#Minus is the captain of a ship of people from both sides
ourformers · 6 months
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Probably won't finish this so here it is
The captain and the medic
Minus Maximinus and Stargate
If you have any questions about them send an ask! (this is a threat)
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A Whovian Watches Star Trek for the First Time: Part 116 - Tilly in the Network
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 2 Episode 5 - Saints of Imperfection
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This episode picks up exactly where engineering left off, with May pulling Sylvia Tilly into the Spore Network, and Michael is kinda doing this thing of burying herself into her work to distract from her sadness about the situation. It's very Vulcan of her, and I can't wait to see how it tears her up.
Meanwhile, Discovery has come across Spock's shuttle, however Spock isn't responding, and Discovery are left with no choice but to open fire before the shuttle can enter a nebula through which Discovery can't follow. They successfully immobilise the SHuttle, and bring it aboard, but to everyone's surprise, Spock isn't on Board: Georgiou is.
Now, last season I didn't like a lot of what they did with Georgiou after leaving her universe, they were a few interesting moments towards the end, but I didn't like that she her comeuppance so bringing her into the main universe in the end kinda felt unjustified. I'm still holding out for some villainous downfall this season, and here specifically, putting her right next to Pike who has built up as very much archetype of the paragon Starfleet Captain, when she is very much the prime example of what I imagine most Terran Captains are like (Granted, my sample size is very limited for them), should be a really interesting point of contrast.
Also the music that plays when she enters, is just perfect. I don't feel like I highlight soundtracks enough on these, but I love Evil Georgiou's theme.
Georgiou is still pretending to be our Universe's Georgiou, but Pike apparently has history with her. Georgiou's current mission for Section 31 is to hunt down Spock. Unfortunately Section 31 ties Pike's hands, and Georgiou is allowed to go free.
Last time Section 31 showed up, a few episodes ago, a couple of you pointed out to me they're they shadowy Group Enterprise too, I don't they were given a name back there, but if this is the same group, they seem be at least slightly more publicly known by know, both Michael and Pike recognise the Section 31 Badge that Georgiou has, whereas in Enterprise they seemed to exist entirely outside of Starfleet's knowledge minus a few people. I kinda wanna know what caused that shift.
The Engineering team manage to confirm that Tilly isn't and indeed is in the Spore Network. Sylvia is rightfully pissed at May for bringing her here, however she is willing to listen to her out. Unfortunately she wants her to kill some sort of creature that entered the Spore Network when Discovery started making it's jumps, and is currently destroying the world of the Network.
Meanwhile on Discovery, as Georgiou leaves, Section 31 drops off an official Liaison, in the form of Ash Tyler. Pike confronts Michael about how different Georgiou is acting from how he remembers her, and that conversation gets put off, Michael and Ash have a small catch up, but nothing really happens immediately and Ash leaves to report to the Bridge.
Paul's plan to rescue Tilly is to jump Discovery into the network, essentially use the ship as a gateway between the real world world and mushroom world. There are a few risks involved, it's been previously established that the mycelium in the network eat normal matter, so the crew would only have an hour to find and extract Sylvia, and there is a risk crew members could just end up like the crew of the Glen if they're in the wrong place when the jump happens.
Pike approves of the Plan, and he gives a really good No Man Left Behind speech, and everyone gets ready to go, and the side of the ship sinks into the network, and Paul and Michael get to searching. Sylvia and May board the Discovery too, although she takes a path to the Armoury to deal with the creature, although they quickly meet up, and Tilly explains the situation
I love that the Monster remains completely unseen until just now, when we find out he is Hugh Culbur, somehow corrupted by the something. Which obviously leaves Paul in a state of conflict. He thought he lost his partner, and he's been grieving really hard since midway through last season, and now he has a chance to save him, but May is still desperate to get Sylvia and by extension the others to kill him. Honestly I was expecting the monster somehow be related to the Tartigrade, so the idea that he's Hugh was a shock, and a twist that I love, even if it's undoing the most impactful death of Season 1.
Meanwhile on the bridge, things are going bad, the Mycelium are still eating away at the Hull, and the Bridge is Starting to fall into the Network, meaning the bridge crew have less space to work. Tyler however calls in some assistance from Section 31, with hidden communicator. A section 31 ship, apparently capable of disguising itself as an asteroid appears out of nowhere, and starts physically towing Discovery out of the Network's space
This little sequence with Section 31 is beautiful, it really showcases how much further ahead they are than everyone else tech-wise.
Meanwhile, Paul trying to convince Hugh that he's real is heartbreaking, he pulls through, and Tilly convinces May to stand down. They rush back to the cube and... Heartbreakingly Hugh is unable to crossover. This scene breaks my heart. Paul had so so much hope, and it just got ripped away from him, and AAAA! I am crying. Fortunately, Sylvia manages to think of a plan to use the Cocoon that dragged her in to create a new body for Hugh on the other side. With that, Paul completes the jump out of the Network, and everything is calm. The team spend time watching the cocoon, waiting, until May fufills her side of the promise, and Hugh is saved.
After this Mission, Pike and the Section 31 leader, Leland have a conversation with the Admiral. Who, one forces them to put their differences aside and work together, and two gives us new information about the Signals. The sites with the Signals have something called Tachyon Radiation, which I'm assuming is the Star Trek equivalent of Artron energy because Leland immediately connects it's presence to Time Travel, although Pike also says could indicate a number of other things, namely Cloaking Devices and Transporters. A Mystery to think about, I can think multiple ways all three of these could be involved with whatever the Red Angels are, Spock is still the best lead.
This episode was a fun conclusion to the May and Tilly Arc, I had fun with it, the rescue mission itself was great, and seeing Section 31 in Action. I still have enough to go on to narrow down my theory on the Red Angels are, and the end of this one kinda widened up the possibilities to it could be anything now. This episode was fun!
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confusedspaceotter · 1 year
Daily avatrice analysis (day 3)
day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7 day8 day9
Seriously didn’t think i’ll have to split season 1 ep3 into 2 parts lol
anyway i’ll try to keep it brief today since the hug™ and the hallway scenes are huge milestones of their relationship thus is been talked a lot
Ep 3 part 2,
First, I would like to thank father Vincent for being an ally to the avatrice ship we didn’t know we had 
homeboy sees avatrice interact for once in the canteen then decided to bring Beatrice to comfort Ava lol
Now you could argue and say that father Vincent asked Bea to befriend Ava but I think I would rather believe that Bea did this on her own because of her boarding school times(if you don’t know what I’m talking about check the day 2 post)
as much as I hate this man for lying to Ava I had to give this to him
he saw the vision when no one had 
(Sorry Camila baby but you are still the captain of the avatrice ship tho
Now back to the scene itself
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Avatrice really is endgame from the start huh
Just look at her 
the moment she set foot in the room, her attention was dragged away by Ava
All hail protective Beatrice 
You can tell she wanted to comfort Ava so much yet she doesn’t really know what to do
People might think that Bea is not good at dealing with feelings and that’s why she hide it 
I propose that she is in fact too good at emotions 
well more about the dark, bad side of having it ,and more importantly how to hide it
Given her past experiences I think is safe to assume she knows too well about the consequences of having feelings and I quote: 
“When what you love, what should make you happy, only brings you pain.” -Beatrice(S1 Ep 8)
Yeah she knows what pain is
And yet 
She can’t help but look at Ava, trying to find a way to provide comfort to her
Girl was whipped from the beginning man they were just meant to be 
Now onto the hug it self
Sikeee there's something else here I wanna talk about
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The moment mother superion left 
She went straight to Ava
Girl couldn’t bother to wait for mother superion to left the room really shows how much she cared about Ava even tho she might not know her well
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Now you can see the obvious hesitation she had
I’m assuming that reaction is combination of repressing your emotions for a long time and the result of keeping people out due to self-loathing
which makes this scene a thousand times more meaningful
Bea, the one who actively reject/avoid physical contact Initiate physical contact Im unwell
The fact that Ava is important enough to Bea that she threw her internal cage out of the window 
I feel like in her brain is probably like:
brain sees pretty girl upset must comfort
And you know what the best thing is?
the fact that physical touch is both of their love language 
as we can see in S2
They literally can’t keep their hands off each other 
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Now, many people have talked about how Bea feel or might be thinking during the hug
So I will talk about Ava instead
She is seeking comfort in the one person who is nice to her since she got here (minus Vincent he got ulterior motive
Ava your Kid is showing 
I think we can see just how innocent and precious Ava is
reminds me of a meme I saw:
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as a person who also had a childlike personality i would too dive head first to the one who is nice to me (especially when they are pretty girls like beatrice 
Now onto the hallway scene
two things i wanted to point out 
one, Bea using humor to try to comfort ava:
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babygirl is learning how to comfort Ava we love to see it 
and two
how observant ava is 
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“there's more to it then you are telling”
Ava took one look at Beatrice and said I know what you are lmao
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“there is always more”
foreshadowing to ep 8 and could possibly be about Bea’s feelings towards Ava
i swear i didn't expect to write this many words 
please lemme know if is too long i’ll try to keep it brief by not analyzing too deep with the more popular scenes(e.g. the kiss in s2 and so on)
Here’s a gif of Avatrice for making it this far <3
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stay tuned :)
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lordoftherazzles · 1 year
heyy girl. i'm poppin ur ur asks to see if there's more info on the pirate wip!!! (also so excited to read the newest chapter of dragonhearted tonight!)
Yessss, the good ol' pirate au!! I actually do have some important information on this one, and I'll also toss in a snip from the next chapter!! (Also I am very glad you're excited!!! I'm happy I could finally post something for it lolol)
Check out "As The Tide Turns" here, but keep in mind the info below.
⚠️ This fic is undergoing some MINOR edits - I've decided to keep the original races (minus some fun developments for later), so I am working on making those little tweaks in the prior two chapters and will post when the tweaks are done in case people want a refresher/reread. It does not impact the story whatsoever, just my little brain has to edit it to tie in a bit better. Once that is done, look for the next chapter (which I am finishing editing!!).
Now....a snippet from chapter three!!
The excited sounds from the young dwarves were enough to plop a small smile upon Bilbo’s lips as he adjusted his coat, but his eyes kept drifting to Thorin. Thorin who was rolling barrels off the ship with Dwalin, as others were dumping the gross fishy substances within them back into the water. Though something about the way Thorin moved looked uncomfortable, like the muscles in his back were so tightly wound for whatever reason. It brought Bilbo a little pause as he leaned against the side of the ship and looked at a few unsavory looking characters seated on crates. One was sharpening a dagger, the other was peeling a questionable looking apple, but their mouths continued to move as their eyes were locked onto The Ravenheart’s Captain.
“Mercenaries, and wearing the brand of The Defiler, too,” Fili scoffed lowly, standing at Bilbo’s side and leaning against the ship as well. “Their captain may not be present, but I don’t trust them.”
“Just as many don’t trust us,” Kili tacked on, slouching at Bilbo’s other side. “Tis the way of things, but Thorin seems to be holding his own just fine against these trolls.”
Watching Thorin continue about his business without uttering a single word, Bilbo’s head gave a sharp tilt. “He’s not saying anything though…?”
“Exactly,” both dwarves answered and nodded in unison.
Wiggling his toes a bit in anxious anticipation, Bilbo watched how Thorin’s lips turned downward in a wince, and that spurred something unpleasant in him. He knew that look. It was one that came with great control of one’s emotions, but the dwarf captain had to be tearing at the seams by now. “Let’s head to the market then, there’s no time to waste.” It was mostly an excuse to get closer, and Bilbo was treating this as a way to prove his worth, but it was also a means to see what was bothering Thorin so much. It wasn’t that he felt the captain needed protecting, but a verbal spar? That right there was Bilbo’s specialty.
He didn’t grow up dealing with Lobelia on a daily basis to walk away without some form of a sharp witted tongue.
ask me about my wips!
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aerialsquid · 8 months
FFXIVWrite Day 6: Ring
And yes it's the same set as the last 5 days minus the Ran'jit one. I do what I want.
If anything, Charlemend seemed a bit miffed that the glory of death in bloody combat had been denied to him after all that build-up.He sat with his back against the mast, sulking, refusing to let Edmont tend to any of his cuts. Edmont wanted to both comfort and smack him for it. 
Anyone of a mindset to try climbing the rigging to come get them took one look at the Sahagin casually dangling his legs over the crosstree and immediately scuttled back down again, almost apologetic about it. It was strange to be so close to the battle and yet so utterly safe.
The frantic ringing of a ship's bell barely carried over the fray. It was followed by the captain's rough, desperate voice screaming, "Yield! Yield!"
Reluctantly the pirates turned to listen, scowling and backing away into a wary knot at the front end of the ship.
Peering over the side, Edmont could see the tattooed man with a blade to the captain's throat. His back was to Edmont but his mask had been torn away during the fight. He leaned in to say something to the captain, who nearly spat in his face before calling out, "We're surrenderin', aye! Vessel and cargo both yours, y'blueblood scalliwag, and I hope you shove it–"
The exact location was blotted out by a roar of victory from the half-naked assailants, a chaotic cheer that soon turned to an uneven chant of "Hold 'em fast, drag 'em under!". Keeping with the kraken theme, Edmont supposed. 
Novv stood and stretched, the fin on his back leisurely rising. One arm was given to each lord and he took them both down to the deck with a single leap, landing as light as a feather before allowing them their feet. 
Gerald trickled by them, rotating out his books to replace his carbuncle with a pale yellow fairy. 
"Thought you'd be stayin' out of the fight, Novv," he said, still just as jovial as before, though his shirt was stained in blood. "Not that we ain't grateful for your presence!" The summon flitted around him to inspect the other Krakens, a healing glow following in its wake.
"Pssh? Fight? Was this a fight?" Novv tilted his head in overexaggerated confusion, scratching one of his crests. "So new am I to your strange finless ways, I thought this was some form of festival and came to visit my good friends Duraindaire and Fortempts. I would not dare raise my weapon at such a delicate time with your people, especially to intervene in some petty conflict between shorewalkers that has nothing to do with Novv and his sons." He proudly held up both claws, empty. "And as you can see, I carry no blade and I have spilled no blood."
"Rightly so, Master Novv, rightly so!" Gerald chirped. "And come to think of it, I've been at festivals that ended more bloody than this."
"Gerald, would you bloody tell me what's going on?" Charlemend cut in. "I've had enough of bloody pirate dealings and you're the closest thing to civilized I've laid eyes on today."
"Of course, of course, your lordship!" Gerald offered a bow that only seemed slightly ironic, as Novv moved off into the crowd. Edmont strained to keep sight of him, but it was hard with this many broad-backed Roegedayn milling about. "Y'see, back in the old days before Admiral Merlwyb and the Galadion Accords brought us disassociated rabble to heel, it weren't uncommon to pluck up your rival's business partners and hold them to some sort of ransom to gain an edge on 'em. We've all moved on from such practices and it's practically unheard of these days, but the Shark's Teeth here are a bit hung up on tradition."
"Which is why we made sure to hit 'em enough that no one else'll try this kind of shite for another century or two," Blutwyn said as she passed by, gore-streaked oar over her shoulder. 
"You're telling me two of Ishgard's high house lords were drugged, bound, abused, and threatened with mutilation over a matter of business?" The irate purple in Charlemend's skin was showing under the edges of his sunburn. "This is an international incident! An insult tantamount to a declaration of war!"
