#unless it's not 1am for you and its a reasonable time
maudiemoods · 4 months
Discord posting watch out
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thyandrawrites · 9 months
Stop saying that Reo refers to his dynamic with Nagi as just a business partner, that's not factually true
Or well, it's out of context and only partially true
I keep seeing this argument brought up in nagireo meta as a way to bring ammo to the interpretation that Reo sees their dynamic as transactional while Nagi cares for him as a person, using the Barou scene as a frame of reference, but. As someone who read the whole manga in japanese, fun fact! There's another time where their relationship is brought up with a descriptor before that scene, and it's in fact Reo who refers to Nagi as his partner first. Not a business partner, just a partner. Someone you spend time with.
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To be precise, the word he uses is 相棒 ("aibou"), which, second fun fact, is the same word Bachira used to describe his relationship with Isagi (in the scene where he says "I love you, partner". Just stressing that cause I find it amusing lol). In Bachira's case, this word was officially translated as "buddy". It basically means partner/companion/comrade. As you can see, there's no exploitative subtext, unless you're willing to read that into Bachira's line as well.
This scene was in chapter one of episode Nagi, so it's Reo who sets the tone of their buddying relationship. Nagi just follows.
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When Barou accuses him of being a mindless slave that only follows Reo's orders then, Nagi's prompt response is to call himself "Reo's partner, not a slave", using the word 相方 ("aikata") this time. As you might have noticed, it's almost the same word! Same first kanji, almost no differences in nuance as far as the meaning goes. This one too means partner, companion.
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So, where does the confusion come from? Well, the thing is, Reo does call Nagi his business partner, too! A whole total of once, and it made more sense in context. The reason why this got more attention than the line in chapter one, I believe, is because Reo says it shortly after Nagi candidly called him his aikata, so it jumps out more and makes Reo sound so much colder than he is.
But again, context!
Given how Reo's the first to put a friendly label on their relationship, clearly the intent here is not to tell us he secretly only sees Nagi as an asset whose potential he's investing in. More like, this line was in response to this,
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Nagi's ego rearing its head at long last, and him taking the initiative in a play for the first time. Here he calls him his business partner because Nagi's finally rising to meet him as an equal, instead of simply trudging along because of Reo's pushing. It's Nagi who requests an assist, and Reo enthusiastically provides it, and remarks upon it with this term. But, and please note, in all the three different occurrences, no matter the word in kanji, the furigana always spells out "partner", cause that's what's the focus
So please stop saying that Reo doesn't give the same weight to their friendship as Nagi does, that's just untrue. They both obviously care about each other, and their actions show it better than their words, tbh.
I guess one might still overanalyse the fact that they don't use the same exact term for partner, and wonder what the difference is, as one (me) does. This is what I found (with a japanese source for more accuracy):
Inputting this into a machine translator cause it's 1am and I don't have the brainpower to translate it myself:
The difference between "buddy" and "partner" is that "buddy" (=aibou) has the nuance of "a partner who helps each other to achieve a goal," while "partner"(=aikata) has the nuance of "a partner who understands each other's personality and character and shares hardships and joys.
Which I feel is a much better distinction that makes a lot more sense with their respective motivators/feelings. Reo sees Nagi as the person at whose side he'll be able to win the world cup, thus it makes a lot of sense for him to use aibou. Nagi gave him the confidence to think himself world class despite his father's scorn. He's his partner in crime, so to speak. While Nagi sees Reo as the first person who saw past his weirdness, understood him better than most, and as the companion he can always circle back to and tell him about the joys and hassles hardships he went through
Signed: a pedantic nagireo fan who thinks they're both the same shade of simp
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thedamageofherdays · 3 years
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This week's [23-08-2021 - 29-08-2021] reading log is here! I read a lot again this week and I feel like it's a lovely variety of fics. Most fics are Stucky like usual, but there's at least one other ship. I am constantly amazed by the talent people have in this fandom! There was one fic I read on Tumblr that I can't seem to find unfortunately, but when I do I'll make sure to reblog and rec it 💕
Favourites are marked with a 🌻
When life gives you lemons by moonthejedi394 @moonythejedi394 [Stucky, 40k words, Mature] (12/15 chapters available)
Or 13 Terrible Things to Do With Lemons Other Than Making Lemonade
Steve Rogers is a home health nurse. He works for an agency, which assigned him to the aging Winifred Barnes, the one and only Silent Era Hollywood darling. As her needs increased, she requested the agency assign Steve to her full-time. She could pay for it, so she got it. Steve then moved in with her, becoming her caregiver; he cooked, he cleaned, he managed her medications, he made sure she was comfortable.
Winifred's children treated him less than ideally. He was the help, after all. And then Steve had the audacity to go and turn out to be eldest son James Barnes's soulmate. No one saw that coming.
The Masseur and the Assassin by buckybarnesdeservestobehappy @buckybarnesdeservestobehappy [Stucky, 17k words, Explicit]
Bucky Barnes needed a vacation from his job. What he found was a happy ending.
The Words Breathe by buckbarnesdeservestobehappy [Stucky, 1k words, Mature]
All Steve has to do is keep his promise. When he doesn’t, Bucky gets mouthy.
Soft by this_wayward_life @wayward-lives [Stucky, 2k words, Explicit]
The last time he'd seen Bucky he'd looked unhealthy, with pallid skin and greasy, lanky hair. Now, Bucky shone; his hair was thick and silky, his skin a deep bronze from spending so much time outside. He was softer, too; the hard muscle that used to cover him was now replaced by soft fat, his body still strong, but in a more mundane way. His thighs were thicker, his ass plumper, and when he'd pulled Steve into the river Steve had noticed the pudge on his stomach.
Seeing Bucky so happy, well-fed and shining, was a bit of a kick in the face. For all the years they'd known each other, he'd never seen Bucky so... care-free. Now that Bucky was putting on weight, his middle soft and his body malleable, it sent a bolt of arousal through Steve every time he noticed the curves of Bucky's body.
Or: Bucky put on a bit of weight in Wakanda, and Steve is Not Coping.
🌻 Revive Another Side of Me by dontcallmebree @iamthe-wo-manwhocan [Stucky, 1k words, Mature]
Steve’s never lived in a world without Bucky, and he’s not living now. It takes them a while, much too long, to get that awaited rest, a little slice of peace after the dust has settled.Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes are inseparable, history remembers. But they’re not men of the past quite yet.
🌻 imagine being loved by me by spacebuck @spacebuck [Stucky, 20k words, Explicit]
Just after 1am - a few hours after he posted today’s photo - he hears the tell-tale sound of a twitter message. Bucky grabs his phone, not checking who it’s from as he opens it because it’s probably one of his mutuals yelling at him as per usual. When he actually looks at his phone, though, it’s not Natasha
The ‘verified’ check stares back at him for a long moment before he can even bring himself to process the name on his screen. Steve Rogers is messaging him. Or, he reasons, a very good fake. The handle looks right though, not that Bucky knows. Not that Bucky has Captain’s America’s tweets set up as notifications, or that Bucky’s own display name is set to captain america’s bitch. Not at all.
Hey, the first message says. It’s Steve.
🌻 JB’s Complete Lube Services by dixons_mama @dixons-mama [Stucky, 3k words, Explicit]
People just didn’t approach Captain America and proposition him. Although, sometimes Steve wished they would; even the pinnacle of virtue and justice needed to get dicked down from time to time.
Or, the one where Steve has the hots for a mechanic and decides to be proactive in getting that dick.
If it had to be someone by rainbow_nerds [Stucky, 1k words, Mature]
Bucky had known since he was a child that he didn’t have a choice in who he married, but he’d thought he had more time before the day arrived.
Miscalculations by christywantspizza @christywantspizza [Ransom Drysdale/Reader, 6k words, Explicit]
Ransom tries to get you to sleep with him by less than honorable means. You give him what he wants, just not how he wants it.
How to Seduce a Writer by obsessivereader [Stucky, 2k words, Teen]
What's a determined master strategist going to do when the oblivious writer he's trying to woo keeps missing all the clues?
He doesn’t think it’s because he hadn’t signaled his own interest to Bucky. He’s pretty much done everything short of hitting Bucky over the head with semaphore flags by this point. There’s no way Bucky could’ve missed them. Unless… There’d been that one link he’d stumbled upon when he’d googled ‘how to talk to a writer’. It’d been written by a writer, who’d been candid about how oblivious writers could be, and how someone could go about seducing one. An idea starts to form. It’s ridiculous, but at this point, he’s willing to go with ridiculous, since subtle wasn’t getting him anywhere.
🌻 Pod Bless America by Deisderium @deisderium [Stucky, 6k words, Teen]
Bucky can't believe his favorite podficcer recorded his newest fanfic AU of the show Commandos. He's even more surprised when the customer who busts him listening to fic while he's working in the office supply store turns out to be that podficcer.
* The guy—maybe bi_shield?—took his phone, looked down at the screen, and smiled. "Yeah, that one's mine," he said with no evidence of embarrassment. "It was a good one." He handed the phone back to Bucky.
"I wrote it," Bucky croaked.
take a bite by wearing_tearing [Stucky, 7k words, Mature]
"I’d never let anyone freeze to death.” Steve gives a big sigh and flutters his lashes. “All that blood gone to waste.”
Bucky’s lips turn down and his nose scrunches up a little. “I want to be grossed out, but…”
“But you get it.” Steve gives him a pointed look. “Vampires aren’t the only ones who can appreciate how juicy blood is.”
Or: Vampire Steve saves newly-turned werewolf Bucky from a snowstorm.
Leaving the Shield Behind by BuckyAboveEverything [Stucky, 6k words, Teen]
“So, on one hand, we have Steve Rogers - hunk, genius, animal lover. Buys you waffles and overpriced coffee. 100% wholesome all-American boy.”
“And, on the other hand, we have Capsicle – twink, smart-ass, fanboy. Reads your stories and sends you fanart. Possibly a pervert or a serial killer.”
Bucky groaned.
“I am 100% certain I am 0% sure of what to do."
Bucky Barnes, full-time copywriter and free-time fanfic writer, struggles to choose between two equally-attractive suitors, only to find that he doesn’t have to after all.
* Based on a true story *
Cap's Book Corner by Neche [Stucky, 2k words, Teen]
Recluse Author Bucky Barns stumbles into fanboy Steve Rogers bookstore one day...
Cat Nap by galwednesday @galwednesday [Stucky, 8k words, Teen]
Objectively, losing the Bucharest safehouse and its contents was the least of Bucky’s problems. The balding agent he’d seen directing the raid was apparently affiliated with SHIELD, which was a shadowy government agency that made representatives from other shadowy government agencies suddenly remember urgent appointments when Bucky tried to bribe, threaten, and otherwise shake them down for information on what the hell SHIELD might want with a former brainwashed assassin. Dodging SHIELD should be his number one priority.
Subjectively, he wanted his fucking cat back.
at any given moment by honeypuffed [Stucky, 1k words, Teen]
Steve and Bucky find out that everyone thinks they're sleeping together.
Brought to Brightness by eyres [Stucky, 10k words, Teen]
Army veteran Bucky Barnes has fallen in love with Steve, a guy he met online a few months after he returned from Afghanistan. Only problem is, he doesn't know Steve's last name or even what he looks like.
When his sister helps him send his story into MTV's Catfish, he's hoping they can help him meet Steve or, at least, let him move on with his life if Steve isn't real. Little does he know, Steve and Captain America have more in common than just a first name.
🌻 Nokken Wood by leveragehunters @leveragehunters [Stucky, 10k words, Teen]
When Sam's friend needs a house-sitter for his place in the country, Steve jumps at the chance. Six months rent-free to do nothing but draw and paint and wander the countryside, looking for inspiration? It was like a dream. But when he gets lost in a storm and nearly falls into a pond he starts to rethink the whole like a dream aspect of life in the country. And when a red-eyed, sharp-clawed, silver-fanged creature rises out of the darkness, Steve is one hundred percent certain the dream's morphed into a nightmare.
...until it gives him a cup of tea.
(Inspired partly by this prompt a supernatural creature is supposed to scare you but instead it gives you a cup of tea and a blanket because you're having a bad day and you keep coming back and partly by this painting.)
Professional Pride by galwednesday [Stucky, 700 words, Teen]
Bucky is having a very good day, until he turns around and finds himself face-to-face with Captain America.
“Oh shit,” he blurts before he can stop himself, and Captain America blinks at him. “Hey, hi, I didn’t expect to see you here.” Here, at New York’s Pride parade, surrounded by thousands of happy screaming people wearing rainbows and sometimes not much else. What is he doing here? Is he on guard duty or something? Was he just on a mission and happened to be passing by on his way back?
He’s in uniform but with the cowl loose around his neck, so when he rubs the back of his head it fluffs up his matted hair. “I, uh. I saw one of your–temporary tattoos?” Captain fucking America says, like it’s a question.
The A-bridged Guide to Trolling by galwednesday [Stucky, 1k words, Teen]
“I don’t have any money.”
Oh no, now the girl looked upset. Her eyes were huge and her lip was wobbling. Bucky tried to think fast despite the oh shit oh shit oh shit looping through his head.
“That’s okay,” Bucky said gently. “I don’t need money. We can figure out another kind of toll.”
The girl frowned at him. “Like what?”
Bucky scratched his head, trying to think of something a kid was certain to have on hand. “Do you know any jokes?”
(Fantasy AU in which Steve is a hedge witch with a green thumb, Bucky is a bridge troll who's new in town, and knock-knock jokes are a viable form of currency.)
It's a bittersweet ending (if you know what I mean) by relenafanel [Stucky, 1k words, Teen]
“I’ll see you around, Steve,” Bucky answers with a smirk, moving away from the counter with a wink.
Steve watches him go. Bucky’s wearing a pair of skinny jeans coated in something to give the appearance of leather. It’s impossible to not watch him go.
stuck on you by wearing_tearing [Stucky, 5k words, Teen]
“Bucky? You don’t look so hot.”
Bucky makes a tiny little sound in the back of his throat, only to start coughing. Of course he doesn’t look hot. He’s sick and he’s dying and Steve obviously isn’t attracted to him.
Decision-Making in Relationships (Paid Research Opportunity!) by castiowl [Stucky, 8k words, Teen]
Clint looked thoughtfully at the flyer. “I guess your actual roommate wouldn’t be down with it?”
Bucky frowned. “Have you met Steve Rogers?”
no way out but through by hollimichele [Stucky, 9k words, Teen]
Steve never sees it coming.
you got blood on your hands (and i know it's mine) by nighimpossible [Stucky, 3k words, Teen]
Bucky refuses to see Steve after his deprogramming.
Like What You See by daisymondays [Stucky, 8k words, Teen]
For all the time Bucky’s spent fantasizing about meeting Captain America, he’d never imagined it would be while posing nude in front of a drawing class.
🌻 A Real Boy by itsnotbleak [Stucky, 5k words, Teen]
It took the Winter Soldier three weeks to remember that human beings needed to sleep and eat.
It took Steve far too long to realise the Winter Soldier was sleeping in his bed.
Amapola by chaya [Stucky, 830 words, Teen]
Total fluff. Bucky's recovering nicely. Steve's oblivious. Sometimes it's best to set aside subtlety for action.
Knocking Boots With Sugar by buckybarnesdeservestobehappy [Stucky, 4k words, Explicit]
In between summers at college, Steve Rogers wants a new adventure beyond his lonely life in Brooklyn. He ends up in West Texas working on a dude ranch where Bucky Barnes is a long-time employee. When Bucky offers to buy Steve a drink, they end up drunk on tequila and making out in public. For the rest of the summer, they're inseparable. As the summer draws to a close, Steve realizes he doesn't want to leave.
