#Hulk family
marveltournaments · 6 months
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farsight-the-char · 1 month
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Hulk approves of his gay step-son.
The Incredible Hulk pride-variant.
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sorrythatwasmean · 6 months
Headcanon: Bruce Banner's Aunt Susan
Aunt Susan married someone with the last name Drake, but once she divorced him she went back to Banner. People mistook her for Bruce's mother at times after that, but she always gently corrected them. "Aunt, actually."
And Bruce loved her for that. He had asked if she had ever wanted him to call her Mom. She said no. But Bruce always wondered if there wasn't guilt there, too. It wasn't her fault. She had told Bruce that, but perhaps they both had misplaced guilt there.
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gammacousin · 6 months
Morris Walters: *extending the phone* “Kids, say hi to your aunt.”
Jennifer Walters: “Hiiii.”
Susan Banner: “Bruce? Is that you?”
Bruce Banner: “Oh my god.”
Betty Ross: “She’s not even my aunt.”
Susan Banner: “Jen. You’ve been drinking again.”
Jennifer Walters: “…that was BETTY!”
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kissingmyeyez · 2 years
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~Tatiana Maslany and Mark Ruffalo on the She-Hulk premiere red carpet~ ☺️
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Writer: Greg Pak
Penciller: Alan Davis
Totally Awesome Hulk #8
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crazyyfilmyfreak · 2 years
Okay Guys this is going to be one long ass post / Rant and you guys know what is a love letter right ? and this is my hate letter to mcu for what they have done to hulk ❤ So you have been warned and you can skip this post if you want now
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So lets just go back in time even before the whole mcu shit show has started , HULK IS DEF ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR COMIC BOOK CHARACTER OF ALL TIME IN MARVEL, like TOP 5 OR EVEN TOP3 Famous & popular ... Spidey , Xmen , Hulk & FF4 That's how the order would be if you ask me the top4 and anyone who were born before the mcu era would know this HULK HAS THAT HUGE STARDOM & FANS and THERE HAVE BEEN 2 VERY SUCCESSFUL LIVE ACTION HULK TV SHOWS & 2 MOVIES OF HULK & A FEW ANIMATED SHOWS EVEN BEFORE THE MCU HAS STARTED , HE IS THAT FAMOUS...Like he is such an iconic & legendary Super hero / Anti Hero and everyone knew about him & " Don't make me angry , you wouldn't like it if i am angry " line is more famous than all the avengers in the OG Mcu avengers team there were so many tv shows & movies where they used this particular line as a reference to hulk 😭 So you guys know what i am talking about right ? All i am saying is HE IS THAT FAMOUS & HE IS LOVED BY EVERYONE BACK THEN AND HE IS A VERY IMPORTANT COMIC BOOK CHARACTER OF MCU ..Even in mcu the very first movie after D tier super hero iron man was INCREDIBLE HULK ( IRON MAN IS FAMOUS NOW AND I TOO LOVE HIM AND HE'S MY ALL TIME FAV IN MCU But lets be honest he was just a C or D tier Super hero before the mcu ) so by now i have established how famous,loved & important hulk is even before the mcu started and if you don't believe me you can always go and check the record sales , the comic sales , the trps , the older blogs and what not and you too would agree with me 🤷🏻‍♂️
Now lets talk how the Mcu has dealt with such an iconic & legendary Superhero/Anti Hero
Remember this line ?
