#➤ m u s i c ┊ ❛ maybe we will wake up singing ❜
safyresky · 1 year
Dani: reblogs a thing about ask box shenanigans
Me: M Y T I M E H A S C O M E
It's a me. Lurking. About to hop on that art train when I spotted the post. You don't have to do all of them but here are a handful of fanfic titles that I wanna see what your vague ideas about them would be
Happy meal
The footloose sensation
Paranormal piracy
The golden ticket
Four eyes
The shortest day of the year
Anyway, I hope you're doing well my friend and if you aren't I hope it gets better for you! 🤗💕
(cracks knuckles, stretches neck) HERE WE GO
Happy Meal
In which Fino and Fiera's attempt to go buy themselves happy meals goes very, very awry!
They decide to go to a mall to get their micky dee's and get very horribly distracted, and also, they are on fire. This is a normal human mall, btw. The Magical Bureau of Investigation has their work cut OUT for them lmao
The Footloose Sensation
I have never seen Footloose, and after reading the plot page for it I'm like "oh my god I cannot believe this is a real movie based on a real town" so here's THREE IDEAS for you
Footloose the movie craze hits the North Pole. Shenanigans ensue
A hypothetical experiment goes wrong, and now everyone is dancing to the Footloose song and it's really getting in the way of the day's work tbh (or any song. Maybe it's like the SINGING episode of shows, but with DANCING. Jack's like MY TIME HAS COME and single-handedly navigates them all through the final dance number of footloose to break the dancing curse)
A Bad Santa bans dancing. Elfsburg Footloose parody/rip off ensues 😂😂😂
Paranormal Piracy
Well past her days of Piracy, Jacqueline finds herself in WAY over her head when a ship of ghost pirates kidnaps her, hoping the famous Bruexa de la Niege can help them navigate through and onto the perilous, once thought mythical, Endless Winter Island to find the supposed lost treasure that resides there that would surely set them up for the rest of their (after) lives.
Do they know they're dead? I am unsure at this time, but it is somehow FUNNIER if they DON'T. I know for certain though that Jacqueline very much thinks the entire time, holy snowballs, I hope this treasure is real so that when they find it they can move on to the Great Beyond and I can go back to bed.
The Golden Ticket
A teleporting mishap lands teeny-bopper Jacqueline in a secret room of the family home. A secret room that is a treasure trove of magical knowledge. For the briefest of moments, she has her brother back.
Four Eyes
Fino's magic school frenemy gets glasses. Everyone teases the poor orc until he snaps and accidentally makes a magical beast with four eyes that attacks EVERYONE. He and Fino team up to stop the magical beast, and put some bullies in their place!
The Shortest Day of the Year
Winter sleeps through her own birthday 🤦🏻‍♀️.
People keep trying to talk to her. Blaise has to fend off a LOT of people to make sure she gets her rest! winter wakes up, realizes she slept through the entire day, shrugs and goes "Well, I've had thousands of birthdays, and there's plenty more to come, I'm sure." Meanwhile, her hubby looks like he has fought a whole entire second and third war while she slept.
Thanks for sending one in! And for others who are like "tf is this ask box shenanigan?" send me a made up fic title and i'll tell you what i'd write :)
(thoughts and general musings under the cut)
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! Meant to post yesterday but got distracted by errands, and today we tackled the Fear Ladder I created to get over a new fear of driving on the highway thanks to the dealer comparing my car to a sick PUPPY that needs to be put down--and yes, they said puppy. IT'S BEEN. AN EXPERIENCE, THIS WEEK! DON'T GO TO DEALERSHIPS IF U CAN AVOID IT. FIND URSELF A GOOD MECHANIC THAT WON'T TUG AT UR HEARTSTRINGS WITH PUPPY METAPHORS.
But yes things are going okay and I think I've got the wedding invites almost ready to go which is a RELIEF ANYWAY, YOU DID NOT ASK FOR MY WEEKEND LIFE STORY AND YET. MY MOUTH IS A MOTORING. AS PROMISED, MUSINGS:
I got stuck on the golden ticket one and had to do a think and a half, lmao, but then it popped into my head yesterday before bed and I was like "oh god the angst. the hurt comfort. holy fuck."
I may actually write some of these up??? ANYWAY the musings I promised:
please someone ask me about Fino's orcish rival I am BEGGING i could go ON (I say that now but in the event someone asked I think I'd be like ... uhh. he exists??? but i love him even tho he is a hazy concept)
y'all don't even KNOW my brain has been PLAGUED with thoughts of Frost kiddos and their SOs, specifically the twins
i have no idea if there is a dance number in footloose, but given the titular song i have to believe there is, y'know? and I HAVE to believe Jack knows it and to defeat the dancing curse they gotta reproduce the number PERFECTLY. Jack's like "MY TIME HAS COME"
Fino and Fiera get HELLA DISTRACTED at the mall and it is chaotic as FUCK. Fino walks by an electronics store and is like "I am going to fiddle and click every button". Fiera keeps running into the little like, hallmark esque shops like "is it magic or not" and BOTH kids meet their doom with clothing, oh my god. they didn't even KNOW they liked nice clothes until the moment they lay eyes on the pretty dress shop! Shame ordibeing clothing isn't usually fireproof ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
anyway they 100% get banned, 3 fire trucks and several casualties later
AND to tug at ur heartstrings: I realized that once Jacqueline found Jack's secret library, she had like ALL of his magical knowledge at her disposal and could KEEP TRAINING PAST THE WINTER MASTERY WINTER KNEW?! So now when she says "I learnt from the best!" she truly does mean it bc even tho he wasn't there she STILL learnt from him
and u bet ur ass when they reunite and he picks up that she learnt from his shit Jack's like "cool! ur form is sloppy and that's not being done right" and helps her refine her skills, yo
i am SOFT for these siblings
anyway ty again for the ask andie! also, LOVE that u love the shenanigans tag lmao. i dont even remember how I came up with that one but my GOD shenanigans is such a fun word
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outoftimewriting · 2 years
I have been listening to Welcome to the Black Parade (the album) for like a whole hour inside my head as I read about Jason Todd and it f i t s w a y t o o m u c h
so I'm writing as if this is a jason todd musical mcr style, that little emo (maybe the tracks are out of order about events but)
now hear me out
the first track is "The End" and it's serving Ghost!Jason at his own grave/funeral afterward his death
"you might wake up and notice you're someone you're not" = jason waking up in the grave
"another contusion, my funeral jag/here's my resignation, i'll serve it in drag" = his final time as robin ?? his resignation from the role, his fights with bruce, him getting more violent?
"come on, come on, oh, come on, i said save me (get me the hell out of here)" = he dying in the joker's hands
"save me! (too young to die, and my dear)" = do i really need to explain?
also the whole song is about a funeral
the second track is "Dead!" and i could make the same comparison (jason is dead hehe) but this song is actually Jason singing to himself AND joker as the red hood
"and if your heart stops beating, i'll be here wondering: did you get what you deserve? the ending of your life" = the joker dying would be enough to punish him?
"have you heard the news that you're dead? no one ever had much nice to say, i think they never liked you anyway" = so this is jason's dramatic ass bitch comeback singing to the joker and HIMSELF about how no one really mourned him
"wouldn't it be grand to take a pistol by the hand" = definitely red hood
"oh motherfucker, if life ain't just a joke, then why are we laughing?" = this is the joker's answer. or maybe is jason being extra dramatic because there's also a line "then why am i dead?"
then it comes the "This is How I Disappear" track, which is basically Jason and Bruce talking
"to un-explain the unforgivable, drain all the blood and give the kids a show" = the confrontation in the tower with tim
"there's things that i have done, you never should ever know" = this is about jason's breaking the "rule"
"and live my life alone, forever now / who walks among the famous living dead" = jason talking about him going solo and being dead
"you wanna see how far down i can sink? let me go fuck" = jason screaming at bruce
The next track, "The Sharpest Lives", it's really all about The Outlaws
"a light to burn all the empires, so bright the sun is ashamed to rise and be" = Starfire? Artemis?
"give me a shot to remember, and you can take all the pain away from me" = this is Jason
"the sharpest lives are the deadliest to lead" = roy? jay? all of them really
i could continue and show were each point is but the whole vibe of the song fits the messy lives of the outlaws and the whole "forsaken heroes" they have going on
The title track, "Welcome to the Black Parade", is all about Jason's relationship with Bruce
"When I was a young boy/My father took me into the city to see a marching band / He said, "Son, when you grow up would you be the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned?" / He said, "Will you defeat them? Your demons, and all the non-believers, the plans that they have made?""
"And through it all, the rise and fall / The bodies in the streets / And when you're gone, we want you all to know / We'll carry on, we'll carry on / And though you're dead and gone, believe me / Your memory will carry on" = this is about either Jason being "replaced" or Bruce being "dead"
"I won't explain or say I'm sorry/ I'm unashamed, I'm gonna show my scars / Give a cheer for all the broken / Listen here, because it's who we are / Just a man, I'm not a hero." = this is Jason refusing to apologize for being who he is
the next track is actually "I Don't Love You" and it's ALSO about Bruce, perhaps Dick?
