skyotters · 2 years
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RAC Art Fight - volume 2
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trollbriidge · 1 year
Markku has never done anything wrong ever
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"That's so fucking untrue. He's a total thief. He calls himself a scavenger but in reality he likes to steal my guitar strings and picks."
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"Markku is kind and smart. He is also a little shit."
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c0smicdusk · 6 months
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He eated a pomegranate, i think 🩸
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justjamespotterr · 3 months
@let-them-sing-of-others commented like "something something delogriff lotus rock parallels" on the last chapter, and it turns out i actually have a lot of thoughts that i didn't know i had on the foils & parallels between delogriff and lotus & rock's relationship, so i decided to write up a classic mora-style analysis for my beloved aurelian cycle mutuals. (this got longer than i expected, so continue under the cut.)
they are obviously very similar in certain respects. delo and lotus both ride skyfish dragons, they both come from privileged backgrounds, they both express Yearning through reading poetry, they both care deeply about the people they love, etc. they are both intimately attached to people who ride stormscourges, come from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, and are generally marginalized and disempowered in their respective societies.
the key difference between delogriff and lotus & rock—which explains in large part why griff and delo understand each other's actions and trust the other's intentions more, and why delo has moral qualms about the system of dragonborn oppression earlier on—is because delo & griff experience class inequality up close and personal, and it explicitly infuses every aspect of their dynamic whether they want to ignore it or not. so delo is forced to confront his own complicity in oppression, and his kindness in spite of it means all the more to griff. whereas lotus & rock are technically social equals in the new regime, they are supposed to be on level standing (even if they are not treated so equally in reality), so it is easier for lotus to not even realize the extent of the prejudice against rock, and easier for rock to joke away the injustices of the old (and present) regime. which is all fine and good in a sociopolitical vacuum, but sadly no one lives in such a vacuum. when lotus & rock's differences catch up to them, they are both genuinely taken aback by it, whereas delo and griff are aware of these differences from the very beginning.
the difference is the nature of the prejudice, how explicit it is and how it impacts the two relationships' dynamics early on. the subtle social inequalities are WORSE for lotus & rock's relationship in the long run bc they don't know the truth of the other's backgrounds, they can never truly understand each other until they acknowledge that the inequality exists!! we see this all the way from fireborne with rock's speaking in an accent around annie but never lotus, which is just an offhand remark that actually makes me so insane. i thought writing 30k words about them would make me less insane but it emphatically Did Not. foils! parallels!
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griffsursparker · 4 months
finally wrote and posted the Rock and Lotus fic i've been wanting to write literally since Furysong came out, so uhhhh if you want some bittersweet post-canon Rock and Lotus you should read it here
(here's a little teaser if you want <3)
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breadbox-draws · 1 year
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These were a part of a set of drawings for one of the PCs — scenarios of what might have been said if he wasn’t NPC-ified before he died
Our barbarian butcher lives on in our hearts
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akumamana · 1 year
Teiran Reference Sheet
Commission Info | Instagram | DeviantArt
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Likes & Reblog are greatly appreciated!✨
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fandomdumpsterfires · 2 years
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Felt like giving my old httyd oc tyler a redesign, his name is tieran now, also made him a friend and her dragon. :)
(Both bases belong to rotten)
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teiranlavellan · 6 months
OC Body Language
(*)Teiran Lavellan & Aedan Cousland
*arms crossed on chest / crossing legs / fist-like gestures / pointing index finger / karate chops / stiffening of shoulders / tense posture / curling of lip / baring of teeth
hand-to-face gestures / *head tilted / stroking chin / peering over glasses / taking glasses off; cleaning / putting earpiece of glasses in mouth / pipe smoker gestures / putting hand to bridge of nose / pursed lips / *knitted brows
arms crossed / sideways glance / touching or rubbing nose / rubbing eyes / hands resting on weapon / *brows raising / lips pressing into a thin line / *strict, unwavering eye contact / wrinkling of nose / narrowed eyes
hands behind back / hands on lapels of coat / steepled hands / baring teeth in a grin / rolling shoulders / tipping head back but maintaining eye contact / chest puffed up / shoulders back / arms folded just above navel / wide eyes / *standing akimbo
chewing pen or pencil / rubbing thumb over opposite thumb / biting fingernails / biting lips / hands in pockets / elbow bent / *closed gestures / clearing throat / “whew” sound / picking or pinching flesh / fidgeting in chair / hand covering mouth whilst speaking / poor eye contact / tugging pants whilst seated / jingling money in pockets / tugging at ear / perspiring hands / playing with hair / swaying / playing with pointer; marker; cane / smacking lips / rocking on balls of feet / flexing or cracking fingers sporadically
short breaths / *“tsk” sounds / tightly-clenched hands / fist-like gestures / pointing index finger / rubbing hand through hair / rubbing back of neck / snarling / revealing teeth / grimacing / sharp-eye glowers / notable tension in brow / *shoulders back, head up; defensive posturing / *clenching of jaw / grinding teeth / nostrils flaring / heavy exhales/ *sighing
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reyphorian-art · 2 years
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iraprince · 10 months
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another artfight attack! this one is revenge on teiran on AF. see the attack onsite here!
