#Scheduled to post 12 hours before the end
WIBTA For Snitching On My Brother?
tl;dr at the end, the submissions a bit long. sorry if this sounds like stupid teen drama, but i needed outside opinions. (tw for mentions of attempted suicide)
so for a bit of context here, me (14nb) and my brother (14m) both have Parental RestrictionsTM on our phones. In my opinion they are way more severe than they need to be. i am not allowed to have any social media at all, my mother barely tolerates discord. I cannot text anyone who is not my direct sibling or parent from 9pm at night to noon the next day and i cant use any "nonessential" apps during that time frame too. my brother has the same restrictions on his phone, but he has safari removed because my mother said he was playing "random internet games". however, he has found ways around this and ways around the app restrictions. i know how he does it. i really dont have any intention of telling our mother, its none of my business and i honestly dont care that much.
I recently moved to a new school. My brother and i were homeschooled prior to this during covid. And it was fine. We went to a homeschool co-op twice a week. A year ago we were both enrolled in Local Community College as dual enrollment students. A semester into that i was Not Vibing Well and ended up having a breakdown and getting a therapist. I would talk to her directly about this but i havent been able to see her in weeks due to scheduling conflicts. The workload seemed too much to me, there was no longer a distinction between School and Home. i felt like i was constantly on the clock, and i barely saw my friends. In addition to other factors at my co-op, I got very lonely. At that time the limits on my phone were 9pm-3pm (it was later edited to 9am to noon) . I cant remember exactly what happened, but i asked my mother to at least change the communication limits so that i could talk to my friends during the day. She said no, stating that I Do Not Need to Communicate With Friends During The School Day. i do not have a real “school day” i am at home basically 5/7 days of the week. And normal kids see their friends every day at school. The argument got dropped then.
Fast forward half a year, i felt increasingly lonely, out of place, bothersome, etc, at my co-op and have decided to try going to Local Public Highschool. This meant leaving my best friend (14f)  whom i love dearly (for the purposes of this post i will call her Z). Z is one of my favorite people in the whole world, we got platonically married, I lovingly refer to her as “my wife”, and i would genuinely die for her. She got a phone over the summer which means we have a better way to communicate, replacing discord as the primary communication system. Also at that time one of my best online friends fucked up their discord account somehow and the whole online group moved to text. there's about four of them? J, Other J, B, and L (ages vary from 12-16). I believe only B is directly relevant to this story but the others are worth mentioning. Additional context (tw for mentions of suicide from now on), all of those four are varyingly suicidal. B has attempted before, at least twice I believe. out of the group i am probably the most mentally stable.
School starts! I am already feeling a bit lonely due to leaving Z but we stay positive. I wake up for school at like 530 and check my phone at like 6:45. Woohoo a message from B! It was sent at 4 am. This is concerning. There is a glitch that i can use in order to view texts for between half a second and four seconds, it depends, and i use it. B’s message reads “Bye”. theres no fucking reason that they would be texting me goodbye at 4am in the morning unless they were going to kill themselves. I cannot properly view or respond to that text until noon, so eight hours. I wait to know if my friend is ok for eight hours, and at noon i check my phone again. In that time i’ve received messages from the groupchat. J, Other J, and L all received “bye” texts from B at around the same time period. After a few messages, we know B is ok, i dmed them privately and they responded both in ims and the gc. So they are ok. But i had to wait for eight hours to know that. Later that day i asked my mom if she had considered my proposal (i asked her a day or two before if she would at least turn off communication limits because it is also rather embarrassing to be honest to have to tell other people that oh i cant respond to your message right now, sorry my mom has limits on my phone :D. In addition i get anxious when i send a message that im nervous abt and it doesnt get responded to for hours so i hate leaving messages for longer than two hours). Once again, she said no. it goes against her Views As A Parent for me to have “unrestricted access” to my phone. She offered to add only Z to the list of people i can contact during the limits. This is better than nothing but Z texts more in the groupchat than she does in private messages so it wouldn’t work that well. We argued, it didnt work out, i got pissed off and we both went to bed. i very strongly feel that for like my mental health i need to be able to communicate with my friends better than i can at the moment. And i dont want to wake up to a message from a friend, have it be the last one they ever send, and not be able to respond for hours. 
Heres where the part where i could be an asshole comes in. (so sorry that that was really long i didnt know what parts would be needed as context and what were not so i just typed everything i think might be relevant). This isnt something that i am very strongly considering, as i truly dont want to fuck up my relationship with my brother and i love him a lot. I just want opinions on whether it would like be going too far i guess. I am considering offering a trade. I tell my mother how my brother has found ways around his limits, and she turns off the communication limits on my phone. WIBTA if i did that?
TL;DR: would i be the asshole if i snitched on how my brother got around some restrictions in exchange for me being able to communicate with my friends?
What are these acronyms?
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mimicha-arts · 8 months
Date: 09/29 SPOILERS FOR S2 Part 1
I don't know how many times I rewrote everything, my documents flew away for dozens of pages, so I will divide my post into several parts.
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I like to theorize and explain things to myself, but at the moment every new question that comes up contradicts every answer I found. I don’t have a lot of time now, and unfortunately I have to write first, then translate. So I don't know when I will be able to edit the next part and post it.
In the first post I want to talk about time, number of attempts, and what the original reality is. My friendly reminder - this is all just empty speculation and I'm just having fun (while crying actually). I'm pretty sure that when we get trailers and more information about canon, I'll change my mind a lot. But that's it for now.
