#tw razor
warrenmike · 2 months
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moments from sweeney todd that i haven't been able to stop thinking about since i saw it part 1/?
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coreaflame · 25 days
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1percentcharge · 1 year
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sonicpilled · 9 months
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agere-clown · 3 months
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❤︎Lil'Monster Themed Agere Stimbored❤︎
Credit to @alastors-stim-broadcast for the devil teddy bear gif^_^
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moodboard for william afton
for anon
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lemonastims · 2 years
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you can't be everything you want to be before your time- although it's so romantic on the borderline tonight.
red and orange dirkdave for anon!! i tried to give it a bit of variety cuz i didn't have any themes to go off of but as per usual my love of food stims is showing
sources under the cut!
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answersfromzestual · 3 months
Facial Hair Information and Shaving Tips and Tricks
Today, I wanted to talk about shaving and give you some tips and tricks I have learned over the years and also about some facial hair facts.
⚠️ Warning ⚠️ if you are prone to harm yourself, I advise you to use the bladeless facial hair razors for your safety.⚠️
A good way to help yourself look more masculine at the beginning of transition is shaving your face. Getting rid of the peach fuzz on your face is a good way to make you look more age appropriate.
If you cut your face while shaving, stick pieces of toilet paper on the cuts to stop the bleeding (assuming the injury is smaller). Just rip off a small piece and press it to your cut until it sticks. Within 5 or so minutes, you should have stopped bleeding. Seek medical attention if it does not stop bleeding or the injury is bad.
More blades aren't always better. I used multiple bladed razors many years of my life, and I now have an issue with ingrown hairs.
Using a simple single blade, a safety razor is a good option for less iritation and a close shave. My family doctor actually told me to switch to a single blade. It has reduced the irritation on my face, and it is more comfortable. There is a bit of a learning curve, so I HIGHLY suggest a safety single blade razor or non bladed razor to begin.
Shaving helps hair grow! By exfoliating your facial skin as you shave, it helps stimulate hair follicles and, therefore, hair growth. Also is a way good way to help facial hair grow in nice and healthy.
Shaving your facial hair makes the actual individual hairs thicker and darker, not the amount of hair itself, hair growth takes time.
Some products use the phrase "fuller and thicker or your money back", this is their way of being sneaky. As you shave and take proper care of your face you will just naturally get some growth without that product and that phrase is so vague that they can refuse your refund because the individual hairs on your face are thicker and darker. Don't fall for the traps! Especially when you can't fight your genetics.
Beard oils or some kind of facial hair moisturizer can help your beard grow. Now, these may not themselves trigger hair growth, but having clean, healthy skin can help you get some growth in time (have bedtime routine). The downside these oils can contribute to acne breakouts.
Aftershave can help reduce irritation on your face and cleanses your skin. It does burn when you first apply it to your shaved face, but I find that using a cooling aftershave, the burning went away so quickly and didn't leave my face irritated and red. Without aftershave, my face is irritated longer, and it can leave me looking all red.
Genetics. Genetics play a huge role in body and facial hair, even head hair. You will have similar patterns of hair growth and loss as the men on both sides of your family.
Genetics pt. 2: I have my dad's exact body hair growth pattern (little chest hair, little stomach hair, thin arm hair, no back hair, no shoulder hair, even our calve leg hair thickness is similar. But since I do have a mother, there are some differences as well. I believe I still have hair thanks to her. My father, at my current age, was as completely bald. I have hair. It's just getting thinner on top. I feel like baldness is where I am headed, but hey, that is still a difference. I'm also just assuming because of my father's side. Mother's side has very thin hair, but no balding. So my hair destiny is not written in stone yet. It's honestly a toss-up at this point.
Using a spike roller meant for facial hair two to three times a week, along with a skin routine and shaving, I feel helped really excellerate my beard growth. The roller helps exfoliate your skin deeper and makes tiny holes, helping stimulate hair follicles that tell hair to grow and help little trapped ones out. The science isn't sure about this method. My wife swears it worked for me. 💁🏽‍♂️ ***Keep it clean as per the instructions for the device***
The first parts that mostly grew in for me were: my side burns, then my mustache, then my neck beard really filled in and was probably the first to actually fill in.
