#đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș besides đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș when you look at his face and focus on that it’s easy to just forget about the hair đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș
seiwas · 1 month
i think kirishima comes home from the barber’s one day with the ugliest haircut you’ve ever seen on him â˜č and he’s bouncing around sooooo happy with it, you just don’t have the heart to tell him it’s terrible â˜čđŸ„Č
he refused to show you any of his pegs, 100% positive you would love it. bless him because all he really wanted was to surprise you đŸ„ș, hyping it up the weeks leading to the day, too—
“it’s gonna look so good, baby, can’t wait for you to see it,” he kisses you, right as he’s about to head off for his appointment.
you didn’t know it then, eyes sparkling and absolutely smitten as you reply, “looking forward to it.”
so now, as he turns around in front of you, arms open wide as if showing off the piĂšce de rĂ©sistance; the absolute cherry on top, he asks, “what do you think? d’you like it?”
and you give it a good look, raising your eyebrows in an effort to look pleasantly surprised (but truthfully just shocked). you can feel the corners of your lips twitching, muscles turning nervous at giving away how you really feel about it.
you take a deep breath and blink, stepping closer to him as you reach up to run your fingers up the nape of his neck and through the strands of his freshly styled hair.
he waits, anticipatory.
two truths sink in at this very moment:
1) it’s just hair. it’ll grow back.
2) you must love him. a whole lot actually, because—
“i love it, it brings out your smile,” you look into his eyes, catching how he beams at you. a sparkling red.
you’ll find a way to let him know about it eventually.
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rocknrollbabe14 · 10 months
Baby Love (Part One)
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Warnings: Sex to forget the ex, masturbation (male), feelings of regret, depression, smoking, drinking, missing a relationship, lust. If I forget anything, let me know.
Also, thanks to @josephs-quinns for my banner đŸ„ș
**This is a work in progress. It will be a couple of parts. I've been in a rut lately and this felt good to write.**
Finish. That’s all Joe had on his mind as he aimlessly, mindlessly fucked himself into the woman in bed with him. He closed his eyes, gripping her hips as grunts and groans escaped his lips. It was easy to finish if he closed his eyes and focused on something else—someone else. He was beginning to regret even fucking her in the first place. 
“Feels so—good, Joe—”, the woman moaned out.
Joe. He wasn’t used to that and it wasn’t very affectionate when it left her lips. Part of him recoiled upon hearing his name from another voice, even more so from someone he didn’t want to hear it from. 
“Yeah? Gonna fuck you so good.”
Who was he becoming? It was certainly someone he didn’t recognize anymore when he looked in the mirror. Was he close? This was becoming tiring and boring. He closed his eyes, squeezing them tighter, trying to focus his attention elsewhere—on you. As the image of you popped into his head—hair sprawled out on the pillow behind you, eyes warm and glossed over from him fucking you out, your soft and sweet moans filling his ears. 
You were taking him so well and he was loving every second of it. His mind wandered back to when you told him he was the biggest you’d ever had—only filling his ego further. He leaned up slightly, allowing himself to go deeper as he imagined you were the one taking him, mind driving away from the current situation. 
“Fuck—so close.”, the voice breathed, attempting to drag him out of his daydream.
That was all he could muster up, careful to not pull himself too far out of his delusions. He never had gone for the model type, but this was as good of a time as any. He was feeling worthless, useless—needed a little ego boost after you all broke up abruptly. He’d been seeing random girls in and out for the last six months, never committing to any of them too seriously. He didn’t want to—they weren’t you. There was no desire to further things with them. 
Waking up in bed with the girls he’d fucked the night before felt empty. As he was trying to come into consciousness, for a moment he’d almost wrapped them in his arms, but quickly remembered they weren’t you as he opened his eyes and came back into reality. Opting immediately to go outside and have a smoke after he slid his shorts on. He could feel himself nearing his release. It was pathetic that he had come to this, but he still had needs and desires too. 
He could feel his curls sticking to his forehead as he pushed himself through the last bit of sex. His breathing was hitching. His thick, broad fingers fumbled until he found breasts. A firm squeeze as he worked his hips, going as deep as he could inside her. Ready to make her cum and get this over with. He heard the moan that was not yours before the cries of pleasure hit his ears, realizing his job was done. There were soft moans and hiccups as he worked to finish himself, feeling unfulfilled as he fell in bed beside her. 
She complimented his ability, telling him how good he was in bed. He nodded lightly, a slight smirk spreading across his lips as he grabbed a cigarette from his bedside table. He lit it as she turned over, pulling the sheet up and over herself, already almost falling asleep. He puffed on the cigarette, staring down at his cell phone. It was less than a week until he had to face you again. Until he had to be in the same room as you for the first time since your break up.
You all had worked together, been co-stars in a romantic comedy. There was no intention of becoming lovers, but all the intimate scenes and spending a lot of time getting to know one another had caused love to bloom unexpectedly. Joseph’s career had sky-rocketed since Stranger Things and Gladiator, becoming one of the most wanted actors in the business. Not to mention how many women wanted him as well. Any woman would throw themselves at him for a chance to sleep with him or even go on a date with him.
However, he didn’t want them. He only wanted you. Or so you had thought. Before the termination of your relationship, you both had agreed to do conventions together. Several over the course of a few months. Neither of you expected you’d be broken up by that point. You both viewed it as a chance to spend more time with each other with your all’s increasingly busy schedule. It didn’t help matters that he lived in London and you lived in the States. 
Somehow, you all had made it work. He’d come to the States or you’d fly to London. You loved visiting him in London. It was a beautiful place, different than what you had seen before. There was something about him holding your hand as he dragged you through Borough Market or when he had taken you to see Big Ben for the first time, kissing you in the pale moonlight and asking you to officially be his. Romance was not something Joseph Quinn lacked in the slightest.
He never failed to make you feel special, even sending you flowers randomly. He’d sign them as your British lover and write he loved you on them. It made your heart melt, instantly sending him a text and telling him how much you loved him and how important he was to you. You all acted like love-sick teenagers, calling each other every chance you could even with the significant time difference. He didn’t care. It didn’t matter to him.
Little did he know, you laid in bed at night missing him. You had since you had broken up. Your bed was cold and lonely and you didn’t know when it wouldn’t be again. It was mentally draining. The days after your all’s break up (which was your choice) were the worst of your life. You felt like you had lost a piece of yourself. Essentially, you had. Joseph understood you—he was special. And now, he was gone. How would you recover?
You would have—still would give anything to be tangled up in the sheets in his house in London, making out softly as the sunlight came through the edge of his curtains. Some days, all you did was stay in bed with him. He’d let you sleep while he got up to smoke a cigarette and make dinner. His cooking was so good, you could taste the love and effort he put into it just for you. His love languages were cooking and touch. Now, that was far out of your reach—but not as far as you thought. 
Joe gave up on his cigarette, putting it out in the ashtray as he heard the soft snores of the woman in bed beside him. He exhaled loudly, falling back against his pillow before plugging his phone up. One week and he’d lay eyes on you again—in person and not on the internet. Even seeing you on the news and gossip pages was refreshing for him. You looked good—great and that pained him. Knowing you were happy without him. If only he knew the truth.
The week seemed to drag by. Maybe it was his nerves—the anxiousness of seeing you again. The girl that he’d been casually seeing followed him as he was packing the last of his things in his suitcase. He couldn’t wait to get away, but he’d never tell her that. Not right now. 
“Isn’t she going?”, she puffed out, emphasis on she. 
“Yes, she is.”
Joe didn’t pay her much mind as he was trying to finish packing. 
“I don’t like it.”, the girl crossed her arms.
“I know, but it’s something we agreed to do. We have a contract.”
“You’re broken up. Don’t your fans know that?”
Her voice was bitter, jealousy seething through her teeth. 
Joseph sighed, clearly becoming annoyed and agitated. “Yes. But we’ve been over this—we agreed to do this string of conventions before we broke up. They offered us good money and we saw it as an opportunity to spend time together. Can we please just drop it?”
She huffed in response, crossing her arms. “But you’re not going to spend more time with her than you have to, are you?”
Joe groaned again, rubbing his face in an attempt to keep himself from going off. “No—I am not. Now, please. I am already stressed enough. Can we please drop it, love? Yes?”