Gerald smiled with the sort of sweetness that made you want to deck him. "Didn't say we pirates were smart, your lordship. But the Kraken's Arms is happy to reimburse you for your lost time, don't you worry, and we'll do so out of the coffers of the men what caused you the trouble. You can even take a few licks with the cat at the captain if it pleases you to do so. "
"Reimburse--" Charlemend's voice stopped in his throat. His lips moved silently, his head shaking side to side ever so slightly, as if what he saw defied all reason. Edmont's eyes followed his, to where the crowd had parted just right to allow a clear line of sight across the length of the ship. 
To where the man with the kraken tattoo was taking Novv and the Sharks' leader into the captain's quarters, ax hanging loose in his hand, and his scowling face finally bared to the sun. Another of his crew was settling a red coat across his bare shoulders.
Jumbles of words seemed to struggle for priority in Charlemend's throat. A haggard breath escaped him, then a muttered "It can't…how… but he…", and then a growing cry of "Wait. Wait! Come back!" 
"Put him down," Blutwyn hissed. Gerald's fingers skittered frantically over the pages of his tome, tracing the lines of arcane geometry.
"Car–!" The Repose spell struck Charlemend mid-shout, deadening his muscles. He struggled for breath, struggled to move his foot just one more step, hand reaching out before him in desperation as his treacherous body slowly dragged him down. Edmont caught him around the shoulders as he fell with a helpless sob, his bad leg screaming as he lowered his friend gently to the deck. 
If anyone else noticed the commotion, they'd turned their faces away and deliberately ignored it.
"I'll be good," Edmont said, raising one surrendering hand in the face of Gerald's glaring fairy. Edmont swallowed down the rage that came up in his throat at yet another pirate playing havoc with Charlemend. "And you don't need two dead weights to carry around. The stress must have just…gotten to him."
"Supposing you're right, your lordship. I'm sure a brief rest'll do him a world of good regardless, and in the meantime we'll see about getting you back to Costa del Sol before the dancing girls go on." The sweet smile was back on Gerald's face just as it was before. Edmont stayed kneeling on the deck, Charlemend's limp body in his arms, and closed his eyes against the piercing sunlight above.
All the pieces were here. It was child's play to put them together. The question was what to do about them.
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niles-rainbow-room · 2 years
I Have Been Drawing Nothing but Star Wars for Weeks!
I am slowly drowning in all the Star Wars OCs I’ve been making. I’ve also been binging a lot of the content for SW, so that’s also another reason as to why I haven’t been posting.
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This is Cipher (left) and Entonn Vrook! (right)
Cipher is a Coruscant Police droid turned bounty hunter. He was going to be scrapped once the droid model was phased out, but he escaped and started bounty hunting.
Entonn was one of his bounties, but he manages to convince him to tell his client that they’re dead and take them with him.
They end up in a sort of Mando and Grogu situation, both metaphorically and literally because whoops Entonn discovers that he’s force sensitive and goes to Luke’s new school for a while, leaving Cipher on his own.
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This is Okss Gryhk (left) and Aghyon! (right)
So, if you know the details of Star Wars, you know that Trandoshans and Wookiees do NOT get along in the slightest. Well, these two are forced to. They were after a Night Sister bounty and she put a curse on the both of them as she was dying that if they were more than a star system apart, they’d both die.
However. This sister was bluffing, she doesn’t have the strength to actually do that, Talzin is probably the only one who could physically do that. So they’re forced to stay together even though they’re really not.
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This is The Men of Limbo! A group of smugglers! I’m not going to go into too much detail but, here’s the lineup left to right.
Starsi Tycho: Technician, ex-Pyke Syndicate member, Criminal Underworld Informant.
Ravu Mothh: Co-Pilot, Strategist, used to work for Cile Kin personally.
Cal “Breaker” Blunne: Captain, Pilot
Prug Trula: Gunner
Tilu Vurle: Refugee, Translator, Negotiator
Scraps (not pictured here): The crew’s pet mouse droid.
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(This is what they looked like in the past, minus Ravu Mothh)
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These are the heads of a smuggler’s guild called The Brass Exar! Once again, just naming them left to right.
Obbee: Financial Manager, Cile Kin’s right hand man
Cile Kin: Ex-Clone Scientist who was left for dead after she learned about the inhibitor chip’s true purpose and spoke up about it, guild leader
Gin Lazul: Informant, Ship Caretaker
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This is Darth Malice (Randun Hessbri) and Caroline Mallou!
These two are supposed to be a sort of enemies to lovers sort of thing.
So, Caroline was a dancer who got smitten on this self appointed Sith Lord, and she dropped everything to follow around. She bugs him so much after she stars following him that Malice doesn’t notice the shady people surrounding them.
He’s struggling to fight back, but it’s at that moment when Caroline reveals that underneath the bubbly personality she has, she’s absolutely unhinged and destroys them all. Turns out she has this weird connection to the dark side of the force that doesn’t make her a horrible person. Malice is interested and decides to take her on as his apprentice.
Now, this causes several bad things to happen. If you recall the Rule of Two, that states that only two Sith Lords can be active at one time, a Master and an Apprentice. This is still during the empire era, so Palpatine and Vader fill those roles already.
Before, when it was just Malice self appointing himself, Palpatine never considered him a threat, but as soon as he took an apprentice, he immediately sends Vader and several sections of the Empire after them. Also, Caroline is wanted for murder from that fight earlier.
It ends up being this whole thing of them being on the run, Caroline slowly tearing down Malice’s walls, and also adventures. What ends up happening is the Empire’s forces are slowly being drawn away, and less people are after them, and soon even Vader is drawn away because some certain Death Star plans have been stolen… 👀 we all know what happens during that time frame.
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This is Da1Z-E (left) and Eros Leboe! (right)
Nothing special about these two right now, but Eros is force sensitive and she is going to grow up to be the first of what I like to call a
Reaper of the Heart!
Let me explain their whole deal.
Reapers of the Heart are force sensitive individuals who could technically be labeled as Jedi, but are inherently violating their code, as they have attachments and powerful emotions, but they use this in a very different way than Sith.
They love to their fullest, they experience joy and sorrow with all their might. They fight for the ones they love and are physically compassionate, rather than just watching from afar and not getting involved. They are peace keepers, but also warriors when justice needs to be delivered.
And somehow, some way, through their own training, they are able to wield a very bright side of the force. They can have lightsabers, but most of them are scythe shaped, or curved like something similar.
Basically they’re Jedi, but they have therapy.
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Anyways, here’s what she looks like when she’s grown, and you may recognize the Togruta next to her! That’s the fully grown Tukraa Meziir, the adopted kid of the storm trooper I mentioned about 2 posts ago! They end up getting married to Eros Leboe.
But yeah! That’s all for now! Thank you for coming to my TED Talk!
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catboyklug · 2 years
oc x oc / oc x canon ships i have + my thoughts on most of em yay
i was enabled by gav . blame him
color coded - oc x oc is orange, oc x canon is urple.
if ur wondering who any of these guys r feel free 2 ask and/or just check out my artfight 'cause they're all on there
humaliens / hk:
masa x frey - the first!!!! love them sm. short punk femme x tall goth butch ftw. also theyre both super smart which makes them go well together imo
masa x frey x dusty - i made them a moodboard specifically bc their vibes go together well and it made me consider... consider what idk but
masa x hornet - now there's a thought
qeum'e x zismith - very very cute. originally wasnt even a thought, i was gonna make zismith go w/ some girl based off of a side character from tall girl ig?? but q x z won in the end and im glad it did.
berro x wist - not much 2 say. berro holds all the gender so wist doesn't need to
berro x wist x april - literally never happenin (april's aroace and wist's only attracted 2 nb people) but very very funny to thnk abt yk. two ridiculously romantic guys and the guy who is just sorta there
nothing for labfixation bc there are only like 1 possible ships
puyo puyo:
kikki x doppel - i thought abt this as a way to force kikki to interact w/ nate if sexism is no good ever is played in again but then i was like WAIT I CAN DO SOMETHING WITH THIS. have been thinkng abt it since....
ajax x kikki - never happening but it's interesting 2 think abt. they both hate ace and r gay it could work
he/they polycule - couldnt go long enough w/o mentioning this. they r everything 2 me. i want them to kiss so fucking badly ok
remy x maguro - THE OG. the perfectest. they're so so so<3<3<3 mentally ill but they're there for each other & test out cool and new pronouns w/ each other
remy x klug - klug had a hate-crush on remy and nate and a legit crush on maguro which contributed to his hate-crush on remy earlier in the rp. they're also sort of terribly perfect for each other in the worst ways possible AND their brothers are dating. AND they have "i got possessed and it really was awful" solidarity. AND they have colors. AND-
aloe x ruby - very very cute. they love each other at a respectful distance bc that's what they both need & when they do need affection they know they can always ask. also rlly funny if you consider it for more than a few seconds
doppel x aloe - kurro kept bringing this up as a joke and it's sorta funny. aloe has minus 10 attraction towards doppel (in an affectionate way) but doppel has a massive crush on anyone who's taller than him so
8.1 x captain 3 - they shoul hold hands and homoerotically spar more often
8.TT x the concept of denial - OTP UWU
8.2 x captain 3 - they have 2 kiss immediately i think
there are more so this will prolly be updated a couple times in the future i just am being forced off my laptop and yeah
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wenellyb · 3 years
Is Sambucky Canon or Not?
TL;DR: Yes, it is
I've seen some people saying that they only see friendship between Sam and Bucky, and I can understand that. Because depending on your education, the environment you grew up and the kind of media you’re usually exposed to, you will have a different interpretation of different situations, in real life or in TV. Just let me insert a short story before I dive into the Sambucky topic:
My best friend's uncle is in his fifties and has been living with his roommate (a man) for more than 10 years. They lived together, went on holidays together but officially were just roommates. My best friend wondered if they were a couple, but never talked about it to her parents because it wasn't her business. Two years ago, they decided to come out and get married. My best friend's parents and his parents were genuinely surprised, they were not expecting that, at all, not even a little bit. Let me tell you that it didn’t even cross their mind that it was a possibility, at all. For them, it had always just been two men who had decided to live together because they were single. And preferred to have a roommate rather than living alone.
What I want to say with this story is that people will see what they want to see, or what they're used to see, or what they were raised to see. It’s human.
What I mean is that you will have different perception of a same event, depending on your own circumstances. And I think the writers of TFATWS were counting on that a little bit when it came to Sam and Bucky’s relationship. They obviously didn't want to make some big announcement or big love declaration.
And yes, of course, I have my own circumstances as well, influencing the way I see things. I have shipped SamBucky since Civil War, when they were supposedly enemies. I never expected anything to happen between them on screen. But then they got a show together and I was so so happy about it but I didn't expect anything other than friendship between them.
I was perfectly fine with that because a show was already more than enough: my man Sam Wilson was becoming Captain America, the show was great, the characters were great, their interactions were great, and this wasn't a love story anyway but a superhero show. I thought that here was no way the showrunners would ever go there. I changed my mind after episode 5. I tried to stay objective, but it was clear to me that the writers were hinting at a relationship that went beyond friendship between Sam and Bucky. In some of my previous posts, I explained that there are some scenes and writing choices that make absolutely no sense if you read them as a scene between two friends. I can link them if anyone’s interested.
Side note: I would like to know if one person on this website can tell me what was up with Bucky's behavior with Torres (in episode 5)? What other explanation is there, if not jealousy? It's a scene they chose to keep, so it was probably written this way, there must be a reason. Please I’m begging someone explain it to me. I'm genuinely asking, because otherwise that scene alone is canon Sambucky.
After episode 5, I was convinced they would make Sambucky canon, one way or the other and I started speculating about the ways they could do it. What I said was that if they did make Sambucky canon, they would do it in a very subtle way, in order not to make it too obvious because that’s generally how Marvel movies deal with love stories. And also because they wouldn’t want to scare away their homophobic audience ( I guess Disney needs their money...who knows)
So here are the scenes of how I imagined SamBucky becoming canon and the comparison with reality:
- What I thought we could get : AJ and Cass calling Bucky "Uncle Bucky" - What we got: AJ and Cass running up to Bucky and playing with him. This point is interesting because it’s also related to the point I made about how the environment you grew up in influences your perception of things. I grew up in a big family and I know that, at least in my family, kids don't run up to an adult like that just because it's their uncle’s friend or just because he's nice... There's a real bond there. They haven't seen Bucky just that one time when he slept on the couch. They're obviously close. But some people might just see this as kids being kids. Also, if you watch at how the kids were fake punching him, they were really coordinated with Bucky. They have done this plenty of times. 2.
What I thought we could see: A non-explicit scene where we were supposed to draw our own conclusions. I thought they could show us Bucky staying over for the night, and the last scene would be an empty couch, meaning we would have to understand that Bucky slept in Sam's room this time.
-What we got: Bucky arriving in Sam's car ( A few people on Tumblr pointed out that it was the car Sam was driving in episode 1) So here again we have a scene that a lot of people will not notice. But they still chose to put it there. 3.
What I thought could happen: Sam asking Bucky to stay in Delacroix
What we got: Bucky wrapping things up in New York, as if he was leaving the city for good and coming to Sam's party as if he already knew everyone there. You can read my take on this here. 4. What I thought could happen: The scene in the trailer where we see them looking in the same direction and then we get a shot from very far away where they're holding hands but it’s not so obvious because they are being filmed from a disctance. -What we got: The scene in trailer and then a blurry shot of Sam holding Bucky and then fondling with his neck to find the best spot to rest his hand on. So none of the scenes I was imagining happened exactly like I had imagined, but it felt like all of them happened but in a different versions, which is still crazy to me. If it had been only one scene. I could probably understand the people who see them as just friends. Actually, I still do understand the people who see them as just friends, because everyone has their own interpretation. What I am saying is that they are NOT being portrayed as just friends. There are TOO many scenes in the 6 episodes for it to be a coincidence. One or 2 would be ok but friendship doesn’t explain everything:
The therapy scene (not the therapy scene itself since it was improvised) but the therapist saying she had heard a lot about Sam and wanting them to do a couples’ therapy
Bucky following Sam no matter what
Sam saying ok as soon as Bucky says "do it for me"
Sam asking "what about Bucky?"
Bucky starting to touch Sam whenever he has the chance
Bucky being the one to bringing the suit for Sam
The boat repairing montage
Bucky wanting to stay at Sam's place, when a hotel room would have been more comfortable than a couch
The second day of boat repair in closed quarters with an intense staring scene.
And there are so many other scenes, soft touches, looks,...
These writing choices are not a coincidence, it’s not involuntary, and it’s not fan service ( Fan service is the roll in the flower field scene, or the therapy session). This is them telling a story.
Let’s not even talk about the scenes in Endgame:
Sam comforting bucky at Tony’s funeral
Sam looking up to Bucky for approval before accepting the shield from Steve.
So yes, Sam and Bucky are canon in the sense that Peter and Gamora were canon in the first movie, or Wanda and Vision were canon in Captain Civil War. Meaning that there was no big moment, kiss or anything, but the show is consistently throwing elements clearly showing Sam and Bucky as a romantic item and hinting at a lot more than friendship between them.
It is normal that some people have a different opinion. Because it is extremely rare, in big productions like this to have two male leads with romantic feelings towards each other, so not a lot people who see it will interpret it as such (I don't think it ever happened). You’ll see what you’re used to seeing.
I guess it also depends on what you expect from a love story. For me, the storyline between the characters, their scenes, their chemistry, the way their feelings towards each other are described, are the most important. The kiss scene is just there as a bonus, but I don't need it when the love story is told perfectly. If you’re used to seeing love stories with many kissing scenes, that’s what you will be expecting to see in most love stories.
If you're only used to seeing male friendships in superhero or action movies. The 1000th time you see men interacting in that type of movie or show, you are more likely to assume it is a friendship and nothing more, no matter how many codes and tropes usually associated with romantic movies, the writers and show makers are using.
