#I am only here for the next 40 minutes
cartridgeconverter · 3 months
Hello European mutuals. I am now in Munich (briefly), which means the borders of the EU have no power in preventing me from rapidly approaching your location. Be not afraid
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freesomebodybyluna · 1 year
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chrollohearttags · 11 months
buckle bunny
omg omg so I know I talk a lot about cowboy!reiner’s partner being this adorable housewife that bakes cookies and always dresses in cute outfits but I am thinking sooo hard about him meeting (y/n) in their younger days and she was wild! I’m talking baddest bitch walking, hopping out of her lifted truck with long nails, 40 inches to the ass with Wrangler booty shorts and a camo crop top. “Man, who is that?” He’s out with his friends at the bar, drinking and he sees this woman, busting out her jeans because the ass is sitting, thighs are thick and she’s killing every girl in there. You’re on the floor dancing, flirting and chatting up every dude that walks your way but not giving them more than a minute of your time. Because he’s where your attention is. His face is visibly red from how insanely attracted he is to you. He wants to approach you, say something…but his confidence is not up to par for that. You can clearly see him stealing glances from across the room, nervously nursing his beer but it’s not until it’s your turn to hop on the mechanical bull and when you start twirling around on that saddle..poor boy breaks into a cold sweat! He’s standing there in his Carhartt shaking like a freight truck. Once you finish, there’s no doubt in his mind he has to see what’s up. But before he can even walk your way..you curl your tongue over those pretty plump lips; shooting him a wink to let him know you’ll be riding him next.
so it comes as no surprise when you make your way through the bustling crowd and makeshift line dance forming near the bar, he’s surprised to see you come talk to him because no woman has ever approached him and so boldly. He loves it! “Don’t think I’ve ever see you around here before.” “I could say the same.” Fluttering those 25 MM lashes as you took a sip from your Red Dixie cup. Long nails curling it and boy, could he only dream about it being him you’d lick on like that. It’s not long before you’re running game on the shy country boy with the deep voice and sexy southern drawl. Sitting in his lap while playing with his stubbly beard..thinking about how you’ll be sitting on it before the night’s done. He compliments your dancing and how well you rode that machine. “Thanks, darling. I got a lot more skills than that.” A hand coiling your waist and an open Budweiser in the other, Reiner finally has enough of that liquid courage to ask you to go for a late night ride with him. A customary sign of a crush in these small town parts.
an hour later and your tight little outfit is sprawled all over the floorboard of his F-150. Fingernails dug in between his blonde wefts as he glided his tongue up and down that exposed clit. Flicking his tongue all around your folds and devour that sweet cunt. You’ve made a mess of those leather seats that he just replaced in his old beater but it’s just fine by him..as long you keep coming all over his face. “Shit!…I didn’t expect you to be like this, Mr. Reiner…” laughing as you cover your mouth in shock from being forced into squirting twice. He’s so impressed that he can’t stop kissing and caressing on that pretty pussy. “Stick around, sugar. There’s more where that came from.” You always knew the quiet ones were the type to look out for but he was no joke. So after returning the favor and sucking him up with your ass nearly seated on his dash, he finds himself stroking that big, thick cock in his palm, waving you towards him. “So about those tricks, darling? Why don’t ya’ climb on top of me and show me what you can do?”
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bangtanflirt · 10 months
(Un)natural Instincts (Part 2)
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angst, fluff, smut
Pairings: OT7 x Fem Reader, Human CEO Reader, Human Assistant Yoongi, Wolf Hybrids Joon, Jin, Hobi, Jimin, Tae, and Kook.
Basic premise: You and your assistant end up rescuing six wolf hybrids. No part of the process is easy.
Part 1 > Part 2 > Part 3
General Warnings: Hybrid abuse and lab experimentation, hybrids as second-class citizens/owned property, future smut (Minors DNI, 18+ content)
Specific Warnings: torture collars, needles, mention of past dubcon (hybrids under influence of the synthetic hormones cannot properly consent), more inaccurate business talk,
It’s 7am the next day when your actual assistant shows up at your door, with your precious Americano in hand.
“I heard about the coffee mishap yesterday, so I thought I’d bring you this a little earlier than usual.”
“You are my savior.”
Yoongi laughs as you invite him in. Your assistant is one of the few people you found you could let your guard down around. He’s probably the closest thing you have to a friend.
“Is everything alright with you? You never call off work, and you didn’t reply to the message I sent.”
“Sorry, there was a lot going on. Everything’s fine now, just had a little scare with my mom’s blood pressure. She’s good though!”
“Oh thank god. Are you sure you don’t need more days off to take care of her?”
“My brother is keeping an eye on her, but I very much appreciate the sentiment.”
“Of course. Don’t hesitate to step out when you need. Or if you need help with her medical bills, I’m always here.”
“Woah woah, calm down there before I start spreading a rumor that you’re actually a nice person Y/N.”
You roll your eyes and laugh, “Don’t you dare.”
But the joking atmosphere only lasts for two seconds before your mood turns solemn.
“I’m actually so far from a nice person you wouldn’t believe it.”
And so it goes, you explaining the entire fiasco of last night. You know you deserve the judgy look he tries to hide when you get to how easily you caved in. But there’s also sympathy in his eyes, because he’s one of the few people in the world who would even try to understand where you’re coming from.
“That’s not all…they also…um…gave me one.”
He looks puzzled.
“They gave you a collar? But you don’t even have a hybrid.”
You take a deep breath before uttering the next sentence.
“They gave me a hybrid.”
“Shhh! Keep your voice low, he’s sleeping in one of the guest rooms right now!”
He switches to a whisper yell instantaneously.
“You took a hybrid home with you? Are you insane?!”
“Maybe I am. I don’t know, I wasn’t exactly acting with a plan. I just couldn’t send him back to get tortured. You should see him Yoongi, he looks like he’s been through hell and back.”
The man’s eyes softened.
“I don’t know how you’re going to get yourself out of this mess, but I guess I’m getting dragged into it with you, aren’t I?”
“You can always quit, you know. I’d give you a cushy desk job somewhere in the company.”
“Eh I’ll wait. I’m still not fed up with you yet, even if I think you’re actually insane for this. So is the hybrid going to just lounge around here while you’re at work? Shouldn’t there be some supervision?”
You nod.
“Yeah, I notified the housekeepers already, told them I’d pay extra if they take care of him for me. His name’s Jungkook by the way. 60% human and 40% gray wolf.”
“40% is a lot.”
He’s right. The very few pet wolf hybrids in the market right now are 25% wolf, as that’s the max percentage before they get too dangerous to handle.
“Yeah, but I’m more of a threat to him than he is to me at this point.”
The workday is long, and you’re mentally not even there. Every five minutes, you’re thinking about Jungkook and how he’s doing. Thankfully, the housekeepers keep sending you updates to assure you he’s doing fine.
You scroll through with relief, reading what he’s up to throughout the day. Apparently, he was terrified of the shower, but had no problem drawing himself a bath. Another text let you know he loves the omelet the chef prepared for lunch. And the rest of the texts are just notifying you that he’s resting in his room at various points in the day. So far so good, thankfully.
With your mind at some ease, you can actually focus on work.
You get your hands on everything Pet Paradise can give on the Obedience Collar before officially signing a contract. There’s information that’s classified, mainly the patent for the synthetic hormones, but the books and research procedures are documented in the files in front of you. And unfortunately, they look spotless. The money is all there in a clear trail, no gaps or unusual patterns, and the research procedure follows all protocol needed. You want to just hide under your desk and avoid this entire situation.
You’re scheduled to tour the research facility tomorrow, and the last thing you want to do is see five more hybrids as scared as Jungkook—especially knowing you can’t scoop these ones up and take them home. But you’re holding out hope. There’s still a chance that something’s wrong at the facilities, something not shown on paper. At this point you’d settle for the smallest thing and find a way to blow it up so the whole operation has to be shut down. You’ve got some of the best lawyers in the country, so you might as well use them. You just need something to be wrong.
It's around 6:45pm when you arrive home, and one of the housekeepers greets you with a warm smile, immediately jumping into how well-behaved Jungkook is. It makes you wince to hear him described like that, especially knowing the amount of needles piercing his skin just to achieve the “well-behaved” status.
The staff all leave as you arrive, knowing you like them to be done by the time you're back. The chef has already left hours earlier, as he usually prepares dinner in advance and keeps it in the fridge.
Jungkook’s door is slightly ajar, and you peek in to see the boy melted into the bed. It’s weird; he looks a lot more tired than yesterday, eyes barely keeping themselves open. It’s probably the hormones, you conclude somberly.
“Jungkook, it’s time for dinner. Come on out.”
The boy takes the last bit of energy he has to trudge to the dinner table, and you put a heated up bowl of kimchi-jjigae down. You sit across and join, noticing that the stew is extra flavorful today.
“Mhmm, Chef Gyu really outdid himself with this one. And I bet the omelet was just as delicious. I was told you loved it, is that true?”
You look over expecting an answer, but what you see instead is Jungkook almost falling asleep right into the bowl before catching himself at the last minute.
Maybe the side effect of the hormones make him too sleepy to do anything?
Your thoughts are interrupted by your ringtone. It’s Chef Gyu.
“Hello Chef, I was just singing your praises for this food.”
There’s a nervous chuckle at the other end of the line.
“Thank you Y/N, glad you and your new friend liked it.”
“Is something wrong? You usually don't call this late.”
“Um, yes, actually. The reason I called is because of your hybrid.”
“What do you mean? I was told he stayed in his room for most of the day. Did he cause you any trouble?”
You look over, but Jungkook is too exhausted to register that you’re talking about him.
“No, none at all. He was extremely polite. The problem was the housekeeping staff…they didn’t do any of the work today.”
You feel a pit in your stomach, putting the pieces together.
“Did they…did they make Jungkook clean the house?”
“Yes Miss. They were watching TV for practically the whole time. I should’ve told you earlier, but I told myself it wasn’t my place. I’m deeply sorry.”
“Thank you for telling me now. I appreciate it a lot. I have to go.”
You hang up abruptly, seething the minute the phone is cut.
There’s a million different ways your mind is conjuring up of how to ruin the housekeeping agency, make them cry bankruptcy as you blacklist them from working anywhere ever again. The rage inside you is glowing red, and the only thing getting you to calm down at all is your objective of getting Jungkook back into bed before he actually does fall asleep into his dinner. You support his weight gently, grateful that he’s awake enough to zombie-walk wherever you lead him. It’s only when he’s tucked under the blankets do you let the anger stir up again.
They made him clean the entire house by himself. A house that usually takes eight people to clean, they made him do all alone so they could kick back and relax with your flatscreen TV. It astonishes you how cruel people can be, how they can look into his scared doe eyes and take advantage of him.
The world is not on Jungkook’s side right now, it seems.
Yesterday’s incident is fresh in your mind the next morning. Thankfully, Yoongi found a new housekeeping service at the last minute. You’re still worried that the same thing might happen again, but you can’t afford to miss work today; so, you do the best that you can and ask Chef Gyu to keep an eye on the situation while he’s cooking.
Today’s the day you need to tour the lab facilities for the Obedience Collar—a task you’d trade in to do quite literally anything else. Yoongi looks at you with concern, seeing the strain this visit is putting on you.
“Hey, it’s going to be okay. Isn’t the plan to go in and find something to shut the whole thing down?”
“But if I can’t shut it down? What if there’s nothing wrong there either, and I have to look into the faces of five other abused hybrids and know I’m ruining their lives? What if I just call the whole thing off? Yes Mr.Kang is going to be insufferable and yes it’s going to cause a blow to my reputation, but it can’t be worth it to go through with this. It’s just not right.”
The room is silent for a second before Yoongi speaks up.
“It’s a little more complicated than that.”
“What do you mean?”
“I was trying to find a good time to tell you since yesterday, but you’ve been so stressed that I didn’t know how…”
“Spit it out Yoongi.”
“Kang got on the board of directors at Jewel Accounting.”
Your blood runs cold. Jewel Accounting is one of your key partners.
“W-what do you mean? Isn’t that a conflict of interest? How can he be on the board that has to audit his own company?”
“He’s overseeing consulting, not audits. Pet Paradise wouldn’t be his client, but I’m afraid pulling out of this deal on a whim is going to make business a lot harder for us. The only way out is finding a good legal argument against investing.”
You want to shove your head into a bucket of cement.
The lab is cold and sterile, with glaring fluorescent lights, medical lab equipment spread everywhere, and white-tiles lining floor to ceiling. The researchers guiding you, however, seem to be in a chipper mood, smiling as if they don’t torture hybrids on a daily basis here. First, your team is taken around to look at the facility in general. Jungkook’s adverse reaction to showers makes sense when you see the one tiny sad looking shower stall they use—a lab assistant boasts about the stall being “efficient” by fitting at least three of them in at once.
Yoongi lightly touches your shoulder at different points throughout the tour, as if to ground you. There’s no beds, just a chamber with cots on the floor, and the food packets of sludgy brown gruel are easily the least appetizing thing you’ve ever seen.
“And now we have the part you are all, no doubt, most excited for: the research subjects!”
You hold your breath, dreading what comes next.
One by one, each wolf hybrid is brought out and lined up in front of you, all with the same fear engraved in them as Jungkook. They might be the hybrids, but you’re the one with urge to claw someone’s eyes out at the moment.
“We’ve trained different ones for different purposes, just to test how well the collar can make them behave in different situations. Jungkook was given away before any specific training, but the rest are skilled in different domains. First up we have Jin, Jimin, and Taehyung.”
Three of the hybrids step forward. One is a broad-shouldered blonde, with two smaller-framed brunettes next to him.
“These three have been trained for housework and taking care of children. Now, we know the image of a wolf-hybrid putting a baby to sleep sounds ridiculous, but this technology really is that advanced.”
Someone in the back makes some joke about a wolf singing rock-a-bye baby and everyone laughs. You and Yoongi fake a laugh to keep up appearances.
“The next one is Hoseok”
He’s lean with slicked-back black hair, and you notice he’s the only one dressed up, with a low v-neck shirt that leaves plenty of his chest exposed. More than he’s comfortable with, it seems, because you notice his hands itching to cover himself up. He doesn’t though, just fidgets with the sides of the shirt instead.
“He’s a romantic companion. Trained to give pleasure to any gender and for any intimate situation. He can fulfill every fantasy your minds can conjure up!”
There’s some snickers erupting again, but neither you or your assistant can attempt to fake laugh this time. Especially not when he makes eye contact, giving you a trained flirty smile that doesn’t reach his eyes one bit.
“And the last one is Namjoon, the pack alpha.”
Namjoon steps up, the tallest of them all. He stands the straightest as well. His hair is black and his eyes are more dragon-like than wolf, looking straight ahead with a stoic expression. The only indication of his scared nature is his trembling fingers and pleading eyes, but that aside, he looks as still as a statue.
“He’s a guard hybrid, perfect to keep intruders away. He’s been trained in a mix of defensive martial arts. Plus, he’s an alpha so you’d have to be insane to try to fight him off. Fun fact, hormone packs for alphas are different—they have a higher dosage. It took some experimentation, but we finally got the levels right.
And with that, you’ve seen the whole pack! Normally, training a wolf hybrid to do any of these would take at least two years, and that’s only for the ones 25% max wolf DNA. God knows training a 40% wolf would be nearly impossible. But with the help of the Obedience Collar, not only can we train higher percentages of wolves, but we can train them in as little as three months! As Mr.Kang probably told you a thousand times already, this will really revolutionize the hybrid market!”
You toss your laptop bag onto the sofa right as you come in through the door, kicking your heels off and slouching into your favorite recliner. You can’t be bothered to put things up in a tidy manner at the moment, especially with how shitty you feel.
There wasn’t a single flaw you could find at the lab today. All the equipment had passed inspection checks and were state-of-the art, the researchers had proper credentials and specialized licenses in hybrid research, and every procedure conducted was documented thoroughly—you made it a point to skip over the entire section for Hoseok, wanting to stay far away from the details of what he was made to do.
You let out a frustrated groan. Forgetting you’re no longer alone in your house, hearing footsteps shuffle spooks you for a second, before you see the wolf hybrid timidly come into the living room. Thankfully, he looks well-rested today. Chef Gyu did text you a while back that the new cleaners were doing well, and Jungkook was actually resting in his room for real this time. He does a quick bow before walking over and propping your heels up correctly. His next mission seems to be to put your carelessly tossed laptop bag in its proper place.
“You don’t need to do that for me Jungkook. I can do it myself.”
“Sorry Miss.”
You hate how meek he sounds, and that he’s the one apologizing in this situation. You should be getting on your knees spilling apologies right now, for going to that lab to see his pack be flaunted off like toys. But instead, he’s looking at you as if he’s the guilty one.
“You didn’t do anything to apologize for. Thank you for tidying up, I appreciate it.” You give me a reassuring smile, but he seems more confused than anything else. He doesn’t know if that means to do it more in the future or not do it all…he wishes you could just give simple commands instead of these tests.
You sit down for dinner, but don’t know how much of an appetite you have after today.
“Do you like the fried rice?”
“Yes Miss” he says between big spoonful, and the way he talks with his cheeks full makes you melt a little.
“Call me Y/N, please.”
“Yes Miss Y/N.”
“Just Y/N is fine”
He raises a brow,
“Pets should address their owners politely, Miss Y/N.”
That sentence makes your skin crawl. The way he so casually refers to himself as a pet, and to you as an owner.
“It’s okay Jungkook, I like being called Y/N.”
“…if you say so, Y/N.”
The name alone feels so wrong on his tongue, making him worry that someone in a lab coat is about to come drag him away for extra obedience training.
“Thank you. So, what have you been doing all day?”
“I tried to help out with the housework, but the people today told me that wasn’t my job…which was really confusing because the people yesterday told me that it was my job.”
“It’s not your job.”
“What is my job Mis—I mean, Y/N? I know I don't have specialized training, but I'm a quick learner! If you could give me a list on how to be good here, I’ll do my best and follow it.”
You want to tell him he doesn’t have to worry about things like that anymore, but you’re concerned that a conversation like that will malfunction his brain. How could it not, when the hormones flowing through his body plus the brainwashing tell him that’s all he should be thinking about.
“There is one thing you could do for me”
His wolf ears perk up, eager for a command.
“It’s really hard to keep up with the latest shows with my job, but I feel left out when everyone in the office has seen something I haven’t. If I give you a list, you think you could watch them for me and give me the summaries?”
“Yes absolutely! I’ll take detailed notes and tell you everything!”
There’s genuine excitement in his eyes. Jungkook’s never had the opportunity to watch TV before, and he can’t believe his luck. He doesn’t show his joy too much though, fearing that you’ll think he’s using the assignment as an excuse to slack off. He wants to be good, wants to show you he’s well-trained.
“Perfect. You’ll be helping me out a lot.”
You have to bite your lip to keep a straight face, endeared by how hard he’s trying to hide his excitement. But the moment is short-lived, as Jungkook’s face turns sour in an instant.
“What are you thinking about?”
“My pack. They’d probably love watching TV too.”
You don’t say anything to that.
Dinner ends with an uncomfortable silence looming in the air, that is until Jungkook spills juice on himself.
“I’m so sorry!”
“It’s not a big deal, don’t worry about it.”
“B-but you just got me these clothes. I was being careless. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s really fine, it’s not hard to get it dry-cleaned. I’ll put the dishes up, so go in and change into something else.”
He gives you one last string of “I’m so sorry”s before heading off to his room.
Once you’ve loaded the dishwasher, you make your way upstairs to the boy’s room, seeing if he needs anything before bed. His bedroom door is open, as is the bathroom door. You follow the sounds of scrubbing before being met with his back to you, hunched over the sink, trying to get the stain out of the white t-shirt. He’s topless and you know it’s wrong to ogle at his incredibly fit physique right now, but something catches your attention right before you’re about to avert your eyes.
