chriss-club · 1 year
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emizzzleblur · 8 months
George and Lewis are the new brocedes that..
Max and Daniel are the new brocedes this…
Logan and Oscar
Lewis started at McLaren
Oscar is starting at McLaren
Nico started at Williams
Logan is starting at Williams
Childhood besties and still close friends
Have raced together on the same team in junior series
Oscar has always been more successful
Oscar is thriving while Logan is struggling
A new (possible) team Andretti (American) is entering the sport that could recruit the one American driver on the grid
You know who joined a new team after Willams that shared a nationality with them... Nico…
Oscar and Lewis were marked as possible WDCs right away after their remarkable McLaren rookie seasons
are the new brocedes!!
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“Wrath: Part 3,” Scarlet Spider (Vol. 2/2012), #19.
Writer: Christopher Yost; Pencilers: Carlo Barberi and Ale Garza; Inker: Walden Wong; Colorist: Rex Lokus; Letterer: Joe Caramagna
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bam-monsterhospital · 26 days
kait (looking up xmen tv series stuff): did jean go to logan after the whole madelyne stuff? me: no. i mean if they're just being bros, i guess that could work- kait: no-no, i mean making out. me: oh god ew no. wait. I know what that's from. that happened in the bad run. the worst run. the 2001 run by morrison.
0 notes
unsolvedjarin · 8 months
I was going through a Charles video that mentioned him blacking out in the car at some point. Since I’m a sucker for angst, I was wondering what it would be like for mentor!Seb if it were the reader in that situation instead. Perhaps the season before the one he retires? And maybe we could see more of the reader’s friendship with Charles? Only if you feel inspired by it, of course.
Either way, thank you for sharing your fics with us. They are my favorites and I’m really grateful for having found your blog.
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gif by luchitohamilton
pairing: (mentor! sebastian vettel x ferrari driver! reader) (charles leclerc x teammate! reader)
summary: qatar is a difficult, hot, and taxing track. that along with you having food poisoning, well…that might not end too well for you. thankfully you can always rely on sebastian and charles to be there for you.
word count: 4k
note: can you guys tell i took inspo from mark webber throwing up in his car and the qatar race this year? it was so sad to watch everyone seem so tired especially lance and logan. anyways, the plot kinda got away from me at the end, i do apologize but the seb feels were too intense 😵‍💫
content warning: car crash, mentions of throwing up, inaccurate depictions of food poisoning
part of this series but can be read without!
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A familiar voice makes you turn around from your pre-race preparations. “Depends on what your definition of ready is.”
Charles smiles, “I know it’s our first race in Qatar but c’mon, it isn’t that bad.”
“Isn’t that bad? I might melt in the car! Doesn’t help that I almost missed this one because of food poisoning.”
“Ah yes, how could I forget that,” he teases. He couldn’t forget it, because you’d been complaining about it endlessly for the past three days. You had food poisoning because Mark Webber invited you to lunch on Thursday, and accidentally gave you something dodgy. You’ve yet to forgive the man. “Well at least you’re starting from P4. Lets you fight for P1, no?”
“Against Lewis and Charles? Please. In my dreams, maybe. Plus, you’re starting P3, asshole.” You retort, turning back around to put your balaclava on. The second it’s on your head, though, it gets pulled off, and you look behind you for the perpetrator. “Charles give it b– SEBASTIAN!”
The Aston Martin driver gives you a grin before hugging you tightly, lifting you off the ground a bit. You didn’t expect to see him before the race, but the surprise was definitely welcome.
“Oh but if it was me I would have gotten scolded,” Charles mutters, but his complaints were left unheard.
“Just came to wish you luck before the race starts. P4! You’re going to get a podium, I’m sure of it,” Sebastian beams, letting you go from the hug.
“That’s what Charles said too. He was more delusionally optimistic, though. Said I was gonna win.”
“Because I believe in you! Is that so bad?” Charles complains from the side, his comment ignored once again.
“Well maybe Charles is right— you could win. Meanwhile I’m starting in the midfield, again.” Sebastian complains, groaning a little bit.
“Oh cheer up Seb, you survived Ferrari for 6 years, you’ll live.”
He lights up a bit at your joke, moving to say something before an Aston Martin mechanic shows up outside the Ferrari garage. He wasn’t allowed inside, but it was obvious he was looking for Sebastian– who also wasn’t allowed inside, yet mysteriously got in. Nothing to do with him being friends with your mechanics of course, yeah, totally not.
“Ah shoot, well it looks like they’re looking for me,” Sebastian sighs. He starts to walk away before he pauses and moves back towards you, “Hey, stay safe, okay? New track, it’s dangerous. I know we’ve done practice and quali but you can never be too careful. Plus, it’s sweltering hot. Hydrate.”
You roll your eyes fondly, “Yes, dad.”
His face scrunches up a little, “Don’t ever call me that again, I’m not that old.”
“You could barely work my Instagram the other day! All I asked was for you to open Lewis’ stories!”
“Psh, whatever. I have to go, see you after the race, yeah?” He asks, giving your arm a quick squeeze. You nod, murmuring a goodbye to him. He wishes Charles good luck too, before saving his engineer from the Ferrari mechanics blocking him.
“So he can pull your balaclava off– which you hate, by the way, let me remind you– but if I even try adjusting your helmet straps so it’s safer you slap me off?” Charles speaks up, making you break eye contact from the Ferrari garage doors.
You roll your eyes at him with a smile, “You have got to forget that. It was one time. And it was a soft slap to the shoulder!”
“The point still stands,” he retorts, making you give up on the conversation.
“Whatever, Charlie. Just get ready for the race. Stay safe, okay?” you say, putting your balaclava on again. He gives you a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving, a sign of good luck between the two of you. It makes you smile a little before you hop into your car.
Okay. Qatar. New track, new conditions, but still the same old you. You could do this.
The lights go off one by one, and you grip the steering wheel with anticipation like you always did. Race starts still made you nervous no matter how long you’d been racing. One light goes off…then the next…then the third…the fourth one follows…and then…
The first few laps were a breeze, maintaining your position in fourth despite Fernando being on your tail the whole time. You noticed the car was slightly hotter than usual, but decided to ignore it and chalk it up to new changes in the engine.
Around lap 25 you started to feel a bit dizzy and sick during the sharp corners, cursing yourself internally for having such bad timing with the food poisoning. “Charles is 0.200 seconds ahead, feel free to overtake,” your engineer buzzes through the radio.
“Copy,” you reply, not really paying attention, still feeling sick. You overtake Charles with ease around the outside, him not putting up much of a fight because it would have taken both of you out. Now you just had to maintain this position for…dear god, 32 laps.
“Lewis 5 seconds ahead, focus on tire degradation instead.” Your engineer’s warning goes unheard, though, as you noticed the cockpit was getting way too fucking hot.
“The car’s burning up,” you say into your radio, getting only a simple “Copy, we are checking,” back.
“Okay, Y/N there are no problems with your engines, I repeat; no problem.”
What? That’s impossible. You felt like you were melting in there. “Are you sure? Can you ask Charles if his car feels like the sun too?”
“Negative, focus on the race.”
