#the most married together unmarried couple ever
marc--chilton · 1 month
domineering wife look sent to a husband who didn't realize he was supposed to side with her in the argument
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then the face of husband who realizes in that second he needs to fix this or he's gonna get snubbed in tense car conversation on the way home
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stanathanxoox · 2 months
Our Babies
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“Our babies would be so cute.”
“Oh, yeah?” - Ominis Gaunt x MC
You had just escaped from the hospital wing, your boyfriend helping to escort you there when you had began to feel incredibly nauseous and dizzy during potions class with Professor Sharp. Matron Blainely had insisted that you spent the rest of the day in the hospital wing until whatever ails you passed, having sent Ominis back to class straight after he was sure you were settled. Matron Blainely had run some tests throughout the afternoon and come to only one conclusion, one that you should’ve probably suspected given your most recent turn in your relationship with your boyfriend. You made your way through the door into the room of requirement, having sent Ominis an owl when you were being released from the hospital wing for him to meet you there. You settled on the couch having noticed that he hadn’t arrived yet. Deek appeared a couple minutes later and bowed in front of you saying
“I have a plate full of plain crackers and some soup at Matron Blainely’s request for you Miss Y/N, she said that given your certain situation at the moment you may not feel like eating what is being served for dinner in the Great hall”. You take it gratefully, and chew slowly on the crackers
“Thank you Deek, I appreciate it greatly. Do you mind giving me and Ominis some space while I tell him?” you ask and Deek nods, taking your hand in his small one before he says
“Mr Gaunt has been worried sick about you all day Miss Y/N, kept on calling me to see if I knew any more about your condition. I’m sure he will be positively thrilled to hear your news”. And with that theres a poof and Deek is gone.
You don’t have time to even think or dwell on what Deek had just said to you because the door cracks open and you hear the worried voice of your boyfriend call out
“Y/N? Are you in here? I got your owl and came as quickly as I could” he says as he rushes into the room. You stand and make your way over to him, suddenly very nervous about the whole situation. You had known right from the beginning of your friendship with Ominis that he didn’t care much for his family or for what they had done and how much he wanted to escape. How much after this last year of school he wanted to leave and never return to his families home ever again. You hadn’t really talked about children apart from that if you had them they weren’t to be anything like his family. But you couldn’t help but worry what would happen given that you were both unmarried and - you couldn’t think of that. Your hands are ringing together, a sign of how anxious and nervous you are, something that even though Ominis can’t see he can still pick up
“My sweet Y/N, what is wrong?” he asks, placing his hands gently on your arms to reassure you
“Our babies would be so cute” you say, blurting the first thing that comes to your mind, another anxious trait you had. He raises an eyebrow even more confused as he asks
“Oh yeah?” and you nod your head before gently taking his hands and placing them on the slight bump that is your growing baby. You watch the different expressions flicker across his face, from shock, astonishment and wonder, to happiness and excitement
“Are you serious right now?” he asks, his voice a whisper and you nod leaning in and whispering
“Yes Ominis, we’re having a baby, Blainely thinks I’m about 12 and a half weeks pregnant” 
“We’re having a baby” he whispers before pressing a kiss to your lips and you smile
“Ominis, what does this mean for us and the baby?” you ask and he places a kiss to your forehead
“We have two months left till graduation my sweet girl, and then we can marry and raise this baby  together” he declares as if it was the surest thing in the whole world.
“Are you sure?” you ask and he nods
“Of course I’m sure my sweet girl, a life without you in it just doesn’t seem worth living and now that I know we’re having our own precious little one well that’s even more reason for us to be together don’t you think sweet girl?” he asks and you nod, as tears slip down your face
“I love you Ominis” you whisper and he beams. 
Tag List: @tiva-jenry-caskett-rizzles-densi​, @jimmybpride​, @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy​, @nikkiwierden​, @samchelforever007​, @kirkspockbones​, @xoncisxncislaxncisnolaox​, @lasalle-pride-sebastian-love​, @haliannej​, @brooklyn-99-amyxjake​​, @mizzezm​, @genius2050​, @twilight-twihard​, @cullencoven2019​, @wxlfgirlx​, @luciferxchloeislove​, @drethanramsey-ismybabe​, @sawyer-oakley-is-mighty-fine​, @loverofoneshots​, @aelin-thefirebreathingbitchqueen​​
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howlingday · 10 months
I Take Thee...
Jaune: (Running) Um, are you sure it's okay to be hitting your clients like this?
Blake: (Running) Uh, yeah, it's a new therapy method for our more hostile cases. It's called "concussive therapy".*
Jaune: Oh, I see! That makes sense!
*This is fictional, and not a real method of therapy.
Blake: (Thinking) I can't tell if he's the most clever man I've ever met or the dullest...
Blake: JAUNE, DUCK! (Throws pipe)
Jaune: (Ducks, Pipe knocks out thug behind)
Blake: Damn! One above me?! I can't dodge-
Jaune: (CRACK! Smashes goon into the wall) Oh crap! I shouldn't be handling cases like yours without a license!
Blake: ...
Jaune: Uh, my sister taught me how to box, and I just picked things up from there.
Blake: (Giggles) Thank you, Jaune! That was amazing! I've never seen someone break brick before!
Jaune: Oh, I, uh... (Chuckles) I guess I did, didn't I? (Kicks over trash can, Catches lid)
Thug: (Firing machine gun) OVER HERE!
Blake: (Grabs Jaune) This way!
Jaune: (Drops lid, Following Blake) So, uh, Blake... I was wondering, and I know this isn't the best time, but...
Jaune: Will you marry me?
Blake: (Trips, Falls on her face) E-Excuse me?
Jaune: Sorry, what I should have said was, "Can we extend our agreement?" I know it's really suspicious for me to be unmarried at my age, but if it means adding another layer of camouflage, then we should try it.
Jaune: (Thinking) It would also make my contract killings a lot easier for me.
Jaune: So I guess what I'm trying to say is, instead of going our separate ways after the interviews, why don't we live together as a married couple for both our sakes?
Jaune: This is the only woman I've ever met who could possibly accept me as I am.
Blake: ...
Blake: (Stands up, Dusts herself off) We can stop by the courthouse on the way home.
Jaune: ALREADY?!
Blake: No time like the present, right?
Blake: (Patting herself) Mm... I must haved dropped that diamond ring.
Blake: (Sees grenade, Grabs it)
Punk: There's the bitch! Light her up!
Blake: (Ducks behind some crate with Jaune, Holds his hand) I take thee, Jaune, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, for better and for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health... (Unpins grenade, Tosses grenade over crate) I pledge my soul to you. (Grenade explodes)
Blake/Jaune: Until...
Blake: ...my mission...
Jaune: ...my killing...
Blake/Jaune: ...do we part.
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fentyjjk · 1 year
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pairing jungkook x fem reader
genre angst, heartbreak, cheating
warnings jungkook is a bit of an ass, extreme love bombing, angsty, smut, y/n and jungkook are a mess, messy breakups, y/n's a bit of a violent bitch with a capital V, cheating, guns, black y/n head cannon, yoongi is here too, (lets talk about protective family man yoongi..dear lord)
synopsis your relationship with jungkook had been fizzling out for a while. for the last year of your five year relationship, you two had all but floated around each other, but after you catch him cheating that's the final straw.
read me hi! this is my first angsty type of writing that i'm publishing and the first thing im publishing on here ever… i wrote this in two days so not much revision was done and i did this kind of quickly so my bad, hope you enjoy anyways <3
The clock above your office door ticked slowly as if taunting you like the inanimate object was ticking away at the amount of time you could avoid going home to him. Jungkook, your boyfriend of five years. It wasn't that you didn't love him, no, you do. It's not that you wanted someone else either (and even if you did you and Jungkook weren't shy of threesomes) it was simply the way you felt in his presence at moments. Bored was the word that felt most suitable at times when you two weren't having sex.
Compared to any other relationship out there you're not going to feel butterflies and giddy when you come around that special person in your life all the time, but this wasn't just that non-giddy feeling or not feeling the butterflies this was you and Jungkook living around each other; occupying the same space, but being so far away.
To say the least your love is dying— if not dead already— and neither of you have the courage to put the nail in the coffin.
You watched the clock and as it hit 7:30 and you gathered your things, you tried to cheer yourself up as you left as you thought on the next upcoming days. In a few days you and Jungkook will have been together for six years. A long time, yes, but not a happy time. He hadn't proposed yet which is a frequent irrtatence to you seeing as those your other friends were engaged, married, even having fucking kids and they seem genuinely happy together. On top of that, they were together for a significantly less amount of time than you and Jungkook are now before they're significant others' popped the big question! Some of your friends picked up on your feelings towards your relationship pretty early on that you weren't satisfied and nor was Jungkook. Your perfect happy unmarried couple facade could only last for so long. The jokes they made didn't help. Jokes about how unhappy you seem, jokes about how Jungkook is probably cheating on you and that bitch Hana. She was your old roommate from college who still has a stick up her ass because you're the one Jungkook had been with from college up until now. It still brings discomfort to you when you think of what she said to you at your birthday party.
"Jungkook said he still has something planned for late tonight…" You told your group of girlfriends as you'd all settled around the coffee table in the middle of your apartment.
"How exciting!" Nayeon squeaked seemingly more thrilled than you'd been the entire night. "He's so thoughtful."
"Yeah I know.." You look over at him, he's standing with a few of your mutual friends next to that touchy bitch, Jiyeon. He's barely spoken to you unless the two of you are in front of friends playing up the happy couple act. "Another night of missionary…" you mumble to yourself but the array of laughter from your friends let's you know they heard you clearly.
Hana laughed the hardest at the snarky comment the beer she had held up to her red lips dripping through the edges of her mouth as she slurred into your ear, "if you don't want him I'll take him he seems pretty big." She only laughed more at the presumed look of disgust on your face saying she was joking after you pushed her onto the couch and walked off.
She was right he is big though and that was what was saving you guys, your sex.
No one could really give it to you as good as he does. Your threesomes proved as such.
Guys would be fucking you and Jungkook wouldn't even be touching you just watching while he jerked himself off staring at you making you feel hot and sexy all for him and you'd fall apart. The guys could never really get you there on their own. You needed him, you'd become accustomed to just him in bed. The attraction paired with how good he and you are in bed kept you two together.
To put it simply; sex spiced up the boring.
Which is why you had an idea, maybe you guys needed something more, not marriage no Jungkook said he'd propose when he was ready, you needed something sexually anew. You'd had orgies, threesomes, used handcuffs, chains, ropes, choking, done all the vanilla shit, nothing hasn't been tried, but maybe you need something more daring sex is also becoming a part of you boring routine despite how good it is, you need a little more fire.
You'd gotten home to the TV blaring from the front room the smell of something delicious hitting your nostrils as you set your bag down and took your shoes off. You hang your coat on the rack just as Jungkook comes into view.
"How was work?"
"Good, what're you cooking?"
"I just finished actually, it's rice and some lamb skewers your plates on the counter." You smile, pressing a kiss to his cheek in thanks before walking past him to finally eat, you're starving to be honest.
"I had an idea," you say as you pop some rice in your mouth. His cooking never fails to amaze you, now is no different.
He joins you by the counter, his hand rubbing your thigh, his phone in the other, "I'm listening."
"I want to go out to eat—somewhere nice and pristine and… expensive." Jungkook looks over at you denial heavy on his tongue, with both of your payrolls, anything expensive, not just restaurants, is not a norm, they are a very rare luxury.
"Y/N-" you cup his cheek, the soft gesture which you hadn't done in months stuns him into silence.
"Just this once, okay? It'll be a nice night for us and I'll pay." You smile softly kissing his lips which taste of lamb skewers.
"Fine, but I'm paying and making the reservations." Maybe the butterflies were still there because his gentleness never failed to make your heart flutter.
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You'd both gone to Choi's Restaurant, one of the most high end restaurants in Seoul and the most expensive. How Jungkook managed to get a reservation still stuns you, but you take it for what it is. You marvel at the plain, but luxurious looking room as you're guided to a more secluded space by a waiter. A gold grand piano is placed in the middle of the tables where a man in a tuxedo played soft melodies as people ate, giving the place a cozier feel as does the white, brown, and gold hues do. The glimmering chandelier above almost made you stop in your tracks, how the hell did Jungkook pay for this?
Once seated near the back, away from most of the people who no doubt frequented the restaurant, you two ordered and talked over the amazing interior of the place and how expensive it looked which led to Jungkook commenting on how well you fit here. His eyes shone sadly. He's thinking about all those years ago.
When you and Jungkook first started dating you'd told him you got a job in the US and told him you'd wanted to move to pursue it. The job in question offered a lot more money than where you were working at the time, plus at the time you'd finally be able to get away from the mumbled remarks of those at your job about your darker skin color and people touching your hair unprovoked. And even though he didn't openly say it, it was evident to you that he was making you choose and that if you left your relationship would end.
You chose Jungkook and stayed in South Korea.
The only reason he didn't want to go to the US wasn't because of his English—which he knew fluently—but because in his words he 'was going to become a promising idol.' For months you'd sat and waited for him to debut, giving up your dreams so he could pursue his own only for his group to make a one hit wonder and be forgotten about years later.
"Hey," you grab his hand across the table meeting his eyes, "it's okay, and you look amazing too." He smiles caressing the back of your hand, he lifts it kissing your palm softly.
Now it's time. "Really sexy.. if I were bold enough I'd probably suck you off under the table." The wine he was sipping gets caught in his throat as he coughs. You giggle watching him splutter before you.
"What? You don't want me to give you head here? In front of all these fancy people?" Your eyes leave his to scan the people eating away unaware that you were mere seconds from dropping to your knees and making it difficult for Jungkook to contain himself.
"Baby- fu- don't do that…'' his voice strained when you lifted your leg underneath the table pressing your heel to his crotch. You pull back when he tells you to, but you feel him grab your ankle almost yanking you forward when he forces you to press against his growing bulge firmer. "fuck," he shifts moving forward so his forearm presses against the table making it easier for you to move your foot agasint him.
"Aw, bun, you getting horny?" His eyes met yours. He seemed like he was losing it, the lust and panic in his eyes evident as the door to the restaurant opened and a group of people walked in reminding him and you that you two are in public that only further bestowed you.
You moved your foot down pressing the heel to his balls he yelped, digging his nails into the flesh of your ankle, hard. You chuckled, rubbing the area gently with the padding of your shoe.
This is so filthy you're turning him on with your shoe. It should make you feel disgusted, but it doesn't plus you'd rarely ever see Jungkook be this submissive and needy. It did something to you. The waiter came to your table and Jungkook composed himself fairly quickly although you feel the way he subtly pushes into your foot guiding you up and down his clothed length by his grip on your ankle, tightening his hold on your hand above the table.
When the food arrives you're still teasing him beneath the table and as soon as the waiter is out of sight you slide beneath the table under the cloth that hides you. You, with the help of Jungkook, undo his belt buckle, unzipping his dress pants slowly. He truly did look good tonight. It's a shame that you marked his pants with your heels but you'd make it up to him, right now. His boxers strain against his cock. You can feel him twitching in your hands when you grip him. The quiet curse slipping from his lips makes you grin satisfied that he's enjoying himself.
When you take him out of his underwear the angry red tip glares back at you shiny with pre. You waste no time sucking his tip into your mouth, almost crying out when he thrusted forward filling your mouth and the beginning of your throat without warning. You repress the urge to pull away, bobbing your head slowly just the way he likes it trying not to cough at the unexpected movement.
His coat covers the light that's coming through the tablecloth, his hands finding your newly redone box braids shortly there after. He barely moved his hips as to not draw attention to himself, but you do feel his restraint by the grip he has on your hair. It burns so well.
The thought of someone catching you two in this obscene action makes you throb in the sheer underwear your wearing. You pull off him, his spit slicked length hitting your lips as he tries to push you back on him, you grab his wrist making him stop, "I'm going to hump your leg," you rasp, "is that okay?"
"Yes, fuck, yes please do, use me." He says in a breathless whisper, you smile lifting the ends of your clad green dress to your hips. Rubbing your throbbing clit you tease yourself a bit as you sit on his dress shoe, he moves his leg forward his calf pressing against your cunt you almost moan as he moves his leg against you. The friction is too good and you can't stop grinding into the delicious relief but it's about him too, you remind yourself.
You lean against him sucking his balls into your mouth as you glide your hand up and down his veiny girth quickly; anyone would hear the squelching if they came close enough but you're too far gone to care. You take him into your mouth again, paying extra attention to his tip as small beads of cum begin to squirt out.
"Wa-wait, Y/N–baby, I'm going to c-cum.." he tries to push you away by your braids but you take him down your throat the groan that leaves his mouth soon thereafter lets you know he's coming soon…
And he does right down your throat. Like the good girlfriend you are, you swallow licking his slit, milking him. You hear the mumbled curses and your name and press against his calf harder. You lean back staring at his twitching length as you bring yourself over the edge as well with your fingers. You moan a little too loudly, but Jungkook is too caught up in his post orgasmic euphoria to say anything so you assume it's fine. You crawl back to your side of the table quickly wiping the corners of your mouth suckling the little remants of cum from your nail before reaching for the white tablecloth about to come back up before you hear footsteps and stay put.
"Hello," you hear a man greet Jungkook.
"I'm the main chef here, Yeonjun," you see Jungkook lean forward and assume they are shaking hands. He's shaking hands with the owner of the restaurant you just gave your boyfriend oral in with his dick now being hidden by his coat and the tablecloth. What the fuck. "How do you like the food?"
"I-it's goo-"
"Really? I mean considering the fact that you've barely touched it and have instead chosen to let your girlfriend give you head here instead of eating it seems to me that you're lying." Fuck. Jungkook says nothing for a while.
"I'm sorry?" Jungkook squeaks in attempts to feign confusion.
"I would hope you are. Not only is this a health violation, it's also illegal public indecency. I am asking you kindly to leave my restaurant as soon as possible."
"Are we banned?" You say meekly from below the table.
"No. I didn't say I didn't enjoy the little act of voyeurism." You hear the playful tone of voice before the sound of descending footsteps resounds.
On the way back home Jungkook tells you the man, Yeonjun, had winked at him after saying he had said he enjoyed it and you joke about offering the man to join you two in a threesome for the most part Jungkook seems to like that idea.
Later in that night you and Jungkook went at it again and again, this was probably the most passionate sex you've had in ages.
After you've worn each other out, you lay there in bed on your phone in hand you wonder about what the owner said about enjoying it. You search the restaurant online to see if you can find where the cameras are placed in the restaurant to get an idea of how much he saw, not expecting to come across an article about a couple who once had sex there.
They did the same way you did except they were two girls they were caught and the couple said that they believe there's cameras installed under the tables.
For some reason that turned you on knowing someone could've possibly been watching you.
Jungkook and you go at it again when you mention wanting to make a sex tape.
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Things had been going well. Who knew a little voyeurism could really add to your relationship? You and Jungkook were better than happy.
Jungkook's group even had a comeback scheduled for next month which according to their company would really thrust them back into the spotlight. As weird as it was, giving head to Jungkook made the world a little brighter.
Or so you thought.
You'd picked up an extra shift at work taking up for Ryunjin who had to watch her two year old after her baby's father bailed at the last minute. You didn't mind plus the extra money meant you could maybe go to another luxurious restaurant with Jungkook or maybe you two could go back to Choi's.. the thought of fucking the attractive chef who you'd seen pictures of online while sucking Jungkook's cock had you clenching pathetically.
Your shift ended earlier than usual due to there being a fire that had started in the building next to yours. You wasted no time packing your belongings ready to go home to a cooked meal by your beloved boyfriend which had become routine since that night at Choi's.
You felt happy and ecstatic even as you stepped through the threshold of your apartment not to be greeted by your boyfriend which was typical before that night although it felt a little odd now. Usually he was scrambling to make dinner or just finishing it up, instead the tv greets you from the living room.
You take off your shoes and then your coat calling out your boyfriend's name against the obscenely loud noise from the living room TV. You get nothing in response and travel further into your home. There on the kitchen counter are two plates and two wine glasses one has lipstick remnants on it below that on the floor there's heels, next to that is a pair of black lace panties, next to that there's a shirt, Jungkook's LV shirt. It's like a trail and even though you know all too well what you're walking into as you follow the trail of clothing to your bedroom you don't hesitate nor falter in your steps however when you reach your bedroom door your hand hesitates on the knob.
What if… what if you just leave? What if the sounds of moans coming from the room are just Jungkook watching porn? But if that's the case, why did he purposely turn up the volume so loudly on the living room TV? Like he intended to drown out the sounds of sex? Jungkook knows damn well you wouldn't judge him for masturbating so that thought that you try to reason with yourself may be the reason for all the very evident red flags cancels out.
You open the door just a bit so a slither of light coming from the room spills out into the hall along with the now non-door-restricted moans from the girl on top of him, "Daddy!" Your cringe internally you know Jungkook didn't have a thing for being called daddy and you can't believe he was desperate enough to go for someone with a kink he doesn't fancy. You're not sad, not yet, because you're observing. You're not you right now, you're watching someone outside of yourself trying to piece together why Jungkook would cheat on you.
The girl on top of him is different from you in every form of the word. She's petite, fair skin, with long black hair that's being tugged down to her back by Jungkook so her neck is exposed to his rough kisses, his arms enclosed around her waist holding her up, as he pounds in and out of her whilst simultaneously slamming her back down and it seems as though the more she slams down onto his thighs, the more skin slapping on skin echoes like a taunting chant in your home, the more Jungkook groans, the more your eyes sting and your throat burns with it.
You can't watch anymore.
You push open the door with a slam. Jungkook's wide eyes fly to the door not expecting you home for a few hours. The girl doesn't look at you immediately, instead settles for trying to cover up her naked body as if that'll erase both of their indecency to you.
See the thing about this girl is you know her.
Jungkook knows her.
You both know her very well.
She's the girl that Jungkook told you to never worry about, Jana, Hana's annoying ass all too friendly twin sister.
She's the girl that gave you your first tattoo and the other thirteen you got after that.
She's also the girl that gave you the rest of your piercings and Jungkook's tattoos. You never hated Hana or Jana until Jungkook was getting a tattoo from her on his thigh. You were there as you were for all of his tattoos prior. The way she settled for sitting on her knees below him as she worked over the chair unsettled you the way she kept looking up at him through her lashes with a hint of a smirk as they talked, disgusted you.
But you always fucking settled.
So when Jungkook had suggested that you have a threesome over dinner for the first time ever in your relationship, you know he was pondering on the idea for longer than you were comfortable with.
Of course it was with her, you felt more upset rather than jealous as he told you a few days later who he wanted to have the threesome with he had hinted that he wanted it to be a girl, but you had prayed he wouldn't say her of all people.