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trollbriidge · 1 year
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[click for better quality!]
with markku done, all of the lowbloods of my zodiacs have updated and useable sprites!! this is a HUGE milestone for me and im super excited to get to working on the highbloods!
in order we have: kamira, kallai, derora, markku, sigrun, teiran and arnost!
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c0smicdusk · 2 years
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wishesofeternity · 2 years
rambling thoughts on Furysong (Aurelian Cycle 3) by Rosaria Munda
(spoilers below)
The way the first book opens with a flashback of Lee’s family and the last book opens with a flashback of Annie’s ...
“My little skylark, my skysung queen” / “brown as earth, red as flame. you take her with you”
Oh, Annie :(
The way Delo cares, the way he feels, the way he tries to understand. How he does nothing about it.
Annie planning a revolution. Annie orchestrating a rescue. Annie protecting children.
Becca and Garet are sweethearts
I was just covering my face throughout Lee’s entire section lmao
Personally, I think that Atreus’s problem is not that he’s incompetent, it’s that he’s too competent.
I knew Lucian Orthos couldn’t be trusted
"Let us return to our roots. To what is right. To what is natural” fuck Ixion
Oh, Astyanax
God, I love Griff. Fierce, fearless, spectacular Griff.
Your dragons are dying and you’re weakening, but you don’t suspect that a single fucking thing is wrong? These people are far too arrogant and far too stupid.
“Come while this faint heart still has the wrong sort of courage” Oh, Delo
Leary Thornrose is the stupidest name I’ve seen, and he fucking deserves it
dragons flying in. dragons unmuzzled and free, bellowing fire. dragons with Norcian stars.
(This entire thing felt way too rushed though)
Ixion: I’ve just taken over your country, allied with a conquering empire, and now hold the fates of all your loved ones in my hands. oh, also, you have a bastard brother.] :)
Ixion, no one gives a flying fuck about Farhall and its lands
Parcival Graylily, bastard son of the triarch Kit Skyfish and a housekeeper who died in a poorhouse, fostered by Hesperides House, who goes by Power and is a bastard both literally and metaphorically
fuck Ixion
yeah, I suspected Lotus, Teiran and Tyndale.
“My freedom for a library?”
good god, these fools are so cut off from reality, it’s horrifying
Mabalena claiming her vengeance, screaming as she does, and turning, face shining and proud, to face her future.
Annie and Duck’s reunion :)
“a statue of a long-dead god, a queen from the Golden Age”
I feel for Delo, but honestly, fuck his father
... oh shit
“Aela catches the aurelian’s tail in her fangs and yanks.” lmao
“You’re so focused on winning this battle, you lost the war” that may be true. but liberating an island of people oppressed for generations is not losing, it’s hope.
oh no
oh no
oh no
(maybe Becca is still alive)
“It’s my fault. But it’s their fault, more.” YES
Griff is not backing down, and I’m so proud of him for it
He is spectacular
Delo, on the other hand, has absolutely no sympathy from me
You know, Duck is right. I don’t think the path of a dragonrider is what he ever really wanted for himself. It’s heartbreaking, but it makes sense that now, he’ll feel free.
Aela makes me laugh
fuck Ixion
I love this, I love this, I love this. Lee and Atreus is probably one of my favourite dynamics of this series.  Atreus, who was Lee’s savior and condemner, leader and enemy, mentor and truthteller. Lee, who is Atreus’s greatest mistake and greatest triumph. The parallels, the contradictions, the knife that began and ended it all. The passing of revolution’s flame.
“The point is trying.”
“You will have a candle in hand. A flame guttering in the wind. You will have to protect it. For a time, you may have to take it underground. And then you will have to decide how to use it. Will you make a conflagration, and build in the ashes? Will you light a lantern and climb, hoping that your light will be enough for those below? Or will you choose to light the way for someone else?”