She finally resolved, allowing him to take her in his arms. Anything to pacify her so he could get out of the house and get to the airport. His manager was already up in arms about him being late. He knew this was going to be a rough convention anyway—especially having to see you again after all this time. His manager was going to meet him at the airport to take the flight from London to the States. He handled all his affairs in the US. He kissed the girl's head, feeling numb and empty.
Unfortunately, she followed him to the airport to say goodbye or some shit. Joe sighed as he made his way into the airport, his manager waiting for him. His manager gave him a small wave, and Joe gave a small smile back in response. 
“I’ve got to go, love. I’ll call, yes?”, Joe looked at the girl in front of him who looked heartbroken and like a lost puppy.
“Okay. Promise?”
He nodded, not able to form the word in his mouth. He hated feeling like this but this was so unfulfilling. All these girls were unfulfilling because they weren’t you. That was just the bare, honest truth regarding the matter. He shared a small kiss with her, not even attempting to deepen it. He didn’t want to. He wanted you and it killed him inside he couldn’t have you. As he made his way over to his manager, he gave the girl another small wave, and he and his manager disappeared into the line for airport security.
“Ready for this weekend?”, his manager asked, excitement laced in his voice.
Joe eyed him. “Yeah, excited to see the fans.”
Joe's manager nodded in response. “I’ve talked to Y/N’s manager. I know this weekend will be difficult and challenging for you both, seeing as this is the first time you’ve been in the same room since the—“, his manager trailed off, clearing his throat. “Break-up.”
Joe nodded. “Yeah.”
“Y/N is going to be civil, she’s agreed to do the joint photo-ops. Things are looking up.”
Joe nodded numbly again. Civil. All you were going to be was civil.
“Look, I know this is hard.”, Joe's manager eyed him as they moved in the line for airport security.
Joe didn’t respond, giving him another look.
“You were with her for over a year.”
Joe didn’t respond once again. You were a touchy subject, one he didn’t like to talk about to other people. It was one thing for Joe to think about you. You managed to stay on his mind constantly being the first thing on his mind when he woke up in the morning and the last thing he thought about before he fell asleep at night. You’d be on his mind tonight once he arrived at his hotel room, finally alone and getting a chance to think as he took a nice hot, relaxing shower. 
Joe's manager finally dropped the subject, moving on to what was planned for this weekend at the convention. The first day would consist of his solo photo-ops, the ones of you all together, and then his autographs. He was arriving a day early so he could get everything straight in an attempt to see you in person for the first time since your all’s break up. What he didn’t know was that you were also arriving a day early to do the same.
The flight from London to the States was long. One he wasn’t quite used to taking since you all had broken up. He had done a few things in the States since but it had been a while. His manager parted ways with Joe in his room, telling him he’d see him in the morning. Joe unlocked the door to his studio hotel room, the scent hitting his nose. He sat his suitcase down in the bedroom, looking at himself in the mirror. He would be jet lagged for a few days. 
Grabbing his toiletries, he went to the bathroom. He started the shower, the warm mist beginning to fill the room. His hair was shaggier than it had been when you all were together. He had curly bangs, letting his stubble finally grow back out. The thought came to his mind—remembering how you used to love his beard and stubble between your thighs, on your neck, and everything in-between. It sent a chill down his spine, feeling his cock growing hard between his legs.
A sigh escaped his lips as he palmed the bulge through his jeans, trying to magically make it go away but to no avail. He rolled his eyes, wishing there was a simple solution to his problem but he knew what he’d have to do. As the room became steamier, he stripped his clothes leaving him in just his boxers. This was an all too familiar scenario. He groaned as his fingers palmed his bulge, his eyes closing instinctively. 
All that was on his mind was you and how he wished his hands were yours—making him feel good, relieving his stress. Before he knew it, he was in the shower, stroking himself in his hand as the hot water poured over him dampening his curls, them falling in his face. He took his free hand, moving them back as he moaned out your name, wishing you’d answer. All his mind thought about was your curves, your perfect breasts, perfect ass, the whole nine yards. You had it all.
“Fuck—Y/N, gonna cum

”, he moaned in his shower, alone.
A second passed as he felt all the tension that built up release, thick white ropes of cum spurting out from the tip of his cock only wishing he could share it with you. The water washed it away just as quickly as it came, his eyes shooting open. His breathing was hitched, his chest heaving as he brushed through his curls. He quickly finished his shower, got out, and dried off. Grabbing his phone, he went to the bedroom. The room was quiet, solemn. It hurt to know you were this close and yet he still couldn’t have you.
Peeling the covers back, he laid down and exhaled deeply. He had a few missed calls from the girl he had been seeing, choosing to ignore them. Reaching up and turning off the lamp, he attempted to sleep but it was damn near impossible. He was seeing you in just a few short hours. What would you wear? He was sure it would be sexy and beautiful whatever it was. How would you wear your hair? Straight? Curly? Up or down? All his thoughts were driving him mad. 
The next morning he was woken up by the sound of his manager knocking. He got dressed quickly, grabbing his phone and bottle of water. Joe's manager informed him he almost overslept and that the ride was there to take him to the convention center. He was always taken in the back way in order to not draw attention to himself. He checked his phone, seeing more missed calls from the girl he’d been seeing. Rolling his eyes and rubbing his face, he texted her and told her he’d call her later tonight. 
His mom was checking in on him, asking him how his flight was and if he had arrived safely. He responded, telling her he was fine, he would call her later, and he loved her. 
“Ready for today?”, his manager asked as they pulled up to the back entrance of the convention center, bringing him out of his thoughts.
“Yes.”, Joe smiled softly.
The car parked, allowing him and his manager to exit and enter the convention center. Joe was met with convention staff, directing him to his area. He thanked them, getting to know their names and what they did outside of conventions before he settled in. The first thing he desired to do was have a cigarette. If he was being honest, he needed a little liquid courage. But that’d have to be later. He looked confident but on the inside, he was a nervous wreck to see you again. 
Once the convention opened up, Joe had his solo photo-ops first. His manager made it clear that he was the main guest, the one everyone wanted to see. Joe had heard it all before. It was nothing new to him. Joe and his manager made their way to the photo-op area, Joe looking for any sign of you but trying not to make it obvious. He didn’t notice you yet. No sign of you in sight. 
Joe tried to put on a brave face as he plastered a smile across his face. He was ready to meet his fans, but his heart skipped a beat thinking about you. Joe's manager took a seat in the corner as they began lining up guests to meet him. These things always went super fast and sometimes were a blur to Joe. It was something he loved to do but he was on edge thinking about seeing you again. His stomach was doing somersaults, almost identical to the time you all went on your first date. 
He lost count of how many fans he saw, hugged, and did peace signs with—it all went so fast. Before he knew it, he took his last solo picture. His manager got up, telling him they’d break for lunch and then it would be time for your all’s duo photo-ops. Joe could barely touch his food knowing he was seeing you in less than an hour. Joseph's manager eyed him but didn’t say anything. 
The hour seemed to pass so slowly, Joe eyeing the clock constantly as he picked at his food. His mind was filling with a hundred different things. He swallowed hard as he disposed of his trash, making sure nothing was stuck in his teeth. He had to look good as this was the first time he was going to see you again. Joe was nervous, shoving his hands deep into his pockets as he waited around for you and your manager. In the meantime, he went out to have a quick smoke.
The nicotine barely helped as he squashed it out moments later, making his way back into the building. 
“Ready?”, his manager asked.
Joe nodded, even though he really wasn’t ready. He wasn’t ready to see you again. He followed his manager to the photo-op area, taking a deep breath before the curtain was pulled back revealing
..you. You barely looked up, locking eye contact with him before looking down again. Your hair was down, beautifully cascading down your shoulders. Your outfit was tight—hugging all the right curves in all the right places and he instantly felt himself swallow hard. 
He also felt the bulge growing in his pants, quickly trying to dismiss it. He couldn’t do this right now. He closed his eyes, sharply inhaling before opening them again. He could smell your designer perfume from a mile away, just like you could smell his Dior cologne, the one he always wore when you all went on dates and the one he’d use after a shower. You could remember the way it mixed with the scent of his sweat during sex, driving you crazy.
