#I heard this song yesterday for the first time ever in my life
nei-ning · 9 months
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cobaltperun · 9 days
Genius (9) - Haven't Had Enough
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Cairo Sweet x female (G!P) Reader
Summary: It was such a cliché, a reunion she didn’t expect to ever happen, let alone six years after she last saw you. It was supposed to mean nothing, a bit of nostalgia, maybe a brief catching up while waiting for class, it was supposed to be a small wave of nostalgia, not a tsunami that disrupted her entire life. You were her opposite, and as hard as she tried she couldn’t resist your pull.
Story masterlist / First part / Previous Part / Next Part
Word count: 3.1k
-Testing, testing, I'm just suggesting, you and I might just be the best thing-
The sound of some bird pecking at the tree near her window made Cairo groan as she turned in her bed and covered her head with the pillow. She thought she’d be used to different sounds wild animals made near her house, but no, she still occasionally woke up. Once upon a time she thought it had something to do with the fact that she lived alone, so sudden noises woke her up due to survival instinct or something. It was still annoying,
Well, she probably wasn’t going to be able to fall asleep again, so she pushed the pillow off her head and turned to lie on her back. She blinked and glanced to the side, to an empty side of the bed. She was yet to figure out if you were a morning person or not, but you definitely handled mornings better than she did, and though she was still sleepy, she smiled rolling over to your side of the bed and just took a deep breath. The two of you gave up your weekend getaway, but yesterday was still wonderful, and Cairo loved having you around. She grabbed her phone and quickly typed: ‘I’m awake, come and read?’ she sent to you, not yet ready to leave the comfort of her bed.
What she didn’t expect was for you to come in, acoustic guitar in hand. “Can I?” you asked, lifting the guitar up a bit as Cairo sat up, curious.
“Sure,” she told you, smiling a bit.
You sat at the foot of the bed, facing her with the guitar on your lap and though you were using a different guitar she recognized the melody of the song you played on your first date. Could she call it a date? Hanging out? The first time you were all alone in years and catching up.
She still didn’t know what the song was, even though she pestered you about it yesterday as well. You just smiled and refused to tell her.
“I could stay awake just to hear you breathing,” you actually began singing and her eyes widened, she didn’t realize you could sing. You kept singing the song she has never heard before, though it did sound vaguely familiar. “I could stay lost in this moment forever, where every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure,” you looked at her so softly she nearly got up and kissed you right then and there.
She didn’t want to interrupt the song though.
“Don't wanna close my eyes. I don't wanna fall asleep, 'cause I'd miss you, baby, and I don't wanna miss a thing,” she saw it in your eyes, the song was meant for her that day as much as it was meant for her right now and she just wished she realized it back then. “'Cause even when I dream of you, the sweetest dream would never do, I'd still miss you, baby, and I don't wanna miss a thing,”
You kept singing and the words, the emotion you were putting into the song, the way you were looking at her, like she was the only one for you. Cairo tossed the blanket aside and crawled over to you, not interrupting you, just caressing your cheek slowly, hoping you could see just how much she loved you in her eyes.
“I don't wanna miss one smile, I don't wanna miss one kiss, well, I just wanna be with you, right here with you, just like this,” you leaned to the side, kissing her open palm. “I just wanna hold you close, I feel your heart so close to mine, and just stay here in this moment, for all the rest of time,” you weren’t done, but she just had to kiss you.
Her lips met yours and she heard you putting the guitar next to you before she felt your hands on her sides, pulling her closer. She sat on your lap, her kiss deep, desperate, filled with longing for you once more despite kissing you just last night and she felt a shiver run down her spine as your thumb brushed against her cheek.
“Not a bad way to wake up?” you teased her lightly, still holding her close.
“The perfect way to wake up,” she sighed, kissing you once more.
You never thought anyone could have this kind of an effect on you, that anyone could make you this reliant on their presence in your life. Yet, here you were, parking your motorcycle in front of Cairo’s house first thing in the morning. You managed to somehow spend the last night apart, and you woke up to your phone ringing as if the world was ending.
Not that you minded, Cairo being possessive was probably something you should have expected. You took your helmet off and entered the house. “Cairo! I’m here!” you shouted at the top of your lungs, because damn this place was huge.
“Upstairs!” she yelled back, causing you to make your way to her room. You knocked, because why not and you could swear you heard her rolling her eyes.
“Come in,” she sounded amused as you opened the doors and stepped inside her room. “Hey,” she was still in her pajamas as she closed the distance between you and gave you a quick, soft kiss, the pure contrast with the hungry kiss from last night when you were leaving.
“Hi,” you smiled, still not used to being like this with her.
“Should I wear a skirt or shorts?” she whispered as her fingers crawled up from your waist to the back of your head. There it was, Cairo’s insatiability, her need to be loved, desired, yearned for.
“Tempting, but option C, jeans, tracksuit pants, whatever, you’re not getting on my motorcycle unless you’re dressed properly,” you pulled her closer to you as she jokingly pouted and then leaned her head on your shoulder.
“So cruel to your girlfriend,” she sighed, lamenting and cursing your cruelty toward her wardrobe.
“Mhm, so very cruel,” you agreed, pulling away from her and heading outside.
“How about you stay and watch me change?” Cairo called out.
“Tempting,” you laughed. “Did you eat anything?” you asked, already at the doors.
Cairo shook her head. “No, I dozed off after I called you,” she said with a hint of embarrassment in her voice, and that explained why she still wasn’t ready.
“I’ll go make you something,” you promised, and that was perhaps the best decision, as her stomach complained at that exact moment.
Cairo blushed and went to the bathroom while your laughter resounded through the house.
The two of you, and Winnie, came to the class, a few minutes earlier than necessary, but still later than Cairo and Winnie usually arrived. And it showed, as the damn man waiting in the classroom looked like he was abandoned until he saw Cairo walking in hand in hand with you. You noticed his back straightening when he saw your and Cairo’s hands still interlocked.
“Hello!” Winnie greeted him enthusiastically and dropped her things on her table.
“Good morning,” Cairo greeted him, though not as enthusiastically as Winnie and you just sort of nodded in his direction until Cairo nudged you with her elbow.
“Morning,” you grumbled, for you were whipped.
“Good morning,” he replied, his eyes still on Cairo’s hand.
“Oh, lovebirds got together, I think their hands might be stuck together,” Winnie laughed when she noticed Miller’s reaction. “They only share your class, so you’ll have to forgive them.”
“Right, of course, it’s not a problem,” it definitely was a problem, you could see it in his eyes, and you thought back to him being at Cairo’s place, at his reaction to you coming, as if he was caught doing something he shouldn’t.
And you weren’t sure how you managed not to wrap your hand around Cairo’s waist and glare until the message not to try anything with her got across.
You still smiled when Cairo leaned in closer and got on her toes to kiss your cheek before you sat down at the table.
It’s intoxicating.
The sensations, the sounds, the smell, the taste, the view.
She was told to write what she knows, and now she knew all of those. The touch of your hand on her skin, the feel of your jacket, or your shirt underneath her palms. The sound of your voice, or the music you played for her. The smell of your perfume, the taste of your lips, of you, and the view, you in her room, playing a guitar as she wrote, that smile, that damn smile, innocent or not, that damn, intoxicating smile.
So, she wrote what she knew, inspired, consumed by passion and the need to write. Devoured by her thoughts replaying everything that happened. She tried to make it innocent, to replicate Henry Miller’s style without being explicit, yet in the end she couldn’t restrain the passion, she just, reigned it in, depicting the passion, but not the intimate act itself.
“Y/N,” she called out to you, momentarily stopping the sweet melody you were playing for her. “Could you read this?” she offered you her laptop as you raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, of course,” you were more than willing to read, you were just used to Cairo reading to you. Nonetheless, you sat down next to her and scrolled to the top of the essay, and she just watched you.
She watched the admiration in your eyes, the ease with which the words flowed into you from the page, and she knew she did a great job, just from that alone. She watched as you realized who the characters were, and she knew the exact moment you realized it. You read about the letter, and your eyes widened ever so slightly, but you didn’t stop reading, not even to look at her to check if you were correct in your assumption.
Cairo took notice of every small reaction you had, the way your fists and jaw clenched, your eyes narrowing in anger, and she knew which part caused those feelings as well. She watched you struggle to swallow as your free hand grasped the sheets of the bed the two of you were sitting on, you reached that part. “Damn,” you hissed, breathing in sharply and just for a moment you glanced at her, at the mischievous, yet proud grin on her face.
“Keep going, my madness,” she whispered, tilting your head to the side so you would keep reading. And then she just lied down, still watching your expression as you returned your attention to her essay. When you were done you set the laptop aside and sighed.
“Did you feel like this? Before I came on Friday?” you asked her and she adored you, out of all the parts, you chose to ask about that first.
“Mr. Murphy looked at Alice, loomed over her, making her feel as if she lost all control over the situation. It wasn’t meant for him, but he couldn’t know that, and Alice knew how alluring she looked, and she saw in his eyes the temptation he was about to give into. She dreaded it, now knowing she should have stopped his touches, innocent, supportive at the first glance, but she didn’t,” she recited, repeating the words she wrote in her essay and watching you as your face twisted into the image of fury, the anger directed at Miller threatening to consume you. And Cairo wondered if she should have read it to you. You memorized it now, entirely and without a single mistake, knowing exactly what she felt in the brief moments before you arrived, while she was all alone with Miller.
“I should have punched him,” you moved as if you were about to get up, to either pace the room, or go straight to Miller’s house and attack him. Or anything between those two options, and Cairo wanted none of that.
“Y/N,” she grabbed your hand and pulled you back, and though you didn’t immediately, or entirely comply with her demands, she still managed to pull you on top of her. “Focus on the good things. You came when I needed you,” she assured you, her forehead pressed against your own, your weight on top of her felt comforting, it felt close, it felt right.
“This is your assignment?” you asked, the anger in your voice fading as her hands roamed your back, and Cairo just nodded. “He won’t like this, Cairo,” you told her. “And it’s got nothing to do with how well you write, because you write amazingly well, it’s the implications.”
It wasn’t like she didn’t recognize that potential issue, but this was everything she promised to write. Written in the style of Henry Miller, unapologetic, something that would no doubt be censored, controversial, he agreed to it, knowing exactly what kind of writing Cairo was going to emulate. He knew, and he allowed it.
And if she, merely eighteen, just barely an adult, understood that she sent him signals she shouldn’t have, then he, old enough to be her father, should have understood the implications of her chosen writer.
The email she got the night she sent the essay caused her heart to skip a beat. It was short, simple, ‘meet me tomorrow after classes’ and she glanced at you, sleeping peacefully next to her. She wondered if she should tell you, if she should bring you along. That would mean waiting for her, since you finished earlier than her and tomorrow was Friday, so she really didn’t want to make you spend more time at school than you needed to. So, she stayed silent, hiding her anxiety at the brevity of the mail and what it could mean.
She was barely able to fall asleep, and only did so after you, while still asleep, moved to hold her closer. It wasn’t until she was fully wrapped up in your warmth that her own heart calmed down and she could fall asleep.
Tomorrow morning, she woke up the moment you moved away from her, before you even had the chance to get up. “Y/N,” she mumbled sleepily.
“Hey, sorry I woke you up,” you whispered apologetically, but she just grabbed your waist and pulled you back until she could tuck her head underneath your chin. “Cairo? Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Bad dream,” she lied, not yet ready to be without your warmth.
“It’ll be fine, it was just a dream,” you whispered, your fingers soothingly running through her hair.
She nodded, though she couldn’t shake off the bad feeling.
When she finished her final class and was about to head to Miller’s classroom, she was a nervous, anxious wreck even though both you and Winnie tried to get her to relax and calm down. She didn’t tell either of you what was going on, she just made-up different excuses she knew neither of you were buying.
She packed her things, made sure everything was there and got up from her seat. She nodded goodbye to the teacher and went outside, last, with no one waiting for her. And then she saw you and Winnie standing there.
“What are you-“ she just stood there, shocked.
“I figured it out,” you sighed, pushing away from the wall and taking her hand while Winnie went to her other side and put her arm around Cairo’s shoulder.
“Mr. Miller didn’t like your essay?” Winnie guessed.
“I don’t know. He asked me to meet him after classes today,” Cairo finally told you and Winnie, and despite the dread she felt, she felt calmed now that she no longer had to hide it.
“We’re going with you,” you left no room for argument.
“What the biker girl said, I’m sure it’ll be fine, but we’ll be there for you,” Winnie agreed.
And Cairo, she felt better. “Just stay in the hall,” just the fact that she had you and Winnie in the hall would be more than enough, and while you sighed, not liking that she would be alone in the classroom, you reluctantly agreed.
The doors of Miller’s classroom felt daunting, it felt like going into the lair of a wounded beast, and she wasn’t sure if she could do it if she didn’t know she wasn’t alone here. She knocked and came in, her eyes meeting his own, filled with fury.
“You asked me to come and see you,” she said as she closed the doors behind her.
“I did,” she watched as his jaw clenched and he tossed the papers, she guessed her essay to her desk, only for them to slide off to the floor. “What were you thinking?”
She crouched down to pick the essay up and when she looked up, he was already standing and was closing the distance between them until all that stood between them was the table and two chairs.
“I did your assignment, in the style of Henry Miller, as you agreed,” she didn’t allow her voice to show any signs of her feelings, she forced herself to sound confident, to defiantly look him in the eyes.
“You weren’t meant to write porn. Alice felt her innocence being stripped away from her by her lover, as aroused as she was, she felt no pain, only the deep desire and need radiating from both of them as she was taken, her body adjusting to the sensations of being full,” he repeated a section of her writing.
“I think it’s rather tame compared to Miller,” she defended her writing. “It’s erotic, pornography would have been much more explicit,” she said.
“Enough!” he slammed his palm on the table, and she flinched at the resounding force of the impact. “Not only is the writing inappropriate, you depicted me as a predator, as if I was about to fuck you whether you agreed to it or not!” he yelled. “And don’t even try to pretend it isn’t me, you and L/N, you wrote everything that happened, you-“
The doors slammed open, and Cairo turned around as you came in, quickly followed by Winnie.
“And you brought them here,” Miller turned away, shaking his head in disbelief. “Unbelievable,” he then turned around, pointed his finger at Cairo and with fury in his eyes said the words that made her feel nauseous. “I won’t even let you rewrite it, I’m failing you.”
A/N: Thoughts?
Taglist: @deimaisgail @bee-keeping @marvelous-disaster @jmwetterlund @tekanparadiae
@alexkolax @ioveyouyouloveme @aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh @autorasexy @lifeforsimp13
@puta1 @minnyyminny
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tsukimefuku · 12 days
unwell ❖ nanami kento
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summary: you had a terrible day, but at least, you’ve got a helping hand.
cw: soft nanami x reader, implied past higuruma x reader, reader is having a mental breakdown but in a kind of funny way, hurt and comfort, a lot of fluff, i want this man to pat my hair dry as i have a meltdown and drink wine straight from a bottle.
wc: 1.1k
notes etc.: the inspo song is in the title, unwell (matchbox twenty). i will reuse this scene in another fic with another turn of events.
❖ collection of stories: "jujutsu partners au" → masterlist
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❖ hold me in your clarity ❖
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As Nanami closed the door while entering your apartment holding groceries, he heard the water in the bathroom being turned on. Figuring you must be taking a shower, he calmly went in the to leave the bags over the counter and began to make his way into the bedroom to see if you had left plates or anything of the sort. However, upon walking by the bathroom, Nanami realized the door was open, stepping back immediately.
You didn't fail to notice that out of your peripheral vision.
"It's okay, I'm fully clothed," you yelled through the thundering water, while you held your second bottle of wine of the night a little outside from the water's range.
"... What?"
You sighed.
"You can come in, Kento."
He stepped inside the bathroom to witness a rather… unexpected scene. You still had the usual clothes you wore for missions on, and was barefoot inside the shower, while holding a bottle of wine. 
"Did you know the first time I encountered Hiromi, he was fully clothed inside a bathtub?" you asked Nanami, while still looking straight ahead to the wall in front of you.
He seemed slightly worried under his collected expression.
"I didn't."
"Yeah…" you ensued, taking a gulp of wine, "he had a suit on. I mean, it seemed fun, but maybe it just looked that way because he was in a bathtub. Taking a shower with your clothes on is just… sad."
He knew you enough to realize something must've happened for you to be in that state, but wondered if this would be the best moment to probe at it. 
You gave him no options, though.
"Three people died on my mission today. And another yesterday. I… I just need one win, you know? To have at least one single thing in my life that isn’t buried in deep shit."
You were clearly in the middle of an astrological hell, getting thrown around like a penny inside a washing machine. Every little damn thing in your life was going wrong ever since Higuruma left Tokyo, and you were doing your best to keep your sanity as intact as it could be.
Even if it meant trying weird shit like this.
"I see," Nanami replied, not having much to say beyond that. He knew the hardships that came with this life, and thought that maybe having a little mental breakdown taking a shower fully clothed was one of the most harmless things you could do right now.
However, it was also cold, and you would for a fact catch a cold if you kept going.
He walked towards the shower, and you wondered what exactly he was about to do. Opening it, he turned off the water, while pulling the towel from its support.
"Hey!" you protested.
"Come, you need to dry yourself," he noted, offering a hand to help you out.
With a pout, you walked outside and sat on the sink, still mindlessly holding onto your bottle.
He enveloped you in the towel he had pulled, and grabbed another nearby to pat your hair as dry as possible.
"You should avoid leaving the bathroom right now, you're drenched," he said, no chide intended.
You scoffed.
"Yeah, perhaps."
"I can get some clothes for you to change, if you'd like."
Reluctantly, you nodded.
He acquiesced, and kept patting your hair dry.
"Nanami, how do you not go crazy with this fucking job? How are you so stable?" you inquired, taking another gulp of wine and looking at him, "I need some encouragement words."
He pondered for a moment before sighing.
"I don't have any. It's a hard and most times unrewarding work that needs to be done."
You grunted.
"Guess you're right. We just hold the string of sanity for dear life and hope it doesn't snap, right?"
He nodded softly.
"You could say that."
"What a nightmare," you replied, taking another sip, "I want to talk about something else, this is depressing me even further, let's chat."
Nanami sighed, yet again, now chiding, "you should get dry, eat something and rest."
"Oh, we can talk about anything, come on!" you encouraged, half in jest, "I'm a bottle and a half in, won't remember a thing tomorrow."
"That's even more of a reason for you to sleep. I'll leave some food for you in your fridge."
You were both silent for a little while until you began speaking again.
"Do you know what this is remembering me of? You patting my head down with a towel? That night."
"What night?" he asked.
"Our night, Kento. The one you so tenderly referred to as 'the events of' on the note you left me before leaving the next morning for a mission." 
You said tenderly in the mockiest voice he'd ever heard.
"... Oh."
Nanami's body had noticeably stiffened up, and you could swear he was slightly blushing.
"Yeah, not one of your greatest moments. I mean, the note. Not the night. The night was great. Amazing, really."
Nanami cleared his throat, feeling deeply embarrassed, to say the least.
"I apologize."
"No worries, I forgave you, remember?" you replied, chuckling softly. 'The events of last night', Jesus… "So… You already told me why you pushed me away, but did we have a shot at it?"
And he had told you how he was frightened of the losses the both of you could endure if you had in fact entered a relationship, how it reminded him of his past losses, past failures and the whole story.
But you never got to discuss the what if.
Nanami had a bated breath faltering as he opened his mouth to speak, and seemed to actually think out his answer carefully, before finally speaking up again.
"I believe so."
A deep sigh got pulled from your lungs as you put your wine bottle away.
"Yeah… me too. I loved you," you mumbled, defeated. The next part came inaudibly, and you weren't sure if you were actually saying it or thinking it.
Still do.
His hands seemed to stop patting you dry for the briefest moment before he continued to do so, completely silent. You were unsure if this had been your imagination, and if he had heard that or not.
A few moments later, he put the small towel on the sink by your side and stepped behind.
"I'll get you some clean clothes for you to change into."
"Okay," you mumbled.
As he was about to step out of the bathroom, you called out, "hey, Kento…"
"Thank you."
He smiled and bowed his head towards you, saying, "you're welcome," finally walking out of the bathroom.