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The events in s2 take place in a short time. In the last interview it was said that about 3 days had passed. so. October, 23th - Lu Guang was stabbed, Cheng Xiaoshi was interrogated during the day, the events in the hospital placed during the evening. October, 24th - Chen Bin's funeral, Cheng Xiaoshi dived in his photo October, 25th - dive in Li Tianxi's photo, interrogation of Li Tianchen, time loop, Lu Guang's kidnapping October, 26th - everything that happened in the theater and in the tunnel Plus taking into account the time (about a month) they spent in the hospital, ep12 ends at the end of November/beginning of December, congratulations. The start of the new year is almost here, have we really crossed the critical point for Cheng Xiaoshi and he won't be forever 21? Heh.
9/13 is not the date of Cheng Xiaoshi's death,  it has to be 9/12. Below I will describe why I think that this is not his first attempt, and in this case more than 5 minutes have definitely passed. Time has not stood still, seconds are passing. Lu Guang's watch does not say five in the morning, but midnight and five minutes. The date of the password is Lu Guang's reminder, corresponding exactly to the time of the dive. If that's the case, I believe that each new reality is a new password corresponding to the time of  diving, as a reminder of the previous failure. 
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Technically, I think that Cheng Xiaoshi actually died at 5:35 in the original timeline - this date was indicated, everything led to it, but in the end it was not shown  in s2 itself. The events in the tunnel do not correspond to this time, since the actions took place earlier (the meeting at the theater was scheduled for 3 am, the rest of the events happened very quickly, the whole action couldn't have lasted for 2 hours and a half, so I think everything happened before approximately 4 am or so).
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It coincides too well with this broken time in the Overthink. So, I am desperate enough to believe that  Cheng Xiaoshi's death occurred at 05:35 (as actual time). Even if the specific time in the ED can be perceived as 5:20, because that is literally the reason why Lu Guang broke the time - his wish that Cheng Xiaoshi could live, his love for Cheng Xiaoshi. It is possible that time passed in the original reality - literally from this moment until the last attempt at 00:05. So maybe. While Lu Guang lives one life after another, in fact, Lu Guang is truly “frozen” in this 12-13 September, and not even a day has passed in the original timeline. Why do I think that exactly this amount of time has passed (more than five minutes, but less than a day)?
It’s difficult to say at all that Cheng Xiaoshi died in the photo studio in the first place.
There are changes in the design of their room.
Lu Guang probably washed the blood from his hands, so he spent some time for it, but did not change his clothes, still covered in blood, even has traces of blood on his face. (Did Cheng Xiaoshi touch his face before he died? Did Lu Guang himself cry, covering his face with hands? Oh, boy)
I'll talk about details in the next part.
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Again and again
I feel sorry for him. He is the most pathetic, most selfish, most insane person in the universe. I love it so much.
I believe we have not yet seen the actual chronology in terms of events, but we have seen the original timeline in terms of Lu Guang's insane room.
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I’m sure this is not his first dive; we have always had the symbolism of constant resets. Again and again, again and again, again and again. I think there have been many attempts. As many as there were photographs he could find - if the ability works the same way as Cheng Xiaoshi use it himself, and he should be the author of the photo, we can only cover our heads with our hands and cry.
This is Lu Guang's POV - Lu Guang already knew that the death node cannot be changed (meaning he already tried), but he still wants to use the very last attempt to try.
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He looks so dead inside, it's impossible. In my understanding: he initially used earlier photographs that were closer to September, the death of Cheng Xiaoshi in the original reality, and then dived deeper and deeper into the past, into more distant events.
Let's go back to s1. It is still difficult to say how many times the events were repeated. Lu Guang himself confirmed it in his words that this happened more than once. There have been a lot of attempts, he himself said “no matter how hard you try".
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I think that “last chance” meant just that, last chance. From what he said, we know that a photo can only be used once. If s1 showed us the events of the current timeline, which I believe, this was probably one of the earliest photos that Lu Guang could use - a photo that happened before their first meeting. Back to their real beginning. This… tritely has a beautiful and symbolic logic behind it. Current events are “all or nothing.”
The photo studio from the flashback is the original universe, this reality is not destroyed, he returns to it after each original attempt. We know that Cheng Xiaoshi died many times in many different ways. If there have been many attempts, if the attempts are limited to photographs, all he can do is use them from some original point.
Like I think he can't get an "infinite" number of attempts by using the photos again within the "past" he returned to. In my opinion, “dive within a dive” is impossible. I don't think that after diving, there is a possibility of another dive by the same person inside the diving - because it makes more sense if Lu Guang has an invisible timer that reminds him - the time is running out.
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I think the design of their room in the original timeline confirms this. Their table is always full of books, there are things, lamps, even framed photo. Everything is empty. If these were the events immediately after Сheng Xiaoshi's death, would their room be so lifeless?
I'm inclined to think that Lu Guang went through all their belongings, used every possible attempt to find suitable photographs that would allow him to try to rewrite the events again.
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I find destroyed or burned photographs more symbolic of failed attempts being burned, too - after all, a photo can only be used once, everything is changing, it’s not a time loop. Every used photo, every reality that doesn't turn out well, is another crossed out opportunity. But remembering his words about the destruction of photos - I think that we will see this again in the context of the fact that he destroyed the photos himself. It is quite possible that he destroys the photo after the dive to erase the reality/time where Cheng Xiaoshi died again as a fact. Because… otherwise a terrible situation will arise. If Lu Guang possesses himself from a photo, then after leaving it after Cheng Xiaoshi's death, the original!Lu Guang moves back to the original line, while Lu Guang from the rewritten timeline remains in the timeline where Cheng Xiaoshi is dead (and if the events are rewritten so deeply, it is not at all clear what will happen to his memory). Therefore, I am sure that the original Lu Guang must destroy the photographs because of this as well.