Your stomach flipped at the thought. But you’d never let him know. Joe's manager noticed Joe’s eyes fixated on you before he looked away quickly. Joe felt his heart skip a beat just looking at you. Joe opened a bottle of water, taking a drink as he tried his best not to look at you again. Little did he know, you were fighting the same urge. Joe looked good—he had slimmed down a little but nothing major. You were sure it was for his new movie. 
You had read about it online the other day, accidentally coming across it. His hair was longer and curly, his bangs in his face. He was wearing jeans, a black t-shirt, and a leather jacket, and man, did he look fine—sexy in it. You swallowed hard, quick to look down at your cell phone. Anything to focus your attention elsewhere. On the other side of the photo-op area, Joe was fighting and struggling to speak. He wanted to clear the air a little.
“Hey.”, Joe smiled softly, swallowing hard and finally gaining the courage to speak to you. 
“Hi Joe.”, you breathed easily, not looking up at him as you smoothed your hands over your pants.
A pang went through Joe’s heart as he realized you weren’t going to put a lot of effort into this interaction. It was hard to see him again, he just didn’t realize it. He thought it was hard for him—if he only knew the truth. You had a date set up later that night after the convention—anything to get him off your mind. 
“Alright, they’re lining up the fans right now. Is there anything you all need?”, his manager asked.
Joe shook his head, declining as did you. His manager and your manager sat in the corner as you and Joe stood on the marked 'X' on the floor. Joe looked over at you periodically to see if you were looking at him, but you weren’t. Much to his dismay. You all were civil in greeting fans and taking pictures with them, mustering up a smile. But you didn’t go out of your way to speak to him or look his way. At one point during the photo-ops, he asked if you were okay.
You never once glanced up at him, answering with a monotoned ‘yes’. He could tell you barely wanted to be around him. Much less, in the same room as him pretending to be happy. The mood of the room seemed to be different, tense, and stiff. Joe sighed as he tried his best to be happy for the fans who were there to take pictures with you all. There were some awkward poses fans asked you to do like putting them in the middle and hugging each other. 
There had been no verbal contact since you all had broke up. Much less, physical contact. Joe could tell you were counting down the minutes until this agony—your punishment was over. He watched you eye the clock throughout the entire day. Once the photo-ops were over and you all said goodbye to the last fan, you grabbed your water and cell phone ready to make your exit.
“See you later.”, Joe spoke softly, careful not to add any pet names like ‘love’ or ‘darling’. 
“Bye Joe.”
“Autographs and then my date.”, you smiled at your manager.
Date. That word was like a dagger through his heart. He hadn’t known you to date since you all had broken up. You had a right to, but he didn’t want you to see other people. The only reason he was seeing other girls was to forget you and that didn’t seem to be working. His chances of winning you back or even working to be civil were futile. It would never work. 
You were gone as quick as you had come. It reminded him of the day you had left. You all were trying the living together thing while you were in London. It was going well until the argument happened that you all just seemed not to be able to move past. By the time Joe had arrived home, you were gone along with your stuff. He never got a chance to explain himself even though he sent multiple text messages and left multiple voicemails attempting to plead his case.
His manager gave him a soft smile and a gentle pat on the back as they made their way to his autograph area. There would be no way he could focus on all these people when he only wanted to see you. Somehow, he mustered through what seemed like hours of meeting fans and signing autographs. His fans could tell something was off with him, he didn’t seem as cheerful and peppy. How could he be happy knowing you were going to be out with another man?
Looking as good as you did. The thought alone made him jealous. He could just imagine some guy holding the door for you, pulling your chair out, laughing with you across a candle-lit table. It was all driving him mad. He took a few more smoke breaks that evening than he usually did, finally completing his autograph session for day one. He and his manager left, grabbing dinner before returning to the hotel. His manager watched Joe down several drinks, but not enough to make him plastered.
Joe's manager chose not to question it. Something had happened that Joe clearly wasn’t ready to talk about. Joe unlocked his hotel room, telling his manager goodnight. The room was cool, not too stuffy. Joe sighed as he laid all his stuff down, deciding to take a shower before bed to relax. Maybe in his fantasies, he could at least have you. He closed his eyes and swallowed hard, feeling the bulge in his pants harden just at the thought of you. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he moved to the bathroom.
Once again, giving in to his desires. The hot water rushed over his body, making him forget about the stress of the day. He held his cock in his hand, stroking it as he thought about you laying in bed, waiting for him. Just imagining your naked body on display for his eyes only was making his breathing hitch. He missed the way your body felt, the way it intertwined with his perfectly. It didn’t take him long to climax, feeling a little better about himself. He finished his shower, got out, and wrapped a towel around himself before hearing several close, frantic knocks on his hotel room door. 
His face scrunched up in confusion. Who could it be at this hour? He stood there, listening if it was going to happen again. Several more knocks came to his door. Quickly, he made his way to the door, peering through his peephole. Was his eyes deceiving him? Pulling the chained lock apart, he hurriedly opened the door to reveal you. You were crying, mascara running down your cheeks. Tears were in your eyes instantly causing his heart to hurt. He hated to see you cry. Even when you all were together. 
“I’m—sorry.”, you choked out, voice trembling as your brain scrambled to find the right words.
Was he dreaming?
“What’s going on?”
“Can—Can I please come in? Some guy is following me and I’m scared.”
“Who?”, Joe’s voice darkened, anger creeping up as he practically pulled you inside.
“I’m sorry—I’m so sorry to come this late. God, you just showered.”
Your words were frantic, your brain all over the place. All you wanted to do was crash. 
“No—no, it’s fine. What happened? Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”
Joe was spurting out questions faster than you could process and answer them. Joe quickly locked both locks on the door, holding his towel in place as he followed you to the couch in his studio hotel room. You put your face in your hands, realizing how crazy you probably seemed causing a few more tears to flow. 
“Promise?”, Joe asked.
You nodded, sniffling.
There were so many emotions flowing through you, trying to process them all. You could feel Joe’s eyes on you, the concerned expression on his face. 
“I’m so sorry—I’m so sorry I came here.”, you repeated.
With everything going on, Joseph almost forgot that he had left the playlist playing on his iPhone. It was the one you all always listened to, a collective mix of your favorite songs. Ones that reminded you of each other and ones you sometimes made love to. 
“Don’t be sorry.”, Joseph breathed softly. 
The music was playing softly in the background, fading out before switching to another song. Joseph was debating how he should play this. Should he try and comfort you? Or should he keep his distance? He was unsure which way to go about it. 
“I just—I shouldn’t have come.”, you sighed, mentally beginning to beat yourself up. “I mean I haven’t even spoken to you since we broke up and now I just expect you to welcome me with open arms.”
“It’s really okay. I don’t mind.”
“No—I mean—fuck.”, you began to cry again softly.
Joe wore a pained expression on his face as he watched you begin to cry again.
“Don’t cry, love. Please.”
Fuck. He called you love. He just didn’t know it made your heart stop. 
“I just—.”
“Just tell me what happened.”, he touched your shoulder, sending chills down your spine.
He was so calming, so relaxing. It instantly made you feel calmer, the crying began to slow down. 
“I—I was out on my date.”, you swallowed hard. “And we were having a good time—talking and getting to know each other—”
This was hard for Joseph to hear. He didn’t want to imagine you out on a date with another man. He definitely didn’t want to hear about it. But he reminded himself there was a reason you came to him. There was a reason you showed up at his hotel room. Maybe something was still there—maybe you still loved him in some way. 
“And we seemed to hit it off—we were going to leave with each other. I was walking in front when he grabbed me—”, you paused, becoming emotional again. 
“He what?”, Joe’s voice became dark, angry. 
“He grabbed my ass, gave it a squeeze and we weren’t there yet—I mean I just—you never did that to me.”
“No—because that’s fucked. Why did he think he should grab your ass?”
There was anger laced in Joe’s question. Deep down inside, he was seething with anger and jealousy. 
You shrugged, trying not to cry.
“Did anything else happen?”, Joe sighed, rubbing your shoulder.
But you were so shaken, you didn’t notice. Or didn’t mind.
“I was so—shocked. I didn’t—I told him I needed to leave. But he wouldn’t take no for an answer, beginning to follow me. I asked him to stop, Joe. I promise I did.”
“Hey, hey,”, Joe began as he looked you in the eyes, holding both your shoulders. “This isn’t anything you did, okay?”