Did I say it out loud? 
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thecapybara526 · 1 year
“The way I feel about you, is the how you feel about her.”
Avatar : the way of water
Pairing: Neteyam x Reader
One shot: Y/n has been in love with Neteyam her whole life. He was her mighty warrior. You’re both 19 and expected to pick a mate. Despite being right in front of him, Neteyam’s eyes have always been drawn to a different girl in the village.this is based of a song I heard today “her” by Sophia Scott. Please listen while you read.I’ll let you know when to start playing it.
Themes: sad, angst, unrequited love, jealously
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You and Neteyam were flying your Ikrans, it was almost eclipse and you wanted to go on one last ride for the day.
“Come on Nete! We’re almost there!” You yell glancing over your shoulder.
There he was your mighty warrior flying right behind you.
“Slow down! Y/n! You’re going to crash” he laughed at you, with your adventurous spirit he didn’t understand why you were so close to him. Lo’ak would probably be a better fit to satisfy your need for adrenaline.
What Neteyam didn’t know is when you were close to him your adrenaline felt as if you had dived off a mountain. You had loved him all your life. You first met when you were kids.
You were climbing a tree and claimed it as yours. One day Lo’ak, Kiri and Spider had stumbled across the same tree. You were high up playing by yourself.
“Hey! That’s our tree get down!” Lo’ak yelled
Your head snapped down to the two Na’vi and a human? You had seen humans before but never this close. Your mother didn’t like you around them. You slowly started to make your way but not all the way just enough to talk without yelling.
“This is my tree! You go away!” You furrowed your brows, you knew he was Lo’ak the youngest son of the Olo’eyktan. But that didn’t mean you were going to give up your tree.
“Please? We really like this tree. We found it yesterday.” Kiri spoke not wanting to fight.
“Kiri! Shh! This has always been our tree.” Lo’ak whispered. You narrowed your eyes, you didn’t like liars.
“Well this has been my tree for 1 week now. So it is mine.” You stuck your tongue out. You sat down on a low branch. Swinging your legs, your tail flicking side to side, a little nervous.
Quickly Lo’ak jumped up and grabbed you by your tail. Making you fall backward off the tree, and you fell to the ground hard. You winced.
“Lo’ak!” you heard an unfamiliar voice, it wasn't one of the adults which was good.
You didn't turn to even look at the voice and you tackled Lo’ak. You both rolled around but you ended up on top pinning him down, you were older so just a little bit bigger than him.
“That was mean!” your eyes brimmed with tears. Lo’ak eyes widened, he didn't want to make you cry. He felt bad. Before he could say anything you were being picked up gently. You tried to turn but the strong arms around you kept you still.
“What is going on here?” your ears flattened back, a boy was holding you. You have never been held by a boy. A blush coated your cheeks.
“Lo’ak wanted this tree and she didn't want to move” Kiri was annoyed, she knew Neteyam was going to give them a speech. He was only 8 yet had the moral compass of a saint.
The strong arms put you down and turned you around to face them. It was the first time your heart ever stopped for Neteyam and it wasn't the last. He was beautiful.
“Are you okay? I'm Neteyam. Sorry about my brother.” He smiles at you and your knees went weak.
“Woah. Do you need to see Tsahik?” he helped you stand up again.
“N-no, I'm okay. Thank you.” you couldn't look into his eyes. He nodded and let you go. At that moment, you wanted to collapse so he would hold you again.
“Lo’ak, if you apologize I won’t tell mother and father.” He put his hands on his hips, while he addressed his brother with a serious tone. Kiri and Spider chuckled, Neteyam always so serious.
Your eyes widened. At that moment you fell in love for the first time. This Neteyam, he stood up for you, held you, and was very beautiful. Your 8-year-old heart decided that one day. He would be your mate.
“I’m sorry.” Lo’ak looked at you, “we can share the tree?” He offered as a peace offering.
A grin broke out on your face.
“Yes! Let's play. You too.” you reached for Neteyam’s hand and lead him to the tree. You weren't letting him go.
You felt Neteyam’s Ikran land next to yours. You sat down on the ledge of the mountain. You always loved high places. He saw down close next to you, thighs brushing together.
“We’re getting too old to sneak off Y/n.” Neteyam chuckled. You immediately frowned. You hated being reminded of your age. 19. You were both over due to pick a mate. Especially him.
He was the future Olo’eyktan, he should’ve picked his mate by now. You of course hadn’t picked because well, you wanted him. It wasn’t fair to mate with anyone else when your heart completely belonged to Neteyam.
“Ah, why the frown.” Neteyam bumped your shoulder. You forced a smile back on your face.
“Ah you know I hate the idea of growing up.” you shook your head.
“I know, I know. I'm sorry.” Neteyam didn't understand why it upset you so much. You were at the best part of your adulthood, both one of the people, warriors, and you could pick a mate. 
“I just don't want us to grow apart.” you ducked your head down, to hide your eyes from him. Sometimes you were scared he would see how you truly felt about him.
“Oh Y/n” he turned and hugged you.
You buried your head in his shoulder, wrapping your arms around him. You loved when he held you. It didn't often happen now that you were older. It was crazy to feel the difference; when you were younger, he was smaller and skinny. Now he was way taller and muscular. In the moments he did hold you, you wished you could stay like this forever.
“You will ways be my best friend.” You placed your forehead on his shoulder. Ouch. You hated it. Hated the idea of just being a friend. But you’d would rather be a best friend than lose him all together. When the time came and he chose a mate, you probably wouldn’t be able to share moments like this anymore.
“Thank you, Neteyam.” He pulled away from you and you missed his warmth.
“Can I ask you something?” He had a serious expression on his face.
You shifted uncomfortably. You tried to make your heart settle. Every time he got serious you wished it was him about to confess his love for you. You knew though. He was never going to.
“Yes, anything Neteyam.” you smiled
“Ah...” he looked away, blushing. You tilted your head at him. “I just figured since, y-you're a girl.”
“Yes. Yes, Neteyam, I am a girl.” you chuckled nervously. What was this about?
“How do you think a girl would want to be asked to be my mate?”
Your heart sunk to the deepest part of pandora’s forest. You swear you could hear the crack appearing on your heart.
“W-what?” your voice was soft. It couldn't be, he wasn't talking about-
“Neriaya.” you slowly looked away from him, “you know how I feel about her, and I think she may feel the same.”
You took a deep breath, tears emerged their way into your eyes and forced them back. You wouldn't cry in front of him. Neriaya. Of course. You knew already. How could you not? You watched everything Neteyam did. You didn't fail to notice his blush when Neriaya spoke to him, how he would stand a little straighter when she passed him, how he would stare.
He had always had his eye on her and you had your eye on him. You hoped that as you got older he would notice you. Maybe you could change his mind and start to fall in love with you instead . Looks like your time had run out.
“Neteyam, any girl would love to be your mate. Whatever you choose to do, she will love.” You stood up. You wouldn’t torture yourself like this. There was no way you were helping him plan this. You couldn’t.
“I was hopping maybe you could help me though?” You dared to look at him, hoping your mask wouldn’t falter. His eyes were hopeful and excited. No. You couldn’t do this.
“I’m not very romantic. Ask Kiri. Let’s go. It’s almost dark.” You jumped on your Ikran, waiting for him to mount his before you took off. You flew fast ahead of him, tears escaping, the wind cleaning them off your cheeks for you.
Neteyam was a bit confused. But he figured you were just worried about getting in trouble, this would’ve been your third strike with your mom. He laughed at the thought.
The next couple weeks, 2 and a half to be exact, not that you were counting. You distanced yourself from Neteyam. Now that he expressed his plans to ask Neriaya to be his mate, it was too painful. You didn't want to hear or even think about it. Being away from him was the only way. Yesterday you caught the two of them talking quietly after dinner. The way he looked at her made you crumble. You walked to your hut, thank Ewya your mom wasn't there. Because you collapsed to the floor and cried. You cried for the 8-year-old girl, who you promised that he would be your mate. You also cried for yourself. The 19-year-old girl who was in love with Neteyam.
Neteyam didn't understand why you had been so distant. He was kind of upset honestly. You were his best friend, he had confessed his intentions with Neriaya. Why weren't you excited for him and helping him? Honestly you avoiding him upset him to his core. He felt off the past week's without you by his side. There was even a moment where you pasted right by him. Without even a glance. He just shook his head. What was wrong?
He knew once he mated with Neriaya, he wasn't going to be able to spend much time with you. The thought of not seeing you every day hurt him, he hated how it made him feel. But he would have Neriaya. His parents always talked about her to him. How pretty she was, a good hunter, and how she could be a good Tsahik. To Neteyam, he knew if chose Neriaya, his parents would be proud and happy. He from then on he pictured Neriaya as his mate.
She was everything his parents said she was. Neteyam could tell Neriaya would be shy when he talked to her. She was nice and easy to talk to, Neteyam wasn’t necessarily eager to mate, he brushed it off when he turned 18 but when he heard his parents talking about the fact that he hadn't chosen a mate. He knew he has no choice but to do it now.
Today, he had finally had enough of your ignoring game. He started looking everywhere for you and he eventually found you with Kiri doing her hair.
“Hello.” Kiri smiled at his greeting her brother. Neteyam watched you carefully as you looked up from Kiri’s hair to him. You had a look on your face he couldn't decipher it, it made he angry. He knew you better than everyone else. What was wrong?
When you looked at him it was a mix of emotions. Happy to see his face, sad to know you were losing him, and jealous that someone else gets the privileget love him.
“Neteyam,” you spoke quickly and went back to the braids. Kiri raised an eyebrow and knew this wasn’t going to end well. Y/n didn’t have to say but Kiri knew you were upset about Neteyam’s plans. Kiri didn’t understand how you didn’t tell Neteyam you loved him or how Neteyam didn’t notice.
“Y/n is doing my hair.” she quickly interject after the 15 seconds of silence.
“Uh y-yeah. Maybe you could do mine after?” his eyes shot to the floor.
Kiro rolled her eyes. Oh hell no. She thought breaks Y/n’s heart and can't even look her in the eye?
“She just started. It will take forever. Maybe ask Neriaya?” Kiri’s eyes were challenging. She wanted to push her brother. What would he do?
You sat there silently, not wanting to comment. Kiri even suggesting Neriaya doing Neteyam’s hair hurt. You used to do his hair.
“I can wait.” He searched your eyes, willing you to look at him and you did. Those orange eyes melting you.
“Yea.” you nodded, you would usually be happier but instead you held your composer. This didn't change anything between the two of.
It took you 30 minutes to do Kiri’s hair. You and Kiri just talked while Neteyam sat with his eyes closed against the wall. When you turned to look at him he was asleep.
“Well, so much for waiting” Kiri laughed before walking out of the hut.
You watched her retreating form and turned back to Neteyam. You knelt down beside him and looked at him. He looks so calm, his chest rising and falling. You brushed away the braid that fell on his face. You chuckled, he really did need his hair done. You sighed and got up.
You felt a hand snap onto your wrist. You jumped and looked down. Neteyam was looking at you through sleepy eyes.
“Ah, I'm sorry. I dozed off but I'm ready.” he's sat up quickly and started to undo the beads.
You knelt down slowly. His back to you.
“Okay, lay back when you're ready.” you twirled your own braid around your finger. (Play song)
You noticed movement and Neteyamms strong back was coming down toward you. His head hit your thighs and his eyes peered up at you. He was so handsome. You licked your lips nervously and started to get to work.
“Y/n..” Neteyam started but stopped. You didn't acknowledge it. Didn't ask for him to repeat himself. You didn't want to talk. You wanted to enjoy the feeling of him being yours. Or pretending he's yours.
Neteyam closed him eyes and took a deep breath. Your fingers felt great, but he couldn't shake the weight on his chest. He hated this tension. Usually when you did his hair it was non stop laughing, you slapping him to stay still. He missed it. He missed you. He opened his mouth again.
“Kiri talked my ear off, I'll let you know when I'm done.” you said quietly not giving him a chance to speak.
He gave you a tight smile and closed his eyes again.
“Done.” you finally spoke after almost an hour. His hair was longer than Kiri’s. He didn't respond. He's asleep again. You shook his shoulder gently.
His eyes fluttered open and a small smile started to form. He looked at you, you looked so pretty.
“Hi.” he then remembered he was in your lap and that you did his hair. He sat up quickly and stood up. You looked up at him with furrowed brows. Okay...
He blushed. Why did he do that? You had braided his hair thousands of times. He never felt nervous. It was probably the tension between the two of you. He was fixing that today.
“Y/n. I want to talk.” he sighed.
“Neteyam-” you huffed ready to shut him down.
“Not here. Come on” he grabbed your hand and led you towards the ikran. You whipped your hand away.
“Neteyam!” you whisper yelled. It was late in the afternoon. Na’vi roaming everywhere getting ready for dinner. What if Neriaya saw them holding hands?
“What? Come on.” Neteyam kept moving. You felt people looking at you, so you followed him. Not wanting to cause a scene.
You landed your ikran next to Neteyam’s, you were fuming. How dare he. How dare you push this conversation on you.
“What is wrong with you?!” you yelled at him as soon as your feet hit the ground marching toward him.
“Me? What's wrong with you!” he yelled back. He was frustrated. This wasn't him.
“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell.” he immediately felt bad. He never yelled at you.
“I didn't want to talk right now! Why are you doing this? You have other things to worry about right now.” your voice softened at every sentence. No longer mad. Just sad and frustrated. You were tired of hurting.
He walked forward and grabbed your hands. Bending his neck down a little to look you in the eyes, his hair brushing your wrists.
“Y/n right now I need you more than ever. You're my best friend. I need your support right now.”
A confused expression passed along your face that turned into exhaustion, eyebrows bunching together.
“Neteyam. I-I’m sorry but I can't be there for you with this.” you tried to yank your hands away but his grip held you.
He shook his head side to side, mouth dropping open a little.
“Y/n, everything was fine between us. What happened? I feel like you're keeping your distance, like you don't want to be around me. You're my best friend.” His voice dropped low, he swallowed hard getting emotional.
You couldn't take it anymore. You couldn't hear the word best friend again. Your knees buckled. Neteyam caught you, lowering to his knees as well. His eyes widened.
“Neteyam please.” your voice cracked, and your head was low. Shielding your face from him.
“Please don't ask this of me. You cannot ask for this.” the weight of carrying all these feelings was finally catching up to you, it was too much. It was just spilling all out.
He pulled you to his chest when you started crying but you used your arms to create distance. Your hands pushing against his shoulders.
“Y/n talk to me.” you couldn't help him? You couldn't be there for him with his mate?
“I can't do this anymore Nete.” his heart broke hearing his nick name. He missed it.
“I can't help you, or be around you or even go to the ceremony.” tears spilled over your cheeks. He tried to force your head up but you shook him off and continued. He was lost.
“I- I wish that I could've told you how I felt and if only you knew how it breaks my heart, it breaks my heart to know you love Neriaya.” you looked up at him finally. His eyes were cloudy with tears as well. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Did this mean you..?
“Y/n are you saying?” his voice was shaky. He felt his entire world flip upside down. “Y/n-”
You cut him off.
“So no. No Neteyam. I cannot be there for you. Because the way that I feel about you. Is how you feel about her.” you wiped tears from your face and stood up.
He stood up with you, his hands still attached to your forearms.
“I -Y/n... This is.. I don't-” He stuttered. He was so thrown off. You? You loved him?
“You don't have to say anything. You are going to be mated to Neriaya. That's okay. I want you to be happy. But I won't do it Neteyam. I won't break what is left of my heart for you.” you were numb. You felt as if you had poured all the emotion you had left out to him.
“Why didn't you ever..why didn't you tell me?” Neteyam couldn't stop staring at you. He always thought you were beautiful but did he see you as his mate? Did he have feelings for you? The same way he felt about Neriaya? Did he even love Neriaya?
Because how he felt in this moment. This is what he would describe heartbreak to be. Your tear-stained face. Puffy eyes. The weight of your words. He was losing you. He was losing his best friend. He was losing you forever.
“Neteyam, you've always looked at Neriaya. Always drawn to her. I knew and I thought being your best friend would be enough but it's not.” your tone was flat. It scared him, some emotion was better than none. He hated this. He hated that he made you feel this way.
“Y/n, please let's talk about this.” he was desperate. He didn't know if he truly had feelings for you but he knew he didn't want to lose you. He wanted you as close as possible at the moment. He didn't want you to walk away. Not from him.
He didn't think. He just pulled you to his arms.
You went from zero emotion to one hundred emotions to then only one. Anger.
“Enough!” you yelled. “Enough! Enough!” you pounded on his chest forcing him to let you go.
“Neteyam enough. No more. There is no saving this. There is no fixing this. There is no us!“
He let you go and you instantly put distance between the two of you stepping back.
“Y/n please. Yes, we can. We can fix this.” He held his arms out as he talked.
“Do you have feelings for me?” your voice was barely above a whisper. But somehow he heard you. He just stared at you.
“Well?” you raised an eyebrow. You really like to torture yourself.
“I-I don't know.” his arms dropped to his sides.
“Neteyam.” you took a step towards him. A small one but enough for you to be able to see those beautiful eyes.
“I see you. I love you. And because of that I can't do the best friend thing with you. Enough. Please” and with that, you turned around and jumped on your ikran. Just like that day a couple of weeks ago. You wiped the tears from your eyes except this time It was a lot more painful.
Neteyam collapsed to his knees. Head in his hands. He had lost you. He started to cry. How was he going to fix this? He knew he needed you. He needed you to survive. But did he have feelings for you?
Sorry! Don’t hate me! I just was so inspired by this song. Should I make a part two? I'm also working on 2 other requests so to the people who requested them, they are in the works don't worry.
PART 2 is finally up!
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strniohoeee · 7 months
Matt with a gf who likes to paint and read, and since so many people compare Matt to Flynn rider they dress up as Flynn and Rapunzel for Halloween. A little smutty if you want 🤭
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Matt and Y/N are dating, he loves how artsy and cute she is. And they decided to go to a costume party as Rapunzel and Flynn. 💐
Warnings⚠️: Suggestive parts, but no sex in this one😙
Song for the imagine: K.- Cigarettes After Sex
Flower, gleam and glow
Let your powers shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine
Heal what has been hurt
It was such a beautiful day today, and I was getting a little tired of spending it cooped up in the house. Matt and his brothers were still sleeping as expected it was 7AM.
I decided to get up and do my morning routine before making myself coffee. I sat in the living room opening the curtains to let the warm light in as the sun was finishing rising. The sky, beautiful tinges of orange and blue. This feeling made me all emotional and happy.
I sat down facing the window as I sipped my coffee sitting in silence. I was listening to the birds chirping and the wind rustle through the palm trees. So sad that we take advantage of such simple things like this.
I got up to make myself a bagel when I realized I purchased a book yesterday. As my bagel toasted I walked into Matt’s room, tip-toeing over to the bag on the desk pulling out my book.
I walked back over to the kitchen as I put my bagel together and went back over to the couch. As I ate I read my book “A stolen life” . It was a true story about a girl getting kidnapped and escaping about 20 years later. It was good, but it was so sad
After eating I washed my dishes, and decided to put my book back in the room. Then I remembered I was painting yesterday out in the yard
I headed out back with a cup of water to clean my brush and some paper towels. I connected my phone to the speaker as I began to finish my painting.
This feeling was everything to me. The cool air around me, the beautiful morning sky, the birds chirping, no cars on the road. I was actually painting a picture of a sunrise. Matt always told me he’s never awake for one, so I wanted to paint him one super realistically, so he’d always have a sunrise to wake up to.
K. By Cigarettes After Sex started playing, and immediately a smile grew on my face. This was the first song Matt and I ever listened to and it was on our first date. So weird how the timing was.
I was singing along lowly as I painted when I heard the side door open. Turning my head I smiled at Matt.
