#…you kept twitching in your sleep until your back was touching me
hobiebrownismygod · 2 days
Hey hi, another idea
Hobie had his 'don't like labels' line and seems very nonchalant with affection in the movie as well.
What if him and the reader are something but Hobie isn't gonna say what they are because he doesn't see the need to. But the reader is constantly second guessing how much affection is ok, and if they feel too strong for him because they cuddle and sometimes kiss, sure, but he's always super affectionate with everyone and the reader starts to wonder how special they really are to him.
Because of this they decide to just stop being super touchy with him. If he's not going to say that they're more than friends, they'll just be friends.
Please and thank you, take as long as you need
I hope you a happy time
Sorry it took me so long to get to this request, but I hope you like how it turned out! I did have to tweak it slightly, but the gist is mostly the same, so I hope you enjoy <3 As always, thank you for requesting!
TW: fem!reader, no real ending, sad ending?
Hobie Brown was your boyfriend...or was he?
It didn't really feel like he was your boyfriend, and he never called himself your boyfriend, like he never called you his girlfriend. Sure you guys would kiss and hug, sometimes sleep on the same bed, sometimes you'd even go out together, just the two of you...but he never called you his girlfriend.
And he never called himself your boyfriend.
And you knew he hated labels, and you knew he didn't take the whole thing that seriously, but it was still confusing.
When did a few kisses become too many? When did a couple hugs become suffocating? When would he get sick of you or ask you to stop, because you weren't really dating...you were just there.
"You wanna go out today, love?" Hobie was sprawled out on the couch, guitar held in his arms as he lazily strummed at it, feet kicked up on the arm of the creaky sofa.
He pulled his head up slightly to glance at you on the other side of the room, bundled up while fiddling with your webshooters. "Just the two of us?"
"Hmm?" You glanced up, eyes widened. "You wanna go on a date?"
His eyebrows furrowed slightly. "If that's what you wanna call it, sure."
The way he looked at you, a little confused, a little too nonchalant about it, a little too much like he didn't care...made you clasp your mouth shut. "Okay."
So when the two of you went out that night, and ended up on some random rooftop somewhere on Earth-138, looking out at the night sky, you couldn't help but feel a little...
Tired of his antics.
You glanced over at him, watching as the stars reflected themselves in his dark brown eyes, a slight smile on his face as he looked out, taking in the sights, the smells, the everything.
You stared at him for a moment longer. You could stare at him all day. The way he looked at things like he was in love. Whether he was looking at a cute cat, his guitar, the sky, he always looked like he was falling in love.
And yeah that seemed sweet at first.
Until you realized he looked at you the same way.
And you were nothing special.
You turned your gaze down, your heart clenching just slightly. You swallowed back a lump in your throat before looking back out at the lights.
The silence was unbearable.
But you loved him, right? You loved him.
So you gave it another shot.
You inched your hand toward his, slowly, surely, and after a few minutes, the tips of your fingers were almost touching, both palms, yours and his, pressed against the cool concrete of the rooftop.
You felt him glance over at you.
After a moment, he put his hand on top of yours, pulling it in and squeezing in gently. Your tense heart slowly relaxed as he kept your hand in his, his eyes on your face, before he looked back out.
But before you could even get used to the warmth of his hand enveloping yours, the feel of his fingers latching so perfectly around yours, he pulled his hand away.
Your palm twitched slightly as the cold air got to you. You felt yourself tense up again.
He leaned back slightly, a sigh escaping his lips. "Nice night, innit?" he asked with a grin, glancing over at you like he always did, that pretty little love stare that made you feel nothing, piercing right through you.
"Yeah. Nice night." You said quietly, clearing your throat.
He frowned. "You all right?" he asked a little softly, eyebrows furrowing down as he tilted his head, trying to meet your eyes.
"Define 'all right'."
"Let's see-" He leaned back again, making himself comfortable, "-you've been acting weird lately. Like you're mad at me or somet'ing." he said, drawling out his words the way he always did.
He looked back at you."So, are you?"
"Am I what?" you asked, avoiding his gaze.
"Mad at me?"
You stayed silent.
He smiled. "Good. That's good. Wouldn't want you to be mad at me, you're my roommate after all-" he chuckled, kicking his legs over the edge of the roof.
"That's why you don't want me mad at you?" you asked with a slight scoff.
He looked startled. "Yeah...yeah, I wouldn't want you to be mad at me cause you're stuck with me, yeah? You're...my roommate. You live with me." he said carefully, obviously thinking through his words cautiously, although he wasn't trying nearly hard enough.
"Mmm." you nodded. "That's right."
"Did I say something?" he asked gently.
"No, no-" you shook your head, finally looking at him, "-you spoke the truth. You're right. I'm not mad at you."
"Are you sure?" he looked at you like he wanted to reach out to you, eyes searching through yours for some type of answer.
You gazed at him for a moment longer before looking back out into the distance. "Hundred percent."
He sighed. He looked back out too but he couldn't stop himself from glancing back at you, the way your frown had deepened just slightly, your muscles had tensed up and your shoulders were straight, no longer slouched.
You looked uncomfortable.
He hated that.
He put his hand back on the cold concrete, sighing quietly as he tried to understand you, what you wanted from him.
He glanced down at your hand, your fingers tensed up as well, sitting just a couple of inches away from his.
Maybe he could-
He inched his hand towards yours slowly, hoping that you wouldn't notice.
One inch in and he was feeling his heart beating faster already, taking quick glances at you but refusing to move his head and disturb you.
Another and he was already halfway there, swallowing down the awkwardness that had filled his throat from somewhere. This was different, it was weird. It'd been a long time since he'd felt this way about being near you.
And now another inch and he was so close, just one more and his hand would be on top of yours, just another inch and maybe he'd be able to grab your hand and pull you close and hug you and-
You glanced down at his hand and pulled your hand away, standing up, eyes still fixating on whatever was in front of you.
"I think we should head home now. It's getting late." you said quietly.
He stared up at you, heart slowly dropping, that horrible feeling settling deep inside him. "I- uh, alright." he said quickly, standing up after you.
"Race you-...there?" he'd started but you'd already leapt away, leaving him standing there by himself, alone in the cold on that rooftop without your presence beside him to keep him warm.
He sighed quietly under his breath, shaking his head.
He just couldn't understand you.
Taglist (linked on my Masterlist): @therealloopylupin2099 @spiderrinn @l0starl @daydreaming-en-pointe @itsparis-07 @vileviale @bubble787635 @puff-hugs @d0ubl-tr0ubl3 @s6onder @lauryn2558 @choccymilkdrinker @sunasslut69 @ask-1610miles @axels-garden @eli21345 @miniaturesuitfox @spotconlon55 @riris-radioactive-panther @trash-panda-xoxo @0strawberrysorbet0 @preciousxsin @d3lux4ry @mikiyamarie
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btw id love to make a part 2 to this if you'd like it
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reallyhatethiswebsite · 14 hours
read this post by @bitethedevil and ended up writing this idk don't take it too serious
Tav's fingers skittered over the red skin of Raphael’s naked back. It was always hot to the touch and smooth, its texture almost like leather. Patches of tiny scales grouped together in different spots, especially around the big joints connecting his wings to his body. Raphael fascinated Tav - not quite in the same way she fascinated him, but they were birds of a feather, so to speak. In fact...
"I've been wondering about something," she said, breaking the sleepy silence that had settled between them some time ago.
"Mm?" Raphael was utterly relaxed, the laziest Tav had ever seen him. On his belly in his (their!) bed, shirtless and shoeless - the scandal! He'd been enjoying her aimless touches. His Majesty, indeed.
"Can you fly?" She ran her palm across the thin membrane of wing she could reach, then the sturdy bone. "You've got these huge wings, but I've never seen you use them." She'd witnessed them fully stretched out once or twice, but otherwise he always kept them folded close to his body. A shame. They were magnificent. Heavy as anything, though - especially when he was dead asleep. Tav had almost been suffocated a few times trying to spoon him, and he refused to sleep in his human glamour just to let her be the big spoon. Waste of magic, he said. Spoilsport.
"What an inane question." Raphael didn't even open his eyes. "Of course I can. My wings are not for show, little mouse. No more so than a bird's are."
"Well..." Tav chose her next words carefully. She'd learned through trial and error how much she could prod her devil and when. Most of the time he was amenable to light teasing, but sometimes, when he was in a good mood like this, she could have some fun. "There are some birds out there who have wings but can't fly, you know. Peacocks, for example. They're kind of like big chickens, if you think about it."
Raphael slowly lifted his head, turned it so he could look at her over his shoulder. Tav bit her tongue in a futile attempt to squash her impish grin. His orange iris burned in the inky depths of his black sclera. A few locks of his hair were free from his usual coiff.
"Big chickens," he repeated flatly.
"Yes," said Tav, her voice strangled by the giggle she was trying to suppress. "How do I know you aren't an infernal peacock?"
"I can fly, you insipid little gibbon," he snapped, but he wasn't angry. She could tell by the twitching at the corners of his lovely mouth. Tav coughed, choked on a laugh.
"I think you should show me."
"Do you."
"For posterity's sake, of course."
"Of course."
Tav waited, watched, moved to make space for Raphael as he sat up, languidly stretching like a big cat. Accidentally whacking her with those wings she was so obsessed with.
"Apologies, dear," he drawled, about as sorry as a horny kobold in a bathhouse. He smiled when she scowled. He stood to his full height, preening as she ogled him. In nothing but a pair of trousers, he truly was a sight. Without warning he beat his mighty wings and took off, soaring across the room to land on the other side, where he nonchalantly poured himself a glass of wine. Tav spluttered in the wake of that massive gust of air. Raphael sipped his wine, staring at her as if to say, "well?"
"Good distance! You looked a little wobbly with your execution, though," Tav said. It wasn't true. He was majestic in flight, but he didn't need to know that. His ego was big enough. She combed her fingers through her rustled hair, grinning when Raphael’s eyes narrowed.
"Perhaps you're right." He put his glass down and sauntered towards her. Tav's heart leapt into her throat, fear and excitement together. "I need a counterweight."
"A what? Hey!" She didn't struggle when he picked her up, shifting her in his arms until he was holding her bridal style. It was a thrill to be held by her devil, and yet. She giggled nervously, her cheeks warm. "What are you doing?"
"Why, showing you that I can fly, of course!" He declared, making a scene of looking around. "But we simply cannot do it here. There's hardly enough space. Hm...ah, perfect."
He walked them to the balcony overlooking the endless landscape of Avernus. Tav sucked in a sharp breath, suddenly aware of what he was about to do. Now she began to try and wriggle free, but his grip was iron.
"Okay, you've proven your point! There's no need for a second flight, your technique was perfect!"
Raphael had no mercy. He smirked down at his little mouse, showing teeth. His eyes alight with dark mischief. "Big chickens, Tav," he said, and leapt off the edge. She shrieked, clung to him like a limpet, feeling and hearing his chuckles as he effortlessly flew them around.
After the intial spike of shock, Tav relaxed, just a little. This wasn't so bad. Raphael was an adept flier, and if she ignored the monumental height she was suspended at, it could almost pass as romantic. Soaring about the hot skies of Hell in the arms of her underworld Prince. Feeling every powerful flap of his wings. His strength. Avernus, from a distance, was beautiful in a devastating way. Unfortunately for Tav, she'd forgotten quite how fiends liked to play.
"Oh dear," Raphael said, stoic. He'd been waiting for her guard to lower. Tav's stomach lurched when she sensed his grasp on her slacken. "I seem to have lost my balance."
He dropped her. Tav screamed as she plummeted to the ground, terrified and betrayed. Raphael was rapidly becoming a shrinking red blur as she fell. He was probably watching her with sick satisfaction. She cursed him. She cursed herself. Mostly she cursed him. Bastardbastardbastard -
"Fret not, little mouse," he purred, hideously amused. She was in his arms again. "I've got you."
Tav couldn't speak; could only tremble, dig her fingers into him. He laughed the entire flight back to the house, deep and rich and raw. Tav planted herself on stable ground the first moment possible, glaring at him.
"You're horrid," she hissed. Raphael cackled.
"Oh, come now. You didn't truly believe I would allow you to fall to your death, did you? Such little faith. Ah, but how sweet your screams were...I shall be hearing them in my dreams for weeks."
"Horrid," Tav muttered again. She wriggled between the bedsheets and buried herself under the covers. It didn't take long for him to join her, surrounding her with his cloying heat.