You nodded. “Okay.”
The current song faded out, a moment of silence before the next one came on. You both instantly recognized the melody with ease. It was Tim Curry’s version of “Baby Love”, one of your absolute favorites. You both looked at one another, you finally admiring Joe’s soft features. His soft, warm brown eyes. His small smile, the one you fell in love with. His beard was beginning to grow back out, the thought alone sending chills down your spine. His curls were perfect, falling in the right spots.
It felt like time stood still—you both leaning closer. A smile curved deeper on his face, care in his brown eyes shining through. He noticed the small smile spreading across your lips, the sniffles lessening. Instinctively, your eyes closed as you felt your lips meet. He tasted so good, you almost forgot how soft his lips were. A small moan escaped your lips as you both worked to deepen the kiss, his tongue tracing yours. His broad fingers found your cheek, cupping it just like he did when you were together. 
There was soft music playing as the sounds of your kisses filled the room. He heard your soft sigh muffled by the kiss you all shared, one hand on his chest. He kept deepening the kiss, causing you to take a few steps back. You both were in the same mindset, the frustration and confusion surrounding your break up and tonight melting away. He was carefully backing you up to the bedroom. He was careful to miss the table and other items blocking your all’s blind wrecking ball moving down the hallway.
Suddenly, you stopped and he pushed you against the wall, pressing himself against you. If you weren’t mistaken, you felt his cock digging into your thigh, only the towel separating it from you. You were wearing a white dress with black heels, your hair was straightened. Your heels were already off, leaving them near the door of the hotel. His hands wrapped around your waist, yours wrapping around his neck and getting a handful of his curls causing him to moan inside your mouth.
It was clear he had missed this just as much as you had. A smile curved into your lips as you both continued to passionately kiss, tasting each other like it had been a hundred years. 
“Bedroom?”, Joe managed to get out between kisses, half slurred as he continued to kiss you.
“Please.”, you pleaded through a breath. 
He pulled you away from the wall, causing a small gasp before it turned into a flirtatious chuckle. He was careful in leading you to the bedroom, feeling the back of your legs hit the mattress. He broke the kiss, looking you dead in the eyes.
“Are you sure you want this? Sure that you want me?”, one of his hands found your cheek, caressing it softly.
This was like a moment out of a movie. 
You smiled softly as your eyes focused on him before touching his cheek in response, feeling his stubble under your fingers. “Of course I want you.”
He nodded in satisfaction as he kissed you again causing you both to chuckle lightly. 
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starsurface · 3 months
Mk1 BiHan <3
Okie!! :D
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Regressor Bi-Han Hcs pt 2
❄ My last ones were really sad so I’m gonna focus a bit more on positive hcs
❄ Little Bi-Han actually highly enjoys more ‘baby’ or ‘softer’ regression activities
❄ Paddycake, story time, cuddle time, just sitting beside you
❄ Does not do tummy tme because he doesn’t like how vulerable it makes him feel
❄ It also doesn’t . . . look like he’s into these things though
❄ If you play paddycake with him, he’ll just stare at you, no giggling, no small smile
❄ But if you stop playing, he’ll get very upset and demand you continue, taking away his fun like that >:(
❄ He’ll whine and complain about physical touch when he’s bigger, especially out in public (behind closed doors he’s actually super clingy)
❄ But little Bi-Han? Psh, you can’t get him off you!! He’ll drap himself on you, or snuggle against your hide, or practically sit on your lap
❄ He really wants to sit on your lap but he’s too shy because a, it’s childish, and b, he feels like he’s too big and heavy
❄ Nonsense, just tell him that he has to be a bit careful and of course he can sit on your lap <3
❄ Bi-Han has a  . . . very big communication issue
❄ When he wants something or is upset, he’ll sit there silently, staring at the floor with tears in his eyes, frustrated that you can’t just know what he wants
❄ A really simple solution to this? Communication cards or one of those apps
❄ Bi-Han gets really fussy about using technology, but he also gets really embarrassed if you bring the cards out
❄ Especially around others!!! He might not talk much, but you don’t have to embarrass him like that!!! >:\
❄ Over time though, he learns very quickly that it’s way easier to use the cards or app than to sit there frustrated with himself and you
❄He’ll angirly get it when he’s upset, stomping over to its hiddey place and shoving it in your face, repeadingly tapping about why he’s upset (It’s so adorable and you have to remind yourself to take it seriously)
❄ One of Bi-Han’s secret wishes is to regress outside
❄ The Lin Kuei gets a bunch of snow, and he wants to play in it!! 
❄ Building snow men, making snow angels, catching snowflakes on his tounge đŸ„ș
❄ But he’s also terrified of regressing in public, so it’ll probably never happen :(
❄ You’ve caught him peaking outside his curtains to look at the snow, but he’ll claim that he was just making the that the curtains ‘still working’ (whatever that means)
❄ If you do try to convince him to go play outside, it takes so much convincing
❄ Bi-Han at first gets super upset that you even suggested it, and might try to ignore you
❄ But eventually curiosity does get the better of him and one day, you do have a little day outside!!
❄ It’s late at night, and Bi-Han makes sure everyones busy, and it’s one of the best regression memories he has
❄ You two got to play in the snow!! It’s one of the few times you’ve ever heard Bi-Han’s real giggle :D
❄ You could exactly see his smile, because his mask was on, but you could tell there was a huge smile on his face
❄ A really easy indicator that he’s regressing is that he begins to suck his tumb
❄ He has other indicators, like clinging onto you more, or sitting next to you and grabbing your sleeve or back of your shirt
❄ But a big indicator is that his hand will drift to his mask, and then he’ll whine because he has his mask on still :(
❄ His favorite regression item is a nursery rhyme book that his mother gifted him when he was a young boy
❄ He really likes being read to, especially if your very active in your story telling
❄ Praise!!!
❄ Please tell him that he’s a good boy, or how smart he is for doing something simple, or even just how much you love him
❄ He needs your reasurance that you love him, that he’s not naughty when he has his meltdowns, that he can relax and be babied and just breathe
❄ Bi-Han struggles sometimes to comprehend what someone’s trying to tell him what to do, and this also follows into his regression
❄ He needs clear instructions, or he’ll try to do what you want, only to stand there incredibly frustrated with himself and feeling like an idiot for needing more help
❄ Make sure to remind him that he’s not an idiot for wanting clearier instructions, because he’s not, he just want to make sure the jobs done right
❄ He’s very clingy and protective of you or whoevers watching him while small
❄ If your watching someone else too, he’ll be attatched to your hip and’ll glare at the other person (he gets better with this overtime)
❄ This man has little to no regression items, and even though he will completely freak out if you got him something simple as a plushie, that plushie will become his new little friend and he cannot not have it while tiny
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Hope these are okay!! <3
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scorchieart · 1 year
Hi Scorchie! May I request Leon / 2 / Comfort / 2nd PoV from your grab-bag? đŸ„ș🩁
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Characters: Leon Dompteur x F!Reader
POV: 2nd person Genre: Comfort
Prompt #2: “When a flower doesn't bloom you fix the garden, not the flower.”
Wordcount: 928
A/N: Hiya Sui! Thanks for the request! A comforting Leon is just what the doctor ordered after a long day. I hope you'll enjoy this one!
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You kicked your boots off and submerged your feet in the crystal-clear depths of the river, letting your breath release out your nose in as close to periodic cycles as your racing mind could manage. The once-still water rippled as your legs shook, and you tried not to focus on the swarms of tiny fish that glided away from where you stood. Instead, you watched the swishing motions of the cattail plants that grew bunched along the riverbank, most of which, you noticed, were your height if not slightly taller. 
“That better?” Leon said, emerging from the low bushes behind you. He reached to pick up your discarded boots and set them neatly on a large, flat stone jutting out above the river. He sat next to them and looked up at the sky.
“Yeah,” you heaved. Leon dwarfed the cattails from where he sat, looking surprisingly similar to a lion surrounded by his prostrating pride. An image that amused you greatly.
“What’s so funny?” he asked, a puzzled yet humored smile spreading across his face as he watched you clutch your stomach and laugh. 
 you just look so regal!” you wheezed, the tips of your hair splashing in the river as you bent down. Whatever fish dared attempt to approach you streaked away again instantly. “So regal! Even surrounded by nature. Like it’s second nature.”
