#Bridge of Ash
bookcoversonly · 2 years
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Title: Bridge of Ash | Author: Jacquelyn Benson | Publisher: Vaughan Woods Publishing (2021)
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Title: The Charismatics
Author: Jacquelyn Benson
Series or standalone: series
Publication year: 2021
Genres: fiction, fantasy, historical fiction, romance, mystery, paranormal
Blurb: Lily Albright's visions could stop a killer...if she'll trust a reclusive aristocrat with her darkest secret. A monster stalks the gaslit streets of Edwardian London, draining the blood of the city's mediums, and Lily knows who's next. She is plagued by visions of the future she can never change. When a mysterious fiend threatens someone she loves, she's determined this time will be different...but she can't do it alone. To save a life, Lily must reveal her darkest secrets to someone she has little reason to trust: the reclusive Lord Strangford, a man haunted by his own unusual powers. From the glittering galleries of Bond Street to the rookeries of Southwark, Lily and Strangford plunge into a dark conspiracy that lies at the heart of England's rising eugenics movement. To thwart it, Lily must face a past rife with betrayal...and embrace the power she has spent her entire life trying to escape.
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exaltedfuzz · 2 months
Collection of Ace Attorney things for today feat. Fran and more
Trick Lock
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They should have been at the club
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clown-bear · 2 years
true siblings bond over bullying Phoenix Wright for making a girl cry on accident. #feminism
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catboyglover · 7 months
my fave genre of characters: mirrorballs
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gabrielleragusi · 1 month
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Wanderlust Window Collectible
12 windows into different fantasy worlds, designed in 2023 for the Bookish Box
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kitty-gray · 4 months
LM prologue introducing Kit and QOAAD epilogue being about Ash going back to the Seelie Court bring up emotions I have no idea how to explain.
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spectrum-color · 10 months
Truths the aSoIaF fandom isn’t ready for: Jaime is just as deluded as Cersei in Feast.
The man spends his chapters patting himself on the back and talking about how he’ll be remembered as the legendary Goldenhand the Just after he goes after a few outlaws while he has spent the entire book…trying to forcibly consolidate the Riverlands under Lannister rule after his family terrorized them for years, sent brutal gangs of mercenaries to rape and burn peasants, and broke guest right (and thousands of years of Westerosi tradition with it) to murder their Lord Paramounts daughter and their king, whose corpse was mutilated and paraded around after the fact by the family his father installed in their traditional Lord Paramounts seat. All of this for a war he started because he was having an incestuous affair with his sister. Sure Jaime, you’re gonna be a beloved figure!
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finalspaceteamsquad · 11 months
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FINAL SPACE 3.09 - Hyper-Transdimensional Bridge Rising
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zeb-z · 7 months
idk it’s like. yeah Bad, you should be talking about the cursed team. yeah Tubbo, you’ve got an excellent theory crafted here, a super solid argument that your team is cursed. but it’s no surprise that red will not hear you out, because blue’s relationship with red is just in such shambles. Bad has burned bridges and destroyed any sort of love, any sort of trust, any sort of anything. Pierre has spat on the flames. The fact they managed to have a genuine talk about the enchant agreement is a miracle (and only because it was half OOC in my opinion, and because Phil is the only one on red who will extend a bit of trust because he just doesn’t want to fight), but still hasn’t done much for blue’s favor.
everything that red has suffered when they have tried to talk, everything Bad has done to them specifically with ruthlessness in the name of victory, has now shown to have consequences. so yeah, blue could so be the cursed team, and Tubbo could be right to a terrifying degree and have it all figured out - it’s not gonna stop red from fighting because they can’t hear him out. how can they trust a thing he says? why would they talk to Bad now at the final hour? why would they sit there and show mercy when so often none has been shown to them?
it’s the name of the game. to tear them all apart and see just how far they’ll go. the eye wants them to burn bridges and turn on eachother in the name of victory, and Bad played very well. it’s a shame he represents more than himself, but an entire team. it’s a shame those bridges he burned might have been the ones they needed now that red is in the lead and has a chance of winning. yeah man, blue might be cursed, but red has found evidence in their own favor - and why on gods green earth would they take blue’s word when Bad has proven time and time again he will abandon honor for victory?
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winterandwords · 7 days
Worldbuilding in 5
Thanks to @theprissythumbelina for the tag! Welcome to The City (it's never named in the books) from Bridge From Ashes and Name From Nowhere...
