#there was never any point in the final battle where i felt in danger of actually game-overing
willosword · 11 months
hmm the ending was a little too vague for me to be that emotionally invested in it but regardless. good game! 
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youremyonepiece · 4 months
sweet idiot
pt. II of soft terror, but can be read as a stand-alone!
zoro x f!reader (she/her pronouns used), alternating pov
you know that zoro doesn't have feelings for you, not in the way you do for him. there's no way... right?
warnings: mention and description of a nightmare, mostly fluff! (please lmk if there are any i should add!)
word count: 2.6k
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you have a feeling that zoro doesn’t know how easy it is to read him.
never in your wildest dreams did you ever imagine you would meet pirates that were so kind, but that's exactly how you'd describe the straw hats. they didn't expect things from you, didn't make you prove your worth to them or earn your place amongst them. no-- instead, they welcomed you with open arms and protected you fiercely, simply because you were their friend. because you were one of them.
and somehow, you found the gruff swordsman to be the kindest of them all.
how could you not? without him, you wouldn’t even be a straw hat. somehow, he had seen you, had chose to save you, had trusted you without even knowing you. no matter how stoic he may try to seem, you know the truth. you know just how kind he can be.
not that you would ever admit it out loud to him. it’s undeniable you’ve been feeling more and more comfortable with him as your tenure with the straw hats grows, and it’s also undeniable that you’re more comfortable around him than you are around anyone else (a fact that nami and robin love to tease you about), but...
but you know he doesn’t feel the same way. you can see it in how tense he grows when you move closer to him, his pointed stare anywhere but at you. the way he never seems to feel comfortable around you. so you satisfy yourself with quick brushes and quiet company, knowing that you’ll never get to do more than gently tease the swordsman, careful to never push too far but grateful for even this.
you're running.
it's dark-- you can't see anything around you, not even yourself.
but you're running from something, this you know.
and you know that it'll all be over if it catches you.
you can feel it gaining on you, getting closer and closer--
something wraps itself around your wrist and jerks you backwards.
into danger.
a scream erupts from your lips-- this is it, it's all over, you're going to--
you awake with a start, coated in a sheen of sweat as your breaths escape heavily from you.
a nightmare. it was just a nightmare. it wasn't real. it isn’t real.
you're safe.
you're safe.
you're safe.
(but what if you're not?)
you feel your breaths increase in pace, panic rising within your chest as you struggle to distinguish dreams from reality. you might be safe, might know for a fact that nothing can touch you here, not when you’re surrounded by the safety of the sunny in the midst of your crew, but you didn't feel safe. and that's all that matters, isn't it?
in your half asleep state, still not quite fully in grasp of reality, there's only one place you want to go.
only one place you wanna be.
(only one person you wanna be with.
after all, you're craving safety, and there's only one person who always makes you feel safe.)
you're on your feet before you realize where they're taking you, but you don't stop once you do. you pad soundlessly through the women’s sleeping quarters, careful not to disturb your snoozing shipmates. it's not long before you're standing silently in the middle of the men's sleeping quarters, eyes already seeking out that comforting shade of green that follows you into your more wishful dreams.
you know where he is, which bed he's in, and you feel your heartbeat slowing down almost immediately when you finally fix your gaze on zoro’s sleeping face.
maybe the effect that the swordsman has on you should embarrass you, but it doesn't. never before had you met someone so steady, even in the heat of battle. even as he struck absolute terror into the hearts of his enemies, you felt at ease just by being in his presence.
even now, as you stare at his sleeping face in the dim moonlight. here, it's much easier to catch your breath. to believe you're safe.
of course, around zoro, you always are.
you quietly step closer until you're directly in front of zoro’s bed before sitting down, back against the wall and head resting sideways against the barrel next to you. it isn't long until your eyelids begin to droop, heavy as you watch zoro’s chest rise and fall slowly with his slumbering breaths.
this time, thankfully, your sleep is dreamless.
zoro knows he should probably move.
probably leave before you begin to stir, before you see him staring at you.
but his feet are frozen in place.
what were you doing here?
what were you doing in sanji’s bed?
(why not his?)
your eyebrows knit together as a soft groan escapes from you, breaking the spell that held him captive. he spins on his heels and is out the door before your eyes can open, thoughts raging in his head and pounding in his ears.
you could do so much better.
(like maybe a certain crewmate with three swords.)
“so," usopp begins conspiratorially, causing you to look up from your breakfast at him, "sanji, huh?”
immediately, your face flushes a bright red, and zoro wants to punch something. this is not what he wants to hear during breakfast, not when it’s all he’s thought about in the few hours since he found you in sanji’s bed. if he has to listen to you talk about how dreamy you find the damn chef... zoro quickens his pace shoving spoonfuls of rice porridge into his mouth.
sanji seems to notice your embarrassment as well and is quick to smack usopp on the back of his head.
“don’t tease her,” he snaps, fixing usopp with a glare.
“what's he teasing her about?" franky wonders aloud.
usopp chuckles, completely unfazed by sanji's warning. "oh, nothing. just that someone was in sanji's bed when i woke up this morning.”
your blush deepens, and zoro's grip on his spoon tightens (it's a miracle the utensil hasn't been bent out of shape yet). "i didn't--” you start, but sanji cuts you off.
"oh, give it a rest. i moved her there when i woke up today morning. she was sleeping on the floor of our room,” he says, eyes trained on the sizzling pan in front of him. he sounds irked, as though he didn’t want to admit you hadn’t been there of your own volition. zoro, on the other hand, is suddenly a lot more interested in the conversation.
you shoot sanji’s back a grateful smile, causing a current of annoyance to run through the swordsman. “i was wondering how i ended up there,” you say, still blushing but not quite as brightly.
“okay, sure,” usopp cuts in, undeterred, “but what were you doing in the men’s quarters in the first place?” he waggles his eyebrows teasingly at you as your cheeks flame up again.
zoro catches your eyes as they flit towards him, seemingly without meaning to since you quickly look back at usopp. “i just couldn’t sleep.”
“you couldn’t sleep, so you went... to the men’s quarters?” nami asks, but her voice makes it clear she knows something zoro doesn’t. he frowns and looks back at you to find you glaring at the orange haired navigator.
you glance quickly at zoro again, causing his heartbeat to thunder loudly in his ears. why did you keep looking at him? did you... come to the men’s quarters for--
“that’s enough teasing her,” sanji says, placing the pan of eggs on a trivet in the middle of the table. “i’m happy you feel at ease in my presence, mon amour,” he says to you with a suave smile, but his quick glare at zoro before he takes the seat next to you doesn’t go unnoticed by the swordsman. you laugh at his words with a teasing comment, causing sanji to joke about you crushing his dreams, and just like that the conversation has moved on. but zoro’s still stuck on the exchange, at your furtive glances at him.
what is going on? why is the chef annoyed with him this time? is... is he right?
did you come to the men’s quarters for him?
zoro tries to push the conversation out of his mind-- it’s no big deal, he’s probably overthinking it, you probably just wanted to be around more people-- but he’s entirely unsuccessful.
could he be right?
appetite gone, zoro pushes his bowl towards luffy before getting up from the table and excusing himself from the room.
maybe a couple hundred sets of his workouts would help get his mind off things.
your eyes worriedly follow zoro as he walks out of the dining room. did he realize that you had actually gone to the men’s quarters to see him? is he upset with you for pushing the boundaries? what are the boundaries, anyway?
you think you’re the only one who notices him leave, but usopp and nami break into laughter almost immediately upon the door swinging shut and robin wears a cryptic smile as she takes a sip of her tea. sanji sighs dramatically next to you, leaning backwards to sling his arm around your chair.
“he sure is dense,” he comments, and you freeze at his words. what? did everyone know about your crush on the swordsman? you look around at your crewmates faces at the table and realize with dull horror that only luffy and chopper seem to be confused.
“sure is!” usopp says between chuckles. “i thought for sure he’d realize this time!”
“what do you mean?” luffy asks before you can-- you’re too busy stuffing the panic back down your throat. maybe you’re wrong. maybe they’re talking about something else, not your feelings-- but no, luffy’s question only seems to make everyone but chopper and you laugh harder.
“don’t you think zoro seemed a bit annoyed just then?” sanji asks luffy with a smirk.
annoyed? at you? has zoro realized you like him? you feel yourself grow red all over, embarrassed beyond belief as you push away from the table. no use sticking around, not when zoro might be upset with you for dragging him into drama. not when you might need to apologize for potentially ruining one of the best friendships you’ve ever had.
nami giggles as she watches you follow after zoro, face red and eyebrows worried. “we know that zoro has no clue about how he feels about her,” she says with a grin, “but do you think she knows?”
“‘feels about her?’” chopper echos, confused.
“he likes her, chopper,” usopp supplies through laughter.
luffy frowns. “doesn’t everyone like her?”
“not like that,” sanji says with a smile, but doesn’t elaborate. “and no, nami, i don’t think she does.”
“they make a good couple,” robin comments with a smile, making usopp howl with laughter.
you find zoro, predictably, in the crow’s nest. he’s working out with his weights facing away from the door, but you see his back muscles tense when you step inside.
not that you’re looking at his back. or his muscles.
(okay, maybe you are.)
“um,” you start, closing the door behind you and leaning against it. “can we... can we talk?”
zoro freezes at your voice-- though you hanging out around him when he’s working out is common, you speaking during then is not-- but is quick to thoughtlessly drop his weights and turn around to you with a frown at your question. “are you okay?”
“yeah! yeah, i am. but, um,” you fidget as you wince, struggling to meet his eyes, “are you okay?”
“why wouldn’t i be okay?” he asks, clearly confused.
you stare at him, trying to gauge how much he knows. did you overthink it? it doesn’t seem like he’s annoyed at you...
“why couldn’t you sleep?” he asks when you don’t answer.
you’re happy for the diversion-- you definitely did overthink it, he seems normal, not at all annoyed-- and shrug nonchalantly. “nightmare.”
he turns back around away from you, leaning down to pick the weight back up. “and the shitty chef helped you?”
you blink. is that... resentment in his voice?
“you seemed pretty cozy in his bed.” yeah, he definitely seems upset, but you’re confused-- it doesn’t seem like he’s upset with you. if you didn’t know better, you’d think he’s jealous.
“sanji wasn’t lying-- i fell asleep on the floor. i guess he moved me when he woke up to do his kitchen prep.”
zoro pauses, then sighs and drops the weight again. he turns back around, rubbing his hand across his face. “yeah. yeah, i know. sorry.”
did he just apologize?
... for what?
but he continues before you can ask, fixing his gaze on you. “you never answered usopp. what were you doing there in the first place?”
you avert your eyes, shy about what you’re about to admit. “um. because i wanted to feel safe.”
zoro just looks more confused, eyes still steady on you. “and you feel safe in the men’s quarters?”
“no, i... i feel safe around you,” you say, finally looking back at zoro.
he looks stunned, frozen in place, eyes wide and lips slightly apart.
(you don’t notice it yet, but the tips of his ears are turning red.)
you take his shock as a sign you should continue and look down at your hands wrung in front of you. “i’m sorry. i know you don’t feel the same-- i wasn’t trying to make a big deal out of it. i’ll--”
“what do you mean? why are you sorry?” you look back at zoro but quickly look away-- you’re too embarrassed to maintain eye contact with him.
“um. because everyone was talking about it? i know you don’t like being in the center of attention with things like this,” you shrug.
he frowns. “so then they should apologize. why are you apologizing?”
you’re at a loss for words. what he’s saying makes sense, but... “aren’t you annoyed with me? isn’t that why you left?”
he doesn’t answer, making you look back at his face. you’re immediately taken aback-- his entire face has turned an endearing shade of red and he’s looking off to the side, rubbing the back of his neck. “not exactly. i was... i...” he trails off before clearing his throat and looking back at you with a frown. “i’m not annoyed with you. i don’t think i can be.”
you can tell from the way his eyes slightly widen that he hadn’t meant to say that last part, but your stomach grows warm when you hear it.
maybe... maybe zoro isn’t quite as easy to read as you initially thought.
or maybe you’re just not that good at it.
“so... we’re okay, then?” you ask, voice soft.
“yeah. yeah, i think so.” his ears and cheeks grow red again, but he maintains eye contact this time. “um. next time, you can just tell me.”
“next time?”
“next time you have a nightmare. you can wake me up. i won’t be upset.” his blush has traveled all the way down his neck now, spreading to his collarbone.
“are you sure? i-- i thought you didn’t like being woken up.”
you have never seen zoro’s cheeks be so red. “i don’t. but... i don’t mind when it’s you. it’s better than seeing you in his bed, anyway.”
you feel your own cheeks grow warm. “oh. um. sure. i mean, yes-- i’ll... i’ll wake you up next time. thank you.”
zoro nods before picking his weight back up for the second time, this time remaining facing your way but no longer looking at you. his face, though, is still red, a clear sign he’s still very much aware of you and your presence.
you feel like you’re in a daze. did... did that just happen?
he basically admitted that he's jealous of sanji, right? why is he jealous?
did he... maybe...?
yeah, you think, you’re definitely bad at reading zoro.
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cloudmancy · 23 days
I have no desire to get you in trouble but I would be curious to hear your thoughts on the new episode and the preview because I also have.. thoughts and I'm interested in what other people clocked as not great or kinda.. idk. other people's concerns, because I have had a lot of them and I never see people really talk about those things
they're doing a new format this season where they film a bunch of rp episodes in a row then take a break when there's a battle so the crew can get the battleset ready, so I understand the dissonance. but the tone of this episode from the tone of last episode was SO jarring. I was ready to chew drywall at the end of episode 17 but we head into the episode 18 fight and at the end all I can say is... damn! that sure is a battle that happened. the entire fight felt really low-stakes even though objectively a few of the bad kids were in mortal danger, but the mood at the table was so relaxed and chill and there was almost no roleplay at all... which drove me so crazy
>no rp except for fun silly party stuff (no callbacks to the adaine elven oracle in a storm thing? after all the fun setup last time??)
>fought 8 different antagonists and none of them said a word
>nobody questioned why or what oisin's grandma or all those dragon were doing there they just started taking them out one by one like raid battles in world of warcraft
>cassandra/nightmare king showed up only to not make any impact or get a single word in
>dos2 lady vengeance fight did the floating boat/ballistas/dragon fight better SMH
and then after all of that we're headed straight into ANOTHER battle episode judging by the preview... and it's against the rat grinders and porter/jace! let me out I want PLOT & DIALOGUE fhjy cannot end like this (5 hours straight of battle where they just kill everyone that moves). there's 2 eps left so I really hope they do the last ep as a 4 hour long roleplay only epilogue episode because as we've all seen ending campaigns on a battle leads to frankly really rushed character and world decisions. it's ultra disappointing too because I loved this entire season so much so far. the setup and buildup and plot points and mystery of fhjy is the best they've ever done it in dimension 20 period
ep 18 fhjy battle was a letdown to me... not giving the party an rp episode after 3 hours of loredump + going straight into a final battle without being able to interact with the world after gaining info is bad. they should've had a chance to process everything they learned about house sunstone, porter's plan, the rat grinders being used as ascension fodder, whatever the whole deal behind ambrosia and lucy frostkettle and why they needed a helios cleric in buddy IN ROLEPLAY. I don't want all this stuff explained to me after the battle by brennan or in some throwaway lines in the adventuring party - I want the bad kids to talk to people! I want them to investigate! I want fig to pull some BS with porter knowing the full extent of all his plans. it really sucks for us as an audience too to be hit with all this lore and get approximately 0 time for it to sink into the implications of how the worldbuilding was shaped by it or realizations of "ohhh that's why that happened at the beginning of the season" before we go straight into killing everyone.
with the way this is going I don't have any confidence they're gonna be able to actually empathize at all with the rat grinders too before they start lopping heads off because in battle episodes everyone kind of just. becomes numbers and an objective to take out except for pet favourite npcs of the cast. and they've mostly been interacting with the rat grinders as nuisances all season 😭 I'm PRAYING to be proven wrong and the last 2 episodes of this are fantastic but it's not looking good folks
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lovelybrooke · 1 year
Family sacrifice (Platonic Yandere Sully family x reader).
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This was inspired by @avatar4life idea's.
Also, some scenes might not be exactly one to one.
Time with the Metkayina flew by.
It seemed like just yesterday you were flying on Jakes Ikran to the unfamiliar land. It took a while to finally feel welcomed, but once you did you learned to consider the clan your new home.
Everything was great, until Kiri seizures started getting worse and reports of the RDA raiding nearby villages began to pop up. You were worried, about what it meant for your family, but Jake insisted everything would be fine as long as you followed his orders.
"There's nothing to worry about, we'll protect you if anything happens."
We'll, he said. Your family.
Even after being with the Sullys for so long, you never felt like you truly belonged. It wasn't just the superficial reasons, it was their resilience, their fortitude. They seem like a family, and you an outsider.