You swallowed your last words and focused again on controlling your breath. Your hair fell like a curtain in front of your eyes, shielding Leon’s majestic view. A part of you knew he was staring directly at you. Maybe even through you.
“First nature, second nature, third nature
 I don’t think any of that stuff really matters, so long as your heart’s in it,” Leon said. Over the rushing burble of the river you heard him stand, but you didn’t move. It was as though the water had turned your skin to ice.
“Easy for you to say,” you began, a strained sensation arising as you moved your lips. “All the things you put your heart into come so naturally to you. Politics, fighting, protecting, making friends
” your voice trailed off. You weren’t sure why the words sounded so bitter coming from you. Those were the qualities that made Leon the admirable leader he was; the same ones you parrotted every time his name came up in conversation. Yet now, alone in only his company, it was as though your parrot’s beak had finally been set correctly in place. And you didn’t like it.
A new set of ripples erupted beside yours, and you felt a light hand patting your head.
“Not everything,” he said. “I could never get lost in a book like you do.”
“A bookworm doesn’t have the influence of a prince,” you retorted.
“Oh yeah? Explain Chevalier.”
“No one can explain Chevalier.”
“Good point.”
You kept your eyes trained on the water as he laughed above you, his hearty chuckles filling the air. Several fish swam closer, curious.
“But you do know there’s nothing wrong with putting in effort, right? Prince or not, if it’s something you’re passionate about, you have only yourself to impress,” said Leon, his voice suddenly gaunt. You raised your head, curious to see his expression, but the same charming smile still masked his features.
“And with everyone watching?” you asked, unwrapping your arms from your stomach. “Can you really have the luxury of messing up after all that effort is put in on such a grand stage?”
He removed his hand and brought it to his chin in contemplation. “Well, since you’re asking a prince whose every action is monitored on a
 what did you call it? ‘Grand stage.’ I’d like to tell you the pressure goes away with time.” He removed his hand and swiped the hair from your face behind your ear in a practiced, heart-stopping motion. “But you’re also asking Leon. And I’m telling you that every single day, I am just as nervous as my first.”
“I don’t believe you,” you said, feeling heat rise in your cheeks, but this time not from bitterness.
“Why not?”
“Because each day, the roses bloom more brilliantly than they did the last. And everyone attributes it to you.”
“Who told you that?” Leon asked, smirking.
“That’s the general consensus across town.”
“There are eight princes, you know.”
“Yes, but only one you.”
“Smooth. You got me right where it hurts!” He feigned getting shot in the heart and dramatically clutched at his chest. You couldn’t help the small giggle that escaped your lips.
“But I think you’re wrong. I can see one rose not blooming properly.” He stood up straight again and pointed at you. “And as far as I’m concerned, that's a failure on my part.”
“What’s one little dud when the rest of the garden is thriving?” you said, stepping out of the river. “Just because one measly screw up couldn’t keep up with the rest, it’s not a failure on the gardener’s part.”
“No. When a flower doesn’t bloom you fix the garden, not the flower,” he said.
“Smooth,” you repeated, pulling your boots back on. “From Sonia’s latest romantic thriller novel? And here you just claimed you weren’t a bookworm.”
“Chevalier read that part to me, actually.”
He was still in the river, and it was only at that moment you realized he still had his boots on, his pants submerged halfway up to his knees.
“There are countless try-hards and bookworms and roses out in the world,” he said, “but never forget there’s only one you.”
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All the recent Leon content has been really exciting, he's seriously the best bro. Unrelated, but with this fic I am finally finished with my first set of the grab-bag prompts! Thanks to everyone who sent in a request and read the works, it's been an eye-opening experience, I cannot lie.
Tagging:@atelieredux @queengiuliettafirstlady @violettduchess @venulus @thewitchofbooks @leonscape @rhodolitesrose @venti-tangents @dear-sciaphilia @ikesenwritings @myonlyjknight @ladyofcrowsx @otomefoxystar
If you would like to be added or removed from my tag list, please send me an ask or a message.
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sparklingsin · 2 years
what abt a soft n fluffy but lil bit awkward first kiss w Tom or Peter whatever your heart desires đŸ„ș
easy as you and me
I'm sorry if this is bad but ty for the prompt love <3
peter parker x gn!reader | post nwh | fluff | blurb
The first time it happens, you don't see it coming.
You're on your stomach beside Peter, who is typing away on his laptop, the bright screen reflected in his eyes. Forehead slightly scrunched and lips pressed into a pout, he seems engrossed.
It's the most endearing thing.
You watch as he sighs before furiously pressing the back key on the keyboard and muttering something under his breath. You catch the words 'stupid' and 'please work' and chuckle inwardly.
It is so easy being with him like this. In his tiny apartment, by the light of your devices and the warm New York breeze blowing in through the curtain-less window
Oh, you've forgotten to bring him your spare curtains again.
He leans over then, with casual ease and into your shoulder, clearly frustrated with the code he's been punching into his laptop for the last few hours.
It's muscle memory for you to lean right in, burying your face into his hair that smells like your favourite smell— him.
You love Peter. You didn't think you'd fall in love with the boy that had shown up at your hardware store one day, looking for a chip your father had stopped selling ages ago but you managed to fish out from the scraps nonetheless because something told you the boy desperately needed it.
You never asked what Peter did with the chip, or why sometimes you never heard from him or why, on nights that were different from this one, he'd call you to just hear your voice.
"Peter," you whisper without thinking and he looks up. There's that glaze in his eyes from when he's too lost in his thoughts for a moment, before it clears.
"Huh?" he asks, narrowing his focus to you.
You never have to plead for his attention.
You don't know why you do it. You have been thinking about it a long time, but tonight, the warm familiarity somehow feels unique and special. It's in the air, it's in the way one of Peter's legs is carelessly thrown over yours, it's in the way his curls are even more relentless today, it's the way his mouth is turned into a frown that shouldn't be so pretty.
You lean over and press your lips to his, just briefly, a feather touch at best, but your heartbeat is hardly contained in your chest.
You back away from a Peter that is frozen then, mouth hanging open slightly.
For a moment, the world feels razor sharp— like everything has slowed down and your senses have been dialed to eleven to register the tiniest detail in the apartment.
But then, much to your surprise, Peter's leaning back in, his hand finding it's way to cup your face and pulling you towards him.
Your lips meet again and the world loses its focus, dissolving into mist around you. Your heart is still yet beating fast, feeling Peter's lips draw you in. His lips are soft and pillowy against your own as you let your hands wander to his neck and let yourself be pulled in.
The soft nudge of his nose into yours, the warmth that is blooming across your chest, the gentle want that is evident in the way his lips are moving around yours— it is dizzying.
When you part, the need for air becoming imminent, you find your self facing a Peter who is smiling slightly.
Laughter bubbles out of your throat and you press a hand to your mouth in embarrassment. You're not sure why you chuckled. Maybe it's because you feel a little light-headed and fuzzy.
"What?" you ask, not sure what answer you are looking for yourself.
"That was everything I imagined and more," he admits, curling one end of his lip. You know he can't tell in the darkness, but you're definitely blushing.
It's easy being with Peter. Nothing changes as you settle right back beside him, his shoulder pressing into yours. You work for another hour or so, in the company of each other's silence and the steady hum of the light outside Peter's apartment.
Until, he nudges you with his shoulder and you look up— and Peter's kissing you again.
You lose track of how many times you kiss after, that night, but everytime is better than the last and you never see them coming.
request fluff
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hwanchaesong · 2 years
for your prompt requests, may i please request yunho and Dandelions - Ruth B.? fluff, maybe i little suggestive but mostly fluff, where it’s that cute stage in the relationship where you both know you have feelings for each other but you haven’t officially established the relationship yet, that stage between being friends and being a couple where everything feels so fresh and sweet and gentle and lovely please? đŸ„ș
a/n: this is so adorable pls, it made me soft đŸ€§ sorry it took a while for me to finish but here ya go, happy reading 🍀 @my-fix-on-fics
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đŸ‘€: ATEEZ Jeong Yunho
đŸ“Œ: Dandelions - Ruth B.
genre & warnings: fluff, slightly suggestive, some cursing, yeah overall it's just fluffy af, i went a bit overboard with this
word count: 1.7k
for anyone who wants to, don't be shy and send me asks based on Prompts Request Song Version. Thank you so much!
