#Halloween hijinx
aneverlastinghalloween · 11 months
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[Austin Pardun] 👻🎃💛🎃👻
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nimhandcraft · 11 months
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Here’s one more motif.
Project details HERE
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mellaithwen · 2 years
if anyone needs me I'm gonna be over here ✨manifesting✨ 911 6x07 Cursed being the return of the Halloween-themed episode we all deserve 👻😌🎃don't even get me sTARTED on hOME INVASION asaksjaskj whump anyone!??
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cherry-bomb-ships · 1 month
Watching more of the godforsaken reboot and its not. Good. Still. But it DID GIVE ME THIS
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sol-thorne · 11 months
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-And what are you,in definitive ? A ghost? An ectoplasm?
-And do you ever stop talking?
Quick illustration of a short story I recently wrote with my undead boys Gideon and Finn. Local skeleton meets a centuries-old ghost hunter and immediately tries to flirt-
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damedarcy · 2 years
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#wacky #witches #spookycute #artdolls all #handmade in a #dollerium in the #middleofthenight by your #gothgranny @damedarcy Belladonna Nightshade mysterious as she is lovely, she flies through your darkest dreams on her #broomstick. Hand made from sculpey and hand painted with a one of a kind couture dress. Poseable limbs. 5 1/2 inches! She is tall! ⭐️https://etsy.me/3UcIM2z Magic Blessings ❤️❤️DD #witchdoll #halloween #hijinx #witchcrafts #darkcottagecore #elphaba #wakethewitches #childrenofthenight #spookycuties https://www.instagram.com/p/CigqiY-MjTf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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crusty-chronicles · 7 months
Moon and Sun 🎃Halloween Special🎃
Synopsis: Halloween Hijinx with the boys. Ft: Alluka. ✨With special guest appearances✨
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You glanced over at the clock on the wall. You had some time to spare before the kids got here. Might as well put out one of those small bowls that says 'take one.' It didn't hurt to leave some candy out. You knew how children were when it came to sweets.
The little monsters.
Still, it was better safe than sorry. You'd heard rumors about kids egging or throwing toilet paper at people's houses because they didn't have candy. And even though Kite assured you multiple times it wouldn't happen, you still worried.
Why exactly?
For starters, this was not your house. You and Kite were currently bunking with Colt and Reina. Having stopped by in York New for a few days, just so you two could spend the holiday with the boys and Alluka. In other words, you didn't want little brats to vandalize their house.
This was also the first Halloween you ever got to celebrate. You wanted to do it right. For the kids of course. And maybe for your love of candy. But definitely for the kids!
"Hey, hun! Come here for a sec!" The sound of Kite's voice snapped you from your thoughts.
You quickly made your way over to him. Watching just in time as he put the final touch to his costume. He eyed your reflection in the mirror with a flustered expression before turning around.
"Does it look bad?"
Kite had chosen to go as a witch. A black pointy hat sat crooked on his head with a patchwork cape around his shoulders. His shirt a smokey gray, sleeves and collar puffed out. He wore pinstripe pants to complete the look. 
Bad was the furthest thing he looked. Then again, to you he was always beautiful.
"No, it suits you." You responded. Your expression soft as you fixed his hat.
"My handsome witch. Guess I can't call you princess anymore." 
His face went a light shade of red at your teasing. Yet there was a small smile that let you know he didn't mind it.
"Where's your costume?" He asked.
You tensed up.
"About that…"
"You didn't get one, did you?" 
He already knew the answer from your guilty expression and nervous smile. He should've figured something was off when you didn't buy your costume with his.
"Did you forget, or were you being lazy?" The question came out more accusatory this time. 
You looked away before mumbling something out. And when he asked you to repeat it, you puffed out your cheeks in a pout.
"Didn't really wanna."
"You didn't really wanna?" Kite repeated slowly.
Time was still for a second. Then all of a sudden, Kite tackled you to the bed. Tickling your sides until you were gasping for air.
"The kids have been scheming with you for months to celebrate, months, and you don't wanna? We all agreed to wear costumes so you're going to need a better excuse than that!" 
You feebly kicked your legs from underneath him, giggling uncontrollably while you tried to answer.
"I didn't wanna-hahaha wear something and it looks rea-hehe-ly bad! Get embarrassed easily hehehe!"