And in a way, you were. You were human, a sky person, a demon. You couldn't climb like the Na'vi of the Omaticaya clan or dive like the Metkayina. You would never be able to bond with an Ilu or an Ikran, and a year ago you were okay with that, but know your heart is filled with sadness knowing you'll never truly connect with the people you call your family.
As the attacks on the clan got worse, your image within Metkayina lessened. They blamed you and your family for the attacks on the Tulkuns, ignoring Jake's attempt at reasoning with them. The worst of all was Ronal, who placed all the blame on you for the sky people's appearance. While you family was quick to defend you, you couldn't help but feel like they had a point. A lone human among a group of Na'vi was reason to cause suspicion.
It became all you would think about, the danger you brought your family and friends just by existing. Your mind was constantly racing with thoughts of what to do, on how to help, but when the RDA did finally come, Jake demanded you stay far away from the battle in the Marui. You wanted to help, but Jake was stern and wouldn't change his mind. It didn't help that Neytiri also agreed with him.
So, you took matters into your own hands. You weren't going to let your family be taken from you.
Where were you?
Why does your chest hurt.
Where is everyone. Why is it so cold.
"(Y/N)! Please Wake up!" You couldn't discern who it was, you could barely open your eyes. But you could feel someone's hands stroking your hair. It took all your strength to get your eyes open, but even when you did, dirt and mud covered your oxygen pack, so you could barely see, but you were able to make out parts of Neteyam's face.
"(Y/n), keep your eyes open. Please stay awake a while longer! Dad will be here soon." He sounded in pain, sobs breaking through his words.
You opened your mouth to respond, but the only sound that came out was a pained gasp, your hands instantly shooting to your abdomen to try and stop the pain. You let out short, labored breaths, as Neteyam presses his large hands onto the wound, letting out quick apologizes as you bawl loudly.
The pain was overwhelming, you could barely understand your surroundings. It was hot, a mixture of both the pain in your stomach and the flames that were all around you, standing tall like walls. You couldn't remember how you got here, any time you tried to remember, your head would pulse and sends shocks that caused you to scream out. You had to fight the urge to move your hands away to end the pain, knowing you needed to stop the bleeding.
The pain only grew worse as Neteyam grew more frustrated, blood shooting out of you like a fountain. He would press harder, causing you to cry and beg him to stop. When he would, more blood would pour, and he could see your starting to lose consciousness. He didn't know what to do other than scream for his brother, his mother, his father, anyone to help him.
"Neteyam wha-" The words were caught in Jakes mouth the moment he saw you, quickly getting off his Ikran and moving up to you, his hands on your wound.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I know it hurts, I'm sorry." He apologized as you cry out, begging him to stop. Neteyam calls out to his brother and sister, who both rushes over when they realize the seriousness of the situation. Lo'ak run to console his mother, who is sobbing the moment she arrives.
"No! No, Yawntutsyip! Please no!" She breaks out of Lo'ak's grasp, falling down next to you. Her sobs become louder as she watches you slowly close your eyes, begging Jake to do something. He doesn't respond as you succumb to sleep.
Ronal wishes to die before her children, so she never has to deal with the pain of losing a child.
Ronal watches Neytiri sob as your body is laid on a stretcher and led into the sky people's machinery. The same sky people who helped Kiri during her accident.
She watches with an unfamiliar emotion she cannot name as jake and Neytiri watch their child be taken away from them.
And she watches as Jake comforts his eldest son, who is racked with grief over what could be the loss of his sibling. She sighs, before leaving to deal with the wounds of her people.
Jake later explained to her that you were not dead, barely, that your body was shutting down slowly, and that the humans in the forest would be able to help you. Jake explained to her with a sorrowful confliction that your chances of survival was low, and they wouldn't know when they would see you again.
Ronal only knew you through the bits and pieces her children told her, and when she cared to listen, she was told about your kindness, about your empathy and humanity. She could feel the love in each of their words, and she could feel it now.
"If your child does pass, they are welcomed a proper burial." She speaks, and Jake barely responds, he didn't want to think about giving you away to Eywa just yet.
Ronal wishes to die before her children, because she could not survive the pain of losing them, and she doesn't know how Jake manages to. Whenever she things of you, she no longer things of your demon heritage. She things of your soft face that was blocked by your oxygen mask. She things of your childlike wonder towards the world around you and the love you have for your family. But worst of all, she thinks of your limp body being cradled by Jakesully's arm, and she can't help but cry.
It's been a month since you left, and Neteyam doesn't feel normal.
It's like he's constantly on edge, his ears pinned back against his head and his tail flickering in annoyance. He tries his best to preform rudimentary tasks, taking care of Tuk, patrolling around the village, diving, anything that could take his mind off of you.
Even though it's been a month, Neteyam remembered the day like it was yesterday. You demanded to come with him, to help your siblings. He was stupid, he agreed, you took a bullet with him, and it put you in danger.
He remembers seeing you gasping for air, struggling to breathe through the confines of your oxygen mask. When he closes his eyes, he sees you cry out as he presses you wound down to stop the breathing. He can hear himself call out for help, begging for his father and you lose consciousness. When his eyes open and he looks down at his hands, he swears they were still stained with blood.
It was night when Ronal catches Jake about to leave on his Ikran. The moon illuminated the water which was calm in contrast to Jake's frantic movement. He was strapping a few supplies on it back carefully, shushing it whenever it screeches out in an attempt to not wake his family. It's like he was in a trance, moving so quickly he barely notices Ronal until he is almost finished.
"Ronal." He greets, stopping only for a second to acknowledge her. She nods and motions to his Ikran, who is preening at its wings.
"What are you doing?" She whispers softy, watching at Jake boards the animal. His body is rigid, it had been so since you had been sent away with the Sky people. Jake's face, however, was covered in a despondent expression, unquestionably due to the stress he's gone through in the past few months.
"I'm going to visit my child." His words were laced with woe, causing Ronal to soften only slightly, her shoulders relaxing, and her gaze becoming less harsh.
She gestures to his Marui, "Does your family know?" Jake nods, clearly disinterested in the conversation. She could only image the thoughts racing through his head.
Ronal lets out a breath, grasping her over her pregnant stomach. She gazes at Jake with a look of remorse. "I pray to Eywa they recover." Jake again nods before flying away towards the forest.
You looked so peaceful like this. Your face was no longer covered by your oxygen mask, your skin smooth and serene. You were breathing just enough to see your chest rise and fall, it being accompanied with the beeping of your heart monitor, the only thing notifying Jake that you were in fact, still alive.
Norm explained to Jake that you were in a coma. The bullet entered just below your lungs, near your abdomen. While it wasn't fatal, there was no grantee you would wake up. Every month, Jake would fly to the research base to check up on you, hoping and praying you would wake up.
As he entered the research base, he was flooded with memories of his first few moments with you. Talking to you about Earth, watching your eyes light up in fascination. Listening to you talk about what crazy thing Lo'ak did that week. He missed that with you, and he knew his family did to.
He moved throughout the base quickly, none of the scientist daring to interrupt him. He can feel the stares of humans on him as he enters into the patient room, letting out a breath at the sight of you the same as before. You were hooked up to wires and tubes, machines all around you. It was overwhelming, the bright lights and beeping, he hated it.
Either way, he sat down on a chair next to you, moving it as close as possible before bringing his hand up to stroke your cheek. He frowns slightly at how cold you were, moving your blanket up to cover you better.
"Hello, (Y/N)." He talks quietly, his voice filled with remorse. He pauses a bit, thinking what to say.
"Neteyam misses you." He choked on his words before continuing, "And he misses you." You don't respond.
Jake takes a deep breath to control his tears. "Tuk is getting better at her diving. She's excited to show you." Jake wished to hear your voice. Hear you laugh, hear you cry, anything.
"Neytiri prays every night that you'll return to her." He mentions while smoothing out your hair. He doesn't get the whole point talking to you, but Norm says it keeps your brain stimulated, and Norms way smarter than him so he listens.
"When you get out of here, we'll have a big celebration, food and everything." He smiles at the idea. You coming home to welcoming arms, your family. The idea of seeing your bright smile, of you hugging him, of him getting to final apologize, it fills him with hope.
But for now, it's just a distant dream of what could be all because of what that bastard Quaritch and the RDA did to you. If it wasn't for them, you wouldn’t be restricted to this bed, living off of machines and tubes.
Jake’s family is is fortress, and he promises they won’t let anything happen to you again. He’ll kill every last human before he he let’s them touch you again. He swears it.
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mvrtaiswriting · 1 year
I’m wondering if I could request a sanjixreader about the reader taking a hit that was meant for Sanji but he didn’t realize, yet the reader kept fighting? I’ll leave the ending up to you.
Thank you, and I hope it’s ok
Keep fighting x Black Leg Sanji ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :
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i'm really sorry for the amount of time this request took me?? it had been sitting in my drafts FOREVER and I kinda forgot about it I am so DEEPLY SORRY. this was so fun the to write and literally one of my favourite requests ever, so I hope this matches your expectation and that it would be worth the wait!! thank you for being patient with me. hope you enjoy this <;33 +1k words | gender neutral | mention of needles? | usual one piece violence. feel free to reblog, like, and leave a comment. i would very much appreciate it. if you enjoy my works, click here to read more or buy me a coffee.
A soft breeze blew out Sanji's burning cigarette, brushing through his blonde hair almost revealing his left eye. There was no way he could have survived the next attack - he was exhausted from the battle, his enemy being the strongest he had ever met before. Trying to take a puff from the cigarette he kept holding between his lips, Sanji wanted to taste nicotine one last time. As death approached him, all he wanted was the bittersweet company of his dearest friend; he wanted to feel his lungs being hugged by the warm smoke entering his airways, like a mother holds her child. That was it - he didn't have any strength left. Maybe that stupid marimo was right all along, maybe his captain deserved a stronger wing by his side.
Sanji stood still in the middle of the battlefield, waiting for his final act. He kept his eyes closed, his mind wondering what could have been if only he had a better father, if only he didn't let everyone down.
"Wake up, you useless cook!"
Was this death? Did Zoro follow him into the afterlife? No, no. It couldn't be.
Zoro screamed again, the metal sound of his swords almost serving as a background melody for the horrors of the battle. Passing an hand through his hair, Sanji noticed he wasn't bleeding - he wondered where was the headache coming from. Running his hands over his body, he noticed how he didn't feel any excruciating pain: no broken bones, no bleeding. Yet he passed out - maybe he just overestimated his enemy; maybe, he underestimated himself. Finally regaining conscience, Sanji looked around the battlefield - and a part of him wished he never did.
Your figure was moving swiftly on the battlefield, but your attacks were slower, weaker than usual. All you could do now was avoid any fatal blow, trying to recover from the one you just received. It didn't take long for Sanji to notice how you were covered in blood, your usual combat style being impeded by the metal piece stabbed in your leg, crossing your limb from one end to the other.
Biting his bottom lip, Sanji lit another cigarette. He was furious, rage galloping through his veins and giving him a rush of adrenaline he never felt before. He felt his muscles tighten, full of a strength he didnt believe he possessed - you protected his life with yours, using your own body as a shield. How could he be so weak? How dare he put you in so much danger? A sea of emotions flooded Sanji's thoughts; he was proud of you and your strength, yet he was scared, frustrated - mad at how he failed to protect you. His eyes were filled of admiration and worry - you endured a critical hit yet you kept fighting.
"Let me."
Sanji was quick to step in, putting his body between you and your enemy. Winking at you with the sexiest smirk painted on his lips, Sanji finally put an end to the battle you both had been fighting for too long. Before he could realise it, you were already lying on the floor unconscious, exhausted from the battle and all the wounds you endured.
The next thing you saw when you opened your eyes was a torchlight, pointed directed at your pupils. Too confused to follow the light as Chopper just ordered you, you tried to stand up. An heavy hand on your shoulder stopped you from moving, forcing you to lay on the mattress.
"Not so fast, mon coeur."
A familiar voice finally said, the French accent in his words revealing his identity straight away. You smiled weakly, realising the hand on your shoulder was Sanji's. Sighing, you stayed still whilst Chopper finished his job. You were full of bandages and stitches, an IV drip connected to your arm.
"Was it really that bad?"
You whined, when Chopper finally closed his medical kit bag. You saw the reindeer nod, dragging one of his little hoof onto his face.
"You're lucky to still have your leg!"
Chopper whined, frustrated with the way you were minimising your injury. Tears started forming in his tiny eyes, making you nod and fall silent - you knew he was genuinely worried and he was probably right about it.
When Chopper finally left the room, you felt Sanji slowly sitting down on the side of the bed, your mattress slowly sinking.
"You shouldn't have done that."
Sanji finally says. His tone is calm and full of worry, yet his words stung like salt on an open cut. His hand slowly reached your face, caressing your cheeks, his fingertips delicately tickling your skin. Biting your tongue, you hold back your explanations - he probably knows you were only trying to protect him, yet he was ready to scold you like a little child. You were fine, injured but alive. And you would do it again if you had to - protecting the love of your life from a potentially fatal blow? You would do it again in an heart beat.
"I love you."
These three words slip out of Sanji's mouth in a whisper, almost as if he didn't want to let them go. But now they were out in the open, filling the hospital room you were lying in.
"I love you and I want you to stay alive."
Sanji reiterated, clearing his throat. The words almost got stuck in his throat - flashback of the battles coming to him again in a blur. Seeing you collapsed on the floor, covered in blood with countless wounds all over your body. It was too much to take. He always thought nothing could scare him anymore, he always thought that there couldn't be a bigger pain than the one his father inflicted on him. But that was before this, it was before always losing the love of his life because he wasn't strong enough.
"I love you too, stupid cook. I love you and will stay alive to save your ass." You giggled, causing him to blush. Sanji stared at you for a second, the softest of smiles forming on his lips before he leaned down, placing a sweet kiss on your lips. You were safe, you were his.
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inlovewithpandora · 10 months
- Let Me In -
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Pairing: Hobie x fem!Spider!reader
Request: [ 🎸 anon ] Hello! I have a request for a Hobie x reader:) | If you are okay with it (it's ok if not!) can you do a comfort fic where reader is struggling with suicidal thoughts + self harm and they haven't really been taking care of themselves properly and is just always thinking they shouldn't be alive ect. Then one day Hobie comes to their house through their bedroom window (who needs doors?) but he finds them in their bathroom abt to self harm and comforts them.
Synopsis: Being Spiderwoman hasn't been an easy task for you. The sacrifice, dedication, and having to turn your life upside down to accommodate your powers was making living day to day difficult for you so you begin to wonder if you should take matters into your own hands and end your suffering.
Content: Angst, hurt/comfort, suicidal thoughts, act of self-harm (and lightly descriptive) mention of blood, mention of scars and wounds, crying, reader struggling with depression/illness, Hobie comforting reader and being there for her
If any of the content above makes you uncomfortable please DNI!!!
Author’s Note: Thank you for sending this req in! I hope you enjoy and that it meets your expectations! This was a really good request and I enjoyed writing it even though my heart was breaking for reader. Let me know what you think by sending an anonymous ask or comment if you feel comfortable!
Word Count: 1.1k
Extra: Requests are open! Please read rules before requesting! || Likes, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated❤️! Links: Navigation || Atsv Masterlist || Main Masterlist || Taglist
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As you sit on the rim of your bathtub, you couldn’t help but look at your reflection in the mirror. Your hair was scattered across your head, your eyes were sunken and puffy, and your body was covered with old battle wounds from fighting different evils of the universe, but the most fresh scars were the ones that adorned your arms.
Being Spiderwoman hasn't been an easy task for you. The sacrifice, dedication, and having to turn your life upside down to accommodate your powers were making living day to day difficult for you. Coming home with fresh wounds every night began to take a physical and mental toll on your health. The stress and pressure of protecting the city of Brooklyn was starting to become too much. You wanted to talk to Hobie, but you didn’t want to worry him with your problems, so you decided to keep your feelings bottled up which made you resort to self-harm, hoping to release some of your tension and finally feel a sense of relief.
The more you began to cut, the more you distanced yourself from the world. You haven’t been to HQ, spending time with your friends, and most importantly you haven’t talked to Hobie in almost a week. Your new way of spending your time was cooped up in your apartment, drowning in your sorrows.
It has gotten to the point where your pain became so insufferable that you began to think if living was worthwhile anymore. You couldn’t go on like this, dealing with the weight of being Spiderwoman on your shoulders. Thinking about putting yourself in the face of danger and praying that you didn’t get severely injured or even worse: ending up plummeting to your death.
You felt like if you were going to do that, you might as well leave the world on your own terms, the way you thought would be appropriate. Were you currently thinking clearly? No. This was the illness talking. The older, happier version of yourself would never even let thoughts like this cross her mind, but now… now it was too late. This was the only way to make that dark cloud that hung over your head move away.
Hobie has been worried about you. The only time he talks to you now is through text and when he finds a way to get a hold of you, the conversations were dry, so he can’t even get a true feeling to see how you’re doing.
When he finishes his patrol duties, he decides to swing by your apartment, just to make sure you’re okay. Once he’s outside your window, he opens it slowly and climbs inside. When his feet hit the floor, he turns around and closes the window behind him, then tries to figure out where you are.
