#should I continue this story with hot office sex?
theauthor2103 · 1 year
AU where Professor YN and Professor Dimitrescu share a dance together. Art by iandipen
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You leaned back in your office chair, kicked your feet up on your desk, and rested the back of your head in your hands. It had been an extremely long day at the college grading midterms, each professor had been shut up in their office with their heads in papers and computers, laptops, and MacBooks. The students were enjoying their first day of spring break while you and the other professors were hard at work. The college halls were empty and eerily silent, which left you feeling unsettled. It was simply unnatural to for the school to be this quiet, there was always the sound of people walking up and down the halls, keys dangling from lanyards, pens and pencils writing on paper, the clicks of keyboards from people typing.
You decided to put on some music to calm your nerves while enjoying your lunch break. Most of the professors would be going to the break room to enjoy lunch provided by the Headmistress from a local restaurant. It was a nice way to end the quarter before going on break, but you decided not to go. It was your first year teaching at this college and you had too many papers to grade since you decided to take on an extra class. You you wanted to get home a decent hour rather than being stuck past 7pm. You decided to bring snacks to eat during the day instead of having a lunch, that way you wouldn’t get distracted by the staff lunch and could get work done. You knew that if you walked up to the professor’s lounge, it would be over. There would be no way you would get any more paper grading done, so you decided to work in your office and spend your lunch break dozing off for just a little bit while listening to the music play.
You smiled when the sound of Glen Miller’s Moonlight Serenade came on and sighed out. That song always calmed you down and put you at ease. You turned the volume up all the way, put the song on loop, and leaned back in your chair again. It wasn’t like there was anyone around that would complain about the music being too loud, and even so it was just Glen Miller. Who would ever complain about this song?
“Why Miss L/N, I didn’t take you for a fan of Glen Miller,” said a low voice from the door. You smiled and sat up in your chair to greet your friend, turning the music down a bit. “There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me, Professor Dimitrescu.” Alcina strut into your office and tutted at you.
“Sleeping on the job? I thought you said you would be getting your work done today, and yet here you are,” she sat down on your desk, pulling the ends of her skirt down, “lulling about.”
“Everyone deserves a nice break, Alcina. I believe it was you who originally told me that and stressed how important it is to not overdo it,” you said, eyes closed and leaned back in the chair.
“I believe what I said was don’t overdo it, not sleep on the job. Perhaps I should report your insubordination to the headmistress,” she teased you, smiling back.
“Snitch,” you teased back. Alcina rolled her eyes at you and stood up from your desk.
“I came to collect you for the spring break party,” the taller woman said, crossing her arms over chest.
“Oh, I’ve had my fair share of spring break parties. My parties days are over I’m afraid, but you kids have fun.” You waved your hand and playfully shooed her off
“Kids?” Alcina smiled at you and rolled her eyes, looking at a rubix cube, a stress ball, and some squishy dinosaur toys you had on your desk. “I’m older than you.” Alcina placing her hands on her hips and leaning on her foot. You felt your face blush and swallowed, the ends of Alcina’s mouth curving upward ever so slightly. The two of you had been flirting with each other ever since you started working at the college.
“It hardly shows. I swear, when I first met you I thought we were the same age.” She blushed and chuckled a little, her voice rumbling in her chest. You wanted to feel the vibration of her vocal cords in your mouth and kiss her. This little game of cat and mouse you two had been playing since the beginning of the year was itching away at you. You weren’t entirely sure if Alcina had the same feelings for you, or if she was just indulging herself.
“Charming as always,” Alcina said. “Now are you coming to lunch or not?”
“Eh, I don’t think so. As much as I’d like to, I won’t get any work done for the rest of the day if I go.”
“I can understand that,” Alcina nodded. Moonlight serenade began to play again and she smiled, slowly swaying her head back and forth. “I do so love this song.” You smiled up at her and stood from your chair, leaning against the desk.
“I do too. It really calms me down.”
Alcina smirked at you and batted her eyes gently. “Am I making you nervous?”
“No, no,” you chuckled nervously, “I just- you know, it’s been a long day with these papers. Just spikes up my anxiety sometimes. That’s all.”
“Well, don’t let me keep you from your work.” You frowned and felt your heart sink. You didn’t want her to leave, you wanted to spend more time with her. Work be damned, you could always come in tomorrow and do the rest.
“Oh no, no. You’re not keeping me from my work.” You tried not to seem too obvious and attempted to be cool about it, not wanting to come off as desperate. Again, the ends of her lips curved upwards as you walked over to her from the other side of the desk. She looked you up and down quickly, her face glowing from the sun’s rays, wrinkles and laugh lines more defined.
“Good,” she said, stepping closer. You were inches from each other. You could feel your face heating up and you had butterflies in your stomach. Alcina reached up for a loss button on your collar shirt and buttoned it up. “This was lose.” You both stepped forward slightly, the music ringing in your ears. For months now, you wanted to grab the older woman’s face and smash your lips onto hers hard, rip her clothes off, run your hands down her back and hold her close to you in your arms.
“Thank you,” you said. “Umm….” Should you take a chance? “Alcina, I was wondering….” What if she said no and rejected your advances? Did she actually like you, or was she just stringing you on? What if you mistook her friendship for something more? What if she felt uncomfortable by you and stopped talking all together?
“Yes YN?” Alcina asked, looking back into your eyes.
“Would you….” You were too nervous to ask her and instead let your body do it for you. You reached a hand up, offering a dance. Alcina blushed down at you and took it. You felt your face melt off from heat and your stomach leaped. You felt her fingers close around your hand and placed your hand on her hip while she rested hers on your shoulder. You awkwardly swayed back and forth on your feet and held Alcina close.
“YN, do you actually know how to dance?” Alcina asked chuckling. You were far too happy to care, lost in her beauty and enjoying this moment that you had been killing for.
“No, not really.”
“Well, perhaps I’ll teach you.”
“You know… I would really like that.”
“As would I.” You felt your heart melt and followed her lead, trying not to step on her feet. Having Alcina in your arms like this, dancing with her, moving your hips with hers, it was a dream come true. Not exactly how you pictured things going, but it was even better than what you imagined. You wanted more of Alcina, wanted to spend more time with her, wanted to know her better, you wanted her to love you back. You fell hard for this woman the day you met her and you were getting antsy and impatient after all these months of waiting. You didn’t want to scare Alcina off knowing she did not trust most people and waited patiently for her.
It finally paid off. Alcina rested her head on your shoulder and wrapped her arms around your neck. You locked your arms around her waist and held her close to your body. “You know, I’ve liked you for some time now, YN.”
“Really?” you smiled. Alcina lifted her head up slightly.
“Have I not made that clear with all the passes I’ve made and the flirtatious jokes?”
“Hahaha, no you have. I just… I respect you, Alcina. I know it’s hard for you to trust people and I don’t want to push you. But, I really like you.” You gently began rubbing her back softly as the music played on.
“Thank you, YN. I know I can be… difficult sometimes at reciprocating feelings.”
“Worth the wait, Professor.” Alcina smiled and looked at you. You stared back at her and grinned, leaning in to her face until her lips touched yours. Alcina gently caressed your face and deepened the kiss with you. You held her tightly against you, not ever wanting to let go of this perfect woman.
Yeah, the wait was definitely worth it.
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fayes-fics · 2 months
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x fem!reader
Summary: Sequel to Impertinent. After your engagement party, Anthony asks you to rendezvous in his office to continue where you left off.
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Warnings: 18+ smut, minors DNI, innocence/corruption kink, sex education, mutual masturbation, orgasms.
Word Count: 2.2k
Authors Note: Sequel request fill for @cleopatraathene to continue the story from Impertinent (ask HERE). Sorry, it's taken so long, my dear. Err, this could well turn into a series at this rate. Thanks to @colettebronte for betaing. Enjoy! <3
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The bejewelled band feels weighty around your left ring finger as you rap your knuckles quietly upon his study door. It's late, and the last thing you want is for anyone to know what you are doing.
After a pause, the hinges creak, and a hand snakes out and grabs your arm.
Before you know it, you are dragged through the door, and it closes with you pressed against the other side, the room heady with the scent of recently smoked cigars and expensive brandy. Anthony is casual in just a white shirt, sleeves rolled up around his elbows, braces slung around his hips.
“Fiancée,” he rumbles, his nose trailing up your neck as he leans in, the wood of the door panels digging into your bottom through the thin layer of your silk robe. “Did you enjoy our engagement party?” he queries, teasing your throat with soft kisses.
“Yes,” you answer breathily. “A-And I did as you asked.”
He pauses in his ministrations; you can feel the curve of a smile over your skin. “What did I ask you to do?” he knows the answer; he just wants to hear you say it.
“To return this evening exactly as I was last night.” 
He tuts softly, his nose trailing up the cord of your neck. “But you are wearing something, so you are not as you were.”
“I could hardly walk through the halls of your home naked, my lord!” you gasp.
He chuckles richly, his breath hot in your ear. “On the contrary. This is soon to be all yours. As Viscountess, you can do exactly as you wish. Or as I wish. And sometimes, I may wish you to be naked at my bidding,” he straightens up and looks down at you, dark eyes glittering. “Would you do that for me? Would you walk naked where I told you?“
Again, as last night, you feel under a spell. “Yes, my lord,” you whisper truthfully.
“Audacious,” he rasps approvingly, “just how I like it,” the last few words muttered over your lips before capturing them with his.
Your stomach quivers at his praise, then vaults at the first brush of his mouth, knowing that now you are betrothed, he has promised so much more. His lips are warm and soft as he slowly parts your lips, his tongue rolling, requesting entry. Instinctively, you open, a wave of luscious wet heat as his tongue lathes over yours, a dance that has you inside melting and a throb at the apex of your thighs that is entirely foreign but enthralling. As he breaks away, you chase his lips, eyes still closed, wanting more of his heady kisses. He grabs both of your hands and pulls you to the centre of the room, the fire warming the backs of your calves as he releases his hold.
“Take off your robe,” his order soft.
Your trembling hands scramble to obey, making quick work of the knot at your belly, pushing the material off your shoulders so it flutters onto the rug behind you so you are naked. There is a throaty noise and he takes a step back as if to better drink in the view of your body. His lush bottom lips curling under his upper teeth, his eyes covetous, roaming your skin.
“You should never wear clothes,” he opines, backing further away, grabbing a wingback chair and scraping it across the carpet until it is behind him. He takes a seat, his eyes never leaving your form.
“Spin for me.”
Heart beating fast, you rock onto the balls of your feet and rotate away so you face the blazing fire, your back towards him. Then you slowly complete the circle until you are facing him again, his expression ravenous.
“A perfect specimen. Now touch yourself,” the order is gruff.
You frown at him. “Where, my lord?”
“Are you to tell me you have never put your fingers between your legs?” he scoffs, disbelieving.
“N-no, my lord? Should I?’ 
The dancing flames of the fire are almost too hot on your bottom, as he answers in a cool register. “Yes, you should. But perhaps I should be the one to instruct you as your future husband.”
With that, he stands from his seat, walking purposely towards you, his boots heavy on the rug as you take a deep breath. He grabs your right wrist, bringing your fingers up to his lips and engulfing them in his hot mouth, his tongue questing against the pads of your fingers, the suckle of his lips sensual and damp.
With a salacious pop, he pulls off your fingers, his lips quirking into a knowing smile as he guides your wetted fingers to your chest.
“Touch your nipples,” he instructs quietly.
You gasp as his cooling saliva meets your flushed, puffy areola, puckering instantly under the pad of your fingers. 
“That feels good, does it not?” he dusks, wrapping his hand over yours to direct your caressing of yourself, his fingers never touching your nipple but directing your movement like a puppeteer, taking the fingers of your left hand and repeating the suckling action, guiding your fingers to your other nipple.
All you can do is nod and bite your lip, pushing up into your own hands, squirming slightly from foot to foot, feeling a dampness smear on your inner thighs as you do, your tummy replete with butterflies under his heavy gaze.
He guides your fingers over the swell of your lower breast and down over your stomach, chuckling as the teasing trail of your own fingers makes you giggle lightly, your belly rippling. His eyes flash as his hand guides yours lower, trailing into the patch of hair at the apex of your thighs, something thronging between your legs at the molten look on his face.
Two of his fingers curl over the back of yours, turning your middle and pointer fingers into a hook before he pushes your hand lower. Again, you gasp as your fingers slide at his insistence into some folds of skin between your legs, damp and sticky. His face is dashingly mischievous as he places those hooked fingers over a certain swollen nub and swirls them slowly in an anticlockwise motion. You startle at the spike of pleasure that rushes through your body, the epicentre under your attentions.
“How does that feel, fiancée?” he murmurs, tone like velvet.
All you can do is stutter his name on a shaky exhale, your other hand shooting out to grab his muscular forearm where it presses your belly, the dark hairs there tickling your palm as you grip around him, needing the anchor, your knees feeling oddly weak.
“Oh, you like that…” he huffs, amused, as he crowds into you, his hand covering yours between your legs, dictating your movements, a shiver running down your spine at the fizzles of pleasure sparking around your body. “Do not stop,” his voice low, resonant, his lips hot on your temple, you moaning lightly and leaning into him.
A sweet-tart scent fills the air, your fingers coated in a slick, viscous substance that can only be from your own body, a soft, wet noise emanating from where you touch yourself.
“That is my favourite sound in the world,” Anthony sighs into your ear, “so ripe and ready for me…just wait until we are married.”
“What will happen?” you inhale, trying your best to concentrate even as you feel your body swelling under your own touch, engorged, hot, craving more friction.
“All in good time…” he answers enigmatically, his breath a touch uneven.
The slightly rough texture of his cotton shirt snags delightfully against your nipples as you writhe, riding your own fingers and his, wishing it were his skin touching yours. There is something hard in his britches that rubs your stomach with each move you make.
“Do not stop,” he gruffs.
You whine as he steps away, craving his heat, his toned body glorious to rub yourself against, akin to a cat.
“My lord…” you mewl, appealing for him to return, swaying unsteadily on your feet even as you continue to touch yourself as instructed.
“That is it, keep going up,” he encourages, retaking the seat and staring at you covetously, one of his hands falling to his lap, palming a swelling there.
“What are you doing, my lord?” 
You are intrigued by his soft panting as he roughly tugs at the buttons on his trousers.
“I am doing as you are,” he groans, “I am touching myself, My cock.”
With that, he fishes something out from his white underwear that makes you inhale sharply. A red, almost angry looking rod of flesh that stands proud of his body from a dark thatch of hair. The slight is intriguing and makes you pulse heavily between your legs as if innately knowing it belongs there.
You feel yourself moving towards him, like a magnetic pull, your fingers still sliding over that hardened pearl between your legs as you get closer, hypnotised by the sight of his hand, now in a fist, moving up and down his swollen cock.
“Cock…” it falls from your lips reflexively as you stare.
He groans loudly at your utterance, a shiny pearl of wetness pooling at his tip as he does so.
You feel feverish, not just because of the roaring fire in the hearth, but a blaze inside, a flush running through you that makes your mind feel both fuzzy and sharp, singular in pursuit of pleasure, your fingers moving faster now between your legs, varying your speed and motion.
He hisses his approval as your knees buckle, sinking to a kneel on the rug, your knees splaying wide, your fingers freer to move, but your eyes never leave his hand, his motion a quick twisting tug now.
“Does that not hurt?” you blurt out breathily, not pausing, chasing a high you can feel hovering so tantalisingly close, a tingle over your lips and the back of your scalp.
“No, it feels just as good as your fingers do on you,” he assures, broken, huffing now. “I will teach you,” he adds, meeting your gaze heatedly when your eyes ping to his face briefly.
Something about this feels so decadent and luxurious, the same as his velvet jacket was on your skin last night, the garment that catalysed this whole tumultuous journey.
“Swap hands,” he commands, cutting into your wayward tangent, and you find yourself obeying on instinct. “Give me that other,” he rejoins. Before you know it, the fingers that were between your legs are in his mouth, his tongue curling and sucking wantonly, feeling the vibration of his groan over your fingertips as he cleans all your juices from your fingers, his hand a frenzy on his cock now.
Your other hand feels different; something about the catch of your blunt fingernails between your legs has you hurtling towards some crescendo, your skin feeling almost too tight over your bones, a pressure behind your ribs as your heart thunders, almost like you are trying so hard to chase and hold in something explosive.
“Oh, you are there, aren't you?” Anthony growls around your fingers still in his mouth, sounding wild, his motions untamed, gusting deep breaths out of his nose as he leans forward, eyes intense and glassy.
All you can do is nod, almost frantic, as if seeking permission to break, circling an abyss. Your fingers fall from his mouth as he groans loudly.
“Come for me, fiancée,” he grits out.
Unsure what that means, you just keep moving, feeling something snap inside that has you calling out and curling over, a scream escaping your lungs as your body seems to retract and explode outwards, your mind scattered to the wind as an ecstatic wave fans out from your core around your body, your muscles twitching.
You are brought back to the room by a noise he makes—hungry, gravelly, all male. As your breath returns, your eyes reopen to see him in the throes of ecstasy: an arresting sight. One curl of hair flopped over his dewy forehead, his lower lip caught under his upper teeth, eyes wild and unfocused, then screwing shut as he roars, his hand a frenzy on his cock which seems to pulse in his fist before spurting a substance in an arc part of which splashes warm across your chest, taking you by surprise.
That seems to signal he has reached a peak, too, his body wracked by a few aftershocks before he slumps back into the chair, panting, his hand slackening as he stares transfixed at the sticky streak of his cum over the upper swell of your breast.
“Are you well, husband?” you check, fascinated but concerned.
He doesn't correct the title you bestow upon him. “More than,” is his laconic, sated response, an easy smile claiming his face as he unfurls a sleeve to tenderly clean your breasts of his seed. “This is only the beginning,” he promises, cupping your cheek affectionately. “Run along and get some rest; we shall meet here again tomorrow.”
You cannot wait.
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moonlightndaydreams · 1 month
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Limbo Part 3
Pairing: Lee Minho x fem reader x Han Jisung
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9
Synopsis: Lee Minho is the mysterious new accountant at your workplace, and he seems to have his sights set on you. But things aren't so simple when your ex boyfriend Han comes back into the picture. Can you and Minho make it work, or will you get back with Han?
Chapter Summary: You can't get Minho off your mind, so much so you pleasure yourself to the thought of him. You are reminded of your ex, Han.
Spoiler: Happy ending, eventual poly minsung.
MDNI / smut // Taglist: open.
A/n: this story may be familiar to some. It’s a rework of one of my older stories where I’ve now changed my fem lead to be reader.
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CW: masturbation, fantasizing about p in v sex, angst.
TW: mentions of alcohol abuse. Please be mindful if this theme is triggering for you.
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You got home at seven that evening. You had recorded your Ateez episode in good time, picked up some take away dinner and now you craved a delicious bath.
Once settled into the hot water, you closed your eyes. Time to just relax.
Fucking hell. Your eyes flicked open and you reached for your phone. It was the group chat.
Felix: Are you home yet? Did you eat?
Hyunjin: I’m tipsy, girl!!!!
You: Yes, Mum. I’ve eaten. I’m home.
Binnie: What are you doing?
You: I’m naked.
Hyunjin: TMI
Felix: Are you masturbating?
You: What the actual fuck?
Felix: You know… kitten…
You: I shouldn’t have told you anything. I hate you.
You: Also. I love you. Stay safe boys.
Binnie: I can’t believe you left me to look after these babies.
You: Sorry not sorry xxx
You put the phone to the side and leaned your back on the edge of the tub. Your hand rested on your thigh, the place Minho had put his hand on you that day. You closed your eyes. Surely it’d be okay to just imagine him? That’d be harmless, right?
You allowed your hand to slide along the front of your thigh and back down again, squeezing the flesh with your fingers. You imagined it was Minho’s hand. That he’d come up behind you in your office when you weren’t looking. He snaked an arm around your waist and pressed himself against your ass. His other hand explored your thigh. You let out a sigh. “You shouldn’t be doing this Minho, someone might walk in.” You protested, yet you rubbed your body against the front of his body, against his erection.
“Shh, kitten. Don’t you worry about a thing. It won’t take me long to make you come.” He sneered in your ear.
You smiled in the tub as you let your imagination continue to run wild as your hands became Minho’s hands. In your mind, he reached down to the hem of your flowy dress and lifted it up so his hand could explore underneath. He explored your inner thigh, so softly, so gently, making his way further up your leg. “I bet your pussy is soaking wet right now?” He whispered. “And if it is, I’m gonna have to fuck you. Right here, right on your desk.”
You bit your lip and slowly moved your hand right up between your thighs, separating your lips and using a finger to stroke your clit. “So fucking wet, kitten.” You imagined his voice in your head when he discovered you weren’t wearing any panties. You imagined him approving of how aroused you were for him, and that now he’d have to do something about it. Should it be punishment or reward? You couldn’t decide what direction you wanted to take the fantasy.
You reached up out of the bath tub to where you’d set down your dildo, and picked it up. You smirked. You knew what you wanted to do.
Minho released you from his grasp and walked around to your office chair. He had removed his trousers, magically, and sat in your chair with his enormous, throbbing cock beckoning you to come and fuck yourself on it. Who were you to deny? You were wet, ready, and this was a fantasy. You sauntered around the desk and lifted your skirt giving him a full view of your pussy.
“Turn around, kitten.” He instructed. “Come sit on my cock.” You repositioned yourself in the tub so you were kneeling on all fours. You took the dildo, placing it behind you and sunk down onto it. You cried out at how the dildo stretched you. You’d chosen your biggest one for this occasion. You wanted to imagine hard, raw, dirty sex. You wanted to feel as full and as stretched as you possibly could.
You imagined it was Minho’s cock you were fucking yourself on. “Fuck, yes kitten. Just like that. Take it. Yes.” You began to slide up and down, rolling your hips, biting your lip. Harder. Faster. You imagined fucking Minho just like this. “You fuck me so well, Minho. Ahhh. Your cock feels so fucking good inside my pussy. Yes fuck me harder. I wanna come.”
“You’re such a little slut for me aren’t you, kitten. A bad little girl. Let me fuck that slutty attitude out of you, huh?”
You moved so you were more kneeling, and brought a hand around to frantically rub your clit as you fucked yourself with your dildo. The knot in your stomach so tight now, your vagina gripping the dildo like a vice. “Fuck!” You choked as you took yourself over the edge, panting, heart racing, eyes squeezed tight.
You felt you weren’t quite finished, so you kept bouncing on the dildo and applying pressure to your clit. Harder, faster, relentless. You imagined Minho wasn’t going to let you stop until he fucked his cum right up into you. You came again. This time harder than the first. You cried out at the relief that the second orgasm brought, eventually slowing the pace and sliding off the dildo.
Holy shit. You leaned back against the side of the tub to catch your breath. Masturbating hadn’t been that fun in a long time. “Thank you Minho, you can get back to work now.” You laughed to yourself and closed your eyes until you’d recovered.
“Why won’t the fucking remote work.” You had sat down on your sofa later that eveining, ready to watch a new Kdrama that Hyunjin had insisted you watch. You smacked the remote a few times, but there was no life in it. Damn it. You’d have to go searching for batteries now.
Begrudgingly, you knelt down in front of your TV unit and started the journey of rummaging through the unit’s drawers. The first two drawers seemed to be home to an entire civilisation of usb cables, but no batteries. You sat back on your ankles and sighed. Only six more drawers to check. You eventually got to the sixth drawer, because apparently you mustn’t own batteries, pulling it out and stopping dead.
Staring up at you from inside the drawer, a photo of yourself and a young man in his early twenties. Han.
You frowned as you lifted the photo, then the box underneath, out of the drawer and placed it on the floor in front of you.
All thoughts of batteries forgotten, you repositioned yourself to sit cross-legged on the carpet and lifted the lid of the box. Little trinkets and mementos from your various holidays, and photographs, so many fucking photos, from your trip with Han to England. You picked one up. It was of a selfie of you and Han in London. It was from happier times, where your days were filled with laughter, conversation and incredible sex. Big beaming smiles and tired eyes from travel looked out at you from the photos. You barely recognised the pair.
It had been your first, and only, holiday together. You touched Han’s smiling face and half smiled as you stared at the photo. Nostalgia crept into your chest. It was before Han started drinking everyday. The feelings inside you shifted to the usual sick, heavy feeling of dread whenever you thought about him and his drinking. This was supposed to be the first of many holidays together. You were supposed to have made lots of happy memories together. 
You felt a sour taste in your mouth as you remembered the time when you booked and paid for your trip to New Zealand, only to find out Han didn’t have the money to pay for his half. You ended up going alone. You’d decided that next time he’d be able to contribute. How foolish of you.
You found herself looking at one of the selfies again. “I tried Han,” you sobbed, tears falling onto the photo. “You promised you’d stop… You promised you’d get help.” You looked at his chubby cheeks, and gummy smile, and you felt your heart breaking all over again.
You snapped yourself out of your thoughts before you let the familiar feeling of guilt seep in, which inevitably it always did. You wanted to focus on the present moment, not the shitty past. You quickly gathered all the photos, and trinkets, shoving them back in the box and putting it way, along with your memories of Han.
You went to bed but you couldn’t sleep.
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the-little-ewok · 11 months
The Little Spoon
Poe Dameron x G/N Reader
Rating: M
Wordcount : 1600 (ish)
Warnings : Fluff, mentions of getting caught during sex/heavy petting, rife with teasing innuendos, soft softness, spooning, brief mentions of food, Poe being an adorable menace.
Prompt / Summary : Burying your face in their neck, listening to their heartbeat, spooning at night. / After a difficult day you and Poe try something new in the bedroom.
A/N : Anon who sent me the prompts - i dont know if fluffy was what you really wanted but… i kinda went pretty fluffy cute with this. If you were hoping more for a NSFW request please send me an ask and i’ll do an alt fic for you :)
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"Stop!" You half whine, half laugh, burying your face in Poe's neck.
"I don't know if he'll ever be able to talk to you again without blushing!" Poe laughs, clearly finding the fact his newest squad member walking in on you both in a, well, compromising, position, hilariously funny, and your embarrassment even funnier.
Since then poor Leru had been unable to look at you without his cheeks lighting up red, and losing all ability to speak.
"Take it as a compliment it affected him so much," Poe shrugs, taking the whole situation in his stride, as usual. "You can't change what happened, and besides you can't hide out here forever."
'Here' was the grassy bank outside the, what now seemed all too small, base entrance. You had escaped out into the humid night air as soon as your shift was over, convinced everyone you encountered knew the story and was staring at you.
Of course, they already knew that you and Poe were close, but perhaps not quite how close. There had never really been time, during the middle of a war, to consider what you were. And now you were together, both of you wanted to enjoy it without too much fuss. At least while you settled into a new routine, and Poe to his new role as General. So really, getting carried away in what should have stayed an empty office, after Poe had returned from a long mission, was not the best of plans.
But oh, he had been so distractingly hot. The way he'd smiled, his eyes flickering up and down your body, the way he'd pulled you tight against his chest, the way his lips had brushed against your skin.
It was hard to regret what happened. But you did regret getting caught.
"I can stay here as long as I like," you challenge his statement, folding your arms.
"I could just order you back inside," he shrugs with a sigh, making out it would be a huge inconvenience for him to do that.
"You wouldn't dare!" You twist to glare at him in challenge, as Poe leans back to look at you, a serious expression creasing his brow. He slowly raises one eyebrow, before he finally gives in, bursting into laughter.
"No, you're right. I like continuing to live without a vibroblade in my chest, so I guess orders are off the table!" He pulls you back into his arms, holding you tight against him.
"How about I very politely request you come back inside? We can grab some food and get an early night?"
"I don't want to go to the canteen,” you mumble, picking at a loose thread on your trousers, unable to remove the idea that everyone would be judging you.
"You know, I don't think anyone else knows? And even if they did, firstly, it's not like they saw anything personally, just second hand, and secondly, if anyone says a damn word I'll have their ass hauled in front of me faster than they can blink!" Poe states passionately.
"That's sweet. But we agreed on no special treatment."
"Not special. I'd do that for anyone talking inappropriately about anyone. You get absolutely no special treatment. I've never given you any special treatment." Taking your chin he tilts your face towards him before he places a soft kiss against your lips.
"Hmm, so you offer that to everyone, do you?"
"Well, everyone is a little broad. More like a select group. You, Finn, Rey, Snap, BB, that really cute medic we met in Yavin," he shrugs with a teasing smile as you roll your eyes. “Now stop overthinking.”
Poe was right, you were over thinking, and as annoying as his teasing could be, you know it comes from a good place in his heart. He simply wants you to see that it's not all bad. Nothing you could do now would change anything that already happened. All you could do was, as Poe does, make the best of the situation.
Still, the embarrassment gnaws a little at your thoughts, though quieter, still there for now.
"Can we eat in your room?"
"Only if we are naked," Poe grins, making you dissolve into laughter.
"Stop that, right now!" You warn through giggles.
"I've been away for almost a month! I've been storing it all up. You are in for a lonnnnnng night, baby," he winks, and for a moment, you`re laughing so hard you forget anything had gone wrong at all today.
"I'm sorry," Poe offers later that night, his fingers trailing up and down your back as you lay in his bed, curled up against his side, his heartbeat drumming in your ear as you lean your head on his chest, half asleep.
You hum in question, wondering what he's talking about.
"Earlier. It was my fault we got caught like that. I should have waited. I was just excited to see you and being impulsive. I’ll try and keep my hands to myself for a little longer next time.”
You lean up on your elbow to look at him, frowning in confusion and feeling the tendrils of guilt in your own belly that he feels he's somehow to blame. The last thing you wanted was for Poe to feel he couldn't be his usual, affectionate self.
"There's nothing you need to apologise for. We were both willing participants. I was excited to see you too. You’ve no idea how much I missed you."
Poe's hand slides around the back of your neck, pulling you down to him as he mumbles, "I missed you too, baby," against your mouth before he kisses you.
When he finally lets you go, you have to take a moment, feeling a little giddy, whether with love or lack of oxygen, you aren't sure.
"Anyway, I like you being impulsive," you assure him with a soft smile.
"Then I rescind my apology," Poe chuckles as you snuggle back down against his side, trying to get comfy again.
Except now you have a problem. No matter where you place yourself, you can't quite get comfy enough to fall asleep. Something just feels wrong.
You let out a noise of annoyance, sitting up.
"Turn over," you instruct, laughing as Poe raises a questioning eyebrow, his lips upturning in a familiar grin.
"Is this going a sex thing? Because you know I can stay awake a little longer. I'm sure I can help tire you o-"
"Get your mind out of the gutter," You laugh, cutting him off and pressing your hands against his arm, trying to manually roll him over, onto his side.
"So it's not a sex thing? I'm disappointed," Poe sighs over dramatically, ignoring your pathetic attempts to move him.
"I want to cuddle you!" You explain with an exasperated sigh.
"Oh, that's what we are calling it these days? Okay, well, we can 'cuddle' as much as you like," he grins, eyes crinkling with amusement as he makes air quotes at you. You make a show of dramatically rolling your eyes in response.
"No, Poe! I mean I want to hold you!"
"Hold which bit?" He wiggles his eyebrows as you try and bite back your laughter. You close your eyes and take a deep breath, telling yourself you are grateful he's home and he just needs to get this out of his system.
When you open them again you fix him with a stern look.
"Alright, alright!" Poe holds his hands up in surrender, clearly deciding he might be pushing too far now. "You want me to be the little spoon?" He asks, obviously having known exactly what you wanted from the first time you asked.
"I want you to be the little spoon." You nod in confirmation. Poe's expression softens from teasing into something that makes your chest ache with love. It's as though the seriousness of the last few years of war drop away, and the boy Poe used to be, stares at you with hopeless adoration.
"I like that idea better," he says simply, before he rolls over with his back to face you. "But I'm still open to the sex thing." He adds, making you snort as you try to contain your laughter, knowing it will only encourage him.
Once Poe is settled, you curl up behind him, wrapping an arm over his chest, tucking your legs in behind his, cuddling up close to him as you press your face between his shoulder blades.
"Don't think I've ever been the little spoon before. I like it," Poe sighs contentedly, his hands resting over yours wrapped around his chest, holding you in place.
You smile and press a soft kiss to his back, "I like it too."
A near silence settles over you both, the only sound in the room your steady breathing as you hold each other. You can feel your eyes finally starting to drift shut, but you also know Poe is not asleep yet, as his fingers continue to gently caress your arm, almost distractedly.
“What are you thinking, Flyboy?” You mumble sleepily against his skin, not wanting to fall asleep if he has something on his mind.
"I was just wondering," he mumbles quietly, “if you think Leru is thinking about us right now?"
"Go to sleep!" You sigh against his back, feeling him shake with barely contained laughter.
"I definitely think he enjoyed it a little bit."
"Sleep!" You hiss, refusing to play into his teasing again.
There's a moment of silence, one in which you think that he's given up with the teasing and finally decided to get some rest. That is until -
"Do you think he wants to join us sometime?"
You can't help but smile as his laughter fills the room. Insufferable, infuriating, pain in the ass. You had missed him, so very much.
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matchamocchi · 7 months
Relief - 1
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After the assault of a curse's special attack, Takuma has a problem. But he's lucky that his teammate is more than willing to lend him a helping hand.
P0rn with a bit of plot exploiting the good ol' sex pollen trope.
A/N: This snippet of smut would not fit into my story – which doesn't mean it did not haunt my mind to the point I had to write it down. Enjoy!
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Four missed calls. Two unanswered messsages on read. And he couldn't care less - even though he did care about her. Actually more than about anyone else.
Since their first meeting, he was smitten with every single aspect of her existence. Her looks, her voice, her patience and intellect, her soft nature that contrasted her fierce fighting skills. While he didn't want to surrender to it at first, at some point it was unavoidable to think about the girl during the lonely nights when his urges got the better of him. But each time he pleasured himself to the images of his teammate, he felt filthy afterwards for making this sweet, pure girl the protagonist of his lewd mind-porn.
But right now, as he was lying on his bed, fisting his swollen dick, it did not matter at all. No efforts should be spared to help him getting rid of this painful erection.
Early this morning, he was called to a mission. She was already in the car when Ichiji came to pick him up. They met Nanami at the haunted building and decided to split up to get the job done as quickly as possible. Ino and the girl took out a group of lower grade curses of which one suddenly blew out a thick veil of purple dust. She managed to fight off most of the substance with her cursed technique but Ino was directly hit in the face and inhaled some of it.
Later, Ieri checked on them to find out if it was some kind of poison and they needed further monitoring or treatment.
„Ino-san.“. He was just about to leave her office with Nanami and his teammate when Ieri addressed him and made a come hither movement with her finger.
„There's something you should know.“ She closed the door, sat down, lit a cigarette and tapped the pile of papers in her hands against the desk. „Your blood analysis shows a consideringly increased testosterone value.“ The doctor took a puff before continuing. „Apparently the strange dust this curse emitted was some kind of pollen that fuels the sex drive with the goal of incapacitating its victims.“
Ino's eyes widened. „That means?“
„Well, it's very likely that you will be easily aroused or fall into a state of permanent stimulation. I advice you to stay inside for the rest of the day and maybe also tomorrow, depending on your condition.“
Ino cleared his throat. „Okay. But... I don't feel any form of, uhm, arousal right now...“
„Thanks to your teammate you only inhaled a small amount of the curse's pollen. It can take some time before it takes effect.“
„And... is there... you know, something I can do?“
Ieri grinned and made a gesture with her hand that told him: jerk off.
If only it were that easy!