Annie @ her dragon: keep your sex life to yourself
Antigone and the Island of the Dead
Megara, my beloved, I’ve missed you
... you know, this makes sense. They’re feeding the hungry, allowing the People’s Paper to print freely, and letting the Assembly stand. I’m sure that, slowly, it’ll gradually be taken away, but for now, it’s dangerously tempting. And it was all legal.
“She brings a goliathan and an empire with her smile”
"Freyda only seems more amused” lmao
FUCK Ixion
“My least-favourite person in Callipolis” aww, they’re frenemies
I low-key ship them
“She’s easy on the eyes, at least” I WANT HIM DEAD
Ixion: *rages like a toddler in a tantrum* / Literally everyone else: ... yikes
Delo did genuinely have to clean the lairs, lmao
Oh, Annie
Freyda’s ... interesting
Oh, Griff. He’s been oppressed since he was born, and now that he’s at the pinnacle of power, he doesn’t know what kind of a person he’ll be. He was fighting to survive his entire life, and now that he’s finally won, he’s hurting.
“Ten years erased in a matter of weeks” :(
“Lotus, otherwise known as the world’s biggest ass”
Freyda keeps showing us new layers to herself and they’re absolutely fascinating
She’s also a slave-owner, so :/
Crissa has just shown up and she’s already stolen the show
“Yeah, that’s it. What else is there?” Oh, Annie
“I don’t know, revolt?” FUCK YEAH. Crissa’s so clever and strategic, I love it
A looming empire, an isolationist nation, a proxy war and new revolution. Sounds good.
“ Griff’s never let himself be talked into sense. It’s his defining feature.”
“As if a queen’s story were one you had any right to.” :(
“The light was always meant to shine for her”
Oh, Griff
That classic trope where two people make a journey through the wild and talk about their feelings
Crissa’s so charismatic, I love her
Oh, Delo
“Legitimacy sounds like a fancy word created by someone with a shorter knife to keep themselves from getting stabbed by someone with a longer one.”
Griff: you’re no longer my hostage and I’m sending you back to your beloved family
Delo: but you need someone to sort your papers :(
aww, Argos
lololol, Annie slept in Leon Stormscourge’s bed and tried to seduce his son in it
“I want one week where that life isn’t mine” :(
aww, Sty and Becca are friends
“little winged dogs” awww
“Crissa, beside me, actually has to mask a small squeal at their cuteness as they flit away.” I LOVE HER
old men with old words
The League!!
old men with old words
democratic Damos’s new isolationist administration which is very willing to expound about principles and very unwilling to actually act, is very on-the-nose and I love it
“Every time that man made me get back on the dragon, every time he refused me water or breaks or medicine as I trained, he made me stronger.” I hate it when characters say that their abuse made them stronger. I hate it.
Griff’s bluffing his ass off lmao
Griff saying “hush, darling” to Gephyra always gets me. He’s bold and fierce and cocky, but he has such softness in him.
“Let the skies be someone else’s to rule” “Please let me be done” Oh, Annie. She wants peace. She wants a home.
They’re such nerds lmao
“Why does Power always show up when he’s least wanted?” lmao
Power, furious at the way their rights are being systematically stripped away from them. Power believing that when a government ceases to protect its people, it becomes necessary to overthrow it. Power, strategizing how to overthrow the Triarchy and regain their freedom, and make it better.
oh no
oh, Pallor
“And as with the gods, the world quaked”
“See, little one? There’s so much left to live for”
I guessed this would happen, though. All three protagonists - Lee, Annie, Griff - were dragonriders. One of them had to do. And it was most likely to be Lee.
and her people give her wildflowers and all their love
Annie’s reunited with Miranda Hane :)
“They may try to write you into history as a villain, but I will drink hemlock before I let you accept that without a fight.”
“And now he’s gone, and I’m left grounded on this hard earth, alone.” :(
oh my god, FUCK YOU, Ixion
“My city, always frightened, always hungry. And it’s endured enough.”
fucking hell, Darius the dumbass just ruined the entire plan
“They both seem inclined to keep their voices raised loud enough for the whole table to hear.” lmao
Power admitting his unrequited crush on Annie to a completely flabbergasted Ixion is the funniest thing ever
to be honest, the fact that Megara played such a huge role in Flamefall and was almost non-existent in Furysong is extremely irritating
“Like your mum? Like mine? I’d rather be like them than that excuse for a human being who was my father. Some of the bravest women in our lives have been peasant women. They’re why we’re here. Even if they go unsung.”
