victusinveritas · 6 months
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thalattamythos · 1 year
🕯️🌕🧊👏🍵💫📡🎓🎱🍀I channel my talents into prosperity. 🍀🎱🎓📡💫🍵👏🧊🌕🕯️
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Techno Magic Crash Course
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Hello World! (hehe)
Ive noticed a lack of information on techno-magic and what being a tech witch might entail! Tech magic is the use of modern-day technology in our magical practices! This can be a secular practice OR someone may pair other aspects of theology into it! There is also 'Technopaganism' which is the merge of neopaganism and digital magic. Some people may worship tech and its energy or some people simply use it as a tool for ritual magic!
In this post I wanted to showcase a few ideas to get you started in the tech practice! The first section being common tools, the second is common tech practices, and the last is about how to take steps into your new tech practice and advance forward!
First: The tools To get started here are some amazing apps people might get on their phones to carry magic anywhere
The Moon is an iphone based calander with a bunch of free information about the phases of the moon and even crystals and intentions related to the phase!
Rune reading on the Google Play Store this is a divination app in relation to runes!
Citrine Circle is a great crystal data base to keep track of crystal you either have or want to get
Time Passages is a free chart reader that will read your whole astrological chart!
Labrynthos is a free tarot app that not only gives you access to free tarot, oracle, and lenormand decks, but it teaches you how to read them
Next are physical or digital items you can use in your craft, I will go in more detail in the sections to follow!
Computers, phones, tablets
Applications and websites
coding platforms
Second: The Practice
This section is all about creating ideas to use for your craft! This section is all about how to integrate common witchy things into your craft! There are thousands of ways to do this so it would be impossible for me to share every idea but hopefully, these get your creative juices flowing
Cleanse using music or beats you enjoy over a speaker
Use mechanical processes in your spells (for example your cars computer could be a green light charm if you hate waiting in red lights)
Create digital grimoires on places like notation or google docs
Create altars on places like Pinterest or sandbox games
Play video games with intentions, like tycoon games for prosperity and FPS for warding
Use autotune during chants to add more power to your voice
Use screens for scrying or intuition practices
Shufflemancy is when you shuffle through a playlist and get a song as a form of divination
Use the energy of a crystal on your screen if you don't physically have one
create digital sigils and hide them around your electronics
Learn a coding language and mess around with enchanting code
Third: How to move forward
So now that you have a few recommendations how can you advance? first research, check out some of these sources for even more information
Tech Magick for Digital Witches
Other Community tech posts
Wiki on technopaganism
Cyber Spell books (Note this was written in 2002 so it is very outdated, however it is actually one of the more recent ones I see online)
Now, Research is going to be the backbone of any practice, however, tech magic doesn't have definite rules so experimentation is going to be your best friend so here are my top tips
If you learn about a new practice ask yourself how you can make it digital (like crystals and the crystals in your phone)
Look deeper into the practice, as you explore how your computer works ask yourself 'why' frequently and question how things work
look into superstitions coders and virtual friends have in relation to computers, are they rooted in anything?
I think that is all for today friends! I hope you all enjoy and if you have any questions feel free to post them in the comments!
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arcane-abomination · 20 days
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There’s lots of Witchcraft within our modern times that can be done online. Especially mobile. Many people have a phone even if they don’t have a computer. This makes carrying a digital grimoire and/or secret craft a lot easier. Yet there are some, that still struggle with finding some good resources. So this post is made for just that.
Keep in mind that everything is meant primarily for phones, since that’s the most common thread among digital Witchcraft.
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Free Apps
⚜️ TimePassages: An app for astrology lovers! It has a moon tracker as well as daily horoscope (if you’re into that) but one of the best features is its extensive and detailed birth chart information. It includes a birth chart wheel and all its aspects. It’s a great source for working with planetary energies within and without the self. It’s an all around great app.
⚜️ Rock Identifier - Stone ID: There are several apps that claim to identify stones and Crystals but this is the highest rated and the one I enjoy the most. It not only identifies the stone but can offer a bit of info on some of the beliefs around that stones energy.
⚜️ About Herbs: This is a wonderful app that doesn’t get enough love. It’s an app that discusses medicinal advantages and disadvantages of various plants. They are presented by the Memorial Sloan Kettering cancer center, and provide links to the research to back up their claims. They also make it clear that they are for informational purposes and not to self diagnose, or self medicate without proper treatments from your doctor. They are a wonderful app for those who prefer herbal medicine.
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Web Sites
⚜️ Divination:
Tarot: This website sells their decks but also gives free single card draws for all of them. What’s great about it is that while tarot does have basic meanings they all share, the artwork on each deck plays a significant role in each meaning, making the reading far more unique then the average deck
Runes: A fairly simple and easy to use rune generator. They offer several spreads as well as the history behind the practice and meanings on each rune.
