#tarot tribe
wisdomseeker02 · 2 years
Tarot services
❤Pick a card (Pick a couple t-shirt)❤
How will your fs show you love? <3
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Please REBLOG so this message can reach more people and my effort not to have been for nothing. Thank you! 💕
Group 1 😻: Your fs will buy you things to show you they love you. They will gift you things all the time. Some will even be making these gifts themselves. They will also tell you they love you, they will tell you how great and amazing you are, they'll tell you how grateful they are to have you. But not only you, they will also tell other people how amazing you are, and how grateful they are. They might even leave you letters, send you sweet messages. You might even inspire them to write poetry or something like that, and put it out for the world to see. For some I'm getting that they might not text other women/men to show you their love. They might show you love through affectionate physical touches. They might give you flowers, jewelry, stones, crystals, rings, gifts like that. They might give you money as well, to show you love. Their love language is most probably gift-giving.
Get your t-shirt here 😊
Group 2 🌎: Your fs will show you their love by being really successful, being the financial authority of this relationship and providing for you. They'll also show you their love by making time for you, paying attention to you, going to dates with you, spending a lot of time with you, no matter the fact that they have a successful career to attend to. They will be disciplined enough to handle the home/work balance and spend a lot of time with you regardless. They might even have problems at work, or somewhere else, but they will always make time for you, to take care of you. So their love language is most probably quality time.
Get your t-shirt here 😊
Group 3 🐈‍⬛️: Your fs will show you love by helping you when you get sad. They will bring you up, when you get down. Help you out, when you've lost something. They will show you love by doing things for you. By taking care of you. They'll really like to do things for you, help you out, and be of service to you. They give off sub vibes tbh. They'll want to give you the world, they'll be willing to do anything for you, anything you tell them to do. They'll want to fulfill all your desires. They'll have the intention to do anything to make you happy, and give you anything you want. Their love language most probably is acts of service.
Get your t-shirt here 😊
If you'd like to help me out and encourage me to make more pick-a-cards like this, you can tip me here ❤️
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119/365 - personal•social•political
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lepandv · 11 months
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Notice the difference? I'm not talking about the colors, or the difference in imagery to illustrate the symbolism, or the numbering conventions - I'm actually talking about something a bit more fundamental.
It's the faces.
English is a Germanic language and although we've since dropped 'gender' from our grammar, its legacy still played a role in shaping how we perceive the world around us. Tarot, having its roots in romance languages, makes its gendering clear in the text - The Moon is feminine, The Sun is masculine. The old Germanic forms, however, do the opposite: in modern English's precursors, The Moon was masculine and The Sun was feminine. This seemingly innocuous difference can radically redefine our understanding of the symbolism embedded in these illustrations, as well as how its applied. I think, in certain respects, that symbolism is pretty clear too: The Moon, for example, shows two nearly identical towers framing either side of the card. Symmetry. The Sun, however, eschews such symbolic symmetry for a much more organic design - featuring, of course; flowers (the feminine sex organ of plants), and a child (that thing which a 'woman,' in this sense, can create that a 'man' cannot).
Even the colors, to some extent, conform to the stereotypes we might except from the era: bright, warm colors to signify the fiery passion of the spirit of women. Cool, muted colors to underscore the logical, analytic reasoning the men of the era were so insistent they possessed.
Was this an intentional change, or an oversight? Or psychic inspiration? How many other symbols and their interpretation have changed due to the way our language shapes how we think?
Lera Boroditsky has some incredible insights about how our language shapes our understanding of the world around us - this Ted Talk is a great introduction to some of these concepts (including how The Sun being feminine and The Moon being masculine, or vice versa, changes our reactions to it fundamentally). She also has several incredible, lengthy, lectures that go in depth on science and philosophy of this subject.
There's so much more that tarot still has to teach us, and some of that isn't even in the cards themselves, but instead how we interpret them and why we interpret them that way.
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elhoimleafar · 1 year
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Sharing my card of the day | Temperance
Balance, Patience, Purpose, Goals, Knowledge, Understanding, Deep wisdom. Search of balance, clairvoyance.
Is the third today this card come out 😅 is the universe for sure warning to not fall distracted for the shining physical and superficial world. An angel is pouring water from one cup to another while keeping a foot in land and another into the deep water, all this whole keeping those big wings open, always ready, but understanding it's presence is pivotal between both worlds (physical and ethereal), serving the deepest wishes of the soul moving from one cup to another (reincarnation).
Ask for wisdom and wisdom will find you, just be patient with yourself, you're moving between obstacles and mountains bigger than you.
