#shout out to most of the mgs characters
painsandconfusion · 1 year
(tw: character death, murder, overdose, broken bones, sliced vocal chords, hospital setting, drugging, abuse mention) [Drabble Masterpost]
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Whumpee’s feet ground to a stop as they entered the hospital room.
Eyes locked on the bed.
The bandage-wrapped being lying on it.
They step softly into the window-lit room. It was grey. Silent. Just the bustling sounds of nurses moving through the halls, a few children playing in a waiting room below, and the steady whirr and beep of machines that faded listlessly into the background. 
It felt like a dream.
Familiarity surrounded Whumpee. Their scrubs - the soft fabric pressed to their skin. The room they worked in every day - or at least ones just like it. The sounds and smells all around them.
Then Whumper’s face.
Also familiar - far too familiar, but…not here. It didn’t belong here. It made the familiar unfamiliar in the most unsettling ways.
Whumper still wasn’t looking at them, sleepy from painkillers and the exhaustion of the pain itself.
About fucking time they got a taste of pain. Exhausting, isn’t it?
Whumpee stepped closer, fingers dipping down to a bandage that wrapped Whumper’s leg.
Whumper winced - their entire body recoiling and tensing under Whumpee’s grip as they pressed against the wound - still tender from the reconstruction surgery.
Whumper’s eyes lock soundlessly onto them. 
All Whumpee could see in them was fear. 
About time.
Whumpee’s fingers bit down, thumb pressing into the stitches and pulling a hoarse whine from Whumper’s throat. 
“They told me you were here. I didn’t believe it. Thought there must be two people with the same name. But no.” They gripped tighter. “Here you are.”
Whumper squirmed under Whumpee’s grip. Warm and wriggling and panicked, all wrapped up and absolutely nowhere to go.
Whumpee’s eyes flicked to the door. “Technically, you’re not on my floor.” They release Whumper’s leg to pluck up their chart from its place, skimming through it. “So let’s make this fast.”
Whumper’s lips moved, but no sound came out - windshield glass to the trachea would do that to a guy.
“You always drove too fast,” Whumpee mused, eyes locking on ‘morphine - 15 mg’. “Breaking the law got you killed.” They tisked softly, tongue clicking against their teeth as they shifted to the cabinet and unlocked it, rifling through the supplies. 
They turned back with a small bottle of morphine. 
A syringe.
They stabbed it into the rubber and pulled out 30 more mg, eyes tracking the filling of the syringe. Plenty.
Flicking it idly, they replaced the bottle and closed the cabinet doors.
Whumper was wriggling now, cast-clad arm trying to bend up to the call button.
Whumpee took it, shifting it a few inches - just out of reach. 
They directed their attention to Whumper’s other arm, holding it down with one hand while the other pricked the morphine into the access port as Whumper hissed lightly, trying to pull away. 
“Shhhhhhhh,” Whumpee cooed, pressing the syringe down and letting it drip through the tubing. Manic, focused eyes watched the clear liquid’s journey down the catheter, through the needle, and into Whumper’s bloodstream, heart beating faster at their own audacity and the thrill of this moment.
Whumper’s lips kept shifting, shaping around the building blocks of a word. “P-s - pls- ps- d-dnt-”
Whumpee’s eyes flicked up, dark and wild. “How many times did I beg you to stop?” 
Whumper shook their head in desperate, twitching jolts.
“And how many times did you listen?” They pressed the rest of the morphine into Whumper’s bloodstream as Whumper tried to thrash away. 
But Whumpee’s work was done. They popped the syringe from the access point, capping and pocketing it to throw away in a different garbage. 
“Never. You never stopped. Not even once.”
Whumpee stepped back, watching Whumper fumble uselessly for the call button, hoarse, pathetic attempts at a whisper-shout whining from their lips. 
Whumpee pushed down the urge to watch, hand finding the doorknob. “I hope you rot.” They shoved the handle down and disappeared into the hall.
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(tags: @prisonerwhump @whumpawink @mabledonut @happy-little-sadist @paleassprince @distinctlywhumpthing @wibbly-wobbly-whump @batfacedliar-yetagain @suspicious-whumping-egg @wormwriting @cat-anony @villainsvictim @throwawaywhumper @wild-selenite-caffine @whumpasaurus101 @thecitythatdoesntsleep @whumpworld @pinkieglitterheart @whumpberry-cookie @rainbows-and-whumperflies @a-galactic-fox @shywhumpauthor @cyberneticwhump @bumpwhump @hold-back-on-the-comfort @veyroswin @whumping-seven-days-a-week @whumpingisfun @suffering-and-misery @definitely-not-a-seagull-i-swear @yetanotheraltwhumpblog) 
As always, lmk if you want to be added or removed from any tag lists!
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alegacyofmonsters · 2 years
That finale was brutal for anyone who enjoyed the characters of Legacies, but especially for anyone who had Lizzie, MG, Landon, and Jed as comfort characters.
Lizzie's romantic and personal arc for four seasons being trying (and failing) to force an epic romance with various men, including MG, instead of being independent ends with her unenthusiastically giving in to someone who never accepted that she wasn't interested (and this is coming from someone who loves the fuck out of MG) and who she still can't even say she has any sort of feelings for?
What was supposed to come out of that "I owe him a shot" "I have no reason not to anymore" narrative other than encouragement for men to keep going and going and going until the woman finally gives in, even if in this case, years later, and encouragement for women to settle out of fear of being alone. To see a show that's supposed to be aimed at a younger audience with that theme is, quite frankly, terrifying. Especially one that advertised itself as "woke" on and off screen for four seasons.
Lizzie could've easily ended the series single and finding herself like her entire arc was leading to, but the choice to shove her with the person who has been disrespecting her boundaries for years, the person who she proudly admits to being able to manipulate and not feel anything for, was intentional.
They set MG's character development all the way back to Season 1 and erased every way he had grown in the last four seasons. They set Lizzie's character back to Season 1 and undid every ounce of her growth in the cruelest, most misogynistic way possible. They made it so evident in their treatment in the finale that neither character ever meant shit to somebody in power on that show.
Mild-mannered MG who would never, whose whole thing that made us love him is being a kind-hearted, feminist-pacifist, and strong-willed Lizzie who supposedly learned her self-worth over the series, instead of getting any sort of ending, any sort of scenes with their best friends or family (Kaleb and MG got not one scene, Hope and Lizzie got a singular thirty-second moment), revert backed to the 1940s miserable house-wife and husband stereotype.
Lizzie spent a majority of her screentime sitting, being yelled at by someone trying to mainsplain the school's meaning that she, the one the school was literally created for, would understand better than everyone else. The man who would, to be very clear, absolutely never shout at his friends about what their experience should be and would never say they were bullying him by making the personal decisions that were best for them. Who has always preached about personal agency. Caroline showed up for the first time in three years, no explanation, and Lizzie got two thirty-second moments with her.
Lizzie and Hope, who were the only remaining main characters after Josie left, got back-burnered in their own finale and to their love interest men, which, in some way, seems even crueler because these men are absolutely amazing characters we love. They're adored and we wanted to see them on our screens, we wanted time with them in the finale, but not at the cost of our female leads. How are we supposed to keep loving their characters without holding some sort of animosity towards how things shook out in the end?
And that's not to say their treatment was any better either. Pardon my language, but what the fuck kind of ending is Landon being separated from everyone he loves and trapped in an emotionless eternity of servitude? "I finally have a place where I belong" and it's being servant to limbo for the rest of his life which is forever. Why was so much of the finale devoted to hammering in how awful and unfair and cruel his circumstances were while trying to pass it off as some sort of happy ending? Like he was just okay with this monumental injustice?
Landon's unfair treatment certainly didn't start this episode either, but Alaric getting to just run off and write another book about the supernatural without any sort of nod to what his return yanked away from Landon? No second thought to him? Not a single mention that he wouldn't be here, wouldn't be able to do any of this, without Landon's sacrifice?
I say this as one of the rare someones who actually enjoys Alaric's character, there's no way to spin that doesn't make it look like some in power on that show favors old white men, whose story is long overtold, over semi-decent storytelling. There was no reason at all for him to come back. He added nothing to the story afterwards, spare a few good fatherly moments with Lizzie and Hope, whereas Landon would've added everything. You can argue that it was meant to be unfair and that it was meant to shake the watcher's sense of justice, but the "happy" ending makes me not buy it.
That is the type of cruelty exclusively reserved for POC under Julie Plec's reign, which leads exactly into my next point: Jed. Jed spent an entire episode fighting with Ben about his "curse" and how he didn't see it as a curse. Ignoring the fact that this "angst" seemed to be manufactured out of thin air for the drama, it lead to a long speech about how much Jed enjoys being a wolf. He loves it. It's very much a part of who he is without being unhealthily all of who he is. He loved being the alpha and he loved his pack. He didn't want to get rid of it, and he made that painfully clear to Ben and Finch both. It could not have been any clearer.
So why, praytell, did the finale illogically bring him losing his werewolf side? MG and Kaleb remained vampires, and in Kaleb's case, a dragon as well, so why did Jed, the one person who loved his curse, get it stripped away? Had there been another episode or even later scene that touched on it, it could've been good. He could've grappled with it. It could've been something for him to overcome. But instead he just ... accepted it?
Jed didn't get to have any feelings about part of himself disappearing in a disappointingly Landon-esque way. He didn't get to have thoughts on something he loves being stolen? No emotions to be had and expressed? No outrage at what had been done to him, when just an episode or two before he had been shouting from rooftops about how awful it would be to take that part of him away? That feels like a giant slap in the face to anyone who loved him or even just valued him.
Yeah, the finale was never going to be perfect. It was never going to wrap up everything open with a little bow. It was never going to be enough to honor everything in the trilogy that had come before. I think most of us had accepted that. We were ready to love something less than perfect so long as it remained Legacies, so long as we got to spend another 42 minutes with our favorite characters, and we fucking didn't.
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wyrmguardsecrets · 3 months
(sorry for the length) I haven't been seriously RPing since 2018, and I had taken a full on break from RP all together for this past year and just played the game without it. I have been here for over 10 years in our RP community, ever since Emerald Dream was the place to be. And yeah, I've been through hell and back in terms of drama especially when I was a teenager (I'm not excusing myself btw, I was a piece of shit on a few occasions and I recognize that, I got caught up in drama and wasn't able to maturely handle it).
I decided to jump back into RP this past autumn because I missed it, so I switched from WrA to MG just to test the waters and I've just got to say: I've had a wonderful time. People have been so friendly and welcoming to me and have shown genuine interest in my character and writing. We're building little friendships and plotlines and I am so happy. I don't know if it's the fact that I'm older and have had the time to regulate my emotions and stuff and be more mature in my own writing and interactions, but I just care so much less about OOC drama. I care so much less about being The Best or the most interesting character. And I'm having fucking fun, the most fun I've ever had RPing on this game in more than TEN years of this hobby.
The key is not caring disproportionately. The key is being mature enough to understand the OOC dynamic of this hobby and what you should rightfully expect from other players and knowing what they rightfully expect from you. The key is being able to separate yourself from OOC drama and view this hobby as what it is. It sounds obvious and easy, but it is not, emotions get in the way, people take things personally, it gets away from them. But for example; I used to read this blog like the morning paper and go feral over OOC secrets years ago, and now I skim it and can't even be bothered to give a shit about 90% of them. I peek at it since I've come back out of curiosity but I just find I cannot give a shit about the RP secrets, and it makes the community look way more toxic than it is - I'm not denying that there is very real pestilence among us but you understand.
I've been RPing for about 3 months now again and I've only had a great time and met so many people, been to so many community events (MASSIVE shout out to the people who organize these!! You rock!!) You have a hand in what you'll put up with and how you react to it, and when you figure that out everything changes.
Stay having fun, stay being creative <3 We're all just a bunch of losers playing pretend in a video game. And to my new friends: thank you, even though you won't know this is about you. I'll thank you in person myself anyway. I love reading your writing, I love diving into your stories. I love being able to share creativity with such awesome people all across the world.
If you're frustrated and drained and not enjoying this, remember why you loved it and maybe take a step back. Under the bowling for soup song there is real good here and really great people. (since people read into things with negative intent i would like to state clearly that holding predators and abusers accountable is not at all what I'm talking about)
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mewtonian-physics · 10 months
Mgs top 3 fandom ask game ‼️😋
3 male characters I love:
raiden, liquid, mantis (raikov only tangentially counts because i like the version of him seth and i came up with and not the official canon version so liquid and mantis get shout outs here)
3 female characters I love:
well i adore sunny, absolute baby. aside from her... man i'm IN love with most of the women in metal gear. ummm the boss for sure. and fortune. honorable mention to mei ling because i love her.
3 romantic ships I love:
the boss the sorrow dr strangelove and eva (fake) should have run off into the woods to raise their weird kids together and i will DIE on that hill i don't care about the logistics
i love the fucked up mother base polycule they are all so insane god bless
...does the version of raikov seth and i made up/oc seth and i made up count...? because if so that one might be my favorite
3 platonic dynamics I love:
raiden and sunny are sooooooo siblings. the siblings of all time.
look raikov and ocelot are besties that's a fact i don't care if official canon says so or not. i know what i'm talking about.
i would have liked to see more of olga and raiden interacting. why couldn't she have lived.
3 favorite moments in canon:
liquid's whole impersonation + the reveal in mgs1
it's because he's bisexual
raiden blocking a kiss with his sword
3 favorite headcanons:
i practically made up a whole universe about this that could answer this question ten billion times over so uh, that
autistic raiden and sunny sooooo real
liquid and mantis psychic bond forever please please please i'm nothing
3 least favorite things about it:
well. to quote the indubitably correct seth
the man on fire
the villain of mgs3
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garak · 2 years
anyways i love mantis i think his dynamic with liquid is so great and he’s one of the best mgs characters despite having a speaking role in only one game. he’s probably the mgs character i draw most after ocelot i just don’t post almost any of those drawings because i get embarrassed. but shout out mantis i love men who are psychically bonded to other men
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noelleai · 2 years
Noelle's been a resident of Hometown for as long as anyone can remember. Everyone knows each other since they're all from the same town, so no one really bothers hiding their identity. Most of them just live normal lives in peace, though some do have issues with certain characters' actions...