Jungkook is attractive and girls flirting with him was never much of an issue to you because he always shut them down almost immediately and chances of them ever seeing eachother again were very slim. Plus they'd remember him mentioning you.
But with Jana you all saw each other very frequently because Jungkook loves his tattoos and piercings and now that you think about it it might not even be because he wants more tattoos he just wanted an excuse to see Jana without it worrying you.
But after that threesome—which you regretted partaking in so much more afterwards—they became more friendly.
You made up reasonable excuses in your head when you two would go to the parlor and she'd smile at him a bit wider than before, she'd touch him more than she necessarily needed, or when his eyes would linger too long on her ass before he'd look away trying to gauge your reaction through his peripheral to see if he'd been caught and each time you'd bite your tongue.
You'd thought yeah you'd probably be more touchy with someone too if you had slept with them, but not if said person was in a fucking relationship.
How could you have been so fucking stupid?
Jana doesn't say anything nor does Jungkook for a bit, they just stare at you waiting for you to do something, say something. You stared at the wall for a good minute before looking at the nightstand next to your bed, condoms packets peeking through. You should've picked up on that. You’re on birth control Jungkook had no reason to have those unless he was with someone else.
Then finally you looked at them, Jana looked scared, her eyes looking at you with riveting fear. Jungkook looked the same, but he seemed to be bolder than her; he stood picking up his boxers you looked over at him, hickies coated his chest, which is probably why he always insisted on sex in the dark, his dick was shiny with her arousal as he shuffled it in his boxers.
Then, you were pissed.
Red, hot anger washed over you at once Jungkook was still approaching you with slow cautious steps as Jana tried to cover herself with whatever she could find which happened to be his shirt which only pissed you off more. Jungkook was speaking, but you couldn't hear him. Your heart was pounding in your ears so loudly that anything he was saying was falling on deaf ears.
He was maybe five feet away from you when you held out your hand to keep him at a distance. Through a shaky voice you said to the both of them, "I'm not mad." The clear relief that washed over the two of them made you almost reach into your nightstand and grab the gun you and Jungkook keep. But that'd take too much work going back out into the living room, grabbing your purse to get the key to that specific drawer, loading the magazine and choosing who to shoot first, again too much work.
"You're not?" Jana mumbes quietly behind Jungkook's large frame. She really should've stayed quiet because whatever you are using to try and convince yourself that you were calm dissipated at the sound of her high pitched raspy voice one look at the hickies that lead down to his boxers let you know she probably sucked his dick.
"No, Jana, I can't be mad, I'm actually ecstatic."
"Why?" Jungkook asks this time, you look up at him, it hurts again; your chest, your heart, it hurts so much.
"When I get arrested for attemped murder I'll have a reasonable motive." You smile then so wide that your jaw hurts.
"Bab—" you shove Jungkook, looks like you're going for Jana first.
You grab whatever you think will do the most damage that you can hurl at Jana's perfect little head, it's the lamp on your shared nightstand. You throw it with so much force it indents into the wall when Jana dodges by about an inch the terminal scratches her eye quite nicely before you climb over the bed. You smash her head into the wall with a loud resounding slap her small petite frame falling to the ground as she cries out in pain. Climbing on top of her you grab a hand full of her hair you slamming her head back into the wooden floor of your bedroom. She thrashes below you screaming before trying and failing to pull your hands off her hair and you smile giving her what she wants settling for punching her square in that pretty mouth Jungkook must love oh so much. You land a good few hits to her face before she blacks out and stops screaming and Jungkook is pulling you off.
"Y/N, stop what the fuck!" You struggle in his hold, his broad frame still sweating with their previous activities.
"Get the fuck off me!" You use everything in you to separate yourself from Jungkook, "don't fucking touch me!" You practically run down the hallway to your living room Jungkook following closely behind.
"Where are you going?" He asks as you put on your shoes.
"Away from you."
"You can't leave—"
"I think the best for me to do is leave because if not I put this on everything I will actually fucking kill you." He's silent as you gather your things, your words hitting him hard. He realized just then how quickly your love for him turned to dust and is now replaced by hate and the ever growing urge to quite literally kill him.
You unlock the door ready to turn it before his hand closes the door beside your head, "Baby—"
"You know what's funny?" The sadness is back as your throat swells with the need to cry all over again, "I gave up everything for you—"
"I didn't ask you to do that-'' He reprimands, you spin around the tears falling on their own accord upon seeing his disheveled state.
"Don't fucking cut me off," you say sternly. "What's funny is I didn't even want to have that fucking threesome with you and that whore and you didn’t even notice how uncomfortable I was and you should have. But it's my fault I guess because I did it anyway because I didn't want to upset you because I'm always thinking of you, how does Jungkook feel? What would make Jungkook happy? And even now I haven't once laid a finger on you, and I really should, and you haven't even apologized yet, you haven't said two simple fucking words 'I'm sorry' or 'it didn't mean anything baby I love' you don't fucking care about me, us, or our relationship and neither do I, not anymore." You turn back around and open the door it slams closed with more force by Jungkook once again his hand balled into a fist holding the door shut.
"Y/N, you can't just leave," he strains, the pleading tone in his voice clear as he speaks, "not after everything we've been through," he's moving closer to you with more intention. Physical touch has always been a love language for you and Jungkook, but now you abhor it.
"What don't you get? You fucked up! We're done, let me go—"
"I'm sorry, okay? I'm so fucking sorry just please don't leave, I can't be on my own, I need you." He stressed through clenched teeth. It's something about the way he worded it, a thought comes to you then. Jungkook doesn't have a real stable job outside of his failing idol career and working at a minimum wage paying fast food joint which barely supplies rent, he needs you for money. Maybe that's why he couldn't leave you; he needed you to survive.
You turn around walking closer to him, there's so much rage stirring inside of you it's as if he can feel. Ironically enough he backs up as if he's afraid. Jungkook is broader than you, taller than you, looms over you, and yet he seems scared. You speak with your hands venom tainting every word as you spit, "You are the most self centered selfish person I've ever fucking met in my life, and I fucking hate you, if it wasn't clear enough we're done. I want you and your shit out of my apartment by the time I get off tomorrow."
"Do me a favor, shut the fuck up and get out of my life for good." You spin on your heels opening the door only to slam it as you exit. You take the stairs down the multiple floors of your complex knowing damn well that Jungkook would've gone to the elevator to try and convince you.
You're done for real this time.
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You end up at Lia's house, your best friend for the longest and the one person who told you time and time again that Jungkook wasn't good for you after you told her about your missed job opportunity and your reason for staying in Korea. You never listened though you never do and look where that led you.
You'd managed to hold it together through the twenty minute drive to her house, but as her partner opens the door groggy and confused he yawns before he asks, "you good—" he barely finishes before you wrap your arms around him, he hesitates before he slowly raisies his arms hugging you back. Yoongi was never the best at giving hugs or any form of comfort towards others, but he tries as he pulls you inside cautiously locking the door as he holds you.
"No, she's not here, Jungkook. I told you a thousand times th—" Lia stops speaking to Jungkook on her house phone upon seeing you sobbing into Yoongi's chest in their kitchen. "Look, Yori woke up, I gotta go— No, goodbye, Jungkook!" She ends the call rather abruptly, quickly coming into the kitchen. She takes you into her arms. She doesn't know what happened yet, but she reassures you with ‘its okay’ and ‘let it all out’ as you cry harder. "What's wrong, baby?" You try to speak, but end up choking out your words.
"H-he cheated, L-ia, h-he ch-cheated on me with that slut oh my God," you fist at her shirt until your bruised knuckles turn white as sobs rack through you like waves.
"Who?" Yoongi asks you to feel Lia shake her head as if to signal to him it wasn't the time to ask.
"J-Jana! That fucking whore!" You can almost see Lia's eyes widen as you hug her tighter.
"As much as I want you to express yourself please do it quietly Yori is sleeping," Yoongi mumbles, referring to their two year old.
"Yoongi!" Lia scolds him.
"What? Baby, I just got her to bed." Yoongi defends.
You pull away from Lia, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to burden you I just—"
"Don't say that you're not burdening us, sit on the couch I'll get you some water," Lia says to you, you walk to their living room where baby toys are scattered as Lia makes you a glass of water. You feel ashamed. Coming over to your bestfriends house in a distressed state unannounced is out of character for you, but then again Jungkook never cheated before (to your knowledge) so you never knew how you’d react.
Lia sits with you on the couch while Yoongi stands at the kitchen window awkwardly staring.
She passes you the glass as you mutter thank you. "Why're your hands bleeding, Y/nie?" She calls you your nickname which would normally make you smile, but you're too sad to notice you look down to your bruised hands.
"I beat her ass,'' Yoongi laughs, clapping in approval. Lia turns to him glaring.
"Sorry," He apologizes quickly, clearing his throat he steps into the kitchen doorway, "Imma go.. I'm just gonna go.." Yoongi excuses himself down the hall to their bedroom.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Lia asks softly as if you're fragile.
"Honestly? There's not much to talk about, I'm just tired." Lia nods in understanding. You had been there for her when her college boyfriend cheated on her she said the same thing to you. It was exhausting, this is draining.
"Okay well I'll clean up your hands grab you some pj's and you can take a quick shower if you want to and then you can go to bed in the guest room that sound good?" You nod with a small hum.
You smile, "Thank you, Li."
"Any time." She smiles softly.
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About thirty minutes later, you're situated in the guest bedroom. Lia and Yoongi wishing you a good night a little while ago and then settling into their own bedroom. You try not to think back to Jungkook and what happened which was rather difficult because Jungkook wouldn't stop texting and calling you which resulted in you blocking him. Your eyes finally flutter shut some ten minutes later.
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You awake to loud pounding on the door. Startled, you step out into the hallway and you go to your friend's bedroom. Her baby is sobbing, also seemingly afraid by the loud noise.
"What's going on?" You ask over the loud sobs from Yori.
"We don't know." Yoongi says reaching into their closet he pulls out a gun.
"Baby, is that really necessary?" Lia says through a whisper.
Yoongi shrugs, "You never know." Yoongi leaves the two of you to find whoever is at their front door.
You're not as nervous as you were before comforted by the fact that you’re not alone, "you feel better?" Lia asks her tired eyes meeting yours.
"Not really." You admit your heart is still heavy with the fact that this is your reality and that this whole night wasn't some awful nightmare.
"When I'm not on baby duty we can go get drunk somewhere you and I both need it." You laugh lightly with a small nod as Yori begins to calm down.
"Yeah that sounds good."
"Jungkook, what the fuck man?" Your wide eyes glance up at Lia's upon hearing your ex's name.
"Y/N, don't." Lia tries to stop you from leaving the room, but with Yori in her arms there's only so much she can do.
You peek over the edge of the hallway wall to see Jungkook at the back door with Yoongi, Yoongi's gun now being placed on the kitchen counter.
"Is Y/N here?"
"No, man and even if she was that doesn't give you an excuse to come over here pounding on my front door like a mad man scaring my wife and kid at three in the fucking morning. The fuck is wrong with you?" Yoongi spits crossing his arms.
"I just—I know she's here, her car is in the driveway. Just let me speak to her." Jungkook says desperately trying to peer into the house over Yoongi's smaller frame Yoongi pushes him back slightly.
"Look, you gotta go, man to man this ain't the way, like ever, like you should really leave."
"Yoongi, please." Jungkook pleads ignoring Yoongi completely.
"Jungkook, I'm warning you, leave before I call the cops. You're being out of line and I ain't putting my hands on you cause you're in a tough spot right now and I understand that, but you gotta go."
"Yoongi, I love her, man, she means everything to me I can't let her go."
"You think this is going to help win her back? Seriously?" Jungkook sighs.
"I'm sorry, I… I'll go, can you just tell Y/N to call me back."
"Yeah, I got you." Yoongi closes the door, locking it after he grabs his gun putting the safety back on, he comes towards the hallway jumping after seeing you standing there. "yo, don't scare me like that."
"My bad." You apologize following him down the hallway back to their bedroom.
"Everything all good?" Lia asked, placing Yori back into her crib.
"Yeah, it was Kook, he's just being weird." Yoongi replied putting his gun back in its place.
"I'm really sorry about this." Lia opens her mouth to speak, but Yoongi beats her to it.
"It's fine, Y/N, get some sleep, you need it." You nod, spin around, leave their room and do just that.
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Lia offered to go back with you to your apartment after she got off work, but you denied her offer saying she'd done enough for you last night so here you were driving to your apartment that was leased in your name therefore Jungkook can be kicked out by the police if he's still there when you arrive.
You hesitate to unlock your front door when you reach it. Shaking off your nerves you begin typing in the code. Jungkook should be at work right now. That idea is then erased when the door swings open a distressed Jungkook appearing.
"Y/N," is all he says before he pulls you into his chest. You absolutely abhor how comfortable he is his strong arms securing you in his hold, the warmth he emits, you can even smell the faint cologne he wears lingering on his skin. It screams home and safety right before it hits you the events of last night flooding back into your mind. You push him off walking further into your apartment. You go into your bedroom to see that Jungkook's clothes are still meshed in with yours in your closet as are his belongings that are usually kept around your shared living space.
"Why is your stuff still here?" You ask without turning around knowing he's right behind you.
"We need to talk." You close your eyes inhaling deeply.
"What is there to talk about?" Jungkook laughs in uncertainty.
"There's a lot to talk about, baby, I love you you can't just give up on us—"
You face him repeatedly pushing your finger into his chest as you snarl, "you gave up on us the second you had sex with her, you ruined this—" he grabs your wrist.
"I didn't ruin shit, Y/N!" He screams at you, his face contorting with rage? Like he has a right to be upset with you. "We all had sex what is the issue?"
"Jungkook, you gotta be fucking joking," you laugh bitterly nodding to yourself. "Okay so you're saying it's not cheating because we all had a threesome, yes?" He hesitates before he nods settling on that argument, "me, you, and Hoseok had a threesome, if I fucked him without you there would you be okay with that?" It's quick the way his face morphs in unbridled anger before he stills his features. "my point exactly."
His mouth opens closing it again as he looks away from you his thumb mindlessly rubbing over the skin of your wrist raising goosebumps, "Have you.. had sex with Hoseok without me?" He mumbles quietly.
"Yes," his eyebrows draw together, it's comical the way his jaw drops, "in college when me and you weren't together, he even asked me out, but I turned him down because I met you. I knew I should've chosen him over you." You say honestly loving the way pain flashes in his brown eyes.
"Y/N, I screwed up okay? I admit that, but this was a one time thing I swear—"
"Bullshit! You think I'm dumb, Jungkook? There's no way this was a one time thing why the fuck do you keep condoms if I'm on birth control? Why the hell do you get so many fucking tattoos and insist that I shouldn't tag along?" He shakes his head pulling you into him more his grip on your wrist tight.
"Please don't, Y/N, I need you, I love you so fucking much-" you push him away but he only holds you firmly against his chest in a half hug with your arm trapped between your chests.
"Jungkook.." you say tiredly the fight leaving your body as you slump against his chest, "get off me, please." You say softly.
"Y/N, I don't want you to leave."
"Why? What do we offer each other? You literally cheated on me, she obviously gave you something I d-didn't-" you inhale trying to wash away the urge to cry. What did she offer that you didn’t? Was it her body? Sure you were a little curvy, but so were all Jungkook’s exes you didn’t peg him for being into thinner women and certainly not Jana. She was younger, but that was only by a few years. What the hell could she give him that you didn’t? It couldn’t have been money either since barely anyone goes to her and Hana’s shared tattoo parlor.
"Baby, no, you are perfect the way you are I love everything about you." He stresses kissing the top of your head.
Tears burn your eyes as you blink at him a laugh of pain forcing its way through your throat, "says the cheater." You keep laughing hysterically until it turns to sobs and you're falling to your knees with Jungkook trying to hold you up, cradling you in his big arms, shushing you.
"I'm sorry, baby," he says his voice breaking, "I'm so fucking sorry."
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v/n hey! so if you couldn't tell i had no clue how to end this but they are broken up im thinking of doing a flashback splurge for the threesome between oc, jungkook, and jana to show how obviously oc didn't want to do it and might even include a little bit of the thigh tattoo scene but that's just an ideaaaaa
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indignantlemur · 30 days
how do formations of an Andorian quad happen? you’ve mentioned some get married in pairs before a quad marriage - would the pair get married a second time with all four present? do two previously married pairs ever form quads together?
Hello, hello!
(As usual, the following is all my headcanons for Emigre and it's surrounding stories.)
So bonding and a quad marriage are two separate things, but the latter is dependant upon the former. You can't form a quad without two sets of pair-bonds, and a quad marriage requires the verification of the two couples' primary bonds and the formation of secondary bonds between the couples.
Andorian pair-bonds, or bonds between just two individuals, are considered almost as valid as full quad marriages, legally and socially, but they are not considered married. It's like an engagement versus a marriage for Humans, really. A pair-bonded couple is definitely considered a permanent status change, but there's a deeply ingrained sense of being incomplete or unfinished that stems from thousands of years of quad-mentality - not unlike how couples who have been engaged for many years will often get concerned ribbing and questions from relatives on when they'll finally tie the knot.
A quad marriage has full legal rights and privileges accorded to them, by comparison, while a pair bond only has what we would refer to as 'common law' rights and privileges, which are lesser versions of what fully married quads are entitled to.
So, if an Andorian is pair-bonded but not part of a quad, they are considered bonded-unmarried. An Andorian who is pair-bonded and part of a quad is considered bonded-married.
Now for how the bonds work! I made a visual guide to make this easier. It's very technical, but bear with me--
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(Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair)
So, firstly: let's parse out primary pair bonds versus secondary bonds.
Primary pair bonds are the strongest bonds for Andorians. It's the bond one forms with one's mate before finding a secondary couple to form a quad with. While pair bonds are supposed to be ratified during a bonding ceremony (which is considered separate from a marriage ceremony and involves different traditions depending on the Clans involved), it's not at all unusual for the bonds to be all-but-complete shortly before said ceremony as well. Nobody mentions it, if that's the case. Overall, Andorian bonds are quite muted and simple when compared to some species' telepathic bonds, but the ones they form with their bondmate are the strongest and most vivid possible for their species.
Secondary bonds are formed during the quad marriage ceremony (which is both more and less complex than a bonding ceremony) with the guidance of a third party officiant who has been trained in these matters. It's important to note that secondary bonds are much less vibrant than primary pair bonds, though they are just as unbreakable. Some bonded couples will start to form tentative bonds with each other, but it's quite rare for it to happen and they're very weak and require outside assistance to reach completion. Andorians evolved to naturally pair-bond, but they have adapted to social and environmental pressures to form additional, artificial bonds with another couple as a survival mechanism.
Once a quad marriage is ratified and the bonds cemented, each person with in the quad has three bonds - the strongest being with their bondmate, and another two weak bonds for both halves of the secondary couple.
Onto the formation of a quad! Truthfully, Andorian quads can form a number of ways, but the most common approach is to find a bondmate first and then proceed from there. Generally, once a pair-bond has formed the new couple will begin to look for secondaries. Depending on who they find, there's a bit of shuffling to account for social ranks and such, but at the end of the day the quad is formed by the primary couple (the highest ranking members being given the affixes than and shen) and the secondary couple (given affixes of chan and zhen).
Quite often, pair-bonded couples who are close to one another will naturally form a quad. Often, children who grow up together and remain close through adulthood will bond and then marry, but it's absolutely just as common for one to find one's spouses and bondmate through any social venue, really, ranging from work to higher level education to parties.
Now and then a pair-bonded couple will want to have a mutual close friend in their prospective quad, but if their friend is unbonded it's not at all unusual for the couple to try to headhunt prospective partners for their mutual friend. Often, they seek out individuals who they feel would be compatible with the group as a whole. This has mixed results. Sometimes it works out wonderfully, and sometimes the mutual friend grows irritable with the constant meddling and shuts it down. You mileage can and will vary with this approach.
For individuals who have extremely demanding jobs and thus struggle to meet prospective mates and spouses, there is a veritable army of Andorian matchmakers who will literally fight each other to the death for the opportunity to work their magic. They take their jobs very seriously, and Andorian matchmakers make even the most diligent of private investigators look lazy with the amount of depth and detail they put into their research for their clients.
Contrary to the mental image most Humans have of matchmakers, Andorian matchmakers can be male or female, relatively young adults or quite old, and they handle their clients' portfolios with the same gravity one might expect from corporate lawyers handling multi-billion dollar business deals. To Andorians, that's exactly what's happening. Every quad, every pair bond, has the potential to unite or divide entire Clans, bolstering vast social networks and family resources with each individual involved - or dividing them, if the match is unsuitable. It's actually a fairly high stress job, all things considered, but there is a certain sort of prestige that very successful matchmakers accrue within their communities that affords them quite a lot of respect.
In terms of previously married couples - I'm assuming you mean widows/widowers? Andorians cannot divorce due to the nature of their psychic bonds, but they can lose their spouses and bond-mates to accidents, illness, foul play, duels, etc. That varies on a case by case basis, but sometimes Andorians in such circumstances will re-bond and re-marry. It's not common but sometimes the lingering pain and psychic damage of a bond lost through traumatic means is too much to overcome, and the surviving individual will simply be unable to bond again.
Thanks for the ask!
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gralunaisland · 10 months
One thing that grosses me out abt Gruviugh shippers besides like a bunch of other things is that they call a child a "lovechild" like even if it's fictional that's a child, not some object to "prove" their ship. It reeks of "I only care about myself and my enjoyment of this ship and not what it could say about me and my worldview"
The Dark Side of a Gr///vian "Love Child"
Oh man, I dont think I’ve heard about them using that term, but just hearing the term "love child" gives me a cringey feeling. I actually wasn't sure what it meant so I looked it up, and apparently it means "a child conceived through lust (usually a one-night thing). The parents never marry and sometimes never see each other again". In other words, it means "the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents".
What we must note here is "illegitimate" and "unmarried".
Let me preface this by saying that I don't think people have been thinking that deeply about this, and I'm sure most people who make fanon ship children don't mean any harm.
However, there are some criticisms to be made.
Moving on, now, I have no clue if this is an unpopular opinion, and feel free to disagree with me, but I think kids should be born within wedlock because it statistically tends to be a more stable home (though of course it doesn't guarantee anything). It at least shows that the parents can be in a committed relationship recognized by law, which hopefully means they'll both stick around more since they're legally obligated to.
That's where the illegitimate comes in. A legitimate kid in the eyes of the law means that the child comes from a married couple, and that allows the child to be entitled to child support in case of a divorce and to receive an inheritance. If the couple is not married, that makes the kid illegitimate, and that means the father is not obligated at all to take care of the kid.
All that to say, it's super gross if people call the made-up kids of gr///via "love children" because, if they know what the term means, they're basically saying they just want Gray and juvia to have kids and don't care if the kid's life has the added stability that would come with having married parents. They clearly just want it to be canon that Gray and juvia have had sex.
