#I’m worried he won’t be there when I get back
phantomrose96 · 2 days
Sham Sacrifice
(Hi it's time for my favorite headcanon)
Vlad Masters sat firm and proper on the Fenton Family couch, legs crossed, teacup pinched in his fingertips, fighting subtly against the sinkhole that came with the mistake of taking Jack’s usual spot on the couch. He appeared with all the same charm and delightfulness of an ant swarm rearranging your picnic.
Danny stood at the doorway, just-still-in-the-kitchen, just not inviting himself to join the adults in the living room where Jack boomed and rambled and Vlad sat so stiff and polite and nice that his tea in his hands was going cold.
“Oh, Danny you’ll love this story—Danny, you should join us—Danny this was, what, summer of ’84? When was that heatwave, Vladdy? The one where you—”
“There’s no need to bore Daniel with the mad ravings of two old kooks, Jack. Kids would rather be off at the mall or—some store, surely. No need to stick around Daniel on my behalf. I assure you I won’t be offended if you leave.”
“No worries, V-man. I’m good right here. I love hearing Dad’s stories." Danny met Vlad's challenge, speaking with more poisonous courtesy than Vlad had proffered first. "In fact I think he should tell a few more, if he’s got more in mind.”
“In fact I do have more in mind—” Jack answered.
Neither Danny nor Vlad were listening to Jack. They held eye-contact, Danny with a stern unblinkingness of a sheepdog on duty. A lot was said without words. A lot was understood when Vlad decided to visit through the front door. Vlad only used the front door when he wanted something.
And it was never good when Vlad wanted something.
“—the core reactor project, yeah? That summer? That was in the lab with no A/C. Top floor. We were sweating like pigs, all of us. And I dared you to eat the really moldy pizza from our fridge the night before and you ralphed right into—”
“—Surely you remember this more fondly than I do. Daniel, really, you can go.”
Not a chance.
“Actually,” Danny answered, brightening some as his opportunity struck. “I am interested in this. For science class I need to write a report on the invention of an important piece of technology. I was gonna ask Mom and Dad about the Ghost Portal. And now that you’re here, I can get the whole history.”
Jack made a giddy little noise. He leaned forward, words primed, but Vlad was quicker to the draw.
“Sorry to say, your faith in me is unfounded. I wasn’t the portal guy back in college—that was always your mother and father’s passion project. I was their skeptic.”
“Bet that’s got you feeling pretty foolish right now, doesn’t it V-man?” Jack chided, a quick jab to Vlad’s ribs that nearly unseated the teacup from his suspended saucer. “Considering the fully-functioning portal right beneath our toes.”
“I hardly feel foolish, Jack. Your calculation for the portal in college was never going to work.”
“What do you mean? Of course it did.” Jack thumped the ground with his foot. “It’s running the old girl right now.”
At this, Vlad’s eyes narrowed. For the first time he’d been shaken off whatever skeezy machinations had brought him in. His pride was being challenged, and by Jack no less.
“Absolutely not. With that calculation? Absolutely not.”
“Well forget the tea biscuits Vlad, because you’re going to be eating your words in a second. Mads, hold my spot,” Jack said, as if anyone was planning to take his spot. He bounced from the couch, scooted from the living room, and vanished into the dark maw of the lab stairs, leaving only the waning beat of his footsteps behind.
His absence filled only a swallowing few seconds. The footsteps returned, bounding upward, creaking with his heavy cadence, and Jack bounced back into the room in much the manner he left. A pad of yellow lined paper was clutched in his hand. When he dropped it on the coffee table, it revealed row after row of tight scribble, churning math, carrying down the page and occupying two entire pages more that Jack flipped through.
“Same baby I came up with in college. It just needed heavier dampening and higher voltage than what we made back then. The portal downstairs has that in spades. Well, in like two-thirds of a spade.” Jack tapped something on the last line. “The projection was still only hitting 70% of the threshold we calculated to reach dimension penetration. But it’s an art, not just a science. We fired it up anyway, and it took!”
Vlad grabbed the paper pad, agitated. His eyes ran over it. Then again. Until he settled on one line, a firmness overcoming his face. He tossed the pad back onto the coffee table, and Vlad leaned back into the couch, arms crossed.
“The lambda, Jack.”
“The lambda?”
“Check it again.”
Jack did, lips pursed, pad of paper nearly swallowed in his big meaty hand.
“What about--?”
“It squares. The units don’t balance otherwise. It originates from an integration step of λ*∂λ/∂t. It squares.”
Jack’s brow remained furrowed, firm, until delight cracked into his eyes, and he let out a laugh.
“Gods, my handwriting is gonna be the death of us. Mads,” he tapped something unseen on the second page. “That’s the genius of Vladdy. Cracked this puppy wide open with just a glance. I never noticed that in all my checking. That explains the missing 30%, at least. That explains how the portal took. Lucky for you Danny that Vlad was here—”
“Jack,” Maddie said.
“—your report can have the correct formula. It’ll be—”
“—A+ worthy—”
“—Jack,” Maddie said, curt. “Lambda is the ambient ecto-energy. It’s a few ten-thousandths of a unit.”
Maddie had surfaced a pen from her pocket. She sheared a few blank pages out from the back of the pad and started the formula fresh. She made quick work of copying it over, quicker work of solving it through – lambda-squared intact.
She hit the final line and hatched a pen mark beneath the number. Jack stared, confused.
“That can’t… no.”
He repeated the same. New pages torn loose. Formula copied over, processed, line by line by line—lambda squared—by line by line by line.
Jack settled on his answer. Same as Maddie’s.
Confusion made his face tense.
“So it’s not 70% of the way to the threshold… It’s 0.013% of the way to the threshold.”
He held the pen hard, his whole body holding firm and taut as the gears turned in his head. Jack’s eyes flickered across the formula, again and again and again. He looked to Maddie, like a dog issued a command he did not understand.
“But it worked,” he said, small. “But it worked.”
Jack stood, robotic almost, eyes lost in something far away. He disappeared into the lab almost as quickly as he had a few minutes before, but now he exited with a smoothness and a quietness so very uncharacteristic of him. It bothered Danny, somewhere deep in his gut.
Maddie followed, a possession matching Jack’s.
Danny’s fingers curled and uncurled. He’d succeeded. He’s successfully interrupted Vlad’s… whatever this was. But the disquiet infected him. He didn’t like it.
“So what does that mean?” Danny asked, perhaps to Vlad. “What’s wrong with the calculation?”
Vlad sipped on tea ice cold.
“Who knows?” Vlad lied.
The math didn’t work.
Maddie and Jack burned through paper, burned through pencils, burned through hours.
The math didn’t work.
Clothes stuck to skin. Sweat lingered fetid and stale in the cold basement air. Exhaustion beat like a slurry through their veins.
The math didn’t work.
The portal supervised all, placidly green, the light for their table, the light for their work when the lightbulb overhead burnt clean out and neither Jack nor Maddie could be pulled away to replace it. It stood, it watched, a testament of contradiction to everything they could not solve on paper, and yet everything they built directly into the fabric of reality.
And it should never have worked.
They threw every radical what-if they’d ever conceived over 20 years of ghost research.
The ecto-ether layer.
The latent activation stitches in space fabric.
The anti-ectomatter collision proposal.
The positive-feedback crystallization theory.
And still nothing worked.
All together, every crackpot theory in their favor taken for granted, racked them up to an activation energy 200x more potent than the calculation, and still just 2% of what would be needed to rip open, and hold open, a stable fissure between their reality and the ghost zone.
Maybe by pure luck, unfathomable luck, Fentonworks basement was directly situated atop a natural portal.
Maybe that would explain ripping it open. It did nothing to explain the stability. Natural portals were unstable by definition. There and gone in a few seconds. Not hours, days, weeks, months, a year, that the Fenton Portal had been open. Never so much as faltering.
It was late. 3am ticked away to 4am, and 4:30am. The discarded paper stacked higher than Jack and Maddie both. Calluses oozed from their hands at another attempt, and another, and another.
Maddie flipped through a folder’s worth of yellowed papers, aggressively thumbed over and over after two decades left untouched. And she settled on the one she’d passed over a few dozen times already, always seeking something else, something better.
This time she unsheathed it, and she placed it on the lab table.
“…If a mouse died. In the machine. If a mouse ran through the machine and accidentally bridged two live wires, and died of violent electrocution. 500 milliamps. Instantly melted into the circuitry.”
Maddie’s mouth was cotton-dry while she wrote. Ambient ecto-energy was low. Always very, very low.
Unless something very, very bad happened to something with the capacity to become a ghost.
The numbers wove. Maddie started the formula fresh, and it was pure muscle memory. A mouse. A big mouse, even. A 99th percentile beast of a mouse. And a wire that had been wired incorrectly. Something grounded that never actually grounded. An absolutely horrific amount of electricity.
0.37%, by pure numbers. If she included every permissive crackpot idea they had thrown on top, it topped out at 6% of the needed activation threshold.
Not a mouse.
“A cat,” Jack said, words gummy, tongue dry, face tired. “If we’ve got mice down here, maybe… a stray cat wandered in. Chased the mouse.”
Maddie nodded. It didn’t matter if it made sense.
She penned it in. A large cat. A devastating electrical short. Cats carried more ecto-potential than mice did. Ecto-potential did not necessarily go up with size. It went up with complexity. The things with the most ecto-potential were the things that most became ghosts.
1.45%, by pure numbers. 18% at absolute, absolute crackpot best.
“A dog,” Jack proposed with a shaky laugh. He swallowed. “A mouse… chased by a cat… chased by a dog… all electrocuted at once”
Maddie didn’t say the thing they both knew, which was that both of them would have noticed the evidence left behind by the electrically exploded pieces of a dog.
Maddie did it anyway. A mouse and a cat and a medium-sized dog, maybe just small enough to notice no evidence of, all together. All at once. All violently ripped apart, sacrificed to a machine still asleep in its wall.
Mice did not often make ghosts. Cats did not either. Dogs, occasionally. But infrequently. Very infrequently.
37%. At best.
“Maddie, I know just—maybe something really smart—”
“—like an octopus—”
“I hear, maybe, pigs are smart. If it was—”
Maddie was writing, already. Not for a pig. Not an octopus. Jack watched, and he knew what the numbers meant. The ecto-potential she penned gave her away. An ecto-potential that high.
65kg, an estimate
10,000 milliamps, a catastrophic accident, a death certificate.
A human’s amount of ecto-potential.
Maddie wrote.
And she wrote.
And she did not apply a single crackpot theory, not a single discredited proposal, not an ounce of exaggeration.
Threshold, and then some.
Comfortable, easily, then some.
For the first time, after all the hundreds of times she and Jack had penned this equation over the course of 2 decades, the number met her and Jack’s threshold.
A breakthrough.
A revelation.
A pure eureka moment.
Jack and Maddie were silent.
Alone in a humming basement. Alone with only the soft swirls of the portal for company, happy, stable, purring its contentment, singing to the cold air.
“It has to be something else,” Maddie said. And she said it weakly. And she said it childishly.
“You’re right. It can’t be this,” Jack echoed. “If someone died down here, we’d know. Dead bodies don’t walk away. We’d have seen it. O-or even if, if the body got stuck in the portal, we’d have heard of someone going missing.”
Maddie sat, quiet. A thought held her mind hostage.
“Unless they didn’t go missing,” Maddie said, and she said it barely audibly. “Unless the portal spit them right back out.”
“Then—that’s what I said—a dead body, on the floor, we’d have seen.”
“Not a dead body.”
“It had to be lethal, Mads—”
“I know Jack. But if they died, here, in the portal Jack, then their ghost did not get ripped away from the body and sent to the Ghost Zone. …They ripped the Ghost Zone here.” Palms slick with sweat smoothed over her notes. She pointed to one specific line and found her pen tip trembled no matter how badly she stabilized it. “The ecto-potential of a creature is how strong of a pull their ghost creates on the Ghost Zone. A strong enough pull means the ghost can reach the Ghost Zone and stabilize, like a fish reeling itself up, yeah? We agree on this Jack, yes?”
“Yes,” Jack answered.
“It’s what makes the math even work, Jack. Someone dying in the portal didn’t reel themselves to the boat. They reeled the boat in. Jack, they brought the Ghost Zone here…” Maddie wasn’t breathing right. She pulled sweat-soaked bangs away from her face. “Their ghost never left their body Jack. They died, Jack. And they walked back out.”
“…No. No,” Jack said. “No, they didn’t.”
“Then what?” Maddie asked.
Jack stared. He looked away. He didn’t like the expression on Maddie’s face.
“It—what about the ecto-ether theory?” Jack said, of the theory they’d tested and retested and tested all over, all night. He grabbed his pencil back up and pointed it aimlessly at Maddie’s piece of paper, pointed end out in self-defense. “If the ecto-ether is maybe… if it’s only 250-times stronger than we calculated. Then it could…”
Jack’s voice died. His pencil hung idle. Maddie’s paper remained unblemished.
“If it… was a pig,” Jack offered. “If it was a pig that died in the portal.”
“How, Jack? How would a pig get in? We lock all the doors at night, Jack. No one else can get in, Jack. It’s just us, Jack.”
Jack and Maddie were not there when the portal turned on.
Maddie’s statement carried two possibilities. Only two. Both felt like claws digging all the flesh right out of Jack’s heart.
“I want… I want to try the ecto-ether theory again,” Jack choked. “I think it’s the ecto-ether. I think it’ll work.”
Jack slid a piece of paper over, already covered in scribbles. In its single untouched corner, he started the equation for the several-thousandth time that night.
Above their head, birds were singing.
Sunrise hailed unseen from the windowless laboratory.
At 6am, Vlad answered his cell phone. The reception crackled, struggling through the layers of sheetrock above his head.
“Vlad?” Maddie’s voice crackled. “Sorry, did I wake you up?”
“Not at all my dear.” Vlad leaned his weight against the wall, playing with the singsong melody in his voice. “But you sound exhausted. Is anything the matter?”
“Yes. Well… Yes. Jack and I have—all night—trying to fix the equation.”
“We found something that maybe works.”
“Oh?” Vlad asked. He straightened, pacing now, cracklingly attentive. “And what might that—”
“If someone died. Activating the portal. We have an on-switch inside the portal’s interior. The trigger we use to press it is external to the portal, of course. But if someone went inside the portal, and they pressed it directly, and if they died, and pulled the Ghost Zone here—”
Vlad’s red eyes reflected pools of iridescent green. He twirled his free hand in the fringes of his cape, tongue working over the fanged edges of his teeth. He stared, consumed, forward.
“—and just, you, I was thinking, you’re the only other expert I’d trust to… maybe weigh in.”
“What does Jack think?”
“He denies it. He’s still. He’s trying other theories.”
“Well who knows, surely? The answer may lie somewhere you haven’t looked.”
“…I’ve looked everywhere, Vlad. That's the thing. There is no more ‘somewhere else’. I’ve looked.”
“You sound like your mind is made up.”
“I just… if maybe you have some idea.”
“Am I meant to talk you out of this idea?”
“Do you think I have some secret information you don’t? Sorry to say, I’m just your skeptic.” Some noise came through muffled from the other side. Vlad flashed a smile. “But…as your skeptic I will offer you this—It all sounds a bit absurd, doesn’t it? To kill someone and have them come back intact and… for you to never notice? Who would they be? How would they be? Surely not human anymore, surely. How would you never notice?”
Vlad paced forward, booted feet clicking along his laboratory floor.
“It would be ridiculous,” he continued, with a building crescendo, “so unfathomably self-centered surely, to not notice something like that befall someone so close to you, who died at the hands of your own invention? …If I’m correctly inferring who, in your household, you suspect of having activated the portal?” Vlad’s tongue lingered along his teeth.
Maddie’s line held, quiet. And the seconds of static drew long.
“Ah, apologies. I’ve overstepped,” Vlad continued. “I meant this as a vote of confidence in you. You and Jack both. Two people as attentive, caring, compassionate as yourselves. You would notice. I promise.”
“You’re… Okay, thank you, Vlad. I appreciate it.”
“Is there anything else, my dear?”
“No. No. Thank you, Vlad. I’ll think about this.”
Maddie’s line clicked dead. A chuckle built to Vlad’s lips and he let his head tip back with mirth. It lasted only a moment. He stowed his phone. And as if the interruption had never happened, Vlad reaffixed his attention on his own portal swirling in front of him. It bathed him, swimming green, purring contentment.
And Vlad vanished into his portal.
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monarchberrysblog · 2 days
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summary: you join a small ride along with Miguel...
content warning: once again, taboo content; proceed with precaution. semi-exhibitionism (miguel fucks the reader in the forest and on his car), brat-taming, rough yet soft dom! miguel, OOC CHARACTER MIGUEL the reader has nipple piercings, unprotective p-in-v (please, do your own research when it comes to stuff like this), cigarette usage, a little TABOO, AGAIN.
word count: +3.2k words
author's notes: thank you @lemon2099 aka @sweetlemongrove and the discord server for the encouragement to keep writing 💜. Y'all are my mini family and I love y'all so much!
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Miguel found him a stray cat, you unironically. Once he gave you a lick of attention, you came back for more, the same way a stray cat would whenever a stranger gave it food to eat out of pity. It felt pathetic that you would conjure up any excuse to see him again. Changing your car’s air filter, replacing your windshield wipers, hell, even trying your best to act dumb to simple repairs that you can do on your own. It was almost laughable and pathetic for you to do this, but you couldn’t help it.
The man always made you melt and become sap, like warm honey on a cold kitchen counter—no matter how much you wiped it off with a paper towel, the stick and sweetness lingered behind. But it didn’t take long for Miguel to catch on—the man was intelligent, for God’s sake. It was clear as day as you always took your shitty 1970 Chevy S-10 everywhere, and he would always recognize that iconic blue truck every time you pulled up for a simple repair. 
But the innocent visit was about to fall short as the excuses to see him began to fall short. So he decided to change things up, taking you out on a late-night drive.
“M-Miguel!” You screamed at the top of your lungs, clutching onto the glove compartment of the Impala, nearly snapping the fake acrylic nails off your actual nails underneath. “Shhh… You can take it, princesa.” He pats your thigh lovingly before lightly slapping the soft flesh. “Miguel, Miguel!” Your voice fell on deaf ears as you felt the wind knocked out of your lungs.
“Nothing wrong with going a little fast.”
Yep, you've accepted your faith that you were going to die from some freak accident with an extremely hot mechanic next to you. “But it’s so fucking fast!” You screamed out, clawing at the car's dashboard with your nails. Miguel glances over, chuckling at the sight he sees. He could have sworn that if you wanted to, he would have seen some parts of the acrylic break by how strongly you were grasping the dashboard before you. “But we’re barely hitting 100, princess.” 
“What?” You whined, not believing his words, as it felt like the Impala was going faster than that. “Don’t worry, we won’t be on the road too long. I need to make a pit stop. Let’s tame that little heart of yours.” Miguel chuckles before taking an exit off the freeway, finally giving you a sense of relief in your veins. “Oh, thank god, thank god…” Your exasperations never failed to bring a smile to Miguel’s face as the Impala pulled up to a nearby gas station.