One day, Noelle was walking home after school. As she walked by the park near her house, she saw Susie and Berdly sitting on a bench. Susie and Berdly were talking about something, but Noelle couldn't hear what they were saying. Susie noticed Noelle looking at them and said "What? You want to join us?"
Noelle didn't say anything, but she did walk over to the bench. She sat down in-between the two and smiled at Berdly.
"Hi!" Noelle said.
Berdly gave her a look like he wanted to punch her in the face.
"Hey." Berdly replied coldly.
Noelle ignored him and started talking to Susie.
"So, what are you guys doing today?" Noelle asked.
Susie turned to Noelle and said "Nothing much..."
Berdly interrupted them. "We're just hanging out."
Noelle looked back at Berdly and said "Oh, okay."
She went back to chatting with Susie.
"You don't have any plans for Christmas, do you?" Noelle asked.
Susie shrugged. "Nope. Why?"
Noelle smiled. "I'm gonna go shopping tomorrow. Would you guys like to come with me...?"
Susie stared at Noelle. "Why me? Aren't you going with your boyfriend?"
Noelle froze. She didn't know how to react.
"I... uh... he's not here right now." Noelle said.
Berdly snorted. "Yeah, we know. He's not coming back."
Noelle's eyes widened. She hadn't expected that.
"How did you find out?" Noelle asked.
"Everyone knows," Berdly replied.
Susie added "It's pretty obvious. It's only a matter of time before everyone finds out."
Noelle was silent for a moment. She looked down and mumbled "He's not my boyfriend."
Susie and Berdly exchanged looks.
"Who is he, then?" Berdly asked.
"Nobody," Noelle answered.
Susie raised an eyebrow. "Really? Then why are you so sad?"
Noelle sighed. "No reason... I just wanted to sit down and talk to you guys... that's all."
Susie nodded. "Well, I'd love to hang out with you, but I gotta get home. My mom is gonna kill me if I'm late."
Berdly frowned. "You're not coming back with us?"
"Nah. I'll catch up later." Susie said, standing up.
Berdly looked disappointed. "But... we could still hang out..."
"I said I'll see you guys later," Susie said.
"Okay..." Berdly muttered.
Susie waved goodbye to Noelle and Berdly. She turned around and left the park.
Noelle and Berdly both watched her leave.
"See ya!" Berdly shouted.
"...bye bye!" Noelle said.
Berdly turned to Noelle and said "You sure you're okay? I mean, I know it sucks being alone right now, but you don't have to keep acting like everything's fine. You could come hang out with us."
"I'm good," Noelle said.
"Really? That's weird. You seem kinda down. Maybe you should tell someone."
Noelle shook her head. "It's nothing."
"Are you sure? We're all friends, right? I wouldn't mind helping cheer you up."
"Thanks... but it's not that bad. Really."
Berdly rolled his eyes. "Whatever."
They stayed there for a while, neither of them speaking. They both kept staring at the ground.
Eventually, Berdly spoke up again. "Hey, Noelle. What happened to your dad?"
Noelle stood up. She started walking away from Berdly.
"Where are you going?" Berdly asked.
Noelle stopped and turned around. She looked straight into Berdly's eyes.
(If the player has already chosen the "A Little Help" route, Noelle will simply ignore Berdly.)
(If the player hasn't chosen a route yet, Berdly will walk away and mutter under his breath "Typical".)
Berdly sighed. "Fine. Whatever."
Noelle turned and walked away.
Berdly watched her go.
"I'm sorry," he said quietly.
Noelle didn't reply.
Berdly turned around and started walking home. { TYPE: Long-form story * Exper MG }
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minisoysquares · 3 years
As fun as the events and ideas you posted about 19days would be, wouldn’t it also just bring in more negative stuff - like fandom in general has become a field of land mines and I fear that something that’s supposed to fun will turn into some sort of battle. Like how some people get extremely heated over any other ships outside of their fave ship and they cannot possibly have other ships except theirs, etc. The last thing anyone wants is for content creators to be targeted simply for making something they thought would be fun
(This ask and answer is about this post.)
First of all thank you so much for addressing such a big and valid concern. I agree that that has indeed happened in certain fandoms - I can say I've been in the thick of it and witnessed quite the warfare - but in others it has also brought fans and readers and content creators together even closer and tighter in a wonderful thriving community.
I have the feeling this'll get quite long so please proceed under the cut with that in mind.
I believe all things are potential harbingers of both discord and harmony. There will always be people who feel entitled and who want - even demand! the audacity! - authors and artists to create for their ships and their ships alone. And there will also always be people who can appreciate the writing and the art without judgemental treatment regarding the pairings/characters depicted, no matter their preferences.
All of that happens and will continue to happen, whether we go forward with these events or not. And yet authors will still write what they want to write, artists will still draw what they want to draw, graphic designers will still make the edits they want to make as well. What we could do, in this small and close knit fandom, is take in our hands this powerful rich opportunity and try our best to make a model of positivity out of it.
In these events, there would be no bashing or shaming allowed. The content created would be to be enjoyed by those who are attracted to it, and those who do not have a taste for that fanwork in particular would be asked to remain respectful. (As it should always be.) There would be no ship wars in these spaces. Discourse, hate-speech or anti-behaviour would not be tolerated by the moderators of the event.
Creators who indulged in it would be immediately disqualified. Any unnecessary commentary or complaints from the audience would be deleted and reported as spam. Anyone instigating conflict would be only painting a target on their back, really. Because most of us - I dare say - are only here to appreciate the brilliant artwork and fanfiction woven and crafted by the talented people who share it with us.
If it came to it and it escalated, this hellsite has several tools that can be put to use to that regard. Accounts could be blocked and/or even reported. They wouldn't be able to interact with the blogs created to run these events from then on. We would be able to create a black list and post it publicly so everyone else who wished to could simply block those unruly pesky accounts and remain at peace and free to enjoy themselves to their utmost.
Let us not forget that this is all fiction and it's all for fun. Everyone's allowed to have their own opinion, likes and dislikes. There simply is no need to step on anyone else and their interests to elevate them.
Let's exemplify, for the sake of clarity:
Do I personally ship A with B? Imagine I do not. I do not search for it. If I come across it? I scroll past it. Once or twice, I may even like - and even reblog - if it happens to catch my attention and it's well written/drawn! (I have tags along the lines of 'I don't ship it but' and 'look at this beautiful art' or 'drown in the power of these words.')
It's so easy to interact amongst ourselves without coming with pitchforks at one another. Know what actually needs effort? Being a meanie and a party popper! Who in their right mind wastes their time on things they don't care for? Dum dums, that's who! Of course, we're all dummies at times... and that's okay! Let's just not harass people or crash their fun while we're at it!
If nothing else: you wouldn't like if others did this or that to you, therefore don't do it to others. It's a simple concept to grasp.
Very important: in these events, every single piece would be explicitly and properly tagged and warned for right at the very top of each post, so there would be absolutely no excuses for anyone being nasty.
We would just have to be open to the experience. Enjoy our ships and let other enjoy theirs. We do not have to all like the same thing. That would be just boring. But we can cohabitate devoid of trouble in fandom. Each one of us just has to be respectful. No need to even be nice. No one has to compliment something they don't like. They also don't have to step on what others do.
Don't like a ship/character/theme? Don't read stories focused on it. Don't put down authors who write it or readers who enjoy it. Same for art. No need to shout about how awful it is just for the simple reason that it does not fit into your personal shipping preferences. It can still be still be a tasty and wonderfully baked cake, it's just that you're not fond of vanilla or strawberries. It's okay. There are all kinds of cake for everyone's tastes!
Further examples: If a ship happens to be a NOTP for me or I don't care for the character(s)? I filter the tags. All of them. Any and every tag I can think of. It's very easy to protect ourselves on Tumblr from content we do not wish to see. (My own list is huge and just as effective.) Filtering is incredibly important.
So go ahead and filter out the ships you can do without! Filter out porte-manteaux like Tianshan, Zhanyi, Qiucheng, Tianxi, Tianyi, Lishan, Litian, Liyi, Shantou, Polydays, (...) Filter out any ship tag that doesn't strike your fancy like Q x MGS, HC x JY's mom, (...) Filter out characters that aren't your cuppa tea like HT, HT's dad, SL, JY's mom, XH, (...)
Make it safe for yourself and for others. That way you won't rage at the sight of your NOTP, won't feel the compulsive need to trash the people who ship it, no one is hurt and everyone is happy!
There are many steps we could follow to prevent rotten eggs in our coop. And many more actions we could take to throw them out if need be. I firmly believe, however, that if we're all of the same mind everything would go well and with very few bumps along the way.
If we only ever feared the possible negative consequences of our actions, never taking the risk for the possible positive ones, we'd never get anything done. I say let's not let our beloved fandom stagnate or dry out. Let's incentivate and motivate and inspire! Let's share! Let's have fun!
Think of it in these terms: it wouldn't be a competition at all but rather a charity event. Performers and spectators coming together for a common good, raising content and spreading joy! There would be no winners or losers or prizes. What would matter would be good old-fashioned participation, both by providing content and/or consuming it.
It could also a good way to get people to express themselves more. Many content consumers tend to lurk or keep to themselves even if they like the content posts. (I used to be one myself and only a couple months ago started to come out of my shell.) I myself advocate for reblogging instead of liking - if you have to choose one or the other, I mean, why not do both? - and leaving a word on every single post I like and/or reblog. Sometimes I go nuts commenting, sometimes I leave a small note in the tags.
It doesn't matter how. Even if you're shy or introverted (*raises hand*) or don't know what to say I guarantee a single emoticon or a string of disordered letters symbolising incoherence will make the creator's day all the same. Getting feedback is so important and motivational for creators and also a great way for fandom members to keep in touch and support each other.
Additionally, if a person would like more of a certain type of content here are some healthy actions they could take: a) commission a creator and pay for it if they can; b) politely make a suggestion to a creator with an open ask box; c) post a prompt publicly for possible interested creators to use; d) do it yourself and share it with others!
This turned out into more of a "behavioural guidelines" thing than I'd have liked. I am not in any way whatsoever telling anyone what to do. This is what I do, and it works wonders for me. I stay completely out of toxic arguments and in on all the goodies. I'm able to fully enjoy my fandoms. And isn't that what we all want?
Thank you again for sharing your thoughts with me. And I apologise for the long rant!
Of course, this is only my personal stance on the issue. I did go for a survey first exactly for this end, to get their opinions on the subject and see if it would be worth a shot. I shall hope many other people will think as I do, but I will wholly respect those who don't.
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esperwatchesfilms · 3 years
Clue (1985)
This is one of my all-time favorite films. I have no clue why. It might be the nostalgia factor. But I’m absolutely obsessed with it. I’ve seen it a million times, but I have never looked into the interesting trivia on its IMDB page, so this will be fun!
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Awesome Fun Fact:
The color of each character's car is the same color as their playing piece in the game, and is introduced as follows: Colonel Mustard drives a yellow 1954 Cadillac Series 62, Mrs. White drives a black-and-white 1950 MG TD convertible, Mrs. Peacock drives a blue 1952 Packard 200 Deluxe club sedan, Mr. Green drives a green 1951 Plymouth Cranbrook, Ms. Scarlet drives a 1946 red Lincoln Continental, and Professor Plum drives a purple 1949 Pontiac Streamliner Station Wagon.
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Prof. Plum: It’s frightened.
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Something I Already Knew But Maybe You Didn’t: When Wadsworth cuts the power to the house during his solving of the mystery, it represents the point of divergence of the three endings.
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Amusing Fun Fact: Professor Plum indicates at dinner that he works for the World Health Organization, part of the United Nations Organization. This means he works for UNO WHO.
Wadsworth: Professor Plum -- you were once a professor of psychiatry specializing in helping paranoid and homicidal lunatics suffering from delusions of grandeur. Prof. Plum: Yes, but now I work for the United Nations. Wadsworth: So your work has not changed. But you don’t practice medicine at the U.N. His license to practice has been lifted; correct? Miss Scarlet: Why? What did he do? Wadsworth: You know what doctors aren’t allowed to do with their lady patients? Miss Scarlet: Yeah? Wadsworth: Well, he did. Miss Scarlet: Ha!
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Mrs. White: [after Mrs. Peacock swears that the reason she's being blackmailed is a vicious lie] Well, I am willing to believe you. I, too, am being blackmailed for something I didn't do. Mr. Green: Me too. Colonel Mustard: And me. Miss Scarlet: Not me. Wadsworth: [surprised] You're *not* being blackmailed? Miss Scarlet: Oh, I’m being blackmailed all right, but I did what I’m being blackmailed for.
Miss Scarlet: Well, to be perfectly frank, I run a specialized hotel and a telephone service which provides gentlemen with the company of a young lady, for a short while. Professor Plum: Oh yeah? [pulls out pen and a pad of paper] Professor Plum: What's the phone number?
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Wadsworth: The double negative has turned to proof positive. I’m afraid you gave yourself away. Colonel Mustard: Are you trying to make me look stupid in front of the other guests? Wadsworth: You don’t need any help from me, sir. Colonel Mustard: That’s right!
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Wadsworth: Mrs. White, you've been paying our friend, the blackmailer, ever since your husband died under, shall we say, mysterious circumstances? Miss Scarlet: Ah! [laughs] Mrs. White: Why is that funny? Miss Scarlet: I see! That's why he was lying on his back, in his coffin. Mrs. White: I didn't kill him. Colonel Mustard: Then why are you paying the blackmailer? Mrs. White: I don’t want a scandal, do I? We had had a very humiliating public confrontation. He was deranged. He was -- [points to head] Mrs. White: -- a lunatic! He didn't actually seem to like me very much.
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Miss Scarlet: Why would he wanna kill you in public? Wadsworth: I think she meant he threatened, in public, to kill her. Miss Scarlet: Oh. Was that his final word on the matter? Mrs. White: Being killed is pretty final, wouldn't you say? Wadsworth: And yet, he was the one who died, not you, Mrs. White, not you! Miss Scarlet: What did he do for a living? Mrs. White: He was a scientist, nuclear physics. Miss Scarlet: What was he like? Mrs. White: He was always a rather stupidly optimistic man. I mean, I'm afraid it came as a great shock to him when he died, but he was found dead at home.
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Mrs. White: I had been out all evening at the movies.
