#He reminds me of a character from TOH
bealdash12 · 6 months
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Little information!
•Name: Potion Rotger •Age: 25 y.o. (Actually, 26-) •Birthday: 02/09 •Partner: Andry (@ kazemaro) •Height: 1,83 •Sexuality: Gay •Personality: Potion is a closed and often grumpy adult man. Since a certain part of his youth, Potion was seen as rude because he gave short and direct words, in addition to containing a certain tone of sarcasm when he responded to someone. With co-workers, his behavior doesn't change much, but he shows more respect to those who really make an effort. His personality worsened for a few years as he was grieving the loss of his father.
I did this last year, but it's still relevant. Huh, hi! I'm not dead, I'm just… Tired? I don't know, a lot of mixed emotions, but it's okay. Anyway, this is Potion! An old oc that I gave a nice makeover!
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Some sketchs about him (+together with other oc's)
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tainebot01 · 2 months
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The coolest rebel kids the world has ever seen!
It’s my birthday today, which means I get to spend some time drawing my favorite Ace Attorney characters in a pose from one of my favorite Vocaloid songs - don’t know how I made this connection but who am I to question my brain…
[Image Description: A digital redraw of a pose from the Vocaloid music video ‘Punch it, Punk!’ by Ferry, featuring Sebastian Debeste and Kay Faraday from Ace Attorney Investigations 2. Kay is slightly in front of Sebastian, and they are in identical poses. They are pointing forwards with their right hands, and holding their left hands up next to their heads, pointing in the same direction. Kay has a confident expression, while Sebastian has an uncertain expression. End Description]
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anistarrose · 16 days
After rewatching the Thanks For Watching trilogy, I actually have to double down on my controversial opinion: Hunter never having to directly face off against Belos again after Thanks to Them is actually super satisfying and cathartic in an understated, underrated way. He said everything he needed to say after the worst thing that Belos ever did to him, and from then on, he didn't know it yet but he was free. I'm so happy for him.
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cupcakeshakesnake · 2 years
Belos fascinates me because usually fictional villains are one of two types - unrealistic and realistic - depending on how likely you are to meet such a person in real life. (An often-mentioned example is how Umbridge is hated more than Voldemort because she feels more 'familiar'.)
Belos is both.
Sure, he is extremely unrealistic in the way that he is a 400-year-old witch hunter that has been reigning over another dimension and planning the mass genocide of witches and demons through a deal struck with a child-god.
However, he is also extremely realistic in the way he manipulates, gaslights and abuses people. Magic has nothing to do with it; just the way he talks to and around people strikes very close to home; the exact same way a lot of people act in real life.
Honestly, I don’t think I’ve seen a character like this before. (Which... doesn’t mean much since I am not the most enthusiastic consumer of media, but still.)
The scene where he almost injured Hunter and then went on about how "these outbursts are painful as is seeing you fail" was a mental jolt for me because that was exactly what I'd been through; I'd been in Hunter's place - only without the palismen and witches and demons. Of course Belos makes it sound like his violence is somehow Hunter's fault and of course Hunter still stays because there's the occasional “nice” side that means surely Belos has a point, surely he means well; the way Hunter hungers for and clings to approval - the way he smiles at the "I know you can do better than this" right after narrowly dodging a slash to the face - I'd been there. I don’t think a character’s ever hit so close to home (in this blatant way) for me before.
Belos is realistic in the way he isn't consistently evil; I'm willing to bet that his """soft side""" was a large part of the reason why Hunter didn't just run away a long, long time ago.
+ Another point of interest: the tags from a reblog on this post reminded me of this, which is that Belos seems to be full of hate...? The way he talks about witches in the time travel episode; the way he tells Kikimora to go die in a hole; the way he says he 'pities' Luz; these all sound like someone full of blind rage and hatred. I say this because I've kinda done that... well obviously I didn't kill anyone but I do remember being younger and feeling hatred towards certain things that made me feel a specific way and say things like that. (Usually to my mom, who told me to chill.)
The question is, what made Belos keep that seething hatred for hundreds of years? It's implied that he grew up in the witchhunting era, but I wonder if circumstance alone could really be reason enough for literal centuries' worth of absolute loathing.
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iseemeinyou · 2 years
If I had a nickel for every time the former enemy/ex member of a brainwashing cult who's also a blonde fell in love with the Absolute Queen™ plus sized confident girl of the main cast I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot and definitely needs to happen more often.
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roodles03 · 1 month
The Art of Alastor's Expressions: An Analysis by an Profressional Cartoon Artist and Current Animation Student
This is not related to TOH but I wanted to bring this up because the art how they animate Alastor's facial expressions deeply fanisnates and heavily impresses me. And also because I'm an animation nut and I am currently in animation school and I heavily appreciate the art of animation.
In Dad Beat Dad, during the scene where Husk confronts Alastor about Mimzy, directly after when Husk says, "You've been gone a while, and it's not like anyone knows why," there is exactly THREE frames where Alastor's pupils turn into dials as he eyes away. (Being most noticable on the first)
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Now I gurantee since Husk was talking, there was a good amount of viewers focusing on him as the focal point, over Alastor, despite this shot being from Alastor's POV. Meaning a lot of people probably missed Alastor even eyeing away at all on their first viewing. But this is noticable on a rewatch and if you just focus on Alastor as the focal point.
But I have never seen anyone point out that his pupils actually turn into dials here. And you definitely wouldn't even notice UNLESS you spefically paused on one of those three frames. To give you an idea of how truly fast these frames go by, typical 2D animation runs at 24 fps. These three frames only last 20 milliseconds together. And since the detail is so tiny it is nearly impossible to notice when the shot is running normally at 24 fps. Its even hard to notice if you pause on these three frames because this detail is so small.
