. "I'll always be here for you, Y/N," he whispers, his words carrying a warmth that melts your heart. "You're not alone. Never will be."
A smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you snuggle closer to him, reveling in the sweetness of the moment. The world outside seems to fade away, leaving only the two of you and the warmth of your connection.
With a contented sigh, you rest your head against his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. And as you drift off to sleep in his arms, you know that together, you can face anything that comes your way, united in a love that feels sweeter and more precious than you ever could have imagined.
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Aaron Hotchner/Criminal Minds: Permanent Taglist (If you'd like to be added to any or all works please fill out the form here: (Taglist Sign Up) @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @daily-evanstan @hardballoonlove @14buddy22 @rosiahills22 @djs8891 @mrs-ssa-hotch @panandinpain0 @viscade @kreepja @il0vebeingdelulu @hiireadstuff @kajjaka @guacam011y
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stylesispunk · 3 months
"Where is my love?"
Joel miller x f! reader
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summary: Isn't she coming to me?
w.c: 7k>
warning: angst, mentions of death, and grief.
a/n: this is a sad one and closer to my heart because grieving is the love we can give to people who are gone. The only change of this is that has been ten years since the "end of the world" and is based on the last chapter of the show. reblogs and comments are always appreciated and for the love of god, can you please help me with inspo for writing, I want to write for other characters, so if you have any suggestions are welcome. Have a lovely reading 💌 dividers by @/saradika
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Your paths crossed a long time ago. When the world had descended into madness, the souls met the dead in a now forgotten land. He came across you, and he fell in love with you. The sunlight radiating after the freezing storm was a fire keeping his brittle heart warm.
You had saved him from ending his own life that day, when he had lost faith in a horror movie without an ending or a purpose. He did lose everything he had known—everything he had ever loved and protected—but he had met you.
For him, you were an angel, not delicate nor free from sins, but an angel who appeared after he thought he had met his spirit in heaven.
You have looked after him and Tommy for days, taking care of their well-being and taking care of the reminiscing scar plastered on Joel’s forehead as a reminder of his almost-death encounter with his angel, you.
And you had loved him ever since; you found yourself increasingly drawn to him, not just for his vulnerability under your eyes but because he had brought sense back to life. His presence seemed to chase away the shadows that had been going to hunt you since now.
As the days turned into weeks, months, and then years, the bond between you and Joel only grew stronger. You found yourself drawn to his strength, his resilience in the face of adversity, and the way he faced each day with unwavering determination.
You had loved him after acknowledging every terrible thing he had done, and you loved him anyway. The darkness inside of him, taunted by the loss of the previous time, didn’t prevent you from looking at him as if he hung the stars of the sky. You both looked at night before sleeping, trying to find some reassurance.
Together, you faced the challenges, from the first days of the end of the world to the QZ, to Ellie, to where you were right now, knowing that as long as you had each other, you could overcome anything.
Now, here in Jackson, in the quiet moment before sleep, you and Joel would still gaze up at the stars, finding solace in the vastness of the night sky. And as you held each other close, you found reassurance in the knowledge that no matter what tomorrow brought, you would face it together.
Joel broke the silence, his voice soft yet filled with the weight of years gone by. "You know, I never thought I'd find this kind of peace again. Not after everything that's happened."
You turned to him, your eyes meeting his in the darkness. "We've been through hell and back, Love. But somehow, we made it together."
He reached out to intertwine his fingers with yours, seeking the comfort your touch brought to him. "I don't know what I would do without you," he admitted, his voice breaking a little.
"You don't have to find out," you replied, a gentle smile playing on your lips. "We're in this together, remember? No matter what."
Joel nodded, his gaze returning to the heavens above. "Yeah, together," he echoed, as if trying to convince himself of the truth of those words.
"You will never lose me,” you whispered, leaning in to press a tender kiss to his forehead. "And I'll always be here to guide you home."
He closed his eyes, savoring the warmth of your lips over his skin. "I love you," he murmured, the words carrying the weight of a lifetime of pain and longing.
"I love you too," you replied, your heart overflowing with love for the man beside you.
Being in Jackson brought you back to a civilization, to peace, to a place where you could both sleep next to each other at the same time without fearing other people coming for you.
But as much as you cherished the peace and stability that Jackson provided, you couldn't escape the reality of everyday life. With it came the mundane challenges, the petty conflicts, and the occasional tension that threatened to disrupt the tranquility you had found together. There were disagreements, misunderstandings, and moments of frustration that tested the strength of your relationship.
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You felt a rush of joy as you entered the door of your Jackson home. You couldn't wait to tell Joel about the trade you had made, so you were looking forward to seeing his reaction.
"Joel," you called out, your voice full of anticipation as you approached the living room where he was sitting. "Guess what? "I made a trade today."
Joel looked up from his book, interest in his eyes. "A trade?" "What did you get?"
You smiled, holding out the little camera you'd traded for some extra food supplies. "I exchanged some of our extra coffee for this camera! It's in excellent condition, and I thought we might use it to save some memories."
As you proudly showed the camera, Joel's initial curiosity turned into an unhappy face. He set down his book and looked at you with a mixture of disbelief and stress.