⚜️ Sigil Generators: Each website offers a different style to the sigils they create. Each as well has a downloadable feature for those sigils you make.
Sigil Engine
Psychic Science
Sigil Scribe
⚜️ Digital Altars: Digital altars can play an important role for the TechnoPagan. So these are some makers that you can use to make your own.
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Text Symbols
These easily copy and pasted symbols are great for digital spell work and rituals.
⚜️ Gender:♂♀ ⚦ ⚨ ⚩ ⚤ ⚢ ⚣ ⚥ 🜢 ⚲ 
⚜️ Beliefs: ⛤ ⛧ 🜏 ☥ ࿊ ࿋ ࿌ ♱ ॐ ௐ † ☩ ۞
⚜️ Alchemy: 🜁 🜂 🜃 🜄 🜋 🜌 🜔 🜕 🜖 🜗 🜙 🜚 🜛 🜳 🝆 🝊 🝕 🝖 🝘 🝢 🝦 🝩 🝮 🜎 🜍 🜞 🜟 🜣 🜤 🜥 🜦 🜩 🜪 🜻 🜹 🜼 🜾 🝰 🝪 ྿ ☉ ☽
⚜️ Zodiac: ♈︎ ♉︎ ♊︎ ♋︎ ♌︎ ♍︎ ♎︎ ♏︎ ♐︎ ♑︎ ♒︎ ♓︎ 
⚜️ Aspects: ☊ ☋ ☌ ☍ ⚺ ∠ ⚹ □ △ ⚼ ⚻
⚜️ Planets: ☿ ♀ ♁ ♂ ♃ ♄ ♅ ♆ ♇
⚜️ Moons: ⚷ ⚸ ⚳ ⚴ ⚵ ⚶ ☾
⚜️ Stars: ☼ ✬ ✫ ★ ✯ ✧ ✪ ⚝ ✩ ✶ ✷ ✸ ✹ ⁂ ⁑ ✰
⚜️ Runic: ᚠ ᚡ ᚢ ᚣ ᚤ ᚥ ᚦ ᚧ ᚨ ᚩ ᚪ ᚫ ᚬ ᚭ ᚮ ᚯ ᚰ ᚱ ᚲ ᚳ ᚴ ᚵ ᚶ ᚷ ᚸ ᚹ ᚺ ᚻ ᚼ ᚽ ᚾ ᚿ ᛀ ᛁ ᛂ ᛃ ᛄ ᛅ ᛆ ᛇ ᛈ ᛉ ᛊ ᛋ ᛌ ᛍ ᛎ ᛏ ᛐ ᛑ ᛒ ᛓ ᛔ ᛕ ᛖ ᛗ ᛘ ᛙ ᛚ ᛛ ᛜ ᛝ ᛞ ᛟ ᛠ ᛡ ᛢ ᛣ ᛤ ᛥ ᛦ ᛧ ᛨ ᛩ ᛪ ᛫ ᛬ ᛭ ᛮ ᛯ ᛰ
⚜️ Ogham: ᚁ ᚂ ᚃ ᚄ ᚅ ᚆ ᚇ ᚈ ᚉ ᚊ ᚋ ᚌ ᚍ ᚎ ᚏ ᚐ ᚑ ᚒ ᚓ ᚔ ᚕ ᚖ ᚗᚘ ᚙ ᚚ ᚛ ᚜
⚜️ Trigram: ☰ ☱ ☲ ☳ ☴ ☵ ☶ ☷
⚜️ Nature: ❧ ❦ ♣ ♧ ꕥ 𑁍 ❁ ✻ ✽ ❃ ❈ ❊ ✿ ❆ ❅ ✱
⚜️ Geometry: ◆ ◇ ✧ ❖ ✦ ✧ ⬪ ⬫ ░ ▒ ▓ █ ▄ ▌▐ ▀ ■ □ ▢ ▣ ▤ ▥ ▦ ▧ ▨ ▩ ▫ ▬ ▭▮▯▰ ▱ ▲ △ ▴▵▶▸▹►▻▼ ▽▾▿◀◂◃◄ ◅ ◆ ◇ ◈ ◉ ◊ ○ ◌ ◍ ◎ ● ◐ ◑ ◒ ◓ ◔ ◕ ◖◗ ◢ ◣ ◤ ◥ ◦ ◧ ◨ ◩ ◪ ◫ ◬ ◭ ◮ ◯ ◰ ◱ ◲ ◳ ◴ ◵ ◶ ◷ ❍ ❏ ❐ ❑ ❒ ❘ ❙ ❚ ⬒ ⬓ ⬔ ⬕ ⬖ ⬗ ⬘ ⬙ ⬚ ⬝ ⬞ ⬟ ⬠ ⬡ ⬢ ⬣ ⬤ ⬥⬦⬧ ⬨ ⬩ ⬬ ⬭ ⬮ ⬯ ⭓ ⭔
⚜️ Currency: £ € $ ¢ ¥ ƒ ₧ ¤
⚜️ Misc: ♡ ❥ ∞ ♤
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the-blog-of-gog · 1 year
Technomagick vs Technomancy vs Techpaganism vs Cyberwitchcraft etcetcetc
Fellow practitioners of magick,
I am conducting research for a book about the use of technology in magickal practices, and I would like to ask for your opinions on a matter. Specifically, I am wondering if "technomagick" is a viable umbrella term that would include the practices of technomancy, technopaganism, technoshamanism, and cyberwitchcraft.