Oh you were going to kill them one day– if they don’t kill you first. A few more laps passed in those horrible conditions before turn 5 rolled around and as you swerved your car, you started to see black spots around your vision.
That can’t be good, you think, having to close your eyes for a second before shaking your head and snapping yourself back into the race. Thankfully Charles had pitted earlier and had a 3 second gap to you. “I don’t feel too well.”
“Copy. Is it the car?”
“Well it’s definitely part of the problem.”
The next few turns were torture, your head bobbing around as you faded in and out of consciousness through the fast corners. Charles was catching up now, and you knew if you didn’t do something soon, he would pass you.
You wanted this podium. You needed it. If you got P3 you would grab P4 on driver standings.
There was a slow corner coming up that was a good overtaking spot, and so you had to defend.
As the turn came around– faster than you expected– the extreme heat of the car, your headache, sweat, food poisoning, and dizziness came together and you suddenly felt light, as if you were flying, before a jolt knocked you out of your consciousness completely.
You were out for less than a minute, but that minute counted for everything. You completely turned into Charles, him having to swerve onto the gravel just so you wouldn’t crash into each other. Your car, however, still had more speed in it, and you were headed towards the wall on the very far side of the gravel.
Thankfully, the rough rocks had shook you awake enough that you were able to swerve away from the wall extremely last minute and only take the tail and back wheel of your car out.
The next few seconds were a blur.
You still felt faint, but could hear a muffled voice headed towards you. You knew the back of your car was completely ruined and you were out of the race, and you put your helmet in your hands in disappointment. You were having such a good run before this happened. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
The muffled voice running towards you was closer now, and you registered it to be Charles. He was saying something but you could barely hear him with how your ears were ringing and how the seat of the car was still hot.
The man quickly realized you weren’t hearing him, and opted to come closer and lift your visor up. “Smoke. Car. Get out!”
He didn’t need to tell you twice. You pushed yourself up but barely, Charles having to lift you up by your shoulders. Once out of the car you completely collapsed on the floor, only having your teammate catch you.
“I think I’m gonna throw up,” you say drowsily, still fighting the urge to pass out.
“Safety car is coming, stay with me now,” he replies, tapping your helmet so you stay awake. You were grateful your friend was there with you.
On track, however, Sebastian had just been informed of what went down. “What the fuck? What happened?”
“L/N completely turned into Leclerc. Driver error, push on for P9.”
Sebastian hated how his engineer sounded like a robot reporting a technical statistic. He saw the aftermath of the accident for a split second, and it didn’t look like your car was in good shape. He worries about what shape you were in. “Are they okay?”
“Safety car is coming out for L/N and to crane the car, but other than that they seem fine.”
“Please focus on the race, Sebastian.”
“INJURIES!” he shouts into his radio, annoyed. He wouldn’t be able to focus on the race until he knew you were alright.
“Uh…L/N seems to be out of it and on the floor, but they’re okay. They’ll be fine, Seb.” His engineer adds the last statement to reassure the man. He knew you meant a lot to him. Seb nods to himself in the car, carrying on with the race. The faster this finished the faster he could get to you.
The safety car came out and they all slowed down, Sebastian finally being able to take a second long look at the accident. Your car was still there, the smoke coming out of it being extinguished by a personnel. Sebastian thinks he ought to have a word with the Ferrari mechanics after the race. He then notices you, on your knees in the gravel, only being kept up by a driver he can only assume to be Charles. Sebastian thinks that should be him there supporting you, but at the same time he’s glad he wasn’t the one who you nearly crashed into. He couldn’t have it on his consciousness that he could have hit you.
“‘m sorry for ruining your race,” you mumble, still being held up by Charles. The man shakes his head, “It was ruined before that, don’t worry. My engine was acting up.”
You knew he was lying to make you feel better, his engine was completely fine. He was headed for the podium earlier, his first in a while. And you completely botched his chance to get it. The thought makes you sob a little, along with the fact that you ruined your own race.
Crying wasn’t the greatest thing to do, though, as it only made you more lightheaded. Charles notices this and takes your helmet off for you, despite your protests pre-race. You were grateful that he did, though, as the second he took your helmet and balaclava off you felt like you had a breath of fresh air for the first time.
You nod, unable to speak. You still felt dizzy and sick. Charles felt annoyed that the safety personnel were taking so long to get to you, waving them over to walk quicker. Squinting your eyes a little, you find them with some health personnels, and you sink a little lower into the gravel.
“God not again,” you groan, remembering the events that unfolded back in Spa. You did not need to go to the medical tent. As you attempt to get up, however, you fall back down as your vision blurred. Looks like medical tent it is again.
The rest of the race went particularly well. Lewis won the race and Fernando got his first podium since 2014– which you reminded yourself to congratulate him for once you were out of the medical tent– and Seb ended up P9, a position higher than where he started. That would usually be a mediocre result but with his shitty car, you were pretty impressed.
“Water?” A familiar voice makes you look away from the TV screen in the room. Charles sat beside your bed, holding a plastic bottle of water. You nod and take it from him, chugging the cool liquid down.
“Sorry again for ruining your race,” you say as you finish drinking. Charles shakes his head, “Stop apologizing. You passed out, that was no fault of yours.”
“You passed out!?” A loud concerned voice makes both of you snap your head towards the door of the room. Sebastian stood there, still in his race suit like the both of you, a shocked look on his face.
“Is that what happened? You passed out mid race?” He asks again, but this time softer. He walks towards your medical bed– which you insisted you didn’t need– before putting his hand on your forehead to check if you had a fever. The action makes you giggle, but Sebastian had a serious look that shut you up quickly.
He shakes his head with a sigh, “You have a bit of a fever.”
“Any other fun observations?”
Sebastian didn’t seem to be in the mood for your wit, though. “You could have been injured. Just a few meters and you could have fully hit the wall. If you were just a few seconds late waking up you would have–”
He shuts his eyes and stops himself. He didn’t want to think about what could have happened anymore. His voice got wobbly during the end of his statement, making you realize that he was stopping himself from crying. You absentmindedly sit up and reach for his hand, squeezing it gently.
“I’m here, Seb. And I’m fine. Look at me.”
The older driver does, slowly opening his eyes. You squeeze his hand a second time, a soft smile on your lips. “I’m here. And look, I’m completely fine. You’re not getting rid of me that quickly old man.”
Seb lets out a chuckle at that, moving to hug you tightly.
“Don’t ever scare me like that again,” he mumbles into your hair. “Why did you even pass out?”
“I was already a little dizzy before getting in the car because of the heat but I tried ignoring it. The car was overheating too and it made me dehydrated, I think. My drink pouch wasn’t a lot of help either when the water was steaming hot. Plus…” you trail off, not really wanting to talk ill of Webber.
“Mark gave her food poisoning when he took her to lunch,” Charles butted in, making you give him a look. You forgot he was in the room.
“Mark? As in Webber?” Sebastian asks, Charles nodding in response. “The bastard.”
“Oh c’mon Seb, he just wanted to treat me to lunch. It’s not like he poisoned my food on purpose.”
Seb sighs deeply before agreeing, “You’re right. Sorry. I’m just– I don’t know.”