"And after all this time that you still owe, you're still the good-for-nothing, I don't know / So take your gloves and get out / Better get out, while you can" = pick up your shit and leave me alone, jason style
"When you go, would you have the guts to say: 'I don't love you, like I loved you yesterday'" = this is about him being "replaced" by tim again, and also bc bruce didn't unalive the joker
maybe this is more a dick song than a bruce song bc of the drama, and also the little quote about "knock you down and out is where you oughta stay" feels more like he's talking to dick? idk
The "House of Wolves" track is just a big ass mess, and it's jason's joker/bruce confrontation where bruce again don't unalive this fucking clown
"And I'll be grantin' your permission / 'Cause you haven't got a prayer" = this is about him going to unalive the joker
Well, I think I'm gonna burn in Hell / Everybody burn the house right down / And say what I wanna say / Tell me I'm an angel, take this to my grave / Tell me I'm a bad man, kick me like a stray / Tell me I'm an angel, take this to my grave" = this is about bruce glorifying his death and treating Robin!Jason as an angel and red hood as the "bad man", that he is going to hell, blablabla
"So get the choir boys around you / It's a compliment, I swear" = this is about Tim/Dick and their "perfection" as "obedient robins"
"You better run like the devil / 'Cause they're never gonna leave you alone / You better hide up in the alley / 'Cause they're never gonna find you a home" = joker won't have anywhere to hide where Jason won't find him and unalive him
"And as the blood runs down the walls / You see me creepin' up these halls / I've been a bad motherfucker" = Jason about himself to Bruce
The next track is "Cancer" and I'm uncertain yet but PERHAPS this is a mix of Jason's dying on the warehouse and flashbacks about his mom (not she*la this bitch) dying
but there's a lot of mentions to actual cancer so perhaps it's the least well-suited song to jason
i do like this line a lotttt though
"Help her gather all my things / And bury me in all my favorite colors / My sisters and my brothers, still"
Then there's "Mama" and this is Jason in the warehouse with Sheila in his last moments and oooooh it's the full song
"Oh well now, Mama, we're all gonna die / Mama, we're all gonna die / Stop asking me questions, I hate to see you cry / Mama, we're all gonna die" = i don't even
"We'll let the fires just bathe us, yeah / You made us oh so famous; / We'll never let you go / And when you go don't return to me my love" = THE FIRES OF THE EXPLOSION
"Mama, we're all full of lies / Mama, we're meant for the flies / And right now they're building a coffin your size / Mama, we're all full of lies" = The lies of SERVING THE FUCKING JOKER
"She said, "You ain't no son of mine!" / For what you've done they're / Gonna find a place for you" = he is saying she's going to hell for being a bitch
If you want me to explain my thoughts about the last five songs of the album comment and all cause I'm a lil tired now
gimme thoughts about it all bc this feels like a jason todd musical
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butterflychaos · 3 years
aesthetic tags:
࿐ ˚ . ✦ a e s t h e t i c ┊ ❛ her trouble is that she falls in love with every pretty thing. ❜
࿐ ˚ . ✦ w o r d s ┊ ❛ her aura is made of poetry, roses and galaxies. ❜
࿐ ˚ . ✦ p h i l o s o p h y ┊ ❛ give us bread but give us roses ❜
࿐ ˚ . ✦ m u s i c ┊ ❛ maybe we will wake up singing ❜
࿐ ˚ . ✦ a p p e a r a n c e ┊ ❛ luminous tendril of celestial wish ❜
࿐ ˚ . ✦ f a s h i o n ┊ ❛ there is a hidden agenda in the fragility of romance ❜
࿐ ˚ . ✦ a r c h i t e c t u r e ┊ ❛ all palaces are temporary palaces ❜
࿐ ˚ . ✦ r w b y ┊ ❛ let me tell you about the birds and the bees ; the moon and the stars. ❜
࿐ ˚ . ✦ b r o a d w a y ┊ ❛ the earth is like a child that knows poems by heart ❜
࿐ ˚ . ✦ n a t u r e ┊ ❛ branches shudder beneath the frequencies of their creator ❜
࿐ ˚ . ✦ h a r r y p ┊ ❛ one day she realised he was made of light. ❜
࿐ ˚ . ✦ a r t ┊ ❛ eating yellow paint ❜
࿐ ˚ . ✦ i s m s ┊ ❛ if we studied birds maybe we could learn to be free ❜
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maincs · 3 years
tag dump.
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createwithlove · 3 years
keeping things in order pt. 2 
aesthetic tags
aesthetic tags: ➤ a e s t h e t i c ┊ ❛ you blossom under kindness like a rose ❜ ➤ w o r d s ┊ ❛ write to settle the rage within you ❜ ➤ i s m s ┊ ❛ i mean different things to different people ; but who am i to me? ❜ ➤ m u s i c ┊ ❛ maybe we will wake up singing ❜ ➤ m o v i e s ┊ ❛  trouble is that she falls in love with every pretty thing ❜ ➤ f a s h i o n ┊ ❛ a romance with certain old clothes ❜ ➤ r e v i e w s  ┊ ❛ books gave her a comforting message ; you are not alone ❜ ➤ b e a u t y┊ ❛ chain smoking tastes like 50′s perfume if you try hard enough ❜
➤ a r t ┊ ❛ paint play ❜ ➤ f a s h i o n┊ ❛ if we studied birds maybe we could learn to be free ❜ ➤ e s o t e r i c ┊ ❛ i was a goddess and now i ache ❜ ➤ i n t j ┊ ❛ i am mine before i am ever anyone else’s. ❜
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Tag dump
➤ a e s t h e t i c ┊ ❛  she is darkness incarnate and you've become corrupted by fate ❜
➤ v i s a g e ┊ ❛ luminous tendril of celestial wish ❜ 
➤ s t a r t e r ┊ ❛ adventuring enormous nowhere from ❜
➤ t h r e a d ┊ ❛ Hearts turn liquid in her arms | as she drinks it off your tongue ❜
➤ s t a r t e r ┊ ❛ adventuring enormous nowhere from ❜ 
➤ A z a e l ┊ ❛ maybe we will wake up singing ❜ 
➤ m u s i n g s┊ ❛ She fills her voids with stolen flesh ❜ 
➤ o o c ┊ ❛ that doesn’t even rhyme, what the h e c k ❜ 
➤ w a r d r o b e ┊ ❛ The wind carries her off in clouds of blackened ash ❜
➤ P i e r r e ┊ ❛ kiss me hard but fuck me harder ❜
➤ A s t r a é a  ┊ ❛ sullen ❜ | She is ill-humored & grim
➤ H e l l ┊ ❛ Hateful to me as are the gates of hell ❜ 
➤ M h a r ú ┊ ❛ eitilt os a gcomhair go léir ❜ 
➤ S r u t h á n ┊ ❛ iad a dhó go léir ❜ 
➤ N e a l a ┊ ❛  the Dragons guard dog  ❜ 
➤ B l a i r ┊ ❛  pull their souls out with strings  ❜ 
➤ F i n n ┊ ❛ Never one  ❜
➤ A n j a ┊ ❛  without the other  ❜
➤ R u b y ┊ ❛  Little Dragon  ❜
➤ A u r e l i u s ┊ ❛  the Firstborn  ❜
➤ C a s s a n d r a ┊ ❛  evil desires, evil actions  ❜
➤ P h a e d r a┊ ❛ fear made her evil  ❜
➤ A b a d d o n ┊ ❛ exterminans - destroyer ❜
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formenis · 3 years
Sfw alphabet with L Lawliet
A/N: I love these things
pairing: L x reader
warnings: none
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Very affectionate but not in public. He thinks these kind of displays were only for him to see and appreciate: pecks on the cheeks, soft hugs and loving words whispered in their ears. Especially the hugs, he loves them.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He would be a wise and protective best friend. L is always there to comfort you, he would give you the best advice or just listen to you when you need to pour out your emotions.
   Friends since the Wammy’s House: if you were a kid raised in Mr. Wammy’s orphanage, L would start talk and play with you because you were as cunning as him, something he really appreciate in other people.
   Friends during work hours: L would hire you during one of his difficult cases. You were quite famous in the police department because of your peculiar method during the investigations. At first he appreciated your approach to work but as time passed your entire being caught his attention.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
As we said before, L loves cuddles and displays of affection in private. In particular, he likes them most after a long day at work (or after solving a complex case). He just loves the feeling of your soft and warm body against his, your hearthbeat would make him fall asleep in few minutes.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
If it wasn’t for his work, he would settle down for sure especially with you. He loves having you around him, you gave him a sense of calmness and peace. About the domestic chores, we know that Watari does them. However, for your birthday or your anniversary, he would try to cook something special for you (only to criticize the recipe later if he fails).
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If you break up with him, he would be devastated, of course. He would work twice or three time harder than before just not to think about you or your ended relationship.
If L breaks up with you, he would be sad anyway. He really loves you, despite the emotionless attitude he shows everyday, but his work is too dangerous for you and he would feel guilty if something happens to you because of him.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Before proposing you, he had to be sure you’re the right person for him. He would marry you after three or four years of relationship just to be sure that you could handle his lifestyle and work. When he is completely sure, he would organise a special dinner just the two of you with your favourite dishes and music.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Extremely gentle both with hands and with words. His touch will be always soft on your skin maybe afraid to break you. And his words would be as much gentle; even during occasional fights, he will not raise his voice, insult you or hit you. Never.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Give this man as much hugs as possible! They’re his soft spot! The feeling of your arms around him, the soft heartbeat against his skin and your parfume...he would live his entire life in your arms.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
After a long logical and complex reasoning (useless with love), he concluded that what he felt inside him was love. However, before saying the L-word he had to be 100% sure you feel the same. Nonetheless, he would say things like “You mesmerize me” or “You make me feel alive”.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He is not the jealous type. Well, not much. He trusts you, a lot, so he had no reason to be jealous if a friend of yours is more outgoing than usual. But if we are talking about Light Yagami...oh, keep that mass murderer away from you.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses would be passionate and full of love. Since he is not used to these affections he would give big importance to simple things like a peck on your cheek.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He loves children and they love him too. He has some sort of charm that attracts children around him (and he loves being surrounded by kids).
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He is insomniac so he rarely sleeps with his s/o. However, when he notices your sad mood before bed time he would gladly stop working to snuggle with you until you fall asleep. The next morning he would be the first to wake up and would spend hours just watching your peaciful sleeping features.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Much like mornings, he usually works at night. His s/o had to be very persistent (and convincing) if they want to spend the night with L. If they succed, L would tell stories about his past cases or random tales just to fall asleep together (you never know the ending because of it!).
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
L is probably the most secretive person in the world. Of course he would wait to reveal things to you (especially if you work with him). He had to be careful because his position as the gretest detective in the world would attract unwanted people. Only after a really long time he will realise you don’t represent a threat to him.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He is as secretive as patient. He doesn’t express anger as the others do like raising the voice, shouting or breaking things. If he is angry he would use sharp words, sarcasm and, as extreme mesure, would use the silent treatment. However, it’s rare (especially with you).
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
L is an observant person. His never-ending stares would be annoying for people but for him it’s something that helps him understanding them. With you in paricular, L would even remember what you wore when you introduced yourself at him or (if you were friends since the Wammy’s House) your favourite toy.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Cooking time. He loves seeing you covered in flour in a desperate attempt to cook his favourite cake. Or when he has dough all over his white shirt when you caught him cooking your favourite dessert. Both of you would burst out laughing.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
This tiny Lawllipop wants his s/o being protected 24/7. Not in an oppressive way, of course, but your safety is very important to him (especially during the Kira case). He would ask you to stay with him as much as you could, to avoid going out by your own (at least stay with Watari) and to use disguise in public.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Knowing how important datas are in a relationship, L remembers everything. But not because he has to please his s/o but because those moments were important to him so he wants to appreciate each goal he reached with his s/o. Dates were his forte, he knows how to amaze you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
The lack of sleep and the constant sweet based diet. With the first one you managed to find a solution (and his eyebag were not that evident like before thanks to you) but you don’t know what to do with his diet. Luckily Watari promised you he will cook healthy meal for him.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
L concerned with his looks? Nah. He really doesn’t care about his physical aspect or his wardrobe. And his s/o knows it very well because you will love him regardless.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Definitely, especially if you two break up. If he spends too much time without you he couldn’t be as efficient as before and his thoughts will drift from the case to you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He loves hearing you sing in the shower. It doesn’t matter if you’re in tune or not, he would stay outside the bathroom door just hearing you sing your favourite songs.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
When people say stupid or obvious things. He just couldn’t stand being surrounded by those annoying people (hopefully you’re not like that).
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Sleep habit and “L” in the same sentence? That’s strange. Before you, he didn’t have a real sleep schedule: after something like 103 hours of work he would sleep only 17 hours (and according to Watari “he didn’t sleep much”). But when you entered his life he would definitively sleep like a normal being.