His eyes softened for a brief second before continuing his onslaught.
"You could've told me and we could've matched, but no. You wanted to nap and hope I didn't notice when we went out. Didn't you?" Because even though Kite did know you felt uneasy in public situations, he also knew you had the tendency to use it as an excuse when you wanted to be lazy. 
And you were doing it for the kids. It wouldn't be the same for them if you didn't participate.
"Hehehe, matched as what, hah! A familiar??? Go as, hehehe, a cat? You know, hahaha! That I can never look at those things the same way again!"
He gave a few more tickles before pulling away completely. Looking you straight in the eye.
"The truth."
"...I slept in the first few days, and when I went to get one the shelves were empty." Were you proud of that, no. But to be fair traveling made you tired. Your dark circles still not completely gone.
"I'm glad you're able to admit the truth. Now wait there." Kite instructed.
Your face scrunched in confusion, yet you stayed put. Wondering just what exactly he had in store for you. Kite came in a few minutes later with a white blanket that had eye holes.
"*Gasp* The Klu Klux Klan!" 
His eyes narrowed, a little annoyed by your antics.
"Shut up. You're the one who didn't pick out a Halloween costume. Either you whip something up or you go as a sheet ghost."
"I don't wanna!" 
"You'll make Killua mad, Gon disappointed, and Alluka cry. If I have to dress up, so do you." 
It was at that moment, the doorbell rang. Giving you an out of the conversation. 
You immediately sprang up and made a beeline towards the front door.
Kite let out a tired sigh before following after you.
You wasted no time opening the door. An excited smile on your face as you saw the boys and Alluka. It'd been months since you saw them last. With Gon deciding to follow Ging around and Killua deciding to travel with Alluka/Nanika. To be able to spend a little bit of time with them after everything that's happened felt like a blessing.
Being able to relax and have fun with your little makeshift family.
"Happy Halloween!" They shouted together.
You just about melted at the sight. The silver haired hunter next to you equally as content. Even though they weren't yours, the both of you truly loved them like they were your own.
Killua was a vampire, wearing dark purple overalls and a cape to match. Fake fangs poking out from the top of his mouth. Gon had been a ram. Curved horns on the top of his head with a brown jacket and moss green slacks. His shoes furry little boots. Alluka had also chosen to go as a witch. Her hat a bright pink along with her dress and gloves. She carried around a broom to complete the look.
You stepped aside and ushered them in.
"You all got here okay? Anybody wanna eat or drink before we leave?" You asked.
Truthfully, you knew you'd been acting more like a parent than an older sibling. You just couldn't help but worry over them. Especially now that Killua's psycho family were resorting to force to get him and his sister back. Aware that Gon was his best friend and were willing to use any means necessary. 
You just hoped you didn't come off as overbearing.
"We're okay. Just saving room for all the candy." Gon answered.
"Uh huh. You know I'm gonna make all of you eat dinner before you have even one piece. I don't want you waking me up in the middle of the night because your stomach hurts." 
You were still haunted by the mess of vomit on your floor. Carpeted floor, if you may add.
"It was one time!" Gon defended while Killua snickered from besides him.
"Sure, and why's the other one laughing? You're in the exact same boat. Don't think I forgot about you putting a potted plant over the mess you made." You addressed the small assassin, who gave you a small glare in return.
"Hey! You said you wouldn't tell anyone it was me! You know what, I didn't take one. I took three!" He lifted up three jumbo chocolate bars from his Halloween pail. You gave a horrified gasp at the sight.
"Demon! That's it, I'm putting you on a leash!"
But before you could chase him down, the sound of Alluka's excited squeal filled the air. You looked over to see her tugging enthusiastically on Kite's sleeve.
"Look! I'm matching Daddy!" She pointed to herself then at the taller male.
You let out a laugh at Kite's flustered expression. The boys cackling along with you as his face went redder. That was another reason you sorta fell into a parental role.
Alluka and Nanika had never really been looked after properly. Never really had a proper family besides Killua. So they sorta clung to you and Kite for normalcy. And it's not like either of you minded. You both adored the girls. You especially had a soft spot for them.
It just caught you off guard sometimes when she would address either of you as her parents.