Whoever animated this added this detail despite the fact nearly no one would notice just to truly show Alastor losing his compsure. And as one of my animation profressors said "Every detail in animation is intentional since you create everything from nothing," (Unless it is an animation error) And as someone who is currently in a hand drawn 2D animation class, yeah, you spend a while on every single frame, knowing its only gonna be shown for a few milliseconds and the overwhelming majority of people will never notice or even care to notice. But You can slip in tiny details like this that add an incredible amount of insight to the very slim margin of people who will dissect your animation looking for details, or even just looking for funny inbetween frames or animation errors and they happen to discover a cool detail you left.
Back on the topic of Alastor. People have noticed that often Alastor's eyes give away how he's truly feeling through the mask of the smile he puts on. And they're absolutely right. But ive never seen anyone talk about this moment.
And in these brief three frames he loses his compsure for just a BRIEF moment upon being reminded of his deal. In fact, look at his expression in both the key frames right before these three inbetween/extreme frames
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Overwhelmingly confident after he says "Who in their right mind would cross me?"
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Doubtful of Husk after he says "You've been gone a while"
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Losing his compsure when Husk reminds him of his deal after he says "And it's not like anyone knows why,"
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Then puts on his classic mask, with that look in his eyes completely gone, saying "They don't need to know," (about why he was gone)
It's incredible how much three frames of showing Alastor losing his compsure adds to his character and this scene.
Also, This is not the only time where Alastor has an expression where it's clear that his deal is some sort of trigger to him, either. (Outside his verse in Finale which is obvious) Just look at these frames when Zestial simply comments that he's be gone for a while and there were rumors that he fell to holy arms
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(wasn't able to include the other frame of his eyes going side to side damn you tumblr)
He also clearly looks away from Zestial as well, avoiding eye contact or even facing him when Zestial questions why he's been gone, indirectly reminding Alastor of his deal.
I love these such tiny details about Alastor. Its clear he is often hiding so much behind his smile. And since I can't add more pictures (thanks tumblr), I cannot even go into the two frames where he actually does frown, or another two frames where it's up for debate if he frowns. But I feel like there's more to say here where his eyes give away everything despite his smile, even if its just for a few frames, rather then the four frames where its either up for debate if he is frowning or he is clearly frowning.
I also want to mention that accomplishing expressions like like this is incredibly hard. Drawing is hard. Animating is even harder And despite expressions being my strong point, expressions are still hard as hell.
Most and sometimes all parts of the face go into making the right expression. Eyes, eyebrows and the mouth are the main factors, but you can even use the nose for extereme negative emotions (often used for extreme anger, hysterical ugly crying, or intense disgust. Hazbin actually does this for Alastor in one shot to my memory When Carmilla says she wasn't wondering where Alastor has been for the past 7 years) And depending on the character design, you can also even use their ears (positive emotions they perk up, and negative emotions they flatten. Most commonly seen in characters with animal ears but humanoid characters with pointed human-like ears can do this too. Like the witches from The Owl House for example the use of Ears also apply to Alastor when he experiences EXTREME negative emotions... Or Susan)
But when you take away a major part of the face, mainly eyes or the mouth, making the proper expressions becomes a lot harder. But it is possible. think Let Me Explain Studios or character's with hair covering both or even one eye. But Alastor is the only case I've seen where he actually does have ALL the facial features for expressions available, (including ears which is not common!) BUT one of them is actively working against the others parts of the expression, which is the fact that he is REQUIRED to smile. That means you must always draw him smiling, in every single frame, but try and use his other features (mainly his eyes and sometimes his nose or ears) to try and hint at his true emotions. Take a moment to think how HARD that is. That is insane.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed my Ted talk about Alastor and his emotions lmao.
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I hate to say it but I REALLY hate the way TOH handles its villains and the impact on it’s characters
Luz literally helps a man aid in genocide of a species and how does the crew handle it?
Luz only goes through her depression phase and proceeds to say “I’m fine now bitches!” After getting some reassurance.
Hunter… oh god they fumbled the bag. Hunter’s entire thing as an abuse victim is just so fucked up. The crew really said “it’s suffering time” for Hunter in S3.
He lost his emotional support animal, got possessed and proceeded to get physical reminders of said possession, fucking DIED and was forced to attack his friends.
And HOW does the crew solve such a traumatic event for Hunter? Give him a GF and some barely relevant powers! He also becomes the EXACT SAME PERSON HIS ABUSER WANTED HIM TO BE!
Does anyone see how uncomfortable that is?
Amity is just a whole different can of worms. Aside from Eclipse Lake, where we do see her struggle with self worth and her value as a person, she is perfectly fine with herself.
Like, you mean to tell me that Odalia doesn’t try to get into her head more and regain control over Amity but we’re just told that all she’s trying to do is dye Amity’s hair green?
So my hot take of the century: TOH sucks at tackling abuse and the effects it has on its victims.
Good day
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thatoneguy031 · 1 year
Real talk? Real?? Real?!
Why on EARTH was the cast of The Owl House so drippy?!
(A sort of breakdown from someone that's only kinda sorta kept up with the show... Me, Guy.)
Spoilers too, I guess...
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Look at our favorite witch-in-training, Luz Noceda. As we can all see here, she's wearing Eda's varsity jacket when she attended Hexside. Level with me, the jacket alone was enough to be a super-dope outfit, but she took it one step further and even wore matching pants, too! Heck, she even tied up her hair in a bun, for crying out loud! She kept the aesthetic of "I'm able to stay calm, but I'm not afraid to kick your butt when the time comes."