"You'll forgive me, won't you?" He murmured sweetly into her ear, raising goosebumps all over her skin. One big clawed hand slipped beneath her shirt to gently rub her stomach just the way she liked. Wordlessly she pressed into his touch.
He played her like a fiddle, always.
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callunascars · 1 year
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ohbo-ohno · 6 months
I REALLY wanna see Johnny get mad! Like white hot angry at reader. Don’t know what/how it happened but Johnny’s gonna make all of reader’s poor holes suffer🥺
Maybe Simon gets surprised and turned on by his pup’s newfound aggressiveness
3.6k pwp soap drabble 4 u (cw for referenced burning building, angry sex, some light mutual degradation/objectification, and voyeurism since ghost watches)
You fume silently, face hot with rage while you and Soap walk side by side behind Ghost down the base hallways. There's a tension at the base of your neck that you just know is going to become a migraine if you don't get some medicine soon, and your bones ache from going too long without sleep.
Soap's somehow even stiffer beside you, the distance between you two small but intentional. Usually he's impossible to pry off of you, always brushing against you and looking for more physical contact, but since you landed he's kept at least half a foot between you two at all times.
Fine by you. You don't want him touching you right now anyway.
The silence is thick as Ghost leads you two to his room, his shoulders loose and relaxed.
He's got no reason to be tense, you suppose. He's not the one who had a massive disagreement on the field, who had to drag his squadmate back from a blazing fire and deal with his bitching instead of his thanks.
Just the memory of it makes you scowl.
Ghost leads the two of you into his room in rare silence, though it's only rare because usually you and Johnny would already be teasing or flirting at this point. But you don't bother now, not with your anger so fresh in your mind.
Ghost is the only one to get settled once Johnny closes the door behind you. You two stand on opposite sides of the doorframe, both too tense to do much but stew in your own righteous anger, and Ghost starts to get dressed down into something more comfortable.
He lets the two of you stay quiet until he's fully changed into a tank top and sweats, no boxers then sits on the bed with an overly loud sigh.
"You two even gonna look at each other?"
Your lip curls as you glance at Johnny from the corner of your eyes. "I have nothing to say to him."
"'S not what I asked."
Your cheek twitches and you bite your tongue, rolling a sharp canine over it. "Honestly, Simon, I don't even want to see him right now."
Johnny scoffs, loud in the otherwise quiet room, and nearly stomps to your side, leaning in front of you to try and force eye contact. "Oh, really? Ye can't even look at me, huh? Had no problem lookin' earlier, when you were draggin' me away from my goddamn mission."
You want to growl, you want to rake your nails down his face and scream about what a fool he is, what a jackass, and you want to make him remember.
Some of your ire must shine through in your expression, and Johnny mirrors it, eyes sparking as he straightens and stands diagonally from you, chest nearly brushing your shoulder.
"Dragging you away from your death, more like," you sneer.
"Wasn't your place," he bites back, moving forward enough that you can feel the heat of him even through all your layers. "You aren't my fuckin' CO and I'm not yours - wasn't any of your business how I chose to execute my orders."
"It is when you chose to do it in the most lethal way possible! Fuck, MacTavish, had you taken half a second and listened to me-"
"Oh, that's all it woulda taken? Just had to shut my pretty lips and listen to you, jump before you even say how high? Newsflash, lass, you don't get to make those decisions."
"And you do?"
"In this case? Yeah, you're fuckin' right I do. Price said drag the man out, alive, and that's what I was doing."
"You ran into a burning building!"
"Under orders from our CO!"
"You know damn well that's not what he meant, Sergeant, cut the shit. The orders were to bring him back alive, not kill yourself in the process!"
"That's the job, Sergeant. You do whatever it takes to fulfill your orders."
You're both panting as he snarls the words, nose to nose and eye to eye, teeth bared in rage that feels almost primal. His close brush with death, the way you'd had to tackle him to keep him from running after the damn target, leaves you raw and unsteady. Had you been any weaker, any less filled by adrenaline and panic and something deeply possessive, you know Soap would've thrown you off and gotten himself killed. You were hardly able to hold him down until the screaming stopped as it was.
You take as deep a breath as you can with your heart racing, and reach up to wrap the collar of Johnny's shirt tight in your fist, dragging him so close that your noses brush, hot breaths shared.
"You don't get to fucking leave me." You shoot a glance over Johnny's shoulder, to where Ghost sits comfortably against the headboard of your shared bed. "Leave us. I won't let you."
It's the last sentence that has him bristling, that ruins your chance of a settled argument.
The only person who lets Soap do anything is Ghost. The two of you listen to your Lieutenant with no questions, no doubt, no hesitations, but the same doesn't go for your fellow Sergeant. Since the 141 had formed, you and Soap have been fighting for dominance over one another, both of you determined to establish your control of the other like Ghost has for both of you.
The insinuation that you would let Soap do anything isn't something he'll let slide.
Hours later, fucked raw and sated, you can admit to yourself that the wording was slightly intentional. But now, with the fresh wound of Soap's close call with death still stinging in your subconscious, you only mean it as a way to push his anger to the level yours has been at for hours now.
"Let me?" He rumbles, muscles relaxing as he steps forward enough to press his chest to yours, head ducked low so all you can see is Johnny. "You don't let me do shit, lass. Couldn't stop me if you tried."
You can't help the way your lips quirk up into a humorless smile, your fist tightening in the fabric of his shirt. "Had a pretty easy time of it earlier, MacTavish. Had you pinned and writhing under me, like a bitch-"
Before you can finish your taunt, you find yourself pinned to the door, a mouth covering yours.
Johnny's teeth are sharp against your lips as he nips at you, leaving behind a sting and a throb. You dig your nails into his shoulders, raking them down his arms and rumbling in dissatisfaction when his clothes keep him from feeling anything.
You bite back as you push at the hem of his shirt, desperate to get your hands on him and make him hurt. You trace your fingers over his abs as you get his bottom lip between your teeth, pulling him down to your height and smirking at his glare.
You don't kiss so much as fight with lips instead of fists, there's no affection or softness between the two of you right now. You're nothing but your anger, but your desperation, and deep down your fear. You cling to Johnny with something verging on desperation, bite and scratch to make him feel even a bit of the pain you had at such a close call with death.
He leans almost his entire weight into yours to keep you pinned against the door, but you only have to shove at his shoulders a few times for him to get the hint and move backwards.
His lips never leave yours as you walk him back to the bed, his hands coming up to grip your thighs as he falls back and keeps you on top of him. You taste the slightest tang of iron as you shift your knees up next to his hips, squeezing his sides between your thighs and his tongue between your teeth.
"You gonna ride me?" He pants when you pull away for a breath of air, your hips working over the tent in his pants. "Think you're in charge, bonnie?"
You bare your teeth at him, grinding your core against the tent in his pants. “I’m not the one on my back, MacTavish.”
His smile is all teeth as he bucks his hips into yours, knocking you off balance so you’re forced to brace your hands on either side of his head. “I don’t need to be on top to keep you on a leash.”
It’s all too easy to hook your fingers in his throat mic - his collar. His pupils blow wide when you tug harshly enough to pull his head off the mattress, his hips following as he moans and grinds you down onto him with a bruising grip on your thighs.
“Down,” you smirk, leaning your weight back and forcing his hips to the bed, grinding your hips. “‘S my turn, Johnny. Gonna use you ‘til you’re wrung dry.”
His tongue darts out to wet his lips, then rests on his bottom lip instead of settling behind his teeth. You can’t resist the urge to lean down and lick over his lips, covering them in your own spit and groaning when he pulls you back into a proper kiss.
Despite your hand around his throat and your weight on top of his, you’re both equally in control as you strip the other. You can’t be bothered to wrestle his wrists to the bed, far preferring to let him paw your shirt and pants off while you tear the seams in his indecently tight shirt.
You only have the patience to get his pants to his knees, unwilling to help him kick them off for full mobility. Instead you grind yourself against his hard length, the soaked gusset of your underwear dragging wonderfully over both his cock and your clit.
You shift your hand on his neck so your palm is resting on his Adam’s apple, giving him just enough pressure to stay flattened to the bed.
He nearly growls when you push, the head of his cock getting caught in your panties and brushing the crease of your thigh. “Fuck, bonnie, get it on with.”
You blink down at him, cocking an unimpressed brow and shifting your hips so he slips between your folds, tucking your underwear to the side with your free hand. “You’re not in charge right now, MacTavish. I’m on top.”
“Only cause I’m lettin’ ya,” he pants, hips twitching as he tries to find your hole, tries to find a hole to sink into.
You lean down just far enough to bite the air in front of his nose, all feral rage and sexual frustration as you let yourself sit on his cock, holding him still beneath you. “You don’t let me do shit, I do whatever the fuck I want to. And right now, I want to ride you ‘til you stop fucking talking.”
You press your lips to his before he can bite back the response you see waiting on his tongue, letting your hips move in the way that feels best for you as you lick over his teeth.
Johnny’s always loved making out. When Ghost keeps him locked up, or he’s just not allowed to fuck you, he’ll happily spend hours with your lips glued together, dry humping each other and swapping spit. You can’t even count the number of times he’s come in his pants while thrusting against your hip or your side, driven over the edge by just a kiss.
You take advantage of that now, keeping one hand on his throat and the other circling the base of his throbbing cock so you can line yourself up above him. He’s far too distracted with your lips and tongue to remember he could tug you down on him at any moment, could flip the two of you with hardly any effort at all.
Despite the complete lack of prep, your body takes Johnny easily, the familiar stretch making you moan as you sink down onto him with one smooth movement. You blink open wet eyes just in time to see Johnny’s eyes nearly roll to the back of his head when your ass rests against him, his cock buried inside of you.
You don’t let yourself rest for long, though most days you love to just feel the weight of either of your boys inside of you. But that current of anger is still pulsing beneath your skin, and all the hot, sweat slick contact between you and Johnny only makes you feel more desperate.
Your pace is merciless, for both him and yourself. Your knees and thighs scream as you slam yourself to the base of Johnny’s cock, making sure you pull off nearly to the tip on every thrust. Without a hand around his throat, you’d have lost your balance on the first thrust.
Johnny’s pulse thunders against your fingers, so fast and so harsh that you swear you can ever see your fingertips twitching against his throat. His breaths are quick and erratic, and you can’t help but subconsciously match his breathing with your faces as close together as they are.
“So fucking good,” you moan, rolling your hips as you lift yourself off of him, dragging the head of his cock along your walls. Your voice cracks when he bucks his hips up, and you’re relieved that he’s already too blissed out to notice, lost in the tight vice of your cunt. 
“Yeah?” Johnny pants, tongue nearly lolling out of his mouth when you pull away fully. “Stuff you just right, yeah, lass?”
You bite your tongue against an agreement, some deep part of you that’s not quite drunk on pleasure yet unwilling to give Johnny that kindness. Instead you shift your weight, so that your hand is more cupping Johnny’s jaw and putting pressure on his head instead of his neck, letting you really push him down and get the proper leverage to fuck yourself on his cock. 
“Perfect fucking-” you shudder against the words, moan when he rubs just over your g-spot and repeating the same motion with your hips again and again. “Perfect fucking toy, so nice to ride.”
The sound Johnny makes is purely animalistic, torn between anger and desperation, something rough and low in his throat. You can feel the rumble of it through your hand and can’t help but moan in return, finally nearing your peak even as your legs continue to burn.
Neither of you speaks as you ride him, your head hanging low so you’re eye-level with his nipples and focused entirely on your own pleasure. The way your muscles scream at you only fills you with more need, more desperation, and the pain pushes you closer and closer to the edge. Your clit grinds just right over the rough patch of Soap’s pubic hair, soaking it in your juices and covering him in slick.
You reach your peak with gasping breaths, nearly going cross-eyed as you use Johnny entirely for your own pleasure, using him as nothing more than something to hold yourself up on and a toy to ride. Your muscles go completely lax as your pleasure overwhelms you, leaving you slumped against his muscular chest as you ride out the orgasm with small rolls of your hips.
Johnny’s still rock hard inside of you as you come down, his grip on your thighs tight enough to bruise. Your hand has slipped from underneath his collar to the mattress next to his face, and you don’t have the energy to push yourself up and away, to deny him like you’d intended.
Your lungs feel too small as you try to take deep gasping breaths, only managing a few before your lungs start hitching. Johnny’s chest rises and falls quickly beneath your head, his heart pounding beneath your ear.
