#yandere Oikawa Tōru
yandere-romanticaa · 11 months
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The walk back home from school usually did not take you very long especially if you had the luxury of blasting loud music through your headphones. It was ultimately something small but it made you happy, calm even if the day was rough on you. The tunes would blare in your ears as you'd walk home without a single care in the world.
That was something that truly worried Toru Oikawa.
You actively decided to put yourself in the line of fire by closing yourself off from the world like this. Anyone could jump you, anyone.
Oikawa himself could hurt you if he really wanted to as well. The only difference was that he didn't want to. There's a certain power in that choice and it made it crystal clear to him that whatever you were up to was just silly and stupid. In school you were not like him, well liked and popular. Perhaps a wallflower was a decent description. No one paid much attention to you either, which gave him a lot of advantages he didn't even know he'd want or ask for. Due to his reputation it was always odd to see the smiling and cheerful Oikawa striking a conversation with you. He made sure to never be rude and always wanted to include you in any activity he possibly could. There was a period of time when he was actively campaigning for you to become the volleyball team manager and some of his guys liked the idea too. Iwaizumi, the sharp little cookie that he is, naturally, found this to be suspicious from the very start - Oikawa is not the kind of guy who does anything without rhyme or reason. He said nothing for a week or two but simply decided to watch his friend and monitor his actions.
It became obvious to him that Oikawa was head over heels for you. The feelings were not reciprocated, unfortunately.
Oikawa knew this. It stung. Hard.
He felt a twinge of pity for his friend. As annoying and insufferable as he was Iwaizumi Hajime was fully aware of just how overly ambitious and intelligent Oikawa was. He wouldn't say it out loud even if you held him at gunpoint but he wanted to help the poor bastard out.
Iwaizumi was easier to approach simply because he just wasn't intense as Oikawa. He had charm and charisma in spades but that could be incredibly intimidating sometimes, especially to outsiders. He took his time with you and slowly but surely eased you into the groove of the team.
Oikawa did everything he could to hide his seething jealousy but he wasn't doing a particularly good job. Iwaizumi simply knew him too well to fall for any of his tricks.
The same couldn't be said for you.
The setter is a quick learner and he adapted to you in lightning fast speed. He had his overwhelming moments too but they were all chalked up to Oikawa just being, well, Oikawa. He's just that kind of guy, there really wasn't anything that could change him.
You started to come to their practices and if you were feeling generous, you'd bring some refreshments and snacks along too.
God, did the team start loving you because of that.
Oikawa stood near the treeline, the shadows carefully concealing him as he quietly sucked on the red lolipop you gave him earlier. He toyed with the plastic wrapper which was still kept in his pocket as he watched you go along your merry way, completely oblivious to him tailing you. He was grateful to his best friend for helping him out. Oikawa was embarrassed at himself for just how much be liked you, just how much power you had over him. A few months ago whenever he would approach you he was always met with either a polite greeting or he was just flat out ignored because he said something that set you off or his fans got in the way.
Things were improving with you. Bit by bit, piece by piece. In Oikawa's dictionary the words "giving up" simply do not exist.
He has you in his grasp, you are so close to him that he could almost taste it, feel it. His body buzzed with adrenaline, like a magnet searching for his other half. You were there, you were right there, unassuming and vulnerable, all his for the taking.
However, charm and charisma weren't the only things he had in spades. Patience was one of his virtues as well.
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ilylovelyz · 10 months
⍣ ೋ touch tank
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˚ · . oikawa x afab!reader
: ̗̀➛ friends with benefits, one-sided pining, childhood friends, kinda angsty, casual kissing, non descriptive oral, a lil jealousy, a little bit of strong language and bullying, they are in highschool but 18, oikawa is a pretty boy <3 and also kinda an idiot?
'cause he's so pretty when he goes down on me
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liquid trickles off the swell of your cheeks, softly pattering onto the concrete ground below you. you hear the quick footsteps coming towards you, yet you don't look up at them. "here, y/n-chan." oikawa says, reaching out a hand that holds his handkerchief.
you begrudging take it with a limp hand of yours, patting the soft material against your milk-soiled skin. you still don't look at him when he crouches down to be on your level, not wanting to see his sad puppy eyes and worried frown.
"i can't believe those girls, they are crazy!" he scoffs, eyes rolling at the earlier incident when a group of girls threw a milk carton at your face out of jealousy over their "precious oikawa." you only mumble out a tell me about it, a little peeved at the assault. "don't worry y/n-chan, i made sure to make one of them cry."
you softly smile at his words, folding the handkerchief in half when oikawa reached for it back. despite feeling annoyed at him and his pesky fans, you don't fight when he pulls you in closer to his lap, your chest against his while his arms wrap around your waist, his legs caging you in on both sides of your lower body.
"i'm really sorry that happened. i don't know why they would do that." he mumbles, calloused hands rubbing comforting circles against your upper back. you only click your tongue at his words, hiding your face into his neck as so to hide your embarrassment. no damn way he doesn't know why, their his fans.
but, as much as the petty side of you wants, you can't blame him for the their actions. it's not like oikawa told them to do it, you heavily doubt that, seeing as the way he's holding you close now.
you wonder if you should tell him the obvious reason behind their malice, but at the same time, as he pulls away to look at you face to face, you wonder if he's really an idiot, or if he refuses to accept the reason behind it all.
as you finally look at him, you take in his delicate, yet sharp features. you can't help but flush lightly at the way he's looking at you with those big hazel orbs of his. your envious at the way his long eyelashes flutter close, softly ticking your skin as his smooth lips press against yours.
your eyes stay low-lidded as you observe his features up close. there's no denying that he's a handsome young man. it's unfair to blame him when he was just blessed to be born attractive. he's tall, lean with the right amount of muscle, facial structure sharp with soft eyes and lips.
you think, finally closing your eyes and reciprocating to his kiss, it would be unfair to you as well, to deny yourself of him for the sake of someone's delusion.
though, as you think about it more when his kisses are more intimate within the privacy of his room, it's kinda unfair to you.
your eyebrows furrow at the thought, thinking back to the many times that you were in silly drama that simply revolved around oikawa just for being in close proximity of him. although he always wanted and tried to make it up to you with sweet gifts and affection, at some point, it stopped working for you.
you softly moaned when his hand traveled down underneath your panties, rough finger pads massaging your clit. it's a bit unfair to be receiving this treatment, when you're not even his actual girlfriend. you're just a close long-time friend of his, one he coincidentally has sex with.
oikawa is quick to notice the way you're unusually quiet, lips pouting at your demeanor. "y/n-chan, are you okay?" he asks, bringing one of your hands up to his lips, kissing the back of your hand. your eyes shift over to his face, his stupid handsome face.
you only sigh as a response, not having enough energy to express yourself, and definitely not having the energy to deal with the possible rejection. yes, it's a cliche, you're in love with your childhood friend/best friend, but it's not like you planned it either.
and it's especially not like you planned on becoming best friends with benefits with him either. you can't even wrap your head around the whole thing either, it's almost like a corny love novel. while you've never ever actually told oikawa your feelings towards him, you pretty much have jumped to the conclusion that he's unreciprocated, as he's always talking about random girls, or is just pretty much too occupied with volleyball.
you click your tongue, already getting a headache from the situation as a whole. "nothin', continue." you huff, hand coming up to pull his hair teasingly. he yelps at the sudden assault, his own hand wrapping around your wrist and pulling it away from his hair.
"hey! careful on my hair." he whines, hands fighting off yours before relaxing inbetween your thighs, pausing the intimate moment between the two of you. "but seriously, i know you're lying, is it because of earlier?" he persists, hand softly patting your thigh.
you only fake a smile at his question, just wanting to get over the situation as a whole. "seriously, i'm fine. you know what will make me feel even better, though? you eating me out."
he silently sat there looking at you with a raised eyebrow, but he knew better than to pester you with questions when he knew you were upset.
he crawled onto his stomach, positioning himself inbetween your legs. he looked up at you through his pretty eyelashes, eyes watching your reactions intently. he knew something was up, but knowing you, he wouldn't be able to get it out of you by force.
his eyes fluttered shut as his lips slightly kissed your folds, sighing into you. you sighed as well, but not out of pleasure nor relief. your thighs squeezed around his head, his palm coming up to rest on the back of your upper thigh. your plaguing thoughts overruled the once mind-blowing pleasure he was giving. it stung knowing that you were so exhausted at this situation, but at the same time, you couldn't help but go along with it anyways.
you can't resist, he looks so pretty when he goes down on you.
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
Wait, what would be Oikawas first thoughts be when he sees us wearing another schools jersey and we switch schools?
"SLUT-" Iwazumi smacks Oikawa on the head. "I mean, how dare you wear someone else's jersey, especially one of his arch nemesis???
He just chews out his fanclub for not brainwashing you guiding you to wear his jackets and merch, and the fangirls are confused because last they checked, they made fucking sure that to drill it into your head to only wear Oikawa's number. So, they investigate.
And that's when they find out you're dating Ushijima.
Now they're conflicted because at one hand, they have been gushing to you about Oikawa and how they love him and how amazing it is to be in love, so how are they gonna convince you to not be with your lover??? But on the other hand, Oikawa said no.
Oikawa. Said. No.
The 3 words, they were simple and direct and that's when a new idea came to mind.
They're gonna make you stop dating Ushijima because he's not your one true love.
And as self proclaimed sisters, it's their responsibility to make sure that you see that and so save you from a heartbreak. Really, they're doing you a favour.
But it's not as easy as it sounds. Because Ushijima isn't one to scare/threaten easily, nor can they find or even fabricate any dirt against him. Not to mention, he intimidates the shit out of them.
Soon, Oikawa gets tired of waiting and jumps the gun by confronting you directly. He orders you to take it off and when you don't, he pulls it off you himself. He's screaming his head off, grabbing your arm and telling you that you'll never see Ushijima ever again, and then begins pulling you back to his school, threatening to break your legs if you ever go to Shiratorizawa again.