Add to that the conviction that Disney would never approve Sambucky in a million years, and there you go, I can understand the people who see only friendship.
But, just think about it, if we had the same show, same scenes, same dialogues, but minus the action scenes and the project was being marketed as an Indie movie, would you think they were just friends or a blossoming couple?
If you read Sambucky’s relationship like a friendship: some scenes don't make sense. If you read it like a developing romantic relationship: it all makes sense. "When you hear hoofs, think horse, not zebra" If a writer or a film director chooses a last scene with a romantic setting and the two leads are staring at a sunset, smiling repeatedly at each other and then walking away together with one of them touching the other's neck, with a love song in the background, maybe friendship isn't the first thought they had in mind.
Some people may say “I see them as just friends” and other people may say “ I see them as lovers” and both are fine, because people have different perceptions, and that’s ok.
What I am saying is this post is that the show and the writers are portraying them as more than just friends, they’re portraying them as two characters who are romantically involved.
Perceive what you want but that’s how they are being presented in the show.
Bucky’s therapist said that the exercise she gave them was for couples who want to figure out what kind of life they want to build together. Then, the show ends with Sam and Bucky, staring at a sunset together, looking in the same direction.
“Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. “  - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
What else do you need???
This show had more romance than half of the Marvel projects out there. Not every love story needs a kiss (for now...)
We'll see in their next projects which direction the writers want to go with this. But since it was said that the writer on the movie is the same as the writer from episode 5, there's no doubt in my mind that we'll keep seeing this dynamic. I don't think they would have made the same choices if this had been a movie. But I won't complain that we got this. I hope they keep this going even if it stays subtle like in the show. Just hope they will add one explicit scene where one of the characters acknowledges their relationship. But even if we only ever get this show, it’s already a great love story. Let me know what you guys think and sorry for the typos and grammar mistakes, I was tired when I wrote the last part. I hope it still makes sense!
If you think they're only being portrayed as friends let me know why! I would also like to know about the way you see this!
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hongism · 4 years
mists of celeste ➻ 28
➻ pairing: ??? x fem reader ➻ genre: space au, pirate au, space pirate!ateez, angst, smut ➻ Word Count: 5.7k ➻ Rating: M ➻ Warnings: language, violence, guns and weaponry, blood, future warnings tba ➻ summary: Sneaking aboard the ship of a renowned space pirate may not have been the best idea, but you’ll have to make do with what fate has handed to you
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✧✧✧ act four ➻ part three
“Mingi had an episode in the mess hall.”
“Captain–” Seonghwa swivels to call Hongjoong forward, but the captain has already stood up and made his way over to the door. He comes to a halt not far behind Seonghwa, eyes trained on San and no one else. There’s only silence for several moments, and you aren’t sure what to make of it until Hongjoong dares to speak.
“Lieutenant, I want the crew here in less than five minutes.”
“All the crew?” Seonghwa inquires. Hongjoong pauses, inhaling a breath so deep that you can see the way his chest puffs a bit.
“Minus Mingi,” he responds after a breath of hesitation. Seonghwa nods and steps around you, no doubt trying to get to the comms station outside. He pauses next to you though, and you shift to look at him at the same time that he glances down at you. His lips part, and words are on his tongue, yet they are words that never reach your ears because Hongjoong speaks again before he has the chance. “Seonghwa.”
The tone is firm enough to cause Seonghwa to move again, and he leaves your side to escape the room. It leaves you with the bitter taste of curiosity on the back of your tongue, wondering what he intended to say and what was on his mind for the past week and why he couldn’t at least visit you once.
“If it’s what you want, let’s do this once more. And if it’s time that you need, I can be as patient as you need me to be. Whatever it is you want this to be… whatever it is you need me to be… I’ll do it for you.”
Unless his definition of patience somehow became avoidance, you cannot figure out where this sudden change came from or why it’s happening. You have better and more important things to worry about for the time being though. Your woes surrounding Seonghwa will have to wait for another time because Hongjoong is clearing his throat again and look between you and San with expectant eyes. He somehow bears even darker circles than Seonghwa did, but even with the exhaustion on his features, he seems as awake and alert as ever.
“I’ll ask for a deeper explanation once the others are here but…” Hongjoong trails off, voice dying before he can finish the thought.
“Everyone is still in one piece, yes,” San finishes. His presumption must be accurate because Hongjoong fully exhales the breath he’s been holding in since before Seonghwa left.
“Anyone hurt?”
“Wooyoung sliced his hand open, but that was unrelated.” Hongjoong opens his mouth again less than a second later, but San beats him to it once more. “Mingi is okay as well, as is everyone else as far as I’m aware. When they left, that was the case.”
A whooshing sound echoes through the room, and Hongjoong stands up a bit straighter as Seonghwa steps back into the office, looking a bit more somber than before. You twist to watch him enter. He isn’t alone this time either; Jongho is the first to enter behind him, followed by Wooyoung and Yeosang, who has his hand wrapped tight around Wooyoung’s, and finally Yunho walks in with his head dipped to his chest. Seeing him in such a state of disarray is disconcerting, to say the least, and painful nonetheless. You can hardly look away from the blossoming bruises over his neck, ones that are splotchy and red right now.
Hongjoong doesn’t wait for everyone to file in and line up before unleashing his barrage of questions, but his impatience doesn’t surprise you in the slightest.
“What happened? What was the trigger? How long did it take to get under control? Did you have to use force to stop him, or was he able to overcome it on his own?”
No one responds right away. You can’t recall a time when the air has ever been so still and quiet. It would be disconcerting if you did not know the reason behind it, but that much is obvious considering what went down in the mess hall less than two hours ago. Then Wooyoung starts speaking, or at least tries to when –
“I triggered him,” Yunho cuts in, lifting his head for the first time and looking Hongjoong directly in the eye. “I brought up – I mentioned Kebos on accident.” Wooyoung’s eyes grow to an impossible width, and he seems to be half a breath from countering Yunho’s false confession, but yet again, the taller man doesn’t give him a chance. “And I panicked a bit too much without realizing how it would affect him. It trigg – I triggered the episode.”
“You know better, Yunho,” Hongjoong replies, tone barely above a whisper. It holds no contempt or anger; frankly, all you can hear is the interlacing confusion in his words, as though he can’t believe that Yunho of all people would make such a mistake. He wouldn’t be wrong to think so in any case, but it’s still something you don’t understand in the slightest. Yunho swallows around nothing, and his tongue darts out to moisten his thin lips before retreating back into his mouth.
“I messed up.” Yunho drops his eyes to the floor. His shoulders begin to sag bit by bit, and you aren’t even sure he’s doing it intentionally with the pace his body moves at. Jongho takes the chances to divert the subject, stepping forward just enough to draw Hongjoong’s attention off Yunho.
“It didn’t take more than ten minutes to get everything under control. He didn’t have a bad episode. I would say it was a more mild one, but he did hurt Yunho in the process. No force needed to stop him; however, I was able to talk him down and bring him back in one piece.”
Hongjoong releases a deep sigh, bringing a hand up to rub at his forehead, then he turns on his heel and moves back towards his desk. Seonghwa is quick to follow; he steps around you and San to draw closer to the captain. His hand ghosts over your back as he goes, and for a moment, you think you imagined the sensation, but Seonghwa confirms its presence when he glances back at you.
“How is Wooyoung’s injury?” Hongjoong inquires after a long bout of silence.
“Recovering. He’ll be fine: more shaken up than anything else. It caught him – all of us off-guard,” Yunho explains. He doesn’t lift his gaze from the floor. The way his shoulders slump forward is a clear sign of his guilt towards the situation, but he opts not to voice any further grievances or explanations. Hongjoong hums in reply before shifting his gaze to Jongho.
“And how is Mingi?”
“Upset. He says I should have used a gun and ended it there. I talked him down from a worse episode than this one though, so… baby steps.”
“Baby steps,” Hongjoong echoes, lips barely moving.
“Progress is progress, Captain,” Jongho speaks up again, tone a bit louder than before. “That’s better than nothing.”
“You’re right… Could’ve afforded faster progress though, but I suppose we don’t have a say in that matter.”
“We should discuss the mission,” Seonghwa whispers when silence envelops the room again. “While everyone is present.”
“Right, yes, the mission. The plan is –” Hongjoong slips around the backside of his desk, motioning down at the mess of papers atop it “–information gathering. That’s all. We’ve been going back and forth on what the plan would be exactly for the past week, and the agreem–conclusion was that it’s best to gather intel where we can and leave.” Hongjoong seems to want to say something more. His gaze flits over to where Seonghwa now stands close to his desk, but he doesn’t add to his thoughts, merely sending a somewhat annoyed stare at the back of his lieutenant’s head.
“We will have a lot more luck if that’s the case,” Seonghwa says without looking back at Hongjoong. “Gathering the intel and leaving the planet before the military can sniff us out, or before something worse happens.” You know Seonghwa is looking to you for some sort of reaction to the mention of the military, but you manage to conceal your expression long enough for his gaze to pass onto someone else.
“I have settled an agreement with Vladimir. We will be meeting in three days to discuss my questions and the information I’m after, and once our conversation comes to a close, he will name his price. The meeting place is at the arena during one of his matches.”
“Isn’t that a bit…?” San cuts it but trails off before he can finish the thought. The hesitation makes sense, as does the confusion about the situation. You can’t imagine Hongjoong would easily agree to such a dangerous agreement. Should Vladimir request something Hongjoong doesn’t want to give, then what? Would he ask for a Siren? Information about them? Maybe he would just ask for you and be done with it because of the bounty on your head. Or perhaps he would opt to take all of you and collect a lifetime’s worth of money. There are too many ‘if’s and ‘maybe’s. The lack of certainties in this plan already is concerning, to say the least.
“We have worked a few things out through our previous chats. Monetary compensation only, and nothing else.” Hongjoong dispels your concerns in an instant with those words, and you find yourself exhaling a breath of relief. San’s eyes dart over to you, concern glistening over his dark orbs before he returns to staring forward. “Seonghwa and Yeosang will be at my side throughout the whole meeting. I will not be allowed to keep an earpiece or a wristband on my being throughout the meeting, but both Seonghwa and Yeosang will have them. Seonghwa will serve as a broadcast for the conversation, and you all will be able to hear every word being said. It is also a failsafe in the event that… and we hope this won’t be an issue, but a failsafe for if things turn south. Understand so far?”
A myriad of nods and murmurs of approval greet Hongjoong, his eyes shifting from person to person until he reaches Seonghwa.
“Good, now — we will also have a right-wing team. Since this meeting is happening inside the arena, we will need teams to move through both wings of the stadium. The right team will consist of Yunho, Wooyoung, and Y/N.” The plans for that haven’t changed in the past week, but the way Seonghwa presses his lips tighter together is more than enough evidence to tell you that it was a lost battle on his part. He isn’t the first to protest the arrangement though – it’s Yeosang who steps forward, arm pulling away from Wooyoung’s as he draws closer to Hongjoong.
“That team doesn’t have a strong enough defense. If something were to happen, they would be at a tactical disadvantage. And you know that I do–”
“Hear the rest of the plan first, Yeosang,” Hongjoong counters. “You’ll understand the logic behind it once I finish.” Yeosang’s lips fall shut, teeth almost clattering together as he snaps them together, and he lets Wooyoung tug his sleeve to pull him back to his original place. “As I was saying, the right-wing team will consist of those three with the main purpose of being scouts. Just meant to be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary, whether that be soldiers, snipers, or generally suspicious things. Now, for the left team, the purpose will be similar but not the same. Jongho, you’ll lead the team. San and Mingi will follow.”
What follows is a jumbled mess of words that makes little sense in your mind, but you manage to pick out a few words here and there.
“Hongjoong, that’s–”
“You can’t be serious!”
“Quiet,” Hongjoong orders, lifting one hand above his head just a bit. Silence falls over the room without hesitation, and all the voices die into nothingness as Hongjoong lifts his chin to stare out over his crew. “I am well aware that there are many concerns to take into account in this decision. It is not set in stone yet, and most certainly not something I’m confident in doing knowing that he had an episode not too long ago–”
“Yeah, not too long ago as in less than two hours ago!” Jongho snaps. Hongjoong meets his fiery gaze with one that contains equal heat, barely flinching as the Berserker hurls the words his way.
“You know better than anyone what the risks are, Jongho. As does Yunho. So enlighten us a bit, and explain what those risks are.” Hongjoong clenches his fists against the desk. Jongho doesn’t answer right away; his lips stutter and mouth meaningless words that never reach the air. The captain turns to Yunho next, eyes searching and demanding an answer that still doesn’t come. “If it can be avoided, I would like to know. But leaving Mingi on the ship alone is the last thing I want to do.”
“Then let me stay behind with him,” Yunho insists, but the words hold no confidence or certainty.
“That’s not an option, Yunho. We have to have a right-wing team, and I cannot send Wooyoung and Y/N alone.”
“Scrap the left team and keep me on the ship with Mingi then!” Jongho takes a quick step forward. For a second, his red eyes flash with a barely contained rage, and out the corner of your eye, you see Seonghwa discreetly lower a hand to the holster residing on his right thigh. “San and Y/N can take the left-wing, and Yunho and Wooyoung can take the right.”
“Oh? And leave Yunho and Wooyoung without any defense whatsoever? How is that a good plan, Jongho?” Hongjoong chastises. Jongho seems to at least see the logic in those words, shoulders losing some of their tension as he withdraws from Hongjoong’s desk a bit.
“There are too many… I don’t even know where to begin with the list of bad things that could happen if you bring Mingi into that arena,” he murmurs with his gaze glued to the floor.
“Risks! Then what are the damn risks?” Hongjoong slams a fist against the table, eyes narrowing on Yunho and Jongho where they stand near your side. Yunho purses his lips and shakes his head, an evident lack of knowledge concerning what Hongjoong asks. Jongho, however, avoids Hongjoong’s stare like it’s a plague spread by sight. “Jongho, give me an answer. Best case scenario?”
“Best case scenario is that Mingi goes fucking psycho,” Jongho relents, giving an answer to Hongjoong’s desperate questions at last. “And I somehow manage to quell him before something worse happens.”
“And worst?”
“Worst is that he goes fucking psycho and kills me, which means the none of you have a way to stop him without killing him.”
The odds aren’t pretty in the slightest. It doesn’t take a genius to see that. Hongjoong doesn’t seem to be backing down though; he still seems adamant about bringing Mingi along despite the risks. The captain sinks to his chair without a word, hands pressed hard against his temples.
“Yunho, give me something. Anything.” Hongjoong’s tone is nothing short of desperate. On your left, Seonghwa grinds his teeth together and avoids looking at Hongjoong.
“I have an… idea,” Yunho starts, tone barely above a whisper. It isn’t hard to see that he’s hesitant and nervous about whatever it is he’s thinking. Again, you find yourself wallowing in shock. First, Hongjoong’s brash and bold facade falling away, and now Yunho’s arrogant and know-it-all attitude?
“Yunho.” Desperation doesn’t sound pretty falling from Hongjoong’s lips. You’ve decided that much.
“I don’t think I could carry it out in good conscience. It’s a bit – well, it’s unethical.”
“Jeong Yunho, I could care less about ethics right now. But if you don’t hurry up and spit it out, I will have no qualms with putting your head through a wall.” The threat falls on deaf ears, and Yunho doesn’t seem daunted by Hongjoong’s words in the slightest. Still, he heaves a deep breath and continues to speak.
