#year reflection
conjectureand-gloom · 4 months
“and with that, the 2023 season comes to an end…”
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it's amazing how much can change in one year. 12 months. 365 days. that's... really not that long. but yet, so much has happened in this time.
i fully dedicated myself to my life long dream- begin posting fanfiction. this was probably one of my best decisions i ever made. i've made new friends, both online in fandom, and in real life. i spent time with family, and grew closer to my older sister. i went to my first concert, and started listening to music more, developing my own music taste. i moved up to a more advanced martial arts class, and completed a school musical. danced in the rain, sung karaoke. i asked out my crush and best friend, who proceeded to tell everybody that we were never together just a few weeks later. i lost that whole friend group, but grew much closer to a better group of people. had a goal to start caring more about life, but... well... maybe i need some work on letting go of some more difficult parts.
i went through one of the hardest and darkest times in my life, but i survived and ended up the happiest i have been in many years.
and i cannot say how glad i am that i did survive it all.
i got a partner, who i fell absolutely head over heels in love with, and is literally my everything, and i love so fucking much (and i really miss like it HURTS i need to see you again my love)
i grew closer to friends who i can talk to, and who seem to actually care.
i grew a lot more confident in martial arts, getting the most improved award.
and improved in my writing abilities.
everything somehow came together and worked out.
and i hope i can continue to grow in 2024, and put an end to my years long streak of having pretty shitty years (it’s been 4 years i’m so sick of this lmao please end this streak)
also i purposely didn’t tick the checkpoints for whether i’ve lost/gained weight, because my weight doesn’t matter and shouldn’t be a factor in my year. you aren’t your weight <3
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jenkinsknope · 1 year
Time for the annual year post lads
I am so glad 2022 is over. Going no contact with my mum is one of the most painful things I’ve ever gone through. I frantically had to find somewhere new to live after my landlord decided he wanted me out (presumably because I refused to pay more rent during my fixed term) and the communication from his office was confusing and appalling. I spent a lot of last year with a tense body and just about surviving. I really, really hope that 2023 is kind to me. 
But, as always, this is about pulling out the good things that happened.
1. I adopted a cat! I picked her up two days after my birthday and she is asleep in my lap as I’m writing this. She is so affectionate. She comes to meet me at the door whenever I return. Her walking towards me with a crooked tail and slow blinking is maybe my favourite thing in the world.
2. I feel a lot more confident in my abilities at work and I feel more comfortable giving my opinions. I was elected co-chair of the LGBT staff network and I like being in a leadership role. I’m good at it, because I’m organised and I’m responsive when people need me. 
3. I went on a bikepacking weekend for people of colour. It was my first time cycling off road and I definitely underestimated how challenging it would be, but it was also so much fun. We got to ride on top of a cliff with the sea below.
4. I cycled from London to Brighton and raised nearly £500 for the National Association of People Abused in Childhood. The scenery was beautiful and I actually really enjoyed the ride.
5. I went to Butch Please a bunch and helped host meet ups for people who needed a group to go with. I met and had some great conversations with queer people a couple of decades older than me.
6. I took on more responsibility in the mutual aid group I volunteer with and had relationships transition from acquaintance level to friend level. 
7. I made new friends through my cycling club including with someone who actively pursued being my friend! One of my fave evenings was a different friend’s birthday at the velodrome they work at. We did silly games around the track, hung out on the steps as the sun was setting and cycled under the moon. I spent a lot of time at the velodrome either getting my ass kicked at track or helping out with races and it was always fun. It’s nice to have a place that feels like a second home in a way. 
8. I was more vulnerable including disclosing some things about my childhood with a person I was dating. While that relationship didn’t work out, I’m proud of myself for trusting someone and turning away from shame.
9. I completed a counselling skills course which affirmed that I do want to be a therapist and I’ve been able to use some of the skills in conversations with friends. 
10. I saw Self Esteem and MUNA live and had a lovely and meaningful time at their gigs. 
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buboplague · 24 days
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a journey of pain, growth and persistence
(prints available here)
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stuckinapril · 5 months
lived my whole life in guilt bc i thought i was responsible for people's feelings. newly realizing that other people are responsible for their feelings and reactions, even if they make it seem like i'm the problem. a lot of the time it really has to do w them and their own emotional regulation. i can't keep thinking i'm not allowed to have space bc of other people's insecurities. like i literally refuse to dim myself. other people are responsible for their feelings just as i'm responsible for mine.
