#please be nice im nervous
imnotgreen-art · 1 month
my warm hands comic :)
it took me WAY too long to finish this, but I had an incredible time with it
it is by no means perfect, my art is a little inconsistent cause of the sheer amount of time this took me, and my designs are nowhere near canon accurate - but I'm still pretty proud of it :]
besides it's just silly fanart isn't it
!!! MASSIVE spoilers for The Warm Hands of Ghosts as this is based on the last few pages of the book !!!
the words and characters and story of course were written by the incredibly talented Katherine Arden but the art is all by me :-)
below the cut ⬇️
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thanks so much for reading , and thanks to @kkatz0 for suggesting this as a DOODLE PROMPT which I took way too far
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windwenn · 2 months
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Fuck you (transes ur mulder)
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sootsz · 9 months
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1 bird. many stones.
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thecoolblackwaves · 2 months
Please try not to start any arguments, this is purely for curiosity's sake! Judgement isn't cool and we all have personal reasons for our feelings that we are not obligated to explain to everyone. If anything, take this post as an opportunity to find like-minded people to yourself and curate your experience!
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kamaluhkhan · 1 year
i'm not wanting anything (but your loving, your body, and a little bit of your brain)
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pairing: shuri x fem!reader
summary: being an avenger doesn't leave you much time for college life (let alone a girlfriend), you and gwen stacy accidentally show up to a halloween party in a couple's costume, and shuri is determined to prove who you really belong to.
warnings: allusions to PTSD and death, mentions of alcohol and partying and smut - fingering (both shuri and reader receiving), oral (shuri receiving), thigh riding....
song inspo: "thats what i want" by lil nas x
a/n: hello!! this is my first time posting a fic on tumblr and im so nervous but very excited because shuri has been on my mind for the longest time. reader is an avenger in her senior year of college and best friends/roommates with peter parker. this is set before black panther: wakanda forever, and after endgame but some things are different (the blip was only a year, steve and tony both died in the final battle with thanos). anyways, please enjoy!!
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before the blip, you had the whole work/life/superhero thing (mostly) down to a science. now, everyone was still processing the absolute mindfuck of half the universe being snapped away by a mad titan, only to be returned by a group of heroes one year later.
in the midst of it all, the girl you'd travelled across time and space for somehow ended up low on your priority list, but you found comfort in the fact that it was mutual. you were busy in new york, with college (senior year was kicking your ass) and avengers work (trying to keep the city safe with half the team gone and the others scattered across the universe was exhausting) and your internship at oscorp (basically unpaid labor, but you needed the credit to graduate). shuri spent most of her time catching up on what she missed, working on scientific and technological developments in wakanda whenever she wasn't travelling with her brother around the world for united nations or wakandan outreach reasons. there was only so much calling or texting that can be done before your relationship started to feel like an afterthought.
tonight was supposed to change all that.
harry osborn was throwing a 'halloween in january' party. shuri was in new york with t'challa, but she'd promise to keep this night free, and you promised the same. you were looking forward to being surrounded by a crowd of drunk 20-somethings, taking shots, dancing to music that was way too loud, feeling shuri next to you.
normally, you didn't dress up for the holiday - wearing a supersuit all the time kinda takes the novelty away from wearing a costume - but if halloween could be in january, you decided tonight would be the exception. you'd decided on a red lace bralette with a matching vinyl skirt, fishnet stockings, and a headband with devil horns. you didn't normally show this much skin. it was supposed to be a surprise for shuri, and the hope was that the outfit would drive her crazy. you had finished decorating your face with glitter and were about to swipe on some red liquid lipstick when the text signal rang from your phone.
shuri ♡
i won't be able to come to the party tonight - brother wants me to join him at an ambassador's dinner. i'm sorry. love you.
you knew that there had been one too many times when you had done the same to her - needing to attend to your avengers duties instead of spend time together, cancelling at the last minute on plans you were both looking forward to. you would see each other next time one of you happened to be in the same place, which started to feel less and less likely. that was just the way things were. you were fine with it. totally fine.
after you send shuri a quick no worries! i understand, you finish applying your makeup, taking one last look in the mirror, ready to party even if you didn't have your girlfriend by your side.
