#Mars in Leo in 9th house
crystalsenergy · 2 years
Mars placements: how and where
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remembering that Mars is not just about sex, but also about energy in general. sex is one of the ways to release that energy that we can have, but it's not the last, nor the only way.
✨🔥 Mars: how and where ✨🔥
HOW? Mars in Aries: Energy is intense, assertive, immediate, competitive, physical, aggressive, argumentative, active, passionate, incisive, combative, native explores, dominates.
Mars in Taurus: Energy is patient, calm, connected to the five senses, distributed, solid, practical, secure, stubborn, indulgent, slow, consistent.
Mars in Gemini: Energy is restless, mental, noisy, busy, alert, opinionated, communicative, ambivalent, intelligent, open, dual, versatile, sociable, dynamic.
Mars in Cancer: Energy is internal, emotionally strong, compassionate, comfortable, shy, emotional, quiet, slow, sensitive, vulnerable, defensive, passive-aggressive.
Mars in Leo: Energy is high, externalized, affectionate, vital, fun, demanding, proud, determined, dominant, dramatic, creative, loyal, sincere, impatient, arrogant, stubborn, hardworking.
Mars in Virgo: Energy is methodical, rational, organized, analytical, busy, careful, perfectionist, practical, detail-oriented, conscientious, cool, adaptable, productive, reserved, hardworking, precise, diligent, efficient, helpful, modest, intelligent, but insecure.
Mars in Libra: Energy is passive-aggressive, sensitive, impractical, perfectionist, gentle, judgmental, hesitant, avoidant, passive, pleasing, reasonable, considerate, charming, aesthetic, impartial, sensual, manipulative.
Mars in Scorpio: Energy is intense, strategic, headstrong, demanding, obsessed, controlling, cruel, destructive, surgical, detective, secret, penetrating, powerful, proud, determined, regenerative, strong, transformative, turbulent, vengeful, intuitive, extreme, emotional, devout, faithful, mysterious, sexual.
Mars in Sagittarius: Energy is courageous, free, impetuous, optimistic, wise, profound, adventurous, positive, philosophical, extravagant, irresponsible, careless, expansive, exaggerated, frank, intellectual, versatile, risk-taking, aspiring.
Mars in Capricorn: Energy is controlled, planned, practical, pessimistic, punctual, reserved, conservative, ambitious, conventional, hardworking, organized, consolidated, traditional, cautious, shy, insecure.
Mars in Aquarius: Energy is objective, impersonal, mental, friendly, altruistic, eccentric, rebellious, egalitarian, restless, unpredictable, inventive, creative, intelligent, futuristic, original, responsive, independent, fanatical, supportive, questioning, trustworthy, detached.
Mars in Pisces: Energy is introspective, changeable, passive, calm, psychological, imaginative, intuitive, adaptable, very creative, empathic, reflective, psychic, expansive, elusive, confused, multiple, receptive, reluctant, transcendental, gentle.
WHERE? ↳ 1st house: oneself, individuality, temperament, image you convey to others, character, willpower.
Ex.: Mars in Libra in 1st house has a manifestation of Libra energy in 1st house affairs. it could be that, for example, the person has difficulties in imposing him/herself, because Mars in Libra 1st house means a more passive energy. at the same time, the person can be very sensitive physically speaking, and can have a lot of artistic capacity for dances.
↳ 2nd house: material life, self-worth, search for stability, search for comfort zones, money, self-respect.
Ex.: Mars in Pisces in 2nd house manifests its energy especially in 2nd house matters, having a more imaginative and calm view in relation to money, being able to be more spiritual than a person who seeks a lot of material security, natives can even be quite altruistic in this matter.
↳ 3rd house: communication, knowledge, studies, problem analysis, debates, intelligence, interest, relationship with colleagues, brothers, cousins.
Ex.: Mars in Aries in 3rd house can manifest its energy by being very communicative, assertive, direct and often even rude, if native doesn't pay attention to it.
↳ 4th house: home, family, relationship with mother, emotional, internal structures, initial reactions, emotional memory, private space, roots, internal life, foundation building, intimacy, humor.
Ex.: Mars in Aquarius in 4th house natives can manifest their energy especially in 4th house matters, having a very impersonal relationship with their family, also directing some rational energy to their emotions.
↳ 5th house: ego, self-importance, self-esteem, happiness, personality, projects already started, children, creativity, arts, expression, personal fulfillment.
Ex.: Mars in Taurus in 5th house can express Taurus energy in an expressive way, which can be seen in the arts, in the very expression of the person's personality. native may act in a Taurus way. he/she will have creative energy not as energetic as is natural for the 5th house, energy will be calmer, more stable.
↳ 6th house: routine, service, tasks, organization, work, body, physical health, food, body care, occupations, responsibilities.
Ex.: Mars in Cancer in 6th house may have a lot of difficulty with activities that demand a lot of energy, may lack energy to do several things, being more passive and may tend to be disorganized. at the same time, Mars in Cancer represents a fondness for taking care of the domestic environment, the problem will be the energy that will tend to be low, preventing this from manifesting.
↳ 7th house: relationships, affections, appearance, balance, attachment, harmony, relationship mirroring, projections, love, relationships in general.
Ex.: Mars in Scorpio in 7th house demonstrates its intense and penetrating energy in relationships, being able to attract people intense and penetrating. also, native can be very demanding in relationships.
↳ 8th house: sex, unconscious, depth, problems, mystery, death, privacy, spirituality, secrets, vulnerabilities, taboos, inheritance, debts, karma, competition, crimes.
Ex.: Mars in Virgo in 8th house can manifest its analytical energy in the study of spirituality, the phenomenon of sex, the mystery of the human personality, etc.
