#Roosterteeth x reader
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urmomsspeciallady · 11 months
⊱ ─{.⋅ Choking on Flowers ⋅.} ─ ⊰
(Summary by me this time lol!)
Story Info.↴
Rating: 17+ (vulgar language, violence, mentioned sex & nudity, smoking, drugs, and alcohol)
Relationship: David x Reader
Reader is… an artist, David’s childhood friend, neurodivergent
Author’s Note: Hello! I just wanted to say that as an author I am going to try my best to emulate the original cartoon and general feel RoosterTeeth brought to it while still bringing some sincerity to the events that take place and characters. I hope you enjoy my take on this concept! If you have anything you want to share with me, don’t be afraid to comment or send an anon message! xo
I’d also like to add that i took some inspiration from a wonderful fanfic which I will link below! I thought it’d be fun adding to the small pile of David x reader fanfictions. :)
Weird Science by EternalLost
Summary. ↴
You went through a rough patch recently: mainly spending 4 years earning an education degree you knew wasn’t right for you then accepting and quitting a job offer before even starting. You were stuck between taking time for yourself and trying to find a use for the degree. Your therapist suggested an idea including both: summer camp. I wonder what summer camp actually accepted your job application? The same summer camp your old best friend works at. The same old best friend you haven’t contacted in nearly 6 years. How hard can this job be?
Chapter One: …
not yet posting :) Hehe sorry, just wanted to put a teaser out to prove I am working on it!
Want to know the character behind Y/N? Check out the original version, the one that includes artwork! :) ↴
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pprecipitation · 5 years
I write for Misfits and friends Rooster Teeth Achievement Hunter
I do have rules: I will not romanticize any forms of mental illness No rape I will occasionally write 18+
I’m not too picky with rules, but I will inform you if I don’t feel comfortable writing your request
Here are 100 prompts! These are optional, but it's easier for me. Please send a number and person :)
.1 It's been two years!
.2 Yeah, I'm here
.3 Surprise
.4 Kiss me
.5 Please don't die
.6 She / He is beautiful
.7 Breathe
.8 You're leaving?
.9 You killed him!
.10 I still love him
.11 Don't fall in love with the wrong guy
.12 Who's she?
.13 You're what?
.14 I loved him!
.15 You don't love her, do you?
.16 You okay?
.17 Uh, yeah. Everything is okay
.18 Get off me!
.19 Who cares?
.20 Just relax
.21 If everyone was normal, we wouldn't be here
.22 Please put your dick away
.23 He's been their father because you can't
.24 Sure - I mean, I do
.25 I can't be with you if you're going to act like this
.26 I'm doing what I can
.27 Out of the top three people you love, I'm at the bottom
.28 Please don't call me
.29 I am only trying to do what is best for them
.30 Don't be nervous, they'll love you
.31 Please don't leave me with him
.32 For god's sake sit down!
.33 I'm not going
.34 I don't plan on it
.35 Don't worry, they'll be fine
.36 Did you actually love him?
.37 But I mean, it's him
.38 Wake up
.39 You shouldn't have even been there!
.40 None of that matters anymore
.41 Okay, and?
.42 You have to get out and see the world
.43 Talk to me
.44 You can't keep doing this
.45 Don't say that
.46 I could kiss you right now
.47 Yeah, I was drunk
.48 It's all your fault
.49 I shouldn't be in love with you
.50 It was a mistake
.51 Everyone keeps telling me you're the bad guy
.52 You lost your mind
.53 I'm never getting high like that again
.54 I never meant anyone to get hurt, especially you
.55 It's not what it looks like
.56 You could've done something, but you didn't
.57 Can you stop for one second so I can say something for once
.58 You haven't touched your food
.59 Stay here
.60 I know it's the middle of the night, but I needed to see you
.61 Don't leave
.62 My parents asked about you again, this time they want to meet you, at Christmas dinner
.63 Go on then
.64 I'm tired of being your secret
.65 I'm not happy here
.66 We'll get through this
.67 I shouldn't be talking about this right now
.68 We both know what we said / did
.69 You don't need to protect me
.70 I meant every word I said
.71 All I wanted was the truth
.72 What are you doing here?
.73 Oh my god, why is there blood?
.74 Look away
.75 I trusted you
.76 I hate how much I love you
.77 You kissed him
.78 That's it?
.79 I want to be sorry
.80 I just see shapes and colors and just blurs! Then I see you, an actual person I can see. But why?
.81 You like her / him!
.82 Next thing you know, there she / he is laying in my bed, naked
.83 I don't know why you're mad!
- I wish I was mad!
.84 We were high as shit
.85 I thought so too
.86 You can't shut up, can you?
.87 And no one else
.88 You're cute when you're angry
.89 I love you, okay!
.90 Hey, that's mine
.91 Why are you sleeping with him / her?
.92 Next time, tell me when you're bringing your mother
.93 You're sick, I need to take care of you
.94 I didn't know we were going to have company
.95 Seriously, what the hell?
.96 Don't be jealous
.97 Was that your plan?
.98 What is going on between us?
.99 I can't believe it turned out like this
.100 Is this a joke?
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jogeto · 3 years
HC’s of Weiss with a s/o who has never seen snow before?
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⤷ In shocked....shocked everywhere...
⤷ "You..you've never seen snow before?" Weiss would ask to her darling.
⤷ A lot of questions would be thrown at Weiss' s/o and some weird answers would be thrown back at Weiss.
⤷ Then Weiss will change the subject to talking about how snow is formed.
⤷ After that long talk, Weiss and her s/o would put on their snow gear and go outside, playing in the snow.
⤷ Her s/o likes it and hopes that the snow will last longer.
⤷ Weiss and her s/o will come back inside, sneezing almost every second.
⤷ Eventually, Weiss and her s/o will have some hot cocoa and cuddle with each other on a soft couch next to the fireplace.
⤷ Wiess would still be in shock to this day about her s/o not seeing snow before.
⤷ "If we want to go outside tomorrow, we're gonna need some tough snow gear." Weiss joked.
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© YUMEKO. — all rights reserved. please do not copy or claim any of my works as your own.
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campeyourdiems · 4 years
Daniel: I am my own person
Daniel: I listen to no one
Daniel: I am the smartest cultist in the known universe
Daniel: I make the rules!
(Y/n): Daniel, come here please
Daniel: Yes (Y/n)? Do you need something? Lunch? Someone’s demise. A snack? Anything you want.
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cirque-du-lune · 4 years
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damnyn-blog · 5 years
159 from the 200 prompts list for FAHC Ryan? Love your blog!
Aw, thanks!
159-  “Didn’t you read the sign?”
Barbed wire sucks. Its not like its that hard to get over, but its still an inconvenience. You guess that’s kind of the point, a deterrent, makes it so that anyone who wasn’t already set on being on the other side of the barbed wire wouldn’t bother. Unfortunately, you were pretty set on getting to the other side, so now you had a gash in your right calf. 
On the other side of the barbed wire was the airport. In that airport was a really fucking sweet helicopter that you really wanted for yourself, and that was the reason that you had risked maiming yourself on that damned barbed wire. Fuck, your leg really hurt. But that didn’t matter now because that beautiful helicopter was right in front of you, about 30 yards away. 
“Stop right there.” a voice said from behind you. Shit. You threw your hands up and turned around.
“Is this not Carl’s backyard? I was just trying to surprise him, its his birthday tomorrow.” you said, taking care to slur and stumble a little. Hopefully this dude would just assume you were a drunk idiot and let you go. “You want tell Carl will you?” you added with a giggle.