*This is the month of Our Sorcery Hour happening in May 20~21 and featuring a diverse/mixed group of different teachers of magic and witchcraft, offering a total of eight workshops for the price of just one. So, I'm being extra patient with myself 😅
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letspiritguide · 1 year
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Every decision we make in life adds up whether it be a step in the direction of what we desire or a step away from that desire. Universal law dictates we will always get back what we put in. There are no shortcuts.
An offering is coming your way. It is time for you to choose what really makes you happy. As you are working towards creating the life you desire, be sure to create consciously. Just because someone offers you something, it doesn’t mean you have to take it. There may be a job offering or financial opportunity shown to you, just be sure it aligns with the hard work you have put in so far. Ask yourself if this feels right to you. Will it truly make you happy? Remember, you can’t escape from karma. If you feel happy and in alignment, that is the energy you will project to the universe and that is what you will get back.
Happy Conscious Creating 🤗
💫 This is a general tarot reading. Remember to take away only the information that resonates with you.
💫 To receive a personal tarot reading please visit my website. Link in bio
💫 And as always, Let your own Spirit Guide
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cosmicallydesigned · 1 year
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Hey Everybody! Welcome to the Cosmically Designed Blog! Join me on this journey of self-discovery and living life to it's fullest! I will be sharing experiences through a spiritual view point. I am a certified astrologer who practices many areas of spirituality and the occult. I'm excited to connect and interact with like-minded souls! So grab your wine, notebooks, snacks, and grab a seat!
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esotericawakenings · 1 year
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Card of the day, dispersion.
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fkartcreations · 1 year
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wisdomseeker-02 · 1 year
Great news, guys! I'm moving back to my main account, since Tumblr unbanned it! 😄🎉🎉 So go follow @wisdomseeker02, if you haven't already. I'm so happy about it! 😄💖
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infinitydivine · 2 months
7 Signs that you are tied with a Red Thread ❤️✨
Hello everyone!
There is a Chinese/Japanese theory about a Soul tie- The Red Thread theory of fate which is my favorite. It talks about how everyone is born with a red thread and the other end is tied to the person who is your soulmate in this lifetime.
The whole title would be SIgns that you are tied with a Red Thread of Fate with Someone.
Free will exists and nobody should be forced to be with a person because of a red thread.
The signs are the following-
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Premonitions or Dreams- Having vivid dreams of premonitions about a mysterious person who feels incredibly familiar.
Intuitive feelings- Feeling a strong intuition or inner knowing that there is someone out there who is meant to be a significant part of your life.
Longing or Yearning- Experiencing a deep sense of longing or yearning for a connection with someone you haven't met as if there is a missing piece in your life.
Symbolic Signs: Noticing symbolic signs or recurring themes in your life that seem to point toward the existence of this person.
Manifestation: Engaging in practices like visualization or manifestation and feeling a strong pull toward attracting this person into your life.
Unexpected Encounters: Having unexpected encounters or chance meetings with people who seem to have a connection to the person you haven't met yet.
Unexplained Emotions: Experiencing unexplained emotions or reactions when thinking about or imagining this person, such as a sense of warmth or comfort.
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Thank you
Infinity ❤️
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wisdomseeker02 · 2 years
Tarot services; tip me
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PAC: What does the love of your life want you to know right now? 💗
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Please REBLOG, so this message can reach more people, and my effort not to have been for nothing. Thank you! 💕
Group 1 ♈️: The love of your life wants you to know that you don't need to use sneaky ways to get what you want. You don't need to be cold and unloving to get ahead in life. Don't be afraid to feel your emotions, don't push them down. It's okay to feel things, it's okay to be sensitive. You can manifest what you want, even by feeling things. You can have success in a fair way, without sneaky means. Don't push your emotions down, don't ignore them, 'cause that's just going to make you feel moody. Feel them, deal with them. They're okay. You can manifest what you want, just by taking the necessary action. It is possible. Your decisions, your resolve is the best one, even if it's choosing to feel things, and playing fairly.
Get your t-shirt here 😊
Group 2 ♉️: The love of your life wants you to know that you shouldn't be afraid of taking action, because of the fear of failure, or because of the fear that it won't be worth it in the long run. You might be afraid that you'll put all this effort into something, and eventually you won't get anything out of it. It's still better to fail, than never try at all. They want you to know that you shouldn't be so obsessed with the results, and so impatient. Just because something's not happening overnight, doesn't mean that it won't happen at all. Only do what you need to do, and then let go, and hand it to the universe. This thing that you're here to do is very important, and can elevate the vibration of humanity. Your vibration is important, and powerful. It positively affects the people around you. Set your intentions, and open your heart to receive these blessings. Heal any blockages, that might hold them back.