“Morning sunshine” I said laughing
“How are you up so early?” He asked rubbing his eye and walking over to me
“I’m not too sure, but I just wanted to see the beautiful morning sky” I said continuing to paint
“You’re odd, I love that” he said laughing and pulling me in for a kiss
“I love you too” I said pulling away from the kiss and rolling my eyes playfully
“And our songs playing” he said smiling down
“Timing is so strange right” I said continuing to paint
“It is, what are you painting?” He asked standing behind me
“A sunrise for you. Since you told me you’re never awake for one I thought I’d paint you one to hang up in your room. And then this way you’ll always wake up to a sunrise” I said
“How’d I get so lucky, this shit makes me fall in love with you more and more” he said wrapping his hands around my waist and leaning his head on my shoulder
“Matttt” I said blushing
“What it’s the truth” he said pulling away
“My beautiful talented girlfriend who paints sentimental things for me I LOVE IT” he yelled the last part
“Shhh” I said laughing and covering his mouth
“Would you ever paint me?” He asked pulling me in and looking in my eyes
“You know I’d love that actually I haven’t painted a person since high school art class” I said looking back at him
“Mmm I have the perfect set up” he said
“Oh yeah and that is?” I said leaning in and kissing him
“Me nude surrounded by plants and shit like a Greek god” he said after pulling away from the kiss
“Mmmm I don’t know that I’ll be able to focus” I said trailing my hands down his arms
“Too much for you?” He asked with a smirk
“You know you’re too much for me” I said alluding to his size
“Ouuu my ego baby, just grew” he said clutching his heart
“I’ll consider it though, I like that idea” I said snaking my hands over his shoulders and pulling him in for a hug
Matts hands started trailing down my back and to my ass squeezing slightly.
“Behave Matt” I said looking at him
“On my best behavior” he said winking
“Don’t forget the costume parties tonight” he said pulling away
“Oh my gosh yes how could I forget” I said pulling away
“Do you have your whole costume?” He asked me
“Of course I do Matt I’m not an amateur” I said cleaning up my brushes and getting ready to head inside
“Flynn and Rapunzel” Matt said
“Except I don’t have the long blonde hair like Rapunzel” I said laughing
“Doesn’t matter you’re Rapunzel in my eyes” he said smiling at me
“And they say chivalry is dead” I said grasping my heart
Matt rolled his eyes and pulled me in for a kiss. It slowly became heated as his hands ran down my back and gripped my ass. His lips moved down to my jawline and then my neck.
“Oh Matt” I sighed out as I tilted my head back
“I love you so much, I can’t control myself” he said pulling away
I ran my hands through his hair as he came back in to make out with me. I was about to sit him down on a lawn chair and get to business but we were cut off
“AHEM” we both heard and we broke apart looking over
“Oh….hi Chris” I said smiling
“I come out to feel the breeze and enjoy the light and what do I get? My brother and his girl about to get busy” he said
“Chris shut the fuck up we were not about to do anything” Matt says rolling his eyes
“Yeah yeah whatever I know what my eyes saw” he said walking back into the house
“My own brother…..a cockblocker” Matt said pulling away and sighing
I just laughed and began to clean up my stuff before we headed inside.
Matt and I spent most of the day laying around, cleaning up, chilling with his brothers and I cooked some lunch for them.
Matt actually forced all of us to watch Tangled in light of our costume idea. His brothers found it corny, but I found it funny.
The house party started at 9, and Matt and I were currently getting ready. I finished my hair and makeup and decided to get dressed
I put on the purple corset with the purple short skirt and my white heels, I grabbed my plushy chameleon and put my crown on
I stepped out into Matt’s room from the bathroom
“Thoughts?” I asked spinning for him
“Wow” was all he said as he looked at me
“Starstruck?” I asked him
“Very, you look so fucking good” he said
“You look hot too as Flynn” I said walking over to him
“We could ditch the party” he said giving me a sly smile
“No Matt we’re not ditching the party” I said rolling my eyes
He pulled me in by my waist looking down at me before smashing his lips to mine. Slowly turning it onto a make out session as he let his hand rest on my neck
I pulled away before looking at him
“Matt my lip gloss” I said pouting
“Oh please” he said rolling his eyes
I smirked at him before pulling him in for another kiss. My hands raking through his hair.
“Okay no more or I won’t control myself” he said pulling away
“Awww but I was enjoying it” I said pouting and running my hand down to his dick lightly squeezing
“WOAH OKAY” he said pulling away
I smirked at him before stepping away. I reapplied my lipgloss and we decided to take pictures for his Instagram.
We stood infront of his mirror as he snaked his arm around my back gripping my ass.
“Mr. Handsy” I said giggling
“Says you” he said back
We snapped a few pictures and he posted some on his story
We decided to head out with his brothers and went over to the party. We enjoyed ourselves the whole night. Occasionally teasing each other with lingering touches and frisky dance moves.
“Want to head upstairs?” Matt asked me
“Sure lover boy” I responded
Matt and I made our way up to an empty room shutting the door behind us. He immediately smashed his lips to mine back tracking us to the bed.
Matt sat down and I sat next to him as we continued to make out.
“I need you” Matt whispered
I nodded and slowly moved my hand down to his dick palming him through his pants as he whimpered out.
“So good to me” he said letting his head fall back
I began to kiss down his neck as I palmed him. I went to unzip his pants when the door busted open
“OH SHIT SORRY GUYS” some random guy said before slamming the door shut
Matt and I sighed….the mood immediately being ruined
“I guess we’ll have to wait till we’re home” he said
“Yeah” I said giggling
Matt pecked my lips one more time before we got up and headed out to enjoy the party.
That night when we got home we finally had some much waited alone time.
The End
Hiiii hope you guys enjoyed this one. I got two more stories to write before I open my requests. I LOVE YALLLLL🤭🖤🖤🖤
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autisticlenaluthor · 8 days
Hi, my name is Rory, I’m going to the Eras Tour in Amsterdam on July 5th and if you guys could somehow help me get this to @taylorswift / @taylornation - it would mean so much to me
Three years ago, I went from being perfectly healthy, to watching my body and my health rapidly deteriorate. My entire world got turned upside down— I lost the ability to eat, drink, and even stand for more than a few minutes.
I don't remember much from when I first got sick. But I know I listened to Mr Perfectly Fine on a loop almost every day because it was the only song that could capture how I felt. I've known and loved Taylor's music since I was six-years-old and first heard the album Fearless. i remember the first song I ever heard (love story) like it was yesterday; but somewhere during that time, her music became like therapy for me.
Since 2021, I've been diagnosed with three incurable diseases. two of these are rare, and one is predicted to only get worse with time. I've spent countless days inpatient on the peds floor receiving treatment, tests, and surgeries. And through all of it-- I've leaned heavily on Taylor's music.
My mom bought our Era's tour tickets last summer during the Europe pre-sale. I was in the hospital at the time and immediately told all of my nurses, doctors, dietitians and basically anyone who came into my room, that a year from then, i'd be seeing taylor swift. Whenever I could get out of bed, I was in the playroom with my child life specialists, making friendship bracelets to give out to other Swifties at the show. The thought of going to the Eras Tour singlehandedly kept me going through the hardest time of my life. And it's kept me going ever since.
Months later, I was hospitalized again, right before the release of 1989 TV. I'd been admitted the day after seeing The Eras Tour Movie in theaters (I was in theater 13, row 13!!) and I remember being so relieved that I hadn't had to miss it.
I had become known by most of the nurses as "the Taylor Swift girl” and the night before another procedure, I stayed up until midnight with everyone else so I could listen to 1989 TV. Hearing those songs-- I felt the happiest I'd been in so long. I felt normal again. I was sick and I was alone but I was connected to every other person who'd stayed up with me and that feeling was indescribable.
Taylor gave that to me, and so much more.
Over the course of my journey, I've listened to Sparks Fly to keep me calm while my doctors inserted feeding tubes down my nose. Whenever I have to be put under anesthesia, I have a nurse put her music on shuffle so I can listen to it as I fall asleep. When I had my big surgery in December, the last thing I remember was Bad Blood playing in the OR and saying "this is a funny song to have surgery to".
All of this is to say, Taylor has given me strength and hope during the worst part of my life, and she continues to do so. Her music is truly everything to me and getting to go the the Era's Tour is already a dream come true on it's own. And if it's possible - being able to receive the 22 hat and give Taylor a friendship bracelet would make all of that pain feel worth it. It would mean everything to me.
if you could reblog this and tag @taylorswift and @taylornation I'd appreciate that so much!! thank you to everyone whose read this far, and everyone whose shared this <3
also if anyone is interested, I included some pics of the mentioned moments below the cut!
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seeing the eras tour movie the day before having to be admitted, and then making friendship bracelets for tour in the hospital
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the mirrorball is hung in my room for good luck
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the bracelets i’d started making in the hospital, right after getting the tickets
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and the day of the 1989 TV release - id stayed up until midnight to listen to the album, and then had my anesthesiologist play ‘Style’ for me to play while they put me out for my procedure
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wolffwish · 1 year
More Than Just A Short Time
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Warnings: Distressed reader, miscarriage, mentions of anxiety, panic attack, soft!Toto x reader,
A/N: Personal experience used here, so please be understanding. 2022 was the worst year of my life, losing a baby and my fiancé within 3 months of eachother. I’ve been wanting to write something for months, to try and help me cope with my emotions. This hasn’t been spell checked, I literally have finished it and pressed post. So please bear with me if there’s any mistakes or it’s not that great, or sonically cohesive. It’s literally a coping mechanism. I’ve also tried to incorporate Taylor Swift’s “Bigger Than The Whole Sky” as that song has bought me a lot of comfort. Thank you so much for reading and I hope soft Toto brings you comfort if you need it ♥️ my inbox is open to anyone if you need to talk about anything.
It’s been a long 5 days without Toto, and your physical health was declining by the hour. Your period was the heaviest it had ever been, but you didn’t want to tell Toto, because everyone has periods and usually, they’re nothing to worry about.
Toto knew you were struggling physically, and had been the ever-supporting husband that you could’ve dreamed of. Virtually working instead of heading into the office, skipping races and rescheduling meetings or holding them online— to the point where he’d be sitting on the bed with his laptop perched on his lap on Zoom with people at Brackley, with you sleeping next to him and him not taking his hand off of your head once, constantly stroking it to ease your pain.
He was away in Bahrain for first race of the season and it was the longest amount of time he’d been for a few months. You hadn’t been feeling that great in the lead up to him leaving, a bit run down and not your usual self, extremely tired and incredibly nauseous. You just assumed it was your birth control playing up again.
It was Sunday. Race day. You were feeling rough, and after yesterday’s ordeal in the ER followed by a strict instruction for bed rest and preferably someone with you, all you wanted to do was curl up on the couch, watch the race and wait for your man to come home.
You hadn’t been contacting him much over the past 4 days, mainly just good morning and good night texts, as you knew he was going to be flat out busy with media, meetings and all the other stuff that goes with the job he’d worked so hard for.
11am. You heard your phone ping, with his specific text tone and notification lighting up your screen.
💬 1 New Message: Toto🐺♥️ — Liebling, I have a free half hour. Can you talk? We need to talk.
“We need to talk”? You read it three times, making sure you were reading it right. Need? Panic sets in. Usually, when anybody receives a message of “We need to talk.”, ending abruptly with a full stop, that’s never a good sign, right? Right.
Before you could even start typing, he was ringing. Accidentally, you pressed the green answer button, steadily putting the phone to your ear.
“Hello?” - your voice broke as you awaited his response.
🐺 “Schatzi? Is that you?”
“What do you mean, is it me? You rang my mobile?”
🐺 “Oh. Thank god. I had a missed call from the hospital, they left a message asking me how you were after yesterday. I didn’t— what happened yesterday, I didn’t know you wen—“
“Oh my god, are you kidding?! They rang you?”
Anger that started in your stomach was slowly making its way up your body, flushing your red cheeks and making your hands grip the phone tighter. You were checked into the ER yesterday after having what you thought was a 3 day long, heavy and extremely painful period. You had to call the ambulance because you were bleeding so heavily you couldn’t control anything, and started to feel dizzy and weak. With nobody around, and Toto working, you had nobody to call.
🐺 “Come on baby, talk to me. Why did you visit the ER?”
You paused. You didn’t know what to say to him, but neither did you want to lie. You knew as soon as the ER nurse asked if you’d had any morning sickness or previous experiences of dark red heavy periods that this wasn’t just a period. You were having a miscarriage, not even knowing you were pregnant.
🐺 “Liebling? Whatever it is, you can tell me. It doesn’t matter that I’m here, ok? You are my priority, just let me in.”
“I can’t tell you over the phone, Toto. I’m sorry. Just concentrate on the race, and I’ll see you later. I love y—“
🐺 “No Schatzi, baby please, I can’t concentrate unless you tell me what’s going on.”
You knew that he wasn’t going to give in. Tears started filling your eyes and the pit of your stomach started knotting. Emotions got the better of you, your breathing started to get shorter and faster, even though you were trying to disguise every bit of it, so you didn’t make him panic even more. But you just couldn’t do it. You fell apart. You needed him, now more than ever.
“I’m sorry, Toto. I didn’t know. You know I’m on birth control, it was just a heavy period, and then the nurses started asking all these questions about morning sickness and the colour of it and they rigged me up to the machine and started doing all these scans and I was really scared and I didn’t know what to do and then they kept apologising to me and I was in such a state I didn’t know what they were talking about until they— until they said it wasn’t a heavy period, and I’d lost—“
That was it. Uncontrollable tears streamed from your eyes as you relived the worst day of your life all over again, for the millionth time. Hysteria creeping in and your adrenaline winning, you began to shake. You’d been reliving every second of it since you got home, and it took a lot of persuasion for you to the nurses to let you home on your own. But they all knew your situation, they all knew Toto and who he was, so they made an exception. You didn’t think they’d call him.
🐺 “Oh my go—, baby, I’m so sorry. Shit. I should’ve been there, I knew you weren’t right when I left, but I had no idea it could be this—“
“Don’t apologise Toto please, it’s not your fault, I just, I can’t wait to see you later. Please try and just do the race and I’ll be here when you get home.”
🐺 “I don’t care about the race Schatz, baby. I’m coming home now. I’m walking to Rosa right now, she’ll get me on the next flight darling. Hold tight for me, ok?”
You didn’t want to ruin his day like this, especially the first race, but you were done fighting with yourself.
“Ok.” - through tears streaming and sniffles of your nose to try and control your breathing, a simple ‘ok’ was the last thing you said to Toto before dropping the phone on the bed. You’d almost been in denial about the whole thing, and saying it all out loud made it more real. You pulled your legs to your chest, your body still screaming in pain from miscarrying, back pains so intense you feel like your spine is on fire and a headache strong enough to make you squint at any view of light.
You could hear the television in the background, the race build up had started and you began watching it hoping it would distract you from everything that was happening in your head at that very moment.
The grid walk started, and Martin Brundle was desperately searching around for Toto to ask him where he thinks the two Mercs’ we’re going to finish today’s race. He eventually came across Shov, who was ready for an interview.
MB: “I was hoping to talk to your boss, any idea where I can find him?”
AS: “He’s had to rush off, personal matter, so won’t be able to watch the race today, but I can answer any questions you may have - just not with as much Austrian flare as he does!” he tried to laugh and distract from the situation- but you knew social media was about to blow up.
A few hours passed, and the sheer emotional state you were in made you fall asleep at some point during the race. You woke up as the podium ceremony started, that damn Dutch national anthem again. You flicked over the channels and started watching some random nature show about birds. Anything but that damn podium.
Anxiously waiting for Toto to arrive, you kept drifting off to sleep, losing track of the time, until you heard a key in the door and footsteps running up the stairs.
“Schatzi, where are you baby? I’m ho—“
The bedroom door swung open and there he was, still dressed in his white button down shirt and black trousers, so damn handsome. Your man was home.
“Toto, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Tears streaming, you sat up on the bed, trying to adjust your body to a position you weren’t in pain.
“Baby, it’s okay. Come here, little one.” Toto softly sat down in front of you, cupping your face in both hands and softly brushing the tears on your cheeks away with the pad of his thumbs. “I’m so sorry, baby. I’m so sorry.” He brought his lips up to your forehead, pressing the most gentle kiss just above your left eyebrow, muffling the words “Let go baby, I’m here now. Just let it all out.”
The reassuring words from Toto meant every single emotion waved over you like a tsunami, and you fell apart in his arms. The tears came streaming down your face as you leant forward into him. You adjusted your body so you were sitting side aways on his lap, legs resting on the bed and head resting in his shoulder. His arms wrapped around you like he was protecting the world, his gentle touches making you feel safer than you’d ever felt.
“Let’s get you into bed properly, baby, get you more comfortable.” Without hesitation, Toto stood up with you in his arms as he gently walked around the bed, making sure not to walk into any furniture or make any sudden movements. He slowly leant down, to lay you on his side of the bed. He grabbed a blanket, took his shirt and trousers off, walked round to the other side of the bed and got in with you.
“Are you comfortable? Do you need to move?” He asked as you started rolling over as he got into the bed beside you.
“I can’t get comfy, it’s so frustrating, everything hurts and I can’t move without feeling like I’m making a mess everywhere, it’s horrible.”
“Hey hey baby, it’s okay, don’t cry. It doesn’t matter if there’s mess, we can clean it up, okay? Come here, lay here.” He perched himself up on the headboard, his bare chest gleaming in the night light that was the only light on in the room. The smell of him just felt like home. Lightly tapping his torso, he helped you lay your head on his chest, right on his heart. You moved your arm over his toned tummy, slightly tapping your fingers over the grooves of his muscles.
“There we go baby, you just lay there and relax now. It’s okay, I’ve got you my girl.”
A few minutes of silence passed as Toto gently run his fingers through your hair, up and down your back and over your shoulder.
“Yes, baby? What is it?”
“We’re never gonna meet her.”
You didn’t know if it was a girl or a boy, but your initial thought was it was a girl. You don’t know why. It’d been playing on your mind all day whenever you caught yourself thinking about what would’ve been, what could’ve been and what should’ve been.
A deep breath came from the pits of his stomach as he saw your heart break in front of him.
“I know darling, I know. But look…” he pointed out towards the night sky, a sky full of stars. A sky so beautiful, that you would’ve thought you’d made it up.
“She’s up there. She knows you’re looking at her. Hey, she’s that really bright one, look” he points to a specific star, that is, quite literally, the brightest one in the sky. “She’s bigger than the whole sky, isn’t she?” he looks down at you, as you’d cocked your head to see the star he was talking about. Making eye contact, one side of his mouth turned into a slight smile, as he leant down to kiss you on the lips. “I love you, little one.”
You kissed him back, finally feeling like a weight had been lifted off of your shoulders now he was home.
“I love you too, Papi.”
He smiled down at you again, bringing his hand up to the side of your face and gently guiding your head to lay on his chest. You heard him snuffle, and felt a teardrop on hairline where your hair meets your forehead.
“Toto?” You looked up at him, tears in his eyes as he looked out of the window.
He responded immediately. “It’s okay, baby. I’m okay, I’m just so sorry I wasn’t here.”
“Don’t be sorry, I’m sorry for not telling you when it happened. I just didn’t want to pull you away from work and—“
“Baby listen to me. You are my world, ok? Nothing is more important than you. I would sail the seven oceans to be with you in a heartbeat. Don’t ever think anything is more important than you, Schatz. I love you so much it hurts.”
He looked down at you again, kissing the top of your head and stroking your hair. “You can rest now, baby. Daddy’s got you.”
You closed your eyes and felt your entire body relax into the indentation of his body, and sunk into the bed with him. The soft strokes of his hands over your arms, hair and back brought you more comfort than you’d ever felt before, and the sound of his slow controlled breathing meant your breathing started syncing with his. You both drifted off to sleep, holding each other close. His arms wrapped around you, you laying on his chest.
This was home. He was home. He is your home.
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mywrittings · 2 years
whiny / eddie munson
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𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎: It was a ritual that after Eddie's gig you would come and stay at his place. After certain persistent questions from you, you found out that Eddie is a virgin and take his virginity.
𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉: 4.6k+
𝓌𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈:  18+ ONLY! kissing, handjob, blowjob, cum eating, grinding, pussy eating, unprotected sex... (Eddie is a very shy and whiny boy when you fuck him)
a/n: Oh boy. The amount of s m u t scenarios I have for this man... In my other ones I wrote how he's saying to you all of these dirty things and how good he yk... but I think it's time for a whiny Eddie Munson version of a story. I really hope you enjoy this one. ALSO I have uploaded this story yesterday but it's not showing up in tags? So I'm giving it another go.