“This is the Los Santos airport, didn’t you read the sign?” The man stepped out of the shadows. He was wearing a skull mask that covered his entire face. Huh.
“You’re not a guard…” you said. You went to drop you’re hands but quickly put them back up when you saw the creepy skull guy was pointing his gun at you.
“No, i’m not. And you’re not just some drunk girl. Not that I bought that act.” he said. 
“I mean, i’m a little drunk. But no. So who are you?” you asked. Maybe you could convince this dude to let you get back to work. It seemed like the other alternative was going to be a fight, and you certainly knew which outcome you would prefer.
“Wow, I would have thought my reputation would have preceded me, especially with the type of person who breaks into airports.” He said with a laugh, “I’m the Vagabond.”
“And i’m new in town so don’t let my ignorance of the local criminal scene hurt your ego. I don’t have an alias and i’m certainly not telling you my name so you can just call me drunk girl.”
“Alright, drunk girl, why are you here?” he said finally lowering his gun, but not putting it away. That was a good sign. 
“I’m here for the helicopter, why are you here? I hope its not for the same thing. Id hate for something like that to ruin both our nights.” I really did hope we weren’t here for the same thing. I kind of liked this guy, and he seemed to find me amusing at least. Maybe we could be allies at some point. It’d be useful to have some friends in a city like this.
“I’m here with friends, and i don’t really care about the helicopter seeing as i already have one. Id tell you why we were here but then id have to kill you.” He said. You thought you could here him chuckle. That’s good, he has a sense of humor. 
“Well id hate to die on a night like this. Is my stealing the helicopter going to cause a problem for you? I’m fairly certain that once i’m taking off some one will notice there are people here who shouldn’t be.” I said, I wanted that helicopter but it wasn’t worth making enemies over.
“Actually my friends are just wrapping up now, so id suggest you get going before we cause a problem for you.” I raised my eyebrow. “My friends are about to get a bit loud.” He clarified.
“I suppose ill be on my way then, but before I go…” I pulled out a scrap of paper and pen from my bag. “ Here’s my number. Id love to see what you look like under the halloween mask.” 
“Bold. I like that, ill call you. But first you should know something.”
“What is it?” I asked.
“This is my real face.” he deadpanned. There was a beat of silence and then we both started laughing.
“See you later, Vagabond!” I shouted as a started back running towards the helicopter.
“See you later, drunk girl!” He shouted back at me. I could hear the smile in his voice.
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rosegoldachievement · 6 years
Where Good Girls Go To Die (Chapter 3)
pairing: fahc x reader
word count: 2,316
series: Where Good Girls Go To Die
summary:  You’re not quite sure what compelled you to move to the infamous city of Los Santos, a ruthless playground for drug dealers, washed-up celebrities, and criminals alike. It was very different from your small hometown in the middle of nowhere, where nothing ever happened and you couldn’t even leave your house without running into someone you knew, but perhaps that was part of the attraction. But, after running into your ex-best friend, Jeremy Dooley, you began to think Los Santos wasn’t so bad as it seemed. Well, until the bank you worked at got robbed and you managed to get kidnapped all in the same week, leading you to become stuck in a penthouse with six very deadly males.
chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter four
Chapter Three: Bittersweet
Later that night, you had found yourself being pulled out of your slumber by a phone going off. With still closed eyes, you mindlessly extended your hand and brushed it along the surface of the end table. As your phone continued to send its cry for attention out into the open air, you found yourself changing your technique to a patting motion. Finally, the texture underneath your fingertips changed as you found your phone. The rather cold phone case made you grown but miraculously, you managed to accept the call and press the phone to your ear before time ran out.
“Y/n?” Jeremy’s voice broke through the speaker. You quickly retracted the phone from your ear and forced open your eyelids to read the caller ID. Once you got confirmation that it was indeed Jeremy on the other end of the line, you allowed your eyes to rest again. You let out a small noise of acknowledgement as a response. “Hey, I’m just checking in. I got kind of worried that you didn’t text me after work like you said you would.”
The afternoon of your re-connection with Jeremy, you had sent him a message so he had your number. This sparked a conversation between the two of you, and it had been carried over into the past couple of days. In a way it was weird, the rekindled friendship of the two of you. Sometimes, the two of you acted like the relationship you had was totally new. Which, it technically was, neither of you were the same people as you were before. But, there was still that sense of familiarity in the way you spoke to each other, the way that either of you would somehow bring up an old joke like it happened yesterday. And for some reason, you hated it.
The night previous you had mentioned you were starting your new job in the morning and Jeremy insisted that you text him when you get home to tell him all about it. You agreed and after telling him your shift hours, you went to sleep. Because of all of the commotion this morning, you completely forgot this promise.
“Sorry Jeremy. Today was just...” You trailed off in an attempt to figure out how to explain the day’s events. Luckily, the amount of brain power needed to do this task woke you up slightly. “A long day.”
“Is that still code for ‘today’s been shit’?” Your lack of reply to this question made Jeremy’s tone of voice change. “That bad, huh?” You wouldn’t consider yourself as a optimist, but you were admittedly more calm about the situation than when it first happened. Your time at the station gave you time to reflect on how lucky you were that you, or anyone else, wasn’t dead from the interaction.  But, that goes to say that this day was far from the best in your life.
“Yeah, it was pretty rough.”
“Did your boss chew you out or something? Where did you even get a job at, anyway?” You sat up in your bed and leaned yourself against the headboard, fully aware that this conversation was not going to end anytime soon.
“Pacific Standard Public Deposit Bank.” You expected Jeremy to bring the conversation to how you followed your father’s footsteps. Silence seemed to pass through the speaker for a moment before Jeremy spoke up.
“You were at the robbery.;;”
“How do you know about the robbery?” You heard Jeremy shift his body, the distant sound of sheets being ruffled filled the speaker.
“I saw it on the news. Are you okay?” Concern was evident in his voice. “I’m so sorry that happened to you, Y/n-”
“Jeremy, relax. I’m alright, I promise. I’m not going to lie to you, I was apart of a hostage situation but I’m okay. I’m sorry for not calling you, I came home and immediately fell asleep.” You attempted to convince him that you were indeed fine with today’s previous events.
“Alright, I want to take your word for it but I’m still worried about you. When you said you moved here, I suspected that you would run into crime. Hell, it’s impossible not to in this fucking city, but I didn’t think it would be so soon…” A beat of silence came between the two of you before Jeremy spoke up in a more positive tone.  “If you’re comfortable enough to go out tonight, maybe I can show you one of the places that makes Los Santos worth it?” You had to admit, ever since you had ran into Jeremy, you wanted to hang out with him again and hopefully this could be what was needed to end your horrible day on a good note. Jeremy was the type of person that had a carefree aura around him, which allowed whoever he was with to feel it too.
“Yeah, I’m feeling okay enough to go out.”
“Nice! Text me your address and I’ll be there in a little bit, okay?” You could envision the smile on his face as he said this.
“Will do. See you in a little bit, bye Jeremy.” With this you hung up and managed to force yourself out of bed. You sent him a text with your address and tossed your phone onto your bed. Your bedroom was still a mess, but luckily your clothes were all unpacked and put away in the closet. After rummaging around for something decent to wear, you finally settled on a hoodie, jeans, and sneakers.
It wasn’t long until you had received a text from Jeremy, saying that he was outside. You patted your pockets, making sure you had everything before heading downstairs to join him. Once you slipped out of the front doors of your apartment complex, you noticed a royal purple Pariah sitting in front of the sidewalk. Before you could text Jeremy for confirmation, the passenger door opened to reveal him leaning over from the driver’s seat.