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soaked-doors · 4 days
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when it rains, it pours
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adrastea-moon · 4 months
love that fabian and riz were originally designed to be the quintessential preppy jock and outcast nerd stereotypes, but with each new season riz is more of a cool guy while fabian becomes increasingly lamer <3
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milk-lover · 5 months
Sobbing uncontrollably reading through a dissertation about the college experience of students with ADHD. It is like reading a report about my life that just says over and over "My experiences are real. My hardships are real. I am not lazy, I am not dumb. My struggles were not my fault, and they were not a moral failing. The failure was with the system, not with me."
Here's a line that got me in particular:
"Hotez et al.(2022) compared the health, academic, and non-academic capacities of a nationally representative sample of U.S. first-year college students with ADHD and without ADHD. Students with ADHD self-reported lower academic aspirations and more feelings of depression and overwhelm, ranking themselves lower in their general emotional health. The fact that students with ADHD scored in the highest 10th percentile for many non-academic traits, such as artistic ability, computer skills, creativity, public speaking, social confidence, self-understanding and understanding of others, compassion, and risk-tasking, suggests that this population has strengths that are frequently underappreciated in academia."
(the paper is a thesis called "Understanding the Collegiate Experience for Students With ADHD" by Gia Long, 2022)
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roach-works · 1 year
new heresy that makes the bible way funnier:
god genuinely had no idea that people would be able to disobey him, when he made them. angels couldn’t! everything in the universe was just an extension or a reflection of god himself, operating in perfect mechanical order. then he put a spark of his own creative consciousness in an animal and it turned out it could disobey him.
like, that’s why he told adam and eve not to access a perfectly accessible tree. nothing else in the universe up until that point would have done something he told them not to.
that’s why he asks cain a perfectly ridiculous question, given that he would have watched the murder happen right in front of him: where is your brother? what did you do to him? he didn’t know cain could lie. even when adam and eve disobeyed him, surprising absolutely everyone involved, they hadn’t figured out lying yet. cain figured out lying.
that’s why god decides to destroy humans and start over only a few centuries later. he has no idea what to do. not only are people disobeying and lying to him, they’ve started completely ignoring him, too. he can control the wind, the water, the plants, the animals, the angels, the heavens, the earth. but he cut a part of himself loose and gave it to this totally unique new critter and now he can’t get it back. he can’t make anyone do anything, and now they know it. he had to carve humanity back down to the one family that actually, for whatever reason, still listened to him, and he had to ride them pretty fucking hard from that point onward to make sure they didn’t just..... stop. because at any point basically any human, ever, even the ones who liked him, could just randomly decide to fuck off and do their own thing.
then like, according to christians, god thought maybe he could get a handle on whatever the fuck was going on with how bad humans were being by making another human who had even more god in him than all the other humans, and that didn’t work either. and also even jesus himself didn’t know what humans were going to do next, which was kill him young. like, god had to break the news to him based on an educated guess, and it was a big surprise to him! he was really upset! there’s a whole scene!
like, i think this is hands down the funniest fucking thing to conclude about god ever. he didn’t know it was going to turn out like this when he started and he didn’t know what to do when it did. he’s been basically scrambling to stay on top of the situation for six thousand years and he’s totally beefed it repeatedly.
god the omnipotent lord of creation knows everything, except what you’re going to do next. god the supreme ruler of the universe can do anything, except stop you. you have a little piece of god inside you and it lets you defy the most fundamental machinery of existence basically whenever you like.
if that’s not funny, i don’t know what is.
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prettieinpink · 5 months
( A collab with thee lovely lele @bloombabydoll )
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If you want to reinvent and rebrand yourself, or just continue to make positive improvements in 2024, the first thing is to evaluate your current year. 
Reflect on how things went for you. Was there continuous growth? Were there many difficult times? Did you discover anything major about yourself and so on. Try to summarise your year in (a) paragraph(s) at least. 
Oversee your goals. Which ones you didn���t, did achieve, difficult ones, easy ones and the impacts it had on your life. 
Compare your dream girl then and now. Is your visualisation of your life currently different to the one you have now and why? 
List any major losses or successes you’ve had in your life, and how they have helped you or why it matters to you. 
This evaluation can be as detailed or simple as you like, but as long as you have a decent outline of your year. 
To prepare for 2024, you want to know what you want life to be like in 2024. Something realistic to a point, but still is a growth journey. 
Think of something that you can associate with 2024. This can be a word, a symbol, art, a song, a book, a movie, a place, or even just all of these things. When you think about your goals and your journey, this is your theme. This is something that should relate to your goals or your dream girl somehow. 
