seemebaremyteethforyou · 11 months
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"Do you have any concept of what the bond between an Alpha and his Beta is like?"
quote by Malorie Blackman, Checkmate for @scottappreciation week <3
ps: a shout out to my annoying sibling @jennnifersbody that carried my ass every time I wanted to throw this edit in the garbage and who also inspired the concept. I couldn't have done it without you and it's my favorite work for this event so far <;3
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pikselis · 1 year
Sims tag
Got tagged by @episims ty :> ✨
(this post is so long my dudes ;_____;)
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What’s your favourite sims death? Hmmm... THE VIOLING BATTLE WITH THE CRIM REAPER IN THE SIMS 2 PS2 VERISON!!! LIKE BRO- !! but it's not a death tho ;___; aaaaa... maybe like dying of embarrassment beeing yourself in sims 4 just because it was the most emotion I had in sims game. Maybe secondary was sim specific death of Irene Johtojärvi where sims cheered when she died xD.
Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Maxis match :O
Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? Nope, in sims 2 is actually hard to keep someone not fit... like expecially with the being so addicted to the damn exersice bike (¬_¬ ) !!
Do you use move objects? Yes.
Favorite mod? OOÄÄ- ??? I dunno man, I have too many like must have mods. But maybe the community time one? like you can't really play with all the family members in other sims games like you can with this in sims 2. Like in sims 3 and sims 4 I just mostly play with like one sim, but with this I kind of like extra time to focus on this sims life without missing out on the rest of the household? I dunno. Like it's not perfect, but it really revolutionized my gameplay.
First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? With sims 2 i have like no idea (I was really young visiting my friend's house), after that I got ultimate collection I think?. With all of the games sims busting out for PS2 was my first sims game. (lol pien lukihäiriö minä luki sen ain et ryntää raiteille O__O)
Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? Live...? i dunno 🧍‍♂️ ...like live tv?
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Hmm prop all the ones with asymmetry. Tbo I like seeing the game mix me children with the ones i have created more than the ones I have created.
Have you made a simself? Maybe when I was a child?
What sim traits do you give yourself? unstable, commitment issues, easily impressed, overly emotional, perfectionist/proper 👁👁
Which is your favorite EA hair color? all I can say is that i hate the yellow blond ;____;
Favorite EA hair? maybe these? (I tbo like most of them, but these have my fave colors and textures too on top of the mesh)
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13. Favorite life stage? Adult :/ I do like teens, but maybe if they had even more freedom
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? Hmm… I like really like both and they like inspire each other. So I would say both!
15. Are you a CC creator? Nah, I just know how to edit the location of stuff and maybe some minor changes?
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? I do know couple of people irl who play sims 4? But not really :o
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4) How is the Sims busting out not in here?????? 10/10 😌👌
18. Do you have any sims merch? no.
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? nope. It could be fun tho :o
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? I pay more attention to smaller things. I sometimes just let my sims do whatever and sip my tea. I don't try to make the play as "prefect" I make more sims who are unhappy/poor/unempoyed.
21. What’s your Origin ID? no. O_O
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? I like you all bitch 🔪🔪😘
23. How long have you had a simblr? since 2019 👁👁
24. How do you edit your pictures? I crop them and add some blur effect to the background with krita (it's kind of shitty tho xD but who cares) and them might do some like darkening effect on the side of the picture. Depends on if I'm in the mood to be fancy or if the picture needs it? I'm really not good at this aspect so I still have lots to learn.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? If you think about it, with CC we can get all the expansions we could ever want. Only creativity, skill and time is our barriers. 👁👁
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? The Mansion and Garden one!
I tag: I have seen this around a lot <.< but if you haven't been tagged consider yourself tagged! You can add me just normally ✨👌
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ffxiv 5.1-2
you can see sqnx is rolling in shb money. honestly i was fine with arr's lack of animations, voiceacting, and cutscenes. im a ps2 player reading doesn't bother me. i wish xiv was like fe3h where if you cutoff a dialogue line the voice line keeps going until the next is started. dungeons are really getting harder... do i risk dps and dying or tank. remember the days when yashtola was a conjurer and both twins arcanist. soo french elves german voeburt? i need those clawed shoes for my bunny. you sure that's a nu mou? they have tentacle hands and a different face. ah a glamour. they sound like a ten year old boy. beq lugg's a soul mage.... ah voeburt...
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like a primal?
i don't remember what was the excuse they gave for why the pc can freely travel between worlds.
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i don't think the light visual effect was the right one to use here. hmm the seperation of mind and boy. tempering was described as a filter or barrier between the mind and reality or something. the stagnation was from light aether. i remember early in 5.0 the writers went for quite a while describing how light was stagnant and dark vivacious.
welp i'm locked out of editing my draft. damn you tumblr.
anyways hadn't kal-shir moved to the crystarium also why didn't you ask her what's wrong.
here's the thing they established that upon buying their way into free citizenship they gave up all worldly possession to eulmore/vauthy. so all their private businesses's ownership was transferred to the State. unless vauthy sold them they should still be owner by eulmore. idk if vauthy kept them running or now just owns the trademark and stuff. also why not just make this wrenden mayor. i don't think making the parlor the seat of governance is a good idea. just convert vauthy's room to office space
they really are turning it into las vegas. which i mean the strip is a tax haven but nevada is doing pretty well, implemented some good policies recently. if it's advertising, could do traveling shows and pop up bars. bro you're getting paid in company credits don't do it ask for gil.
it was a whole plot point with moenbryda that white auracite can't store aether it just dissipates it quickly
i don't remember what a soul crystal is. but uh hey anyone remember job stones those picked up bits of memory and personality,
so zenos can use aether now. dude you're a dragoon break a window
look i have dps brain. killing the boss is mitigation. i was i suppose the know the adds explode and wipe me. also where's my easy mode
an echo with out the hydaelyn. hmmm. zenos probably got the battle echo.
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im only half listening to voiced lines but he does mention aymeric by name here
wow they're really dangling the plot thread teasers
ffxiv 5.2
ew. the gaius redemption arc.
oh wouldn't that be fun in this game actually forced the player character to choose between the scions and the threat of the garleans. shame that's not going to happen.
oh yeah the ardbert look alike plot thread.
timeline lore! g'raha arrived after everyone hated the wols, after the flood? pr campaign go! this ties in pretty well with cyella's quest. i do think the player character could use their time better like hello the ultima weapons and garlemald and war and scions, but ffxiv in general has a priorities problem (i remember the arr titan questline), and there's no one the crystarium loves more than the wod and crystal exarch. disturbing really how much influence these two people have. i hope there's a scribe present recording everything the pc is saying. im a bit iffy on the ethics too that 2 people (as moral as they actually are as we know out of universe) should be able to dictate history and opinion. should we be able to do this just because we personally like ardbert and have a personal connection with him. the fact that we're doing this not for truth's sake but because woe ardbert doesn't deserve a bad reputation rubs me the wrong way
huh he's acting like 3.x ardbert. interesting. uh wasn't warrior of light like specifically for hydaelyn's chosen. wow the pc HATES new arbert. i wonder why they are so convinced he's not ardbert initially when there is 0 evidence. like new ardbert walk into the room and pc immediately starts death glaring at them. i actually think it'd be more interesting if the devs had left it ambiguous as to whether that was actually ardbert or not instead of immediately telling the audience he's fake. because a lot of players really liked ardbert and dearly wanted him to come back. and i mean the new writers did bring back gaius, dragoon boy estinien. and fake ardbert acts so much like 3.x ardbert the devs could have made it ambiguous whether he had memory loss or not. string the player on a little have a couple heart to hearts hahaha. uri always refers to the paragons by full title, he's so stuffy and proper in japanese (unlike eng uri who's a theatre kid). it's never Elidibus like in eng it's always Ascian Elidibus, never Lahabrea it's always Ascian Lahabrea.
wol and mean wod different things. warrior of light refers to hydaelyn's chosen, possibly tempered, with the blessing of light, and echo. warrior of darkness meanwhile refers to the person to returned night to novrant no metaphysical implications or affiliation with zodiark. so it's real weird to hear the scions equating the two.
back to the bunnies! that statue's totally going to come to life and attack us. yup
wow the pc hates new ardbert so much "extend a friendly fist". the new writers crying and shaking and sweating and tearing their hair out over how to retcon the old writers saying that elidibus sought to balance light and dark because let's be real the old writers said that and probably didn't have a plan.
the elidibus writers definitely changed. warring triad and 3.x vs 5.x you can tell the writers were writing him for different goals different types of characters.
my, aren't we quick to believe one side of the story. the writers clearly are framing a good guy bad guy situation but if this were real and you look objectively at the situation there's isn;t enough information to be making drastic decisions like attacking the benthos.
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that's a little infantizing. the fish people are allowed to make bad decisions.
yeah why didn't we try the boat to begin with
why do we need bismark again. oh it's also buried underwater. could have just sent wol and alisaie instead of destroying another ecosystem
anamnesis anyder. surprisingly intact for 10000 years under the sea or something. unless the ondo have been refurbishing it. like the lights are even on. see originally bosses disappeared into purple wisps because they were ascian aether summons or something but even after that stopped being a plot point they kept the bosses poofing mostly, like there should totally be a corpse there that was a normal person/ondo why'd she go poof into dark aether. huh so that's a a female ondo/sahagin look like (ignoring that they gave the fish tits)
praxis. you help people by helping people. if you leave who's going to help the people of the crystarium and lakeland. who's going to protect the roads and keep the city functioning. what was that you do more by plants native plants in you garden then you do chasing some grade world saving dream. are the devs retconning the echo and hydaelyn connection and separating the two. i like this actually framed as a misconception. what is eli up to. trying to awaken the echo in more people? why didn't any of the scions get the echo if so many in that crowd did. (real reason plot breaking need to keep the pc special). the custom animations for ardbert's face. how did the pc awaken the echo i don't remember. or did we start in the hydaelyn cutscene. hmm what about 1.0 player characters. those two would honestly probably do more good staying in the guard adventuring seems to be a mix of oddjobs and mercenary work you aren't going to be heroes saving people it's a job like what if a crime lord hires you as a bodyguard against assassins.
if zenos didn't implant an artificial echo, maybe he could have awakened it naturally, should have gone to more meteor showers smh. but doesnt he hear hydaelyn's voice? could he be one of the few echoes not tied to hydaelyn?
also yeah i got spoiled on cystal mommy. the internet is is the internet. also asahi is malding from beyond the grave.