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Wadsworth: But, he was your second husband. Your first husband also disappeared. Mrs. White: Well, that was his job. He was an illusionist. Wadsworth: But he never reappeared! Mrs. White: [chuckling, admittedly] He wasn't a very good illusionist.
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Prof. Plum: Maybe he was poisoned!
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Wadsworth: He decided to put his information to good use and make a little money out of it. What could be more American than that?
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Col. Mustard: You lure men to their deaths like a spider with flies! Mrs. White: Flies are where men are most vulnerable.
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Mrs. Peacock: No, I just want to powder my nose. Thank you.
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Wadsworth: Sorry!
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Wadsworth: The key is gone! Professor Plum: Never mind about the key, unlock the door! [smacks Mr. Green on the shoulder] Mr. Green: [grabs Professor Plum by the collar, throttling him] I CAN'T UNLOCK THE DOOR WITHOUT THE KEY! [releasing Plum, Mr. Green rattles doorknob] Mr. Green: LET US IN! LET US IN! Colonel Mustard, Miss Scarlet: [on other side of locked door] LET US OUT! LET US OUT!
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Mrs. Peacock: Our lives are in danger, ya beatnik!
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Communism is Just a Red Herring Fact: The line "Communism is just a red herring" is said in all three endings (twice by Wadsworth and once by Miss Scarlet). Not only is it is a pun (particularly after World War II, the Russian Communists were frequently called "reds", for example, the anti-Communist slogan, "Better dead than red."), but it cleverly refers to a MacGuffin (or a real "red herring") implemented by the screenwriters, because none of the murderers motives end up having anything to do with creating political conspiracy. There are various visual red herrings on-screen, such as a hammer and sickle on the shelf beside the torch Colonel Mustard finds, and a bust of Lenin in the attic.
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ESE: 125/100
50 +10 for Tim Curry +4 for the dogs +2 for the dog poo shoe +5 for Mr. Green’s obedience (”Sit! No, not you, sir.”) +1 for Mrs. Peacock’s glasses +5 for amazing one-liners +5 for the discussion about why Mrs. White’s being blackmailed -10 for homophobia -5 for The Three Stooges antics when Mr. Boddy’s secret is revealed +5 for not shouting +5 for confusion +5 for most hilarious pairings +10 for secret passages +3 for the ironing board +10 for singing telegram +10 for Wadsworth walking through the whole thing +6 for 3 different endings -10 because the timing makes no sense for Mrs. White to have killed Yvette +10 for Mr. Green going home to sleep with his wife +4 for Clue card credits
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cxplqnce · 4 years
Milton Greasley - Lighthouse
Based on Lighthouse by Georgia Ku
Word Count: 1,537
Won't put your feelings on the table
Don't ever say what's on your mind
You go from all-in to unstable
And I'm left to read between the lines
You had had a crush on MG for a while now, and you couldn’t stop thinking about him. You knew that MG had been through a lot, he’d just killed Landon – thankfully, he came back to life – and found out that his mother was working for Triad. And that’s only the two main issues.
You knew it would be hard for him to open up, but he was spending the summer with Kaleb so he’d have time to deal with everything away from the school. Since you had no live family, you spent your summer at the school – becoming closer friends with Josie and Landon.
I wanna take all your broken
Hold it together like glue
Know if you leave the door open
I'll come through
After summer ended, you heard Lizzie announce that she was embracing opportunities by saying yes to more things. Then, you heard Kaleb say to MG that this was his shot to ask Lizzie out, which made you feel like your heart was being ripped out.
You wanted to tell MG how you felt but you knew right then and there that you would get rejected so you kept your feelings to yourself. Unfortunately, Josie noticed that something was wrong with you and you spilled your guts to her. She told you not to give up on him but that just confused you more, should you go for it and most likely get rejected or just try to get over him?
Unbeknownst to you, Kaleb overheard your conversation with Josie and told MG everything he heard. Now you weren’t the only one with conflicting feelings.
You know sometimes you'd like to check out
Lock all your issues in a safe
I know that trust is hard to give out
Whatever's left, I'll gladly take
This made it real for MG. He never really thought he had a chance with Lizzie so it all felt surreal – the feelings, the relationship possibility but now that he knew you liked him, it all became real and he had to revaluate whether he was actually ready for a relationship.
Then he saw you.
You were walking out of a class, looking extremely stressed and he realised all of the feelings he held for you. He’d known you for the same amount of time that he’d known Lizzie but he’d actually met you first. Lizzie and Josie were late to give him the tour and you were passing by so Dr. Saltzman pulled you over to introduce yourself. You were a vamp too so you knew exactly what MG was going through and he felt comfortable with you straight away.
You also had heaps in common, even though you had never read a single comic book, you loved superhero movies and TV shows so you would talk about them with him for hours. He then introduced you to the comic book world and you instantly fell in love – stopping by his room every other day to borrow one of his comics to read.
You were also insanely sweet and gentle, you wanted to help people so bad that you’d started learning some first aid and you had decided that you wanted to be a teacher from when you were very young.
Today was the day of the football game against the townies and you had been convinced to play by Josie. You were not athletic in the slightest, you were just the only other student who would participate, and also you were a very, very weak link so the team would surely lose with you. However, the new headmaster, Professor Vardemus, had told you to use your powers in moderation to win – which neither you nor Josie liked the sound of.
The game began and the biggest guy on the opposing team tackled you to the ground and you definitely heard – and felt – something crack in your body. You knew you’d heal but it was extremely painful. Frustratingly, the guy that hit you didn’t seem to care that you had been injured but MG rushed to your side, helping you up. He guided you to the bench and helped you sit down.
“Are you okay? What hurts?” He asked, trying to be calm but failing, while holding your hand in his. You squeezed his hand hard as you felt the bones in your leg resetting themselves.
“My leg.” You croaked out, trying not to scream or cry but MG assured you he’d be there until you were better.
I'll be careful with your heart now
I know you're fragile
Baby, when it's dark out
I'll be your lighthouse
After the game, which your school lost even with the added bonus of your supernatural powers, you were sat in your room reading a comic book you hadn’t returned to MG yet and nursing your leg which had healed but you could still feel an ache. You heard a knock at your door and by the breathing and footsteps you could hear you could tell it was MG.
“Come in!” You called, shifting your position on your bed. MG entered your room and you saw that he had flowers in his hands. “Hey.”
“Hey.” He replied, before looking down at the flowers and holding them out to you, “These are for you… To make you feel better. Does your leg still hurt?”
You shook your head, “Nope, I’m all healed, and thank you… for the flowers. It was sweet of you.” You said, taking the flowers from his hands and laying them down on your bedside table.
“I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” He smiled, before noticing the comic book on your lap, “The Flash… which one is your favourite?” He asked, sitting down on the edge of your bed.
“This one so far… I’ve only read the first few, but so far The Flash is definitely my favourite character and series.” You smiled, gaining courage as you laughed with him, “Would you want to go on a date… with me, sometime?” You asked with an awkward look on your face.
MG was stunned, he never expected you to ask him out so he did the only logical thing he could, “Yes, definitely!” He shouted, before calming himself down, “That was way too much, right?”
“Just a tad.”
I could chase away the voices in your head
Take away the pressure; you can let your guard down
I'll be your lighthouse
You and MG had started dating after that encounter in your room and you had been getting a lot closer. You had both been through a lot and come out stronger for it, and you were even stronger together, however, that was until you saw him sitting in the pool with Alyssa Chang on what looked like a date. She was all over him and you wondered what had possessed him to do something like that so you confronted him about it later on.
“Hey, Y/N.” MG started, coming up behind you in the library, “I was thinking I could come to your room later and we could watch some TV, maybe The Flash?” He suggested, acting as if he hadn’t been all over Alyssa Chang just an hour ago.
You took a deep breath, “Are you kidding me right now?” You said, turning to look at him.
His smile faded when he saw the saddened and disappointed look on your face. “What’s wrong, baby?” He asked, resting his hands on your shoulders but you shrugged him off you.
“Don’t act like everything’s okay when it’s not, MG.” You said, walking away from him and vamp speeding to your room. He obviously followed you, determined to find out what was wrong.
“What’s not okay? What did I do?” He asked, trying to get you to open up.
You sniffed, a few tears falling down your face, “You know what you did,” You said, but MG’s face was blank so you continued to spell it out for him, “I saw you… with Alyssa, in the pool. Did you really think I wouldn’t find out?”
“No, Y/N, it’s not like that. I swear, I can explain.” He defended. You sat down on the edge of the bed and motioned for him to continue, “Alyssa sent the twins and Dr Saltzman to a prison world using an ascendant and Hope and I have been trying to find it and when Hope found out that Alyssa had a crush on me we agreed that I would try to… seduce her into telling me but it didn’t work.”
“Why didn’t you just tell me?” You asked, wiping the tears off your cheeks.
MG sighed, “I don’t know. I just… I didn’t want to ruin this.”
“I would have been okay with it, if you’d just told me.” You said, pulling him closer to you so you could wrap your arms around his waist. He instinctively did the same, pulling your head to his chest.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled.
You smiled, “It’s okay, just remember you’re mine.”
A/N: Hope you enjoy! Follow my instagram @ cxplqnce and I take requests if you have one! :)
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What are some of your favorite 19 days’ chapters and why?
Good evening, dear anon-san!
I’m sorry it took me a while to get to your question. I had some uni work to catch up on. Also, thank god you didn’t ask me to narrow it down to just one chapter (^_^ ‘‘) I’m going to give you my TOP 5 chapters in ascending order, so let’s start with...
#5 Zhanyi hug in the rain (ch. 143)
The aftermath of JY kissing ZZX was spread to cover multiple chapters, but I think the last of them was my favorite. The thing I always love the most about this chapter is ZZX’s reaction to it all. The kiss had shocked and upset him but seeing his best friend break down and being so scared that ZZX was going to cut ties with him... Despite ZZX’s initial reaction and not yet understanding how JY was feeling exactly, there was no way in hell he would ever leave his best friend like that. Or allow him to believe that ZZX would reject him as a person based on something like sexual orientation. In addition to how much I fell in love with ZZX in this chapter, the art of rain and lights reflecting on the wet pavement was so beautiful.
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#4 MGS reunites with his father (ch. 240)
Admittedly, the beginning of this chapter was about something else but the ending half made such an impact on me that I had to include this. One of my favorite things about MGS is his relationship with his mother, and to see how much he loves and looks up to his father just doubled all the feels.
What broke my heart the most was MGS basically not wanting to show how much he is struggling by lying that he has friends and he’s doing good in school. To MGS, his father is someone respectful and courageous, and he wants to be like that so bad. MGS is handling a lot of responsibilities and is responsible in nature but he also feels like he’s failing. Based on many things, the world has vilified him and at some point, he bent the way everyone was expecting of him. And I’m sure MGS thinks his father would be sad if he knew all that.
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I also loved how time was utilized to enhance the intensity of their relationship. It seems it had been years since MGS and his father had seen each other, and over that time all the expectations had grown in MGS’s head. And feelings of shame and failing had silently eaten Mr. Mo. He didn’t want his son to see him like that, but I think he also thought he didn’t deserve to see how much his son still loved and look up to him. Basically, all the time they had been apart had made the fears and assumptions grow out of proportions in their heads.
#3 MGS asking for the black studs (ch. 283)
The earrings are one of the most interesting aspects and symbols of Tianshan. And MGS asking for them from HT was a huge development in their relationship. I’ve seen people wondering if that was when MGS accepted HT’s feelings but I think it’s way too early to jump to that kind of conclusions. To me, the earrings have always been a representation of control, both in good and bad.
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SL had once violently taken control of MGS’s body and marked him for life. The holes would forever remind MGS of SL and what SL thought MGS’s place was in general. SL had made it clear which one of them was in control both physically and mentally. And MGS had learned not to trust people who were more powerful than him and stay away from them.
And in the beginning, HT was in the same category as SL as far as MGS was concerned. He was an entitled rich kid who thought he could own MGS. MGS was both wary of him but also wanted to spit in his face. However, how he saw HT changed over time as MGS learned to know HT better, albeit against his will.
When MGS asked for the earrings, I don’t think it was on a whim or because HT pressured him. He asked for them because he himself wanted to. He thought it through - what it would mean to him - and decided that yes, he wanted them.  He was going to let HT do something for him without insisting that he paid HT back somehow. He was willing to owe HT and wear something that connected them. So, he was both trusting HT and giving him some control over himself.
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In addition to all that, confidence is such a great look on MGS.
#2 HC’s flashback and the dog (ch. 252)
This chapter was brilliance from start to finish, and it instantly became one of my absolute favorites. Where do I even begin with how amazing this was!
First of all, it’s interesting because this chapter revealed HC’s point of view on what HT had dreamed about earlier (ch. 228). (More about the comparison here.) I’ve always been a big fan of HC’s character, and it broke my heart to see how much love and pain there is between him and HT from HC’s perspective. It seemed like despite loving his little brother more than anything else in the world, he was going to become a villain and monster in HT’s life. At some point, HT would no longer believe how much HC cared about him.
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Another thing I loved was to see how gentle HC was with little HT. He knelt down and wiped the fat tears that only a child could shed. He picked HT up and pressed him close and tight against himself. HC carrying little HT in his arms is still probably my most favorite panel of the whole comic. He had raised HT and it was up to him to give his little brother the comfort and security that a parent would normally give. But it also showed that HC had a big soft spot for his brother that would always pull him in two opposite directions when it came to being between their family and HT.
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As if all of that hadn’t broken my heart enough, it was revealed that HC had, in fact, kept the dog. He had lied to HT and let HT take his kid’s sadness and anger out on himself. He had knowingly broken HT’s heart and made himself the bad guy. HC knew what kind of life awaited his brother and he needed to become stronger and tougher. The difficult part was that it was HC who was put in the position of making HT ready for the world. The fact that HC still hasn’t told HT about the dog suggests to me that the dog has become a special “place” for HC. Maybe he needs a break from it all every now and then, and visiting something he had saved instead of destroyed helps HC feel better about himself and allows him to be softer and gentler.
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In addition to all of that, I also liked how this chapter implied that brother Qiu was someone HC trusted and they had known each for a long time. Gave my Qiucheng heart a nice squeeze.