“There’s a way to, uh, accelerate a hard reset. I’ve been looking into it over the past few days since Y/N told me what the military did to her. According to my research, the military uses a serum – injected into the arm once – then sends several electric pulses to the brain. They often add a narcotic given orally so that the patient doesn’t feel any pain throughout the process.” Yunho’s gaze shifts over to you. “It effectively wipes the memory of the patient.” The gleam in his eyes is almost expectant, like he’s waiting for you to have some sort of reaction. And you do.
Strong arms yanking you forward, fingers closed around your bicep. Weak cries for help and attempts to pull away. A cold chair against your back, then the touch of rough leather straps coming over your wrists and ankles. Writhing and kicking to get out of the chair, only to be hit across the temple with a sharp jab. A stab of a needle, a syringe going into your skin, a strange blue liquid being pushed into you. Warmth, then the feeling of your blood turning to ice. Your mouth forced open and something being shoved deep inside. Red. So much red. Hands coming down on your head. Then – nothing.
You don’t realize what’s going on around you until several sets of eyes snap to focus on you. Frankly, you think that you’re handling the trauma quite well. Still on your feet, at least even if you can’t think thanks to the rush of blood in your ears. You imagine that you even manage a tight-lipped smile in Yunho’s direction – an assurance that you are just fine. That was a minor miscalculation, as it turns out, and all of a sudden, San’s hand is on the back of your neck, cradling your head when your knees buckle and you nearly fall to the ground. It’s embarrassing more than anything else, especially with the heat of Hongjoong’s stare on you and your determination to not be weak in front of him. You seem to be proving anything but the fact that you’re strong.
San’s touch is too much. It sears your skin, fills your head and overwhelms you in seconds, and you do hit the ground this time, although it only consists of your knees hitting the metal underneath you. San chases you, hands seeking purchase on your waist and shoulder, but you swat the offending limbs away before he can touch you. It reminds you too much of that dark room, the hands closing around your temples, and the cold liquid filling your veins until you could feel nothing else. The memory that has been buried for years and years coming forward again, stronger than ever before. Your head feels as though it’s being split open with a dull knife, but you can’t even manage to cry out from the pain.
“I’m fine,” you hiss out between gritted teeth. San’s hands remain close though, ready to make contact if need be. Seonghwa has angled his body in your direction, and his brows are so closely knit that you can hardly see the skin between them. He doesn’t move though, staying as far away as he is without making any effort to come closer. Hongjoong barely bats a lash in your direction.
“Will he have a similar reaction?”
Yunho’s gaze flits between you and Hongjoong, mouth hanging open and failing to produce words for what feels like hours.
“H-He – possibly. Yes, he might,” he manages after some time. “In the event we discuss it. I… Y/N went years without remembering what happened, though. He could remember nothing depending on how effective the process is.”
“How quickly can you complete the procedure?” Hongjoong’s tone has grown cold and emotionless, face as rigid as a statue. You would believe that he’s an Elitist at that moment if you didn’t know better.
“Hongjoong, you – you can’t be seriously considering this,” Seonghwa stammers.
“How long will it take, Healer?”
Yunho presses his lips together.
“I should be able to complete the procedure in no more than an hour. All Mingi needs to do is have ample time to recover physically. Maybe a day at most. I – I would need the serum they use. I can’t make it myself.”
“That can be arranged. We can find a source and dispatch a team to collect it within a day.”
“You can’t be serious about this,” Jongho growls, stepping forward once more, but this time he doesn’t stop until he hits the edge of the desk. His hand darts out and snatches the collar of Hongjoong’s shirt. Seonghwa lunges into action, hand gliding over the table before rising up to press against Jongho’s neck. There’s a glimmer of silver, and it’s only then when you notice the blade in Seonghwa’s hand, one that is digging into Jongho’s skin without relent.
“Yunho, we’ll have what you need within a day,” Hongjoong continues without so much as batting a lash at Jongho’s aggression. “You should be prepared to conduct the procedure day after tomorrow, and that will give you enough time to finish it and help Mingi recover for the mission the next day. You all are dismissed for the time being.”
No one moves despite the order. If Hongjoong is surprised or angered by that, he doesn’t let it show on his expression.
“If you do this, I won’t forgive you,” Jongho hisses. His knuckles go white from the pressure of his clenched fist.
“Don’t be mistaken, Jongho. I don’t need your forgiveness for anything I do.” Seonghwa’s hand twitches, and the blade drags over Jongho’s skin. A few droplets of blood glide down to the hilt of the knife. “Should my decisions upset you that deeply, then you are welcome to leave the crew as you see fit.”
Jongho jerks backward, hand falling down to his side, and from where you kneel on the ground, you can clearly see the anguish that paints his expression. His chest heaves a bit from the deep breaths he’s gasping in, but words fail him for several moments. The whole situation unfolding before you feels like a fever dream, something so surreal and confusing and painful, but somehow that only gets worse. You couldn’t describe the pain that blossoms in your chest when Jongho utters his next words if you wanted to; all you know is that it’s such a tangible pain that you feel it through your whole body.
“Then I’ll pack my things and be gone in the morning.” A startled and choked sob bursts from Wooyoung’s lips, and his hand reaches up to clap over his mouth just as quickly. He attempts to hide himself from view before anyone can see the evidence of his distress. It’s useless, of course, but no one is about to tell him that. Yeosang extends a silent offer of support, arms wrapping around Wooyoung’s waist and pulling him into a tight embrace as the other quietly cries against him. Hongjoong’s gaze flits over to watch the exchange.
“So be it.” Hongjoong’s words are tight, strained, and almost thick. However, he doesn’t try to stop Jongho, and when the Berserker turns around to leave the room, Hongjoong merely watches him go. Yunho rushes to follow the man out, calling out his name too late.
“Hong–” Seonghwa doesn’t get to finish his thought as the captain levels him with a glare so intense that you have to look away.
“Yeosang, San, and Y/N. Return tomorrow at seven in the morning. You’ll be the team going to get the serum for Yunho.” You push up to stand up straight once more, San’s hand lingering near your back in case you fall again.
“Understood, Captain,” Yeosang replies over Wooyoung’s shoulder. He doesn’t say anything more than that; instead, he guides the man in his arms to the door with gentle hands and pushes. Once the door snaps shut behind them, the cracks in Hongjoong’s resolve begin to show. He exhales a staggered and shaky sigh, head dipping down until he stares at the wood under him with empty eyes.
“Don’t give me that look, San,” he mutters after a few seconds of stagnant silence.
“Sorry, Captain. I’m–” San inhales sharply and blinks up at the ceiling before he continues the thought “–You once told me that even when there seems to only be one way out, there is always another option. I hope you remember that.”
You move when San does, not wanting to stay in the room any longer than you have to, and neither Hongjoong or Seonghwa try to stop you from going. Stepping back onto the bridge is like breathing fresh air after being trapped inside for too long. There’s an immediate break in the tension, and reality seeps through your skin in that moment.
“He’s not… he’s not serious, is he?” You ask, tone so hushed that you aren’t sure San hears it at first. All San can do is release a dry laugh.
“Which one are you talking about?” You aren’t even sure that you could answer that. San tilts his head from side to side, releasing a small hum as he leads the way off the bridge. You fall into step with him without complaint, content with going wherever he goes as long as it’s away from Hongjoong’s quarters. “Jongho is dead serious. He would never let any harm come to Mingi, and if he had it in him, I’m sure he would go against Hongjoong’s orders. I think – I think he sees leaving as his only option. The only way he knows how to get Hongjoong to see reason and think straight, or… yeah. I think he’s being serious, but Hongjoong? Not at all. He’s not thinking straight, too little sleep obviously but also too caught up in something in his head. I’ve seen him like this before, making bad and irrational decisions out of desperation. He’ll get over it.”
“How long will that take?”
“Hopefully less than two days?”
“You don’t sound confident,” you say through a weak smile.
“I’m not.” San glances over at you, eyes glistening with an emotion you can’t read. However, you don’t have time to dwell on it or wonder what it is because he continues speaking without dwelling on the subject for long. “If this does work out the way Hongjoong wants it to, then we’ll be going on yet another dangerous mission, huh?”
“Not as dangerous as the last, I hope,” you murmur back.
“I fear that… more than I would like to admit. A repeat of what happened last time we were on an official mission. I don’t think I can go through that again.” San pauses, and his tongue darts out to drag over his lips. “Seeing you in the position again — t-that’s hard to think about. Any of the crew in that position for that matter.” You aren’t sure what compels you, but you reach down to catch hold of his hand, pulling it closer to you and lacing your fingers through his without saying anything for a few moments. When you do muster the strength to speak, your voice comes out as nothing more than a whisper.
“We’ll be more careful this time. Better prepared too.”
“Seonghwa must be rubbing off on you,” San chuckles. “You sound just like him.” The words catch your off-guard, and you pull your hand back in an instant thanks to the surprise. You don’t know what expression crosses your features, but San sees it and devolves into a small panic because of it. “I’m sorry, I-I didn’t – I didn’t mean to overstep. If you–”
“No, no, it’s okay. I just w-wasn’t expecting that,” you interject, equally as rushed and frantic. It serves to calm San down some though, and that’s all you can ask for at this point in time. “You’re not overstepping.”
“Then would it be too much to ask if everything is alright between the two of you?” San’s question isn’t inherently nosey or prying, merely a genuine question about the state of your relationship with Seonghwa, but you aren’t even sure how to answer that yourself. It isn’t a relationship – a romantic one, that is – but it surely can’t be described as nothing more than a friendship or a work relationship because friends or coworkers don’t necessarily behave the way the two of you do. The lack of a label on it helped up until this point. Now you feel as though you’re swimming in a deep ocean with no life vest.
“We’re… on break?”
“Now look who doesn’t sound confident,” San teases. The smile that stretches his lips offers a moderate amount of comfort, and you find yourself returning it with one of your own without thinking.
“He’s patient and giving to a fault almost, and I — it makes me feel guilty because I can’t give the same in return. So… on break.”
“Hm, well, if I may be so bold as to offer some sort of advice?”
“Be as bold as you want, by all means.”
“In any type of relationship, there is give and take whether you are aware of it or not. You may not feel like you are giving as much as he is, but the guilt you feel towards it is more than enough to show that you aren’t intrinsically a bad person or someone who just wants to take. Some people show affection and love through giving. It’s hard not to want to give back in return, but at some point, it all becomes a matter of perspective. Receiving love, letting someone give you that, allowing yourself to accept those things – I guarantee that the other person sees that, appreciates it, and feels your affection through it. Especially when you’ve gone through things that would otherwise hinder your desire and ability to let people into your heart.” San’s gaze is almost too warm and soft on your skin, and chills go through your spine because of it despite the warmth.
“I-I… you’re t-too bold, Choi San,” you stutter as you try to wrangle your scrambling thoughts before they slip too far away from you.
“But I’m right, aren’t I?”
“Don’t let it go to your head.”
“Which one?” San hums, moving to tap his chin, and you swing a fist at his arm. “Sorry, sorry! It was a joke! Please don’t hurt me!”
“As much as I hate to admit it: yes, you’re right. Those sorts of emotions are something I’ve never put much value or care into because of my line of work. When I did, it was something I didn’t value enough until they were gone. So I suppose that part of me doesn’t know how to do it right.”
“Well, is that something you would want one day? Someone – a person and a family or the like?”
“I’ve never thought about it that way.”
“Never seen people as a necessity? Moreso just constants in your life? Things that come and go without influence or intention?”
“Stop reading my mind,” you grumble, turning your cheek in the opposite direction so you don’t have to suffer looking at San’s everpresent grin. “Yes, I think I would like to have that someday. When this is all over, and I can rest without constantly looking over my shoulder or worrying that something bad might happen.”
“Hm, do you think that’s a possibility?” You barely notice that you and San have stopped moving. You’re suddenly standing still in the corridor, side by side but now facing each other head-on, and San continues peering at you with those same perceptive eyes.
“I think… I think I would only have that peace when I’m dead.” San’s smile falters and shifts into a pursed frown.
“You’ll find that peace one day, Y/N. I’m certain of it. Because if even I can be worthy and deserving of having that chance at happiness, then you can too.” His words almost put a spell over you, and you find yourself stuck to the spot, unable to budge even an inch. San reaches up and cups your face with his hands, letting his grin return and tug one side of his lips up. You follow the movements with your hands as well, not with the intent to pull him away but merely to let your fingers rest against his wrists as he holds you gently. “We’ll get there,” he whispers.
“O-Okay,” you respond with a series of shaky nods. Slowly but surely, San moves closer to yours, lips pressing against your forehead so softly that the feeling of the kiss ghosts over you in less than a second. He pulls back with a sigh, not asking for anything more than that, then extends a hand in your direction. It takes a moment for it to process, but you place your own in his once it dawns on you.
“Come on. I guess we better go say our goodbyes to Jongho.”
✧✧✧ a/n: gah yall have no idea how much I missed this ;-; I'm so happy to be writing something that isn’t smut KLFJSDKLFJL i needed this break from kinktober and I'm so happy that this is the chapter I got to write because whewie she’s a big one and she’s intense!! I hope you guys enjoy tho pls let me know what you think >-<
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Hello Steph! First, thank you for everything you do for this fandom!! I don’t know what we would do without you!! ♥️ I am looking to start my first novel length Johnlock fic. I found your list, and was wondering if you had a specific one to recommend to start off with? I’m looking for something that won’t make me too sad (the world does that on its own), and of course, lots of Johnlock!! Any recommendations would be appreciated, thank you!! Sending love!! *hugs*
Hmm, this is tough, because Novel Length is anything over 50K words, but some people don’t want to read “novels that short”. So I get a lot of requests for Epic novels over 100K, so like WOOO HOO LOL.
Hmm. How about I give you a few recs varying lengths, based on your requirements, and you can decide how long you want to go, since I list all my word counts on my recs?
First off, for when you become obsessed with the lengthy fics like I am now LOL:
Novel Length Fics: 50 to 100K (Nov. 2018)
Novel Length Fics: 50 to 100K Pt 2 (May 2020)
Novel Length Fics: 100K+ w. (May 2019)
Novel Length Fics: 100K+ w. Pt 2 (Aug 2020)
Novel Length Fics: 100K+ w. Pt 3 [MFL’s] (Dec 2020)
Next, here’s something for each range between 50 and 100K+ <3
BUT BEFORE I BEGIN: honourable mention because it IS my fave fic ever, and it fits your criteria minus the length so SORRY but please check it out:
A Promise Made to Be Broken by PlantsAreNeat (E, 37,018 w., 7 Ch. || Fake Relationship, Pining, Slow Burn, RST, Eventual Relationship, POV Sherlock) – A young John makes an ‘if we’re still single at 40, we’ll get together’ pledge to a woman who ends up all wrong for him. She keeps reminding him of the promise, and won’t let go of it. John asks Sherlock to pose as his boyfriend at a family wedding, so as to dash her hopes permanently. Sherlock, who has at last acknowledged his feelings for John, reluctantly agrees despite knowing how painful it will be to ‘have’ John, but not keep him.
Okay, now the main event, of more-fluff-than-angst:
Spare Change by Ermerness (E, 51,966 w., 14 Ch. || Rich Holmeses AU || First Kiss / Time, Holmes Family, Virgin Sherlock, Anal, First Meetings, Bossy Bottomlock) – The Holmes family is one of the richest and most powerful in England. Sherlock spends his time flying around the world on the family's private jet drinking a lot and shopping at expensive boutiques as a way of trying to alleviate his endless boredom. His mother decides it's time he settles down with someone powerful, wealthy and well connected. John Watson happens to be none of those things.
