#Kid Roman
milkhoney531 · 3 months
Coffee and Zombies (CaZ)
Summary: Life and Death, two very contrast things. Or are they? In the zombie apocalypse, what is death? What is life? Is anyone truly living? A scientist searching for a cure to his mistake, a firefighter bent on helping survivors, two supernatural brothers struggling to adapt and survive, and two brothers who desperately want to rest and find safety. Will they survive?
Chapter 1
   The world didn’t end with a bang. It didn’t end in war. It didn’t end in nukes. It didn’t end with the sun going supernova. It didn’t end with pollution or melting ice caps. No, it ended with a cup of coffee. Two scientists for the company Lily of the Valley, the flower of death, destroyed the world. The two never got along, they were working on a new project. Unfortunately together, unfortunately at unsustainably long hours. Unfortunately, with their brains impaired by lack of proper food, sleep, or hydration, tensions boiled. They weren’t as careful as they should have been. They fought over the last bit of coffee and beakers broke. They became the first two infected with the zombie virus. All over a cup of coffee.
   Death watched in disappointment as he held the two souls as their body spread the virus, ripping flesh from the people near them. Making his job harder than it ever should have been. They would never even see the damage they had done. They would never live through the fear they had brought over the world. Life appeared next to him, her normally warm features stony. She took the two souls from him.
     “I’m tired, Death. They have doomed my creations.” Life said quietly.
     “I am tired as well. But there is work to be done.” Death sighed.
     “Not for us. They made this mess. They can deal with it.” Life said, looking scornfully down at the two souls.
   The smell of coffee filled Roman’s senses when he woke up. He rose from bed and was going to wake up Remus only to have his brother’s hand clasp over his mouth. He held a finger to his lips and pointed towards their bedroom door. Roman saw the blood seeping from beneath the door. He smelled the blood. He heard the screams outside. He saw the word zombies written in blood on the door. He looked at his brother, there was blood on his face and hands, his pajamas were ripped. With shaky hands he moved his twin’s hand from his mouth.
     “Mom? Dad? Are they-?” Roman couldn’t finish the whispered question.
   Remus only nodded. He didn’t look sad. Was this a prank? No. Remus looked too serious. The blood, he could smell it. They were orphans in the zombie apocalypse. This was a shitty way to start their eleventh birthday. He heard a thud against their bedroom door and nearly yelped, but his cry was muffled by Remus pulling him into a hug. He was shaking. Remus was shaking. This was real. What were they going to do?
   They couldn’t stay here. Roman gently pulled out of the hug and took his brother’s hand. He led him to the closet and gave him a bag. Remus seemed to know exactly what he wanted to say. They started packing what they could, trying to keep it to things they needed, but Roman couldn’t help but include the scrapbook he had been working on with his dad and grandma. It had too many memories to leave behind. Were his grandparents still alive? He felt a hand on his shoulder and saw the look of worry his brother had. At least he still had him.
   Roman gave him a reassuring smile. Silently, they got back to packing and getting ready. He didn’t know where they were going to go or how they were going to get out of the apartment alive. But they’d figure it out. They had too. Remus’s constant planning for alien invasions and zombie apocalypses seemed a lot less stupid now. Maybe his brother’s love of gore would save them? He gave a silent sight. They were eleven now. He woke up to coffee and zombies. Great.
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theeerealpunkin · 2 years
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There was a time when the twins' birthday was celebrated together.
When the Dads™ would set up a firework like no other in the Imagination for them.
Remus and Roman used to love their birthday.
(click for better quality)
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sleepyvirgilprompts · 2 years
When the Sides were kids, they used to all play together. Roman was the most in charge, because he was the best at coming up with stories, but the others had input too. Virgil’s character was usually put out of commission pretty quickly-- banished, locked away somewhere, or occasionally even killed, to be saved (or revived) near the end. One time when Virgil’s character died, he fell asleep, and at least one of the other Sides freaked out when Virgil didn’t get up after Roman’s character did the spell to save him.
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Bed time stories Chapter 1
Summary: Remus and Roman think the bedtimes story they where always told as kids may not be just a story.
ships: some loceit
triggers: none (it may seem like there’s unsympathetic Patton but there isn’t)
first  next  last
“Tell us about the king!” Remus demanded finally tucked into bed.
Janus sighed “You practically know it by heart Remus.”
“Anxiety doesn’t know it!”
Janus looked to the door and saw one of the newer sides, anxiety by the door. He scoops up Anxiety and sits on a chair across from Remus. 
“Will you both promise to be quiet and go to sleep if I do?”