Rogers and Associate by roe87 @jro616 [Stucky, 7k words, Teen]
When they first meet, Bucky is a hooker and Steve is a cop. She's been arrested, but Steve lets her off.
Years pass and they maintain a casual friendship, seeing each other out on the streets most nights.
Though he later makes detective, Steve loses faith in the system and quits his job.
He wants to set up as a private investigator, and he asks Bucky if she'd be his assistant.
Just in time by rainbow_nerds [Stucky, 1k words, Mature]
Bucky knew the apartment he was renting was old fashioned, but walking in the front door and finding himself transported back to 1938 was not on the list of things he had prepared himself for.
🌻 You Like What's in My Head by dontcallmebree [Stucky, 15k words, Explicit] (with art by @kocuria)
Bucky can’t decide if Steve’s a tough nut to crack or incredibly easy. The timbre of his voice, a low and almost amused, “Sure, kid,” when Bucky asks for a drink feels like something gripping him on the back of his neck.
He thinks this might be one of those moments in life he’ll pinpoint in the future and either curse at for dooming himself, or remember fondly with pride.
He’s right. Bucky Barnes blunders through falling in love with Commander Rogers and tries to find a deeper meaning behind the expensive gifts and thorough fucking.
Can I Sit Here? by BuckyFrickenBarnes [Stucky, 962 words, General]
Bucky has unusual methods for getting rid of his writer's block.
Or, Bucky needs that table.
Workplace Romance by BuckyFricken Barnes [Stucky, 1k words, General]
Bucky is under the impression that his boss hates him.
Steve needs to get better at dealing with his feelings.
🌻 1-800-MAYTAG by Miss Plum @misspluckyplum [Stucky, 1k words, Explicit]
Bucky just wants to get some housework done. It gets out of hand fast. Silly little fluff and smut romp with snarky stucky boys.
Eyes of the Forest by Lordelannette [Stucky, 7k words, Explicit] (2/8 chapters available)
When Omega Bucky Barnes comes to Eagle Lake, it was in search of wolves, a creature that had not been seen in the area for decades.
What he finds instead is Steve Rogers, a handsome, though quiet Alpha who seems to be everywhere in the forest.
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hollowedwing · 3 years
Isekai-ed into Hawk's Life
Hawks x gn!winged!Reader
Warnings: ⚠️ Death!(at very beginning, it is an isekai), mentions of death throughout, some angst(??maybe not yet??), slight cursing
(so sorry i just, love, love, the idea of having wings)
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(this is all my art, it is on IG, im just too embarrassed for people who know me irl to potentially find this xD Even though none of them have tumblr 👀 if you somehow recognize it...props to you?)
tbh, I can’t decide if I want this to have more than 1 part. 
Word count: ~1,800
You were on your way home from a long evening at your part time job. Before that you had already taken 2 finals that morning too.
You dragged your feet, exhausted, as you headed towards the crosswalk. Stopping at the edge as the traffic light turned green, you decided to pull out your phone and decided to watch a speed paint from your favorite artist who recently released a new video.
It just so happened it was a Hawks speed paint 👀
The light turned red and you slipped your phone into your pocket as your started to make your way across the street
little did you know this would be the last time you'd cross the street
A wild driver came barreling down the road, no regards for civilians or traffic lights, probably drunk or high or just someone out for blood.
You stood there like a deer caught in headlights as your life flashes before your eyes
You can barely comprehend what's happening as you felt pain engulf your body and suddenly you were unconscious
Keigo tiredly stumbled into his large apartment, kicking off his shoes and shrugging his jacket off by the door
He wants nothing more than to just flop down and pass out. The HPSC has been giving him hell lately about god knows what.
He let out a long sigh and headed towards the bathroom to do his nightly routine
As he finishes up, he drags his feet towards his bed and flops down face first into the comfort of his pillow and sheets
Keigo falls asleep almost instantly after getting into a comfortable position, worn out from a long day of work
What he wasn't expecting was a loud "thud!" coming from the main room. He jolts up from his bed, feathers ready to attack.
Reader's pov(?)
You groaned as you hit the floor. Your head was spinning and it feels like a truck just hit you
oh wait...
You suddenly became more alert, looking around in a panic, expecting to either be on the road and injured or in a hospital of sorts. What you didn't expect was a wooden floor inside of a random apartment.
You felt around your body for any signs of injury, but all you found were a set of wings on your back- wings?? Hold up. Why did you feel wings what kind of sick joke was this?
Your thoughts were racing as your breathing picked up. What was happening? Didn't you just get hit by a vehicle? Why are there wings in your back? Where are you even?
Feeling around in your pockets, you found your phone and whipped it out, trying for anything. You turned it on, the harsh light of it illuminating your face, you tried to send a text to your best friend, but alas, it wouldn't go through. Actually nothing on your phone seemed to work. You checked your location settings, for some reason it said Musutafu, Japan.
Wasn't....Wasn't that the location that most of Boku no Hero Academia took place?? This can't be right, this has to be a dream right? There's no way that you could have actually ended up here unless...
Then it hit you.
You read your fair share of isekai series back when you were alive in your realm. Mostly manhwas of characters getting reborn into another person's body, but, never actually reincarnating as yourself into another world.
That was the only thing you could think of. You must have been reincarnated into the Boku no Hero Academia world. Except as yourself.
In all honesty, this is not how you thought you'd go out. You didn't know what to expect after death, but this definitely wasn't it. After all, this was a fictional setting, wasn't it?
Well, not anymore because now you're living in it! Smh.
That would also probably explain the wings on your back. This was you now. You have a bird quirk.
Now, all you have to do, is figure out where the heck you are.
Just as you are about to stand up, feathers zip towards you, pinning you to the ground
You hear footsteps begin to come towards you. You don't know if you should be scared for your life considering you've already died once or ecstatic because, you knew for a fact, this could be none other than Hawks' apartment.
The winged hero finally emerges and stares down at you, crossing his arms over his chest.
He says in a low, gravely voice from sleep, "Who are you, and how did you get into my home?" You stare back up at him and nervously chuckle.
"I'm not sure you'd believe me if I told you." You nervously sigh out.
"Try me." He demands, sounding a little more irritated now. You sigh in defeat and start to explain your situation.
"Do...do you know what an isekai is?" You said sheepishly while turning your gaze away from his. He kind of gave you a confused head tilt and just a vibe that said “No”. You sigh again and explain it to the best of your ability. Hawks becomes more and more interested and confused as you talk, but nods a long slowly. 
“So...you were reborn here, but as yourself? Wait- does that mean you died before!?” He asked, disbelief and fear ran through his eyes. You looked at him in bitter amusement.
“Apparently I did. The last thing I remember of my world was getting hit by some truck or car. The dude clearly did not know how to drive. I had the right of way I was pretty sure at least. I mean, the light was red, usually that means pedestrians can cross the street? And plus he was going wayyy over the speed limit,” you begin to ramble on, the reality of actually dying setting into you. Hawks noticed the panic beginning to set into you and released you from his feathers. He crouched down next to you and grabbed your shoulders gently.
"Hey, hey, hey, look at me, you're ok now, right? You're here, and not dying in the middle of the street still. You're here. In Musutafu," he said trying to calm you back to reality. Well, what was your new reality. Your mind was racing. Trying to put together a coherent thought. 
You look up to him, with a panicked look still in your eyes, thoughts started to come out of your mouth as your brain was trying to catch up with the situation. "I'm... I'm in Boku no Hero Academia and, and you’re Keigo... standing... right in front of me..I have wings. I have wings? Jeezus I have fucking wings. And I’m dead in my own world. I don’t know anyone, well, wait, technically, I do know people, just-Oh gods! I’m so sorry, that name slipped out! I- I, I’m really sorry Hawks." Even in your wild state, you noticed Hawks tense up at the sound of being called Keigo by a total stranger, and were able to get out an apology. That was progress? You were slowly coming back to reality.
Hawks froze up a bit at the sound of hearing his real name mentioned. At first he wasn't sure if he believed your tale of the isekai situation, but after this he might have to reconsider it. He opted to shake off that weird feeling for now and focus on different matters. 
" I-I don't know what I'm supposed to do now? I have nowhere to go or to stay. I'm in a whole different freaking universe! My phone doesn't even hardly work here. And I have a pair of wings on my back!" You puffed them out angrily. Hawks glanced behind you and his eyes widened a little. You in fact, did have a set of bird wings. Kind of owl like wings. Not near as big as Hawks', but definitely big enough to fly you around.
Before Hawks could process the words coming out of his mouth, he was already asking you, "Would you maybe like to stay with me? I can help with your quirk too." He glanced away awkwardly. You looked towards him in disbelief.
"Dude, are you sure? We literally just met like 10 minutes ago? I mean, I'm all for it, I have nowhere else to turn to, but if you really really don't want me here, I will politely step out of your life." You so badly wanted to accept his offer on the spot, but being the considerate, mostly sensible human you were, you gave him the option to back out. Hawks shook his head.
"No, no, it's alright. You can crash here. Uh- I mean- stay here! Sorry!" You giggled at his comment.
"Well thank you very much!"
"It's all good. I have a spare bedroom you can occupy for the time being. I'll give you some clothes to sleep in that'll hopefully fit. Accidentally bought a couple things in the wrong size without looking. " (a/n: just...just assume its your size, or oversized, whatever's comfy idk) He jumped up and headed towards his room to grab you the clothes. You still sat on the floor. Still amazed at everything that was occurring.
Hawks walked back into the room and tossed you the clothes. "Hey uh, you know, you can get up now, sorry for holding you down earlier.."
You blushed and scrambled to stand up, "Oh no! It's ok! I understand. This would definitely warrant that kind of action. Some random stranger crashes into your apartment at like 1am. I completely understand. Honest."
He let out a small laugh and wearily brushed his fingers through his hair. The adrenaline of everything finally wearing off. He could feel the tiredness setting into his aching muscles again. “Ah, well, I’m going to head to bed now. The room is down the hall at the very end that you can stay in. I’ll take you out training tomorrow evening if that’s alright?”
You gave a nod of understanding and followed him down the hallway. “Goodnight Hawks,” you sang as he walked into his bedroom. He gave a hum of acknowledgment and closed his door. 
Making it into what was now your room, you changed out of your clothes so fast, eager to rid yourself of the past hours events. 
Not gonna lie, you could not figure out how to properly get your new wings into the shirt, even with the holes and snaps in the back. Your mind was too exhausted to even process this new skill. So you ended up going to bed without the shirt on and just settled for putting the sweatpants on. 
You figured it’d be good to just pass out asap. You were sure if you tried to recount the recent events, you’d spiral into a panicked mess. 
You shut your eyes tightly, willing yourself to sleep, trying to only think of positive outcomes for the future. But to be honest, you didn’t know enough about anything in this realm to think rationally about anything good. 
I prooobably didn’t proofread this as much as I should have
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shishu-writes · 4 years
Reclined Seat Prank HCs
𝙐𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙟𝙞𝙢𝙖, 𝙊𝙞𝙠𝙖𝙬𝙖, 𝙆𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙮𝙖𝙢𝙖, 𝙆𝙪𝙧𝙤𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙚𝙖𝙩 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙏𝙞𝙠𝙏𝙤𝙠 𝙥𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙃𝘾𝙨
Warnings: Suggestive b/c Kuroo - what’d you expect, language
A/N: it’s 1AM heres a shitpost 
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You had seen this prank on Tiktok a couple of times, a girl picks up her boyfriend but the passenger seat is reclined all the way back and gets their reactions
Ushi does NOT know who Tiktok is or why his girlfriend finds him funny and he does not care
Honestly, you had no clue how he’d react, he didn’t ever respond to the majority of your cheesy pranks but maybe this would be the one
You had messaged him telling him after practice today you'd pick him up and the both of you could grab something to eat together to which he responded an “Okay 🙂”
Tendou is still teaching him how to use emojis leave him alone
You pull up, placing your phone down so that it records the passenger seat and you recline the seat. 
You pull out a tube of lipgloss and begin applying it in the camera as if you were using it as a mirror and Ushi comes up to the side of the door, knocking twice on it before he opened it.
He does that so you know its him and dont get startled 🥺
He gives you a short greeting, a ghost of a smile on his lips, climbing in
Bro literally just adjusts the seat correctly and puts his bag in the backseat
“Ushi..” “Yes, my love?”
You cant even be mad, the dude trusts you blindly, the thought of you cheating on him doesn’t even cross his mind
With a shrug you lock your phone, sparking normal conversation before pulling out to go get him a well deserved after practice dinner
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Okay THIS motherfucker. 
I feel like Oinks definitely has Tiktok, unlike Ushi, and he is the definition of straight Tiktok
HOWEVER I don't think he has a lot of couple Tiktoks on his FYP and if he does they're like the sitting in your partner's lap pranks, not something like this
Hes also like...7 years old so he probably does his own petty pranks but theyre ones he comes up with himself that he thinks are fucking hilarious like taking a million selfies, posting them on your instagram/snapchat stories until theyre like 10-15 minutes long and filling your storage with them
Oh this is well deserved
You set up your phone in a place that he wouldn't notice, and started recording
He runs to the car, opening the door quickly and tosses his bag in, getting in the car and literally fucking falls flat on his back
“Hey babe” 
“Yes tooru?”
“Who was in my seat?”
“Your seat?”
“MY seat who was in MY seat??”
No longer confused, just panicked
He sat up, leaning over the console looking you in the eyes, you can't tell if he's going to start crying or throw up
Not your intention to make him cry
Carefully explaining that it was a joke while he let out a loud, dramatic huff, placing his forehead on your shoulder
“I’m having heart palpitations”
“I'll pick up milk bread on the way home if you stop the dramatics…?”
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Bro he has 3 brain cells, one for you, volleyball, and milk
Why would you do this
He doesn’t know what the fuck a Tiktok is despite you repeatedly showing him videos or telling him to make an account
He is far too busy watching 10 hr long volleyball compilations
I also HC him as having boomer humor so even if you showed him a fucking FUNNY video, he’d be brain dead, absolutely. He doesn't get the appeal
 He laughs at the minion memes this is fact
You saw this and for whatever god forsaken reason wanted to do it on Kags, the most oblivious person on planet earth
It was like 3 AM and you told him you were coming to pick him up to go on a drive, which was normal for the two of you, it's one of the more peaceful moments in your chaotic lives 
He agreed, ofc, because babie is a huge softie for you. 
You pull up in your jammies, seat reclined and start recording
Kags comes out in sweats and a hoodie you gave him for your anniversary and opens the door, he notices the seat and gets in carefully
“Hey Y/n? Did you sleep in your car?” he asks quietly, turning to look at you, almost concerned.
“Did your parents kick you out or something? You know you can always stay with me..” baby starts rambling because he fr thinks you're living in your car for some reason
The whole concept of cheating doesn't exist to him, you are the one and only person in the world he has complete trust in, so naturally the only conclusion he could come up with was you being homeless
“No..Kags...I’m not sleeping in my car...it was a prank”
Cue explaining to him what the prank was
He doesn’t get it, why would pretending to cheat on your partner be funny
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You know exactly what I’m about to write
This motherfucker
Kuroo for sure has TikTok BUT WAIT
Its canon that Kuroo is just a cocky dork that knows how to shit talk
He would never be on straight or couple tiktok, he's on science/nerd Tiktok and deep Tiktok for sure, he sends the craziest shit to you.
So there is NO way he would know about this prank unless someone explicitly explained it to him
You told him you were going to pick him up for a lunch date since it was saturday and the two of you hadn't seen each other for a couple days
He agreed? Obv he is in ✨🌸love🌸✨with you 
You pull up, seat reclined, and set up your phone after shooting him an “i'm here” text
He runs out, pops the door open and looks in
Does NOT get in, instead, this cocky SOB leans down so you can see his face fully, hands resting on the roof of the car, shit eating grin on his face. “Is this you telling me you wanted a little something before we got lunch…? that'll ruin your appetite y'know..” 