You don’t have time to brace yourself before you’re flipped onto your stomach, face down on the mattress.
One moment you’re floating in post-orgasmic bliss, letting your body clench down on Johnny and milk him, the next moment you’re on your knees with your back forced into a deep arch, that same cock pounding into you like a machine.
Your groan is bone deep when you finally lift your head enough to breathe, eyes rolled heavenward as your body tries its best to adjust to the harsh treatment.
“Show you a fucking toy,” Johnny snarls from over your shoulder, his voice sounding distant beneath the blood rushing through your ears. “Think ye can just treat me like fucking nothing, get yerself off then take a fucking nap? Nah, yer gonna take what ye fucking deserve.”
The thickening of Johnny’s accent has you gushing around him, your sensitive channel clenching down so hard that you’re surprised he can pull out at all. 
Johnny’s hand wraps in your hair when you try to let your head fall forward again, yanking you back with enough strength to leave you yowling at the strain on your neck.
“Don’t fucking hide,” he hisses, landing a sharp slap on the meat of your ass. “Think ye can just shove yer head in the sand? Let me fuckin’ hear you, lass, sing f’r me.”
“Fu-uck you,” you manage to groan, syllables interrupted on every thrust, your voice cracking. “You’re not- fuck, Johnny, don’t have to listen to you.”
You can practically hear the way he gnashes his teeth over your shoulder, can perfectly envision the angry snarl on his face at your lack of submission.
“Ye will. Gonna teach ye a fuckin’ lesson about yer place.”
You try your best to rear up, whipping your head over your shoulder to glare as best you can despite the grip on your hair. “My place? Who the hell  do you think- oh fuck, fuck, Johnny, you can’t- goddamnit-”
“Can’t even get a goddamn word out.” Even from your terrible angle you can see that his smile is mean. “Think ye can be in charge when ye can’t even finish a sentence? Fuckin’ fool.”
You nearly shriek when he shoves your head down to the mattress, clawing fruitlessly at anything in front of you. You only freeze when you feel flesh give way underneath your nails, the hard muscles of a thick thigh under your palm.
You can just barely angle your head enough to glance up and see Simon looking down at you, but you can’t manage to see anything past his general shape with the way Soap is trying to shove you inside the mattress.
Ghost’s hand comes to rest on your head, and when you lean into him he pushes Johnny’s fingers off.
“Watch it, pup,” he rumbles, and Johnny’s hips stutter behind you. “You’re already in trouble. Do you really wanna make it worse?”
Your self-righteous smirk is hidden in the sheets, but you can’t fully muffle your laugh when Johnny’s whines over your shoulder. The sound quickly morphs into a snarl, and he buries his teeth into your shoulder as his hips start to work again, the sound of his balls slapping against your soaked cunt obscene.
Johnny wraps his arms beneath your torso, hooking his hands on your shoulders so he can tug you into every thrust, moving his face up to nose at your throat. You feel covered by him, consumed by him, as he chases his own pleasure.
You don’t quite manage to get off before he empties himself inside you, but there’s a deep satisfaction in your bones that still lets you melt into him.
Johnny’s all heat and power at your back as he goes weak against you, and a small shove to his shoulder from Ghost has both of you resting on your sides, spooning with his cock still buried inside of you.
Your breaths sync with his quickly, matching the inhales and exhales you can feel against your neck and the rise and fall of his chest against your back.
Your eyes flutter shut, relaxing into the bed and Johnny’s arms. You know that you’ll have to Talk later, about what he’d done and how you’d responded. But you know it’ll be an easier conversation after Ghost’s punishment, when all of your consciousness has eased a bit.
“There ya go,” you hear Ghost say, followed by a soft stroke over your head. “Exhausted yourselves, huh? Silly pups.”
You hum and Johnny rumbles behind you, burying his face more fully in your throat. You feel Ghost’s other hand pet over his mohawk, his thumb brushing your cheekbone.
“I guess you can nap.” Ghost sighs, like he’s doing you both a great favor. “You’ll both need all your energy for your punishment, anyway. Breakin’ damn near every rule in the book just cause you got a little worked up. What am I gonna do with the two of you?”
You don’t have the energy to respond, and the best Johnny manages is a small and plaintive whine. Ghost chuckles from above you, and you feel him lay in front of you, his arms wrapping around Johnny’s back and tugging you both to him.
“Yeah, yeah,  I know. Just relax now, you’re alright.”
It’s easy to drift off, even if the heat is near suffocating and the stretch of Johnny’s cock verges on the edge of too much. You’re loose-limbed and sated, and Johnny’s safe beside you. There’s little else you could ever want, ever need, and you can’t be much more than grateful as you fall asleep between your men.
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kooeater · 7 months
creamy pie (m) | JJK
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Jungkook x reader
smut | fluff
warnings: huge mentions of creampies (duh), unprotected sex, degration, age gap (jk is 35, reader is 21), dilf!jk, older!jk, doggy style, missionary, slight slapping, boob lover jk!, dirty talk, slight daddy kink, just sex.
Hm what were you up to? Oh, nothing much, just the usual. Begging for your 35-year-old boyfriend to fuck you right when he got home from work. Being a university student on break was exhausting, just homework and the urge to get cream-pied every second of the day. Luckily for you, you have just what you need to enjoy your break.
"Fuck me already please, been waiting for you all day." you whine out like a horny slut (you were one of course) for your boyfriend, wanting nothing but his cock inside your guts. "Need your dilf dick in me." your words went straight to his cock.
"So needy for me hm? Good little whore, always so ready to take my cock. Anything for you pretty baby" Jungkook quickly slaps your cunt with his heavy tip, testing the waters that were extremely wet of course.
"condom?" it came out as a tease. He knew damn well you were a full raw girly when it came to his cock, he didn't even had a condom on him he just wanted to tease you. He knows the rules already
No cream-pie? No sex!
"Put it in more or else I-" you were cut off by the feeling of your cunt being stretched and filled by some good ole dilf dick. The familiar feeling making your thighs slightly shake and little whimpers come out of your mouth. "s' fuckin tight!" his moans were enough to get you halfway to your orgasm.
It wasn't long until Jungkook started to fuck into you, your big boobs jumping up and down making him want to start sucking on them like a baby. He loves your boobs so much. Yes, he loves ass too, he loves all of you. however, your boobs were just so soft and squishy. big and plumped, he just wants to sleep on them for all eternity. Something about how they complement your body is just so motherly. He just loves your boobs.
Your back was arching on the mattress, your legs hooked on both of his shoulders as he rams in and out of you in an unforgiving speed.
His tip kept abusing your g-spot making you see stars, you weren't one to cum so easily but thinking about him fucking you all day while he was at work and now finally having him in you, you were about to cream on his cock. "Don't fuckin do that fuck, don't clench I'll cum." he groans out loud as he feels your gummy like walls clench around him.
He was used to you clenching around him, but not so early during sex. Either way is fine to him, he just doesn't want to be a loser a cum before you, nah. He has to give his baby her cream-pie!
"Fuck turn around."
Jungkook pulled out and you went on all fours, your ass in the air, cunt out ready to be filled back up again. His large hand goes to slap your ass cheek as you were wigging your hips, eager to have him back inside you. His member quickly gets shoved back inside you making you let out little whines again, his hips snapping forward, creating a smacking sound against your ass.
"Take this dick deep in your guts baby, I know you like it. So dirty and nasty, you like dick from older men, don't you? Such a filthy slut."
his words went straight to your clit, making the little nub twitch. Your hand tried to sneak in between your legs to take care of the clit problem but your hand was quickly smacked away.
"Let daddy do the touching baby. You just stay here and let me fuck you."
"Yes daddy, only you c-can touch me." you were submitting to his every word like the good girl you were.
His hands grip onto your hips real nice; he's now pounding into you like he's never done before. One thing about older men, they know how to fuck. You love it. Just as his pace gets a bit sloppy, his dick starts to twitch, you know he's close.
"Cum in me, f-fill this pussy up with your cum please! It's all for you, please need it inside me!" you were a fucking mess, looking over your shoulder, seeing his eyes closed and his face slightly scrunching. Fucking hell, he was so hot. His abs, his tattoos, his dick, everything you were seeing plus the way he was fucking you was enough to make you cum right there and then.
"Take my cum baby, fuck take it deep inside your cunt yeah that's it." his head falls back, your legs slightly shaking and your vocal cords going insane by the way you're moaning as you feel his warm white goo paint your walls white, you swear you can even feel a bit entering your womb.
He slips out slowly, making sure that him cum isn't dripping out of you much. He lets out a low moan as he sees your pretty cunt, a bit of cum dripping out but not as much. He spreads your chubby cute pussy lips and sees your hole filled with his cream.
"Fuck, look baby." he whispers to your fuck out state. He points at the mirror that was facing the direction of the back of you. You look over your shoulder and gasp in awe at the sight.
"Love when you cream inside me. Gave me the perfect cream-pie!" you giggle, locking your lips with his. You know you two were just going to end up fucking again but for now, a nice nap with arms wrapped around you and his cum still inside you, don't sound like a bad idea.
hiiii guys!! so this wasn't even planned but I posted this little kind of like smut short thingy idek what to call it but it was this and I got like 5 anon asks telling me to turn it into a fic, so i did but it's mostly just smut hehe. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this!! Like and follow if you feel like it yk make me famous, help ya girl out my dorm rent is due. ⋆⭒˚。 ⋆⭒˚。⋆ ⭒˚。⋆
- belle 🥧
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my customer is running late and i'm in A Mood, so here we are
“Keep watching, honey.”
You squirmed, trying not to make a noise. Not that you would’ve been heard, the film was playing loudly on Steve’s television, horror movie sounds making you flinch in fright every now and then.
It was hard to focus on the plot though, the storyline a senseless thing, cut up scenes of bad fake blood and awful zombies, all of it nonsense after Steve told you that you could sit on his lap. It had only taken ten minutes before your sleep shorts were pulled to the side, the boy taking his cock out of his sweats to let you grind on it.
He’d hissed when the length of him met your bare cunt, slick and warm, watching in awe as it slid between your folds. He kept one hand on your hip, letting you rut back and forth, the other squeezing at your thigh to keep you spread for him.
You whined, even though you weren’t supposed to, biting down on your bottom lip as your lashes fluttered. Even though you had your back to Steve’s chest, he seemed to know, running a quick hand over your slit so you jerked against him.
“Eyes open, you know better than that.” Steve’s nose nuzzled at your jaw, kissing sweetly at your cheek when you nodded for him, starting up that slow, dirty grind again. He was achingly hard, leaking at the tip and adding to the mess between your thighs. The front of his sweats were a darker grey in patches, all because of you - it was filthy, just the way he liked it.
“She’s soaked for me, isn’t she? Poor thing just wants more,” Steve whispered, letting his hand wander back between your thighs. His let his fingers rub over your clit, touching at his cock when you slid back too far. You lifted yourself a little, getting desperate, crying out when the head of him caught at your entrance, nudging up and stretching you out for just a second. Steve tutted. “Ah, ah, honey, c’mon now. Not yet.”
You wanted to cry, eyes turning glassy ‘cause your poor clit was swollen and puffy, desperate to come. You pouted, leaning back against the boy and grinding down harder, splitting your cunt over his cock until you felt it twitch.
“Needy thing,” Steve cooed, wrapping his arms around your middle. One big hand travelled up across your chest, cupping at your tits before he caught you chin between a finger and thumb. “Pretty thing.”
He directed your face away from the television, where you’d been told to look. Instead, your gaze landed on the armchair in the corner, where another boy was sprawled lazily. He was just as pretty as Steve, with his own jeans unbuttoned, his cock in his hand as he stroked it slowly.
“Gotta keep rubbing this pretty cunt on me,” Steve whispered, his lips at your ear. He squished at your cheeks until you let out a little whimper, stare heavy on the other boys hard cock and the way he was fisting it. “Gotta keep goin’ until Eddie says otherwise, you know the rules.”
Eddie smiled at the reminder of how he was in charge - tonight, at least. He swiped a thumb over his tip and tilted his head back, watching you from under his lashes. He let out a small sound when you picked the pace back up, spreading your thighs as obscenely as you could, letting yourself slip over Steve’s cock until he was as soaked as you were. Eddie swore when Steve hooked his fingers into your sleep shorts, tugging the material aside so he could really get a good look.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” Eddie’s voice was wrecked, a raspy thing from his panting breaths. “You heard Stevie. Maybe when we finish this movie, I’ll let you ride him, huh?”
