#Lilith in 6th
astrostaydelulu · 1 month
Short astro notes
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Moon aspect Venus(negatively)/Neptune individuals are the heart of crystal with haze around it. Pure yet blurred, surrounded by distinct thoughts of their needs vs wants. They may try to find their love in people who aren't the one. Be prudent while making choices as you don't want to be wounded in the end.
Lilith in 10th/6th/Virgo/Capricorn or aspect with Midheaven people please be cautious in your work environment. Not only this people get bashed for no reason or for just putting their opinions in front, is so witless. People envy their success/ work and slur too. Authorities can be a big problem for them likewise.
Mercury/3rd house with the influence of Venus is such a beautiful aspect. These people are great at writing( relies on other aspects too). They are good at paring their words in a ravishing way that it's almost bliss to hear them. Also a placement for good writers/poets on the topic of love, beauty, art, appreciation, etc.
Moon's prominence on the midheaven constantly makes great chefs, hotel managers, caretakers/nannies, teachers, preschool administrators,  etc. In general, they are promising in these fields with their ability to manage things.
No one can beat a Venus- Neptune/Pisces Venus/ Venus in 12th people when it comes to having the trope of " one-sided secret admirers". Well, not prefer one-sided but yeah when they fall in love they are the most adorable. They can be so in love with their crushes/lovers, that it is unexplainable.
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astrroloaries · 2 years
Lilith in houses
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Lilith in houses
Lilith changes a lot when traveling through all the astrological houses. Studying the house placement first is even more helpful, but over-all combining your sign and house can lead to the utmost understanding of this part of your natal chart.
Lilith in 1st house
Hiding your deepest desires and wishes is really hard with Lilith in 1st, even if the individual is a bit ashamed and tries to hide it, it just comes out pouring in almost every case. It is very visible and readable. These individuals might also feel a sort of dissatisfaction (the sign placement would help here, depending on the sign Lilith is in, the individual might incline towards those areas the sign represents, so you can discover or learn more about what the dissatisfaction might be about, for example a Taurus Lilith with a 1st house would indicate dissatisfaction of their possessions, wealth, security, image etc.). Some individuals with Lilith in 1st can feel like they are constantly not able to identify with themselves fully and struggling with it. For some, Lilith in 1st can cause body image issues, feeling ashamed of themselves, of their personality, of their looks.
Lilith in 1st can also be described as someone who reacts and subconscious so it can be hard to work with these people. The thing with Lilith is to always transmute it to the highest potential and form which is achievable instead of falling to the lowest instincts (undeveloped) which can cause pain. With Lilith in 1st, these individuals, should always examine their steps and the action they prepare to take. Also they should dig deeper and investigate just what it is that motivates them rather than trying to push themselves into something so they can get rid of the feelings of shame or to get a “hit”.
Lilith in 2nd house
The darker impulses of the 2nd house are all about money, possessions, survival and/or image. Lilith in 2nd individuals might be obsessed with all or either of these things. This obsession comes from fear. Avoiding to deal with this fear, with the obsession, they try even harder to achieve those things.
They might have experienced rejection which deeply hurt them, and the way their mind works is that in order to get over it, or beat it is to achieve everything materially and just show those people how wrong they were about them. This rejection has been carried out with them whether it comes from a past life in order to deal with it through a journey, or it directly happened to them it is very present and felt. These individuals also fear failure, losing everything and being left with nothing, having nothing, having no name, no legacy, no stable foundation, but that fear lives within them. If they truly accept themselves, they wouldn’t let themselves be operated and lead by fear. Their path to healing is through self-acceptance, self-love and inner child work.
Desiring material stability, beautiful things is nothing to be ashamed of, but it shouldn’t be a leading force leading to obsession which can lead to worse things. Keeping themselves in check and not feeding that obsessive streak is by celebrating achieving authentic success and it feels just about right.
Lilith in 3rd house
Before these individuals had walls up which guard them, they were probably so open to the world and got wounded and hurt. The wound is probably connected to communication/the truth. Maybe it has to do with writing, anxiety, over thinking, expressing oneself, social anxiety, public speaking, maybe even learning disabilities or just a different way of learning that others in their surrounding, a disagreement of what’s true and fake and false. All these experiences might have made these individuals super guarded and cautious in communication.
They either stay silent during communication or maybe they create a persona based on what others like to see and hear and want. In some form or shape their communication is sort of inauthentic, they also censor themselves because they carry the fear of being judged and misunderstood and they are afraid they might get punished for it. Lilith in 3rd can heal through a start of communication with their environment in a natural, authentic way, drop the persona, reveal yourself and don’t be afraid, don’t give a flying crap about those people. Through their healing they might learn that truths can be different and real, each of us experience things differently it is important to pay attention to all of the sides but that does not invalidate your feelings and your thoughts on the matter. It is valid and important to paint the whole picture. Interaction with nature and energy is also very healing, it can get the flow going. Don’t be afraid to use your words as they come naturally.
Lilith in 4th house
Lilith in the 4th can be found in early childhood, family, home, memories, relationship with parents here. The side of Lilith carried within the 4th house might’ve been hard to handle by the parents or the parents did not know how to handle those deepest desires and urges that Lilith causes within us in these individuals. Because of that they either suppressed Lilith because they thought it wrong to express it (accompanied by guilt and shame) or they were rejected in some way. A lot of the time Lilith deals with shame within us created by all these urges and desires, with the 4th house here it can be shame caused and felt by themselves, feeling self-disgust even as children. Even as they get older it doesn’t feel any less shameful, they need to heal their inner child.
The shame experienced can be connected with the sign Lilith is in. Inner child work is necessary to heal, as it is forgiving themselves and finding self-love. Lilith in 4th might be one of the slowest ones to go through the path of healing and patching up those wounds.
Lilith in 5th house
Lilith in 5th individuals were probably shamed about something that happened in their childhood by childhood peers/friends. They might’ve played with themes surrounding Lilith which were probably prohibited and/or taboo by society, especially the other children and their parents. They might’ve been deemed inappropriate.
Lilith in 5th individuals are probably really cool, expressive and futuristic but they are more often ahead of their time and are judged because of it and rejected by society. This rejection causes the wounds inflicted and shame that could play out in two different ways: they could either lean more on the obsessive side and display Lilith even more to others, the rejection make you want to express it even more, flaunt it even more, but you don’t accept them within yourself. All the attention is on Lilith here but it doesn’t help with healing. The other way would be suppressing everything and pretending to be “normal”. Which can mean living a double life or pretending these qualities and sides do not even exist. But as time passes, the pressure can become too much and everything can come pouring down as a tsunami.
Issues with children might be present as well, as we mentioned maybe their personal problems expressed since childhood, or causing them to not want to have children.
The healing path isn’t repressing or flaunting. Instead it is to go inward and leave all of these motherfuckers on the outside, outside. Work on yourselves, go inward, start hanging out with yourself, loving yourself which can only bring you closer to your authentic self and it can make you feel good about yourself. In some cases healing can start when these individuals leave their community/town and just find themselves in another place/city/state. But the way isn’t to show or prove anyone anything. It is about shifting the focus in another direction - themselves, self expression through authenticity.
Lilith in 6th
With the 6th house, here we are dealing with mentors as in teachers, parents, bosses or any other authority figures which are in positions of mentorship. With Lilith in the 6th the way these individuals accomplish their goals and their tasks might not line up with the ways of their mentors/authority figures (society) who consider what’s “right” or “wrong”.
These individuals have different ways about going on things and are/were probably scolded because of it. This can be expressed anywhere in their lives, during school, professional life, participating hobbies etc. The lesson with this Lilith placement is to follow their individual way of doing things, even if others do not appreciate it. But, this might develop differently for different Lilith in 6th individuals, some might turn to a way of slavery/servitude in order to survive (in childhood or a past life). They get troubled with what it is they “should” do and the real trouble is them finding their own voice when it comes to mundane life things. They definitely struggle with what others think and what they want them to do instead of following the beat of their drum.
The healing path here is to embrace Lilith and focus on the feelings inside, on the right that you think/feel/have a way to do. Lilith is an outcast for whatever reason anyway, especially for following her heart, which is something that you need to do. The Universe will definitely send them small struggles which turn into lessons each day to help them build up in order to follow up with their further work with following their heart and their gut instinct rather than the voice of society/authorities.
Lilith in 7th
These individuals more than any other Lilith placement might have trouble seeing Lilith within them. They might be the ones to look a partner that has Lilith qualities because they have trouble recognizing and acknowledging Lilith in 7th within themselves. They might sense these qualities but most are suppressed. There is a part of them that they do not embrace and own up which causes them to not use that part to its fullest potential.
They are inclined to end up with a partner which has qualities of their Lilith sign. The relationship itself might be forbidden in a way, taboo, on and off, obsessive. But it is important not to avoid these type of relationships, owning up their Lilith qualities can really be helped through these types of relationships, they awaken these deepest parts of them that they so masterfully suppressed. They attract these partners because they are the ones that can teach them how to express it; they just need practice to do so. It will be difficult at times and painful but it will be worth it.
Lilith in 8th
These individuals have probably experienced pain or trauma early on in life or maybe a past life. A very intense placement. The trauma/pain caused early on or in a past life creates fear. They might feel like they are always running from fear. The fear can create this, sort of, control issues, them wanting to control others, their surroundings or just, themselves.
They might push themselves to believe that this control will stop their fear somehow, or banish it from existence, but they are wrong. Dealing and healing will only help.
As we know, the 8th house is all about going through hell and then rising from the ashes stronger than ever, Lilith in 8th has than transformative power, so the changes are big that these individuals will transform, self-destruct then rise again. Trusting again in the Universe, in themselves is something they will need to re-gain, re-program themselves and such. They should figure out what that pain/trauma caused them, what they felt, sit it out, feel it again, learn from it. See the timeline, how the Universe helped and what did they learn from it.
The intensity of the 8th house here can be channeled into power and passion (especially in relationships) if they heal.