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honeyhuun · 3 years
astro’s reaction to you calling them late at night
~  type  .  reaction
~ requested . no
~  pairing  .  astro x gender-neutral!reader
~  genre  .  comfort fluff with some slight angst 
~  tw  .  mentions of insomnia
~  song recommendation  .  all night by astro
~  a/n  .  ahh it feels so good to be writing on this platform again ~ hopefully i can stay more active on this blog hehe, i hope you enjoy my first reaction !! it’s like 12am when i’m writing this so it might be shit lol. i just miss ot6 astro a lot mm’kay, someone tell eunwoo to come home ;-;
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you check the time on your phone and it’s only three am when it feels like you have tried to fall asleep for what felt like hours. you sit up in bed and rub your tired red eyes, fearing for when your alarm would start going off alerting you to start your day when you hadn’t even finished the last. in your sluggish haste you dialled your boyfriend’s number with empty hope that’ll he will pick up... 
| p a r k  j i n w o o 
it took him a while to answer, as expected he was fast asleep. but when he was dragged finally dragged so far outside of his sleep cycle to notice that his phone was ringing, he shot up so fast and answered immediately. when jinwoo heard your voice on the other end he became even more concerned than he already was. why were you awake at this time? was something troubling you? were you in danger? this worried leader bear would not stop worried leadering, he can’t help it, it’s in his nature to be concerned about you. however when you said you just found it a bit hard to sleep and wanted to hear his voice, he softened (a just a bit though he’s still nag you a bit but it was all out of love). jinwoo would then spend the rest of the call’s duration talking softly about his day and things he’s been interested in lately. and maybe MAYBE sing a short lullaby for you really really quietly (so quiet you’d think he’s whispering). in between all his sweet actions he never fails to tell you he loves you and that he’s so extremely proud of you no matter what you do. he wouldn’t end the call until you’ve been silent for 20 minutes and hears your heavy breathing from the other side of the line.
“you want me to sing for you? really bubs, is there anything else- okay, okay, but only because i love you so much my beautiful amazing y/n. if you ever feel like this again please call me, i don’t care what time, your wellbeing is my number one priority” 
(i’m blushing oml i love jinwoo so much ;-;)
| k i m  m y u n g j u n
when it comes to you he would be all bright n’ smiley, no matter how tired he actually was. you knew he had musical promotions coming up which is why you wanted to avoid calling him during the later hours of the day as much as possible. but you should know myungjun is always up to talk to you no matter the time place or day: you’re his love why wouldn’t he? when he answered your call he tried to mask the tiredness in his voice by speaking in a chirpier tone than usual, you laughed at his attempt and said you were going to end the call to let him rest. myungjun of course would never let you have the final say so he started to whine until you gave in and continued to talk to him. then he insisted you guys face timed his excuse being “if i don’t see your face i am physically unable to go to sleep” complete bullshit, but that’s what you love about him. when you answered his face time request he had the biggest shit eating grin on his face. you’d guys would be on call for about an hour telling shitty jokes, blowing raspberries at the screen and talking about places you’d like to visit when you’re both less busy. myungjun only agreed to end the call when both of you struggled intensely to keep your eyes open. 
“oooo, look at you my perfect baby!! you’re so good looking you know that? you take my breathe away every single day, i can’t believe you’ve deprived me from seeing your face for this long”
“it’s too late for this myungjun...”
“no matter the time i will shower you with the compliments you deserve jagi!”
| c h a  e u n w o o
good chances are he’s awake and can’t seem to sleep, not being able to clear his head to the point of exhaustion. eunwoo was fully prepared to spend the rest of the night awake. maybe he could do something more useful with his time and catch a nap on set later in the day. kicking off his covers, he was planning to get out of bed but then he got your call. out of all the members i feel eunwoo would be the happiest to get a call from you at this time of night (all of the members wouldn’t really mind but eunwoo would love getting calls like this, it made him feel liked you needed him). when he picked up and there was no hint of sleepiness in his tone you got worried. for the first few minutes all the call was you two sweetly bickering. “why are you still awake-” “well why are you?” “you called me first” “well if you were fast asleep you wouldn’t pick up” and more cute shit like that. talking to you at times like this would bring him so much strength and he really treasures it. something about your silly sleep deprived conversations feels so intimate to him and it sets his heart alight. when he can tell you’re drifting off, he makes sure to tell you he loves you once more before trying to get some sleep himself. the sounds of you soft half-awake sighs would lull him into a deep sleep and you would only notice he never ended the call when you wake up to your phone’s battery being on 3% and the sound of a snoring eunwoo.
“i’ve noticed i don’t sleep as well without you in my arms. i miss your sleepy voice, it’s like a lullaby to me. when i see next you i’m never letting you leave my sight again.”
| m o o n  b i n
is it just me or does anyone else think our binnie has a slight temper when he’s woken up from sleep. it wouldn’t last for long but he’ll be very cranky and frustratedly pouty if his alarm had gone off or one of the members started shouting in the dorm when he’s trying to have a lie in. he’d wouldn’t be any different when he heard his phone ringing from the bedside table. he was so tempted to fling that thing out the window. when it went off for the third time he answered the call clumsily almost missing the answer button. in a pissed sleepy voice he answered “what do you want?” you taken aback by your normally sweet boyfriend’s bluntness, whispered a quick apology before ending the call. moonbin felt so awful when he was realised it was you. the last thing this boy wants to do is hurt your feelings and he was angry at himself for denying you in a time of need (now we have a really frustrated pouty bin). he immediately called you back and apologised a lot (even after you said it was fine, his every other sentence was filled with sweet sorry’s and kissy noises just to make sure you don’t hate him) moonbin would calmly ask why you called and got a bit worried when you said you couldn’t sleep. bin would scold you lightly for maybe staring at your screen for too long or not taking as many breaks as he thought you needed. but then again he would comfort you and ask if there’s anything you’d like to get off your chest. after letting you rant he gave his best advice and the most loving and encouraging words he could. you fell asleep to the sounds of his praise and bin couldn’t have felt better.
“baby i’m so so sorry, you know i would never deny you like that on purpose, please don’t be hurt. you’re worth so much to me, i couldn’t bare for you to be upset with me. you know how much i care about you love, right?” *ensue more pouty and whiny bin waffle*
(why this so long and i’m not even binnie biased -_-)
| p a r k  m i n h y u k
minhyuk would be wide awake when you call him. he feels like one of those people who finds it really relaxing to go on runs in the early morning, watching the sunrise by the river; seeing streets around him get busier as the city starts waking up. he would be in his kitchen filling up his water bottle, hearing his phone ring from the island behind him. his eyes glanced at the contact name and he smiled. minhyuk answered your call like he would answer any other, failing to realise that it was going on 4am and you had things to do in the next few hours. after hearing that you couldn’t sleep he would chuckle and joke around “what’s the thing keeping my y/n from sleeping? tell me and i’ll beat the shit out of the thing ” (not lying he would punch the air around you if you said it was bothering you, he really is that whipped). i don’t think the conversation would hold anything in particular. it would just be mindless small talk and random thoughts as rocky is getting himself ready for his run. it would be so light hearted and sweet, this is what most of your relationship is like and why you love minhyuk so much. everything is so chill and thoughtless with him, you match each other so well. you could say something and nine times out of ten he is thinking the same thing. after sometime he would say he had to end the call because if not he’d miss the sunrise. you complained playfully that he was choosing the sun over you and minhyuk found it funny; promising to make it up to you in one way or another. but you didn’t expect to be woken up by the clattering of pans and cups caused by your clumsy boyfriend, in your kitchen trying to make you breakfast.
“ahh don’t worry y/n, i would never need the sun when i have you with me. you make me so happy you’re like my own personal sunshine. try and get some rest and you’ll wake up to pictures of the sunrise that reminds me so much of you.”
| y o o n  s a n a h
out of all six members, he would be the only one not to pick up. sanah obviously wouldn’t do it on purpose, he loves you way too much to ignore you like that. he probably left his phone to charge in another room or in a more likely scenario poor bubs was just so tired he couldn’t wake up. even if you threw water on him our maknae wouldn’t budge. so when you called, his phone was just vibrating on the table untouched. after the fifth go you just stopped trying to reach him and started up at your celling hoping tiredness would reach you soon. in the morning when sanah checked his phone and saw all your missed calls, colour drained from his face and he’d get so panicky that he’d almost drop his it. he called back immediately, flooding your exhausted state with so many questions it would make anyone lightheaded. when telling him you just wanted to hear his voice hoping it would help you sleep, he replied with “did you end up getting any sleep then?” and when all he was met with was silence from your end, his heart dropped. he was so angry at himself and would never let it go that he was the reason you didn’t sleep (he wasn’t but trust me for the next week he’d go to bed with his phone right behind his ear). sanah would tell you to get your laptop ready with a show you’d been meaning to watch because he was coming over for a nap n’ movie date. when you tried to object because you had things to do that day he told you no but’s and he’d cancel work/school/your meet up with friends for you. in no time he showed up at your door in his pyjamas with two plastic bags, filled with extra blankets and your favourite sweet and savoury snacks.
“what do you mean you didn’t get any sleep and did some work instead? sweetcheeks you know that’s horrible for your health, i can’t have you being sick, it would break me knowing i was the reason. you know what? get your netflix account up i’m coming over- no excuses, i’ll handle everything else, now go get ready to be attack with my love.”
(the sweetest >:( i cry)
if you reached the end thank you so so much for reading. if this comforted you even just a bit i’m so glad <3 ily u all ~~
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square-blunt · 3 years
It's honor among theives, it's all that we've got.
Just a silly little c!karlnapity fic I've been working on. It's a little out dated but yknow, it is what it is.
Tw- Major ptsd, trauma/abuse flashback, panic/anxiety attack, it's lovely for Q Wc: 1624 AO3:link
It’s early in the morning, light filtering in through the blinds, dust suspended in the air. Quackity turns over, trying desperately to hold onto the remnants of sleep. The birds grow louder, as does the soft drone of life outside the walls, and he realizes his attempt to slip back into unconsciousness will be unsuccessful. He lets sleep slide from his grasp. Q sits up, and the room is a lot colder than he’d hoped. He bends sideways, feeling around for a hoodie he might have thrown on the floor last night, finds one, and tugs it over his head. There’s a knock at the far door, and he smiles as his partners walk in, padding across to him with a tray of food, very loudly- and badly- singing happy birthday. Q’s grin grows wider as he notices that he’s not wearing his own hoodie, but one that belongs to one of his boyfriends- the one who’s putting the tray down on his lap- and his other slides into bed next to him to give him a kiss on the cheek.
“Happy birthday, Q!!” Karl grins, handing him a napkin.
“Happy, happy,” Sapnap says, immediately cutting off a piece of pancake and shoving it in Quackity’s mouth. Q groans and playfully smacks Sapnap’s hand, and the fork, away.