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Dust To Dust
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pairing: joel miller x f!reader
rating: E (18+ ONLY, talks of alcohol/substance abuse, undefined relationship, sleepy sex, dirty talk!joel, unprotected piv, rough sex, possessive!joel, soft ending)
word count: 2k
joel masterlist | joel playlist | song inspo
You weren’t sure how it started, this…thing with Joel. Maybe it was the cold, maybe it was weight of loneliness threatening to crush your bones, or maybe it was nothing at all—nothing besides a mutually felt need for one another that could no longer be kept at bay.
Each night after a long and brutal day in the QZ, you’d sneak into Joel Miller’s apartment, his spare key around your neck the closest you’d likely ever come to being claimed publicly as his.
Joel was always out cold when you arrived, the half-gone whiskey bottle on his bedside the most obvious substance to blame for his sedation, but you knew it went much deeper than that. He tried to hide it from you—the pills he had to take just to get a half-decent night of sleep—but his secrecy was no match for your hyper-observant nature. It wasn’t as though you even cared about the hydro and the oxy—everyone left in this brutal world had to find a way to sleep—but you knew Joel well enough to know that he didn’t want you to see just how deep the crevasse went, so you feigned cluelessness to protect his pride.
You didn’t bother to undress, and neither did Joel apparently, finding him snoring on his back fully dressed, his boots still on. You ran your hand up his stomach and chest as you stood at the side of the bed, stirring him enough to get him to roll over onto his side. Joel’s eyes batted open before squeezing shut again as he rolled over, your body quick to slip in behind him and tug the blankets over the both of you. You ran your hand up and down his ribs and stomach, lulling him back to sleep while also relaxing yourself. Joel’s hand rested on top of yours before sliding it up his chest until he was kissing your knuckles.
“Go back to sleep,” you mumbled against his shoulder blade your face nuzzled against it. Joel grunted in disobedience before rolling over to face you, his hand guiding your leg to rest over his hip. “I’m too tired to do anything athletic tonight,” you exhaled against his lips as he peppered barely there nips against yours. “You’ll have to do all the work.”
“Don’t I always?” he teased, the slur of his voice an indication that he was still drunk.
“Too sleepy to go back and forth,” you smiled against his lips.
“Turn around,” he ordered, his hands reaching down to his belt and fly, undoing them and tugging himself out. You shimmied your jeans halfway down your thighs before giving up, your ass flush against Joel’s hard on as he tugged you back against his chest, his cheek nuzzling against yours as you laid on your sides. “You wet?”
“Why don’t you have a look for yourself?” You grabbed his hand as it rested on your hip and slipped it between your thighs, a soft puff of air leaving his lips as his fingers were coated in your slick. “That wet enough for you, Texas?”
“It’s perfect,” he whimpered in desperation, not a trace of teasing in his voice. You felt drunk on his lust, pulsing for him long before he even touched you. When his finger began to circle your clit, you graced him with a moan, his lips pressing against the side of your face as he bucked his stiffened cock against your ass. “Tell me you need it, baby. Tell me how much you need me.”
“Fuck, Joel, I need you so much I could cry,” you begged, exhaustion and arousal turning you stupid. Joel groaned into your ear and nodded, pleased by the sound of your desperation. “Please baby, please. Put it inside me.”
“You gonna take me however I want tonight?” he husked as his hand left your pussy to wrap around his cock, his fist pumping it as he awaited your response.
“Yes,” you nodded, your walls twitching in anticipation.
“I wanna hear you,” he commanded as he lined his cock up with your entrance, dipping just the tip in before pulling out and sliding up to your clit to gather more slickness on his shaft. “I wanna hear every damn thing, alright?”
“Mmhm,” you nodded, reaching back to lace your fingers in his hair. “I need your cock, baby. Please—“
“Here you go baby,” Joel hushed you as he slid his cock into your pussy slowly, inch by inch, taking your breath away as he pressed in as deep as he could go and held you there with his hand on your hip. “That what you wanted? To feel me like this?”
“Fuck, move,” you ordered but his tutted in your ear, his head shaking.
“How I want it, remember?” His voice whispering into your ear sent chills down your spine, your skin covered with goosebumps. Joel seemed to find it amusing how easily he could affect you, his hand smoothing along your skin to relish in the hairs he made stand up. “You like when I talk to you, darlin? Like my voice?”
Joel withdrew his cock almost completely before pressing back inside, a pathetic loan slipping from your lips as the blunt head of his cock glided along your favorite spot.
“Pussy’s already squeezin’ me,” he grunted into your ear as he continued this painfully slow in and out, your arousal flooding around his cock as he teased you to the brink of madness. “I could stay buried in your pussy for a lifetime, baby.”
“Joel, fuck,” you whined and reached back to hold his hip, wanting him closer but he was already flush against you.
“You’re doin’ so good,” he praised in a husky growl, his cock grinding as he kept it seated inside you. “Lettin’ me work you up…don’t worry, baby, I’ll give it to ya how you need it soon.”
You felt as drunk and high as he probably still was, your entire body alight at the mere scoot of his cock against your walls. This was what made him the most dangerous man in Boston in your eyes, not the violence he was capable of or the icy chill of his heart, it wasn’t his job or his bad habits, it was his ability to unravel you with as little as his skin touching yours, his voice in your ear, his eyes locked with yours as though you meant something.
“So soft,” he praised as his hand slid up the inside of your thigh, hiking it higher on his hip to spread you open a bit more, granting him access to your weeping cunt. Joel moaned into the side of your neck as he buried his face there, two of his deft fingers circling your bud that was already swollen and pulsing before he ever even made contact. “So warm.”
“Fuck, that f-eels,” you shivered, his cock surprising you with a full thrust against your g-spot, your vision going blurry at the pleasure that trickled down your thighs to your toes. “Joel, Christ.”
“Gonna get you to cum for me like this,” he detailed between kisses to your neck, his breath going ragged as your pornographic moans filled his apartment. “Then I’m gonna fuck you into the mattress until you’re drippin’ with me.”
“Fuck,” you whined against and clawed at the skin of his lower back where you continued to hold onto him. Joel moaned at the sharp sting and bit down on your shoulder, the pain blurring into pleasure with every punch of his cock up into your pussy. “Joel, I’m so fucking close, please don’t stop, I’m so fucking—“
“God, you sound so pretty,” he grunted as his hips began to snap into yours, your knee now hooked on his arm as he spread you apart on your side. You looked down with groggy and arousal drunk eyes to watch as his fingers worked over your clit, your brows narrowing with ever perfect strum of your pussy. “Jesus, gettin’ so tight I can hardly move.”
“Joel, I’m fucking coming—oh my god!” You we’re a whining, moaning, convulsing mess against him as he fucked you through your orgasm as slowly as he could, drawing out the death-like pleasure that coursed through your veins and nearly took you out of consciousness.
“Yes. Fuck. That’s my girl,” Joel panted in your ear as he rolled you onto your stomach, his hands lifting your hips until you were face down and ass up on the mattress. Joel’s clock shoved its way back into your pussy and you choked on the way he felt inside you, your fingers clawing at his sheets for purchase as he drilled into you without regard for your oversensitivity. “All mine, ain’t ya?”
“Joel,” you whined, unwilling to answer him given the murky nature of your situation.
“Tell me you’re mine,” he bent over your back, gripping your hair in his fist and turning your head to the side so he could speak directly in your ear. His hips never ceased in their ruthless clap! clap! clap! against the flesh of your ass, his cock rendering you speechless even if you wanted to obey him. “Come on, tell me this pussy belongs to me.”
“It’s yours,” you mewled, inching towards a more brutal climax. “My pussy belongs to you, Joel.”
“Good,” he growled and you could hear the smirk on his face. “Now tell me you’re mine.”
“But I’m not,” you shook your head and cracked your eye open to look at him over your shoulder, Joel’s face scrunched in offense as he stared back at you. “Am I?”
Joel nearly snarled as he somehow fucked you harder, your body sliding up the mattress from the force of his thrusts as he lowered his teeth to your earlobe, biting on it just enough to sting in the best way.
“Course you are,” he spoke. “You’re mine…and I’m yours.”
“You are?” You wanted to cry, not just from the way his cock was devastating you one thrust at a time, but from the admission.
Joel Miller was yours. That alone made living in this world worth it.
“I swear it,” he kissed your cheek and let out a shivered moan. “God damn. I want you to cum on my cock, baby. Make me yours and I’ll fill this pussy up and make you mine.”
“Jesus,” you sobbed into the sheets as your climax hit you like a freight train, your body going limp beneath his but he was quick to adjust his position with you, using your pussy like a toy until he was mewling your name like a prayer.
“Fuck, baby,” he whined, burying his face in the dio between your shoulder blades. “Gonna cum inside this sweet pussy.”
“Please,” you urged, reaching back to hold his ass as he fucked into you slow and deep. Joel moaned without inhibition as he spilled inside of you, his fingers leaving marks on your hips as he held you still.
“So fuckin’ good,” he praised in breathless pants, his cock scooting in and out of your now soaked cunt. “God damn.”
Joel pressed his lips against your skin before rolling over onto his back to catch his breath, your body lazily following him so that you could rest on his chest.
“I meant all that,” he spoke up after a few minutes of peaceful silence, half-expecting you to be out like a light.
“So did I,” you mumbled, your palm flat on his button-down covered chest.
“Bout damn time we finally said it,” he chuckled just enough to shake you as you laid on him.
“I was just waiting on you, Miller.” You lifted your head and rested your chin on his chest, reaching up to tickle his chin. Joel caught your hand in his and lifted it to his lips, kissing the pads of your fingers.
“Sorry to keep you waitin’ so long, baby.”
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serverusslaype · 7 months
Shameless AU - Jealousy
Severus Snape x professor!reader one-shot
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Masterpost & other things!
guys remember i asked about whether you'd be interested in a jealous scene? well, i chose to do it in an AU sort of thing, where reader is a Slytherin instead. so special thanks to @caster-of-puppets for that idea! this isn't long, it's just a little one-shot, but yeah. i wrote this a while ago and i decided to finish it just now after my brain said no to writing part 15 fml. i just couldn't think of how to start it.
so, i hope you enjoy this. :)
warnings: slightly nsfw near the end, so minors, please, DNI!!
Dinner had just finished, and most of the students had filed out of the hall, apart from a few stragglers. You, Ben and Flitwick were currently engaged in a conversation, though, it was moreso just Ben and Flitwick talking. You had zoned out a while ago, the constant drone of Ben bragging about his Ministry job was enough to send you to sleep. It was surprising that Flitwick hadn't made some sort of excuse to drop out of the conversation to save his sanity, perhaps he enjoyed such dull and tedious chatter.
As you stood beside Ben, your hands were clasped together in front of you, bored eyes darting aimlessly around the Great Hall. You found yourself admiring the stone statues, until Ben's hand curled around your waist, pulling you closer to him, his fingers sitting dangerously close to where Severus's fingers had been that night. Your muscles stiffened slightly at the sudden touch.
All of a sudden, a creeping feeling of being watched climbed up your spine, and within seconds, your confused eyes were searching around the Great Hall, soon landing on a pair of very familiar, deep, dark ones. They burned into you a thousand hot needles, setting your skin ablaze.
There he stood, lingering beside a rambling Filch with hands tucked behind his back, sharp eyes determinedly stuck on you like a glue trap, darting down towards the hand that tightened around your waist. His face was pale, daunting and almost frightening with the way he was glaring at the two of you with deathlike eyes.
Was he... jealous?
You daringly decided to test the waters. With a tilt of your head, you kept your curious eyes on Severus and leant into Ben, allowing your hands to unclasp themselves and rest atop of Ben's one. Immediately, Severus's jaw twitched and his fists balled beneath the dramatic waterfall of his black cloak. A tiny, cheeky smile picked at the corners of your lips as you relished in his reaction, a warm, tingling sensation pooling in your stomach. Was it toxic that you were getting off on this? Perhaps.
You glanced back to Flitwick, shuffling in your spot as you offered him a kind smile, your eyes darting back to where Severus had stood. Though, only Filch remained. You frowned. Shit, did that piss him off? No, surely not, he knows you only want him, and not Ben... right?
