#white supremism
vague-humanoid · 2 months
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thewoodbine · 12 days
PSA: There is no such thing as a "white Jew"
There are Jews who have European backgrounds and *some* of them have benefited from eurocentrism or being white passing, but in moments of crisis or need the social tides that create white privilege have never seen Jewish people as part of that group. Whiteness is a social category which has changed with time and attitudes and, at least for now, it has never and still doesn't include Jewish people.
Continuing to use the term "white Jews" is ignorant at best and harmful at worst. Even converts once converted are othered and can no longer rely on any previous white background to save them if they are identified as Jewish.
[ Non-jews please reblog]
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i'm sorry palestinians aren't white enough for you to care
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self-hating-zionist · 28 days
I have said this before. Israel is an extension of white supremacy.
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mysharona1987 · 2 years
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batboyblog · 1 year
of course I haven't seen people talking about this, if you didn't know about this, or find this surprising, you haven't been paying attention to the state of Jewish life in America, yes this is scary and extreme but the Jewish community has been under siege for quite some time, the twitter thread where I saw this link is full of Jews talking about their Synagogue shutting down this weekend or moving Saturday services somewhere else....
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violottie · 1 month
We know why... we all know why... this world does not see non white people as human beings
caption under images. from Madiha, 03/Apr/2024:
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starlightshadowsworld · 6 months
Why do you reckon you want to be a hero so bad? You'll stand up for any cause be it the Palestinians refusing to move on or a frog you found out of water. You're not gonna change the world, you're insignificant and you will always be
I dunno why do I stand up for causes like this?
Could it be because my family originally comes from a part of the world that has its own parallels to Palestine?
Or is it just that I'm simply human and seeing other humans suffer on such a mass scale as the world's powers turn a blind eye, horrifies me.
Maybe it's both.
Maybe it's more.
I know that I can't change the world.
I am one person, one voice in a sea of millions.
But you're wrong when you say I'm insignificant.
Because I amplify the voices of others, I spread news and do my best to bring light and hope to these causes.
From those far my knowledgable, from those who have that reach and power.
And if I can spread that to one person, and they can pass that on or join in the boycotts or just inform them of something they didn't know about.
Than that's all that matters.
We live in a society that thrives on ignorance, on the prioritisation of comfort and imperialism which uphold white supremacists.
And lead to the suffering of others like the Palestinians, like the Sudanese, like the Congolese.
It's important to recognise that, to challenge it so we aren't complacent.
If I can do something, even if it doesn't have a big impact its better than nothing.
We might not be able to do much but we will know the truth that the world tries so desperately to hide from us.
Which stops us from falling for their lies.
It was said a man protested the Vietnam war by standing in solidarity outside the white house with a candle.
A journalist came up to him and said "Sir, do you really think you are going to change the policies of this country by standing out here alone every night with a candle?"
The man replied "I don't do this to change the country. I do this so the country won't change me."
It's people like you who make others sharing their voices feel insignificant.
If my voice didn't matter you wouldn't care to try to silence me.
If our voices didn't matter the world wouldn't be trying to censor and silence Pro Palestine content.
I'm no hero.
But you most certainly are a villian.
Free Palestine from the river to the sea.
Free Congo.
Free Sudan.
Free Tigray.
Free Haiti.
Free Hawaii.
That all indigenous folk have their land returned.
That all colonial colonies are made independent.
And free every person who has ever suffered from the lasting effects, both directly and indirectly from colonisation and imperialism.
I hope you all find peace during your lifetimes.
I stand with you, holding my candle.
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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A lot of privileged white people are so funny because they’re crazy for YA literature about revolutions and freedom; bloody, violent fights for justice with good causes.
The moment those stories are translated into real-time, life or death movements against imperialist, colonialist, white supremacy states, who massacre kids and call them ‘terrorists’ or ‘predators’, those same privileged white people ask for the oppressed to sit down and talk about this calmly.
