#the night tiger: a novel
carica-ficus · 2 years
Recenzija: Noćni Tigar
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Originalan naslov: The Night Tiger: A Novel
Autor: Yangsze Choo
Datum: 27/05/2022
Ocjena: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Obožavam čitati knjige koje me mogu uvući u neki nepoznati svijet ili drugu kulturu, a "Noćni Tigar" ovaj puta mi pruža pogled u život u Malaziju.
Površno, priča zadire unutar neke slabe definicije krimića ili trilera, sa određenom količinom misterija koji obavija glavnog pokretača radnje - nestali prst. No u svojim temeljima, knjiga je prikaz i komentar na praznovjerje, kulturu, društvena očekivanja i predrasude koje naveliko sputavaju glavne likove pri ostvarenju svojih ciljeva.
Makar sam se u potpunosti udubila u radnju i fantastične likove, razvoj događaja možda je previše isprepleten. Choo je očita imala jasnu predodžbu za pojedine događaje u knjizi, no samo povezivanje tih dijelova predstavio joj je problem. Određene situacije su nepotrebne za samu knjigu, a najčešće su to interakcije između likova u namjeri da ih dodatno razradi, što je nepotrebno jer su oni već dovoljno definirani. Mislim da je bar djelomično mogla te dijelove skratiti ili ih uključiti na neko drugo mjesto.
Radnja se odvija relativno sporo i preskače sa jedne teme na drugu stoga tempo ponekad ne odgovara situacijama, no, sve u svemu, knjiga zbilja nije loše. Dapače, meni se jako svidjela te mislim da je vrijedi pročitati.
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lemuelthelemmy · 8 months
Faztober 2023 day 25: Tiger Rock
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Eleanor Report #25
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lilianeruyters · 7 days
V.V. Ganeshananthan || Brotherless Night
Shortlist 2024 Brotherless Night has two protagonists: main character Sashi and the civil war that torments Sri Lanka. Through Sashi, Ganeshananthan confronts her readers with the process of ending up in civil war and with the atrocities that go along with it. At some points Brotherless Night is harsh, at other points the love of Sashi for her family and friends lightens up the plot. Sashi is…
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Clematis - Anthony Bridgerton x Reader
Clematis (Clematis) - Meaning: Ingenuity, cleverness
Summary: Anthony's lover comes up with a way to see him after the ball.
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Reader
Word Count: 1504
Warnings: SMUT, probably poorly written cunnilingus (F receiving), reader has female anatomy, Regency era gender politics, Anthony loves giving head
Day 15 and not sure how I feel about this one. Getting it in under the wire, it's almost midnight where I'm at. I just want a man to come in through my window and eat my 😼 okay???
In Bloom Masterlist
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If this was how Anthony Bridgerton kissed, you couldn’t imagine how else he could make you feel. His lips were firm against yours, but gentle, coaxing, his large hands tracing down your neck and along the line of your decollete which made your breath hitch. 
Part of the intoxication was the danger of the situation — you were the daughter of an Earl, a respectable lady of the Ton, and if you were discovered with Anthony Bridgerton’s hands and lips all over you, you would be ruined. 
You broke the kiss, needing an influx of air or you would surely faint. Anthony rested his forehead against yours. 
“I need you,” you breathed out, “Anthony, I need you.” 
He ran a delicate finger down your chest, “Not here, dearest.” 
“Then where? When?” You couldn’t help the whine that escaped you as you pressed your pliant body against his firm one. 
He sighed, dropping his forehead to your shoulder. “If only I could whisk you away from here without drawing suspicion.” 
An idea came to mind — it was risky, but if he agreed you could continue feeling like you were on fire, and oh, how you wanted to burn. 
“Come to my home, tonight,” you whispered, gasping a little as his lips pressed against your neck, licking over your jeweled necklace. “There’s a trellis just under my window, you can climb right up.” 
“You wish for me to defile you in your own bedroom?” Anthony growled against your neck, “Naughty girl.” 
He agreed to the plan nonetheless, and you straightened yourself before heading back to your parents, claiming a headache and asking for the carriage. 
“But dear, you haven’t danced with Lord Hollingsworth yet!” your Mama declared, having selected the oh-so-boring yet oh-so-available man as your best hope for marriage at the beginning of the season. 
“Now, now Cecelia,” your Papa chimed in, “if the girl is unwell we shan’t force her to dance. I’ll call the carriage, dears, you two gather your things and say your goodbyes.” He nodded at you and ducked away, eager to get home as usual. 
From across the ballroom, you caught Anthony’s eye and nodded slightly. He winked, sending the butterflies in your stomach into a frenzy. He was to give you ninety minutes to make sure your parents were asleep, then scale your trellis like a hero in a romantic novel. 
Immediately upon your return home, you excused yourself upstairs. Your maid helped you undress, but you dismissed her quickly, claiming you could handle taking the pins out of your hair on your own. Over the next hour, you listened as your father retired to his study and your mother to her bedroom. 
Once you were sure your parents were in for the night, you placed a candle in your window — his signal that the coast was clear. Unable to remain still, you started pacing your room. Would he show up or leave you twisting in the wind like this? 
Only a few minutes of pacing later a knock came from your window. You dashed over, unlatching it and moving the candle for Anthony to pull himself up. He did so athletically, like letting a tiger into your bedroom. When he was inside, you closed the window and he was on you in a heartbeat, hot kisses along the back of your neck while his hands slid around your waist. 
Your hand came up to grip the back of his head, your fingers lacing through his silken hair. You pressed back against him, turning your head to meet his lips with your own. He tasted like whiskey and sin. He spun you around in his grasp and tugged you close to him by your hips. 
You gasped as you felt his cock pressing into your lower tummy — he was large. For a moment you hesitated, wondering how something so large would fit inside you, but Anthony’s insistent grip on your hips turned into him grabbing handfuls of your nightgown and pulling the cool silk up, up, up. 
“You came,” you gasped breathlessly.
“You didn’t think I would? Tsk, tsk,” he joked, clicking his tongue at you. “My dear, now that I’ve had a taste, I cannot get enough.” 
He emphasized his point by kissing your lips once again, licking his tongue into your mouth. You responded with a soft moan, which only seemed to spur him on. 
Before you knew what was happening, Anthony had tossed you back onto your bed and was  crawling over you, bringing the hem of your nightgown with him. Your breath hitched as you felt his warm, large fingers tracing trails of fire up your legs, teasing your wetness through your undergarments. 
“May I taste you,” he asked, and you moaned your response which prompted him to stop his fingers only an inch from where you needed him most. Opening your eyes, you looked down at him and whined. He rose to meet your lips with his. “I need you to remain quiet, otherwise I will stop. And we don’t want that, sweet one, do we?” 
Anything. Anything he wanted as long as he kept touching you. When he saw you nod, he hooked a finger beneath your gusset and ripped it, baring your wetness to him. With eyes dark as obsidian in the light of the single candle burning, he gazed up at you with such heat as you had never known. 
He hooked one of your legs over his shoulder, then licked a long stripe into you, sending a lightning bolt up your spine. His lips curled around your clit and you shuddered. A moan threatened to slip past your lips but you clamped your hand over your mouth to stop it. The noise was caught in your throat, fluttering like a canary in a cage. 
Anthony hummed a, “good girl,” against you, making you clench around nothing. 
You moved your hands, making an effort to keep your tone low, “More, please!”
You felt him smirk against you before he redoubled his efforts, this time breaching your entrance with a thick finger. Moaning at the intrusion, Anthony took this as an invitation to add another finger, stretching you deliciously. 
You were close, so close, his fingers pumping and hitting a spot within you that you couldn’t reach, his tongue flicking against your clit. Each movement made the knot in your lower tummy tighten, threatening to snap at any moment. 
“Anthony, please,” you whined, unable to control your volume.
He slowed his fingers and removed his mouth from you. “Quiet,” he hissed, “Or do you wish for your parents to find me here?” 
Unconsciously, you clenched around his fingers. The danger of being caught added something you couldn’t name to the situation. Anthony smiled. “Mmm, does my sweet want to get caught?” He teased, and you clenched again, “I think she does. Such a wanton little strumpet, tempting me into a dark corner to kiss me, then inviting me to her bedchambers in the middle of the night, and squeezing my fingers at the thought of someone coming in…”
His words, said in his tantalizing baritone, were pushing you closer and closer to the edge. If only he would put his mouth to better use and—
As if reading your mind, his lips landed back on your clit and his fingers picked up their pace once more, again finding the spot within you that made you see stars with every pass. 
You clamped your hands over your mouth again and moaned his name, which only spurred him on. He drove into you, his tongue and lips reciting an ode against you, dedicating it to you and your pleasure. Having the entire focus of this season’s most eligible bachelor was intoxicating to say the least — and inevitably what pushed you straight into your climax. 
You writhed against him, held in place by his strong forearm as he worked you through your orgasm, the aftershocks lasting much longer than they normally did. Anthony remained between your legs and cleaned up every drop of your release before withdrawing. 
The clock in the hall chimed thrice. Anthony joined you when you reached for him, kissing you deeply and letting you taste yourself on his tongue. You let your hand drift to the front of his trousers, palming his length until he guided your wrist away. 
“As much as I wish for it, I have an early appointment and must be on my way.” 
You pouted up at him, but he placed a sweet kiss to your forehead before slipping off the end of your bed with a promise to see you again soon. 
You watched as he made his way back down the trellis. When he got to the bottom, he blew you a kiss before disappearing into the dark Mayfair night.
The early appointment Anthony had, you would find out later, was to meet with your father. He asked for your hand that afternoon. And, knowing what awaited you in your marital bed, you happily said yes.
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lani-heart · 15 days
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|| series masterlist || next // previously ||
genre(s) -> angst, fluff, smut, non-idol, hybrid au, poly au paring(s) -> ( eventually ) ATEEZ x reader warning(s) -> mentions of violence, mention of putting down / death, etc. words -> 2.4K
abstract -> “I hope we can get along” 
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y/n's perspective
San has been spending more time with me to try to remember. He’s refused to actually spend time alone in his room but also refused to go out with me. I had to go to the hospital for a change in my bandages but recently Yeosang and Wooyoung have been very adamant on bringing one of them with me. I couldn’t do that however, since I needed someone to look over San. 
I saw this as an opportunity to patch things up with Hongjoong. He’s been trying to find his place here but when he tries, he ultimately fails. 
He was firstly banned from the kitchen and Seonghwa refuses to have him help him clean saying he’s clumsy. Yeosang and San never really assigned themselves roles except when Yeosang chose what I wear. 
Hongjoong felt that he was out of place even though he had been helping… quite a lot with San. He couldn’t match his strength but did help hold him down when he turned… aggressive. San has been having night terrors of his past in the fighters ring, luckily however he hasn’t turned aggressive on any of us. 