Blue splotches pepper his waist, almost bruise-like but not quite.
“Um, Jungkook”
The boy turns,
“What are those blue marks?”
He twists his body in front of the mirror, looking at the marks with the same amount of confusion as you.
“I have no clue.”
Was it an allergic reaction? Have your “eat up” commands been making him eat food he’s allergic to?
“Do you have any allergies?”
“I’m not sure…no one’s ever told me…but I feel fine.”
“Nothing hurts? No nausea, hives, itchy nose?”
He shakes his head.
“I’ll come home early tomorrow and schedule a visit with a hybrid doctor in the evening.”
The color in his face visibly drains.
“I’m a-alright. Really.”
No doctor please. Last thing I need is another person in a white coat messing with my body again.
Your tone softens, “Relax, the most it’ll be is an allergy test. No one’s going to hurt you.”
Jungkook’s back to shaking as much as he did on his first day.
A/N: Thank you for reading! Let me know if you're liking it so far!
Taglist: @welcometomyworld13 @kalala22
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gilverrwrites · 5 months
“If you will have me, I am yours.” 
Pairing: Human!Castiel/Fem!Reader (Season 9)
Reader has AFAB body parts & feminine pronouns' are used.
Plot: The reader is a retired hunter, who develops feeling for Cas after he moves in with her. After living in domestic bliss for a while, its only a matter of time feelings are confessed, and sex is had.
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Please remember: to keep going, and keep growing.
Content: Rough/Kissing, blowjob, rough blowjob/face-fucking, vaginal fingering, p in v sex, dirty talk (Cas doesnt really have a filter) rough sex, swearing, accidental cuddling, intentional cuddling.
Rating: M/18+
Words: 3,377
Notice: The follow up: Takeout Tuesday is now available here.
Excerpt: You vaguely recall falling asleep around 40 minutes into a Capra film, but when and how you’d nestled yourself against your flatmate was a mystery. Despite your instinct to jerk away, you remain still when you feel his fingers brushing against your bare shoulder. Between the warmth of his skin on yours, and the soothing beat of his heart, you are soon lulled close to sleep once again. Until the sound of Cas’ low voice in your ear rouses you. “Are you awake?”  When you nod, he continues, “Is this okay?” You nod again, and quietly add, “This is wonderful.”
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Having Castiel around was pleasant, if a little surreal. You’d always considered him a friend, but it wasn’t the same. Previously you’d only really been around each other on the hunt. Or if Cas was involved, more like stopping an apocalypse. Your relationship had been entirely based on proximity, and necessity. There was never really time to bond beyond that. Until now. 
You’d decided to attempt retirement a while ago. You’d found a job and started subletting a decent apartment from a friend of a friend, on the preface that they could still crash on the couch when travelling across country. The hunting trade was a small world after all. 
In fact, your new landlord was exactly who you’d expected to see when someone came knocking on your door in the middle of the night. Not a tired, bloodied, and bruised Angel. Confused, you’d let him in, patched his wounds, cleaned him up, and let him sleep it off in your bed. After almost 48 hours of continuous sleep, he’d explained everything to you, thanked you for your hospitality, and told you he’d be out of your hair soon. You’d assertively informed him that the only place he would be going is from your bed, to your couch. 
From there you easily fell into a routine together, effortlessly bonded over shared experiences, old and new. It was nice, seeing his toothbrush next to yours, bringing home his favourite takeout every Tuesday. When he worked the early shift, he’d always make you a coffee before he left, on the late shifts he’d bring home a bottle of your favourite. He did the dishes, and you did the laundry. You were a secure little domestic team.
The surrealness came when you realised just how much you enjoyed it. You welled up with pride whenever he complimented something you’d cooked him from scratch. Starting your morning in his presence calmed any nerves, and on stressful days, coming home to dinner and a film with Cas was your respite. 
You were confused by the bitterness you felt when he called you one night to say he would be home late, citing a date with his boss, Nora. You were truly sad, but relieved when he informed you he had misread the invitation. That he was actually there to babysit. That’s when it hit you. Somewhere along the way, in between all the household chores, and the late-night Hulu binging, you’d fallen for him. 
You’d always thought he was hot, ever since he’d introduced himself as ‘Castiel, an Angel of the Lord’ all those years ago. However, you no longer needed to accidentally catch him leaving the shower, or bending under a table to feel flushed. Ever since the figurative penny dropped, all it took was a smile, or the brush of your chests in a tight hall to make you blush. 
Thoughts of Castiel and your myriad of complex feelings now plagued you, particularly as you lay in bed at night, knowing he was only feet away from you, just on the other side of your paper-thin walls. Paper-thin walls that did nothing to protect you from the sudden and deafeningly loud sound of the TV at 2AM. 
Not bothering to throw on bottoms, you stumble to your bedroom door in just a camisole and panties. The sight of Cas sitting on the couch, clad in nothing but boxers, desperately fiddling with the remote in an attempt to turn down the volume greeted you upon entry to the living room. 
Upon noticing you, Cas drops the remote and hastily reaches for his discarded comforter to cover himself with. In turn you rotated your entire body, averting your gaze in favour of the wall, primarily to respect his privacy, secondarily to hide the blush creeping up your cheeks. 
“I’m so sorry!” You blurt.
“It’s okay.” He responds quietly. “I’m sorry for the noise. I couldn’t sleep, I didn’t mean to wake you.” 
“It’s okay.” You repeat back to him. “I was awake, I couldn’t sleep either. You just made me jump.” 
“You can look now.” He informs you. Hoping the dim light from the TV doesn’t reveal too much of the colour in your face, you spin back. He was now covered from the waist down, but you couldn’t help noticing his bare chest, particularly the definition between his pecs, and the sharpness of his collarbones.
“I guess I’ll leave you to it.” You say, trying to re-direct your eyes to any other part of the room. 
“Unless…” He gestures to the television. “Would you care to join me?” 
“Sure.” You answer hesitantly. You weren’t sleeping anyway, what was the worst that could happen?
Castiel smiles amiably at you before returning his attention to the remote. You linger in your spot as he begins flicking through the different apps. When he makes no effort to locate and put on trousers you slowly settle down next to him, careful to leave enough distance to prevent any accidental skin-on-skin contact. 
“So, what are we watching?” 
You vaguely recall falling asleep around 40 minutes into a Capra film, but when and how you’d nestled yourself against your flatmate was a mystery. Despite your instinct to jerk away, you remain still when you feel his fingers brushing against your bare shoulder. Between the warmth of his skin on yours, and the soothing beat of his heart, you are soon lulled close to sleep once again. Until the sound of Cas’ low voice in your ear rouses you. “Are you awake?” 
When you nod, he continues, “Is this okay?”
You nod again, and quietly add, “This is wonderful.”
You can’t see his expression from your current position, but he exhales, and you think he sounds relieved. 
It could be the scarcity of sleep, a ‘mind after midnight’ mirage, but this is when it occurred to you that maybe, just maybe, he could be interested in you too. Why else would be lying beneath you, half-naked and seemingly completely at ease? Doubtful that you’d ever have this courage again you tilt your head up to look at him and ask; “Do you ever think about us?”
“I do.” He responds, he looks perplexed, which admittedly was his default expression.
“Do you ever think about us, as more than this?” When he doesn’t immediately answer, you resume. “You know, like romantically? Or even intimately?” 
“I frequently think of you amorously.” He speaks tentatively, each word spoken very deliberately. “When Metatron took my grace from me, I never imagined that this was how my life would go. Of course, I never thought that my grace would be taken, or that I would live among humans as one of them in the first place.”
He seems to take a moment to compile his thoughts, sucking his bottom lip in concentration. You remain silent. Hoping he can’t feel the rapid thrum of your heart.
“I thought at first that I was broken. The fall, losing my wings was bad enough, but now, without my angelic abilities, I can’t do anything. Well, nothing of merit, at least where the needs of humankind are concerned.”
“That’s not true.” You interject, you move to sit up, to be at eye level with him, but due to your already precarious position, the only way to do so is by shifting a leg over his lap, thus straddling him.
“I know that now.” He says as he grips your wrists and brings them to his shoulders, offering you extra support. “Without meaning to overstep, or make you uncomfortable, but living with- existing beside you has been a far more fulfilling experience than most of the things I have accomplished in the many billions of years I have existed.
I have very little practice in the ways of human sexuality, and even less so with courtship. However, I would be honoured, and extremely happy if you would allow me to explore such things, with you.”
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
“If you will have me, I am yours.” 
There's a tense moment of silence between you both in which neither of you dare to break eye contact before you surge to him. You instigate the kiss, but Cas is fast to take control, his arms pull your body to him, driving your lips to press hard against his. When he rocks his hips up, kneading his semi-hard cock against your clothed core, you gasp. Cas immediately slips his tongue between your lips. You can’t hold back the groan that escapes you. His mouth tastes like coffee and artificial grape. You savour the feel and aroma of his lips before pulling back momentarily. 
“Only if I can be yours too.” You finally respond before he’s on you again. You freely open up for him, allowing him to explore your mouth once more. His tongue eagerly swirls against yours, exploring every crevice. His hands drop to clutch your waist, holding you in place as he ruts against you from below. 
It was you who broke the kiss again, locking your eyes with him as you climb off his lap. 
“Let me take care of you.” You chime as you drop to your knees on the floor below him. Cas quickly follows, sitting up straight, and planting his legs on either side of you. The comforter banished to the other end of the sofa.  
“You… You look so beautiful like that. On your knees.” He smiles down at you and reaches out to cup your face, strong fingers gently brush along your jaw before his thumb extends up to your lips. You press a kiss to its pad before parting your lips and taking him in. His skin tastes clean, with a hint of salt, and something florally. 
“Let me suck your cock.” You state, voice muffled by the pressure on your tongue.
His cheeks are tinted pink. You’re unsure if it's from arousal or nerves but he stands to pull off his boxers and settles back down. You can’t help but lick your lips when his cock is revealed, it's long and already hard. 
You don’t waste any time, immediately situating your tongue on the underside of his shaft and running it from tip to hilt. You stop momentarily to plant a kiss on his balls, before running back up his length. When you look back up Cas is watching you intensely, brow furrowed, lids heavy, lips between his teeth. You smile before wrapping your mouth around his cock. Pausing only slightly when you feel Cas cup the back of your head. 
You inch yourself down his length slowly, getting a feel for him, his thickness, and how much you can take at once. When you feel his tip hit the back of your throat, you pull back, before bobbing back down. The sound of Castiel’s’ hitched breathing drives you until you’re relaxed enough to take him completely. His thickness stretches your throat, making your eyes water, his pubic hair tickles your nose, and the look of bliss on his face makes your pussy drip. 
After a few seconds, you come back up for air, but the relief in your lungs only lasts a second before you feel Cas’ fists tighten against your scalp. 
“You look even better with my cock in your mouth.” He grunts as he pushes you back down. “You feel so good.”
Unable to respond, you hum your affirmation, drool escaping the corners of your mouth. Cas moans his approval, eyes and head lolling back for a moment before he plants his other hand firmly on the back of your head, holding you in place as he shifts to the edge of the couch and begins bucking his hips into your mouth. 
You plant your hands around his calves to steady yourself, and keep them out of the way as he continues to use your mouth. His thrusts grow heavier, his moans raspier, as you fight your need for air. Your cunt growing hotter, wetter every second, while your throat closes, and your head grows dizzy from the lack of air.
When he finally lets you go, your lungs are burning. You lean back, unable to control the wild rise and fall of your chest as you pant for air. Your lips feel sore, swollen, but your pussy aches. 
“I’m sorry.” Cas reaches over to cradle your face, tentatively brushing the tears from your eyes. “Was that too much?” 
“No! No not at all.” You whisper between breaths. You reach out for his hand, and he takes it. His head tilts to one side as he looks down at you sceptically. You smile back as you guide him between your legs. You brush his fingers against your panties, encouraging him to feel the wetness soaking through the fabric.
“I did that? I made you this wet?” He asks. When you nod his mouth cracks into a smile.
Within seconds he drops to his knees before you, pulling you in for another hot, open-mouthed kiss. Your tongues meet in another fierce, uncontrolled kiss. You cry out into his mouth when you feel his fingers press firmly against your clit, rubbing you through the thin fabric of your underwear.
Without warning Cas clutches onto your panties and pulls until the elastic snaps. He releases the offending article and quickly returns to your wetness. He strokes your clit repeatedly, swallowing your moans, holding you to his chest to prevent you from involuntarily withering away.
You break your lips away from his just long enough to plead; “Fuck me Cas, please fuck me with your fingers.”
He doesn’t hesitate to do as asked, immediately delving two fingers into your pussy. Once situated inside, he massages them against your walls, feeling you out and making you sputter. You grip his shoulders for support, digging your nails into his skin as he starts to thrust in and out of you.
“Like this?” He questions, you’re not sure if he’s being coy, if he’s teasing. Or if he truly is curious. Either way, you’re too gone to really answer. You open your mouth but all that comes out are a series of strangled whimpers. The feel of his thumb returning to your clit, gently brushing just the right spot, pushes you to breaking point. 
“I’m- I – ahhh.” You cry, trying to warn him. When you jerk your head back there is resistance. Cas releases his hold on your back, to grips your head forward. You peek up at him through half-lidded eyes, Cas stares, his blue eyes bare down on you, unblinking. If you weren’t already cumming, that would have been enough. 
You lean into Castiel’s body as you come back down, limp, and incoherent. A low hum escapes you as Cas languidly removes his fingers from inside you and brings them to his lips. You watch lazily as he gives them a tentative sniff before placing them in his mouth. His face seems to melt, and he closes his eyes, visibly savouring the taste. 
When he’s done, he grins at you and ponders aloud; “I’m not sure which is better.”
Still unable to string two words together you watch him, waiting for him to continue.
“The way you look when you reach orgasm, or the way you taste.” 
Instantly your cheeks begin to burn, and heat pools between your legs again. Without a second thought you reach down, grabbing your cami by the hem and lifting it over your head, your entire body now exposed to Castiel. 
He’s on you again in an instant. His mouth latches to one of your nipples, rapidly but lightly his tongue darts over the sensitive nip. Both hands come up to cup each breast. His fingers pinch and roll at your other exposed nipple. When you feel his teeth grazing the sensitive skin you flinch, fisting your hands into his hair. 
“Cas, please!” You gasp.
“Please what?” He responds, speech distorted by his refusal to remove his mouth from your body. 
“Please take me to bed.” You whine, needlessly pulling at his hair to garner his attention. “Please Castiel, take me to bed-”
You’re interrupted by the jolt of your body being lifted. Cas continues his oral assault, kissing, sucking, nipping at your neck as he carries you back to your bed. He sits himself on the edge of your bed and positions you to straddle him once again. You pull his attention back from your neck, sinking your lips onto his as you guide him down, until he’s lying face up.
You lean back and he sucks in a breath as you wrap your hand around the base of his cock. You line him up at your entrance and he begins gradually rocking into you. You steadily sink down, the feel of his cock stretching you out making you shudder. Cas’s head rolls back, he bites his lip and grips your hips, barely fighting not to slam you down onto him.
When his cock is fully inside, you pull back up until only the tip remains inside before you drop back onto him.
With a loud moan, Cas engulfs your body with his own and flips you over. He holds you beneath him with the weight of his own body as he gives a few shallow, testing thrusts. Satisfied he begins building pace and force, until the sound of skin slapping against skin can be heard between ragged breaths and moans. You raise your lower body, trying to match his rhythm but his hands lock onto your hips and push them down, pinning you to the bed.
His lips are tight between his teeth, his brow furrowed, and his skin glows with a sheen of sweat. You can’t help but paw at his shoulders, bringing him down so you can plant kisses on his face and neck.
“Cas, fuck. Castiel that feels so good.” You praise.
In response, he catches your lips in a desperate kiss, all tongues and teeth and jumbled sounds that may once have been words. Your toes begin to curl, as your climax grows near. You lock your fingers in Castiel's hair, pulling his face away as you arch your back. Your eyes close tight as you chant his name.
“I love it when you moan my name.” He murmurs in your ear. He releases your hips, and grips your face, forcing it back up. Your eyes peek open as growls his next words. “Look at me, and don’t stop saying my name.”
At that, the tension in your cunt snaps. Your body jerks and your walls clench around him as you hit your climax. Castiel rides you through it, his strides slowing, but he continues fucking into you at a steady pace until he’s seemingly overcome by his own orgasm. His movements becoming laboured and erratic, he pants your name through gritted teeth as he spills his cum inside you.
You remain wrapped up in your position as you come down from your highs, the warmth of his breath tickles your neck, and your chests collide as you fight to catch your breath. Your mind races, trying to find the right thing to say next, not wanting to spoil your post-orgasm bliss. Eventually, you nudge his shoulder, and he moved away, allowing you to sit up. His cum seeps out of you as you do. Before you can make a move to clean it up Cas attains the tissues from your dresser and begins delicately wiping you down.
“Thank you.” You smile at him as he finishes and begins to clean himself up.
“I… ah.” He smiles back at you, still flushed from your activities. “I feel I should be the one thanking you.”
You laugh at the absurdity of his statement, especially after the performance he’d just given. Cas soon reciprocates your laughter. You stretch your arms out, inviting him back in for an embrace and he eagerly obliges, wrapping his arms around you and falling back against your mattress.
“Will you sleep in here, with me tonight?” Your eyes catch the clock on your bedside, and you note that it is almost sunrise. “Or, for the rest of the morning?”
He kisses your forehead and pulls you in close. “I would enjoy that very much.”
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brodieland · 3 months
.˚ 𓈒 ࣪.𝝑𝝔 Can we finally call a Truce? ´ˎ˗
Percy Jackson x Fem!Hades!Reader Synopsis: The two were sworn enemies like three days ago, now what are they doing ??? Warning(s): some swearing Word Count: 2728
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When you woke up, you didn't recognize the room at first. You went to sit up when you noticed something weighing you down. You looked down and saw an arm holding you by the waist. 'Oh my gods', you thought when you realized it was Percy holding you close. You leaned over to the nightstand and grabbed your phone to check the time.
[9:32] AM
As you saw the time, and started to freak out. "PERCY" you turned over and shouted. You did your best to shake Percy awake. That only caused him to yawn and move in even closer. 'Why NOW.' You continued to shake him till you threw him off the bed.
"OW, what the hell Y/N" Percy shouted.
"Percy, we have class together today! And it starts in twenty minutes" you yelled upset.
"Shit" Percy said as he stood up and quickly grabbed some clothes to change.
"Percy, can I borrow some clothes. I don't think I can go out like this" you rambled off as you looked down at what you were wearing. A pair of shorts and a sports bra.
Percy looked at you up and down before saying, "yeah um, for sure. Grab whatever you want" then walked out the room. And you did. You grabbed a pair of baggy jeans and a hoodie. After you finished changing you ran out to find Percy waiting for you.
"Thanks for waiting" you said rushing toward him.
"No problem." You two were now running to try and make on time. Sadly, since you guys had to swing by your place to grab your bag, you guys were about two minutes late. You both ran in during attendance, absolutely winded and out of breathe from running all the way there. After apologizing for being late, you took your seat next to Annabeth, whose eyes were so wide they might pop out, and Percy took his seat in front of you.
40 minutes go bye and suddenly a paper hits your desk. It was a note from Annabeth. 'why did u come in late w/ Percy????? did something happen ur not telling me???'
You then wrote on the other side of the note, 'you can wait 20 minutes ;3.' You drew a penis before you slid the note back. This earned you an angry glare, but she accepted it.
Finally, class ended. But now you have to explain to Annabeth. After you both made sure you were out of earshot from Percy, Annabeth started asking questions.
"Why were you late with Percy, and what the HADES, are you wearing" Annabeth said really fast. Breathe girl.