Spit on him
Why didn't you see this coming
It did ruin your appetite
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moonlit-mizukage · 3 years
Chapter Fifteen: 1am Joyride
Summary: Y/l/n Y/n, a third year at Sakura High School, is just a girl with a bad attitude towards anyone outside her small circle. When y/n’s younger sister starts first year, she gains a lot of attention. Unfortunately for everyone in school, the Y/l/n household has one rule, No dating till y/n does. Some people become just desperate enough to pay the leader of the “Monsters”, the trouble making group on campus, to date y/n. What will happen when she finds out? (All characters aged up to third year unless otherwise stated)
TW: Swearing, mentions of violence, implied past abuse, parents not loving their children, abandonment, foster care, jail, death 
AN: THIS CHAP IS A BACK STORY SO IF YOU ARE UNCOMFY I WILL POST A SMALL LINE FROM THEN END OF THISON THE NEXT ONE AS WELL!!! Sorry as well for not updating lots. Yeah girl has been dissociating so much and losing days. I blinked and now its friday at almost 3am. My  even closes as well on the 21st so if you want to participate please check out this Prompt list!!
Word Count: 1.2K
I heard the rev of Tendou’s motorbike outside my window. I grabbed my jacket and Climbed out my open window.  I took the lightest steps I could around and passed Mei’s window. I grabbed the tree and started to climb down. I walked up to Tendou. 
“You look hot when you are angry babe.” 
“Gross, let’s just get out of here.” I grabbed the helmet from his hands as I climbed on the back. 
We rode down the rural neighbourhoods of the city. I never felt more relaxed than I did in that moment, my arms wrapped around him, the wind blowing on my body  as we rode off. I wanted this moment to last. We soon stopped as Tendou reached for his helmet. 
“This is my thinking spot. It’s usually quiet this time of night.” I took my helmet off and stepped off the bike. 
“I didn’t expect you to be of all people to need a thinking spot. Though you just Monster listed them.” 
“Unfortunately there's things the Monsters can’t always help with.” The atmosphere around him seemed to change to somewhat of a depressing vibe. 
“I really liked being on the bike. I didn’t even notice we ended up going up a hill to this lookout point.” 
“I knew you’d be distracted once you got to touch me.” He said with a wink as he pulled me into his arms. Our lips almost touched as he whispered. “Everytime I see you, you get more beautiful.” 
“Gross.” I whispered back as we both went in for a kiss..
Tendou’s phone startled us as he pulled away.
“What is it?” He asked as he answered the phone. A few minutes of silence passed. 
“No, I am at the lookout point. Can’t he just lie like he always does?” A deep sigh came from him as he heard the response. 
“Just give him my special stash and tell him to give it to her only if she won't come back. Shes a fucking bitch anyways. No one is at a loss by this. What’s a few couple hundred to get a forever problem solved?” Tendou laughed at whoever was on the other side of the phone and hung up.
“Sorry Y/n. Monster shit never stops when Teru”s one time hook ups won’t stop coming back.” 
“I don’t understand why you covered his ass. He’s going to act like a pig. He should deal with it on his own.” I slapped a hand over my mouth “I didn’t mean to say that out loud.” 
“I know you aren’t the only one who sees it that way but Teru and Mad have been here for me always. We used to be little brats back in our elementary days too. Teru was actually a Quiet little devil at first. I do admit we definitely have opposite opinions on girls' purpose. He did watch his mom go through boys every other day some new guy railing her in the kitchen when he got home from school. His mom told him if the sex isn’t an 10 then they are not worth it” 
“How would he even know what a 10 is?’’ 
“I think he just does it to feel some kind of connection to a girl. In hope’s to find ‘The one’, he just wants to be loved and accepted by someone. He knows he's got us but he’s never felt loved by his mom, doesn’t even know who his dad is.” 
“I had no idea, I feel terrible now” I said back to him. He pulled me closer to him again as he rested on the rail. 
“He’s honestly such a good guy. All four of them are. Mad gets in a lot of fights because that's all he knew his entire childhood from his 3 older brothers used to fight him. His dad was about the same in that sense too. The reason he always punches instead of thinks before he acts is that is what he's been taught. He moved out of his house at 16 after we got some income and met the other two. Started to raise some hell in our school you know?” 
“It makes sense why he always tries to fight everyone then.”I said back.
“Hanamaki though is a rich kid whose parents would rather pretend he doesn’t exist. He lived with his grandma on the other side of Tokyo till she passed away in the last year of middle school. Now they buy him whatever he wants while they live who knows where in the world. Him and Matsukawa have been friends since elementary though, Matsun even followed him to Highschool cause he got expelled the last day of school for setting a classroom on fire smoking too close to some curtains. Matsukawa though also didn’t have a good upbringing. His mom left him at 2 years old outside a random house with a note saying she never wanted him. It took 4 years for him to find his father, by then the kid already had some damage because of the system. His dad worked too much to see it for himself though. That just made his choice to move in with Maki much easier for him. That's how we all kinda met though, our broken homes.” Tendou finished, as he turned away and looked out at the view. 
“What’s your story Satori?” I asked him. 
“My father’s in jail, my mother is dead.” 
“Holy shit, I am so sorry Satori.” 
“I spent most of my childhood jumping from foster home to foster home. I was a demon spawn though. Always making sure they would move me around. Getting my nickname Guess Monster cause no one knew what I would do next. I live with my grandma now.” He said.
“I am sorry I always called you the second biggest asshole on earth. I had no idea.” He just laughed knowing I meant Oikawa as number one. 
 “And how about you y/n? What’s your story?”
“Um, my mom left us for a guy in Paris when I was young. I was basically raising Mei as my child, with my father being a doctor he's usually never home. Well till I started dipping on her for Oikawa. Now she hates my guts and my father spoils her so much cause he feels bad about missing out so much.” 
“Wait Oikawa? I thought you always hated him” He said. I began to explain to him the same story I had told Mei earlier the night. “I always knew he was a piece of shit.” 
“If only Mei did. That’s why we fought too.” Tendou pulled me in closer again. He smiled at me as he gave his signature smile. 
“It’s nice to have someone to trust outside of my circle again.” He pulled me into a passionate kiss….
The night continued for a bit longer as he brought me back home once again. I got off his bike and looked down at him as he took his helmet off and stood up. 
“Yes Y/n?”
“You were right, I did fall for you.” With that I placed a passionate kiss on his lips again. I pulled away and turned around to begin to climb back into my house...
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An: My mobile tumblr wont let my fix things so links on all “next” buttons will be fixed when it stops being this T^T
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taehyungsleftear · 3 years
Crave // (M)
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Genre: smut; changkyunbadboy!au; changkyunxreader
warnings: denied orgasm.
summary: You’ve had a crush on Im Changkyun for the longest time and for all you know, he doesn’t know you exist... until you go to a party with your friend. At his house.
a/n: i’ve had this in my drafts for the longest time lmao i’m sorry if there are any spelling mistakes i’m way too lazy to check it and it’s 1am lmao enjoy (:
You’re dancing at the house party your friend invited you to. You’re not really sure why she invited you, since you know no one there other than her, although your crush was there — that could’ve been the main reason for her bringing you along. You try to focus on spending time with your friend and having fun but your eyes keep falling on Changkyun. You mentally kick yourself every time you find yourself staring at him.
Your friend, as drunk as she is, wanders off to the bathroom with another friend she came with. You try and follow her, but the party’s too rough to walk through alone. You manage to push through a few people to the nearest empty seats. You sit there for a while, staring at your drink, not intending on even tasting it. You’re about to stand up and leave the party since your friend disappeared and there’s no one you know, when someone sits down beside you. It’s Changkyun. He slides one hand around your waist and pulls you close next to him. You don’t know how to react since he’s been your crush for over four years. He turns his face to yours and places one hand on your cheek before pulling your lips against his to an endless kiss that you wished would last forever. He pulls away, takes your hand and leads you up a staircase just in the middle of the house.
You then realize it’s his house when he takes you to his room. He leads you to the bed and lays you down in the middle. He climbs on top of you, between your legs and starts kissing you slowly. As much as you enjoy his embrace, you push him away and look at him with a glum face. “What about the other girls? And that pretty blond girl? I don’t want to be like them,” you say to him, trying to make him get the hint that you want him to be only yours. He smirks at you and just says, “I knew you were coming to my party, so i got them here to tell them that whatever was going on between us would stop tonight.” You just stare at him with a surprised look on your face. He starts kissing you again, more passionately this time, convincing you that his words were true. He too only wanted you.
You kiss him back and wrap your arms around his neck as he moves his hands around your waist, underneath you. Your body tingles at the feeling of his hands on you. You’d been waiting so long for this day, you’d thought it would never come. He pulls you up into a sitting position as he turns you around on top of his member and he lays down on his back. Now you were in control. You pulled back and unbuttoned is shirt and he complied and took it off.
You sit on him for a while, feeling his abs and admiring his face. You go in to kiss him again when you realize it’s late and you probably have to go home and your friend would be looking for you. “I’m really sorry i would stay for longer but i have to go. My friends probably looking for me and frankly i’m pretty tired too...” you say sheepishly, still on top of him. “It’s fine, your friends been taken home safely. You’re staying here tonight sweetheart,” he says as he winks at you. You feel a sudden nervousness in your stomach as the words come out his mouth. “There’s just one problem... there’s only one bed.” You feel your legs give out from under you and your vision go black and you fall onto Changkyun’s chest.
You wake up and your eyes are a bit blurry. You can smell a faint scent of bacon from somewhere in the distance. You’re very comfortable and you don’t know where you are, but you know it’s day time. You rub your eyes with the hand closest to your face and you can finally see. You’re snuggled in Changkyun’s arms, against his bare chest , giving and receiving heat. You’re too warm to move and too comfortable to look up. A sudden cold breeze blows onto your neck out of nowhere and you snuggle your face into Changkyun’s neck. He giggles a little and holds you tight. He whispers in your ear, “I think breakfast is ready.” You can feel his hot breath on your neck and it makes you shiver and gives you butterflies.
You register what he said and you sit up and look at him sternly. “Uhh i don’t think i’m ready to meet your parents,” you blurt out a bit too quickly. He just smiles at you and says, “my parents aren’t here for the weekend, don’t stress.” You give a little sigh of relief when you hear his words. “Thank god,” you say. He climbs out the bed and picks you up like a baby and places you on your feet on the floor. You couldn’t help but notice you were in his shirt (and not in the dress you were wearing last night) that was way too big for you, but you didn’t think much of it.
He takes your hand and leads you out the door, and towards the kitchen. His housemaids are cleaning up the mess from the previous night and you can’t believe how you didn’t realize how rich he was before you ended up sleeping in a bed with him. You finally make your way to the kitchen and sit in a chair at the kitchen island. The food was already set out in the table for you and him, so you both sat down and started eating. Once you’ve both ate, a man takes your plates and puts them in the pantry around the corner. You assumed that was his butler.
“I can see you’re tired — i think we should stay in bed today,” Kyun suggested. You just nod your head and he once again, takes your hand and leads you back to the room. You climb into the bed and he climbs in next to you. You lie on your side, facing him and he just lies on his back, playing on his phone. You admire the way he does things and how he keeps his expression the same no matter what is happening. His unoccupied hand, that was under the blanket, finds its way to yours, and he entwines his fingers with yours.
Before you knew it, his face was inches away from yours and you could feel his breath on your lips. His eyes are fixed on your lips. He slowly licks his lips, making you want to jump him right then and there, but you were confused as of what was going on between the two of you. That thought, though, was pushed to the back of your brain as he pressed his lips against yours and pulled you closer. He held you tight, leaving no space between the two of you. You could feel his harden and press against you, setting you off and making you whine into his mouth. That seemed to be all he needed. He turned onto his back and put you on top of him, like last night. “Let’s finished what we started, ey?” he said in a low, gruff voice and a dark look in his eyes.
You just kissed him since you had no idea how to respond. He already wasn’t wearing a shirt so you just slowly maneuver your hands down his chest and abs and stop at his waistband, to tug slightly. You could feel him growing bigger by the second — he couldn’t handle your tease for much longer. You slowly slid his pants half way down his waist, and he couldn’t take it anymore. One second he was under you, and the next he was on top of you. It looked as though his pants were about to rip as he unbuttoned them and slid out of them easily. After he took them off, he looked at you with dark eyes. “Sit on the edge of the bed. Now.”
Oh shit. He was this type of guy in the bed. You immediately do what he says. “Open your legs for daddy.” He says, a smirk on his face. Your face goes red with embarrassment and you slowly open your legs. He lifted up the shirt you were wearing, over your head and tossed to the side. You weren’t wearing anything under it other than panties, and you were pretty sure those were going to be tossed to the side soon as well.
He stared at your half naked body for a while, scanning you up and down. “God you’re beautiful.” he says, eyes not leaving your body. It only took those words to set your body on fire and heat up your core completely and desire pooling between your legs. He kisses your lips and starts moving down to your neck. He bites and sucks on your neck, leaving marks, making you his, and his only. He moved down your neck to your chest, just briefly letting his tongue slide over your now hardened buds. He moved down to your stomach and started sucking again. You moan in pain every time he bites down, but you knew you liked it.
He went down to your thighs, and started kissing you softly and sucking slightly. Your body was on fire and you couldn’t handle it; you were begging for some sort of release. You tugged at his hair while he sucked on your inner thighs and you could feel his grin against your skin. He made his way to your core, and slid his tongue over your wet slit, making you gasp at the sudden contact. He slides his tongue inside you and tastes your womanhood, his hand on your hips holding them down.
Every now and again he would suck on your clit and keep you begging for more. “Kyun! I-I’m gonna cum d-don’t stop!” you shouted, and as the words came out your mouth, he removed his mouth from you, leaving you on the verge of losing it all. You sat up quickly, looking at him, “what the fuck?” You said. He chuckled deeply and moved his lips to your ear, so close you could feel his hot breath on your neck. “I’m not gonna let you cum unless it’s my cock that’s inside you.”
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nade2308 · 3 years
For the Drabble thingy
5 Bruised - Jack Dalton
No pressure though
I think Nade and the concept of a drabble aren't on the same planet. I finished the thing. Hope you like this @starryhc. As for the inspiration for this story, awhile back I saw a post on Tumblr where there was a deleted scene from the 1x01 script where Jack worked as a stunt double on a movie set and we are blaming this fic on my dream brain requesting this as the reason for the bruises. Hope it's what you had in mind when you asked, Starry . The "drabble" is under the cut.
Jack let his kid take his fill by looking him up and down. Jack knew that he looked a little bit worse for wear, but that was normal in their line of work. This time however, it was from something else. And judging by the way Mac was eyeing him, he didn't manage to hide it well. 
(Next time, I'm asking for Boze and his special make up). 
It had been two months since they saw each other last. And Jack didn't know how he went two months without contact. But it was what Mac asked of him. Some time to rest and reflect. And Jack had so many objections to that... but he swallowed them and agreed. What else there was to be done? His kid needed time, and contrary to popular opinion, Jack wasn't going to push and hover. He knew when to back down when he wasn't needed. 
The ugly doubts reared their heads as soon as they touched down in the States, though. Why was Mac asking for some time to himself? He never did before, why now? Mac was also never been shot within an inch of his life and his girlfriend was killed in the same night so Jack reasoned with that. He knew about people and having to start over when they had a brush with death and some decisions they made in the aftermath of their near-death experience. Jack just learned to deal with it. As always. When Mac called him out of the blue at 1am and asked if he could come over, Jack was ecstatic to say in the least. He didn't even stop to think of the reason. Maybe Mac wasn't still coming back from his reflection phase and it was just something he needed Jack to do. 
