gamesofmuggles · 1 year
warren and june.
a little image.
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summary : june, billy's and graham's little sister is a part of the band in her own way. she told us in exclusivity how she found the inspiration for all the most successful songs!
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Billy's little sister, Graham's little sister, The Dunne Sister. In the background, discreet, calm, sweet as honey. The secret ingredient that not many people know of regarding Daisy Jones and the Six.
Interviewer : You’ve been secretly writing most of the band songs over time without people knowing about it. Why?
June : (chuckles) well not everybody wants the spotlight.
Interviewer : The most beautiful lyrics, the more remembered, the critics' favorites are songs with a common factor: love. Where does everything start for you?
I agreed to come to the house in LA, of course. Graham was so pushy about it, I think he was afraid that I would get bored without them and that ill wouldn’t write for them anymore. Billy, oh Billy was just happy to be my big brother and protect me. I was the first fan you know, and I will be the last. I remember there wasn’t enough room in the house, but Graham and Camila urge me to accept the nicest room. « To keep her mind fresh,» said Graham before dropping my suitcase on the bed. « I’m coquette too you know » I heard Warren say to Graham after he closed the door.
Warren: I slept in the bathtub for a while.
June: Karen arrived a few days after, finding Graham, Warren, and Eddie fighting in the living room. I was on the couch supervising the points, it was my first encounter with her. She asked « is it always like this » with a raised eyebrow. « Most of the time » I answered. Then I show her her room.
Warren: I wore her hoops back then, I looked fabulous in them.
June: I said to Warren I needed the hoop back. But he did look fabulous in it. To return to the question, my inspiration, well all the nights at the Filthy Mc Nasty, in the back writing while smoking and listening to the band play, alone except for the barman sometimes with more crowd. All the hangover brunch near the beach. The movie nights on a dusty screen. The fighting was because nobody -especially not women- wanted to clean those boys' mess. The adventurous meal cooked with cheap cans. Yeah, that was the inspiration. « June, how is your mind so powerful? » Graham asked me one day reading some of my last work. « can’t recall some of the highest heights / but I’ve memorized you, yeah we need to use this in the future» he added. Lyrics that were used for Midnight, I’m very proud of this song. I remembered I tried to hide blushing, cause every writing was always easy when I was thinking of Warren.
I had found the perfect spot in the Filthy McNasty so I could have an eye on him behind all those men on stage. I knew how he liked his eggs and his beer. His taste in movies. The curve on every one of his hair. I watched him a lot, a writer needed a muse you know? But also what a muse if he didn’t know he was one. Cause I never wanted to meddle with the band whatsoever and wished to keep my feelings very private, except when I wrote the songs of course. Every flirting interaction Warren may had have with me was pure imagination, it must be. Also, Warren was always a flirty guy.
Warren: It was no imagination. We were all clueless, awkward, and well, a little bit high back then. Every time I thought about it, I had to go out and smoke some. The small idea that everything could go to shit because of a tiny crush was frightening. But how could something could go wrong with June, sweet June who makes my eggs, perfect eggs every morning she can. Who went to search for the best curls cream for my hair. Imagine how someone could be this important that no matter the numbers of tits fans show you, you only want one?
June: He said that? How romantic. Where was I?
I remembered one night. We were on the beach, Graham and Billy playing guitars. Eddie Karen, Warren, and I are in the waves. Eddie wanted to fight, he’s such a fighter sometimes. He picked up Karen on his shoulder, Warren did the same with me. I was on top of his shoulder alarmed to move after the sudden physical touch. I was no prude and it was the 70s there was no secret but yeah. Karen took my hesitation for a win and pushed the both of us in the waves, Warren's hands still holding onto me. He asked if I was alright. Yeah. He had brushed my hair away from my face, a big smile on his. I remembered, ok. I need to have this smile in my life forever.
Billy: Are you asking me If I knew my little sister had a crush on Warren? Well, Ringo Starr was always her favorite so take a guess. Graham: I knew of course. Karen: Graham is gonna say he knew but he was clueless. They were pretty damn secret at first. But Warren was taking too many drugs to keep his mouth shut you know? Daisy: June still sends me Christmas cards. She was what glued this band I can tell you that. Eddie: I still can’t believe Warren scored this well.
June: I was scared of Billy’s reaction. Nothing happened at this point but I kept thinking about it. We were at a diner, the band suffered from the lack of notoriety while working their ass off. I wanted to comfort him. At least the band had a shiny new name.
Eddie: About damn time!
Warren: That night, I was ready to join that couch as always. Breaking my back. When June ask me to meet her in her room after everybody was asleep. So I did. At 2 am, I knocked and enter. She was wearing Billy’s old Black Sabbath tee shirt, writing on her stomach. Man oh, man.
June: I was very nervous, but It was time I also lived a little bit. Also whatever occurred it would have been good materials for the band you know (chuckles). He entered and he was wearing his flannel pant. I nearly jumped out of bed and I ran to his side, practically smashing him against the door and I kissed him. I (blushing) I never was nearly as adventurous as Karen, or Camila. It was a bold move for me you have to know that.
Karen: I heard a bang, yeah. Thought it was the ghost of my room. Or a bird.
Warren: Man oh man, I can’t tell you more about that night.
June: You have your answer, but you knew about it don't you?
Warren: You just wanted the sweet story to cover the bad ones don't you?
Interview : (smiles) sunshine after the rain, and by the way congrats on your 10th anniversary.
June: thank you.
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gamesofmuggles · 2 years
why do you use race in your fics dont you think you should be vague and not say “her parents were the typical white couple” cause im black as heck 😭 aint no way i got white parents
hi! i'm so sorry for that, i just wanted to point that they were basic and kinda dumb! i'm gonna change it, again 'im so sorry and thank you for telling me
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gamesofmuggles · 2 years
Back in town.
Fezco x reader imagine. Not requested.
Words count : 4208.
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Rue monologue.
Meet Y/N. She moved out of town 3 years ago as high school was about to start. Lexie and I were the first to be friends with her, you know how they said a trio always had a duo? It was never the case for us. Until I got into my bullshit. Now Lexie is her favorite, not that I blame her. Anyway back to the beginning.
Sociale kid, average grades, average height, and in her words average body. Never got in trouble, and probably don’t plan to be one day. She’s a real rock. Her parents are the typical couple laugh, live, love situation. Her brother went to the police with huge pride for his country. When she started to have thoughts of her own and understood the crazy-ass world we live in, the conflict happened. They favored her brothers over her. Her mother sent her to a psychiatrist one day, she returned with a letter saying everything fine with her daughter, she went crazy over it.
It was common agreement that she would leave to live with her aunt in LA. An opportunity for Y/N to leave this shitty town. She did a lot of shit into a lot of clubs, she got into surfing, yoga, mosaic, film, music. She always did a lot of things to drop them a month after but how happy she is every time she picks a different obsession. She’s already planning on 3 different majors, psychology, drama, and biology. Don't make sense right. It does for her. She didn't like to have only one thing and always believe we were meant to do so much more. We’ve been in contact most of the time, by saying we I’m talking more 'bout Lexi and Cassie. I would, if I had the energy to send a gif once and a while, her messages to me mostly on read for a couple of months now. I wished I talked to her about Jules, she would know what to do, she always does. She never went with Cassie and Maddy bullshit with their boyfriends or else, I love her for that. For 4 years, she’s been here about 3 times which is not that much. I’m glad she’s here tonight, even though I’ll probably hide from her, after all, she’ll be disappointed.