“Need a ride?” He asked, then shifted back into his seat. You only chuckled at this and walked over to the car. After you had climbed into the car and shut the door, you put on your seatbelt. The familiar feeling of comfort settled into your bones.
“Never thought I’d see you driving a sports car.” You hummed as he began to drive out of the parking lot.
“It’s no Big Blue, but it works.” You smiled at the reference to Jeremy’s rusted powder blue pick up truck, the one he received on his sixteenth birthday that drove you and him across every inch of your hometown. You found yourself looking out of the window next to you, focusing on the way that the buildings basked in neon colors of the city. “That reminds me, how’s everyone at home?”
“Anyone in particular you want to know about?” You could faintly hear Jeremy’s fingers tap against the steering wheel.
“How about the old troop?” Throughout most of your childhood, you and Jeremy were considered the dynamic duo but sometime around the second year of high school, the two of you formed a small friend group.
“Mark is still trying to do that archery thing and Edger managed to get a job as a stablehand a few towns over. Taylor and I haven’t talked since she got married. I heard she gave birth to a baby boy last May. Anyone else?” “My parents?” You tried to hide the shock on your face when he said this. You couldn’t fathom the fact that Jeremy hadn’t had some sort of contact with his family for the last few years.
“They’re okay. I honestly don’t see them all that often, but sometimes your mom will say hi if we cross paths at the market.” You answered truthfully. Upon saying this, questions began to appear in your brain. The overarching theme of Jeremy’s absence seemed to be prominent in each one. As much as you wanted to ask him all of them, you opted to stay quiet, not wanting to come off as the bitter friend who assumed was left behind. Once you opened your mouth to continue the conversation and bring it to a different topic, Jeremy parked the car. The two of you got out of the car and you were instantly met with the smell of salt water filling your nose.
“Welcome to Del Perro Pier.” In front of you sat a boardwalk overlooking the beach. Various amenities and amusement park rides covered a section that protruded out into the water. Just as Jeremy had said, a large red sign with blinking yellow lights read Del Perro Pier. You turned to Jeremy with a teasing smile.
“This is what makes Los Santos worth wild?”
“Give it a chance.” He remarked as he began to go up the ramp to the boardwalk. You followed, eventually falling back into step with him. You had to admit, the concept of the beach was very compelling to you. Growing up, the only large body of water within radiance of your home was the town lake. There was something euphoric about swimming in the lake on a nice hot summer day but since it was the only swimming spot in town, it was hard to enjoy it with the amount of people that often inhabited it. You and Jeremy walked towards the portion of the pier that stretches over the ocean, various shops and carnival games were lined up on either side of you. Jeremy paused, causing you to do the same.
Jeremy’s mouth opened to say something, but your attention was focused on the booth behind him. Nested onto the shelf fixated on the sidewall sat a collection of stuffed bears, all arranged by the color of their fur. Tied around each one of their necks was a crimson colored ribbon. Jeremy must have noticed, because he turned his head to see behind him before looking back at you.
“Let me guess, you want one of the bears?” He chuckled. You shrugged and a shy smile came across your face.
“A little, yeah.” Jeremy turned around and approached the booth in which you had eyed up. You followed, fully prepared to give the game your all. But, to your surprise, Jeremy placed down the cash that was required before casting you a smile.
“I got this.” He insisted. The man in the booth accepted the money and begun to explain the game. Behind him stood a mock shooting gallery that had zombie animatronics. The goal of the game was when the zombie’s eyes glowed bright blue, the person with the cork gun would send a cork into the large target on the zombie’s chest. He handed Jeremy the cork gun and got out of the way by standing on the side of the gallery.
“Ready?” The guy asked, which earned a nod from Jeremy. The man pressed a button on the booth’s wall, which activated the zombies. You watched in awe as Jeremy’s focus snapped to zombie after zombie as their eyes changed, hitting them perfectly in the center of the zombie each time. It was strange to see him so comfortable holding something that resembled a gun, but you chose not to think about it too much.
A loud buzzing sound could be heard after roughly three minutes, signaling the end of the game. Jeremy placed the cork gun on the counter of the booth. The game manager then went around, examining the glowing red areas where Jeremy had hit the zombies.
“Good job, dude. Perfect score.” He congratulated Jeremy, who only smiled broadly. “Pick any prize you want.” Jeremy looked towards you, indicating that the choice was yours. Your eyes locked upon a caramel colored stuffed bear and pointed at it.
“Can we have that one, please?” You asked. The man nodded and retrieve the bear. He handed it to you and thanked you guys for playing. After wishing him a good day, you and Jeremy walked away to find something else to do.
After riding the ferris wheel and practically being blackmailed onto a roller coaster called the Leviathan, you and Jeremy decided to get ice cream to end your night out. The two of you sat at one of the circular tables outside of the ice cream shop, chatting about anything that sparked your interest. With the stuffed bear he had won you sitting on your lap, you put another spoonful of the (favorite flavor) ice cream into your mouth.
“So, how was it. Did Pleasure Pier live up to the hype?” Jeremy asked. You shrugged lightly, making sure the food in your mouth had vanished before you answered.
“It was nice.”
“Just ‘nice’? C’mon, this place is the bomb!” You laughed at his words.
“I’m a big fan of the concept that it’s who you’re with and not the place that make it a good situation.” Jeremy’s eyebrows furrowed as he pointed his spoon towards you.
“Take your sappy bullshit,” He then moved the utensil to point in another direction. “And take it somewhere else.” A warmth resonated inside of you, this was definitely the Jeremy you had come to love. Nethertheless, you rolled your eyes at his reaction and shot back a protest.
“That was only, like, not even five percent sap.”
“So, you admit it had some sap?”
“Anyway,” You chose to ignore his question. “Thanks for taking me out, Jeremy.” The robbery seemed like it happens months prior now, even though it occurred only a few hours ago. The little outing he provided helped cease some of the tightness that still lingered in your chest when you were getting ready for Jeremy to pick you up.
“No problem, y/n.” The fluorescent light that was fixated on the wall behind him flickered once, covering him in a dark shadow before illuminating his features once more. “Anytime.”
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roosterteethinserts · 7 years
AN: Oh my god I didn’t realize this took over a month for me to do, I’m so sorry to the anon that requested it *cries*. Hopefully this is still good for you. (I don’t have any requests now, so send them in, but I’ll be busy with school soon so I’ll try to get them out asap) Enjoy!
Pair-Michael x Reader
Word Count-2239
Warnings-jealousy, mentions of in-game death (gta to be specific), fluff
Summary- During a let’s play, Gavin and Y/N get too chummy to Michael’s liking and Michael is jealous for the video. It’s made up after a nice lunch and assurance that Y/N only likes Michael and not his best friend. 
The loud noise of Achievement Hunter introing their newest GTA video filled the room. It was rare for me to be actually in the game doing this and not listening to them intro it through my headphones while editing or from the other room. It was louder than I expected and more distracting from my concentration of not trying to die while Ryan and Gavin drove around the people on foot.
"Hey Geoff! What are we doing?"
Jack was almost instantly answered with Geoff saying, "We're just going to mess around with some of the new vehicles that recently came out."
He added, "So let's say who's here. Geoff."
I smiled and exclaimed, "And Y/N!"
I made myself jump in the game as I did it, almost getting hit by Gavin's car in the process. I saw Michael from a distance drive towards us since he went to pick up one of his cars so he can drive to get one of the new vehicles.
"Jeremy isn't here so we decided to let Y/N come in and take his spot. They had to fist fight the other editors, but they were crowned champion and able to take his seat," Geoff jokes.
Jack asked, "So who's getting what? Are we going to have a goal or something?"