When I was in mid 20's I tried growing a mustache. Even if the hairs are growing, it can take time to "fill in". I had an old woman tell me I had something on my face then says "oh wait you're trying to grow a moustache". Laugh that off, it comes with having facial hair.
Patience. Having patience with your facial hair. Don't be discouraged because it's spotty or not full. It will get there if your genetics will allow it.
Sometimes, it's good to rotate being clean shaven and having facial hair of some sort. I found when I was growing my beard out, that shaving clean, growing my face out for a few days, repeating, helped my hair grow in faster.
Facial hair can help make breakouts worse! If you do have facial hair and you either have acne related to your HRT or genetics or both, keep your face clean. Wash it well. Your facial hairs also have oils on them (like your head hairs) these can contribute to your breakouts. Another contributing factor to breakouts is the longer your facial hair, the harder it can be to actually fully cleanse your skin.
If you are prone to breakouts, personally, I would stay either clean shaven or have very little/short facial hair style. If it is due to your HRT (hormone replacement therapy)/puberty, just let your skin settle down before growing that bush-man beard.
Using razors that do not have blades is a great option for clumsy people, people with dexterity issues, if you perhaps have blood clotting issues, or if you just don't want to get cut in general. Do your research. Some razors work better than others, some create facial irritation more than traditional razors, and, lastly, some can literally bruse or burn your skin. Read reviews before you purchase, good and bad reviews. You want to know as much information to make the best decision for you.
Using a bladless razor, you most likely won't get the same close clean shave as a bladed razor, but it's a good way to practice for a bladed razor if one day you'd like a closer shave.
Practice makes perfect. It seems easy to shave, but it's kinda tricky when you start out. Be careful around your jawline, chin, and upper lip. Those are the places that tend to get cut the most while learning to shave.
Do not apply a lot of pressure to the facial hair razor, just let it smoothly glide along your face
Using shaving cream is a good idea with or without a blade, especially at first. With shaving cream, you can use it to keep track of what you've shaved and what you missed.
Using shaving cream with bladed facial hair razors is always a good idea, it helps reduce skin irritation and helps the blade glide better along your skin.
If you would like a demonstration of how to shave, I would be open to making a video for you. I have three different types of razors I can show you.
Most multiple blades razors have a coloured strip that changes when you need to throw it away or change the blades. If you have a safety single blade razor, change your blades about once a week. This was a rule I was told. This is for a few reasons: 1. The blades can rust, 2. The blade can be dull which can lead to more cuts 3. Your bathroom is a bacteria hot spot. You want to make sure you don't cut yourself and introduce a virus or bacteria into your body.
Dull razors will cut you more than fresh razors will.
Take care when shaving and changing blades. Always keep your fingers off the blade itself and hold on the sides. Dispose of safely and properly.
Below are some images to reference what I mean.
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Upper Images are of a bladess razor. You can see it is more like hair clippers than a razor blade.
Bottom left is of a 4 bladed razor, a typical razor that people/men have been using for decades.
Bottom right is of a typical single bladed safety razor. These razors give a great shave but require you to switch out the blade itself, which can be tricky. I can also show you all how I do that safely.
Do you want an instructional video to cover how to shave and how to change the single blade safely, or did I miss anything? Please let me know in my ask box or in comments.
Thank you, I hope you enjoyed this topic.
Stay Golden Everyone ✌️ 💙 💜
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puddingslime · 11 months
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Cherry Slicing
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project-eden · 1 year
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🕰️ @ask-red-velvet-cookie asked: 🕰️
timekeeper stimboard with gears, antiques, and wood?
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therealjackdsaf · 6 months
self insert and 6
Before I write this, I want to tell you all my life is not in danger. I do not plan on committing suicide or self harming any time soon. I've been having a rough few weeks and need to vent my frustrations. I am not in danger. I will not hurt myself. I am okay.