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Eddie’s band had yet another small gig and you were backstage, watching him perform. You had gotten so used to this so-called ‘rockstar life’ even though both of you were still in high school. But his band had stuck together since being in middle school and as of right now they were the most popular band in Hawkins.
That is also the way you met him. You heard how there’s this band playing that would usually only get a handful of people; mostly drunks. So your curiosity got the best of you and you went to see them. What they said about the crowd was right but the music, vocals, lyrics… now that was something that they didn’t tell you. 
You stayed for the whole show and Eddie at the end came up to you, thanking you for coming before realizing you’re actually going to the same highschool. Ever since that day you kept attending their gigs and actually thanks to you for spreading the word, more and more people would come. That’s how you two became friends and Eddie has been thankful to you since day one.
He’d always take you with him, you’d stay backstage and sometimes hop in the crowd to take a photo, capturing all memorable moments. It was fun being his friend but also getting to see him live out his dream. He belonged on that stage, he was made for it. That was clashing with school a lot of times but you’d help him and by your help, he’d pass the tests. 
As soon as he bows one final time to the audience and returns backstage, he says, "My place?"
‘’You bet,’’ you reply, hugging him.
‘’Let me just get my stuff.’’ he says as he rushes by you into one of the rooms where he kept his belongings.
Once he got ready you both headed to his car where you drove to his trailer. It was sort of a ritual for you to come and hang out at his place when the concert finished. Either way, you’d hang out but there hasn’t been a day that you wouldn’t crash in his bed after his band had performed. Eddie would boast about how amazing it felt to sing in front of such a large crowd. Each time they’d put up a date for their gig more and more people would come. You’d talk about things like that or watch him come up with new lyrics for a song.
‘’I think tonight we should watch a movie,’’ Eddie suggests as he unlocks the door to his trailer ‘’you deserve a night without me rambling about tonight.’’ he turns his head to you and laughs 
‘’No what? Eddie, I love hearing you talk about your dreams.’’ you object as he opens the door, letting you go in first. 
‘’As I said you are my favorite person.’’ you hear him say behind you
His uncle wasn’t home which wasn’t unusual. Eddie had the trailer all to himself most of the time and thanks to you it was always clean. It’s not like he wasn’t tidy, it's just that sometimes in the rush, the place turns into something that you can’t find the word to. 
Eddie places his guitar back on the wall in his room and joins you on the couch, where you had already prepared two cans of beer and some random snacks you had found. 
‘’Is there just two beers? That’s impossible.’’ he gasps as he sees the table and walks over to the fridge. As soon as he opens it his eyes twinkle and you roll your eyes, grabbing at the tv remote.
‘’Did you see the girls in the crowd today? They were going crazy over you.’’ the crowd tonight was probably the craziest yet. The girls were screaming Eddie’s name over and over again for him to notice them and the things they were yelling were… let’s just say interesting. But you didn’t blame them one bit, Eddie was a handsome fucking guy. He looked like a rockstar in every aspect. 
‘’Oh, well I’m glad they enjoy my music.’’ he humbly says as he grabs the rest of the beers before coming back to you on the sofa.
‘’I don’t think that was the only reason they were going wild.’’ you reach for the can and open it while shifting your eyes to him. Eddie looks to you and sees you pointing to him, which causes him to point to himself as well. He raises his eyebrows, very much confused at first.
‘’B-because of me? Oh please Y/n.’’ he motions with his hand that you were speaking nonsense and snatches the remote out of your hand.
‘’Stop it, Eddie. I’m surprised you haven’t ditched me yet and brought one of them home.’’ 
‘’Why would I do that?’’ he doesn’t take his eyes off the tv while you turn your full body to him, leaning one of your arms on the sofa and scooting up more.
‘’To have sex with them?’’ a few seconds before that he had opened up the beer and went to take a sip but as soon as you said that he bursts and almost chokes on the drink.
‘’Are you crazy? I’m not playing in a band to have sex with girls.’’ luckily the beer only got a bit on his jeans the rest of it was spilled on the floor. 
‘’Well yes but you never thought one of them was super sexy you just had to fuck her?’’ you poke again, seeing a napkin on the table and you pass it to him.
‘’No.’’ he shortly replies, as he’s wiping the spilled beer.
‘’You’re lying. I think you had one here the other day.’’ you take a sip of the beer before setting it down on the table as Eddie whips his head and raises his eyebrow. 
You were with him probably 99% of the time, in school and outside of it of course but still there could be that 1% of which he doesn’t tell you where he goes or rather who visits his trailer. 
‘’What? You always come with me after the show, I think you would’ve seen her then.’’ he gawks, his voice was taut almost as if he was nervous.
‘’Not after the show but the next day maybe.’’ now you were sitting with your legs crossed as well as your arms, observing him.
‘’Oh god Y/n. No, I did not fuck any girls and also how would I fuck a girl when I have never fucked a girl.’’
‘’Bullshit, Eddie I’ve seen the stains on your bed.’’  which was an utter shock to you but you didn’t even ask him about it at that time.
‘’Those were mine.’’ he quietly says and buries his head in his hands. You begin laughing because he clearly had forgotten you had seen that but once you quit laughing you ask ‘’So you like jerking off?’’ Eddie doesn’t take his hands off of his face and just mumbles something back.
‘’I can’t hear you.’’ you lean forward to where his face was, you knew he was burning up by now. 
‘’Yes, I do! Is that what you wanted to hear huh? Also yes, I have never fucked a girl, never put my dick in a pussy before, only got my dick sucked once at it was horrible!’’ he yells as he finally takes his hands off ‘’So there, happy now?’’ he was heavily breathing once all of that came out of him and you just stared at him. 
‘’Okay relax geez,  I was just curious because we’ve never talked about things like that yet.’’ 
Eddie squints his eyes and takes a big gulp out of the beer before he smashes it and throws it somewhere on the floor. It got quiet for a second only the soft sound of the tv playing in the background but even that wasn’t helping. 
‘’What do you mean it was horrible?’’ you ask because you were curious.
‘’Well when she was doing it, sometime after I sensed her teeth and I just pushed her away and left.’’ he explains, looking at you and before you know it both of you were laughing loudly. 
‘’Oh my god Eddie! You pushed her away?’’ your hand flies to your mouth as you gasped, Eddie was holding at his stomach nodding profusely. 
‘’Yeah, I didn’t know what to do. I felt bad for telling her that I was in pain and also I thought that maybe she’d ask me to fuck her which I didn’t want, so I just bolted out.’’ 
Your laugh suddenly quiets down, your sight was set on Eddie and your mind was consumed with certain thoughts. You bite your tongue at the end as it was in between your teeth before licking your lips. Eddie sees that you weren’t saying anything and waves his hand in front of your face.
‘’Hello? Are you okay?’’ he keeps waving his hand until you grab it and put it underneath your shirt on your breast.
Eddie’s eyes widen, he swallows harshly once you gripped your hand on top of his, signaling for him to do the same. 
‘’What are you…’’  he was astounded as you continued squeezing both of your hands. Then you gradually moved to the other one, doing the same thing. 
‘’If you want me to stop, just tell me.’’ you whisper but Eddie doesn’t respond. Suddenly you feel him grab your breast, gently kneading it. His other hand joins it, attaching it to the other tit as you let go, letting him do it on its own. 
He was avoiding your eye contact, focused on his movements. His touch was pleasant, his many rings coming in contact with your flesh every now and then. The bra was in the way because you couldn’t fully feel him but his touch was irresistible anyways.
You shift closer to him, placing your hand on his thigh, rubbing it up and down. Eddie fidgets and you sense his hands shaking, once you add more friction and get dangerously close to his crotch. Untying his belt and pulling down his zipper, you place the palm of your hand on top of his cock; which was already tense. 
‘’Holy shit.’’ he grunts as you palm him through his underwear a few times and after you take each of his hands and place them by his sides, before lightly pushing his chest, leaning him back. 
‘’Eddie, I can show you how to properly fuck a girl,’’ you whip your t-shirt over your head, leaving you now only in your bra ‘’and how you should’ve gotten your cock sucked.’’ you unclasp your bra, throwing both on the floor.
His eyes shift to your exposed tits, a flush of red appearing on his cheeks as you come closer, lifting his chin up. He at last looks you in the eyes and you gently caress his chin, while pressing your lips against his but not kissing him yet. Your right hand dips back down, on top of his cock, gently dragging your nails across the length.
‘’I can stop if you want. ’’ you say against his lips and hear him gulp loudly
‘’N-no don’t stop.’’ he whispers and your hand sneaks in his underwear, making him throw his head back on the couch. He was so sensitive, every tiny small move you made, made him jerk in his place. 
You take your hair out of your way before attaching your lips on his neck. You kiss and nibble at his skin, causing him to moan. Then you take your lips off, as you begin ascending to your knees on the floor but pushing him closer to you. You grab at his pants and boxers, pulling them both down at the same time. 
Your pupils dilate once you see the size of his cock. It was long and thick, making you bite your lip. Dragging your hands up his thigh until one remained there, the other one grabbing him and begin jerking him. He spreads his arms out, as you see his Adam apple bob when he feels your touch. 
‘’Did she do this?’’ you question as you move your head closer, leaning over. You begin pecking the tip of his cock, slowly going all the way down to his balls. 
‘’N-no…’’ he whines as you lick his pink tip now, doing the same when you were kissing him
‘’And this?’’ you partially open up your mouth and suck the head of his cock. You didn’t fully take it in your mouth but just teased at the top. 
‘’Shit…no she didn’t…’’ he was whimpering, as you hungirly kept the tip in before you pushed your head down; he tasted so good. 
Hollowing your cheeks, you begin going back up and down again. You could taste his precum and coated his cock with it and your saliva. He was twitching, so sensitive as you were giving him a proper blowjob. Eddie was barely able to say anything, he was a mess. Whimpering and moaning, causing your pussy to throb.
‘’Look at me.’’ you say and once he begins watching you suck him off you chuckle ‘’Such a good boy.’’ 
Your hand joins your mouth and you start pumping him, while running the tip of your tongue in various directions just at his tip again. Then you spit as it trickles down not before you catch it with your tongue and spread it all over the size of his cock. You turn your head sideways and run just your lips across, as your hand now was by his balls. Cupping each in your hand, you gently tug and massage them, before giving them some love with your tongue as well.
‘’Fuck fuck fuck…I’m so close…’’ he croaks
‘’Cum for me then.’’ you tell him as you meet his eyes again
‘’What like in your mouth?’’ he asks and you nod ‘’You sure?’’ and you nod again, while still bobbing up and down. Eddie grabs your hair which was surprising because you didn’t think he would do something like that as he pumps a load in your mouth. He couldn’t stop pushing you down as you kept moving and you tasted how warm and salty his cum was. 
‘’Shit, you feel too good.’’ he praised you and suddenly he wasn’t that shy Eddie you knew of. 
As you take your mouth off, his cock plops out and you extend your tongue out, showing him his cum. He goes in to say something but when you swallow it, he bites on his finger, grunting loudly. 
‘’Fuck, you’re hot.’’ he was still trying to recover from exploding a big load, when you already stood up on your feet, taking your skirt off. For your panties you turn around and bend down, as you hear Eddie gasp in the back.  
You turn back and bend your knees, as you get up on the couch his legs now in between yours. His cock was still underneath you, cum all over and you grab a tissue, cleaning him off. Eddie was still huffing, he still wasn’t able to come to his senses. You could tell he suddenly got shy and you wanted to make him feel like he didn’t have to be so you leaned in and pecked him on his cheek.
‘’You can trust me Eddie. You don’t need to be shy around me.’’ you reassure him as you finish up cleaning. 
Afterwards you place both of your hands to the sides of his face. Both of your thumbs began caressing underneath his eyes ‘’Eddie, do you trust me?’’ you ask, when you feel his hands by the sides of your stomach. His eyes were a lot different now, they were soft but he was yearning for you. 
‘’Y-yeah.’’ he lightly squeezes your sides as you sway closer to his face.
‘’Can you kiss me?’’ you whisper and Eddie nods.
He kissed you first and the kiss was full of greed. The way he moved his lips against yours was impeccable. You could say you have never been kissed this good by someone. The rest of the guys you kissed would jam their tongue in your mouth and not even kiss your lips but eat your entire face. Not Eddie. He took his time when he was kissing you. His lips were damp, full of flavor as you kissed him back. It was such an erotic moment, he was practiclly fucking you with his mouth when he slipped in his tongue. But again he wasn’t harsh, he was slow and savored each kiss. 
‘’Do you want to touch my pussy?’’ you ask as he hums and as you are about to reach for his hand he places it directly on your pussy by himself. 
‘’Shit,’’ he mumbles ‘’you’re wet.’’
‘’Mmm, m’ wet because of you Eddie.’’  you could feel his fingers playing around in circles around your pussy and even if it was just a light touch, it was so hard not to whimper his name. 
‘’Is this good? Should I do something else?’’
‘’It’s perfect.’’  you incoherently say, as you bury his head in the crook of your neck. As your hands were wrapped around his head, your breathing hitched when you sensed his fingers rapidly rubbing in the center of your pussy. 
His lips were nipping at your neck, still very steadily. It was all so overwhelming and you found it difficult to not just sink yourself on his cock but you knew he still needed some time to get hard again. His lips then began shifting downwards to your breasts. You feel him look up and see him give attention to both of your nipples while still touching your pussy. He then stops for a short second, before licking around your breasts, followed by a kiss to your lips. 
‘’Does it feel good?’’ he rasps against your lips as you move the hair out of your face before collapsing your lips back onto his
At that moment you moved away and pushed him so that he was now laying on the sofa, his head slightly lifted against the handle of it. He was still wearing his shirt so you signal for him to take it off. Once it flies down to the floor you splay your hands along his chest, his chest that was full of tattoos. You lower yourself and begin kissing each one, Eddie’s hands go to the back of his head as you lightly peck one by one. 
Then you nuzzle yourself on his cock against the length and begin moving. All he could do is watch you because the way you pushed your hips, caused him to bite hard on his lip, grunting ‘fuck fuck fuck’ over and over again. Your soaked folds were covering his cock, your stomach was buzzing with excitement when you’d see him whimper. Your hands would go up and down his chest, noticing his skin prune up from your grinding and touching. 
Leaning forward you kiss his lips again ‘’Grab my ass.’’ as you instruct him and he grasps your ass cheeks, spreading them and tightly squeezing them. Both of your chests were sweaty, touching one another, your breasts slickly sliding up and down. 
‘’Are you getting hard again? Oh such a good boy.’’ his cock was hardening below you because you were not done with him. You wanted to show him how good it feels to have someone’s pussy around his cock, how it feels when it clenches around and senses every bit of it.
In that same position you look down, taking his cock and wavering it around the entrance. It was good enough to have him whine again. He was so needy and desperate waiting for you to do something. 
You raise your ass a bit, gaining access to your pussy and you place his cock in, aiding it as you watch it disappear into you. Eddie takes a sharp breath in once he feels the warmth of your pussy around him. 
‘’S-shit… your pussy, fuck.’’ he digs his fingers into your flesh, once you fully have his cock inside of you. Your pussy was squelching once you began fucking him. The momentum was slow, calm. You knew that if you moved any faster he’d cum in you and you wanted for him to enjoy the pleasures of getting fucked like this. 
‘’I want you closer.’’ you whisper seductively, making Eddie sit up and you straddle him. He automatically placed his hands back to your ass, yours were by his shoulders. Eddie wasn’t able to keep up with the things you were doing and that showed in the sounds he was making. But you loved it. Seeing him practically cry out for your touch was fulfilling. 
‘’Y-your pussy is so… t-tight…’’ 
‘’I can make it even tighter if you want.’’ you quietly said and didn’t even give him time to think before you squeezed your pussy and it drove him mad. He lets out a loud whine, causing you to repeat the action and Eddie loses it. His chest was rising and falling so fast that you thought he was going to burst. But of course you weren’t done yet.
As you stop moving Eddie throws his head back and you lift yourself up, his cock hitting his stomach when you take it out of your pussy. You pull him down, his head laying flat on the sofa and he was puzzled for a moment. But then you come up and place your pussy directly in front of his face. 
‘’Oh god Y/n… I don’t know how…’’ he begins but you lower yourself, feeling him mumble something against your pussy. 
‘’Eddie don’t think about it, just use your tongue like you used it on my tits.’’ 
That’s when you feel his tongue lick a flat strip along your pussy. His face was smeared already only from that one lick because of how soaked you were. ‘’M’m like this?’’ he mumbles against your pussy and you add friction, meaning you begin riding his face. 
‘’Use your tongue Eddie,’’ you grab a chunk of his hair once he only did the work with his mouth ‘’good boy.’’  you wanted to praise him, tell him what he was doing was right, he was your good little shy boy. You were holding yourself to the edge of that couch, scratching at the fabric when he found that spot. It was difficult to hold back your orgasm so you pulled away from him and tenderly kissed his lips. 
Switching the position once again you had him turn to his side as you did the same. He was behind you and you lifted your leg up, grabbing his cock and without any waiting put it inside of you. There were so many positions you wanted to do with him but you wanted to reward him. Instead of you moving, Eddie began slowly thrusting into you as you told him. You search for his hand and guide it to your pussy. 
‘’Play with my pussy like this.’’  you show him how to circle his fingers on the top of your pussy. Eddie obeys and begins moving only the tabs in smaller and larger circles. As you look back you see him lustfully gaze at you and you couldn’t help yourself but to kiss his lips. 
‘’Y/n… I… I’m s-sorry but I don’t think I’ll l-last much longer.’’ he was shaking, being in this position for the first time but he still knew how to curve his cock inside, your stomach interrupting with pools of fire. 
‘’That’s okay baby. You’ve been a good boy, I think you deserve to cum.’’  you softly moan, yourself also feeling the build up growing stronger as he was smacking his cock, balls deep in you. 
‘’A-are you gonna cum too? I don’t want to, if you’re not close yet.’’ he nervously whimpers and in that moment you move away from and have him sit just like before only this time he had his back against the sofa as you sink back on his cock. 
‘’You think I’m not close?’’ you ask as you place his hands on your hips, yours around his face. 
‘’Y-yeah I mean,’’ he shuts his eyes once you slow down the movement ‘’I hope my cock is making you feel g-good.’’ he opens his eyes and you smash your lips onto kiss, devouring him with your tongue.
‘’Eddie, your dick is the best dick I’ve ever had.’’ he shockingly looked at you and as he was about to say something you picked up the tempo and started bouncing on him again. 
‘’S-shit you’re so pretty f-fuck…’’ he whines and feel his cock twitch inside. That’s when you ghost your lips over his right ear and in a quiet voice say ‘’Cum for me.’’
‘’Inside of y-you?’’ 
‘’Yes baby.’’ 
Your pussy was aching, eagerly waiting for him to let his cum burst inside of you and once you felt him flex up you let go and your entire self was shivering. His cum infused your pussy as he  whined your name, feeling you contracting your walls around his cock. His sweaty forehead was pressed against your chest as you held him in place, while still mounting him. 
Once you took a moment to collect yourselves, you took his cock out and watched his cum trail out of you. Eddie peers his eyes down at the mess mumbling ‘shit’, surprised at the amount of cum. 
You could tell he was ruined, tired from everything that just took place. Lightly pecking his lips before you stood up and went to the bathroom, where you found two towels. You fastly cleaned yourself before coming out and helping him as well. You gently rubbed it around on his cock as he just sat there, still trying to come to his senses. 
His fingers brush at your chin as you wipe the remaining last bit of cum and notice him shyly smiling at you.
‘’You feeling okay?’’ you ask and see him nod back.
‘’Y-yeah um… didn’t know a pussy feels this good,’’ he lightly chuckles ‘’How about you? Did I do well?’’ 
You placed the towel on the table and gently kissed his lips. This time the kiss was so intimate, he didn’t care that his cock was still out, while you twisted your lips against his.     
‘’Does that answer your question?’’ 
A moment of silence fell in the trailer, it was just you and Eddie now, laying together on the couch while your body was on top of his. Eddie only draped a blanket over whilst you were both still naked underneath. 