“I get it. I mean, this is my second time at the medical tent in three months. Makes you think how accident prone I am,” you joke. Sebastian laughs, and you’re glad you got the worried look in his face away.
“The one in Spa was completely your fault, but we may have to pin this one on Mark,” Seb teases. You shoot him a grin, “Yeah, we can say that.”
Before you could talk more, though, a PR person from both Ferrari and Aston Martin came in to fetch Charles and Sebastian.
“What about me?” you ask, getting up from your bed. It wasn’t like you were injured or anything, you were just a little sick and had a bit of a stomach ache. You’d already thrown up earlier, so you felt pretty normal now.
“Sorry, we have orders to keep you here.”
You scoff, “Please. What can they do if I walk out?”
Before the Ferrari PR agent could reply, though, you were already out the room. She stands there helpless, making Sebastian and Charles chuckle to each other before following you. You were always stubborn when you wanted to be.
The second you’re out of the medical tent, camera flashes overwhelm your eyes. You walk past them as you always do, but the contrast of the light to the night sky makes you a bit lightheaded again, having to hold Sebastian’s arm for support. He moves your hand from his arm to his own hand, interlocking it with yours and pull you through the crowd. There were no words needed to be said, he always knew what you needed. You’re starting to think he can read minds.
Once past the annoying lot of cameras, you make it to the media pen where at least they pestered you in a more civil way. The interviewers were all over you and Charles, looking for some inside scoop on ‘Ferrari drama.’ Turns out, the media thought you tried to purposely take Charles out a la brocedes style. Because of this you had to clarify to every person you talked to that, “No, I did not try to take Charles out on purpose. I passed out. We’re good. Yes, we’re still friends.”
Once that was all over, you headed over to the Channel 4 area to give a certain someone a piece of your mind. “Mark Webber.”
The man turns around to the mention of his full name, smiling when he notices who it is. “Y/N! Glad you’ve come and joined us! We’re on in about five minutes, we can do a segment about the crash but if you wanna talk about something else on screen that’s fine too, we can–”
“You gave me food poisoning!” you butt in. “I cannot believe you.” His coworkers give him a look, as if they were holding in a laugh at him being scolded.
Mark stands there with his mouth agape, unsure what to say. “Wasn’t that three days ago? Are you sure it’s me?”
Rolling your eyes, you reply, “Yes, I’m sure it’s you. It started three days ago, and guess who I was with when I ate something unusual three days ago? Oh right, it’s you!”
He pauses for a moment before bursting into laughter, trying to cover his mouth to no avail. “Sorry, it’s not funny that you almost crashed, I’m glad you’re safe, but– ha!– I cannot believe it was because of the dodgy Indian food!”
You gave him a shove, trying to act mad, but the smile on your face betrayed you. His laughter was contagious. “You are such an asshole.”
“Awh cheer up,” he gives you a side hug, ruffling your hair a little. “Sorry for giving you food poisoning, mate. I’ll make it up to you, whaddya think about lunch on me tomorrow?”
You escape his side hug when you hear him say that, “Absolutely not! I’m never trusting you again with food recommendations.”
The statement makes him laugh again, and you chuckle along with him. Hard to be mad at someone who didn’t do it on purpose. Sebastian walked over to the two of you, having watched the interaction from afar.
“Look who’s coming over,” Mark mumbled, making you notice Seb trying to pretend to just ‘bump’ into the two of you. “Still competitive ‘till now, eh? Don’t worry, I’m not trying to out-mentor you,” Mark says out loud, grabbing the attention of the German.
Seb tilts his head with a faux oblivious look, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He grabs you by the arm and ‘discreetly’ pulls you over to his side. ‘No idea’ my ass.
The Australian scoffs with a grin, “Whatever you say mate. Listen, I gotta get back because our feed is going live in a few minutes, but you two take care, alright? Nice to see you again Seb.”
“You too, Mark.” Sebastian replies, this time genuinely. While the media knew the two drivers were now on good terms, they didn’t know just how close they had gotten. The two went bowling at least once every two months just to catch up with each other, you being there for half their competitions– yes, they still competed. Apparently that sense of wanting to beat your former teammate does not go away. So far this year, Mark’s been winning.
Before Mark completely walked away, he looked back at you for a second, “Oh, and, I am happy you got out injury free from that nasty crash. Genuinely glad you’re okay. Sorry that my dodgy food contributed to your sickness.”
You wave him off, “It’s fine, Mark. It’s not like you could’ve known I would get food poisoning. Although, next time maybe check online reviews.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he smiled, waving you a goodbye as he ran to his coworkers who were already getting impatient.
You shake your head with a grin, “Well at least that’s over with.”
Sebastian slings his arm around your shoulder, “True. So want to get dinner?”
“Absolutely not. I think I’m done with food for a good while.”
“Well you have to eat something,” he insists, as you both walk through the paddock. “How about we get room service?”
“Eh, it’s late, I don’t really want a repeat of Monaco 2019.”
Monaco 2019 was when you and Seb got room service at 10pm because you didn’t check the time. Safe to say the staff weren’t very happy with that. You both felt so bad while eating that food.
“We can just get McDonalds then,” you suggest.
“McDonalds?” Charles asks, popping out from god knows where.
“Jesus, where the hell were you hiding? The atoms?” You ask.
“I was here the whole time.”
“You were not,” Sebastian comments. Charles simply shrugs, tagging along with the two of you, not caring that he was obviously third wheeling a moment. “So McDonalds?”
You roll your eyes, “Yes, McDonalds. But you’re paying because you’re tagging along.”
“No fair! Sebastian is richer than me!”
You both give Charles a look at the same time. Charles thinks it’s eerie how alike the two of you were.
“Charles,” Sebastian starts, patting the Monegasque’s back with one arm with his other still slung around your shoulders. Your accident made him very clingy, but you weren’t about to tell him that. “Let me phrase this as nicely as I can; you are from Monaco. You are rich.”
Charles lets out a sigh, “Fine. I’ll buy the food.”
You clap, “Fuck yeah! Food on the rich man!”
“We have the same salary in our contracts?”
“Shh, that’s not important,” you say, shushing Charles. “Food on the rich man! Although, we may have to go to the hotel right after and just get take out. I can feel Mark’s Indian food from three days ago still fighting with me.”
Charles is the one to roll his eyes this time, “I’ll get the car so we can get there faster, your highness.”
“Thank you, Lord Perceval.”
“Don’t call me that!” he shouts, already walking away to the parking lot.
That left you and Sebastian alone again, just enjoying the company of one another, walking slowly down the paddocks. There were few people now, most having gone back to their hotels to call it a night.
“You know, I’m glad I found you.”
The words make you look up at the older driver, who you find smiling at you. “What do you mean by that?”
“I mean obviously we would find each other, there’s only so many drivers in Formula One. But I mean I’m glad I found you in this life.”
“Do you think we don’t find each other in other lives?”
Sebastian pauses and thinks for a second. He’s thought about the other career paths he could have taken throughout his life– other lives he could have lived. He knows there’s no logical way, but he thinks he still would have found you in those lives. The thought makes him smile to himself.