That would just show that they don't really care if Gray and juvia have a solid foundation for a relationship (though, let's face it, even if they were married, they already lack a solid foundation because of juvia's abuse), which is essential for bringing children into this world and raising them. Whether they mean this or not, this is just another instance of certain Pros promoting unhealthy dynamics for these two, only this time it's almost worse since it includes another human being, a child, as well.
They would rather focus on the "lust" aspect of what a love child entails, which totally throws the kid by the wayside.
That means they only conjured up the kid just because it helps to "validate" gr///via. You put it perfectly, saying that the child's sole reason for existing is to prove the "love" between Gray and juvia, which literally reduces the character to being an object, a plot device, a ship device. The kid becomes a mere product of "doing the nasty" that's "evidence" for a ship and nothing more.
And yes, before anyone goes thinking I'm just saying all this to be a stick in the mud (though I admit I am one x_x) I understand people not caring that much about fanon children of ships, because they're made up and just for fun mostly. I'd say most of it is harmless probably.
However, still, I agree with Anon, that it's icky to throw insensitive terms around, and doing so exposes these fans' intentions of just trying to find even more (uncanonical) avenues to bind Gray and juvia together, as if they didn't already have years of abuse and shoehorning and character assassination doing that job for these two. It's less malicious and more thoughtless of these fans.
All in all, I'm not saying, "don't ever create fanart or fanfics of children from your favorite ships!", I'm just saying let's not reduce them to being ship devices. It would be great if thoughtfulness could be given to them, because I don't think treating children, even fictional ones, flippantly is a great thing to promote.
And y'all all know my stance on fiction affecting reality.
Anyway, thank you so much for your ask and your patience, Anon! Sorry for taking forever and a day to get to it! I hope this post made some semblance of sense, because even I was getting confused. I hadn't thought about the ramifications of a "love child" before.
And sorry to the rest of my readers for being AWOL, having to deal with lots of stressors nowadays, but hopefully it'll get better soon!
Have an amazing day, everyone!
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
About Who Arranged Aegon and Helaena to Marry in Fire and Blood...
This is the quote:
Following the ancient tradition of House Targaryen, King Viserys wed his son Aegon the Elder to his daughter Helaena. The groom was fifteen years of age; a lazy and somewhat sulky boy, Septon Eustace tells us, but possessed of more than healthy appetites, a glutton at table, given to swilling ale and strongwine and pinching and fondling any serving girl who strayed within his reach. The bride, his sister, was but thirteen. Though plumper and less striking than most Targaryens, Helaena was a pleasant, happy girl, and all agreed she would make a fine mother.
("A Question of Succession", pg 385)
Some claim that Viserys is the only one responsible for marrying Helaena and Aegon when Helaena was only 13, and not Alicent. But:
Viserys allowed Rhaenyra to be unmarried for years (when we all know that he always wanted her to marry Laenor) after she already got her period (when a noble girl is considered "beddable" and weddable in Westeros). He forces Rhaenyra to marry Laenor when he did specifically because he wanted to maintain the Targ image in lieu of a possible affair b/t her and Daemon. Viserys shows himself as being fine with marrying his children later in their lives/teendoms. Thus, Viserys was not in any rush to marry his children together.
We know that Alicent, at one point, wanted Viserys to marry Rhaenyra and Aegon for the sake of making Aegon closer to the throne and later seize its active power (quote). The quote I linked tells us 3 things: Alicent is very concerned for whom Rhaenyra marries as well as who her son marries for the sake of getting power for him/herself; Viserys needs to be convinced of things like anyone else and he didn't marry Rhaenyra to Aegon specifically bc he knew Alicent's desires for their son/herself, which he both disliked and it shows his clear disapproval for Aegon getting anywhere near the throne; AND Alicent has the ability to suggest a marriage that Viserys can say yes or no to, but Alicent still has that influence over him concerning their other children's marriages.
Who does it benefit more for Aegon and Helaena to marry? Alicent or Viserys? Alicent or Rhaenyra? (Specifically in the game of thrones and claims) Alicent. While it is Targ tradition to marry siblings and Viserys is a Targ, he refused to marry Laena (a female relative much closer in blood than Alicent ever could be). By the time of Jaehaerys and Alysanne, Targaryen marriage lended a prestige and legitimacy to those married as well as it always having combined the claims of the couple. Also, Helaena and Aegon's children would very likely become dragonriders if they are married. Helaena marries Aegon in 122 A.C., and Rhaenyra and Laenor marry in 114 A.C. In the goal of putting Aegon on the throne and keeping him there, it would be in Alicent's best interests to marry these two, and to do it quickly. Esp in response to the marriages Rhaenyra has with Laenor and Daemon and the kids she has by then, 2 other dragonriders.
It is more likely that Viserys could have married these two by Alicent's persuasions than because he earnestly believed that they had to get married so soon. He simply had less interest in Helaena's marriage than in Rhaenyra's because Helaena is not the one to inherit the throne and because she is not his favorite child. If he wasn't in such a rush to marry Rhaenyra to anyone, even Laenor, when Rhaenyra was young, he'd be even less motivated to marry Helaena and Aegon together when she is also so young. Alicent had much more ability to persuade him concerning Helaena than Rhaenyra. Thus she has actually a lot of influence as to Helaena's marriage. He'd likely be fine with just leaving her be. Alicent, though? She had a mission and purpose.
Alicent's main goal was always power through her son, Aegon, by putting him on the throne. She uses the idea of Rhaenyra killing her or her kids to convince the green council into installing Aegon as heir, but this is not a stupid woman and she would have known that Rhaenyra had no murderous will against her siblings, no matter how many times she calls her brothers her "half brothers". Here is a quote proving that ("The Blacks and the Greens").
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thisandthat-whatever · 10 months
When did you decide that they were headed toward marriage? I agree that engagement is just a promise, and why speculate? Some people are engaged for years!!!
there wasn’t a single aha moment. It is a general feeling , an undeniable feeling that is more than an educated guess, that since the relaunch of their rs , they have been stronger and more serious about each other than ever. It is clear that they are destined for marriage (whenever that may be)). And it has been also evident that both are pretty traditional in certain ways that they are both the type who would get married and not just live together unmarried forever.
So, at this point to me it would not be shocking if they get married one day in the upcoming years. It would be shocking if they don’t. …. But again I don’t like all the engagement speculations, as I find them tiring and too cracky. Just enjoy whatever content you get as you get it.
Most of these current shippers couldn’t have survived TZ v.01 with this level of greed. Just count your blessings you are shipping them in an era where they are a public couple and no longer hiding/lying.
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miidnighters · 5 months
Am thinking this morning about all of Bella's marriages.
She was turned in the mid 1600's, about five years after she'd been married the first time. She and Christopher loved each other very much, and would have lived a long and happy life together but. After Isabell died, he went on to remarry and have children, who Bella will still check up on occasionally. She considers him the only husband that she's ever loved.
After Bella got her bearings with the change and started to re-integrate into society, she began to engineer matches for herself as during this time period it was wildly unusual for a woman to be unmarried. As Bella aged and had done this once or twice, she started picking the worst man of the bunch to charm - essentially so that none of the other young girls got stuck with him. After all, Bella could take whatever he dished out, and that kind of man would be unlikely to run to a close confidant if his wife showed no marks after a beating (or, worse, if she was beating him back).
She would typically spend an average of 10 years in one place before engineering either her death in a tragic accident or, if her husband was particularly wretched, their deaths in something like a house fire. In each case, Bella would make sure all of her possessions and money are bequeathed to an as-yet unmarried niece, with ironclad clauses that this money does not become her husband's upon marriage. Then, she would move somewhere new (as the niece), and start all over. After the first couple of marriages, she had climbed to a point on the social ladder where she had some modicum of freedom in the sense that she could hide away during the day and most people put it down to Weird Aristocrat Things.
Doing this Bella probably had about 14-15 husbands until the early 1800's, whereupon she decided to leave all of that behind and study nursing. She got caught up nursing in the Napoleonic wars for a while, lived in Spain, and then finally decided to move across to America in the mid 1800s, after the revolution. Here, she was able to live somewhat freely, on her own, as a bachelor girl, given that she had money and didn't need to work to support herself.
Things were good until the World Wars - these were obviously not good in any capacity but they also marked the end of the era of domestic service, and the start of Bella's crippling loneliness without anyone else in her sphere day to day. Which largely brings us to today - Bella goes out to feed but is largely a hermit, and as referenced in this post will sometimes get into a not-great state thinking about how everyone she's ever known is dead now.
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grimmswan · 2 years
The Lady and The Vampire
Once Upon a Time AU
Captain Swan Vampire AU
Lady Emma is being forced to marry a man she despises. Her salvation comes in the form of Vampire Killian.
Emma was being forced to marry a man she did not love. A man who had admitted he would keep his current mistress as well as take any other lovers that he saw fit.
Emma wished that she could get away but she was essentially being held prisoner. Her parents had been murdered and she was their only child. The law dictated that she could not take possession of her family estate because she was an unmarried woman.
It was all going to her cousin and the only way Emma would be allowed to dwell in her home was to marry her cousin.
She hated him. Hated everything about him. But what else could she do?
Her only solace was that she could lock herself in her room and there was no way for her cousin to push his way in. Though he tried.
“You and I are going to be married. You’re going to let me in your bed. Whether you like it or not, if you plan to remain on this estate!”
“I will die before I give myself to you!” Emma shouted back through the door.
“I could help you with that, if you wish?” Came a sultry purr.
Emma gasped and spun around. There had been no one in her room when she came in. There was no way for anyone to have entered through the door.
 The window may have been large enough, but her room was far too high and there was nothing to allow anyone to climb in.
And yet, floating just outside was the most attractive man Emma had ever laid eyes on.
His eyes seemed to glow, making her realize what he was. A being of the night. A vampire.
“My name is Killian. Killian Jones. Invite me in and I can make sure that weasel never lays a hand on you.” He offered.
“And what if I did? What is to keep you from making a meal out of me?”
“My word of honor, my lady. Whisper my name and I will enter the marital bed chamber on your wedding night and prevent the groom from taking his reluctant bride.”
“What’s to prevent him from trying to take me during the day?”
“You know what I am. You see that I have power. I can control the minds of humans. With one look into his eyes, I can make him feel intense pain whenever he thinks about touching you. And I will ensure that his manhood never rises again. But he will never be able to speak a word about his predicament.”
Emma invited Killian in. True to his word, he didn’t attempt anything with her. Already, the monster was behaving better than the nobleman.
The two talked for most of the night, coming up with a plan to deal with her despised betrothed.
Emma’s wedding day arrived. During the ceremony, she had to fight from becoming ill as her groom made no effort to be discreet about his thoughts. His eyes continuously roamed over her body. And he would whisper that he was looking forward to finally being in her bed.
The day ended and it was time for the newly wedding couple to enter the marital bedchamber and consummate their union. The moment she stepped over the threshold, Emma whispered, “Killian”
Just as her new husband reached for her, a dark figure suddenly appeared and pinned him against the wall.
“I suggest you avert your eyes, lady Emma.” Killian advised.
Her cousin tried to scream but Killian kept his hand pressed firmly over his mouth, muffling any sound he tried to make.
Calmly, Emma prepared herself for bed.
“Don’t worry. I didn’t kill him.” Killian assured her. “We wouldn’t want to make you a widow on your wedding night. No doubt that they would try to blame you.”
“Thank you. Is there anything more I can give to you.”
“Perhaps your company?”
Emma had no trouble talking with Killian as much as he wanted. He had lived such an exciting life full of adventure.
Every night, her husband would pass out into the corner and then she and Killian would spend the night talking together.
Emma often had to sleep late and take naps in the afternoon because she didn’t want to end the night so soon with Killian.
One night, she asked Killlian to make love to her. The following night, Killian, with an evil grin, instructed her husband to sit and watch them.
“Watch and say nothing while I take your sweet bride to the heights of ecstasy.
It added to the thrill. To be watched by the man she hated and allow all of the things he wanted to do to her be done by another.
She could see the disgust on his face. He was fully aware of what was going on, but was unable to utter a single sound against it.
Every night he was forced to watch his wife be made love to by another man. Never able to touch her himself. Even in the daytime, he was unable to speak out and have anyone come to his aid, nor was he able to do anything to have or punish Emma.
He wanted to scream that he was not able to lay a single finger on Emma. But there was some force always preventing him from doing anything regarding Emma or her vampire lover.
One night, as they were making love, Killian moaned, “Oh how I wish I could make you my eternal bride.”
“Do it.” She arched her body into him. “I want to spend eternity with you inside me.” Emma tilted her head to the side, a clear invitation. Her body trembled with euphoria as he drained her life’s blood.
He then elongated a claw and sliced open his own neck. He sighed in contentment at the feeling of her soft lips and his blood dripping into her.
“Mine forever,” he whispered, holding her tight as her body transformed. “Just as I am yours forever.”
She opened her eyes. He gazed at her in awe as they glowed a hypnotic green.
“Your beauty is beyond words, my love.”
His smile of adoration turned wicked. “What say we begin your new life with a snack?”
The bound man tried to scream, but it was in vain, as the two beautiful monsters descended upon him.
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ghost-inacup · 1 year
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I posted 23,307 times in 2022
That's 14,034 more posts than 2021!
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Longest Tag: 140 characters
#also if skizz was in dlsmp and he didn't get impulse as his soulmate im sorry but that'll be a crime. they share hearts all the time already
My Top Posts in 2022:
if bdubs changes his skin to a healed one we're gonna have so many impulse helped him heal, finally provided him space to , comforted him etc etc
and i for one want exactly that
116 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
Pearl was alone.
In a world where people were soulbound, where the old stories all ended with a happily ever after, she thought she would never end up alone. The world operated on that simple principle, that somewhere out there, there's someone perfect for you, so perfect you share all your hurts and all your happinesses even when separated. So, no, Pearl never thought she would end up alone. It was a fact as obvious as the sky was blue, that her twin soul existed somewhere out there, and that when they would meet, they would be happy.
So Pearl was alone and confused.
This wasn't what everyone had said would happen. Soulmates were supposed to meet, supposed to come together and be happy. All the old stories said that your struggles would vanish when you meet your other half, that it would be magical, that life together would be full of bliss and trust. That the moment you know you would never leave each other's sides. So then why, why was she the one who was faced with revulsion? Why was she berated for something that wasn't her fault and left alone there standing, staring as her soulmate loudly declared that they refuse the soul bound?
Pearl was alone and confused and a little bit hurt. And she would swear that she was fine with her dog and her adventures, but she was still hurt. To be left alone not only by Scott but by Martyn as well, Martyn, the one who she had spent the day with, who she had adventures with, to be blamed for something out of her control, it hurt deeply.
The old stories didn't say anything about this. They didn't tell you your soulmate would berate you and leave you for not setting out to find them, for believing you would meet when the time was right and not actively searching for them.
The old stories lied.
And Pearl was left sad and confused and all alone.
129 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
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Fungi:cause of bad
169 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
So, how does amatonormativity fuck a person up? (i made the aro survey)
omg okay so hi bestie sit down have some tea cause i might go on an endless rant here:
okay, so lets begin by defining amatonormativity: it is the societal expectation of everyone wanting an exclusive, long term romantic relationship and would be better off with it. some common assumptions made due to this are :
Assuming that everyone wants to get married, and unmarried/unpartnered people are unhappy or lonely
Treating romantic relationships as more important than friendships
The structuring of society around married couples (housing, taxes, etc.)
“Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend yet?” (sourced from: https://sophia.smith.edu/aace/about-asexuality-and-aromanticism/allonormativity-and-amatonormativity/)
Now, while this affects many queer identities, i can only provide an aro perspective on it.
Growing up, all around me, from as young as kindergarten, romantic relationships were prioritised. even 3 year olds who didn't even grasp the concept of romance were like, oh they're dating now, oh they're married now, etc. throughout my life, the expectation that everyone will eventually pursue a romantic relationship was a constant.
And that fucks you up.
Lets start with the fact that it forced me into thinking it would be my end all goal. i would meet a guy, have a romantic relationship, marry him, have kids, the whole package. And that led to quite a few situations where i forced myself to act like i felt romantic attraction, to convince myself to do things i was not ready for. It led to heartache and probably contributed to my depression. It led to destruction of friendships and led to an unhealthy relationship, which i will say is still affecting me. half a decade later and i still berate myself over those things, it has affected my self perception a lot.
then, when i discovered i was aro,(and its still going on tbh) it made me think i was not normal. it led to the realisation of my othering in a way, for i would never truly know what it is that society prizes and lauds so much. It led to a feeling of isolation and forced me to internalise a lot of shit, and probably bottle up things which i still haven't told anyone about.
then, the linking of my self worth with someone showing romantic interest in me. the feeling that something is wrong with me, physically, mentally, emotionally, just because someone never said hey i like you. the fear thats still within me that i am undesirable and not worthy. that even in movies the "ugly" girl sometimes ends up with a boy so why cant i? it led me to cling unhealthily to anyone who shows/ed me even a modicum of affection, to such an unhealthy degree that it destroyed a friendship, all in the wish that i was worthy of someone's love. all in the feeling that if no one likes me romantically, i do not have worth. i would be just someone people barely tolerate and leave as soon as they can.
also, as a cupioromantic: it fucks me up even more. cause i know wanting a relationship is sort of enforcing amatonormativity but fuck, it would be nice to have. and also, the fear that what will i say to an unsuspecting person, who gets in a relationship with me? with the expectation that it will be romantic? " hey sorry i can never love you romantically but i love you with my whole heart and i hope thats enough?" and then watching them leave cause if there isn't romance whats the damn point?
it hurts every time i think people getting in relationships, expecting me to relate about romantic attraction, them saying "you will also get one don't worry" them being allies but not even knowing aromantic and treating me like i'm a cold hearted monster who could never love truly and its the mourning in the corner of my heart for the fact that i can never experience what people say is a fundamental feeling and in the end,
it fucks you up.
232 notes - Posted September 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Self love is stored in watching bears in trees videos
400 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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academyguide · 2 years
Simple Irresistible (1999)'Simple Irresistible' is a movie about Amanda, played by Sarah Michelle Gellar. She gets some magical help from a crab. (Yes, a crab.) Amanda is a chef, whose tiny restaurant is slowly failing. She has inherited it from her mother, but doesn't have her mother's confidence. She uses her mother's recipes and customs, and thus doesn't manage to keep up with modern day expectations.The crab plays matchmaker and set her up with a man, Tom (Sean Patrick Flanery), a manager of a department store, who is planning to open a new restaurant. They fall in love.When Tom finds out there is magic working in the relationship, he believes Amanda to be a witch, and doesn't want to have anything to do with her. One thing leads to another, and Amanda ends up cooking in Tom's restaurant on the opening night.How will these two overcome their personal doubts and fears, and will they end up together?Chocolat (2000)In 'Chocolat' the witchcraft is merely implied. The viewer understands that Vianne (Juliette Binoche), the new chocolatier of a small French village, is a witch, because her chocolate has magical properties.She starts improving the villagers' lives from the moment she moves in with her daughter. The village is very conservative, and most of the villagers are horrified by both the imprudence of the newcomers as well as the magic and decadence they introduce to the villagers' lives.'Chocolat' doesn't only touch on the love life of Vianne, but speaks about the love of parents and children, friends and long time married couples. In addition, it speaks about how prejudice and xenophobia can result in life-threatening situations in small close-knit communities.That being said, "Chocolat' is a romantic, warm and overall a lovely movie.Woman on Top (2000)'Woman on Top' is another movie of the magic of food. In this, Isabella (Penelope Cruz) is a great cook, and she opens a restaurant in Salvador with Toninho (Murilo Benício), her husband. He cheats on her, and she runs away to USA, to live with a friend, Monica (Harold Perrineau). Isabella's cooking inspires a TV producer create a cooking show, 'Passion Food', for her.Back in Salvador, Toninho's restaurant crashes without Isabella's cooking. In his despair Toninho curses Yemanja, the Goddess of Love and the Seas. Yemanja responds by keeping the fish away from the sea around the village, so the local fishermen catch no fish.Toninho goes after Isabella to win her back, but Isabella in turn has asked Yemanja to harden her heart against love, a request Yemanja answered. As Isabella is now unable to feel anything, all Toninho's efforts to win her back are fruitless. On top of that, Isabella's show turns out to be very successful.How will Toninho get his Isabella back? Will Isabella ever feel anything again? Will Yemanja forgive?The movie is resolved in a very sensual and romantic scene where Toninho and Isabella cook together.Like Water for Chocolate (1992)'Like Water for Chocolate' probably influenced 'Simple Irresistible', 'Chocolat' and 'Woman on Top'.'Like Water for Chocolate' tells a story about a Mexican family. The family has a tradition that the youngest daughter stays unmarried and takes care of her parents. In the story the youngest is Tita, who loves Pedro. They cannot marry, so Pedro marries her sister in stead, so he can stay close to Tita.When Tita cooks, all her feelings are infused into the food, and the story takes a few surprising turns. Some of the twirls are very funny, some sad and some horrible.'Like Water For Chocolate' is a movie of traditional Latin American magical realism, which to my mind makes it a fascinating fairytale loaded with unexpected twists, one of which is the ending.If you choose to watch a movie of the magic of food for Halloween, be sure to prepare some really good snacks, or a good dinner that your guests and you can enjoy during or after the movie. because these movies will give you an appetite. Source by Ketutar Jensen
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sheryllsblog · 2 years
What Women Should Know About Insurance and How It Can Improve Their Financial Lives
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Women are more anxious than ever about their exposure to financial risk in today’s society. Meredith Moore, CLTC, LUTCF, a certified life underwriter and licensed universal life and long-term care financial consultant, describes how life insurance and other associated products can assist women in mitigating financial risk, making the most of opportunities, and making plans for the future.
To begin with, the good news is that women are currently earning more money than ever before. But we are still up against intractable obstacles to managing it adequately. A smaller number of working years, a pay disparity closing but still noticeable, and societal conditioning can all be contributors.
Meredith Moore, founder of Artisan Financial Strategies in Atlanta, Georgia, and a nationally recognized speaker on women’s financial planning concerns. As a result, women of all ages and economic categories, including high-income earners, worry about their financial future. Recent research has shown that married women in their 50s face more retirement risks than their peers who are single at the same age.
Emerging threats of a pandemic
Moore thinks that the pandemic has only made the current circumstances worse. “Women are opting out of the workplace owing to the strains of home responsibilities, and they are losing their place in the pecking order,” surrendering their current pay and potential earnings throughout their lifetimes.
On the flip side, “Several high-income ladies I know have spouses who stay at home today, and they’re having a terrible time wrapping their minds around it,” one of my friends said. Moore asserts that there is no such thing as right or wrong but that it is difficult to traverse the outdated gender assumptions.