"You are, aren't you? But I personally love your costume better. Did you and Nanika pick it together?" You cooed. 
Alluka beamed up at you. Always happy that you never forgot to include her sister. Going as far as to tell them to switch every house so they both got to trick or treat tonight.
"Nanika wanted to go as a reaper, but I told her it would be too scary. I wanted to go as a princess, but she said it was too cutesy. Big brother was the one that picked our costume. It's just right." She looked over at Killua, who had turned around in embarrassment.
"Mama/Papa where's your costume?"
You froze at her question. Eyes pleading with Kite who gave you an 'I told you so' look. Yeah, maybe you deserved that. 
"I'm sorry, sweety. I didn't have time to get one."
All of their faces fell at the news. Kite was right, as always. You really should have went with him to get a costume. Damnit, looks like you were gonna have to go as a sheet ghost. Just to make the little goblins happy.
"What do you mean you didn't have time? We were planning for three months!" Killua grumbled. 
You cringed at his angry tone.
"In my defense, we got here a week ago." And you may or may not have spent that time sleeping. Old habits die hard. 
"You were sleeping, weren't you?" Gon hit the nail right on the head. 
"I'm sorry. If I'd known how much it meant, I would have gotten one sooner. If it makes you feel any better, I've got a backup. But you have to promise you won't make fun of me." You compromised. 
But before the boys could consider it, Alluka spoke up.
"Nanika wants to come out!"
Great. All four kids were mad at you. You supposed that was what you got for being lazy. Hopefully, there was still a way for you to salvage the night.
With Killua's encouragement, the two girls traded places. Nanika's empty eyes staring into yours.
"I can gib Mama/Papa a costume." She offered.
You already knew your answer when you looked over to Kite. He gave a small shake of the head. The both of you in silent agreement about what you should do.
"No. I don't wanna take advantage of you." 
Because from what Killua told you, her entire purpose up until now, was to grant wishes for the Zoldyck family. A usually bloody price the more selfish the requests. You never wanted to abuse that power. Never wanted her to have to do that again. 
You wanted her and the boys to have a normal childhood. Well, as normal as it could get. 
"You don't want to go trick or treating?" But kids will be kids. Nanika looking up at you with crocodile tears.
You knew what she was doing, and you'd fall for it anyway. 
"Nonono, Of course I do! I just won't be able to dress up." You tried explaining.
"You don't love us?" This time it was a sob.
You couldn't help but panic, not exactly used to dealing with this. Of course the boys had their share of arguments and disagreements with you. But you don't think they've ever guilt tripped you before. And it didn't help you had such a soft spot for the two girls. Folding almost immediately and preparing to elbow the nearest stranger to take their costume.
"I love you very much! Okay, okay. If you want to. Only if you want to, give me a costume." You begrudgingly gave in. 
"Kay!" Nanika beamed up at you. All traces of crying gone. You cursed yourself for not having a stronger will.
A spark of light. Then a pair of devil horns, a pitchfork, and a black cape fell into your hands.
"The devil?" You mumbled. 
"Now that's a perfect costume for you!" Killua teased.
You stuck your tongue out at him before addressing the small girl.
"Thank you sweetie." 
You wasted no time putting on your horns and tying your cape. To your surprise, the pitchfork was real. You'd have to have a talk with her about not giving out real weapons. 
"Y/n, I hope you don't mind. I invited some more people over to go with us." Gon informed as you finished getting dressed.
"Who did you invite?" 
The doorbell dinged suspiciously after you asked the question. Gon opening the door before you had time to process who could be on the other side.
You couldn't help but grin when you saw who it was.
"Leorio! Long time no see!" You greeted.
He was dressed as a werewolf. A pair of wolf ears on his head. His sideburns a little more grown out than usual. He wore a pair of fluffy wolf gloves and an actual collar around his neck.
You hadn't really seen him since the Chairman Election. Was he a little pervy? Yes. But he was also the guy who punched Ging for not seeing his son in the hospital. How could you not get along well with him? 
He was a dope with a big heart. Now while you were happy to have him come along, it was who he was with you almost closed the door on.
"Kurapika." You hissed out at the mummy dressed blonde.
"Y/n." His tone equally as venomous.