↳ 9th house: deeper knowledge, beliefs, faith, religiosity, languages, higher education, ethics, plurality, freedom, travel, diversity.
Ex.: Mars in Leo in 9th house natives can manifest their energy of pride through their knowledge, their beliefs. native can do this by being a recognized person in an area of ​​study, or by understanding that his/her beliefs manifest who he/she is, expressing them proudly.
↳ 10th house: public image, reputation, career, conservatism, future, life path, professional path, goals, limitations, time, father, authority figures, status.
Ex.: Mars in Gemini in 10th house can express communication energy and high career mutability, whether changing careers several times, having more than one career/professional vocation at the same time, or specifically working in careers related to communications.
↳ 11th house: friendships, aspirations, conscience, social responsibility, social circles, groups, ideas, ideologies, dreams, society.
Ex.: Mars in Aries in 11th house can emanate its energy of independence and assertiveness into relationships, being the one who influences others but is rarely influenced. in addition, you can have a circle of friends in which competition is practiced (whether healthy or not).
↳ 12th house: collective unconscious, introspection, deep self-knowledge, intuition, dreams, psychology, creativity, what few see, what almost no one believes, mysticism, esoterism, escapism.
Ex.: Mars in Aquarius in the 12th house natives can transmit their mental and objective energy to know more about themselves on a deep level, having more of a need to spend than to socialize, as some would expect from this sign. they may demonstrate an interest in rationally understanding psychology, but still with intuition and openness.
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hausofneptune · 1 month
✾ persona chart series ✾ mercury
[astro notes no. 010]
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hey y'all! i'm back with the second part of the persona chart series where we'll be going over placements and aspects in the mercury persona chart, click here to read part one where we go over the moon persona chart. like i mentioned in the first part, these notes are relative to the mercury persona chart, not the natal chart.
the mercury persona chart is representative of matters of the mind, and shows the ways in which how you think and communicate, as well as how internal and external factors influence your self-expression. click here to calculate your persona charts!
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༄ ascendant conjunct venus can manifest as being perceived as someone who expresses themselves in a very charming, persuasive way
↝ this has the potential to ease the roughness of any challenging aspects that are also present in the mercury persona chart, as these natives may be given grace by those around them due to venus’ influence 
↝ this aspect can also grant the native with a very powerful artistic output, they may excel in careers related to writing or singing specifically
↝ they're also the types who could be very flirty in nature, or may experience situations where others believe they're flirting when they aren't
༄ sun sextile saturn may show up as a someone who's very rational and calculated in their thought process
↝ these natives tend to do well in positions of leadership, despite their tendency to be more on the "shy" side
↝ those around them usually view them as someone to turn to in crisis, as they have a very determined, confident energy about them, despite whether they view themselves as such or not
༄ moon sextile neptune is indicative of relying on one's gut instinct and intuition when processing and communicating things
↝ they can be very creative in nature and are typically viewed by others as ethereal and "poetic" in a sense, others may be find them to be mysterious or alluring
↝ spirituality or religion may be an integral part of these natives' identities, their personal philosophy could have a great impact on the way that they navigate through life
↝ they could be the type of people who can manifest things easily and speak things into existence
↝ they may have to work towards being more direct when communicating with others, as well as maintaining balance between their creative minds and their rationale
༄ pluto conjunct midheaven can manifest as someone who expresses themselves in a way that the public is either enamored by or revolted by (or both)
↝ these natives can be very resilient in the face of adversity, specifically in regards to their careers and the public-facing facets of their lives, and may even come across as ruthless or too controlling to those around them at times
↝ they may be called to positions of power where they can advocate on behalf of people who are looked down upon by society (i.e. homeless people, abuse victims, people who are incarcerated, etc)
↝ they can also make extremely talented artists, and may find ease in healing others through their creativity
༄ mars in the 9H can indicate a desire to dedicate oneself to a "higher purpose", usually through greater institutions like academia or religion/spirituality
↝ these natives tend to be devoted to learning about (and defending) their passions and interests, and could even feel called to teach others about their ideas
↝ they may need to work towards staying focused and not becoming too restless when trying to achieve their goals
↝ this can also be highly indicative of excelling in fields related to teaching, mentorship, or missionary/spiritual work.
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༄ moon in aries natives are usually very forthright and direct when it comes to communicating their thoughts and feelings
↝ they can at times speak too soon or come off too rash in the heat of the moment, those with this placement typically need to master the ability to think things through when engaged in conflict of disagreements
↝ those with this placement are also naturally gifted in terms of creativity and innovation, they may jump from idea to idea and come off as scattered or disorganized to those around them, but are generally very driven to reach their goals regardless
༄ venus in the 12H can manifest as an innate fascination for deeper, more subconscious matters of the mind
↝ this can also indicate artistic talents, as those with this placement in the mercury persona chart can explore thoughts and ideas relative to the 12H more easily than the average person
↝ they typically have a very emotional, spiritually-driven outlook on life, but may struggle with expressing their thoughts in a way that comes off as confusing or evasive to those around them
↝ these natives may struggle with feeling misunderstood, especially in romantic relationships, as their idealized version of what love should be can be unattainable at times
༄ jupiter in the 2H is indicative of benefitting materially or financially from one’s self expression
↝ one’s personal values can be of great importance with this placement, this doesn’t necessarily indicate being rich or well off (although it can), but is more so indicative of encountering “easy breaks” in relation to one’s physical possessions or finances
↝ these natives tend to be very optimistic in nature, and seek to learn and expand on new ways to accumulate wealth and/or stabilize their living situations
༄ mercury in leo typically manifests as someone who cares deeply about standing up for not only what they believe in, but the beliefs of those around them as well
↝ these natives can come across as flamboyant or even eccentric at times, and are naturally gifted when it comes to uplifting their loved ones
↝ while they can come across as extremely self-assured in terms of how they think and speak, they still do seek recognition from those around them for their achievements and fearlessness
↝ they could struggle with taking too much pride in their beliefs at times, and may need to learn how to remain balanced and objective when it comes to the things that they’re passionate about
༄ sun in the 6H is indicative of thinking and expressing oneself in a way that typically comes across coordinated and well thought out
↝ for these natives, their day to day activities and routines play a large role in how they navigate through their thoughts and communicate with others, the work that they do could be very mercurial in nature
↝ the way they carry themselves can make those around them view them as reliable and dependent, and they usually feel the most productive when they’re being “of service” to those around them
↝ these natives may also excel in careers related to medicine, specifically fields related to research or communication
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ms-taurusvenus · 2 months
Sagittarius Placement Observations
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To all of my Sagittarius placements, ensure you have people that are open-minded and optimistic. Or else that shit is gonna bring you down and feel like shit. Be wild and free. Dream big and that will manifest.