This was the most persistent boner of his life and no matter how long and hard he tried, he couldn't cum. He was horny to no end, his mind flooded with unrestrained scenarios of his cute teammate. But touching himself just didn't cut it. His body demanded for the real thing. A hot, juicy pussy that would milk him dry. He realized this after two hours of smearing an entire tube of handlotion onto his dick, rubbing it in all ways possible that would normally get the job done within only a couple of minutes.
Sex, sex, sex.
It was the only thing on his mind. However, the feeling was far from adolescent horniness. It was a destructive carnal thirst that seized his body from head to toe. Like a fever he could not escape. He was so deprived of most of his self-control that he felt like an animal. Takuma wanted – no, needed – it so bad that the desire caused not only his hardness to ache but also his conscience.
He had to fuck right now or he would lose his sanity.
With a groan, Ino pulled his pants up and sat down in front of his computer in a corner of his living room. He typed his address into the search field and added „callgirls“. Paying for sex had never crossed his mind before but now it seemed like his last resort. He studied the search results and opened some tabs when the sound of his doorbell sent a thunderbolt through his guts and he winced like he had been caught doing something illegal. No matter who it was, he would ignore them. Neither physically nor mentally was he in a state to interact with other people.
„Ino-san?“ The sweetest voice he knew called his name from the other side of the door.
No. Please not her. Not her of all people.
„Hey, are you okay? You did not answer your phone. I'm worried, so I came to check on you.“
Ino bit his lip. What should he do now? „Just pretend to not be at home.“, he concluded
„Ino-senpai?“, her voice made his cock twitch and his heart beat faster. „I'll come in now, okay?“
Next thing he heard was a rustle when she lifted his doormat to get the spare key he had told her about some time ago.
Shit. What now?
The second he heard the key being turned inside the lock, he hurriedly closed his computer, quickly threw on a hoodie and grabbed a blanket which he placed on his lap to hide his boner. Ino remained seated and put on his earphones so he could pretend he had not heard her.
Damn! How he loved it when she called him that!
It made him fuzzy-headed whenever he explained things to her and she would listen and nod enthusiastically, responding with something like „Really? That's interesing! Thank you, senpai!“
Remembering the way senpai fell from her lips also never failed to get his dick hard. Now, those six letters only sent another surge of pain to the region between his legs.
„Ino-san?“, she gently touched his shoulder to get his attention. The touch covered his entire body in goosbumps.
Takuma turned around, looked at her, doing his best to fake surprise and took off the headphones. „Oh, hi! What's up? What are you doing here?“ His voice was shaky and sounded raspy.
Takuma tried to sound as casual as possible despite the thick lump in his throat. When he looked at her, his fingers trembled and his jaw clenched. He involuntarily licked his lips when his eyes caught sight of her chest. She wore a tight shirt which accentuating the curves. Before his eyes, he saw a very clear vision of how he would kiss and suck the smooth flesh and could almost feel the weight of her breasts on the palms of his hands.
She had to go. He had to get her out of here immediately.
„You didn't answer my calls and messages. I was scared you might suffer from the attack this morning.“
„I'm fine but a bit sleepy. Actually, I just wanted to take a nap. Don't worry about me, I bet you have better things to do.“
He looked at her lips. They looked a bit shiny from the peach-tinted lipbalm. And inviting. They would perfectly match the pink hue of his cock.
„Oh my, you're sweating!“ When she reached for his forehead to check if he had a temperature, Ino flinched.
„It's okay, it's okay!“, he stammered, stopping her assault by grabbing her wrist.
His reaction shocked her, he could tell by the hurt expression on her face. Which turned into an angrier one within only a split second.
„No, I insist that we go and see Ieri-san. Now! Let's go, I'll call Akari to come and get us!“. The girl pulled her phone from her pocket and when Ino got up to stop her from making a call, the blanket fell off his lap, exposing the huge tent in his pants.
„...oh.“, she almost whispered and looked at the sight with widened eyes. The outline of his cock was prominent against the dark grey cotton of his sweatpants. „Oh!“, she exclaimed once more as she fully realized what was going on.
With glowing cheeks, he hurriedly picked up the blanket and covered his groin as if he were naked. He noticed that her wide-eyed gaze still lingered between his legs.
This was by far the most embarassing moment in his entire life!
„Okay, I have an issue! This is the curse's work and it won't go away! So could you please, for fuck's sake, leave me the hell alone so I can take care of it?“, Ino almost yelled due to his nervousness. „Can you just go now to not make this any more awkward than it already is? Please?“ He was so agitated that his voice threatened to break any second.
He pointed towards the door but when she did not move, instead remained in the living room with a baffled look on her face, he fled to his bedroom.
The brunette sat down on his bed, face buried in his hands. He was hot – but couldn't tell wether it was due to arousal or embarassment.
„You want me... to help you?“
He looked up and their eyes met. She leaned against the doorframe. Ino knew her well enough to know that this was no joke. The tone in her voice, the posture. She really wanted to help him.
His brain spat out so many thoughts at once that it felt like it was riding a brutal rollercoaster:
"But wait. What does she want to do? Does she want to do this. No, absolutely not! There's no way she means to have sex with me. But she is smart. So does she have another idea?"
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zykamiliah · 2 years
SJ does NOT like LBH putting an arm around his baby brother’s waist, but he has learned not to say anything because SY will get mad. He still wonders if he can get away with “accidentally” shooting LBH. Meanwhile, TLJ is waxing poetic about his Tragic Romance with LBH’s mom (complete with the hot steamy sex they used to have). This is very awkward for everyone. SJ contemplates shooting TLJ as well.
I don't think he'd be clumsy enough to shoot anyone accidentally and SY knows that. It's better to keep the war cold, and think of countermeasures to break up that relationship— without actually doing harm to his brother. This is one of his most difficult projects, but SJ is aggressively persistent in this matter. Especially after finding out who Lbh's father is. Oh, he just knew there was something foul in that beast's blood.
TLJ is recounting his love story while the others listen and eat snacks (courtesy of the same waiter) while LMY records the whole monologue on her phone for future reference. She'd be taking notes too but that'd look too conspicuous. MBJ is unfazed. Sqh is eating and not paying much attention because he knows Lmy is recording. NYY is sobbing on a napkin and Shl is drinking wine and rolling her eyes at the mafia boss sob story; blah blah, going to jail on false accusations and not being able to get out in 10 ten years, what about her father? He should have gone to jail years ago so she could inherit his company and all his assets. Maybe she should frame him for the actual crimes he has committed and gotten away with.
When TLJ gets to the part of SXY's death and how he uncovered the truth after getting out of prison, Lbh's hands are silently shaking, his eyes wide open and dry as he looks past Lqg's shoulder, as if he's not paying attention. But SY knows he is, he can feel Lbh trembling slightly, and his heart squeezes something painful. SY can't help but put his arm around Binghe and stroke his back. Lbh grabs his other hand under the table in a tight grip and doesn't let go for the duration of the stay in the restaurant.
TLJ finishes talking and then
"Well, this has been nice. But now we have to go. Nephew, grab my son-in-law."
Everyone stands up and are about to fight the two of them with swords and table knives, but, surprisingly, Shen Jiu stays calm and continues to sip his wine and cut a piece from his Wagyu beef. SY looks at him puzzled for exactly three seconds before relaxing and letting ZZL escort him out of the restaurant- with Lbh clinging to SY's other arm.
Everyone: ?????
Lqg: "Why are you letting them go??"
SJ: "Wait and see."
TLJ and ZZL are suspicious but they don't miss the chance and slowly back away from the table. TLJ opens the door of the restaurant and—
"Tianlang-jun, you are under arrest for kidnapping a minor and violating your parole."
"Really? Oh well."
With too much nonchalance for the situation he is in, TLJ gets into the police car and waves a hand in goodbye.
"We'll meet again, son-in-law, child of mine!" To the police officer: "You know, this is how I met the love of my life. She arrested me when I was..."
The police car speeds away as everyone watches.
"Hold on, where is Zhuzhi-lang?" asks Lqg.
Lbh scowls: "He got away while the police were distracted by that man." Not his father.
"Tch. He's going to be a problem."
Lbh hugs SY closer. "He won't get to Yuan-ge again. I'm making sure of it." Then to SY. "Yuan-ge, I should stay at your house-"
"Absolutely not!" SJ cuts him brusquely. "He's staying with his brother, you mongrel-"
"I have a gun, I can protect him from the mafia-"
"Ehem." Yqy intervenes with a forced smile. "What if we get back inside and finish dinner? We can talk about that later."
After they leave the restaurant, YQY, falling back into the role of club president, instructs them to go home and promises he and SJ will visit the club tomorrow to talk about what happened.
ZZL didn't get arrested because he's not of age yet and TLJ covered for him. He has not way to go anyway because SJ paid the waiter to blowout their tires as a back-up plan.
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kamiversee · 2 months
Upcoming Works! :)
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This an official masterlist for my upcoming works!
The F*ck List was a wonderful story to complete & I’m excited to write another sooo, take a look through these & lmk which one you’d like me to focus on next! :3
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My Love Note (Choso x f!reader vs Gojo x f!reader)
In which your innocent crush on the cheeky cashier Gojo Satoru slowly swirls into something more complicated as his feelings for you are never clear. Then, in the midst of your complications, there’s your hating best friend Choso Kamo who also beings to act differently toward you.
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F*ck The List (TFL Sequel) (the title is subject to possibly change)
A continued tale in which the truth of why you were forced to be a whore comes into the light.
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The Better Brother (Guitarist!Choso x f!reader vs Boxer!Sukuna x f!reader)
When a night of drinking with your friends turns into a conversation about your nonexistent sex-life, you say you slept with the most random name to come to mind-- never expecting him to walk through the door moments later. Naturally, things only worsen for you when you eventually learn that this man is connected to your longtime unrequited crush.
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Be My Cowboy (Cowboy!Gojo x f!reader)
A love story in which you fall for the infamous cowboy Gojo Satoru whose job was to protect you.
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Sex For Business (The “Office” men of JJK x f!reader)
When you’re the epitome of sex-appeal, it’s easy for you to dominate the business world. Or at least, that was until you come across a specific company harder to climb to the top than others. Man after man– you know how to use and seduce them no problem. But for some reason, the men here are a bit more challenging than ones in the past. Especially the man whose position your arrival threatens; Nanami Kento.
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Chase The Thrill (Geto x f!reader & Toji x f!reader)
By your senior year of College, you come to the realization that you’ve yet to experience even half of what you wished to within your College experience. This is to blame of your toxic older ex-boyfriend Toji Fushiguro, who was your first and only ever boyfriend that stripped you of all fun you wished to have. So when you decide to go out one night to live it up a little and somehow end up playing seven-minutes in heaven with some hot stranger, you don’t expect the name to show you an entirely new world in the most cliche way imaginable.
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Not My Resident (Vampire!JJK Men x f!reader)
A JJK fanfic that takes place in the alternate universe of “Not My Neighbor”-- you knew they were doppelgängers but you didn’t care, they were hot. Plus, their human forms never batted an eyelash at you so, what’s so wrong with letting a few of them inside… of you.
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No Strings Attached (Ino Takuma x f!reader)
According to others, fake dating your best friend always leads to a real relationship and eventual heartbreak but, you and Ino swore you two could pull it off with no real feelings involved.
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Petals to Thorns (R. Shidou x f!reader & Sae x f!reader)
From young and innocent love to something complicated and ugly, Shidou Ryusei takes you to hell and back just to say those three stupid words to you. Then there’s Itoshi Sae who sweeps you off your feet the very second Shidou fucks up; who would you pick in the end?
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Suck or Fuck (Vampire!JJK Men x f!reader)
They don’t call you the best detective around for no reason. While your methods may be a bit… unorthodox, people can’t say they don’t work. Human or Vampire, you always get your job done. So when crime rates in your city skyrocket; murders occurring around you, kidnappings, theft, and blatant Vampire attacks threaten your job– you make it your mission to get to the bottom of things... even if that involves sleeping with your suspects.
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The winning fic will be my next focus after I finish all the whatif’s for TFL.
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@KAMIVERSEE on tumblr. All Rights Reserved. Do not steal, copy, or translate any of my works.
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daysofourlivesrecaps · 11 months
Wednesday, 19 June 2023
I’m on a deadline today so I need to keep this one short. Fortunately, very little happened in this particular episode so that should be easy!
First, Xander comes home to the plastic surgery monster Chloe with an anniversary gift.
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It’s a dart board.
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These two began hooking up some months ago (exactly three, according to this very episode) when they were both in the Brady pub and Chloe accidentally threw a dart directly into Xander’s chest. As meet-cutes go, it wasn’t bad (I think I have a soft spot for love stories that start with a  trip to the emergency room) and this was a fine way to commemorate it.
Then they place a foreplay-based wager on a game of darts which ends, as you might expect, with them having sex on the couch.
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(They always have sex on the couch because I’m certain they haven’t built bedroom sets for either of these characters.)
Next, there’s yet another tiresome series of scenes featuring Bonnie and Maggie (Justin is also here, but pretty much just in a “wincing awkwardly off to the side” capacity), in which Bonnie almost tells Maggie that Maggie’s daughter Sarah is pregnant. 
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I like all of these characters. I don’t even mind some goofy sitcom shenanigans in my soap. But if they’re just going to do this for nine months to remind us that Sarah’s pregnant while keeping her mostly offscreen so she can dramatically return when the baby is born…
…okay, that’s actually kind of clever. Definitely better than just periodically saying “as you know, Sarah is still pregnant.”
Speaking of sitcom shenanigans, the promise of Alex living across the hall from Chad and Stephanie pays off immediately as a shirtless Alex shows up at their door like so much Kramer.
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Though I dare say, in a contest of “who wore no shirt better?” I think Alex wins.
Alex heard that July on Days means two things: waving a gun around and/or walking around topless. So Alex opted for the more flattering of the two gun shows. Chad is not impressed.
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It turns out Alex’s apartment doesn’t have hot water, so he wheedles his way into Chaphanie’s shower. And then into Chad’s robe.
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Then he sees they’re having Chinese food for dinner and invites himself to stay and eat.
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This initially struck me as uncharacteristically boorish behavior — Alex does have a strong bro vibe, but the show has also gone to great lengths to show that he’s better than that and constantly trying to improve. Then I realized that he’s probably doing all of this on purpose. Back when he was with Stephanie, Chad was constantly interjecting himself into situations in which busy was about to be gotten. I think this is just some sweet payback on Alex’s part. Honestly though, either interpretation (revenge or cluelessness) is pretty funny.
Meanwhile, Stefan admonishes Gabi for her latest risk-taking (waving a gun at Li.)
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And eventually she agrees never to do anything like that again… without bringing him with her.
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After all, you know what they say: “two guns are better than one, and not wearing a shirt also figures into this equation somehow!”
Speaking of shirtless, here’s Li again. Okay, he was shirtless last time we saw him, but now he’s all dressed up for his date. Which ends up being with Melinda Trask, the district attorney who so recently pushed for Li’s incarceration for his involvement in the recent attempted murder of Stefan DiMera.
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You’re right to scoff, Melinda. This guy’s pretty but he’s a criminal. And not even the fun kind like Kristen or Xander. He also continues to be just the worst actor in this entire ensemble and it’s so incredibly painful to watch him share scenes with Trask, who is right on the cusp of being one of those “background characters who comes to the foreground because we like the performer so much.”
Like… she sees the wine Li has ordered (and please ignore the obvious fact that this label was hastily thrown together and printed out in the props office five minutes before they started rolling)...
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…and segues into a genuinely wistful monologue about a trip she took to wine country just after law school.
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The text itself is slightly better than usual for this show, and Tina Huang (the woman who plays Trask) really sells the Proust-like journey to a simpler and more hopeful time in her life. (Okay, I’m not sure if it’s actually Proust-like at all. That’s one of the few classic literary references I know and I only know it because of Monty Python.)
And while she’s doing all that, she just gets… nothing.
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And the worst part of it all? She’s probably going to go home with this boob! And he’ll probably touch her boob! Maybe both of them!
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I don’t love Melinda Trask’s George W. Bush-like trampling of people’s basic constitutional rights. (Honestly, I have a feeling she’s going to love working with the new Acting Mayor.) But even in light of that, she deserves better than this soggy bath mat of a scene partner.
0 notes
rayslittlekitten · 2 years
Part 1 | Part 2
A/N: Okay this all started with a seed of an idea of accidentally texting the person you are thirsting about, then it became a Christmas thing and it went a little crazy. I think this is by far the longest one shot I've written. Thank you so so much to @green-socks and @lovebarefootblonde for beta reading this and helping me fine tune and shape this story. I also wasn't sure if I'd be able to finish this in time for Christmas especially since my booster shot kicked my ass but I'm happy I did.
Rating: E (18+ ONLY)
Word Count: ~4,980
Pairing: IT Guy!Will "Ironhead" Miller x Work Wife F!reader
Plot: A text messaging mix up turns into an early Christmas for you.
Contains: heavy flirting and banter, teasing, unprotected office P in V sex, oral sex (F receiving), biting, size kink if you squint, moment of panty sniffing
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Overplayed Christmas music is blasting from a Bluetooth speaker connected to somebody's phone which occasionally gets interrupted by an incoming message or email. Gaudy tinsel and cheap decorations are scattered all over the office. A few people are gathered around the water cooler chattering away. There's a makeshift poker table somewhere and they're betting with red and green M&Ms. One of your colleagues is hovering in the kitchen area trying to push their homemade potluck surprise. It looks like they took all of their Thanksgiving leftovers and attempted a casserole. You were somehow able to dodge the questionable dish.
The only things getting you through this company holiday party are the beer, chips, and the anticipation of your best friend coming to make it a little less miserable. Your boss is very flexible and allows his employees to bring a guest. Thank goodness, because you don't know how long you're going to last playing Cards Against Humanity. It was entertaining at first, but after the third game, it gets a bit stale.
Also, Will, your work buddy, abandoned you because his brother is in town. The two of you gossip with, vent to, and confide in each other especially when it comes to work-related things. You are basically work spouses. Even though you both work in different departments, you two spend the most time with each other, whether in person or through email and messaging.
Since he’s the head of IT, he’s given you a lot of permissions on your computer so you can go on websites you technically shouldn’t be on. There are times where the two of you flirt, but it seems innocent, at least on his end. He definitely helps make your job more worthwhile.
While waiting for the cards to be dealt, you send a simple text to him:
You then text your best friend:
“Willa bb, where are you?”
You put your phone down and gather up your cards, frowning at your mediocre selection. While deciding which card to use, your phone pings. As you go to check the text message you just received, another comes in.
“Literally just left the bakery.”
“I’m actually on the way there. What am I missing?”
You quickly shoot back a message.
“Not much. Shitty food, boring card games and definitely not any hot guys. The only one hot guy there is, isn’t here.”
You put your phone down mid-texting to play a card and then continue with your message:
“I wanted you to see him in person because pictures do NOT do him justice. Like, it should be ILLEGAL for some1 to look like that. That tall glass of water. He should be in a museum, not in the Geek Squad! He has to know how gorgeous he is, right? I wanna run my fingers through that blonde hair. Don't even get me started on those CRAZY blue eyes!”
“He is SO fucking sweet too. Totally oozes BDE. Like, how has nobody nabbed him yet? Maybe he's not looking for anything serious, but if he isn't, I'm totally DTF. I’d climb that tree. UGH, I'm getting flustered just thinking about Will.”
You see the three small dots bouncing on your screen but it suddenly disappears.
“Definitely gonna be fantasizing about him tonight in bed. Pls get here soon bb.”
You didn’t win this round and it’s your turn to be the Card Czar. You quickly read the prompt out loud and wait for everyone to choose their card.
You continue playing the game and at some point in the middle of it, the group takes a break to use the restroom, stretch out, maybe grab a snack. You actually end up abandoning the game to go grab another beer and after you pop open a lukewarm corona, you hear a commotion.
“Hey, you made it!”
You walk over to the front of the office in your new pencil dress, four inch heels you regret wearing, and light-up reindeer antlers on your head to see the man you’ve been texting about, standing next to another man with similar features. As he’s briefly chatting with one of your colleagues, Will glances over behind them and makes eye contact with you.
“Hey, you!” Will waves over to you with a wide grin.
You finally make your way to the two tall glasses of water.
“Wow, you got all dressed up for me?” Will asks with his hand over his heart. “You shouldn’t have.”
“Look who decided to show up! And with a plus one,” you say, ignoring his sarcastic question.
“Yes, this is my brother Benny. Benny, this is my favorite coworker.“
“Ah, the work wife. I’ve heard a lot about you. Nice to finally meet you.” Ben extends his hand.
“Oh, have you?” You take his hand and shake it. “I've heard quite a lot about you too so it's nice to put a face to you. So what the heck are guys doing here?”
“I figured we could swing by for a bit. Not really doing much for the rest of the day," Will answers. "Plus, I keep getting emails that the server is acting up."
"Well, there's some shitty food and shitty beer, but they're free," you say, leading them to the kitchen area.
The three of you step into the open space and Will greets his other coworkers and introduces Benny to them. As Benny chats with some of the others, you and Will are picking at the leftover food.
"What the hell is this?" Will asks, pointing to the mystery casserole.
"I don't know, something Glenn brought in. Potluck surprise!"
"I don't think my dog would even eat that.” Will grimaces. “And he eats anything you give him."
"I dare you to eat it," you challenge him.
"What do I get out of it?" Will asks.
"Bragging rights?" you shrug.
The two of you are always finding ways to make the work day more interesting including but not limited to daring each other to do things.
"I'm gonna need more than that if the risk is me shitting my pants," Will laughs.
"It's a dare, not a bet. I double dog dare you!"
"Double dog dare? Wow. You really hate my digestive system, don't you?" Will asks, then shakes his head while shoving a tortilla chip into his mouth.
"Listen, I've been here for three hours already and the most interesting thing that's happened so far are the texts I've sent to my best friend," you tell him.
Will chokes on his chip and you slap his back, but he signals you that he's fine. He takes a sip of his beer to help wash it down.
"You alright, dude?"
He nods as he clears his throat.
"Should have had that potluck surprise. Probably would have helped that chip go down a little easier," you tease.
"Hey, bro. Where's the bathroom?" Benny asks as he walks over to the two of you.
"I'll show you," Will tells Benny. "I'll be back," he says to you.
After they walk off, you text your friend again.
"OMG HE SHOWED UP AFTER ALL! His brother is here too and he’s kinda cute but he seems more like your type. He’s an MMA fighter and I know how you like those brawlers. I wouldn't mind a few rounds with Will though 😏"
You notice your phone's battery is a little low so you walk over to your desk to plug it in. Also to relieve your feet from these new shoes. You get a phone call from your friend so you pick up.
"Willa, where are you?"
“Ugh, I’m stuck in traffic. It might be another 20 minutes.”
"Did you get my text about Will? Oh my gosh, he's actually here and he brought his brother. I think you'd totally be into him," you tell her.
"No, I haven't. My phone is being stupid again. Or it’s my service. Freakin' T-Mobile. Sometimes I don't get texts from people until days later," Willa says. "Anyways, I'll be there ASAP. These cookies might not survive the ride though. I've probably eaten half of these while sitting in traffic."
"Don't worry about that. See you soon!"
"Save me some beer and a Miller brother! Byeeeeee!"
You laugh and hang up.
"What are you so giddy about? Santa letting you guide his sleigh?" Will flicks your flashy and furry headband.
You jump out of your seat and look up to see Will hovering over your desk.
"Not cool, Will! You sneaky motherfucker."
Will smirks. "So where’s your BFF?" He crosses his arms and sits on the edge of your desk.
"She's stuck in traffic."
"Yeah, I think there was a motorcycle accident or something on Redwood and Charming," Will says.
"Well, I'm so glad you showed up because I don’t know how many more rounds of Cards Against Humanity I could have taken. I used to love that game, but it's been ruined for me," you roll your eyes.
"You can always go climb some trees," Will suggests. "I hear that's your thing."
You shoot him a confused look. "Why would I climb a tree?"
Will shrugs. "It can be fun I guess. Depends on the tree you're climbing, right?"
"Why are you being so weird?" you ask. "Are you drunk?"
"No, I’ve only had a couple of drinks," Will chuckles. "I'm not even buzzed."
"How long are you staying for?"
"I don't know." Will shrugs. He checks his watch and taps and swipes the screen on his smart watch. "At least long enough to make sure the server is stable. It’s been acting up all week."
"Don't make me start ripping out wires," you threaten.
"Why don't you just leave? You're not obligated to stay."
"Well, Willa is on her way so I gotta wait for her at least.”
"How about we ditch the party to go somewhere else and you can tell her where to meet us?” he suggests as he pulls out a piece of gum from his pocket and pops it into his mouth.
"Well, that sounds like an idea." You think for a second.
“Or…” He pauses, and then leans in closer to you. “It could just be me and you. Ditch my brother and your friend.”
“Oh, yeah? And where would we go?” you ask, leaning in closer against your desk.
Will looks down at you with a smirk while chewing his gum. “You tell me, Rudolph.”
Will suddenly checks his watch again and taps on it a few times. "Fuck. I gotta check the server. I’ll be back." He pushes himself off your desk and walks away.
You send Willa another text hoping she’d get it. You don’t want to call her while she’s driving.
“Omg he wants to hang out. Like alone. What do you think? Should I make a move?”
A few of your coworkers pass by your desk on their way out and you wave goodbye to them. A few minutes later you get a reply.
“I triple dog dare you.”
You stare at the message for a few seconds and start to feel uneasy. You then double check who the text was from and the last few text messages you sent this person. Your stomach drops as you just realize the entire time you thought you’ve been texting your friend Willa, you had been texting Will. You then check the messages between you and Willa and see that you in fact never replied to her. You don’t know if you’re more upset that Will had read all that or that he didn’t tell you you’ve been texting the wrong person this whole time. The tree climbing comment makes so much sense now. You are so mortified, you want to just sneak out, quit your job and move to another country to start a new life.
Just then your phone rings and it’s Willa. You pick up and let out a heavy sigh.
“Hey, please tell me you’re here so you can whisk me away because I am such a freakin’ idiot.”
“Yeah, I think I’m on the right floor. Why are you an idiot?” Willa asks.
You leave your desk to get Willa from the front.
“Oh my gosh, you haven’t been getting my texts because I just found out I’ve been sending them to Will, not you! He knows everything!” you whisper loudly.
“So? Did he say anything about them?” Willa hands you a half eaten box of cookies.
“Yes? No? Kinda?” You show her the text exchange.
“Girl, he’s offering you a sip of that tall glass of water. Go quench your thirst!”
“Or he’s just being a dick and poking fun of me.” You place the box of cookies on your desk.
“Hey! Have you seen— oh, hi there!” Benny comes out of nowhere. The Millers sure know how to be light on their feet. “I’m Benny!” He extends his hand out to Willa with a huge grin.
“Hey there yourself. I’m Willa!” She takes his hand and shakes it.
“Do you uh, work here too?”
“No, I'm a friend of hers.” Willa points to you. “Why don’t you go get that drink you’ve been dying for?” She nudges you.
“Right. Uh, I’ll be back.”
You start walking off, taking your phone with you. Your feet are moving involuntarily but you don’t even know where you’re going. You pause for a moment to take your phone out and reply back to his text:
“Triple dog dare? You really want me to die from humiliation, don’t you, asshole?”
You continue walking aimlessly until you hear your phone chirp.
“Look who’s finally caught on.”
You anxiously pace around watching the three bouncing dots appear again, making you even more nervous.
“I’m just curious what you fantasize about.”
You start walking again while responding:
“Well I’m never gonna tell you now 🙄”
You smugly hit send and continue your stroll with an extra pep in your step.
“Hey, Rudolph!”
You turn your head to look behind you. You see Will’s head popping out of a room. You then realize you had just walked past the server room.
“I’d like to think I’m more of a Vixen.” You turn your body towards him and pull your antlers off your head.
“There’s no denying that.” Will trails his eyes up and down your body.
”So how’s the uh…” You point the antlers to the room. “Everything good?”
“I think so. Just waiting for the server to reboot.” He quickly scans the empty immediate area before directing his attention back at you. “Wanna wait with me? I could use the company.” He nudges his head toward the room.
You take your time shuffling over to him. When you reach the door, he creates space for you so you can step in. As you walk past him, your body brushes up against his. You feel a shiver run through your body, but you don’t know if it’s from that or sudden temperature drop. He closes the door and locks it behind him.
You walk further into the room and put the antlers and your phone on a nearby desk.
“I’m sorry you got all those texts. You weren’t supposed to see them. I’m super embarrassed. I hope things aren’t weird between us now.” You turn to face him a couple of feet away from you. He’s stood much closer to you before but right now it almost feels like he’s on top of you.
“But also you’re a dick for letting this drag on for so long.” You playfully shove him.
“I’m not sorry.” Will laughs, stumbling back a bit. “I honestly didn’t know you were texting the wrong person until I knew you were talking about me.” He puts his hands up in defense. “But I’m glad you did.” He walks closer to you.
“Because I like you.”
“I mean, sure I like you too. That’s why we’re friends,” you say matter-of-factly.
“You know what I mean.” Will licks his bottom lip.
The both of you stare at each other, not sure what to do next. All you can feel right now is your heart pounding against your chest.
“Oh! Willa finally showed up and her and Benny are really hitting it off,” you say, changing the subject.
“I honestly don’t care what’s going outside this room right now.” Will shakes his head. He steps even closer to you, into your personal space and the coil in your gut tightens. You put your palms on his chest, welcoming his warmth.
“You’re shaking.” Will holds your hands in his. “Are you cold?”
“N-no.” You shake your head. “Just uh...” You let out a shaky breath as he brings your hands up to his lips, gently blowing on them to warm them up.
You look up at him, staring into his ice blue eyes as he looks down at you.
“Am I making you nervous?” Will asks.
“Mmmaybe a little?” You tilt your head and squint an eye.
“Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry. I’m probably coming on strong—“ Will releases your hands and takes a step back from you.
“No!” You take a step in closer to Will, almost colliding with him. Your hands go back on to his chest and you slide them up to the back of his neck, your fingers lightly grazing his hair at the nape.
“M-maybe I am a little chilly in here. What are some ways I could keep warm?” you ask, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
Will starts shedding his navy blue bomber jacket. Not quite the response you were hoping for. Expecting him to offer you his jacket, you’re surprised when he tosses it onto the desk instead.
“I think I can find some ways to get your blood going.” He dips his face down and nudges the tip of his slim nose against yours.
You can feel your heart rate increasing already. You both watch and wait for the other person. His breath is warm against your red lips. He is still chewing his gum from earlier and a faint scent of mint still lingers. Despite your four inch heels, you still need to tiptoe to close the distance. You brush your lips against his and he follows your lead, but you pull back at the last moment, teasing him. He smirks and dips his head down further, but you giggle and bite your lower lip as you move your head to avoid his lips.
“This part of your fantasy? The chase?” Will asks and then takes the gum out of his mouth.
“No, I just think it’s fun–”
In one swift move, Will sticks the gum under the desk and then grabs your waist, pulls you in, and captures your lips with his own. It takes you a moment to process what is happening. Once you do, you pull Will down closer to you and kiss back. The two of you continue to kiss for a few seconds, testing out the waters. He then wraps his arms around your torso and pulls your body up against his, deepening the kiss. You feel his hard chest pressed against your breasts and feel his hard dick poking your belly. You slip your tongue into his mouth and he offers his as well. While making out, Will backs you up until you hit a wall. His denim-covered thigh slips between your legs and your hips start gyrating against it as your kisses become more feverish and urgent. His hands snake down to cup and squeeze your ass. You feel the front of his body, particularly his rock hard nether region, pressing against yours. You moan into his mouth and run your fingers through the golden locks on top of his head.
Will pulls away for a moment and moves his mouth to the side of your neck. Your eyes roll back and knees buckle when you feel his warm velvety tongue graze the spot behind your ear. He quickly pulls your body up and pins your body between his and the wall, his thigh pressing harder against your crotch.
“Will…” you pant.
“You want more, Vixen?” Will breathes into your ear.
“I want this.” One of your hands travels down his body to cup the bulge straining behind his zipper. Will groans and thrusts into your hand.
“Fuck,” Will grits. He buries his face between your neck and shoulder as you massage him. He takes a deep breath as he inhales your scent.
You start unbuckling his belt and undoing his fly. You slip your hand down his pants and rub the palm of your hand over his cotton-covered erection. You tense up for a second feeling his impressive size. Again, he pushes himself against your hand. You feel a sudden sting on your shoulder as Will sinks his teeth into it.
You moan and press yourself down on his thigh, riding it. He pulls back and starts kissing you again. He hikes up the skirt of your dress until there’s just enough space for him to access your bare ass. He cups and squeezes you before running a few fingers over the front of your lace thong. Your arousal is seeping through the fabric and lightly coating his fingers. The both of you continue to make out and rub each other until you start trying to pull his bottoms down but only his jeans slip over his hips.
Will breaks the kiss and adjusts his stance to help you. You glance down just to see what he’s working with. The sexy outline of his thick dick pushing out against the white boxer briefs makes you even more excited. Will pushes his boxers down and his gorgeous cock springs free. You reach down and start stroking him.
Will groans and then slips his hand between your legs again. He hooks his fingers under the front of your panties and pulls them aside to dip a finger inside you. You gasp and try to move with his hand. You stifle a moan when you feel him drag his soaked finger over your clit, making you buckle again. Your heels are throwing off your center of gravity and if it wasn’t for the wall and Will, you’re confident either your face or your ass would be on the floor.
You kick your shoes off and you suddenly shrink in size. He now towers over you even more, making you feel small.
“I want you to fuck me, Will.” Your breathing is getting shallower, as is his.
“Yeah? Is this one of your fantasies? Me fucking you in the server room?” Will’s fingers zero in on your clit.
“Sometimes,” you manage to let out, unable to concentrate on petting him. You moan loudly and thrust against him, feeling him easily slip two long slender fingers inside of you.
“Shh. You gotta stay quiet,” Will says as his fingertips are putting pressure against the engorged spongy g-spot inside of you. “You don’t want anyone to hear us, do you?”
“Will, I’m going to cum if you don’t stop.” You feel a warmth forming between your legs and your gut tightening.
Will looks down at you with half open eyes as he watches your face. You are just about to explode when he pulls out of you. He yanks your dress up over your hips and hooked his fingers to the sides of your panties, then pulls them down. He gets on his knees as he continues to move them down your legs and off you, tossing them aside.
Will tosses one of your legs over his shoulder and looks up at you as he puts his mouth over your swollen clit. You throw your head back and run your fingers through his hair again. You feel the tip of his tongue teasing your opening, flicking it and quickly dipping in and out of it.
“Fuck,” you let out in a shaky breath.
You feel the warmth spreading and radiating. He starts sucking on your clit hard. The bumpy texture of his tongue stimulates the bundle of nerves so perfectly.
“Will, I need you to fuck me now!” You lick your smudged lips and swallow to try to lubricate your dry throat.
Will’s mouth stops his assault on you and he gets to his feet. He kisses you once more and you taste yourself on his lips and tongue. He then tries to align himself with you but the height difference isn’t quite making it easy.
“Let’s move over there.” Will nudges his head towards the desk. He takes your hand in his and guides you to it.
“Hop on here.” Will pats the top of the desk.
“Is it going to hold?” you ask, glancing at it.
“Yes, trust me.”
“You’ve fucked other women on it before?” you ask curiously, craning your neck to look at him.
“No,” he shakes his head and chuckles. ”I just know it’s a sturdy desk. Come on.” He pats the desk again.
You hop on to the desk and he immediately steps into the space between your legs. He grabs your hips and pulls you closer to the edge of the desk. Next, he tries to align himself again with you and starts teasing your slit with the tip of his dick. He puts gentle pressure to your opening and pulls back, then puts a little more pressure before pulling back again.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Will.” You are hanging by a very loose thread. “Please just fuck me.”