The white, bright lights at the gas pumps created an ominous aura in the space, but the ambiance of familiarity filled your soul. “C’mon, let’s get something to drink before we arrive at the meet, okay?” With trembling legs similar to those of a baby deer newly born, you stumbled out of the vintage car, clutching onto the vehicle's door. “Okay, I’ll catch up soon…” 
Miguel walks ahead, stepping into the gas station while you stagger behind, taking slow, steady steps to the building. “Coming, muneca?” He calls out, holding the door open for you as you stagger in, feeling the cool, icy breeze against your sticky, sweaty skin from the summer heat. “I’m coming, I’m coming…” You mumble, stepping into the gas station to grab a small drink. 
After taking a sip of the cold beverage, the sight of the forest slowly came to mind as the corner stores and gas stations slowly began to fade behind you. This late-night drive became nonetheless soothing, nothing but the long road ahead, along with the low ambiance of music and the car’s engine. 
His hands grasped your wrists, and you felt his calloused hand engulf your wrist almost. “Please stay still, hermosa.” He croons to you. With his free hand, his touch roamed over your body, occasionally letting his hand caress your curves, soon letting his hand grope your breast gently before rubbing the side of his thumb against your clothed nipple, lightly grazing the sensitive bud. Your back arched slightly, moving your back away from the hood of his car and towards his body. His hand lets go of your breast before tracing your figure slowly. His hand raised your skirt slowly before seeing what awaited him. 
The gusset of your underwear decorated a thin, wet line before him. “Seems like you were anticipating for this to happen?” Without letting go of your wrists, his free hand went down to your clothed entrance to trace the soaked, thin line with the pad of his thumb. A soft groan escapes from the back of your throat before his fingers forcefully grasp the gusset and move it to the side. “Do me a favor and don’t move, okay?” He lets your wrist go and gets down on his knees to see your fluttering, aching core. “Be still, okay?” He whispers, raising your skirt more, letting it rest on your stomach. Nodding to his words, you laid back on the low rider and waited anxiously. 
The sound of fabric ripping filled the space, causing you to look down. The man ripped your underwear, specifically from the gusset, vertically with precision. At the sound, you propped yourself up on the car's hood and looked down. You can only see his soft, wavy brown hair between your legs, leaving so much to the imagination. “I’ll get you new ones, hermosa. Don’t worry, your pretty little head.”
His middle and ring fingerpad lightly traced the entrance of your folds, gathering the clear slick. He brought his fingers to his lips, licking off the clear arousal you left behind, and scooted you closer to him, dragging you down onto the hood of the car, bringing you down to his lips. “Miguel-” You panicked before his nose bumped into your clit. Your hands grasped his thick, wavy black hair, not following his words or demands. “I told you to stay still for me.” He demands, grabbing onto the back of your knees with a grasp that can be mistaken for alligator clips used to jumpstart a car.
“Sorry…!” The apology fell on deaf ears as you mewled to his tongue, licking a long strip on your entrance, letting the flat of his tongue rest on your clit. “Now, stay still, and don’t leave a mess on the hood of my car.” He gruffs.
“I just got this shit painted, princesa.” He pauses before giving your entrance a test lick before delving into you. You seethed through your teeth, feeling his mouth delve into your entrance. The bridge of his nose occasionally bumped into your clit, creating the perfect amount of friction for you to squirm your hips closer to his nose. “You poor thing…” He mumbled before licking a long strip of your core with a flat tongue. “You want it?” He croons, pulling away from your aching entrance. Your fluttering hole ached for his company again, the same sight he saw for the first time months ago. “C’mere…” He grasped onto the back of your knees, sliding you down the hood of the Chevy before your bare cunt made contact with his clothed erection. The heat from his bulge is almost too irresistible not to grind against his aching package, waiting to be accessible under your hands and control. 
You looked up from where you were lying down, and the sight before you was a sight you didn’t want to erase. Miguel kept his grasp on you but grated the aching bulge against you. “Please, please, please.” You lingered on your last plea, reaching down to his belt buckle, poorly attempting to unbuckle. “Hold on for a moment.” His hand gently grasped your wrist and moved it away from his bulge. “Let’s prep you for a moment, okay?” You nod with a breathy sigh and lay back, expecting to feel his tongue, which you don’t mind. 
But something else entered, enough for you to roll your eyes back in ecstasy and to scream out, allowing your voice to echo in the forest. “I know, baby, I know…” He quiets, planting soft kisses on your temple, keeping his ring and middle finger around your rapid, wavering walls. The soft grinding motions drew out soft mewls from you, enough to soak his fingers almost immediately. 
“Let’s raise this.” With his free hand, he reached to the hem of your shirt and yanked it up with vigorous force. The sight of two silver dumbbells was the first thing he saw before him, showing off the sensitive buds. “I didn’t get to see these last time…” With a careful hand, he caressed the soft mound before directing his attention to the sensitive nub, tracing the pad of his fingers around the areola. 
He lowers his head down and takes in a sensitive nub into his mouth, allowing his tongue to trace the silver jewelry along the sensitive nub. “Give me a second…!” You mewled out, feeling his teeth lightly tug at the barbell piercing but letting go. “I’ve heard that saliva is a good stimulant to heal this type of piercing…” He mumbles before suckling onto your nub before his fingers slowly thrust into your aching core, awaiting to be stuffed and abused. “Oh shit,” You paused, taking in a shaky breath, feeling his calloused fingers massage your gummy walls. “Oh shit…” You repeated, soon taking labored breaths. “C’mon, princess…” Miguel whispers as he pulls away from your nipple and moves to the other, keeping his fingers at the same slow pace. “Tell me… tell me that it’s too much…” He croons. “Is it too much, princess?” 
“No…” You bluff, feeling like a puddle of sap against his fingers at the slow pace. “No? Let’s pick it up, m’kay?” He innocently asks, slowly increasing the pace and curling his ring and middle finger. “Miguel…” You whimpered, at the brink of finishing all over the hood of his Impala. “Don’t even think about it, princess,” Miguel commands, picking the pace up. A yelp escapes the back of your throat, and you soon feel your legs tremble against his hold. “Please, please, please…” You whine, feeling a bit of anticipation to gush out your release. “Don’t,” He croons. “You better not finish. I finished the paint job on this car.”
You looked up with pleading eyes at the brink of tears. “Please, please, please…” You continue the mantra, knowing you are getting on Miguel’s nerves now. “No.” He demands before the familiar, wet slapping noise fills the space around you. “Is it too much?” He pushes the question again, letting the forest area get overwhelmed with a wet slapping noise. “No.” You repeat, too stubborn for your good. “I refuse to believe that. Look at you.” 
He paused his words and kept up with rapid motions. “Milking my fingers, your legs trembling under my hold, I think your body says otherwise.”
“Don’t finish on this car’s hood.” He repeats, keeping the same motion and pulling his fingers out of your aching core.
Miguel’s Perspective
The look on her face is enough to laugh at. Pathetic. The look on her face made it look like she was a stranded kitten left in the rain, wanting to seek shelter in a warm space away from the cool air of the piney forest. But that wasn’t the case. She was laid out on the hood of my car like a dish served on a silver platter, waiting to be devoured and consumed. Her nervous but anticipated look is enough to send me to the edge. The urge to just take off my pants and to make her drunk on lust came to mind immediately, but no, she needs anticipation and patience other than lust. 
The sight of her glistening arousal coating my fingers soon drizzled down onto the hood of the Impala. “I told you to hold it in.” I fumed, seeing the glistening arousal pool onto the hood of the car, creating a small puddle. “God, you can’t even do this one thing correctly.”
I yanked her aching core down to my bulge, seeing her glistening arousal coat a thin layer on the denim of my pants. “C’mere…” Her hands rush down to the belt buckle of my pants, moving in a manic manner to free my aching cock free. “It’s yours. You know what to do with it.”
“I don’t…” You replied, playing coy with his words. “I don’t know…” Your hands grasp the band of his boxer, yanking on it playfully. “You know how.” He croons as your hand yanks down his boxer briefs, freeing his aching cock. A low “fuck” escapes him deep from him, and it is enough for you to finish everywhere on the hood of the Impala, literally. The pink mauve-colored tip ached for your attention, showing tiny beads of precum accumulating on the head, with some sliding down his shaft, specifically tracking a prominent vein. “C’mon, you know what to do.” He repeats, wanting you to initiate these events instead. 
With a forceful grab, you lead his tip to your aching core and grind it against your aching core. Your core began to kegel against the sensation of his length, feeling it rub against your clit gently. “Don’t tease me,” He insists, bucking his hips, feeling his cock free itself from your grasp. You grasp onto it again, guide his tip into your aching core, and slowly guide him in. “Shit…” You whimper, feeling the familiar pressure push up against your aching core. 
“How do you feel bigger than last time?” You whined, slowly sinking into his length. “Take deep breaths for me, m’kay?” He hums, mused by the sight before him. “I know it’s a lot, baby, I know…” You take in deep breaths while he ground the tip against your cervix, to the point where it did hurt a little, but it was pleasurable. “Take your time, it’s okay…” He croons, moving a hand down to your clit, lightly grazing the sensitive bundle of nerves. A breathy whimper is the only response he receives from you. 
The soft kisses against your temple are enough to ease you as the soft kisses make you giggle underneath him. “That’s enough,” He breathes out, soon grasping your hips with his hands. “Are we okay?” Miguel questions, allowing his thumb to trace the skin on your hips, specifically the stretchmarks painted on your soft skin. “Yeah, I’m okay…” 
The slow thrusts slowly came to a steady pace, allowing you to get comfortable with his size. Soft mewls and whimpers escaped from the back of your throat as you laid back on the hood of the car and felt your breasts bounce a bit from the thrusting. The sight of the silver barbells decorating your nipples while your breasts bounced with his tempo displayed the sight for him. “There we go, you’re getting used to me more now…”
The feeling of the virgencita charm from his necklace lightly booped your nose, occasionally touching your lips, staining the golden charm with your lipgloss. “Is this bothering you?” He chuckles, seeing the charm bump against your lips and nose. “No, not at all…” It was a bluff; the sensation of the chain and charm tickled you while you chased the sensation bubbling against your core. 
“You’re almost there?” The slight bulge in your stomach amused Miguel, seeing the bulge appear and disappear with every thrust. He lets go of your hip with one hand and pushes his hand down onto your lower stomach while keeping a steady yet hard pace. “How does that feel?” He questions, looking down to see your reaction. “Yes…” You breathed out, not giving him a proper answer as you squirmed under the pressure rise. 
“C’mon, I know you’re almost close…” He praises, bullying his tip into your sopping cunt, no longer worrying about the hood of the car or the paint job that he’s been telling you about since you two arrived at an odd location in the forest. “Finish with me, come on…” He pushes, not caring how loud the two of you are. “Please, Miguel…” You scream out, no longer pleading quietly. “Finish with me.” He croons.
The chase slowly came to an end as the sudden splurge of you squirting everywhere on the hood of the Impala, following along with Miguel cradling you close in his arms, finally giving you a couple of last thrusts into your core. “There we go…” He mumbles, placing a shaky kiss on your temple and slowly pulling out. Your whine greeted his ears as he pulled out his softening cock, and a thin white line at your entrance decorated your cunt, no longer empty. “There we go, keep it in there.” You felt as if your body took a screenshot from laying on the car's hood while the sound of clothes ruffling and a belt clinking filled your ears.
The next few moments felt blurred. You felt Miguel help you off the car's hood and straighten out your now-ruffled top and skirt. “I don’t need anyone else to see you like this,” he mutters before making his way to the vehicle's passenger side. What are you doing?” You huff out, leaning against the side of the car for support. “Give me a moment,” he continues to rummage around before he grasps a small red box in his hand.
“Do you fuck with cigarettes?” He questions. You weakly nod, slowly coming down from your high. “Do you mind which brand?” The sight of the Marlboro flashed your eyes before Miguel nudged the box gently, allowing the two cigarettes to slide out a bit, enough for you and Miguel to grab. You grabbed the cancerous stick and placed it between your tinted pink lips, smeared with pink lipgloss at the corner of your lips. Reaching into his pocket, the lighter looked tiny in his grasp as he flickered on the measly lighter. 
“Here,” You reach for the small lighter and take it from him with a gentle grasp, soon flicking at the small wheel. After a couple of flicks at it, the small flame appeared, emitting a tangy orange close to your hand, soon flickering along with the breeze. “Oh…!” You shield the small flickering flame with your free hand, allowing the flame to flicker about before settling its movements. 
As he took a deep breath, Miguel reached for the small flame and brought the cigarette closer to it. Without removing the cigarette from his lips, he leaned down towards you and used your flame to light his cigarette. As he did so, he kept his gaze locked on yours, retaining eye contact for a moment longer than necessary. His eyes. His eyes are like embers of fire waiting to be ignited again, waiting for the next moment to be triggered. 
“Here…” He grabbed the cigarette and pulled it away from your lips as he inhaled his cigarette slowly. Wary of the lit cigarette between his fingers, he gently grasps your chin and kisses you while exhaling the smoke into your mouth. He slowly pulls away from the soft kiss and lingers eyes on you.
For a moment, there was a glisten in his eye when they softened; it didn’t go unnoticed…
Tag List:
@mybvalentine @famousscattale @lazyjellyfish300 @ohara-whore @miguelzslvtz @queerponcho @improbable-outset @snails-doodles22 @koko-1025 @miguelhugger2099 @hyjionie @ugh-ok-fiyn @hwasoup
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stellar-skyy · 21 hours
♡ - LOST & FOUND - Platonic Arlecchino & reader
i. SUMMARY: Hell hath no fury like a parent whose child has been taken from them. ii. CWS & NOTES: description of blood and injury (mildly graphic but not gory), violence, mentions of kidnapping, swearing (like once), implied murder. PLATONIC arlecchino & gn!reader. house of the hearth!reader. angst & slight hurt/comfort. 2.5k words. iv. A/N: i am... so normal about parental arlecchino... so normal... i hope you enjoy because i loved writing this!! i have a little written for an epilogue featuring the lyntwins + freminet reuniting, so stay tuned for that ♡
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It had been fifty-eight hours, and twenty-seven minutes since [Name] had vanished.
Freminet sat curled up in a velvet armchair that dwarfed his small frame, with Pers on his lap and his brother and sister flanking each side. They had both refused Father’s offer of a seat, which showed the severity of the situation more than words ever could.
No one ever refused Father. Even she had raised an eyebrow at their sudden rebellion.
“Lyney, Lynette. Defiance will not make [Name] come home faster. Take a seat.” Father sipped her tea, poised as ever. Even with that impassive mask, Freminet still noticed the tension in her shoulders.
He always noticed.
“There’s no need,” Lyney said shortly, adding on a respectful “Father.” as an afterthought.
“What my brother means—” Lynette cut in smoothly. “—Is that we do not want to draw this conversation out any longer than necessary. We only came to get permission to postpone our current assignment and search for [Name]. I’m sure you can see the circumstances are dire enough to warrant such action.”
“I’m afraid I do not, Lynette.” Father placed her cup down and folded her hands over her lap. “They are a very skilled agent, and this mission was hardly out of their ability. No need to compromise your current—and very important, I might add—mission, for trivial matters.”
“It isn’t trivial, it’s our sibling!” Lyney burst out, causing Freminet to flinch. He reached out a hand blindly to settle on Freminet’s shoulder, squeezing it quickly in both a comfort and apology for startling him.
“I would be mindful of your place within this household, Lyney.” Father said mildly, the warning clear. “I have given you a direct order, and you will follow it. Do not stray from your assigned mission. [Name] will be fine.” She paused for a beat. “You are dismissed.”
“That’s it?” Lyney hissed. “So, you’re going to just leave them to die?”
It sounded like less of a question and more of an accusation. Freminet winced, feeling Lynette stiffen beside him as well as they waited for the consequences of Lyney’s bluntness.
Arlecchino rose from her seat, the tension in the air thick enough to choke all three of the siblings.
“I never said that. [Name] will be home in due time.” Her gaze shifted from the left to the right side of the armchair. “Lynette, you will have tea with me later, won’t you?” Father asked, causing the girl to freeze.
She bit her lip, answering carefully. “I may. Maybe if [Name] returns, we can all have tea together.”
“A good plan,” Father agreed, ignoring the quiet angry undertone of her words. “When I see them, I shall invite them.”
“It had better be soon; it’s getting late.” Lynette countered. Freminet’s eyes darted back and forth between the two of them. Lynette was always better at matching Father’s games. Freminet crumbled under the weight of her gaze, and Lyney wasn’t any better at handling the pressure without his emotions causing him to crack and splinter.
“Lynette, Freminet. Let’s go.” Lyney said sharply.
Throughout the entire exchange, Lyney’s hand had not moved from where it was planted firmly on Freminet’s shoulder, as if he was refusing to let another of his siblings out of his grasp. Freminet might have remarked that Lynette was handling her worry better, but he noticed how her tail kept curling around his leg when they walked into Father’s office. Neither of the three was willing to part with the others for even a second; not when one of their own had gone missing by doing just that.
As he drew back his hand and moved away, Freminet caught his arm.  
“Just… a moment, please. Wait outside, I’ll join you soon.” Freminet murmured, letting go. Lyney pursed his lips.
“Be quick.”
The twins vanished through the doorway, leaving Freminet alone with his Father.
“Freminet dear. You’re hesitating.” Father raised an eyebrow. “Are you waiting for something? Do you want me to give Pers a kiss on the head before I leave?”
Freminet flushed at the memories of holding the toy up to Father when he was young, insisting the penguin deserved a proper goodbye too. “Ahem. I’m not a child anymore… Father.”
“No? Then why are you still here?”
He swallowed awkwardly, forcing himself to look her in the eyes. He met her stare
“I know you’re just as worried as I am.” He said bluntly.
Father’s expression was almost impossible to read, but Freminet managed to catch a hint of surprise at his words. “I see. How did you come to that conclusion?”
It wasn’t denial, nor was it defensiveness. That was a good sign. Freminet continued, “There is a pinch between your eyebrows that you keep trying to smooth over. You’re gripping your teacup much tighter than usual. Your shoulders are tense. And you were far too quick to dismiss the twins’ concerns. You of all people would know that the situation is severe enough to allow a brief pause to their investigation, but you were swift in making sure they were kept as far away from the situation as possible.”
Arlecchino stared back at Freminet silently. She always had that unsettling way of watching him, as if she was picking apart the cogs and wheels spinning in his mind to know exactly what he was thinking.
“Observant as always, Freminet.” Freminet stood up straighter, pink touching his cheeks. “So, tell me this: what am I to do next?”
“You’re… going to find them yourself?” He asked slowly.
“That is correct. I will be.” Father agreed, and something inside him swelled. If only Lyney was still in the room, he would have collapsed with relief. “And what will you be doing?”
“Helping.” Freminet said without a thought.
“Incorrect. You are going to return to your room, go to sleep, and not say a word to your siblings.”
“No. You are not involved here.” Arlecchino turned her back on him, looking out the window with her arms folded behind her.
“Do not forget that if you or your sibling’s interference costs me my mission, [Name]’s blood will be on your hands.”
Freminet recoiled sharply, as if she had struck him across the face. Arlecchino refused to lay a hand on any of them, but her words were more than enough to wound them.