What is covered: Mercury, Moon, Venus, Mars, & general/random observations (at the end).
Usually have humour that people find offensive. They're also very sarcastic. Ie, The UK has humour that many find offensive and don't understand when whatever they're saying (to them) isn't meant to be taken as offensive or to heart and that is just their way of bantering/joking around. Curse like sailors when they're upset/mad about and sometimes even when it's about something that they're passionate about. As much as they love to be playful and all, they are very optimistic and open-minded which makes them great for deep conversations They love to exaggerate things and be drama queens even when things weren't deep or serious (and they know it .. usually). It sometimes like a mix of Leo and Gemini energy if you ask me. But due to this they may have a tendency of jumping into conclusions. May struggle with paying attention to detail and the nitty-gritty of things. Bold.
Usually very adventure, craving challenges and new experiences. May also be spontaneous due to this. Often they're smarter than you think they are and they tend to be sly about their intelligence. Carefree and optimistic in nature. Might've grown up with optimistic mother, hence their optimism. Ride or die type of friends. Applies for all Sag placements but I see this especially with Sag Moons.
May enjoy traveling with their partners and trying new things. Enjoys a balance of independence in their relationships. Might feel restrained to love because they have a lot of love for those that they love and may not want to seem clingy or overwhelm their partners. Tend to be go with the flow with their relationships.
If you ask me ... Sagittarius Mars are the scariest. Jupiter (Sags home) is the planet of expansion. You put that together and boom, you got a ruthless ass Mars placement.
May get annoyed with people with narrow mindsets, double standards, liars, being controlled/those who try to control others, arrogance, complaining, lack of action to things. Laughs shit off even in awkward situations. Tend to be very energetic. Playful and may act like a kid.
Really well educated and may have thought about getting multiple degrees, a PhD, etc. Really intuitive. Loves to travel and may/often have either been to a lot of places or plan to go to a lot of places. Also tends to travel often. Enjoys learning and trying different cultures, languages, and cusine/food. Might have deep voices. Tend to be detached and have detachment issues. Might also have a avoidant attachment style. Are able and may tend to be the ones making/willing to make the first moves. Due to your 10H Virgo, you may prioritize and care for your career and profession a lot. Often taking your time and however much is needed/necessary to prefect your craft and profession. Really wide range of music they like and listen to. Might be open to drugs or at least trying them. Usually are wild when they're younger but chill down as they grow older. Easy going and don't like to be tied down. Due to Sags 2H/3H being ruled by Saturn you may be sensitive or struggle to singing and making different sounds from your voice. Tend have deep, philopshial questions about life, universe, and even themselves. Wants to find out the truth of things. Tend to have a lot of skills and hobbies.
Thank you for making it this far! I hope you can relate/resonate with anything in this post. My inbox is open for questions, discussions, etc! Reblog's are appreciated :).
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venussaidso · 9 months
KETUVIAN WOMEN: (Appreciation Post)
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Even then, natives are not all going to consistently look similar. Sometimes I mistaken a Magha for an Ashwini, and I'll always be surprised. So I made this gif post of all the Ketuvians that I guessed were Ashwini and weren't. The first two are Aswhini moon girls and as you can see, the rest are not Ashwini but have this sort of baby face.
Ashwini Moon. Ashwini Moon.
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Magha ASC. Magha ASC.
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Magha Sun. Magha Sun.
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Mula ASC. Mula Sun.
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vivmaek · 2 years
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Pisces Moons are honestly one of my favorite placements. I swear to god it is like they are operating from a different dimension and it is so funny. Oftentimes, their honesty is what gets them into trouble rather than the things they keep hidden. They remind me of little kids in school who won’t stop blurting out things during class, like they just can’t help themselves. They are naive when it comes to practicality, but they have a sense of wisdom that is projected with ease at exactly the right moments. 
Mercury in Capricorn individuals are not a fan of gossip. I think that they are good at spotting misinformation, and they do not like it when people exaggerate stories. I’ve noticed that they communicate through action. Rather than saying, they simply just do. 
A lot of people look towards Cancers to find a sense of direction. People with prominent Cancer placements fall into leadership positions because other people push them into it rather than seeking it out. People with Cancer placements radiate a sense of ease and people are very drawn to that. 
People with Venus in the 12th house seemingly have resources that come out of nowhere.. Whether that is due to stealing or luck depends, but these types need to be careful because jail time is commonly seen with people who have 12th house placements. Trying to con and cheat may lead to some substantial gains, but it is soon followed by the lofty price of karma. 
People with their Sun in the 10th house should shoot for a career in reality television, I have noticed a ridiculous amount of reality tv stars with this placement. 