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I was wondering if he destroys the photo while diving, right after it - maybe that's how the mechanics could work, I would say, of how he "locks" himself into a certain reality. But since I believe that he should return to the "original point", I do not think that this is possible - if he doesn't need to come back, if he just "dives after diving" further into the next timeline, it won't make sense: more photos can be taken, attempts won't end with a limit. But do I like this idea for the last attempt? That he has to live his entire life from the very beginning without a “save point” to return to? Oh. Yes. Note: I considered the possibility that there is no original timeline as a starting point for diving, that he dives again after diving inside the dive itself, destroys the photo immediately inside the dive, that everything is repeated again, no limit either. Just at some point Lu Guang himself decides there is no point in continuing to use any photos from this period, so decided to use a photo corresponding to the very very beginning. But in doesn't make sense, in any case he will have the opportunity to take more photos that he could use for further dives, this does not create a " the last try" point (even if it was possible, also knowing Lu Guang’s character, I don’t think that he could partly “give up”, partly take such risks voluntarily)
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But it's still questionable. Because, if the original timeline exists, all dives were made from there, then a simple problem arises - given Cheng Xiaoshi's ability, all dives take place in “real time”, i.e. in the original reality the same amount of time should also pass. We all understand that this is impossible, it is difficult to imagine how many attempts Lu Guang made, how many years actually passed.
So, if we believe that the “original reality” is a thing, then the combination of their abilities, becoming a “perfect fusion,” has other limits, other specifics of using and/or the original timeline is so broken that time only passes when Lu Guang exists in it.
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The original universe… or?
I hope I've made it clear enough before - in my opinion the original timeline was shown to us in terms of the timeline from where he dives into the photos. Their room. Because there must be something that creates a limited number of attempts.
But I have some doubts about the fact that what we saw in the vision or flashback is the original timeline, too. Yes, they could have shown us the very first death of Cheng Xiaoshi, this would even be logical, but the problem is that this is only relevant if we agree that Lu Guang has white hair from birth.
Considering that the hints themselves within the series may turn out to be a joke, I still haven't completely dismissed this idea. The only characters with unusual hair color are twins, but they are like that at least because of genetics, they inherited it from their mother. While the issue with Lu Guang remains open.
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Therefore, I am considering 2 simple options: 1. Lu Guang's hair was originally white from birth, so we shouldn't expect him to have a different design in the original timeline. Or Lu Guang's hair turned white before Cheng Xiaoshi's death for some other reason. Then we can safely say that the events of the flashback is the original universe.
2. Lu Guang's hair was not originally white, but his hair gradually turned white with each dive attempt due to overpowering, trying too many times, and overusing his abilities.
If we consider the second option, then:
The flashback events shown to us are one of the later attempts, for example, the penultimate one, which is generally a possible option. That version of death, when Cheng Xiaoshi received a very similar injury to Lu Guang - that why the flashbacks were specifically about this late attempt.
The events shown to us are this current reality in which Cheng Xiaoshi was/has to be the 7th case, and this is exactly the death that was intended for him in this timeline - but this period of time, from April to September, was cut out and "stolen", just as case 7 disappeared. And that in the most recent attempt, not only was time rewritten “from the very beginning,” from the very first photo, but something else happened to prevent Cheng Xiaoshi’s death at the appointed time.
The one who was supposed to die in the photo studio when Lu Guang was stabbed - was Cheng Xiaoshi himself, and what was shown was not a flashback, but Lu Guang's vision of how things could have been different (if we perceive the forest not as a literal location, but a symbol) . I doubt it, but let's leave this possibility open.
Why do I even think that the white hair theory could be real? Of course, maybe it's just the light, but maybe… Due to Li Tianxi's memories and abilities, taking over the memories from the other reality in which Lu Guang lived, Qiao Ling's hair also changed a bit. Pay attention to the only white strain in her hair. This is an extremely interesting and rather intentional detail.
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If this is the case, then Qiao Ling's white hair is a hint. This does not mean that every attempt is 1 white strand of hair. It's not that… literal. This is an artistic way of allowing the viewer to speculate if this is the case.
I'm not betting on any particular idea, given that things can't be that simple and we don't really know how September-April will be explained. Another problem is why Lu Guang is wearing a watch on his other hand in this shot. Everything may be different, case 7 may be about a completely different character. But I also think many things will be connected at some point.
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Photos and OP
There are a lot of photographs. So many. As we remember from Dive Back in Time. There will be two key ones - thanks to Vortex.
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One of which is precisely related to the moment that allowed Lu Guang to travel 6 years (or more) into the past - to the moment they even met. Would this be a photo at school? Was it an accidental photo left behind? I have much more painful though. Their “very beginning” has a huge chance of not being high school time, but as I mentioned before, I’ll leave that for a separate post.
But the other one? I can’t imagine clearly, of course, but for me there are 3 ways:
This is about the current timeline - September-October were influenced by the use of a different photo - it will let us understand what the 7th case and one of the main storylines.
The starting point from where Lu Guang began his attempts to save Cheng Xiaoshi and change his fate. The core one.