Cue Ushijima walking in and fucking punting him to the ground. He's only able to land a few punches him (that's enough to leave Oikawa bloody) when you pull him off him. That's when Ushijima tells him to never touch you again, or even come near you before leaving off with you in his arms.
Later when Iwazumi drags Oikawa to your dorms that you share with the fanclub, they all look solemn as they tell him that you moved out. He can only scream at him as to why they didn't stop you, when they answer that you came with Ushijima, who glared at them as you hurriedly packed your stuff. And before you leave, all you say is that you're transferring to Shiratorizawa now.
Oikawa actually has a panic attack and passes out. For real.
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Oikawa- he can't just accept that his baby sis/bff (self proclaimed) has left him. His world is crashing down.
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
Um hi its me again and i wanted to send in another request, and im sorry for bothering this is my first time sending request so i don't know if im doing this right, but i wish for another haikyuu hc with the same characters from my last request except suna is replaced by tendou: yamaguchi, hinata, kageyama,sugawara, kenma, akaashi, oikawa, kita, tendou, goshiki with a s/o gets in a fight? Basically the s/o finds out that this girl is trying to get with/flirt with their boyfriends and how the boys react to this is up to you but the s/o gets very mad, like going crazy mad. So they go up to the girl and started fighting. And not just some slapping or pulling hair, no i mean full on punches, kickes in stomach, black eyes and broken noses. Like this is a BLOODY fight and a big one at that. So how would react to seeing this fight? Would they try and stop it or cheer on? Would they be upset or would they feel honored that you fight for them?
Thank you and sorry for bothering you i and i just wanted to say that i love your blog it makes my day everytime time i read from here.
You don't bother at all.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, manipulation, violence
This is a bloody fight
Kōshi Sugawara
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🤍Suga is one of the more pleasant ones to react to this, although he’s not happy. He’s just telling the girl politely at first that he already has someone else and asks her to leave him alone. If she’s going to be persistent, he might get slightly colder with his words and behavior, his face trying to carry the amicable smile before that last mask finally drops and he stares at her with a cold look in his eyes. He’s just about to drop it to her in a way not fitting for his usual sunshine facade but then his s/o suddenly storms into the scene, grabs the girl by the hair and yanks her back. This startles Suga, he didn’t expect this sudden outburst of violence and he will do his best to instantly stop his s/o from doing anything that could lead to troubles.
🤍He’s pulling them back, tells them in a raised tone to stop this, that the girl has surely learned her lesson now and that he could have handled this by himself too. He leaves with his s/o soon after, keeps a close eye on them just in case so that they don’t accidentally try to attack again. He scolds them thoroughly once they’re home again, expresses his disappointment with them with an upset look on his face, eyebrows furrowed. He’s not one for physical violence as he relies more on subtle manipulation and that for a reason. You could get into serious troubles for assaulting someone. He’s disappointed with you for days after, monitors you closely. He starts lecturing you a lot more too about how to behave and what not to do, treats you like a naive and impulsive child.
Tobio Kageyama
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🌧️At first Kageyama just goes rigid when a girl suddenly starts flirting with him, clearly uncomfortable with the situation. After a while there is disgust bubbling up inside his chest though as he realizes that she wants something from him despite knowing that he has a partner. That’s when he gives her a harsh glare and tells her with a clearly agitated voice that he doesn’t want anything to do with her. When he suddenly sees in the corner of his eye his darling approaching, he feels scared. He fears they might accuse him of something which undoubtedly fuels his paranoia but before he can even explain himself, they grab the woman by the hair and deliver a punch right into their stomach.
🌧️Generally talking, Kageyama is a Yandere more prone to throw hands if the situation calls for it, tends to manhandle people who agitate him. Yet he’s never seen nor expected this from his darling and for a short moment he genuinely doesn’t know what to do, in shock as he watches the girl being beaten up. When he snaps out of it, he grabs your hand and pulls you back, flinches a bit when you give him a pissed off glare before your facial expression eases up. Tobio doesn’t know what else to say besides that you two should go now, warning the girl before leaving with you that she should keep quiet about it. He’s sort of in a daze for the next few hours as he still tries to process what he just saw since this is a side of you he didn’t know before.
Shōyō Hinata
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☀️Hinata is completely overwhelmed when a girl actually starts flirting with him. That is once he actually realizes that she’s being serious with him. He’s not dumb, just really dense and initially he’s a bit flattered by the comments. The moment the girl actually stays and is proving herself to be extremely persistent is the moment where Hinata grows uncomfortable. He keeps on telling her to please leave him alone and that he has a lover but she doesn’t listen and that’s when he doesn’t know what to do. He’s trying to escape at this point and when he sees you, he quickly dashed past the girl to you.
☀️You on the other hand storm past him and confuse the orange-haired boy at first before he sees you kicking the girl harshly, bringing her down into her knees where you continue your attacks. Hinata is the type to idealize his darling a lot so he’s shocked to see them being so violent, even a bit frightened at first. He’s just standing there for a while and at one point averts his eyes a bit since he isn’t the biggest fan of violence. He’s completely overwhelmed once again and for that he doesn’t do anything until you deem it enough, threaten the girl to better never get near your boyfriend again before you turn around to Shōyō, smiling sweetly. He looks at you with different eyes afterwards, after he’s come to terms with what he saw. It isn’t bad though as he starts seeing you as a really strong person someone shouldn’t mess with.
Tadashi Yamaguchi
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💕Yamaguchi is a loyal soul and the moment he notices what the girl is trying to do, he tries to avoid her, clearly uncomfortable with her actions. He’s incredibly awkward, body pose stiff as he tries to somehow escape her persistent attempts to flirt with him. Yamaguchi is trying to be polite though as he tells her over and over again that he’s already taken and happy, doesn’t know what else to do. He’s also terrified that you might walk in, is constantly looking around and when he sees you storming to him, his heart drops a bit. Oh god, are you assuming something? No, instead you nearly throw the girl away from him, getting even more triggered when you see just how nervous she’s made Tadashi.
💕The boy in question has a small story of somewhat joining Tsukishima’s rude comments but besides that he’s never been a fan of violence or bullying, mainly because he was bullied in his past too. So he’s terrified when he sees this new side of his darling, somewhat frightened to initially step in before he gains the courage to do so. He pleads you to stop since you’ve probably gone too far now, worried that the girl might go to the police although she certainly looks too frightened of you as she runs away. He’s somewhat uncertain for the rest of the day. His love is still there of course but it’s the first time he saw you acting so severely. Tadashi will at one point talk with you about it since it makes him a bit uncomfortable and also very concerned since you might be arrested for your actions.
Tōru Oikawa
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👑For Tōru this is a daily thing, getting being flirted with. Forming an obsession and getting together with his obsession has changed things for him though. Whilst he’s initially still polite, there’s a hidden glint of annoyance and even disgust in his eyes, not to mention that his smile isn’t sincere. Daring to continue though and implying that this girl thinks she’s better than his darling though sets him off slightly, his eyes narrowing and causing him to indirectly start humiliating the girl whilst simultaneously gushing about what he loves so much about his love. He’s already putting her down and his darling takes this to the physical level.
👑Obviously Oikawa is initially frightened a bit but when he realizes that you’re doing it because someone was trying to take him away from you, there’s a twisted feeling of happiness and satisfaction inside of him. He’d go very far if someone would try to take you away from him and there’s elation knowing that you’d do the same. He lets his darling go on for a while, a grin on his face that has the girl’s stomach churning as she sees the unparalleled sickening obsession inside his brown orbs. He eventually suggests to you that you should stop and that he’s sure that the girl has learned her lesson, tells her with a voice laced with poison that she would better keep quiet about it. He’d be the type of Yandere who would appreciate a darling showing similar tendencies as he does so he really won’t scold you unless you’re not careful enough and might get in troubles for your actions. He’ll help you though, he’s your partner in crime.
Keiji Akaashi
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🍁Akaashi deals with things more calmly than some other guys and if someone gives him a compliment, he normally just quietly accepts it. He always clarifies though that he is taken and usually people respect that instantly. Meeting this one girl though who still bothers him despite knowing that he’s taken isn’t something he witnesses every day. Akaashi can’t help but think that the girl is quite a bit disrespectful though by not accepting his boundaries nor accepting it that he is already in a happy relationship and doesn’t want to do anything with her. He’s not carefully choosing his words though, he’s blunt and tells her what she thinks, sadly without much of a result which slowly tests even his patience.
🍁Your entrance certainly changes things though as you kick the girl harshly to the ground, a dangerous look on your face as you’re about to launch at her again. Only for Akaashi to react instantly and stop you. He can read from the look on your face that you plan to hurt her but deems it as unnecessary and also dangerous since someone might hear you. Causing a scene would be quite troublesome and it’s better to stop you now before you seriously hurt the girl instead of when she had proof that you attacked and hurt her. Luckily he knows what to say to calm you down enough so that you go with him and he consults you later on about your actions. He’s going to scold you, warn you to not let your temper get the better of you in such a way since it will end in problems for you.
Kenma Kozume
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🐱Kenma is introverted as it is, you two specifically chose a place where not too many people would be to enjoy a date together yet luck doesn’t seem to be on his side today. He knows what the girl’s intentions are instantly when she starts flirting with him and calling him endearing names which only make him want to disappear. He makes himself small, doesn’t look at her or pay attention to her as he hopes that she’ll leave if he ignores her. Sadly that only seems to fuel her more and by now he’s panicking quite a bit, doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do in such a situation. His darling comes to rescue him though, more or less at least.