Pluto in the 9th house gives off cult leader vibes. 
People who have Neptune in the 4th house are unable to see their childhood for what it actually was. They tend to rely on an idealized version of what happened. I have noticed that some sort of hidden substance addiction within the family is often involved. 
Having a Moon in the 3rd house might mean being a mother figure to your siblings, or one of you siblings was a mother figure. 
People with Mercury in Cancer are great poets, especially when writing about topics that are usually hidden away and not discussed. Their voices are comforting. 
Those who have Mars in Leo get loud when angry, they are not afraid to roar and I’ve even heard some of them growl bahaha. 
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pearlprincess02 · 3 months
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aries sun 10H, pisces moon 9H, gemini rising, pisces mercury 10H, pisces venus 9H, leo mars 2H
aries sun: is a day cardinal fire sign. the aries symbol is the ram, and its glyph represents the horns of the ram. aries is a sign that focuses on itself. very confident, independent and self-centered. aries are also a sign that will always think of themselves first and if that suits them. inwardly, they have a healthy self-interest and are very courageous. aries is a sign that is very brave and risks a lot of things. aries like to live on the edge of life and their motto is "try, even if it doesn't work out, at least you tried". aries is competitive and will always go all the way to the end. and also a sign that dares a lot. aries are not afraid of challenges but accept them with open arms. what is characteristic of aries is that they have anger issue. their anger is quick and direct.
sun in 10th house: you may feel motivated to fulfill your ambitions and so will drawn toward accepting responsibility or embracing executive positions. it can be harder to find motivation, inspiration and light - but it comes later in life. many times you look for yourself through the audience, your parents or your father. you want to find the personality that suits you best. sun here motivates you to have a strong influence and to get recognized while you’re also satisfying your thirst for power and make your dreams come true.
pisces moon: dorky jokes and crying easily. green tea with honey and tarot decks. i’ll be damned if i ever let another hand wipe your tears before they dry. smooth skin and doe eyes. stroking hair and pearl jewelry. soft touches and stolen glances. ripped jeans and jaded sketchbooks.
moon in 9th house: you find happiness in mental stimulation, embracing change and variety, experiencing freedom of thought, exploring different places, expanding your knowledge, seeking wisdom, trying new things, embarking on adventures, daydreaming, and learning about diverse cultures and foreign subjects.
gemini rising: gemini rising people tend to look younger than they actually are. also gemini rising people have small features giving them an innocent look. probably have a short height unless other planets aspecting. i have also noticed that gemini rising have a mole on their neck too like most of the gemini rising i know HAVE a mole on their neck and a small one on their cheeks. big eyes. wide smile and mischievous. wider face.
pisces mercury: mercury is fall in pisces. pisces mercuries seem...confused whenever they talk. tendency to space out and get lost in their inner world. they seem to struggle with articulating their thoughts. may be forgetful or remember things incorrectly
mercury in 10th house: restless, communicative mercury in the 10th house gives a native for whom it’s not unusual to hold down more than one job at a time or have multiple irons in the fire. mercury-in-10th has a knack for languages and this can be useful in any profession they choose to undertake. there is an air of authority with this one and they have a flair for communicating well and negotiating with supervisors or others in positions of authority. this one thrives in a job that keeps them on the go, traveling or what have you, as long as they aren’t chained to a desk or sitting still all day long. easily bored, the 10th house mercurian requires frequent new challenges or changes of scenery to remain interested and stimulated. easily adaptable to new and different types of people and possessing a witty communicative style which others find appealing, this one has an uncanny knack for success in writing or careers in journalism.
pisces venus: sensational siren, dreamy and karmic, elusive moments, drowning in feeling, flip a coin for love or lust - throw it in the fountain for both, making your dreams and/or nightmares come true.
venus in 9th house: this placement means that your happiness/joy/pleasure may come from traveling, college, and/or adventure. this could also indicate someone who enjoys philosophy and faith. you may date people or make friends with a variety of people, whether that be culturally, racially, background-wise, etc.. you find opportunities through your connections with others
leo mars: draws you in with their performance, wins, or adventures, brave in the bedroom, will risk it all, life of the party, maybe vain or selfish but always on top, a king, lust and power, feverish and flirty, are you their muse, trophy, or queen?
mars in 2nd house: the planet of action in the house of finances indicates one must work hard and diligently to make their living, and often have great work ethic. rashness or haste may end in financial loss, but 2h mars can usually recover quickly from financial upsets. investing in yourself and your capabilities can be very fruitful, but be careful to not become too self involved in your dealings and end up shutting out potential partners and opportunities. money and financial security are big focus of ones energy.
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Predicting my 2023 solar return chart because I couldn’t sleep😴
2023 solar return chart is looking too much scary and crazy for me. My birthday is in June and it’s 2 months ahead but I think the effects have already started to show up in some areas of my life at this moment.
•Scorpio rising at 18 degrees (Virgo deg)
-I think this year, I would be mainly focused on transformations for myself, emotionally and physically.
-I went through a very intense and messy breakup and I found myself reflecting these circumstances a lot lately.
-I’ve been watching videos about self-concept, psychology and manifestation on youtube because I actually want to transform myself and I have a feeling I would succeed.
-I want to transform myself into someone who’s powerful with a lil bit of mysterious aura.🤭
-I started to take interest in occult and metaphysical topics and witchy stuff.
-I bought my first tarot deck about two weeks ago just because my gut told me to do it.
-I started to rely a lot on my intuition and most of them are on point.
