nicoappreciation · 11 months
ROUND 3 (QUARTER FINALS) - PJOverse Noncanon Ship Bracket 2023 (VOTING CLOSED)
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The end draws ever nearer. We will be deciding which noncanon PJOverse ship is objectively the best.
The round 3 pairings will be given under the cut:
Ruegard vs Valzhang
Jasico vs Valgrace
Theyna vs Pipeyna
Valdangelo vs Pipabeth
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capybaraonabicycle · 1 year
The april bit for the year of the otp is getting so long?! I have like 8k words already and I am not sure I will finish on time.
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As you've probably guessed from the title, this is a tournament for Doctor Who OC's! I'm going to edit this post whenever something changes or comes up, so pay attention.
Submissions are closed!!! Sorry ya'll. I've added one of my oc's, but I won't be saying who it is untill they lose/win. I also added Odhrán Catton ( @bodhrancomedy ) because I just love them.
We've got a bracket of 32, with four Rounds and a bonus poll for third place.
Some General Rules
If you're transphobic, homophobic, biphobic, aphobic, fatphobic, islamophobic, anti-semetic, racist, sexist, ableist, or any other shape of bigoted asshole, fuck off and don't interact with this blog ever. Thanks. If you're trans, gay, bi, ace, other types of queer, fat, muslim, Jewish, poc, feminine/female/afab, disabled, mentally ill or neurodivergent; this is a safe space. You're welcome here.
The usual, this is just a funny tournament, no death threats or anything stupid or You Will Be Blocked
I love hearing about your OC's so infodump all you want please!!!
I've seperated things into tags, feel free to block/follow any of them
tournament related things - dw oc tournament
polls - dw oc poll
asks - dw oc ask
And, of course, the mandatory @'s:
@drwho-shipbracket @companion-showdown @doctorwho @doctorwhoblog @doctorwhoproblems @dw-companion-outfits-bracket @oc-ships-fight-to-the-death @oc-siblings-bracket @ocshipsmackdown @dt-oc-tournament @villain-oc-tournament @transfemswagbracket @original-character-championship
If you could kindly reblog this please?
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companion-showdown · 10 months
How do you feel abt being the backbone of the fandoms fun rn?
if you're having fun here, check out some of these other fandom tournaments
@doctorwhobracket <- tournament between all new who episodes
@adventure-showdown <- this one's me, every televised doctor who story and then some, currently ranking all TV stories, will become an actual tournament in november
I'm probably missing some, so if you know of any others with ongoing tournaments or plans to run tournaments tell me so I can help spread them since they're all so fun
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who-platonic-ships · 1 year
Welcome to the official Doctor Who Platonic Ship Bracket!
My name's Jordan, my main is @spacewives-in-spacetime, and I'll be your host for...however long you'll stay here for. This was heavily inspired by @drwho-shipbracket!! Polls will (hopefully) be out Monday, May 15th, 2023. 6:00 pm. This will be in EST, sorry international folks!
Tagging List (lmk if you'd like to be a part of it!):
and @yasminstardis
Here we have...the bracket!
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Ships below the cut! 
Doctor & Bill VS Donna & Martha
Yaz & Ryan VS Yaz & Dan
Doctor & Jaime VS Doctor & Tegan
Doctor & Ace VS Doctor & Susan
Doctor & Jenny (The Doctor’s Daughter) VS Ryan & Graham
The Ponds (Amy & Rory & River) VS Yaz & Sonya
The Jones’ (Martha & Francine & Tish) VS Doctor & Courtney
Donna & Wilf VS Rose & Jackie
Doctor & Wilf VS Clara & Rigsy
Rory & Brian VS Doctor & Nardole
Bill & The Romans (The Eater of Light) VS Doctor & Handles 
Doctor & Paternoster Gang VS Doctor & Craig
Doctor & Liv & Helen VS River & Madame Vastra
Doctor & Lethbridge-Stewarts VS Doctor & Amy
Doctor & Donna VS Doctor & Sarah Jane
Doctor & Nyssa & Tegan & Adric VS Doctor & Romana II
(I've been told yellow is the colour of platonic love, so that's the theme of the entire bracket!)