Whatever it was, in hindsight he should have realized that Mac would notice. And he did. 
"Jack. What happened?" 
"Eh, it's nothing. Just... perks of the job is all." 
Jack tried for a smile, but it fell flat. 
"What job? Jack, were you in the field without me?" 
The question slammed like a freight train into Jack and he had to actually grab something to steady himself, which turned out to be Mac's forearm.  
"Whoa, Jack, easy there." 
The grip he had on Mac was strong and through the fog in his head Jack was thinking how it'd leave a bruise, the kid bruised so easily he was always having these small bruises from banging himself on doorknobs and table edges. But now these bruises were going to be from Jack, because Jack wasn't able to keep himself steady another way, and that was when Mac appeared in his line of sight and Jack realized he wasn't breathing right.  
"Jack, you've got to breathe. Just, follow my lead, okay?" 
Jack tried to nod, but he couldn't, he was so far gone in the panic that all he could do was squeeze Mac's arm harder. He couldn't move, he couldn't breathe, the phantom pain at the back of his head, the nasty concussion it left in its wake. 
He watched as Mac winced when he took a deep breath and suddenly Jack wasn't in his apartment, but at the edge of the lake, performing CPR on his partner, oh God, it's so cold... 
When Jack next came to, he was lying on his couch. He had no idea how he got there, but he realized Mac's thigh was under his head and he jumped with a startle. Then promptly fell back to the softness of his partner's body because his body seized in pain. The actor on that set that insisted on doing his own stunts did a number on him. His bruises had bruises. 
And judging by the way he stilled and didn't breathe for a few seconds, and Mac's gasp, Mac definitely noticed. 
"I'm going to assume that that did not come from a mission." 
"You know I'm off rota until you are back to the field, hoss. I ain't goin' out there unless it's with you. We had a deal, remember?" 
"I'm sorry. Sorry I shut you out." 
"It's okay. You needed time. I get it."
"I shouldn't have." 
"No hard feelings."
"I feel like you are hurt because I wasn't there to stop you from doing whatever reckless thing you did. Jack." 
"I was a stunt double on a movie set. Thank God tonight was the final scene and now I can rest." 
Jack groaned and any other time he'd be embarrassed that he buried his head in Mac's thigh to hide, but he was tired, hurting and if his mind wasn't playing tricks on him, he had a panic attack, which in his books was definitely something to warrant that kind of behavior. 
Besides, Mac could always kick him if he didn't want that.
"Where are you hurt?" Mac's small voice asked and Jack wanted to deflect, but he could detect the hint of worry in the kid's voice so he decided to be honest. 
"Where am I not hurt is the question you should be asking. That little punk ass kid that insists on filming his own stunts that we worked with did a number on me. I think I even have a bruise on my butt, dude." 
Mac chuckled above him and Jack fist pumped on the inside. He was carefully maneuvered into a sitting position next and - yep, that was definitely a big bruise on his butt. 
"Let me see?" 
Mac was asking him to see the bruises, that much was clear. And his voice brooked no arguments so Jack took off his t-shirt and realized just how stiff his shoulders were. 
God, I am getting old. 
Jack let Mac take his fill, he didn't have to see the way he looked to know he suffered a beating. He felt every bruise and every pull on the skin. If he was being honest... it kinda felt like he got what he deserved after what he let happen to Mac and Nikki in Italy. Finding Mac floating in lake Como was one of his worst nightmares come true. 
Cold fingers touched his skin and he recoiled, before he realized it was Mac and then he forced himself to relax. Mac needed to make sure that he was okay, and Jack was going to let him. 
"Jesus, Jack, this is a beating, not a stunt." 
"You should see the other guy." 
"It's okay, Mac. I've had worse." 
"It doesn't make this hurt any less. C'mon, let's get you to bed. I'll get you some ice." 
Jack wanted to protest, how he was going to take care of himself on his own, but Mac needed to see to it that Jack was going to be okay and Jack was going to let him. 
Mac, true to his word, settled him into bed and brought ice packs that he MacGyvered into sticking around so as to none of them should hold them in the hurt places. Jack groaned as the cold from the ice seeped into the bruises, but after a while it became a background sensation and he relaxed. 
"Thanks, Mac." 
"Don't mention it." 
They sat in silence for a few moments but Jack needed to know. 
"Mac, why are you here? Not that I don't want you here, I'm more than happy to have you here."
"I realized that I was hurting myself and you by keeping a distance. I was caught in the anger and grief about what happened with Nikki and me... being shot. On your watch. I realized that you are pretty much beating yourself up over what happened and decided to stop some of that train of that. 
"What I didn't anticipate is you literally beating yourself up. Now that's some quality punishment for things you are not guilty of." 
Jack didn't dare look up at Mac, it was enough that Mac knew what Jack was doing. 
Talk about self destruction... him and Mac had a lot in common in that department.
"It wasn't your fault. I should have said that before." 
"God help me if you say "it's okay". It's not, Jack. I pushed you away. It was as if I was telling you that you pulled the trigger." 
Jack winced. Was this kid going to expose all his inner thoughts tonight? 
"Sorry, that didn't come out right. Listen, Jack, I'm sorry. It wasn't okay that I pushed you away. It shouldn't be okay that you accept the guilt so easily. You were hurt, too. Remember?" 
Jack nodded. 
"I'm sorry, too." 
They were both dealing with a loss of a friend (lover in Mac's case) and what happened in Italy in different ways. But it looked like they weren't going to do it each by themselves after tonight. 
"Can I stay?" 
Jack was brought out of his musings and looked at Mac. Really looked at him. The kid looked pale, his cheeks gaunt and he was clutching his left shoulder. 
"Can I stay? I'm... My shoulder is hurting and I have some of my things here so... well I should probably text Bozer and tell him I'm-" 
"Of course you can stay." 
"Great, uh... let me just go and grab my phone, I left it on the table. And I'll take these now."
Jack shuddered as Mac removed the ice packs, now melted. 
"I'll get you a shirt." 
A moment later Mac left a shirt on the bed as he went to presumably text Bozer. And Jack smiled when he saw it was one of his old Army t-shirts, loose and comfy. Jack changed into a loose pair of sweatpants and got under the covers, careful not to press too much on the worst bruises. He was going to be sore in the morning. 
Mac re-entered Jack's room and Jack could tell he wanted to say something, but was kinda frozen in the middle of the room.
He raised the covers and tapped on the other half of the bed. 
"C'mere, hoss. Let's get some sleep." 
"I can... I can sleep in the guest room? I could roll over and hurt you, you know how I can get." 
"Nonsense. Come in here." 
"I think we both need this, so it's a win-win situation." 
Mac smiled and as he settled in, he gravitated towards Jack that pulled him to his side. 
"I'm so sorry I worried you earlier." Jack could feel the tears prickle at the corners of his eyes. 
"It's okay, Jack. I'm just glad I was around." 
Jack nodded in agreement and closed his eyes. They could deal with everything else in the morning. He was wiped.  
"Good night, Mac." 
"Good night, Jack." 
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littlx-songbxrd · 3 years
43: What is the DND alignment?
50: How does your sleep at night? Are they a heavy or light sleeper? Do they dream or have nightmares? Do they find it easy to sleep or are they more a night owl?
For the ocs ask game?
Im not sure about all these and im not actually sure cause i googled it 10 minutes ago but
Callie: chaotic good
Elizabeth: true neutral
Manuel: Lawful good
Aishah: neutral good
Nairne: chaotic neutral
Callie: JAJAJAJA HAS NOT HAD A GOODNIGHTS SLEEP IN YEARS. I dont think she even believes it possible that she can sleep correctly. She dreams, a lot, hasnt been able to fall asleep without dreaming since she was a kid. Callie doesnt recall ever not going to sleep without seeing some kind of very vivid dream, almost as if it were a memory. Some are nice, some are horrifying and have made her not wanna close her eyes for weeks. But the point is Callie doesnt sleep, she rest dreaming. Shes a heavy sleeper only because its hard to pull her out of dreams. Night owl because of this. Has been extremly sleep deprived the past few months get her a sleeping schedule pls.
Eliza: Shes a book nerd, she invented staying up late with a good book and a flashlight so your parents dont notice you were reading at late hours. Doesnt go to the extremes if shes tired, mostly will go to sleep around 11:00-12:00am. Will never go past 12:00am unless shes like, doing smth important. A resonable person when it comes to sleeping decisions, wakes up at an appropriate hour. Has she pulled all nighters? Sure, but its not a constant thing. She used to be a decent sleeper but after a certain event, very light sleeper. You can wake her up and shes able to keep going in less than a second. Its almost magic. Rarely dreams, hasnt had an actual dream in years. Althought nightmares are another case entirely
Manuel: you can text him at 1am and he is gonna reply, you can text him at 5am and he will reply. Is he just waking up? Is he just going asleep now??? No one knows. Emmanuel is a magical being. His sleeping schedule varies between the day. There are moments he stays awake for 48 hours and then collapses and sleeps for an entire day. 8 hours of sleep?? Nah he either sleep 2 or 24 NOTHING in between. Hes extremly productive during those hours thought I'll give it to him. Doesnt have a sleep schedule, his sister scolds him for it while staying up with him. Running on café yaucono and a lot of unhinged energy he shouldnt be having at 6 in the fucking morning. The time he sleeps hes a heavy sleeper, there is NO waking him up. Also doesmt have many dreams or nightmared in general unless hes really stressed
He just *sleeps*
Also snores
A lot
Aishah: the only resonable human here, she needs her sleep. Aishahs buisness hours run from 9am-10pm anything after that you have to solve on your own she is gonna go rest and have a good nights sleep. Latest shes up at would be 11pm, she values herself and her rest. Wouldnt call her a light sleeper, but definetly not a heavy sleeper. If smth were to happen shed be easy enough to wake up and get in relative action. The reason she goes to sleep so early is cause she likes waking up early, so many people value the night its become much to crowded, but the mornings are hers alone. Most people sleep through the hours she wakes up and gets to have her alone time, and she values that a lot. She also loves sunrises so sometimes she wakes up earlier than needed just to see them. Has a regular amount of dreams, most of them are just nonesense really
Nairne: time is a social construct i sleep when my body screams at me to do it. Has lost the sense of time, doesnt understand how time works so simply when her eyes shut THATS the time she sleeps. Sleeping schedule???? We dont know her. We never knew her. I think she survives more through naps than through actual sleep. Algebra class?? Quick power nap cause at 2am she has an appintment with a 5 hour video on youtube about top ten creepiest things in the sea. When she does sleep she does have a lot of heavy dreams, almost like shes living things again thought shes not sure how to describe it. Isnt a very heavy sleeper.
Thank you for the ask!
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minghaocouture · 4 years
Fearless: Chapter 10
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Pairing: Werewolf!Jeon Wonwoo x Vampire!Reader Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Non-Idol Au Warnings: Language WC: 3.4k+ AU Lore:  Vampire Coven Info/Wolf Pack Info/Lore Info Tag List: @moon-asia @uglychildd @woozisnoots @hwangjangmi @rjsmochii @fluffyhyeju @darkacrimson @skjdln​ @moonchild9499​
Couldn’t Tag: @unbaeknownst, @Angelmingyu
A/N: We’re just gonna pretend it’s not 1am and I didn’t upload this super late lol. I also wanted to leave you guys with a little cliff hanger <3 
Chapter List:  Chapter 1/Chapter 2/Chapter 3/Chapter 4/Chapter 5/Chapter 6/Chapter 7/Chapter 8/Chapter 9/Chapter 10/Chapter 11/Chapter 12/Chapter 13/Chapter 14
It was far too early for it to be this loud in this house. Running on a different internal clock than the other occupants of this house proved to be more of an issue to you than you had originally thought.
Now here you were, head hidden under a pillow as you tried to block out the rummaging and chatter from downstairs. You were trying to get over your previous prejudice of the wolves and their pack, but as of this moment you were finding it really hard not to keep hating them, if only for the noise they were all currently making.
A groan left your lips as you heard another loud crash from downstairs. Rolling over and burying your face into the mattress, as if that would help. Hell it didn’t even block out the small laughter in the room you were currently in. Peeking out from under the pillow, you glanced over to the bed that Wonwoo had slept in the night before. He was now sitting up and staring at you, laughing at your struggle. To add insult to injury he apparently decided that sleeping shirtless was something that was okay, even with you in the room. 
“Oh laugh it up, wolf boy. We’ll see who's laughing when I find a way to wake you up in the middle of the night.”
“I mean, I could always stay over at your place and give you the opportunity?” The suggestion had you quickly exiting your pillow hiding place and sitting up to face him. Eyes wide as you stared at him, confused by his sudden bold words. “Or...you could call me late at night until I wake up. That works too.”
Rolling your eyes at his quick backtracking and letting out a loud yawn, “I mean, the first one is kind of an option, but I’m still not too sure if i’m going to have a ‘place’ after all this is over with.” You retorted, lifting your arms in the air as you stretched. Working the muscles a bit so they would be less tense. You had been trying to not think about that. Becoming a stray wasn’t something you would want to happen, after all it wasn’t like you wanted to be basically alone for the rest of eternity. Which is what would happen if you were cast out, you definitely weren’t going to join a different coven. It’d feel wrong.
“Well, what’s...what’s the deciding factor? I, well none of us really know all that much about how Vampires work, well besides the basics. And...how to kill you.” That was fair, you barely knew about werewolf living. Deciding to lighten the mood a bit, a grin made its way onto your face.
“Alright, I’ll tell you that if you tell me why all of you look about the same age. It’s...actually kinda weird.” You knew that Werewolves weren’t immortal like Vampires, but something about how everyone in this house looked the same age was a bit off putting. It wasn’t huge, but it was strange, you figured that packs would have like older wiser wolves, like your Coven’s with the Venture, not just a bunch of people in their 20s. 
A brief moment of realization hit you, causing your eyes to widen as your thoughts raced. If you were Wonwoo’s mate and he was...only 20. That was, understandably, a bit weird. You were well over a century old, and if he was 20 you were old enough to literally be one of his great great great grandmother. That had to be creepy.
Apparently you had been broadcasting your thought process across your face, cause once again that familiar deep toned laugh spread through the room and causing a rather strange chill to tingle down your spine. It wasn’t a bad chill, just unexpected. Masking that feeling with an irritated scowl, you grabbed your pillow and hurled it at his head. Catching it, he placed it on the bed next to him before speaking up again.
“That actually has to do with our mates. We stop aging when we turn 20 until we find out mate. Well, find and actually uh…’mate’ with the mate.”
“So you won’t age unless we have sex?” You questioned, not bothering to tiptoe around the subject. “Wait...wait a damn minute. You won’t age unless we have sex? How old are you then?”
He paused for a moment, taking a minute as he seemed to be thinking about his own age. Which honestly was something you could relate to. After so many years alive, they kind of just start blurring together.
“I’m going to be 93 this year.” The relief you felt at those words had you letting out an audible sigh. At least you weren’t some creepy old woman compared to him, that would have just been weird if he had actually been 20. Well, to you it would have been. You knew others, mainly Soonyoung, would disagree. Though he definitely wasn’t the best example, considering he still considered himself to be 24 despite being 132.
Realizing that you had once again become lost in your own mind, you turned your attention back to Wonwoo and noticed that he was staring at you. The look in his eyes caught you off guard, it was almost as if you had just hung the stars in front of him with how intent his gaze was. It seemed that now with this mate business out in the open, he didn’t feel the need to hide anything. It didn’t make you uncomfortable, and in fact you wouldn’t mind seeing that look more often. Letting out a small cough to focus yourself once more, you decided to hold up your end of the exchange.