🐱The first wave of relief is quickly replaced by shock and a good scare when you start punching and hitting the girl though for daring to flirt with your boyfriend and making him so uncomfortable in the process. Meanwhile Kenma is looking around him in panic, afraid someone might see you and cause a scene. So he stops you, a churning feeling in his stomach whilst asking you if you two can just leave since he has lost all interest and excitement for the date planned today. He mumbles something to the girl before he leaves, most likely a threat to not report his darling. He’s hesitating a bit to bring this up for a lack of even knowing how, eventually you two will have to talk about it. He’s rational enough to know that you could be brought to jail for such behavior and therefore he asks you if you could try to control that side of yours since it stresses him to think that you might beat someone again. He’ll just stay more inside so that you won’t have to hurt anyone.
Satori Tendou
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❤️Satori is definitely not used to being flirted with, he’s far more used to be called a weirdo or creepy or all sorts of rude stuff behind his back. He’s used to it by now though, he only cares about what his darling thinks about him. Due to the lack of genuine praise, he’s completely overwhelmed when he’s one day being flirted with. He doesn’t even believe that the girl means him until she speaks to him directly. What is at first awkwardness and telling her that he’s happily together with someone already turns into sudden anger when she still continues, suggests that he can cheat even which triggers him. The girl certainly gets startled when she notices that Tendou’s previously hunched form is now towering over her with a creepy glimmer in his eyes.
❤️If that isn’t already scary enough, your reaction certainly is and the first kick you deliver causes Tendou to flinch as he wasn’t expecting this. He’s watching you for a few seconds with a mix of shock and, to his own slight shame, giddiness since you’re fighting for him in a way, defending what you see as yours. He snaps out of it though and stops you before you can cause too much damage, leans down to the girl and whispers to her that she shouldn’t tell anyone about this for her own well-being. He’s clingier after as the experience of being flirted with in such a way is alienating for him. He’ll probably reprimand you mildly to be more careful but can’t go harsher since he secretly liked it a bit too.
Tsutomu Goshiki
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🌟Goshiki enjoys compliments. He enjoys them the most from his darling though and is constantly trying to impress them and being praised. When someone compliments him besides his darling, he feels proud of himself too and initially the flirting feeds into his ego as Goshiki isn’t aware of the true intention yet. He just thinks that he wants to tell you that he was just complimented as soon as you come back, gets surprised when the girl stays though and continues. The confusion soon turns into shock and a bit panic as he finally understands what she wants and quickly tells her off in an urgent tone that he already has a partner and wants her to leave. He won’t risk you getting any wrong ideas.
🌟To the poor luck for the girl you return in that moment and even Tsutomu sees the dark look on your face, he starts spitting apologies before he’s silenced by your sudden violent attack on the girl. His brain doesn’t even fully register the visual information he realizes since he’s in a state of shock before it finally clicks in his mind. Anxiety is heating up his body as he starts getting paranoid that someone might watch, pulls you back without trying to get hurt himself and asks you in a pleasing tone if you can stop and leave with him. At first hesitant, he feels later on a tiny bit flattered when he thinks it through and realizes that you’ve started fighting so aggressively for him. It doesn’t stop him from developing a frightened reverence for you.
Kita Shinsuke
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☁️Shinsuke is also more polite, even in the face of being confronted with such a persistent girl who thinks that she can flirt with him even if she knows that he’s already in a relationship. Kita knows immediately where this will be going when she approaches him, he can read the look on her face all too well. He might be mildly taken aback when she brushes off his statement that he already has a partner and loves them very much but he will stay collected. She certainly isn’t earning any of his respect though since it’s in his eyes rather rude and insensitive what she’s trying to do now. He’s not aggressive, just really cold and honest with his opinion about her and that is what stuns the girl so much, he makes it obvious that he’s not interested nor really impressed in such a honest and polite way that it’s almost humiliating again.
☁️Kita is also bound to react very fast when your fist connects the first time with the girl’s cheek and knocks her off her feet. He doesn’t appreciate violence and avoids it as much as he can and is already admonishing his darling for their action but packages his words well enough to not agitate them more. He’ll try to bring you to apologize to the girl since this level of aggression was a bit too much and leaves with you shortly after. He’s going to sit down with you and force you through a longer discussion where he counts down all the possible troubles this could have caused you, tells you that he wants you to control your temper better or that otherwise he might not be able to take you so carefree outside.
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vemuabhi · 8 months
Just a Neighbour
Annyong Haseyo!! I have participated in another collab #livedeliciously🐐collab hosted by @medusashima , I hope you like this fic.
Pairing : Oikawa x Reader
Word count : 2K
Warnings : Yandere AU ; House break
Summary : The Cute Athlete Next door seems to be hiding something and how can your cat be so in love with him?
copyright © vemuabhi
Please support by reblogs if you like my writings.
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Just a nice neighbour, your thoughts about him changed so quickly when you saw him in the next room beside your bedroom. You thought your cat, ‘glitter’ was the one responsible for tearing the posters of the Boy Idol Group in your house. But now you were sure, It wasn’t Glitter, It was the athlete next door, who was now in your living room making himself comfortable.
What did you do to make things to escalate this way.
Just 5 months ago, he moved into the next door. You nearly got a crush on the brunet when you laid your eyes on him. But it disappeared quickly because you weren’t serious. You bumped into your cute neighbour every now and then but never really paid any attention to him. But you should have had.
One night as a series was playing on TV while you tried to put up the posters of your favourite boy band, your cat, Glitter started to tap on your main door. You noticed her. She did that when someone was outside your door. But no one rang the bell to your house. You opened the apartment door and noticed the setter opposite to you, Infront of his apartment door. He was fiddling with his sports bag and turned to look at you.
“Are you searching for something?”, he smiled weakly at your question.
“I…”, he looked at his bag and dropped his hands to his sides, “think I lost my keys”, a sigh left his lips.
“Tried to call the owner?”
“He didn’t pick up my call”, he shrugged.
It was already 10:40 PM and the weather was pretty cold. He looked sad even though he smiled. It was clear that he needed help and wanted to ask for help but was hesitating. Being a people pleaser didn’t stop you right now.
“Come inside, I’ll call the owner and get you the spare key”, you said as his face lit up. You moved to the side to let him inside your house. The moment he passed you was when you actually realized how tall he was. The moment was just a brief second, but the man looked exceptionally handsome. His brown orbs met yours then you averted your gaze. ‘Hope that didn’t seem creepy’, you thought as you closed the door.
“Thankyou”, he smiled looking at you as he sat on the couch.
“No problem”, you took your phone from your pocket and dialled the contact of the owner’s son. Soon a sleepy voice was heard on the other end of the phone.
“Kenny, I need a help”, you said making the gamer click his tongue in annoyance.
“What now? Do you not know that I have a live session tomorrow morning?”
“I do remember that but”, you looked at the brown head in your room fiddling his hands nervously, “I have a situation here”, from the corner of your eyes you saw him getting something from the floor. Then when your gaze landed on him again properly, he was just looking around the room. No sign of moment. ‘Huh? I thought that he mov-‘, your thoughts were interrupted by Kenma on call.
“So What?”
“Help me please~~”, you could hear him cursing but your lips turned up into a smile, because you knew he was going to help you.
“So, the tenant of 403 needs their duplicate keys”, Oikawa gave you an awkward smile as you glanced at him, “He… lost them”.
“Ah That guy. Where is he right now?”, you covered your mouth slightly and whispered, “He is in my apartment now”.
“WHAT!? IM COMING NOW”, he ended the call.
“You’ll get your keys soon”, you said as he said thanks. Your cat glitter walked up to the athlete and purred making your eyes widen.
“She normally doesn’t do that with strangers”, you said as he stopped for a second before picking her up. ‘What was… that?’, you thought but quickly brushed it off as he kissed glitter.
‘Damn that was… freaking cute’, you thought as glitter purred when Oikawa started to pet her.
“Where have you been to?” you asked the setter as his eyes widened, as if he was surprised.
“How did you know I was out of town?”
“Ah! Your bag seemed like it was too heavy to just carry it for the normal daily practice. So, I guessed it”, you scratched the back of your neck trying your hardest to not be awkward.
“Oh, is that so. I thought that you noti-”, he stopped and averted his gaze from you and continued, “Never mind, I was trying to say that I went to the other town for a tournament”.
“Wow! That seems amazing”, you said as you heard a knock on the door. You opened the door only to find the gamer in your hallway, struggling to catch air. ‘Did he run here?’
He walked towards Oikawa and handed him the keys. Oikawa thanked you and the gamer as he left the apartment. You closed the door behind him.
“Ken chan~ Thankyou~”, you hugged Kenma.
“Don’t get close to him”, you were taken aback with the way he said it. You were sure he would curse you for making him come this late but never did you expect these words.
“Why do you think I wanna get close to him?”
“Just my responsibility to make sure you know”, he said as he ruffled your hair and peered into your eyes without breaking the hug, “I always get a bad feeling from him”.
“Don’t worry too much Kenny”, you said as you broke the hug and smiled at him. “Should I get you a pillow and blanket?”
“You take the couch”.
A few days later as you were got into your apartment, you noticed Glitter was missing. ‘Where is she?’, your heart started to race as you failed to find her in all of her favourite spots and as well as the complete house. You got down to the entrance of the complex and heard the sound of a cat. Your instincts acted and you turned towards the sound. There she was, Glitter in the hands of your Neighbour as he was talking to a lady. ‘What the hell?’, your thoughts ran wild, ‘When did she get so attached to a stranger? Its not at all like her’.
“Glitter!”, you exclaimed and then she jumped down from Oikawa’s arms to come towards you.
“When did you get out?”, your voice was full of worry as you picked her up and held her close.
“She was walking outside the park”, your vision shifted to the man who was now beside you. “Got her back when I noticed”.
“Thank..you”, never she left the apartment. Never once. She was always an indoor cat and hated to go outside. But now she was in your arms and it was all that mattered to you.