We did. It gets us killed and it makes the oppression worse. No one wins their freedoms by being quiet about it.
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icarusxxrising · 9 months
I do need white people to understand that what's holding a lot of the working class back from leftist radicalism isn't just fearing the words leftism/communism/socialism/anarchism etc. Or their inability to think of a world without Capitalism, it's also deeply ingrained bigotries and especially white supremacy.
Your average White worker isn't just afraid of Leftism because of deep propaganda, they might also just straight up fucking racist or sexist or more and the idea that a better future would mean you can't treat other genders or nonwhite people as subhuman is abhorrent to them. They like their privileges, no matter how many times they claim that White privilege doesn't exist. They will choose White Supremacy over the possibility of a better future.
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newsfrom-theworld · 3 months
A lot of people are stating they are “done” with Bisan and Motaz because they are anti-black. And it’s lead me to a serious thought I’ve been having for a while.
It’s been weird to see how many of us in the west have built these deeply problematic parasocial relationships with people like Bisan documenting and living under genocide.
We have created a celebrification of them whilst they live through their extermination.
Nothing will be done without antiblackness being addressed and destroyed.
And always,
Free Palestine, Free Sudan
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antiradqueer · 6 months
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600 bucks says they think “cracker” is an oppressive slur
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Clay Jones
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December 29, 2023
DEC 29, 2023
When asked at a town hall on Wednesday to identify the cause of the United States Civil War, presidential candidate and former governor of South Carolina Nikki Haley answered that the cause “was basically how government was going to run, the freedoms, and what people could and couldn’t do…. I think it always comes down to the role of government and what the rights of the people are…. And I will always stand by the fact that, I think, government was intended to secure the rights and freedoms of the people.”
Haley has correctly been lambasted for her rewriting of history. The vice president of the Confederacy, Alexander Stephens of Georgia, was quite clear about the cause of the Civil War. Stephens explicitly rejected the idea embraced by U.S. politicians from the revolutionary period onward that human enslavement was “wrong in principle, socially, morally, and politically.” Instead, he declared: “Our new government is founded upon…the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery—subordination to the superior race—is his natural and normal condition.” 
President Joe Biden put the cause of the Civil War even more succinctly: “It was about slavery.” 
Haley has been backpedaling ever since—as well as suggesting that the question was somehow a “gotcha” question from a Democrat, as if it was a difficult question to answer—but her answer was not simply bad history or an unwillingness to offend potential voters, as some have suggested. It was the death knell of the Republican Party.
That party formed in the 1850s to stand against what was known as the Slave Power, a small group of elite enslavers who had come to dominate first the Democratic Party and then, through it, the presidency, Supreme Court, and Senate. When northern Democrats in the House of Representatives caved to pressure to allow enslavement into western lands from which it had been prohibited since 1820, northerners of all political stripes recognized that it was only a question of time until elite enslavers took over the West, joined with lawmakers from southern slave states, overwhelmed the northern free states in the House of Representatives, and made enslavement national. 
So in 1854, after Congress passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act that allowed the spread of enslavement into previously protected western lands, northerners abandoned their old parties and came together first as “anti-Nebraska” coalitions and then, by 1856, as the Republican Party. 
At first their only goal was to stop the Slave Power, but in 1859, Illinois lawyer Abraham Lincoln articulated an ideology for the new party. In contrast to southern Democrats, who insisted that a successful society required leaders to dominate workers and that the government must limit itself to defending those leaders because its only domestic role was the protection of property, Lincoln envisioned a new kind of government, based on a new economy.
Lincoln saw a society that moved forward thanks not to rich people, but to the innovation of men just starting out. Such men produced more than they and their families could consume, and their accumulated capital would employ shoemakers and storekeepers. Those businessmen, in turn, would support a few industrialists, who would begin the cycle again by hiring other men just starting out. Rather than remaining small and simply protecting property, Lincoln and his fellow Republicans argued, the government should clear the way for those at the bottom of the economy, making sure they had access to resources, education, and the internal improvements that would enable them to reach markets. 