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whatthedogdoing123 · 11 months
Meme blog!!!!!!!!!!!
This is going to be a meme blog, i will post (almost) every day. If you know a funny meme that you want to see here, just send it in😄 I might use this for a couple of small tournaments, so follow for funny memes and possibly polls, reblog for more attention!
This is a safe space so if you think a meme is disrespectful, please message me and i will remove it as soon as possible.
Tags: @memewhore @memes @memedaddy @dailymeme@memesalldaylong@memes-sugadores-de-mentes@doyouknowwhatimeme@thememedaddy@thememeismighty@dogposts@important-animal-images@bestsiblingstournament@doctor-who-oc-tournament@important-animal-images@fyon-luna-13 @bestsiblingstournament@best-animal-bracket@ultimatepokemontournament@respectthewolf@randomreasonstolive@bestpokemonevertournament@bestgirlsnametournament@worstinsultsever@catsthatlooklikepinupgirls @lunarnamesbracket@dead-character-showdown @the-ultimate-tournament @hellsite-hungergames@dead-character-showdown @best-green-character @bestsiblingstournament @bestgirlsnametournament @best-fictional-cat @hellsite-hungergames @the-ultimate-tournament @thelittlestguy-tournament @the-nobody-tournament@drwho-shipbracket @companion-showdown @doctorwho @doctorwhoblog @doctorwhoproblems @dw-companion-outfits-bracket @oc-ships-fight-to-the-death @oc-siblings-bracket @ocshipsmackdown @dt-oc-tournament @villain-oc-tournament @transfemswagbracket @original-character-championship
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drwho-shipbracket · 1 year
You misspelled Romana as Roman in this post: https://www.tumblr.com/drwho-shipbracket/718574964166557696/bracket-a-pairing-8?source=share and I’m telling you not to shame you or anything but to inform you that there’s a fan podcast called The Game of Rassilon which has a male version of Romana named Roman in it and that in the podcast it’s canon that he’s exes with the Doctor
Oh my God 😔 I'm not going to change it now but thanks for letting me know!
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flintstill · 24 days
My shipbracket rules if idk who either of the ships involved are:
Primary rule: always vote against the anime pairing (unless they both are, in which case I tend not to vote)
Secondary rule: vote for the het ship since we all know those are usually less popular--throw a bone to the underdogs
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riversofmars · 1 year
Le prompts: Songbird [alt. if you're stuck: spring]
Ohh nice one! Hope you like this!!
Remember to keep voting Liv/Helen in @drwho-shipbracket's poll and sent in a prompt if you like!
Songbird (Rating: T)
Helen’s father would often call her mother bird names as terms of endearment. Starling, lark or dove… It took Helen a while to figure out what it all meant, particularly at the tender age of seven where she was beginning to form opinions of her own, as well as wants and dreams. It was when she found her love for reading, her curiosity and early ambition, and it was also the first time her father found serious fault with her.
“Girls don’t need to bother with education, you’re better served learning how to cook and how to make yourself look presentable. No-one likes a woman with strong opinions.”
The penny dropped when Helen had taken herself to her room in tears and her mother had offered her nothing but a thin-lipped smile. In her father’s world - which was what their home was for all intents and purposes - women were meant to be songbirds: Lovely to look at with only things to say that pleased the ears of men. God forbid they had opinions, wishes and dreams of their own…
That was also the night Helen decided that that was not what would become of her. Every day she bore witness to the way her mother bent this way and that to please her father and she admired her for it. It wasn’t something Helen thought herself capable of, even if she hadn’t been able to put it in such clear terms back then. It started with little acts of rebellion in the safety of her bedroom: Reading into the early hours. The public library was on her way to school and by the time she was old enough to go by herself, there was no stopping her.