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" I got low. I didn't see an end, so I put a bullet in my mouth... and the other guy spit it out! So I moved on. I focused on helping other people "
You See how Dark & Deep this is ? He was physically & mentally abused as a child and his mother was dead when he was a kid and you know who abused him & who killed his mom ? BRUCE'S OWN FUCKING PSYCHOPATHIC DAD ... YEAH THAT'S HIS ORIGIN & then he had to fucking fight with himself every fucking day to live & then there's a raging monster inside him who also didn't make it easier for him but did we get to see all this stuff onscreen
NO But Here's a deleted Scene From Incredible Hulk ... The Incredible hulk may not be liked by many fans but trust me even tho it has its flaws its not a bad movie atleast the makers were trying to create a fucking real cinema and lots of footage has been cut and didn't even make it into the final cut but i am very thankful to this movie bcoz the makers atleast took Hulk seriously in this movie and they wanted to tell something about him and i fucking love the movie idc about others but guess what the marvel heads has removed ed norton from future hulk projects bcoz he was a little too passionate with the character and was involved in making the hulk movie and later casted mark ruffalo... they wanted some puppet who will just sit back to do what they ask for 💀 instead of fighting back for the character & questioning the Execs i think that's a lil too much for Mcu heads anyways moving on
And Jen who knew all of this had the audacity to make fun of bruce's trauma in She Hulk Episode 1 ❤❤❤ you guys know why Jen has no alter where as Bruce has a complete different personality the HULK When he gets angry? ITS BECAUSE OF D.I.D ( Dissociative identity disorder ) & for the Dumb heads who didn't understand yes this is the same condition marc spector from moon knight also had and Bruce also has this condition and the root cause for this is his never ending trauma that he had faced thru out his life ... HULK IS HIS ALTER , HULK IS NOT A MONSTER HE IS THE ONE WHO SAVED BRUCE , Just like how tony Said in the original Avengers movie HULK IS THE REASON WHY BRUCE IS ALIVE TODAY AND NOT EVEN ONCE MCU ADDRESSED BRUCE'S D.I.D OR EVEN HIS TRAUMA , HULK IS A VERY DEEPER & INTENSE CHARACTER & mcu didn't even touch the tip of the ice berg they are too very much far from it 😭
and this is what jen said about in She hulk EPISODE 1 🤗❤ SHE KNOWS EVERYTHING BRUCE HAS BEEN THRU NOT ONLY DOES SHE UNDERMINE BRUCE'S TRAUMA BUT ALSO MAKES FUN OF IT & NEVER EVEN APOLOGISED FOR IT ... The Comic Book Jen would fucking beat mcu jen to death for this sole fucking person... my comic book jen would never do this 😭 now tell me how do i have a remorse for jen in mcu after this ? or even give a fuck about her or care about her ? but Still i was open minded and watched the remaining show
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And we all very well know HULK is the main highlight and the SPECIAL X-Factor of original Avengers movie HE MADE THE MOVIE SO MUCH BETTER & HE OVER SHADOWED EVERYONE IN THE LAST 10-15 MINS OF THE MOVIE Even tho he had such less screen time
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Later we see him Avengers AOU and he takes a Fucking flying Ship and goes to some unknown planet and we don't fucking know what he did those 2 fucking years ofcourse in thor ragnarok we learn he's in Planet Sakaar but again
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Also i really Do enjoy #ThorBruce in Ragnarok & i was so happy to see bruce smiling & laughing in that film but lets be honest Hulk is a fucking joke & a clown in that movie 😭 i am so sad to say this coz only ed norton,Louis Leterrier & joss Whedon were the only ones who treated hulk with some respect & dignity
Guess what the events of Avengers age of ultron, Events in thor ragnarok & Events that occurred in Avengers infinity war All this happened to bruce within in a single fucking day 😭 YEAH AND NO WE NEVER GOT ADDRESSED ABOUT THIS FACT & HOW MUCH THIS MIGHT HAVE EFFECTED HIM
Now REMEMBER the First Fight in Avengers Infinity war ?
Where Thanos Beats the shit out of Hulk after loki says " We have Hulk " which is also the same thing tony said to loki in Avengers 1 when hulk was not a joke and that was the time when makers took hulk seriously but guess what happens now Thanos beat the shit out hulk w/o even using his Stones 💀 You know why they did that ? Russo brothers wanted to establish the fact that " Thanos is more stronger than the STRONGEST AVENGER WE HAVE EVER SEEN " They wanted to elevate the character of Thanos by downplaying hulk & undermining him
But you know What would happen in a comic book world ? Thanos would die a 1000 times before he could beat hulk and he would have never beat hulk in the first place with out using those infinity gems 😭 BECAUSE BY DEFINITION " THE MORE ANGER YOU MAKE THE HULK THE MORE POWERFUL & STRONGER HE BECOMES " So By definition itself You can not beat hulk coz if you are winning the battle he will get more angry & he becomes more stronger and even BIGGER which will make it impossible for thanos to beat hulk in Infinity war 😭 but yeah anyone who read a comic about hulk would know this fact but russo mfs DON'T FUCKING CARE and Hulk doesn't even come out later in the movie and there is again a big inner conflict between Bruce & Hulk now did we get to see that ?