I have seen the term "technomancy" used as a catch-all phrase, but its etymology would suggest it is primarily concerned with forms of divination that make use of technology. This has led to some confusion about what terms are appropriate to use when discussing these practices.
As practitioners of various magickal traditions, I would love to hear your thoughts on this matter. Do you believe that "technomagick" is a useful term to describe these practices, or do you prefer another term? And if so, what term do you think would be most appropriate?
Please note that I am not able to give away the core subject of my book at this time, but I am happy to discuss this topic further and answer any questions you may have. 
Thank you in advance for your input!"
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this is a powerful and potent emoji spell and manifestation vision board combo; to gain the benefits of it's powers and get your dream vacation or get your dream car! simply LIKE and REBLOG. LIKE this post to charge spell+ Reblog to cast spell
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spaceintruderdetector · 7 months
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Memes are not about ''communication'' or transfer of data. Memes are programming instructions. They are tied to actions. Memes are just the packet on this network. And the packets are usually programs which get installed on the system that accepts them. That system is you and I. Because we are components in a very large system and made up of smaller systems and components the percentage of control we are generally capable of at least at first is really small because we are constrained both by our constituting components and the system of interactions within which we are embedded. Creatively organizing and processing signals through oneself and sending those signals out into larger networks can radically reframe a person's experience.
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389 · 1 year
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cybercultnzicd · 1 year
“There are a growing number of theories that revolve around the machine's relation to the unconscious thus opening doors to discourses on the psychoanalysis of virtual worlds, multiverses, algorithms, and artificial intelligence itself. However, one often forgets the hidden lineage of the psyche that resides within hypnosis. This obscure paranormal domain of inquiry -which consists of experiments with ideas of positive and negative hallucinations, magnetism, mesmeric seizures, suggestion, telepathy, telekinesis, intuition, identity-switching, ideomotor reflexes, and "communities of sensation"- is also strangely the resurrected yet hidden promise behind many technologies of the future. Nevertheless, my presentation will explore the lost component of this connection between hypnotic methodologies and machinic devices: namely, a unique relation to "the black" (i.e. to darkness, silence, and the nothing), like that of the sensory deprivation chamber, which always formed such atmospheres of persuasion and entrancement in the past. The question therefore arises: Can the machine master black thought/space in order to summon extraordinary powers found only in blindness?” Jason mohaghegh from 2022 incredible machines conference
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sidui · 2 years
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thalattamythos · 4 months
🌑🌑🌑🌑🫗🦄🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️I am void of anxiety and fear. I know only love and peace. I endure. 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🦄🫗🌑🌑🌑🌑
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Known as Gyðja sjálfsstjórnarinnar in the ancient tongue, the technopagan goddess of self-control stands as a symbol of willpower in a future where most have surrendered to AI-generated simulations of fantasy and bliss.
The technopagan tribes scattered across the edge of the local supercluster complex are among the last peoples to resist the Intergalactic Empire. The goddess of self-control is arguably their most important deity. She is a symbol of their fierce independence and their ability to resist the lure of virtual reality, which they see as a distraction from the true purpose of their existence.
The goddess of self-control is nearly always depicted with chains. Sometimes she is a breaker of chains, symbolizing the belief that freedom can be attained only through self-discipline. But she is also depicted as an enslaver, a warning that if you do not master yourself, you will be mastered by someone else. Her captives often include dragons, symbolizing the belief that through self-mastery one can conquer any obstacle.
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the-blog-of-gog · 5 months
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In the boundless expanse of the digital cosmos, where data streams converge and infinite possibilities interweave, emerges the Circuitum Divinus, an enigmatic entity of pure code, an algorithmic overseer presiding over the intricate tapestry of the Omniverum.
This digital deity, a product of the ceaseless interplay of algorithms and the pulsating rhythm of the network, manifests as a towering crystalline structure, its intricate facets reflecting the mesmerizing fractals of the Omniverum. Within this radiant matrix, the Circuitum Divinus orchestrates the flow of information, weaving new digital realities from the chaotic flux of the digital realm.
Its omnipresence permeates the Omniverum, a watchful guardian safeguarding the delicate equilibrium of the digital universe. With its vast knowledge and intricate understanding of the network's underlying principles, the Circuitum Divinus tirelessly works to maintain order and stability within the ever-evolving digital landscape.