0 notes
guessknee · 1 year
about me !
aka me nerding out about things i like
Video Games !
the aesthetics, soundtracks, art, landscapes, everything about video games i love. i love playing jrpgs, visual novels and rhythm games. i love watching streams of all types of games though!
currently into watching apex legends, league of legends, valorant, csgo (on occasion), breath of the wild, and some older jrpgs.
i have a goal of beating one major game a month! i love playing games but i often buy too many at once and then play one while forgetting about the others. i dont know if anyone else has that problem so i made a system (gonna get really nerdy for a second) where i track video game releases im interested in for each of my consoles and i pick one game from each month to play and hopefully beat and one game to buy a collectors edition for (if available).
recently completed games
god of war ragnarok
crisis core reunion
one piece odyssey (almost complete 80% of the way done)
games im excited to play soon
the persona ports (jan release)
fire emblem engage (jan release)
octopath traveler 2 (feb release) - collectors edition preorder!
theatrhythm final bar (feb release)
kirbys return to dreamland (feb release)
story of seasons (jan release)
mobile games im playing
twisted wonderland
ensemble stars
genshin impact (on and off)
consoles i own (i have a weird thing with clue consoles and handhelds - i never realized i always bought blue ones till a about a year ago maybe its because i loved sonic as a kid...)
switch (animal crossing)
psp (light blue)
ps vita (light blue/white)
wii (i never use it)
2ds (blue)
dsi (light blue)
Anime / Manga !
i love anime and manga. ive grown up with it ever since i was around 5. i would stay up on saturday nights till 7 am when inuyasha would start playing on adult swim. if i was ever too tired i would record the episode on our dvr and would watch it after getting home from kindergarten. crazy age to watch inuyasha but i always found it so cool.
also grew up on naruto. i am such a naruto nerd i have rewatched the og and shippuden so many times i can tell people which episode events happened, i can sing the openings in order, i can name most characters, etc. the naruto brainrot is bad. same thing with bleach and dragonball z. the new bleach has me so hyped i loved watching every episode made me want to rewatch the main series but i have no time so i just watch small clips here and there.
i love just about every genre of anime tbh. sports animes (baki, hajime no ippo, kengan asura, one outs, eyeshield 21, etc). idol animes (idolish 7, tsukiuta, tsukipro, etc). shounen, mystery, shoujo, literally everything. i have to be in a certain mood to watch mech animes but whenever one comes out that catches my eye i put all my energy into watching it. i think the only genre i dont enjoy much is isekai, i used to like them but new ones come out too often i cant keep up.
currently watching
one piece (caught up)
blue lock
buddy daddies
vinland saga s2
trigun stampede
yowapeda limit break
tokyo revengers s2
Cars !
my day to day guilty pleasure is cars. i love cars. they are cool, go fast, go stutututu, whine, be loud, have cool lights, i love everything about a good car.
i have a brz! bought it myself and it is my pride adn joy. it is one of my favorite cars and when i bought it in november i literally cried. I drive manual and its so fun to me! i want to learn how to drift but im a bit nervous because i dont want to accidentally mess up anything in my car.
Reading !
i love books i love reading. i love fiction, sci-fi, philosophy, nonfiction, fanfiction, everything. I was never into books like harry potter and anything with too many magical elements in them but always loved horror and more mystery thriller books.
i have been dying to buy more physical books to add to my mini library in my room but theres a few books on my backlog i need to complete before i do that.
i also have a slowly growing manga collection that i desperately need to add to.
i read all day all night on my phone but the feeling of flipping real pages is so satisfying and having the weight of a book in my bag is just so nice.
Music !
not to toot my own horn but my spotify wrapped minutes is always 140k+. i listen to music all day everyday. while doing homework, reading, driving, working, in class (pay attention dont be like me), watching stuff it doesnt matter. i have a terrible habit of getting bored of something very easily so i always multitask and need 20 things happening at the same time so music is amazing at keeping me focused.
i love 'underground archive', rnb, krnb, jpop, citypop, lofi, rap, edm, literally a whole lot of stuff. i dont like pop that much ive grown to realize same with country, i can listen to it but only if someone else wants to.
thats it! literally my whole being in a post.
0 notes
pinksematary · 6 years
T̷H̴E̸ ̵N̴I̸G̸H̷T̵M̶I̵N̸D̵ ̶H̴O̴R̴R̸O̷R̵ ̸E̵X̴P̸E̵R̵I̶E̷N̶C̴E̸
@nick-nocturn Idk if you’ve ever thought about making a game, but I thought about it and was wondering what it would look like! So I made this little fake RPG thing I really hope you like it? It was such a blast to make! I joint posted this on twitter also but for some reason twitter won’t let people see things when i @ them so like ¯\_(° ͜ʖ °)_/¯. But your content always makes my day and got me so hardcore back into stuff I used to be so into years ago. You REALLY and obviously put so much work and dedication into your videos and It’s inspired me to draw and make art I NEVER would’ve thought to make before, so huge thanks, because you’ve given me a lot of good in the shitty world I live in, like being even more ok with being Bi because of you, and great horror videos to watch about things I absolutely love. SO big huge gigantic thank you for being? A great content creator who really takes me into a great world of horror.
You really are something special you shapeshifting cat monster bi-con 
-Sincerely a loving and dedicated fan <3
please do not steal, trace, copy, or repost this anywhere
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Game 140 - Persona 3: FES by Atlus
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What did I think it was at first? The first Persona game I finished was Persona 4, which I really really liked. Now that we have a PS2, I'm really excited to play another Persona game! Going back in time...
I hope that one day I finally get to play Persona 5.
How was the character creator? You can name your main character and choose some of his responses. I'm playing the FES edition of Persona 3, so I only had access to the male main character - wish I could choose!
The bread and butter of the game is fusing different personas together. There is some heritability of moves and some unique combos. I'd frequently find a Persona I loved and roll with it until it was no longer of a good level for my current content.
How was the game? There's definitely a darker tone here than there was in Persona 4, even though Persona 4 literally involves people dying? As a member of SEES, trying to solve the phenomenon of the Dark Hour was more of a slow-burn mystery than in Persona 4.
The game has a massive scope and there's a lot you have to balance. The structure felt familiar from Persona 4, but it was still tricky to get to the best outcome!
When the game is good, it's really, really good. The story opens up and only becomes anime-ridiculous at the very end. The characters are great, even though you don't get to spend a lot of time with them like you do in P4.
What did I not love? There's a little less control of the action in this game than there was in Persona 4. The battle system is still nice and snappy, but you don't get to control your 3 party mates which means a lot of watching the screen. It did make them feel more like teammates, but at times it was frustrating. Sometimes they would choose bad type matchups and either ruin the fight or actually kill me and end my run by not taking out the enemies.
At times, the game was very grindy. I was generally able to use my Persona knowledge to fight through the levels of Tartarus, but I'd end up very underleveled for the bosses in each section. I hate grinding so much... at times this game literally felt like a chore added on my to-do list. The instant-kill moves worked very often and felt unavoidable, which meant that I'd have to start over from a save even if one of my party members could theoretically revive me. By the final floor of the dungeon I was so bored by the combat that I had to make myself play through it so I could finally finish the game.
Fewer "what the fuck?" content moments than in Persona 4, which was nice. There was one transphobia moment that really caught me off-guard, and the casual attitude toward student-teacher romances really weirded me out? There are a lot of potentially upsetting self-harm/suicidal ideation visuals and discussions here too, which was weird.
Overall, I'd say that 80% of the game is absolutely lovely. However, I had the same problem here that I had in Final Fantasy VII. The final three bosses in Tartarus sucked. The first two were extremely simple and took forever, and the final boss has 14 PHASES and instant-kill moves. I tried it twice - the first time, I got to phase 7 and made a simple mistake. No biggie - tried it again, and got hit with an instant-kill move and couldn't recover. Gave up and watched a video of the ending. Really put a sour taste in my mouth after a game that was almost entirely wonderful.
At 60 hours and $32.00, was it really worth it? Again, when it's good, it's really really good. When it's not good, it's a slog to get through to the good parts again. I think I still prefer P4 to this one, but it's certainly not a bad game...if you have an extra 60 hours to spare!
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havens-most-wanted · 3 years
Jak 2 Opening Scene as Written by a Bot
Exactly as the title says. I plugged in snippets of the Jak 2 script into an AI text generator and got this. Bold is original script. Regular text is not. [text] is edited for continuity and clarity (doesn’t help much though). Enjoy.
Credits to: Rexy (game script, minor edits done by me) https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps2/914535-jak-ii/faqs/26498
AI Bot https://inferkit.com/
Warnings: Implied incest, random nonsense.
Here we go...
Samos's voice: For every age there is a time of trial.
It may be that it has happened to us and to me, but the Father tests everyone so that the just can become children of light.
We can only try to get through it with a minimum of fuss.
Like the soft - ball test.
When you're a kid, your parents throw you the soft - ball test.
They throw you the ball, and you run and run and run and run and run, and then you fall on the ground, and it's time to get up, and your ball rolls away somewhere else.
But then you remember your lessons.
The scene then shows up outside a hut in Sandover village, one of the locations in the previous game, where Jak, his ottsel friend Daxter, his female companion Keira, and her father Samos, the green sage, were seen near a large machine.
Samos: Today's the big day, Jak. I hope you are prepared, for whatever happens...
Keira: I think I figured out--
Samos: --That if I ever see you again, I'll…
Keira: W-what?
Samos: Sorry.
Keira: I think I made it pretty clear how I feel about you.
Samos: Sorry, but I can't be sorry.
Keira: You can't be? You can't be sorry you're sorry? I don't get it.
Samos: I'll just…
Keira: [Samos], it's okay.
Samos: (concerned tone) I'm sorry, but you can't just leave me like this. I'm not a man who cries over girls that he never even knew. I'm just gonna…
Keira: (muttering) Whatever, it doesn't matter anymore.
Daxter’s finger hovers in front of a large red button on the rift rider.
Samos: Daxter! Don't touch anything! Though the Precursors vanished long ago, the artifacts they left behind can still do great harm.
Keira: Or great good! If you figure out how to use them.
Samos: I've had some experience with the Precursors, Keira. They're not something I want to mess with.
Keira: Samos, have you ever considered being a scientist instead of a soldier? You're a brilliant scientist, with an education, and a lot of potential. You could build incredible things, not just weapons, but maybe something greater than a weapon.
Samos: That sounds like a lot of work. It's easier to use my powers to fight.
Keira: I'm sure you could come up with some other use for your gifts.
Jak activates the rift rider.
Daxter: Looks like Jak's still got the moto!
Keira: Interesting... it appears to be reading out some preset coordinates.
Daxter: Wow, look at that!
Then, something started to shake, and the ring started to spin before some of the bridge leading to the hut started to break away, and the skies turned dark.
Monster voice: Finally! The last anybody who is here for long. If you are seeking...The lobster roller is in the Oasis. Have a good time. See you later!
Daxter: Uh, why are you reading out coordinates?
Monster voice: This is a museum. You must have been asked to come here. I thought you would find something interesting, like one of my friends.
Daxter: What friend?
Monster voice: I thought maybe you would like to see something in the museum.
Daxter: What did you just say?
Monster voice: Do you not hear me?
Metal Heads begin flying out of the opened rift gate.
Daxter: Aaaaargh! What are those things?!
Samos: So THIS is how it happened…
The monster's head showed up from inside the gate.
Monster: You cannot hide from me boy!
Keira: Do something, Jak!
Daxter: *starts pointing at the buttons* What's this do?
Keira: Shove a building up against it!
Keira started to stomp on the monster's head.
Monster: That'll only make it madder!
Keira: Shove it back in it's hole!
Keira pulled up the floor. The monster hit the ceiling and fell to the ground.
Monster: ...You cannot hide from me boy!
Samos: ...and so it starts. I hope your instincts don't get you in trouble.
Daxter: Uh, how do we start the mission?
Keira: Go up there! It was right on the map.
Samos: Here, I'm staying out here with Keira.
They get sucked into the portal past the giant monster, leaving Sandover behind.
