#stucky critical
gritsandbrits · 4 months
Not wanna start discourse on main but why are stucky stans pretending they're so concerned now when they'd be the first ones to act misogynistic towards peggy and sharon (well any woman within the vicinity of steve or bucky) and be the first to downplay sam's accomplishments.
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buckymilf · 10 months
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everyday this meme i made in 2021 becomes more real, thanks rogers the musical
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wiyu989 · 8 months
"Bucky was happy for Steve!"
Yeah, totally.
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hurtspideyparker · 16 days
Bucky: God I hate that trope where a character chooses a love interest over their best friends.
Tony: Yeah tell me about it.
Bucky: ...
Bucky: So do you wanna beat me up again or
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lavenderpanic · 4 months
It's so insane bc I watched Endgame in theaters right when it came out, I have had yearssss to get over Steve leaving Bucky. Getting into the fandom and getting more into sambucky has been like. A good way to find people who feel the same way about Endgame and also engage with happier stucky or sambucky narratives so I've kinda gotten past it but like. This bullshit "if stucky was het it would be canon" thing that Marvel is doing is soooo frustrating because it really has become so obvious in retrospect that the people who wrote and produced Endgame were so horrified, so petrified that people might think Steve could be queer that they needed to shoehorn in the most out of character ending for a beloved character and absolutely ruin the arc that was started in CATFA and continued in every one of his appearances since.
And ALSO like??? The message it sends about trauma survivors?? Genuinely, the message of Steve leaving Bucky for Peggy was "even if you think you can be loved and redeemed despite your trauma, the people who love you more than anything in the world might (will?) leave you for someone easier" like??? How devastating. It is so abundantly clear that Marvel doesn't know how to deal with characters like Natasha or Bucky who have done bad things in the past. Their answer for Natasha was "have her kill herself to make up for the shit she did in her past" and I'm 90% sure that's gonna be the MCU ending to Bucky's character arc as well.
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amarriageoftrueminds · 10 months
Gay ships getting screwed over by homophobic producers/writers as soon as they get wind of it is nothing new, but what has been done to stucky really is uniquely cruel. 
I’ve never heard of a gay ship having one member’s importance to the other simply... written out of the show/film? (Has this been done?) 
Never heard of a gay ship having decades of important source material about them deliberately sabotaged just to spite a  gay ship (that wasn’t even canonically gay or ever going to be so, anyway?) 
Or having the (heterosexual-ising) female character literally put into the male character’s canon place, using his gay-inspiring scenes, with any other ship. 
I’ve never heard of an actor’s brilliant performance, which made certain lines iconic; whose skill as an actor is the very reason they’re iconic...  simply being taken away from him and credited to an untalented actress who never said them. 
Just to damage an un-canon gay ship?! 
Imagine they brought out new Trek shows with Kirk and Spock and said ‘anyway, Spock never meant anything to Kirk, every Spirk thing he said was actually said to/about his new wife Spacky (Woman who joined the Hating-Vulcans Society and hired guys to torture Spock) and here’s a flashback to Spacky as Kirk’s Chief Science Officer all those years. Also we will be buying up other media and editing all tie-ins to reflect that they are nOT GAY.’ 
It’s unprecedentedly monstrous.
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You know what? I just realized what Peggy’s whole constant inserting in others’ stories reminds me of.
It reminds me of the Y/N povs on TikTok, like, the bad ones.
Not the ones with good editing, characterization and all that jazz, those where the perfect most beautiful and powerful girl who has the same powers as Wanda but stronger and in another color and is somewhat related to Tony or experimented on and has a relationship with either Steve or Bucky or Loki. That’s who she reminds me of.
Because a perfectly healthy, wealthy and respected white girlie with very predictable features having some main avenger’ powers (who casually enough is the only avenger whose storyline is about being a disable poor ass immigrant, but I digress) and being somewhat stronger and better than them, and then going around saving other characters and solving their own arcs really is some Y/N type of shit.
Like, if I told you “random girl who’s a supersoldier and beautiful and amazing and everyone wants to be her gets teleported in another universe as the savior of said world by the most powerful being in the franchise (who is apparently not powerful enough but random girl is)”, would you tell me it’s an actual marvel storyline, or would you think it’s a fanfiction or a pov?