‘’I’m so glad you were my first Y/n,’’ he starts off by breaking the silence ‘’even if we are just friends, I trust you so much that I would wanna keep doing this with you,’’ when he sees your eyes look up at him he immediately adds ‘’I mean you know so that you could teach me more.’’
‘’Eddie, I’ll gladly fuck you over and over again, I don’t think I even need to teach you I mean you did so well tonight. However, now that I’m thinking, I don’t want you using all of these positions and techniques on other girls.’’
‘’Oh yeah, why’s that?’’ he asks, softly moving your hair out of the way.
‘’Because I don’t want you to fuck anyone else other than me.’’  you answer him and he whispers
‘’I don’t want to fuck anyone else other than you.’’
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trentslocss · 5 months
Happy as ever pt.2 -TAA
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Pairing: Reader x Dad!Trent Alexander Arnold
Warnings: None. As fluffy as fluff can be.
Plot: Your daughter comes to his game for the first time! Virgil is a good captain so he gives Trent the band so your daughter could brag even more:)
As soon as your daughter learned how to walk a ball was between her feet. You of course, expected nothing less from her father. She was the miniature and female version of him in every single way, so this was something you accepted before it even happened.
Tina was 5 years old now and started football practice which she was very proud of. Every time she saw one of Trent’s teammates she would go on and on about how she loves her uncles, but her dad is better than them, and she of course took after him (the sassiness also came from we know who).
Even though she loved football in general and adored watching her dad play, you have never taken her to Anfield. She was still small and both you and Trent thought it was too loud and too much for her to handle. But as she was growing older she has become more stubborn than the both of you together (that may have come from you, but you would never admit that in front of your husband).
“Mommy I wanna go see daddy playyy! Let’s go pleeeeeeeeease.” your daughter begged as you sat on the couch with Trent, but you didn’t listen to her. She couldn’t get everything she wanted, at least that’s what you were trying to teach her. But when she moved into Trent’s view, and shone him those puppy dog eyes, he couldn’t resist. “Y/N maybe we could let her go once…” he whispered so only you could hear and see. The truth is you wanted to take her, you were just scared something could happen and you didn’t want her to associate her father’s career and his whole life with something bad. You couldn’t let that happen.
After some negotiating, begging, persuading and a lot of puppy dog eyes pointed to your better half, you both agreed to let her go with you. “Yesss. We’ll crash stinky United, right daddy” she yelled proudly, and Trent looked at you with a face that said ‘I never taught her that’, but you knew he was lying. You had already heard their secret conversations about United way too many times.
Game day came too soon. You had woken up that morning from the sound of a falling object. As you walked into your bathroom with groggy eyes you saw your husband braiding your daughter’s hair, hair brushes and bands falling to the floor one after the other. “You gotta have a pretty hairstyle for the game princess. Everyone has to know I have the prettiest daughter in all of Liverpool” he said to her while tying her last braid as she giggled, looking at you through the mirror. You smiled at them, looking at their identical features which always made you melt.
Anfield was packed with supporters as you entered the family and friends section of the red and white stands with your daughter in your arms. You were both wearing Trent’s jerseys, but Tina insisted on wearing the whole kit (including the boots!) so she could show off to people about how she also played football like her daddy.
As the players started emerging on the green field, Trent waved in your direction, making Tina ecstatic “That’s my dad! He’s the captain! Wave back to him!” She said to Andy and Virgil’s wives which made them die out of laughter.
When the first ball was in the goal, your daughter was jumping up and down, singing along to the fans’ songs and hugging you. “My dad assisted uncle Salah, just like I did on my game yesterday!!!!”
Trent had another assist in the record. He had been in many goal chances, but he didn’t score. “Come on dad I know you can score. Teach those bastards how it’s done” She yelled making absolutely everyone laugh, except for you, you would have to have a talk with Trent about swear words in front of the kid.
It was the 89th minute, Liverpool was sure to win it. While everyone was happy with the result and already singing about winning the game, Tina was still tense and focused. She knew he could do it, and he did.
“THAT’S MY DAD! THE ONE WHO SCORED!” she ran to the edge, screaming as Trent pointed at her and showed a heart, everyone jumping on him and the whole stadium cheering him on.
“Daddy!” your daughter jumped on Trent as you passed the tunnel, hugging him tighter than she ever did. “I knew you could do it, I kept telling mommy you would score! And you did!” Trent giggled as he kissed her cheek, putting her down and taking her hand. “Did you like the game?” he asked, walking down to you and kissing your cheek too. She would usually say eww and separate you two, but she was too invested in commenting the game to care. “Oh dad I loved it! The goal was phenomenal!”
As you were getting ready to go home, she found another victim, Virgil. “Uncle Virg did you know I’m also captain? Just like my dad?” “Oh really? Must mean you’re a great player then” he giggled and tickled her a bit. “Yeah! One day I’m gonna play for Liverpool, just like dad, and I’m gonna break those asses from United just like he did today!”
“Seriously Trent stop swearing around the kid!”
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battydora · 1 year
A hidden passion in the Swordsmith Village (part II)
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¡ +18 content • minors don't interact !
part I: here!
content: nsfw, sub/virgin!haganezuka, fem!please! reader, blowjob (m! receiving), handjob (m! receiving), female dominance, virginity loss, vainilla sex, experienced reader, inexperienced haganezuka, hotaru's first time, pet names, “babyboy”.
inspiration song: ❝unholy❞ by sam smith ft. kim petras ♡
pairing: sub!virgin!haganezuka x fem!pleasedom! reader
note: y'all ask and i shall deliver, here's part two of my haganezuka nsfw oneshot! sorry it took so long, please enjoy i had too much fun writting this. btw don't mind my english, i'm trying to improve 😭
for @like-a-clock who asked me to tag them in part 2 –♡
Things turned tables so quick after that specific meeting with your swordsmith, that night you went to bed overly excited, memories of Hotaru coming back one after another: his face, his expressions, his movements, his moans... everything was just so spectacular to the point you were overjoyed. You couldn't wait for the next day to see how things would go, what will you two do? Will you talk about what happened or will you act fool? Will there be any tension? Another kissing session? Aah! Tomorrow's mistery was so intriguing and exciting! You almost couldn't sleep that night.
Next morning you went to his workplace and, to your and everyone's surprise, Haganezuka wasn't there at first hour as he would've been expected to, which was extremely unusual, specially coming from the black haired guy. You had a quick breakfast and took a walk around the village, mostly hoping you'd see Haganezuka anywhere around but no clues seemed to be found, so you decided to go back to his workshop and go check the second floor where he slept, that would've been the smartest thing to do in the first place but who cares.
You went upstairs and opened the sliding door of his dorm. You never thought you'd ever commit the unpolite mistake of not knocking someone's door before going in, because this wasn't only the first time you didn't, it was also because your jaw never dropped this hard in your entire life. What was inside caught you totally offguard and made your face turn bright red, a low pitched gasp left a man's mouth. Haganezuka was inside, sitting on his futon and a hand inside his pants grabbing his erected bud down there.
—WHO LET YOU COME IN!— yelled he when you suddenly appeared, his face was flushing red and his legs closing while trying to desperately cover himself from you.
—SORRY! I'M SO SORRY, HOTARU!— you yelled back, you quickly backed up and closed the door.
You rested your back on it with your face yet red, you weren't exactly embarassed but you either couldn't deny the view was striking: Hotaru's haori half open exposing one naked shoulder and a sneaky hand inside his pants. What led the man to that? Were yesterday's events the cause? Your mind couldn't stop thinking about it, did you really had that effect on him? You heard a voice coming out of the dorm a few minutes later.
—Y/n, are you still there?— Haganezuka spoke, sounding bashful.
—Yes, I am— you answered as relaxed as you could—Are you alright? Can I come in now?—
—No! Just...— he paused for a second, if you could see him, he'd be as red as a cherry —Agh, I need... help, yes, come here—
You took a deep breath and opened the door again, Haganezuka's legs were now covered with sheets, you got closer slowly and knelt next to his futon.
—Sorry, I didn't mean to interrumpt you during your... activities— you averted your gaze a little, you were shocked, you never viewed him as the type of guy who would jack off in the morning (or anytime at all).
—I was not...! Doing that!— he frowned and averted his gaze aswell —I... had a... dream, and when I woke up, I was already hard. Don't fucking dare to laugh or i'll kill you— he threatened you as he would have if you ever thought of breaking your sword, but this time he seemed like he was trying to keep his composture, your presence disturbed him for some reason.
You stared at Haganezuka in awe, you weren't sure of how you should react to not make him feel judged, he seemed startled and nervous so you needed to reasure him it was okay. You giggled a little and gave him shoulder pats.
—Don't worry, 'Taru! This is a common thing to happen, there's no shame on it— you assured.
—I know it's normal! But still...— his reply sounded unsure.
—Well, in that case, don't be bashful about it! It's your body's natural reaction after all— you made yourself quiet and looked at him, your mind flashed a dirty idea for a second —What was that dream about?—
—Why do you care?!— the man turned his head, attempting to hide the blush that took over his cheeks.
—Come on, don't get mad! I'm trying to help youuu— you said playfully leaning in to hug him by the waist —Don't be so stubborn—
—Stop!— said he but didn't push you away, in fact, he grabbed your hip with one hand, still looking away —Quit embarassing me, this still is... new for me— he grunted, calming down.
That surprised you a little, it's not so common for a man to have this experience for the very first time at the age of 37 but who were you to judge him? According to his personality, it pretty much made sense, so you took it easy because it wasn't the big deal either.
—Aw, sorry I didn't mean it— you apologized sweetely, still hugging him —Thanks for telling me anyways, it's a little hard for me to believe you've never been through this but there's nothing wrong with that, I'm no one to judge—
He looked at you sideways, looking less embarassed and calmer, it seemed like your patient and comprehensive personality encouraged him to talk this out with you without shame. Haganezuka's trust in you just grew a little bigger.
—Thanks...— the way he said it made you see he cooled down, he was way more relaxed than when you entered the room, that was a good signal —It's still erected though...— his face turned red again while grabbing tightly the sheets.
You held your chin thoughtful, it's not like you didn't know what to do, it's just that you needed to let the man know your plan and get his permission to execute it.
—I have an idea, but I need you to let me help you. Do you agree, honey?— he stared at you cautious, since yesterday, your imagination scared him a little, you could be very freaky at times.
—What are you thinking about now...—
—Nothing bad! But it'll make you feel good, I promise— a flirty smirk took place on your face.
—Mm... fine, just d-don't take too long—
You got your hands to work and moved infront of him, asking the man to politely lay down on the futon, he obeyed in silence as you uncovered his crotch being able to take a very detailed look of his penis, the size was just good for you and you smirked wider from just seeing it. Haganezuka noticed your stare and his face reddened, legs shyly closed, it was the first time someone saw him naked so this was something you expected to happen, embarassment was every virgin's first challenge.
—Don't be shy, sweety, I'll take care of that sweet cock for yours. Can you entrust me your pleasure?— you caressed his tense thighs, trying to encourage him into relaxing and enjoying the moment rather than being tense and embarassed.
Your voice was so soft and soothing, your gaze was just more than sweet and patient, it all made Haganezuka sure you weren't there to force him into anything, you were there to let him know you two could have fun together and that you could make him feel good in bed for the first time. And since the bond you and the black haired man stablished was built with several bonding and patience, he trusted you his virginity, he was willing to expose a face of his no one's ever seen and never will, only to show it to anyone else but you. He seemed to relax after your words, so you smiled, very happily for giving him the confidence he needed.
You opened his legs slowly, petting them lovingly as you reached his left knee and started kissing it, tracking soft kisses from it to his inner thigh. He got up a little just to stare at you, gulping at the sight of your face so close to his hard cock.
—May I, 'Taru?— you asked seductively.
He excitedly nodded and watched carefuly as you grabbed his solid dick and took a very first taste with a lustful lick from below. Air left his lungs, it was only one move, one fucking move needed to send thousands of vibrations from his pelvis to his stomach in less tan a second. Haganezuka gave in so quick that he laid down again, letting you do your thing as he hid his face from you. You would've laught if you had time, but now you had to give your baby what he was waiting for. You licked almost all of it a few times, you were going easy on him so he could get used to the feeling (and also because you liked hearing his little moans and whines).
—Do you like it, sweetie pie?— you asked inbetween kisses and licking.
—I... Yes, yes... please keep going— a smile painted your face as you heard him speak, feeling glad he was enjoying.
—Then get ready, this is only the beggining—
Afterwards, you got close again and introduced his cock slowly inside your mouth, using your tongue to moisten it as much a you could to make a better experience out of this. You heard an extended moan right afterwards, you could see Hotaru was feeling extremely sensitive for all the stimulation. You moved slowly at first, caressing his stomach with your hands to deepen his senses.
—Please... please, more, ah...— you felt your own stomach shrink from just hearing him beg and whine, your own pussy got wet just from it, you certainly had a domination fetish you could not deny.
And since you were willing to please, you only did what you were asked, moving your head up and down with more intensity everytime, gaining a whole album of moaning and pleading in exchange. There was a moment you felt your torax being squished by the swordsmith's legs out of pleasure. You reached a point were you could fit his cock entirely inside your mouth, making the man's whining only longer and louder, letting his domme know how good she was making him feel. Haganezuka's moans increased after a few seconds, nails digging into your head and his waist elevating a little from time to time to feel you even more. You could imagine he was close to his orgasm so you had the idea to pull apart and reach his face while grabbing his cock with your hand, stealing an exhasperation gasp from his mouth as you masturbated him.
—How's it going, sweetheart?— you asked as you smirked.
—I-I'm...! Ah! I'm so close...!—
—Oh, you are? Should I to do something about it?—
—Gah! Y-Yes! Please, I'm desperate!— he covered his eyes as he pleaded.
—That's what I thought, babyboy—
Your hand kept doing the same moves while your free hand wandered over Hotaru's lower abdomen, pressing gently on his pelvis, trying to stimulate the zone as much as possible. You heard a prolongued moan after a hot minute, you looked down and saw that viscous liquid coming out of your beloved swordsmith.
—Ou... already? You came so hard, baby— your flirty tone could tell you enjoyed every second of this moment.
But the man was too stunned to speak didn't respond, this confused you. You stared back at him, Hotaru was covering his eyes, you leaned over to move his hands and messy hair out of the way just to find he was crying while breathing heavily. You got shocked, you never made a partner cry before, was he okay?
—Hey, are you okay?— you asked while caresing his left cheek.
—That was... ah... amazing...— he couldn't even speak correctly, you left him out of air.
You smiled softly before giving him a sweet peck on the lips, you were so glad he enjoyed this moment with you.
—I'm glad, darling. I guess I left you too tired for a second round— you sighed and shrugged your shoulders, the poor guy just lost his virginity and was too exhausted to give you some pleasure, but you were okay with that, now you can ask for sexual encounters if Hotaru wanted to.
You stood up and looked for a tissue, you wouldn't be able to leave him all messed up over his futon, that would be cruel, so you got back to a little more recovered Haganezuka and started whipping his cum from his tummy. You suddenly felt his hand grab your arm firmly yet gently, you looked up just to encounter a very determined glare.
—Let's do it again— your mind went blank, did you hear correctly?
—Pardon?— you said, a little numb yet, it's not like you didn't want to, but you thought maybe he was too tired for another round, you maybe underestimated him.
—I said let's do it again, I'm not tired— his face turned red once again but his expression remained.
This was interesting, for the very first time, Haganezuka Hotaru would not be working at first light as everyone would originally expect, he would stay in bed with you, exploring this new world of dirty and lustful desires.
⋆°• .·
thanks for reading!
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shhh-no-ones-home · 5 months
confections confessions
timmy!wonka x reader
im not back for good but i saw wonka and now its all i can think about so enjoy this i guess lol
Not a request but for my love 😘 @hotchaosemporium
prompt: Every day is the same. She comes to the shop and greets him, he greets her, they pass each other with no other words. About the second week of that he starts to take notice. 
Song: strange love by karen o
I walked up slowly to the brightly colored shop. There was a large cursive w on each door. I could do this. It wasn't much more than a crush but I needed to go in. I needed to face him. And I needed to try one of his confections that I had heard so much about in the past few months. It was stupid to admired him from afar. All I have to do is introduce myself. But somehow. Someway. That just seemed so hard.
I could feel my heart beating against my ribcage as I stepped forward. The bell on the door chimed and my eyes went wide. The entire shop was wonderous, booming with life as people ran around, paying the man at the register before shoving their faces with various sweets. And the smell. My God was the smell intoxicating. It was sweet but not too much, a little musky but also like a clean bakery. It was fresh. I breathed deeply as I stepped further in. Then I saw him, puple coat, brown top hat, curls popping out everywhere, and the most beautiful green-apple-eyes.
"Mr Wonka."
I said, loud enough for him to hear but still fairly bashful. He smiled and tipped his hat as he walked past me.
I held my breath as he left me to talk to the little girl at the front door. I just kept moving, letting my feet take me. To make it seem casual. Not so forced. But also, now I was inside. I had to buy something. But I was never one for sweets. Other than him of course.
I couldn't believe myself. I was just here yesterday. I had only bought one chocolate and left. Avoiding all eye contact but thanking the lovely man at the pay counter. But of course I was back. Because so would he. He was always here. He refused to not be, to miss the magic that could be had. ThE joy of someone tasting his chocolate for the first time. I took a deep breath as I stepped inside again, trying to calm my nerves. There he was, off to the side but walking towards me again. I made a point to pass him.
"Mr Wonka."
I repeated same as yesterday. He tilted his hat the way he had before, a smirk on his lips.
I couldn't help smile a bit as I passed to the far end of the shop, faking interest in the shelf full of popping candies and things that looked like butterflies. He had for real seen me this time. And I made a point to notice it. It had ran through my mind all night, keeping me awake. Had he actually seen me? Was he saying something because he felt he had to? Was I just another sovereign in the drawer?
Two weeks. Two weeks of going into his shop. I always greeted him, passing him by to fake shop, him tipping his hat to me followed by a smile. No other words had ever been exchanged. I always chose one thing, rung out, and handed the candy off to someone on the streets. I still wasn't one for sweets. But I couldn't help it. I had to see him. So I stepped inside. For the fifteenth time. And there he was, eyes bright, smile wide.
But something was different. He wasn't fashioned in his coat and hat. He still wore his patterned scarf and vest but he had skipped the formality. It was refreshing. A small change to our usual. Was I listening to myself? Our usual. Like he had a hand in this delusion. And then it dawned on me. It was just him and I. Alone.
He said softly, a half smile creeping to his lips.
"Mr Wonka."
I said strongly before swallowing hard.
"Same time as always."
I nodded slowly, never looking away from his gaze.
"I wanted to thank my most devoted customer. Finally meet you. Officially."
I held my breath. Devoted customer. Right.
"Well mr Wonka, can you blame me?"
He laughed a little and I wanted to melt into a puddle.
"Please, call me willy."
He stepped forward and offered his hand for me to shake.
His hand was soft and warm, but his handshake was light like he was scared to hurt me. Unlike the business men I'd worked with before whose handshakes could break you.
"Well y/n I think it would be rude of me not to offer you anything you desire in this room."
My face went flush, I could feel the heat rising in me and could only imagine how splotchy my neck and cheeks were getting beneath my jacket. All I wanted in this room was him.
"I couldn't possibly -"
I stuttered out but he held his finger up to stop me.
"Surely there is something in here you want. Why else would you be here?"
I took a deep breath.
"Mr Wonka -"
He interrupted.
"Willy... I have a confession to make."
He raised a brow.
"I don't care much for sweets and chocolate."
He looked confused.
"I come here everyday to see you."
He drew his brows.
"But you come in here everyday and buy -"
"Mr Wonka-"
He held up his hand. He looked, angry?
"Y/n why do you come here everyday?"
I could feel tears stinging my eyes. I guess if I'm gonna confess it to myself finally he might as well be here.
"Because I am enamored by you. Mr wonka. You make this town seem so happy and bright. Something I haven't seen in a long time. And then I saw you and I wanted to do good. so I come in, and seeing you makes me smile, so I buy something. And then I hand it off to someone in the streets, someone whose had a bad day or a bad week. And it makes them happy. And then I think of you. And I'd be lying if that feeling hasnt turned into something more."