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harry osborn was shirtless, wearing only a red and gold tie, jeans, and round glasses. you were pretty sure peter choked on spit when harry walked up to you, chest sparkling with a mixture of sweat and glitter under the disco lights.
"magic harry potter, right?" you guessed, glimpsing the lazily drawn lightning bolt on his forehead.
harry grinned and did a little spin to show off his costume. "hogwarts student by day, stripper by night," he said, voice strong over the pounding music. he gestured to your outfit, eyes lingering at the top of your bralette. "you look amazing. and you...." he looked peter up and down. "damn."
peter was wearing an earlier model of his spiderman suit. you'd told him it might not be the best costume to wear when he was still very much clinging to the whole secret identity thing. he didn't particularly care, though: apparently, he overheard a certain heir to the oscorp dynasty gush about how hot spiderman must be under the suit, and how much hotter it would be to be tied up by his webs. needless to say, by the way harry looks equally entranced by peter as peter is by him, your guess is that his eavesdropping paid off.
"come on parker, let's dance." harry didn't wait for an answer, only pushed through the crowd of people. he turned around and locked eyes with peter, a flirtatious grin on his face. you spotted a bar in the corner, and bartenders dressed up as various halloween creatures who walked around with trays of bright neon shot glasses. when a skeleton offered you some, you grabbed a few before they moved on to a trio dressed up as the powerpuff girls.
"i don't have to go if -"
"go," you interrupted, handing peter one of the drinks in your hand. "one of us should get laid tonight."
even though the flashing multicolored lights made it difficult to know for sure, you guessed that peter was blushing. you clinked glasses, downed the shots. peter kissed your cheek.
"love you!" he said before disappearing into the crowd to find his wizard with shining abs.
you smiled, and made your way to the bar. next to the bar was a table of halloween themed snacks - candy, sugar cookies in the shape of ghosts, orange cupcakes and more - so you popped a few pieces of candy corn into your mouth before ordering a drink. you took another jello shot while you waited, this one sweeter than the last and neon green. looking around the room, you were impress by how decorated it was: orange string lights, pumpkins, ghosts and bats floating from the ceiling. you wouldn't have guessed that harry osborn would be into this kind of thing, assuming that he was a trust fund kid used to parties at yacht clubs, but as "monster mash" played through the speakers, you had to admit you were pleasantly surprised.
you scanned the room to see if there was anyone you recognized. you spotted a mermaid making out with a pink power ranger; a group of fairies doing body shots; someone wearing a zombie captain america costume (steve rogers version) and another in a zombie iron man suit, both of which felt more than a little insensitive. it hadn't even been a year since they were gone, and you didn't need the reminder. you glared at the zombies from across the room, and the captain america actually noticed you, offering some sort of awkward salute, like you were a war hero. somehow, that made everything worse and the room suddenly felt suffocating and you just needed some air -
that was how you found yourself on the balcony, overlooking the manhattan skyline. there were heaters outside, thank the gods, so it wasn't too cold. you could still hear the chaos of the party from behind the glass doors, but other than that you were alone - or so you thought.
"you look hot."
you turn around to see gwen stacy in all her glory, wearing an almost perfect replica of claire danes' angel costume from romeo + juliet. the two of you were co-workers more than friends, both working at oscorp along with peter and harry, but it was comforting to see a familiar face.
"and you look amazing," you complimented.
"here, you looked like you might need this." she handed you a sugar cookie decorated with orange frosting and black sprinkles, which you gratefully accepted.
you split it in half, handing one back to gwen before devouring your own. you washed it down with the neon orange drink you'd ordered earlier, before offering a sip to gwen.
"god, is that --"
"vodka and orange crush," you explained. "apparently harry osborn likes to color coordinate his parties like he does his lab notes. at least this makes sense."
gwen laughed, angelic and carefree. "you wanna go back inside? i've always wanted to dance with the devil, and i was hoping this would be my lucky night."
you'd been around long enough to know that gwen was flirting with you and even if you were totally, completely committed and in love with a certain wakandan, you were feeling a little tipsy (probably more from sugar than alcohol, it was hard to tell), and it felt nice to be complimented, to be noticed, to be touched. so, you let gwen lead you to the dance floor, your bodies close together. you let her flirt with you, and maybe flirted a bit with her back. you let people compliment your accidental couples' costume. you weren't sure how long passed, after a while you heard your name being called over the sound of "somebody's watching me" by rockwell. ironic, you knew.
instantly, you recognized the familiar accent and lilt of her voice. you turned around to see shuri, wearing a black satin suit lined with dark burgundy, the shirt underneath long gone, revealing only a black lace bra and a gold body chain and gods she looked so fucking hot right now, it felt like your entire body was on vibrate.
