figandthewasp · 9 months
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Imbolc (also sometimes named "Candlemas") happens between the 1st and 2nd of February every year. It marks the midway point between Yule and Ostara, also known as the winter solstice and the spring equinox It celebrates winter coming to an end, to leave space for longer days ahead, and for new things to happen (since nature has been ''dead'' for the last few months, it is now time for it to "rebirth"!) What to do for Imbolc? Cleansing, planning new things and starting new projects is a great idea! Colors for Imbolc are: white, pale yellow, light green, brown, lavender, pink. Wear them, paint them on your nails, put some on your altar! Crystals for Imbolc are: amethyst, selenite, turquoise, ruby, garnet, bloodstone and onyx, peridot, clear quartz, moonstone. Take one with you if you can! Make plans for the upcoming spring! Be it planning your garden or activities/travels you want to do, make a bucket list, anything that has to do with planning something
Bake some bread, or make some soup! Leeks, onions and potatoes are really good during this time. You can even try this potato leek soup for this sabbat!
Have a cleansing bath/shower
Start a gratitude/mood journal! Try to keep it up for the whole year so when Yule comes around again, you can look back on it and reflect on your year. Collect snow for snow water! We won't have snow around for long now at this time of year so take advantage of it!
Start spring cleaning! Start sweeping out the old energies to welcome in the new ones
Divination! Although I always mention it in every post about sabbats, what is special about Imbolc is that some say it's a great sabbat to try new divination methods, or just not use the one you always use. For example, I mostly use tarot cards, but I have Witches Runes that I might prioritize for Imbolc.
Sources: thewitchoftheforest, witchytips and wiccantips on Instagram
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astrologybyolga · 6 months
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Post from @thewitchoftheforest
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whisperinglunarsea · 8 months
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Mabon correspondences
Credit: @thewitchoftheforest and @mumblesandthings
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mrsunstone · 3 months
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I want to do more tarot readings this year. So I started with a Wolf Moon reading. Inspired by a spread from @/thewitchoftheforest on Instagram. Perhaps I’ll plan to do a reading at least once a month on every full moon.
The Cards! What my reading means for me:
~The Six of Wands: I’m accomplishing much and meeting various milestones in my life. A lot for that happened in 2023 at least. I have developed a passion for achieving my goals no matter the type of “battle” I had to face.
~The Sun: This card shocked me when I pulled it. I’ve been trying lately to engage with life with the energy of the sun. Hence my name “Mr. Sunstone”. Being “the Sun” is a tall task but I’ve been maintains optimism about it and about life. Being confident and optimistic about my goals and my actions will help me to meet live my passions.
~The Hermit: This card made me laugh for a good minute lol! It wasn’t any news to me that I love my solitude. Time to my self brings me great joy! It allows me a lot of time for introspection. I enjoy time with others, and after a night out or a social gathering where I had a great time, the time after the event where I get to unwind alone and process what has occurred is fundamental to me. It continues the good day with some time to myself. I reflect and get a chance to be my true, unabated self.
~The Three of Wands: A lot of hard work finally leading to the results I want. I thought about how this can be what I need to release from my life. But then I realized, I overcompensate for things a lot. I do too much more than what is required of me. I over do it a lot of the time. I also have been know right allow myself to be used and walked on. Asked to do so much work for others with no reciprocation. I need more time for my solitude that brings me much joy, so I need to focus on doing just the right amount of work, and don’t let important leisure be forgotten.
~The Page of Cups: My naivety and idealism lead to me being disappointed by reality when my imagination and mind’s eye had already painted a much better picture. Growing up rather sheltered lead to me not experiencing many things first had, but instead, imagining them. Now being very new to many things an adult does or has, has brought a lot of harsh truths and big surprises that dismantle perfect ideas I had in my head. A false sense of confidence, easily broken by things not going how I fantasized they would. Many more variables and factors exist.
~The Ten of Swords: This card shocked me a bit. I thought I might be needing to fight or betray someone to improve my confidence. But I realized the battle that I fight is internal. I catastrophize a lot as a very anxious person. Which will lead to larger and worse consequences later on if I let the paranoid thoughts persist and win. I’ve come to understand how much better I feel when things are talked out. I can make up scenarios in my head, but reality will mollify them after laying down the problems and finding that relief after the truth is explained. My confidence thrives on the truth. Truth that is easily talked out, instead of false truths that my mind makes up during internal battles.