"So um, last night I couldn't sleep. So, I texted Percy if he was up so I can come over, and he was up, so I went over. Anyways so I got there and we were just hanging out and talking till it got late. And since I was really tired Percy let me sleep over so.. yeah, that's all that happened." You finished explaining.
"Hm, okay if that's what you say, but why are you wearing Percy's clothes. And don't even deny it because I KNOW your closet" Annabeth said while sticking her fingers in the air.
"I cant come to class in shorts and a sports bra now can I?" you questioned sarcastically.
"I wouldn't mind" Silena snuck up from behind the two of you, causing you both to jump.
"Gods you scared me" you said.
"OH MY GODS SILENA YOUR HERE" Annabeth screamed.
"Please tell me your going to explain Y/N's choice of clothes" Silena eyed you up and down with a raised eyebrow.
"I slept at Percy's dorm. Nothing happened so you both can calm yourselves" you stated.
"Nothing happened but you went over in basically nothing, now tell me where exactly you slept" Annabeth question. You know she kind of had you with that. You went silent for a little bit, making the two girls in front of you smile, knowing the answer.
"So his bed" Silena and Annabeth said in unison.
"I HAVE A PAPER TO TURN IN, GOODBYE" you shouted as you left the scene. The pair were cackling behind you as you almost tripped on the jeans that were a little to long for you. You made it to class and turned in your paper then took a seat. Class starts and its horrendously boring. Halfway through class, you get a text from Nico.
What?? You texted him back.
'What are you talking about??'
A minute goes by and he responds.
'when I said be safe of course'
'im gonna fight you, I did nothing of the sort'
"Ms. Y/L/N, is there a reason you are on your phone as I lecture" your teacher asked.
"Um, no. Sorry sir" you apologized.
"Please go spend the rest of class in library." Bro, again?? Twice in three days? You didn't argue as you packed up your things and left. As you walked toward the library, you passed by Percy's class and looked through the window on the door. You saw Percy and he looked so bored it was funny. You thought you'd be the amazing friend you are and get him out.
You walked into the class and spoke up. "Excuse me Mrs. Ariti, Mr. Gabris is asking to see Percy" you made eye contact with Percy as you said that. He was trying not to laugh as you blatantly lied.
"Of course, Mr. Jackson you're excused." And with that Percy and you rushed out of class.
"Nice going Y/N, gods that class was literally rotting my brain" Percy shook his head while talking.
"Consider me your night in shining armor" you pointed to yourself with your thumbs. Percy just smiled at you.
"Yeah, yeah whatever you say." You both started walking around campus talking like normal. You notice Percy keeps looking at you, or looking your body.
"Like what you see Jackson, you want a picture to go with it" you joked. You could've sworn his face got warm.
"You look good with my clothes on" Percy said. Now you went a little warm. That was just really bold of him. "Aw is someone a little nervous" Percy teased.
"Nervous? Never, who are you" you turned away.
"Never she says, whatever floats your boat" Percy said. "If you're gonna treat me like this then you can give me my clothes back." Percy pulled your back toward his chest as he jokingly pulled at your/his hoodie.
"Excuse why you trying to get me naked right now" You yelled. Percy rushed him arm from behind you and slapped it on your mouth to shut up. This caused you to laugh and whip around. You didn't realize how close the both of you were until now. You two were barely inches apart with your hands on his chest and his over your shoulders.
"Hey" you whispered.
"Hey" he whispered back.
That's when you noticed something, he was staring at your lips. You'd be lying to yourself if you said you didn't think Percy was hot. You always did, he was just an annoying little shitter. But hey, you both were past that now. So, fuck it. You both started to lean in until..
The bell rang, scaring the both of you. You both stepped away from each other. There was an awkwardness hanging in the air. No one said anything for a few moments. Thankfully, Percy spoke up.
"So." And that was it. What a way with words.
"Soo" you repeated.
"Would you want to hang out at my place later or" Percy said, he seemed a little shy and you found that funny.
"For sure" you smiled as you look up at him. You could Annabeth and Silena appear from the distance. "I'll see you then okay, bye Percy" you waved him off and he did the same.
"Hey guys" you said as you approached your friends.
"Hey Y/N, sorry to pull you away from your boyfriend" Silena said. You laughed.
"He's not my boyfriend, lets just go eat" you said. You guys made your way to get some food and sat next to each other like always. Silena and Annabeth were talking about who knows what while you sat their not saying anything and zoning out. You were busy thinking about, someone you didn't want to admit, Percy. What would have happened if the bell didn't ring. What'll happen when you go to to his dorm later. You were so deep in thought you didn't realize that the two girls in front of you have been calling your name.
"Y/N" Annabeth yelled as she threw a piece of bread at you, landing straight on your face.
"HEADSHOT" Silena exclaimed, throwing her arms in the air. You grabbed the bread and took an angry bite from it.
"Was that necessary" you said. They both nodded. "What did you need?"
"We need to know why your so quiet, and if we interrupted anything earlier" Silena asked.
"I mean, you didn't interrupt anything" you said with emphasize on the word 'you.' "The bell did though."
"What does that mean" Annabeth asked.
"It means I'm going to his place later" you said. Your friends just turned to each other and smirked. They side-eyed you as they did. "What?"
"Nothing" Annabeth said.
"Have fun on your date" Silena said. You rolled your eyes.
"Haha" you deadpanned. "its not a date. I'm gonna go now though, bye guys." As everyone said their goodbyes, you head back to your dorm. When you got there, you decided to bother Nico.
"Hey Nico." You slammed the door open to see Nico doing.. homework?
"I'm doing homework" Nico said like it was a normal thing I've seen him do.
"This is literally the first time I've ever seen you do homework" you stated as you jumped on his bed.
"You're a funny one aren't you" Nico said as he shut his laptop.
"Oh you were just waiting for a distraction weren't you" you both started laughing.
"Did you come in here just to bother me orr" Nico asked.
"Perhaps" you said smiling. "You know you love me."
"Yeah yeah sure. Anyways, what is that" Nico asked pointing to your outfit.
"Why is everyone so invested with my clothes holy shit" you shoved your head into a pillow. Nico just laughed at you.
"I'm just messing with you jeez. Are you hanging out with him again today." Why does he know me so well.
"Yeah I am actually" you said. "I almost kissed him" you admitted. You looked over to see Nico not even giving you a reaction. "Are you not gonna say anything? Not even a single emotion?"
"You say it like its a shocker anymore" Nico said. "Why didn't you?"
"The bell rang. Then it got awkward, but its fine" you said. You wondered if he was a good kisser. Then you got a text from Percy.
'I want a rematch from our hippocampi races'
You laughed at the message before replying.
'The fact you lost and these are literally your creatures is actually INSANEE. Your on though'
You jumped up from Nico's bed and saw him getting back to his homework. "Nico I'm gonna go now. Love you, bye."
"Love you too Y/N" Nico said, without looking up from his screen.
You ran into your room to put on a black bikini and just put Percy's clothes back on before heading over to his place. You walked up to his door and started banging on it like you were going to punch a hole through the door. Percy swung the door open.
"Are you being chased or something" He asked shocked.
"No, I just wanted to alert you of my presence" you said sweetly as you stepped inside.
"You alerted the whole campus of your presence, but okay" Percy said. "You ready to get destroyed?"
You looked at him with a smirk. "No your weird, you can go now" you both were bent over laughing now.
"Okay, okay lets go, and no I won't be getting destroyed" you said, air quotes on 'destroyed.' You guys made your way out to the beach and got into your bathing suits. When you got in and the water was at your shoulders, Percy did it again. Grabbed you close, this time felt different though. You didn't get a chance to think about it before Percy zoomed you both into deep water and called the hippocampi.
After you both mounted on, you guys started racing, with you winning again. At the last race, the sun started going down and your hippocampi was slowing down.
"She's starting to get tired." Percy said. "We're really far from shore, hop on mine." And you did. You sat right behind Percy and wrapped your arms around his waist, holding him close so you didn't fall off. All you could think about was the skin on skin contact between the two of you. Suddenly Percy turned around, making sure to hold on to you by your waist so you don't slip.
"Hey" he said.
"Hey" you returned.
You guys were just staring at each other. You were thinking about earlier, he seemed willingly to kiss you then. Would he still want to now? You caught yourself staring at his lips when he just leaned in and kissed you. You were kissing him back. And yeah, he was a good kisser, great one even. You started sliding closer, wrapping your legs around him with your arms around his neck. He was wrapping his arms tightly around your waist. You guys kept making out until you were out of breathe.
"I can't believe it" Percy smiled down at you.
"What" you laughed out.
"Just three days ago you were shouting at me in the middle of class about how much you wanted me dead. And here you now, making out with me" Percy teased. You playfully slapped his chest.
"I think I was hacked. Nico possessed me in my sleep" you joked.
"Oh really?" Percy was now jokingly trying to push you off. "How much do you mean that?" You were almost off the hippocampi and in the water.
"I don't mean it! Pull me back up" you shouted. And he did. You guys were quiet for a little bit. This time the silence wasn't uncomfortable.
"So what now?" Percy spoke up, you knew what he meant.
"I don't know" you admitted honestly. Its quiet again for a little bit.
"One date" Percy said. You looked up at him.
"What" you asked. Woah, he actually wanted to take you out?
"One actual date, something I should've taken you out on before the beef started" Percy said. Since before? You thought about it.
"Sure, one date" you were smiling now.
"Perfect" Percy agreed. You both now reached the shore and walked to grab your clothes.
"You want your clothes back" you asked.
"So you could walk back wearing that?" He pointed to your bathing suit. "Just give it back another day." You both got dressed, and Percy decided to be a gentleman and walk you back, like he did last time.
You reached back to your dorms. "Goodnight Percy."
"Goodnight Y/N" Percy said as he pulled back your hair and tucked it behind your ear. He rested his hand by your jaw. You decided to lean in and kiss him goodnight. This kiss last a little longer than a little peck. And of course, just like last time, Nico slammed the door open. Causing you both to jump apart.
"Hey guys" Nico greeted. You sighed.
"Goodnight Percy" you said as you walked past Nico.
"Goodnight Y/N" Percy turned to Nico. "And goodnight Nico."
"Goodnight" Nico said in a jokingly sweet voice. He was dying not to laugh. He shut the door and turned to you. "We're just friends" he said in a girly high-pitched voice, imitating you.
"We technically still are" you said quietly. There was silence before you spoke up again. "We're going on a date tomorrow."
"Finally oh my gods. The world is moving forward" Nico said. He is soo dramatic.
"Okay drama king, I'm gonna go shower now" you waved Nico off.
Wow. You and Percy had a date tomorrow.
..............................................................................................................................Pt. 4?? 😱
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unforth · 7 months
I had a day off yesterday.
And I can already practically hear the assumptions that such a statement is prompting the reader to make. Those assumptions are wrong. I don't mean I didn't work. I did, for about 8 hours. That's not at all what I mean.
I mean my wife took the kids out at 9:30, spent the night with her mom, isn't back yet the next morning.
There are things I NEED people on this website to understand about parenting. And I've talked about it before, and I'll talk about it again, because honestly the way that Tumblr as a cohort talks about parents makes me sick. Multiple polls have shown that only about 2% of people on here are parents. We're a huge minority, and we're constantly talked over, ignored, or accused of being bad parents (like, personally, I have had people reply to my comments or come on to my posts and tell me I shouldn't have my kids). In my case, being a parent means I'm almost 41, I'm married to @ramblingandpie, and our children are inching up on being 8 and 6 years old.
My entire day, and therefore my entire life, revolves around them. I'm up most mornings at 5 AM, because that's the earliest they're "allowed" to wake up, and so my brain just defaults to being awake around then - better to wake up before them, at least then I get a few minutes in the morning. Between 5 and 7, I sit with them, do my social media, work on side blogs, study Chinese. Then it's helping them get ready for school, then my wife or I or both get them on the bus, and then I work until the last possible minute, which is either when I need to go pick them up for an after school activity or when I need to go down and meet them off the bus. My afternoons are after school activities, chores such as washing the dishes and cleaning up toys, talking with them, working with them, playing with them. Their bedtime starts at 7:40, and my son gets scared if I leave before he falls asleep so I sit with him until about 8:15. As soon as he's asleep, I go fall on my face, sleep as best I can, then wake up and do it again. Overnight, it's hard to sleep deeply, because about once a week someone will wake up in the middle of the night and need help. That could be as minimal as a hug or as complex as having to completely change the bedding on a bunk bed at 2 AM while also comforting a child who is afraid they'll be in trouble, or afraid they're sick, or afraid of their nightmare, or, or, or. Further, if a child is awake, there is always noise. I usually study Chinese with two or more competing sources of noise. I read the same way. My life is loud, and active, and consists of constant interruptions.
I adore my family, and I love my children, but this is terrible for me.
I do all of this as an neurodivergent introvert. My clinical depression is at least medicated, mostly because post-partum depression after I gave birth the first time nearly drove me to suicidal in under a week (we were expecting this and were prepared, fortunately, getting help was as simple as a phone call). The constant noise and interruptions and forced socialibility are about the worst combination of home-life I could be subjected to. I spend far too many early mornings just breathing deeply and gearing myself up to be subjected to the wall of Loud, Boisterous, Needing-My-Attention that is every minute when anyone else in the house is awake.
So what did my day off look like?
I helped get the kids ready to go and did some morning chores. I'd been up at 4:30 AM so I also had already social media'd and studied. Then, while my wife finished the preparations, I started work, and I worked from about 8 am to about 4 pm, straight. I didn't get hungry so didn't bother stopping for lunch. No one interrupted me, no one asked me to look at anything they'd built, no one broke my concentration, no sounds could be heard except those I'd chosen myself.
I'd been out the day before at a local shopping street and listened closely to the things the kids said they wanted, so at 4 I grabbed a couple orders I needed to ship for work and drove to our local downtown, dropped the orders in a post box, then went back to the shops and did some Christmas shopping in the 45 minutes or so before everything closed. I think I'm basically done with what we'll get them - other bigger things will be left to grand parents - so that's a load off, I literally had a stress dream earlier this week about it being 12/24 and having forgotten to do the shopping and having to go to (oh horrors) the mall on the day before Christmas. (Reminder: I'm a Jewish atheist. It's just virtually impossible not to Holiday in the Culturally Christian Hellscape that is the US. Also, my wife is Christian. So.) Found something cute for my wife, too, even tho I already know the main thing I'm getting her. Then, I realized - one of my favorite restaurants is on that block. So. I went there. I sat by myself at a table, only the indistinct restaurant hubbub around me. I read four or five chapters of my book, and ate a savory crepe, and drank lovely fruit tea, and got a scone to-go that I'll eat for lunch today. It was more than I probably should have spent on myself - about $25, including tip - but fuck it. I only get maybe a handful of days off all year, and I'm allowed to indulge a little.
Then I came home. There were no lights on. There was no noise. I had considered doing some more merch work while watching TV on the actual television (my kids are too young for subtitled shows, so usually if I want to watch My Shows I either have to do it on my computer when they're not around, or put them on and read all the subtitles aloud while trying to keep up and process the actual meaning of what I'm reading). But when I got back, the quiet and dark was so goddamn NICE that instead I curled up on the couch and read more of my book. I did that until bedtime - still about 8:15, because I'm exhausted. Then...I went to bed. And I slept long and deep, knowing that there was no chance I'd be interrupted and woken up, I didn't have to be, even in sleep, alert to every noise and possibility that I'd be needed.
I'm still exhausted and burned out, but even one night to myself felt really, really nice.
Saying "Tumblr does X" as a universal statement is doomed to failure, but generally speaking, the parenting posts I see on Tumblr, the ones with tens or hundreds of thousands of notes, speak what's apparently widely seen as a truism on here: that unless someone wants to spend 24/7 with their kids, to be 100% emotionally available at all times, is always kind and patient and perfect, they are a bad parent, maybe even abusive. I remember when covid started, there were multiple posts actively mocking the "oh god, my kids are now home all the time, how am I supposed to do this?" attitude that a lot of parents posted in despair. WhY dId YoU hAvE kIdS iF yOu DoN't WaNt To SpEnD tImE wItH tHeM?
Look at what my usual day looks like.
Look at what my day off looked like.
Do you really think I don't want to spend time with my kids? Do you really think I don't love my kids?
But I'm not a fucking MACHINE. I'm a PERSON. That's what people on Tumblr seem to forget. PARENTS ARE PEOPLE. The same tumblrinas who post ~uwu be kind to yourself rest if you need to, you should forgive yourself for that mistake you made~ will turn around, with zero sense of irony, and post "you're a bad parent if you ever raise your voice around a child."
Expecting parents to be perfect means expecting parents to be inhuman. It also means that a parent can't be poor (can't spend all your time being the perfect parent if you have to work multiple jobs or weird hours!), can't be introverted (can't be a perfect parent if you're not completely emotional available, god forbid socializing is exhausting for you), can't be on the ADHD or autism spectrum (what do you mean you forgot to get your kid to a doctor's appointment once? what do you mean over-stimulation can make you angry? how dare you get angry at a kid!), can't be depressed (gotta get out of bed every single day, gotta always be upbeat, patient, happy, or else that's Evil), can't be (like my wife) physically disabled (what do you mean your hands hurt too much to hold a child's hand? are you denying them touch?? CRUEL). And when the only answer you can offer to that is, "if you can't be that perfect you shouldn't be a parent," then you're saying people who aren't middle class to wealthy, people who aren't neurotypical, people who aren't physically able, shouldn't have children.
And honestly...what the fuck is your problem?
I'm not perfect. I tell my kids to just leave me alone sometimes. I raise my voice, especially when one of my kids starts punching the other, but also sometimes just cause I'm exhausted and Can't Anymore. I've forgotten an appointment by accident and felt like a total fucking idiot, and I've skipped an after school activity because I just wasn't up for taking them. I've served them more unbalanced, unhealthy meals than I can count. I've made many, many mistakes, but I've also done my best, and I love my kids, and I hope that when they grow up, they'll still love me even as they recognize that I wasn't perfect, just as I've come to accept my own parents' short-comings while still loving them very much. They're people, too, and the older I get, the more I understand where they were coming from.
When I fuck up, I apologize.
When they tell me they're unhappy with something I've done, I apologize, and I try to do better. Sometimes I even succeed.
This shit is hard, yo. And it's getting harder every year.
I'm BEGGING Tumblr: you need to start seeing parents as people. The way y'all talk about parenting on here is toxic, and genuinely harmful, and frankly exhausting. You have no idea what the reality of raising kids is like, and you need to shut the entire fuck up.
I had a day off yesterday.
I might get one more before the end of 2023.
I already can't wait. I am so, so, so tired. sigh
(if you actually read this whole rant and even a single word of it resonated for you, please reblog it. I'm tired of never seeing positive posts about parenting while I see negative ones with a bajillion notes.)
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kanmom51 · 2 months
JK's birthday 2019
Let's talk about JK's birthday in 2019.
I know it's a long time ago, but I got to thinking about it again and it just filled me with joy. And who am I to deprive you guys of some delusional joy as well? Right?
So, I think I am actually going to start from the end on this one.
JM flying half way across the world, from Paris...
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to be with JK on his birthday only to have to fly out the next morning to Hawaii with Sungwoon.
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And he does this all by surprising JK, who was not expecting him to be there with him, as he knew JM was in Paris, sly JM even sending him a kind of generic happy birthday message from Paris. You know, making sure JK KNOWS that he is still there on the streets of Paris all while JM was already on his way to be with him.
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JM loved to tell us all about it in his Riad live (you know, the one he also told us how happy he was with the surprise birthday celebration JK arranged for him during their concert there, oh and the same one we got him eying his "manager").
There is a link to the live itself in my post as well.