You smiled at her “Lately she is being kinda naughty”, you said as you shook her in your arms, “Even tore some of my posters the other day, had to get new ones”, your gaze shifted again towards him and he was looking at you with… a smile. You told yourself not to judge anyone but that smile of his… That sent a chill down your spine like none.
“Well… We will be going now”, you gave him a small nod and swiftly walked into the apartment complex. Without even turning back you stepped into your house and shut the door behind you. ‘Its wrong to judge others without knowing anything’, you thought but the racing heart of yours couldn’t not calm down.
“Don’t wander away next time”, you hugged Glitter and crouched down with your back leaning on your front door.
It was 3:30 AM, and no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t fall asleep. You had work tomorrow morning and you couldn’t lose anymore sleep now. But then, you heard little claws scratching. ‘Was she scratching on the door?’
Just when you were about to ignore Glitter, a sound made your blood ran cold. The door opened. Your body felt heavy, couldn’t even move a muscle. The foot steps in were slow but it was clear that they were coming towards you.
A small creak was heard indicating the bedroom door of yours was being opened wide. You always left it open to let glitter in and out of the room anytime she wanted. You closed your eyes and tried your best to make your breathing even. It was pitch black. You couldn’t see anything but could the footsteps as they got closer. They came to a halt as they were right infront of you.
Your body was already unable to move because of the fear. You stayed very calm as you could feel cold fingers on your cheek. You stayed calm. Then the cold touch was gone and the foot steps were heard again, stepping away from you. After a couple of seconds, you opened your eyes little and saw the reflection of a tall man with… brown hair in the mirror diagonal to you. Just when he was about to turn, you instantly closed your eyes to not raise any suspicion to him.
‘Oikawa! That neighbour is the one who broke in now’, screamed in your head. You heard him leaving your bedroom. Your lips quivered while you tried to not cry. It wasn’t the time for tears. You could hear the sound of paper ripping. Then you opened your eyes.
‘It was him! It was him who tore my posters!’, you again closed your eyes placing your hand on your chest trying to calm your heart. It didn’t work when you heard Glitter’s meows and purrs. ‘So how many days did he broke into my house to even make my cat like him’, your memories flashed and then you remembered something which you should’ve given a thought way before. A few days earlier, glitter was playing with a small key. You thought nothing of it but you should’ve noticed it. That was before Oikawa lost his keys after he came back from the tournament. What could you do now? All of those thoughts are useless now. You could only hope for him to leave your house and leave you and Glitter without any harm.
As if it was miracle, you heard the sound of the main door closing. You waited for a moment to check if there was no noise heard. Then you swiftly got up and rushed towards the living room for Glitter. But little did you know, it was no Miracle.
Just when you entered the living room, the lights of the room turned on, making you to look at the person near the switchboard. Your face went pale when he smiled at you with Glitter in his arms, slowly petting her.
“So you were awake like I thought”, your felt shivers on your complete body when he walked towards you slowly. “How many times should I tear those posters sweetheart?”, he enquired as you looked at the pile of torn posters.
“Why? Why are you here?”, you asked in return as his smile dropped.
“I asked you the question first but since it's our first time, I’ll let it go”, he was now in front of you.
“You usually shiver whenever I touch your cheeks while you sleep”, a tide of fear took over your body again. He let Glitter go from his arms. It was foolish of you to even think of escaping now. He placed his index finger under your chin while his other arm slid behind your waist. Pulled you closer as he looked into your eyes. His smile reappeared on his face when he noticed your eyes got glossy.
He tilted your face and placed a kiss on your lips. He wiped the tears from the corner of your eye and said, “I knew you weren’t sleeping darling, you’re a bad actor”.
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Thanks for reading!
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Hello, love!
Happy birthday!!
Can I request a yandere oikawa with a fem! Darling who's either incredibly unwilling towards her forced marriage with him or escapes the forced marriage?
Thank you c:
Thank you <3
Yandere Toru Oikawa
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Well, Toru wouldn't take this very well.
He's not used to someone trying to fend him off.
Most likely, this started as a normal relationship.
Or as a relationship where Toru managed to hide his yandere tendencies.
Because a normal relationship was never the right option.
And over time, Toru starts to show more of his yandere tendencies.
Which is not a good thing.
It is also the reason why you want to end this relationship.
Toru, on the other hand, would like to marry you.
He would have already planned everything.
And persuading your family is already going really well.
As you probably realized, Toru doesn't take this well.
He would be really angry.
It will definitely end in a really big fight.
Toru would start to limit your freedom.
Your parents wouldn't trust you either.
That is, if you try to tell about your problems.
Toru is a good actor.
Same problem with your friends…
That is, if you had friends.
But because of Toru, you don't have.
Toru would surely find a way to get you to agree to the wedding.
Blackmail is a good way.
because if you truly love your spouse you have to get married even if the other person doesn't want to.
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summer-dxd · 2 years
Oikawa x Akaashi x Fem reader (sort of yandere??)
Istg if y’all don’t read this and love it ill murder you in your sleep. Anywaysss i thought of this on the toilet while i was watching lilsimsie on YouTube and listening to music so cut me some slack ^-^ (the song is linked in this post)
Also slay this is so cringe, jk jk but the writing could be better ngl. Idk i didn’t pay attention to synonyms in class.
The door bell rang. Two attractive young men stood before me, a brunette with chiseled features and a slim physique and a tall, handsome boy with gorgeous eyes and dark hair.
“Y/N I presume?” The first boy said, grinning at his partner.
“Yes… who are you?” I curiously asked, staring intently at the both of them. I noticed a slight tension between the two. I recognised a symbolic pin on the dark-haired boys coat.
AKAASHI?! Like a member of the mafia family, Akaashi?! OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL?!
The brown-haired boy gripped my hand, pulling it up and placing a gentle kiss to my finger tips.
“Oikawa, Oikawa Tohru” He smirked, pulling on my wrist tightly. I couldn’t believe it… a boy who uncle runs and owns one of the largest global companies ever and another boy whose father practically runs the mafia in Tokyo. I laughed hysterically.
“I’m sorry… WHAT?!” I choked out loudly, seeing the boys share puzzled looks, “THE Oikawa family heir?! And who are you? Akaashi Keiji, The soon-to-be mafia boss once dear-old daddy passes?” I shot a half glare in Akaashis direction.
“Yes” He answered, staring blankly into my eyes.
“W-well come in then” I mumbled pulling the grand doors of my fathers manor open. Nine bedrooms and twelve bathrooms, our families income and pretty much limited wealth funded all the up keep of the mansion. It was huge, equipped with an indoor, heated pool, theatre, bar and bowling alley in the basement. It was modern and costed almost fifty million Australian dollars.
“So… are you here to see my father? Mr L/N?” I continued walking up a marble staircase in the entry way, the two boys in suit.
“Mhm! That’s right sweetheart!” Tohru smiled as he spoke, “Very clever man you know, rich and smart, A perfect business partner and father in L-!” Keiji elbowed him harshly in the stomach.
“Shut up” He yelled angrily, still following me. I paused and turned around.
“Huh?” I tilted my head, confused. Tohru ushered me along after shooting some dirty glances at Keiji. I was confused but kept walking to my fathers study. I stepped up to the doors and three times, rhythmically.
“Come in” an annoyed, monotone voice said from the other side.
“That’s our cue” Keiji said, opening the door for me and Tohru.
“My daughter!” Mr L/N grinned, his stern facade disappearing, “And my sons in law!” He hopped out of his seat, arms outstretched and wrapping the boys in a warm embrace.
“Father??” I questioned, trying to make sense of the scene before me, “What do you mean sons?” I was absolutely puzzled.
“Why, you are going to be engaged to both of them next month, sweet girl!” He beamed, letting go of the boys and wrapping an arm around my shoulder, “My little girl getting married to her childhood friends.” He started to tear up but quickly wiped his eyes and sat down. “These two will be staying with us til the wedding, then you’ll have access to your mothers inheritance and become the wife and property of these two, wealthy gentlemen.”
“PROPERTY?!” I yelled, shocked at what i was hearing.
“Don’t worry! They’ll take care of you and give you a good life on the conditions you show up to all gatherings and lavish parties they attend and make good use of their names and your rising fame in acting.” My father went dead serious as Tohru piped up.
“Plus! If its a poly-amorous marriage imagine how much better Keiji and I would look than just a normal gay couple, with connections and immense wealth!”
“Doesn’t sound that horrendous I guess… BUT what about the huge target it would put on my back and the paparazzi you guys deal with daily?” I thought deeply for a moment.
“What about it? Are you forgetting who i am? For such a pretty thing you’re quite dense my dear” Keiji adjusted his jacket as he interrupted my trail of thought.
“Let me consider it… Give me one week” I couldn’t lie, both men were stunningly hot and probably would make wonderful husbands but did i really want to marry people I BARELY knew or remembered, like obviously Akaashi didn’t still play with lego and Tohru wouldn’t cry if he saw a roach in the corner of the room. Unless… they did??
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yanderecrazysie · 3 years
HELLO i loved tour tsukki fic from the deal witht he devil collab!! i was wondering if you can make a oneshot or a headcannon? about yandere bully! oikawa or tsukki since they both fit the trope.
Thank you so much, I’m so glad you liked my story! Even though Tsukishima is my precious salty beanstalk, I thought it’d be best to write for a character I haven’t written yet (and because I had a good idea, don’t sue me) so I chose your other option: Oikawa! And why not a one-shot, since that’s always more fun? >3<
I’m so sorry this is so late! EEK-
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Title: Repercussion
Pairings: Oikawa Tooru x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, swearing, bullying, name calling/degradation, physical violence to the reader, jealousy, delusional thought processes, referenced future non-consensual touching, Oikawa done screwed up
Summary: The classic childhood love story: boy likes girl, boy is mean to girl because he likes girl, boy matures and realizes being mean to girl is the wrong way to show your love and stops.
