#I've been in chronic pain!
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It's my 9 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
I know other adults like to joke about how much pain they're in, but genuinely, please try to get your pain checked out if you're an adult experiencing it, or at least adapt your life in whatever way lessens your pain.
Your pain deserves to be addressed. Please don't "let" it get worse because you've been told that to grow older is to suffer. No, you aren't being needy or selfish or annoying. Ultimately, you are the one who suffers the most from the state of your health, and it's entirely reasonable to want your health to be up to your standards.
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retrogradedreaming · 1 month
okay, inspired by @dragon-spaghetti's chronic pain Husk headcanons, I present Angel with atypical migraines
Angel getting knocked off balance after a few grueling weeks at the studio (because stress makes them worse), but like with the kind of vertigo that makes you feel like you're floating and untethered, but not spinning
Husk notices when something's off because Angel will stand up from the bar and pause with a hand outstretched before he starts walking, like he needs to recalibrate real quick
he lays on top of Husk with his face in Husk's chest because it's dark and then he'll forbid Husk from moving because that makes it worse, so Husk just kinda rests a hand on his back while they cuddle
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saphushia · 1 year
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smth different from my usual- i was taught this when i went to PT a couple years ago and i've never seen anything about it online. obligatory disclaimer i'm not in any way a medical professional and this wont cure your headaches, but they make mine a decent chunk more tolerable and sometimes that's all you can ask for
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rosesandthorns44 · 8 months
Why did nobody ever tell me that one can rip the godforsaken push-and-turn cap off of pill bottles, and there is a perfectly functional, easy to open cap underneath???
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What sorcery is this?!?!
Who knew about this and didn't tell the rest of us???
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transjudas · 1 year
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“I found for me, being creative and writing songs or writing short stories or creating something or poetry or something like that – if it came out good, if I enjoyed it, I could kind of ride that creative high for at least a day or two. And I felt normal again,” he says. “I would have to force myself to do something productive, and then it made me forget about myself.”  (x, x)
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judas-redeemed · 9 months
when the body is not whole, the best i can hope for is to make it home. it is difficult to love a body that doesn't know how to love you back. i am trying to remember that it is not impossible. i am trying to remember to take my meds. i am trying to forget how easy it is to rot alone in my bedroom while my life passes me by. i am haunted by the life i once lived── the life i miss── the life i know i won't have── the life i can barely remember── the life i wish to forget. i know this life will be beautiful too. but i just need a moment to sit at my own grave. will you sit with me, please? will you hold me, please? will you hold me together, please? when it becomes okay that the body will never be whole, i learn to make it home. one day, i will have to leave. i hope i miss it as much as i miss this.
it wasn't always like this; it won't always be like this ─ judas h.
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godofidea · 3 months
I'm so normal about Him
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youngchronicpain · 10 months
feeling very very bad gets very very boring pretty fast
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hellyeahsickaf · 4 months
Be careful with adrenal supplements it turns out that shit makes you produce adrenaline and my ass got paranoid that I had mad cow disease (I'm a vegetarian) and I almost threw up realizing a bear could fit through my window if he wanted (I live in a major city)
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starrystevie · 1 year
steve has good days and not so good days. they intermix often, some weeks with more good than not so good and vice versa. there are months that pass by in a lovely wave of only good days which normally consist of sunshine outside his window and a certain curly head in his bed. the not so good are actually not so bad and can be coddled with a kiss and arms around him. they aren't fun, but they're manageable; he still feels like a person even if head is telling him otherwise.
but along with the good, there has to be the bad. the days where it's harder to get out of bed even if a certain curly head is pulling at his arms and heartstrings. days where his head is foggy, the memory of something so clearly there but it's impossible to wipe away the condensation that covers the looking glass into the past. days where his bones ache and he wants -needs- to pass it off as an incoming storm messing with his joints but he knows it's not. days where he doesn't speak, his throat feeling tight with anger and frustration, afraid that when he does let out a sound that it'll only be a scream.
waking up on his birthday, what's supposed to be a good day, with a ringing in his ears that keeps him on a dizzying ledge is never a good sign. he has eddie standing in the doorway and he sees him mouth something, or maybe he whispers it, and he has on that soft simple smile that has steve craving to know what he said. the ringing muffles whatever he says next and he knows it's something lovely because eddie's lovely and only has lovely poetic things to tell him on special days.
but steve can't hear it.
the sunlight is beautiful and it breaks his heart. he can see specks of dust floating through the rays and sees the way it paints eddie's curls golden and he can't help but wish it wasn't so goddamn bright in their room because it hurts his head even more than usual. eddie senses it because of course he does; he's able to read steve like the book with a broken spine and frayed pages that he is.
the curtains are pulled closed leaving a red hue over the room and there's a kiss pressed between his furrowed eyebrows. steve sighs, melts into eddie's touch, chases after him with open arms like a child for a lingering birthday hug.
"the ringing, it's- i can't hear today," steve breathes out, afraid to whisper because even that can be too much. it happens on bad days where all he can hear is his own dampened voice rattling in his skull. he never talks above a whisper, afraid that his voice will be loud and booming when he feels too small to handle it.
