#they fight like cats and dogs and then call each other their best friends
Clone wars headcanons about Anakin and Ahsoka being siblings
When Anakin pisses Ahsoka off she’ll hunt Obi-Wan down and say something along the lines of “I’m gonna kill your son” the first time this happened it shocked Obi-Wan into silence but it didn’t take long for him to put 2 and 2 together 
Not long after Anakin starts copying Ashoka’s little comment but his are more creative so it’s something along the lines of “Imma throw your daughter out the airlock” he mostly does this because it pisses Ahsoka off when he mimics her but it’s also weirdly therapeutic 
Poor Obi-Wan has to deal with both of them ranting at him so it’s pretty common for him to hear the same story twice in one day
On a couple of rare occasions one of the two enters his room to complain just to find the other doing the same thing which usually results in a new fight because “how dare you come in here to do the same thing I’m doing” 
Those fights usually end with Obi-Wan kicking them out to handle their shit he’s usually willing to hear out both of their sides and problem solve but not when they’re fighting just to fight (which happens sometimes) 
Anakin formed this little tik that makes him laugh and confuses the general public and that tik is whenever someone close to him asks him to do something he’ll say no and do it anyway
He only really does this with Rex and Ahsoka (more so Ahsoka) he respects the rest of them too much at first the duo was confused by it but after a while they just took it as a yes and moved on with it 
It usually looked something like this “General your padawan is being stubborn please go check on her” “No” and then Rex would nod or give a small thanks and then move on 
Or “Hey skyguy can we please get ice cream when we’re done with this mission” “No” “Thanks master!!” 
The first time Obi-Wan saw this happen he was flabbergasted and called Anakin rude which made the duo take a step back because they were so used to it
Ahoksa spoke up first asking “What do you mean master?” and when Obi-Wan clarified that rejecting her so abruptly could rightfully be seen as rude the duo shot him confused looks
Anakin tries to clear it up by saying “What are you talking about I said we could get some” and when Obi-Wan again points out that he told her no Anakin responds with something that makes Obi-Wan want to tear his hair out “but she knows I’m saying yes don’t you snips” to which Ashoka agrees
Obi-Wan walked away muttering about padawans giving him gray hairs and putting him in an early grave 
Ahsoka doesn’t know when she started keeping a mental list of the most embarrassing things the boys have done but it becomes a great source of entertainment for her 
Sometimes when Anakin is getting a little too cocky with Padme she’ll say “Hey master remember when you” and the next thing she knows she’s there’s a hand over her mouth and she’s being dragged away
Sometimes when Rex is taunting her a little too much about how “you almost beat me that time squirt maybe the next time or the next or the next” she’ll respond with “do you think the boys wanna know about that time we were walking to the speeder and” and he shuts up fast as hell 
She’s never had to do this to Obi-Wan but Anakin asked her if she remembers any of his embarrassing moments and all she does is nod the 212 swears they’ve never seen their general go as pale as he did that day 
On the rare occasions that Anakin or Ahsoka want to watch something different than the other it usually results in a lot of bickering a lot of “I’m your master and you will listen to me” and “that doesn’t apply here” thrown out 
But Anakin’s favorite thing to throw in Ahsoka’s face is “I was here first” even if he wasn’t and when she points that out he’ll respond with “I meant alive first”
Sometimes Ahsoka will respond with “I was here first” which results in two paths 1. Being her reminding him she was at the temple before him or 2. Her saying she was born first 
The first response usually ends her in a headlock and the second gets a response that people can hear from outside the temple and that’s Anakin yelling at the top of his lungs “That makes no kriffing sense!!” 
This is me projecting a little bit but I think Ahsoka swears like a damn sailor it’s bad enough to catch Anakin off guard and he’s barely better than her bro can and will curse in multiple languages but force forbid Ahsoka says kriff
She’s startled a few “language!” Or “hey”s out of him which shocks both of them more than it should Ahsoka is more startled by the hypocrisy and Anakin is startled because “Oh kriff I’m turning into Obi-Wan”
The funny thing is a lot of people including Obi-Wan blame Anakin for her cussing problem and a few masters even suggest some less than-up-to-code options to fix the problem which causes Anakin to become a little protective 
On nights when Anakin and Ahsoka can’t sleep and sitting in the temple feels like a death sentence they silently go to Anakin’s favorite speeder and just drive 
Sometimes they have somewhere specific in mind but most of the time they drive with no destination in mind sometimes they pick up Rex or Obi-Wan but most nights it’s just the two of them
Sometimes they talk about life and sometimes they sit in complete silence just enjoying each other's company and the shitty music on the radio
The only consistent thing about these trips is they don't go back until both of their eyes are drooping and Anakin can’t safely drive anymore
They never talk about these little excursions unless they’re already on one honestly they don’t even have to ask most times they’ll just walk into each other's rooms share a look and then walk out 
And there's something weirdly comforting about that routine
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gangplanksorenji · 5 months
Kinknuary Day 16: Edging
Pairing: IVE Rei x Male Reader
Word Count: 6,110
[Kinknuary Masterlist]
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“You know how much I despise you, right?”
“You don’t even need to tell it—I fucking hate you too.”
Supposedly, you’ll take an ounce of energy to like her and maybe, it’ll be an audacious move by you to the point that you can probably regret or possible—in the best way of sugarcoating—you’ll get to even appreciate, nonetheless.
But this wasn’t the case, for the both of you. So-called acquaintances that act like they’re cats and dogs in a relationship but they weren’t even in a single one to start with is the best fit of a description when it comes for you and her, Naoi Rei. Well, of course, your relationship with her or in a better term, friendship with her is quite bewildering and an interesting one.
The both of you acting like cats and dogs against each other and then being delighted seeing one’s faces is one of the few ways to describe your friendship, and it was exactly unorthodox in nature—friends acting like enemies and then suddenly acting like nothing happened? Well, that’s a thing to know and grasp but it wasn’t always like this and today, it hits way differently because you can almost feel her emanating aura threatening you but you’re unfazed as you’re not scared of a girl like her.
Yet, with all of these being said, what’s the context? Where did it all start?
Well, it’s something more like, petulant and dumb, knowing how Rei’s words can hurt like daggers on how straightforward she is and you, being short-tempered, causing a negative reaction.
“Can you please stop using that?” Rei pouts and feigns anger right after, as she’s visibly annoyed with the pop-it game that you’re playing which, in your case, you totally ignored her as you continue investing your fast reflexes to advance towards a harder level. Having enough of the ebullient sounds emitted by the possibly-called console you’re playing, Rei grabs it as she hides it from her back and obviously, a perplexed face paints you as you try and grab the game back to you.
“What’s the matter with you?”
“Can’t you see? It’s so goddamn annoying!” Rei grits her teeth, rage boiling within her as she can’t bear to hear the annoying sound of the game, making you ock an eyebrow on her, confused about her antics.
“If it’s annoying, then you can probably shove those headphones on your ears, no? Besides, it’s not even that loud so give it back!” You try to get the console but are deemed unsuccessful as Rei’s skills on dodging your advances and being a step ahead than you are evident, and that’s even making you frustrated because of her petulant behavior.
“I don’t care and stop being so childish!”
If she wants to play a game, then you’ll be the one to lead the way and be the first challenger.
Having enough of her own ways of killing your own fun, you’d gladly kill hers first as you attacked onto her vulnerable position, tightly pinning her wrists onto the wall as it catches her off-guard and with your proactive actions, she almost let go of the console as you look at her eyes with venom. With your intimidating eye contact with just inches away from her own face, she won’t give up a fight as she snarls to voice out for you to let her go as she glared at you like she has murderous intent planned.
“I don’t know why the fuck are you like this lately, but I know for a fact that you’re letting go of that and you’ll do it now.”
Of course, Rei is going to be as stubborn as she wanted to be just to provoke your anger even further and to annoy you, making it a living hell. “Fuck no—and let go of me or I’ll break this shit!”
She would dare to do that but she has limits, yet she won’t bear to do that just because of these childish acts. Rolling your eyes in frustration, you take matters into your own hands as you swiftly let go of your left hand on hers and deftly grab the console, making her whine as your possession has now been out within her reach.
“Hey! Fuck you!”
You scoff and cocked an eyebrow on her, blasting off your hubris as she emanates that resting bitch face of hers again. “Better luck next time, I guess.”
She whimpers because of your win, and she's not having that. With your victory, you tease and mock her with it as not surprisingly, she clicks her tongue and rushes into her room, completely enraged. You don’t know what’s up with her as you’d probably not want to find out now but suddenly, a surge of regret coursed within you, feeling a little bad that she acted that way but you showed no sympathy since she started this childish act.
Yet, you won’t let this mysterious case remain unsolved, and you’ll decipher and crack the code later when things probably will calm down even though the chances will be slim to none.
“Gosh—what’s up with this girl? Unbelievable…”
“Why h-her and not m-me?”
Rei sits on the floor vexed, hugs her legs as she weeps onto the long-sleeves of her top as she feels utter defeat after a specific event happened that she saw and heard with her very own eyes and ears and breaks her heart completely, and here she is, utterly sulky and maybe in the path of being despondent.
If it wasn’t for her courage to just confess and let other things be set aside to fully commit, then this wouldn’t have been more painful and she’s now regretting it, the scar getting worse and worse over time.
Maybe she’ll find a way to mend herself and find herself out of desolation.
You sit onto the couch, browsing the Internet as the blue pixels onto your phone just emits the endless scope of like six topics that almost tiring to see and with that, you turned it off and laid down onto it, finding yourself into a trance of tranquil and relaxation yet a spark ignites something, making you enlightened and act up immediately.
Now rushing onto Rei’s door, you notice that it’s locked as you hitch a breath because of it, yet hope is not lost as you knock on the door, hoping she would answer even though you expect that it wouldn’t always be the case. “Rei, can we please talk? Come on, whatever you’re going through, we can talk it out so please—let’s talk.”
Utter silence ensues and you already expected this, yet you didn’t let your hope die as you knock another time, pleading for her to talk things with you, knowing you can help in whatever she’s maybe going through. “Rei-ah, please, can we talk? I know you’re there so please, give me a chance. Okay, I’m sorry about earlier, okay—so we just talk about this, please?”
Another plea falls deaf to her ears and with the defeat, you sigh heavily and thudded onto the door, sitting down and waiting for her to respond yet no faint sound can even be heard on her room—there can be two reasons behind this complete absence of sound: it’s either she’s sleeping peacefully on her room or either ignoring you for god knows what reason could it be and it you’re really hoping it’s the latter since she’s been acting like this around you for days.
“Okay, whatever you want Rei! If this is what you want, then so be it.”
You rose from your position as you’re just hoping that time will do its job, killing off the vexed mood that she’s been emanating towards you days ago.
Of course, you won’t spend hours just for her own childish actions, more so wait for her answers like you owe something yet there’s one thing that you’ll achieve and that’s mending what has been broken with an unknown context when it all unveiled.
You’re much more of an impatient guy, defining annoyance whenever something’s not being fulfilled in a small amount of time and that’s your downside. Well, now, would be an exception and as Rei's being much of a nuisance and a stubborn individual really doesn’t get you into the mood.
“Rei—come on! Can we please just talk this ou—”
Surprisingly, after waiting for hours she suddenly opened the door, making you thud onto the ground as you stood up immediately, inches away from facing her you’re wholeheartedly intimated with the bitchy demeanor she’s emanating.
“What do you want?” Rei’s tone is evidently annoyed with you being a nuisance, as her face doesn’t seem to be even interested towards you.
“Can we just talk about whatever’s going on, please?”
“Another line—I’ve heard that for like, a hundred times already.” 
Of course, this is Rei but she’s just being a bugbear that’s nigh-unbearable to deal with—if it were the others, they couldn’t left her or something worse, but you’re heart is still bearing to deal with her even though she can literally be the goddess of vex sometimes.
“Hah—o-okay, so, can I come in?”
Rei just gave you a stone-cold stare, before uttering without any emotions, “No.” Then, the door slammed shut, almost hitting you in the face as the lock clicked again, knowing you’re defeated again. You shake your head in frustration and hitch a breath because of how it took so much patience just to deal with her petulant bullshit.
Of course, you won’t give up so easily even though she made your endure a burden down your back—
“I got you some udon, your favorite!”
Silence permeates the air and you patiently wait for the predator to get baited. You have a few tricks up your sleeve that will ensure Rei will come out of her own cage as she bites onto the bait, and you, smiling as everything’s going right to the plan.
Rei quickly unlocked the doorknob and opened the door, asking you. “Where’s the udon?”
Of course, you know she’ll fall for the oldest trick in the book and it’s not even close to doubting it. Her quick movements passing you wasn’t even a surprise as she showed full-interest of one of her favorite meals and completely ignoring you like you didn’t exist. Even with her stern face that shoots daggers within your soul on how cold it is, it’s inevitable to see the delight curving her lips into a faint smile because of your “gift” for her—you wouldn’t buy her anything like this, in all honesty; it’s just the fact that she’s sulking so bad that you need to play the wildest tricks on her game in order to win it.
You pointed down at the table in the dining room and she rushed there immediately, not questioning you anymore as it’s sure a waste of her time and wouldn’t bear to leave her meal cold.
“Got you what you wanted there, since I knew you’re starving trying to ignore me. Beef udon. Spicy. Garlic—”
“Will you ever shut up? I’m trying to eat here!” Her tone wasn’t exactly exuding anger, but by all means, it’s intimidating and thrilling to hear, it almost feels like she’s threatening your life with it. This isn’t really surprising, honestly but deep down, you know how thankful she is for the meal you bought her yet she needs to remain that stern and cold demeanor meant to reevaluate your life choices.
Now, thinking about something like that, what have you really done to make her act like that? All hints were vague enough to crack the code behind her somber demeanor and her bitchy attitude that you despise.
If only you could really punish her for acting like this, then you would but those will be off the charts for now…
“Not even a thank you, Rei??” You feign disappointment as defeat laced in your tone, hoping Rei would acknowledge your thoughtful advances towards her and maybe, it’s working considering how she’s faintly smiling after each munch of the noodles.
“Hah… Okay, thank you for the food, I guess…” Rei’s tone is sarcastic, her head shaking jokingly as she mocks just to intimidate you and with that, you’re not having it anymore and you had enough of this attitude of hers. Rushing towards her as she’s scrolling down her phone, you caught off-guard with the grab of her wrists as you bring her in a wall, pinning her against it with a glare shooting daggers at her this time (thankfully, Rei left her phone on the table as it didn’t fall down because of your aggressive actions).
“You know, if you’re going to act like this for the next weeks I’m going to get fucking tired of you, you know?”
The fact that Rei didn’t retaliate with your harshness and even smirking slightly in front of you, lets you know how much she’s fending off her wants of enraging you as she likes this demeanor of you as you’re gaining control over her and that’s what not you wanted. With an unstoppable force of rage fueling you, you can’t comprehend how you’re going to take this situation lightly as it’s rather worse when Rei mocks you intimidatingly. “Then what? You’re not going to hurt me because you love me, right? If your horny ass could just chill within a single day then I wouldn’t have held this grudge on you for weeks.”
The former, she’s not wrong; you definitely love her and it’s all in a set of confusion on how the both of you portray the image of ‘love’. The latter? Well, that concludes her attitude that cursed her to be her worst for weeks and now you know why—it’s now letting you cross down the fields of reflection, giving you the light of realization on why she acted like this and god, it’s childish but she has a point, nonetheless.
To give context, maybe it was just a hint of jealousy towards someone you’re close with, and it spread like wildfire and letting her hear about it in which, breaks her heart a little yet it’s slow and painful, to the point that she needed to distance herself towards you to bare the pain but she can’t.
She never will because her heart is screaming for you. You only.
Even though the whole school’s talking about you and the popular princess (they refer her with that) being closer together as time goes by, you can’t and won’t find someone like Rei and how she holds a special place in your heart that no one can dethrone her from it—like, no one.
Yet, you wonder why is she taking this pain so seriously to the point that she has to ignore you like it didn't exist in her life and if she manages to talk to you, it’s all in a wrathful manner that you can’t bear?
Well, you probably need to find it out yourself even if it means to fuck it out of her.
“But why are you like this? Do you know how it fucking hurts to me that you’re ignoring me? Holding a grudge against me because I’m just close with her? Oh, so you’re jealous and you won’t talk to me—is that what you are, Rei?” You feel such a terrible and painful concoction of emotions, specifically sadness, rage and surprisingly, denial.
Why would you feel denial? There could be, possibly, limitless ways to express how you’re feeling denial but no, this is a bizarre one since you’re denying your true feelings of being in pain and rage because of her.
She knows how this probably scarred you, but in her mind, it’s to state a point—a point of her own selfishness and jealousy which is just absurd to think about.
“It’s not just that—you wanted to fuck her, I can see it in your eyes too—” Her eyes laced venom as her stare bears the pain she’s also carrying, and the cherry on top, her undying jealousy. “—it’s like you wanna rail her from behind and—”
“Rei!” You grit your teeth in rage as you feel the utter disrespect and the wrong judgment being thrown out between the both of you, mostly your approach and intentions. “Can you just—fucking stop saying that like, I wanna fuck every girl I meet, please?”
Even with the utter rage and uneasiness of you, she can feel the sincerity between every word you’re saying as her demeanor is slowly changing, yet it’s not evident onto your side as you’re being blinded by lust and frustration. 
“Okay, okay—but your eyes are like—” Rei retaliates as she uses such force enough to let go of the grip of her wrists, and you didn’t even bother regaining your dominance and control as she’s doing her own thing, succumbing onto the better grip than what you did earlier. “screaming the ‘horny’ energy so bad.”
If you thought you’re that perverted to be thinking of filthiness all the time, she’s eating up her own words as she slowly kneels down in front of you, before grabbing the hem of your pants to switch positions, letting your body thud and relax onto the wall as she starts her magic.
“And you know what’s the best thing to match that horniness?” Rei looks up at you, cocking an eyebrow as her confidence fuels her to be this daring towards you.
“Whatever you’re thinking—ahh, Rei—just don’t—”
“Is horny itself.” Rei doesn’t let her speech get unbothered by you, as she unbuttons your pants as she disregards any of your pleas of refraining herself to engage in such lustful motives but that was impossible to be resisted.
“You know how much I despise you, right?”
“You don’t even need to tell it—I fucking hate you too.” Rei hitches a breath as she snarls, the little anger deep inside her being vocal around you and it didn’t stop, not even once.
Yet, of course, she knows how insatiable you can be as your body is her weakness and all she can sense within her is need and hunger over you. Even with her undying grudge over you, despising each other with all their might, the both of you won’t help yourselves from being intimately close onto each other’s touches and once Rei has all of your defenses down with a swift motion—she’s really good at this; you could even blink once and you’ll just see everything just going off like she’s precise on meeting the time even though she doesn’t need to. With a tickle of her fingers onto your clothed erection, you could just beg for her to just undress it but you’d want to let her know how you’re still in authority and maintained an unfazed demeanor.
You don’t need to beg nor ask; she has it all down, in one swift motion as she is greeted by your throbbing member in whom she always loved.
“Not gonna lie, even though I hate you and you’re an asshole sometimes—” Rei teases the head of your length with her fingers as you shudder in response, but fighting the urge to fully submit to her. “—you have a nice, juicy cock that I won’t turn down and that’s another upside on you.”
Your breath shudders as your thighs quiver a little due to her touches that makes you a hundred times more sensitive than ever before. “F-Fuck you, Rei…”
She isn’t bothered with that as she smirks and suddenly, her lips part against the slit of your cockhead as she swirls her tongue around it, painting every inch of your head wet with saliva and to make you submit into her even more, her digits strokes the base of your shaft in which, is too pleasurable on your own books. 
“And not gonna f-fucking lie—” You retort as you stammer because of the intense pleasure her mouth is giving, but still continue to voice out what you want to say. “—as much as you’re a bitch who’s acting like spoiled, sensitive brat, your brat m-mouth feels fucking good—ahh, fuck!”
Rei knows how her incredible mouth can be your kryptonite once she laid it onto your swollen head, as she can just think of the numerous ways to fulfill her amorous needs and to probably deprive you because of what you deserve, in her own opinion. With the constant bobbing of her head onto your constantly throbbing penis, you can’t help but just give in to the ocean of pleasure and fully submit onto voicing your animalistic needs yet you fight yet treasure her oral service onto the entirety of your shaft. Saliva inevitably seeps out of her corners of her mouth in every thrust she does onto your length, sheathing every inch with her drool as she savors the musky taste of yours in which, she just can’t get enough considering how she slurps around your shaft.
“Of course, you’re not gonna feel a better mouth than me, asshole.” She resumes sucking you after as her pace is now being relentless, opting to further fulfill her needs of being deprived of the taste of your cock for weeks.
“One m-more ‘asshole’ that c-comes out of your mouth, I’m going to fuck your a-ass crazy enough to make you think who’s the real asshole is.” You retort back, aiming to provoke the sleeping beast inside her but you could only feel her vigorous pumps and frantic bobs getting more pleasurable and fast as she gives what she can in order to serve the best for both worlds (mostly hers, of course).
“I bet you can’t even get past the entrance of my ass, loser.” Of course, she’ll fight back and degrade you but that isn’t even true and it’s just the fact that her rage is just fueling her to say these things to you or better, to unleash your masochistic side.
The last time you had an intimate anal session with Rei was three weeks ago, and you could just remember how she fully submitted onto the entirety of your cock ramming her tight, snug hole and begging you to fill her up but of course, you didn’t fulfill it and would rather paint her enticingly round, beautiful face full of your semen as her hole was gaped enough to be sore as her legs deemed worthless for almost two days—you even got to the point that you need to excuse Rei for her absence due to her having a ‘fever’ but in reality, that happened between the both of you.
Resuming her oral masterclass, she parts her plump, duck-like lips onto the head of your shaft as she takes you deeper, aiming for more for her to take more as she’s getting hungrier the longer she sucks you off, and it’s just going to get better from here. She lets her hands do the utmost work all over your nether regions as every aspect builds up to the promised fantasy that burns the passion of lust: her handiwork of her dainty fingers massaging and stroking your shaft into a rapid pace, her hands fondling your balls to stimulate you further and occasionally caressing your thighs to arouse and entice you further. 
Even though you want to degrade her actions, she knows you would be lying in your teeth, even if it means for roleplay but you know it wouldn’t work on her watch, no matter how hard you try.
“Keep doing that, Rei—fuck, you’re so fucking cursed on how good you are with this, no? Goddamn—fuck!” With your relentless compliments laced with your own deadly venom, it just fuels her to increase the pace further, where you’ll almost give up and grab a handful of her dark locks for leverage yet you won’t give in that far, wanting Rei to know how you’re still worthy to defend against her own frantic attacks.
She keeps her mouth busy with unparalleled thrusts as her hands do wander all over the vicinity of your length and soon enough, the inevitable will soon be in touch with you, signaling your near high as you encourage her to double her efforts with your constant moans and your subtle movements.
“Fuck, I’m getting close, Rei—” It was all getting too much elevated as suddenly, something disturbed the force—it was the devilish deeds Rei has been cursed to do, in an act of vengeance, on her own words.
Pop. It was sexy and hot yet at the same time, it’s fucking frustrating.