Guilty Secrets by Ellipsical (E, 55,086 w., 16 Ch. || Post-TRF, Drumsticks, First Kiss/Time, Love Confession, Self-Sexual-Discovery, Anal, Rimming, Orgasm Denial, Butt Plugs, Cooking, Furniture Sex, Bath Sex, Rimming, Double Penetration, Prostate Massage, Anal Beads, Dancing, Romance, Tantric Edging, Internalized Homophobia, Case as Foreplay, Anal Beads, Tickling, Dancing, Dry Coming, Romance) – John has a prostate exam and discovers something surprising about himself. Experimentation follows. Sherlock wants to help. They're in love. You know the drill.
Bridging the Ravine by SilentAuror (E, 58,887 w., 3 Ch. || Post S4, Couple For a Case, Bed-Sharing, First Times, Confessions, Awkwardness, Sex Trafficking, Massages, Wet T-Shirt Contest, Group Therapy, Past Loss of Child) – Sherlock and John go undercover at Ravine Valley, a therapy centre for same-sex male couples in an investigation into a possible human trafficking ring. As they pose as a couple and fake their way through the therapy sessions for the sake of the case, it quickly becomes difficult to avoid discussing their very real issues. Set roughly six nine months after series 4.
Perdition's Flames by i_ship_an_armada (E, 63,435 w., 21 Ch. || Treklock AU, Est. Rel, Genetic Engineering, Angst & Fluff, BAMF!John) – Sherlock would do anything to save him. Risk anything. Give anything. His money, his life. His soul. What he does, though, is change both of their destinies forever. Genetic re-engineering is the only option left. It turns out researchers underestimated the life expectancy and potential abilities of genetically re-engineered subjects. The British government and what would eventually become the United Federation of Planets, however, had not. Part 1 of PF Universe
A Cure For Boredom by emmagrant01 (E, 81,665 w., 8 Ch. || Dirty Talk, Threesomes, Light Dom/Sub, Sex Club, Experiments, Anal, Mildly Dubious Consent, Rimming, Cheeking, Double Penetration, Mild Kink, Porn Watching, Voyeurism, Masturbation) – They’d never talked about sex in the year they’d known each other. Well, that wasn’t quite correct: Sherlock had never said a word about sex; John had bemoaned his personal dearth of it on many occasions.
Uphill by scullyseviltwin (E, 84,945 w., 18 Ch. || Olympics AU || Sherlock POV, Skier!Sherlock / Medic!John, Rivalry, 2014 Olympics, Happy Ending) – Sherlock Holmes is striving for gold in this, his fourth and final Olympics as a downhill Alpine racer.
A Study in Winning by Jupiter_Ash (E, 106,658 w., 11 Ch. || Tennis AU || John POV, Dirty Talk, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings, Happy Ending, Sherlock Speaks French, Switchlock, Wimbledon) – John and Sherlock are professional tennis players and it’s Wimbledon. One is a broken almost was at the end of his career, the other an arrogant rising star tipped for greatness. It should have been a straightforward tournament. It really should have been. How were they to know that a chance encounter would change everything? Part 1 of Tennis
A Further Sea by i_ship_an_armada & ShinySherlock (E, 125,492 w., 23 Ch. || Historical Pirates AU || Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Doctor John / Pirate Captain Sherlock, Sailing, UST / RST, Masturbation, Action / Adventure, Mild Angst & Peril, Romance, Shaving, Molly/Janine, Bottomlock, Hand / Blow Jobs, Past Drug Use, Slow Burn, Mild Violence, Facial Shaving, Happy Ending) – Here be a tale of adventure for both body and soul, but beware if ye be not of stout heart, for this be piratelock, ya savvy? Luckless ship's surgeon John Watson takes a chance, and finds himself eye to eye with The Ghost, the scourge of the seven seas and a definite thorn in the side of the blaggard, James Moriarty. But when John finds there's more to this most cunning pirate than be meetin' the eye, he has to choose... is it a pirate's life for him?
The Horse and his Doctor by khorazir (T, 129,003 w., 13 Ch. || Horse / Vet AU || Magical Realism, Horses, Vet John, Horse Sherlock, Implied Alcoholism) – Invalided after a run in with a poacher in Siberia, veterinary surgeon John Watson finds it difficult to acclimatise to the mundanity of London life. Things change when a friend invites him along to a local animal shelter and he meets their latest acquisition, a trouble-making Frisian with the strangest eyes and even stranger quirks John has ever encountered in a horse.
The Bang and the Clatter by earlgreytea68 (M, 137,049 w., 37 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Baseball AU || Slow Burn / Dev. Rel., Possessive/Obsessive Sherlock, Jealous Sherlock, Mutual Pining, Body Appreciation, Depression, Closeted Sexuality, Family, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Ogling Each Other, Anxious Sherlock, Panic Attack, Drunkenness, Talk of Forever, Big Feelings™) – Sherlock Holmes is a pitcher and John Watson is a catcher. No, no, no, it's a baseball AU. Part 1 of Baseball
Midnight Blue Serenity by BeautifulFiction (E, 151,907 w., 19 Ch. || Friends to Lovers, Gay Bar / For a Case, Drugs, Pining, Case Fic, UST) – When Sherlock infiltrates a club in order to track down a serial killer, his altered appearance is enough to make John question his assumption that Sherlock is beyond his reach. However, is he the only one who appreciates his flatmate's charms, or is Sherlock at risk of becoming the next victim?
Gimme Shelter by SinceWhenDoYouCallMe_John (E, 159,368 w., 21 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || 70′s Surfer AU || Period Typical Homophobia, Hawaii, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Professional Surfers, Gay John / Sherlock, Angst with Happy Ending, John was a Sailor, Misunderstandings, Mutual Pining) – All John Watson wants is the feeling of a freshly waxed surfboard under his feet and the hot California sun baking down onto his back. To finally go pro in the newly formed world of professional surfing and leave the dark memories of his past behind him as he rips across the face of a towering blue barrel. To lounge beside the beach bonfire every evening with an ice cold beer tucked into the cool sand beside him and listen to Pink Floyd and the Doors while the saltwater dries in his sun bleached hair. That's all he wants, that is, until the hot young phenom taking Oahu and the Hawaiian shores by storm steps up next to him in the sand in the second round of the 1976 International Surf Competition. (PUBLISHED AS ‘The Sea Ain’t Mine Alone’)
Mise en Place by azriona (M, 161,004 w., 28 Ch. || Restaurant (Kitchen Nightmares) AU || Sherlock is Gordon Ramsay / Celebrity Sherlock, Restauranteur John, Harry Plays Prominent Role, Alternating POV, Mutual Pining, Cranky Sherlock, Bed Sharing, Slow Burn) – John Watson had no intentions of taking over the family business, but when he returns from Afghanistan, battered and bruised, and discovers that his sister Harry has run their restaurant into the ground, he doesn't have much choice. There's only one thing that can save the Empire from closing for good – the celebrity star of the BBC series Restaurant Reconstructed, Chef Sherlock Holmes. Part 1 of Mise en Place
Hope you enjoy those!!! <3 PLEASE read them all, though, and THEN READ ALL THE ONES ON THOSE LISTS. Because once you start long fics, you get REALLY INTO THEM. Hah hah <3
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bunni-teeth81 · 2 years
My Mafiafell au
So, frisk is like around the age they are in the game (so like 8-12? Also they/them for both Frisk and Chara. Idk if Chara will be in this au but if they are use the correct pronouns.)
Frisk’s parents couldn’t pay the protection fee, got murked. Luckily Frisk was able to sneak away. They live on the streets now.
Eventually they travel into the monster side of the city by accident. One of the guard catches them and brings them to papyrus.
Papyrus and Sans are generally the same (minus the whole assault shit sans pulled. He would never do that in this au. Not unless necessary, of course. But it wouldn’t be to the grossness of what happened in the comic. Just general threatening.)
Gaster is in the void in this au. (I have a running theory that Gaster is the only constant in every au so.. yea. This ain’t gonna change that.) he was trying to figure out the secrets of the universe as usual, went too far, and got sucked in. Paps and sans both remember him in this au though. No one else does. (Except Asgore. Another running theory of mine.)
So papyrus and sans are like “uh.. we don’t wanna kill a kid. And they’re pretty pathetic.” So they take frisk in (with heavy persuasion from Toriel.) (her and sans are friends and allies in this au. Personally don’t ship them but you could if you wanted ig? She’s not with Asgore right now, but they’re on good terms. When Chara and Asriel died they realized they couldn’t heal together and needed to just be friends to get through it. Worrying about a partner was too much on top of everything. They then realized they liked being friends much better.)
(Chara got really sick in this au and passed away. Asriel and them used to sneak out to a patch of flowers so he went there to feel comforted when they passed. But humans where there when he was and killed him. Alphys did do the determination tests on Flowers so Flowey is in this au. Though he doesn’t have his reset ability. Frisk has had it since they were born.)
Asgore is more like a leader boss man of the monsters and less of a king. People still call him fluffybuns behind closed doors.
Toriel has long since abandoned any leadership role. She’s a medic, a teacher, and part time baker with Muffet (maybe some shipping there?? I dunno I think that ship is adorable.)
Aphys and Undyne are dating already. Knew each other since they were kids and always had a crush on each other. Papyrus one day just blurted it out since he was tired of their longing eyes. Telling Aphys Undyne liked her didn’t stop them tho. He’s in misery lol.
So they take frisk in and the comic would basically be raising frisk hijinks, keeping monsters safe, trying to make peace with humans (happens later on. Frisk convinces everyone to try. Everyone is so tired of fighting they agree) and ya know, mafia stuff.
Grilby and the brothers are on amazing terms, even if paps despises the food as his bar.
Paps is captain of the guard.
And for some little uhh… self indulgence I have an insert character for this-
Them and Paps have romantic tension. Them and Sans get along fine. :) They absolutely adore Frisk and spoils them when they can.
They work at a restaurant, one of which was in the area the brothers were taking over. Paps and Sans went in for some grub, they met, and hit it off. Will they date? Maaayyybeeee 🥴
Anyways that’s my idea.
It’s probably been done before and it isn’t very well thought out but Idc. I like it.

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multifandomthoughts · 3 years
Picture Perfect
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Requested by: @aspergerhero​
Word Count: 1,285 words
Triggers: None!
Synopsis: You’re the newest member of the Straw Hats, and it’s taken a little while for the rest of the crew to warm up to you. All except her... Nico Robin. But when the pursuit of your talent happens to cross paths with her own interests, that all changes... Now later down the line, you want to use your camera to spend a little quality time with Robin. If only the rest of the crew would stay out of the way...
Author’s Note: This is my first ever large fic (something over a thousand words) and I’m so happy with how it came out! It took a while to complete but I hope y’all like it!
The devil child: Nico Robin. One would think from that epitaph that she would be a monster; someone with large horns or something that would constitute “devil child.” But nope, she is the last of her kind, a caring, kindhearted and often morbid person. She is a tall, thin and intelligent being, traits fit for an archeologist.
You knew the first day you had seen her that something special was going to happen between the two of you. Your new captain, Luffy, had admired your resolve and had pretty much demanded (in his own special way) that you join the crew. You had always had a dream of taking pictures of all the islands you could, to document the world just in case something happened. The crew welcomed you with open arms of course, but it seemed like the mysterious woman with long black hair and sunglasses was avoiding you at first.
It was no wonder she was avoiding you. It was when you had learned her past that it all had made sense. After speaking with the others over time, you had learned the truth; the horrible truth. She was the last of her people; the island of Ohara had been destroyed, her friends and family gone, and she had been hunted down just for the fact that she was the lone survivor. And then the water 7 incident; where she sacrificed her life so the rest of the straw hats could escape just because she didn’t feel she was worthy of their friendship. You could remember the first time she had learned of your skill. You had gotten off of the ship to explore an island. You thought back about that day…
The trees were lush and green as you traversed a windy path that led to a hill, looking for that one landmark that would help you remember the island forever. Walking along the stone pathway, you noticed that the ground was littered with these tiny pieces of metal that you were unaware of the origin or purpose of. Intrigued, you kept up your pace as you walked, seeing more and more chunks of this metal. You decide to pocket one of the smaller pieces in hopes of maybe getting an idea of what it was from, possibly through Franky or Usopp. Just in case, you decided to document your journey up the hill. Maybe there would be something that you missed upon first glance.
As you kept walking, you noticed less and less of the metal objects, and more tall grass and trees. Maybe the metal had been from some kind of outer fortification and you were now coming to an inner garden or the like. That hypothesis was soon tested as you came upon rising stone structures. Incomplete walls and archways were scattered in a manner you couldn’t make any sense of. Architecture was more of Robin’s area of expertise. Thinking of her, you brought your camera up to the hill to start finding good framing for a few snapshots. A place like this needed to be documented, and you weren’t going to wait for someone else to come do it. After wandering around and getting a few angles of the major structural remnants, you started to head back to the Sunny. On the way back you bumped into her by accident.
“Oh! Robin I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to bump into you, I must not have been looking where I was going.” You apologized profusely as she turned around and gave you a wide smile. “It’s okay, I’m just glad it wasn’t a group of bandits looking for hostages.” You were slightly confused by her comment but shook it off. “Hey Robin, I heard that you’re into archeology…could you possibly tell me what these buildings are?” With a wide eyed look of glee, she put her hands around your camera and with a nod you let her take it. “From what it looks like, it seems like it’s an open garden…some of the sides of the walls have poneglyph writing on them…it must be very very old, predating my family.”
Fast forward to now, where the two of you have become much closer than you ever thought you would, and certainly much happier. You’ve expressed many times how photogenic you think she is, and how much you’d like to get the chance to have her pose for a shoot. She never hesitates to tease you on what you might do with those photos, or just what sort of photoshoot it will really be, but you know she’s also flattered that you like her appearance to that degree. Finally you both have some free time and you set up your camera and a few outfits for her to wear. It was a warm day so most of the outfits she’s wearing corresponds to the weather.
“Hey Robin, why don’t you lean up against the mast and we can get a couple shots of you looking badass, okay?” “Yeah, that sounds good!” She saunters over to the mast and did a variety of poses; a squat, a lean, one with her arms crossed and even one with her Devil fruit, her arms dotted across the top of the mast, aiming down. “You want to try another outfit and then we can we can do some of you over the side, maybe looking wistful?”
Nodding, she heads over to her room to get changed into a different outfit; she always has a good sense of fashion and that’s something you’ve admired about her. Unbeknownst to you, you and your subject have attracted quite the bit of attention. Sanji has been discreetly watching the two of you, and Chopper and Luffy have been a bit confused, albeit intrigued to what you were doing. It looked like Luffy had a plan to cause some mischief; you don’t know what kind but you were not going to let him ruin your day.
Robin returns swiftly, having changed into a white dress with purple polka dots and matching lace at the bottom. She really does look lovely in that, you think to yourself. “Alright, you ready to take some more pictures?” She gives an enthusiastic nod and heads over to the side of the boat, resting her hands on the rails and looking off in the distance.
As soon as you try to take the picture, Luffy and Chopper giggle loudly, attacking Robin with a hug. Sanji emerges from where he was watching and takes the chance to put his head in her chest. Even though this shot was totally not what you were expecting, you could live with it. It makes good memories of you and your crew. With a loud shout, you alert the rest of the crew to what you are doing; Franky and Usopp come tumbling out of their workshops like something is wrong. Nami vaults over the railing, running over to the picture as Zoro complains about all the noise. And finally, Brook comes out from inside the galley to see what all the fuss is about.