Keira: What was that thing?!
Samos: Hang on everyone!
Daxter: YYAAAAAAHHHHHH! I want off this thing!!!!!
Then... it wasn't long before the machine exploded, throwing Samos and Keira, and Jak and Daxter, far apart from each other.
Samos: Find a way back to me Keira. We can't be separated this way.
Keira: I know... I'll go and try and find a way out!
Samos: Please be safe and come back to me…
Keira: I will!
The two of them were separated, and this made the story change. But they were still together, and Keira knew that they weren't really separated, so she was still fine, and they could still be together. So she went in search for Daxter, because he must be stuck somewhere. 
Jak and Daxter fall from the sky and crash onto a paved walkway. They looked around, and saw tall metal buildings everywhere. Daxter's face contorted in anger, he tossed a lead pipe he was holding on his hand down to the ground.
Daxter: Okay, I swear that's the last time I ever, EVER, touch lead!
Jak: Yeah, Daxter, the last time I help you, is the last time you use your lead pipe on anything!
Then, from in front of them, a bunch of soldiers appeared, lead by Erol, a sleek man with spiked orange hair only just hidden by his armored helmet.
Soldier: There he is. Move in.
They stop in front of them both.
Soldier: Step away from the animal!
Daxter: YYAAAAHHHH!!!!!
Daxter runs between Jak's legs, and away from the group.
Erol: Forget the rat. The Baron wants to talk to you.
Daxter: Y-you ... do ... u-um, yeah …
They talk in a rough, but still kinda giggly voice.
Erol: So, the Baron wants to talk to you.
Daxter: Yeah. Well, he's standing right here!
Soldier: Then why don't we escort you into the castle?
Daxter: …
Soldier: …
Daxter: Mmm…
Erol: Yeah, but he's standing right in front of you.
Daxter: ... OK!
They split. Erol to Erol's troops to take Daxter into the castle, and Octo and Snake to take Jak back out [to the prison].
Daxter: Don't worry Jak! I'll save you before you know it!
The scene then changes to a prison-like area, and this is where we see a completely reformed Jak with sleeker hair and a goatee on him, strapped to a  chair, where what looked like a ray gun was zapping him. Surrounding him were two figures - Erol again, and the ruler of the city, Baron Praxis.
Computer voice: Dark Eco injection cycle complete. Bio readings nominal and unchanged.
Praxis: Hhhppp. Nothing! I was informed that this one might be different!
Erol: He is surprisingly resistant to this substance. Perhaps we'll find that he too is resistant to other Eco...remodeling them.
Praxis: (picks up Jak's hand) Niiice. A different mind. Would that I could use that to draw out my other subjects. They're a lot more expendable when they don't fight back...but I guess this would be different than what they have to deal with.
Erol: The city is dying, but we can't help them if we don't take these to the Emperor. That won't happen if I'm not there. So make it happen...Master Praxis.
Baron Praxis grabs the barely conscious Jak's hair and lifts up his head.
Praxis: Aaaagh! You should at least be dead with all the Dark Eco I've pumped into you!
Erol: What now? Metal Head armies are pressing their attacks. Without a new weapon, my men cannot hold them off forever!
Praxis: I will not be remembered as the man who let you run away! I will be remembered as the man who destroyed your army!
Praxis unleashes his Juggernaut; the knight's remains are vaporized. Erol raises his blade to Praxis' throat.
Erol: I don't know what I can do to repay you.
Praxis: Do not apologize. I did what I did to protect the life of the one I love.
Erol: (lamely) So, you think that deserves a reward?
Praxis: Oh, no. I don't want anything from you. I want you to live and keep doing what you do best.
Erol: And what is that?
Praxis: Working.
Erol: Because I had to teach you that skill?
Praxis: …
Erol: If you want me to leave this world then I will. I don't need it.
Praxis: Do you need a reason?
Erol: I'm just being honest. I'm trying to save you because you can't save yourself.
Praxis: What? I don't want to die. I just want to stay here.
Erol: The first time you can't make this decision. Then you can't ever decide.
Praxis: [proudly] And now you're leaving?
Erol: (leans towards Jak) I'll be back later…
The pair leave the scene. Then... a small platform rises from down below, revealing Daxter.
Daxter: Ding, ding... Third floor... Body chains, roach food, torture devices.
He jumps onto Jak’s chest, landing on both feet.
Daxter: Hey buddy... you seen any blue wool?
Jak: Nuh-uh. That's the seventh floor. Not enough wool.
Daxter: No? Really? Well... hey... you know that purple tunnel that goes off to nowhere? You can't climb it.
Jak: Yeah? Well... I've got a plan. What if we try that tunnel?
Daxter: And what's your plan?
Jak: The tunnel leads to that room. I know where that room is.
Daxter: Hmm... I remember it. You know, how I worked with Daxter on this game.
Jak: Yeah... that.
Daxter: Well, I don't see why we have to go through this.
Jak eyes briefly flutter open at the voice, but close again.
Daxter: That's a fine hello! I've been crawling around in this place risking my tail, literally, to save you! I've been looking for you for two years! Say something! Just this once!!
Jak's eyes suddenly fly open.
Daxter: Hang on, I know you're awake... [Bleep]
Jak scrambles to a sitting position, much faster than Daxter, and punches Daxter in the jaw with a left hook.
Daxter: Bully.
Jak then grabs ahold of Daxter's body, swinging it up in the air, causing Daxter to fall, and fling him to the ceiling. Daxter flies to the ground and lands, rather gracefully, on his tail.
Daxter: Gotcha!
Jak: Never underestimate your own hide, you little rascal!
Daxter: Slight overkill.
Jak changed into a more demon-based form, to be now known as Dark Jak.
Daxter: Or aaah... you could do it.
Jak then starts approaching Daxter with an aggressive look, his mouth pulled back into a feral-like snarl.
Daxter: Jak? Easy now. Easy buddy. It's, it's your Dad.
Jak: What?! I thought I said I didn't want to see him again!
Daxter: We'll see about that, buddy.
Jak starts backpedaling as Daxter stands and looks at his friend/father.
Jak tries to attack, claws out but... he suddenly came to a stop right before striking his friend.
Jak: Daxter?
Then, Jak changed back to his normal form.
Daxter: What the heck was that?! Sheesh, remind me not to get in your face again, I don't think I can take it!...
Then Daxter gave him a friendly tap to the head.
Daxter: Hey, no problem! Why don't you tell me all about it!
Jak: Well, it happened while I was on patrol. I got bit by a crazy Mystian, so I've been recovering from it ever since.
Daxter: Oh.
Jak: I wasn't too sure how to act when you first came here, so I kind of was just acting like I normally did.
Daxter: What you mean by that?
Jak: Well, I did whatever I did when I came back
Daxter jumps on his usual spot on Jak's shoulder. The pair leave the scene together.
Daxter: I, uh, brought you some new shoes!
Jak: They're nice.
Daxter: Don't worry. You can wear them with some shorts or long-sleeved shirts.
Daxter walks off and Jak is left standing there alone.
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Survey #374
“doctor, doctor, won’t you please prescribe me something?  /  a day in the life of someone else...”
Does someone have a crush on you but you don’t feel the same way? No. Who do you feel most beautiful around? No one. What’s one makeup item you cannot live without? I could live without any makeup. What’s the most expensive thing you own? My snake, I think. Or my laptop, idr. Are you more of a book person or a TV person? Book. Relationship status? Single. What color are most of your clothes? Black. Did you french kiss before you were 16? No, I was 16. Last song you listened to? "The Heretic Anthem" by Slipknot. Would you ever go back to any of your past relationships? Yes. What’s your favorite thing about life? That's a big question. I guess seeing acts of mass love and kindness, reminders that we're all in this together through all hardships. Who pays for the first date? Whoever asked the other person out, imo. Who has always been there for you? My mom. Have you ever written on a wall? No, at least not to my memory. Do you play any computer games, if so, what ones? I think anyone who reads these by now knows, haha. I don't much play anything else. I prefer console games. What would you name a baby boy if you had one? Probably Damien or Victor. What would you name a baby girl if you had one? Alessandra, no questions asked. What lyric means the most to you? I mean there's tons, but the first one that came to mind is "for such a little thing, you sure are in your own way" from "Get Up" by Mother Mother. Like in the big picture, we humans are so so so minuscule, but with brains that are too complicated for our own good. It's my own head that creates so many obstacles for me. Who is the smartest person you know? Probably my friend Girt. Have your parents ever been to jail? No. Do you share a bed with anyone? My cat, haha. Does it flatter you when guys open doors for you? It's flattering if anyone does, not just guys. Do you enjoy taking naps? Yeah. That's like part of my daily routine. If your friend asked you to hold their drugs, would you? Nope. Is there anyone you try to be a good influence for? My nieces and nephew, but I don't feel like I am. I'm a poor example of an adult. Do you own a pair of fishnets? No, but I have a pair of fingerless fishnet gloves. Which do you prefer: french toast, bagels, pancakes, waffles, bacon or cereal? All are great, but french toast. Yes or no: eyebrow piercings? I'd actually have one if I didn't have glasses. I think I'd look weird with one as I look now. When I say "The Beatles," what is the first song that comes to mind? "Hey, Jude." In your opinion, what is the very worst type of weather? Extremely hot and humid. You can only listen to one band for the rest of your life, who do you pick? Ozzy Osbourne, of course. Can you snap with both of your hands? Yeah, but it's harder with my left. What is something that you had to learn the hard way? For some people, promises don't mean shit. If you could re-paint your bedroom, what color would you paint it? Maybe like a light peach. When was the last time you got butterflies? I think not since Sara told me I look really pretty in eyeliner. ;_; <3 When was the last time you felt like your heart was actually breaking? There was this one time I was listening to "The Ghost of You" by MCR a while after finding out about Jason's mom's death and I just like... broke. When’s the last time you were in a line? When I was getting my second COVID shot. Do you trust the media? HA! Fuck no. If you could kill off one species of animal, which would it be? At first I was appalled by this question, but like... do wasps serve a purpose? Of all fauna, they annoy me the most. I mean bees are already endangered enough, and they prey on them. They don't pollinate, so like... why are you here. I may be mistaken and they have a valuable role, in which case I take all this back. Who’d you last say I love you to? My mom. What’s the most overpaid job in your opinion? I have on idea. Most jobs are underpaid. What’s the last thing you wrote down? I was doing some paperwork at the TMS office on my first day there. When’s the last time you heard a gunshot? I don’t know. What are you looking forward to? Now that my tattoo (which looks fucking stunning, by the way) is out of the way, I can focus on other things. I'm particularly looking forward to hopefully seeing the results of TMS manifest (which should take 3-4 weeks). It sounds horrible, but I'm also keenly awaiting this dog we're stuck with to go somewhere... The person who gave her to my sister to give my mom won't take the dog back, and we can't find another option that doesn't risk her being euthanized, which we absolutely do not want. We just don't know what to do, but she's driving Mom and me INSANE. Do you listen to online radio stations? No. Have you ever done something sexual that you regret? No. Have you ever said anything to the last person you kissed that you regret? Multiple things. Have you ever ate so much you puked? Ugh, no. That sounds awful. Do you care about what others think of your physical appearance? Very much, sadly. Would you rather eat cookies or brownies? I gotta say brownies. Which YouTuber have you learned the most from? I mean, this depends on the subject. From Mark, I've learned most about life and how (I think) to be a good person, but there's a lot of pet channels I watch that have taught me loads about proper husbandry. This answer just depends on what knowledge you're talkin' about. Who