I love this subplot about an unfair trial
Griff, after hearing a politically important piece of information about the  Bassilian King: he doesn’t have a chin :/
I remember when we thought it’d be like this. Heroic. Full of purpose / Maybe we are like this, and we just don’t know it.
that poem is beautiful
RIP Power :(
Ixion: you and what dragon? / Annie, with Aela making the most dramatic draconic entrance of all time: this dragon
Annie beats Ixion while on her period
“he has a striking lack of chin” lmao Delo
“Aela and I do our favourite thing in the world. We rise.”
Annie: *kills Ixion* / Delo: excellent, it’s overdue
that goliathan is horrifying
Froydrich, you fucking creep
Annie and Freyda!!
they won
aww, Delo and Astyanax are going back to Norcia
that speech was very romantic, Delo
“In this corner of the earth that is mine, I will read poetry and grow old in love. Let them sing of others.” oh, Delo
I tentatively like Phemi
High-King Griff has a beautiful ring to it
“Atreus once told me I was his greatest mistake, and the more I think about it, the more I’d like to make a career of it.” lmao
Lee and Annie might not have a traditional ending, but they will have a beautiful life
They’ll going to be okay
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tapperhet-em · 7 months
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Einar finds Meeri and next steps are planned
Suddenly bright light flooded the closet and a hand grabbed her, hard.  Yanked up by her forearm, she found herself wrapped up in Einar’s arms.  “Don’t you fucking scare me like that ever again.  Make some damn noise, woman!”  He hissed in her ear, kissing the side of her head.  “That closet was organized, to my eyes, so you were easy to spot.  Good job hiding, though.” Einar was shaking, he’d thought the worst when she didn’t appear after the door slammed.  He’d searched his entire room before thinking of the closet.  If she hadn’t been in there, he might have lost his mind.
“Wait, so she was here?” Tieran’s voice came from the doorway to the bedroom, incredulous.  He’d thought sure the soldiers had found her.  From the way she was shaking, he had a feeling she hadn’t been sure they were gone.  Einar was shaking too, he’d thought the same as Tieran.
“She was still in the closet.  By the gods I…” Einar swallowed, unable to say it out loud.  His arms that embraced her held her tighter and kissed the side of her head.  Words were failing him at the moment, but she was in his arms and safe, so that was all that mattered to him.
“Told you.  Too smart.”  Elio sounded smug, but looked grim.  They’d all thought she’d been found when the other soldier had said they’d found what they were looking for, just none of them were quite wanting to say it in so many words.  
“You need smacked dumbass.” Lorcan rolled his eyes. “Let me get her out of here.  Melba is in the hallway.  I’ll arrest Meeri and get her out to my Jeep.  They didn’t even look at me when they left.  With Melba in the backseat with her, no one is going to blink when I go through the gates either.  By the time it hits them I should have taken her to the stockade, we’ll be halfway to your country estate and Melba will be in heaven with tummy rubs.”  He grinned.  
Meerie looked between Lorcan and Einar.  “Do you think that will work?”  She trusted Lorcan, that wasn’t the problem.  It was the other soldiers out there that she worried about.  If they stopped him and demanded that he hand her over, it could go bad quickly.
“I’m still in uniform.  I’m an MP.  Meeri, they don’t know who is loyal to your uncle right now and who isn’t.  If you’re in the back seat with my tinting and my dog, no one is going to look too close, Melba takes faces off.” Lorcan raised his brows and looked at her more intently.  “They’ll know I have a female under arrest that I need to process, and I’ll only tell them that if they ask what my purpose is.”
He had a point, which is why Meeri nodded.  She looked over at Einar who was still holding her, as reluctant to let her go as she was to let him go.  “Okay, you guys don’t wait around too long, okay?”  She let out a breath and gave him a hesitant smile, that didn’t even come close to her eyes.
“Don’t worry, Princess, your knights aren’t going to abandon you.  We’re your friends and have been because we love ya, not because we had to be.”  Einar kissed her in the middle of her forehead, closing his eyes and tightening his hold again.  His heart ached and his chest was tight with the thought of letting her out of his sight.  He too trusted Lorcan, not only with his life, but more importantly, with hers. “Some of us love you a bit more.”  He added as a whisper.
“Be safe, bro,” Elio shook Lorcan’s hand.  He didn’t like the idea, but like Meeri, it wasn’t a lack of trust in Lorcan.  The whole kingdom was a shit show.  Meeri had a price on her head, and Lorcan having her in his possession meant so did he till they could have her in hiding.