I swear I’m losing my mind over this, it gets funnier every second I think more about it.
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luna-rainbow · 7 months
So…I saw a Blu-ray featurette on Bilibili where the writers and directors talk about Bucky, with key quotes like:
Cap 1 and Cap 2 both show that Cap’s allegiance, more than anything, is to Bucky Barnes, his best friends since when he was Steve Rogers, the 100 pound weakling. (Nate Moore)
The Winter Soldier has such a complicated history. We wanted that to have a real presence to it, to see the harshness with which he was treated. He’s both good and bad, hero and villain. (Joe Russo)
That’s the most heartbreaking scenario in his life, Bucky was the guy who’s always been there. Those are the scenes that make the action scenes worth it. What are you willing to compromise and sacrifice and forfeit for the greater good? And that is close to home for Steve. (Chris Evans)
Here’s Bucky Barnes, who’s been the Winter Soldier for 80 years, who in his own way was a Prisoner of War (Nate Moore)
Members of Hydra in Russia secreted him away to a missile facility in Siberia. He was treated with the same level of security as a nuclear weapon. (Joe Russo)
Suddenly, the main guy you have to defeat is your best link to the most pleasant memories you have of your childhood and of your past. (Kevin Feige)
We all know what happened between “Bucky is Steve’s strongest allegiance,” “his biggest sacrifice,” “his best link to his most pleasant memories” and Steve needs to retire into another timeline.
But what exactly happened between “Bucky Barnes was a prisoner of war and treated very harshly by Hydra” to “he needs to make amends for what he did under Hydra”?
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
they really made two guys and said these two have been inseparable since the school yard and they are just as inseparable on the battle field, they are soulmates, one was a very eligible bachelor who instead of settling down lived in a tiny tenement with his best friend, he was the only one who saw him and valued him as he was before the serum and didn't understand why all the girls didn't see the man he did, one became a hero by saving the other, the other who was drafted and tortured decided to stay and fight (then die) by his side, they have a bond transcending almost a century which is strong enough to break through decades of brainwashing, their story revolves around the lengths one will go to protect the one they love from everything damn the odds and damn the world, who has always said "you are worth it to me" a pair that would rather die than be parted, giving us one of the most powerful and profound love stories of the 21st century, the most organic queer couple across their cinematic universe
and expected us to be happy when they ripped them apart and told us none of that was the right kind of love story because they're both men
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 7 months
first the pirate poll drama and now the stucky fans are frothing at the mouth lmao. literally i think everyone just hates the ofmd fandom bc they want what we have (queer queer romance written by a diverse writers room that actually cares about the characters and the story they're telling)
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otp-holic · 10 months
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The Big Dude-Bro aka Marvel keeps watching and erasing Steve and Bucky's relationship, their history, moments... and even Bucky himself.
Don't let them win and SPEAK STUCKY: Create content, reblog content, read fic, read meta, look at old interviews, or show creators some love... but don't let them think we're not here till the end of the line. We are.
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Being a fan creator in the MCU fandom is like being on a stereotypical American challenge-based cooking show where you're given a slice of wagyu beef, but it's the size of a fun-sized candy bar and you're also given sour patch kid dust, a bottle of expired ranch, and literal garbage juice, and you have to make something edible from it all. And then half the fandom is made up of creators who somehow take all of that and give you the most delectable, brain-rewiring dish you've ever had that you'll think about for the rest of your life. Have you ever read a stucky fic? Read one stucky fic and tell me that it doesn't stick in your head for the next week at least. There's an entire fanon around the idea that the Avengers lived together in the tower, something that only got the barest hints of maybe being possibly planned to be canon and then nearly immediately scrapped. They give us nearly nothing, but that 'nearly' is just enough for the fandom to work with. I'm convinved MCU fan creators are to be feared
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buckymilf · 9 months
friendly reminder that steve rogers was a victim of bad writing and weird self insert coming from creepy writers, he would never chose to abandon bucky and his found family, he would never chose to live in the past for no woman.