Well, maybe Oikawa forgot the whole “stopping” part, and he sure as hell never matured. But he’s starting to think his logic might have been flawed after all. Especially when he sees that your affections are directed to the very person trying to protect you from him.
Part 2: here
an unintended consequence occurring some time after an event or action, especially an unwelcome one.
“Oh, come on now, don’t cry like that! It makes you look even uglier, you know?”
His comment only spurred your tears to fall faster. You knew you weren’t looking your best right then: runny nose, puffy eyes, quivering lips… but you didn’t think you were the ugliest crier in the world.
But Oikawa Tooru sure as hell made you feel like you were.
You’d known the boy since you were both eight years old, and he hadn’t gotten any nicer. If anything, the years had made the heart grow crueler. When you were eight, the worst thing he’d done was pull on your pigtails a little or call you a “poopy-head”.
That paled in comparison to what he did now.
Third-year-Oikawa preferred to shove you, sic his fangirls on you, spread disgusting rumors about you, hurl insults at you, and just generally make your life a living hell. Why? That’s the problem.
You have no idea why he hates you.
You’re left gingerly rubbing the sore spot in your stomach where the water fountain had dug in deep enough to surely leave a bruise behind. Just another purplish-blue star in the constellation that stretches across your skin. All thanks to Oikawa Tooru.
But your savior came in the form of his best friend.
Iwaizumi was always kind to you. He always gave Oikawa a bruise bigger than yours and chewed him out about his treatment towards you.
So when he punched Oikawa in the stomach, called him “Shittykawa”, and asked you if you were okay, you couldn’t help but smile. You felt your face heating up at his attention and a sudden bashfulness seep into your responses.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see a genuine frown, not from the pain in his stomach, tug at Oikawa’s lips, replacing the sadistic smirk from earlier. You didn’t know why, but you didn’t care.
Especially not when Iwaizumi was brushing your hair behind your ear and telling you that he’d do better in keeping his buddy away from you.
Oikawa didn’t think your crying face was ugly at all. In fact, he thought it was adorable. Every reaction you gave him was precious to him.
But the emotions you never gave him were the positive ones. You never once smiled at his presence, laughed at his witty comments, or blushed at his subtle compliments.
Maybe that’s because he was an asshole to you.
Your cute little blush, your bright smile, your soft giggle… he was seeing it up-close for the first time… but it wasn’t for him. Of course it wasn’t for him…
But to think it was for Iwa-chan? His best friend?
Well, that was a blow to the stomach much worse than Iwa-chan’s fist could ever manage to replicate.
How couldn’t he have realized it before? The fact that you’d never accept him romantically, like his many fans would in a heartbeat. His ego had been too inflated, but now it was deflating with every harsh realization slapping him in the face.
You’d never want him. Never. You winced when you heard his voice, you shrank away when you saw him. You were disgusted by him, angry at him, scared of him.
Suddenly, your little sad expressions weren’t as desirable. Of course, they were still cute as hell… but…
He wanted you to look at him like you just did for Iwa-chan.
And it wasn’t. Fucking. Fair.
The first time he was nice to you, you gave him a suspicious, angry expression and speed-walked away. He’d given you a compliment about your hair, saying it looked extra-nice today.
He tried complimenting your smile (trying to direct your attention from Iwa-chan to him, of course), saying that it looked nice on you. But that sweet little half-grin vanished the moment you looked back at him.
He tried telling you that your uniform looked nice on you, that it complimented your figure. But you apparently mistook it as a perverted comment and you stormed away, looking absolutely disgusted.
While browsing tutorial-like websites and articles about how to get a girl to like you, he came across something known as the “love languages”. Of course! The realization hit him and a buzz of excitement zapped through his body with it. Obviously “words of affirmation” isn’t her love language! I just have to find the right one!
Proud of himself, he hurried off to the shops before they closed for the night, one goal in mind.
“Lovely flowers for a lovely girl!” Oikawa cooed, brandishing a colorful bouquet consisting of what must have been at least 20 different types of flowers. You looked at him with wide eyes filled with confusion and shock. You made no move to take it, so he forced it into your hands before you could react.
“Receiving gifts”. One of the five love languages.
You didn’t look especially pleased, but that didn’t deter Oikawa in the least. Perhaps you just weren’t into flowers! He didn’t exactly get to know you all that well before now, considering you did your best to put so much distance between your bully and yourself.
Teddy bears, chocolates, food, movies, books, blankets, clothing, decorations for your room, keychains, purses, shoes, etc. You reluctantly took (translation: he shoved it into your hands or sneaked it into your bag) each increasingly personal gift with a gaze filled with a mixture of suspicion, fear, and bewilderment.
As he learned what you liked, he did his best to give you those things, but you only looked more spooked as you did so. Oikawa finally gave up. “Receiving gifts” was obviously not your love language.
“Acts of service.”
Oikawa began to insist on carrying your bag and books for you. At first, you panicked, apparently thinking he was trying to steal from you (how rude of you to assume that of him), but he assured you he was just lending a helping, loving hand.
Walking you home when you stayed so late for your club that it was starting to get dark was something you seemed to really dislike. Your distrust was clear to him, and he worried about what you must have gone through in your life to make you so wary of others.
No matter how many times he protected you from the rain with an umbrella he prepared just for you or admonished his fangirls for frightening you, you didn’t seem to appreciate his efforts.
“Acts of service” was crossed off his list. That left two more options. But he already gave you plenty of “quality time”, and you didn’t react positively to that at all!
So, that left one option and he was very experienced with it. You had nothing to worry about anymore, he’d figured it out through trial and error!
He was ready because, now, he knew exactly what your love language was!
“Physical touch.”
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ac3id · 4 years
Can i request Oikawa + jealousy sex?
Can i request Oikawa + jealousy sex?
idk,,, i feel like this is a little rushed 😔 anyways I hope you like it, maybe I'll turn it into a full fic.
pairings: oikawa tooru x female reader [haikyu]
warnings: nsfw, fingering in public,
oikawa doesn’t get jealous easily. he knows you have a standard, and that you wouldn’t go behind any guy that makes you feel special. after all, you choose him– and he’s, like, the best.
but sometimes you manage to bring the worst out of him. and at times like this, he never fails to show who you belong too.
even though he was your boyfriend, he couldn’t help but feel he was third wheeling a date. with you and iwaizumi lost in your own world, laughing and giggling at jokes which weren’t even funny. he wondered wether you were doing this on purpose.
were you still mad at him? he said he was sorry, yeah sure it didn’t sound that convincing but he was sorry. besides, it was silly arugruing about how it wasn’t that big of deal that he used up all of the shampo– it’s literally just shampo! just get a new one.
he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you, you were really testing his patience. leaning towards iwaizumi while he was sitting right next you.
“really? i didn’t know that!” you chuckled, grinning at the dark haired man, sending jealously running through oikawa’s veins. unable to bear it any longer, he sneaks his hand down on your thighs and under your skirt while slowly inching it upwards until his fingers were petting your clothed cunt.
you send side glares at him, even reaching your hand down to push his away but he does not budge. iwaizumi keeps you both busy with a conversation, not even letting you confront him.
after getting bored, he slips his fingers in your panties, running digits down your slit making you gasp. “are you okay?” iwaizumi asks, noticing your visible discomfort. you open your mouth to answer but oikawa chooses rub his fingers on your little clit, making you moan. you barely manage to cover it up with a cough before you answer, “no, i’m fine. it’s nothing.”
iwaizumi looks unsure but he lets it slide nodding and letting his attention slide back to oikawa, chatting away about volleyball. you bite your lip, your nails digging into oikawa’s hand as he dips his fingers lower and lower until it rests over your pretty hole. he slowly dips it inside, pushing past you tight opening. your velvety walls hugging his larger digits, pulling them in deeper.
he starts pumping his fingers into your cunt, not giving you even a moment to adjust. turning his face to your direction, he gives you a sly smirk before turning back to iwaizumi. he acts like everything is normal, like he isn’t pounding your cunt with his fingers under the table while you wither in your seat.
iwaizumi’s phone lights up ringing and he rushes to answer it. placing it next to his ear and talking to the person at the end of the line, he gives you both an apologetic look before rushing out of his seat. you can only guess it was some sort of an emergency.
oikawa nibbles on your earlobe. touching his lips next to your ears, whispering, “are you having fun, princess?” his ministrations under the table become bolder as he pounds his fingers into your stupid pussy faster and harder.
just as he feels your precious cunt squeezing around him, he withdraws his fingers. a fitting punishment for you flirting with his bestfriend, he thinks. you whine, asking him why he stopped. he shrugs and with a lazy grin he says, “i don’t know. i figured you’d like it better if it was iwa-chan instead of me.”
“why are you doing this?” you whine as his digits pick up the pace and bring you close to your climax. “why? hm, i just feel like it.” you can tell he’s lying but the way his fingers brush against your cervix, and how the coil in your stomach tightens every second coming closer, makes you give zero shits about it. you only whine quietly, trying not to divert to much attention towards the two of you. oikawa hums the melody of some song stuck in his head while his other hand plays with your hair as he rests his head on your shoulder. to anyone else the sight would have looked cute but little would they know about the impure intentions. he sits close to you so he can hear you little mewls, rejoicing in them.
your eyes widen as you slam your hand against your forehead in realisation, “is this what it’s about? you’re jealous.” you groan turning back to oikawa giving him a small glare. he huffs, “i’m not jealous. you just seem to having a lot of fun– with iwazumi being here. do you want to fuck him?”
you gasp, not being able to believe his spineless accusations. “no, i don’t. maybe, he’s kind of hot. but i love you and only you, tooru,” you voice is soft while you call out his name and seems to do the trick. he gives you a small smile, planning to say something but iwazumi returns from his call, pressing a halt on the conversation.