“I’m not looking for an argument, Freminet.”
Freminet shut his mouth with a click, lowering his head. He forced back the wave of emotions sweeping across him, sinking them so far into the depths of his mind that not even a champion diver like himself would be able to reach them.
“I am looking for an answer.” Father raised an eyebrow.
“Yes, Father.” He said quietly.
“Good child,” She murmured, laying a gentle hand on the top of his head. “You are dismissed.”
Arlecchino made her move at the stroke of sundown.
It was disgustingly easy to track them down, and the sheer incompetence only fuelled her rage until it burned brighter than the flames that curled beneath her skin. The assailants were sloppy, leaving plenty of traces for her to find, as if they were waiting for her to find them.
One of her agents had returned with a slip of paper that evening—a ransom note, crudely explaining that they had captured a House of the Hearth agent, and demanding a hefty sum in exchange for their safe return. She had chuckled at that last part. They would be lucky for her to leave them with their lives after what they have done, let alone a reward.
Their hideout was located in a quiet cave near the ocean, with an entrance half-hidden behind a curtain of vines. It was a quaint spot, a cosy place to sit back and watch the sun set over the water. She was sure the view behind her was breathtaking, but she made no move to take a glance for herself.
The vines made way for a long, narrow tunnel, ending with a wooden door. Arlecchino quietly turned the handle, scoffing under her breath when it turned without a key being inserted, and slipped through without making a single sound.
Six were scattered around the dingy room; one woman, five men. Seeming to be aged between their mid-twenties at the youngest, and early-forties at the oldest.
“Have we got a response yet?” The woman muttered impatiently, tapping her foot against the floor.
“How should I know?” One of the men grunted. “We left the note. Eventually it’s gotta make it’s way to the boss herself, and we’ll get the reward.”
“Just gotta be patient,” Another murmured. “Gotta be patient.”
Slightly past them was a wooden cage, secured with a metal lock.
They were in a heap on the floor of the cage, breathing weakly—Arlecchino quietly thanked the Tsaritsa that they were breathing at all—and looked to be passed out.
The fire inside her sang, and she could hardly breathe under the heat of it all.
“How long is this woman gonna take?” The woman rolled her eyes. “I’m tired of waiting.”
Arlecchino chuckled, causing all of the six to jump. “Oh, then allow me to assure you that you won’t have to wait much longer at all.”
Instantly they were on their feet, grabbing whatever weapon was closest. Their expressions ranged from outright fear, to an egregious amount of confidence for how weak they were in comparison to her.
“Knave,” the closest man grinned crookedly. “How kind of you to join us. I’m assuming you’re here for—” he jerked his head towards the figure still unmoving. “—that one?”
“‘That one’?” Arlecchino repeated slowly, drawing her scythe to her side. “I am here for my child.”
Two of the men—the ones closest to the cage—looked at each other nervously. Arlecchino smiled. It was a pity the rest of the group didn’t share the sense to fear her, but they would learn soon enough.
“Well you see, we’ll be happy to hand them over—” the man’s grin widened. “For a price, of course.”
“A price, you say?” She mused. “How about this. You step aside, I retrieve my child, and offer you a quick death. I would say that is more than fair, considering what you have cost me.”
The smile dropped off the man’s face. “That ain’t an option, lady.”
“Then I think you misunderstand.” She took a step towards him, then another, eyes glinting dangerously in the low light. “I wasn’t asking.”
“Boss—” one of the men tried to say.
“Shut it.” the first man hissed, bringing his shovel up in a defensive position. It was almost laughable, how he thought that would protect him.
“You made four mistakes tonight,” Arlecchino said smoothly. The tip of her scythe brushed the floor, sending a loud scraping sound across the walls. All of the people inside the room winced at the sound, but Arlecchino was unfazed as she continued prowling towards them.
“One… you failed to cover your tracks, making it remarkably easy to track you down.” In one swift motion, she lunged. The group barely had time to blink, before her scythe sliced across the chest of the closest one.
There was silence, before the man made a low gasp, bright crimson blood spilling down his shirt. He collapsed forward onto the ground with a thud, and the room erupted into chaos. A scream tore from the throat of the woman, and she dropped to her knees at his side, desperately clutching his shoulders. Arlecchino aimed a quick strike at her back, and she fell against the man heavily.
“Two, you left the door unlocked.” A pair charged towards her, hammers and shovels swinging. She knocked the weapons from their hands with one hit, and knocked them down with a second.
“Three—” One snuck up from behind, quickly tossing a string of rope over her head and around her neck, pulling harshly to cut off her breathing. An elbow in his ribs winded him enough to loosen his grip, and a knock to the head with the hilt of her scythe sent him to the floor. “You brought far too few people to last in a fight against me.”
The final man stumbled backwards until he hit the wall, shrinking against the bricks. Arlecchino walked with slow steps, stalking towards him like an animal cornering their pray. He shielded his face with his hands, in a desperate attempt to protect himself. Once she was about a foot away, she stopped, leaning in close.
“And four.” Arlecchino grasped the man by the throat, digging her nails into his skin hard enough to draw blood. “You hurt my fucking child.”
She tossed his body to the side, watching him hit the wall with a thud and collapse to the ground like a ragdoll.
“Pathetic.” She scoffed under her breath, stepping over his limp body. Her anger wasn’t nearly quelled—an inferno is not easily cooled, after all—but seeing them all lying lifelessly across the floor of their own base at least brought some vindication. She turned her back to the man, looking over at her child.
They were curled up in the cage like a trapped animal, rattling breaths ringing through the bars. Arlecchino gritted her teeth at the sight, making sure to step on the nearest captor’s fingers as she walked over. She swung her scythe against the lock, shattering it into bits of metal.
Her hands were gentle in reaching into the cage, hooking a hand under their knees and cradling their back with the other. They made a pained cry, and Arlecchino hurried to pull them out. She held them close to her chest, letting their cheek rest where her heartbeat pounded against her chest. Her face didn’t falter from that stony expression, but inside she was burning with fury.
“My child,” She murmured, more to herself than the shivering form in her arms. There was something dangerous in her tone, a note of warning to the assailants still conscious enough to hear her voice. She kissed their forehead, a tender gesture out of place among the bloodshed. “Didn’t I promise you that while you’re with me, no one can hurt you?”
“F-Father…?” A broken whisper slipped through their lips, followed by a sob, first sinking Arlecchino’s heart then shattering it into two.
“Shh… it’s okay. It’s okay, darling, I’m here.” She crooned, carrying them out of the room and through the tunnel. All throughout the journey through the tunnel and back onto the beach, she didn’t stop murmuring comforts and pressing kisses to their head in the most maternal way she’d ever remembered acting.
“I’m sorry, Father…” they mumbled, cheek pressed against her chest.
“Darling…” Arlecchino hummed, even as the smouldering ashes in her chest began to spark and flicker. “You have nothing to apologise for.”
The night was cold, but her child was a warm weight in her arms. She revelled in the warmth, a gentle reminder that they were still alive.
“We’ll be home soon,” Arlecchino promised, even though they were barely conscious enough to hear her. “Soon.”
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reblogs are appreciated ♡
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capacityfornirvana · 3 days
I’ve seen complaints (from you-know-who) about Tommy not being present for Buck. That Buck is going to break up with Tommy because Tommy won’t be able to make time for Buck due to their busy firefighter schedules, and the bachelor party scene was intended foreshadowing of this.
Y’ALL. I need some of you to come back down to reality.
HOW is the bachelor party proof that Tommy doesn’t prioritize Buck? It’s the complete opposite. Tommy still attended a bachelor party when he was on call. I understand that some of you probably haven’t worked a day in your life, or partaken in healthy adult relationships. But know this. Being on call for work can be very stressful and exhausting in and of itself, never mind actually having to go in. It’s being leashed to work, even when you’re not at the work place. And despite that, Tommy made a point to SHOW UP and SUPPORT Buck. “But he didn’t dress up like Buck and Eddie!” Boo-fucking-hoo? Grow up. They had Henley’s in the eighties.
And did we watch different cuts of the episode? Because based on what I witnessed, Tommy was up all night trying to put out a terrible fire, and then had his team drop him off at the hospital in his filthy firefighter gear, while he was covered in sweat and soot, so that he could try to make the wedding of someone he used to work with and a woman he’s never even met, all because he knows how important it is to Buck.
Tommy has been an incredibly supportive boyfriend, and Buck recognizes that, which is why he damn near swallowed Tommy’s face in public.
I need people to stop infantilizing Buck, while we’re at it. He’s a thirty-two-year-old (my guess) grown ass man who knows what he wants and also knows how to prioritize the lovers in his life. Making time has never been an issue for him. Don’t pretend it’s an issue now, and don’t pretend it’s an issue for Tommy, when he’s gone above and beyond to be present. And while we’re at it, where were these concerned comments about making time when It came to Athena and Bobby? Or Hen and Karen? Or Maddie and Chimney? They all have grueling time-consuming schedules, where was the worry about them not making time? I’ll tell you where those comments were—nowhere. Because you guys don’t actually believe or feel this shit. You’re just looking for a way to tear down a healthy pairing and hate on a perfectly good character because you’re bitter and scared you won’t get what you want.
Other people might want to handle certain Buddie shippers with training wheels and kid gloves, but I’m not one of them. Grow up.
(And for those Buddie shippers with sense, this isn’t directed at you. If anything, I’m just sorry your peers are making you and your ship look so outright terrible.)
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your-averagewriter · 16 hours
“I’m gonna marry this woman.”
Summary: Cooper has a job to get to and (y/n) ends up looking after Janey for him when Barb isn't free leading him to realise that she's the woman for him.
Word count: 1.6K
Warnings: swearing, kissing, saying God not in the religious way (blasphemy I guess)
Cooper wraps his arm around my waist as we walk through the park, Janey holding his hand on the other side. Cooper and I have been dating for over a year and at the start he tried to keep our relationship separate from Janey as he didn’t want to make it too overwhelming for her after the divorce but now it’s been a while since we were officially introduced.
“There’s an ice cream truck over there.” I point out. “Janey, do you want some ice cream?” I ask, looking over to her.
“Yeah!” She smiles.
“Coop, do you want one?” I ask and he shakes his head. 
“You girls treat yourselves.” He says and then a ringtone comes from one of his pockets. “It’s work, I’ll be right back.” He gets his phone out and looks at who it is before walking a little bit away.
“Come on, Janey.” I invite. “Let’s get some ice cream.” I say as she takes my hand, which always makes my heart warm a little. “What flavour would you like?”
She examines the board of ice cream flavours before announcing her choice. “Toffee, please.”
“Good choice.” I smile, before walking up to the ice cream stand and buying her toffee ice cream and a strawberry one for myself. “There you go. Don’t drop it.” I pass it to her gently as she takes it and we walk over to a bench, sitting down and waiting for Coop to finish his call.
“What’s daddy doing?” She asks, enjoying the ice cream.
“Oh, he just got a call from work, maybe a new acting role.” I say and she smiles. “He should be back soon.”
“Did you know I used to act with daddy sometimes in the ads he used to do?” She says proudly.
“Oh really? Wow, you’re a little superstar.” I smile, Cooper walking back over not long after.
“How was the call?” I ask, as he walks over. “Any good news?”
“Mixed. Mixed.” He repeats.
“What does that mean?”
“Well, the good news is they wanna hire me.”
“That’s great, Coop.” I interrupt, jumping to my feet and wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a hug with a bright smile.
“You haven’t heard the bad news yet.” He warns, pulling back with a slightly frown. “They need me on set in an hour to sort out some sizing and contract stuff.”
“What’s wrong with that?” I ask.
“I already called Barb and she can’t take Janey for the afternoon so I can’t go.”
“I could look after Janey for you.” I offer.
“I can’t ask you to do that.” He says.
“You’re not asking, I’m insisting. If you’re okay with it of course.” I smile as his hands find their place on my waist.
“If that’s alright…” He gives in after a few moments with a hint of a smile. “God, I love you, woman.” He says, pressing a kiss to my lips with a full grin now. “I’ll go check with Janey, if that’s alright. I’m sure she won’t have a problem with it, she adores you but I should anyway.” I nod, letting him go.
“I’ve got a job I gotta go to, sweetheart and mommy can’t look after you for the afternoon. Is it alright if I take you girls home and you stay with (y/n) for a little while?” She nods quickly with a smile, a resounding yes making Cooper chuckle.
“I think that’s a yes, (y/n).” I laugh.
“Let’s go then, we don’t want you to be late.” I say with a smile.
“I should be back around 5:00, 6:00 at the latest.” He reassures me.
“Babe, don’t worry about it, we’ll be fine, take as long as you need.” I press a kiss to his cheek. “Good luck. We’ll see you later.” I press a kiss to his other cheek and wave with Janey as he drives away. “Come on, sweetheart. Let’s go inside. What do you wanna do?” I ask, taking her hand as we go inside. 
“I wanna show you my room and my stuff.” She drags me towards her room, picking up various toy cowboys and horses that they ride. “You have so much cowboy stuff? Does your dad buy them for you?”
“Yeah. We’ve got matching cowboy outfits.” She says before diving into her draws and pulling out two matching outfits, one clearly an adult’s size whilst the other fits Janey. She begins to put it on above her clothes and I drop the cowboy hat on her head gently. “You should put daddy’s one on so we can match!”
“Really? You don’t think he’d mind that I was stealing his clothes?” I tease with a small smile.
“Isn’t that his jumper you're wearing?” She giggles.
“I guess you're right, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.” I say, putting the outfit on until we look like matching cowboys.
After a while of playing, I make some food for the both of us and a portion in the microwave for Cooper as it nears the time he said he would be home. Some tomato pasta that we eat while still wearing cowboy outfits. I chuckle as Janey gets some of the pasta sauce around her mouth, passing her one of the tissues to wipe her mouth with.
Cooper stands outside, about to open the door but looks through the window seeing Janey and I eating the pasta. A smile almost fills his face as he tries to cover his smile, mumbling to himself.
“I’m gonna marry this woman.” He whispers, sounding more like a stereotypical cowboy than ever before opening the door and walking in. “How’re my two favourite girls doing?” He grins as Janey runs towards him as he opens his arms to hug her.
He mimes the tipping of a cowboy hat at me with a small smirk and I shake my head, silently saying ‘don’t ask’ but smiling softly.
“How did the job go?” I ask, walking over to him by the door, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Good, first role I’ve got in a while.” He mumbles. “Just an ad but everything counts.”
“I’m so proud of you.” I smile, hugging him tightly, Janey doing the same despite not entirely understanding the context.
Cooper pours two glasses of wine, expensive wine, a celebration if you will after Janey’s gone to bed. Janey went to sleep in the cowboy outfit and made me promise not to take mine off so, being a loyal woman, I happily keep it on.
“Cheers to you, baby.” I smile, lifting my glass into the air as he does the same, clinking the glasses.
“Cheers.” He laughs, taking a sip before putting his glass back down on the coffee table. “I wanna ask you something and you gotta promise not to freak out.” 
I’m intrigued, sitting on the edge of my seat already smiling slightly but nervous. “Is it bad?” I ask, the anticipation now killing me.
“Nah, nothing bad, sweetheart, I promise.”
“Okay. I can’t promise I won’t freak out but I’ll try not to.” I say, watching him intently as he leans before kneeling on the ground in front of me. “Cooper, what are you doing?” I laugh with a smile. “Get up, you’ll spill the wine!” 
He kneels with one leg up, the other against the floor.
“(y/n) (l/n).” He starts and I’m still confused by what he’s doing. “I don’t have a ring but I thought this was the perfect moment to ask, will you marry me?”
I stand up, hand over my mouth, entirely shocked as I look down at him smiling up at me.
“Cooper, this better not be a fucking joke.” I warn, tears collecting in my eyes as I look down at his serious yet smiling face.
“It’s not, darlin’ I promise. After seeing you with Janey today, dressed up as cowboys making her pasta I just knew you were the one for me. I only regret not getting you a ring and asking you sooner.” He grins.
I stand absolutely frozen, standing up in front of him as a tear goes down my cheek.
“Why would you propose to me while I’m dressed like a cowboy?” Is the first thing I say, slightly muffled by my hand and he just laughs.
“I had to.” He kneels before me, without a ring but with all the right words. “Will you marry me?”
“Yeah, yeah, Coop, of course.” I say, overwhelmed with emotions, happiness being the dominant one but tears still in my eyes. “Oh my god.” I say as he rises to his feet wrapping his arms around me as I wrap my arms around his neck, as close as we could possibly get. “I can’t believe you.” I mumble into his shoulder.
“I love you so so much and so does Janey, you’re just so perfect for me.” He says and I could swear I hear a voice crack.
“I love you too. I can’t believe you though. What am I gonna say when people ask what the proposal was like? That I was dressed like a cowboy?” 
“I think you’re worrying about the wrong things right now, sweetheart.” He chuckles.
“I know. I can’t even begin to process the fact we’re getting married.” I press a kiss to the side of his neck. “Oh my god, I love you. I love you. I love you.” I place a kiss for everytime I say ‘I love you’ and he just smiles, taking the kisses.
“I must be the happiest man in the world right now.” He says with a grin as wide as his face.
AN: I hope people aren't getting bored of Fallout fics because I am not.
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xcherryerim · 1 day
Uncover (My Pretty Boy)
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Marv x gn!reader
tw: Mentions of bullying (once) | angst & fluff | insecure marv | mostly plot | established relationship | handjob to marv
notes: guys i’m so sorry but tbh i didn’t really try with this one bc i know not a lot of ppl won’t read it but still wanted to write for marv.
After inviting your friends over to your house that you shared with Marv, you noticed how badly they talked about your boyfriend so, you screamed at them to leave, sadly Marv saw everything.
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In the dimly lit room, the tension hung heavy in the air as Marv stood there, tears glistening on his cheeks beneath the red superhero mask he always had on. As you approached him, You could sense the weight of his pain and insecurity overflowing him.
"You heard, didn't you?" you asked, reaching out to gently cup his face. "I'm sorry my friends said those things about you, okay? You know I don't think that way," you reassured him, thumbs circulating his cheeks to ease him down.
With a trembling hand, you brushed his hair aside to get a better look at his face, noticing his black eyeliner smudging. As you try to clean it up he flinched and avoided your gaze, looking away instead to the door your friends rushed to a few seconds ago. His body hunched over as if he was once again the bullied kid on the playground.
"Yeah, I know you yelled at them pretty bad..." he responded hesitantly, his voice barely above a whisper. Finally, after a few long moments, he managed to lift his head and look directly at you. The ceiling lights making his teary eyes shine brightly.
"You don't think I'm weird, right?" he asked, his voice wavering while he bit his lip, a habit of his when he was anxious.
Smiling reassuringly, you grabbed him tightly, causing him to gasp a little, his puppy eyes opening wide. "Everyone is weird in their own ways, Marvyn," You replied, using his full name tenderly. "But you? You're the most sane person I know."