And here's another frame of yet another scene...
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Luz dancing with Amity during that one Grom episode...
She wanted to look fancy while she boogied with her soon-to-be girlfriend(At the time, anyway), so she decided to wear what exactly? A tutu, and a frickin' tuxedo! Wonderful! Fabulous! It's all so wild, but you can see that not only did Luz have a plan, it worked danged-near flawlessly! And of course, she decided to wear dance shoes, as well.
And you know what?!
I'm still not done.
I'm going to be real with you here. This is where the spoilers for the end of the show REALLY, REALLY begin! If you really want to watch the show without witnessing the beauty of Luz during [REDACTED], I HIGHLY suggest that you stay away from this post, and move on with your day! Please, leave!
...Are you still here?
Are you sure you wanna be here for [REDACTED]?
Alrightie, then...
Okay, you asked for it.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
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Freaking. Bam. Meet Titan Luz.
This is near perfection in cartoon form. Luz looks like she told Amity's parents, "Your daughter calls me mommy, too." She looks deranged in the best way possible.
First and foremost, the cloak nearly perfectly displays everything she's done throughout the series. The glyph on her chest, the bones appearing along the tips and edges of it, referencing her "magic donor", Arin Hanson- I mean Papa Titan(...Is he just called Papa King by the TOH fandom, or am I being dumb? Since, y'know, he's King's dad? I don't know, but back to the comedic analysis).
For Hootie's sake, she even somehow has longer, puffier hair, giving Eda a wink-wink-nudge-nudge without saying a thing. Even further, her eyes turned a pitch-black with yellow irises, making sure that King himself is involved with references as well.
Y'know, this reminds me of a character that I've had written out for a while. Y'all won't see her for a long, long while, but just know that she's tied to this in a way. Backstory aside, she has this one... form, let's call it, where she kind of becomes a vampire. This aspect of her is derived from an art account I follow, I won't say who until the time comes, but she also likes using her legs as her main means of attack, not only calling back to Izuku from MHA, but to her friend who she loves dearly, like a family member.
Back to the main point, I love characters that reference multiple other characters they have a connection to without being overbearing, which is why I love Titan Luz's design. Above all else, this proves that Luz really cared for everyone that has helped carry her this far, and was willing to fight for them, even after her death. And Eda even teaches her magic the way she said she would as early as the second episode of the series, iirc. And, something even more wild, is that Luz sort of looks like Azura, as well, even using one of her quotes for the finishing blow on Belos...
Admittedly, I don't know much about Luz's palisman, but I do indeed see that they're a cute little snek dude! ...Like how Luz freaked out the school and her principal with those snakes in the first episode(At least, I recall it being the first episode)! Everything about Luz's design is just... It's all just. So. Good.
...Look. I originally wanted to make a fun little ha-ha post about how stylish the characters from The Owl House were, as I highly respect this show and loved it, from the moment I saw King, to the very end of the series where the Collector gave Luz and the Hexsquad the ability to travel between realms, but seeing this transformation and taking the time to dissect her Titan Form design... It really brought me to tears. Not just because the show's actually over, but because I loved it with everything I could give. The way the show handled its characters, even with the rushed development that Disney demanded(Those freaking warm toilet seats), was phenomenal, given the circumstances.
I'll make a post talking more about King and just... him, I guess, but this post is already long enough as it is. Maybe even Eda, Hunter, Gus and Willow as well, if this post really makes its rounds.
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kraviolis · 6 months
someone liked one of my TOH headcanon posts from earlier this year and it reminded me about the specific headcanons i have for exactly what types of games the hexsquad plays and how they play them.
luz is obv an RPG fantasy fan. anything with a juicy story and a character creator and complex lore she’ll love. she definitely plays series like elder scrolls and baldur’s gate and final fantasy. she also plays final fantasy 14 and has her character as the good witch luzura and she isnt good at playing it like an mmo is supposed to be played but she loves the story. when endwalker came out luz couldnt stop sobbing to the point that camila was actually worried about her. also enjoys roguelikes such as hades or binding of isaac even if she can only play for so long before getting too frustrated. she also 100% plays genshin impact and gets into arguments online with other genshin fans.
amity is a fighting game girl. she is highly competitive and practices combos with her eyes shut. she prefers the tekken series but when luz wants to play with her they play guilty gear bcus luz likes it’s art style the most. she also likes fantasy RPGs but is way more picky about which ones she plays. she likes fire emblem. she also plays ff14 with luz and is actually good at the game (she carries luz sometimes) but isnt a huge fan of MMOs. she also is the one in the friend group with the NASA ass PC rig with a custom case and the most organized wiring you’ve ever seen with the lcd screen on the liquid cooled cpu and the azura figurine inside the case. she also does custom wraps for all her consoles.
hunter likes games that are very much like, micromanagement sims. like civ5 or cities skylines or factorio (i dont know anything about it but ive been assured by my sister that hunter plays modded factorio) but he’s also a fan of like, old school FPS games like doom and half life. i can see him doing speedruns of those games. (also he 100% once got addicted to some game like fuckin. galactic pinball or something to the point where he was staying up all night and not sleeping so he could play more pinball. in order to get him to stop playing so much and actually get some sleep, gus used illusions to make hunter think he was hallucinating about pinball and scared him into not looking at a single screen or monitor for like three weeks.)