"You traded all of our extra coffee for a camera?" Joel repeated, his voice filled with frustration. "We rely on that coffee, you understand. It's not simply an extravagance; it's a product in high demand here in Jackson."
You faltered, understanding the potential repercussions of your impulsive trade. "I know, Joel, but I thought..."
"You thought what?" Joel interjected, his irritation growing. "That a camera was more important than having enough food to get us through the winter? "What if something happens and we need that coffee?"
You bit your lip, feeling a sense of remorse rush over you. "I didn't think of it that way. I just thought it would be wonderful to have something to save our memories."
Joel sighed and ran a hand through his hair, frustrated. "I understand, but we must prioritize our needs before our wants. You cannot go out there and make bad decisions."
His words hurt, and you felt a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. You didn't plan to compromise your safety, but in your excitement, you forgot to consider the repercussions of your actions.
"I'm sorry, Joel," you said quietly, feeling a sensation of shame rush over you. "I didn't mean to cause any harm."
Joel's gaze softened slightly as you apologized, but the tension in the air remained. "It's okay," he said softly. "Just stop being this childish," he murmured, strolling past you to the kitchen and leaving you in
Joel's gaze softened slightly as you apologized, but the tension in the air remained. "It's okay," he said softly. "Just stop being so childish," he replied, walking past you to the kitchen and leaving you in the living room with a bitter taste in your mouth.
A wave of guilt swept over you. You didn't mean to act impulsively or selfishly, but you now see that your actions had far-reaching implications.
Feeling the weight of Joel's disappointment, you remained in the living room, staring at the camera in your hands, your heart heavy. You realized he was correct; you needed to be more responsible and more aware of the circumstances and the actions that could affect your survival; being at peace in a place did not imply the risk had passed.
With a heavy sigh, you lay the camera down on the table, the excitement you had felt earlier replaced with a sense of regret. Joel's words lingered in your head, reminding you of the excitement you had felt earlier, replaced by a sense of remorse. Joel's words echoed in your mind, a reminder of the need to grow and learn from your mistakes.
You walked upstairs to your room, and with a heavy heart, you lay in bed, the events of the day on your mind. Despite the comfort of the blankets that surrounded you, you couldn't shake the sense of remorse and sorrow that persisted within you.
You closed your eyes and replayed the conversation with Joel in your head, each word stinging like a sharp reminder of your failure. You knew you'd let him down, and the thought gnawed at you, leaving a bad taste in your mouth.
And as you drifted off to sleep, the weight of Joel's disappointment gradually began to lighten. A few hours later, you awoke to the faint click of a camera shutter. Blinking sleepily, you opened your eyes to see Joel standing by the bedside, a tiny smile on his lips as he held the camera.
"What are you doing?" you said, your voice still laced with sleepiness.
Joel chuckled and lowered his camera as he neared the bed. "Just capturing a moment," he said, his eyes filled with adoration as he glanced down at you. In confusion, you furrowed your brow and sat up slightly in bed. "A moment of me sleeping?" you asked, feeling both amused and fascinated.
Joel nodded, his smile growing wider. "Yes, a second while you sleep. You looked beautiful; I couldn’t resist."
Despite the lingering anger from earlier, Joel's gesture made you feel warm. It was a modest act, but it showed a lot about his remorse and faith in your relationship. Reaching out, you took the camera from Joel's hands, studying the image of yourself sleeping soundly.
"I look horrible," you muttered. Joel softened his smile and leaned in to kiss your forehead. "Liar," he muttered. "Sorry for how I acted earlier." He moved forward, pressing his lips against your cheek this time.
"You're just an old, grumpy man," you remember, with a tiny giggle. His soft kisses eased the tension between you. His amusing response lightened the mood and lifted the sadness that had been in your heart.
"Old grumpy man, huh?" Joel chuckled, shaking his head in mock indignation. “I’ll show you what this old, grumpy man can do,” he said, planting a more urgent kiss on your lips this time.
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You worked hard in the weeks following your fight with Joel to repair the distance that had grown between you. Despite the apparent signs of peacemaking, you still had a persistent sense of insecurity.
Then a new woman arrived in Jackson. She was closer to Joel's age, and you couldn't help but notice the easy connection that had developed between them. They spent a lot of time together, whether on patrol with Tommy or speaking in the common areas of Jackson.
You tried to ignore the jealousy that was bubbling up inside of you. After all, Joel had always been polite and accommodating to strangers, so there was no reason to suspect anything other than friendship between them.
But as the days went on and you saw Joel and the new woman form a stronger bond, your concern grew. You couldn't escape the nagging suspicion that there was something more between them—something that harmed the precious trust you'd worked so hard to build. 
On today's evening, as you watched Joel and the woman laugh from across the room, you felt a pang of jealousy. You excused yourself and withdrew from the privacy of your thoughts since you could no longer contain your feelings.
You were alone in the living room, struggling with opposite emotions. Part of you felt ashamed for doubting Joel and allowing jealousy to cloud your thinking. But another part of you couldn't help but feel sad and insecure as if you weren't enough for him; after all, it wasn't just you, him, and Ellie outdoors any longer, and here in Jackson, you weren't the last woman in the world.