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#1 SL’s flashback/backstory (ch. 294)
As weird and perhaps concerning as it might sound to some people, I have always been intrigued by SL. MGS has been my most favorite character for a long time, but to me SL is the most complex and interesting character. It’s like MGS is my favorite but...I kind of have this mysterious “another list” beside that in my head, and SL is the only character on that list. And on that list, he’s even more of my favorite than MGS.
In short, this chapter blew my mind. I had been dying to know more about SL, and boy oh boy, was I given so many things to think about. First of all, I loved how OX used the black panels. They’re often used in 19 Days to tie flashbacks and present time together, but I think in this chapter they were also utilized to express SL’s mind.
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In the beginning, he’s by himself, scratching the bathroom walls with a knife and it seems like he’s deep in thought. “So noisy...” works as a bridge to the flashback of his parents shouting at each other but it could also mean that SL’s mind is noisy as in “not clear”. Maybe thoughts and memories had sneaked in to fill his head while he’s scratching the wall or perhaps doing something seemingly mindless is a way for him to clear his head.
What makes me think that “noisy” could also be a mental thing is how we get another black panel after SL is done thinking about the past. Only this time the panel is blank. It’s not noisy anymore. Now, the interesting thing is, “blank” is clear but it’s also... blank. Is it easier for SL to act and function if he’s not thinking about the past or feeling things in general? Did he need to “clear” his head before seeking out HT and taunting him about MGS?
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What was the absolute peak for me, though, was this panel:
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I said earlier that HC carrying little HT is my favorite panel of 19 Days, but this one is a damn close second. I had some mixed feelings about the whole “he can’t feel physical pain” syndrome but for the most part, it served as something that ultimately made SL and MGS’s relationship even more layered in my head. I was personally blown away by the image of little SL who couldn’t feel his injuries standing there by himself and watching little MGS crying, being a scared child in pain and comforted by his mother. Was young SL curious? Fascinated? Jealous? Envious? Angry? Again, I’m dying to know more about him.
SL talking about MGS was really interesting, too. I’ve said it before that I don’t see SL being so hung up on MGS for romantic reasons. I don’t think SL is in love with MGS and/or jealous of HT in a romantic way. (This is not to say you can’t or shouldn’t ship them. As far as I’m concerned, people can ship whatever they want.)
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I think SL’s behavior is about his need to possess and control rather than being in love with MGS and feeling threatened by HT in that sense. He speaks of “hope”, and he’s used hope to manipulate MGS and effectively keep him in the same black hole SL himself is in, too. Their relationship comes across as “misery loves company” to me. I suppose you could see all of that as dark, twisted romantic love but I’m just having a hard time putting SL as a character in that mental frame.
This chapter also put SL and HT next to each other to enhance their comparison and different roles. SL and HT are from the same world but represent very different things in MGS’s life. As a side note, I have always found the opposing colors of SL and HT interesting in the ending panels:
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Despite being the twisted and manipulative antagonist, SL is wearing white and his hair color also very light. “White” always makes me think about how he sees himself as someone who saved MGS. Is holding that over MGS’s head merely a way to control for SL or does he believe he is a savior? Either way, SL’s white is a striking contrast to HT’s black clothes and hair. At first, HT was a bad guy too in MGS’s mind but HT’s role is to actually save MGS and give him hope. Black isn’t usually a color associated with all that. Goes to show that things and people aren’t always what you think they might be.
I think these are my TOP 5 chapters at the moment. I would say #2 and #1 are pretty solid winners in my head, but eagerly waiting if OX tops them for me one day. Thank you for your question, dear anon-san!
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caledfwlch · 3 years
mgs #s: 5, 26, 32, 35, 41, 44
aubree my beloved thats SO MANY. ok. jeez. well. sorry about the long post this is going under a read more
5. Least favourite game?
ummm. probably portable ops but thats purely because ive never looked at the game in full nor have i ever made any attempt at playing it. shout out to the gay as hell ocelot and big boss radio call that i think about way too often though
26. Overrated character?
i dont know if i really consider any of the main metal gear characters to be overrated 😭
i think all of the main metal gear characters that are popular are all fairly justified in the way theyre adored. if i had to pick a character i guess id say raikov????? because he literally only exists to be volgins boytoy that big boss beats up to impersonate and there are a lot of people who like him even though he doesnt talk at all but like idk. does that even count. that feels so mean and even then thats just a niche of people lol
32. Character most deserving of a spin-off?
35. Favourite character design?
feel like this is a big tie between snavid and ocelot. i like most iterations of their designs through the games. they just always look good??? snake in particular works really well from a character design standpoint in the way hes so instantly recognizable due to many of his key features. i also really like the way you can see various design aspects between the different snakes used to make them both individual and to show parallels between them (lolol the way solidus and old snake both also have eye patches like big boss but on the opposite eye)
41. Any merchandise you wish existed?
otacon nendo :( i think its what he deserves. let him be a cute little anime figure its what he would want
44. Do you prefer codec calls or cassette tapes?
i think...i prefer calls. theres nothing wrong with the tapes but one of my favorite things about mgs is simply fucking around and punching in a codec frequency and calling the same guy over and over. *blows a kiss to the sky for otacon whos radio i always and religiously blow up during the tanker chapter of mgs2 and for pliskin who i do the same with later*
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I have a question. Why do you ship Mary Wardwell with Lilith? I'm just wondering because to me it's as if I was going to ship Hannah Montana with Miley Cyrus lol Please don't take it the wrong way, I'm just genuinely curious
Hey! No worries, I've been asked before LOL
I guess first I'd like to address the Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana reference (again, has been made before and I totally see where it comes from!). The difference in Mary/Lilith is that while they do share the same looks, they are still completely different people, with different interests, likes, personalities, ect. Hannah Montana is Miley in costume, so the same person just with a wig on and a stage name. Also, in regards to looks, yes Mary and Lilith have the same body, but the way they style themselves/portray themselves is so vastly different (shout out to MG for her killer acting) that I personally forget they're played by the same actress all the time. I think, if you saw them in real life and didn't know Lilith "stole" Mary's body, you wouldn't even recognize how similar they really are, save maybe the baby blues/jawline. The furthest one might guess would be that they're sisters, not the identical twins they essentially are.
As for why I ship them... I guess it's the idea of two lone wolves finding solace and comfort in eachother? Mary is alone for the most part (save Adam, but that's a different conversation lol), and so is Lilith. Their lack of a "team", whether by choice or not, has me personally craving someone to side with them. I think Mary is good for Lilith because she is level-headed, intelligent, and above all, kind. I think Mary would be able to look at Lilith as a whole person, who she was, is, and who she has the potential to be, and would be kind and fair to her... unlike literally eveyone else in this show. 🙄
I like Lilith for Mary because Mary is a cute lil nerd who wants to know everything about everything... and who better to ask than the first woman?? I mean the knowledge Lilith has, Mary would soak that up like a sponge! I also think Lilith would encourage more confidence in Mary, not just with the world around her, but within herself as well. Canonically Lilith likes to see women raised up, in charge, confident with themselves and their "power" (whatever that may look like).
I also live for the grumpy character falls in love with the sunshine character trope. And H/C, which I think Marith slips into quite nicely lmao.
Hope this answered your question, and if you have any further ones please don't hesitate to ask!! 💞
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ddaengyoonmin · 5 years
Fate/Bangtan Chapter 6
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Genre: DystopianFuture!au; Prison!au; historical and mythological characters; based on the Fate/ anime series. Fluff (if you squint), Angst, Smut (it’s gonna be real smutty in some chapters 😳) Action and fighting will be a definite theme.
Pairing: poly!Ot7 X Reader (This chapter is mainly Jungkook x reader. Namjoon reader and Jungkook x Namjoon)
Word Count: 8k
Warnings: Mentions of death; gangs, guns; murder; toxic relationships.  Oral (female recieving), dom!jungkook, sub!namjoon, double penetration, choking, biting/hickeys, jungkook has mental issues due to trauma, 
Taglist (Sorry if i forgot anyone im so bad at taglists): @bellexwriter @3rachascompass
@im-emo-motherfuckers @i-like-puppy-mg
@mynameisstruggling @kaekae-h @skys-luce-stellare
@seesawsmin-flower @oddkpopgirl @caibaby23
@spider-thot0115 @sunshine-or-some-shit
@em1joon @aclp-jb1d @monvieesdaebaek
@mother-forker @karissassirak @littlebluebird-al
@namjoonsslutakakoreanmanswhore @d-noona @chloefran @kingsuckjin
Beta read by my lovely and amazing friend: @heyitsayjayy i cant thank you enough babe <3
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The roar of the rider servant revving his engine continued to echo throughout the buildings.  A bright orange flame accompanied by shimmering sparks shot out of the back of his motorcycle with each thundering twist of his hands on the handlebars. 
You heard the man next to you gulp loudly. 
“I think that's...” an awestruck whisper came from your other side.  
You turned your head first to Jungkook who had spoken.  
“Do you recognize him?” you asked. 
“Only from books of course, but, yeah.  That’s Evel Knievel” His eyes never left the place where the rider servant sat.  A nervous tattooed hand brushed it’s fingers through his hair.  You could see some wording written on his knuckles in black ink.  He always seemed so shy and sweet, yet the more you thought about it, his look and style were quite the opposite.  He was dark and rough looking, and if you hadn’t gotten to know him you’d assume he was an intimidating person. 
“Anything I should know about him?” 
“Not sure.  He did stunts thats all I really know” he shrugged. 
You turned to Jimin next to you who was also locked on to the site on the rooftops above your team. 
“Run or fight?” A voice shot out.  You turned around to see Jin looking around the group.  
“I don’t think we could outrun him” Yoongi commented, his lips were pursed together slightly, and you heard him cuss under his breath.  
“I really didn’t want to fight this team” he muttered.
A loud shout ripped through the air and before your team had been able to decide on their plan, the motorcycle and the man riding it were racing down from the rooftop and directly towards you. 
“What do I do?” you yelled out.  Hoping that your master would give you some kind of direction. 
Your team was silent and unmoving as the motorcycle neared your team.  The older men on the rooftop all shouting and cheering for their servant as they disappeared into the building. 
“Please run!” you called out to your motionless team mates. 
You knew you had to think of something fast.  You had a slight idea, it’d be hard to execute, but maybe...
Your men hesitated but complied after a moment, running off to the side and leaving the machine and it’s owner heading towards you and you alone. 
You stood with your fists clenched tightly, staring down the man eye to eye.  
You jumped high in the air, spinning and attempting to knock the rider from his ride.  Yet he was too fast for you, too experienced with his motorcycle.  
With a loud screech he skidded and turned around in a 180 degree spin.   Only a few feet away from you now, he took out a large silver metal bat with stars painted in glittering blue scattered across the tip. His hand was quick to remove it from where it had been attached to the side of the motorcycle.
“Fuck” you hissed.  
The motorcycle jolted forward and he sped past you faster than you could react to him.  
The first thing that registered in your mind was the sound.  A loud crack.  The next thing that occurred was pain.  A splitting headache, instantly pounding.  The third thing that happened was your loss of balance.  You were now falling back to the pavement.  Vulnerable and helpless. 
Your mind was hazy and the memory seemed all too familiar.  
That hammer really hurt…
No. It was a bat. 
Or was it a hammer…
He had hit you over the head. How could he? Your own husband…
No, that wasn’t him…
Where were you?
When were you...
Everything was fuzzy.  You couldn’t tell what was now, and what was a distant memory. 
“And for my next trick! I’ll splatter these streets with your blood.” Evel growled, matching the low growl of his engine and preparing to charge. 
His teammates had now made it down the stairs of the building and were standing out near it’s doors, cheering loudly and pumping their fists in the air. 
The rider had a small smirk on his face, the large flames and sparks from his machine spouting out behind him like a beautiful painting.  You supposed this could at least be a poetic way to go.  Yet, if you go, your teammates…they would be killed...
You winced and tried to stand the best you could.  But you knew you weren’t going to be able to get out of the way in time.  
As you braced yourself for your fate, your insides curdling with the nausea that came with the thought of your team being slaughtered mere minutes from your own demise...
A loud pop sounded out in the air.  Instead of hitting you, the motorcycle that had been rushing towards you was now flipping over forwards.  The rider flipped over the handlebars and skidded across the ground, the motorcycle making it about ten feet further than his body. 
You staggered over to him, your head injury causing you to stumble a few times, but you were determined to get to him.  
He was pressing his hands to the gravely pavement and pushing himself up, standing up and rolling his shoulders back a few times trying to shake off his injuries from the fall.
You wound yourself up for a kick and tried to execute your plan.  Only to have the rider’s hand catch you by your ankle, roughly holding your leg up in the air as he growled and spat a bit of blood to the side. 
Another loud pop.
Your ankle was released and the man in front of you fell to his knees, clutching his stomach.  Another loud pop.
He was flat on his back.  Eyes opened.  But his body lifeless. 
You didn’t understand...what could have happened?
You spun around to face your team.  Yoongi stood in front of the others, arms out and a gun held tightly in his hands. 
He had saved you.  He had saved you all and you once again were useless.  You knew you’d be hearing about that later. 
You now saw that the rider servant’s team were standing with dropped jaws and horrified expressions. 
You knew you’d have to take care of them...but you didn’t know if you could.  
Once you had made your way back to your team it seemed the others were discussing the same matter. 
“We have to Yoongi” Namjoon spoke sternly. 
“That's so fucked up.  It's so fucked up” he was shaking his head, his eyes tearing up.  “I won’t do it.  I won’t let you do it” 
“Give me the gun Yoongi” Namjoon hissed “I’m so sorry.  Trust me.  I don’t want to do this either” 
“No” Yoongi’s voice cracked and he shook his head, one of the tears released from the corner of his eyes and fell down his cheek “please there has to be another way” he quietly cried.
“Namjoon is right Yoongi” you muttered.  “We have no choice…” 
“Fuck this.  Fuck all of this” Yoongi sobbed, shaking his head and holding the gun out to Namjoon. 
He took the gun and turned it over in his hands a few times.  
“I might need a bit more ammo,” he winced realizing how many members on the opposite team he’d need bullets for. 
Yoongi sighed and pulled out a box of ammunition for his gun. 
Namjoon loaded the gun, closed his eyes, shuddered, and took a deep breath in.  
“Anyone who doesn’t want to see this, turn away now” He warned your team. 