-I had some prophetic dreams which came true in real life. (thanks to my natal Neptune and Uranus in 8th house too) IT’S KINDA CRAZY. THAT DREAM HAPPENED EXACTLY IN MY REALITY.🤯
-I notice that I also tend to become more private on social media and I back away from people, even from my best friend who I used to talk with everyday because I feel so drained for literally no reason. (but maybe this solar eclipse and mercury retrograde are the hidden answer😏)
-I’ve been getting lots of compliments too. One of my guy friends told me that I look like a maneater in these days. (I just had leo rising in 2022 SR chart and my attention-seeking ass is enjoying this too much hehe🙊)
-The MAIN reason why I’m scared of scorpio rising in SR chart is because I was bullied at school, got slapped by my mom, sexually harassed and these all happened for the very first time in my life and also my biggest secret got exposed (which was kinda like receiving karma for what I had done) in the year I had scorpio rising.😃
-The rising degree was at 29 degrees and I was slut-shamed publicly. (❗️Tip: if you have 29 degrees on planets or points in your solar return chart, that might indicate the end of a chapter and a new beginning, for better or worse depends on what you have done and the planet shows in which area you’ll encounter these endings).
-All students knew my name but in a notorious way like “oh that girl? Ummm🙄 *shrugs*”. -These events brought major changes into my life. It changed my whole personality.
-I was scared and in the dark for the whole year. But to face my foes, I had to put on that “I’m fucking strong bitches don’t you dare touch me” mask the whole year. No one was on my side. But these events helped me become a girl who I am right now. I used to be a fun, outgoing, optimistic, free, flirty and giggling little girl but right now, I’m not that kind of girl anymore. I’ve become a brave and strong girl who had gone through a lot but still didn’t give up. However, I have never shown my vulnerable side to anyone up to this day since that year. That year is the year that I’ll NEVER forget. And that’s why I’m feeling a bit nervous to go through another year with scorpio rising.😰
-I might receive karma for what I had done. Good or bad.
-I might also attract a lot of unwanted attention from others since I also have Venus conjunct mars and Lilith conjunct MC this year. Main theme is transformation and shocking things might also happen. My secrets could be leaked maybe. Just don’t wanna assume things before anything happens.🥱
•Sun in Gemini in 8th house at 24 degrees (Pisces deg)
-This year is literally screaming “TIME TO TRANSFORM YOU BITCH” at my face lol😂. -My main focus is gonna be healing ofc and transformation I guess.
-I might have to face my shadow side and I think the universe will push me to deal with it to achieve my higher self.
-I also kinda observe things deeply a lot nowadays and it could go on for the whole year.
-I feel like I might go through my ego death or as I said, an old chapter could end and new beginnings would come.
-I’m a bit worried about me and my family’s health. I’ve been feeling ill for quite some time now due to low blood pressure. I’m also worried about my parents especially my dad because idk I just feel something weird but let’s not think about it because I don’t wanna manifest anything bad to him.🥺
-I’m not going to predict further about this because I’ve said enough above as this is quite similar to scorpio rising. My main focus is 8th house and scorpio themed.🖤
•Sun conjunct Juno
-People say this is like “meeting your soulmate” aspect of the year. I hope I would meet someone too whether it’s platonic or romantic because it’s fun to interact with new people.😺
•Sun square Neptune
-My creation skills could be kinda blocked. It’s happening even right now. In the past, when I started to write about something, the words just naturally flew out of my head but right now, I’m a bit stuck and delayed. My thoughts are delayed. I even forget how to structure sentences creatively.
•Moon in Taurus in 7th house at 21 degrees (Sag deg)
-My emotions could be mainly invested in relationships and partnerships.
-I could be thinking a lot about how to get better in relationships and any-ships.
-I just hope I won’t be lost in love again but I’m pretty sure I definitely won’t too.🤡
-Btw, I love having moon at sagittarius degree because it might mean I would feel optimistic and free like a little girl version of me before 2019!
•Moon conjunct Uranus
-Mood swings. URGH. I don’t even need to predict this because they’re already happening. I have daily mood swings but I notice that since about the start of April, I’ve become so much unstable and inconsistent in my emotions. One minute I’m on instagram and another minute, I’m on google. Another minute I’m on tumblr and I just keep jumping from one tab to another A LOT.
-I also feel quite chaotic and confused about some of my relationships. I love my best friend one minute and another minute, I kinda reconsider if she’s really good for me or not. And I just feel exhausted just by existing.😮‍💨
•Mercury in Gemini in 7th house at 6 degrees (Virgo deg)
-Idk how to interpret this. Please HELP kindly if you can. Thank you! Maybe share your experiences?❤️
•Venus in Leo in 9th house at 8 degrees (Scorpio deg)
-I love having Venus in 9th house when it comes to SR charts. I had this placement in 2022 and man, I had 3 trips in one year and all of those were amazing times for me. It’s pleasant and I felt so excited by those adventures.
-Needless to say, I also met my ex in college (actually the first time we ever met was in 2019, at a language school but we met again in college🙄) and somehow most of my relationships were based in college and they’re going to go more for another 7 years so you can say they’re quite significant.
-So, I think I might also get a boyfriend or boyfriendS from college this year. Or else it could be through traveling, education and religious places.
-I might find aesthetics in learning about spirituality and might be focused and might have fixated opinions on my belief system related to religion (as it is in leo).
-I started to become more religious in these days and I also started to stand firm in what I believe instead of being a people-pleaser and saying “oh I also believe that” to every opinion existing.👏🏻
•Venus conjunct mars
-Yayyy people say this is the year I’m getting most attention from both genders. I mean I don’t like attention that much because it’s draining but who doesn’t love being put in a spotlight if it’s for good? (at this point my natal sun in 12th house being indecisive if he likes attention or not)🤦🏻‍♀️
-I love receiving love from people so this is a great placement for me.