Anyway, what else was to do?
« You did a new piercing » yelled Maddy looking at your nose.
« Tried to hide it on pictures to surprise you"
« You’re so fucking tan, I’m fucking jealous » she added, with a frown.
« You’re drop-dead gorgeous Maddy, always have been »
« I’ve missed you so much » she went to hug you.
You were at Lexi’s and Cassie’s house for the weekend.
« She’s not answering, nobody is answering while they are taking pictures of them every fucking second » pissed off Lexie, grabbing her car keys.
« I’m sure she’s with Maddy, is Rue coming? » you asked her.
« I guess, you know its hard to keep track of her those days »
« What she up to? » you tried to ask distantly but always worried for her.
Lexi sigh, shaking her hands « you know... she’s hanging a lot with her drug dealer, Fezco »
« Good choice » you answer raising your eyebrow.
« Don’t » add Lexie « we’ve been this way too many times, he’s a decent guy too »
« If you say so »
The party was massive and you wonder who voluntarily choose to host this kind of party.
« I heard so much about you » shouted Jules. It was the first time you met her even if Lexie told you a lot already and you followed her photography Instagram.
« It’s my pleasure » you respond to her hug.
« She’s so fancy,» she said with a laugh, and Kat nodded.
The night goes on, and Lexie kept calling for Cassie after the girls said she didn’t go with them. On the other side, you were not the only one looking for Rue, Jules always was searching the crowd.
« I’m sure she’s around,» you told a hand on her shoulder, she rested her head on it. « She’s probably hiding from me »
« I’ll bet she’s hiding FROM me » you add, « I’ve known her for a while, and even though it’s been a moment she probably misses you more than everything, she’ll come to you if you don’t find her first »
Jules grinned shyly.
« But what if.., what if, she’s you know,» she said playing nervously with her hands.
« Truth is, I don’t have an answer for you »
« Neither do I » she add.
« Bitches it’s a fucking party » shoot Kat at the both of you before dragging you on the dance floor.
You and Lexie were sitting on the couch while she was showing you all the people that she had talked to you over the year.
« Shit that’s Nate right there,» she said in your ear, eyes on a vary large tall man who looked like he did murder someone.
« THE Nate? » she nodded. « Well fuck » you said between your breath.
You continued gossiping when Lexi waved to someone. A ginger with a cigarette behind his ears, a buzzcut, a green sweater, and a baggy.
« Sup Lexi? » he said as he approached.
« Hi Fesco, this is Y/N » the name of the guy click in your head, so it was him? the infamous drug dealer and rue's new best friend.
« Nice meeting you Y/N » he glanced at you.
He was sitting on the edge of the couch his legs spread. Like men do.
« Have you seen Rue?» you asked him while you thought about it. He was playing with one of his shoelaces.
« Not ‘bout an hour or so, you friend of her? »
Before you could answer, Lexi jumped out of the couch screaming Cassie’s name. You turned and tried to spot her, but she was already dissolving into the crowd.
You turned back to Fezco, wanting to leave Cassie and Lexi's privacy.
« Hm yeah, since back then » you answered him. He dropped from the edge to sit on it properly, you move a little to give him space.
« How I’ve never seen you around so? » He took a lighter in his pocket to light up his blunt.
« I live in LA, I left » he nodded exhaling the smoke. He looked at you, and you felt like his questions were writing on his face.
« I don’t want to talk about it » you add before he dares to ask anything. He chuckle and his attention went back to his blunt.
« Ok maybe I will, but just because I don’t want you to think I’m a pretentious LA girl »
He put legs underneath his body and turned slightly toward you, offering you the blunt. He listened to your story, bobbing his head, passing the blunt to one another, slightly laughing when you said something interesting. Alcohol does help to talk a lot, you understood that your theatre colleague likes to drink before the stage. You could never.
« Damn girl, that’s some balls » You laughed at the comment.
Lexie arrived at the moment to steal you from him immediately.
« Be right back » you said already being dragged to a room.
Cassie was crying.
« Cassie! what happened » you kneeled next to her.
« She refused to say,» Lexi said bitting nervously her nails.
You hugged tight your friend, whispering calming stuff into her ears. « I’ll get her some water, when she’ll calm down we can go,» you said to Lexi who agreed.
You search for a clean cup for a while, when you were surprised to see Fezco behind you.
« Everything ok? » he asked offering you a clean cup.
« Yeah, Cassie drunk too much that’s it » he nodded at the response.
« It’s almost midnight » he counts looking at the clock on the wall, you went to look too.
« Yeah, why? »
« Nah, just wanna talk to a bit more before everyone leaves after midnight yo know »
« Sure, I’ll be right back » you respond almost missing the cup with the water in stupefaction.
You bring the water to Cassie and after making sure Lexi was ok with it, you whispered to her
« I think things are hitting of with Fezco »
« What the fuck, are you serious? » she said half amused half surprised.
« You said he was decent shut up » she winked as you left the room.
Fez was outside, it was not that cold for December but nothing like it was in LA. As you paced towards him, you stopped as you saw Jules finally finding Rue. Things didn’t seem to go smoothly and Rue looked cadaverous. You started walking again when you bump into him.
« Ouch »
« You ok? » he said scratching your forehead with his palm. « Yeah yeah,» you said smiling.
You glanced back to Rules. « You know Jules ?» he asks following your eyes.
« Just met her tonight, she’s very pretty »
« Ya, Rue used to talk about her all the time »
« Used? »
« Ya know… things happened » he adds knowing probably too much.
« Do you believe in a soulmate? »
« No » Fezco replies quickly.
« Why? »
« I mean, in the all world a soulmate for everyone? Nah that's dumb »
« The idea to have a perfect person for you is dumb? »
« You met people, ya know, and change thanks or because of them, everyone can be your soulmate »
« But what if you think someone is your soulmate but it’s not,» you said glancing again over your friend.
« Mama you’re thinking too much, here »
You took his blunt while leaning on a wall near, he put his hand next to your head so he could tilt a little bit on you.
« Better? »
« Surpassingly, this party is much better when you’re around »
« Because I’m offering you free blunt » You laughed.
« You can take it back, the conservation fine’s by me »
He took it back, almost consumed to the end. He took the final breath and exhaled the smoke in your mouth a little bit down him. Someone passing by could have sworn you two kissed because of the proximity and angles.
He kicked the blunt with a finger to the side.
« Two minutes before midnight » he adds
« You’re excited to escape me? » the blunt and the smell of his perfume were messing with your senses and you tried to smooth your hair back, probably looking like a mess.
« I have something to do »
« Can I help? » he laughed looking a bit worried into the house, his eyes studying the people in it.
« Listen, can I have your number? when u leaving?
« Yeah sure, tomorrow » you reply giving him your phone.
« It was nice meeting you right? feel free to leave the fuck out now » he said sliding your phone into the back pocket of your jeans. You saw him exit, confused about what was the rush.
You went inside, the living room was crowded for the count down. You immediately spotted Jules and Rue and waved to them, in a blurry moment Rue ruined to hug you, you couldn’t hear a bit of what she was saying because of the music and screaming but you nodded in happiness just to see her. Jules joined the two of you, and the countdown started.
