#this show consistently blind sides me with how funny it is
tmxnt · 2 years
That one part in Hidden City's Most Wanted where Splinter and Draxum are in the demon spawn of a little girl's bedroom and the anti-mystic device shatters Draxum's cloaking brooch so the police officer starts frantically comparing the wanted poster to his pathetic crumpled form on the floor and he just slooowly turns his head away as if that will keep him from being recognized: unparalleled comedy
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festivalsofmargot · 1 year
Pretty Thoughts {Sebastian Sallow x GN!Reader}
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Introduction: Sebastian is down bad for you, my dear reader. But a lot of overthinking on your part makes you blind to it. So, his only option is to keep chasing after you. Takes place after MC meets Anne and before Seb’s final mission. Your Hogwarts house is up to you.
Word Count: ~2700
Warnings: Kissing, Teen Angst
Author’s Note: This is an (un)official Part 2 to Pining in Potions Class. I like writing one shots that could go together if you’d like, but you definitely don’t need to read any other stories to know what’s going on. I love the idea of a clingy Sebastian. Teens finding their first love can feel amazing but they also don’t know how to act. All they know is they want to be with that person at all times.
Songs (if interested):
Kill the Director - The Wombats
Whatever You Like - Single Version - Anya Marina Cover
Wallpaper - Matt Watson
How Long - TALK
You had found Sebastian around you a lot more lately, not that you minded. You enjoyed it, actually. But at the same time, it kept you on edge. Though you hadn’t known the Slytherin for long, this behavior seemed very out of the ordinary for him. When you were first getting to know him, he would be brief and to the point with you, then he was off. He was always prioritizing practicing new spells in the undercroft or going over every book he could get his hands on from the restricted section. 
At first, you thought maybe he had a falling out with Ominis, but then you saw them walking into the dining hall seemingly fine with each other. And then, you made yourself paranoid it had something to do with Anne’s health. But to your relief, he updated you on something funny she wrote in her latest letter to him.
Your early conversations mainly consisted of discussing the things he had found in Salazar Slytherin’s spell book, but that was only a small portion of the time these days. More often than not, the two of you weren’t saying anything at all. He was just there with you. Whether it be studying, laying in the grass and basking in the sun, or sitting with you at breakfast going over some last minute homework. 
He was getting dangerously close to you lately too. He might not have thought anything of it. But you on the other hand? Your mind went reeling. Every time you were together, he would do something simple that made your stomach dance with butterflies. He’d brush your fingers with his, lay his head on your lap while you laid in the grass, and touch his shoulder against yours whenever you sat together in the dining hall.
It was your final class of the day, and you were barely paying attention, your mind thinking back on those light touches you and Sebastian shared. Looking up from your notes to sneak a glance at him, you found he was already staring back at you. The both of you quickly averted your eyes.
With Professor Hecat’s dismissal, all the students made their way out of the classroom. Sebastian caught up to your side.
“Have to cancel our library session. I need to meet with Ominis. Can I still try to see you later?” He looked at you with hopeful eyes, as if he needed you to confirm he could, in fact, see you later.
“O-Of course, Sebastian. I’ll probably be in the library for the rest of the night if you need me.”
He gave you a small smile and nod of his head. He took a few steps backwards to leave, keeping his eyes on you a moment longer, then he turned and went on his way.
Rubbing at your eyes, you were relieved to be nearly done with all of your homework. It was the weekend now, you didn’t need to worry about finishing it all that night, but Sebastian hadn’t come to see you yet. So you stayed a bit longer than anticipated. It was getting late and everyone was gone except for you and Madam Scribner at her desk at the library entrance. 
You’d feel bad if Sebastian showed up and you weren’t there to at least tell him you were done and heading to bed. But if you were too tired, you were too tired. Sebastian wouldn’t be crushed if he turned up and you were gone... right?
You shook the thought from your head and rubbed at your blushing cheeks with the back of your hand. Sebastian doesn’t feel that way about you, he needs to focus on helping his sister. If he wants anything more, he’ll tell you. But then you began thinking about all his small touches again, pulling yourself back into the fantasy.
Shaking the thoughts from your head, you knew you needed a distraction. You decided to get up from your table and explore the shelves for another book. Nothing education related, there had to be something in this humungous library that was just meant for enjoyment. Some fictional story to take your mind off of everything.
Aha! You believed you found just the book. You couldn’t quite tell from the cover, but the title was “My Beloved”. That sounded like a romance novel, right? Plucking the book from the shelf and running your hands across its bindings, you made your way back to your table. Not wanting to sit thanks to the lingering nerves, you opened up the book to a random page and read it over to see if your prediction on the content was correct.
You found it was a romance that took place in a small village. Before you knew it, you were engrossed in the story, picturing yourself and Sebastian as the main characters who were in love. You slowly placed both of your hands on the table, leaning on them as you kept reading, forgetting you could sit back down. It’d really come to this, you were so head over heels for him you were picturing the two of you in a romance novel. A dreamy sigh escaped your lips.
“What are you reading?” Sebastian asked, coming up to your side. Your attention snapped to him. He chuckled at your startled expression and very red complexion. “Uh oh, catch you reading something interesting, did I?” 
"Um...”, You started, but couldn’t think of anything to say. Your mind was still recovering from the romantic scenarios you were just picturing the two of you in. 
Shaking your head and avoiding his gaze, Sebastian took this to mean you were upset with him. His heart sank. ��I’m sorry it took me so long. Ominis and I decided to try a new spell and it took us forever to figure out. I was so focused on getting it right, I lost track of time. You’re not leaving soon, are you?”
You gave a small wave of your hand, dismissing his apology. “It’s alright, Sebastian. I got caught up here and... well, lost track of time myself.” You slid the book away from him, slowly closing it, hoping you didn’t look suspicious.
But, of course, Sebastian thought you looked suspicious. He raised a questioning brow at you and glanced at the book.
“What?” You asked innocently, turning away from him and looking down at the romance novel, firing off ideas in your head of how you’d put it away without him figuring out what it was.
“That book you got there. Why are you acting so secretive? Did I catch you reading something interesting after all?” Sebastian got closer, leaning one hand on the table next to the book and peering at it over your shoulder. His chest pressing up against your back. There he went again, giving you the slightest touch and driving you mad. The scent of his cologne filled your nostrils, intoxicating you. In that moment, you were tempted to yank him close and bury your face in his neck.
He turned his head to look at you for an answer, but you couldn’t get yourself to look back. He was so close, his lips were so close. You could make out his freckles out of the corner of your eye, feel his breath against your skin. Did he know what kind of effect he had on you? Was he teasing you? Your lips were moving to speak but no words would come out.
He gave you a playful nudge with his shoulder, prodding you to answer him. “Come on, it can’t be that bad, can it?”
And it wasn’t that bad, at most he would tease you for reading a romance novel. What was holding you back at this point was how nervous Sebastian was making you. As if you weren’t tense enough, he took it a step further and placed both of his hands on either side of you on the table, trapping you in. He rested his chin on your shoulder, taking another peek at the book.
“I never realized how much taller I am than you.” He chuckled, chest humming against your back. Keeping you in place, his callused hands grabbed yours to remove them from covering the title of the book. He held your hands in his while he read it over, then he gave a quiet, amused hum.
You turned in his arms and he lifted his head off your shoulder to meet your gaze. He smiled at you, but it faded when he saw your face. 
“What’s wrong?”
Finally facing him, even with how close he was, your desire took over your reason. And, just for a moment, you allowed yourself to be selfish. “You make me nervous, Sebastian.” You told him in a low tone.
He didn’t think you looked nervous at all. Something was written on your features but he certainly wouldn’t call it ‘nervous’. Your eyes were dark and you licked at your lips. It was brief but it caught his eye, seeing a quick glimpse of your tongue made his head race with all sorts of thoughts.
You too glanced at his lips, not caring if it was obvious what was on your mind.
Seeing your eyes shamelessly stare at his mouth, he froze. He was afraid if he made one wrong move, you’d run. He had wanted to kiss you for a while now, and right then it looked like you wanted to kiss him too. 
Then you did, and his heart went rapid. He had been convinced you could feel it when your hands moved up along his chest until one snaked around his shoulders and the other rested on his neck. His hands left their place on the table to grab your waist, pulling you closer, holding you in place. His warmth enveloped you.
You pulled away to kiss at Sebastian’s neck and his knees went weak. You kissed around the area you pictured he sprayed his cologne. You took an inhale and breathed out, “I always loved this scent on you.” You kissed at the area one more time, sending a pleasant tickling sensation up the back of his neck. His fingers dug deeper into your waist.
You go back to kissing his lips, which were softer than you had imagined. The way he earnestly moved his mouth against yours ignited sparks in your chest. You had wanted him so badly, and you finally had him there in your arms, on the tip of your tongue, for the taking. One of your hands moved to his hair and you reveled in the feeling of his locks between your fingers. 
But the abrupt sound of heels walking along a marble floor slowed your kiss to a halt. Madam Scribner. The two of you were so swept up in the moment you completely forgot other people existed (faculty that Sebastian does not have a good reputation with included).
The two of you left each other’s embrace just as Scribner came into view. Sebastian, hair slightly askew, gave a cough and acted like he was looking over some important papers which were actually your homework pages for a class he didn’t have. All the while, you had managed to open up the romance novel, nodding your head as if you were learning some new herbology methods.
Madam Scribner eyed the two of you while she put away a few books. “Getting late, best finish up before curfew.” And then she was gone, returning to her desk.
You and Sebastian looked at each other, cheeks flushed, and grinning from ear to ear. You bit at your lip and he rubbed the back of his neck. Clearing your throat, you started gathering up your homework and books.
Sebastian watched with an ache to pull you back in and keep kissing you senseless.
“I-I’m sorry I did that. That was selfish of me.” You stammered, his brows furrowed in confusion.
“What do you mean?” He asked, returning to your side, thinking through anything he could have done to make you feel this way. You had helped him through so much, if anything he thought he was the selfish one. You came in as a new fifth year with seemingly endless catching up to do and you had to learn how to wield ancient magic on top of that. Yet, he was unabashed in asking for your help countless times, anything to steal you away for himself.
“Well I-I know how busy you are with your research for Anne and I’d hate to be the one who slowed you down just because I-.” You went quiet, unable to finish the sentence, fingers fumbling to organize the papers in your hands.
“Just because you... what?” He urged on.
“Merlin, Sebastian. Do I need to spell it out for you?” You exhaled, leaving to go put away the books you borrowed, him following close in pursuit.
“Please do.”
“As I said,” You sighed. “You make me... nervous.”
“In a good way or bad way?”
Putting the last of the books away, you turned to face him again. “Good, I suppose.” You confessed, barely above a whisper, unable to meet his gaze.
He tried to bite back the giddy smile forming on his lips. “I make you nervous in a good way.” He repeated back, almost sounding proud.
You nodded your head, looking down at your twiddling thumbs, listening out if he would say how he felt about you.
Sebastian glanced over to Madam Scribner, who made it not so subtle she was keeping an eye on the two of you. “We should start heading to our rooms now, I suppose. Curfew and all.”
Your heart dropped, he didn’t say a thing about reciprocating your feelings. Not even a simple “I feel the same.” He must have only been swept up in the moment, enjoying the attention. Perhaps teenage hormones could make kissing enticing no matter who you were with? Embarrassment filled your every limb and you wanted to run and hide. You gathered your things to go.
“Um, yes. You’re right. We should be going.”
“I’ll walk you.”
“No, that’s alright. At this point, I’m asleep on my feet and you must be exhausted too. I’ll just floo and go straight to bed.”
Your rejection took him aback. “Oh. Well, alright then. I’ll see you at breakfast.”
“Maybe. I’ve got some assignments outside of the castle, might not have time.”
“Well, let me come along to help.” He offered eagerly.
“Don’t worry yourself, just send me an owl if something comes up for Anne. Sleep well, Sebastian.” 