And here you will find screenshots of JM telling the story:
He was so damn proud of himself.
And rightfully so.
He made JK's day.
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Brought him this very special gift too:
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Yeah, let's hear how this wasn't planned why don't we?
Moving on.
Or perhaps moving back would be the proper way of putting it.
All of this happened on JK's birthday itself at night time (JM tells us he arrived back in SK 8-9 pm). But see, JK started off his birthday for us.
Wait. Was it for us? Or more so, was it only for us? Or was it perhaps also meant for that one person that wasn't there on that day. The one person that was in Paris, and whom JK believed was not going to be spending his birthday with him. The one person that flew half way across the world to surprise JK, and he sure did.
I know at this point I could be considered to be reaching a little bit, but hear me out here. Yes, JK was sending Army a message (well a few of them as you will see), but I do think that within those messages (this is something that those two are so good at), he was also sending another message, and it wasn't just for us. Although you could argue that in a sense it was also for us (letting us know who was on his mind at that point in time).
So here we go.
JK posts on Weverse on the eve of his birthday. This is just after midnight, specifically at 00:22 or 12:22 am KST.
This one is clearly for Army (not the one who declares himself to be Army).
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Following that, JK moves on to Twitter, where he tweets twice exactly 40 minutes later. 2 tweets, one minute apart from each other.
First tweet at 1:03 am SKT:
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Let's look at the numbers first before we move on to bigger and better things.
1:03 am 1.9
Just looking at those numbers we can get:
13-10 (1+9)
If we look at the date as 1.9.19 then we have the 13-10 and 1-9 as well. Go figure.
On purpose?
Who knows... maybe if we look into it a little further we will have more facts that can show us either way.
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The caption on JK's first tweet.
Could definitley be meant, once again, for us. Even though he already thanks us for making him happy. But what if this time it wasn't meant specifically for us. I mean, he already thanked us in a long message only 40 minutes earlier. What if the earlier one was for us, and this one here, with the timing of the posting, was meant for a special someone else, who happened to be far away from him.
Perhaps his choice to split his posts, his thanks, was because they were meant for 2 different recipients? Perhaps, this was just like him splitting up his White day live in 2023 into 4 segments. Each one of those segments with a clear purpose and you could also say a specific audience (at least for one of those 4 the intended audience was not us).
Yeah, I know, call me deluded. Call me crazy and call me whatever, but you know, I really don't think it's that far fetched.
And even more so when within a minute he tweets again. This time he uploads his gift - a snippet of his song Decalcomania.
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Captioned: "This... Please look forward to it".
{Side note, we still are even though we will never get the full song seeing that he had deleted it.}
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Are you seeing what I'm seeing here?
Like seriously, how can we miss this? And nope, you can't make up this shit either.
Time stamp on clip:
1: 18 min.
The song is clearly cut off at that time stamp.
This is not a coincidence. Seriously, enough is enough with that excuse. The recurring use of these numbers. 118, Nov 8, again and again and again. Before and after.
This is a clear message JK is sending again
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and again
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and again
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and again
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And lest forget a couple of his latest 8:11's
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And here we have JK, on his birthday, following his tweet only one minute earlier thanking "you" for making him happy. Who he means by "you", well that I'm sure many will assume is his fans. At this point, seeing what came before and definitely what came after, I am easily convinced that it wasn't necessarily that "you", but the "you" that was about to surprise the shit out of him later that day.
So yeah, I'm finding it hard to conclude this is all a coincidence, seeing JM himself told us it's not...
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As for Decalcomania. Well, that one requires a post all of it's own.
One more thing before I go.
JK's 2019 birthday was a big one. It happened when the band were on break. When JM was using this time to travel with friends (not that they didn't spend time together, JK basically tells us that in BV4). A time with a couple of yucky dating rumors. A time of self reflection. This was a break where JK had his hand tattoos done, and surprisingly (NOT) added that very 'inconspicuous' J just above the M after his birthday.
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So yeah, this here my friends, is a hill, or even more so a mountain, that I am climbing up and are pretty confidently willing to die on...
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owliellder · 9 months
The Finer Details
Post DI! Leon Kennedy x f! Painter Reader
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MDNI 18+
(Session 1, Session 2, Session 3, Session 4, Session 5, The Reveal)
Description: Leon realizes that retirement is in his best interest now that he's getting older. All of his accomplishments as an agent mean he's truly earned a painting to commemorate..
Warnings: Not Proofread, Age gap! (reader is anywhere between mid-late 20's and Leon is 40), Porn w/ Plot, Use of she/her pronouns, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Alcoholism, mentions of trauma/PTSD/depression, P in V smut (wrap it NEOW), Leon cries during sex 💔
Tags: Older Leon Kennedy, Younger afab!Reader, Leon is SAD but he is your muse, Crying, mentions of Leon masturbating, starts off with Dom! Leon and Sub! Reader, falls into switch territory because that man needs some serious TLC, Praise kink, Hickeys, Handjob, Nipple play, Oral sex (m! and f! receiving), and a heavy dose of Aftercare
Author's Note: This chapter is a tad shorter, my apologies. I almost didn't finish it cause my meds started to make me feel real gross tonight, but I managed! I am determined and powerful and strong 💪
Cross posted on AO3
Session 4: Adding Details
Ever since the last painting session with Leon a few days ago, he's been a lot more lively. He jokes more, laughs more, and flirts a lot more. Specifically with you.
It's only been a couple hours into the next session and he's already called you 'sweetheart' five times. You counted. Hard not to when the man decides to put on the most seductive tone to say it, honestly.
You've begun to reciprocate Leon's flirting since clearly he's not one to hide what he's after.
"Alright Romeo, I need you to stay still and in position for just a few minutes longer. I don't think you want me to accidentally paint you with those goo-goo eyes." Watching his poorly hidden panic made you giggle, his eyes averting to somewhere to the right. "Actually I need you to keep your eyes up here, not over there."
Leon groaned and rolled his eyes before turning them to look back at the spine of the easel, doing his best to hold a lax expression. "You're making this difficult. You have the picture!" He complained, eyebrows raising as he gestured to the stand sitting next to you.
"Yeah but- sit still- you're making the same goofy look in it like you were before." Once he resumed his position, you walked over to him from the easel to get a closer look at his expression, humming softly all the while. Leon was beginning to sweat, mostly due to having to sit still for as long as he had but now partially from your sudden proximity.
After getting a good look, you walked back over to the easel to continue painting, to which he let out a small sigh. He wanted to get to know you more, he should've tried that before you started the actual painting, but better late than never.
The man kept quite for roughly thirty minutes longer while you added smaller details to his face on the canvas, using probably the thinnest paintbrush he's ever seen.
"Is that thing even adding paint to the portrait? Or are you just pretending to get me to sit here longer?" There was that suggestive tone again, and maybe it was your mind playing tricks on you as they began to strain, but you could've swore he did that cheesy eyebrow wiggle at you.
You shook out your arm to give it a good stretch before placing it back where it was. "It's doing something. Don't get your panties in a bunch."
Leon threw his head back with a laugh at your response, causing you to give him a quick glare before huffing out your annoyance. "Alright, clearly you're growing antsy. Let's take a short break." You stood up from the swivel chair and rolled your shoulders back, cleaning off your paintbrush with the solvent sitting next to you in a small mason jar. You had a couple of the windows open due to the fumes of the paint and solvent, so no worries there.
"Thank god..." Leon stood up with a loud and exaggerated groan. He wasn't young anymore, holding even a relaxed position like that was hard work on the body. "Thought I was gonna lose my legs." The dramatics this man possessed was funny, you had to admit.
"It's not that bad and you know it." You set down the paintbrush and turned around to see him mocking you with his hand. "Do I need to circle back to calling you a toddler? Cause I will."
Leon used the hand he was mocking you with to wipe across his eyebrow before letting his arm fall back to his side. "There's no need for extremes." Your lazy eyebrow raise at his response was all he needed to immediately follow up with "Sorry, ma'am."
It didn't sound genuine, but you'll take it. You nodded before walking over to the bathroom, scrubbing the paint from your hands to the best of your abilities. You had to use dish soap since oil paint was hard to wash off, that oily sheen was a pain in the ass when trying to hold a paintbrush.
The painting was really starting to come along. You worked fast while still remaining diligent. Oil paints were difficult to use, needing extreme patience due to how slowly it dried, how easily it could smear, and how hard it was clean off. No matter how nice you wanted to dress for Leon, you had to wear your painting outfit: A designated cheap and oversized outfit you picked out years ago for the sole purpose of taking a beating. You would wipe off your paintbrushes onto it to avoid having to use a paper towels or a rag each time.
Regardless, you were still as cute as ever to Leon. In fact, seeing you care so much about your work to be covered in paint was only making him fall for you more. Oversized clothes looked real good on you, so good that he'd been busy thinking about how you'd look in his clothes, hence that nearly blissed out expression you had to snap him out of earlier.
You both decided to sit over in the living area, Leon splayed out across the soft rug to give his joints a rest. He'd gotten a good look at how the painting was coming along before assuming his spot on the rug.
It was non-stop compliments from him. You could handle compliments, you've heard so many over the years regarding your art, but Leon's compliments were different. Instead of only complimenting the art, he decided to slip in little comments about you directly along side them.
"I went back to the White House over the weekend to look at the other portraits you'd done..." He started, head resting on his arms as they laid behind his head. "Just to get a feel for how mine would look once it's done."
"Is it living up to the standard so far? There's quite a bit more that needs to get done, and then it has to dry." You looked down at him on the rug, massaging your hand so it didn't cramp up more than it already had. "There's no standard for you to live up to, sweetheart. You could draw a stick figure and I'd be blown away."
You laughed at the suggestion, turning your head to look out one of the large windows to try and hide your smile. Wooing a painter was easy, apparently.
"You're just full of little accolades, aren't you, Mr. Kennedy?" You sighed, resting your chin in your hand as your elbow sat on your thigh.
"I can't help it. Being painted by such a pretty girl brings out the worst in me." Never in all your years of being alive had someone worked so hard to flatter you. Every single comment he made included something that had you flustered and struggling to respond.
Leon sat up on his elbows and looked over at you, that smirk as clear as day. He loved the way you could barely handle yourself at his compliments. "What're you thinkin' 'bout over there, angel?"
You let your hand fall into your lap as you looked back at him, giving his smirk a soft smile in return. "I could ask you the same question, calling me all these nicknames and such." It was only fair of you to ask, curiosity getting the better of you.
A little caught off guard, Leon hummed and pursed his lips, eyebrows furrowing slightly as he thought. What was he doing, exactly?
"Well, whaddya think I'm doing?" Yeah, that was good. Instead of answering himself, he'll just drag it out of you. "Well, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you're flirting with me." Your smile turned a bit more mischievous as you leaned towards him.
"Well, you'd be absolutely right, then." He responded with a chuckle, lowering his volume so he could fall right back into a seductive tone. "I got lucky enough to get my own painting. Even luckier to have you be the one painting me."
You gave him a small "mhm" as you nodded your head slowly, your tongue peaking out to wet your bottom lip as you listened to him talk. It took awhile, but eventually you managed a reply. "So... what exactly are you looking to do with all that sweet talk, hm?"
"Take you out on a date." His response was fast and it caught you off guard. Leon was so forward with what he wanted. When it came to the few people you'd dated in the past, you had to practically drag any sort of info from them. Your silence had brought him to sit all the way up now, body facing you as he sat with his legs crossed. "Is it working at all?"
It took a couple more seconds for you to nod, moving your hand to cover your mouth as you giggled. "Yeah, I think it is. Might need to keep it up just in case, though."
"Bummer, now I get to distract you even more while you paint me?" You stood up and placed your hand flat on his face, gently pushing his head back as you walked past him. "I'll paint on you if you distract me."
The session lasted a total of five hours, pausing for a couple breaks in between. You were now thoroughly painted out; hand cramping, eyes straining, and even with the windows open the smell of the paint and the solvent to clean it off the brushes had given you a slight headache. Leon was definitely tired also, given he actually fell asleep in the chair.
You decided to call it a day at that, patting him on the shoulder to wake him. "Time to get up and take your meds, old man." Leon startled awake, sucking in a harsh breath through his nose as he reoriented himself. When did he fall asleep?
You had already walked into the bathroom to wash your hands off, giving him the opportunity to wake up enough to stand. He yawned, walking over to look at how far along you'd gotten.
The painting immediately pulled him from his sleepy state, eyes widening with shock. You said you still had quite a bit left to do and it looked like this? It was like you'd ripped this straight from the 17th century. Leon was in awe. He looked good in this- no, far better than good. You'd captured his likeness better than the photo.
Seeing the man staring at your painting with his jaw dropped after walking out of the bathroom made you smile. "You like it?" You asked quietly while shaking your hands out as you hadn't dried them off all the way.
"No, I love it. You've got magic in those hands of yours, sweetheart." Leon crossed his arms, walking over to stand right in front of you. You clicked your tongue at him before your hand in front of him dismissively. "I wouldn't say it's magic, just years of drawing and painting endlessly until I got to the spot I wanted to be."
Leon closed his eyes and shook his head playfully, chuckling as he did so. "So humble of you." He followed you back over to the easel, watching you cover up the paints you were using with curious eyes. "About that date..."
You cocked an eyebrow, looking up at him through your eyelashes as you continued to carefully cover your paints. "What about it?"
"Just wondering when and where you'd want to go." The man grinned at you lazily, doing his best to disguise how nervous he actually was. "Hmm.." You glanced over at the wall clock you had sitting far above the light switches next to the entrance door, taking note of how late it was. "I'm pretty tired and I'm sure you are too, but how about we order something to eat here?"
Leon seemed surprised by your suggestion, grin widening as he nodded vigorously. "Plus, I am not going out looking like I just got assaulted with a paintball gun."
The two of you decided on something easy; pizza and soda. Leon opted to wear one of your many aprons to avoid getting any grease on his suit which made for an easy joke about him being a house-husband. Even though it was a technically a first date, both of you felt so comfortable with each other already, like you'd known each other for years. It was strange, but in a good way.
Leon was easy to get along with once he opened up. He really was a charming guy, even managing to get you to laugh with those corny ass dad jokes he loved so much. How such a man had gotten away with being single for so long baffled you.
The same went for you. Leon felt like you being single was just a fluke. There was no way someone as talented and gorgeous as you hadn't been swept off your feet yet. It was selfish of him for thinking it, but fuck was he ecstatic about that.
It was about 11pm when the two of you decided to call it a night, the hours spent bonding over random, seemingly meaningless stuff had really loosened both you and Leon up.
"Am I able to come back tomorrow and see you?" Leon asked in such a soft voice, motorcycle helmet in hand as he the other rested up against the doorway leading out of the building. He felt vulnerable for wanting to see you again like this.
"I won't be here tomorrow, need to give my hands a bit of a break." You giggled quietly, holding your palm out in front of him for emphasis. "But I can give you my address if you want to visit. I don't mind."
Those butterflies in his stomach fluttered at your proposal, barely able to nod after feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket once you texted him your address. He tried to act confident, having gone over every scenario possible in his head, yet you'd gone off script and he wasn't quite sure what to do anymore.
Seeing how flustered he'd become, you waved him closer, smiling as he bent over slightly. Leon thought you were gonna whisper something to him, that thought alone had him blushing, but feeling the gentle press of your lips against his had him struggling to breathe. He barely had a chance to react before you pulled away, his lips parted slightly as he stared at you.
You reached up and gently patted his cheek, running your hand along the stubble that had started to grow back. "Let me know when you wanna come over tomorrow, alright? Give me a little time to get dressed. I've looked ratty enough around you."
Leon wanted to protest that statement, you were far from ratty, but you just shushed his stuttering and nudged him out the door, giggling as he stumbled down the steps. He kept turning his head back to look at you every couple steps, feeling like some lovesick teenage boy who couldn't get his feet to work.
He was a little scared to drive home considering how uncoordinated he felt, but he made it back in one piece. Once sat on his bed, all he could think about was you and that damn painting. Leon didn't know what he was expecting when it came to that, honestly, but you seriously outdid yourself in his eyes.
Then you just had to flirt back with him, agree to a little date, and kiss him? Do you even know how hard it was to hide his boner from you?
He really did feel like a teenage boy, a simple kiss having him harder than a rock. Not to mention the drive home was uncomfortable since he had to position himself just right on the seat or else the constant vibration from his motorcycle would seriously cause him to crash.
Leon was weak. He hadn't felt this way in such a long time, but he guessed the newfound attraction came with the subconscious acceptance of his retirement. It's what made sense in his head.
God did he want you, masturbating in the shower to you wasn't enough, he needed you. All he could think about was your soft hands touching him, his hands all over your body, maybe even those pretty eyes of yours looking into his as he loved on you all night long.
The age gap was a bit of a worry to him in the beginning, mostly being insecure about his own age, but that worry was quickly brushed off when you kissed him tonight. You were a big girl. You knew what you wanted.
Leon felt so lucky that you reciprocated. All he'd felt since his retirement was grief, guilt, and pity for himself. Now you had him feeling like he was on top of the world and he couldn't ask for anything more. This little bit of sweetness in his life was so enticing, and of course he was going to follow it for as long as you'd let him.
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sumaneun-stars · 10 months
'Save It - 01'
next | masterlist
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Pairing. boss!Jay x Fem!secretary!reader
Genre. Co-workers to lovers, smut
Warnings. Unprotected sex, neck sucking, making out, over-stimulation 
Sypnosis. Jay was the fuckboy in college, such a playboy that he almost ran out of girls to hook up with. But once he inherited his father’s company, he’d changed. 3 years into being a professional CEO and then you walked through those doors, making him fall at first sight. All his plans collapsed once he found out that his rival, Lee Heeseung, was best friends with you ever since. There were many reasons for him to let go of you, including his parents- but his endless love for you said otherwise.
A/n: I thought of something different this time, look forward to the second part!
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Your alarm rang for the third time today, so you (half dead) looked at the time- only to find out that you were late… again.
“7:40! Shit I’m late”
You got out of bed and got dressed in a span of 10 minutes. This wasn’t the first time you were late for work and that also meant there were higher chances of you getting fired. You got into the car, forgetting that your toothbrush was in your mouth. Once you arrived you noticed your boss’s car- he was about to get down. You ran in your 2 inch heels and made it just in time to open the door for him.
“Good morning Mr. Park” you smiled, trying not to show that you were panting.
“If you are going to be late and try to hide it, at least run faster Ms. Y/n” he said coldly.
“Yes sir, it won’t happen again” you looked down ashamed and watched him walk inside the building.
“Did you run here?” Your co-worker Mark teasingly said.
“Shut up Mark,” you replied.
“Mhm you definitely overslept,” Mark continued.
“Well what do you expect? The party finished at 2:30 am yesterday!” you complained.
“Damn…how does Mr. Park get up on time?” 
“I know right? He's not human” you conclude.
“And you decided to be his secretary… how fun” Mark said as he handed you a cup of coffee.
“Yeah… fun" you sulk, taking the coffee in your hands.
You and Mark hit it off the first time the both of you started working together. You were Jay’s secretary while Mark was his second in command. Mark handled all the business documents and upcoming projects, except he didn’t have to follow Jay around like you did.Your feet hurt and were bleeding due to the wounds you got while running in your heels. You sighed and took a seat next to Mark. You and Mark’s table was outside Mr. Park’s office, he could directly see the both of you outside, which is creepy but most of the time the blinds were closed.
“You okay?” Mark notices you massaging your foot.
“Yeah- no my feet hurt” 
“From losing your marathon?” he laughs.
“Can you not?” You laugh along.
Your laughing was interrupted by the beep on your desk telephone.
“Ms. Y/n please come in here, and bring your mobile phone” Jay commands you.
You exchanged looks with Mark on the phone part. You made your way to his office.