As you sat alone in the living room, buried in your thoughts, the sound of steps broke your state of trance. Looking up, you noticed Ellie enter the home, looking bright and cheerful, until she spotted your teary eyes.
"Hey, I missed you at dinner in the bar," Ellie said, concern etching her features as she approached you. "Is everything okay?"
You tried to brush off her concern with a forced smile, but Ellie wasn't fooled. "Yeah, everything's fine," you replied, your voice betraying the turmoil within you.
But Ellie wasn't about to let it go that easily. She moved closer, her gaze searching yours with intensity. "No, it's not. What happened? Why are you crying?"
Your heart ached at the concern in Ellie's eyes, and despite your best efforts to hold back the tears, they continued to fall. "I...I don't know," you admitted, feeling the weight of your emotions pressing down on you. "I just...I don't know where Joel is."
Ellie's brow furrowed in confusion. "Joel? He's eating with Tommy and the new girl, why?"
You shook your head, unable to articulate the jumble of emotions swirling inside you. "I don't know," you repeated, feeling the tears threaten to overwhelm you once more. "I just...I need to talk to him."
Sensing the urgency in your voice, Ellie nodded in understanding. "Okay, let's go find him," she said, taking your hand and leading you out of the house.
As you followed Ellie towards the bar, your heart raced with fear and anticipation. You knew that whatever awaited you there, you couldn't continue to let your doubts and insecurities consume you.
Once inside the bar, you noticed Joel in the crowd, his gaze settling on yours with a warmth that shot an emotion through your chest. It was as if a magnetic force drew you closer together, despite any remaining doubts.
You moved across the crowded bar, Ellie's hand firmly clutched in yours, Joel's smile widening, and his gaze never leaving yours.
Finally reaching Joel's side, you felt a wave of relief sweep over you as he held you in his arms. The warmth of his hug swept away the residual frost of doubt, leaving you with an eager sense of calm and belonging.
"I missed you," Joel murmured, his voice soft as he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead.
"I missed you too," you whispered, your voice barely above a breath as you leaned into Joel's embrace, reveling in the familiar scent of his cologne and the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
For a moment, the world around you faded into insignificance, leaving only you and Joel locked in a tender embrace. It was as if time itself had slowed to a halt, allowing you to savor the precious moments you shared together.
As Joel pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, you felt a rush of emotion swell within you, a profound gratitude for the love and support he had always shown you.
As the tender moment between you and Joel lingered, a voice interrupted, pulling you back to the present. "Hey, Joel!" called out a cheerful voice, and you turned to see a woman approaching, a bright smile on her face.
Joel turned to face the stranger, his arm still wrapped over you protectively. "Oh, hey Rachel," he said, a warm smile on his face. "This is my girlfriend," he added, introducing you. Then he turned his face to introduce the stranger to you. "This is Rachel, and she is new to Jackson."
You smiled politely at Rachel, but a tinge of dread came over you as you watched how she drew in closer to Joel, her hand casually resting on his free arm. You repressed a jealous pang and pushed yourself to keep a friendly demeanor, even though your heart squeezed with uncertainty.
"It's nice to meet you, Rachel," you said, your voice solid despite the tumult inside you.
Rachel returned the welcome with a warm grin, and her eyes flickered with intrigue as she glanced. between you and Joel. "Likewise," she replied, her tone friendly but tinged with a hint of flirtation.
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As the night went on, you couldn't ignore the sense of unease that hung in the air. Despite your best efforts to ignore it, Rachel's lingering touches and seductive glances at Joel gnawed at your insides, stoking the jealousy that threatened to engulf you.
With each passing moment, it became more difficult to ignore Joel and Rachel's growing friendship. Their laughter and friendly banter got on your nerves, reminding you of the bond that they had.
You tried to ignore your misgivings and enjoy the evening with Joel, but insecurity weighed heavily on you. It felt like you were on the outside looking in, watching helplessly as Joel and Rachel got closer with each passing second.
Rachel's flirtations became more daring as the night progressed, her touches lingering a bit too long and her laughter provocative. Despite your best attempts to remain calm, the jealousy simmering beneath the surface threatened to explode.
You stole looks toward Joel, hoping to find reassurance in his eyes, but he seemed unaware of the impact Rachel's actions were having on you. It was as if she had enchanted him, consuming all of his attention.
You excused yourself from the table, unable to take the sight of Joel and Emily's flirtatious behavior any longer. You could understand, after all, that Joel was a handsome man who hadn't received this much attention since the world ended; yet, that didn't make it any less painful.
As you excused yourself from the table, a slew of feelings surged through you—pain, jealousy, and a deep sense of isolation. You longed for Joel's reassurance, his acknowledgment of the hurt that Rachel's behavior was causing you, but as you stole a glance at him, you saw only obliviousness in his gaze.
With a heavy heart, you moved away, your footsteps quietly echoing on the bar's hardwood floor. You felt Joel's stare on your back, but you couldn't force yourself to look into his eyes, scared of what you might find reflected there.
As you approached the edge of the room, you hesitated, your back facing Joel, struggling to find the perfect words. Finally, you spoke, hardly rising above a whisper. "I need some air," you remarked, your voice filled with anguish.
After a period of silence, you felt Joel's hand on your arm, warm and soothing. "Hey," he replied quietly, his voice full of concern. "Are you okay?"