Before he could say anything more, you sped off to the library floo, and then you were gone. He was baffled at your sudden shift, everything was going so well. The two of you kissed and you had confirmed you felt the same as he did. He couldn’t believe he could make someone like you nervous. Hearing you say how you felt about him made him so happy he could burst. But then you were rushing to leave, rejecting his offer to help again. He didn’t think he said anything wrong, he barely said anything at all. Yet off you went, like you couldn’t get away fast enough.
He groaned in frustration as he made his way to his room. He had managed to kiss you and he still felt as distant as ever from you. He had never had the courage to outright tell you how he felt, so he would constantly toe the line with his touches. The brushing fingers, laying his head on your lap, sitting as close as he could to you in the dining hall, and now a kiss, all of which you seemed to welcome.
Sebastian laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling, going back and forth in his head what your actions tonight meant. You had waited in the library for him all that time, you initiated the kiss, said you liked - no - loved his cologne, told him he made you nervous in a good way, and then you wanted nothing more to do with him. He replayed the whole night and he couldn’t pin down where he went wrong. 
He’d have to find you first thing in the morning, before you could leave.
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lonelypep · 9 months
hi tumblr
ive been rewatching gravity falls and i thought it would be funny to recap certain events in the show with no context whatsoever
-dipper sings dancing queen by abba with a mutant bear he was about to kill.
-stan, a man in his 60-70s, lectures a child on how to formulate an evil plan. (the child is 4 years old, stans rival, and having a mental breakdown because stan's granchildren are in his armpits)
-dipper gets literally mauled by a wolf and decides its better than going to his sister's sleepover.
-larry king gets decapitated.
-kids break in to a convenience store where one of them gets high out of her mind on cheap illegal ice cream (normal tuesday for these kids)
-kids find out about the 8th and a half president: who made the first all-baby supreme court.
-grunkle stan wins the football bowl. he taught the footballers and their gloating friends a lesson. he wins a football winning trophy, and a beautiful woman aptly named beautiful woman. but he couldnt have done it, any of it, without his sidekick footbot.
-soos is canonically afraid of british dog men. hes so real for that honestly.
-youre laughing. people are sick of piles of owls constantly blocking their driveway and youre laughing.
-the only on screen character death, with the exception of bill, is that of big henry, who sacrificed himself by taking a golf ball to the other side of the mine. the protagonists never learn this.
-soos turns into clay and starts breaking the laws of the universe. so stan kills him with a radio.
-two kids travel back in time and crush toby's musical theatre dreams.
-"dudebro" became a mainstay in my regular vocabulary for two years because of this show.
-grunkle stan teaches a bear how to drive. he almost gets arrested in this episode. not for teaching a bear how to drive but because of tax fraud.
-soos' stomach emits whale noises.
-mcgucket has apparently exploded an entire downtown city because his pal earnie didn't come to his retirement party. justified tbh
-stan starts booing some little kids because they told their grandpa they loved him
-let me just set the scene for a sec here: its 2016. its a beautiful summer day, where the hazy nostalgia of a music festival fills your eyes, your ears, and the uneasy excitement of love in the hot summer air makes every second better than the last. suddenly, a gigantic flaming head of a man saying "i eat kids" descends upon you from the sky. the graphic horror is something youll never forget. the grotesque image of people in terror at this gargantuan mass of flaming flesh. it burns into your eyes. is this it for you? you see a child, clueless to the situation, ask his mother his final words: is the giant flaming head going to eat us? she says yes. as it consumes you, you cry a single tear. im done being dramatic but this did happen
-beautiful men eat out of stan's trash (this apparently happens consistently)
-youre laughing. darn beautiful men are always eating out of his trash and youre laughing.
-stan strips on public television.
-gourney gets eaten by a halloween monster. he is only freed when soos eats the monnster.
-the gravity falls universe has a public television program where babies fight each other.
-grunkle stan tries to burn aforementioned four year old nemesis alive.
-ok not really but he tries to blind him at least which is still pretty bad.
-grunkle stan tries to steal an animatronic badger
-mabeland has a government entirely run by mabel. this makes mabel an autocratic fascist. sorry i dont make the rules.
-soos' mom turns into a chair.
-theres a character named toot toot mc bumblesnazzle, who plays a banjo. go ahead and guess his narrative importance. if you guess cult leader, correct!
-neil degrasse tyson plays a pig.
and last but certainly not least, stan has illegally shipped pugs across the us border.
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trashland-llamas · 1 year
synopsis; 3 separate meet-cutes involving fem! reader + soap, ghost, & gaz
they/them pronouns used for reader; fem reader
f/a/d-favorite alcoholic drink; can switch it out for soda or water if you don't drink
Before He Cheats - Soap
Catches y/n in the act of slashing their ex's tires after finding out their partner was cheating on them with one of the other regulars
'You do realize insurance will most likely cover that if you slash all of 'em right?' Unable to hide his amusement at the 'deer-in-the-headlight' stare they gave him. 'Stop while I'm ahead, got it.'
'Not that it's any of my business but what's the story behind all this?' This being the smashed headlight, and carved leather seats. Smart enough not to sign their work. A discarded Louisville slugger.
'My boyfriend always told me he was watching the game with his buddies, turns out he's been seeing someone on the side.' Noting the shock in their voice, surprised at their ex's audacity. Accent more prominent.
'He's one stupid man, losing someone like you. Name's Soap, in case we meet again.' He didn't know when his next deployment would be, but he hoped the fates would make them cross paths again before then.
'Y/n, if I don't end up in prison first.' Not caring enough at the moment to ask what kind of name is Soap. Especially when the person looked so ruggedly handsome. Y/n started picking up all their stuff, finding a phone number scrawled on the bat.
'Call me when you get a chance jailbird.'
Die A Happy Man - Ghost
Price had tried setting Ghost up on a blind date, being a regular at y/n's shop, he had overheard them moping about how single they were. With their permission, he gave Ghost their number. 'Simon, you deserve love as much as the rest of us. Plus if it weren't for Gaz and Soap, you'd be a literal caveman. Think about it, okay?'
Ghost randomly texts them one night when he gets back from a mission, just wanting someone to talk to. 'Price gave me this number.' is his blunt opening line. 'And who am I speaking to?' Glad he had type it in correctly. 'Simon.'
It's only until a week later of semi-consistent back and forth messages that Simon asks them out. 'I'll pick you up at 7pm, wear something nice.' Breathing out a laugh at their response. 'At least send me a photo so I know who to look for.'
'Charming.' He sent a masked selfie, holding up his driver's license.
Ghost forgets out to breath when y/n's walking out the door to meet him, a red dress hugging all their curves. 'You're gonna catch flies, Simon.' Hearing how his name rolls off y/n's tongue doesn't help.
'You don't look too bad yourself.' y/n compliments Ghost as they buckle up. A navy blue button up with some black jeans. A chain holding dog tags showing from the few buttons left undone at the top.
Simon ends up having a panic attack on their second date when y/n shows up in a little black dress. It turns into a funny story as y/n was scared shitless, not knowing what to do.
Party in the USA - Gaz
'Oh my god, I'm so sorry!' Gaz had barely budged from the force. He appreciated the apology despite how little he cared for the shirt. Opening his shirt to reveal a v-neck shirt underneath. 'No fuss. Can I buy you a replacement drink?'
Nodding, they told him that is was a f/a/d. Buying a shot for himself, he looked y/n up and down. 'I'm guessing you didn't get the memo?' His tone lighthearted, a teasing quality to it. Gaz was referring to how out of place they looked, no name brands in sight. It was rather refreshing if he was honest. 'What gave it away?' 
'Oh, I don't know, maybe the boots. Or the country bumpkin vibes plus the attractive accent.' His response making y/n wonder if it was the liquid courage or if he was always this lofty. 'You think my accent's hot?' Hook, line, and sinker. 'Oh, I think it's divine. Name's Kyle.' Y/n being the forward one now, invited Gaz to the dance floor.
Laughing when Britney Spear's 'If U Seek Amy' played over the speakers, them poorly singing along. Off in their own world that Gaz was the only one privy to see. Unsure if he could call their movements dancing. Not that he was any better as he was glad to have a partner.
Scoring some point in the gentleman category, Gaz offered to drive y/n home, when they were hit with butterflies in their stomach. Grabbing his phone, Gaz watched as they type in their phone number. 'So you can text me that you got home okay.' Unable to deny how his heart softened. 'Awfully kind of you, but I will.' Trying his best to reassure them, not wanting to instill any worry.
'Home safe and in one piece.' Finally seeing their name, whispers to himself, 'y/n, a pretty name for a pretty gal.'
Refuses to call them anything other than 'country bumpkin,' to the point even his colleagues know them as that. 
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bi-bard · 1 year
Love With Every Stranger, the Stranger the Better - Tenth Doctor Imagine [Doctor Who]
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Title: Love With Every Stranger, the Stranger the Better
Pairing: Tenth Doctor X Reader
Based On: Someone New
Word Count: 1,216 words
Warning(s): jealousy
Summary: (Y/n) has grown used to watching people flirt with the Doctor while the pair traveled. However, after their relationship takes a sharp turn, (Y/n) finds their reactions taking a very similar sharp turn.
Author's Note: Is this consistent with the lyrics? Probably not. Do I still think it's cute? Yup.
I never truly blamed the Doctor for how some people acted around him.
It wasn't his fault that the regeneration process seemed to decide that he deserved to look almost perfect.
That didn't make it sting less when I watched people flirting with him.
Everyone had a different method, but after traveling with the Doctor for so long, I could sort many into three main categories.
The first group was made up of people that wanted to impress him. It was almost instinctual that they realized that he was something very different. The Doctor seemed to accidentally cause people to trip over themselves in the hopes of catching his eye. He was a curious person. The best to get his attention was to show him something that he had never seen before.
The second group was the ones that were just straightforward with what they wanted. They would make no effort to hide wondering eyes and flirtatious comments. There would be small touches on the arm or the side. Like I was invisible and wasn't watching the entire interaction.
The third group was the group that I fell into. They would be almost oblivious. Their feelings would be written on their faces. Nervous smiles and awkward shared moments.
In my case, that was usually paired with a sense of obliviousness.
I went on for months never noticing that my nervous smiles were returned. That those small moments that I thought were completely one-sided were quite the opposite.
To be fair, the Doctor had been just as oblivious as me. I don't think either one of us accepted that our feelings were mutual until after we kissed.
He usually was pretty oblivious to how people acted around him. He was usually more focused on whatever problem needed to be solved or whatever person needed to be saved. He was a good person. Just a bit blind.
When I first traveled with him, I kind of mimicked him. I didn't pay attention to the people that would try to catch his eye.
It was easy enough. Our trips often leave us with a lot to focus on. And it's not like we ever stayed in one place longer than we absolutely had to.
I would sometimes chuckle at the people that were so obvious about their flirting just for the Doctor to completely miss it. Not because I thought it was funny to watch people miss their shots. Just because it was funny seeing the Doctor's shocked face when they got tired of getting nothing for their effort.
I thought that I would always feel that way. That I would never care. Even after we got together, I thought it would all stay the same.
But I was proven wrong quite quickly.
The first time that it happened, I wasn't quite sure how I felt.
I was watching someone focus all of their attention on the Doctor. I was being completely ignored, which I wouldn't really mind if the other person wasn't constantly giggling and touching the Doctor's arm every time they interacted.
My stomach twisted a bit. I felt uneasy. I took a deep breath. I assumed it had been all of the chaos that was inevitably going to happen.
And then, it happened a second time.
This time, it had a second symptom. Anger.
I almost shocked myself.
I couldn't understand why I was angry.
I knew very well that the Doctor respected me enough to not waste my time. If he wanted to be with someone else, then I would like to believe he would have the heart to tell me.
I didn't understand why I would be angry at the other person. The Doctor wasn't paying them any mind. It's not like they were making any progress.
Maybe it was because he didn't do anything to stop them?
I wasn't sure.
The feeling kept popping up. Over and over. It felt like it was becoming a normal part of our trips. And I hated it.