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A daytime view
Huge skyscrapers with vertical green spaces in the centre of the city where most people live and work.
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Photos (from left) by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash and Victor on Unsplash
Some close-up architecture
Glass lifts that run up the outside of tall buildings are common because THOSE VIEWS.
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Photo by Tj Holowaychuk on Unsplash
The boundaries
The outskirts of the city where buildings are smaller and closer together. There's a mix of densely packed residential tenements and industrial spaces.
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Photo by cheng feng on Unsplash
A slice of nightlife
Fuck yeah bars and clubs with cyberpunk vibes!
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Photo by Aleksandr Popov on Unsplash
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Tagging @revenantlore, @thegreatobsesso and @touloserlautrec if you'd like to do it, with an open tag for anyone else who wants to join in 💜
Reblogs, replies etc on my tag posts are always welcome, but if you're doing this tag yourself, please make your own post instead of using mine to start a reblog chain.
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
I hate the existence of the Functionist Universe but if it has to happen don't make it fun for Megatron. It's not a second chance for him to do things right, it's him living like a fucking ghost feeling like he doesn't belong here. It's Megatron looking at familiar faces who look back at him as if he's a stranger-- because he is. It's Megatron accidentally forgetting himself and referencing something that happened in his universe and having to cover it up: "oh no, I must have been thinking of someone else, haha." It's Megatron knowing so much about Impactor and Orion Pax in a way that's unearned; he knows Impactor and Orion Pax in another universe, these are different people who only share an origin. These are people who have never met him but he knows almost everything about. These are people who only see Megatron's best and the knowledge chokes him when he's alone: "I am not the person you think I am." It's Megatron screaming at Terminus when he finds out what he did, saying "I didn't ask for this. I wanted to help my true home and yet you've locked me here forever to carry out a hollow recreation of a person I used to be but can't. I have done too much to be seen as a savior. This is not my home. These people don't know who I am or what I've done. This is not me. This is not me."
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mutxnts · 2 years
[hospital scene during bridge to the turnabout]
phoenix: larry is a great artist! in fact, he’s better than me i think
larry: [draws this]
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miles, thinking phoenix must be high on painkillers to say something like that: um, er…. yes dear, that’s very nice of you to say that.
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clown-bear · 2 years
a collection
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abybweisse · 1 year
What do you think, who will be the final villains?
Maybe Queen Victoria will be a negative character in like in the anime?
Could London burn down like in the anime?
I've answered asks like this a few times.
Basically, I still expect the big bads to be Queen Victoria and John Brown, much like the queen and Ash Landers/Angela Blanc were in s1. But I doubt it would include London burning down.
I do, however, expect/hope that Tower Bridge is discussed as part of the reason the Phantomhives were attacked. Because I think that Vincent wasn't as helpful as the queen wanted when she asked for money and workers... and after the attack, the estate was relinquished to the crown, and she moved funds and people from the estate into the bridge project. Which points back to what our earl says (ch85) about how long it's taking to build the bridge -- that humans have priorities. I think that Vincent focused on other priorities, while the queen wanted all the needed resources for the bridge right away... since the bridge was historically dedicated to her dead husband, Prince Albert. There are other clues about this, like the timeline itself for the bridge project in the manga (ch85 again, see below), as well as Vincent saying (ch132) that bridges and ditches take a lot of money and help (manpower).
Sebastian points out in ch85 that the project plans were approved around when the earl was born, so 1875. Then he says construction didn't actually start until 3 years ago. This discussion is in 1889, so construction started in 1886. Well, the twins were born in 1875, and Vincent's priorities were his pregnant wife, the expected child, and their estate's prosperity. The attack happens December 14, 1885, and the demon contract is made ~Jan 20, 1886. Then construction "magically" begins around the time that our earl is working to regain the estate under the Phantomhive name. Vincent had previously (ch132 again) warned Francis/Frances that if he didn't have an heir who could run the estate, they might have to relinquish the property to the crown. That's exactly what happens between the attack itself and our earl officially becoming Earl Phantomhive. Our earl officially gets the earl title on March 17, 1886 (ch63). In the letter the queen sends to our earl, she even confirms that the estate and title were in her hands until it could be returned to the Phantomhives (or bequeathed to another family).
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Though there is probably more than one reason for the attack on the Phantomhive family, I theorize that a big part of it is essentially a money (and labor) grab by the queen.
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girlmikeyway · 2 years
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