Lilith in 9th
With Lilith in the 9th, the individual’s thought process is different, the way their thinking is wired is different (topics like religion, philosophy, cultures, languages, education, sexuality, etc), but they lack good expression and therefore it can result in them being misfits in society. Lilith in 9th makes them feel different  because it does not agree with society about some or many things (also take into consideration the sign which Lilith is in). Because of the suffering and hardships they may endure they will even try to fit in and conform despite Lilith’s position and they will try to hide and/or suppress their opinions and thoughts or the other case-scenario would be that they would flaunt their opinions even more but at their core they would still be insecure and will not accept themselves fully despite the flaunting.
Healing this should start by them figuring out why they think the way they do and how is that different from most, generalized society opinions, accept themselves and the way they think and also trust that there is a good reason (cause, purpose, mission perhaps (?)) that has lead them to think uniquely and differently.
Lilith in 10th
The 10th house covers public image (among other things). Their public persona carries the effect of Lilith and it is something they might feel they need to hide and/or control better. They probably want to be accepted and welcomed by the public and that would be suppressing Lilith’s influence (to some). The sign Lilith is in (accompanied by the influence of the house) will probably make others uncomfortable which would probably not feel good for the image at that very moment, but that is just the eccentric and magnetic influence of Lilith. For some individuals, this placement can make it a bit harder to settle on a career path that will be satisfying, the other case-scenario would be that other would stay at a job for such a long time even though it does not make them happy at all and they will suppress Lilith, while others might hop from job to job, searching for something that feels right.
When these individuals release the suppression of Lilith that’s when they will find peace, career-wise and with the struggles of their public image. They should honor themselves and their path instead of longing for some kind of popularity, instead of playing by some societal rules that only make you that more miserable and unhappy. To heal and start somewhere is to recognize the reactions of others are based on them and their experiences, not on you, your flaws, purpose or your way of being, you are perfectly fine, we often-times project and channel our inner rage/confusion/loathing onto others who are different and unique and do things differently from us, who are different from us while we are stuck in this system accordingly.
To heal is to commit to yourself just the way you are, your authentic self. Get to know yourself, learn about yourself and your depth and work on how to improve, heal, better yourself and fuck that public image it will never be perfect.
Lilith in 11th
With Lilith in 11th there may be a rejection felt from groups, especially early on in age. These individuals constantly have that feeling that just tells them that they do not belong and fit in anywhere (whether that’s in society as a whole or a small friend group). They just have a deep need for acceptance and might feel shame and guilt for not being able to get it and fit it.
They might differ from desperately wanting to, trying to fit in, or just totally giving up and starting a path of aloneness. A thing to work on is acceptance, but acceptance from yourself, realizing that you have been gifted such unique traits and a special personality that makes you stand out. Figuring yourself out and your differences, acceptance and then, naturally, you would be inclined to offer your gifts to the world willingly.
In the beginning these individuals are naturally drawn to groups who will not accept them, but working and healing on themselves will also naturally draw them to groups of people who will be accepting and perhaps even like-minded as them.
Lilith in 12th
12th house is all about hidden-everything, which means hidden Lilith or to be more exact, the effect is hidden, shadowed which makes the individual subconscious to it or totally oblivious. The other way would be that those around them won’t notice their Lilith influences at all. As I’ve mentioned above in other house placements, the sign has a major influence too, for example Lilith in x (a sign) that draws attention somehow but it is in the 12th house will result in feeling all of that but not wanting or just not acting on it. It’s hidden from themselves and the people around them.
There could also be some types of blockages that restrict tapping into the Lilith power for these individuals. A lack of knowledge, a lack of drive, motive etc. Sex could also be a big subject here, the individual is so subconsciously trapped within self that they cannot understand sexual activity let alone enjoy it, after one has healed Lilith and accepted it can enjoy and delve into sex. Lilith in 12th can be very wild and reckless because she is most suppressed here and also hidden. Some of these individuals might have been bullied a lot also. Lilith in 12th healing can go as far as past lives instead of just childhood trauma/wounds/toxicity, the karma and healing can spread as far as a past life it can make the healing process even harder for this placement. Escapism is also likely with the 12th house, so indulging in activities/substances/behaviors/patterns which are of that nature can also mean the person is running from their deepest instincts, self, but others may decide to start healing right away.
Connecting the physical body and mind is one key to healing. Our bodies are vessels and they are our messenger, they can let us know when something is wrong (chills, a bad feeling in your stomach, every inch of your body saying ‘no’, sleepiness, dizziness etc). Once something is up you can dig deeper, especially if it is anxiety, and discover Lilith, discover what shames you, what guilts you. To realize this connection can also be helped by spending time in nature, grounding can be a wonderful way to start healing.
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clairdelunascent · 1 year
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Introverted Intuition or Ni, is characterized by their inclination towards “a-ha” moments and their symbol oriented perception of the world. With an innate talent for seeing meaning everywhere and striving towards their desired future, INxJs are unparalleled when it comes to big picture thinking.
Astrological placements that I associate with the Ni dominants, INTJ & INFJ:
Lilith in 10th, Venus in 10th, Lilith in 6th, Venus in 6th, Pluto in 6th, Saturn in 10th, Saturn in 11th.
<one track mind for success, a fine eye for detail, goal oriented, ambitious, a heavily analytical mind, and a stern and domineering presence amongst their peers.>
Pluto in 5th, Scorpio 4th, Scorpio 5th, Scorpio Juno, Aquarius/Uranus in 8th.
<hatred for small talk, all or nothing attitude towards relationships, a need for depth in their relationships, and finally for aquarius/uranus in 8th, a deep inquisitive mind that they use to break down their interests and hobbies.>
an updated repost. if you don’t have any of these and are an ni dom, i’m in no way discrediting you. these are just placements that give off the energy of ni inherently.
dt: my fellow ni dom, @8emstar8.
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Would you mind if i asked your opinion on Lilth in sagittarius in the 6th house placement, please?
many blessings!
You could be sexualized at the work space. Could be belittled or loads of attempts to being controlled. I see people being obsessed with you at work because of how you carry yourself. Your just different, and it shows in your hair and clothes (6th house rules wardrobe) . You may put yourself into a cause to be of service to others , mainly people who don’t have a voice or are put to the side in society.
You like to fight for what is right. Something about plants and animals could be a theme for you, you’re heavily connected to them so you may work with animals as a way to protect them. You go the extra mile for Mother Nature and her loving creatures. This creates fascination around your aura.
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malachiteclouds · 2 years
💋(18+) natal astrology observations part 1
✫ 8th house jupiters could be whole-ass virgins and still radiate BDE big dick energy since jupiter expands what it touches (this is especially true if it is in a fire sign or scorpio). these people also tend to just know what to do in the bedroom even if it is their very first time.
✫ people with venus conjunct/square mercury will know exactly what to say to make you finish, but they will wait until the very last moment to say it. they may not even say it at all, but rather keep it all to themselves. they will edge you with their words.
✫ aries/1st house lilith is the throat GOAT of the zodiac. a blessing and a curse because a lot of people may prefer their mouths to their 🐱.
✫ mars square/conjunct neptune/uranus screams crippling porn addiction to me I'm sorry
✫ pluto in 1st house people will fuck you with their eyes. you may have to look away at times as it can feel super intense. they see through you completely. it feels like you have something degrading painted on your forehead.
✫ mars square/conjunct jupiter people can have really amazing stamina and they are super competitive. they may have sex for a really long time, but that doesn't mean it takes them a really long time to finish. the type to be fully soft while still having their hands on you.
✫ venus conjunct neptune or pluto have siren eyes for sure. depending on the signs and houses, venus conjunct sun or moon have doe eyes.
✫ scorpio moons x being called mommy unsolicited.
✫ virgo/6H venuses have the best hands and know how to use them very well. they also always have a distinct smell or is known for smelling good. almost makes me think like pheromones and shit
✫ cancer risings and their AMAZING skin.
✫ saturn opposite venus likes the idea of getting caught in public or getting caught by someone who they shouldn't have. It's something about this need to express love and intimacy in a way that either feels defiant or revolutionary to a paradigm that has been established for them previously.
✫ moon trine saturn likes being made to wait. they like being forced to practice self-restraint and exercise their dignity with a sense of grace. they love to be made to feel completely desperate while being just as desperate to keep their composure. they want to serve you.
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thesirenisles · 8 days
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Mercury’s Prophets🐍🪽
gemini & virgo
love, mythology, astrology observations✨
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🌬️Mercury in the 1st house, 3rd house, 6th house,
🌬️Sun-Mercury Aspects, Jupiter-Mercury aspects
🌬️Gemini Sun, Ascendant, Rising, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Gemini Stellium
🌬️Virgo Sun, Ascendant, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupier, Stellium
🌬️Jupiter in the 3rd house, Jupiter in Gemini, 6th house
🌬️Mercury Dominant, 3rd House Stellium, 6th House Stellium
“She leapt from the Earth. The free winds of the skies coursed beneath her golden wings as she raced for the clouds… the burden of her omniscience left behind. Nothing but silence above the heavens.”
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Fascinating mythological history below! Please do not steal any of my original writing.
Voice of the Gods,
Soaring high above, with Godly knowledge ever-expanding… you are a magnificent being, Mercurian.
Gifted with wings to be free of the Earth 🌍 , one might confuse you for an angel.
However, Mercury blesses you with these wings to be a divine messenger, a literal VOICE of the Gods. ✨.
A prophet of sorts if you will. 💁🏾‍♀️
This energy makes you quite attractive, blessing you with divine looks and energy that is welcomed in any room.
When you speak, everyone listens. (Esp. 3rd house). This is a gift and a curse, of course, but it is still very powerful.
People can spot a Mercurian a mile away with your extensive knowledge and mellifluous way of speaking. You have a silver tongue. You could sell water to a fish in the middle of the ocean. (Pisces, I'm talking about you lol. Stop being gullible!).
The words you say leave a lasting impression and can cut someone deep to their core negatively, while also you could bless them greatly with your insightful knowledge and advice! (Because duh, Duality.💁🏾‍♀️)
You are always balancing two halves of yourself. Gemini of Air and Virgo of the Earth.
At your core, you’re both here to make connections and say what needs to be said!
With your planetary ruler being the fastest orbiting planet in our galaxy, you are always in constant, fast motion.