“Hey all” you start. “I was doing a photo shoot with Robin when Luffy and Chopper photobombed me and I have a great idea! Why don’t we do a few group pictures to create some good memories?” For the most part, the group agreed; minus Zoro who was still grumpy from being woken up. Upon agreement, you begin to put everyone in a place before everything falls apart, and you decide to just let them pose the way they want. The smile on Robin’s face as she’s surrounded by her dear friends is an image you want to treasure forever. Fortunately, you can.
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softer-ua · 3 years
Ok had another fucking moment that came to me when I was daydreaming this one time and another AU popped inside my head.
Ok so mermaid AU x Pirate, BUT—
Mermaids are the same size as their fish genetic.
A angel fish mermaid is about the size of an infant.
A shark mermaid is the size of a boat, depending what Kind of shark it is.
Ok now, imagine with me:
Pirate Katsuki x Whale Shark mermaid Izuku
Baby whale sharks are about the size of a big koy fish so Izuku is about the size of a infant.
Katsuki and Izuku met at the dock, Baby Katsuki likes to spend his time splashing his feet into the ocean, dreaming one day he could be the most awesome pirate of all time.
This is where he met Izuku.
See, Izuku is really small compared to Inko rn coz he's a baby, so he got washed by the unforgiving waves in the middle of the ocean into the dock where Katsuki was.
Katsuki saw a passed out mermaid floating ashore and immediately ran to where it was.
No one has ever seen a whale shark mermaid up close before because they live in really deep water and all that.
So Katsuki was fascinated by his tail bcz hello? It has DOTS! It looks pretty! And it HAS DOTS!!!!
(lmao like his freckles)
So when Izuku woke up, he panicked bcz he doesn't know where he is and there's a human that saw him so he cried.
Katsuki, confused by this, he asked why he was crying, they were both still too young to understand that humans and mermaids were supposed 'sworn enemies' (lmao) yet so Izuku told him that he was washed up into the waves and he Didn't know where his home is.
And hearing this, Katsuki asked if he knows which direction his home was, Izuku told him he was from the very very deep sea and that he didn't know where and he's scared to go alone.
And Katsuki, the brat that he is, decided to accompany the mermaid with a boat! Izuku was happy that Katsuki would come with him and bring him home!
Ofc next day, they meet up, (Katsuki snuck out lmao) and Katsuki has this tiny little boat that the other fishermen gave him from his birthday that he would use to come with Izuku.
So they set sail! Katsuki had forgotten to bring food so he was hungry, Izuku had an Idea!
He sometimes see these random circles that grows on trees near the beach and they would sometimes fall and float in the ocean, he also seen humans eat these kinds of things so he decided to look for it!
Katsuki ofc saw Izuku coming back with a coconut and he was delighted to eat it!
(Izuku eats fish lmao)
So it took 5 days for them to reach the center of the sea where everything is so deep. They got to know each other at that time!
Katsuki asked if this is where Izuku lives and Izuku heard a loud shout from below.
Low and behold, Inko rising to the surface where they both were, her eyes were puffy and when she saw Izuku, she immediately hugged her son.
Katsuki was amazed by how big Izuku's mom is, so that's why they lived in the middle of the ocean, they were really huge!!
Inko saw this little blonde human boy on a tiny boat and asked why was he here and Izuku exclaimed that he is Kacchan! (Coz he has sharp teeth and that's the closest he could pronounce his name) and that he helped Izuku crossed the ocean to find his home and that he was so brave and kind!
And Katsuki blushed at the compliments Deku gave him (that is ALSO the closest thing Katsuki can pronounce his name bcz of his human teeth too haha)
Inko was touch by this and thanked Katsuki profusely, giving him a little necklace with a tiny shell that could be use as a horn.
Inko told Katsuki that if he ever was in the middle of the ocean again or whatever, and wanted to meet them again, he just needs to blow the horn.
Katsuki was thrilled by this, he thanked Inko as well and promise to come back and meet Izuku again and Inko asked a bunch of other little mermaids to help Katsuki get back to where his home was in record time.
Izuku was a bit sad to see Kacchan go but he promised would come back! So he'll just have to wait till he hears the horn to know that Kacchan would be back!
Katsuki got back on land that afternoon (wow the tiny mermaids were really quick)
And he gotten back to his parents, he told them that he told them what happened had why he was gone for 5 days.
They were horrified by this bcz mermaids drown humans whenever they could and that Katsuki was with one for 5 days made them feel sick.
Katsuki was not allowed to go near the ocean from then on.
Ofc Katsuki threw a fit bcz how on earth is he gonna visit Deku?!?
Mitsuki screamed and slapped him on his head and told him that he would not go outside and see the ocean at all.
Cue sad 10 years of waiting (they were 4)
The time finally came where Katsuki snapped and sneaked out of the house once more and leave his parents for good.
He decided to go to another city to start his journey of becoming the most well known pirates of all time!
(cue another 4 years lmao)
He had became the most notorious pirate of all time, in the eyes of the government, he was a threat to them, but to the eyes of the people who had met his crew, they were heroes.
They give out money that they stole from corrupted kings and queens' ships all around the world. they had the most biggest ship called 'Queen Explosion Murder' (bcz why NOT LMAO) and that they had the most advance equipment in the sea (ft. Hatsumei lmao)
His crew (class 1-A minus mineta, plus Shinsou, Hatsumei bby Eri, bby Kouta and bby Katsuma and Mahoro) was the most powerful and skilled people he knew, they were like family to him. (Not that he'd admit it out loud)
He still kept the necklace, he had forgotten what purpose it had, but he know it was something special.
One day they were attacked by the Royal ship, it was the most intense battle they had yet. Most of his family crewmates were already injured and passed out, the kids were crying alot, they were loosing.
Then he suddenly blew the horn.
There was a loud spash from the side and both of their ships rocked.
One of the men from the other ships looked below and saw big glowing green eyes. Then the Royal ship was grabbed by very big hands and suddenly brought down into the depts of the sea. Sinking everyone in it.
Katsuki was shocked, what just happened???
Then there was another loud splash once again, something was rising from the water, it looks big, the creature was looming over the ship, he looked up to see the creature and saw—
It looked at Katsuki with big watering eyes.
And the next thing he knew, he was being lifted by some big ass arms and being suffocated by a big ass hug.
(lmao they REUNITED!)
Izuku asked why did he called now and Katsuki told him about what had happened to him all this time. Katsuki's crew was hella shocked to see their captain talking to a big ass Mermaid. The kids were in awe, they never seen a real life mermaid before, and Izuku laughed coz their eyes reminded him of Katsuki's when they first met.
Katsuki blushed and denied it and Izuku responded playfully.
It was so weird to all of them to see their captain smiling? And joking around?? With a fish??? Like old friends???? Holy shit???
And after that, they had a new member! Izuku comes along with their adventures now! And the whole romance and drama for the crew to enjoy too!
(lmao the end(?), Hahaha, I'm so sorry if it has some wrong grammar, I'm kinda stayed up late hahahaha! Hope ya like this Au!)
This so fun! I love it 💞
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ihopethisendswell · 3 years
My Computer Is Terrible So I'm Stating My Story Ideas Here Part 10: The Part 2 of the other Part
So so so
Part 2 of the other part which is part 9 and this is part 10 so it's a sequel part
Okay okay okay
Here we go!
Going full ramble again! You have been warned!
So right now Leon, Sonia and Raihan aren't on the best terms after their Big Fight™
So except some back handed insults now and again.
And soon they get to the point where they're just tearing at each other
But not yet
That's for later :)
But they still have to co-op to together if they want to save their kingdom
So yeah they're pretty sour at the moment
They eventually reach the sea side where the ordered(?) a ship to reach to Eternatus. Cause it's on a isolated island
And the ship captain is none other than Nessa, the most feared captain of them all.
She takes after her cousin Archie
Yes I'm making them cousins in this Au fight me
She is often called The Siren given her beauty and deadliness
So why would she be the one to help a royal like Leon
Well she was the only one willing to go and Leon had to pay a lot to get her to cooperate so-
But you'll never guess who else is one the ship
Hop and co!
The only reason they're even on I'd because Piers is friends with Nessa
They go way back
So it's like a favour or something
Now Hop didn't know that Leon was going on this specific ship
So you could imagine the reunion
Leon isn't happy btw
Bede is being smug about it like " I told you so" but Marnie shuts him up
Piers tries to defend Hop which honestly cause Leon to relent
So now not only Sonia is with them, but now three teenagers and a thief( I decided to make Piers the head of a big thieves guild....and possibly former duke?)
Which is just so many casualties
This is the part where we really drive home that Leon has this unhealthy way of thinking that he has to take care of everything as king.
This as always been a thing, since his parents died and Rose ( unintentional or not) telling him that everything is on him, and only him.
He didn't even want Raihan to come since he feared how would get hurt or worse
But Raihan is a strong fighter, the best in the kingdom so he can count on him
But Sonia? Sonia quitted becoming a knight a long time ago. She may know the basics but she can't really hold her own
At least that what he thinks
And now his precious little brother is one the same ship with him plus Roses mentor and two thieves( though they do seem chill)
He can't risk them getting hurt. He can't
But we don't have time to unpack all of that!
Cause ya wanna know who else is on the ship? Alexis and co! Boom!
But they actually snuck on because they heard this ship was going where they needed to go to save Naomi and honesty they rather not pay so-
Sneaking it is! Though it's hard cause N is very tall and green hair is quite noticable
But they manage
Until Alexis hears Hop trying to explain why he's on the ship in the first place
And he mentions word of a girl named Naomi
Who is his cousin( I should mention that in Alexis' and Elliot's dream Naomi tells them her name for reference)
Tis triggers something in Alexis and causes his powers to go haywire
Causing him to expose himself and the other two
And everyone is about to attack him cause he's an intruder
And Elliot gets defensive cause " that's my brother you fuckers!"
And N is trying to calm the situation down ( as a means to not get anyone hurt and to atone for his actions as a former prince)
Then Leon is like " wait your the guy from the market!" And before Alexis can respond his powers end up sparking a lot which causes him to double over in pain
And by this point Elliot is panicking cause her brother could possibly die
N is trying to heal him but him alone isn't enough
Then Bede says he could help!
And it's revealed that the boy is half fae!!! Since his hair covered up his ears most of the time!!!
He was told to repress his fae side by Rose in fear of getting hurt( and that having a fae would cause some chaos that he can't control and Rose must have control over thingd to make sure things are good)
So Bede and N heal him, Bede being half fae REALLY helps
So much so that it seems that whenever Alexis uses his powers they don't hurt him as much as it did before
Which is cool and all but he can't really in a child forever that would be wrong
So for now it's a temporary solution
Now everyone is a bit calm now, minus the million questions that Hop and Sonia is asking Alexis
Eventually the two parties( Alexis and Hop) spill they're story and when Alexis confirms that Naomi is very much real Hop is overjoyed and is like " See!!! I told you!! I told you she was real!!!" And everyone rightfully apologizes to Hop
Honestly the revelation that Naomi is in fact real made is already terrible mental state worse cause that means he's been discouraging his little brother for so long and he starts going through what Alexis went through in game canon as " What if I was a better brother,"
And Nessa is over here a bit annoyed that there's a bunch more people than expected but Leon reassures her that they'll pay more and Sonia suggest that they'll work on the ship as well and Nessa ain't complaining to that!( Especially because one of them is a cute red head)
So now bonding time!
Leon, Raihan and Sonia still aren't on the best terms
In fact they've been avoiding each other a lot
They're all stubborn
Though they do miss each other a lot
Hop and Sonia bombard Alexis with questions that he honestly doesn't know the answer to
Elliot is a bit of flirt, flirting with both Nessa and Sonia
She managed to get Nessa flustered at some point and will never live it down
But then she notices that the two of them have a connection and she's like " oh I see" and she's not even mad about cause that just means she has more victims to tease endlessly
Which also somehow worked into them getting together but that's for later
Marnie forces to Bede and Hop to talk out they're issues cause she's grown tired of it, and they do and reach a better understanding of each other
Hop the tells them about Naomi and about his dreams
They take it the wrong way, because of course they do, but he assures them that he only see's her as a friend.
Marnie is shown to be the most curious about who Naomi is.
Raihan and Piers start to bond
Piers was a former duke of a failing/dying nation(? Idk what to call it) and had to resort to thievery the keep things a float. Hence meeting Nessa
He doesn't hate Leon by any means but is always ready to point out his privileged lifestyle before bonding with Leon himself as older brothers
He also bonds with Alexis and Elliot for their mutual love for music
This is where the shipping starts
Alexis and Leon haven't properly interacted before this point. It's mostly small talk
But! Leon has always been fascinated by Alexis, given his tendency to keep to himself and his curse
So one night on deck Leon wakes up( woke up from a nightmare of loosing everyone. Y'know. The usual) and was about to go back to bed when he hears singing
At first he thought it was Piers,as he's known to sing and they've all heard him sing before BUT!
When he listens closely he realizes that it's not Piers
So he goes out to investigate
And it's revealed to be Alexis!!!
And his voice is so beautiful!!!
It's a contrast to his speaking voice , while still quite, his singing voice is more softer and smooth.
His singing voice is much more sadder than his usual stoic monotone voice
And Leon is completely enamored.
Not to mention that Alexis isn't wearing his cloak that covers the majority his body, so this is the first time Leon has gotten a clear view of him and
The man is , mm, I would say infatuated. A small crush begins to form
Alexis' song is a sad one
He sings about the pain he's going through and how he wishes he didn't involve those he cares about
Which really spoke to Leon. Like a lot
Because parelles babeyyyy
But when Alexis notices Leon's snooping he calls him out, pretty embarrassed
Cause the only person he ever sang in front of is Elliot, Cheren, Bianca and his parents
So having Leon there, a stranger,is embarrassing
Not to mention that he's not very proud of his appearance via the curse
He's been called a monster by someone on the ship prior and while Nessa was quick to snap at that person it still took a blow to his already low self-confidence
Leon begs to differ but he doesn't know that, and even if he did it's more of a him thing that he needs to get over .
After a quick back and forth they end up talking and just....spilling everything
Alexis talks about his time as a chosen one, his battle with Ghetsis, his scar his curse, and especially his want to do this alone to protect others
While Leon talks about his fight with Raihan and Sonia, the disconnect between the three, how he feels like an awful older brother to Hop, the pressure if being a king after his parents, the guilt he feels for dragging everyone into this mess
Both of them don't know why they're saying this. They're both pretty secretive about how they truly feel, but it's incredibly late, and the two are in a vulnerable spot so it kinda just comes out
After a while they both go to bed with a strange but welcomed friendship!
I just wanna say, if I ever do write this, it's not gonna be entirely romance focused.
The ships will be there, but like, the amount of character set-up I did prior demands a lot more attention soooooo
Especially with Sonia, Raihan and Leon's whole conflict!
I hope I didn't misrepresent their characters here!
But yeah
This got very long very fast so part 3 is in order!
TDLR: Leon and Alexis needs a hug, and I feel like this is going to be a series within a series
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celsidebottom · 3 years
Day 2 of @sashaweek: AUs
This is set as a sort of prequel to my big bang fic from this last year, Hope on the Horizon, a pirate/privateer au where the pcs (minus Bertie of course) serve under Captain Zolf and are tasked with investigating weird storms.
This is Sasha’s early experience on the ship and how she learns to trust the crew.
“Oi, new girl, wanna join?”
Sasha glanced down from her perch in the rigging, where she was barely visible in the dim light of the setting sun.  Below her, a few members of the crew sat in a circle with cards in their hands.
“Alright, fair enough,” Grizzop said with a shrug.  “Offer stands, though.”