gus is a very chill gamer but he likes games that he can sink hours and hours into. instead of playing a wide variety of games he has a select few that he dedicates his time into learning every last mechanic, but there’s also some games he just plays casually. like with pokemon games he’ll put hundreds of hours into them and carefully curate his team and does like nuzlocke runs but when he plays on his and willow’s shared-custody new horizons island he’ll just walk around and catch bugs and shit and not really worry about upgrading his house and make matching fits with his favorite villager.
willow prefers cozy games, like slime rancher or stardew valley or the aforementioned shared new horizons island, but she’s also a fucking menace about them. like she goes HARD on the min-maxing and automation and shit. while gus is wandering around their island catching fish, willow’s busy rearranging her fully upgraded mansion up in the hills and harassing any villagers she doesnt like with nets and deciding what hybrids to plant in front of her bell trees (she only has bell trees for the aesthetic. gus isnt allowed to harvest them) she would also be running the most high profit slime ranch ever but the way she treats her slimes makes hunter upset whenever he sees her just fuckin throwing them off a cliff the second they arent useful to her anymore. (meanwhile hunter names each one of his slimes and always feeds them their favorite foods and cried over casey & beatrix)
vee enjoys survival/strategic horror games, like DBD, resident evil, deadspace, or even FNAF. she’s the type of person to see the goriest most violent death in a video game ever and just go “ew yucky” then carry on. masha and her are often playing DBD together while in a call and are the most annoying pair of suvivors ever. she also likes games such as original katamari and pikmin 1 and chulip. she's also the undefeated DDR champion of the friend group.
and of COURSE they all play video games together. they all have a terraria world they play on together where they all are focused on their own little projects while still working together and are slowly building up their own village/mansion/castle/fort but luz keeps rushing ahead of everyone just bcus she's so excited and she definitely somehow ends up summoning the wall of flesh accidentally
they DID have a modded minecraft world for a few months with both tech mods and magic mods but while hunter, amity, and vee all focused on their factories and computers and technology, gus, willow, and luz fucked around with all the crazy magic and accidentally found out by blowing up a factory. this is where heightened tension between the the warlocks & the scientists began. this spark eventually turned into a full fledged war that lasted two months before it ended in mutually assured destruction to the point where no one could actually load into the server without their game crashing.
bonus: camila isnt much of a gamer with one exception-- when she was in college manny introduced her to WoW and got her hooked. it was Their Game that they played together all the time. they made cosplays of their characters together. they had several dates in game. they optimized their characters to perfect compliment one another when they ran dungeons with their guild. even since manny passed camila still plays every so often and keeps in touch with their guild members. for the longest time luz has 0 idea that camila plays WoW at all and only finds out after the whole secret nerd confession.
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sometipsygnostalgic · 30 days
Yeah the Plow drama was WEIRD. Dozens of PSAs about how staff is racist, all based on a white TOH fan's unsourced viral post. The SPOP guy who announced his best friend's podcast canceled because he said the word "dykes" which is in the title. I even had mutuals saying that ND had the DUTY to step up and interrupt him. The constant videos about how ND is TRANSPHOBIC because Double Trouble is "sexualized" and "evil". Queer people are nuts.
So a couple of things here:
The Sow* stuff was real. The crew actually apologised for it and said that they didn't mean anything by it, but that nobody should excuse them for it. I appreciate this response. It was a whole thing. Also it all happened before The Owl House even started airing... (EDIT: Incorrect comment because TOH started airing seven months beforehand) but I don't want to pretend the Sow stuff was a big hubbaloo over nothing. It meant a lot to people and I think it demonstrated a lack of self awareness within the crew. There are other moments like this. The Entrapta leash gag was brought up a lot at the same time as another example of insensitivity, and I absolutely agree, but I do respect that the crew responded to the backlash the best way they could - by admitting their wrongdoing and saying theyll work on having a better perspective. I do think there are other areas they could've done better as well, like Mara turning "blonde", and all the characters having magical multicoloured hair instead of natural black hair, or even dark hair that was dyed a different colour. Some of those are handovers from dreamworks shera but it still sucks. *Sow, not Plow. We both forgot.
I don't know anything about the podcast. Never heard of it. However, if that is true, that's really unfortunate - Everyone has turned hard against "dirtier" terms like Dyke, despite how much work has gone into reclaiming them. Also, whether "queer" is a socially acceptable self-descriptor seems to vary on a year by year basis. People need to recognise other queer people are not slandering them by using these terms.
Double Trouble being an "evil nonbinary shapeshifter" right? Well, Nimona is also an evil nonbinary shapeshifter. Nimona being nonbinary is a new aspect of her presented in the movie too, not the original comics. And it's fucking awesome!!!! I think what people have been starting to realise is that evil nonbinary shapeshifters are the ultimate genderfluid power fantasy. I think it's fair and valid to want more visualisations of nonbinary people who can exist in a real world, who didn't "start off" with magical genderless abilities, but I also think there will always be a place for the nonbinary shapeshifter.
Your comments reminded me of some people's takes on Entrapta as autistic rep, and how she is seen as bad because she's the autistic savant. And yes, the autistic savant is a stereotype, but I feel that Entrapta subverts it aggressively. She's a genius but she's rather dense, she's VERY friendly unlike most "autistic savant" characters and her social problems are highly relatable. She isn't hyper competent, but autism IS a "strength" of hers, not so much because of her genius, but because it allows her to ignore or question social standards that exist to hold people back. She doesn't give a shit how important Hordak is, or what a Horde soldier or Rebellion princess is supposed to be like. She's free, and very much a power fantasy in the same way Double Trouble is. Hell even in aforementioned "leashing scenes" that I have problems with, she breaks free as soon as it starts to be annoying. I love her.