As his eyes scan the room, he locates the sound of sobs from the bathroom which alerted him, thinking you got hurt from slipping in the shower or something of that sort. When he reaches the bathroom door, he peeps his head inside, which reveals you with tears pouring down your cheeks while you run a razor across your skin. As Hobie watches the blood trickle down your arm and drip onto your marble floor, his stomach churns and his heart breaks at the scene unraveling in from him.
As you raise the sharp object again, almost pressing it deep into your arm, Hobie barges in, not being able to watch you hurt yourself any longer. When the door widens and you see him looking at you with a concerned and worried expression, you drop the razor, pull your jacket sleeves down, and rush over to the other side of the bathroom.
“Leave, Hobie.” You turn your back towards him, not wanting him to see how you’ve completely let yourself go. This isn’t how you wanted your reunion with him to go, you cutting and him bearing witness, having to see you in such a distraught state, but there’s nothing you can do about it now.
Hobie walks up to you, attempting to wrap his arms around, but you swat them away as more tears fill your eyes. “Hobie, I said leave! I don’t want you here! I-I don’t want you to see me!” As you attempt to raise your voice, it begins to crack due to the sob trying to make an appearance.
“Love, please,” Hobie's heart gets so heavy with each moment. He didn’t know you were doing this, he never knew that you had a burden so heavy that you had to resort to this method to find a sense of peace. At this moment, all he wants to do is be here for you and help as much as he can provide.
He gently places his arm on your shoulder, hoping you would turn around and face him. “Let me in, allow me to help you. I promise I won’t judge. I-I just want to help you, please.” The sincerity in his voice soothes you enough to turn around and face him. Without wasting another second, you run into his arms and begin to cry into his chest. Hobie immediately embraces you, wrapping his arms around you to make you feel secure and comfortable, to let you know that he is here specifically to comfort you.
“It’s okay love, let it all out. I’m here for you now. I’m gonna help you through this.” He kisses your head softly as he rubs your back, continuing to comfort you with sweet and reassuring words, letting you know that he’ll never leave your side no matter what.
Once your cries begin to lessen and you begin to calm down, you and Hobie sit down together. “I know you probably don’t wanna talk right now and that’s fine. I don’t want to push you into anything you’re not comfortable with, but I want to let you know that you don’t have to go through this alone. I will forever stand by your side through thick and thin, good and bad. No matter what, I will always love you and that’ll never change.” At this moment, you are so thankful for Hobie. He didn’t freak out on you, shame you, or force you to do anything which you appreciated. Knowing that Hobie saw you at your lowest and still accepted you meant the world to you.
“Thank you, Hobie.” You speak softly as you look up at him with glistening eyes, new tears ready to be shed, but this time they are tears of joy that you had someone like Hobie to lean on.
“Of course, now let’s clean up these cuts and then for the rest of the day, it’s just me and you.”
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I hope you enjoyed❤️!
Previous Fic
Editor - @justmemyselfandthemoon
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©️inlovewithpandora ━━━ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 | All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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happilyhertale · 2 years
Long Lost Love - Aemond Targaryen x female!reader, Part 1
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Summary: You are the daughter of Daemon and Rhaenyra. When the invitation to Aegon and Helaena's wedding came, your entire family rushes from Dragonstone to King's Landing to take part in the festivities. You haven't seen your family in King's Landing for 6 years so you are very excited...
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader
Warnings: At the beginning none – eventually smut (uncle/niece)
Author’s note: Hello you!
This is my first fic so please be nice :) I thought I'd just try a little self-considered story. I hope you like it. The events are not entirely similar from the series 
English is my second language, please forgive me if I made any mistakes (:
Word count: 2,3k
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7a, Part 7b, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15
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You have waited a long time for this day. And now it was finally here. Your legs are wriggling and you are nervously fiddling with your dress as you look out of the carriage window and see the towers of the Red Keep approaching. Far too long you have been away. Six years have passed since the terrible events of Driftmark. After your parents took you and your siblings and brought you back to Dragonstone. "Y/N is everything all right? You're about to have the threads of the dress in your hands one by one if you keep this up."
Your father, Daemon Targaryen. Many fear him. Rightly so, you think. Countless times you hung on his every word as he told you how he went into battle and defeated his enemies. Or when he simply read you tales of dragons. You love him dearly, if you can put it that way, you are father's girl. And he treats you with the same warmth. He loves you with all his heart and to only a few people can Daemon Targaryen show affection or even love, but you are one of them. He would do and give anything to keep you safe. It would break his heart if he failed to protect you from the dangers of the world or simply if you did not feel loved.
It started with your birth. Your mother Rheanyra Targaryen was married to Laenor Velaryon. They already had a son together, your brother, Jacaerys Verlaryon. You love your brother very dearly. He's the kind of brother you always have fun with and who's there for you. As children, you played an incredible number of pranks and sometimes they went so far that the servants complained to your parents. When it got to the point where it seemed that Jace and you were not in control, they felt compelled to go to Daemon. They were sorry, because no one wanted to arouse the "wrath" of a dragon, but they had no other choice. If you were unlucky, Daemon would end up standing in front of you and giving you a telling off. But, what the servants didn't know, he could never keep it up for long when you looked at him with sad eyes and muttered "sorry daddy". You call him Daddy or Dad because you couldn't call him Daemon when you were a child. As a child, you wanted to call him Daemon, like all adults did. But all that came out of your mouth was "Dad". If you felt very close to him at certain moments or if you wished for something, it also became "Daddy". And to this day, you just call him Daddy. So the roles soon became clear, as soon as you were in trouble with Daemon, Jace would sent you ahead and let you call him daddy.
But when you were born, the shock was great. Your mother lay in labour on Dragonstone for over two days, even though a new life was to begin, it was a fight for life and death for Rhaenyra. Jace was already born on Dragonstone, as it was important for Rhaenyra to give birth to her children, heirs to the blood of Targaryen and the Iron Throne, on Dragonstone. Laenor was continuously by Rhaenyra's side and held her hand. Daemon was always close by to be there for your mother from a safe distance. Visibly nervous, he watched the birth. But when the maesters finally took you out and you took your first breaths in this world, your father got a fright that was quickly replaced by the feeling of joy and infinite love. As the maesters held you, your silver hair came out, your fair, porcelain skin seemed to reflect the incoming sun. Daemon knew at once, you were his daughter. When Rhaenyra finally held you in her arms, overjoyed, she simply smiled. She hugged you close to her and looked over at Daemon, who nodded lovingly at her. She looked down at you, stroking, your soft cheek as your eyes opened and Rhaenyra saw the most beautiful purple eyes she had ever seen. Laenor smiled and embraced Rhaenyra and you.
"She is the most beautiful girl in all the kingdom," gently he caressed your cheek, "What name shall she have?"
"Y/N Velaryon" says Rhaenyra with a loving smile on her lips. The understanding between Rhaenyra and Laenor was clear, everyone was allowed to have their lovers as long as the marital duties were fulfilled. Laenor was slow in fulfilling his marital duties, and so it came about from time to time that when Rhaenyra and Daemon met, they could not hold back their feelings for long.
The result of these actions was now you and that changed everything for Daemon. When he could finally hold you in his arms, it was over for him. He held you and you looked at him silently, this moment was so precious for him and he simply enjoyed this silence. When he tried to touch you, you reflexively grabbed his finger. His breath caught in his throat and he only had eyes for your small hand clutching his finger. He knew that he would not give you away.
That very evening Daemon went to Rhaenyra.
"I will take her to Viserys. I will tell him that she is my daughter and that he should confirm her legitimacy. She is no Velaryon, she is pure fire of the Targaryens."
Rhaenyra just stared at him at him. "You can't do that! Everyone would know I committed adultery! You can't, she must officially remain the daughter of Laenor."
Daemon began to smirk. "With all due love, but when you look at little Jace, do you really think anyone would think you hadn't committed adultery?"
"Daemon!", she looks at him in horror, "You can't go to my father and ask him to acknowledge my adultery and make her your daughter. No one in the entire realm has that right. Therefore, neither do you. Bastards of high Lords from all over the land would come and ask Viserys to recognize the legitimacy of these children."
"Rhaenyra, regardless of the love I have for you. But don't you ever dare call my daughter a bastard again. Viserys has the ability to recognize her and he will. I don't care about the rest of the realm. She is my daughter and she will be recognized as such."
"And what do you want to say to Laenor? Rub my adultery in his face publicly in front of the entire realm?"
"Oh come on! He lives just as happy a life, stuffed like a goose by his lover. Nothing is rubbed in his face, I have great respect for him, but I want the recognition that Y/N is my daughter. And besides, what are you trying to rub in my face by forbidding me to stand by my daughter in public?"
"He's right Rhaenyra." Suddenly Laenor stood in the room.
"Laenor...", she gasps as she turns towards the door.
"No he is right Rhaenyra. And you know that. She is his daughter. She has the Targaryen fire in her, the purple eyes, her soft white skin. He should have the chance to stand by his daughter publicly." Laenor simply nodded silently at Daemon.
So it came about that Daemon took you, his little dragon and Rhaenyra with him and they set off for King's Landing.
"We really need to sort this matter out urgently because…", King Viserys paused as he heard noises from outside. "There's a small council meeting going on right now, you can't just go in there. Prince Daemon…!" The guard tried to stop Daemon and grabbed him by the arm. With this movement, Daemon felt that the guard was getting too close to you. "If you don't get your arm out of my daughter's reach right now, I'll make sure you lose it altogether." And with that, the door opened and Viserys looked irritatedly at the entrance. Standing in the doorway was his brother, Daemon, with an infant in his arms. Right behind him stood his daughter, Rhaenyra. "Daemon, Rhaenyra? It's really good to see you, but as you can see, you're bursting right into a meeting of the small council."
"Viserys, brother, I have a very urgent matter to discuss with you." Viserys looked at him questioningly and hesitated briefly, "Daemon… please, go to the small hall, I will try to be with you as soon as possible." "Father… please, it is really urgent and we would be very much obliged if you could talk to us immediately"
And with these sentences Rhaenyra spoke for the first time for this recognition.
Rhaenyra was afraid. She wanted you to be recognised as Daemon's daughter, but at the same time she was worried about Jace. If you were legitimised, voices might be raised that if she had been unfaithful to Laenor before, she might have been so with her first child. And gods know what that was about. "Perhaps we can also postpone the last matter for today until tomorrow? It seems my brother and daughter have a big problem to discuss." Viserys spoke to his council, but could not take his eyes off the little bundle on Daemon's arm. The members of the small council nodded and then left the room.
Viserys looked helplessly into the faces of Daemon and Rhaenyra. "Can someone perhaps explain to me what is going on here?" Rhaenyra then took you from Daemon's arm and walked towards Viserys. She smiled warmly at him. "Father, this is your grandchild, Y/N. I gave birth to her, just about a week ago." Viserys was visibly moved. You were so small and delicate and had him wrapped around your finger immediately.
"Oh how delightful, this sweet little child. Hello my sweet darling." As Daemon stepped towards him, Viserys looked up. "As you can see, she is the pure flame of Targaryen blood. Her purple eyes, her porcelain-like skin, her shimmering silver hair." Viserys nodded silently, visibly pleased, he lowered his gaze to you again. "Brother, I want you to recognize her legitimacy." Viserys looked at him irritatingly, "Why should I recognize her legitimacy when she is obviously a Targaryen as well as my daughter's daughter?" "I am her father," Daemon said dryly. It seemed Viserys didn't quite understand at first. Or he didn't want to understand. A simple "How…?" left his lips. "Do you really want me to explain to you now how children are made, brother? Judging by Rhaenyra's three younger siblings, I'd say you're well aware of how it works." "Daemon!" Rhaenyra hissed.
"Oh thank you brother, but I can just about manage that. My question would rather be how it is that my daughter, who is married to Laenor Velaryon, manages to father a child with you"
"Father..," Rhaenyra said, but Daemon interrupted her.
"No, Rhaenyra, I want that legitimacy, I will talk," Daemon raised his hand slightly in her direction and then turned back to Viserys, "Viserys, brother, you know as well as I do that Laenor is neglecting his marital duties. I love Rhaenyra. Just as I loved her before she married Laenor, I still love her…" At these words Rhaenyra's heart warmed and she smiled. "…From that love, Y/N has now come forth. I love her, she is my daughter and I will not rest until she is officially recognized as that" "What..? ", Viserys looked irritatedly back and forth between Daemon and Rhaenyra, "Daemon, how do you imagine this? I just say she's your daughter and that's it? That's not possible."
"It is possible! You are the King! I ask you brother, and you know I don't ask often, but please, enable me to be a good father. Public, not behind any walls."
"I'm not quite sure… What does Laenor say about all this? Rhaenyra?" Rhaenyra stepped forward, now standing next to Daemon. She seemed hesitant, but was convinced she was doing the right thing, "It's definitely a complicated situation, father. But Laenor agrees. So am I. It's not easy and I'm afraid that in the process… Jace's lineage might be called into question, after all it would become official that I was unfaithful to Laenor at least once."
Daemon took Rhaenyra's hand in his and stroked it gently.
"But we agree, Daemon shouldn't be deprived of the opportunity to be a loving father. After all, we know he doesn't care for many people.”
Daemon smirked and looked at Viserys.
Viserys was torn, but finally said, "Okay. Daemon, I will. She will officially be your daughter. But I want you to always stand up for her, stand by her side and be a loving father."
"I stand here for nothing less. Thank you brother."
Viserys nodded and turned to Rhaenyra. "Have no fear. You are my daughter. The heir to the throne. Jace is my grandson and no one will question his lineage. I promise you that."
"Thank you Father", Rhaenyra smiled sweetly at him.
"And to you my little one, you are now officially a Targaryen. Y/N Targaryen."
Viserys kissed you lovingly on the forehead and handed you over to Daemon. When Daemon held you again, he looked at you. He smiled. The warm purple eyes that beamed at him warmed his heart. He kissed you gently on the forehead and murmured, "My little dragon." As Daemon and Rhaenyra left the room, they were happy. Rhaenyra had to wipe away a few tears, but she was happy.
You look up into your father's face, "Naah I'm fine. I'm just excited. I mean, I haven't seen my uncles and aunt in years… Haven't heard from them… That's weird. We kind of grew up together and then all of a sudden it was just nothing. I'm excited to see how they've changed."
"How Aemond changed?", Daemon looks at you with a smirk.
You blush and look at your father in shock. "Dad! No!"
Daemon raises his eyebrows and looks at you, "Well, this "no" came a little quickly", he still smirks at you.
"Well I mean.. yeah we were close but we haven't talked since and I don't even know if he still likes me or what he's like now", and your hands were fiddling with your dress again. Your mother recognises your distress and encourages you by taking hold of your knee.
"Everything's fine, it's going to be nice. We'll spend the couple of weeks here, enjoying the festivities for Aegon and Helaena's wedding, and then we'll head back"
You smile at your mother. And then you look at your father and you say, "Also, I'm nervous because I wasn't allowed to fly here with Meraxes. Now I don't have any kind of adequate defense when you're bugging me with statements like that."
Daemon just chuckles and looks at you naggingly. Rhaenyra scowls at Daemon, but he simply takes her hand and kisses it. As you roll your eyes and look out the window, you realize you've arrived. Now you are full of nervousness. As the carriages come to a halt, a voice outside the carriage calls out "Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen…" And with that you step out of the carriage behind your parents and see your relatives.
And you just smile.
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magicjesuscup · 27 days
I have feelings towards solo-romanced Halsin's ending/epilogue.
Halsin and Tav celebrate all night, and in the morning Halsin starts throwing out mixed signals. He's leaving to take care of the kids that were orphaned after the netherbrain fight and doesn't give any indication that he wants Tav to go with him, but it also doesn't sound like his feelings for Tav have changed.
I would've been (1) confused by the lack of an option to go with him, (2) hurt because this sounds like a break-up speech (like a "we shouldn't be together anymore, but let's stay friends" type thing), and (3) concerned that something's wrong because he's otherwise been a very good communicator up until this point.
It looks like originally going with him wasn't even an option (which was a weird choice to offer him as a love interest, but not give players a way to stay with him at the end of the game), and when that was patched in, they did it in the meanest way they could. Tav's line is:
Visit as soon as I can? Don't be an ass, Halsin. I'll come with you right now.
Oof. I wouldn't talk to my lover like this, and I don't know that I'd stay with someone who talked to me like that. I also want to note that I think you only get the cute, bragging "I love Halsin" lines to say to the other companions at the party if you call him an ass here first. Thanks, I hate it. I wish it was something more along the lines of:
Why can't I go with you?
Either option could've led to (most) of Halsin's dialog that followed.
But what about all that you'll miss out on? Your name will be feted in this city - there will be parades, medals, feasts, hands to be shaken, babies to be kissed…are you truly sure.
I know in the epilogue he's still surprised Tav chose him, and I'm trying to figure out why, and why he didn't throw out Tav accompanying him as an option. I get that a lot of people he loved/cared about didn't stay in life, but none of them left him voluntarily. His parents, the archdruid before him, and his peers died to either illness or the shadow curse. Thaniel's absence is only temporary if you lift the shadow curse, and the only reason he "left" in the first place was because he was trapped by the curse.