If we believe the hints in the art book, the intro, the dark design of Cheng Xiaoshi, then the photo will be from the moment where something happens to make CXS become depresso!CXS.
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I had hopes that the teaser would be about s3, and thus something would become clearer in my head, but… For now, we can only build theories for the next year or two.
Thank you for reading ~
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The Harringrove 48 Hour Relay Race will take place in 1 week! 💙
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There are 7 days left until the Harringrove Relay Race is set to begin at 12 AM EDT on April 12th!
Participants have already started scheduling their posts, and many people are putting the finishing touches on their works!
Remember, even if you don't receive a notification from the person revealing before you, (because we all know how Tumblr notifications can be sometimes) your scheduled time will not change and you have nothing to worry about. The race must go on until the very end! We can do it 😤
I can't even begin to express how excited I am to see all your art and read your fics ♡
You can DM me anytime if you need any help or have any questions
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"Roses and Muskets" Version 4.3 Update Details
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Post Details Page
Dear Travelers,
Below are the details of the Version 4.3 update "Roses and Muskets" and the update compensation.
〓Compensation Details〓
Maintenance Compensation: Primogems ×300 (60 Primogems per hour the servers are down)
Issue Fix Compensation: Primogems ×300 (please refer to the relevant compensation mail for more details)
〓Scope of Compensation〓
Maintenance Compensation: Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 5 or above by 2023/12/20 06:00 (UTC+8).
Compensation must be claimed before the end of Version 4.3.
Issue Fix Compensation: Travelers who reach Adventure Rank 5 or above by 2023/12/20 06:00 (UTC+8).
Please log in and claim your compensation before 2023/12/23 06:00 (UTC+8).
Our developers will distribute compensation to Travelers via in-game mail within 5 hours after the update maintenance is finished. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don't forget to claim the attached compensation in time.
〓Update Schedule〓
Update maintenance begins 2023/12/20 06:00 (UTC+8) and is estimated to take 5 hours.
〓How to Update Game Client〓
PC: Close the game, open the Genshin Impact Launcher, and click Update.
iOS: Open the App Store and tap Update.
Android: Open the game and follow the directions on-screen.
PS5™ and PS4™: Highlight Genshin Impact from the Home Screen, press the OPTIONS button and select "Check for Update."
Please do not hesitate to contact Customer Service if you encounter any issues installing the new version. We will do our very best to resolve the issue.
〓Update Details〓
I. New Characters
5-Star Character "Helm of the Radiant Rose" Navia (Geo)
◇ Vision: Geo
◇ Weapon: Claymore
◇ The current President of Spina di Rosula, who is lovely, dutiful, and a great boss.
◆ Elemental Skill: Ceremonial Crystalshot
◆ When a character in a party with Navia obtains an Elemental Shard created from the Crystallize reaction, Navia will gain Crystal Shrapnel. When she fires, Navia will fire multiple Rosula Shardshots that can penetrate opponents, dealing Geo DMG. The more Rosula Shardshots that strike opponents, the greater the DMG dealt to them. Unleashing Navia's Elemental Skill will consume accumulated Crystal Shrapnel stacks, and the number of Rosula Shardshots and DMG dealt by "Ceremonial Crystalshot" will be increased based on the number of Crystal Shrapnel stacks. Hold the Elemental Skill to enter Aiming Mode and continually collect Elemental Shards nearby.
◆ Elemental Burst: As the Sunlit Sky's Singing Salute
◆ Call for a magnificent Rosula Dorata Salute. Unleashes a massive cannon bombardment on opponents in front of her, dealing AoE Geo DMG and providing Cannon Fire Support for a duration afterward, periodically dealing Geo DMG. When cannon attacks hit opponents, Navia will gain 1 stack of Crystal Shrapnel.
4-Star Character "Executor of Justice" Chevreuse (Pyro)
◇ Vision: Pyro
◇ Weapon: Polearm
◇ The captain of the Special Security and Surveillance Patrol, who wears justice as an ever-present seal upon her heart. Her musket shall only ever point at the guilty.
◆ Elemental Skill: Short-Range Rapid Interdiction Fire
◆ Fires at her opponent(s), dealing AoE Pyro DMG. If a nearby character in the party triggers an Overloaded reaction, Chevreuse gains 1 Overcharged Ball, increasing the AoE and DMG of her Elemental Skill. After Chevreuse fires a shot, she will continuously restore HP to the active character on the field.
◆ Elemental Burst: Ring of Bursting Grenades
◆ Fires an explosive grenade at opponents, dealing AoE Pyro DMG. After the projectile hits, it will split into many secondary explosive shells. These shells will burst after a short interval, dealing Pyro DMG.
II. New Equipment
1. New Weapons (Examples based on Refinement Rank 1)
Verdict (5-Star Claymore)
Increases ATK by 20%. When characters in your party obtain Elemental Shards from Crystallize reactions, the equipping character will gain 1 Seal, increasing Elemental Skill DMG by 18%. The Seal lasts for 15s, and the equipper may have up to 2 Seals at once. All of the equipper's Seals will disappear 0.2s after their Elemental Skill deals DMG.
◆ During the event wish "Epitome Invocation," the event-exclusive 5-star weapon Verdict (Claymore) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
Ultimate Overlord's Mega Magic Sword (4-Star Claymore)
ATK increased by 12%. That's not all! The support from all Melusines you've helped in Merusea Village fills you with strength! Based on the number of them you've helped, your ATK is increased by up to an additional 12%.