“No, I think we do.”
“Well then good. Because me too,” you reply, giving him a smile of your own. “Why did you suddenly think about it though?”
Sebastian shrugs, “I don’t know. I just felt suddenly sentimental. Feels like a chapter of my life closed but I’m not sure what or why.”
Little did he know that he would start contemplating retirement a few weeks after that.
“Oh well, it doesn’t matter. Whether we find each other in other lifetimes, I mean.”
Seb raises his eyebrow, him now being the one confused. “What do you mean?”
“I mean we’re both here now. Enjoying each other’s company. Why bother thinking about versions of ourselves in other universes when we’ve got each other in this one?”
Sebastian gives you the most genuine, softest smile at that. “I love you, I don’t tell you that enough.”
You scrunch your face, “Ew. Sounds like a love confession. Sorry but you’re too old for me.”
“You know what I mean. I love you but not in that way. That’s just gross,” Sebastian says, hitting your shoulder.
“Relax old man, I’m just teasing,” you giggle, trying to avoid his hit. “Love you too. Ew. Sorry, not great with verbal affection. Pretty sure that just made me throw up a bit, and that’s not even with the help of the food poisoning.”
Sebastian just shakes his head, “Okay c’mon now, Charles will be annoyed with how slow we’re walking.”
Later that night, the three of you watched a cheesy romcom while sharing a shit load of fries and chicken nuggets. As you carried on through the night you thought to yourself that despite the hardships of F1, the crashing, the disappointments, the injuries– it brought you a second family you never thought you’d have. And you wouldn’t trade it for any other universe.
Although, maybe a universe where you didn’t get food poisoning.
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gentlyweeps-world · 4 months
the stubble
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summary: You help Logan take care of himself.
pairing: logan sarge x reader
warnings: none!
genre: fluff!!
notes: I saw an edit of an interview of logan with his stubble and let me tell you- I’ve never wanted that man more
You didn’t have an issue with Logan’s stubble- if anything you found it extremely attractive.
You knew it was because he wasn’t taking care of himself, the last few races of the season really taking a toll on him.
So with the small break between Qatar and Austin, you decided it was time to take a self-care day for the two of you.
“Hey Log? You up?” You murmur out, leaning over Logan’s frame as he lays in bed, dragging your fingers through his hair.
The sound of Logan muttering was a sound that warmed your heart.
As your fingers ran through his hair, he smiled but didn’t open his eyes.
“I made you some breakfast..” You say softly, admiring him as he sleeps.
“It follows your diet too..”
As you speak, Logan’s ears perk up and he rolls over to face you, squinting before leaning himself up on his elbows.
“You did?”
“Yes I did” You say with a smile and laugh. “So why don’t you get up, eat with me, then we’ll have a nice self care day, yeah?”
“A nice self-care day?” Logan asks with a small smirk of amusement and a laugh, getting himself up and out of bed, still in his boxers.
“Yes! You need it Log, so get dressed and meet me in the kitchen” You say.
“Okay!” Logan chuckles. “You sound like my mother…” He adds on, pulling on a random pair of sweats.
He hums as he makes his way into the kitchen, noticing the food you have set out for you two.
You turn to face him, giving him a smile as you sit down at the small dining table you two have.
Logan sits with you at the table, beginning to eat with a smile, he doesn’t say much to you, picking to instead, enjoy the moment with each other.
You cuddle into Logan on your couch, watching the end credits of a movie play. “I think it’s time we shave your face”.
“Hey!” Logan exclaims with a small giggle. “I look cute with a little stubble, it’s not that bad…” He adds with a smile.
“I’m not saying it’s bad! I think you look good with it- but it’s time” You say with a smile, placing a kiss on his cheek.
“Ugh…” Logan sighs, “I mean it’s not too bad, I look rugged and tough..” He glances over to you with a smirk.
“Logan, baby, I love you- but you have a slutty little man waist, you are anything but rugged and tough” You say with a chuckle, pulling away from him, getting off of your couch.
Logan laughs along with you, rolling his eyes.
“Hey!” He replies with a grin, getting up off the couch and following you into the bathroom.
“You’re just saying that because you just can’t keep your hands off of me!” He replies as he reaches the sink, turning the water on.
“Okay yes that is true..” You mumble out with a grin, opening the cabinet to grab shaving cream and his razor.
“But it’s time for the stubble to go- you look very hot with it but it gets annoying when I kiss you” You add on, getting some shaving cream onto your hand then spreading it out onto his face.
“Ah come on…” He whines as you put the shaving cream on his face.
“You’ll survive baby..” You whisper out. You gently hold one side of his face, focusing as you start to shave his face.
Logan places his hands on your waist, giving your hips a reassuring squeeze.
“You know, I could have shaved myself…” He whispers out, careful to not mess you up.
“Yeah well- you need to learn how to rely on other people and give yourself a break..” You murmur out, your words having a deeper meaning to them, one you know he’ll understand.
“Okay…” Logan replies, keeping his eyes closed from the feeling of the razor on his skin.
The meaning behind your words weren’t missed, he understood the message you were sending him.
“How about after this, we take a nice hot bath, wash each other and relax?” He asks with a smile, opening his eyes to look at you.
“Sounds perfect..” You say with a smile, stepping back as you finish shaving his face.
“Good…” Logan chuckles, running his hands down the side of his face, now feeling smooth and shaven.
“Well, come here and give me a kiss.” Logan adds with a smirk, reaching over to you.
“Alright..” You say with a giggle, pressing your lips to his in a kiss.
You break away from him after a moment, “You’ll do great in Austin don’t stress about it..”
Logan pulls you back in for another kiss, a deep one, not wanting to let you go just yet.
“I’m not stressing…I’m just worried, I’m gonna have to do well at Austin…the last few races weren’t too great…” He mumbles out as he pulls away from you.
“I have a good feeling you’ll score points, don’t worry..” You say softly, “Let’s take that bath now, yeah?”
“Okay..” He says, “But- one more kiss..”
Logan pulls you in for one more kiss, wrapping his arms around you, he pulls away just inches from your lips, “Thank you baby”
“Of course Log..”
radio 🪩: Just a cute little Logan fic I had in mind 🫶
send in requests 🩵
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miloformula123fan · 2 months
for 150 followers, I am announcing my big current project - the bachelor, but f1 style.
basically, i was talking to leo about how they should decide the mercedes seat bachelor style, which descended into this.
how it will work:
once i publish a chapter, i will also publish a poll - this poll will be WHO TO ELIMINATE, NOT who stays.
whoever 'wins' that poll will be eliminated and we will continue the remaining contestants
i will publish the first chapter 'soon-ish', so you're not voting off the moodboard, don't worry
the moodboards do have some easter eggs for the future, relying on them not being eliminated.
also yes i fiddled with the ages, deal with it.