“Thank you, I’m gonna be honest I was not expecting you guys to do this- I forgot about today completely, anyways.” Q, mumbling around the bite of a rather dry pancake, takes the fork and knife back from Sapnap.
“Of course we would, we fucking love you, dude.” Sapnap adjusts his position to lean back against the bed frame, steading the tray with one hand.
“I know that, dumbass, but I didn’t even ask you to do this- like I said, I forgot that today was my birthday at all.” Q fidgets with the fork.
“Well, we didn’t- Sapnap didn’t at least,” Karl says, giggling- Q loved that little laugh he does.
“You didn’t have to ask us- don’t tell me you’ve never had breakfast in bed before,” Sapnap says.
“I- no, I guess I haven’t-” Q begins.
“In all your years no one’s ever brought you breakfast in bed?” Karl asks, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“I mean, yeah, once, but I kinda spilled it everywhere.” Quackity tries to put a lightness in his voice, but Quackity couldn’t really manage it. He did have breakfast in bed once. The reason he got it was because he couldn’t get out of bed in the first place, the night before that had been absolutely awful. Maybe the worst of his life-
“Was that when you were a kid? You got someone to do it again?” Sapnap reaches over and sneaks a piece of bacon and stuffs it in his mouth, snapping Quackity back to reality.
“Not exactly. I- I didn’t know that was something you could do when I was a kid, and, uh, y’know, there’ve been only a few people willing to do… this… for me at all anyways,” Q mumbles, passing the fork through his fingers. He hopes they don’t press any further.
“Well, had it or not, you have hardly eaten anything so hush and let me feed you.” Karl seems to have completely missed what Quackity just said, and he was relieved.
“Wait- no- Karl I wanna do that.” Sapnap grabs the fork out of Quackity’s hand again, making the coffee mug teeter. Quackity shoots out a hand to steady it.
“Hey that’s not fair you get to sit next to him I wanna do it.” Karl crawls over Quackity’s legs and reaches out for Sapnap-
“Hey- guys-” the plate is sliding around on the tray, and Quackity would very much like to not stain the sheets. Not more than they already were, at least-
“You got to bring the tray to him I wanna do it-” Sapnap rotates away, hiding the fork- and his knee pops up, flipping the tray over. Quackity holds onto the steaming hot coffee mug, so at least that didn’t burn him, but the pancakes, bacon, and eggs fly everywhere. The plate bounces off the bed and shatters on the floor, leaving a sticky circle in its wake. The three of them are silent- but Quackity’s head rings with the sound of the plate breaking. It sounds so much like glass. It sounds like glass breaking. It sounds like a bottle being thrown and hitting a wall, missing your head by inches. It sounds like him. The tray clatters to the floor, but Quackity pays it no mind. The sound of shattering glass, porcelain, is drowning out the sound of his breathing, of the blood rushing through his skull. He doesn’t know if Karl and Sapnap are talking to him and quite frankly he doesn’t care. He doesn’t know where he’s looking, the image doesn’t make it to his brain. Another image, a memory, takes its place. He can’t feel the mug in his hands, but he knows it’s there, because every one of his muscles are tensed. He is completely still. He was never able to hurt him if he stood still. The ‘seeing-double’ myth was true and it always worked. If he got drunk, he got drunk enough to see quintuple. He never knew which Quackity to hit. All but once. The morning after, Quackity had leftover steak and potatoes, and a whisky stained kiss, for breakfast.
Quackity jumps as a hand cradles his face, some of the coffee spilling out- he braces himself. The coffee burns his hand. His mind spirals down and crashes back to reality.
“-you ok? Q?” An image of Karl, brushing his hair out of his face, and Sapnap, bent down cleaning up the plate off the floor, attacks his mind. The clinking shards, Karls light breathing and even lighter questions bombard his ears. His eyes sting. He pushes the mug into Karls hand and rushes out of the room, running down the hall and out to the balcony. It’s way too loud out here, too. Birds, cows, sheep, the distant sound of gleeful squeals and song. It’s too bright. There are too many colors. There’s too much going on. He just wants to hide.
“Quackity?” Sapnap calls from down the hall. Quackity loves him but he can’t do this right now. He digs through his pockets, and somehow, he has a three minute invis pot. That’s more than enough. He unstops the bottle, and downs it, the light liquid making his skin feel funny. He’s used to the feeling. He pockets the bottle, and turns down the hallway, Karl has joined Sapnap, the mug still in his hands. They both look really worried. He would be worried, too.
‘They wouldn’t hurt you and you know that. They’d rather die than hurt you. You know that. They’re not like him.’ Q tells himself. Karl and Sapnap pass by him, the breeze they produce ruffles his hair. Q hopes they- wait. He should be hoping they worry. Why is he hiding? He should talk to them about this. He’s running away from it, from them, again. But it's all he knows. Running from people who were supposed to protect him, when they didnt- when they hurt him- they left him- stood by and watched. No one protected him. No one ever cared enough to protect him-
"Sapnap-" Karl is stood in the middle of the hallway, he had come back up after checking for Quackity downstairs. Karl in front of Quackity, and Sapnap responds from a hallway out of Q's sight.
"Sapnap the balcony is open-" Karl says, worry tinting his voice.
"Yeah? Is he on the balcony?" Sapnap jogs back into view.
"Sapnap the front doors are still locked. He'd have left the front doors unlocked if he left through there." After a beat, both Karl and Sapnap break into a sprint down the stairs.
'What are they doing?' Quackity thinks, confused. 'What did it matter if the balcony- was the only way he could have gotten down- oh god-' Quackity runs after them, stopping to grab a bucket, he might be able to find a cow. Out on the patio, Q frantically looks around, trying to find any sign of movement, when a message pings on his wristband.
[S a p N a p]: H a s a n y o n e s e e n Q ?
Does he answer? Does he want- yes. Yes he wants them to find him. Q wants them to know he's safe. He's spent so long hiding from him, he needs to be found now.
/ m s g [S a p N a p]: I ' m s t i l l a t t h e h o u s e
He hears a semi-distant noise, the sound of running, as Karl and Sapnap round a tree and come barreling up the path. Q doesn't trust himself to speak. He reaches out and his hand brushes Karl's arm, and Karl stops.
"Karl?" Sapnap catches himself on the doorframe, and Karl looks down to where Q's hand rests on his arm.
"Quackity?" Karl asks, looking about three inches left to where Q actually is. Q squeezes Karl's arm. "You're invisible, honey." He covers Q's hand with his own, a twinkle in his eye.
"Is he here?" Sapnap walks up to them, and Q cups Sapnap's face with his other hand. Sapnap jumps, obviously, but still swoops in for a hug, getting Karl, but completely missing Q.
Quackity laughs. He joins the hug for himself, sandwiched in between Karl and Sapnap, and very faintly, "Thank you for not being like him."
The invis wears off.
Quackity doesn't need to hide.
He's been found.
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vulpes-z3rda · 3 years
SFW Alphabet ~ Nishinoya
A/N: HI HI!! I hope you all enjoy this and i hope the Nishinoya nation are doing okay ^_^
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Have you met this boy? Have you taken him in? Absorbed him and everything about him? Yes? Good. This fucking DUDEEEE, omg. he loves affection. 25/10 on the scale for him tbh. s he around at all?? He needs to be touching you. Whether it be linked pinkies or small pecks on the cheek or hugging you from behind. He needs to be doing it because he wants to show you how much he cares all the time.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
THE BEST OF BEST FRIENDS!!!!! Need to laugh? Bitch he's there. Wanna go on a random adventure that will probably end up with you both having to wear bandages and bandaids for weeks? He's down and ready to go! Movie marathons and being cuddled up together under a blanket? Human reading this, he'll do it.
The friendship started when he was running through the halls being his usual chaotic self and he accidentally ran into you. After you both got up and dusted yourself off you were going to yell at him when he started apologising. Forgiving him you said you'd hoped to see him around and giggled as he very enthusiastically agreed. (he also thought you were really cute and wanted to stick around with you!)
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Omg... of course. You don't think he would?? How dare you. That, my good reader, is a war crime of a thought. He isn't really bothered about how the cuddling happens but he much prefers being the little spoon. Being held by you, resting on your chest and just relaxing into your touch is something he loves doing whenever he can. Obviously he'll swap but its like... a surprise when he is the big spoon.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He does want to settle down eventually. Once you're both comfortable with good jobs and a nice home, he'll be sure to settle down with you. For now, though, he just likes talking about your future together and where you think you'll be. Cooking?? Cleaning?? What are those? Please, for the sake of your home, don't let him near the kitchen. He can clean, he just doesn't like it. If you want him to clean you're going to have to make a game out of it. "You'll get a kiss every 10 minutes if you do it." "AHHH OKAY!!"
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I think he would be scared because even though he doesn't love you in that way anymore, he still really cares about you and doesn't want to hurt you. But, he'd be upfront because you deserve that decency and he would make sure that you both stay friends because he still wants you in his life.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
We all know he simps. A pure-blooded simp you know? So he simps for you. He's 100% committed to you. He doesn't see anyone else, only you and he is more than happy with that. I feel like he'd propose to you after a few years of dating, like between 2-6 years maybe?? Then you've had time to properly settle together and gotten to know each other inside and out.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He can be gentle but given his chaotic nature, he's probably unintentionally brazen and rough around the edges. But he tries for you because he knows sometimes you just need him to be calm and to be more aware of your emotions so he tries his best.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Absolutely adores hugging you. Adores hugs in general tbh. They happen any chance he gets tbh. You've got your back turned to him because your mum asked you to do the dishes? BACK HUGS TIME!! Talking to him about something? You had best bet this man is going to tackle you in a hug.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Yes, he's affectionate but I feel like he'd wait a bit before he decided he says I love you. He wants to make sure everything between you two is comfortable and completely returned before he commits to it on that level. So I'd say he'd wait about 5-7 months before he says it.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
We've all seen how he is about people flirting with Kiyoko and they aren't even dating, so Lord could only imagine. He would probably be by your side at all times and leaving snide comments to the person who is stealing your attention. More on the passive-aggressive side of jealous behaviour.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses can either be softest things or the most passionate things. There is no in-between with him. It all depends on his mood. Preferably, he'd like to kiss you on the lips and neck because he feels like it both shows how much he loves you and shows others your his. He loves to be kissed on the jaw and on the lips for the same reasons. It just screams "we love each other and want y'all to know" in his mind.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Considering he's a big child himself, I'd say he's pretty good with kids. 100% the type of guy to join in on any game to keep them entertained, will tell stories (mainly making you royalty and himself a knight who saves you (Tsukki is a dragon that kidnaps you)), he'll give piggyback rides if they want them and he's just overall ecstatic to be around them.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
You have to wake him up most mornings cause this mf is always trying to sleep in. You usually make his fave breakfast and then after that he drags upstairs again to cuddle again. This usually means he's rushing around to get to school and practice while you thought ahead and got ready before he dragged you back.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
SNUGGLES!! He'll make sure that once you've both done you're nightly routines, that you both wrap yourselves up in the bedsheets and just cuddle and talk about your day. His head is on your chest and he presses soft kisses to your collarbone as you sing to him or just play with his hair. Overall, it's just a soft loving experience for you both and he adores it and you all the same.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Give him a few months and that's when he really starts opening up. But, leading up to then he gives little hints about himself and drops little things that you might not have known every now and then. Then all of a sudden, he's saying everything. Every little detail he wants you to know, everything he's feeling and he tells you what he's insecure about because he wants you to know him.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
I mean... I'd say about average?? It depends on the situation. Someone's flirting with you? 0-100 real quick. Are you just upset about something and taking it out on him? He tries to keep level headed because he doesn't want to get mad at you. Someone making fun of his height? 0.0 well... short people tend to be the scariest and that's all I'm going to say 😌.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget everything?)