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reeve-in-a-suit · 3 months
Hey! Here’s a disorganized and poorly-made analysis about Jason Grace partially referencing Hunter (TOH) with minor spoilers!!
I just saw a post about sacrificial lamb characters and it got me thinking about Jason Grace and the irony that he fits the description to a T and was raised by wolves. In this really specific way he seems to remind me of Hunter from the Owl House, specifically in his first scene in The Lost Hero.
There’s this specific awkward teenage boy feeling that despite being clear is also quite muted. It’s his wariness from the get-go being paired with his quick line about finding Piper pretty and not minding that he’s holding her hand. It’s uneasy because he really doesn’t know why he’s holding her hand or even when he got into that position at all. It’s slightly dopey in a way that feels so right for a teenage boy out of his depth. It’s like the friendlier flip of the coin of Hunter’s sibling like arguments with Luz before he joins her side, the embarrassing “fail” moments. The forcibly stiff yet intentionally all over the place body language, it screams constricted puberty and you get a sense of who he is outside of the golden guard.
And then you realize that you don’t. Not at all. Before every aspect of his character is governed by who he’s meant to be. The plans Belos has for him. He has plushies in his bedroom but they’re neglected for Paperwork. He makes sarcastic remarks but they’re all informed by what is and isn’t acceptable by the Emperor’s standards. It’s this sense of “Kid gone wrong” to the point where, when you watch it in retrospect, you wonder if he can even be considered a kid yet. If you conclude no, you wonder if he’s to be seen as a tool.
Jason Grace feels like this from the start and as we go on he’s revealed to be more and more of a force to reckoned with. People talk about how different Percy Jackson is in his own POV when compared to in anyone else’s POV but no one seems to pick up on the shift between Jason in his POV and Jason in, say, Frank’s POV. If you wanna know what I think, it’s because they both know Jason is powerful. They were both introduced to him that way. Neither of them deny his strength or power or describe him in a light that makes him sound like he sees himself as unqualified in some way.
However, Jason presentation is just that of a kid. His bluntness of how he describes other people and his quick-fly moments of teasability (like him saying Piper’s claiming dress was low cut + plus him saying “woah” out loud). He’s very simpl to not a wolf. Not like the ones that raised him. I love and appreciate the Feral Jason headcanons and mannerisms but that isn’t what I’m talking about. I know he can function as a wolf I know he survives as one.
But he’s not one at all. He’s the sheep in its clothing. It’s why he’s such a tragic “sacrificial lamb” ; it’s not the fact that he given as a gift or that he was led to his death. It’s that he was a sheep sacrificed to wolf’s clothing.
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venbetta · 3 months
I took some time and actually watched Hazbin Hotel... I watched the pilot 6(?) years ago, and seeing the hellfire commentary from Twitter made me reluctant (rightfully so I guess).
But I say it was pretty alright. I feel like I have some complaints. I'm not a diehard fan at all, nor do I see myself in the fan base, but I feel like I can add my own input, I guess. These are my opinions and personal reasons, please be nice.
Spoilers/commentary beneath the cut (16+)
For starters, I think the concept is good, I like some of the designs for the characters, especially since they improved from the pilot.
I think I have at least 3-4 favorite characters, ranking them from my most fave:
Lucifer, Alastor, Vox, and Nifty.
... I didn't like anyone else. I'll probably explain that.
The only reason why I liked these four was mostly cuz they had some funny bits to them. I told my friend that Lucifer reminds me of Hunter from TOH??? And I said "Maybe it's cuz their both blonde and depressed." Lucifer just has that appeal for me. Vox didn't have much screentime, but I like his niche design and voice. Alastor is also cool. Nifty is just a cute gremlin that I fuck with honestly. Good for her. Everyone else I either didn't care much for or straight up didn't like...
Charlie annoyed me a lot, I know she's the MC, but I didn't like her. I get that she's supposed to be good, but her behavior in some scenes bothered me. Like in Ep4, I understand she was coming from a good place, but I couldn't help but feel agitated. I can't explain it. She has a savior complex which is her flaw, and maybe I just don't exactly understand it.
Of course, she's not the worst character (looks at Valentino and Adam), but she could improve. There were a few characters that I feel should've been written better, but the pacing made it hard.
I feel like the pacing was something I didn't like, but I can't blame it since it only has 8 episodes. The writer in me deflated seeing how fast things moved along, but I get why they sped it up towards the end. I wanna ramble about how the show could have gone if it had 24 episodes- but that feels like another post. Also, another thing that irked me were characters word vomiting.
Again if this show had more time to explore each individual character, it wouldn't have happened. I thought ep 4 with Angel Dust pouring his heart had good intentions to tell the audience that he's fucked up, it could've been built up more (if there were more episodes) until he finally blew up, similar with Husk. It's different because it's an animation, but you can still show and not tell visually about someone struggling. That's just me.
The excessive swearing isn't funny, I didn't find myself laughing that much except for Ep 8: Adam telling Lute to chill the fuck out, Alastor's mic breaking, and Lucifer saying "I'm gonna fuck you!" are the only bits I found funny. I've laughed at dumber things (my sense of humor is garbage, I'll laugh at a waffle falling over), but I didn't find most of the jokes funny.
I knew it was a musical, and I love musicals, but there weren't many songs I vibed with. Maybe a few, but not a lot. I'm a music person, and the songs just didn't feel right? Like the lyrics either felt awkward or general direction of the song didn't feel cohesive. I think I only like 4 songs in total.