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"Let me carry it for you."
A large hand stopped you from picking your luggage, swooping in and lifting them up himself.
"I can do it myse- hey! Yunho!"
You called out for him but he only stuck his tongue out, running away and towards the car to put your belongings inside.
Such a stupid guy really, despite that, you still can't help the blooming giddiness and the flapping of the butterflies on your stomach, a smile forming in your lips whenever you think of how gentlemanly he is.
Jeong Yunho, a guy that you have met through your mutual friends.
It was easy to befriend him, he is approachable, talkative, a ball of positivity and energy that lights up your day.
Forming a bond with him is as easy as falling in love with him.
One fateful day of you forgetting your umbrella during a rainfall and him sharing his with you, offering to walk you home.
When the rain stopped that afternoon, you stood by your doorstep, glancing back at him to thank him for his kindness but stopped when you noticed the scenery in front of you.
His left shoulder is wet, a rainbow up in the sky behind him as he gives you a breathtaking smile.
You loved him when you realized that he's willing to sacrifice even a small expanse just to keep you safe, and not anyone can do that.
Meanwhile, Yunho has already decided to love you when you asked him if he's okay after a long tiring day.
He was able to mask his emotions, even his friends weren't able to discern what he was hiding inside.
But you did, you saw right through him and he couldn't be happier knowing that you understand him so well, and not anyone can do that.
Both of you are aware of your true feelings for each other, (courtesy of woosan snitching) but your relationship is vague. Somehow in between a couple and friends.
The establishment of what the two of you really are will come soon, the inevitable impending talk on its way but for now, you'll have to enjoy the trip that your circle planned for 4 gruelling months.
"Y/N! Sit with me!" Mingi exclaimed, patting the cushion next to him when you peeked inside the car, you were about to agree when an arm wrapped around your shoulders, pulling you close into someone's body.
"That won't do buddy, this little missy right here will sit next to me."
You looked up only to see Yunho, already staring at you with a soft look on his face.
Bright red blush creeping up on your neck at his sudden possessiveness, "Well y-yes." you dumbly stuttered, making Jongho tease his hyung.
"You can't separate them, damn, such an antagonist."
Mingi's protests were heard, saying that he doesn't want to sit with the other men because they're annoying as fuck.
You weren't paying attention though, all your focus was pointed at the man beside you.
He was the one to break the silence, clearing his throat and telling you to get inside the car, his hand sliding to the small of your back as he gently guided you, putting his palm on your head so you won't bump it in the car's roof.
"Careful there."
You think you're gonna go insane from the amount of pampering you get from him, but you won't complain ever.
When everything had settled down, Seonghwa started to drive, everyone inside the car howling in excitement that Hongjoong needed to shut them all up, except for you and Yunho.
A comfortable silence between the two of you, skin making contact every time your arms bump into each other.
After some time, he brought his earphones out, offering you one that you gladly accepted, him playing a movie on his phone while you get some snacks for you to eat.
It was like the two of you are in your own world, giggling at the scenes playing on the screen and feeding each other chips. Not minding the surroundings, too concentrated on each other's presence.
You soon felt drowsy, unconsciously leaning your head on his shoulder.
Yunho smiled softly, endeared at your adorable face that scrunched up when your hair tickled your nose. He took the liberty of running his hand on your strands, fixing it so you'll be able to sleep peacefully.
Fake gagging and vomiting sounds ensued, and he had to shoot them a menacing glare, "I swear to god, if Y/N woke up, I'll strangle all of you."
That effectively zipped his friends' mouths off.
Slowly opening your eyes, feeling refreshed due to the long nap, a voice startled your awakening.
"Had a good sleep?"
You shot up from your comfortable position in his lap, finding yourself still inside the car, looking outside, the sun had already gone over to the other side of the world, its siblings and husband decorating the dark skies instead.
"Why didn't you wake me up!?" you complained but stopped when he cupped your face.
"If I woke you up, then I wouldn't be able to view the best artwork I have ever seen in my life."
By that, he pertains to your angelic features lit up by the orange hue from the sunset, his eyes roaming all over your face and the only thing that he could think of is how much of a dream you are.
He remembers the way his spine tingles whenever his name rolls off on your tongue like icing, sweet and frosty.
He reminisces the way you do things, smooth and calculating that always had him going crazy.
He envelopes your hand in his, tugging you slightly, "Come on, let's go out. Pretty sure that the others are waiting for us."
Sure enough, everyone was at the camping site, downing shots and grilling meat.
Yeosang was the one who caught a glimpse of you, seeing you two walk over hand in hand.
"The love birds are here!" he yelled.
You and Yunho pulled away from each other, the man going over to get a drink, sitting down on a bench in front of the bonfire.
"There you are!" Wooyoung, who is slightly tipsy, threw himself at you, making you stumble a bit.
San immediately retrieved his friend, apologizing for his behaviour, "Don't mind him, he'll pass out soon."
You laughed a bit and sat down next to Yunho, putting your hands out to warm yourself.
You nodded your head at his question, him standing up abruptly and coming back with a fluffy blanket. He wrapped the blanket around you, making sure that none of your skin is exposed.
You don't know what came over to you, all you know is that you pulled him down next to you, sharing the blanket with him and snuggling at his side.
"Yes, it's warm."
No explanation is needed to understand what you meant. It's not just the blanket nor the fire that kept you heated, it was the man on your side. A cozy home in the middle of a freezing nowhere.
After dinner, you all went to your respective tents, and as lucky as you are, Yunho is your tent mate for the night.
It was awkward yet you find solace in the cramped space, you always did when you're with him.
"Wait a minute." you heard him mutter as he moved around, finding the perfect position to sleep but it only had him landing on top of you when he tried to stand up, he lost his balance when he accidentally stepped on your foot.
"Shit. I'm sor-"
His words died down on his throat when he saw how close the two of you are.
Noses touching, breath mixing, lips only a centimeter away from colliding.
His eyes gazed at yours, something akin to desire flashing in his eyes as he slowly leaned down.
Will you accept it?
You don't have to, he didn't continue what he was planning to do, not when he still hasn't officially asked you to be his girl.
His head fell down on the crook of your neck, "I'm sorry." he apologized, lifting his body up and rolling onto his side.
You were about to be disappointed but that melted away when he held you in his arms, cuddling you in his chest.
"Let's sleep like this. Goodnight, Y/N."
The next day, neither of you weren't brave enough to mention the events last night, opting to listen to the bickering between San and Wooyoung.
"Where are we going? Fields? What are we gonna do? Plant rice?"
"It's a field of flowers you fool, you're always thinking of food that's why your weight never goes down."
"Say that again, bitch!"
Hongjoong's booming voice echoed out, him pushing the two away and threatening them that he'll put sleeping pills in their food and leave them in an unknown place when they're knocked out.
That was extreme, and you know that he won't do it, but it still worked so all is well.
The journey to your destination is fairly short, and you were in awe when you saw a field of dandelions. You excitedly jumped out of the car, Yunho following suit and he was so ready to catch you if you ever fell on your ass.
He watched you run around, and his mind wanders over the word called 'soulmates.'
Out of the 7 billion people in the world, one of them is destined to be yours, and he's so damn sure that he has one, and he's already found that person in the shape of you.
He fished his phone out of his pocket to capture your beauty, filming you so that he'll have something to remember by whenever he feels like replaying this fleeting moment.
Just then, you turned on your heels to face him, wind blowing and white, feathery petals swirling around.
A majestic sight to behold and at the center of it are two figures who implores for the exact same thing.
If someone asked you what's the meaning of the word 'forever,' you would answer 'in the eyes of my beloved.'
Wishing on the candles on your birthday cake, you've always asked for money or other materialistic things.
Now, in this meadow full of yearnings and miracles, you only pray for one thing, and that is to be with the love of your life.
You made eye contact with Yunho, both of you can't breathe properly and hearts are thumping so loud in your chests.
No words were exchanged, but your translucent souls are enough to send the message over the breeze and ligules,
"I love you."