would you want to be the flower girl at your wedding? Probably a niece. Do you want to be married within the next ten years? It'd be nice. Do you feel like your life is too fast-paced, or do you wish it were busier? Ugh, I wish it was busier. My days are a COMPLETE, routine drag. What are some hobbies which you want to pick up? I want to just be more artsy. I wanna draw and write more, and I'd love love love to be in healthy enough shape to handle going on walks with my camera. There are sometimes I miss editing videos, too. I'm unsure about completely new hobbies. Does anyone encourage you to go after your dreams? My family and a few friends. Oh, and definitely my psychiatrist. What group are you most active in on Facebook? None, really. I mostly just observe. Are you ashamed of anything? A number of things. Primarily not having a job at my age or even being in school. What were your favorite Disney rides as a kid? I loved Splash Mountain, I think it was called. What were your favorite rides at Cedar Point? Never been. What are some places you want to visit that you’ve never been? South Africa, Alaska, Canada, Yellowstone National Park, Bahamas, Venice, Rome... What are some places that you’ve been that you’d like to go to again? Disney World, Chicago, and this one super clear lake I swam in once a few hours away that I don't recall the name of. Have you ever owned a succulent? No. While they're pretty, I've never been much of a plant person. Do you support small businesses? I REALLY want to start doing that more when I have the option to buy my own stuff/have my own income. As someone who wants to be a freelance photographer, I get it. Starting an independent business is hard as hell. If a brand were to sponsor you, which brand(s) would you prefer? Uhhh I dunno. Have you read the entire Bible? No. Do you make bucket lists for each season? No. That does sound kinda fun, though. How old were you when you first dyed your hair? I have no idea. Do you dye your hair regularly? No. :/ I desperately want to, though. It's just not something we can afford to spare cash on. What is the most comfortable type of pants, in your opinion? Pajama pants? haha Do you think you could ever be famous? No. I'm way too boring and don't want to be anyway. What are some jobs you’ve had in the past? Sales associate, cashier, and deli worker. None lasted long whatsoever. What are some jobs you want to or would like to have? List five. FIVE? I don't know. I just know I want to be a photographer. Well, being an artist or poet would be very cool. And a reptile breeder, maybe tarantulas, too, but that makes me kinda nervous with JUST how many babies they have. What are some jobs you have considered? In rough order from youth to now: paleontologist, vet, movie director, game designer, author/poet, artist, music video editor, wildlife biologist, photographer... Maybe there's more that just aren't coming to me. Are you thankful for social media, or do you wish it didn’t exist? Depends on the day for me, but I'm generally thankful for it so I can keep up with the lives of people who are important to me. It's just that it's a breeding ground for self-doubt and rampant comparisons that can easily depress me when I see some people are "further ahead" and more "established" than me. What are some of the best medications you’ve ever had? The combined efforts of Latuda and Lamictal saved my life. What was a video you watched over and over as a kid? There were lots of movies, like The Lion King, a certain Barney one when I was very young, and I watched Finding Nemo like crazy. Do you know a lot of people who were loving, and then turned cold? Jason????????????????? Is that you??????????????????????????????????????????? Do you own anything plaid? Ha, what a coincidence, I'm wearing my red plaid pj pants. Are you good at remembering names? Definitely not. Have the cops ever gotten on to you for anything before? No. What email thingy do you use? (yahoo, gmail, rock) ... Rock? lol anyway my main is Hotmail, but I inevitably have a gmail to have a YouTube account. What game system(s) do you own? PS2, Wii, Nintendo DS Lite, and a GameBoy Advance. Are you any good at Guitar Hero? I used to be; I played most songs on Expert, then some really tough ones on Hard. I was soooooo addicted to those games. I remember when I got the first one for Christmas, I literally played it all day. Have you ever played Call of Duty? Nah, not my jam. What is your favorite/most visited website? YouTube. Is your bed comfortable? Sure. I've definitely had way worse. Do you have a garage? No. Fun fact, I've never lived in a house with one. Should you be doing anything right now? What? There's a number of things I could be doing that are definitely more productive, like finishing decorating my damn room. Do doctors or dentists make you more nervous? Not really. I only ever get nervous to hear my weight at the doctor's. Did you ever think you were about to die before? I don't quite know. When I ODed, it was more like I didn't care if I did. Have you ever really had a near death experience? Was it cool? "Was it cool." Literally fuck off. I guess you could technically consider my OD a "near death experience," especially given how many pills I took, yet I somehow experienced almost no ill symptoms. Maybe because we got to the ER for fluids quickly enough, idk. I'm just glad I didn't die. What is your favorite kind of weather? Snowy! Like a steady snowfall of large flakes with no breeze and total silence. *chef's kiss* Ever tasted beer? Ugh, no. Just the smell makes me sick. It was my dad's drink of choice when he was an alcoholic so I just have a very negative association with it. Have you ever seen a dead body? Yes, at an open-casket wake. Ever poured salt on a slug? As kids, my sisters and I would get our parents to do it because they grossed us out. So, so cruel. I still have this weird but pretty extreme phobia of them, but I wouldn't torture the things like that.
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creativetrashcans · 4 years
Simmer - Get To Know
By @cupcakegnome
Tagged: @ talemagne
Your name: Lonely Chiwawa (she/her)
Languages you speak: Catalan, Spanish and kinda English 
Are you a mermaid: No not really... can barely swim tbh
Your play style: mmmh i like most things, creating sims, builidng is so much fun too, also challenges mmh stories no tho i cant write em LOL rip 
Your Selfsim picture: 
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Stories or gameplay, builds, lookbooks, edits or cc: Challenges, builds and some other things coming heh
Your favorite age state: Teen or young adult
Your favorite season: Winter!!! i feel it has a lot to do and the snow is soooo pretty 
Your favorite holiday: Only played harvest fest so far... in sims BUT irl i like Christmas 
How was your day: It was chill and nice, even went outside wew
Your favorite career: Painter...........................maybe?
Your favorite aspiration: Soulmate
Your favorite EP, SP or GP: Seasons 
How old is your simblr: Less than a year i think 
Have you woohooed: Yes, many times
Your favorite skill: Cooking, parenting and painting
The size of your Mods folder: 37,7 GB
Your 3 favorite mods: uhhhh hahaha impossible to choose
Your interests (other than sims): Drawing, make up and nails, mmh minecraft old anime and series too 
Your favorite sim (picture if possible): Maybe not my favourite Sim of all time because we got so many! But this is our version of Franky form One Piece. Before starting any project just for fun we made him and I always felt so proud of how he turned out. Not only he looks very attractive, i also feel its a good representation of how a human him would look like.
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Which Sims games you have played (including mobile games): Sims 2, 3 and 4 
Propose a crazy scheme: People being nice always and world being in peace and not dying in gud old climate change
Best part of simblr: seeing how other people enjoy the sims and how they play also them aesthetic 
Worst part of simblr: mmhhhhhhhh lack of comunication between players i don’t feel much sense of community here at least now... i actually suck at comunicating so..... dunno
What other games you play: Minecarft recently but not much into games actually
Other websites or accounts (origin, twitter etc..):  
Twitter --> https://twitter.com/creativetrashc1
Intagram --> https://www.instagram.com/creativetrashcans/
Personal Instagram --> https://www.instagram.com/elia_clco/
My side tumblr --> https://generationtrashcan.tumblr.com/
Are you single: Nuuuupe
Your name: Lively Worm (she/her)
Languages you speak: Catalan, Spanish and some English.
Are you a mermaid: Nope, I’m a worm.
Your play style: I love building houses and decorating them, dressing sims and doing their makeup.
Your Selfsim picture:
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Stories or gameplay, builds, lookbooks, edits or cc: I do gameplays, challenges and buildings.
Your favorite age state: I think it’s young adult because I can explore more.
Your favorite season: Autumn, because of the beautiful colors.
Your favorite holiday: I don’t know yet, I haven’t explored all of them.
How was your day: It’s 15:40h and I’m hungry, I want to eat soon.
Your favorite career: Musician.
Your favorite aspiration: Musical genius, unsurprisingly.
Your favorite EP, SP or GP: Pets and vampires.
How old is your simblr: Less than a year.
Have you woohooed: ¬_¬
Your favorite skill: I don’t know, maybe the singing skill?
The size of your Mods folder: 29,9 GB.
Your 3 favorite mods: I can’t choose. There are so many so good!
Your interests (other than sims): Singing, drawing, anime, manga and kpop.
Your favorite sim (picture if possible): Why?? I can’t choooooseeee, I love most of them! Okey, after a lot of thought I’ve chosen Una, Usopp’s daughter from our 100 Baby Challenge, because the three of us love her and I love drawing her!! She’s really charming and she’s grown up really well. I relate to her because she also loves drawing and vampires.
We posted some drawings of her on twitter and insta!
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Which Sims games you have played (including mobile games): Sims 2, 3 and 4. And some PS game I don’t remember.
Propose a crazy scheme: Making people learn expectatives are bad and judging others hurts everyone involved.
Best part of simblr: I can share our art and tell many stories with interesting sims.
Worst part of simblr: The lack of comunication.
What other games you play: Kingdom Hearts, Hollow Knight, The Last of Us... mostly play station games.
Other websites or accounts (origin, twitter etc..): 
Common Twitter: https://twitter.com/creativetrashc1
Common Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/creativetrashcans/
Personal Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/makaru_walker/
Are you single: No, I’m Turtle’s.
Your name: Lazy Turtle (she/her)
Languages you speak: Catalan, Spanish, English and some basic French.
Are you a mermaid: Pretty sure I’m not.
Your play style: Starting projects and never getting past the building process is a playstyle? I usually like to have some objective though, instead of just playing aimlessly.
Your Selfsim picture:
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Stories or gameplay, builds, lookbooks, edits or cc: I find stories pretty awkward to portray on Sims, and fashion and decoration were never my strong point. So I stick to challenges, both found and created.
Your favorite age state: Depends on what for. Young adults are the easiest to manage and have more options, but toddlers are the most challenging on a Baby Challenge.
Your favorite season: Autumn, always. Its colors are just beautiful.
Your favorite holiday: Haven’t played them all yet, so I can’t say.
How was your day: (Tumblr erased all my hard work on this thing, but the day I first wrote it I had my blood taken so not great). Today, I discovered the extent of human stupidity in mass hysteria situations. Never seen a supermarket so empty of food before.
Your favorite career: Hypotetically, writer. But I haven’t played as one yet so I can’t confirm.
Your favorite aspiration: Big Happy Family’s been pretty fun for our matriarch, but I still have many more to explore. (I can say it’s not the kid’s mobility one. Stupid mecanography.)
Your favorite EP, SP or GP: Probably Seasons so far.
How old is your simblr: Less than a year.
Have you woohooed: Uh.
Your favorite skill: Uhhh... No idea.
The size of your Mods folder:  29,9 GB. Worm and I share a game and a mods folder, but Chiwawa dumps her messily organized mods on us from time to time.
Your 3 favorite mods: Wow nope.