“sorry guys, had to take it. it was from work,” he says taking his seat back, opposite from the two of you. “what’s going on here?” he asks.
oikawa smiles, stealing a quick glance at you before turning to iwazumi, “you know, iwa-chan,” he says your name with his fingers quietly making its way back beneath your skirt and under your panties. “thinks you’re very hot.” he sings. iwazumi’s heat up, a blush forming on his cheeks as he looks at you with wide eyes.
you pinch at oikawa’s arm unsure of what he’s thinking. “i–that’s not,” you struggle to answer. blood rushes up to your face as oikawa starts again, “she also wants to fuck you, iwa–chan. don’t you think she’s a little bit of a whore?”
you watch him with glassy eyes, begging for him to stop. his fingers under your skirt fuck you harder while he talks about you to iwazumi lewdly, telling him about what you are like during bed, humiliating you. you still can’t understand what he’s planned but as you cum on your panties by his fingers, you know there’s a lot more he’s going to be doing to you.
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akutagami · 3 years
𝐑𝐮𝐧! - 𝐎𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐓𝐨𝐨𝐫𝐮
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ೃ Warnings: Humiliation, Yandere themes, and abusive language.
Right at this moment you felt that sensation that had haunted you for several months.
It was terrifying to deal with that feeling, going out to any place was no longer pleasant, you even thought that if a friend accompanied you that feeling would disappear but it was the opposite.
When you entered the pharmacy you felt a great relief, perhaps the tranquility would only last a few seconds but at least you were not alone.
You bought some things and left, as soon as you left the pharmacy your body was completely tense.
Maybe everything would have been different if you had gone to the pharmacy early.
But that was not the case, it was already night and the streets were dark and lonely, the lamps in the parks did not even light the way well.
Until now you thought that everything was a hallucination and that you were probably imagining everything, but actually a few meters from you a boy was hiding in one of the bushes near where you were and he was watching you.
"Just a few more streets and I'll get home, everything will be fine!",It was the only thing you were thinking about right now.
And while you were walking desperately home, Oikawa came out of hiding to get closer to you.
"Uhm, excuse me! Can I ask you something?", Oikawa smiled kindly after saying that.
Maybe it was a miracle, at least you weren't alone anymore, besides that boy's smile made you feel a little calmer.
"Oh, of course!" What is your question? "You smiled kindly after saying that.
Maybe you would keep smiling if it weren't for what the boy said.
"Uhm ... if I told you right now that I murdered your friend, would you forgive me?,Oikawa looked so calm after saying something like that.
Instantly your smile faded, that feeling came back again, you felt an immense desire to run away from there and you probably would have if Oikawa hadn't grabbed you by the shoulders.
You couldn't hold back your tears, you were in front of the person who had caused you that feeling of terror all this time.
"Honey don't cry!, I won't hurt you unless you do something you shouldn't, this is just a lesson",Oikawa looked at you with a certain compassion and tenderness.
"Why are you doing this? We don't even know each other ...", your voice was about to break, panic had taken hold of you.
Instantly Oikawa's gaze changed, now he seemed to be annoyed.
"Are you an idiot ?!, All this damn time I have been in front of you! Or is it that you were so stupid as not to realize it ... that feeling of fear that you felt and the sensation that you feel now I caused it!"
Before you said anything, Oikawa grabbed your chin tightly and made you look at him instantly.
"You know something honey? I'm a little bored ... so we should play a game, what do you think?"
"God! Why don't you stop crying at once? Don't you realize this is good news ?, so stop crying, you idiot!"
You were so terrified that you couldn't even say a word, in Oikawa's eyes you looked like a scared little mouse.
"Well I guess so! I'll explain what this game is about! First I'll let you go and then you'll run, I'll only give you five seconds to run"
Oikawa knew you were not good at running, he really knew so many things about you.
"In that case, let's get started!", Oikawa showed a terrifying smile after saying that.
As soon as he released you, you felt him push you hard and you fell to the ground.
He had managed to make you scrape your knees, but you still managed to get up.
The blood fell from your knees, the ground had small stones that had managed to scrape your skin.
You started to run, you felt pain and despair when you heard Oikawa laugh silently.
You knew there might not be a way out but you still wouldn't stop running.
Maybe Oikawa was right, you were so stupid that you didn't even notice the bottle that crossed your path and made you fall again.
Your already scraped knees fell onto those little rocks and you couldn't help but let out a scream.
You started hearing Oikawa's footsteps quite close, you felt so stupid and pathetic.
Maybe this was the end or the beginning of a new life, you didn't even try to get up.
You just looked back with a look full of hopelessness, and there it was, it was as if you were facing a demon.
"I caught you honey!"
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
oh god the amount of break downs i woud have from oikawas yandere fan club is unfunny. i’m already convinced my friends that i made on my own accord hate me and i’m supposed to be cool with these people who now are chill with me, nah the amount of ugly crying would be unreal, i’d start skipping school just so i won’t see them
Fr 💯 Like your old friends avoid u like plague because Oikawa's crazy ass fangirls have threatened them to stay tf away from Oikawa's forced sister. You're down in the dumps because losing your friends in highschool is very depressing. You'd be walking down the corridor with your head down, only to knock into Oikawa's fangirls who are smiling creepily at you. Of course, you think they're about to beat you up so you try to run away, only for them to pull you back and latch onto your arms.
They begin dragging you out of school, and in your mind, you're convinced they're taking you to the cemetery to dig your own grave and then burry you in it. So you're crying all the way, and they're just cooing and try shushing you, a bit condescendingly.
I KNOW some of the fangirls are rich rich, so they push you in one of their cars and the chauffeur takes yall to their mansions, where they take you to their rooms and play dress up with you, even though you're like sobbing all the way because confusion???? You have a whole princess diaries makeover before they take you back to school and into the gymnasium, where the team is playing volleyball.
The practice comes to a stop with your quite sniffles. Oikawa walks over and gasps at you- you're dressed in the team's colours, wearing a plaid skirt, a white tank top, and of course, wearing Oikawa's Jersey. But that's not all, no. They've done your makeup, put your hair into buns with mint and white ribbons, and your hands? They have pom poms duct taped to them.
"Do you like our present, Oikawa-chan?" One of the fangirls asks.
He beams and nods, grabbibg your face as he inspects you left and right. "She's perfect! Looks so adorable! Thank you, girls!"
"Oikawa-chan, we have another surprise for you!"
"We're gonna teach Y/n how to become a cheerleader!"
Oikawa was never fond of his fangirls that much, but in that moment, God was he glad to have them.
Now reader is even more miserable as these crazy bitches teach her the proper way too cheer, and they don't cut you ANY slack. No, no. You need to be perfect for Oikawa-chan, nothing else is acceptable. And they'll threaten you again if you don't listen to them🔪
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Skipping school and hiding away in your home won't do you any favours either. The fangirls, now that they've gotten a taste of Oikawa's attention and realised the key to it is you, there isn't any line they're not willing to cross.
Hiding in your house? Bitch, they'll barge in, charm your parents, say they're taking you away for a girls day out/pampering Y/n day, before taking you away.
Trying to stay in detention on purpose? They'll sweet talk the teacher, saying that you need to be around smart and good girls that'll have a good influence on you, and who better to hang around than the school's head girl???? If that doesn't work, they can always blackmail the teachers.
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
Um hi i don't know if im late or not but i wan t to send in a request: i would like some haikyuu hc with reader who is kinda like isabela from encanto, yknow like being flawlessly perfect and having powers where she could grow flowers and then all sorts of other plants, but like them figuring out she has powers? I hope that made sense. I don't know if i can still send 10, but you changed the rules so im guessing yeah. So for this could you do yamaguchi, hinata, kageyama, sugawara, kenma, akaashi, oikawa, kita, suna, and goshiki, thank you
I will shock some people with this statement but I didn't watch Encanto so my description is probably a bit off. Since Corona I didn't really bother with cinemas, I've only recently watched Puss in Boots because two of my friends wanted to go with me. It was fantastic though.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, stalking, clinginess, jealousy, insecurity, touchiness, manipulation
S/o is like Isabella from Encanto
Kōshi Sugawara
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🤍Sugawara himself tries to step his own game up when he falls for his darling. He knows that he has weaknesses and imperfections and is not delusional enough to believe that he will ever be the best in anything but even he feels initially a slight pressure when in your presence. From looks to grades, you do everything with such graceful ease that it’s not surprising that you’re that popular as you are. This slight pressure soon fades though as he gets to know you better and grows more comfortable. From there on he starts to get more worried though as he realizes that you yourself might feel quite pressured to always be perfect to not ruin your image. He frequently reminds you that it’s fine to not be perfect, especially around him and that you should feel more comfortable around him. At times he even ushers you to sit down, relax and let him do the task. It might not turn out as great as if you’d do it yourself but his angel deserves some rest too.
🤍Suga wants his darling to be honest with him and maybe it’s also because of his rather twisted wish to be someone you can fully tell everything. He also knows that he shouldn’t push you though to make you uncomfortable and possibly lead you to avoiding him. He happens to find out during a time where he decides to visit you to ask how you’re doing that he catches you making flowers bloom around you. You’re in shock and panic at the beginning before Sugawara snaps out of his awe and rushes to you to calm you down. He apologizes for just popping up without an announcement and even if he has questions, he promises you that he can wait. You don’t take long to tell him the truth though since you’ve been debating on whether to tell him or not anyways, something that fills Suga’s chest with pride when hearing that you trust him that much. He gets more protective since he wants to keep your secret, tries to talk you into not telling any more people. The less know, the lower the risk.
Tobio Kageyama
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🌧️Kageyama is, despite the initial rather intimidating impression, deep down somewhat insecure himself. He probably doesn’t mind too often though since his passion lies in volleyball so grades that tend to be lower aren’t his biggest issue, unless it interferes with his play that is. When he goes down the rabbit hole of obsession because of you though, everything changes. Suddenly he’s hit with a truck of self-doubt and you being as flawlessly graceful as you are does not help. He wishes so desperately to talk to you but can’t even form a coherent sentence when you look at him which only humiliates and embarrasses him further. You notice how he’s often standing in the near distance, glancing constantly at you. He falters every time you approach him and talk to him, his heart beating in his chest. That shyness contrasts greatly with his aggressive and hostile attitude whenever someone spites you out of jealousy or wants to ask you out.