You turned to face him, meeting his gaze with a mixture of longing and frustration. "I just...I need some time," you replied, your voice trembling slightly. "I'll be outside."
Joel's expression softened, and his eyes filled with understanding as he nodded in response. "I'll come find you," he promised, his voice gentle as he squeezed your hand.
But instead, as you walked towards the house, the weight of the evening's events bearing down on you, you felt Joel's presence beside you. His steps were quiet, but his presence was comforting, a silent reassurance that you were not alone in your pain.
"Hey," Joel said softly, his voice breaking the silence between you. "I'm sorry about back there. I didn't realize... I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable."
You glanced sideways at Joel, the warmth of his gaze softening the edges of your frustration. "It's not your fault," you replied, your voice tinged with sadness. "I know you didn't mean to."
Joel fell into a step beside you, his hand reaching out to brush against yours. "I just want you to know that you're the only one for me," he said earnestly, his voice filled with sincerity. "No one else matters, not like you do."
“You could have told her about it,” you said, frustration edging into your tone.
Joel's expression faltered slightly at your words, a hint of defensiveness flickering in his eyes. "I didn't think it was necessary," he replied, his tone tinged with irritation. "I didn't want to embarrass her or make things awkward."
You felt a surge of frustration rising within you, the sting of jealousy and insecurity reigniting in your chest. "But by not saying anything, you made me feel like my feelings didn't matter," you countered, your voice tinged with hurt. "You made me doubt myself; doubt us."
Joel sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice strained. "I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I just didn't know how to handle the situation."
The tension between you hung heavy in the air, the weight of unspoken words and unresolved emotions pressing down on both of you. You wanted to believe Joel's assurances of love and devotion, but the lingering doubts and insecurities threatened to cloud your judgment.
"I need to rest," you said, changing the subject, your voice steady but tinged with sadness. "Tomorrow, we need to get up early for the patrol.”
“Actually, I’m not coming with you,” he said carefully.
“What? Why?”
“I’ll promise Rachel to...“
The air crackled with tension as Joel's words hung between you, his admission weighing heavily on your heart. Anger flared within you, fueled by hurt and betrayal.
"Why?" you demanded, your voice laced with frustration and disappointment. "Why would you choose her over me?
Joel's expression softened, and his eyes filled with regret. "I’m not choosing her over you; I would never do that," he replied, his voice tinged with guilt. "I didn't realize it would upset you."
You shook your head, unable to hide your frustration. "You should have talked to me about it first," you said, your voice trembling with emotion. "You should have considered my feelings."
With a heavy heart, you turned away from Joel, the ache of disappointment echoing within you. As you retreated into the solitude of your thoughts, you couldn't help but wonder if your relationship could withstand this latest test or if it was destined to crumble beneath the weight of unresolved conflicts and broken promises.
“You’re sleeping on the couch tonight!” you exclaimed as you kept walking.
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The next morning dawned with a strong sense of tension in the air, the previous night's events still fresh in your mind. As you awoke from your sleep and began to prepare for the day ahead, the pain of disappointment and deceit chewed at your heart, casting a shadow on the early sun.
With a heavy sigh, you pushed aside any remaining doubts and concerns, determined to focus on the task at hand. As you approached the kitchen, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, a soothing reminder of Joel's presence.
You discovered him standing by the counter, holding a warm mug of coffee, and preparing a second cup for you. His expression was solemn.
His eyes were downcast, as if weighted down by the events of the night before.
"Morning, angel," he said, his voice tinged with regret, as he gave you the mug. "I made some coffee."
“Thank you, but I’m leaving,” you replied, shortly walking towards the door.
"Angel, wait," Joel called out, his voice pleading as he reached out to gently grasp your arm, halting your departure. His touch was warm against your skin, a silent plea for you to stay and hear him out.
You hesitated, torn between the desire to escape the tension that hung between you and the longing to resolve the issues that had driven a wedge between you and Joel. With a heavy sigh, you turned to face him, the weight of uncertainty pressing down on you like a leaden blanket.
“Take care; you know your safety is the most important thing for me,” he reassured, meeting your sad gaze.
"What a shame you're not going to be there to protect me," you replied bitterly, unable to mask the hurt in your voice. The words spilled out before you could stop them, a reflection of the pain and frustration that churned within you.
Joel's expression softened; his eyes filled with remorse as he reached out to gently cup your cheek.
Joel closed the distance between you, his lips meeting yours in a tender kiss filled with longing and remorse. It was a silent reassurance of his love and commitment, a promise to mend the wounds that had been inflicted upon your relationship.
As the kiss lingered, you felt a sense of peace wash over you, the weight of uncertainty lifting ever so slightly from your shoulders. Despite the pain and hurt, you knew that Joel was sincere in his desire to make things right, and you were willing to give him another chance.
Pulling away, Joel met your gaze with a mixture of regret and determination. "We'll talk when you get back," he said softly, his voice filled with resolve. "I'll be here waiting for you, ready to make things right."
With a nod of agreement, you returned Joel's gaze, a silent acknowledgment of your shared commitment to each other.