◆ Ultimate Overlord's Mega Magic Sword (Claymore) and its refinement materials can be redeemed in the event "Roses and Muskets."
2. New Artifacts
Song of Days Past (4-Star and 5-Star)
◇ 2-Piece Set: Healing Bonus +15%.
◇ 4-Piece Set: When the equipping character heals a party member, the Yearning effect will be created for 6s, which records the total amount of healing provided (including overflow healing). When the duration expires, the Yearning effect will be transformed into the "Waves of Days Past" effect: When your active party member hits an opponent with a Normal Attack, Charged Attack, Plunging Attack, Elemental Skill, or Elemental Burst, the DMG dealt will be increased by 8% of the total healing amount recorded by the Yearning effect. The "Waves of Days Past" effect is removed after it has taken effect 5 times or after 10s. A single instance of the Yearning effect can record up to 15,000 healing, and only a single instance can exist at once, but it can record the healing from multiple equipping characters. Equipping characters on standby can still trigger this effect.
Nighttime Whispers in the Echoing Woods (4-Star and 5-Star)
◇ 2-Piece Set: ATK +18%.
◇ 4-Piece Set: After using an Elemental Skill, gain a 20% Geo DMG Bonus for 10s. While under a shield granted by the Crystallize reaction, the above effect will be increased by 150%, and this additional increase disappears 1s after that shield is lost.
III. New Domain
Domain of Blessing: Waterfall Wen
◇ An ancient ruined city that was once used by a now-bygone secret order as an ad-hoc site of assembly. Now, all that remains to rule the roost are beasts bereft of language or intellect.
◇ Unlock Criteria (satisfy any one of the criteria below to unlock):
• Reach Adventure Rank 22 or above
• Complete Archon Quest Prologue: Act III "Song of the Dragon and Freedom"
◆ Challenge the Domain to obtain artifacts in the "Song of Days Past" and "Nighttime Whispers in the Echoing Woods" sets.
IV. New Main Story
1. New Story Quest
Navia's Story Quest - Rosa Multiflora Chapter: Act I "Braving the Tides Together"
Permanently available after the Version 4.3 update
◆ Quest Unlock Criteria:
• Reach Adventure Rank 40 or above
• Complete Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act V "Masquerade of the Guilty"
2. New World Quest
◆ New World Quest: "Leroy" Quest Chain
V. Other Update Details
New Recipes:
○ Hotel Debord, Fontaine: Rainbow Macarons
○ Louis (NPC): Feast-O's
○ Obtained From Event: Fontinalia Mousse
New Character Specialty Dishes:
○ Navia's specialty: "Pick What You Like!"
○ Chevreuse's specialty: "Sin: The Kind that Doesn't Need to be Dealt With"
New Achievements added to the "Wonders of the World" category.
Adds Set 28 of "Paimon's Paintings" chat emojis.
Adds some prompts for loading screens.
New Namecards:
"Navia: Rosula": Reward for reaching Friendship Lv. 10 with Navia
"Chevreuse: Type II": Reward for reaching Friendship Lv. 10 with Chevreuse
"Travel Notes: Time Inscribed": Reward obtained via the BP system
New Item: "Swirling Scene in a Bottle": Purchased from Tubby the teapot spirit via the Realm Depot after completing the Archon Quest "Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights."
New Serenitea Pot Realm Layout: "Swirling Isles": Unlocked after using the item "Swirling Scene in a Bottle."
New "Recommended Sets" function on characters' Artifacts screens, where recommended Artifact set information based on recently active players will now be shown as a reference to help Travelers when choosing Artifacts.
New "Artifact Locking" function, where you can add, set, and activate different Artifact settings by going into your Inventory > Artifacts > Artifact Auto-Lock menu. After you have activated "Artifact Auto-Lock," you will automatically lock 5-star Artifacts that meet said settings upon gaining them.
"Genius Invokation TCG" Gameplay Update:
New Character Cards: Lyney, Lynette, Layla, Yelan, Alhaitham, Gorou, and their corresponding Talent cards. Corresponding invitation duels and guest challenges have been added to the Player List.
New Character Cards: Dvalin, Azhdaha, La Signora, Eremite Scorching Loremaster, Thunder Manifestation, and their corresponding Talent cards. Their Tavern Challenges have also been added.
Numerous Action Cards have been added which can be purchased from Prince at The Cat's Tail.
New Card Box "Fontaine" can be purchased from Prince at The Cat's Tail after reaching Player Level 8.
Adds 12 new Open World Players. Reach Player Level 3 to unlock 4 new Open World Players located at Windwail Highland, and reach Player Level 10 to unlock the other 8 Open World Players located at Romaritime Harbor and the Court of Fontaine.
The Forge Realm's Temper is once again available. The theme of this edition is "The Forge Realm's Temper: Game of Wits":
(1) During The Forge Realm's Temper: Game of Wits, some stages will have special victory and defeat conditions. Adeptly adapt your tactics to complete the challenge and avoid the conditions for defeat!
(2) Within The Forge Realm's Temper: Game of Wits event stages, there will also be special rules that can easily exert influence on the tempo of the match. Fully utilizing these special rules will contribute greatly to your success.
Spiral Abyss
The "Marechaussee Hunter" and "Golden Troupe" Artifact set rewards in "Domain Reliquary: Tier I" and "Domain Reliquary: Tier II" for Spiral Abyss Floors 9–12 will be replaced with the "Song of Days Past" and the "Nighttime Whispers in the Echoing Woods" sets.