“So, technically all the major decisions in the Coven are made by the Inner Circle. Which includes our Venture, Soonyoung, the Primus, Junhui, as well as two of the other members, Minghao and Chan.” You began, unfortunately Vampire politics was extremely annoying to deal with at times, which is why you weren’t going to go into what a Venture or Primus was unless he asked. Thinking about it, you honestly didn’t know how Minghao put up with it all, he seemed to hate it almost as much as you did.. “I’ve technically got one vote in my favor, and probably one against me, but i’m not too sure how Chan and Soonyoung will react so it’s all up in the air.” 
You were pretty sure that Minghao was still on your side, at least you hoped he was. Despite his neck being on the line too, you knew that he wasn’t the type of person to throw others aside, he was loyal if nothing else. You could say the same for Junhui, but he had been pretty upset though, and if Junhui was upset then Soonyoung would probably listen to him and if that happened then you knew Chan would as well. So basically it all would depend on how Junhui reacted to you...walking out after yelling at him...and basically inviting him to kick you out. 
So you definitely hadn’t done yourself any favors. 
You hadn’t realized that Wonwoo had gotten up until you felt the bed shift a bit as he took a seat next to you, his hand reaching for yours and the instant comfort you felt at that contact was almost ridiculous. A thought passed through your mind, wondering if the feelings that were rushing through your brain were simply from this mate thing between the two of you...or if they were real. That would be a question for another day though. 
“I’m sure everything is gonna turn out fine. You gotta trust them a little, Covens are kind of like families right? Just like our pack. So i’m sure they’re going to look out for you too.” You weren’t sure if he knew how much those words meant, and you certainly weren’t going to tell him. After all, you had to keep at least some of your tough image. Though...around him you could probably drop it...just a little bit.
You felt yourself subconsciously scoot closer to him and without even thinking about it you found your head resting on his bare shoulder. He tensed at the added weight but soon the hand holding yours had adjusted to where it wrapped around your shoulders, pulling you closer. You weren’t sure if the Mate thing had anything to do with how you were feeling, but you weren’t about to move now.
“I’m sure you’re right.” 
You weren’t sure how much time passed, the two of your just sitting there in silence. But it wasn’t long enough.
The door to the room practically slammed open and you felt your body push itself as far away from Wonwoo as you could. Going so far as to even shove him away as well. Eyes snapping to the door you were greeted by Mingyu, who’s grin could only be described as ‘shit-eating’. He really did have a punchable face, and he was only proving it more. 
“Cheol wants you guys to come to breakfast.” He said, obviously holding back laughter as he looked between the two of you. If looks could kill, you were sure that Mingyu would have been dead twice over just from the look Wonwoo was giving him. More than that if you were being counted in the equation. 
You groaned as you watched Mingyu close the door, making over exaggerated kissing noises, followed by the sound of footsteps and him yelling something to the other wolves. Which you could assume was related to what he just walked in on. Meeting him for the first time, you were already wondering how someone like Wonwoo could handle being his roommate. 
“Is he always like this?”
“I love him, and he is my best friend...but yes, yes he is.” 
You were pretty sure you were only here so Seungcheol could keep an eye on you. It’s not like you were eating or anything, and the only reason you had a seat was because Sana was still bed ridden. It seemed that some people weren’t taking too kindly to you intruding on their breakfast, and the atmosphere had gotten so tense since you arrived. So it was going about as well as you had expected it to. 
A few of the pack, mainly Wonwoo, Vernon, Jacob and Felix, did try their best to seem welcoming but everyone else present was definitely more on edge with you around. Especially Changbin, and if you were being honest his constant glaring was starting to get a bit annoying. First he complained about having to keep the curtains closed while you were around, then it was he didn’t want to sit across from you at the table, and now it was a completely different story.
“Why does she have to sit in here? It’s not like she’s going to eat anything.” 
You felt your eye twitch ever so slightly, your jaw clenching in irritation. It was harder to fight your more stubborn and temperamental nature, but you were playing nice so attacking him (even verbally) would probably put you on thin ice. Despite knowing this, you weren’t one to sit back and get verbally harassed.
“She’s a guest, we’re not just going to make her hang out around the house alone.” Which was definitely Seungcheol’s code for, ‘she’s technically still an enemy so we don’t want to give her free range of the house’. It didn’t take a lot to read that guy, he was a good leader or Alpha as they called it, but he was an open book. 
Changbin scoffed, shoving another serving of rice into his mouth before he did. To his left Felix let out a small sigh, obviously wishing the other male was in a better mood. The male across from you, the taller stone faced one who you were fairly certain was named Hyunwoo, spoke up.
“Have you heard anything from the human? Or your coven?” 
His question had you shaking your head, but you did pull your phone out to check once more just in case someone had messaged you during, what you were calling, the worst breakfast...ever. You weren’t surprised to find a plethora of messages from Hyunjin, asking where you were and over all just kind of freaking out, there were also several from Siyeon, Kevin and Yuna, and even a few from Gahyeon and Eunbi. None from Minhyuk or any of the inner circle though. Which was what you expected. The inner circle was probably trying to decide what to do with you and well, Minhyuk likes hearing about the drama from a distance.
“Nothing from the Inner Circle, no. I am planning on checking in with Minah around noon, and if she agrees to the plan then I’ll go grab her from the bar and bring her back here.”
“And how are you planning on doing that? It’s not like you can go outside before dark and get her. And your whole plan is useless if the stray sees the two of you together. Or did you not think of that?” Once again Changbin decided to speak up, gracing your nerves with tiny spikes of irritation. “Or is there even really a stray in the first place! I still don’t believe you’re telling us the truth. You were probably just a distraction so one of your other disgusting friends could attack Sana.”
If you cared less about your phone, you probably would have broken it with how hard you were squeezing the device, but thankfully you knew self control. Or at least you pretended like you did. It seemed though, that Changbin was just determined to push your buttons, and you’d had enough.
“You know, I didn’t take this shit from my Coven, and let me tell you, i’m not going to be taking it from you.” You began, trying to cool your expression as you stared at the male at the other end of the table. You heard Wonwoo sigh from next to you, of course since he knew you the best he probably saw this snap coming. “Kiddo, you can hate me all you damn well want, but I want you to remember that I’m here to help you. So I’m gonna need you to back off.”
A loud slam sounded through the room as Changbin’s palms met with the hardwood of the dining table. A low growl slipped from his throat as he glared at you, obviously about to jump across the table to make this more of a physical confrontation. Silence fell over the room as his harsh gaze met your stoic one, sure you were pissed but this wasn’t the place to 100% lose your cool. From your side you heard a small growl leave Wonwoo as well, it was almost sweet that he felt the need to defend you, but you certainly didn’t need it. 
“You think throwing a tantrum like this is gonna make me leave?” You questioned, a brow raised as you stared down the male who you assumed was younger than you. “It’s not gonna work, I am the Queen of tantrums and loud outbursts and let me tell you now, you don’t scare me.” It was definitely stupid to edge him on like that, especially since you were a guest. You’d probably come to regret it later but for now you were going to show that you weren’t someone that just got walked over. He would understand that.
For a moment you wondered when you started sounding like Minghao, maybe his general attitude was affecting you after all this time. It was amusing to think about, if this was how he and the others felt whenever you acted out. You’d have to question them...well if things worked out in your favor that is. 
The air was thick with tension as the sound of a chair scraping against the linoleum cut through the silence.
“Changbin, sit down and finish your breakfast then go and get ready for your classes. ” It wasn’t too surprising to see Seungcheol standing from his seat at the end of the table. He was almost like a father, vaguely you wondered how old he was, it was impossible to tell just by looking at him. His eyes then found themselves looking directly at you. “And you, come with me.” 
Would it be safe to say you were in the doghouse now? 
Sliding your chair back, you felt something grab your wrist. Looking down you noticed it was of course Wonwoo, staring up at you with concern. Concern that you brushed off. Sure you had probably just pissed off the leader of the group that was housing you, and he could easily attack you or resend his invitation to the home which would end up hurling you outside into the unforgiving and burning sun, but that was too negative to think about at the moment even for you.
Despite your attempt at being nonchalant, Wonwoo gently tugged you closer to him so that his lips ended up right next to your ear.
“If you need me, just call.” the words caused you to chuckle slightly.
“You’re sweet, but I’ll be fine.” Was all you said in return, pulling away from him and following Seungcheol out the double doors of the dining room, to the right down the hallway and into what looked like a living room. 
Once inside, you heard a sigh escape from the male as he took a seat onto one the weathered arm chairs. He gestured vaguely for you to join him and sit down. Taking the free chair on the far left of the room, it was a pretty comfortable chair. You definitely weren’t thinking about taking it with you or anything though. Glancing back over at Seungcheol, you watched as he lifted a hand to rub the bridge of his nose. 
“You’re really not making this any easier for any of us.” 
“Excuse me, for not just sitting around and taking shit from someone who is probably half my age. If not younger. ” You retorted, rolling your eyes. You could tell from watching Seungcheol that he was a good leader, probably better than Soonyoung (though with Soonyoung gone all the time, the bar wasn’t super high to begin with) but leadership can definitely take it’s toll. 
“That’s the point. Changbin is only 33. He’s still technically a kid by our standards and he’s a little rough around the edges but…” he trailed off, you could see that he didn’t really want to talk about this. It probably didn’t help that you were a complete stranger. “The point is, even if he attacks first. If you fight back I have to be on his side.”
“That sounds like something a shitty leader would say.” The words slipped from your lips before you could even think of stopping them. You could tell that Seungcheol was taken back by them almost as much as you were. “I mean, should a leader be willing to tell their people when they’re in the wrong? I’m trying to play nice here for the sake of both of our groups, but I’m not just gonna let him talk shit to my face. Fixing things is a two way road, I can’t do this if he’s unwilling to even look at me without the intent to rip my throat out.”
“I understand but-”
“No, I really don’t think you do. I’m sticking my neck out to help you guys. I might lose my place in my Coven, my family, because I’m here. I’m not gonna do that, and get trash talked by a fucking kid.” The anger from the dining room, the fear from your current situation, everything seemed to be finally reaching a head. Your limbs shook lightly as you stared him down, not with an intent to fight, but with all of the emotions you were currently feeling. 
He lifted a hand, stopping you from continuing. The room filled with silence once more as he seemed to contemplate your words. After a moment, he nodded solemnly.
“You’re right. I guess we’re all trying to work on ourselves during this. If we do go through with the mission tonight, Changbin will stay home. I think it’ll be best for everyone that way.” 
Before you could respond, the loud tone of your phone rang through the room, signaling a phone call. Seungcheol gestured for you to answer it, which you were going to do with or without his permission. 
The caller ID was definitely not a name you were expecting to see. 
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mookybear12404 · 3 years
Ooh, you had hedgehogs? Can you please talk a little about what that was like? I've been considering getting some and it'd be nice to hear first hand what it's like.
Oh absolutely! I love talking about my baby boy whenever I can! <3
Okay so first of, let me just say, 
There are so many people out there who see cute hedgehog videos and think, “oh how cute! I want one!” and end up either killing/abusing their hedgehog. They are not spur-of-the-moment decisions. Hedgehogs are exotic pets with special needs. 
Some important things to know: 
-Hedgehogs are not hamsters. They need space and they need LOTS of it. 3 by 4 feet would be the minimum for a cage, but bigger is aways better. 
-HEDHEHOGS ARE DESERT ANIMALS. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS GOOD, DONT GET ONE IF YOU CANT AFFORD TO HAVE HEATLAMPS RUNNING IN THEIR CAGE ALL DAY. If hedgehogs get too cold, they will attempt to hibernate. If they do, they will never wake up. 
-Hedgehogs are meat eaters. While cat food makes up most of their diet, (do NOT buy hedgehog food. Buy cat food with a very specific fat to protein ratio, It’s cheaper and better for them) Its also very important for them to have insects in their diet! You will need to be buying crickets and mealworms for them. If you cant handle the sight of bugs, this might be a problem. 
-Hedgehogs are nocturnal animals. This is probably one of the biggest struggles of owning one. They will be asleep for the entire day, and trying to wake a them up will result in a very grumpy hedgie. I usually couldn’t play with my boy until around 1am, but that works out really good for me, since I’m a night owl. 
-They are also not affectionate like you see in the videos. Earning the trust of a hedgehog takes a lot of time and patience. They are timid, scared creatures who have very sensitive senses. Loud noises, bright lights, and unfamiliar scents will overwhelm and scare them. It took me almost a year before mine fully trusted me enough to let me pet his belly. Even then, Hedgehogs are not exactly affectionate creatures. They will allow a bonded person to pet them, but they often wont seek out the petting. Getting them when they are younger helps a lot in my experience. 
-Hedgehogs are not cheap. They will cost at LEAST 200$ just to buy them initially, and that doesn't even cover the cost of the cage, food, toys, vet bills, etc. I spent a long time saving up for Martin. I would not suggest rescuing one if you are a first time owner, besides the fact it is almost impossible to find one for rescue, they are usually riddled with trauma and mistrust that will make then very difficult for a brand new owner. DO NOT BUY FROM A PETSTORE. MAKE SURE YOU ARE BUYING FROM A REPUTABLE BREEDER. ASK QUESTIONS. MAKE SURE THE BREEDER IS RESPONSIBLE. 
-Speaking of vets. You HAVE to make sure there is a vet near you that is experienced in hedgehogs. (Besides the fact most vets wont accept exotic pets), i’ve found in my experience that 99% of vets have no idea what they are even doing, but will pretend they do anyways. This can be very dangerous. Its best if you can find someone who specializes in hedgehogs, or at the very least, has experience caring for them. 
There are a lot of other tips i could give you if you decide to go through with getting one!!! 
Some reasons I recommend getting a hedgie:
-Wiggle nose. The WIGGLE nose
-They will bond to a specific toy and its adorable
-They pretty much never bite, unless they are trying to eat something from your hand I guess. If they are upset, they will simply curl into a ball instead.
-Don’t smell bad
-when he would get the toilet paper tube stuck on his head? pure serotonin. 
-Hoodie pocket companion
-Late night movie buddy
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loving father ~ daniel webber
word count: 1529
request?: yes!
@kellysimagines​ “Well i was womdering id you could make one with daniel where him and the reader are expecting a baby and the reader is a vlogger and when its happening like contractions she is making it a birth vlog and shows how much daniel.helps her calm down when contractions happen and its a home birth and later when the baby is born (you can decide the gender) we vlog it alot like bathing the baby and showering with tue baby and bringung the baby to the escape from.pretoria set and stuff? :)”
description: in which his wife is a vlogger and her favourite thing to film is how amazing of a father he is
pairing: daniel webber x female!reader
warnings: swearing
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“It is December 23rd, 2018, at 1am and - ” I stopped talking suddenly as I felt another contraction. I squeezed my camera so hard I was sure I was going to break it. When the pain passed, I sighed. “Yeah, as you may have noticed, I’m having contractions, which mean I am in labour! About 40 minutes ago, my water broke, because of course little Hailey wants to come the day before Christmas.”
“She already knows she’s our best gift,” Daniel commented. “The doctor should be here soon, let’s get you in the bath tub.”
I shut off my camera and winced as another contraction came. Daniel took my hand and let me squeeze his as I rode out the contraction. I sighed in relief when it passed.
“They’re getting closer together,” I noted. “And a bit longer.”
“The doctor will be here soon, let’s get you in the tub.”
Daniel helped me shed my clothes and step into the half full bath tub. I rested my back against the back of the tub, wincing as I felt yet another contraction coming. Daniel sat on the edge of the tub, rubbing my neck and shoulders.