Remus and Anxiety both nod.
“Alright. The story beings in a castle, it was huge with many rooms and many hiding places. And in that castle was a king and his three royal advisors. One always looked at every issue from a logical perspective without biased. Another looked at it from a selfless standpoint. And the last, self preservation.
“But the selfless one didn’t like self preservation, he said self preservation was selfish and didn’t want to help the king. Logic tried to tell the king they where both needed but the King didn’t listen.”
Anxiety spoke “why didn’t they listen to Logic?”
“Because logic is real, and the king needed to decide just because you know what is logical doesn’t mean it will be what you want it to be. The Selfless advisor was easier to listen to, he told the King what he wanted to hear. But Self Preservation fought hard for the King to listen to him. That and,,,,,,, outside influences the King couldn’t take it.
“And one day the advisors found two children, both having different qualities of the King. Selfless wanted to raise them both, as did self preservation. Neither of them could be together very long without fighting. Logic wanted to raise them both together. But they didn’t listen to him.
“So they went their separate ways and abandoned the castle and went their separate ways. The only one who kept on contact was Logic going between the two to spend time with both children.”
“What’s the ending?” Anxiety asks.
“There isn’t one! JanJan refuses to tell me if there is” Remus pouts.
Lanus sighs internally “that’s because they disappeared Anxiety, no one knows where they went or if they existed, the castle’s never been found so we don’t know if it’s real. Now time for bed” Janus picks Amxiety up to take him to his room.
After they’ve both been tucked in Janus goes downstairs and makes some tea.
“They asked for the story again didn’t they?”
Janus nods “yes, Remus loves the story and the mystery, I’m glad we where able to hise the old castle so well, thank you for helping me with that Logan.”
Logan smiles “of course, How is Anxiety?”
“He’s adjusting, and Roman?” Janus sits down on the couch next to Logan.
“He’s well as always, Patton’s letting him explore the Imagination more now, I assume it is because Roman would not stop begging. I told Patton I would be with Roman when he is out exploring” Logan tells Janus leaning his head on his shoulder.
“Busy day?”
Logan nods “incredibly busy, Patton is all over the place with Roman so I’ve been charged with keeping Thomas in line, and it’s harder alone, Patton is better with getting him to listen.”
“Will you be staying here tonight?”
Logan takes Janus’s hand “I wish I could, I’d love to be here for just a few hours, but I’m needed with Patton, Thomas is having a rough time right now,”
“I wish Patton would allow me to be with him, I could help.”
“I know darling, I know you could, but Patton refuses, he’s convinced you’ll hurt Thomas.”
Janus just nods “do you have to leave now?”
“I can stay for a little while, but not to long.”
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Special Delivery (pt 2/2)
Part 1
Word Count: 2085
Rating: Gen
Pairings: Dukeceit, Logicality (for real this time)
Warnings: bird puns, yelling (not angrily), fear of heights
“You don’t need to come with me,” Patton chuckled as he made sure that baby Virgil was secured in his sling. It had been over five years since he got struck by lightning and Logan was still being a nervous nene every time Patton went out for delivery. 
Currently, Logan was poking and prodding at the long since recovered patch of Patton wing like it might give way again. Honestly, it was cute how much he cared, but his constant worrying and his insistence on tagging along on every delivery — despite being a much weaker flier than Patton was at full strength — had slowed down work at the Stork Office considerably. 
Which, given that the work was delivering babies to their new homes, was not ideal. 
Virgil was a little older than the kiddos Patton usually took out — at almost 15 months old — but he wasn’t anything that the Stork couldn’t handle. Remy’s trainee, Thomas, just finished his training last week and was now ready to start delivering babies all on his own. Hopefully that would help them catch up a little. 
“I do not mind,” Logan assured. That hadn’t exactly been Patton’s point, but a wave of affection washed over him at the words and he decided — as he had every time so far — not to pursue his point further. 
“You’re a silly goose,” Patton said, taking off without allowing Logan any time to reply. He heard a sputtering behind him, but the other Stork was too preoccupied trying to catch up with him to form a coherent response. “A silly goose,” Patton repeated, quietly enough that only Virgil could hear him, booping the baby on the nose. 
Virgil’s face scrunched up, and his large hazel eyes stared up at Patton as though the Stork had offended him. He wasn’t speaking anything more than baby-babbles just yet, which put him a little behind most babies his age, but Patton was confident that he was just waiting to be held by his parents before saying his first true word. 