“Why the fuck did y-you stop, Rei? I was so close!” You’re bewildered and angered by the fact that she immediately stopped as you were about to blow the biggest load of your life down her throat—guess, that’s impossible now but hopefully, not for long. You can see the devilish smirk printed on her face, as she smirks in delight with your despair and her own pleasure.
“You fucking deserve it, honestly…” Rei’s stone-cold glare intimidates you, aiming to really unleash the hidden fury you’ve been storing as she slowly strokes the base of your shaft, not letting the libido die early for you and hers. With the constant twitch of your cock achingly wanting for a heavenly release, it just puts gasoline onto the flames of Rei’s selfish needs to see you struggling, more so, being edged until your balls ache for days, probably.
“How the fuck do I deserve this?” Your hands went onto your length, badly wanting to stroke it to paint her face white yet Rei fights you and god, she’s surprisingly able to fight back, brushing off your arms with hers as she stands up and pins you onto the wall, her face just inches against you. “You’ll see… Just let me do my thing, alright? You’re not going to cum yet, not on my watch.”
With a confused face, you can’t fathom why would Rei do that and more so, you deserving for such a cruel act but deep inside, it’s turning you on and you can’t help but think of how good it is—it’s a blessing in disguise and maybe, this is what Rei wanted all along.
“We should take this to the bedroom, honestly…”
“Why just not here, Rei?” 
Rei just smirks and gives you that stern stare as she repeats herself again. “I said in my bedroom, now.”
Well, who are you to turn that down and not obey? You’ll never turn her down as both fervor-filled desires are off the roof now, craving for more despite the heart-aching grudge between the both of you—not going to lie, she’s toning down and that alone, makes you happy knowing that she’ll be like her old self soon.
And that's what you hope…
“Fuck, y-you’re good at that—oh fuck, y-you’re cock is so b-big!”
“You’re s-so tight too, Rei!”
Even with the hint of movement, you can’t help but groan as the peak serotonin coursing down your veins is becoming too much to handle, her walls hugging around your throbbing length like it won’t let go—and this is the wonder behind this: her walls achingly gripping around your shaft begging for a load and her scrumptious backside all over your sight makes everything no less onto the point of peak-arousal, and it’s just the epitome of perfection.
Thanks to the added lubrication of the lube you’ve squirted inside her snug hole, it became easier to thrust inside her as every time you do, groans of pleasure escape both your mouths as you opt for better pace and the quality of each thrust doubling. You aim to really fuck the living grudge and bitchness out of her and you know how your cock can make Rei submit onto you as the harsh grip of the bed sheets and her screams of delight says enough. You then peppered her neck with affectionate kisses, maintaining the arousal soaring in the air as you mount your arms under her armpits and grasping her shoulders, wanting the get the better leverage onto fucking her snug hole and to further hear the symphony of moans escaping her sinful mouth.
“See, Rei—if you’re not going to be this harsh on me, this w-would be this damn easy, right?”
Rei, even though with your entire length hammering her asshole, still manages to articulate such words and be the bitch that you’ve been despising her for. “J-Just—gahh—shut the f-fuck up and fuck my a-ass—ahh, it’s too good!”
Constant spanks reverberate around the puny room as her buttcheeks now shades a familiar rosy hue, marking your harshness towards her. You quicken the pace and with every spank you do, her hole clenches and god, it just becomes unbearably tight yet pleasurable as you did that for the next couple of minutes, aiming to give her the best gratification that she’ll ever feel in her whole life.
Your hands didn’t just stay idle under her arms just for leverage, yet instead, it coursed its way onto her constantly jiggling large mounds as you fondle them, showing her how you wanted them for so long as it further sends her into overdrive and soon, it would be all too much for him, and maybe, for you.
“Fuck, I’m g-gonna cum soon—ahh, f-fuck, keep f-fucking me!”
Of course, she would get off with her digits constantly swiping and aiming for her high while you ram her asshole like there’s no tomorrow. With your focus only averted onto fucking her relentlessly and with the point of no-return, you didn’t even got the chance to see her high got off as she sprays all over the place, screaming in every spurt she does and it’s all just filthy, messy and arousing as fuck. You then rub her clit in order to stimulate her further, and extend her high as you find yourself pumping into her harder, aiming to gape her hole open and to let her know who the real asshole is.
“Yeah, see? Now you can’t think straight with my dick ravaging inside this slutty asshole, hm? You’re such a hypocrite, Rei—you really are.”
Even with the constant struggle of her tightness making your brain go haywire, you manage to degrade and retort back to her and maintain the rapid thrusts in her ass in which, took her seconds to respond as the pleasure was just becoming too much and that was all according to plan.
“Just f-fuck me and s-shut up—ahh, oh god—ahh!”
You hammer your hips hard against her porcelain flesh, the constant clashing of it resonating such sinful sounds that can easily turn on everyone that can eavesdrop their ear upon—gladly, it’s just the both of you who can hear these sinful sounds and being blessed by it. You know your high is about to get near soon, as you can feel it tingling onto your loins and she knows it too—the constant throbbing of your shaft inside her says a lot and little did you know, she has more in store and planned with you…
“Pull out!”
“W-What? What do you m-mean pull o—”
“I meant i-it! Pull t-the fuck out!”
As much as it’s painful to pull out of her tight, snug hole and the mental pain to not paint her walls white while rearranging her guts, you did what she requested you to do, pulling out immediately with a grunt escaping your lips, struggling a little because of her unexplainable tightness.
“Then what the f-fuck do you even want, Rei?”
Rei looks over her shoulders, and then faced you with her semi-drowsy eyes and with still an intimidating glare, and enlightened you, “You need to fuck my tits, now—I want it here and you’ll blow your load all over my face.”
Well, as much as you detest her propositions because of her constant denial of your supposedly-heavenly orgasms, that is an offer you won’t turn down as the soft valley of her pillowy mounds are as pleasurable than any of her holes, all in their respective aspects of defining the gratification it can give and titfucking her would be your guilt pleasure.
“Oh god, just let me cum! Don’t blueball me anymore—I swear…”
“It doesn’t matter—you’ll get off anyway.”
Now, positioning on mounting onto her stomach and laying down your raging length onto the valley of her mounds, she spits into her cleavage as you took the opportunity to lubricate your shaft onto it—not to mention the lube sheathed all over your shaft being helpful too at the moment. You’re really not going to waste any time as your hips ensue a wild pace onto her tits, as the hypnotic bounces of it are just mesmerizing to see, marveling at how perfectly arousing the sight is. Between your thrusts, her tongue desperately tickles the engorged head once it emerges onto the pillowy breasts of hers as each thrust is just aiming to chase your long-awaited orgasm, as you’ve been edged onto it for two times now. 
Now holding onto her arms as a leverage onto frantic, desperate thrusts, you quicken the pace like you’re rushing onto something and thank god Rei’s helping you with chasing your own high too—her squeezing her mounds tightly with her arms to aid for the tightness that you always like and the pace of her  ensuing a pleasurable pace that adds up to the delightful trajectory of such an incredible friction between the both of you.
There’s no turning back now; not when she moans to encourage your release and soon, it’ll all break loose and won’t be deprived further as suddenly, without even warning her, your slit wasn’t unable to hold anything back, sputtering multiple streaks of your own seed that landed on her neck, chin, her voluptuous breasts and some even on her cheeks as she moaned gracefully because of the warmth of your hard work. You kept thrusting into the valley of her breasts for a while as you chased to extend your orgasm and stopped once it fell out, you then falling limp onto the bed, enervated with what you’ve done with Rei.
The both of you exchanged breaths, chest heaving up and down for air as she faintly smiled at you, not before swiping a sample on her chin with her fingers and tasting, humming soundly right after as it tasted great, as she always expected.
“Not bad… See, the load is much healthier if you’re edged a couple of times…”
“Fuck you, for that—hah…”
Rei’s hands cupped your cheek, and then made you face hers as her smile is now mending the broken bridge between the both of you and most likely, mending your heart as the air now permeates wholesomeness, and it’s just fluttering to see that.
“Maybe I am the asshole for acting like a bitch for like three weeks, hm?”
“If that’s what you assumed…” Now recovered quickly with your own high, you got out of the bed and stood up, preparing to clean up the filthy mess you’ve been into until a voice calls you, making you turn back to see the gleeful Rei back to her original state—a bubbly, pouty one that you always love and that alone, makes the interaction wholesome despite the painted sin all over the bed and both of your bodies.
“You’re not just going to leave me here! Let me clean up too!” Rei pouts cutely on you as you giggled a little, feeling dumbfounded with her cute actions as you helped her get out of the bed, struggling because of the constant ramming you’ve done on her ass that made her legs feel like jelly. “Gosh—I don’t think my legs are working right now—you fucked me so well…”
“Well, I guess all you need is a cock ready to fuck that living bitch out of you, huh”?
Rei lightly punches your shoulder because of your tease, and knowing it didn’t offend her in any way, you just laughed it off as she giggled back, finding it a little hilarious. “Shut up…”
Well, maybe you’ve now cracked the code—Rei just needs a good fucking, rearraging her guts and her attitude is enough to really make her break that stern demeanor she’s been onto for weeks.
And yeah… “Oh no, the udon!”
“You can finish that later, Rei—” You smirk right after, planning onto another mischievous act that will let her know the primal beast inside you, maybe even feeding her more than what any food can do. “—because for now, you can milk another load from me, in your throat—don’t you want that?” 
If it isn’t even enough for the both of you…
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radiance1 · 10 months
An off-shoot to an off-shoot!
Danny left the human world for the Ghost Zone, as the Crown Prince he has quite a lot of responsibilities, much more than he would like in all honesty.
He barely even knew there was a high society of the Ghost Zone, some of which he has met and others he's just questioning the existence of.
He was already tired of the amount of marriage proposals he was sent and had to sort through, and there was still 3 more mountains to go!
He was honestly looking forward to the calls from his two best friends when he was finally able to get a break from his duties as prince. Never has the sound of his friends' voices felt oh so sweet.
Sometimes he visits Sam when he managed to convince Pariah, or when there just wasn't any work to be done. He tried to visit Tucker too but, when he tried to leave Amity Park he just... couldn't???
There was something just, stopping him. He couldn't leave, like some kind of barrier that prevented from moving even smidge past the line.
He just left it be.
He heard about Tucker being a villain and decided he wanted in. But since he couldn't leave the boundary of Amity Park for whatever reason, he needed Tucker to plant a series of tidbits of knowledge that'll allow people to summon him.
Tucker very obviously agreed.
But they decided to have a bit of fun here. Tucker- who now goes by Daedalus as his villain name- has history with the Ghost Prince, who is the 'hero' to Daedalus' villain.
Daedalus does not like Phantom and constantly tries to neutralize him, which is a far cry from his usual non-lethal tactics. While Phantom, on the other hand, considers Daedalus to be his best friend and closest consort and often ignores said attempts of neutralization or plays it off.
So Tucker left behind bits and pieces of the knowledge to summon the Ghost Prince in random parts of the city, which are discreetly yet highly guarded. Then overtime certain people began to find those bits and pieces and Daedalus, in regard to such an event has notably gotten more panicky and worried.
With each and every sighting he's in he seemed to be searching for something and used the chaos he brought to search for it. To which the heroes have been taking notice of.
They think that he was searching for something to use for his next plan or something.
Then the Justice League got word of a group of cultists looking to summon the Ghost Prince to take over the mortal world, which they obviously couldn't let happen. So then they locate and find the group of cultists (and as usual in these ideas) they fail to stop the summoning in time.
But as the summoning circle was shinning and the room got colder, someone unexpected showed up.
Daedalus. (Imagen he's in the floaty chair thing that Eggman uses constantly)
Who, surprisingly. Is just a 16 year old. (This takes place in the second year of Sam's little isolation thing.)
Who then proceeded to get irritated and screamed at the cultists about how they managed to find the necessary components to summon that he specifically split into pieces to avoid this situation happening!
Then the Ghost Prince pops into existence, who then calmly looked around the room and then into the sky, his indifferent, cold expression faded away into a bright beaming expression and then went:
"Daedalus! My best buddy!"
And then had to dodge a blast from said villain. Then they proceeded to have a battle, quite- no, very lethal on Daedalus' part and not so much on the Ghost Prince's part.
It was... reminiscent of a dog and cat, really.
Until in the midst of said fight Phantom exclaimed his woes about the Ghost responsibilities and then Daedalus just kinda, stopped trying to kill him and then made Danny explain what problem he has and then gave him the solution to said problem and goes back to fighting.
The Justice League feels like they should intervene here, but they also don't know if they should.
Said problem was solved by Daedalus getting hungry and proposing to stop the fight to go and eat at a food place he knows that's very good. Phantom agrees, claiming that he hasn't had human food in ages and then they go and eat and forget about the Justice League.
Who then questioned why the Prince of Ghosts and the villain that a few of them has been fighting are literal children.
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yoongiseesawmp3 · 1 year
all things end - mingyu
summary: you grew up with mingyu. he was your first kiss. your first boyfriend. the first man you ever loved. some things just aren’t meant to last, but during some time apart you struggle to forget mingyu, and he does his best to get you back. because who could ever love you as much as he does?
word count: 12.7k
warnings: afab reader, some gendered terms. ex!mingyu / childhood friends to lovers so plenty of fluff and angst, uhhhh scheming cheol too 
“what?” cheol groans, answering the phone despite being in the middle of a workout.
“can i come over?” you ask meekly on the other end, and his heart twists.
“bad day?”
“sure, i’ll be there in 20. come by whenever.”
“thank you,” you sniff, and he hangs up, finishing his last few reps before rushing to get back to his apartment. this is your third bad day this week. your breakup is, understandably, hitting you hard. cheol can’t help but wonder, if you’re so torn up about this, why did you leave mingyu at all? maybe one day he’ll finally ask, but for now he just heads home and shoots you a text asking what kind of ice cream you’ll need tonight.
“so i was walking my dog,” you say, scooping a spoonful of ice cream into your mouth before you continue, “and you know how gyu always liked taking him by that lake at sunset?” 
“sure,” cheol nods. “was it sunset when you walked by and it made you think of mingyu?”
“well. yeah.”
“and that’s what prompted today’s spiral?” he asks, grabbing the ice cream from your cold hands so he can hack at it with his spoon. 
“i am not spiraling,” you say, trying to swoop your spoon in but getting knocked away by your best friend. “rude.”
“you spiral every time something reminds you of mingyu,” he says, “or when someone mentions him, or, the most idiotic part, when you see him because someone thought you should stay friends despite the messy breakup.”
“i hate when you try to be the voice of reason,” you complain.
“i’m not trying, i am.”
“it’s annoying.”
“stop having problems then,” he says with a mouthful of ice cream. you get up and toss the blanket in your lap back onto the couch, and cheol whines, “where are you going?” 
“you’re obviously no help so i’ll just go back home and cry myself to sleep or something.”
“no fair! don’t make me feel bad for you! you put yourself in this situation! i don’t even know why you and mingyu broke up in the first place!” 
“i’ve told you a million times,” you whine, sitting back down and tossing your head into the armrest of the couch. “we just weren’t meant for each other anymore.”
“god, why does your answer get more vague every time?” cheol teases, kicking you lightly with his foot. “am i ever gonna get the real reason? did you have a big fight? he doesn’t want kids? you called his mom a hoe?”
“we didn’t fight, i didn’t call mrs. kim anything mean, and we definitely didn’t fight about kids,” you reply, and cheol smiles like the cheshire cat.
“lemme guess. you’ve both already agreed on baby names?”
“shut up.”
“is one of them at least seungcheol? cheol junior? come on, i deserve it,” he pleads, finally getting a laugh out of you.
“if by some act of god mingyu and i get back together and decide to have kids we will consider naming a potential child after you,” you say just to appease him, your heart twisting because you know you and mingyu won’t be together again for that to even be a possibility.
“i’m holding you to that,” he says smugly, and you roll your eyes, leaving it at that. you’re both quiet for a while, passing the ice cream back and forth. you like that cheol doesn’t take you too seriously when you’re like this, because you need the break from your own thoughts. but it’s nice like this too, just being around each other. you decide to break the silence when you notice what time it is, getting up for real. “where are you going now?”
“home,” you sigh. “i have to get up early tomorrow to take fred to the vet, so i should go to sleep.”
“ok,” cheol nods. “text me what flavor you want tomorrow night and i’ll pick it up on the way home from work.”
“i’ll try my best not to need this tomorrow, but thank you,” you say. “i appreciate it more than you know.”
“anytime y/n,” cheol smiles. “let me know when you get home!” 
“will do. night cheol.”
you’re up bright and early the next morning to take fred in for his appointment before you have to go to work. it’s allergy season, and no one warned you that your sweet little man could have allergies worse than any human you’ve ever met. fred has a rash on his back that he keeps trying to lick, bite, and scratch, so your vet gave him some medicine and a cone of shame to keep him from bothering the area for a while. you’re laughing to yourself as you take him home, eager to put the cone on him, just to see what it looks like. once you have it on, you laugh again and snap a picture because, yes, he looks silly. you post it to your story and forget about it as you go about the rest of your day.
a little after lunch, mingyu is taking a break from staring at his computer and goes to check his phone. after refreshing instagram, his heart leaps when he sees your icon at the top of his page, alerting him to what you’ve posted. yeah, yeah, he shouldn’t still follow you technically, but he can’t help himself. he only lets his conscious stop him for a couple seconds before he’s tapping your icon and viewing your story, which is fred in his cone of shame. mingyu, who loved you so much but quite possibly loved fred more, freaks out. something must be wrong, and before he thinks better of it he texts you to ask what’s wrong. 
you’re in a meeting when you get the text. you’re bored out of your mind, otherwise you would’ve just let it be. but your mind keeps wandering and now that you’ve heard the buzz of a message come through you can’t help yourself. you lift your phone just slightly to take a look, and you slam it back down when you see mingyu’s name lighting your screen. you do your best to ignore it through the rest of your meeting, but your mind keeps wandering back to him.
your lack of a reply has mingyu freaking out even more. he texts a couple more times, asking questions so hopefully when you do reply mingyu will get the information all at once. but all of those go unanswered too, and he can’t take it anymore. he calls you, biting his lip anxiously as he waits to find out what’s going on.
your phone rings as you’re leaving your meeting, and your heart drops when you see that it’s mingyu. you haven’t had time to read his texts, but if he’s been bothering you this much it must be serious. you take a breath, preparing for the worst, and then you accept the call.
“hello?” you ask meekly, and you hear mingyu sigh on the other end.
“y/n,” he says, relieved. “finally. what’s going on?”
“uh, nothing?” you reply. “i’m at work.”
“huh? why?!”
“it’s a wednesday? most people with jobs work on wednesdays,” you explain. 
“no, i mean what’s going on with fred?” mingyu clarifies, and that’s when you notice the worry in his voice. you used to be able to pick up on his emotions instantly, and it sends a jab to your chest that it took you this long to realize he was upset.
“oh, he has allergies,” you laugh. “he uh, he was bothering a spot on his back so the vet gave him that collar to stop him from licking it.”
“so he’s ok?” mingyu asks, and you nod as you respond.
“he’s fine, just inbred probably,” you joke, earning a little nose snort from mingyu. “listen, uh, i’m at work, so-”
“yeah, yeah, go, sorry for bothering you,” mingyu replies. “give fred a hug for me.”
“will do. bye mingyu.”
“bye baby,” he says without thinking. he hangs up, realization hitting him a second too late. he thinks about texting you to apologize, but he’s bugged you enough today. maybe you didn’t hear it? he can just ignore it, right? it’s not like you’ll be talking to each other soon anyway, so maybe you’ll forget it eventually.
the first time mingyu called you baby was an accident, too. you were really close friends, but nothing more. you’ve known mingyu since you were five, when his family moved in next to yours and your parents made you play together because you were both around the same age. 
for you, he was the stinky neighbor boy who would make your heart flutter when he pulled up weeds and handed them to you like a bouquet of flowers. for mingyu, you were the pretty neighbor he wasn’t quite sure how to talk to, so he did things like pull up weeds for you. he usually showed his love for you like that, in more physical ways than verbal. one time, when you were about ten and he was almost twelve, you told mingyu you really liked another neighbor’s bike and you wished you had one like it for yourself. he still remembers asking poor dokyeom if he could borrow it, and he also remembers how much his parents yelled at him when they found out he had given it to you as a surprise. you teased mingyu about that constantly, still laughing over the memory of him walking the bike back to dokyeom’s house with the saddest look on his face. that was the first time he realized he only wanted to do things that made you happy, and it was the first time you realized mingyu was more sweet than he was stinky. 
the first time he called you baby was late one night at his house. you had been friends so long your parents weren’t worried about leaving you alone together (secretly hoping you would wipe the idiocy from your eyes and fall in love already). you were in the basement at mingyu’s, sitting comfortably next to him on the couch and watching a scary movie, despite your protests. mingyu wasn’t usually a scary movie guy either, but your friends at school had talked about this movie so much that mingyu got teased for not watching it. 
he had summoned you like he always did, standing on the fence in his backyard and shouting your name until you opened your bedroom window. your houses were so close you didn’t have to yell once the window was open, so you spoke normally as you told mingyu firmly that you would not be watching that with him. it only took a few seconds of him pouting for you to cave, and once you were settled on the couch he said passively, “don’t worry baby, i’ve got you if it gets too scary.” 
that one little word had haunted you for days, by far scarier than the movie you watched that night. mingyu had called you baby. that’s not what friends call each other, that’s boyfriend/girlfriend stuff. and that definitely wasn’t you and mingyu. 
at least to the two of you it wasn’t. to everyone else, you were an item. it was so obvious you liked each other that guys wouldn’t approach you, and girls knew not to fall for mingyu because he would never fall back. it took ages for you two to notice, but once you did, your life had never been more lovely. to love mingyu and be loved by him is one of the best things you’ve ever done. his love is deep and he loves hard, and for some people that kind of passion can be a little scary. it was definitely scary for you, even if took a while for you to notice.
just like the first time he called you baby, that one slip up on the phone stuck with you. you couldn’t tell cheol about it, because he’d just question the whole break up again, so you sat with it quietly as you played the sound of mingyu’s voice over and over again in your head. 
days later, mingyu had already forgotten about it. he was worried at first, but when the world didn’t implode immediately after he basically let it go. you’d assume it was a mistake, not him still pining for you despite what happened. so he pushed it to the back of his mind.
that weekend, you found yourself at hoshi’s for a party. his apartment was packed, so you were prepared to get tipsy and then head home. cheol wasn’t there yet so you were bothering seungkwan instead, and he was doing everything he could to get rid of you. that includes pushing you into someone’s firm chest on accident, and you almost fall through the floor when you look up and see mingyu staring back at you in shock. you’re just drunk enough that you want to have a little fun with him, a mischievous smirk slowly forming on your face.
“hey, baby,” you emphasize, watching as mingyu’s face starts out hopeful and then falls slightly. 
“oh, haha,” he laughs nervously. “hey. um, so you noticed that the other day.”
“i did.”
“s-sorry,” he stutters. “old habits die hard.” 
you nod in agreement as you take a sip of your drink, not so sure now, with his big brown eyes staring you down, why you thought talking to him was a good idea. you usually spent these parties pressed up against mingyu’s chest, back to front, his arm wrapped around you lazily. suddenly you’re cold just at the thought, and you ache to feel mingyu wrapped around you again.