It would've made way more sense to me if he had a little freak out after falling in love with Tav and having the realization that the person he loves could turn into an illithid thrall. They would be gone, and he might have to kill what's left if they tried to eat his or someone else's brain. Also, it would absolutely be horrific to watch Tav go through ceremorphosis. Having a mind flayer parasite isn't the same as being sick, but it is a physical affliction that Halsin can't fix. He's weirdly positive that they'll find a cure, and they never do (at least not in the sense of medication or surgery).
It also would've made sense if he had a bit of a breakdown if Tav asks for one last kiss before the final battle starts ramping up. Things are getting stupid dangerous, and this has historically been when his friends start dying. But, nope he's still super calm here too and optimistic that they'd live (although after their night together, he admits he didn't dare believe they'd actually survive).
I'm not sure if they did the whole, "I'm going to ride off into the sunset, but watch the horizon for you everyday," thing to add some drama, but it feels out of place considering these other options. If Tav was going to "leave" it would've been due to the parasite or not surviving the battle. In the epilogue, those dangers have passed. If anything, it's at this part of the story where he should've felt most secure in their relationship because he's never had someone leave him "just because."
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐠 𝐈𝐧 𝐌𝐞 𝐈𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮 - Javier Peña
"you've got me in a...CHOKE. HOOOOLD. even if it huuurts meee, even if I can't sleep. show me the waaaaaaaaayyyyy" - Chokehold, Sleep Token. Mood for my Pedro Pascal era
Summary: It seems the only way to get Javier to talk about his feelings is by having the person he cares about having a near death experience. Not the most healthy way to confess your feelings for someone, but hey, it works.
Warnings: unrequited but not actually unrequited love, inaccurate descriptions of how the DEA operates, Javier needs a therapist, bad wingman Steve, character study ish? that's mostly in Javi's POV, gun wounds and violence, hurt/comfort, whump, kinda forced proximity, eventual fluff, sexual refences but no smut this time (shocker, right?)
word count | 7.7k🤙🏻
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Javier’s team had found out where one of Escobar’s men was. This was huge. If he and his team could catch him, get him to flip on his boss; he could snag the man that week.
The whole building was hustling and running around, preparing to go after this guy as soon as possible, just as soon as they got word everybody was in position. Javier’s nerves threatened to overflow, just the thought of being one step closer to catching Pablo Escobar and taking down his cartel after evading justice again and again, his body was set ablaze and his fingers twitched with excitement.
There was just one problem.
As Javier was putting on his bulletproof vest, from across the office, you caught his eye. That wasn’t abnormal in the slightest, you had always unknowingly begged for the attention of Javier’s gaze ever since he met you years ago; but this time, seeing you put an unwanted pit in his stomach. To everyone else, you looked normal, getting ready for this upcoming battle like the rest of the people on this mission. But all Javier saw was you preparing to meet your demise.
Javier wasn’t normally so nervous about things like this. In this line of work, people get hurt, some even die, that’s just what happens unfortunately. But the thought of it possibly happening to you didn’t sit right with him at all. If it was his call to make, he’d make you stay here away from all the action. You wouldn’t be in a ten mile radius of a single cartel member. But of course, that wasn’t his call to make, all he had was his convincing charm and his history with you to get you to even consider sitting out. Before thinking about it any longer, Javier started taking the steps it took to make it to your desk, the one that was always just a couple feet away from his but somehow always felt too far.
From the reluctant expression on your face as you looked up at him, Javier could already tell this conversation isn’t going to go the way he wants it to, as most conversations with you; but it was too late to back out now. “Almost ready, Peña?” Peña, always fuckin’ Peña. You made a point never to call him anything other than his last name. Though, he couldn’t blame you, not after everything he’s done to you. But it still made a tiny dagger go through his heart every time you refused to call him Javi. 
You clearing your throat awkwardly made Javier suddenly aware of how creepy he was being, just staring at you, lost in his own thoughts. He cleared his own throat to avoid any possible voice cracks or stutters before finally responding to your very simple question. “I am.”
You raised an eyebrow, a look of amusement gracing your features which Javier always found adorable and would’ve still thought that if it wasn’t for how goddamn humiliating it was to have that expression directed at his being an idiot. “That’s it? You walked over here to tell me you’re ready?” A ghost of a smirk played at your lips, your very kissable lips.
Fuck, Javi, be professional. “No.” He stuttered briefly. “No.”
“Just out with it, man, we don’t have all day.”
Javier sighed in annoyance, placing his hands on his hips and looking down at you with a frown. “Look…, we all know how dangerous this guy is-”
You scoffed, already shaking your head. “No, no, no-”
“So, I was thinking you’d be of more use here. Hold down the fort while we try to bring this guy in.” He tried to keep his heartbeat under control as you stood up from your sitting position on the top of your desk, standing at your full height, obviously trying to come off as a bit intimidating; but you weren’t, not in that way, at least. Javier was more afraid of what was about to come out of your mouth.
“Will you be staying here?” You asked, looking him straight in the eyes; he could practically see all the obscenities floating around in your head that desperately wanted to come out, but couldn’t as to be somewhat professional.
Javier sighed quietly. “No, obviously not.”
“Why not?” You shrugged nonchalantly. “If this guy is so dangerous, you should stay here too. With me. Right?”
Ignoring the butterflies swirling around in his stomach as with me kept repeating over and over in his head, he grit his teeth to mask his expression into subtle anger. “It’s different.”
You crossed your arms and leaned against your desk. “Okay, Peña, give me one good reason why I shouldn’t go on this mission.”
Peña, his thoughts screamed at him. You used to call him Javi. Because I can’t bear the thought of losing you… “Because you’d be a liability. You’d only get in the way, and we can’t afford that right now.”
“Remind me, who was one of the first women to ever get assigned this case?” You asked, trying not to sound smug as everyone in this office knew the answer to that question.
“You were…” He replied with a scowl, his words sounded pained like they were being ripped out of him.
“Exactly. So, there’s no way in hell you’re gonna keep me from trying to catch this motherfucker. Okay? I can take care of myself.” You shoved your pointer finger directly on his chest, pushing him back a tiny bit.
Javier tried to ignore Steve’s shit eating grin as he walked back over to his desk dejectedly. That fuckin’ asshole. “Shoot. I’m surprised you ain’t dead as a doornail, with the way she’s lookin’ at ya.” Steve started as soon as Javier sat back down in his creaky old chair, massaging his temples from the oncoming headache that was surely going to feel like he was being bludgeoned with a hammer. “What did you do this time, Peña?”
Javier scowled and rolled his eyes, pouring himself a drink. “I just told her, I think she’d be better off staying away from the front lines.”
Steve snorted obnoxiously. “And what? You think she’d stay here? God, Peña, you really ain’t yourself when you’re smitten.”
Javier resisted the urge to throw his glass of whiskey right at Steve’s hillbilly face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Dude, you wanna get in her pants do bad it makes you look stupid. And makes you act even stupider, no offense.”
“Offense taken. Asshole.” He growled. “And I’m not smitten. It’s just…this mission is dangerous.”
“She’s a big girl, Javi. She can take care of herself. I’m sure she told ya as much after chewing you out.” More like tearing me apart into itty bitty pieces until I was nothing but ground fuckin’ dust. “You know what you need, Javi?” Oh, this should be good. “A therapist. I’ve recently been seeing one and man, let me tell ya, there’s stuff I’ve learned about myself that I didn’t even know.” Javier laughed. Like, really laughed. “I’m serious, man. Might help you figure out those commitment issues.”
“I already have a therapist.”
Now it was Steve’s turn to laugh. “Oh, yeah? Who?” Steve’s amused grin quickly turned into an annoyed grimace as Javier held up his bottle of whiskey that read: Jack Daniels.
Nah, Javier didn’t need a goddamn therapist. He was just fine…
He was, in fact, not fine.
Javier couldn’t stop the nervous twitch in his hands as everyone filed out of the office as soon as one of their undercover officers finally gave the signal that the cartel member was in place, rushing to the trucks to get to the place in town as soon as possible. He gave one last glance over to you as you got into a different truck that was going to be part of the surrounding force to make sure the member couldn’t escape. Honestly, Javier would’ve felt better if you were on his team instead, but things just didn’t work out that way. You’d be fine…you were going to be fine.
The drive over felt like forever when in reality it was probably around a few minutes. Javier knew he never should’ve talked to you before this mission, conversations with you always put him on edge, for various reasons. But he also knew he’d curse himself later if he didn’t try to talk you out of it once. Now, he couldn’t stop thinking about all the possible outcomes of this attempted arrest. What would happen if they fail? What would happen if this cartel member had a machine gun on him? What would happen if, god forbid, you get shot and killed? Would Javi be able to live with himself?
God, I’m so fucking stupid.
Javier couldn’t escape the onslaught of memories that flashed through his mind, each one causing a heat to rise to his face and guilt chew at him from the inside out. 
It was only several months ago that you confessed your attraction to him. The office was celebrating a recent successful mission and people were drinking. You had gotten drunk, Javier being a little buzzed. You both did teasing dances around each other ever since you met, but Javier never thought you’d want to take things further. But with a few shots loosening your tongue, you told Javi that you really liked him. You loved dancing, but your legs were threatening to give out in exhaustion if Javi kept spinning you around in his little tango. You were gorgeous, of course, but Javier didn’t really know what to say and you noticed that. For a drunk person, you were very astute.
It’s not that Javier wasn’t attracted to you, he was, very much so. He enjoyed your company, he loved the back and forth that seemed to come so naturally to the two of you, he could actually imagine dating you and maybe even more. But Javier didn’t date, not anymore. He fucked. He had one night stands. He didn’t have time for dating. He didn’t have commitment issues, he was just…okay, he was afraid. Javier wasn’t afraid of much. He was a DEA agent, he got shot at on a regular basis, putting his life on the line every day to keep drugs off the streets. And yet, somehow, you managed to be the one thing he’s scared of the most and he can’t even tell you why.
Your face when he turned you down would be forever etched into his mind. It wasn’t even noticeable, it was a split second of sadness crossing your features that he almost missed it. But he didn’t. Every smile you ever gave him, your flustered expression whenever he flirted with you a bit too hard, all burned away by that one subtle despondent look. It sobered you up pretty quickly. You said you didn’t take it to heart, that you understood and apologizing if you made things awkward. He was your carpool that night, so the ride home was…tense, to put it lightly. You lived in the same apartment building, hence the carpool, but you lived a floor up. Javier thought about walking you to your apartment, like he usually would do just to spend that extra time with you when he didn’t have to, but he just couldn’t. Little by little, that mask of nonchalant withered away as you got more tired, unable or just unwilling to keep up the façade. Javi couldn’t look at you anymore, not if he wanted his heart to stay intact. His friendship with you would never be the same after that night. 
He fucked up. He really fucked up. But he thought it was the best response at the time. He couldn’t get into any type of relationship, much less with a coworker. How unprofessional is that? How stupid would he be, in this line of work, to potentially put a target on your back by being someone he cares about? But of course, the way you slowly distanced yourself from him after his rejection made the wall he built around his heart melt away like acid and he couldn’t stop himself from caring about you even if he tried. And try, he did. He kept telling himself it was for the best. Even when you stopped carpooling with him to work, he tried not to care. Every time he felt jealous when he noticed someone else flirting with you, he told himself coworkers don’t feel the urge to put thirteen bullets into another person’s skull just by smiling at you. Because that’s all you were and would ever be: a coworker.
A coworker.
A coworker.
But coworkers can care about each other’s well being and want what’s best for them though, right?
Javier was losing it. He was fuckin’ losing it, and at a time like this? When he was about to try to catch a highly dangerous criminal? At a time where he was being counted on? No. He couldn’t think about you now. He cleared his mind. All images of your face were being shot out of his brain by a M16 assault rifle, just in time for the trucks to arrive at their destination.
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The cartel member tried his best to escape, shooting plenty of rounds at every officer and agent that came into view. But it was proven all for nothing, for him and the police. The motherfucker shot himself before they could arrest him. Of course. They could never catch a fuckin’ break, could they?
Everyone was in low spirits, some now spiritless. To think, being in this field for so long that Javier might get used to seeing the dead bodies. To a point, but he couldn’t help but frown when he saw the lifeless faces of people he knew, people he worked with. Hijo de puta, Javier wishes that cartel member was still alive so he could torture information out of him himself. He’d get over it, same as everyone else. But Javier found himself a secret weapon that always made him feel better after a mission went wrong, he’d just look at you, safe, and all stress would leave him in that moment to know that you made it out alive at least. It was so secret that Javi didn’t even know he did that, not until he tried searching for you after the dust cleared and everything settled down a little bit. Steve was with you, so you’d be easy to find. All he had to do was look for a bright blonde redneck sore thumb.
Javier’s frown deepened when he found Steve, only to not find you standing with him. The look on Steve’s face as he saw Javi coming didn’t bode well either. Where were you? “Javi.” Steve acknowledged in a soft voice…way too soft.
Javier looked around before fixing his gaze on Steve’s downcast expression. He was just upset about the mission failing, right? “Where is she?” He didn’t even have to say your name, anyone who knew Javier would immediately know who he was talking about. Steve sighed heavily, unable to meet his gaze. Javier burst like a dam, scowling and enraged, pulling Steve to him by his collar roughly. “Where is she?” He yelled, forcing the man to make eye contact with him.
“Javi, Javi, calm down.” Steve pleaded, placing his hands on his shoulders to try and soothe him. “She got shot, but she’s gonna be fine. Okay? She’s on her way to the hospital right now.”
Javier’s heart jumped into his throat, making his next words come out shaky and desperate. “Drive me there. Now.”
“But Javi, we gotta-”
“Now!” There was no arguing with Javier whenever he got this way, this angry, this violent. Steve would’ve had better luck fighting a bear.
Javier almost punched Steve when he kept giving him worried glances as he drove. Javi could not keep still. His hands were twitching, his leg was bouncing, he bit the dead skin on his fingertips, and when he started biting the not so dead flesh, he moved on to his lips, which wasn’t much better. It didn’t take but a minute until he tasted copper spreading across his tongue. Anything, he was doing anything to keep himself from screaming, resorting to pulling at his hair. No, there was no way you were leaving him like this. Steve said you’d be fine, but Javi didn’t even know where you got shot, he didn’t know how deep the bullet wounds were or if you were already being treated in the ambulance. He didn’t fucking know. God, please, he just wants to hear you call him Javi again. He doesn’t even care if you say it how you say his last name, full of annoyance and resentment, it doesn't matter anymore. Nothing matters until he sees you alive in a hospital bed.
Upon arriving at the hospital, Steve all but had to hold Javier back as he tried to check in, the impatient attitude and short fuse threatening to get them kicked out. Besides, it’s not like they could visit you now, you were still in surgery and it would take another hour or so before you’d get out. Javier could tell Steve just wanted to yell at him, say some stupid phrase like “hold your darn tootin’ horses” or some bullshit like that. Javier didn’t want to wait, he wanted to see you. He didn’t want to sit in some uncomfortable plastic chair for an hour not knowing if you were okay or not. So he stood, and he paced. He paced and paced until his legs started to wobble. He would stay here, he would stay all night if he had to. There was no way he was going home without seeing you. But in actuality, he wouldn’t have to wait that long.
It was only an hour and some change until the doctor finally came out into the waiting room, Javier and Steve shooting up from their chairs instantly. “She’s okay. The bullet didn’t go too deep into the abdomen and we managed to remove it without doing any more damage. We’ll keep her here for about a week and then we can send her home if there aren’t any more complications. She’s still under anesthesia but it’s wearing off now, so she should be awake soon. We’ll let you know when she’s ready to see you.”
“We can’t see her now?” Javier almost growled, causing Steve to place his hand on his shoulder before turning to the, quite frankly, startled doctor.
“Thank you, sir.”
“Such bullshit.” Javi grumbled under his breath, sitting down in the same seat, not even standing up long enough before his ass stopped tingling from being numb. His back hurt like a bitch, and his joints felt all stiff. God, he hated hospitals. 
“Don’t worry, Javs, you’ll be able to see your girlfriend soon.”
“Shut the fuck up, Murphy. She’s not my fuckin’ girlfriend.”
Steve wasn’t phased by his hostility, only shrugging with a smirk. “But you want her to be.”
Javier groaned, running his hands over his face as his headache came back in full force. “Now, Murphy? You wanna have this conversation now?”
“If not now, when?”
“Exactly.” Javier rolled his eyes, wringing his hands together and avoiding eye contact with the other man. “You like her, man. It’s nothing to be ashamed about. You know, before I met Connie, I never thought I wanted a girlfriend either, much less a wife. I thought I’d be…tied down, I guess. I wanted the freedom to do whatever I wanted. But now…I can’t imagine life without her.”
I already can’t imagine a life without her… “She’s our coworker.”