“I am not a goose!” Logan puffed, finally catching up to the pair, his usually immaculate hair and clothes already blown out of order by the wind. “I’m a stork, and even then, we bear very little resemblance to the actual bird, but rather, get our name from Greek mythology…” 
Logan continued his lecture on birds and mythology, but Patton was only half paying attention. The other half was focused on how pretty Logan looked when he was flying — his dark hair and dark wings contrasting beautifully with the clear blue sky above him. It was a sight Patton had rarely gotten to see before and was another reason he didn’t protest too much when Logan insisted on flying with him. 
Eventually, overcome with affection, Patton held his hand out in Logan’s direction. Logan’s lecture halted in its tracks as he stared at the proffered hand curiously. Undeterred, Patton shook it a little for emphasis. 
“Are you asking to hold my hand?” Logan asked incredulously. “We cannot hold hands while flying, our wingspans are each too wide.” 
Patton pouted, and shook his hand again, but Logan held firm — if they got close enough to hold hands then their wings would likely get tangled and take them both down. Eventually he retracted his hand in favor of holding Virgil more securely — he was a squirmy little thing. 
Maybe it was the age difference, but Virgil was a much more nervous baby than his future brother had been; as soon as they hit a small patch — truly just the barest hint — of turbulence, he was off and screaming. 
This screaming continued until Patton finally decided to land and see if anything was wrong. As soon as they were on the ground, the screaming stopped, and Virgil went back to staring at Patton accusingly. The two Storks checked his diaper, offered him food, and even let him crawl around in the grass a little bit, but nothing seemed to be wrong, so they took off again. 
And once again, after a few minutes, Virgil was back to screeching. 
“Are they always like this?” Logan demanded, using his hands to cover his ears as the two flew on. 
“No! Usually, the little guys are all takahe-d out!” Patton hated that the flight was causing the little guy distress, but the only other option they had was walking, and they’d never make it to his new home on foot. “But he’s so much older than the babies usually are. I’m sorry, Virgie, but you’ll love your parents so much, and your big brother will be so happy to meet you! It’ll all be worth it, I promise.” 
His promises fell on deaf ears, the baby cried on. 
Eventually — though not nearly soon enough — a familiar forest came into view. 
“Let’s land here,” Patton said, pointing Logan towards a small clearing roughly half a mile from their destination. 
“If we land here then we will have to walk,” Logan pointed out, though he followed Patton as the other Stork circled down for a landing. 
“I know.” Two feet firmly on the ground, Patton took Virgil out of his sling and sat the sniffly baby on his hip. “But I want to give Virgil some time to calm down before we reach his new home. This has been a hard day for him.” 
“Patton, we are already behind, and if we take the time to walk–” 
Patton stuck his free hand out in Logan’s direction again, giving it a little shake. Unlike last time, the two Storm were on the ground with their wings folded up against their backs, leaving Logan no excuse not to take his partner’s hand, which he did with only minor reddening of his cheeks. 
Satisfied, Patton began the trek to Virgil’s new home, swinging his and Logan’s arms lightly as they walked. 
Unlike the last time Patton had seen the home, there was now a fence along the border between the yard and the forest — likely to keep any children from accidentally wandering into the woods unsupervised. The fence had a little gate that led from a well-worn path in the woods into the yard which Logan opened with his free hand, allowing the two Storks and the baby to enter. 
“Halt! Who goes there?” A guard demanded, brandishing a sword menacingly at the intruders. 
At least, as menacingly as an adorable five-year-old with a foam sword could be — which wasn’t much. 
“Aww Roman! You’ve gotten so big!” Patton gushed. 
“Your wings are so cool!” The child gushed in turn, lowering his sword in wonder. “How did you know my name? Are you my guardian angels!?” 
“Sorta,” Patton said. “We’re Storks! We deliver babies to loving homes. I brought you here five years ago!” 
Roman’s face scrunched up in confusion, eyes flickering briefly to Virgil before focusing back on Patton. “Mama said storks are a fairytale, like Cinderella and Santa Claus. He said I came from a sir-gate.” 
“A surrogate,” Logan corrected. Roman turned his bright green eyes on the other Stork who grimaced slightly under his gaze, unused to dealing with older children like this. 
“Santa Claus is real!” Patton gasped. “Who do you think fills your stocking at Christmas?” 
“Mama and daddy.” 
“Well, sometimes adults just have trouble seeing the magic in the world,” Patton whispered, hunching down to get closer to Roman as though he were confiding his most special secret. 
Roman nodded seriously in return. 
“Are you delivering a baby now?” Roman asked, eyes once again darting to the baby and back. 