I don't know when the Doctor noticed it.
I thought I had caught his eyebrows furrowing at me a few times, but I assumed it was nothing. He could've just as easily been thinking about anything else.
"You alright," he asked one day.
We had been heading out after another trip. That sickening feeling in my stomach wouldn't go away. It was just there like a rock.
I hummed, snapping out of my thoughts. I had been silently yelling at myself to pull my act together.
"You seem a bit... distracted is all," he shrugged, leaning against the console. "You alright?"
"Oh, yeah," I nodded and forced a smile. He raised an eyebrow at me. I continued smiling for a moment before I felt like his eyes were burning a hole in my head. "Stop that!"
"Stop what?"
"Staring at me like you can read my thoughts."
"I can tell when you're upset," he explained. "We've been traveling for a while. We're... involved. I can tell."
He always said involved. Apparently, the word dating didn't sound right to him.
"What's going on?"
I sighed as plopped down onto one of the benches. "It's nothing. It's just me being ridiculous."
"Obviously not if you're upset about it."
I rolled my eyes.
He walked to stand in front of me. "Talk to me."
"I... I got a bit jealous is all," I admitted. I felt pathetic. "Today... and during a few other trips."
"I don't know," I shrugged. "I... I can't help it. I watch people try to shoot their shot and I just get this gross feeling in my gut. I know that you're just interested in every new thing that you can learn. You are always like that. You don't even seem aware of the flirting most of the time, but I can't shake it. And it makes me mad at myself for thinking like that."
The Doctor nodded. He seemed to be waiting to see if there was anything else that I needed to say.
There was one thing. "And I'm sorry."
"You have nothing to be sorry for," he replied.
I closed my eyes and shook my head.
"And you have nothing to be jealous of," the Doctor took a knee in front of me, grabbing my hands. I looked at him again. "I only want to be with you. I love you."
"And logically, I know that," I explained. "I trust you. I don't believe that you would do anything like that. I just... I can't help it."
He nodded.
"I... I don't think there's anything I can do other than get over it," I shrugged. "I really shouldn't have made you worry about it at all."
"I'm glad you told me," he replied. He leaned down to press a kiss to my hand. "And now that I know, I'll do better. I'll be more observant."
"You're already very observant."
"Well... I'll be more observant about the right things," he said. I chuckled at him. "I love you, (Y/n)."
"I love you too," I mumbled. He smiled at me before leaning up to kiss my forehead.
I closed my eyes, relaxing into the moment.
For the millionth time, I was reminded that I would happily spend every last moment I had right here... with him.
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kustas · 6 months
can you talk about your issues with blue eye samurai
I can! warning: i will spoil the show here.
This show has an incredible issue with consistency, among other problems which make it one of the worst series i've watched in a long time. It has a basic plot thread it wants to follow and everything it does is malleable for the sake of said plot beats. The main character's personality can change from one scene to the other depending on if they want the moment to be funny or sad. Battle wounds, established personality traits and other Deus ex machinas vanish randomly when they become irrelevant. The show also has no idea of the tone it's going for. It wants to be everything at once, funny, tragic, epic; and does so by lazily copying better media of reference down to at times remaking shots nearly 1:1. It does nothing it attempts well.
The historical setting is a mess. For a show who's premise is entrenched in a particular historical period you'd expect it to be a major part of the story, but Japan is mostly used as a cliché set dressing. Each episode pulls out a few cultural setpieces in a shallow way that felt ridiculous if not borderline offensive. It's Japan right? Oh we gotta reference the Sakura. The sumo ring. The matcha tea. And I say Japan and not historical Japan because I have doubts about the veracity of every cultural element and how well researched it is. Keep in mind I am no expert, I know very little of either the country and the time period but even with that every episode made me go huh? This is not true. There is little to no effort spent on accurately representing a foreign culture's history and it is very visible in how the characters act - aka like modern american TV characters. The worst part? The cultural things its cast casually goes against are referenced...as jokes or as set dressing for each episode's look we are in Japan;););) scene. So, they know. They just don't care.
When it comes to...a bit more troubling topics, the show sucks too. The first episode reveals its main character is crossdressing to make her way across the world and the show has many secondary female characters in female social roles to contrast her to. This premise is a great one: watching a woman evolve in a sexist society by disguising herself into something she's not. Is it well done? Lol, nope! Gender remains explored in a very surface level way. The thing is, if the characters indeed acted like their time period would imply, I would be fine with much more, as this is a society with very strict gender roles. But given most of the times they act like modern american TV show characters, it stings that despite the MC's position, said gender roles are not much explored. Notable examples that made me facepalm damn hard: a side character who's established as a rich brat trying to work her way out of an arranged marriages ending up finding satisfaction in said arranged marriage; and the main character herself who i will repeat spends her whole life passing as male and fighting dudes, getting found out by the villain mid-fight because of her "fragile female bones". What the fuck?
Additionally, the show has two disabled characters, a blind man and a man born without hands. The former is written okay, the latter is not. He is treated like a comic relief and spends his time on screen (where he's not being a buffoon) sucking up to the other characters. It feels frankly insulting to have your fat guy with a deformity be this archetype and he is not allowed much growth or serious moments.
I'm not a woman, I'm not japanese and I am not disabled so all of what I say here should be taken with the grain of salt of: it's my impression, as someone who's not been on the recieving end of things. Seeing this show being celebrated for being progressive is a fucking joke.
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firaloveatea · 2 months
I'm sure I forgot stuff but I tried to cover as much about her as possible.
Neon's Character Concept and Bio
Chaos Neon
Age: 18 (pre time skip)/20 (post time skip)
Height: 160cm
Blood Type: TBD
Birthday: 12/12
Affiliation: Straw Hats, Heart Pirates
Hair: Navy Blue, untamed curls/waves
Eye color: Red
Growing up with Luffy, she actually has a very similar personality to him, though she has more brain cells and is willing to talk things out rather than fight all the time.
Trusting in an almost blinding fashion and devotion so strong she will put her needs last when her crew needs more attention.
Neon is as socially dumb as Luffy, but does have more common sense. She mostly doesn't understand things around romance, dating, and things of sexual nature besides what she experiences from Sanji and Brooks's preverted habits.
She is also very petty. The price will always be paid, just don't know when or how.
Out of the A.S.L. Neon is more like Sabo, where as Luffy and Ace are more similar. In disagreements it would be Neon & Sabo vs. Ace & Luffy or Ace & Sabo vs Luffy & Neon. It was a blue moon is any other combos happened.
Knife throwing+Accuracy
Neon has learned how to throw knives and works on her accuracy all the time. Yes, she can juggle the knives as well
Luffy likes to say Neon is part rubber from how flexible she is. She possesses double jointed and trained her body extensively all because as a child Ace and Sabo wanted to see how much she could fold her body in weird and odd ways. She liked the freak out it keeps practicing.
Neon also has amazing natural balance. I haven't figured out the full extend of this balance, but girl is a hard worker and keeps pushing her limits.
During the two year time skip, Neon learns and masters observation and armament haki.
Throwing Daggers:
Weight: 15.9oz Blade Thickness: 5mm Blade Length: 7-1/2" Blade Steel: 1050 High Carbon Handle Length/Material: 6-1/2" Overall Length: 14" Style: Knife Product Family: Thrower Steel Family: High Carbon Steels
Throwing Knives:
Weight: 6.4oz Blade Thickness: 3.5mm Blade Steel: 1055 Carbon Overall Length: 10" Style: Knife Product Family: Flight Sport Steel Family: High Carbon Steels
A leather whip
Concept History:
Neon originally started off as the Female Main Character for an original fiction work of mine called Neon Red Eyes. It was a Stardust-inspired fantasy world where Neon was the Hybrid Daughter of the terrible Demon King and a Powerful Witch. Her mother would eventually understand why the Demon King sought her out as the mother of his child and fled while heavily pregnant. 18 years later, Neon would come home to their little cabin to find her mother murdered and the King’s right hand waiting for her. She was tossed into the dungeon since emotional distress sealed away her powers the King was after. There, she would meet a Pirate Captain, who had been captured before her. His crew would pull off a heist and rescue their captain, bringing Neon along with them. It was mainly romance focused on Neon and the Captain, who would eventually take down the Demon King, but it never worked that part out.
When I finally caved and started One Piece, I took Neon and added her after making some changes that would make sense to the One Piece world. Having Magic and Demonic powers didn’t. Her being Buggy’s daughter was supposed to be funny and stuck. I wanted her to be Luffy’s childhood friend because that guy needs someone more consistently by his side. As I got further into the show, my inner simp was sad that I hadn’t found my favorite character. No one was tickling my fancy.
Then Trafalgar Law started to show up on my tiktok fyp, but he hadn’t appeared in show for me yet. I speed ran to Sabaody. Now my tiktok had been giving me Japanese dub Wano clips, nothing English dub. I watch dub because I multitask while watching my shows. I got to Sabaody, and I heard him speak. Matt Mercer. Sold. I found my favorite character and wanted to punch Kid in the face.
Now I won’t lie, Neon was meant for Luffy. Childhood friends to lovers cliché since I don’t do it often. But Trafalgar Law took over, Grumpy x Sunshine, Enemies to Lovers, it held more of my favorite troupes. The power dynamics and struggles. Her being bratty and him always wanting his plans to work out. I started my self indulgence dabbles that are now posted.
I do have a Luffy AU in my mind but to post both seems like too much work. There are differences but nothing huge. I could post all of pre-time arcs and then branch off after time skip but I’m not sure about posting both. I will write my Luffy AU dabbles and keep them for myself. Unless my sister and friends talk me into posting like they did with my Dabbles with Law.
Her last name being Chaos is super recent. I had brewed up a Crack AU where Della married Shanks during his year long stay in Windmill village, then stole Ace, Sabo and Luffy from Dadan and Garp wasn’t gonna fight Della.
I called it Chaos House AU, because of the chaos caused by the kids, yes, Uta would have stayed with them becoming Neon’s sister. So five chaotic children being raised by a pirate and a woman who thrives in chaos… the family name for Della and Neon being Chaos fit too well.
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sparkedblaze · 1 year
tell about au, making grabby hands for au
I mean
Since you asked
This is essentially becoming an influencer au
And honestly
It works
Below the cut-
✔️= verified
Arting Around: Speedpaints, how-to-draw x, stupid videos with friends (brothers vs boyfriend who knows me better?, nerf wars, blind hide and seek)
Been There Done That: Joint channel with Davey. Traveling, doing wild shit, usually featuring many of their friends
In college for business or marketing to make sure he knows how to do what’s best to keep them successful
Dave in the Life: Multiple videos a week just vlogging the domestic side of his and Jack’s relationship
Been There Done That: Joint channel with Jack. Traveling, doing wild shit, usually featuring many of their friends
Jack’s editor. He and Davey work together a lot. V close friends.
Also helps Mush edit his videos.
Cameo (along with Mush) in some (if not all) of BTDT videos
Doesn’t have his own channel bc he spends too much time helping the others with theirs (and also doesn’t really want the spotlight)
Gymnast. Does cool tricks and flips. Post to every platform out there (including tumblr. Goes undercover in his friends’ fandoms on all of them)
Mush Meyers: He used to have a super cool or funny channel name, but he recently rebranded and just realized he was enough as is. He didn’t have to be Tumblingthroughlife, he was Nick Meyers. And that was enough. Though, he does prefer to have an online name of Mush, so he can kind of separate his online presence from his real life. He always gets someone to film his routines, and that’s mainly what he posts. He’s also done some streams that’ll have the names of all the tricks he can do on screen, and the first 15-20 people to donate x amount of money get to make a routine for him. He also does charity live streams, people donate and they get a hint as to where he is, and he’ll hide in a place around town. The first person to find him gets to donate whatever he’s earned to the charity of their choice. He personally doubles whatever’s been earned. It usually takes at least an hour for someone to find him. If it takes them longer than that, he’ll triple the earnings instead.