“Hey, you can’t help who you fall in love with, man.” Javier cringed at the word love. He wasn’t in love with you. Yeah, keep telling yourself that, pendejo, his inner thoughts told him. “As far as I can tell, and I do have better vision than you, I think she feels the same way.” Oh, buddy, you have no idea. “I say go for it. We get this extremely short life once, a chance of it being even shorter in our line of work, you can’t take things for granted and you can’t risk missing out on something that can be beautiful.”
Javier looked over at Steve with a raised brow. “Getting wifed up has made you way more sentimental, man.”
Steve shrugged. “But you know it’s true.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
“You know what, this conversation is making me miss my wife. Let me know how this whole thing goes, okay? Seriously. I care about her too.” And with that, Steve took off, leaving Javier alone with his thoughts, along with the occasional cough or sneeze from other waiting room patients. But other than that, deadly silent. One of the things Javi hates most about hospitals. The silence. The people waiting to hear if their loved ones have survived or not, or waiting to see if they live or die themselves. It reeked of death and he thought: you don’t belong here. You’d never belong here. This place isn’t lively enough for your standards. You shined most working with other people, making others feel at ease with your attitude, caring and compassionate, one of the reasons you even got into this job in the first place. You cared about what happened to people, and you wanted the best for everyone. Maybe that’s why Javier was so drawn to you, ever the pessimist, your light was like a breath of fresh air. Being in the DEA hardened him as a person, seeing the worst in people almost on a daily basis, it can make a person jaded. But you never let the stuff you see change who you were; you still loved, you still cared, you still tried to find the fun in any situation and Javi admired you for that, not that he’d ever admit it.
“She’s ready to see you now.” The doctor’s voice knocked Javier out of his thoughts, his reminiscence being replaced by nervous eagerness.
It was only then, a few steps away from entering your hospital room, that Javier realized he was still clad in his bulletproof vest. He hadn’t gone home to wash off the light splatters of blood or his sweat coated body, and his hair was a tousled bird’s nest. He surely looked like a hot mess. But then he started to wonder when he ever got nervous about his appearance. Jesus, you really fucked him up. He couldn’t help but fix his hair a little before entering your room, hopefully managing to pat down some wild curls. But the smile on your face as he finally came into view told him he didn’t look as bad as he thought. That smile also pierced right through his hardened exterior, a breath of relief when he saw that you were okay.
“Hey, stranger.” You spoke lazily, clearly still a little loopy from the anesthesia.
Javier took a seat next to your bed, looking you over and frowning when he saw all the tubes attached to you. You could’ve lost her…
“Where’s Steve? The doctor said he was with you?”
She’s asking about Murphy when I’m right here? “Oh, he uh, went home, to make sure Connie knows he’s okay. He did want to see you though.”
“Yeah, I believe it. You should’ve seen the look on his face when that bullet got me. I’ve never seen him so scared shitless.” You chuckled. Again, always finding humor in a situation even when you literally got shot. It almost infuriated him, but the mental image of Steve freaking out did make him smirk a little.
“How are you feeling?”
You shrugged. “Tired. No, I'm exhausted. Who knew getting shot would make you wanna sleep for a week?”
“Are you hurting at all?”
“Just a little sore. They’ve got me on a shitload of painkillers right now, so I’m unlikely to feel anything at the moment. Embarrassment, however, I do feel.”
Javier furrowed his brows. “Why would you ever feel embarrassed? You got fuckin’ shot.”
“Exactly. I told you I could take care of myself and yet, here I am.” You huffed. “I never thought this would happen to me. I guess…I just got too comfortable.”
Before he could stop himself, Javier reached out to place his hand over yours, almost gasping when he felt how cold your skin was. “Hey, don’t be embarrassed, okay? You’re alive, that’s all that matters. Some of us don’t get so lucky. I’m relieved.”
He didn’t miss the subtle flustered expression on your face. “Oh…so, you’re not gonna say I told you so?” You smiled weakly.
Javier grinned. “Well, I can’t exactly say that when you’re laying in a hospital bed.”
“Eh, you could. You’d just be a massive asshole. But then again, you already are.” He knew it was just a joke, but it was true. He was an asshole, especially to you. Maybe it was the medication you were on, but he had no idea why you were being so friendly to him. If he were rejected by someone he likes, then that person proceeded to talk down to him when they were annoyed, he’d have little kind words to say. In fact, he was surprised you weren’t currently punching him in the face. You frowned, and Javier wanted to curse himself for giving his feelings away. “I’m sorry.”
He shook his head. “No, you have nothing to be sorry for. I’m the one who’s-”
“Visiting hours are over.” A nurse interrupted, rather rudely.
You both frowned. Javier nodded to the nurse as he reluctantly let go of your hand, giving you a double take at the door, imprinting the image of you weakly waving goodbye with a small smile on your face to memory so he had something to hold onto before the next visit.
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The week went by way too slow. Not even a week. You were recovering really well, so the doctors cleared you to go home sooner than expected. Javier found himself being anxious all the time, even at home after work was over. He drank a bit more than usual, until Steve came over one night and saw the state of his apartment and quickly intervened. He’d never admit this, but Javier was thankful for his partner. He was a good man, he supposed that’s why he made such a good DEA agent.
Javier had implicitly volunteered to be the one to look out for you when you were allowed back home, since you two lived in the same apartment building. Couldn’t really have been anyone else, and he wanted to. He wasn’t there for you when you got shot, but he sure as hell could be there when you recovered. Though, after a long conversation, you both decided it would be best that you stayed in his apartment until you could walk around on your own. The doctor had put you on a strict bedrest regime, to make sure you didn’t tear any stitching and reopen the wound. You lived alone, so staying with Javier just seemed like the most logical choice. Though, it put him in a near stupor.
Javier never cleaned so much in his life. He wanted everything to be perfect, nothing out of place and he’d be damned if there was even one speck of dust on any surface. It only increased his anxiety to the point he almost considered punching a hole into his wall. It’d be okay, he told himself, you were just staying until you could walk. That wouldn’t take that long. Yeah, he could do this. He could be professional while being in close proximity with you for more than the usual work hours. You’re fucked, man.
Steve helped drop you off at your apartments after picking you up from the hospital. Javier quickly put out the cigarette he was smoking as he heard the knock on the door, opening it to see you in a wheelchair with Steve behind you. “Someone order a damaged DEA agent?” He joked, only to get a slap on the arm from you. “Bad joke, sorry.” He coughed nervously, Javier stepping away so he could push the wheelchair inside. “Anyway, take real good care of her now.” He winked, earning a glare from Javier. “Alright, I’ll be going now.”
“Idiot…” Javier mumbled, earning a quiet giggle from you. Thankfully, Javier had a spare bedroom that he never used. He mostly used it as a storage room but cleaned it up a little and bought an extra mattress to use for the time being, while he insisted you stay in his own bedroom. “Sorry, it’s not much.” He spoke as he helped you to his bed.
“Don’t worry, it’s great.” You huffed as you laid yourself down, a small wince on your face. The doctor had been weaning you off the pain meds, so you weren’t the most comfortable. “Thanks again for letting me stay here until I get my bearings. I really appreciate it.”
Javier shook his head. “No problem. Just, uh, let me know if you need anything.”
“Thank you…Javi.” You spoke softly as he turned to exit the room.
He almost ran into the door as soon as you said that, his heart fluttering inside his ribcage. He closed his eyes briefly to just savor the sound of your voice when you finally said his first name, finally after so long. He knew it was just out of appreciation, but he could take the little victories. He stiffly nodded before closing the door on his way out, letting out a sharp exhale when he got to his living room. How was he going to survive you staying with him for a couple weeks when he gets flustered within just a couple minutes around you in general? He hated to admit, but Steve was right. 
Javi was fuckin’ smitten.
With this newfound acceptance, Javier found himself just standing at the island in his kitchen doing nothing but blankly staring into space. You were here. You were safe. You were just in the other room. And yet, Javier was itching to go back and make sure you were doing alright, even though, logically, he knew you were probably just sleeping. He noticed the dark circles under your eyes and figured it was difficult trying to find any sort of peace inside a hospital. He knew he wouldn’t, but then again, he always had trouble sleeping. Even more so after you got shot.
For the first time in a while, the nightmares he was plagued with actually got to him. It wasn’t like all the other times he was shot or stabbed, betraying his own department, or Pablo always managing to escape when he was just within reach (although, that was more reality bleeding into his dreams). He almost always saw the dead bodies of the people he’s killed, especially the innocent ones. But then he started to see you.
It was always the same. You were calling out for Javier, begging for help. He ran to you, but it was like he was trying to run through mud or quicksand. He tried so hard to get to you before you were shot, but he was always too late. As soon as he reached you, you were already dying in his arms. Over and over again. To think those dreams would’ve stopped once you were home from the hospital, but nope. He went to sleep that night waking up in a similar cold sweat and racing heart. He almost couldn’t bear to look at you, guilt eating away at him even though it wasn’t his fault. He absolutely hated the fact he still had to go into work. This mission was put on hold for no one, not even you.
He was always anxious at work, to the point everyone noticed. He still did his job, but his eyes were vacant and it seemed anything he did was just instinct. He just kept thinking what if you needed him and he wasn’t there to help you? It didn’t bother Javier that everything figured out his affection for you, it was bound to happen sooner or later. He just hoped it didn’t get back to you before he could tell you himself.
But after he came home, he went back to his old behaviors. It’s true what people say: habits die hard. He did attempt to act more warm and accommodating, for both your sakes. But he made sure to never cross that line of professionalism. He didn’t want to make you uncomfortable or be forced into a situation when you were practically still dependent on him to move around. He didn’t want to cross any unspoken boundary. No, he’d keep his feelings to himself a bit longer. After you can walk on your own, or maybe even after you come back to work…or maybe when the mission is over and Pablo is dead or behind bars.
But after another gruesome nightmare, Javier got into the habit of peeking into your (his) bedroom. Just to make sure you were still there. Even when his nightmares mellowed out, he still did it. He even started to sit by your bed and just watch you sleep peacefully. God, he felt like such a creep. And what was it he said about boundaries?
Javier thought he’d just stay quiet, pretend like he never memorized every part of your face as you slept. Like how he noticed your nose twitched like a bunny sometimes, or how your lips pulled into a tiny and almost unnoticeable smile. But of course, he couldn’t do that forever. You started to be able to move around on your own, albeit extremely carefully. But still, that just meant you could go back to your own apartment soon…
Javier had a really bad dream that night after seeing you take baby steps into the living room, a giant smile on your face as you finally were able to do things yourself. And of course, it was the same exact dream. He went to your bedroom right after, anxious to see your peacefully sleeping form that would instantly calm him, only to find you whimpering and slightly stirring in your sleep. Ah, so he wasn’t the only one plagued by nightmares.
He thought about leaving you alone, letting you wake up on your own, but when he heard you whispering mumbled “nos” and “stops” with tears trailing down your cheeks, he couldn’t just let you suffer.
After a brief moment of hesitation, Javier slowly sat down next to you, brushing a hand over your cheek delicately, the action only slightly stirring you. “Hey, sweetheart.” Fuck, the name just came out naturally. He’s so glad that it didn’t wake you. He called your name, gently shaking your shoulder until you shot up with wide eyes, winding back your fist to punch him before he caught it. “Hey, hey, it’s me. It’s me.”
You slowly relaxed, bringing your hands down with an exhale. “Javi…” You whispered his name like a prayer, like you almost couldn’t believe he was actually there with you.
“Must’ve been some nightmare.” Javier guessed, and you winced.
“Was…was I loud?”
“You were crying in your sleep…” He didn’t really answer your question, it was true, but Javier never would’ve heard you if he wasn’t creeping around your room in the first place.
“Oh god, I’m sorry. I usually don’t get nightmares like this.”
“What were you dreaming about?” Javier could’ve probably guessed, and from the expression on your face when you looked at him, he was right.
“I haven’t had nightmares about it before. Not even the nights right after. I don’t know.” You shrugged. “I guess…my theory, now that I can walk around without tearing myself apart, I guess that means I can go back to my apartment. And I'm glad I’m better. It’s just, you’ve been so kind and made me feel safe here, and the thought of having to live all alone again, even if I know you’re just downstairs…” You shook your head, curling in on yourself in embarrassment.
“Then…you can stay here a bit longer.” That felt like a confession, to Javier anyway. And he almost regretted saying it until…
“Oh, no, I wouldn’t do that to you. I know you’ve been counting down the days until I could handle walking myself again.”
Javi furrowed his brows, his heart dropping to his stomach. “What? I haven’t-”
“I’ve made things awkward, Javi. I know that. I know I haven’t been handling that whole rejection thing very well, but I’m trying, okay? I really am trying.” You sighed. “I never should’ve told you then, but I figured, you can get over a person a lot quicker if you just confessed early on. I’m sorry but, it hasn’t been working much. That’s not your fault, of course, it’s my problem. Living with you these past couple weeks have not made it any easier though.” You chuckled bitterly, wiping away a few shed tears as soon as they fell over your cheeks, making Javier’s heart clench painfully. “God, I’m such an idiot.” You whispered to yourself.
Javier exhaled shakily, turning away from you, looking down at the floor. “You remember back at the hospital, you called me an asshole?”
“It was a joke, and I apologized, Peña.”
Javier winced at the sound of his last name. No. No, no, no, he was not going to go through this. Not again. Just swallow your pride for once, man. “I didn’t get to finish what I was gonna say back then, 'cause that bitch nurse told me I had to leave.” He growled.
You chuckled weakly. “And what were you going to say?”
Now or never, right?
“I was gonna say you’re right. I am. An asshole. I’m the one who should be apologizing to you.”
You made a confused noise. “What’re you talking about?”
Goddamn it. “I’ve been an asshole to you since that night…”
You sighed. “You don’t have to explain yourself, Peña. I get it.”
“Please, just let me talk.” He begged, and Javier never begged. The pleading look in his eyes finally got you to shut your mouth. His heart was racing. He thought about taking a deep breath but he was just afraid it would turn into hyperventilating, so not helpful. “Sorry, I’m no good at this. Talking. Damn it…” He whispered. “Fuck it, I like you, alright?” He spat, sounding more angry than he meant.
“W-What?” You stuttered, suddenly sounding much more awake and sitting up against your pillows.
“You heard me.”
“I did, I just…” You shook your head. “I don’t understand. Are you saying this to…mess with me or something?”
“No. No, I’m not. I mean, I’m-” Javier groaned in frustration. He wasn’t used to this, he never really did this, talk about his emotions. He didn’t know it would be this hard. Man, maybe he did need a therapist. He flinched when you placed your hand on his shoulder, but you didn’t pull away.
“Hey, it’s okay, Javi.” You spoke softly when you noticed how on edge he was. “Calm down. Just take a deep breath.” He did as he was told, for once. Taking deep breaths while focusing on the heat radiating from you, using it to ground himself before he even tried talking again.
“When Steve told me you were shot…” He stuttered shakily, his voice betraying him. “I feared the worst. I thought…I thought there was a chance I’d never see you again.”
You frowned, your bottom lip trembling. “Oh, Javi, come here.” You pulled him to you, allowing his head to rest on your shoulder, gently running your hand through his hair while your other hand guided his hand to rest over the pulse point on your neck. “I’m safe. I’m alive. See? I’m not gonna be so reckless again, I promise.”
Javier closed his eyes, snuggling further onto your neck, breathing in your calming scent, spurring him to keep talking. “I thought that I didn’t want to be with anyone. I convinced myself that I don’t need anyone but me…then I got to know you and I started to realize, I’d rather give up this case than see you get hurt. That night you told me how you felt, I thought I was sparing you. But I was just afraid, a coward. The truth is…I fuckin’ need you.” From where his hand was laying on your neck, Javi could feel your pulse quicken. He called out your name in concern, more of hesitance. He finally lifted his head to look at you, immediately noticing the tears in your eyes but a bashful smile on your face.
Letting go of his restraint and not worrying about the consequences for once, Javier surged forward, capturing your lips with his. The little gasp that came from you was probably one of the cutest sounds he’s ever heard, besides your laugh. Your lips were so soft, moving against his languidly. He smiled into the kiss as he felt you rake your hands through his hair, bringing his body to yours as close as humanly possible. Javier wasn’t the best with words, but this he knew how to do. He tried to pour every single emotion he had for you into this kiss: adoration, care, frenzied lust, and maybe even love. The only reason he finally pulled away is because he heard you wince.
Oh, he’d pressed against you too hard and put some pressure on your stitching. Damn it, of course, your first kiss with her and you have to fuck it up somehow.
“I’m so sorry.” He spoke, panicked, wildly looking over your expression to make sure you weren’t in any more pain.
You shook your head with a grin, a mildly dazed gleam in your eyes. “You’re okay. You’re more than okay.”
“I got…a little carried away.” He blushed, having to forcefully put a little bit of distance between you. “God, I’ve thought about doing that for so long.” He admitted.
You smirked, trying to cover up your nervousness. “Did it live up to your expectations?”
More than you could ever know. 