“We are!” Patton cheered, kneeing in the grass and holding baby Virgil up by his armpits. “We’re here to deliver your baby brother: Virgil!” 
Virgil stared at Roman and stuffed a chubby fist into his own mouth. Roman returned the gaze with wonder. 
“A baby brother?” He whispered, awed. “Really?” 
“Yeppers! Would you like to hold him?” 
Roman gave a tentative nod and Patton placed the baby into his arms, guiding him into what would be the most comfortable position for both kids. 
“He’s heavy,” Roman huffed as Patton let go — though he only moved his hands a couple inches, just in case. 
“He is,” Patton agreed. “But you’re very strong.” 
Roman beamed at the compliment. 
“You shall be my squire!” He told the baby confidently. “And together we shall protect the kingdom of Sanders from the evil Dragonwitch!” 
He shot a glare at the house next door where a chihuahua was glaring at them through a window, shaking in that chihuahua way. 
“Roman?” A voice called from the deck. “Who are you talking to?” 
The small party in the yard turned to find Janus Sanders watching the five-year-old with a bemused look. Any humor, however, quickly drained from his face as he noticed the even smaller child in his son’s arms. 
“Where did that baby come from?” He asked as he made his way across the yard, alarmed. 
“The storks brought him!” Roman declared happily, pointing one hand at the two winged men behind him. Virgil slipped slightly in his grasp as he did, but Patton was quick to steady him before Roman dropped him completely. “He’s gonna be my baby brother!” 
Janus’s face changed to a vaguely constipated look as he was torn between concern about the apparently abandoned baby in his son’s arms, and fondness at his son’s imagination. 
“We’ll get you a baby brother soon,” he assured his son. “But someone’s probably missing this little guy.” He carefully eased Virgil out of Roman’s arms and into his own. “We need to find his rightful parents.” 
“But–!” Roman glanced quickly between his mama and the Storks, confused. 
Patton smiled reassuringly. “Watch this.” 
He gently plucked a midnight-blue feather from Logan’s wing and offered it to the other Stork. Logan looked somewhat panicked — in all his years of being a Stork, he’d never been the one to bond a child to their family. 
“You can do it!” Patton whispered, moving to stand just behind Logan, wrapping his free arm around him comfortingly. “Owl be right here for emu!” 
Logan rolled his eyes, but he took a steadying breath anyway. He could do this. 
“Virgil Sanders,” he whispered to the feather before blowing it off of Patton’s palm. 
Roman watched in awe as the feather gently flitted through the air before landing on his mama’s nose. Janus’s eyes turned a deep, dark blue, before shifting back to their regular heterochromia as he gazed down at the child in his arms. 
“Did you have fun playing outside with your brother, storm cloud?” He asked, peppering kisses to the baby’s face. “Yeah, you love your brother?” 
“Mama!” The baby giggled happily. 
“Oh! Yes! Mama! That’s me!” Janus gushed. “REMUS! VIRGIL SAID ‘MAMA’!” 
“WHAT!?” Remus screeched from inside the house. “NOOOOO! VIRGIE, BABY, WHY MUST YOU BETRAY ME THIS WAY!?” 
Remus — eyes midnight-blue — sprinted out and stopped just short of bumping into his husband. 
“Virgie, say ‘dada’!” He begged. He lay a hand on Virgil’s cheek, turning his eyes back to their natural green. “Say ‘dada’.” 
“Mama!” Virgil repeated, giggling as Remus dramatically fell to the ground in mock-anguish. 
“Roro, you still love me, don’t you?” He asked, reaching weakly for his older son. 
“You’re silly, daddy,” Roman giggled. 
“Why do we go celebrate Virgil’s first word with some yogurt?” Janus smiled, tapping his foot against his husband's side. 
“Yes!” Roman and Remus cheered simultaneously. Remus sprang up from the ground and lifted Roman into his arms. 
“Onward!” Roman declared pointing towards the house, and therefore the yogurt. 
“As you wish, my prince!” 
“Bye!” Roman turned, waving to the Storks over his daddy’s shoulder. 
“Bye Roman!” Patton waved. “Enjoy your new brother!” 
Logan turned to leave as the family disappeared into the house, but Patton watched for a moment longer. 
“We should get a baby,” he sighed dreamily. 
“You are not allowed to ask Remy to bring us a baby,” Logan ordered, knowing exactly where his partner’s mind would go. “Promise me you won’t ask Remy to bring us a baby.” 
“I will not ask Remy to bring us a baby,” Patton promised. “I’ll ask Thomas!” 