I feel like he's the kind of person who couldn't remember what 2 + 2 is half the time but if someone was like "What pet did y/n have as a kid??" and he'd be right there answering. Or they'd just ask "Hey, do you know y/n's favourite food?" and boom, he's giving a whole recipe on how to make it just how you like it. But on the odd occasion, he's just like "Oh fuck.... what's their favourite colour again??"
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
Your first anniversary. He made sure that he got everything you did on your first date and just sprinkled in little gifts of memories you made leading up to the anniversary. Not gonna lie, he also makes sure you have a nice little at home part of it too, You watch your favourite movies and eat your favourite snacks. This boy just wanted it to be special for you because he wants you to know just how much he cares.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
On a scale of 1-10?? I'd place him at like 9. We've all seen he is about Kiyoko... and she was a CRUSH! So what he'd be like over his s/o?? Jesus lord above. Noya goes ✨ bark bark ✨ when he protects you. Listen, people who flirt with you make Noya go brrrr, you know? *whispering* He likes it when you protect him by mocking or teasing the other person. Your witty remarks? Gold. His brain? Full of serotonin. His face? Basically just a smile. Hotel? Trivago.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
BITCH. Like I said, the effort he put in for your one year?? ✨immaculate✨. Like honestly sometimes your dates are 🌸🍡🍭🌈✨ and then other times they're like ⛓️🖤🔪🥀🩸. But he puts a lot of effort into making sure the date you do fits with your mood. Tired? Stay at home date. Hyper? You go to the beach or park. Chill? Stargazing. Craving stuff? Cafe and restaurant dates. As for everyday tasks... he lacks motivation and usually gets distracted when he starts them however he tries his best to do the things you ask him to do.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He tends to accidentally neglect you for volleyball. Does he mean to? No, but the boy struggles to prioritise for god's sake. (After Suga talks to him he tries to be better at it but sometimes he still falls into it). HE ALSO LEAVES DIRTY CLOTHES EVERYWHERE BUT WHAT TEEN DOESN'T??
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Averagely concerned. The blonde in his hair is fading?? Asks you to redo it for him. It's his signature look and he demands to be a standout libero. Just wants to be able to be noticed by something outside of his skills ig.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
IUYTRESXDFGHJK MAAM/SIR/HOOMAN. This puppy of a boy would practically d i e without you by his side. He doesn't care whether he has you in his life as his s/o or his friend. He just knows he needs you to be in his life. periodt 💅.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He likes climbing trees but half the time he gets stuck and has to jump out meaning you're at the bottom catching him-
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
Doesn't really like it when someone easily gives up on their goals. He knows if you've seen yourself being able to do it, then you can. But if you give up super quickly?? He's gonna be disappointed.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
HE CLINGS TO YOU LIKE A KOALA BEAR!!! Hear me out, baby boy just wants to be close to the person he loves and so this lead to him holding onto you while you both sleep!
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mega-bastard · 3 years
i was kidnapped by shiratorizawa ?!?!?!?!
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this was painful to write, but like a masochist I did it anyway. this is my part of the the first Whorehouse Collab, located here. Finally getting back into writing fanfics since like 2015, this was oddly therapeutic.
I wrote this under the influence of magic grass after binging several wattpad fics, enjoy at your own risk-- by which I mean laugh alongside me LMAO
The ending is sososo rushed, in true wattpad fashion <3 this was 1.3K words of nonsense
When I woke up today, I didn’t think I’d end up in such a bind— bindings to be more specific. I’m just your average little miss no one, another everyday student easily lost in the in the crowd. Wearing glasses and being like super shy does that to u, yknow?
Now, blindfolded and tied up, I can’t help but wonder just how someone so unnoticeable had gotten snatched up so suddenly— perhaps that was had why you were taken (insert Liam neeson voice: I will find you, and I will kill you hehe >:3). Now, with the full throb in my head beginning to subside— I started to recount what had bringed me into such s predicament
~ rewind to earlier in the day ~
I’d only just waked up when I received a text from my best friend mina (bnha wink wonk) gushing about or schools volleyball match— to say she was crazy in love aoba Joshuas volleyball team would be selling it crazily underwhelmed. Especially their captain, oikawa tooru ! Most of our school did, but I was really observant of the people around me— he gives me weird vibes, like he puts on an act or something. But still, I keep that thoght to myself so no one comes for me. Seriously, he’s got fans like a Kpop star (a/n haha stan bts for clear skin uwu)
Either way, her dragging me to a volleyball game is nothing new— and as she’s blowing my messages up like the world is ending I know  what to expect this coming afternoon. What a pain, I had planned on watching naruto when I got home today :(
There was no telling Mina no, so when we enviably met to walk to school I was well aware I’d be attending the volleyball match today. Boring, but I’d manage— I don’t care much for sports but sweaty and muscley men are finer than fine, I’d at least have spank bank material hehe (a/n not to whore on main buuuuuut ;3).
The day flew by and suddenly I found my self seated on the stands, waiting for the game to begin. Mina was chatting away, so when the urge to go to the bathroom came I simply got up and left— I wouldn’t get a word in edgewise, everyone always runs at the mouth and I can never get a word in as a result.
Not paying attention on my way to the bathroom, I suddenly shivered— feeling watched. I looked up from staring at the floor and was brought face to face with...the Shiratorizawa Volleyball Team ?!?! At the head was the tank of a captain, japans number one ace Ushijima Wakayoshi (a/n a whole snack yumyum) was indomitable and a scary man to be faced with. Ushijima was still as fierce as ever; I say that because we’d gone to middle school together— we never spoke or anything like that but we’d been in the same classes. He scrutinized my small form with impassive olive eyes, I felt rooted in place at such a state.
I shook myself from my little reverie and quickly scurried off, heart beating a mile a minute. “ just find the bathroom and head back to Mina “ I murmured to myself, finally finding the bathroom after rounding a corner. The feeling of being watched finally lifting.
After using the bathroom and began to head back, I could hear someone...singing something? I began to head towards it out of curiosity, peeking around a corner to see a tall red haired guy and a grey haired guy— they were wearing the same uniform so they must also be a part of the team as well! Lost in my thoughts, I was only briefly able to dick away before the red haired guy turned around to where I was peeking.
Ok seriously, let’s head back ‘ I thought before scurrying back to Mina— who grilled me on my absence before becoming entranced in the starting game. I stayed on my phone for the most part, reading one direction fanfic— with the phone screen down waaay low (a/n who else has done this before ???). Id peek every now and again to watch, at one point catching the eye of the tall red head— a chill ran down my spin at his impish smile that I looked away immediately.
He was...cute. In a scary way.
A sudden hush flew across the crowd and I looked up in time to see oikawas serve hit clean across the net, received by some guy with brown hair before being set by some twat with shitty hair (a/n shirabus a twat, their I said it >:/) before the ball was spiked back with a force unmatched.
That was Match point. Shiratorizawa wins.
The air is oppressive, oikawas fan girls— mina included, are wailing. That’s my cue to exit, bidding a mina goodbye I began my way down the hail, the rush of the court fading into background.
Then suddenly, rushing feet and the crack of something hard against my skull.
Darkness consumed me.
~ back to the present ~
Now back to the hear and now, I hear murmerings-- voices I don’t recognize. I try to listen, try to focus in on their voices but I can’t as the throbbing in my skull takes my focus away. A whimper escapes me, and a silence sweeps across wherever I am like a breeze-- it’s scary.
“haha, is she awake?” it’s the sing=songy voice from before-- the red head probably then? I know I needed to say something, anything, but I was still to disoriented. The sound of shoes nearing me immeadiatly set me off, beginning to wiggle and move before I was held still vision suddenly assaulted with brightness as my blindfold is redmoved.
Standing before, me in all their glory, is the Shiratorizawa volleyball team??
It looks like I’m being held in...an empty dorm room? I’m trying to gather my bearings and cannot figure what to possibly ay before being yanked up harshly from a laying position. It’s the red head holding me up, wicked smile and everything as he crouches in front of me before opening his mouth.
“ You belong to us now, got it~” his voice is too cheery given the words he’s just said to me (a/n tendou owns my heart and soul <3333 ), and only now does my voice find me. “ B-but w-why m-m-me ? You c-can’t j-just do t-that, please just let me g-g-g-g-g-g-go !” by the time I finish blubbering, theres tears streaming down my cheeks like rushing rivers. Through my lashes, I look pitifully around at everyone-- landing on an umcomfortble looking kid with a bowl cut, but he looks away as soon as i stare up at him.
no, no ,no nononono no ones going to help me. the tears fall puddle on the floor, only growing in speed when ushijima speaks. “ You’ll be transfering here, become our manager, and be staying in this dorm room-- it’s already been settled” (a/n idk I’d be p happy to be shiratorizawa’s manager uwu) his voice is deep and leaves no room for any back talk, but my stomach drops at his next sentence “Semi, put it on her’ my head whips up, starring doe eyed at the grey haired guy from before as he approaches with...IS THAT A COLLAR AND LEASH??? (a/n insert debby ryan face)
my face heats up, embarrassed and ashamed at the idea of being collared like an animal. I try to wiggle away, annoying Semi, “Tendou hold her still damnit!” at that Tendou-- the red head, grips my face with one hand to keep me still, gripping it hard enough that hes smushing my cheeks (a/n tendou, t e n d o u, loml, how I cherish thee) . He mutters a quiet cute, so faint I think I’m hearing things, before the tightening of the collar breaks me from that train of thought. With that done, I’m released, falling to my hands and knees staring up at the entire team now gathered before me.
A tug on the leash tugs me forward without much effort, and the tears spring up once more at the humiliation. 