The VAs were great, I recognized a lot of them, and I enjoyed their performances. They all fit their characters.
The animation was good for what was originally an indie project, and I hope the animators/artists were properly compensated. I know there was a lot of shit going on about Vivi allegedly not paying them but regardless, they did amazing.
I'm gonna be serious and say I feel like I didn't want to give HH a chance because I just didn't exactly care about it. My friends watched it. I saw Twitter's scolding opinions and hottakes on it, and I didn't want to hate watch it. But I was still curious. While I wasn't laughing through most of it, I think it's good. There's a lot that I'm trying not to say or get into because that would derail my commentary and make it about other discussions I'm not fully knowledgeable about...
I sailed the seven seas to watch this show, and I say it was sort of worth it. Again, I'm not a crazy fan, but anyone that likes it, good for you.
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anonymoosen · 11 days
No one’s gonna see this, buttt-
Last year, I kept this IZ X TOH au between myself and my best friend, but I kinda wanna talk about it now since @thechaoticlittlejester wanted to revive it and add their ideas too! (They’re rlly smart and cool so follow them :3)
Anywayyy here’s what my idea last year was like
No, it doesn’t take part in the Boiling Isles, it takes place in the normal IZ universe
It’s kinda more like a sequel of invader Zim that takes place 3 years after the Florpus incident, but the characters have personality traits from the TOH characters
All the weird things from Boiling Isles happens on earth
Example: Grom is actually an alien who wanted to kill Zim (because of course it did) and went to Earth to seek revenge coincidentally during Prom in skool!
Humans are still stupid and didn’t really care much about the weird happenings and thought Grom was just some failed science experiment from chemistry class or something
This is a really complicated thing to say buttt- some IZ characters have more than one TOH character role/story
Example: Gaz is mainly in Eda’s place, but also has the character traits and development of Willow’s (because she’s also the reliable one in the story and pretends she isn’t suffering)
And Zim is mainly in Amity’s role, but also has King’s kind of story (like- King thought he was the King of demons when he wasn’t, and Zim thought he was the best invader when he’s actually defective)
Like it’s not really your standard [FAVE SHOW] as [OTHER FAVE SHOW] AU! It’s just a fan made Invader Zim sequel with stories based on TOH’S stories! (And this AU is mainly about Gaz, Dib and Zim’s shenanigans)
And of course, it’s really gonna be out of character for Dib and Zim because they’re a lot nicer since they’re in Luz and Amity’s roles kdkedmdkdkdkd
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(This is what me from last year wrote idjejdjekroeokr it’s so cringe lol)
Now time to explain the character roles:
Dib as Luz!
I know Dib as Amity sounds like it makes more sense, but I chose Dib as Luz because they’re both excluded by everyone in skool, they have “weird” interests, and Prof Membrane would probably want to send Dib to a “real science” camp like how Camila wanted to send Luz to the “normal” camp. (Also both Luz and Dib are dorky dorks lolll)
Zim as Amity!
It’s not justtt because of the ZADR as Lumity thing, it’s also because Zim wants to be the Tallests’ “star student” or in this case, star invader. And like how Amity had that amulet that controlled her, Zim’s PAK had a program that made him loyal to the Tallests (which he would break later on). Also, Zim killed Miyuki with a flesh eating BLOB, and that reminds me of abomination goo loll
So in this AU, the Irkens use those kinds of blobs to create weapons (like how the Blight Industries use abomination goo to make abomatons)
Lastly, in this AU, Zim reads to kids. It sounds out of character but I would like to think that over the years, he’s actually great with kids because he’s been dealing with Gir lolll- (also Zim’s a dad to his minions in my heart, shushhhh)
Gaz as Eda! Even tho she takes Eda’s role, she’s still Dib’s younger sister. Anyway, she takes Eda’s role because she’s sassy and acts like she doesn’t care but does. Also, in this AU, Gaz secretly has a curse, and has an uncontrollable pig demon form.
The reason why she kept it a secret is because she knew how crazy Dib is over supernatural / paranormal creatures and is scared that he would reveal it to everyone. (But Dib accidentally kindaaa gave her away to the Swollen Eyeball and had to rescue her— like how Eda was taken away by the Emperor’s Coven and Luz had to save her)
Tak as Hunter!
Tak somehow manages to get out of her janitor job and became the Lavender Guard of the Tallests. She still hates Zim and had that “Amity vs Hunter” fight with her. She’s also still a cringefail depressed emo like Hunter-
Gir as Hooty!
Both Hooty and Gir Are craAAaAaaAzyyyy beings who might secretly be Gods.
Okay seriously though- Gir once possessed Zim’s entire base and made it move around, which is literally like the plot Hooty’s Moving Hassle where Hooty gets possessed and moves around too.
Plus I’d like to think that Gir would wanna prove himself to Zim and make some Tunnel of Love thing like how Hooty did to make ZADR canon! (Except this Tunnel of Love is more disturbing and has literal human hearts. Whose hearts were those? Nobody knows…)
Anywayyy this was an intro of my cringe AU from last year! Bye nonexistent readers since again, no one’s gonna read thisssss- (except for thechaoticjester since I tagged them idkekdekrkeiir)
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thousand-winters · 4 months
Gonna send two more asks actually. 5 and 6 for the toh thing
5. Favorite platonic relationship?
Okay, I'm gonna have two different answers for this.