Twitch streamer
Racetrack Higgins: He got the idea for his name after dominating at Mario Kart. Streams games almost nightly (doesn’t stream at least twice a week so he doesn’t get burnt out, but the days change depending on who’s free at what times)
Also a twitch streamer
JojoPlaysShit: He was too lazy to come up with an actual name when he first made the channel. Likes it too much to change it at this point. Gaming streamer. Plays whatever’s popular now + one game that’s >5 years old. Usually playing 3 games at once and alternates them during streams. Also streams multiplayer games with his friends. King of Mario Party.
Streams games, very popular. Isn’t verified because he doesn’t care enough to go through all the steps to do it.
Front Page Story: Gaming streamer. King of FPS games (hence the acronym of his name). He’s been featured in several gaming magazines, and some out of the community. Is almost always invited to things like VidCon.
Streams multiplayer games, but posts more nerf challenges to his youtube than the actual games. Also not verified only because he’s too lazy.
Bird Nest: His channel. Chaotic. There’s no rhyme or reason to what he posts. The only consistent thing is his schedule. In one week he posts: 1-5 vlogs, 2-3 challenges, and all the games he streamed on twitch with his buddies (the edits are chaos incarnate)
Day to day life in circus performing. BTS and such.
Bailum and Barney: Name comes from a play on Barnum and Bailey. Is only really in it for the fun, doesn’t really care if he gets famous. Has also posted videos of Tommy trying (and failing) to do some of the acts from the show
His tiktok is pretty much just a hype man for Barney’s acts for so long. Literally just wants everyone to go and see the show. He thinks it’s so good.
Tommy Boi: Turns from hype account for Barney (though he still def posts hype videos) to a dance account when people see him dancing in the bg of one of Barney’s vids and they just scream
Isn’t verified bc he’s not popular enough yet. He’s just below the cut off for being verified. He gets so pissed off about it. Jack holds it over his head until he gets there.
He went to the same place as BTDT once, and that’s how he and Racer met. Jack is pissed when he finds out that RACER MADE OUT WITH SPOT FUKCIGN CONLON MY BIGGEST GD RIVAL RACER HOW COULD YOU
Medda ✔️
Older actress. Doesn’t act much anymore, but still an important figure in the industry. Adopted Race, Jack, and Crutchie. Tweets her own tweets, only when the planets are in alignment. Everything else is just retweeting what Jack tweets (usually stuff about her projects, because that boy will tweet about anything Medda does. “Look who I found at the grocery store :000000 @ medlark “ with a selfie of him with her in the bg)
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eddieandbird · 2 years
Part 9 - Good Morning
Part 8 | Eddie & Bird | Part 10
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Eddie woke up the next morning when he finally got tired of the sun rays leaking through the blinds and irritating his eyes. He rubbed them to finally get relief and stretched out his arms as he sat up. The aroma of eggs and bacon trailed from the kitchen just a few feet away from him.
There Dove stood, her back facing Eddie, gently flipping an egg on the stove. She had already gotten dressed for the day: a white, frilly blouse peaked out of a lavender blazer, paired with a matching pencil skirt. Her hair was slicked back into a straight ponytail that allowed her gold, oval earrings to highlight her face. Eddie admired how much Dove loved wearing pops of color and the way styled her hair to look good with her accessories. He found it a bit odd considering his style consisted of dark shades of red and black, and his favorite rings were a mashup of jewelry he had stolen during various drug deals. Eddie allowed himself to think about if they were seen together around school, how the contrast of their looks would be catching the eyes of all of his classmates. Something told him that she wouldn’t even mind the attention, she would still proudly hold his hand and flash him big smiles when catching each other in the halls. Eddie felt blood rush to his cheeks and he rubbed his face to stop the tingling sensation.
Dove had her home phone pinched between her cheek and shoulder as she spoke to Robin on the other line.
“Yeah, Rob, I’m telling you everything’s fine. Munson’s still sleeping on the couch, I promise to call later with updates,” Dove tried to sound as calm and collected as possible.
“Thank you so much, Bird. I promise I’ll do anything you want to pay you back. I’ll give you my entire next paycheck if you want. I’m still working at Family Video so it’s like not a ton of money, but I’ll add a couple VHS’ if you want,” Robin apologetically rambled.
“That’s so not necessary, Rob. Please keep your money. I just want to show you that I’m here for you,” she giggled.
“Funny you should say that, Birdy…”
“What is it now?” Dove’s tone shifted to sound unenthusiastic.
“I had another small favor. I was wondering if you’d want to come have dinner with me, Mom and Dad? Like maybe Saturday night? They haven’t seen you in forever and I think it’d be good to see them,” Robin’s voice got higher in octave as she feared how Dove would react.
“I uh, I would, but aren’t I supposed to be keeping an eye on Eddie?” Dove stuttered, her anxiety was clear with every word.
“Steve and Dustin offered to come work the night shift for you,”
“I NEVER SAID THAT!” Steve’s scream was heard in the background.
“Okay, okay fine. But only for a couple hours. I want at least a little bit of my weekend to relax,” Dove caved. 
“Are you sure it isn’t so you can have some more time with your new roommate?” Robin teased.
“Alrighty then, I’m gonna go now. I need to get ready for work. Byyyyyeee Rob!“ Dove could practically hear her sister’s smirk through the phone before she hung up the line.
“Good morning, Sunshine,” Eddie’s rough, low voice contrasted his peppy greeting. He climbed onto a stool to sit at the kitchen counter, elbows on the table and his hands cupping his face.
“Good morning, Munson,” Dove blushed as she laid out his breakfast in front of him.
Eddie intently watched as she one by one placed a glass of orange juice, a plate of food, and fork down. She gently spun around the plate to the right orientation where he would see a face made out of two sunny side-up eggs and two strips of bacon. Lastly, she straightened the fork next to the plate so it would be perfectly vertical.
“Wow…” Eddie's mouth hung open.
“What is it? Do you not like the way the eggs are cooked? I can cook them scrambled too,” Dove’s brain felt as if it were scrambled asking that. 
“No, no, this looks amazing. I have never had food that looked this cute before. I almost feel terrible for doing this…” Eddie jokingly recoiled as he stabbed his fork through one of the eggs. “I’m so sorry for this, my little breakfast face dude,” he said to the piece of egg on his fork before taking his bite. “Mmmm. God, I missed real food so much. Thank you,”
Dove felt warm and happy seeing the joy in Eddie’s brown eyes. She found it odd that in that moment, Eddie wasn’t completely terrifying. He was sweet, even. She even felt bad for letting one bad encounter years ago shape the way she judged him today. She let out a quiet “Shit,” as she saw the time on the wall clock. Dove always hated her commute to work, but the last 12 hours of being around Eddie made her actually want to call out that day. Her brain felt like it was on the verge of an overload.
“I should um… I should get going. Are you going to be alright over here?” Dove pulled on her sleeves nervously.
“Oh yeah… I’ve been hiding from the world for quite a while, I promise I’m used to it by now,” Eddie said before taking a big sip of his orange juice. Dove gave a slight frown.
“Okay, well help yourself to anything in the kitchen if you get hungry later. I’ll be home around 6:30 with some dinner,” Dove grabbed her bag and coat that she had laid out next to the front door earlier that morning. She gave Eddie a smile and wave at the door before shutting it behind her.
When he heard the engine of Dove’s car start, Eddie thumped his hands on the left side of his chest to mimic his heartbeat. She was so sweet to him, it almost made him sick. He’s never been around anyone so hospitable. Eddie knew he was developing a slight crush on Dove quickly and it threw him into a spiral. He thought to himself that he had no chance of being with her but he wanted to be around her more time with her anyway. He needed to keep talking to her. There were too many details about her that captured his attention any time she was around. 
He loved the way her nose scrunched up when she was excited. He was fascinated by how she was so particular about the way certain things in her house were arranged. He melted thinking about how sweet she spoke to everyone around her without faking a single word. Most of all, he was impressed by how she was the first person he had met in a while that didn’t make him feel like an absolute freak. Eddie knew he was the one in danger but something told him that he needed to protect Dove. Something about her awoke a protective side of him that he never expected. He thought he would rather be bitten by a million more Demobats than watch her sparkle die out.
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wonderlesscomics · 5 months
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Batman: White Knight Presents: The Red Hood (Sean Murphy/Clay McCormick & Simone Di Meo/George Kambadais)
Issues # 1-2
Read December 2023
Story: 6/10
I cant believe I’m writing this but this is the first time I’ve felt like they have lost the tone and world of the white knight universe. While I’m all for fun and more silly comics, that has just not been a present theme in this world. This world is heavy, and intense. There has always been an obvious undertone of fun dialogue and moments between characters. characters not afraid to say something funny or point out the ridiculous nature of their world but this feels like a little too much, especially with the choice of character. If this whole world’s tone has been heavy then Jason Todd is the absolute epitome of that tone. His only brief appearances in this franchise have been angry, cynical and emo. Now we find him in a flashback being goofy and silly with a fun spunky girl. While the story itself is wholesome and cute it just doesn’t help show the character we know now, and I think Sean knew that too had to quickly transition to the final few pages of the flashback where he runs away kind of out of nowhere. With all that being said I like Jason in the modern scenes and his relationship to the now older Gan. Speaking of Gan let’s talk about the best part of this book, her! She’s cute, she’s sassy, and she thicc. I think she is an awesome addition to this world and I can’t wait to see the older version of her and what her character goes on to do.
Art: 6.5/10
I just simply don’t know how to feel. The art felt…inconsistent. There are moments of the art that made me smile from ear to ear. The scene of Jason’s torture, Gan’s design and model, the shriek’s suit was awesome. But then for the rest of the comic is felt incomplete, washy and just not special. On a positive note I found myself really enjoying the coloring of these pages. The choice of the warm reds and yellows filling the pages and the lighting used to illuminate the scenes is vibrant and blinding. This art does have the problem that the rest of the universe has which is trying to keep up with Sean Murphy who is a master of the craft. I’m interested to see what the artists do in the future and see if the art becomes a bit more consistent.
Special Notes:
- shoutout to Gan who is actually an interesting and cool character
- Also love how thicc she is
- Love the design choice of Jason’s long hair with the white streak
- Love the opening pages of the first issue with the torture of Jason. Great writing and art.
Overall Rating: 6.5/10
I’m not upset I read it, and I’m glad it exists and where it exists in the timeline. It was a nice little side story to help connect me to the characters who I assume will be much more prevalent in the over arching story of white knight beyond. With that being said thank god it’s only 2 issues. And now for the first time I have concern for the spin off titles in this series.
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eddienbird · 2 years
Part 9 - Good Morning
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Eddie & Bird [photo] Part 10
Eddie woke up the next morning when he finally got tired of the sun rays leaking through the blinds and irritating his eyes. He rubbed them to finally get relief and stretched out his arms as he sat up. The aroma of eggs and bacon trailed from the kitchen just a few feet away from him.
There Dove stood, her back facing Eddie, gently flipping an egg on the stove. She had already gotten dressed for the day: a white, frilly blouse peaked out of a lavender blazer, paired with a matching pencil skirt. Her hair was slicked back into a straight ponytail that allowed her gold, oval earrings to highlight her face. Eddie admired how much Dove loved wearing pops of color and the way styled her hair to look good with her accessories. He found it a bit odd considering his style consisted of dark shades of red and black, and his favorite rings were a mashup of jewelry he had stolen during various drug deals. Eddie allowed himself to think about if they were seen together around school, how the contrast of their looks would be catching the eyes of all of his classmates. Something told him that she wouldn’t even mind the attention, she would still proudly hold his hand and flash him big smiles when catching each other in the halls. Eddie felt blood rush to his cheeks and he rubbed his face to stop the tingling sensation.
Dove had her home phone pinched between her cheek and shoulder as she spoke to Robin on the other line.
“Yeah, Rob, I’m telling you everything’s fine. Munson’s still sleeping on the couch, I promise to call later with updates,” Dove tried to sound as calm and collected as possible.