I’ll mostly however just have San with me as I write my novel revamped like old times. 
“I don’t want you to go,” he said as he gripped my waist firmly and I sighed. “Sannie, I have to but I'll be back soon okay? Do… you want me to bring you anything?” I asked and he shook his head. 
“Just come back” he muttered and I smiled. “I always do,” I said and he nodded. “I know, '' he muttered and I knew his memories were there… they just confused him. He says that he knows that he attacked me, he remembers it clearly and he’s starting to remember his time in the kennel and meeting Wooyoung.
I left my room in hopes of getting to see Hongjoong. 
“y/n… are you leaving already?” Wooyoung asked? I nod as I notice his worried look. “Yeah, but it should be fine, don’t worry–” “You should take Wooyoung with you” Yeosang cut me off and I smiled softly. “You know he doesn’t like places like that… besides the doctor doesn’t allow hybrids inside and I’d rather not trigger an attack or episode,” I said while smiling at Wooyoung. He looked upset but I didn’t want to jeopardize his mental health. 
“I’ll go with you,” Yeosang said and I shook my head. “I need you to help with San,” I said and he sighed. “Can I go?” I heard and I saw Seonghwa. “He’s scared of hospitals… especially doctors,” Hongjoong said while getting hit by Seonghwa for catching his lie. 
“Then why don’t you come with me?” I asked Hongjoong and he looked at me confused and shocked. “He’s the one who–” “Yeosang… second chances remember?” I asked and his eyes widened slightly before looking away. “I’m ready when you are Hongjoong!” 
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hongjoong’s perspective
I don't understand why she wanted me to go? I get that she needed the canine hybrids to help with San and his disturbed memory. However, I couldn’t let Seonghwa go knowing he had a fear of doctors and hospitals… he would’ve been panicked and upset. 
But why would she trust me?
The walk was silent… I made sure to keep an eye on her and she only walked with a smile on her face. Why? When we made it to the hospital I was glared at by the paramedic who saved her… he was her friend I believe. 
“y/n!” he said happily and I saw that her face had a smile to see the man. 
“I can see you chose to trust the tiger that caused these wounds,” he said while pointing at her bandaged jaw… I didn’t want to show him how I felt but I also couldn’t help but look at the ground. Why was I even here?
“This is Hongjoong… and it's okay, everything was a misunderstanding on both our parts,” she said and I sighed, "How was she so forgiving? “Well maybe you should have Kun do special training with him like he did with Yeosang '' he suggested… 
Yeosang did special training?
“Here, just sign in and I'll tell the doctor you’ve arrived,” he said as he left and she started answering some questionnaire he gave her… I didn’t notice how lost in my thoughts I was when I heard her ask me
“Are you okay?” she asked while I nodded not wanting to worry her. “I noticed you aren’t bad with others… you just have a lot of mistrust,” she said and I sighed. 
“You don’t have to be scared of anyone,” she assured and I didn’t want to accept that. 
“What did he mean?” I asked and she looked at me confused. “Yeosang? He did training?” I asked and she nodded. “He had many behaviors that he had trouble with stopping. It was mainly because of his training by his old owner it was hard to override it,” she said and I understood what she meant. 
“Would it help me?” I asked and she shook her head with a comforting smile. “It's the same reason why San isn’t doing any training… you can’t be around strangers and Kun won’t risk that” she said and I knew that it was a reasonable explanation. 
“Hongjoong I know you’re sorry… you don’t have to try so hard you know? I didn’t give you any reason to trust me and you were a hybrid who just escaped hell. We both didn’t make an effort.” she said and I shook my head. That was my fault… I made her doubt herself. 
“Do you know what you ripped that day?” She asked and I felt my body freeze… I knew it was some draft of a book she was writing… all I read was that it was named Circus. It angered me to think I inspired some fictional story for others to enjoy… based on my life of suffering.
“There's this character named Jum… he’s a lion hybrid. I first started with circus being a hybrid story of two hybrids who were mistreated and how they’d end up dead because of the hands of their ring leader–” she explained and it did remind me of the actual circus 
“–but then I added another hybrid and now it's gone. It originally was gonna end sadly. I restarted my story however, I added two more hybrids wanting to make almost a rebellion-type story” she explained…
A rebellion?
“The hybrids will end up escaping and defying society. Government laws will purge themselves and ultimately become an apocalypse-type end” she spoiled and I almost liked the sound of that. 
“Jum is inspired by you,” she said and I was shocked… just how did she see me? “He’s a lion hybrid… star of the show. He’s gonna lead the other hybrids to escape,” she said with a smile and I was shocked she’d give me such a big role in her book. 
“You’re the protagonist… it used to be San in my other version. But you naturally lead so I thought it was better to be inspired by you” she said and I smiled softly… It made me feel happy that she saw me that way and not in a bad way.
“y/n?” I heard as I saw the nurse call her. “They don’t let hybrids in so you can wait. Here and don’t rip it to shreds this time” she joked as he handed me a draft…
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Hybrids, an experiment gone wrong. Human hybrids of animal counterparts. Animals but also humans. Considered disgusting creatures morally disgraceful.  Below Humans… until they decided to embrace their animalistic counterparts. Seen as pets, attractions, objects.  Standing in front of a stadium of people doing dangerous tricks that a normal person would never dream of doing… only to be cheered for almost dying.  To do degrading acts against our will… “Jum!” I heard as I saw the ringleader command me to behind the curtains… where I'd be stuck in a cage rotting for the rest of my life…  “You’ll be sharing a cage from now on,” a clown said as he pushed me into the cage where I saw the leopard hybrid. “Hello… I'm Si-woo” he introduced. He looked scared… confused as to what was happening.  “Where do you come from?” I asked curious as to who I would be performing with from now on and sharing a cage with. “My owner sold me. She decided I was too old to keep so she sold me to the man in charge,” he explained making me scoff.  Age, Species, and Appearance were important for humans when it came to hybrid collecting. “How long have you been here?” he asked softly. “All my life” I answered. “HEY! WATCH IT!!” I heard as I saw them now put a black and tabby cat hybrid in a cage. The black hybrid thrashing around in protective equipment. “Make sure that black cat gets punished later” I heard and I sighed. New recruits… I wonder how long they’ll last.  “Yong calm down! They’ll kill you if you continue behaving this way” the tabby cat softly said. “Tch! Don’t you get it Kyong! We’re gonna die here!” he yelled.  “What?” Si-woo said and the cats now looked at us.  “What? Did you assume you're here to learn tricks? They’ll use us until we’re dead.” Yong said and I agreed. “We can’t stay here! I-I don’t wanna die!” Si-woo yelled and I sighed. “As long as you behave, you won’t die” I heard a familiar voice.  Yeong was the only hybrid allowed outside. He was one of the popular acts with the magician… and is considered the best-behaved hybrid here.  “HEY! You can get us out!” Kyong exclaimed… how naive was he? “And risk my life for you? No way” he said and the hybrids physically deflated.  “Jum, you know the rules” the rabbit warned and I rolled my eyes. “Don’t you wanna leave?” Si-woo asked and the hybrid scoffed. “Where would I go? I would be adopted just to get mistreated there? I’d rather be here and play human than out there” he said and the cats glared.  Outside wasn’t safe… not until hybrid laws were outlawed. “So we live here? Until we die?” Si-woo muttered. “It’ll only last a few years if you're lucky,” Yeong said while looking at the ground. He was a hybrid in charge of the rules… played human but I could see the guilt in his eyes when a hybrid died. “If you’re lucky it’ll be painless,” I said and I knew this wasn’t right… but what could I possibly do? It's not like I could start a movem– 
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“All done!” I heard as I looked up to see y/n. She had a change of bandages but otherwise looked fine. “Do you think it’s okay for now?” she asked and I couldn’t help but feel shocked. 
How did I judge her so wrong?
“Hongjoong?” she said and I smiled softly while handing her the story with shaky hands. “I’d love to read it some more,” I said and she smiled brightly. “Maybe you can help me!” she said as we started walking out of the hospital when I saw a boy probably her age maybe even younger?
“y/n!” he said happily while smiling almost like a samoyed dog hybrid would… “Jeno! How are you? I hope Johnny isn’t working you too hard” she said and he chuckled. “No… not yet anyway. And you?” he asked and she smiled. “Working but so far everything is okay,” she said and he nodded while staring at me cautiously… 
I knew they all looked at me as a threat… they also looked at the panther the same way as well as even the Doberman
“Make sure to be safe. There's been pickpockets… a lot of people have lost their wallets,” he said and I scoffed… pathetic.
“Huh?! I lost cash, probably two hundred dollars worth” she said and I was shocked… usually someone was with her so how did they manage to steal from her?
“Most people lost their entire wallets,” he said and I scoffed… I wouldn’t allow them to steal from her again.
“I will, I have Hongjoong with me! He’s probably the most intimidating besides San” she said and the boy nodded. “Be careful… and no more emergency room visits” he scolded as they said their goodbyes.
“Don’t go too far” I said as I grabbed the back of her shirt to be closer and she chuckled. “Don’t worry too much! The only times I've lost money were when I was alone” she said and I nodded. “I need to protect you” I confessed and she smiled. 
“No you don't–” “I do… it's the least I can do for you. I’m not good at other things. I can’t cook like Wooyoung or Seonghwa, I just end up making more of a mess when I try to clean–” “You don’t have to be… just as long as you're happy” she said cutting me off with a genuine smile and I felt my tail wag slowly… something it hasn’t done I think ever. 
“I will protect you… no matter what you say” I vowed and she smiled. “Thank you, Hongjoong,” she said and I nodded. That would be my purpose… protect her. 
We walked in a peaceful silence when I noticed a tall man looking at her… he smelt like a dog hybrid. He looked at me as he panicked and hid…
A hybrid was the pickpocket.
I soon saw another big hybrid come out and point at her but before I could growl at them—
“Hongjoong… I hope you’re happy by the way. I don’t want you to hate me… not hate anyone from the apartment even if you don’t consider it your home” she said and I sighed. I didn't at first… I hated you, thought you were another hybrid collector, another consumer who’d enjoy the stupid two-hour show of the circus. 
“I really do… I like my new home and I’ll do anything to protect it even if that means going against my own species” I said while looking up at the two hybrids… though I knew it wouldn’t make sense to her. 
“I just hope you don’t feel like the beginning where you hated me” she said softly and I smiled. 
“I don’t think I could hate you… I was wrong about you so let’s just go home”
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mxzenpai · 1 year
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Leona Kingscholar x Reader
Lions, Tigers, and Bears oh my!
When you entered the botanical garden you were thinking you were going to see Leona sleeping once again, instead you find a lion. A lion who’s decided to stick by your side…for some reason. You are not qualified for this.