I wrung my hands out before shoving them in my pockets. I looked down to the floor, shoving my foot deeper against the sparkling pink floor.
"You're beautiful."
He said softly and I snapped my head back up, wide eyed. He was stood in front of me now, merely inches away, hands in his own pockets. I laughed for a second, wiping away tears that had fallen.
"Don't patronize me Mr Wonka, please."
He shook his head and stepped forward, placing his hands firmly on my arms.
"Tell me what it is that you would like."
I sighed, looking between his candy apple eyes.
"You Mr Wonka. I would like you."
I stated blankly and he cracked a smile.
"Now was that so hard?"
He asked and now it was my turn to draw my brows.
"Mr Wonka?"
I could feel his thumbs rubbing against my arm through my jacket.
He said and I laughed.
"I admire you y/n, and I would be grateful if you would keep coming around. Not to buy things, but so we can get to know each other."
I smiled and nodded quickly.
"I would like that a lot."
He dropped his hands from my sides and offered to shake again.
"Then I believe we have a deal."
I shook back, a smirk on my face.
"It would seem so."
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unreadpoppy · 5 months
down by the river - Chapter 7
Raphael x Warlock!Tav
Read on AO3
Warning: Torture (breaking of bones and branding).
A/N: Not the greatest chapter ever but I needed to get this over with already.
Chapter 6
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The dungeon was small, cold and there was no way of getting out of it without magic. There were no windows, the only door was part of the stone wall, only opened by the Master’s command. 
Tav was frightened. She tried calling for help, and it only resulted in a sore throat. She tried finding a way to escape, but it ended up bruising her fingers. Her clothes were wet and she trembled. Tav brought her knees close, closed her eyes and hummed a song, trying to calm herself. Maybe, if she closed her eyes hard enough, it would all turn out to be a terrible nightmare. 
When she woke again, to the sound of stone moving, she was still there, and that dungeon would end up becoming Tav’s “home” for the years to come. 
She would only be allowed out for a few hours everyday, and when she did, it was to service her Master.
He was a tall, aging man, who wore long red robes and was letting his beard grow. He extended a hand towards her. “Come. You must be hungry.” 
Almost as if on cue, her stomach rumbled. She only looked at his hand, not trusting him. He huffed. “Fine. Do it the hard way.” 
He roughly grabbed her arm and raised her up. She tried to scream but with a flick of his wrist, her voice was gone. “Soon you’ll learn your place,” he said. “For now, this will have to do.” 
The man dragged her around what seemed to be a tower, filled with long and confusing halls. He shoved her into a room. “Now. You will be a good little girl and you will sit on that chair and drink the tea I serve you.” He pointed towards a green chair beside a large table. Tav gulped, nodded and did as she was told.  
He seemed pleased. The man sat on the chair across the table and gave her a teacup, quickly filling it. She brought it close to her lips and gave a small sip. 
“I understand you might still be weary because of yesterday but trust me. This tea will make you feel better.” Tav didn’t trust him but there didn’t seem much that she could do and so, she drank everything. 
As she did, he spoke. “I know you must have a plethora of questions, and they will be answered in due time. For now, there are a few things you must know.” He cleared his voice as Tav finished her drink. “You will remain in your cell for as long as I want you to be there. You will obey my every command and you will refer to me solely as Master. Do you understand?” 
Her eyes widened. Did he intend on keeping her here?
He flicked his wrist. “I can see you have a lot of questions. I will allow a few. Speak up.”
“Why me?” Was the first thing she said. “Why bring me here?”
“You have a purpose that will come to fruition in due time. Until then, you will remind here.”
“But-but- you can’t do that to me!” She shouted. “Please, sir, just let me leave and I won’t-”
He raised a hand and stood up. “You will refer to me properly, young lady. And cease your babbling, I do not enjoy it.” 
Tav shook her head. “You don’t understand. I have a life, a family, you can’t just take me.” She tried to reason with him. As she kept talking, he began to walk closer to her. “I won’t tell anyone what happened here, you could get someone else but please, sir, just let me go.” 
The man grabbed the back of her hair, twisting it. She hissed. “I already warned you once, girl, and you’ll learn that I do not repeat myself.” He once again denied her speech, grabbing her free wrist. “You played that lute so beautifully last night.” The man looked at her fingers. “It will be a shame that you won’t do it again.”
Before she could react, he shoved her down and took a hold of her dominant hand, placing it on the table. A hammer appeared in his hand. She tried to break away from him but he was much stronger. 
Without her voice, the only sound heard in the room was of her broken bones. 
She fell to the floor, clutching her injured hand. She cried, and if she could make noise, her sobs would have echoed in the halls. 
He once again grabbed the back of her hair, making her face him. “Now. If you don’t want the same fate to happen to your other hand, you will address me properly and obey me.” She nodded. “Say it.” 
Tav took in a shuddered breath, still overtook by pain. “Y-y-es…M-m-aster.”
“Good. We will go back to your cell so you can think about what you’ve done.”
The next few years were a blur to her. She’d go days without seeing the sun, or food and water. Her hand never healed properly and Tav would often cry herself to sleep, grieving the life she used to have.  
She barely spoke, the Master rarely allowing it. The few hours she’d be granted outside of her dungeon were to clean his massive library. He always said that when she finished cleaning every book there, he’d let her go before her time. Tav knew it would never happen. 
Some days, she’d hear the Master talking to himself, reading inscriptions in an unknown language. He would tell her it would all make sense soon, that she had a greater purpose to fulfill. 
The Master always seemed to be working with iron and fire. She once tried to ask about it but all he said was that soon, she would understand. 
That night, she awoke strapped to a chair. She didn’t remember how she got there, theorizing that he must have messed with her drink again. 
He entered her line of sight, holding a long iron stick that at the end, flattened with some written in that strange language. She noticed how the tip was red hot. Tav tried to shake in her chair but found she couldn’t move even an inch.
“Do not worry, dear. It shall only take a moment.” 
Next thing she knew, she had been branded in her collarbone, the smell of burnt flesh in the air. This time, she was allowed to scream until her throat hurt. 
“Shh, relax, your purpose is coming soon.” The Master smoothed her hair in a fake attempt at comfort. 
Tav closed her eyes and cried. 
It was funny how dreams work. In the future, whenever Tav dreamt of this moment, she saw herself helpless, always dying by his blade. 
The reality had been different. 
She was tied to the altar, the blade in her master’s hand shining. Tav panicked. ‘He is going to kill me. He’s going to kill me and no one will remember me.’ Her thoughts raced. ‘I won’t let him do this. I can’t.’
Tav began to struggle in her bonds, shaking, trying to loosen them enough. She took advantage of the Master being too distracted by his own words to see how poor the restraints were. 
As the room grew hotter, and Tav began to sweat profusely, her hand free. When the Master raised his blade, ready to strike, saying “I give you this offering!” Tav summoned all her strength to move her body out of the way, the blade embedding itself on the altar. While the Master was distracted, coming out of his trance, she freed herself from her bonds, rolling out of the altar. 
“How DARE YOU!” He picked up the blade, menacingly walking towards her. “After all the work I did, I will NOT let you ruin this!”
Tav crawled backwards, trying to get away from him, until a strong smell of sulfur and cherries hit her nose and her back was met with a pair of boots. When she looked up, she saw a devil. The wound in her collarbone ached. 
This must be whom the Master was trying to summon, and judging by his face, the devil was not pleased. 
“What in the Nine Hells is the meaning of this?!” He roared, his voice filling all the space in the room. 
The Master let his blade fall to the ground. “It worked.” He was quick to recompose himself. “You are now tied to me, fiend. You must obey your master.” 
The devil began to laugh and after a moment, he spoke again. “You truly believe that this measly attempt at a binding ritual would work?” He asked. 
Master gulped. “But I did everything as instructed.” It was the first time she saw the Master become undone. “I was going to sacrifice a tortured soul, I read the incantations, I did the branding. I-”
The devil walked towards him, raising a hand. “Oh but you see, the brand should have been in your flesh, not this girl’s.” He said, and Tav noticed how his long tail wrapped itself around the fallen blade. “Not only that, but your sacrifice is still very much alive.” He grabbed the Master’s neck, now holding the blade. “Since you so desperately want to see a devil, I’ll grant your wish.” 
The devil stabbed the Master in the chest, twisting the blade. Blood oozed from him and the man fell to the floor.
Raphael turned his attention towards the girl on the floor, who had begun to cry while putting a hand on her chest. He noticed how the fingers were twisted, broken, how her skin clung to her bones and how terribly dirty she looked. That poor excuse of a man had put her through the mud. 
He walked towards her. Before Raphael could say anything, she threw herself at his boots. “Please, I’ll do anything, anything you want, if it means I’ll be free!’ She sobbed. Raphael turned around and noticed that the wizard was still breathing. “Please help me and I’ll forever be in your debt.” 
Raphael placed a clawed finger underneath her ching, raising her head towards him. “Do you understand what you are asking?”
She nodded, tears rolling down her face. “This man robbed me of my life. You have the means to make me live again.” Her face twisted as she looked at the man on the floor. “All I want is to see the world again, and I will never do that while he lives.” She looked at Raphael again. “Please, save me.” 
Under different circumstances, Raphael would have found all of this rather pathetic. After all, he liked it when his prey put more of a fight. But today was different. The wizard had irritated him far too much and this girl had endured enough. 
Raphael never considered himself a saviour, but when such a potential, devoted client presented themselves like this, he simply could not refuse. He let go of her and quickly ended the wizard. 
Walking back towards the girl, he gently lifted her up, one arm wrapped around one of her shoulders and the other holding her hand, helping her stand on her own feet. She was cold all around, almost as cold as a corpse. Using one of his wings, he covered her, noticing how she sighed at the warmth. 
With a snap of his fingers, Raphael opened a portal. “Come. We have much to discuss.” He told her, taking a step forward. 
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harlowcomehome · 1 year
High school sweet hurts:
Part 1:
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When you thought about him, you didn’t think of him in the way that everyone else did.
You weren’t denying his talent, that was a given but to you, he was your first love.
Jack was the first person you had ever imagined a life with, and sure you were young when you met but it didn’t ever seem impossible to you.
You remembered it like it was yesterday, sophomore year, choir class.
You had joined the choir thinking it would be an easy elective, not knowing you’d meet Jack in the process.
He came in wearing an oversized hoodie from a local record store, his curls were a mess and his glasses were falling off his face. He had just barely made it before the last bell rang. You remembered seeing him in the hallways, surrounded by his tons of friends. You had thought he was cute then too.
“Nice of you to join us Jack” your teacher smiled at him, you assumed he must have taken choir the year previous.
His smile was contagious, his laugh too.
You quickly realized he was the class clown and often had to be told to stay focused. You thought he was annoying at times, and he got the vibe. So instead of staying out of your way he was bound and determined to make you like him.
The second week of school, he sat beside you which he had never done before. You tried to ignore him initially but he wouldn’t let you.
“Y/N right?” He smirked, his dimple prominent. Your eyes met his, and you felt breathless.
“And you’re Jack?”
“Yeah,” he smiled. “I like your voice.”
“My singing?” You let out a shy giggle, which quickly made you feel embarrassed.
He put a cd on your desk, it was in a casing with words scribbled over it. You looked at him confused.
“Maybe you’ll like mine too?” He smiled as the bell dismissed the class. He didn’t let you reply before he dashed out of the door. He tried to play that off as cool as possible but he was freaking out inside.
You smiled, putting it in your bag before starting your walk home. You always walked home but today it was drizzling and you were trying your best to beat the storm.
You took a different route than usual, realizing now that if you never did maybe things would be different.
You heard the giggling and chaos of teenage boys beside you, a car slowly following beside you. Jack was in the passenger seat practically hiding.
“Y/N? It’s Y/N right?” A boy who you now know as Copelan asked from the driver's seat.
You laughed, seeing Jack awkwardly pretend not to look at you.
“Do you need a ride? It’s about to storm” Cope asked and you normally would’ve said no but you looked up at the dark gray clouds and thought “fuck it.”
Cope pulled over and Jack got out of the car. “You can sit in the front” he mumbled getting into the backseat behind you.
You explained that you lived about ten minutes away and Cope turned up the radio, earning a groan from Jack in the backseat.
You turned to look at him, realizing he was bright red. You initially had no idea why, until realizing the song coming through Copelans' car speakers was Jack.
“Pause, is this the CD you gave me today?” You turned to look at him, he was normally pretty good at playing it cool but not this time.
“This is you?”
He nodded silently, hiding his face inside his hoodie.
“Shut up! You’re really good!” You giggled, Cope wiggled his eyebrows at him in the rearview mirror not helping at all.
“Wait, you gave her a CD for free?” Cope asked as he pulled into your street.
“I’ll give you your cut later” Jack mumbled.
“Why didn’t you ever say you could rap?” You laughed, trying to get him to talk to you.
“I mean you never talk to me” he laughed.
You thought about it, you never really did initiate conversation with him. “Well that stops today, I wanna hear more.” You pointed to your house and Cope parked out front.
You took a piece of paper out of your bag and scribbled your number on it handing it to Jack who had finally stopped blushing so hard.
“Text me if you wanna talk about music or anything else” you giggled, thanking Copelan for the ride and running inside.
Jack didn’t even wait five minutes before sending you a text, you were impressed thinking he was going to try and play it smoother than that.
You spent all night talking, he told you he had been working on music with Copelan for a few years now and that he wanted to be a rapper after high school.
When you didn’t immediately shoot his dream down, he became more intrigued by you feeling like your support was genuine. He had a small following and already had some small successes so the fact that you weren’t initially tapped into that kind of surprised him.
You and Jack became inseparable, his friends becoming yours. You started eating lunch together and going with him to small gigs around Louisville.
His hands were clammy when he asked you to be his girlfriend, you remember teasing him about that for the rest of your relationship.
Jack always played it cool, but when it came to you he lost all ability to do that. You made him nervous, and even your choir teacher could see a change in him.
You spent the rest of high school together, everyone knew that you were a packaged deal. When they saw Jack, they saw you, and vice versa.
Funny how quickly things change, right?
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useramor · 1 year
humming/singing for the soft fic prompts, if you're inspired <3
okay, so this totally did inspire, because i ended up writing 1.6k for it in this boba shop <3 thank you so much for sending a prompt my love! i hope you like it (and shout out to my best friend for helping me with the song choice)
algo contigo | word count: 1.6k
send me a soft prompt
Eddie thinks Buck’s taking a nap. To be fair, he was, but he’s been slowly drifting back to consciousness for the past few minutes. He can’t really tell, time feeling like it did when he was a kid and took a nap during summer break. Everything feels bathed by sunlight; warm and light and easy, his muscles heavy with sleep.
It’s not late July, though, and the warmth that he feels covered in comes more from Eddie’s finger carding gently through his hair than any actual sunlight.
Buck feels…rested. For the first time in god knows how long, he feels calm. Content. He’s not satisfied, not quite. There’s an itch he hasn’t quite figured out how to reach, a want that’s so bonedeep he doesn’t look it in the eye. 
But it tugs stronger, punches him in the gut a little deeper every time he catches Eddie’s eye across the station. There’s a whisper in the back of his mind that’s been trying to tell him something since Eddie first walked into his life. 
It’s been getting louder. Since the well, since the shooting, since lightning coursed through his body and all he could think was Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. I need to go home. 
To him, that little voice would whisper every time. I need to go home to him.
Eddie’s always been his safe space. Eddie’s always been where his heartbeat is steadiest, but ever since he left that coma nightmare, it’s been different. 
He has a way to make sure he’s actually awake. Actually here, where he belongs.
There was no night in the dream. His eyes blink open blearily and the room is a warm orange in the way it gets as the sun dips below the horizon. 
His brain, even in its hazy fog, knows what day it is. Carla dropped Chris off at Hen and Karen’s a few hours ago. It’s a Friday, he knows that much. They got off a twenty four hour shift a few hours ago, which means it was Thursday yesterday. Time is moving. 
And then there’s Eddie. Eddie, who somehow maneuvered Buck in his sleep so his head would be positioned on his lap, whose fingers are gently massaging his scalp, who is singing—so softly, nothing more than a gentle lullaby.
He had none of this in his coma dream. Eddie was a void, a lost piece of the puzzle, a missing step as you were headed down a spiral staircase. 
But here? He’s everything.
“Y hace falta que te diga que me muero por tener algo contigo,” Eddie whispers, his voice so gentle it almost has Buck dipping back into sleep. He doesn’t risk turning to look up at Eddie, doesn’t want to risk him stopping now that he has an audience that can actively listen.
Buck could count on one hand the amount of times he’s heard Eddie sing.
Only ever to Christopher. It happened more when he was younger—and, Jesus, Buck can’t start thinking about how much Chris has grown since they met because he’ll definitely start crying—but there was one night recently. Just a few weeks ago. 
It was the first night Buck stayed over after the accident. Christopher was refusing to leave him, stuck to his side all throughout dinner and the movie they put in, because Eddie still believes in DVDs. 
(They have all the streaming services. Buck knows, because they share them. Eddie pays for Disney plus, Buck pays for Netflix. Why they never use one of those every time Buck spends the night is beyond him.) 
Buck woke up that night to Chris crying; loud, racking sobs that had him fighting back tears. He got up to check on him, but Eddie beat him to it. Buck hovered by the door as Eddie whispered low, calming reassurances in Christopher’s ear, telling him it’s okay, he’s here, everyone’s okay. 
He started singing some song Buck didn’t recognize, and it had Chris falling asleep within minutes.
It’s a pity Eddie doesn’t sing more often. He has a beautiful voice. 
“Y es que no te has dado cuenta de lo mucho que me cuesta ser tu amigo,” Eddie continues. Buck’s pretty sure he’s heard this song before, but the words don’t linger in the air long enough for him to register it. 
Between the singing and the fingers playing with his hair, Buck really almost falls asleep again, but Eddie’s singing to him. There’s no way he’s missing this, so he bites his tongue hard enough to ache, focuses on the sting, and makes sure to stay awake.
“Ya no puedo acercarme a tu boca sin deseartela de una manera loca,” he murmurs, and, okay, Buck understands enough Spanish that the sentence has his cheeks heating up. 
His Spanish is pretty rusty now, but there were days once upon a time where he could pick up chicks in Peru with a heavy American accent and a cheesiest Spanish pick-up line his bartending friends dared him to use. 
He’s not sure Eddie knows that, though. Doesn’t think he’d say I can’t get close to your mouth without wanting it in a crazy way, if he knew. 
Buck’s blushing, he knows. It’s taking a crazy effort to keep his breathing even, especially when Eddie continues. Buck doesn’t catch the next line, even though he’s trying to focus on it. His body really is tired. He really does want to go back to sleep. 
Eddie hums a bit of the song, the melody wrapping around Buck like a blanket.
“No quisiera yo morirme sin tener algo contigo.” 
It’s similar to the first line he sang, and it makes Buck’s breath hitch. 
I would not want to die without having something with you.
Eddie stops instantly, hand stilling. Buck turns on his lap so he’s looking up at him. He squints up at Eddie’s face, smiling softly to himself at his expression. Eyes a little wide and a little panicked, cheeks a little pink, but he’s smiling so sweetly when he notices Buck’s not going anywhere. 
“You know I understand Spanish?” Buck says cheekily, tilting his head. Eddie groans, his head tilting back. It exposes the long column of his throat, and, for the first time, Buck doesn’t feel guilty for not looking away. 
Eddie’s eyes stare down at him, a twinkle in the warm, honeyed brown of his iris. He looks a little flustered, and Buck wants to kiss him so, so bad. 
That’s the whisper. The one he’s been refusing to let get louder, because he couldn’t, wouldn’t, shouldn’t risk the best relationship he’s ever had. 
For once—for once—he doesn’t think it’d ruin anything. Not when the hand not currently in Buck’s hair moves to grab his hand and twines their fingers together. 
“I did not know that.”
Buck nods, thinking over the song’s lyrics.
“Did you mean it?”
Eddie nods; his smile is tiny and loving and fond, but it looks like it could just as easily take over his face if this moment didn’t feel so private. 
“I did.” 