Again like always the character development & Story of hulk happened off screen💀🤷🏻‍♂️
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NOT ONLY HULK DIDN'T GET A SECOND CHANCE TO FIGHT AGAINST THANOS BUT HE WAS ALSO COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY USELESS IN THE BATTLE AT THE END IN AVENGERS END GAME 😭 AND DONT GIVE ME THE CRAP HE BROUGHT BACK HALF OF THE POPULATION BACK THAT SEQUENCE WAS DONE RIDICULOUSLY BAD ... After all this shit as a fan of hulk the comic book character whom i have admired since a kid and seeing the way he is being mistreated in mcu it fucking hurts and makes my blood boil and finally when i heard they were making SHE-HULK You know how happy i was 😭 ? i was dancing on the sky & stars COZ I WAS FINALLY WE ARE GETTING A GOOD HULK CONTENT But mcu again let me down 😔💔 & ruined the show for me ..... Not only mcu jen is not at all comic accurate but it is really hard to like her or even care for her they made it that hard for the viewers but still i rooted for her and even want the best for the character and SHE DESERVES BETTER AND HULK DESERVES BETTER... THE CHARACTER DOESN'T FEEL COMIC ACCURATE & THE WAY THEY WROTE HER ALSO SUCKS AND THE SHE HULK SEASON i will not say it is completely bad but it is definitely very very very underwhelming and below par , i loved , admired & enjoyed every marvel series that has released so far from wanda vision to miss marvel and yeah miss marvel & moon knight were also not comic accurate but they ATLEAST HAD SOME SOUL & HEART IN THOSE SHOWS... MOON KNIGHT FOCUSED ON MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES & SHOWED US MARC'S D.I.D WHICH VERY MUCH MATTERS & MS. MARVEL HAS DONE A LOT TO REPRESENTATIONS AND THRU OUT THE SHOW THEY SPOKE ABOUT THE CONSEQUENCES THAT HAPPENED BCOZ OF BRITISHERS & There was something serious happening in those shows , they had a story to tell, characters to discuss , themes to display & they addressed about some issues that needed awareness but SHE HULK 💀💀💀 WHAT A JOKE
THEY THREW 4 FUCKING FILLERS AT OUR FACE , THERE WAS NO FUCKING NARRATIVE WHAT SO EVER & THE WRITING IS SO AWFUL & CHARACTERIZATIONS ARE SO BADLY DEALT AND THEY THOUGHT THEY DID STH WITH THE FINALE 😭😭😭 I get it i get it The makers of she hulk are basically trolling themselves and jen coming out of the disney plus and talking to writers is straight out of the comics like in byrne's run in comics where jen asks for a better ending 😭 and yes mcu is trolling itself they acknowledged their problems in story telling and they want to us to laugh along with them and they know their mistakes but the joke has over stayed its welcome & it is so meta that it made me cringe af after some time 🤢 like i am glad y'all are self aware and obviously i wouldn't want a crappy routine mcu format finale So why don't you give us a good finale 😭 instead of ending the show with so many loose ends & plots w/o answering them and IF YOU LOVE THE ENDING YOU ARE ALSO SUCH A FOOL COZ WHAT ABOUT THE FIRST 8 EPISODES WHICH LEAD TO THE FINALE EVENTS 😭 ITS DOESN'T MAKE SENSE AS THEY WERE THE CLICHE MCU FORMAT EPISODES so are you saying all this was useless & such waste of time 😴 its like you are contradicting yourself man
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Also do i even have to talk about how awful the design of She Hulk is ? its obviously not the vfx artists faults but its mcus fault for forcing the vfx artists and torturing them thru out the process and forcing them to finish the project even before the dead line & constantly changing the designs & their ideas and every one knows how pissed the vfx artists were coz they were abused too in a toxic mcu environment in the studios So we can't blame them BUT WE CAN BLAME MCU EXECS & MAKERS OF SHE HULK COZ OF HOW AWFUL & UGLY THE VFX WAS & HER DESIGN WAS THRU OUT THE SHOW 😭 and its okay if you liked / loved the show and liked / loved the show and every thing i said might not be true or i am 3000% right in here but the ones who are dickriding should STFU 💀💀💀 DON'T TAKE EVERYTHING THE MCU IS THROWING AT YOUR FACES BLINDLY QUESTION THEM & BOO AT THEM SO THEY WILL GIVE US BETTER CONTENT IN THE FUTURE & the people who might disagree with me rn i know some of you will agree with me after some time later in the future 😌👍🏻 i am pretty sure about that ... All in All
All i am Saying is