It was another day at Night Raven College and you seemed to be at your wits end. Normally, you pride yourself on your patience and the ability to not let little things get to you. However, it seems the odds are against you today and the world has chosen to test you. Grim causing a potion to explode making you have to clean the entire classroom, Ace and Deuce going at it again about something you don’t even remember, some random students attempting to take a jab at you. At this point all you wanted was to relax and escape for a bit. You knew a good place and you knew only one person would be there. As long as you were quiet, the fellow student would care less if you took a bit of a breather from the outside world.
A small smile crosses your lips as you are hit with the warm of the botanical garden as we step in. Your shoulders relax as you stand at the entrance for just a moment longer, eyes closing. They reopen as you step in fully, shutting the door behind you. You’re quiet on your feet as to not disturb Leona who you know for a fact is always in here at this time. You don’t even spare a glance in his direction as you make your way to a little corner, settling down in the grass and pulling out a book.
The book wasn’t anything special, just a novel that Sam recommended when you told him you needed something to occupy your time when you were at his shop the other day. It wasn’t a bad read and you were enjoying it quite a bit. You’d have to go to Sam for more recommendations in the future. You tilt your head slightly as you turn a page, rubbing the paper between your fingers for a moment. “I wonder why they chose to word it like that…” You mumble to yourself as you reread a sentence, the wording making it seem like it’s foreshadowing for something that will happen later in the novel.
A shadow overtakes your book and you glance up, expecting to see maybe Leona or Ruggie. Instead you find yourself staring into the bright green eyes of a lion. Your own eyes widen as the book falls from your fingers, landing softly in the grass. You look around you for anything, slowly scooting back to get away from the lion. “I…” As you scoot back the lion steps forward, making any distance you are attempting to gain vanish instantly. You feel your back press against the glass of the garden and your breath hitches.
Your hands feel clammy as they are pushed against the glass behind you, eyes watching every move the lion makes. The lion stalks forward, slowly. Mischief is coated in it’s eyes, like it’s playing with you. You close your eyes and turn your head away as it gets right in front of you. Your shaking slightly, of course this day had to get worse. How did a lion even get here in the first place?! These thoughts whirr through your head as you wait for something, anything, to happen.
Then you feel something rest on top of your head. You open your eyes and are met with nothing but dark brown meeting your vision. “Uhm…” You mumble, realizing the lion has rested it’s chin on top of your head. You make no movement as you watch the lion move once again. It turns…correction…he turns. You can now confirm it is a he. He turns, walking over to your book discarded in the grass. He lowers himself, picking it up gently between his teeth before lazily making his way back over to you.
The book is plopped into your lap before the head of the lion joins it. Your hands hover in the air as you stare at the beast who has chosen to use your lap as a pillow. He glances up at you lazily before his eyes shift to the book, nudging it into your stomach. You swallow the lump in your throat, taking the book into your hands and opening up to the last page you were on. “Uhm…hi?” You mumble out. Your response was an ear flicking and the lion turning to lay on his side. “Okay then…I’m…going to go back to reading now.” You mumble out, taking in the features of the animal on your lap.
He was a big lion. It would be impressive if you weren’t terrified out of your mind at the moment. When you are sitting he towers over you in height. His mane is a dark brown, the rest of him a lighter shade of the color. He has the brightest green eyes, they almost seem like they glow at times. The thing you notice the most though is the scar that sits over one of his eyes. You let out a small hum at your observation before you continue to read.
At some point, you can’t really say when exactly, you began to play with the lion’s mane while you read. You would thread the hair between your fingers, twirling the strands slightly. The lion didn’t seem to mind, eyes remaining closed and chest rumbling with pleasure. His tail idly moved against the grass as you absentmindedly talked about the novel. “I mean, I personally feel empathy for the villain. He was kind of forced into the role of the villain. It was the only option he had to survive really.” You hum as you look at the ceiling.
One of the lion’s eyes open, looking at you for a moment before it lets out a yawn. He stands and the warmth of him laying on your lap vanishes. He stretches, claws digging into the dirt slightly before turning to you, as if waiting. “Oh uhm-“ You’re quick to gather your things, standing as well. “I guess I’m hanging out with a lion today…” You fiddle with your shirt for a moment. “Let me just go say bye to someone really quick. He’s normally up by this time.” Before you can walk away the lion grabs your shirt between his teeth, not allowing you to move away from him.
“Hey! Let go! I gotta go say bye!” You attempt to get him to let go of your shirt. “Leona gets upset if I don’t say bye.” The lion’s tail flicks with irritation. Not budging on it’s choice of holding your shirt between his teeth. You let out a huff of annoyance, closing your eyes, “Listen, my patience is very short today and I’m really not in the mood. So let. go.” You tug again and feel the urge to yell as you watch your shirt rip. Your lips curl, eyebrows furrowing. “You know what? I’m leaving. I’ll text him later. I’m going back to my dorm.” You turn, ignoring the lion completely as you make your way out of the botanical garden, fully intent on going to the Hall of Mirrors.
People stare as you walk through the halls of the college and you can’t help but wonder if it is because of the rip in your shirt or if something else about you was out of place. In response to all the staring though you choose to keep your eyes to the ground. That is, until Headmaster Crowley stops you.
“And do tell, why you have a lion following you (Y/N)?” You look up, eyes widening as you look at your headmaster.
“But I do-why are you following me?!” You shout when you turn and spot the lion from the botanical garden sitting there. He lets out a yawn, tail flicking. You turn back to Headmaster Crowley, pointing at your follower. “I swear he is not mine.” The Headmaster lets out a laugh, head tilted back.
“I see differently! Now then, you know the rules about pets, even if this one is a little eccentric. I ask you return him to your dorm immediately.” Your eyes widen in alarm.
“But he’s not mine!” You stutter out, arms throwing out to your sides in alarm.
“Tsk, arguing with your Headmaster. Quick now before I choose to punish you accordingly.” The Headmaster wags a finger in your face before strutting off. Your hands clench into fists as you glare at his retreating back. You feel a tap on your shoulder and you whip around.
“What?” You growl out, pausing only to be met with Ace who holds his hands up in surrender.
“Woah! Chill, it’s just me. We still on for tonight?” You pinch the bridge of your nose.
“I don’t think I can help you, I have too much going on and I don’t-“
“But you said you would help! I could go to Deuce, but he’s too strict with studying. Riddle will have my head if I fail this and-“
“Ace please, I really can’t-“
“You don’t want me to fail do you?”
“I mean rea-“ A deep growl cuts Ace off and you both turn to see the lion standing there, hair on the back of his neck standing up and tail flicking in annoyance. His ears are pinned back against his head, body lowered to the ground. It’s as if he’s daring for Ace to continue. Ace nervously laughs, rubbing the back of his neck. “On second thought I’ll just ask Deuce! See ya (Y/N)!” With that, your friend is gone and you let out a tired sigh.
You turn to the lion, placing you hands on your hips. “Really?” You huff, but the lion ignores you beginning to walk down the hall. You throw your hands up in exasperation before trailing after the beast. It doesn’t take long for you to hear the whispers of the other students now that you are aware why they are whispering. The lion clearly doesn’t care though and continues to walk. At some point it ended up with you walking on the lion’s right and and the lion refusing to allow you to walk elsewhere other than the right side. Anytime you would move he would nudge you back into place.
“This is getting ridiculous…” You mumble as you make your way closer to the Hall of Mirrors. You notice a foot sticking out in an attempt to trip you and you simply hop over it, giving an unimpressed eye roll to the person who attempted to do it. Really? Tripping you is the best they can come up with. You continue to walk, the lion lazily walking beside you. “You know, I don’t have the means to take care of you right? There is no way I can properly care for a lion.” You tap your chin. “I could probably talk to Leona about a place for you…” You mumble and the lion huffs in amusement. “What? Got any better ideas?” He gives you a side eye and you roll yours in response. You’ve rolled your eyes so much today they might as well get stuck.
It always feels like you’re stepping through a waterfall when you use the mirror, but the thought slips out of your mind when you spot the familiar creaky wooden door of your dorm. With a sigh you push it open. The lion walks past you as you take your shoes off and place your items down, only to watch you collapse onto the couch with a huff. The lion stretches, walking it’s way over to you and nudging you with it’s snout. “Whaaaaaaat? Just give me five minutes dude!” You exclaim. “What do you even want?” The lion grabs your shirt and tugs, pulling you off of the couch. You land on the wooden floor harshly, laying there for a moment.
“That’s it. I’m going to bed. I’ll feed you tomorrow or whatever. I’m done. I don’t know what Crowley was thinking.” You stand, making your way to your bedroom and you open the door, letting out a noise of protest as the lion hops onto your bed and makes himself comfortable. “No! Absolutely not! That’s my bed!” The lion simply ignores you, tail flicking in amusement and you groan. You’re quick to take a shower and change in the bathroom, stepping out to see the lion fast asleep. You roll your eyes, crawling into bed yourself after turning off the light. At least he makes the chilly night air feel warm…
When you wake up the next morning it takes a moment or two for you to realize that you have arms wrapped tightly around you. You blink as your hazy mind clears, glancing down at the arms before looking up to be met with the sleeping face of Leona. You let out a yelp, scrambling and tumbling to the floor with the blanket. Leona lets out a groan.
“Do you really gotta be so loud herbivore?” He mumbles, voice still laced with sleep. You pull the blanket off of your head.
“What are you doing in my bed?” Leona peeks over the edge lazily, watching you with amusement as you sit on the floor.
“Sleeping obviously. You getting back in or no? You could even read your book or whatever.” You blink.
“Book? How do you- wait…” Then everything clicks and you point an accusatory finger at him. “You were the lion!” Leona rolls his eyes before rolling back over.
“Come on, get back in bed and read. Keeps you quiet.” You blink a few times.
“But we aren’t even dating how can you ju-“
“Fine. Now we’re dating. Come here.” You stand throwing the blanket back onto the bed.
“That’s not even how this works! You can’t just say that we’re dati-ah!” You gasp as you get yanked back down onto the bed and pulled into the chest of the beastman.
“I’ll take you out proper later. It’s still early. Now let me sleep.” You huff.
“Fine. But I pick.” You feel his hand play with your hair.
“Fine by me.”
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dangermousie · 5 months
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Six eps in, and Different Princess is a total delight.
I only checked it out because I am very very fond of Song Yiren (and she's a delight here) but this has proven to be an unexpected pleasure, with the vibe of a delicious web novel come to life.
The plot is indeed like one of them - the set up is the beloved "heroine transmigrates as a minor soon to be dead character in a novel and hooks up with the villain." Think Tiger and Rose or My Villain Husband. I am a sucker for this trope.