“Thank you so much, Bird. I promise I’ll do anything you want to pay you back. I’ll give you my entire next paycheck if you want. I’m still working at Family Video so it’s like not a ton of money, but I’ll add a couple VHS’ if you want,” Robin apologetically rambled.
“That’s so not necessary, Rob. Please keep your money. I just want to show you that I’m here for you,” she giggled.
“Funny you should say that, Birdy…”
“What is it now?” Dove’s tone shifted to sound unenthusiastic.
“I had another small favor. I was wondering if you’d want to come have dinner with me, Mom and Dad? Like maybe Saturday night? They haven’t seen you in forever and I think it’d be good to see them,” Robin’s voice got higher in octave as she feared how Dove would react.
“I uh, I would, but aren’t I supposed to be keeping an eye on Eddie?” Dove stuttered, her anxiety was clear with every word.
“Steve and Dustin offered to come work the night shift for you,”
“I NEVER SAID THAT!” Steve’s scream was heard in the background.
“Okay, okay fine. But only for a couple hours. I want at least a little bit of my weekend to relax,” Dove caved. 
“Are you sure it isn’t so you can have some more time with your new roommate?” Robin teased.
“Alrighty then, I’m gonna go now. I need to get ready for work. Byyyyyeee Rob!“ Dove could practically hear her sister’s smirk through the phone before she hung up the line.
“Good morning, Sunshine,” Eddie’s rough, low voice contrasted his peppy greeting. He climbed onto a stool to sit at the kitchen counter, elbows on the table and his hands cupping his face.
“Good morning, Munson,” Dove blushed as she laid out his breakfast in front of him.
Eddie intently watched as she one by one placed a glass of orange juice, a plate of food, and fork down. She gently spun around the plate to the right orientation where he would see a face made out of two sunny side-up eggs and two strips of bacon. Lastly, she straightened the fork next to the plate so it would be perfectly vertical.
“Wow…” Eddie's mouth hung open.
“What is it? Do you not like the way the eggs are cooked? I can cook them scrambled too,” Dove’s brain felt as if it were scrambled asking that. 
“No, no, this looks amazing. I have never had food that looked this cute before. I almost feel terrible for doing this…” Eddie jokingly recoiled as he stabbed his fork through one of the eggs. “I’m so sorry for this, my little breakfast face dude,” he said to the piece of egg on his fork before taking his bite. “Mmmm. God, I missed real food so much. Thank you,”
Dove felt warm and happy seeing the joy in Eddie’s brown eyes. She found it odd that in that moment, Eddie wasn’t completely terrifying. He was sweet, even. She even felt bad for letting one bad encounter years ago shape the way she judged him today. She let out a quiet “Shit,” as she saw the time on the wall clock. Dove always hated her commute to work, but the last 12 hours of being around Eddie made her actually want to call out that day. Her brain felt like it was on the verge of an overload.
“I should um… I should get going. Are you going to be alright over here?” Dove pulled on her sleeves nervously.
“Oh yeah… I’ve been hiding from the world for quite a while, I promise I’m used to it by now,” Eddie said before taking a big sip of his orange juice. Dove gave a slight frown.
“Okay, well help yourself to anything in the kitchen if you get hungry later. I’ll be home around 6:30 with some dinner,” Dove grabbed her bag and coat that she had laid out next to the front door earlier that morning. She gave Eddie a smile and wave at the door before shutting it behind her.
When he heard the engine of Dove’s car start, Eddie thumped his hands on the left side of his chest to mimic his heartbeat. She was so sweet to him, it almost made him sick. He’s never been around anyone so hospitable. Eddie knew he was developing a slight crush on Dove quickly and it threw him into a spiral. He thought to himself that he had no chance of being with her but he wanted to be around her more time with her anyway. He needed to keep talking to her. There were too many details about her that captured his attention any time she was around. 
He loved the way her nose scrunched up when she was excited. He was fascinated by how she was so particular about the way certain things in her house were arranged. He melted thinking about how sweet she spoke to everyone around her without faking a single word. Most of all, he was impressed by how she was the first person he had met in a while that didn’t make him feel like an absolute freak. Eddie knew he was the one in danger but something told him that he needed to protect Dove. Something about her awoke a protective side of him that he never expected. He thought he would rather be bitten by a million more Demobats than watch her sparkle die out.
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seiyasabi · 3 years
(Here’s a Yandere Todo Aoi x Female Reader story :P I wrote up the layout for this a while ago, and I’m currently madly in love w him, so here we are! 
Thank you all so much for your support and being so understanding of my situation. I love you all so much ;)
TW: !noncon/dubcon!, !Has a whole ass shrine dedicated to you, you literally don’t know he exists lmao, !claims he's ur bf to everyone, manipulation!, intimidation!, sort of kidnapping!, !forced cunnilingus!, etc.. 
Please proceed with caution!)
“(Your Name)-Chan, why didn’t you tell us that you have a boyfriend?” You slowly stop chewing, chopsticks going slack in your hand. Eyes darting towards your friend Mika, you raise an unamused eyebrow. 
“What are you talking about, Mika-Chan? I don’t have a boyfriend,” All of your girlfriends look at each other, unbelieving of your claim. All giggle, thinking that you’re just being shy. 
“Ne~ don’t be coy! It’s okay to tell us about your boyfriend! From the pictures I’ve seen, he’s quite handsome, huh?” At this point, you’re completely confused. Are they pranking you? You don’t have a boyfriend! 
“I genuinely have no idea what you’re talking about-“ The seat next to you slides out, and a hulking figure plops itself down on the wooden chair, the wood creaking horrifically underneath their weight. 
Their arm wraps around the back of your own chair, practically engulfing you in the crook of their enormous elbow, “Hey, Pretty Girl. I’m sorry that I’m late, you know how late my classes run sometimes.” 
You’re too scared to even turn towards the large man, choosing instead to look at your friends with a horrified expression. They don’t notice it, too busy ogling at the apparent eye candy next to you, “Uhm, I’m sorry, but who are you? And why do they think that you’re my boyfriend?” An awkward silence immediately follows after, the man’s hand gripping the wood behind you so hard that it creaks. 
He forces a deep laugh, which sounds quite menacing. He moves his hand onto your back, his warm palm felt through your stylish top, “You’re so funny, (Nickname)-Chan! It’s alright, you don’t need to hide me anymore. I messaged your girls last week, they know about us.” 
“Yeah, (First Name)-Chan! It’s okay! We think you’re both so adorable,” They practically fawn over the two of you, trying to push you closer into each other’s arms. The man next to you takes this in stride, practically hauling your chair up next to his. His arm is now fully around you, as you lean in close to your hair and neck. He inhaled deeply, a satisfied grunt rumbling through his chest. 
“Don’t do anything stupid, (Your Name)-Chan. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll follow my every whim,” Tears of fear and anxiety bead your eyes, which your friends take as relief that you’re no longer hiding away from them. 
“Don’t cry, (First Name)-Chan! It’s okay! We all support you wholeheartedly!” 
The rest of the lunch consisted of you being extremely uncomfortable, and your closest friends being none the wiser. Somehow, they don’t notice how you constantly inch away from him, only to be dragged back to his side. Somehow, they don’t know how he’s whispering mild threats into your ear. 
But, through this time, you learned the name of your so-called ‘boyfriend.’ Todo Aoi, the beast currently keeping you glued to your seat in fear. He’s so much bigger than you, so much faster, seemingly so much smarter. 
“Bye, (First Name)-Chan, Bye, Todo-Kun! It was nice to meet you!” Your friends wave the two of you off, one of his large hands securely on the small of your back. His grip is bruising, controlling. Todo practically pushes you towards an unknown destination, your body only able to continue forward, whether you wanted it to or not. 
“I’m proud of you, (First Name)-Chan. I knew my girl was smart, beautiful, and capable. This just proved it to me,” A small whimper escapes your throat, as fresh tears bead your eyes. 
“Why are you doing this? What do you want from me?” A booming laugh is heard, practically shaking the ground below you, causing you to flinch. 
“Why am I doing this? Well, I’m doing this, because I love you. I want us to be together, so we’re going home,” He says this as if it solved all of your problems. 
“But we don’t know each other, why even bother-“ 
“We know each other. I saved your life, remember?” For the first time tonight, you look at him. His distinct scar immediately catches your attention- this man did, in fact, save your life. Two months prior, someone or something shoved you onto some train tracks, right in front of an oncoming train. In a mere moment, the bulky man grabbed you from the tracks, and hopped back up onto the platform, effectively saving your life. 
“I-Bu-But what? We met only once, and-“ He shushes you, forcing you closer to his side, his entire hand practically engulfing your waist. 
“There’s no need to worry. In that Moment, I knew that you were meant to be my beautiful Princess. You need me to care for you, and I’m up for the task.” 
“Princess? Sir, I think you need help! We’ve only talked once, and while I’m grateful for you saving my life, I think this is excessive! Please let me go!” 
He ignores you, sighing dreamily about what the two of you will get up to. Todo couldn’t wait to add more to your shrine at home! He’ll be sure to get as much dirty clothes, used tissues, and everything else he could ever want! 
Forcing you into an upper class loft building, he guides you by the small of your spine into a lift, disregarding the old woman inside. She looks at you as if the both of you are the most adorable couple she’s ever seen, making you shift in discomfort. Todo takes it in stride, practically preening under her gaze, but pretending it has no effect on him. 
He nonchalantly presses his floor’s number, before placing that hand on your hip, and rubbing it in circular motions. You try to move away from him, but his grip is solid. 
Before long, the lift stops on his floor, and he pushes you out. You stumble into the area outside of his front door- his home being the only one on the entire floor. The door itself has a pin pad on its handle, which he quickly typed in, once he’s directly in front of it, leading you to believe that there’s most likely a second pin pad on the other side. 
Once you hear the click of the door being unlocked, Todo moves away from the entryway, and motions you inside, “Go ahead, Princess.” 
In a Moment of defiance, you shake your Head no, “I think this has gone on long enough,” His eyes narrow slightly, yet you continue, practically shaking in your shoes, “I-I don’t want to go inside. Please let me go home.” 
His booming laughter fills the small space, as he shakes his head in disbelief, “You’re adorable, (Nickname)-Chan! Now, go inside before I become angry.” The bite in his final words forces you forward, into his dark flat. 
He flicks on the light switch the moment you step inside, momentarily blinding you. Once you’re able to blink away the dots swimming in your vision, you’re greeted with a fairly normal sight. The living room, kitchen, and dining room are conjoined in an open concept, making the large place seem even larger. Two hallways branch off on either side of the large room, most likely leading to a master, a guest room, bathroom, and an office. 
“What do you think? I read in a magazine that women like clean homes, so I deep clean this flat at least once a week.” 
You aren’t sure what to say, but you nod along anyway, “Yes, it’s very nice.” He beams down at you, cheeks practically stretching to the fullest extent. 
“This shows that I know how to make women happy! I believe that’s a redeeming quality,” You awkwardly give him the side eye, “Oh, don’t look at me like that, silly girl! I have many more redeeming qualities if that one isn’t good enough. Now,” He clasps your shoulder with a large hand, “Why don’t I show you our bedroom?” 
“Our?” Your eyes are practically bugging out of your skull, as he nods gleefully. 
“We’re a couple, aren’t we? And couples share everything with each other.” 
With that, he practically drags you down the left hallway. There’s only one door at the end of the hall, signalling that this is the master bedroom. With one hand, he pushes open the door, before coaxing you inside. His hand that was previously on your shoulder migrates to the bottom of your spine. The room is a mixture of black and your favourite colour, showcasing that this room is the both of yours. 
The bed is quite large, most likely to accommodate your large captor and yourself, “I thought you’d like that your favourite colour is in here.” 
You say nothing, tears beading your eyes. You wring your hands in anxiety, as he leads you to the bed. He sits you down on the edge, before kneeling in front of you. Todo leans forward, resting on your thighs, all whilst still practically towering over you even when sitting. 
“Why’re you crying, Princess? There’s no reason to,” He swipes under your eye the moment the first tear falls. 