-And also, my sexual energy can be highly increased this year.😶
-I might have several options for romantic partners and might come out more charming and alluring than usual.
•Venus opposite Pluto
-Kinda scared again because my SR chart ruler is in hard aspect with SR Venus which is in 9th house.
-I hope communication between peers would go well and relationships won’t be destroyed because of misunderstandings in communication.
-Idk why but I have this gut feeling that I’m going to attract someone or be attracted to someone who’s manipulative, toxic and jealous. Or I might be the one who would be obsessed with someone having all of those plutonic qualities. My relationships could be pluto-themed and transformative I guess.
-Some people say that this is also an indicator of glow-up in SR chart and I find this pretty accurate because I’m going to the gym for the first time in July!🤩
•Venus conjunct vertex
-Fated love? Fated relationships? Can be through 9th house related places and the other person may have leo or taurus qualities. Or the meeting could be leo-themed I guess?
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•Mars in Leo in 9th house at 14 degrees (Taurus deg)
-This can mean I would put a lot of effort into college and it can be true because I have my final exams in June and I have to sweat my ass off for that.😵
-I might be rethinking about my belief system and replanning about my education too.
-As I have my natal mars in natal 9th house, I kinda like this placement because it’s friendly to me.
-I might seek for freedom and would cancel anyone who’s blocking me from becoming confident and free.
-I might go under a sexual encounter which may be brief but transformative. Or maybe one-night stand LMAO (jk I don’t like one-night stands personally).
-I’m a virgin so I’m even a bit curious if I’m going to lose my virginity this year because I have a very strong gut feeling about having first sex with someone who’s important for me.😭👀
•Mars conjunct vertex
-Fated sexual encounter maybe. Maybe fated accidents? Lol I’m sorry I don’t wanna manifest accidents for myself haha😂 But personal planets in conjunction with vertex can also mean fated people might be brought to our life to teach us something, both karmic and non-karmic ones, eg like a teacher or a mentor.
•Mars conjunct Lilith
-I have a very strong gut feeling that I’m gonna gain lots of sexual attention or might attract aggressive partners who want to tame me (sorry guys but my Lilith in 1st house won’t let it happen🤗).
-I might become comfortable and have courage enough to express my sexuality.
-May have power struggles with authority figures.
-I notice that I’ve been feeling like “who are you to judge me bastards” towards controlling authority figures.🌝
•Mars conjunct MC
-I might work hard to reach my goals.
-I might also appear assertive, daring and competitive in public.
-This is also special because my natal MC ruler is mars and it is now highlighted in my SR chart.
-I’m going to the gym for the first time in July too so maybe people would see me athletic and confident this year.
•Jupiter in Taurus in 6th house at 6 degrees (Virgo deg)
-Jupiter is about expansion and luck so, I might gain luck and blessings through my health, my routines, my colleagues (but for me, friends).
-I just wish I won’t gain weight because Jupiter sometimes indicates weight gains and 6th house is health and physical house thank god I’m going to the gym.
-My health could become better BUT since both Venus and mars square Jupiter, love and sex might deteriorate my health in some way - idk how to interpret this.🧘🏻‍♀️
•Pluto in Capricorn in 3rd house at 29 degrees (Leo deg)
-Transformations could arise around siblings, neighborhood, education, short trips, knowledge and communication.
-I also have my natal chart ruler in my natal 3rd house so this energy is quite familiar for me but let’s see how Pluto energy would go this year. (i had Pluto in 6th house last year and I had eating disorder LMAO🤧)
•North node in Taurus in 6th house at 3 degrees (Gemini deg)
-My purpose might be to take care of myself- my health mainly as I said that my health is not so good in these days.
-Also it could be showing that I need to reconstruct my daily routines and abandon every bad habit that is no longer serving me. Maybe I might need to balance my studies and my relaxation time.
•Uranus-moon conjunction conjuncts descendant
-There could be unexpected and sudden changes, events occurring in my relationships. -I feel like I might go into a romantic relationship but that won’t be committed or at least, it would be weird and unusual. Not traditional and maybe shocking too. I might be the one who’s not willing to commit because right now, I have zero desire to start another relationship. Tbh, my ex is still in a part of me and I need to cut him off first. I might attract unconventional people too.
•Lilith conjunct MC
-I started to feel a bit outcasted since my breakup and it became worse. My ex has a new girlfriend now but she and her friends are gossiping about me. I heard it through one of my mutual friends and it’s so Lilith-themed in my opinion. They wanna slut-shame me for no reason. I don’t know why but when other girls kiss their boyfriends, they seem pretty normal. When I kiss my boyfriend, I suddenly become like a slut. I also kinda have to put on “Wtf you bitches, seriously!? Sorry but I’m unbothered” mask in college just to defend myself. As a result, I could be seen as someone who’s unapologetic, daring and untamed. Or maybe I might represent Lilith traits unconsciously in this year.🔫
•Part of fortune in libra 11th house at 15 degrees (Gemini deg)
-I might gain luck through friendships, connections with people, humanitarian work, beauty, social media.
•SR ascendant falls into natal 4th house (3 degrees away from 5th house cusp)
-Mainly focused areas - family, past lessons, roots and childhood. Could also be - romance, fun, flings, dates, creativity, children.
•Fixed dominant
-My mind can be fixated and I might stick to one decision only.