Ideas.. thoughts.. feelings… are always racing through the mind of a Mercurial being. Most are gifted with a natural claircognizance “clear knowing”, which can look different depending on the placement.
Why is this?
Mercury (Hermes to the Greeks, Thoth to the Ancient Egyptians) rules over commerce, communication, short travels, boundaries, intelligence, trickery, and thievery! 👀 LOL
GEMINI or the 3rd house apply these gifts in their natural settings: to the mind, communication, social activity, siblings (twins).
VIRGO or the 6th house on the other hand apply these gifts to their everyday routines and relationships. Less talking and more analysis & servitude. (The maiden).
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The Duality of Mercury
Virgo vs. Gemini
Mercury was the messenger of the Gods. He was essential to the communication and diplomacy between the realms. Each one trusted him. So, of course he knew them all well... and their dirty laundry.
🐍 Is it no wonder why they seem to know just about everybody and everybody’s business? Do not deny it, Virgo. LOL👀
Although they held more power individually, Mercury held the power of being their collective voice! (Also rules oration) They entrusted him with how and what was said on their behalf… often being a literal translator. (Powerful!)
This is similar to situations many Geminis and Virgos find themselves in. Many will come to you for advice and insert you into their dealings.👀 (As the middleman.)
Geminis on a social level and Virgos often within the family and relationships.
The Gods' divine trust came with plenty of gifts, which you’ll also find true of lovers in this lifetime. People value you and your gifts, which gives you purpose. (A virgo's dream.)
The most significant gift given to Mercury, was perhaps his trademark wand or staff... known as
"The Caduceus"
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Per the mythology, the caduceus was gifted to him by the Sun God, Apollo. A magical olive branch staff with two serpents intertwining around its base.
They say if it touched the dying, it blessed them with a gentle death. However, when applied to the deceased… they would literally return to life. (DUALITY!)
I like to believe these two snakes themselves are yet another symbol of Mercury’s duality.
One is good and the other bad. One yin. Other yang. One Virgo and One Gemini👀
🐍Mercury was also known as the trickster God or God of thievery!
This is essential to note because I have a theory (possibly far-fetched, but makes so much sense) that this may have a connection to a certain Garden of Eden… where a certain serpent spoke to a certain woman and convinced her to eat the fruit of …. KNOWLEDGE. 🤯
They say that before the caduceus had it's powers, it was just a branch. Mercury was stuck in servitude to the God's.
But…what if… Mercury being the trickster God convinced the maiden (virgo) to bite of the the fruit of knowledge in the forbidden garden and gained a portion of the powers of Mercury that he did not want.
If Virgo took on the need to serve, then Mercury would be free to frolick the realms with his tricks and thievery. He was also remarked as a habitual line-stepper, or boundary-crosser. (This is unevolved Gemini energy all the way)
This really gets deep when you realize that Virgo's sister sign Pisces (whom in my Neptune post, I compared to Persephone) bit of the fruit of Hades in the same curious fashion and was in more or less words cursed!
This does not mean that being of service is a curse in any way, but honestly, the mythology behind this dual planet is fascinating.
I think Virgo actually bossed her side of the energy up to the max. She is the earthy incarnation of her own genius, often never showing just how intelligent she really is... so as not to reveal her cards.
Virgo can bring her wildest ideas to fruition within the Earthy realm! (After it's perfected to her liking of course.) A gift!
However, Virgo can also have some trickery within her nature… often appearing or putting on a more innocent act than she really is.
But, with Mercurian energy there is always the possibility for their beautiful thoughts to come out a bit... wrong.
This brings me to a very important note.
🐍Please beware of false gossip.
It’s inevitable honestly, as people can’t help but give knowledge to a heavenly messenger.
However, with the optional tongue of a serpent… be mindful of the power you possess Mercurians! (Think: Parsel-tongue in Harry Potter Universe.) It’s nothing to play with because here in this Earthly realm, Saturn is dominant and it is the ruler of Karma.
You are a divine PROPHET (or Prophetess). Please handle your energy as such. 🫶🏾
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Mercurial Love Bites🐍✨
In love, they’ll have many admirers in several dimensions.
🐍I imagine a Gemini Mercurian as a sapiosexual, playboy of sorts. You’ll have your choosing of many lovers and will probably choose none… in search of new lands and ideas to learn and add to your beautiful collection.
You'll have an array of different tastes (in the bedroom as well) and will share passion with many, as you are a master of tricks.
🐍 It’s hard to lockdown a Godly intelligent being with the ability to fly away at a moments notice.
Many an earthly sign lover and watery soul will long for you and you will spin whimsical circles around them with ease, for you are too quick to catch.
Nothing too heavy or emotional, you must keep it light for this winged beauty or she’ll float away…
But, I do have to ask…my beautiful Geminis, 3rd housers if it ever gets tiresome to always be on the go?
Connecting too much to your air and neglecting your earthly connections through Mercury could leave you afloat for all eternity… alone. (This can of course be counter-acted with other placements in the natal chart.)
🐍Virgo Mercurians on the other hand are much more Earthy with their approach to love. This is the person who has thought very intricately about what the lover of their life will look like, smell like, and even their speech cadence. She eagerly awaits to be a perfect wife, organizing the home, teaching the children, etc.
Many will try to win her, as her innocent.. maiden-like energy is very attractive. While she may appear innocent, she is not naive!
All of her daily beauty routines, outfit curations, and perfected speech will not be wasted on just any man.
The Virgo's analytical eyes has surveyed many a suitor who tried to win her heart. She is looking for the perfect man. The one whom she can serve and assist while being provided for in return.
Better believe, if she chose you.. you have checked all of her boxes. For, she wants an Earthly promise...(AKA, Where's the money? If you ask me, the perfect suitor is perhaps a Capricorn or Taurus dominant. ) But, my Virgo queens... do not neglect your airy influences of Mercury as well. Life can be more rewarding than the material world.
This was a bit longer than i intended! But, I have never seen an in depth explanation of these dual energies of Mercury!
Thank you for reading! Wishing you blessings! 🪽✨
Neptune Observation♓️✨
Pluto Observation ♏️✨
Other planets coming soon!
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harmoonix · 1 year
✿Astrology Notes✿
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If you dance, I'll dance
And if you don't, I'll dance anyway
Give peace a chance
Let the fear you have fall away
✿ Mars - Moon aspects can control their fury/ let it out to release themselves, they can control their emotions up to a certain point. Don't make these people angry because they can get angry very easily
✿ Pluto - Ascendant aspects are very powerful and magnetic to all the energies around them and these people can find a lot of people projecting on them
✿ Lilith - Sun aspects, they are very rebellious, like to make justice, and their personality can be very strong towards other people, these natives are very magnetic and people can find them very attractive. They can have a lot of nerve
✿ Mercury aspecting Venus or in Venusian Degrees (2°,7°,14°,19°) either in (Libra or Taurus) can have a very magnificent and pleasent voice
✿ Jupiter in Earth signs (Taurus, Capricorn. Virgo) can make money very fast due to their analytical minds
✿ Having Sagittarius ascendant is a big indicator of having a very beautiful body or a very beautiful appearance because Jupiter, your ruler is expanding and blessing your Ascendant. This can apply to Pisces Risings because Jupiter is their traditional ruler.
✿ Moon at 18°\22° degrees can struggle with letting their emotions go, to release themselves, is kinda hard for these people to talk about their emotions, they can get very attached and can have a hard time to get over some things 🫂
✿ Jupiter - Venus aspects are very charming and can have a very good personality, a lot of people can put their eye on them
✿ This might be my opinion only but I saw people with Scorpio/Sagittarius/Capricorn and Aquarius placements being very good at revenging, i think is mostly because they can be very loyal and these natives don't like to be betrayed and they can have a lot of revenging thoughts if you do them dirty, Scorpio have Pluto energy to identify and destroy, Sagittarius having Jupiter to let them win most times and Capricorn and Aquarius who have karma by their side always 🫂
✿ Virgo/Gemini Moons, /Moon in the 3rd house/6th house can overthink very much and can become very unhealthy for them! These people have serious anxious attacks and can get sad very easily
✿ Jupiter in the 8th house can be an indicator for marrying someone rich 💸🫰🏼
✿ Neptune in 1st house people can project a lot of people on them without wanting 😭 they get other people attention very easily and people can very intrigued with these natives. Is honestly a blessing
✿ Lilith in the 2nd/5th/10th houses can have a very good appearance and very big magnetism/appeal, is like people want them very much, even to touch them
✿ Lilith in the 6th house can have people obsessed with them, especially at their work place
✿ Uranus in 6th house can work in very different places most in their lives they can switch their jobs a lot
✿ Venus in the 10th house can also indicate having a public relationship, having a relationship a lot of people will know about. You and your partner could work in the same job.
✿ Capricorn Risings have very a beautiful face structure, they looks very pretty in everything but mostly dark colors (brown-black-green-)
✿ Neptune - Venus aspects can be very stylish and classy 💅🏼💅🏼, they are high fashionable. I tell you the truth!!! They are like "Oh my gloss, people are staring at me because I'm so pretty"
(especially Venus - Neptune conjunction. Oh my gloss, i wish i had this Conjunction in my chart)
✿ Libra Placements are very romantic, especially Libra Moon and Libra Venus they are hopeless romantics who hope for that true love and try search that type of love all their life
✿ Having big Taurus influence in your chart can make you a very lovely and possessive person, you love your friends and family very much and you would do everything to protect them
✿ Pluto in the 4th house are VERY protective people, they would do everything for their family and loved ones, these people love very hard and sooooo intense their love isss.... EVERYTHING
✿Chiron in the 1st house positive side.. so y'all after this placement is healed the native looks ETHEREAL. Believe me I have this placement in my sidereal chart and if you start to love yourself you will see a lot of changes TRUST THE PROCESS ❤️🤗
✿I see people not talking enough how powerful Lilith in the 6th house can be, masters of mind, attracting a lot of people from your work, being seen very magnetic by others. Your colleagues can see you very attractive and can simp or crush for you (This can apply only sometimes because of course it depends what kind of colleagues you have at work)
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liliomme · 9 months
✩ Solar Return Chart Observation [Part 2] .𖥔 ݁ ˖
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Take this with a grain of salt.