“I probably should’ve asked this before I kissed you, but…do you wanna go out with me sometime?” He didn’t know why he sounded so nervous, like you’d ever say no, but he didn’t know that. His body untensed as you gave him the most bright smile he’d ever seen from you.
“Of course, Javi.” Javi, Javi, Javi. The beautiful sound repeated in his mind.
“Say my name again, please.” You leaned forward to kiss him again, repeating it after you broke apart. He never thought his name could sound more alluring than when you said it. God, he wanted to absolutely ravish you, but he’d never risk hurting you. He was a patient man, he could wait, however long you needed. He was already planning it in his mind. He wasn’t the most romantic, but rose petals did come into mind, making him chuckle to himself. “I guess I’ll…let you get back to sleep now.”
Javier moved to stand from your bed, but you stopped him by grabbing onto his wrist. “Would it be too much if I asked you to stay?” Your best puppy dog eyes were on full display, making his heart swell. He could never say no to that face.
“Mi tesoro…” Javi whispered as you both settled in for the rest of the night, him laying on his back while you leaned your head against his chest, a protective arm wrapped around you. Yeah, he could get used to this, especially with you. The both of you fell fast asleep pretty quickly. And what d’ya know? He didn’t have another nightmare after that.
You decided to stay at his apartment for a little while longer. Well, it was more of an insistence from Javier. He was almost always on you like a leech, but he never heard you complain. From the constant stream of giggles and smiles you threw his way, Javi was pretty sure you enjoyed his company. Now that the tension finally broke, it was back to how it used to be between you, only more intensified. That damned gunshot wound was the only wall between you, but that wall wound was broken soon enough. Of course, when that happened, you also had to get back to work, which you were missing greatly. You wanted to catch Escobar just as much as everyone else, so you were ecstatic to get back on the case.
Javier tried his best not to helicopter you around, he knew if someone was doing that to him he’d want to claw their eyes out. He gave you your space, but that anxiety came back in full force whenever they’d try to make an arrest. From then on, you were always right by Javier’s side whenever the guns had to come out. Maybe he was overprotective, but he didn’t care; he needed you safe.
It wasn’t really a shock to anyone that you and Javier got together. Some even made bets, which infuriated him. Steve was the worst about it, teasing Javi whenever he got the chance. At least no one teased you, not that anyone would be stupid enough to try.
As the team had gotten word about where one of Pablo’s men were hiding out, the station started to shift into that similar tension, much too similar to that day you were shot. Javier felt like he was going to have a panic attack. But at this point, you had been around each other so constantly that you developed a sort of sixth sense to whatever he was feeling. You didn’t hesitate to grab his hand, bringing it up so his palm could cup your cheek. “Hey, we’re gonna be fine.” Javier forced himself to nod. “You’ve got my back?”
He cracked a smile. “Of course I do, cariño.” 
Javier leaned down to kiss you passionately, taking you by surprise. PDA in the workplace wasn’t really strictly forbidden, but it was common courtesy not to lock lips with your partner. But Javi didn’t care, he needed you when he needed you. 
No one was going to take that away from him.  No one was going to take you away from him. Never again.
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like i said...chokehold. he has too much power. someone save me.
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clouds-by-me · 3 months
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓼
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Character ;; Scaramouche Warnings ;; Angst, character death, blood Word count ;; 1.3k An | i had fun making this tbh, and i loved the way it turned out<3 Part 2
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As the wind blew past you, everything felt nice. The cold air bit at your skin, but it still felt nice. Your thick fur coat, given to you not long after you had started living on this forever cold land, kept you warm. You watched the evening horizon, no thoughts in your mind as the sun set behind the mountains off in the far distance.
Though it looked as if you could touch it if you just reached For it, you knew in you mind that it was far away. That however, didn’t stop you. Pulling your hand out of the safety of the warmth within its pocket, you reached for it. Only for your hand to reach nothing.
Your hand fell back to your side, and your head tilted slightly, as if confused. As if you didn’t know why your hand touched nothing instead of touching the horizon. You missed the warmth that the sun used to bring.
You missed your sun.
The light of your life, rather he admit it or not. He did questionable things, and he wasn’t nice by any means, but he loved you. He protected you, and was interested in the things that you believed, rather he agreed with them or not. He’d never let you be disrespected, let alone hurt by any means.
Scaramouche loved you.
The day you found out that he wouldn’t be returning, was the day you cried so much that your tears started to freeze as they rolled down your cheeks.
You cried for hours, all by yourself. You’d been told that he died. That the experiment that he had been apart of failed, and he was destroyed during a battle against the new dendro Archon, and a blond traveler.
You had been told that they killed him.
For a while you wanted to be upset, no you wanted to be outraged. You wanted to loath everything about those people, the people who hurt the man you loved. You wished to hurt them, to see them hurt at your feet, begging for mercy that you wouldn’t give.
Yet, as soon as it came, that feeling was gone.
You knew that the experiment was dangerous. You knew that he could’ve gotten hurt. He knew as well. But you didn’t know that puppets could die. If you would’ve had known, you would’ve tried to stop him. You would’ve made him stayed, or so you tell yourself. Now that he was gone, it seemed that everything reminded you of him. Somehow, where ever you looked, you saw him.
And it hurt.
It didn’t make sense to you. How did something like the snow remind you of Scaramouche? Maybe it was the way his skin was always so cold, or the way he’d melt for your warmth. You could hear his voice in your mind.
“Ugh, you need to move faster, the snow isn’t hard to move in. Mortals…why must you be so weak..”
He’d complain about everything, from the cold to the heat. He complained about light and darkness, the air and the uneven ground. The only thing he never complained about however was you.
He would never admit it, but he loved you. The puppet would do anything for you. From the small things, when you asked him to get you some water. To literally challenging the way of life and trying to become an archon, to be strong and protect you. He wanted the best for you. Anything you wanted, it’d be in your hands before you could even say think about it.
He learned and studied you to the point where he could understand what you were thinking just by being around you.
You blinked again, the sun was almost fully down by now. Softly you sighed, you cloud see the cloud of air that contrasted against the unforgiving cold air.
Though you dreaded this walk, you made your way back to the icy cold place of Snezhnaya. As your feet hit the snow with a loud crunch, you couldn’t help but think about him still. It seemed like he couldn’t leave you alone. Even when gone, he still found a way to be around. The last words that he said to you before he left for Sumeru were word that would haunt you to your final days;
“I’ll see you when i get back. Don’t do anything stupid while im away, and stay away from Sumeru. No matter what….Please. I love you.”
He didn’t even let you say it black before he quickly kissed you then left. Bitterly you chuckled at his words. It seems like he was the one to do something stupid, now look where it got him. You remember hearing the love behind the hiss in on his tongue.
The irony, you thought. The walk to your current place of residence was short, to say the least. And anything besides peaceful. As soon as you entered the castle, subordinates of your lover crowed you. Questions of various kinds were shot at you to the point of gaining a headache.
The lack of respect, and distance between you and them, for some reason angered you. The feeling of heat covered your body more instantly as more questions were asked. Irritated, you began actually moving people out of your way as you continued to walk, now having no care about who was going to get hurt.
All of the questions blended together, until your ear twitched at the sound of one particular question;
“Are you going to take lord Scaramouche’s place as the new 6th harbinger?”
You froze in your tracks, that question upset you. Were they really that ready to replace him? Everyone agreed, and started on with how ‘you’re so much nicer than lord Scaramouche’. Had they not realized how hard this was for you? Had they no respect? For his loss at the very least.
“You will not speak of him of the sort.” you turned around, looking down upon everyone, even those who were taller than you. “And just who do you think you are? You bow before you speak to me, I should have you all behead for such an act of disrespect!” Immediately everyone stoped their movements.
Fear struck a majority of the group, everyone else, a sense of confusion. Since when were you, of all people, as harsh as Scaramouche? It seemed almost out of your character. Never did you make them blow to you before, or even threaten them. Everyone fell to their knees, bowing before you, some even shook.
Everyone besides one, a newer recruit to the fatui. She stood with a high level of confidence, and ego. As if she had the right to face you.
Thoughts of the way that Scaramouche would discipline these very subordinates played in your mind. You remember at that time, thinking those punishments were too harsh. You’d believe that they deserved a second chance, at that time as least.
“Why are you still standing.” You didn’t ask a question, it was a warning, now, you were at the point that you were ready to hurt everyone around you. If Scaramouche was still be around, you wouldn’t be doing this. That fact hurt you much more than it should’ve, but it’s true.
Scaramouche was the one to apply harsh treatment upon the ones beneath him, while you would apologize, and try to get him to stop.
“You keep being nice to them, and one day they’ll try to take advantage of you. That’s why you are so weak now, you are too kind, and forgiving.”
Is this what he meant? You wonder. You wasted no time in killing the woman. Your eyes so dull, that even the lights didn’t reflect off of them. A collective gasp filed the room. You watched the body fall, and the blood spill. No mercy was left in you heart, nor did you care.
“Someone clean up this blood now! Let this be a warning, i show no more mercy.” You started to walk away, but stopped before they were out of earshot. “Never talk bad about Scaramouche around me ever again, i will kill you. On sight.”
With that you walked away, only the sound of your shoes hitting the ground filled the silence of the cold halls, and your now hallow heart.
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imnotsimpingyouare · 1 year
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NSFW Akaza X Reader - Minors DNI
So basically??? Idek fem!reader is some sort of good guy with a sword tryna fight a bad guy with no sword but with dangerous hands ig but she likes them hands a little too much
It was a gust of air that set you off. It took only a moment to realize what it was, flying through the forest with eyes directed ahead.
An Upper Rank demon.
You were no hashira. You were somewhere close, but still so far away, and even farther knowing this could very well be your last battle. You didn't even bat an eye at the disintegrating demon behind you now, you had an important matter to attend to.
It was running.
From you.
It sent you into some predatory trance, relying on your instinct to guide you in the right direction. You would run all night if you had to. It wouldn't get away.
What motive would it have to run? What drove it towards you in the first place? All questions you'd have an answer to soon, seeing as you saw a break in the dense forest ahead.
You halted for the first time in a while. You knew better than to run into the clearing where it could attack openly from any direction.
Where did it go?
You felt all of the hairs on your neck stand up before something tried to grab at your sword. You swung, but never made contact.
"Come out, coward!" You shouted into the woods, knowing that wherever it was, it could hear you. You stepped into the clearing. Since it was trying to disarm you, it'd be better to give it less places to hide.
A voice called to you from what seemed to be all around.
"Put your katana down, demon slayer. You have no reason to worry."
In a flash he was there, a relatively tall demon with edo tattoos and bright pink hair.
His eyes were unique, yellow with the kanji "upper three" framed by what seemed to be cracked sclera.
His chest was toned and his pants were baggy. You spent only a moment admiring the state he was in, before returning his intense gaze.
"Why the hell would I do that?"
His hands remained rested at his sides and his face was completely serious.
"I do not harm women."
In his eyes, you could see what looked like something you knew all too well.
You hated pity. You wanted it from no one. To see others stare at you, and your smaller frame, battling huge demons. You knew what they were thinking. You always knew.
"And why is that." You nearly growled, knowing the answer.
His eyes narrowed at your... offense?
"They are..." He began, but was interrupted by the moonlight reflecting off your blade, which was now pointed at him.
"Do not..." you started to say, clenching your free hand against the fabric of the uniform pants, "insult me with your pity."
His eyes widened, and you were before him in an instant, swinging your blade at his neck.
You caught him with the tip of your katana ever so slightly, causing him to jump yards away from you. You spared no time for him. Your attacks came in a series of swift blows, and he never sparred back, only blocking against you. It was with every blow the anger in your chest seemed to grow larger, until you finally stood before him again, his arms regenerating from the small cuts he received from the attack.
"Little demon slayer, I have no wish to fight you." He said, in a quieter voice.
"Shut the hell up. " You spat, digging your heels into the firm ground below you. "There is no bigger insult than to go easy on me. I wouldn't be standing here today if I couldn't handle myself."
His eyes were apologetic almost, pink eyebrows furrowing together.
"Demon slayer, I-"
You huffed. If you were going to have a conversation, you'd tire quickly of the name "demon slayer".
"Y/N." He repeated in thought, one hand coming up to run through his pink hair.
"I am Akaza." He said.
You didn't know what he wanted with you. In truth, he didn't want anything, only to get away from this interaction, but your words intrigued him beyond reason.
"If that is your wish, Y/N, I am sure you will die from this battle."
A smile formed itself on your lips. It had been a while since someone considered being fair towards you, and a demon no less.
"Better to die a warrior than a coward."
There was a pause between the two of you before you both dissappeared in a blur, dust kicking up around you.
For the first time, it felt like you weren't having to prove yourself against this demon, and he was actually considering your strength. Newfound confidence flowed through your veins and into the tip of your katana, following through on every attack and every block.
Akaza was taking real swings at you, and you were taking every opportunity to strike at his neck. But the tides changed when he kicked your sword from your hand.
Your katana flew several yards away, and you were forced to resort to hand-to-hand, the only area of combat you possessed real weakness. It was as if Akaza could see it, could see through you, and into where your weaknesses lie.
The first blow you truly received from him was a kick in the stomach, sending you flying in the opposite direction of your katana. In an instant he was on top of you, pinning your limbs down with his own. He held your hands above your head and watched as you choked out labored breaths, trying to catch up with yourself.
"You're so strong, Y/N."
You looked up at him, and he was staring down at you, not a hint of dishonesty in his yellow eyes. Only wonder and excitement.
"Please, become a demon? We could train together. No one would ever view you as weak. Never again. Could you imagine that?"
Your legs moved, looking for the room to curl up to your chest, but he placed his knee in between your thighs, keeping you from kicking him off.
"I... don't want to become a demon." You say.
But Akaza wasn't going to take no for an answer. He leaned in even closer.
"Y/N. If you don't become a demon, there will always be people who don't respect you. A warrior like you will die of old age, shriveling away with your weak, mortal human body. I cannot bear to see you meet such a fate." He said, caressing your wrists with his thumb.
Your heart began to beat a little faster at that. Did he even care about that? Why would a demon care who respects you?
You looked up into his eyes. "Death is always chasing you. You can never get away."
But he only smiled at that. His lips grazed yours, sharing air with you as he spoke in a whisper.
"Then let's run from death together, Y/N."
In that moment you were dying for a connection, and his lips met yours as if he had read your mind. It was a sweet and gentle kiss, none like the ones you've had in your life, where they had been taken from you. This kiss was shared between two equally wanting individuals, whose fate intertwined at this moment for this purpose.
"Don't you want to see.." he pulls away to gaze at you, "how long we can make it?"
He released your hands and placed them on either side of your head, allowing you to take them down and ruffle his hair. How could a demon be so loving towards you?
His lips curled into a smile before meeting yours again, this kiss needier than the last. It felt so inexplicably good to be connected to him, and the warmth pooling in your abdomen only gathered with the passing time.
You let out a soft moan when he slid his tounge into your mouth, body pressing yours down onto the ground. He pulled away for a moment to admire the state you were in for him now, saliva dripping down your chin, face flushed beet red.
"Love, are you alright? That expression you're making... would you like to continue?"
His eyes bore into yours, feeling the way his breath hitched when you nodded your head.
"Use your words love."
"Yes.. I want to keep going."
It was in that moment you confined yourself to your fate, as he slowly unbuttoned your uniform to reveal your chest. "So lovely.." He whispered, kissing and sucking on your boobs, making you squirm under him. Moans began to fall as he grinded his hips into yours, groaning in your ear at the sensation. "Akaza.." you mumbled out, causing him to look at you with half-lidded eyes, lost in the trance of your hips grinding against his.
"Fuck, keep saying my name that way, I never want you to forget my name leaving your lips." He said in a soft voice, teasing one of your nipples as he undid the buckle of your belt. Your hands tugged at his hair the more you longed for him, hips lifting up so he could take off your pants and underwear.
"Look at you, so wet for me." He moaned at the feeling of your soaked panties against his fingers, before thumbing at your clit.
Your back arched at the sudden contact, reaching for him, only to be pinned back to the ground with his free hand. "Want to feel you inside," you hummed, staring into his eyes as his fingers danced around your hole. "Want you, Akaza."
Two of his fingers pushed their way in, making you gasp at the feeling as he kissed you. "Don't worry, love, m'gonna make you feel good." He breathed out in between kisses.
His fingers found a slow, but satisfying pace inside of you, curling to press against that spot inside of you that make your toes curl. He watched your face intently, focused on your poor bottom lip, which had been bitten so harshly it looked as if it may bleed. "My poor thing." He whispered against your lips, trying to kiss all of your thoughts away.
The pace of his fingers soon had you on the edge, but he kept you there, whispering sweet nothings into the shell of your ears. "Please wait for me, love. Will you?" He coos, with full knowledge of the effect he has on you, hearing your moans grow into desperate whimpers.
"A-akaza, wanna cum so bad.." you whimper, resting your head against the ground in complete submission. He laughs ever so softly, kissing your neck before taking his fingers out to lick them clean of your juices. "Be patient.." is all he has to say, taking off his own pants to reveal his dick to you.