She said nothing and allowed Grizzop, Azu, and Cel to carry on with their game.  It would have been easy to cheat, especially with the way most of them waved their hands around so carelessly, but Sasha wasn’t in the mood to attempt any form of socialization.
Not that she ever was in that sort of mood, really.  Since joining the crew of Hope’s Call, the most interaction she’d had was with the captain, Zolf, who brought her aboard in the first place after he found her escaping some of Barrett’s people and she used him as an impromptu shield.  He had offered her a job, where she could really be free from those chasing her, and it seemed as good an offer as she would get.
But that didn’t mean she had to be chatty and cozy with the crew.  All she’d managed was a quick introduction after Zolf showed her around. He then left her to her own devices, where she was free to climb around in the rigging and make her own little home in the crow’s nest, closest to the sky and farthest from people.
Even if the crew seemed nice and friendly, Sasha knew not to get involved, knew that they would sacrifice each other for their own safety or profit in an instant.  That’s how people worked.  She didn’t need social skills to know that.
The waves crashed violently against the hull, rocking Hope’s Call to and fro at the whim of the ocean. The side to side thrashing never bothered Sasha, and she actually enjoyed the motion as she clutched on tight to the rigging and let the sea spray wash over her.
That is, until another wave came and pitched her overboard.
She didn’t know how to swim. She’d never had to.  Flailing and splashing, another wave smashed her sideways and sent her under the surface.
It wasn’t how she expected to go.  She figured that Barrett would get to her one day, or she would face some similarly violent end.  To sink down beneath an ocean, buffeted and barred from the surface by a storm, had never been in the cards.
She still tried to breach the surface, to fill her burning lungs with precious air, but it was of no use. This was it.
Sasha shut her eyes, and waited.
But the end didn’t come. Instead, arms wrapped around her and yanked her to the surface.  She and Zolf gasped for breath in the tumultuous waters.
“Hang on, we’ve got you,” he cried, then turned back to their ship.  “I’ve got her!  Pull us back!”
On deck, Azu, Cel, and Grizzop pulled on the rope tied to Zolf’s middle to haul the pair back to the ship where they could scrabble up the side to safety.  They then both collapsed into coughing, retching up the water they’d swallowed.
“You’re safe.  You need to rest.  Get your air back.”
Normally, Sasha would have bristled at the way Azu placed a hand on her shoulder, but there was something in the warmth of Azu’s touch and gaze that kept Sasha motionless as a pink light flowed through the contact.
“There, that should help.”
“What was that?”
“Healing magic.  From Aphrodite.”
“Oh.  Well… thanks.”  Sasha then turned to Zolf, who still sat beside her.  “And thank you for getting me out of that.”
“Of course.  We don’t leave a crewmate behind.”
As if detecting the disbelief in her tone, Cel stepped in.  “We’re a family here.  I know it might be hard to believe that, but we’ve got your back.  It’s not like we’re just going to let you drown because you’re a bit antisocial.  Besides!  I’m social enough for all of us!”
For the first time in ages, Sasha smiled.  It was the faintest upturn of her lips, but it was a smile nonetheless.
She knew better than to trust people.  They would leave at the slightest provocation.  But sat on a deck, surrounded by the people that had just saved her life, she was starting to believe that maybe this crew would be different.  Maybe, just maybe, they were a family after all.
“Mind if I join?”
Grizzop, Azu, and Cel all gave each other surprised looks, then scooched aside so that Sasha could sit and join their card game.  Cel dealt her in.
“We don’t bet money, just regular items,” Grizzop explained, gesturing with one of his arrows.  “Azu’s got perfume, Cel’s got… whatever those things are.”
Cel held up a small contraption that whirred quietly even though it showed no sign of motion or function, then placed it back in the center.
Sasha paused, brow creased, as she considered what she might be able to use.  In the end, she opened her jacket and pulled out a dagger, then set it in the pot.  It wasn’t as if they weren’t all armed anyway, and if they’d wanted to do her harm, they could have left her to drown.
But they didn’t.
With a faint smile, Sasha looked over her cards.  “I won’t even cheat this round.  Just to say thanks.”
“Thanks for what?” Azu asked.
“For… you know.  Letting me be a part of your crew.”
Azu smiled back, beaming, but then Grizzop interrupted.
“What was that about cheating?”
“I said I wouldn’t cheat this round.”
“Do you normally cheat when playing cards!?”
“Don’t you!?”
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Chapter 3: Return of the Mysterious Diva
It took awhile for the dark woods to pass the group, desert sand replacing it. It always felt a bit strange to Hat Girl, people always seemed to complain about the desert's heat, yet it never really bugged her. Then again, that simply could be because she was an alien who could more easily handle heat, or this desert was cooler than others. Either way, it didn't stop her from chatting with the others on the way to Dead Bird Studio.
The others informed her about how things on the planet were since she last arrived. It was... the same for the most part. Mafia Town was still Mafia Town. Dead Bird Studio kept making movies, and although slightly more tolerant of each other, DJ Grooves and Conductor still had their rivalry. The captain and seals got a new ship, apparently bigger than before. Alpine Skyline was apparently fine as well, but no one really knew exactly since they kept to themselves.
It made her happy, knowing everyone was still living their lives peacefully. She found herself soon looking forward again, seeing they were now in front of Dead Bird Studios. It felt almost like nothing changed, seeing it. The main thing that was different were two posters on each side of the building. Those posters being for the movies she took part in when she first arrived on this planet. Apparently, her movies were still some of the best the studio ever made.
It almost felt surreal that she was here again, after all this time... She felt herself take a slight breath to calm herself, glancing to her sides slightly. DJ Grooves gave her a reassuring smile, Conductor glanced at her with pride. She felt a ghostly hand remove her hat, ruffling her hair briefly before placing the hat back on. She took another breath, and walked into the building that made her a star.
They passed through the dark hallway, into the reception room. Everything was almost the exact same as years ago, minus the same posters as outside on each wall on each side of the building. The Receptionist owl was typing away at the computer on his desk. The birds there were chatting among each other, Express Owls on one side, and Moon Penguins on the other. Her smile grew slightly as Platinum began glancing around in awe.
"HEY, we're back, Receptionist!" The Conductor called as he walked up to the desk.
"I hear you Conductor, no need to be pushy about it." The Receptionist said, as his typing went quicker, as if to finish whatever he was working on.
"Normally I would agree with your statement darling, but I can't really blame him myself." DJ Grooves said, taking Hat Girl's hand as he walked closer. "One of the greatest stars we ever had has returned. Who can blame him if he's a bit excited."
"Really? The only person I can think of that meets that memo is-" the Receptionist finally glanced over, and although his eyes remained closed, he seemed to straighten up in surprise. "Is that the lil' chiper?"
"Lil' chiper? How many nicknames did you get on this planet, Hattie? Or just, names in general?" Platinum asked as he walked back over to the group, Hat Girl giving a shrug in response.
"Who else do you know that wears a purple and yellow hat almost 24/7?" Snatcher spoke, having shrunk his from slightly to where he was still able to tower the others, but to where he wasn't knocking said others to the side by mistake.
"I'll be takin' her to the back to get her bird passport renewed. Clear out everythin' else in me schedule today." Conductor said quickly.
"Same with me darling." DJ Grooves said, the Conductor huffing quietly to himself. "Oh, and do me a favor. Tell Biddy and Sheryll to bring her over to the picture booth." Hat Girl gained a bit of confusion in her eyes, weren't they already taking her to the photo booth?
"Of course, right away Mister Conductor and Mister Grooves." The Reception said, giving a quick wave to Hat Girl before getting back on the computer.
"This way darling, we'll get your passport ready, then you can choice a movie you'd like to be in." DJ Grooves said, leading her through the doors on his side of the building. The Conductor could faintly be heard mumbling in the background, as he followed them, a rare sight to be sure. Hat Girl found herself glancing around, it was so much like she remembered, yet not at the same time.
"Still can't believe you were in movies without me." Platinum huffed, though it wasn't a serious huff like Conductor's past one was.
"In my defense, I didn't know I was going to be getting a robotic brother when I was starring in them." Hat Girl giggled, smiling slightly as she waved to the owls and penguins that recognized her. It felt a bit strange, walking through the studio instead of just jumping about. Either they built some new pathways while she was gone, or she was always looking for a challenge when she was younger.
"Whelp, here we are, lass!" Conductor said, the large fake golden trophy a few feet away from them.
Platinum froze in his steps, month opening in slight shock. "Woah! Especially when the trophies are that big!" He glanced back at her, to which she rolled her eyes. She loved her brother, and they worked well together. But it takes a few tries to get some facts into his head. Like when the answer he was given was 'no'. But, to be fair, she was guilty of that as well. He turned his attention to the birds. "Where do you two even keep all these trophies!?"
"Well, this one is just a plastic replica, darling." DJ Grooves said, watching disappointment fill the Topbot's face.
"Why do you two have a plastic replica anyway?" Snatcher said, flouting to the top of the fake golden trophy, laying on the top slightly. "Aww, were one of you so insure that you would never win a first place trophy? That's just sooo sad."
The Conductor gave a slight smirk and DJ Grooves, who quickly and magically gained a cough. "Step over here darling, and we'll take the new picture for the passport. I do hope you're more… photogenic with staying still this time around." He said, heading to the camera booth.
"No promises, Grooves." She chuckled as she walked over to where the camera was pointing. She still remembered standing in this exact spot years ago. She made sure not to move this time, despite Platinum making faces at her like a child in the background.
The camera clicked, allowing Hat Girl to breathe a sigh of relief. The Conductor snatched the picture from DJ Grooves and looked at it, glancing back at her with a smile. "You look great, lassie!"
"Daddy!" A voice called before Hat Girl had the chance to say 'thanks'. DJ Grooves quickly got out of the photo booth, as a small blue penguin ran from two moon penguins to him. She was wearing a small pink dress, similar to one she remembered one of the Conductor grandkids wore. She giggled as she got to his feet, as the penguin picked her up.
"There you are, did you miss me, little star?" He asked, booping the young penguin's beak, causing her to let out a giggle. He then turned over to the toppat teens. "This here is Dinenna, my beautiful magnificent little girl!"
"Awwww, she's so cute!" Hat Girl said, walking over to the two slightly. Apparently, things had changed more than she had thought. Still, she wasn't going to let that bug her, as she smiled at the little bird. "Hi there, Dinenna!"
Dinenna looked at her slightly, letting out a small gasp in wonder. She then smiled and pointed to her. "Hat Diva! Hat Diva!" She then reached for her slightly. Hat Girl heard a sigh from the Conductor in the background, apparently he was going to take care of Platinum's picture while waiting for 'this' to be over with.
DJ Grooves chuckled slightly, as he looked back at her. "She's a big fan of yours, darling. She even watch the Conductor's westerns that have you in it."
"Don't think I can't hear ye, peck neck" The Conductor grumbled in the background.
Hat Girl smiled slightly at them both, letting the little one garb her hands slightly. Her ice blue eyes looked up at her in joy, she might be able to compete with the seals.
"Alright, we got the lad and lassie's passport taken care of." The Conductor said, walking back over to the three. He then glanced at Hat Girl. "So, which movie should we film, lassie? I've gotten a few ideas over the years."
"Well..." She began messing with her fingers. "I hope you don't mind, but I was kinda thinking I could do a movie with DJ Grooves first. It would likely take less time, and we do need to get back to the others soon. Besides, I figure Dinenna would like that, won't you?" She said, the little penguin giggling slightly.
The Conductor glanced at DJ Grooves slightly, possibly giving him a glare, before sighing slightly in defeat. "Aright, lass. But yer gonna be in one of my movies next!" He crossed his arms and leaned against a nearby wall. Platinum looked at the bird, giving a shrug before walking next to his sister.
"Well, if we're going to be in one of DJ Groove's movies, maybe we can do something with that parade thing I saw while walking in?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. "It seems like it would be a cool idea, and you looked like you were having a lot of fun while making it, Hattie." He smiled at her.
"That sounds like a wonderful idea, darling." DJ Grooves said, looking at the two of them slightly. Dineanna giggled in his arms, making him pause to smile at her before turning his attention back to the other two. "I still remember watching you leading those Owls around the set, like the leader you were."
"Well, if we are going to do that movie, there are a few things I liked to bring up." Hat Girl said as she looked at him. "We should get finger signs in place for us to use. The band tended to get way too close during the parade. And maybe we should have some extra safety measures in place this time around. I loved running around carefree and all, but things would have been bad if I slipped."
"I do see your point there, darling." DJ Grooves said, rubbing the back of his head.
"You better see the point. It would be awful if they fell and broke all their bones, or gears in Platinum's case." Snatcher stated as he flouted to the group with a chuckle. "Normal I say stuff like that in a joking manner, as I want that to happen. But know I will be seeing you in court if something happens to the kiddo." His voice gained a faint threatening tone, hand making a slight fist that was hidden from the others view.
The penguin gulped slightly. "Don't worry, darling, everything will be fine... now, let's get things ready!" He said, picking up his tone again slightly.
Snatcher flouted besides Hat Girl and Platinum as she was being led to another room. "Don't worry, I'll be at the movie set with you in case things go haywire."
"Wow, I really earned a spot in your heart, didn't I?" Hat Girl chuckled, as Snatcher glanced up at the ceiling, likely rolling his eyes. She didn't remember Snatcher being this... nice... or protective. Did something happen while she was gone that made him like this? She didn't bother asking.
Soon, they found themselves in a dressing room. "Platinum, you head into the one over there, I'll go let you know the plans in a few minutes." The Topbot nodded after a brief moment, and headed into the room, followed by a few Moon penguins. DJ Grooves walked over to a nearby closet, and pulled out her... old Parade uniform?
"Wait, didn't you give that to me?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.
DJ Grooves looked over at her, head tilting to the side as Dinenna reached for the feather on the top of the hat. "Not that I recall, darling."
"Weird..." She said, only faintly noticing some Moon Penguins holding measuring tape to her sides. "I could have sworn you did, it was in my closet when I left the planet... same with a bunch of other outfits I don't recall having..." She glanced to the side, faintly able to catch Snatcher starting to mess with his fingers again.
"Must have been a spare, or something." DJ Grooves said, placing Dinenna on the floor with the hat, before grabbing a roll of red fabric off the wall, comparing it to that of the outfit. "I'll admit, I wasn't expecting you to go with me first darling, but I appreciate it." He looked over at her, giving her a soft smile. "I promise, you won't regret it."
Hat Girl giggled. "I'm sure I won't." She said, pausing as she bent down when one of the penguins asked her too. They quickly marked her head length on it before removing it. This was going to be fun.
Hat Girl adjusted her new hat as she glanced into the mirror Snatcher had summoned for her. Her current outfit was almost the exact same as the one she wore years ago, only fitted to her current size. Platinum jumped into the mirror's view as well, wearing almost the exact same outfit, but the gold and silver parts were swapped in color. He looked at her with a grin, warping an arm around her happily.
"You too look perfect, darlings." DJ Grooves said as he glanced over at them, ending the phone call he was on. Dinenna had to go home, as her mother and him agreed it would be a bad idea for her to stay up late, so he was making sure everything was alright there. He then glanced over the two rows of Owls, who were waiting patiently. "Everyone remembers the signals?"
"Yes sir, we got them memorized... r-right everyone?" One of the owls called to the others, who nodded or mumbled shyly their answers.
"Just don't draw attention to the fact I’m here, I don't want to be associated with DJ Peckneck."
"You're in the shadows of the starting building playing cards with a ghost known for stealing souls buddy, I'm pretty sure no one's gonna notice." Snatcher said casually, placing down a 7.