⭑ Scorpio Rising
With Scorpio rising in the solar return chart, the upcoming year is likely to be marked by intense personal growth, emotional depth, and transformative experiences. You may find yourself drawn to introspection and self-discovery, seeking to understand hidden aspects of yourself and your motivations. Emotional intensity and passion will play a significant role in your relationships and endeavors, and you may encounter opportunities for profound transformation and empowerment. Embracing the transformative energies of Scorpio can lead to a year of powerful growth and self-awareness, but it's essential to face emotional challenges with courage and self-awareness to make the most of this transformative period.
⭑ Libra Rising
With Libra rising in the solar return chart, a "glow-up" is likely to manifest as a period of positive transformation in appearance, charm, and social grace during the upcoming year. Individuals with this influence may find themselves paying more attention to their style and grooming, exuding a refined and sophisticated aura. Their enhanced social skills and diplomatic approach to interactions can attract new friendships and networking opportunities. Embracing Libra's appreciation for beauty, they may also invest in creating a more aesthetically pleasing living space, leading to increased confidence and fulfillment in various aspects of their life.
⭑ Venus in 11th House
With Venus in the 11th house of your solar return chart, the upcoming year is likely to be marked by a strong focus on friendships, social connections, and the pursuit of shared goals and aspirations. The 11th house represents community, social circles, and the fulfillment of long-term objectives. With Venus in this house, you may find yourself drawn to social events, group activities, and collaborations with like-minded individuals. Your interactions with friends and acquaintances are likely to be harmonious and enjoyable, and you may have opportunities to form new friendships or strengthen existing bonds. This placement encourages you to prioritize cooperation and teamwork, as well as to support and celebrate the achievements of those in your social network. Additionally, your appreciation for beauty and aesthetics may influence your involvement in artistic or creative group projects, further enhancing your sense of fulfillment and joy within your social circles.
Venus in the 11th house can also indicate a favorable period for pursuing humanitarian causes and participating in activities that contribute to the greater good. You may feel more compassionate and inclined to support the well-being of others in your community or in broader social spheres. This placement encourages you to be open-minded and receptive to diverse perspectives, fostering a sense of inclusivity and fairness within your social interactions. Embracing the energies of Venus in the 11th house can lead to a fulfilling and harmonious year, where your involvement in meaningful social connections and shared objectives brings joy, personal growth, and a sense of purpose.
⭑ Venus in Pisces
Venus in Pisces indicates that during the upcoming year, your focus may be on fostering deep emotional connections and exploring the more spiritual and compassionate aspects of love. This placement can bring a sense of idealism and a desire for transcendent experiences in your relationships. It encourages you to embrace your artistic and creative side, allowing your imagination and empathy to play a significant role in your interactions with others. Your year is likely to be marked by a heightened sensitivity to beauty and a desire to bring harmony and understanding into your social interactions and romantic endeavors.
⭑ Venus in Leo
With Venus in Leo in your solar return chart, the upcoming year is likely to be filled with passion, creativity, and a desire for recognition and appreciation in your relationships and endeavors. Venus in Leo brings a sense of confidence and flair to your romantic interactions, making you more expressive and dramatic in expressing your affections. You may seek attention and admiration from others, and your charm and magnetic presence can draw admirers and potential romantic interests into your life.
This placement also encourages you to express your creativity and indulge in activities that bring you joy and pleasure. You may feel more inspired to pursue artistic endeavors or engage in hobbies that allow you to showcase your talents and individuality. Your ability to radiate warmth and generosity can enhance your social interactions and strengthen your friendships.
⭑ Venus Conjuct Mars
Venus conjunct Mars in a solar return chart brings a potent blend of passion, desire, and creativity to the forefront during the upcoming year. This alignment suggests a heightened sense of attraction and magnetism, making you more assertive in pursuing romantic interests and expressing your affections. Your relationships are likely to be infused with a fiery and dynamic energy, leading to intense and exciting encounters. This conjunction also enhances your creative drive, inspiring you to channel this passionate energy into artistic pursuits or projects that allow you to showcase your unique talents and express yourself creatively.
However, the intensity of Venus conjunct Mars can also bring challenges if not handled with care. The strong desires and assertiveness may lead to conflicts or impulsive actions, so it's essential to be mindful of communication and emotional awareness in your interactions. Embracing the passionate energies of Venus conjunct Mars can lead to a year of thrilling experiences in love and creativity, but balance and open communication are key to navigating the potential pitfalls and making the most of this transformative period.
⭑ Mars in Virgo
Mars in Virgo in a solar return chart indicates that the upcoming year will be characterized by a focus on practicality, efficiency, and attention to detail. With Mars, the planet of action and energy, in the analytical and precise sign of Virgo, you are likely to approach tasks and challenges with a methodical and disciplined mindset. This placement can enhance your ability to handle daily routines, work-related tasks, and health matters with precision and determination. You may feel a strong urge to organize your life and set clear goals, working diligently to achieve them. While this position can bring a heightened sense of productivity and a desire to improve various aspects of your life, it's essential to guard against tendencies towards perfectionism or overcritical self-assessment. By embracing the constructive and practical energies of Mars in Virgo, you can make significant strides in your pursuits and enhance your overall well-being during the year.
⭑ Lilith in 12th House
With Lilith in the 12th house of your solar return chart, the upcoming year may involve a deep exploration of your subconscious, hidden desires, and spiritual aspects of your being. This placement can bring intense emotions and a desire to break free from societal constraints, leading to personal growth and a stronger connection to your inner self.
⭑ Cancer Midheaven
With the Midheaven (MC) in Cancer in your solar return chart, the upcoming year is likely to be focused on matters related to your home, family, and emotional well-being. Cancer is a nurturing and domestic sign, and having it at the Midheaven suggests that you may be drawn towards creating a secure and comforting environment for yourself and your loved ones. During this period, your career goals and aspirations may be intertwined with your personal life, and you may seek a work-life balance that allows you to prioritize your emotional needs and the well-being of your family. Your nurturing qualities and sensitivity to others' emotions can be assets in your professional endeavors, enabling you to connect with others on a deeper level and provide support and care in your chosen field. Embracing the energies of Cancer at the Midheaven can lead to a year where you find fulfillment in nurturing both your career ambitions and the emotional bonds with those you hold dear.
⭑ Neptune in 6th House
During this period, you may find yourself seeking work that allows you to express your creativity and imagination. Your intuition and empathy may be heightened, making you more sensitive to the needs of others in your workplace or in your daily interactions. It's important to be mindful of potential escapism or a tendency to become overly idealistic about your work or health routines. Strive to maintain practicality and groundedness while embracing Neptune's positive influence of fostering a more compassionate and spiritually fulfilling approach to your daily life.
Neptune's energy can also encourage you to explore alternative healing modalities or spiritual practices to support your well-being. Pay attention to your intuition and inner guidance during this time, as Neptune's presence in the 6th house may bring valuable insights and revelations about your work, health, and overall sense of purpose. Embracing the energies of Neptune in the 6th house can lead to a year where you find new ways to integrate spirituality, compassion, and creativity into your daily life, enhancing your overall sense of fulfillment and well-being.
⭑ Asteroid Nymph in 3rd House
The presence of the Nymph asteroid in the 3rd house of your solar return chart suggests that during the upcoming year, your communication and mental activities will be influenced by themes related to beauty, charm, and artistic expression. The 3rd house represents communication, learning, and the way you express yourself on a daily basis. With the Nymph asteroid in this house, you may find yourself drawn to more creative and artistic forms of communication, such as writing poetry, engaging in storytelling, or expressing yourself through various forms of art.
Your conversations may be marked by a more graceful and charming tone, and you may have a natural ability to captivate others with your words and ideas. You may also find yourself more interested in exploring various subjects that are aesthetically pleasing or that connect to mythical or romantic themes. This placement encourages you to embrace your individuality and unique style of expression, allowing your creativity and charm to shine through in your interactions with others.
It's essential to be mindful of the potential for daydreaming or becoming lost in fantasies during this time. While the Nymph asteroid can bring a touch of enchantment and elegance to your communication, it's important to maintain focus and clarity in your daily tasks and learning endeavors. Embracing the energies of the Nymph in the 3rd house can lead to a year where you find joy in creative expression and enchant others with your charming and unique way of communicating your thoughts and ideas.
⭑ Stellium in 2nd House
A stellium in the second house of your solar return chart indicates that the upcoming year will be heavily focused on financial matters, self-worth, and values. This potent clustering of planets in this house intensifies the significance of material possessions, income, and how you perceive your own value and worth. You may experience significant changes or opportunities in your financial life, prompting you to reevaluate your priorities and delve deeper into understanding your relationship with money and possessions. This period offers a chance for personal growth and self-discovery as you work towards achieving greater financial stability and aligning your actions with your core values.
If the planets in the stellium have positive aspects to other planets, it could indicate increased opportunities for financial growth, successful investments, or improved financial stability. This could be seen as a period of financial luck or positive financial developments. Conversely, if the planets in the stellium have challenging aspects to other planets, it may indicate financial obstacles, unexpected expenses, or difficulties in managing money. This could be interpreted as a period of money problems or challenges in your financial life. (Check aspects for more info)
౨ৎ, Liliomme.
I’m considering creating a Solar Return series focused on the 7th house? more on love encounters for that year. should i proceed with this idea?
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black-lake · 2 years
astro observations 5
Hey, here's another astro observation. 🍻🍻
Highlights: north node in houses, ceres, pallas, ascendant, sun, mercury, venus, neptune, uranus, lilith, saturn, pluto, chiron, degrees, cancer, capricorn, virgo, 1st house, 4th house, 6th house.
🍄 NN in the 4th or opposite MC. It's all about your sense of security. These people learn how to create security inside themselves instead of looking for it in people or outside sources. You should feel safe wherever you are physically and in your life journey, as long as you have yourself, it's all you need. You may not feel at home anywhere, you may dislike your family, which leads you to adjusting the concept of "home" to something suitable to your life, where you feel emotionally safe. Once you create your home inside you and nurture it fully, your home might manifest outwardly and you could certainly have the house of your dreams. (if you have this placement let me know how it manifests for you). 