“how’s fred?” he asks, trying to keep you next to him for as long as possible.
“he’s good,” you nod. “doesn’t need the cone anymore.”
“aw, lame, those pictures were funny,” mingyu pouts, and you have to look away so you don’t have the urge to kiss him. 
“yeah, well, i still have it so i can put it back on him if he ever gets annoying.”
“that’s good,” mingyu nods now, awkwardly looking around for a way out of this conversation without being rude. he misses you, and he was totally aware of that, but it’s easier to push it away when you’re not standing so close, your perfume encasing him in memories of when you were his. now you’re not, and mingyu wants to go home. he’s searching the room for someone to talk to so this moment won’t be so pathetic, but cheol comes to the rescue. 
“hey ex lovebirds,” cheol teases, bumping into you enough to make you stumble. mingyu reaches out to steady you, but cheol grabs you by the waist to keep you in place, and mingyu has to look away or else he might light on fire with anger. it’s a simple touch, he knows cheol doesn’t mean anything by it, but it always bothered him when other people tried to take care of you. that was his job, and he didn’t like anyone getting in the way of that. “why do you both look so miserable? it’s a party. drink, have fun, maybe kiss a little-”
“i do need another drink,” you say, taking the first chance to leave this situation. you look to both guys before asking, “do you need anything?” they shake their heads, so you escape to the kitchen and mentally mark the living room off. you can’t go back out there now. maybe it’s time for you to just leave.
“so,” cheol says, smirk hiding behind his cup. “how’s your plan going?”
“what plan?” mingyu asks, obviously confused.
“your plan to get y/n back,” cheol replies nonchalantly. “you have one, right? otherwise i don’t see why you aren’t leaving my friend alone after such a devastating break up.”
“i’m your friend too?! what about me and my feelings?” 
“you annoy me more than y/n does, so i’m on her side,” cheol jokes, and mingyu groans. “but seriously. what’s going on here? she won’t tell me anything.”
“we broke up.”
“i know that. elaborate.”
“no,” mingyu says stubbornly, crossing his arms. “that’s between me and y/n. she won’t tell you so neither will i.”
“god, forget it. i’m on no one’s side, you’re both annoying,” cheol scoffs. “match made in heaven, you two.”
it’s quiet between them for a moment, both men just sloshing their drinks around in their cups, looking around at their drunken friends ruining hoshi’s lovely home. mingyu thinks for a second, deciding if he’ll actually admit this to cheol or not, but he slams the rest of his drink and turns to his friend before he can change his mind. 
“i don’t have a plan,” he starts off. “yet. i’m trying to feel things out. i tried giving y/n space, and that’s not working for me. i love her, dude. i’ll only ever love her.”
“then go get her!” cheol says incredulously, motioning for the kitchen. “she’s hiding in there so she doesn’t have to see you, she’d be easy to corner-”
“but,” mingyu interjects. “but. i don’t know if she wants me back. she broke things off, so i’m trying to respect that. i just...i don’t know if she loves me anymore, man. so i want to make a plan, i want to get her back, but i’m afraid of what would happen if it doesn’t work. if she really doesn’t love me anymore.”
“hm,” cheol hums before he finishes his own drink. he takes a minute, smacks his lips, then turns to his idiotic best friend. “get her back. as soon as possible, actually. she’s a wreck without you. whatever happened for her to break up with you, i’m sorry. but she hasn’t stopped talking about you since. she still loves you man, no doubt. so i think you should try. and let me know how i can help, because, man, she’s really been bumming me out lately being all sad like this.”
“she’s sad?” mingyu asks, sadness appearing on his own features, making cheol roll his eyes. 
“i said a whole essay and that’s the only thing you picked up on?”
“no, i get it,” mingyu nods. “i’ll think of something.”
“good,” cheol nods, then points to mingyu’s cup. “you want a refill?”
“do you mind grabbing it for me?” mingyu asks sheepishly.
“no,” cheol says in disbelief. “you can’t be hiding from her too.”
“what if i am!”
“i’m so close to revoking my offer to help,” cheol complains as he snatches mingyu’s cup from him. “i’ll be back.”
mingyu’s conversation with cheol set his mind in motion. he hasn’t stopped thinking about you since, as if that was new. but now he has a reason to spend all his time thinking about you. truthfully, mingyu isn’t sure he knows why you broke things off. at least, he doesn’t know how to explain it to people. he knows it must have made sense to you, and to him, enough for him to let you go. but he just remembers one very tearful conversation where you told him you couldn’t do this anymore, and that was it. he’d steal the sun to make your world brighter, so if he wasn’t making you happy anymore he wasn’t going to stick around if you didn’t want him there. 
but now. now he’s wishing he had fought back. asked questions. tried to fix things instead of just running away. he still loves you, and if cheol’s right and you still love him, then what the hell are you doing? 
your first date with mingyu was simple. since it took you both years to realize your mutual feelings for each other, there wasn’t much you hadn’t already done together. you already tried out new restaurants together, went to arcades and movies and concerts just the two of you. you even forced mingyu to get a membership at your favorite museum so you could drag him along anytime there was a new exhibit you were dying to see. so when mingyu finally asked you out, he wasn’t sure what to do. he wracked his brain for the fanciest restaurant he could think of, or searched for romantic movies playing around town, but none of it felt right. none of it felt like you. 
that’s why your first date was simple. he knew he didn’t have to do something grandiose to impress you, so instead he invited you over to his dorm and made you dinner. he wouldn’t tell you what he was making, but when you walked in it smelled familiar. not just because mingyu’s scent wafted up around you when he welcomed you in, but because the food on the stove instantly reminded you of home. you tried peeking at the pots to see if you could figure out what it was, but mingyu cutely pushed you away. 
“you’re gonna ruin the surprise!” he whines, childishly pushing you out to the living room. “you can’t be in here!”
“so you’re telling me i can’t be around my boyfriend on our first date?” you challenge him, and his force falters. “i want to spend time with you gyu, let me at least be in the kitchen with you.”
“promise not to look at the food though,” he says with a finger in your face. you grab his hand and wrap yours in his sweaty, warm grasp. 
“i’ll keep my eyes on you, deal?”
“deal,” he smiles shyly, squeezing your hand before pulling you behind him into the kitchen. he starts working with just one hand, so you let go of his other one to make it easier for him to cook. “why’d you do that?”
“do what?” you ask, leaning against the counter so you can sit back and watch.
“let go,” he pouts, reaching for you again. 
“you have to use both hands to cook, baby,” you laugh, and you watch with love in your eyes as he blushes a deep pink.
“right,” he nods. “ok. it’s almost done, but if you’re hungry there’s snacks in the fridge.”
“i’m good,” you say quietly, watching as mingyu returns to chopping something. you silently admire him as he works, your heart warming as it settles in your mind: mingyu is finally yours. your first love. your only love, probably, is your boyfriend. how amazing is that?
“baby?” mingyu repeats, snapping you out of your trance. there’s the hint of a smile on his face as your eyes meet his. “did you hear me?”
“no, what did you say?” now it’s your turn to blush. mingyu takes a step closer, carefully placing his hands on your hips. 
“i said it’s ready,” he smiles. “you were staring at me.”
“yeah, i told you i was gonna do that.”
“what were you thinking about?” mingyu barely whispers, his face incredibly close to yours now. 
i was thinking about how much i love you.
“um, you?” 
“what about me?” 
“i was mentally critiquing your form,” you tease, a smile breaking out across both your faces. 
“and how was it?” he asks, close enough now that you can feel his breath on your lips.
“you’re gonna chop a finger off one day,” you reply quietly, eyes drifting down to mingyu’s lips as you speak. he notices and the side of his mouth quirks up in a smirk. 
“how’s my form now?” he asks before hastily pressing a kiss to your lips, pulling back almost like the touch sent a shock through him. 
“could be better,” you squeak out, and he nods before leaning back down to capture your lips in a real kiss. it’s warm, delicate but strong, and it’s mingyu. you can’t seem to wrap your head around that part. mingyu is kissing you right now. you’re kissing mingyu. and he’s really good at it. sooner than you’d like, he’s pulling away again. 
“how was that?” he asks, lips just barely grazing over yours.
“better,” you reply breathlessly. “you take criticism well.”
“i’m just here to please you baby,” he says, his words dripping with double meanings. you feel a chill run down your spine as you notice the hungry look in his eyes, and you clear your throat before speaking. 
“so, um, can i see the food now or do i have to eat with my eyes closed?”
“depends,” mingyu replies. “you want me to feed it to you?”
“stop being weird,” you laugh, pushing him away playfully but instantly missing the warmth of his chest against yours. you ignore his smile and lean over the stove, heart picking up as you try to see what he made. mingyu puts his arms around your waist fully and moves you out of the way, back to his childish shoves and whines about ruining the surprise. 
in a few minutes, you’re sat on his couch, eyes closed with a bowl of something warm in your lap. mingyu was serious about feeding you, at least the first bite, because he wants to keep the meal a surprise. as you complain about it for the millionth time, mingyu brings a spoon up to your lips and quietly asks you to open your mouth. you welcome the food, and your eyes shoot open when you immediately recognize the taste. 
“chicken and dumplings?” you ask, and mingyu smiles proudly. “how’d you learn to make that? it tastes just like home. i can’t...i don’t believe you made this.”
“please,” mingyu scoffs. “i was over at your house enough that i saw your grandma, your mom, even you, make this a million times. i made it the exact same way.”
“i can’t believe this,” you shake your head. “i...this is perfect, gyu. thank you.”
“no problem baby,” he smiles as he cuddles into your side, handing you another full spoon. “your turn.”
“what?” you ask, confused, just to turn and see mingyu waiting with his mouth open. you laugh, letting your head fall onto his shoulder. “you’re embarrassing.” 
“yeah, but you love it,” he laughs along, taking the spoon back so he can start eating too. as he goes on about how perfectly he cooked this, he misses the way your face heats up as you think, yes, you do love it. you love him, and you’re trying to figure out how soon is too soon to tell him that. 
part one of mingyu’s plan is a little concerning. he’s not following you, no, he’s not doing anything that would make you uncomfortable, but...he is hanging around your favorite coffeeshop in the mornings. he knows he’s bound to catch you here at least once this week, and he doesn’t mind doing a little work in such a cozy place anyway. if he sees you, great. if not, also great. he’s been more productive the past two days than he has all month. 
he gets lucky on the third day, because he hears a familiar laugh at the door and his ears perk up like an excited puppy. he sees you holding the door open for someone, and he tries to not make it obvious that he’s staring. you’re wearing one of his hoodies. if he had any doubts about this, now they’re all erased, because you’re wearing one of his hoodies. he didn’t even remember giving it to you, so it must have been one you stole from him. it’s old too, he can tell there’s a hole near the wrist that you’re trying to not accidentally slip a finger through. he keeps flicking his eyes up to you as you ask for your usual, mouthing the words along with you just to make sure he’s still got it. café con leche, sprinkle of cinnamon. when you turn around after paying, mingyu ducks his head down and goes back to work. he won’t approach you just yet, so he tries to lay low.
but you saw him the moment you walked in. a big dude like that? he sticks out immediately. your blood ran cold when you caught him staring at you, mentally cursing yourself for not changing shirts before you left the house. it might be a little pathetic, but you slept in this hoodie last night. the heat in your place hasn’t been working well and it was unusually cold, so you needed the extra coverage. this hoodie was the first thing you pulled from your closet, and you were too lazy to find something else. you won’t admit being wrapped up in mingyu’s scent helped you have the best sleep you’ve gotten since the break up. you try to ignore the feeling of mingyu’s eyes on you as you order, and when you turn back to the seating area you laugh to yourself seeing mingyu look away like he wasn’t boring holes into your back. you scan the room for an empty spot and find one, but your own eyes pull back to mingyu. you wait at the counter for your drink, and take a deep breath before walking over. 
“should i go ahead and sit with you, or did you wanna stare a little bit longer?” you ask once you reach mingyu’s table, his head snapping up in shock at you approaching him without noticing. 
“uh, i, um, i wasn’t, this isn’t what it looks like,” he blubbers, and you roll your eyes.
“you know if you wanted to talk to me you can just call,” you mumble as you pull the seat out and sit down. 
“hey, i’m actually working,” he says, sliding his laptop around to prove it. “maybe i’m just here to enjoy the ambiance.” 
“fine,” you nod, sipping your drink and loving the way it instantly puts you at ease. “don’t let me interrupt.” you start pulling out your own things, setting up your laptop before deciding you might want to read instead. you compromise and send some emails first, the rapid sound of your typing somehow comforting to mingyu. he resettles himself, accidentally bumping your leg with his under the table. 
“sorry,” he whispers.
“it’s okay,” you reply, a sympathetic grin on your face. “with your long ass legs i’m used to it.”
“still,” he tries not to smile back like an idiot. “sorry.”
you fall back into silence, both of you working on your own things and “enjoying the ambiance.” you’re not sure how much time passes before mingyu interrupts the quiet.
“hey,” he whispers, grabbing your attention. he nods to your laptop and asks, “what are you doing?”
“i’m working, mingyu,” you laugh. “what are you doing?”
“working,” he replies quickly. “been a busy week for me.”
“hm, same here.”
“cold too,” he tries, smiling proudly when you shift in your seat. he caught you. “did you magically lose all your other hoodies and jackets, or does someone miss stealing my clothes?”
“i didn’t steal this,” you counter, accusing finger pointed in his direction. “you insisted i take this one because you didn’t want it anymore but you said it was too sentimental to donate. i did you a favor by taking this ratty old thing.”
“but you kept it,” he says happily, finishing his coffee and pointing to your long empty mug. “you want another?”
“sure,” you reply sheepishly, “a café co-”
“café con leche, sprinkle of cinnamon,” mingyu finishes in unison with you. then a sly smile as he says, “i remember, baby. be right back.”
“what the hell did you say to mingyu?” you bark at seungcheol over the phone. “why was he at my coffeeshop this morning? and why’s he suddenly calling me baby all casual like we’re still dating?”
“this is news to me,” cheol says, but you can hear the smirk in his voice. “i didn’t say anything to him. at least not anything i think he heard. that boyfriend of yours can be an airhead sometimes.” 
“he’s not my boyfriend,” you grumble.
“but he bought you coffee this morning?” 
“he told you?!”
“i’m not at liberty to say,” cheol laughs. “just enjoy it, y/n. whatever he’s up to, it can’t hurt to see where it goes.”
“i hate you both,” you groan, hanging up as cheol mumbles a “right, sure.” when the call is over, you fall back down onto your bed, mind working top speed to decide what to do next. you could move and change your name, leaving mingyu and cheol behind. that’s a bit dramatic. you could tell cheol to get fucked, but he’d find a way to bring mingyu into it. and mingyu. you don’t know what to do about him. you could just ask him to leave you alone, and you think he would. but a little part of you does want to see where this goes. 
you wake up the next morning to the smell of something coming from your kitchen. you rush up, afraid you somehow left dinner on the stove and you’re seconds away from burning the building down. but when you crash into the kitchen, ungracefully, you’re met with mingyu’s muscular back as he looks for something in your fridge. at the sound of your frantic movements, he looks over his shoulder and grumbles out a good morning in the deepest voice you’ve ever heard. you’re stunned, not totally sure how he got here, and totally confused as to why he’s shirtless. 
“um, whatcha doin?” you ask casually.
“i was gonna make french toast,” mingyu starts out, coming closer to you. “but you’re out of milk. so now it’s just eggs and toast.” as he gets closer, his hands reach out for your waist, and you let him pull you against his warm chest. “is that ok?”
“mhm,” you nod, not sure what to do with your hands. you don’t want to put them on his chest, afraid the skin to skin contact would ignite something dangerous in you. you also don’t want to put them around his neck because that territory feels just as dangerous. so that leaves you with your hands bunched up by your chest and mingyu looking on, amused.
“afraid to touch me?” he asks, a smirk on his stupidly kissable lips. 
“no, um, i just-” you stutter, but what sounds like a phone alarm cuts you off. was mingyu baking something?
“you gonna get that, baby?” he asks, seemingly referring to the alarm but you don’t know where it’s coming from. 
“what? it’s not mine,” you say, and you miss what mingyu says next as you’re jolted awake by something furry laying on your chest. you carefully open your eyes, afraid that maybe mingyu just forgot to shave and somehow he would be the one on top of you right now. but it’s just fred, and the alarm is yours. your phone is going off, reminding you that you’re probably gonna be late to work. you scramble to get up and start your day, but you can’t stop thinking about mingyu. 
about halfway through the day, you get a text from cheol asking if you want to get dinner that night. his friend jeonghan, who’s always kinda scared you, has tickets to some concert out of town and cheol wants to make it into a big trip. cheol wants you to come, and he knows you two will be the only ones competent enough to plan the whole thing so he needs you as back up tonight. you agree, eager to get a break from work and from mingyu. going out of town will be a nice distraction, and even though jeonghan is intimidating he’s still really fun to be around. 
speak of the devil, he’s the first to wrap you up in a hug when you get to the guys’ table that night, and he whispers something to you about mingyu being annoying and you’re better off without him. you smile at the condolence and let him drag you into the open seat next to him. he and cheol start filling you in on the plans, when you’ll leave, where you’ll stay, day of the concert, etc. you give some advice on things to do in your free time, and jeonghan types it all into his phone while cheol price checks your options. 
“so there’s one airbnb with enough beds for each of us, but it’s $100 more a night, compared to this one with a queen, a twin, and a sofa bed, which is the cheapest option and also closer to everything we want to do,” cheol says, nose still in his phone. 
“book the cheap one then,” you shrug. “one of y’all can take the queen bed as long as i don’t get put on the pull out.”
“i can take the pull out,” jeonghan offers. “i’ll sleep wherever.”
“and i’ll take the twin,” cheol says. “gives me my own room.”
“so we won’t be able to hear you snoring?” you ask. “thank god.”
“ignoring that,” cheol mumbles, writing something down on his napkin. “so that would make it $80 even for each of us for the whole weekend. i can book it and you can send me your money whenever.”
“sounds good,” jeonghan nods as he pours you all more soju. 
“wait, that makes no sense,” you start. “it’s only $80? for the whole weekend?”
“yep,” cheol nods, waving the napkin in your face. “wanna check my work, teacher?” 
“no, jack ass,” you laugh, pushing his hand out of the way before graciously taking the glass jeonghan hands you. “just shocked you found such a steal.”
“speaking of stealing things,” jeonghan says, “whose car are we taking?”
“mine is in the shop,” cheol sighs. “and y/n doesn’t drive.”
“guess we’ll take mingyu’s then,” jeonghan decides. cheol’s eyes flick over to you on instinct, and when he doesn’t see a reaction from you he smiles.
“cool, i can pick everyone up on friday then?” he asks, and you nod. with everything planned, your conversation can stray off to other topics while the drinks flow, and that’s how you end up flipping through jeonghan’s tinder for him later in the night. you’re maybe too tipsy to be doing this, but jeonghan likes the chaos of it, and cheol is just happy to see you having fun. he hopes this trip will help with that too.
cheol comes to pick you up, as promised, but he texts you when he pulls up that you’ll have to sit in the back. you get out of your building and recognize mingyu’s car immediately, tossing your bag in the trunk before grabbing the door to the backseat. when you slide in, you almost jump out of your skin when you see mingyu sitting back there too. 
“told you it’d surprise her,” you hear cheol and jeonghan laugh, but you’re too busy trying to sputter out a question. 
“hey y/n,” mingyu says shyly. 
“hi?” you reply, looking to cheol who’s staring at you through the rearview mirror. “um? hello?”
“hey,” he smiles. “you buckled?”
“no she’s not,” mingyu replies for you, and you roll your eyes before you put the seatbelt in place.
“sorry, but what’s he doing here?” you ask. “you stole the car and the owner?”
“no, he’s coming with us,” jeonghan replies. “i thought i told you i had four tickets to the show?”
“no?” you say, voice at a higher pitch than you’d like it to be.
“is there a problem, y/n?” cheol asks, looking at you through the rearview again so if you really weren’t comfortable with this he would see. 
“no,” you sigh after a second. “just didn’t expect it, that’s all.”
“for the record,” mingyu whispers, leaning close to you, “this was not part of my plan. i swear.”
“but it was part of mine!” cheol jokes, and mingyu kicks his chair. “hey, don’t make me pull this car over.”
“you mean my car?!” mingyu screeches back, and you lean up to whisper in jeonghan’s ear.
“why did you think bringing these two on a trip would be fun?” you ask loud enough for cheol and gyu to hear, making the car erupt in whines and cries while jeonghan laughs. it’s gonna be a long ride, you think to yourself.
you’re able to sleep most of the way there, only getting interrupted every once in a while when mingyu moves his long limbs to get comfortable. each time it’s an awkward half smile in apology, and you just nod in recognition. you don’t really want him here, to be honest. this trip was supposed to take your mind off him. now how will that be possible?
mingyu feels bad for surprising you like this, really. cheol asked him to come on this trip and didn’t say you’d be joining them until it was too late for mingyu to back out, so he wants a minute alone with you to explain. he wants to tell you that he can hang back, if you want to enjoy some time with the guys sans your ex boyfriend. he’ll do whatever makes you happy, like usual.
mingyu’s desire to talk to you is what leads him to follow you to your room at the airbnb, saying he’s looking for the bathroom but really he wants to apologize for the ambush. you turn back to the door once you’ve placed your things on the bed, jumping when you see his large form cowering in the doorway.
“bathroom’s not in here, gyu,” you tell him. “think it’s the next door on the left.”
“i’m not looking for the bathroom,” he says, taking a careful step into your room. “i wanted to say i’m sorry, for this. i didn’t know you were coming either, or else i would’ve backed out. i don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“i’m not uncomfortable around you, mingyu,” you say firmly. “i just-”
“you forgot your stuff dude,” cheol says, popping up behind mingyu and handing him his bag. then he looks at you quickly, smiling before he teases, “i see you’ve found the honeymoon suite?”
“the-what?” you ask, confused.
“you ended up with the biggest bed, y/n, so you gotta share with the friendly giant over here,” cheol explains as he nods in mingyu’s direction. “he’s definitely not fitting on the twin with me.”
“and i don’t like him enough to share a bed with him!” jeonghan shouts from somewhere else in the house. 
“you’re fucking kidding me.”
“no time to complain right now,” cheol says as he checks his watch. “we’ve got dinner reservations. mingyu, bathroom is next door, you might wanna change your shirt before we leave. i don’t wanna stare at y/n’s drool while i eat.”
“my what?” you ask, looking at mingyu to see what cheol is referring to. there’s a spot near mingyu’s collarbone that looks slightly wet, and your hand flies to your mouth as you gasp, “i drooled on you?! how? why didn’t you push me off?!”
“you were asleep!” mingyu replies, voice an octave or two higher. “i felt bad! you just kinda fell onto my shoulder, and i didn’t wanna wake you up!” 
“we’re leaving in five minutes, whether you’re ready or not,” cheol tells mingyu. he walks away, and mingyu grabs a new shirt out of his bag before heading back to the door. 
“uh, gyu?” you call, and he turns immediately. “s-sorry..for, that, i guess,” you say, pointing to his shirt. “next time you have full permission to push me. promise i won’t get mad.”