Strengthen the defenses you have.
Although life insurance and other related products are not a panacea for the complexities involved in these problems, they can be valuable instruments in maintaining financial stability, mitigating risk, and making plans for the future when conditions are uncertain.
“Like in any other sport, you must play offense and defense to succeed. Moore adds, “It’s more exciting to speak about offense, but if you get run over by the metaphorical bus, it doesn’t matter what you were talking about.” We shouldn’t try to gloss over the situation.
If you were to die, your loved ones would be protected from the financial repercussions of your passing by having life insurance. Your family may be able to continue living in the house, reduce some of the financial strain during a challenging period, and carry on with plans such as attending college if they have adequate insurance coverage.
What am I failing to see here?
The hazards you face shift based on the specifics of your life at this moment. Your ability to construct a financially secure future depends on your willingness to be open and honest in all stages of the process and determine where the gaps are.
All of the unattached women.
Moore recommends that if you are young and unmarried, you prioritize building up an emergency fund and purchasing a low-cost disability insurance policy that can be scaled up in the future without requiring further underwriting. Underwriting is the process that an insurance company goes through to decide whether or not you are eligible for coverage and the premium you will pay. This determination is based on various variables, including age, health, and lifestyle.
Life insurance might cover their needs if you were to pass away unexpectedly and leave behind loved ones financially dependent on you, such as children or parents.
Women who are part of families
Even if one partner handles most of the household’s financial responsibilities, Moore advises that partners should still schedule regular meetings to discuss the household’s finances and feel comfortable talking about money together. When children enter a home, the existing power dynamics may shift. Couples who can have honest conversations about money are better equipped to handle the twists and turns that come their way.
Regarding safeguarding one’s financial future, the stakes are often higher at this stage of life, when one has a mortgage, young children, and fewer assets to their name. Moore believes that any breadwinner should have supplementary disability insurance and that everyone should have life insurance.
Permanent life insurance, in contrast to term life insurance, builds cash value over time, which can help to stabilize a portfolio and be used for unforeseen expenses if your family’s need for death benefits decreases. Some families should give serious consideration to purchasing permanent life insurance. If the policyholder passes away unexpectedly, the primary goal of any life insurance policy is to shield the policyholder’s loved ones from the burden of a financial loss.
Women over the age of 50 and women with a high net worth
When a woman reaches the half-century mark in her life, she may face a variety of realities, such as the freedom of an empty nest, the responsibilities of caregiving, a new chapter in her profession, or the possibility of reaching her peak earnings. Moore explains that at this point, “I first have a dialogue about controlling expenditures for extended periods of care if it hasn’t already been addressed.” Hopefully, this issue has already been dealt with. In general, we are putting a lot of focus on ensuring our financial stability.
According to Moore, “in particular, a great number of high-income women have an attitude of outsourcing.” However, you must be aware of any potential blind spots when it comes to finances.
Two of the more frequent ones that she notices are as follows:
Eldercare. Moore suggests having a dialogue with one’s family about handling the costs associated with extended durations of care.
Moore says, “Let’s just be honest, it’s uncomfortable to talk to our parents about money,” which is an honest assessment of the situation. However, the children of today and tomorrow need to discuss this topic with their parents. “ Women with a high net worth are more likely to shoulder the financial burden of providing for their care than other women.
Longevity. Even among high-earning women who frequently continue to be engaged professionally after retirement, income drops significantly. Moore notes that “we often don’t know how to face the risk of outliving assets,” even though “women live longer.” “Stress test your retirement plan.” Products such as permanent life insurance and annuities can help assets last for a more extended period and make it possible to transfer wealth to loved ones.
Sheryll Gonzales
August 22, 2022
0 notes
euphoricfilter · 2 years
Devil That I Know (Part 1)
~ Dear My Angel
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Pairing: Demon! Jungkook x Human! Reader
Genre: (Inaccurate) Historical AU || Strangers to lovers AU || Supernatural AU || Smut || Fluff || Angst
Summary: Being sent up the mountain as a human sacrifice is the last place you saw yourself in this lifetime, as your relationship progresses with the four-armed demon so does his obsession with keeping you by his side for the rest of his eternal life.
Word count: 16.7k
Tags/ warnings: Fluff, Angst, swearing, minor/ major character deaths, descriptions of death/ murder, the start of mild yandere JK, soft JK, asshole jimin for like part of the first chapter, Taehyung just being a sweetheart, slow burn fic, use of magic, mentions of childhood trauma, descriptions of violence and injury, descriptions of sickness, more tags will be added for each chapter.
Notes: It's out 5 days early!! I got impatient so it's out!! It took less time to edit than I had thought, but after completely finishing the series I think I will go back and re-edit it again. I'm still not completely happy with the end scene, but i've written it so many times that I don't think i'll ever be really happy with it.
+++ +++ +++
Year 1859
When you were travelling to the coastline this time last year the last place you thought you would end up was a cell in a run-down village on the outskirts of what is to be modern-day Seoul, accused of being a foreign spy on the run. You’d laugh if anyone told you that you would be the virgin sacrifice to be sent up the mountain to the four-armed demon that resided there with his human friend. And you probably would have laughed even harder, if you were told how long you’d be staying with that demon, all the memories you’d make together.
The first leaves had begun to fall of the trees, and harvest season was a couple of months away; ready to be stocked up for the winter months. However, the towns people were in panic. That morning, one of the farmers had awoken to half of his crops rotting, thick black mould scattered over his land. The oldest woman of the village had explained that it must be an evil spirit and that no one should panic, she would bless charms to hang on the doors of all homes to warn off any other evil spirits that would attempt to enter the village.
After that, no more crops were rotting. A week later, another one of the farmers had woken before sunrise to feed the livestock and found three of his horses dead. Something had chewed through their skin throughout the night, organs a pale pink in the candle lit stable, blood pooling around the animals’ bodies, soaking into the hay. He let out a shout, alerting the farmer next-door.
“It must be a demon” the same old woman exclaimed, hand to her heart as she peered at the corpses. “We must sacrifice a virgin girl to the demon”.
That’s where you come in.
Having been captured by the village men months ago (you’d lost count a few days in) hadn’t been the most ideal, but they fed you a meal a day and you got to watch the sunset reflect off of the building opposite every evening through the small hole in the wall. Sometimes you felt forlorn, apparently the villagers didn’t make a hobby of taking random people prisoner leaving you lonely, listening to whoever was stupid enough to talk beside your window as your only company. And sure, the backache was killer and nights chilly, and you got to wash only once a week, but beggars can’t be choosers.
There were no other virgin sacrifices in the village. They apparently all had plans to be married come spring and couldn’t be sold off to a demon. Lucky for the villagers they had a virgin, a woman and a prisoner. Ready for sacrifice.
With the virgin sacrifice issue cleared, talk of where exactly the demon lived was now the main topic of the town. You’d overheard two girls (very much unmarried with no plans to wed until next winter) talking to the old woman about the hanok on the large mountain that overlooked the village.
“I had to make a delivery to the town on the other side of the mountain” she paused, “and someone definitely lives there”
“I saw it too” the second girl agreed. Clearly having not seen the hanok, the desperation in her voice giving her away. But hey, if you were in her situation, you probably would have done anything to not be sent up a mountain to some higher being where you didn’t have control over your own fate.
You turned over to face the opposite wall of your cell, blocking out the noise of their voices. You didn’t really want to know about your demise, it was slightly morbid. What if the demon didn’t live on the mountain? You doubt the villagers would hesitate to have your head. You’ve been lucky they’ve kept you alive for this long.
The next morning you’d been woken with a cold bucket of water being thrown over you. Your body shot up, shock running through your system as you tried to comprehend what, or who had rudely awoken you. Spluttering, you looked over at the entrance of the cell.
“Hey, get up” a boy a little older than you grunted. His plump lips turned down in a scowl. He would have been so pretty if didn’t look like he wanted you to drop dead.
You didn’t move, a secret you kept throughout your time in the village was that you understood their language. Acting oblivious. It was easier to get information that way. The boy tutted, roughly grabbing your arm and pulling you to stand. You yanked your arm out of his harsh grip, lips turned down in a frown as you made eye contact with him. Challenging him to grab you like that again, because you already had plans to elbow him in the nose hoping it breaks.
“Change into these” he shoved a pile of clothes into your chest before turning around. Rude.
Assuming he wasn’t leaving the cell anytime soon to give you privacy you pull you grime riddled shirt over your head. Using the inside of the shirt you attempted to dry your hair a little, so it wasn’t dripping down your back. Slipping on the clothes easily that you were given, it wasn’t the most flattering outfit. It seemed the clothes belonged to the lanky farmer’s son that rudely woke you up. Pulling the drawstrings tight so the trousers didn’t constantly fall, you tapped the boy’s shoulder.
“Jimin, are you almost done?” a much deeper voice called. Presumably one of the useless guards that stood outside the cell. More interested in his card games than your wellbeing.
“Almost” he calls back, quickly taking a step out of the cell to grab some rope. Jimin seemed just as, maybe even more disgusted that he was in such close proximity to you. He harshly grabbed both your wrists, no consideration for your comfort as he tied intricate knots around your limbs.
Personally, you thought it was unnecessary that both your arms and legs had been bound. Sure, Jimin had a lithe frame, but he was clearly a lot stronger than you. You’d seen the heavy equipment they used to farm. The baggy clothes probably doing no justice to the muscle that may lay beneath it, so you had no plans to run.
Plus, he wasn’t the tallest boy you’d seen in the village, but he was a lot taller than you, giving him longer strides, clearly not caring that not only were your legs shorter, but he’d also bound them together with limited leeway to walk properly. Definitely on purpose just to make this harder for you. You saw the smirk he had when he pulled the rope so you would stumble forward. Asshole.
Sweat rolled down your back by the time you reached the hanbok on the mountain, the midday sun beating down with no mercy on your tired body. Your legs felt like they were on fire, muscles screaming for you to take a break. Every time you’d try to subtly slow down Jimin would pull the rope so far forward you almost landed on your face more times than you could count.
Just as your restraint was about to snap you stopped outside of a wooden gate. ‘Jeon’ engraved on a slab of wood, messily hanging by moulding rope on one of the pickets of the fence.
Jimin grabbed the thick rope of the bell, alerting whoever, whatever lived here that they had guests. A tall boy, who looked to be around the same age as Jimin rushed out of the centre building, almost tripping over his sandals as he did so. He caught himself before he could fall, coming to an abrupt stop on the other side of the gate.
The taller boy with fluffy black hair placed a hand over his heart, taking a moment to catch his breath. “Hello” his voice extremely deep, a contrast to his soft features. “How may I help you?” he asked, as you noticed a small mole on the tip of his nose. It was cute. If he was the demon you’d be sacrificed to, he didn’t seem that bad?
He opens the gate a little to slip through it and stand in-front of you and Jimin.
“Good afternoon. Are you the demon that resides here?” Jimin asked, tone a lot nicer than when he had spoken to you that morning. You wanted to scoff. Kiss ass.
“Um, no I’m not. He’s inside” he pointed behind him with his thumb, his eyes trailing to you who was stood awkwardly behind Jimin. A wide smile spread across said male’s face as he yanked the rope around your wrists bringing you forward, almost tipping over because of your bound ankles.
“Here, delivery from the village” Jimin didn’t hesitate to shove the end of the rope into the other boy’s hand before grabbing the back of your neck tightly causing you to wince as his nails dug into your skin. “Untamed dogs like you don’t deserve to live. Hopefully you die” he whispered, a sadistic chuckle leaving his lips as he shoved your head forward.
Your teeth clenched, the idea of headbutting him in the nose and calling him multiple profanities extremely tempting but alas, he stepped away before your restraint could slip. And he started his descent down the mountain, whistling a tune now that you were gone.
The boy looked down at the rope in his hands, following it until he looked over your wrists. Rubbed red raw from Jimin being an asshole and tugging at the ropes when you wouldn’t walk fast enough. “Do you speak Korean? Are you okay?” he asked you once Jimin was out of earshot. You nodded, eyes meeting his own. Pity. You could see the pity in his eyes, and you weren’t sure how to feel about that.
“I’m Taehyung” he broke the silence, a boxy smile gracing his face as he hesitantly went to untie your wrists. “May I?” he asked, hands motioning to the rope, you looked down at your hands, then back at Taehyung and nodded.
“What’s your name?” he asked to make this process a little less awkward.
“Y/N” your voice came out hoarse, and he hummed to let you know he was listening as he knelt down to untie your ankles.
“Jungkook is really nice, I’m sure he’ll let you stay for a while” Taehyung brushed off his knees, head tilting up to give you a smile. You nod, a little awkward to say the least but Taehyung found it cute.
Opening the gate, Taehyung motioned for you to step inside, your eyes wandered over the courtyard. Freshly fallen leaves the colour of a sunset scattered across the grass. Stood through a small archway of trees, out of sight from the front gate, stood a smaller square building, steps leading up to the doors, which were slightly open to let the cool autumn air waft through the room. Without knocking Taehyung pulled open the sliding doors to reveal a small table sat in the centre of the room, a man (presumably Jungkook), looked younger than Taehyung, sat with a book in his first pair of hands. He had four arms.
His eyes raised to meet your own, and then looked over at Taehyung with a brow raised. He elegantly shut his book before diverging all his attention at the two of you stood in the doorway. You stood frigidly beside Taehyung, not sure if he was going to send you back to the village or let you stay.
He was good looking, you noted. Pretty doe eyes, thick dark eyebrows, a button nose, uneven lips, four arms. Dressed in the most expensive looking silk hanbok. You could see dark ink peaking from under the sleeve of his first pair of hands, the ones below seeming clean of art.
“And who is this?” He finally spoke after taking in your appearance. It was embarrassing, how well dressed he was compared to you in the clothes of the snobby farmer’s son that barely fit, pant legs pooling around your ankles and shirt slipping off your shoulder, cheeks pink from walking in the scorching sun for hours.
“Kook, this is Y/N” Taehyung answers when you don’t say anything, eyes trained on your bare feet that were probably dirtying this man’s floor.
“Does she understand Korean?” he asks, and Taehyung looked over at you, nudging your shoulder to get you to speak up.
“I do” your voice comes out as nothing more than a whisper, Jungkook hums.
“And why are you here, Y/N?” he asks, no malice in his voice just slight confusion.
Taehyung grabbed a pillow from under the table and motioned for you to sit down opposite Jungkook, “I’ll go and get some tea” he explained leaving you and the four-armed creature alone. You willed yourself to not stare at his extra set of arms, he was kind enough to not throw you off his land and it would be rude to stare for too long. So, your eyes stayed on your lap, fingers fiddling with the loose threads of Jimin’s shirt.
“I asked a question” Jungkook caught your attention, your eyes quickly flicking to meet his own before you averted them to the cover of the novel he was reading, “Why are you here?” he repeated. You swallowed.
“The village people, they think that they’ve angered you and that’s why you’ve been killing their crops and livestock” you explain and a laugh escapes Jungkook. Why would he care about the business of mere humans?
“And you were the unfortunate one to come and appease me?” he asks, and you shrug your shoulders.
“I was a prisoner; I was the easy way out”
“Yes. They thought I was spy that’s why they kept me for information” you vaguely explain.
“I see” he replies, and your eyes meet his own, “most village people haven’t seen people outside of this country, so it’s understandable you could be accused of being a foreign spy” he looks over you one more time.
Before you can ask him if he’s seen any foreigners like yourself, Taehyung walks back into the room, teapot and delicate china cups sat on a tray. “I wasn’t sure what tea you liked” he sighs as he places the wooden tray on the table.
“Thank you, Taehyung” your head bows down a little and Taehyung’s boxy smile makes a reappearance. “So, are you staying with us? I could use the extra help” He looks over at Jungkook who looks over at you.
Taehyung and Jungkook looked at each other, eyes doing all the talking. You looked between them. You wouldn’t admit it out loud but staying here seemed like the safer option. If they kicked you out not only would you have no home, no food, who knows how long it will be before you’re accused of being a spy again and you’re sure the next village will kill you without hesitation. The last village kept you for their own selfish desires. In passing you’d heard them talk about the king sending out a notice that whichever town could catch the group of foreign spies, would be transferred to the palace for work, more luxurious food, better clothing. You being alone was just the beginning for the village people, if they caught 2 or 3 more ‘spies’ then they’d have their ticket into a life of luxury.
“You guys do whatever you want” Jungkook waved you both off after seeing the worry in your eyes, “Just don’t make too much noise or make a mess”.
Without warning, Taehyung threw himself on top of you, a small ‘oof’ leaving your lips, winded by Taehyung.
“You’re probably really tired from walking, right? I’ll show you the bath house and then you can wear some of my clothes until I make you some, and then I can put something on your wrists and ankles, they still look pretty red, that guy that you came with wasn’t that nice was he- “
“Tae” Jungkook interrupted his friend “you’ll overwhelm her, slow down”
Taehyung looked down at you, a sheepish smile gracing his face before he helped you stand. You bowed to Jungkook as Taehyung led you out of the building, behind it was a stone walkway, a little further under the trees was a wooden bridge that took you over the stream, to another wooden building. “You can bathe in here, some of my clothes are already inside so you can use those, there should also be slippers, so you don’t hurt your feet” he slides the door open, and you hesitantly walk inside, the door being shut behind you by Taehyung.
“A spy?” Jungkook asks Taehyung when he comes back from showing you the bathing room. The latter shaking his head.
“I don’t think so, the farmer that brought her here didn’t seem fond of her” Taehyung sat in-front of his friend and Jungkook nodded, picking up his book.
“Keep an eye on her, if she does anything suspicious then you know what to do”
Taehyung nods, lips pursed as he picked up his teacup taking a big gulp.
Before you knew it, a week had passed, and you’d fallen into a routine with Jungkook and Taehyung. Early mornings were spent in the kitchen with Taehyung cooking breakfast, late mornings spent alone exploring all the nooks and crannies of Jungkook’s land. You three ate together at lunch, and while Taehyung tended to whatever duties he set himself for the day, you would help clean the clothes and hang them to dry while Jungkook sat on the porch, book in hand, eyes occasionally flitting up to watch what you were doing. Other afternoons were spent raking the fallen leaves that covered the courtyard with Taehyung.
On more than one occasion Jungkook had seen your eyes wander to the books he held. “You can read any of the books on the shelf” he told you one evening once Taehyung left the room to get some more rice.
Your cheeks flushed crimson, how were you meant to tell him you couldn’t read hangul? “Thank you” you replied meekly, ashamed he had caught you staring. How embarrassing.
A satisfied smile gracing Jungkook’s lips before he turned and picked up his spoon once again. Your eyes gazed at the large bookshelf behind him before focusing back on the stew you and Tae had cooked for dinner.
Taehyung came back with another bowl of rice, chatting both of your ears off about a cat he saw while cleaning that afternoon.
Jungkook found you sat on the wooden deck outside your room that night, he was on his way back from the bath house, well past midnight. He just stood there for a moment, watching you watch the stars, he thought he could see the galaxies reflecting in your eyes, a gust of wind broke his train of thought as he watched goosebumps raise on the skin of your bare arms. He would have to ask Taehyung to make you some warmer clothes now that the colder weather was around the corner. Although he could see you were clearly cold, your eyes never left the sky. No plans of going back inside anytime soon.
He quietly made his way to the end room of the building where he kept all the spare supplies and grabbed a thick, woollen blanket.
“You’ll get sick if you stay out here in the cold” his voice startled you, heartrate picking up, and as you turned to him a heavy weight was placed on your shoulders. Your fingers brushed over the soft blanket, grabbing the hem to pull it tighter around yourself.
“Thank you” your voice came out a little breathless, the crisp night wind making your throat dry.
Jungkook sat down next to you, his eyes watching your side profile as you stared up at the stars again, clearly in awe. “Do you like the stars?” he asked.
Your eyes quickly flitted to meet his own before returning to look at the sky above you both, your neck aching but you didn’t want to miss a moment of the wonders that happen up in the sky. Maybe if you looked long enough, you’d see a shooting star. “Yes” you softly replied after a moment of silence, although it still felt too loud for the silence of the night. “I always wonder what it would be like to live among the stars”
“Did you look at the stars while in the village?” he asked, and your head turned to watch him as he looked up.
Another gust of wind broke the silence, “You must be cold, we should go inside” you went to stand up but one of Jungkook’s left hands held your shoulder. A silent suggestion for you to sit back down, his hand was light. Giving you the option to leave if you really wanted to. But you suppose an explanation was due.
“Don’t avoid the question” he muttered, and your shoulders slumped a little as you got into a more comfortable position.
You knew that Jungkook or Taehyung would eventually bring up where you came from, they’d gone a week leaving you to settle in with no questions asked about where you really came from or how you even ended up as a prisoner in the first place.
“I couldn’t” you reply, “they kept me in a cell, and the only hole in the wall was in a place that the sky was covered by the building beside it” you explain and Jungkook hums.
“How did you get to the village; you must have been travelling somewhere?”
“I was travelling to the coast but got caught” you briefly explain, as you turn your head to look at Jungkook who was already looking at you. Your cheek resting on your knees.
“The coast?” he raised an eyebrow and you nodded.
“I was going to leave Korea, my friend was going to help me, but we got caught by the village people”
“Because they thought you were a spy?” he asked and you nodded, “And your friend?”
You looked forward into the courtyard, swallowing thickly, fingers fiddling with the blanket still around your shoulders; “They killed him. Thought he was a traitor” a shiver running through your body at the memory.
You never knew how savage human beings could be, ripping his limbs off before feeding his organs to the dogs and burning the rest of his body. A warning. That if you didn’t comply with the village chiefs’ commands, that could be your skinned head on a stick next the one person you could trust in this cruel world.
Jungkook nods, “were you trying to leave the country because you did something wrong?” he asked, and you shook your head.
“This is the only place I’ve known. My mother, she was pregnant with me when they brought her on the boat. Apparently, she gave birth at sea, and they didn’t have the correct equipment, so she died. Threw her overboard and left me with one of the other women on the boat” you explained, no clear emotion in your voice.
“I’m sorry” Jungkook looked over at you and you met his eyes, smiling.
“It’s fine. I’m not really upset over it I mean I’ve never met my mother and it feels stupid to be angry over the death of someone I don’t know. I’ve lived a somewhat decent life” you shrug. “My friend, the one that died, his father didn’t like me too much, I’m pretty sure I heard him more than once planning my death. I brought a bad reputation to his business. Then the king’s orders came out.”
“King’s orders? He kicked you out?” Jungkook asked and you shook your head.