10… Jules and Rue hold hands.
9… You jumped in place to the numbers going down
8…You wanted to kiss Fezsco at midnight
7…What the fuck was that thought.
6… Fezco was near the bar, what was the rush?
5… God that green sweater was heavenly.
4… A guy asks you to kiss him at midnight, ew
3…A fucking new year again
2..It's time!
1… Happy new year!!!
Jules and Rue kissed and went to hug you after, thrilled at the moment.
The calm start to settle again, and you were even more resolved to go see Fezco again.
When it happened. He was beating the shit of this dude, Nate, on the ground, couple of inches away from you.
You jumped when you heard Nate’s nose being broken, he keeps pushing. You Rue and Jules are in shock at what is happening right now. You saw Maddy and Cassie running and trying to get Fezco out of him but he was too strong, some people start to separate them and you saw Fezco rush out of the room.
« I gotta go,» you articulated to your friends before running outside behind him.
You saw Fez jumping into a car. A little guy was driving, face tattoos on his baby face. Fez was yelling at him, you reach the car fast enough and knock on the window.
« I'm sorry bro,» said the little dude trying to turn the key many times.
« I have Lexi’s car keys come on » Fez hesitated, looking at this friend. Then he got out and they followed you into the street and in the car.
« Fuck, ok » You start driving.
« Listen » star Fez on the passenger seat.
« Not now, oh fuck. Take my phone and call Lexi please, tell her I kinda stole her car and we’re driving away »
« Dude,» said Fez, looking at your contacts until he found the number and put the phone to his ears. You could hear her at the end of the line cuz of the silence in the car and her screaming over the noise.
« Where are you? »
« Yo Lexi it’s Fez »
« Hi Fez, dang I mean are you with Y/N »
« Yeah she wanta me to say we are in ya car and she’s sorry »
« Hey!’ yelled Lexi through the phone. « Ok it’s fine we’ll probably be with Maddy for a while at the hospital or whatever, tell her I’ll text her for a ride so she better be fucking awake no matter what »
« Yea noted »
« Also Fez … »
« I don't say I like violence but good »
She hangs up leaving Fez with a smile on her face. You love Lexi so much.
The drive was silent, you parked next to a suburban house.
« Who’s house that » ask the kid on the back.
« My parents, they’re out on NYE I know it »
« Shit, I’m Ashtray, by the way, didn’t have the pleasure,» he said holding a hand that you shake.
« Yo listen y/n we don’t want to be problems... » Fezco said rubbing his ears leaving blood on them.
« Come on,» you said opening the doors, the two boys following you as you search for the green Jacinthe pot and the spare key your parents luckily forgot about. You opened the door in the darkness, felt weird to be here.
« Feel like home,» you said to Ash, showing him the living room and kitchen « help yourself to eat a bit if you want »
« Appreciated Y/N »
You turned to Fez « You upstairs »
He followed you up the stairs looking at the family picture of the wall, you were surprised your parents didn’t take the one you were one yet.
Fez was silent no that we looked like the talking one but he probably feared you would ask questions. Right now you just wanted to clean his hands.
You opened the bathroom.
« Sit on the counter please » He did so, you search into a medical care kit to find a tweezer.
« I saw a couple of glass shattered I need to pull up » he nodded, looking you up from where he was. You took his hand gently and pulled what you could, he didn’t flinch once, which didn’t surprise you. You guessed he saw and felt worst.
It was silence.
« You' not asking questions,» he asked balancing his legs. You look him up.
« Why would I, it’s between you and him »
« Nah not really,» he said. « He was pissing of Rue and Jules, and some other shit you know, he no good »
« What? what did he do to Rue? » you said plucking a piece of glass too hard.
« I don’t know if it’s my place to say, man. Shit I can’t believe you saw me like that »
« I don’t judge »
His legs were splayed open and you noticed his lap was big. You swallowed, sure he could hear your heartbeat as he surveyed you.
« I’m done with that, you can wash your hands, and sanitize with this, I’ll check for cut and stuff after it’s clean,» you said taking a step back to keep your heart to explode.
« You taking good care of me Y/N »
You shrug your shoulder, pressed against the wall looking at the blood falling into the sink.
« yo what about your friends,» he said after drying his hands on his pants « are they gonna get mad cuz' yo help me »
« Who knows you’re here except Lexi? she’s not a snitched, no one knows you’re here »
You took his hands back, your body stuck between his legs. you saw in the corner of your eyes his eyes lashes moving in your direction, were they looking at your nose, your eyes, your mouth? you wished to know.
« Did it hurts? » you said touching some parts.
« Yah , but got broken bones before it's okay » you nodded.
« I'm gonna band those two fingers together they look kinda scary »
« Great,» he said in a chuckle
« You’ll just have to find a pretty girl to role your blunt for you,» you said finishing your work »
« Sure,» he said
You looked at his face, his beautiful eyes, you wanted time to stop and suddenly not want to leave for LA anymore. also wondered how little of your interaction had found a way into your brain as no one did back home.
You grab a cotton pad and wipe the blood behind his ear, his neck. Fez was barely breathing of the closeness but tried to play it cool.
« All clean,» you said flushing the cotton pad into the toilet, not ecolo friendly but mom-friendly.
« Do you want me to start a laundry with your teeshirt and sweaters or do you want Nate blood on it »
« You'r too kind » he starts pulling off his shirt off and by surprise you step back, a little blush coming from your ears to your cheeks.
« We have still some of my brother's stuff, I’ll get you some,» you said, picking his teeshirt and green sweater.
Feeling hot you ran downstairs to the laundry room and throw some stuff in it with his clothes, you find an old sweatshirt.
He was not in the bathroom anymore but had found your old room, you took a second to watch him behind the doors, you wished you could have all the time in the words to count every freckle in his back.
« Found something interesting » you question handing the sweat. he took it and unfortunately cover his upper body with it.
« Not yet,» he said with a smirk as he continue to watch the picture on the wall
« You ever thought about the fact that you can meet people at a certain time and they like you and like a year later or so you wouldn’t like this person anymore »
« I probably would always like you » he answer back glancing behind his shoulder
« That’s not the point’ you said in a whisper
« Yooooo, that’s you and Rue,» he said pointing a picture of you around 11years old
« Yeah » you chuckled « look at us showing our braces »
« Yo could I keep it, I gotta show her that »
« You sure you don’t want anything more flattering,» you said embarrassed and amused
«I got lucky to look at you all day »
« Shut up,» you said pushing him a bit with your shoulder
« Yo gonna text me when you’ll be back in LA right?
« Of course »
You laid on your bed with him to the side.
« Talk to me about Rue,» you said as you turned towards him, he was watching the stars on your ceiling
« Like what »
« Like I don't know, you know here in a certain way we don’t I guess »
« It’s not always pretty,» he said
« I’ll take it... I think » you add
Then he start talking, a lot, a lot more than you thought. the coma, how he assumed it was his fault from the begging and how he didn’t want to sell her drugs anymore and was scared that the only bond he and her add was through this exchange. you were curled up, listening to him talk. his eyes flicked to you from your ceiling, his foot gently striking yours. he even put a strand of your hair behind your ears while it fall in front of your eyes.