When the leaders of the Confederacy seceded to start their own nation based in their own hierarchical society, the Republicans in charge of the United States government were free to put their theory into practice. For a nominal fee, they sold farmers land that the government in the past would have sold to speculators; created state colleges, railroads, national money, and income taxes; and promoted immigration. 
Finally, with the Civil War over and the Union restored on their terms, in 1865 they ended the institution of human enslavement except as punishment for crime (an important exception) and in 1868 they added the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution to make clear that the federal government had power to override state laws that enforced inequality among different Americans. In 1870 they created the Department of Justice to ensure that all American citizens enjoyed the equal protection of the laws.
In the years after the Civil War, the Republican vision of a harmony of economic interest among all Americans quickly swung toward the idea of protecting those at the top of society, with the argument that industrial leaders were the ones who created jobs for urban workers. Ever since, the party has alternated  between Lincoln’s theory that the government must work for those at the bottom and the theory of the so-called robber barons, who echoed the elite enslavers’ idea that the government must protect the wealthy. 
During the Progressive Era, Theodore Roosevelt reclaimed Lincoln’s philosophy and argued for a strong government to rein in the industrialists and financiers who dominated society; a half-century later, Dwight Eisenhower followed the lead of Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt and used the government to regulate business, provide a basic social safety net, promote infrastructure, and protect civil rights. 
After each progressive president, the party swung toward protecting property. In the modern era the swing begun under Richard Nixon gained momentum with the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980. Since then the party has focused on deregulation, tax cuts, privatization, and taking power away from the federal government and turning it back over to the states, while maintaining that market forces, rather than government policies, should drive society. 
But those ideas were not generally popular, so to win elections, the party welcomed white evangelical Christians into a coalition, promising them legislation that would restore traditional society, relegating women and people of color back to the subservience the law enforced before the 1950s. But it seems they never really intended for that party base to gain control.
The small-government idea was the party’s philosophy when Donald Trump came down the escalator in June 2015 to announce he was running for president, and his 2017 tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy indicated he would follow in that vein. But his presidency quickly turned the Republican base into a right-wing movement loyal to Trump himself, and he was both eager to get away from legal trouble and impeachments and determined to exact revenge on those who did not do his bidding. The power in the party shifted from those trying to protect wealthy Americans to Trump, who increasingly aligned with foreign autocrats.
That realignment has taken off since Trump left office in 2021 and his base wrested power from the party’s former leaders. Leaders in Trump’s right-wing movement have increasingly embraced the concept of “illiberal democracy” or “Christian democracy” as articulated by Russian autocrat Vladimir Putin or Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orbán, who has demolished Hungary’s democracy and replaced it with a dictatorship. On the campaign trail lately, Trump has taken to echoing Putin and Orbán directly.
Those leaders insist that the equality at the heart of democracy destroys a nation by welcoming immigrants, which undermines national purity, and by treating women, minorities, and LGBTQ+ people as equal to white, heteronormative men. Their focus on what they call “traditional values” has won staunch supporters among the right-wing white evangelical community in the U.S.
Ironically, MAGA Republicans, whose name comes from Trump’s promise to “Make America Great Again,” want the United States of America, one of the world’s great superpowers, to sign onto the program of a landlocked country of fewer than 10 million people in central Europe.
MAGA’s determination to impose white Christian nationalism on the United States of America is a rejection of the ideology of the Republican Party in all its phases. Rather than either an active government that defends equal rights and opportunity or a small government that protects property and relies on market forces, which Republicans stood for as recently as eight years ago, today’s Republicans advocate a strong government that imposes religious rules on society. 