For me, I chose a word and a song. My word is growth because, for me, 2023 was a year for just being able to shed my old self which I did achieve however I just felt there wasn’t much growth as an actual person and not just in my environment. 
For my song, it is Mayflowers by Proleters and Taskrok. This song is the epitome of what I would imagine, is the most polished mindset. I would say perfect, but having a perfect mindset is near impossible. I want to have a mindset glow up because I’ve just been hard on myself lately which has caused my confidence to plummet. 
Before we get into the fun part of the preparation stage, we have to do some organisation in our life. I want you to take a look at your daily lifestyle and your habits, and be completely unashamed about this. 
Then categorise these habits into two sections; Leave and Leap. Leave habits are habits that you are leaving behind in 2023, leap habits are habits that are leaping into 2024 with you. 
Any habits that are self-destructive, addictive or generally harmful are leave habits. Beneficial habits and self-building are leaping with you into the new year.
I want you to do the same for people in your life, all environments (school, work, online etc) and anything else you believe needs to be sorted out. 
This works better if you can reason with yourself why it is a leaping or leaving habit, but don’t try to convince yourself a bad habit is good or vice versa. 
Now, I want you to document an honest paragraph about who you are right now. List your bad and good habits, your strengths and weaknesses and your behaviours. This one requires a bit more detail. 
Then, write a paragraph about who you will be in 2024, your dream girl. List her habits, lifestyle, behaviours, mindset, strengths and anything else extra. I’ll explain later but do not include materialistic desires in this your dream girl. Once again, this one also requires details. 
Stemming from those paragraphs, I want you to create specific and achievable goals. SMART goals are best, but I want to introduce you to how I set goals. 
I divide my year into quarters. For each 3 months, I have 3-5 goals for those months. Usually, it’s one from each area of my life. Then, I break down these goals. 
Questions and How They Help 
Why do I want to do this goal - For motivation and commitment. 
How it’ll benefit me - For the sake of improvement. 
How can I involve myself in this goal - To achieve your goal.  
I prefer this method because it is a lot simpler for me, as I am just a young girl and my bigger goals are more in the future in which I’ll utilise SMART goals. 
To create good goals; Make sure they align with your current values and life principles first. Try to avoid creating goals that you have just taken from the internet. Those goals just aren’t it and you most likely won’t follow through with it. 
Be specific. Don’t say you want to eat more healthily, instead say you want to include (a certain group of veggies/fruits) in your diet and reduce the intake of ( food/drink). 
E.g using eating healthy example
I want to eat healthy -> I want to start including foods that boost my immunity system and support my skin while reducing those that have the opposite effect. 
Then break down those quarterly goals into monthly, weekly and daily goals. Make these habits that you can establish in your lifestyle and have a way in which you can refer back to your progress. 
Quarterly Goal - Read 6 books.  
Monthly Goal - Finish 2 books.
Weekly Goal - Be or near half way of one book.
Daily Goal - 20 minutes of reading per day. 
Health and wellbeing
Mental health
Personal life
Hobbies and recreation
Now for the best part- vision boards! Collect all of your favourite images that embody your quarters or the whole year, then put them in one place where you can see them regularly!
Some ideas are a scrapbook, Pinterest boards, mood boards, playlists etc. 
Choose your theme; It can be your healthy girl era, your academic come back or whatever you want. You can have more than two btw.
Use quotes! Then actually say them in your daily life as a way to shift your mindset to reflect said quote.
Include inspirational people. It doesn't even have to be a millionaire or a very well established person, it could be your friends or someone on the internet.
Be imaginative. Your vision board doesn't have to realistic in my opinion, as the whole point of it to me is that viewing it daily and considering it to be part of your life one day allows for you to open up to those opportunities.
Materialistic Wants
I feel obligated to make this a separate section. This section is practically tangible objects that you want.
However, when choosing this said object that you want, mindfully think about why you want that thing specifically.
It doesn’t have to be meaningful, but as long as each thing on that list has got a purpose to you, and will serve you, I think it’s all good!
If you want, you can definitely start implementing habits before January. However, I believe that as long as you go into 2024 at least knowing who you want to be and shedding away any limiting beliefs, you’ll be fine.
Make sure to incorporate some self care rituals into your daily life as well✨
To end this, I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas! And that 2024 they will achieve to close that gap with their current selves and their dream girl selves! 💖🙏
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natjennie · 18 days
oh my god kristen having true sight to buddy's death and then desperately begging her goddess to bring him back and standing vigil over his dead body while they figure out how to get him back.......... that's so fucked up.