so - meet your contestants
y/n y/l/n, 25, f1 driver for aston martin - the bachelor
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and the people vying for his heart
kimi raikkonen, 34, financier from finland
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2. logan sargeant, 23, dj from usa
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3. daniel ricciardo, 33, photographer from australia
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4. alex albon, 27, lawyer from thailand
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5. mark webber, 37, bodyguard from australia
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6. liam lawson, 22, firefighter from new zealand
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7. fernando alonso, 42, physio from spain
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8. esteban ocon, 27, baker from france
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9. yuki tsunoda, 23, chef from japan
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10. carlos sainz, 29, football player from spain
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11. lance stroll, 25, heir from canada
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12. max verstappen, 26, cat shelter owner and vet from the netherlands
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13. sebastian vettel, 36, florist, conservationist and activist from germany
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14. oscar piastri, 22, author from australia
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15. mick schumacher, 24, surfer from germany
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16. nico rosberg, 38, philanthropist from germany
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17. arthur leclerc, 24, model from monaco
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18. lewis hamilton, 38, model from the uk
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19. george russell, 26, CLASSIFIED from the uk
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20. jenson button, 34, artist from the uk
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21. charles leclerc, 26, fashion designer from monaco
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22. pierre gasly, 28, lead singer of a boy band from france
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23. lando norris, 24, twitch streamer from the uk
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24. toto wolff, 41, ceo billionaire from austria
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25. susie wolff, 31, girlboss from scotland
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taglist of people who i think may be interested in this (but let me know if you want to be added or removed):
@leosxrealm, @tallrock35, @wolf-knights, @janeholt3, @badblondebisexualboy, @ghostking4m
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lafaiette · 3 months
I've seen some people ask for comparisons between Pen's Chinese and English lines, so I made a small compilation to show the biggest changes that most baffled me.
There is a kind Chinese player, Yu, who offered the fandom much of the info and insight contained in this post, and she was the first to shed light on these differences! Without her enthusiasm, I doubt people would have started investigating Pen's original lines ;_;
Under the read more because this is long!
Brief premise: the Chinese dialogues in the game are often less "harsh" than the English ones. For example, Qi can sound rude and condescending in English, while he's pretty polite, if not a bit aloof, in Chinese. Justice's lines in English rely on the typical "hey pardner" cowboy accent, while in Chinese he's very professional, almost overly so.
That said, the English writer who worked on Pen made it no mystery that he based his characterization of Pen on Gaston from Beauty and the Beast. There is even a line directly referencing the movie: "[...] when I was a boy I ate four dozen eggs every morning to help me get large. Now that I'm grown I have five dozen eggs [...]"
As such, English Pen sounds much different from Chinese Pen. He's more patronizing and rude, and the writer added stuff that it's simply not present in the Chinese text. So while in English Pen can sound like a knucklehead obsessed only with muscles and training, surrounded by adoring women and fans when in Duvos, in Chinese he shows a different, almost more innocent side, as if he were a very tall and big child who has never had a day of legitimate and healthy fun in his life (and that's carried across in some of the English lines - that's why his English version is a bit contradicting sometimes).
Here are some examples:
One of his lines as a Good Friend is:
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Here it's implied that Pen gives the Builder a hard time not only to push them to improve themselves... but also because he likes doing it, referencing his friendship mission where he admits he doesn't like teaching people anything, he just wants to fight them.
Meanwhile, the Chinese version says:
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I keep calling you a weakling just to urge you and encourage you to exercise hard and break through your limits. If you won't have me to protect you in the future, you will have to become an eagle for me!
Here "eagle" is a reference to the way Pen calls the Builder in Chinese: 小弱鸡 "little weakling/little chicken" - and the latter is a rude way to call someone in Chinese, especially if they are a man and the "chicken" character (鸡) is repeated twice (but 鸡 by itself is also slang for "female prostitute"... so if you want to read it that way, Pen can call the Builder "my little slut" when in a relationship. HEH.)
In any case the tone in this line of dialogue is much different from the one in English, and Pen sounds genuinely enthusiastic.
Another example:
At the start of the game, Pen asks the Builder to craft a Sword and Shield for Burgess, who apparently misplaced his own. It turns out Burgess hid them under his bed, so when the Builder tries to give the weapons they crafted to Pen, he will tell them to keep them.
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As usual, the English version is mocking and patronizing ("Hah! That'd be rich!"). In the Chinese version, Pen first compliments the desert:
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In this case, take it back and use it for yourself! Use it to explore the desert and fight those monsters - what a thrill! The desert is very dangerous, but it is also full of charm.
Then there is the line about Logan and his band:
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Hey! Maybe you can still find traces of Logan's gang! If you subdue them, you will gain both fame and fortune! [Okay, see you next time] [not shown here]
Now, some romance stuff : >
This is the description for the Robo-Love Couch. In English it says:
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Meanwhile the Chinese description:
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Referred to as the "Love Sand Machine", Peng Hu specially built a loving sofa for you, pieced together from the remains of robot monsters in the ruins.
He specially built a loving sofa for the Builder. It seems like a silly detail, but wording is important!
And yes, Pen's full name is Peng Hu, 彭虎. Peng is his family name, Hu his birth name. Hu 虎 means "tiger", and now you can understand why Grace suspected him to be Tiger the spy. But that would have been too easy!
Peng 彭 is a common Chinese surname. Its original meaning is believed to be "sound of war drums" (sad implication), but it's also used as an adjective to mean "big". So Pen's full name can mean "big tiger" :D
Back to the couch! Lines are different during the date in Paradise Lost, too.
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Come on, little weakling, come and sit next to me. Let's give this trophy a "kiss of victory"! Do you do this with everyone you date? Wait, it seems I'm regretting it a bit... Happiness comes too suddenly...... (Kiss Peng Hu)
In the English version, the Builder can ask "How many of these thrones have you built...?", implying that Pen has had so many lovers he can craft this couch in a matter of few seconds. But in Chinese, the Builder's question is much different, it's more like: "Damn, are you always so over the top when dating someone??"
One of the biggest differences is in this set of lines:
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Meanwhile, in Chinese:
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Today's experience made me realize that love has used a deadly locking technique on both of our hearts. Let me no longer doubt the feelings between us. This love is true love! Now, I am even more unwilling to take my eyes away from you! Haha!
Also, in Chinese Pen never mentions the infamous 12 girlfriends when the Builder and Grace question him in jail. Yu confirmed that throughout the game Pen doesn't brag about his love life or his popularity with women, probably also due to the negative way Chinese culture sees this kind of "bragging".
Not only Pen and many other characters are younger in Chinese Sandrock (Pen's age ranges from 25 to 27, while he's confirmed to be 31 in the English localization), but he's depicted as being not very experienced in relationships in general. He basically only knows how to fight, punch people, and destroy stuff. Anything else - having friends, being with someone who truly loves him and whom he truly loves, having a normal life - are something he never experienced before. He did date (see his final letter later), but he's not described being the Casanova of Duvos like he is in the English version. In fact, it seems people only liked him due to his body and status, and a remnant of this piece of characterization is left in the English text when he says:
Surely, you understand… I am quite the prize. I can’t take myself off the market just to become arm candy for you to show off at your little buildy guild awards or whatever it is! No, what I desire… is true love…
In Chinese, he says during the Masterclass friendship mission: "To be honest, I never thought I'd be able to make friends, let alone with someone of your stature/body size! But here we are, with a sick relationship!"