« Well shit,» you said when he stopped talking
« In a good way or bad way »
« I don’t know,» you said, your head resting on his shoulder as the story goes on. as the silence went on, his right arms reached to your back and start rubbing your lower back, very so slightly underneath your shirt. the waves of heat between your ears went between your legs.
« Fez… » you didn’t know where this sentence was going.
« I like you Y/N I don’t want to ruin things »
« You could never,» you said as he leaned to kiss you. he was so sure about it like he thought about it all night. his hand behind your back was securing you close to him. suddenly you burst into laughter.
« Shit what,» he said with a smile.
« Feels weird to kiss someone wearing my brother's clothes »
He smiled widely and you saw his angel teeth for the first time.
« Yo don’t say stuff like that,» he said kissing you on the forehead.
You were ready to use most of the time left to continue kissing him everywhere when your phone ringed.
« Fuck Lexi » you jumped on it.
« Hey y/n, is it ok for you to come? »
« Where? »
« Maddy's house but like park a bit away in case she saw you run with fez"
« Yeah, can I be here in 30, gotta drop them »
« Yes see you »
You turn to fez looking disappointed.
« I'll drop you off, go get Ash» he nodded as he set up from the bed, you took an old hoodie from your closet when you realized you were freezing and he hold you by surprise from the back, you chuckled and enjoyed the warmth of his body.
You sigh, suddenly very aware of how tired you were. you grabbed the picture of Rue and you from the wall and put it in your pocket. Downstairs you took the clothes out of the washer/dryer and found back Ash who look like he had fallen asleep.
In the drive to their place, Ash asked you questions about LA.
« Well you’re both invited whenever you want, my aunt has a pool » you said winking to Ash « cool » he said and went back to his phone. When you arrived, he went inside quickly, feeling you two needed time.
You handle Fez his sweater and pulled the picture out of your pocket. He smiled widely at it.
« Cherish it,» you said as he continue smiling.
You were balancing on your feet, your heart racing and hurting from a goodbye scene you didn’t plan to do in a million years, the sky starting to light up slily from the dark.
« Text me,» you said trying to hold back the tremble in your voice.
He left up your chin with his fingers. « yo know I’ll do baby girl » he said leaning to kiss you. He ended the kiss with a hug and it was time to leave. You waved him goodbye until he was just a blurry shade, or was it the tears.
Lexi immediately knew you slept with her as she hold you thigh.
Nothing felt worse right now that can’t imagine when you were going to see him next.
Currently writing a Fezco tinder kinda hook up turning into something stuff, probably in different part! see ya!
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gamesofmuggles · 4 years
SHIP #85
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I ship you with Thor
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Litteral couples of dorks
When you said you tried to found the best in everything, you didn’t think that you would found the actual best in one singular person, him.
He always brings you back some objects, or artifact you have no clue what's going on, and would probably destroy your flat but with such joy that you dedicated an entire wall for it. In the eyes of your « mortal » friends, you are just too much into fleamarket.
He would always find the way to come see you before an important event, as he knows it means a lot and stops you from stressing about.
You have so many inside jokes.
He loves - LOVES - your baking, as he wishes to taste every dessert made on earth.
You always enjoyed your trip to Asgard, even tho you sleep for a week after and you feel like your sense of gravity as been shattered. You made quite a reputation out there, singing and dancing until the end of the night when celebrations accrued.
Also, definitely karaoke nights.
I ship you with Ginny Weasley
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« Dumbledore agreed to that? » asked Ginny to her brother. « Well, surprising yes » « This is a very muggle thing to do in school » add Hermione, leaving Ginny in her thoughts.
A club with representatives from the 4 houses would be discussing events, improvements, and changes needed in the school. Ginny decided to represent Gryffindor and you too met. « I just want to make these 7 years of school a great time for everyone,» you said you too alone cleaning the room after the first meeting. « Even for the Slytherin », she smirks putting a book back. « Can you believe, I’m literally on their side and they are suspicious » you said outraged with a laugh.
Meetings after meetings, the club was a success. Unfortunately one night, you found yourself very anxious and stood outside the Gryffindor common room asking for Ginny. You too talked on the stairs, her making you feel better her hands rubbing your back. « Let me sneak you in my dorm tonight,» she said. « Ginny! » you said offended. « I don’t care » « You are becoming your older brothers. »
At the end of the year, she decided to celebrate a party for the efforts you put into the school. nobody really didn’t matter tonight, every congratulation faded away in your ear as long as you danced with her.
Miss Weasley loved you, like LOVED you. How she couldn’t, you literally spend all your time baking with her talking loudly about your club and what you did during the year, « brilliant » she said with enthusiasm at your words.
Ginny likes to put her hands in your inner things and say dirty words in your ear when you are in public.
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gamesofmuggles · 4 years
SHIP #84
For :
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I ship you with Bran
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Having Sansa, Bran and Arya back to Winterfell have changed a lot of things, especially from you whom Bran requested for his services.
In the Winterfell library, you and Samwell would take care of the books he couldn’t reach out, and placed him his front of him. You stayed longer than Samwell, quiet, just the two of you discussing the book he was currently reading.
« You are in my dreams lately,» he said one day, you barely talk to each other. « Really? » « Or was it a dream? » « I’m sorry sir- I don’t really » « No, it’s my fault, I shouldn’t bring this up,» he said glancing at you from the top of his books. After a loud silence, you decided to talk. « And what was I doing » With a smirk, Bran told you his dream. A dream that would be happening sometime soon. (hehe)
Arya usually refers to you as My Lady as a joke that would always make you blush, stipulating that Bran could ask you to be his wife.
After a while, you knew him like no one else did and know that the only thing Bran wanted was peace and tranquility of mind, quiet impossible to accomplish regarding his position so you made him stories the night to help him think about something else.
« I’ve seen everything, I just want to have my mind free, that’s why your stories are important » With his help and a scribe, you signed a story of fantastic novels putting women in the main character for children.
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gamesofmuggles · 4 years
SHIP #83
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I ship you with Fred Weasley
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As everyone knew, Professeur Binns was soporific. If the students didn’t sleep during his class, they would do homework instead, or talking to their friends, but not you, history was your favorite subject and you already saw yourself being a great historian latter. That's where you found yourself doing dissertations for some of the other students for a good amount of money. « That will be three galleons, Fred » « Yeah about that… » it’s not the first time Fred didn’t pay and you would always let it go because you love him god damn it. « What is it, Weasley » « How about I treat you with some lunch just me and you » One thing you hated about him, it’s that you never know if it's his sarcastic sense of humor, or flirting.
He treated you with a picnic, stollen in the kitchen near the lac, if he was not flirting he looked like it.
You admire him very much, god you wish you had his confidence, how everybody adores him.
He’s always the first to hug, for basically any reason for. You shed many tears on his Gryffindor sweater over the years.
Eventually, with the money you made, you bought him a new broomstick on Xmas. Everybody gasp when he opened it. You asked your friends and his family to offer the same to George that wouldn’t be fair. Across the table, he looked at you with a look you never saw, he wave his eyes to the kitchen and you stand to follow him. « Are you gone mad?» he asked and you laughed « I was just tired of you complaining about your old one » « Yeah rights,» he said back with a smirk. « Just say you like me » his answer caught you on guard and you bring out all the confidence you stole from him. « I do » « Good,» he said, and then kissed you against the wall, while all his family was cheering in the other room.