Gavin exclaimed, "I want to get the new plane and fly it around. Does anyone want to come with? Y/N?"
I shrugged, "Yeah, sure. You're always the center of chaos and I think I'd like to have another perspective when something goes wrong."
I got into Gavin's car, knowing that he could possibly kill us even when he's driving. Luckily, he safely drove us to the airport and parked right next to the new plane.
I got into Gavin's car and exclaim, "To the airport!...Hopefully we won't die."
Jack laughed, "Famous last words from Y/N, 'Hopefully we won't die'."
We got into the plane, Gavin getting in just a few moments before me, so he was the pilot.
I joked, "Gavin's flying. Hopefully he won't crash into something."
Gavin pouted, "I'm a good pilot, Y/N! Just trust me."
We take off and soar through the sky. I sit in the passenger seat and look around, listening to Jack and Ryan talk about one of the many things in GTA that came out. I mostly spaced them out since I don't really play GTA so I'm not that interested in hearing it. I noticed that he was flying towards the race track, which is where everyone else is going towards.
I asked, "Hey Gav, quick question. Where are you flying?"
He laughs, "Don't worry about it. We're just going to fly by to show it off."
It didn't take long for us to see everyone and their newly customized vehicles. I laughed at the color that Geoff chose which was magenta, standing out against the blues and blacks of the others.
I didn't notice Gavin's flying because I was questioning Geoff, who just shouted, "It's a cool color, okay?"
I shrugged, "I wouldn't have guessed that you'd want a pink car, is all."
The next second later, I noticed one of the many light poles on the outside of the track. The only reason I did was because we hit the wing of my side of the plane. I sighed as I hit respawn.
"Gavin, you killed me. I'm disappointed but not surprised. I kinda regret choosing to go with you to be honest. I have nothing left to contribute to the race."
He said with a playful smile, "That hurt, you saying that. It's all good, we're close to the airport. Do you want to get another one? We could get one of the new helicopters and watch them race."
I thought and told him, "I'll fly it, but yeah sure. That sounds good."
Geoff told us, "Tell us when you're overhead. I'm almost there to the track."
The both of us talked to each other about something Gavin was curious of, specifically something about my life. We both faced each other in real life, having a real conversation about something embarrassing that happened when I was in school. The others chimed in their opinions at times, but it was mostly Gavin and I. It really showed that Gavin and I were pretty good friends around the office since we were both joking and making fun of each other.
I could tell Michael was mentally shut off during that time, silently getting his car and trying to ignore the both of us. It wasn't showing much in the video since everyone seems to be talking, but I can tell from a mile away that he was jealous. Sometimes when Gavin and I were hanging out too much with each other without him, he'd get jealous since his two best friends were interacting without him. It was something he did at times like these when he hasn't hung out with me in a week or so and I'm talking to Gavin when I could talk to the both of them.  
The helicopter was quick to get to the track. I told everyone that we were here and the race started after a countdown.
Gavin acted like a reporter, announcing everyone's places as they take their three laps around the track. I kept towards the center of the track, high enough where everyone was visible. Since there were light poles around the track, I tried my best to be careful of them. It didn't last long though, since Gavin took out a grenade and threw it at the car in first, Ryan's, when he was almost at the end of the race. Ryan's car ended up being wrecked from the explosion and he lost being in first.
Laughter erupted from the crew as Ryan yelled out, "Gavin you bastard! I was about to win!"
He retaliated by shooting a rocket right at the helicopter before Gavin could utter out an excuse once he showed up to the track after responding just out of it, causing the helicopter and the both of us to explode. I just silently hit 'respawn' and called one of my cars to take me to the track, which was a little ways away.
I got into one of my character's cars after getting it. I stayed silent as I drove, trying to let everyone get their arguments out of the way.
Gavin yelled, "Why did you rocket the both of us, Ryan? Y/N had nothing to do with this."
The other three cars were driving around aimlessly, trying to yell at both Gavin and Ryan about what happened.
Ryan points out,"Well, I wouldn't have shot my rocket if you didn't destroy my new car."
I told them, "What's done is done, boys. I'm not even phased anymore. I expected this to happen basically since I went with Gavin and he had nothing else to focus on other than causing trouble."
Jack laughed, "Well, before the video started you wanted to come with me and Ryan and get the new car so we can race it, so you're the one who caused it since you changed the plan. I don't know how you would've liked coming with us since you don't have enough money for the cars."
Gavin exclaimed, "I'm going to the beach since there's a new boat and I bought one."  
Michael laughs as Gavin runs towards the cars, "Gav, why don't you come with me and we can go together? We'll go Team Nice Dynamite style."
Gavin smiled, "Yeah boi! Come pick me up."
I could tell Michael was trying to separate the two of us. I didn't really care, wanting Michael to be happy more than anything.
Geoff suggests, "Why don't all of us go to the beach and we'll end the video after Gavin shows us the new boat? I gotta head to a meeting in fifteen minutes."
"Yeah sure, Geoff. Let's go."
Since it was the last video before lunch, I knew that Michael would want to get something to eat. Usually, I have to get him lunch with the rest of AH, usually something suggested and Steffie ordered ahead.
"Hey guys," Gavin asked, "What do you want for lunch?"
Suggestions were thrown around the room. Usual places like Rudy's or Pete Terry's were said, but nothing was conclusive. One person didn't want something, then everyone didn't want that since they had it yesterday for lunch.
Eventually, Michael just said, "How about we all go out and get our own? Ryan and Jack want Homeslice and I'm not feeling it. Plus Geoff won't be here so unless we're filming a four-person let's play I want to go out."
Gavin asked, "What do you want, Michael?"
He shrugged, "Could go for some Torchy's right now."
Gavin debated the two while I asked Michael if I could take a ride with him, eventually asking Michael if he can come as well. Michael agreed and that was the end of that conversation.
Everyone ended up at the beach in-game and Gavin showed off the boat after apparently killing some pedestrians. The video wasn't something different of AH; Michael and Gavin tried to shoot everyone off the boat, Ryan murdered the citizens then turned to killing everyone else, Geoff and Jack ended the video, and I just watched as it all went down, glad that the video was over.
Geoff stood up once the video was over, "Welp, I gotta go to my meeting. I'll probably be back in two hours if I'm back at all. Trevor said that you guys don't need to film anything, but you can if you want."
Everyone packed up after saving their files and sending to the main folder of unedited footage. Michael, Gavin and I went to lunch quickly after, all hungry. Gavin goofed around with Michael, who seemed to perk up at his friend's antics. I smiled as I watched Gavin and Michael play around, happy to see Michael happy.
I drove the three of us to Torchy's, Gavin and Michael arguing about something Gavin said while getting into the car. It didn't take long to get there so the argument was quickly ended as I pulled into a parking space.
We ordered our food and sat down at a table. I could tell Michael was still hot from filming but I wasn't sure how to ask him about it.  
I just asked, "Michael, are you okay? You didn't seem yourself when we filmed."
Gavin added, "Yeah, Michael! You usually don't sit there and not speak much in a video."
We ate as I looked at Michael, who looked to be contemplating telling us the truth.
He just quietly said while staring at his food, "I don't like seeing you being chummy with Gavin. It seemed like you like him more than me, is all."
Gavin outright laughed at Michael's statement, causing Michael to look up from his food with an annoyed expression.
"You must be joking!"
Michael shook his head, "I'm not...I know it sounds stupid but it hurt to see my favorite boy and my favorite girl having fun without me."
I felt my heart melt at his confession. It was seriously some of the sweetest things he's said to me, even if it was his jealousy that made it.
I smiled, "You don't have to worry, okay? I'm not going to date Gavin, even for a million dollars I wouldn't."