You had your reason for disliking him, and it had to do with the fact he didn't bother seeing Gon when he was literally dying. His phone on mute the entire time. Hell, even Melody, who was an acquaintance more than anything, stopped by. 
It left a bitter taste in your mouth. You would have given anything to see Gon at that moment. 
But Kurapika also had his reason for disliking you, too. He just couldn't understand why you wanted nothing to do with your clan. Everything he was doing was for his. So to see somebody dislike their kin with a passion when he would have given anything to have his back, it infuriated him.
The both of you were pulled away by your respective partners.
"Be nice. We're doing this for the kids, remember? Don't ruin their fun just because you don't like their friend. Got it?" Kite lectured. You let out a huff before answering.
"I'd hardly call him a friend."
"Fine. But if he gets on my nerves, I'm gonna hurt him."
"I get you two don't like each other, but at least pretend to. The kids are really excited we all get a chance to hang out. Please don't let a petty argument spoil their night." Leorio pleaded.
"They started it." Kurapika protested.
"Because you didn't bother to see Gon at the hospital. I'd say a little anger is warranted. And you aren't exactly one to talk. They have their reasons for doing what they did like you have yours. I'm not asking you to be best friends, just make an effort. For tonight."
Kurapika mulled over his words. Letting out a frustrated sigh before nodding.
"Fine. I'll try my best."
The both of you turned around to face each other, extending a hand.
"Truce?" You asked.
"Truce." He confirmed.
The next ten minutes was spent taking pictures. Making sure to get some of the kids as well as several group photos before taking off. You couldn't resist sending one of Gon to Ging. Just to get on his nerves for not being here.
Y/n: Your son loves me more than you 🤭
Musk Master:🖕
You smirked at the message before something caught your eye from the corner. You looked up to see Colt inching his way down the stairs. 
"You sure you and Reina don't wanna come with us?" You asked, catching the attention of the others.
He shook his head.
"I think it's better if we stay in this year. Maybe next time, but thank you for offering. Besides, this human holiday feels a little overwhelming."
"I understand. Take care." You offered a friendly smile. Quickly turning around to herd the kids out of the door.
"Let's go before it gets too late."
You weren't expecting the streets to be this crowded. You should've known better given how big York New was. Nevertheless, you kinda enjoyed it.
Seeing everyone with a unique costume and all the houses decorated. You watched as the kids approached their first house of the night, adamant about walking up to it alone to prove they weren't scared.
The three of them holding out their Halloween pails after shouting 'Trick or Treat!" The person distributing candy dressed as skeleton. Their house covered in cobwebs with giant skeletons in their yard.
"When we get a house, are we gonna decorate like that?" You leaned on Kite. 
"Do you want to? You don't exactly strike me as the decorating type. Especially when it comes to taking them down." He rested his head on top of yours.
"You've gotta point. We'll just stick to carving pumpkins. But I kinda want the Lewis robot. He's got good vibes, ya know?"
Kite gave an amused huff, the both of you watching as the kids returned with bright smiles.
"WE GOT THE RICH NEIGHBORHOOD! LOOK AT HOW BIG THESE BARS ARE!" Killua proudly announced holding up a king-sized candy bar.
"THEY EVEN HANDED OUT BAGS OF GUMMIES!" Gon cheered, proudly presenting them.
"You got jumbo bars?!?! We were lucky if we got a mini bar back then." Leorio said exasperated. 
"I don't think I've ever celebrated Halloween before. It wasn't exactly apart of my clan's customs," Kurapika explained. Smiling softly at the way the trio started trading around their candy.
"You and Y/n, both." Kite informed. And before Kurapika could question what he meant, Alluka and the boys were running over to the next house.
"Hey! At least wait for one adult! We don't want to lose track of you!" You scolded, rushing after them.
The night continued on like that. With you eventually threatening to go home if the kids didn't wait. Resulting in them grabbing the first person they saw and tugging them towards a house. Which more often than not, was unfortunately you.
The last house on the block would become a story to remember. A mannequin with a mask was sitting outside. A bowl of candy on its lap. The trio looked to you for confirmation before rushing forward.
"You should go with them," Leorio encouraged. 
You agreed, unawares of what he was planning. Kite, who could see it coming from a mile away, tried to stop you.
"I don't think that's a good idea."
But you were already gone.