“I’m never having a baby again,” I sighed. “It was fun at first, and I’ll be more than happy when the baby comes, but months 7 through 9 sucked, and labour extra sucks.”
Daniel chuckled, running his hands through my hair. “I’ll remember that and try not to get you pregnant ever again.”
I rested my head against his leg and braced myself for the contraction. Daniel stayed by my side the whole time, leaving only for a few seconds to let the doctor in. When the time finally came, Daniel knelt down next to the tub and held my hand as I began to push.
Within a few hours, he was cradling our baby girl in his arms. After regaining myself from the birthing process, I grabbed my video camera and began to vlog.
“It took 12 hours, but there she is,” I said. “Hailey Elizabeth Webber, born December 23rd, 2018, at 1pm.”
“She’s so tiny,” Daniel said as he lovingly gazed at our beautiful daughter. “I can’t believe we made this.”
I giggled as I turned the camera to face him. “He hasn’t let go of her since we dried her off. I have a feeling he’ll never let her go until she’s 18.”
“I’ll certainly tried.”
I turned the camera back to myself. “Daniel was such a rock through the whole night. He massaged my neck and shoulders, played with my hair, tried to keep my mind off of the pain. Throughout the whole pregnancy, in fact, he’s been fantastic. And I have no doubt in my mind he’s going to be a loving, devoted father.”
“Let’s get you out of the tub and to somewhere more comfortable.”
He placed Hailey into her bassinet beside our bed before returning to help me out of the tub. He carried me to our room and helped me dry off and change into pajamas, then helped me to lie back on the bed. I was glad to feel the soft bed beneath me instead of the hard bath tub.
Daniel climbed into bed next to me and I rolled over to cuddle close to him. We both looked over at Hailey, who was peacefully sleeping.
“we made that,” he said, softly.
“We did,” I chuckled, sheepishly. “She’s so beautiful.”
“Just like her mom.” He kissed my forehead. “Go to sleep, babe, you’ve had a hard 12 hours.”
I relaxed into his arms and slowly drifted off to sleep.
3 Months Later
I looked at Hailey through the rearview mirror. “Are you ready to go see daddy, princess?”
She cooed in response, making me smile. I turned to the camera set up on my dash. “Daniel recently started filming a new movie called Escape from Pretoria. He wanted to push it off for longer so he could spend more time with Hailey and I, but the director didn’t want to push it for much longer since it’s supposed to be released in 2020. He’s bummed to have to work and be away from Hailey, so I’m going to surprise him.”
I decided to vlog the drive, although it was long and not too eventful, but I was sure I could make some form of content from it. When I pulled onto the lot where the movie was being filmed, I spotted Daniel’s car almost immediately and couldn’t help but smile.
I pulled into the spot next to his car and shut the car off. I peered into the mirror again, to see that Hailey had fallen asleep. I wasn't shocked, the car always managed to lull her to sleep. I got her out of the car first, careful not to wake her, before grabbing my camera and locking the car.
The security asked for my ID, and when they realized I was Daniel’s wife, they allowed me to go in. I had been to many sets and filming locations for Daniel’s movies, but it never ceased to take my breath away when I visited a new location. I didn’t know much about the movie that Daniel was filming, as he was very rarely allowed to tell even me about them, but looking at the set gave me a slight gist of it.
“I can’t show too much of the set,” I told my camera, which was facing me and away from anything that could spoil the movie, “for spoiler sake, but I will film Daniel’s reaction. I’m not sure where he is, though.”
As if on cue, Daniel came from a room labeled “hair and makeup”. He was dressed in his costume and had makeup done up that made him look dirty and bloody. I hoped that Hailey wouldn’t get too frightened when she woke up and saw him.
I turned the camera around to catch his reaction, striding right up to him and asking, “Excuse me, sir, do you know where I can find Daniel Webber?”
His eyes widened in shock as he quickly wrapped his arms around me. “What are you guys doing here?”
“I wanted to surprise you,” I told him as I switched my camera off. “And I wanted to show Hailey what her daddy does for a living. But, of course, she fell asleep on the way over.”
“Of course,” Daniel said as he knelt down to look into Hailey’s carrier. “She just got so excited to see daddy that she passed out.”
The fact that there was a baby on set quickly got around and soon enough, the other cast and crew were crowding around Hailey’s carrier to see her. Daniel carefully took her out, making sure not to wake her, so everyone could see her better, and, of course, so he could hold her.
“I might not be able to film today,” he said. “I might just hold her all day. We can work a baby into the script, right?”
“For her, I’d certainly try,” the director said in a slight baby voice. “She’s so precious! I understand wanting to spend as much time with her as possible.”
“Daniel’s been the best father ever to Hailey,” I said, putting a hand on Daniel’s back as I spoke. “When she was first born, he insisted on doing everything until I could walk without being in pain again; he cleaned, he changed her, and me sometimes, he helped me get to and from the bathroom, he’d bring me food in bed. He wouldn’t even let me sit up to get her from her bassinet when it was time to feed her! Now, he gets up all hours of the night when she cries so I can sleep.”
“I never understood the idea that the woman should get up whenever the baby cries in the night,” Daniel said with a shrug. “Unless the baby is breastfeeding, which Hailey isn’t, there’s no reason that the father can’t pull his weight and help out. It’s not fair if the mother is the only one parenting 24/7.”
“You found yourself a good one,” one of the female crew members whispered, causing me to laugh.
“Don’t I know it.”
In that moment, Hailey opened her eyes and looked up at her father. I braced myself for her to start crying, both due to his appearance and to how many people were around, but instead she began to smile and giggle. A chorus of “awe”s rang out as Daniel kissed her little head.
“We can start filming in 10, you spend some time with your wife and daughter,” the director told him as everyone finally managed to pull themselves away from us.
I smiled at Daniel and kissed him. He wrapped an arm around me and held me close to him as we both looked down at our cooing baby girl.
“God, I’ll never grow tired of looking at her cute little face,” he said, tapping Hailey’s nose and causing her to smile. “I’m so happy I have her, and you.”
“I’m happy we have you, too,” I told him as I kissed his cheek.
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karliahs · 4 years
prompt: someone in 1-A finds a stray cat and tries to hide it with them in class, Aizawa finds out
The ‘how to secretly bring three kittens to class without Aizawa noticing’ meeting lasts for several hours, and produces mostly bad ideas. 
“We could bribe him?” Ashido muses. She’s laying down, holding one of the kittens up above her head, hands spread wide to give it a little obstacle course to walk over.
“What would Aizawa even do with money?” Uraraka wonders. “He wears the same clothes all the time, lives here at UA and I’ve only ever seen him eat jelly packets…”
“We also don’t have money,” Tsuyu points out. “We can’t bribe him with something we don’t have.”
“What do we have? Something we have a lot of…” Uraraka says, staring into the black kitten’s eyes like it holds the secrets of the universe.
“Cats,” Todoroki answers, staring solemnly at the smallest black-and-white kitten currently chewing on his finger.
Discarded plans include one of them faking sick to stay home with the cats - regrettably, their group is divided into people who care too much about class to skip (everyone but Ashido), and people who would almost certainly be suspected of malingering if they suddenly claimed to be sick (Ashido). 
Further discarded plans involve invoking more allies among the class. Uraraka rules out her friends due to either a habit of mumbling secrets aloud, or being too much of a stickler for rules. Ashido cheerfully discards all of her friends for being “unreliable in basically every way possible.” Ashido also argues against involving Kouda, the most useful member of the class for this particular problem, unless absolutely necessary - “the guy has no poker face! Aizawa gives him one harsh look and he’ll crack like an egg.”
Todoroki listens to these arguments in silence. “Right now there are three cats to a ratio of four people,” he says. “Any more, and we all get less time per cat.”
“That’s not a very heroic attitude, Todoroki,” Tsuyu points out.
Todoroki continues scritching his favourite kitten’s chin, the black one with white feet, mentally dubbed ‘boots cat’ - there had been a sub-meeting about naming the kittens, which determined it would be too heartbreaking to do this until they were reasonably sure they weren’t going to be made to give them away tomorrow. “It’s just math,” he adds softly. 
This puts an end to the allies plan.
“Tsu, what’s wrong with your eyes?”
“I’m allergic to cat hair, kero,” Tsuyu answers.
Uraraka stares at her. Tsuyu stares back, while continuing to pet the cat. Uraraka gives up.
“I mean,” Ashido says, “cats aren’t that noticeable, right? Don’t they sleep a bunch?”
“Cats sleep a lot,” Tsuyu says. “Kittens don’t.” 
Ashido makes a noise of frustration, lapsing back into thought. “The ceiling in our classroom is pretty high,” she pipes up eventually. “Maybe…Aizawa wouldn’t notice if we just…” She gestures to Uraraka’s hands.
“We are not levitating the cats,” Uraraka says. She tilts her head, considering. “We are not levitating the cats, unless we really can’t think of a better plan.”
“Three cats together need a lot of space,” Todoroki says. “But one cat on its own doesn’t need as much. Maybe we should be thinking of plans to hide all of them separately instead of together.”
“Divide and conquer,” Tsuyu says thoughtfully.
“That seems like taking one problem we don’t know how to solve, and making it three problems we don’t know how to solve,” Uraraka says.
“Hey, the cats are not problems,” Ashido says. “Life is the problem. Life, UA, society, taking us away from the things that truly matter.”
They ponder this wisdom while observing the cats. The black cat is gently licking the black-and-white cat’s ear.
“I’m sorry I called you problems,” Uraraka says solemnly. The boots-cat hiccups.
Divide and conquer is still the best idea in play when they give up, around 1am. This means that the next day, Uraraka, Todoroki and Ashido are each enacting their own plans to hide a kitten during morning classes. Tsuyu had designated herself operational support, and also in charge of creating distractions.
Uraraka is a strong believer that if you do something nonchalantly enough, 99% of people won’t question it. So, her plan is to take her books out of her backpack, place them inside her desk, and then also place the kitten inside, swiftly and with confidence.
Unfortunately for her, Bakugou is the 1%. “That’s a fucking cat,” he says. “You have a fucking cat. What the hell, Round Face?”
Several other classmates look over in shock. There’s a brief moment of silence, during which Todoroki’s backpack meows. Aizawa strides in just before the bell rings, the sudden noise sending Ashido’s kitten leaping out of her bag and running across the room.
“Should have levitated them,” Todoroki murmurs.
“Man, don’t you have a class to teach?” Mic asks.
“My class are capable of feeding themselves,” Aizawa says, expressionless. “These cats aren’t. Therefore, they take priority.”
The cat-harborors, plus cats, plus Aizawa, had decamped to the staff room, where Aizawa was feeding the kittens while the others sat around trying to look suitably apologetic. Aizawa had made a couple of attempts to begin lecturing them for smuggling multiple live animals into class, and each time had been swiftly distracted by kittens.
“Eraser!” Mic objects. “You can’t tell your kids they’re less important than cats!”
“It’s okay,” Uraraka says. “I’m pretty sure we all agree that these cats are the most important thing in the world right now.” The circle in general nods.
Silent cat petting ensues. “Did it ever occur to you to take them to a shelter?” Aizawa asks.
“Yeah,” Uraraka says. “Kinda? We didn’t talk about it, necessarily, but…”
“We need this,” Ashido interrupts. She looks solemn, by her standards, even if there is currently a kitten curled up in her folded arms, batting at her bracelets. “Like, I know no one would say we need cats to live, but man, life is hard, and we need these tiny beautiful cats! And their tiny beautiful feet!”
Todoroki silently lifts his sleeping kitten’s paw, demonstrating the tininess.
Aizawa sighs, but against all odds, he doesn’t seem to have an actual argument against this.
“At the beginning of the year,” Tsuyu interjects, “you said UA gives teachers a lot of discretion in how you run your classes.” She pauses, meaningfully. “Does that discretion extend to class pets?”
Aizawa stares intently at Tsuyu, objectively frowning, but Tsuyu has the distinct impression that his estimation of her has gone up by several points. 
“Eraser,” Mic says. “You know I hate to be the voice of reason, but would the old man really let you keep three cats at UA?” Mic stares off into the middle distance, briefly entranced. “Would he?”
“It’s debatable,” Aizawa adds. They’ve rarely seen him look so thoughtful. “There isn’t enough data to be sure.”
“Is that…a yes?” Ashido asks incredulously.
Aizawa shifts his gaze to her, no less intense for the kitten playing in his shirt sleeves. “You’ve yet to convince me you four are capable of caring for even one cat, let alone three kittens.”
“So if we do convince you,” Todoroki asks, “then you’ll let us keep the cats?”
Aizawa glares at everyone in the room except the cats for a solid three seconds. 
“Come to Eraserhead’s class,” Mic muses into the silence. “You have a 70% higher chance of being expelled, but you also have three cats?”
Aizawa doesn’t dignify this with a response. “There will be a class,” he says, “on taking care of cats of various ages. It will not be fun. There will be tests.” His glare softens as he looks down at the kitten now curled around his left hand, seemingly opting to have her daily five minutes of sleep now. “If enough of you pass, and the principal okays it, the cats can live at the dorms.”
“Oh my god,” Ashido says, eyes shining. “This is the best day of my human life. I’ve never been so pumped to take a test!”
Todoroki holds his kitten up, cradled gently in the palms of his hands. A tiny, warm smile spreads across his face. “Now we can give them names.”
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xwhitewolfv · 3 years
Ok so I need to rant about an SCP for a sec
In SCP 1050, the obelisk has an inscription in a form of proto latin by a dude called Legalus Maximus Romulus. It's dated to around 53,000 BCE according to the article. The obelisk itself is dated to have been created around 48,000 BCE. So yes, somehow an inscription in proto latin predates the actual obelisk itself. Ok but here is where things start to bother me. You don't need to be linguist to know that there was no established written language form 50,000 years ago (at least I am 99% sure), not to mention the proto latin itself is stated by the article to be of some unknown alphabet variant, which is fine, except for the fact that it predates any known empire, kingdom, agriculturally advanced society, whatever. I don't know if this is intentional, but I'll get to that in a minute.
The person who apparently wrote the inscription was made by the name mentioned above, which when I tried to figure out if this was a real person (the only results that came up was THE actual Romulus, founder of Rome who would have been in office at around 700 BCE) which not only doesn't correspond with the original carving he's attached to, (plus the like 6 others carvings after from civilisations that predate Rome historically) but he is also from a time period where proto latin wouldn't have been used. Unless this isn't actually Romulus (i don't know if his full name was actually Legalus Maximus Romulus and frankly I kinda don't care) or this is some dude fucking with the inscriptions to make it seem like it was this person, but they time travelled 53,000 years ago. (Was it Clef? Probably, idk, its always him)
So overall:
An inscription that predates the actual obelisk itself,
is written in an unknown alphabet of proto latin in a time period where no languages (in terms of an alphabet, prefixes, vowels, fucking whatever is in a written language don't come at me I know jack shit) existed
Is written by some Roman person who if it is THE actual Romulus (i mean there aren't many people with that name, and the other inscriptions were made by other prominent rulers and figures throughout history, so following this pattern it would be safe to assume it is him) would have existed around 700 BCE, possibly not writing in any form of proto latin nor correspond with the date of the inscription
Not the mention the fact that proto latin doesn't have a concise written form in real life, but since its established in the article as being written in an unknown alphabet related to proto latin it's ok /g
So, by itself this is fine and dandy. Why? Because the date of the inscription and the language could be anomalous, which ties into the anomalous nature of the obelisk as an 'interstellar early warning system'. However, I literally cannot find anything in the article that actually mentions the anomalous nature of the date of inscription and how it contradicts the actual date of the obelisk's supposed creation. Either there is nothing there or I am REALLY stupid (most likely I have missed something because I am in fact, very hopeless) Everything else in the article makes sense to me, it features inscriptions of languages that are accurately dated to their approximated date and are listed as such chronologically, as well as the addition of unknown scripts and symbols that act as nicely embedded pieces of lore and possible history within the universe that this story was created in. Ancient and anomalous civilisations aren't are foreign concept in the SCP foundation, some of the best stories on there utilise these concepts to strengthen their storytelling. I literally have no problems with SCP 1050, I think its a great article and the author really did their research, but this detail bothers the fuck out of me because I can't find any reason as to why this would be mentioned as such. Now you are probably thinking, 'it could have been a typo', and yes, that is what I thought initially as well. Except for the fact that the article has been around for around 8 years, and the original author has not rectified this perceived 'typo'. Barely anyone in the discussion page of the article actually mentions this and I feel like I am loosing my mind a bit. Am I missing something?