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rukunas · 3 years
hiiiii! idk if ur taking requests rn but if you could do a tattoo artist levi if not that is TOTALLY fine ily and ur work :) have a good day bb <33
i’m sorry bae, this has been in my inbox for so long đŸ„ș ily sm. also in my head, levi is a tall man. therefore, he is tall in my fics.
warnings: bimbo!reader, tattoo artist!levi, smut, fingering, dubcon, manipulation
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The first thing you notice, besides the jingle of bells on the door, is the man behind the counter.
He’s drinking— tea, you realize— with one hand sketching in a notepad and the other balancing a teacup. It’s a weird contrast with the deep scowl he has on his face and the patchwork tattoos lining his arms, varying symbols all over his pale skin.
“Um, hi.” You clear your throat, giggling when the man looks up. His grey eyes meet yours before he glances at your bare legs and curves. His gaze swishes back to his paper.
“There’s a form on my left. Fill it out.”
Okay. This was going great.
The form was simple enough, just a few things needing to be checked off here and there. Signing the paper off, you hand it back to the man.
Levi Ackerman, his nametag reads.
“Room 2 on the left. Give me five.”
You sit on your hands to stop them from shaking, the tattoo gun just inches away from your chest.
“Wait! Um, will it hurt Mister Ackerman?”
He interrupts with a huff that could be mistaken as a bout of laughter. “S’ fine, you’ll feel a little sting, that’s all.”
Levi leans back in, eyes narrowed to focus on the stencil pasted to your collarbone, when you jerk back again in fright.
“What? You want this or not, brat?”
Your eyes bulge at his snappy tone. “‘M sorry, I just, I dunno, needles aren’t my thing.”
Levi knows your type. Airheaded girls who just wanted to mark up their skin to look cool, something to show off to their nightly fuck. He wonders how dumb you really are, ditzing in here alone with your breasts practically spilling out of your top, nipples pressing against the sheer fabric. He likes your type— they’re the most fun to play with.
Levi fakes a sigh before flicking at your skirt. “Take this off.”
One slow blink. “Huh?”
“You heard me. You want it to hurt less or not?”
“Oh— okay.” The garment is shimmied off, pooling at your ankles as you sit back down on the chair.
“Spread your legs.”
“I dunno about this Mister Ackerman...” you trail off but you do as he says, following his instructions like a—
“Good girl. Don’t need to worry about a thing.”
His fingers nudge their way up your thigh, fingers stroking your slit up and down. He does a quick pinch to your clit— “Ah!”— before pushing your underwear to the side and pushing two digits into your hole.
“M- Mister Ackerman, feels good! I’m gonna—” you clench around him steadily.
“Already?” Levi snickers as he watches your eyes roll back into your head, your dainty nails digging into the leather. He takes that as his cue to start the tattoo gun, poking and prodding at your collarbone as you ride his fingers. His years of experience makes it easy to tattoo with just one hand.
Levi finishes up in just a few minutes— the design you wanted was really simple anyway. He puts his attention back at you, your lips still parted and eyebrows pinched in ecstasy, hips rolling to grind on his fingers.
“Mister Ackerman, I can’t!”
“Can’t what? Gotta speak up, darling. ‘Got old ears.”
Levi almost feels bad taking advantage of a bimbo like you, the way you’re so desperate to cum on his fingers. He pulls them out and places them on your lips— oh, look, you’re so quick to lap them up!
“Precious doll, that’s what you are.” With his other hand, Levi places a thumb on your clit, gently flicking at it. Your reaction is immediate, eyes widening as you cum, choking on the fingers in your mouth. Slick drips down your thighs— it’s probably soaking Levi’s chair, but he is surprised to realize that he doesn’t care.
He wipes his fingers on his work towel before tossing it at your chest. “Pay up front. Come back to get another done if you want me to fuck that sloppy cunt of yours.”
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taglist (want to be added? click here):
@katemocha @gonpanchirokamaboko @picklejuiceboba @bakubae @kennabranwenn @bokutos-babyowl @beqr0 @imkumichan @totiussolus @latenightdreamss @webecakin @Jjiangk @bakugous-cumsock @hannas16 @bohica160 @blertadinaj @counting-eyerolls @baksaksugo1 @yourbloodyqueen
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astroyongie · 2 years
hi can i ask what tarot/oracle decks do you use? and how do you take care of them đŸ„ș
I will happily make an introduction !! Buckle up because I have quite a lot ! To take care of them I just have them in their special shelve and when I am not using them I have only a huge laborite in the center to cleanse it. To purify and cleanse them deeply I use bundles or herbs and put one crystal on top of them
My first and favorite deck is my Tarot "dark fairytale". I only use this tarot and no other (beside my other tarot that is here in case I need to use tarot but this one is resting or charging). I believe having only one tarot is best, since you can bound with it in a more deep way (just my opinion and belief <3)
So my second tarot is the Cat tarot and the Dancing with Shadows Tarot
Now into Oracles (I have a bunch) I will also give you my rate based on my opinion for beginners - medium - or advance !
Guardian Angel oracle by Debbie Malone ( Beginners ) all the angel decks can be fore beginners if you are already well connected with your angels or spiritual guides. If you are only starting I would advice you to wait until you are medium at least
Archangel Raphael by Karine Malenfant = good for spiritual and physical healing, with deep messages
Archangel Michael by Doreen Virtue = All of Doreen Virtue decks are extremely strong, make a research about her first (she wrote many books about angels and spirituality ) . This decks is nice for protection and messages from your guides.
The White Light by A. Andrew Gonzalez : Very strong deck energetically speaking and hard to read. They enlighten you about your light energy, about your spirituality and blockages (Advance)
Oracle of Shadows by Marion. B = Perfect f you need a slap in the face, or to know more about how your shadow self and your dark self works (Advance)
The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit : based on animal spirituality and their symbolism. I would advice to start with the next one, if you aren't familiarized with symbolism ( Medium )
The Animal Folk by Arnaud Riou : so just like the TWU, but for Beginners . Great if you also need to look for diseases or physical traits
The Mystical Chaman by Alberto Villoldo : Strong deck, some people might have more ease to read it than others, it depends on your path and energy. Tells about you deep spiritual ways and what you need to focus on and be careful ( Medium / Advanced )
The Dark Moon Astrology : Great to know about diseases, physical traits, planets, signs, and basically anything involving astrology ( Medium or Beginners if you are a quick learner )
The Little Enchanteur by Antoinette Charbonnel = Lovey oracle that gives you send of words and competes your spreads with additional info. ( Beginners)
The Past Lives by Isabelle Cerf = Nice to get info, precise dates and discover more about the future. They are very accurate, or at least the info they have always gave me, always were accurate. (Beginners )
Energical Liberation by Isabelle Cerf = Basically the same author, same decks, with different energies and commentary into and dates. ( Beginners )
Night Flowers oracle by Cheralyn Darcey (good to use to know some subconscious feelings ) ( Beginners )
The Path of Awakening by Dylan Collin (great if you are starting your spiritual journey and you need guidance in that aspect ) (Beginners)
The Mythicon by Sarah A.L ( very instructive, precise and easy to read but the inner info can be complicated to read ) (medium)
The Heart Chakras by Isabelle Cerf = like the other oracles of her, it's nice to have precise info about love life, but also dates ( Beginners )
The Animal's Whispers by Emy Lee (It's an amazing deck and I loved the energy. This deck gives you info about everything, career, love, spiritual paths and advice. But also physical appearance and even animal totem ( Beginners To Medium)
Communicating with the Dead by MarylĂšne Coulombe (It's a special oracle only to use during spiritual communication. i only use it when I have clients that need to talk or messages with their lost ones) (Advanced)
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straightupsickfics · 2 years
Hi I can’t remember if I requested anything recently so sorry if I did! But could I request some sambucky and maybe a night gone wrong with Bucky just being the absolute sneeziest? đŸ„ș💕
ahhh maybe bucky not realizing he's allergic to... the entire springtime in louisiana? đŸ„ș
Bucky can tell almost immediately that something in the air is going to be a problem for him. They’ve only been at Sarah’s for half an hour or so, and he’s mostly been smiling and letting Sam introduce him around to all the neighbors. Somehow, there’s always someone new to meet, which is one of the many things Bucky loves that about attending events at the Wilson’s.