"C'mon, it's their first Halloween. Damnit! I should've sent Kurapika up there with them." Leorio said, disappointed he missed a chance to prank his boyfriend.
"What do mean? What's gonna happen?" Kurapika questioned. His brow raised with suspicion.
"Just watch."
Like clockwork, the 'mannequin' jumped up with a scream. The kids ducking behind you. What was not expected, however, was you punching the poor guy out of reflex. His body immediately going unconscious.
"Told you." Kite pointed out.
But Leorio didn't hear, doubled over in silent laughter. Unbelieving you'd just knocked that poor guy out. 
Kurapika struggling to stifle his laughter from next to him as you encouraged the kids to take everything from the bowl before making a run for it. Their pails now filled to the brim.
"Run run run!" You urged when you reached them. You sent a pointed look at the doctor in training as you fled.
"You set me up!"
"In my defense, I didn't know you'd react like that!" He responded.
"You're my doctor! How many times have I kicked you during the reflexes test?"
"Okay, but it was really funny!"
When you felt you were far enough from the 'incident', you opted for walking to the next neighborhood. 
By then, Alluka was tired out. Asking Kite to give her a piggyback ride until you all got home. He complied, letting the boys know this would be the last neighborhood for tonight.
You were walking in a comfortable silence until you heard it.
Something that shouldn't be playing. A song that had no business being played this early.
"I don't want a lot for Christmas. There's just one thing I need~"
"OH NO SHE'S DEFROSTED!" Gon screamed. 
"IT'S TOO EARLY!!! PUT HER BACK IN THE GLACIER!" Killua shrieked with him.
And then you saw it.
A house decorated in Christmas lights. Little plastic snowmen and Santas placed throughout the yard. You gave a horrified gasp, quickly covering Alluka's tired eyes.
"You have my full permission to egg their house. I mean honestly, Halloween hasn't even ended yet. It's distasteful." 
"No, we are not encouraging the kids to act out." Kurapika argued. 
"Shut up. You probably wash the chocolate off of KitKats." You retorted before Gon pulled you to another house. Killua grabbing Leorio with a laugh.
"How do you put up with that? Your partner's a menace." The blonde complained to the taller male next to him. 
"It's more of a way to test you than anything. Y/n can only hold a grudge for so long, and saying sorry goes a long way for them. Just be patient. You'll win them over eventually." Kite explained, hoping to ease a little of the tension between the two of you.
And for whatever reason, it felt like a weight was lifted off of Kurapika's shoulders. Seems the both of you were stubborn.
"For a second I thought they would be like Leorio. Not only can he hold a grudge, but he doesn't really forgive. Not unless he knows he's in the wrong. But I guess we're alike in that regard." His expression softening.
"Their both hotheads with big hearts." Kite noted.
"And we're the ones that put up with them." Kurapika added.
The seven of you made one more pitstop on your way home. A small Halloween display left out on a yard for pictures. A great way to finish the night up before the inevitable sugar rush tomorrow.
"Alright final picture for the night! Everyone get in!" You ordered.
You all squeezed together as best you could, with Kite taking the photo. Him being the tallest out of all of you. Drained and happy smiles on all your faces as the shutter clicked.
"Mmmm. All of my ripening fruits out together without me~"
"AHHHHHHHH!" One ear shattering scream from all of you as you fled away from Hisoka.
Truly the scariest of creatures you encountered.
Tags: @fandomhoe101 @justxiao @bekataylorgriggs
An: Leopika is cannon in the Moon and Sun verse. Sue me 😤 Also HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! Y'ALL STAY SAFE TONIGHT IF YOU'RE GOING OUT!!!
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deadjam6 · 6 months
hiii i started making this au a while ago but fnaf slasher au!!