Our FL is a novelist who just finished a novel where her noble ML and noble FL got murdered by the villain - ML ascended to the throne, but the villain his half brother, went not so fast and culminated his long take over campaign by a lot of familial murder. Due to reader outrage, the FL is sent back into the novel - only way out, she thinks, is to change the outcome. Alas, she's transmigrated into a minor character, villain's unfortunate wife who he murders on their wedding night as part of a plot.
Her goals: not die, change the plot, go home, save the ML who (in a nice change from a lot of these stories where original ML and FL are awful) is a genuinely lovely person (and so is his original FL) and avoid the villain as much as possible. Good luck!
It's fun, well-paced and knows exactly what it is. I am pleasantly surprised that so far villain is a scheming schemer whose good looks are about his only redeeming quality. I am sure he will turn out to have trauma or w/e but fact remains he's gleefully framing his nice half brother and was equally happily planning to murder a poor woman (he didn't even know) on their wedding night to cause a conflict. I bet the leeway is because "it's a novel" so keep this up!
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calisources · 6 months
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THE   ROYAL   TREATMENT.   all   sentences   are   either   taken   from   fantasy   or   fictional   and   historical   novels   about   kings,   queens,   royal   blood   and   some   sparked   romance   and   magic.   change   all   pronouns   and   names,   locations   as   you   see   fit.
“You are enough to drive a saint to madness or a king to his knees.”
“She was a ray of sunshine, a warm summer rain, a bright fire on a cold winter’s day, and now she could be dead because she had tried to save the man she loved.”
“He was a man known for the violence of his temper as well as the deliciousness of his touch.”
“Am I making you nervous, Natalie?”
“Sad it is, the fate of kings.”
“Go to this masquerade ball with your new friends, put on a pretty gown, and dance the night away.”
“Repentance is like a royal cheer.”
“Even the small joys are worth cherishing, and they will lead to greater ones.”
“when you become king shall find many difficult tasks and you shall have to hurt others and yourself.”
“The throne brings trouble and grief along with the glory.”
“Anger is a feeling afforded only by royal blood. Ordinary people ask for mercy in such situations.”
“True leadership is serving others; follow Queen Elizabeth's noble example.”
“Success isn't wealth or status; impact matters.”
“The power of empowerment can change the world, one person at a time.”
“Leadership is service, not a throne to seize.”
“I have in sincerity pledged myself to your service, as so many of you are pledged to mine.”
“Proper training is key, it allows one to accomplish a great deal."
“Oh honey, someday a real man is going to make you see stars and you won't even be looking at the sky."
“Royalty comes with a cost. My great-great-grandfather was one, and he left me no royalty but loyalty to empower people.”
“At all times an empire is more important than emperor and empress, prince and princess.”
“You might have to ask yourself, however right your claim is, if you are the leader the realm needs and wants.”
“You’re Royal. Get used to it and that involves a lot of burdens and things you don’t want to do.”
“I’m in awe of you, Rowan Palotay.”
“Slow down there, princess. How do you know what kind of first impression you gave me?”
“Prayer is a royal power.”
“You forget yourself and who you are speaking of.”
“Anyone young, famous and beautiful who dies young is forever frozen in time and fascinating to all of us.”
“Youths are the life blood of any nation.”
“I am not yet come of age, my lord. How can I be queen?”
“To crown her is to kill her.”
“He didn't marry you to become king. He became king because he wanted to marry you.”
“Little by little, the old world crumbled, and not once did the king imagine that some of the pieces might fall on him.”
“I believe we are what we make ourselves, and as such, you, Crown Princess, are nothing.”
“Rule with the heart of a servant. Serve with the heart of a king.”
“There’s a fine line between gossip and history, when one is talking about kings.”
“We kings do develop a certain ability to recognize objects under our noses.”
“...alone is such a nebulous state when one is queen.”
“I respect you as my king, and I respect you as my father, but I do not respect you as a man!”
“She was made to be a queen, just like her mother.”
Protect Myrcella with your life. Defend her... and her rights. Set a crown upon her head.“”
“You’re my princess, right? You were always going to be my princess, no matter what you were born.”
“For dogs we kings should have lions, and for cats, tigers. The great benefits a crown.”
“This marriage had resulted from impulse.”
“The king is a saint and cannot rule, and his son is a devil and should not.”
“One does not ask if one likes the Blood Royal. They simply are. It is like asking if one likes the Gods.”
“You are a king worthy of their allegiance . . . with a queen full of fire and promise.”
“The idea that how you are born or the name you are given dictate the sort of person you really are.”
“You seem to think that you can still turn back, but it’s too late. You’ll have to face it, Princess. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but soon enough. And you can’t be this scared when the time comes.”
“Was it worse, she wondered, to be wanted dead or wanted Queen?”
“My royal status is both a shield that protects me and a sword that impales my heart.”
“Respect shouldn't be hereditary; it must be earned.”
“You know, for a pampered princess, you have a certain gift for violence.”
“There is nothing sharper than a well mannered princess’ words.Their true meaning are a mystery.”
“People are born great but yet need to grow into greatness”
“Kings needn’t raise their voices to be heard.”
“She was their witch queen, and they adored her.”
“To be fair, I don't quite see any difference between an assassin and a knight. They both kill people, only one "in the name of Honour '' and the other is just a "monster"
“Crowns belong to those that serve.”
“I have the softness and meekness of a daughter but I also have the boldness and Braveheart of a Son.”
“Will you visit my chambers tonight?”
“A throne won in blood will soon be drenched in it.”
“Even when she's dethroned by hardship, she still wears the sun as a crown.”
“The Princess knew in her heart she is strong, smart, and capable because it is in her blood.”
“There is the matter of succession that has to be settled. You don’t start a reign without settling how it continues.”
“My reign has been anything but traditional. Let’s not start now, shall we?”
“Every girl thinks about growing up in a palace. Few ever ponder living in a cage.”
“Often blessings and burdens comes hand in hand. The bigger the Crown the heavier the burden”
“If stubborness were all that was needed to be a good queen, I'd rule the world.”
“Some girls have a frightening killer instinct. Don't let the ball gowns fool you.”
“You don't turn your back on your destiny.”
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choiceofgames · 2 months
New game! “Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names” — Unleash Rage and wield spirit to heal the land and rebuild your fallen pack
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Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names is now available on Steam, iOS, and Android!
It’s 25% off until May 2nd! Furthermore, as a special offer, if you purchase "Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names" by 11:59pm PDT on April 26th, we'll give away the "Wardens and Furies" DLC, featuring the options to play as a member of the Black Fury tribe or the Hart Warden tribe, for free.
You and your shattered werewolf pack must save the living Earth with Rage and spirit! In this interactive novel with hundreds of choices, can you defeat a Wyrm Spirit who manifests as a lie that you want to believe?
Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names is an interactive novel by Kyle Marquis set in the World of Darkness. It's entirely text-based—1.8 million words, without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.
Shapeshifter. Mystic. Hero. Monster. You are a werewolf, and you are all these things. Werewolves are the living earth's last guardians, created by Gaia, given the gift of shifting between human and wolf forms, and called to stop humanity from destroying the world.
But you have failed.
Three years ago, packs of werewolves worked together as a Sept in Broad Brook, Massachusetts, battling the Wyrm, the enemy of Gaia. While other Septs fell to the Wyrm or tore themselves apart with fratricidal Rage, Broad Brook thrived. Some said they would be the ones to stop the Apocalypse.
But in one night, a Wyrm Spirit called "the Answering Tiger" destroyed the Broad Brook Sept and defiled its caern. In fact, Broad Brook had never been thriving at all. The Tiger had deceived their senses, disordered their thoughts, and turned them against one another. Where the different tribes saw trust, in truth there was resentment and growing Rage. Where the different packs saw safety, there were security flaws that could be exploited. Where they saw the Wyrm, there were innocents that they massacred, before reporting to other Septs about another glorious victory.
Their cruel pride allowed the Wyrm Spirit to deceive them, and they mostly destroyed themselves. The Answering Tiger had servants, too, monstrous Banes and fomori, and even werewolves sworn to the Wyrm. But they were only there to pick off whoever was left.
Now, the Stormcat, once the Patron Spirit of the Broad Brook Sept, has called upon you to rebuild a pack from the survivors and fight back against the Answering Tiger. In the savage woods and decaying towns of New England, you will forge your own legend.
Build Your Pack. Human and werewolf survivors haunt the woods and hide in the cities: find them to learn what happened and to rebuild the werewolf nation. But not all werewolves can be trusted: shun those wolves consumed by Rage, and pity those who have lost the Wolf and become empty shells.
Survive the Wilds. A desperate exile, shunned by those of your old pack who have abandoned their oaths to Gaia, you'll have to survive by your wits. A winter night can kill as surely as any monster: find shelter, seek allies among spirits and humans, and learn how far you'll go to survive.
Unleash Your Rage. You are one of Gaia's monsters, a living weapon, herald of horror and death. Now the Apocalypse is here: wield your Rage with savage cunning and keen discretion, or it will swallow you whole.
• Play as male, female, or nonbinary; befriend or romance werewolves and humans of all genders.
• Shapeshift among five forms to slaughter your enemies, or outwit them to take what you need.
• Choose your auspice (moon-sign) and your werewolf tribe: Bone Gnawer, Child of Gaia, Glass Walker, Shadow Lord, or Silver Fang
• Claim your territory and heal the spirits there to unlock Gifts that let you summon animals, see into the past, or enter the spirit world.
Buy it now!
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asksythe · 1 year
The lost tiger plushy, the many versions of MDZS, Wei Ying’s two leaps of faith - Question and Answer Continuation
A few days ago I posted a question and answer regarding a detail of the MDZS novel (a ragdoll that Wei Ying made for A Yuan) that might have been lost after it underwent rewriting and edit. I also noted that I was operating purely on memory and had no actual receipts for this old version of MDZS.
Well, friends, the receipts are here today, thanks to armodeus, Nihaharika, and kimalysong. 
Even though the tiger plushy and the scene of Wei Ying making it for A Yuan was removed from the current version of MDZS novel, it still shows up in other adaptations of MDZS. 
Behold, the lost tiger plushy! 
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One is from the Donghua, the other from the live action Chenqing ling / The Untamed. 
Looking at the one from Chenqing ling, I have to agree with Wen Qing on it being the ugliest rag doll she had ever seen. It’s barely recognizable as a tiger plushy! 
So even though we don’t have the actual text, it’s more or less confirmed the tiger plushy and Wei Ying making it for A Yuan is a part of the greater canon. 
But there’s more! 
Thanks to kimalysong for pointing out that there exists the translation of an even older version of MDZS which is drastically different from the version we have today.