Gavin agreed, "She's like a little sister to me. I wouldn't date her for any amount of money."
Michael nodded his head. He looked relieved after we said that, his jealousy seemingly gone from his mind. It took only a few minutes before he started acting like himself, joking around with the both of us. The rest of lunch wasn't that eventful since it was normal.
We went back to the office after lunch, getting back before the others. Gavin and Michael took their seats in the main office, turning to me.
I told them, "I'll go back to my spot. It was fun to film and go out to eat."
Michael smiled, "Yeah. I'll see you after work, yeah?"
I smiled, "Yeah. See you!"
I went to kiss his cheek, but Gavin stopped us by shouting at us that it was gross, making the both of us laugh. I quickly pecked his cheek and left before Gavin said anything, rolling my eyes at the Brit.
Going back to work, I finished the video that I was editing before I filmed. I couldn't help the smile that grew on my face whenever I thought about Michael being jealous.
I mean, it was cute to think of him being jealous of someone being with me, but Gavin? Gavin definitely wouldn't try to date me since we're friends, especially since it'd be weird to date his best friend's girlfriend. He wouldn't be able to get away from Michael if he tried that since Michael wouldn't let that happen ever. I'm flattered that Michael would even think of Gavin as someone that might think of me as someone that he'd want to date, but Michael is the only one that fits my type. I'll have to make it clear when I see him next that he's the only one for me, even if it takes more convincing.
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Strange Love
Pairing: Cole x Reader Prompt: Cole/Reader fic with the song Strange Love? :) :) : ) : ) Word Count: 4545 A/N: I think this is one of or my longest fic to date which is cool. Uhhh I hope this is all coherent and makes sense and that you like it! It took an emotional toll on me since some stuff is kinda- personal or something of the sort. Oh and @roosterteethrambles here’s lookin’ at you, kid. Warnings: Cursing, unhealthy relationship, extended drug use
To say you’d been saddened when he didn’t return your text messages, it would be both an over and understatement. To take a short look into the history of you two would reveal that you’d been one to send him texts more regularly. Asking if he wanted to talk or hang out to be met with the response more rare than the needle in the haystack. You would try, time and time again to convince yourself- he had to, it would be better this way. You could handle it. But for some reason, you kept yearning for the typical relationship status with him. Maybe it was the sweet slant of his crooked smile that had inched you closer to infatuation, or the way being with him just felt natural. The way your hands seemed as if they were made for each other and your lips moved with a melody known only to the two of you.
He wasn’t perfect nor will he ever be. The pride protecting the reputation he for some reason saw so valuable would always be a flaw. Whether ‘twas fatal or not yet to be known; but, the signs were showing already. He’d kept you- your relationship- a secret under lock and key. Something between the two of you, your friends and a private twitter account where you would scream into the dark depths of the internet. The one place you could be public about him- about the woes you underwent to convince yourself that this- this came with the property. That this was something a relationship should be. A secret, buried in poetry and escapism. Something perfect in theory with the constant struggle for improvement with practice.
You aren’t perfect nor will you ever be. All too familiar with your own flaws- the dance you’d choreographed to mask them was the downfall of your social status. The awkwardness to which you’d communicated in larger conversations, inability to maintain proper eye contact and bursts of what seemed like mania, where your mind would fly forward thousands of miles a second and your tongue would struggle to keep up and everything was warm and overwhelming and you just couldn’t stop.
Alienation had become your nearest friend. Not to say that the friends you did have weren’t as close to you- they just hadn’t been there as long. Your band of misfit toys is a saving grace for you- to know you’re not alone. Even if they hide it better or it’s just not seen- maybe even something else separating them from what you see as normal society is another thing you have in common with them.
So now, here you would wait for him. A party your friends were both attending after graduation. You’d broken away from the people you came with and found the dancefloor. It would be lying to say that joining that particular activity wasn’t daunting. The sight was terrifying- even if they didn’t people seemed to know what they were doing or at least pretended they did. After what felt like hours of convincing yourself, you let out the deep breath you’ve been holding and take the leap of faith in.
Trap music pounds mercilessly in your ears. Being able to tell what was playing would be the work of gods, but at this particular moment in time, you couldn’t bring yourself to give much of a damn. The music flows through you. Body rolls happening in time with whatever was on, dirty wines to the less dominant beat and blending almost seamlessly into the crowd of bodies dancing in their own unique and sometimes halfway embarrassing styles. To be alone in this crowd in almost any other circumstances would be something you wouldn’t flock to voluntarily. In any other circumstance you would be left breathless. Noise and proximity melding in a discordant harmony and grating- grating and grating- it’d would be too much. But for some reason here, in this crowd dancing to Future you couldn’t feel more at home. Maybe it’s the cover of music or the unifying force of it, but you weren’t mad- it was one of the only times you can manage to feel normal. Like you aren’t someone looking in on life, too afraid to take the decidedly active role in your life. Like you aren’t too anxious to even say your piece in normal conversation.
Time seems to melt away as you dance, songs bleeding into each other and the crowd surging with life. A hand finds itself on your shoulder and with hardly any hesitation, you swing an elbow with an unforgiving force into the body of the person who’d touched you. Their hand retracted and the sound of pain was familiar even through the bass thumping the walls and the voices of people around you. You stop and turn stiffly to face the person who had fallen victim to your blow and see Cole hunched over with a hand on his thigh and the other on his abdomen where you’d struck.
You stare for a moment, mouth half open and lips quirked up just slightly. You didn’t mean to let out the short laugh at that- not to mock him, but the image was just funny- it happened so fast what else is there to do?
“Oh god- Cole- are you okay?” You try to stifle laughter when you ask and put a hand on his shoulder, gently rubbing circles into his skin with the pads of your fingers. Your smile subsides and morphs to an expression of concern. He coughs for a moment and catches his breath, slowly standing to his full height. You take the hand you’d placed on his shoulder and put it lightly over his which is not over his stomach. “You’re not dying right?” You give a lopsided grin and when Cole looks to your face he returns it.
“I mean- in the grand scheme, we all are but- you didn’t beat me up if that’s what you mean.” He coughs again and intertwines his fingers with yours, relaxing his stance and letting both arms by his side. You smile slightly and nudge his arm with your fist. He exaggerates the ‘pain’ and holds his arm with his free hand. “You’ve wounded me- how could you?” He’s dramatic as he says it and you knit your eyebrows together.
“I mean- it’s not hard-” You cut yourself off. “Oh- you weren’t serious, were you?” Your voice is small and you don’t quite look in his eyes, more toward the mass of curly hair that was barely tamed atop his head. He shakes his head and his curls bounce and sway.
“Nah, not really. You wouldn’t beat me up- or at least I hope you wouldn’t.” The last phrase is a rushed afterthought lightly dipped in panic.
“I wouldn’t but I probably could.” You flex your arms and eye Cole, grinning sideways and trying to show off what muscles you had to show.
“Do you have a permit to carry those guns?” He teases and squeezes your bicep, his fingers lingering a little too long and his gaze caught for a moment too long on your lips.
“Y’know, taking a picture lasts longer.” You say just above the music. “And I’m quite photogenic,” wiggling your eyebrows you grin slyly. He reddens ever so slightly and leans closer to you to avoid raising his voice.
“The lighting in here’s pretty shit- besides we got invited to hotbox in someone’s hotel room.” His breath tickles your ear and in the moment you go to respond to him he elaborates. “It’s Miles and Blaine and a guy they met here- he’s pretty cool- wanna go?” His eyes meet yours and even with the off colored, inconsistent lights, they still look beautiful. And for a moment, you’re lost in them. You take a moment before responding.
