#vent post 2!
h0neyfreak · 7 months
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hai-nae · 3 months
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meant to post these sketches a few days ago? a week? but, well, life.
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ghoulcourier · 24 days
“We need more complex female characters.”
Y’all can’t even handle Barbara Howard (fotv).
“She never loved her family.”
Yeah, that why she tried to get her family into a good vault and fought so hard to do so. Yeah, she is part of the people that dropped the bomb, and yes she loved her family. That’s a complex character.
“Why didn’t she stop the bombs?”
Idk if we watched the same show, or if you missed the VERY OBVIOUS SHADOWY MASTERMIND IN THE WINGS. During the board members meeting, we see Barb look up at the observation room for the room they are in to see someone. Then she makes the bomb suggestion. It’s very obvious that even though she is working w them the dropping of the bombs is bigger than she is.
“Well, why are Janey and Cooper out and about when the bombs drop?”
I would usually wait till season 2 to get an answer for this but I’ll throw my hat in the ring for a guess. It was probably his weekend, and I doubt Barb knew exactly when everything would go down. I don’t think many Americans did which is why the intro to Fo4 is the way it is. Cooper probably rushed Janey to the vault. Janey, though she experienced the bomb, did in fact have a spot in the vault. It is assumed, otherwise Cooper would just be asking Hank/Henry about his wife, only. He asks about his family. Janey was probably allowed in, but Cooper’s betrayal of Vault Tec was probably the reason he lost his spot. Barb, freshly divorced, was probably not allowed to save him OR let him into vault. And even if she did leave him outside, he just betrayed her. He JUST divorced her.
If the birthday party scene is anything to go by, Cooper just put Barb’s entire reputation under fire. At Her Job. The same job that is allowing her safety, why would she let him stay in the vault at the risk of maybe losing her own spot and that of her daughter’s…?
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Barb Howard is a complex character, don’t slander her just because she gets in the way of your ship. Y’all do the same with Maximus. The ghoul is my fave but with all the Barb and Max slander I need a g*n to defend them.
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autisticdreamdrop · 8 months
autism regression needs to be talked about more.
you can lose so many skills. lose the ability to mask. lose the ability to control stimming. lose the ability to use motor functions. lose the ability to take care our yourself.
it's so hard.. it's so scary.. we just got able to write again and it's so bad. you can come out of regression, you can gain skills back in some areas or all areas affected but it's so hard and you can always be forced back. it's not fair.
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ninadove · 11 months
So. There’s this show I really hate.
I didn’t even want to watch it, but I was forced to sit through literally all of it because my parents liked it for some reason that completely eludes me. Not only is the plot catastrophically bad and the characters inconsistent — it’s also very, very misogynistic in essence. Just thinking about it now makes me want to chew on the writing team’s bones.
I genuinely have nothing good to say about this show.
So. Do you know how many posts I uploaded to the corresponding tags?
ZERO (0)
Because there’s no point in spending energy on a thing I hate so passionately, and even less in ruining it for other people.
Don’t get me wrong — it’s OK to point out irregularities in writing, and to talk about specific aspects of a story that upset you. But uploading dozens of posts about how you Hate The Thing, Analysing The Thing Is Pointless, Everyone Who Worked On The Thing Is Stupid, and Everyone Who Loves The Thing Is Delusional, is maybe not the genius take you think it is.
It doesn’t make you smarter than everyone else. It just makes you boring.
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actual-changeling · 8 months
I hope it turns out that Maggie is "just" a human. I hope it turns out that there is absolutely nothing supernatural or occult or celestial or whatnot about her, fuck, I hope it turns out it's NINA instead.
Fuck, I'm trying very hard not to be frustrated and upset, but I am. I am because it's been over a month and people are still taking Maggie's clearly neurodivergent, and more specifically autistic, behaviour and twist it into "oh look no normal human is like this she's so creepy she must be a demon or an angel" like are you LISTENING to yourselves?
YES she talks differently sometimes, yes she's emotional, yes she did ONE FUCKING SPELLING MISTAKE while she was literally sobbing her eyes out. People are like that, you know. People that don't drink and that didn't go to parties and don't socialize well exist. I'm that person.
I had absolutely ZERO thoughts about Maggie being a celestial because to me, she isn't weird. There is nothing off about her. She's like me, I felt SEEN, I felt recognized and acknowledged.
The worst part is that people LOVE headcanoning Muriel or Aziraphale or Crowley as autistic but as soon as it's not something people can either infantilize or twist into something else, they hate it. Muriel gets praised for the same traits that have people calling Maggie a villain.