“Nope. The king sent out a notice to all villages last year, whoever catches the group of foreign spies will be sent to work in the palace. It’s easier to lay low in smaller villages further away from the capital. The old man didn’t kick me out, I left before he could know. The lady that looked after me on the boat, the wife of my friend’s father, she died last year. His father was becoming more hostile each day so I told my friend I wanted to find where I really came from so, he wouldn’t convince me to stay” You look back up at the sky, “He told me he had a friend that owned a boat who could help me to the country over, but we never made it to the coastline”
“Do you still want to leave?” Jungkook voiced after a moment of processing what you’d told him, you shrugged.
“Not sure. Maybe I’m not meant to leave and that’s why I’m somehow still alive and my friend isn’t”
“It’s not your fault” Jungkook tries to console you and a sad puff of air leaves your mouth.
“I still feel guilty. But I think he lives with the stars now. Hopefully with his mother” you look over at Jungkook, a solemn smile on your face.
“Did you love him?” Jungkook asks, your mind takes a minute to process his question. A little out there but you reply, nonetheless.
“Romantically? Not really. His mother was like my own, and although his father was a mean son of a bitch to me, he didn’t seem to like his son all that much either. He felt like my brother, I guess. We did have a fake wedding when we were young though. He was 4 years older than me; he was the best thing that happened to me” you smile, after a moment of silence you ask “You have a sob story behind being a demon?” a playful lilt in your voice, hoping to steer the topic away from your past.
The pretty bunny smile stretches across his face, his eyes locking with your own. Jungkook turns his body towards your own, and you follow. Both sat criss-cross legged in-front of each-other.
“Something like that” he chuckles, he seemed to have come to terms with his past. “I was exiled out of my village because I had four arms, my parents refused to even acknowledge me as their son. I found this other demon who told me what I was and then I found myself here” he motions to the courtyard, “More people found out about me, and they donate their money so they have healthy land, that’s how Taehyung and I pay for all of our food and clothes”
“Is that why the villagers thought you were messing with their land” you giggle and Jungkook shrugs, trying his hardest to supress a grin.
“Probably. I’m not the demon of the land though. Not sure where that rumour came from” he comically places a finger on his chin in thought.
“What are you the demon of then?” you inquire, curiosity peaked.
“This mountain” he puffs out his chest, proud.
“So, this mountain belongs to you?” you ask, and he nods. “That’s pretty cool” you hum, “do you have any special powers?”
Jungkook takes a moment, ears turning a little red “Kind of” he mummers and you nod, urging him to continue.
“It’s not that special” he tells you, “I can control the spirits of this mountain, and I know basic spells”
“Spirits?” your head tilts in question, Jungkook suppresses as smile at the cute gesture you make when curious about something.
“Yeah, I wasn’t the first one to inhabit the mountain, it was home to some tigers back in the day and once they died, I made a contract with a few. Plus, some other spirits that could come in handy one day.” He explains and you nod in understanding. You wondered what a real-life tiger would look like, your friend had told you they were magical creatures. Although he had never seen one before he died, he told you of the myths that surrounded the creatures that lived high in the mountainous areas of the country.
It was quiet for a while, just the wind and rustling of leaves echoing off the walls of the Hanok. Both of you looking up at the stars.
You let out a yawn, Jungkook taking notice of how your head almost tipped forward into his lap. A small smile gracing his lips, “Seems like it’s time for bed” he tells you, and you slowly nod. Mind working a little slower, clouded with sleep.
“Thank you, Jungkook. It’s nice having someone believe your story” you smile, going to hand the blanket back to Jungkook but he just shakes his head. “It’s going to stay this cold all night, keep it” his head motions towards your room and you nod, smiling. One that reaches your eyes, a genuine smile Jungkook notes.
“Goodnight” he calls out as you step into your room.
“Good night Jungkook”
After that evening, it seemed there was less hostility between the three of you. And as you became more comfortable with both boys, you couldn’t have been any happier. You weren’t sure how much time had passed, the days merging into weeks and weeks turning into months.
You three continued your routine, you helping Taehyung cook, sweeping leaves and washing clothes, time alone to explore, however your embarrassing secret was let out after Jungkook had given you a book he had ‘finished reading’ and said you might enjoy it, the cover had a picture of a full moon, stars scattered around it with a boy looking up at the sky. He had noticed you hadn’t taken of the books off his shelf, thinking maybe you weren’t exactly comfortable enough yet in his home to take a book as you please. He soon found out; you didn’t know how to read.
“Jungkookie taught me how to read so I can teach you” Taehyung had said, while your cheeks turned a bright red. Your eyes were downcast, refusing to look at either of them.
“No, really it’s okay” you whispered. Jungkook let out a loud laugh, your eyes shooting up to look at him, eyebrows furrowed asking him what was so funny.
“Stop being silly and come here” he pulled a cushion beside him, patting it. You timidly walked over and plopped yourself down next to him.
“Tae-ah can you get some paper and ink?” he asked the ebony haired boy, who quickly nodded. Scuttering to go and get the supplies for Jungkook.
Within no time, Taehyung was running back into the room, stack of paper help against his chest and a jar of ink and a thin quill to write with.
“First I’ll teach you the alphabet, then you can learn to write as well” he explained, grabbing a sheet of paper.
Your eyes followed the fluid movements of his wrist as he scribbled down 24 letters.
While eating dinner, your mind would try to remember how Jungkook had written each of the characters so you could get them perfect when he asked you to write something down. That night, even once Taehyung had gone to bed, the two of you sat in the candle lit room, knees touching as Jungkook taught you, from all basic characters, to vowels, to how to form words and basic sentences. He supposed because you knew how to speak the language you were learning quickly, already able to form basic words without his help. Your handwriting was a little sloppy, but he thought it was endearing, cute in its own way, and so very much you.
He felt bad, having remembered you’d grown up in the village where there was limited access to books, or the correct facilities to even teach you things like how to read, or write or about the world.
At some point in the night, you’d asked Jungkook if he could read part of the book he had given you that afternoon. Agreeing, he began to read. When he looked up after the first chapter to see if you liked it, he couldn’t help but smile as he watches you. Head leaning on your arms, eyes closed, deep in sleep. He often wondered what you dream about, your past? Your new home? With him (and Taehyung but he’s usually pushed out of the picture), the stars? He caught you more times than he had fingers (which was a lot) sitting looking up at the stars at night before he’d grab you a blanket and just sit there and watch with you.
One night, he’s asked if you were waiting for something to happen. You’d told him you didn’t know, you just liked looking at what was beyond you. Were there people living on the stars? Did they whisper to each other when everyone else was asleep? You didn’t know and probably never will, but it was nice sitting and watching them, wondering how many other people around the globe or other planets, even galaxies were looking at the same stars you were looking at in that same moment in time.
The night after when you’d been looking up at the large full moon, Jungkook had cleared his throat to get your attention. With rose-dusted cheeks he shoved a glass jar into your hands, a muslin cloth covering the top, a thick piece of ribbon holding it in place.
Inside the jar was more fireflies than you could count. “Since I can’t exactly get you any stars, these were the closest thing I could think of” he rubbed the back of his neck. Your eyes stung, tears threatening to spill over and cascade down your soft cheeks. Jungkook noticed this “I’m sorry” he blurted, “please don’t cry” he frantically waved his hands around, not sure if he could hold you, or if that would make you uncomfortable and hate him. His mind raced a mile a minute, until he heard your happy laugh filling the space of the courtyard.
Before he could comprehend that you weren’t upset, you ran and wrapped your arms around his mid-section, arms holding him between the small gap between his first and second pair of arms. Slowly he wrapped his top pair of arms around your shoulder, the bottom ones snaking around your waist. It was weird, having so many arms around you at one time but it was nice, safe even.
“Thank you” you squeezed him tighter, words kind of muffled because of your face buried in his chest. “I’ll keep them for the rest of my life” you looked up at him, the biggest smile he has ever seen on you gracing your face.
He decided he liked this. ‘this’ could be your wide smile. ‘this’ could be you in his arms. ‘this’ moment in time. Maybe a mix of all three, but his heart swelled, he couldn’t help but give you an equally as wide smile, his eyes crinkling as he looked down at you.
You’d placed the jar beside your bed, eyes watching the insects buzz around each other in the jar, a warm glow filling the expanse of your bedroom. And for the first night since you’d arrived here months ago, it felt a little more like home.
You and Taehyung were laying under a tree to get out of the autumn afternoon sun. Taehyung was laying in a ‘T’ shape, your head resting on his upper arm, eyes closed. You’d both finished washing up the pots you’d used to cook lunch and you’d swept up all the fallen leaves.
“Are you planning to stay?” Taehyung broke the silence, and you opened your eyes. Turning your head to look at him, and he turned his head to look at you. Your noses were almost touching at the close proximity, and you giggled, he looked funny this close up. You could get a better look at the cute mole at the end of his nose.
“Stay?” you asked, and he hummed, staring into your eyes. “I haven’t thought about it yet. I don’t want to intrude; you’ve already been too kind to me” you tell him, and Taehyung turns his body to the side so you follow.
“I’d be happy if you stayed. Jungkook won’t mind, he took me in and I’m still here” he smiles at you, bright boxy smile showing, and you can’t help but mirror his actions.
“I guess I can stay for a while longer” you tease and Taehyung giggles, poking at your cheek with his index finger.
He can’t help but admire your face, the sun peeking through the gaps of the branches shining like slices of orange across your face.
“How did you and Jungkook meet?” your eyes never left his.
“I was a painter in the village I grew up in, I didn’t have any family, so it was hard for me to live there especially with my only income being from my art.” He looks up, reminiscing the past, “Jungkook was wandering through the village when he stopped outside of my small home and told me, he really liked my paintings. I think he could see I was struggling to survive and asked if I wanted to come and work for him. He’d feed me, pay for my art supplies and then we just fell into this routine” he turned his head to look back at you, your eyes were wide with wonder and he couldn’t help but scrunch his nose up at how cute you were, “I got to travel a lot as well, now that you’re here we could do so much together, have you ever seen the sea?” he asked you and you shook your head.
“What’s the sea like?” you asked him, and he took a moment to think about it, eyes looking into your own. He explains to you how far the sea stretches, how when there are no clouds in the sky it looks like the sea and the sky become one. All the little sea creatures he’d seen last time he went, the fish, an eel he even saw a bright red crab that snapped at his fingers when he tried to touch it, that story made you laugh.
“When the sun hits the water it looks like diamonds that the ladies in the capital wear, and I really like the feeling of the water between my toes”
“Let’s go together one day” you tell him softly, and he smiles, nodding, “where else can we go?” you were looking at him like he had all the answers in the world, and he makes a noise in the back of his throat in thought.
“Wherever you want to go, I’ll take you” he says, and you scrunch your nose in reply at his cheesy answer, but grin up at him nonetheless.
“I think I’ll like it as long as you and Jungkook are there”
He smiles at that, happy to know that you really will fit into the small family they were forming. And so, as you both lay there, under the tree in a comfortable silence, he daydreams about all the trips he wants to take with you. Maybe he could visit the capital with you, you both could sit and watch people walk by, judging what they did by the clothes that they wore. He could take you to the mountainous area where all the tiger’s live, he’d make sure you wouldn’t get hurt but he’s sure you’d love the majestic creatures. Maybe he could take you to the village that he grew up in and show you the lake that he would play in as a child, he thinks you’d like that too.
Daydreams of places turned to daydreams scenarios, waking up each morning and brushing your hair as you slowly became more conscious, your back leaning against his chest, riding on a horse down to the village to get food for the three of you and he could even surprise you with one of the stray dogs that hung out at the bottom of the mountain as a companion for when you explored the forest area. He’s make your clothes as you both grew old, wake you up with that tea he’s come to know you like, and then you could both live the rest of your days together with Jungkook in the hanok on the mountain where no one could ruin the perfect bubble you had formed.
As the seasons changed, so did the weather. It was early evening, you’d gone to bed early, the day having been busy preparing for the winter months that were just around the corner. The echo of the wind rattled the door as you calmly lay there, mind void of any thoughts. Just as you were drifting off to sleep the loud crack of thunder made you shoot up in bed. Your eyes frantically looked around the room, you flinched when you heard another bang. Body shuddering when the patter of rain began to hit the wooden roof of the hanok.
You’d never been fond of the rain; it had never brought you and good memories. When you were 5, your friend’s father had locked you in a box because you accidently broke one of his wooden ornaments for a customer. He told you “bad children stay in the wooden box for 2 days”; your friend had never suffered the same punishment but who were you to argue with the scary old man? On the first night it had started to rain, the thick mud clogging all holes from the bottom half of the box as it begun to sink further into the ground, the pelting rain starting to gather inside the box. Before you knew it you were screaming, crying for anyone to come and save you before you drowned in the wooden box, the sound of rain pattering against the wooden box was causing your heart rate to pick up. Then you were submerged in the icy rainwater. You couldn’t breathe, lungs becoming tighter the longer you held your breath, head getting heavy and dizzy. Small hands pushing at the top of the box to try and get it to open. Soon your body felt numb, fingers paling, joints locking together. Maybe the gods took pity on you, your friend had saved you. He was only 9 at the time, it must have been just as hard on him to know his friend had almost drowned because of his father.
The second bad experience with bad rain came when you were 15. The nice woman that had taken you in was arguing with her husband, so you decided you’d go on a stroll. You knew you were the reason behind their constant arguments; She wanted to keep you, he didn’t. You’d been dragging a stick across the damp soil of the forest, crickets’ chirps echoing across the plain expanse of the land. You could smell it before the rain started, how the wind had picked up, a chill running down your body, clad in thin cloth. The smell of fresh, damp earth was somewhat calming, being in an open space where you weren’t suffocated by the stares of the village people or the constant yelling about how you didn’t belong. The rain began to pour. The leaves could only intercept so much before they became too heavy and large raindrops began to thump down onto the soil. You kept walking, hair soaked and clothes trying their best to absorb the water. You stopped in a clearing, a yelp of an animal causing your ears to perk up. You followed the yowling, spotting a small fox-like creature stuck in a dip next to a stream.
You looked behind you, biting your lip in thought before letting out a sigh as the animal began to cry out once more. Dropping your stick and kneeling you took off your shoes before peering back over the ledge to look down at the animal. Your eyes scanned the area, trying to find the best way to get down without slipping, the earth too loose to climb down as you would have liked.
“It’s okay” you said lowly to not startle the animal, carefully trying to step down the ledge.
Your foot slipped, a gasp falling from your lips, and you tried to grab onto something. A sharp rock caught the skin on your arm. When you reached the bottom of the ledge, sat next to the animal you looked down at your arm. There was a large gash, it hurt a lot. But you had a job to do. The animal was hostile at first, a hissing noise coming from the back of its throat.
“It’s okay, it’s okay” you hushed, “I’m going to get us out of here”
After a minute of standing there, just looking at each other, the animals on guard stance loosened. The rain continued to belt down on the both of you, you pushed your hair out of your face, slowly and carefully taking a step towards the animal, your hands began to reach for it. It hissed at you again, your hands retreated quickly, eyes widening.
“Um, what do I do?” you asked no one, bare feet sinking into the soil.
After a minute, you bent forward, patting your back signalling for the animal to jump on your back and up onto the ledge. It felt like forever before you felt a weight on your back, a smile spreading on your face, when the weight was gone you looked up at the animal, it looked back down at you in a silent thanks before it scurried off out of sight. The rain kept pouring, the pitter patter white noise in the background, your thoughts racing. How were you meant to get back up?
You tried to jump up and grab the ledge, because the land was so soggy, you fell back with two handfuls of moist soil. Your foot slipped, falling back into the stream. You hit your head on a large rock, head dizzy, you closed your eyes so the rainwater wouldn’t hit them. The surrounding water turning red with your blood. That was when you thought this was the end for you. All because of the rain. You really hated the rain. It only ever brought you misfortune.
You opened the door to your bedroom, jar of fireflies tucked in your arms, you peaked at the rain hitting the ground of the courtyard. You couldn’t go to Taehyung’s room; his room was over the bridge meaning you’d have to walk in the rain near a large body of water, in pitch black darkness. Your head turned to look at the room at the end of the building, you could see the candlelight seeping at the bottom of the door. Swallowing thickly, your footsteps were light as you tiptoed your way to Jungkook’s room.
You stood outside Jungkook’s room for what felt like an eternity before you lightly tapped on his door. You heard shuffling before he cracked the door open. He looked down at you, then at the jar held tightly in your hands.
“You okay?” he asked, opening the door further motioning for you to come inside.
“I don’t- I was just- well, you see” you pointed at the door, taking a breath. “I get scared when it rains” you say so quietly you hope Jungkook didn’t hear it. You already had plans to scuttle back to your room and shove your head under a pillow.
“So, you want to sleep here?” he asked, and you gulped.
“I didn’t think that far ahead” you admit and Jungkook smiles.
“I’ll tell you a secret” he motions for you to come closer; you slide a little towards him. He bends down to whisper into your ear, “Demon’s don’t need to sleep, you can take my bed”
When he stood at his full height again you nodded a little, eyes looking over at the mattress on the floor before looking back at Jungkook.
“Go on” he told you.
You put the jar of fireflies down beside the pillow, carefully peeling back the blanket before laying down and pulling the blanket over your chin.
“Jungkook?” you voiced, and he hummed, letting you know he was listening. “Can you sit beside me?”
Without saying a word, Jungkook grabbed the pillow he was sitting on and placed it beside the bed. He opened his book back up, “sleep” he told you, “You had a busy day”
In all honesty, he’d been reading the same line repeatedly for the last hour, his eyes trailing up to look at your face, checking if you were sleeping okay. No bad dreams plaguing your mind. The left hand that wasn’t holding his book slowly, hesitantly reaching to push your hair back before this thumb gently ran across your cheek bone. He froze as a small sigh left your lips, before his hand trailed down to rub across your jaw.
The pattering of rain outside was calming, Jungkook felt full, happy. Maybe after over a hundred years on this earth, he had made it. He now had his small family, you and Taehyung. He would never admit it to either of you, but he loved hearing you two giggle in the courtyard as you cleaned, watching you both cook, talk about anything and everything, listening to you ramble about the small things you’d seen on your adventure that day; all in his perfect house on the mountain. He never knew what loving felt like, what being loved back felt like, and as the rain poured outside, with your soft breaths barely noticeable if he didn’t focus on them, a tear slipped down his cheek. A happy tear, because he wanted to stay in this moment forever.
“Now that it’s close to winter I think it’s time to stock up on food” Taehyung told you as you sat around the pot, Jungkook somewhere else getting ready for the day.
“You went down to the village the other week though” you murmured, tongue slightly pocking from between your lips as you practiced writing.
Taehyung hummed, “Yeah but when it starts to snow, we can’t get down to the village so it’s better to stock up. I need an extra pair of hands” he told you, smiling a little at your concentration.
“Jungkook has those” you look up at him and Taehyung sniggers.
“What do I have?” Jungkook walks into the kitchen.
Taehyung looks up at him sceptically, in all his years living with Jungkook, he had never seen him enter the kitchen. “I was just saying we need to go and stock up on supplies” he informs the demon who hums. Eyes trailing to see what you were doing kneeled on the floor, elbows holding you up. His eyes crinkling as he smiles watching to concentrate on whatever you were writing. Looked like your name.
“The weather isn’t that bad today, maybe you should go before lunch”
“I was thinking of taking Y/n with me. There’s and extra mouth to feed so we might need to stock up more than usual” Taehyung looks back at the pot, mixing the soup you were working on.
Jungkook was quiet for a while, mind racing for any excuse to keep you in the safe space of his home. He let out a disgruntled sigh, head tipping back, “You finished making her winter clothes, right?”
“Of course,” Taehyung smiled wide, “Hear that angel? We get to go on an adventure” you look over at him with a grin on your face.
That’s how you found yourself stood at the gate you stood outside all those months ago, Jungkook bending down a little to pull your coat tighter around your body. “Do you need a scarf?” he asked you, eyes scanning your body one last time as you shook your head.
“I think I’ll get heat stroke” you tell him as he shakes his head.
“Kook don’t worry. We’ll be back before it starts to get dark and the temperature starts to drop” Taehyung tells his friend as he opens the gate, holding it open for you as you skip out and wait for Taehyung to mauver the wagon through the gate.
“You sure you’re okay with going?” Jungkook asks you one more time, hand holding the gate ready to open it wider to let you back in.
“I can’t stay here forever” you tell him softly, “I’ll be okay”
You could stay forever, will stay forever if he had any control over it.
Jungkook waited and watched until you and Taehyung were out of sight before he shut the gate, shoulders slumping. It felt empty. He couldn’t help the pout forming on his face. Over the last few months, when Taehyung would leave at least you would be milling around, studying, or exploring but now the silence engulfed him as he sat on the porch, watching the gate hoping you would make it home soon.
“Have you ever been to the village behind the mountain?” Taehyung asked you and you hiked down the mountain.
“Nope” you shook your head, “only the one in-front of it, over that way” you pointed over the side of the mountain as Taehyung nodded.
“I usually come to this one, they have nicer vegetables” Taehyung told you, “What was the other village like?”
You shrugged, no longer resenting the memory of your time in the village. You’d never forgive the village people for what they did, but the memory of the cell, and the harsh treatment you got and the fact they brutally killed someone you loved no longer made your blood run cold.
“I didn’t get to really see much of it. I’m sure it was pretty nice, they had everything they needed” you told him, and he nodded.
The rest of the walk was Taehyung telling you stories of when he was younger, you giggling at his memories as you peeked behind bushes and trees looking for any hidden treasures that may be hidden in the shrubs.
“Now that I think about it, I’ve never seen you paint” you tell him when he tells you about his favourite painting.
“I get embarrassed about them sometimes. Since I don’t need to sell my paintings for money anymore, they’re my little secrets” he tells you, you look back at him and stop walking.
“Please show them to me one day” you clasp your hands together and Taehyung laughs.
“One day. I’ll teach you how to draw as well if you like”
Your eyes shine, no one has wanted to teach you to draw before. “That would be amazing” you tell him, skipping ahead when you spot something scurry across the path.
“Be careful, Jungkook would throw me off the mountain if you got hurt” Taehyung warns as you try to reach the rodent.
“I’ll be fine” you shout back at him, standing straight when you can’t find it anymore.
“There it is” Taehyung tells you, pointing to the entrance of the village. It seemed nice enough, people busy, scuttering around buildings, pulling carts of food and other farming equipment.
Maybe this was all in your head, but as soon as you stepped into the village it went eerily quiet. The only sound being some farming equipment hitting the ground, the dull thump not easing your nerves.
You and Taehyung kept strolling slowly, he seemed to notice the change in atmosphere as he tried to ease the villager’s hostility with his award-winning smile. Your eyes stayed trained on the ground, you could feel all the eyes on you. Your anxiety spiked the longer you walked, lungs tightening making it harder to breathe. Taehyung seemed to notice your change in mood, he softly grabbed your wrist (now fully healed from the rope burn when you first met him) and pulled you closer to his body.