Here it is, thanks to Qinghe-Nie: 
To summarize, in this super early iteration, there is no bell for Jin Ling, no tiger plushy for A Yuan. Wei Wuxian never went to Jin Ling’s 100 day celebration as it never took place. Instead, he was lured to Qiongqi Path and ambushed by Jin Zixun in a fake night hunt. This version confirmed the Jin tampering with Qiongqi Path to further implicate Wei Wuxian of crimes he did not commit (this is only heavily hinted at in the current version). 
Having read this version, I can see why MXTX removed it. It lacks the subtlety of the current version as well as the mirroring symbolism of Wei Wuxian and Jiang Yanli’s relationship and how it echoes into other parts of the story. 
There are two times in Jiang Yanli’s life that she reached out to Wei Wuxian with the intention to help and implored him to trust her. One is on Wei Ying’s first night in Lianhua Wu when he was stuck up in the tree and she told him to jump down, saying she could catch him. But she couldn’t, and Wei Ying ended up breaking his own leg. The other is when she sent him an invitation to Jin Ling’s 100 day celebration, a celebration in which a child formally recognized his uncles in ancient Chinese customs, with the intention of deescalating the tension between Wei Wuxian and the Jin. But all that achieved was to lure Wei Ying out of the protection of the Burial Mound, and open him up to Jin schemes, schemes that eventually led to the death of both Wei Ying and Jiang Yanli. 
Both times, Jiang Yanli failed, and not only hurt herself, but also Wei Ying. Jiang Yanli has all the heart, but none of the capability. 
Both times Wei Ying believed someone could help him in his moment of need, he was hurt and his trust proved poorly placed, which only feeds even more into his insistence on doing everything and shouldering everything himself. 
Wei Ying’s relationship with the Jiang siblings is characterized as love without trust. He cares deeply for them, but he doesn’t trust them, doesn’t trust their ability, their perseverance, or their choices, because every time he thought he could trust them, they ended up proving him wrong. Wei Ying loves the Jiang siblings the way he sees the love between Jiang Fengmian and Yu Furen. Love without trust. Love that only ends up hurting both parties. 
Wei Ying’s relationship with Lan Wangji, specifically after his resurrection, is the reverse of this. Because not only does Lan Wangji has all the heart, he also has the capability. 
Adult Wei Ying jumping down from the tree and caught by Lan Wangji is an echo of 9 years old Wei Ying jumping down on his first night in Lianhua Wu. Only this time, his trust is given to the right person. 
“If he catches me, I will...” indeed.   
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joshsjipple · 3 months
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𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐬𝐉𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭
A well-kept space where you can access all of my pieces easily! I'll update this as I upload the stories! Please be sure to read all the warnings stated in the post as some topics may be triggering to some readers. All of my work is original, some written through experience or inspiration from novels I'm reading. In no way am I trying to copy anyone! Please remember this is all fictional work.
𖤓 𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐡 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐳𝐤𝐚 𖤓
- One Shots -
☼ Waiter, please! - smut // 5k words // a horrible date saved by the waiter
☼ Brother's Best Friend - smut // 8.1k words // complete // falling for your older brother's best friend // part 1 // part 2
☼ Unknown - fluff & smut // 3.9k words // Josh loves on you after a hard day
☼ No Crowd Compares To You - fluff & smut // 3.6k // Josh comes home from tour and shows you how much he loves you
☼ Safe Measures - smut // 3.1k // a late night study session takes a different turn than expected
☼ Second Chances - smut // 8.3k // rekindling a flame with your high school best friend
⚔︎ 𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐳𝐤𝐚 ⚔︎
- One Shots -
☾ Baby, It's Cold Outside - smut // 8.1k words // completed // winter vaca with family friends except you hate one of the brothers // part 1 // part 2
☾ Briefly Home - smut // 4k words // a small dispute over the tour schedule
☾ Stranger In The Dark - smut // 5.5k words // you meet an attractive man at a bar after your friend ditches you
☆ 𝐒𝐚𝐦 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐳𝐤𝐚 ☆
- One Shots -
☁︎⋅ Lions and Tigers and Bears - smut // 3.7k words // you hate the guy you're stuck on a bus with
౨ৎ 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐖𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐞𝐫 ౨ৎ
- One Shots -
♡ Better Than Words - smut // 3.3k words // your boyfriend tempts you away from your book
♡ A Starved Man - smut // 1.5k words // your boyfriend surprises you with facial hair
♡ Hate Me - smut // 4.1k words // you hate each other so much it’s hot
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simon-roy · 2 months
The idea of logging on a colonized alien planet brings my mind back to the planet Lalonde from Peter F. Hamilton's Night's Dawn books - a world that had very hard wood as its only meaningful export, and was also stuck developing its economy from agriculturalism (due to investment shortages, though).
All this is to say - Hey! What are some foundational inspirations for your sci fi verse? You gotta have some like recommendations of classic or older sci-fi for us, right? What are some of your suggestions of books and authors to read?
OK SO - My sci-fi tastes have sort of ended up in some very specific niches. Growing up, I was a Larry Niven +Jerry Pournelle man, in part because my dad amassed a huge collection of their books - then gave 90% of them away before i was old enough to read them. So one of my teenage missions was rebuilding that library, trash and all!
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Stuff like Footfall, Ringworld, Gil "The Arm" Hamilton, Protector (yes i attempted to name a comic series similarly, and paid for it) "The Mote in God's Eye"... you name it, I read fuckloads of these books. And while they tend to land on a sort of human chauvinist "mankind will win based on his inherent adaptive human-ness, and the aliens will fail because of their rigid alien-ness", this shit was very foundational to me.
Their more collaborative series, The Man-Kzin Wars and War World, also loom large in my teenage mind. The Man-Kzin wars are super fun - humans meet a race of tiger-men, and go from being NWO peaceniks to roughneck cat-skinners in a generation! PEACE AND LOVE WONT DEFEAT TIGER MEN!
Similarly, war world (like lots of that 70s/80s military sci fi) was a sort of catch-all for western military nerds to play with their favorite factions - it was a planet where all the un-ruleable ethnic groups and nationalities had been deported by the authoritarian earth government, and left to rot... until a race of genetically engineered fascist super men land on the world, and start trying to rule the place. Pretty fun shit.
As I got older, I turned hard into William Gibson, and read the absolute shit out of both the Neuromancer trilogy and the Bridge trilogy, as well as his short stories. Bruce Sterling was part of that wave for me, too, and I religiously sought his old paperbacks out too. In terms of novels, "Distraction" is my favorite coherent Sterling Novel - though the short stories in the "Schismatrix" novel/collection of his remain my absolute favorite space opera pieces.
At this age, too, I found my top-top fave Sterling Stories - "Taklaman" and "Bicycle Repairman", both gritty pseudo-cyberpunk stories of the highest degree, in this collection:
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This thousand-plus page collection of short stories and novellas was basically my bible for a few years - i put sticky notes on each story i loved and meant to return to, until the book was so festooned with sticky note bookmarks i abandoned the practice altogether. If you have the chance, just buy this book and chew on it for a few years.
As i got into my 20s, Charles Stross became my lode star - his books like Accelerando and Glasshouse were total game changers for me. They come with their own peculiarities, but I loved his transhuman/posthuman musings (or at least i was obsessed with his stuff for a good few years - the venn diagram of his obvious interests and my own overlapped enough that his books were great fodder for a growing sci-fi loving brain).
But since then, my main literary squeeze has been the great man, JACK VANCE. Working on Prophet, my friend @cmkosemen made a remark about how much the early issues of the series reminded him of a book series called "Planet of Adventure" or "the Tschai Cycle", by Jack Vance. The book has a beautifully simple setup - a man from an entirely undescribed spacefaring human civilization crash-lands onto a weird planet. But on that planet, he finds four separate civilizations, each who possess a population of enslaved humans, culturally and physically molded to the needs of their masters. And each book of this series covers our generic hero's interactions with each bizarre expoitative culture. I was extremely intrigued.
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Soon thereafter, I found my current absolute favorite book - "THE DRAGON MASTERS". A book about an isolated medieval world... which gets visited, once every few generations, by a black pyramid starship, flown by a reptilian race known as the Greph. The greph capture humans to (surprise surprise) breed them into hyper specific slaves... who in turn become Greph-like in their thinking and demeanours. But the last time the BLACK PYRAMID landed, a bunch of angry medieval dudes stormed the thing, blew it up, and captured a bunch of greph... who became the breeding stock for a whole new human world of slave labour. By the time we meet this planet, the two rival lords of the human-populated regions have been breeding greph slave warriors, or "dragons", for generations, for combat against one another. But soon, the black pyramid will return...
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I love this book I even spent a good few months during covid talking with the Vance Estate and several publishers about developing it into a graphic novel, but nobody could quite agree on how it could get made with old Simon getting a paycheque... so sadly it fell apart. There are concept drawings floating around my patreon and other corners of the internet. But one day I'll use 'em...
My other favorite books of his, to name a couple of the MANY books of his I love:
THE BLUE WORLD: A caste system of humans, descended from a crashed prison ship, live on floating settlements on an ocean planet, paying protection to a giant long-lived intelligent crustacean. But one man is tired of giving up all his crops to this tyrannical megafauna...
THE MIRACLE WORKERS: Rival lords on a planet descended to medieval tech (surprise surprise) fight using armies... and rival SORCERORS who employ the powers of suggestion to voodoo each others' warriors... but when facing non-human intelligences, these sorceror's skills fall short.
But there are heaps more, and I love most (thought not all) of the ones i've read. They're generally short, concise, and full of all sorts of bizarre bullshit.
THere are more books i've read and enjoyed in my life, of course, but these are the core ones that I think of when I think of my career as a sci-fi reader... let me know what your top recs are!
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dicenete · 2 months
Hey, I'm rambling about IkePri again
Okay, I just need to get these thoughts I have about Gilbert von Obsidian out because I enjoy predicting stuff and overthinking design and narrative choices even tho they might not be right. :P But there really isn't that much predicting other than me overthinking about narrative and design choices. This time there will be most likely spoilers of Gilbert's route so far, and route of Clavis and some thoughts I have just gathered while playing the game in general. I try to put these thoughts in cohesive order, but well... I don't know if I can really, because I just need to get these out of my head. These are my thoughts, ramblings and opinions. Feel free to form your own and certainly disagree with me! I apologize about the lack of art in this post. I'm busy with work currently so no fanart for a while. I'm also not native English speaker, so there might be grammatical errors and such. Sorry about that. Everything under the cut.