In English: "You know, Skinny, I’ve never had someone I really considered a friend before. Furthermore, I always promised myself I’d never be friends with anyone who didn’t have an awesome cape, but… you made me break that promise."
"I never thought I'd be able to make friends" is different from "I’ve never had someone I really considered a friend before." In the first line, the focus is on Pen ("I don't know how to make friends; I'm not good at it; it's not for me; how do you do it?"), in the second it's on other people ("I've been surrounded by people all my life, but I don't consider any of them to be a friend of mine; yeah, I call this one 'friend', but... they are not really really a friend")
The Chinese line is much sadder, and it shows how lonely Pen's life has been. One of his main characteristics, after all, is being "special", "the strongest", "different from everyone else"; but more often than not, being special and different also mean being "lonely". ("I must say it gets lonely at the top… What I wouldn't give for a truly talented opponent who could really keep me on my toes! Alas...")
And now, the grand finale :'>
A screenshot from Yu's playthrough, Pen's final line:
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Farewell, Yu. This time it's for real. You're free.
The Protector, the bracelet Pen will leave for the Builder in the cave, is called "Guardian of Love" (爱的守卫者) in Chinese. Its description says:
A very delicate bracelet that protects the wearer's wrist. Wearing it gives the wearer a feeling of being emotionally confined. Perhaps this feeling is similar to what Peng Hu often said, "Marriage is a boring bondage".
His letter in Chinese is also sweeter and sadder:
Dear [name], I've had a little more time to think lately in this so-called Atara Maximum Prison, and I'm more than a little sorry that I couldn't bring you along to accompany me. Well, it's my fault. Anyway, you are still the most beloved lover I have ever been with, and one of the few that I continue to miss even after a breakup. So, I'm going to forgive you. Yeah - I forgive you.I don't think there's a chance we'll ever be together again. You're just doing what you're supposed to do in your position, so there's nothing to complain about. I should have tried my best to recruit you from the beginning, and it would have been the best way to keep you with me. Of course I don't blame you, you're indeed excellent. I also left you a final challenge. In some ruins, there are a few of my most valuable things, and if you can get them, they're yours. It should be easy to get there, using the tricks I've taught you. My dear little weakling, this is the last time I'll call you that, I believe in your abilities. Remember, don't slack off on your training. We won't meet again. (but 后会无期 can also mean "meeting at an unspecified/unclear date")
And finally, if romanced, Pen will leave for the Builder 5 pieces of gold, 2 diamonds, and 1 Protector. 521 (and 520) are a cute way to say "I love you" in Chinese, because when read aloud they sound like "我爱你, Wo ai ni, "I love you". But in some cases, 521 also means "Yes, I will [marry you]" - and Pen does drop a diamond ring after his final battle (apparently he drops it only if you romanced him, but it's unclear yet. I'm pretty sure he didn't drop it during my Fang playthrough, while he did drop it when I romanced him, but I'll need to check that).
WELP, this is pretty much everything I got on this! If the kind Yu will tell us more or I find anything else, I'll update this post!
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hi hi!! saw the list of wips and was curious about the keegan ones :3c
also pls don’t put me in the basement i have finals next week and like three pieces i gotta work on!!!! and ig the petri dishes gotta be in the right conditions
no, no finals. only basement. mine now. <3
keegan number 1 for the wip ask game: soulmate keegan-- takes place during the mission "clockwork," for the cod: ghosts enjoyers!
It burns where he's gripping you. Sears your neck at the throat. It hurts so bad you white out for a moment. The man's arm tightens across your shoulders, pinning you to his chest, and you grab his forearm. He hisses in pain. Instantly, you both know what just happened: he soulmarked you; and you, him. He burned his handprint into your throat--the first place he touched you. You burned yours into his arm--singeing him through your gloves and through his disguise. Keegan knew his soulmate probably existed in the world somewhere, but never thought much about what it would be like to know her—if he ever had the chance at all. Still, finding his soulmate here and now--a Federation soldier in a Federation base, of all things--triggers an instinct in his mind that compels him to keep her from harm. That instinct wars with the need to carry out the mission at all costs. But his grip doesn't lessen. Instead, he tightens his arm around you, trying to keep a cool head. He drags you past his teammates--Logan, Hesh, and Merrick--and into an adjacent empty room. You can barely see anything, but you hear shouting and the exchange of gunfire. You struggle against his hold. "Let go of me!" "I'm not gonna let go." He shifts his grip to pry your head back, exposing the glowing soulmark formed at the base of your neck. His breath falls over the mark, and it glows hotter. Neither of you can ignore this. You're his soulmate. But here? Now? You're supposed to be an enemy; you're part of the Federation. He's not even supposed to let you live. But he's definitely not gonna let you die.
and keegan number 2: keegan in the cold-- with medic!reader. warning: keegan is mean.
"Why would you say that?" "Because I want you to understand who you are," Keegan hisses. "You can't handle using a gun because you're scared. You can't tell Hesh how you feel because you know he'd reject you. You'd be dead if I hadn't pulled you to safety. You're nothing without me. You're pathetic." You keep your mouth shut until the sting from his words fades. What he's saying isn't true. He's pissed and looking for control wherever he can get it because that's the kind of bastard he is. You will your voice to soften from anger into condescension. "Do you want that to be true, Keegan? Would it feed your ego?" "What I want is for you to admit that I was right," Keegan retorts, his tone growing more aggressive as you refuse to rise to the bait. "Admit that you rely on me. That without me, you'd be dead. That you're weak and pathetic and need me to be your shield. It's the truth, isn't it? Say it." "It sounds like you want it to be true." ”It sounds like you're avoiding the question.” "You want me to tell you I'm worthless?" “I want you to tell me I'm right." He leans closer, invading your personal space. "I want you to show me some gratitude for saving your life. Maybe treat me better than the dirt on the bottom of your fucking shoes." That takes you genuinely by surprise. Anger still simmers in your gut. But you tamp it down. You keep your head cool and your voice even. "Thank you, Keegan, once again," you bite out, "for saving my pathetic life. Happy?"  "Thank you isn't good enough," Keegan growls, his tone dangerously low. "Keep talking."
wip ask game / more Keegan / masterlist tag
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yukinss · 4 months
the moon, the sun, and the earth | op81, ls2
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pairing: oscar piastri x fem!driver! reader (unrequited) ... logan sargeant x fem!driver! reader (mentioned) summary: the moon relies on the sun to shine, but the sun doesn't care about the moon ... it's too focused on the earth. note: mainly focused on oscar, although logan is mentioned heavily throughout the blurb/fic, whichever you wanna call i. it's a really shitty ending bc idk how to end things properly, and it’s kinda opened ended, soooo smirking cat emoji, sun side eye emoji. note 2: don’t ask about the logistics of the reader (you) being at aston martin … i just wanted to include lance in some way shape or form, smiling cat emoji.
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you, oscar, and logan ... that's how it's always been. from karting to your time in the f1 academy, it had always been you three. it was only a given that the three of you would've ended up as formula 1 drivers the same year. you at aston martin, oscar at mclaren, and logan at williams.
being on different teams didn't stop you guys from being close, if anything it only made you three closer ... well it made you and logan closer, as oscar was usually pulled away to attend team meetings and interviews to discuss the season.
throughout the 2023 season, yours and logan's relationship had grown into something more than just childhood friends. it wasn't until the austrian grand prix when the two of you had made it official. many fans and other members of the grid were over the moon to see the two of you together.