🍄 NN or SN in 4th, or in cancer/capricorn natives make others feel very safe around them and in their house/work. They give off a natural sense of warmth and security which make people trust them. They care for others without expecting things in return. Their houses/companies are often very homey and beautiful. These people just have vibes that make guests stay longer than they intended.
🍄 NN in the last 4 houses (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th) can have a purpose that has to do with the collective. The lessons they learn or the talents they have should be something that inspire a change to the collective's shared sets of values and outlooks on life, people and the world at large. They can make people around them see a whole different viewpoint of the things they believed were facts. There's no such thing as absolute truth or fact, everything in the world is changeful and so the people at large should be able to change and adapt with it. That's why many of these people are celebrities or in the public eye. 
🍄 NN or MC major aspects to uranus (conjunction, opposition, square, trine, sextile) can mean that the native doesn't necessarily follow the usual get a degree find a job typa life. But with softer aspects it's less forceful and destructive, more free flowing. Even if they tried to follow the traditional route, there is usually an underlying desire to break free from that and create a different path for themselves. They're always met with pleasant/unpleasant surprises, cuz uranus wanna do what they wanna do lol. I have uranus opposite NN and conjunct aquarius MC, and I can’t tell you how much I hate that system with just words. 
🍄 I noticed that animals are attracted to virgo ascendant/moon/venus/mars, personal planets in the 6th or 5th, or ceres in the 1st or 6th. Animals feel like they are taken care of by these individuals and trust them. The type of people that when they call the pet's name, they LISTEN. Also, If you have a lot of fire in personal planets animals might see you as an equal lol (their sass come out). They might pick up little fights with you out of nowhere, especially cats. 😽
🍄 Your ascendant could be your mom's ceres sign or degree. (if you aren't sure of your ascendant checking her ceres sign might help!). You could have the same ceres or pallas sign/degree as your mom or they could conjunct/opposite one of your personal planets. If there are such placements, then your mom might have had a strong influence on you. 
🍄 Pallas aspecting NN and neptune can bring and expand popularity especially if other aspects support it (like neptune or sun aspecting NN or MC). Pallas conjunct NN can mean making your talents known in this lifetime. 
🍄 Pallas conjunctions are very powerful. Neptune conjunct pallas is a natural artist, like naturally good at some hobby they have. Venus conjunct pallas, naturally good at beautifying things and themselves. Mercury conjunct pallas, naturally good at speaking/writing/singing. Ascendant conjunct pallas, natural beauty, naturally good at presenting themselves. Michelle Pfeiffer has is exactly conjunct her ascendant. It can give a variety of different talents and good luck. 🐞
🍄 A mix of Cancer and Libra in personal planets can give dimples and charming smiles and also beautiful voices. Speaking of charm, sun conjunct venus or moon can give a youthful charm and a personality that is admirable, especially if it's in a fire sign. Venus conjunct any personal planet is a charming aspect. 
🍄 Neptune conjunct lilith, can make the native appear sexy in an innocent and otherworldly way. Emphasis on the seductive eyes here, especially if neptune or lilith also aspect the ascendant. Can give sanpaku eyes. They don't have to try so hard to be desirable. Very hard to replace their appearance. e.g. Vanessa Paradis, Britney Spears, Marilyn Monroe, Johnny Depp. 
🍄 Sun opposite/square/conjunct saturn, feeling inadequate, overworking themselves, feeling unworthy when they're not working. Having high expectations of themselves and thinking they can’t achieve it all in the time they set for themselves. Attaching their sense of worth to their achievements. These natives are super hard on themselves. Bottled up emotions, underestimating their emotions, putting on a strong face, facing the world with a sense of responsibility. You are hard workers and deserve all the success you want. You are worthy no matter what you do, plz. (these difficult emotions can come up strongly with the transits too I noticed, even if you don't have that aspect, don't bottle them up, release them). 
🍄 People with pluto opposite ascendant attract others with pluto conjunct ascendant and vise versa. It's that power dynamic, it happened so often to me. That push and pull can be euphoric and obsessive. Wanting to dominate the other, fear of being dominated. Wanting to empower or destroy each other. Wanting to feel needed and wanted or needing the other. Wanting to own that person or being owned by them. It is hot ngl, but it never ends well if there are control wounds at play, which often are and at the forefront. 
🍄 Venus opposite NN natives give me the sense that they mastered their type of beauty or other venus related topics. Many celebrities with this aspect are conventionally attractive. e.g. Cameron Diaz, Zooey Deschanel, Britney Spears, Billie Eilish, Jennifer Lawrence, Song Hye-kyo. Same with venus conjunct NN, but moreso they need to learn how to accept, apply and use their beauty no matter how different it is. They also need to learn how to be in healthy relationships and to accept the overall blessings that come their way. e.g. Lana Del Rey, Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Kylie Jenner, Taylor Swift (wide orb but still same sign). 
🍄 Chiron conjunct/opposite personal planets, especially sun/mercury/mars, or having heavy chiron aspects, is someone who is authentic in their self expression but they might not see it. They give off this authentic vulnerability that is so beautiful. Taking a messy/crying/bad hair day photo of themselves and sending it to their friends typa vulnerability. They embody the qualities of the sign the planets are in with a chironic touch that makes their very existence healing and delightful. They may use self-deprecating humor as a way to bring joy to themselves and others through the pain they feel. They don't see the good qualities others see in them fully, and others might take it as a chance to deliberately make them self conscious, especially when young. They may attract a lot of jealousy from friends because they don't always see their delightful personality and it may trigger others (yes delightful and heartwarming, fight me). The way they see themselves is often blurred due to the experiences they went through and the already existing wound of their self concept that they often go to extreme phases of self doubt and introspection. 
🍄 Mercury conjunct/opposite jupiter can make someone funny, it brings a humorous layer to the native's outlook on life and the way they express their views. Mercury rules gemini and jupiter rules sagittarius, both are known to be funny, when they conjunct it creates either a philosopher or a chrackhead or both lol. They are deep thinkers, but they acknowledge the contradictions in life, in themselves and in people, which leads them to use sarcasm, wit and irony. The way they speak and change their voices can be funny too. This aspect is often seen in the charts of comedians or just naturally funny people. e.g. Jim Carrey, Steve Carell, Rowan Atkinson, Jenna Fischer, Pete Davidson, Emma Chamberlain, Aubrey Plaza, Billie Eilish, Kevin Hart. 
🍄 Venus degrees like the placements can tell you about how you like your relationships or your love language. Venus in a leo degree can indicate liking when your partner gives you gifts and praises you, loyalty, dramatic love. Venus in an aquarius degree, needing freedom, wanting your partner to also be your best friend, stimulating conversations, online dating. Venus in an aries degree being fierce, childlike and adventurous in love and flirting a lot, physical touch. Venus in a scorpio degree being loyal, intense and flirty in love, physical touch and quality time. Venus in a virgo degree liking the act of service, being cared for and noticing the little details. Venus in a Libra degree, the typical relationship stuff, words of affirmation and gifts. I have venus at 11° and in the 11th house, I can tell you I prefer the friends before lovers typa love, it's easier to develop feelings, you can just be yourself, also no awkward first date. 
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gayou01 · 1 year
Astrology observations I made pt 23
DISCLAIMER- Placements will not play out the same way for everyone and having challenging placements + aspects does not mean that you are a bad person or that you will have a bad life. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t
-people with Lilith in the 6th house tend to deal with harassment at the hands of coworkers of the opposite sex, especially if Chiron is aspected
-people with Aries mars will do something just because you said they couldn’t, that spite of theirs gets them into dangerous situations at times
-Sagittarius placements are always smiling, laughing and giggling about something including their misfortunes
-At worst, Pisces moons may have seen their mother as someone who was mentally unstable (delusional even), dishonest and unreliable
-at best, Pisces moons see their mother as someone gentle, giving, and attentive who could somehow sense exactly what was wrong with their child without directly being told
-People with aquarius Venus tend to dress in one of 2 main ways:
1• quite modest. Always look well put together but they rarely show a lot of skin or wear heavy makeup. Lots of neutral hues, much like a Capricorn Venus (Saturnian influence)
2• very experimental. Will mismatch different styles of clothing, crazy patterns and color pairings, statement pieces, borderline alt style (uranian influence)
-if you think Virgo placements are overly critical and judgy towards others, you should see how harsh they are with themselves. They beat themselves up mentally on a daily basis
-a Pisces moon in the 2nd house aspected with Uranus (yes I know that is oddly specific) can indicate that your mom had a gambling problem or was a shopping addict, so financially your household suffered
-having mars in the 9th house can literally indicate that you got into a lot of fights at school (physical or otherwise), or that you were in programs, clubs or sports teams that were very competitive
-people with Uranus in the 11th house tend to find it easier to make friends online than in real life and find comfort in anonymity
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astroismypassion · 2 years
Astrology observations 🍁🍂💛
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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🍁If you have Cancer or Moon in the 8th house, you might love to receive a teddy bear or a plushie from your partner. Like a “mini me” type of partner’s version.
🍁If you have Virgo Lilith people will mock you for being organized and neat. They might say “I bet your room is never messy and it’s always cleaned🙄.” but saying it in a mocking way, like this is something you should be ashamed of.
🍁Also, with Virgo Lilith, people at your workplace will see that you like to tidy up your working area, space and they will constantly make it more chaotic for you, like leave random things on your desk.
🍁Not to forget, Virgo as an Earth sign, much like Capricorn Lilith, loves control. So people at workplace might want to “control” you by talking to you, share information in a chaotic manner, so that you would not comprehend it well and make mistakes. Or they will gatekeep information from you and not tell your all the new updated information. So you will still believe in what was taught before, hence not being up to date. With this Lilith always have receipts for everything, make a second copy of your documents, double check if the mail was really sent. Co-workers might want to control you by bringing chaos to your desk. Or when you have a day off, they might walk into your office, take something from your table, rearrange things.
🍁 To understand why and where you hold grudges for way too long and find it hard to let go: study your Pluto house, degree and what sign you have over 8th house. Cancer 8th house holds a lot of grudges toward their mother, family. Capricorn 8th house toward your father mostly and your grandparents.