Get your t-shirt here 😊
Group 3 ♌️: The love of your life wants you to know that you can have anything you want in life. Your wishes can come true. Especially if your dreams are related to music. Just trust that it can happen, that you can have it, because you can. Empathy, understanding yourself and others, and learning from the contrast, will somehow help you accomplish your goals.
Get your t-shirt here 😊
That's it, my loves, thank you for tuning in. 🥰
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116/365 - morning•afternoon•evening
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cardboardheartss · 2 months
Psychic Fever Mini Career Reading
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How do PSYFE members feel about the groups sudden success? : 4oC, KoP rx & 3oW
The members still can not believe it. They had been promised success earlier but it wasn’t coming to fruition, and that probably led them to feel discouraged. As people say, “Your time will come.” Their time has finally come, and they have all been waiting for this day, and they really believe their hardwork has paid off and they are ready to all expand to better horizons.
PSYFE 2024 Career : 9oC, 5oS rx, 7oP, Death, 3oP, KoW rx & QoW
Their career took a whole 360° turn. With their popularity increasing, this is giving them the opportunity to show off their talent. The members have been fighting for recognition and they will be getting more as the months pass by. The members salaries/pay will certainly increase drastically, and the members will continue to work in harmony and if they active on social media, this will help expand and grow the fandom. Some members could be scared of the fame but this is their chance to grow as musicians, so those members will have to take the feeling away and go work!
Will PSYFE attend year end award shows? : PoW
Yes, and their stages will be really good! They’ll be really confident in themselves and captivate the crowd!!
Will PSYFE attend K-Con 2024? : 4oW
Yes, the members will feel extremely proud of everything going well and attending K-Con.
Will PSYFE continue gaining recognition? : 2oS & AoW
Yes, they will gain more recognition. There could be brand sponsorships/more fan interactions during fan-meetings.
Individual Members Career for 2024 :
Tsuguri: The High Priestess
He will be using his gut feeling to guide him throughout his career this year. He will probably be very secretive and introverted, and not converse as much with fans/media.
Royoga: (8oP, Hierophant rx, Strength rx) & The World rx
He will try gain more traction from fans but that will not take place. Royoga could possibly try improving his skills, but this could lead him to overworking himself. This could also lead him to going in hiatus…
Ren: (9oW, 7oS), The Empress, (3oC, QoS rx, The Hermit rx)
Ren could possibly have a huge argument with someone from work, and he could’ve felt really betrayed by that person. This will make him avoid that person, or group of people overall and he will definitely act really cold towards them.
Jimmy: PoS & QoP rx
Jimmy will be highly enthusiastic and will continue working really hard towards making his group successful. He will also assist his fellow teammates and guide them. It’s possible Jimmy will experience a work and life imbalance due to him wanting his group to succeed OR when his group succeeds he will gain more income and traction from the media.
Kokoro: AoS, ( The Fool rx & 3oS rx)
Kokoro will probably have side job during his idol life. It could take him a lot of time to think about it, but he will take that leap of faith and it will surely help him gain more income.
Ryushin: KNoP & AoP
He’ll be really successful this year, Ryushin will also gain a lot of confidence and income. He will be having a joyous 2024 lol!!
Weesa (my mannn 😫💘) : Temperance, (4oS rx & Lovers)
Weesa is a patient guy and he will continue to carry that character with him this year, if there are any arguments at work he will be the mediator and ensure everyone is happy with one another. This is so sudden, but Wessa could probably be taking a pause on his love life OR he could also be arguing/fighting with someone from work due to some judgments…
Thank you for reading 📦
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elhoimleafar · 1 year
Tarot books, coffee and cake.
Good Morning everyone 🌞🐈‍⬛
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qldqueerboy · 7 months
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Underneath the work that you are required to carry out today lays a sincere yearning that something better must be on the horizon for you. Treasure this escapist belief today not so much as a way of avoiding responsibility for the work that must be completed but as a way of easing and soothing the physical, emotional or mental demands that must be carry out.
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amber-ember-tarot · 21 days
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Six of Cups -- Five of Pentacles -- Judgment -- Five of Swords
Lately you've been feeling nostalgia for people and places from your past - and even nostalgia for past versions of you.
It's good that you feel this way. Despite all the tough times, you've learned to see your past in a better light. This is a really positive move - but you mustn't let your nostalgia stop you from moving forward in life.
Yes, you've had great times and great friendships that you might never replicate - but the future is full of amazing new people and new opportunities for you.
So it's time for you to come back out of your shell now. It's time for you to go and be adventurous again, forging new friendships and connections! :)
You may feel like you can be happy alone and be proud of this fact - but remember that a healthy social life brings unmatched feelings of inner warmth and belonging. You deserve that 🖤
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