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ocean-anchored · 1 year
Dear future self... December 26, 22
I figured I should give probably my last dear future self of 2022. So here’s a recap of my life as of today to remember and reflect on. As much as I know and remember this year very clearly and all the changes, I’m still excited to read back on the year and see what I’ve written. Let’s start with my work because lets be honest, it’s been chaotic. I’m still working for YCH, surprise surprise. My replacement quit a couple weeks back so I stepped in again to pick up the weight and continue with all that I was doing before. I’ve been working roughly 3 days a week while still working “full time” with Ed. Which has also been pretty amazing so far. I’ve been learning a lot and it’s been a vast variety of jobs. I sat down with him Friday to review everything and see where things are going in 2023 and I’m excited. As much as I do love the variety and doing so many different things, I’m actually happy that we’re cutting back on the several different companies and scaling it back to only a couple. He’s burnt out and I really see it. I can’t imagine his workload and it’s refreshing that he reminds me that I do take a lot off his plate but I still feel like I’m constantly harassing him with these little things that I’m not sure how to answer. Regardless, we’re cutting back Havii, Qortex and eventually startups and that will be interesting. It’ll be exciting to work for GSU, honestly, the whole Organizational Development is mind-blowing and so intelligent that I really just hope to be learning this stuff along the way so I can apply it in my own life and areas. I really appreciate Chrystal though, even though I haven’t been hitting my “24″ hours a week she’s still been keeping me on benefits and man is that such a huge relief to not think about. Obviously the extra money is a big bonus as I’m really trying to set my life up financially and for my future. I recall one of my personal goals this year was to pay off my line of credit that Trav helped wrack up and have $5k in savings. I remember at the start of the year I thought that was pathetic. To have a $5k goal, thinking everyone should really have that as a back up at minimum but gave myself grace in understanding the ridiculous world we live in and the debt that everyone carries so I reassured myself that was a pretty reasonable goal for myself considering the $12k line of credit that still hung over my head at the time. I’m proud of myself that I’ve hit that goal. With being paid out from Travis (regardless that I got the absolute SHIT end of the stick here and fucked myself over but at least I’m done with that chapter), my LOC is paid off (again within reason as lawyer fees are damn expensive and I could simply pay the last $2k I put on it a few months ago but am hoping the payments will reflect in bettering my credit that Travis also fucked over royally). But with that being said, with working two jobs just about the entire year so far, I have saved up at least $5k in savings above paying off my LOC. As much as it’s exhausting working two jobs, I don’t know if I’d prefer it differently. Being able to put more money away to provide for myself and my future is my goal and if that means hustling now so that I can set myself up for later than really why wouldn’t I? I just still need to find the balance and take care of myself. - Working on that. Relationship wise - that’s been a damn interesting one this year. I really deep down know I did make the right call with ending things with Richardt. As hard as it still is. Even the last day or two I’ve been catching myself wondering when he’s online, checking my messages in case he texted. I have to stop. I’m mad at myself because before when I had made my decision and leading upto when I was telling him that my decision was still in place a week later I had felt good. I felt like I was actually emotionally getting over it and had stopped waiting and wondering if he was going to text. Now that we’re “Friends” I’ve found myself going back into always checking on him and fuck do I need to stop. I cut soul ties this morning (should have done a while ago) and really just need to be praying to God that he helps redirect my mind everytime I catch myself thinking I need to check. It’s frustrating. That he tells me that he wants to talk everyday and “why can’t we? Id really love to” and now it’s like I wait for his messages or his replies and when he doesn’t my head spins into distrusting him. Man am I still so damn broken. Not trusting anyone. I went from actually trusting him probably more than I’ve trusted most or ever in a relationship for that matter, to now as much as he wants my entire trust now and to “get to know me” it’s almost like I trust him less. It’s probably anxiety and just creating stories in my head of what might be going on etc but it’s exhausting and I need to stop. I need to care less. I need to focus on God and sorting those distrust and broken spirit as a priority over any man. It sucks as I do feel lonely and I know I’ve somewhat done that to myself but I really hope that this next year will bring some new friendships, healthy ones, to build into.  Which this leads into friendships. I know I’ve sucked royally at being a friend this year, again trying to balance everything while understanding about being a Highly Sensitive Person has been a struggle to balance. It’s been too much for me and I know I’ve always been the one to have few friendships because I rather them go deep than go “wide” in multiple but I really crave that connection. I made one pretty good one with Amber the last few months. She’s really sweet and so much fun. We literally just talk for hours and it’s been refreshing that she’s put in effort into making plans.  As nerve-wracking as it is, I am going to reach out to the Young Adults group with church so that I can really connect with Christians. I really need that in my life.  