“Yeah, keep your head down, Meeri, and trust Lo, he’s got this!”  Teiran’s face was serious and he was fighting showing emotion.  He cared almost as much for Meeri as Einar did, and the only thing that had ever kept him from acting on it was he knew that Einar loved her first.  Einar was as close to him as his brother and he wouldn’t interfere.  That didn’t mean that he wasn’t about to lose it over Meeri being out there with only one of them to protect her.  But Lorcan was right, he was the only one still in uniform.  Having Melba made it better though.  That dog adored Meerie, and she really did rip faces off.
“Hold on,” Einar thought of something and headed over to his dresser where he opened the carved wooden box on top that held his jewelry and regency regalia.  Pulling out a few things he came back over.  First he handed a ring with his family’s crest on it to Lorcan. “Put that on, bro.  No one at the estate will question anything you tell them to do.  The only way you could have it is if I gave it to you and they know I’m coming.  It will give you command over the whole of the estate until I get there.”  The men nodded to one another.
Next was Meeri and he was a lot more nervous here.  First he slipped another heavy ring on a chain over her head and dropped it down inside her shirt.  “THAT, that makes you his boss. If anyone challenges you once you’ve made it into my family’s territory, show them that and they will back down.  They’ll also probably call dad, so be prepared for a visit if you have to do that.”  His dad loved Meeri so it wasn’t something he was worried about. He looked up at the other three with them in the room, “guys, can you wait in the front room for a minute, please?”  Einar got raised brows but all three went out into the living room.
“What are you doing, Einar?”  She looked at him a little suspicious. It wasn’t that she minded a few extra minutes alone with him before she left with Lorcan, but she wondered what he had in mind that made him ask the others to leave.  She still hadn’t fully come to grips with his declaration of love from earlier, but she couldn’t deny that those feelings were mutual, even if she’d never gotten the words out herself.
“I have one more thing for you, but I wanted to give you this one with it just being you and I.” Looking into her dark eyes, Einar felt like he could get lost in them, and if it were any other time but this one, he might have been tempted to.  “That other ring will open any door in my family’s territory and get you anything you need.”  He took a deep breath, not really having given a whole ton of thought to what he was about to do, but maybe it was better that way.  “This one,” he held up a smaller, more delicate ring, “it just holds the key to my heart.”  His eyes fell down to the ring and back up to meet her eyes.
“Einar,” Meeri breathed out his name and felt like she couldn’t breathe in again.  Looking down at the most unique ring she’d ever seen, and the most gorgeous.  The stone was dark, alternating from an aqua to a deep purple as the light hit its pear shape, and the band was in a black metal that had been intricately crafted to look like tiny branches.  She was completely dumbstruck by it, and by what she understood from his words for it to mean. 
“Meeri, I’ve had it for a while.  I always thought that we’d have more time, that I’d find the right way, that we’d have that moment…but the fates have a different plan for us.”  He could see her hands trembling as she gently touched his and he knew she was just as nervous as he was.  “I don’t want you leaving here without KNOWING exactly how I feel, how I’ve felt, and I’ve tried to show you in so many, many ways.”  There was so much more his eyes were saying to her that he couldn’t put into words.  He could only hope that she understood. 
Meeri had never seen so much emotion in Einar’s eyes as she did in that moment between the two of them.  There was no doubt the sincerity of what was in his heart, and she definitely knew her own.  Swallowing, she nodded, tears stinging at her eyes, “then there’s no other ring I’d want, Einar.” 
He knew that time was wasting, but he had to do it before they left.  If Meerie and Lorcan had left, and something happened, without her knowing…he never would have been able to forgive himself.  Every time he’d wanted to say something to her in the past, he’d kicked himself when he’d chickened out over the fear that it would just fuck everything up.  But now he was putting the most precious thing in his life in one of his best friend’s hands and he didn’t want to do that with there being and doubt what she meant to him. So, as he slid the ring onto her finger, he wrapped his arm around her back and pulled her in flush against him. “I’ll see you tonight at the mansion.  Now we better go before any more time passes.”  
Their first kiss wasn’t the thing of romance novels and Disney movies, but there was more emotion in that kiss than anyone could ever put into words or convey on film.  It was their first kiss, it could be their last kiss, and both were scared to death.  Maybe that made it perfect after all.
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breadbox-draws · 1 year
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This is technically a wip still because I need to render the rest of the panels (only like…three of them are properly shaded), but since I’m neck-deep in comic #2 the finished product is going to be between me and god only
That said, this comic is for a short poem I thought up at 4am for a certain event in our campaign! Don’t trust your shadow.
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