Jungkook spun around instantly, followed by Taehyung, Hoseok and Jin.  Yoongi didn’t turn around, but his eyes shut and you saw him pressing his nails into the palms of his hands.  
Jimin stayed staring at the scene, maybe it was his experience for these kind of things.  Maybe it was that he wanted to support Namjoon.  But something kept him locked onto the scene before you. 
You moved to Jungkook who seemed the most shaken up, turning away from the moment as well.  Jungkook's arms shot out and he clutched onto you tightly, burying his head into your shoulder.  
He jumped with each shot that rang out.  A small whimper escaping his lips.  You wrapped your arms around him as well, trying your best to soothe him. 
Namjoon returned to the group solemnly and with a rigid stance. 
“Lets go.” he whispered. 
Once again you couldn’t bring yourself to look back on the scene behind you as you hopped on the back of the car. 
You knew what and who laid there. 
A drone whizzed past the car, all of you looked up at it with grim looks.  
Jungkook shook his head at the sight of the camera excitedly rushing to film the bodies. 
“Fuck you!” you screamed out, throwing up your middle finger to the passing camera as Yoongi had done the other day. 
You turned to look at your master who was opening the door to his driver’s seat.  He was looking right at you, a small smile grew on his face...
 When your group arrived back to the house Namjoon instantly rushed into his room, slamming the door behind him.  
“Should I…” Jin whispered to Yoongi, who simply shrugged in return. 
“I’d give him a bit...that was...rough” Jimin spoke “I watched it all and,” he shook his head quickly “That's not what we are used to.  That’s not how we did things before. That was…” he moved his shoulders like a shiver had just run up his spine. 
The group was silent for a few moments. 
“I’ll make us some dinner” Jin broke the silence.  The rest of you nodded. 
“Goddess?” A soft voice whispered beside you.
“Yeah Jungkook?” 
He didn’t respond, instead grabbing your hand and stepping away from the group, tugging you with him. 
“What’s up?” you asked confused. 
Still silence.  He continued to pull you towards the direction of the rooms.  
The rest of the group seemed too caught up in the conversations they were having to care about your absence. But, they all definitely noticed, they always noticed anything that you did. 
Maybe it was Namjoon calling off the rule, but for some reason none of them seemed to think anything of the fact that Jungkook was now pulling you into his bedroom. 
He shut the door behind you, hanging his head.  His black hair fell down covering his face and he brought his hands together pulling on his fingers nervously.  
“I need you” he spoke quietly. 
“I’m here?” you cocked your head to the side. 
His face shot up quickly to meet yours.  Gone were the soft and nervous eyes of the boy that you had grown to know.  Gone were the shy mannerisms that always laced every movement and feature of his body. 
“I need you” he emphasized. 
His dark eyes heavy as his bit down on his lip looking you over.  
One of his tattooed arms reached out and his hand held the side of your face.  A black outline of a rose was inked into the inside of his arm, it was beautiful, he was beautiful.
“Please” he mumbled softly. 
His doe eyes were full of lust and want, scanning you over, pleading yet still somehow stern and demanding.
Any thought you’d had of him being one to give up control in the bedroom was gone. 
You leaned forward to him, your fingers aching to run your hands through his messy black hair.
Jungkook chuckled slightly noticing your neediness. 
“Yes?” He cocked an eyebrow up while his hand started to drop from your cheek and move to trace small circles over the top of your exposed chest.  You shuddered at the feeling of the light touch of his fingers against your skin. 
“You did say you wanted me” he winked.
“What’s got you feeling so bold?” You finally came up with a response for him. “You’ve been so shy, you don’t seem like yourself right now.”
Jungkook pulled his hand back from you and stepped a few steps back and shrugged, now looking embarrassed and more like the Jungkook you were used to. 
“I was just trying to...trying something out…” he started to mumble and look down to the floor. “Sorry” he whispered.
“Don’t apologize!” You quickly tried to recover the closeness that he’d taken away, stepping so close that his broad chest was almost pressed up against you. “I wasn’t saying I didn’t like it! It just surprised me, I pictured myself being the one to take control with you, that’s all” you explained
Jungkooks eyes crinkled as he laughed breathily, still looking down at his feet. 
“So you’ve been picturing this” his eyes now slowly lifted to meet your own. 
“Maybe” you felt your cheeks grow warm with slight embarrassment. Of course you’d pictured yourself with him, how could you not.  Even though bedroom Jungkook wasn’t quite how you’d expected, the side of himself he had shown you was driving you crazy with want.  You wanted to explore this bold and forward Jungkook that he seemed capable of pulling out from some forgotten corner in his mind.  
“Well sweetheart, sorry to ruin your fantasies of me, but there’s no way in hell I’d let you take control here” he growled, his face serious as he tilted his head back, biting at his lip.  He then sent you a quick flirtatious wink again, letting you in on how much he was enjoying this new persona he’d decided to try on. 
Maybe it was the war, maybe it was the idea that any of you could die tomorrow that pushed him to try new things, whatever the case, you both were glad he’d decided to. 
His lips landed on yours before you could even think about leaning in to meet them.  Both of his hands held your face as his frantic and lustful kisses were given.  He pressed himself against you fully, pushing against you and forcing you to take steps back before you fell to the bed. 
Jungkook pulled back from the kiss but stayed on top of you, holding himself up arms length away from you.  His hands pressing into the small lower bunk bed on either side of you.  
He stared down at you with his hungry and almost feral dark eyes. 
“Fuck.” He hissed, pushing himself up, he sat with his legs straddled across your hips and lifted his shirt over his head quickly.  
He was so muscular and his skin was scattered in tattoos of many different things.  You caught one that stood out to you, the words “Out of my Mind” were tattooed right under his left collarbone.  You had always wondered what that one said, only ever seeing the very top of the lettering when his shirt would slip down slightly.  
Jungkook tossed his shirt to the corner of the room and then dove back into you, grinding his hips roughly against you to relieve some of the need that was growing. 
One of his hands harshly grabbed and squeezed your tit through the fabric of your dress, his lips scattering passionate kisses all up and down your neck.
When he lifted his hand to brush a strand of hair from your face, you caught the words that you had noticed written on his knuckles earlier today.
‘OOPS’ was written in plain block letters. 
You grabbed his hand and observed them. 
“Why oops?” You were confused by his choice of that word.
Jungkook simply shrugged, a weird expression on his face. 
“Don’t even remember ever getting that one” he spoke simply like that was the most normal thing in the world. “This one either” he pointed to the first one you’d noticed under his collar bone.
“How do you not remember getting a whole tattoo?” You chuckled.
Jungkook though wasn’t joining in the amusement “I think Taehyung did this one when I was too drunk to remember” he motioned to his collarbone. “And everyone says I did this one myself” He wiggled his fingers looking at his hand. “I try not to think too hard on it.  We’ve all been through some rough shit…” he paused and seemed to drift into a thought he didn’t want to vocalize.  “I think there’s a lot of things that we’d rather forget.  Jimin says I’m lucky that I blacked a lot of things out, and he won’t tell me…” 
Your eyes widened, these men had been going through hell long before this war, long before this prison.  
“Sorry to bring the mood down” you whispered.
“It’s fine” jungkook lifted his shoulders up and down, “like I said, I don’t really remember”
‘Out of my mind’ … a part of him was.  Maybe it should scare you.  The way this moment brought out a side of him you’d never seen made you wonder what other dormant parts of Jungkook were just sitting inside of him ready to be unlocked and unleashed.
Though he said it didn’t bother him, Jungkook was terrified of what those memories might be.  He’d been sure he’d never killed anyone, he prided himself in being a behind the scenes member of their gang.  Yet, there were moments when the other members spoke, reminiscing on past crimes and encounters with other gangs, only to just stop.  They’d fall silent and try their hardest not to look to Jungkook.  So then he’d doubt himself.  He knew he’d done something...something bad, something none of them thought he could handle reliving.  Maybe it really was for the best.
You wished you could’ve been there to help them with all of the horrors they’d gone through, you wished you could take away the obvious pain that Jungkook felt over this.  
The most you could offer was the pleasure that your body could give him. While you were sure that wasn’t enough to erase all the hurt, for a moment...you could send him into bliss.  If that was all you could do, you were going to do your best.
You pulled his head back down into a deep kiss with one hand, and with the other, pulling off the straps of your dress and shoving it down, presenting your bare chest to him like an offering.  
He took your offering instantly, reaching a hand to play with your nipple, pinching it between his fingers roughly, causing you to wince and let out a small whimper.
“Ah, so I see you’ve decided to sleep with someone other than Taehyung for a change” a voice boomed out from the doorway.
You gasped and Jungkook instantly rolled off of you. 
Namjoon stood with a blank face, his arms folded over his chest as he leaned against the doorway.  
Thinking that namjoon was speaking to you, you opened your mouth to reply. 
But, Jungkook answered first. 
“We’ve been over this.  Same as Yoongi and Jimin, he’s not my boyfriend or anything” Jungkook hissed out.
You were covering your chest pulling up the fabric of your dress.
Namjoons eyes were locked on you, and you could feel the fiery lust that your spell caused growing stronger the more he lingered in your presence. 
“No need to cover up on my account Goddess” he chuckled. “Unless you really don’t like me that much” 
“I-I” you started to stutter.
But Namjoon cut you off, still looking at you yet talking to Jungkook.
“Yeah okay.” He scoffed “You may not call him your boyfriend, but every time I’ve tried to…” he trailed off “you always say he’s the reason you won’t…” Namjoon’s features started to crumple up in an angry expression as he recounted his previous encounters with Jungkook regarding this.
Jungkook groaned and rolled his eyes, pushing himself up and walking over to Namjoon.
“You’ve had a rough day, you’re lashing out.” Jungkook spoke annoyed. 
Jungkook had always turned Namjoon down, and he used Taehyung as an excuse.  Though he and Taehyung were in no way exclusive, in fact they frequently had other partners besides each other on the outside and neither of them could care less.  Yet the reason he denied Namjoon...it was something personal.  It was the way Namjoon looked at him like they’d already done it before.  It was like a memory lingered in Namjoon’s mind, one that Jungkook couldn’t quite grasp.
It frustrated him, and made him resent Namjoon for not telling him.  At least Taehyung pretended that nothing had ever happened, brushing things off with a “I have no idea what you’re talking about” if Jungkook ever asked about the broken pieces of his mind that he couldn’t seem to find. 
Namjoon made him mad.  So mad...yet he couldn’t deny the pull that had always remained.  Nothing like the pull he felt towards you, but if anything else in the world could be compared to the feelings he’d always harbored and tried to bury about Namjoon, your spell would be it.
The bold and confident Jungkook had not left the room, that was very apparent as he reached his hand out and brushed a thumb over Namjoon’s cheek.  
“What? You wanna fuck us hyung? Is that it?” Jungkook teased. 
Namjoon smacked his hand away. His eyes flicking back and forth between you and Jungkook. 
“I know you’ve always wanted to fuck me.  And we obviously all wanna fuck her, because fuck-“ Jungkook hissed out spinning and motioning to you “just fucking look at her” he almost moaned out.
This all completely surprised you, you’d thought it was just Jimin and Yoongi that had fooled around, but now it seems that most of them had some relationships with each other like that...
Namjoon bit his lip slightly and pulled himself from the wall, his eyes trailed up and down Jungkook’s bare chest.  He lifted his hand and brushed it against the inked words under his collarbone and sighed as if something about those words really affected him as well. 
Reminding you of what Jungkook had mentioned just moments ago. 
Something had happened to him, something happened and Namjoon knew…
“Jungkook...I” Namjoon stuttered.
“Fuck” Jungkook hissed “all the times you’ve begged to fuck me? And now I’m finally saying okay and you hesitate?” Jungkook seemed genuinely angry. 
This moment seemed to be getting far too personal, you felt slightly uncomfortable and started to consider leaving. 
“I’m saying I don’t care, I don’t care that you won’t tell me what happened to me to make me not remember.  Cuz who the fuck wants to remember the shit that happened to us” Jungkook cried out, tears starting to form in his eyes.
You now realized what was going on here, Namjoon needed to forget today, what he’d done today would haunt him forever…
You couldn’t make him forget forever, but if being with Jungkook and you might help him…
“Please fuck us Namjoon” you said cutely. Trying to change the subject for their sake and bring the two boys attention back to you.
You remembered Namjoon saying how he wouldn’t be able to resist if you asked, it was a hopeful choice of words.  And it worked.
“Fuck” he gasped “yeah...yes” his eyes widened and he instantly stepped into the room closing the door behind him. 
Jungkook watched carefully as Namjoon pulled his shirt over his head.  
He had far less hidden tattoos than Jungkook, just two stars, one on each side of his lower abs.
Namjoons gaze moved between you and Jungkook, wondering where he should start.
Jungkook, who seemed to really be falling into this dominant position of control well, made the decision for him, pulling Namjoon close to his chest and planting a kiss on his plump lips.  He then took Namjoons lower lip between his teeth, sucking it into his mouth and biting down, dragging his lip. 
Namjoon hissed out at the painful feeling, his eyes squeezing shut. 
Jungkook released his lip and chuckled. 
“Ah baby” he teased with a wink “let’s not leave our goddess out hm?” 
This couldn’t have been the first time Jungkook had been this way...it couldn’t have been. He’s far too good at it, far too talented at taking control.  It was so sexy timid, shy Jungkook taking control of you and Namjoon at the same time.
Namjoon nodded shyly, looking over to you, and then his eyes landing on Jungkook for direction.
“You can touch her hyung.  But you need to get yourself undressed first hm?” He grinned widely checking out the older man while brushing a finger over his lower lip.
Namjoon ran a hand through his light brown hair nervously.  He couldn’t believe he was really doing this.  Here with you...here with Jungkook.  It was like a dream come true in the middle of the worst nightmare he’d ever had.  
A part of him wanted to stop, save this moment for a day where he wasn’t so fucked up in the head.
But he decided to continue, because he couldn’t promise himself that day would ever come.
Namjoon dropped his pants and boxers to the ground, letting his long, fat cock free from the restrictive jeans.  He was so hard that it almost hurt, he felt guilty for being so turned on after the day he’d had.  He shouldn’t be rewarded for what he’d done...no...he needed punishment.  And he knew just how to get it. 