I ship you with Robb Stark
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Your father, a well-known commander in the army of the Starks was leaving way too much for you and your sister to live alone all the time. Edward than agreed to keep you in his castle, as your father was a dear friend of his. So, since your 5 years old you’ve been hanging around his family. Robb was your best friend.
You enjoyed the education the starks children received and your witty mind outshine all of them. Robb and you had a competition for everything, who was running the quicker, who swim the most, who read the best, and who could prank his father the best.
Growing into teenagers, you traded your wood swords for horses race and hanging out away from everyone. When hanging out in bed, you talked about going anywhere but here with the cold. « I know you want to swim in the sun,» he said under the blanket « I really wish to go anywhere if you are with me » he holds your hand and you fall asleep right after.
Eventually, his duty was getting more and more present and you would see him less. « Tell them I can work with them even though I’m a woman » « I can’t do that » « Younger, we could do anything we want,» you said crossing your arms. « We are not teenager no more » « What a pity »
He didn’t like it when your mad at him and went to kiss you when the sun went down.
You were realistic all your life, he wouldn’t marry you and would probably be away from you often like your father did so you enjoyed every time you could have with him.
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gamesofmuggles · 4 years
SHIP #82
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I ship you with (young) Sirius Black 
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The Sorting Hat hesitated, a lot. Too much for a 9 years old girl watched by the all-school, sometimes you still think about it and it gives you nightmares. Deep down you hated those houses. You still remember what he said, « both houses are not to be ashamed of, take what you need from both » and send you in Gryffindor.
An other kid was feeling a little bit torn, Sirius Black. He soon found you considerably interesting to hang with.
You worked hard for what you want, things that Sirius didn’t understand, while he had the potential to dethrones you, always grabbing your books or parchment away from you. « Don’t you have anyone to bother, really? » « It’s never the same with others » His smirks were repulsively attractive.
Your brother, a legend in the Quiddich history of Hogwarts, didn’t leave you the choice, you had to get in the team. You are always ready to show everyone that your skinny silhouette can’t stop you. Although you were really good, Sirius always point your bruises after practice. « And another one! » he said punching it on your arms. « So what? I have bad blood circulation » « Psht, cut the crap » « Sirius please you know I’m really good, we are a safe team, James is here isn’t it » « Sorry Doll, his eyes are somewhere else,» he said drifting to see him talk to Lily « I don’t care ok » « I do, you’ll break your neck one-day little bird » You hated, hated this nickname. « Funny of you to talk about safety when you are helping Remus every full moon » « Shttt » he took your arms and hide you both behind a wall « Lower your voice, plus you know I'll put myself in much more danger if it means keeping you safe"
Sirius knows he could come anytime at your house in the summer when his family was too much, sometimes you even didn’t hear him coming and sleeping on the other side of your bed and you would wake up his arms around your chest.
Half the woman of Hogwarts was pretty frustrated that you were "the chosen one" and that their tricks didn't work. As the queen of potion that you are, those cheap-ass love potions didn't stand against your knowledge you could see one from miles. Rumors about infidelity can't hurt you both, people don't know how loving, kind, and faithful Sirius was behind close door, and how much you two needed each other on a daily basis.
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gamesofmuggles · 4 years
SHIP #80
For : @clumsydeer​
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HP : I ship you with charlie weasly 
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You and Charlie were friends since year 1, arms under arms you used to spend every time you had outside, about year 3 Charlie start to grow a lot, and the height you had in common was a long memory and he was like 5 head taller than you, which you don’t complain because he can spoon you all up - your muggles parents were so afraid that he would work with dragons - he found your old turtle very funny when you visited your birth house « it’s like a very slow, old, and little dragon » « meh » - always reminding him about what he forgot but can’t remember shit for you - always giving potion to your friends because you are excellent at it - living in a very artistic house, with a lot of plants (half dead because you are both so lazy to take care), arts, drawing, and books on the floor that you have to dodge - watching conspiracy theory muggles makes up and telling him how everything said is bullshit and him listening to you talk for 2hours about science
GOT : Tommen 
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Once again you were in front of the lady coordinating all the maids in Castle Rock. She was yelling at you because you spell wine on the king’s pants. You didn’t listen, it was not your first time. And you heard another voice and the yelling stopping you wondered and paid attention. « My king, we we’re just-« Lady ? was lost in words trying to apologize from his behavior he must acknowledge and calm the redness on her cheeks. « I just wanted to make sure nobody was in trouble because of a little accident » he smiled at you and you wanted to blend in the shadow of the kitchen.
Until this day, it was pretty clear amongst other maids and the royal family that you were Tommen's favorite, how was the ultimate question. They thought you couldn’t notice how much work they add you, but you’ll do it even harder if it means pissing them off.
Tommen ask you if you wanted to accompany him on a diplomatic trip as his maid and you accepted, you were really happy to take the boat and to travel on the sea. Days fly while hanging out on the deck watching the blue sea and the few fish or animals that you could see jumping from time to time. Soon you start spending nights in his bed, Tommen made himself very clear for his people that this must stay a secret. Eventually, Cersei learned about it, but who she was for punishing relationship? Tommen told you he used his only son privilege to keep having you.
He has a decent amount of your drawing under his bed, his pillow, next to the window, on a table... He wants to keep everything. He is always glancing in your direction when you are in the room to check on you.
MCU : Scott Lang
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"What' your favorite music?" you ask your patient, him laying near the bright lamp around him. "Hm- Supertramp" he answers and you start your iPod loud. "Now, you just need to relax"
"So that's what she does?" You just met Scott, some of the avengers and you spend the day talking to a new mission. "That's impressive" he adds his head resting on his fist looking directly at you. This man is the kind to make you feel like you're alone in the room.  "Actually I created it myself," you said with a confidence you didn't thought add. People would never think their dentist is working for the Avengers and fixing following device tiny as a grain of sand in your mouth right?   He opened his eyes widely. "Really?" "Well" Tony knocked the table with his fist "I'm leaving you too at it" And he did, and you spend the entire night talking about mechanics, science, and projects you failed to accomplish. When the sun rose again he took you out for breakfast. And will do it everywhere at this place to celebrate your meeting.
Being Scott's girlfriend is like having a date every time you hang out. "God, get a room, people are single around here" usually said Natasha when you both stay reading laying your legs on each other.
Never get bored with anything, rescuing a lot of lost animals in your house. Creating a rock band where you are everyone at the same time.
Also being the annoying parents later that's cheering a little bit too loud when your kid is winning the science fair.
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gamesofmuggles · 4 years
SHIP #81
for : 
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I ship you Hermione Granger 
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« Do you know each other? » ask professor McGonagall in his office with only two other people in it, you and Hermione Granger « No » both of you respond calmly. It was a fact, you didn’t know each other really, you knew who she was but highly doubt it was mutual. « Well, you will » you raised an eyebrow glancing at her, focusing on her teacher. « Mr. Pascal (invented) both said you are both the best in his discipline and will need your help and your knowledge for a new study » Hermione Granger smiles widely and you found it lovely, « absolutely professor,» she said without even know what it was about. You didn’t need to have extra work, but at the same time, you wanted to take this opportunity with her.