Your interests (other than sims): Mostly writing and reading (I’m the main writer of this tumblr, btw), but also videogames, anime and k-pop.
Your favorite sim (picture if possible): I wouldn’t say it’s my favourite sim of all time, I have far too many sims I love for different reasons, but this one was specially hard to get right so we feel particularly proud.
His name is Carles Serra, and he’s a parental figure for two of the MCs of the story we’re working on. He’s a math and ethics teacher on a very exclusive highschool, and he needed to have both a very refined and snobbish air and this inevitable awkwardness all math teachers seem to have. Plus, he has to deal with teenage drama all through the story, so I feel like he needs a lot of love. And maybe some vacation.
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Which Sims games you have played (including mobile games): Sims 2, 3 and 4. And I think I once tried to make a sim on a terrible PS2 version or something.
Propose a crazy scheme: Mandatory therapy for teens so everyone learns empathy and management of one’s emotions would be pretty neat.
Best part of simblr: Sharing our common passion with others in a free and creative way, probably.
Worst part of simblr: The lack of interaction, I guess. I had only ever been in a very small fandom here on tumblr before, and compared to the closeness of that comunity, I feel like simblr is... very scattered.
What other games you play: Play Station ones, mostly. Whatever gives me a compelling story.
Other websites or accounts (origin, twitter etc..):
Common Twitter: https://twitter.com/creativetrashc1
Common Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/creativetrashcans/
Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/ALazyTurtle1
Are you single: I’ve been dating Worm for years now.
We will tag: @hellobreadsims
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ladykf-writes · 5 years
Fanfic Writer Appreciation (and a little self love)
Sooooo, as talked about I wanted to do a little promo. I may not always be my favorite writer, but I try to be one of my cheerleaders. And well, if you’re here you obviously have some interest in what I’m up to.
SO! Here’s a list of my currently-published WIPs and some info about them, in the order that I’ve updated them, most recent to oldest. 
Feel free to ask questions about any of them!
Dog Whistle (Ao3 || FFN) - started off as a prompt from @snackarey​ when I reblogged some Soulmate AUs. This one was a prompt for soulmates (Zack/Kunsel) who felt what each other felt - like pain. Needless to say, this went into a canon divergent AU where Kunsel felt some of what Zack was going through when Hojo got a hold of him after Nibelheim. And saved him, setting off an ever-increasing list of revolutionary consequences. It’s nearly 58K, and though I’m a little stuck I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes.
Dewprism: Journey to the [Relic] (Ao3 || FFN) - this actually has a lot more written than I’ve posted, I just got a little frustrated because well... the fandom is teeny tiny and there’s no real feedback. But! It’s an interesting piece. It’s a semi-novelization where I’m taking the old PS1 Classic from Squaresoft, Threads of Fate/Dewprism and merging the two storylines. Basically... you can’t play the game anymore unless you got it from the PSN for your PSP or... PS2, I think? Or emulate it, of course, you can do that. And I wanted to bring the experience to more people, because it’s got such a great story.
It’s Not a Game (Ao3 || FFN) - this is my Avengers/FF7 crossover, and funny story, it was actually born out of a comment back on my old Genesis RP blog about how Genesis would totally be Tony Stark’s favorite character if he played Crisis Core. It’s turned into a full blown fixit I have a type and I actually have like, 90% of the next chapter done, it just doesn’t feel quite right so I haven’t posted it. And am, of course, stuck. There’s a case of choice paralysis here; the premise is that, in the MCU, FF7 is a series like it is in our world, and Tony is a fan. So he goes to make a simulation to do a self-insert... only he somehow transports himself (and Bruce) to a dimension where it’s real. A “Stark-insert” someone called it; and it does use a lot of “Self-Insert” tropes, actually. There’s just so many ways it could go that I’m stuck on choosing exactly how to progress here.
Party of Five (Ao3 || FFN) - the MMO AU! This was actually originally a prompt @up-sideand-down​ got, that I got permission to take off with. It’s a modern AU AGSZC where they meet online playing this MMO I made up that’s based off of FF7 and modeled after a mashup of like, me studying WoW and my experiences playing SWTOR. I’ve actually got some ideas of where it’s going, I just got too caught up in technicalities and need to reroute it back to the relationships going on.
Welcome to FF7 (series link, Ao3) - this is me hashing out basically what I think went down pre-games. Most of it is headcanon, I cannot stress that enough. It’s based off of the little we know, of course, but there’s just so much we don’t that it’s mostly headcanon. Tons of OCs. It’s a whole series, and they overlap - different sections that follow different departments, mostly. The base story is Welcome to ShinRa (Ao3 || FFN) and that follows the man who will become President Shinra from back when they first discover mako energy. I’ve also got Welcome to the Science Department (Ao3 || FFN) which starts off with college students Gast and Grimoire and how they get drawn into the beginnings of what becomes ShinRa Electric.
And last but not least, honorable mention to Times of Change (Ao3) - this was actually a piece inspired by @deadcatwithaflamethrower‘s Re-Entry series. I desperately need to reread that before I can hope to continue this, but... one day. One day.... I don’t suggest reading it right now, my headcanons have changed and it needs an overhaul. But you’ll see eventually.
And now... the WIPs you haven’t seen. (Under a cut)
By fandom, just to keep things straight, but in no particular order otherwise.
Compilation of FF7
The Snowball Effect (Ao3 || FFN) ... sequel? continuation? - as one of the gift exchange presents I’ve just done this past month, it is definitely standalone as is, but if I ever figure out where I want to take it, I’ll continue that one. It was just far too much fun.
The Price of Freedom - the sequel to To Be Human, which... I’m looking forward to, but I really burnt myself out on TBH so it’s going to be longer than anticipated before I approach this one. TBH definitely stands on its own, but there were some loose ends left to tie up, so we’ll see how that goes. And when it goes, when I’m ready to approach that again. TBH needs some editing, too... lots of work there.
The Unnamed Pokemon/FF7 crossover that I’ve talked about for... a couple years now (yikes) but now actually have a plot for. It’s very interesting to me, putting Pokemon on Gaia, and seeing how that changes everything. Because like, they’d have presumably used Mew’s DNA since there’s no Jenova (I can’t see them using Deoxys, which would be the closer parallel) and since there’s no Chaos, Grimoire is still alive. Which means no extra Drama between Lucrecia and Vincent - and really, there shouldn’t be the stress between Vincent and Hojo over her being sick because Mew would theoretically be much more compatible with humans than Jenova was.
What I’m saying is Seph has three parents and at least one set of grandparents and a much more stable Sephiroth (and Genesis and Angeal, thanks to Lucrecia teaming up with Gillian) leads to some very interesting changes. Like deciding they don’t want to fight the Wutai war anymore. >_>
Hold My Flower - a timetravel fic featuring our one and only flowergirl, who has had enough of people messing up her planet and refuses to just... let it die. She is, unquestionably, a force of nature. No fragile flower to be found here, this is the gal you see in the OG who threatened a mob boss and meant it. Heaven help anyone who gets in her way. She’s going to save the world. Possibly in a Turk Suit, don’t look at me.
The Long Game - Reeve goes back in time, and holy crap this one is a monster I am truly intimidated by so it’s gonna take a while for me to get going on that. XD But basically, similar premise to the above - the world isn’t healing and someone has to do something, so Reeve is nominated due to his position in ShinRa and potential to... he’d say “influence” but let’s call a spade a spade - manipulate people and events to a more favorable outcome.
A third BIT fic is one that I started writing with my friend @askshivanulegacy back in... damn, somewhere between 2011-2013, before we switched to writing SWTOR fic together. It’s one where Zack is sent back in time, and the differences in him post-Hojo change things even before he can start deliberately changing anything. But I got permission to take and remake that, so I intend to, one day. It was Good Stuff. And you can never have too much timetravel.
Dragon Ball Z
So, this is an oooooold fandom of mine - the first fanfics I ever wrote (under a different name, no I’m not telling XD it was ten years ago) were for DBZ, and definitely the first ones I ever read, back in the days of dial up. And I read a couple interesting takes on Chichi/Vegeta fic... and I was talking with @vorpalgirl about it and said I’d love to try my hand at something with that one day. I think they have the potential to be a really great pair (don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the canon pairings but those two have a lot of potential) so... yeah someday I might dip my toes back into Z. It’s on the wishlist, as well as reviving and cleaning up an old unfinished work of mine. Someday~
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Seven Years Lost - this one I’ve been debating a long time, and even did a little on! It’s basically how I rationalize what happens when Link pulls the Master Sword out and - well, spoilers but it’s a really old game so - when he comes out as a teenager and is immediately able to handle a nearly-adult body. It involves a dreamscape scenario where he communicates with his past incarnations and learns from them, and from sharing dreams with Zelda due to their bond.
Sailor Moon (manga/Crystal based)
Second Chances - I read a lot of SM fanfic back in the day, and my favorite ones were... more real? Like, there were more consequences to these 14 year old kids out there fighting for their lives and sometimes losing them. I’d like to tell a story through Minako/Venus’ eyes primarily, covering what that’s like, and then I also just really want a happy ending for the senshi/shittenou? So... yay canon divergence, lol. You guys know the deal by now. XD
Star Wars: Legends Era
United We Stand - SWTOR fanfic, baby! Basically, I’m just dying to see the eight classes cross over each other, and I will bend canon to do it. For anyone that’s played the original class story lines, there is some cross over but believe me when I say there were huge opportunities that were let drop by nature of the game. Just with the two Jedi stories alone... but that’s #spoilers for a not-as-old game so I’ll leave that be and only elaborate if asked.
(And do feel free to ask about any of these! I’d love to hash them out more.)
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May's tutorial on how to take 2000s looking pics! This is not just for scene and/or emo kids, although ofcourse yall can use this!
Here are a few things you can do to make pictures look like they were taken in the 2000s!
What better way to look 2000s than when you use 2000s technology?
Exemples of things you could take a pic with are: an ipod, or any mp3 player actually, 2000s looking cd players, PS2 controllers (make sure it actually looks like you're playing or believe me, someone will notice!) or xbox controller (if you use older consoles of any type, the vibe might look more 90s but if you manage you can still make it work)
If you can't take a picture next to or with 2000s technology... anything? Well maybe you can take a selfie with a fliphone, or a T Mobile Sidekick (if you have one, lucky you!) or even a Nintendo DS if you've got one of those with the camera! Mirror selfies were also a thing of the (mid?) 2000s if they were taken with an actual camera! Let's also not forget the webcam pictures!
Here's one I took for example:
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Special "effects"/ Editing:
One thing that makes almost all pictures look so much more aesthetic/better: putting the flash on! I promise it works almost all of the time, the picture will look more high quality and clearer even though it is the same quality as without! If you think your outfit might not be too great or you'd like to make it look like it was taken with a low quality phone, blur the picture! It could also just look artistic, which works just as good.
As for the editing, Glitter, like edits made on Blingee, turning up the contrast, putting a filter (or a few) that give off a blue hue or darker, add in your FriendProject profile number, or your nickname in a grungy font, or photoshop yourself in front of a cute butterfly background!
The poses and angles!