“Why am I crying? You must be joking! You-you just kidnapped me!” He shushes you once more, causing a spark of anger to course through you. He hasn’t listened to a single complaint you’ve voiced! “Stop doing that! It’s rude! I’m allowed to be upset-“ 
With two massive hands, he forces your thighs open, “I know your work has you stressed, Pretty Girl- why don’t you let me calm you down?” He pushes his hands up your thighs, your skirt barely covering your pussy,  allowing his thumbs to ghost over your panty clad cunny. 
You try to thrash out of his hold, pushing against his hands, “No! Let go of me!” Your thrashing does nothing, as just the weight of his forearms we’re enough to press your thighs to the bed. His left hand rubs against your clit and hole, trying to make you as wet as possible. You try to push against his forearms, but he presses down harder. 
His thumb rubs fluidly over your clit in an even pressure. Your hips press up, trying to buck him off, but it only causes him to press down harder. In no time, you’re growing wet against his ministrations. You choke back your whines, smacking his arms, before pushing against his head which hovers just above your cunt. 
“Do you feel that, Princess? You’re getting so wet!” He suddenly presses his open mouth against your mound, tongue matching pace with his thumb. A moan escapes your throat before you can stop it, halting the large man in his tracks. You sound so perfect to him! 
In one swift motion, he yanks your panties down your legs, and tosses them onto the mattress beside you. You try to close your legs, but it’s no use. I’m seconds, he has your thighs presses as far open as they can go, and his face is buried in your pretty cunny. His tongue dips into your folds, savouring your taste, before flicking against your clit. 
His tongue rubs against your clit in swift, smooth motions, quickly causing you to grow wetter than before. Your slick drips down your cunny, coating your ass and inner thighs. More moans escape your mouth, as you writhe against him. 
“Sto-Stop! Oh my god-“ He gives a small laugh at your begs, eating you out faster than before. Loud slurps and ‘mms’ are heard throughout the room, as you quickly go over the edge. Your juices squirt out of your cunny, coating his chin and his shoulders in slick. A loud keen is heard throughout the room. 
The mixture of your wonderful cum and loud moans causes the large man to bust a load in his pants. He groans against you, causes your thighs to tremble in overstimulation. Todo removes himself from your pussy (not before licking up as much slick as possible), and smiles up at you. 
“You’re so wonderful, (Nickname)-Chan! I should’ve done this sooner!” 
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
Power Couple
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing 
Genre: Fluff, Humor
Summary: Sean, Felix, Dave, and Joel welcome Corpse’s girlfriend to a game of Party Animals. It’s her first time playing and she has to deal with a lot more than just the controls and objectives - her boyfriend being a cute, cuddly sweetheart with ulterior motives to his clinginess.
Requested by @susceptible-but-siriusexual. Thank you so much for your request! Hope I captured what you wanted and how you wanted. Feel free to send any other requests you may have XOXO
It’s been one hell of a day. Had to correct twice as many documents as I was originally supposed to at work; found my car with a flat tire in the parking lot as I was about to go home; argued with my boss over the phone while stuck in a traffic jam. It’s been a rough twelve hours, but it has led me here and that’s what I’d rather think about.
By ‘here’ I mean I’m sitting on the couch in Corpse’s recording room, my computer in my lap, my screen displaying the screen to the game Party Animals. The suggestion was Corpse’s. He immediately picked up on my below par mood and wasted no time finding a solution to bright up the remainder of the day, shadowing the shitty portion of it. I am not what you would call a gamer. Sure I’ve played Among Us with Corpse and his friends a few times. Even that I struggle to do because I’m internally fangirling over all the people in the lobby. Yeah, dating a youtuber doesn’t mean you automatically stop gushing over the many content creators on the platform you’ve been watching for quite some time now. Corpse knows how nervous I get so he’s always near me when we play with Sean, Felix and the other. All he has to do is give me that encouraging smile and wink of his and I’m good to go. Side note: massive props to him for going easy on me in Among Us, getting teasingly called ‘simp’ by his friends in the process.
“You’ll love it.“ He promised me over and over again as the game was downloading on my computer.
“I don’t doubt that, Corpse. But I am going in completely blind and I seriously don’t wanna embarrass myself.“ I mumble a quick ‘nor you‘ under my breath, hoping he doesn’t catch it because I’m in for a pep talk if he does. 
To my dismay, he does, “Listen here, you couldn’t embarrass me even if you actively tried to do something outrageous. Most likely scenario, I’d join you in the act.” He ducks in front of the couch so we’re at eye level, his hand coming up to cup my cheek in the sweetest, most comforting gesture ever. “We’ll show em who’s the boss at stealing candy.”
I can’t help but laugh, feeling unable to express just how much this man means to me. Words can’t do the feeling justice.
“Corpse Wife has arrived!“
Hearing all the greetings lights a flame in my chest, the warmth spreading all the way to my neck and cheeks. “Hi guys! Missed playing with you!”
“We missed you too!“ Dave, the only one of the gaming gang I’ve actually met in person, replies to me, his words along with all the others’ wrapping around me like a comfort blanket. Despite them knowing I’m a fan of theirs, they’ve always made me feel welcomed, comfortable, nothing less than them.
“You know anything about this game?“ Felix asks me.
I shake my head, almost forgetting he can’t see me, “Corpse told me it’s funny and cute. It sounds like the perfect game for me.” 
“Oh no, this is a game of survival. Survival of the fittest!“ Sean shouts excitedly, a bang following his shout I can only assume was him hitting his desk.
“I’d like to think I’m pretty fit.“ I shrug my shoulders, laughing along with the guys.
“This is the only way to find out if you actually are.“ Joel’s voice comes through my headphones in the form of a tease.
Sean mumbles quietly to himself as he’s deciding how to separate us in two teams. “Guys, a little help here. We all suck at this game, it doesn’t really matter who’s in which team.”
“Actually...“ Felix trails off, “Corpse and Y/N are the ultimate power couple in Among Us. Chances are they will be in this as well. So, the only logical move would be to...“
“I’m taking Y/N, you take Corpse.“ Sean declares. “Joel, Dave, who do you guys wanna be with?“
And the game starts. Sean, Joel and I are the Meowfia while Corpse, Felix and Dave are yet to choose a team name. We throw around snarky, cocky comments at each other, taunting the opposite team as we struggle to take the candy to our respective sides of the map.
“Don’t you dare pull that lever, Dave!“ I launch at Dave, knocking his cute avatar away from the lever, buying Joel and Sean some time to steal back the gummy bear Corpse and Felix took from us.
“Y/N! Joel is out! Help me!“ Sean is freaking out now. I ditch Dave’s unconscious body and run to Sean’s aid. 
As I’m helping him push it towards out area a member from the opposite team latches onto my avatar, weighing me down and hindering me from doing anything.
“Hug!“ Corpse laughs as he has literally turned into a koala, holding onto my avatar.
“Corpse, you know you are actually supposed to hinder Y/N, not hug her. It’s cute though, don’t get me wrong.“ Felix laughs as him and Sean continue to struggle over the gummy bear.
“Nah, his tactic’s great. I can’t do shit.“ I desperately try and shake him off, “Babe, this is unfair. I can’t even be mad at you!“ I whine, staring to panic now that Dave is back to life and Joel is nowhere to be seen.
The round is won by Felix, Dave and Corpse who, if I might add, didn’t let go of me for the rest of the game.
We switch maps, now every man for himself. We’re on the submarine, recreating the Hunger Games with cute fuzzy animals. The thought passes through my mind, causing me to giggle.
“Y/N, you sound exactly like I’d imagine your avatar to sound. You’re so cute.“ Sean’s avatar circles mine a few times as he laughs.
He’s not wrong, my pale blue puppy is indeed cute. Apparently immortal as well.
“How is Y/N still alive?! Holy shit, her and Corpse really are a power couple.“ Dave shrieks when he sees me pick up the freeze gun. “NOOO!“ He shouts, devastated by the fact I shot him, sending him straight to his death.
“Chill, Dave. It’s all cool. Nothing personal.“ I struggle to hide my laughter, “No hard feelings, right?“
“Of course not, love.“ I can tell he grits the sentence through clenched teeth.
“Aw Dave, you are such an ice guy.“ I giggle, now shooting Joel with the gun.
“Someone take that gun from her!“ Sean cries as him and Felix race up the submarine.
Suddenly, the avatar of my boyfriend again wraps itself around mine. I hadn’t seen him in a while, considering Sean knocked him into the ocean earlier in the round. 
“How are you still alive?!“ I try to spin my puppy to get him to let go but he holds on tightly. “Babe, I swear, you are cute and I love you, but this is ridiculous. How and why are you alive?”
“That’s his superpower! He never fucking dies.“ Felix laughs, letting out a yelp when he briefly slips while climbing.
“Immortals!!! Immortals!!!“ Sean breaks out into a song, a song I really like, breaking the restraints I had on my laughter.
“Drop the gun or we’re dying together.“ He says almost seriously. Even though I can only see the back of his head I know he’s grinning.
“A Titanic/Romeo and Juliet mashup? Why not? I can live with dying a double historical death.“ Even though I appear accepting of his offer, I’m still trying to set myself free.
In the end, Sean claims his first win of the game and the rest of us are dead at the bottom of the ocean. Corpse and I did indeed die a Romeo and Juliet/Titanic death, getting everyone in their feels. We make a deal to get together and play again as soon as possible and we all go our separate ways, exiting the Discord call.
*Later that night* 
After a dinner consisting of takeout and two thirds of a shitty romantic comedies, Corpse shifts from next to me, starting to get up from the couch. I am surprised to feel jolted out of a half sleep as the room is now completely silent, the TV being turned off.
“Hey where’re you going?“ I ask groggily, rubbing my sleepy eyes.
“I have some editing to do. Don’t worry, I won’t stay up too late.“ He kisses my forehead before grabbing his phone from the coffee table.
Just as he’s about to walk away, I wrap my arms around his legs. He laughs, catching onto what I’m insinuating. His chuckle brings a smile to my face and butterflies in my belly. No matter how long we date for or how much time we spend together, some things never change. 
“Payback, huh?“ He asks, the smile audible in the question. I keep my eyes shut but nod, my arms still around his legs. “Alright, you koala. You’re coming with me.”
In his recording room, he settles in his chair placing me in his lap in a way that my legs dangling off to the side, my side leaning against his chest, my face hidden in the crook of his neck. We’re both comfortable, content and relaxed.
I don’t know when exactly it happens, but all my mind has registered is a quiet ‘I love you’ and the soft touch of Corpse’s lips on my temple. I manage to reply with an ‘I love you too’ before my sleepiness consumes me, my body completely relaxing against his, the warmth of his body, his scent, the sound of his breathing making me feel safe and loved: the two feelings I want him to feel with the same intensity when I’m in his arms.
Something tells me he does.
@simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @hacker-ghost  @itsminniekat  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17 @chrysanthykios  @annshit @i-cant-choose-a-username-help
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keanureevesisbae · 2 years
oblivious - part 8
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Summary: Sy wants to tell Ivy something, but not with a little bit of help from Erin
Captain Syverson x Ivy Sullivan Wordcount: 2.6k Warning: None Masterlist // Oblivious masterlist //
It’s been a week since Ivy moved in and she made the necessary changes—as expected. Her influences are all over the house and she has been baking so many sweet goods and just food in general. She hangs up the drawings the girls make on the fridge and Erin’s essay which earned her an A is right next to it. It starts to feel like a home now.
Her back is becoming stronger now, as she does light exercises to strengthen her muscles again, however she still needs help getting in and out of bed, the car and off the couch. The girls have shown how much they have grown and care about each other and Ivy.
But something is eating Sy alive. He is so falling for her, head first, and it’s not even funny anymore. Every time he and the guys are working on her place (which is really moving along), he keeps on looking over to his own house, hoping to see Ivy sitting there. And sometimes she is, but she’s either sleeping or reading or on her phone. Sometimes she’s actively watching, waving to them and with the help of the girls, she brings them all something to drink.