🌧️Just when he finally gains the courage to talk to you and fumbled around with ideas to ask you for a date, even if he has no idea how to give someone as perfect as you the perfect date, something unexpected happens. Kageyama is still stalking you for a large part, partly concerned and partly paranoid that persistent admirers will come after you. That’s how he witnesses the sight of you creating flowers and it’s only when you turn around that you notice him silently watching you with wide eyes. He’s frantically apologizing to you when you see him, terrified that you’ll despite him now that he knows your secret. You deal with it surprisingly calm though although you make him promise to never tell anyone. Tobio can’t deny that you two grow closer though because he has that knowledge and it makes him far more possessive, determined to not let anyone else find out so he can be the only one that close to you.
Shōyō Hinata
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☀️Hinata is easily a blushing mess around his darling but that never stops him from approaching her and talking to her. He’s rather sociable and also very energetic and his childish energy is honestly refreshing for you. He’s surely embarrassed when he fails to do what you finish with ease but is determined to learn as long as you teach him and doesn’t wallow too much in his failure, if you cheer him up that is which you luckily do. It’s obvious he adores you but not with the same reverence you’re usually seen with, he treats you more like you two are still equals and doesn’t worry his head too much over things. He compliments you with an excited and awed look on your face when he sees you doing something cool, pesters you to teach him too and also makes an effort to recall the smaller things on you. Because of all the attention he’s often a sulking mess though, unhappy with the lack of attention.
☀️Shōyō is terribly clingy and when you aren’t with him, he’s often chatting and texting you. On this particular day you don’t answer nor read his messages though which is why he decides spontaneously to drop by at your house. He didn’t envision to see you creating plants and flowers though, watches in awe and admiration until you notice. When your eyes meet, he storms to you with stars shining in his eyes as he rambles about how he didn’t know you could do that and that this was so cool and beautiful. He even asks you if you can teach him how to make flowers and plants bloom. It’s like he forgot that a normal human can’t do that, or he just doesn’t care in that moment. It’s hard to be angry with him when he’s that enthusiastic so you scold him only mildly although you clarify to him that no one should know about your powers. Hinata makes an oath to you, swears that he’ll never tell a soul about it. And despite being very talkative, he keeps that promise.
Tadashi Yamaguchi
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💕Tadashi is going to avoid his darling for a whole good while because he is such an insecure guy. Tsukishima makes fun of him, tells him to just gather the courage to just say a simple "Hello" to you yet not even that is something that Tadashi can do. He just can't stop comparing himself with you and in all areas you're far more superior and better than he could ever hope to be. Surely someone as gorgeous and perfect as you wouldn't want to interact with someone as under average as he is. He's terrified to not be seen as enough, especially since he believes that someone as you only deserves the best and he definitely doesn't view himself like that. The first time you actually noticed him and chatted a bit with him, he had even troubles looking you directly into your eyes, far too flustered and also slightly scared. He felt like ascending to heaven afterwards though, especially once you graced him with that sweet smile of yours due to his somewhat adorable behavior.
💕It's all a pure accident, he just happens to see you passing by in the distance and follows you out of curiosity he can't suppress since this isn't your usual route. Once he sees you growing flowers, his mind goes blank with shock and awe before he quietly leaves, still too shocked to fully comprehend. At night he lays awake in his bed and arrives at the conclusion that you're probably a god of sorts which only hits him harder with insecurity. Why should you even bother with a human like him then? Out of guilt for spying, Yamaguchi confesses to you within the next days that he's witnessed your powers, glancing at you surprised when you start laughing when he accidentally refers to you as a god. You tell him the truth afterwards, admit that you'd wish that he wouldn't see you as a god of any sort. You hang out with him more now that he knows your secret anyways, feel relieved that Yamaguchi proves himself to be trustworthy. He's on a shy and insecure spectrum so you can't help but look out for him a bit more, something that Yamaguchi finds himself secretly enjoying.
Tōru Oikawa
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👑Now here is a guy who tends to be arrogant himself and very possssive and loud when it comes to making it a point to show that he's the best for you. Honestly speaking, in Oikawa's eyes his darling and him should already be a couple since he is convinced that both of them are just perfect for each other. To show his darling that he's right, he constantly hangs around her and impresses her at any chance he gets. He's acting like a peacock who is flexing his feathers in front of you so you always pay attention to him because, guess what, he hates it when you turn your attention to someone else. There's no better way to describe him than with the term jerk when we're talking about how he makes fun and bullies everyone who thinks they have a chance with you, not afraid to start gossip or count down every embarrassing thing that ever happened to them. Occasionally Tōru suffers from insecurities too, times where he grows more clingy and slightly unhinged for approval from your side.
👑You find it already weird when he doesn't accompany you on your way out of school although you do guess that the lost match probably has just gotten to him. All the more reason that you feel a wave of dread washing over you when you see him stepping out from behind the corner where he was hiding whilst you were carelessly using your power a bit because you thought no one was watching you. You don't like the weird look in his eyes as his eyes go back and forth between you and the flowers on the ground. He asks you if anyone else knows and you can only shake your head. Your little hell starts from there since Oikawa is not shy to manipulate you with this newfound knowledge, his frustration and possessive side getting in that moment the better of him. He sets up the condition that he won't tell anyone if you start dating him, doesn't leave you with much of a choice in that moment. As soon as he has recovered though, he's gushing and complimenting you affectionately for your gorgeous ability instead of only using it as a way to blackmail you.
Keiji Akaashi
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🍁You like Akaashi a lot and that all boils down to the fact that he doesn't treat you like you're some sort of celebrity that one always has to talk about. Most people only compliment you and adore you for your perfection but you genuinely feel like Akaashi is interested in the person that is hiding behind the talent and the perfection. He talks with you like a normal human being and his conversations are never always around the topics of you being so amazing and cool. Sure, he compliments you and lets you know that he respects you but knows that there are other interesting things to talk about besides you. You even feel quite flattered when he admits after a while where you two have grown closer that he's sometimes worried that you might be a bit tired from always having to be perfect. You reassure him that it's alright but he reminds you that he'll listen if you ever feel the need to talk about something. You consider a few times telling him your secrets.
🍁Because Akaashi is so incredibly subtle with his slightly manipulative and protective behavior, you end up trusting him more blindly than you should which is why you at one point openly admit to him that you have special powers. He doesn't fully believe you until you truly show him, causing his stoic expression to crack with a surprised look on his face. He didn't think that your biggest secret would be the reveal that you can grow plants but he instantly understands why you're so adament to keep this a secret and he reassures you that he will never tell a single soul. Akaashi grows to overthink more though as he realizes soon that your secret truly is a little burden to carry, one he now feels too. He grows a hint more protective, always turns around to make sure that no one is following you two when you go home and scolds people with a hint more sarcasm when he catches someone actually following you which leads to him accompanying you more.
Kenma Kozume
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🐱Kenma will without a doubt also be a guy that will try to avoid his darling at first. He's more on a introverted side as it is and so the people who constantly surround his darling intimidate him. Not even to mention that he sort of thinks about his own talents when he is constantly hears from others and sees for himself that you can seemingly do everything without even practicing it much. This self-conscious thoughts really hold him back so the only thing he really does at first is stalking you in school and stalking your social media accounts. Kuroo realizes what is going on in his silent friend who seems to be brooding a lot in thoughts since a while now. Kuroo doesn't have as much doubtful thoughts as Kenma and is immediately up to approach you and help his shy friend. If Kenma isn't comfortable talking to you in public, Kuroo will just make sure you two bump into each other when there are no people fawning over you and admiring you.
🐱Because Kuroo arranged certain things and encouraged Kenma to go to that place on this special day is why Kenma witnessed how flowers bloomed with every step you take in the first place. One quick snap of his phone to have a photo is all he does before leaving before you can notice him. He's taken back by what he has seen and spends the rest of the day just sort of contemplating how he should deal with what he has just seen. It's only a few days later that he messages you, thanks to Kuroo giving him your number, and asks if you two can meet because he has something important to ask you. You expected a confession of love because you're aware of his crush but nearly choke on the air when he shows you the photo. His gaze directly into your own eyes is fleeting as he is as flustered as he is sort of ashamed. He promises that he won't tell anyone and delete the picture but only if you tell him the truth. He's sly enough to know that you're bound to spend more time with him now that he knows about your secret.
Tsutomu Goshiki
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🌟Tsutomu is possibly your biggest fanboy and cheerleader in the whole city. He's always admired you for your seemingless neverending talents and is always one of the first ones to shower you with compliments and confessions of his great admiration. Similar to Hinata he doesn't let himself get discouraged by your perfection which he doesn't have. Short phases of discourage when he fails in something spectacularly which you did with elegant grace before he gets all fired up and tries again, something you can't help but admire him for. All trouble is in the end worth it for him when you praise him for having gotten better in which case he walks around for the rest of the day with a puffed-out chest, filled with pride. Goshiki gets squirmish when you do the same to someone else though and doesn't allow himself to stop until he's gotten your praise once again, most likely for the same reason why you gave the other person a compliment.
🌟He's pretty much known as your puppy by now since he always follows you around when he has the chance to do so and on this day this isn't anything different. Only that he witnesses something you actually didn't want anyone to witness and it's specifically because he can't hold back the gasp of awe and shock when he sees your ability that you see him. He tenses up and his whole face turns red as he realizes that he has just blown his cover, stutters out some apologies and that he didn't mean to spy on you. You just stare at him in shock, trying to come up with the fastest solution on how to fix this problem. Your secret is blown either way, he's seen it already so you have little to no choice left to eventually admit that you have some special abilities. This causes Goshiki's admiration to grow even more for you. He obviously knows that he can't mention this to anyone else but when you two are alone, he's asking you with shining eyes if you could show your powers to him one more time.