“This is gonna be fun~”
ok so I hoped you guys loved it <3 I’ll try my best to get out weekly updates, next chap I’m thinking I either focus on how ushijima and reader-chan actually do know eachother, shirabu and semi fiighting of reader-chans attention, or maybe tendou and reader-chan getting into trouble while draggin goshiki into it! SOund off in the comments and let me know what you think ?? anyway love you guys sm <33333
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katsuukiwii · 3 years
Levi SFW Alphabet
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WARNING: Too much cuteness, read at your own risk.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?): Levi is very awkward when it comes to romance, that’s just how he’s always been. His usual way is making you some tea, or doing paperwork with you while you hold hands. The most romantic he’ll get is him letting you sit in his lap while he does paperwork, or cuddling. Also he doesn’t know that you hate the way he drinks tea but you still take it bc you know it makes him happy.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?): He would be an awesome best friend, because he knows you understand him. It’s not often people get to realize that he’s not that bad! The friendship would probably start through either meeting in the underground, or through training. He’d give you one-on-one lessons, where he would eventually get to know you better.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?): He loves cuddling, but it’s usually more favorable to him when you two cuddle. That’s because he likes being the little spoon! He loves spooning, but usually he likes when he has both arms wrapped around your waist, yours draped on his shoulders while his head lays on your chest. But he also loves when he’s laying on his back with you laying on top of him on your stomach.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?): We all know he’s better at cleaning than Mr. Clean himself. He’s also a relatively good cook! He’d love to settle down with you, but it would DEFINETLY be after the titans are gone, and it would be in a safe area. He worries about you!
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?): He’d be crushed, but he’d also be very glad. Of course, it would suck to break up with you. But he’d rather have broken up with you than have one of you dead. If he HAD to do this, he’d be very understanding of your feelings, and try not to hurt you too much.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?): He knows nothing good lasts forever, except for love. So he’d love to get married to you. He’s just fine with commitment, there’s nothing wrong there. He’d like to wait maybe two years before getting married so he knows you’re the one AND so he knows you love him back enough to get married!
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?): Emotionally, he’s a closeted cinnamon roll. So he’s SUPER gentle emotionally. Physically though, he’s rather rough. He always killing these GIANT beasts and training so he gets scared when he’s trying to be careful with you. With him, tickle fights can feel like brutal scratching because of his calloused hands. You’ve walked in on him soaking his hands multiple times, so he can keep from hurting you. It’s cute.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?): He loves hugs! His favorite hugs are when his S/O hugs him from behind, wrapping their arms around his shoulders carefully, and pulling him close. He doesn’t hug you regularly, but he does every now and then! His hugs are always the ‘as if I’ll never see you again’ hugs. He pulls you close, nuzzling his face into your shoulder, maybe giving you a peck on the cheek.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?): It takes him a while to say this. He wants to, he really does, but every time he lets himself get close to somebody something tragic happens to them. Isabel, Farlan, Kuchel, Petra, Oluo, etc. He doesn’t WANT to love you but he knows he can’t help it. He’ll tell you after 6 months at LEAST!
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?): Levi doesn’t get jealous, he knows you love him! but if he does get jealous, his face will be flushed a light pink out of frustration and embarrassment as he hugs you close, hiding his blush from anybody else around.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?): His kisses are short and sweet! But he ALWAYS lets you know how much he loves you in those kisses! Levi likes to kiss your cheeks, and nose! With him, he likes being kissed on his forehead and on his shoulder. It makes him feel safe!
L = Little ones (How are they around children?): He would be TERRIFIED to have babies. He definitely wants kids, but like I said earlier, he’s naturally very rough physically, he can’t help it! He’d also like to wait until after the titans are gone for this! He wants to ensure that nothing TOO horrible will happen, and that if something bad DOES happen, he can protect you all. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?): He’s usually awake before you, WAY before you. But mornings with Levi are probably the best part of the day for him, and for you! He loves when you’re the first thing he sees. He’s a sleep snuggler, so he usually wakes up with his arms wrapped around you tightly. If you really try, you can actually make him stay in with you! Every morning, he takes you into the bathroom where you both get a shower! He likes to hug you from behind while you wash the suds off your body, and you often see a content smile on his face! 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?): Just like the morning, you both get a shower before going to bed! Yes, 2 showers every day. Being in the corps makes you all sweaty and smelly, so it’s DEFINITELY worth the time! At night, you’re both obviously sleepy. Yes, Levi has insomnia but he usually goes to bed at a normal time because of how exhausting work is. You’ll both have a hot cup of tea before bed, then cuddle until you both fall asleep! 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?): Levi’s got a pretty fucked up past. He wouldn’t date anybody unless they knew his past! He wants to know that the person he’s dating will care about him, despite what happened in the past. He’ll reveal things slowly, giving you some details, but eventually he tells you the story! 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?): Levi, despite his usual attitude, can keep his cool easily. He’s very level-headed. Of course, he has his moments where he’s especially pissy, but he’s mostly able to handle it. He’s rarely mad at you, he calls you his medicine. Literally, that’s your petname! He calls you “medicine”  because only you can heal him.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?): He’ll obviously forget SOME things, but he remembers most things about you. He’ll instantly try to figure out a plan for any celebration like your birthday, christmas, etc. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?): His favorite moment in your relationship was when he was crying over a nightmare. Yup. In the nightmare, he had talked to his mother, and despite the dream being extremely wholesome, he still cried because he missed her so much. As he was sobbing in your arms you started singing a song, one his mother sang to him when he was younger. He started to calm down while you stroked his nose carefully. Yes, he was a strong, courageous man, but he still needed special treatment every now and then. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?): He’s very protective! No shock there. How? Any way he can. He can protect you emotionally, mentally, and physically. With you, he likes to be protected mentally. A lot of shit happens in the Survey Corps, so just knowing you’re there to be his medicine calms him. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?): He puts a lot of effort into special events. It won’t be the BIGGEST thing, but he definitely tried his hardest, and just knowing that is enough! Like I said, once he learns something about you, he mentally plans out events.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?): Not really a terrible habit, but he’ll talk to himself a lot! Another bad habit I heard is drinking tea, so that’s obviously one. He’ll click his pen if he’s stressed and crack his knuckles as well. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?): He cares about his appearance! That’s obvious. He won’t go all-out for you, but hygiene is a big thing for him!The most formal he WANTS to get is slicking his hair back, but since he’s ‘Humanity's Strongest Soldier’ he’s often requested at formal events. Also one of the reasons he shaves his face. Yup, he’d like to grow a little stubble, but it’s annoying to maintain!
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?): Levi has to spend a good amount of time away from you, since being in the corps keeps you busy! But like I said earlier, you’re his medicine, so without you he gets ‘sick’. By that I mean, he starts to feel lonely and gets lost in his thoughts. He’s obviously got PTSD, probably depression as well, so he needs you around! Short answer is yes, he feels incomplete without you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.): He’s like your own personal puppy dog! If you ask something from him, he’ll do it if he’s got time! He stays awake until you get home where he’s instantly at the door, and he’s often trailing behind you to make sure you’re safe. If he WERE a dog, his tail would be wagging happily. It’s wholesome tbh!
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?): In general, he’s very picky with the food he eats. Sometimes he refuses to eat what’s in the mess hall because he thinks it’s gross. In a partner, he would prefer his polar opposite. So I don’t think he’d be into someone who's blunt, snarky, and monotone. He would prefer to have his own little ray of sunshine! He also wouldn’t like if his partner liked to keep everything in about themselves. More gross things in his mind would be if his S/O picked their nose or chewed their nails. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?): Levi doesn’t sleep much, but every morning, you’ll find a small spot on your shirt or the pillow. He drools in his sleep! You didn’t expect that from such a clean man! And earlier I also mentioned he’s a sleep snuggler!
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emoryinaboat · 3 years
Sorry to bother again.. Do you maybe have anymore EngLiet headcanons? 👉👈
You aren’t bothering I actually kinda dig this ship 👉👈
- Arthur talks in his sleep and sometimes Tolys will just sit against the head of the bed and have a full conversation with him while he's sleeping.
- Arthur has a slight fascination with Tolys' hair, it's just,,, very nice to touch, it has some sort of calming property to it it's confusing and amazing. Tolys is happy to comply to this, Arthur's headpats are great.
- Tolys is a morning person, he wakes up and immediately goes down to make breakfast. Arthur is not, he probably falls off the bed and spends the next 3 hours groaning in mortal agony. Arthur is a night owl, he often stays up into the wee hours of the morning reading or watching tv. Tolys is not, he's passed out by 10:30pm.
- Tolys tells really bad jokes but he thinks they're absolutely hilarious so after he tells them he'll laugh at his own joke for like 5 minutes and Arthur just watches with this completely whipped grin on his face.
-Tolys will politely refuse any food Arthur makes that looks like it will kill him. This is like 80% of the time. Arthur get's sorta butthurt over it, however it really only takes a kiss on the cheek and a soft whispered apology and 'I love you' for him to get over it.
- When Arthur gets really tired and unmotivated and he just,,,, will not let Tolys leave the bed. He'll just cuddle really hard into his shoulder and Tolys doesn't want to leave at all but Arthur I know it's hard but we do need to get up, no no aRTHUR YOU HAVE A FLIGHT TODAY-
- Alfred once got Tolys one of those 'Yes/No' pillows as a joke and Tolys hates to admit it but it's really comfortable so he does use it, but then one day Arthur comes over and they've been big on the romantics and sexual tension all day and there's the fucking pillow on the 'No' side and Tolys is dying and Arthur's a little shit and Tolys calls Alfred the next morning and now neither of them will let Tolys forget it.
- Tolys has a lot of sugar and milk in his tea and Arthur likes it black so they have heated arguments over which is better and it's honestly one of the only things they fight about.
- They don't fight often because Tolys really doesn't fair well with raised voices and harsh tones and Arthur has really bad abandonment issues so while he has an awful temper, the aftermath sometimes makes him break down. If they have an issue, they'll talk it out calmly and come to any conclusion or compromise that's necessary.
- Tolys takes forever in the god damn shower, it drives Arthur mad because he'll really want a shower in the mornings but oops, Tolys is already in there and he doesn't want to interrupt but he has a phone call in 30 minutes and he needs to wake up and Tolys can I at least come in with you??
- Arthur doesn't really dry his hair, he just usually lets it dry on its own. Tolys is very worried he'll get a cold so if he sees Arthur vibing on the bed in a towel with his hair dripping wet, he'll order him onto the floor, sit behind him and spend 15 minutes drying his hair while softly telling him off. Now it's just sorta become a nightly routine.
- Want to get Arthur in an instant romantic mood? Kisses on his shoulder or back of his neck. He just goes really soft and relaxed and leans back into Tolys and allows him to dote on him even more.
- When Tolys is doing something absent-mindedly, he'll just start humming or softly singing and Arthur loves it s o  m u c h because Tolys has an amazing voice and it's just really endearing.
- Two idiots who only wear either button ups and sweater vests or turtlenecks.
- Tolys gets real emotional if they see a stray on the side of the road and it takes a lot to get him to leave it. Tolys has many a time came home with a purring cat in his arms and nervously telling Arthur that it rubbed against his leg and he couldn't help it.
Feel free to send in your ships!