"it was only amount of time the two of you got together!" both yours and logan's teammates had said when they congratulated the two of you.
the dynamic of the 2023 rookies had shifted after that. no one really knew why, no one other than oscar of course. he had always known you and logan had feelings for each other for a while now, but had danced around the idea of the both of you actually getting together. he had only hoped that the two of you would've continued to dance around the idea ... or even just drop it. oscar had hoped that you would've dropped the idea of ever being with logan.
for 3 years, oscar thought his relationship with you was strictly platonic. yet somewhere along the way, you had become his sun. although, you were too caught up on your feelings for logan to have know about oscar's feelings for you.
oscar had become the moon to your sun, while logan had become the earth. oscar relied on you, everything he did was dedicated to you in some way ... but you didn't care for oscar, not in the same way you cared for logan.
it's like that saying, the moon relies on the sun to shine, but the sun doesn't care about the moon ... it's too focused on the earth.
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wordstome · 6 months
What are the dads’ favorite bonding activities with their kids? 🥺
hello friend!!
Price: I like to imagine Price's girls are engaged in all sorts of extracurricular activities from ballet to the school play. I think his favorite bonding activity with them would be taking them out to eat after a recital or a performance. Just his little ladies and some good old greasy spoon diner food: what else could a man want? And you know that when the girls grow up, those nights are going to be some of their fondest childhood memories.
Ghost: Caden is a parallel play kind of kid. He's quietly doing his little crayon drawings next to Simon watching a tv show. I could also see them bonding when Simon takes Caden out to run errands with him, groceries and stuff. Caden gets a bit of socialization, and Simon is there if he gets overwhelmed and needs a bit of comfort. It really brings them together: the kid knows that no matter how distant his dad can be, he can always rely on Simon.
Soap: JOCK ALERT. His favorite bonding activity is taking his kids to the park. Impromptu soccer games, roleplaying on the playground equipment, buying them ice cream on a hot summer day. When Elodie's older, she stops going, preferring to hang out with friends or do her own thing. But I can see wayyyy in the future when she's an adult, she'll have a lot of nostalgia for those days and will love going on walks with her dad.
Gaz: Kyle is a planned activities kind of man, a very take the kids to Disney World and make lifetime memories sorta guy. Every summer the family gets an airbnb by the lake, and every winter they're off at a ski lodge. (Here's to that delicious, delicious dual income household.) Violet and Elliott are always the kids blowing into the first day of class full of stories about all the fun stuff they got up to over the summer.
König: Dress-up. Come on, you knew this was coming. He's so girldad. Ava can't keep her hands out of her dad's luscious locks, and loves making him paper crowns because of his callsign (he definitely speaks German with her at home so she knows what it means). He also buys Ava those big plastic playsets that are a grocery checkout or a little kitchen and roleplays little scenarios with her. Ava's a militant chef, by the way. She would make a great line cook.
Horangi: Concerts with his daughter, Ryujin. Probably a few raves, as well. Ryujin's a punk rock and indie scene kinda gal, but she'll listen to anything, and has a few favorite kpop groups whose concerts she's dragged Hong-jin to. He's a diehard Once (fan of the girl group Twice) himself. They've also definitely gotten a few tattoos/piercings together, which would be an odd thing to do with your dad if Ryujin's dad were not so cool.
Keegan: Same as Johnny, except instead of taking his kids to safe parks and soccer fields, he takes them into the woods. Camping, fishing, teaching them a bunch of useful skills. It's such a "things your divorced dad does with you when he doesn't know what else to do for the weekend you're staying with him" activity, but Jason and Cecelia have never had someone do those things with them before, so they're having a good time. Other than that, laser tag and airsoft is a big one. Keegan was hesitant to get them into stuff like that, but they've always been curious about his military career and things just sort of escalated from there. I saw this tiktok of a cosplayer in a Logan mask captioned "when you're playing airsoft with your 15-year spec ops dad" and it's the cosplayer plastering themselves against a wall in terror: that's Keegan's kids. He's not going to hold back when he plays, and they don't want him to.
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thefudge · 1 year
i know the halfway joke is that the successor turned out to be just an empty suit who’s always willing to “suck the biggest dick in the room”, and that’s valid, but the fact that tom immediately chose karolina over hugo and brought gerri back into the fold tells me that he has learned what logan and even the boys did not, which is that while you may not let the women take the lead (because this is still a patriarchal pecking order), you keep them close and you always make them work for you. because, at the end of the day, you still need them. really, tom won by relying on women. kendall lost jess and rava, roman lost gerri. kendall and roman screwed shiv over, which gave her plenty of reason to side with matsson. tom, meanwhile, got shiv to protect him from matsson and relied on her to get ahead. tom may suck dick when needed, but, and i hate to say this, he understands the value of pussy lol.
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happy74827 · 3 months
Only You
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[Kendall Roy x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Kendall never had anyone that he could truly rely on. But now, he has you, and that's all that matters {GIF Creds: Honestly i couldn't find who made it… just know that I didn't}.
WC: 753
Category: Lime/Spice, Slight Angst
I just finished Succession tonight and my heart literally hurts so much for Kendall, so I had to write this to ease my mind.
“Kenny…” You sigh into his neck, his teeth nipping at your ear.
His hands travel from your thighs to the dip of your back and up, pulling the thin fabric of your dress over your head and off, tossing it onto the floor.
He grins, kissing down your jaw to the swell of your breasts. You can feel him, hard and thick through his jeans, pressed against you, and you need him. Need to feel him inside you. Need to feel his skin against yours.
Your breath is shallow and hot.
Kendall kisses the hollow of your throat, your pulse hammering against his lips. He takes your chin in his hand and makes you look at him. You stare into his eyes, deep and brown, the color of the earth. He stares right back, and you can feel his heartbeat, fast and in time with yours.
You lean in, pressing your lips to his. He kisses you back, softly at first, but then, hungry, devouring, as if he were a starving man.
You unbutton his shirt, letting it fall to the floor, and push him down on the bed. He pulls you on top of him, and you can feel him smiling as he kisses you. His hands are warm as they caress your body, sending tingles up and down your spine.
He needed this; you knew it, just like you needed it. It was only a matter of time before he broke down before he let you back in. He needed someone to be there for him—someone who loved him unconditionally and would stand by him no matter what.
His touch was gentle and loving. The way he held you, kissed you. It was almost as if he didn't want to let you go. As if he was afraid of losing you.
Your heart ached for him. Ached for the man who was lost and alone, the man who had no one else. Nothing else.
With all the hot garbage and corruption within Waystar, Kendall could always rely on you. You were his constant. His anchor.
He would never admit it, not even to himself, but he was scared. He was scared and alone, and he needed someone.
Roman couldn’t give him that. Shiv could barely stand to look at him. His mother? Well, she wasn't the type.
And then there was you. You had been by his side, supporting him for as long as he could remember.