To start with Ikemen Prince is a romance visual novel first and foremost. That doesn't mean it can't be deep (and it certainly has been deeper than I initially expect, which left me positively surprised). I suppose there is somesort of thematic vibe that there is no prince whose ideals are the main thesis of the game itself. But that also kinda leaves that fact there is no huge catharsis regarding the world and it's state. Everything so far has been left quite open. And the more I have learned about lore of the world, I really feel like anti-monarchist here xd Clavis really sold me the idea for real. Or atleast throw away the absolute monarchy. That's where I think things should go, but that's my own belief. (really, the last king of Rhodolite... He umm... I have some opinions.) Chevalier and Gilbert First things first: I don't hate or dislike Chevalier as a character. There are just some things that give me Deus Ex Machina feels. But I know it is what they are going for with him. This genius that so far ahead of everyone that it is so alien concept to rest of the people. And well that is a very hard concept to pull off without being a genius yourself as a writer. Or that is what I feel like. But what I do love is what the writers are doing with him and Gilbert in thematic sense! (Hence why Chev x Gilbert sounds so juicy to me)
I really took steps to the deep end as I started to think about why I have enjoyed Gilbert's route or was interested in his story to begin with, but have little interest in trying Chev's one. Because they are so similar but they really aren't.
How I would describe it is that where as Clavis is the complementary to Chev, the purple to his yellow, the emotionality vs rationality, the heart vs the brain, Gilbert is more like right brain to Chev's left brain. If it makes sense like that xd Their color schemes are harmonious. Not opposite. Almost like how Nokto and Licht's color schemes are harmonious with each others.
(Nokto (Blue + white + gold) vs Licht (Blue + black + gold)) Not to mention that their names clearly are meant to mean light and dark. (Licht: variant for light, Nokto: comes form latin nox or noctis, meaning night = dark) But that is a rambling for another time.) Both their crests are tigers. White and black tiger. Chev's color scheme is White + gold and black. Whereas Gilbert's is Black + gold and white. But then the overall color that game devs use to signal about the characters baffles me a bit. Gold/Yellow vs Black/dark red. They don't seem to have too much connection or that of which comes to my mind quickly and without digging deeper. (because I believe that if you dig deep enough, you have digged yourself into a trap of overthinking about things. (Justifying things because you want to justify them, which I'm not big fan of. And sometimes things don't need meaning and we have to live with that. As much as it pains my overthinker brain.)) But here is my impressions about Gilbert so far. I'm at the point where MC has left the Clavis's party (I loved it btw). Gilbert really does give me toxic INFJ villain feels, but let's not get too hang up on terms such as that. But he is someone who is driven forth by his own ideals and desire to change the world better. He, like Clavis, seems to cloak himself in this idea that he is the villain and is okay, even happy, to take that role. He is the one who, like Chevalier, has thrown away emotional attachment out of the window (or so they say) unlike Clavis who makes his choices based more on emotion rather than rational thinking. Maybe that's why I like Clavis and Gilbert, they push MC out of their black and white thinking. That things are not so easy peezy as "choose a right king and everyone will be happy". There will always be someone who is mad about it. That's why I really loved the scene with Gilbert with the orphaned kids and the Clavis's party. He seems to enjoy the company of children (who are not morally corrupted or tainted) and he really empathically listens to those who are angry. He believes in the idea that "no one remembers what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel". (A quote with debatable origin, people say that it was coined by Maya Angelou. But I really love this quote, because I think it is the truth.) Gilbert isn't trying to rationalize against someone's choices with pure intellect. He uses empathy to guide him to the most rational outcome in that emotional scope. But he also uses this to manipulate people with fear. He uses fear extensively and he does it actively. Where as I feel like Chev just has that aura about him automatically. Hence my next thought: Action vs Stasis!
Gilbert and Clavis are action oriented. They shake the gameboard, they make the first moves. Gilbert probably more than Clavis. They both want change. Is it change for the better, we will see, I still haven't finished Gilbert's route but he really gives me this "I'm willing to become the greatest threat so that people unite to defeat me." or "I will conquer all so there will no longer be wars.". Chev, on the other hand, symbolizes stasis. His goal is to keep the kingdom of Rhodolite going. That's his duty and he is willing to take it. (even tho we can debate if that is something he really really believes in or even thinks about that much. I feel like it is out of obligation rather than of personal ideal. But alas, I have not played Chev's route yet.) Chev is reactive rather than proactive. He waits for the opponent to make the first move and reacts accordingly. (I'm not saying he is not reactive once game is on. More like "if there was not threat to deal with, he wouldn't create one".)
Chev doesn't care what you think about him. Gilbert does. He might seem like he doesn't but he is really there to prove a point. (I will pick up his dislike for lying later >.>) Chev is not. Chev knows that his way is the right way for him and that is enough for him. Chev also actively makes a "gettaway plan" for himself in Clavis. He knows that Clavis is the final thread that keeps him from going overboard because he understand that he has to be blind for "individual people" aspect to be a good ruler. Gilbert probably understands this about himself too, but he is trying to prove a point. So he needs to go overboard. Because masses of people need absolutes to react to. If it is something banal, it won't do. His evil actions need to shake the very foundation of ideas. The people have to face those things head on and see it for themselves. They cannot be sheltered. Gilbert gives me the vibes that he is willing to sacrifice himself not for the kingdom, but for the betterment of all mankind. He is happy to become the villain #1 if that means that other people will rise and take down the corrupted Obsidian or the corrupted idea. I would say that he is Lawful Good going on about things like Lawful Evil.
Gilbert asking questions means that he wants you to think, he wants to challenge your opinions and how you look at the world. Same as Clavis. They yearn for change. They want to change the world. Where as Chev wants to maintain things as they are. Chev "If it is not broken, we don't need to fix it" Michel. Where as Clavis and Gilbert want to improve the system. They are idealistic. Gilbert and lying
This is something very interesting. At first I thought that he was all "I dislike when people lie to me." but he really is "I dislike lying in all its forms." And he does say that he doesn't lie. And I'm starting to believe that is really the case. All the things he says are true. But because how other people see him, they are suspicious anyway. Like MC is. Like we all probably are when we start the route and think "So what is your trauma, baby girl?" When he is unsure or knows that he shouldn't say the thing he really thinks or that is true, he will deflect or give a very vague response. Which makes me quite happy to replay his route at somepoint with this in mind. In conclusion: Welcome to my TED talk, with no head or tail, just me overthinking about things about a otome gacha game. If you read this far, thank you for your time. Remember, if I ramble about it, it just means that I'm invested. Have a good day~
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starlightshadowsworld · 6 months
Armed Detective Agency headcannons:
Fukuzawa has left Dazai in charge once, and only once.
Kenji has a cow plush that looks identical to his actual cow. And he tucks it in bed every night.
Kyouka went back to that arcade and won Atsushi a tiger plush. With a note that says "I'm not a cat. I'm a tiger."
Kunikida has let kids plait his hair while he's speaking to the police or their parents after a case has been completed.
Atsushi takes good care of all his poessions because he's never been allowed to own anything before.
Dazai doesn't ruin Kunikida's schedule enough to actually send him into a panic. He knows his limits, he abides by em.
Junichiro has gone to Kunikida for help when he's been struggling with his lessons.
Ranpo doesn't directly share his sweets but he'll randomly drop some he knows are the others favourites where they can find em.
Yosano is a legal doctor, she went to med school and crushed it without using her ability just to show she could.
Katai doesn't set an alarm he just gets dragged out of bed by Kunikida everyday.
Kyouka teaches Junichiro how to be steathly because she can sense his blood lust from a mile away.
Atsushi went to the zoo and a tiger tried to kidnap him. It picked him by the scruff of his neck and walked back into it's den.
Dazai just stood their laughing his ass off while Kunikida went to go help.
Ranpo will read all of Poe's novel even if he's already figured out the mystery.
There's pancake batter on the ceiling of the kitchen, no one knows how it got there.
Dazai stubbed his toe and just laid on the floor for 3 hours saying it was the end for him.
Kunikida had an emo phase and Katai has proof of it but won't show it to anyone.
Fukuzawa makes sure to spend time with atleast one member of the agency each day.
Junichiro is terrified of horror movies while Naomi loves them.
Atsushi learns to bake and whoever has a job with him gets a lil packet of their favourites.
Kenji has told his whole family and than some about his friends at the agency and tells the agency they'd love to meet them some say.
Ranpo has sent threatening messages to Atsushi's old Orphanage along with a whole bunch of evidence of their crimes and says he'll send it all to the police if they ever try and hurt him again.
Everyone has Fukuzawa's personal phone number and knows if they ring him he will show up no matter what.
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🦇 Happy Friday, bookish bats and ghouls! Looking to add a few more queer books to your TBR in an effort to #readqueerallyear? Here are a few perfect picks for spooky season!
🦇 Spirits 🦇 🔮 She is a Haunting 🔮 Rules for Vanishing 🔮 The Dead and the Dark 🔮 The Taking of Jake Livingston 🔮 Black Water Sister 🔮 Say I Boo
🦇 Vampires 🦇 🔮 Court of the Vampire Queen 🔮 The Lost Girls 🔮 Dead Collections 🔮 Cutting Your Teeth 🔮 How to Sell Your Blood and Fall in Love 🔮 Carmilla & Laura 🦇 Witches 🦇 🔮 Payback's a Witch 🔮 The Witch Boys 🔮 These Witches Don't Burn 🔮 Bitterthorn 🔮 Sweet & Bitter Magic 🔮 This Spells Disaster
🦇 Misc. Spooky 🦇 🔮 A Guide to the Dark 🔮 Heart Haunt Havoc 🔮 Spell Bound 🔮 Hell Followed With Us 🔮 Hollow 🔮 Night of the Living Queers
🦇 Horror / Thriller 🦇 🔮 You're Not Supposed to Die Tonight 🔮 I Feed Her to the Beast and the Beast is Me 🔮 The Spirit Bares Its Teeth 🔮 Brainwyrms 🔮 Where Echoes Die 🔮 The Grimrose Girls
🦇 Monster Romance 🦇 🔮 Mirror Monster on My Wall 🔮 What a Lovely Sight 🔮 When the Tiger Came Down the Mountain 🔮 The Bigfoot's Mate 🔮 In the Bedroom of Medusa 🔮 On the Water
🦇 Graphic Novels / Comics 🦇 🔮 Mooncakes 🔮 Beetle & the Hollowbones 🔮 Doughnuts and Doom 🔮 Snapdragon 🔮 Taproot 🔮 M is for Monster
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kaizenkhaos · 2 months
Back to Beginnings
Thanks so much to @mangywayway for the hand over ^^ Here's my contribution to the @harringrove-relay-race. Second year participating and looking forward to seeing everyone's contributions <3 My fic this year is focused on Billy and Steve going to California for a basketball match. Back to Billy's home town where he's not only faced with some of his past but also a bright future. This is also based on some of the story beats from Volume 6 of one of my favourite sports graphic novel series, Fence. Over to the wonderful @sepulchralsmile for the next contribution to this relay race :3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Okay everyone, get on the coach please!" The boys jostled each other playfully as they fought for the right to be at the back of the bus. Billy on the other hand couldn't really care for it. His mind not only fixed on the game ahead of them, but on the fact for the first time, he'd be going back to where he was from. Facing the school he'd have been at if his dad hadn't dragged him away to Hawkins. If his mom hadn't just....upped and left him. He didn't have a clue what his life might have been like, only he couldn't imagine it being like this. He'd have been able to stay with Argyle and his friends. He'd have been able to continue to surf and go to the beach every day. Carefree. He would have been able to see his mom's beautiful smile, her flowing dress and big white hats as she joined him on the sand. Instead he was stuck with a sarcastic step sister. A quiet as a mouse step mom and a dad who he swore got meaner as the years crawled by. California had used to be a haven for him. A safe place with his mom and the waves and the breeze which he missed so much. Everything in Hawkins felt stale in comparison. Like it was just browns and greens all merged into a mess and not the bright colours or freedom he associated with California. The beach and the sand. But then there was also the...feelings. The truth was, California felt like both a blessing and a curse deep down. He really wanted to return but at the same time, it felt like home had been ripped away a really long time ago.