“You’re okay” he told you, pulling your arm through his.
You lifted your head to look up at Taehyung, wrong move because you made eye contact with an old man sat at his door a sneer spreading across his face. You quickly looked the other way at some chickens that were roaming freely, at least they didn’t resent your existence.
You almost fell face first when Taehyung stopped outside a small stall that had some fresh meat.
“Taehyung-ah, how have you been?” an elderly lady asked the young boy, a wide smile spread across his face.
“I’ve been good, nana” he tells her, eyes scanning over what she had to offer. “I’m planning to stock up for the winter, so I’ll need a lot of meat today”
A wide smile graces her face as she starts to grab chunks of meat, neatly placing them in a woven bag.
“And who’s this?” she asked, looking up, motioning to you who still had your eyes on the ground trying to cover your face with your hair.
“Ahh” Taehyung smiled, “This is my friend” he nudged you.
“It’s nice to meet you” you looked up mustering the best smile you can.
“She’s a pretty one” she winks at Taehyung who laughs as your cheeks flush pink.
“Thank you, ma’am” you shyly reply, her smile so contagious you can’t stop the grin from stretching across your face.
“Call me nana, little one” she tells you and you nod.
“Yes nana” you reply
“If things don’t work out then send her my way. My son really needs to settle down soon” she jokes with Taehyung when your attention is taken by a stray cat, although there was an underlying truth in her words.
“She’s staying for a while, sorry” Taehyung replies as he drops the coins into her wrinkled hand.
“I added some extra meat in there, you’re all skin and bones” She nudges your arm when you face her again. Meanwhile Taehyung carefully places the multiple bags of meat into the wagon.
“You shouldn’t have done that” Taehyung tells her, and she shakes her head.
You and Taehyung wave goodbye to your new friend and slowly make your way further into the centre of the village.
When Taehyung stopped at an old man’s vegetable stall you quietly slipped away from his side. The old man kept side eyeing you, clearly suspicious of you standing so close to his stall.
You wandered around the corner of a building, a small table outside of someone’s house catching your eye. The person behind the table looked to be a boy similar in age to you selling small wooden carved ornaments. A small bunny caught your eyes as you slowly made your way to stand in-front of the table. You squatted down to look at it. It reminded you of a certain four-armed demon.
“Do you like it?” the boy asked, and you nodded, looking up at him. He had a smile in his face, no malice in his gaze whatsoever, “Would you like to buy it?” he asked you after your gaze fell on the small bunny again. It was no bigger than the size of your palm, but the details were beautiful.
“Did you make these?” you asked him, motioning to the rest of the ornaments on the table. He had carved out cats, and dogs, you could even see small people scattered here and there. He hummed in reply.
“Yeah, it’s a hobby of mine but helps my family pay for meals”
Before you could tell him that you’d be leaving, you heard Taehyung call out for your name clearly now realising you weren’t by his side anymore.
“I’ll be back in a minute” you told the boy who nodded. And maybe if you’d gone to look back you would have seen the hatred in his eyes.
“TaeTae I’m here” you called for him and he quickly turned around engulfing you in a firm hug.
“Don’t wander off like that, what if I lost you?” he asked, clear distress in his voice.
“Do you have any spare coins?” you asked him as he looked down at you in his arms.
“Yes, did you see something you want to buy?” he asked you as you nodded.
Taehyung rummaged in his pockets and pulled out two silver coins, “I’m going to be over there where the paint brushes are” he told you, pointing to an open door. You nodded in understanding.
If you weren’t back with him within 3 minutes he would go and look for you. Taehyung watched you turn around the corner, a weird feeling settling in his stomach but he wanted to buy some new paint brushes so he could teach you how to paint when you both got home. Maybe he could even splurge on the nicer paper for the both of you he’s sure Jungkook wouldn’t mind.
You stood in-front of the table again. You held your hand out, palm up with the two coins. “May I have the bunny?” you asked, and the boy smiled.
He roughly grabbed the two coins, picking up the carved bunny and when you put your hand out to take it, he dropped it to the floor. You bent down to pick it up, something hard thumping on the back of your head. You stood up straight with the bunny securely held in your right hand, a dull thumping against the back of your skull. You looked down at the ground behind you and saw a rock laying beside your feet. Your head snapped towards the woodwork boy when he let out a loud whistle and before you could comprehend what was going on you felt multiple rocks being thrown at your back. You whipped around to try and see who was throwing stones at you, which was a bad decision on your part because one of the boys threw a sharp stone at you, gashing your cheek. The cut ran from the top of your cheekbone to your jaw, blood starting to drip down your neck soaking into your shirt. It stung, the pain causing your eyes to brim with tears, arms now lifting up to cover your face.
Someone shoved you from behind causing you to fall forward, sleeves of your coat ripping on impact. You gripped the bunny even tighter, the wood indenting into your skin at how hard you were holding it. A yelp escaped your lips as someone kicked you hard in the ribs repeatedly causing you to fall onto your side. Just as you’d covered your face readying yourself for the punch you could see one of the boy’s was winding up for a loud shout caused all of your heads to look in the direction it came from.
Taehyung looked furious, you’d never seen him anything but smiles and sunshine. His usual chirpy eyes were now clouded with anger, eyes a dark onyx as he stalked his way towards the group of boys that stood over your cowering body. You shuddered, you weren’t sure if it was from the pain, the adrenaline, or the look in Taehyung’s eyes. Your lungs struggled to get enough air, the only sound being you trying to breathe properly.
“What do you think you’re doing” Taehyung barked once he reached the group of boys who had retreated from standing over you. He grabbed the collar of the woodwork boy, “You lay a hand on her again, I swear on your mother’s life you won’t have any hands to make your stupid fucking ornaments with anymore.” He growled, shoving the boy back, kneeling down beside you who was lying in a puddle of your own blood. You curled yourself further into a ball when a shadow of body cast over your back, not knowing it was Taehyung. He watched you for a moment, body trembling and breaths coming out so fast he was sure you weren’t getting enough oxygen.
“Hey angel, it’s me” he lightly brushed his hands up and down your back, watching your body let out another shudder. “Can I pick you up?” He asked you softly, letting out a sigh of relief when you nod.
He steps over you so he’s facing your front, and as carefully as he could he slipped his hands under your knees and behind your back trying his hardest to not hurt you anymore than you already were. A small whimper escaped you when Taehyung stood at full height.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” He whispered against your head as he slowly laid you down in the wagon. He sent one more glare as a warning to the group of boys before he grabbed the handle of the wagon and slowly started making his way back towards the mountain.
Your mind felt fuzzy, body completely numb, chest pulsing dully every time you inhaled. With your adrenaline becoming less prominent, tears cascaded down your cheeks, breaths still coming in short bursts as you looked up at the sky. The sun was starting to set, it would probably be dark by the time you got home. Your grip slowly began to release the wooden bunny, you hoped Jungkook would like the gift. You knew that it would take more than a small wooden bunny to repay him for his kindness, but the bunny could be a start.
At some point Taehyung had ripped part of his shirt and held it against the gash on your cheek to stop it from bleeding. You could hear him talking to you, asking you to stay awake and telling jokes but you could hear the strain in his voice as he forced out a laugh to try and lighten the mood.
You didn’t say anything. You wanted to reply to Taehyung, you really did but it hurt enough to breathe. Taehyung would look back every few minutes, making sure you were still conscious.
Jungkook was seething when Taehyung had walked through the gate. Why were you guys so late? His eyes tried to find your body behind Taehyung, heart dropping when he couldn’t spot you. That was until Taehyung dropped the handle of the wagon to go and close the gate where Jungkook spotted you with part of Taehyung’s ripped shirt pressed against your cheek. Eyes looking over at Taehyung who stood, shoulders hunched with your blood smeared on his shirt. Taehyung didn’t look any better, eyes sunken, skin pale even when the moon was the only source of light in the silent courtyard.
Jungkook shot up from where he was sat, taking quick steps to help Taehyung carry you out of the wagon. He held you in his first pair of arms, the blood from the scratches on your arms smudging onto the expensive silk of his hanbok. He tried to get you to remove Taehyung’s shirt from your face, but you just weakly shook your head. You feel the dull ache of the cut, felt how it ran from your cheek to your jaw, felt the dribbling blood running down your neck.
“We’ll talk later” Jungkook turned back to look at Taehyung who weakly nodded, hands holding onto the wagon for support.
Jungkook wasted no time in leaning you to sit up against his bedroom wall before sprinting out to the end room where all the supplies were kept. He grabbed the large wooden bucket that you usually washed the clothes in and went to the bath house to fill it with water. He stood there, foot tapping against the floor impatiently as he watched the water slowly start to fill the bucket. He let out a grunt, it wasn’t even halfway full before he snatched it up from the ground. It was at this moment he thanked his lucky stars he had enough arms to carry all the supplies he needed so he only needed to take one trip instead of several.
As he slipped back into the room, he took in your form sat on the floor. You hadn’t moved an inch since he sat you down.
“Y/n, hey. You’re still with me yeah?” he asked kneeling down in-front of you. He dropped the bucket beside him, and the box of medical supplies between the two of you before he took your face into his hands.
“I’m fine” you tell him after a moment of silence, eyes holding no emotion.
“You’re not fine, let me take a look” he pries the shirt away from the side of your face. His eyes flit over to the gash, a frown instantly stretched across his face, eyebrows pinched together as if he was the one in pain. “Oh, my love” he muttered, your mind too hazy to fully comprehend what he just called you, “It’s okay, I’ll fix it” he told you, holding the good side of your face with his hand, he smiled sadly as you tilted your head into his palm. A silent comfort. He leaned forward and pressed a feather light kiss on the apple of your cheek, just above where the cut started before, he leaned back, one hand still holding your face as he used his other hands to open the box of medical supplies.
You wanted to tell him there was nothing to fix, you’d had cuts equally as bad as a child and that it will heal in no time, but you didn’t understand the underlying meaning in his words. He wouldn’t lose this.
“Jungkook, really, I’m fine. I think it was the shock of the situation that made this all worse” you told him as he rummaged through the box of medical supplies. Ribs burning when you took in a large breath.
He looked up at you for a moment, deciding to ignore your comment as he went back on his search for a towel or cloth or anything so he could clean the blood away from the cut. He let out a small ‘aha’ when he found some cloth and soaked it in the bucket of water.
“Tell me if it hurts too much” he told you as he carefully began to dab the cool, wet cloth around the area of your cut.
You closed your eyes, eyebrows pinching every now and then, head pulling away slightly when he would touch a tender part of skin. “I’m sorry” he would murmur every time you’d flinch back.
He tried to soothe you with his thumb gently rubbing at the skin under your ear. “It doesn’t look like it will need stitches” he told you, a look of relief washing over his face once you opened your eyes again.
“Wait here” he told you after dropping the bloodied cloth into the now blood-stained water. Now that he knew you weren’t going to pass out, he was a little less frantic in his steps, although his pace was still quick. He went to your bedroom to get some fresh clothes, and some more towels to clean the smaller scratches on your arms.
When he entered the room again, he saw you lifting your shirt, looking down at your ribs. A big purple bruise had formed from where you had been kicked by one of the boys. Jungkook winced just as hard as you did when you poked the tender skin.
He stepped further into the room, dropping down to kneel in-front of you again as he pulled up your shirt sleeves. The scratches on your arms were nowhere near as bad as your face but that didn’t change the fact you had been beaten, Jungkook’s jaw clenched, eyebrows furrowing in anger as he really took a moment to look over you slumped against his bedroom wall. You poked between his eyebrows, and he looked at you confused.
“I can see the cogs working in your head. I told you I’m okay” you tell him, and he sighs as he lifts up your left arm, so delicately anyone would think you’re made of glass. He gently dapped the wet cloth over your skin, the pain minuscule compared to the pain you felt every time you took in a large breath.
He wrapped a bandage around both of your arms so that the cuts wouldn’t get infected before he placed some pyjamas in your lap. “I’ll leave the room, tell me when you’ve changed” he stands up and you hum in reply.
Once Jungkook left the room, you use the wall as support to help you stand. You hand shoots to cover your mouth as you bend down to take your pants off, the pain shooting through your system. It hurt a little less when you went to lift your shirt over your head. You wiped your eyes, before you looked down at the pyjamas you needed to change into. Gently bending down, you found a way to put your clothes back on with a lot less pain than when you’d taken them off.
You slowly dragged your feet towards the door, body exhausted from the events of the day. You slowly opened it, slipping out of Jungkook’s room. As you turned to walk back to your own room you saw him leaning against the wall.
“Where are you going?” he turned towards you, and you pointed behind him.
“The bedroom” you told him, he noticed how you hadn’t called the room your own, a frown setting on his face. You knew this was your home now, right?
“It’s behind you” he pointed to his own room making you shake your head.
“Jungkook, that’s your room” you tell him as he waves you off.
“Mine, yours, what’s the difference? Is it because my bed doesn’t have enough pillows? Oh! You need your jar of stars to help you sleep right?” he guided you back into his room, sitting you down on his bed. “Stay here” his tone left no room for question.
He made quick strides towards your old bedroom, hands gathering up the large pile of pillows scattered around your bed. He’d thought it was adorable when you’d shyly asked him for extra pillows all those months ago, stuttering to explain that it feels comforting to be surrounded by something while sleeping. He’d teased you about it, watching your cheeks light up an even brighter red before he’s laughed and told you where you could find the extra supplies.
He also bent down to grab the jar of fireflies that you always had beside your bed before he took long strides back to your his bedroom. As he opened the door to the bedroom, he dropped the pillows onto the ground, carefully placing the jar down beside them, looking around the whole room as if you were hiding behind the limited furniture. He couldn’t see you hiding under the table, and you weren’t under the blanket, they were a little ruffled from where you had been sitting moments ago but still tucked in. There were no other hiding places.
“Y/n?” he called out, panic setting in. What if you had left? Or someone had taken you? No, no one would dare enter his home, humans were too cowardice, but another demon? Maybe Taehyung took you, he would snap the boy’s neck if he had. “Y/n this isn’t funny, come here right now” his voice was a mix of desperation and anger.
Jungkook shoved open his bedroom door wide, eyes scanning the courtyard, heartrate picking up as he tried to find any sign that you were there in the pitch black of the night. Ears listening for any rustling or footsteps or your breathing, anything. His fist banged against the wall.
“Jungkook?” you called him, worried as you watched him with his head in his hands, the candlelight from his bedroom causing a shadow to cover half of his face. His head shot up, eyes meeting your own where you sat inside the wagon.
“Love? What are you doing in there?” his bare feet touched the dewy grass.
“I forgot I bought you a gift, but it was too dark to see” you tell him innocently, the compressed feeling in his chest deflated as he smiled you sweetly. He held you under your elbows, and you let out a yelp at the strength he was showing.
“Please put me down” you turn your head to look at him and he just lets out a chuckle.
“Your feet will get dirty” he tells you lightly, happy now that you were in his arms.
He sat you down on his bed, turning around to grab the pillows he had dropped earlier. “Lay down” he told you, “I want to keep an eye on your condition just in case something happens”
You nod, in no mood to argue as you lay down with the bunny still held tight in your palm. “Kook?” you call him, he hums not turning around from grabbing the pillows.
“Can you come here?” you ask, and he instantly stands straight, turning towards you. He lets out a breathless ‘yes’ and he drops the pillows at the end of the mattress before kneeling beside you. “Hand, please”
He does so without hesitation. You place the small bunny into his hand, he looks down at it and then at you. “I wanted to wash it because it got dirty but it’s too dark right now” you tell him.
“You got this for me?” his eyes meet your own before they flit back to the bunny, his finger’s run over the intricate details and you nod.
One of his hands pushed the hair from your forehead as he smiled down at you. It was silent for a moment; the room was lit in the warm orange glow of the candlelight. You thought Jungkook looked more like an angel than a demon even if he did have an extra pair of arms. He looked into your eyes, and he thought maybe you could look into his soul, maybe you were trying to find the secrets that lay beneath is dark irises, he had to look away. He knew that his plan for keeping you here with him for eternity would upset you, but you were meant to be with him, weren’t you? Why would the earth hand him you on a silver platter just for you to leave him so soon?
“Sleep now. I’ll stay beside you tonight” he leans over to the end of the bed to grab the pillows, fluffing them around you, barricading you from all evil in the world. Shame they couldn’t save you from his own selfish desires.
You’d fallen asleep relatively quickly although Jungkook wasn’t surprised. He quietly slipped out of the room, careful not to wake you as he took light steps to a room on the opposite side of the courtyard. He pulled a key out of his pocket, fingers light as he unlocked the door. He let out a curse as the loud click echoed off the walls, praying that you didn’t wake up.
He held up the candle higher as he walked into the room. It was eerily silent, the only sound the creaking of the wood panels below Jungkook’s feet. His fingers skimmed over the spines of each book, the room full, floor to ceiling with large bookshelves. He bit his lip when he got to the fourth shelf, and he still hadn’t found what he was looking for.
“I know it’s here” he told himself, eyes raking over the hundreds of books before he smiled to himself. He found it.
From the outside the book looked ominous, old, like it had been used over and over again until the cover was frail, and pages started slipping out.
Jungkook locked the door to the room before slowly walking back to the bedroom. He opened the first page, eyes catching on the title.
‘Conversion of the mortal’
He flipped the page, biting his lip to suppress a smile as he skimmed through the steps.
Ingredients for spell: sage, rose petals, grain, demon blood, animal bone of choice, Blah blah blah.
Draw magic circle on floor with desired demon’s blood…
Said demonic blood must enter the body of the mortal, enchanted object can and is recommended to be used to do this for optimum effect…
Enchantment must be spoken with mortal within the circle…
Upon removing enchanted object, mortal should have lived if not then procedure failed...
Results include: stopping of ageing, quicker healing time, immunity to illness and other symptoms depending on the mortal used.
It seemed easy enough.
“I know you just went to the village, but I need you to get these for me” Jungkook pushed a piece of paper across the table.
Taehyung looked down at the list, “I don’t think they’ll welcome me back for a while” he tells Jungkook who hums.
“Go to the village in-front of the mountain”
Taehyung’s face went void of emotion. He knew that you weren’t going with him this time (you were still asleep in Jungkook’s room), but he didn’t like the people from that village. They’d kept you captive! How could he not hold a grudge against them?
Taehyung could never say no to Jungkook though. He felt like he owed Jungkook his life for taking him in when he needed him the most and so without question, he grabbed the list. “I’ll leave after breakfast”
He now stood on the outskirts of the town; it was a lot quieter than he had expected it to be. As he slowly walked past what looked like recently deserted houses, he could tell from all the produce and home furniture that were still scattered around and inside each of the houses. He heard footsteps coming from further in the village, so he followed the sound.
The closer to the village centre he got, the more the land looked like it was decaying. Animal carcases were scattered over the path and the lack of people were putting Taehyung on edge. As he turned the corner he saw a familiar face. It was the farmer that had brought you up the mountain to Taehyung and Jungkook.
The farmer boy flinched when Taehyung tapped him on the shoulder, and Taehyung’s eyes widened when the boy dropped to his knees, hands clasped together.
“Please, was the sacrifice not enough?” he cried, and Taehyung stepped back when Jimin tried to grab onto his leg, “What more do you need?”
“What happened here?” Taehyung whispered in a mix of shock and confusion as he took in the surrounding area. The smell of rotting bodied putrid, making his nose burn.
“The devil” Jimin looked up at Taehyung, his eyes sunken and skin turning an ashy grey. It looked like something was gnawing away at his skin as well, “You are his companion, aren’t you? Have you come to take more from us so he will fulfil our wish?”
Taehyung gulps, he didn’t want to lie. But he nods, nonetheless. Jungkook had asked him to get these items on the list so that is what he needs to, no, wants to do.
“I need these” he places the piece of paper in-front of Jimin who snatches it from the ground in a hurry.
“Yes, yes. I can get you these, please wait here” He lifts himself from the ground before hurrying around the side of one of the buildings. His movements uncoordinated, clear pain shown by the pinch in his brows and grunts every time he took a step.
Taehyung takes the time to slowly wander around, hand over his nose at the awful stench that wouldn’t go away. The side of houses were moulding, and the air surrounding the farmland was musty. It couldn’t have been more than 5 minutes before Jimin was scurrying back to where Taehyung was, shoving a wicker basket into his hands.
“Tell the demon to rid of the disease, I beg of you. More than half the village has been eaten by the devil”
Taehyung could see the hysteria in Jimin’s eyes, and now he was worried. What if he had contracted the disease?
“Disease?” Jungkook questioned when Taehyung had told him about what Jimin had said at the village.
“Yes, he told me to tell the demon to rid of the disease that were killing the village people. It was empty Jungkook, barely anyone around. It smelt like rotting flesh” he told his friend who hummed.
“You feel fine right?” Jungkook placed his hands on his friend’s shoulder’s and Taehyung nodded.
“I don’t feel sick” he replied and Jungkook nodded before running a hand over his face. “Maybe stay on your side of the river for a few days and we will see if anything happens. I can’t catch any disease, but Y/n can so for her safety let’s keep distance for a while” he tells Taehyung who nods in understanding.
“I’ll go to my room then, come and get me if you need help cooking. My cookbook is on the side in the kitchen if you need it” he tells the demon who huffs but smiles anyways.
Jungkook was on edge, you were animatedly chatting to him about something that he couldn’t pay attention to. He’d gotten used to your sleep schedule, knowing you would most likely start to get tired within the next few hours and then he could finally execute his plan.
It was easy. Gather his blood and mix it with the crushed-up ingredients, draw the circle, get some blood on the knife he had enchanted the night before while you and Taehyung were asleep, pierce the knife into your heart, say a few words and done. It was easy.
He’s practiced, he could do this.
When you’d eventually settled down to sleep, he waited in silence. The wind was howling outside, the warm glow of the candlelight cast over your soft features as you slept. He tried to push down his guilt, a small part of him knew this was wrong, knew you wouldn’t want this, but his own selfish desires overruled any sane part of his mind as all he could think about was spending the rest of his life with you by his side.
He liked the feeling of love too much to let it go, why feel heartbreak when it can be prevented? You could be happy with him; would be happy with him he knows you would be. It’s not like you had anyone to turn to, no one to save you, no one to love you like he did. And it was in that moment he decided it was time.
He wanted this process to go as smoothly as possible, so once Taehyung had come back yesterday afternoon, he began to crush all the ingredients he needed to mix with his own blood for the magic circle. He grabbed the small knife out of his front pocket, and with no hesitation he slashed at one of his hands, blood starting to pool in his palm. He allowed a few drops to fall into the bowl before mixing it all with the tip of his bloodied knife.
His face was stoic as he watched the rose petal soak up the blood before he dipped one of his fingers into the liquid and began to trace the intricate circle on the floor. He made sure it was big enough to fit your body inside of before he stood up to look at his work.