Family - that’s been an interesting one this year. I felt real alone this year with our family dynamic dwindling. It honestly probably was the hardest year in having to deal with that. Almost reminds me back to when I left home and Steve reinforced that no one from the family talk to me. BUT I had prayed so much the last few months if I should reach out to Steven and finally when my mom said she reached out and he had responded, I felt that it was time. Thank Jesus for that. I’m honestly so excited to see them tomorrow night. I really pray that we can reconcile and start rebuilding our relationship because I’ve missed them the most this year for sure. My relationship with Meliss has had it’s moments. I still am concerned about her. She’s definitely struggled the last couple years and this last year has been really hard to watch with her. I should be praying for her more. Overall I’m happy and blessed that our relationship has really just gotten so much stronger this year. So many different things have brought us so much closer together. It’s like I keep wondering how we could get any closure and then we do and I’m just amazed and blessed.  Overall, I’m not exactly where I thought I would be at this time. Although, I also didn’t really look forward and think I’d be anywhere specifically and really had no idea what this year had in store for me anyways, but I guess I thought life would look a little different than what it is. It’s still okay. Doesn’t mean I’m not happy.  I am happy. I know a couple weeks back I said I wasn’t but the last couple weeks I’ve feeling blessed and happy that at least I feel that I’m moving back into the right direction again. As much as I can be upset with myself that I’m not farther along in several different aspects, I’m still proud of where I’m at today and how far I have come, especially through all the troubles and messes of this year. I really want to focus on my relationship with God this next year. I want to get back into focusing on the things that bless my spirit. I did a lot of them earlier this year and I feel like because winter is here and I’m not outside enjoying nature as much that’s why I feel like I haven’t been doing anything I enjoy but I also want to focus back into drawing, reading and building those deep connections. I’m excited for this next year. I hate making goals because I feel like it’s stupid to be making them at the end of the year and that you don’t need to wait for the year to be over to make goals etc. But I do want to take the time to reflect this week and see what kind of goals that I want to achieve and work todays this next year.
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selfhealingmoments · 4 months
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molinaskies · 7 months
An interesting “side effect” of the canonization of the “classic era” meaning “younger era” is that the classic era now reads as “cute fun times” before the core cast became teenagers/tweens and things got super, super complicated.
Because the characters are “younger,” there’s an air of “little rascal innocence” to everything they do now. The new releases like Mania and Superstars now feel like little throwbacks to the young heroes just learning how to work together and make a difference in the world.
I don’t think this is a bad thing at all.
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stuckinapril · 1 month
the devil’s whispers:
you can do it tomorrow (if you don’t do it now you’ll never do it ever)
you have a lot of time left (life is actually pretty short and we don’t have that much time)
you can skip this one little thing today (you are functioning solely due to the fact that you have a routine)
i must respond to this one thing that is bothering me immediately (you don’t have to do anything, it’s all in ur head)
I must check my phone (u don’t have to do anything, it’s all in ur head)
panicking is productive (panicking never makes a situation better, but in fact exacerbates it)
I must listen to music while doing the most minute task (u don’t have to do anything, it’s all in ur head. and I like music as much as the next person but moments of sheer silence are crucial)
I must befriend everyone (some people just don’t mesh together and that is ok)
I can skip working out for the day (working out does so much for ur physical AND mental health)
If misfortune happens to me it’s because I am uniquely unlucky (misfortune has nothing to do with preordained circumstances and everything to do with random odds)
If I am mistreated it’s because I am a horrible person and I deserve it (most times people are projecting their issues onto u and it has nothing to do with u)
if I make a mistake I am uniquely horrible (we are all human and we all make mistakes. the important thing is to hold ourselves accountable and learn from them)
I must have this one thing I really want now (u don’t have to do anything, it’s all in ur head. also whatever u want will still be here tomorrow so this sense of urgency is false)
I am uniquely hated/disliked/ostracized (most people are busy w their own lives and don’t have the time to be hating on u. and if they really are then their life is pretty empty and their opinion should not be held in high regard to begin with)
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landlordevil · 7 months
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There's this face Astarion makes sometimes and I'm not entirely sure what emotion he's trying to convey but he fails at it regardless. ID in alt text
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matcha-gh0st · 5 days
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I was 7 years old when SpongeBob premiered, and I never grew out of it. 💛 Happy 25 to the fans and the crew!
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