“I can’t—I can’t get close to you without wanting to kiss you, either,” Buck admits. His heart isn’t hammering wildly in his chest like he thought it would if he ever got enough courage to say this. 
Eddie’s grin grows cheeky. “I didn’t say that,” he teases, because Buck definitely mistranslated a little bit. He got the gist, though. 
“No, you just said you don’t wanna die without having something with me.”
“Maybe what I meant is a friendship.”
“Just kiss me.”
Eddie’s smile is brilliant, but Buck doesn’t get to look at it for long. Too busy closing his eyes and leaning up so he can meet Eddie in the middle and let their lips meet. The angle’s a little awkward, not quite a spiderman kiss, not quite normal, either. Buck’s sideways and his arm’s twisted uncomfortably to prop him up, but it’s still the best first kiss he’s ever had. 
Buck can feel how much Eddie loves him with the soft, slow drag of his lips against his. Can feel it in the way it’s just lips, just soft, easy, almost shy. Their lips stick a little as they pull away, and it’s giddy. He feels a bit like a teenager, the way just one kiss has him breathless. 
“Hi,” Eddie whispers, face still close enough to Buck’s that he feels the words as a breath on his smile. “I love you.”
Buck wants to laugh. There’s some emotion in his chest that’s bubbling, threatening to spill over, and he wants to let it. Wants to laugh until he can tuck all of Los Angeles inside the pocket of his joy. 
He feels so indescribably happy. 
“I love you. I love you.” He knows, without a shadow of a doubt, that he’s never gonna get tired of saying it. 
“C’mere,” Eddie murmurs, trying to angle Buck’s head so he could kiss him proper. Buck gets with the program faster than he’s ever gotten anything in his life, scrambling to straddle Eddie on the couch, and does his best not to get high on the way Eddie’s eyes go dark. The way they go half-lidded, the way his pupils seem to swallow all of him as his hands slide up his thighs. 
Buck leans in and kisses him again. Despite their position, it’s just as tender as the first one. He kisses him until he can’t breathe, until he’s dizzy, until he feels a promise of more trapped between their bodies. 
And he lets the whisper take root until it’s shouting in his chest. 
I love you, I love you, I love you. 
Eddie kisses him again. He doesn’t silence it.
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jun-of-love · 1 year
Until I Found You - choi seungcheol
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genre: fluff, angst, choi seungcheol
pairings: scoups × yn
tw: injuries
words: 1.2k
a/n: i was listening to 'UntiI Found You' by Stephen Sanchez (i'm a basic bitch, leave me alone) and I saw this interview of him saying how he has written the song for his one true love called Georgia and he would never love anyone the same ever again and I just had to write this so..here we go ig :)
header credits: @saythestuff
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Seungcheol was tired.
The echoes of fans’ screams on his every move were still ringing in his ears, the adrenaline active in his body. Yet, he felt nothing as he sat in the backseat of his van, which, considering the amount of time he spent in it, was more of a home to him than his apartment. He saw buildings rush by and could only think of how it was so similar to time. Time too, seemed incomprehensible to him when he moved so fast. Seungcheol closed his eyes, and just like routine, a slideshow of his favourite memories began.
It starts with the time he met you for the first time. He was sitting at the counter of his favourite little music instrument shop, where he was lucky to find a job as well. You were in a lilac hoodie, leggings, and ponytail, he remembers it clear as a day. You wandered around looking at instruments for a while, clueless and careful not to touch anything, until you saw the keyboard, which you rushed towards, and played ‘My Heart will Go On’ so perfectly, that Seungcheol almost thought you were trained for several years. It was until you started coming in almost every other day and played the same song every time, he figured out that was the only song you could play. And also, that you were quite tone deaf, and learned this song from sheer will-power.
He had made the first move. Working as a cashier in store, which happens to be the favourite place of quite possibly the cutest girl ever, has its own benefits. You hardly ever bought anything, except for CDs of some niche classical musicians, just sat in the store reading your book or doing some work. Luckily, Seungcheol knew how to enter a girl’s heart – through shitty instant coffee, so that he did. And it worked. Soon enough, you were laughing softly at his jokes, listening to his mixtapes, and manifesting for his dreams.
Seungcheol had underestimated how much love y/n had to give. You came in his life when he was struggling, and stuck to him like superglue through every trial he went through. You shared his mixtapes on every platform possible, made every café you visited play his music, made sure each and every friend and acquaintances of yours had heard his music. You would constantly DM all the artists and famous producers, as if they would read them and give Seungcheol the opportunity of a lifetime. You paid for promoting his music on Instagram- from whatever was left from your stupid copywriting salary after college fees took most of it. Seungcheol promised and swore on the heavens and hell, that he would give his beautiful girlfriend the life of her dreams, where he would fund everything and beyond, she would write as many books as she wanted, and they would live the happiest life a couple could dream of.
It seemed like fate was in his favour. Another day that he remembers as if it was yesterday. It was the weekend and Seungcheol was cooking with you in his apartment. Laughing at how not a single onion was getting properly cut by him, and him arguing that it doesn’t matter if it’s all going to be cooked at the end of the day. The conversation just ended with the stove turned off, and you in his arms. Regardless of how his life was going, his pathetic financial situation, and constant rejection from companies, he felt safe, at home with you in his arms. He felt like everything in the world would work out if you were there with him. And that’s what happened. His phone rang at that moment- it was a famous music production company, wanting to scout him based on his mixtape they heard playing in a café.
Rest was history. He was the S.Coups. You had giggled a little when you heard his work name, but admitted it was cool. Seungcheol got bigger and bigger opportunities. His handsome face went viral, and soon he went from a music producer to a bestselling artist. His once role models were now on his waiting list. Seungcheol felt like it was all a big fluke, and that he didn’t deserve this- but you were right there, with your healing smile- reassuring him that he had it in all this time.
But when one rises up too fast, life has a way of showing the ground, and fame is a bitch. Soon, your relationship was all about him. It was his conveniences, his schedule, his career, his image- yet you were fine with it, as long as he was happy. Seungcheol remembers the horrible day, when you waited for him all day in his apartment to tell him that you had won a writing competition by a publishing house. It was one the big break you were waiting for, and he just came home, dismissing you and falling asleep on the couch because he had drunk too much on a broadcast. He woke up the next day to find himself on the bed, in comfortable clothes and covered in a blanket. It was when he found the tear stained certificate on the table, that he realised how badly he had fucked up. Yet..yet you forgave him without him having to beg for forgiveness. Because you understood. You always did. Seungcheol wondered what your last straw would be, and prayed that he would never see the day it breaks.
Unfortunately, the day came. You had gotten into an accident, leg broken and several small fractures in the body. You had never experienced pain like this before, and only wanted Seungcheol in the room. Yet, he came four hours after he got the news, because he ‘had to’ complete his music show broadcast. This is the day he wishes he could forget. You were covered in bandages, but the pain in your eyes only reflected the pain in your heart. He was on his knees in the hospital room, and you looked at him in complete apathy.
“I have gone through too much because of you. I cannot take it anymore. You don’t have to do anything, I will remove myself from your life. You will not see me again.”
Seungcheol felt like his life had been taken out from him. He begged and groveled, promised to leave his career, sent thousands of flowers and gifts, wrote multiple letters- only to find them in the trash the next day. He kept persisting, until one day you just left, with no trace of where you were going. Just gone.
As if on cue, his van stopped rather harshly. “Sir, we’re here.” His driver woke him up. As he regained his senses, Seungcheol noticed the book he had been holding tightly all this time. Fifth one in the popular series written by y/n, the name adorned on it in calligraphy. He opened the first page, and the words on it broke his heart into a million pieces.
“To my husband Joshua, thank you for always being there for me.”
Maybe in the next life. He will find you and love you like you deserve. The next life.
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
Chaos // Bradley Bradshaw
Chapter Three: The Other Women
Summary: Things were good between you and Rooster for what felt like a total of one whole minute before your entire world came crashing down around you—just like you knew it would. It’s always the same, the more you fuck around? The more you find out.
Warnings: Angst. Fluff. SMUT—absolutely pitiful writing. (Heterosexual) Bradley Bradshaw x female reader.
Word Count: 6.6k
Author Note: EEP! I’ve been waiting to this chapter to go live since I finished editing it. So here it is! I couldn’t wait. Also, let’s play a little game—how many lines from popular songs can you spot!Have a lovely night and see you next week!
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You weren’t a closed off kid. In fact you were the exact opposite. You’d talk to anyone about anything as long as they were willing to give you the time of day. But as you got older, you noticed how the people that mattered most to you seemed to vanish into thin air. You started to develop incredibly unhealthy abandonment issues—which at its current, were as heavy and all consuming as they were going to get.
It would be easy to blame it on the fact your dad had given up his fight against throat cancer, or blame Pete Mitchell for basically going MIA for months at a time without so much of an update. You could blame your wingman, Sam for dying when he said he’d see you tomorrow, but that would be selfish. Mainly you blamed your
issues on Bradley Bradshaw—because of all people he was the one who’d slip back in seamlessly, only to break your heart again every damn time. But most of all you blame yourself for letting him do it.
“WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU!” Pete shouted as your feet hit the floor. Rooster and Bob standing nearby as they watched you squeeze your throbbing right hand.
“He had it coming!”
“That wasn’t my question Chaos—I asked what the hell is the matter with you!?” Clenching your jaw you looked at Rooster before your eyes fell to Bob. Sighing, he threw the piece of ginger you’d slipped into his coffee mug when he wasn't looking this morning your way. Catching it with your left. His way of saying tell them everything because he sure as shit wasn’t going to. It was your story to tell. “Answer me—“
“I lost my wingman—“ It was the first time you were saying it out loud. Holding back tears as you looked to Rooster. His own heart breaking for you. “It was a routine training mission, Bob was there, he honestly should have been my back seater for this detachment but I didn’t want to fly with someone again. Didn’t want to be held accountable.” It wasn't an easy decision to give Bob up. He'd been the best back seater you’d ever flown with. But you couldn't do it again. Didn't want to do it again. Something about being responsible for another person in your cockpit made you feel weak, made you tremble in fear and that wasn't something you liked to admit. You didn't play well with others, but you’d easily tolerate Rober Floyd.
“Hangman pulled your file—“ Rooster interjected as you nodded softly in response. Your hand brushed and swollen. “That’s how he knew how to get to you?”
“He was supposed to be fine, it was just a bird strike he–he ejected into the water, ditched the jet—God there wasn’t a scratch on him.” Bob could hear your screams in his head still to this day. Having had to drag you kicking and screaming from the hospital the next day. “I told him I didn’t wanna leave him, said I’d sleep in the corner of the hospital room in one of those really uncomfortable chairs.” Scoffing you felt blood dripping from the cuts Hangman’s jaw had caused your knuckles. “He died of a brain haemorrhage, his helmet was faulty because he had a tendency to drop it.” You explained, your voice soft. Almost inaudible. “I left him and he died and I can’t take that back.”
“One, don’t drop your helmet, it could be the only thing that saves your goddamn life one day.” Rooster heard you repeat inside his head from yesterday. He didn’t realise it at the time but you were watching his back, not just being overly cautious. Not just being annoying.
“I won’t tolerate reckless behaviour in my classroom, or fraternisation in the workplace for that matter.” Pete reminded you and warned Rooster as your head hung low. “Get yourself together, cool off, and meet me and the rest of the crew down by the beach at five.”
“Sir?” Bob stopped Maverick before he left the room. “Chaos is one of the best pilots I’ve ever worked with, if you’re about to talk to the admirals? If they do decide to pull her? Please know that could be one of the worst things they could do for this mission's success.”
“Noted Lieutenant—“ Maverick smirked. “Noted.” Bob was hesitant to leave as you stood trying to compose yourself, Rooster having already made his way over to the small kitchenette to fish a handful of ice out of the freezer. Packing it into a clean cloth nearby.
“I got her.” Rooster softly assured the quiet weapons systems officer. Giving him the all clear to leave the room. Bob looked you up and down on final time. He’d heard alot about the man who liked to play tennis with your feelings, with your heart. Bob felt an overwhelming sense of protectiveness for you. Stepping closer to where Rooster stood. His balls suddenly in his throat.
“All due respect Rooster, if you even think about breaking her heart again—“ Bob paused for a moment as he looked at you over Rooster's shoulder. Now sitting on the nearest table. Legs hanging over the edge. “I’ll kill you.” It wasn’t like Bob to threaten people, but when it came to the people he cared about? He’d do just about anything.
“I wouldn't dream of it, Bob.” Rooster assured him, watching as he nodded– accepting the reality of the situation that was playing out. Leaving you two alone, Bob left the room, his stomach unsettled because you blame yourself too much for the things you couldn't control. Wishing for a moment he could take just an ounce of the weight you placed on your shoulders.
Standing in his place for a moment, Rooster sighed deeply before he made his way over to you, jumping up onto the table beside you with a small audible huff.
“It’s always the weapons systems officers who end up scaring the crap out of me.” Rooster chuckled as he came to sit beside you, his knee bumping yours he sat that close. Smirking, you took the makeshift ice pack Rooster handed over.
“Bob's good people, he really held me together there for a while.” Placing the ice pack over your knuckles as you let your head fall against Rooster’s shoulder. He didn't reply straight away, he simply smiled softly as the feeling of being so domestically close to you. Enjoying the simplicity of the interaction. Nothing ever seemed so simple with you anymore, that was mainly his own fault.
“I wish you would have told me.” Rooster broke the silence as he shoulder bumped yours. Your head lulling off his shoulder as you looked at him. “I would have been there in a heartbeat for you.”
“Please, you wouldn’t have raised an eyebrow, Bradshaw.” You spoke way too softly, Rooster hated seeing you like this. “I didn’t—I don’t.” You corrected yourself. “Wanna let you in again because I know when I do it’s gonna hurt like hell,, you leave me every time I let my guard down.”
“You know I never meant to hurt you.”
“But you do anyway.” You were quick to justify why you had become so closed off. “You do anyway Rooster and I tell myself every time that you don’t mean to but it doesn’t change the fact I’m left pulling myself together again after Hurricane Bradshaw leaves a trail of destruction.” Pushing yourself off the table you stood before Rooster. His hands instantly drawing you closer to him by your hips. Standing between his legs as he listened to you. His eyes trailing from your eyes to your lips.
“You're heartless, cruel, you take miles from inches Rooster and we never get to finish what we start.” Rooster took notice that whenever he was without you—birds didn’t sing. There was no joy, no one to come home to. Sure he had a fling with some girl called Lindsey in his brief stint in New York but he couldn't commit. Birds stopped singing whenever you weren’t in his life and perhaps that was just something he noticed. Something small you took with you each and every time along with his heart, his ability to love. But as you stood between his legs, his fingertips curled into your hips. The birds outside the window had a reason to sing again. Removing a hand from your hip to burst the hair that had fallen effortlessly across the side of your face behind your ear. Cupping your cheek as he noticed your eyes trailing down to his lips then back to his eyes. “You really really don’t wanna do this.” You mumbled, warning Rooster.
“Are you trying to convince yourself?” Rooster smirked as he pulled you down into him. His lips on yours in a hot, needy mess. Both his hands cupping your cheeks. His tongue dancing with yours as you gave him more access to deepen the kiss.
“I don’t know how to properly explain how I feel about you.” Rooster broke the kiss. Letting his forehead rest against yours. “I run because the way I feel about you scares the shit out of me, I’m scared to lose you so I push you away, I think if I push you that maybe it’ll hurt less.”
“What did I call you yesterday? You teased as your forehead fell against Roosters. His hands trailing down your body to fall against your ass. Keeping you close to him as you stood between his legs.
“You called me Dumb–”
“Yeah.” kissing Rooster was as addictive as adrenaline to an adrenaline junkie. It was also just as life threatening. “Seems pretty accurate.” Things were complicated to say the very least. On one hand? Rooster was home. He always was and always would be home. But like one of those disgruntled, abusive manipulative homes? The ones where you just love them too much to see how much damage they’re actually doing until it’s far too late. Yeah—that was Bradley Bradshaw. “You’re no good for me, Rooster.”
“I know—“ You were expecting Rooster to put up some sort of fight, give you some complicated argument that turned the tables back onto you. But he didn’t. Rooster simply pulled back, his forehand disappearing from yours so he could get a good look at you and everything that made you. “Believe me, I know.” It was the way he said it that had your heart melting. Apologetic, self aware. “I don’t bring much to the table, and trust me I know everything that’s ever happened with us has been a direct chain link reaction because of something I did—but.” As Rooster spoke, your fingers played gently with the buttons of his flight suit. Your eyes hooded on his chest. “But none of that, no matter how bad things have gotten? I couldn’t stop loving you if I tried.” Something inside the pit of your stomach dropped—not in at oh you were going to be sick kinda stomach drop. But in an oh fuck am I really gonna fall for this bullshit again? Kinda way. Had the handful of times you’d dated Bradley Bradshaw in the past really taught you nothing? Staring at Rooster his eyes begged, pleading with you to say something—anything.
“Perhaps, maybe—if you're willing to try again? I’d be willing as well?” It wasn’t a definitive statement, more so a lingering question. But nevertheless it sparked Roosters curiosity bringing his arms down again to scoop you forward and into him by your waist.
“Is that so?” He teased. Kissing you softly as he kissed him back. Lips melting almost perfectly together.
“Very slowly, at a snail’s pace.” You cooed as Rooster smirked back at you. Kissing you again only this time with more behind it. His tongue slowly ran across your bottom lip as he begged for entry. Wanting, no—needing more of you.
“Is this slow enough?” Rooster knew he was already approaching supersonic, but the way you stared at him? Biting your bottom lip as you chuckled and smirked wildly, was worth it.
“Slower.” You reminded him, your voice hiding whatever anxiety you were feeling in the pit of your stomach about feeling so vulnerable, so open. But whatever it was it all went away when Roosters lips were on your once again. Slowly, passionately. His hands cupping your cheeks as yours rested on his knees. Pushing yourself up an inch or two onto your toes.
“Okay, sure—what about now?” Pulling away breathless Roosted dared to ask you one more time, looking for any sign to slow down despite your obvious explication. All you could do was laugh at yourself, at how pathetic you felt in the palms of his hands. Safe, secure—in the most dangerous position of all.
“You’re becoming an occupational hazard Rooster.” Pushing away, you turned on your heels, sinking your teeth softly into your lip to once again stop yourself from smirking too wide. Too obviously smitten with the man of your dreams and your nightmares. “I’ll meet you at the Beach.”
“You got a hot date or something afterwards Bradshaw?” Mickey Garcia or as you’d known him by his call sign—Fanboy, teased a very sweaty, very shirtless, very ripped Rooster. You hadn’t really been able to take your eyes off him for the entire game of dogfight football. Rooster knew it too. He would deny it, but he’d been showing off just for you. Flexing his muscles, getting down and dirty. Wandering hands found their way to every part of you too—without shame, without a care. But now? He was flaunting his ego a little too much.
You had him right where you wanted him. Bending over in an attack position—ready to take off running down the beach the moment the whistle blew. You knew he was yours. “Wish someone would take me out!”
“What, on a date or with a sniper?” Rooster shouted back as he laughed, looking your way as you geared up to tackle Mickey.
“Surprise me!” Fanboy laughed, pushing his sunglasses up the bridge of his nose just as the whistle blew. Watching as you came sprinting his way. “Oh fuck—“ with a sudden clap of skin contacting skin and a subtly Oof, you and Mickey crashed to the wet sand below. Landing on top of him as the group whistled and cheered. “Jesus Christ, where did you come from!” Fanboy beamed as he let his head rest against the same, feeling you disappear from on top of him as you offered him a hand. Helping him up.
“You were too busy eyeing off Roosters abs, you may as well have had a giant red target on your chest.” Tapping his back softly, you walked side by side.
“Am I stepping on your toes Kazansky?” Fanboy cooed, knowing there was something between you and Rooster he could tease. “Don’t wanna share?”
“Unfortunately I’m not into polygamy, so no, Garcia—keep your eyes off what’s mine.” You could see Rooster out of the corner of your eye. He’d already fallen into the routine of just knowing where you were. Taking in the way you looked so effortlessly immaculate in your shorts, hidden by the cuff off the oversized shirt that adorned your body—deciding that Bob shouldn’t be the only person playing shirts.