Furthermore, (haha you thought this was over. Fuck u I'm not done bitch) the author has responded to comments identifying this typo, with one of the responses hinting that the author themselves did not intend for this to be in the final article, which I call bullshit; "I'll go digging through my notes and try and figure out a satisfactory answer for you. It's entirely conceivable that I messed up (I don't remember specifically where the 53,5██ BCE number came from) - in which case it might be a bit before I can correct not only the in-article text but the images of the carving. I had to do enough calculations for this article that I wouldn't be at all surprised if I made an error at some point..." A post from an admin indicates that at some point, someone edited the article to correct the date of the "proto latin" inscription in order to make it "Philologically plausible" (anyone can edit your SCP articles btw, with the proper permission and guidelines followed). From the admin's comment, the edit was reverted, as according to the author: "The unusual age of the writing is a key part of the anomaly" (can't find where they've stated this) and so this indicates that the date for the inscription WAS intentional, despite it not making any sense. Now before you go "this is the SCP FOUNDATION, we got a statue that looks like a peanut and a giant edgy reptile it doesn't NEED TO MAKE SENSE" which you are completely justified in saying. I too, really enjoy concepts and texts that do not make sense, because that's the great thing about writing surreal, cosmic horror, sci-fi, abstract pieces, you don't need to have your concepts make perfect logical sense because thatsTHE WHOLE POINT. Of course it helps to explain certain elements within your own universe in order for it to make a little realistic, but overall they're amazing, creative releases that I just adore. And so this part of the article really throws me for a loop, because it just stands out amongst all the other languages and inscriptions. Proto latin is a language, its date and alleged author on the obelisk however, contradicts the creation of the obelisk, which could link to its initial anomalous features (I'd like to point out that the obelisk is one part of the SCP, in fact I am quite literally extremely fixated on this one detail when it could be nothing of use) this isn't meant to mar the good quality of the article, it's just something that doesn't sit right with me because I can't piece it together into the story
Its almost 1am, my rant is done goodnight. I'm gonna look back on this in the morning and wonder wtf I was talking about
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baskervilleshound · 4 years
Her Cookies Were to Die For (PART 6)
((ahaaaaa so it’s past 1AM whoo p s. But in my defense, this chapter got way longer than i originally expected it to be- which is great! But this chapter is actually super special, because it pays homage to one of my favorite Ahit comics ever. The wonderful miss @fedoraspooky allowed me to write out the scene from her Snatcher comic. Hopefully I did it justice. Thank you so, so much for letting me write it out ;;u;;
Guys, if you haven’t seen it, here’s a link: https://fedoraspooky.tumblr.com/post/611345241098829824/lil-continuation-comic-thing-from-this-post-and but if you haven’t seen it yet, don’t look at it till after you read this because it’s technically spoilers for this chapter lolz ANYWAYS. time to get spooky. Please enjoy! ))
“Snatcher, help!” Hat Kid cried as she fought against the vicious Subconite that lived in the muck.
The ghost’s vision was hazy, and he felt weak, but without missing a beat, he stretched one of his long arms out to latch onto Hat Kid before pulling her out of the water, and back up onto the dock with him. She was covered in what appeared to be the blue goop. Snatcher had knocked her directly into it by accident.
If he had known that it was the kid touching him, he wouldn’t have launched her off of the dock in the first place.
“Ugh…kid, are you ok…?” Snatcher grumbled weakly. His head hung over the dock as if he couldn’t lift it as more of the blue goop dribbled out from between his fangs.
“I saw you, Snatcher. You’re sick, and I knew it,” Hat Kid breathed as she watched the blue goop beginning to mysteriously evaporate into the sky off of her coat. It was as if the liquid was being beckoned into the sky, as if some sort of tractor beam were pulling it upward. Except, there wasn’t one. This goo seemed to have a mind of its own.
“What is this, exactly?” the girl asked.
In moments, she had pulled out her Dweller Mask and looked at what remained of the blue liquid on her coat, as well as the strange blue orbs of light now littering the bog.
“They’re souls,” Snatcher huffed. “Yes, kid. I’m sick, and I keep throwing up souls. You were right. There, are you happy now?”
Hat Kid immediately crouched down next to the ghost and put a hand on his long back, gently brushing it against the fluff on his neck.
“No, not at all,” the girl said softly, shaking her head. “I never wanted you to be sick…I was just scared that you were, because I don’t know what to do about it.”
“Well. That makes two of us, kiddo.”
Snatcher went to pull himself back up so he wasn’t lying on the dock any longer, but he found that he simply couldn’t. Not right now.
“Can you get up?” Hat Kid asked.
Snatcher grumbled in response. He knew that he couldn’t, but he definitely refused to admit it out loud. However, he didn’t have to. The girl knew in an instant.
“Maybe you need some souls- here, pull out your magic contract thingy, and I’ll let you borrow mine until you feel better, ok?” Hat Kid said urgently. “C’mon, write one up for me and put the little stamp on it, and I’ll sign it for you- promise!”
Regardless of how exhausted and tired Snatcher felt, he couldn’t help but let out a laugh.
“AhahahahahAAAAH!!! Kiddo, you’re going to make me cry with your idiocy. You do realize that your soul is worthless to me unless I eat it, right?”
Hat Kid nodded rapidly, a look of determination on her face.
“Yep- you can have it! If it’ll make you feel better, I don’t need it.”
Snatcher clicked his tongue and shook his head before letting out a deep sigh.
“Kid. Listen. You can’t just go offering your souls to people, alright? You do know that if I were to eat your soul, you would die. Yes?”
Hat Kid’s face fell and she swallowed hard. No, she didn’t know that. Last time Snatcher had taken her soul, she had been just fine…albeit having a little empty feeling inside. But he hadn’t eaten it, no. He had only held it for her.
“But…what about you? I don’t want you to die,” Hat Kid whispered. “What can I do if I can’t let you borrow my soul?”
Snatcher felt a bit warm inside. It made him uncomfortable. This girl-who he tried to kill several times- was doing everything that she could to make him feel alright. She had even offered him her own very soul! But for some reason…he simply couldn’t take it. He would have no issues ripping it straight out of a Mafia’s body, or even any other intruder in his forest. But Hat Kid….? The idea of eating her soul sent shivers down his nonexistent spine, and he hated it.
“Kid, I’m not taking your soul. Stop talking about it. And I’m not going to die. I’m just not used to losing souls like this. Or puking. That too.”
Hat Kid looked as if she were about to cry. That made Snatcher feel even worse. Regardless of how strong the alien girl was, she was still only nine. And that certainly was showing in this moment. Regardless, there wasn’t much that the ghost could do at the moment.
He felt his vision beginning to fade once again, and before he could even give Hat a warning, he had went limp on the dock. His fangs were still wet from the souls that had been expelled from his body.
Hat Kid had done her best not to panic after Snatcher had passed out for the second time in two days. As quickly as she could, she did her best to get the ghost back onto her ship. She didn’t want anyone to find him as weak and tired as he was. What if they hurt him?
What if she hurt him?
Hat Kid swallowed hard as she remembered the note that she found lying in Snatcher’s forest. It had been crumpled up and half buried under a root. Queen Vanessa had sent him a gift in a box. What the box held was a mystery…but Hat Kid had a nagging feeling that whatever had been in it, had something to do with how bad Snatcher was feeling. And those strings wrapped all around his body…and whatever that spiky thing was sitting in the center of his stomach.
Carefully, she tucked the large ghost into her pillow mountain before blowing him a small kiss.
“Goodnight, and feel better, BFF.”
Hat Kid made her way into the kitchen. As expected, Cooking Cat was still in there, messing with her stove.
“I see you brought the big grump back, honey?” CC meowed as she pulled some fresh, hot toast out of the toaster.
“Is he getting sick again?”
Hat Kid frowned and nodded, her eyes becoming glossy.
“I don’t know what to do, CC. He’s throwing up souls. And I guess without them, he feels weak. I don’t know what to do,” the girl breathed, removing her hat and beginning to wring the rim of it. “CC, what do I do?” she choked.
The cat smiled and put the dry toast on a plate before giving it to Hat Kid.
“Well, I’m not really sure how to cure a sick ghost, but I know we can start trying to make him feel better. Maybe some toast would settle his stomach down, hm? He’s pretty big, so I’ll make like four more for him. We’ll start with that, okay?”
Hat Kid slowly nodded, wiping her eyes. She simply stayed by Cooking Cat’s side as she toasted more bread, adding it to the growing pile on the plate. When she was finally finished, the cat patted Hat Kid on the head with one of her soft paws.
“Go on then. See if you can wake him up and get him to eat.”
Hat Kid did as she was told and bounded into her room, being careful not to drop any of the toast.
“Snatcher…! I got you some-!” Hat Kid paused when she realized that she couldn’t see Snatcher in the mountain of pillows. Had he left? Or perhaps, he was buried in the pillows. Hat couldn’t be sure.
Setting the plate down on her desk, Hat slowly treaded through the pillows, looking carefully for a mound that looked like they may have a ghost underneath. Carefully, she began to gently pull the pillows away. Sure enough, she revealed a shadowy foot. Wait- a foot?!
Her heart beating rapidly with excitement, Hat Kid began quickly pulling the rest of the pillows off as fast as she could. In moments, she finally revealed what had been hiding underneath of them.
It was Snatcher, alright. But now how Hat Kid normally saw him. Instead of a long, noodle-like ghost, what instead lied in the pillows in peace was a shadowy version of his former identity…the Prince.
Hat Kid’s breath was nearly taken away. He looked just like he had in the story book! Except for the fact that his skin was still dark hues of purple, just as Snatcher always was. She simply sat there and watched him for a moment before grabbing her umbrella. With eyes as wide as saucers, she gently poked the Prince right on the forehead.
The ghostly royal immediately let out a grunt and half opened one of his eyes before his form began to change. Immediately, his long arms propped him up, and his back arched. Large tufts of spiked fur immediately stuck up on his back as his two legs began to twist back together once again into one big, ghostly tail.
His princely attire vanished and formed back into the sleek form of the Snatcher in a matter of moments. After the ghost was done stretching like that of an overgrown cat, he let out a large yawn, holding a clawed hand in front of his mouth as he did so.
“Ughh…Waddya want, kid…? Don’t you know it’s RUDE to-.” Snatcher paused midsentence as he looked at Hat Kid. She was staring at him as if he had grown six heads atop his shoulders. Her eyes were full of astonishment, and what appeared to even be shock.
Uh…kiddo?” the ghost nervously murmured, now rubbing his claws together.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
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gearbox locked zane’s lazy fix behind a paywall
tl;dr: for the love of god, the seein’ dead class mod should be what the seein’ red capstone is and vice versa. also. MORE SYNERGY. also i redesigned all of Zane’s trees and augments for more synergy you’re welcome.
is 1am and i don’t want tomorrow and im angry and thinking about borderlands so this seems like the perfect time to immerse myself in remaking Zane’s skill trees (for the 5th time). mainly because some of zane’s skills are still irking me and i’ve written extensive essays for the bl3 subreddit about the seein’ dead class mod and just playing around with zane’s skills in general, but i don’t think i’ve ever posted here before about it. so here we are. i notice i usually save lore/theories/characterizations for this blog and meta/balancing/gear talk for reddit. not sure why that’s a split for me. 
now i’ve remade zane’s skills a number of times, but honestly this was all before the seein’ dead mod was released. then, instead of fixing his skill trees, i wrote a lot of essays about why that mod was a terrible bad decision on gearbox’s part (you can read one of the shorter arguments in a comment from 5 months ago here). I’m just gonna remake the skill trees now with all his current abilities in mind.this post really should be titled: ALL THE PROBLEMS WITH THEIR BALANCING DECISIONS
so imma just talk for a bit about why i love/hate the seein’ dead class mod. 
Obviously it’s a god tier mod, and you see almost no zane builds without it, and no top tier, can solo m10 true takedown builds without it (unless ur like, the 1% of masochistic players, in which case i salute you). and while that obviously means its a good mod, it also shows the problems with all his other class mods and his skill trees in general.
They all kinda suck. and that wouldn’t be a problem, bc, hey, the seein’ dead mod is ez to get, just pop on over to the casino and kill a few baddies and they’ll  drop like candy. Which is really awesome!
slight problem.
the dlc is locked behind a PAYWALL
now this is a problem because if zane was a top tier character BEFORE the dlc, and everything was hunky dory and people weren’t on their knees begging for gearbox to fix Zane, then him getting a new badass class mod wouldn’t be such a big deal. but the problem was this was gearbox’s solution to giving Zane a buff.
they literally locked a buff for a character behind a pay wall.
I recommend Zane is every single person I try to convince to play bl3, but i always have to add this like, commercial-esque asterisk. you know, terms and conditions or, side effects or whatever. *you probably want to get the seein’ dead mod if you’re looking at end-game play because unless you wanna struggle that’s his only viable play style.
what if they don’t want to buy the dlc?! for real...
There’s also the point that this class mod makes his (arguably) BEST capstone obsolete. so we have distributed denial which literally no one uses because its broken, double barrel which is always traded for seein’ red or more points in other skills, and seein’ red, WHICH WAS MADE USELESS BY THIS CLASS MOD
okay and it wouldn’t even be so bad
like they lowered ALL his kill skills, then they turned Seein’ Red into his capstone instead of Death Follows Close, meaning they nerfed Death Follows Close so it could fit as just a game changer. my poor boy was g u t t e d.
so, imagine this, everyone is reaching the end-game content of bl3. it’s a month or 2 weeks or whatever after the game dropped and people are finally hitting level 50. and moze/fl4k/amara are all killin’ it, and the zane players have to work their ASSES off to do like... 50% of that damage output (now, they did also eventually nerf the crap outta moze and fl4k but the point stands). 
so instead of gearbox going: “oh... shit that pre-release nerf was an awful idea, revert the changes guys” they decided to keep him gutted and then they released what was, in my opinion, a kick in the nuts with the maliwan takedown (aka the antifreeze mod, alongside the spiritual driver) ahahahahahaha. what good times it was. (I say this sarcastically.) 
man i remember people were soooo livid with that class mod release. well, both of them. zane mains were pissed off (for good reason). “yes, let’s make the people who are begging for a straight damage increase jump through MORE hoops (LITERALLY) for a pitiful amount of damage. oh, also, let’s give their 28 skill point build to the strongest character in the game for free and also make it 10x better”. because it was 10x better than violent momentum (driver didn’t have a damage cap) until they fixed both the spiritual driver and the violent momentum skill. it was the worst of times.
i will note here they did, around this time, let zane have stackable kill skills, but it was only 2 stacks and also it was still *incredibly* difficult to achieve stacks because zane just. struggled to kill anything. I still remember when i grinded the shit outta an antifreeze class mod and it took me over 20 minutes to kill Wotan my first time solo on m4. Not the fight UP to wotan. literally. just killing wotan.
then the seein’ dead mod dropped and i had. a fuckin. 15 minute decrease to my time on killing wotan (5 minutes!!!!). now i am not perfect, and i 100% believe i could’ve lowered the time even more. but that... that shows a VERY CLEAR problem.
they never actually fixed zane, they gave him a class mod that’s stupid OP just to make sure he could hang on next to the other Vault Hunters. it’s just a bandaid fix. you remove the class mod, and he’s back to pre-jackpot power levels (which will NOT hold up at m10, let me tell you). 
all his pre-jackpot problems are still here, and that’s why people are not using any other class mod of his. I bet we could have some really fun builds with the conductor mod! but nobody will ever use it because it’s just... not even close to the seein’ dead mod.