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As you and Tommy ventured out on patrol, the rhythm of your footsteps echoed against the deserted streets of Jackson. The tension that had weighed heavily on you began to ease slightly, replaced by a sense of purpose as you focused on the task at hand.
"So, what happened between you and Joel?" Tommy asked, breaking the silence that had settled between you. His voice was filled with concern, and his eyes were studying your expression carefully.
You sighed, the events of the previous night still fresh in your mind. "We had an argument," you admitted reluctantly, the words heavy on your tongue. "I just don't know how to trust him again."
Tommy nodded in understanding, his expression sympathetic. "I get it," he said softly. "But you have to remember, Joel cares about you more than anything. He'd do anything to protect you, even if he doesn't always show it the right way."
You mulled over Tommy's words, the weight of his reassurance providing some measure of comfort amidst the uncertainty that plagued you. Despite the doubts that lingered in your mind, you knew that, deep down, Joel's intentions were genuine and his love for you was unwavering.
"I know," you replied, a sense of resolve creeping into your voice. "I just need to figure things out."
Tommy placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder, his gaze filled with empathy. "You will," he said confidently. "And when you do, Joel will be right there waiting for you, ready to make things right."
With a nod of gratitude, you continued on your patrol, the weight of uncertainty still heavy on your shoulders but with a glimmer of hope shining through the darkness. As you walked, you couldn't help but feel grateful for Tommy's support and reassurance, knowing that with his guidance and the strength of your bond with Joel, you would find a way to navigate the challenges that lay ahead.
“Of course, you will say nice things about your stupid brother,” you joked.
Tommy chuckled at your jest, the sound carrying through the quiet streets as you continued on your patrol. "Hey, he may be stubborn and thick-headed sometimes, but Joel's got a good heart," he said with a grin. "And he cares about you more than anything."
You couldn't help but smile at Tommy's words, grateful for his unwavering support and his ability to see the best in Joel, even in the midst of conflict. "Thanks, Tommy," you said sincerely, the weight of uncertainty lifting ever so slightly from your shoulders. "I appreciate it."
Tommy nodded in response, his expression filled with understanding. "Anytime," he replied, his voice laced with warmth. "We're family, after all. And family sticks together, no matter what."
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As you and Tommy continued your patrol around Jackson, everything was eerily quiet, with the only sound being the subtle crunch of gravel beneath your feet. The weight of insecurity lingered in the air, but you pressed on, determined to do your job and safeguard your town.
A group of people appeared from the shadows unexpectedly, their faces hidden by the night's darkness. Your heart jumped into your throat as you understood the danger that was immediately surrounding you.
You weren't a weak person; in fact, people considered you a powerful fighter, always merciless when it was required and determined to save the ones you cared about, so your instincts kicked in and your senses heightened as adrenaline flowed through veins. Despite the suddenness of the attack, you maintained your composure, guided by your training and expertise.
Until one of them grabbed you and pinned you down, your heart raced with a mix of fear and determination. You struggled against their hold, every muscle in your body tensing as you fought to break free. Despite the adrenaline coursing through your veins, the grip of your assailant remained firm, their strength overpowering.
With a surge of desperation, you summoned all your strength and training, channeling it into a fierce struggle to break free. Your mind raced with thoughts of escape, of finding a way to overcome this unexpected obstacle and emerge victorious.
Beside you, Tommy fought valiantly against the other attackers, his determination matching your own as he defended against the onslaught. Though outnumbered and caught off guard, you refused to give in, clinging to the hope that help would soon arrive.
“So, you’re Joel’s Miller girl,” a feminine voice said.
The voice cut through the chaos, freezing you momentarily as you tried to recognize the mocking tone. Despite the tense situation, a surge of anger flared within you at the mention of Joel's name. You refused to let fear or intimidation weaken your resolve.
With renewed determination, you continued to struggle against your assailant's hold, your mind racing with thoughts of escape and survival. Every fiber of your being was focused on breaking free and finding a way to overcome this threat and protect yourself and Tommy.
“Tommy!” you exclaimed, worry creeping up with you.
“I’m fine!” he reassured back.
“What do you want?” You asked the girl, who is now in front of you.
The girl smirked, her eyes filled with venom as she peered down at you, pinned under her. "What do I want?" she said, her voice full of scorn. "I'd like to send a message to your dear Joel. I want him to understand that no one is safe, including his girl."
Her statements enraged your fury, but you kept calm, refusing to show any signs of weakness in the face of her remarks. "And what message would that be?" you asked, your voice steady despite what was occurring.
As she drew in closer, the girl's smirk deepened, and her eyes took on a malicious glitter. "The message is simple," she stated, her voice low and frightening. "I will take away what he loves.
the most from him, as he did with me.”
“What?” but before you could even realize what was happening, you felt a sharp pain through your abdomen.
The sharp pain ripped through your abdomen, stealing the breath from your lungs as you gasped in shock. A guttural cry of agony escaped your lips as you felt blood seeping from the wound, staining your clothes crimson.
The girl's cruel laughter echoed in your ears as she withdrew the weapon, a twisted smirk of satisfaction twisting her features. "That's the message," she said coldly, her voice dripping with malice.
You didn’t want to die here without seeing the smiles of the people you loved.