You suddenly feel the head penetrate you, but he pulls back out. He starts giving you slow, short strokes. You wrap your legs around his torso and try to pull him in, but he’s not allowing it.
“You’re driving me fucking crazy, Will!” Your body feels like it’s on fire now. The cold server room now feels too hot for you.
“I love watching the fucking faces you make while I’m teasing the fuck out of you.”
Then without warning, Will thrusts himself all the way inside of you to the hilt. You gasp as your body tenses up.
“Holy shit, you’re so fucking wet.” Will moans as he pulls back and pushes back into you.
He keeps a steady rhythm as he pumps in and out of you. You reach your fingers down between your legs and start rubbing your clit as the head of his cock is massaging your g-spot.
Your pants are increasingly getting louder and shorter until your eyes roll to the back of your skull as you convulse on his cock. You continue to stimulate your clit and gasp as you’re riding the wave. Will continues to hit a spot that makes your orgasm feel like it’s never going to end as one starts before the previous one stops. He clamps his hand over your mouth as you uncontrollably cry out.
Your contracting muscles bring him closer to his own release and he grunts as he spills himself inside you. It feels like he’s shooting at a hundred miles an hour as his seed hits your cervix. He groans as he slows down, trying to get the last drops out.
Will leans his forehead against yours as the two of you try to catch your breath. You make eye contact with him and he grins at you. You smile back at him and then lean in to kiss him. He welcomes it and lazily kisses back. The urgency and tension is no longer there, just sensual post-coital euphoria.
Will pulls back and then slowly pulls out of you, spilling some of both of your bodily fluids onto the desk.
“Damn. I just cleaned this desk yesterday too,” Will chuckles. He tucks himself back in and you hop off the desk. He reaches for a roll of paper towels he pulls out of a desk drawer and rips off a piece for you.
While you clean yourself up, he cleans the desk area.
“How are you feeling? You okay?” Will asks you.
You look over at him and smile. “Yeah.” You then reach up to wipe the lipstick stains on his face and blonde beard with your thumbs.
“Your beard is so red,” you laugh as you try to get it all out. “I probably look like a clown right now.” You grab another paper towel to wipe the smudged makeup off your face. Will reaches up to help you with it.
“It’s honestly not that bad.”
Your phone pings and you look for it. Once you find it, you check it and realized you somehow missed a whole bunch of texts from Willa:
“OMG Benny is THE cutest. He’s adorable and funny AF.”
“Hope things are going well btwn you and Will.”
“Okay, I’m guessing you and Will are hitting it off. You’re not answering my texts. Or I’m just not getting yours. Anyways Benny and I are making possible plans to hit up a bar nearby.”
“Willa and Ben are gonna ditch the party,” you say as you read the texts.
As you start replying to her text, Will presents your underwear to you.
“Maybe you should hold on to it,” you suggest.
“Do you think I’m some sort of perv?” Will asks.
“Just thought you might want a souvenir. Something to remember this by,” you shrug.
Will brings the delicate fabric up to his nose and he sniffs it.
“Wow, I think you’re a perv now,” you laugh and Will smirks.
“Whatever.” He shoves your panties into the front of his jeans pocket and then pulls out a fresh piece of gum to pop into his mouth. He then goes to grab his jacket off the desk. “Come on, let’s go.”
You slip your feet into your heels.
“Let’s get the hell out of here.” Will grabs your hand and you both walk off together, heading towards the nearest exit.
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biggest-stupidhead · 3 years
I was wondering if you’d be interested in doing a nsfw story about Levi + f reader getting walked in on by one of the cadets? Then Levi needing to the the Corps about their relationship then ending with some fluff/Levi holding his ground when others are upset about about a relationship in the workplace? I would really appreciate it 🥰
AN: this is such a cute request! I feel like I could've done a better job with this one so maybe I'll come back to it haha
Summery: Jean, Sasha, and Connie walk in on you and Levi. Chaos ensues.
Word Count: 1.7K
Warnings: oral sex fem receiving, cussing.
kinda steamy in the beginning so a put a cut just in case you aren't into that ;)
Moments like this were fleeting and far between. You took what you could get, in empty storage rooms, open fields, in his office. Levi's breath was hot against your lips as he pressed you up against his desk, his knee slotted between your legs. You pulled away briefly to jump onto his desk, sweeping the papers off to the side. He shot you an irritated look but you only smirked wryly back at him. His hands were planned on your knees, prying them apart with fervor and then tugging you closer to the edge so he could press his growing bulge to your own needy cunt.
You groaned and rolled your hips into his as he pressed his hungry mouth to yours. You opened your mouth wider, allowing him to slip his tongue in and properly taste you.
"Levi, we've got to hurry." You felt delirious as he kissed down your throat, his lips burning your skin. His fingers began to tug at the straps of your gear and you began to unbuckle his own belts and buttons. After you had both been stripped of your tops he continued to kiss his way down your chest, gently urging you to lay back on the desk. You did so, propping yourself up on your elbows so you could watch as he tugged your pants down to rest at your ankles. He lifted your legs over his shoulders, bringing his mouth to your dripping pussy.
You spread your legs as wide as you could but he grabbed your thighs and brought them to press tightly against his ears, his stormy grey eyes blown out. You whimpered as he liked a fleeting stripe up the length of your pussy, your hips rolling to meet his tongue. He had just begun to tease your clit when the sound of the doorknob rattling made your heart leap into your throat.
"Levi" your fingers that had been in his hair, pushing him closer to you now tugged his hair, urging him to get his face out from between your legs.
"Mf" His voice was muffled as he still had his lips pressed against your cunt.
"Stop!" You hissed, but it was too late, the door swung open, Jean, Sasha, and Connie stood with wide eyes as they took in the scene before them.
"Captain!" Connie cried, Jean's hands flew to either side and covered his friends’ eyes, while his remained wide as he watched Levi scramble to cover you. You pressed yourself against his back, looking over his shoulder.
"Get the fuck out." Levi's voice shook a bit and Jean nodded, steering his friends away before reaching back for the doorknob and slamming the door shut.
"I told you to stop." You hissed, fingernails digging into his shoulders. His hand was pressed over his eyes, hiding the flush that had developed on his cheeks.
"I know." He groaned, turning to face you, his usual stoic exterior slowly falling back into place.
“Well, what do we do now?” Panic was bubbling up in your throat, thoughts of the cadets going to Erwin or even worse, Hange.
“I’m thinking.” Levi stepped away from you, the mood ruined. You stumbled off of the desk and tugged your pants back on, hurrying to buckle your gear back on.
“We can’t not address it.” You thought aloud as Levi buttoned his shirt.
“I thought I locked the door.” Levi seemed to still be in shock, and you felt for him.
“It doesn’t matter anymore, they saw and now we have to confront them.” You said tugging your jacket on over your shoulders.
“We should call them back in here. Tell them to keep quiet.” You were pacing now, the bare soles of your feet padding against the pristine wood floors.
“They probably already spilled to half of the regiment by now.” Levi scoffed, stooping down to pick up the papers you had tossed onto the ground.
“We’ve got to try.” You felt helpless, so irresponsible, and guilty. You were here for humanity, you weren’t supposed to get caught up in your lust. You were a soldier damn it.
“Fine, you go round them up then.” Levi flicked his wrist towards the door and you scowled at the back of his head as you marched off to find the kids.
You found them in the mess hall, all of the 104th cadets gathered at one of the large tables. You figured that at this point it would be easier to just bring Levi here. But you paused, noticing that they had not yet felt your presence.
“I don’t believe a word out of your mouths.” Reiner sat with a skeptical look on his face.
“Yeah, no way they would do that on Levi’s desk. He’s too much of a clean freak.” It was Armin speaking now, his fingers twisted together as he processed the information.
“You’ve got to believe us! They were about to fuck right there in the office!” It was Jean who was speaking now, Connie and Sasha both began yelling over him in a hurry to agree. You decided to cap it now before it got too rowdy and anyone else walked into the conversation.
“Cadets,” You rounded the corner you had been hiding behind and they all stood, chairs scraping against the cobblestone floors. Their firsts were clenched over their hearts as you stood with your chin held high.
“Stay here we have something that needs to be discussed.” Their faces were flushed with embarrassment at being caught gossiping. Then slowly sat back down as you retreated, hurrying to get Levi. You came back a few short minutes later, Levi in tow the cadets were silent now, faces turned down to look at the table.
“...” The silence was thick as Levi remained by the door, clearly, he wanted you to take charge here.
“The rumors are true.” You said simply, their heads whipped up, eyes wide with astonishment.
“Captain Levi and I are in a relationship. We’re sorry that you three saw us earlier.” You apologized and Connie’s ears were so red as he avoided eye contact with you.
“I thought relationships were strictly forbidden,” Jean mumbled, and you inhaled sharply.
“They can be...tricky. But I don’t feel that we have to explain ourselves to you. Our relationship has no impact on you.” You glanced back at Levi who was glaring daggers at the kids.
“But you’re our squad leaders.” Armin looked concerned.
“Yes, and we don’t intend to let it affect our work here.” Levi finally spoke up, taking a few more steps into the room to stand next to you.
“But captain-” Eren didn’t get to finish his thought, Levi held up a hand for silence and he deflated in his seat.
“You’re 16 years old you know better than to stick your noses in other people’s business,” Levi grumbled, and the kids all shared some uneasy looks.
“Or at least I hope.” He turned on his heel to leave and you shot the kids a tight-lipped grin.
“See you guys in the morning.” You waved at them and they all looked at you, clearly, they had more questions. But frankly, you didn’t feel like explaining anything to them.
You never got to finish what you started with Levi earlier that evening. Instead, the two of you ended up in his office going through the stacks of paperwork and letters that needed signing. You had been working in silence, sipping on lukewarm cups of tea when there was a soft knock at the door. It was timid and it made you flinch, you looked to Levi since it was his office after all.
“Enter.” He said plainly, not even glancing up from his work. Hange came in with Connie in tow, Connie’s shirt balled up in Hange’s fist.
“I got the best news today.” Hange thrust Connie in front of them, their brown eyes alight with mischief.
“Oh? And what would that be?” Levi refused to give them the satisfaction of acting surprised or nervous.
“A little birdie told me that you two were fornicating here in this very room.” They sat down heavily in the sofa and propped their feet up on the small coffee table.
“Really.” Levi huffed, setting his pen aside and looking up, glaring daggers at Connie.
“I-I swear they just heard me and Sasha talking about it! I didn’t mean to tell them!” Connie fell to his knees, hands clasped together in a pleading motion.
“Hange, this is so unprofessional.” You groaned, running a hand through your hair.
“Oh yeah? And getting down and dirty in the office is professional?” They cackled as you rolled your eyes and stood from your seat. Now it was your turn to manhandle Connie. You grabbed his shoulder and hauled him to his feet, pushing him towards the door. He turned and grabbed your forearm, and you paused.
“You gotta believe me (Y/n) I’m really sorry and I’m happy for you two I really am!” He was rambling and you gave him a soft smile before shoving him out of the door.
“Yeah, Connie I believe you, go to bed.” You ruffled his nonexistent hair before sending him on his way. He smiled up at you before turning and running off down the hall. Hange was still comfortable on the couch, and Levi was still scribbling away at his desk.
“Hange you have two seconds before I lay your ass on that floor.” Levi threatened and Hange groaned before standing up slowly and walking backwards towards the door.
“Bye Hange.” You waved to them and they saluted you, fingers pressed to their forehead as they slipped out of the room and shut the door behind them.
“We’ll talk later.” They promised and you nodded in agreement. Once they were gone you rounded the desk and stooped to press a kiss to Levi’s temple. He grunted but leaned into your touch as you rubbed his shoulder.
“It’s been a long day, you should go to bed soon.” You knew that he wouldn’t but you would never stop trying to get him to sleep.
“Mhm.” He mumbled as your fingers wandered into his hair, massaging his scalp.
“I mean it.” You said, this time pressing a kiss to the corner of his lips. He loosened up, his head turning to finally face you.
“I’ll try...stay a while longer.” His soft plead made your heart flutter and you hummed in response, placing a kiss on his lips.
“Sure, but I’m going to bed.” You laughed and Levi sighed, shoving his work aside and standing to follow you to his adjoining bedroom.
394 notes · View notes
nohoney · 3 years
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notes: and once again I ignore my wips for a spontaneous inspiration that struck me in the moment. A continuation for my stories Thunderstorms and Four Months!
warnings: 18+, mostly fluff and some smut (masturbation, sex video, slight daddy kink)
In this age of technology, you could just shoot him a text for small messages that he can read later on. But he also likes that you still rely on little handwritten notes sometimes to convey the same message.
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ✧
Bakugou fucking hates when it rains when he’s at work.
He’s confined to his desk, stuck at the computer compiling fucking reports instead of being out there in his element. It’s a little harder for him to warm up his quirk and activate it when it rains. And we’re not talking just a light drizzle, an actual heavy rain that leaves you soaked as soon as you step under it and even the weight of an umbrella struggles against the patters of water to protect you.
Thunderstorms, he’s not a fan of them.
He only appreciates them for the sentimental value of the two memories attached to them; when Bakugou fell in love with you and when he proposed to you.
That’s it.
Right now he just stares out the window to his office, giving himself a break from looking at the computer screen, eyes finding little patterns of the droplets against the glass. It’s gloomy outside, the occasional light rumbling from the sky above but no booming thunder that’ll startle the extras down below. But it is calm and quiet, serene even if there is some unknown villain activity in some other part of the city. Bakugou leans his cheek into his left palm, feels the smooth surface of his gold wedding band contrast against his skin.
And he thinks of you.
You who had stupidly ran through the rain for fun and made him kiss you, you who ran out from the comfort of your house during a romantic dinner to stand under the rain and he was forced to propose on the spot, you who has been his annoying but perfect wife for the past three years.
“Bakugou, you good man?”
He’s startled, jumping a little at not hearing Kirishima enter his office, glaring at him for catching him off guard while he was trying to relax. “The fuck you want shitty hair?”
Kirishima is unfazed, just flashing him a toothy grin and letting himself in. “Heh sorry, I knocked on your door but you didn’t answer. I noticed that you didn’t come in with a bento so I was wondering if you wanted to grab lunch instead? You in the mood for anything?”
He wants your cooking to be honest, he wants you to make that spicy stew he loves so much over warm rice and a side of miso soup. Normally the two of you trade off making lunches for one another, it was supposed to be your turn to make the bentos but you had some sort of work emergency that made you leave in a rush in the early morning. He came downstairs to find a note on his coffee mug, ‘Sorry baby, didn’t have time to make lunch! I’ll make it up to you! -(Name)’
At least the coffee was hot and you put the right amount of creamer into it.
“I don’t care.” Bakugou shrugs his shoulders and clicks the button on his mouse, his computer screen lighting up with the logo of the agency before he enters his password and the Home Screen pops up. “You choose, lemme finish a few things first and I’ll meet you in ten.”
“Sounds good, I’ll look up some places nearby!” Kirishima gives him a thumbs up before exiting. He greets some sidekick that walks by the door and his voice trails off as he walks away.
Bakugou types away on his computer, briefly staring at the reports and crime statistics from last year compared to the activity going on in the current quarter. It’s mundane and boring, he should be donning his hero costume and doing patrol instead of stuck inside the agency. He’s not exactly useless when it rains but it does take a little extra effort when it’s cold for him to be as efficient. A little rain never hurt anyone but it sure does piss Bakugou off.
His phone lights up with a notification and he picks it up to see what it is. He swipes up to unlock the screen, a picture of you that he took when the two of you went on a beach trip during the summer. You’re smiling back at him with your hand extended out, he can remember you calling him to come stand in the water with you. The sun was hot that day but the water was chilly, making you shriek in surprise when the waves came up to your shins and splashed you. It was a nice little vacation you took, though he would have preferred going to the woods and being at a lake instead. Bakugou had fun though smashing watermelons with you, relaxing in a hammock, and licking sticky shaved ice syrup off each other’s fingers as a treat.
“Do you want strawberry or mango flavor babe?”
“Okay just a little... ah shit, I put too much! It’s dripping!”
“Tch, you ditzy woman. Come here...”
“Katsuki what are you... ah...”
Indeed, a beautiful summer memory.
A rumbling outside that grabs his attention.
Bakugou is reminded once more of the dreary weather.
He swipes on the notification, just sees that it’s a reminder from his mother about having dinner next week. He responds with a simple ‘okay’ before grabbing his rain jacket and scarf. Kirishima is waiting in the lobby, decked out in a puffy coat and has an umbrella in his right hand. “So what’d ya pick?”
“Let’s get something warm, I was thinking either yakiniku or hot pot.” Kirishima says as the Bakugou walks out with him and opens the umbrella to shield both of them from the rain. “We could go left for yakiniku or right for hot pot, they’re both not too far off.”
Bakugou thinks on it a little and decides to go left, he’ll text you later about making soup for dinner. It didn’t make sense to him to have soup for two meals in a day, it was kind of madness to him.
“Alright, manly choice bro!”
Grilled meat sizzles enticingly before them, Bakugou being the one to cook the meats for himself and Kirishima. Pork belly for himself and beef fillet to start off Kirishima, he concentrates on the process of cooking the meat while Kirishima carries the conversation. He listens passively and makes the occasional comment, mostly just wanting to savor his lunch before heading back to the agency. This will probably be the highlight for today so he might as well enjoy it.
The last time he had yakiniku was a few months ago, you and him were walking through the streets on his day off when you had a sudden craving for barbecue. You were tugging on his arm towards this one little restaurant and although Bakugou wasn’t interested in having any, he let himself be dragged into the little eatery by you. Your craving was quelled and your only complaint was that he wouldn’t let you cook your own meat despite your insistence that you could do it for the both of you.
“Hands off woman.” Bakugou smacked your hands away when you tried to reach for the tongs to drop the meat on the grill.
“Katsuki, I can do it too!” You pouted.
“And I’m doing it for you so shut up.”
The two of you had a little argument inside your booth, you pestering why your husband wouldn’t just let you help grill the food. And he was silent at first, trying to concentrate on the food in front of him before he revealed his reason. “You remember last time we did this? You overcooked the meat and you didn’t want to eat it anymore so I had to eat it for you so it wouldn’t go to waste. So I’m fuckin’ cooking it for you so that we don’t have a repeat of that.”
He doesn’t know why you got all sentimental and sappy when he told you that; his view was that he had to do it for you to avoid food waste, you just thought it was sweet that he would do that for you to make sure that you’re well fed.
Bakugou wonders what you had for lunch since you didn’t have time this morning to make the bentos.
He hopes you’re eating well and didn’t choose something shitty.
The rain let’s up a little by the time they finish lunch but Kirishima says that the rain will continue for the rest of the day and get heavier towards the night.
Bakugou returns to his office, hanging up his jacket and scarf before returning to his desk. He notices a little sticky note over the paper calendar with your handwriting, your wedding portrait sitting right next to it in a simple frame. He takes the note and reads it quietly to himself, ‘Wanted to stop by to say hi but you were on lunch, have a good rest of your shift Dynamight! -(Name)’
He folds the note neatly and then opens a drawer in his desk, a little plastic container sits inside with all the sticky notes you’ve ever left inside his office for when you missed him. Bakugou’s sure that he should throw them away at one point but for now, he just holds onto the notes just because. It’s not making a mess and it’s not like there is such a terrible amount of them that it gets in his way so he just keeps them for the time being.
Looking towards his wedding portrait, he stares at it for a few seconds before his eyes go to the calendar and noting that you flipped the calendar to next year for some reason. Bakugou takes it in his hand and sees that you circled the future month in an orange marker but there’s no indication what you circled it for. It’s not your birthday or anniversary date or anything like that, he counted that the month you circled was almost seven months away from now.
He flips it back to the proper month before logging back into his computer again.
It’s still a few more hours until he’s finished with work and Bakugou once again takes a break from his computer, this time looking towards his wall where the couch is taking notice of an orange umbrella leaning against it with another sticky note on the handle of it. He gets up to take the other sticky note and it reads, ‘also if you can pick up a package from this address, thank you! -(Name)’
“The hell? Got me doing errands for her while I’m at work?” Bakugou grumbles as he folds the note up and puts it in with the rest inside the drawer. But he takes the umbrella and tells Kirishima that he’s going on a quick errand, walking in the direction of the address you had written down on the note. It’s a fifteen minute walk and it leads him to some fancy stationery store that he’s passed by a few times but has never been inside. Bakugou stops by the front desk in front of the elderly woman who seems to be the owner. “I’m here to pick up a package, my wife sent me.”
“Ah Dynamight sir, I was expecting you!” the shop owner smiles at him and turns around briefly, digging underneath the desk before gently placing a neatly packaged box before him. The wrapping is a cream color with twine neatly tied holding a little branch of white flowers at the knot and once again, another note with your handwriting on it but on a pretty piece of paper that was most likely from the stationery store.
Bakugou decided he’ll read it when he gets back to the office.
“Have a good day sir!” The old lady tells him, her smile wide and a knowing twinkle behind it.
Bakugou is careful in bringing the package back to the agency, making sure that no rain gets on it whatsoever. He sets it on his desk and plucks the note from the twine, ‘open when you’re finished with work, I’ll see you at home Katsuki! -(Name)’
“It’s for me? Fuckin’ woman could have just dropped it off since she was here earlier, what the hell?”
He wonders what’s inside but it says to open when he’s finished with work. And hero work does come first, even if it’s in the form of shitty, boring paperwork. So Bakugou carefully sets the package to the side and continues his work, letting the occasional person in his office in that needs him for something or getting up for a bathroom break.
It’s one hour left until he’s off the clock and the rain is coming down harder. Bakugou hopes that there’s no power outage before he saves these documents and emails them, otherwise he’d absolutely lose his shit. His eyes continue to glance to the package and as time ticks by, he can’t help but his curiosity grow stronger as his shift comes to the final hour before he clocks out.
He takes another break and looks out his window again and now that he really stares at the glass, he can see the faint of your handprint against it.
You and him fucked not too long in his office, almost ten days ago if he recalls correctly.
He came back and sat himself on his desk chair, dropping his gauntlets to the floor and ripping off his mask and throwing it on his desk. And you were following after him, shutting the door and asking if he felt alright. And Bakugou was okay, he was just upset over how boring his patrol was and that there wasn’t any action. “Fucking lame! Not even a damn pick pocket or nothing I could blow to pieces!” He growled and crossed his arms over his chest.
And you giggled at him, picking up a gauntlet and propping it upright before sitting against the edge of his desk. “Well shouldn’t that be a good thing? No crimes happening since you’re doing such a good job with apprehending? No shitty villains because they’re scared that Dynamight is gonna get them?”
“Tch! Just wanna have some action...” Bakugou huffs and kicks his feet out in a small tantrum of frustration.
“Alrighty baby, since you’re so bored I’ll do you a solid and I’ll become a big bad villain so that you got something to do.” You joked with him. “I’ll go rob the nearest bank, sounds good yeah?”
And Bakugou had rolled his eyes, told you that you couldn’t even write a bad check if you tried let alone try to rob a bank. “Like you could be a villain (Name), not my fucking wife.”
“Ooh okay, I get you. So we divorce, I become a villain, and then we fight and you’ll be happy since you’ll have something to do for patrol. That would be such a story!” You hold your hands up as if holding an imaginary banner, “Picture this caption: Dynamight’s ex-wife turned villain! How could this have happened? What was the trigger? Their unhappy marriage? Had his anger pushed her too far? The time he scuffed her favorite shoes-”
“How many times do I gotta say sorry about that? And shut the hell up with all that stupid crap, as if you could become a villain.”
“I’d be a big bad villain Katsuki.”
“Oh yeah?” Bakugou had stood up from his desk, stalking towards you until you had backed up against his window, caging you in against the glass and looking down on you like you’re his prey. He saw how you deflated, the faux confidence from before gone as you look up at him. “I’m still in costume baby, you really wanna be a villain? Could fucking arrest you right here and now, yeah?”
And Bakugou remembers how he put you on your knees, sucking him off right there in his office and in front of the window. Your needy little whines with his cock in your mouth and how he mocked and teased you. And then he stood you back up on your feet only to turn you around and look out into the city, his dick slick with your spit and pushing it into your pussy. And your hand pressed against the surface of the glass, trying to find something for stability or some kind of perch and finding nothing.
He fucked you right there, Bakugou could still remember the clink of your wedding ring against the glass too as you clawed at it. That snug little pussy of yours stretching for his cock, creaming all over him, and trying to milk him of his cum to fill your cunt. How you begged for it and for Great Explosion Murder-God Dynamight (yes you used his entire hero name) to pound you until you were stupid from too much dick.
You’re so fucking filthy sometimes.
Bakugou makes sure to go lock his door first before turning to his desk. He opens a bottom drawer and there’s a box of condoms with just a few packets left. It’s not for having secret office affairs and to ensure that a mistress doesn’t get pregnant— he’s loyal only to you after all. The condoms are there for convenient clean up for when he masturbates in his office. It’s not like he’s pawing at himself in his office that often but sometimes when the mood strikes, all it takes when he’s finished is to tie the latex and ball it up in a tissue before dumping it in the trash.
So he rolls the condom down on his cock and unlocks his phone, goes to a folder that has all your dirty pictures and videos. Nudes you’ve sent to him, nasty shots of his cum oozing out of your pussy, him jerking his cock off until he cums all over your face, coy little videos of you sucking on your fingers, and all the fucking sex videos.
He’s got a particular favorite of his, he’s holding the camera while you’re on your knees and spread out for him. You’re wearing a cute pink thong that’s pushed to the side and your ass bounces every time he thrusts forward into your cunt. The volume is on low and your breathy moans recorded in the video are only for his ears. Your whines, how you arched your back for him, when you yelp when he smacked your ass, and the occasional call of ‘daddy’ get Bakugou stroking his cock faster. “Fuck yeah baby...”
His favorite part of the video is when you reach behind and hold your ass cheeks apart for him, asking him to pound you harder. “H-harder please... fuck me more.”
“You beg so goddamn pretty for me, fuckin’ love it!” The recorded Bakugou says in the video.
“L-love you Katsuki, I l-love you!” You stutter out when Bakugou had pressed himself balls deep into your pussy. He remembers clearly when he did that how you came so much for him, the fluids of your orgasm dribbling down his cock and onto the bedsheets. And fuck he loved the way you shook for him, your body shuddering from the pleasure but begging Bakugou to completely fill you. “C-cum in me, wan’ your cum! Pussy nee’s it!”
And Bakugou times himself with the video, he’s watched it so many times but it never fails to ever bore him. He’s got the exact time stamp of when you whine and cry and cum for him memorized, stroked himself faster to reach that edge and fall off the cliff.
“F-fuck, fuck!! I’m cumming!” you cry out in the video, back arching and body tensing as that last orgasm hits you. And Bakugou cums inside the condom as he watches the recording of him pull his cock from your cunt, zooming in on your wrecked pussy and the quiet praise of, “You did good pumpkin.”
“D-daddy... love you...”
The video ends there and Bakugou catches his breath, putting his phone back on the table and leaning his head back to shut his eyes for a bit. He runs a hand through his blond hair and takes a deep breath, his chest puffing up and then deflating when he exhaled.
He discards the condom and goes back to work, only thirty-five minutes left.
And the package sits innocently nearby, teasing Bakugou as he reaches the final stretch of his last hour at work.
He clocks out on the computer but he remains in his office chair, finally pulling the package towards himself. He looks at the note again and wonders if he should fold it in with the rest or just keep it with the box. Bakugou decides he’ll think about that later, plucking the dainty white flowers out from the twine and setting it down carefully. He pulls the twine and carefully unwraps the paper, revealing a white box underneath. Bakugou undoes the flaps to the box and once again he sees another note written by you and he can’t help but be endeared whenever he sees you leave him messages this way.
In this age of technology, you could just shoot him a text for small messages that he can read later on. But he also likes that you still rely on little handwritten notes sometimes to convey the same message.
He takes the stationery and it reads a simple message that has him pinching his brows in confusion.
The note is set down and he pushes aside the tissue paper to reveals what’s beneath and Bakugou swears his heart skips a beat looking down at what was placed inside the package.
Then he remembers how you had changed his calendar, flipping it back to the month that you had circled and now he realizes what the meaning behind that was.
Hurriedly Bakugou packs up the note and little flower branch inside the box, which he now recognizes as baby’s breath from your bouquet when the two of you got married. He pulls on his coat and scarf, bringing the box with him along with the umbrella, rushing past Kirishima and telling him he’ll see him later. He’s in such a rush that he doesn’t see the knowing smile that his friend sports when he’s out the door.
Kirishima dials your number on his phone and waits for you to pick up. “Hey you were right, he ran out here like a madman.”
“Hehe, thanks Kiri for all your help.” You giggle from your end of the line.
“Well do I get to know what the surprise is? What’s got Bakubro all worked up? I helped take him out of the office so you could sneak into it and do all that stuff at the store!”
“Don’t worry, you’ll be one of the first to know!”
“Wait, why not the first? Know what?”
“Okay byeeee!”
And you hang up on Kirishima before he gets a chance to say anything else.
And Bakugou rushes home with the box sitting on the passenger side, the rain has let up thankfully as he drives back but as soon as he pulls into the driveway, the rain pours once more. The garage is slow to lift as Bakugou parks the car inside and once it’s inside, he damn near rips his seatbelt off to exit the car and brings the box with him.
The first place he rushes to is upstairs to the bedroom, it’s usually where you are when he gets home from work. “Baby? Pumpkin, you here?” He asks as he opens the door.
But the room is empty, the bed neatly made and the curtains drawn back but the lit candle suggests that you’re home.
And then he catches a bright orange sticky note on the door and it reads, ‘I’m downstairs dummy -(Name)’
You know him so well to predict that he’d blindly rush to the first place he assumes you’re at and leave a note for him to tell him otherwise.
So Bakugou goes down the stairs and sure enough, the sliding door is open and you’re standing at the porch, watching the rain with a blanket around your shoulders. And you look back at him, a sweet smile coming onto your face when you eye the box in his arms. “So... what do you think?”
“You fuckin’ serious babe?” Bakugou asks in disbelief, setting the box down on the couch as he approaches you. He can smell the rain as he comes closer to the backyard doors and he hopes that the blanket you have around you is enough to keep you warm. “You’re not kidding right?”
“You saw it yourself didn’t you?”
And Bakugou goes to you, taking you in his arms and spinning you around briefly before setting you back down and kissing you.
The package sits on the couch and there’s only three items inside that sit on the top of shredded ivory paper; a little onesie, a picture of an ultrasound, and a positive pregnancy test.
Your note reads, ‘Get ready Dynamight!’
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floralseokjin · 4 years
⊶ final sleigh (m). ⊷
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You took an (almost) immediate dislike to Seokjin during his first week at the office and six months later that distaste is not only still going strong, but also mutual. Working in sales, you view one another as competition, so what happens when you’re forced to organise the Christmas office party together? It’s a recipe for disaster, but one thing’s for sure, it doesn’t end the way you imagined it...
(Spoiler alert: you don’t wind up murdering him.)  
pairing; kim seokjin x reader  au/genre/warnings; workplace/office au, enemies/rivals to lovers, starts off as a holiday au but drabbles further develop the story, rom-com, hoseok, namjoon, jungkook and yoongi make appearances, smut; drunk grinding, drunk kissing, workplace (oral) sex, storeroom (oral) sex, oral sex (male & female receiving), fingering, dirty talk, jin has a big dick (obv) words; 23,363 
continuing drabbles found here
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Every year without fail you organised the office Christmas party at Jung&Co. As part of the office party committee it was of course a given. There were only two of you but as a workplace of just 12 that was ample enough. This year however, things were a little different, no matter how marginally. Joy was on maternity leave so you were now on your own this time around. Not that you minded. You could hold the fort no problem until she came back in January and you had to plan Creed, the quality assurance director’s birthday party. 
Only Hoseok, your manager didn’t see it that simple. Insisted you needed an extra set of helping hands. Who? Was your first thought. No one had ever offered to help in the past three years and why would they start now? However, you were forgetting something… or should you say, someone. A new someone who you were sure had been transferred here to make your life a total misery. It was like someone up there had it in for you, and you couldn’t think of one explanation why. You were a good person; you donated to a cat shelter every month, you paid your taxes, you were always helpful and friendly, amazing at your job… The list went on. In fact, you were the best damn sales rep at this branch, high above the rest – Well… That was until he showed up. 
“I’ll do it.” You heard Seokjin offer indifferently, as if he didn’t care a damn about the Christmas party. You knew he didn’t. 
You swung around immediately, your chair squeaking against the wooden flooring with the force. You scoffed patronisingly. “Pfft. You?” You had never heard anything so unbelievable in your whole life. 
Seokjin regarded you from where he sat in the back row. Hoseok had called a meeting this morning, needing to find a replacement for Joy as time was creeping up. it was a month until Christmas closure. The day the party was held, and he knew how much you liked to keep on top of things. You weren’t to be rushed. 
“Yes. Me.” Of course he was smirking. “Why? Got a problem?”
Beside him, Jungkook the intern, looked between you both unsurely. No doubt the rest of your co-workers were too. This had become the norm now. They stayed silent every time you and he started squabbling. The past few months had been one big whirlwind of bickering and rivalry. Seokjin was your biggest competition. He was also the thorn in your side. Ever since he’d transferred branches from his hometown six months ago life in the office hadn’t been the same for you. It didn’t help that your desks were also situated next to one another. You had to sit opposite his annoying face 8 hours a day, five days a week. It was a living hell. And now you’d be forced to spend even more time with him? Over your dead body. 
“No.” You folded your arms, still looking over at him from where you sat in the front. He wouldn’t win. You wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing he was successfully getting to you. “You want to organise the office Christmas party?”
Of course you were calling his bluff. He was 100% doing this to piss you off. You were certain. 
He chuckled. “I don’t know why it’s so unbelievable.”
You scoffed, growing frustrated. “You’re a guy!”
He raised one of his eyebrows. “Excuse me? Is that sexism I detect?” One corner of his mouth twitched. “Do I have to report you to Tim?”
Tim, the HR rep went to speak up, no doubt trying to pacify the situation, but already out of hand, you spoke over him, voice shrill. “Oh shut up, Seokjin.” Damn it, you’d bitten, hadn’t you? He was holding back his laughter. He knew what you meant. Your wording came out wrong, so you needed to correct yourself. 
“I’m just saying, you don’t seem like a guy who loves to party plan in his spare time.”
He grinned widely, as smug as ever. “Well, I’m full of surprises, baby.” 
Unimpressed you stared him down. “Do I need to report you to Tim for harassment?” 
You weren’t paying attention to Tim this time around but no doubt he looked lost. He was an older, quiet man who seemed unsure what he was doing here most of the time. Seokjin didn’t help matters. 
“For what?” He exclaimed. “Calling you baby? It’s a term of endearment.” 
“Not from you it isn’t.” 
Jungkook sniggered at that and you felt a little smug. Seokjin went to open his mouth, no doubt a clever comeback hot on his tongue, but Hoseok interrupted. 
“Guys. Stop bickering or neither of you will be planning this party.” 
You immediately spun around, facing the front. Seokjin wasn’t fucking this up for you. Although you didn’t think Hoseok would ever take that role away from you. He might have been your manager – and the CEO’s son – but you saw him as a friend. He never threw his authority around. 
You crossed your arms as his attention fell to Seokjin, silently huffing. “Jin, please tell us why you nominated yourself.” 
“Well,” he started his spiel, laying it on thick. You refused to look his way, even as everyone else in the conference room gave him their attention. “I love Christmas and I love organising things.” He made it sound so simple. Infuriating bastard. “I was always the person they counted on back home. I know how to throw a paaar-tayyyy!” 