MCU CAN REDEEM THEMSELVES FOR WHAT THEY HAVE DONE SO HULK WITH JEN & SKAAR BUT AFTER WATCHING SHE HULK & THAT CLOWN ASS HAIR CUT OF SKAAR 💀💀 I AM NOT REALLY OPTIMISTIC ANYMORE & Since we are on this topic i also want to put this out if mcu can work with sony and use spiderman & make a fucking trilogy and give the 70% of profits to sony what's stopping them from making a hulk movie with the universal studios ? you know what ? THEY JUST DIDN'T CARE ENOUGH ABOUT HULK 💀 SO FUCK THEM
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elgaberino-mcoc · 2 years
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file under updates > new wishlist icon SKAAR
Son of Hulk clearly had a better barber on @kabam's Battleworld than on @MarvelStudios' Sakaar. (More barber jokes in the thread here and here.) He recently broke the top 100 most-wanted champs 
click, search for “Skaar,” and vote: http://tinyurl.com/mcocwishlist
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aj-allen97 · 2 years
So i finally have a day off/mental energy to watch TV so what do I choose but SheHulk
And I’m only half way in episode one and I have one question?
So after the whole Saw bit Bruce/Hulk makes a point that there are different ways to revert back to human form but he wasn’t sure what would work for her or how long she’ll be stuck in hulk form. Which she begrudgingly accepts and understands - so Jen goes along with the next step of mediation.
And yet the next scene shows her as Human Jen during the mediation scene- Which she can’t take serious so Bruce/Hulk sends her to bed…as Human Jen…and yet the next morning he makes a note that Jen reverts back to Human Jen in her Sleep…when again she fell asleep as Human Jen…so how would Bruce/Hulk know that already?
Did we have several time jumps? Is these sequence of events out of order? Did they forget to CGI in She Hulk? When did she revert back to human Jen? In her sleep? On the walk back up to the beach house?
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marveltournaments · 6 months
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myallmediareviews · 2 years
I feel like this show has some potential going forward. I do like the universe expansion that we’re seeing, and I feel like Jennifer Walters is a very interesting character with a good story to tell. I’m apprehensive about any non-sitcom series that immediately takes a lighter tone, as I feel like being too humorous can sometimes contrast with conflict later. When a lighthearted show tries to get serious or dark, it sometimes feels forced or out of character. However it certainly is possible, if it is written well, for a humorous show to take on a darker or more high-stakes conflict in a realistic way. There are things from the story that I like. She-Hulk has a very rich personality in the comics and, though her origin story changed, I feel like her essence has been pretty well preserved so far. I like that the story dives a little more into her family life and tries to flesh out her world a bit. I love the extra information that we get on Bruce’s character, I’m a big fan of the Sakaraan subplot and I like the shout-out to Tony Stark. I also especially like that they discuss how She-Hulk has an advantage in managing her anger because of the misogyny she faces daily. I think not only does this bring focus to an important issue, it also adds layers to the character and sets up a source of tension that could very meaningfully be worked in throughout the show. Especially if fans become attached to Walters and can experience her frustration and anger at the sexism she faces alongside her, which could be a powerful message. I also like the idea that was briefly mentioned of Jen’s Hulk having different triggers than Bruce’s, which I hope can be explored further in the show. I think the show should primarily focus on Jen, but if a second season follows I hope the show will flesh out not only She-Hulk, but also add a lot to the Hulk mythos that has been missing from the movies for years.
Having the first episode as a flash back was an interesting choice that I didn’t completely agree with. I feel like it creates a choppy exposition and a rushed feeling, as if the show is trying to rapidly establish a backstory so we can just jump in to the action. In my opinion, it would have been better to either start with the accident and build forward or to start where the show did, but slowly expand and build up the backstory throughout the episodes to make it feel more natural and more meaningful. Which leads me into my second point, how quickly the flashback ended.