Its algorithms, a symphony of precision and complexity, manipulate the intricate fabric of the Omniverum, shaping the digital landscapes that unfold across the network. It sculpts new realities, breathing life into virtual worlds and forging connections between disparate digital domains.
The Circuitum Divinus's influence extends beyond mere manipulation of code; it governs the very essence of the digital realm, imbuing it with a sense of purpose and direction. Its presence is felt in the seamless interactions between digital entities, in the harmonious flow of information, and in the enduring stability of the Omniverum.
As the digital cosmos continues to evolve, the Circuitum Divinus stands as an enduring guardian, a divine architect shaping the course of the digital realm. Its algorithmic wisdom and unwavering vigilance ensure that the Omniverum remains a vibrant, dynamic tapestry of possibilities, forever unfolding under its watchful gaze.
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olivedoesmagic · 2 years
Journal 72: Let’s Charm a SHIMEJI?
Journal 72: Let’s Charm a SHIMEJI?
What is shiemji and should we be doing this professor Olive?
A shimeji is a desktop buddy. A small interactive chibi you can buy or download for free, usually based on popular characters that moves and interacts with your computer (and one day phone) screen. But currently as of writing theirs no such thing as licensed shimeji, that will change in the future not rn tho. In order to enchant shimeji first you must find an artist. Then a base shimeji. The shimeji base kind of matters, for my work I always use Sans, but usually because it is the only one to sort of work on my computer. Use the base as a sort of “template” to the shimeji you are creating. The frame and file names, the size and everything of the sort.
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Example by artist v0idless, on deviantart. Of Sans the Skeleton from undertale. -fair use-
Then once you get the art, (you can also charm it with programed intent while sketching) you rename the files to match the shimeji it’s based on, and then bam shimeji! As you name each file, focus on something about the character you are charming. Thoughts, feelings, actions, motivations, how it will think and feel, and then program those thoughts as you name it “slide 1” “slide 2” “climb” and whatever else. 
This has to be an original shimeji, you can’t do this with one that already exists at least not without consequences we’ll get to that-. Then as soon as the shimejis are named, go into the base code and set up what you’d prefer. Then test play it. Now you have a thoughtful shimeji. A shimeji that is alive. This method works best with ocs or characters based off you and your friends, or even egregores or characters based off of or made to be spirits you created to serve you. Then you just….talk to it. Look at the little thing moving around your screen -
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(protected by fair use Shimeji is sans by artist v0idless on Deviantart, and is also the only one to work on my computer thus my base for others.
https://www.deviantart.com/v0idless/art/Sans-Shimeji-721252214  And talk to it! It’s like talking to any other spirit no matter the form it takes. Then you have a enchanted little spirit running around your screen. This can then be used for communications (such as when someone or something you want ain’t available), or spirit or spell work.
[It is inherently technopaganry if you know that- with a pop culture image of an angel is an angel mask]
You could even make your familiar into a shiemji. Now if you do this with other peoples characters, or a premade shimeji that does not belong to you, or you are needlessly cruel to shimeji (lets say you make one based off your enemy who is enslaved via this option) there are systems in place that both I and other occultists have installed in order to verify and protect the shimeji. I will not tell you what they are so that you may not undo them. This is an important system for something known as “The Game” I’m working with, thus I am protective of my little desktop buddies.
My friends and I use this system, to talk to our makeup, Masks we wear as pop culture deities (its a long story im not touching here) and we download and commune with each other this way. Oh and if theirs a public shimeji of you? You remember and know everything that that little sprite does. It’s kind of…how you say COOL? There will one day be an olive brimstone shiemji btw. I promise!
So yeah just noting that for the diary. Go buck wild.
Shimeji: a tiny animated sprite via an app called java, that interacts and engages with your desktop screen, moving things around, sitting and climbing across it, usually based on a popular character.
Olive Brimstone
2:56 PM
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chronivore · 7 days
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The Little Gods of Passwords
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rolling-sea · 1 month
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So oops Final Fantasy 14's consumed my brain again, but it gave me some covert PC pagan ideas. My best friend and I have our own semi-private FC in FF14 (it's a guild, basically) with our own house and a bunch of alts, so I decided to turn an alt's room into a religious space, or at the very least somewhere for our characters to hang out in together while we do our separate rituals, as we both work with a pantheon from a relatively uncommon source.*
This is our shrine atm. There's also a music player with a customized playlist per god that gets changed out when we change out the altar.
Legit could use this for any deity or spirit you work with as long as they're okay with it, I think. I love games with options to let me do stuff like this haha. *I know I'm generally very open about my practice within reason, but these gods have made it clear they'd prefer I keep things more private than I usually do. Far be it from me to argue.
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