You sit up to push him back against the tree nearby, straddling his hips. "I wanna do it." You say to him, and he presents no arguments as you ease yourself down onto his cock.
He groans in your ear, hands holding your hips close to him. "So fucking tight around me, Y/N." He breathes, before you raise your hips and lower them again.
You set the pace, bouncing your hips on his dick, and he holds your chin in his hand. "Don't dare look away, love. I want to see you." He purrs.
His tip just barely kisses your cervix, and he's trying as hard as he can not to thrust up into you and ruin you. He keeps his hand on your chin, watching as a slew of moans and whines fall from your lips. You were putty in his hands. His free hand roamed your body freely, massaging all of your worries away.
The sound of your skin colliding is nearly enough to banish all other noise, the only other thing you can hear being Akaza's sultry voice.
Your legs begin to shake and tears prick at your eyes, desperately chasing the release he denied you earlier.
"Oh sweet thing, are you tired? Do you want my help?" He coos at you, finding it adorable how you can't keep up with your desires. You nod your head, pleads leaving your lips in the form of whispers.
"Words." He says. His fingers pull your chin closer to his and he looks you in the eye.
"Akaza, please... want your help, m'gonna cum, wanna cum so bad...ngh!" you moan, giving up all pride you had before he thrusts up into you, causing your legs to nearly give out. He continues to slam your hips down in time with his thrusts, sucking on your neck while you moan in ecstasy. He groans, holding your chin still as he slams into you at an inhuman pace. "Thought you were strong hm? Do you like begging for my help?" He said in almost a growl.
You found yourself frantically nodding. "Please Akaza, please..!" You cried out, eyes rolling back into your head as you neared your high. He groaned, squeezing your hip harder. "I'll fuck you like this every day for the rest of your life love, would you like that? Being my cocksleeve every night?" He felt so desperate, hips erratically thrusting into you, chasing that release he's been needing. You gripped his shoulders and nodding, trying so hard to keep your focus on him. "I love you," you cried in that sweet voice of yours, "want your cum, want it so bad."
He suddenly let out a load moan, releasing into you as you clenched him even tighter than before. You cried out his name, squeezing his shoulders. He continued moving his hips slower now, fucking you through your orgasm. Eventually he stopped, resting his head in the crook of your neck.
"My sweet Y/N. All mine, forever."
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dreaming-medium · 7 months
Animals Without Direction
Chapter Twelve - Rest
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The night before the battle left you with nothing but a vibrating ball of emotion. A large camp was set up on the Miron side of the Amvista river hidden among the thick and tall trees of the woods. Only a few fires were lit to make certain that Erbus did not see any signs of life.
The moon has been in the sky for about five hours at this point, leaving it a little after midnight. 
Jeongin bid you a good night about two hours ago, leaving you by yourself in front of the campfire. Despite its warmth, you still find yourself shaking, and you’re not sure it's from the chill in the air. 
Tomorrow everything will change. 
Elves have been considered outlaws in Erbus for close to thirty five years, and finally, tomorrow, action will happen.
Thoughts of your mother and father float around your head. If they could see where you were now, you’re not sure how they would react. First and foremost, they would just want you to be safe; that’s all they ever wanted.
You found safety in Miroh.
It wasn’t until recently that you realized that you never felt as though you needed to have eyes on the back of your head while walking through the Keep. There was never that tingling of danger in the back of your mind to watch your back. 
“A soldier up late on the eve of battle?” a smooth voice comes from behind you.
Tearing your exhausted gaze from the fire, you look up at Hyunjin. His sharp eyes are looking at you closely, scanning all over your face.
You hum and look away from him back to the dancing flames. 
“Someone needs to watch the camp.”
“There are soldiers on guard around the entire perimeter. Worry not, mercenary, get some rest. You appear as though you desperately need it.”
Your jaw clenches and your body shrinks in on itself a little. Your shoulders slump forward and chin dips down towards your chest. You’ve avoided mirrors purposefully for at least a week.
“If it makes you feel any safer, you can rest your head in my tent for the night.” Hyunjin adds.
You perk up a bit, a tent means warmth. The last few nights you either spent sitting on a log in front of the fire or curled up on your side in your bedroll, aching for warmth.
Winter was only a month away and this year it felt like it was coming early. Frost clung to the grass well after sunrise.
You pause, looking down at the dirt for a moment. “I would very much appreciate that.”
When you look up at Hyunjin again, he only smirks and jerks his head in another direction. “Come on then. Everyone will be waking up to march in only a few short hours.”
Quickly, you stand up from the log, grab your bedroll, and follow the mage. As soon as you walk away from the campfire, a wet coldness seeps into your bones. It feels like you jumped into a frozen lake before standing up.
Hyunjin leads you over to his small tent in the middle of camp. It’s nothing special but you know the canvas walls will keep you from frosting over with the foliage. 
He ducks inside first and you follow him. His bedroll is already laid out with a small lantern and book next to it.
The wall of warmth that hits you curls around your body like a blanket. An immediate sigh of relief leaves your lips. The heat is such a welcomed contrast compared to your frigid skin, it almost makes your joints ache from the extreme difference.
Hyunjin walks over and slides his bedroll to the side to give you some room. With your two sleeping bags side by side, there is basically no more room inside the tent. 
“Have you been sleeping outside these past few nights?” he asks as he watches you set up your sleeping space.
“More or less.”
“I am not really able to sleep much these days.” you admit, not looking over at him. He sat down on top of his bedroll, long legs stretched out in front of him.
“Is there a reason for this?” he prods more.
You think for a moment before shaking your head. “Nay,” it comes out as a whisper. “If I am being plain with you, I cannot recall when I last was able to sleep for more than an hour without my eyes opening.”
The mage only watches you, his head cocked to the side.
You continue, “Perhaps it is the idea of war that is keeping my brain awake. Since Jisung’s return to Miroh and the Jarl’s official declaration of war my mind has not known rest.”
While talking, you open your bedroll and slink inside, letting the warmth envelope you in a fabric embrace. The inside was coated with sheep’s wool.
Back in Erbus you had it commissioned when you had gotten a lucky break and raked in more gold than usual one month. It was large and cozy, its weight on top of your body was comforting and familiar. 
Hyunjin turns a knob on the lantern and the flame inside goes out.
You stare up at the top of the tent. “I do fear that my exhaustion will affect my abilities tomorrow.” The last confession comes out a bit quieter than your previous words. “But no matter how hard I try, I cannot rest. I believe it may be driving me mad.” you let out a gentle laugh with the last bit.
Hyunjin stared at you for a long moment, watching you get settled in your bedroll. He cocked his head from side to side, as if weighing something in his head.
Finally, he lets out a sigh.
“Make room.” he says suddenly, crawling towards you.
“I beg your pardon?”
“Make room for me in your bedroll, mercenary.”
You looked at him as if he had three heads. Your eyebrows pulled together in a shocked manner, your mouth hanging open slightly.
“Did you hit your head again?”
Hyunjin scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Do you want to sleep or not?”
“And how exactly would me letting you in my bedroll make me sleep?”
He lifts an eyebrow and smirks down at you. “What sort of thoughts are you having?”
“What sort of thoughts are you having?” You repeat his question back at him, your voice raising.
“Hush.” He quiets you down and lifts the one corner of your bedroll. “Make room, Y/N.”
You yank the blanket back from him and scoot away from him a small distance, balking. “Explain yourself first!”
He reaches forward and drags you back towards him by the blankets, you clutch them closer to you. His hand grabs your wrist through your bedroll, the grip is tight, but not in a painful way.
“Will you please trust me, Y/N?” he asks. His voice took on a different tone. It’s softer, calmer, as if trying to soothe you.
He looks down at you with such a pleading look to his eyes, he genuinely wants to help you. You just wish you knew what his plan was.
You sit there for a few extra moments, staring at his face closely for any sign that he was pulling a stunt. “You truly are going to help me sleep?”
“Aye, you have my word, Y/N.” He places his fist over his chest.
You sigh, “Fine.” You lift the corner of your bedroll and scoot backwards, leaving him with plenty of room. “But by The Six, if you do anything I will-”
“I will not.” he says sternly.
Hyunjin nimbly crawls inside your bedroll; the bedroll that felt extremely roomy only a few moments ago now feels close, but not suffocating.
Maybe it’s because you’ve never had a second body inside of it.
His body heat immediately fills the fabric. The chill from outside is nowhere to be found inside this enclosed space, it’s like you have your own personal hearth right here in the tent. 
The mage shuffles around, trying to get comfortable, he leans over and grabs his own pillow, stuffing it under his head and turning on his side to face your body. 
How are you supposed to sleep? Your body is now on high alert, you’re aware of every single movement he’s making, every breath he’s taking.
You’re laying on your back, he’s shifting around to your right. 
When he finally settles down, he speaks up. “Come here.”
Your head snaps over to look at the mage, he’s turned on his side and is fully looking at you. Again, your expression pulls into an incredulous stare. Before you can say some nonsense, he preemptively cuts you off.
“Y/N, just come here.”
You roll your eyes and hesitantly turn on your side to face him. Suddenly, he reaches one arm out and wraps it around your body, bringing you impossibly close to him. Both of your faces are centimeters away.
Your eyes widen.
Hyunjin’s hand slowly trails from your waist, up your side, over your shoulder until he finally cups the side of your face.
His fingers are so soft, you half-expected them to be calloused from battle and working primarily with fire. But the skin is so smooth and settles on your face nicely. His thumb swipes under your eye and along your cheekbone, his pinky and ring finger caressing your jawline.
In the darkness, you can see his lips part and his eyelids droop a bit. 
For a few seconds longer, he stares at your face. Both of your eyes lock and your breath hitches. His deep red gaze is hard to break away from. It’s like he’s caught you in a trap. A dazzling, scarlet trap.
Then, you feel it, his hand begins to warm up even more. But it never turns hot, it only stays warm, like he held them over the fire for a minute. A slight tingle pricks at your skin where his fingers rest.
It’s not unpleasant in any way.
Slowly, his eyes close and his brow furrows only slightly in concentration.
“Relax.” Hyunjin whispers, the exhale fans over your own lips.
How are you supposed to relax when your exhales are mingling with one another? When you can practically feel his heartbeat as if it was your own?
You do not close your eyes, you continue to stare at his doll-like face unabashedly. Everything about him is absolutely perfect. There’s not a single blemish to be seen on his face, smooth, soft skin and silky hair. 
He had it down loose for sleeping. The chunk of red is still present. 
After about three minutes, your eyelids begin to droop in a way that you haven’t felt in so long. It feels like there’s tiny weights attached to each of your eyelashes. That always present straining headache begins to dull and fade.
All of your muscles relax and untense, even your jaw slacks slightly.
“Relax,” Hyunjin repeats again, his words a soft whisper. And again you feel both syllables against your own lips.
With each blink, your eyes close more and more.
A calmness washes over you. Your bedroll is suddenly comfier than your bed in the keep. The sleepiness that you’ve craved for so many nights now is finally taking you.
The hand on your face moves slowly and cards through your hair, gently brushing away any strands that fell in your face. His fingers comb through the locks gently, lulling you further and further into dreamland.
“Rest now, Y/N.”
Just as your eyes close completely, Hyunjin leans over and presses his lips to your forehead. Like a shockwave, a flood of peace goes down your body at the contact.
You’re not sure how long he keeps his lips to your skin because by the time you could register the action, sleep finally took you.
Warmth. An unbelievably comfortable warmth surrounded your entire body. It wrapped around you like a serpent and kept you in its tight hold.
Voices of soldiers outside stirred you from your first real sleep in two or three weeks. Your eyes no longer felt as though they were straining in their sockets.
Everyone was packing up for the battle. It was time.
“Hyunjin,” you hear Changbin’s voice from outside the tent, “Wake up, we leave in thirty minutes time.”
His footsteps recede from outside the canvas tent.
Hyunjin? That’s right, you were in Hyunjin’s tent.
He used some sort of magic to finally allow you to fall into a restful, dreamless slumber. 
The weight on your waist suddenly tightens and you’re held tighter against something solid. Is that…?
A soft groan comes from behind you and your body tenses up. It absolutely is. 
Hyunjin moves around a bit from behind you, his arm still tightly wound around your midsection, bringing you flush against his long, lithe form. Every part of you was molded against him. From your back to your feet, every body part interlocked with his.
As he’s waking up, his body writhes and his hips move against yours a bit. Much to your chagrin, it sends a shock wave up your spine and into the base of your neck. 
He lets out a long yawn, the heat from his breath blows over the back of your head. Hyunjin’s head dips down slightly and is pressed between the top of your shoulder blades as he stretches out his legs. The arm around you is only getting tighter.
Does he know you’re awake? Does he realize it’s you that he’s holding like this?
With one final stretch, he releases your waist and runs his hand up your side like he did last night. He traces each curve of your body and stops at your shoulder.
“Y/N,” he says in your ear. When had he leaned forward? “You can quit pretending to be asleep.”
You stay quiet for a moment longer before opening your eyes, it’s still dark outside. 
If the army was going to make it to Fort Mire by first light, you all needed to leave soon. 
Hyunjin rolled his body away from yours, peeling himself from the bedroll. When he lifts the blanket, a rush of cold air finds its way inside the warm blankets.
You hiss and curl in, grabbing the blankets closer to yourself. He only laughs at you. 
A silent moment settles in the tent. 
“I had not had rest like that in so long,” you admit quietly, Hyunjin stops shuffling around and watches you as you roll over onto your back to look at him. “Thank you.”
The last interaction you had with the mage had ended poorly; truly, it was at both of your faults. 
Hyunjin watches you a little longer before nodding, a slight smile on his face. It’s genuine and reaches his dark red eyes. 
“Aye,” he says simply, “If you need my assistance again, you know where to find me.”
And with that, he ducks out of his tent to go prepare himself for battle. You watch him leave and then look up at the top of the tent, the ghost of his touch still haunting your skin. 
Not a soul was speaking. Every soldier fell in line and marched silently, boots hit grass, armor clinked, horses walked along the dirt.
The legion had crossed over the Amvista by bridge about an hour ago. 
When your boots hit Erban soul, you thought that it would bring about a wave of complicated feelings, but truly you were only met with one: anger. Red, hot, burning anger.
You want to be nervous for this fight, so badly you want your mind to be reeling with every possible outcome, every way for you to fail; but the only thoughts you have are ones of battle induced rage. 
The army suddenly came to a halt at the top of a hill. At the bottom sat Fort Mire. From where you stood, you could not see if Erban soldiers were running around or if your presence was made aware of. Yet.
The sky was lighting up, the sun should be rising any second now.
Changbin sat on his horse in front of everyone. For a moment you could only see the back of his head as he watched Fort Mire for a long moment. He turned his horse around and stared out among the sea of his soldiers; men and women all ready and willing to give their lives at his command.
He squeezes his thighs and his horse slowly walks parallel with the front line. The commander continues to look out among all the faces.
When his eyes find yours, he hesitates for a split second. You nod your head as imperceptibly as you could, he does the same and looks away.
“Today marks Day One of the war that history will remember.” He says strongly over the sea of soldiers. His voice is even and confident. “On this day, you will raise your sword for the Elven lives that were cruelly taken from this world. No more will these sinful devils torture the innocent lives of our brothers and sisters.”
Changbin reaches down and unsheaths his sword and holds it up in the air. “Today we fight for the voices that were stolen! You will fight for each and every soul who was beaten down into the dirt! You fight for them!”
He holds his sword up in the air and every soldier around you issues a mighty battle cry. Some hit their swords against their shields, others stamped their feet in the dirt making the ground vibrate. 
“Today we take Fort Mire!”
Another scream.
“Archers ready!”
At this point, you’re able to spy a lot of movement happening down at the Fort. Soldiers were scrambling to wake up the ones that were sleeping. 
The front line of archers in front of Changbin take out their bows and knock their first arrows, each movement is almost synchronized.
Changbin turns his horse to face the Fort, his sword still held aloft in the air.
“Erbus will know the wrath of Miroh! On my mark!”
You pull your sword from your hip with other soldiers. Everyone starts shifting on their feet in anticipation. 
Loud yelling is echoing up from the Fort.
“Aim!” Changbin yells and each archer pulls their arrows back, bows aimed up at the sky.
You suck in a large breath, your body humming.
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am-i-obsessed---maybe · 6 months
Disordered (Shadow Of A Bluejay Ch.9)
Whoooo, angst (light angst but angst) in general it's a shorter chapter because it's mostly reformatted from Shadow Of A Bluebird seeing as it covered much of the same ground.
My current plan is three more chapters (including the finale) and a few more mini chapters to cover the remaining episodes and milestones we need to hit to be ready for the finale one of which is gonna be Blue's first time meeting their fellow sidekicks!
Wordcount: 1.2k
Series masterpost
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Mount Justice October 23, 17:30 EDT
It’d been a week since Batman put you and the team through a train for failure mission. A week to sit on everything that occurred in the increasingly horrifying experience where no matter what you did the situation kept getting worse. You refused to speak after the exercise. You didn’t leave the cave. You simply trained, and trained and trained while rerunning what had happened in the exercise in your mind.