The first thing on that list is the way Sam’s always right beside him, holding his hand or walking next to him, a hand at the small of Bucky's back, introducing him excitedly, like he can’t wait for more people to know they’re together.
Bucky knows just how important Sam’s Delacroix friends and family are to him, and he loves that he fits in here so easily. Before this, before Sam, Bucky hadn’t felt that easy acceptance in a good long time, and he hadn’t realized just how much he missed it until he had it again.
It’s the perfect day for a backyard barbecue, too, the first truly warm day of the spring, with the sun is shining brightly, and enough things in bloom to add endless pops of color around the backyard. It’s beautiful. Or, at least, it would be, if Bucky's nose wasn’t already twitching in needy irritation.
There are enough plants around the backyard that he's pretty sure he can see a faint haze of pollen dancing through the air, and the bright afternoon sun isn't helping either, his eyes are already starting to water with allergic tears.
They're mid-conversation with Dylan, one of Sam’s old friends, and Bucky has to keep stopping to rub at his nose. He looks around, as if he can identify whatever it is that’s getting to him, but in a yard with this many bushes, plants, and flowers, it really could be anything.
Or many things.
He can hardly focus on whatever it is Sam and Dylan are talking about by this point. His eyes are itchy and teary and he feels that distinct prickling at the back of his sinuses that lets him know he’s going to be a mess of sneezes and sniffles before long.
Bucky turns and gives a tentative sniff against his wrist, but he can tell immediately that it was the wrong move. Instead of making his nose less runny, the tickle worsens, and he turns quickly to the side, muffling a quick rush of sneezes into his arm.
 eh! Hdt’ISH! IH’tsh! Eh-hmptshh!” His attempt at stifling them back is entirely unhelpful, since he’s pretty sure he only has to sneeze more now than he had before. He gives Sam a helpless, watery-eyed look.
“God bless you, Buck,” Sam says, leaning a hand on his arm to steady him. Dylan murmurs a blessing of his own before excusing himself to grab a drink. “You look
 very itchy very suddenly,” Sam says when they’re alone.
Bucky gives him a small smile. “Something out here is not agreeing with me,” he admits. “S-scuse mbe
 Hdt!’ssshu! uH
 Huh’ITSHH! HhiH-iihtsshH!”
The sneezes shudder through him so quickly he doesn’t have a chance to try and hold them off his time.
“Bless you! Come here, let's
 go inside,” Sam says easily, guiding Bucky through the yard and into the house. He manages to snag a handful of napkins from a nearby table on their way, pressing them into Bucky’s hands as they walk. Bucky’s immediately grateful to be inside where it’s cool and dim, and he can bury his face into the napkins without worrying about making a spectacle of himself in front of everyone outside.
“Hh! Eiittsshhhew!”
“Here, why don’t you sit down, let me see if there’s any Benadryl or Claritin upstairs,” Sam says, then disappears down the hallway, leaving Bucky to rub at his nose and try and not think of the million and one things outside that could have caused this. It’s his first spring in Louisiana, and while he’d had mild seasonal allergies growing up, it’d been pretty manageable; this sudden onslaught was like nothing he’d felt before. He feels his nose twitch again at just the thought of all the pollen on the other side of the door, and gives his head a little shake.
“Alright city boy, I think this should help,” Sam says, returning to the living room with a bottle of Claritin and a box of tissues. He goes an grabs a glass of water from the kitchen and hands that to him, too.
Bucky downs the allergy pill and the water, giving Sam another grateful look when he sits down beside him on the couch, a hand on Bucky’s thigh.
“Think we might be better off staying in here for now,” Sam says easily.
“I’mb sorry,” Bucky says, rubbing at his nose. He knows he’s far from done dealing with the effects of his allergies, but it’s a blessing to be inside and out of the sun and pollen, at least for now. “Maybe once this kicks in we can go back out... Or you can, I can stay here,” Bucky offers.
Sam rolls his eyes. “Hush, Buck, you’re stuck with me, alright? Now, you stay here and sneeze a dozen more times while I go grab us some burgers. Sound good?” He drops a kiss to the tip of Bucky’s nose, and Bucky ducks away immediately.
“huhUHH—httCHSHShhh’u! uhhTSHchsh!” He grabs a handful of tissues and blows his nose a few times before glaring up at Sam.
“Sorry,” Sam says, grinning. “Sensitive.”
Bucky rolls his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, you said something about burgers?”
Sam just smiles again and winks at him, promising he’ll be right back.
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hanniejji · 4 years
[ bakugou katsuki x y/n ]
anon: Could you do headcanons for bakugo seeing his s/o lose control of her Phoenix powers and everyone try’s to stop it/her from killing everyone and herself đŸ‘‰đŸœđŸ‘ˆđŸœđŸ„șđŸ„°âœš
note: oh shit here we go | m.list
warnings: detailed death of another character and a sprinkle of angst
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it wasn't supposed to be like this
you were peacefully patrolling with kirishima and tamaki when an escaped nomu came out of nowhere
the job was easy
distract the nomu while the pro heroes are on their way and the citizens are being evacuated
you were doing to great
if only you were faster than the nomu
the nomu successfully caught some civilians, an innocent mother and her baby boy, in between both of the nomu's hand
they were gone before you can even decipher what had happened
her screams pierced your ears
so bad that it felt like it was bleeding from the inside
your jaw slacked as your wide terrified eyes watched the blood splatter against the cold ground
you can hear your fast heartbeat in your ears and suddenly, all you can see is red
kirishima felt the same, but he didn't have much time to be surprised when everything around them started levitating
he heard tamaki's alarmed yelling of your name and all kirishima can think of was the promised they made to you
"i want you guys to stop me, even if it means you have to kill me"
even if it was kirishima's first time to see you loose control, he knew it wasn't you the moment he saw your dark eyes
he watched you crush the nomu between everythimg that's near you
bakugou, where are you? y/n needs you right now
but for the meantime, kirishima will keep that promise no matter how much it hurts him to
while you were crushing the nomu in your wrath, tamaki and kirishima watching out for anyone that might get involved and making sure you don't kill anyone else
bakugou's running along with a few pro heroes to get to where your team are
he already had a bad feeling the moment he heard that your group was facing a nomu
and when he got to your location, he didn't need to ask what was happening
there you were, silent and cold as if you're dead, throwing everything that's within reach at the nomu
"bakugou!" he looks at where kirishima is, who has a horrified look on his face
"i'll handle this"
it wasn't a question
he's determined to make sure that he'll get you back even if it means he's going to break a promise he made to you
it's too early to lose you
without hesitation, he sprints to where you are, pushing his fears back down his throat
he felt the hairs on his back stood up when you set your cold and blank eyes on him
"stop this, y/n, whatever happened, it wasn't your fault—" his words were cut off when he was pushed back by a big force, shoving him against a wall
"this weak human couldn't even save a mother and her child"
at this point, your focus was taken off from the nomu and was turned to a wheezing bakugou
kirishima was doing his best to assure the pro heroes that bakugou will handle you and that they should focus on the nomu
even tho it's impossible to even get you to hear him
bakugou can barely breathe against the force that was holding him
"y/n isn't weak!" bakugou shouts at you and felt the force suddenly loosen
the phoenix inside you was so shocked at his outburst and he used this to his advantage, throwing himself to pin you down
"get off of me!"
"you can kill me anytime you want, but i will not let y/n give up just yet! you better get out of y/n before this weak human you're looking down on beats you into a fucking plum!"
bakugou punches the floor beside your head, a small explosion burning a small part of your hair and the ground
"now if you don't get your shit together, y/n, i will not hesitate to blow your face up!"
his voice cracked in the middle, trying so hard not to loose composure in front of the phoenix
even saying those words hurt him like a fucking train ran him down
but instead of the cold eyes from earlier, all that he can see was the love of his life staring back at him with tears on their cheeks and their lips pulled into a pained smile
"katsuki, you're such a dumbass"
bakugou felt the world stop when he heard your voice and not the phoenix
the said boy grinned, pulling you up to hold you tight against him
"i could've killed you"
"does it look like i care?"
kirishima felt his knees weaken from relief, softly laughing when he realized that everything was alright
"welcome back, you piece of shit"
bakugou whispers in your ear with the softest smile that you've ever seen on his face
"thank you for bringing me home, Katsuki"
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taglist: @bakutae
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