At his holler, he and Jungkook gave one another a high five, whooping at each other like a pair of idiots. It was impossible to think that Seokjin was the same age as you, a whole five years older than Jungkook. They obviously shared the same mental age. 
“Well you’re not back home now.” You couldn’t help yourself, whipping around to tell him what was what. “I’m the one in charge here. I have the final say.” Sneering, you added, “You’d just be the help.”
Seokjin’s jaw twitched. You were irritating him now. You took great joy in that. “Hoseok said it was 50/50.” 
“More like 75/25 where you’re concerned.” 
“In my favour, yes.”
You felt your anger flare. “Hoseokkk,” you whined, turning your back to Seokjerk. “You can’t be serious letting him join the party planning committee?” 
You knew he was doing it on purpose. He had no interest in helping you – he just wanted to annoy you, to take over. 
Hoseok looked at you sympathetically. “Do you see anyone else offering to help, Y/N? Besides, it’s just for Christmas.” When you didn’t relent, he sighed. “You can’t do it all on your own.” 
You held your arms tight across your chest, pouting like a big kid. “Watch me.” 
“Impossible,” he chuckled softly. “You should be thanking Seokjin for being so helpful.” 
Men. They were all traitors. Of course Hoseok would be in Seokjin’s favour, they once worked together back at the other branch just before Hoseok became manager here. 
“Yeah, Y/N,” Seokjin called. You just knew he had that shit eating grin spread across his face, the one that plagued your nightmares – You could hear it in his tone. “You should be thanking me. But take your time, I know admitting defeat is hard for you.” 
You breathed deeply through your nose, reminding yourself to stay calm, else he’d end up throttled by the time this party rolled around… 
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“Chop, chop!” 
From your peripheral you could see Seokjin stood over you, clapping his hands, his crotch obscenely eye level. You pursed your mouth and continued typing up your report that needed to be in by today. You couldn’t bear to look at him, still mad from yesterday, and no doubt he just wanted to annoy you some more – his sole purpose it seemed. What a sad little life he lived. 
“Y/N,” he prompted. You bit the inside of your cheek, exhaling through your nose. He wasn’t relenting, but lucky for you, lunch was in just over an hour. You could grin and bear him until then, surely? 
“What?” You snapped, beginning to turn your head. 
“We have our first meeting in five.” 
You mouth grew dry as you made eye contact, but it wasn’t because of what he said, actually you barely had time to register it, his pearly whites pretty much dazzling you as he grinned. 
You might have forgotten to mention a tiny detail about Seokjin, one you tried your best to forget, and tiny it was because it barely had an effect on you… Begrudgingly, you had to admit he was objectively handsome. Before you had taken that almost instantaneous dislike to him six months ago, you will confess that the first sighting of him had turned you a little weak at the knees. You were only human after all and you could appreciate a good looking face when you saw one. He even made Beryl and Michelle, who well into their sixties, giddy with a simple Good Morning – and he knew it. He knew how hot he was, which for you, just added to his overall lack of appeal. 
However, sometimes he caught you off guard. 
Like now. 
You swallowed with some difficulty, willing saliva to coat the inside of your mouth, and ignoring the way the crisp white dress shirt hugged his waist, tucked into those very well fitting black pants of his (maybe too well fitting…), you let his words piece together. 
You furrowed your eyebrows slightly, what was he talking about? Hoseok hadn’t announced anything this morning. Was he just messing with you? You weren’t Jungkook. Those two might love playing pranks on one another, but you were actually mature in the workplace.
At the thought of Jungkook, you could hear him giggling up at the front of the office with the receptionist, Mina. How Hoseok hadn’t gathered they were sleeping together yet was beyond you. Actually, you were sure the rest of the office were slow to catch on too, but you maybe you had a clear (dis)advantage. You had to hear him and Seokjin discussing it more or less every single day – because men were dense and didn’t realise that no matter how low they spoke, a metre distance would not stop you from overhearing. 
“Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten about the Christmas party already?” Seokjin continued to grin – and that’s when you realised it wasn’t of the friendly kind. It was of the provoking kind, because he wanted to piss you off. “I thought this was your area of expertise.” 
You could feel your blood beginning to boil, your work forgotten on the screen. “You called a meeting without telling me?” 
He shrugged. “What am I doing right now?” What, mere seconds before it started? You really were going to end up killing him one of these days. “I booked the conference room this morning.” 
You grit your teeth together. “I organise the meetings.” 
“Get a life.” He scoffed, judging you hard. “Besides, you’re a bit slow on the ball, aren’t you?” 
“The party isn’t for another month.” 
“Three weeks and 6 days actually,” he corrected. Then with a wink, he added, “I like being on top of things.” 
You ignored his shitty (and inappropriate) innuendo with a roll of your eyes. “I was going to wait until Monday.” How dare he suggest you were unorganised. 
With another lazy roll of his shoulders, he started to walk off, towards the small conference room situated in the office. “You snooze you lose.” Turning back casually, he pointed a finger to your desk. “Bring a notebook.” 
Trying to laser through him with your best death glare you grabbed your notebook and stood up. He was treading on thin ice. 
“This thing sounds dry as the Sahara,” Seokjin wailed loudly, hanging his head towards his (blank) notebook on the desk. 
“Well you know where the door is,” you smiled. “I’m perfectly capable of organising this party on my own.” 
Actually, if he didn’t like how you celebrated Christmas here, he could leave entirely. You wouldn’t miss him, and the others would surely get over it. You didn’t understand why they thought he was so amazing anyway. His sense of humour was grating to say the least – as well as his overall personality. He was nothing but a glorified salesman who walked the walk and talked the talk. You actually cared about your clients. All he cared about was numbers to help him boast, even if that meant stealing –
Never mind. That was in the past. You were the bigger person, you reminded yourself. 
“I’m not going anywhere,” Seokjin scoffed, turning to look at you. He’d insisted you sat next to him even though you had been quite happy to sit at the furthest end of the table. “This place needs some Seokjin zest. Add a little flavour – a little spice.” 
You dropped your head, muttering arrogant bastard under your breath as you picked up your pen to start brainstorming some ideas. 
“What was that?” He asked, obviously hearing you. 
You played dumb. “What was what?”
Thankfully, for the next ten minutes a very much welcomed silence fell over you as you both jotted down some ideas, although you were pretty sure Seokjin was just doodling at this point. Probably stickmen like the five year old he was. In between planning you threw a few texts your best friend’s way. 
(12:14pm) You: Remind me why we tolerate men again?  (12:15pm) Ana: For their dicks  (12:15pm) Ana: But only if they’re pretty and they know how to use it  (12:15pm) Ana: What’s up? (12:17pm) You: Guess who organised the first Christmas party meeting without telling me first 🙂 (12:18pm) Ana: Oh (12:19pm) You: Exactly  (12:19pm) Ana: Dick cheese   (12:20pm) Ana: Definitely not tolerable
You snorted at the mention of Seokjin’s nickname. Ana knew all about your very vocal disdain for the guy – in fact, she’d had to hear it all over again last night when you’d called her to complain about the very unfortunate turn in Christmas party planning events. 
“Is that work or party related?”
Frustratingly, your obvious amusement had caught Dick cheese’s attention. “Shut up,” you muttered, but you did hide your phone from view, placing it screen down on the table. Hopefully he hadn’t caught a glimpse at anything dick and cheese related. He was definitely the type to report you to Tim for workplace bullying. 
You turned to look at him, childishly taking great pleasure in the way a piece of his brown hair had bunched up on top of his head – probably from where’d he’d been itching, racking his pea-sized brain for ideas. He hadn’t noticed, and you weren’t going to point it out. He’d realise soon enough when he had to use the restroom – unless he didn’t wash his hands afterwards, which wouldn’t surprise you. 
“We’re in a meeting, save texting your boyfriend for lunch.” 
“I’m not texting – never mind.” You stopped yourself. There was no point biting. He wanted you to do that, knowing the insinuating tone he’d used would surely get you mad. As if you’d ever have a boyfriend, ha ha, very funny and original – NOT. He needed better jokes. 
“If you were actually bringing something to the table I wouldn’t be bored enough to get distracted,” you shot instead. 
He looked wholeheartedly offended. “I’m not the only one involved in this. You think of some ideas.” 
“I have been.” You replied loudly. “It’s the same process every year, okay? Theme, food and Secret Santa. That’s all we need to organise.” You’d already been through this. 
“So fucking boring,” he groaned slowly. 
“You’re wrong.” 
He snorted, visibly amused by your insistence. “And that Y/N, is why you are a square.” 
“You don’t even know me!” You exclaimed. 
“I know enough. I’ve sat opposite you for the past six months.” 
“Yeah, and don’t I know it,” you muttered. You had not known peace since. 
He laughed then, surprising you enough to make you jump a little. “Babe, are you ever going to forgive me for Rosal & Steinar?”
You glared at him. How dare he bring that up. It was a very sensitive topic, one you wanted to forget about because each time it popped up inside your brain you wanted to kick him – aggressively and relentlessly. 
Seokjin’s first week here had not been good for you. First, he had made you weak at the knees by just casually existing, then, Hoseok had introduced him as Jung&Co.’s best salesperson, and lastly, after being struck down with a terrible cold, you’d been sent home from work on the morning of your biggest client’s renewal day. Hoseok had insisted that you couldn’t sell stationary without a voice. You had claimed you could, but it wasn’t good enough. You were sick and needed to go before you infected anyone else. 
The following Monday, still snorting sinus spray like it was cocaine, you’d arrived at work to find out that Rosal & Steinar had renewed their contract… with Seokjin. Life couldn’t have been going anymore wrong. In the past month you’d had to deal with the guilt of breaking off a two year relationship, acquiring a new competition in your place of work that had ultimately already lost you your best client, and you’d gotten sick for the first time in four years. 
You blamed Seokjin. He’d been sent to curse you. (Although, admittedly the breakup had happened before you’d known of his existence… Not that it mattered.) 
That’s why it was now your life’s goal to become Jung&Co.’s best salesperson, because Hoseok’s opinion didn’t mean shit, and one way or another you were going to take down Seokjin. 
So yeah, no matter how much you insisted that the past was in the past, it obviously wasn’t. 
You raised an eyebrow, choosing to ignore his question. “What did I say about reporting you?” You weren’t his babe. Or baby. Or whatever else he liked to use. 
“Sorry,” he apologised, rather genuinely at that, which was surprising. “It was a slip of the tongue.”
You let out a short sigh. “Let’s just get on with this. There’s half an hour until lunch and I need to leave on time to meet my friend.” Neither of you had thought of anything solid yet. 
“Is that who you were messaging?” 
Seokjin seemed curious – interested? You couldn’t think of the correct word. Either way he was getting too friendly and pushing boundaries you’d rather not have him cross. “Is that any of your business?”
He shrugged, unaffected, and got back down to business. “Why can’t we just rent out a venue? Nothing is fun without any booze.” 
“We don’t do that anymore,” you answered. 
“How come?” 
You inwardly groaned. You didn’t really want to get into it, this meeting had already been a complete and utter flop, but you guessed if you told him why you no longer celebrated outside of office hours he’d understand and shut up about the damn office party. 
“It was a while ago. Before Hoseok was manager.” You began. “We used to all have Christmas lunch and then go out for drinks… and it was fun, don’t get me wrong,” you emphasised, knowing that he was just itching to call you boring. “But the last time we did it, our manager at the time ended up sleeping with the married receptionist and –”
“Mina?!” Seokjin exclaimed, interrupting story time. 
“No, not Mina,” you cried. As if Jungkook would be oblivious to the fact she was married, but then again, he was pretty dumb. He’d been here eight months already and still didn’t know how to photocopy properly. 
“Before her.” You stressed, noticing the shock on Seokjin’s face disappear. “They were both wasted but it was still no excuse. Her husband found out, charged into the office Monday morning.” 
“Oh, fuck.” Seokjin chuckled, obviously enjoying the drama. 
“He was ready to fight but it didn’t end well, because… our manager was a black belt.” 
You winced at the memory, remembering that morning very well. The initial shock, the screams, your manager morphing into the Hulk… the punches… the blood… It was crazy to say the least, and after Christmas you never saw the man again. Devin, the CFO, informed you he’d “moved on” by his own willing but you didn’t really believe that. Hoseok was his replacement. Mina was hired shortly after when Kevin couldn’t handle the stress of being an accountant and a receptionist on the side. 
“Brilliant,” Seokjin laughed, clapping his hands together. “So, the guy who’d gotten cheated on had the shit kicked out of him in front of the whole office?”
“Pretty much,” you nodded, still feeling a little sad for the man even though it was three years ago now – and you didn’t even know his name. “Ever since then it’s been a buffet in the conference room kind of thing.” 
Looking over at Seokjin then, you suddenly had the urge to add, “It’s safer. No one ends up fucking that way.” 
His eyes bulged and he broke into a little cough at the shock of the word falling from your mouth so easily, choking on his own laugh. “Fuck…” He went to repeat, only petering off last minute, shaking his head in disbelief.
You tried not to feel smug about it but you couldn’t help it. Lame, yes you were. 
“Fine,” Seokjin sighed, resignation in his tone. “Stupid fricking office party it is.” 
“I’m glad that we finally agree on something.” 
He just rolled his eyes at you. 
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The next couple of weeks went by quite fast and slowly, in between work, you and Seokjin actually got somewhere with the party planning – surprisingly. At first he’d been adamant to separate each job between you, but that was only because he wanted to be in charge of the theme. You’d point-blank refused. As much as you hated it, you needed to work together as a team, so that meant making decisions together. Star Wars at Christmas wasn’t exactly something you agreed on, but neither was Christmas cats. (“You need to get laid ASAP”, had been his words when you’d suggested such an idea… but he didn’t really have a leg to stand on as a Star Wars fan, so…). 
Finally, after just over a week of brainstorming (and bickering), you decided on something: Family Christmas. It wasn’t the most original idea, but it was something, and you’d already thought of a bunch of things to do ready for it, which involved Jungkook getting his camera out and everyone dressing up in their holiday pyjamas. 
It was a Monday afternoon right now, an hour until you went home for the day, and you and he were making use of some spare time you had – making a list of all the decorations you needed to purchase. He’d dragged his chair over to your desk which you weren’t very happy about but what could you do? Sometimes sacrifices had to be made, especially when it came down to Christmas. 
“It was my birthday over the weekend,” Seokjin told you casually. 
“Oh, was it?” 
You could feel his gaze on your face as you scribbled down in your notebook. “Didn’t you see on Facebook? Everyone was wishing me happy birthday.” 
“Were they?” You said impassively, now aware he was itching for some attention. “I don’t go on there that much.” Why you’d accepted his friend request still baffled you, but you were always the bigger, better person in life. Plus, you’d stopped logging in months ago. 
There was a pause. Ahh, lovely, silence. What bliss –
“I mentioned it Friday too.” 
You sighed, turning to look at him. “Happy belated birthday, Seokjin. I hope you had a good day.” 
He grinned. There it was, what he’d been after. He was such a kid. “Thanks. I did actually, I went –”
“Is Hoseok around?” 
Your attention was stolen by the sound of someone’s voice – Namjoon’s voice, and you looked to the reception desk to see him stood beside it. You swooned a little at the sight of him; legs long enough to climb, a butt hard enough to crack walnuts with – chest too. Namjoon was the foreman of the warehouse on the ground floor. He was handsome, charming, and genuinely a nice person. You hadn’t seen him for a while, so you were definitely caught by surprise.  
“Yeah, he’s in his office,” Mina replied with a smile, watching his ass as he turned and started walking away. You didn’t blame her. 
“Hi, Y/N.” He gave you a dazzling smile as he noticed you, bypassing your boss’ office to make his way over. 
“Hi, Joon.” You greeted, unable to stop smiling like an idiot. “How are you?”
“Busy, he shrugged. Leaning in, you felt your pulse begin to quicken. “You don’t go clubbing anymore? I haven’t seen you around.” 
“Ana got pretty bored of it.” 
That was a lie actually. One you’d thought of on the spot. It wasn’t that you disliked going out, although you did feel too old for it now – the hangovers just kept getting worse – but when you’d started meeting up with Namjoon and his friends in the summer you’d been on a little Quest for Fun. You blamed it on the breakup. Now that you were over it, and had been for quite some time, clubbing wasn’t near as appealing as it used to be. You much preferred staying in and sitting in front of the television. 
“That shouldn’t stop you. I can always be your company if you’re lonely,” he smirked, that pesky dimple sending your heart a flutter. He always did this. Flirting came so natural to him, he was great at it. 
You heard someone clearing their throat to the side of you. Namjoon and you both looked over at the same time. Oh, right… Seokjin was here. You’d actually forgotten about him. 
“Hey, man,” Namjoon smiled politely. They didn’t know each other too well, but that didn’t stop Namjoon from being friendly. He looked down at your notebook. “What are you guys up to?” 
The question was definitely directed to you but Seokjin answered anyway. “Organising the office Christmas party.” 
“Ahhh.” Namjoon nodded, smirking your way, Seokjin once again forgotten. “Do I get an invite?” 
You smiled, raising an eyebrow. “Don’t you always?” He and the guys downstairs always popped up and joined in on the celebrations, but yes, okay, maybe you were flirting too… You couldn’t help it, not after what happened last –
Hoseok’s voice interrupted your thoughts and you looked over Namjoon’s shoulder, seeing him stood in his doorway. 
Namjoon sighed, taking a step backwards. “I gotta go, business calls, beautiful. See you around.” Turning his back to you he started to walk off, only to glance over his shoulder last minute, shooting you a wink. “Remember, if you’re ever feeling lonely…” 
You giggled, giving him a wave and watched him follow Hoseok into his office. 
“What was that?” Seokjin asked, sounding absolutely baffled. 
“What was what?” You shot, now realising you’d turned to mush right in front of him. 
“That,” he exclaimed. “You and Namjoon all over one another.” He paused to pull a face. “I’ve come all over all queasy.”
“Shut up,” you brushed off. “We weren’t.” 
He looked at you as if you’d gone mad. “The looks! The winking. The way your voice went all high-pitched… Do you like him?”
“As a friend,” you stressed. Although, what was it to him?! 
He stared at you. “So nothing’s going on between the two of you?”
“You expect me to believe that?”
“I don’t expect you to do anything,” you shook your head, laughing in confusion. “I don’t care if you believe me or not.” 
Seokjin dropped it thankfully and you got back to your list, jotting down a few more things you needed. It was until Namjoon reappeared from Hoseok’s office and waved goodbye to you that Seokjin couldn’t contain himself any longer. 
“What?” You demanded when you heard him scoff to himself. 
“He definitely wants to fuck you.” He shook his head. “Trust me. I have a males sixth sense when it comes to that.” 
You could feel yourself growing mad. That’s why you ultimately ended up spilling. As stupid as it was. “Maybe he already has…”
It took a moment for Seokjin to make sense of your words. “W-what?” You could physically see when the penny dropped, it was actually quite amusing. You liked making him speechless. “You and Namjoon already… When?!”
You shrugged, feeling mildly embarrassed. “It was during the summer.” You tried to think of more things you’d need for this party but your mind was now a blur and Seokjin wouldn’t let you anyway.  
“You can’t just drop that and not give me details,” he cried. 
“Keep your voice down,” you hissed. Nobody knew bar Ana. Who had been the with you the night you and Namjoon had hooked up. It wasn’t exactly a secret, but you didn’t want the whole office knowing your business. 
Seokjin looked at you wide-eyed, patiently – or not so – waiting for you to explain yourself. You grumbled, not quite believing you were about to tell him, you didn’t want him knowing your business, but then again, it was a great feeling knowing that you’d shocked him. “I’d just… I’d just broken up with my boyfriend and I wanted to… let loose a little. It was just a one time thing.” 
But it had been good – amazing, actually. A repeat had never shown itself, but you were happy enough for it to be a onetime thing. 
“You have one night stands?” Seokjin asked, although you were sure it was rhetorical. 
“It happened once.” 
He wasn’t listening. “And here I was thinking you were a prude.” 
“Like I said before, you don’t know me.” 
Seokjin chuckled, amused by your attitude. It sent your insides a little jittery – but only for a split second – and it could’ve very well been annoyance. “So… How was it?”
“Excuse me?”
“How was the sex?”
“I’m not answering that,” you refused. 
“Why not?” He looked puzzled. “What’s a bit of hook up talk amongst friends?”
“Friends?” You repeated with a chortle. “Good one.” 
He ignored you. “Come on. I’ll tell you about the sex I had over the weekend. Birthday sex is always the best. One hook up story for another.” 
You pulled a face, unsure why the idea of Seokjin getting in on was so unpleasant, but then he laughed. It was loud, and partly squeaky. Contagious too. You couldn’t help but join in. “Go away.” You whined, pushing at his shoulder. You were not going into detail, palming him off. “I can’t even remember it.”
“Ouch.” Seokjin sniggered. “Don’t tell him that. It seems like he thinks about it every goddamn night.”
Pfftt. You doubted that. “I mean, it was ages ago.” 
“That shouldn’t matter, babe,” Seokjin tutted. “You never forget a good time.” 
“Are you purposely trying to be an asshole?” If he called you babe one more time, you swore to God…
“I’m not trying.” He smirked, face falling as he realised that hadn’t been worded correctly. “…Wait.” 
Okay then, he was just a natural asshole. Good to know. 
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Begrudgingly, you had to admit you and Seokjin made a pretty good team once you put aside your issues with one another. With the theme decided, it was easy enough to get everything in place. Jungkook took the “family” photos you needed of the staff and you went to get them professionally printed, shoving them in frames ready to place around the office in preparation. Seokjin found a lot of the decorations needed, which was actually very helpful of him. You were so impressed you even agreed to let him decorate the conference room all by himself when the time came. The office was already overflowing with tinsel, the Christmas tree up, but the conference room was always left for the day of the party, the last Friday before the company closed for Christmas. 
Secret Santa had been organised too. Quite unfortunately you’d pulled out Seokjin’s name (see, you were cursed,) but you’d bought the first pair of cufflinks you’d found in the department store last week, so you didn’t have to worry about that for long. All that was left now was the buffet. And that’s how you found yourself sat in Seokjin’s kitchen on a Friday night, a week to go until D-Day… 
There hadn’t been time to look over the restaurant’s menu in work hours, and you’d given up trying to organise things over Skype with him. The first and last time you’d tried that, Seokjin had added Jungkook into the call, both of them getting ready to game. It had been a mess to say the least, so the only other option was to meet up after work. Seokjin had been the first to invite you over, so here you were. It wasn’t as if you purposely didn’t want him to step foot inside your home. He wasn’t that bad. 
His apartment wasn’t either… He lived with his best friend, an interior architect, which made a lot of sense once Seokjin told you. Unless you were confusing it for an interior designer, which you probably were – either way, this place was cool. And spotless. It smelt nice too. Always a plus. 
You were halfway done picking through the menu when his phone started ringing. You noticed him hesitate, as if he wondering if he should pick up but ultimately decided to after a few rings. 
“Hey mom,” he greeted, glancing over at you to mouth sorry. 
You shook your head to tell him it was okay and pulled out your phone from your hoody pocket, taking the break to scroll through social media. A text pinged through from Ana, wondering what dress she should wear tomorrow night when you went out for drinks. Every year you went out just before Christmas, despite how much you complained. It was mandatory now, but undeniably Ana took it a lot more serious than you. You had no idea what you’d be wearing tomorrow and wouldn’t until an hour before the Uber came to get you. 
“I know that, but I just can’t leave him,” Seokjin sighed beside you. You paused, having never heard him sound quite like that before. He sounded… serious for one. And frustrated. You replied to Ana quickly, trying your best not to overhear anymore – which was difficult. You were practically brushing shoulders at the kitchen table. 
“I don’t think he wants to come. He said he doesn’t even want to celebrate this year.” 
Again, you were doing a terrible job at this. Whatever this was about, you were beginning to feel rude listening in. But then again, if Seokjin didn’t want you to hear then surely he would’ve stepped into the living room. You were being a goddamn worrier. 
“Okay, I’ll speak to you soon, bye. Love you.”
Love you? Seokjin told his mom he loved her? The revelation caught you off guard, forgetting that he was off the phone now and as you heard him clear his throat, shoving the device into his sweatpants pocket, you jumped, copying and slipping yours back inside your hoody. 
“Sorry about that,” he apologised. “It was my mom.” 
“It’s fine.” You reassured. He sounded a little dejected all of a sudden, a far cry from ten minutes ago when he’d been laughing over the word vol-au-vent. You hesitated, wondering if you should ask if everything was okay? You felt a little awkward, as if you were pushing boundaries, but surprisingly he told you himself without any prompting. 
“She really wants me to come home for Christmas but I can’t leave Yoongi.” He definitely sounded exasperated now. 
“Yoongi?” You repeated, a little lost. 
Seokjin glanced at you, narrowing his eyes as if he was trying to guess if you were messing around or not. “My best friend…” He said slowly. “Y’know, the one I live with…” 
You fool. Now it looked like you hadn’t been listening to him. You had been, you really had, the name just slipped your mind momentarily. After only an hour… “Sorry,” you murmured. 
He shrugged, carrying on. “I kinda owe him one.” 
“How come?” The menu now laid forgotten. 
Seokjin sighed. “It’s kind of a long story.” You waited to see if he’d care to explain, although of course he didn’t have to if he didn’t want to. “His girlfriend broke up with him about a month ago and he’s been pretty cut up ever since.” 
He wanted to. You listened politely, aware this was the first time either of you’d had a conversation very much deemed as serious.   
“I’m going to stay here with him because well,” he hesitated, glancing at you briefly. He seemed a little embarrassed but decided to continue. “He let me move in with him after my ex and I split up. He was there for me so it’s only fair that I’m there for him.” He finished with a rushed smile, reaching to rub the back of his neck bashfully.
The action was pretty endearing. 
“Is that why you transferred?” You asked, aware the conversation was straying but you couldn’t help it. The surprise of finding out he’d moved here after the breakdown of his relationship was distracting to say the least. You’d always pegged Seokjin as a guy who’d never been in a serious relationship – judgemental, yes, but they were the type of vibes he gave out. Maybe you just couldn’t imagine him settled down and in love. He was such a free spirit, never serious enough – although, right now he was... 
Possibly, you didn’t know him at all…
Seokjin nodded. “Yeah, I wanted a fresh start. Yoongi said this city was nice, so.” 
There was a beat of silence and afraid it would become awkward you rushed to say something of worth. “Break ups are tough.” 
God, that sounded a lot cheesier than you intended. 
“They are,” he agreed. “Although... I don’t know how yours went – mine was okay, sad but mutual. We just didn’t love each other anymore. Yoongi’s on the other had… He got cheated on.” 
“That sucks.” You empathised, before shrugging softly. “Mine was okay too. As break ups go.” 
Were you bonding? Bonding with Seokjin? Ludicrous. However, what was even more unbelievable was how normal and comfortable it felt… 
“How are you spending Christmas this year?” He asked, continuing to make conversation. 
“Well, I usually visit my parents too but they’re going to be abroad this year so I’ll just spend it with my friend Ana’s family.” It was all planned, they lived super close by so at least this year would be easy. 
He sniggered, eyes twinkling as opened his mouth to tease you. “Ditched by your own parents, embarrassing.” 
“Hey,” you exclaimed, whacking his arm just before you burst into laughter. 
He laughed along for a moment before growing semi-serious again. But just for a moment. “It’s actually going to be my first Christmas away from my family. It feels kind of weird but I can’t bring Yoongi along, he’ll bum out the atmosphere.”
You scoffed, voice filled with sarcasm. “You’re such a great friend, Seokjin.” 
He chuckled, opening his mouth to reply, but just as he did you both heard the door in the entry way opening, footsteps sounding. You guessed Yoongi was back home. Not long after, a black haired man came into view and Seokjin moved, cool air filling the gap. You realised just how close you’d been sat together. When had that happened? 
“Hey Yoongi,” Seokjin smiled. Yoongi raised a hand. “This is Y/N, my co-worker. You’ve heard me talk about her before, right?” 
Huh? Whining about you, no doubt… 
“Oh... yeah.” Yoongi’s eyes travelled to yours, a small smile upturning one corner of his mouth. “Hey, how’s it going?” 
“Hey,” you returned his smile. “Nice to meet you.” 
“How was work?” Seokjin asked. He sounded… concerned? That was sweet. 
Yoongi shrugged. “Fine. Had an appointment with a client.” Silence. He was a man of very few words. You liked it. “I’m going to my room, have fun planning that Christmas party.” 
Of course. That’s why Yoongi knew about you, Seokjin had told him about the party planning… 
You waved him bye, and then, once you’d heard him make his way upstairs, Seokjin turned to you. “See? Bums out the atmosphere.” 
“What atmosphere?” You joked. “No, but he seemed okay, considering…” Yes, his shoulders were a little slumped, as if he was carrying the whole world on them, but who knows, that could’ve been a thing before the breakup… He had sort of smiled at you… 
“Yeah…” Seokjin agreed, before pausing and raising an eyebrow. “Maybe he liked what he saw. You could always do me a solid and try to cheer him up for me.” 
You puzzled, unsure what he was getting at. 
“You know, like Namjoon did for you…” 
“SEOKJIN,” you yelled, jaw dropping in shock. “What the hell is wrong with you?” It wasn’t funny. 
He squeaked a laugh. “I’m just messing around, don’t worry. I don’t want you to sleep with Yoongi. That would just be weird. Besides,” he added as an afterthought, smirking mischievously. “You’re too boring.” 
He was trying to tease you again, wanting you to bite. Well, it wasn’t going to happen. 
“I wouldn’t touch any of your friends,” you shot instead. “They’re tainted by default.” 
Seokjin chuckled softly, shaking his head from side to side as he began to study the menu again. 
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“You ladies have a couple of admirers,” the waiter grinned as he placed two white wine spritzers on your table. 
Ana squealed, taking one of the glasses immediately. “Where?” 
You’d only been out barely an hour, already in your second bar, but even you had to admit the thought of someone buying you a drink was a little exciting. You followed the waiter’s hand to a booth across the floor, anticipation pumping through your veins only to be thoroughly disappointed when you recognised one of the faces – well, both faces actually, but you’d only been acquainted with the second yesterday…
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” you groaned. 
“What?” Ana asked mildly confused, waving off the waiter with a thanks. “What’s wrong? They are so hot!”
“That’s dick cheese and his friend!”
“Wha–The guy you work with?” Your best friend sounded flabbergasted. “Which one is dick cheese? Although I wouldn’t kick either out of bed…” 
“Ana!” You hissed, taking another glance at the booth. Seokjin waved at you wildly, an obnoxious grin on his face. You grumbled. “He’s the one on the left.” 
“Oh, fuck.” She waved back, much to your annoyance. “No wonder he gets you so angry.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You were confused. Enough to not realise when she stood up, making a beeline for their booth. “Wait–Ana! Where are you going?!”
She didn’t bother to look back as she replied. “I’m going to say thanks, duh.” 
And that’s how you found yourself well on the way to Drunksville. You were only supposed to get tipsy tonight, knowing you’d pay for anything more in the morning, but well, you’d moved onto a club down the road and the drinks kept coming, and as much as you hated to admit it, hanging out with Seokjin and Yoongi was actually pretty enjoyable. Although, no matter how much fun you were having, it wasn’t enough to stay on the dancefloor for too long. 
“Hey,” you greeted Yoongi, slipping inside and around the booth to slump down next to him. Dancing couldn’t have been his cup of tea either because he’d given up way before you had. Seokjin and Ana were still going strong out there. 
You downed what was left of your drink, willing yourself to cool down as you huffed and puffed. God, you were drunk. 
“Are you okay?” He chuckled. 
You smiled. You liked Yoongi. He was nice, quiet – you liked quiet. “So, tell me,” you wondered, eager to understand something.  “How’s a guy like you friends with Seokjin?”
Yoongi’s forehead creased. “What do you mean?” 
Shrugging, you bit back a hiccup. “You seem normal, he’s…” What was Seokjin again? You could usually come up with a million and one (not so nice) words to describe him but the room was slightly spinning and your brain came up blank. 
Yoongi understood you anyway, laughing as he replied.   “He can just seem that way at first, it’s the nerves. They make him act up.” 
You narrowed your eyes. “Nerves?” What did that mean? You could never imagine a nervous Seokjin. He was always so sure of himself. 
Yoongi didn’t clarify. “Me and him are actually very similar. Annoying little shits when we want to be,” he laughed, before hesitating, “I’m…I’m a little injured right now, that’s why I seem a lot more subdued.”
“Oh,” you murmured, hoping you didn’t come off as condescending. “Yeah, Seokjin told me about your breakup. I’m sorry.” 
“It’s fine.”
“You seem a lot happier tonight though,” you offered. Happier than yesterday evening.  
“It’s called alcohol,” he grinned, bringing his glass up to his lips. He paused. “Y’know, he’s pretty cool once you get to know him.” It took you a second to realise he was talking about Seokjin. “He’s a great person.”
You shrugged slightly. “He’s okay.” What did it matter what you thought anyway? Seokjin definitely didn’t care. 
“He likes to joke around, I admit, but it seems to make you laugh, so.” Yoongi smirked slightly and tilted his head, taking a took a sip of his beer. 
Taken aback, you tried to think. Had you been laughing with Seokjin all night? Maybe laughing at him was a better way to describe it… 
“What are you guys talking about?”
You jumped when you heard a familiar loud voice and looked up to see Seokjin leaning over the table, four shots balanced between the fingers of both hands – two in each. His face was flushed, redder than you’d ever seen it – he’d obviously had enough of dancing too.  
“Nothing,” Yoongi replied smoothly. He stood up, finishing his drink. “I’m uh, I’m going outside for some fresh air.” 
“But I got us shots,” Seokjin complained. 
Yoongi looked over at you and smiled before tapping Seokjin on the shoulder. “I’m sure you and Y/N will make good use of them.” 
Hm… Everyone was drunk and acting weird. Not that you had time to contemplate it because immediately Yoongi had gone and Seokjin was taking his seat next to you. His cologne hit you. It was different to usual, you’d realised instantly earlier in the night. 
“Where’s Ana?” You asked. They’d both been dancing together when you’d left them. 
He shrugged as he handed you a shot. “I don’t know, lost her on the dancefloor.”
You hesitated. Should you have more to drink? The shots might push you over the edge. But… you were having fun. It was one night out, you might as well do it properly. So quickly you downed the shot, smirking Seokjin’s way as you picked up another. “I’ll have hers then.” 
He grinned slowly before scoffing as you choked. That shit burned, and you might have been able to handle the first shot no problem but this time your eyes watered and your throat screamed. 
“Seems like you’re trying to prove a point,” he laughed.
“What do you mean?” You demanded, already feeling more lightheaded. 
He didn’t care to explain, instead doing his two shots straight after the other, able to handle them with just a wince. “What do you think of Yoongi?” He asked, barely giving the liquid time to slip down his throat. 
“Do you like him?”
You shrugged, confused as to why he was asking you. “He seems nice, yeah.”
“So, you like him?”
You froze. “Are you still trying to hook us up? I don’t like him like that.” You didn’t even know him. 
“No, no,” Seokjin rushed. “I wasn’t trying to… never mind.” He shook his head, changing the subject. “So who did you get for Secret Santa?”
“I’m not telling you,” you huffed, pushing his shoulder. 
“That means it’s me.” 
“Seokjiiin,” you whined, leaning into him as you nudged him once more. 
He laughed, looking a little surprised by your sudden affection – however unintentional. “I think you’re drunk.” 
…Maybe those shots were a bad idea, you’d only get worse… 
“Should we go and look for Yoongi and Ana?” Seokjin asked, checking his watch. 