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so ull see the designs listed by movie, heres some info on the movies
so the first movie takes place in a carnival, the missing kids are all teenagers, they are just kind of destroying the place yknow. theres supposedly an animatronic hunting and killing them, cassidy is the final girl, she finds out that the animatronic thats killing them all is actually a guy in a costume (william afton.) in a reference to into the pit, shes able to electrocute him and she thinks hes dead
second movie immediately takes place after the first with cassidy going to a police station, this movies plot is kind simple william afton just goes around and murders everyone in the police station until he finds cassidy, but cassidy is actually able to kill him this time and she ends
3rd movie william isn't actually in, it revolves around elizabeth's childhood, william died when she was still young so she basically grew up without him, but y'know how slasher bloodlines all have murders (i love the halloween movies) anyways liz is also a murderer just like her dad, in the beginning of this movie (she is 12) she is put in one of those places jamie and tommy went to in halloween and friday the 13th idk what its called, and that's where she meets charlie (charlie is there cuz she saw henry off himself) liz goes on a murder spree, charlie ends up being the final girl
4th movie starts with liz finding williams grave cuz he was buried exactly like how jason voorhees was and she resurrects him in the same way jason is actually. (william is like off camera this entire time u kinda just see her silhouette doing this stuff) but that was like the intro for the movie, like its not explained AT ALL. but the rest of the movie is about Cassidy, who is older, and has a kid (with cc) and their kid.....is named vanny (smirk) and william being resurrected like awoke her slasher instincts and she ends up killing cassidy. then at the VERY end, cassidy's death is on the news, and it pans out to elizabeth with her zombie dad and she is like, "looks like we have a new recruitment to the family, dad." Then the movie ENDS .
then kind of like saw 3 and 4, the 5th movie takes place at the exact same time as the 4th but its on liz's pov, so you actually see her resurrecting william and see how she kind of has to liek ... tame him, cuz he's like a brainless zombie (he is in his springtrap era) and idk they get into hijinx, the movie ends similar to the 4th movie since they will be watching the news about vannys death probably in this awful disgusting motel 6th movie is about vanny with liz and william idk i haven't thought about it much but they will murder people or smth, aunt liz will try to convince her ot murder people with zombie grandpa
i like put alot of references to slasher movies i like in this au, i mentioned some but not all 😭LOL i hope tumblr enjoys
also other random things, more info about the kids in the first movie
cassidy 17, susie 15, fritz 17, gabriel 19, jeremy 21
gabe and fritz are brothers, jeremy is gabes best friend, cassidy and fritz are besties, susie is there cuz firtz is a bully and peer pressured her into going into an abandoned carnival together, jeremy is like stupid and also brought booze for everyone since he can legally buy alcohol (it was firtz's idea, they did it behind gabes back, he's the more level headed one)
when liz resurrects william, you don't get any dialogue in the 4th movie, but in the 5th you do, and friday the 13th is a real thing in universe, so liz is legit like "wow, how funny would it be if i was able to resurrect my dad exactly how tommy did in friday the 13th part 6" then it actually works
another idea i was playing around with, in reference to sister location, cassidy ends up killing michael thinking he's actually william, if that did happen id imagine itd take place somewhere in the 4th movie
Speaking of the 4th movie, I feel like that movie would be more of a thriller? idk tho, i think the 5th movie would be kind of a horror comedy like bride of chucky
and yes teehee, i have been thinking about what thier perks and stuff would be for a dead by daylight dlc, so far for williams mori i was thinking hed take out one of the charatcer masks (bonnie freddy chica foxy) and slap it on the surviors head after murdering them, and the order he takes them out is the order he killed the kids in the movie, so susie died first, so the first head hed put on a survior would be chicas, so on so forth, and it works cuz there are 4 surviors! and cassidy would be the survior to go along with the dlc, and maybe elizabeth would be a legndary killer skin or something and charlie would be a legendary survior skin
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shady-swan-jones · 5 months
Silicon Valley fic Masterlist
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Hallfoyle, mine:
Schrödinger's cat 
"First you say ‘I like you’ as if I haven’t spent the last three years watching you being a mean sarcastic asshole and not caring about anyone’s feelings. Then you add ‘not like that’, disappear, and proceed to never mention it again. And go to extreme lengths to avoid me. So, for fuck’s sake, Gilfoyle, what is your deal?” -/- Monica is furious. Gilfoyle falls back on science and philosophy as a way to address his feelings. Naturally.
The Road Not Taken 
Laurie offers Monica everything she ever wanted if she goes back to Bream-Hall. But is it too late now that she's helming Pied Piper? Did she make the right choice, risking it all for a dream and a New Internet?