“Oh- yeah, do you know where it is?” Your voice- now somewhat meek- no just quieter. If he can so can you- right?
“Yeah, I’ll show you.” He takes your hand and starts to lead you out.
“This is the worst fucking idea any of you have had,” You laugh, taking a drag of someone’s- whose- Blaine’s one-hit The weed burns your throat going down but it’s not the worst you’ve had. “Fucking- giants in a closet bathroom-” You laugh and blow smoke out of your nose before passing the hitter back to Blaine so he can reload it.
“Fuck you,” Miles teases and situates himself as comfortably as he can, standing and slouched in the bathtub. “It was a funny idea while it lasted,” He receives a vape pen from Cole.
“When’d you get that?” Blaine asks.
“Is that why you asked me for flavors?” The realization dawning on you is a little obvious to see.
“Hell yeah,” Cole grins and takes the hitter from Blaine, holding it between his lips as it’s lit by the one person you’ve never met before. “Oh, this is Aleks by the way,” Cole adds on, gesturing to the blond holding the lighter.
“Nice to meet ya,” Aleks grins.
“You too,” You half grin and nod to him. That could’ve gone- better.
Blaine passes the hitter to Aleks after reloading it again and Miles hands you Cole’s vape. You take a deep hit and pass it off to the next ready party.
“So how’d you fuckboys find us?” The smoke lowers your voice and you grin as Aleks takes it from you and takes the hitter, taking drags from both simultaneously and exhaling an unholy combination of cheap weed and blueberry. He coughs for moments after as you and Miles laugh at his misfortune. Blaine shakes his head and Cole chuckles with the vape held between his lips.
“Well,” Blaine starts, “It’s hard not to find you when every damn thing you post on twitter has either a geo-tag or you say it deadass.” He takes puts the hitter between his lips. “So it wasn’t hard to find you. Cole- came with Miles,” He blows out smoke. “But I wouldn’t know if it wasn’t on snapchat-” “Oh my god Kyle’s car didn’t have enough space with all of us and the shit we brought dude, let it go!” Miles laughs out the last part, lightly pushing Blaine’s shoulder trying as hard as he can to be playful. “I can make up for it and let you ride me later-” He laughs and through the thick smoke gathering in the small room, it’s hard to see his cheeks turn red with embarrassment. Aleks holds back a laugh and looks in the general direction of Miles.
“Is that all? You gotta take him on a date first,” Aleks coughs into his elbow and leans against the wall with his opposite hand. “Make ‘em feel special, be a gentleman, don’t wanna hit it and quit it,” He teases, moving around and somehow, turning the light off in the room- as if it weren’t already hard enough to see.
A squeak barely escapes your lips before you clasp a hand over your mouth, heart racing from the momentary fear and the pounding resonating up into your throat. Cole and Miles made a similar noise- a tongue click in unison and a disappointed ‘aww’ drawn out a moment too long leading into a moment of tense silence.
“Dude- we aren’t even at a party and that was a party foul.” Blaine says in a voice almost reminiscent of melancholy. Aleks for some reason- doesn’t seem to notice or care for the complaints, only briefly chuckling at the noise you made before pulling out his phone and turning on the flashlight. He lays it face down on the tank of the toilet and turns turns on a playlist- light partying music.
“It’s uhh mood music,” Aleks shrugs as he hums along to the tune, swaying and shifting his weight around taking short drags from the vape pen and blowing out circles misshapen and haphazardly. “And mood lighting- sorry if it gave you a little scare.” He laughs to himself and without much thought, Cole starts mumbling along to the song. He’s decently buzzed and nodding his head, swaying in his limited space having fun in his own world. It’s- adorable. The limited light and force impaired vision didn’t even change your mind on that. He just was and always would be.
“A little bit of warning would've helped- just a little.” You shrug and take the hitter again taking a long, deep drag. Almost relishing the pain of how harsh the weed is, being a reminder of reality- your reality- in subtle ways. The pain and THC having an effect- an immediate effect on you and being able to notice that- the thought crosses your mind, what would your therapist think of you being mindful while getting faded in a hotel bathroom? You grin to yourself and come back to the reality that your friends- and Cole- had been talking and joking and you’d just happened to grin at the right time. You don’t quite recall what they’re laughing at but you laugh along in a moment of solidarity.
Time passes differently in that bathroom. You don’t really know if ten minutes or an hour has passed until Aleks’ phone whines on the brink of death and it’s functions start terminating on their own. He rushes out to grab a charger when the music dies out, but you don’t stop singing along- slightly off key and now a capella. Cole squeezes your hand and smiles a little too wide before singing along with you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders to hold you closer. A smiles starts across your face and your eyes close when you lean into him. He starts to get more wrapped up in this song- an almost love song. He takes Miles’ hand in his, interlocking their fingers and looking deep into Miles’ eyes. And for a moment the whimsy of the moment is gone, and through the dense smoke you could see tension between the two that you couldn’t recall Cole having with you. Maybe- maybe he was just holding back with you. He didn’t wanna freak you out? Yeah. That makes just enough sense to be convincing.
You try not to pay too much attention to it and just snicker to what you see. Miles getting more affectionate with Cole- even going as far to almost kiss his cheek to be interrupted by the flash on Blaine’s phone as he undoubtedly uploads the scene to snapchat. It feels as if time drags on when you watch Miles and Cole pull away from each other- fingers still intertwined. You’ve put in time and effort convincing yourself that this- this feeling wasn’t jealousy. Wasn’t jealousy that he can commit to this but can’t commit to you- no you just crave attention and that feeling can rear it’s head in ugly, ugly ways.
You do what you can to shake the feeling, distracting yourself with what you can when the perfect idea strikes your fancy.
You pull on Cole’s shirt sleeve and quite gently place your hand on the back of his neck and guide him to you- putting him face to face with you, inches apart as you sing a halfway suggestive line and close the small gap between you two.
It’s always something magical when you two kiss. The act in and of itself isn’t an extreme rarity- but the style- the movements are synchronized and in time with each other. Even if it’s just a moment of yearning and short-lived passion, it’s still satisfying and makes everything feel okay. It makes the world make sense even if it’s just for a moment. When the two of you separate, a sweet grin on your face and a look of satisfaction on Coles. This bliss lasts only a moment as another flash goes off, this time a continuous light as Blaine starts to say something, heckle the two of you or say to get a room- no that was Miles. He’s the one who suggested the private room.
When Aleks had come tumbling back into the bathroom- he’d obviously had some alcohol somewhere along the line and he was more- absentminded. Which would explain why he left the door to the bathroom open and let all the smoke pour out.
The hotel room fills with smoke and swarms the detector, alarm shrill and blaring. Given the hours the neighbors would be pissed. The sound was shocking- your hands flying to your ears to keep the sound at bay- the wailing warning of danger was something you’d not want to give time and energy to. You rushed out with the rest of the boys, opening windows and the front door, waving magazines and the bedside bible at the smoke detector to cease it’s screeching and clear the room as quickly as possible- would the deposit be lost for hotboxing? You didn’t harm anything so reasonably it shouldn’t but- what’s the policy on that here? All hotels aren’t policed the same-
The thoughts consume you. Mind racing with what could happen, making you too absorbed in that rather than what is happening. You keep fanning the smoke away hoping that this isn’t in vain- that the situation can be salvaged despite the cries of the machine.
It’s not beyond repair- You’ve convinced yourself time and time again of things that were a bigger stretch of the imagination, why should this be any different? It’s more realistic- the smoke won’t be forever- even as the sickly combination of weed and vapor mist contorts in your lungs and burns your throat- there’s an end to this as there will be to any torment. And the end will be made sweeter from the endurance and dedication.