She would appease her father, that was one of the lessons she had learned from her mother. It didn’t do to put yourself in danger for the sake of it. It was the only lesson of hers she had ever taken completely seriously. When she was told to help with the cooking or the cleaning, her mind was far off, contemplating the book she’d been reading the previous night or better yet: dreaming up a better future that she knew was out there for her. If only she could hold on…
There were so many things she had done to keep herself safe over the years as she’d picked her battles. Education had been one thing, particularly when she’d had teachers on her side who advocated for her intelligence and potential. That was something her father had had to make concessions on and in turn, Helen had had to make concessions of her own in other ways to keep the balance of things. She sang in the church choir. She dressed up in her Sunday best so her father might be pleased... The acts of rebellion followed when she was older, after mass, behind the boathouse… Her father would never find out about Jean, Helen wouldn’t have taken the risk, but that didn’t mean she didn’t spare a thought to the blue tits on the nearby tree as she allowed Jean to push her hand up her skirt. She longed to be as free as the birds were, and not the kind her father liked to keep at home.  
There was freedom to be had once she’d flown the nest. Helen had enjoyed those first few nights in her flat in Tooting. It was small and sparse as she didn’t have much beyond the essentials, but it was her own and she was free. That was the illusion she indulged, at least until the reality of her day-to-day caught up with her. She’d had such high hopes when she had finished university and been accepted to work at the National Museum. Once she got there, however, she found she was back in a cage, though a gilded one. Where on the face of it, she looked to have accomplished her dreams, the reality of it was far more sobering. While before, she’d had things to work towards, the expectation of a better future urging her on, she now found herself stuck in a system, her wings clipped, expected to perform and sing but never spread her wings and fly.
Not until one fateful afternoon where her future had felt all but lost. And in the whirlwind of events that followed, not only her cage was prised open, so was her heart.
Now, Helen stood atop a cliff in the Kaldoran desert, with the wind in her hair and her wife by her side.
“So? What do you think?” Liv prompted, pulling the linguist from her thoughts.
“Hm?” Helen looked around to find the med-tech look at her expectantly.
”It’s just, you’re not saying anything…” Liv observed with a frown.
“Oh sorry, I was just… off with the fairies,” the linguist answered with a wistful smile and pushed the musings on the twists and turns her life had taken to one side. She dedicated her attention to the incredible view. “It really is quite, quite beautiful.”
“Just wait till the sun sets. You won’t believe the view of the stars!” The med-tech burst into a grin and cast a glance towards the horizon where the sun was beginning to set. They had set up camp on a wide cliff, far away from anyone. Kaldor City stood in the distance and the glider they had arrived in at the bottom of the mountain they’d climbed for the last few hours. It was a rest break in between Liv’s busy shifts at Kaldor city hospital and Helen had taken the day off from her work at the university as well. It only seemed right as it was their wedding anniversary.
“I reckon I will, we’ve been to enough of them,” the linguist gave back easily and Liv laughed:
“I suppose so,” she conceded, looking out into the desert. “I used to love it here so much… coming here with my dad… I’m so glad to be able to take you now.”
“I would have loved to meet him, your dad…” Helen replied softly, as she knew it was an emotional matter for her wife. It was for her as well, as she considered her relationship with her own father and how different their experiences were. She wouldn’t have wanted Liv to meet her father. There would have been no point. He wouldn’t have known how to be happy for her, regardless of the matter of gender.
“He would have loved you,” the med-tech observed affectionately and all Helen could do was nod as she felt the sting of the past she thought she’d made her peace with. Her silence didn’t go unnoticed and Liv asked: “Helen, is everything okay?”
“It’s just… you must have felt so free, coming up here with him…” the linguist observed as she watched two birds shooting above their heads, birds of prey that danced through the air together, almost like a couple, and Helen thought she could see herself and her wife in them. She had come so far. “I never… I always felt trapped,” she admitted. She didn’t need to elaborate. They had talked about her past enough over the years and Liv nodded as she understood her perfectly.  
“I’m so sorry you had to go through that,” she said and Helen shrugged.
“We can’t choose our family, can we?”
“We can’t choose where we start, no…” Liv conceded and reached for her wife’s hand. “But we can choose how we carry on… and eventually you hopefully… find what you need and the future you want.”