What Are You Waiting For 
Gilfoyle has the chance to write the algorythm that will make him post-Pied Piper famous, the king of System Architecture. Monica has received an offer she doesn't share with the group. But why do they both procrastinate when they're faced with what is, arguably, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? -a short fic about holding back
This Guy Fucks 
There were a number of instances in the last year that left Dinesh Chungtai utterly dumbfounded. Yet, nothing came close to surprising him more than seeing his satanist buddy leaving a cup of coffee on Monica’s desk like it’s normal Gilfoyle behavior. - a Hallfoyle story
Don't SCRUM it up, Gilf 
“At least I didn’t put my girlfriend in prison because I was too much of a pussy to break up with her”, Girlfoyle grips. Dinesh pauses, the beer bottle halfway to his mouth. “At least I had a real girlfriend, instead of stringing someone along while mooning over a girl who doesn’t even bother to reject me”.
Can't Keep My Hands Off Of You by ShyRomantic
Gilfoyle and Monica were having a hard time keeping their hands to themselves, they keep getting caught but they just can't bring themselves to stop. Their friends handle their passions in the best way they can.
Attractive Opposites by Ariana (ariana_paris) [complete]
Gilfoyle likes Monica. Monica doesn’t like Gilfoyle. Or at least she doesn’t until she knows he likes her. Not that she wants a relationship with him, of course. They are complete opposites, after all. But you know what they say about opposites…
Halloween Hijinx by ShyRomantic
Pied Piper decides to throw a halloween party for the office, blow off some steam. Monica might have forgotten her costume but Gilfoyle has a trick or two up his sleeve that might help, and Dinesh might have a full meltdown in the process.
I Like You by DialandyouShallReceive
Takes place after "I like you" happens in 5.08. I love these weird nerds.
together_a five times prompt by blackfodder 
Gilfoyle and Monica are in a relationship. People find out as time goes on.
Perfect Illusion by Ariana (ariana_paris) [c]
Monica urgently needs a plus one for a school friend's wedding. Since nobody suitable is available, she takes Gilfoyle.
Only the Good Die Young by ProgramasaurusRex [wip]
Monica's a Catholic. Gilfoyle's a Satanist. Both of them are confused.
Running a Half-Cryptonomicom by Ariana (ariana_paris)
Set during 6x02. Monica is upset about something and Gilfoyle's ego is slightly bruised.
Purgatory by Cole88 [wip]
Gilfoyle has convinced himself that he is content. Monica disagrees. Sort of.
National Anthem by violet_saturn [wip]
Pied Piper's CFO and Systems Architect haven't interacted much since their victory over the 51% attack. Will Pied Piper's first 4th of July party change things?
The Weight of Us by  @onequartercanadian
The Uber Kidnapper had been on the loose for two years, using Uber to abduct unsuspecting passengers who are never seen again. His last three victims were in San Francisco and Palo Alto. When Richard is his latest victim, Jared stops at nothing to find him. Especially when he realizes what his true feelings for Richard are.
Set It Up by @iambickentameter
In an ingenious attempt to occupy Jared's time, Monica and Gilfoyle take increasingly extreme measures to set him up with Richard.
work friends who live in their workplace by iknowandimsorry
After Pied Piper fails, Richard doesn’t travel. He goes back to the Hacker Hostel and rots. Jared goes with him.
I like me better when I'm with you by @seasiderendezvouss [c]
Hiring Jared was supposed to be a simple act of revenge. Richard would poach him to get back and Gavin and that would be it… at least, that was supposed to be it.
One Last Chance by Ilsistemaperiodico
They may finally find a way to make Son of Anton works.
the curve became a sphere by darklips_paleface
Richard needed space to figure out how to talk to Jared again, how to let him know that Richard wasn’t some tech messiah anymore and that Jared needed to stop treating him like he was something special when he was just some guy now. Or maybe he’d go on this whole global adventure thing, and Eat Pray Love himself into being a better person, a better friend. Here's hoping.
i'm sorry, okay? by lohoron [c]
“You have to take care of your cuticles, Richard,” Jared had whispered kindly, “Such a beautiful person like you should have the neatest cuticles in the world.” Richard had brushed it off. Another Mr. Potato Head of Beautiful People comment. It wasn't a big deal. But he felt a swelling in his tummy he can only describe as gratitude.