🍁Capricorn Lilith: each time you will try to assert yourself and/or show control, your family members, close friends, partner will REBEL against you. Like “you don’t own me” type of way.
🍁 Here, I’m connecting numerbs to astrology, but Cancer Sun would often feel better in a home, restaurant, school that the house number is 4. 2 for Taurus, 7 Libra, 8 Scorpio, 9 Sagittarius, 12 Pisces, 3 Gemini, 5 Leo and 6 Virgo, 10 Capricorn and 11 Aquarius. Or if it’s a bigger number, then the sum of it, for example number 112 is still 4.
🍁 House of Neptune tells what things you tell white lies about the most. So Neptune in the 4th house: probably about your background, family origin, your parents, sibling and relatives. Neptune in the 2nd house: your salary, finances and financial situation.
🍁 Uranus or Aquarius in the 3rd house you like to change the physical material you are studying on. Sometimes you like to write notes on paper, other times on your computer, next on your tablet/ipad, later you study on whiteboard. You are constantly changing and mixing it.
🍁 Scorpio Juno might believe that their partner wanted marriage more than them, hence why there might be some resentment.
🍁 8th house synastry have a tendency to end when one of sides is not willing to compromise for the other. One might like to move in together (if relationship was long-distance for example), the other doesn’t. One wants to marry, but the other doesn’t. And so forth. 8th house connection always end because of something really life-changing (death, moving, different countries, job change, marriage, engagement).
🍁 Lilith in the 10th house is the actress/actor from family of all doctors type of energy. Also, black sheep of the family potentially.
🍁 Sagittarius Lilith and Lilith in the 9th house: you will constantly expand in life and people will dislike your for that. You will always move to a bigger flat, house, a “bigger”, more important job. Also, you could move bigger. From a village to a small town, from a town to a big city and from a big city to a city in another country.
🍁 Lilith in the 9th house will reject all outdated views, beliefs of their PARENTS.
🍁 You will LOVE to go eat out when your Moon is transiting your 1st and 8th house. And you will love trying things you haven’t tried before.
🍁 Any Neptune influence over your Ascendant or 1st house means you idealize your grandparents and look up to them. Like they might be an inspiration to you for something, maybe relationships, how they are, their career choices etc.
🍁 Pluto in the 1st house and Scorpio Rising: they are quick to detect a “weak” link in a friend group or they can quickly detect the “error” or what is not working, for example in a company despite being there only 2 weeks. Also, they often offer money or to pay, if they ever even ask you for a favour or help. Not because they are flaunting money, but they are aware that people will not be quick to help, because the help needs to be earned. That’s why Scorpio Risings are hesitant to help someone without knowing them beforehand. They would feel foolish for misreading someone and helping them.
🍁 Pluto in the 7th house: always means that your partner’s parents helped you in getting an apartment, bought some furniture for you, maybe even gave you the their old apartment to settle in with your partner. You probably already invested money into it as well, but often this indicates that you were given a lot of furniture, supplies and help from others.
🍁 Don’t overlook Saturn in the 2nd house or Capricorn over the 2nd house. These people would also find financial success through social media platform, broadcasting something, starting a channel. Especially looking at you Sagittarius Rising, since Sagittarius also rules distant media aka the internet.
🍁 If you have Neptune in the 2nd house, you could be prone to lie about how much or how little you eat.
🍁 The second house always means “earned money”, money YOU worked for it and earned it. Meanwhile, eighth house deals with inheritance from your family, other people.
🍁 Neptune in the 2nd house indicates ANXIETY around money. Your heart could beat faster when you are paying your bills, go to ATM etc. You get overwhelmed when trying to organize your money, bills and other expenses. Also, if you have a connection with Pisces over the 4th house and Neptune in the 2nd, your family members will be the one to “steal” away your money, those that will take away the most money from you.
🍁 Virgo North Node is challenging the most exactly for the fact that you get OVERWHELMED WITH DAILY ROUTINE. Doing life on a daily, it’s draining and tough for these natives. And this is only, because they have irrational fear (Pisces South Node) whether they will make a mistake in the day. You guys are literally masters of your own fate, you allow yourself to make mistakes in the day and already calculate them in your day. They will allow to learn, grow and self evolve! And they key for this placement is to just start working early in the day, because you will GET MORE ENERGY by giving out energy, remember that if you have Virgo North Node. You will feel the most overwhelmed when you are doing nothing or started your day at 1 pm in the afternoon.
🍁 If you have Saturn, Uranus, Neptune in the 2nd house you will value MORE your TIME than the salary and a higher pay check.
🍁 Neptune in the 6th house might have emotional issues that stem from their job, the work that they have to do on a daily basis and to earn a living.
🍁 Libra North Node: could claim their partner forced them to commit or to marry, because they are not accustomed to the Libra energies, but more so Aries (being a loner and having being independent as their main trait). Likewise Cancer North Node: could claim their partner forced them to have a baby or start a family. Gemini North: there is something or a direction you took that you feel like your sibling forced you into it. Scorpio North Node: you feel like the person you are physically intimate with forced you into sharing finances, resources and everything else (like an apartment).
🍁 You will be unwilling to bend to ideas, actions and people that have the Sun sign of your Lilith sign (and house). If you have Virgo Lilith in the 9th house at a Leo degree: you will absolutely dislike bowing down or be subordinate to Virgo, Sagittarius and Leo Suns. You will always subconsciously challenge them, their way of thinking, being, actions and ideas. You won’t like to accept them despite seemingly being okay with them. Subconsciously you rebel.
🍁 6th house planets, sign and ruler of the 6th house show the Sun sign of people you work with. Sun, Venus in the 6th house, you work with Leo, Taurus Suns for example. The ruler of the 6th house in the 6th house, you work with Virgo Suns too.
🍁 I would advise to also look at over which house a sign is and in which house the planet ruler is. Most likely, if you have Aries over 4th house and Mars in your 9th house, you would still resonate with interpretation that some of your family members could live abroad. The same if you have Gemini over 7th house and Mercury in the 5th, you have a connection between 7th and 5th house, probably resulting in you desiring A LOT of attention, respect and acknowledgement, praise from your partner. Search for those connections between houses, even when you have two signs over one house.
🍁 Neptune in the 2nd house: people might often ask you to do things for free for them.
🍁 Cancer Venus oh man, 😩 I just recently discovered how so many of them really just like admiring their crush from afar?? despite having strong feelings. They be like “I do really think a lot about them and they’ve been on my mind a lot”😅 You realize you have to talk your crush to get to know them more and learn what they are like, right? And I’ve seen both men and women Cancer Venuses do that. You really are a funny bunch.
🍁 You might not understand Sun signs if your Mercury is not aspected by their planet. You won’t understand Cancer Suns, you would need at least Cancer Mercury, Mercury in the 4th house or Mercury Moon aspect to get them. So look at aspects of your Mercury and you will learn best from people with that Sun sign.
If you have:
- Mercury Uranus aspects: you learn and understand the best when you learn new things from Aquarius Suns
- Mercury Neptune aspects: Pisces Suns
- Mercury Jupiter aspects: Sagittarius Suns, even Pisces Sun
- Mercury Saturn aspects: Capricorn Suns, even Aquarius Sun to an extent
- Mercury Pluto aspects: Scorpio Suns etc.
Really look into this, to understand why you might have miscommunication, a lot of misunderstandings with some Sun signs!
🍁 8th house synastry: 8th house person wants your SOUL, 2nd house synastry: 2nd house person wants your CONFIDENCE, SELF-WORTH for themselves, 7th house synastry: 7th house person thinks you (the planet person) can help them fulfil THEIR OWN IDEA of a perfect, ideal partner for them, 5th house synastry: 5th house person thinks they can only be ROMANTICALLY with you (planet person), because they find romance hard to achieve with other signs
🍁 Pisces over the 3rd house, Mars in the 9th house, Virgo North Node, Jupiter in the 3rd house, Virgo Mercury: whenever you feel stuck, not wanting to study no more, feel like you can’t write anymore and don’t have enough inspiration, motivation, always take a WALK outside. You need movement to think and get fresh, new creative ideas.
🍁 Taurus and Libra Venus people seem to have this mentality that their partner needs to ask for exclusivity, commitment FIRST. As if they believe that if their partner asks FIRST, their partner won’t leave them. Because their partner consciously chose them. I hope this made sense😅
🍁 I’m not saying Neptune in the 7th house people necessarily bluntly LIE about their relationship status, BUT… they do deceive people with information about their relationship status. Meaning they represent it as far worse or far better than the reality actually is. They might say that they are “CURRENTLY single” insinuating that they are highly desirable, but not in a relationship right now and/or that they had quite a few previous partners already, but now single. They will always say it with words that would turn it into a desirable perception of them. Because even when single, they always have crushes and people they fantasize being in a relationship with. It’s like they are already “taken” by so many people due to liking someone just in their head or just admiring them so much from afar.
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Natal aspects from my natal chart + my personal experiences (planets in houses) *Part-1* ☃️
First of all, these are my experiences due to my personal placements in my natal chart so please take them with a pinch of salt. They are not facts. Every placement has good and bad sides and I’m not an astrologer too.
Saturn in 1st house
🖤Since I was a child, I was taught to be able to stand on my own feet and stay alone. My mother said she tried to stay away from me both physically and mentally as possible as she could because she was afraid that I would be too much emotionally attached to her. I was extremely soft and I relied on my parents at that time, so they didn’t want me to grow up as a weak person. That’s why I never tried again to rely on my parents, mostly emotionally because I know that I am the only one who has to pull myself up again and they aren’t.
🖤I have issues with my self-image and appearance, especially my body, since I was about 12 or 13. I feel like I’m not beautiful and I don’t meet up to this generation’s beauty standards.😐
🖤According to my mother, I started talking at about 3 or I guess even 4. It’s considered a bit late compared to my cousins and my brother. I don’t know if this placement is related to my talking stages but my speech was delayed and it was at the first stage of my life so yeah.🤷🏻‍♀️
🖤I think I’m responsible for every matter that happens around me even though I didn’t cause them.