"shuri!" you exclaimed, voice an octave higher than usual, a little thrown off by her sudden appearance. "um, this is gwen."
"hey! it's nice to meet you. i like your vampire costume --"
"i'm not a vampire," shuri interrupted gwen before dragging you to the bar. she leaned against the counter and ordered a whiskey, draining it in one sip before practically slamming the glass back down. "what in bast's name was that?"
"we were dancing," you explained.
"it looked like the two of you were about to rip each other's clothes off," shuri snapped. "i didn't realize that was how you danced in america."
you bristled. shuri was the one who ditched you tonight, and now she was mad at you? "it's a party. we were just having fun. you're overreacting!"
"i showed up to surprise you, but maybe you'd rather go to bed with that angel over there."
"that's bullshit."
"no, what's bullshit is me walking in on my girlfriend grinding on someone else while wearing this outfit." her eyes grazed your body dangerously, and from the clench in her jaw you could tell she had to restrain herself. "so don't pretend you need me here. it seems like there are other girls you'd like to fuck instead."
shuri ordered another drink, but before it arrived, you dragged her to the nearest bathroom. one of the zombie avengers from before - iron man - was about to enter, but you beat them to it, effectively closing and locking to door behind you. you ignored the subsequent banging on the door. harry's apartment was huge; you were sure there was at least one more bathroom, and you couldn't bring yourself to care about whether that asshole got a uti or not.
while shuri remained standing, pacing back and forth on the marble floor, you leaned against the counter, watching her.
"what the fuck was that?" you asked, arms crossed over your chest. "you walk in here accusing me of what - wanting to cheat on you? do you know how ridiculous that sounds?"
"you have to admit, it couldn't have looked good from where i was standing. you grinding on some blonde girl, wearing a couple's costume. don't think i didn't notice that, too."
your cheeks felt warm, knowing that shuri might have a point. "in my defense, the costumes were a coincidence and the grinding.... maybe that was less of a coincidence," you admit. you walk over to shuri, placing your hands on her cheeks to get her to finally look you in the eye. she gently pushed you away, looking down instead, but stayed in front of you. "look, i get that it probably looked like --"
"like you wanted to have gwen's babies."
you took shuri's humor as a good sign, continuing with a soft smile on your face. "please know that i'm 110% committed to you. i would never want to do anything to make you think otherwise. but...i'm not going to apologize for dancing, and having fun, because shit's been....fuck, shuri, it's been hard."
"you don't think it's been hard for me, too?" she scoffed, finally meeting your gaze. "i was gone for an entire year, and the world just moved on, and - and maybe it doesn't need me anymore. maybe you don't -- " she let the words get caught in your throat, and she broke away from your gaze once more.
what you thought was a burst of jealousy was actually...something else.
"hey." you take her chin between your thumb and your index finger, turning her head to look at you. "hey. i don't care how many dates either of us miss, how many oceans or time zones separate us, you are my person and i'm yours, okay? i will always need you." you moved to drape your arms around her neck, and she instinctively grabbed your hips, hands dangerously close to your ass. your bare torsos touched, the cool metal of her body chain brushing against you and sending shivers throughout your body.
you could tell that her eyes were slightly glazed over, and wondered if she was about to cry. your heart ached as you placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, as if to let her know: i'm here, and i'm not going anywhere anytime soon.
she didn't say anything, but instead closed the gap between your lips. it was such a rush kissing her, after all this time. her lips tasted like whiskey, mixed with sugar from the candy you'd been eating. when you pulled apart you felt dizzy.
"shuri." you whimpered. she lowered her head to the side of your jaw, placing a kiss just below your ear before whispering:
"tell me what you need from me."
"so much," you answered. "i need you on top of me, under me, inside me."
shuri's lips ghosted yours, the hint of a smirk.