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haikyupid · 4 years
hello!! your concept is so so cute omg :")) can i request for a dalgona matchup latte please? i'm an intj-a with a 3w4/8w7 enneagram (it fluctuates D:) i love music/art/literature a lot and studied music in high school but at the same time i take STEM subjects! i'm quite a logical/rational person but i love spending my time daydreaming/crafting scenarios in my head hahaha. i might be quiet/scary at first but when i open up i'm super warm and affectionate with all my friends!! (1/2)
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Thank you very, very much for ordering and being patient with Kyupid’s Love Shop. One Dalgona Matchup Latte coming right up! Whew, here comes the side effects: I matcha up with ˚₊·͟͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞͞➳❥
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➞ this just screamed sugawara to me; i legit heard his singing after reading your order 🥺👉👈
➞ on the topic of singing, can you imagine how beautiful it sounds when he sings while you play the piano? legit every gathering (doesn’t matter if it’s with friends or family) will never be complete unless the two of you have performed for everyone while they just stare in pure awe ‘cause duh, very talented couple over here
➞ this isn’t how i usually format orders (this would usually be at the last part) but omg, you two would be such cute parents! argh, this is too adorable for me— ik you don’t particularly like kids, but i just had to put this in!
➞ he once brought you at work during lunch since you dropped by to give him a bento box, and omg, now the children think that you two are their second parents; he asked you to play the keyboard while he sang, and lich rally the kids thought you two were angels sent from above and i mean, they aren’t wrong
➞ he jokes about the fact that you’re dating him, an elementary school teacher, even though you’re not very fond of kids; lowkey kinda sad about it since he does daydream about having a lil’ family with you, i mean he is surrounded by children all the time so he can’t help it
➞ n e ways, speaking of your daydreaming habit, koushi seems to be the type to do so as well (so it won’t bother him by any means; sometimes you two would even just cuddle in silence and let each other daydream)... except you’re always in it — what’s happening in those vivid daydreams of his is up to you ;D
➞ loooves the fact that you’re mature, it’s literally what he wants (maybe even needs since the cutie may be affected too much by his students childishness) in a long-term partner
➞ i’m not sure if you’ve seen korean fashion, but you two would legit fit their whole aesthetic; like the soft, neutral and calm, coffee shop and ceramic arts type of vibes— what i’m trying to say is, you two have now become the epitome of this soft aesthetic
➞ he has a lil’ garden, and whenever you visit and stay the night, you wake up to breakfast in bed with one of the flowers from the garden on the side of the tray and i— now i want a suga
➞ loves, and i mean loves, doing domesticated things with you! he cherishes the moments where you two just go grocery shopping together, make dinner together, go on late-night food raids at each other’s kitchens, taking care of the plants, quite mornings where you two just enjoy each other’s presence and be reminded that you two are so lucky to have found and fallen in love with each other
➞ bby, imagine this: you visit his house for a surprise dinner, and you just see him with only his pyjama pants and glasses on; he walks over and gives you the softest hug with a soft peck on your nose, then he tells you that he’s been grading his students’ art assignments all day and that he’ll love it if you could help him a bit with it; now you two are sitting with takeout for dinner in his dimly lit apartment while you two laugh at the kids’ spelling mistakes, having the best times of your lives — he won’t say it, but it was during that simple and domesticated moment, he realized that you were the one he wanted to spend forever with
➞ i’m not sure if this makes sense, but this relationship gives off pastel pinks and yellows—
➞ ngl, i didn’t specify this topic with you... but i headcanon that children don’t particularly like you in beginning while suga automatically becomes their prince charming whom they’re just so drawn to
➞ sooo you may get a lil’ jealous when kiyoko’s newborn was so calm when with him, but turned into a lil’ spawn of satan when he passed the baby to you; but don’t worry, with a lil’ help from your beau, the baby learned to be calm with you — you may or may not have been thinking of having suga’s children right when you two get back to his apartment, after the baby reached out and grabbed your pointer finger which was booping its lil’ nose, and the baby just pulled it so gently close to its chest and fell asleep with it and—
➞ since you tend to strive for success for almost every aspect in life, he does see that it takes a toll on you sometimes; so when he thinks that you need even just the littlest amount of cheering up, he’ll pull out his iconic ‘negativity begone’ but this time it’s with an aggressive hug and the softest kiss on the forehead, to the tip of your nose, then finally, your lips
➞ on valentine’s day, his students presented him with a picture of you two during a school field trip (who took it? i guess we’ll never know), and now it’s his most favourite thing to look — it just gives him energy, y’know; the kids may or may not make fun of him since he sometimes just gets so lost when looking at it, like mans is whipped
“look, sugawara-sensei’s daydreaming again...”
“maybe we could make a life-size photo of miss pretty! that’ll make him more hap—“
“no, that’s a bad idea! sugawara-sensei will end up forgetting about us, and he’ll just keep staring at the photo.”
“yeah! and look, he’s drooling a little bit. imagine if it was a bigger picture! there’d be a puddle of drool everyday! he’s like a doggie.”
➞ he gives you a lot of small gifts; even if they’re just erasers that he found to be almost as cute as you, a dainty necklace that he thought would look amazing only if you wore it, or a cup of coffee from you two’s favourite coffee shop; koushi will end up spoiling you even if you tell him not to; if he could he’d literally catch one of the stars of just for you
➞ all in all, this is the type of relationship that everyone just says is so perfect; you two will just be the type of couple that every blogger wants to be in real life; not only are you two so in love that you don’t have to fake it like they do, but you two are also so pleasing to look at, so perfect couple alert? yes, yes indeed.
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I hope you liked your Dalgona Matchup Latte! Here’s a little visual of your soft aesthetic relationship with Sugawara Koushi: as I’ve said before, karaokes all day ‘eryday, baby; he can be a lil’... how do you put it nicely?... a lil’ shit sometimes, so expect some teasing when it’s your turn to cook (he doesn’t mean any of it, he just loves getting you all riled up, he thinks it’s the most adorable thing on Earth); you two always end up running into stray animals, so that’s how he looks at you when he asks if you two could get a puppy, whether you end up getting a pet or not is up to you; I don’t know why, but I see you vibing real well with Nishi, so that’s you after drinking with Nishi — expect him to record a video of your drunken state and tease you with it the morning after (he watches it every morning for a lil’ boost of happiness, but he won’t tell you that); piggyback rides forever, and you wanna know his reasoning? He says it’s to prepare when you two finally have kids and he has to carry them!
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Thank you very much for ordering at Kyupid’s, babe. I really hope to see you again! Have a very, very negative-free day ♡⋆.ೃ࿔*
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lmao, ik you said you don’t particularly like children but like i just couldn’t get the thought out while making this for you and now your order’s filled with children and i—
i hope you still like it though 🤣 but if you don’t, then do message me, i’ll fix it for you. also, thank you for the concept compliment! i made it as original as i possibly could, so this means a lot, bby 🥺 ur so nice.
but legit, you two would be so cute, like your married life with him is just perfect! don’t forget to invite cupid and i!
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Bang Chan Fluff Fanfic Recommendation Masterlist
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Hello! Welcome to my fanfic recommendations! If you would like to see other groups or other content in regards to this artist or their group, please click the links below! All of the masterlists/posts I’ve made will always be updated when I find new content or scenarios! Feel free to recommend me some blogs to check out! Also, you like my fanfic recommendations, please like and/or reblog so that more people can see it! I will release more groups as time goes on!
Go Back to Stray Kids’ Main Masterlist
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4 AM Nostalgia: Things change so fast in four years, so when you arrive back in Sydney, Australia - your hometown, you’re a little emotional - but Chan is a source of comfort for you 
17: “Loving you just like when we were 17”
100 Ways to Say I Love You: Between busy schedules and cozy cuddles, you both knew just what to say in times of contentment
A Little Help: Sometimes People need a little help. Chan was no exception, but he never wanted to admit he needed someone next to him
Almost: You’re missing Chan and he has an idea
Anniversary Gift: Chan really is the type of person to make and perform a song on your anniversary
Anything Less: You’re scared to confess to Chan because of your age gap
Bothered: “Babe, I’m on the phone”
Bubbles and Cuddles: “Room for one more?”
Breakfast: Chan made your breakfast and it’s the most sweetest thing ever
Cafe Comfort: Cafe date during the winter season with Chan!
costume: Chan really likes the couple’s costumes
Comfy: Chan comforting you after work
Distraction: when you are competing, maybe playing video games or something so you press kisses anywhere available; arms, nose, knees, ears, knuckles, temple, just anywhere to distract them.
Don’t Let Go: Ice skating with Chan!
don’t talk, sing: just two people spending time together. few words spoken, many lyrics heard
 Everyday: Almost every day was spent with Chan, and almost everyday was the same. But you wouldn’t have it any other way, no matter what.
Favorite Variable: You worked with variables, but he was your favorite.
first time making out with chan: Minh has never made out before, so chan teaches them how
Forever: Chan’s cute proposal to you
Got Me Happy (slight smut): Having gone through a serious relationship and falling into this one seemed to perfect…cause he’s your soulmate and all that. 
Happy Birthday: It was your boyfriends birthday 
Happy Ending: Chan proposes to you 
Happy Two Year Anniversary: Chan always have the craziest of ideas for your guys anniversary
Hi i miss you: first love type thing
Home is Where You Are: Home was truly wherever Chan was, and right now, you couldn’t be more relieved to see him
It’s the small things that matter: You’re a bit... short
I Sea You: Beach day with Chan
It’s Not Even December Yet: You and Chan are just a tad bit excited for Christmas.
Just a Cute Date: “Why the fuck are we at Chuck E. Cheese?”
Late Night: Chan met you through a friend but he didn’t know he would fall this hard for you 
Late Nights: “hi baby I’m sorry for texting you so late but I’m at the studio and I have to finish this demo tonight but my heads just not in the right place. If you’re awake and it’s not too much, would you mind stopping by for a bit? I could really use your company”
Lazy Day:  My boyfriend has some good tits, like damn
lego house: “Hey, you look kinda hot shirtless and with an apron on.” 
Love song: You ask Chan to help you write a love song, little did he know, it was for him (Male!Reader)
Marry Me?: “You are that person”
mcdonald’s drive through: chan just really loves you 
Missing You: Oh how you’ve missed the boys who had quickly become your family
morning cuddles: Just a morning with clingy sleepy Chan
Mornings With You: Mornings spent with Chan are always the same but you wouldn’t trade it for the world 
Music to his Ears: Watching comedy movies was Chan’s favorite activity with you.  Hearing you laugh instantly made him smile and all his worries seemed to vanish just by hearing it
my angel..: just some sweet words with Chan
Nightmares: You have a nightmare and Chan is there to comfort you
Night Night: Chan helping you through your sleepless nights
Only You: “You didn’t have to ask”
paint our love: A game of truth or dare with Chan
Perfect: you have been asking Chan to cover Ed Sheeran’s Perfect for months. he finally decides to do it with a special ending. 
Please Don’t Leave: “Baby, you have to breathe. Listen to my heartbeat and take deep breaths. I’ve got you now, you’re safe. I’m not going anywhere.”
Pool Day: A day in the water park with Chan
Pregnant: You’re pregnant and Chan is now a bit more protective of you 
proud of you: You’re so proud of Chan and you want to make sure that he knows it
Scrunchies: You were looking for your scrunchie, but guess who had it?