~The High Priestess: To bring all these thing to fruition, I thought it meant I needed to let go and abandon my inner self. But then I thought about the word “release”. And realized it could mean, not to let go of, but to let out. Release my inner self, out into the open, and I’ll find that the results surprise me. In a good way. It’ll take me to my goals in unique ways, it j need to remain open. Allow myself to be as true on the outside as it is in the inside. Then I will live my passions, joy, and confidence.
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bella-enchanted · 3 years
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thewitchoftheforest ~ Instagram
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figandthewasp · 9 months
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Please Note: "Often conflated, Lammas, the two holidays share many similarities but are different in origin and history. Lughnasadh is Gaelic and Pagan whereas Lammas is Anglo-Saxon and Christian."
From: @coinandcandle
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artemiscalled · 3 years
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daphyswitchylibrary · 2 years
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What is Lughnasadh?
Lughnasadh, or "Lammas", is celebrated on August 1st and marks the harvest of summer fruits, wheat and more! So a good way to celebrate this sabbat is by cooking and eating/drinking things that have wheat in it. Lammas also reminds us that summer will end soon (yes, already!) and the abundance we got through the season.
What to do for Lughnasadh?
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Gold, yellow, orange, brown and green are great colors for Lughnasadh! Try to have at least one on you, be it your clothes or accessories
Aventurine, citrine, peridot, moss agate, clear quartz and carnelian are all crystals related to Lammas! You can wear one or bring one with you for the whole day
Make food that has wheat in it! Bake a breadloaf or drink beer! Or you can even eat in-season fruits and vegetables, like blackberries and corn. That way, you can honor the harvest Honor the sun! Here, you'll find a recipe for bread (not the one I tried though!) And here is a nice peach pie I made for the sabbat!
Since summer will soon come to an end, the sun will be less present. Go outside and enjoy the sun, or put sun symbols on your altar
Speaking of altars: wheat, scythes, corns and beer are all things you can put on your altar to celebrate this sabbat
Make corn dollies or gather seeds for the next harvest! You can also enjoy a campfire or lighting candles, or go outside and take in every detail before nature changes for fall. Also, take care of your plants, if you have any!
Blessed Lammas, everyone!
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Sources: thewitchoftheforest and wiccantips on Instagram
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moonandcoven · 3 years
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But Humanity, in its desire for comfort, had over-reached itself. It had exploited the riches of nature too far. Quietly and complacently, it was sinking into decadence. . . . . . . ⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #horrorfan #moodyaesthetics #thewitchoftheforest #gothicbeauty #masters_of_darkness #witchessociety #witchsociety #postthepeople #hoodwitch #witchythings #moodygrams #ominous_perfection #spooky #featureinsaneart #witch #inspireangelo #unholyfeatures #dark_captures #horrorhag #darkness #photography #witchesofinstagram #ethereal_moods #witchyvibes #gothaesthetic #witchyaesthetic #eyeemphoto #justgoshoot #thewitchyclub #moonandcoven (at St. Louis, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMk8gWAjN5H/?igshid=i1zymck1iewe
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thestorylady · 4 years
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Look what's happening celestially today. Thanks @thewitchoftheforest 💫 𝔸𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕪 ℕ𝕖𝕨𝕤 💫 There is lot going on in terms of astrology today. It’s a period of cosmic transits. #zodiacsign #zodiac #correspondence #astrology #planets #astrologypost #uranus #mercury emotions #taurus #sextile #cancer #moon #cosmic #astrologytoday #astrologynews #thewitchoftheforest #sun #thewitchoftheforestastrology - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/CCD4F2TJ5FX/?igshid=vweyv0cjfhna
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gr33n-w1tch · 3 years
Shadow work 🤍
@thewitchoftheforest on instagram
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bbapothecary · 2 years
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How to dry your own herbs 🌿
Credit: @thewitchoftheforest
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bella-enchanted · 3 years
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thewitchoftheforest ~ Instagram
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