"come on, sithandwa," she taunted, letting her xhosa slip out. "you can do better than that. be specific."
"fuck," you groaned. you found yourself being pushed back against the counter, the marble cold against your bare skin. shuri didn't stop kissing you everywhere, her hands exploring your body. "i - i don't know. something, anything, everything. any time i try to get off i need to think of you, but it's never as good as the real thing. and now that you're here now...." your words trailed off into a sigh. right now, you couldn't make a reasonable argument, let alone a logical sentence, even if you tried. you just wanted to relish in the moment - to enjoy her.
you throw your head back when you feel her thumbs brush underneath the vinyl of your skirt, the slight pressure reminding you that she was here, with you, for you.
"fine, i'll decide," she said sternly. she gestured for you to sit on the counter, and you did just that. shuri adjusted her body between your thighs, spreading them wider. she shuddered seeing the red lace thong you wore, the lack of fabric covering you, and met your gaze once again, eyes darker than before. "you don't get to come if you don't stay quiet. so be quiet for me, yeah?"
you bit your lip and nodded. anything, everything. she smirked, pushed the fabric of your panties aside, and sunk two of her fingers into you, knowing you were ready for her. even after weeks, months, apart, shuri could always read your body, know what you needed, how you needed it. the answer was simple, really; like you said, it was always her, her, her.
she kissed you, harsh and messy, tongue and teeth, swallowing your moans as her fingers brought you closer and closer to your release. shuri pulled your bottom lip with her teeth before moving to suck on your collarbone, your jaw, your neck. she bit down on your skin, right at your pulse point.
"i thought - i thought you weren't a vampire," you attempted a joke, but that was a mistake. you'd let a low groan tumble from your lips. another when she let her tongue soothe over the sting from her bite.
"i don't appreciate the attitude," shuri replied, her voice steady, but the corners of her mouth, slightly upturned, threatening to turn into a smile, gave her away. she was loving this. "and, i told you to be quiet."
she removed her fingers from your cunt and promptly shoved them past your red lips. you groaned again when she kissed you roughly, the taste of you dancing across your tongues.
"we'll try one more time to see if you can follow instructions. make me come, and maybe you can finish after."
she swapped your positions and unbuttoned her pants, pulling them off along with her briefs, as you got on your knees before her.
there was a joke here about the devil worshiping an angel, but you were too focused on her. her smell, gods, her taste - it was too overwhelming, and all you wanted was more. you'd spent your whole life on your knees for shuri if you could: worshiping her body, worshiping her.
you draped one of her legs over your shoulder, giving your tongue better access. shuri tugged on your hair slightly and you moaned, sending vibrations up her body.
"bast, that's it," she groaned. you added a finger, while your tongue worked her clit. "fuck. i missed you."
you brought her to the edge, stayed with her as she came. she probably expected you to get back on your feet right away, but you stayed, adding another finger and sucking her clit. she moaned your name.
you pulled away slightly. "one more, pretty girl," you promised. "can you do that for me?" she nodded furiously, and you went back to work.
when she came once more, you kissed her ankle before releasing her leg. shuri pulled you up to your feet, sucked the taste of her off your tongue.
"i missed you, too." you pull away, breathless, heart racing. "do i get to come now?"
shuri hummed. her thumb wiped the smudged lipstick below your lip. she studied you, admired you, like you were a fucking work of art that belonged in the met, like you hadn't just fucked her through two consecutive orgasms in the bathroom at a rich kid's upper east side apartment while michael jackson's "thriller" played outside the door.
"take off your thong." you did as instructed. she pulled you towards her, and lodged a leg in between yours. your cunt brushed against the skin of her thigh, back and forth as shuri guided your hips. "i can't believe you got all dressed up like this. absolutely sinful. and these...."
her hands moved to your thighs, nails digging into the flesh and dragging across your fishnets, effectively ripping them.
"shuri!" you protested, though it sounds like a moan.
"i'll buy you more. now, are you gonna come for me?"
the sound of her voice, the feeling of her skin against your heat, the smell of the two of you intertwining, it was too much. your orgasm crashed into you, and you were grateful that shuri held you through it. you kissed her once more before removing yourself from her grasp, smoothing down your skirt and looking around for your underwear.