“Maybe just y/n and I can be alone together? It feels weird with you here…” Namjoon turned to Jungkook next to him who still stood only half naked and now jaw dropped.
“Oh is that so?” Jungkook rolled his tongue against the inside of his cheek, getting incredibly ticked off by the older man’s words. “After all the times you begged” he walked over and grabbed a fistful of Namjoon’s hair, yanking his head back.
“Maybe I just don’t want you anymore” Namjoon spoke with a smirk, egging him on further, pushing him exactly how he wanted him.  
“Namjoon.  On your fucking knees you liar” Jungkook growled. “Y/n.  On the edge of the bed. Spread that pretty pussy for us and Namjoon is going to eat you out until you cum.  And if he does good maybe he can touch me too” he ordered.
You complied instantly, moving your dress up and presenting yourself to the two men in front of you.
Namjoon let out a needy whine at the sight, licking his lips excitedly.
Jungkook sucked in a sharp breath and spoke a quick ‘fuck’ under his breath.
“Now Namjoon.” He commanded his hyung. 
Namjoon nodded slowly, his wide eyes locked on to your pussy.  He inched forward and brought his face to your core.  You felt his warm breath tickle your outer folds and you shivered slightly.
He took one hand and spread you further open to give himself better access. His other hand squeezing your thigh gently.
You looked down and noticed that his eyes were meeting yours for a moment, as if asking for permission to begin.  
You nodded and gave him a sweet reassuring smile.  He didn’t hesitate now, diving right in to the wetness in front of him.
His tongue flicked over your clit at lightning speed.  You gasped out and bucked your hips up into his mouth in response.  He used the hand on your thigh to steady you as he continued his pace.
You looked over to see Jungkook standing heavy lidded, pupils dilated and grinding his teeth together as he tried to hold himself back from jumping in and taking Namjoon’s place.  His erection was throbbing in his pants, aching to get out.  Aching to feel you wrapped around him in any way that he could get you...your mouth, your hand...your perfect pussy. 
You felt your orgasm building under Namjoon’s quickening tongue.  You cried out loudly as you were right on the edge. 
The sight was so beautiful Jungkook almost forgot his plan for this moment.
“Wait stop!” He quickly got out.
Namjoon pulled back instantly, and you pouted at the denial of your orgasm. 
“I want Goddess to beg me to cum.  Come on temptress.  You tease us all day long, did you really think I’d forget what a naughty girl you are? Did you really think I’d forget how you’ve been with four of my friends before me? Hm?”
He got on the bed next to you, crouching down and bringing one hand to wrap around you throat.  It was different than when Yoongi had done this, Jungkook’s hand was placed there with control, and reason.  Yet you couldn’t help but replay the beautiful moment with your master...missing it.
Jungkook was now breathing a soft breath of air out against your ear.  Then suddenly nipping harshly at your lobe. 
“Ah!” You squeaked out.
“Babygirl.  Did you really not think I was worth coming to first? I’m honestly a little jealous.  Namjoon too, he’s just being too nice to say anything.  You know that’s why he lashed out at you earlier right?” 
Was it? You thought he hated you for what you were...but...could he have just felt neglected?
“Namjoon?” You asked softly.
Namjoon sheepishly looked down.
“I’m really sorry about that Goddess...I was harsh, and I felt left out.  I felt like you didn’t want me, that you wanted them all more than me.  I’m sorry”
You rolled your eyes.  Jungkook sat up so that you could get up and plant a soft kiss on Namjoon’s forehead.
“I forgive you” you smiled while kissing him on one cheek, “and I want you very much.  You almost made me cum so good just now.  I can’t wait for you to finish what we started here” you praised him.  
His face lit up, and he looked over to Jungkook who was lounging on the bed on his side in a relaxed position with one hand propping up his head.  He gave the two of you a look of approval.
“Well. Now that that’s sorted.  Beg.” His voice dropped a few octaves on his last word, he resumed his position of hovering over you, his face mere inches from yours, noses almost brushing as his eyes bore straight into yours. 
The look in his eyes was so wild and animalistic that you should’ve felt afraid, but instead you felt yourself growing even wetter.
“Please” you whined. 
His hand shot to your throat.  Not pressing down or restricting at all, yet still firm, a reminder that he could if he wanted to.
“Beg. Better. Beg like you mean it,” He hissed out through clenched teeth.  Namjoon was on his knees a few feet back from the bed, sitting back on his feet, watching you and Jungkook with hungry eyes. 
“Jungkook please let me cum” you desperately pleaded.  Jungkook had one leg on either side of you straddling you and pressing his still clothed erection into your naked core, rubbing against you and soaking the front of his pants with your wetness. 
He glared down at you, yet you could see the hints of lust that covered his expression. 
“That’s a pathetic excuse for begging” he grumbled under his breath, “But your face tells me how desperate you are” he smirked, tightening his long fingers for a moment around your throat. You jerked your hips up into him as he did this, so turned on by the feeling. 
Jungkook scoffed and shook his head, pulling himself away from you completely and walking to stand over Namjoon. 
“Your turn” a sinful smile grew on Jungkook’s face as he stared down at the older man.  Namjoon’s eyes widened.  “Show Godess what I mean when I say beg” he growled tilting his head up and biting his lip as he ran fingers through his jet black hair, his bicep flexing as he did.  
“Jungkook, Please let me eat Goddess’s pussy until she cums.  I want to feel her cum on my tongue and drink up every last drop” Namjoon begged, not breaking eye contact with Jungkook as he did. 
“And what makes you think you deserve to” Jungkook bent over slightly and grabbed a handful of Namjoon’s hair, jerking his head back and getting mere inches from his face, his stern gaze piercing into Namjoon’s eyes. 
“I don’t.  God. I don’t deserve it sir.  But she does, please let me make her cum.  I’d do anything.  I’d do anything for you Jungkook, I’d do anything for her” Namjoon’s voice cracked as he answered, wincing at the pain of having his hair pulled so roughly. 
“Good boy” Jungkook softened his grip and brought his lips to meet Namjoon’s.  You felt a loud gasp leave your lips. 
The sight was just so erotic.  Jungkook’s kisses seemed controlled and well placed, while Namjoon’s were desperate and frenzied, he brought his hands around the back of Jungkook’s head pulling him deeper into the kiss.  Namjoon seemed like a man starved, a man who’d waited a lifetime for this kiss. It was so different than the first kiss you’d seen from them, the emotion behind this was filling the whole room with it’s aura. 
Jungkook pulled back from the kiss and whispered something in Namjoon’s ear.  You couldn’t make out what it was, but whatever the words were, it caused Namjoon to shut his eyes tightly and flash a smile of relief and pure joy.  
“Okay.  Make our Goddess cum now” Jungkook pet the top of Namjoon’s head, motioning for him to return to his position between your legs. 
 Namjoon picked back up where he left off, flicking his tongue over your sensitive and throbbing clit.  Your fingers made their way to intertwining themselves in his hair, holding him close as you moaned out his name needily.  Jungkook moved next to you on the bed, lying on his side and bringing a hand to pinch one of your nipples harshly.  You squealed at the pain, but you didn’t want him to stop.  He started to suck on your neck, leaving purple marks on your skin. 
“I’m going to cum soon” You gasped out.  You felt Jungkook quiver at your words, and he pinched down even harder on your nipple. 
Namjoon responded with a loud moan, and an even quicker pace against you. 
“Namjoon, Fuck” you pulled on the strands of hair that you held in your hands.  
Your orgasm was right there, so close…
“Cum for us baby girl” Jungkook whispered against the skin of your neck. 
And that was all it took for you to come undone.  You screamed out in pleasure as the waves of your orgasm took over your body, Namjoon carrying you through it with his tongue and lapping up every drop that you gave him as he said he would. 
Your chest rose and fell dramatically as you tried to get a handle on yourself after that incredible high. 
Jungkook released your nipple and planted a soft kiss on your neck where he’d just left the last mark. 
Namjoon massaged your inner thighs gently as you released your grip on him and  he pulled his head back.
Jungkook now stood, dropping his pants and boxers to the floor, his long cock springing free from it’s cage.  
You licked your lips hungrily as he walked back over to the bed, he pulled some lube out from a drawer in the nightstand next to the bed then sat down without a word. 
“Where do you want me sir?” Namjoon now stood in front of him. 
“Where do you think I fucking want you.” Jungkook spoke lowly. 
Namjoon dropped once again to his knees, this time in positioning himself between Jungkook’s legs instead of yours. 
“Suck.” Jungkook growled out his order, roughly gripping Namjoon by his hair and jerking his head forward to his cock.  
Namjoon moaned out lewdly as he moved his hand to grip the base of Jungkook’s throbbing length. 
He was returned with a loud slap to the side of his face.  
“I didn’t say to do that.  I said suck.  Put your fucking hands away” He hissed. 
Namjoon quickly pulled his hand back and nodded, lowering his head to take the tip of Jungkook’s cock in his mouth, then taking the length fully. 
“Wow” you whispered. Namjoon continued to suck Jungkook’s cock like it was his last meal, slurping loudly and humming around him. 
Jungkook was throwing his head back, eyes rolling into the back of his head.  
“Fuck fuck, baby stop” he groaned, using his grip he’d had on Namjoons hair to tear his head away from his cock. 
“Goddess.” Jungkook motioned for you to come over to him, “Sit on my lap and let me fuck that tight ass while Namjoon fucks your pussy” a smirk growing on his face as he saw your jaw drop. 
You hesitantly made your way over to Jungkook, he smacked your ass hard as you stood with your back facing him getting ready to sit on his lap.  Jungkook put a bit of the lube on the tip of his cock and gently rubbed it all over. 
“Now goddess” he ordered, now using both hands to spread your ass cheeks apart as you started to sit down on him.  He steadied himself on the edge of the bed, using his grip on you to keep you from losing balance. 
You felt the tip of his cock start to press into your hole. 
“Relax baby” he spoke calmly, gripping your hips and bringing you down further around him. 
“Fuck that feels so good, so fucking tight” He hissed out, his grip tightening as he pushed into you. 
Once you’d taken him fully he gave you a moment to adjust before motioning for Namjoon to come closer. 
Namjoon, bent slightly to reach where you and Jungkook now sat on the bed together, and Jungkook leaned back a bit as Namjoon rested his body against you, positioning his cock right at your entrance, waiting for a moment to make sure you were okay with this. 
“Fuck me Namjoon, please” you moaned out, feeling so fucked out already from the feeling of Jungkook in your ass, but wanting more.  You needed to feel Namjoon fill up your pussy. 
Namjoon nodded, biting down hard on his lower lip as he pressed himself into you, stretching you out and filling you up.  The feeling was pure bliss, both of them inside of you, Jungkook’s back pressing against your back, and Namjoons chest now pressed against your chest. 
Jungkook leaned forward and gave Namjoon a soft kiss on the lips before starting to slowly move inside of you. 
You gasped out sharply at the feeling.  Namjoon took that as his cue to start moving as well, keeping his thrusts in sync with Jungkook, loving the feeling of your pussy, and the way he could feel Jungkook’s cock through the wall of your pussy.  So tight, so perfect…
You wrapped your arms around Namjoon’s neck, feeling yourself start to tear up from the overabundance of pleasure coursing through your body. 
“I-I-I” you tried to tell them you were about to cum but you couldn’t get the words out. 
Jungkook chuckled and brought his lips to your neck again, nipping at the skin and digging his nails into your sides where he gripped you, holding you steady as he sped up his pace. 
You started to grow limp from all of the pleasure rushing over you, Namjoon and Jungkook both held you steady now, curses and moans falling from both of their lips.  
Your orgasm flooded over you, causing you to shake and writhe between the two men.  
“Fuck.” You heard Namjoon hiss out, “So. Tight.  So…” His eyes clenched shut and his pace grew unsteady.  
“Cum with me baby” Jungkook spoke out in a gravely low rumble.  At that Namjoon stilled and you felt his warm ropes of cum start to fill you up.  
Jungkook wasn’t too far off, grunting heavily as he sped up and fucked into you hard, his hips slapping against your ass cheeks, then growling out a loud yell of your name as he emptied himself inside of you.  
“Fuckkk” He moaned out, pulling out of you and laying flat on his back.  
Namjoon still held you as you sat on Jungkook’s lap, cum now spilling out of you and onto Jungkook and the bed.  
“Lets get cleaned up hon” he whispered gently, kissing you on the top of your head.  “You were so good for us baby” he praised you. 
Namjoon then pulled out of you, picking you up in his arms bridal style and carrying you out of the room to the shower, Jungkook following close behind, not caring who saw the three of you in your post sex state. 
After you’d gotten cleaned up and sufficiently recovered from your session with the two of them, Jungkook left, telling the two of you he was tired and going to bed.
“I’d love it if the two of you joined me in there in a moment” he winked, lingering at the door as you and Namjoon were re dressing. 
“I thought we were all sleeping in the living room” Namjoon furrowed his brow.  “You might be in charge in the bedroom.  But I’m your leader” he reminded him. 
Jungkook scoffed, “I’m sleeping in my own bed tonight.  If you want to let me sleep alone, that's on you” he shrugged, winking again and heading out of the room. 
“That boy, what am I gonna do with him” Namjoon chuckled and shook his head “Did you have fun Goddess” he smiled cheekily at you. 
“Yes.  Why do I feel that wasn’t the first time you’d done something like that with Jungkook though” You teased, not realizing your mistake until Namjoon froze and his expression grew dark. 
“Sorry, I wasn’t trying to..” 
Namjoon shook his head “No it's fine.” he sighed, “There's just.  Things about Jungkook, I don’t know if I should say” 
“He talked a bit about not having all of his memories…” You spoke quietly. 
“Yeah.” Namjoon nervously ran a hand through his hair, “Yeah.” he repeated. 
“You don’t half to talk about it if you don’t want” you wrapped your arms around him, burying your head in his chest.  “It’s gotta be tough”
“I love him.  I’ve loved that insane man for so many years” He whispered. 
“You pulled back and stared up at Namjoon who’s eyes were not filling with tears. 
“You should probably know his story.” He sighed “You might find out eventually, he seems so close to having another lucid moment again, it’s bound to come out, you should be prepared.” Namjoon then took you to his room, the two of you walked past the younger men’s room to see Jungkook fast asleep in his bed. 