You’d been sat together for a while now, conversation coming surprisingly easy. It was nonsense mostly – you might or might not have helped Seokjin with some festive ideas to prank Jungkook with – but Ana hadn’t come back from the dancing yet, and Yoongi was still outside – unless he’d done a runner, which was highly probable according to Seokjin. So it was probably best you both went to look for your friends. 
You followed closely behind Seokjin as you searched through the club and at one point he reached for your hand, helping you through a large group of people. His grip was warm and oddly gentle, but you didn’t have time to think about it too much as he’d already let go. He waited for you as you checked the restroom, but your best friend was nowhere to be found. It was probably the alcohol in your system but you started to get a little worried, especially when your text went ignored. Seokjin seemed to notice. 
“Stay here, okay? I’m going to check outside. I don’t want you to freeze to death.” He told you, having to practically shout in your ear the music was so loud in this area. 
You found yourself a little touched by his concern, no matter how small it was and listened, clutching your purse to your middle. You were in a black mini dress after all, your arms barely covered. You still had the perfect view of him though, able to watch him step out the building and look down the road. You noticed the concern on his features slowly turn into shock, his mouth dropping open, and you frowned. What the hell had he seen?
“Seokjin!” You called, which was pretty useless. He couldn’t hear a damn thing. You could barely hear yourself. You rushed forward. “Seokjin?” You pushed your way past some people who had clogged up the entry way and dashed down the stone steps. “What is it?”
The winter air hit you instantly. It was fucking freezing. Seokjin still looked in shock, glued to the spot and you grew frustrated, stopping right beside him. “What?” You demanded. “What’s going on?!” 
You followed his line of vision, and immediately you were positive your expression matched his. A little down the road, up against the wall, Yoongi and Ana were wrapped around one another, attached at the mouth. You were speechless, the cold no longer a problem. 
“Let’s not interrupt them,” Seokjin said suddenly, taking you by the hand once again to drag you back inside. (Your feet honestly wouldn’t work.) 
The instant heat got your blood pumping again, although the music did nothing for your whirring head. “What did we just witness?” You turned to him and asked (shouted). 
Seokjin still looked just as shocked, but he managed a joke, wrinkling his nose up. “Ew, what if our friends start dating? I’ll be stuck with you forever.” 
“Grow up,” you rolled your eyes, before randomly taking in the sight of him. How wasn’t he melting to death? The guy was in a fuzzy Christmas sweater. Actually, an even more important question; how hadn’t he electrocuted himself? The reindeer on his chest lit up. If one drop of sweat got into that hidden battery pack he was done for, surely?
“I thought you’d be saving that jumper for Friday,” you commented (yelled), quite honestly in a daze. You were drunk, in absolute shock, toes frozen, and somehow you were stood with Seokjin making conversation about Christmas jumpers. 
“Who says I don’t have a whole drawer full of the festive fuckers. I did say I loved Christmas, no?” He laughed.
You joined in. “I thought you were bullshitting.” 
“Of course you did.” He said with a small smile, shaking his head a little. 
“I can’t believe we caught them kissing.” You couldn’t stop thinking about it. 
Seokjin wiggled his eyebrows playfully. “They’re probably doing more than that by now.”
“Shut up.” You whined. “Wait. Do you think he told her about the breakup?”
“What?” Seokjin asked you to repeat, leaning in slightly, unable to hear you properly above the music. 
“Do you think she knows he’s on the rebound?”
Seokjin shrugged. “Maybe. Who cares.” 
“I care!” You exclaimed causing him to wince because you’d accidentally shouted in his ear. “Ana’s my best friend!”
Seokjin rolled his eyes slightly. “I thought you of all people would know people can just fuck with no strings attached.” 
“Will you ever drop that,” you deadpanned. Your hook up with Namjoon happened so long ago now, you barely even thought about it unless you saw him at work, which was pretty rare anyway. 
“Nope.” The way the sound of the p popped off his lips annoyed you. 
“What about you?” You asked, changing the subject from you. “No getting lucky tonight? Is Christmas sex not on par with birthday sex?” 
He burst out laughing. “I’d say it is, yeah, but I still have a couple of weeks to make it happen, so ask me then.” 
His answer almost annoyed you more and you couldn’t place why. He was just being stupid, classic old Seokjin. You should be used to it by now. 
“Come on,” he winked, stepping forward, towards the middle of the club and his hand cupped your elbow. “Let’s dance!” 
“No, no, no,” you immediately refused, grabbing his hand to stop him. 
“Pleaseee,” he pleaded, eyes wide. “I want to dance with you. You’ve hardly been on the floor all night.” 
Oh. Your heart did a little flip inside your chest. Maybe it was the tequila making its way back up your body… 
“Come on,” he chuckled, not giving up. “It’ll warm you up.” On cue both of his hands lifted and he started rubbing your shoulders. “I told you not to come outside. Now we both have the mental image of Yoongi sucking face stuck behind our eyelids and you’ve got frost bite.” 
You giggled, but still wouldn’t relent. He could stay here warming you up for the rest of the night if he wanted… Dancing made you sweaty. 
He tilted his head, giving you a look. “Y/N, do you want me to call you boring again?”
And just like that you wanted to prove him wrong… You were a sucker. He knew what he was doing. 
Only, the second round of shots for some Dutch courage were probably a bad idea. Your idea, but a very bad one, nevertheless. The dancefloor seemed to be stickier than it was an hour ago – and busier. It was packed and loud, which worked to distract you from how drunk you were. 
Seokjin could move. You hadn’t realised earlier, not really paying attention as you’d danced with Ana instead, but with just the two of you left you let him embarrass the hell out of you on the floor. At first it was definitely on purpose; he pulled the largest, wackiest moves that you begged him to stop, but soon enough he had you dying of laughter, so he continued, your amusement spurring him on. And then drunk you had to join in… 
“You know what? You’re actually pretty fun once you loosen up,” Seokjin yelled above the music, his hands somehow having found their way to your hips as you both snaked them to the beat. 
“I’m always fun,” you informed him, your breath fanning across his face as you lifted your arms in the air. “You just only know work me.” 
He smiled. “Well, I don’t know, I think I’m getting to know normal you lately…” 
You snorted some type of noise. “That’s what you think!” 
He went to open his mouth to argue but you spun around, your back pressed to him as you continued to sway. Your skin was hot to the touch, too many bodies cramped in this small space, but you loved the feeling of Seokjin’s hands on your hips, even more so when they slowly inched up your waist. You flung your arms back, looping them around his neck to pull him closer. It had been a long time since you’d danced with a guy like this. Not even Namjoon. Not even your ex. 
You could feel how boiling he was too, a thin layer of sweat coating the back of his neck, and as you ran your fingers through his slightly wavy hair he let out a little groan. It was extremely quiet, would’ve gone unnoticed if his mouth wasn’t hovering by your ear, but now you’d heard it and it changed everything. Something exploded inside your chest, fresh heat prickling your skin and you found yourself pushing into him further, grinding in a small circle. 
The dancefloor was full of couples like this so no one took any notice. But Seokjin did. He froze, as if he was sure he’d imagined it, so ever so carefully you did it again. This time he knew his drunk mind wasn’t playing tricks on him and after a slight hesitation his hands slid to your hips again, gripping them tighter. He let you grind against him, but didn’t reciprocate, he just kept dancing to the music, which seemed to turn you even braver. 
With the bass of the music pumping through your body you moved back and forth against his crotch, hearing his breath get shallower and shallower. It was addictive and you were chasing the feeling before you knew it, bold and finding yourself getting more turned on by the second. It wasn’t long before you began to feel him grow hard against your ass, and even though surprised, you still carried on, loving it. 
“Y/N,” he murmured against your ear, sounding out of breath. You circled your hips again. This time he couldn’t help but push back. “It’s getting late.” His voice faltered. “You’re drunk. I’m drunk.” 
You frowned to yourself. What was he trying to say? You felt his hands leave your hips, reaching for your arms around his neck to slide them away. He was trying to get you to face him. He was still half hard in his pants but he ignored it. 
“You’re drunk,” he repeated, as if it was some sort of answer, some sort of reason. He started to twist you his way but you tripped, falling into him. “Definitely drunk,” he chuckled, tugging his hands off your waist from where he’d caught you. “It’s time to go home.” 
“I don’t want to go home,” you pouted, wrapping your arms around his neck. You went to push your body into him but he angled away from you, creating distance. 
“You need to go home,” he laughed. It sounded awkward. “Think of that hangover tomorrow.” 
“I will,” you shrugged, “tomorrow.” 
Seokjin stared at you, his brown eyes wavering slightly. They were darker than usual, swimming with something that made your belly flip, but he steeled himself, holding strong. “Come on,” he pressed. “We can share an Uber.” 
“It’s fine.” You muttered, disappointed for some reason. You were unsure how he could hear you above the music, but he did. “I’ll find Ana.” 
He chuckled. “Ana’s definitely gone by now. Don’t you remember what we caught her doing?”
He was right. 
Damn your best friend. 
You didn’t remember much of the Uber ride home, the sudden departure from the club had brought deafening silence and you were now very aware of how much your head was spinning. Your bed was calling you – your warm, cosy, king sized bed… However, you took one look at Seokjin as he helped you out of the car and all that became forgotten. 
You clung to his jumper, voice still loud despite there being no music now. “Do you want to come in?” 
“Uh, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” He replied carefully, chuckling. “Sober you definitely doesn’t want me in your apartment.”  
You reached forward, brushing a strand of hair out of his eyes and giving him what you hoped was your best smile. “Drunk me does.” 
He held your stare for a moment, searching long enough to see something that made him make up his mind. “Fine,” he sighed lightly, bending down into the car to talk to the driver. You were barely listening, looking up at the stars, but Seokjin held your hand tightly, keeping your heels rooted to the ground. 
“Keep this thing running, I’ll be back in five.”
“That’s gonna cost you, my friend.” 
“It’s fine.” Another sigh. “Just– stay? I won’t be long.” 
It took you a couple of minutes to get through your door, Seokjin had to open it in the end, and he followed you in, a respectable distance behind you. He closed the door quietly, smiling when you turned back to look at him as you kicked off your shoes. 
“Okay, you’re home safe now. I’m just going to go, see you Monday, okay?” 
“No, don’t go,” you bemoaned, closing the distance to cling to him once again. In your drunken state you couldn’t place why you wanted him to stay so bad. All you knew was that you did. 
He sighed again, lifting his hands to clasp over your wrists in an attempt to move you away. He looked and sounded torn. “Y/N, the Uber’s running. I’m going to end up paying double to get home.” 
You shrugged. “Tell him to leave then.” 
He closed his eyes and exhaled, it sounded like a whimper. “What are you doing to me?” He murmured, but you were barely paying attention, swaying where you stood. He noticed and groaned. “You’re so drunk!” 
“Am not.” 
He laughed, genuinely amused, and if your drunk mind didn’t know any better it sounded as if he was endeared by you. He shook your shoulders lightly. “Look at me.” You couldn’t quite focus. He cupped your face instead, laughing louder as he angled you to stare straight into his eyes. “Look at me. You are so out of it.”
You just grumbled, but warmth fluttered through your body. It felt good to be touched by him. You thought back to the dancefloor, the way you’d been pressed up against his body. Your mouth parted, suddenly thirsty. Really thirsty. But for what? 
“Can you even make out my face?” Seokjin asked, continuing to be amused. 
“Of course,” you snapped, fingers reaching for him. “There’s your hair,” – You ran your fingers through the dark brown locks – “your eyes... nose…” He let you poke his eyelids gently and then you bopped his nose.
“Get offf.” He snorted softly. 
And then your attention fell to his mouth. Those plump, deep pink lips that were opened and slightly wet from where he’d been swiping his tongue across them. You swallowed, hands cupping his jaw. “Your lips –” 
You dove before you knew what you were really doing, pressing your mouth to his, taking him by surprise. Not a second later he was pulling back, holding you at arm’s length. “Woah, woah.” He chuckled in surprise, but his voice wavered. “Not the time, Y/N. Trust me.” 
You frowned, annoyance spiking and you shook him off. “What? So you’ve suddenly turned chivalrous now?” Scoffing, you felt like an idiot – upset and embarrassed, you spoke without thinking. “Or do you just not want me?”
Something flashed across Seokjin’s face. He looked irritated. Sounded it too when he replied. “Of course I fucking want you.” You froze. Huh? However, you didn’t have time to think about what he’d said before he was striding towards you, backing you up against the wall.  You gripped the tops of his arms on instinct, looking up at him as he loomed over you, hair falling into his dark eyes. They were the same colour as they had been back at the club – when you’d been grinding all over him. Your breath caught. 
“Ever wondered why you frustrate me so much?” He rasped. 
Something inside you screamed. Not that you had time to realise because immediately his mouth was on yours. Each press of his lips was rushed, as if he was acting on instinct and all you could do was cling to him and try to keep up. You let out a moan when you felt his tongue attempt to push past the seam of your lips and you let him in, moaning louder when the wet muscles clashed together, the dam now broken. 
It was contagious. Seokjin grunted against you, throatier than you were expecting, noises so unlike him your whole body burned in desire. Actually, it was on fire. It started to crave him, the feeling so strong all you could do was let it take you. You yelped when his hands curled around your ass, giving you one strong push and you promptly jumped into his arms. He caught you effortlessly and you wrapped your legs around him. 
By God, he was strong. He crashed you into the wall, mouth still hungry as he ground his crotch into yours. The skirt of your dress had ridden up to your waist, your underwear the only thing protecting you as he rubbed you against his dick. Which was hard again – very hard. Maybe he’d had a semi the whole car ride home, which was a thought that got you moaning louder inside his mouth, your tongues getting messy, your teeth clashing. 
“Seok-jin,” you whimpered. Your core tingled, hot to the touch and you could feel your arousal beginning to pool against the lace of your thong. You wanted him – no, you needed him. “Pleaseee. Please.”
He grunted, your begging fucking with his head and you felt his arms give way. He stumbled forward, no other option but to ease you down to the floor, but his mouth didn’t relent; he kissed you just as needy as before, sliding down your chin to make his way to your throat. 
You gasped at the new sensation, his tongue licking strips up your skin, his teeth nipping. Your legs shook under you, nothing to do with the alcohol you’d consumed, it was all him. He was driving you wild, and you needed him to fuck you. You knew that much. 
Your hand reached between your bodies, loving the sound of Seokjin heavy breathing against your ear as he now sucked on your lobe, and you wrapped your palm around his clothed cock. He was solid. Rock hard.. It had to be painful, surely? You got to work, rubbing him back and forth in an attempt to relieve some of his discomfort. 
“Fuck,” he muttered, and you jutted your hips into him too, mistaking the cursing for his enjoyment. “Y/N, wait,” he said, pulling back and stopping the movements of your hand, his long fingers circling your wrist. You tried reaching for his mouth again, still oblivious to his sudden change in demeaner.  
“Not like this,” he murmured, trying his best not to kiss you back, no matter how hard you pecked his mouth. 
“Why?” You asked, giving up. Your lips were wet and swollen. They prickled. God, you were so turned on your voice shook. His too. 
“Do you even know what you’re doing right now?” He sounded uncertain, looking you in the eyes as he chuckled bitterly. “You hate my guts. You don’t want my dick.” 
You frowned. What was he talking about? You’d been practically dry humping him. Of course you wanted his dick. “I do,” you insisted, leaning into him to tug at his belt. He didn’t give in. “Seokjin, just give me your dick.” 
He stared down at you, his hand still clutching your wrist, breathing still ragged, his eyes still black… but despite how much he obviously wanted this, he composed himself, his expression softening. You felt him reach behind you and gently pull your dress down over your ass. 
“We’ll talk about it tomorrow, okay?” He hummed softly, voice still visibly affected by you. “When you’re sober. When we’re both sober…”
You awoke suddenly, peaceful and serene for all of two seconds before you groaned, burrowing your face into your pillow. It felt as if someone was stomping on top of your head. What the hell happened last night? Wait… How had you even gotten home? Why couldn’t you remember anything?!
You blindly reached for your nightstand, praying your cell phone was there, fingers stretched as far as they would allow until you felt the familiar belonging. You grabbed it and burrowed further under the covers. You needed to call Ana. She’d fill you in – make you remember. 
Wait –
At the thought of your best friend you suddenly remembered a few things. Seokjin and Yoongi had been at the club too. They’d bought you drinks, you’d sat at their table, drunk more. Tequila must have been involved for you to be this clueless. Enough of it and you could forget your own name come morning. You’d always been the same since college. Squinting at the brightness of the screen, your head throbbing even harder if that was possible, you started to call Ana. It rang and rang… Frustrated you gave up. She could sleep through the end of the world so why were you surprised. You hoped she woke up with the world’s largest and longest hangover, serves her right for not – Oh. OH. 
You shot up, in immediate regret when the entirety of your head spasmed. Groaning you tried to fight through the pain, wishing you had some calm so you could actually piece together your memories. Ana and Yoongi. Outside. All over one another. Making out against the wall. 
What. The. Fuck. 
No wonder why she wasn’t picking up. 
The memories were hazy, but it was something. You continued to wrack your brain… You and Seokjin had found them, but they hadn’t been aware and then you’d gone back inside. He asked you to dance and that’s when you’d suggested more shot… Shots. Tequila shots. You were an idiot. Try as you might you couldn’t remember anything after that. It was all one big blur. How had you gotten from the club to your apartment? 
You moved to sit on the side of your bed, soles of your feet pressing into the carpet. Your stomach churned a little. No, you couldn’t be sick. You hated being sick. Rubbing your stomach in an attempt to soothe it you looked down and realised you were still wearing your dress. Gross. You’d gotten into bed with your clothes on? You groaned weakly. You better have washed your hands before knocking out… although, you highly doubted it. 
Looking at your phone again, you knew there was only one thing you could do. If you wanted answers you needed to ask the right person… 
(10:34am) You: How the hell did I get home last night?
No more than a minute later three dots appeared on the screen, signalling Seokjin’s reply. But he was taking his time with it. Jesus. They kept disappearing for a few moments just to pop up again. Why was it such a hard question?! 
(10:37am) Seokjin: You can’t remember? 
Really? Three minutes to type three words? 
(10:37am) You: Obviously not I wouldn’t be asking you otherwise  (10:38am) You: We saw Ana and Yoongi kissing... We had shots... We danced
You talked him through what you did recall, and once again, he played that irritating game with those three dots. You knew he wasn’t typing up an essay. 
(10:41am) Seokjin: And then I took you home
You raised both your eyebrows. He took you home? Why did that surprise you so much? 
(10:41am) You: Thanks (10:42am) Seokjin: How’s your head?  (10:43am) You: Hurts  (10:43am) You: Everything hurts  (10:43am) Seokjin: 🤣 
Rolling your eyes, you threw your phone on the bed and managed to stand up. You were done talking to him of he was just going to laugh at your misery. Besides, he’d told you all you needed to know. The mystery was solved. Next, you needed to shower. 
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You were still feeling extremely fragile the next morning but managed to get into the office at 9am sharp with the help of coffee. You’d spent the night on the phone to Ana, getting all the nitty gritty details about her hook up with Yoongi. Apparently, they’d bumped into each other outside after she’d slipped out for some fresh air and had gotten talking. He’d told her about his recent breakup, and having been cheated on before, naturally Ana and he had bonded, and said bonding had led to kissing. Lots of it. Which had then led to lots of sex back at her apartment. (Yes, he did know how to use his dick if anyone was curious, and yes, it was very pretty.)
You’d expected to hear about it from Seokjin this morning but he was actually uncharacteristically quiet. Although, it might have been because he was partially blindsided when he got into the office. First, he was late, which had never happened before. No matter what you thought of Seokjin, he was always punctual and professional (when it was called for). And second, there was a surprise waiting for him. 
Jungkook had draped his entire desk and chair in strings of fairy lights. Everything was lit up. It was a lot, but even you had to admit it was funny, and you hated their pranking war with a burning passion. Mainly because you were always caught in the middle. Seokjin however, seemed a little out of it. You mean, he still laughed, tried to wrestle Jungkook in the middle of Hoseok’s good morning greeting, but something about him seemed off. You couldn’t put a finger on it, it was almost like he was forcing it. 
He hardly looked at you when you asked him what he had planned for payback. Shrugging his shoulders as he rolled his chair out and slumped in it – lights still twinkling. “Who knows.” 
“I thought you had a bunch of ideas up your sleeve?” You’d spent a good half an hour discussing them Saturday night. 
That got his attention. He raised an eyebrow as he stared at you. “You remember that? I thought everything was a blur?” 
“Yeah, anything after we caught our best friends getting freaky on the streets.” You chuckled, feeling a little uneasy by the way he was still looking at you, as if he was suspicious of something. 
After a moment he gave up…Possibly? Upturning his shoulder he gave you a small smile. “Lightweight.” He didn’t meet your eyes though and leaned over to start pulling at a string of lights that laid between your desks. 
You reached over on instinct, placing your hand over his to stop him. He recoiled a little and you pulled back. What was that reaction for? “Keep them up,” you told him, choosing to ignore whatever had just happened. “It’s Christmas after all.” 
You dropped your hand under the desk, it tingled a little. Seokjin’s hand had felt warm, familiar? The inklings of something floated around the sides of your brain but you couldn’t place your finger on it. 
“Just don’t blow us up,” you joked. 
Wait. Seokjin’s stupid Christmas jumper from Saturday night. You remembered now. It had lit up and you’d wondered how he hadn’t set himself on fire yet. That was it. What was trying to seep into your brain just now. Hopefully things were coming back to you slowly… You’d remember everything in no time, you were sure of it. 
Meanwhile Seokjin nodded slowly, retreating his hand as he smiled at you slightly. 
Was he feeling okay? You thought about asking him. Maybe his mom was still taking it bad that he wouldn’t make Christmas this year? You opened your mouth, full intentions to check in on him, but stopped yourself. It wasn’t really your place. You didn’t know his personal life all too well. You mean, yeah, he’d told you some things lately, but you didn’t want to overstep the mark. He was probably just having a bad day. Everyone had them. 
However, you had to admit there was something quite unnerving about seeing him so downcast. It didn’t suit him. 
What on earth could have happened? 
The last week of work flew by. It was always the same, the office in a rush to finish up all loose ends before the two week holiday. You and Seokjin had one last meeting on Wednesday morning, just to check in and make sure everything was ready for Friday. The buffet was getting delivered the morning of and that’s when Seokjin was going to decorate the conference room. You’d been in charge of the Christmas playlist but he didn’t seem to have much interest when you’d shown him your choices. In fact, he was still acting a little strange. 
He was quiet, not his usual self, as in, he wasn’t constantly finding ways to annoy you. In fact, you barely spoke unless you had to, which before this Christmas party would’ve been great – the norm actually. However now, things were different. Had you done something to upset him? You couldn’t think what. Maybe you’d offended him when you were drunk and couldn’t remember? You thought about asking him but couldn’t find the nerve. Besides, Seokjin didn’t seem the type to get offended by trivial things. You and he tended to be at one another’s throats most (all) of the time, but it was all done in jest. You didn’t despise him, he just got on your nerves – like you got on his. You couldn’t imagine yourself saying anything terrible to him, especially because from what you could remember of that night, you’d both had fun… Hanging out with Seokjin wasn’t too bad, drunk or sober. 
So, things continued to remain a mystery, until that was, the next day… 
“Here, I got you something.”
You looked away from your computer at the sound of Seokjin’s voice, finding him stood above you, his winter coat nearly buttoned all the way up. It was just after lunch on Thursday but Seokjin and Hoseok had to head off for an emergency meeting with a client who wanted to discuss something before Christmas. 
Your forehead furrowed when you saw he was holding out a small glittery gift bag and when you took too long to take it he shook it. You reacted, taking it from him but still questioning him with your eyes. “Seokjin, Secret Santa is tomorrow.” 
“No, it’s not for that,” he informed you, his voice oddly quiet. Now you were even more confused. Why had he gotten you a gift? You felt oddly embarrassed as you played with the ribbon handles nervously. 
“I got Beryl,” he grumbled, easily making you ease up and chuckle. You couldn’t even begin to imagine what he’d purchased a sixty year old grandma… A bar of soap probably. 
As if you couldn’t stop it, your fingers were opening up the gift. Seokjin noticed and started babbling immediately. “I saw it when I was out shopping for decorations and it made me think of you… I hope you like it. Sorry if you don’t.” 
You awed as you pulled out a small Christmas bauble, green and gold in colour with the painting of a black cat in the centre, complete with a Christmas hat between its ears. It was beautiful and quirky – and totally unexpected. You’d gotten him a damn pair of lame ass cufflinks. 
“You can hang it on your tree at home or something,” you heard him suggest. 
You looked up at him, still a little speechless but you managed to get something out. “Thank you, Seokjin. I love it.” 
His face lit up at that. The first time you’d seen him genuinely smile all week. “You do?” 
You nodded, finding yourself unable to otherwise reply. Your heart felt a little funny. It was good to see him a cheerful, you’d missed it. He always looked good when he smiled… 
He was looking at you, and you didn’t know whether you’d been staring first, but he was watching you carefully now, gaze slightly intense, as if he was trying to work something out, to find something. You dropped your chin, feeling embarrassed, cheeks hot. Why did you feel so strange? You were making it obvious. 
“You really don’t remember Saturday night?” He spoke suddenly, tone soft, careful. 
You froze. Straitening to look at him again you shook your head. “Nope.” You forced out a laugh. “It’s still a total blank. Can you believe it? Tequila is my mortal enemy.” 
One side of Seokjin’s mouth raised into a half smile, but he didn’t look too amused. You felt something trickle down your spine – a bad feeling. “Seokjin?” You questioned, finding courage. “Why? What happened?” You needed to know. 
“Hm?” He hummed, lost in thought. His face was serious once again. 
“What happened Saturday night?” 
He shook his head, squeezing out a small chuckle. It had fake written all over it. “Nothing.” 
“Something must’ve happened,” you insisted, growing a little frustrated. Whatever it was  had something to do with his odd behaviour. 
He shrugged, hands in his pockets. His cheeks were growing flushed but that just annoyed you. “It’s nothing. You were just wasted.” 
“Tell me now!” You hissed, careful to keep your voice down. The office was pretty empty at the moment, some still in the staffroom, others busy around the building, but you still didn’t want anyone overhearing something personal. 
“No.” He refused. He looked stressed out. 
“Seokjin!” He was stressing you out now. What the hell had you done that night?! 
“I don’t want to.” 
“Why?” You practically wailed. 
“It’s embarrassing.” 
“What happened?” You were losing it now, thinking the worst. “What did I do?” 
He sighed loudly, finally giving in. “You kissed me.”
The colour drained from your face at his revelation, dread instantly filling you. What? You hadn’t been expecting that. Whatever your mind had thought up, it definitely wasn’t that.
“We kissed, okay?” He continued. “I took you home, you practically begged me to come inside and we kissed.” 
“Oh, my god,” you replied weakly, head now in your hands. You took a deep breath, trying to wrack your brains for any memories. How could you have forgotten such a major thing?! You invited Seokjin into your apartment? You kissed him? No wonder he’d been acting so strange this past week. You’d put him in such an awkward position. He was embarrassed and now so were you… 
“I’m sorry,” Seokjin apologised, down to a whisper. “I should’ve told you but I just didn’t know how. I wasn’t expecting you to forget everything and I didn’t know how to –” He stopped himself with a groan, going around in circles. 
Meanwhile, things were coming back to you. Not memories as such, more like hazy images and the faintest of sensations. His words had dislodged something. Dancing together, his hands on your body, his breath on your neck. The uber ride home. Stood in your entry way. Your hands on his arms. The feeling of his body pressed into yours. Your mouths attached and hungry. You felt yourself burn, unclear recollections stirring something hidden inside of you. 
“…Y/N?” Seokjin prompted. You managed to look at him but that was it. You mouth wouldn’t work, and what could you say anyway? How could you explain yourself when you couldn’t remember all the details? 
“It’s fine.” He told you suddenly, thinking he was reassuring you. “Don’t worry about it, okay?” 
“Seokjin, you ready?” 
You both startled at the sound of Hoseok’s voice and looked up to see him stood in his office doorway, buttoning up his coat. 
Seokjin nodded, a little dazed. “Uh, yeah, coming. Won’t be a minute.” 
“Last minute party planning, huh?” Hoseok grinned. “I’ll meet you in the car.” 
“Look, I gotta go,” Seokjin told you once Hoseok had strolled off. “You’ll probably be gone by the time I get back, so I’ll see you tomorrow.” He spoke in a rush, not giving you time to respond. Your mouth opened, but he cut in. “It’s fine, Y/N. Trust me.” 
And then he was gone. 
You looked down at the Christmas bauble on your desk, so mortified you felt like crying.  
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Crying might have been a tad dramatic, you admit. So you didn’t. You were a mixture of embarrassed and confused, unable to concentrate properly the rest of the afternoon. How had you kissed Seokjin and just forgotten about it? It was scary to think something like that could happen, a blind spot in your memory. His revelation had helped you remember some bits but there was nothing concrete. You spent your evening forcing yourself to recall more details, talking things over with Ana on the phone. You couldn’t not tell her. Not when you were in the middle of having a mini breakdown. 
She was interested in a lot more than just remembering the kiss though… 
“So if you remember him kissing you back what does that mean?” She demanded. 
You groaned. “I don’t even know if I’m remembering it correctly.” But why would your mind play tricks on you? Although, false memories were a thing… 
“Of course you are! Dick cheese likes you. It’s obvious! Classic high school bullshit.” 
“Ana, please,” you sighed. Now wasn’t the time for her theories. “He was drunk too,” you reasoned. “Just because we kissed doesn’t mean he likes me. I don’t like him, do I?” Yet, you’d grinded all over him on the dancefloor. (The memories of that were now clearer, and they made your cheeks burn…)
“Hmm.” She didn’t sound too convinced. 
“Ana, come on!” You cried. “It was a stupid mistake, and now I’ve just made things super awkward between us.” 
No wonder Seokjin had been acting weird all week, and there you’d been completely oblivious! The thought was enough to make you groan out loud. How could you go to work tomorrow? Host a party with him when things were so awkward?!
“I mean… You two need to talk about it properly. Make sure there’s no crossed wires. If you’re both on the same page then there’s no need for things to be awkward between you.” 
You rolled your eyes. She made it seem so easy. She wasn’t the one who’d made out with her co-worker. She never had to see her hook up ever again. While you had to look yours in the eye five days a week for the rest of your life quite possibly.
“You guys didn’t even hook up,” Ana screeched when you told her just that. “A slight fumble in your hallway isn’t exactly something you need to relocate for. Just talk to him.” 
Simple, right?  
But nothing ever was... 
“Let’s just forget about it,” Seokjin smiled your way as you both helped carry in the buffet food the next morning. He was holding the building’s door open for you with his back, letting you slip in first as you cradled the cardboard box filled with things you couldn’t even remember ordering. Too preoccupied with trying to bring up yesterday. 
You paused, not expecting him to shrug it off like that. In fact, it got you pretty speechless. Were you hurt? As much as Ana’s idea had made you want the earth to open up and swallow you, it made sense to talk things out with him. 
This morning you’d remembered even more while you’d brushed your teeth… Seokjin helping you slip the skirt of your dress down, finding your kitchen to get you some water… You were slowly piecing things together and it was confusing the hell out of you… You wished more than anything you could remember the whole thing. To know what was going on inside your head at the time, because right now you were a mess. 
But hearing Seokjin sound so flippant, so unfazed made you a little deflated… What if you didn’t want to forget about it? 
“I mean, you did already, so,” he gave a shrug and you followed him into the elevator in a daze. 
“Oh, yeah, okay,” you forced yourself to say, hitting the third floor button. You turned to look at him and plastered a smile onto your face. It hurt. “Good idea.” 
“Where is he?” Jungkook whined like a big kid. (The Christmas jumper he was wearing with a giant teddy bear in the centre didn’t help things…) “He knows I’m starving. Been saving myself all day for this.”
You raised a judgemental eyebrow. “You didn’t even have breakfast?” 
He looked at you, shooting you a quick wink. “I’m treating this buffet like it deserves to be treated. Like it’s my one and only.” At his side, Mina giggled. 
“Let’s just open up,” Hoseok suggested, reaching for the handle of the conference door. 
“No!” You exclaimed, standing in front of it. 
You were all waiting around like a bunch of lemons, Seokjin having done a disappearing act just before the party was due to start. Jungkook had already tried to call him three times but his phone was engaged. Everyone was getting impatient, but he needed to be here to see everyone’s reactions to his decorating. He’d been in there all morning, blinds closed, not even you knew what it looked like in there. 
“Y/N, come on,” Jungkook cried dramatically. “He won’t mind, let’s just get in there!”
“Fine,” you gave in, turning around to open up. You didn’t really have a choice, everyone was gearing up to trample you… 
One look inside had you a little speechless. It was beautiful, the room decorated like Santa’s Grotto. Seokjin had done an amazing job, and you felt bad for ever doubting his skill. For ever doubting his sincerity when it came to planning this entire party… 
“Oh, whoa,” Jungkook gasped behind you, sounding wholly surprised. “Jin did so well on the decorations.” You turned back to agree but saw him smirking. “You must be pissed.” 
“Shut up,” you scoffed and immediately swatted his hand away from a tray of sandwiches. “No! You have to wait!” 
Jungkook made a noise of agony, practically flaking out in one of the chairs. “I’m this close to passing out!”
You sighed at his dramatics. “I’ll go and look for him.” He can’t have gone far, surely? You pointed at everyone as you stepped out, expression stern. “No starting this party until I find him – and no eating food.” 
Jungkook whimpered. 
As you walked out of the office and down one flight of stairs you started to grow worried. What if something was wrong? Maybe there’d been an emergency and he’d had to leave…? Only, those thoughts didn’t have a chance to go too far as you spotted him almost immediately a little down the hallway. The second floor was unoccupied, most of the rooms either used for storage or ominously locked. He was stood with a shoulder against the wall, his back to you. The Santa’s hat he’d been wearing earlier was shoved into his back pocket. You’d caught him just in time, he was finishing up a phone call before staring at the screen, deep in thought it seemed. 
You suddenly felt nervous… You hadn’t been alone together at all since this morning and you’d been slightly miserable ever since then. Ever since he’d shut down the conversation you so badly wanted. You caught him staring your way a few times, when he was coming in and out of the conference room mid decorating – or maybe he was catching you staring. Who knew anymore. Your head was a mess, confused and unexplainably disappointed. 
But you needed to suck it up. There was a Christmas party to pull off, and it needed both its hosts…
“Seokjin?” You called, walking closer. 
He turned around with a start, shoving his phone into his jeans pocket. “Oh, hey.”
You took a moment to admire his Christmas jumper – a dabbing Santa Claus, which was pretty 2016 now, but whatever. You were wearing one similar to the bauble he’d gifted you yesterday, a cat wearing a Christmas hat, but you’d paired it with a Mrs. Claus skirt you wore every year without fail. Oh. You suddenly remembered something. Seokjin telling you he had a whole drawer full of Christmas sweaters. The thought should’ve made you laugh but you were still so nervous. You heart felt a little funny as you stared up at him. 
One thing was for certain, you didn’t think you could forget about the kiss. 
Could you excuse yourself to run away and call Ana? But then there’d be zero hosts at the party and Jungkook would disintegrate from hunger… You needed to power on. 
“Everyone’s wondering where you went,” you said, voice sounding strange as you spoke into the unsettling silence. 
You really didn’t want things to be awkward. You would hate it so much. You understood you didn’t have the best of relationships, but it worked for you both. Now it could all be ruined, and you didn’t want that. You didn’t know what you wanted…
Seokjin hesitated before tapping his pocket. “Sorry, phone call. Some type of insurance sales shit.” 