The shared laughter filled the room, and Marv pulled you close, wrapping his arms around in a closer embrace, and you could feel how your hearts beat in sync with one another. After a few moments, he pulled back just enough to look at you, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
"Yeah, right," he murmured, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
You laughed softly and reached for his mask, intending to remove it, but he grabbed your wrist gently, halting your movement. "I don't want to take it off yet..." he whispered, his hazel globes reflecting a mix of insecurity and fear.
Standing there, uncertain of what to do, you realized that despite dating Marvyn for four months, you had never seen him without his mask. You knew now that it wasn't due to an obsession with superheroes, as you had initially assumed; rather, it was a shield he used to protect himself from the world, especially from his past.
"Please?" You begged, pouting playfully, as your eyes were filled with determination.
Marvyn hesitated, his voice barely audible. "But if I take it off, you'll think I'm—" His words trailed off, worry etched across his features. His hands fidgeted with the end of his shirt.
In an attempt to ease his anxiety, you interrupted him, using a tone deliberately cheesy. "I'll think you're the most precious angel sent from above," you declared, hoping to coax him into removing the mask. To your delight, he let out a soft giggle, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
"Besides," yoh added, "your mask doesn't hide your face that much, you know?"
"Yeah, I'm aware," he sighed, his breath hitching as you trailed gentle kisses along his neck, easing his tension.
"Please?" You reiterated, voice soft and persuasive.
He hesitated, stammering before finally nodding.
Heart racing, you carefully removed the mask, eyes widening at the sight beneath. Your breath caught in your throat, and with a soft smile, you murmured, "You're so..."
Marvyn groaned, trying to grab the mask from your grasp, his eyes darting around the room in a mixture of panic and embarrassment. "This was a bad idea," he protested, his voice shaking slightly.
You snatched the mask away, holding it between your fingers as if it were a precious artifact. "Pretty," you whispered, your voice barely audible as you gazed at his exposed face. The words hung in the air, heavy with emotion, and Marvyn's eyes fluttered shut as if he couldn't bear to look at you.
Once finished, you lifted his chin, showing him an honest smile, happy to see your boyfriend's unobstructed face. "Pretty?" Marvyn repeated, his face flush with embarrassment at the compliment. His eyes snapped open, locking onto yours with a mixture of shame and vulnerability.
Nodding, you gently took his arm, guiding him toward the bathroom where you planned to help him remove his smudged makeup. Initially, he resisted, his body tense and unyielding. But you persisted, your touch gentle yet firm, until he finally relented, allowing you to assist him.
"I love you more than anything," You whispered softly, Your hand tenderly wiping away the layers of concealment he used to hide behind.
Marvyn sighed, his voice filled with doubt. "I know it's just hard to believe that you do because," he admitted. "How can you date someone like me?" he questioned.
The room fell quiet for a few seconds, and you swore you could hear your heart breaking at his question. How could you not love him, should be the question. You knew what happened with your friends brought him back to the past he desperately tried to avoid.
Your response was prompt, hand resting on the back of his head as you continued removing his makeup. "I'm weird too," You countered, the connection deepening as you both shared this private moment, as imperfections laid bare before each other.
"But look at me," Marvyn groaned, a hint of self-consciousness in his voice. "You deserve a boyfriend who won't embarrass you.”
You silenced him with a firm grip on his jaw, leaning in to capture his lips in a passionate yet quick kiss. His chapped lips rosed against yours desperately.
"Fuck them," You whispered against the rim of his mouth, pulling back slightly. "It's just you and me." With a wink and a smile, you led him to the couch, softly placing his head on your lap as you played with his brownish hair. Trying to bring some sort of normalcy to the night.
The room was filled with the sounds of his favorite superhero movie, creating a comfortable atmosphere between the two. Inside, however, Marvyn was struggling with an internal debate before finally finding the courage to speak.
As he stood up, his eyes sparkling with anticipation, you couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. He took your hand in his, his touch sending shivers down your spine. "I think I'm ready," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. You looked into his eyes, seeing the raw vulnerability there, and your heart melted.
"For what, baby?" you asked, trying to keep your voice steady.
"I want to sleep with you," Marvyn confessed, his face flushing with embarrassment. You could feel his heart pounding against your hand, and you knew this was a big step for him. In the four months you'd been dating, you'd never slept together, content to let him take things at his own pace. And you were fine with that, knowing that he needed time to feel comfortable around you.
"Are you sure? I said I'm willing to wait until you feel ready," you reminded him gently.
He held your hands tightly, his lips brushing against them as he insisted. "I am ready. Please?" His eyes were filled with a desperation that broke your heart, and you knew you couldn't deny him.
You nodded, a smile spreading across your face. “Let’s start with something simple for today, okay? “
you began to kiss him through his clothing, overpowering his apprehension with tender, lingering touches, ensuring that you wouldn't overwhelm him by stripping him completely. As you undid his belt and slowly unzipped his pants, you could feel Marvyn's body twitching at the slightest touch, aching for more.
You paused, concern etched on your face. "If you want me to stop, just tell me, alright?" You say, making sure to respect his boundaries and give him a clear outlet for his feelings. He nodded softly, his eyes locked on yours, his anticipation palpable as you slowly slid down his boxers, revealing him to you.
"Of course," he whispered, his voice barely audible as he watched your every move. You took a deep breath, trying to calm your racing heart, and without any further hesitation, you began to pump him gently, sending waves of pleasure coursing through his body. He let out a soft whimper, his head rolling back in pleasure while his eyes were shut.
"You okay?" You asked, needing to ensure he was still certain about this.
He nodded, his eyes opening slightly, a soft smile on his lips. "Yes, just keep going, please," he breathed, his body tensing up in anticipation.
As you continued to pleasure him, you noticed how rigid his body was, even though he seemed to be enjoying it.
"Hey," you whispered, stopping momentarily, "it's okay to let go and enjoy yourself."
Marvyn sighed, nodding, and allowed himself to fully relax into the experience. His eyes closed once again, and you saw a small smile tug at the corners of his lips. Encouraged, you resumed your ministrations, watching as his body slowly loosened up and gave itself over to the sensations. His breath started to hitched, and he moaned softly, wrapping his arms around your shoulders for support. Your heart swelled with pride at being able to give him such pleasure.
"It feels nice…" He whimpered out his eyes opening slightly to look at you work him out, his voice filled with pleasure.
Hearing his words made you feel like you were doing something right, and you continued to stroke him gently, adjusting your pace to match his rhythm. "Good, glad you're enjoying it," you said softly, keeping your gaze locked on his.
His eyes closed once more, and he leaned into you, his body trembling slightly. You could sense he was close by the way his legs kept twitching, and you wanted nothing more than to make this experience perfect for him. With a final surge of momentum, you increased your speed, watching as his entire body froze up before he cried out in pleasure, eyes wide and face flushed.
As his orgasm subsided, you held him close, allowing him to catch his breath. "That was amazing," he whispered, looking up at you, his eyes filled with gratitude and admiration. You smiled shyly, feeling a surge of happiness at his praise. "Glad you liked it," you said, trying to play it cool despite the warmth spreading through your chest.
He sat up, pulling you into a warm embrace, hugging you tightly. "Thank you," he murmured, his voice barely audible against your chest. "That...that really meant a lot to me." You returned the hug, knowing that you had done something special for him today.
"I'm happy that you let me do that for you," you responded, kissing his cheek. He smiled, a small, genuine smile that lit up his face. "I'm happy I let you do that too," he said, running his fingers through your hair. "I needed that."
As you stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, you couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment and happiness. This was what it was all about – making each other feel good, and being there for each other when it mattered most. You knew that this was just the beginning of a beautiful journey together, and you were excited to see what the future held for the two of you.
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Thank you for reading! If you only want to read my smut work consider following my side blog where I reblog my work!
taglist: @freak-accident419 @joshhutchersonsgf @valreanakuroo @jhutch-bf @cassiecasluciluce @jhutchismyl0verb0y @joshfutturman
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bronx-bomber87 · 2 days
First off thank you much for the lovely response to my last thoughts. I was very nervous about posting and got a lot of good replies, notes and reblogs. This fandom is the best. I think it's important to see both sides and I wanted Tim's to be represented in a way that gave insight without condoning what he'd done. (Cause our boy done messed up.) So giving a little of myself achieved that I believe.
I didn't know a ton about this ep cause I’m a square who stays away from spoilers haha So let’s get started.
6x08 Punch Card
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Ugh my heart Tim got a reminder for Lucy’s Bday. Instant heart stomping already….I love that he had a reminder set up though. Making sure he would't forget. I’m crying already. Even though I'm so very sad. I love that he had this setup. When the elevator opens the amount of tension is palpable. Something felt very wrong. Good thing Tim was lost in his Lucy moment or he would've picked up on this sooner.
Poor Tim just wants to explain himself to Mad Dog. To explain what happened. The man is not in a place to receive it and we see later why. That look said it all though when Mad Dog departs. When Dr. London said she just took the wrong elevator my red flag gut was going off.
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Now that I've see the episode as a whole I can see Dr. London's play here. She seems to use flirting as a defense mechanism all her own. To protect herself and manipulate those around her. I mean they brought her flirt fest with Aaron in the recap back for a reason I think. She's worried Tim read into something about her interaction with Mad Dog. I mean Tim is clearly upset about seeing him and she uses that to deflect attention off herself. My off meter definitely was kicking on with her. Especially with how flirty she was being I didn't like it.
Now some may see Tim's response as him flirting back but I think he's investigating her. Also he's being a little sassy because he's not comfortable with her doing therapy outside the office. I mean his face when he leaves that elevator is not of a man who just flirted. It's one who is one still hurting and two his cop gut is going off but he isn't sure why....He seems conflicted by what just went down in that elevator. Just like us he was feeling off about her.
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This scene was very cute with Grey. I loved him anointing her to be a T.O. LOL Also once again showing the faith he has in Lucy. To train Celina and know she would do a good job. I was excited for this opportunity for her. For her to tap into leadership. Honestly it shouldn't have taken this long for Lucy to get to show her chops with this.
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Tim is so busy trying to delete his Lucy reminder he runs into the physical version of it without realizing. Andddddd it’s still awkward af between them. How could It not be? No communication between them so naturally it is. Stilted awkwardness. Lucy got out of there so fast. Even with Tim making the all powerful joke. Trying to make it less awkward. Ow. Couldn't get away fast enough. The way he watches her go. *sigh* Like he's watching his entire heart depart the room.
This hurts you guys. No matter how much I know it’ll be ok at some point this hurts to watch. Grey not pulling any punches noting how very awkward that was. Tim telling him that's actually better than it's been....Makes me wonder how much time has passed between 6x07 and now. Wade not caring that's progress to Tim. He is not messing around....
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Just wants Tim to fix is ASAP cause of the team dynamic. He's not wrong. Man isn't wrong. Rarely if ever is. Saying if Tim can't there’s gonna be a transfer and it won’t be Lucy….I mean I LOVE Grey siding with Lucy on this one. Not a doubt in his mind if it shakes out that way it'll be Tim. That being said just hearing that. Ugh. Deep anxiety pit of my stomach. And of course it would be friggin North Hollywood. That damn station been haunting them since S2. Looming over them ready to take one of them away.
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Lucy being Celina’s T.O .for the day I love it. She is so excited to be her leader even if it's just for this shift. Just wants to 'Invest in her success.' You know Lucy's leadership is pretty damn identical to how I am with my team. While I am mostly Tim there are pieces of Lucy in me as well. I related to her style of leadership quite a bit.
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Aaron and Tim in the surveillance van is hilarious. Their dynamic has always entertained me. I truly adore these two goobers together. Tim is trying so hard to keep his shit together. Aaron dying of ask him if he finds it hard to surveil his old team for an OP? Tim of course gives him the company line. Doing what he is told without complaint. Pulling out some S1 Tim with that reply my love.
Tim then telling him he needs a stronger deodorant LOL It's too funny. What a boring assignment for them both. Tim went from running that entire team. Doing ops and making decisions on the fly to this….Also Aaron being too distracted by his deodorant comment to pay attention is the most Aaron thing ever haha
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What I love the most about Lucy with Celina is her correcting without crushing her confidence. Once again reminding me of myself when I'm correcting my work kids on stuff. She is kind but confident in her assessment of what she did wrong in this moment. Celina receiving it well because she handles it this way. Lucy out here crushing it already with zero T.O. training. Just going off instinct and what she would want if she was a newbie still. Once again her and I very alike.
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Oh Tim getting that reminder again. *heart clutch.* Sigh my boy. Aaron offering to turn it off for him. I love that he was gonna have it remind him through out the day. Pre-breakup Tim clearly didn't want to forget. Wanted to make sure he not only knew it was but to make sure to make a big deal of it. That's just an assumption on my part but man would've wanted to do that. it's the way he has 'TOMORROW.' Wanting to make sure he didn't forget such an important day. *screams into a pillow.* Aaron asking if he’s gonna get her anything? I’m sure he had stuff in mind. But yeah bad form indeed…
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Tim’s sweet smile when he finds out what Aaron got her. Knowing how perfect of a gift that would be for her. That sweet knowing smile makes me wanna weep a bit. He knows his girl so well. Lot of sadness attached to the smile though. 'Can I ask why ya’ll split up?' 'No.' LMAO Took it too far Aaron....You're lucky you got that much good sir.
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This scene with Mad Dog hurt my heart for Tim. No matter how wrong he was for what he did I still hate seeing this. This was what I was worried about with him working with Metro. Picking at the wounds he hasn’t even begun to heal about how he left. I knew him making notes on the OP was going to come back and bite him in the ass. Watching all his repercussions is painful to see I have to say. Knowing what we know about Mad Dog later I think that's part of why he goes off on Tim. Doesn't make it any easier to watch though...
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Friggin Love Lucy being a BAMF in this episode. Especially in this moment. When she once again corrects but doesn't crush Celina about her gun. It's the way she guides Celina and has control over every situation they encounter in this ep. Proving herself a worthy teacher and leader. Also she was a better teacher to Celina in one episode than Nolan has been her entire career. Dude is a stinker of a T.O. It shows in how Celina makes basic mistakes Lucy had down pat long before this time in her rookie year.
Too bad Lucy can't finish out her training and Nolan is booted. But that'll never happen nothing sticks to that man. Not since S3 premiere. The rules and repercussions are rubber and he's glue. What doesn't stick to him does to everyone else... Grey should really evaluate his teaching skills. But that'll never happen. But she deserves a better teacher than him.
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From the minute Tim entered the room something seemed very wrong. From the way Mad Dog was just expecting Tim to flog him. Like he wanted Tim to ream him out for how the OP went down. Also how Mad Dog seemed nervous af to see Dr London. I mean look at that man above. He is scared shitless she is there to see him. The way he watches her though out the scene. Especially when she leaves.
Tim's cop gut is going off like crazy when she enters the room. Wondering how the hell she even know about this? He seems to take her answer at face value because honestly its pretty good considering it's a bold faced lie. Tim once again feeling like something is very off but isn't sure why.
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First let me say once again I feel personally attacked by the choice in song once again. lol I couldn't find the song to save my life. The lyrics are *chef kiss.* They're painfully accurate for them both. Think they've been very intentional with their ending music and just in general this season. These lyrics filled me with some hope as well. Jotted down the lyrics since couldn't find the song.
‘When the sun won’t shine and the words don’t rhyme. And there’s mountains you can’t move. Somethings on your mind and it’s been some time-since you felt like you were you. When it all caves in feeling paper thin. And the pain might cut right through.
Oh child, Lift up your head. All this trouble's only gonna last for awhile.’ Yeah we’re gonna be all right oh child. Lift up your head. And the light's gonna find you. When you feel like you ain’t got a friend. And you’re wondering if you ever gonna smile again. Every little thing gonna be ok. I know that you gonna see better days.’ *heart clutch.*
Damn smart of Tim saying happy birthday from Kojo and not him. I’m not crying you are. This was so so sweet. Lucy's reaction to Kojo got me all in my feels. She's so excited to see him. Then that excitement melts into sadness. Because he's an extension of Tim. The way she pet's him and says how much she misses him ugh.
Seems there is a double meaning going on there. We all know despite the hurt how much she misses her person. Tim just standing there only imagining her reaction when Kojo makes his way back. What a way to bring that sweet boy back in. I'm so happy about it. Tim is respecting her space but couldn’t let her bday go without doing something. Had to let her know her was thinking of her still. The fact that it’s happening in the hallway where so many seminal moments have played out for them.... I wanna cry.
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I LOVE that Tim got Kojo to put his little paw in ink for the card. It is so sweet. Their fur baby. He put serious thought and effort into this. This was so well done. Only Melissa and Eric could have chemistry without even seeing each other. This is the first time we've really seen Lucy cry about them. 6x06 she was in complete shock. 6x07 was her processing her thoughts/emotions. She was on the verge of tears but we didn't see her cry. This was first time we've seen her shed tears on screen at least since the break up. Wanna hug her so much. She deserved this card and more. Like a real conversation with him but this is a good start.
She knows this is Tim reaching out without physically doing so. Showing her he still cares. I mean he clearly very much does. You don't put thought and effort in like this if you don't. It's a huge thing for him to do right now. Lucy recognizes the effort in this adorable act. Tim's face after she reads the card. Ripping my damn heart out. The absolute regret splayed all over it. Like it’s finally hitting him what he’s done to her. What he’s lost in the process. He gave up his favorite person. His happy place and just it’s hitting him square in his chest.
Like a freight train that’s run him over. It's the way he shakes his head. Kicking himself. Knowing he hastily threw them away. What a mistake he’s made in his irrational decision making. It’s written all over his beautiful face. He may not fully understand yet why he did it but the regret is evident. Eric be killing me. His face screams all that. Knowing he should’ve been with Lucy for her birthday. Hell probably sharing that bath bomb she brought up with her. Killing me softly. Hurts so good. Damnit writers... This is being handled so well though. So hats off to them. They both needed this moment more than either of them knew.
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Mad dog killing himself....jesus H Christ. Poor Tim the last thing he needs is this. It explains why he was extra nasty to Tim though. Tim saw the flaw in his play and freaked the hell out. Also for Tim to see someone he once trusted with his life compromise themselves. Compromise the safety of their own men. Gut punch. And for what? Money? Power? We won't know till more of this unravels. Whatever it is won't be for a good reason. I know Tim hates himself for his mistakes. But those mistakes always had some form of honor attached to them.
He may not see that but I do. Now the op where he got his men killed no but what he did after was honorable. What he did for Mitch came from a honorable place. I just wonder how seeing Mad Dog doing something so very un-honorable is gonna affect him moving forward...Oh my lord I’m so mad about Dr London not because I liked her. But because I didn’t want it to derail Tim’s therapy in any way. The man needs it. Here’s hoping he continues in s7 with someone better.
Everyone was right she’s a dirty birdy. I was just hoping she wouldn’t be. But my ick and uncomfortable factor went WAY up in this ep with her. I knew it was inevitable. It's not that I didn't want to be wrong about her. It's the fact I didn't want this to hurt Aaron and I definitely I didn’t want her to be dirty for Tim that was it. For his therapy and the progress he's made. I hope this doesn’t affect his therapy journey and he can find someone not compromised in S7.