He didn't know when he had started to notice you, started to love you. But he had. Rava couldn't fill the void in his heart. No woman could. But you could.
You had been there for him every step of the way, no matter what. When the shit hit the fan, when his father cut him out, when his family betrayed him, you were there. You were his light in the darkness.
The night that Kendall told the world his father was at fault for the cruise ship disaster, the full turnaround he did on the presser and the aftermath had been hell. Logan had thrown a tantrum, screaming and shouting and threatening to cut him off completely.
For a little while, it seemed like he would, too.
But you had been there for him.
Kendall had broken down, sobbing, after it was all over. When the weight of it all had finally hit him, he had felt guilty and ashamed.
You had sat with him, comforting him. You hadn’t judged him. You hadn’t told him it was his fault, that he was wrong. You had simply listened.
And that had meant the world to him.
When he had finished crying, when his sobs had subsided, he had kissed you.
He hadn't planned to. But the look in your eyes, the concern, the compassion, the love, he couldn't help himself. It was a soft kiss. Tender. Loving. He had cupped your face in his hands, holding you as if you were the most precious thing in the world.
After that night, everything had changed.
You had become the only thing he could count on.
You were always there for him, no matter what.
Now, as you lay together, the sheets twisted around your bodies, your bare skin touching his, he knew.
He knew the person who would always have his back, who would never leave him, was you.
And that was why he had given you his heart.
Kendall didn't need anyone or anything else.
He only needed you.
Just you and only you.
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fun-k-boards · 14 days
I've always thought the whole 'wolverine is obsessive over jean even though she and scott are in an established relationship and she expresses discomfort with him constantly hitting on her' trope is weird and that's why I either prefer morph and wolverine or scott, logan and jean together. Or him just. Being single. Idk??
I think if someone you love is with another person you should just? Get over it? Stop being creepy? Accept you're not the centre of the universe? It's weird to think you automatically 'deserve' any sort of love from somebody.
The whole love v situation marvel always pushes with them is boring and in my opinion just shows that scott and jean aren't even that good together? Same with logan and jean. They're just whiny and can't be bothered to sit down and talk for even a minute to figure out their problems.
I just think I'm too aro for this and unpopular opinion but X-Men really needs to stop relying on boring love drama and actually create interesting characters and plot instead, relying solely on romance with no substance and grown adult characters who act like literal children in a playground acting out what they think relationships are meant to be like does nothing at all for anything.
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cantdothis-nomore · 1 year
How Logan, Scott, Jean, Rogue, Kurt react to a reader who likes to give them surprise hugs on a daily basis.
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He'd probably always be up on guard so wouldn't really like it the first few times you did it but after a little while he came to love having you sneak up behind him and hug him
Especially if you jumped up onto his back and gave him a hug ♡
He kind of start relying on your daily 'surprise attacks' on him and after a really hard day he'd really appreciate the affection
He'd never act out or get angry st you for it he'd just find it really nice and really funny
Others would ask him if he found it annoying to which he replied he didn't
Logan wouldn't understand how people could get annoyed at their s/o's showing them affection and in the most adorable way aswell <333
But yeh he'd find it so cute and so funny and wouldn't mind it at all
Like logan, he wouldn't really like it at first but would warm up to it
After a little while when he feels your arms snaking around him he'd turn around and catch you in an embrace instead and suprise you
People wouldn't say anything about it because they knew they would get shut down immediately by their leader but in the cases of the people that do he'd remind them their place nicely in a calm tone that could terrify anyone within seconds
He loves your surprise hugs and doesn't want to let anyone ruin your special little moments together
I mean like you'd probably get some jealousy stares but you'd both ignore them and carry on with your little moments every day
She'd love it
That's literally it, she'd love it
She'd appreciate the affection and love how happy you looked after surprising her
She'd look forward to your hugs every day even though they did come randomly but without a doubt they were there every day
Her love for you grew with these little surprise hugs more and more each day
She loves you and makes sure yoy know it aswell
Would be really surprised and wouldn't really know how to react or deal with it
She would really appreciate the affection because it helps her see that she isn't alone almost
She'd be unsure by the hugs at first because she didn't feel like she deserved them but after time she really started to love them and even smiled when you did it
You made her feel special and she loved that almost as much as she loves you ♡
Her love for you and her confidence grows everyday from you basically taking away her fears and insecuritys and putting a feeling of safety in its place
She adores yoy more than anything in the world and wouldn't hesitate to drop anything to receive one of your surprise hugs
Would be surprised because he's supposed to be the prankster and be surprising people not the other way round
He'd burst out laughing every time you did it out of happiness at the affection you were showing him
After a little while he'd hear you coming up behind him and he'd turn around and scoop you up and give you a hug instead
He loves being shown affection especially from you
Honestly would say he couldn't live without it lol
Sorry this is so short but I hope you like it ♡
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 month
A/N: and now…because I have three different Pools holding me captive
Gwenpool: stick the script!
Spideypool: you’re in the Pool-iverse now, pal!
A/N: fine. I present…
Fem!Wolverine x Deadpool!Reader NSFW Headcanons
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Wolverine and Deadpool - drawn together no matter what universe, whether that be friends or in this case, lovers
Jamie Logan, the Wolverine, recruited you, the Deadpool of this universe, per Professor X’s orders.
She was drawn to you. Call it animal instinct or love at first sight. She never wanted anyone more than you.
Jamie is a paradox of a lover. Fierce, bed breaking one night. Calm and gentle another night.
She drives her claws into the headboard of the bed, using it as traction as she rides you, grinding her hips against yours.
Jamie will collapse against the bed and your chest afterwards, satisfied and eager to make sure that you are just as if not more satisfied than her.
Beast has basically confined the two of you to an army cot, saying the school can’t keep paying for wooden frames.
A great pair in battle and a great loving relationship. Jamie relies on your sense of fourth wall breaking jokes to lift her spirits as you rely on her to keep you grounded.
She is a very jealous lover. Her sense of smell allows her to see if another person is attracted to you.
If and when she senses someone’s attraction to you, she’ll drag you off somewhere private and let you know who you truly belong to. I.e. quickies in a closet, anything that’ll leave you and her flustered and satisfied.
Favorite position? Jamie always on top. Riding you until both of you see stars.
Favorite body part? She loves your neck, she places kisses there as often as possible. Your favorite body part? Her hands, she maybe a mutant but she sure is magical. ;)
Hugs? Private when no one is looking. She loves it when you hug her from behind and gently rub her thighs. She loves wrapping an arm around your arm and the other around your neck. She gasps every time you hug her like this.
She wants to make sure that this relationship isn’t one sided. She covers you in kisses and nuzzles you. She’s just as loving as she is lustful.
Professor X is quite happy you found each other, a nice, happy, and extremely passionate balance.
SP: aww that was so sweet!
GP: yeah so cute.
A/N: great now can you please let me go?
GP: nope. You still gotta do Gwen x Spideypool NSFW headcanons!
A/N: ugh
Tags: @jacelion @ma1egamer @deafeningsharkslimeempath @jadenyukiyusakufujikiyutoduelist @multi-fandom-enjoyer
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