"where are my...."
you looked over as shuri tucked your red thong into the inner pocket of her jacket.
"i'm guessing you'll buy me replacements for those, too."
she flashed you a shit eating grin before putting on her own underwear. she then pulled up her pants, not wiping your release from her thigh. the thought of her walking around, leg sticky with you, made your pussy clench.
the sound of someone banging on the door brought you out of your post-orgasm haze.
"holy fuck! hurry up!" they shouted.
"given your costume, i would say that was an unholy fuck," shuri joked, adjusting your headband for you. you nudged her playfully, rolling your eyes.
"how about we stay for a few songs, steal some cupcakes and drinks, and then head back to my place for round two?" shuri nodded.
before you opened the door, you shot her one last devilish grin. "oh. and this time, i'm in charge."
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the next morning, shuri woke up to an empty bed and the smell of burnt cinnamon.
you were sitting on the small window bench in the corner of your room, a tangle of purple yarn on your lap and crochet needle in your hand. even though there was frost on the window, you only wore a pair of boxers printed with the word 'sunday' and cartoon suns, and an empire state university sweatshirt.
"sithandwa? the bed would be warmer with you in it."
you turned to look at her, snuggled under your brightly colored duvet, eyes half open.
"this should help."
you walked over and wrapped a purple scarf around her neck, sitting cross-legged in front of her. shuri sat up, but kept the duvet wrapped around her. there was still glitter decorating your face from last night, and shuri reached out to brush some away.
"you made this for me?" you nodded.
"rhodey taught me how. said it would help with...." you trailed off, not wanting to go into the details of your insomnia. "anyways, t'challa mentioned at our last team meeting that you're going to vienna after this. we went there once to take down a hydra base and gods, it was freezing."
shuri kissed you, pulling you into her blanket cocoon so that you were inside as well, straddling her waist. you broke apart, and she put her hands under your shirt. you shuddered at the sudden contact, her skin cold. her thumbs rubbed circles under your breasts.
"it gets pretty cold in new york, too, doesn't it?"
"yeah, but i can just make another one," you explained, letting your finger trace the details of her face, her sharp jawline. shuri took your hands in hers.
"no, i mean....i can still wear the scarf you made me when i stay in new york."
you brightened like one of those cartoon suns. shuri staying in new york for more than a day, more than a night, hasn't happened in so long. you yearned to wake up next to her regularly, kiss over coffee and bagels, take the subway together, show her the tourist sights you yourself haven't been to since you were a kid - the statue of liberty, coney island, the works.
you stopped your daydreaming there, not wanting to get too ahead of yourself. life is busy. plans change. people leave, for a little bit or forever. it happens.
"like for another day?" you asked, clearing your throat to subdue the excitement in your stomach.
shuri shook her head. you knew it would be too good to be true.
"like for me to move to new york. to live with you."
wait, what.
"shuri. wakanda's your home just as much as new york is mine. i know this long distance thing has been tough on us, but i would never ask you to leave your home, your family."
shuri said your name softly and gently brought her palms to your cheeks.
"you're not asking. i'm offering. the dinner i had to attend last night was to convince the UN to greenlight our wakandan outreach centre in new york," she explained. "if it goes through, my brother suggested that i be the one to lead it. on site."
"and that's what you want?"
"what i want to be wherever you are. i want to be part of your routine. i want to meet your friends, skip work and spend hours in bed together. i want to be here for you - for parties and movie nights and graduation."
at that word, you put your hand up. "i'm going to stop you right there before you send me into an existential crisis."
shuri grinned. "but yes to the rest of it?"
"yes. yes, of course." you pushed her onto the bed so that you were both lying down, facing each other, your legs tangled together. "so...when is this happening?"
"probably in a month, maybe a month and a half. there are still hands to shake, contracts to sign."
"bureaucracy," you sighed. shuri giggled, and your heart fluttered at the thought that you would get to hear that sound on a regular basis in person, not just through cellphone frequencies.
"i am, however, staying for a few more days while my brother takes care of things in vienna. so you're not getting rid of me just yet."