“it’s okay,” he shrugs. “you know i don’t mind.” and with that, he leaves for the bathroom. you can tell there’s a blush on your cheeks, so you close the door and lock it while you take a minute to chill out. you decide to change too, not wanting to wear your old sweats to dinner even if it’s supposed to be laid back. you’re afraid now that you’ve got drool on your own shirt, so you change into something casual quickly and then join the guys in the living room. 
once you’re there, cheol checks that everyone’s good to go, and you all walk out to the car. you don’t catch the way mingyu stares at you the whole time, or maybe you’re just ignoring it. you’re wearing a matching set with a jean jacket, nothing extravagant, but mingyu has the exact same outfit packed in his bag. you bought the sets together, for a last minute trip you took a year ago. mingyu wanted to get matching vacation shirts and you vehemently refused, so you compromised with a his and hers loungewear set. once again, mingyu’s heart soars at the little nod to your time together, because clearly you’re not as detached from it as you claim to be. 
at dinner, jeonghan insists on sitting next to you again, so you’re squished into the booth next to him while mingyu looks on in not-so-hidden jealousy. he’s sitting across from you, scanning the menu and trying not to flick his eyes up to you. jeonghan starts talking about what he wants to try, and cheol asks if they should just order a bunch of plates and share everything.
“eh, you guys can do that, but there’s really just one thing i wanted to try,” you say, pushing the menu away now that you’ve found what you want. 
“lemme guess,” cheol says as his eyes scan the menu. “you’re gonna get something lame, like chicken alfredo.”
“no,” you shake your head. “i’m trying something new, but it’s not as tomato heavy as the stuff you want, which all sounds nasty, by the way.”
“why’d you agree to come to an italian restaurant if you think the food is nasty?” cheol counters.
“you all seemed excited about trying it,” you shrug. “and like i said, there’s one thing i want. that’s enough.”
“what’s that one thing?” jeonghan cuts in, trying to stop cheol from bickering further.
“let me guess this time,” mingyu smiles. your eyes meet his and you blush under his gaze, thankful for the low lighting at the table. hopefully the guys don’t catch it. you nod and encourage mingyu to take a stab at it, and he pretends to look at the menu again even though this was the first thing he noticed. “you’re getting the gnocchi in the truffle sauce, but you really agreed to italian because you want to get tiramisu for dessert.”
“i, yeah, you got me,” you stammer out. 
“what drink is she gonna get?” cheol asks with a smile, head leaning on his hand as he watches in amusement.
“hm,” mingyu looks at the menu seriously. “maybe an espresso with the tiramisu, but i bet you’ll try to make us order the digestif spritz thing at the end of the meal.”
“shut up,” you say, kicking his foot lightly under the table. “i was gonna try it myself, i won’t force y’all to try it if you don’t want to.” jeonghan, not picking up on the eyes you and mingyu are making at each other, joins in.
“i thought about trying that too,” he nods, looking at cheol and asking what he wants to order to share. while they discuss an inordinate amount of food, you’re just staring at mingyu, who’s looking at you smugly. finally you just shake your head and look back down at the menu, judging whatever the other boys decided to order. when the waiter comes back, mingyu smiles proudly as you order exactly what he predicted. mingyu nudges your leg playfully under the table, and you’re about to fight back when jeonghan cuts through your thoughts. “wait, did i tell you guys about the dream i had in the car?” 
“i didn’t know you fell asleep,” cheol shakes his head.
“i did, when you were complaining about that girl who wouldn’t call you back.”
“anyway,” jeonghan starts again. “i had a dream that i was at work and y/n came in,” he smiles at you. “i guess you complaining about your job made me subconsciously think we should hire you at my office?”
“anything is better than my job right now,” you laugh, imagining how nothing would get done if you and jeonghan worked together.
“but you came in, and i was going to start training you, and then mingyu comes out of the boss’s office and is like no she’s here to take your job-”
“wait, mingyu was there?” you ask before you can stop yourself.
“yeah, i was there?” mingyu teases. “you in love with me or something?”
“y/n why is that so shocking,” cheol asks more as a statement than a question. “i told you about my mingyu dream, we’ve all got one.”
“please don’t bring that up again,” mingyu groans, head dropping. you smile at the memory of cheol’s legendary mingyu dream, which was basically just dream mingyu being so drunk he somehow climbed a telephone pole and got stuck so he called cheol to come help because he’s “strong and manly.”
“y/n do you have a mingyu dream?” jeonghan asks, and you blush deep enough that they can clearly see it this time, despite the lighting.
“um, i don’t really remember any from when, uh, from recently,” you start. “i guess i had one the other night, but it was one of those dreams that i barely remembered when i woke up. i just know mingyu was there.”
“where was i?” he asks, totally invested now. 
“yeah, where was he?” cheol parrots.
“um, my kitchen?”
“can he even fit in there?” jeonghan jokes, but you ignore him.
“so i was cooking for you?” mingyu pesters you, and you nod.
“well, kinda,” you reply. “i don’t really remember.” 
“was it a dirty dream?” cheol jokes. “is that why you don’t remember?”
“no, asshole,” you reply. thankfully, the first round of plates arrives to the table then and everyone is distracted for a while. you have to shake the feeling of mingyu staring at you though. it’s like he knows there’s more to the dream than you let on, but you’re not gonna unpack it with the other two sitting right here.
“y/n,” mingyu calls your name quietly. you look up and find him holding a small plate out very politely, and then he gives you his sweetest smile before asking, “can i try a gnocchi?”
“sure,” you nod, scraping one off your plate onto his. “it’s really good.”
“give me one,” cheol says, and before he can even finish you shake your head.
“nope,” you say as you pop another piece into your mouth. “you didn’t ask nicely.”
“whatever,” he grumbles. 
the rest of dinner is nice, the food is great, you got your tiramisu and your weird drink at the end of the night, and cheol and jeonghan got sloshed on an expensive bottle of wine. you’re laughing with mingyu as you guide the two drunkards back to the car, struggling to get cheol to put his seatbelt on. once the toddlers are settled you turn to ask mingyu if he’s gonna drive, just to see him waiting for you by the passenger side. 
“what are you doing?” you ask quietly.
“being a gentleman,” he replies simply, opening the door for you and handing you the jacket you almost left in your seat. you thank him quietly, heart picking up speed. he closes the door for you before he gets to the driver’s side, and then you’re on your way back to the airbnb. mingyu wordlessly hands you the aux, and you take it as you shuffle your library, not concerned with whatever song comes on. the first one to play is mary’s song by taylor swift, a song that has always reminded you of the way mingyu loved you. for a second, you let yourself reminisce and feel the warmth that mingyu’s love always gave you. absentmindedly, your hand reaches for his on the center console, and when you realize what you’ve done you just pull back like it was an accident. mingyu knows it wasn’t, though. he drives on in content, happy just to be sharing this moment with you, regardless of the circumstances.
back at the house, the guys let you take the bathroom first so you can shower. you promise to be quick, but while you’re in there you relish having a moment to yourself. it’s always nice, even when you’re with people you love, to have a second to yourself on a trip like this. it turns out doing you dirty this time, because the longer you’re left to your own thoughts the more they wander back to mingyu. back to how much you love him, how much he loves you, and how much that scares you. it wasn’t like you left because you didn’t care about him anymore. you were afraid you cared too much, and that it would end up hurting you one day. as all these thoughts pass through your head, you notice you’ve started crying. the shower quickly wipes your tears away, so you finish up and try to collect yourself as you get dressed. you take a couple extra minutes to pamper yourself, using the products the airbnb host left out for guests to try and steady your breathing. you take note of the fancy lotion, contemplating whether or not to steal this one, when jeonghan yelling in the hallway brings you back to reality. 
clean and ready for bed, you emerge from the shower with your things in your arms. you almost drop them when you bump into mingyu leaving your room, arms laden with blankets and pillows. you look at him confused before asking what’s going on.
“where are you going?” you ask as you move further into the bedroom, noticing that mingyu has moved all of his things. 
“i’m setting up my bed,” he replies.
“i thought you were sleeping with me?” you say, noticing too late how that sounds. “i mean, wait, sorry-”
“yeah, i was supposed to sleep in here, but jeonghan said i can make a bed on the floor and sleep in the living room with him,” mingyu explains with a small smile. 
“i don’t wanna bother you, y/n,” he says. “i don’t mind.”
he stands there, staring at you, almost like he’s waiting for you to say something. you want to tell him he doesn’t have to sleep on the floor, you want to tell him it’s not a bother, but above all you want to tell him not to leave. with an aching heart you realize, you really want him to stay. but he takes your quiet demeanor as a sign to go, so he turns around and steps back into the hallway.
“mingyu,” you call out quickly, pulling his attention back to you.
“yeah y/n?” he asks, a glimmer of hope in his eyes.
“mingyu,” you repeat, this time with a touch of sadness in your voice. “just come to bed with me.”
his heart jumps into his throat for a few reasons, first, because you asked him to come to bed with you. to share space with you after so long. he could jump and clap with joy right now, but the sad way you said his name is the other reason his heart is in his throat. that’s when he notices your puffy eyes, and he asks quietly, “have you been crying?” 
you don’t need to respond. mingyu already knows. he drops everything in his arms, kicking them out of the way so he can wrap you in his arms instead. you sigh into his chest, willing the tears burning at your eyes to go away, but you let a few slip through as you whisper “i’m sorry” over and over again right above where mingyu’s heart is.
“baby,” he says, pulling your gaze up to his face, then, when your eyes meet his warm ones, “my love. what are you sorry for?” 
“for running away,” you whisper. “i got sc-scared, and i’m s-sorry,” you explain as the tears start to fall again. mingyu wraps you back up in his embrace, awkwardly waddling you both toward the bed. his sounds of struggle make you giggle, a happy reprieve from the heart breaking cries mingyu so deeply wishes he could stop for you, but he knows you need to get this out.
“what were you scared of?” he asks as he helps you sit on the edge of the bed, your hands wrapped tightly in his. 
“you,” you laugh lightly, making mingyu whine. you smile and put your hand on his cheek, rubbing your thumb over his soft skin as you continue. “it was like one day i woke up and realized how much you loved me. and that was scary. you’ve always been my mingyu, you always will be, but life has just changed so much from when we were kids. things aren’t as easy anymore, and i guess i preemptively got scared that we wouldn’t be easy anymore. the idea of losing you,” you take a deep breath, “of you not loving me anymore one day. that scared the shit out of me.”
“things haven’t changed that much then,” mingyu says with that teasing lilt in his voice you know so well. he looks at you mischievously as he goes on, “you’re still that little kid who runs away when our games stopped going your way.” 
“don’t be a dick,” you laugh, head falling onto mingyu’s shoulder. “i know it was silly. but it’s like, once i made that decision, once i decided i had to leave, i couldn’t just come running back the next day when i missed you. i had to sit with it. i made the decision, i needed to face the consequences.”
“you missed me the next day?” mingyu asks, and you scoff.
“you haven’t changed either,” you tell him. “you’re still the world’s best selective listener.”
“i heard what you said,” he nods. “and i won’t say i understand it, but i still love you, y/n. i can promise you that will never change.” 
“no buts,” he cuts in, pushing your head off his shoulder so he can cup your cheeks and make sure you’re looking at him as he says, “i’m yours. till the end of forever.”
when you were maybe fifteen - that awkward age where you wanted a boyfriend but didn’t want to admit it - mingyu was over at your house. you were so into him, but didn’t realize it yet. mingyu was warming up to the idea of you being his girlfriend, but he was afraid of asking and you turning him down. so you just remained closer than friends, and kept doing what you always did together. 
that day, you were trying to do homework, but mingyu kept going through this pile of things under your desk. your mom made you clean up the storage closet, and you had found y/n relics that you wanted to keep. one of which mingyu was digging for. 
“i’m telling you, it’s not in there,” you say for the millionth time, laughing when he bumps his head somewhere underneath your desk. 
“ouch,” he whines, and you kick his butt to add to the pain. “ouch!”
“get up!” you whine back, pulling at his ankle. “even if you find my diary i’m not gonna let you read it.”
“yeah, but,” he says as he crawls out, “i am bigger and stronger than you, y/n.”
“so i could throw you if i wanted.”
“then i’d tell your mom you’re being mean to me.”
“she knows you probably deserve it at this point in our relationship,” he mumbles. your ears warm at hearing him call this a relationship, but the way he’s not moving his right hand from under your desk is more important to you right now.
“whatcha got there?” you ask calmly. 
“nothing,” he smiles the biggest grin you’ve ever seen. 
“show me both your hands.”
“why do you even wanna see it,” you whine as you join him on the ground, trying to swipe for your diary in his hand. “it’s embarrassing.” 
“i’m looking for something,” he says as he starts flipping through the pages of your pink velvet powerpuff girls diary. you laugh together over the many different ways you spelled diary as a child, until he stops on a page that makes you sick to your stomach.
it’s a picture. of you. and mingyu. on your wedding day. you’re in a big poofy dress and you’ve drawn mingyu with...a ponytail? and a bowtie bigger than his head. it’s clearly the two of you, because baby y/n took the courtesy of labeling you both for future historians (mingyu) to use against you. then down at the bottom, in horrible handwriting, are the words “me and gyu till the end of forever.” 
after you’ve both taken a moment to stare at the page, you in disbelief and mingyu in complete adoration, he tears it right out. 
“bye y/n,” he says, standing up and heading to your door. 
“where are you going? give me that page back!” you shriek. you want to get up and take it from him, but he was right: he’s bigger and stronger than you, so that wouldn’t end well. you kick at his ankles instead, but he just folds the paper up and puts it in his pocket before making a face and leaving.
you didn’t think about that day, or that drawing, until just now. until mingyu said those words to you again. you watch in shock and admiration as he finds his wallet amongst his things and pulls out a small, folded piece of paper. he hands it to you, but you already know what it is. you rub it between your fingers, letting every moment that you’ve known mingyu, that you’ve been loved by mingyu, wash over you. you want to cry again. his love is so strong that it makes you feel the most intense emotions, but right now you just feel...content. you hand the paper back to him, and wave away the questioning look in his eyes. 
“like i said, i’m sorry gyu,” you start out. “i’m sorry i ever doubted how much you loved me. i’m sorry i ever doubted how much i love you, too. it’s just scary. we’ve got so many big life things ahead of us, and i know i can’t do it without you by my side, but i don’t want our love to change. i always want you to be my playful, clumsy, perfect mingyu. and i just let my thoughts..and my pride..get in the way of that. so i’m sorry, lovebug.” 
“lovebug?” he smiles, his whole face blushing at your favorite nickname for him resurfacing. he stares at you deeply, his hands itching in his lap to hold you again, and you think for a moment he’s going to kiss you. instead he lets out a breath and says, “i’m sorry too.”
“what do you have to be sorry for?” you laugh nervously. 
“for ever letting you think for a second that i don’t love you as much as i do,” he replies. “i’ll work harder from now on.”
“no,” you say quietly, and you watch the confusion wash over mingyu’s features. “let me. i think it’s my turn to show you how much i love you. you’ve been doing it for years.”
“well if you insist,” he smiles shyly, eyes flicking down to your lips. you don’t have to nod for him to know it’s ok, and then he’s kissing you again. when you pull back, mingyu’s eyes are still closed, savoring the feeling of having your love all to himself again. 
“cmon lovebug,” you whisper over his lips, “let’s go to bed.”
the next morning, you wake up sweating. your body amazingly forgot what it was like sleeping next to your mingyu shaped space heater, and it’s made worse by the fact that his arms have been tightly wrapped around you all night. you laugh when you wiggle and he pulls you closer, surprised that you can still breathe despite his tight grip. you get a hand free from his hold and try your old trick to get mingyu to unwrap you, lightly flicking his nose until he brings an arm up to swat you away. 
you use this as a chance to slide out of bed, determined to make it to the kitchen to make good on your promise to mingyu last night. you want to show him how much you love him, and the first step to reminding him of that is to make his favorite breakfast. you think there’s enough ingredients in the kitchen, cheol packed groceries so you wouldn’t have to rely on take out all weekend. so you find one of mingyu’s sweaters and pull it over your pajamas before heading to the kitchen. you put your mingyu playlist on so you have some quiet background noise, careful not to wake jeonghan up in the next room. as you’re searching the spice cabinet, you feel a strong pair of arms wrap around your waist.
“why are you awake right now,” mingyu’s groggy voice whines into your neck. “come back to bed.”
“no,” you say simply. “i’m hungry. you can go back to bed and i’ll be there in a minute.”
“no,” mingyu replies. “miss you too much.”
“no, i’m calling you a baby,” you laugh, turning in mingyu’s arms once you find what you needed. “can you at least let go so i can cook?”
“what are you making?” he asks, loosening his grip but not letting go completely. you shuffle back to the kitchen island, mingyu coming with you, his hands still lightly on your waist.
“french toast,” you say shyly, feeling the warmth of mingyu’s smile without having to look at him. 
“i love you, you know that?” he whispers into your ear, kissing your cheek quickly before he lets you go. you hear him shuffle to the sink, water running as he asks, “how can i help?”
“can you slice the bread for me?” you ask. “and warm the pan up.”
“yes chef!” 
your giggles at mingyu’s behavior are what finally pull jeonghan out of his deep sleep, and he smirks when he sees you two moving happily around the kitchen together. he doesn’t want to ruin the moment so he just snaps a picture and texts it to cheol, hearing the man react with a cheer once the text goes through. jeonghan laughs and rolls back over, falling asleep to the sound of mingyu humming a song to you as the sweet smell of breakfast fills the house. 
when it’s time for you all to head back home, mingyu offers to drive and the other two insist on you taking the front seat. mingyu starts planning who to drop off first, beginning with jeonghan, then cheol, then you. 
“you’re dropping y/n off last, hm?” cheol says with a wiggle of his eyebrows. “starting the honeymoon already?”
“shut up,” you groan. 
“yeah, shut up,” mingyu mimics you. “it just makes sense though, y/n’s place is closest to mine and i need to drive my own car home. so it works out.”
“sure,” cheol nods. “no ulterior motives.”
“really!” mingyu shrieks, his ears turning red so you know this is getting to him. “i mean, i want to see fred too, but-”
“babe, stop talking,” you say quietly, placing your hand on his in the center console. “you’re just egging him on.”
“please listen to her,” jeonghan grumbles, obviously trying to sleep.
“she called him babe though,” cheol whispers to jeonghan, and they start giggling like little girls.
“ok, now everybody stop talking!” you say, looking at the boys in the rearview mirror. “quiet game, starting now. first one to speak has to buy lunch.”
“and gas!” mingyu adds.
“hey, doesn’t that mean mingyu just lost?” cheol asks, and you shake your head. “but he spoke first!” you just stare harder. “you’re playing favorites.”
“no i’m not,” you reply. “game starts now.”
after mingyu drops jeonghan and cheol off (who bought mcdonald’s and filled mingyu’s gas tank), he finally takes you home. when he pulls up outside your building, he stalls awkwardly at the wheel, unsure of what to do with his hands. you watch in admiration, a smirk playing at your lips. when mingyu looks over to you at last, he smiles shyly.
“hey,” you laugh. “you gonna come in?” 
“really?” he asks, whole face perking up. 
“either come in with me or kiss me goodbye, it’s up to you-”
“what if i come in with you and we make out in your apartment?” he asks with a smile of his own. 
“deal,” you smile, “let me just get my bags.”
“nope. i got em,” mingyu says as he rushes out of the car, running around the front so he can get to your door in time to open it for you. you start to protest, and mingyu’s response is, “complain and i won’t come in!”
“you’re a liar,” you laugh. 
“maybe, but i’m still not letting you carry anything,” he says while you get your keys out. when you’re done you turn and see him staring at the bags in the back really hard. 
“what are you doing? trying to solve a math problem?” you tease, and mingyu looks at you with a blush on his cheeks. 
“um, no, sorry,” he shakes his head, pulling your things out of the back before reaching to close the trunk.
“you’re not bringing your stuff?” you ask nervously. 
“you want me to?” he asks hopefully, and you nod. he smiles and grabs his bag too, hoisting everything onto one arm before joining you by the door. his sweaty hand reaches for yours, squeezing it tightly as you open the door. 
you make the familiar walk back to your apartment, mingyu’s heart beating out of his chest the closer you get. he’s waited for this moment for weeks, coming back home with you. but that’s just it, he’s been racking his brain over what could’ve scared you into running away, and he finally figured it out on the ride here. right before you broke up with him, he started talking about moving in together. he hadn’t asked you yet, but he was planting the seeds for it, and that must have scared you off. now he’s worried that once he walks through the door, he’s won’t want to leave ever again. he just hopes this time you’re ready for him to stay. 
when you get to your apartment, you try to shake mingyu’s hand out of yours so you can open the door, but he just whines and tells you to deal. laughing as you stumble into your place, mingyu looks around excitedly only for his face to fall. 
“fred’s not here,” he says with a growing pout. 
“nope,” you shake your head. “he’s at my mom’s because i was gone for the weekend. sorry i didn’t tell you.”
“you tricked me,” mingyu says accusingly as he places the bags on his arm on your kitchen table. 
“yeah, well,” you shrug. “you would’ve come up anyway.”
“how is your mom, by the way?” he asks as he walks toward you “missing his favorite person?”
“hm, no?” you reply. “she actually said you were stinky and she never liked you.”
“she did not,” he says with a smile, snaking his arms around your waist. “tell her i say hi.”
“and mrs. kim?” you ask as you drape your arms across his broad shoulders.
“she’s good,” he nods. “thrilled that you didn’t give up on me. i got chewed out after the break, by the way, so thanks for that.”
“you’re welcome,” you tease, kissing his chin. mingyu smiles without letting it reach his eyes, and he takes a deep breath.
“speaking of,” he starts cautiously. “the..break up.”
“the bad time, yes,” you nod. “have i said i’m sorry about that today?”
“can we..talk about it a little more?” mingyu asks, and your heart clenches. “if you don’t want to, that’s fine, i just...have questions before we go back to being us.”
“go ahead,” you encourage him. “do you wanna sit down?”
“no,” he shakes his head. “i’m good right here,” he says, squeezing your hips. “i just need to know what made you freak. was i coming on too strong with the moving in thing?”
“the what?” you ask, obviously confused. 
“baby, i’ve been dropping hints since new year’s about moving in together,” he laughs. “you didn’t notice?”
“no?” you cry out. “why didn’t you just ask me?”
“i was scared!” he cries back. “why did you break up with me?”
“i was scared,” you joke in return. “i had no clue you wanted to move in with me.”
“well, i did,” he sighs. “i already have an extra key for you.”
“really?” you smile. he nods, and you lean your head on his shoulder as you reply. “you know my lease is up next month.”
“is it?” he replies, leaning his cheek on your forehead. “how convenient. i’ll make room in the closet then.”
“cool,” you smile, comfortably floating at the idea of living with mingyu. when mingyu clears his throat above you, you know what he wants. you pull him over to the couch as you say, “i know. i’ll explain.”
“kiss me first?” he asks, and you think about it. 
“just one,” you say with a stern finger in his face, mingyu bites it, and then with your finger between his teeth he says, “no promises.” you pull away from him just for mingyu to reach back and cup your face, pulling you softly toward his lips. as soon as your lips meet you melt into him, his arms grabbing you so you’re sitting on his lap. “hey,” you say into his mouth, mingyu trying to kiss you deeper. “hey!” you giggle, pulling back. “i said one.”