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tbgkaru · 9 months
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A girl's gotta eat so!
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porcelain-dionysus · 4 months
Steve’s Endgame Ending fixed
What if at the end of Endgame when Steve is returning the stones, he has to give up something he loves, right? So what if he gives up his super-serum effects (an au tweaked and borrowed from @growingpaynes-art ), and turns back into pre-serum-Steve? A list of reasons why I think this would work:
A) Straight off the bat it’s easy to keep Steve in the MCU with Chris Evans’ contract ending if they replace the actor who plays pre-serum-Steve (obviously with a guy who looks similar to the first movie, but without the CGI). I know people might be confused why he looks different but the MCU’s changed actors before and it’s not the hardest stretch of the imagination. Also thematically it’d be cool to have Steve be literally unrecognisable to the audience.
B) I think a lot of writers for the Avengers are so focused on writing ‘Captain America’; ‘bland, stoic, with no sense of humor’, that they forget about Steve Rogers; the young disabled man who would put his life on the line to fight fascists. This would be a great way to get back to the basics of Steve’s character and show the audience who he truly is.
C) Honestly it would just be nice to show that Steve is just as righteous and brave with his disabilities, something not often shown in media. Even the MCU likes to focus on Steve’s asthma and ignore that he actually was disabled. (which i’ll touch on in a second).
*and now for some more headcannon-y stuff*
A) From screenshots from the movie, and a list at Disneylands Tomorrowland exhibit, the canon list of Steve’s disabilites and health problems are:
Chronic colds
High blood pressure
Easy fatigability
Heart trouble
Fallen arches
Partial deafness
Stomach ulcers
Pernicious Anemia
Nervous troubles of any sort
History of; scarlet fever, rheumatic fever
(Jesus Christ Steven)
B) It’d be cute to see Steve actually be able live with his disabilities, unlike in the 30’s. I cannot stress how much eugenics there was back then (and still is now, but WAY more casually acceptable back then). Even the actual Captain America storyline reeks of it a bit; experiment on a disabled man to ‘fix’ him and turn him into a soldier. However in the 21st century imagine if he could get the help he actually needs! Obviously a lot of his stuff is chronic, but he could actually live with it instead of just surviving like he would have done. And be able to afford them, unlike back in the Great Depression. Back braces, inhaler, mobility aids etc. It’d be nice to see a disabled person living with themselves as the HAPPY ending, instead of as a tragedy as it’s usually played.
C) The story of him actually seeing worth in his old (new?) body and himself instead of just a vessel for Captain America. A self-acceptance arc. Being able to retire in peace without anyone recognising him as Captain America without having to give up his life in the 21st century.
D) The Smithsonian exhibit is so closely tailored to his propaganda persona that it fails to acknowledge him as a person. I wouldn’t be surprised if the general public has never even seen a photo of him pre-serum, or knew how bad his illnesses were besides ‘just asthmatic and skinny’. He could easily walk around and not be noticed by anyone.
Tldr: Steve’s proper ending in Endgame should have had him return to his skinny form in exchange for the stone, and him being able to retire to finish art school in peace.
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3-cats-in-a-coat · 5 months
Bucky is a disabled amputee and that should still be true in AU’s and fics in general
I don’t care if it “““DoEsN’t FiT wELL””” with your Stucky Coffee Shop AU, unless a fic is exclusively pre or during the war then he should be an amputee and if a fic is exclusively pre-war then Steve should be disabled because that’s what he was pre-serum. The reason why this is so important to me is because it’s important to have representation for disabled characters and we can’t just erase that.
The only time when neither one of them were disabled was during the few years between Steve getting the serum and Bucky falling off the train.
Also, fun fact, the type of amputation that Bucky has is either a shoulder disarticulation or (more likely considering how far the metal arm goes into his shoulder) a forequarter amputation.
And now, here are some suggestions for how to explain why his left arm and shoulder are missing: Cancer, him still being a war vet who lost it in action, an accident involving heavy machinery and bad safety precautions, a very large and extremely infected wound in his shoulder or the “very revolutionary” idea of just not saying how he lost his arm but still referencing every once in awhile that it’s missing and how he’s affected by it.
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