He stalked over to the table, abruptly stopping when he heard you shift in bed. He bit his lip as he turned around and let out a sigh of relief when he saw you still sleeping.
He opened the book to the page where the magic circle was drawn, he held it up above his head before turning to look at the circle he had drawn. Perfect.
Next step is to get you onto the circle. His feet were light as he made his way over to you. He carefully peeled the blanket back, hands slipping under your knees and behind your back before slowly lifting you up. He ever so slowly made his way over to the circle, holding his breath each time you would wiggle a little in his arms.
“Stay still for me” He whispered as he placed you in the centre of the circle. He grabbed the knife that was still in the bowl before straddling your wait, bottom pair of arms holding your arms above your head. He couldn’t have you thrashing around too much, you’d hurt yourself.
He lifted the knife above his head, taking in a deep breath before forcing through your skin right into your heart. The shock jolted you awake, not fully comprehending what was happening it all seemed like a blur, looking down you saw the handle of the knife protruding out of your chest, Jungkook chanting something you couldn’t understand, and an insatiable pain shooting through your body.
You began to squirm, trying to kick Jungkook off of you, crying at him to get off. “Jungkook what is going on” you grunted as he pinned your arms harder against the floor, “Stop it” you thrashed about, but he wouldn’t budge. As his chanting got louder so did the pain that was piercing through your body, you let out a loud cry, begging him to stop. The candles in the room seemed to grow brighter, and the floor beneath your back felt like it was ablaze.
And then it all stopped.
Your breathing came out in large huffs as the room went dark, tears slipping down your face from the pain, mouth wide open. It was silent for a moment before Jungkook grabbed the handle of the knife, pulling it from your chest. He laid a kiss on your forehead, “Sleep now, you won’t know any of this happened”
You don’t hear what he says, chest throbbing as you feel your own blood pour from your chest. Blankly staring up at the ceiling you close your eyes in hopes to escape whatever messed up reality you had woken up in.
Tears ran down Jungkook’s face as his eyes adjusted to the dark room, the moonlight shining onto the two of you. He thought you looked pretty like this, blissed out in sleep, serene with no worries in the world. He could only hope that you would wake up again and that he was successful in his first attempt to keep you by his side.
He laid down next to you, arms over your body as he held you close, closing his eyes.
D-3 Jungkook knocked on Taehyung’s door the moment the sun had started to rise. He still had blood on his sleeves, hands in worse shape from the cut that was still healing. His foot tapped against the floor impatiently as he banged a hand against the door again.
Taehyung sluggishly opened the door, eyes widening at the state Jungkook was in. Tear-stained cheeks, eyes red and puffy and his clothes covered in blood.
“What happened?” Taehyung croaked out, letting out a dry cough. Heaving for breath. Jungkook noticed he didn’t look too well, body shaking a little as he used the door frame to help him stand.
“Tae” Jungkook reached forward, engulfing his friend in a hug, “You-“ he choked out a sob.
“I’m fine Kook. What happened to you?” he wrapped his arm around the demon’s torso, eyes brimming with tears, because he didn’t know if he would be okay. They didn’t have the correct medicine to fight off whatever disease he may have contracted, he could only hope his body wouldn’t give up on him.
“Y/n she- what if she hates me?” Jungkook grabs his hair in frustration.
“What have you done?” Taehyung grabs Jungkook’s cheeks, eyes wide in worry but his friend wouldn’t look into his eyes.
Taehyung shouldered Jungkook out of the way when Jungkook didn’t reply, he quickly made his way over to your room. He knocked on the door, but didn’t get a reply, he started to cough again, limbs burning “She’s not in there” he heard Jungkook’s voice say from behind him and before he could think where you could be, the demon rushed to block the entrance of his own bedroom.
“Jungkook?” His steps were close behind Jungkook who just shook his head.
“You can’t go in” he told Taehyung, finally taking a moment to look at the condition of his friend.
His eyes looked sunken, skin turning an ashy grey as his breaths came out in harsh puffs. “Taehyung you’re ill you should sit down”
“Not before you let me see what happened” his tone was firm, Jungkook gulped shaking his head.
“Open the door Jungkook, what have you done to her?” he grabbed his friend’s forearms, the adrenaline pumping through his system helping him pull Jungkook away from the door before harshly shoving the door open.
His heart sank at the sight, eyes trailing over the room. He first spotted the blood drawn circle on the floor in-front of his feet. His eyes watered at the sight, before his head turned to look at the bed where you were messily placed. Bile rose in his throat at the sight of you, pyjamas soaked in what he assumed to be a mix of yours and Jungkook’s blood. He tripped over his own feet, hands shaking as he knelt down beside you.
“Jungkook what have you done?” he whispers as his tears began to fall. He bent down, head resting on your chest searching for a heartbeat. His hand grabbed your wrist as he kept his head on your chest, trying to find a pulse. His breathing came out shaky, as he listened.
“I can feel a pulse” he lifts his head, eyes staring down at the serene look on you face. His hand brushed some of your hair out of your face, a sad smile on his face. He heard a thump behind him, he turned around to see Jungkook kneeling on the floor, head in his hands.
“Thank you” Jungkook muttered to himself as he rocked back and forth a little, eyes trailing to look over at Taehyung who had your face in his hands.
Taehyung leaned his head against the wall, coughing loudly. He looked down at the hand he used to cover his mouth only to see blood.
D-2 the rest of yesterday was spent with Jungkook, and Taehyung sat on opposite sides of the room, Taehyung with his head in his knees and Jungkook with his legs crossed staring into space.
That morning Taehyung had woken up with his skin moulding like he had seen Jimin’s two day’s prior when he visited the village. His flesh dark and itchy as it clawed its way up his body. His cough only got worse, each time coughing up more blood than the last. The virus had been eating away at his organs, slowly making its way to his heart. It hurt whenever he tried to breathe. His insides starting to feel like liquid fire. He couldn’t stomach any food, and no matter how much he drank the feeling of dehydration wouldn’t go away.
“Taehyung please go and lay down” Jungkook looked up at Taehyung who shook his head.
“Not when she’s like this, don’t make me leave” Taehyung whispered, his body couldn’t really do much more than that, his chest heaving.
Jungkook’s gaze moved between the two of you, worried Taehyung would tip and faint any moment, and you to check if you were still breathing, the shallow rise and fall of your chest reassuring him that you were still alive.
The atmosphere of the room was gloomy, air musty, the only sound being to harsh winter wind rattling to door every now and then. Occasionally Taehyung would cough and wheeze, Jungkook watching him from the other side of the room.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have made you go to the village. I fucked up” Jungkook spoke up that afternoon breaking the solemn silence of the room.
“Don’t be sorry. I should have left when I noticed something was wrong” he sadly smiles.
“You’ll be okay, I know you will. Right?” Jungkook asked eyes brimming with tears, he wasn’t sure who he was trying to reassure more, himself or Taehyung.
“I’ll be okay” Taehyung whispered, head tipping back to lean against the wall.
it was this day when Taehyung knew he was dying.
He wasn’t sure how long he had left. It didn’t feel like long, and a lone tear escaped his eye.
“Kook?” he called out, Jungkook’s shallow eyes met his friends, humming to let him know he was listening.
“Can you go and get my paintbrushes and paper? I don’t think I can get up anymore” he looked down at his bare legs, biting his lip at how bad it looked and how painful it felt.
Jungkook looked over at you before he nodded, standing up, dragging his feet out of his room.
Taehyung looked over at you, a hand coming to run over his face at the situation he was in. As selfish as it seemed, he was happy he wouldn’t be dying alone. Even if you were unconscious, you’d still be beside him during his last breath. He wanted to paint once more before he died, get to feel the passion he has for art once more before he was gone. He wanted to leave something special that he can be remembered by even when he wasn’t there.
When Jungkook arrived back to his room, he carefully placed all of Taehyung’s art supplies in-front of him. He willed his body to cooperate as he scooted forward to sit beside you. Taking a moment to think about what he wated to paint. He smiled down at the paper when an idea formed in his head, dipping the brush into the ink.
“What’s that?” he had asked one morning, you were practicing writing again, but it seemed your mind hand wandered. He looked at the small drawing at the corner of the page.
“An angel” you had told him, looking up and smiling.
“An angel?”
“Yeah, do you ever wish you were someone else, Taehyung?” you asked him, and it took a moment before he replied.
“No, I don’t think I have” he sat beside you, watching as you started practicing again, “do you?” he asked after a beat of silence.
“Wish I was someone else?” you tilted your head and he nodded. You pointed at the drawing at the corner of your page, and his eyes met your own briefly before looking back at the drawing. “I want to be free, no more suffering, no sadness, and I could watch over the people I love the most”
And from then, you were his angel.
Taehyung hopes he’s reborn as an angel, that way he can look over you and Jungkook for the rest of your lives. Maybe he could meet you up in the sky when you decide to join him one day.
Jungkook watched Taehyung paint, watched as he occasionally looked over at you, smiling before looking back at the page. He could see the raw emotion in his eyes as his hands worked elegantly.
Taehyung thinks this is his favourite painting he’s ever created. An angel overlooking what looked like the hanok you three lived in. If you looked closely enough, you’d see the silhouette of a girl, looking up at the starry night sky with a certain four-armed demon sat on the porch of the hanok in-front of her. He’d like to think the angel would gift her the stars as she longingly looked at the sky each night.
He fell backwards and looked at the ceiling, a smile on his face as his body began to stop working. Disease finally taking over his organs. His heart began to slow as his eyes began to slowly close. He thinks he heard Jungkook kneels down beside him and shake his body, but everything felt numb, felt like he was submerged in water, so he wasn’t sure. Whatever Jungkook was saying was muffled, he made out a choked ‘I love you’. And he thought that maybe this was okay, as he replayed the memories he had formed with his new small family. It was a shame he couldn’t travel with you anymore, all the dreams he had of growing old together no longer a possibility.
He loved Jungkook, and he loved you more than either of you would ever get to know.
And so, his final message was at the bottom of the page: For my angel, from an angel. My Y/n.
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writer-akihiko · 3 years
Can i request again?
So... Fluff really fluffy. Old Mc with Old warlords.
Please don't kill them. 😭
IkeSen Boys + Growing Old With MC
Note: The children of the warlords are taken from historical record, but please know that not all scenarios are accurate as I had named some children to fill in the children who were unnamed.
To be honest with you this is probably the longest ask I've ever done, over a period of 4 days of editing and characters so I hope you enjoy the fluffy family content! It's cut for length. Also... I couldn't add so many tags so please share it if you can!
Nobunaga Oda
You were excited for this particular day, since your oldest son, Nobutada was finally coming home from a skirmish he had settled. The Owari province was long handed over to your sons, as you and Nobunaga lived peacefully in the edges of Azuchi, away from the city.
You had waited a long time to see your children once again, although not all were in Azuchi. With 21 children in total, both adopted and from birth, most were of similar age. The only few that lived with you were your youngest daughters, Oushin and Ofuri who were adopted at the same time. Youngest was a stretch, considering they were both 19.
Your other warlord friends were due to visit soon, including Hideyoshi. Throughout your years, you never comprehended why no one interested Hideyoshi as a romantic partner. Although, your heart eased, remembering how Hideyoshi would care for your sons as if he were their own.
Your thoughts were interrupted by your husband, as he plopped next to you, taking in the serene view of the empty field. In his hand were a bag of konpeito. Hideyoshi would be angry, but you weren't so as you managed to control his candy-loving instincts. You took a few to nibble on yourself, as you leaned against your husband.
"What were you thinking of, my fireball?"
You hummed, wondering how to respond. "About the future perhaps?"
"Good," he said. "I've been thinking... I wouldn't change a thing. But..."
You leaned into him, tickling the hairs of his neck. He flinched away, peppering you in kisses in retaliation as he continued his thought. "I want to travel once again, with you."
"I won't say no... But why not travel for longer?"
The moment your friends gathered, you and your husband announced your decision. Your children were surprised but the older warlords weren't. Masamune also teased Nobunaga, saying how he grew tired of a tranquil life. It wasn't long before you contacted Motonari, and the Oda couple were due to sail to Portugal.
"My years with you gave me the greatest life, YN."
Hideyoshi Toyotomi
It was not long before the day of your 20th marriage anniversary with Hideyoshi, but you woke up to a missing husband. Hideyoshi, being the way that he is, never stopped working for Nobunaga. Years went by, and you and Hideyoshi had a family of two sons, Hideyori and Tsurumatsu.
Your oldest son, Tsurumatsu, welcomed you instead in the morning. Your oldest was the spitting image of Hideyoshi, except that he took your eyes. It was as if you were looking at a younger Hideyoshi, and you commented on it, "With a sword like that, you remind me of your father..."
Your son's attitude however, resembled Ieyasu more than anything. Well... Ieyasu was his favourite warlord uncle when growing up. Tsurumatsu denied any of the sort, and insisted he accompanied you around Azuchi. You were internally grateful that your sons took after your husband's gentleman-like attitude, although at times when living in an estate with all three, it could get overbearing...
As you looked over the local fabrics, your hands traced over a fabric that you thought would suit all three of your boys.
"Princess YN?"
"Lord Mitsuhide!" Your son quickly bowed to the other warlord, but Mitsuhide gave him the respect to get up. The sudden appearance of the two bachelors, one older than the other, caused an uproar of the unmarried women of the market. It got you to think why Mitsuhide never settled down...
Your trip with your son ended in the front gates, where your younger son Hideyori and your husband Hideyoshi stood. Hideyoshi welcomed you wholeheartedly.
Hideyoshi escorted you around town, and you held onto his arm as you did before, and you two reminisced about the memories you had in the town together.
"20 years married..." You muttered. "Time flies huh? The boys have the townswomen swooning over them just like you did back then..."
"I only had eyes for you, YN..." He said. You huffed, teasing him about how he was in denial about his feelings the entire time. Hideyoshi grew red at your teasing, with you pulling him down to your level, kissing him on the cheek.
"For these 20 years with me YN... Thank you for telling me to live and staying with me."
Mitsunari Ishida
Your life never slowed down despite Mitsunari's calm approach to life. It was a joyous occasion for the Ishida clan throughout the years as you and Mitsunari had a wonderfully, large family of you both and 6 children.
Mitsunari still worked under Hideyoshi, with your third son Sakichi following in his footsteps. The week was busy, with you preparing for two weddings for your second and third daughter.
All your 6 children followed in the steps of Mitsunari in terms of worshipping Ieyasu. It was so much so, that one of your son-in-laws was Senchiyo Tokugawa. The warlords were long gone with their aggressions, so you were surprised when Mitsunari and Ieyasu arranged Kennyo to officiate the marriage.
Kennyo had been a neutral force after the birth of your first son Shigenari, as he even offered to bless your child. Kennyo himself never settled down, but he focused on rebuilding the temples instead. Mitsunari was quite the supporter, but Hideyoshi let an insight that it meant a lot to him since before Mitsunari studied in a temple.
You and Mitsunari returned home after a long shopping trip with the two oldest sons, Shigenari and Shigeie. Mitsunari nowadays forgot his things more and more, but his hatred for carrots continued. Your sons disappeared somewhere else to eat their carrot snacks, as you sat with Mitsunari in his study.
"You've never changed, Mitsunari..." You said, preparing some tea for him.
He reached out to your own hand, helping you pour. "I'm sure I'm improving on my tea manners!"
The silence never settled between you two, as no matter how much time had passed, you two never ran out of topics to run out of. You comforted Mitsunari as he confessed how sullen he felt about your daughters leaving.
"If anything... YN, in my time with you... Thank you for marrying me."
Mitsuhide Akechi
You moved to Tanba permanently, and you gave up your rank as Princess. With Mitsuhide gone for his missions, you'd answer to the other warlords. Somehow, it lead you to the title of 'Lady Akechi'.
It wasn't long before your first daughter, Tama, was to come of age. Mitsuhide was a private man, so it was only to be held with the other warlords and your entire family. You and Mitsuhide had a small family, but they were equally cherished by the others.
Yoshimoto arrived at Tanba earlier than expected. You had become fast friends with him, despite Mitsuhide's dislike. You had reassured him multiple times that Yoshimoto had no interest in you, but at times you had questioned why Yoshimoto never married...
"Tama! Yoshimoto is here!" You called out for your daughter. She was most likely with your youngest daughter... Yoshimoto had agreed to come and help Tama put together her hair, with the accessories he had collected.
It was not long before your daughter was finished, and by that time Mitsuhide with your eldest son, Mitsuyoshi, returned. No matter how many people were in the estate, your husband kissed you on the cheek, as it was customary to do.
Mitsuyoshi made faces, but was silenced by his much more mature, younger sister. Yoshimoto was quick to escort the three siblings outside, where Kyubei was waiting to bring his Lord's family to Nobunaga's Castle.
"Mou... Mitsuhide, the children are waiting... It's Tama's day today..." You muttered, as he continued to kiss you.
"Our children are adults, YN..." He said, holding you close. "Let your husband indulge in you for one more kiss... For now, and all our coming years..."
Ieyasu Tokugawa
In celebration, you decided to throw a banquet for Ieyasu as he announced he was stepping down from work. It was lively at home, with 16 children and a small army of rescued deer over the year helping you to decorate the house. You and Ieyasu, besides the deer, adopted children over your 20 years of marriage who soon became close with your 6 biological children.
You hurried to prepare the grand hall, but before you could fully lift the box full of tapestries, it was quickly carried away.
"Mama... You're not allowed to carry heavy things anymore," A blond man told you off, as two other men carried the vases away.
"Nobuyasu... Ogimaru... Hidetada..." You smiled at your three eldest sons. Ah, your heart warmed at how considerate they've become. It made you feel like a proud mother... "You three returned from Kenshin's lessons?"
The gap between the Oda and Uesugi-Takeda forces closed, and Kenshin grew close to your family. He never had children of his own, so you were enthusiastic when Kenshin treated your eleven sons as his own, even taking some to learn the sword by him.
"Mama! Don't be distracted! Let us fix you up!"
From behind you, your five daughters swarmed you, wrapping you up in a cloth you sure you bought this week... and it was untrimmed...
"Tokuhime! I haven't trimmed that cloth!" You turned to your other daughters, who were also holding makeup paints and hairpins. "Kamehime! Ichihime! You don't have to throw your jewellery to get my attention!"
"Mou... Mama, Father will be so happy to see you dressed up~" Your third daughter, Furihime chimed.
Matsuhime, the fourth daughter, joined in. "Without our help, your kimono might be too old fashioned Mama..."
Oh... Things were lively with all your children back at home... Your sons finished decorating the hall, and as a token you decided to do your daughters' hair to match them to your hairstyle.
You were last to enter the hall, as the boys wanted to greet their father first. Your daughters entered next, and all Ieyasu saw through them was you, and the way you raised them made them blossom into the people they were today. When you entered... he swore he stopped breathing.
"YN... My wife..." Not much was said after, but the blush on his face was enough to show how much he loved it, as well as his hand gripping onto yours tracing every finger of it.
Masamune Date
You would like to think that your life grew much more peaceful, but with a chaotic husband like Masamune, and four equally chaotic children like him. The Date forces as a whole were also chaotic. It was safe to say that Lady Date was one who took care of them all, no matter how big or small.
It gave your husband the great idea of planning a surprise birthday party for you with his children. As a warlord, he was not Ishida Mitsunari but he could still plan a well thought-out strategy...
"Irohahime, Muuhime, you are to distract your mother at the market. Kojuro will give the signal when we're ready."
They nodded. "Yes Dad."
"Hidemune, Tadamune. You know when to start the fight," He reiterated.
"Yes Da-"
Ieyasu, who came earlier as a guest, spoke up. "Why am I a part of this?"
"YN will only break a fight if it involves people outside our family," Masamune explained, flexing his arm. "She knows we're tough as nails..."
Ieyasu Tokugawa remained a bachelor, although he never explained why he didn't. Masamune had a little bit of a hunch, but he isn't one to pry. Ieyasu was an undeniable favourite of his daughter Muuhime, who gained an affinity for medicine.
"Tough as nails?"
Your family was dumbfounded that you stepped in the decorated hall, with your husband and children, with Ieyasu in the corner with a bowl of spicy soup. Kojuro had kindly lead Lady Date into the hall, despite of the plan as no one in the Date palace dared to defy YN LN.
For a room full of adults, your family at the moment were not acting like one. It was typical, but you had to wonder what the fuss was all about. Tadamune, the closest to you, was someone who couldn't lie to you, and told you the truth. It ended quite simply, as you insisted to help prepare.
In the kitchen with Masamune brought back memories. The whole time you and your husband were cooking, you played around with the ingredients as you did back then.
"My wife... you have a little flour on your face. Should I wipe it with my fingers or..." He wrapped his arms your waist, brushing his lips on your ear. "Kiss it away myself?"
Ranmaru Mori
You and Ranmaru decided to leave the Oda forces once you both got married. Ranmaru was mainly the reason, as he wanted to keep a neutral stance for your safety.
Ranmaru grew much taller over the years, but he wasn't as towering as the other warlords. You didn't mind as much except for the period of measuring out new kimonos for him. You both lead a quaint life, with Ranmaru working as your courier for your sewing work.
You and Ranmaru never had any children of your own, instead opting to become foster parents to other children whose parents were in war efforts or children that were orphaned from incidents.
Many children came and went, some of them leaving and never returning but there were the few that stayed. Ranmaru was still actively talking to the other warlords through letters, so you weren't surprised when he said that he intended to take you back to Azuchi for peach season.
It was no surprise that Hideyoshi gathered the entire town of Azuchi to welcome you both. It was nice to meet friends you had missed, as well as the daughters of the warlords you worked for. They awed at you, but to you it was as if you had adopted many, many girls resembling your friends.
"YN-hime! Etto... Do we call you YN-hime?" Tatsuhime, the oldest daughter of Mitsunari, asked.
"Of course! Even if she's not in Azuchi Castle, all our uncles say that she's the best princess!" Tokuhime, Nobunaga's oldest daughter, chimed in. "I may be Azuchi's princess but I can't fathom comparing myself to YN-hime!"
You shushed the girls, getting overwhelmed easily by the compliments and praises showered on you. You gave a peak to Ranmaru as a plea for help, but he added the cherry on top to the compliments instead.
"YN, YN... You know you're the best princess in my eyes!" He said, kissing your hand.
You were sure Ieyasu's daughters poked at their father with teasing of following Ranmaru's example. Others, like Mitsuhide's and Masamune's daughters, began to swoon that Ranmaru was more romantic than their fathers.
"I think that's enough Ranmaru... Let's save the romantic lines for our walk in the garden..."
Keiji Maeda
Oh what memories you had with Keiji over the years... For one, you were glad that the allegiance between the Oda and Uesugi-Takeda worked out, as you and Keiji decided to live together during that time.