“and i said no promises,” mingyu replies. “now cmere.”
“no,” you laugh, holding him at bay. “we need to talk.”
“i’m listening,” he says, playing with your hair. 
“i was serious before when i said i was scared,” you start out. “but no, the move in thing wasn’t what scared me. i was, uh, i was out to lunch, with some of my friends, and one of them just got engaged-”
“mingyu,” you whine. he mumbles out a sorry and let’s go of your hair, placing his hands on your hips. “she just got engaged, and we started talking about..wedding..stuff, and then the girls all turned to me.”
“oh?” mingyu asks with a smirk.
“yeah,” you nod. “and um, that freaked me out. they started asking why we hadn’t..weren’t..um, whatever. they started asking me questions, and i didn’t know what to tell them, and that just made me go down a very dark hole.”
“how dark?” mingyu asks with concern laced through his voice.
“dark like, what if you didn’t want to marry me? what if we got married and everything went bad? what if-”
“and you never thought to talk to me about it?” mingyu cuts you off. 
“did i mention how sorry i am?” you try sheepishly. “that was the big life stuff i mentioned the other night. moving in, getting engaged. starting the rest of forever together. that’s scary stuff, and i forgot how easy you make things. i just got scared of the concept, i guess, and didn’t consider how you make everything feel okay.”
“i do?” 
“yeah,” you nod. “you’ve made my life so wonderful, gyu. even though everything ahead of us scares the shit out of me, i can’t wait to do it all with you.”
“let’s wait on all the scary stuff,” he says, grabbing your hands to play with your fingers as he speaks. “we’ll take it step by step. starting with moving in together?”
“starting with that,” you agree. “i love you, kim mingyu.”
“i love you too baby.”
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jessicarosem · 4 months
My personal view on all of the bg3 companions’ intra-party relationships (without tav):
Acts like Astarion’s younger sister. The two can often be found bitching (about each other and everyone else). But astarion is the one who helps her cut her bangs (after telling her they look terrible, as a classic gay older brother)
She and Lae’zel have a very “two cats who live in the same home” relationship. They fight a lot at first but eventually learn to coexist
Likes adventuring with Karlach the most (because she needs less healing than the others)
Is the camp mom (and HATES it)
Is the mom to Scratch and the owl bear cub. They usually sleep in her tent and they both like her the best (because she gives them treats)
Him and Gale are in love. Obviously.
Low key hates Wyll because he’s always trying to save people (and, let’s be honest, there can only be one drama queen in the party)
Surprisingly doesn’t hate Karlach, actually views her as a small (big) puppy dog of a person that is a little misguided but mostly adorable (even if he won’t admit it)
Shadowheart starting calling him the camp grandpa after he started calling her the camp mom (he pretends it doesn’t bother him but he hates it)
“Hates” Scratch and the owlbear cub (one night the cub ran away and he spent all night looking for it. He was crying when he came back until he noticed it was in Shadowheart’s tent burrowed under blankets. No one is allowed to mention said night)
Wyll is her best friend in the entire world. They’d both readily die for the other one.
Both her and gale have taken it upon themselves to teach Lae’zel about Faerun. Most of these sessions entail Karlach saying horribly incorrect things about Faerun and Gale going on long-winded explanations of how “well, no actually Karlach that isn’t quite correct. In actuality-“ while Lae’zel sneaks away
Loves the animals more than anything (and cries over the fact that they like shadowheart more than her)
Bonus: Damon and her are in love and you can’t change my mind about this
Respects Wyll for his fighting prowess but is extremely confused by his morals. Decided in act 1 that she couldn’t talk to him about morals for the safety of them both
She and Astarion are feral buddies TM
Hates Gale. Hates him so so so much. The only reason she hasn’t killed him yet is because there’s (allegedly) a bomb in his chest
Surprisingly Karlach is her favorite, both because of fighting ability and her just being impossible to dislike
Really, truthfully believes that Lae’zel likes him. Astarion is too amused to correct him.
Loves Karlach like a little sister. Will often keep her entertained with magic tricks. Autistic to her ADHD
Very good friends with Wyll mostly because hes one of the only ones that will enthusiastically listen to his ramblings (and understand them)
The animals don’t like him after he tried to reduce the owlbear cub and it went poorly
Genuinely likes every single member of the party for different reasons (his least favorite is Astarion, but he’d never say it out loud)
Is the camp dad (and LOVES it)
Camp matchmaker. Was the reason that Gale and Astarion got together and was the reason that Karlach and Dammon got together.
Him and Shadowheart aren’t close during the adventure, but become very close while they’re both residing in Baldur’s Gate after the fact.
Likes Scratch more than the owlbear cub, which is the only source of him and Karlach’s disagreements
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outsidersstuff16 · 6 days
Head Canons I have abt them (anon request!)
Order: Ponyboy, Johnny, Dallas, Soda, Darry, Steve, and Two-Bit
there will be ten each
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Ponyboy seems like the type of person who will read the book before he watches the movie on the book to compare them and show the gang what's different about what.
2. Ponyboy seems like he would struggle to find writing creativity and when it comes to him, he goes into this writing zone and doesn't want to be bothered by anyone for the next 2-3 hours.
3. Ponyboy gives off this feeling that he's nice to everyone as long as they haven't badmouthed the gang or did any of the gang wrong. Like he would stop and help old people across the street because no one else would, You now?
4. I don't think that Ponyboy is a dog or cat guy rather a ferret guy who likes to dress up his fur noodle in things he's crocheted in his free time.
5. I can defiantly see Ponyboy being into what my family calls "grandma hobbies"; things such as Knitting, Crochet, Pottery, and Quilting.
6. Ponyboy is probably hella clumsy, like I could see him messing around on a table at bucks and falling off trying to jump to another table.
7. I feel like if the book was placed in the mid 70's he'd definitely listen to Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen or in his current time period he definitely listens to The Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash, he just seems like that type of guy.
8. He definitely treats Johnny to Fast Food when he has the extra money. It's not in a relationship kind of way just a hang out type of thing.
9. I can definitely see Ponyboy having a good 9 or 10 first place medals for track. He's probably what's carrying his schools track team too.
10. Ponyboy definitely helps people who can't get their lockers open at school and it's more than likely his pride and joy. I dare you to convince me otherwise.
1.He is a respectful king and no matter what everyone else says, he is not and innocent bean. Let's be so fr. He literally killed a man for his best friend and hangs out with Dallas Winston and y'all are gonna tell me he's innocent? Yeah right.
2.He has definitely picked up some really dirty jokes from hanging out with Dallas but will only use them in the appropriate setting. If there is something serious going on than he won't let out a joke. A party on the other hand, oh shit he's gonna be saying a dirty joke every 5 minutes.
3.He loves the rain and thinks it's a gift from God. He loves to dance in it alone or when he's feeling depressed or sad he'll just sit in the rain and let it comfort him. He thinks it's prettiest out when it rains. (and I Agree)
4.He loves helping mutts he finds on the streets. He has a best friend German shepherd he named Houston, and he follows him around a lot. I can also see them sleeping and cuddling in the lot together to protect each other.
5.Johnny has definitely influenced Pony to get his Ferret so Houston can play with it for funzees. He has also shown up to like 80% of Ponyboy's track meets.
6.Johnny goes home on Monday afternoons because he knows his parents are at work and he will go into his room and find entertainment for a few hours, shower, change his clothes, and then leave.
7.before his parents started fighting, they would do family outings on Wednesdays and go to restraunts, amusement parks, and fairs together and Johnny still keeps polaroids of those outings.
8.Johnny really doesn't drink but I can see him drinking on those big occasions when school gets out for the summers, or if its someone's birthday, but I think that'd be about it.
9.You can fight me on this in the comments, but I don't care. Johnny definitely has a summer job every summer. He'll work at the movie theater, the drive in, the dingo, or try for cashier at the DX. He always finds a job for the summer.
10.When Johnny's mom and dad started fighting Johnny was his mom's therapist and his dad's shit talking listener. So, like after a fight, Johnny would consol his mom and get her to bed and then listen to his dad talk shit about his mom until he was black out drunk.
1.Dallas has been around his parents fighting a lot and he definitely has mommy issues because of it. His mom has definitely left him for weeks or months at a time to starve growing up which destroyed his relationship with her growing up.
2.Dallas and Tim Shepherd definitely get drunk and sing stupid karaoke together and Ponyboy keeps polaroids of it to give to Dallas later when he's sober and Dallas keeps them in his wallet.
3.Dallas is definitely scared of spiders because he was bit by one when he was like 11 and has never let it go and so the gang will mess with him on occasion and scare the shit out of him with a rubber or plastic spider or some shit.
4.Dallas got his St. Christopher necklace from a preacher in New York after telling him all that is mother had done to him and him and that preacher still keep in contact. I can just see it man.
5.Dallas definitely smokes the 7-leaf clover, let's just face it, he's probably been to jail for it too. I could see him taking a weekend trip every other month to another state just to get the shit too.
6.He's broke a chair over Two-Bit's back to see if the chair was indestructible. It was not and the gang never let Dallas or Two-Bit forget it. Two-Bit and him do the dumbest shit together all of the time.
7.Dallas has beef with this one cat out in the streets of Tulsa because he was trying to be nice and pet it and it scratched his face all to hell and has been look for it for revenge ever since.
8.Dallas was trying to give Johnny a piggyback ride wearing socks on a hard wood floor and he slipped and fell into a metal chair and broke his pinky and ring finger and kicked the damn chair after he got up.
9.Dallas loves bon fires because it makes him feel like a fire master and he likes to stick sticks into the fire to catch them on fire as if they were torches and will pass it around to tell a spooky story.
10.If this man were to have a pet, he'd have a bearded dragon because he'd find them cool as fuck and he'd scare Ponyboy with it when he mouths off.
1.Soda gets extra tips at the DX from middle aged women or high school girls and he's never complaining about it because bitch he's broke! He does however split the tips with steve.
2.When Soda's mom and dad passed, Soda got most of her pictures and also got a silk duvet and pillow and he won't use it because he's scared to ruin it.
3.When Soda is mad, he'll go work on cars at the DX and won't come back home for a couple hours till he's calmed down and talks to Darry about his situation. Soda is really car smart too.
4.Soda at some point fixed and rebuilt and engine and everyone went out to celebrate it because it was Soda's equivalent to graduating and it was the happiest day of his life and have about 20 different polaroids of the engine and celebration in his work shirt.
5.He picks on Steve ALL of the time at work and Steve almost always gets him back with a really fucked up prank for example, wrapping the staff urinal with Surran wrap and 9 times out of 10 you'll hear Soda yell "Steve, You FUCKHEAD!"
6.Soda and Steve at some point were dealing with a rude customer and Dallas Walked in and they all just started making fun of this person with no chill and everyone was laughing about it for the next 3 days after it happened.
7.Soda love to watch the nearby rivers flow. It's like free therapy to him and it became his obsession when he was 12. His mother showed him that spot. Soda goes there to think when he's really upset. When his dad and mom died, he went there and camped for 2 days.
8.him and Steve will make extremely offensive jokes about each other but will refuse every single time to crack a joke about the Death of Soda's Mom and Dad and I mean refuse.
9.Soda will steal Soda he's never tried during his shift and give a review to Steve so Steve will know what he should try when he goes in. Sometimes on their day off on the way to a rodeo, Steve will stop for drinks and buy one that Soda rated poorly, and Soda almost threw hands with Steve because of it.
10.Soda likes to give each rodeo trip a nickname like if someone got flung into a wall by a bull, he'll call it the the bull-wall rodeo for the rest of his life and everyone will know what he's talking about.
1.Darry is a prankster at work. He just is. I can see him putting charcoal paste on his boss's radio announcer and he put it right up to his lips and was practically making out with the thing and everyone was laughing at Darry's boss the whole day.
2.Darry wanted to go to college to do Physical Therapy on people but when his parents died, he had to use his college funds to pay for the caskets and funeral service and he cries about it often.
3.Darry and Dallas have man to man talks about stuff that upset them over the week and nobody knows about these talks because it's like their therapy that they can have for free, and they can both trust each other to keep it unknown.
4.At some point Darry went to work incredibly sick and passed out while finishing a roofing job and he was taken to the hospital and when Soda came to see him Darry broke down because of stress.
5.Darry tries to participate in church with his brothers every other Sunday and it always makes him feel like his week will be better. He finds it as a good reset.
6.Darry likes to make faces at babies at the store and when the baby starts giggling excessively Darry runs for it. He did this one time when he was in the store with Soda and Soda told everyone.
7.Darry likes to put Steve in a headlock as his hi to Steve and when Darry doesn't do this, everyone questions if he's ok and if something happened at work for him to not do that to Steve.
8.Darry won't get a dog till Pony turn 17 and more mature because then the responsibility of the dog can be split more even, and he'd get it as a gift for Pony.
9.Darry has tripped Ponyboy down the stairs for being mouthy and Ponyboy will never let him live it down and Darry is still very proud of his actions to this day.
10.Darry was definitely the quarterback for the football team and his dad was more than proud of him for it. They celebrated with Darry the night he was announced quarterback.
1.he's very insecure of his nose. Like people who walk into the DX will make fun of him and mock him for it. At some point it got so bad Steve had to start working exclusively in the back of the DX on cars.
2.He loves rodeos because his mom used to work at them when he was little, so he became very accustomed to watching them he, at some point, got so close with one of the rodeo stars that he was allowed to ride his horse and do some of the jumps.
3.Stevie boy here does not like chocolate cake as much as everyone in this fandom thinks. He likes it enough to eat it. Like Two-Bit ate chocolate cake in one scene and everyone kinda looked over it but Steve eats it and everyone's all like "OHHHHHHHH".
4.Steve had a rough childhood and he had to get close with his male neighbor to learn basic 'dad' tasks from him. So, Steve and his neighbor are really close and have a really good relationship and respect for each other.
5.Steve enjoys drinking on Friday nights at bucks and more often than not Buck will let him have the beer or shots on the house. Steve doesn't get black out drunk but just enough to get buzzed and feel nice.
6.Steve saves up for his own car. He has a separate job where all of the money he earns goes towards buying his first car all on his own and his mom knows of it and is really impressed with Steve's financial decision.
7.If Steve were to have a pet, he'd have a cockatiel named Fred (My sister's idea) and this damn bird would piss Soda, Pony, and Dally so much it's actually crazy. Dallas and this damned bird had a roasting competition, and everyone was judging the shit out of them.
8.Steve likes to bully and I mean bully the shit out of Two-Bit for the fact that he watches Mickey Mouse. However, Steve calmed down on it because Two-Bit doesn't even watch Mickey Mouse all of the time.
9.Steve trips up the girls that make Soda uncomfortable with their comments on Soda's physical appearance. At some point one girl was tripped so hard her face go like 30 scratches on it and it was hilarious.
10.Steve and Two-Bit will do extremely dumb shit together all of the fucking time. Literally Steve tried to do a backflip off of the front porch of the Curtis house and Two-Bit tried to catch him and they both tripped and hit their heads harder as fuck and then blamed Ponyboy.
1.Well, it's Two-Bit he's a wild card. Unless someone died, he's saying the most random shit ever. The boys were at the drive in and all Two-Bit had to say was "damn I took the longest piss ever yesterday I pissed the new Mississippi River, man."
2.Two-Bit likes to blame Ponyboy for anything and everything he can and everyone finds it so funny because it makes them seem so much alike siblings and its actually so unreal and funny.
3.Whenever Two-Bit is upset, he'll talk to Soda or Steve about it and 9 times out of 10 they can help him out with it. He's really good at getting help when he needs it.
4.Him, Steve and Dallas are some hyper motherfuckers around each other and will all do some dumb shit that will end up hurting all three or two out of the three on one of the three and they can't help but act like total crackheads around each other.
5.Two-Bit isn't actually as obsessed with Mickey Mouse as everyone makes it seems he just happens to enjoy it but that doesn't necessarily mean he has to be absolutely obsessed with it.
6.If Two-Bit had a pet I'm pretty sure he'd have a Raccoon, tell me those bitches don't give off the same energy I know he'd be feeding the raccoon hotdogs 24/7 365. That raccoon is probably fat as fuck man.
7.Two-Bit likes to take walks around Tulsa with Tim or Curly Shepherd and crack the corniest jokes ever with them and wave down cops just to tell them that there was 'trouble' at the dingo.
8.Two-Bit likes to go and volunteer at vet clinics and somehow can always get at least 15 dogs adopted in 1 day and he calls it his big boy charm and use that information as you will.
9.Two-Bit likes to pick berries for Darry so he can make pie, fruit salads, and other deserts. He also has a designated basket for it and unless he has that specific basket, he won't go, he'll just stay home.
10.Two-Bit steals the ingredients for smores and makes a bon fire to roast them with the gang and I already know he likes his mallow burnt and that's ok because that's when they're best and him burning the mallow grosses Dallas out so so so much.
The End
A/n thank you sm for requesting this let me know if you would like more head canons or one including Y/n or spicy ones. Love y'all see ya next time!❤😘
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4sh--tr4y · 1 month
Random ass headcanons for the Outsiders
(Angst Warning lmao)
Ponyboy Curtis
-Eventually had to quit smoking because he got bronchitis from it, that lead to him having to quit track n' feild
-He kept that note from Johnny for the rest of his life, at one point he cut out Johnny's signature and put the paper in a locket necklace
-For a long time Dallas' last word being "Pony" made him cry whenever he remembered it (Ik this is only movie canon but I just love it"
-He hung out at the empty lot a ton more after everything because it somehow made him feel closer to Johnny and Dally
-Has accidentally called Darry "Dad" more
-He can speak french almost fluently
Johnny Cade
-He hated when people compared him to a puppy because he was a cat person and dogs legit scared him
-He actually really wanted to tell Ponyboy that he loved him in his last words (That doesn't have to be romantically, I think it's more platonic but at the same time to each their own)
-The note Johnny had written to Ponyboy and left in the book was written in purple crayon, he wanted it to be red since that's Ponyboy's favourite colour but the nurse didn't have any red crayons
-The doctor who was keeping Mrs. Cade back and the nurse who told Johnny his mom was there were both "Considering calling CPS on that crazy lady if that kid survives,"
Dallas Winston
-When Dallas said "Pony..." right before he died, he was trying to tell him to stay alive. In a "Dont be like me" sense
-He was actually a really good boyfriend to Sylvia, almost to simping degrees, he doesn't get a lot of affection so he was starved for whatever Sylvia was giving him. It was totally toxic for him, and Johnny was always worried about it
-His skull ring was stolen from a thrift store, he stole it when he was 12
-Drunk cryer
Two-Bit Matthews
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Sodapop Curtis
-Definitely had Steve help him write the note to Ponyboy because his handwriting is barely legible.
-He's dyslexic.
-When Ponyboy had run off with Johnny he actually tried to confide in Sandy, but she couldn't stand to talk to him except over the phone so the only person Soda trusted to talk to was Steve
-Soda is a terrible cook
-When Soda is sitting down with Darry and Ponyboy before he ran out he was trying to discreetly cover his ears, and if Pony and Darry were paying attention to anything other than their own fighting they'd see Soda's about-to-cry eyes
-Can't fix a car to save his life, at least not like Steve can. He can door minor stuff but that's it.
-His first kiss was Steve by complete accident, the two were quite literally butting heads in the 6th grade. Nobody knows except them and they had this whole oath to never tell anybody
Steve Randle
-His parents split up, he has a step-dad and a step-mom and his bio parents are still on good terms. They aren't even legally divorced because neither of them could afford it
-He's actually pretty good friends with Buck like Dallas is because Buck brings his T-Bird to the DX whenever he needs something done with it, Buck is Steve's best-paying customer
-Steve's favourite pass-time is throwing glass bottles at Soc cars and ditching
-Steve favours his step-dad to his step-mom because he thinks his step-mom is taking advantage of his dad
-He actually has a step-sister but she's like 22 and in college
Darry Curtis
-Darry does indeed cry when Ponyboy calls him dad
-He genuinely had panic attacks before going to bed the whole week Ponyboy was gone
-Man has anxiety problems but wasn't actually diagnosed until the late 80's when he finally stopped being an "I don't need any help" man and decided to go to therapy... in his forties.
-Darry fucking loves dogs
-He would carry Johnny around like a doll if he needed to (if Johnny was in his way or needed to be pulled away from something)
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withlovewriting · 3 months
All I Ever Knew, Only You 13: Benchwarmers
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Chapter Thirteen.
Say what you want, but say it like you mean it, With your fists for once, A long cold war, with your kids at the front, Just give it one more day, then you're done, I do what I want, crying in the bleachers, And I said it was fun, I don't need anything from anyone, It's just not my year, But I'm all good out here
Summary: Hawkins was your typical quaint, mid-western town where nothing ever happened. People were born here, lived their entire lives within the town limits, and eventually died here, peacefully in their sleep. But one cold November evening in 1983 would change everything.
Despite a child with psychokinetic abilities and ravenous monsters that lacked faces, stranger things had definitely happened in the small town in Indiana. One of them being your reluctant and slightly imposed friendship with Hawkins High’s own King Bee, Steve Harrington.
Characters: Steve Harrington x Non-descriptive F!Reader (eventual)
Words: 6,098
Chapter Warnings: Explicit language, physical violence, Steve gets his ass beat but good God did he try, forced drug use (kinda. If you've seen the episode then I'm sure you understand)
Series Warnings: Strong language, mentions of underage drinking, mentions of drug use, canon-typical violence, mentions of alcohol abuse, mentions of possible mental health disorders, child abuse, slow burn, kinda enemies-to-friends-to-lovers, I like to call it ‘two idiots who begrudgingly befriend each other only to realize… ‘wait a damn minute…’, eventual sexual content, no use of y/n, canon-typical time-period bullshit. 18+. Minors DNI.
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Chapter Thirteen: Benchwarmers
“Are you okay? When you weren’t at the cabin I… I thought you’d gone to find Mike, and then he was with Will and… I thought you left. I thought you were in danger-”
“I’m okay,” the girl tried to reassure you as you held her face between your palms, eyes watery as she tried her best not to cry.
Once you had double-checked her for injuries and wiped her nose with the sleeve of your jacket, you pulled her tight against you once more, “Don’t ever run off like that again, okay? Promise me, El.”
The girl nodded, a quiet ‘I promise’ falling from her mouth as you finally pulled away. Her eyes wandered around the group, falling on the boy she’d been desperate to see for almost a year.
“Mike,” This time, the tears fell from the young girl as she tightly gripped the boy. This was all she had wanted for three hundred and fifty-three days.
Hopper placed an arm across your shoulders, pulling you close once you’d moved back next to him, a relieved expression on his features, despite feeling dubious about the sight in front of him. The whole reason he had kept Eleven’s survival shrouded in secrecy was to protect her. To protect all of you, really. And now, the cat was out of the bag. Yet without her, you’d all most likely be Demo-dog food right now.
“That’s her? The girl with the…” Steve wiggled his fingers around slightly, “magic?”
Unable to pull your eyes away from El, thankful that she was here and safe, you simply nodded.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were there? That you were okay?”
“Because I wouldn’t let her.” Hopper intervened, causing Mike to turn, a glare settling on his dark brows as the man walked between the two and turned his attention to the girl, “The hell is this? Where have you been?”