🖤My parents have expected me to take care of my brother and his needs since I was about 10 and he was 5. I had to console him whenever he cried and I had to feed him, cook for him when they worked etc. They put too many responsibilities on my shoulders from the start so I wasn’t really carefree as a child.
🖤I’m also extremely hard on myself. I want to be perfect in every scenario and I feel this need to come out as a strong and independent person.
🖤My mother told me that when I was a newborn baby, I already looked like a 3-year-old kid. My facial appearances looked mature and till now, a lot of people still think I’m a lot older than I really am.😭
🖤My parents, especially my mom is really strict and they also have very high expectations on me. I feel judged by them quite often even when I’m doing well academically.
🖤They are also conservative, especially my mom. She yells at me whenever I tell her that I want to have a boyfriend but I don’t want to marry him and I will just live together and sleep with him. (It’s quite forbidden in our country and publicly considered as something we shouldn’t do).😂
🖤I am prone to anxiety. I often have anxiety attacks and I bite nails a lot too.
🖤Saturn also conjuncts my ascendant, so people also often tell me that I have prominent high cheekbones and I also think it’s true. But jawline? My jawline doesn’t look Capricorn rising-nish. I’m not also tall and slim. Actually, my body depicts exactly what a cancer rising with a cancer stellium would look like.
Lilith in 1st house
💃I’m not sexualized directly by men but every man I’ve met always wanted to chat with me about sex only. It’s really weird because my friends also have boyfriends but none of their boyfriends treats them like a sex toy. And I feel like a sex toy among those guys. They don’t want to take me out on dates and instead, they just want sex. I can’t tell if that is “sexualization” but I also get comments about my body a lot in both positive and negative ways.
💃Anyways, apart from men, I get stared a lot, not in a sexual way but in a more curious way like I’m an alien or some mythical creature popped out of a 13th century novel book.😂😭
💃I was also outcasted by my friends most of the times because they thought I’m too slutty (they said it themselves behind me). My ex friends bullied me and slut-shamed me so I have become a bad bitch since then. That’s why I don’t really care about friends in my life. They’re not my priority. Normally, I’m really bubbly and friendly but at times, my bitchy side comes up and forces me to stay detached from friends and never trust them.
💃Another thing I experience is I always have problems with authority figures. I hate it when someone uses their power to win something unfairly. But on the other hand, I’m secretly in love with authority and power because I want to own them and use them in a good way.
💃Some people also tell me that when they make an eye contact with me, they feel intense and intimidated but also warm and comforted at the same time (probably my cancer rising again lol).
💃I’m rebellious and I love weird outfits which are different from others.
💃I’m a bit open-minded when it comes to sexual matters (except when some random guy talks about sex out of nowhere for like 3 hours straight). I don’t feel ashamed to discuss about sex education whereas my friends see that as a taboo topic in the society.
💃I hate my body when I can’t fit into some outfits that I love but I love to touch it a lot and I also love to sleep naked (except I can’t sleep naked anymore after my parents found out about that).😭😭
💃However, the room doesn’t go silent when I enter. I’m not that powerful though.
💃I also don’t care about what other people think about me. It’s like “fuck off” vibes coming out from me since I got bullied.
Moon in 3rd house
📚People tell me I’m smart. I don’t get compliments about how pretty I am but I get ones about how intelligent I am. However, I don’t really think I’m THAT smart but maybe almost. HAHAHHAH😝
📚I love to express myself by writing out on a paper or on websites or on apps like this. I just love to turn my emotions into sentences and sometimes they turn into short stories. Writing releases my stress.
📚I love to write and read a lot. A book, a cat and gallons of iced coffee are enough for me in a day.
📚By traveling, I gain knowledge, inspiration and happiness. It’s my stress reliever for all time.
📚I love to ride cars too (I know it’s weird but I even had a childhood dream in which I live in a van and travel around the country).
📚I love my brother a lot and I have a very affectionate and friendly bond with him. I also try so hard to get along well with my cousins and stay friendly with them even though they’re a bit fake.🙄
📚Back to my brain. My primary teachers always complimented me about my intelligence and my grades and I was always the one who got first prize in every year for 5 years straight. Not bragging but it’s true.🤣
📚My moods change very often and my mind is scattered. It’s like a wide field with multiple places to hide and suddenly, a clown shows up from nowhere out of the blue! For instance, at first, I’m on instagram. Then after a minute, I remember to reply dms so I go onto messenger. Then, not even a minute later, I’m on TikTok again. Then, I’m on Reddit. It’s like soooo scattered that I don’t even know how to describe. I think my anxiety attacks also come from this placement.
📚I’m not grounded. I like to meditate but I can’t be consistent about it because of my intrusive thoughts. I jump from one topic to another very quickly when I talk.
📚I’m not a very good listener. I’m always ready to talk about various topics. So if I listen to someone very patiently, then he/she is important to me or I’m going to ghost them soon so I’m being patient in the present time loll😭
📚I overthink a lot and I tend to forget about a lot of things too. On the other hand, I also have a photographic memory about certain events like how my mom breastfed me. I remember what she wore and how she looked very vividly although I was just about 1 or 2 at that time but I don’t remember what I ate as a breakfast this morning. Strange right?
📚I love to learn foreign languages because they challenge me and intrigue me!
📚I’m also curious about everything and often have questions like “how were the oceans created?” “were Adam and Eve real people or just myth?” and my thoughts spiral into a big infinite hole and I get detached from the reality and my eyes are like 💀DEAD💀.
📚I also tend to turn my emotions into a problem to be solved instead of accepting and dealing with them. I observe me and my feelings from the third party view and respond to them logically. It’s not that I’m not emotional but I rationalize my feelings from another perspective.
📚I love to contain full stops, exclamation marks, question marks at the end of every sentence. If someone doesn’t do that, I judge them secretly LMAO.😭
Jupiter in 3rd house
🪄You can say that I’m quite lucky when it comes to education. I stand out among others since I was a child due to my education success. My parents could also support my education financially unlike right now, they’re struggling for my brother’s.
🪄I am a quick learner and I have a large vocabulary. I love to use advanced words in my language (Burmese).
🪄I am also quite talkactive but only with people I’m comfortable with. However, most of the time, I get into trouble for talking too much. I spill all the tea without any intentions but that drags me into a big mess and that’s why I have to control myself a lot when I communicate with someone, not to share gossips or else I’ll be in trouble again.
🪄Most of the times, people think I exaggerate a lot but I don’t.
🪄I hate HATE misspellings. They irritate me Periodt.
🪄I’m also open-minded and not afraid to observe from other perspectives. But my beliefs are so strong like try to attack them and I’ll kick you out of my life forever.🦵🏼
🪄I love learning about various things and I also like to be seen as a nerd. As long as I’m learning something, I feel valuable and precious.
🪄I prefer intelligence to beauty. When I say intelligence, it’s not only about studies but also about the keys in communication, how to eat and drink with manners, how to fight back people with wits etc. I’m quite of a sapiosexual. I get turned off when someone doesn’t know about something they should know. I get turned on when someone is intelligent and knows exactly how to talk to someone. Appearances matters too but not very important as long as they have brains.🧠
🪄I also love to see arguments (not in an aggressive way) and I always guess why they have their own opinions by trying to be in their shoes. And I get turned on when someone I already admire gets passionate in intellectual arguments wisely.🥵
Pluto in 6th house
⚡️I love hardworking people and I also try hard to perform well in my daily routines. I put efforts even into tiny cases.
⚡️I have a very strong will when it comes to my career and I hate being told what to do. I’m still at college so I have zero experience about work places but I think I would be obsessed with my work because that’s how I imagine myself to be.🤓
⚡️When I get emotional, I try to stay as productive as I can and I shift my focus onto my daily routines, my studies and my ambition to suppress them. I know it’s bad but I can’t deal with all of them. Emotions are weakness for me.
⚡️I love and hate routines at the same time. My Gemini sun and 3rd house moon hate them but my Virgo moon and 6th house Pluto love them.
⚡️I get stressed out a lot when my routines are ruined. For example, I even feel like my life is a mess if I didn’t finish some work in a limited time. I want to cry when I’m not productive and I go on self-destruction mode if I feel like that. I waste more time if I know I’m not doing enough. And then I cry. And the cycle repeats. So, the only way to keep myself happy is to stay productive and to be perfect in every work I do.
⚡️I’m also very competitive among my peers (my mars Aries doubles it).
TW: Eating disorder
⚡️I hate diets and workouts (I don’t know if this is related to Pluto in 6th house though). I have three personal planets in hard aspect to Pluto. I also have an eating disorder. I’m trying to maintain my balance again but it falls back every time. Either I binge or I restrict shockingly. There’s no in-between. Right now, I’m in my binging era with inconsistent workouts (even though I HATEEE workouts).
⚡️I love cats but cats don’t love me I guess. Whenever I look in the eyes of cats, they get scared of me and run away without hesitation. But they love to receive cuddles from me and they let me pet them though.🥺
This is the end of this post and thank you for reading to the end. Have a great day fellows!
Part-2 will be about planets in 7th house to 12th house!!✨
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aphrostarot · 11 months
I have a grand trine in my chart with Lilith in pisces in the 10th house (my moon is also in pisces exact conjunct my mc still in the 9th), Venus in Scorpio in the 6th house, and Jupiter in Cancer on the border of my 1st &2nd , falling in my first. I’m not sure what this means for me!! I can’t find much info about it!
Hi! Thank you for your question, I’m not the most knowledgeable about Grand Trines in a chart, but I know a bit about it so, I will do my best to answer your questions.
Grand Trine in Chart:
A Grand Trine occurs in a birth chart when you have three planets that share the same element; fire, earth, water, or air. They also have to be within 120 degrees of each other.
It typically means that some things come easily to you, that you have effortless strengths, talents, and gifts. Now the element it is in can tell you more about what these are.
Water Trine:
People with their grand trine in water typically have a great intuition and are able to tap into their more sensitive side more easily than others. Their ability to tap into their emotions is their biggest strength, they should use them to make decisions in their life because their emotions are typically their intuition giving them messages.
These people are typically very empathetic and oftentimes become the emotional support and comfort person to the people in their lives. This is something that comes naturally to them.