Tucked away in your back pocket, your phone plays love songs. Hand in hand, fingers intertwined with Coles, the two of you walk down city blocks. The moon high in the night sky and the streets nearly emptied. Drunk busses take people to their residences- temporary or permanent- seeming to be the only vehicles on the roads. ‘Tis rare for the two of you to happen across anyone else, stepping aside and bidding fair nights to passerbys.
You didn’t really have a destination- maybe where you were staying incase the intoxication got the better of you and the two of you fell fast asleep. Just the thought of his arms around you is enough to bring a smile to your face. The warmth of the moment wrapped up in the safety and familiarity- the scarcity of the moment like this making it even more wondrous to imagine.
Without noticing- your expression had gotten more blissful. Keeping up with Cole’s drastically larger strides but your eyes closed with a relaxed smiles, an arm across your torso in a single armed self hug- as embarrassing as the pose is- it was still the proprietor of a warm feeling next to happiness. Cole barely noticed at first- when you lag behind him, he slows down to accommodate your pace- until he sees how wrapped up you are in your own imagination. In a daze, you don’t exactly notice Cole wrap his arms around you. For a moment you’re still convinced you’ve fabricated the feeling, even if it’s too good to be true- it’s still good. The fantasy of what could be is burst by the reality of what is as Cole lays soft kisses to your jaw and down your neck, his hands on either side of your waist as he hums along to the song playing from your phone.
For a moment you don’t recall how to respond, yet somehow, he isn’t deterred. He keeps peppering kisses to your face and neck, sighing with contentment and relishing in the closeness you two share. Your hands slide up from his waist to the back of his shoulders, fingers laid gingerly in his dark curls, you whisper sweet nothings to him as he grows more affectionate with you, more needy. Part of you knew that this- this would only be Cole behind closed doors. The man who would love you in secret and pretend to forget your name in front of his friends- you hoped to god he’s just pretended to.
The thoughts of doubt are easily combatted with his praises and the soft caress of his lips, pulling you closer to him and drawing you in deeper. He’s more intoxicating than the weed- someone you’d come back to time and time again. The doubts could stand no chance against the reassurance he’s given you- the reassurance he continues to give. Giving just the right amount of hope that maybe this time would be different. Maybe- maybe, Cole would end up surprising you this time.
Laying between the comforters on your bed was the closest you’ve gotten to paradise in your mortal life. Holding and being held by the man you’ve craved for so long. Being lonely for one person- touch starved but only knowing the sweet smile of satisfaction when he touches you. The blankets weighing on the two of you but not crushing either. Most articles of clothing lay discarded on the floor and the window nearest your bed fogged, with your initials drawn on with an unsteady finger near his, encircled by a heart. Cole lays half asleep, cuddled up to you, his head on your shoulder and eyes half closed. He looks at peace and more groggy than what you thought would be possible, a slight grin etched onto your lips as you admire his features.
For a moment you wonder if this time will be different. Part of you insisted it would be wishful thinking. The precedent was set- and you would always be painfully reminded of how your secret with him would be kept- and it was the freedom in knowing that people may write off your relationship is what you would know as your solace. Unintentionally providing you somewhere to vent without being under the scrutiny of your peers for something else for them to pick apart and dissect. Something to be uniquely yours even if no one else would see the value or even be aware of the tangibility of this relationship. Sure it only exists in just the right circumstances; however the same can be said of other wonders of nature, yet no one scoffs at their lack of existence. They look on in awe. The only question being what can induce such feats of beauty.
You didn’t see Cole’s eyes fall shut, and didn’t really notice he was asleep until he didn’t interrupt your ramblings to inject with something related or otherwise. He keeps his arms around you and is laid partially on you, his breathing even. Absentmindedly you play with his hair until the world around you fades into something less permanent; halfway between astral and ethereal, you drift to sleep, the blankets becoming weightless and Cole shifting away from you.
Waking in the morning to the sun filtering through your window and curtains was the peaceful aspect of your morning. Rolling over to find yourself alone in your bed with the faint suspicion he still might be here. Waiting a moment before sitting up doesn’t do much to prevent your vision from spotting. Ignoring this you stand and stretch your arms above your head and twist your torso to pop your spine. Sighing, you take slow steps as you look around the studio style hotel room. His clothes are gone and the bathtub is wet as well as the plastic counter near the sink and the basin of the sink itself. On one hand it was normal. Part of you had anticipated this from the start- but- it didn’t make the realization any less painful. The proof that you didn’t mean to him what he meant to you is staring you in the face, only now you can not shut your eyes to this. Nothing around you suggested that Cole had even been in the room the night before except for the scent that desperately clings to your sheets and comforter- what an ironic name.
You step away from the bathroom and gingerly close the door. A beat passes before the rage hits you.
A flurry of emotion and movement is a recipe for creation or destruction. This incident was and is purely an act of destruction. Ransacking the room was one aspect of it but the symbolism you pushed into it- that of a phoenix. Being burned time and time again until your heart turns to ash, waking up alone, with no sign no note- nothing. He didn’t see you as worth something to ease your mind- calm your nerves. You’re nothing to him. You slam something else against the wall and a noise halfway between a yell and a grunt tears from your throat.
Time feels frozen as you continue this path of destruction. Recreating yourself from the ashes he left you in. You let him- you let him in, tear you apart. But to think hands that felt like home- looked so gentle- to think they’d be the instruments used to sing songs of this temporary madness. It hurt too deeply- for all of the affirmation and affection he shows and gives to then turn on his heel and decide that you aren’t worth twenty seconds of his time, a slip of paper and less than half an ounce of ink- for all the flowery language he could use to tell you how he loves you- why the hell couldn’t you feel the sentiment.
It’s easy to determine the relationship isn’t what is kept a secret. Seeing Cole subtweet about someone special or even overhearing a conversation with one of his friends about someone who he’s keeping from them. But brazenly admitting he has you without saying your name. As if the syllables would curse his tongue and bring pain to him. As if you bring pain to him. You’re his secret. And the beauty of secrecy is how it’s kept and that- is an art. A dance only you two know but looks more beautiful than something conducted and rehearsed for decades before the two of you had even known each others faces. His crooked smiles seemed now only as approachable as daggers and the sweetness of his words are now as delightful to you as cookies baked with cyanide. This art is coated in the blood of innocence from which the flowers of your naivety were killed. The poetry and escapism which once sweetened the taboo now constricting the life from it.
If he can keep secrets then so can I. The thought comes to you without warning or even much context. He won’t have to know that I want to see someone else. He’ll see how much he’s really worth to me. It was- It is irrational. Something you could barely gauge if you have the energy or courage to do. His gaze- would disarm you. Almost certainly. So looking at him if you chose to do this wouldn’t be an option. Never looking him in the eye again would be- interesting. After all- the beauty in a secret is how it’s kept.
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lilwriter-blog1 · 7 years
“I don’t think we properly considered the logistics of fucking on the table.” + Ryan
“Can’t wait until I get you home, princess,” Ryan growls into your ear, pressing the length of his body against the back of yours.
“Oh, and why’s that?” Your composed facade is ruined by the breathy quality of your voice. He chuckles against you, his breath hitting the shell of your ear.
“Now, sweetheart,” he begins, hand roaming down your body. “You can’t wear this dress and  expect me to not bend you over the nearest surface.”
Your response remains stuck in your throat, much to Ryan’s delight. His hand presses at your hip, encouraging you to turn to face him.