You nodded, unsure why you didn’t quite believe him, but chose to ignore it, giving him a short smile. “We should hurry up. Jungkook is salivating in there. He’s two seconds away from devouring the whole buffet.” 
Seokjin chuckled lightly at that. “Expected. He’s been fasting since 7pm last night.” 
Why didn’t that surprise you? 
“He’s already forced his way inside. Sorry. I tried to hold them off for as long as possible.”
“That’s my own fault.” He shrugged, then gave you a gentle smile. “Thanks for trying.” 
Your heart did a little flip. You tried to ignore it. “You did a great job on decorating by the way.” 
“You sound surprised,” he teased. “How many times do I have to say I lo– 
“You love Christmas, yes, okay, I believe you now.” You interrupted with a laugh. You remembered that from Saturday night, but you wanted to remember all of it. 
You opened your mouth, you needed to tell him. You needed to tell him you didn’t want to forget. “Seokjin,” you began, unsure how to continue. You didn’t want to make a fool of yourself. However it seemed he had things to say himself…
“I lied.”
His admission caught you off guard. He could probably tell by your face. He lifted a hand and rubbed the back of his neck, looking awkward. “I lied about the phone call. It was Yoongi. He was giving me a pep talk.” 
“A pep talk?” You repeated, now aware you could hear your own heartbeat. 
He took a step forward and let out a deep breath, gearing himself up. “I can’t stop thinking about last weekend, Y/N.” Your heart was thudding now. “I know I said we should forget about it but I can’t. You don’t remember it and I know you regret it and I’m sorry for,” he stopped to sigh in frustration. “I don’t know, I just feel really guilty. Because I really enjoyed kissing you.” 
He was staring straight into your eyes, no more than a foot between you. He looked nervous and remorseful. You didn’t like it. 
Firm, you held his gaze. “I don’t regret it.” That thought had never crossed your mind. Even through all the shock and mortification. Yes, your memories were extremely vague, but you didn’t regret the kiss. If anything you were curious. Even more curious now. 
Seokjin paused, not expecting your reply, but he sounded hopeful. “You don’t?” 
You shook your head. “I was embarrassed when you told me, yes, but that was because I thought I’d made a fool of myself – I mean, I still did, but if you enjoyed kissing me I guess it was worth it.” 
Seokjin had enjoyed kissing you, and from your foggy memories, you’d enjoyed kissing him too. You smiled. It was contagious as he grinned your way too. 
“You didn’t make a fool of yourself. At all.” He stressed. “Do you remember anything now?” He sounded concerned, still unsure how to go about this. 
“Bits and pieces, yeah.” You admitted. “You got me a glass of water and then left…” 
He looked guilty. “I lost myself a little, I admit, but I couldn’t let it happen. I couldn’t go through with it because you were so drunk and I was pretty sure you hated me and I could never take advantage of you like that.” 
Your heart fluttered. Genuine Seokjin was dangerous for you. “I don’t hate you,” you told him pointedly, crossing your arms across your chest, the beginnings of a smirk itching to appear. “You annoy me to no end but that’s sort of your charm, I guess.” 
He cocked an eyebrow, sensing the change in atmosphere as he asked smugly, “My charm?”
“Don’t ruin it,” you snipped, feeling brave as you stepped closer to him to tilt your head and run a hand down his chest – down the dabbing Santa… “So, you liked kissing me?” 
He nodded enthusiastically, curiously watching your movements. “It felt good. And not just in my dick but like, everywhere.” 
“Seokjin!” You exclaimed, rendered speechless. 
“What?” He asked, eyes wide. He grabbed your hips pulling you closer and you couldn’t help but squeal, reaching for his shoulders. He felt good. Big and warm and familiar. “I’m trying to talk about my feelings here.” 
He was teasing you, sure, but he was also telling the truth. You knew that. Feelings was a scary word, an uncertain word, but you thought you liked the way it made you feel. Maybe Ana was correct… Maybe a part of you did like Seokjin. It sure felt like it right now…
“Kiss me,” you whispered, gaze on his mouth before it flickered to his eyes. “I’m sober now and I want to see if I like it too.” 
You already knew the answer. He did too by the smirk on his face, but he listened anyway, closing the distance between your mouths. His lips felt instantly familiar, making you feel at ease as they pressed into yours. Fluttering his eyes closed you followed suit and he moved gently, tentatively, as if he couldn’t believe it – as if he didn’t want to ruin anything. From the back of your mind vague memories started to wind their way forward, his kiss drawing them out. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing your body into his ever so slightly with a soft sigh. The tip of his tongue found yours, hints of it joining each drag of his mouth and something lit up inside of you. So you were inevitably disappointed when he pulled back, giving your hips a soft squeeze.
“So?” He grinned. 
You hummed out loud, running your fingers through the hair against the nape of his neck. He liked that. You remembered running them through his hair on the dancefloor, his hands on your body. Stomach doing somersaults, you wanted more – needed more. “Maybe a bit more tongue and I’ll give you an answer…” 
He breathed out a shaky laugh and you thought he might hit back with something but there was no time for talking, not when he couldn’t bear to be away from your lips. Listening, he licked into your mouth, moving with a lot more confidence now. He held you tight before one of his hands came up to softly cup your cheek, the quietest of noises escaping his throat – showing just how much he was enjoying himself. You joined him, moaning gently into the kiss, your tongues untiring as the air around you shifted. 
It was when your back hit the wall did you truly let yourself leave go, hands exploring the expanse of his back as he crowded you, humming greedily against your lips, his hands holding your face as if he couldn’t bear to leave you and come up for air. More memories fluttered their way past your eyelids, a lot more vivid now, Seokjin’s tongue beckoning them  to the forefront of your mind. 
You remembered your kiss was hot and heavy, up against your entry way wall. You had wanted him so bad in that moment and here wasn’t much different. It was like you had been thrown right back there – that eagerness, that want. The only reason you pulled away eventually was because you literally needed to breath. You didn’t fancy passing out, enjoying yourself way too much… 
“I can’t believe you said to forget about this,” you managed to speak, breathless, lips wet and flush as you ran your hands across the broadness of his shoulders. God. You couldn’t stop touching him. 
“I can’t believe you did forget about this,” he exclaimed. He was breathing heavy, just like at the club when you’d grinded all over him. Your memory was on your side now. All it had needed was a prod.   
He did have you there. Your bad. But – “In my defence you supplied the tequila shots.” Although, you had suggested a second round… 
He chuckled, leaning down to nip at your bottom lip. “Stop giving me attitude. It’s turning me on.” 
You stomach flipped, your fingernails digging into the wool blend of his jumper as you held him to you. You wanted to kiss him for hours, because now that you’d started you didn’t want to stop. 
“Should we head back now?” Seokjin asked against a curl of your tongue, one hand against the wall, the other stroking your jaw line. “They’re probably wondering where we both are.” 
“In a moment,” you murmured, a hand of yours bravely dragging down his side. You hit the waistband of his jeans and curled a finger through a belt loop, nudging his crotch flush to yours. Your mouth did the rest of the talking. Sober you wanted what drunk you had missed out on. 
“Fuck,” you heard him mutter, immediately understanding where you wanted this to lead. “Or we can just ditch those losers and go to my place?” He drew back to catch your reaction. “Your place?”
“We can’t do that.” As tempting as that sounded, you couldn’t not attend your own Christmas party you’d spent weeks organising. Seokjin was hot, but he wasn’t that hot. Plus, it would way too suspicious if you both just disappeared… 
Seokjin agreed with a little sigh. “Yeah, you’re right.” 
That didn’t mean you couldn’t think of other ideas though…
“What are you doing?” Seokjin asked, moving back slightly as you wrestled for your phone in your skirt pocket. He watched you search for Jungkook’s name in your phonebook – you were sure you still had his number from when you’d had to “mentor” him the first week he’d arrived. Success! You did! You hurriedly text him. 
(13:31pm) You: I can’t find him. Start without us but LEAVE me some food
He replied immediately. He was probably withering away by now, the poor boy. 
(13:32pm) Jungkook: Oh man Jin is so fucking dead  (13:32pm) Jungkook: Tell him I love him before you stick the knife in 🤪 (13:32pm) You: Sure thing 
You looked up at Seokjin and grinned. “Just bought us half an hour.”
He looked impressed, an eyebrow cocked as he regarded you. “What are we going to do in half hour? – and please don’t say kill me.” 
You giggled – actually giggled. Damn him. You reached for his belt loop again, tugging it gently. “Whatever it is, we can’t do it out in the hallway.” 
You were playing a very dangerous game here. Out in the open, at your place of work. The storeroom was probably an even sillier idea – but that’s where you ended up dragging him into, flipping on the light to save being surrounded in darkness. You were 99% sure the surveillance cameras didn’t work on this floor anyway, so…
“You’re crazy,” he laughed weakly in disbelief, stumbling over an (empty) mop bucket as he went to reach for you. 
“And you love it,” you smirked against his mouth, your arms wrapping around his neck. 
The urge took over again, now in the privacy of the storage cupboard you were free to do whatever you liked. Seokjin grew hard against you quickly, your mouths locked together in haste as his palms felt up your ass. It wasn’t long before he picked you up, your legs wrapping around his middle as he continued to kiss you greedily against the wall. His hands slipped  under your skirt, cupping your ass and you tried to circle your hips as best you could, feeling his erection through the layers of your tights and underwear, both of you straining out moans and grunts. 
“I’m having déjà vu,” he grinned, lowering his mouth to nip at your neck. You gasped, pushing into him and he took the opportunity to begin to kiss your throat. Just like last time… Déjà vu, indeed. 
Breaking away he looked between your bodies, the band of white wool along your skirt protecting your modesty, but only just. “You weren’t dressed as Mrs. Claus though.” He sunk his teeth into your neck once more, a little harder this time and you jerked, yelping as you squeezed the tops of his arms. He liked that reaction, licking a broad strip up the column of your throat, getting you all kinds of wet and sticky. 
No doubt between your legs matched. You were hot, and impatient, and Seokjin’s mouth was evil. Especially when he lifted his head, dark fringe in his eyes, and smirked at you. Fuck, you really wanted him. Your heart was doing somersaults. 
“A fucking sexy Mrs. Claus.” 
You immediately rolled your eyes. Why was he ruining it? You were not about to partake in some sordid Christmas roleplay fantasy of his… “Just shut up and kiss me.” 
He didn’t really feel like answering back. 
A few minutes later you were placed back on the floor, your legs a little shaky as you clung to him, mouths still unrelenting. You were both heavy breathed and burning with desire. He pinned you to the wall with his thigh, separating your legs and giving you something else to grind against as his lips trailed the expanse of your throat, his fingers digging into the meat of your ass so hard you wouldn’t be surprised if he teared your hosiery. 
You were weak, slick against your underwear and desperate for some sort of release. Seokjin panted against your ear. “Do you remember what you said that night?” Moaning was all you could give in reply. “You wanted my dick. You were begging for it.” 
Hearing him speak like that drove you wild. “Mmhm. Remind me.” You could vaguely remember, too pent up to get embarrassed. 
He moved his thigh, pressing his crotch flush to yours and hooked a finger under your chin, lifting your face so he could kiss you again. You could feel his erection and unable to hold off any longer you reached between you and wrapped your hand around him. You could recall doing this before, Seokjin stopping you, but this time he did no such thing. Instead, he pushed into your touch, his voice thick with something that made you shiver as he spoke. 
“You drive me crazy… Every god damn day…” 
Your mind was a little too preoccupied to truly concentrate on his words but they seemed to stir something inside of you. Nudge something that had been forgotten. You couldn’t place it, but it had to do with last weekend. Something he’d said to you… before he’d kissed you… You couldn’t remember but the faintest of memories made you glow. 
“W-we should really just head to my place,” Seokjin stammered slightly, keening into your touch. You were sure his thighs were trembling, all the blood in his dick turning him weak. 
“There’s no need,” you breezed, and before you could take a moment to reconsider you were dropping to your knees. 
“Fuck, what are you doing?” He was practically beside himself, fingers digging into your shoulders as he watched you reach for the buttons on his jeans. 
“What do you think?” 
He sighed exhaustedly, a red flush beginning to travel its way up his neck, peeking above the collar of his sweater. “You’re trying to kill me.” 
Whatever he’d been expecting to happen in here hadn’t been you sucking his dick, you could tell. You took great pleasure in that. It was fun getting this kind of reaction from him. Truth was, when the mood struck, the mood struck, and you wanted him – badly. 
He watched you unbutton him, his black underwear coming into view – Calvin Klein, the band told you, and above that, where his jumper had ridden up, you could see a sliver of smooth tan skin – You just knew he was hiding a great body under there, but now wasn’t the time for stripping. You needed to be quick. 
You tugged his jeans down a little past his hips, enough for easy access. “You really want to kill–ughgh –!” 
He broke off with a surprised moan, your hand reaching inside his boxers to pull out his dick. Wrapping your palm around the base you gripped automatically, staring at what you could only describe as his third leg, with a slack jaw. “Of course you have a fucking massive dick,” you muttered, feeling a little unnerved. 
Surprise immediately dissipating, Seokjin gave you a smirk. “That obvious, huh?”
You breathed heavily through your nose, beginning to run your fist along his length on instinct. It was a good looking dick, you’d give him that. Tense at your sudden movements, Seokjin soon eased up, watching you carefully. You looked up at him, giving him a tiny, slightly shy smile… There really was no going back now. Not that you wanted to. Things had changed and they were going to change even more after this… 
“Come on,” he murmured, a hand reaching out to stroke your cheek. His voice sounded dangerous, low and honeyed as he gazed at you on your knees for him. “Suck it like I know you want to…” 
You scoffed, although surely he could see the effect he had on you. You weren’t bluffing anybody, not even yourself. “Don’t rush me.” 
Seokjin looked amused, but that soon changed when you swiped your tongue across the head of his cock in one fluid and determined motion. His knees pretty much buckled, a hand reaching for the side of your head, his fingers weaving into your hair. You chuckled a little mischievously, your lips wrapped around him, knowing the vibrations would fuck with his head some more. Seokjin laughed stiffly along, knowing what you were up to – knowing you loved having this sort of effect on him – but it sounded strained, wavering in the middle as his eyes locked with yours, the veins in his neck beginning to bulge with the strain. 
You moved, wrapping your lips around him further, your tongue washing against the hot skin and he stumbled forward a little, a grunt slipping from his mouth. That fuelled you, slipping him deeper, your tongue tracing patterns along the underside before you pulled back and repeated. You weren’t kidding when you said he had a massive dick, it was almost daunting, but you found a way around it, massaging your fist along the base of him in time with your mouth until you found a confident rhythm. 
“Oh, fuck.” 
That boosted your ego too, taking great pleasure in the way you seemed to have stunned Seokjin into more or less complete silence. He wasn’t very cocky right now, was he? If you had known sucking his dick would shut him up, you’d have done it long ago – or maybe that was your own horniness talking… Who knew right now. 
You popped off him, running your palm wider, further along to circle over the head, your saliva acting as lubrication, quiet squelching noises slipping from between your fingers. You smirked up at him, “Am I still boring?”
It took him a moment to process your question, his body hunched, surrendering to the pleasure, and you admired the way his lips parted, each breath audible as he stared down at you, dark eyes glazed over. God, he was hot. How had you been so unbothered by him for so long? 
Shaking his head, he halfway came to. “Sucking my dick in a storeroom, can’t get any wilder than this. Well done, you proved me wrong.” 
That was nice to hear. You liked it when he was wrong, mainly because you loved being right. You wrapped your free hand around the top of his thigh, needing the support as you took his dick in your mouth again. Feeling ambitious you willed yourself to relax as you eased along him, taking him deeper, beginning to bob back and forth, the faintest of noises escaping the back of your throat. 
It drove him crazy, his head falling back as he whined. “If this is all just to prove a point and you stop before I cum, I’m going to cry like a motherfucking baby.” 
You tried to laugh but ended up choking, gagging on his cock – unflattering surely, but he seemed to love it, his eyes flashing as he cupped your hand that gripped his girth, gently pulling it away to place on his other thigh. He didn’t want his view obstructed he watched. Besides, you didn’t need your hand as a safety net anymore anyway…
“Fu-ck, you look so good sucking my dick,” he awed, his voice hoarse. He tightened the hold he had on your hair, the fingers of his other hand brushing rouge strands out of your face. You looked up at him, mouth stuffed and he smirked. It made your core pulse. “On your knees. You couldn’t get down there quick enough.” 
A moan slipped from your throat, pulsating against his cock. Of course the guy had a filthy mouth, it should’ve been obvious. What was shocking though, was the effect it had on you. Dirty talk was cringeworthy in your eyes, not many men could pull it off – not even Namjoon – but words like that coming from Seokjin?! You were sure you’d just freshly drenched your underwear. It would surely be a slip ‘n’ slide down there when he finally got his hands on you – If he got his hands on you. Fuck, he better. 
A nudge of his hips cut short your momentary distraction, realising that Seokjin was beginning to thrust ever so slightly into your mouth. He noticed your attention on him and asked hesitantly, “This okay?” 
“Mhmmhmm,” you hummed, gurgling a little which seemed to drive him a little crazy. You let him take control, concentrating on breathing through your nose and pleasuring him with your tongue as he gently fucked your mouth. 
You were losing your mind, hazy pleasure blurring your vision and clouding your thoughts.  Rationality was out the window long ago, all that you knew was the red, hot want you had for him. The Christmas party and the fact you were risking your job right now didn’t come into play, all you cared about was chasing that desire. 
Looking up at Seokjin you noticed his eyes were closed now, his chin tilted towards the ceiling, expression contorted with pleasure as the quietest of moans escaped his throat with each rugged breath he took. You pulsed down below, only this time the urge burned its way up your body, getting hotter as he quickened his motions, seemingly losing himself, seemingly pursuing his end. 
He pulled back abruptly during one withdraw, breath shaky as he kept the tip of his cock inside your mouth, as if he couldn’t bear to be apart from the warm wetness. You sucked firmly, catching his gaze and he just about lost it, eyes rolling into the back of his skull. 
“Shit,” he cursed, ever so slightly nudging further into you, edging himself almost. You darted the tip of your tongue along his slit, earning yourself a soft hiss. His thighs were trembling, you could feel the vibrations under your palm and his neck was thick and tense with strain, patched red, as he tried his might to gain some control over the pleasure you were giving him. “J-Just checking, there’s no chance we’ll have sex in here, right?” 
His voice trembled too, all light and airy and so unlike his voice that you were familiar with. His eyes were blow wide as he gaped down at you, his lips plumper than you’d ever seen them before. He was beautiful. Damn, you really wanted to kiss him again… 
You slid away, cupping your hand around his dick to jerk him off ever so slowly, a couple of inches along the base. He was more than slick now, coated in your spit, flesh veiny and angry red. Shifting on your knees, ignoring the cricks to power on through, you shrugged. “Not unless you carry condoms with you at work.” 
He pondered for a moment. “I can’t say I do.” That caused you to chuckle, leaning in to curl your tongue against the side of his cock. He startled, a loud moan escaping that was surely unnecessary, but it did wonders for your ego. 
He tightened his hold on your head, angling you to the tip of his dick, desperate to get back into your warmth. “So you won’t be disappointed when I inevitably bust a nut?” 
You raised an eyebrow, his cock drawing translucent patterns against your lips as you replied. “That’s why I’m down here.” 
He whimpered, the sheer thought of coming exciting him further. You slipped him back inside, feeling him grip his fingers into your hair, anchoring himself – and you, in preparation. 
“Oh, ffuck,” he muttered, watching you begin to meet every thrust his hips gave you. You were determined, eager for him to cum. You hadn’t sucked dick in so long but now you were in your element, each reaction from Seokjin, no matter how small, encouraging you. The fact he was hiding a foot long in his pants was now no issue at all. You were a pro, just like in all aspects of life. 
A strange sound left the back of Seokjin’s throat, almost as if he was getting strangled and his shoulders slumped, the rest of him growing stiff. “Where am I doing this?” He asked weakly. “Y/N?” He demanded pretty shrilly when you didn’t reply. 
You weren’t relenting, somehow pushing him deeper into your mouth and down your throat and he groaned loudly, blunt nails digging into your scalp. “You want me to cum down your throat?” 
Ding Ding. Clever Seokjin. 
You nodded widely around his girth, gagging a little a process, but this time you owned it. He loved it. 
“Fuck.” He grunted, spreading his feet a little, planting himself to the tiles. “You really want my fucking cum.” 
You moaned, sending a fire of vibrations up his dick and you knew you had him. His hips stilled almost instantly, his cock rammed inside your mouth and you readjusted, using your tongue to coax his release. He came with a deep exhale like moan, stumbling forward with a surprised grunt as one of his hands reached out to slam into the wall behind you. You held him steady with your hands flat against his thighs, swallowing his cum down quickly because you definitely had a love hate relationship with the stuff. Dealt with swiftly, you more than welcomed it. 
Seokjin softly chuckled down at you as he fell from your mouth, now well on his way to growing flaccid and eased off as you straightened your back and made motions to stand (on shaky legs). He tucked himself back inside his underwear, the snap of the waistband making you flutter. Flutter where you wanted him to touch the most. 
You felt warmth as he hooked a hand around your hip, pulling you to him with a bashful grin. “That was worth getting fired for.” 
You giggled, wiping the sides of your mouth with the back of your hand before cupping the back of his neck, dragging him closer as you backed up against the wall. You liked when he crowded around you, liked feeling him against your body. Your body that was screaming for him right now… 
“No one’s getting fired,” you reassured, voice a murmur and then either you or he connected your mouths again. Couldn’t tell who – it was probably both of you. It was amusing that you were the one assuring him, Miss. Uptight who worried about every single little thing. He was the one was supposed to be carefree, yet this had all been your idea. 
Your hand dragged down his chest, feeling the hardness of his pecs, and for a split second you thought about taking him up on the offer of ditching the party and driving to his place. You wanted to get him naked, wanted to see what you could feel, and you really wanted to fuck him. Yet, you knew it was a bad idea. Even worse than sucking dick on the second floor of the office building. Possibly. 
“How long do you think we have before they throw a search party?” Seokjin asked, cupping your face with one hand as the other snaked down to your ass. 
“We still have time.” 
You and Seokjin were always at one another’s throats, no one would guess you were actually getting it on directly underneath them… You were positive. 
“Hm. Enough for me to return the favour?” He contemplated. 
You made a noise of agreement, nodding eagerly as you stretched for his mouth, unable to just. Stop. Kissing. Him. 
It turned hot and heavy immediately, decision now made, and you grasped at one another, kissing wildly. “I love touching you,” he grunted against your tongue, hands gripping anything he could. You had to agree, especially his shoulders. You’d never felt anything like them in your entire life, no wonder he had the upper body strength to hold you up. He was big. Big big, and it was driving you crazy. 
“This ass,” he growled, pulling away from your lips as both hands cupped the rounds of flesh, giving them a very keen and firm squeeze. Skirt bunched up at your hips he had the perfect access. You moaned, the heat between your bodies becoming unbearable and you nearly collapsed into him when one of his hands found its way to your core, cupping the sensitive flesh hesitantly. That was until he felt how soaked you were. It had seeped through your underwear, dampening your tights. It felt heavy and uncomfortable but you guessed that was soon to change now that he’d gotten his hands on you… 
“So fucking wet,” he purred, dropping his height a little to meet your eyes. His fingers slipped inside your panties, his index and middle finger running along your folds before a knuckle found your clit, your hips bucking. He rubbed the bundle of nerves rather lightly, but it was enough. You were beside yourself, any pleasure, however slight, blowing your mind. You moaned sweetly, hot air puffing against Seokjin’s lips. He smirked. “Someone’s very responsive.”
“Please,” you moaned, however you weren’t too sure what you needed to beg for. 
He loved it though, smirking wider. “There she is.” 
“Please, Seokjin,” you repeated, clutching to the neck of his sweater. Hazy memories of last weekend drifted into the forefront of your mind. Begging him for his dick. Sadly, you couldn’t have that right now, but there was always second best. 
Leaning in as if to kiss you he pulled back last minute, a teasing lilt to his tone as he asked you a question. “What do you want, baby?” 
You moaned again, the pet name not so bad after all and pressed into his touch, the headiness in his voice making you tremble with need. Your answer was simple. “Your fingers.”  
Seokjin wasted no time, yanking his hand away to tug at your hosiery. They didn’t budge, so he moved his other hand from your ass to help. Maybe the light sheen of sweat that painted your skin had stuck tight the nylon – or maybe he was just useless… 
“What the hell are these?” He huffed, clearly impatient. 
“Stop, you’re going to rip them,” you told him off. All you needed was to walk back inside the office with laddered tights… How very unsuspicious… 
“They’re dumb.” 
“I’m sorry,” you exclaimed, “wasn’t expecting us to be getting it on today.”
Seokjin paused what he was doing to shoot you a look of sheer judgement. “Getting it on?”
“Shut up,” you grumbled. Yes, maybe your choice of words were lame, but it still stood. You were getting it on right now!
He laughed and tugged at the waistband one last time, finally succeeding but also yanking down your underwear in the process. 
“Let me see you,” he strained out, gripping your hips and you had no time to feel embarrassed by your sudden waist-down nakedness. His eyes drunk up your soaked core, before he looked up at your face again, his right hand reaching for you, each brush of his fingertips turning you boneless. “Fuck. You have the best pussy I’ve ever seen.” 
He was kissing you again, pushing you further into the wall. Pussy. Under all circumstances that word was just yuck, but once again, coming from Seokjin it didn’t seem so bad anymore. It made your core leap, but that might have been something to do with the way he was nestling a deft, long finger inside of you. Your walls clenched around the intrusion as you moaned into his mouth and you gripped at his shoulders, rolling your hips as he started to curl the digit against your warmth. 
Ever so carefully he added a second finger, the burn easing quickly as pleasure took over. His thumb rubbed messy circles against your clit, your arousal beginning to squelch audibly inside the small room. You hooked your arms around his neck instead, pulling him closer and he grunted into your mouth, sounding unlike himself. 
“Seokjin–!” You mewled, falling from his mouth to catch your breath.
“Yeah, me,” he smirked, his free had rubbing small circles into your hip as he continued to give you what you wanted. “I love it when you say my name.” His lips landed on your throat and you pushed your head to the side, pretty sure you were moaning too loudly now but the stimulation was too good to ignore. You grew wetter. His fingers easily sliding in and out of you as he started to finger you quicker, the lewd squelching sticking inside your ears. 
“You’re soaked, Y/N. Did I do this?” He murmured against your ear before nibbling your lobe. You shuddered. “Sucking my dick made you so horny.” The hand on your hip slid to your ass, and he squeezed the meat hard, using it as leverage to go even faster. You squeezed around his fingers tightly, crying out. 
But then there was nothing but emptiness as he pulled them out, making you gasp out in shock. He looked playfully smug. “What’s up? Lost your voice?”
This fucker. Jungkook was right, you were going to murder him. Only not for going AWOL but for not giving you the orgasm you craved. Seokjin’s wet hand massaged the inside of your thigh, and you squeezed your legs together trying your best to ease the tension that was building up. 
“Seokjin, don’t fuck around.” You told him sternly, although your voice was anything but calm. 
“Am I fucking around?” He asked, grinning from ear to ear as he lowered his shoulders and stole another look at your needy heat. Something inside him changed then, as he let out a curse. “Shit. I wanna taste you.” His eyes pleaded with you. “Can taste you?” 
You were nodding before you realised, although you weren’t about to say please again – 
you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. Instead you exhaled out a shaky yes. 
Squatting immediately he pulled the nylon passed your knees, lifting a foot to slip off one of your heels, the leg of your hosiery following soon after. You wobbled as he raised your foot higher and you reached out for his shoulders to steady yourself. 
“I got you,” he reassured. “I just need to spread you a little.” Hooking your foot on the bottom shelf of the cabinet next to you, your legs widened, giving him perfect access to where you needed him the most. “There,” he said, looking pleased with himself. 
His gaze soon darkened when he got a look at you and you braced yourself against the wall as he stalked nearer, a palm cupping your thigh before he followed the curve with his mouth, kissing his way closer and closer to your core. You groaned softly when his lips parted around your clit, warmth flooding you, slowly inking its way through your veins and darting his tongue out he brushed it against you slowly, repeating with the same rhythm until you were squirming, a hand reaching for his hair just for something to grip. 
He sped up, learning what your body liked quickly, dropping to one knee to sink further into you. You moaned pretty loudly when you felt his fingers press against your entrance, slipping inside, and you took him greedily and nosily, pushing into his tongue that had now curled around your clit as he sucked softly. 
You fell to pieces. Fingernails dragging along his scalp as you tugged at his hair. Which he seemed to love, by the way. If his grunting was anything to go by, his movements more determined, firmer. Each time he sucked, point of his tongue flicking against you, you lost it a bit more, gasping out in pleasure. Boy knew how to use his mouth, you were pleasantly surprised. 
He pulled back, his breath a little ragged and replaced his tongue with the pad of his thumb, rubbing tight, firm circles against your sticky clit. “You like getting your clit sucked. Noted.” He grinned, sending your stomach flipping. His mouth and chin were covered in your arousal, which he made no attempt to clean off. In fact, he went immediately back for seconds, licking a wide strip up your whole core, noises of satisfaction leaving him. 
“God, Seokjin,” you murmured weakly, dizzy and trembling. If he kept this up you were going to cum very soon. Especially with the way his fingers caressed your insides, pressing deep until he hit something that had you yelping. 
He looked triumphant as he dropped to both knees now, looking up at you, watching your reaction as he repeatedly curled against your g-spot. You squirmed around, pleasure becoming a little unbearable but oh, so addictive. 
“So, no one ends up fucking at the office Christmas party, huh?” He asked nonchalantly. This fucker was really having a casual conversation with you as he tried to bring you to your knees. By his smug grin, he knew what he was doing. 
Well, not on your watch. 
You bit back a moan, and shrugged, trying your best to sound normal. “We’re not going all the way so technically, that still stands.” 
He laughed loudly, genuinely amused, but his fingers had other ideas. He pulled out halfway, straightening his digits to fuck into you – hard. You choked out, feeling him slowly withdraw, letting you catch your breath before he repeated. And repeated. And repeated…
You were close to seeing stars, the moans rolling freely from your mouth as you clung to his hair. He was evil. “Seok–oh, shit,” you cursed, feeling him deep inside you yet again. “Seokjinnn.” 
“What is it, babe?” He asked, acting oblivious. At the name you clenched around his soaked fingers. “I knew you loved it when I called you that.” You didn’t have time to chew him out because his tongue was washing against your clit again, curling around it, prodding it, sucking it… Your eyes rolled back, a thin sheen of sweat coating your neck and chest, and you knew you weren’t long for this world. You were ten seconds away from becoming a puddle on the floor. 
“Gonna cum, baby?” You squeezed around his fingers again, clit pulsing against his tongue. “You love that too.” You could feel his shit eating grin against you but didn’t care.  
“Don’t stop,” you demanded, out of breath. 
“Not planning on it,” he affronted, licking up your folds once again. You gasped loudly, clenching your eyes tightly closed. You were hanging over the pinnacle, just a little more and you’d fall. You were this close to coming and you might explode in the process. 
“I’m going to make this pussy cum so good. So fucking good,” Seokjin almost goaded, which was in fact, what pushed you over the edge. You came with a loud, strained cry, white hot pleasure that exploded behind your eyelids. 
He made sure to rinse you for all you were worth, until you were writhing out of his grip, your grasp on his hair easing and then he was jumping to his feet, his mouth suddenly on yours with a grunt, kissing you like crazy. You couldn’t tell who was out of breath more.
“Tonight.” He announced ferociously. “Tonight. Please come over and let me fuck you.” 
You moaned at the thought, your tongues turning messy as you tried to concentrate and form words. “My place. I live alone. We can be as loud as we like.” 
Five minutes later you were back in your tights, knees wobbling together as you tried to slip into your shoe. There wasn’t time for more chitchat – or kissing, you needed to get back to the office before someone came looking for you both. 
“So does that mean you forgive me over Rosal & Steinar?” Seokjin asked curiously, still fairly out of breath. He’d wiped his mouth now, in attempt to clean himself up, but his bangs were slightly kinked, forehead shiny and his cheeks were very much still red. 
You turned to him and smirked. “Another orgasm and maybe.” 
He chuckled. “I’m positive that can be arranged.” You didn’t doubt it. “No, but really,” he carried on, taking you by surprise when he clasped your hand, rooting you to the spot. “You know I had to do it, right? I felt terrible but there weren’t many options.” 
His eyes pooled with sincerity and you found yourself softening, growing touched. It was nice to know he hadn’t done it out of spite – although why he would have seemed pretty ludicrous to believe now… No, you’d just been bitter. 
“I know, Seokjin,” you smiled, giving his hand a squeeze. “I’ve forgotten about it.” He looked a little sceptical. “I forgive you,” you insisted with a laugh. It was either he closed the deal or they found another company… They were legitimately the only two options. You got it. 
He returned your smile, finally accepting your reassurance, and you tugged at his hand, opening the storeroom door. You needed to leave. Now. 
But –
Turning back at him over your shoulder, you shot him a playful grin. “Doesn’t mean I won’t steal them back next year though.” 
His eyes widened in surprise before they lit up, his laughter loud down the empty hallway.
“Game on, baby.”
“Do I look acceptable?” 
You and Seokjin were mere inches from the door leading into the office, your whispers nervous as you hesitated about going inside. You needed to get your best lying face on. ASAP.
“Hang on,” you said, reaching up to adjust his Santa’s hat. The flush on his face had paled, thankfully. “There we go. What about me?”
“Hm.” He pondered, cupping your face to stare down at you, worrying you actually. “I still think we look like we were giving mad head in the storeroom.” 
“Stop,” you groaned, pulling away from him as you realised he was only teasing. You were still pretty sticky downstairs, but you were sure you looked visibly presentable. “You’re going to make it obvious.” 
Finally plucking up the courage, you pushed the door open and stepped inside, Seokjin following. Your Christmas playlist grew louder instantly and of course, the first person you saw was Jungkook, ass perched on your desk for some reason, snacking on a bowl of olives. He popped them like they were grapes. He better not have dripped olive oil over your keyboard, you’d kill him. 
“Ah, look who turned up to their own party,” he exclaimed, standing up. He dropped the bowl right next to your desktop and wiped his fingers into his jeans, striding towards you both. 
You took a deep breath and went for that Oscar. “Blame Seokjin,” you fumed. 
“Where the hell did you disappear to?” He laughed, directing his question to Seokjin who stood behind you still. 
“I, uh... I...” 
You rolled your eyes inwardly. If he fucked this up, well then, he wasn’t fucking you tonight…
“I went to grab a cake.” 
A fucking cake. He’d walked in empty handed. Great white lie there, Seokjin… 
Jungkook looked back and forth between you, his face contorting in confusion. “So... Where is the cake?” 
You needed to save this idiot. “Dummy forgot to order it,” you sneered, walking past Jungkook to grab the bowl of olives. 
“Hey,” Seokjin exclaimed, sounding way too offended for it to be acting, just as Jungkook burst into laughter. You didn’t know what Seokjin expected, he’d walked straight into that one. 
“I really thought she’d killed you,” Jungkook told his friend, whacking his shoulder. Seokjin’s eyes widened in warning, a hand coming out to karate slice the younger guy’s neck. 
“I went easy on him,” you grinned, stopping them before they started wrestling for real. “– Y’know, Christmas spirit and all that.” 
That caught Seokjin’s attention. You looked at one another properly for the first time since you’d stepped inside. Eyebrows raised he looked entertained. “You went easy on me?” 