"now that is great news." you kissed her once, then twice.
suddenly, there was a knock on your door.
shuri readjusted your position so that the length of the duvet covered both of your bodies. "come in pete!" you said once she was done.
the door opened and peter parker's face came into view, along with a plate of those ready to bake cinnamon rolls that must have been fresh out of the oven.
"there's extra if you want," he offered.
"that'd be great, thanks." you gratefully accepted the plate, swiping some icing from the edge and licking it off your finger. "what's the special occasion?"
peter cleared his throat. "no special occasion."
you glanced the hickey on his collarbone. "oh, so harry stayed over last night and you wanted to make a good impression on him. breakfast in bed, domestic husband, sort of thing."
"that's not --"
"that's exactly it!" a voice from the kitchen interrupted.
"good morning, harry!" you replied, smiling tauntingly at peter.
"harry, i don't think we've met!" shuri added. "peter has told me so much about you...."
peter groaned and flipped you both off before shutting the door.
"thanks for the cinnamon rolls!" you shouted.
there was a pause before the door opened slightly. a curt, "you're welcome," was offered before it was closed once again.
you got up to put on a record as shuri devoured a cinnamon roll.
"you know, i'm really happy you're staying for a bit because i actually need your help with some things." you ripped off a piece covered in frosting and stuffed it in your mouth.
shuri raised her eyebrow, waiting for you to explain.
"my electric toothbrush has been weird - i can't figure out, for the life of me, what is wrong with it - and i've asked peter to fix it one too many times at this point," you continued, ticking off checkboxes in your head. "i wanted to talk to you about some potential upgrades for my suit that i would love your opinion on. oh, and i'm pretty sure i also broke my vibrator." you grinned sheepishly. "i didn't even bother to ask peter about that one because we don't need to be that close."
shuri stiffled a laugh, muffled by a mouthful of cinnamon and cream cheese frosting. she swallowed. "how do you even break a vibrator?"
"i don't know!" you exclaimed. "that's where you come in."
"baby." shuri wrapped her arms around your torso. "if i'm staying around for a while, you won't need a vibrator."
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chaosandthe-deadblog · 4 months
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if youre interested, fill out this google form below :) thanks in advance!
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faggotpussy · 27 days
… 😳
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kazswift · 1 month
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the raven boys
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your-local-mom-whore · 10 months
Why do I do this?
Summary: Sweetheart’s having a rough time, Milo is wonderful, and so is Aggro.
Genre: Fluffy Comfort like the softest of soft, the title looks misleading I know
CW: Some slight self doubt but that’s all
Note: Like I said this is my first piece of writing I’ve ever posted, so please do be nice to me I’m very fragile.😂 It’s a little over 900 words so I can’t decide what to call it, but I adore Milo and Sweetheart. Enjoy my dears!
The clock ticked somewhere in the background of Sweetheart’s home office. It read late into the evening already. Hunched over case files on top of case files, looking for anything. A lead, a thread, a crumb, something to give them answers to the investigation they were leading. They’ve read over it all a hundred times by now, the words practically blurred and still nothing. Their groan rang through the room as they rubbed their eyes trying to gain the focus back. A few moments later they heard footsteps coming down the hall to them. A heavy pair accompanied by significantly lighter ones plus a jingle and a meow or two. Milo knocked twice on the office door. “Come in Mi.” They sounded exhausted and they just knew Milo was gonna read them riot act on resting and he’d be right. Milo had other plans though.
“Hey sweetheart, that was a big groan. You alright in here?” They faced him, leaning on the door frame with aggro sitting at his feet. “Oh I’m just peachy, can’t you tell?” They laughed but no humor was there. He entered fully with Aggro following suit, hopping onto his cat tree in the corner. Walking into the room Milo could practically feel the frustration and doubt in the air. “What’s going on baby?” He said taking a seat on the edge of their desk. The soft tone almost made Sweetheart break. They sat in silence for a moment “Milo why do I do this job?” His brow crinkled in confusion. “What do you mean?” Sweetheart looked at the ceiling, continuing “Why do I do this? All these cases, they’re all starting to go cold. I can’t figure any of them out. Lives are being put at risk and I can’t pick out the answers to the problems. There’s nothing. I feel like all these hours, all this work, all these peoples hurt means nothing. Simply because I can’t figure it out. So why do I do it if it’s getting me no where?” Finally raising their head to look at him, tears lining their tired eyes. “What if all this means nothing? What if I can’t figure it out, the case goes cold, and onto the next only for it to happen again?”