Floor 11 Ley Line Disorder changed to:
• All party members receive a 75% Geo DMG Bonus.
Updated the monster lineup on Floors 11 – 12 of the Spiral Abyss.
Starting from the first time that the Lunar Phase refreshes after updating to Version 4.3, the two Lunar Phases will be as follows:
Phase I:
Sturdy Moon
After a character obtains an Elemental Shard created by the Crystallize reaction, they will gain the Redoubtable state. Active characters in this state deal 15% increased DMG. This state lasts for 8s and can stack up to 3 times, with the duration of each stack counted independently.
Phase II:
Bursting Moon
After a character obtains an Elemental Shard created by the Crystallize reaction, it will be counted. When the count reaches 3, a shockwave will be released at the character's location, dealing True DMG to nearby opponents, and resetting the count. 1 such shockwave can be triggered every 6s.
〓Adjustments & Optimizations〓
● Enhancement Systems
Pop-ups will no longer appear when carrying out enhancements from the Character Leveling, Weapon Enhancement, and Artifact Enhancement screens. Enhancement information will be integrated into the original screen instead.
When previewing rewards for defeating Enemies of Note and bosses, Character Level-Up Materials will appear nearer to the front.
Each time you enhance a weapon, you can now consume up to 40 materials instead of just 20. You will also be able to select multiple Refinement Materials at the same time when refining weapons.
Adjusts the Weapon Refinement Mora consumption rules: When using a Weapon with a Refinement Level that isn't 1 for refining other Weapons, the amount of Mora consumed will be converted based on the Refinement Level (e.g. before the update, refining 4-star Weapons with an original Refinement Level of 1 would always cost 1,000 Mora, regardless of the Refinement Level of the Weapons being used as Refinement Materials. After the update, the amount of Mora required will be converted based on the Refinement Materials).
On the Character > Level Up screen, the speed of special effects when leveling up characters has been increased, and you can now use Auto Add to add sufficient Character EXP Materials to get the character up to the highest level they can currently reach with a single click.
● Artifacts
On the "Artifact Enhancement" screen, you can now add up to 15 Artifacts each time you enhance an Artifact.
The "Enhance to Next Tier" function has been added to the "Artifact Enhancement" screen: After this function is enabled, when there are still open slots to add Enhancement Materials but the current action will already cause the Artifact to reach Level 4/8/12/16, no more additional Enhancement Materials will be automatically added beyond those necessary to reach the next tier.
From the Paimon Menu > Settings > Other, you can choose whether or not 5-Star Artifacts can be auto-added as Artifact Enhancement Materials.
The filter function on the Inventory > Artifacts screen has been adjusted: Interactivity logic has been updated to support more filter conditions, as well as filtering multiple sets at the same time.
You can now select up to 3 affixes when sorting Artifacts (previously, you could only select a maximum of 2).
On the Crafting Bench's "Mystic Offering" screen, you can now add multiple Artifacts at the same time with a single click.
Travelers can also read Version 4.3's "Artifact Auto-Lock and Filter Function Update Preview" that was previously published to learn more about the updated Artifact Auto-Filter and Locking functions.
Adds Multi-Select Mode to the Serenitea Pot's editing screen, allowing you to drag-select multiple furnishings to move, store, and create custom sets in bulk.
Optimizes the logic of the Serenitea Pot's editing screen: When in Single-Select Mode, clicking the blank area will confirm placement, whereas clicking another furnishing will switch to selecting the corresponding furnishing.
Adds serial numbers to the Serenitea Pot's Replica screen.
In the Serenitea Pot, when your Realm Currency is full, the NPC Tubby's dialogue option for going to redeem it ("Trust Rank") will light up.
Optimizes the Serenitea Pot's Furnishing Schematics screen.
a. When you've started creating furnishings or switch back to the Furnishing Schematics screen from another furnishing creation screen, the list of Furnishing Schematics will no longer refresh and cause you to lose your selected position.
b. A source link to the "Convert Wood" screen has been added for wood materials on the Furnishing Schematics screen.
c. On the Furnishing Schematics screen, Teapot Spirit Trust Rank markers will no longer be displayed for furnishings that you haven't made before but are currently in the process of making (if you cancel creation before they're finished, the marker will show again).
● Genius Invokation TCG
Even if you haven't unlocked the Dynamic Skins for the Character Cards "Cyno," "Tartaglia," "Xiao," and "Wanderer," the card portrait will still change with the skill effect after using certain skills.
● Other Systems
Adjusts the scroll bar's response area on certain screens.
On the map screen, you can now check bosses' current remaining respawn times by clicking their avatars.
Chat records from before the current day will now show the year, date, and time (previously, only the date and time were shown).
On the Crafting/Cooking/Forging/Create Furnishing screens, if there are no selected character records on the Traveler's device, the first character that can provide a bonus when creating the selected item will be chosen by default.
Adds the "Claim All" button to the "Dispatch Character on Expedition" screen, allowing you to claim Expedition Rewards with a single click. You'll also be able to use the "Dispatch Again" button on the "Expedition Results" screen to repeat expeditions with a single click.
Adds the "Claim All" button to the "Process" and "Forge" screens, allowing you to claim processed ingredients and forged items that have been completed with a single click.
Optimizes the interaction experience of the Adventure Handbook's Enemies tab.
a. You can now select "Cancel Navigation" on this screen to stop navigating towards a certain enemy on the map and the corresponding avatar (except boss enemies) will no longer appear on the map.
b. Adjusts the way enemies' avatars display so that more can be displayed.