“Hop-” you sighed, head already pounding, you refused to witness another fight.
“Where have you been?” El answered back, big brown eyes still brimming with tears. Hopper didn’t reply, and instead pulled her toward him, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head.
As if the clogs in Mike’s brain finally began to turn, connecting pieces of a puzzle previously hidden from him, he realized that Eleven had been here all along. And both yourself and Hopper knew about it.
“You’ve been hiding her. You’ve been hiding her this whole time!”
Mike shoved Hopper’s back, and despite the man barely moving, you still stepped in, placing a hand on Mike’s arm, only for the boy to shrug it off as he turned back to you, “You too! You were both hiding her, letting us think she was dead… or trapped in the Upside Down. But you knew. This whole time, you knew.”
“Hey,” Hopper grabbed a hold of Mike’s shirt, tugging him down the corridor, “Let’s talk. Alone.”
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Your leg bounced as you leaned against the arm of the couch, the sounds of Mike’s pained and frustrated shouts heard from the living room, and despite the boys surrounding El and pulling her into a group hug, you felt several pairs of eyes fall on you.
Your eyes caught with Joyce’s just as she pulled the girl into her own hug, a gentle kiss placed against El’s gelled hair — a personal choice of hers that you'd decided you wouldn’t comment on — before you turned your gaze elsewhere, the older woman leading El through the house to see Will.
“You knew where she was this whole time?” Max asked, a little perplexed by El’s apparent coldness toward her, despite this being their first time meeting.
“Look, Hopper was protecting her. I wasn’t gonna go against that. It was in everyone’s best interest.”
Inhaling deeply, Max shrugged before standing with you, looking around at the drawings that covered the walls, “So this is all real? Not some stupid joke to pull on the new girl?”
A small laugh fell from your lips as you shook your head, “I wish it was joke, but no. All this shit… It’s happened before. Kind of, anyway. I just… I thought it was over with. I’m sorry you’ve been dragged along in this. I shouldn’t have ever told you to-”
“I’d rather know about the Demo-dogs that wanna eat me,” Max’s mouth pulled up in a half-smirk, despite her eyes still holding fear.
Sure, Eleven was here now, which significantly raised your chances of helping Will. But as you learned from last year, someone always gets hurt. Bob was dead and those… things were roaming around in the tunnels under the city, growing by the minute.
“Do you think if we got you back there, you could close it?”
Joyce’s question pulled your attention away from the small redhead, who followed you as you made your way toward where the older woman and Eleven now stood.
“Yes,” El all but whispered, dark eyes full of certainty, “I can close it.”
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Standing next to El, her hand clinging to your own, you sighed as the group discussed their choices.
“The place is crawling with those dogs.”
“Demo-dogs,” Dustin interrupted, much to Hopper’s dismay, “Like Demogorgon and dogs… You put them together, it sounds pretty badass-”
“How is this important right now?"
“It’s not. I’m sorry.” The boy sighed, returning his attention to the table you were all standing around, a map of the tunnels spread out.
“I can do it,” El said, no hesitation in her voice at all.
“You’re not hearing me,” Hopper sighed with exasperation, arms folded over his chest.
But El pressed, “I’m hearing you. I can do it.”
“Even if El can, there’s still another problem.” Mike interrupted before the two could begin another argument, “If the brain dies, the body dies.”
“I thought that was the whole point,” Max questioned, confusion lining her brow.
Your head snapped round toward Mike, eyes slightly wider as you sharply inhaled. The boy — who had barely sent you a second look since coming back from his talk with Hopper — watched you across the table, dark eyes peering into yours as you caught on, asking quietly,
“If El closes the gate and kills the mind flayer’s army… What happens to Will?”
“Will’s a part of that army…” Lucas sighed, connecting the dots.
“Closing the gate will kill him,” Mike confirmed, causing everyone’s eyes to fall on Joyce as she pushed her dining chair backward and rushed into Will's room.
The group followed Joyce, eyes peering over Will as he led, still unconscious in bed. Joyce looked around the room, brows pulled together as she racked her brain for answers. Anything that could save Will, whilst still closing the gate.
Your eyes fell from the boy, to the walls where even more papers were taped to the wall. Clogs in your brain turning, you blinked a few times before speaking up.
“You said it’s like a virus, right?”
“That’s what Dr. Owens said, why?” Joyce questioned, her doe eyes turning toward you, almost begging for a solution.
“When you told me he was sick, you said… You said that he liked it cold, right? Will didn't mean himself, did he?”
Joyce’s eyes widened as she darted further into the room, shutting the open window, “We keep giving it what it wants.”
“If this is a virus, and Will’s the host then…” Nancy began, glancing toward you,
“Then we need to make the host inhabitable.” Jonathan finished for her.
“So if he likes it cold…”
“What are you talking about?” Hopper questioned, brow furrowed as he looked around the room.
Sighing, you turned your attention back toward Joyce, the poor woman tearing at her bottom lip with her teeth, “Then we need to burn that motherfucker out of him.”
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Hopper had carried Will out toward his car, giving Jonathan directions toward his cabin as Joyce followed behind whilst Steve and Nancy made their way toward the garden to collect anything that would emit heat. You’d told them you’d thrown a decent heater out there whilst clearing the shed, so the two decided to start there.
“You should go with him,” Steve spoke quietly, sifting through the pile of junk.
“With Jonathan.”
Nancy scoffed, digging around the other side of the pile, “No, I’m… I’m not just gonna leave Mike.”
Steve’s eyes turned toward the kitchen window as he placed down a ball of tangled Christmas lights, attempting to swallow down the mild dread that still settled in his stomach a year later.
He caught sight of you, standing with your hip against the sink as you spoke to Mike and the others. He could tell by how you struggled to swallow that you were most likely explaining your reasoning for keeping El’s whereabouts hidden. When Mike finally returned your glance, saying something Steve couldn’t make out before nodding, his face softening when you placed an apprehensive hand on his shoulder and pulled the begrudging boy into a half hug. Regardless of the fact he was sure it felt as awkward as it looked, he couldn’t help the small, upward tug of his lips.
“No one’s leaving anyone,” Steve continued, eyes darting toward the large fan that Nancy had lifted when he realized the girl was watching him, “I may be a pretty shitty boyfriend, but… turns out I’m actually a pretty damn good babysitter.”
Steve pulled out the small heater, handing it to Nancy who remained silent for a moment, a look of guilt and understanding written across her soft features when she finally looked toward him, “Steve…”
“It’s okay, Nance… It’s okay.
“If I thought for a second it wouldn’t keep you safe… wouldn’t keep El safe too, then I would’ve fought harder to tell you all, I promise.”
Mike sighed, eyebrows still furrowed together as he kept his eyes on his sneakers, “I thought I’d never see her again.”
“I just… I wanted to protect you. All of you.” You sighed as your fingers pulled at the skin around your nails.
“She’s done more than enough to prove that,” Lucas sent you a small smile across the kitchen, perched at the dining table, and you sent him a tight-lipped smile back, forcing down the bile that threatened to crawl its way up your throat whenever you thought of last year. Of what you did.
“We forgive her, right?” Dustin shrugged.
Lucas nodded in agreement, “Yeah. We get it.”
“I really am sorry, Mike.” You sighed, somehow feeling like a weight had lifted from your shoulders, only to be placed on your chest as you awaited the boy’s response.
“It’s okay,” Mike sighed, before sending you a small nod, “I forgive you, too.”
Placing a hand on the boy’s shoulder, you pulled him reluctantly toward you, and despite the scoff that fell from his lips and the eye roll he had most likely sent to the rest of the group, you could feel the smile pull at his cheek.
Looking out the kitchen window, you observed Steve and Nancy awkwardly sifting through the pile of junk you and Hopper had haphazardly thrown outside. Nancy was holding up a large fan that would be useful in the summer months, and you watched as Steve approached her slowly, the former glancing up at him with her large blue eyes.
Frowning, you could only be grateful you had remained inside with the kids and not stuck in the middle of whatever that was. Pushing yourself from the sink, you made your way outside to where El stood.
“Are you sure about this?” You asked quietly, watching as Hopper loaded Will into Jonathan’s car.
“I can do this,” she began, sighing slightly.
Turning toward her, you grabbed one of her hands, “That’s not what I asked. You have a choice in this, no matter what the outcome might be without you. So, are you sure?”
Eleven’s gaze mapped out your face, eyes softening almost instantly, “I’m sure.”
Nodding, you blinked in an attempt to clear your vision from the tears that threatened to fall, “Then you better stay safe, alright? Don’t do anything that you don’t absolutely need to.”
The girl sent you her own nod before her eyes caught something behind you, causing her to inhale deeply. Turning, you watched over your shoulder as Mike slowly approached and decided to head over toward Hopper to give the two some semblance of privacy.
“That goes for you, too.” You sighed, crossing your arms over your chest. You knew that Hopper had most likely been listening to your conversation, just as he now had to pretend that he wasn’t eavesdropping on the one El was having with Mike.
“I think you need to be looking in a mirror, Kid.”
“I’m not joking, Hop. Just… Make sure you both come back.”
Hopper’s full attention was now on you as his brow furrowed. Instead of reassuring words, the man simply stepped forward, pulling you into a strong embrace, and if the situation wasn’t as dire as it seemed, you would’ve complained about his bear-like strength and knocked his hat from where it perched on his head.
Instead, you felt your tense shoulders relax slightly as the man pressed his lips against the top of your head, mumbling as he promised you a safe return, quietly pleading with you to remain in the house and stay safe, to keep the kids safe.
Once you’d separated, the man pulled a cigarette from his pack, a sharp glare sent in your direction as you swiftly grabbed one too, but his attention was quickly stolen by the two young teenagers standing suspiciously close together.
“El… Come on, let’s go. It’s time.”
His large hand gripped your shoulder reassuringly one last time before you made your way toward the porch, watching as Hopper and El clambered into the former’s car, Nancy, Jonathan, and Joyce behind in the eldest Byers siblings vehicle, Will’s head resting against Joyce’s lap.
As they drove down the long, winding dirt drive, you stood next to Steve, the gang of teens surrounding you as you watched them all leave, the feeling of helplessness weighing heavily on you all.
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Everyone had returned inside, leaving you alone on the porch to stew in your feelings. You’d barely been in the house a minute after everyone left, lighting your stolen cigarette on Joyce’s stove before strolling back out and settling down on the hardwood.
As you ran a hand over your face you felt the exhaustion finally settle deep in your bones. Despite feeling useless, you couldn’t help but be glad you were left here to look after the kids. God knows you wouldn’t be of any help in this state.
Head bent backward, you blew up a cloud of smoke, watching as it danced around in the cold November air and clouded the stars above you for just a moment before you inhaled another deep breath, eyes falling closed as you held your breath, the smoke gradually burning your lungs.
“Heard that’s bad for your health.”
The sudden interruption of silence caused your body to jerk, the smoke finally escaping you as you spluttered, feeling like you were hacking up a lung.
Steve settled beside you on the porch step, a dish towel thrown over his shoulder as he waited for you to either stop coughing or keel over and die. He hadn’t meant to scare you half to death, but a smirk pulled at his mouth regardless when you finally turned to him with a glare,
“You are bad for my health, Harrington.”
Taking a second to consider what you’d said, his smirk only grew, “Thank you.”
“It wasn’t a compliment,” you huffed before offering him the cigarette.
He contemplated it for a moment before declining with a shake of his head, “After surviving Demo-dogs, you think I’m gonna let these things take me out?”
“I’m going to take you out in a minute if you don’t shut up,” you grumbled, stubbing out the half-smoked cigarette.
“Didn’t realize I was your type,” the boy quipped, “I’m a fan of Enzo’s, they have unlimited breadsticks. Not too sure it’s in your budget, though.”
Your glare was much more intense as you stared him down, “You’re not, and God… Why do you always have to be such an ass?”
Steve nudged your shoulder with his own before leaning his arms onto his long, slender legs that were bent awkwardly in front of him, “If you think I’m an ass, you should see what Henderson’s done.”
“What do you mean?” You questioned suspiciously.
“Let's just say,” Steve rubbed a hand through his hair, causing it to look wilder than normal “If Mrs. Byers invites you round for dinner, I'd pass.”
“In the fridge?” You all but screeched, pushing the front door open, eyes darting around for the curly-haired kid, “You put that goddamn dog in Mrs. Byers's fridge?”
“Demo-dog,” you heard Dustin call from the kitchen, making his appearance, “And yes, obviously. As a woman of science, I thought you'd-”
Your nose scrunched up as you shook your head, “No. No, don’t call me that ever again.”
“But I thought-”
“Look, whatever little science fair project you plan on doing with it, fine. Whatever. That’s your business. But you’re cleaning that mess up, and you can explain to Mrs. Byers why there’s a monster in her fridge-”
“Demo-dog,” Dustin stressed again, exasperated.
Rolling your eyes, you turned away from the boy who quickly made his way back to the kitchen and began picking up the abandoned refrigerated food, throwing it straight into the bin.
“Mike, would you stop already?” Lucas sighed, hands holding the dustpan as Max swept up the remaining glass that littered the floor from the Demo-dog's grand entrance.
“You weren’t in there, okay, Lucas?” Mike glared, finally stopping his pacing, “That lab is swarming with hundreds of those dogs.”
“Demo-dogs!” Dustin hollered, clearly annoyed with everyone’s lack of detail.
“The Chief will take care of her,” Lucas tried to reassure the boy, but Mike only rolled his eyes, Max scoffing that the girl clearly didn’t need protection.
Steve made his way toward Mike, trying his best to keep the peace, “Listen, dude, a coach calls a play in a game, bottom line, you execute it. All right?”
“Okay, first of all, this isn’t some stupid sports game. And second, we’re not even in the game. We’re on the bench.”
“Right, so, my point is…” Steve stammered, glancing toward you as five pairs of eyes settled on him, “A little help here?”
You merely shrugged, picking at your cuticle, “Oh, I don’t do sports analogies.”
His mouth opened and closed several times as he sent you an exasperated glare, “…Right. Yeah, we’re on the bench, so, uh… there’s nothing we can do.”
“That’s not entirely true,” Dustin spoke up, causing Steve to peer at him over his shoulder, “I mean, these Demo-dogs… They have a hive mind. When they ran away from the bus, they were called away.”
“So if we get their attention…”
“Maybe we can draw them from the lab.” Max finished Lucas’s thought aloud.
“And clear a path to the gate.”
You could almost smell the gears in their head begin to spin.
“Yeah, and then we all die,” Steve chided, his hands falling to his narrow hips and you noticed the dish towel still slung over his shoulder, like an irritated mother.
“That’s one point of view,” Dustin shrugged.
“No, that’s not a point of view, man. That’s a fact.”
“I got it,” Mike pushed through the two, leading you all toward one of the drawings that hung on the wall, “This is where the Chief dug his hole. This is our way into the tunnel. So…”
Moving back toward the living room, he stood on top of where some drawings were taped together on the floor, all tunnels seemingly leading to that point, “So, you got all the tunnels feeding in here. Maybe if we set this on fire…”
“Oh, yeah? That’s a no.” Steve interrupted, unamused and unwilling to hear the boy out, but the gang was already considering it.
“The Mind Flayer would call away his army.”
“They’d all come to stop us.”
“Hey… Guys.” Steve tried to interrupt once again, his patience well and truly leaving the building as they continued to talk over him, “Hey, hey, hey!”
Everyone turned their attention toward the boy as he lowered his voice, “This is not happening.”
“No, no, no, no, no. No buts. We promised that we’d keep you shitheads safe, and that’s exactly what I plan on doing, right?”
Realizing Steve was now looking to you for backup, your mouth opened and closed a few times, much like a goldfish aimlessly swimming around a too-small bowl. Your eyes darted between the kids almost pleading looks, and Steve’s stern stare. Sighing, you closed your mouth and shrugged, silently agreeing with the older teen, even if the plan seemed… workable.
“We’re staying here, on the bench, and we’re waiting for the starting team to do their job. Does everybody understand?”
“This isn’t a stupid sports game, ”Mike tried to argue one last time, but it fell on deaf ears.
Pulling the towel from his shoulder and using it to point at the group, Steve repeated himself, “I said does everybody understand that? I need a yes.”
Before any of the kids could agree, the sound of an engine revving outside pulled everyone’s attention away. It was way too early for anyone to be back, plus, the only one of you who could afford a car that made that kind of noise was standing opposite you.
Max, clearly recognizing the sound, dashed toward the window, Lucas next to her as they watched the familiar blue Camero drive up the path, headlights blinding as he drove a little too fast.
“It’s my brother,” Max sighed, “He can’t know I’m here. He’ll kill me. He’ll kill us.”
The sound of screeching tires caused your feet to move toward the door before your brain could calculate a plan. Steve, however, caught hold of your elbow, brows almost pinching together as he shook his head,
“Where are you going?”
“He’s not gonna just go away. He knows someone is home, it wouldn’t be weird for me to be here.”
“And what exactly are you gonna say to him?”
“Oh, I don’t know, I thought maybe I’d ask him on a coffee date. What the hell do you think I’m gonna say.”
Steve scoffed, his hand falling from your elbow as he crossed his arms over his chest, “I’m not… I’m not gonna let you go out there after what happened. He said-”
“I don’t care what he said, Harrington. He isn’t going to just leave.”
“I’ll go-”
“Oh, please. He’s been gunning for you all week.”
Grabbing the towel from his shoulder, Steve pushed it into your hands, a serious expression falling over his features, “Stay here with them. I got this, alright?”
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Leaning against the closed door, you could barely hear the boy’s conversation but you knew damn well that Steve, in fact, did not have this. Your eyes were closed as you concentrated on the mumbled words spoken between the two outside.
The younger teens suddenly fell onto the sofa underneath them, eyes wide with panic.
“Shit, did he see us?” Dustin questioned, causing you to straighten up.
Sending them an incredulous glare, you pushed away from the door slightly, “Oh my God, get away from the window!”
The sound of a body hitting the ground, quickly followed by a second grunt caused you to try and peer through the frosted glass of the door, unsure as to whether it was Harrington, or Hargrove who was now making their way up the porch.
You barely had enough time to dodge out of the way as the door swung open and bumped harshly against your shoulder, the momentum causing you to stumble to the floor as Billy stepped foot in the Byers home.
His cruel eyes darted between where you were sprawled out on the floor, and Max as she stood surrounded by the boys, face remaining stoic as he slammed the door shut behind him, blocking your view of Steve, who was taking a moment to recover out on the driveway, “Well, well, well…”
Stepping over you, Billy’s eyes now focused on his primary target, “Lucas Sinclair. What a surprise.”
Your brows furrowed together as you pushed yourself to your feet, ignoring the ache in your arm as your eyes bore into the back of Billy’s head as he approached his step-sister, “I thought I told you to stay away from him, Max.”
“Billy, go away.” Max’s voice shook, but she stood her ground.
“Hargrove, c’mon…” You stepped forward, heart thumping against your rib cage in what seemed like a great escape.
“You disobeyed me,” the older teen said, low and gruff, using his height to leer over the girl, “And you know what happens when you disobey me… I break things.”
Billy moved quickly, and before you had a chance to stop him, he grabbed Lucas by the collar of his jacket, dragging him across the kitchen and slamming him into the small shelving unit.
The kids yelled for him to stop as you launched yourself across the room, “Hargrove! Get off of him!”
Your hand made contact with Billy’s burgundy shirt, attempting to tug him off the younger boy, but he was much stronger than you. His right arm shot out, knocking you away from him and causing your head to hit the corner of the cabinet behind you on your way to the floor, unable to catch yourself.
Billy leaned in close, threatening Lucas once more, but you could barely hear him, the whooshing sound that reverberated between your ears taking front and center of your attention as your hand reluctantly touched the crown of your head, causing you to flinch and pull your now blood-stained fingers away quickly.
Before you knew what had happened, Billy was forced away from him, Lucas’s foot connecting with a much more sensitive body part of the older boys.
Billy merely took seconds to recover, his eyes now full of fire, “You’re so dead, Sinclair! You’re dead.”
“No,” a strained voice came from behind, forcing the older boy away and allowing you to see Steve who had finally made his way off the floor outside, “No. You are.”
Steve’s fist flew, connecting with Billy’s nose and causing the boy to spin, but not quite fall, his sneakers barely missing your fingers that were staining the linoleum.
Steve’s eyes glanced over at your huddled frame as he shook out his fist before they found Lucas — who was now the center of a group hug before Billy’s loud, mocking laughter caught his attention,
“Looks like you got some fire in you after all, huh?” Billy practically shouted, blood slowly trickling from his nose, “I’ve been waiting to meet this King Steve everybody’s been telling me so much about.”
Steve remained stoic as Billy approached him, a firm hand against his chest as he pushed the boy away slightly, “Get out.”
But Billy wasn’t leaving without a fight.
Steve managed to duck, avoiding Billy’s initial attack, and land his own punch against the boy’s cheek causing him to bump into the table. Pulling himself back up quickly, Billy continued to taunt Steve as he laughed out loud, even when Steve hit him again and again, pushing the boy past you, and into the kitchen sink.
The kids yelled for Steve, cheering him on, and you were genuinely impressed. Either Steve had been practicing since last year, or Billy was a much better fighter with his words and not his fists.
That thought, however, quickly changed when Billy lifted a clean plate from the draining board next to the sink, smashing it over Steve’s head and causing the boy to lose his bearing. Which made the next punch all too easy.
“Hargrove, stop!” You tried to yell, attempting to push yourself upright, but your sneaker slipped on a small piece of china, causing you to crash back down, your vision dotted.
With a swift headbutt, Billy continued his relentless attack, even once Steve was on the floor and unable to fight back. A dirty fighter, that made much more sense.
Billy crowded over Steve, his fists flying as he took out a wave of anger that seemed far too exorbitant to be over a step-sister he claimed he really didn’t like.
Finally managing to steady your footing, you used the cabinet to pull yourself up, smearing bits of blood over the counter as you stumbled over toward the sink, looking for something, anything to stop Billy’s attack.
Your fingers found the glass you’d been drinking out of earlier — the one you’d originally poured for Steve — and cursed slightly as it fumbled from your grasp. Once you were sure your grip was tight enough, you raised your arm, throwing the glass directly at Billy. Whether it hit his head or his back, you couldn’t quite make out, but when he halted his vicious attack on Steve and slowly peered over his shoulder at you, your hands grasped onto another plate that had been draining on the side.
Billy’s mouth pulled up into a sardonic smirk, goading you as if you hadn't already thrown a glass at him. His smile dropped quickly, however, when he found himself having to raise an arm to block the plate as you threw it like a frisbee, this time purposely aiming for his head.
You couldn’t tell whether it was through your fear or your potential concussion, but it felt like everything was moving in slow motion. Billy pushed himself up, chest heaving with hostility as he approached you, and it felt like you were underwater, unable to move quick enough to escape his wrath.
“People like you never learn, do you? What did I tell you last time?” Billy didn’t give you a chance to answer as he — almost tauntingly — made his way toward you with slow, steady steps as he licked his lips, “I said, I wouldn’t be so nice about you hitting me again.”
Thankfully, Max had already darted into action. Grabbing the spare needle from the side, Max dashed toward Billy, injecting him in the neck from behind before he could reach you.