You spend almost all your time together studying in silence or separately at the library, you didn’t see much of your friends but they understand, knowledge was a powerful resource in Ravenclaw.
After a long night of studying in the Professor's office, you fall asleep on your chair, when he both wakes you up in the morning you looked like a mess and run out of his office laughing. « It’s my first time late to class,» she said short in breath after running « What is there to learn for you anyway? » you respond and she looked cute her face a little red and her eyes tired and shiny « A lot,» she said in a whisper putting your hair behind your ears, the move saying it all.
Never afraid to be publicly seen, when someone insults you one day, she mumbles something into his breath and when you walk back you could swear you saw his tie tighten a little bit too much on his neck.
Having cute dates, Hermione not being used to drinks it was always so funny to see her a little bit tipsy. You really enjoyed being the host for her friends and family and couldn't get enough of stories about their works.
Bringing her with your parents traveling each summer to very famous wizard spots she didn’t know growing up muggles.
Growing up, you decided to write children's books together mixing the muggles and wizard world, soon to be a best seller on both sides. Lifting each other and being a power couple.
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gamesofmuggles · 4 years
ship #79
for : 
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I ship you with Harry Potter 
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- Even tho you are in Gryffindor and the colors of the house have some yellow in it, it isn’t rare that people misjudged your house and think you are a Hufflepuff, which your friends found very funny « To be honest, said Hermione one da, you could have been to Hufflepuff » Harry nodded and Ron exclaim « Are you saying the hat isn’t right? and that’s this school is based on a failed system? »
- Harry and Ron always laugh about the fact that both you and Hermione are taking too good care of them « That’s right, we should drop your ass and let you handled quidditch lessons, homework, and all your men trouble,» you said at breakfast. Ron dropped his fork. « Never, Harry tell them » Leaning next to you, he brushes your hand « Yes please, don’t leave us again » Or me, he thought.
- When Harry got selected for the Tournament you didn’t believe a second he did that. You were mortified for him, and you didn’t even have a date yet? Hermione and You spend countless hours in the library or talking to people to help Harry in his task. When you found out the lac was his next task you took care of it. And then you teach him to swim, in the cold water away from Krum exercises and the line of girls next to it. You were both resting, laying on the back in the water, your hair playing with each other from the waves only disturbing by the laugh of girls away. « Honestly, I’m going to say it » « What,» said Harry confused « There should be a line of girls here right there also » « For.. you? » asked Harry You stood back again on your feet and he did the same « For you dummy » « But why? » he said with his particular smirk when he would refuse to accept a compliment. You sight « Nothing, come on we’re leaving »
- You were helping Miss Pomfrey in the infirmary, as soon as you realized you wanted to be a healer you didn’t let it go, bringing McGonagall into it until she’d accepted to let you help around. Thanks to that, you would take good care of your clumsy dumbass friends.
- As soon as this is over, I’m asking Y/N on a date » said Harry to Ron at night. And he did. Even if he just lost his friend, he did. And you were both glad it happened because you swear you would take good care of him until the end.
I ship you with Jon Snow : 
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- You are used to frozen cold water, you have used to swim or fishing in terrible condition thanks to your difficult dad who « toughen you up » as he said « Winterfell is not for the weak » - « What we would do without her right? » said Rob while you clean Jon's small wound and sore hands after training all day. You lift your head meeting him, and you don’t blush because he did first. - Even if it wasn’t your mission, you always bring food and big fur coats when they practiced or came back from horses making your way for the servant of the year. - Jon loves your athletic figure - When he got used to those frozen dates, everybody knew where he spends the day, his curly hair dripping water on his dinner, the red on the point of his cheeks from the cold, and the love he has for you. - You heard Lord Eddard arguing one day with his wife about you, saying that « they should leave him alone, making his own choice and they should be glad he found relief in a good lady » « A servant » snapped back his wife and you thought in your head « I’m taking better care of him than you, that’s for sure » - Meeting at night was a delight, hiding in the fur sleeping with his curl falling on your shoulder - Jon was not a big talker, so you did the job for both of you which he was very fond of.
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gamesofmuggles · 4 years
update, part2, ship is back..
hey everyone, we are currently in exams until the end of May. Part 2 of “deal” and “substitute” will be out - I hope- by then. 
We decided to open the ships again if you are new let me explain! You send us (anonymous or not) a message describing you simply, what you look like (if you want), what you are interested in... 
Don’t forget, the fandom and the gender you want! Here are some exemples  https://gamesofmuggles.tumblr.com/post/183552933376/ship-77 https://gamesofmuggles.tumblr.com/post/182987016306/ship-70
List of fandoms we are sure :  - Harry Potter (whatever era) - Vikings  - Game of Thrones
List of fandoms we’ll try : - Peaky Blinders - Star wars (only the films and the mandalorian) - MCU  - Euphoria
If you have any specific demands that we could forgot, please ask!
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gamesofmuggles · 4 years
1. a deal
raymond imagine, just your typical rich boy poor girl I guess.
requested : no • words count : around 1800
disclaimer : I’ve not read any raymond imagine yet, so if this story feels like an other please tell me. Other than that, please enjoy and feel free to tell me if you’re interested in a part two. 
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Raymond :
Fucking kids- Raymond was running, running, he hated it. He hated it ruined his shoes like that, his gun on the left hitting his legs at every step. He was out of breath and facing a bunch of kids ready to tear his face out. Alright, it was not the first time and probably the last we would face a tricky situation. He knew something will always catch their attention: money.
After a short negotiation that didn’t end on anything, he shook his hands, stupid fucking kids. « STOP FUCKING AROUND CUNT »
You heard the voice hiding in your spot, watching the scene from the back, you were ready to intervene if he touches one of those kids. You saw Joseph getting his blade out and you bit your lips, stupid. « Right,» the dude spoke and start shooting in the air. The kids ruined except for the one who had the phone, being stopped by the gun aim at him. You step out of your hiding, watching him aiming his gun at your face surprise by your entrance. « Alright, what is going on? » « The fuck are you? » You didn’t answer him, which makes him more irritated. « What does he want? » you asked, putting your hands on the kid's shoulder. « my phone,» he said not moving out of fear, you raised your eyebrow, that's it? the phone? you glimpse at him and the money getting out of his pocket. « how much? » you asked « a hundred should be enough,» he said and you laughed back. « give me the phone » the boy put his phone on your hands, « can he go? » you asked him and he nodded in approval and so the kid ran away leaving you with him and a gun on your face. « I don’t like to have a gun on my face,» you said turning your face in a pouty move, he smirks back. « Drop the phone » You took the phone and unlocked it. « Let’s see what's so important? » He took a step, lifting his gun « PUT THE PHONE DOWN » he shouted back at you. Must be important. You scroll to see the last app opened and found the camera, you looked disgusted at the picture of a dead kid who appeared on the screen. You show him « So it's about him » « I’ll shoot you » he kept yelling. « And I’ll send the picture to all his contacts before you could say dead and good luck to find it after. » You saw him being static for a moment, he probably didn’t see that coming. You hide your phone behind your back making him step again. « Drop the money,» you said to him. « And lower the fucking gun » He bit his lips, he was so freaking awesome it wasn’t fair. He put his gun on the ground. « Let’s exchange hands in hands okay? » « Okay,» you said with a smirk, you too walked one to another, next to him you could smell a perfume, the kind of perfume those rich ass stores as in the air. He looked your down, you were a little bit smaller but not that much. Ray first thought was that you looked clean, he erased that from his memory, no, you looked good. Really good for someone hanging and protecting those kids in this neighborhood. « Money pleaaaase » you said like a spoiled child, submitting your hand to him with the phone in the other. He put the money in it and took the phone before sliding in his pocket. « It’s a delight to make business with you my dear, please don’t shoot me in the back when I leave » He smirked, kinda admirative by your words and well yeah face, he turns to take his gun before rushing to the car that was waiting for him a little bit after, turning to see you also leave in the darkness.