•Earth dominant
-I might be a bit stable but Idk how I feel about this one because I also have moon-Uranus conjunction haha
•Taurus stellium
-Love and beauty could be mainly focused? But I love having taurus stellium because I love taurus energy. They look so calm. In my opinion. At least.🌸
•7th house stellium
-Might be “Love is in the air” year for me but I’m closing my nose till my prince charming comes and commits to me fully and gives me princess treatment. Plus, I don’t wanna kiss froggos anymore. Yuck.💀
Anyways, this was a long ass post and I’m so freaking excited for the upcoming year. Afraid, nervous but at the same time, so curious about what might happen because placements in this year’s chart are a bit crazy and intense in my opinion. Also please bear with my grammar mistakes as I’m an ESL student. You can also share your experiences with me if you have had any of these placements in your previous years’ solar return charts. Thank you!❤️
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astro-tag-9 · 3 days
Placements most prone to jealousy
(With a brief explanation)
(Also these are not in order)
-Aries Moon: only jealous about things they are possessive over. They know what is in their control and what is beyond their control. But provoking their jealousy is not recommended. Don’t go after what is theirs.
-Taurus Sun: Will get jealous when their person does things without them. They feel a need to constantly be included and when they are left out, they take it personally.
-Cancer Sun: As much as they want their friends and lovers to be happy all the time, truly, sometimes they just can’t get over somebody having fun or being happy without them being apart of it. Kind of similar to Taurus. They will also still be jealous of anybody their ex dates after them they have a hard time letting things and people go.
-Aries Sun: For people that are success driven, they sure can’t stand watching somebody else get the spotlight. They thrive off of their own success so much that it is hard to see people they are close with have it of their own sometimes. They may belittle or put people down out of jealousy; they strive too hard to be the best where they always feel in competition
-Scorpio Sun: Anything they care about they’ll have some jealousy regarding, although not always focused on the negative aspects of jealousy. Deeply emotional people tend to have deeply emotional responses and reactions. Their jealously is one that can easily be tamed by the right actions and words. They will not be jealous about something or someone unless they love it.
-Capricorn Moon: Typically not your average type of jealous, but definitely still there. Only thing that makes them jealous is giving their all at something just watch the guy who put in no effort at all walk out with the prize. To them, nobody thinks as hard, works as hard, or tries as hard as they do in all things.
-Scorpio Mars/Venus: they are the type of lovers that want to be it all for the one they love or are with. If they think an ex lover was better than them in any kind of way, they will hate them for it and try to fill that hole to be better. They know their greatness, but don’t want you telling them about anybody else’s. As much as they want to understand you, they don’t want to know too much about your past. It can upset them dwelling on a life before they knew you.
-Virgo Lilith: They have a hard time fining acceptance. Due to that, when others are much more easily welcomed, they hate it.
-Leo Sun: Kings and Queens of always wanting things they cannot always have. Always wanting more of the people around them. Part of it is they want people they love to be great, and part of it is they have a complex where nobody is able to be better than them. If they are perusing somebody who is already with somebody else, they are not shy about going out of their way to bash on the person they’re with, and make themself seem better. They want what they want.
-Gemini Sun: the only thing that really makes them jealous is seeing somebody they love unable to give them the love they deserve, but then so effortlessly and freely give it onto others. Ex) having your parent favor her other children over you; or having an ex partner who you had to beg to be a better person finally change for somebody, even tho they could not for you.
- 5th/6th/9th/12th house Mars: The “where were you when I needed you” type of jealousy. When they have to go through something alone, and you were nowhere to be found, they might just not forgive you for it.
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lunadileo · 8 months
🌟 Leo In The 9th House 🌟
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✨ Natives with Leo in their 9th house are well-travelled. They have a very powerful subconsciousness and strive to be the best at what they are doing. They spend a lot of time studying the subjects they are interested in (for example, politics, public relations, philosophy, spiritual topics) and are very good at teaching other people. They speak with power and authority, being confident in themselves and in what they are preaching. When travelling, they absolutely love to learn about new places, cultures, cuisines and landmarks. They have great skills in learning foreign languages. These people strongly believe in themselves and are confident in their forces. Many people look up to them for how much they have gone through in life and came out as a winner!
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✨ Some people see natives with Leo in 9th house as arrogant and boastful as sometimes they tend to act intellectually superior. They put a high emphasis on knowledge, be it self-development or getting higher education as this is a symbol of status to them. Natives with Leo in the 9th house learn early on in life who they are. They define and validate themselves. They have a very high level of self-confidence and self-respect and would never allow anyone to dictate them who to be and how to live their life. They are very independent in their views and opinions about everything in life. They are their own bosses and do what they want.
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✨ These natives are very enthusiastic, ready to live their life to the fullest. Inspiration comes easily for them, they are very creative and passionate in whatever they do. Natives with Leo in the 9th house are natural born leaders, great spiritual mentors. They are able to lead people to become their best confident and successful selves. They are constantly working on bettering themselves, focused on self-improvement. They are very confident in their skills and abilities when it comes to their education and have a lot of academic success. Once these natives set their mind on a certain belief or philosophy, it's almost impossible to change it no matter how many people try to influence them.
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✨ Natives with Leo in the 9th house can gain popularity and recognition in foreign countries. People admire and look up to them. These natives consider themselves to be a worldwide person and feel comfortable living in a foreign country. It gives them freedom and joy to expand their horizons. They have great opportunities to settle in foreign lands, gain admiration and love from other people. Natives born with Leo in Ninth House can learn from people with authority, like their boss or the man who raised them, but can’t be influenced by women to attain their true potential.
© 2023 Credits to my blog @lunadileo ღ
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astroidology · 2 years
Astro notes + synastry
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Often times people talk about how aquarius are always ghosting and how awful that feels but have u ever been ghosted by a leo ?? Like aquarius do it bc they need their alone time every now and then, but leo ... leo be doing it on purpose like they want to make sure you noticed that they're no longer interested . And its incredibly weird that such a small thing can turn them off instantly that makes them never want to talk to u again without giving any explanation. This applies to sun/venus/mars signs.