Milo felt his heart crack looking at his sweetheart. They were so strong all the time even when they didn’t need to be. Seeing them this broken up was rare but it hurt him just the same every time. “That’s not going to happen Sweetheart. Wanna know how I know?” They nodded, blinking away their frustrated tears. “Because I know you. I know this incredible mind you have. I know the unending work ethic that might just be too strong for your own good,” that got a chuckle from them, one win for Milo.”I know the care you put into every case you work. I know the investigator you are. Every minute of work you do gets you somewhere, even if it doesn’t feel like it for a while, it does. You’re moving. God knows you refuse to stay still ever.” Another laugh. It only encouraged him further.
Kneeling down in front of their chair, he held their hands. “Sweetheart, you’re the best investigator I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen a quite few in my life. You’re the best in the department whether they know it or not, you are. You asked why do you do this? You do it because you care, you want to help others, you want to bring some peace and justice into this world. That’s why. And you do it everyday. Your work, your choices, your mind, all of you will figure this out. You will get to the end of it all and you will come out on the other side, ready to help the next poor sap who has to come to the department” He pressed a hand to their cheek, warm and familiar. “I have every bit of faith in you. You know I don’t give that out easy.” Taking hold of his wrist and leaning into the palm on their cheek, Sweetheart smiled. Their smile lit up their face finally, soft, kind, and absolutely perfect Milo thought. The tiredness was still there but Sweetheart looked just a little happier. “Thank you Milo. Really. I hate bringing all this home with me but you always know what to say.” As they leaned in for a kiss, Aggro jumped in Sweethearts lap before they met in the middle. “Ever the moral support little man.” Milo chuckled. “Well you know how he gets when either of us are upset, he has to be involved in the cheer up process.” Sweetheart hugged the feline who only purred in response. Clearly happy his owners felt better. Standing, Milo said “Yeah, yeah he’s a real hero. Wanna come make dinner with me? I think you could use a break from all this.” He gestured vaguely to their desk. “I’d love that but you have to pick what we’re making I have no brain power for decisions.” Leaning in to finally get his kiss with Sweetheart meeting him half way, a short kiss but with all the tender love and care the two had for eachother. As they pulled apart Milo sighed out a “You got it Sweetheart.” Walking out of the office toward the kitchen Aggro let out his signature meow at the mention of dinner. “Yes and food for you too bud.”
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transgeirmder · 3 months
okay so the person who i normally go to to read over my emails (anxiety) i can’t go to for this, so bare with me please
Hi [Name],
My name is [Fern] and I had some questions about services that I don’t know if you would be able to answer. I am not a member and I am not Jewish. However I am interested in learning more about Judaism and am wondering if I could attend a morning Shabbat service. If not, that is completely understandable. Thank you so much!
is this okay? i feel like i should kinda lay everything out to begin with. but i don’t want to come across as too much or as being idk suspicious or threatening(??)
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vampirecorset · 4 months
okay okay so a part in the beginning did get cut out on accident so I was basically saying like oh hey I’m fine just feeling a bit down lately, and you can guess the rest LMAO
I didn’t want to redo it so..
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goldenhyac1nth · 6 months
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low quality sketch of a Mechanisms OC/Persona cause hrgrgrgrgrggrgrhrgegge
Cora, She/They, refuses to give their last name
Mechanism: Neck
sounds like a fucking vocaloid ("Hatsune Miku does NOT talk to British people!!!" /ref)
havent decided her instrument (if she even has one)
they were beheaded :3
literally everything about them is in progress rn so like. it might ALL change
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korisreblogcorner · 4 months
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I love you, magical girl Arthur Morgan
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sunshineram · 2 months
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cool ghost fella!
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mysteriorb · 4 months
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mysterio sim reveal!
i couldn't find any CC for mysterio's outfit so i just gave him a bag on his head.
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c00lac0la · 10 months
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hi im not dead!!
(don't mind the middle drawing on the top, just something i made for silly comfort ok don't hate me ;v;) (Also new dni banner ayyy)
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