Can we stop doing that? Can we stop taking people who are weird or visibly disabled or different and shoving them into the non-human box? Do you have any idea how dehumanizing that is for people who are like those characters?
We had canonically non-binary characters this season that are human, so why, and please fucking tell me WHY, is it impossible in your minds to have disabled humans around? Why does anyone slightly weird have to be a supernatural being?
Just because Maggie's behaviour isn't played off as a joke? Because she is allowed to be a middle-aged, lesbian autistic woman? Because you cannot infantilize her like you can with Muriel?
Please tell me because I don't fucking know.
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blitzwhore · 1 month
It's always fun experiencing severe mental illness symptoms because of fiction, eh?
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strrwbrrryjam · 4 months
i honestly think the reason why i and so many others connected with rdr2 so much is because, outside of the heartbreak, destruction and devastation, it's just, pure escapism.
if you don't play missions (missions the game doesn't force) most of the time it's just you, your horse and the great outdoors, you can spend your time fishing, gathering herbs, you can spend your swimming, camping in a field of flowers, sketching the fauna that you can find, you can go so long without interacting with anyone, it's nice, it's peaceful, it's, to me, perfect escapism.
its a game where i can live out my ideal fantasy of simply being free, at least for a while, something that isn't possible for me in real life, it isn't possible for me to simply up and leave, to explore and live life by myself, i have responsibilities, i have a future i need to work towards (no matter how hard it is to do so), so the next best thing for me to simply take a break, is red dead redemption 2.
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yurimage · 11 months
Now that it's Disability Pride Month, anyone who makes obnoxious diabetes jokes along the lines of "diabetes in a cup" or similar jokes personally owes me at least $10 okay thank you much love ^_^
Same goes for the people who immediately tell me about how much they would hate their life if they had to inject themselves with needles everyday like I do after I tell them I'm diabetic, your comment is not helpful or insightful! :3
Oh and people who ask me for the in depth medical definition on type 1 diabetes owe AT LEAST $30, I'm not your personal medical dictionary
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mortysmith · 6 months
In theory i like the idea that rick is growing and developing as a person. In practice it ends up falling short though, because no one balances him out. rick is getting better while no one else is getting worse, and it causes the whole thing to end up feeling a bit stale. The biggest draw, at least for me, has always been rick and morty's shitty dynamic, but it barely exists anymore because rick has been so watered down.
The ideal solution is literally just to make morty into a bigger asshole. Essentially flipping the main characters' personalities would offer a wide variety of conflict into the show, and would also help keep it "fresh".
Instead it feels the writers are pretending that they can't possibly do anything with morty's character, that they have to keep him the same anxious idiot he was in season one. I've said this before, but it's incredibly frustrating to watch the show have no problem with expanding rick's character while struggling with keeping morty's heavily stagnated characterization consistent. Where rick has space to develop between multiple seasons, morty is constantly forced into one of two boxes (smart/stupid) depending on the episode.
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emberglowfox · 10 months
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closing time
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coffee-bat · 21 days
ngl i finished season 4 but i'm still sooo fucking irrationally angry abt how jon was treated by everyone in it
he's one of the 4 people who literally save the world, and he ends up in a coma for 6 months from his injuries, and then everyone is unhappy that he wakes up and they tell him straight up
he first tries to no-anaesthetic amputate his own finger, then gets 2 ribs torn out, just to save one person (who tried to kill him), then spends 3 days trapped underground and probably gets his shit crushed (he's audibly in pain there?), just to save her, and when it's done not only does noone make sure he's okay but i'm pretty sure he doesn't even get a thank you
he gets stabbed, and once again noone even makes sure he's okay or helps him
he's forced to starve himself, then not only does everyone yell at him when he acts out because he's literally starving, but they also want to use him to do things that actively make him hungrier
there's more but god every interaction he had in this season made me feel violent
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ohhalazia · 7 months
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ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ɢᴏᴛ ᴍᴇ ɪɴ ᴀ ᴄʜᴏᴋᴇʜᴏʟᴅ
☆ seonghwa in wonderland symphony no. 9 vs ’chokehold’ by sleep token ☆
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poopyboiman · 8 months
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I hate putting people on blast but I already said multiple times that I don't want people reposting my art, not only did this person repost it but they didn't even credit me
whoever you are please take it down or at the very least credit me
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spiralhigh · 1 year
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this is like a year old and super out of character bc i only drew it to blow off steam but i still like how it came out so
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the-sleeping-idiot · 4 months
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... don't mind me.... just a little vent.
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