Steve Harrington on the other hand, he didn't have those worries. Cos what did wonder boy have to worry about? His perfect hair? His big house with the private pool? Fine cuisine? The guy had everything but the Captain position. And the guy for some reason didn't seem to be vying for that. He seemed to be just fine, hanging out with Tommy Hagan, bantering with the guys. To be fair, Billy liked their Captain. Ross Patricks was not only a good guy but he'd really turned the team around. Brought them up to standard, made them a force to be reckoned with. Pity he was a senior. Billy knew this competition was final call for Ross. One final chance to show that he could take a team to victory. It would certainly seal his chances too; he knew teams were already interested in Ross but being at the top of the High School League would set him up well for that NBA place he so wanted, and in Billy's opinion deserved. Steve on the other hand, had his head stuck in a different place. His dad being out of state again meant he'd been home alone for a week before finally this trip had come around, And boy had he been counting down the days. Tommy had helped, staying over with him a couple of nights when Carol was busy. Carol joining them other nights so that Steve was rarely alone. He'd been struggling recently with loneliness and what he thought of as the "sads" so he appreciated them keeping an eye on him. He'd tried to swim and train too, in the moments he'd been alone, but his mind hadn't been into it. He also had other concerns too. His growing and apparent crush on a rival of his. Master Billy Hargrove. Him and Billy...well they at first hadn't seen eye to eye at all. They'd been rivals, vying for the same position on the Hawkins Tigers basketball team. Hargrove had also gotten it into his head somehow that Steve was also desperate for the Captain spot. He wasn't. Basketball wasn't really his sport of interest, but as his dad had ruined his chances of making it in baseball, basketball was the next best thing. He had swimming too. But that was more a lone sport than a team one and he'd not wanted any more time in his head than necessary. So he'd made extra effort to get on this team. In the end both him and Hargrove had made the cut. Steve spending more time on the bench but he was slowly getting more play time. And Hargrove? Well he was centre stage most matches and Steve had to admit; the guy had talent. His three score technique was flawless. And as then as a team? They worked pretty damn well. It had been slow progress but the pair really had something going on and more and more they were working together rather than against each other. And whilst Steve hated to admit it, it felt rather nice. -------------An hour later-----------
In the dorm room, the boys were already staking their claims to bunks. Their bags shortly joined by their bodies as they slammed down on their chosen spot. Looking around, Billy noticed how Harrington had beelined for the right hand corner and of course had taken the top bunk. Typical, but it also brought a smile to his face. Yeah people could say it was the whole King thing and maybe it still was a little but Billy also knew something different. A slight twist to it. Steve knew, through the pair having shared the same room for the past year when at away games, that Billy sometimes suffered from night terrors. So the bottom bunk was safer for him, in case he rolled out and ended up on the floor. Less distance to fall, less chance of injury. And so when he finally got to him, he nodded up to Harrington who was taking a moment to rest. A thumbs up from him and Billy was slowly opening his bag on his newly claimed bunk. Laying out his kit and clothes, toiletries, Billy lined it all up carefully. Checking that he had everything and that he'd not have to venture to a store to buy anything during their down time. That would suck; even having to go and buy something stupid like a toothbrush would totally blow the mood. Waste valuable rest time. But thankfully nothing had been missed and Billy could breathe easy. Relax. And actually face this town without preoccupations. Well....sort of. As the others started to group and pair off and move out, Steve hopped off the bed and went to do the same. Nodding to a small group that included Hagan and Ross before turning to Billy, and seeming to think better of it. Moving a little closer to him instead and waiting for the others to go. For once, the King, almost seemed nervous. Standing still next to him but tapping his foot a little. Not in impatience but almost like it was involuntary, and as Billy turned, he looked almost shy? Nah. Steve Harrington shy? Never. The man didn't even know what shy was. "Well," Steve started, looking at the door and then at Billy, a hand going to the back of his neck. "Seeing as we have time to kill, I thought we could go to the beach."
Billy watched as the rest of the room cleared out, his eyes on them before going back to Steve. What an assumption to make. But under his skin, his heart was starting to race. His cheeks already feeling heated. Would this be the moment? The moment he'd been thinking about over and over recently? "And pray tell Harrington, what do you plan that we all do whilst there?" An unusual silence descended before Steve shrugged, his hand now going onto his hip and then added, "Oh I wasn't planning on inviting the others. Thought it could just be me and you." It was only when they finally got out into the corridor after Steve had patiently waited for Billy to repack and zip his bag up, that it became clear, why. "Just us.....?" Billy blinked, actually taken aback. Nah, it was a hang out. Stop with the nonsense Billy. But the way Steve looked at him and then scratched the back of his neck. Face starting to actually flush and his eyes darting away. Well holy shit..... "Wait...is Steve Harrington asking me..." "To have a nice romantic walk with him on the beach?" The other chuckled, but the hand didn't move off the back of his neck and Billy realised, oh shit. Yeah. Yeah he really was. "Yeah I guess I am man. If you wanna....." "Yes. Yes I do. Can I.....can I go and get changed?" Billy gestured at his outfit, chuckling before Steve joined in. Him leaning against the wall as Billy shook his head and laughed. About time, about freaking time. What had taken them so long? Fear! Embarrassment? A misunderstanding? It didn't matter now. It was happening. It was real. "Sure man. See you in 20? I'll go and do the same.
------------40 minutes later--------
This wasn't where he'd imagined going whilst back here. In fact, he'd planned not to. But the offer from Steve, to actually spend some time with him, was too good an opportunity to miss. The guy had even dressed up a little and so Billy had too. A nice black shirt and jeans combo. Hair nicely in curls, the little one he so loved flicking out the front. And Harrington…well he always looked great. Today rocking up in a red t-shirt and jeans and one of his many pairs of Nikes.
"So what's it like being back?"
"Strange….." And it was. Really really surreal in fact. Like part of him had stayed on this beach all this time. But thats not what he said back to Steve. Instead, he snorted, glancing back at the other guy and grinning.
"Don't tell me you only invited out here to get my backstory."
"No but I mean….. If you wanna tell me a bit about yourself, it would be good. I don't really know you man." Steve then chuckles in turn, "other than knowing you have quite the thing for my leg."
"Well you seem to like putting your ass there," Billy grunted, though with no malice and a playful tone. Still grinning as he fully turned to face Steve who'd parked himself on the sand. Billy elected to join him.
"Cos you keep getting closer enough that I can feel your breath on my neck."
"Well quit wearing your pretty boy cologne to basketball matches then."
That set them both off. Laying back, they cackled together in the sand. Holding onto their ribs until it hurt to breathe. Billy feeling like his spirit was lifted. It shouldn't be so funny. In fact it wasn't, but there was just something about this easy banter that seemed to have gotten to both of them.
Soon though, a familiar figure in the distance soon had his mood plummeting. Him bolting up right as Steve slowly got up beside him. A look of deep concern Billy rarely show on his face.
No…it…it wasn't. It wasn't her. Their silhouette had just so similar that for a moment, he'd thought it was. And that….hurt. It stung so deeply and he looked away for a moment. He didn't want Steve's pity or sympathy but, he wasn't going to get it if he didn't try to at least explain.
"My mom…..she left when I was little. Troubles with my dad. Fighting, shouting you know all that shit." He waved a hand in the air as if it didn't matter, but Steve could see it did. It really mattered. Whatever Billy was about to say was clearly hard for him to spit out.
"I thought she'd come back for me you know. After she'd settled. That's what she'd said she would do man. I used to ring her and. Well you know that Susan and Maxine are in the picture and she's not. So you can figure out how things turned out."
"Shit man….."
What could he really say to that?
"Yeah…but hey. You know."
Steve kept looking at him. Wondering where the sudden bitterness had come from. Should he say more? What could you say to a guy who'd just told you he'd been abandoned by his own mom? Left in a household known for heinous things? He'd heard the rumours after all. Seen the bruises. Billy's dad was a prick of the highest order and Billy? He wasn't the best but he didn't deserve to be treated worse than shit under someone's shoe.
Looking out at the waves, Billy could feel the rage building. But the waves also brought with them a familiar scent, which filled his mind with a strange comfort. Let him calm down a little but erased none of the bitterness from his voice.
"It's not like you'd get it. I mean, you're the King of Hawkins High. Golden boy extraordinaire."
Billy stared out to the ocean, his eyes tracing over the horizon as he waited for Steve to continue. He might have seemed more interested in the landscape to the casual bystander, but he was listening. There was something about Steve's tone which had caught him off guard. Was the King of Hawkins High struggling? What did he have to sound so down and out about?
"My dad. He's this high and mighty business man. Has his own company as you know. But everyone thinks that it's all sunshine and roses and it's just….such bullshit."
The way Steve seemed to chew on the words, to Billy, was like the guy has a bitter taste in his mouth. Like he's just sucked on a lemon and would do anything to get rid of the taste.
"It's so easy for people to look at the big house and think everything is okay. But when the house is empty and your own voice echoes from the walls… Everyone just sees the image man. Even those who I really thought didn't just want me for that."
He'd not expected any of this. Nevertheless from Steve Harrington of all people. But didn't it just go to show what happened behind closed doors? Billy was internally kicking himself. He should have known there could be more to things. He knew better himself. To have placed Steve in a box he didn't belong, it didn't feel right. Guess rich kids could really come with their own issues which money really couldn't buy their way out of.
"I'm sorry man. Really I am," he sighed, looking over at Steve who looked small than Billy had ever seen him.
"That freaking sucks. Families…they're meant to be there for us. They're meant to protect us but more and more I hear people say how theirs fail them. That it ain't like it is in the movies. Makes me wonder if it is for anyone."