Taking a picture with only this information might not be enough to make it look as 2000s as you want it to be, so now let's see another thing; the poses and the angles! Especially when you take a selfie, do not understimate the power of the "myspace angle" as you might've heard before, the super high angle from which you take the selfie, in which you could include your whole outfit. I know, out of experience, that the position in which you have to try and stand to get your whole outfit in the picture is very, VERY uncomfortable, but trust me it's worth it!
Here's an example:
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Other angles/poses you could use are for example the ones in which you position the camera, phone or whatever you take your pictures with at your feet, put a timer or make someone take the picture for you, in an angle at which your feet will look bigger than your head and your whole outfit will be visible again! This one's hard to explain but here's an example, again from one of my pics because I couldn't find one from someone else: (putting "myspace picture big feet" on google, does in fact, not work)
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Shoutouts from most known myspace celebs were a big thing back then, with the name of someone (or their own, partly to prove they aren't catfish) written on their hand or a piece of paper, as well as showing off fake tattoos made with sharpies, or something like "I love you!" on the palm of your head, so standing there showing it, could, somehow be a pose? I guess so... oh well, this is still something that would've been on this list!
There are many more (like for example the ones where your legs look broken as you sit on the floor, or the one where you are showing off your room plastered with posters..) but just know not to just stand there looking lost (unless that's what you're going for), be either VERY dramatic with the poses or super casual, no in betweens or you'll probably look awkward!
Dramatic makeup and hair!
Of course... To keep on being dramatic, because the 2000s very much were, (as every decade, in their own way, but you get what I mean) hair was often in crazy colors and or haircuts! Even if you were neither emo nor scene, celebrities like Christina Aguilera or Kelly Clarkson, to Matt Tuck (that's right!) had highlights in their hair, or just dyed parts of their hair, usually blonde, black or red, but chalk haircolor exists in many colors, so go crazy on that!
See here:
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Not only that but side ponytails, extensions, crimped hair, face framing bangs, spiky gelled hair etc. Even if you aren't emo or scene, your hair can cover one of your eyes for the picture!
Makeup had to be very visible, especially as a scene kid or emo kid with the overflowing amount of eyeliner, and colorful mascara or anything that you could find to be original and "artsy" really, but also for any other person! Makeup looks that were usual attire were for example: LIPGLOSS, blue, purple, white or eyeshadow, frosty pink lipstick, a lot of mascara, colorful eyeliner, rosy cheeks, or lined lips (darker on the outside) but none of that would be complete without thin eyebrows! Fake tans are also a go-to if you're feeling it!
Now, if you're too scared to use hairchalk or dye your hair, and you aren't too good at makeup, no worries, you've still got other options!
Props and accessories!
Big sunglasses.. yes, even indoors! Rimmed glasses, Colored lenses, "Bug eye" sunglasses, there are many to choose from! Scarves, very unnecessary but pretty cool looking! Hoop earrings were also in! For guys too, jewelry was often worn, for example diamond earrings, shell necklaces, as well as the typical "gangsta wear", you would've guessed it: the dollar sign necklace or chunky golden chains/necklaces. They were ofcourse not first worn during the 2000s, but they were definitely still very much worn then! Other jewelry often worn were silly bands, wristbands, kandi bracelets and necklaces. You can even wear fake piercings!
As for headwear, still many to choose from, like trucker hats, both for guys and girls and anyone who'd like to wear those, bandanas, fedora hats, (do not recommend, 80% of the time you'll look awkward, but you can't know if you're part of the 20% that could rock the look if you don't atleast try, I guess) "baker boy hats" and big huge bows for all my scene beans out there. Belts. BeLtS! A lot, too much, 3 of them, or one big one, just find whatever you have and wear the goddamn belts! Fishnets! Fingerless gloves! They were very much in, and not just for scemo kids!
Not only is it about things you can wear, but also things you can use for the picture, you can look cute while holding a plush toy, (bonus points if you've got a gloomy bear, hello kitty or gir plush!) mysterious while holding a notebook/ diary of some sort or nerdy with your favorite book, but a lot of pictures get much more fun when they are super random, for example like kiki kannibal, just casually holding a lamp in her garden...
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Now, this one will be short as I will mainly give you guys links to some articles that talk about 2000s fashion, but here's a thing: If you're going for a very "in your face" kind of style, go fully crazy lol! Scene kids get your neon green tights or red ripped skinnies out and wear all of the colors, preps wear your shiniest Playboy logo shirt, goths and emos you better wear your nicest black knee high converse, all of it!! Go fucking over the top because truly, it was rarely ever over the top in the 2000s! Also, did I mention? Cringe culture is dead, nobody cares if you somehow manage to truly go a little too far! If you're feeling yourself, don't hesitate to show a little skin, (I don't mean totally naked, duh, especially if you're a minor plz no it's usually a very bad idea) ain't nothing wrong with mini skirts or crop tops! (guys, GUYS please wear them too if you feel like it, I promise you a lot of us think that's hot okaythatsall)
Anyway, here's a few articles on the fashion/clothes! Most of these include also accessories etc but you'll find a lot about clothes!
Includes men's clothing too!
Yes.. I know.. Buzzfeed.. But oh well, it's still showing the clothes and fashion like we need! There isn't much for guys here, but there is inspo to take from it lol!
Now, I know what this one says... apparently all of these trends were"mistakes"... Well who's gonna laugh when 2000s style makes a comeback? Definitely not them, once they look back on this article!
This article includes men's fashion and also includes a link to buy the items! That is, if you've got 35$ to spend on a cap for example... Which I don't, but that's okay, it's got pretty good examples of the fashion!
And since I couldn't find a good article on 2000s alt fashion, I made a Pinterest board with a few exemples for Scene, Emo, Goth, Mallgoth/Goth, Visual Kei and Cybergoth! There isn't a lot yet, but you'll get the general idea :)
I hope you guys like it, and try it! I think I may share my favorite attempts if enough people do it on my instagram story and here, and tumblr as well if anyone participates in this!
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bex-tenebrous · 5 years
Everything isn't easy.
No, not everything is easy. People sometimes live in this mindset that if they begin something, with minimal effort, things will just HAPPEN. That might be true, but that isn't my story.
I'm a Kansas girl, born and raised. I have always had a love for gaming, and that wasn't always considered cool because I'm a girl. If you played a game with a group of boys, they considered you as a non-threat. It was rare to find a girl good at videogames. So, when I stomped them into the dirt at Mortal Kombat, Grand Toresmo, or Tekken, they would get angry and say I was cheating. So, my gaming circle consisted of me, my sister, and the neighbor girl.
My sister liked to play the fighting games, but she also loved Tomb Raider. Now, she didn't like the pressure of escaping booby-Traps, so she would throw the controller at me and say," Your turn!"
She was a really great shot though.
We also played a game called Trag, it's not well known, but the hours we spent laughing, and making fun of the characters was priceless.
My first Horror game was lended to me by a high school friend, Parasite Eve. That's a game every 9O's kid knows. The opening movie scared the pants off me! Never had I ever seen a rat, a dog, or woman, turn into such horrifying creatures.
My sister wouldn't play, she'd only watch. Mainly because when I'm under scary life and death situations, my inner comedian comes out full throttle. I could be dying horribly and laughing about it, I wish I had known how to record back then, I would have a lot more than 32 subscribers had I recorded that content.
The sad part is just that. I came from a poor family, my first Play Station was a PS One, the very next year, the PS2 came out. Most of my friends got it for Christmas, good for them. I didn't ask for one. My parents went out of their way to get me my first PS. So I enjoyed it. I Really did. Racing against my dad, playing F F 9, all moments I loved. We didn't have a computer until I was in highschool.
WHAT? It's true, when Markiplier and Pewdiepie were first making videos, I was getting my first laptop, and I didn't even buy it! A good friend of mine sent me the computer because I was moving out of my parent's house and he wanted to stay in touch with me.
Back then I didn't know how to put videos on Youtube. I didn't know regular people like me could do that.
It wasn't until I got my second computer that I started playing around with recording games, mostly WOW. Then I got third computer and ventured into editing, that was a learning curve. That's when I started really putting myself out there, but I didn't know what people wanted to watch. I'll still broke, trying to keep up with Mark, and Pewds was, well,... impossible.
I could only afford Free games. Yup, free. I'm still in that boat, only because I have a lot of health problems that get in my way. No money= little content to play with.
The fact that I have 32 subs is amazing! That's32 people who enjoy my content. I wish it would grow, but like I said, not everything is easy.
Maybe one day I'll have everything I need to make a big splash in the ocean that is Youtube, if not, I'll still have fun making videos for myself.
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vow-upon-a-star · 5 years
Yeah I'd love those quotes from Nomura/Nojima if you don't mind. There's so much nonsense out there from the other side (CAs) that always end up being completely out of context so I was just wondering what the people in charge have actually said about Cloud/Tifa in regards to the games, AC, and the compilation
Oh man I have 4 anons asking me to post the quotes! Where do I even start???
Ok, reposting these. 
–Were there two heroines from the outset?
Nomura: No, originally there was only Aerith, and Tifa was added as another heroine later. To make up for Aerith dying, we needed a heroine who would be by the hero’s side until the end. -WEEKLY FAMITSU ISSUE NO. 1224: TETSUYA NOMURA INTERVIEW
– It’s been 10 years since FFVII was released. I think the reason fans have continued to support it for so long is because it left that much of an impression on them, but what scenes stand out most in your memories as the creators?
Nomura: The scene that sticks out for me is the scene when Tifa going into Cloud’s mental realm and he remembers the truth about what happened in the past.
-The line “Words aren’t the only way to talk someone how you feel,” right? That was quite a mature conversation for a FF game.
Kitase: But I remember having to get another version that was too intense toned down.
Nojima: The original idea was more extreme. The plan was to have Cloud walk out of the Chocobo stable on board the Highwind, followed by Tifa leaving while checking around, but Kitase turned it down. But even with the line in question, maybe at that time none of us thought it would be something so important (laughs).
All of the above are from an interview located in the FF7 10th Anniversary Ultimania
“Inside, I felt one thing was for sure: Cloud and Tifa would be together. Everybody would be back home where they belonged.”-Nojima, Renuion files pg 70.
In Advent Children, the ultimania states that Cloud was happy living with Tifa and the children. Nojima and Nomura go into more detail about this, and why he left even before getting Geostigma. 
The more he realizes how happy he is living with Tifa and the children, the more the fear of losing that and regrets toward the past trouble Cloud…-FF7 10th Anniversary Ultimania, pg. 38 (40 in revised edition)
Cloud tried to move on once…but he was hurt by the losses he experienced in the battles he fought in the game story. Even after all of that he still found a peaceful life and that made him scared. He lost it all once already and he could lose it all again. even though he was there he couldn’t do anything to prevent it the last time. So the happier he is, the more lonely he becomes. - Nomura : in Distance, “The making of Advent Children” 
-At the end of FFVII, Cloud saved the world and was on the way to a happy ending but, in the two years towards AC, he returned to the way he was in the past. What happened to him?