“Yup,” you nodded, unable to hide your smirk.
His expression changed for a split second, a glimmer in his eyes that made you mildly feverish at the thought of him getting his hands on you later on. 
“Duly noted,” was all he replied, and you shared a smile before Jungkook interrupted. 
“I saved you both some food. Come on,” he motioned with his hand. 
“Thanks, JK,” Seokjin bellowed, clapping his back. 
You followed behind them, nerves easing up. “Yeah, thanks, Jungkook.” 
If anything, Seokjin was the one who got grilled the most during the rest of the party, he had been the one to disappear after all, so it was fun watching him squirm as Hoseok demanded answers. He looked a right fool for “forgetting” to order a cake, but he’d brought it all on himself so you couldn’t feel too sorry for him… 
He was also risking a lot when he felt up your ass as you were finding his stupid Secret Santa gift in your desk drawer, ready to exchange with everyone. You straightened up immediately, pushing his hand away just in case anyone noticed – Mina was literally a desk away from you, although she was too busy giggling at Jungkook who was acting up on the karaoke machine to notice anything. 
Seokjin winked as you glared at him. “Can’t wait for tonight.” 
You pointed your index finger between his eyes. “Behave or I’ll cancel.” 
But, you both knew you were just talking shit… 
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Written 2020 - 2021.  Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2021
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the-modernmary · 3 years
chess, not checkers || a. hotchner x f!reader
Summary: Cross-examining Agent Hotchner should have been a lot more simple than it had been. But when the questioning slips out of your control, you find yourself being profiled right there in the middle of the courtroom. Amazing how one stranger can know you better than anybody you've ever met.
Contains: SMUT! 18+ only, minors DNI. Fingering, (light) choking, semi-public sex, adultery, anger sex, enemies to lovers, edging, lawyer hotch <3
Word Count: 8k+
Comments: This is so heavily inspired by “charcoal grey” because we all know how hot he was in that scene. Thank you to @angelfxllcm for being an absolute godsend as I wrote this and being the most supportive friend ever. (If you haven’t read her work, you absolutely should!)
“Fucking FBI and their selfish ass schedules,” you grumbled as you hurried through the hallway of the courthouse, your intern Robin on on your heels. “Court gets pushed back for a week because Agent Hotchner just had to leave with them on a case instead of working remotely, and then expects us to drop everything to go to court the second he gets back to D.C. As if we don’t have jobs too. As if I don’t have six other cases sitting on my desk that now have to be pushed back because of him.”
 Robin scrambled behind you, nodding along to every word that left your mouth. “Does this happen with the, uh…”
  “BAU,” you supplied.
  “—BAU, right. Do court cases usually get pushed back for them?”
  You shook your head as you checked your watch. A glint caught the corner of your eye. Shit, your ring. You hadn’t expected to go to court, and completely forgot to leave it at home. You pulled it off and slipped it into the outside pocket of your bag, hoping nobody noticed.
“No. Most cases from the BAU never go to court,” you explained. “There’s enough evidence against the people they arrest that it’s almost always a plea.”
  The Bankers Box in Robin’s hands almost slipped as you placed another file precariously on top of it. “Then why is this case going to court?”
  Your step faltered as you processed her question, and you couldn’t hide the disbelief on your face. “You did read the brief for this case, right?” you asked, unsure if you really wanted the answer, except her embarrassed blush and averted gaze gave you enough of one. “Seriously? Okay, well, first of all, because of that, you won’t be sitting at the attorney’s table with us. Instead you’ll be in the public seating. I won’t weaken my case because you decided to be unprepared. If this happens again, you won’t be welcome to join me in court at all, am I clear?”
  “Yes, ma’am.”
  “Good.” Deciding to take pity on the poor intern, you sighed as you started your explanation. “Our client claims that his arrest was unlawful and therefore none of the evidence they found should be usable. I’m inclined to agree with him, so we’re fighting all of the charges that were made with evidence found after the arrest.”
  “So you don’t think he’s guilty?”
  “I don’t ask that question. I’m not God and I’m not his priest, I don’t need to hear his confession. I just need to get him out of unjust and illegal charges.”
  Robin’s eyebrows furrowed. “So he’s going to walk free? Even after everything he did? How do you sleep at night?”
  Fucking Christ, how did this girl even get into law school? You rolled your eyes, suddenly regretting your decision to take on an intern. “No, he’s not going to walk free. He’s going to get a lesser charge, because everything else was obtained illegally. And I sleep very well, actually, because my job isn’t some episode of Law & Order. Less than 10% of my cases ever go to trial. I’m not here to suddenly convince juries that the evidence is wrong. My job is making sure that everybody is given their constitutional rights, that the police are doing their jobs correctly, and that the State isn’t over-punishing. Any cop knows that, and if you ever come across one that doesn’t, you know that you should look into those cases even further. You have to realize, criminal defense lawyers—”
  “— are the last line of protection against a corrupt system.” You turned to see your assistant, Marcus, making his way towards you, briefcase and your spare blazer that you keep in the office in hand. “I see you’re giving her your famous anti-prosecutor lecture.”
  Marcus helped you slip on your blazer over your satin button up, his hands lingering on your skin for just a little too long to be considered professional, and it made you shiver in anticipation. “God knows she needs it. Thank you, Marcus, for bringing these so quickly. Were you able to get the physical copies of Agent Hotchner’s files?”
  Marcus held up his briefcase. “All right here. Although I have to say, I’m a little lost as to why you need his service records.”
  The three of you turned the corner to enter the courtroom, your heels clicking on the tiled floor. Robin obediently took her seat in the public viewing area while you and Marcus pushed through the swinging door to settle at your table. “I’ve heard stories of Agent Hotchner’s testimonies. He used to be a prosecutor, so he’s not easily tricked, but he is prideful and will defend his work. I’m going to use that to my advantage. It’s like I always say, practicing law means always playing chess, never checkers.”
  Marcus took the seat next to you, making sure to sit close enough that his knee brushed yours the whole time. “You know, I was thinking, this case is complicated,” he whispered, “And we haven’t combed through everything yet… It could take more time than we planned.”
  You smirked, knowing exactly what he was insinuating. “Agreed. I’ll tell Tony I have to stay late at the office tonight.”
  Before Marcus could continue his flirting, you were distracted by the door to the judge’s chamber opening, revealing the back of a man in a black suit. “Thank you again, your honor, for the continuance,” came the deep timbre of the man, and oh. You certainly weren’t expecting that. “A young girl was able to be reunited with her family this week because of it.”
  The man in the doorway turned, and your breath caught in your throat. He was tall and buff and expensive-looking and absolutely gorgeous. His suit was tailored to fit him perfectly, the sleeves of his blazer straining against his biceps. He carried himself with an aura of confidence, like he belonged in the courtroom, and he was making his way directly towards you. Unconsciously, you separated from Marcus, putting as much distance between you and your assistant as possible without raising suspicion.
  The man said something to the prosecution before turning to you, hand outstretched. He said your name as a greeting, and your name had never sounded so good. “I’m Aaron Hotchner.”
  When you stood up to shake his hand, you tried to ignore the way his eyes raked down your body, or the way the two of you held on just a moment too long to be considered proper. It felt as if he was looking right through you, learning all of your secrets as though they were written on your body. No, you knew that look. He was studying you. “Agent Hotchner, it’s a pleasure.”
  “Likewise, Counselor. Please, call me Aaron.”
  You raised your eyebrows in Aaron’s direction, still shaking his hand, and it made your skin burn. You dropped his hand. “I’m just glad we’re able to get this case done and over with. Hopefully with no more delays.”
  His eyebrows quirked upwards in what could only be described as shock. “I see your reputation precedes you,” was his only reply before going to his respective seat, and if he noticed you watching his every move, he made no indication of it. That being said, you definitely felt his gaze on the back of your head as the judge entered the room and the session began.
  As the proceedings dragged on, you and Marcus continued to talk strategy, his hand finding its way to your thigh ever so often. You also continued negotiating with the prosecutor, both of you flashing Post-It notes of potential plea deals that you would be willing to accept, always careful to keep it out of the eyes of the judge and jury. By the time Aaron had been called to the stand, the offer given to you still wasn’t low enough. Fine, if the prosecution wanted to make a fool of themselves, so be it.
  You listened to Aaron’s testimony with the prosecution, completely enraptured. There was something about the way he spoke, so full of authority and confidence, that made the entire room drawn to him. He was incredibly intelligent, that much was clear, and despite the many years since he had actually practiced law, that prosecutor candor hadn’t left him. Staying focused on the case had proven to be more difficult than previously expected. You found yourself staring at his lips, and it didn’t take long for your mind to conjure up some obscene and explicit situations starring the man in front of you. 
  Eventually, his eyes caught yours, and he watched you, his lips — god, those lips — quirked up in a smirk. Aaron watched you expectantly, and in the light of the courtroom, his eyes were almost the color of whiskey, and you wanted nothing more than to drink it all in.
  A sharp “Counselor” broke you out of your trance. In the corner of your eye, you could see Marcus looking at you in concern, but he was the furthest thing from your mind now, especially as Aaron let out an amused huff of air.
  “Counselor, does the prosecution wish to cross-examine the witness?” the judge asked with barely hidden annoyance, making you think that it probably wasn’t the first time she had asked the question.
  You stood up quickly, smoothing down your pencil skirt as you did. “Yes, your honor. Thank you,” you said, trying your best to keep your voice steady as you noticed Aaron’s eyes trailing down your bare legs.
  The cross-examination started normally, and Aaron answered all of your questions with careful precision that only a lawyer could pull off. He seemed to know exactly where you were trying to go with your questions, and easily sidestepped any unflattering implication you were trying to make. Long, biased questions were met with short, clipped answers, not giving you anything to work with. Whatever move you made, Aaron was right there, two steps ahead with you. Never in your life had you met somebody who could follow you so easily or could match your wit without so much breaking a sweat.
  It was exhilarating.
  “Agent Hotchner,” you started, hands clasped behind your back. “Could you please explain to the court how profiles are used when finding and apprehending suspects?”
  Aaron sat up a little taller in the witness box. “Using behavioral research and past case studies, we’re able to construct what we call a profile of the perpetrator, or unsub. Anything they do can give us insights as to who they are — their victims, what weapons they use, even how they dispose of the bodies. Once we have a profile of who we believe is committing these crimes, we have our technical analyst run the parameters through her system. From there, narrowing down our search is easy.”
  You nodded slowly, pretending to mull over what he was saying. “For clarification’s sake, in layman’s terms, you build your profile off of assumed psychology, and not concrete evidence, is that correct?”
  The muscles in Aaron’s jaw flexed, a sure sign he was gritting his teeth. “Behavior analysis is a tool, just like any other—”
  “It’s a yes or no question, Agent,” you interrupted, and oh, he was not happy about that.
  His tongue darted out from between his lips. “The research we use for behavior is—”
  “Yes. Or no.”
  Aaron hesitated, his frustration building up to palpable tension that settled in the courtroom like a thick fog. You weren’t giving him a chance to explain or show off anymore, didn’t allow him to be seen as the smartest person in the room anymore, and that was getting to him.
  “Yes,” he conceded, grimacing as if admitting that was physically painful for him.
  “Thank you,” you replied, and he caught the unspoken that wasn’t so hard now, was it? even if the rest of the room did not. You walked back over to your table, snatching up a piece of paper and holding it in the air. “Your honor, the defense would like to submit Exhibit Seven into evidence.”
  Once the judge gave her express permission, you placed the form in front of Aaron with your left hand, perfectly manicured fingers splayed out in front of his eyes. You almost missed the way his head tilted ever so slightly and his eyes narrowed, like he was staring at a puzzle half complete. “Agent, could you please tell us what’s laying in front of you now.”
  He leaned forward slightly, eyes scanning the paper before meeting back with yours. “This is a part of our official report of the case. Specifically, it has the profile that was used to lead us to the apprehension of Mr. Mckenna.”
  “Does it say on that paper who had the final sign off on the profile before it was circulated?”
  “Yes, that would be me. As Unit Chief, my job is to sign and finalize any reports.”
  “And could you please read the profile, verbatim, as written on that report?”
  Aaron’s face remained neutral, with the exception of his eyebrows scrunching together. Slowly, he had started to piece together your strategy, and he didn’t like it. “The unsub is a white male, between 32 and 40 years old. He’ll most likely be unemployed and driving a van or truck — anything that would let him easily transport his equipment and victims. We believe that he’s also had run-ins with the law before, likely as a juvenile. He’ll come across as friendly, if not a little shy. We believe that this comes from a failed relationship in his past, one where he believes that he was manipulated and wronged, and now he’s going after surrogates for that woman. Killing these women is the only thing that gives him any sort of power. If we can figure out who this past relationship was, it will lead us directly to the killer.”
  You paced back and forth in front of the witness stand, your skirt tightening around your legs with every step you took. “Between 32 and 40 years old, unemployed, and killing surrogates… Except Mr. Mckenna is 22 and works part time as a bartender. How do you justify arresting my client with those inconsistencies?”
  “As I mentioned before,” Aaron started, his voice dangerously low, “A profile is just one tool we use of many. Not every single part of the profile will fit every single time. Which is why we also rely on outside evidence to ensure that we have the best chance at catching the unknown subject as quickly as possible.”
  “Except you had no concrete evidence, which you admit in your own report!” You took two steps closer to him, getting as in his face as possible without risking being held in contempt. With every word that left your mouth, your voice got more and more forceful, and you got more and more under Aaron’s skin.
  “All of it was circumstantial at best. You had a hunch, an inherent bias against my client due to his previous conviction record, and you were frustrated at your own inability to get a good lead. But you can’t arrest somebody on a hunch, or because you’re angry. You had no evidence and the man you arrested didn’t even match the profile that you came up with!”
  Your eyes locked with Aaron, his gaze heavy, and neither of you dared look away first. “Objection!” came from the prosecutor behind you. Exactly what you wanted. “Argumentative and foundation.” You flashed Aaron a predatory grin.
  Two moves to checkmate.
  “Sustained,” said the judge.
  “Withdrawn.” You tapped the witness bench, hoping to convey an air of aloofness and calm. Aaron scowled. “Agent Hotchner, before joining the FBI, you were a prosecutor, is that true?”
  Confusion flashed across his face for the briefest of moments, and it gave you a twisted sense of satisfaction to know that you had the upper hand. You knew the answer to every question you were about to ask, and he knew that. He just couldn’t figure out where you were going with this line of questioning, or what the relevance even was. “Yes, that’s correct.”
  You made a soft hum of approval. “Could you please walk us through your higher education?”
  “I attended George Washington University for both my undergraduate and law degree.”
  “What did you major in for your undergrad?”
  Aaron hesitated. “Political Science.”
  Check. “So all together, you’ve had about seven years in higher education. In that time, how many psychology classes did you take?”
  It was almost sadistic, the way you relished in the slight twitch of his face — the realization that he had been backed into a corner. The silence was deafening as Aaron’s scowl met your smug grin.
  “None,” Aaron said finally.
  “None,” you repeated, performative shock dripping from your words. “Do you have any academic background in psychology or human behavior, then?”
  Aaron’s jaw clenched, and as you made your way closer to the witness stand, you saw his thumb frantically moving back and forth over his fingertips. Clearly, you had struck a nerve. “The FBI has rigorous coursework in order to become a profiler, along with multiple exams and continued training as more research becomes available to us. The profiling classes are no easy feat and are written by experts in the field. Creating profiles has a long and respected history in detective work, and these profilers have caught some of the most prolific serial killers of all time.”
  You placed a hand over your chest in faux modesty. “My apologies, Agent Hotchner, I believe I wasn’t very clear. I’m not calling into question the validity and effectiveness of profiles. I’m calling into question the validity and effectiveness of you as a profiler.”
  You could practically see the cartoon fire spewing out of Aaron’s ears. He was so close to being in your trap, something he had to have known, too, yet he continued to toe dangerously close to that line.
  “A lack of formal education in profiling,” you continued, keeping your voice light, “and the blatant disregard for basic police and legal procedure as shown in this case with my client… I mean, how many other mistakes were made in your past cases? It’s hard to believe that you can read anybody, much less the hardened criminal that you have painted my client to be.”
  “Objection!” cried the prosecutor again. “Your Honor, this is —”
  He was cut off by the judge raising her hand. “Sustained. Counselor, I would advise you to tread lightly from here on out.”
  You raised your hands in mock surrender. “Withdrawn.” You turned around to make your way back to your table, ignoring Marcus’s look of complete disbelief. Baiting Aaron had been easy, and now all you had to do was wait.
  The courtroom was uncomfortably silent for one beat… two beats…
  “Not only can I read Mr. Mckenna,” echoed Aaron’s voice, “But I can also read you.”
  Once you got back to your desk, you turned around, hands resting on the cool wood of the table top, but you never sat down. Instead, you leaned forward, and arched your eyebrows in a silent challenge — one he was all too eager to pursue.
  “The red Harvard Law tag on your briefcase is a perfect match to your lipstick, and you wear the same one every time you go to court. Not because you’re superstitious the way most lawyers are, but because it’s your way of maintaining control in the courtroom, something you’re desperate to keep in every aspect of your life, personal and professional. I would guess that this need goes back to late high school, early college. But you’ve been worried about appearances and how you’re perceived for even longer than that.”
  You fought the urge to roll your eyes. So he thought you were Type A? Anybody could have guessed that by your anything. All they would have to do is look at your color coded case files or your daily schedule, planned down to the minute. You had only been trying to sway the jury when you insinuated that he wasn’t a good profiler, but maybe you were actually starting to believe it yourself.
  Except Aaron got a dangerous glint in his eye, causing your stomach to bubble with anxiety. Clearly, he was playing chess, too, and by the looks of it, he believed he was winning. 
  “In fact, you’re so worried about losing control, that despite your busy schedule, you refuse to hire a planner for your upcoming wedding.”
  That got your attention. The objection that you were about to call died on your lips, and all you could do was stare with poorly hidden shock. Next to you, Marcus turned pale as a ghost.
  Aaron, cocky bastard, continued his profile of you, with no clear signs of stopping anytime soon. “You have a tan where your ring usually is, and I know you’ve been wearing it recently as you subconsciously fiddle with where it would be whenever things in court aren’t going your way. Just like you’re doing now. You still have your maiden name, which you plan on giving up when you do get married because not taking his last name would arouse too many questions that you want to avoid. Just another way your concern of appearances is manifested. So you’re engaged.
  “I would say congratulations, but it’s not a happy relationship, not on your side, anyway. Younger female professionals will take their rings off in fear of not being taken seriously, but you’re an established and respected lawyer. You needn't worry about that. So if it’s not about you, it’s about the fiance. You don’t want to be associated with him.”
  You gripped the edge of the table, too angry to form words. Your nails dug into the varnish, and you were sure that your heavy breathing could be heard from across the room. This dick. This absolute, garbage, piece of shit dick. The worst part was how casual he sounded as he aired all of your dirty laundry for everybody to hear.
  “He’s holding you back, in all aspects of life, but mostly intellectually. He doesn’t have a sliver of your capabilities. The two of you are probably high school sweethearts, prom king and queen type, but while you grew up and matured, he never did. He can’t keep up with you. Still acts the same way he did in high school, only now with more access to alcohol and money. Career wise, he doesn’t have much going for him, probably some sports related pipe dream. But you stay with him because you know how to control him and how to use him to your advantage.”
  Aaron’s eyes zeroed in on Marcus, and all of the color drained from your face. The voice in the back of your mind was screaming at you to object, to get the judge involved, anything, before Aaron did any more damage, but you were frozen in your spot. For the first time in your life, you were completely and utterly speechless and spiraling out of control.
  “That need for control is also why you’re sleeping with your assistant. It’s casual for you, but not for him anymore. You should break that off. That’s nothing new for you, though. In fact, I would bet that if we looked back at all of your affairs since your engagement, we’d find a long string of men and women, all of whom are your subordinates or of lower status than you. It’s a win-win situation — they’re more than eager to have a chance with you, and you get to stay in control. Oh, you’ll stop when you actually get married, but you continue to push that date back, as well. So…”
  He leaned back in his chair, clearly feeling good about himself, and God, you could kill him. You could reach over the witness box and wrap your hands around his throat and squeeze until his whiskey colored eyes popped out of his smug, beautiful face.
  Aaron lifted his chin, eyebrows raised in your direction. “Do you believe in my abilities as a profiler now, Counselor?”
  That snapped you back into action. You cleared your throat and unnecessarily smoothed down your skirt in an attempt to regroup your thoughts. “Well, Agent Hotchner, thank you for that little show and tell. It’s clear that you are very passionate about your career. However, just like your profile of my client, you have no evidence for any of your unsubstantiated accusations.”
  It was a pathetic attempt at saving face, and Aaron knew it, but it had to be enough for you. You turned your back towards Aaron so that you could face the judge, who, to her credit, had a perfect poker face the whole time. “Your Honor, I move to strike Agent Hotchner’s outburst” — not an outburst, Aaron was too composed to ever have one of those, but he grimaced at the word all the same — “from the record, as no question stands before the witness at this time.”
  The judge looked at you dubiously, clearly debating her ruling. There shouldn’t have been any reason to worry, you were legally in the right, but there was always the chance that she wouldn’t be on your side. You noticed yourself fiddling with where your engagement ring would usually be, and you cursed yourself under your breath. How could Aaron have possibly known all of that?
  “Sustained,” she said finally, “I direct the jury to disregard the witness’s, uh, example when considering the evidence.”
  You let out a breath of relief. It wasn’t much of a win — everybody still heard what had happened, it was still in the back of their minds, like the ring of a bell echoing — but at least in regards to the case, you had the legal upper hand.
  The judge turned back to you. “Defense, the witness is still yours, if you have any further questions.”
  If you were a little more in your right mind, you would have cut your losses, but between your oath to defend your client to the best of your ability and that stupid self assured grin on Aaron’s face, you knew that you really had no choice.
  Deep breath in… Slow breath out… You’re at a stalemate now.
  “Agent Hotchner,” you said, causing him to perk him up in interest. Clearly, he hadn’t been expecting you to continue. “Wouldn’t an ex-lawyer and an FBI agent be familiar with the rules of decorum in a courtroom?”
  His eyes narrowed. “I’m not sure I understand your question, Counselor.”
  “Let me rephrase, then. Would you say that you have a history of emotional outbursts and rule breaking in your line of work? And I’ll remind you that you are still under oath.”
  Aaron shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “No, I wouldn’t. Integrity is one of our core values, and we take that very seriously.”
  With shaking hands, Marcus handed you one of the files you’d had him print out on Aaron. “If that’s so, can you explain why, since your promotion to Unit Chief in 2005, you and your team have had seven disciplinary hearings, one of which being an internal investigation into the excessive force used by one of your agents, and another being a congressional hearing?”
  A sick sense of satisfaction passed over you when you saw him get visibly shocked, his poker face breaking for the first time that day. If he wanted to go for blood, you could fight back twice as hard. “I’m not at liberty to discuss either of those cases.”
  You shrugged nonchalantly. “Very well, Agent. So between the discrepancies in the profile, your inability to control your temper, and your history of breaking procedure, coupled with the fact that you arrested my client without any warrant by kicking in the door to an innocent civilian’s house, do you really believe that your arrest and the subsequent evidence that came from that arrest was obtained legally? Or do you just not care either way, as long as you’re able to prove that you’re right?”
  Right as he opened his mouth to speak, you turned your back on him and started to walk back to your table. Aaron wasn’t even able to get a peep out before you cut him off with a sharp “Question withdrawn. At this time, the defense rests.”
  “Our arrest was made on the grounds of—” Aaron tried, and you smirked to yourself. He must have been desperate if he was trying that move twice. You whipped around, gaze steeled.
  “I have no further questions, Agent Hotchner,” you repeated, only letting out the slightest hint of amusement. “But thank you for your cooperation with Lady Justice today.”
  Aaron’s eyes met yours, and a weight settled in the pit of your stomach. You should have hated him, but something about him had you completely and utterly entranced by him. Maybe it was the novelty of the case. Maybe it was the matching intellects and the fact that he was the only other person who could give you a challenge.
  Maybe you just liked the way you got to lose control with him.
  As he passed you, his arm brushed yours, and your whole body burned.
  “Very cute, Counselor,” he whispered, voice dripping with condescension. “How long did it take you to come up with that little switch up?”
  “Don’t patronize me,” you snapped. “I was playing chess, you were playing checkers, and that’s why you lost.”
  The rest of the session went on normally, if not a little tense. To your surprise, Aaron hadn’t left immediately after his testimony, and instead took a seat in the section for the public. Good. As soon as courtroom decorum wasn’t a factor, you were sure to give him a piece of your mind.
  Court adjourned for the day, and you couldn’t get out of there fast enough. You told Marcus to continue to push for a better plea option as you grabbed your briefcase and stormed out, pushing through the throngs of people until you could see the back of Aaron’s head.
  You sped up your steps until you were right behind him, and you grabbed his wrist to stop him in his tracks. “I have a bone to pick with you.”
  You pulled Aaron into an empty conference room, hoping to get some privacy before you completely blew your lid. You already had one public humiliation because of him, and you did not need another.
  “What is your problem?” you hissed, locking the door behind you. “You had no right to put my personal life on blast like that.”
  Aaron placed his hands on his hips, swooping the sides of his suit jacket back, and you had to make a very conscious effort to not stare. “You questioned my profiling abilities, and I proved them.”
  “You didn’t prove shit,” you argued, folding your arms across your chest. “Except for the fact that you’re an insufferable bastard.”
  “Are you saying that my profile was off? Because if you didn’t want to be caught committing adultery, then you shouldn’t have made it so obvious.”
  You gritted your teeth and took a step towards him in a futile attempt to come across as intimidating. Even in your heels, he still seemed to be towering over you. You’d have to level the playing field somehow. You gripped his tie and used it to pull him down so that he was closer to eye level with you. “I don’t need your judgment, Aaron.”
  Aaron moved closer to you, and you could feel the heat radiating off his body. His Adam's apple bobbed and it captivated you. “I couldn’t care less about what you do,” he said flippantly. “Matter of fact, I don’t think this fit of anger is even inherently about your little secret coming out. Do you want to know what I think it is?”
  “Not at all.”
  “I think,” he continued, completely ignoring your protest, “You’re angry because as much as you can dish it out, you can’t take it.”
  Your grip on his tie tightened at his words. “Trust me, I can take anything,” you said, voice low and breathy.
  Aaron’s eyes flickered to your lips — those kissable, red stained lips of yours. You hadn’t had to reapply your lipstick once throughout the day, and he idly wondered just exactly what it would take to muss up that perfect, pouty red lip. 
  “I also think that for the first time in a very long time, you didn’t have control, and you liked it.” He bent down a little bit more so that his lips brushed against your ear with every word and you could feel his breath run down your spine. “Aren’t you bored of sleeping with boys who are so far beneath you?”
  You’re not sure who initiated it, but the next thing you knew, your lips crashed against his, the two of you making out like it was the last kiss either of you were ever going to get. His hands felt impossibly everywhere all at once — gripping your hips, tugging at your hair, and even snaking under your work blouse to palm at your breast. His teeth nipped at the fibres of your lips. With every movement of his hands, little gasps escaped you, and you could feel the curve of his lips curling up into a smirk.
  His fingers trailed up the side of your body, past the curve of your neck, and tangled themselves in your hair before yanking it back, exposing the column of your throat. Immediately he attached his lips to your neck, nipping at your pulse point.
  “Aaron,” you whined, trying to regain the breath he stole from your lungs. You practically melted in his arms, going completely weak at the knees, especially as his tongue trailed across the underside of your jaw. You let his tie fall from your grip, instead bringing your hands up to cup his face to pull him in for another kiss. 
  His lips set a bruising pace, and it caused a fire to burn in the pit of your stomach. You had never once been kissed like this, never once felt so all-consumed by a person. Aaron’s cologne surrounded you, making your head spin. Bruises were sure to form from how harshly he was gripping your hips, but you didn’t care. He was addicting, and you wanted more.
  Hotch walked you backwards until you were pressed up against the wall, his thigh shoved in between your legs, forcing your skirt to ride up. The position made his arousal obvious as he pressed against you. The way he held you was possessive, primal even, Unconsciously, you ground down on his thigh, hoping for anything to help relieve the ache between your legs. 
  Unfortunately for you, Aaron caught on to what you were trying to do, and he chuckled against your lips before pulling away just far enough to speak. “Look at you,” he whispered, and the raspiness of his voice only served to turn you on even more. He hooked a finger under your chin, forcing you to look up at him, and his thumb traced your bottom lip, tugging at it ever so slightly. His other hand slowly trailed its way up your thigh, nails scratching at your skin. “Skirt hiked up around your waist, desperate to get off. Your little boyfriends aren’t doing it for you anymore?”
  He pressed his thigh further into you, ripping an involuntary moan from your throat. “Fuck,” you gasped, your hips still moving back and forth against him, not caring how needy it made you seem. “I need… I…”
  “What? Big, bad lawyer doesn’t have any more smart ass comments?” he cooed sarcastically, pushing your skirt up even higher. He replaced his thigh with his hand, and his fingers ghosted over your covered pussy, teasing you, not giving you nearly enough contact. “Fuck, you’re so wet already. Go ahead, needy girl, if you’re that desperate.” Aaron yanked down your panties in one fell swoop, and you blindly kicked them off to the side. “Be a good girl and show me how much you want this.”
  Without any more of a warning, one of his fingers entered you, and you let out a breathy moan that Aaron was sure to have on repeat in his mind for days to come. When the heel of his palm pressed against your clit, your brain completely short circuited. You threw your head back as far as you could despite being pressed against the wall as his name clumsily tumbled from your lips like a prayer.
  “You’re so fucking tight,” he grunted, pressing you further against the wall. “Can’t wait to feel you around my cock.”
  Electricity coursed through your veins as he added a second finger, easily finding that spot in you that made you see stars. You rocked your hips back and forth against his hand, eyes screwed shut in pleasure. His lips trailed from your jawline, down your neck, and to your collarbone. 
  “Look at me,” Aaron ordered, tightening his grip on your chin, and your eyes shot right back open. Instead of the whiskey colored irises you had gotten used to, Aaron’s pupils were so blown that they made his eyes completely black. “I want to see you lose control all over me. Gonna make sure you come harder for me than you have for any of your boy toys.”
  That wouldn’t be very difficult. Nobody had ever made you feel the way you did then, Aaron’s fingers buried deep in your cunt and lips exploring every inch of skin he could access. No part of this was for his pleasure — from the curl of his fingers to the slow circles on your clit, it was all expertly calculated to bring you to the edge with as much intensity as possible, and it was all devastatingly effective.
  “I’m so close,” you whimpered, and if it weren’t for the wall behind you, you would have completely lost your balance. “More, fuck, please.”
  “More?” he mumbled against the column of your throat. “Use your words, sweetheart.”
  Coherent sentences were not an option for you at the moment, not when you were so deliciously overwhelmed with pleasure and with Aaron. Besides, how could you tell him that you wanted him to completely and utterly ruin you? That you wanted him to bend you over the conference table and pound into you until you could barely speak. You wanted Aaron to mark you and send you home to your fiance with reminders of every little thing he did to you for the days to come. You wanted raw and untamed passion. You wanted to be consumed, for him to settle in your lungs like smoke, and haunt your dreams for the rest of your life. 
  You didn’t want nice and calculated the way every other man you’d been with had acted — you wanted Aaron Hotchner to take control.
  You couldn't say any of that, so instead, you grabbed his wrist, the one that was holding your chin in place and, without breaking eye contact with him, you guided his hand down until it rested on your throat. “More,” you choked out, giving him an animalistic grin.
  That was all it took. Using his grip on your neck, he pulled you in for another kiss, messy and desperate and swallowing all of your incoherent moans as his fingers moved harder, faster.
  You clung to him like a lifeline as you felt your whole body tense up, your orgasm fast approaching. You were so fucking close and he felt so fucking good and, God, if this is what losing control felt like, then you and Aaron could do this forever and —
  His fingers were gone from you, and you clenched around nothing. You cried out in protest, which only seemed to amuse him.
  “Oh? Prom queen isn’t used to not getting what she wants?” Keeping his hand on your throat and you pinned against the wall, he made slow, teasing work of his belt buckle.
  Your chest rose and fell in a desperate attempt to catch your breath. “What happened to watching me come undone all over you?” you shot, trying to even out your voice as much as possible. It didn’t work very well. “Did you lose your nerve?”
   A dark, humorless chuckle escaped his lips. “Don’t worry, Princess, that’s still the plan. I just never said where. I want to make sure you’re nice and wet and ready for me to turn you into a moaning mess on my cock.”
  In an attempt to regain some control of the situation, you rolled your eyes. “Yeah? And how do you expect to do that?”
  He smirked and released your throat. Wordlessly, he grabbed your wrist, and guided your hand down your body, further and further until you reached your throbbing pussy. He used his hands to press your fingers to your clit, and you whimpered softly. God, you were dripping, and the extra stimulation didn’t help your shaking legs.
  “By making you so needy and whiny that by the end of this, you're begging for me,” he hissed, lips brushing the shell of your ear with every word. He moved your fingers so that you were rubbing small, slow circles around your clit, although it wasn’t nearly enough to give any real relief. “Begging for me to come and fuck you over and over and over again. Because you know that your pathetic fiance and your string of affairs have never made you feel like this before.”
  Aaron yanked your hand away from your clit and you could sob. You wanted to cum so badly that you could barely put it into words. Still holding your wrist, Aaron brought your hand up to his face. He took a brief moment to admire the way your fingers glistened, covered in your arousal, before bringing them to his lips and sucking.
  Eyes wide, you made a choked noise as you committed the view of Aaron to memory. “Please, Aaron, fuck, I need you,” you whined, the start of a long string of incoherent begging. You needed him then and there, damn the consequences.
  He pulled your fingers out of his mouth slowly, and you moaned at the obscene wet noise it made. “So desperate,” he murmured as he began to unbutton his slacks. “All for me. All because I edged you once.”
  Aaron pulled down his pants just enough to pull out his dick, and you licked your lips involuntarily when you saw it, big and thick and leaking precum. Clearly, it gave Aaron a bit of an ego boost, because as he ran the head up and down your sensitive folds, he reminded you, “You did say you could take anything, Princess.”
  Your breathing came out shaking as you shivered, waiting for him to do something — anything. You were so empty and you needed him so badly. If you didn’t get his dick in you soon, you were pretty sure you would lose your mind completely.
  “Fuck me, Aaron,” you moaned, arching your back to press into him more.
  He pressed a chaste kiss to your lips in an almost intimate gesture. “Patience is a virtue,” he chastised.
  In your haze of arousal, you barely noticed him grabbing your briefcase and digging through the small pocket in the front. You especially didn’t notice his pause when his finger touched something small, round, and metal in the bottom of the bag. The only thing you cared about was him coming back to you, holding up a condom packet with a smirk.
  “I knew I’d find one somewhere in your briefcase.” You let the comment slide, the excitement at the prospect of sex with Aaron Hotchner outweighing any jackass comment he could make. Aaron made quick work of putting on the condom. The second he was done, one of his hands ran up your thigh, getting a good grip on it before pulling it up and around his waist.
  “Do you feel how wet you are for me? How willing you were to give up control? All for me? That—” Lips pressed to your ear, he pushed his cock into you, bottoming out with one thrust. You threw your head back in pleasure. “—Is playing chess, sweetheart.”
  Aaron dropped his forehead to the crook of your neck as he began pounding into you at a desperate pace. He had held off on his own pleasure for long enough, and now he was chasing his orgasm with a ruthless determination. One hand stayed gripping your thigh, the other one braced against the wall next to your head. Aaron nipped at your neck in between moans of praise for you.