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van-oskuro · 8 months
Halloween month 2023 7
Felix week: A "silent cartoon" with Scooby hijinx
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chaz-the-weasel · 8 months
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The girls of Seveneves ! Hazel & Liv!!
Hazel Woods is a young college age girl living in the town of Argent Cove, a bustling little burg in the Crescent Hills, which puts great importance on one particular holiday: Halloween.
Hazel finds herself in desperate need of a Halloween costume when her original one gets ruined in the eleventh hour, just before the Argent Cove Halloween festival. At the recommendation of her dorm mate, Hazel is directed to a little hole-in-the-wall shop that might still be open on this most important of days.
"But be careful. That place is probably haunted. And the girl that runs it... I'm pretty sure she's a witch!"
Undeterred, Hazel makes her way to this little shop, only to find that it deals in strange, occult wares... And more costumes than she could have ever imagined possible!
Spoiled for choice, Hazel grabs several outfits , and is directed by the lone store employee, a goth-styled girl about her age named Liv Mareluna, to the only fitting room in the back of the store. A massive mirror covers the back wall of the fitting room, and Liv leaves Hazel to take as much time as she needs to find the right costume.
But Hazel isn't alone: the enormous mirror is actually enchanted, and her own reflection is soon to turn against her, putting her in a rather ticklish situation! What magical hijinx will ensue? Will Hazel be able to find a costume before the night is over? Will Liv come to her aid?
We'll have to wait and see what happens next, when the Seveneves webcomic launches next year on Halloween 2024!
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nimhandcraft · 1 year
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Funky motif, not sure what it is but it looks good.
Project details HERE
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elcomfortador · 8 months
Family Matters Does Dracula
“Dark and Stormy Night” (October 28, 1994)
We’ve talked before how Family Matters has a more liberal take on typical hijinx than most sitcoms, but the show’s sixth season Halloween episode went full on Dracula — by which we mean Francis Ford Coppola. It’s really ambitious! And Hariette has never looked sexier! And we’re very stoked to have Michael Varrati on hand to discuss it because not everyone would be able to spot this darkling little gem hidden in the 1994 TGIF lineup.
Listen to Michael’s podcast Midnight Mass — and in particular listen to the episode all about Prom Night 2. It’s a hoot.
Watch Glen's episode of Ninjago: Dragons Rising, now streaming on Netflix! And if you're not sure what a Ninjago is, watch Ninjago Decoded, Glen's video series that explains the history of the Ninjago TV show.
Go shop at our TeePublic store!
Follow: GEE on Facebook • GEE’s Facebook Group • GEE on Twitter • GEE on Instagram • Drew on Twitter • Glen on Twitter
Listen: Apple Podcasts • Spotify • Google Podcasts • Himalaya • TuneIn
And yes, we do have an official website! We even have episode transcripts courtesy of Sarah Neal. Our logo was designed by Rob Wilson. This episode’s art was designed by Ian O’Phelan.
Listen now!
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pizzatowerepisodes · 11 months
I have a Halloween special idea. I know it’s not Halloween, but please bear with me.
“double dough”
This episode would be the first appearance of Fake Peppino. It would start with Peppino making a pizza, sleep deprived, however he cuts himself, and the blood gets in the dough without him realizing it, and then, when he puts it in the oven, a frog accidentally ends up with it. He goes to bed for some reason, but during the night, lightning strikes the kitchen, thus creating Fake Peppino, from the dough, frog, and blood. When Peppino wakes up, he will hear something in the kitchen, and check it out, finding his clone, and will immediately get scared, while the clone imprints on Peppino. The Noise will then show up, finding two peppinos. Hijinx ensues, with the noise and Peppino thinking the eldritch dough clone wants to eat them, when really, it just wants to play and be their friend. Then Gustavo and Brick show up, and figure everything out. They name the clone Bruno, and he becomes a recurring character!
(If you want to ask about anything go ahead, and apologies if this isn’t the only Fake Peppino first appearance you got)
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purple-faerie · 9 months
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Halloween Hijinx - Amy Brown
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gardenghoul22 · 7 months
Halloween hijinx ft. Peepaw Primo
As a Ghost fan who has read many a fic, I felt it my solemn duty to wear facepaint today.
I put on Primo’s paint and went to work.
I’m a gardener.
Today’s site was a Catholic Church.
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