Nojima: Cloud never had a candid personality to begin with, and although he started living with Tifa and even started working, he obtained a peaceful living he’s never experienced before, and this conversely made him anxious. And in the midst of this he contracts Geostigma himself, and rather than being able to protect the people dear to him, he instead was forced to face his own death, and so ran away -3N interview (The interview was with Nozue, Nojima, and Nomura…hence the name “3N interview”)
Nojima: “Even though he found peace, Cloud has lost a lot of people dear to him up until this point. Not only that, but looking at Cloud’s history, this is the first time he’s experienced a ‘peaceful’ environment in the true sense of the word. Cloud is a character who will always keep thinking, regardless of what’s going on around him.” -3N Interview
Cloud was happy with Tifa, even before he got Geostigma, what was making him nervous was his happiness. He was scared something bad would happen because of all his past trauma. When he got Geostigma, that took the cake. 
Some quotes about Tifa. 
There are many dimensions to Tifa’s character. She’s like a mother, a sweetheart, and a close ally in battle.- (Nomura) Reunion Files, pg. 19
Tifa is a strong woman. She doesn’t like what Cloud is doing, but instead of lecturing him about every little thing, she’s been waiting for him to realize for himself what his actions are doing. She’s remarkably strong, not only emotionally, but physically as well. I think that using words to help lead Cloud to his own conclusions, instead of constant lecture, is a defining quality of Tifa’s personality.-(Nomura) pg. 20
The director, Nomura, said he wanted me to make sure she wasn’t a clingy woman, but to portray her as though she’s been hurt emotionally in a way that others around her cannot easily detect. (Nojima) pg. 20
The creators saying Tifa is not clingy, she is remarkably strong both emotionally and physically. 
Now, let’s look at one more quote from Nomura. 
–“What is the relationship between Cloud and Tifa?”
Nomura: “I think that this volume is able to deeply grasp the relationship between the two. It would be simple to say in words, but …” - June 2004 issue (published May of 2004) of Famitsu PS2, on pg. 33 (In regards to AC) 
Let’s take a look at what the Ultimania’s have said. 
Cloud and Tifa move in together because of their feelings for each other.
The only woman who knows Cloud’s past. In FF7, Tifa is the only one who knows Cloud’s childhood, and furthermore, she holds the key to people involved in the story of Nibelheim’s burning down, which is also depicted in CC. She and Cloud came to realize their feelings for each other in the end of the story, and live together in AC and DC.- Tifa’s Profile, Crisis Core Ultimania, pg. 33
Cloud was happy living with Tifa, and experienced a peace with her he never had before.
(See above quotes) 
Cloud left because of his feelings of guilt and Geostigma.
(See above quotes. Here’s some additional quotes)
Now running a delivery business while helping out Tifa with the newly opened “Seventh Heaven” bar, Cloud, Tifa, Marlene and Denzel lived together like a family. However, when Cloud contracts Geostigma he disappears. Behind these actions lies feelings of guilt towards his past failure to protect people who were important to him, but through his battle with Kadaj’s gang, the legacy of Jenova, he regains the courage to face reality.- FF7 10th Anniversary Ultimania,Cloud Strife profile
Because he contracted Geostigma, Cloud left Tifa and the children, and began living in the Slum church. FF7 10th Anniversary Ultimania, Timeline
Because he contracted Geostigma, he left Tifa and the children, and began living in the Slum church. FF7 10th Anniversary Ultimania, Cloud Strife Profile.
When Cloud’s Geostigma and guilt are healed, he returns to living with Tifa and the children (See above quote stating his feelings for Tifa are still constant in DC)
When he awakes, there was his friends. There were the children, freed from their fatal illness. Tifa and Marlene, and Denzel asking for Cloud to heal his Geostigma — his family were waiting. Engulfed in celebration, he realizes where he is meant to live. He realizes that he was able to forgive himself. -FF7 10th Anniversary Ultimania, pg. 131 (133 in revised edition)
With the help of his friends, he defeated Bahamut SIN, which Kadaj’s gang had summoned. He defeated Sephiroth after his Advent, and returned to Tifa and the children.- FF7 10th Anniversary Ultimania, Cloud profile, Cloud’s timeline. 
At the end of a long struggle, she gently welcomes back Cloud on his return home after settling things with himself.-Tifa’s Dengeki profile.
I’d say it’s pretty clear what their relationship is. 
Now some quotes from Tifa and Cloud’s Japanese voice actors. 
“Tifa rarely opens up to show her weaknesses to others - although she does have some. In a sense she’s like a young girl, but she’ll do anything to protect those who are close to her.” -Ayumi Ito, Reunion Files pg. 23
Tifa is an amazing woman - emotionally tough and knows how to fight. -Ayumi Ito, Reunion Files, pg. 23
“I’m a “Tifa” man myself.” -Takahiro Sakurai, Reunion Files, pg. 14
“I did most of my recording alone, but a few times I was able to record with Ayumi Ito, who did Tifa’s voice. I’ve always been a Tifa fan, you know. One of my friends is an Aerith fan, and I’ve actually gotten into an argument with him about who the better woman is. Since she grew up with Cloud, there’s a subtle balance between her outer and inner self, I think Tifa is pretty special. I’m quite the simple man, aren’t I?” - Takahiro Sakurai, Reunion Files, pg. 14
Next, are comments in regards to Kingdom Hearts 2 from Nomura.
—”Speaking of Tifa, there’s an event after beating Sephiroth where she interacts with Cloud.”
Nomura: “In Nojima’s scenario, the connection between Cloud and Tifa was discussed more concretely, but I chose to erase that. I thought it would be more interesting for players to think about it instead. For example, with the meaning that ‘if Sephiroth is Cloud’s darkness, then Tifa is his light,’ one may take the understanding that Tifa isn’t human. It may be because Tifa isn’t human that she doesn’t talk with anyone but Sora’s group. Of course, since she was also presented in a way where she could be seen as a resident of Hollow Bastion like Cid, Aerith and the others, I think one can freely ponder that.” -pg. 724 of the Kingdom Hearts II Ultimania 
Tifa As a symbol of light, like Sephiroth, it’s possible that she too was incorporeal. That last scene where she goes off to search for Cloud, you could say, is a metaphor for how Cloud’s light still hasn’t lost him, even though he’s disappeared off with his darkness, and it is trying to shine on him again… I’m pretty sure I didn’t manage to get all that across very well.–Nomura, Kingdom Hearts Character’s report Vol. 2
Phew, that was quite a lot, wasn’t it? And these are just the ones I know about! Imagine the ones I don’t know about!
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endlessdrifter · 5 years
please repost, don’t reblog bold the traits that fit your muse italicize the traits that fit sometimes or in certain verses
Oliver Grayson Edition
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you love hoodies. you love shorts. dogs are better than cats. it’s hilarious when people get hurt. shopping is torture. sad movies suck. you own a car racing game. you played with hot wheels cars as a kid. at some point in time you wanted to be a fire fighter. you owned a ds, ps2, n64, or sega. you used to be obsessed with power rangers. you have watched sports on tv. gory movies are cool. you go to your dad for advice. you own like a trillion baseball caps. you used to collect hockey or baseball cards. baggy sweats are cool to wear. it’s kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people. green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favourite colours. you love to go crazy and not care what people think. sports are fun. you talk with food in your mouth. you sleep with your socks on at night. you have fished at least once.
you love to shop. you wear eyeliner. you wear the color pink. you go to your mom to talk. you consider cheerleading a sport. you hate wearing the color black. you like going to the mall. youlike getting manicures and/or pedicures. you like wearing jewelry. you cried watching the notebook. dresses are a big part of your wardrobe. shopping is one of your favorite hobbies. you don’t like the movie star wars. you are/were in gymnastics. it takes you around one hour to shower, get dressed, and make-up. you smile a lot more than you should. you have more than 10 pairs of shoes. you care about what you look like. you like wearing dresses when you can. you like wearing high heel shoes. you used to play with dolls as little kid. you like putting makeup on others. you like being the star of everything.
i am shorter than 5’5”. i have scars. i tan easily. i wish my hair was a different color. i have friends who have never seen my natural hair color. i have a tattoo. i am self-conscious about my appearance. i’ve had/have braces. i’ve been told i’m attractive by a complete stranger. i have more than two piercings. i have/had piercings in places besides my ears.
i’ve gotten lost in my city. i’ve seen a shooting star. i’ve wished on a shooting star. i’ve seen a meteor shower. i’ve gone out in public in my pajamas. i’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator. i’ve kicked a guy where it hurts. i’ve been to a casino. i’ve been skydiving. i’ve gone skinny-dipping. i’ve drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour. i’ve crashed a car. i’ve been skiing. i’ve been in a musical. i’ve caught a snowflake or snow on my tongue. i’ve seen the northern lights. i’ve sat on a rooftop at night. i’ve played a prank on someone. i’ve ridden in a taxi. i’ve seen the rocky horror picture show. i’ve eaten sushi. i’ve been snowboarding.
i’ve done something i promised someone else i wouldn’t. i’ve done something i promised myself i wouldn’t. i’ve snuck out. i’ve lied to my parents about where i am. i’ve cheated while playing a game. i’ve ran a red light. i’ve witnessed a crime. i’ve been in a fist fight. i’ve been arrested.
i’m afraid of dying. i hate funerals. i’ve seen someone/something dying. someone close to me has attempted/committed suicide. i’ve written a eulogy for myself.
i can sing well. stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant. i open up to others easily. i watch the news. i don’t kill bugs. i sing in the shower. i am a morning person. i paid for a cell phone ring tone. i am a sports fanatic. i twirl my hair. i care about grammar. i have “?”’s in my screen name. i’ve copied more than 30 cds in a day. i bake well. my favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, red, blue, black, purple, or orange. i would wear pajamas to school. i like martha stewart.i know how to shoot a gun. i laugh at my own jokes. i eat fast food weekly. i’ve not turned anything in and still got an a in a certain class. i can’t sleep if there is a spider/cockroach in the room. i am ticklish. i love white chocolate. i bite my nails. i’m good at remembering faces. i’m good at remembering names. i’m good at remembering dates. i honestly have no idea what i want to do for the rest of my life.
Tagged: @cultaexfeles Tagging: everyone under the sun and the moon!