  “I — oh, fuck — knew it,” he groaned, digging his fingers deeper into your thigh. “You wanted somebody to take control. Somebody who knows how to please you.”
  You wrapped your arms around his neck and tangled your fingers in his hair, pulling him impossibly closer to you. You were an incoherent mess at this point, his name tumbling from your lips like it was the only thing you knew how to say. At that moment, it probably was. 
  “Finally, that bratty mouth of yours is good for something. You sound so pretty, moaning out my name. Say it again.” A particularly deep thrust caused you to tug at his hair. “Louder.”
  Never before had you met somebody like Aaron Hotchner, and you weren’t sure if you ever would again, so you screwed your eyes shut and let yourself get lost in the absolute pleasure he was providing. You memorized everything you could — the way the calluses on his hands felt against your skin, the way he moaned out your name, how deliciously full you felt, and how for the first time in your life you felt truly seen — so that you could suspend the moment in amber to preserve in the back of your mind.
  “Please,” you begged, scratching his scalp lightly with your nails. “I’m so close. Fuck, Aaron, you feel so good, please.”
  Aaron tore his lips from your throat, choosing instead to press his forehead against yours. His lips brushed yours with every word he spoke, so close that you were practically kissing him. “That’s it, princess,” he murmured. “Be a good girl. Be a good girl and come. All over my dick.”
  When you came, it was with a cry of his name as your whole body shuddered. You clung to him as he continued to fuck you. His thrusts began to stutter, and he took the opportunity to capture your lips in one last, scorching kiss, and you were all too happy to oblige.
  You think he moaned something as he came, but you couldn’t hear it over the sounds of skin slapping against skin. He fucked you through his orgasm, making sure that you felt every single inch of him. As if you could ever forget it. 
  The two of you stayed where you were for a few moments, relishing in the feeling of being full a little longer. Your walls fluttered around Aaron, which caused him to muffle his whimpers into your throat.
  “Aaron…” you whispered, not wanting to disturb the moment. “That was so—”
  “I know.”
  “We shouldn’t have done it.”
  “I know.” He pulled back just enough to leave a lingering kiss on your lips, and your whole body burned. “But I don’t regret it. Do you?”
  You shook your head. “Not at all.” The confession lingered in the hair for a tense second because both of you seemed to remember where you were.
  Aaron slowly pulled out of you, an act that looked almost painful for him when you let out an involuntary moan at the feeling. He could have spent all day in you, if given the chance.
  The two of you adjusted yourselves in silence, both of you hoping to be able to leave the room with some semblance of professionalism. At the very least, the goal was to not look like you had just had sex in a courthouse conference room. Shame and embarrassment flooded you — what had you been thinking?
  Once you felt that you were presentable enough, you grabbed your briefcase and tried to ignore Aaron burning a hole in the back of your head with his gaze.
  “Well, Aaron, this was fun.” You cleared your throat. “I’m sure we’ll see each other around at some point.”
  You were two steps away from the door when you heard his smug, courthouse voice come back in full swing.
  “Forgetting something?”
  You turned around in a huff, ready to go right back to arguing with him, but what you saw made your whole body heat up in embarrassment. There was Aaron with a self-satisfied grin and dangling off his finger was your panties.
  “These are cute,” he mused. “It’s a shame I didn’t get to fully appreciate them.”
  You rushed over there, fully prepared to snatch them out of his hand. “And you never will,” you shot, but even as you said it, you didn’t make much of an effort to take them out of his hands. You just stared at him and his swollen lips and mussed hair, all your doing.
  Ever the gentleman, Aaron started to hand your underwear back to you, but instead of taking it back like you knew you should have done, you covered his hand with yours, closing it in a fist around your panties.
  “Who says you can’t?” you whispered, guiding his pantie-filled hand down to his pockets. “This way… You can keep it as collateral. To make sure I’ll come and see you again.”
  His breath hitched in his throat as you guided him to put your panties into his suit pocket, and you were glad to be the one surprising him this time.
  “I don’t care about your fiance,” Aaron started, and you braced yourself for the worse. “But I’m not interested in being the ‘other man’ to your affairs with your assistants, too.”
  “Consider it ended,” you promised, not caring how desperate or easy it made you look. You wanted to keep Aaron around for a long, long time.
  Just until the wedding, you corrected yourself.
  You slung your briefcase over your shoulder, wincing as it dug into a bruise that Aaron had left. It would be there for a while — you’d have to find a way to hide it from Tony until it faded. The thought made you stupidly giddy. “I’ll see you around, Aaron.”
  He nodded in goodbye, and you slipped out of the conference room on shaking legs. As soon as the door closed behind you, you reached into your bag, and reluctantly slipped on your engagement ring.
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boxofbadaddiction · 4 years
The Trouble With Parenthood
Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW. Swearing. Small moment of Daddy Kink. Sexual References and Depictions of Sex.
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Fred and Y/n's relationship had always involved a very healthy sex life. Like...very healthy, okay they couldn't keep their hands off each other. It'd been like that when they'd begun dating and continued through their marriage - if anything it'd gotten worse once they'd put that ring on one another's finger.
So as you could imagine, an abrupt stopper in their regular love making had left the couple feeling rather...frustrated.
This 'stopper's name was Cassidy. 'Cassi' for short.
As it is for every parent, the day she were born had been the happiest day of Fred and Y/ns life. She was the perfect daughter from the moment she'd been born. Happy, healthy and not at all fussy. However, recently she had become quite clingy.
Not that it had bothered her parents. Honestly, they'd found it endearing how much she wanted to spend time with them...in the beginning anyway. But it is safe to say that the couple were in desperate need of some "Mummy and Daddy Time." Because, as Fred so delicately put it; his 'balls have never been so blue'. A comment which would have been much more amusing to y/n if she were not so pent up herself.
Though this sexless patch of their relationship was not due to their lack of trying mind you.
They'd seemingly tried everything, for a moment to themselves. But these days with the small issue of 'monsters in the closet', Cassi had settled herself in bed between her parents to sleep most nights, so that ruled out sex before bed. Of course there was always fleeting moments in the bathroom...until Cassi learned how to reach the door handles. Now no room was safe from intrusions.
Feeling rather adventurous y/n had even set up a long lunch at work one day with the intent on surprising Fred at the shop. It was nearly a success...until an unsuspecting George wandered into the otherwise occupied back Office. He was mortified to say the least.
They'd tried setting up a 'date night' arrangement; but after Fred mistakenly let slip his current predicament to George, and their little incident at work, they were shit out of luck for a babysitter as his brother found the whole situation were just 'too fucking funny'.
Which brings us to tonight.
Y/n trudged into her and Freds bedroom after a very long day at work and an extra long goodnight to their daughter down the hall - which involved more than the usual amount of bedtime stories being shared.
Stepping through the door she were met with the very tired body of Fred sprawled across their bed. She couldn't help but chuckle at the sight; he were laid with one arm slung across his eyes, as the other rested on his stomach and one knee were raised - swaying lazily in place.
Closing the door behind her y/n rest her weight back against the hardwood letting out a heavy breath.
"Is she down?" Fred asked at the sound of her entering the room. "Mmm, finally." She replied, pushing her body from the door she began to ready herself for bed, mentally crossing her fingers, hopeful for some decent rest tonight.
She kicked off her shoes and let her hair loose from it's tie before stripping to just her knickers and finding one of Freds old shirts, she had taken to sleeping in, and throwing it on.
"Leave the shirt off" Freds voice came as a tired groan from his place on the bed. His words caused y/n to turn her head, seeing his arm now rested slightly higher on his forehead as he watched her. He was grinning, tongue pressing against his cheek, clearly enjoying the view.
Y/n licked her lips, pulling her bottom lip through her teeth as his stare burned hot on her skin. She raised a teasing brow as she slowly began to glide a hand up her side and over the soft fabric of the t-shirt she'd thrown on. Fingers delicately caressed the space between her breasts until a single finger came to lazily play with the shirts collar. Tugging just enough to expose the tops of her cleavage. Running her finger slowly back and forth across the collars seam she approached the bedside.
The arm Fred had slung across his face moved, fingers furrowing through his fiery locks, to prop his head further on the pillow for a better view of the stunning woman before him. He smirked, inhaling deeply, in amusement; thoroughly enjoying her little show for him.
"Don't go teasing me, love. Its been a long few weeks." His tone was firm but playful, the same one that never failed to turn y/ns knees weak and have her thighs rubbing together. Tonight was no different. If anything it were worse from their lack of intimacy as of late.
Smiling sweetly in place beside the mattress she ran both hands up from her knees, along her exposed thighs to lift the shirts sides. Fred shifted in place, supporting himself onto his elbow his eyes hungrily traced her fingers movements as they hooked below the waistband of her underwear and pulled them off.
Tauntingly she dangled the lace garment from her forefinger before throwing it at his chest playfully.
Unable to restrain himself a moment longer he simultaneously discarded her panties to the opposite side of the room and with his other hand grasped her hip, roughly pulling her onto the bed below him. He kissed her passionately as a hand raked up the inside of her thigh, ghosting over the skin to rest on her waist.
Y/n smiled into the kiss; both hands tangling in his hair as she shifted beneath him so he were resting comfortably between her legs. As the tension began to build y/n aided Fred in shedding layers of his clothing; left in his singlet and briefs. His erection felt pressing against her core through the thin material. Y/ns hand came down to eagerly palm at his bulge when-
"DAAADDYYYY!" Cassi's voice called beggingly from her room.
Fred groaned in frustration, head falling to the crook of his wife's neck as he mumbled something inaudibly, though it sounded undoubtedly along the lines of 'For Merlin's sake, not now'.
"Go to bed, Baby!" He yelled over his shoulder, "Daddy's busy." He spoke the last words to y/n in a lustful tone. Admiring her flustered appearance, he moved to kiss her again as-
"Godrick, what'd I do to deserve this?" He grumbled causing y/n to giggle. "Go to her." She nudged, "I'll still be here when you get back." Fred sat back onto his knees, pointing a stern finger as he spoke "Don't fall asleep." "I won't." Y/n replied as he got off the bed and made his way to the door.
"Can't guarantee I won't start without you though."
Fred turned back, watching from just outside the door as a wicked grin settled across her features. "Don't you dare." He warned taking a step back toward the room.
Y/n raised her brow; challenging his dominance. One hand delicately played with her exposed collar bone as her other crept down her body, disappearing between her thighs.
Her back arched as she ran fingers through her slick folds, a soft moan filling the room. Fred made another move back towards the bedroom, hand clutching the door frame as he-
"DADDY!!!" Another call from their daughter. He peered back down the hall, eyeing her bedroom door which were slightly ajar. "Daddy?" Y/n spoke in a low sultry tone, deliberately trying to rile him up.
Fred frustratidly ran a hand over his eyes, facing quite the personal dilemma. Groaning loudly he shook his head, seemingly shaking the sense and strength into himself as he marched down the hallway in a huff. Y/n was unable to restrain the laughter that erupted from her chest at his reaction.
While Fred tended to their daughter y/n took the moment to get comfortable. Lighting a candle and fluffing the pillows below her head to find the best position for when her husband returns in any second...
Any minute now. He's probably just reading her a quick story to get her settled.
Maybe she should just start without him?
That was the last thought to cross her mind before she found herself waking from a sleep she hadn't meant to fall into. Fred had laid down beside her. "Oh, so you are coming back to bed?" Y/n asked sarcastically, voice groggy. "Mmm. Told you not to fall asleep." He quipped, tucking himself in next to her side. One arm snuck beneath her shoulder blades, pulling her into him, as the other wrapped around her waist. "I wouldn't have, had you'd been back sooner." Y/n nestled in against his chest as she felt him place a kiss to her head.
"Had to read her a story. Then one turned to two; two to three and soon enough I realised I'd been conned by a 4 year old. She's a brat...just like her Mother." The couple chuckled before falling quickly off to sleep.
Y/n was the first to wake the next morning. Smiling giddily at the disheveled appearance of her partner as well as the similar position of her daughter down the hall, she decided to ready breakfast as the two slept.
She were half way through her pancake batter when Fred's strong arms wrapped her in a tight embrace. His hands lightly squeezed at her sides as he kissed the exposed skin of her neck.
"Morning" he mumbled against her skin. "Smells good."
"I woke up with such a craving so just thought I'd start cooking, while you two obviously decided you'd sleep all day." She chuckled to which Fred hummed in response. "I wasn't talking about the food."
Reaching one arm past hers Fred switched off the stove and move the pan from its burner. "Hey! What are yo-"
Y/n didn't have a chance to finish her sentence as she was quickly spun to face her lover. Pushed flush into the cold counter as his lips connected with hers. She moaned contently into the kiss as she felt his hands run below her ass and she was then hoisted onto the counter top beside the stove.
"I'm not hungry for that." His expression was stern and his voice low. Roughly pulling her legs apart his hands hooked the underside of her knees, pulling to bring her to the edge of the bench.
Her lips were brought back to his as a hand grasped the nape of her neck and he stepped between her legs which wrapped eagerly around his waist.
Their movements were passionate and quickly becoming more heated; soon finding themselves fucking roughly on the kitchen bench their only thoughts set on each other.
With every hard thrust from Fred y/ns head and shoulders were being pushed against the cabinetry, whilst Fred buried his head in her neck biting softly on the bare skin to keep himself relatively quiet.
"God, Fred I'm close." Y/n moaned.
A groan came deep from within Fred's throat in response which sent chills through his lovers body. He pulled back and brought a hand to grasp her chin kissing her. His thrusts slowed as he relished in the feeling of her tongue against his as-
"Mummy?" a tired voice spoke from the other side of the room. "Fuck!" Fred breathed through gritted teeth as he pulled out and covered himself. Y/n jumped down from the bench flattening the shirts ends to cover herself as well. "Yeah, Sweetie?" She asked hurriedly trying to sound as normal as possible. "What are you doing?" "Nothing baby, Daddy and I are just cooking breakfast." She eyed Fred somewhat panicked as he leant over the island bench of their flat, in attempt to hide a certain problem- "ah, That's right." He nodded a hand coming over his mouth to restrain the shocked laughter threatening to spill out.
"Why were you on the bench? You told me we weren't allowed to sit on the bench."
"That's right, I'm sorry baby I shouldn't have been up there. Won't happen again."
Fred's head snapped over his shoulder to peer at y/n with furrowed brows, "it won't?" He questioned. He'd been quite enjoying their little indiscretion until the unexpected appearance of their daughter, he would gladly throw her atop the counter again in a heartbeat.
Y/ns eyes widen, lips forming a thin line in a statement which helped realisation dawn on her partner. "Oh, yep. Won't happen again." He smiled innocently to Cassi. "Princess, why don't you go grab the mail from the front then we can start breakfast." He winked as she excitedly skipped to the front door.
He looked back to his wife who was rubbing forcibly at her eyes. Chuckling as he placed both hands to her hips, a guesture which brought her attention back to him. "God, she's going to be traumatised when she's older if she ever realises." "Pay back for being a cock block." Fred laughed as Y/n slapped him with the spatula she'd been using earlier.
"Sad thing is; that's the closest we've gotten in weeks to...ya know." "Not close enough." Fred grumbled placing a quick kiss to her lips. "Let's eat. I'm starving."
Y/n let out a sharp breath, watching as she noticed Cassi bound into the room and sit up patiently at the table, mail placed neatly in front of her as she traced the lettering on the envelopes.
"I'm not hungry for that." Y/n whispered into Fred's ear, looking back up to him with big eyes before an evil smile came across her face and she reached out to palm him gently.
Fred's head fell back and he inhaled sharply, clenching his jaw before letting out a heavy breath. Until his own sly grin crept across his lips and he was smiling back down to his wife.
"Hey, Princess." He called over his shoulder, not breaking eye contact with Y/n "What do you say about a sleep over at Grandma and Grandpa's tonight?"
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rezzyromance · 3 years
What would happen if Heisenberg found reader’s diary?
What if said diary had a written confession of a crush/feelings?
I think he would be very giddy + cocky about it. He would tease reader making off handed comments with certain words she used in her diary to describe him until it clicked with her that he read it.
NSFW is not necessary but encouraged 🥴
Being greedy I’d like to see another prompt with the roles reversed - reader finds his diary.
Ps I love your writing 💕
Oh my god please this is so good.
NSFW +18 (CW: Sexual talk, but no actual sex. Nothing too specific.)
You closed your eyes and tilted your head back as your body relaxed, soaking in the hot water of a bath you made for yourself. The parts of the factory that you often roamed in were often cold, so it was nice to have a hot bath from time to time. As much as you were curious about the other parts of the factory, Karl made it clear to you that he didn't want you wandering around them. He wanted you to stick to the more "livable" parts of the factory like the bedroom, bathroom, and occasionally his office.
Your relationship with Karl was just a close friendship. You were someone who he felt like he could trust and you gave him company. While he only saw you as a good friend, you had regrettably grown feelings for him. Much more intimate feelings. Sleeping in his bedroom since there were no other bedrooms in the factory didn't help either. He didn't sleep often as he was too devoted to his work, but when he did it was often on the couch in his office. You felt bad practically stealing his bed from him, but his bed became a safe space for you as it still smelled like him.
After bathing yourself and relaxing a little bit longer, you pull the plug on the tub and begin to get out. Once you step out of the tub, you look around and realize something is missing. You forgot to grab a towel or clothes to change into. You groan and walk over to the bathroom door, opening it just enough for your voice to travel out of it more clearly. "KARL! KAAAARL!", you cry out for his attention. "WHAT?!", you hear his mumbled voice yell from his nearby office. "I FORGOT TO GRAB TOWELS AND CLOTHES FOR MY BATH. COULD YOU PLEASE GO GET ME SOME?", you ask. The air was dead silent, but you know he was groaning quietly to himself. "FINE!", he exits his office and you hear as he moves towards the bedroom. You then walk back over and sit in the now empty tub, patiently waiting for him.
He grumbled the entire way to the room. He hated being interrupted, but he knew if he didn't help now then you would just continue to beg. He goes into what used to be his bedroom and rummages around, looking for some clothes to get you. He tried not to think about how weird it was that he was digging through your belongings. He found a warm looking sweater that was on top of a chair. When he pulled it from the chair, something fell and hit his boot. He looked down to see a book. A diary. He chuckled slightly to himself when he realized you had a diary.
He reached down and picked it up, contemplating on whether or not he should put it back or snoop even further. He always did wonder why you stick around the factory. While the living area of it is safer than outside, it seemed like a depressing life to live, roaming only a few rooms in a large factory with little interaction. But still, you stuck around and seemed to almost enjoy it. He begins to open the diary, hoping to find some answers to his questions.
"Tonight is my first night spent in the Heisenberg factory. The factory itself is quite intimidating, but intriguing. To think that Karl built this army all by himself. He's so smart, I hope my presence doesn't drag down his success... and he's letting me sleep in his bed. He said he doesn't sleep much to begin with, but I feel a little bad like I'm intruding or something. Oh well."
He chuckles. The comment "He's so smart" slowly goes to his head, inflating his ego. He turns a couple more pages and continues to read.
"Today, I was bored and lonely. Karl usually says to not interrupt his work, but he was just in the office space. I thought maybe I wouldn't be too much of a distraction if I just popped in. What I didn't know was that before I entered, he had been recently doing some metal work in the hotter parts of the factory. The last thing I was expecting was to open to door and see him shirtless and sweaty. I couldn't move. He had this look in his eye that expressed his frustration, but it almost look animalistic.. like a predator viewing it's prey. I can't get the image out of my head, but I really don't mind."
He remembers that day. He was frustrated about you interrupting his work, but had no idea you were so flustered about him being shirtless. Animalistic? The words seem so sexual in a way. Could you be insinuating some sort of attraction? He flips through some more pages.
"While Karl does have powers to control metal, he still does his fair share of labor work. Today, he let me follow him around the factory while he worked because I told him how I was bored recently. I didn't think he'd actually let me join him. Could he possibly have grown some sort of attachment to me? It seems so out of the ordinary for him to agree to something like that. Maybe I'm just letting my hopes get the best of me. Either way, I couldn't help but notice the way he grunts when he's doing strenuous work. They made my mind wander. And I couldn't stop staring at his arms as he works. His muscles and veins bulge out of his strong arms whenever he handles something heavy. I just couldn't stop thinking about how sexy he looked. I hope he didn't notice."
He was shocked by the words, but a grin grew on his face as he processed them. He never realized how infatuated you were with him. The concept began to make him feel powerful. He continued to snoop.
"Last night, Karl made some sort of huge achievement in his inventions. I've never seen him so excited. He laughed so loud and it made my heart flutter to see him so happy. We celebrated by drinking. He doesn't usually drink, but he was just too happy and felt like celebrating. I drank enough to get tipsy. It was enough to fill me with almost enough confidence to make a move, but I never did. I couldn't sit still in my seat, though. He looked so relaxed in his chair as a cigar hung from his mouth. His eyes pierced through the smoke and I couldn't look away. He looked me up and down so much last night. What could have been on his mind? I wish I did something to show or tell him how I feel. I can admit to myself that I love him, but will I ever be able to admit it to him?"
The words caused him to freeze. "I love him." His brow furrowed as his feelings confused him. Why did these words make him feel so strange? He turned a page again.
"My mind is completely clouded with him. So many things I want him to do to me. I want him to make me beg. I want to feel his rough hands grip me all over. And I want to know what that scar on his lip feels like against mine. It's my favorite of his scars. His rough body has so many stories to tell and I want to be the one to hear them. I want to hear the way he grunts again. I want his powerful eyes to be fixed on me again. All I want is him."
His face is flushed and he noticed his pants slowly started to feel tighter. A new sense of power stroked his ego. A power over you that he never knew he had.
"KARL! WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY TOWELS AND CLOTHES! I'M GETTING COLD!", you shivered in the empty tub. What could have taken him so long? Your muffled complaints snapped him out of his nosey gaze. He quickly throws your diary onto the chair, unaware that he left it open, and gathers some clothes for you before rushing out. He grabs some towels on the way and opens the bathroom door slowly, sticking only his arm out with the towels in his hand.
"About damn time. I was worried you were gonna let me die in here." you make your way over to the door, reaching for the towels. As you reach, he suddenly raises his arm, causing the towels to no longer be in reaching distance. "Beg for them.", he says. You can't see his face, but you can tell that he has a grin stretching across it as he says this. You freeze. "What?" "I said beg for them. Go on." Your heart begins to pound in flustered confusion. "P-please...", your cold, naked, vulnerable body gets covered in goosebumps. "Louder.", he shakes the towel to taunt you. "Please!", you reach up and grab a small part of the towel. You hear him chuckle behind the door. He begins to pull on the towel, slowly pulling your body forward. You try to keep your feet on the ground and keep your balance. If he keeps pulling, you're bare body would be in his sight from the crack of the door. Why is he doing this? "Karl please! You're being a jackass!", you try to verbally assert your dominance but fail. "An animalistic jackass, perhaps?", his own words cause him to let out a cocky laugh.
It suddenly hit you. He knows how you view him and how you feel about him. He finally lets go of the towels and you wrap them around you, panicking over his new discovery of your feelings. There's only one way he learned all of this. Your diary.
You pull the door open and begin to run towards the bed room, your feet slapping against the cold ground. "Where ya goin' (Y/N)? You forgot your clothes.", he smiles and begins to walk in your direction. You make it into your room and rush over to where you normally keep your diary. You see it laying wide open. You cover your mouth as your face grows hot. His foot steps grow louder and closer until they stop as he stands in your door way. He pushes his sunglasses over his head, resting them on top so you can see into his eyes which you apparently loved so much. He whistled to get your attention and your head jolts in his direction. "Hm. What's that?", he points at your diary and fails to hide a grin. "You dick.", you mutter, embarrassed to all hell. "Yeah, but at least I'm a strong, sexy, animalistic dick. At least, according to you.", he laughs and throws your clothes in your direction, walking down the hallway to leave you alone for now. But, this definitely won't be the end of his teasing. (EDIT: I forgot to mention that I will be doing a similar story where the roles are reversed another time. Thank you anon for the amazing request.)
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faeryloki · 3 years
𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐚 𝐲𝐚𝐠𝐚 ♢ 𝐛. 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬
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𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩 ➸ 2.4k (2,481) 𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 ➸ mob!bucky x reader ;  “Kitten, don’t make me tell you twice.” 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 ➸ SMUT 18+ ONLY MINIRS DNI, oral (m & f receiving) , face fucking , degrading , pet names (kitten, baby) , name calling , teasing , masturbation ,  mocking , daddy kink , choking , rough sex , edging , hair pulling/yanking ,
𝙖/𝙣 ➸ stan the john wick movies for giving me the baba yaga idea- this is pure filth- and im h-word at my own writing- also i listened to my god complex playlist on repeat while writing this- enjoy :)
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚: “oh kitten, you really thought you’d get away with touching what daddy owns, huh?” he asked, grabbing your cheeks roughly, forcing you to look up at him from your kneeled position on the floor in front of him, “think batting those pretty little eyes is gonna stop me? you’re so cute when you’re at my mercy.”
earlier that day….
“daddyyyy, please i’m bored,” you whined, your legs strewn over the side of the couch in his office.
“kitten, i suggest you stop whining unless you want to get punished,’ he scolded not even bothering to look up from his work, as a knock sounded on the door.
“enter,” you boyfriend said, his best friends sam and steve walking in, as sam began talking. steve looked at you, giving you a once over, his eyes hesitantly stopping at where your dress rose up on your thigh and it clicked.
you got up, giving sam a quick side hug, bucky’s eyes flickering to yours for a millisecond as sam stopped what he was saying giving you a quick “heya, love muffin” the nickname making you smile as you remembered the whole boss’ girl debacle.
you smiled fondly at the memory of it being the first day bucky let you come to work with him, you were in the kitchen eating a muffin when both sam and steve came in. they stopped, looking at you for a moment before coming up sam throwing the trashiest pick up line, asking if he could be your ‘love-muffin’. you replied saying how you didn't think your boyfriend would be ok with that. they gave you confuse glances, saying something along the lines of “whos the pussy that's not spending time with his girl and leaving her alone?” you simply giggled, saying the few words that made them look like deer in headlights, “oh just your boss, bucky.”
you laughed at their shocked expressions, brushing off saying how you wouldn't tell bucky about what they said. the next time you met, sam joked around about the meeting, calling you ‘love muffin’ and it stuck. but you knew for a fact it irritated bucky every time he said it, mainly because you never told him the origin story and it bugged him.
you moved to steve, giving him a hug, but lingering a little longer than sam, knowing bucky would catch on to the extended affection. steve hugged you back, kissing your forehead as you went back to the couch, deciding on how your plan should begin. the hug you gave steve was useless, only needing it to just give him a little edge.
they talked for a bit, your hands trailing up and down your exposed thigh, buckys eyes flickering over every minute, watching you for a few seconds before going back to the conversation. you pushed your dress up slightly, trailing your fingers up and down, before going across to your inner thigh. you pretended not to notice bucky staring at you, your eyes focused on a book that you picked up of boredom.
you smirked behind the pages, upping the stakes by spreading you legs slightly, happy that the two men who stood talking couldnt see you. your legs opened, giving bucky a view of the red lace panties you had on today. his eyes flickered to you, darkening before turning his attention back to the men. you huffed, deciding to go farther in your plan, you started toying with the edge of the fabric, pulling it up slightly.
sam and steve said bye, giving you a quick wave as you smiled at them, wishing them a good day. you went back to your book, legs spread all the way as your dress did little to hid your actions. you slipped your hand down your pants, swiping your arousal, moaning at the dampness. he looked at you, challenging you to continue. and you did.
you toyed with your clit, small moans leaving your mouth as he smirked at you, amused.
“oh, is kitten needy for daddy? is kitten that needy she wants to be a bad girl?” he mocked, standing up from his desk and walking over. by now your book was rested on your chest, your hand grasping part of your dress as you pleasured yourself.
he stalked over, grabbing your hand and pulling it from under your panties, “now, now darlin’, i didn’t say you could touch what’s mine. and you’re being a bad girl. and you know what bad girls get?”
“p-punished,” you said meekly, not meeting his eyes.
he grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him, “exactly, kitten, and you’ve been bad girl, so you’re gonna stay right here, and not complain, and when we get home…imma remind you who owns that pretty little pussy.”
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
“i asked you a question, kitty, i expect a response. unless, someone wants to be a bad kitty, hmm? you wanna be a bad kitten?” he questioned, kneeling down to you, his hand moving from your cheeks to your neck, pulling you to him.
you shook your head, a whine leaving your lips as his fingers squeezed your throat slightly, a smirk moving its way towards his face at your reaction. “oh, you wanna be good kitty? awhh, look at you, being a good girl…i think my kitty deserves some cream, huh?” he mocked your aroused state, standing back up as he unbuttoned his pants, barely pulling them down as his erection stood free.  your mouth watered slightly at the sight, his red tip dripping precum as veins popped.
“well, what are you waiting for, take my fucking cock,” he said, yanking your head back by your hair, eyes fueled with lust. he let go, hand still placed on your head as your mouth was on him not a second later, swallowing him. he guided your mouth, saliva dribbling down the corners of your mouth as tears formed in the corner of your eyes. he was too big to take, his head hitting the back of your throat with every small thrust of his hips, and your hand worked the rest, moving up and down in tandem with your mouth
your eyes traveled up him, settling on his thrown back head, small moans leaving his mouth as he praised you. his moaning only spurred you one, your hand dropping as you tried to take him whole. his hand pushed you down, taking control as his hips moved roughly, your gags sounding as the tears slid down your face.
“fuck…kitten, doin so well- fuck! takin’ my cock so good,” he praised, his other hand now placed on your head as he fucked your throat. you gagged more, tears soaking your face as your once perfect mascara, streamed down with them, “so close, kitten- fuck- wanna cum in that tight little pussy though.”
he stopped, pulling out and looking down at you, a smirk playing at his lips, “awh kitten you look so pretty down on your knees and absolutely ruined…might have to see you like this more often.”
you whimpered, the though of being on your knees and gagging on him making you clench your thighs together.
“awh, baby, that turn you on? want daddy to fuck your face again? god you’re a filthy little whore, but you’re my whore. ‘m so fucking lucky to have you kitten always so needy and ready for daddy, huh:? and that pussy is just so fucking perfect, kitten, always so fucking tight,” he praised, a whine-like sound escaping your lips as he looked at you, an eyebrow raised.
“what, kitten? what do you want?”
“please- please daddy- fuck me please,” your voice was hoarse as you spoke, the gravelly tone making bucky’s cock as he heard the aftermath of his pleasure.
“want daddy to fuck you, kitten? want daddy’s cock in you?” he teased, his hand on your cheek as his thumb pulled down your bottom lip, forcing its way into your mouth.
you nodded quickly, scooting forward in anticipation, his thumb leaving your mouth as his hand moved down to our neck, grabbing it and squeezing lightly. an involuntary moan left your lips, eyes fluttering shut.
“such a filthy kitten….on the bed, baby,” he ordered, his hand leaving your throat as you hurried onto the bed. he stood looking at you, pushing up the sleeves to his white dress shirt, a smirk pulling at his lips as he watched you wait.
“good girl,” he said, walking closer. the praise had you mewling, a chuckle sounding from his chest at your reaction.
“oh so now you wanna be my good girl?” he hummed, his hand going back to your throat but not squeezing. his thumb softly caressed your neck, his eyes filled with lust and love as you stared up at him, “on your back, kitten….i wanna taste this kitty’s cream.”
you didn’t follow his orders right away, the hand on your throat immediately pushing you so you were laying on your back, you legs dangling off the bed. he pulled you forward by the back of your knees, his mouth leaving hot kisses on your inner thighs as he made his way to your core.
“please…” you breathlessly moaned, the teasing make your cunt throb.
“don’t cum unless i say so, kitten, that’s your punishment,” he smirked, pulling down your panties as he left a quick kiss to your clit.
you whined, his tongue worked your clit, a finger circling your entrance before sinking in, a moan escaping your mouth as it curled hitting your g spot. you felt his smirk against you, his fingers moved faster, moans leaving your lips. your hand pulled at his hair, writhing underneath his mouth.
“please daddy- im so close, please,” you whined, knowing if he continued you would cum.
he pulled away, tutting and shaking his head, “you know the rules kitten, no coming unless i say so. and you don’t want daddy to mad, do you? ‘cause you know what they call me when i don’t get my way, huh babygirl?” you nodded, not meeting his eyes. he moved towards you, a hand forcing your face to meet his.
“what do they call me, kitten?”
“…baba yaga,” you said quietly.
“and why?” he questioned, an eyebrow arched waiting for your answer.
“b-because you turn into the boogeyman when you dont get what you want…” you said, your tongue darting out to lick your lips, his eyes flickering down to your mouth. he smirked, his hand letting go of your face and moving to your throat, trailing down slowly before his fingers wrapped around your throat. a quiet moan left your lips, your legs clenching at his dark gaze. “awhh is kitten turned on by daddy’s hand around her neck?” he fake pouted, his voice mocking as his other hand slipped between your legs, “you like daddy choking you? bet you also like daddy’s fingers on this pussy, huh? just a filthy little slut for me.”
your hand gripped his forearm, eyes pleading to let you cum but your reaction only spurred him on, his fingers moving faster against your clit. your eyes rolled back, the pleasure too much as you held back your orgasm, pleads for him  to stop rolling off your lips.
“please buck- please no more- i cant take it- please.”
he pulled away, pouting, “come on kitten, you know what to call me, don’t make me punish you further by not letting you come at all tonight. i’m being very lenient today.”
“sorry, daddy,” you squeaked out, squirming under his hard stare.
“good girl,” he breathed, aligning his cock with your entrance, teasing you, “now continue being that good girl and take this cock like the slut i know you are.”
his words and his slow invasion into you had you moaning, the stretch still nothing you were used to. his groans mixed with yours, small whispers of your name following as he pumped in and out of you.
“please, daddy, faster- please need you to fill me up- please,” breathy moans left your mouth, nails digging into his skin.
“faster, baby? want me to ruin this pretty pussy? wanna be leaking with my cum?” he taunted, hips slowing as you let out a whine.
“no, faster daddy, please, faster,” you mewled, hips bucking to his but his hand held your waist down.
“say it, kitten, tell me what you want daddy to do,” he groaned.
“want you to go faster, daddy, want you to ruin my pussy, please, daddy,” you begged, eyes pleading as he finally complied, a smirk on his face as he pounded into you. your moans caught in your throat, eyes rolling back slightly. “so tight, kitten, almost like i’ve never fucked you before,” he moaned, hands in a bruising grip on your hips, “just my little fuck-toy, huh, kitten? just love daddy fucking you so good.”
“p-please daddy- i-im so close- please,” your back arched, moans and whines leaving your lips.
“already, kitten? just started having my fun, hold it, baby, you cum when i tell you,” he commanded, a whimper leaving your lips, “got that kitten?”
“y-yes daddy,” you whined, tears welling from the inability to release.
“awhh, is kitten gonna cry? kitten can’t handle daddy fucking her so hard? not letting her cum? you wanna cum, then beg,” his hand slid to your throat, applying the lightest of pressure, but it was enough to send you over, pleads leaving your mouth.
“please daddy, please, i’ll be good i promise, please need’a cum, please daddy,” you begged, whimpering with each of his thrusts.
“cum, kitten, cum,” he moaned as he felt your walls flutter around him, squeezing him.
you moaned as he kept pounding into you, a smirk on his lips as he pulled out, your cum following before he flipped you over, leaning down to your ear as whispered, “don’t get tired on me now, kitten, daddy’s not done with you just yet.”
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
taglist coming soon
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