“Yes sir”
“Tomorrow we are going to set up a meeting with the Sim corporation. And we are going to stay the night there, I hope I don’t need to-”
“Uhh…what was it after you said 'tomorrow'?” You tried to catch up with him but he was speaking too fast.
“This was why I asked you to bring your phone…to take notes”
“Right...sorry sir” You mumbled and took note.
“Is that all sir?” you asked
“Yes” he said and you take your leave until-
“Please don’t wear heels if you can’t walk in them” he coldly says while sipping coffee.
You stop in your tracks and curse yourself for walking like a clown.
“I’m sorry sir, It won’t happen agai-" 
“Again? I hope so" he completed your sentence while looking deeply into your eyes, which made a shiver run down your spine.
The next morning you woke up early to get ready. The weather was boiling hot, it was like you were trapped in an oven. You look at your long sleeve blouses and jackets, it felt like a 100 degrees outside and while everyone could wear short sleeve tops and t-shirts… you couldn’t. You arrive on time and 15 minutes later your boss’s car pulls up in front of you.
“Good morning sir, I apologize for the meeting being canceled” 
The meeting with Sim corporation had been canceled by the president himself.
“Don’t apologize for nothing” he said as he straightened his suit.
The entire day was tiring as usual, you doing all the running while Jay sat on his chair the whole time. But for some reason he looked tired and exhausted. The others didn’t notice it but you could. His eyes were screaming sleep.
“Sir, are you tired? Should I take over?" You said as you stood in front of his desk with the documents he asked for.
“No” he replied, eyes glued to the screen of his laptop.
You sigh and make your way to the mini bar in the corner of his office. Latte was always a drink Jay enjoyed so you made one and set it on his table. Jay made no comment about it and that hurt you a little but honestly- you didn’t know what you were expecting. 
“God it’s so hot even though it’s almost night!” you said to mark.
“I know right! But what are you complaining about, Miss Long-sleeve?” He teased you.
“Because I don't want to show my beautiful skin to you" you snapped back.
Mark made a noise of fake vomiting and the both of you laughed uncontrollably.
Jay was observing the both of you from his office, curious about what made you laugh. Were you and Mark dating? Why were you laughing like that?  
“But seriously, why do you always wear long sleeved clothes? If you want a boyfriend you need skin to seduce” Mark says.
“I don’t feel comfortable... besides, I have no time for dating” you replied.
“Honestly man you should take a break, you're the only person who hasn’t yet used their paid leave” Mark says
“Yeah… I think I should-"
“Ms. Y/n in my office” 
“Yes sir” Mark gives you a sad smile as you get up and walk towards the office.
“Call the driver" He ordered and you took your phone out to call the driver.
“We are invited to a business party tomorrow night, prepare the necessary” 
“'We' as in, you and me?” You asked, confused.
“Is there anyone else here?” he looked at you with dark eyes.
“Yes sir- I mean no sir" you stuttered.
Jay got up from his chair and made his way over towards you in a threateningly slow pace, hands in his pockets as he looked straight into your eyes.
“Do I make you nervous, Ms. Y/n?” He said, only inches away from your lips.
“N- no sir” You gulp at the close proximity. 
“I don’t?” he raises his eyebrow and looks at you dead in the eyes.
“Y- yes sir,” you stuttered in loss of air.
He scoffed. His breath hitting your lips, making you feel an unknown stir in your stomach. 
“I hope you won’t be late tomorrow night”
With that you watch him leave the office, still in shock. Your boss had never gotten this close to you before- but why did you find it attractive? You snapped out of it, groaning in frustration about the party tomorrow.
You were annoyed about having to work even on a saturday. You set the bag of makeup on the bed and make your way to the bathroom. While facing the mirror, you slowly undress yourself, revealing the horrible burnt scars that sat beautifully on your body. One on your left breast cutting across your nipple, another on your inner thighs, on your arms and shoulders but the biggest one on your lower stomach. You feel nine years old again, being abused by your parents' dealers. The scars were old but from time to time you scratched them and they bled slightly.
But the worst feeling is when you get your periods. The scars on your stomach hurt like hell, like the feeling of your skin and stomach being torn apart. You wiped the tear that fell from your cheek and got into the cold shower. After drying up you apply foundation on your scars to hide them. This is the first time you were going to wear a sleeveless dress. You got ready and wore your long coat over your dress, ready for the night.
Jay got into the car and noticed you wearing a long coat, he was curious about your clothes… and what was underneath them. He always found something eccentric about you, ever since you came to the interview with a broken heel yet you looked confident- he admired that but he always drew the line between desire and work. He hated himself for that.
“I want you to convince Mr. Park Sunghoon to collaborate with us in our upcoming project”
You looked at him in admiration, he wanted something and he got it, that amazed you.
“Talk about the project and bring him in?” 
“Yes sir” you were happy that he trusted you to do the job. You weren’t going to disappoint him this time.
The both of you enter the hall together, you watch everyone crowd around THE Mr. Park Jongseong. If you want to survive in the business world you need to get on to Jay’s good side. They swarmed around him like flies. You- on the other hand, was still wearing your coat.
“Should I take your coat, miss?” The waiter asked.
“Yeah” you said as you slowly revealed your dress. The sudden silence made you look up to find multiple sets of eyes looking your way. You were the center of attention now. Your eyes met Jay’s and you almost came undone. His eyes were on you like a hawk… undressing you. They looked so- 
Hungry. That's what Jay felt when he saw you. You wore a red sleeveless dress that had a slit in between your chest that stopped at the base of your stomach, exposing the inner corners of your breasts. There was a slit starting from your knee, revealing your upper thigh. You looked like a meal to him, and the many other men who had their eyes on you. This was the first time Jay saw you wearing something this revealing and he hated that you dressed up for the event and not for him. Jay snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the inappropriate talks about you.
“Introduce yourself” Jay voices over the ‘talks’.
“Oh- right. Hello everyone, I’m the secretary of Mr. Park Jongseong at Park industries” 
You felt dizzy. Your head spun a little as you shook hands with everyone. Suddenly you felt a hand gripping your waist.
“Let’s go out” 
You were being pulled forward until you could breathe again. Jay took you to the balcony and passed you a napkin to clean your sweat.
“Thank you sir” you said gratefully.
“I expected you to charm Sunghoon, not everyone in the room,” Jay said dryly.
“I’m sorry sir” You disappointed him, you went overboard.
Jay noticed your expression and felt guilty.
"I don't blame you for dressing well, but them for looking at you"
Jay turns to look at you and is caught off guard by your sudden hug.
“Thank you sir!” You said while hugging him. Suddenly aware of your action- you pulled away slowly. Your eyes meet his and the both of you froze in the moment.
“I’m sorry sir-” you said, looking down.
Jay cleared his throat and looked at you… 'cute'.
“Don’t forget your task, I won’t tolerate any more mistakes,” he said calmly.
The both of you walked together to the party in silence. You looked around for Mr. Park Sunghoon until-
“Well well Mr. Park, fancy seeing you here”
“Mr. Lee" Jay said coldly.
You turned to that name and that voice, your heart skipped a beat to the person now in front of you.
“You remember my name Mr. Ja-  wait… Y/n? What the hell?" Heeseung said as he looked at you.
“Oh my god Heeseung! What on earth?” You said as you accepted the hug he threw your way.
“Are you back for good?” You excitedly asked
“Yeah Yeah I am… You look beautiful Y/n, better than before” He said with a smile.
“You too… I’ve missed you'' you wanted to cry, your first crush was right in front of you after 6 years.
“You have no idea how much I thought about you," Heeseung said with a wholehearted smile.
You heard Jay clearing his throat next to you.
”Yes sir” You asked.
“Sir? You work for him?" Heeseung said, shocked.
“Is that a problem, Mr. Lee?" Jay smirks.
Heeseung scoffs at Jay's words.
“Do you know each other?” You asked, confused.
“This is Heeseung from the Lee corporations,” Jay says with ice in his voice.
Oh god, this was the 'Lee’ Jay was talking about, He’s Jay's foe.
“How do you know Mr. Lee?” Jay’s eyes were on you and a shiver ran down your spine.
“We- Um… We were friends in college” 
“Friends?” Heeseung smirks at you.
“Mhm.. friends. The best of friends” You smirk back at him.
Jay didn’t like the way you said ‘friends’. There was something more than a ‘friendship’ that you two shared, and he didn't like it at all.
“Ms. Y/n-” He was interrupted by a man and was dragged away from you.
You spent the entire night with Heeseung, catching up on each other's past, not knowing that someone was watching the both of you from across the room. Jay looked at you laughing at all Heeseung’s jokes and talks. He was mad at you. How could you leave him and go to Heeseung? Was he that good looking? His style of clothing was not as good as Jay’s, he knew that for a fact.
You laughed at Heeseung’s joke and both of you smiled at each other.
“I’ve missed this” Heeseung said, letting out a sigh of relief.
“Me too” you agree.
“Y/n…” He says slowly.
You hum in response.
“Work for me” He proposed.
“Come work for me… are you truly happy working for Jay?” Heeseung took your hand in his.
“I-" you looked over and found Jay’s dark eyes meeting yours. His eyes clearly stated that it was time to leave.
“I- I have to go, Hee” You looked at him
“I’m not forcing you Y/n… good night” the both of you part ways after a hug.
Jay walked forward without you and stopped outside the entrance. You took out your phone and called the driver.
“I already called him" Jay stated, now irritated.
Oh no, he's angry. But why? Did you do something wrong?
Jay didn’t let you open the door for him either, now you started to panic. Was it Heeseung? Or your dress? Jay’s house came into view and the car stopped at the entrance.
“Good nigh-”
“Come inside, You can go home Mr. Kang” Jay’s voice scared you, it was cold and dry. You knew you were in trouble. He invited you inside but why did he tell the driver to leave?
You followed behind Jay into his mansion. It was huge and grand, and the interior was beautiful.
Jay found it cute how you were drawn to his house, but he called you in for another reason.
“In here” He walks upstairs into a room… his bedroom.
You entered the room and your jaw dropped. It was the size of your apartment. You watched as Jay removed his jacket and loosened his tie, the buttons of his shirt unbuttoned until the 3rd button, revealing his chest. He looked furious- and that scared you. You did not want to get fired.
“Sir, I’m sorry” You apologized without a reason
“What are you exactly sorry for, Ms. Y/n?” He asked calmly but deadly.
“Did you speak to Mr. Park Sunghoon?” He asked.
Then it clicked, you were assigned something and you didn’t accomplish it. You quickly made a plan in your head to call Sunghoon tomorrow and try to convince him. You spent the entire night with Heeseung, so you forgot about Jay’s request.
"Yes sir, I spoke to him” you lied through your teeth.
“Really? What did he say? Was he interested?” Jay asked, pretending to be surprised- but looking at you dead in the eyes.
“W- well he s- said he’ll think about it” You wanted to cry, you never lied to jay and this felt like hell.
“Hmm... You know y/n, I actually met Sunghoon’s secretary" He made his way towards you, making you gulp in fear.
“And he said that Sunghoon couldn’t make it to the party” Jay’s face was now dangerously close to yours.
“Sir- I’m s- sor-"
“Save it” He said as he walked away.
Jay watched you wiping your tears and getting into the cab from his balcony. He regretted scolding you and scaring you like that, but when you lied he got angry, and- hurt. He hated when people lied to him, and he hated how Heeseung could make you laugh but Jay only made you cry. 
You thought of him as a boss… nothing more. Jealousy and hurt, that's what he was feeling. 
Tears ran down your cheeks. You disappointed him. You're nothing but a disappointment. Why did you have to lie like that? This was the first party you actually enjoyed and now it’s ruined. Your thoughts were interrupted by your phone beeping.
“Hey!” It was a text from Heeseung.
You replied back with a ‘Hey’
‘It was nice meeting you tonight, I don’t want it to end’ he texts with a crying emoji.
You text back with a laughing emoji.
Heeseung sends you his location with a text saying-
“Wanna come over?” 
 — — — — — — — — — — — —
Heeseung aggressively made you sit on his lap, as you ran your fingers through his hair. His lips latch on to yours, kissing you like a starved animal. His hands get to work by undressing you. He grabbed your ass, making you moan in pleasure.
“You like that?” He smirked against your swollen lips.
You removed his clothes and sucked on his neck, the both of you now a moaning mess. Heeseung carried you and bent you over a table, and without a warning, he pushed his tip inside.
“All this wetness for me?” he bends you over and speaks into your right ear.
“Ah- deeper Hee, go deeper” you moaned desperately.
“So needy for me" he kissed your ear.
Heeseung forced his entire length in to your cunt and starts fucking you at the speed of light. He holds both your hands in place making you cum before him.
“Oh my- Oh my god Heesung!” you scream in pleasure.
“Fuck- your so tight, give me another one” He said as he picked up his pace once more.
“I’m going to breed you good Y/n" Heeseung whispered in your ear.
The both of you moan hysterically as Heeseung emptied his hot liquids into you. He helped you up and made you sit on the table, leaning in to kiss your lips.
“Ready for round two?” he smirked.
You moved a strand of his sweaty hair off his eyes, leaning in closer.
“Yes sir” you let out.
Jay shot up out of bed. This was his first wet dream- but it was of you and Heeseung. Jay wanted to punch Heeseung in the face. Out of pure rage he threw his pillow to the floor and screamed into the sheets of his bed.
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lacroixwh0r3 · 1 year
Watch me, Touch me (part 2)
Neighbor!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Summary: You've been avoiding Bucky after that night, but he isn't ready to let you go yet.
Part 1
Warnings: SMUT!!!, unprotected sex, creampie, spit, orgasm denial, dry humping, clothes ripping, alcohol usage, petnames (doll, honey, etc.), rough sex, mentions of exhibitionism/voyeurism, and teasing
Song inspo (feel free to listen if you want):
A/N: I am sooo freaking sorry for being gone for so long...I barely had a break this summer because I was taking classes and this is my final year in college (thank god!). But I will definitely try to write more when I can. Also I am so sorry about the errors in the first part...I did not read over it but I'll fix any errors when I get a chance lol. Anyway, ENJOY<3
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"God, how long is this going to take?" I asked myself out loud as I impatiently waited for the papers to come out of the printer so that I could get home before the storm started. I'll be damned if I have to walk home during a storm in a skirt and heels.
Once my papers were done printing, I sped to my desk with my head down to avoid anyone speaking to me. That was until I felt my phone vibrate in my hand. I stop to check it and see that it's Bucky, once again asking if he did anything wrong.
I just sigh and shut off my phone before heading to my desk again.
It's been weeks since Bucky and I last spoke to each other.
After that night, we only spoke for a week until I realized I was getting too attached to him. I didn't want to end up with a broken heart because he seemed like an amazing guy, handsome, and his dick was like, really big.
I dropped the papers off at my desk, slipped on my jacket, and ran to the elevator. Once I was finally in, I closed my eyes and leaned my head back on the elevator walls, feeling exhausted. I wanted to do nothing more than just go to sleep right now.
I hear the elevator ding, indicating that it was going to stop for someone else. As it comes to a complete stop, I hear the sound of the doors opening, and someone walks on.
"Hello," a familiar voice says to me, causing my eyes to shoot open and me to jerk my head to where the familiar voice came from. Right in front of me was Bucky. He went to press the button for the floor he wanted, but I guess we were going to the same place.
Once he noticed that I was looking at him, he looked back at me, and his eyes widened at the sight of me in front of him.
"Y-y/n? "You work here?" He inquired, surprised that I was present.I break eye contact with him and look at the front of the elevator.
"Uh, yeah, I do," I simply reply, not wanting to look at him right now.For a moment, it was awkward, and for the next 40 seconds, which felt like hours, we both made it to the lobby of the building.
As soon as the doors opened, I dashed out of the elevator as I heard the sound of Bucky behind me. "Hey, Y/n! "Wait a minute, can we talk?" Bucky pleaded with me. The two doormen open the large doors as I quickly run out of the lobby, bidding them a quick "thank you" and "see you later" as I ignore Bucky.
As soon as I make it out the door, the rain instantly blinds me, causing me to almost run into a jogger. However, Bucky's vibranium hand quickly grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his body before I could run into the person. "You need to watch out," Bucky says to me as we both stand in the rain, pressed against each other. "You could've gotten hurt badly, y/n." He whispered. Just hearing the way he said my name made me weak in the knees.
"Sorry..." I mumble as I try to avoid his hard gaze.
"How about I take you--"
"NO!" I said this before he could even finish his sentence. I can't be alone with him.
"It's raining, yes," he pleads with me. "I know you're avoiding me right now, but please let me take you home?" I let out a sigh and looked at him only to find him already staring at me with large, hopeful eyes.
"Please?" He begs again.
I finally give in, not wanting to leave him hanging even more.
"Fine," I say to him. I really hope I don't regret this.
"Thank you, my car is just up the street. We should start walking fast." He tugs at my arm as he begins to walk in the direction of the car. He was still tugging on my arm as I tried to keep up with him, but due to the wet clothes on my body and my uncomfortable heels, it was too hard.
Finally, we make it to what I assume is his car. He lets go of my arm to dig into his back pocket to get the keys to the car. I reach out my arm to open the door, but he beats me to it and opens it for me.I just shake my head and give him a look of disapproval.
"Thanks, Bucky," I say to him as I slip into the expensive car. As soon as he closed the passenger door, I looked around the spotless car and noticed the clean leather seats, cringing at the fact that they were probably going to be ruined now because of our wet clothes. Bucky finally gets in the car and instantly presses the button to start it up.
It was silent as Bucky made his way towards our apartment. I decided to speak up and lessen the awkward silence by saying, "I am so freaking sorry about messing up your nice seats." I say to him as I look over at him with a guilty look. He looked so good while driving with that concentrated look on his beautiful face that it made me clench my legs even harder.
"No, it's fine," she says.He takes his eyes off the road for a slight moment and looks into my eyes and down at my legs as my skirt goes farther up my thighs, but he quickly looks back at the road and clears his throat.
I swear, for a split second, there was a look in his eyes that could bring any person to their knees. In order to contain myself, I bite my bottom lip and look out the window. I was afraid I might say or do something I'd regret later. My mind then starts to drift off to the first time I "met" Bucky.
I soon snapped out of my daydreaming when I realized that we were sitting in the slightly dark parking garage at our apartment complex and Bucky was calling my name.
"Y/n? "Are you okay?" Bucky asked me with a concerned look on his face once I snapped my head towards him. I just nodded my head, still not trusting myself to speak.
"Are you sure, doll?"  "You were squirming in your seat for a while," he said, making my face flush with embarrassment. He was watching me get turned on the entire time I was thinking about the time we both watched each other through the window.
"Um yeah, I was just thinking about something—work!" "You know how work gets." I let out an awkward laugh, trying to get off the topic quickly. Bucky lets out a small hum and chuckles a bit as he looks at me and turns the car off, almost like he knows what I am actually thinking about.
He most definitely knew what I was thinking about, but I would never admit it out loud.
We both get out of the car and begin walking to the elevator. "Thanks for the ride, Bucky," I say softly as I give him a weak smile, causing him to smile back and brush his fingers through his long locks.
"Anytime, sweet girl," our stroll returned to silence, but not before he asked me a question."Do you want to come over for a drink?"
When he noticed my hesitation, he quickly clarified that it was only one drink and I was free to say no if I didn't want to. Even though I knew I should've said no, I still agreed.
Soon, we arrive at the door of his apartment. He quickly scrambles for his keys, unlocks the door, and pushes the door open. He allows me to go first and closes the door behind himself. Surprisingly enough, the apartment was one of the cleanest places I've been to.
"Your place is so clean, Bucky, I'm a little shocked," I say to him jokingly as I look around the apartment that was slightly the same as mine. I see him snap his head towards me as he drops his keys on the countertop.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean, Y/N?" Bucky lets out a laugh.