He presses a soft kiss to the corner of your mouth, flutters another to your cheek; a perfect contradiction to the firmness of his confined cock pressing insistently against your abdomen. “Shall we get out of here?”
The journey home seems almost ridiculously long, as is the way when Ryan’s hand finds its way to firmly grasp your leg in the cab, his fingers warm and solid between your thighs, digging into the skin deliciously. It’s only when you stand outside your house, fumbling keys with clumsy fingers that he comments, quite offhandedly, that he would have much preferred to have his head in the position instead.
Ryan’s started taking off your jacket before you even have a chance to close the door behind you, pressing open mouth kisses over your neck and shoulders as he drops the clothing at the door. Your hands cup his jaw, tugging him away from your neck so you can kiss him deeply, grinning into it as he jerks beneath you to remove his shirt, throwing his arms back for it to fall to the ground behind him.
“Bedroom,” you gasp, as Ryan’s hands slide round your back, grabbing at you wherever he can before settling to press into your behind.
“Table,” he counters.
He guides you through the house, mouth unrelenting against yours, swallowing every choked sound that manages to slip out of you.
It’s when you knock into the table that you huff out a laugh.
“I don’t think we properly considered the logistics of fucking on the table,” you inform Ryan, looking down at the coffee table that sits so low on the floor that it’s barely knee height, “I don’t know how you’re expecting me to bend over that.”
He presses you back into the table until you’re laying on it with just your legs over the edge. Yoongi kneels between them, cocky grin in full force. “We’ll make it work.”
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elfcow · 6 years
Before anyone criticizes RWBY fight animation for the 10000th time
Now. Constructive criticism has its place. Especially for someone like Roosterteeth, who cares very much about their fans’ opinions and meticulously go through comment threads on every platform (including this one). What has no place masquerading as constructive criticism is hate comments or vague, poorly written or analyzed statements that offer no avenue of improvement and no basis for the viewpoint of the critic.
My viewpoint is as someone with a decade and a half of martial arts training and an avid watcher of action movies and sequences, who has listened to almost every Monty Oum interview on the interwebs. Does that make me an expert? Absolutely not! I am super far down the tier of fight choreography experts, next to, say, someone who has choreographed fights for a film, or someone who has animation experience. But I have writing experience as well, so when someone tries to criticize CRWBY, but only spills out hate, that bothers me. It hurts feelings and it does nothing to help the showrunners improve the show.
An example of constructive criticism on a previous rwby fight: Wow, Qrow vs Tyrian fight was awesome! Great fluidity! That one wide shot before Tyrian disarmed Qrow was well-shot and executed! Good use of terrain and range with their weapons. I liked how their approaches reflected their character.
That’s the first half. You tell them what worked. Because that’s important too. Now the second half:
Two things stood out in Qrow vs Tyrian that broke the flow of the fight. The first is that each time Qrow and Tyrian locked blades, Tyrian never struck at Qrow with his tail, despite all of Qrow’s limbs being occupied while Tyrian had a fifth one free. Also, it seemed odd that Qrow just stood at looked at Ruby after saving her, and that NJR just watched even after Ruby was put in mortal peril.
You see? Specific criticism, for the reader to ignore, debate, or partake of as they wish, that outlined an inconsistency in the fight. 
You want to know what is not constructive criticism?
Writing “RWBY’s gone downhill w/o Monty” or “this fighting sucked, too much standing around and talking” or “why didn’t Character do ‘X’” (even when character’s arc explicitly lays out their choice not to do ‘X’).
Couple problems with the above.
First problem: the Monty comparison. It’s rude, it’s cruel, it offers no specific suggestions for improvement, and lastly, IT’S RUDE. Negatively comparing someone’s work to that of their deceased friend and colleague? It’s despicable. You would never say that to someone’s face, because it is absolutely unacceptable. Under any context.
Second problem: No positive criticism! A lot of people don’t get this. If you tell someone their work sucks, and you don’t say which parts do work, then you’re not helping them at all. You’re just being mean. Telling CRWBY which parts you liked, and why, helps them to improve.
Third problem: Insufficient grasp of subject matter. Now, I am not an animator. I have never worked with Maya. And I’m willing to bet that goes for most viewers of RWBY as well. So a lot of people will say stuff about what the animators should do that implies they have no idea what they’re talking about, or ask questions that are literally answered in interviews or CRWBY shorts that have been released. Or they’ll talk about martial arts in a way that belies the fact that they’ve never taken one. Know your strengths.
Last problem: no specificity! If you are critiquing a rwby fight, then say what caused problems for you. 
Maybe someone spared a downed or vulnerable opponent in a way that contradicts their character; maybe that’s a characterization flaw over a pacing one. Maybe that’s a moment of character development that you should pay attention to. Maybe that character was spared for plot reasons, and it really doesn’t make sense. Put actual thought into it, and then be specific and fair.
Maybe it was a 2v1 fight, but one of the 2′s was clearly waiting and doing nothing while the hero fights the other one. Mention that specifically. Maybe a character conveniently didn’t use a power or utility that we know that they have. Was it for a character reason? Was it because of an inherent danger or risk of that power? Was it because they were somehow inhibited by their opponent or their environment? No? Then mention it, and lay out your thought process. 
But whatever you do, don’t write criticism that excludes these elements. You are being rude to the creator that works so hard to create FREE content for you, and you are hurting the feelings of real human beings. If that does not move you, than consider this: when you write these comments, you are actually hurting the show that you love, and reducing its ability to improve. CRWBY reads comments, and hurtful ones only serve to wear them down. They are human beings just like us. If you write hurtful comments containing nothing of use to them, their net ability to improve is reduced. If you write positive comments containing specific, helpful criticism, then their net ability to improve the show is greatly increased. They get a positivity boost AND specific areas to work on. And people who just want to enjoy the show don’t have to endure hateful comments all throughout the fandom. It’s a win-win for everyone.
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Hey Guys!!! Im expanding my fandoms to Red vs Blue, the Roosterteeth series! Send in some ideas for me to write, working on a Caboose x reader vanilla smut right now!
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animegamehumor · 7 years
Hey kids
I know you can get your fanfics for free pretty much anywhere, but I'm a little hard up for cash after an insane electric bill. So I'll write you a 4,000 word (minimum) fanfic (can be sfw or nsfw) for $5 within any of these fandoms:
~Harry Potter
~Kingdom Hearts
~Persona 5
~That 70s Show
~Almost anything Roosterteeth
~Katawa Shoujo
~Fullmetal Alchemist
~Ouran High School Host Club (Only $3 if you request kyoharu. The world doesn't have enough of these.)
~Fruit's Basket
~Parks and Rec
~The Office
~Angel Beats
~Joker/reader or Joker/Harley (expect some next level sadism, though)
~Skins (UK)
~Orange is the New Black
~Maximum Ride
~Borderlands (1, 2 and Pre-Sequel)
~Arrested Development
You are more than welcome to include OCs and AUs. It can be an x reader fic. I don't have any triggers- bring on the angst. If you would like anything longer than 4,000 words, we can talk pricing. If you have a fandom you really like and don't see it here, talk to me and I may be able to do some research and we can talk about your interpretations of the characters. Or maybe I forgot to list it.
Other things such as deadlines, writing samples, payment options, and more can be discussed privately! Feel free to message me  here or shoot me a message at [email protected]
Sorry if any of this isn't 'the norm' for how these kinds of things are run. Please let me know if there's anything I should change.
Thank you, and I look forward to writing for you.
Oh, and I don't know everyone's experience with electric companies, but mine is hella sketch. We have never had a bill over $65 (in a two person household). We got a bill for $262! We didn't do anything different. They insist we used that much.. k.
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