Kita Shinsuke
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☁️Shinsuke is also someone who worries about the potential stress and pressure you carry around with you to fulfill everyone's expectations. That's why he's always willing to help in any way you can since people tend to give you too much credit and leave you with a lot of things to do, thinking that you're one who can do everything with walking ease. He is slightly disappointed whenever he sees someone doing exactly that and even if you insist with this flawless smile of yours that you're glad to do whatever you can, he always insists that he helps you. Kita isn't shy to call such people out too for what they're obviously thinking, scolds them which causes most to feel a bit ashamed of themselves. It's the same for your rather persistent and somewhat obsessive stalkers who invade your private bubble in which case he gets even stricter with rather blunt words and a pointed and cold stare. He's one of the few who see you as more than a golden woman so you appreciate his presence in your life.
☁️It's likely that you think about admitting to Kita that you're not a really normal human. Kita himself seems to realize that you're debating something regarding him and does his best to give you the time you need to make a decision, somewhat confident that he doesn't have to worry that it will be something bad. One day you call him over to your house and he tries his best to hide his slight curiosity. You seem more on edge than normally when you tell him that you have a secret you want to entrust him with and he's quick to calm you down with soothing words. You see a glint of surprise when he sees your abilities, he's stunned for a while before he regains his composure and gives you a small smile. Shinsuke doesn't treat you like a deity afterwards which makes you feel relieved that your secret didn't change the relationship between you two. You don't have any doubts that he might spoil your secret. Considering that he is later on a farmer, he would learn to appreciate your gift even more although he insists that you don't have to feel like you have to use your abilites for him.
Suna Rintarō
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🦊You have troubles reading Suna due to his stoic and somewhat uninterested expression he keeps all of the time. He himself doesn't even realize at first that he's possibly a bit obsessed with you although he always catches his eyes following you when you enter his field of vision. He's big in snapping pictures of you all of the time since he can't help himself most of the time. At the same time he calls out others for doing the same thing he's doing when he catches them doing it. Considering that you're often the center of attention, Suna has to step up his own stalking since you often have a group of people following you around. It only serves to make him an even better stalker though in the end. Checks your social media accounts daily. That is the most Suna does though because he is clueless how to approach you. He doesn't know how to express his own emotions but at the very least he has no other doubts that other people tend to have because of your shining perfection. He's curious though to know how you feel about him.
🦊You're in shock to discover that Suna can be terribly manipulative when he finds out your biggest secret. You yourself don't even know that he saw you until you receive a video from him which shows you using your abilities to make flowers bloom. You feel your blood growing temporarily cold, try your best to keep up your smile for the rest of the day to let no one know. The next time you see him, you approach him and ask him with the prettiest smile you can muster if you two can meet alone later that day. He already knows what you want and just agress with a nod of his head. Later that day he comes to your house where you confront him about the stunt he pulls, demand him to delete that video. Suna stares at you for a good while, you see it in his eyes that he thinks about something. In the end he tells you that he'll do it under two conditions. The first is that you tell him the truth and the second one is that he wants you to spend more time with him.
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yandereaffections · 4 years
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You know he has pictures of you nude, beautiful revealing angles and posses all documented for his pleasure when he isnt around you
Well that was its purpose at first, now its the binding that holds you to him. Threatening to spread them all across the internet on any and every social media platform he can get, basically destroying any sort of reputation for work or friends
Hell Okiawa even thought about selling them off to people just to get a profit out of ruining your public image, but either way his point is made clear, if you even mumble to someone about helping you leave him or show signs of planning a escape he'll sabotage your future without him
Okiawa still loves you, treasures every bit of you he can get and does his best to keep you all to himself, but that doesnt mean he isnt willing to betray his morals just to keep your relationship going as beautiful as it is. If anything its just like showing you off to people, presenting the curves and smoothness of your body nobody else but him can physically enjoy 
You can beg or fight all you want but Okiawas intentions are made clear, he wants you to stay with him, more of it needs you to stay with him, and hes willing to do whatever it takes
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xsofx · 4 years
Random yandere Oikawa headcanons:
. I feel like Oikawa would be an obsessive, a possesive and a stalker kind of yandere.
. Once he falls for you there's no turning back.
. He will follow you at school, trying to talk to you, sitting with you at lunch and slowly manipulating you into becoming Seijioh's manager.
. In short he's attached to your hip...even when you don't see him.
. He's not scared of following you home or entering your room in the middle of the night to see you sleeping (and stealing some things...)
. Oikawa has eyes everywhere and he can and will manipulate a fan into becoming your friend... so that he can have info about you
. I honestly don't think he would use his fangirls that much.. after all he doesn't want extras in his relationship.
. So he will bully personally out of everyone's eyes.. (through anonymous letters and online accounts) that way he can keep his reputation intact.
. He will make you feel helpless, a waste of space and a horrible human being.
. In rl He will make your friends go away.
. "You're such a disappointment, how could someone else ever love you"
. (I'm getting angry at him...and I'm fucking writing this lol)
. So when you're sad, helpless and without friends he'll try to befriend you and be your knight in shining armour.
. But that doesn't mean he's kind, no-no he'll be an asshole.
. " I'm the only one who will ever love you, after all there's a reason they left you and you are hated 😌"
. If after this you "fall in love" with him...be prepared for punishments...
.he will never touch you in bad ways, he loves you too much for that.
. Soo he will mentally break you even more, giving you affection just to ghost you and go on a date with a fan and kissing them right in front of your eyes.
. He broke your self-esteem so much that you'll come back to him begging for forgiveness...even if you don't know what you've done.
. Of course this is only if you don't reciprocate his feelings.
. If you do reciprocate them he will be the best bf... almost to good that it's creepy..
. He knows things you're sure you've never told him..and sometimes that you don't remember either..
. How does he know about that kid in elementary school that kissed you??
. He will hide his yandere tendencies or at least try.
. And you will have a bit more freedom
. In this case his punishments will be more subtle and he will not make you "jealous", he will just ghost you.
. It will hurt, especially because he's Oikawa.. he's pretty, smart, loved, athletic...you know he could get a better darling.
. In both cases do not, do not try to lie to him or rebel against him
. He follows you everywhere, of course when he can.
. That's why he kinda forced you to change phones...so that he could put (how tf are those things called..GPS? Idk) to see where you are 24/7
. He's always one step ahead of you
. Angry Oikawa is not a good sight... so just be a good darling
. (Be sure to only watch him at practice, not talk good about any male in your life... especially if they play volleyball , to make him gifts and to reciprocate his affections... it's easy right?)
. Just know that you'll end up in Argentina probably with some kids ya know how can you go away and not love him without them one way or another
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midnightlee25 · 2 years
Team-ups: Tōru Oikawa & Hajime Iwaizumi
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Worse and worser
Example of how they are. A: I'm going to beat the shit out of that person for looking at darling! B: don't do that, it's not worth cleaning up later. B later sees the same person flirting with darling then beats the shit out of them later.
That's how I see their whole yandere dynamic working. Iwaizumi tries to keep a low profile while also making sure oikawa doesn't do something crazy while ending up doing the same thing oikawa was planning. (At times both will end up doing it.)
This team up does work will give their prior relationship.
This being said they will act like their darling to turn them against each other before flipping the table on them at the last minute.
Out of the two iwaizumi is way more protective while on the other hand oikawa is clingier.
Both are more possessive than obsessive although Oikawa does have a bit of an obsessive side that goes hand in hand with his possessiveness.
When it comes to their darling wanting something, iwaizumi will have no problem but oikawa is going to make their darling work for it. (He really just wants some kind of small affection like a kiss or some cuddle times.)
It's not hard for them to keep others away but how they go about it is different. Oikawa will use manipulative methods while iwaizumi will use threats and muscle.
All in all, they aren't that bad of a pair to have. (Mainly because iwaizumi does keep oikawa in check which does help make things a lot less…complicated.) That doesn't mean their darling should take either one of them lightly or think that they can get away with things.
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yanderecrazysie · 3 years
Random Yandere Imagine
Okay but imagine that you're not interested in Oikawa at all and you don't like the way he is with girls but, instead of the boy-falls-in-love-with-girl-that-hates-him trope, you're really sweet to everyone and feel bad about turning him down and still treat him nicely afterwards. Like, you're super sensitive to hurting others' feelings.
So Oikawa takes advantage of your sweetness and, since you were awkward with the way you worded the rejection and you are still treating him with kindness, he just pretends to be oblivious like he thought you agreed to go out with him and starts treating it like a boyfriend-and-girlfriend relationship.
And a poor, confused you is struggling to find a way to gently break the news that you actually said "no" to dating him but he keeps manipulating the situation to keep you feeling too guilty to let him down. Like:
"I've never been so happy, I'm so glad you said yes, (Y/n)!"
"Why do you look so sad? Have I not been the best boyfriend lately? I'll do better since you said you 'wanted someone that fit your personality'!"
"Wait! Before you say anything else, I was thinking we watch your favorite romantic movie! You couldn't say no to that, right?"
"You say I misunderstood what you said? I'm sorry, I'll try harder to listen to your stories next time! How was your day? Did I mention how lucky I am to have you?"
And the whole time you're just spluttering and trying to talk fast enough for him not to interrupt you. You feel like you're leading him on and you have no idea how to get out of this situation. It feels like you have the worst luck! He never seems to catch on to the meaning of your words or he gets distracted when you're trying to tell him!
But Oikawa knows. Oh, he knows alright. And he's inwardly smirking every time he sees you look so defeated at yet another failed attempt to clear up the "misunderstanding"
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