"I'm kidding," I reassured him. "Your place is one of the cleanest places I've ever seen."
He lets out a hum in response.
"So, I have red wine or some whiskey. Which one do you want?" He asks me as he looks into my eyes and leans against his arms on the countertop.
The dim light and the way he looked at me right now made me want to climb up and let him have his way with me, but I resisted the urge.
"Hmm, you pick." He bites his lip and turns around to grab the glasses. He grabs one wine glass and another short glass for the whiskey, which I would assume is for him. He sits them down and begins to pour the drinks for them.
"Here you go, sweetheart," he says to me as he hands me the wine glass. I felt my heart beat out of my chest due to the nickname and our fingertips touching as he handed me the glass.
"Thank you, Buck." I spoke to him softly.
"Of course," he says before taking a quick sip of his whiskey. "How about we have a seat, hmm?" Bucky leads me to the couch.
I put my drink down and plopped down on the couch so that I was facing him. We both sat there for a minute just looking at each other until a smile slowly crept onto his face, causing us both to laugh.
After a couple of seconds, we both begin to cool down, and he immediately asks me the question I've been avoiding. "Why haven't you answered my calls or texts, Y/N?" His face was now laced with concern.
"Was it something I did?" He followed up.
"Bucky, "It was nothing you did that caused me to stop responding," I sighed."I just didn't want to get attached in case you didn't want anything to do with me."
I look down, but he quickly grabs my chin, forcing me to look at him. "Y/n, I would never lead you on." He reassures me as he searches my face and strokes my chin with his thumb.
"After that first night with you, I knew I needed to have more of you." He bites his lip once more, which causes my eyes to focus on his lips.
"Do you understand me?" Bucky asked me sternly. I just let out a hum, but I guess that wasn't enough for him because his grip on my chin got more firm. "Words baby."
"Yes, Bucky," I whisper back to him. At this point, I wanted to climb into his lap and fuck him into oblivion. I needed him.
"Good girl." He was now looking at my lips as his thumb swiped across my bottom lip.
The sexual tension was out of control, and I knew I wasn't going to be able to control myself much longer.
He suddenly pulls me onto his lap, causing me to let out a yelp. I could feel his cock pushing against my pussy through my tights as I was sitting right on top of it. I knew he could feel the warmth of my pussy due to his cock stirring in his pants and his thighs slightly flexing as he pushed his hips against me to get more friction.
"Did I do this to you, Bucky?" I whisper in his ear as my breathing gets heavier. I feel his lips slowly ghosting down my neck.
"Fuck yes, Y/n." He lets out a breathy whisper, causing me to shiver. I feel his hands move down my back and stop on my ass.
He pushes me down farther as he grinds against me. I could feel my puss pulsing. I needed him right now. I've been craving him, and now that I have him, I'm not sure I can let go.
He kisses my neck softly as we both let out gentle low moans and dry hummed each other like teenagers.
"Bucky-shit—I need you in me right now, baby," I whined out to him as I threw my head back in euphoria.
"Yeah? "Are you going to be a fucking good girl for me?" He grunted as he left his hand up and quickly brought it down to spank my ass.
"Ye-oh, my god!"
"What was that doll?" He spanks my ass once more as he waits for my reply.
"Fuck, yes, Bucky!" I moan out loudly. "I'll be your good girl, only for you."
"Only for me?" Bucky whispers in my ear, causing me to push my pussy down on him more and to clench around nothing.
"Only you, Bucky." I say as I bite down harshly on my lip. He grabs the back of my neck and pushes down on my ass as he flips us over so I'm laying on my back on the sofa and he's sitting between my legs.
Bucky bunches my skirt up some more so that he has better access to my pussy. He then rips my thin tights and rips my underwear, which were apparently too flimsy.
"Bucky!" I let out a gasp, getting ready to scold him because he ripped my underwear, but I was quickly interrupted by my own moans as he brought his rough yet soft fingers down on my clit and slowly began to rub it in small, gentle circles.
"I'm sorry, baby, I needed to get to this pretty little pussy fast." Bucky says as he leans in for a rough kiss. All I could do was moan into his mouth.
However, he suddenly pulls away from the kiss and removes his fingers from my clit. I let out a small whine out of frustration.
"I'm sorry, baby, I know you're wet already, but I'm going to need to get you even more wet." He says this as he brings his fingers up to his mouth and spits onto the tips of his fingers. Bucky then rubs the spit-covered fingers onto my clit as I let out a loud sob of pleasure. I know I'm loud right now, but I couldn't help it.
"You like this, huh?" He looks up at me with his beautiful eyes as he keeps himself up with a metal arm. "You like it when I please you like this, darling?"
"Fuck, Buck. Yes more!" I let out a groan.
"I'll give you more doll, but can you take them?" He teased me as he continued to play with me. I whine again as I pull his head close to my chest.
"Who am I kidding? I know you can, my little whore, isn't that right?" All I could do was just nod my head. I couldn't even form words at this very moment.
He suddenly stops once again and says, "Bucky." I moan loudly, becoming more and more frustrated as he teases me. This time, he jumps off the couch and stands on top of me, unbuckling his pants.I could now see the outline of his thick, erect cock through his boxers.
Bucky then pulls down his boxers too. His cock springs out as it is released, causing me to gasp. Even though I had seen it before, touched it, sucked it, and had it in me, I was still shocked by his size. He chuckles at my reaction.
"Oh, baby, don't be shocked now. I know you can take it just like the other times, right?" He chuckles and lets out another beautiful moan as he begins to stroke it slowly. The way his arm flexed as his hand moved back and forth on his cock while his metal arm stroked his torso made me even more wet.
"Buck baby, please—I need you in me now," I beg him as my hands inch down to my pussy. The ache inside me only grew stronger and stronger, and I had to relieve it somehow.
"Fine, baby, since you've been good." Bucky says as he spits on his plump, pink lips.He climbs between my legs and pushes my legs open so that I am exposed to him. I could feel his thick, warm cock rub against my pussy. We both let out loud moans.
"You're getting me so wet already, baby, and I'm not even inside you yet." As he continues to thrust his tongue between my lips, he says. "Do you like it when I do this, hmm, doll?" Bucky looked at me before lifting his shirt and biting his lip at the lewd view. I decided to look down too and was met with the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
"Oh Bucky, look at us, baby." I breathe out. He moans in response and continues his thrust, but once he goes back, I decide to reach between us and guide his cock into me. We both let out loud, sharp gasps once he thrust in again. I felt myself stretch around his length.
"Holy fuck!" He moans as he slowly thrusts into and out of me.Bucky decides to lift both of my legs and push them up as his strokes begin to go faster.
"Oh my god, Bucky," I almost yelled out. "You feel so fucking good, so fucking deep inside me!" This only encouraged him to go even faster. I felt as though his balls slapped against my ass, causing a loud sound of our skin meeting together. He bent down and attacked my lips with his. Both of our tongues moved against each other as he let out a few grunts here and there in the kiss as I whimpered.
I sucked at his bottom lip, but he jerked back, looking down, and pulled up his sweatshirt, which had felt down his chiseled abs. His once perfectly slicked back hair was now unkempt. I had begun to feel my pussy clench down on him tighter as that familiar feeling that we both were chasing got closer. I was ready to release.
"Baby, I'm about to come!" I moan out as I throw my arms above my head, unsure of what to do with them at that moment.
"Yeah? You're going to cum for me, good girl?" He asked me teasingly.
"Yes-Fuck Bucky!" I moan and close my eyes, ready to release, but I guess Bucky had other plans because he pulled out of me before I could even complain.
This dirty motherfucker
"Hmm, I'm not so sure, dirty girl..." He lets out the sexiest laugh as he wraps his hand around the base of his cock. He pushes my legs up again with his metal arm and begins to flick the tip of his cock against my clitoral. I was becoming overwhelmed by the feeling.
"Bucky, what are you doing to me? Oh my god!" I moan. I reached around my thighs as I tried to get him to slow down his fast motions. He then pushed inside of me again, but this time he had gripped the back of my thighs as he roughly gripped me. I couldn't even breathe at this point—all of my senses were overwhelmed.
Bucky was concentrated as he thrust into me hard, never making a single sound as he looked deeply into my eyes. The loud clapping sounds could be heard throughout the whole apartment, most likely in the hallway too. The thought of someone hearing us only turned me on more.
I opened my mouth to let out a moan, but nothing came out. His thrust never slowed down, causing beads of sweat to begin to form and roll down the side of his face.
This was a different side of Bucky I had ever seen; there was almost something animalistic about him right now. That didn't frighten me though...I only wanted more.
His grip on my thighs tightened as he got closer to coming. "Are you going to cum for me, big boy? Hmm?" I moaned. He didn't respond to me, but he began to let out deep moans. His thrusts started to get sloppy as his orgasm got closer.
He lets go of my thighs and leans his body onto mine so he can kiss my neck. The sensation of his breath hitting my next, his cock repeatedly hitting my spot...I knew that I was going to cum. As he came inside me hard, he let out the loudest moan I've ever heard from him. This caused my orgasm to hit me like a truck.
"Oh my god, I'm fucking cumming Bucky," I moan as I pull him closer to me by his hair.
"You're cumming all over me, pretty girl." He moans into my ear. We were both cumming together at this point and loudly moaning. I feel his hot soup begin to fill me up. His body shook and hardened against mine as he reached his release. My pussy clenched even tighter around his cock.
"Do you like cumming around this cock as I feel you up?" Yeah?" He kissed my neck some more as he was coming down from his orgasm. I just whimpered and nodded my head as I was coming down from my orgasm too. I couldn't speak even if I tried. His hips were now slowly moving until he decided to stop and just lay on top of me.
We both sat there in silence for a little bit, as his cock was still in me. Bucky then finally decided to pull out, causing us both to gasp, and he looked down at my pussy as his cum slowly leaked out of me.
"Doll, look at you. My messy cum is leaking out of that beautiful pussy." He almost coos at me as his finger tips gently swipe the cum back inside me.
I decided to sit up and stare at the handsome man in front of me. I felt like I was glowing, like I could be whatever with Bucky.
He looks up at me as I stare at him, causing him to tilt his head like a lost puppy. "Are you okay, honey?" He asked me with a concerned look on his face.
"Of course I am Buck; I was just looking at how handsome you are." I smile at him sweetly wanting to do nothing more than sit there and cuddle with him on his comfy couch. His cheeks began to get red as he blushed and looked back at me with a shy look.
I made Bucky flustered. This causes my heart to flutter against my chest.
"Aww, thank you, honey. You look amazing right now too." Bucky tells me as he leans forward to kiss my head and pinches my cheek afterwards.
"Come on, let's go get in the shower and get some food after. Does that sound good to you?" He asked me as he climbed off the couch and reached for my hand.
"That sounds great, handsome." I grab his hand, and he begins to lead us to his bathroom.
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artemisthewh0re · 10 months
Choose You
College!Miguel O'hara x Chubby Black reader
Warnings: Smut, hurt/comfort, unprotected sex, piv, Gwen Stacy is a bitch (love Gwen but I needed a bully 😭), fatphobia, bullying, name calling (piggy, whale, etc)
A/N: This is really bad I'm sorry! I had a mild mental health crisis halfway through writing this but I hope you like it!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Your head hangs low as you eat your breakfast in the dining hall. The noise of the hall dulls your thoughts as you play with the runny eggs on your plate. That is quickly interrupted by Gwen Stacy slamming her tray on the table. Gwen is the resident Regina George of your college campus. You used to fly under her radar but ever since you started dating Miguel O'hara, the star quarterback, she has been relentless in her harassment.
"Hey piggy, I saw you sitting here so I brought you some food so you won't get hungry while you sit alone. I guess your "boyfriend" doesn't want to be seen in public with you," Regina mocks, gesturing to the tray she had slammed next to you. The plate has a heaping pile of bacon and sausage with at least ten pieces of toast on top.
"Gwen, fuck off. Just accept the fact that not every guy at this school is not up your ass," you retort. You pick up your tray and walk towards the trash can.
"Miguel is only dating you as a joke. No guy here would ever be into a whale like you." Gwen pushes you straight into the trash can that you had stopped in front of. The can tips over, spilling the morning's trash onto the floor. The room goes silent as your peers stop talking to look at you.
"Wow piggy, you're such a klutz," Gwen laughs, pointing at you. Your tray drops to the ground and you run out of the hall with all eyes on you.
The walk back to your dorm is one of shame and severe embarrassment. Tears start to spill down your face when you make it to your door. Your fingers fumble to open the stubborn door, but when it finally does you crash onto the couch and sob. Salvia dribbles down your mouth, mixing with your tears as you cry. Eventually the burn in your throat is enough to quiet you, but the evidence of your breakdown is still streaked across your face.
Your eyes are red and puffy with mascara smeared across your lids. The clock in your living room reads 10:40 am, making you 40 minutes late for your second class. You decide to skip the rest of your classes and spend the day wallowing in self-pity. A sigh leaves your chest as you peel yourself from the couch and pull out your phone from your pocket. Your lock screen is littered with worried messages from your boyfriend.
10:12 am: Hey babe are you coming to class???
10:30 am: Tell me if you're sick and I'll leave early
10:32 am: Seriamente text me just so I know you're okay!!
10:35 am: I got your homework for you btw
10:36 am: did I do something?
10:38 am: I'm coming over
You quickly type up a "I'm ok" message, but knowing your boyfriend he's probably already sprinting to your dorm. You rush to your bathroom to remove the smeared makeup from your face and fix your lopsided braided bun. Just as you finally get the last bit of mascara off your eyes someone knocks at the door. You give yourself a once over and head to the door. Your boyfriend stands in the doorway looking frazzled and out of breath with homework papers clenched in his hand.
"Why didn't you answer my texts?" Miguel asks as he steps into your dorm.
"I did, I was just taking a nap!" You exclaim trying to avoid his eyes.
"Mìrame. Why are your eyes so red? Did you smoke without me?" Miguel jokingly pouts his bottom lip as he grabs your face.
"No, I'm just not feeling good, baby. You can go, I'm just gonna skip class today."
Miguel's eyebrows knit together with skepticism. "Did Gwen talk shit to you again?"
What? No, I just want to stay in bed today!" Your voice starts to shake and a familiar throbbing runs down your throat. Despite this assurance, your eyes give you away.
"I'm so sick of that cabrona de mierda! I'm gonna have a word with her," Miguel turns to the door, ready to have yet another screaming match with Gwen.
"Miguel, please!" You plead, grabbing at his arm. "She talked shit but I'm fine now. I really don't want to think about it anymore and I really don't want to give her the satisfaction of knowing I go crying to you every time she calls me a pig. It's not like you can actually do anything to her anyways."
"How am I supposed to stick up for you then? I'm not gonna sit around and let her be a puta to my girlfriend," Miguel sighs, turning back around.
You both stand in silence, unable to think of any real solution. Miguel breaks the tension by wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into a hug.
"I'm sorry, baby," Miguel whispers in your ear. "I just want to help you." His hands rub gentle circles on your back. Miguel's warm breath tickles your ear causing you to smile ever so slightly.
"You can help me just by being an amazing, supportive boyfriend," you say. Miguel lifts his head and kisses you. His lips feel plush against yours.
The first kiss is delicate, barely grazing your lips, but the second is more passionate. Your fingers entangle themselves into Miguel's dark curls. They feel soft and perfectly wrap around your fingertips. You pull Miguel closer to your chest, practically merging your bodies together.
"I need you Miguel," you say breathlessly against his lips.
"I guess I could skip my next class," Miguel smirks, lifting up his shirt to reveal his perfectly toned stomach and wide shoulders.
Your cheeks blush at the sight of him in his full glory. Miguel doesn't hesitate to get naked unlike you. Your fingers shyly tug at your graphic tee before lifting it above your head. Natural instincts make your arms fly to cover as much of your body as you can.
"Babe, I've seen you naked three times, stop hiding yourself from me. I already know how sexy you look topless," Miguel says, pulling your arms away from your chest. He quickly unhooks your bra while pressing kisses to your bust.
You grab Miguel's arm and lead him to your bedroom. The room is small with only a twin bed and a desk sitting in the corners. Miguel gently pushes you onto the bed with a look of lust in his eyes. His fingers spread warmth to your body as they trail down your stomach to your aching mound. He teases your clothed pussy, slowly pressing deep circles onto your clit.
"Miguel," you moan. You tuck your bottom lip between your teeth as he continues his ministrations. Pleasure builds within your abdomen as Miguel's fingers move hastily against your cunt. His bicep flexes as his fingers push your panties to the side, giving your boyfriend a full view of your wet pussy.
"Is all this for me, baby?" Miguel teases as the pad of his thumb brushes over your exposed clit. The sudden skin-to-skin contact sends electricity up your spine.
"Only for you."
Your boyfriend's dark eyes are practically red with lust. He removes his hand from in between your legs, much to your dismay, and positions himself in between them. For the first time you notice his large bulge poking through the boxers he neglected to take off. Your brain barely registers his cock before he pushes inside you. A loud gasp escapes your lips as your pussy stretches around his girth.
"F-fuck!" you manage to stutter out. Miguel is gentle at first. His hips move smoothly like butter against your own. The initial pressure subsides and pleasure takes its place. Miguel plunges deep inside you, leaving you shaking with every thrust. Your thighs jiggle with the snap of his hips causing the room to fill with the sound of your skin slapping together.
"Jesus, you feel so fucking good!" Miguel exclaims. He quickens his pace to an impossible speed, eliciting pornographic moans from you. His shaft renders speechless as he effortly hits the sensitive spot in your pussy. Your hands quickly tangle in Miguel's hair as your orgasm nears.
"You like that, baby?" Miguel teases.
"Oh fuck! I love your fucking dick" Your words sputter out with each slam of your boyfriend's hips, but your message is clear.
"You love this fucking dick?" Miguel's ego grows larger by the second.
"I LOVE your fucking dick," you say practically screaming.
Your next sentence is interrupted by Miguel jackhammering into you with the last bit of energy he has. His fingers intertwine with yours as your orgasm rushes through your body. Your toes curl to the point of cracking as it makes its way down your legs. Miguel lets out a string of curses as he presses his head against your chest. A final grunt escapes his lips when he finishes inside of you.
His thighs tremble and his breath is shallow, eyes filled with a post-orgasm high as he lifts his head.
"I'll always choose you, baby," Miguel says breathlessly.
"I know," you reply back. You brush the wet curls out of your boyfriend's face knowing that even if Gwen bullied you, you still got the better end of the stick.
Your head hangs low as you eat your breakfast in the dining hall. The noise of the hall dulls your thoughts as you play with the runny eggs on your plate. That is quickly interrupted by Gwen Stacy slamming her tray on the table. Gwen is the resident Regina George of your college campus. You used to fly under her radar but ever since you started dating Miguel O'hara, the star quarterback, she has been relentless in her harassment. 
"Hey piggy, I saw you sitting here so I brought you some food so you won't get hungry while you sit alone. I guess your "boyfriend" doesn't want to be seen in public with you," Regina mocks, gesturing to the tray she had slammed next to you. The plate has a heaping pile of bacon and sausage with at least ten pieces of toast on top. 
"Gwen, fuck off. Just accept the fact that not every guy at this school is not up your ass," you retort. You pick up your tray and walk towards the trash can.
"Miguel is only dating you as a joke. No guy here would ever be into a whale like you." Gwen pushes you straight into the trash can that you had stopped in front of. The can tips over, spilling the morning's trash onto the floor. The room goes silent as your peers stop talking to look at you.
"Wow piggy, you're such a klutz," Gwen laughs, pointing at you. Your tray drops to the ground and you run out of the hall with all eyes on you.