While she makes it perfectly clear she doesn’t really like his friends, she is grateful they are helping with her house.
And then she shows off her smile she’s been reserving for him, only for Sy. Her smile is wide, reaches her eyes and she’s so incredibly beautiful when she does so. He never wants her to stop.
He is sitting at the kitchen island and watches how she’s reading a story to Aurora and Clover. The girls are leaning against her side, careful not to hurt her. ‘You want something to drink, sweethearts?’ she asks.
The two of them nods, so she wants to push herself up, but coming from that deep in the couch, she experiences a little trouble. Sy is quick to move up to her, telling her to stay put. ‘Ivy, Ivy, don’t.’
‘I want to.’
‘Then let me help you,’ he says.
She doesn’t want to say yes, but then she nods and he places his hands on her arms, helping her up. He can see the tears in her eyes, but she blinks them away. ‘Thanks.’
‘You’ve got this?’
She nods. ‘I do.’
‘Maybe not sit there anymore,’ he says, a smirk toying on his face.
She glares at him, but then she smacks him in the stomach. ‘Thanks, Einstein, could never have figured that out on my own.’
He watches her go to the kitchen, followed by the footsteps of Aurora and Clover. ‘You manage?’
‘Always and otherwise I have a little girl whose scream can be heard on the other side of our little town.’ Ivy chuckles. ‘I’ve got this,’ she says, almost like she says it to put him at ease, ‘I’ve got to have this in the future.’
He nods and walks out of the living room. He goes upstairs, to Erin’s room where she’s doing her homework. After he knocked on her door and walked in after she told him to come in, he says: ‘Erin, I kinda need your help.’
‘With telling Ivy you love her?’ Erin closes the book, before she sits up straighter on her bed. ‘I figured you needed my help eventually, since you’re oblivious and a total noob.’ Before he can tell her to watch her her mouth, she says: ‘Close the door, so I can tell you my plan.’
‘You made a plan?’ he asks, as he closes the door, remaining a little dumbfounded. ‘How did you know?’
‘You think I am blind?’ Erin asks, cocking an eyebrow. ‘She’s also totally in love with you, but as issues showing it. She’s not really a relationship type of girl, just like you hate relationships too. However, since you are both yearning for love, I’m here to help you.’
Sy frowns. ‘Really?’
‘I have had long talks with Ivy way before you were showing how much you liked her, so yes, I can help you. You want my help or be a failure and come up with something unromantic yourself?’
He pushes her on the mattress and she lets out a chuckle. ‘I need your help, kid, so drop the attitude and help me out.’
☁︎ ☁︎ ☁︎
So, the plan consisted of a few steps. Step one, Erin and the girls would take Ivy shopping. Step two, Sy would fix himself up a bit, which meant getting his beard a little groomed, because he let it get a bit crazy and dress up a bit. He has managed to find a white blouse, some slacks and a pair of shoes that look sorta presentable and aren’t covered with mud.
The door opens and he hears the giggles of the girls and Ivy. He stands in the middle of living room when the four of them walk in. It must be quite the sight, because Ivy has a deep frown between her brows. ‘What’s this?’ Ivy asks with a frown. ‘You look— you look— Good, I guess.’
He looks at Erin, because he doesn’t quite know how to say it. His niece nods and says: ‘He’s taking you out tonight, hence the reason we took you shopping.’
‘Why is he— why are you taking me out?’
‘To thank you,’ Sy says slightly unsure, wiping his hands on his slacks. ‘I’ve got something planned, including a babysitter.’
Ivy purses her lips together. ‘Okay,’ she says, visibly impressed, ‘I’ll go change. Erin, walk with me.’
While those two disappear and head upstairs, Aurora and Clover look at him. ‘Ivy bought a very beautiful dress,’ Aurora says.
Sy nods, not knowing how to respond to that.
‘Kiss?’ Clover asks and with just one word, she got him blushing.
He clears his throat. ‘No, no, Clover, I’m gonna thank her for everything she’s done for us. So no kiss.’
Aurora might be young, but from the looks of it, she isn’t buying it. She’s getting quite the attitude. He hears Erin and Ivy laugh from upstairs and when it’s obvious the other girls wanna join the fun too, he nonverbally tells them to go up. While they rush upstairs, he grabs his phone, to send Jason a message.
Sy: Just do me a favor, okay?
Sy: Wish me luck.
Jason: Sure…
Jason: Good luck?
Jason: Why though?
Sy: Taking Ivy out
Jason: Don’t worry, you got it
Jason: She likes you too
Sy: We’ll see bout that
Jason: No man, it’s obvious
Jason: She has a polite smile, I’ve seen her do it at the gym a lot
Jason: A slightly condescending one, I’ve been on the receiving end of that one multiple times
Jason: And a very special one, especially reserved for you
Jason: You got this, man
The girls all stumble down the stairs and they look so happy when they stand in front of him. ‘She looks beautiful,’ Aurora says.
‘Ivy pretty,’ Clover adds.
Erin smiles. ‘Don’t screw this up,’ she tells him. ’I urge you not to.’
Ivy walks down the stairs and Sy lets his hand run over his short hairs. She looks absolutely stunning. He has never seen her wear a dress, let alone a blue one that brings out the best of her features.
‘Wow,’ Sy says.
She stops in her tracks. ‘Is that a good wow or do I need to change?’
He shakes his head. ‘It’s a good wow.’ He walks up to her and holds out his hand. She takes it and stands on the ground on white sneakers.
‘I wished my back would’ve allowed it, but I can’t wear heels just yet.’
‘Then you owe me that for another time.’ Sy is impressed with how smooth that was, because he seems to be a talking mess when he’s in front of Ivy. Let this be a little preview of the rest of tonight.
She smiles, before rolling her eyes.
‘You go,’ Erin says, ‘I’ve got this covered. Miss Sue from next door will come over here in five minutes.’
Sy shakes his head. ‘No way, missy, we’re waiting until miss Sue is here.’
Much to her delight, the doorbell rings and by the impatient knocking, it’s miss Sue. ‘Oh, darlin’, you look breathtakingly gorgeous,’ miss Sue says to Ivy.
‘Thank you, ma’am,’ she says. ‘You girls behave.’
‘We will,’ they say in unison and Sy looks over at Erin one more time, who gives him an encouraging nod. They walk towards the front door and Sy helps Ivy from the stairs of the porch. He also helps her with getting in the car and once he is sitting in the driver’s seat, he looks to the side.
‘What?’ Ivy asks.
‘Nothing,’ he says. ‘I hope you liked what I had planned.’
She chuckles. ‘I feel like Erin had a say in this and she hit the nail on the head with the puppy cuddling.’
‘She indeed had a say in this. In all fairness, this was totally her doing.’
☁︎ ☁︎ ☁︎
Erin had the grand idea to go to the local diner. She told him Ivy always wanted to go there with someone, share a milkshake and some unhealthy sweets, like strawberry shortcake. He had called prior and he was guaranteed the best seats of the house.
The two of them are seated across from each other and because he had already given the order through the phone when he sorta made reservations, they are now waiting for the strawberry milkshake and the shortcake, though she has no idea.
‘The house is coming along very well,’ Ivy says, looking absolutely ethereal. She runs her fingers through her straight black hair and smiles. ‘Is it gonna look the same, exterior wise?’
‘Pretty much,’ Sy confesses, ‘though I’ve made some small adjustments.’
‘Do you think I’ll like it?’
‘I hope so,’ he says, ‘because otherwise you’ll never let go about it.’
She shrugs, before she chuckles. ‘True.’ She looks around and says: ‘I’ve always wanted to go here. Can’t believe I’m here with you.’
‘Why not?’
‘Two reasons: one, I thought you didn’t really want to be seen with me and two, because you know… everyone in Lubbock wants you.’
‘That’s not true.’
She glares at him. ‘Sy, don’t be stupid. You know how wanted you are.’
‘Do you know you are too?’
She shakes her head. ‘Don’t change the subject. Tell me, why haven’t you ever… Ever went on a date with anyone here?’
Because no one is like you. ‘Because,’ he says, ‘I am not interested in them.’
’I see,’ she says.
The waiter walks up their table and places down the milkshake and strawberry shortcake. ’Enjoy,’ he says with a smile.
Sy looks over at Ivy, whose eyes have lit up. ‘Oh my, this is so cool. I’ve always wanted to do this!’ She looks at the strawberry milkshake and the two straws. ‘Come,’ she says. ‘Sit next to me.’
‘Sit next to me,’ she says again. ‘I can’t lean over the table.’ She pats the seat next to her and Sy is quick to take place where she wants. ‘You know, you’re the first one I’m gonna share a milkshake with. I remember one time, when I was adopted for the second time I believe, I saw a picture in a magazine they had. They really liked those old school kinda magazines, and pictures around the house, you know. So I saw a picture of a couple who shared a milkshake and I’ve always wanted to do that with someone.’
‘And you mind it’s with me?’
He feels a bubble of confidence and he knows if he doesn’t do anything, he’ll probably can never muster up that same confidence again.
‘Ivy,’ he says, ‘I’ve got to say something.’
She nods. ‘Okay.’
‘This date… It’s not just to thank you. I mean, I do want to thank you, because you have been so good to me and the girls.’
She smiles. ‘It’s my pleasure, Sy.’
‘But… It’s also because I wanted to tell you… I’m falling in love with you.’
That takes Ivy by surprise, because her eyes are widened. ‘No,’ she then says, ‘you’re not.’
He was not expecting that answer. ‘Ivy, I am,’ he says. ‘You have no idea. I have never felt about anyone in my life, like I feel for you. I saw how much Caleb and Loretta loved one another and I remember thinking: I would never be able to feel like that. But then I met you and sure, I despised you at first, but then I realized that… I don’t want anyone else. I just want you.’
Tears have filled her eyes and she shakes her head again. ‘No, Sy, that’s not true. One day, you’ll get sick of me.’
Sy scoffs. ‘Nonsense.’
‘Everyone in my life has gotten sick of me and one day you will too.’
He shakes his head, realizing scoffing isn’t gonna change her mind—being sympathetic about her childhood, the fears and traumas will. ‘No, no, no’ he says. ‘Please, Ivy. Listen to me, I am in love with you, only you and no one else. I’m not like them. I’m not gonna ask a refund whenever you do something I don’t like. I want you as you are. Please, Ivy, give me, give us a chance.’
‘A chance?’ she whispers. ‘Why?’
‘Because I can show you how much deep all of it is, how much you mean to me and I never ever ever want to lose you. One chance is all I need.’
She clenches her jaw. ‘One chance is all you need?’
He feverishly nods.
‘One chance, Sy. It’s all I can afford.’
‘And it’s all I need,’ he tells her.
She clears her throat and telling from her darting eyes, she is thinking of her next move. ‘Take a sip of the milkshake,’ she says. ‘Now.’
‘Yes ma’am,’ he laughs and together they take a sip of the milkshake. He looks her right in the eye and despite the left over tears, she is smiling. After a sip from their milkshake, she grabs him by his tie and pulls him in for a kiss. He is taken aback, not knowing she’d go for it in this manner, but he is quick to melt his lips against hers. He deepens the kiss he so longed for.
‘You don’t have to sleep on the couch anymore,’ she says against his lips. ‘As long as you don’t feel me up, like your pervert friends would do.’
He chuckles. ‘I promise I won’t.’
‘Just remember, I can’t promise I won’t do anything stupid. I’m so used of pushing people away.’
‘We’ll manage, Ivy Sullivan. We will manage.’
☁︎ ☁︎ ☁︎
Ivy holds his hand in hers, as they walk towards the porch. The rest of the date, they spend laughing, hugging and lots of kissing. Never had Sy let down his guards as much as he did with her and he realized he cannot possibly ever let Ivy go. She’s one of kind. She is the woman he unknowingly waited for all his life.
The door opens and the three girls are waiting for them. All are clothed in their pajamas. ‘Is Ivy our auntie now?’ Aurora asks.