"Um, excuse me, I'll be back in a bit." You said with a forced smile, glancing between Ben and Flitwick. They quickly returned it, still deeply invested in conversation. You had to force yourself not to roll your eyes at the pair. Seriously, is a job at the Ministry that interesting? Jesus.
Slinking away with a huff, you slipped out through the door in the corner of the Hall, shutting it quietly. Before you were even five steps down the corridor, a rough hand latched onto your arm and pulled you into a shadowed corner, your back slamming against the stone wall. That well-known scent of sweet wine, smoke and fresh books surrounded you, and you instantly knew who had dragged you aside.
Severus stepped in front of you, his black cloak sweeping behind him. Those large, unyielding hands held your arms captive beside your torso as his wicked black eyes burned into yours furiously. You suddenly felt incredibly short in his presence.
"Do you think you're clever, acting like that in front of me?" Severus's deep voice rumbled through you, his fingers squeezing around your arms in a vice-like grip.
"Like what?" You asked, voice quiet and soft, painting an innocent expression upon your face. Severus's lip twitched irritatingly at your answer, and he stepped forwards so your bodies were touching.
"You know exactly what you were doing, you stupid girl," Severus whispered harshly, pushing his face impossibly close to yours. His hot breath tickled your cheeks, and you found yourself blushing, a pretty shade of crimson blossoming across your soft cheeks.
"So what if I was?" You whispered back, your twinkling eyes fixed to his.
"You're dancing on a very dangerous and thin line, Miss L/N." Severus uttered, tongue clicking as he stared down at you, nostrils flaring as his breaths became more desperate and ragged.
"Am I?" You taunted him, inching your face forwards, grazing your nose against his. You heard his breath hitch, and it sent an excited shiver speeding down your spine. A mischievous, toothy grin spread across your face at his lack of control.
"You're much too bold for a girl of your age." He muttered and swallowed thickly, evidently trying to get ahold of his 
"Maybe you're just losing your touch, professor." You whispered, shifting your head so your lips were beside his ear; teeth scraping against his lobe tantalisingly. A muffled and broken groan caught in his throat. Severus hated to admit it, but something about you calling him by his title made his stomach hot. "Cat got your tongue, Severus?" You blinked slowly as you brought your head back from the side of his face, dilated eyes staring up into his heavy-lidded ones. Evidently, he was slowly losing control.
"Hush," Severus hissed, pressing a hand over your mouth. You couldn't help but feel a tad turned on by it. "I can't bear to hear you say one more thing."
Slowly, you reached a hand up, prying his fingers from your lips, "And why's that, professor?" You purred. He growled at the name, slipping his hand behind your head, greedily burying his fingers in the locks of your hair. The softness of it made him groan, and suddenly, he was imagining what it'd be like to fuck you with a fistful of your hair. Perhaps you'd listen then.
Severus clenched his jaw, "I'm not sure you'd like my answer." He said lowly, almost like a warning. His black eyes flicked over your soft features, silently admiring you. He'd never witnessed such beauty, and he sure as hell wasn't going to miss the opportunity to drink you in like a delicious wine.
"Try me." You whispered and lifted a hand to grab at the edge of his cloak, tugging him towards you as if to encourage him. And if that wasn't enough, you boldly stood on the tips of your toes to press a light kiss to his jaw.
Severus was teetering on the edge of a very bad decision, and the fact that you had your hands on him wasn't helping his case - it felt as if you were right behind him, pushing him, desperately trying to make him fall off of it. In all his years of practicing self-discipline and control, never had he come across such a tempting and alluring individual such as yourself. Severus felt as if you were some sort of test - perhaps this was all in his imagination.
"You know you want to," you purred again, pressing your parted lips upon his jawbone, "show me what Severus Snape is truly capable of." Teasingly, you nipped at his pale skin with your teeth, and that grounded the wizard. No, no, this was most definitely real.
Before you could pull your head away from his, Severus crashed his lips against yours hungrily, and you melted into his touch like an ice cream left in the sun. He had you pressed against the stone wall, lips locked with yours in an intense, fiery fight. A large, cool hand flew to your hip and pulled you against his strong body. Despite being dressed, you could feel every outline of his figure, and you couldn't help but selfishly reach a hand down to feel his torso. Severus groaned at your touch, and it felt like his body was on fire.
He needed you, and now.
He had to force himself to pull his lips off of yours, and you reluctantly obliged, your eyes opening and gazing up at his like a lost, lovesick puppy. "My office. Now." Severus ordered breathlessly as his hand slid up from your hips to your arm, his fingers wrapping around it with a tight grip. He tugged you along with him as he suddenly set off into a quick walk.
"Look how eager you are," you cooed tauntingly, a smirk growing on your lips as you let Severus lead you, "I knew you'd cave. So weak." That crude smirk turned into a proud grin, though it was quickly dropped as Severus whipped around, his black hair swishing with him.
You gasped as you were shoved backwards, hitting the wall with a soft thud. It wasn't a hostile shove, but rather a show of dominance from Severus - which was rather unusual. Apparently, you brought out the hidden, dark side to him. Something you were very, very eager to see and experience.
A bashful smile crept onto your lips as you gazed up at Severus with wide eyes, far from scared. This should have enraged him, however, it intrigued him instead. His eyes narrowed into thin slits as he glowered down at you with a scowl, a tempting tingle settling between your legs.
Severus leaned down, pushing his face into yours, and you tilted your head downwards slightly though still keeping eye contact. "I'm going to ruin that audacious, pretty little mouth of yours." He muttered with a wicked promise, lifting a hand to grasp your jaw, running his thumb over your bottom lip. Your breath hitched at his touch. "Perhaps then you'll learn when to speak." Severus tutted, pausing for a moment to glide his fingers down your neck, eliciting a shiver of goosebumps to litter your burning skin.
Without further ado, Severus's hand returned to your arm, and he tugged you away again, in the direction of his office. You were sure that after he had his way with you, you'll have learned a lot more than just learning when to speak...
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—  i hate buffering
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SUMMARY : “hey hi, could you do an imagine with Dean who is dyslexic or dyscalcic? Please I would really care <3” — anon
PAIRING :  dean winchester x fem!reader
WARNINGS/TAGS : explicit(18+), fluff
A/N : title from a the devil wears prada song. ah, an imagine. I actually don’t know what the hell I'm doing, but I loved this as I started reading a Stephen King book in the semi-darkness and I kept reading words wrong and thinking about how difficult it would be to be dyslexic.
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Dean heard your adorable giggle before he heard your footsteps coming closer to his bedroom. 
This new, long-term dating thing made his heart skip a few beats.
You were cute and compassionate, mostly, but there was so much to you than just that. The longer he spent getting to know you, the more you seemed to unexpectedly expose parts of yourself, like heated kernels turning to popcorn. 
He stopped cleaning the stuff in his bedside table’s drawer to watch you with a dimpled smile. He sat on the bed and you finally showed him what you were shyly hiding behind your back.
He blinked a few times, willing his brain to focus on the yellow sticky note and your pretty handwriting. He glanced up at you, your expectant gaze, the flush on your cheeks. Embarrassment flared up his neck and he panicked.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he blurted out. You tilted your head at him as your brows twitched and your smile faded into confusion. “I'm tired, I can’t focus,” he lied, rubbing his eyes.
You thought it odd, but shrugged it off anyway.
“Oh, that’s fine,” you smiled, “it says: show me your tits, cowboy.” Dean laughed softly and you slapped the sticky note on the wall above his bed as you climbed into his lap. He instantly grabbed your waist and slowly slid his hands down to your ass. “But if you’re tired, we can just sleep… after you finish cleaning this up.” You dipped down to kiss his forehead, but he searched for your lips for a real kiss that made you warm all over. 
One of his hands slowly moved up your back until he cupped the back of your head to deepen the kiss. Before you knew it, he had you laying down on his bed and impatiently moved between your legs to kiss you harder.
You laughed against his lips and moved up the bed, never breaking the kiss until your head was properly pressed into his soft pillow. His warm, calloused hand sneaked up into your tank top, slowly lifting it, distracting you by licking into your mouth.  
His soft tongue played with yours and he gently squeezed your breast, causing your breath to hitch. He pulled away with a smirk that made you feel hotter. He removed his hand from your warm flesh to kiss down your neck and your hands moved into his soft hair. His soft lips pressed and brushed teasingly against your skin, and his careful teeth grazed your sensitive flesh. He gently pulled down the strap of your top and followed the thin strip before moving to kiss your cleavage instead.
“Fuck,” you whispered impatiently, but let him do things his way despite the fire you felt on your skin from his touch and his kiss. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered warmly against your skin. You smiled and hummed softly, watching him with his greedy eyes while he grabbed a handful of your ass and slipped his hand underneath your shorts. 
“You're not wearing underwear.” His voice was low and deep, and all you could do was bite down on your lips while he licked his own and just watched you hungrily. Your heart was in a frenzy and your mind was clouded with incoherent thoughts of him. Naked.
“I pretty much told you I came here for sex, but cuddling is an option if you’re tired.” He slid his hand out from under your shorts, moved back up to peck your lips before smiling down at you cheekily. You pressed your lips together shyly and lowered your hands to his broad shoulders. 
“Can I tell you something?” He asked suddenly, pressing his lower body against yours and gently leaned on his side with his arm beside you. You tried to ignore the sensation of his body being all over your and lovingly cupped his cheek.
“You can tell me anything.” 
He inhaled and looked away from you slightly. “I’m dyslexic. I couldn’t really read your note.”
You almost blurted out really? without thinking, but this is Dean. He wouldn’t say that if he wasn’t completely sure about it. Your smile softened and he chewed on his lip for a few seconds before trying to cover it up with a seductive lick of his lips and a quick glance at yours as an escape for his confession. 
“That must make all this hunting research very difficult for you,” you considered thoughtfully. He kissed you softly to interrupt your thoughts. 
“It does…” he mumbled against your mouth and rocked his hips gently against your core. Your breath got caught in your chest.
“You’re still very good at it,” you reassured him breathlessly and grabbed at his shirt to tug it up and off his flushed body. He hummed appreciatively against your lips. “Thanks for telling me,” you murmured, teasingly nipping at his lip when he started pulling away to remove his shirt.
“Thanks for being you.” 
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hey-august · 2 months
i was supposed to go to sleep, but here we are...
WC: ~700
Warnings: NSFW, mdni, buggy x f!reader, fingering, multiple orgasms, "good girl," bit of misuse of devil fruit powers bc it just makes things easier to imagine
"Shhh..." Buggy hushed you before flipping a page.
Your teeth clamped harder on your lip, biting back the sounds that he deemed "too distracting." When you offered to help the captain with his paperwork, this wasn't what you meant.
Buggy quickly lost steam when it came to bureaucratic drudgery. Anything he could delegate was passed off. Work that had to be done by him was also passed off. This worked until it didn't. Until the crew learned about his deadlines and his ploys.
Suddenly, everyone was busy. There were emergencies that needed immediate help. Excuses were said in between breaths.
"Excuse me, Captain, someone's stuck in the rigging." "Richie broke a claw and I need to check on him." "I broke my hand and have to go to the infirmary." "I have to get past you and do something else, sorry!"
Maybe no one said the last one, but that's what they all boiled down to.
And that's how Buggy ended up laying in bed, boots on, suffering through a packet that was actually important and couldn't get lost at sea.
You could nearly see the pirate's life fading away when you stepped into the room. His spirit was being replaced by unnecessary acronyms, legalese, and superfluous writing. With each word his eyes skimmed over, a sparkle died.
It was pitiful. And adorable, but you wouldn't tell him that.
You offered to help, figuring Buggy would be more than happy to hand you the papers, accidentally give you a paper cut, and wander off to get drunk.
Instead, he patted the spot next to him. You sat down, sinking into the divot he created, and leaned against his body. Buggy put an arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer.
You peered at the paper, ready to assist, when you realized Buggy had a different plan. A hand slithered it's way under your clothes and was finding a nesting place under your panties.
Buggy's fingers explored the area cautiously, chasing away the sensitivity and luring out arousal. He circled your bundle of nerves, avoiding contact and admiring from a distance. Buggy's warmth dipped lower, teasing you with how he almost touched the areas he usually attacks with passion and hunger.
"I thought you wanted h-help?"
"You are helping, now keep quiet so I can focus."
He kissed your forehead just as his fingertips collided with your clit. You gasped as the sweet electricity shot through your body and curled your toes.
Buggy stopped moving.