People with their venus square pluto natal usually attract that same scorpio energy to them and it's very common to have people obsessed w them. In synastry it kinda plays the same role but with more intensity from the pluto person.
Capricorns always have this type of dad energy to them and are always the ones that lowkey want to have alot of children.
Virgo risings usually have thin eyebrows and are the ones that look the same in every fuckin picture, you can tell they dont like pictures lol but their energy is likeable, not bitchy at all (they can be but first impression is always nice) not flirty, just nice and even nerdy at times, definitely known as a 'know it all' lol their willingness to serve is always present and they tend to stay out of problems. When you see them, you kinda wonder what exactly are they thinking of because they either look worried or sad. Its like they want to take care of e v e r y t h i n g. From a very young age they wanted to be independant and try to figure things out without asking for help (with the scorpio in the 3rd house you know they tend to be secretive too) most likely their parents were not as involved bc they knew that virgo rising would be just fine no matter what.
Scorpio risings are usually very into acting and performing because of their Leo MC .
Mercury in virgo type of humour is basically being mean and sarcastic, calling people names and just being annoying af sometimes and im not complaining, im here for it:p but def not for everyone.
Your mother's 1st, 5th, 7th or 8th house is usually either your sign or your siblings sign (sun, moon, mercury, venus or mars) OR it's in those houses for overlays.
Check your 11th house to see what type of friend you are :p
Whenever someone's personal planets (sun/moon/mercury/venus/mars) fall in your 3rd house, they tend to feel comfortable talking to you about anything or would consider you 'easy to talk to'.
9th house synastry. Its brings excitment to the relationship. You get to learn so much from one another and your surroundings. This person (or you) can be from a different country or just from a different background in general. Or maybe you two met in a short trip or just somewhere out of your comfort zone. This someone that shows you a different point of view for sure, for better usually. Definitely a relationship that opens your eyes to what life is really about. There's a lot of life lessons involve, becoming independant is a main one for sure. So appreciate the time you get to spend together while you can. And i feel like a lot of people dont talk too much about this in synastry because it's not obssessive or karmic but it sure is e x c i t i n g.
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holywizardheart · 2 years
Aries,Scorpio,Leo,Saggitarius,Capricorn mars🔥
Mars in the 1st,8th,5th,9th,10th house🔥
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ezukll · 2 months
I have Leo Mars Conjunction Mercury in 9th house can you explain it for me?
Leo Mars (strength, energy, and ambition) conjunct Mercury (communication, intellect, and intelligence) in the 9th house (philosophy, wisdom, and expansion) can create a very active and intelligent approach to communication. While the 9th house is associated with higher learning, education, and travel, the Leo Mars-Mercury combination can add strong creativity and enthusiasm to your communication style. You may be highly persuasive and assertive in your verbal skills, with an ability to motivate and inspire others. You may have a natural interest in exploring new ways of thinking and communicating, expanding your knowledge and worldview.
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yet-another-leo · 2 years
Hello, can you give me a description about my Aphrodite placement, I love your posts about her ☺️
It's in Sagittarius in the 9h, conjunct the 9h, square mars and trine the ascendant.
Thank you 💓💓
𝙎𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙪𝙨 𝘼𝙥𝙝𝙧𝙤𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙞𝙣 9𝙃 (𝙏𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝘼𝙨𝙘, 𝙎𝙦𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙨)
💛 masculine beauty 💛 quite independent energy 💛 blessed with intelligence and spiritual knowledge 💛 relaxed vibe when you're first meeting them 💛 might like wearing clothes that show off their hips or thighs 💛 might like wearing clothes that seem foreign or from another culture (not in a mocking way of course) 💛 strong sex appeal (square mars) 💛 confident flirt 💛 very passionate and determined 💛 ambitious and very focused on their goals 💛 could hurt themselves while doing something beauty related (taken from @venusfun) 💛 very competitive; being desperate to win 💛 could be selfish and vengeful 💛 could be blinded by rage and spite 💛 if you are attracted to women, you might like women who are optimistic, intelligent, funny, dominant and impulsive. You might also be attracted to foreigners.
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“ All the words that could’ve explained it are in the fireplace now” 
Sagittarius Sun in 12th House, Leo Moon in 8th House, Sagittarius Rising, Sagittarius Mercury in 1st, Libra Venus in 10th, Scorpio Mars in 12th, Virgo Jupiter in 9th, Leo Chiron in 8th House (Retrograde) 
Requested by @e11e27
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silversnake888 · 2 years
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Hello, how are you, I hope you are very well, I’ve never read in deep into my birthchart, But would love to know if anything in particular stands out about my chart (positive or negative) Or why I do the things I do or think? I want to understand myself more and be better. Thank you dear! <33
Hello, thank you for the submission. I saw you sent it in an ask too, but I'm unsure where it went in my askbox?
You have your Leo Sun in the 9th house. Do you enjoy big gatherings and/or celebrations?
You have a Taurus Mars in the 6th house. Are you interested in the cottage-core aesthetic or anything similar to it?
You have a Capricorn Moon in the 2nd house. Are you frugal with money? Mainly, I wonder if you're frugal because you always try to save money for a rainy day just in case.
Feel free to reblog/reply or send in an ask saying if you agree/disagree with my observations.
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astro-tag-9 · 18 days
hello! 🌟🌟🌟
What female fictional character would I be?
Cancer sun in the 8th house
Taurus moon in the 6th house
Sagittarius rising
Leo Venus in the 9th house
Cancer mercury in the 8th house
Virgo mars in the 10th house
Please and thank you! 💫💫💫
🤍Sarah Sanderson🤍
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