Sy squeezes Ivy’s hand. ‘I think so. You should ask her.’
Aurora looks to Ivy, who lets out a laugh. ‘I am,’ she says. ‘But remember, I’m no regular aunt. I’m a cool aunt, capice?’
Clover cheers. ‘Cool Auntie Ivy.’
As the little ones are hugging Ivy, Erin walks up to Sy. ‘Erin,’ he says, ‘thank you. For everything.’
‘Not a problem.’ Erin wraps her arms around his waist. It’s the first time she hugs him, but after Ivy moved in with them, she warmed up to him. ‘Besides, it was mostly for me anyway. Now I’ve got myself a cool aunt.’
‘Sorry to butt in,’ Miss Sue says. ‘How about I take a picture of y’all? This is a pretty memorable moment, I believe.’
Erin hands the camera to her and they all stand on the porch. They wrestle a bit who can stand where. Sy places his hand on the small of Ivy’s back. He cannot believe he is surrounded by four women who have changed his life forever.
‘Alright,’ miss Sue says, ‘say: Ivy is the best!’
‘Ivy is the best!’
☁︎ ☁︎ ☁︎
Oblivious taglist: @diegos-butt // @oddsnendsfanfics // @crazybutconfidentaf // @thelastsock // @angelcavill66 // @eldarwen333 // @abschaffer2 // @shewritesinthethirdperson // @thereisa8ella // @funfickgirl22 // @offtheclockcilantro // @liecastillo // @heather-c-m // @its--fandom--darling // @coldmuffinbanditshoe // @lyrarodriguez // @islacharlotte // @calwitch // @pterodactylterrace // @needmorereading // @joaniepencil // @gearhead66 // @sofiebstar // @summersong69 // @kebabgirl67
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egg-emperor · 2 years
i feel like Eggman being a joke is just a surface level, brain dead take of his character. If you judge his entire character by his surface level behavior, then of course you're going to fall into those one dimensional stereotypes!
YES, he is silly and goofy a lot of the time! but part of Eggman's depth is that he's also equally as terrifying. Its ironic how even sonic fans themselves get tricked by his behavior.
oh yeah, it's definitely due to a mere surface level viewing of his character for sure. but it also still baffles me even then that so many of them don't even recognize any moments of blatant evil of his that couldn't be presented any more clearly right on screen and in audio that anyone should be able to recognize clear as day. so I'd say in many cases, it also takes some serious and often intentional or at least oblivious ignorant honing in on his humorous aspects alone and nothing else at all in order for them to still misinterpret him as a mere joke after all that.
that definitely happens too and very often goes hand in hand with it because there's been a few times that I've seen people commenting on Eggman moments where they take things out of context, or focus on something they find funny about it alone, without acknowledging that said moment is also clearly showing more than just his silly side. it shows they must be blinded by ignorance a lot of the times whether they realize it or not, as I really don't feel like the humor ever truly overshadows the evil. it really is down to one dimensional viewing and ignorance.
I mean, I can totally understand if someone that didn't know much about the series had the assumption that he wasn't capable of being so evil and intimidating because his design isn't threatening and his charming silliness and humor is one of his defining traits. but the fact that a guy like him is also capable of so much serious evil and being the consistent threat to the planet is part of what makes him so great! it's a shame that people don't see how cool and important that is to his character, even after becoming familiar with the series despite it being so blatant.
it's so wild to me how anyone that has actually played the games or at least watched videos can continue to overlook these aspects when his plans and evilness are literally the start and ending point for the stories so often. if he was just silly and barely evil then most of Sonic's adventures wouldn't have even happened, it's because of how evil he is that there's a threat to the world for Sonic to deal with in most of the games. I feel like some of them really have to choose to ignore and outwardly refuse to acknowledge the blatant proof.
and god yeah I find it hilarious. while it's frustrating that people overlook his evil just because he's also funny, I guess it proves how good he is at deceiving because if they were in the Sonic world, they'd fall for his empire and theme park propegganda, believe the Interstellar Park is innocent silly fun and due to remorse for past actions despite being a fucked up death trap made possible through abusing poor Wisps' energy, and fall for times he says he'll change his ways and manipulates lol. though it can also due to wanting to believe he isn't that evil and can change.
Eggman's depth and how he's the perfect example of a multidimensional villain being overlooked is always a shame. but I think some people have especially wild ways of misinterpreting, since his evil gets enough focus that I expect to be recognized even on the surface level. because he's the main villain of the series for a reason and no matter how silly he gets, the stories are sure to present him as a true threat with his serious evil and threatening moments of massive plot significance. it will always be crazy to me how people can't recognize it even when it's right in their face.
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tutuandscoot · 2 years
All this talk with @raraaaaa20 makes me think again.. why TF anyone is ever questioning VM status as the Greatest of all Time….
Like why is that even something people have to think about???
It’s as simple to understand as 1+1=2. And for a subjective sport- that it is that blind and obvious- only says how large and unfathomable the gap is..
Of course there have been other ‘great’ teams. TD were amazing for their era- they brought something new to the sport-challenged what it could be, had a distinct style, consistency etc.. but what the sport was then is completely different to what it is now. I’ve heard people say that they wonder if any current/recent team could do Bolero- all the changes of hold, sustaining the attention of an audience with a piece of music like that… etc.. but I think the question should be could any team then and now EVER do what VM do…. ? Show me a team that could compete all of VM’s senior CD, SD, and FD to the technical and artistic quality that they did…. My condolences for your loss of that argument.
VM could of easily done Bolero- or something similar to it. They have the strength as athletes and understanding of musicality. They wouldn’t have tho. They were out to create their own legacy and own moments. Also there’s more to it then just doing the choreography. Jane was much shorter than Chris. And since it’s a sport and there are rules.. there are things they did then that one no would even be training to do now coz it’s not allowed. But did TD possess the natural dance ability to have performed Mahler/Carmen/Latch/MR/SFTD??
I have absolutely no problem with people liking or preferring the “style” of a team over another. But style isn’t enough. If you are the ‘best’ only at your ‘style’ then that doesn’t equate to being the best at the sport. You are proving time and time again that you can only do your style, and riding your ‘success’ off of that, despite you looking awkward AF in any SD/RD, and can’t even hide the fact you look and feel awkward AF... It’s like when kid dancers come out and only ever turn to the right or only ever show flexibility on their left side and fill the routine with turns and tilts to hide the fact that they can’t really dance. If the rest of it is shit, the musicality, turn out, performance quality, etc.. then you can not be considered the best well-rounded dancer.
Case and point: I should prefer the style of the 🇫🇷. But here’s the problem with it.. I know exactly what they are trying to do.. I have danced that ‘style’ a lot. I have danced to both MS and PS.. but I don’t prefer them. because I know exactly what they are ‘trying’ to do.. and I know what it’s meant to look like. I discovered VM at the same time as 🇫🇷- I watched that FD competition. I knew nothing about either of them. And VM were beyond superior. That 🇫🇷 style, while it was maybe new to FS, is not some ground breaking, innovate art form. I can tell you where they took inspiration from for the majority of their programs from the 15-18 season. Now there is nothing wrong with taking inspiration and finding a style that works for you.. but there are a lot of issues with it also, and if you can’t back it up with actual talent, hard work and humility, you’ve lost me. And if your success is the result of the system being rigged for you, and you still get around convincing yourself you are indeed ‘the best’ and put down others along the way.. you do not deserve anything you have been given.
Below is a list of things that beyond anything show why VM are the best their sport has ever seen- beyond their medals, records, etc..
Their versatility: show me one time they flat out repeated a program- I don’t want to hear the argument that Mahler and Seasons are the same program- they are not. They may both have the similar classical “style” but they are completely different.. not to mention that in that quad they went from Mahler (classical/lyrical), to Latin, to Funny Face (Broadway), to Carmen (contemporary/modern/opera) to Seasons (straight up classical ballet) and beyond whether an audience believes they repeated themselves, they chose not to. They chose to do something different every time- bring something different, a new spin every time, new lifts, different stories.
Their longevity: to stay at the top this long is one thing, but they did it while injured. They did it after stepping away entirely for 2 years, came back and we’re straight back to the top. At only 3 senior international competitions EVER did they place off the podium. (TEB 2006- 4th, Worlds 2007- 6th, GPF 2007- 4th) and their longevity over many changes of the sport’s technical and narrative landscape. While they were versatile- they never gave in to the direction the sport started to take during their hiatus- when they came back they didn’t settle for getting level 4 with junior lifts and inferior technique. They were the gold standard when they stopped after Sochi and when they came back they improved themselves 10 fold. So technically the top teams were already behind them in Sochi- STILL behind them in 16/17- but VM only got better… where’s the argument against that???
They didn’t do it with any favouritism, judging bias in their favour: even at nationals they were scored harshly. Whatever place ‘narrative’ has in FS, it was never in their favour. The narrative was created with DW that they were technical and VM were artistic, purely because DW didn’t have an artistic sensibility fibre in their body. They played it incredibly safe every time. Again, I have no judgement if for some they prefer DW ‘style’ but you can not come up with an argument that says that overall, and for the legacy of the sport they were better or more influential then VM.
They never played it safe: VM’s Carmen was so out of the box that no judge/ FS insider could really understand it. They didn’t know how to score it because it was so beyond the artistic comprehension of any of them. I watch that program now and technically it is SO 👏 FUCKING 👏 HARD 👏. Literally if any other team attempted that they would be on the floor with broken bones by the first curve lift, not to mention show me another team that has the balls to in the first 15 seconds of the program, figuratively and cinematically imply that they are sexually assaulting each other (don’t get me started on how much further the ‘not Mickey Mouse’ version would’ve taken it). Then they did the same with MR. but this time they understood that the program had to develop, and because more was at stake, refine and refine it until there was no points left on the table.
I said I would never mention ‘said team’ again so I won’t by name but you know what I’m getting at.
The ‘rivalry’ VM faced in their comeback is to me even worse and illegitimate to that of the previous quad with DW. I’m not the first and hardly the one with the most skating knowledge to point out just the technical superiority of VM compared to their rivals.
You may have read me and @pennielane mention that VM are their sport’s equivalent to Lennon and McCartney.. here’s why:
VM’s road to greatness started under similar circumstances- By a chance meeting. It was a case of these two people finding a connection and nurturing their- at the time, unknown potential. This nurturing occurred and just happened to be during a time of significant change in the landscape around them - the cultural revolution of the 50’s/60’s vs the upheaval of the sport of ice dance in the mid 2000’s.
In both scenarios, it was the right people, at the right time, with ability to see it though- and not just see it though getting to the top and making an initial impact, but the will and drive to continue to make a difference, to better themselves, to never settle. The understanding that their art served a greater purpose beyond themselves.
I think the through line, or reoccurring factor in VM’s main rivals, is the apparent lack of will and desire to improve for the sake of improving. The unique thing about FS and ice dance, is that compared to being, say a runner- the best, fastest runner in the world, and someone starts running faster than you and beats you, if you want to continue winning you will have to start running faster. In FS, you have the powers above (judges, federations, ISU). The ability for you to not get better, you can settle and repeat yourself and still win.
VM never had that. They had no choice to improve. The only way in a lot of cases they were going to win is to dare the judges not to put them first. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t. Sometimes the stack against them was impenetrable. And in PYC they did what even those powers above thought was impossible.
Here’s a confession: I hate the term GOAT. I wish I didn’t have to use and imply it as much as I do. Really, I don’t care if VM are the GOATs.. the impact they have had on my life, the way they move and inspire me is greater than any amount of medals and records could ever compare to. All I care about is that they get the credit they deserve and their legacy is not spat on. And and I’d like to think in the argument I’ve made above I have remained at least somewhat unbiased.. VM are my dancing bbys, they always will be. But I’d like to think I can make enough factual judgments to backup reasoning for their brilliance within the field of their sport.. there is just no conceivable argument against their greatness.
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk. Enjoy some happy, smiling, golden bbys.❤️
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