You were shortly married after, with Keiji inviting Naoe as well, which lead to Kenshin being invited... plus Sasuke and Yukimura... not to mention Shingen as well... In the end it resulted in another gathering between the Oda and Uesugi-Takeda which you were glad didn't turn out violent.
Keiji was quite the family man himself, for after 20 years of marriage you had raised 10 children together, with 4 biological children and 6 adopted children. They had all grown up, married off to someone they love, leaving the once rowdy house now empty and quiet.
Keiji never stopped supporting Nobunaga, working almost as much as Hideyoshi on some days. You lived quietly, occasionally accompanying the wives of the other warlords as you never gave up your title as Azuchi's Princess, but it was obvious that you missed your entire family.
Keiji was always good with knowing your mood. Much to your surprise, you came back to an empty estate... but there were voices? One roaring voice sent you running to the main hall, where you opened the doors and there were your children, sitting around their father as he told more of his old war stories.
Overwhelmed with emotion, you shed a few tears as each of your children went up and hugged you.
"It's been so long my children..." You said as you hugged your two daughters.
"Mom, don't cry! If you cry... I'm gonna cry too!" Your first son, Keita wailed. He was taller than his father but it was quick to see that Keita, and much of the large boys of the family treasured you as their mother.
"Hoi hoi you rascals!" Keiji called out, getting up to walk to you. "Your monstrous heights would crush your mother!"
You moved into a hug with your husband, feeling Keiji lift you up. "My dear... they wouldn't," You grinned, finally laughing. "Keiji... Thank you for bringing our family together."
Kenshin Uesugi
Being crowned Lady Uesugi, you and Kenshin got busier and busier every year. It was an occurrence for the scribes of Kasugayama Castle to trail your relationship with Kenshin, as by the end of the day, it was a habit of his to take you on a stroll with your many, many bunnies.
There was not a soul in Echigo that did not hear of your marriage, Many were welcomed, but at the time no one thought that there would be a larger party than this. That was... until it was announced that you were pregnant.
It was an uproar, especially with Kenshin going around to everyone, saying how you were with child. To your surprise, your family of supposed three become a family of four as you were blessed with twins.
Kasugayama Castle was the home of your twins, Kagetora and Kagekatsu. Kenshin was proud of them, and they grew up to follow in their father's footsteps to take over the Uesugi clan... or that's what you thought until you realised how stubborn your husband was. He was making them work hard for it in their teen years when they expressed their interest in it.
Ah, but of course... Your three boys would always recharge with you, talking about their day. If one thing, they never learnt to share...
"What? You're drinking tea with Mama? But I wanted to show her the fabrics the merchants showed me!" Kagetora yelled at his older twin. Besides sword fighting, he grew up with an interest towards strategy, which was under Mitsunari's influence. He visited as often as he could, but you wonder if someone would ever catch Mitsunari's eye...
"An oaf like you wouldn't know how to brew tea like this for Mama..." Kagekatsu retorted, setting the pot down. He gained an interest for elegant arts similar to his father, and of course his favourite uncle is Yoshimoto.
Both glared at each other, but it was not long before the God of War entered the garden, with his many bunnies. "And why are you bothering my wife?"
"Father! Don't talk as if we're strangers! We're your sons and we wanna spend time with Mama too!" Kagetora retorted.
Kenshin drew his blade, challenging his sons that the winner gets to spend the afternoon with you.
"Ehem!" You coughed out, folding your kimono under you. "Boys, what's my number one rule in the garden?"
"No fighting and no swords..." Kagekatsu muttered.
"That's right," You said, taking a cup for yourself. "Now, why don't we all just sit down and have some tea?"
Sasuke Sarutobi
You and Sasuke didn't rush your lives in the Sengoku, since coming from the future meant a busy livelihood. You both agreed that when you both grew older, you would relax a little and not worry about the larger things in life.
Sasuke kept you in Echigo, as you stayed close to him and his other friends. You both had no intention of moving, but you did have an idea to own an estate to yourselves. There was no intention of children from both of you, so you decided to become foster parents to children with majority of their families at war.
You had only fostered about 3 children, but similarly, they too had extended families that they stayed with instead. The both of you learnt how to let go, ever since staying here, but that was something you both grew from. Finding out you both let go of the children you cared for, Yukimura had asked if you were interested in taking in his nephews and niece.
Yukimura himself never married, and you never asked, but he was a dear friend that you and Sasuke would sacrifice a lot for. Yukimura's orphaned nephews and niece were quickly known as your children, and Sasuke would always read them Physics Theorems as a bed time story...
It was a joyous occasion whenever those three would come back, and sooner by that time you realised you had gotten older. There was a small room where you and Sasuke kept your modern items, coincidentally was the room you would often have tea in.
You sighed, taking another bite of your bun. "Sasuke... I know we've lived quietly, but I've wanted to know if you ever wanted to return?"
"There's nothing I would've changed, YN... Not a single thing." He smiled, brushing his hand over yours. "Maybe... maybe there's another timeline, but you're in this one so it's where I am."
Kanetsugu Naoe
He continued to serve his years under Kenshin's reign, but then it was a moment of realisation of how time passed when you told him you were pregnant. It was a moment of stress for him, as he wasn't knowledgeable on the process.
It was recorded by the scribes of Kasugayama Castle that when Azuchi's Princess gave birth, Kanetsugu shed tears as if it were raining. That is to say, he cried a lot. You had a son, Kanetsuna. Much like his father, your son grew up to admire the line of Kenshin Uesugi, becoming close friends with Kagekatsu and Kagetora Uesugi.
Those three went off adventuring so much, it often worried you. Kanetsugu, with his curt self, would reassure you in his own way. It wouldn't help you much, since Kanetsugu would also talk about how helpful Kanetsuna was being towards the Uesugi family line.
You always busied yourself with your sewing, so you often used your son as a model to model your kimonos after. Kanetsuna never had an interest in fashion, but he would always walk up to women in the streets to go and buy your kimonos whenever you would open the shop.
Needless to say, most thought you were available for a marriage interview instead. Kanetsugu was surprised to see you carry home so many letters addressed to your son. Somehow, he was proud but wary.
"How did our son even resemble Shingen's charm? I'm aware he has my looks, but this is a bit much..." He adjusted the glasses he wore, taking more letters off your arms.
"Our son is of age, Kanetsugu and don't flatter yourself too much," You said, setting the letters aside. "You weren't a charmer but you steered clear of women..."
He turned red when you brought up his past self. His blush went away the moment you kissed him cheek, wrapping your arms around your husband. "It's alright, my husband... I certainly fell hard for you."
Shingen Takeda
How you lived in bliss with Shingen... It was not long before Kai was returned to Shingen, and he worked hard to build it up from the state that it was left in. Shingen created a loving community in Kai, and it was no question a homely place for you and him. Nobunaga claimed that the crops he gifted on your wedding were a gift, and you thanked him for that. Despite the time that passed, Nobunaga never took a spouse, so you wondered when he would marry too.
The whole community was in joy when you were with child, which prompted Shingen to throw an entire festival to bless your first born. Years went by, and you bore four sons for Shingen. Kai was now famous for its festivals, since Shingen insisted on one for every child you both had.
Kai, in turn, had a festival for every season and every son, with each having their birthdays in a particular season. Katsuyori was in the summer, Harukiyo was in the spring, Nobuchika was in Autumn and Yoshinobu was in Winter. The particular festival this time around was for Nobuchika, your second son and his 20th birthday.
You sighed, remembering the times the boys were younger. How they would run around, and how Shingen would swing them around hanging off his biceps. It was about 20 years of marriage, so you could still attest that he had the biceps, but your sons were far too tall to swing off their father's arm.
"Remember how they would swing on my arm?" Shingen said to you, taking a bite of a sweet bun.
"Mhm... Katsuyori would always fall off..." You replied, sipping your tea. The both of you watched as the new generation of the Kai people set up the tents, and raked the leaves off the walkways for the guests. "But Nobuchika was very stubborn..."
"It was always adorable how you'd panic, my Goddess..." He teased, pulling you close. "Not like I minded... Ah, and how Yoshinobu would sleep on Koro's back..."
The teasing was uncalled for, but Shingen couldn't stop swaddling you in his arms, relishing you in his kisses. You laughed, and your gleeful smile is one he'd always want to see on you.
Harukiyo, the youngest, nudge his other brothers. "Hey... Do they know that we're still here?"
The other three shook their heads.
Yukimura Sanada
Throughout the years, you and Yuki had 11 children together, with a mix of adopted and biological children. You were surprised that Yuki even had the confidence to take care of so many children with you, since Yuki wasn't exactly a paternal type either...
Another thing was, out of 11 children, you only had four sons... with very similar names that you can't help but give nicknames to them!
"Yuki! Dai! Help your sisters carry this heavy pot!" You yelled. In a rush, four young adults plus your husband came from their training, spears in hand, at your call to the garden.
You always wondered why Yuki insisted on naming two sons Yukichika and Yukinobu and the other two Daihachi and Daisuke. It always confused the others, especially Shingen when he couldn't tell them apart.
Besides that, all of your children had gained a love for some kind of weaponry. The only exception was your oldest, Kiku, who decided to become a healer instead. You fully supported their interests, but you still had to lay down some ground rules about weapons...
It wasn't long before three of your girls came back with Sasuke. Sasuke continued to be a favourite of the Sanada family, especially with the triplets, Okane, Oshobu and Oume, who had an affinity for throwing stars and knives. The last three girls, Ichi, Naho and Akuri were fans of archery instead, which their father taught them as well.
Speaking of Sasuke, you were glad that he treated the children as his own. You never asked why he never did adopt a few, or get married, but you were sure it wasn't right to pry.
It was always a big dinner with the Sanada family, but after dinner Yukimura would always take you somewhere else, be it the study or the garden, for his alone time with you.
"Time passes by huh..." You muttered, reaching in the tiny jar of fish snacks.
Yuki hummed, stroking Muramasa's coat as he listened to how your day went. No longer did he insult you as often as he did, but that boyish attitude of his never changed.
"Oh by the way... I arranged a marriage interview with Kiku and Katsuyori!"
Yuki spat out his drink. "T-Takeda Katsuyori?"
You hummed. "Kiku really likes him, and the feelings are mutual so-"
Not a word was to be said about what Yukimura screamed. Except for the fact that you replied with, "Kiku is 23 years old."
Yoshimoto Imagawa
Yoshimoto wasn't someone you'd imagine wanting a family, but then you realised that Yoshimoto really wanted to pamper any children you had. It was a slow process, but over the years, you both had 5 children, with 4 daughters and a son.
Your four daughters were well-known for their beauty, especially with mentions of their lineage as the phrase of 'Elegance of Imagawa and Beauty of Azuchi's Princess' was repeated several times over. Yoshimoto would not stop gushing over his own children, no matter how old they were.
Your only son, Ujizane was much more interested in becoming someone like Yukimura but he was also famous for his calligraphy works. It was an understatement how many pieces were commissioned by Kenshin and Masamune.
Yoshimoto however, has no concept of approaching romance when it came to his own child. He so happened to eavesdrop your conversation with your second daughter, Reishou.
"Ah! I can't look at him Mother! He's... He's very charming!" The usual stoic Reishou hid her face in her hands, her body swaying back and forth.
"Now... did you send him that letter I told you to do?" You said, patting her on the back. "Yoshinobu was it? He's a nice man..."
"But... But... the messenger accidentally sent it to Harukiyo Takeda! He mixed up the wrong brother..." Reishou told you, tears coming from her eyes. You wiped them away, hugging her close, and telling her it was going to be alright.
"Father? What are you doing in front Reishou's room?" His first daughter, Chotoku, asked, a hand to her hip in wonder. She wasn't as quiet as her father, her mannerisms and voice loud and clear. The 'eep' from the room was enough for him to bow down in shame as he saw you exit Reishou's room.
You ushered Chotoku to comfort her younger sister, as you dragged your husband somewhere else.
"Now Yoshimoto... you should apologise to your daughter," You said, finishing your lecture about why he shouldn't listen in. He pressed his head to floor as he listened, bowing to you as you went on about how he should be supportive.
"I... I understand my wife. Thank you..." He said.
"With that said... The five of you can come in now. I'm done with the scolding..."
Oh, the embarrassment he felt...
He was embarrassed to tell you that he had planned out his future with you when you found him pacing around about names for your future children. You and Kennyo lived in the reconstructed Honno-ji Temple as a wedding gift from the Oda forces.
There was no further issues between Kennyo and the others. After all, they were getting older and no one would want to make you upset. You were still friends with many of them, especially with Ranmaru. He was someone who would deliver the gifts from the warlords to you, especially when you were with child.
Kennyo was ecstatic when you were pregnant, but he was scared. Looking back then, Kennyo would get shy whenever you'd bring it up. You however, would tell him not to worry as he was a great father to your three sons.
Kyounyo, Junnyo and Kenson followed in their father's footsteps, specialising in several different aspects of the religion. Kenson, the youngest of all three however, was the most interested in travelling, most likely from the stories he'd hear from Ranmaru and Motonari.
Your three children easily mingled with Motonari's, but you always wondered why Ranmaru never settled down. He was still doing his own work, which worried you enough as he was almost a workaholic like Hideyoshi.
Kennyo's birthday rolled around, so you decided to make a special party for your husband. As you focused on the food, you tasked your three sons with work to distract their father as Kennyo's other subordinates helped with the preparation.
"Father! I wanted to ask you about this text!" Kenson carried papers about a sermon to his father, as he saw his father exit the main temple with a package in hand.
He held out his hand to his son's head, ruffling his hair. "I'm afraid not today, my son. I have to see your mother."
"Wait, but father-!"
One by one, they all failed and the surprise was ruined, but Kennyo wasn't aware of what he had done. He was so focused on giving you the said package. He only notice what he did when he saw the disappointed face of his wife, a face he was indeed weak to.
"YN-! Apologies my wife... I'll pretend as if nothing happened..."
"Father... Father has a one track mind huh..." The sons whispered amongst themselves.
You never imagined finding a place where you and Kichou belonged. After all, your relationship in itself was out of place from your other friends. That was, until Motonari asked if you both wanted to travel around the world. You were on board, and after much prying, you and Kichou were travelling around Asia.
Most of your post-wedding years was spent with Kichou travelling to many places, although you would say that you both found a place in what you know today in modern Japan as Shikoku. The Island was not far off Motonari's reach, so you had some familiarity with it.
There was no rush to start a family straight away, especially considering that you moved away from the friends you were accustomed to. Kichou's work wasn't interrupted at all, but he did ask Motonari to help you out with finding what suited you. Somehow, someway, the assistance popularised your kimono work not to mention your fans from Azuchi and Echigo travelling to commission your work.
It was smooth sailing financially, and sooner down the line, Kichou asked if it were alright to adopt children. You agreed, and you found yourself raising a pair of twins with Kichou. They were fraternal twins, but they were quick to adapt to you and Kichou's home.
Kichou enjoyed the family life much more than he thought he would, and he realised it the moment you said your son expressed an interest in marriage to one of the village girls.
Your son, Yoshitatsu, bowed to his father as Kichou listened to his appeal. Kichou was loving but at the same time, he was strict with the twins.
"Father! Please let me marry this girl!" He bowed deeper, pressing his palms to the floor.
Your daughter, Myoinni wasn't around since she decided to be a part of the Uesugi army. Your son instead focused on business, which you assumed was where he met this girl.
Kichou was silent, but a soft nod was enough for your son to jump with glee. You rubbed your hand over his, giving him a kiss on the jaw. You felt him lean into you, so of course you praised your husband. "Kichou... You did well."
Motonari Mori
He was someone who you thought wouldn't be one to settle down, but Motonari was much more attentive than you thought. He knew that one day, he'd have to stop but he'd want to make sure that you were alright with whatever landing spot you chose to stay at.
After much deciding, you and him reached an end point of perhaps moving to the Aki province, his hometown. At first, he was uptight about it since he didn't want his family to meddle with you. He wanted to keep you away but the way you loved his hometown... He couldn't help it.
He had to gain control of his clan before he brought you in... Although it was a faster process than expected since you were pregnant... Which was not planned...
It took about a year for Motonari to accomplish it, but by his will he was going to make life comfortable for you and your first son, Takamoto. It was great for you and Motonari then on, and most in the Aki Province knew you as Lady Mori. You and Motonari may have also adopted a few children, totalling your children over the years to 12.
There wasn't much to complain about... except for the fact that Motonari had a naming gig... Which made things difficult...
"Moto! Help me with this-"
6 boys... and your husband... came running... Then you had to choose which one to help you and it wasn't even all of the children. "No no... I only wanted Motoaki to help me..." You said.
The other boys and your husband made protests about it, asking why you wanted that specific brother.
"What? Is it because Motoaki's good at arithmetic?" Motoharu asked.
"Like you could ever do arithmetic..."
"Shut up Motoyasu!"
"Oh yeah? Fight me Motomasa!"
"How undignified..."
"Don't try to be the proper one here Motokiyo!"
Motonari was the one who could break up the fight, but he didn't want to. You sighed, going back inside where your three daughters were as your nine sons and Motonari battled it out...
"Girls, let's go out to eat..."
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fuckyeahisawthat · 4 years
I'm just curious (still learning) at what point after 1100 AD would Joe and Nicky been in actual danger due to homophobia? At what point would they have to start lying to people about the nature of their amazing relationship, just to stay safe? Thanks!
(This is in reference to this post, in which I skimmed over like 900 years of sociological changes in identity formation in very very broad strokes.)
So. Here’s the thing. As “western” queer people in the modern world, I think we highly associate safety with being able to be out of the closet. Can I kiss my partner in public or walk down the street holding hands without fear of encountering hate speech or physical violence? Can I tell my friends, family and coworkers about my relationship without fear of social ostracization or economic consequences?
But that’s a very modern perspective. Between “pride parade!!” and “we will definitely be murdered if anyone finds out we are lovers,” there is...A LOT of space for different kinds of historical queer experience.
So it’s not so much that Yusuf and Nicolò could be safely “out of the closet” in 12th century Baghdad but not in 19th century London. It’s not quite as far from that as you might think. But they wouldn’t have thought about it that way.
In the first few hundred years of their existence, the Islamic world was...full of contradictions when it came to homosexuality. You had a strong taboo against adult men being the receptive partner in penetrative sex, but you also had poets--like, the most famous poets of their times--writing tons of homoerotic poetry about desiring young men and boys, and that was normal and even celebrated. (If you’re familiar with the sexual mores of ancient Greece...lots of similarities here.) You had clerics writing about how there should be harsh punishments for “sodomy,” but in practice in everyday life very, very few people were ever actually disciplined in the legal system for something like that. And other forms of sexual activity between men, like kissing and various forms of non-penetrative sex, were just...not a big deal. At the same time there was kind of an unspoken “don’t ask, don’t tell” social contract around sex between men. Like, we know this thing is definitely happening, and we’re not going to talk about it, and that’s what makes it socially acceptable to continue happening. So you can have a society that in the written, religious record looks fairly intolerant toward sex between men; in practice is actually quite tolerant; where everyone sort of knows things about certain people, but where no one is really “out” in the modern sense of the terms.
At the same time, pretty much everywhere in the world at this time but definitely in the Middle East, casual touch between men was much more normalized. Two men holding hands or linking arms when walking down the street, sitting pressed up next to each other, falling asleep with your head on your male companion’s shoulder...a whole range of things that look decidedly snuggly to our modern gaze would have been totally acceptable between friends of the same gender, and would not have been considered sexual in any way. (This is still true in much of the Middle East today.)
So you can easily imagine a scenario where, like, Nicolò is lounging with his head on Yusuf’s shoulder, eating dates and listening to some saucy Abu Nuwas poem being recited, and then they go back to their private quarters and they have as much sex as they want. Are they “out”? Not really. Is anyone bothering them about how they’re living their lives? Not in the slightest. Do some people in that room see them and know? Probably, but that’s their private business and we’re not gonna talk about it. Frankly that sounds like a pretty sweet existence for a 12th century queer.
To be fair, they have a few advantages. They’re men, which means no one will really question them traveling together, without wives or families. They can easily say they’re friends or business partners and no one will really give it a second thought. I’m sure having to break off contact with their families was sad, but it’s also the case that there’s no one around asking when they’re going to get married to a woman and have children so we have someone to inherit the family business. It gives them a kind of freedom that a lot of other queer people around them wouldn’t have had.
I think once they meet up with Andy and Quynh, they do do things like pretending to be two married couples traveling together. But that’s more because of sexism, because two unmarried women traveling with two men who were not their husbands would turn some heads.
In Europe at the time, Christian theology is pretty not-into all kinds of non-procreative sex, but sex between men is not necessarily viewed as a worse sin than, say, masturbation, or sex between men and women out of wedlock. And it’s like, a category of sin that a lot of people are doing all the time, so if you were to confess such a thing to your local priest, you would be told to do penance but the consequences would be fairly mild. And many of the same things regarding casual touch hold true. Various rituals of kissing, including men kissing men on the mouth, are used as greetings, to seal contracts, and as part of mass.
Medieval Europe also had a concept variously called passionate, romantic, or chivalric friendship--close relationships between two people of the same gender that could be long-lasting, physically affectionate, emotionally intense in a way we would today read as romantic, and (allegedly) celibate. Were some of these passionate friendships actually queer relationships with a sexual component that just wasn’t talked about? Probably. Were some of them what we would define as queerplatonic or homoromantic asexual relationships today? Probably. Is it even useful to try to stuff these experiences into modern relationship categories? Debatable. The point is...the borders between what was defined as friendship, romance and love were different. Two men who traveled together, slept in the same bed, shared resources, were emotionally intimate with each other, and otherwise entwined their lives would not necessarily have been assumed to be sex partners in medieval Europe. And (I think this is the important part) Yusuf and Nicolò would not necessarily have seen being perceived as passionate friends as “hiding” the true nature of their relationship or as assigning some lesser value to it.
In terms of how they are perceived in public, I think things really don’t start to change until the early 20th century. It’s a gradual process, but over the first half of the 20th century, more or less, affectionate touch between men becomes defined as “gay” and a mainstream (straight) masculinity that is concerned with defining itself as “not gay” emerges. Affectionate touch, and then any show of loving emotion between men, gradually becomes less and less acceptable, to a degree that probably seems absurd to two 900-year-old Mediterraneans. (The absurdity is really well-expressed in the van scene, which is literally like “Bro is it gay to [checks notes]...express concern about the well-being of the person you were just violently kidnapped with?”)
Like, on the one hand, you have queer people talking openly about their sexuality in ways that were not an option at earlier times in their lives. But at the same time you have to be careful holding hands walking down the high street now because someone might chuck an empty beer bottle at you. Must’ve been a real wild transition for them.
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