That promo for next week oh my lord….the hug! The hug! "This doesn't change anything." Then pulls him right in like nothing's changed. I will be living there from now on. Or until next week lol Love the Finale being a 2 parter as well. Phew this is gonna be an intense ending to this season. Gonna be chomping at the bit for S7 once it's done I know it. Like the song stated we're gonna see better days. I truly believe that. We got this my lovely fandom. Thank you for always being so wonderfully receptive of these reviews. Appreciate any likes, comments or reblogs that come my way.
Side notes-non Chenford
Angela shooting Monica down with Wesley. She's an Epic Queen and I adore her.
Dr London is in alliance with Monica. That's super great….cool cool cool……I have a feeling and D and I discussed this earlier. Reminds us of Armstrong. This feels more like a she's been forced into it a situation. Because its obvious she's good at her job.
But the way she freaked out about the cops being hurt clearly shook her. She looked on the verge of tears in Mad Dog's room. So do I think she's a bad person? Unsure at the moment. Do I think she was once a good person who was manipulated into whatever this alliance is? I do. Be interesting to see how her SL unfolds.
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missmoonfrost · 3 days
Piercing - a wolfstar microfic
May prompts: Anger born of worry Words: 274
Sirius is leaning against the sink, staring into the mirror with a needle in hand.
Remus' eyes narrow. “What are you doing?”
Sirius smirks at him through the mirror. “Thought I was going to pierce my ears, but now I’m not sure. Maybe my lip instead?” He pulls at his lower lip and studies it from different angles.
“You can’t just do that!”
Sirius expression sours. “Sure, I can.”
“You know your parents won’t like that.” Don’t give them any more reason to hurt you, please.
“That’s kind of the point.”
“You won’t be taken seriously. You won’t get a job.”
Sirius just rolls his eyes.
“Don’t be so reckless! You could get an infection.” And you’re going home over the break. Alone with your horrible parents. Where I won’t be able to protect you.
Sirius turns around to face him. “Maybe I’m not doing it for you? Have you thought about that? Maybe I don’t care if you think it looks stupid?”
“What? I don’t care how hot you’ll look, I care about you coming back after the break in one piece.”
Sirius grins. “You think I’ll look hot?”
“Yeah? I… That’s not the point.”
Sirius continues smiling. “What kind? Nosewing? Septum? Snakebites?”
“Sirius, please…” Snakebites for sure. Remus' stomach flips just at the thought of that.
“I promise to not do it before the brake if you promise to help me do it afterward.”
Remus swallows. Sirius' parents will notice at some point, of course. But it doesn’t feel as threatening when it’s not immediately ahead. And the thought of getting to touch Sirius' face gives him goosebumps.
“Okay. Deal.” He breathes.
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penvisions · 2 days
sweetening the deal {by the grit of sandpaper}
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Pairing: Jackson! Joel Miller x Patrol Partner! Reader
Summary: Tommy Miller asked you to take his place beside his brother on patrols, and you're determined to not let him down even if you're far too awkward around the older Miller you don't know very well.
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: canon typical language, pining, requited unrequited feelings, joel is so soft in this, heart of gold joel, carpenter joel, woodworking joel, artisan joel, patrol partnership, lots of feelings, joel miller's body needs its own warning, tooth rotting fluff, mostly joel pov, SET BEFORE THE FIRST CHAPTER
A/N: dear @copperhalfcent submitted a drabble emoji as part of the final chapter celebration and of course i got carried away, what a bummer, huh? here's this for y'all to enjoy until the final chapter comes out! ♡♡
ao3 link || series masterlist || main masterlist || ko-fi
A rather loud crack of cartilage startles you, your gun aimed toward the direction Joel approached you and the horses from. He had dismounted to check out the small wisps of smoke with an urgent but quiet request to remain behind.
“Just me ‘n my bad back.”
“Should soak in some hot water when we get back.” You say as you lower the barrel, turning your attention to the tittering horses. You miss the way his eyes darken at the image of you covered in nothing but scented bubbles flashing in his mind. It was the middle of summer, your shirts having given way to tank tops that gave the man more than a glimpse of the swell of your breasts glistening with sweat. His hands twitch at his sides, his own gun secure over his back, pistol nestled in the holster at his hip.
“Afraid that won’t do much at my age.”
“You’re not that much older than me.”
“I’m far older than you, you can’t be more’n forty.”
“Tommy’s got a few on me, but he said you’re not much older than him?”
“I’m fifty-seven, he’s about fifty. Even older with a birthday comin’ up soon. More’n a few years, actually.”
“Oh. Well, I always did go for older guys.” And fuck if his cock didn’t twitch and his stomach didn’t swoop at the implications of your words. You must’ve realized they were uttered aloud as you spin back to face him with a twisted face, heat tinging the tops of your ears and your chest rising with a deep exhale of an apology he didn’t think was necessary.
“Shit. That was wildly inappropriate, Joel. I’m so sorry.” The worry in the lines of your face, the few wrinkles he could see around your eyes made his stomach swoop again. You were so god damn expressive once he got you talking, something relatively new as you both got used to being around each other, reading each other’s moods.
“No need to apologize, we all got our preferences.”
“Still, you-you’re…I’m just gonna shut up now.” He could hear the clack of your teeth as you snap your jaw shut, tense at what he figured you thought was too forward of a conversation with someone who you interacted with only a few times a week. But he frowned, not liking the way you interpreted their easy-going patrols that had begun to develop into something he would call genuine friendship.
“Nah, is okay. Filters are for people who actually say inappropriate stuff. You’re fine, Olive.” He watches the way you begin to lead the horses down an overgrown path, falling into step behind you. Something that paired with the smoldering fire he had found keeping his eyes and ears open to those responsible. “When’s your birthday?”
“I’m a winter baby, which is ironic because I don’t like the cold.” His eyes trace the same line a drop of sweat as it makes its way from your braided hair and down the back of your neck. The increasing heat not seeming to bother you as it did so many others who had the relieve of central air in Jackson.
“Not a fan either, being from Texas we didn’t get much of it.” Joel realizes he hadn’t told anyone of his past other than Ellie in…god knows how long. You were smart though, no doubt picking up on the twang his voice carried, the particulars of it telling of his past just as much as his answers to each new question. But he was willing to share it with you, something about you softening the edges of the walls he had built up around himself. Of wanting to find out what you had in common and what you didn’t.
“Do you…like sweets?”
“Huh?” Even if he were privy to the innerworkings of your mind, the question would still have caught him off guard, doubly so since he wasn’t.
“Uh…sweets? Like cake or tart or even muffins?” Nervous, he realized, you were nervous around him sometimes. But it was so unlike the rest of the town, nervous as in worried about accidentally offending him or saying the wrong thing, not nervous he was going to throttle them. He had done his best to work alongside Tommy, to appease Maria and the council, to show them that he was committed to turning a new leave and abiding by their way of life to ensure he and Ellie had a place to call home. It had been a rough couple of months, but you sure as hell sweetened the deal.
“Wouldn’t say no to ‘em, but never went out of my way to get any for myself.” The question of who he would go out of his way to get them fore glints in your eye, but you purse your lips and refrain from another question. He rather likes betting against himself to see if you would ask the many he sees cross your face. Your brow was twitch just before you did, if you allowed yourself. Your lips would twitch if you didn’t, like you were holding back the words springing up in your mind.
After a rather awkward first couple of patrols, he had realized the set of his face may have come across as uninterested. But you were so sweet, so quiet and he found himself wondering about you beyond the bubble of time you shared while out on patrol. Tommy had barked a laugh when he asked how long you had been here, the glimmer of teasing only a younger sibling was capable of lighting up his face. Longer than him, he had said. Which meant you had to have been a part of it for a while.
Time passes and his birthday is suddenly something Tommy makes a point to stop by the house with a classic yellow cake covered in chocolate frosting.
Figured you for a simple man, so a simple cake seemed the safest bet. Hope the day is good to you, Olive.
The note attached to it was inscribed with beautiful, looping writing. Tommy had remarked that you were the go to baker for cakes, even if the requests were made at the mess hall where he learned you were one of the cooks behind the scenes. Each new piece of you he learned making him want to know more. With the thought to thank you next patrol, he accepted the cake and his brother’s company.
Ellie had made him breakfast before school, but he had remained inside all day, busing himself with cleaning and carving to ignore the memories the date always brought up. But that evening, he smiled over a small dinner with his brother as they cut into the cake almost immediately after. Glad he had opened up to you and to find that you thought of him as much as he was beginning to think of you. He would return the favor by bringing coffee, something he was learning was a commodity few had a steady supply of. A branch of his own to let you know he didn’t think you were being too forward in any capacity.
Even more so when he noticed a third slice stolen from the platter it was delivered on the next morning, a card beside it from Ellie wishing him another year for her to tease him.
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taglist: @joelsgreys @morning-star-joy @sawymredfox @pascalpvnk @littlemisspascal @merz-8 @orcasoul @sabmat @dreamingofleon
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@communism-bitches @slugz-writes-shit @mosssbawls @vie-is-punk
@ohhellotherebumblebee @koshkaj-blog @r4vens-cl4ws @picketniffler @joeldjarin
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cultofdixon · 12 hours
Plagued by the horrors of the past
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • All Daryl wants to do is make sure his pregnant partner remains safe, even from the nightmares • ANGST/SFW • TW: Pregnancy / Nightmares / Minor Injuries
Requested by: Anon
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Negan stopped right in front of Y/N gripping the handle of Lucille with both hands.
“Moe” and right before the bat met her skull
Y/N opened her eyes feeling the tightness in her chest grow worse but she relaxed slightly when feeling her husband secure his arm around her middle just above her bump. She gently tapped his arm indicating for him to let go so she could get up and pee. At least that’s what Daryl thinks.
But all she did was sit on the edge of the bathtub holding her belly and thinking about her nightmare.
It’s been happening since she found out she was pregnant. Along with a million other things that made her feel guilty since the end of the Savior’s war.
How could you?
How could you be happy and pregnant with a loving husband when your best friend lost hers?
He will never get to see his son grow up.
Never get to hold his loving wife at night and whisper sweet nothings to her.
Same with Abe and Sasha.
They never got the life they wanted to share with each other.
But you did.
Isn’t that selfish?
His voice startled her slightly as she lifted her head showing the exhaustion written all over her face.
“Are you feeling alright?” Daryl knelt on the cold tile positioning himself in front of her and resting his hand on her belly which brought out a more concerned look. “She giving you trouble?”
“No she’s perfect…and I’m just. Tired” Y/N sighs running her hand through her hair as she watches Daryl bring himself back to a standing position, extending his hands to her.
“I don’t think being in here will help much with that” Daryl knew about the nightmares. He tries to help in any way without addressing it because Y/N would deny that she’s not ok. Constantly telling him she’s fine.
He knows she’s not.
Y/N did manage to get at least three hours in before she received a hard kick in the ribs which woke her that time. Besides it was the now morning instead of late in the night when she woke so time to do things around the place. Even if Daryl tells her not to do a lot of things. But to his surprise…
“I think you should take it—-“
“I’m gonna lay in bed for a bit longer…don’t let me hold you back from your day, Dar” Y/N didn’t see the worry in his face when she said such, even if it’s what he wanted. For her to take it easy.
Daryl readjusted himself to lean against the headboard noticing Y/N inch closer when he did such. He brought his arm around her shoulders leading her to lay on him and while she was hesitant at first, she didn’t care for much long and brought herself to lay on him.
“You won’t be late for anything?”
“Don’t got stuff til the afternoon.” Daryl gave her a soft smile that she didn’t see. But it was obvious to why. Y/N fell back asleep in his embrace, snuggling closer when she felt his lips press a soft kiss to her hairline. He did have stuff in the morning. But didn’t care.
When it came to actually help around the community, Daryl kept his attention on Y/N whenever he saw her while he helped Aaron fix the gate mechanism. Aaron would glance over every time Daryl did and that would spark a few things.
“How far along?”
“Y/N. When are you going to experience the joys of a baby like I’ve been experiencing?
“Didn’t you say Gracie projectile vomit on your shirt this morning?”
“Yeah…but there are other things” Aaron laughs handing Daryl the new wheel. “You can see the exhaustion on Y/N’s face so she must be far”
“Six months, and it ain’t cuz she’s carrying” Daryl knelt to the floor with what he needed to replace the gate wheel. “She hasn’t been sleeping”
“No? Think she’d need a sedative? I bet you Siddiq can find something that will be fine for her and the baby” Aaron tried to find a solution as Daryl kept his focus on finishing the task at hand so he could keep an eye on her.
But she was simply reading another baby book that Carol found for Daryl originally while sat on the porch. Which also meant Y/N put herself in a position for anybody to approach her.
“Do you think he looks like Glenn?”
Y/N shot her head up from her book with a confused look being met with an equally confused one from Rick. “What?”
“I asked how are you feeling”
“Oh, I’m just…tired.” She breathed out a laugh, setting her book down for a moment.
“I bet. Lori used to fall asleep anywhere when she was pregnant with Carl, then well. With Judith she kept having to move around remember?” Rick invited himself to sit with Y/N which made her tense slightly but he didn’t read that. “I would appreciate the shit we have now. You’re safe to have your baby. Have a doctor. Can rest when you want. The whole package…”
“Are you…trying to make me feel bad?” Y/N questioned watching Rick instantly turn his head at her.
“No why would you say that?”
“Because I know what we have now compared to when times were extremely difficult…are you…” Y/N didn’t know where she was going with her words and decided to forget it. She grabbed her book along with the mug she brought out earlier and made her way inside. “I’m sorry” she whispered before shutting the door behind her.
Rick sat there for a moment, feeling more confused than anything. But there was a hint of regret for his words. He struck something and she wasn’t going to tell him. Especially not him. As he left the porch to take care of something, Daryl noticed from his spot and wanted to leave his task to check on his wife because at one point she was outside, then Rick appeared, now she’s nowhere in sight.
“Go check on her. I know you want to” Aaron has been around Daryl long enough to understand his body language.
“I owe yea, Aaron” Daryl tells him while setting his tools back in their box along with his gloves before leaving.
The sound of the door opening snapped Y/N out of her thoughts as she lifted her head from resting against the couch watching Daryl look for her and instantly lock onto her in the living room.
“Are you okay?” Daryl brought himself to sit with her watching her nod with a small smile. “Are you sure?”
Y/N didn’t know what to say as all she did was shake her head before bringing herself into his lap keeping mind of her bump. Daryl instantly wrapped his arms around her after helping her get comfortable.
“Can you stay home the rest of the day?” She whispers feeling his hand sprawl itself on her bump as she rest her hand on top of his.
“Of course, sunshine” He felt her relax when he said such.
The rest of their day consisted of staying on the couch, making dinner together, running a bath for Y/N, working on Daryl’s bike while she relaxed in the bath, and then helping her with her night routine before going to bed together like every night.
“What do you have to do tomorrow?” Y/N asked as she adjusted her pillows for her to sit up while Daryl rubbed her feet using a lotion gifted from Carol.
“Mmm. Just a watch shift I think, and to check the snares. I shouldn’t be out long”
“…can I join you?”
His immediate answer would be no and the look in his eyes gave that away. But Daryl seemed to go against what his mind was telling him.
“As long as yea take it easy” Daryl says calmly while working on a knot in her sole. “You can even bring your hunting rifle and we’ll check out the closest hunting grounds”
“Babe…are you messing with me?” Y/N pulled her foot away watching Daryl bring himself to lay beside her propped up.
“When was the last time I messed with yea?”
“I dunno…”
“Then I ain’t messing with yea. As long as yea take it easy, and follow my lead. We can do this. Okay?” He gave her a smile as she nods before shifting to lay down watching him do the same after he turned off the lamp.
Listen carefully…I will always have a chokehold on your life. That when you least expect it
Daryl and your baby are as good as dead
Y/N jolted awake instantly reaching for her belly making sure everything was alright as for her movement she woke her partner.
“What’s wrong?”
“N-Nothing. It’s…” Y/N felt the baby kick and only started to sob afterward. Daryl fully brought himself to wrap around her bringing her close to him.
“It’s okay. It’s okay” Daryl held her close in hopes the sobbing would stop. But she cried for an hour and he did his best to calm her even if after the sobbing resulted in both staying up the remainder of the night.
When the next day came around, Michonne took it upon herself to check on the Dixons given Daryl didn’t relieve her of her watch and an Alexandrian had to take it. She knocked a few times and waited an appropriate amount of time before letting herself in finding Daryl blankly staring at a French press he found to make coffee for him and tea for his partner. But when Michonne drew close, he snapped out of his daze and realized he didn’t even get it ready with either caffeinated beverage.
“Long night?”
Daryl quickly turned to her realizing he forgot and cursed under his breath. “Sorry. I was supposed to take watch after yea”
“It’s okay, someone took care of it” Michonne gestured for him to sit as she took care of getting the coffee and tea ready for them. “Where’s Y/N?”
“Nesting. She didn’t want me to help until I’ve made tea for her but I honestly think she said that so I wouldn’t talk about last night”
“What happened last night?”
“A night terror? Nightmare. Whichever. She had a bad reaction and couldn’t sleep. So I didn’t sleep” Daryl frowns watching a cup of coffee come into view giving his thanks.
“Yknow. Rick won’t admit it. Nor would he tell you what he thinks he did.” Michonne poured herself a cup given her early morning shift. “He gets nightmares about Carl and his…failure in saving him. He gets a few about the line up and he cries in his sleep.”
Daryl took in a sharp inhale before sipping his coffee. He knew what could be plaguing his wife’s mind during these moments, but never thought she would be too afraid to tell him about them.
“What did Rick do?”
“He thinks he made Y/N feel guilty for the luxuries we have that clearly…those we’ve lost will never have.”
“Well. He’d have to pay for that” Daryl jokes, for the most part. “But her nightmares started since before she was pregnant. They weren’t as bad…guess her emotions are all over the place because of the pregnancy”
“It does that” Michonne laughs lightly as the lightheartedness only lasted a few seconds when they both heard a crash upstairs. Resulting in both of them quickly running to the commotion.
Y/N tried to move the crib and given its weight, she misstepped accidentally cutting herself on a sharp corner which Daryl took note to sand down later.
Now in the infirmary, Siddiq had checked the baby before taking the time to stitch up her arm so it would less likely scar. Not that she minded scars but after being told neither of them have slept and have been having a hard time, he wanted to bring some relief in it all.
“Do I need to be forced on bed rest?”
“No? You only cut yourself and your blood pressure went down after the crisis was averted. I’d take it easy but you don’t have to be confined to a bed” Siddiq finished with the wrap and handed Daryl extra bandages for the future redressing.
“She’s uh. She’s been having—-“
“Nightmares…” Y/N frowns. “Do you think you have sleep medication?”
“I do…but I don’t think you’ll need it” Siddiq taped the bandage to be secure, giving the rest of the roll to Daryl. “I think you’ll do better with a change in scenery”
“And what do you suggest?”
It took about two weeks to plan this out and Carol was more than happy to welcome her two closest friends, her family, into the Kingdom to stay for a while. Even if it meant living in a studio like apartment, not that Y/N cared. She was just happy to be with Carol and Ezekiel…while outside the radius of Negan’s presence.
“I’m surprised Daryl let you drive here”
“It’s just so he could have his bike” Y/N laughs softly.