"I really do need to focus."
"I'll- I'll be quiet."
The movement started again and you sunk into your own body with a sigh.
Buggy knew how to play your body like an instrument. When to press harder and when to pull back. When you wanted small movements and when you needed something grander. When to keep tempo and follow the pattern, and when to create his own music.
The trembles in your body increased until the silent crescendos that left you twitching and panting. But with still more work to do, Buggy kept you underhand.
At first, you could pick out the shapes he traced. Numbers and figures to tally. Long digits that carried on longer than you did. Short numbers that brought about aftershocks of pleasure. Then the letters and words. At least, they were probably words. You couldn't hold onto them long enough to decipher the messages.
Buggy drew climax after climax from you body. You could feel how slick you were, a puddle collecting under your body. Every so often he'd pull out the hand and one of you would lick his wet fingers so he could turn a page.
"How much more?"
Buggy rifled through the packet.
"Three more, then it's done." He glanced at you. What a beautiful mess, covered in sweat and chest heaving. "You're doing such a good job for your captain. You deserve a reward for being such a good girl, huh?"
You nodded eagerly. A reward sounded nice.
"Keep being good for three more pages and I'll give you a nice big reward."
You nodded again and let your eyes close as Buggy picked up where he left off. A big, hard reward. That's what you wanted.
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after-witch · 8 months
Horrorfest: And Be Immortal [Yandere Dabi x Reader]
Title: And Be Immortal [Yandere Dabi x Reader]
Synopsis: "I think I'm being haunted," you say. "By the ghost of my dead best friend."
For Horrorfest request:
Dabi with the movie Candyman?
Word Count: 1084
notes: yandere, implied kidnapping
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“I think I’m being haunted.” 
The words come out so fast that you’re not entirely sure that your friend heard them at first, until she gives you a look that is a mixture of pity, confusion  and--maybe you’re imagining it--curiosity. 
“By my best friend’s ghost,” you continue, when she doesn’t say anything. You stumble a bit over the words, realizing how crazy it sounds, how out-there. Especially to your friend who has never given so much as an inkling that she believes in anything remotely supernatural. 
“He died when we were younger--there was a fire, and…” 
You shake your head, unwilling to go further. 
Your friend reaches out, touches your arm. When you look up, she’s got the softest, kindest expression on her face. A smile, subtle and warm, with a twitch of knowing anxiety behind it.
“I know something that might help.”
You wake up, breath hitching, sweat covering the back of your head, making your hair and pillowcase damp and uncomfortably warm. 
“All you have to do is say their name in the mirror three times,” your friend told you. “And they will appear to you.” She paused. “You could try to get closure. Or at least know that you’re not crazy.” She laughed a little, but the sound didn’t match her expression. 
It was your turn to look confused--and curious.
“My neighbor had a problem with a ghost,” she clarified. You stared, and she bit her lip. “And… so did I, once.”
You frowned. She had never mentioned it, not even once. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
Your friend shrugged.
“You probably wouldn’t have believed me back then.”
You said nothing, because she was probably right on that count. You didn’t really believe in ghosts yourself until a few weeks ago. 
That was when it all started--the haunting. 
Items missing from your apartment, treasured things. Your old stuffed bear. A photo of you and Touya as children, and that hurt the most, because it was the only one you still had. 
Your mother had misplaced your photo album before you moved out, but this one, the one you kept in a frame on your bookshelf, had been spared. Admittedly, the photo frame had gotten dusty, but so had other things from your childhood.
And now it was gone. Who would take it? Not some petty thief. Nothing valuable was missing. Just your personal treasures, and trinkets.
And then there were the noises. Footsteps in the night. The sound of a cupboard opening and shutting in the morning, before you got out of bed; sometimes they were left open, and your fingers twitched while you shut them.
And… you swear, you swear this is true, you began to get the distinct feeling that you were being watched. During the night, and then during the day. While you tried to sleep. While you showered. While you ate what simple meals you threw together, unable to focus much on cooking or shopping as time went on.
If what your friend told you is true, maybe you can get some closure. 
Maybe you can ask Touya to stop haunting you. 
Maybe you can tell him you’re sorry.
This isn’t going to work. It can’t work. It’s stupid. It’s crazy. You’re crazy.
You take a breath, then another. You’re just anxious. You’re just… frayed.
Nothing will happen, probably, and you’ll realize that this has all just been some walking fever dream, the end-result of too much stress from university and your job and all the villain attacks in the area. Your mind has clearly retreated to the last time you felt understood, safe, comfortable; aching for the hole left by the loss of your best friend, a hole that could never be filled no matter how much dirt you tried to shovel into it.
Your fingers fumble with the matches in the darkness of the bathroom. You were tempted to leave the door open, but your friend was clear on that count: it needs to be as dark as possible when you complete the ritual. 
There’s the telltale sound of the match strike, the faint scent of sulfur. And then the match is lit and you quickly hold it down towards the tea candles you set up on the bathroom counter. When they’re lit, the bathroom is less dim, but no less frightening. If anything, the flickering candlelight bouncing off the walls gives the room (and your reflection) a strangeness that makes your chest tighten.  
Just… do it. Do it and get it over with, and if nothing happens, then you can call a therapist to work through your clearly ongoing grief and stress issues. But if it does work, then maybe… maybe.
You exhale, closing your lips a little, and look straight into the mirror. 
“Touya… Touya… Touya.”
A moment, then another. Then another. 
But the reflection in the mirror doesn’t change. There is no rippling, no blurring, no appearance of the ghost of your dead friend. Nothing at all, except your own tired face and the flickering yellow-orange light of candles. 
A low ache blooms in your chest. What were you expecting? That his ghost would show up in the mirror and forgive you for not being there for him, forgive you for letting his picture get dusty, forgive you for living the life he never did? 
You scoff at yourself, at the ember-lit reflection in the mirror.
And then the bathroom door behind you creaks open, and every nerve in your body stands on edge.
The reflection in the mirror does change, then. Not replacing yours but showing a figure standing behind you. Not just a figure--
Touya is standing behind you.
Only his hair is black and he is burnt and it’s Touya, Touya, Touya burnt from the fire and here to drag you to hell or drive you crazy or something incomprehensible in between.  
You turn, slowly, aware of his reflection in the mirror, aware of the way adrenaline has taken away your ability to feel your body.
“Touya,” you say, voice hoarse. I’m sorry, how are you, why are you here, why have you been haunting me--all these words stick to the roof of your mouth.
The specter grips your wrists with all-too-warm hands, and oh, oh, this is not a specter but flesh and blood before you, something twisted and wrong but wholly alive.
“Not anymore,” he breathes out, and he smells of sulfur and ash. 
The candles behind you all snuff into darkness at the same time. 
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talesof-old · 1 month
weakness | r.l.
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pairing(s): remus lupin x plus size!fem!reader, background poly!marauders x reader
warning(s): 18+, smut, don’t look too closely at the grammar i wrote this in one sitting, oral sex (f!receiving), fingering, remus cums in his pants, poly relationship mention, i really think that’s all; not proofread or edited
a/n: it’s a crime i’ve never written for one of my first fictional crushes of ever
word count: 1k
remus is distracting, as always
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There were several things you liked to pretend didn’t affect you.
The daily weather. Despite your adoration for storms and the feeling of raindrops on your cheeks, it cast a gloomy mood over you all day. You never could shake the way it cast you far into the depths of your mind.
Bad sleep. The too familiar feeling of grogginess and misery clawing at your twitching eyelids until it drove you mad was enough for anyone to lash out.
Remus Lupin. You liked to pretend he didn’t have any power over you, but if you were honest, he could do just about anything and you’d be falling to your knees. Thankfully, the feeling was mutual.
Your heart pounded as Remus’ large hands found purchase on the soft meat of your thighs, fingertips digging into the plush skin. It was his idea to stop by his dorm before heading to the library. Now you watched him with greedy eyes and a hammering heart. “You seem quite eager, love. Should I be concerned you’ll steal me away from my afternoon plans?”
His answering grin was enough to have you swooning, his cheek resting against your knee to nudge your legs apart. “Can’t say I’d mind.”
You complied, scooting forward until your pussy was exposed to him. Remus pressed a gentle kiss to your inner thigh. His big, honey colored eyes made brief contact with yours before they dipped low.
In a matter of seconds his left hand was parting the lips of your cunt and he swiped a dangerous tongue over the folds. You whined, jolting at the sharp pleasure as he sucked and licked like a man starved. Your hands wove through his brown curls. He hummed at the feeling. You choked on a moan, a breathless laugh tumbling past your lips.
“You’re insatiable.”
He chuckled, the vibrations shooting through your nerves like lightning. You gasped, tugging on his hair, entirely unsure if you could handle it if he continued. His nose bumped your clit. Your hips bucked involuntarily, an ache forming in between your hips.
Remus kept up his actions, his tongue occasionally dipping into the warm heat of your cunt. Your eyelids fluttered, a quiet moan following.
“Please, Rem, please-“
He pulled away, chin shiny and lips twisted into a mocking pout. “Can’t handle it, dove?” You whined, tugging him up toward you. He groaned softly as he stood, knees cracking and body sore. You leaned back on the bed, giving him room to climb on top of you. He pressed a messy kiss to your lips as he did so. You deepened it, hand reaching to grip the side of his pants and tugging him closer. He gave in, erection rubbing against your aching cunt. He groaned into your mouth.
“Wicked little thing.” You smiled shamelessly.
He pushed himself up and lifted your skirt hem, fingers tracing your soft skin before dipping into your wet cunt. Your legs tensed before you melted at his touch, body trembling as he thrusted his middle finger in and out of you, motions slow and steady. Remus’ hard on rubbed against your hip in time with his thrusts. You let your head fall back as your moaning changed in pitch.
Remus’ lips attached to the skin of your neck, sucking hard on your sensitive collarbone. His thumb swiped over your clit; the sound that left your mouth was half moan, half gasp, some weird garbled mess that under any other circumstance you would’ve been embarrassed about.
“Got my dove all fucked up with just my fingers. What would the others say if they could see you now?”
Your walls involuntarily clenched at the thought and your fingers latched onto the sheets beneath you. They were surely wondering where you two had wandered off to by now. A part of you wanted to see what would happen if they caught you now.
“Oh you like that, do you?”
A broken moan fell from your lips just as he sunk another finger into you. Your thighs trembled against his arm as the heat in your lower abdomen grew. The relationship had been open for ages now, an unconventional polycule you didn’t care to explain to anyone.
Remus chuckled at your response, choosing to trace circles over your clit instead of pressing further. Your body tensed as he added a third finger into your cunt, the tingling stretch enough to have your toes curling. You gripped Remus’ wrist with your left hand, bucking into his hand, his calloused palm scraping against your clit.
A lewd, not quite scream echoed through the room. Remus raised a brow at your still tight grip and quickened his pace, keeping steady attention on your clit. Your body tensed.
“I’ve got you, dove, I’ve got you.” He pressed his upper body against yours, a whisper in your ear to help ease you through your climax. Your thighs trembled as the knot between your thighs tightened. His clothed dick was still rubbing against your hip as he tilted his head up and caught your lips against his, his tongue swiping across your lips. You could hardly kiss back. Your mind was too far gone, caught up entirely in the feeling of his fingers knuckle deep within you and his thumb, oh Merlin his thumb-
You moaned against his lips as the knot tightened further and then released. His own movements grew more frantic, the scratchy fabric of his pants irritating your skin as he drew closer to his own end. Your climax washed over you in waves. With your eyes squeezed shut and your thighs clamped around his wrist, you rolled your hips to ride out your orgasm. It faded slowly, leaving you boneless and limp on his bed. You whined as he withdrew his fingers. A graphic squelch followed as you came to, eyes half lidded as you took in the wet spot on your hip and Remus own satisfied expression. You giggled.
“They others are gonna be so miffed when they see us.” He shook his head, dipping down to kiss your collarbone.
“We could hide away from ‘em, get some time alone.” You rake your fingers through his hair, fingers trailing down his scarred brown skin. Your clothes were already ruined, really. You could feel the wet spot beneath you. Remus knew the exact moment you decided to cave, body sinking deeper into the mattress.
“Maybe they’ll join us.”