TW: Mentions of suicide/self harm, committing self harm, suicidal ideation, romanticizing suicide, romanticizing death, and other dark themes along that line
Jack quietly sat in the shower, letting the water pour down their bloodied legs. They gently placed a washcloth to the places where it stung the most and winced as the soapy water touched their recent wounds. They cleaned off the razor a bit too and washed their hair as they waited for the bleeding to stop. They turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, wrapping themself in a towel and returning to their room. They got changed into pj's and sat on their bed, before summoning one of their closest friends.
6 stood in front of them and sighed. "Did you do it again?"
"If you are going to keep hurting yourself like this, you ought to just finish the job."
"I know." Jack sighed and pressed a tissue to the wound that was still bleeding. "I just don't want to leave them alone."
"They are not your responsibility," 6 sat next to them. "You are not in control of their emotions."
Jack leaned their head on 6's shoulder. "I know. They'd all be sad if I died, though."
"It still is not your problem."
"I know."
They stayed silent for a few moments.
"There is a few ways you could do it."
"Are you walking to school tomorrow?"
"Traffic is an option. Knives, also. And razors. You can suffocate yourself."
"Okay, we're done now." Jack sighed and looked at themself.
"... It would be freeing, would it not?"
"It would."
"... You could live with me, once you are dead."
"... Think about it."
"I will. See you later, 6."
"See you later."
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2offayyo-kzt · 11 months
slay seanie 💅
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omg shaving with a safety razor is so easy??? Like why tf have I been struggling with disposable plastic crap all these years?
I was afraid to try it because I was worried about cutting myself, but like once the blade was securely in the razor I don't think I could've drawn blood even if I wanted to.
I haven't tried it anywhere by my face yet, but I feel like worst-case scenario for my legs & pits would be if it just *doesn't work*, which would just be if I can't maneuver to get it at the proper angle.
So like, pros of a safety razor:
Shave in the direction of hair growth -- super helpful for around my mouth (I can't tell to how many times I've nicked my lips with plastic multi-blade razors trying to go against the hair growth. That's actually why I finally bought this thing), might turn out to be a draw-back for other parts but it's worth it for this alone.
Environmentally friendly -- no plastic, and the only part you ever have to dispose of is the tiny little blades (idk, some brands may have plastic parts, but even if they do, it wouldn't be a part that you throw away). The one I got is even packaged completely in paper and the blades are technically recyclable (although a lot of recycling programs won't accept them because, y'know, blades).
Easy to clean -- my multi-blade razors always get gummed up super fast with hair and shaving cream (or soap or lotion) and there's so little space between them that even the full pressure of my bathtub faucet often can't loosen it. Not a problem with the safety razor: if you get a bit of stubborn build-up around the blade you can loosen it just a bit so that there's more space for it to rinse out, and then tighten it was back down.
Adjustable -- idk if this is something all safety razors and have, but mine you can reverse a piece when you insert the blade to control the curvature (and maybe exposed length?) of the blade. I used the one it said was for sensitive skin, which may have contributed to to the fact that I couldn't have cut myself even if I wanted to.
Cost-effective -- I started to say cheap, but I decided that could be misleading, since you can get the disposable ones at the dollar store and I paid like to $25 for my safety razor (and that was on sale). But that includes 5 blades, each of which will probably last me as long as 2 of the plastic ones. And I can get 100 more blades for under $20 (or 5 more for $3), and that's if I get them from the razor manufacturer's website;there's a good chance there's cheaper ones elsewhere. So in the long run, I'll be spending less (assuming it works for everything). There are some expensive safety razors out there but hell there are expensive multi-blade ones also.
You need to be careful when handling and disposing of blades (honestly not a big deal at all for me)
Not widely available in physical stores (but we all live online anyway right?)
So yeah, if you've ever thought about trying a safety razor but were too scared, do it! (What I've got is a Rockwell 2C, if you're wondering, but this isn't a plug for any specific brand, just for safety razors in general).
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jregstims · 2 years
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saul goodman lovecore stimboard for a req !! (it wont let me tag them :[)
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the-other-mrstitanic · 10 months
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Roxanne’s pinboard
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