Earth Trine:
People who have an earth trine in their chart typically find establishing consistency and productivity to come easily to them. They are typically very level-headed individuals who can connect to their more logical side fairly easily. They are very grounded individuals who are very loyal and reliable. However, they tend to be a bit stubborn at times.
Fire Trine:
People who have a fire trine in their chart are typically very energetic individuals. They are often very eager to start new projects because they are constantly inspired. They excel at motivating people in their lives, even themselves. Furthermore, they are natural optimists who have a drive and excitement to live life to its fullest.
Air Trine:
People with air trines in their chart are very opinionated. They excel at communicating their thoughts, ideas, and opinions to the world. They would be great writers, speakers, or teachers. Likewise, they love to learn new things, so they are constantly searching for more ways to expand their knowledge. Their brains are constantly moving, the wheels in their brains are constantly spinning.
Pisces Lilith in the 10th house:
Lilith in your birth chart signifies the point in your life where you rebel, where you embrace your darker sides. So, having it in Pisces shows that you rebel through escapist tendencies. You may be ashamed of your fantasies, compassion, and/or neediness. In a sexual way, you may be embarrassed to share your fantasies with people, and you may be ashamed of your desire to be submissive.
You may struggle with drinking, sex, or gambling to escape your fears.
The 10th house tells you more about where in your life these things come into play. So, you may overcompensate in your career to show that you are worthy. You are probably a perfectionist who wants to show everyone that you are the best. You are a hard worker who wants to make a great impact on the world. Likewise, you want to be accepted by the world and may find it hard to choose a career that you enjoy.
This placement gives you power to easily influence others, especially when you bring emotions into it. You should however pay attention to your escapist tendencies and how they affect your public image, because any impulsive action may ruin your reputation.
Lilith Conjunct MC:
It is hard for you to suppress your inner longings in professional settings. Your sexuality, power, and inner feelings fuel your public image. You are fiercely protective of your ambitions. Because Lilith is where you rebel and the 10th house or MC is your public image and career, it is fairly easy for you to rebel against authority figures and the status quo and this helps you succeed in your career. Your sexuality and ability to stay true to yourself will help you gain success and recognition in your career and in society.
Venus in Scorpio in the 6th house:
People with Venus in Scorpio usually have a need for intimacy and power in their relationships. This need for power often manifests as a controlling attitude, however if you work on this you can have a great amount of sharing of energy in your relationships. You may have trust issues especially in your relationships which is where your need for control is manifested. There is a possibility that because you struggle to trust people, you struggle to be intimate in turn. Which is why it may be difficult for you to enter relationships.
With Venus in the sixth house, you may approach relationships from a dependent perspective. On the other hand, the self-analysis, striving for perfection, and humble attitude that are associated with the 6th House can create in you an ability to relate sensitively to others and also to develop a discriminating sense of values, including a more positive appreciation of your self-worth.
If you are an insecure person, you will often find yourself being dominated in relationships. You will take on the more submissive role in most of your relationships and serve your partner's every need. You have a set of expectations when it comes to how you want your relationships to go, and this may make you overly demanding either of yourself or your partners. This will lead you to be in a constant state of dissatisfaction in your relationships.
With Venus in the 6th House, your evaluative faculty is focused on areas involving self-refinement and service. You may have strong preferences with respect to your work environment, health matters, moral or cultural standards, or modes of serving others. You may be a harsh judge of yourself, evaluating your thoughts, motives, and actions critically. These judgments are more likely to be expressed as feelings rather than thoughts, and they may also be projected onto others. Having Venus in the 6th House, the judgments that you make are likely to be influenced by codes and standards, by your work or health environment, and by consideration for the welfare of others.
Jupiter in Cancer in the 1st and 2nd House:
Jupiter in Cancer in the first house can make the native pretty good-looking. They are typically someone with great intelligence, especially emotional intelligence. They are typically good-natured, generous, truthful, charitable, and loyal. Jupiter in Cancer people typically have a great understanding of morals and follow their own moral code very strictly. They are typically great friends who are emotionally attached to these people. People with Jupiter in the second house tend to accumulate a great amount of wealth due to their ability to manage their money and save as well.
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suninyourmoon · 2 years
Based on people i knowㅡ
🗣Not professional astrologer! It’s only based on my own experience and observatiom please take with grain of salt!
ㅡi’m still learning about solar return chart so i’ll take this observation from a bigger picture
my brother passed away this year, and when i look up to his SR, he had 6th stellium which is the house of health, there is chiron, mars, jupiter and neptune sitting there. The Neptune (in pisces) makes me wonder, because the causes of his death is trough the ilness that remain unknown until the day he get into the hospital. Also, he have his sun on 8th house.
my friend went trough break up with his ex 2 times in one year before the final breakup so i look up to his SR chart and he had pluto and jupiter in his 7th house that year, both are in retrograde.
Last year i have my venus in 2nd house and i spend a looot of money to buy a clothes and beauty related product that year.
ㅡmy friend has gemini stellium in the 6th house in his chart, and he constanly nagging😂 i also can consider him as picky eater.
He often said something like “we have to communicate this”….”that’s why communication is important”….. “communication this and that” he mention that word a loooot. What in a gemini dictionary is this LMAO
ㅡhe also have cancer stellium including his venus, and admit about the fact that he lowkey looking for mom figure in a relationship (NAURR💀)
ㅡspeaking of that, it’s interesting because i have 7th house in cancer with jupiter there and when i look up to natal chart of people that confessed to me they love me, all of them have venus in cancer😃 so i guess pay attention to that 7th house lmao
ㅡi know some people who have lilith in 4th house (including me) and we all came from traumatic household, we hate being home with our family and tend to avoid our family event. Please stay safe and you deserve happiness okay?
ㅡif you have 8th or scorpio major placement (stellium or heavy influence, pluto dominant),you’ll have learn the fact that you will face a constant transformation in ur life. It’s hard ik, i also need to learned it the hard way. You’ll face a lot of death (metaphor or the true meaning of it), constant urge to evaluate ur life, etc. Afterthat, you’ll be like “oh, another one? Geez. Anyways so”. You’ll step into your power when you realize that this is the part of your self that you also need to embrace.
ㅡis it me or saturn in 6th house with north node in 6th makes it difficult to keep up with a routine and be organized i hate it💀
ㅡanyway, north node in 6th people, do you somehow interested in serving others or learn something related to health? (Physical health, mental health ect).
Me and my other 2 friend have north node in gemini 6th house, i see the pattern here that we all need to learn to communicate better, also interested in psychology and helping others.
I think thats all for nowww💖
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lavishlyleo · 1 year
Hey what does Lilith (in 6th house) opposite ascendant (Leo) means ?
Lilith Opposition Ascendant + Lilith 6th House
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Lilith opposition ascendant can be a very contradictory placement for the native. It may feel as though a lot of people love but also hate you, like a "love to hate" you kind of thing. Either way, people are OBSESSED. With Leo as your Ascendant, you may take pride in people hating you so much to the point of obsession, and use it as a source of power. You have a certain power over these people and you are fully aware of it, honestly slay💕.
I feel like this is definitely a placement most likely to fully harness Lilith's powers and twist it into benefiting you instead of it destroying you. However if not handled well this can also be a placement that projects a lot of traits that it desperately doesn't want to be known for and/or hates. Like, it'll display the traits of people or things who they don't like, making it almost hypocritical.
But it can also be vise versa, where people hate you for traits they themselves have, making them hypocritical. opposition is all about two energies that are very similar but also very different, so there is a lot of vise versas with placements like these.
Lilith in the 6th for this placement could mean a lot of this energy and these problems will likely be more in the workplace and/or with people who you don't hold a very strong connection to, opposed to if Lilith was in the 7th house, which would make it way more personal and involve people more connected personally to you. So I'd say this may water down it's detrimental effects a little more, but this can indicate some people in the workplace holding a dislike for you, even if yall have never interacted.
That just goes to show how powerful Lilith's energy is and how your powerful energy will effect others. A lot of people, especially men, will likely be intimidated by your energy and view you as competition, leading to some of them treating you poorly or just avoiding you out right.
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malachiteclouds · 1 year
💋(18+) natal astrology observations part 2
✫ I think that your descendant can indicate whether you attract submissive or dominant partners if you partake in those dynamics. (ex: a capricorn descendant would attract more dominant people, libra descendant may attract more submissive people) the planets that are in your 7th house can indicate this as well.
✫ 5th house moons and their breeding kinks lmfao i-
✫ scorpio/8th house venus and venus conjunct/sextile pluto can like the idea of ownership. there is something about giving themselves completely or having someone else give themselves completely that feels intensely gratifying. it comes from the desire for intimate and vulnerable sharing.
✫ moon conjunct venus and moon in 2H/7H/cancer could probably finish by their nipples being sucked or played with.
✫ leo/5th house venus can love collars. however, the emphasis is mainly on the PUBLIC indicator. they would like an OBVIOUS collar, the type to wear the big, bulky ones that have all the bells and lace and whatnot attached. they do not want it to be subtle.
✫ libra/taurus/2H/7H venus/lilith are the masters of sensual, purifying vanilla sex. these people know how to go back to the basics and just expand each fractal of the senses. they will make you feel like you are your most beautiful without any toys, spicy lingerie/outfit, or any play equipment.
✫ mars conjunct moon fuck like animals.
✫ virgo/6th house venus/lilith/mars are extremely resourceful in the bedroom. they can get things to feel like a damn fanfiction by their ability to piece together anything that is around them. is there a glass of iced water next to you? they will use an ice cube like 50 shades of grey. is there just a loose bedsheet on your bed? they will tie your hands with it. able to make something out of nothing.
✫ neptune/venus in 12th house/pisces are bulit for sensory deprevation i swear 💀
✫ we all know aquarius/11th house venus loves their public sex, I mean come on. it's a cliche but it's a cliche for a reason. they love the experimentation and unconventionality of it. they are the ones that will try everything at least once, along with sagittarius venus.
✫ saturn conjunct/trine/sextile venus would love to be on money/have money thrown onto them while being fucked. they would also be hellaaa expensive strippers.
✫ super random but gemini venus would be most likely to fuck on a trampoline 💀
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