The walk back to your dorm is one of shame and severe embarrassment. Tears start to spill down your face when you make it to your door. Your fingers fumble to open the stubborn door, but when it finally does you crash onto the couch and sob. Salvia dribbles down your mouth, mixing with your tears as you cry. Eventually the burn in your throat is enough to quiet you, but the evidence of your breakdown is still streaked across your face.
Your eyes are red and puffy with mascara smeared across your lids. The clock in your living room reads 10:40 am, making you 40 minutes late for your second class. You decide to skip the rest of your classes and spend the day wallowing in self-pity. A sigh leaves your chest as you peel yourself from the couch and pull out your phone from your pocket. Your lock screen is littered with worried messages from your boyfriend.
10:12 am: Hey babe are you coming to class???
10:30 am: Tell me if you're sick and I'll leave early
10:32 am: Seriamente text me just so I know you're okay!!
10:35 am: I got your homework for you btw
10:36 am: did I do something?
10:38 am: I'm coming over 
You quickly type up a "I'm ok" message, but knowing your boyfriend he's probably already sprinting to your dorm. You rush to your bathroom to remove the smeared makeup from your face and fix your lopsided braided bun. Just as you finally get the last bit of mascara off your eyes someone knocks at the door. You give yourself a once over and head to the door. Your boyfriend stands in the doorway looking frazzled and out of breath with homework papers clenched in his hand.
"Why didn't you answer my texts?" Miguel asks as he steps into your dorm.
"I did, I was just taking a nap!" You exclaim trying to avoid his eyes.  
"Mìrame. Why are your eyes so red? Did you smoke without me?" Miguel jokingly pouts his bottom lip as he grabs your face.
"No, I'm just not feeling good, baby. You can go, I'm just gonna skip class today."
Miguel's eyebrows knit together with skepticism. "Did Gwen talk shit to you again?" 
What? No, I just want to stay in bed today!" Your voice starts to shake and a familiar throbbing runs down your throat. Despite this assurance, your eyes give you away.
"I'm so sick of that cabrona de mierda! I'm gonna have a word with her," Miguel turns to the door, ready to have yet another screaming match with Gwen.
"Miguel, please!" You plead, grabbing at his arm. "She talked shit but I'm fine now. I really don't want to think about it anymore and I really don't want to give her the satisfaction of knowing I go crying to you every time she calls me a pig. It's not like you can actually do anything to her anyways."
"How am I supposed to stick up for you then? I'm not gonna sit around and let her be a puta to my girlfriend," Miguel sighs, turning back around. 
You both stand in silence, unable to think of any real solution. Miguel breaks the tension by wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into a hug. 
"I'm sorry, baby," Miguel whispers in your ear. "I just want to help you." His hands rub gentle circles on your back. Miguel's warm breath tickles your ear causing you to smile ever so slightly. 
"You can help me just by being an amazing, supportive boyfriend," you say. Miguel lifts his head and kisses you. His lips feel plush against yours. 
The first kiss is delicate, barely grazing your lips, but the second is more passionate. Your fingers entangle themselves into Miguel's dark curls. They feel soft and perfectly wrap around your fingertips. You pull Miguel closer to your chest, practically merging your bodies together.
"I need you Miguel," you say breathlessly against his lips. 
"I guess I could skip my next class," Miguel smirks, lifting up his shirt to reveal his perfectly toned stomach and wide shoulders. 
Your cheeks blush at the sight of him in his full glory. Miguel doesn't hesitate to get naked unlike you. Your fingers shyly tug at your graphic tee before lifting it above your head. Natural instincts make your arms fly to cover as much of your body as you can.
"Babe, I've seen you naked three times, stop hiding yourself from me. I already know how sexy you look topless," Miguel says, pulling your arms away from your chest. He quickly unhooks your bra while pressing kisses to your bust. 
You grab Miguel's arm and lead him to your bedroom. The room is small with only a twin bed and a desk sitting in the corners. Miguel gently pushes you onto the bed with a look of lust in his eyes. His fingers spread warmth to your body as they trail down your stomach to your aching mound. He teases your clothed pussy, slowly pressing deep circles onto your clit. 
"Miguel," you moan. You tuck your bottom lip between your teeth as he continues his ministrations. Pleasure builds within your abdomen as Miguel's fingers move hastily against your cunt. His bicep flexes as his fingers push your panties to the side, giving your boyfriend a full view of your wet pussy. 
"Is all this for me, baby?" Miguel teases as the pad of his thumb brushes over your exposed clit. The sudden skin-to-skin contact sends electricity up your spine. 
"Only for you."  
Your boyfriend's dark eyes are practically red with lust. He removes his hand from in between your legs, much to your dismay, and positions himself in between them. For the first time you notice his large bulge poking through the boxers he neglected to take off. Your brain barely registers his cock before he pushes inside you. A loud gasp escapes your lips as your pussy stretches around his girth.
"F-fuck!" you manage to stutter out. Miguel is gentle at first. His hips move smoothly like butter against your own. The initial pressure subsides and pleasure takes its place. Miguel plunges deep inside you, leaving you shaking with every thrust. Your thighs jiggle with the snap of his hips causing the room to fill with the sound of your skin slapping together.
"Jesus, you feel so fucking good!" Miguel exclaims. He quickens his pace to an impossible speed, eliciting pornographic moans from you. His shaft renders speechless as he effortly hits the sensitive spot in your pussy. Your hands quickly tangle in Miguel's hair as your orgasm nears.
"You like that, baby?" Miguel teases.
"Oh fuck! I love your fucking dick" Your words sputter out with each slam of your boyfriend's hips, but your message is clear.
"You love this fucking dick?" Miguel's ego grows larger by the second.
"I LOVE your fucking dick," you say practically screaming. 
Your next sentence is interrupted by Miguel jackhammering into you with the last bit of energy he has. His fingers intertwine with yours as your orgasm rushes through your body. Your toes curl to the point of cracking as it makes its way down your legs. Miguel lets out a string of curses as he presses his head against your chest. A final grunt escapes his lips when he finishes inside of you. 
His thighs tremble and his breath is shallow, eyes filled with a post-orgasm high as he lifts his head.
"I'll always choose you, baby," Miguel says breathlessly.
"I know," you reply back. You brush the wet curls out of your boyfriend's face knowing that even if Gwen bullied you, you still got the better end of the stick.
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Art: @shuploc
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munsonfamilyband · 4 months
In Everything But Blood
Alright, I finished the giant paper I had to write (40 pages jesus christ) and then grad school kind of kicked my ass for a while BUT I AM HERE, back from a months long hiatus to finally write the claudia henderson thing I wrote weeks ago. Enjoy, there will be more but this was so long and I only got to like halfway through it but I wanted to post this.
TW!!!! Seriously TW, graphic descriptions of gore and injuries, medical talk, THIS IS NOT FOR THE SQUEAMISH IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE GRAPHIC ON PURPOSE
Steve wasn't fully aware of how he was still moving but he wasn't going to question it as he sprints into the hospital behind Nancy and Robin, Eddie draped over his back and getting blood everywhere, Dustin limping as fast as he could behind them. He would probably be panicking more if he couldn't feel the little puffs of air Eddie was breathing out every few seconds against his neck.
The nurses all turn to the doors when Nancy slams them open and while there are already plenty of people who look worse for wear in the waiting room, no one looks quite like the group that just walked in. They're all covered in dirt and ash and sweat and lake water and blood blood bloodbloodblood-
Okay, maybe Steve is starting to panic a little.
Nancy yells for help when no one immediately moves and the gun she's holding definitely helps encourage any nurses and doctors to get over any issues they have treating Eddie.
Robin has to pry Steve's hands off of Eddie's pants. He didn't want to let him go, too scared that he would die and Steve wouldn't be there to help. She manages to gently guide him away from the doors they took Eddie through and she sits him down in a chair before sitting next to him and leaning her head on his shoulder.
"He'll be okay, Stevie. We got him here, he's okay."
Steve knows that she's only saying it to help calm him down, and probably to calm herself down too, but he appreciates it all the same.
As they sit there Steve feels the adrenaline starting to fade and he gets a very stark reminder of how his sides are stinging and every breath makes his shirt rub against the scrapes on his back and arms. If he hadn't been in a state of panic already, worried about Eddie and Max and Lucas and Erica and-
He takes a deep breath and leans into Robin's weight at his side. He can't get help yet, not until he knows everyone else is okay.
(If he were feeling braver he might also admit that he's been a little scared of doctors since Scoops, but he's not feeling very brave at the moment.)
A little while later Steve sees Lucas and Erica and forces himself to stand, hurrying over to check on them, to find out where Max is. He instantly knows that something went wrong when Erica slams into him and holds on tight. He only gets more concerned when Lucas leans in to hold onto Erica and Steve at the same time. And then the pit gets bigger when he feels tears hit his shirt.
"Lucas, hey, you're alright. Hey, look at me- hey. What happened? Where's Max?" Steve stares at Lucas's face as he speaks, trying to get an idea of how he's feeling.
Lucas takes a shuddering breath in before he answers, "She-she-.. it was going fine and then... Jason-Jason fuckin'- he crushed her Walkman and I couldn't-she was floating and Jason had-had a gun and I-She was-was dead, for a minute, and then she-she just started breathing again and I dont-"
Steve pulls Lucas closer again, a hand on the back of his neck to give him support as he spoke quietly. "Okay, alright, you did good. She's here, right? She'll be okay. She's gonna be okay." Steve stayed there with them for who knows how long, only separating when he heard a familiar voice gasp from the door.
"Oh thank god, Erica, Lucas!"
Both of them turned to see their mom in the waiting room and ran at her, where she met them in a crushing hug. As Sue held her children close she looked up, tears falling and made eye contact with Steve. Steve saw her mouth 'Thank you' to him and it made his stomach fall to his feet. Sue had always adored Steve for protecting her kids, first from Billy and then in the "fire" at the mall. But this time, Steve was the reason they got hurt. He let them go off on their own and they got hurt.
He nods and walks back over to Robin and Dustin where they're sitting, suddenly remembering his injuries again as he moves away from the Sinclairs. He has to force himself to walk normally just to make it to the chair, only to nearly collapse back into it.
"Alright, time to go, Dust. Now that your foot's been treated I really need to get you home. Claudia is going to start calling morgues if I don't," Steve grunts out as he helps heave Dustin out of his seat and get settled on his crutches. Robin stands once Dustin is steady and she follows them out of the hospital and climbs into the passenger of Steve's car. (Nancy had left once Eddie was taken to stash the RV somewhere and she came back with his beemer. Steve isn't going to ask.)
The ride to Dustin's house is quiet, Steve can tell each of them is silently asking anything out there that the Henderson house was spared. Thankfully when they pulled into the driveway the house was in one piece and only seconds after parking Claudia is yanking open the front door and running out to meet them at the car.
She runs up to Dustin who had managed to stand up using the car as support and they both cling to each other in tears. Steve watches them for a moment before he has to look away or he'll start crying. He spaces out for a bit, just holding Robin's hand when he get startled by the harsh knocks on his window. Looking up, he locks eyes with Claudia and he can't quite read her expression but he can hear her say, "Get your butt out of that car, Steve, I need to look at you. You too, Robbie."
He and Robin make eye contact for a split second before hurrying to comply. As soon as Steve is standing fully he finds himself being yanked down into a hug, Claudia's arms wrapped around his shoulders.
Steve has to take a deep, shaky breath and blink very quickly to stop any tears. He loves Claudia's hugs, they feel like birthdays and Christmas and being wrapped in a fuzzy blanket with hot chocolate all at once. When he hears her mumbling about how glad she is that he's okay, well, maybe he cries a little.
After he and Robin are both fully looked at by Claudia and then each given at least 3 hugs, they climb back into his car and pull away form the Hendersons.
"Am I taking you home or are you coming with me?" Steve glances over at Robin as he says it. He knows the answer without he responding, just because her face pinches in the way it does when she's afraid of making Steve sad.
"I know last time we went to yours but I just... I need to see my parents. I'm so sorry-"
"Robs, it's okay to want to check on your parents. I'm not upset. Can you just.. keep your walkie on our channel tonight?" Steve glances at her again, getting hit with another Robin look that says she can see right through him.
"Always, Stevie. I am sorry though, I hate the idea of you in that house alone."
"I'll be okay, Robbie. I'm just gonna sleep as soon as I get home anyways."
Robin stares at him for a moment longer and then nods, grabbing one of his hands to hold in hers for the last half of the drive. She only lets it go to give him a tight squeeze before hurrying out of the car to her front door.
Steve waits until she's safely inside before he pulls away and goes to his own house.
The moment he shuts the door behind himself it feels like all of the energy in his body has been drained away. He can barely keep himself standing, only the pain that shoots down his spin when he leans back onto the door keeps him upright.
He forces himself to trudge upstairs and goes right to the bathroom. He starts with getting the clothes off, deciding to just cut them off so he doesn't have to lift his arms.
Then comes the cleaning. He first tries to shower but he can only handle standing with pressured water pelting his back and soap stinging his feet for a minute at the most. When he gives up on the shower he figures he should at least try to clean the bites.
One second he's standing in front of the mirror and reaching to pull off the fabric, the next his whole body is covered in sweat and he's sitting on his ass on the tile floor. His hands are shaking at he wants to vomit from the pain.
No changing the bandage then.
Steve forces himself to at least wash his face and hands with a washcloth before he collapses directly into bed and falling asleep in seconds.
Claudia is worried. She had already been a little concerned when Steve showed up two days earlier for lunch with a flushed face and too pale skin. She watched him and he didn't act any different but she kept note of it so that she could watch him. But then, when they were supposed to have lunch at 12 and Steve still hadn't shown up or even called by 1, well, Claudia was concerned. Steve always insisted on being on time, claiming it came from all the sports he had done (but she had heard him mumble about his parents harassing him about being late before when he had a head injury, so she just nodded along to his excuses). Being an hour late was entirely out of character and something in her gut, the same feeling she had experienced multiple times over the past few years about her Dusty, told her that she needed to go see him, and soon.
Dustin was thankfully not at home, spending the afternoon with the Wheelers, so she didn't have to tell him what was happening before she got into her car and drove to Steve's house.
What greeted her when she parked only made her more nervous. Steve, she had noticed, had strange habits relating to many things. He had to sit close enough to touch the person next to him, he tried to hide it but he never kept alcohol in the house anymore, he kept the curtains closed facing the backyard, and he always, always leaves the porch light on.
But that afternoon in early April, the porch light was off.
Claudia parked quickly and hurried to the front door, not even bothering with knocking. Instead she pulled out the key Steve had made for her and Dusty after the previous summer and let herself in.
The dread that had been growing in her gut only intensified when she entered the house and a very familiar smell hit her nose.
Body odor, sweat and salt and morning breath.
Bodily fluids, urine and vomit. And blood.
Infection, sickly sweet rot mixing with something like ammonia.
Time seemed to freeze as Claudia ran up the stairs, calling Steve's name all the while. She knew those smells, she had dealt with them at work too many times to not know them, and to smell them in relation to Steve made her blood run cold. She needed to see him, this boy who cared for her Dusty so much, this boy who had wormed his way into her heart, this boy who was her son.
Rushing into Steve's room she was greeted by her worst fears. Steve was lying on his bed, the sheets clearly kicked off and tangled around his ankles. He was only wearing his boxers and they had clearly not been changed in a few days, stained with his sweat and urine. His skin was covered in sweat, his chest and cheeks were bright red and the rest of his skin was a waxy yellow. He was shirtless, vomit covering his chin and chest and staining the pillow and sheets below him. He had what looked like scraps of a sweater or shirt wrapped loosely around his stomach. It was filthy, saturated with sweat, blood, dirt and pus. The smell in the room was much stronger than by the front door, her eyes watering briefly before she forced herself to focus. She was a nurse, she could handle this.
Claudia moved to the bed and gently kneeled onto the mattress. As she moved closer she could hear Steve mumbling to himself but it was so quiet and so slurred that nothing was legible. Claudia placed a hand on his forehead and jerked back in shock at how hot his skin was. Glancing around frantically for anything to help she saw the phone at his bedside table and grabbed it, punching in 911 before cradling the receiver between her ear and shoulder as she continued to check over Steve.
The next moments all passed in a blur for Claudia as she explained who she was and where she was to the dispatcher before they hung up and she waited for the ambulance to arrive. The ride to the hospital passed in what seemed like a blink of an eye and suddenly Claudia found herself in the empty waiting room at Hawkins General and she became aware of two equally important facts.
Her sweater and hands were saturated with Steve's sweat and blood.
She needed to call Robin.
The blood would have to wait, because she knew that Robin would want to be there for Steve so she managed to wipe her hand with some tissues before dialing the Buckley's house.
"Buckley residence, this is Robin," Robin's voice came through the receiver and Claudia let out a loud sigh.
"Robbie, honey, thank goodness you're home. I have some bad news. I'm at the hospital right now sweetie, it's about Steve." Claudia paused after she finished speaking, waiting to see what Robin would say. Unfortunately for Claudia, rather than saying anything, she had to listen to a gut wrenching gasp and sob from Robin, so she chose to keep talking. "I went to his house and found him in his room. I think he had been hurt and it got infected. If your parents are home, I think you should come here, he would want you here."
Robin mumbled a few okays, clearly through tears before she hung up. In the silence after Claudia had no choice but to go clean herself up, allowing herself a minute to collapse onto a toilet seat and cry. Her boy was hurt and she couldn't help him, he was so hurt he didn't even know she was there and she didn't know what to do.
Robin arrived about 10 minutes after they ended their call with a surprise in tow.
Jim Hopper, thinner and without a mustache, but somehow alive and marching into the hospital like he was going into hell. Knowing about his daughter, he probably felt like he was in hell.
Robin spotted Claudia first and ran over to her, arms open and Claudia pulled her right into a tight hug, rocking her back and forth the way Steve always loves. Robin held back just as tight and cried into her shoulder while Claudia whispered to her, "He'll be okay, he's going to be okay."
Jim didn't say anything, just nodded - as if she hadn't thought he was dead until that moment - before he collapsed into a chair, head in his hands and knee bouncing with anxiety.
Hours passed, Robin had curled herself up in a chair next to Claudia and was leaning into her side. Jim had moved to sit on the other side of Robin and surprisingly she reached out and held his hand.
After ages of sitting there in silence a doctor walked through the doors. Claudia recognized her immediately and knew that she had been lucky to find Steve alive if she had been called in. Dr. Graham was one of the only wound specialists they had at the hospital and she focused on the worst cases.
Claudia straightened in her seat, her two companions also coming to attention as Dr. Graham came to sit with them.
"Hello, Claudia. I'm sorry you had to come in on your day off but you got very lucky. If you hadn't brought him in today he may have gone into sepsis. Thankfully he has you listed as his emergency contact so I can fill you in on everything. I want to start by saying that he is currently stable and on heavy medication. He had multiple heavily infected wounds, primarily on his abdomen but there was also apparent road rash across the back of his arms and upper back. We were able to debride the wounds from the rash relatively easily but his abdomen was more difficult. The bandage he had been using was extremely dirty and not made for wound coverage so many fibers had been imbedded into the open wounds. Luckily there had been little necrotizing fasciitis but there was enough that we had to remove the dead tissue. I do want to make sure you understand that he was very seriously injured and delayed treatment made it worse. We are going to test the pus we collected for different bacteria to narrow down the treatment for him but I'm thinking it may be leptospirosis, since he is visibly jaundiced and the injures are obviously animal bites. We have him sedated currently and on heavy antibiotics in the ICU. If you wear protective gear you can visit him for a little bit, but only people on his emergency contact list can come."
Claudia's head was spinning, she was hearing the words being said and she was following the doctor down the hall to the ICU. She was putting paper scrubs on over her clothes and donning a mask and gloves, but it was all in a daze. She needed to see Steve, she needed to see him breathing, then she would be okay.
She was not okay.