Simulation Alien Mothership October 16th
Artemis was dead. Kaldur was dead. Connor was dead. Dinah was dead. Ollie was dead. Roy was probably either dead or dying and you felt anger that you haven’t felt in a very long time. You were full of rage, rage that bubbled under your skin as your friends and everyone who tried to help them died before your eyes and it bubbled until you reached the boiling point.
Once you, Robin, Kid Flash, Miss Martian and Martian Manhunter were almost out of the mothership. Almost saved the world you snapped. Not at your allies but at the aliens that surrounded you. The strange bug like creatures surrounded your and you let your anger take control and you stormed the Aliens, screaming a battle cry.
“How dare you?! You killed Artemis! You killed Dinah! You killed Ollie! You killed everyone, and I’m going to make your deaths painful!” You sneered, you jumped into action. Muscle memory took control and almost every blow you landed hit hard. Energy consumed your veins and you began zapping or electrocuting the aliens, it was unclear to you. It didn’t matter though and your rage filled alien murder spree continued. Robin forced the Martians to escape and joined your fight only for you to be zapped by an alien he was fighting.
That’s when you woke up. You looked around, you listened to the explanation and all you could do was look down at your slightly shaking hands in guilt.
You stayed away from the rest of the team after that, refusing to talk to anyone. The only person you talked to was Dinah and only to tell her you were fine and didn’t wanna talk about it.
Mount Justice October 23rd
Kaldur had gone in to see Dinah, Connor and Artemis already spoke to her and M'gann felt too bad to look any of you in the eyes. all had left the room, leaving only you, Robin and Wally sitting in the lounge.
The TV was black and silent and the three of you just sat there.
The three of you had all "died" together in the simulation. Wally was your best friend and Robin was his and leaving you three alone well...
"Blue, your floating again" Wally said. He sat on the couch opposite you.
"Sorry, my mind was drifting" You said, falling back onto the couch with a lack of grace the two had never seen before.
"This is awful" Robin said.
"Do you ever think, maybe we shouldn't be doing this?" You asked.
"What do you mean?" Wally asked.
"I know we're the good guys but maybe we're too dangerous to be so freely fighting, I mean, you saw how quickly all of us became soldiers in there" You said.
"Is this because of that weird laser thing you did on the mothership?" Wally asked.
"It's because we're dangerous! Because if we're not careful, if we don't control ourselves we could so easily hurt so many people" You said.
"I mean, Wally you could theoretically break the sound barrier, and Robin and I could kill someone with just our bare hands" Yo looked down at your hands.
"Is it really safe for the people around to us to be around us?" You asked.
"Of course it is" Robin said.
"Yeah, we'd never do anything to hurt anyone" Wally added.
"But it would be so easy for us" You said.
"Is this because of your um... meltdown in the simulation?" Robin aske.
"No, just forget it" You said, getting up and walking out.
Mount Justice October 23, 20:03 EDT
You sat in front of her in a green chair and took off your glasses.
“I’m glad you chose to come talk to me Y/N” She said and you laughed dryly.
“As if I could ever escape it” You joked but Dinah stayed silent, waiting for you to speak. She knew you. She knows you. She knows that those dry, sarcastic jokes are a sign you’re going to open up.
“It was weird at first. I didn’t feel bad after seeing you and Ollie disintegrate but when Artemis died, or when we thought she did this feeling in my chest just appeared. Like a promise or an oath I had to uphold.” You explained and Dinah nodded. “And what was that promise?” She asked, you answered, though still didn’t look up from your hands.
“To get revenge. To painfully tear apart those who killed her… And you and Ollie.” You answered truthfully and finally looked up at her. “And I did. I killed them, so many of them.” Your voice started to shake and you looked back at your hands.
“Did you try to hurt them when you killed them?” She asked and you nodded.
“I wanted to— I did enjoy seeing them squirm as I did it. And seeing them all explode, it just felt…” A single sob escaped you. “It just felt right.” You confessed and you looked down at your rapidly shaking hands. “I promised— I said I’d never do it again. I’d never take a life like that again, but I felt good as I did it.” Warm tears began to flow down your face but you didn’t try to wipe them. You simply stared at your hands, trying to stop the shaking by tightly gripping your knees and Dinah simply sat. Waiting for you to feel good enough to continue.
"You're not at fault Y/N" Dinah said.
"Aren't I though? Four years of progress and yet all it took for me to snap was some stress" You said.
"It wasn't just stress. M'gann's mental state infected you. You thought you lost everything. In a situation like that regressing is natural" She said.
"It's not just that, between the mission in Bialiya, my mission with Roy and this, it feels like, like it's all coming back to haunt me." You told Dinah, though that wasn't the whole truth. You didn't tell Dinah about your meeting with Lady Lilith. You didn't tell anyone that.
"Is it really coming back to haunt you or are you scared it will? Your past will always be there Y/N but you have friends, close friends who care about you. Maybe it's time you told them at least some of it" Dinah said.
"No!" You yelled.
"Absolutely not. They'll hate me" You said.
"Y/N, we classified your file to keep you and everyone around you safe but it's been four years and they haven't come after you. perhaps it's time we think about declassifying some of it?" Dinah suggested.
"No. Not yet." You said and reluctantly Dinah nodded.
"Whatever you decide. You set the pace." she said.
The next week was rough, Canary let you off school and you spent a lot of time in the cave and with Roy. Ollie wasn’t joking when he said that even Roy was worried and he came by to help you try and return to normal while you coped. You were incredibly grateful for the distractions and to spend more time with him. It had been four months since he went solo and in that time you didn’t get the chance to hang out like you used to before. Unfortunately not everything was going great.
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mouschiwrites · 7 months
hi can you do zane/ gn ninja reader oneshot where they get hurt and zane is patching them up? and reader is always jumping into battle first and zane is there to help them. if you want to ofc!!
Can do!
Word count: 673
Ninjago - Zane Patches You Up
Vines and branches whipped at your limbs as you barreled through the brush, but luckily your gi was thick enough to prevent you from sustaining any scratches. You were in hot pursuit of a gang of thieves. They had just stolen a valuable magic artifact from its tomb, an artifact that you would prefer to have in your own hands.
“Don’t they know how dangerous that thing is?” You panted, frustration obvious in your tone.
“If they did, I doubt they’d have stolen it,” Zane replied from behind you. You managed a sardonic laugh.
You nearly fell flat on your face when the thick vegetation opened up suddenly to an angled river bank composed of rocks. Your foot slipped a few inches as a rock tumbled away from under it, but you caught yourself easily and continued running.
The thieves were hauling themselves into a boat when you pounced on them. You seized an oar and swung, knocking out the one who held the artifact. It fell into the boat with his unconscious body.
You lunged for the artifact, tumbling into the boat desperately with arms outstretched. You leapt up with the artifact—a little gold statuette—held high above your head. “Guys! I got it!”
“Excellent work, Y/n!” Zane appraised you, clapping his hands together.
Your cheeks went flushed pink as you beamed at him. For one crucial moment you forgot about the other two thieves in the boat with you.
One of them tackled you from behind, sending you sprawling onto the rocky bank.
“Y/n!” You heard several voices cry out.
You felt a sharp pain shoot up your arm as a particularly jagged rock sliced your skin. The artifact was no longer in your hands.
You felt woozy. You had also hit your head when you fell. Trying to stand up but failing, you fell again. Suddenly you felt a strong body next to your own, helping you limp along to the tree line, out of the way of the ongoing tussle.
The world stopped spinning at last, and you looked to your side to see Zane hunched over your wounded arm. Zane. Of course. He was never far, even when you were in the midst of a battle.
“Is it bad?”
As if in response, a horrible pain shot through you at the slightest touch. Even Zane winced as he watched you recoil.
“You’ll live,” he said after spending a moment staring at the wound. He reached for his first aid kit.
“I can do it,” you offer, holding out your hand. Zane shook his head with a little smile.
“Please. Let me.”
You sighed, reclining a little against the tree and letting him get to work.
“This will sting,” he warned you, wetting a cotton ball with disinfectant. You gritted your teeth as the cold ball dabbed against your tender skin, and you hissed audibly when it suddenly began to burn.
“Sorry,” Zane murmured, trying to move quickly to prolong the pain no longer than needed.
“It’s okay,” you said in a strained voice. You relaxed a bit when he finally discarded the cotton ball. “My fault for getting banged up in the first place. Guess I’m just facing the consequences.” You laughed dryly.
Zane cocked his head. “Was the pain of getting hurt in the first place not the ‘consequence’?”
You shrugged. He had a point, but you were really just trying to cope here. Even with the sting of the disinfectant gone, the wound still hurt like a cow.
The pain eased a little when Zane tenderly wrapped soft gauze around it, fastening the dressing in a little bow. He patted your arm comfortingly. “All patched up, my love.”
“Great,” you grinned, springing to your feet. “Back to battle!”
Zane tried to protest, but you were halfway down the bank already, seamlessly inserting yourself into a struggle between Kai and one of the thieves. With a little sigh he watched you go, an unusual smile making its way onto his lips.
“Y/n, you wild creature.”
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Thank you for your request, and thank you for reading! Have a good one lovelies <33
(divider by saradika)
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nonsensical-gashi · 24 days
Merlin season 3, part 1! :v
• There's a 1 year breach between season 2 and season 3
• Merlin was way more insolent that any servant should be allowed, obviously, but he was open when being like that. He can throw a comeback to Arthur with many soldiers around. That didn't stop him
• Since season 2 Merlin is being more intelligent about the use of magic.
What I mean is that, if he wants to fight against a knight in a horse, he would use a spell to break one of the belts of the saddle. Also, he would magnetize the opponent sword so he can't use it. It is creative, and even if the effects are weird it is kinda subtle, at least more subtle that a fire ball where you can pin point the caster and everyone would be distracted by it.
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• Morgana is back in the freaking episode 1. (⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
• Season 3 is more serious, and with less vivid colors. It start with the return of Morgana in a double episode. It follows up more events, and connects more situations, and therefore the consequences felt heavier.
• "She's the darkness of your light, the hate of your love" Kilgharrah talking about Morgana
• Also, some reference of the size of Kilgharrah.
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• Kilgharrah has to obey the dragon lord. He has no choice. But Merlin seems to be more grateful and respectful towards him and his advice. Until he doesn't...
• Chp 5 note, Merlin still imposes his moral over Kilgharrah's wisdom, and orders him if he doesn't agree. It seems that he never understood the pov of Kilgharrah, and how he felt. "Saving x live is more important, even of previous or future crimes", it doesn't matter that x is Uther, the responsible for the extinction of the dragons and magic. It doesn't matter if it's Morgana, the one destined to destroy the Kingdom. Kilgharrah is really mad he can't say no.
• There's a sword next to Arthur's bed
• There's an odd placing of comedy chapters in this series. Those felt so out of place in the series. Specially when there's a comedy chapter that ignores morgana because she's the main problem of this season and "you shouldn't take this chapter so serious!"
• Merlin told Gwaine that he met his father almost a year ago, before he died. As far as Arthur knows Merlin never met his father. This could lead to an interesting discussion, especially because Arthur and Merlin were together all that time, and he never mentioned anything, not about meeting him less his father dying.
• In the first season Merlin was excited to see Arthur fight in the tournament (chap 2). In season 3 Merlin is already sick of those kinds of competitions and is not happy that he has to be there (mostly to protect Arthur).
• Cenred attack towards Camelot's Castle, and their loss in battle (when Uther wasn't available due to the Mandragora), can be an important moment for the people of Camelot. Arthur proved that was ready to be a King.
• Uther was open to magic if that meant saving Morgana
• Uther had an affair with Vivian, Gorlois's wife, went he went to battle (final battle?). "Vivian was alone".
I don't feel this was planned since season 1.
• Arthur called Morgana her sister in chapter 5.
• The "I have to do something because I have the power to do it" is powerful on Merlin. He's too good for his own sake.
• "Morgana should have died a long time ago" Kilgharrah. It seems that everyone survived season 1 thanks to Merlin. Uther, Morgana and Moldred should be dead by now.
• Merlin can talk about a vision that he saw in the crystal cave (the bloody origin of magic), and say how it's going to be true soon, and Gaius is "Don't think about it". He still prefers that Merlin does nothing related to magic to avoid risky situations (even if that is screaming imminent danger).
• Arthur throws stuff to Merlin with more frequency.
• Arthur "I used to fear the forest when I was a child" Uther led Arthur to the forest when he was younger. "It seemed that every falling leaf was a bandit or a ghost"
• Merlin is able to enchant animals to do simple commands. He enchanted a snake to attack Morgana.
I was one week without internet, and before that the place where I watched the series crashed..... That's why it took too long for this entry.
See more!
Season 1 part 1 part 2 part 3
Season 2 part 1 part 2
Season 3 u're here part 2
Season 4 part 1
Season 5 part 1
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fishnamedsushi · 29 days
Baby Vampkin + Human Daddy-Wan, short ficlet, Part 2
Had this randomly pop into my head today and thought I'd write a short continuation of my previous snippet
NSFW, obviously 👀
Anakin clamped his fangs into Obi-Wan's pulse point, and Obi-Wan let out a groan of pleasure that Anakin felt straight to his (long gone) soul. The taste of Obi-Wan spread through his mouth, coating his tongue. It was sweet and bitter and strong, a flavor unlike anything Anakin had ever tasted, and he drank it down in hard, urgent gulps. He was eager, too much in a rush. Obi-Wan often scolded him for impatient he was.
And soon enough, Anakin paused, whining, as the hand in his hair gripped in a tight fist.
"Don't swallow," Obi-Wan ordered, abruptly.
Anakin pulled away immediately, fangs coming free with an obscene squelch that made both of them shudder. Obi-Wan hadn't even started to heal over, and a trickle of blood flowed freely from the wound, traveling slowly down his pale throat.
Oh. Oh, yes.
Anakin was very, very lucky.
With a deep moan, he let himself fall forward, Obi-Wan dragging him down for a messy, open mouthed kiss that sent that hot liquid spilling into both their mouths. Their tongues battled each other, Anakin fighting to catch any drop, swallowing every time Obi-Wan let his lips part, bringing them back together again as soon as he got his chance.
Finally, finally, Obi-Wan was done toying with him. His nails raked through Anakin's hair, gripping and yanking to expose Anakin's throat.
“My sweet boy, you always make such a mess, don’t you? You know just how to get what you want. Always so clever, and yet so selfish. My dear, dear Anakin...”
Each word was accompanied by a soft nip, Obi-Wan's blunt human canines gently scoring into his skin, not even leaving the faintest of marks. They still stung wonderfully, making Anakin keen quietly under his touch.
(Because Anakin was very, very fortunate, and Obi-Wan trusted him enough to indulge his strange, dangerous urges.)
When he reached Anakin's ear, Obi-Wan gripped the lobe with his teeth, biting down hard, tearing a moan from his chest. Anakin was panting - a habit of movement, when they were doing this - a feral, red-tinged sort of heat within him burning even more brightly as Obi-Wan grabbed him, drawing him closer, until Anakin was straddling him on the couch.
“What do you want?” Obi-Wan asked. In the light of the fire, his eyes glinted like diamonds.
The taste of Obi-Wan on Anakin's tongue, the feel of him on his lips, was a powerful, drugging thing. It took a long moment to unstick his voice.
"Please," he breathed. "I want to..."
Obi-Wan smiled, soft and fond. He tipped his head, exposing his throat, the twin bite wounds in the side of his neck standing out dark and proud. The blood that Anakin hadn’t swallowed had spilled down his chin, matting into his beard. He looked wild, dangerous. He looked like everything Anakin loved.
Obi-Wan always looked most alive, most beautiful, when he was in the process of dying.
“Use your words, baby.”
Would he let him have it? Obi-Wan could be mercurial - it was part of what Anakin loved about him. But Anakin had been good. Obi-Wan had even said so.
He whined. “I want to taste you.”
Obi-Wan huffed a laugh, “You already have, darling.”
“No, no, not like that. Like…”
He nudged his hand, the one not resting lightly (possessively) on Obi-Wan’s shoulder, down to the bulge in Obi-Wan’s pants. Anakin himself was entirely flaccid - it would have taken a lot more blood, a lot more hunger, for Anakin to get fully hard. But he could sense Obi-Wan’s desire, and he smiled when Obi-Wan gasped as he palmed his cock.
Obi-Wan looked at Anakin for a long while, considering. And then, slowly, his face lit with a wicked, wicked grin.
"I’d like to hear you say it," he purred, reaching between their bodies, teasing his fingertips along the back of Anakin’s hand where he still held him, cradled. Obi-Wan never looked afraid of Anakin, though he was sure he looked positively monstrous, with his glowing eyes and his fangs bared, venom and blood dripping from his mouth.
Anakin knew the words Obi-Wan wanted. He had been taught how to play Obi-Wan's games. How to ask the right questions, and when to use the magic, irresistible phrase: "Please may I taste your come?"
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