“His first love if you will” Carol jokes receiving a hearty laugh from Y/N as she took her hands into hers admiring her and the bump for a moment. “He really is getting the life he’s always deserved”
“He sure is”
“Cmon, let me help you get settled. Let him scout around the place” Carol smiles wrapping her arm around Y/N leading her to the living quarters.
After a while Daryl found himself sat on the edge of the bed in sweats waiting for his wife to finish getting ready. He brought his attention from the floor toward the sound of the bathroom door opening and Y/N making her way toward him.
“You don’t like it here”
“What do you mean?”
“New place. For however long…you know we’ll go back right?”
“What if you don’t want to?”
“Alexandria is my home, Daryl. Where we found security, where we got married…and I want to raise our baby there. I just…needed a break, from being constantly reminded that Negan is still alive and what he took from us”
“Rick was a moron for keeping him alive” Daryl frowns as Y/N sat beside him taking his hand resting it on her bump letting their little one kick against the touch making his frown fade. “All I want to do is take care of you. The both of you”
“And you are. We will go home”
“Once you’re comfortable. Okay? I’ll help around the Kingdom and Carol will definitely hover around yea if I’m not”
“That’s okay” She laughs resting her head on his shoulder. “You better take it easy too. Negan took a lot from the both of us”
“I will”
The night progressed as Daryl found himself wrapped around Y/N, hand on her bump as her hand rested on top of his. Her finally asleep without stirring to anything but his small movements and even then, she went back to sleep immediately.
Honestly they’ve stayed in bed for a few days…enjoying the quiet and peacefulness
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janeyseymour · 1 day
La Cosa Nostra- pt 15
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6. Part 7. Part 8. Part 9. Part 10. Part 11. Part 12. Part 13. Part 14.
cowritten with @schemmentis - we're gonna try to revive this story, and y'all better buckle up because it's gonna get so good
WC: 3.1k
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You manage to get the girls up and fed before Melissa stirs on the couch. It must be a groggy Schemmenti morning considering the girls haven’t swarmed her and woken her up themselves nor asked you why Mommy was sleeping on the couch all weekend. You gently shake at your wife’s shoulder once the girls have their shoes on, remembering how upset she’d been when you’d taken them to school without waking her. Plus, you don’t exactly feel generous and worried about making sure she gets enough rest after your fight. 
You roll your eyes at her groggy ‘what’ when she cracks her eyes open. “Your daughters want to say good morning and goodbye, is what.” You mutter, stepping aside and wave the twins the okay to hurry to Melissa.
You step back towards the front door as Melissa kisses them each multiple times. Tuning out the goodbyes and I love yous. You’d thought after not speaking aside from the essentials over the weeknd you might feel less upset; you don’t. It’s the same as before you went to sleep the night you fought. Mel’s decision over you, her standing by it, and worst of all her hitting you in all the worst places. You can’t let any of it go, not first, anyway.
You force a deep breath when you feel your little girls running back to your side, opening the front door. “Let’s go, littles, before you’re late.” You mutter as you usher them out.
“You didn’t kiss Mommy again,” Rosie states once you get into the car.
“We were running late,” is all your response is. 
Once you’ve seen them off to their class safely, you leave the girls’ school. Your eyes roll when you hear your cell phone ring for the third time in the short trip to drop them off. You know without looking it’s Tony just like it was the last two times, no doubt to ask again for the ledger which you still have no intention of giving him directly. You don’t trust Tony as far as you could throw him. Still, you know you’d better have it in hand soon for when he produces whoever he answers to. It wouldn’t be good for that to happen and you to not have it.
You sigh as you slip back into the car. Which means you probably have to break your silent streak with your wife and ask her to talk to Barbara to get it back. You really don’t want to do that though. Your pride and your stubbornness wants you to hold out for Melissa to at least admit she was being an asshole the other night. Even if she won’t admit she was wrong about the rest of it. 
You don’t have Barbara’s number but you do know where she’ll eventually turn up. You pull the car from the school lot, driving to the church. If Mel intends to be in early at the restaurant today; you don’t feel that bad about making her walk this time.
You slip in just after the morning service. Thankfully, you still spy Barbara’s head in the usual back pew. You genuflect at the side, crossing your chest before slipping into the seat next to the older woman- the one your wife would usually claim.
“Good morning, Y/N.” Barbara greets you quietly once her head raises from her prayer. “Another bit of prayer needed, hm?”
“A little bit.” You hedge. You’re not fully lying; you do think it might bring some relief after your fight with Melissa. Which, now that you’re sat next to her, you realize you may have overlooked your wife telling Barb all about. “I was also hoping to see you.” You add.
“Oh? Well, that’s sweet of you. You know I’m always glad to see you or Melissa and your girls in the Lord’s house.”
You flash a smile, one you’ve flashed the Feds and other Family members alike to be as charming as you can. “You know our whole family is always happy to see you. Especially the girls.”
“Oh, I can’t wait for next weekend. They were positively a joy at Sunday breakfast, yesterday. Though you and Melissa were rather quiet.”
“It was…a long week, last week.” You admit. “Mel and I haven’t exactly been seeing eye to eye lately.” You hadn’t meant to share that last part but you lean into letting it off your chest in some way, at least.
“I’m sure you two will sort it out. You always do.”
“I hope so.” You answer truthfully. You might still be angry, and definitely hurt, but you still love Melissa with all of you. You hope the fact she’s been dealing with being relegated to the couch for a few days is a sign she still feels the same, too. Since she hasn’t disappeared to her Ma’s or even Kristen Marie’s.
“Are things okay between the two of you? Would you like to chat about it, perhaps over brunch?” Barbara offers.
You take her up on that offer, and you find yourself bringing her back to your house- just in case the Feds are still watching you. You mill about the kitchen as you prepare a few things before settling at the table with her.
“So,” Barbara hums. “What’s got you turning up at church more often than usual lately- both you and your wife?”
“Could use a bit more prayer these days,” you sigh softly as you take a bite full of your breakfast.
“You didn’t pray today though,” the woman points out. You just shrug at that. “So what made you really come to the church?”
You throw around the options in your head. You could break your silent streak and speak with Melissa, or you could ask the woman herself for the ledger.
Deciding to bite the bullet, you say softly, “I was hoping I would run into you. I need the book that I know Melissa gave you.”
Barbara blinks once, twice. “What book, dear?”
“Barb, I know Mel gave you the book for my salon.”
The woman’s face flickers through quite a few emotions before settling on a neutral face once again. “Oh. I still don’t know what you’re speaking of? What your wife gave me was not a book.”
“Babs, I need the goddamn book,” you sigh.
“Do not take the lord’s name in vein,” Barbara tells you sternly.
“Barbara, I need the damned book. My life is on the line here,” you plead. You don’t mean for that last sentence to slip out, and you have to do everything you can to hide it on your face; the severity of the situation. For all she knows, you’re exaggerating and just using it as a hyperbole.
“And why would that be?” Barbara raises a brow. “It’s just the simple finances for the salon.”
“It is,” You hastily agree with her comment. “But I…” You take a breath, forcing out the familiar lie you gave Valentina when she first noticed Melissa’s extra stress, just modified a bit. “I’m trying to work out selling the salon so I need the book with all the finances in it to go through with a potential buyer.”
“Selling it?” Barbara repeats, a hand pressing to her chest. “Why on earth would you sell? You’ve worked hard for that place, Y/N!”
“I know but it hasn’t been profitable since…well, since I don’t even know when, Barb. I thought I could juggle it and put it back in proper working condition but the clients just aren’t coming in like they used to.”
Barbara suddenly drops the hand at her chest held in shock. “Y/N, surely you know I’m no fool.”
You blink. “Of course you’re not, Barbara. Why would I think you were—”
“The book I have is not for your salon.”
“Yes, it is.” You say, brow furrowing in confusion. Because it is for the salon, both books, and you don’t know what else Barb could think it belongs to.
The older woman sends you a long suffering look, the silence between you drawing out for a moment. “Not for the legal business of your salon though, is it?”
Your face drops. Like, actually drops- jaw open and everything. “What?”
“I’m well aware of what I possess,” the woman tells you in a monotone.
“What on Earth are the two of you thinking; getting mixed up in all of this- and with your two girls!” Barbara admonishes you sharply, and you feel like you’re being reprimanded by a principal.
You search for words, but none come.
“You two are so lucky I haven’t turned it in, and I nearly did!”
“Y-you didn’t?” you whisper out. 
“Of course I didn’t, and the only reason I didn’t is because of Cat and Rosie!” Barb states. “Otherwise, I would have!”
“I- thank you,” you say softly.
“The two of you better get yourselves out of this mess, before it destroys your lives,” the woman tells you lowly.
“The only way out of this mess is prison… or death,” you inform her. “And at this point, if either of us goes to prison, or something happens to Mel, I genuinely fear I won’t survive. When it comes down to everything, Melissa is the matriarchal figure in the family.”
“Neither of those things can happen,” Barbara tells you. “And that is not true- the both of you have the most equal partnership I think I’ve ever seen.”
“Listen, I really do need the ledger back,” you try again.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
“Your wife entrusted me with it, and while I do not agree with what I hold onto in the slightest, I am not breaking my promise to Melissa.”
“I’m sure she told you not to open the book though, right?” you press. At her nod, you continue. “You broke that promise. So, give. me. the. book.”
“I have to go,” Barbara states. “Thank you for a lovely breakfast.” She makes to head out, and you follow her.
She climbs into her car, and speeds off. 
You’re left standing on the porch of your townhouse, staring after Barbara’s car even after it’s definitely peeled its way out of your neighborhood. You honestly didn’t know she could drive that fast. Melissa loves to call her a grandma whenever she drives the lot of you anywhere. Barbara would throw back that it was only being safe and God forbid she get into a wreck because your wife wouldn’t stop back-seat driving. 
“Fuck.” You curse, briefly covering your face. “Fuck!” You repeat as you pull your hands away. You lean back into the doorway just enough to grab your keys from the hook by the door. You slam your front door shut, not even bothering to take the time to lock it. You won’t catch Barb at this rate, but you’re fairly certain you can catch your wife. 
You’re certain, at least relatively so, Barb won’t turn you both in. Not if she hasn’t already. But it sure sounded like she was just waiting for Melissa to ask for the book to confront her herself first. You just happened to ask before your wife. You know though Barb isn’t likely to be going to Twelve Tables to have that confrontation with Melissa. So, instead, you are.
You speed your way there, not really worried about the reds or stop lights or any possibility of getting pulled over. A ticket was nothing compared to what all hung in the balance now. You make your way into the restaurant as fast as your feet will carry you.
“Hey, Y/N, how’s—”
“Not now Val,” You interrupt your wife’s right hand. “Where’s Mel?”
“She’s in the back, but—”
You wave a hand at her, muttering a half hearted ‘thank you’ as you hurry through the kitchen toward the back office. You don’t even stop to worry about knocking at the closed office door. You’re throwing it open with practically all your weight behind it in your haste that has you stumbling into the room.
“Mel, we need to—”
“What the fuck?” Melissa grouses at the slamming open of the office door. Her mood doesn’t exactly improve when she looks up to see you, a glare from green eyes sent your way. “I’m in the middle of a meeting.” She says, the end of it coming through her clenched teeth with a nod to the man standing at the desk in the office with her.
“I really need to talk to you. Right now.” You rush out.
“Ya don’t talk to me all weekend, and now ya want to? Now? I told ya, I’m in a meeting. Get out.”
“Melissa Ann Caterina Schemmenti!” You nearly yell, stepping into the office and gripping her wrist and fighting to physically pull your wife from the office.
“God…damn it. Fine!” Melissa huffs, agreeing to go once she realizes you aren’t going to let her actually work until she does. “‘Scuse me a minute.” She says to the man before following you out of the office and shutting the door after her. “What the fuck is so damn important you have to try and literally pull me from work? One of the girls’ better be hurt or the world better be endin’, so help me God, or it’s gonna be you on the couch now, Y/N!”
“Our world might be ending,” you sigh quietly, eyes down. Then your eyes meet her own. “Barbara knows.”
The redhead has the same face that you wore when Barbara revealed that she knows what she possesses. “What?”
“Do you see why it’s so important now?” you ask her.
“Fuck. Fucking shit.” She runs a hand through her hair. “We’re fucked. We’re going down, and we’re taking all of-“
“She said she hasn’t turned us in because of the girls,” you whisper. “But we have to figure out what to do before something terrible happens to either us, or Barb and Gerald. They cannot get involved.”
“Fuck!” Melissa shouts.
“I know,” you sigh. “I know. I- I don’t know what to do.”
“How do you know she knows?” your wife implores.
“I was at the church earlier,” you tell her. And you recount the earlier events before, “and then she told me that the binder wasn’t for the legal side of the salon. She knows.”
“God dammit,” Melissa whispers. She runs a hand over her face. “Fuck. Okay, uhm… let me handle this meeting, and then I’ll meet you at home so we can figure out what to do.”
“I’ll be sitting in the back waiting for you,” you tell her. “And don’t forget that we do have to pick up the girls today.”
“I know,” she says. “I know. Okay. We’re gonna- we’re gonna be fine, and I- fuck.” You watch as red curls whip around and head back into the office.
With a sigh, you head for the back exit again. Valentina looks at you curiously, but you don’t acknowledge it. You just continue on your way. You pull your car closer to the back door, idling as you wait for your wife. She’s quickly slipping into the passenger seat in less than five minutes.
As you pull out of the lot of Twelve Tables and head towards your home once more, Melissa runs her hand through her hair as she glances at the clock. “Okay, we still have a few hours before we have to get the girls, so we can figure this out.”
“Figure this out?” You echo, glancing at Melissa. “Babe, we have what, four hours? We’re gonna figure this all out and fix everything in four hours?
“It’s just Babs.” She says, trying to convince the both of you. It’s clear she knows how much power her church friend holds at this moment, and it terrifies her. She takes a deep breath, rolling the passenger window down enough for wind from the drive to whip her red locks out of her face. “She didn’t turn us in because of the girls…we can, we can buy time.”
“How? How are we gonna buy any time?” you implore. “We got the Feds still digging into shit; who knows what part of the Family they’re eyeing right now? But it doesn’t matter. Any part of it goes, you know the rest is screwed.”
“That’s only if somebody flips. Nobody would flip.”
You take the risk of holding your eyes off the road a little longer than you should to give your wife a look. You both could likely think of ten people each from your respective sides that could, under the right circumstances, absolutely flip.”
“Fuck, I know!” She says, waving your glare away from her as she looks out the passenger side window. “Look, they ain’t got anywhere yet, huh? That means we still got time. We just need to make sure Barb really ain’t gonna do nothin’.”
“She wouldn’t talk to me past tellin’ me she promised you to only give it back to you and then that she knew.”
“Oh, sure, she can stick to that part of the damn promise.” Melissa grumbles as she gets out nearly before you can put the car in park in the driveway. She turns back just as you catch up to her on the front porch. “Ya didn’t even lock the door! Aduzipach!”
“We do not have time for another argument!” You toss back as you reach the top step, gently ushering her inside with you as you pull the door shut again. This time you do lock it behind you. “We have to be on the same page, okay? We really have to be or we’re definitely screwed. I’m still pissed, and hurt but whatever. It doesn’t matter right now. Right now what matters is you, and me, and the girls. That’s all that matters, which means we have to figure a way out of this bullshit.”
“Amore, you know there’s only two ways out of the life. Neither one lets us be there for the girls- at all.”
“And both I’d preferably like to avoid entirely.” You add, sighing as you slump into your couch. “So..w we have to literally do the impossible.”
“I don’t know how we’re going to do that,” Melissa groans as she leans into your figure.
Barbara Howard speeds off, and she doesn’t necessarily know where she’s going. But after a bit, she figures that you aren’t following her, and she stops at a local diner to pick up takeout for a lunch date with her husband, the senator.
TAGS: @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @sapphicxrat @a-queen-and-her-throne @sunsol-22 @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson @dvrkhcld
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thecapricunt1616 · 2 days
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NURSE!!! NURSE!!! SHE BROKE OUT OF HER CAGE TO POST MORE- Dad!Carmy brainrot for you all 😉🫶
— so I Imagine him getting a call in the middle of the night, you’re heavily pregnant with your third. His Apple Watch thankfully woke him (you’d be worried for him to get a call so late). He gets up without waking you going into the living room and answering to hear your teen daughters watery voice at the end of the line and she’s all “Daddy promise you won’t be mad at me” (more below)
He’s immediately grabbing his keys, putting on his shoes and brown plaid coat that he’s had longer than she’d been alive, or then he’d even been knowing you for that matter - his heart thumping in his chest and throat tightening. “Sweetheart why aren’t you home right now?! are you safe? Tell me wha’s wrong- what happened- I won’t be upset honey” he assured her, his stomach clenching at the thought of her hurt.
“P-paisley wanted me to go t’this party with her and - and the police came daddy and she left me there alone- and I got arrested. Come get me I don’t wanna die in hereeee” she sobbed dramatically. He sighed gratefully, starting the car.
“You aren’t going to die princess. Give me 20 minutes mm? And we can talk ‘bout y’punishment w’mommy t’morrow” he said and she huffs
“You’re gonna snitch on me T’mommy?! Daddy you’re being so unfair! “ she whined
He chuckled a bit, “I’m bein’ very fair. I love you babygirl I’ll s’ya soon” he said and hung up. He knew if he’d have woken you, you would have freaked out and panicked at the thought of your little girl drunk and scared and alone. Considering how far along you were currently the stress could most definitely cause early labor and he did not want to deal with that tonight.
He’d make it to the police station fast bc ofc when he was picking a home for his family it would be super close to one for safety reasons and when he walked in and saw his baby sitting in a holding cell with other adults being held on misdemeanor charges, his heart would break.
She would be curled into herself on the bench, knees flush to her chest hugging herself, cheeks tear stained, big blue doe-like eyes puffy and red with thick tears that were still falling. He wanted to pick her up like she was 2 again - even though the top of her head hit his shoulder now, and cradle her like the baby he couldn’t help but see any time he looked at her.
“Oh princess” he said softly and she looks up, quickly standing up and she couldn’t help but burst in to sobs as relief washed over her when she finally saw her dad, who had never let her down from the day she was born - he was always there for her, as were you, but Carmy was always softer on the kids then you were because his dad never showed any of his siblings softness, so he wanted to be sure the kids always trusted him in that way
“Daddy you came! I’m so scared please please I’ll never do it again please get me out of here dad I’m so sorry I’m so so sorry daddy” she broke down and he felt tears pushing at the back of his eyes he could only swallow back because they were in public.
“You- hey-“ he snaps his fingers and the cop standing outside the holding cell door finally acknowledges him “I’m her fuckin father- let ‘er out. Now.” He said annoyed with the man’s lack of attention for his own job.
“She’s unable to be released until her fine is paid” he said and shrugged “it’s the law”
Carmen dug the stupid reciept paper he’d shoved in his pocket that he’d paid the front clerk when he got here, pushing it to his chest “open the fucking door, jagoff. Shes 16 the fuck is wrong with you she’s a baby” he said angrier, voice getting louder.
“Sir I’m gonna need you to calm down.” He said and Carmen rolled his eyes, 2 words he hated hearing even more than anything when put together.