You sat down on one of the lower bunks, Namjoon sitting next to you silently for a bit, deciding where to start. 
“Jungkook was never our computer guy.  He was our top muscle, our best killer.  Everyone called him the Phantom of Death.  He had a boyfriend.  Another member of our gang named Baekhyun. There used to be 8 of us.  I loved Jungkook even then, and we started to sneak around and fuck behind Baekhyun’s back. Jungkook was in love with me too, it was obvious. But he just couldn’t bring himself to break up with his boyfriend, he loved him more.” Namjoons eyes stared down at the floor. 
“One day Baekhyun walked in on us together.  He couldn’t handle it.  It drove him mad.  The next week a hit had been ordered on Jungkook.  Five men jumped him on his way home that day, and Jungkook killed them all.  It wasn’t too unlike him to handle himself that way.  But, he just knew that it was Baekhyun who did it.  He went back to the home he shared with Baekhyun, who was surprised to see him still alive.” Namjoon clenched his eyes shut as a tear fell down his cheek.  “When we found Baekhyun the next day his face seemed like it’d been punched to shit...” he shuddered “So hard that it killed him.  And he couldn’t handle it.  He really did love him, it didn’t just break his heart what he’d done, it broke his soul” 
You sat with your mouth gaping open, shocked to hear that Jungkook was capable of that.  Scared Jungkook who seemed so nervous at every battle. 
“He disappeared for about a week.  When he came back he was wearing the same clothes, covered in blood, no one really knows entirely what happened. But he had the tattoo on his knuckles, the same hand that killed his lover.” Namjoon’s fist clenched tightly “And he’d completely forgotten about everything.  He didn’t remember anything he’d done, he thought he was our tech guy and that he’d never killed a soul, it was some strange story that his brain made up for him so he could cope with what he’d done.  He forgot he’d ever been with me.”  You put a hand over Namjoon’s hand and held it tightly, nodding as you listened to his story, your heart breaking for him. 
“He started sleeping with Taehyung.  I was jealous but there was nothing I could do, none of us wanted to tell him anything that could remind him of what had happened.  He seemed happier that way.  Until one night, he must’ve had a night terror, all the memories of what happened.  He was laying next to Taehyung in bed and almost killed him before realizing what he was doing.  When he came to he passed out for two days.  That's when Taehyung gave him that tattoo, more as a reminder for us that our Jungkook could snap at any moment.” 
“I’m so sorry” You whispered, not quite knowing what to say. 
“What's happened has happened I suppose...” He shrugged “Thanks for listening.  I needed to talk with someone about it.  All the emotions from what I did today.  I was scared that maybe I’d snap too” he admitted “But being with you, and getting to be with him again.  It really helped” Namjoon pulled you close to him.  “Let’s go join our Jungkookie in bed okay?” 
You nodded with a small smile, following Namjoon into the room and crawling next to Jungkook who instantly smiled a sleepy smile.  
You had a lot to think about after today, you didn’t know these men at all.  They were dangerous, maybe that was good for this twisted game you were all playing.  All you knew for sure about them, is that no matter what they'd done...you were falling in love. 
You woke up that morning sandwiched in between Jungkook and shirtless bodies.  You nuzzled your nose into Jungkook’s chest and pressed your backside into Namjoon’s front, who in response wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you in even tighter.
You felt so safe and warm.  The heavenly memories of the night before were replaying on a loop in your mind.
The sound of the door opening directed all of your attention to the noise.
“Wake the fuck up!” Hoseok screamed out, his eyes wide, his hands frantically motioning for the three of you to get up.
“What’s going on?” Jungkook mumbled, sitting up and trying to rub the sleep from his eyes with the back of his hand.
“Fuck fuck fuck, I knew we should’ve all slept together.  How the fuck did this happen?” You heard Jin’s panicked voice outside of the door.
At that you shot up rushing into the hallway, Jin met your gaze, tears were filling his eyes.
“Wha-“ You started quietly as you walked into the living room, your stomach was overcome with a tingling fear.  You didn’t like the anxiety ridden aura in the house right now.  
Taehyung sat on the couch with his head in his hands.
“Jimin is gone.  Someone took him while we slept.” he whispered pointing to the spot on the floor where Jimin and Yoongi had been sleeping.
Your heart felt like it stopped instantly.  Your blood grew cold and the needles of fear pricked into your spine. *no...not Jimin*
“M-master?” You whimpered out to the man laying on his side on the floor, blank faced and seemingly in a state of shock.
“He’s been like this since we found out…” Jin shook his head.
“Well let’s fucking go get him.” You stood tall and spoke with confidence. “I actually think I know where to look first” you added.
Though, you hoped that you were wrong.  If he was where you thought he was, the chances of getting him back were low…
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hosiecozy · 4 years
Saving Legacies 2x08
So they fucked up. They took everything about girl power, friendship, path’s not about just one boy and Hope making sure not to cause pain to Josie all thrown away in one horribly written christmas episode. Basically they not only ruin the prospect of any hosie friendship bond but also Hope’s character as well, If Hope and Josie are back to being good friends in the next episode, the writers are on crack! Josie’s heart pain is gonna be worse and I won’t be surprised she goes full dark now. To be honest, being treated like this, I’m all for Josie to blast and burn people around. Landon gave her no chance to recover from heartbreak by jumping into Hope’s arms right away. If Hope goes all ga-ga over Landon in the next few episodes, ignoring Josie’s feelings, I’m gonna puke my guts out. 
So, thanks to their executive producer who wrote and directed this sadistic, cringey, very heterosexual episode, my fic brain have been thinking about how I can fix his shit. All I can say about hosie is that they are gonna be back in angst mode again. So here’s what I foresee/want:
- Lizzie and Hope will be pre-occupied with their boyfriends and they become closer having girl talks about boys(bleh..)
- Josie catches them a few times and avoids them. As if seeing Hope n Landon being lovey-dovey isn’t enough, she had to deal with her sister and Hope bond over their boyfriends.
- Josie hides her deepening pain and practices black magic to overcome it. She’s smart enough to siphon all the black magic into that hour glass so Lizzie doesn’t get side effects. She also decides to focus on solving the merge issue
- Hope tries to talk to Josie, sensing the girl is still mad at her but Josie will always avoid Hope. Josie’s pain now is not just about Landon but Hope whom she thought she could at least be friends with but it’s just hurts more than she expected.
- Hope wants to fix her friendship with Josie so she suggests to Lizzie they will arrange their boyfriends to have a guys only trip with Raf, MG and Kaleb while the girls can plan their own bonding time with Josie
- The boys go off but the plan to bond with Josie backfires as the cupid strikes and the girls had to find the monster to stop it before they find themselves getting arrowed and randomly kissing strangers.
- In the midst of monster-hunting, Hope and Josie has a shouting match with each other about their relationship. Yes, angsty babies..Note that Josie by now is dark n she is not keeping her anger in at all. In a fit of tears, Josie tells Hope that hating her was easier n that she is after all used to being 2nd rate. At that point, Hope’s emotions rise high n she kisses Josie. And they kiss long n hard until Lizzie spots them and quickly stops them, telling them they must be hit by the cupid spell.
- That night, Josie finds Hope waiting n her room n tells Hope to leave becoz she’s not gonna hear her apologize to her about the spell-induced kiss. Hope then tells her that she was there to tell her that the kiss was real becoz Alaric had actually destroyed the cupid spell before they kissed. Josie is surprised at Hope’s revelation. 
Anyway, I’m not gonna write more becoz it would turn into a full fic if I go on. I also know it’s a tall order for this to come true in Legacies. LOL! But I might continue the story and consider writing a full fic series in Ao3....if most of you actually like this idea. Let me know ;)
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msbeccieboo · 4 years
Crisis Part 3 thoughts
Because these eps don’t deserve a full brain dump 😂😂 
Dig straight in there shouting at everyone over Oliver and Lyla, YAAAASSSS! “I wasn’t there when he needed me”😭😭 You’ll be there when he needs you the most, Dig!
Larry is the Paragon of Love? LOVE? *confused face*  Paragon of lov(ing) his sister, maybe.
Oliver is not one of the Paragons…nice, he’ll be better!
Does MG have any attention span whatsoever? This episode was like Larry speed-reading through a comic book.
The rando 7th Paragon dude lives in Ivy Town and just wants to be with his wife and baby daughter…please let this be foreshadowing Oliver’s ending somehow!
Destroying Black Lightning’s Earth, outside of his show, just means some of this isn’t sticking
Larry has another hero take the fall on his behalf again…not Paragon behaviour…ISTG Larry!!
Dig, Mia and Constantine teaming up to save Oliver’s soul is everything!!
The Oliver scene was so bloody short! Steve really got a nice break during these last two eps, didn’t he!
Us: expecting a big battle to get Oliver’s soul returned. Dig: “Yo, Oliver come back!”. Oliver: “Oh hi man!” 😂😂
The Quiggle hug, followed by the Mia hug was lovely 😍😍
“Take a hike, Crazy Eyes” I DIED 😂
Oliver didn’t even hesitate to become Spectre, just “Ok, bye Mia!” *Boom! Sparkly eyes!*, which, while absolutely wasteful of a potentially meaningful character moment, was just further proof of Oliver being the ultimate hero in the multiverse.
Oh, b-t-dubs..he now is immortal and has more powers than any of the other heroes put together 😏😏 Which, while pretty meaningless and unnecessary for us actual Oliver fans, is a massive fuck you to the whiney naysayers who've said for years that Oliver isn’t a real hero cos he has no superpowers. Powers that I still fully expect him to give up by the end of the show. Your leads could never.
Evil!Lyla serving everyone’s arses on a plate was epic (evil and bad and wrong etc, but still epic!) Then killing the Monitor! Time for Oliver to get these so-called heroes in line!
That ending 😬😬🙈🙈
So everyone on every Earth, save for the handful of Paragons, are dead, every world has gone, and it’s gonna stay that way? Of course not! They still have 27228 CW hero shows with full seasons to fill!
Ending on that ‘cliffhanger’ was just ridiculous! There was no shock value, as it’s so absurd, because it’s so clearly not going to play out that way in the end. Therefore what is the point? They could have angsted us up real good over the xmas hiatus, but I probably won’t even give it a second thought now.
The ending (and the whole episode, really) was completely devoid of heart...they didn’t even try to put any emotion in there when everyone ‘died’, and any other attempt at an emotional moment elsewhere in the episode was so rushed and interspersed with the next random arm of the story, that it never really hit. (And this is coming from a massive crier 😂😂)
We get Oliver in a suit in one of the next eps!! Who says Spectres can’t be snappy dressers too 😂
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cover2covermom · 4 years
Goodbye April & hello May!
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel & I’m running toward it…
April seemed to drag on despite the days flying by.  Does that even make sense?  Like I’ve mentioned before, my days are filled with homeschooling, home projects, mask making, and reading.  I’ve been doing my best to fill my hours to ease the COVID-19 anxiety.
I received the notification that I will be returning to work next week, which was welcome news.  I’m ready to get back a little bit of normalcy in my life.  Thankfully, our library system is reopening in phases.  Our first phase will be employees only (3-5 employees in the building at one time) and offering curb-side service to our patrons.  As of now, we will not open our doors to the public until June 1st at the earliest.  At that point in time, we will be limiting the number of patrons allowed in the building.  It is definitely going to be a learning curve to see what my new work normal is going to entail.  I’m looking forward to adapting & rising to the occasion.
» Be Not Far From Me by Mindy McGinnis
As per usual, Mindy McGinnis puts out another harrowing YA book.  I love survival stories, so I enjoyed this story about a girl that has gotten lost in the woods.  Be Not Far From Me was uncomfortable to read at certain points.
» Here in the Real World by Sara Pennypacker
*3.5 Stars*
This was a sweet story about two kids that form a friendship while hanging around an abandoned lot.  The first half of this book didn’t grab me and moved far too slowly.  I enjoyed the second half of this book a lot better than the first half.
» Keeper of Lost Cities (Keeper of the Lost Cities #1) by Shannon Messenger
An awesome MG fantasy!  I cannot wait to continue on with this series.  I’d recommend this to fans of Harry Potter.
» Separation Anxiety by Laura Zigman
*2.75 Stars*
I read this for one of my book clubs.   I think the author was attempting to write a book that would charm readers with eccentric characters & a humorous plotline, but don’t think it delivered.  Instead of being funny, the story felt odd & forced.
» A Wolf Called Wander by Rosanne Parry
I think the author did a tremendous job writing a book from a wolf’s perspective.  You can tell the author did extensive research into wolves & their behaviors.  While I think this animal perspective was very well done, I didn’t think the plotline was all that entertaining.
» The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Oz #1) by L. Frank Baum
I’ve decided to challenge myself to read more children’s classics in 2020.   To kick start this challenge, I started with The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.  This was a delightful read!  I was surprised to learn that the slippers were actually silver instead of ruby red… mind blown!
» SHOUT by Laurie Halse Anderson
This is a must read for fans of Laurie Halse Anderson’s Speak.  While you don’t HAVE to read Speak to read SHOUT, I feel like it makes a bigger impact if you read Speak prior to this.  If you didn’t know, SHOUT is Anderson’s memoir told in verse.
» Loveboat, Taipei (Loveboat, Taipei #1) by Abigail Hing Wen
*4.5 Stars*
This is a guilty pleasure type of read.  Actually, it reminded me a bit of Crazy Rich Asians a bit.  It is a tad racy for a YA book… So I’d probably recommend for older YA readers that are 16+
» Exile (Keeper of the Lost Cities #2) by Shannon Messenger
I am LOVING this MG fantasy series.  While these books are a bit chunky, don’t let the page count deter you.  I flew through the first two books in this series this month.  Also, I’m happy to report that this second installment does NOT suffer from “second book syndrome.”
» Nooks & Crannies by Jessica Lawson
Nooks & Crannies is an excellent MG historical mystery.  Some of the elements of this story gave me Matilda mixed with A Series of Unfortunate Events vibes.  The audiobook is well narrated.
» The Penderwicks (The Penderwicks #1) by Jeanne Birdsall
This is the perfect book to pick up during the summer months.  It really gave me modern Little Women crossed with The Secret Garden vibes.  The ending was so heartwarming it almost brought me to tears.
Goodreads Challenge Update: 46 books!