You know Dadrius has my heart and soul. Literally over here thinking and discussing Darius and Hunter's dynamic every single day of my life for more than a year already. There's just a lot with them, the problem is that while they do have a lot, it's mostly implied, and we absolutely can deduce some things, theorize others, and run absolutely wild with parallels, symbolism and this and that, but truth is we didn't see too much of them actually onscreen. So they're my favorite platonic relationship that didn't get too much time to develop in front of the audience even if it's very well implied they did.
Special mention to Darius and Eberwolf for the same reasons, lots implied, not much onscreen because we did not have the time.
Now, for the ones we actually had time on the show for...
I think the reasonable thing would be to say the Owl Trio, and while I do love them dearly, I honestly don't tend to seek out art or such with them? I think I'm gonna have to say Lilith and Eda.
I'm just... once again, I don't really talk a lot about Lilith despite how much I love her, but she's there. She's being microwaved in my head. She's rotating. She's under my microscope. She's everything to me.
That, coupled with the fact that you put a complicated siblings relationship in media and you got me, makes it so Eda and Lilith are just fascinating to me. Yeah, perhaps the transition from them being technically enemies to allies and friends again was a little clumsy, but honestly? That sort of feels right when it comes to, again, complicated relationships with siblings.
Honestly, part of why they interested me so much in the first place is because there are aspects of Lilith I see myself in, a LOT. And Eda, well, sort of reminds me of my sister. My sister even pointed it out while we watched. It's a whole thing. We are not talking about it /lh
It's just... gods, so damn interesting, especially when you consider Lilith's side of things, there's so much love and jealousy and resentment and guilt toward Eda, it's such a mess that comes out in the worst and in the best of ways. Because she has all the information on why things happened like they did, her point of view during their relationship especially in season 1 has so many layers, while for Eda it might feel a little puzzling but there's so much about why Lilith acts like she does that she just doesn't understand. So much miscommunication, so much love, so much vitriol at the same time.
They're SO good. Their little scene in King's Tide with them holding hands with their foreheads touched together, Lilith worried sick for Eda and Eda trying to joke to lighten the mood kills me every time.
6. A character you didn't expect to love? What made you start liking them?
The Collector too, actually.
I think for the Collector there's a lot of "well, in hindsight...", because they did seem far more vicious and dangerous than they actually were in that one memory in Hollow Mind, plus they seem somewhat nonchalant in King's Tide as well.
But For the Future truly opens up that perspective, it took me a while to warm up to them even so but I think in retrospective, the way they behaved makes so much sense for the fact that... he's just a kid. A kid trying to act how he has seen adults around him act, a kid that sees someone they want to know and be friends with so badly and the circumstances are SO bad but he's a kid!!! And to a certain point he doesn't get it.
He's just a kid...
I love the Collector so much now. You can tell they were also feeling all the guilt in the world during Watching and Dreaming with that one "you can at least do this" while Belos' curse was all over him and extending over his body, like... baby, no... 😭
4. Favorite romantic relationship?
This was always here, shhhh.
Ultimately I don't think too much about the couples of the show, even though they're in general so good, but I think it's definitely Lumity for me.
In part because of the impact they had, because inevitably, if someone sort of knows about TOH but doesn't really, they sure know about Lumity. But that's more of a general answer rather than a personal one so.
I just think they're so sweet, and so well done. I truly was not expecting their relationship to actually end up being a romantic one when I was watching Season 1, but I'm so glad it did. I think they did such a good job in writing them going from sort of frenemies to friends, to Amity crushing on Luz, to the crush being mutual and them pining for one another, to the nervous first steps of dating to the point we end up seeing them in, just comfortable and loving each other just as much.
There's a lot of relationships in media that become a thing just right at the end so we don't see them develop like that and I love that they got that, I love how real it is for them to have the nervous stages even while already girlfriends and to see how time made them be more natural and comfortable with each other, because of course that happens! And Luz in Thanks to Them was keeping secrets, of course, but even then you could see they were already comfortable, not so much sweating profusely every time they saw each other or anything, it started being just tender and intimate and sweet.
Lumity is just so damn good. I love Raeda and I love them too for being people in their 40s being such messes in love, they're special in a different way but I like Lumity just a little bit more.
From this ask game!
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teadrop-12 · 21 days
I really love the headcanons they're honestly so spot-on and very fun to read through if its not too much can I have hcs from you of my girl Dos🙏🙏🙏
YYESSS MY BELOVEDDD OMG omg u already know a lot of hcs n u made me have a lot more so ty 4 that omg
right off the bat. does not get along with kids. either that. or she is the cool mom to them. but her experience with every kid in the show says otherwise
her real name is MAYBE Dahlia.
bi. 100% bi, with a preference for women
terrible at math but good at everything else
when i said shes bi i mean like. kinda stereotypical bi. with like the leather jackets and also falling head over heels with a woman at first sight but it takes her months to actually start to like a guy
like. i adore acaiberry right.
and rizdos
but u know how dos went and infiltrated MATA and Bakar tried to flirt with her n like she was uninterested. what if like she ran into the most ethereal woman ever (geetha,,maybe i dunno,,,,just a suggestion,,,)
and that just causes her to almost fail the entire mission because of ONE OLD ASS LESBIAN
well geetha isnt that much older than her bc shes like,,,the same age as rizwan?? apparently?? but this isnt about her
owns a motorcycle. much cooler than rizwan's, like its got purple lightning on it and stuff.
if i was to compare her to a toh character shes like eda and lilith combined. like she takes wildly unnecessary risks but also completely stoic and unwavering at some.