Ray put the phone in his pocket and let him relax during the drive thinking about what Matthew could tell him. They put the kid in his freezer, that was easier that way, they all sit at the table and took the phones out, checking and deleting the picture. Ray search for it, his nerve out of the roof, it took some time before he figured out. « THAT BITCH » the other looked at him while he sit back on his chair. «It's not the good phone,» he said smashing it against the wall. He stayed up all night, trying to found how he could found you. As he said to Matthews earlier, this area was not for them and he was afraid some bullshit could happen. He left a message at Matthew around 5 pm saying he fucked up and was ready to face the outcomes in the morning. Then, he woke up to Matthew in his living room, he sits in silence on the couch. « Matthew,» he said, but quickly cut by his boss. « How this kid tricks you? » « She’s not a kid she- well I don’t know » Matthew took a sip of tea before moving forward on the couch. « Found her » « Yes boss »
You scroll twitter, a bowl of cereal on the table when you heard a knock on your door. You walk lazy to the door and look in the peephole when you recognize your little blonde guy, of course, he would have found you in a day. You opened the chain still attached to the door. « Morning,» you said, knowing damn well you made him pissed « Morning sweetheart,» he said polity with a bit of sarcasm in his voice. « I would like my phone back » « A phone? What makes you believe I have it? » « Don't play silly, of I’ll fucking blow your door out » You closed the door, not wanting him to destroyed it, and unlocked the chain. He didn’t let you the time to open again when he knock to it « Open I say » His movement freeze in the air when you opened it. You smile and went to sit on your couch. « The door, please » He closed it annoyed. He watched your flat, it was very simple, but you had a lot of plants making it cute, cheaper than art. He stayed up, closing his hands in front of him, gosh he was so dramatic. « I need my phone » « And I need money,» you said quickly and before he opened his mouth you finished « I know you probably want me dead, but let’s bet who you’ll be the first if you don’t get this phone to Michael » He stays quiet, maybe thinking. « You can sit, I need to show you something » He quickly sits in a chair next to the couch, Raymond put his hand in his coat while you went to your room, the fingers rubbing his gun. You came back with some papers in your hands. « A guy approached me, a creepy dude with a bad beard and glasses » « Fletcher? » « Yes that’s him, he basically told me you’re in big trouble if you don’t get that picture back » you show him a picture of you two talking and him standing with the kids and the body. He took it. « Listen, I don’t want you to get in trouble, all I want is money and you look like you have a ton shit »
Ray looks at you, he didn’t really take time to do it properly, it was the morning you looked tired but still, look very pretty and probably younger than the last time. « Maybe we can arrange that » You raised an eyebrow interested. « We know his following us, this dumb fucker. I think you could help us, if I talk to Michael you could get money from it » « This seems like a terrible deal. I’m doing the dirty work and risk my life when I could just make you pay for me » « Listen, darling, I’m getting this phone out of you with your help or not » Honestly, you were not ready to die, and in a split of a second, you were terrified of him. « Fuck man, you’re rich, what’s a fucking pile of money will change for your life? » « You’ll give me the phone at the end, you can keep it to show you my trust. » « How much we’re talking about? » He raised up, dusting his pants. « Dress, I’m bringing you to him. » He waves you to move quickly and you rolled your eyes. You came back a little while later with jeans, a sweater and converse and he smirks at you. « Are you serious? » « Dude, I’m doing this is for you don’t piss me off » He passes next to you and looks through your all wardrobe. « What the fuck are you doing? » « Oh I’m sure you have some more spicy stuff in here » You jump on your bed watching him estimating your clothes. « Don't get lost on the panties weirdo » He smirks and throws you a black pant you once wore to a job interview and a cream shirt. « Do you have jewelry? » « No » He looks at you like when a child lied « I don’t were them in this neighborhood are you crazy- those are my mom's,» you said blushing a bit as he cared anyway. « Put them on » He left the room and you changed quickly, you put some earrings and decided to wear your hair in a low ponytail. « Now heels,» he said when you were in the living room back. « Are you enjoying this makeover? Because I’m not, I don’t have any so it’s converse or fuck off I’m staying here » He looked at your shoes like they'll bite him and sigh. « Alright let’s go »
You locked your apartment and turn the key to him. He raised a questioning eyebrow. « I’m sure some of your guys will search through my place when we are gone, so if you want the key already I would prefer that than a broken place, this shit is expensive alright? » You turn to get to the stairs, Raymond looks down to the key and turned it in his fingers, impressive. « I’m not dumb, the phone is not here,» you said looking behind your shoulder. « Now please, I don’t have all day »
part 2?
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gamesofmuggles · 4 years
𝔬𝔣𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔢𝔰
whiskey imagine, a quick one. a little bit of smut? i’m so nervous posting this please tell me if you liked it. love x
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The music and the bar were very loud and however, you could only hear the screams from your friends. But who could blame them when your best friend is getting married? She chooses the most basic way to end her single life. ; in a classic - cliché cowboy bar/dance/games place, in her words « imma ride something else tonight » talking about a mechanic bull of course.The group entrance didn’t felt unseen, a group of pretty excited and loud girl in an essentially all man place. You knew she wanted to have the feelings of guys looking at her, offering her drinks one last time. All of you wore pink cowboy hats but you refused to wear the boots, that was unacceptable. You look at your left where people played darts in the back, next to some leather old couch. Glancing at your right you saw the bar with some tables near to it and also the dance floor when people hold hands to jam on some country song. At the back of the building, the legendary mechanic bull was riding by some boy cheering up by his mates. You sigh, trying to ignore the headache this place gave you. Not that you’re not fun or anything, but you did your time in those places and your body was way tired than before.
« Ok, who pay the first round? » clap your best friend, taking a seat around a table. Amanda her other bridesmaid agreed and want to the bar to order. « What you think? » she said pocking your arms. « I think I don’t want you to broke something before your big day » « Psst, come on we did that a 100 times in college » you rolled your eyes « college seems always like yesterday for you » You enjoyed the fresh taste of your beer and laughed at old awkward stories. In the corner of your eyes, next to the bar you felt like someone was watching you. When the crowd cleared a little you noticed someone did look at you. Brown hair, a black cowboy hat on his face hiding his eyes a bit, and a perfect mustache. He smiled at you and you let out a laugh, that was so cliche you thought. « What are you laughing at? » you disconnected your eyes from him to focus on your bestie. « Oh nothing, just thinking about that time we… » you finished the story forgetting about the stranger.