Seeing Steve only made her collapse into a chair in tears. He looked so small in the hospital bed, wrapped in wires and tubes. But he was breathing. Robin collapsed onto the foot of his bed and bent over his shins while she sobbed and Jim stumbled into the wall by the door with a hand over his eyes as his shoulders shook with silent anguish. They knew he wasn't out of the woods yet, but he was breathing and he had to be okay.
Alright that was part one, I'm working on the next half but wow that ended up being really long
@maya-custodios-dionach @ape31 @eldtritchlizardblast @y4r3luv @devondespresso @zerokrox-blog @disrespectedgoatman @finntheehumaneater @estrellami-1 @jonesn4coffee @whatexactlyismyhoohah @lingeringmirth @my-hyperfixations-hell-blog @spectrum-spectre @steddieasitgoes @puppy-steve @frankenstein-ate-my-left-shoe @nburkhardt @sllooney @princessstevemunson @yellowdevilkitten @emchant3d @steddie-island @afewproblems
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mustainegf · 2 months
How’d you know I already had this written?? 🤭
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Music theory was my favorite college class. You could say it was for my passion for music, or my love for craft. Or maybe it was my strikingly handsome professor.
I was always in the front row, and he was always standing behind his desk. He had a way of talking that made me feel like I was the only one in the room.
Professor Hetfield. He was 40, with a handsome face and a muscular body. I preferred to say his name though, James. He was a handsome man.
The class had been going on for two months now, and I'd only ever heard him speak about the subject. I didn't know anything about his personal life, or what he did outside of school.
After class, I'd sit and wait for him to finish his work. He was always busy grading papers or prepping for the next class. When he finished, he'd walk over to me and we'd talk about what we had just learned.
"I'm glad you're enjoying the class. You have a lot of potential." He said one day after class. "Thanks, Professor,"I replied. "Call me James outside of school." He said with a smile. "Okay, James." I said with a smile. Before I could leave, he asked me to stay behind. "Hun, can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked. "Sure." I replied.
He walked over and sat down next to me on the desk in front of his papers. "I've noticed you sitting in the front row every day. You seem to be very interested in the subject." He said. "I am, it's my favorite class." I replied.
"I'm glad to hear that. I have a proposition for you." He said. "What is it?" I asked. "I want to give you private lessons, just the two of us." He said with a smile. "Oh?" l asked."Yes, I’d like to teach you some things that I can't teach in class." He said.
"What kind of things?" I asked. "Things that will help you understand the subject better." He said with a smile. "I'd love to." I said.
"Great, we can start tomorrow after class." He said with a smile. Professor Hetfield walked in and stood behind his desk. "We could start now" I said softly. "What?" He asked. "I said we could start now." I said with a smile. "Someone's impatient." He said with a grin.
"Professor? Is it really grading papers what you want me to do?" I slipped my gaze down his figure. James nonchalantly adjusted his jeans. He sat down in his seat, leaning back with an exhale. His gaze was fixated on me.
He dropped the playful banter as he came to realize I understood what he was getting at. "Come here." He commanded, his tone changing.
Nervously, I swallowed, walking around his desk to stand in front of him in his seat. James watched me contently. "On your knees, now." He said, his voice low and soft.
I knelt down in front of him, my eyes glued to his crotch. I could see the outline of his cock through his jeans. “Don’t be scared, I know what you wanna do,” James teased, tucking some of my hair behind my ear.
I reached out and ran my hand over the bulge, my breath hitching. "Take it out." He said, his voice husky. I nervously unzipped his jeans and pulled them down, revealing a pair of boxer briefs that were straining to contain his hard cock.
I giggled softly, which seemed to get him off. I hooked my fingers into the waistband and pulled them down, freeing his cock. It was big, about 8 inches long and thick.
I wrapped my hand around it and started stroking it slowly. "That's it." He said, his voice low and husky. I looked up at him, my eyes meeting his.
Something about his lust filled eyes drove me crazy, and I could feel my clit pulse.
"Use your mouth sweetheart." He said with a smirk. I opened my mouth and took his cock in, running my tongue over the head.
"Oh fuck." He moaned, his hand coming to rest on the back of my head. I started bobbing my head up and down, taking more of him into my mouth. "That's it, suck that cock." He said, his voice low and husky.
I moaned around his cock as I continued to suck him off.
"I never knew you were such a dirty girl." He said, his hand tightening in my hair. I moaned again, taking more of his cock into my mouth.
James impatiently forced my face down as far as it could go. I choked for a moment, catching my breath. "Good job..." He groaned, allowing me to sit my head back up to regain myself.
I took a breath, letting the saliva drip from my mouth onto his tip. He let out a sigh as I bobbed him in my mouth again.
"You're going to make me cum." He said, his voice low and husky. I moaned around his cock, sucking him harder.
"Fuck... I'm cumming!" He groaned, his hand tightening in my hair as he came down my throat. I swallowed his load, savoring the taste.
"Fuck..." He said, his hand releasing my hair. I sat back on my heels, looking up at him with a smile. "You're a good girl." He said with a smirk.
"Thank you, professor." I said with a smile. "Don't thank me yet." He said with a smirk. He stood up and walked around his desk, grabbing my hips and pulling me over it. "Up against the desk." He said, his voice determined. I did as he said, my hands resting on the desk. He pulled my skirt up over my ass and pulled down my panties.
"You can do better than that, pretty." He said with a smirk, pushing my face down onto his desk. I felt his hands on my ass, spreading my cheeks. "Fuck... you're so wet." He said with a smirk.
"What a bad Girl. Sex with your professor? Such a dirty girl aren't you?" He said with a smirk. "Yes, professor." I said with a moan.
I felt his cock against my entrance. James grabbed my waist with his free hand, pushing into me with a shove. "Fuck! Professor!" I moaned, my body shuddering. He showed me no mercy as his thrusts were already quick. His hand on my back to keep me down.
"Fuck... you're so tight." He said with a groan. I clenched my eyes shut, my face smushed against the desk as he used me as he pleased.
My g spot was pretty much being abused. "You like that sweetheart?" James grunted. "Yes, professor." I moaned. He squeezed my ass hard.
"Fuck... you're so good for me." He said with a groan. Without warning, the feeling left as James pulled out. "Turn around." He growled. I sat up, turning to look at him.
James swiftly lifted me up, plopping me down on top of his desk. I laid back on the paper littered desk. He pushed me down so that my ass was on the edge of his desk.
"Open your legs." He said with a smirk. I did as he said, spreading my legs wide for him. James hastily grabbed me, pushing back inside of me.
I let out a loud pornographic moan, my head falling back. Once I had collected myself, I tightly wrapped my legs around his waist. I couldn't believe what was happening.
I watched him clench his eyes shut as my own professor roughly took me.
"Ahh, fuck…” I whispered, hearing stray papers and assignments falling to the floor. I felt his hands on my hips, pulling me towards him as he thrust into me.
"Fuck... you're so tight." He groaned, his voice low and husky.
I moaned, feeling my orgasm building up inside of me. "Oh, oh…" I moaned, my eyes rolling back. "Cum for me." He said with a smirk.
"Fuck... professor..." I moaned, my body shuddering as I came all over his cock. He let out a growl as he continued to fuck me through my orgasm.
"You can take it, I'm not ready to stop yet" He groaned, shaking his head to get the long hair out of his eyes. "You look so good when you cum" James choked out. "James please it's too much!" I begged, the overstimulation was shaking me to my core.
"You want me to cum? don't you?" He asked coldly. "Yes…" I pleaded. "Then you’ll wait..." He said with a smirk. He continued to use me, it was beginning to hurt a bit, but it felt so good. I couldn't say no to him, I wanted to see him get off.
James pulled out in seconds, grabbing my arms and pulling me hastily off of the desk. "On your knees, now, quick." He demanded. I dropped to my knees, my eyes locked on his cock.
"Open your mouth." He said with a smirk. I did as he said, opening my mouth wide for him. "You're such a good girl." He said with a smirk, his hand wrapping around the back of my head. I watched as he jerked himself off, aiming for my mouth.
"Open wider." He said with a smirk. I did as he said, opening my mouth wide for him. I felt his cock against my tongue, then the warm salty taste of his cum.
"Swallow it." He said with a smirk. I did as he asked, swallowing down every drop of his seed for the second time.
"Fuck... you're so good for me." He said with a smirk, "You can't tell anyone about this." He uttered, brushing his thumb past my cheek as he intently looked down on me.
"I won't." I said with a smile. "Good girl." He said, reaching down and giving my ass a squeeze before he walked away from me towards his desk to grab some tissues for himself.
"Why don't you come to my place? I think I might have some more work for you to do." James eyed me sharply.
I couldn't believe what he was saying. "I don't know..." I said, biting my lip. "Why not?" He asked with a smirk. "Well... I don't want to get in trouble." I said with a shrug.
"Oh, you won't." He said with a smirk, "I'll make sure of it." I nodded, biting my lip. "Okay…" I said with a smile. Leaving hun with a soft kiss.
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chaotic-mystery · 1 year
Bestie I’d give you my right leg for some best friends dad!joel angst peppered with a lil ddy kink iykwim 🫴🦵
Bestie you ask and you shall receive <3 This got away from me but we needed a little bit of plot okay! I am a slut for feedback so tell me what you think!
WC:1.8k CW: SMUTTY SMUT SMUT (18+ only), established relationship, age gap (reader and Sarah are 23, Joels like early 40s) daddy kink ofc, pet names (little girl (it's bc shes young don't be a freak) bunny, daddy, sweet girl, baby, pretty girl) unprotected piv, shower sex, Joel gets reader off w the shower head. Let me know if I missed anything!
"Sarah, why the hell did you call him? He's gonna be so pissed at me for bringing you here" you giggled as your words slurred and you grabbed her arm for support to stand up. "He'll be fine, but we can't drive home, there's no way." Sarah told you she called Joel a little while ago to come get you both and only now was it setting in for you.
His truck roared into the driveway of this frat house and your stomach dropped, you knew shit was about to hit the fan. The breeze of the night blew some hair into your eyes as you slowly made your way to Joel and you could tell just how pissed he was by how tight his jaw was clenched. Your fingers combed the hair back into place as you opened your mouth to speak, "J-Joel I-" you started and his hand raised as he turned his head away from you. "Save your shit, I don't wanna fuckin' hear it. Get your ass in the truck. Now." Joel couldn't even look at you, he was so disappointed.
Sarah held open the passenger side door so you could climb in the middle seat of the truck, right next to Joel. She got in next to you and closed the door, your eyes on the floorboard the entire time. Part of you felt bad for dragging Sarah into this and letting her drink so much to the point neither one of you could drive home. He didn't wait for Sarah to put her seatbelt on before he was backing up into the street, his hand covering his mouth in frustration. You glanced over at Sarah as she shrugged her shoulders and rested her arm on the door, her head slowly falling against her arm to sleep. Your eyes grew heavy as you watched the streetlights in the windshield, your body jolting as you began to doze off. Joel sighed and rested his arm along the back of the seat, signaling you to lean against him. "C'mon, it's a long way from home." he muttered and you rested your head on him, his hand falling on Sarah's shoulder to give a squeeze. Drifting to sleep once more, you couldn’t help but smile to yourself knowing he still cared.
It felt like you were asleep only ten minutes before you heard the truck shut off, signaling you were back at the Millers house. “Let’s go girls, we’re home” his voice was softer this time as it vibrated his sternum that was pressed against your ear. You sat up slowly before he got out of the truck and walked over to Sarah’s side, opening the door to see her still passed out. “Can you undo her seatbelt for me sweet girl?” He nodded towards the seatbelt and you unbuckled it for him, his arms scooping her up against his chest to carry her inside. As he backed up out of the way of the door, you sat there just admiring him. “Are you comin or you feel like sleepin in my truck tonight? I’ll bring out a pillow for ya.” He joked and motioned to get out. Joel handed you his keys to unlock the front door while you walked up the driveway, your head still spinning. You got to the porch and put the jingling keys in the deadbolt, turning the key to the left and pushed the door open so Joel could bring Sarah in first.
While he was walking to Sarah’s room to put her in her bed, you wandered into the living room to the sound of the tv still on along with all the lamps. He left everything exactly how he had it when he left to go get you and Sarah because it was no where near as important as you two are to him. You told yourself you’d lay on the couch just until he left Sarah’s room but it was just so comfortable and hard to wake up. The last thing you remembered was Joel coming in and taking a big sigh at the sight of you curled into a ball on the couch. He covered you up with a blanket and left a kiss on your head before he sat back in his recliner and fell asleep.
When your eyes opened and landed on the clock in the living room that read 7:13 AM, you groaned in annoyance and got up to use the bathroom. Your head was pounding and Sarah was still sound asleep as you could hear her snoring through the thin wall the bathroom shared with her room. On your way back to the living room you noticed Joel’s bedroom door was slightly open and his bathroom door was shut, the water running to the shower. You slinked your way into his room and shut it behind you. Light hums were coming from behind the door as you knocked a few times, "Who is it?" he asked and you opened it, going inside. "Just me." you muttered and leaned against the sink. "You gonna join me or just stand there until I'm done?" he questioned and you were instantly taking your clothes off. Joel opened the shower curtain for you and held out his soaking wet hand to help you in so you didn't slip and bust your ass. You closed the curtain behind you while he dipped his head back under the shower head to rinse the shampoo out of his hair.
He squeezed out the water in his hair and detached the shower head from the holder and let the warm water run down your body, your back gently resting against his chest. Your eyes closed in satisfaction as he moved the shower head up above you and he wetted your hair, lightly dragging his fingers against your scalp. As you turned to look at him, you wiped your face to rid the water droplets that ran down from your hair, he let the water run down your shoulders and chest. "Joel I- I wanted to say I'm sorry about last night. I didn't mean to upset you and have you come get Sarah and I. I shouldn't have gotten so drunk and put us in danger like that." Your eyes met his as he nodded his head, taking in every word you said. "S'okay sweet girl. You're gonna show me how sorry you are though, wearing that outfit when I told you not to, going to some stupid frat house putting you two in danger with those fuckin losers. You think you're sorry now, little girl? Wait until I'm done with ya." It was like your knees turned to jell-o and you had to bite your lip to hide the smirk that was trying to spread on your face.
His harsh words were ringing in your ears as he kissed you roughly, dragging the shower head down your torso, lightly spraying you with water. "Spread your legs for me bunny." Joel said against your lips and you parted your legs, bracing yourself for whatever he's about to do. His hands changed the setting on it to the one that mimics a jet stream and held the shower head upside down by your aching cunt, letting the stream of water beat against your clit. Joel pulled away from your lips to watch your excited bud finally get the attention it was desperately needing. Your quiet moans slipped passed your lips and echoed off the tile walls and Joel grunted in enjoyment, he loved watching you get off. He leaned down and sucked on your nipple, flicking his tongue against it roughly. He was sending you into overload but you loved every second of it. Your fingers tugged at his wet curls on the back of his head as his mouth worked on your nipple. The jet stream on your clit mixed with Joels mouth was making your body feel like it was in fire, you started bucking your hips against the water, your stomach caving from how deep you were breathing.
"Fu-fuck daddy please, please kiss me please I'm so close, I need you please" you begged and he let go of your nipple, meeting your lips once more. He groaned as his tongue met yours in your mouth, pushing you closer to your impending orgasm. "Ya come on sweet baby, cum for daddy, c'mon you can do it." As he mumbled his encouragement against your slightly swollen lips, your body trembled as you started to cum. You squeezed your thighs shut and Joel held your body up with one arm as you were riding your orgasm like waves. He pressed kisses against your wet hair and put the shower head back in the holder and back to the regular water setting while you came down from your high. "You thought I was done, baby? You're so cute." Joel grabbed a fistful of your hair and yanked your head back, licking up your neck stopping right under your chin with a kiss. He spun you around and you hiked your leg up on the ledge of the bathtub so he could access your impatient cunt again.
You needed him so badly, he knew it. He wasted no time teasing you and shoved his cock right inside your tight hole, groaning through gritted teeth. "You're so fuckin tight for me bunny, jesus christ. Squeeze my fuckin cock jus' like that baby, oh fuck." He pulled you against him as he started to fuck you, the water dripping over you two and his fingers found their way to your nipples to pinch them. Joel rolled your sensitive nipple between his thumb and index finger while his balls clapped against your pussy. "It's too much, I can't handle it, please" You moaned out and his hand covered your mouth, muffling your words. He bit your neck and kissed the mark he left, groaning as you squeezed his cock with every thrust inside you.
"Too much for you pretty girl? You can take it, c'mon be a good baby for daddy" Joel mocked in your ear and bit your earlobe gently as he rammed into you faster. He dipped his hand down between your thighs and rubbed tight circles on your thumping clit, making your head spin and your body weak. Joel could feel you tighten around his cock and he knew you were cumming again. "Jus' like that, that's it baby. Cum all over daddy's cock." His arm tightened around your body and pulled you closer against him as you came undone on him and his hand over your mouth to muffle your moans. His cock twitched inside you and a couple more thrusts was all he needed before he grunted with his head tossed back, cumming inside you. Joel ran his hands all over your body as he came to a slow stop inside you and kissed your shoulder over and over as he stayed inside you while he went soft. "Don't ever do that dumb shit again, do you hear me?" Joel asked as he tried to catch his breath and squeezed you in a hug. You nodded and turned to him again, pressing your forehead on his. "Promise, but we should probably finish before Sarah wakes up and catches us."
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jackharloww · 1 year
“I want dada”
summary: The one where Grace wakes Jack up for cuddles
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"mommy" you heard a tiny voice say, making you open your eyes. Grace was standing at the end of your bed with Carrot in her hands, clearly just woken up.
"mm" you mumbled and carefully sat up in bed. You had just closed your eyes hoping to fall back asleep after getting up to feed Nathaniel. He had woken up 2 hours ago and you quickly took him out to the living room so Jack wouldn’t wake up. Nathaniel fell back asleep after 40 minutes but it was impossible for you to fall back asleep directly. It was now 6 am.
“I want water” she mumbled, followed by a yawn. You picked her up to your bed and she laid next to jack.
“Okay bubs, stay here, but don’t wake daddy up okay?” You got up from bed. It was still very early so you hoped she would fall back asleep, and that she wouldn’t wake Jack up. You slept late last night and you wanted him to get more sleep. You received tired nods from her as she snuggled under the covers.
You quickly went to the kitchen and filled Grace’s cup with water before returning. Just as you walked into the room you saw that Grace was now lying on top of Jack tracing figures on his chest, but he was thankfully still sleeping.
“Come here Grace” you whispered and showed her the cup. But she only shook her head and snuggled closer to her father. Apparently not wanting water anymore, you should’ve known it was just an excuse. You put it down and climbed into bed.
“Come cuddle with me instead, don’t wake dada up” You tried once more but Grace gave you a grumpy look "I want dada" she whined and shook her head again. Her hair tickled Jack, resulting in him waking up and you letting out a deep sigh.
“It’s fine” Jack said, opening one eye to look at you. He hugged her tighter “try to sleep more” he said to the both of you. "I want cuddles" she grumpily mumbled, before closing her eyes and put her arms around Jack cuddling him.
Jack kissed her on top of her head and whispered "I love you" before he turned around and looked at you. “How long have you been awake?” he asked
“2 hours” you muttered
“She’s been awake for two hours? She still seems sleepy” he questioned with his eyebrows furrowed
“No, your other child woke me up” you answered grumpily, receiving a chuckle from him
“My other child huh?” He laughed and wrapped his free arm around you “try to get some sleep then” he said and kissed you on the top of your head as you snuggled closer to him and the three of you fell asleep again.
Taglist: @harlowsbby , @middlechild404 , @harlowcomehome , @heavyhitterheaux , @nattinatalia , @hoodharlow , @itsyagirljaz , @mortirolo
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