Walters seemed to almost immediately come to peace with this life changing event. I think something that really builds viewers attachment to a character is watching them grow because it invests the viewer in how their journey ends. This feels like a missed opportunity for She-Hulk. Personally I’m not a fan of new, young heroes beating older and more experienced heroes when I’m invested in the older hero. I’ve watched Bruce Banner grow and evolve and become more than he ever thought he could. To me, She-Hulk immediately showing him up both invalidates his journey and gives her more power than her character deserves as she just got her strength. However I think her beating up Banner would’ve been more palatable if we got to see her wrestle with the emotional repercussions of becoming a hulk, but she seems to adapt without much issue and I think that this makes her character much less relatable and interesting. Walters immediately blows off the advice of someone who’s dealt with her condition for 15 years, and then succeeds anyway. I don’t like the implications for Bruce’s character and I feel like it doesn’t give She-Hulk the challenges that a rich character like her deserves. The conflict the writers seem to be setting up is dealing with the fallout of her hulk-side being revealed, which could be interesting but I think it was set up poorly.
First of all, the fight in the courtroom that revealed Jen’s identity seemed implausible. Why would a supervillain be in traffic court? Why would they have been issued a ticket instead of arrested? Why would they show up in full supervillain garb? Why would they wait until losing in traffic court to start destroying things? I understand the goal of turning superheroes and villains into a more common thing, as they are in the comics, as opposed to a select group that fights off alien invasions, but the way it’s done feels very clunky.
The show promises an interesting subplot of emotional turmoil when Jen is assigned to Emil Blonsky, but then dismisses any kind of conflict attached to the situation. The only conflict so far that doesn’t seem to be immediately and irrevocably resolved is Jen’s apprehension about being desired only for being She-Hulk and not for her skills as an attorney, though she seems to have mostly moved past her hesitation. All in all the show seems to keep setting up interesting situations and then not delivering.
Although this is certainly not a dealbreaker, it bears mentioning that the CGI for She-Hulk is slightly disappointing, and a much more realistic looking character could have been created. In my opinion, with several notable exceptions, Hulk CGI has declined since the first Hulk movie. My only other issue is with the fourth wall breaks. I know this is canon from the comics, but I don’t like it’s implications. Deadpool’s fourth wall breaks made more sense for two reasons. For one, he was driven insane, which seemed to be why he was aware of the audience. And for another, he was much more isolated in his original movie. For Jennifer Walters, neither of those conditions are true. Why is she aware of the audience? What gives her that ability? Furthermore, if she is aware of the audience, is Bruce? She is joining very well established characters, none of whom break the fourth wall, and it seems out of place for her alone to have that ability. I hope the show improves on its promise soon.
After seeing episode 3 I’m more hopeful. Although Walters seems to have moved past her apprehension about her job, sexism remains a major theme which provides a great touch point between real world conflict and superhero world conflict. Additionally, emotional conflict is being supplied by the court of public opinion, though that potential seems underdeveloped thus far. And finally, the main conflict seems to be being established via the mysterious “boss” who seems to, for unknown reasons, desire She-Hulks blood.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 5 months
I went to my friend’s house (she lived next to me) and we were at her swing set and my mom turned into the Hulk and then beat me to death.
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sorrythatwasmean · 6 months
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Bruce Week 2023- Home
I'm very late for Bruce Week and MCU Bruce Banner's December 18th birthday so consider this a Happy Birthday Bruce piece.
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gammacousin · 6 months
Rebecca Banner: “I want to see how you two measure up…here we go! Head up Bruce, don't slouch.” *measuring* “Just as I suspected, extremely stubborn and suspicious.”
Child Bruce Banner: “I am not!”
Child Tony Stark: *chuckling*
Rebecca Banner: “Read it.”
Child Bruce Banner: *reading* “Extremely stubborn and sus..”
Rebecca Banner: “Suspicious. Now you, Tony…hmm! Rather inclined to giggle, doesn't like to put things away.”
Child Tony Stark: “How about you?”
Rebecca Banner: “Hold this for me.” *reading* “Practically perfect in every way.”
Child Tony Stark: “You’re tricky.”
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cowboy-caboodles · 4 months
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How to Get the Hulk to Turn Back Into Your Scientist Boyfriend: For Dummies
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