Seven-Thirty: Tranquility: a concept that your boyfriend still did not seem to comprehend
Sit Next to Me: Christmas Movie Night with best friend!Chan
Sleep Tight: While doing Japanese promotions, Chan always found it hard to fall asleep. It got really bad this trip.
Sundays, Sun Daze: Your favorite mornings are the ones where you wake up wrapped in Chan’s arms.
sunrise: sometimes it takes a little push in order for love to blossom.
The Morning After, Bang Chan: You wake up next to a stranger, it’s Chan.
Throughout the Ages: An affectionate love that slowly develops from friendship
Thunderstorms: chan comforts you bc you’re scared of thunderstorms
Under the Mistletoe: “you know how my family keeps on setting me up on horrible blind dates? Well, to make them stop, I told them that I was in a relationship and now they all want to meet this mystery person so… can you pretend that you’re dating me and come to my family’s christmas party?”
Under Your Shirt: Chris had today off and we spent it cuddling with each other.
unenthusiastically: chan meets his best friends unenthusiastic younger sibling
Vocal Message: You go to a dance practice only to meet Chan
Warm: “You’re warm”
welcome back: You missed Chan after he flew to Australia to visit his family
while we’re young:  “In a few years though baby…we should just have fun while we’re young…” 
Wholehearted Love: Buried in the warmth of blankets and your boyfriend’s arms, you couldn’t ask for a better day than today
Worry:Cuddles with Chan
Yah! It’s Two in the Morning: Helping Chan through long nights of hard work
You’re so clingy. I love it: “Stay,” Chan mumbled into your neck. 
yours truly: you have a secret admirer and chan’s very grumpy. correlation? perhaps.
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taehyungsgrowl · 4 years
SFW Alphabet for Nate
I think I did it wrong last time bc I was waiting for people to send me letters when I was just supposed to go down the list. But I’m a dummy so disregard half of what I say.
i hope you guys like them and thank you virgo anon for the input w these 🥺i love our baby 🥺
Here we go:
A- Activity (What is their favorite activity to do with you.)
-- i think he likes doing new things w you. and i know that sounds cliche BUT hear me out. duncan is a bit of a home body 🥺loves to be curled up w reader sharing kissies and cuddling. nate enjoys that too but i think trying new adventures w you is his favorite. i can see him being the type to like hiking dates!! (also lets not forget the tik tok videos you guys make together )
B- Beginnings (How do they act in the beginning of a relationship)
-- considering the beginning did start off as something kinda casual between him and reader, he kept it as such. but he’s such a natural charmer that even when he’s not trying, he just comes across as super sweet. they’d finish hooking up and he’d offer her to stay over or get them food (not bc he felt like he needed to but it’s just the kinda guy he is) i think he probably let his goofy side out right at the beginning as well. its what helped y/n open up to him and feel at ease w him 🥺
C- Communication (Are they good communicators? How do they normally talk about their problems or solve issues)
-- big sigh. nate? was the KING of communication!! hell! he was able to talk to duncan (who ISNT the best at communicating) when they weren’t even friends and helped him talk to dumb!reader. plus he’d always been open about his feelings. told y/n right away when he knew he was in love. (i only say he WAS bc he should have told y/n he was struggling before he ended up in the hospital 🥺)
D- Drunk (What are they like when they’re drunk)
-- koala bear cuddly drunk!! not just between him and reader! but he will love on anyone! (omg.. you know dunc was a little 😳when drunk!bro!nate started hugging him... hiding his face in duncs neck... telling he smells good... telling him how much he loves him... bros 👯‍♂️)
E- Emergency (How are they in emergency situations? You get hurt, they get hurt, someone is dying etc..)
— oh god. nate is the type to keep cool and collected in an emergency - even if he were the one having an emergency 🥺 like if reader would’ve been w him during his car accident, she would have been worried sick over him and he’d just be like, “hey, look at me. i’m okay, yeah? a lot stronger than i look, babe.” even if it hurt like hell because he doesn’t wanna worry her. if you were in an emergency or got hurt, he’d go into sexy doctor mode. “tell me where it hurts.” squeezing your hand to reassure you, “i got you.” also kissies where it hurts 🥺 and he’s such a good listener too wow we have no choice but to simp.
F- Free Spot (I’ll give you any headcanon I come up with)
-- i’m just gonna share one head canon that virgo anon tossed at me that really made me 🥺 baby nate 🥺 and how when he was younger he was always a nice boy 🥺 but wasnt the popular or “hot” one until he grew into himself in college 🥺 when he got maxie and it helped him manage his stress enough to be able to make connections 🥺y’all when she said that it made me heart 🥺 my sweet boy
G- Gifts (What kind of gifts do they give? What kind of gifts do they get?)
-- i think his gifts are rarely “over the top” but !! they’re simple and personalized!!! like a lil necklace w his initials / name 🥺or maybe he has someone make a picture of you two into an animation? like have someone draw you guys (do u know what im talking about?) as far as gifts for him, he enjoys like “interactive gifts” like sending him on a lil scavenger hunt (nate loves setting them up for you too 🥺) but if you set one up for HIM? god! he’d love you!
H- Hugs (How do they show affection/cuddle)
-- nate loves! loves! to give forehead kissies (not just because he’s tall fjhsjh) and being hugged (or picked up) in his strong arms!! loves it!! he loves being the big spoon 🥺i love him. 
I- Irritation (What is something that irritates them? How do they show their irritation?)
-- that reader continues to choose duncan over him fkjsvsfkv he wears his heart on his sleeve so i think when nate is upset or irritated... you know. 
J- Jackpot (How would they spend their winnings if they won the lottery?)
-- does nate have more $ than the shepherds? debatable. but he isn’t as... flashy w his money as duncan is. he’s a little more down to earth if that makes sense. BUT thats besides the point. he’d probably donate a lot to a charity of his choice than take you on a little get away. maybe a cross country road trip 🥺 or off to an island getaway. he’s flexible. 
K- Kryptonite (What is their ultimate weakness?)
-- virgo anon made me 🥺when we were talking about this bc nate would do anything for the people he loves and 🥺that gets him hurt. especially when he feels like those people dont love him in the way he does them 🥺
L- Laughter (What makes them laugh?)
-- clown!! nate is the guy that always keeps you laughing 🥺and most times he cant even contain his own laughter omg i will cry im in love with one man
M- Morning ( How do they wake up in the morning? Are they a morning person or a morning grouch?)
-- he’s a morning person 🥺 likes to start off his morning with a run and protein shake SMH fitness KING. 
N- Needy (When do they feel particularly needy? How do they show it?)
-- he’s so used to being the one who’s needed 🥺 it takes him a while to be comfy being vulnerable and needy. idk if there’s anything in particular that sets him off to be like this - but i’d like to think it happens at random. like youre on the couch and he just nuzzles his face on your tummy for you to pet his hair. he demonstrates it by wanting to be close to you 🥺
O- Oasis (Where is their happy place? Where would they go if they didn’t have anything holding them back?)
-- i think he’d be the kinda guy that enjoys the sun (not just bc he looks hot, shirtless on a beach) but yes. somewhere nice and sunny where he could have maxie w him 🥺if he could stay on the beach where he started falling for dumb!reader (with her) for ever he would 🥺
P- Pain (How do they handle pain? How do they handle when you are in pain?)
-- emotional or physical? jfgksjdgsdk but no i think if he’s well regulated, he can handle pain well - it’s when he’s not that it’s a problem (w emotional pain) he stops taking care of himself the way he should and really spirals into his head a lot you know 🥺i think he can handle others being in pain better than himself bc he loves a lot and its easier to focus his attention on trying to fix things for them (like we said his biggest weakness is doing too much for those he loves)
Q- Quote (What’s a quote that fits them and your relationship)
-- “loving is easy” fjskfsf not to be too corny but 🥺being w nate was easy... always on the same page.. and made her feel good. 🥺
R- Reunion (How do they celebrate seeing you after a long time of being apart)
-- lots!!! of kissies!! picking you up!! holding you close!!! physical touch is pretty high on his love language list i think 🥺(i think quality time or acts of service might be his top two though) 
S- Stress (What stresses them out? How do deal with stress and how do they relieve it?)
-- i generally think duncan is more of a control freak than nate, but i do think to some extent, they’re similar that when things feel out of their control, it really stresses them out. i think it manifests at different times. i think for duncan its more trivial things whereas w nate, if he feels like he could be doing something to “fix” something and he cant do anything it freaks him out. hes a healer, you know. i think working out is a big stress reliever for him 🥺my strong baby!! that and goofing off w reader 🥺
T- Terror (What are they afraid of?)
-- this kinda ties into his weakness (and could be amplified by his younger years) but he’s afraid of not really being enough for those he loves. especially if he was teased as a kid 🥺maybe thats why in a lot of his nightmares the theme of abandonment appears a lot 🥺i made myself SAD 🥺
U- Unique (What is a quirk that is unique to them?)
-- i asked virgo anon for help on this one 🥺and i love her so much 🥺 nate tugs on his hair when he’s nervous 🥺 he gets a lil annoyed after he buzzes it off and doesnt have much to pull on 🥺he likes to hold hands when spooning. loves to sing along to disney movies (but lets be honest, he’s the real prince KING)
V- Violence (Do they fight a lot? Are they a good fighter? What is their fighting style?)
-- well... idk if it’s fair to say he fights a lot because he tries not to resort to that - especially grad school nate. mostly because he knows he’s good at fighting. omfg... boxer!nate.... may have all my rights. and he doesn’t really wanna hurt anyone. BUT if needed!!! he will throw down. (ex. when dunc wouldnt let y/n leave the house. and then attacked him!! nate had to stand his ground 😌
W- Wow (What do you do that really surprises them? What do you do that they really like?)
-- idk i think nate was probably really surprised when reader gave him that second chance at friendship in the bathroom 🥺didnt think she would. on a lighter note, surprising him w fresh cooked meals always make him 🥺because... he’s trying but hasnt mastered the cooking thing yet.
X- (Explicit headcanon. For all you degenerates)
-- he’s uhh packing 😳and it hits all the right spots, you know 😳omfg and lets not forget the dickscussion we had about his head game being stronger than duncans 😌
Y- Yucky (Is there something that grosses them out so badly that they can’t deal with it?)
-- i wasnt sure what really grossed out medical professionals (if anything djsfs) but we kinda head canon for him to be into family / pediatric medicine so anything w LOTS of blood loss probably freaks him out 
Z- ZZZ’s (What are their sleeping habits? Both with and without you)
-- my baby. nate has really bad night terrors especially on bad(tm) days. it usually helps to have someone w him to be able to keep him calm when he wakes up 🥺if its not y/n you can bet maxie will be there for tons of kissies. he’s a sleep talker 🥺and when sleeping w you he loves being big spoon 🥺and when he’s alone, he kinda sleeps curled up and w a lot of pillows. comfort KING
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