“Thank you for breaking into my office,” Helen leaned against her, resting her head against the side of hers and the med-tech smiled:
“Thank you for taking a leap of faith after we did.”
“That’s what happens when you open a songbird’s cage. They fly to freedom,” the linguist replied. At last, she found herself without confinements and only the binds she’d chosen herself. Like the ring on her finger. Or the woman beside her. “I love you, Liv…” She told her and her wife smiled:
“I love you, too, Helen. Today and every other day we’re given.”
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alnmpodcast · 5 years
2019  Ship Bracket is OPEN!
Round one of voting for the 2019 Ship Bracket is here!  Vote for your favorites!
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nicoappreciation · 1 year
ROUND 2 - PJOverse Noncanon Ship Bracket 2023 (VOTING CLOSED)
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Time for round 2!!! This time the choices might not be so easy. We are deciding which noncanon PJOverse ship is objectively the best.
The round 2 pairings will be given under the cut:
Ruegard vs Grovercy
Brason vs Valzhang
Jasico vs Jercy
Rachabeth vs Valgrace
Theyna vs Tratie
Percico vs Pipeyna
Valdangelo vs Reynabeth
Clovico vs Pipabeth
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capybaraonabicycle · 9 months
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[ID: drawing of the ship River/13/Rose/Yaz/Jack lounging around a couch. River, the Doctor and Jack are on the couch, River and the Doctor sitting arm in arm, Jack lying with his head on the Doctor's lap, the Doctor's hand in his hair. Yaz stands behind the couch, leaning down to kiss the Doctor's cheek, her hand on River's arm. Rose sits in between the Doctor's legs on the floor, leaning into Jack's touch on her cheek and holding hands with River. Next to her there is an empty spot for Yaz. Various drinks and empty pizza boxes lie around. end ID]
Movie Night
(The Doctor separated River and Jack so they could better concentrate on the movie. Little did she suspect Rose and Yaz would prove just as distracting. Not that she really minds.)
I drew this because the ship 13/jack/rose/river/yaz won in last round of @drwho-shipbracket's tournament! I hurried to get it done because the ship is competing in the current round again and could really use some support!
I hope you like it @drwho-shipbracket and everyone else who supported them last round!
(please consider voting for them again)
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Very excited for the tournament!!! I will be hoping my OC gets far 🙏- @drwho-shipbracket
Me too!!!! These polls are so much harder to make than expected- honestly might take a few days.... but nonetheless, EXITEMENT.
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nicoappreciation · 11 months
ROUND 5 (FINALS) - PJOverse Noncanon Ship Bracket 2023 (VOTING CLOSED)
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Well. Here you go. We are finally deciding which noncanon PJOverse ship is objectively the best.
The round 5 pairing:
Ruegard vs Pipabeth vs [REDACTED]
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nicoappreciation · 11 months
ROUND 4 (SEMIFINALS) - PJOverse Noncanon Ship Bracket 2023 (VOTING CLOSED)
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This time it's personal. We are deciding which noncanon PJOverse ship is objectively the best.
The round 4 pairings will be given under the cut:
Ruegard vs Jasico
Pipeyna vs Pipabeth
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nicoappreciation · 1 year
ROUND 1 - PJOverse Noncanon Ship Bracket 2023 (VOTING CLOSED)
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From the blog that brought you the PJO/HOO Ship Bracket 2022, I present the PJOverse Noncanon Ship Bracket 2023! We will be deciding which noncanon PJOverse ship is objectively the best.
Round 1 pairings are under the cut:
Ruegard vs Lukabeth
Grovercy vs Frankercy
Brason vs Jeyna
Pipercy vs Valzhang
Jasico vs Octeyna
Liper vs Jercy
Rachabeth vs Thaluke
Reynapollo vs Valgrace
Theyna vs Thalico
Perachel vs Tratie
Percico vs Percalypso
Octachel vs Pipeyna
Valdangelo vs Jasabeth
Reychel vs Reynabeth
Lazel vs Clovico
Reynico vs Pipabeth
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