"I….I dunno man. I see it from time to time." Steve shrugged, his eyes on the sand and Billy found himself moving closer to him. Wanting to take Steve in his arms. Because it's clear that Billy had stumbled over something which the other had been hiding for a really long time. The way Steve was now visibly struggling, like if he didn't't hold onto himself, he'd just fall apart. And Billy doesn't want that for him. He wanted to do something.
"I know of a place."
Steve looked up, big hazel eyes like a puppy. Billy wished he could take it all back. The thoughts, the cursing. Even though Steve would never know all of them, he can see in the way he looked at him that he knows some of it at least.
Steve Harrington may not have the top grades but he wasn't stupid and Billy knew that. Noone got to the top of the social ladder through stupidity and it's rare that the most popular kid was also the smartest. And they didn't need to be.
"A place that has the most amazing sundaes."
"You…eating sundaes?"
"Don't sound so surprised Harrington. I know I'm in peak condition but a fit guy can still indulge you know."
That had Steve snorting, rolling his eyes as he drew an arm across his face and then pushed himself up off the sand. More looking like the guy Billy knew than the scared, sad kid who Billy now feared lurked behind the doors of the house he knew did not contain all he'd thought it had.
Patting Steve gently on the shoulder before getting up, walking with him, side by side, Billy felt a shift between them. But not in a bad way. It may have not been the romantic walk Steve had wanted. But it was the walk they had both needed. --------Twenty minutes later--------------
As soon as Billy walked into the sundae store, it felt like walking back in time. The decor had been slightly modernised. A fresh lick of paint, different materials and brand new booths and a shining floor. But the layout, the colour scheme? It was all still just like the last time he'd come here. All blues, yellows and whites, with big booths in the middle and small ones around the sides.
And there she was, the woman herself. Owner and main waitress. A familiar face after all this time. And over there near the window had been his spot. The place he'd always gotten to with his friends. A spot right next to the window and a fantastic view of the ocean.
"William? Oh my heavens, it really is you!!"
Maisie trotted over to him, arms around him and a big kiss on both cheeks. Which Billy would have minded from other people but not Maisie. She was one of his favourite people in this whole town and so in a rare moment, Billy hugged her back. Not caring if Steve found it strange or weird. Finally a face that he saw home in here.
After letting Billy go, Maisie stood in front of Steve, like a mother seeing a new partner for the first time. Scrutiny written on her face before smiling in approval and saying "Now whose this handsome young man William?"
"Steve Harrington. He's my date," Billy grinned, all the while watching Steve for his reaction. Which was pretty much what he expected; a cool grin. But what he didn't expect was the flash of shyness in his face before it fluttered away.
Nodding to the window seat, he then added, "'m okay taking my usual spot Mais?"
"You can have any seat in the house my dear," she beamed, stepping to the side to let Steve through. "Lovely meeting you dear, I'll be right over to take your order."
"Nice to meet you too Maisie, real nice place you have here."
Always the freaking charmer. But Billy just smiled, leading the way over to the table. Excitement bouncing in every step. Steve seemed to really like the place and that meant a lot. He'd hoped, no, prayed Steve wouldn't turn his nose up at it. Think it was beneath him and he hadn't. Another assumption smashed.
He couldn't stop staring. This was ridiculous.
Sat here with and his tiny ice cream whilst he was here with his favourite sundae. Cream and chocolate and banana and glory. That wasn't the ridiculous part though. It was just being here. With Steve. Their legs barely touching under the table but feeling like electric. The way the guy looked up at him from time to time with those soft eyes and something under them which made his heart pitter patter. Like that rabbit out of the deer carton, which he couldn't remember the name of right now. Because he still can't believe that finally they'd gotten to go out on a date. And despite the way his heart ached due to the events of earlier, he wouldn't change it for the world.
He knew Steve better than he ever had done. Never would he have thought they'd be more similar than their love for basketball and cars but it turns out that beneath the surface, the pretty boy had a lot going on. And Billy wanted to find out so much more. Know about about the guy under the crown. Who Steve really was. Not the mask or the image. The real freaking deal.
Drawn out of his thoughts and staring, his spoon stuck in a scoop of chocolate ice-cream, Billy's head spun towards the entrance. He'd would recognise that voice anywhere in the world. One of the guys who had had such an impact on his life. His brother from another mother and the guy who he'd been hoping to see more than anyone in Cali. Argyle. His best friend, his amigo.
Big hugs, high fives and chatter was what surrounded the group as Steve sat at the table. He'd watched the four guys approach and then Billy jump up hastily to greet them. Smiling softly at the scene, he listened to them catch up in fast forward. It must be nice to reunite after all this time. Shame they couldn't stick around for longer.
Billy was positively glowing, something which Steve didn't see in Hawkins. A light in his eyes the town clearly extinguished. Steve wondered what it was like to have to leave a place where you clearly belonged to be shoved somewhere so alien and unfamiliar. He'd lived in Hawkins all of his life after all. Glimpses of other places coming from holidays and the few business trips he'd been taken on before he became the man of the house more often than not. Expected to be responsible, to do the right thing.
It felt like in different ways, they'd both been robbed of something but in this place, maybe they could just put that aside for a moment.
"And whose the handsome amigo you have here then?" Argyle gestured, a white smile as wide as the guy's face as he tilted his open cap towards Steve.
"This is Steve and well, just had to show him the sights whilst we're here."
"The sights huh? Well if I don't see you amigos at Surfer Boys pizza at some point whilst you're here, I'm going to be so sad."
"Can't ever have that man." Another high five and then Argyle and the others nodded. A friendly smile to Steve before the group turned to find their own booth. Giving the pair some privacy again.
Steve smiled, looking back at Billy. His friends, they seemed so different from who the guy hung out with usually. Or rather, maybe Hawkins just didn't provide the right people for Billy. Maybe these were his people and the others were just ones Billy was stuck with.
It didn't matter though right now. Those people were far away and they were here. Scoffing away ice cream by the sea. "I can't believe you're able to just tuck that away," Steve jested, gesturing to Billy's toned physique. Billy looking down at himself and then pointing a spoon at Steve's meagre amount.
"Well you could have had a sundae of Kings but instead you went with whatever that is."
"The best god darn ice cream I've had."
This takes Billy aback, so much that for a moment he just stared. Sat back in some kind of awe or something; he wasn't even sure what it was later when he was pondering on the bus. Steve sleeping at his side. It just meant something more than Billy thought it would. Hearing such praise from Steve Harrington himself. Whose sat there tucking into his scoop of bannofee whilst scanning the place. He's intrigued, he's happy and Billy? He's happy too.
This place may have only been a sundae place to some, a place to get ice cream and chill. But for Billy it was a solid part of his history. A place where he felt safe from the drama at home. Where him and his friends regularly came and Maisie would let them try all the new flavours. He'd even got to name one, and that was one of the scoops he now had in his sundae. And he knew now, if he ever got another chance to name anything else here, he'd name it after the guy in front of him. Whose now making his heart melt with that soft smile, which then turned into a smirk,
"Get over yourself Harrington," Billy scoffed, flicking ice cream at him and then grinning. The King of Hawkins trying to dodge it and failing miserably.
Yeah….He'd totally misjudged Steve. He was an ass, but Billy would give anything to keep this feeling he had right now. For Steve one day to be with him.
And Steve? He can't stop smiling. This place, it was like a calm cave out at sea. It was simple, it was clean. It was the sort of place he could imagine writers and artists coming to . Gazing out to the nearby beach and taking their time. Man, Hawkins had not a patch on this place. No wonder Billy missed it so much.
No wonder it felt like he was finally seeing the whole guy here rather than the persona and mask. His friends had seemed like the kinda people who would do anything for Hargrove. Would stand by his side because of him, not his status, not his looks. They were true friends, amigos Billy had called him. And he'd not heard Billy use that term sincerely in Hawkins. It was more a insult, a threat and not an endearment.
Like something someone would say to demean or mock. But with those people, it wasn't like that. And he'd also never seen Hargrove so calm or vulnerable.
The funny thing was, despite having never been here, Steve felt it too. A freeness which made Hawkins feel choking. He didn't have to be the King of Hawkins here. He didn't have anything to prove out on the beach or here with a sundae. Even if Hargrove had teased him on his choice of ice cream. It didn't matter. It wasn't like he was trying to provoke him. More like they were both in on the joke.
So back went a little bit of ice cream, splat straight onto Hargrove's shirt and the other guy scoffed, rolling his eyes and dramatically putting his hand to his hand.
"My most precious polo! How will I ever recover?"
Steve snorted into his ice cream, tempted to flick more ice cream at him as Billy grinned and left the mark on him. Like a badge of pride. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Race ya."
The pair jumped in sync off the steps down to the beach. Billy shoving Steve playfully out of the way as he ventured to find the quickest path. Sand was tricky to run in but over the years Billy had grown a talent. He knew how to bounce, how to stride and which parts of the beach was his friend. Steve on the other hand, well he didn't have such advantages or luck apparently. Bumbling around and now going face first. Billy throwing back his head and laughing in triumph, spinning on his heels. Arms crossed and grin bare as he waited by the water line for the other to finally join him. Bent over, hair flopping down towards his feet. Still pretty. Still one of the most handsome guys Billy had laid his eyes on.
And still an ass. One quick shove and Billy was down, right on his ass into the water. The salt water quickly seeping through to his boxers. The little shit.
Another quick shove and Steve was over, now also in the water and laughing before they both jumped up, then they were off again. Tugging at each others' jeans and shirts. Smiling like this was the best thing in the world. Falling over one another and rolling around in the sand laughing. Brushing themselves off and then running again. The sun warm enough to dry them off and not leave them with wet asses for the journey back to the dorms.
"I swear, these better dry before we get back on that coach Harrington." And that's when it hit them. They were meant to be back at a certain time and it was time for the coach, shit! The pair looked in horror at each other. How could they have forgotten? The school they were staying at was on the outskirts of town, almost outside it and they'd all been dropped off by the team coach this morning. If they weren't picked up, it was a long long way back. They had to hurry.
They were late. They were so late that Billy feared that maybe the bus would have already left. The feelings of worry boil up onto the surface as they dashed, Steve's hand in his. He wasn't sure when they linked hands but he didn't care. He does know Steve can feel the tension in him, the way he ran his fingers over Billy's knuckles and then stopped him. Pulling him towards him at a rate which made Billy stumble. A soft embrace before Steve took the lead. The final dash before they got to their destination.
Their hands fell apart as they got in visual sight of their coach. She wasn't looking impressed at all. Hands on her hips and looking at her watch as they approached, nodding to the bus.
As Steve passed, she glanced at him a look of warning and as Billy did, she put her hand out. Stopping him in his tracks.
"I know it must be hard, being back here. I need your head in the game. But if that helps, then…" She gave a soft smile, a nod in Steve's direction that no one else sees but Billy. "I'll look the other way. For now."
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