They back strict abortion bans, book bans, and attacks on minorities and LGBTQ+ people. Last year, Florida governor Ron DeSantis directly used the state government to threaten Disney into complying with his anti-LGBTQ+ stance rather than reacting to popular support for LGBTQ+ rights. Missouri attorney general Andrew Bailey early this month used the government to go after political opposition, launching an investigation into Media Matters for America after the watchdog organization reported that the social media platform X was placing advertising next to antisemitic content. “I’m fighting to ensure progressive tyrants masquerading as news outlets cannot manipulate the marketplace in order to wipe out free speech,” Bailey said. 
Domestically, the new ideology of MAGA means forcing the majority to live under the rules of a small minority; internationally, it means support for a global authoritarian movement. MAGA Republicans’ current refusal to fund Ukraine’s war against Russian aggression until the administration agrees to draconian immigration laws—which they are also refusing to participate in crafting—is not only a gift to Putin. It also suggests to any foreign government that U.S. foreign policy is changeable so long as a foreign government succeeds in influencing U.S. lawmakers. Under this system, American global leadership will no longer be viable.
When Nikki Haley said the cause of the Civil War “was how government was going to run, the freedoms, and what people could and couldn’t do,” she did more than avoid the word “slavery” to pander to MAGA Republicans who refuse to recognize the role of race in shaping our history. She rejected the long and once grand history of the Republican Party and announced its death to the world. 
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eirgachuair · 3 months
How Are You Going to Be Irish and a White Supremacist?
no bc how are you going to be irish and be xenophobic? how are you going to be irish and be a white supremacist?
throughout ireland's history, our island has seen celts, vikings, it was a mixmatch of different cultures from the getgo.
even before the plantations, normans invaded the island, they eventually essemilated into irish culture while keeping some of their own.
then moving onto the most successful plantation, the ulster plantation, spaniards helped with the irish's effort, and then in later times, the french helped us as well.
the famine:
the Choctaw People sent us aid, the tsar, an ottoman sultan, many countries sent aid, a Philidelphia Irish Famine Relief Committee made up of catholic protestant and jewish people was set up to give aid to the starving irish, so many countries helped us. FFS even the english helped in some strange ways. 'International fundraising activities received donations from locations as diverse as Venezuela, Australia, South Africa, Mexico, Russia and Italy.' [Wikipedia, Great Famine (Ireland)]
this might not be important considering that despite the fact these absolute jokes use republicanism and patriotism to justify their bigotry, they don't consider the people in the ni to be 'actually irish', but NICRA (northern ireland civil rights association)
NICRA aimed to stop irish catholics being discriminated against with jobs, voting, housing, and also aimed to tackle the Special Powers act which put many away in jail unfairly and without trial. NICRA WAS LITERALLY BASED OFF OF MARTIN LUTHER KING, AND THE CIVIL RIGHTS CAMPAIGN IN AMERICA.
we've all seen how palestine and ireland have supported eachother through the years. how palestine is being fucking carpet bombed right now thanks to a colonial force. do you know how much good the so called 'patriots' of this country could do if they put their energy to helping people instead of being absolute scumbags?
if you are irish and you are a white supremacist, if you're irish and you're xenophobic. you don't get to hide behind patriotism.
if you loved being irish, you would look back at history and see all of the countries that helped us, all of the countries that had no reason to, but saw themselves in our struggle, that sent aid, that supported us.
if you were a true patriot, you would learn your own language instead of scoffing at it. you would promote the protection acts for the irish language, you would help create and fundraise for cultural festivals. you would reinstate old traditions . you would protect and help nourish your culture but you dont. instead you assault and attack innocent people based on the fact they're not "irish enough".
if you were a true patriot, you would follow in the footsteps of the likes of the Irish Anti-Apartheid Movement of the 1960s, of the Irish people who donated to Native Tribes during the pandemic.
your skewed sense of pride is based on the fact our ancestors bore so much pain and suffering yet still managed to fight for freedom. that pride, that patriotism all means nothing if you are using it to uphold the colonial standards of white supremacy that helped shackle them in the first place.
okay thats all i wanna say bye bye
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lilithism1848 · 8 days
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