You saw the confusion fall over Billy’s face as he turned slightly, eyes meeting the enraged stare of his step-sister. The room remained quiet, everyone watching with bated breath as Billy tried to step forward but his wobbling legs were unable to hold him up properly, the sedative already working its way through his body.
“What the hell is this?” Billy’s bloodied hands fumbled with the syringe, finally managing to pull it out of his neck before he fell to his knees, “You little shit, what did you do?”
Max sidestepped him easily, the boy’s body seemingly turning boneless as he fell from his knees, flat out onto his back. Still, he continued to jeeringly laugh.
Grabbing the nailed bat and raising it high, Max made her way toward Billy, “From here on out, you leave me and my friends alone. Do you understand?”
“Screw you,” Billy practically babbled, his eyes trying to focus on the redhead.
The bat swung down harshly, right between the boy's legs, causing him to peer down, shock evident on his face.
Ripping the bat from where it stuck into the floor, Max raised it again, “Say you understand! Say it!”
“I understand,” Billy mumbled, his vision tunneling as his fight to remain conscious became a losing battle.
Once it was clear Billy was not waking up any time soon, you all began to move. Dustin and Mike made their way over to Steve, both fussing before Mike rushed off to get a wet cloth in an attempt to wipe off some of the blood, whilst Lucas wrapped an arm around your waist, helping you toward where Steve lay, sprawled across the floor.
“Holy shit,” you grumbled as you took in the boy's battered and bruised face as you rested on your knees next to him. Mike returned with the cloth, handing it to you as you tried your best to stop the blood from gushing out of Steve’s nose. You wouldn’t be shocked if it was broken, especially as one of his eyes was already beginning to blacken and swell.
“I found these,” Dustin huffed, pulling out a few decorated plasters from Mrs. Byers's first aid kit.
“I don’t think they’re gonna do much-”
“We need to get out of here. If we’re gonna do this, we need to leave now.”
“We can’t just leave him,” Dustin huffed. Steve had just almost kicked Billy’s ass for them, he wasn’t about to leave him here.
“Especially not with Billy. If he wakes up first, there’s no knowing what he’ll do.”
Mike’s head whipped around in your direction, “Then what do you suggest?”
Blinking a few times in an attempt to focus your slightly blurred vision, you released a sigh, “You can’t just go down into the tunnels.”
Lucas shook his head, “We can’t just stay here and do nothing, either.”
“I’m not… That’s not what I’m saying,” the group turned toward you, faces shrouded in confusion, “I’m just saying we can’t just go into the tunnels. We need to be able to get out of them, too. And we don’t know what’s down there, or how it affects us. We need supplies.”
Mike stepped forward, eyes watching you warily, “We’re gonna do this? You're in?”
“I thought it was a pretty decent plan, so yeah, I'm in… I'm all in.”
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You had argued for a solid five minutes that you should be the one to drive Billy’s car, considering you were the only conscious person in the room old enough for a license. But as you stood to make your way toward Max, hand held out of the keys, your vision tunneled, causing you to stumble, swallowing down the wave of nausea that felt unrelenting.
So, somehow you ended up sitting next to Dustin in the back seat of the Camero, Steve’s head resting on your lap as you held an ice pack to his face, the other hand grasping the passenger seat’s headrest, cursing Max under your breath whenever she took a turn a little too sharply.
Too occupied with keeping yourself firmly in the car, you didn’t notice Steve wake up until he began to grumble, his eyes meeting yours as he gazed up at you. You caught his hand as he tried to rub at his bruised face when Max hit a pothole a little zealously, and placed it back over his chest, “It’s best if you don’t touch it.”
“Hey, buddy,” Dustin cooed, smiling down at Steve as the boy began to look around, unsure of where he was, or how he got there, “It’s okay, you put up a good fight. He kicked your ass, but you put up a fight.”
“Henderson, that’s not really helping.” You scolded the boy as you rearranged the ice pack when Steve tried to bat it away.
“Okay, you’re gonna keep straight for a half mile, then make a left on Mount Sinai.”
“What’s going on?” Steve grumbled, his words slurred slightly as he looked up at Max peering over the steering wheel. Then at you.
Then at Max again, because why the hell was a thirteen-year-old driving?
Adrenaline flooded Steve’s system, causing him to begin to panic, “Oh my god…”
The boy tried to sit up, despite laying across the entire back seat, and essentially over yourself, Dustin, and Mike. Pushing his shoulder, you tried soothing him, “Steve, it’s fine, alright? You just need to calm down-”
“What’s going on?!” He asked, his voice much higher than before as Max floored it. If Steve had panicked before, he was now well on his way to having a coronary, “Stop the car! Slow down!”
“I told you he’d freak out,” Mike glared toward Dustin as Steve continued to do just that, leading to Max screaming at them all to shut up and let her concentrate.
After a — once again — too-sharp left turn, you passed Mount Sinai, taking an all too innocent mailbox with you, your knuckles aching from how hard you clutched at the passenger seat, uncaring if you tore the leather.
That would be the least of Billy’s worries.
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falleri-salvatore · 4 months
RWBY AU Prompt:
--There are Four Foundational Families (one in each: Vale, Mistral, Mantle/Atlas and Vacuo) that can be considered Primarchical Royal Families (that is to say: they are Ozlem descendants. This fact is VERY hidden knowledge; so hidden in fact that neither Salem nor Ozpin knew until later on). --The Four Foundational Families share the following characteristics: Incredibly powerful and versatile (as well as hereditary) Semblances, immensely potent and dense Aura (not always vast, this depends on the individual), incredible life force (that is to say, they age slowly, seldom get ill and have much larger than average lifespan), and recessive yet highly persistent Silver Eyes AND Black Blood genes (rarely, some descendants are born with either one or both of these traits being dominant at random). The Schnee and Pendragon (now Arc) families are two confirmed families out of the four. --The Schnee and the Arc families have a longtime friendship with each other (which leads to the Schneeblings and the Arc Siblings being childhood friends). --Cinder was found and adopted by Qrow. Because of the series of events that unfolded prior to this, Qrow was ALMOST persona-non-grata in Atlas (Ironwood, Willow and Ozpin had to call in on a LOT of favors for the "Almost" part). --Weiss (and by extension Winter and Whitley) are childhood friends with Jaune (and his sisters). However, whereas Weiss enrolled in Atlas Prep to follow her sister's footsteps, Jaune studied in Shade Academy, where he met and befriended Pyrrha Nikos (and became her first and best friend, as well as her first love and her friendliest rival). --Saphron, Winter, Cinder and Terra studied in Beacon (Saphron, Winter and Terra came from Atlas Prep, where as Cinder came from Signal) and were on the same team (Team ASBT/Asbestos). Saphron was the leader, Saphron and Terra were partners while Winter and Cinder were partnered. --Winter and Cinder got along like cat-and-dog/ice-and-fire, with Cinder goading and taunting Winter every chance she could and Winter inevitably losing her temper (think of Qrow and Winter's canon dynamic). Cinder disdained Winter (at first) because she thought of her as a spoiled Atlesian princess (and Cinder hated anything to do with Atlas) while Winter detested being compared to a vapid socialite that was common for an Atlesian lady of her age (it was the reason she chose to come to Beacon after all, with Ironwood's endorsement no less, to get away from it all).
--Saphron Arc was pretty much the "Summer Rose/Glynda Goodwitch/Pyrrha Nikos" of her generation; that is to say, she was an unparalleled prodigy among her peers (shame that she, along with Terra, retire from being huntsmen early on). --Because of the different circumstances, Cinder Branwen was made the Fall Maiden instead of Amber (originally, Saphron was the one planned to be made the maiden; however, she declined). Amber, instead, is one of Cinder's bodyguards. --During their time in Beacon: Weiss and Pyrrha are fierce rivals in both love (over Jaune) and combat, and every time they fight, they never fail to destroy the arena. It has gotten to the point that Glynda prohibits them from fighting each other during Combat Class because she dreads having to clean up the mess. --Ozpin and Qrow can't help but reminisce over the fact that Pyrrha's and Weiss' rivalry was like a mix between Summer's and Raven's (fighting over Tai), and Winter's and Cinder's (fundamentally so very very similar that they can't help BUT clash).
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dairy-farmer · 7 months
In the UK the Public Schools (extremely prestigious private schools) had a system called fagging, in which young students would act as servants for the upper years. It was rife with sexual abuse.
Tim becoming the pet of the Wayne family at Gotham College, an extremely expensive public school in England. They’re in the same House, and Dick is head of his house, and he sees this kid join and just decides ‘he is mine now’ — and so Tim becomes his personal valet, he had to spend every moment outside of class with Dick, serving his every whim.
Can’t think do much more detail, just Tim being the free use boy of the Wayne family at this school, all of them using him — and when Dick graduates he’s still used by Jason, and when Damian joins and Tim’s one of the upper years now, he’s still Damian’s pet to be used however he wants.
Also maybe Bruce is headmaster? His sons bring Tim for them all to use at the same time?
i LOVE the idea of dick having singled tim out, that he'd seen him along with all the other sweet and pretty cheeked new students and decided in that moment to make him his. more than a few other boys in dick's year had their sights set on tim but being head boy and the adopted son of the headmaster meant no one tried challenging him for the sweet boy that looked like a trembling rabbit as he stood beside his bed with red eyes, staring forlornly down at his trunk full of clothes.
by breakfast the next morning dick has learned everything there is to learn about the sweet boy picking at his breakfast. it's apparently his first time in a boarding school, his parents were businesspeople and his father had political aspirations that had been steadily growing over the past few years. all alone, no siblings, and having to make new friends at an entirely new school. no wonder he was such a trembling little thing. dick could see the misery that painted his sweet face all the way from his end of the table.
the poor thing. all alone. scared. far away from home. he looked like he could use a friend. a friend like dick.
dick is right.
the boy leaps at the opportunity to have dick's company. and his protection because a few of the other boys that were interested couldn't help pinching and cornering the boy- he was just too sweet. or at least that's what they said and dick had to admit- for once, those other boys were right.
tim is a soft, plush in all the right places. dick doesn't even mind kissing him on the mouth because tim tastes like candy. the best surprise of dick's life had to be when he worked tim's pants off and was greeted by a pink, peachy little cunt. dick didn't even try to hold back, shushing tim's whimpers and kissing his soft cheeks as he grunted and fucked deep into the hot, welcoming seam of tim. tim doesn't hold grudges and forgives dick easily when he apologizes to tim for his roughness but doesn't swear to not do it again.
not only is tim a nice fuck, he's obedient. he carries dick's books for him, follows him class to class like he's a honey bee and dick is a flower. he hangs onto dick's every word, believes everything he says.
you don't find a boy like tim everyday so dick is absolutely unwilling to lose him. even when he's set to graduate soon, dick is not willing to let a gem like tim get tossed away. he may want to come back to see him and that tight little cunt afterall.
thankfully dick has a brother. he's two years younger and in a different house because he and jason would fight like cats and dogs much to bruce's exasperation.
dick decides to introduce jason and tim to each other because its like adopting out a pet. you can't just dump it out on a stranger or else they'll start scurrying back to the original owner. acting out. peeing on the goddamn carpet and shit.
luckily for dick the meeting goes smoothly and he whistles, happy sipping on a can of contraband soda his sweet younger brother deals out of his dorm while watching timmy whine and arch and gasp under jason who is holding tight to his hips and fucking him with every bit of effort he has stored in his body.
dick goes away to university. of course. but he always makes time to return to his old school to visit dear old daddy, jason, and tim who is one of the small number of students who lives at the school even during breaks.
dick tracks tim down to the headmaster's office and is greeted by the sight of tim, laid out on the desk he's been yelled at across from endless times. bruce doesn't seem to notice or care dick's presence, too focused on fucking his cock into tim's wet hole, slamming into him with thick, wet, 'slaps' and playing with his little baby tits by squishing them in his hands.
oh sweet timmy doesn't look the slightest bit different. his head is hanging off the side of the desk, mouth open and gasping as he gets sharply fucked. he's making little whispers and moans that dick quiets up when he presses his cock to the open mouth, rubbing the head against tim's wet, twitching tongue.
when jason finally graduates their relationship has vastly improved. to the point they can both travel in the same car back to the school to visit bruce and their youngest brother.
their youngest brother who may very well be the most possessive of them all. tim is head boy this year (leaving your pussy open for the headmaster and his sons tends to earn you some privileges) and damian is just a puny little kid attending his first year at a boarding school.
its almost a comical sight. a teenager so much smaller and weaker than tim frantically fucking into his wet, twitching cunt. if damian weren't bruce's son he might very well be in tim's position.
but it seemd like poor sweet timmy would always be on the bottom of the hierarchy. not that he seemed to mind.
tim's hips arched and pressed back against damian, moaning as damian shot off in him again.
teenagers. tim was lucky damian came like a million time in two minutes because barely a few mintes later damian was cumming again, panting and squeezing both of tim's reddened little tits in his palms.
tim's pretty pussy just twitched around damian's cock, swallowing every bit of his load while dick and jason watched, each of them palming their own cocks because it had been too long since they'd fucked their sweet timmy.
their lovely timmy. their beloved little pet.
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thefoolishone666 · 24 days
The Shadows of The Critters
Today, I will be going over each of the Smiling Critters and what their shadows are in my AU. But let's make sure everyone here is at least close to the same page.
Before we begin, I am going make this clear, these shadows will be connected to some bad imagery...Mostly Dogday cause of course it is him. While some of these may not be bad, I am still under my own opinion to make sure everyone knows what they are getting into just in case. With that said, this post will have a few topics that can trigger some people, as minor as they are. So keep that in mind just in case.
Now then, what is a Shadow? A shadow is basically the suppressed self. These can be some dark thoughts, your fears. Basically, they are a part of yourself that you don't want to face. Maybe a truth you reject, a darknparts of yourself you despise, maybe even truama that is unresolved. There is a lot more to it than that, much of which, I am not smart enough to explain in an easy way to understand, but that is the basic idea of what shadows are in a nutshell.
The critter to be hit by our truama beam will be our favorite split dog, Dogday. A prisoner of fear. The wardens of which will be anyone and everyone he makes a connection with. His shadow body always gains a chain whenever he gets close to a person, always threatening to tear off the part that it is connected to his body. Now, his body is covered in the wounds cause by the chains pulled by those that hurt him before, who normal Dogday would call a friend, and bandages to help cover them up from the world to prevent it from seeing them all.
Next up on the choping block is our boy Kickin. Driven by the lost of his dear sister, his shadow is driven by a deep rage that refuses to end. Carrying a bag of souls that he wishes to end when given that chance to do such a thing. Always angry, always fighting, always hurting those that would hurt others. His soul demands payment for what they took from him.
Hoppy's drive to win is admirable, but her desire to win was also a short coming for her. Her tunic was almost a sickening yellow with a golden laurel wreath adorned on her head, all while scars of many an injury covered her body. Her calm mask hid her deep wrath whenever she gets a place unfit for royalty. She must obtain victory for people to stay. No one likes a failure after all.
Picky always gives, so she never has the urge to take. She fears how much she will take. Her shadow knows the fear the most. A painfully thin zombie compared to her healthy plump self, she offers parts of herself so others must not starve or suffer due to her selfishness.
Bubba sacrificed much to get to the position he was at. He sacrificed his integrity when he made that deal with the teacher, he sacrificed his old friends so he could concentrate on getting a good job, and he even turned his back on his parents wishes, purely because he knew what they wanted deep down. His life became mechanical, losing bits of his soul as he continued down this path. An unfeeling, logic based robot. That was what he was. His shadow proved such a thing. What was once human was now gone, for it would lead to the best future, or so he thought.
Catnap was evil. He knew that. Why he was, remained a mystery to him. He chooses to look away and instead goes to live a happy life, to pretend he didn't do anything wrong, but he was not a good cat. His shadow knew that. A blindfold over two very dark, very evil eyes, a blade always in hand to make him pay for the crime he has committed. If no one knows you did the crime, the only one to become judge, jury, and executioner will be what little good rests in your soul.
Bobby dreads the idea of being alone. She has done many things to get people to stay. Money, crime, even nearly hurt others, not that many people know that. Her soul was trapped in a show without an end, a puppet forced to dance and do what others demand. Strings holding her up always, despite her wanting to be free and do what she wants, she was forced to move the way others would be the most entertained by. A ballerina stuck in a dance of sorrow and pain, if only to insure another day with others around her.
Finally, there is Craftycorn. A great artist, and more than enough to prove that in many of her pieces... but what is it all for? When she was gone, what would these pictures mean? Her shadow's appearance says it all. In time, a statue would crack, and moss would eventually grow over it, parts now chipped away from time. A living statue slowly being destroyed over time, it's maker's name lost, and now without a legacy.
All these shadows torment and equally are tormented by their real-world counterparts. May it be because of lack of closure or their desire to overcome this issue of their's bug can't for some reason or another. In time, though, the shadows return to a much better form and heal with the normal versions of themselves.
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CW: Mentions of physical violence and weapons.
"I am thinking I want a tattoo"
Remus felt happy and warm even if was winter, almost Christmas. Remus was feeling the festive mood for the first time. Besides the cold, besides the fact he had been robbed, that he didn't have a phone or the little money he kept, besides the fact that he had been hurt and that he missed his best friend already. Remus was relatively happy. There was one person to blame. And he was sitting next to him, very close to him.
"A tattoo?" Remus asked as he smiled.
"Yeah" Sirius nodded. He was drawing a friendly dog in the foggy window of the London Tube "I was thinking what Fen said yesterday. Do I really look like a delicate prince?"
Remus laughed despite the fact that it hurt to think about Fen and the boys. How they once were Remus's family. And just yesterday they tried to hurt Sirius and him. They hurt Grant. But luckily Grant would be safe and sound in Brighton by now.
Sirius’s dog had a speech bubble next to it. It read: "Hello Moony". Remus smiled.
"I want to look more badass if I am going to live in London" Sirius added.
"You're going to live in a posh neighborhood anyway, so it's fine"
Sirius poked out his tongue.
Sirius had been absolutely adorable during their trip to London. It was the first time Sirius visited the city for real. And though their mission had been to rescue Grant, which they managed successfully despite everything, Remus could tell Sirius had enjoyed it. He wanted more than ever to move into his Uncle's apartment.
"I am sorry for bringing the subject, Moony"
Seeing Sirius’s eyes of concern, Remus realized he had a sad expression. And he hated feeling that way for those people. But nobody understood what they had meant for him. Maybe only Grant.
"It's okay, I am fine"
"No, you are not" Sirius prompted "And it's okay. I get it"
Fen had been drunk and probably on drugs when he took out his knife. And when he hit and kicked Remus on the ribs. He still had the bruises. More than the ones he used to have. But what he said had been circulating Remus's brain all day: "Ye'r a traitor! Yeh abandoned us to play to be a posh boy in a posh school. We've used ter be Yer family and yeh left us"
Remus didn't regret going to Hogwarts. It had been the best decision of his life. Not only because he was able to see Sirius again. But in Hogwarts he had met the best people he could find. Now comparing with what he used to have with Fen and the others, Remus realized he didn't know what real friendship looked like, what real love looked like.
"I tried distracting you with Andromeda and Ted"
"And Nymphadora"
"Just call her Dora" Sirius shivered "That name is horrid"
Remus laughed.
Sirius’s smile showed how much he liked his little family. He only had Andromeda and Regulus now. He had been so happy to spend the day with them. Right before The Holidays. Probably it hadn't been like with The Potters. But they were his family.
"I had a really good time with them"
And it had made Remus love Sirius more. He didn't think it was possible to love someone so much. Even if they were just friends.
Sirius, now bored with the drawings on the window, found another distraction in playing with Remus's wrist bands. Every time Sirius touched his skin, Remus felt shivers down his spine.
"I didn't want to let Regulus go" Sirius added with a sad tone.
The Black Brothers were a total Rollercoaster. Remus had seen them fight like cats and dogs one moment. And then act like best friends at the other. While at The Tonks' they had been at peace. Teasing each other occasionally, but fine. Until Regulus said he was coming back to Grimmauld Place for the rest of the Holidays.
"I can believe he keeps choosing them over me"
"He is going to be fine, Pads"
At this point, they were gently touching each other's fingers and palms. Innocent play. But with a lot of meaning in between.
"He is too vulnerable" Sirius added with disdain "Reg is going to let them manipulate him. Something they wanted to do with me"
Remus couldn't help but rub his shoulders. Something a friend would do to comfort him.
"Regulus is very clever. He won't do anything he doesn't want to"
Sirius took a deep breath "Let's not talk about it. It's almost Christmas. I want to take advantage of our moments together before going back to Hogwarts"
"What do you want to do?" Remus asked in amusement "It's almost midnight and we don't have any money left"
"Only what Andy gave to me" Sirius smirked
"For our train tickets for tomorrow" Remus reminded him.
"We still have something left to buy some wine"
"She said that was for tickets and food"
"I am not hungry. Ate plenty at The Tonks. You?"
Remus wanted to smile. Remus wanted to say yes to everything. Remus wanted to follow Sirius anywhere. And do whatever he said. Because Remus loved him.
"I am always hungry. You know that" Remus teased.
"We'll buy some snacks with the wine"
Remus smiled now "You are impossible" he said. Sirius smiled innocently. Remus wanted to kiss him. "Add some fags to the list. Fen left me clean"
That made Sirius laugh "Deal"
The whole ride back to Alphard's flat was full of gentle touches and closeness. Remus let Sirius place his legs on his lap. They were wrapped around each other like some puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together. They held hands. Sirius was scooping closer and closer. Placing his head on Remus's shoulder. Remus was getting addicted to Sirius’s smell and warmth.
Somehow it was a mixture of perfection and the slow craving of more. Remus didn't want to think how friends weren't supposed to do this. He didn't want to measure how romantic or how platonic this was. It was just happening.
They had always been close. Even before they started kissing and doing other stuff. Especially now that they had shared secrets and everything was at the open. It was clear they loved each other. And if Remus didn't think much about how or what they were, he could enjoy what he was having with Sirius.
"We should probably call Prongs to tell him we are alive"
Once in the flat, Remus was at ease. He didn't want to think about the fact that he would spend the night alone with Sirius. The night before, Grant had been something to focus. But now, it was only the two of them.
"Call him. I'll light the fireplace. It is freezing in here"
In front of the chimney and after several glasses of wine and some cigarettes, Remus was relaxed and warm.
"Alphard had taste for many things, not for decorating I am afraid" Sirius commented as he looked around.
Remus had been too worried about Grant last night to appreciate this place. Now more at ease, his eyes wandered around. Everything looked expensive and luxurious. Only the best that money could buy. Though Sirius was right. The decorations made the place look a bit ancient.
"Did you know my Uncle used to make hell of parties in this very place?"
Remus smiled "Yeah?"
"Brought many lovers in here as well" Sirius added, then chuckled "Imagine all the sex these walls had witnessed"
Remus was mid sip of his wine when he choked by the comment.
"If walls could talk" Sirius raised his eyebrows teasingly.
"I'm not sure you'd want to listen to those stories" Remus commented.
"My Uncle was a true slag" Sirius took a sip of his drink "At least he had fun"
Remus couldn't believe he was blushing. He was a bit drunk. And fuck it, he was getting hornier. He had promised himself he could be just Sirius’s friend. But it was impossible not to want him if he was so bloody pretty.
"How about you?" Remus asked with stupid drunk confidence "Are you bringing lovers when you move in?"