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braxlrose · 11 months
Ok I saw the 2023 bill hcs and I was thinking giving head to 2023 bill on live *onlyyy if you feel comfortable writing it ofccc💗*
a/n: i love their lives sm and i love bills pp so 😈
cw: oral (m!recieving), face fucking, praise, degradation, teasing, etc
summary: giving bill head on a tiktok live
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• it would start off pretty normal. bill would be on live with the rest of the boys talking about random stuff and then they'd all come to the topic and be like "bill, Where's y/n?" and would answer "oh she's sleeping, she was super tired this morning so I suggested she sleep in."
• you were sleeping in. he wasn't lying, you were very tired and needed some sleep. but...
• as you woke up, let's just say you had some very colorful dreams about you know who and you got up out of bed. you were only in a bra and underwear as you walked out of your guys shared bedroom and walked behind the camera. you shushed bill before he could anything
• he was sitting on his desk as you slipped down onto the floor, quietly underneath him.
• he kept talking like normal, trying not to look down or look nervous as you undid the zipper on his pants. you could see the see the adrenaline rising in him, just hoping nobody could hear you.
• once his pants were off you slowly kissed his covered cock, watching it get harder and harder. it was adorable how bill twiddled with his fingers, trying to make you seem unnoticed as possible
You slowly glided your finger tips up and down his dick, giving it a few little kisses. You could see bill getting impatient, his cheeks getting red and his leg twitching just a little bit for you to notice. You smiled to yourself as you began to pull down his underwear.
His cock sprung right up at you causing you to gasp, loud. All of the guys stopping talking for a second.
"What was that, Bill?" Georg asked, scratching his chin looking at Bill through his camera screen. Bill just stopped for a second, trying to figure out what to say.
"What was what?" He said, trying to sound confused like he had no idea what was going on. Like you weren't underneath his dick, like you weren't pressing your tongue against the tip of his dick, like you weren't teasing the shit out of him while you wrapping your hands on his thighs.
"Yeah and why are your cheeks so red, Bill?" Tom laughed as he played with the filters. Bill shrugged it off and grabbed a bite of his sandwich.
The guys made some more jokes, but eventually it was over and they moved on to a new topic of discussion. That was very good for you because that meant you could continue to tease Bill and there was nothing he could do about it. he couldn't just shove his dick down your throat or else they would hear you gag and understand what was going on. He was stuck in this position and you had all the control in the world.
After few more kitten licks, you took more of his tip into your mouth and swirled your tongue around it. You slowly removed your hands from his thighs, and wrapped them around his cock. He bit down on his bottom lip, watching you suck him off. You were teasing him so bad and his face kept heating up more and more by the second.
You pushed your mouth further down his dick and hollowing out your cheeks. His eyes went wide and you were sure his lip was gonna start bleeding in he bit down any harder.
"One second guys, I'll be right back!" Bill said cheerfully, muting himself and putting his phone face up. This is where you lose control. Nobody could see or hear you guys now.
Bill grabbed your face and shoved it all the way down on his dick until your nose touched his pelvis. You could feel his tip trying to push down your throat, but your gag reflex was strong.
"Come on Schatzi, relax that pretty little throat for me. Make me happy? Isn't that what this is about, pretty girl?" You could barely understand what he was saying through his mocking tone as you looked up at him with teary eyes. He ran his fingers through your hair and pulled his dick out of your mouth, causing you to gasp loudly, sucking in as much as possible. Too bad that didn't last long.
Bill shoved his length back into your mouth, causing you to gag even harder.
"Sweetie, this won't be over until you relax for me.." He whispered to you, kissing your forehead. You wanted to be good for him, so good for him. His good, pretty girl. He tilted his head at you and looked back as his phone.
"Mmm, maybe they'd like to hear how pretty you sound, baby. Does that sound good to you? Show our little friends how much of a pretty little slut you are for me?" You shook your head as he smiled. You continued to lick and suck at his dick, letting your throat slowly relax for him.
"Aww..now that's a good girl.." He said to you, gripping your hair again and shoved his dick in your throat. Tears streamed down your face as he pulled his cock in and out of your abused throat.
Your finger tips dug into his thighs and Salvia was leaking down your chin.
You could feel him getting close. His movements were unsteady and his breathing got harsher and louder. You just sat there like the good little fuck toy you were as he stood up to get a better angle on you but not enough so that the boys would see.
Your grip on his thighs changed. The house was completely silent except for the boys talking on the live. If you two weren't muted all they would've heard was bills grunting and the slimy, wet sounds of your gags.
But he finally pulled out. Your hands went to the floor and you were gasping for air like crazy. Bill lifted your chin up, gazing down at you as he jerked himself off. You leaned your cheek against his hand as his cum sputter all of your boobs.
You two were messy, and you liked it that way.
edit: this felt kinda rushed, but I hope yall still enjoyed
taglist: @hearts4kaulitz @burntb4bydoll @spelaelamela @bored0writer @fishinaband @billsleftnutt @tokiiohot @bluepoptartwithsprinkles @saumspam @5hyslv7 @killed-kiss @memog1rl @80s-tingz
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cambion-companion · 4 months
SMUT between Haarlep, Raphael and afab!Tav/reader. This is to explore that post I made about how cambions are made. Usually it's by an incubus sleeping with a mortal woman and she becomes pregnant, dies upon giving birth to the cambion child. So, like, Raphael's treasured client....there's no way he is gonna allow that to happen.
Raphael x Haarlep x F!reader Smut
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Heat enveloped your body, you could hardly feel beyond the heady rush of pleasure and pain.
Hot breath brushed your ear, you felt Raphael's lips skim along the flushed skin of your cheek. The rumble of his chest tickled your fingertips as you felt where the cambion's rough edges met with smooth flesh.
Raphael's hands on your waist and thighs kept you moving on top of him in a steady rhythm, the ache growing at the point your bodies were joined.
You pulled back enough to look into his eyes, glowing like hellfire and drawing you in as helpless as moths to candlelight. Your heart pounded, echoing the sounds filling the musky air of his boudoir. The sensation was like falling into a smoldering abyss, grounded only by the tenuous tether of his hands holding you firm.
So caught up were you in the act, you hardly noticed the mattress dip and a new set of hands stroke down your spine. You turned your chin to look but Raphael caught it between his fingers and guided your hooded gaze back to him. "Mine will be the only face you see."
"Raphael." You murmured as the new grip began guiding your hips down upon the cambion. Up and down. Until.
Raphael spoke harshly in the rough infernal tongue, his release molten as it spilled, causing you to cry out in anguished bliss.
His ridged member slid easily out of your used body, you began to relax, only to tense as a new intrusion stretched you, pushing the fresh infernal seed deeper.
Raphael cupped your face in his hands, his thumb circling your mouth before pressing between your parted lips. Your body rocked over his as whoever moved behind you trailed their large hands to your chest, squeezing your breasts.
Hot air blew against the back of your neck, sharp teeth claiming the skin there with a stinging bite.
"I dont..." You gasped, unsure if you could continue at such a pace, between two impossibly hot bodies.
Raphael's face was still a mask of grim pleasure, his lips pressed into a thin focused line as he watched you moving over where he lay prone.
"You will." He said, his eyes moving to just over your shoulder, narrowing slightly. "Until I am satisfied."
Leathery batlike wings, a mirror of Raphael's own devil wings, draped around you. They rested atop Raphael's own, spread as they were, limp upon the dark satin sheets. You felt the ridges of the cock with every thrust and pulse, now familiar but not belonging to the man beneath you.
Your gasps joined with Raphael's, your breaths mingling as your hand sought the face of who now sought to lay claim to you. Your fingers wrapped around thick horns, sharp as a rose stem, curved.
"Is he...?" Your words were lost as a hand closed over your throat, long red fingers pressing against your lips to silence you.
Raphael watched, sternly giving the devil above you a quelling stare as you began to vocalize your gathering climax. Sharp teeth nipped at your ear as the creature inside you twitched and pressed deeper.
"Enough, you will not jeopardize my plans." Raphael bit out. "Remove yourself."
The cambion stifled your whine of protest, dragging you by the back of your head into a searing kiss. His hips lifted and you were once again riding the devil. Your devil.
Hands spread you from behind, their touch familiar and yet foreign. Raphael's fingers kept your face from straying from his own. "Keep your eyes on me, pet." He murmured, his breathing growing shallow. "Relax, let us in. No harm will come to you this night."
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sugar-coat-it · 4 months
HEY!! Your smut is insane!! could i request something like matty and reader mutual masturbation telling eachother what to do?? 😋🤘🏻
I thought it would be fun if they’re low-key bickering throughout it while still telling each other what to do, but it ends with them just being desperate to watch the other cum, totally forgetting the silly argument 
Uhhh yeah this started as a blurb and got pretty long, so, hope you like it anon!
“Mm- no, you don’t get to touch me, not after what you pulled,” you murmur, pushing Matty back onto the pillows and off of your frame. 
Every fiber of you is screaming to just let your pride go and just allow him to keep running his hands over your body, pressing searing kisses to your neck and jawline. You’re well aware that the fires he sets under your skin can only be fully put out by him, but you’re also stubborn… at least for now. Matty just tuts, rolling his eyes at you and gazing off to the side, clearly fuming at the idea of his actions having consequences. Before you’d gotten back home, you’d been out at a pub where he’d been a complete and total prick to a guy at the bar whom he was convinced was trying to sleep with you. Death stares, possessive fingers digging into your waist, the whole ordeal. The whole car ride home had been tense, Matty’s jaw clenched with bitterness as he kept one commanding hand on your leg, his cold rings pressing into the plush skin of your thigh as he drove. His eyes were intensely trained on the road the whole time, deafening silence between you. Although he was being ridiculous, it sure did get you hot and bothered to see him so passionately envious. He obviously felt the same impulse to some degree, because the moment the door shut behind you, he was crushing his lips to yours, licking into your mouth ravenously as he pulled you flush against his body. The two of you had stumbled into the bedroom, messily shedding jackets to the floor as your eager hands roamed. 
“Seriously? Are you still on about the wanker from the pub?” he scoffs, unfastening his tie with deft fingers, working quickly until it’s hanging loose around his neck. 
“Yeah, I am! You were so rude to him when he was just being nice!” you exclaim, reaching for the zipper on your dress, trying to relieve some of the heat simmering beneath the fabric. 
“That’s a ridiculous thing to say. He told you you were… fucking, what did he say? “mothering, cunt slaying”?” 
“He was gay, you asshole!” you snort, your dress now a heap on the floor along with Matty’s button-down shirt.
“How was I supposed to know that? I don’t even have a clue as to what that fuckin’ means!” “Matthew, you’re so out of touch.”
His lip twitches with annoyance, but that doesn’t stop him from staring right at your tits, his hand tensing with the urge to reach out and greedily touch and grab what he believes is rightfully his. Just as hypocritical, you feel heat surge deep inside you as you glance down at the thick protrusion in his dark slacks, drinking in the sight of him leaning back against the pillows with his inked chest bared to you for your viewing pleasure. You’re both at an impasse, too proud to “lose” by reaching out for the other, which leaves only one option to relieve yourselves of your frustrations. 
“Well if I apparently can’t touch you, I’m not gonna sit here like an idiot with a hard-on,” he murmurs, cocking his head at you with a hint of sass. 
“What, are you gonna go have a wank in the bathroom, then?” you gape with disbelief, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Nope. Why should I? It’s my bed too,” he replies simply, reaching for his belt and undoing it, watching as you start practically salivating at the way his hands flex around the buckle.
The belt lands on the floor with a clank, but instead of taking off his trousers, he slides his hand down his chest slowly, sensually, taking his time as if you’re not even there. He trails his fingers down his stomach, his pace is entirely unhurried as he reaches for the crotch of his pants. Matty feels over his erection with the palm of his hand first, letting his eyes flutter closed as he tilts his head back against the pillow, gritting his teeth at the way he’s teasing himself. You can’t help the way you softly gasp when he suddenly grabs himself through the fabric, keeping a firm hold on his cock with a grunt, the veins in his hand bulging salaciously. Matty loosens his grip now, tracing the outline of his erection with two fingers, lingering on the tip just enough to make his hips jump forward with need. He has one hand casually behind his head while the other skillfully undoes the button and zipper of his pants, and only now does he crack one eye open just enough to watch the way you’re squirming, your face burning at the shameless display he’s putting on for you. You straighten up when you feel him looking at you, your face screwing up into a frustrated pout, not wanting him to know how whipped he’s got you. He just chuckles lowly, mirth crinkling at the corners of his eyes while he’s lifting his hips to pull his pants down, knowing all too well what he’s doing to you from the way your thighs clench.