“Look at the fucking paper. And let my daughter go” he snapped, holding his baby’s hand through the bars gently and rubbing a soothing thumb over her knuckles, she was shaking like a leaf.
“Mmm” the man grumbled, opening up the door and she rushed into Carmen’s arms. He kisses the top of her head tenderly, wrapping her in a tight bear hug.
“Y’never allowed t’scare me like that again angel girl” he mumbled into her hair, breathing in her scent that he could pick out even in his sleep as his baby girl.
“I’m sorry daddy I’m so so sorry” she mumbled over and over, tears soaking his shirt. He hushed her how he did when she was just a baby and rubbed her back soothingly.
“S’okay babygirl I think y’learned y’lesson mm? Y’think you wanna go out drinkin again before y’21?” He teased lightly and she sniffled, shaking her head lightly. He didn’t care that she was getting snot all over him, or that she was staining one of his near $80 white shirts with her mascara and eyeliner she’d gotten with a Ulta gift card ‘Santa’ had gotten her, since Carmen couldn’t bare the fact his baby girl was growing up.
“No- no daddy I promise. I promise I’ll never do it ever again. Please don’t tell mommy” she pleads and looks up at him with big watery eyes. He carefully thumbed away the large rings of black under her eyes and cups her face tenderly.
“Sweetheart I am not in control of what mommy does. You know this, and I can’t lie to mommy. Are you asking me t’lie t’mommy? M’already riskin’ my spot in bed by not waking her up t’tell her ‘bout this” He asked sternly, she knew that lies were a big boundary in your family - they just hurt people unless they were ‘happy lies’ aka surprises like gifts or sweet things, but withholding information from each other in fear of making someone upset was a big no no in your house.
She huffed annoyed, lip quivering and she nuzzled back into his chest “unfair. Mommy is gonna ground me forever” she whined.
“Mm - maybe she should ground you. What the hell is this outfit? She’s not gonna be happy ‘bout this, y’gonna get sick” he tells her. She was in nothing but a tank top dress, flimsy nylons, and a half cardigan. He wraps his jacket around her shoulders as they walk out to the car, of course he couldn’t care less about freezing his ass off because his baby needed to be warm even if it was a short walk to his SUV.
“It’s cute dad and m’not gonna get sick! All the girls were wearing dresses like this!” She snapped sassily as she buckled in.
“Mm cute - sure pumpkin. What were you even doin’ - what party was worth the rage of y’mother? Especially when you know she’s been in a mood lately” he asked. A mood was what he called it, you were really just overly hormonal and sore and giving birth within the next 14 days, so everything was ticking you off
“Hally Hawkins party dad. Only the coolest senior at school!! If I was the only one who wasn’t there how was I supposed to ever find a date to the winter ball next month?!” She huffed, crossing her arms
“Date?!” His eyes widen “since when did we say you could date?!” He asked quickly “you aren’t dating you- you can’t date until you’re married!” He said seriously to which she just giggled
“How am I supposed to get married if I don’t date daddy! I’m 16 now! I’m getting my license soon! I should be able to hold hands with a boy I like-“
“Hold hands?!” He exclaims “who the hell is holdin’ y’hand? No- no. No! I’m the only man that holds y’hand and it’s to help you across the street” he grips the steering wheel tighter “y’too little” he said and she whines
“Daddy I’m not little! I’m 16! You promised to stop calling me little” she pushes his hand away at a stoplight when he goes to fix the strap of her dress out of habit “daaaad!!!” She whines and he huffs
“Quit all the whinin’! Y’little as long as y’live w’me and that means that y’not dating and y’not holding hands” he pulls into your driveway, turning the lights off before as to not wake you. “And quiet comin inside- if you wake y’sister mommy is gonna be upset she’s been havin’ a hard time sleepin’ “ he opened her door, taking her purse and helping her out of the car.
“Is this mommy’s?” He holds up the purse and she takes it from him, holding it to her chest defensively.
“She never wears it anymore what- are you gonna snitch?! If you do I’ll tell her about you eating all her ice cream” she teased and headed to the door
He gasped, “you wouldn’t dare- you’d sell out y’own father?! After he just went and picked y’ass up outta the slammer. Maybe I shoulda let you stay there eh’? A night in jail may teach you some manners missy” he jokes as he unlocks the door, not seeing the kitchen light on.
“Where were you!” You were stood at the end of the hallway, fluffy robe and slippers on, hand over your bump as you stood there while nervously pacing. Carmy and your Daughter give eachother the we’ve been caught look before Carmy looks at you, as you narrow your eyes at your daughters arm adorning a very familiar looking black bag.
“Is that- red lipstick…and my purse?!”
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stinmybubs · 1 day
Rot my brain Fluff!
AN: I’m sick so here’s katsuki taking care of you while you’re sick! Also this is all MY DEPICTION of katsuki, this is how I feel based on his character will act accordingly to situations. Remember we are his partner! People treat partners and everyone else differently !
B. Katsuki x Reader!
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Katsuki hates it when you get sick, not only means he can’t kiss you. But he’s not sure if he wants to touch you all that much because if you get him sick it could could precious time off of training.
Of course the boy wants you to feel better and if you’re really sick then he wants to help you. So what he does is cook homemade soup, nothing too heavy so you don’t get a stomach ache.
Maybe some simple rice pudding, or plain chicken soup with rice. He makes sure you’re resting at all times and not staying up late.
Katsuki wants you to get better as soon as possible so he can kiss you. Let’s say you’ve been sick for 2 days, Katsuki feels like he’s going crazy. He craves your touch so much it’s like an itch.
He almost kisses you multiple times while he’s taking care of you. I mean he’s a clingy guy he needs you.
When he’s in class he’s trying to text you whenever he can! Making sure you’re okay, telling you he left tupawares of soup in your fridge. Texting you whenever you need to take medicine.
If you were super sick, katsuki would debate staying home to take care of you, or school. Of course he chooses you.
I feel like katsuki would try to sanitize everything as soon as possible, trying not to let you get up to touch anything. He doesn’t want the germs staying around to get his favorite person sick again.
Katsuki misses you when you’re sick. It’s not the same in class without you around, when you were around everything felt more comfortable and natural. This causes katsuki to get more irritable, and people can definitely tell.
“Hey Baku-“ immediately Katsuki’s red-haired friend was cut off by Katsuki’s irritated shout.
“The hell ya want shitty hair!?” Katsuki didn’t want anyone to bother him.
“I just wanted to ask if you wanted to partner up…what’s gotten into you?” Kirishima question, already sort of knowing the answer.
“Lover boy misses (Y/n)!” Mina chimed in, placing her hands on Kirishima’s shoulder. “Huh, makes sense.” Of course katsuki didn’t argue because he’s just glad he didn’t have to make it clear.
He ended up partnering with Kirishima…let’s just say the other teams didn’t have a lot of fun. With Katsuki putting all his worry and anger into this training.
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When you’re finally better everything goes back to normal! Except katsuki tries to keep you away from things that’ll get you sick but you eventually get him to knock it off cause he was stopping you from doing basic things.
Your poor boyfriend is just worried he won’t be able to kiss or hold you again!
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eastbubble · 18 hours
Was wondering if maybe we could get something with ghost x reader who’s outrageously terrified of thunderstorms and calls him sniffling and holding back tears asking if he can come over and then screaming as a very loud bang of thunder booms ? If not that’s okay! I love your work anyway🩷🫵
hello anon, i’m not sure if you wanted me to write this in a smutty way or just a fluffy one but i tried my best >_< i changed the story up a tad if that’s okay. thanks for the request ! <3 and sorry for disappearing ! school and sports r taking up my time. ><
you never really thought that a relationship had any benefits besides having someone to come home to, but when your relationship with simon began you had to realize that this whole idea in your head was completely wrong. he wasn’t just a person to come home to.
maybe because you two still didn’t live together. so you technically couldn’t come home to him.. but you almost lived at his place by now. he was for sure so tired of you calling him in the middle of the night, asking him to come over because of something so silly, something so stupid. spiders in the corner, ants infesting the house, no wifi, bad tv signal, or the worst (in your case); a thunderstorm.
you were listening to the sounds your phone made as you called simon with shaky hands, your finger on the red circle as you were sure he won’t pick up this time. you’ve annoyed him like this so many times before, there was no way he would be willing to help you after all of these — or so you thought. you kept a tissue to soak your tears up with close to your eyes, your vision already blurry from the crying you had done earlier.
“baby? what’s up?” his voice was tired and grumpy, it sounded like he just woke up, but you knew that couldn’t be because he never really slept before 4 am. he never did. “everything okay over there?” slight concern. the only thing you could make out of his words was some worry and that’s it. thank God that he didn’t sound like he was mad.
“si. ‘m scared.”
“huh? what is it? ‘s someone there?” he spoke through the phone. “talk to me, baby.” his voice was a little gentler once he heard your silence on the other end of the line.
you sighed almost silently, making sure he didn’t hear the sniffle that you just let out. you felt like a dumb little kid for crying over something like this, but when you heard the faint sound of a thunder bang you immediately knew that you had to speak up. you actually had someone that was worried for you, waiting for you to say something. “just this.. fucking rain and the whole, um.. the whole thing that comes with it.”
“the thunderstorm, you mean?” his feeling of relief was louder than the wind outside. it was like some kind of weight had been pushed off his shoulders. “don’t tell me it’s that again or-“
“it is. i’m sorry to disturb you.. especially at this hour, but..” you sighed softly again, feeling slightly threatened by his last sentence. you knew you had no reason to be worried or scared but the way he worded what he wanted to say sometimes sounded like he was mad at you (you were so wrong!). “could you please come over. please.” it didn’t sound like a question, just a request.
he audibly sighed. oh, he was annoyed!
“i’ll be there in 10. i suppose you’re in bed so.. stay under the blankets, okay?” what a rhetorical question. you wouldn’t survive climbing out of bed when it sounds like the world in ending outside. you couldn’t even roll the blinds down to make the thunders less visible, there was absolutely no way you would step foot outside your bed at a time like this.
and just like he promised, ten minutes later he was already entering your home with his own keys, making his way towards your bedroom as he immediately lay on top of you like a weighted blanket that was alive. he wrapped his arms tightly around you, holding you close to his chest while you still lay under him, completely motionless as he was practically squeezing every last breath out of you. “si..!”
“i’m here, ‘s okay luv..” he mumbled, his voice raspy as he finally let you go. he rolled onto his back and gently scooped you up into his arms, making you fight back a bit and you two ended up in such a position where you were just laying flat on top of him. he chuckled lightly as he felt like he already succeeded — it seemed like you immediately forgot about the thunderstorm outside as soon as he arrived and grabbed you.
the rest of the night was basically the same thing on repeat. soft little movements, your bodies moving in unison everytime either you or him made the silent suggestion to shift positions. he always kept his large palms close to your ears in case a loud thunder were to interrupt the long cuddle-session. the whole thing was just about holding each other close through the whole night and not letting go.
soft little murmurs of how sleepy you are were the only things to be heard now, alongside the loud sounds of the icy rain hitting your window. well, summerime weather is weird.
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idkwhatever580 · 3 days
Her pt. 2
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x reader
Prompt: after y/n gets rescued what is in store in the next chapter of her life with Natasha?
Warnings: cursing
Pronouns: she/her
A/N: I’m super excited about this one. Make sure you read chapter one first so you have some insight on how nat and y/n met!!! I hope y’all like it :)))
Here’s part one :))) I’m working on a master list I swear -> https://www.tumblr.com/idkwhatever580/749750524015984640/her-pt-1
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Y/n’s pov
I cannot believe it’s been a whole year since I met Natasha.
She and the avengers immediately took me in and I found myself going over to the compound much more than I expected.
I still have my house in Long Island. But I never stay there really anymore. Ever since Natasha and I started dating I haven’t spent too much time there.
It only took three months for me to virtually move in with her. Although I do wish she’d come with me sometimes.
But I don’t really worry about that since one of the floors in the tower is my new soup kitchen. It’s open twenty four hours a day and there are at least 2-6 people working there at all times.
As promised Tony Stark and SHEILD helped me get my business up and running.
I make homes for the homeless. Sometimes they are bigger more communal homes and sometimes they are tiny one or two person homes.
My first two homes are side by side. They were for gran and pops. They were always my biggest supporters and still are.
My program has changed so many lives. There are so many people out there who just need a little bit of love.
Sometimes the homeless people will use the homes as a forever home but most often they get jobs. Become more financially stable and independent and then they will move out. It’s really great. Because I see so many people I’ve helped become something. Someone.
There are so many who have told me they thought they would never amount to anything. And a few of them have become very successful even as far as becoming a CEO.
I am incredibly proud of my work.
And honestly it’s so exciting to see what changes I can make every single day.
For example. Today is the release date of my nationwide program.
All over the country a program is being launched where homeless people can find shelter, rehabilitation centers, and other necessities for free so they can have a second chance at life. I am doing some interviews today.
Unfortunately Natasha isn’t here. She has a mission. I’m a little sad that she won’t be with me tonight as the program launches but the show must go on.
I check my watch and see it is time to leave for the opening ceremony and I go downstairs to find Happy.
I smile and say
“What’s up Happy! Are you ready?”
He smiles sadly and says
“Yes I am ready. But I must inform you that I am only your chauffeur tonight. Unfortunately I cannot be your plus one.”
I frown when he says this because he was supposed to fill in for Natasha and now I have nobody.
“Oh. Well. That’s okay!”
I smile and cover up my disappointment. He drives me to the red carpet and helps me out. I kiss his cheek accidentally leaving a lipstick stain and I say
“Thank you. Have a good night Happy.”
He usually goes home and I have a different driver drive me home.
I walk to the red carpet by myself and put on my best smile. I make it about halfway through the carpet and an arm snakes around me and this mystery person says
“Am I late?”
I jump and put my hand to my chest and I look at my beautiful girlfriend with a huge smile on my face and I say
“Jesus! You scared me!”
My brain doesn’t even register that she’s back since I’m in the zone and then I do a double take and say
“Wait! What!?”
She giggles when I realize and I slap her chest and say
“I thought you were at a mission?!”
She chuckles and says.
“I got off early enough to make it. That’s why Happy isn’t here with you. I tried my best. But I couldn’t get the best suit”
She looks down at her suit and I look her up and down and say
“You look amazing baby. Perfect right here with me.”
I smile and give her a kiss. We always wear matching lipstick colors so that we can kiss and not get it messed up.
Then I put my hand on her chest and we keep taking pictures.
The rest of the night goes smoothly and I give a speech. I talk to a few people who have helped my journey and then we head home.
I get changed and wait in bed for Natasha. She takes a while so I complain
She comes out of the bathroom and smiles and says
“Yes baby?”
I hold my arms out for her and pout
“I missed you”
She gets into bed with me and says
“I missed you too.”
Once we’re comfy she looks me in the eyes and says
“Goodnight my love. You have done such amazing things for so many people and I am so lucky to be yours.”
I smile and say
“I love you baby. Goodnight”
We kiss and drift off into a nice comfortable sleep.
A/N: guys this is so bad. It feels rushed and blah. Idk how I feel about it. I became so unmotivated and just wanted to move on to the next thing but I didn’t want to just leave it. 😭🔫
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rileyglas · 17 hours
The List ~Pt. 9 - Consequences~
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) x Reader
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Summary: After a night of pure bliss with Alastor, you both turn your attention to the ever growing list of things to do. You part ways and head out to find a new potential contract but encounter more than you bargained for. It becomes clear that your actions have repercussions, and you find yourself confronting the consequences head-on.
Themes: The usual angst, mystery, sassiness, cursing, fluff, actual plot, mentions of blood/bodily harm, slow burn, eventual smut, and of course 18+
A/N: I really struggled with this chapter so if you enjoyed, please let me know! It was rewritten at least six times.
3.7k Words
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5  Part 6 Part 7 Part 7.A Part 8 Part 9 (You're on it!)
**sentences in italics are internal thoughts of the reader
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The sound of distant crickets wakes you. Though your mind is awake, you keep still with your eyes closed. Did last night even happen? Was it just some drunken dream? Arms pull you into a warm body, pleasantly reminding you that this was far from a dream. Alastor nestles his face into the crook of your neck, cooing as he tightens his grip around you. “Squeeze any tighter and I might pop.” you giggle quietly to not disturb the peaceful morning. 
“Hmm then so be it.” he mumbles, still sounding half asleep. His deep, unfiltered voice sends a hot rush down your back. It was unusual for him to actually sleep but after the eventful night, you both were blissfully exhausted. You thread your fingers atop his and place a kiss into his palm. As much as you wanted to stay like this forever, the impending list of things to deal with weighs heavy on your mind, “Alastor��you should go check on Charlie. After the meeting I’m sure she could use some of your support right about now.”
Alastor kisses the back of your head then groans, reluctantly moving from your warmth to get out of bed. He pauses at the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. You roll over to take in the beautiful sight of his bare body. Hair a mess, tail ever so slightly twitching, scars and your marks across his back. The perfect picture of the demon you’ve come to love deeper than he’d ever realize. A smile stretches across your face as you crawl over and slink your arms around him, placing gentle kisses over his neck and shoulders.
He leans back into you, “Don’t worry too much about Charlie, dear. I have a plan but it does require a trip into Cannibal Town. I believe you have some pressing matters to deal with while I’m gone?” You tense at the thought. Which matter was he referring to? Lucifer? The Extermination? Getting a better hold over your ever growing power? All could take a back burner to other problems at the moment. “I actually need to make a trip into the city again. One of my…contracts…found some smaller demon in need of my help before the Exorcists make their grand appearance.” 
“Then I’ll go with you -”
“Alastor…” you move to stand in front of him, cupping his face as his eyes wander every inch of your naked body, “...I need you to trust me when I say I can handle this. You have plenty to do and I don’t need your shadow babysitting me either.” your tone is serious, almost scolding the demon.
He runs his hands up and down your hips nervously, “I trust you. It’s others I don’t trust. You’ve attained quite a list of people who would be all too happy to find you alone on the streets.” 
“Don’t remind me.” you say under your breath, though well aware of how right he is. “Besides I won’t be totally alone - Simon is meeting me. I promise I’ll be careful…okayyyy?” You flash your eyes mischievously, making his worry fade into a soft smile. “Fine. Back by dinner or else -” He playfully grabs your waist to pull you on top of him, laying back across the bed, “ - I will come find you.” he teases before placing a long, tender kiss against your lips. 
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It was pleasantly domestic getting ready for the day in your now shared room. You look in the mirror at the marks left across your neck and chest from the night before. Angel is going to have a fucking hayday with this. As if reading your thoughts, Alastor walks behind you with half lidded eyes, breezing the backs of his fingers across each mark, “You sure you can’t make a visit to Lucifer today?” he hums smugly into your hair. You scoff and turn to smack his chest, “Behave! I have enough going on right now.” You notice he hadn’t buttoned his shirt all the way like usual, as if proudly showing off of his own bites and bruises. 
The two of you head down to the lobby to see everyone but Charlie sitting around the parlor. You plop down next to Nifty in time to hear the end of Vaggie explaining her status as a fallen angel. Ooooh that makes so much sense now…Angel pokes at the already agitated girl, “And where is miss fearless leader anyway? Isn't it about time for another "doomed-to-fail" plan?” 