but really she also reminds me of elle from tlou2
has a lot of jewelery, just rarely wears it
i said before she is not good with kids but her skills at makeup and being fucking awesome are what get her by. like she can get any kid to like makeup and motorcycles in three hours
really close with trez, again, thanks to you bella i have this headcanon. but like hes like her brother, maybe they grew up together?
she brags about being in a band but really she was only in it for a month (girlfailure)
never really caring unless its someone she knows like family, like MAYBE Trez, Rizwan is an exception
either she doesn't like music or she listens to heavy metal, but like with her partner she'd have their own music taste in her playlists and stuff
whoo time for some cringe dark heartwrenching headcanons!!
when she was in the numeros she was unknowingly cloned because before rizwan she was the strongest of the numeros. but that backfired bc it turned out to be a child.
and im not saying who that is because bella you know this headcanon all too well and no one else can know until i've fleshed out everything but a hint is she was homeless until MATA
like the clone ran away when she thought she'd be terminated and thats why she was homeless.
genuinely cries a lot when she thinks of losing people she loves. like she'd go in private and cry her eyes out and come back like nothing happened
when she dated jenny she had a plan in the back of her head to run away with her and off the grid from the numeros.
we all know that can't happen now
shes been through so much shit as a kid and always thought she was so mature and that she should have been able to handle it so if she ever has her own like single or adopted or with someone i dunno, she would cry because she realized she was that small and innocent once and she didn't deserve that
i hate it here
i might be projecting
i dont even have this many headcanons for my spiky haired daughter
i might be projecting on this one a little but i also got this hc from a comic by catboymoments
anyways!! i think thats all for now but if i think of any more i'll add them ilysm bella also feel free to ask anything else!!
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petrichoraline · 4 months
Thai BL Favorites List Tag Game
i got tagged in the summer lmao i've been struggling cause i simply can't make a completely honest list - my taste is too fluid and the definition of "fave" is a blur to me
thank you to my lovely @tenprem and @littleragondin for tagging me, consider yourselves tagged again in case your answers differ vastly from your previous ones hahah
💓Fave bl: default answer is Bad Buddy, current - Last Twilight and Cherry Magic..and Cooking Crush
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👨🏻‍🤝‍👨🏻Favourite pairing: as in actors? if i say GunSing am i gonna get ToddBlack again? (im fine with DrakeSing too y'know, im just being teased atp)
honestly i don't know, i think of actors i really like but i'm not big on their counterparts..? i enjoy it a lot when they mix and match, i don't have anyone i particularly follow.. i will say MaxTul were super powerful, i really appreciate the bonds between a lot of pairs like ForceBook and i think some of them have amazing chemistry like FirstKhao but even though there are a few i would always try to tune in for like OffGun and YinWar, there's no one i can call a fave, i don't think..currently JimmySea are eating it up tho
🎭Most underrated actor: just the Wayufilm crew in general, I see them do fundraiser lives on yt all the time and I don't think they're that well known by the fandom
🧍‍♂️Favorite character: ig it is Karan currently, Tay really made the character shine in a different way than Machida Keita's Kurosawa and i can't get enough of those puppy eyes
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🕴Favorite side character: rn it might be Metha from Cooking Crush? he's just a bit too charming for someone i'd punch if i met him irl..or Fire, i think writing about him made me fond, they're both so..this
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📽Favorite scene: from all the thai bls i've seen?? there's beauty like THAT ITSAY scene, there's unexpected scenes i come back to like WaanTul in the last episode of Between Us, there's Nuea and Toh finally getting everything out in the open..there's the Kitty Gang in FUTS going up the elevator, the ep.5 KinnPorsche scene..most of PatPran's scenes!! like how am i supposed to even start choosing lmao
i'm gonna say (after i catch up with my shows this whole list would prolly be different, it could be Karan's scream soon) the one from my recent shows is the rooftop scene from LTTS..sue me for being basic, i'll plead guilty
📝Favorite line: nth has ever quite stuck with me as "do you want us to be friends?" "no." so let's go with it
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🃏Most anticipated bl and why: let's say Jack and Joker hahah, I hope it works out <3 i want to see a project YinWar have certain freedom over completed successfully - even if it ends up not being my thing, they deserve to share their talents and artistic vision. they are trying something new, maybe there will be a nice balance between comedy and drama and also it seems like those characters are meant to be whipped for each other and YinWar can pull that off splendidly
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👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨Healthiest relationship in a bl: PatPran and PuenTalay are the first to come to mind, the communication and conflict resolution skills are on another level
💢Most toxic relationship in a bl: I suppose it would be VeeMark before the end or maybe DimGreen from 2gether? I also personally don't like Mayom and Nadia from My Ride but I can't tell if they're actually toxic 😄 and im reminded of GramBlack cause that friendship sucks imho
OH WAIT PiMork is pretty bad. yeah, maybe not the worst but they've got a spot on the list..and ig TehOhAew but I have not actually seen s2 so overall I don't have a definitive opinion :')
🍿Guilty pleasure series: i guess it would be Cause You're My Boy (My Tee) because everyone hates on it but I binged it and had a good time 🤷‍♀️ also I Will Knock You cause it has some questionable elements but it's also very special
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❎Most underrated series: out of what I've seen it would obviously be Rainbow Lagoon but it's two episodes, not sure if it counts as a series.. really sweet short watch though, you should give it a try here 🥰
also maybe The Best Story? I didn't like it that much because of the ending but it's younger YinWar and I never hear anyone talk about it; I'd say they were pretty good at it 😊
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i'm tagging @sommmnus @forcebook @catboyjosten @sparklyeyedhimbo @lovesickfolly @sollucets as per usual no pressure and sorry if youve done it ❤
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