Your vision blurred as waves of pain washed over you, threatening to drag you into unconsciousness. Through the haze of agony, you fought to stay conscious, your thoughts consumed by a desperate need to survive, to make it back to Joel, to warn him of the danger that now threatened you both.
“Hey, stay with me. I’m taking you to Jackson,” Tommy said desperately, but his voice was just an echo at this time.
The world seemed to spin around you as you fought to hold onto consciousness, Tommy's voice barely registering amidst the haze of pain and confusion. Every fiber of your being screamed in agony, but you refused to succumb to the darkness that threatened to consume you.
With a herculean effort, you summoned whatever strength remained within you, clinging to Tommy's words like a lifeline. Through sheer force of will, you forced your eyes to focus, locking onto Tommy's determined gaze as he lifted you into his arms.
The journey back to Jackson was a blur of agony and desperation, with each step sending waves of pain coursing through your battered body. But with every labored breath, you clung to the hope that burned within you—a determination to survive and protect those you loved.
As the walls of Jackson loomed into view, relief flooded through you, a flicker of hope amidst the darkness. With Tommy's unwavering support, you stumbled towards safety, with the promise of medical aid and the comfort of Joel's embrace urging you forward.
As you were carried through the gates of Jackson, the weight of exhaustion and pain threatened to overwhelm you.
Tommy stepped into Jackson's doors, crying out for help as you lay practically still in his arms. The wound in your stomach was major, and he couldn't shake the thought that you would die as a result of his inability to protect you.
As Tommy stormed through the doors of Jackson, his voice buzzing with desperation, terror spread throughout the neighborhoods. People turned their heads, concerned expressions on their faces, as they saw you almost unresponsive in his arms, crimson blood covering the clothes you were wearing.
A crowd swiftly gathered around Tommy, their alarming murmuring filling the air. Tommy ignored them, focusing entirely on getting you the help you so desperately needed.
As Tommy went towards the improvised infirmary, frantic yells sounded out, requesting the medical attention they had here. His steps were heavy with guilt, and each instant seemed to last forever as he feared the worst.
Finally, the infirmary doors swung open, and a team of medics led by Jackson hurried forward to take you from Tommy's arms. They worked fast and effectively, their expressions serious as they assessed the seriousness of your injury. 
Tommy stood back, his hands quivering with terror and remorse, as he saw the doctor rush into action. He couldn't shake the notion that your condition was a result of his failing to safeguard you from harm.
Joel's heart was tight with fear when he saw a commotion near the infirmary. Without hesitation, he raced towards the crowd, his instincts screaming for him to get to you as soon as possible.
Joel's heart raced in his chest as he pushed his way through the crowd, finally arriving at the infirmary entrance. He saw you, pale and frail, in the arms of the doctors, your life hanging in limbo.
Joel moved forward without hesitation, arms outstretched, reaching for you. "No," he murmured hoarsely, terror and desperation evident in his tone. "Please, don't let her die."
The medics stepped aside, allowing Joel to take you into his arms. As he held you close, he could feel the warmth of your body against his, but it was too still, too fragile. Tears welled in his eyes as he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, silently praying for your recovery.
“Hey, angel,” he murmured, finding strength in his voice. “Open those beautiful eyes of yours for me, baby, okay? Please, do it!” He continued sobbing as he caressed your hair. “I can lose everything, but not you... Oh god, not you, please?”
Joel kept holding you in his arms, preventing you from going away from him, and you could feel his touch, his care, and his voice pleading with you to stay with him. You wanted that, you wanted so bad, but the strength was dying inside you, and everything you ever knew went black.
You became a lifeless frame in the arms of your biggest love. When you stopped breathing, Joel’s heart stopped beating because, as if it was glass, it shattered.
The look of the doctor and the face of Tommy told them the truth he didn’t want to acknowledge, confirming the unthinkable: you were gone. In that moment, time seemed to stand still as Joel's world shattered around him. He clung to your lifeless form, his body racked with sobs as he struggled to comprehend the enormity of his loss.
"No, no, please," Joel choked out, his voice breaking with grief as he held you close, unwilling to accept the truth of what had just happened. Tears streamed down his cheeks unchecked, his sobs echoing in the silence of the infirmary.
For a moment, time stood still as Joel clung to you, unwilling to let go and unwilling to accept that you were gone. The world around him blurred, and the pain in his heart was too overwhelming to bear.
But as the reality of your loss settled over him, Joel's grief turned to rage, a primal, consuming fury that burned through him like wildfire. With a guttural cry of anguish, he cradled you in his arms, his body trembling with the force of his emotions.
In that moment, Joel felt as if his world had come crashing down around him, leaving nothing but darkness and despair in its wake. He had lost everything—the love of his life, his reason for living, his angel.
And as he held you close, his heart shattered into a million pieces, each one a painful reminder of the love he had lost and the life that had been snuffed out too soon. For Joel, the world had ceased to exist, consumed by the gaping void left in the wake of your passing.
He was never going to kiss you again; he was never going to hold you close at night or wake up to your smile in the morning. The future he had imagined, filled with laughter and love, now lay shattered at his feet.
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A few hours later, Joel woke up in your shared bed, and you were sleeping next to him.