So what does the seein’ dead mod do that makes Zane so good?
this mod, plus Death Follows Close, brings Zane back to pre-release zane. and i don��t understand how gearbox isn’t putting two and two together and going “Oh.”
it also is a BETTER VERSION of Seein’ Red!!! something players could have had at, like, level 15, but instead had to wait until they hit a capstone! the capstone is completely obsolete at this point. There is nothing seein’ red can give you that seein’ dead doesn’t do but better. Getting that capstone is a w a s t e of skill points.
AND they locked this fix behind a pay wall!!! i cannot say that enough. you don’t wanna get the handsome jackpot dlc?? guess u don’t wanna play zane at endgame then. too bad, so sad.
have i stated that enough? because it still blows my fuckin mind. THEY LOCKED A CHARACTER FIX BEHIND A PAYWALL
djhdgakjhakjdah. imagine playing without any prior knowledge and being like, aw man i love this zane character. can’t wait to get to max mayhem end game like all my favorite youtubers and friends!! then finding out you gotta drop 15 bucks or whatever it is just to actually be able to play at max mayhem level. that is not a skill difference, that is A BALANCING PROBLEM MY DUDES. like. my favorite zer0 build was still viable without the story DLCs. obviously grog > rubi, pimp > lyuda, rapier > law but, it was still fuckin viable.
guh. gufhgufhsdgkfjsdh. it bothers me.
ok so there’s a lot i just went over: my main issue? is that by making Seein’ Red a capstone, they did nothing to make it an actual legit capstone. They definitely nerfed Death Followed Close to make it a gamechanger, but they never gave Seein’ Red a buff to move it from a gamechanger to a capstone. It was the same exact skill. Seein’ Dead is what Seein’ Red SHOULD be and that’s what angers the crap outta me. they locked this obvious fix behind a pay wall (AND a gear slot!!!!!) n ur probably thinking ‘but cruddy this WAS really nice of them to try and fix zane... they could’ve just let him be suuc’ and like, yeah, they could’ve, and it is good they’re TRYING, but also, they’re leaving the people who DON’T buy the DLC high and dry.
keep in mind i DO own the dlc. have the season pass and everything. IM STILL MAD!!!
Zane should be strong no matter what class mod the players want to use. Same with Amara, same with Moze, same with Fl4k. FFS, it is not that hard. CHANGE THEIR SKILLS!!!!!
so im gonna be taking the time to go over all of zane’s skills and shit just to put him more on par with the others (WITHOUT THE SEEIN’ DEAD MOD)
imagine the seein’ dead mod doesn’t exist for this. we’re gonna make a balanced character since apparently THAT’S TOO HARD FOR A TRIPLE-A BALANCING TEAM
first things first, the tree with the most fuckin problems: 
Under Cover
oh god this tree is a fucking train wreck what the hell were they thinking. good god. my eyes. they’re burning.
not actually, but it still kinda sucks.
Action Skill: Barrier is fine. I would not add the ‘picking it up decreases benefits’ when Zane’s whole schtick is running around fast. You get the full bonus no matter what form it’s in. also, you can hold down the action skill activation button to deploy the barrier directly on yourself.
Tier 1: Hearty Stock is a trap. never get this. so dumb. no synergy with his other skills. Adrenaline is okay, but not really great during end game. Ready For Action is similarly okay. Just a very MEH start to this tree. 
Adrenaline: Zane gains increased Action Skill Cooldown Rate. 10% per level, up to 50%. this shouldn’t be tied to his shields being full because if your barrier is down (cooling DOWN)... your shield is taking damage. c’mon now. THINK GEARBOX T H I N K
Hearty Stock: (maxed) Zane and his clone gain 5% magazine regeneration while an action skill is active. This skill stacks. In it’s original state, this skill is such a trap skill. for real.
Ready For Action: i mean, it’s fine. We’ll keep it. +30% shield recharge rate and -29% (why????) recharge delay
Tier 2: ech. Stiff Upper Lip is not that good. Brain freeze is what u really want. Rise to the Occasion is also okay.
Brain Freeze: keep the same.
Stiff Upper Lip: when Zane is damaged with a hit that would break his shield, he gains (max) +20% bonus gun damage on his next shot through the barrier.
Rise to the Occasion: Zane and his clone gain health regeneration. +5% max health/s. Not determined by shield availability.
Tier 3: `screams in confident competence` oh lawd. this skill is good. the accuracy thing is kinda laughable. i tell you, i always thought that zane was originally meant to be the sniper with the Under Cover tree but they decided to swap Zane and Fl4k’s skills. which is why Zane has soooo many accuracy buffs.
Confident Competence: fine the way it is. I would also add, since this IS a game changer, that the Barrier’s damage amp is now 40%.
Tier 4: ew. tier 4. Really Expensive Jacket is literally the only skill you might want to get and EVEN THEN. ugh. Best Served Cold is so pointless. and so is Futility Belt. YOU TAKE MORE DAMAGE WITH IT
Really Expensive Jacket: Elemental Status Effects have reduced duration (-50%). Additionally, Zane is not slowed by Cryo anymore.
Best Served Cold: Remove the cooldown. Buff up the damage at least 200%. Make it an AOE Brain Freeze. That is, the cryo novas stack and if overkill damage is high enough, enemies hit with the novas freeze. Kinda like a discount Frozen Heart.
Futility Belt: HA. Ahahahahaha. Ha. Zane gains resistance to non-elemental and cryo damage (+15%). Futhermore, after killing an enemy, Zane’s barrier gains additional cryo damage (+20%) for 8s.
Tier 5: is oki. My only real complaint is with Nerves of Steel. Like. Seriously.
Refreshment: god tier skill actually. Keep the same.
Best Served Cold: also keep the same. The only change I will make is this: resetting your action skills’ cooldowns counts as action skill start and end.
Nerves of Steel: The longer Zane’s barrier is active, the more stacks of Nerves of Steel he gains (a maximum of 15). For each stack, Zane gains 2% shock damage, 2% cryo efficiency, and 1% damage to frozen enemies. (why shock damage? cryo doesn’t do well against shields.)
Tier 6: *cries in the worst capstone in the entire series* WHO DID THIS. WHY. WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU???
Distributed Denial: no. just. no. scrap this whole damn thing. IT DOESN’T EVEN WORK!!!! either fix it COMPLETELY or do something else. My recommendation? Whenever Zane throws down his barrier, his shield instantly begins recharging. If Zane’s shield is already full or recharging, enemies with no shields (or freeze immunity) that touch Zane’s Barrier for the next 10s are instantly frozen.
Augments: why the hell do i gotta place my barrier down when my entire fuckin’ character is about RUNNING. ALSO JUST AS A BLANKET STATEMENT: ALL THESE AUGMENTS WORK 100% EVEN IF HIS BARRIER IS PICKED UP. SO DUMB. a fully pointless restriction.
that last sentence immediately fixes Charged Relay and Nanites or Some Shite.
Redistribution: If his shields are full, Zane can sacrifice 50% of his shields to have his next shot deal 100% bonus cryo damage by holding F.
All-Rounder: Fine as is. Only thing I would add: whenever Zane melees an enemy, his shields are drained by 50% and his sliding augment is added to the melee attack.
Deterrence Field: Fine as is. But! I would add: whenever Zane sprints into an enemy, his shields are drained by 50% and slam augment is activated.
THAT WAY we can have both slam/sliding relics actually DO SOMETHING. because my god they’re so useless rn.
alright, moving on.
Tier 1: is okay. nobody ever takes cold bore. ever.
Violent Speed: fine as is, but we’re taking it back to pre-release values. Max: 30%. can stack 2x.
Cold Bore: Zane gains (max) 20% bonus cryo damage to all shots fired while moving.
Violent Momentum: fine as is, but taking it back to pre-release values. 30% gun damage at default walk speed. Additionally, Zane can now shoot while sprinting.
Tier 2: my boy zoomer needs more fun.
Cool Hand: fine as it is. I would buff his base reload speed up to 20% and kill skill reload to 20% as well. 17 and 13 are such weird numbers.
Drone Delivery: fine as it is. Additionally, Zoomer’s base shots now take on the element of Zane’s grenade mod.
Salvation: fine as it is. I won’t mess with this bc life steal is messy business (coughs in grog)
Tier 3: hhhynf.fdsg. 
Death Follows Close: Kill Skill Bonus: +30%. Kill Skill Time: +7s. Additionally, enemies targeted by Zoomer take 5% more damage from Zane.
Tier 4: these two skills are actually p dope by themselves. it can stay as it is. I would MAYBE increase the violent violence max buff up to 20% but that’s just me.
Tier 5: ahahahaha. this skill. just remember, we’re pretending Seein’ Dead doesn’t exist, so imagine how this skill looks next to calm cool n collected. so pointless.
Good Misfortune: Killing an enemy with a critical hit adds (max) 10% efficiency to Zane’s kill skills for 8s. This does not stack.
Seein’ Red: Zane has a (4%) chance to activate his kill skills upon dealing gun damage to an enemy. Additionally, enemies targeted by Zoomer now take 15% more damage from Zane.
so why didn’t we make good misfortune the infinite action skill build?? BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT CCnC IS SUPPOSED TO DO!!! why have 2 skills that do the exact same thing AT THE EXACT SAME TIER except ONE IS OBJECTIVELY WORSE!!!!!
what happens to the Seein’ Dead class mod if we’re giving its perk to this capstone? I’m so glad you asked. “Zane activates his kill skills when activating his action skills. Additionally, the kill skills activated this way have 15% more efficiency”. look how much better balanced that is!!!! that’s a class mod!!!!!!!!
Augments: these aren’t THAT bad, but they could be a lot better.
Winter’s Drone: Zoomer gains 20% bonus cryo damage to all shots.
Bad Dose: pump these numbers up. Fire Rate: +7% per affected enemy. Movement Speed: +10% per enemy. everything else is fine.
Boomsday: just make this more beefy. fr. It’d be a good choice if it were stronger.
Static Field: also fine. I would again give it better damage output, but that’s just me.
Almighty Ordnance: remove the build up honestly. Like i get the vibe and it’s really cool, but in combat it just DOESN’T WORK. maybe if Zoomer is targeting an enemy, he will unleash the missiles if they are above 50% health after 30s or something. I honestly think these should have a debuffing factor instead of a damage factor (you know, to not get in the way of boomsday). maybe something around 15%? the 1x per action skill activation thing would be easily subverted with CCnC with the changes we suggested, so it could work. 
Doubled Agent
ahhh, Blane. Blue Zane. Love ya, buddy. One change: he prioritizes pinged targets. That way you can kinda get him to fight specific people. Also, lower the teleportation timer. pls.
Tier 1: actually p good. could be better, but its not bad.
Synchronicity: Zane gains 20% bonus damage per active action skill. While Zane has an action skill active, he gains a stack of Synchronicity. Max Stacks: 10. For each stack of Synchronicity, Zane gains 5% Action Skill Cooldown Rate and 2% Action Skill Damage.
Praemunitus: Zane and his digiclone gain (max) 30% magazine size.
Borrowed Time: For each action skill active, Zane gains 30% action skill duration. The longer Zane’s action skills are active, he and Blane gain a higher Fire Rate and faster Reload Speed, up to 20%. (the idea is you choose between this or synchronicity bc... either permanent action skills build or fast paced action skills build)
Tier 2: Donnybrook is fun. Fractal Frags is fun. Duct tape mod is a GODDAMN DISAPPOINTMENT
Donnybrook: fine as it is. I might buff the max numbers up to 20% gun damage and 3% health regen. But that’s really it.
Fractal Frags: Blane will periodically toss a grenade from Zane’s stockpile at his targeted enemy (cooldown: 20s). Kill Skill: Blane has a 45% chance to throw a free grenade.
Duct Tape Mod: this skill... why... No cooldown. NONE. Zane has a 1% chance to also fire a grenade from his gun. Kill Skill: This is increased to 15% for 8s (stays at 1% for the whole time, but the kill skill will increase by 3% for each tier)
Tier 3: Actually Quick Breather is one of my favorite skills. this can stay.
Quick Breather: Same as is. Additionally, Zane and his clone gain 25% Gun Damage after swapping places for a short time (8s).  I really wanna promote swapping places. It’s really underutilized. they’ve ADDED stuff to this skill already!!! even tho it didn’t work until the next patch. BUT THEY SHOW ITS POSSIBLE TO ADD TO SKILLS!!!
Tier 4: actually a really good tier. a few minor changes. 
Pocket Full of Grenades: Kill Skill: Zane gains (max) 15% grenade regeneration for 8s. If Zane’s grenades are full, any excess grenades are shot from his gun with 25% bonus damage.
Old-U: If Zane falls into FFYL while his digiclone is active, he can press the action skill activation key to destroy his clone and gain a second wind. When he does this, he takes the place of his clone. His clone will also drop a grenade when it is destroyed.
Supersonic Man: Zane gains increased movement speed for each active action skill: (max) 15% each. Additionally, teleportation is considered to be Zane’s maximum speed for its duration and 5s after. 
Tier 5: oh god oh fuck oh god.
Like a Ghost: Oh god why. Zane and his digiclone gain a (max) 15% chance to ignore all damage while teleporting and for 7s after.
Boom. Enhance: actually a pretty swell skill. I would probably add Health Regen +3% per grenade tho. Blane needs help a lot.
Trick of the Light: bring back the shock damage. Zane deals 40% bonus shock damage for 7s after swapping places with his clone.
Tier 6: oh ngl I actually love this capstone lol
Double Barrel: Zane’s digiclone gains a copy of Zane’s current gun when it is deployed (and all the anointments work and he actually fires it like a reasonable person). Zane’s clone now deals damage equal to Zane’s base weapon damage. Upon swapping places, both Zane and his digiclone deal 50% bonus damage for 7s.
Binary System: is okay. Kinda uhhh underwhelming tho. Buff up the damage and also maybe reduce teleportation time.
Schadenfreude: I like this one a lot. Zane’s shield is restored by 100% of the damage his digiclone takes and vice versa.
Dopplebanger: lower the waiting time. I get that u don’t wanna override the teleportation, but it’s really annoying. Buff damage and don’t make it dependent on action skill duration. If this explosion kills an enemy, the clone is reactivated with 50% action skill duration.
Which One’s Real?: I’ve never actually felt this work. Maybe for like 2 seconds? Make it work more like Zer0′s hologram or Timmy’s Jack clones or smth. Maybe give an activation cue? im v lost with this one. Enemies targeting Zane take 30% more damage from the digiclone.
Digital Distribution: 75% of the health damage Zane takes is distributed to his clone instead. The digiclone gains 5% Health Regeneration/s and sends out 3 [level specific damage] shock spikes to enemies that attack it. 
literally all Zane needs is SYNERGY. if they can change a few skills, pump up a few numbers, and ffs fix the seein’ red/dead capstone/mod, they’d be in FUCKIN BUSINESS
but no instead
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