“Wha–!” Patton took off before Logan could reply, once again forcing the other Stork to catch up with him. 
“Patton!” Logan called, somewhat breathlessly, behind him. 
Patton only laughed. He was joking of course; he would never ask Thomas to deliver them a baby before Logan was ready for one. 
He would be ready soon, Patton was certain. 
Roman’s first word was ‘dada’ so Janus was really pushing for ‘mama’ with Virgil (or at least he would have been if he’d had Virgil for as long as he and Remus think they’ve had Virgil)
Also I’ve decided that Janus wouldn’t like lying to his children about things Ike Santa Claus or the tooth fairy — lies are for your own amusement or to be funny, not to potentially traumatize your children later in life (in his opinion).
Fun fact about me, my mom doesn’t know what my first word was because I was late to start speaking, but when I did I was fully caught up to where kids my age should be so she thinks that I was pretending not to be able to talk until I felt confident about it (which is very on-brand for me tbh). My brother’s first word was ‘turtle’
General taglist:
@royalty-of-all-things-snuggly @pixelated-pineapple @knight-shives @misunderstood-shadowling
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theoldkyokodied · 1 year
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One wedding and three funerals
Background paintings under the cut
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#tomgreg#succession#tom wambsgans#greg hirsch#shiv roy#roman roy#kendall roy#yeah no im not tagging everyone thats too much#this is me going 'how much implications themes and symbolism can i fit in one painting'#yes i gave rose shivs haircolor. if we ever find out how she looks like and its not like this im just gonna pass away i guess#but yeah i hope yall connect the dots#i put waaay too much thought and work into this. i was googling pictures of all the actors as kids just for reference (sigh)#honestly kinda wanted to make tom and greg link pinkies as like. a pinkie promise. but that was too hard to draw in this angle#at least not without obstructing the view of the ring which is important to see so ya#my fave is actually the tomshiv wedding pic i went off with that. i love them... they should have run away to become sheep farmers fr fr#anyway im so glad im done with this UGH!! finally i can draw smth else without being like oh noooo i need to finish this#i see a lot of you wondering why there is no portrait of logan but one of ewan#it's bc the placement of the painting represent their standing. logans portray would not hang next to the stairs#his present portrait hangs at the end of it. all the way up at the top. alone and withering away#basically the picture you see underneath ewan to the right? its where toms parents would be. the right side of the wall is tom and gregs#and the left one is the roy siblings theirs. since they grew up rich rich. and tom and greg didn't#but ya thats why ewan hangs here and logan does not :)
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bitchthefuck1 · 1 year
At the end of the day, they're still just little kids making noise outside his office.
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hyunpic · 1 month
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taemin: ah especially hyunjinnie, stray kids hyunjin... hyunjinnie! i felt a lot of support from him and im really thankful. we’ve become really close friends … hyunjinnie… we are becoming even closer. + bonus
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lesbiansuga · 4 months
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507 days until jimin is back ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ map of the soul 7 dance practice making film
cr. namuspromised
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msp9 · 1 month
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milkhoney531 · 3 months
Was I supposed to be writing? Let alone a new story? No. Did I anways? Yes. Chapter 1 of CaZ is up!
Life and Death, two very contrast things. Or are they? In the zombie apocalypse, what is death? What is life? Is anyone truly living? A scientist searching for a cure to his mistake, a firefighter bent on helping survivors, two supernatural brothers struggling to adapt and survive, and two brothers who desperately want to rest and find safety. Will they survive?
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meraki-yao · 4 months
A little detail I love about this blooper: Pay attention to Nick's facial expression
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When Alex/Taylor is properly kissing his neck, Nick's Henry, a face of content and happiness, as you would expect in a scenario like this
But when Taylor starts blowing a raspberry, look at Nick again
His face scrunches up adorably, a common reaction to suddenly being tickled in a sensitive area like the neck
But aside from that, his smile actually grows bigger
I feel like that's a great indicator of how comfortable the boys are with each other and how much fun this project was for them
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irlplasticlamb · 1 year
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you’re my baby, say it to me.
prints + merch + commission info
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dragonpyre · 5 months
Camp Jupiter kid: yeah my grandad was a son of Apollo, so that makes me a legacy
Camp Half-Blood kid: w-what
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venka · 1 year
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SUCCESSION — 4.10, With Open Eyes (insp.)
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pyr0frnzy · 4 months
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failed makeout sesh with the stupid ass captain and resident cringefail loser from stupid town
(jk guys i love them too much they can smooch)
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