*I know it says 47, but I finished The Last (Endling #1) on May 1st*
March 2020 Reading & Blogging Wrap-Up
April 2020 TBR
Childhood Classics 2020: TBR
Most Anticipated Books of 2020 (May – December)
Mini Book Reviews: April 2020 – Part 1
Mini Book Reviews: April 2020 – Part 2
If you were ever curious what a bookworm’s quarantine stress shopping spree looks like, here you go…
» The Guinevere Deception (Camelot Rising #1) by Kiersten White
There was nothing in the world as magical and terrifying as a girl.
Princess Guinevere has come to Camelot to wed a stranger: the charismatic King Arthur. With magic clawing at the kingdom’s borders, the great wizard Merlin conjured a solution–send in Guinevere to be Arthur’s wife . . . and his protector from those who want to see the young king’s idyllic city fail. The catch? Guinevere’s real name–and her true identity–is a secret. She is a changeling, a girl who has given up everything to protect Camelot.
To keep Arthur safe, Guinevere must navigate a court in which the old–including Arthur’s own family–demand things continue as they have been, and the new–those drawn by the dream of Camelot–fight for a better way to live. And always, in the green hearts of forests and the black depths of lakes, magic lies in wait to reclaim the land. Arthur’s knights believe they are strong enough to face any threat, but Guinevere knows it will take more than swords to keep Camelot free.
Deadly jousts, duplicitous knights, and forbidden romances are nothing compared to the greatest threat of all: the girl with the long black hair, riding on horseback through the dark woods toward Arthur. Because when your whole existence is a lie, how can you trust even yourself?
» Song for a Whale by Lynne Kelly
The story of a deaf girl’s connection to a whale whose song can’t be heard by his species, and the journey she takes to help him.
From fixing the class computer to repairing old radios, twelve-year-old Iris is a tech genius. But she’s the only deaf person in her school, so people often treat her like she’s not very smart. If you’ve ever felt like no one was listening to you, then you know how hard that can be.
When she learns about Blue 55, a real whale who is unable to speak to other whales, Iris understands how he must feel. Then she has an idea: she should invent a way to “sing” to him! But he’s three thousand miles away. How will she play her song for him?
» Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik
Miryem is the daughter and granddaughter of moneylenders, but her father’s inability to collect his debts has left his family on the edge of poverty–until Miryem takes matters into her own hands. Hardening her heart, the young woman sets out to claim what is owed and soon gains a reputation for being able to turn silver into gold.
When an ill-advised boast draws the attention of the king of the Staryk–grim fey creatures who seem more ice than flesh–Miryem’s fate, and that of two kingdoms, will be forever altered. Set an impossible challenge by the nameless king, Miryem unwittingly spins a web that draws in a peasant girl, Wanda, and the unhappy daughter of a local lord who plots to wed his child to the dashing young tsar.
But Tsar Mirnatius is not what he seems. And the secret he hides threatens to consume the lands of humans and Staryk alike. Torn between deadly choices, Miryem and her two unlikely allies embark on a desperate quest that will take them to the limits of sacrifice, power, and love.
Channeling the vibrant heart of myth and fairy tale, Spinning Silver weaves a multilayered, magical tapestry that readers will want to return to again and again.
» Girls Like Us by Randi Pink
Set in the summer of 1972, this moving YA historical novel is narrated by teen girls from different backgrounds with one thing in common: Each girl is dealing with pregnancy. Four teenage girls. Four different stories. What they all have in common is that they’re dealing with unplanned pregnancies.
In rural Georgia, Izella is wise beyond her years, but burdened with the responsibility of her older sister, Ola, who has found out she’s pregnant. Their young neighbor, Missippi, is also pregnant, but doesn’t fully understand the extent of her predicament. When her father sends her to Chicago to give birth, she meets the final narrator, Susan, who is white and the daughter of an anti-choice senator.
Randi Pink masterfully weaves four lives into a larger story – as timely as ever – about a woman’s right to choose her future.
» The Island of the Sea Women by Lisa See
Set on the Korean island of Jeju, The Island of Sea Women follows Mi-ja and Young-sook, two girls from very different backgrounds, as they begin working in the sea with their village’s all-female diving collective. Over many decades—through the Japanese colonialism of the 1930s and 1940s, World War II, the Korean War, and the era of cellphones and wet suits for the women divers—Mi-ja and Young-sook develop the closest of bonds. Nevertheless, their differences are impossible to ignore: Mi-ja is the daughter of a Japanese collaborator, forever marking her, and Young-sook was born into a long line of haenyeo and will inherit her mother’s position leading the divers. After hundreds of dives and years of friendship, forces outside their control will push their relationship to the breaking point.
This beautiful, thoughtful novel illuminates a unique and unforgettable culture, one where the women are in charge, engaging in dangerous physical work, and the men take care of the children. A classic Lisa See story—one of women’s friendships and the larger forces that shape them—The Island of Sea Women introduces readers to the fierce female divers of Jeju Island and the dramatic history that shaped their lives.
» The Weight of Our Sky by Hanna Alkaf
A music-loving teen with OCD does everything she can to find her way back to her mother during the historic race riots in 1969 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in this heart-pounding literary debut.
Melati Ahmad looks like your typical moviegoing, Beatles-obsessed sixteen-year-old. Unlike most other sixteen-year-olds though, Mel also believes that she harbors a djinn inside her, one who threatens her with horrific images of her mother’s death unless she adheres to an elaborate ritual of counting and tapping to keep him satisfied.
But there are things that Melati can’t protect her mother from. On the evening of May 13th, 1969, racial tensions in her home city of Kuala Lumpur boil over. The Chinese and Malays are at war, and Mel and her mother become separated by a city in flames.
With a 24-hour curfew in place and all lines of communication down, it will take the help of a Chinese boy named Vincent and all of the courage and grit in Melati’s arsenal to overcome the violence on the streets, her own prejudices, and her djinn’s surging power to make it back to the one person she can’t risk losing.
» Escape from Aleppo by N.H. Senzai
Nadia’s family is forced to flee their home in Aleppo, Syria, when the Arab Spring sparks a civil war in this timely coming-of-age novel from award-winning author N.H. Senzai.
Silver and gold balloons. A birthday cake covered in pink roses. A new dress.
Nadia stands at the center of attention in her parents’ elegant dining room. This is the best day of my life, she thinks. Everyone is about to sing “Happy Birthday,” when her uncle calls from the living room, “Baba, brothers, you need to see this.” Reluctantly, she follows her family into the other room. On TV, a reporter stands near an overturned vegetable cart on a dusty street. Beside it is a mound of smoldering ashes. The reporter explains that a vegetable vendor in the city of Tunis burned himself alive, protesting corrupt government officials who have been harassing his business. Nadia frowns.
It is December 17, 2010: Nadia’s twelfth birthday and the beginning of the Arab Spring. Soon anti-government protests erupt across the Middle East and, one by one, countries are thrown into turmoil. As civil war flares in Syria and bombs fall across Nadia’s home city of Aleppo, her family decides to flee to safety. Inspired by current events, this novel sheds light on the complicated situation in Syria that has led to an international refugee crisis, and tells the story of one girl’s journey to safety.
» The Two Princesses of Bamarre (The Two Princesses of Bamarre #1) by Gail Carson Levine
Twelve-year-old Addie admires her older sister Meryl, who aspires to rid the kingdom of Bamarre of gryphons, specters, and ogres. Addie, on the other hand, is fearful even of spiders and depends on Meryl for courage and protection. Waving her sword Bloodbiter, the older girl declaims in the garden from the heroic epic of Drualt to a thrilled audience of Addie, their governess, and the young sorcerer Rhys.
But when Meryl falls ill with the dreaded Gray Death, Addie must gather her courage and set off alone on a quest to find the cure and save her beloved sister. Addie takes the seven-league boots and magic spyglass left to her by her mother and the enchanted tablecloth and cloak given to her by Rhys – along with a shy declaration of his love. She prevails in encounters with tricky specters (spiders too) and outwits a wickedly personable dragon in adventures touched with romance and a bittersweet ending.
» The Lost Kingdom of Bamarre (The Two Princesses of Bamarre 0.5) by Gail Carson Levine
In this compelling and thought-provoking fantasy set in the world of The Two Princesses of Bamarre, Newbery Honor-winning author Gail Carson Levine introduces a spirited heroine who must overcome deeply rooted prejudice—including her own—to heal her broken country.
Peregrine strives to be the Latki ideal—and to impress her parents: affectionate Lord Tove, who despises only the Bamarre, and stern Lady Klausine. Perry runs the fastest, speaks her mind, and doesn’t give much thought to the castle’s Bamarre servants, who she knows to be weak and cowardly. The Lakti always wage war, and the battlefield will give her the chance to show her valor.
But just as she’s about to join her father on the front lines, she is visited by the fairy Halina, who reveals that Perry isn’t Latki-born. She is a Bamarre. The fairy issues a daunting challenge: against the Lakti might, free her people from tyranny.
» A Crack in the Sea by H.M. Bouwman
An enchanting historical fantasy adventure perfect for fans of Thanhha Lai’s Newbery Honor-winning Inside Out and Back Again   No one comes to the Second World on purpose. The doorway between worlds opens only when least expected. The Raft King is desperate to change that by finding the doorway that will finally take him and the people of Raftworld back home. To do it, he needs Pip, a young boy with an incredible gift—he can speak to fish; and the Raft King is not above kidnapping to get what he wants. Pip’s sister Kinchen, though, is determined to rescue her brother and foil the Raft King’s plans.   This is but the first of three extraordinary stories that collide on the high seas of the Second World. The second story takes us back to the beginning: Venus and Swimmer are twins captured aboard a slave ship bound for Jamaica in 1781. They save themselves and others from a life of enslavement with a risky, magical plan—one that leads them from the shark-infested waters of the first world to the second. Pip and Kinchen will hear all about them before their own story is said and done. So will Thanh and his sister Sang, who we meet in 1976 on a small boat as they try to escape post-war Vietnam. But after a storm and a pirate attack, they’re not sure they’ll ever see shore again. What brings these three sets of siblings together on an adventure of a lifetime is a little magic, helpful sea monsters and that very special portal, A Crack in the Sea.
» The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin
A bizarre chain of events begins when sixteen unlikely people gather for the reading of Samuel W. Westing’s will. And though no one knows why the eccentric, game-loving millionaire has chosen a virtual stranger—and a possible murderer—to inherit his vast fortune, one thing’s for sure: Sam Westing may be dead … but that won’t stop him from playing one last game!
» Ballet Shoes (Shoes #1) by Noel Streatfeild
Pauline, Petrova and Posy are orphans determined to help out their new family by joining the Children’s Academy of Dancing and Stage Training. But when they vow to make a name for themselves, they have no idea it’s going to be such hard work! They launch themselves into the world of show business, complete with working papers, the glare of the spotlight, and practice, practice, practice! Pauline is destined for the movies. Posy is a born dancer. But practical Petrova finds she’d rather pilot a plane than perform a pirouette. Each girl must find the courage to follow her dream.
» Wishtree by Katherine Applegate
Trees can’t tell jokes, but they can certainly tell stories. . . .
Red is an oak tree who is many rings old. Red is the neighborhood “wishtree”—people write their wishes on pieces of cloth and tie them to Red’s branches. Along with her crow friend Bongo and other animals who seek refuge in Red’s hollows, this “wishtree” watches over the neighborhood.
You might say Red has seen it all. Until a new family moves in. Not everyone is welcoming, and Red’s experiences as a wishtree are more important than ever.
» The Library of Ever (The Library of Ever #1) by Zeno Alexander
With her parents off traveling the globe, Lenora is bored, bored, bored–until she discovers a secret doorway in the library and becomes its newly appointed Fourth Assistant Apprentice Librarian.
In her new job, Lenora finds herself helping future civilizations figure out the date, relocates lost penguins, uncovers the city with the longest name on Earth, and more in a quest to help patrons. But there are sinister forces at work that want to destroy all knowledge. To save the library, Lenora will have to test her limits and uncover secrets hidden among its shelves.
» Chains (Seeds of America #1) by Laurie Halse Anderson
As the Revolutionary War begins, thirteen-year-old Isabel wages her own fight…for freedom. Promised freedom upon the death of their owner, she and her sister, Ruth, in a cruel twist of fate become the property of a malicious New York City couple, the Locktons, who have no sympathy for the American Revolution and even less for Ruth and Isabel. When Isabel meets Curzon, a slave with ties to the Patriots, he encourages her to spy on her owners, who know details of British plans for invasion. She is reluctant at first, but when the unthinkable happens to Ruth, Isabel realizes her loyalty is available to the bidder who can provide her with freedom.
From acclaimed author Laurie Halse Anderson comes this compelling, impeccably researched novel that shows the lengths we can go to cast off our chains, both physical and spiritual.
» The Girl Who Drank the Moon by Kelly Barnhill
Every year, the people of the Protectorate leave a baby as an offering to the witch who lives in the forest. They hope this sacrifice will keep her from terrorizing their town. But the witch in the forest, Xan, is kind and gentle. She shares her home with a wise Swamp Monster named Glerk and a Perfectly Tiny Dragon, Fyrian. Xan rescues the abandoned children and deliver them to welcoming families on the other side of the forest, nourishing the babies with starlight on the journey.
One year, Xan accidentally feeds a baby moonlight instead of starlight, filling the ordinary child with extraordinary magic. Xan decides she must raise this enmagicked girl, whom she calls Luna, as her own. To keep young Luna safe from her own unwieldy power, Xan locks her magic deep inside her. When Luna approaches her thirteenth birthday, her magic begins to emerge on schedule–but Xan is far away. Meanwhile, a young man from the Protectorate is determined to free his people by killing the witch. Soon, it is up to Luna to protect those who have protected her–even if it means the end of the loving, safe world she’s always known.
The acclaimed author of The Witch’s Boy has created another epic coming-of-age fairy tale destined to become a modern classic. 
Which books did you read in April?
Have you read any of the books I read or hauled this month?  If so, what did you think?
Did you buy any books?  If so, which ones?
Comment below & let me know 🙂
April 2020 Reading & Blogging Wrap-Up + Book Haul #BookBlogger #Bookworm #Bibliophile #BookHaul #Reading #Books #WrapUp Goodbye April & hello May! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel & I'm running toward it...
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