"i know," eddie says slowly and his eyes follow steve's down as he watches the words form on his lips. his hand cups steve's cheek and it's warm and grounding and he feels he can breathe again. steve doesn't have to read lips to know his next 3 muttered words that are followed with a kiss, the words that are stamped on his heart, the words that a brain which struggles with memory can't take away.
it's a bad day that should have been a good day mixed in between some maybe not so bad days. but he has eddie. eddie who pulls the curtains closed and holds him like he matters and lets his fingertips run over steve's temples in the barest of soothing touches like he could take away the pain because he wills it so. and if he has eddie, the bad days can never really that bad, can they?
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
Now that I've been talking about Sabo's eye... I wish I knew how to draw to show you but-- I have a very specific view when it comes to Sabo's design.
I think he shouldn't have an eye, for starters. He should have a very fucked up scar and no eye at all. He wears a glass eye sometimes but it's funny to him to just... Not wear it at all. Also, Koala finds it disgusting and creepy the way he jokes about it but Luffy loves every second of it.
Not to mention that the scar isn't only on his face but pretty much all half of his body. But already knew that.
The thing is- I really, really, really liked him with that missing tooth when he was a kid. I loved it. He was adorable. And I think that he should get into a fight and lose the same tooth so Luffy goes "Oh! You look like when we were little!" and Sabo decides to ignore the thought of getting another tooth because it makes Luffy happy and also it looks cool. So now he has a missing tooth and he looks hotter.
So, yeah, missing eye. Missing tooth. Scars all over his body. AND! He can't hear from one ear. Right ear? It's alright. Perfect hearing. The left one, though? A fucking mess. And he often uses that as an excuse to say he isn't hearing things he refuses to hear, like, idk, Koala telling him to do his work.
His leg is also a bit too messed up and sometimes he has difficulty walking. Which isn't a problem anymore when he eats the Mera Mera fruit, but it still bothers him. So the metal pipe is mostly to beat the shit out of people but also to walk. It's just that nobody knows that bit.
Also, random outfits I found on pinterest that I imagine Sabo wearing because my mind has no limits:
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aintgonnatakethis · 6 months
whenever i see the view of 'always be 100% honest with the medical professionals providing you with healthcare' i just... how much privilege do you have to have to not see the pitfalls with that statement?
i understand 'always tell first responders what drugs you've taken'. but when it comes down to trans healthcare or people who're disabled or have "scary" mental health conditions. do you really think being honest the entire time is safe?
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yesmissnyx · 7 months
Just curious! I've been itching to write again, and I was thinking about doing some more self-published erotic shorts/novellas.
I've done some in the past for funsies (I am NOT sharing my old, embarrassing pen names 😂) but I've never done any femdom stuff before...which seems fake!
So yeah, I might consider doing both, but having a place to start would be nice. As much as I like writing second-person scenarios/imagines, I miss having characters to play with.
Thank you for your input 😘
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sunnycanwrite · 9 months
Imagine being able to drive a car, haha lame. I steered my wheelchair into a display at the grocery store and knocked it over. But they can't take that license away. Right? Right....???
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going through a really difficult time right now, because the texas pharmacy chain that has been reliably filling my opioid prescription for years suddenly decided they would no longer accept prescriptions from my doctor because she isn't a pain specialist.
they did not give any of her patients any warning about this, only informed us when we called to refill that they couldn't fill the prescription.
(she's a well-respected internist and addiction specialist who handles a lot of chronic pain patients, she's furious and organizing a lawsuit against them for patient abandonment and slander, as they falsely claimed she'd had her licensed revoked.)
that was a week ago, and i cannot find any fucking pharmacy that will accept an opioid prescription from someone who isn't a pain specialist, and in fact, many of them refuse to carry opioids at all. i'm trying to get an appointment with a pain specialist, but it's not as if you can stroll into a doctor's office whenever you like. i have no fucking idea how long it will take me to get seen, or if they'll even give me a prescription at all.
daily opioids are the only tether i have to any quality of life whatsoever. i have serious fibromyalgia on top of half a dozen other serious diagnoses, and as a result i am in pain every minute of every day. over the counter medications are a fucking joke at treating this kind of pain, and i cannot get out of bed without pain relief. i can't sleep, i can't shower, i can't cook for myself, i can't do anything but think about the pain.
i understand that for a lot of these pharmacists, the decision is made above their head and there's nothing they can do. but i can't explain the depth of rage i feel towards the pharmacists who condescendingly tell me they're "not comfortable" filling my prescription. it is not your fucking job to decide what medication a person should or shouldn't receive; that's what doctors are for. it is deeply fucking dehumanizing to have to beg complete strangers to care about your quality of life, and have to do so in a calm, polite way so they don't flag you in the system.
i have a few pills left, and i'm stretching them out as far as i can without going into withdrawal or losing my mind completely because i have no idea how long this will last. i'm genuinely looking at drinking as my only available option to cope, which makes me want to fucking scream.
this isn't about what's best for patients, it's not about preventing addiction. it's just about not getting sued, and the corporations don't give a fuck if we end up killing ourselves directly or indirectly as a result.
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