Some of your friends went dancing, and you stayed talking with some of the few who didn’t feel like it for now. « Alright, next round is on me » You grab your credit card and waited on the bar taping your fingers on the corner on the sound of the music. « Hi, 3 beers and 3 bleu lagon shots please » the waitress took your order and went to prepare it. She put everything in front of you and took your credit card. « Need a hand? »  You didn’t saw him coming, but the gentleman from before joined you. You chuckle. « That’s alright, thank you,» you said getting your card back, and picking each beer between your fingers on your left hands, and the 3 shots on your right hands. « Well if you need one, or anything really.. » he said losing his words in a smirk. You wave him goodbye your hands full of beer in the air, with a big smile turning to join your friends back not losing your smile.
« Ladies, it’s time » « Oh-oh » you put your beer down. « It’s mechanic bull time!!! » With a shout of excitement, they all rushed to it and you sighted. This poor girl will not last more than 10 seconds. You bring your beer with you, watching her getting all set from afar. « 20 seconds » you heard a voice said next to you. Here he was again, rising everywhere. « 12 seconds,» you said glancing at him and your best friend fully set on the bull. « Deal » he went silent, and you two watch as the countdown start. You nervously tap on your bottle every second. 5. 8. It was already getting harder and you know how many shots she had, it was the end. She falls at exactly 12 seconds. You turn to him, and he salutes you with his hats. « Impressive » « She’s my best friend, and very drunk » he nods and offers you a hand « Whiskey » You lick a bit of your beer on the corner of your lips. « Not really my type of drunks, why? » He smirks, « that’s too bad because it’s actually my name » You laughed bringing your hand to his « Oh, sorry I’m y/n »
You two went back to the bar « You don’t take you chance huh? » « Been there done that » you watch your friends tried one after the others, cringing at their fall or laughing at the fear in their eyes. « what about you? » you said leaning next to him. he laughed, adjusting his hat. « I’d rather see pretty girls do it » « Oh I see » you finished your beer « You’re the king of lonely guy hanging in bars to watch lost city girls come here? » He smirks « you got me, especially with pink cowboy hats » You were ready to answer, but your group of friends rushed to the bar to order some refreshments cutting you off. « I love this song,» your BFF said taking you by the hand. « Really? » you said looking at her. « Bring your pretty friend » she adds grabbing his arm too and dragging you on the dance floor. He took off two of the buttons of his shirt, and you tried not to watch his movement religiously. He offers you a hand and you took it before he spins you around. Such a tease you thought. « I don’t know how to do it » « ’Slright just follow my moves » You followed his footsteps still holding his hand, glancing sometimes to look at his face and see if you did it right or not. « That’s right baby girl » You didn’t answer, and hope he didn’t catch the goosebumps his words gave you. When the rhythm of the song kinda slow down, he turn you a last time and holds your body against him, his arm holding your arms crossing on your chest. « Is that part of the dance?» you asked looking at his warm hands holding yours. « Hm, hm » When the song ended, your friends waved at you and you look at him sorry that it was probably time to leave him. « Would you mind meet me in the back in like 10min, take your time » he didn’t add much and disappear behind the people dancing. You felt dizzy about the dance, the music, the alcohol, the warmth of the room. You joined your friends, moving a little bit but your mind was somewhere else. What would he want? And especially why would you want to go? That was very un you. You suddenly brush your neck, covered in goosebumps when you imagine his arms around you again. ‘ « You ok? » Betty one of the girl touch your shoulder. " I’m so hot, I’m going to the bathroom,» you said and she nods, « I think we’re leaving soon anyway »
You stop in your way, doubtful, stop to the bar to take a shot of tequila, the bitterness makes you shiver and you walk decided to find him. The back was a hallway, with a way to the bathroom and some doors probably to stocks or lockers whatever. You looked at your rights when an arm grabs you and put you in front of him. « Oh- » you smiled at Whiskey who lean against the wall, between the dark and the red lights of the broken bulb above you. « Found you » « What are we doing here exactly,» you asked, trying to get your spirit back. « Dunno, felt like we could use time alone » You shiver and smile shyly « If you’re ok with it of course,» he said putting his hands away, not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable. « It’s quite alright » you return, bringing his arms back on your hips. Whiskey smirk, holing you tightly at your answer, he took off his hat holding it on his hips with some cowboy stuff. You thought that he was cute with and without. Was cute the word for a grown-ass man that was basically 10 years older than you? Your thinking was cut by his kiss, you felt the beer he drank and the tinkling of his mustache. It was so soft you didn't believe it. « This night is sending me back in college,» you said, « kissing in a dark corridor hiding » « You already kissed a cowboy in a dark corridor? » he asks sarcastic. « No, you’re my first,» you said putting your hand behind his neck and kissing him back. The all situation makes you shiver, you were cold but warm everywhere his hands touched you. Nothing ever compares to this state before and you felt like a teen kissing a boy for the first time. « You know, » you words were cut by his kisses, him not wanting to leave your lips any second. « my friends are probably looking for me » « You break my heart » You bit your lips, he was hot. Physically and in the moment. « Fuck,» you said melting in his arm again, he suddenly turns and you were the one against the wall. He pressed his body making you fell, everything. Everything. You wandered your hands in his hip, and you felt something very cliché. « You have a lasso,» you said, asking and laughing at the same time. « This is for the dirty stuff,» he said back, his voice low and deep that immediately make your heart jump. You quickly thought about what he could do and he laughs looking at you. « You’re thinking about it, don’t ya? » « Well, you’re making a clear way into my brain » You look a the round clock on the wall and bit your lips nervously. « Listen, I don’t want to run my bestie night, and we should already be going » « It’s alright, you’re a big girl,» he said, his lips softly touching your neck. He took a paper out of his pocket « my number » he said and put it in your back pocket slightly. You blushed at this finale touch, and walk away from the wall. « Thank you for the night » he kissed your hand like the old time. « I’ll see you soon » he returns winking at you. You left him, rushing to found your friends near the entrance. « Well, fuck were where you? » « Help a girl passing out,» you said lying with all your heart. « You’ve always been the saint of the group,» a girl said, putting her arm around your shoulder and getting out of the bar, you tried to not laugh nervously at her sentence. Some of them smoke a last cigarette in the cold night. « What’s happened with the cowboy? » her bestie said cupping herself into your arms from the cold. « Nothing » « Too bad,» she said closing her eyes off the tiredness of the night. "He was hot" « Yeah » you respond back, sliding a finger in your pocket smiling.
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gamesofmuggles · 4 years
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❄️ Find a broomstick in your stocking, Singing you the magic of this place. Join the owls joyous flocking, On this merry Christmas Day. 🎄
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gamesofmuggles · 4 years
mandalorian imagine?
ok, so... i’ve been dreaming about this story where a blind girl meet the mandalorian, and it was so soft 
what do you think about that?
update : thanks for the love everyone I’ll work on it!, i’m sick right now and going to the doctor today hope I can feel better! 
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gamesofmuggles · 4 years
substitute part 2! (triple frontier)
hey thank you everyone for the feedback ! 
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To answers some questions, I did write a part 2 a few months again and didn't like it at all. It was a mess. So I didn’t post it and then university took all my time, BUT i’ll make sure to give you the end of the story.
If you have ideas, recommendations, let me know! I could write multiple endings depending on you!
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gamesofmuggles · 5 years
it’s a shame dirty dancing came out in 87 and strangers things s3 sets in 85 because Steve Harrington dancing on “she’s like the wind” would be the cutest thing I’ll ever imagine
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