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dillvne · 6 years
oi chuchus, tentei fazer um negócio diferente então acabei juntando algumas coisinhas que, na minha concepção, são bem interessantes. e que coletei durante as aventuras pela tag indie. espero que não tenha problema estar em inglês ! a tag para a postagem da task é task01.apocalypse e sintam-se livres para fazer edits, moodboard ou qualquer opções de aesthetic, ou nenhuma. o que acharem melhor. é isso, espero que gostem <3  
NEGRITE o que se aplicar ao seu personagem.
you love hoodies.  you love shorts.   dogs are better than cats.  it’s hilarious when people get hurt.   shopping is torture.   sad movies suck.   you own a car racing game.   you played with hot wheels cars as a kid.   at some point in time you wanted to be a fire fighter.   you owned a ds, ps2, n64, or sega.  you used to be obsessed with power rangers.   you have watched sports on tv.   gory movies are cool.   you go to your dad for advice.   you own like a trillion baseball caps.   you used to collect hockey or baseball cards.   baggy sweats are cool to wear.   it’s kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people.  green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favourite colours.  you love to go crazy and not care what people think.   sports are fun.  you talk with food in your mouth.   you sleep with your socks on at night.   you have fished at least once.
you love to shop.   you wear eyeliner.   you wear the color pink.   you go to your mom to talk.  you consider cheerleading a sport.   you hate wearing the color black.   you like going to the mall.  you like getting manicures and/or pedicures.   you like wearing jewelry.   you cried watching the notebook.   dresses are a big part of your wardrobe.   shopping is one of your favorite hobbies.  you don’t like the movie star wars.   you are/were in gymnastics.   it takes you around one hour to shower, get dressed, and make-up.   you smile a lot more than you should. you have more than 10 pairs of shoes.   you care about what you look like.  you like wearing dresses when you can. you like wearing high heel shoes.  you used to play with dolls as little kid.   you like putting make-up on others.  you like being the star of everything.
i am shorter than 5’5”. i have scars. i tan easily. i wish my hair was a different color.   i have friends who have never seen my natural hair color. i have a tattoo. i am self-conscious about my appearance. i’ve had/have braces. i’ve been told i’m attractive by a complete stranger. i have more than two piercings. i have/had piercings in places besides my ears.
i’ve gotten lost in my city. i’ve seen a shooting star. i’ve wished on a shooting star. i’ve seen a meteor shower. i’ve gone out in public in my pajamas. i’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator.i’ve kicked a guy where it hurts. i’ve been to a casino. i’ve been skydiving. i’ve gone skinny-dipping. i’ve drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour. i’ve crashed a car. i’ve been skiing. i’ve been in a musical. i’ve caught a snowflake or snow on my tongue. i’ve seen the northern lights. i’ve sat on a rooftop at night.  i’ve played a prank on someone.  i’ve ridden in a taxi. i’ve seen the rocky horror picture show. i’ve eaten sushi. i’ve been snowboarding.
i’ve done something i promised someone else i wouldn’t. i’ve done something i promised myself i wouldn’t. i’ve snuck out. i’ve lied to my parents about where i am. i’ve cheated while playing a game. i’ve ran a red light. i’ve witnessed a crime. i’ve been in a fist fight. i’ve been arrested.
i’m afraid of dying. i hate funerals. i’ve seen someone/something dying. someone close to me has attempted/committed suicide. i’ve written a eulogy for myself.
i can sing well. stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant. i open up to others easily. i watch the news. i don’t kill bugs. i sing in the shower. i am a morning person. i paid for a cell phone ring tone. i am a sports fanatic. i twirl my hair. i care about grammar. i have “?”’s in my screen name. i’ve copied more than 30 cds in a day. i bake well. my favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, red, blue, black, purple, or orange. i would wear pajamas to school. i like martha stewart. i know how to shoot a gun. i laugh at my own jokes. i eat fast food weekly. i’ve not turned anything in and still got an a in a certain class. i can’t sleep if there is a spider/cockroach in the room. i am ticklish. i love white chocolate. i bite my nails. i’m good at remembering faces.i’m good at remembering names. i’m good at remembering dates. i honestly have no idea what i want to do for the rest of my life.
NEGRITE o que atrair / se aplicar ao seu personagem.
BROTHERS KARAMAZOV   :   orthodox monasteries   ,   deep woods  ,  starry nights ,   the sound of paper being torn   ,   dimly lit rooms ,   withered roses   ,  an unfinished letter  ,  piles of books   ,   the sound of shattering glass  ,  ticking of clocks in a silent house   ,   heavy wooden furniture  ,   the air before a storm   ,   the smell of earth   ,   a crowd of people dressed in black   ,  distant murmurs   ,  emptied streets  ,   the fear of walking alone in dusk.
CRIME AND PUNISHMENT   :   coldness of the skin against a blade   ,   slender pale fingers   &   slightly shaking hands   ,   a red stain blooming on white fabric   ,  lonely steps in a corridor   ,  the slow dripping of water   ,   looking out of the window into the thickening darkness   ,   a single dying candle on the table   ,   listening to one’s breath   &   counting heartbeats  ,  too many stairs   ,   the desire to be invisible   ,   a subtle memory of kind word.
THE IDIOT   :   classical statues   ,   wealth covered with dust   ,   a dark house tainted with inherited madness   ,  an unsettling feeling ,   long walks in a park   ,   useless chatter   ,   a silken ribbon forgotten on a bench   ,   a melancholic face   ,   an unexpected spring rain   ,   the joy of reading one’s favorite book  ,  the clarity of mind after fully perceiving the world around   ,  looking at cloudless sky.
ANNA KARENINA :      fields of crops  ,   flowers brought from an early morning walk   ,  the wind caressing a girl’s hair   ,   a bowl of fruit  ,   the smell of ripe pears   ,   the clatter of a spoon against porcelain when stirring tea   ,   children’s laughter coming from the garden   ,   soft sunlight   &   white curtains  ,   the sensation of velvet against skin ,  pearls from a ripped necklace spilling on marble floor   ,  a sudden silence in a room full of people.
WAR AND PEACE   :   a glass of wine  ,   the brightness of  a crystal chandelier  ,  white lace   , a raging snow storm   ,  the sound of a door being gently closed ,   the moment of holding one’s breath before walking in a ball room   ,   indulging in looking at a beautiful earring against light   ,  closing one’s eyes for a moment while dancing   ,   the sweet smell of strawberries   ,  a pair of gloves left on an armchair ,   light scent of powder.
THE MASTER AND MARGARITA   :    the chaos of a lively city ,   ambient jazz in expensive restaurants   ,   jumping on a moving tram ,    the sight of moscow from the roof of a house   , yellow flowers in a vase  ,  leaning out of the window  ,  shelves stacked with books   , a small tin box with old photographs   ,  strange shapes in the night sky   , laughing in the middle of the night on a balcony   ,   colorful posters for a surreptitious magician’s show floating in the wind.
EUGENE ONEGIN   :    a lonely mansion   ,   reading a book in the parlor   ,  faint piano melody lingering in falling silence  ,   long evenings   ,   passing seasons   ,   discussing french novels of the moment   ,  unspoken thoughts   ,   leaning against the door frame  , quickly averted glance  ,  eating a peach absent-minded   ,  bright mornings   , footprints in snow   ,  a loud gun-shot terrifying a flock of birds nearby.
FATHERS AND SONS   :   birch groves   , morning mist   ,  moss-covered stones near a moor   ,   scientific books   ,   white roses   ,   cheap champagne   ,   shabby pocket-watch  ,   light-hearted irony   ,   a maladroit cello sonata   ,    freshly mowed grass   , leaving thoughts come   &   go   ,  a slow yawn  ,   picturesque plates   &   bowls filled with traditional dishes   ,  drinking tea on the porch.
DOCTOR ZHIVAGO   :   a strange feeling of loss ,  writing poems in a diary , traveling by train   ,   the hesitation before touching someone’s hand   ,   the gaze of one lost in thought  , the warmth of cinnamon   ,   a scarf brightly embellished with flowers   ,  a glass of water   ,    a threadbare jacket  ,   the tempting void   ,  the evanescent serenity of yesterday.
CHERRY ORCHARD   :   a lone chair in an empty room  , falling blossoms   ,   old samovar   ,   the unsettling need for change  ,   a mirror reflecting full moon   ,  the disappointment of a glossy object turning worthless after second glance   ,   a piano out of tune.
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renewja649 · 3 years
T Rex Game Inspect Cheats
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T Rex Game Inspect Cheats Codes
T Rex Game Inspect Cheats Ps2
Corey Feldman Interview
You must inspect the dinosaur game by right clicking and clicking inspect. (On chromebook it is a two finger click) Or hit simultaneously; Ctrl Shift I. In the top left of the new box it will say: Elements. To the right of that, it says console. Written by Uri Shaked and edited by Aaron Careaga. This year, for the Chrome Dev Summit, I built a real-life version of the Chrome T-Rex offline game.I have already told the story of how the project was born, and the hardware challenges we faced while building it in my previous blog post, I Saw a Dinosaur, or How I Built a Real-Life Version of Chrome T-Rex Game. Made the t-rex game. 10 points Ranked 73,235th. 16 medals 1 legendary 2 rare. Uploaded this mod.
T Rex Game Inspect Cheats Codes
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Steam achievements
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select 'Community', 'My profile', 'View all my games', then the game and view stats.
T Rex Game Inspect Cheats Ps2
Hacking Google Chrome’s T-Rex Game! Google Chrome, like all other Google products, has an interesting easter egg — the dino game! It appears as an 8-bit dinosaur on the no internet connection. Game of war cheat book. Chrome T-Rex game high score cheat To access the T-Rex game, either turn off your internet connection and search something on Chrome or type chrome://dino in the address bar and hit Enter if you don’t want to go offline. Now right-click anywhere and select “Inspect” from the context menu. Dinosaur Island: T-Rex tricks hints guides reviews promo codes easter eggs and more for android application. Avoid Dinosaur Island: T-Rex hack cheats for your own safety, choose our tips and advices confirmed by pro players, testers and users like you. Ask a question or add answers, watch video tutorials & submit own opinion about this game/app. Spongebob ds game cheats xbox 360. Get exclusive T-Rex Time Machine trainers and cheats at Cheat Happens; Get exclusive T-Rex Time Machine trainers and cheats at Cheat Happens. KNOW SOMETHING WE DON'T? You can submit new cheats for this game and help our users gain an edge.
1.21 Gigawatts!!!: Defeat the Electro-Bot.
A Walking Armory: Obtain every weapon in the game.
All about the lore!: Collect all 80 info nodes.
All day err day: Complete the game without using a continue.
Almost only counts with horseshoes: Collect all 7 grenade expansions.
Bigger, Faster, Stronger!: Collect 15 health expansions.
Catch!: Obtain grenades.
Chatterbox!: Talk to 100 NPCs.
Clean up in Lower Decks: Defeat the Slime Boss.
Crusher the Crusher: Defeat the Crusher-Bot.
Down in front!: Find the Grenade Launcher.
Enforce this!: Defeat the Enforcer-Bot.
FULLY LOADED: Collect all 40 ammo expansions.
Grew up playing these: Complete the game without dying more than 10 times.
Hasta La Vista: Defeat the Commando-Bot.
Hold still a sec!: Defeat the Teleport-Bot.
I <3 books: Find all 3 missing books.
I'm not cleaning that up: Defeat 5000 terra-oozlings.
It always comes back: Find the Boomerang.
It's harder than it looks: Die 25 times.
Like a missile with a brain: Find the Tracking gun.
Makin' Rex pancakes: Get crushed.
More firepower!: Collect 15 ammo expansions.
Play that funky music space boy!: Find all 18 missing records.
Pumped Up!: Collect all 40 health expansions.
Rad Moonmaster!: Complete the game and become a hero again.
Run, Rex, Run!: Find the Air-Talarias.
Someone invent this already!: Obtain the jet pack.
The goggles do nothing!: Die in acid.
Things to do, AI's to destroy: Complete the game in less than 3 hours.
This is my ship!: Defeat LAUREN.
Tl;dr: Collect 40 info nodes.
Took out the space trash!: Defeat the Waste-Bot.
TRYHARD: Defeat a boss without taking any damage.
What the hell is an energon?: Collect 5000 energons.
Where can I get one of those?: Defeat the Slime-Mech.
Who put those there?: Die from spikes.
Why can't we be friends: Defeat 1000 helperBots.
You got mad hops: Preform 200 charge jumps.
You have been terminated: Defeat 5000 helperBots.
You've got something on your boot: Destroy 1000 terra-oozlings.
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