● Audio
Optimizes the voice-over performance when the Character Card "Tartaglia" uses his Elemental Burst under different stances in Genius Invokation TCG.
Optimizes the audio performance when the combat phase changes in the Trounce Domain "Shadow of Another World."
● Other
Adds a new HP icon style for "Local Legend" enemies.
Adds related tutorials for "Local Legend" enemies.
Adjusts the lineup of opponents in the Ascension Domains for Adventure Ranks 45 and 50.
Reduces the Max HP of opponents in the Ascension Domain for Adventure Rank 45 and increases the time remaining for Time Trial Challenges in said Domain.
"The Chasm Delvers" quest series will no longer be prerequisites for the Archon Quest "In the Depths, an Unexpected Reunion." When you reach the objective "Enter The Chasm: Underground Mines" in the Archon Quest "In the Depths, an Unexpected Reunion," a Teleport Waypoint will be automatically unlocked in The Chasm: Underground Mines so you can continue with the Archon Quest.
When a Gadget cannot be used, its button icon will no longer be hidden. This means that when characters are moving underwater, you will no longer be prevented from quickswapping Gadgets due to the icon having disappeared because the current Gadget can't be used.
Characters' summons will no longer attack "Hydro Portals" in the open world.
Adjusts the barrier along the edges of the Spiral Abyss Domains: Upon approaching the barrier, the camera will not zoom in onto the character.
When entering Domains of Blessing, Domains of Mastery, Domains of Forgery, as well as when re-challenging these Domains, characters will now enter closer to the challenge location.
When re-challenging Domains, Trounce Domains, and the Spiral Abyss, if party members' skills are in CD, the CD will be reset.
〓Genius Invokation TCG Balance Adjustment〓
Adjusts the Elemental Dice cost for the Event Card "Wind and Freedom": The Elemental Dice cost required will be adjusted from 1 to 0.
Adjusts the Elemental Dice cost for the Event Card "Joyous Celebration": The Elemental Dice cost required will be adjusted from 1 to 0.
Adjusts summon effects for the Character Card "Rhodeia of Loch": Only 2 Hydro Mimics can exist simultaneously on the field now. Hydro Mimics: Frogs: The number of Usages that can decrease DMG taken by the active character is adjusted from 2 to 1.
Adjusts the HP of the Character Card "Fatui Pyro Agent": Adjusted from 10 to 9 HP.
Adjusts the effects of the Equipment Card "Ocean-Hued Clam": "When played: Heal the attached character for 3 HP." has been adjusted to "2 HP."
New effect for Support Card "Timaeus": "When played: if your deck originally includes at least 6 Artifact cards, you will randomly also draw 1 Artifact Card from your deck."
New effect for Support Card "Wagner": "When played: if your deck originally includes at least 3 Weapon cards, you will randomly also draw 1 Weapon Card from your deck."
New effect for Event Card "Stone and Contracts": "When the Action Phase of the next Round begins: Draw 1 card."
New tag added to the Character Card "Dehya": The Eremites
〓Bug Fixes〓
● Enemies
Fixes an issue whereby, when the enemies "Pyro Slime" and "Large Pyro Slime" were defeated and knocked away at the same time, their explosion special effects would play abnormally soon.
Fixes an issue whereby, when the enemy "Hydro Hilichurl Rogue" was Frozen, there was a small chance that it would only stay Frozen for abnormally short periods.
Fixes an issue whereby the Knife Throwing ability of Treasure Hoarder Scouts would not unleash properly in certain situations.
Fixes an issue whereby there was a chance that Frost Operatives' models would appear abnormally at longer distances.
Fixes an issue whereby, when multiple Wind Operatives unleashed the Windstrike Encore skill at the same time, the location of the skill AoE warning effect would be abnormal.
Fixes an issue whereby, when the Hydro Tulpa unleashed the Dissolving Surge attack, there was a small chance that the direction of the action would be abnormal.
Fixes an issue whereby there was a chance that DMG numbers wouldn't display when certain characters inflicted DMG on the All-Devouring Narwhal (but the actual DMG inflicted was correct).
Fixes an issue whereby when challenging the Boss "Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto," the active character will lose HP when another game interface is opened while they are within the shield deployed on the field.
● Characters
Fixes an issue with Charlotte whereby there was no related special effect when she was knocked away.
Fixes an issue whereby, when Shenhe was caught in an enemy's bubble, the character model's ribbon animation effect would be missing.
Fixes an issue whereby Salon Members invited by Furina's Elemental Skill would appear abnormally dim under certain circumstances.
Fixes an issue whereby after Furina's Lv. 6 Constellation is activated, the Plunge Hydro DMG dealt by her Plunging Attack can be erroneously overridden by infusion.
● System
Fixes an issue whereby there was a spot on Wriothesley's portrait where the image layers were in the wrong order in the "Character Archive," "Story Quests," and other interfaces.
Fixes an issue whereby certain pieces of text were missing for the Archon Quest "Equilibrium" in the "Travel Log."
Fixes an issue whereby, if characters entered combat and then went into or left a body of water, the disappearing animation for the Gadget "Itty Bitty Octobaby" would abnormally play an extra time.
Fixes an issue whereby, when characters sat down at benches in Fontaine, the game camera would abnormally see through the character models under certain circumstances.
Fixes an issue whereby, if the game disconnected from the server when characters went underwater, the game camera would appear abnormal when it reconnected.