Joel's hand extended out to touch you, and a sense of warmth and comfort came over him. For a little while, he felt the smoothness of your skin beneath his fingertips and the rise and fall of your chest as you breathed peacefully beside him.
But then reality slammed back in like a tidal wave, yanking him from his comfortable state of sleep. His hand gripped the empty air, his fingers wrapping around nothing but chilly emptiness.
Joel's eyes opened abruptly, and he found himself lying in the dimly lit space, alone in the bed that had previously accommodated both of you. The ache in his chest returned with vengeance, a searing pang of anguish piercing his heart as he realized you were no longer alongside him.
Joel let out a deep sigh as he ran his hand through his hair, the memories of the dream still fresh in his mind. It felt so genuine and so vivid that, for a brief minute, he believed you were still alive and with him.
You were gone, taken from him in a cruel twist of fate, and no amount of dreaming could bring you back to him.
It's been a week, and he didn't attend your funeral because he was unable to accept that you were no longer alive.
Until today, when he stepped out of the house, which was surrounded by the flowers that some members of the community had left for you, and walked to your graveyard.
As Joel approached your graveyard, he felt an enormous burden settle over him—the weight of grief and loss that had been his constant companion in the days since your death. The walk appeared longer than it had ever been, with each step weighed down by the weight of his grief.
As he reached the grave, Joel's heart tightened with agony and need. The sight of the newly turned earth and the plain headstone traced your name as if it were your face. Joel's heart tightened with agony and need. The sight of freshly churned ground, with a simple monument marking your final resting place, acted as a sharp reminder of your absence.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you; I'm sorry I couldn't save you."
Tears welled in Joel's eyes as he laid a bouquet of flowers at the foot of the headstone, each bloom a silent tribute to the love and loss he felt in his heart. The scent of the flowers mingled with the earthy aroma of the graveyard, a poignant reminder of the fleeting beauty of life and the inevitability of death.
Joel's voice quivered as he spoke, every word heavy with the weight of his despair and sorrow. He kneeled near the grave, his hand resting on the cool surface of the headstone, seeking comfort in the memory of your love.
"I want you to know that it was never me who protected you, but you who protected me," Joel said quietly, his words barely audible above the delicate murmur of the wind through the trees. "You were always the one who gave me strength, who showed me what it meant to love and to be loved."
As Joel spoke, tears streamed down his cheeks, revealing his real and unadulterated grief. At that time, surrounded by the serene tranquility of the graveyard, he felt profound loss, a yawning void that could never be filled.
"But now you're gone," Joel added, his voice breaking with sadness. "And I do not know how to go on without you."
Joel rose to his feet after one final long glance at the headstone, a sensation of purpose coming over him. He may have lost you, but he promised to always carry your love with him, to respect your memory in all he did, and to find a way to move forward, even in the face of his greatest pain.
You were always in every star shining above, in the sky.
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He was back in the dimly lit room, with the weight of the grief still over his shoulders, and with trembling hands, he reached for the small camera you had traded, his fingers tracing the familiar contours of the device.
As he turned it on, the screen flickered to life, illuminating the darkness with a soft glow. And there, displayed before him, was the image he had captured of your sleeping, your peaceful expression a bittersweet reminder of how simply you could make him happy.
With a heavy heart, Joel reached out, his fingertips gently tracing the patterns of your face on the screen. It was as if he could feel your presence beside him.
Tears welled in Joel's eyes as he lingered on the image, his heart aching with longing for the touch he could no longer feel. But in that moment, surrounded by memories of you, he found a glimmer of solace, a reminder that though you were gone, your love would always remain.
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imloyaltoscoups · 22 days
i'm ready | yoon jeonghan
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After seven long years, you finally find yourself in a place of true peace and contentment. The journey to this point hasn't been easy - the scars of heartbreak and betrayal ran deep, and it took time to heal and rebuild yourself.
But you did it. You persevered through the nightmares, finding strength in your own resilience and determination. With each passing day, you focused on your own growth and development, pouring your energy into your studies and your personal pursuits.
Completing your PhD was a milestone, a testament to your dedication and perseverance. It wasn't just an academic achievement: it was a symbol of your triumph over adversity, a tangible reminder of how far you've come since the pain of your past.
Along the way, you learned valuable lessons about self-love and self-care. You realized the importance of prioritizing your own needs and desires, of carving out space for yourself in a world that often demands so much of us.
The first years were undoubtedly the hardest. You struggled to find your footing, grappling with the weight of your emotions and the uncertainty of starting over. You were cautious with those who approached, wary of opening yourself up to the possibility of hurt once again.
But with time, you learned to trust yourself again. You rediscovered your worth and your strength, and you refused to let the pain of your past define you. You learned to allocate love and care for yourself, recognizing that you are deserving of the same kindness and compassion that you so freely gave to others.
You pause mid-packing, taken aback by your friend's unexpected enthusiasm. They shake the ticket with excitement, their smile infectious despite your initial reluctance.
"Y/N!!! We're going to Koreaaaa!" they exclaim, their voice filled with enthusiasm.
You hesitate, the memories of your past trip to Korea still lingering in the corners of your mind. The thought of returning to the place where so much heartache had occurred fills you with a sense of apprehension.