“Ohh she’s claimed a camp. That’s cool that’s cool—I’ve still got my one and only.” Fanboy was pure. He was good people, the more time you spent getting to know the different TopGun pilots you knew they’d give anything to protect their own. Everyone except maybe Jake Seresin.
“Left or right?” You teased, questioning the back seater's personal preferences wondering if he’d respond. He did—way too proud.
“Right, but sometimes if I go in with the left it feels like—“ cutting Fanboy off with a groan you stopped him from going into too heavy detail.
“Okay—that’s enough, way too much information!” Laughing together as you reached down for the football, passing back to Mickey.
“So Bradshaw—“ Hangman cupped Rooster's exposed shoulder with his hand. The sun soaking into his skin. “How’s Chaos?” He wouldn’t normally ask, but his jaw still throbbed. “She packs a mean punch—“
“I wouldn’t wanna be the one on the receiving end, that's for sure.” Rooster stood with his arms crossed, watching you run around, laughing. “She’s okay—how’s the jaw?”
“Throb’s abit but nothing I can’t handle.” He wasn’t ready to admit it, but Jake felt bad for bringing up your file. Perhaps he’d crossed an unspoken line. But that would be a redemption arc for another day. “I do wanna know something though.” Hangman paused for a moment, watching you and Bob tag team. Racing up the straight of the beach as Hangman and Rooster stood off to the side—watching the chaos of dogfight football unfold. “I never took you for the eleventh man kinda vibe, always thought you were more of a paper rings person.” Frowning, Rooster turned to Hangman with a questioning brow. Annoyed.
“What are you going on about now?“ The irritation wasn’t very well hidden as Rooster spoke with Hangman. He still hadn’t really processed the tension he felt from the highly escalated training breakdown.
“You know, the eleventh man theory?” The silence could have been deafening as Hangman’s statement fell on deaf ears.
“No clue what you're talking about.”
“Right, well—say there’s a woman sitting around a table with ten men.” Hangman explained as he watched Roosters eyes trail you up and down the beach. “And all ten men are telling her how beautiful she is, how amazing she is. They’re buying her beers, sharing their food, just treating her like some goddess who’s walking the earth amongst us.” Rooster couldn’t help but to think, hell—he thought you were beautiful, a goddess in your own right. A powerful, respectable—independent Goddess. “Then, all of a sudden in walks the eleventh man.” Rooster turned his attention back to Hangman, his eyes off you reluctantly. “He takes one look at her, says, how you going—turns his back on her and turns all his attention back to his buddies.” Hangman let it sink in for a second before continuing his monologue that Rooster hadn’t remembered asking for. “That’s the guy she wants to be with, the eleventh man, not any of the ten men testing her well.”
“Where exactly are you going with this?” Rooster couldn’t help but to think this was coming off more an insult to his integrity than guidance.
“For some reason? Women don’t want nice, they don’t want real, they don’t wanna be treated well I mean—not a first and sometimes not ever. And I kinda get the vibe you’re a master at playing that role—the eleventh man.”
“And for some reason I really don’t trust your judge of character, all things considered.” Rooster left it at that as he walked your way, meeting you halfway up the beach as he flung his arm around your shoulders. Feeling your arm smack behind his midsection.
“So I was thinking, you, me—dinner, my place?” Rooster smirked as he tried tripping you up in the sand as you evaded his every attempt, countering his attacks.
“You and thinking are never good together.” Teasing you stopped in your tracks. “But what were you actually thinking?” The sun had turned golden and it made Rooster look oh so fine.
“I heard that Penny has a mean takeaway menu.” The invitation still in the air, for a moment Rooster genuinely believed you may turn his advancements down. “Just between two friends who need to catch up.” At his words you felt smitten, endlessly looped into a world where Bradley Bradshaw would forever have your heart.
“Okay, um—yeah I’ll have a shower and head over if you wanna order?” You agreed, kissing his cheek softly. The warmth the sun had gifted him radiating under your lips.
“Sure, sounds great.” Rooster replied as he felt helplessly into your web. Your touch? pure crack. Always had been always would be. His love language had always been physical.
“Rooster?” You cooed as you pulled away, squinting as the sun hit your face. Holding a hand up to shadow it. “Remember, slow.” Feeling the need to just remind him, because with how good he was looking? There was a slight chance you wouldn’t remind yourself later.
Rooster chuckled, noticing the way your eyes trailed down his body. Reaching out to tilt your chin up. Caught red handed as his ego skyrocketed.
“Slow and steady—got it.”
But things did not go slow and steady. Things got hot and things got very heavy very quickly the moment you stepped into Roosters small studio apartment. The short twenty minute drive off base had you pulling up to the Bradshaw residence. Unlike your first experience at TopGun, you’d been given the opportunity to either live on base in the Barracks or—in Fightertown. Rows of small studio townhouses lined the streets. You were lucky enough to have something a little more spacious. A two bedroom one bathroom. Rooster? He was very much living a Bachelor's dream. The studio townhouse was all he needed. One bed, one bedroom. Small living room with a kitchenette off to the side. But none of that really mattered. Because the second you stepped through the threshold of Bradley’s home? You were on him and he was most certainly on you.
There was a small pause when Rooster opened the door. Your eyes lingered on him as his travelled the extent of all that was you. If you were put on the stand and asked to swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help you god you wouldn't be able to say who started it. Who exactly made the first move or who definitely made the first unholy move. But nevertheless it happened. As much as your brain was telling you to pull back, take it slow, don't dive head first into the deep end without learning how to swim first. Your lips melted with Roosters perfectly as he took you in his arms. Working to bring you further into his home as you shut the door blindly behind you.
“What happened to slow and steady?’ Rooster teased as he led you down the hall to his bedroom, your hands on the curves of your hips as you reached up to cup his face with one and and to hold the back of his head close to you with the other. Bumping into the wall as he reached behind him for his door handle. “This doesn't feel very slow and steady?”
“Shut up and kiss me.” You mumbled into his mouth, eyes closed, headstrong. Rooster smirked against you–softly biting your bottom lip as he pulled you into his room. Spinning you around before kicking your feet out from under you. Standing to watch you fall back onto his bed before he followed you down. Hovering over you as he attacked the juncture of your neck with soft kisses. Peppering your skin with marks that would surely be visible come the morning.
“Yes ma'am–” You heard Rooster mumble as your hands wandered between you. Reaching for the waistband of his tracksuit pants. Slipping past the band of his boxer briefs, you found him. Hard, throbbing. Aching for some sort of relief. “Ohhh-fugh.” it was music to your ears. The way Rooster buried his face into the crook of your neck as you slowly but ever so surely worked him over. “Y/n–”
“Bradley–” Rooster found your lips again before he pulled himself away, standing to rid himself of his shit, his sweatpants. Almost as if you were trying to match his eagerness, you did the same, ridding yourself of your shirt, your pyjama shorts. Rooster stood before you as you kneeled in front of him on his bed, staring you down like a man who;d been touch starved and deprived of all human contact for weeks, months, years. “Like something you see?”
“Oh I love someone I see.” His words made your heart leap over the moon as he came down to kneel in front of you, his hands pulling you close to him by your hips as he leaned in to kiss you again. Slowly, passionalty, deeply. “So much, you have no idea.” Rooster felt your hands on his length once again, pumping him expertly as he let his forehead rest against yours. “Can't ever get enough of you.”
“You're just saying that so I don’t stop.” Teasingly, you moved your hand a little faster up and down the length of Bradleys shaft, your core dripping at the hitch in his voice as he moaned softly, trying to keep his cool as you made his head spin. All the blood in his body bumping through one body party.
“I'll say whatever you want me to say so long as you keep going.” You were high, looking down as you watched your hand glide up and down Rooster’s shaft. Deciding it just wasn’t enough. Taking charge as you pushed him down onto his back, watching with hungry eyes as Rooster crawled backwards up to where his pillows laid sprawled around. Perhaps sleep never came easy to him either, you caught yourself thinking for only the briefest of moments. Crawling after Bradley you sunk low between his exposed thighs, skin a little lighter where his shorts usually covered. More sensitive. Running your nails up and down the flesh that never saw enough attention, the hiss Rooster made in response orgasmic in and of itself. “Shit–!” before he had a chance to really do anything besides let his guard down, your mouth was expertly taking him. Inch by inch. Slowly working your tongue around his girth, eyes trained on him as you did so. Whatever you couldn't fit? Your hand was wrapped around, making sure every inch was accommodated for. “Oh my god, fucking christ–” reaching down to card his fingers into your hair, Rooster couldn’t help but to guide you down on him. His hips slightly bucking up whenever your mouth came down to take every inch on him. His entire world was spinning—the feeling of your mouth so warm and inviting around his shaft. The back of your throat against the tip of his cock. “Ohh—fuck baby you’re killing me.”
Baby. That was something Rooster hadn’t called you in a long time. Pausing, you sat up, pushing yourself back onto your knees as Rooster followed you desperately. His eyes had never been so dark. So lustful. So hungry. Laying you down as he sunk between your thighs, leaving a trail of soft and subtle kisses up the inner part of your thigh. His arms wrapping up and around your legs, his hands resting on your lower abdomen as his eyes asked you for permission to dive head first into his pandora’s box.
“Bet you still taste like candy—“ it could have been a throw back to the night you and Rooster had lost your virginity together. Or maybe to the hundreds of other times you’d have sex—still, it made you throb at the idea he craved the taste of you. Nothing could compare.
“Why don’t you stop doing so much talking and find out?” Within a second of your taunting tease, Rooster's mouth devoured you. Your elbows that were working to support you kicked into overdrive as Bradley’s Tongue lapped at your core, sending shockwaves of unimaginable pleasure throughout your entire body—from the tips of your toes to your fingertips. Wrapping your legs around his shoulders Bradley got deep, got messy. Sucking against your client as he worked you closer and closer to the edge. “Oh fuck—! Yes, yes yes Rooster just like that, ah fuck!”
“What’s my name?” Rooster pulled away as he quickly replaced his mouth with two of his thick digits, slipping easily past your folds. Invoking an all consuming moan of pleasure from the depth of your soul as you rolled your eyes. Throwing your head back as your elbows gave out. “Say it—“
“I’m not saying it!” You cried as Rooster curled his fingers into your velvet walls. Working the pad of his thumb around in small circles against your clit. He knew you were close by the way you were grilling his fingers. “Bradley—fuck, please don’t stop.”
“I’m not gonna let you cum until you say it at least once, like you mean it too.” Rooster was having the time of his life, watching you fight for your life as he worked you ever so perfectly towards your high. His fingers coated, his thumb cramping, crawling up slightly to hover over yiu, taking the hardened bud of your nippled between his teeth before sucking. Making a pop before he moved onto the next. “Say it Chaos—“
“I’m gonna cum!” You eyed him down with a slack jaw. Totally consumed. “Bradley—I’m gonna—“
“Say it and I’ll get you there.” You couldn’t hold it back, afraid Rooster would stop his motion you gripped his worst so he couldn’t pull away—leaving you unsatisfied. Looking him directly in the eyes you begged him, pleaded with him to keep going. You were so very close. “Say it baby—“
“Daddy—you’re daddy!” It hit you like a tsunami. The orgasm that Rooster coaxed you through with his fingers, with his touch, with his shit eating grin because he got you to say the one thing you swore on your life you’d never call him. “Ohhhh my god!” You couldn’t help it, your eyes rolled as you moaned and enjoyed the pleasure Rooster had given you.
“Your so fucking gorgeous.” Rooster whispered as he littered your neck with soft kisses. “So gorgeous Y/n.” Coming to you craved more, instantly needed to feel full. When Roosters lips finally made their way to yours, you took the chance to flip over—it was now you in charge. Straddling his waist as Rooster's length laid between your folds. Slick and warm. “My turn.” You smirked. Pulling Bradley’s hands up over his head. You knew in any other circumstance he’d fight you, wouldn’t give you the satisfaction of control. But you had him, he’d do anything you asked.
If anyone was going to know who fucked who? They were going to know you fucked Bradley Bradshaw—he didn’t fuck you.
Bucking his hips up, Rooster aided you as you guided yourself down his length. Taking him inch by inch as he stretched you out. The O sound you made had Roosters head spinning. Gripping your thumbs as you held his hands over his head, pressing him into the bed. Your mouth blinding searching for Bradley’s to muffle your moans. Grinding atop him as you took him entirely.
“Fuck—“ Rooster hissed into your mouth. His teeth crashing against your as you slowly slid up and down, up and down. Your nectar coating his coat so well it was nearly perfect the way he fit inside you. The tip of Rooster's cock kissed your cervix with passion every time you took him deep. Hip crashing with his. “Holy fuck—baby.” There is was again. That pet name. It gave you such an incentive to keep going, keep fucking him the way you knew he liked it.
“I know you wanna cum for me, don’t you Bradley.” You teased as you tried to bring him closer to his high. “Drip down my thighs—fill me to the brim.” If Rooster died tomorrow this was what his version of heaven would be like. His eyes rolled as he threw his head back, neck straining as he broke his hands out from underneath yours. Bringing them crashing to your hips as he bent his knees—planting his feet against the mattress as he fucked up into you. “Fuck!! Yes!! Bradley—!!” It was hard, nasty, desperate.
“I’m so fucking close—“ Rooster could feel his balls, how tight they were. He felt the load ready to release at the base of his shaft, pooling—ready for release. “Where do you want me to?”
“I don’t care, I’m covered.” You were taking regular birth control, although not one hundred percent effective against pregnancy you could always get your hands on a plan B. “Wherever you want, daddy.” It absolutely nailed you to say it, it wasn’t your vibe. But you knew Rooster loved it. “Cum for me baby.”
“Shit, shit, shit, shit—Fuckk—!!” Rooster groaned as he fucked you hard, his cock pulsing inside you as you felt the warm sensation of his load filling you. Dripping against your velvet walls. “Oh my god.” Stilling, Roosters tense muscles softened. Pulling you down to his chest as you both caught your breath, sweaty. “Jesus Christ—“
“That was not very slow and steady of us.” You listened to Rooster's heart beating as he held your head against his chest.
“Oh god no, we skipped like six thousand steps there.” Kissing your forehead Bradley laid his head back against his mattress. “But I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
The gentle sound of the shower running mixed with the alarming sound of Rooster’s phone going off on his bedside table had you jolting away. Stretching underneath the covers, you rolled over. An unknown number lighting up Roosters phone.
“Hey Roos—your phones ringing, unknown number!” You shouted.
“Uh, can you answer it?” Rooster’s voice carried itself out to where you’d laid in his bed. Still naked under the thin sheets as you sat. Yawning as you answered. 
“Hello Bradley Bradshaw's phone.”
“Hi, who's this?” A woman’s voice rang through your ear as you frowned.
“Oh this is Lieutenant Kazansky, just answering Roo—“
“Well this is Lindsey, his girlfriend, can you get him to call me back? I had to get a new number, his number wasn’t working with my old one.” It just didn’t click at the time purely because you were stuck on the whole girlfriend thing. “Hello?”
“Sure, yeah uh—sure, I’ll um.” Rooster stepped back into his room with a towel strung low around his waist. Still dripping wet. Turning your head to face him you choked out your words as your jaw clenched.
Un fucking believable.
“I’ll get him to call you back, Lindsey.” Roosters eyes went wide as you dropped his ex-girlfriend's name. If that’s what he’d even call her. Racing towards you as you hung up the phone, throwing it down with a look Rooster never hoped to ever be on the receiving end of again. Scurrying off his bed.
“Y/n wait—“ Rooster watched as you bundled up your clothes, dressing yourself quickly. “It’s not what you think I swear—“ Reaching out as you shrugged him off. Snapping back at the only man you’d ever truly loved. The only person who you thought just maybe, giving one more chance to, wouldn't blow up in your face again. But oh boy did it. Bigger than ever before.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” You shouted, the agony evident and clear, utter heartbreak lacing every word. Hot tears streamed down your face as uncontrollable quivers made your lip to that unsteady quivering thing children did when they were upset. Only this felt primal, a natural instinct taking over– you needed to leave, get the fuck out of Bradley Bradshaws house, get away from him, remove yourself from his life once and for all. This had been nothing but a mistake you promised yourself you wouldn't make. Yet here you were. As you got dressed as quickly as you could you couldn't stop yourself from mumbling out the atrocity you felt like.
“The other fucking women Bradshaw!” Scoffing, you felt sick to your stomach. “Fuck you’ve made me feel like a lot of things but this? The other women!!” Your chest grew tighter and tighter with every breath you took.
“Y/n I’m serious this isn’t how it looks, I promise!” Rooster tried to explain but you just weren’t willing to listen. “I promised you, and I meant that.” There was a reason the number had come up as unknown. Rooster had been seeing this girl in New York on and off for a few months, nothing serious, super casual. Until one day he came home to find her half way through moving some of her stuff in. it was kind of a red flag he just wasn't willing to take the chance on. Calling it off as soon as he could, as polite as he could. It was needless to say things had been a little crazy there for a while. To the point where he had to block Lindsay on all his socials, his email, his phone.
Rooster should have known deep down that even if the hardest pill he could ever shallow was knowing you could find another him tomorrow, he could never find another you no matter how hard he tried.
“I knew– I goddamn knew I never should have let you in!!” Turning as Rooster followed you out of his room down his hallway. Heading towards the front door. “Don’t you ever talk to me again! Do you understand!”
“Just wait a second and let me explain!” Rooster really did try to make an effort to stop you leaving, stop you from getting away before he had the chance to explain. Reaching out for your wrist you smacked him away. Pointing a stirn finger his way as all the hurt, all the betrayal and anger you felt just poured out in waves. Completely consuming Rooster as it finally clicked.
You thought so little of him and his ability to actually love you that you generally thought he’d do this to you.
“So help me god Bradshaw I will break every bone in your hand if you touch me one more time.” It was the silence that hurt the most, Rooster’s inability to just say he didn't use you. Caught up in his own emotional turmoil at the realisation you must have had incredibly low expectations of him. “I never should have let you in.”
“You really think that low of me that I'd do this to you.” Rooster didn't pick his head up. His eyes never met yours as he stopped any and all attempts to not let you walk out of his house. Perhaps it was the best thing he could ever do for you? Let you believe he cared so little.
“Well I’d never treat me this shitty!” Your face grew hotter with every passing second, Rooster held his own tears back as he felt his heart shattering. For once? He felt an ounce of the heartbreak he’d probably caused you ten times over. “You know something Bradshaw?” There it was again, that sting of his last name. Rooster realised it wasn’t what you said it was how you said it. You'd only use his last name to tease him, get a rise out of him—but you’d started using it to hurt him. “I never told anyone anything bad about you, sure! I told Bob about some guy I used to date who made promises to change but couldn’t pull the trigger and even if I was talking about you? I never—ever said your name!” Shoving at Roosters chest he never budged. “That so embarrassing Rooster, you were my everything!! You are my fucking everything but all you constantly do is make me sad!”
“If you would just stop and listen to me for one second Y/n I promise it’s not what you think.” His final attempt to get you to listen had you stepping back with every advance Rooster made.
“Please—“ Sobbing, you begged him. Pleaded with whatever love you had left for him. “Leave me alone.” Before you made your way out Roosters front door. Leaving him standing in the threshold watching you get into your rusted up Bronco. Roosted watched on as you ripped the chain from around your rear view mirror, pulling it with such force it snapped like every single heart string he had.
It wasn’t long before it landed discarded on his front lawn. Holding the towel that hung low on his hips, Rooster paddled over to where the now broken necklace he had gifted you all those years ago had landed. Picking it up before he walked back inside,
Placing it next to where his own half hung—
Chaos Masterlist
Tags: @lyannaredbird @luckyladycreator2 @skagelynn @teacupdreams @the-winter-marvel33reblogs @mrsjaderogers @katieshook02 @thescarletknight2014 @justanothermagicalsara @4ngelicb4byy @percysaidnever @puriini @luckylexie @is-this-a-febreze-commercial @shrimping-for-all @fayethefairy @lonelywitchv2 @mizzzpink @unforgettwble @itzyogurl92 @lemoonandlestars @mulletmcghee @redqueeen99 @bucky-barmes @mak-32 @fivsecondsflat
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