"I am having parties as well" Sirius answered looking only to the fire.
"What about the lovers?"
Sirius’s eyes fixed on Remus. The boy was out of breath for a second. Sirius scooped closer. Time felt like it had been stopped. Sirius hesitated before touching Remus's curls. Remus let him. Sirius’s hand moved towards his ear. Remus froze. Sirius caressed his neck delicately. Remus closed his eyes because the gesture was giving tiny shots of pleasure.
"I brought you, didn't I?" Sirius whispered before leaning in for a kiss.
It took all the strength in the world to look away and not kiss Sirius back.
"Sirius," Remus began with a trembling voice "You know we can't do this"
Sirius wasn't expecting that answer clearly. He looked hurt. And a bit confused.
"Yeah sorry" Sirius pursed his lips in disappointment "Just best friends, I get it"
"You were the one who said you needed time to figure things out" Remus snapped angrily.
Sirius wasn't supposed to be the hurt one. Not after everything he had made Remus go through.
"Yeah I know" Sirius shrugged, trying to sound uninterested "I just wanted to kiss you" he looked down to his empty cup "It's probably the wine"
But Remus's temper had changed. Everything was so fine with Sirius, so glorious, so brilliant, until he ruined it all.
"Fuck it, Sirius, you know very well how I feel about you" Remus said as he raised to his feet to pour himself more wine. He needed to be drunker.
"It was just a silly kiss, Remus, relax"
Remus turned in surprising speed, almost spilling the bottle on the carpet.
"I do want to kiss you!" And maybe he raised his voice a little "I love you!" he added, taking Sirius by surprise. Although he had said it many times already "But all you do is play with me when you want. You might be used to everyone being at your feet and maybe I used to be at your feet myself. But I can't do this anymore"
Sirius’s expression turned to fury. Eyes glistening by tears. He rose to his feet as well.
"You think I do this to mess up with you? Of course not, Moony! I want you for real"
Their yells echoed through the empty walls reminding both that no one had lived in that place for months. The ghost of the lonely man that used to own the flat was long gone. Perhaps the place hadn't known love. Maybe sex, fun and parties but not love.
"I know you do" Remus answered "But I don't want to be wanted by you. I want to be loved by you, Padfoot!"
Sirius opened his mouth to say something he didn't dare. Instead he replied with:
"Fuck me, Remus! You love to play this game as well. Who was touchy touchy with me in tube just hours ago? You've been all over me all day!"
Remus snorted in disbelief.
"You are the one who taunts me all the time with your touchy shows of affection and your flirtatious words!" Sirius replied with rage "I said I needed time!"
"What do you want me to do? Bloody ignore you?? We were supposed to be fucking friends, weren't we?"
"I don't think we can be friends" Sirius tutted "Everything is ruined now. Are we going to be awkward forever?"
"You are the one who made it awkward"
"Fuck you! You were practically begging me to kiss you!"
"Fuck you! You're the slag that threw himself at me!"
"And now you're acting like a prude, ha?"
Just like that the little spark turned into a fire, burning everything around them. How easily they exploded with words that hurt each other like daggers when minutes before it was good between them. Remus was sick and tired of how much Sirius made him hate him. Just like he was tired of how much Sirius made him love him. All at the same time.
Sirius’s force was unstoppable as he approached.
Before Remus could react, Sirius pulled him by his neck into the most passionate snog, the hottest kiss he had ever experienced.
And God knows Remus tried to fight against it, but seconds later he gave into it faster than falling from a cliff. He opened his mouth for Sirius’s tongue. Remus tasted heaven for a second before Sirius broke apart. Remus would have protested but Sirius only needed seconds to whisper the next words:
"I am crazy in love with you, Moony. You drive me insane"
Sirius’s words were rushed and Remus didn't have time to process them. Sirius was attacking his mouth again. Remus was distracted with pinches of pleasure on his mouth as he felt Sirius’s tongue again. And pinches of pleasure when Sirius’s fingers ran through his hair.
When the message was processed by his brain, all Remus could do was smile between kisses. And he carried on. He carried on. Nobody could stop him now.
Remus didn't know how they got to one of the rooms, probably Alphard's, Remus didn't care. They were suddenly fully snogging on the softest bed Remus had touched. Sirius on top of him.
Remus's body raised in temperature. He realized he was only a human and needed air to survive only when Sirius detached his lips from Remus's mouth to his neck. Remus had only microseconds of air until it became difficult to breathe again for the delicious thing Sirius was doing to his neck.
Remus's instinct was to press him closer to him. And the sound that came out of their mouths was almost animalistic. It made Remus laugh.
"God, I love you"
Sirius let out a little snort on his collarbone.
"Moony, Moony, Moony.... I love you more"
Remus felt like fireworks on his chest. Those three words were better than any kiss or touch that Sirius could give him. That euphoric feeling made him smile to the dark.
Sirius giggled "Of course I love you. And I am scared of how much"
Remus caressed Sirius’s back in response. Then he stroked his soft hair.
"Sorry," Sirius added, looking down at Remus. They smiled at each other "I swear I didn't bring you here for this. And I certainly wasn't planning to confess my feelings like that. But, oh Moons, you made it difficult"
Remus chuckled "Well, you shouldn't have tried to kiss me in the first place"
"You looked adorable and irresistible" Sirius pouted. "What was I supposed to do?"
Remus let out a little laugh.
Sirius began playing with Remus's hair as if that gesture didn't drive him crazy.
"We don't have to do this if you don't want" Sirius said. Remus noticed the nervousness in his voice. He adored this vulnerable Sirius.
"You mean..."
Sirius bit his lip "What I said about my Uncle is true. But it was stupid to bring it up. You make me say stupid things, Moons"
"Yeah, blame me" Remus teased, making Sirius hit his arm playfully.
"I want you" Sirius added, and the way he said it sent shivers down Remus's spine "But it's okay if you want to wait"
"Are you proposing me to have sex with you in the same place your Uncle probably had sex with several men?"
"Way to bring the mood down, Moony"
Remus giggled. He was an idiot. He had only said that to hide the fact he was really really nervous. He admired Sirius for talking about this upfront. That's how Sirius got what he wanted most of the time.
Remus had wanted this for a long time. He had imagined it in his head. They were alone. Something that would be difficult back at Hogwarts. And he was completely in love with this boy. So why not? The only problem was that Remus was utterly scared. Mainly of what Sirius would say about his body. What if he didn't like it? What if he found it disgusting?
Stupid bloody fear.
Sirius must've read his mind because he took it as a red light. So he rolled to the side, panting to the ceiling.
"We should probably finish the wine and go to sleep, Moons. Prongs made me promise we would be at the Castle in the morning. It's Christmas Eve tomorrow, remember?"
Remus didn't want to go to sleep. He didn't want to lose the opportunity to be with Sirius. He was dying to touch him and show him how much he loved him. Hell, he was a teenage boy in love. He couldn't wait to have his top surgery to have sex, right? He wanted Sirius more than he had wanted anything.
So he rolled to his side, took Sirius’s shirt and pulled him into a wet desperate kiss. Sirius responded willingly.
In no time, they were all over each other again.
Remus pulled Sirius’s shirt off. And Sirius did the same with his. Sirius kissed the bruises and scars Fen had left the day before.
"I want you to be the first, Sirius" Remus whispered to the other boy in the dark. "I want to be yours forever"
Remus felt how Sirius's heart speed up with his words and Remus could've sworn seeing him blushing even in the poor light. Sirius was absolutely gorgeous and God how much Remus loved him.
"But I am not taking this off" Remus added, pointing to his binder "Is that okay?"
Sirius nodded at once. His eyes were shining as he said: "You're so beautiful, Remus".
The fact that he used his name made everything more real. Remus believed him.
"I love you" Sirius added shyly.
Remus smiled.
"I think I've loved you since the first day I saw you. I just didn't know it. I was a fool ten year old boy"
Remus touched his cheek. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He couldn't believe Sirius felt the same. Remus had loved this boy since he was a kid. This love had seemed impossible, unreachable and one-sided for so long that Remus couldn't believe it had been the same for Sirius. They had been terrible idiots.
"If you're saying things to get me horny, let me tell you I already am"
That comment made them laugh but also break the ice. And cut the little tension they were having for their potential first time.
"And here I was trying to declare my sweet love to you, Moons" Sirius tutted "You have to make everything sexual..."
"Shut up and kiss me" Remus interrupted with a sweet delicate kiss.
A kiss that started everything. Nothing stopped them after that. There was no time for words. But they told each other everything with touches and sighs of pleasure. The walls of that flat witnessed something extraordinary. Not only hot and messy sex once again. But the most honest demonstration of love. Remus liked to believe they had been the first ones to make magic while making love.
Remus would remember it as the happiest night of his life.
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ech0schamber · 1 year
I am STARVED for akutagawa angst. I am begging!! I need a fic, where reader and aku know each other through the port mafia. Right? They get close 🤭 BOOM?! One day she leaves like dazaii?!!! 🤯 (omg) he is obviously betrayed. BUT THEN (drumroll) CONFRONTATION. He finds her again. How will it end up? Could he ever forgive her?? 🤔
ahhh, i really hope that you don't mind that i'm sticking to the bulleted headcanon list like my other posts! i'm really bad at writing drabbles (is that what it's called?)
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☆you had worked for the port mafia for quite some time, slowly working yourself up the ranks
☆during that process, you had become close friends with this emo cat. akutagawa had actually started to admire you after a while. it seemed like no matter how hard the job, or how injured you got, you always got right back up with a cheery smile on your face
☆he would eventually become fascinated by you, but who wouldn't? you seemed too nice to be a part of the port mafia, a little too happy as well. it's like nothing in the world could actually get you down
☆let's pretend that was all a façade tho! it's exhausting to work for mori, especially since it doesn't seem like he cares about the members of the port mafia unless they are a higher up
☆you never let it show, but it was really starting to wear you down. each scar you got was just another reminder of what hell you were put through everyday
☆i'd like to think that even akutagawa never noticed this. the two of you had become really close friends, he'd even fight to keep you safe if you got too badly injured during a mission, something he doesn't do for anyone (besides gin)
☆it was kinda obvious to everyone else that aku liked you. but you were an oblivious fuck /affecationate
☆it got to the point that people started to take bets on who would ask out who first, when you guys would actually get together, or if you guys would get together at all
☆don't judge them, it can boring at work sometimes
☆but of course, some stories don't get a happy ending :]
☆you had grown too exhausted from the work you had to endure everyday, tired of the scars that litter your body, and just tired of dealing with mori. you had run away, left everything behind. you wanted a new life for yourself
☆of course, you wanted to explain to akutagawa first. you had debating telling him for a full week before you decided against it. it was going to hurt, but you had to leave. akutagawa would for sure try to keep you in the port mafia, he saw no point in leaving this life style
☆so instead, you had packed the bare necessities and ran away like a dog running away from a scolding. you didn't have too much money, so you couldn't leave yokohama. you didn't think too much of it, yokohama is pretty big right? there's no way that the port mafia has power over all of it
☆and your plan had worked. you actually managed to get away from the port mafia, you had settled down and found a job at a small shop near your place. it wasn't the best work in the world, but it made you happy. you had finally found peace through the raging storm
☆it had actually been a couple of years before you ran into any members of the port mafia. you had probably changed the way you look now, but not drastic enough that no one would recognize you
☆and of course, it was akutagawa that you ran into :]
☆the port mafia had been informed that someone who looked like you was working for the same small shop. of course someone was gonna rat you out, you don't exactly get to just leave the mafia without some conflict!
☆mori had decided to send akutagawa for this as he'd be more likely to recognize it it was actually you or not
☆so there he was, casually strolling into the shop you worked at. he immediately recognized you, and was filled with a bad mix of emotions. fury, betrayal, sadness. he almost started a fight with you before you even noticed that he was there
☆thankfully you had noticed before and shooed him out of the shop before the owner started to question things. he oh so casually threatened you, stating that you better explain everything before he used roshomon on you
☆while you didn't explain all of it, you did tell him that you were tired of the life style that came with being part of the port mafia. you had grown tired of the constant fighting, of constantly worrying about your life, tired of the scars, just tired of it all. you were shaking by the time you were finished speaking, you added that you just wanted to move on and make something good out of your life. you only life once, yeah?
☆you also told him that you wanted to tell him. you didn't want to leave him in the dark like that, but it wasn't safe to do that. if someone had found out that he knew where you were, they would torture him until he finally let up. you were too scared to tell him, and it still hurt like hell that you had to do that to him
☆little did you know that aku had finally managed to gather his feelings up, and was about to ask you out before you left :,]
☆he didn't speak much during this confrontation. it hurt to find this out, it hurt to see you again. all those emotions he managed to bury came flooding back, except for the love he once carried for you.
☆you had finally managed to ask if he would forgive you. you were met with a simple "no"
☆it hurt, but you could understand why. you were more shocked when he talked again.
"But I won't tell the boss where you are."
☆he, of course, didn't let you respond to this before he turned and walked away. you couldn't help but smile at that. maybe some stories have a bittersweet ending
☆and he kept true to his word, he reported back that it was just a misunderstanding, that it was simply just someone that looked like you
☆but now you two avoid each other in public, not wanting to stir those emotions back up. let's hope that mori never sees you. im pretty sure he will kill you if he does
i hope this is angsty enough :']
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respectthepetty · 6 months
i just wanted to thank you for your color theory stuff because it's really helped me with my character design and my understanding of visual language. it's helped me deepen the way my characters interact, for example one of my characters is a purple pal (person?) but the gang he's in is red, showing that though there are parts of him that fit with the gang most of him doesn't. and i wouldn't have been able to come up with that if you hadn't opened my eyes to the possibilities.
i do have a question though have you ever encountered a blue boy/beauty and a green guy/gal before? (i've been calling it a turquoise twosome lmao) what do you think that dynamic would look like?
Anon, I'm so happy my random posts were helpful to you! The story you are designing sounds beautiful, and I'm not just writing that because you are using colors to support your narrative. I love when people create art of any kind, and purple is a luxurious color that I feel is underused even for characters who are wealthy, so I'm glad you are using it for one of your characters.
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Also, you can call color-coded people whatever you want. I just like alliteration (the same sound at the beginning of words), so Purple Person is my pick, but all that really matters is that you see the colors because that means I'm doing my job as a color demon.
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Now, to your ask -
As a resident of the Southwest, I LOVE that you labeled a Green Guy x Blue Boy pair as a Turquoise Twosome. I hadn't thought of a name for them, but now I'm using yours. THANKS! I'm kissing your forehead with my squash blossom necklace on as a token of my appreciation. Hope it doesn't hit you in the face. These things are heavy!
And another reward for you - Turquoise Twosomes exist . . . mainly in Korea, and a bit in Japan.
Thailand finally entered into this specific color-coded fight this year after years of the Blue x Red dynamic, but normally, all countries regularly color code the female best friend as a Green Gal because they are jolly, laid-back, and non-threatening, which is perfect for a girl in a BL.
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However, Korea tends to like Turquoise Twosomes because the Blue Boy is introverted, stand-offish, and smart while the Green Guy is extroverted, charismatic, and persistent. It's the perfect cat x dog energy.
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I believe that this stems from Korea's het-romances where the two leading men are each coded blue and green while the female lead is a Red Rascal who must pick between the two. Korea just cut out the middle (wo)man and let the men finally kiss in its BLs.
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I greatly enjoy this pairing. Even when the pair aren't truly those colors, if they pop up in them at the same time, my heart flutters a bit.
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So, yeah, the green and the blue ARE dating, and one of them is really excited about it, and the other one is slightly concerned.
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wetratheadcanons · 1 year
some battinson headcanons cause i still think about him almost a year later but 60% is actually just me projecting onto him
is autistic (obviously), but also has adhd
he also deals with intrusive thoughts, it's why his no-kill-policy is so important to him
loves video games, obscure internet lore and horror - especially analog horror and found footage
his favourite games are project deepweb, he solved it in just a little under 2 hours, and vampyr, he always plays the pacifist run despite it being harder
has a whole wall dedicated to the five nights at freddy's lore, scott cawthorne might be his biggest enemy
absolute animal magnet despite being kinda terrified of all of them
can't go anywhere that has animals because they're immediately flocking to him
the whole "introvert at a party finds the dog" - situation but instead the dog finds bruce and refuses to leave
ace was the first animal bruce wasn't ever really scared of, alfred thinks he may have been trained to be a psychiatric service dog prior to his adoption
wherever bruce is in the tower, ace isn't far away, his presence calms bruce
prefers loud music, he doesn't like being alone in his head too much and the noise helps him
apart from nirvana and my chemical romance, his favourite bands are ghost and ice nine kills because he likes their consistent themes
selina gifted him a pair of pink cat-ear headphones once and they're the only pair he ever wears at home
he claims it's just because they're comfortable but everyone knows it's because he loves them
eats when he's hungry but rarely at specific times, it doesn't make sense to him
he can't really eat after waking up
doesn't eat meat, he feels like it lies too heavy in his stomach
he also doesn't like the smell of cooked meats or fish
he loves sour fruits and has a mild sweet tooth
has a caffeine addiction but he doesn't like the taste of coffee, prefers black and green tea (to alfred's delight) and energy drinks (to alfred's horror)
he's trans ftm who is either gay or bi with a preference for men (he doesn't know and doesn't care to find out)
selina and him never went further than their kiss, bruce will always put gotham before anything else (until dick comes along) and selina needs a freedom that he can't give her
they also both realised it was a spur of the moment thing since they barely knew each other at that time and found they're better off friends
they're co-parenting a kitten though it's adorable really
bruce found her half dead on patrol one night and called selina in a panic about what to do, they named her chewy
ace loves chewy, she sleeps on his head, bruce has an entire folder on his phone dedicated to pictures of them
had a robin hood phase when he was 6, tried to steal from his parents to give to people in need
alfred continually reminds him of this after he takes in dick
his favourite rogue is ivy, they have important conversations (as in ivy talks and bruce hngs) about climate change while bruce tries to stop her from murder
he implements policies build after her ideals into wayne enterprise
his respect for her rises after she gets together with harley
for all that he fights it, he can't sleep without the sound of gotham - which includes gotham typical crime
he thrives when he's alone, it's how he does his best work, be it batman or wayne enterprise
has trouble admitting defeat, dick joining him as robin helped him in that department a great deal
is pierced. he did almost all of them himself, alfred has a heart attack everytime he spots a new one
the public has a weird badboy image of him, bruce has no idea where it came from
doesn't bruise easily but is still constantly in pain
has an absolute shit posture, social anxiety and crime fighting don't help
sleeps in the worst positions humanly possible
has a weird thing about mirrors, avoids them as much as he can
doesn't give interviews ever, it's part being a social recluse, part everything the press did to his parents, part hating to be perceived
has troubles with empathy, but his compassion makes up for it in great detail
dick uses him as a jungle gym, he pretends to be annoyed but secretly loves it
when bruce is working on cases in the cave, dick hangs head down off of bruce's back with his legs over bruce's shoulders
dick claims it helps him think, bruce knows it's because he doesn't want to be alone
bruce loves the relationship dick and selina have, might be a little jealous that cat got through to the boy much faster than him though
after taking in dick, bruce makes sure to show alfred that he actually does see him as a father figure - regrets all the times he told him that alfred's not his father
that's all i have for now
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zahri-melitor · 8 months
It’s time for the Potted Fanon History One True Heir, Robin V: DAMIAN WAYNE!
Damian, conception: Talia seduced Bruce and they were married under Special League of Assassins Law. Talia got pregnant and hid it from Bruce. She may have told him she had a miscarriage or she may just have not mentioned anything.
Damian, birth: might be natural, might be an artificial womb. Either way, immediately inducted into the Order of Assassins.
Damian, small child: Damian is raised in Nanda Parbat speaking Arabic. He may also be called Ibn al Xu’ffasch by ordinary assassins. Talia is highly involved in his training and he is learning to assassin.
Damian, small child: Talia either tells him stories of his noble father in Gotham City who he must earn his right to meet OR won’t tell him anything until he earns his right to find out.
Damian, small child: being a small assassin in training involves many terrible tests he must face, most of them with the word ‘Blood’ or ‘Shadow’ in the title and which involve people beating him up or him killing small animals. Damian refuses to kill the animals.
Damian, 6-7: encounters Jason while Jason is also with the League. They train together with knives. May call each other brother.
Damian, child: Damian is taught many things by his tutors and has a university level understanding of dozens of different topics. He’s just that smart. (If it’s convenient for the plot he knows it)
Damian, 9-10: finally he is told he has met enough tests to deserve to meet his father. Talia takes him to Gotham.
Damian, 9-10: anxious to price his worthiness to be Robin and his father’s heir, Damian immediately sets out to kill Tim to prove his superiority and right to be Robin. That’s how it works in the League of Assassins after all!
Damian, 9-10: Ra’s Al Ghul tries to kidnap Damian to take over his body. This fails and Damian is rescued by the Bats. (It is unclear where Damian has been living)
Damian, 9-10: Bruce dies. Dick is worried Damian will run back to the League as Bruce isn’t around so he makes Damian Robin. If we do Battle for the Cowl Damian rescues Tim and Tim is ungrateful about this.
Damian, 10: Dick and Damian are Batman and Robin. They save each other a lot. Damian comes to trust Dick and think of him like a father. They’re the greatest team ever.
Damian, 10: Tim comes back and Damian discovers Tim still does not trust him! This is unfair! He’s worked so hard with Dick to learn to be Robin! Damian immediately starts trying to kill Tim again (cuts his line).
Damian, 10: gets injured and his spine is replaced with METAL.
Damian, 10: Damian gets his own Batgirl, Stephanie. She is now acting as his babysitter every time they have to do anything public, but she acts fun about it.
Damian, 10: Bruce comes back. Initially Damian stays his his real father, Dick, but Bruce eventually takes back over as Batman. Damian resents this. Dick stays living at the Manor to smooth things over.
Damian, 10: Damian gets a pet cat Alfred and a pet Dog Titus and a pet cow Batcow and a pet turkey Jerry and he’s a vegetarian and he just loves animals so much. Nobody else (except Dick and Alfred) are allowed near his pets.
Damian, 10: Damian is now getting along with Jason, who is now an anti-hero, or he’s excited to be reunited with Jason who he recalls from the League of Assassins. Jason has never tried to kill Damian. Damian still gets into constant fights with Tim.
Damian, 10: Damian dies as Robin. It was heroic. Everyone mourns him deeply. Bruce immediately starts trying to resurrect him.
Damian, 10: Damian is resurrected. Dick cries a lot and they hug.
Damian, 10-12: Damian meets Jon Kent! They are immediate best friends called the Super Sons who hang out together all the time and get into trouble and go on adventures. This is far cooler than the Teen Titans.
Damian, 10-12: Damian has an adventure where he meets Goliath, a furry red dragon bat.
Damian, 12-13: even though Super Sons is cooler, Damian ALSO leads a Teen Titans team despite being the youngest by a very long way. How hard could it be? Dick and Tim have done it. Who is on this team? Big shrug, they’re not Jon.
Damian, currently: Damian is Robin and working in Gotham with Bruce as his Batman. He goes out with Dick to patrol quite often. His single only friend is Jon, who is also still a teen, unless someone has decided Colin Wilkes is around. He still considers that his life goal is to grow up to be Batman.
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