Indignance strikes in you like lightning as you realize that he shouldn’t be the only one enjoying himself. He’s the one who was being an ass tonight after all; you should be making him remember the power you undeniably hold over him too. You begin to mirror him, letting out an exaggerated sigh as you slide your hands up your sides and grope your breasts through the cups of your bra, staring back at him with lustfully lidded eyes. He couldn’t be more pleased, a sleazy smirk tugging at his lips as he stares right back, testing your restraint further and further as the room gets hotter.
“Mhm, that’s it, keep touching your tits love, you’re great wank material,” Matty winks, his hand now snaking under the elastic band of his briefs as he starts stroking himself with a sigh.
You huff, sending him an annoyed look at him treating you like his personal porno, but you’re even more frustrated that his hand is hidden beneath the cover of his underwear. You can only see the outline of his cock as beads of precum soak into the dark fabric, his wrist languidly moving up and down his shaft as his hips shift back and forth slightly.
“What is it? You wanna see?” he coos before letting out a deep moan just to really put the nail in the coffin.
You’d like to call him arrogant, a prick maybe, especially because of the boastful, pride-ridden look on his face as he lazily jerks himself off. But instead what comes out is:
It’s against your better judgment, but you can’t say you really regret a thing when he pushes the elastic past his weeping erection, letting you get a full view of the way he’s slowly circling his thumb around the tip of his cock as he just smiles that stupid, charming smile. It’s enough motivation to eradicate your inhibitions as you spread your legs out atop the sheets, hooking your finger into your ruined panties and sliding them to the side. Matty is starting to lose his cool now, his movements getting a little quicker, his eyes widening just a bit as you keep one hand cupping your breast while the other ventures between your thighs. He lets out a choked groan at the sight of you taking your fingers and spreading yourself open for him to watch, collecting the honey that’s gathered at your sopping hole and dragging it up to your clit. You moan breathily, biting your lip as you begin circling two fingers around the swollen bundle of nerves, the slight sense of relief making your head swim.
“You can go faster than that, can’t you?” you tempt, having had enough of his little lax pleasure session. 
Matty’s lips press into a thin line as you attempt to order him around, muttering something under his breath. Yet, he still obliges, his hand moving a little swifter as he drags his fist up all the way from the base to the head, twisting his wrist the way you usually do it. A prideful smile twitches at the corners of your mouth before you can stop it while you’re drawing tight circles around your clit the way Matty knows you like it. However, nothing could ever compare to the way his calloused fingers rub at you until you’re seeing stars, not even your own hand. 
“Want you to take your bra off,” Matty commands in return, his breathing getting heavier as his chest heaves, he’s trying not to buck up into his hand and appear too eager. 
You move as quickly as possible, not wanting to be left aching for too long as you move to unclasp your bra, needing both hands. The moment your bra is sliding down your shoulders, your hand slithers back between your legs, rubbing little figure eights on your clit to make your toes curl and your head tilt back, your hair spilling down your shoulders.
“You could have been the one touching my tits if you hadn’t been so mean,” you pout spitefully, grabbing a handful of one of your breasts with your free hand.
“Do you even know how to make yourself cum anymore? I’ve spoiled you too much haven’t I?” Matty snaps back, completely ignoring your little comment despite how badly he’d love to lick and suck at your perfect breasts right now.
He’s fisting his cock a little harder as he watches you pleasure yourself, knowing damn well he would be doing a better job, which only makes him further ticked off. You gasp as you pinch your nipple between two fingers the way he does, sending a harsh pang of need straight to your core. Meanwhile, Matty makes a frustrated grunting noise as he tries to recreate the way your lovely hands slicked with his precum would grasp and pump him time and time again. The both of you are ironically unable to get off unless you mimic the way the other’s hands work.
“Have you ever heard that jealousy is a disease?” you mention sarcastically between little gasps for breath, your cunt fluttering around nothing. 
“That’s nice, princess. Two fingers inside, now.” 
Wordlessly, you follow his instructions, whimpering as you coat your fingers with your arousal before sinking them inside your needy hole. Matty’s eyes are trained on the space between your thighs, his jaw going slack as he watches your digits disappear inside you and then reappear even more drenched. His strokes are getting jerkier, he’s cursing under his breath as he tries to resist delving between your legs and taking care of you himself. His chocolatey curls bounce with his movements, a thin sheen of sweat glistening across his chest and his forehead. 
“Don’t like being punished for wanting to keep what’s mine, y’know. Stick your tongue out,” he grunts, giving himself a particularly hard squeeze. 
“So possessive,” you purr, obliging his little fantasy because you know exactly what he wants to see. 
A cheeky glint in your eyes, you let your tongue slip past your lips as you pant, relishing in the way Matty’s cock twitches sharply in his fist as he stares at you, unable to help the way he whines when a drop of saliva drips from your pliant tongue onto your tits. You know how absolutely depraved you must look, fingering yourself while moaning with your tongue hanging out of your mouth. The things you do for love (and good sex). 
“Shit, that’s a lovely view, ain’t it? S’better when you’re not talking too. C’mon, don’t slow down,” he prattles, his voice smooth and dark like tinted glass.
“Only if you fuck your fist for me properly,” you interject, feeling just as worthy of making sensual demands. 
Matty scoffs like he’s above doing something so vulgar, but the moment he sees that you’re in fact slowing your movements down, he’s snapping his hips up into his fist, groaning far too loudly as he clenches his hand around his shaft. Sufficiently pleased, you go back to sticking your tongue out like his obedient little sweetheart while you continue to pump your fingers in and out of yourself. Matty’s eyes roll back with fluttering lashes as he thrusts upwards over and over, his abs tensing with the effort of keeping up his relentless pace. You feel yourself shudder the moment the whites of his eyes disappear and he’s gazing at you again, the eye contact makes warmth rush over your skin in a familiar, pleasant wave. God, the obscene symphony of sounds from your separate pleasure sessions would be enough to make anyone blush. You’re both starting to forget why you’re playing this little game in the first place, heads hazy with raw desire.
“Getting close…” you murmur, the challenging tone of your voice fading into a softer sort of desire, like you can’t help but appreciate the absolute treat of your gorgeous boyfriend before you. 
Matty’s gaze softens in return, his eyebrows sloping with a pining sort of look instead of being furrowed with intensity, his curls are sticking to his forehead, damp with his sweat. His breaths are coming in short gasps, moans freely spilling from his lips as his eyes wildly flick from your longing expression to your breasts, to your diligent fingers. Every little sound you make only encourages him to go harder, to fuck faster, the bed creaking louder as the headboard repeatedly meets the wall behind it. 
“Ohh, I know, I know, me too. Shit, you’re so good, love. So perfect for me with that pretty pink cunt of yours spread open, fuck,” he rambles, his words tapering off into a whimper. 
His filthy words have your cheeks burning, heat prickling at them as you sigh out, your hips rocking into your own hand as you feel the tension gathering deep inside. It feels like it’s all getting ready to snap at any moment, and Matty can see it plastered all over your face. He knows you well enough to know the way your eyes widen when you’re going to climax, he’d made it his personal mission to learn all your tells. The whole pub incident might as well have never happened with how intent you both are to watch the other fall to pieces, eagerly relying on the other’s pleasure to get off.
“Please, please, Matty, wanna cum with you,” you whisper, your voice quivering much like your legs. 
“Shit, yeah? Go ahead love, gonna watch you make a mess, okay? I’m right here,” he breathes, restraining himself to only look into your eyes as you start to lose yourself. 
You’re falling weightlessly beyond the edges of pleasure, but you force yourself to stay upright enough to gaze back at Matty while your orgasm begins to crash over you in waves, your walls clenching and fluttering around your fingers while your lips part with a silent cry. Matty’s not far behind you, especially not with the scene before him of his perfect girl falling apart just for him. Hot spurts of cum cascade over his fist and his stomach, adorning his tattooed skin with pearly ropes as he moans garbled praises of your name.
“Fuck, fuck, fuuuuck,” he groans, his hips pistoning up into his closed fist with sloppy, blissed-out thrusts, not once breaking the shiver-inducing eye contact. 
Your chest is still heaving, you’ve barely even started coming down from your high before you’re lunging for Matty, and he’s reaching out just as fast, his hands finding your waist like they’ve made their home there. You let your full body weight lean into him as you kiss him longingly like it’s been years since you’ve felt their touch. Neither of you seems to mind the way his cum is spreading all over your stomach and your tits between your flushed bodies, you’re too busy clutching at each other and locking lips like overzealous teen lovers. 
“Didn’t feel as good as when you do it, Matty,” you croon against his mouth, your hands adoringly sliding into his hair. 
“I know, sweetheart,” he pants, his thumbs tenderly rubbing little circles against your hip bones, “please, can I give you proper treatment now? Wanna make up for it, I was bein’ an arse, m’sorry.”
You just nod, looking up at him like he’d hung each individual star in your own personal sky as his warm breath fans over your lips. The glint in Matty’s eyes at your agreement tells you that he’s going to be spending quite some time worshipping you tonight, lovingly taking you apart with his hands until you’ve had enough. All is well in the world.
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loluzzz · 4 months
Unwind before bed…
Cw: Insomnia, Handjob, Fdom!, Submale!, whimpering, begging.
A/N: not proofread. my head cannon is higuruma is most def a switch with a sub preference. that was my inspo for this 🤭
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art : @/gokutamani on x/twitter
You were already used to Hiromi’s sleeping problems. The weight he carried from all the stresses from work and the anticipation of what will behold him the next morning. You understood him. However tonight you were feeling very sleepy. The moment you thought you’d finally fall asleep you wake up from Hiromi’s tossing and turning, groaning, and the noise of him shifting the bed sheets around. It finally got on your nerves and you needed to say something.
“What’s wrong?” You said in an annoyed sleepy tone. Hiromi was using an arm to cover his eyes and the other was hidden somewhere under the sheets.
“I’m hard…” He mumbled in defeat. You were unable to hear him clearly. “Huh?” He became annoyed. He smacked his lips and lifted the sheet up.
You see his hand holding onto his throbbing cock. He finally uncovers his face. He was flushed.
“Fuck It’s so hard…” He said in a rough voice.
“Let me help.” You offered.
“I don’t want to bother you honey. It’ll pass.”
“Come on it’s okay…”
Hiromi felt conflicted. He felt selfish to ask for such a favour from you. You both had to wake up four hours from now and wouldn’t wish to ruin your sleep. However, if he didn’t get any release soon he’d probably keep you both up all night.
“You can just jerk me off. No need to go all the way…” He shyly asked. You nod then sit up behind him. Hiromi takes his hard cock out of his boxers. As soon as you grabbed it his cock twitched. He was extremely sensitive. You adjust your hand and grip it the way he likes. He takes a sharp breath and lets you do whatever you like. His whiney desperate moans began to escape.
“Just like that…mmph…” He whispered.
His whimpers grew louder. Seeing him so desperate and needy for relief made you feel so good. With your free hand you’d cover his mouth. Hiromi's eyes twitched before they rolled back into his head. He fully submitted to you at that moment. “Good boy…” You whispered in his ear.
His head leans back onto your shoulder. He continued to moan into your hand. You could see the veins on his arms as he gripped the bedsheets. You decided to joke around and let go of his cock as soon as he was about to cum. He groaned in annoyance. “Y/N don’t do this right now. Please touch me…” He begged. He lifted his hips upwards trying to get you to grab his cock again.
“Oh my…fuckkk I'm so close baby. Please? ”
“Beg.” You asked in a sultry voice
Hiromi whimpered desperately. “Touch me. Please just stroke my cock with your pretty hands. I wanna cum. Please please please.”
You went back to stroking him slowly. Your hands moved up and down his shaft as it twitched in excitement. He kept whimpering shamelessly as the pleasure became too overwhelming for him.
“So fucking good…hmmph~”
“Baby…oh my god baby please~”
“Y/N baby~ Stroke me. I’m so pathetic right now…mmmph~”
“Fuck I’m so close~”
You couldn’t help but give in by letting him cum. The way he begged for you, how he submitted to you so easily. He was such a good boy.
Your hand was covered with his hot cum. He was still leaking from his angry tip. You try getting up to get a towel to clean both of you up until you feel something tugging your wrist. Hiromi had a smirk on his face and went over to grab onto your chin.
“Sit down. You clean it.” His eyes glanced down at his cock.
Oh how the roles reversed…
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