But before you can voice your concerns, your friend speaks up again, their tone resolute. "You're okay now, right? So it's okay to visit that country again. And besides, who knows when we'll have the chance to see our friends first ever exhibit. If you're worried of bumping with that piece of shit. Don't worry—I'll give him a piece of my mind. Maybe even a punch and a chokeslam for good measure!... I should have been with you when you went there" she pouted.
Their words catch you off guard, but you can't help but laugh at their fierce loyalty. Despite your reservations, their unwavering support gives you a glimmer of courage.
"Alright," you say, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "This is for our girl."
With a newfound sense of determination, you resume packing, knowing that this trip will be different from the last. Armed with the support of your friend and the strength you've gained from overcoming your past, you're ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead. And who knows? Maybe this time, Korea will hold new memories of joy and adventure, rather than pain and heartache.
As you arrive at the exhibit of your best friend, you're filled with a sense of pride and excitement. You rush forward and envelop her in a big hug, a smile spreading across your face.
"Congratulations queen, you did it!" you exclaim, squeezing her tightly. "I'm so proud of you for pursuing your dream of being an artist. Look at the crowd!"
She returns the hug with equal enthusiasm, her eyes shining with happiness. "Thank you so much! I couldn't have done it without you guys. You two kept on pushing me to do this and here we are."
She then shows you around the exhibit, pointing out each piece with pride, you can't help but marvel at her talent and creativity. Each painting tells a story, a reflection of her passion and dedication to her craft.
As you admire her work, she offers you two a glass of champagne, a gesture of celebration for this momentous occasion.
"Cheers to you and your incredible talent," you say, raising your glass in a toast. "May your art continue to inspire and captivate audiences around the world."
She clinks her glass against yours, a wide smile lighting up her face. "Thank you, and cheers to our friendship. I'm so grateful to have you two by my side."
Together, you three sip your champagne and continue to explore the exhibit, basking in the joy of this special moment shared between friends. And as you revel in the beauty of her art and the warmth of her friendship, you know that this is a memory you'll cherish for years to come.
Time pass by and your best friend excuses herself to greet other visitors, you nod understandingly, letting her immerse herself in the moment. Beside you, your other friend suddenly excuses herself to rushed off to the bathroom, leaving you alone amidst the bustling gallery.
As you scroll through the gallery, admiring the artwork, a familiar voice calls out your name. You turn around and are surprised to see Jeonghan standing there, holding a glass of champagne. To your own surprise, you feel no shock or hurt at his presence. Instead, you feel a sense of calm and resolution.
"Hi," he says, his voice tentative as he approaches you. "How are you?"
You offer him a small smile. "I'm doing better than ever," you reply confidently. "I got my PhD and now I'm planning on doing my residency."
Jeonghan's eyes light up with genuine pride. "That's amazing," he says, offering his congratulations. "I always knew you would achieve great things."
You exchange conversation for a while, catching up on each other's lives. Eventually, Jeonghan takes a deep breath and admits once again that he is truly sorry for the pain he caused in the past.
You nod, feeling a sense of closure wash over you. "I've forgiven you," you say simply.
His eyes widen with hope, and for a moment, you see the flicker of longing in his gaze. But before he can say anything else, a commotion interrupts the moment.
A little kid comes running towards you, calling you "mama." You glance down and see your baby boy, and you can't help but smile as you scoop him up into your arms.
"Where's Papa?" you ask, and just then, a voice responds—a man carrying your one-year-old daughter.
Jeonghan stands frozen, his eyes wide with disbelief as he takes in the sight of your family. You introduce your husband to him, and as you do, your baby boy innocently asks who the man you're talking to is.
"He's one of the singers mommy used to love," you reply gently, trying to keep the atmosphere light.
Jeonghan introduces himself to your family, his emotions held back as he struggles to maintain his composure. But as the moment stretches on, you can see the glass in his hand trembling, a silent testament to the storm of emotions raging within him.
"Mama, can we look for Tatie?" your baby boy asks, his eyes wide with curiosity.
You smile down at him and give a nod. "Of course, sweetheart. Let's go find her," you reply, your heart swelling with love for your children.
Turning to Jeonghan, you offer a polite smile. "It was nice meeting you again," you say sincerely.
Your baby boy tugs at your hand, eager to leave. "Goodbye, Uncle!" he chirps before running off with your husband and daughter.
Jeonghan watches them go, his face a mixture of shock and sadness. You offer him a sympathetic smile before turning away to search for your best friend.
As you walk with your husband by your side, his arm wrapped around you protectively, you feel a sense of peace wash over you. You lean into him, grateful for his unwavering support and patience.
"Thank you for being so patient love," you murmur, pressing a quick peck to his cheek.
He smiles down at you, his eyes filled with warmth. "You're very brave, you know that," he says simply, his voice filled with admiration.
You feel a surge of gratitude for the life you've built together, for the love and happiness that surrounds you. And as you continue to search for your best friends, you realize that maybe visiting Korea isn't so bad after all, especially when you have your family by your side.
In that moment, you realize that the greatest revenge you can provide to Jeonghan is finding your own happiness without him. And as you find your own people who cherish and support you, you know that you've already won.
part 1, part 2
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....... ≿━━━━༺JEONGHAN༻━━━━≾ .......
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