"Ehhh, fair." He glanced down at his cards. "Uhhh... is ace the best card, or the worst card...? This is why I don't play without me grandchildren."
"Alright Darlings, let's get this movie started!" DJ Grooves called, hopping over to a tower-float thing.
"Let's get my movie career started!" Platinum called, racing to another building as soon as he was given the 'go' command.
Hat Girl chuckled slightly as she raced the opposite direction then her brother, hopping onto the nearby building as the owls followed her. She could hear shouts of excitement from the crowd below, she could hear variants of her name shouted in joy below, it made her feel happy.
"Hey Hattie! Check this out!" Platinum called, reading himself up to a wire. He leaned forward and placed his hands on the wire, doing a cartwheel across it.
Hat Girl rolled her eyes, singling her owls to slow down slightly so she could more easily talk to him. "Yeah yeah, I can do a lot more on those wires, dear brother of mine. Watch!" She said, hopping onto one, doing a front flip as she landed on a nearby rooftop. She glanced over smugly.
Platinum made a grin, and singled for his owls to speed up as he raced to his left. Hat Girl was a bit confused, as she hop back and forth between the 'stage' area and a nearby rooftop to get a better look at the situation. She saw Platinum turn around from the rooftop edge and hop off. Before her worry could fully set in, she saw him grab some flags between two buildings just above the crowd, and used them to quickly swing himself onto the next rooftop.
"I'm sorry kiddo, but I'm pretty sure you just got owned!" Snatcher called as he looked away from the card game, chuckling along with the Conductor. Hat Girl gave a glare, then singled for her owls to speed up while looking at DJ Grooves. Then she gave him another single just from him.
"Start the firework cannons!" He called to a nearby group of moon penguins at the controls. They nodded at him, and began to press the buttons. The canons from the nearby flouts started to shoot out fireworks, and some of the ground crew got more safety tarps ready, in case one of the two were to fall onto the ground.
Meanwhile in one of the shops, a storekeeper glanced at the gems on the counter, then looked at the man. "Sir, we're legally not allowed to accept gems as payment."
"Come on, it's basically keeping change." Reginald spoke, voiced tired yet filled with stress and worry. He and Right Hand Man went looking for the kids, but after hours of searching and Reginald falling into water, they decided they should try and get some supplies for the clan. After all, they had to come back on their own sooner or later. Platinum's battery could only last so long after all.
"Look sir, I can tell something's going on, but I can't just give all of this for gems or gold." The storekeeper, glancing at the supplies that were sitting to the side of the counter. Some packs of food, bottles of water, tools, and a few tents. They glanced back at him. "If you don't have anything you can actually use to pay, you have to leave."
"But I..." Reginald let out a groan, glancing over at Right Hand Man.
Right Hand Man sighed as he reached in his pocket. Normally they would likely have just stolen it all, but Reginald refused too. He didn't want to risk them making Hat Girl look bad. Made things a bit more annoying, but he was sure he would adapt over time. He pulled out his wallet and placed some cash on the table, as Reginald had forgotten cash existed. "Alrig't, 'eres yer money. Now we'll be goin'."
"Ohhh, you're from the metro..." The shopkeeper placed their arm in front of the items before the cyborg could garb them. "News flash, your type of money doesn't work here either, pons only."
"Pons?" Reginald asked, confused by the term, before it clicked. This was an alien planet, which meant they had a completely different money system. If they wouldn't accept gold or gems, or the cash they had, they couldn't get anything from the clan... panic began to fall on him as he tried to find words.
"Come on, Reg." Right Hand Man said, holding his husband's hand once he saw panic enter his eyes. He gave the shopkeeper a slight glare, before garbing the money and leading Reginald to the door. It was getting late... they needed to get back. He was a bit annoyed to find the streets filled, which would not make leaving any easier. "It's gonna be alrig't, Reg, we'll figure out w'ot we need to do."
"H-How can you be so sure Righty!?" Reginald asked, some tears forming faintly in the corner of his eyes. "No past leader has ever had to deal with something like this, so I can't use them for guidance! The clan is all going to look to me, hoping I have a way home, but I don't! I can't even keep an eye on my own kids!"
"Easy Reg, easy..." Right Hand Man said, moving some hair out of his lover's eyes. "S'ould 'ave been t'e one keepin' an eye on t'em, knowin' 'ow busy ya would be." He faintly noticed a shadow passed by overhead, but shook it off as he kept his focus on Reginald. "Ya need to trust me, ok?"
"I hope you're right..." Reginald sighed as he glanced at the ground. He could hear the cheering coming from Penguins around him, and giggling, shouting, and taunting from up above. There were two voices that seemed stuck out to him...
"Bet you won't can't do this, Hattie!" A energetic voice called, causing both men to look up at the sound.
"Platinum?!" Reginald asked in shock, as he saw the topbot jump across to one of those large float tower things.
"Wha's the lad doing near the rocket?" the Conductor asked, having longed given up on the card game at this point. Platinum sent a sign to his Owls to have them temporarily stop, as the canon began to glow red. He tapped his foot slightly as he wanted for the faintest sights of a firework. Once one was about to launch out, he jumped over the cannon hole, just barely avoiding being hit. "Wow, the lads really got some skills."
Fear filled Reginald's eyes in a second. "P-PLATINUM TOPBOT COPPERBOTTOM, GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" He shouted, but was muffled by the cheering of the crowd. He could feel fear itself swimming through his blood, especially when he spotted Hat Girl jumping onto a wire before bouncing up again. "YOU TOO, HATTIE!"
Right Hand Man watched in worry, what were they doing? "Hat Girl, Platinum! Get down now!" He shouted.
Unfortunately, the two were unable to hear their fathers' worried calls, and kept racing around the buildings with the owls following them.
"T'at's it." Right Hand Man groaned, his feet gaining rockets under them as he lifted into the air. He flew over to the two. "Hat Girl! Platinum! Get over 'ere!"
Snatcher caught the flying man out of the corner of his eye, and was naturally confused. He then noticed he was heading to where the teens were, and had to act. He flew over to him, quickly garbing the man by the leg. "WELLLLLLLLLLL... What do you think you're doing?" he coughed slightly "FOOOL!"
"W'ot t'e-" Right Hand Man looked behind him, seeing a large dark figure with glowing eyes smirking at him. He growled, he didn't have time for this! "Let me go! T'e kids could get t'emselfs 'urt if I don't stop t'em!" The ghost didn't respond, just shook his head with a chuckle like he told a joke. Right Hand Man reached for his leg, trying to get it free.
"Oh there's no need to worry sir. As the actor's lawyer, I can say that they aren't going to get hurt anytime soon." Snatcher said, placing a hand on his chest.
"Actor?! Lawyer!?" Right Hand Man shouted as he looked up at him. "Don't know w'ot yer goin' on about!"
"Simple, these two are filming a movie, and I can't have you interrupt them rudely like that."
"It's alright, Snatcher darling. We got enough footage for the movie." DJ Grooves called, as he singled for the filming crew to stop, and for the kids to come back.
Hat Girl and Platinum both raced back to where they were, chuckling all the way. It was only when Hat Girl looked over at the phantom did she notice the cyborg with him. "Snatcher, what are you doing with Papa?"
Snatcher's face went blank as he processed the information. "This is... your father? ...How can you stand being raised by someone so boring!"
"I honestly don't know!" Platinum called up, replacing his parade hat with his normal topbot hat. "No offense Pops, but you're kinda a killjoy."
"A 'killjoy' because I try to protect ya bot'" He called, as he looked at the phantom, before the name Hat Girl called him sunk in. "'ait... T'is is the g'ost who's song I sing for ya, Hattie?!" He shouldn't really be surprised, he knew the ghost wasn't the best person, based on the lyrics. He honestly didn't know why Hattie even liked the song, but it always seemed to cheer her up.
"Yea! Isn't he super cool! Just like Grooves and Conductors are! And everyone on this planet!" She called up happily.
"Righty! Are you and the kids ok!?" Reginald's voice called from the ground below, even more worry inside of it than before. Hat Girl and Platinum glanced at each other, another type of worry growing on their features. They completely forgot about their dads.
The cyborg sighed slightly, as he called out. "Yea, just 'ang on a second!" He then glared at the ghost holding him. "Will ya let me go get my 'usband, t'en we can all 'ave a... proper introduction to eac' ot'er." He mumbled slightly, he rather just garb the kids and start heading back, but that wasn't going to let this ghost let go.
Snatcher glanced to the side slightly with a hum, as if in thought, before shrugging and letting go of his foot. "Sure, why not. You're staying next to my forest anyway, might as well get to know you since you'll be staying here awhile."
The Conductor finally raced out of the shadows next to Grooves, a bit curious at this point. Right Hand Man disappeared from sight, only to reappear with the worried toppat leader in his arms a few seconds later. Reginald quickly, yet somehow gently, raced out of his husband's grip and over to his kids, hugging them both. "You two had me so worried! Are you hurt, you better not be hurt!"
"Relax Dad, we're fine." Platinum said, a slight embarrassed tone in his voice, as Reginald backed away after a moment's hesitation. "We've just been chilling with some of Hattie's friends. Oh! We're also going to be in a movie."
"A movie?" Reginald asked, before shaking his head slightly. "You two should have at least told me or Righty first! I fell into the ocean looking for you earlier!"
"In our defense, you would likely have said no if we told you." Hat Girl said, adjusting her Family Badge on her normal hat before placing it back on.
"Oh, I know for a fact I would 'ave said no." Right Hand Man said, crossing his arms with a huff. "Ya could've gotten 'urt or lost. 'nd Just because ya were on t'is planet before doesn't mean it's any safer for ya t'an ot'er Toppats members."
"The lassie is much more capable than you give her credit fer. But as a father meself, I can see yer worry." The Conductor said, getting the attention of the toppat leaders. "Name's the Conductor, and the Penguin right here is DJ Peckneck."
"DJ Grooves." The penguin corrected, giving a slight glance at Conductor, who just gave a grin in response. He then looked back at the two. "Sorry about keeping your kids for so long, darlings. We just got a little excited when we found her, and didn't think of how her family would react."
"Wha's with the long apology. I would just say 'Sorry' and that'd be that." The Conductor said.
"Ehhh, it doesn't help that we only really mentioned the whole 'crashed on here with the clan' situation to Snatcher." Platinum said, rubbing the back of his head slightly.
Reginald took a few breaths, finally allowing himself to fully calm down after what felt like, and likely was, hours. He then smiled tiredly at the three from this planet. "Well, it's nice to finally met you all, Hattie talks so fondly of you all. My name is Reginald Copperbottom, and this is my Right Hand Man."
"'Ello." Right Hand Man sighed, as he glanced at Reginald. "I 'ate to cut t'is s'ort, but we s'ould be gettin' back to the clan. T'ey're probably worried about us all."
"Awww... but I don't wanna leave yet! There's so much we can do!" Platinum said, eyes glowing faintly in the dark.
"Yeah! And besides... " Hat Kid glanced at the birds and phantom, not finding the exact words. It seemed like she was worried...
"It's alright, Darling. I need to get home anyway. Hazel will kill me if I stay out too late." DJ Grooves said jokingly.
"Aye, same here. I got a busy train schedule tomorrow." The Conductor said, glancing at Hat Girl with a smile. "Besides, ye need to get things with yer... clan, figured out anyway. After that, we can work on our movie!"
"After askin' us first." Right Hand Man stated, a slight glare in his eyes. "I'm not lettin' Reg 'ave anot'er panic attack because t'ey disappeared."
"You really are no fun." Snatcher said, shaking his head to the side slightly.
Hat Girl smiled at them all slightly. Everything was going to be fine...
Burt turned away from the sleeping form of Fredrick when he heard footsteps. He shined the flashlight over, glancing around before his mind took in the figures he saw. "Oh, chief, boss, you're back with the kids."
"Yeah... did anything happen while we were gone?" Reginald asked, sighing as he glanced around. There were a few fires set up, the children sleeping on beds close to each one, while one adult stayed up with a flashlight and a bucket of water near them. Most of the other members were asleep under the broken pieces of the orbital station. A few were still up around what was basically 'medbay' now, likely doing some final checks before heading to 'bed' themselves.
Burt shrugged. "Nothing really. We just got a few fires up and are switching between resting and making sure they don't spread. But uhh, you could probably see that already." He glanced at the small boxes Hat Girl had. "Are those some supplies?"
"No, just two outfits Hattie's friend made for 'er and Platinum." Right Hand Man said. It was true, DJ Grooves allowed the two to keep the outfits. Said to keep it as a welcome back gift. "Store wouldn't accept gold, gems, or cas'. So we're gonna 'ave to find anot'er way to get t'e stuff we need."
"Forgive me for asking, but uhh, why not just steal the supplies?"
"I didn't want to risk making a bad impression to any of Hattie's friends." Reginald sighed, glancing back at Burt. "Besides, based on what Hattie told us in the past, nearly everyone here has a 'trick' they could use to hurt us, even if they don't really mean to. Stealing just seems like a bad idea."
"Bet you some people never thought the leader of the toppat clan would ever say that." Platinum chuckled slightly.
"Well, uhh, do you have any idea what we can do to get supplies?" Burt asked, glancing to the side slightly before groaning. "I'm going to be a wreck without my coffee tomorrow... I blame you, Fredrick." He said, glancing back at the sleeping Toppat.
"Oh! I got an idea!" Hat Girl stated as she glanced at Reginald. "It's a bit away from here, but maybe we can head to Mafia Town? See if we can trade some of the gold for pons, they have a lot of both."
"Well, we did find a boat earlier we can use to get there... " Reginald glanced at Right Hand Man. "What do you think?"
"'onsently? We don't really 'ave anot'er c'oice." Right Hand Man sighed, before he yawned slightly. "W'otever we're doin', we s'ould 'ead ta bed. Can't do anythin' w'en yer basically a zombie."
Reginald nodded as Burt looked at them. "Calla placed some blankets for you all by the power grid. Said you all would likely want to stay close together until you get your actual rooms back."
It took a few minutes to find said power grid, but once they did, they all got settled in. Well, the best they could, as some of the broken walls made the area a bit crowded. Platinum adjusted his position, since there wasn't much room for him to properly stand, before plugging into his charger and turning off for the night. Reginald, Right Hand Man, and Hat Girl stayed close to each other in a nearby corner, having decided it would probably be best for them to sleep together, at least for tonight.
"You know things are going to be ok here, right?" Hat Girl asked as she looked up at them slightly. "My friends won't let anything bad happen to us. There's no need to worry."
Right Hand Man replied with a tried mumble, as he shifted slightly to get more comfortable. Reginald let out a yawn, and brushed some hair out of her eyes, smiling softly at her. "We know, Hattie. We know... Adults just tend to worry about things more than you do. Especially when they're in charge of the clan." He shook his head slightly as he closed his eyes, Hat Girl following suit soon after. "But we have each other... and that's all that matters..."
Snatcher watched the crashed orbital station sight from a distance. He knew the kiddo was bound to leave once again. No contract could make her stay. Why... how did she even worm herself this far into his non-existing heart?! He knew part of the answer, sure, but was that alone enough to make him feel like... this? The fact it felt like part of her was always here didn't help either. He sighed as he floated back down, heading to his tree home. Everything will be fine. He would just have to... enjoy all the time he had with her. Maybe make some extra time as well, if he had too...
Just small little things like a missing tool every now and again... No... that would be cruel... he was already known for being cruel... but to the kiddo? Could he really bring himself low enough to prevent her from going home once again? He'll just have to see what the future has in store... Maybe time will surprise them all...
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