A solemn look crosses Vaggie’s face, “She's upstairs. Coming up with something, I'm sure, in our room. Alone.” Alastor leans down to your ear, “That’s my queue. Be safe, I love you.” he kisses your temple and slips away into his shadow. 
The group looks at you like you have suddenly grown two heads. If you didn’t know any better, Vaggie was about to explode. “What!?” you ask innocently. “So uh - long night?” Husk elbows Angel, both trying to conceal their laughter. You ignore the comment and roll your eyes. Walking towards the door you stop briefly behind Angel, “You were right about Smiles.” you say quietly with a wink. His eyes nearly pop out of his head in between choking on his drink. The sound of your amused cackles echo through the lobby as you make your way out the door.
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Simon was one of your first souls put under contract. The once prestigious loan shark had been cornered by a group of Exorcists. They toyed with him like a cat does its prey, taking turns slicing him head to fin over and over while he begged for mercy. It was pure luck when you found him in the sewer. In exchange for saving him, he agreed to a soul contract, keeping your secret and using his contacts to help you find others in need around the city. He had no issue being indebted to you as you always treated your souls well - unlike most Overlords. Through the years he became your go-to. As you approach the smaller demon on the street corner, you realize he has become your most trusted contract. Rule#1 B̵̳͍͈̑è̷̠ ̸̻͉͕̎̚ŏ̸̰̩́͝p̷̡̐ẽ̴̻̠̙ṇ̵͇͌ ̸͙̗͂͐t̸̠͙̝͌ơ̴̤̜͐̈́͜ ̵̰̒ẗ̴͖̹̲́r̵̟̓̄u̸̻͘s̴̢͔̀́̉t̸̠̒̿̈́,̷̠͍̞͛̅ ̸̢̭̤̂̇̈́b̸̧̛̖̀̊ṳ̷̖̫́t̸̨̗̥͂ ̷̧͓̳́̿n̴̯̠̑͝ê̵̾ͅv̵̨̤̳́é̶̼̌̆r̷̝̉̑ ̵̦̯̭͐̓̕d̸̟̈́̆̆o̶̡͑̊͘ ̴̼̉̚s̷̢̔͝o̵͚͕͌ ̶̺̙͊̅b̸͉̚ͅl̴͚̣͘͝ì̸̛̼ṇ̸̅d̷̞̤̍̍l̷̛̩y̴̧̼̙̾
“Sorry for the sudden urgency boss, but this guy insisted on meetin’ ya. To be honest I don’t know much about ‘em, all he said was he almost didn’t make it through the last Extermination. Seemed pretty shak’n up at the sudden bump in the next one.” In true gentleman fashion, he links your arm and leads you into a shop. 
Walking in you would have thought the Exorcist’s had already made a visit. Chairs strewn across the room, paperwork scattered, broken glass littering the floor. Blood smears across the walls, trailing to the back room. 
“The fuck Simon? I thought you said he needed help, not a damn funeral!” you snap. Simon looks at you in disbelief, “I didn’t know he - I mean he - look he was fine a few hours ago. Someone must’ve gotten to him.”
A loud crash in the back makes you both flinch. Cautiously you step through the store, careful to not make any unnecessary noise. As you peek your head in the room, which appears to be an empty stock room, you see the blood trail towards a small body in the back corner. This doesn’t feel right…
Your intuition goes ignored. Right or not - someone is hurt. After scanning the area to make sure the attacker wasn’t still in the room, you turn your attention to the crumpled body on the floor. It was hard to tell where exactly the most blood was coming from. His arms were shredded, one horn had been broken off completely, and his face looked like someone tried to slice it in two. Who the hell would do something like this? “Simon! In here!” You rush to the goat demon’s side.
As you kneel down to cradle him a gasp leaves his throat in pure terror. He flails at your touch, forcing you to tighten your grip, “Shhh relax. I’m not going to hurt you.”
Simon kneels next to you, “Hey buddy, remember me? This is my friend we talked about. She’s going to help you but before she can, you have to agree to a contract - as discussed earlier.” He was always good at reminding you of the need to cover your ass. Business first, help second. 
The dying sinner nods faintly, starting to lose consciousness. You grip his hand (hoof?) and pink threads wrap between your wrists, bounding his soul to you. You were never one for chains like most used. Souls were never prisoners in your eyes.
The intensity you feel from the deal makes your body practically vibrate. That’s new. You pull the goat’s head to your lips and brace for the pain. A hot white fire tears through your arms and head, but for only a moment. The pain that usually lingered subsided within seconds. I could get used to this.
The sinner’s face pulls back together and his missing horn heals over as a nub. The blood that once caked his arms disappears completely. He opens his eyes with a smile, but fear quickly washes over him, “Oh I’m so sorry…you have to leave before he comes back!” 
“Who!?” you and Simon both ask. The goat stands, hastily rushing you out the back door leading to an alleyway, “Vox…he attacked me. Said he overheard you were coming and…he - just please leave before -” 
As if hearing his name, Vox zaps out of a Voxtech camera hidden under some trash outside the alley. Not this guy again. You step in front of Simon, summoning some needles only to find they’ve become more like thin daggers, heavier and more robust. This power connection with Alastor just keeps getting better. “The fuck do you want Vox?”
He stalks towards you with a sinister smile, “Don’t worry that pretty head of yours, I’m not going to bother your little friends. I’m only here for you.” 
“Well, here I am!” You flick a few needles daggers at him. He staggers when one cracks his screen but the others miss, barely grazing his suit jacket. Shit, guess I need some practice with these.
His display sparks, “Ha - I had a feeling you wouldn’t come easy.” You turn to put some distance between you and the Overlord but don't get far. His large claw tangles into your hair and with a solid yank you’re thrown onto the ground. Your head cracks against the concrete, making the world spin and your ears ring from the impact. How’d he get to me so fast? Simon rushes to try to pull Vox off but the old shark is effortlessly tossed to the side like a ragdoll. 
Before you can get any form of bearing, Vox grabs your shoulder, delivering a shock that causes your entire body to spasm. Really hating how right Alastor was….
“You’re coming with me.” He wraps an arm around your waist. You feel his claws dig deep into your skin as he begins to drag you back towards the camera. You scream for Alastor in between the pulsations abusing your body. He is just a few streets over in Cannibal Town, there’s no way he can’t hear me. 
Your efforts only irritate the TV demon more. “Shut up!” he yells and the back of his hand meets your cheek hard enough to knock you to the ground. Fuck this guy. He towers over you smugly, “That coward isn’t coming to your rescue.” You spit out the blood pooling in your mouth, “Don’t hold your breath, asshole.” An amused chuckle leaves his chest as he throws your body over his shoulder, delivering another mind numbing shock as he continues down the alley. A familiar static faintly rings through your ears. He’s close, I need to buy more time. Rule #4 T̶̴̷̷̶̡͐ủ̴̵̸̷̸̺ŗ̵̴̸̶̴̚n̴̸̶̵̶̜͠ ̶̸̴̸̵̪̊y̵̷̸̶̶̧͛o̴̶̶̵̵͒ͅų̵̵̷̷̴͛r̵̷̷̵̴͔̍ ̶̴̴̸̷̪͂w̵̶̴̴̶͍͌ȇ̴̷̵̶̵̟ä̸̶̵̸̶͜k̷̶̸̶̵͒ͅn̵̸̴̴̸͍̈́e̸̷̸̸̴̱̽s̵̷̴̴̶̰͛s̵̷̸̷̷̤͗ ̶̴̸̴̶̲̅i̴̷̶̷̶̤̕n̶̵̶̸̵̪̐t̸̶̸̴̷͎̾ö̴̴̶̶̴̬ ̵̷̸̴̵͍̚ș̵̵̵̵̶̒t̷̷̵̵̶̡͆ṙ̶̶̴̴̸͓e̴̷̴̵̴̼͂ń̶̵̴̶̴͉g̶̶̷̷̷̭͐t̵̴̶̷̶͎͝ḩ̴̴̶̴̷̏
Every muscle feels like it’s being ripped apart, but you fight through the pain. You pull a dagger and weakly drive it into his shoulder. It only pierces half way before your strength gives out. “AHGH what the fuck!?” he yelps in surprise, dropping you to remove the blade, “You are one feisty little bitch aren’t you?” 
Deafening static echoes off the alley walls. Relief washes over you at the sight of a smiling shadow bolting by. “You are much more dense than I thought. Did I not make it clear last time? You are not welcome to touch what - is - mine.” Alastor’s voice booms. 
Vox looks over his shoulder at the demon materializing behind you, “Yours? I don’t see your nam- ” His screen twists with sudden disgust. You whimper as his claws dig into your cheeks, ripping your head upward to flash a perfect view of the bruises and bite marks across your neck. “Ho-holy shit…are you fucking the Radio Demon!? This is gold!” The sound of an audience cheering rings from the TV. 
A tentacle breezes past, forcefully knocking Vox into a dumpster. Alastor leans against his microphone, nonchalantly rubbing his monocle on his coat, “I believe we are done here. You can leave.” he chirps.
Vox wipes the red liquid spilling from his mouth. “Enough games.” With a quick flash he bolts to your side. He wraps an arm around your shoulders sending another charge ripping across your body. Your sight begins to pinpoint from the pain. The last thing you see is a bright flash of blue, changing the city alley to a luxurious penthouse. 
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The cold tile below you is surprisingly pleasant against your bruised face and body. You open your eyes and struggle to move. Wires tightly wind around your wrists and ankles. Shit how long was I out?
“Well good morning sunshine! I hope you had a nice nap.” Vox sits in a red velvet chair in front of you. He crosses his legs arrogantly and rests his head on his claw, “Now tell me, how did someone like you manage to slip under all of our noses through the years? Did Carmilla protect you? Or are you just a shitty Overlord?”
“A s-shitty Overlord? Sounds like the p-pot calling the k-kettle black.” you jeer, stuttering through the torturous zaps coming through the wires. He stands up and sucks his teeth already losing patience, “I’d watch that smart mouth of yours. You’ve made quite a few enemies with that last stunt. Did you really think I’d let you off without consequence? Noooo…I’m going to enjoy making - you - suffer.”
He kneels by you and forces your eyes to his hypnotizing gaze. This just went from bad to worse… You squeeze your eyes shut to try to shake his control but lose any ability to move. 
“Of course if you promise to be a good girl, I could show mercy. We could make a deal! A partnership! I spare you now and in return, you and those fun powers of yours belong to me.” 
You growl through gritted teeth, “I’d rather die again than belong to someone like you.”
“Common, I can give you so much in return for your services. Val might not be too thrilled but it would be worth it knowing I’m in control of Alastor’s whore.” he slowly moves around you like a vulture waiting to attack.
He can’t be serious. “Fuck….you…” 
“Oh only if you ask nicely babe.” Vox coos seductively. A snap of his fingers releases the wires bounding you. Still unable to move on your own accord, he picks you up and holds you flush against him. You feel his staticy tongue trace across your neck to your ear. “What do you say sweetheart? Are you going to beg for me to show mercy?” You retaliate the only way you can, by spitting in his face at the offer. 
His screen sparks and flashes red with rage. “Stupid cunt!” he throws you face down through the glass coffee table. It completely shatters under you. That didn’t feel great. “Is s-someone a little sensitive t-to rejection?” you laugh mockingly at his outburst. The lights in the tower flicker as he sputters and errors. Regaining control of your body, you struggle to get to your feet. A familiar hand wraps around your waist to help steady you upright, “Go back to the hotel.” Alastor commands, already nearing full demon form. You shake away his shadow as your own horns and fire burst out, “I’m not leaving you.” Rule #3 K̶̷̴̴̸̶̶͙̗̉͐e̶̴̷̶̵̶̗̺͂e̵̸̶̴̴̵͖͂͗ṕ̸̴̸̵̷̴̪̈ ̵̶̴̶̸̶̞͂̀t̵̴̵̵̷̶͎͇̿h̶̴̴̶̴̷̙́̑ȯ̴̵̴̵̶̶̖̇s̶̸̸̶̷̴̤̀̚e̴̴̸̶̷̶̸̘͎͌͝ ̴̵̶̵̸̷̱̉̓y̵̵̴̶̸̷̭͆̿o̸̸̴̶̵̶̴̯̲͂͑u̷̵̶̴̵̸̷̠̞̒̎ ̷̴̵̶̵̷̖̞͂ḻ̷̶̸̸̴̴̓͒ò̴̵̴̸̷̸̷̲͖͆v̷̴̷̵̵̶̤̈͠e̴̸̵̴̷̷̸̼̯̾̐ ̵̴̷̴̷̶̞̍̕c̷̸̴̴̶̛̜l̵̷̶̷̵͈̃o̵̵̷̵̵̸͈̕͠s̵̶̵̵̵̸̨̝̑e̷̶̵̵̷̷̡͌́
Vox sneers in frustration, “How the fuck did you get in here?”
“You forget who I am, old pal.” Alastor slams the bottom of his cane to the ground, sending black appendages towards the TV and smashing him into every surface of the room. Val bursts in, hearing the loud destruction, “Que carajo…….YOU!” He pulls a gun from his hip. You freeze recognizing the Carmine crest on the side of the weapon. Shit, that’s not ideal.
Val takes aim at Alastor who is too engrossed in torturing Vox to notice the danger he now faces. Without hesitation Val pulls the trigger. “No!” your heart drops as you reach out in vain, knowing you’re not close enough to do anything. Your scream catches Alastor’s attention. He drops Vox to see your expression mirroring his own confusion. There’s no way Val missed. Where did it -
Your still outstretched hand glows with power. A silence falls over the room at the sight of a Carmine bullet hanging mid-air, near millimeters from Alastor’s head. He smirks and smoothly slides out of its path to stand behind you. His lips brush your neck and he smiles through a low voice, “Good girl. Feel our power. Embrace it.” Rule #2 D̸̵̷̗̪͊́ö̸̵̶̤͙́͝n̸̴̸̩̫͊͘’̴̵̴̢̪̓̋t̶̸̶͎͓̎̇ ̸̵̸̩̑̋ͅb̵̵̷̦͔͆̇e̴̶̷̮̳̒̅ ̴̵̴̻̰̅̑a̸̴̴̹̳̓͝f̶̸̷͓̗͋̓r̸̸̴̞͐͆ͅą̶̴̵̥̀̾ḯ̴̵̴̱͇͝d̸̴̸̰͑͜͠ ̶̸̴̲̥͋͋t̴̸̸̩̽̎ͅö̶̵̶̭͎́̚ ̴̸̷̨̥́̕s̵̸̸̝̮͗̎h̶̸̷̞͖̍͋ö̶̶̷̲̘͝w̷̵̸̬̥̉͘ ̷̷̶̧̯̍̆ẏ̷̶̸̢̮̈́ö̶̷̸̦́̇͜u̸̸̴͍͍̐̅ŕ̵̶̷̻͚͝ ̶̶̷̙̮́̅p̸̷̶̙̱̌̚ǫ̴̸̶̇̈́͜ẘ̷̴̴͍̠̓e̸̸̸̯͋͌͜r̴̵̷̛̺͍̍
You look across the room to Val attempting to pick Vox up. With a flick of your wrist the bullet rockets back towards them. The TV demon swiftly grabs his partner and zips into a camera, narrowly avoiding your attack. Now who’s the coward…
Alastor’s pride fades into concern. He grabs the hem of your shirt and pulls it up, “Woah what are you -” your protests stop the moment he shows you his blood soaked hand. You hadn’t noticed how much glass from the table riddled your body, having been masked by adrenaline and your now soaked black shirt.
“F-fuck time to -” Alastor is blindsided by a flash of blue. Vox’s bolt launches him through one of the large penthouse windows. You feel a pit in your stomach watching his limp body disappear over the edge and into the dark abyss of the city below. All the power you possess yet in this moment, you’ve never felt so helpless. No…he is okay. He has to be. I can still sense him. 
A disheveled and pissed off Vox stands where Alastor was just seconds before, closely shadowed by Val. Their eyes lock onto you. Through the sound of your heart pounding in your ears, you hear Vox’s voice glitch, “Time to j-join your p-pathetic Radio Demon.” Val lunges towards you and wraps two hands around your throat. His large hands are unforgiving, demanding to feel your life drain under him. Not this time Val. 
He makes the mistake of not holding your arms, giving you the opportunity to plunge a dagger deep into his side. With a wail, he releases his hold on you as he drops to his knees in agony. Time for a show. “We are done here Vox. Stand down. You wouldn’t want to lose your precious moth, would you?” You grab Val’s shoulder and rest your blade against his neck as a warning.
Vox cocks his head at your threat. He takes a step towards you without a word. You tisk, “Easy now…” you press the edge slightly deeper into the moth demon. Weak pleas of mercy fall from his lips. One wrong move and he would be cut ear to ear.
“You don’t have it in you.” the TV growls. 
Val howls as blood drips down onto his chest from you pushing further, “Try me.”
A warm hand against your lower back snaps your attention out of the tense moment, “Enough, cher. You are not one to take lives.” he whispers sweetly into your ear. You feel Alastor gently guide your blade out and away from Val, who shuffles like an injured dog towards Vox’s feet. Alastor’s voice roars boisterously, carrying a thick static, “I do believe the V’s won’t be bothering us any further, isn’t that correct?” he waves his hand to surround the two Overlords with shadowy his minions. Vox grits his teeth while tending to Val, “Alright fine! Leave our territory and we will leave you alone…for now.” his voice cracks with a mix of fear and frustration.
“Lovely.” Alastor hums, spinning his cane in a show of victory. 
Your veins run cold, contrasting the warm blood still dripping from the lacerations across your torso. Quickly losing the rush of adrenaline that was keeping you standing, you fall into Alastor - bracing against his chest. “Al, this is bad.” you breathe. With one swift movement he scoops you into his arms, “I know, let’s go.” The wrecked penthouse fades out and your shared room at the hotel fades in. Your eyes immediately become heavy, too heavy. “No no no…Stay awake, love. Fight it, I need you to -” Alastor's pleas fade as you slip away.
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Voices echo through the darkness. 
There’s so much blood…
Alastor, how -
Vox. He took her by surprise. 
Dad please, she needs you…
Wait…who? Get out of my way you stupid deer who is - W-WHAT DID YOU -
Get your hands off me! I didn’t do this! Can you help or not!?
I can try. I haven’t done anything like this in centuries.
Leave us, I need to focus.
I will not be leaving her, especially with you.
You’re the reason she’s like this!
Watch your tone your Highness, you may be King but -
But what? You forget your place, demon. 
If it were anyone else, I wouldn’t be asking  -
Do not mistake me...I’m not doing this for you. I’m doing it for Charlie…and for her…
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Tag List (Let me know if you would like to be added!)
@rl800 @fairyv-ice @looking1016 @martinys-world @sirens-and-moonflowers 
@alastorssimp @alastorsgirl48 @mysterisumone @ohnah2022 @catticora
@eris-norwega @kaylopolis @littlebluefishtail @little-slyvixen @laudrawin  @qu1cks1lversb1tch@diffidentphantom
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