Fixes an issue whereby, if certain characters were switched to other characters while underwater and then the player left the body of water, underwater environment effects would abnormally remain.
● Genius Invokation TCG
Fixes an issue in Genius Invokation TCG whereby the text color of certain Character Card skill descriptions was displaying incorrectly.
Fixes an issue whereby, when certain Character Cards used Dynamic Skins, details on the character's face were not displaying clearly.
Fixes an issue whereby a Seamless Shield generated by the Character Card "Baizhu" would cause Character Cards that had already fallen to be abnormally affected by Dendro under certain circumstances.
Fixes an issue whereby certain special effects on the Dynamic Skins of the Event Cards "Fresh Wind of Freedom," "In Every House a Stove," and "Joyous Celebration" were displaying abnormally.
Fixes an issue whereby, after the Character Card "Yoimiya" equipped the Talent Card "Naganohara Meteor Swarm," her third Normal Attack after entering the Niwabi Enshou state would not receive +1 DMG as it should.
● Audio
Fixes an issue whereby the skill sound effects of Furina's Elemental Burst would abnormally cut off under certain circumstances.
Fixes an issue whereby the audio for certain scene elements was missing.
Fixes an issue whereby the music was incorrect in certain places in the "Weeping Willow of the Lake" sub-area of Fontaine.
● Other
Fixes a text error in "Character Story 5" in Neuvillette's Profile > Story interface.
Fixes an issue whereby, while completing the Daily Commission "This Novel Is Amazing!," the commission flow would be abnormal resulting in players being unable to complete the corresponding achievement under certain circumstances.
Fixes an issue whereby, after Electro Shards created by Crystallize reactions were absorbed, the special effect would appear abnormally.
Fixes an issue with Co-Op Mode whereby, when a Traveler used the abilities of Xenochromatic Fontemer Aberrants with certain characters, the other Traveler would be unable to see the skill animation.
Fixes an issue whereby, when characters that had equipped Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds changed outfits, some weapon special effects would abnormally disappear.
Fixes an issue whereby, after Neuvillette and Cyno had triggered the Bloodstained Chivalry 4-Piece Set Bonus, Stamina would still be consumed abnormally when performing Charged Attacks.
Fixes a text error on the Court of Fontaine: Fleuve Cendre Message Board in Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, German, Spanish, Japanese, Thai, and Vietnamese.
Fixes some text errors in certain languages and optimizes text. (Note: Related in-game functions have not changed. Travelers can view the changes in different languages by going to the Paimon Menu > Settings > Language and changing the Game Language.)
◆ Optimizes certain inconsistencies between voice-overs and their corresponding lines in Neuvillette's Story Quest.
*This is a work of fiction and is not related to any actual people, events, groups, or organizations.
"PlayStation", "PS5", "PS4", "DualSense", "DUALSHOCK" are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.
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jhilsara · 3 months
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I Can See You
Pt. 1/ Pt. 2/ Pt. 3/ Pt. 4/ Pt. 5/pt. 6/Pt. 7/Pt. 8/Pt. 9/ Pt. 10/
Pt. 11/ Pt.12/Pt.13/Pt. 14/Pt.15/Pt.16/Pt.17/END
Mariana Jimenez-Watson or MJ works in a normal pub living life paycheck to paycheck. Nothing exciting happens to her except the occasional drunk getting thrown out. She's 24 working away and finds a wrench thrown into her very boring life. His name is Hobie and she thinks maybe, a little excitement isn't awful. In fact she might start to crave some change for once.
Small moments of Hobie meeting his world's MJ. AKA I made an MJ variant and I think she's neat.
Chapter 5
Life threatening events were not on her bucket list. In fact, MJ was content to mind her business and talk to pub patrons. She was happy to come in, pours some pints, make a cocktail, chat up the patrons and learn their stories, and then roll on home in the early morning hours. That was her routine every single day, she liked it that way. Her life wasn't supposed to be filled with crazy events and super villains. She was just a normal woman working in a small pub.
So why the hell does stuff just keep happening to her?
She’s been exhausted for the past two weeks, and it's not from any freak run ins with her local vigilante. To her surprise it's because of a single patron who started coming to the pub. Usually MJ is okay with the occasional drunkard. They always have at least one every other night.
MJ’s favorites are posted in small polaroid pictures behind the bar top that Andy has taken. The pub keeps a polaroid camera as a little gimmick for busy weekends. Andy will walk around to the tables and snap pictures of friends and couples. It’s just a cute extra thing they like to do, keeps patrons longer. The owner pays for the film and Andy likes talking to people. It’s a win-win. Especially the wall of shame, which has pictures of the unruly drunk bastards they’ve kicked out. It's her favorite photo section secretly, the faces they make when Andy points the flash at them is really entertaining. 
They have a new regular though and he drinks every night until her or Andy cuts him off. That's not uncommon, to have people come in and be cut off after an obscene amount of alcohol. It's not just the fact he's a heavy drinker... there's something unsettling about how he drinks that has starting to stress MJ out.
She can't put her finger on it, but it makes her stomach drop in dread every time she sees him. He drinks more than any patron they’ve seen before, but never gets unruly. He sits quietly, drinking beer after beer. His eyes following her, like a predator looking at their next meal. She hates interacting with him. It's his eyes, they're so... hollow.
The last time she handed him his tab he caressed her hand and she recoiled just as quickly. He gave her a slimy kind of smile that had her gritting her teeth. His eyes burning into her skin, making her itch and want to scream. She hasn’t served him tonight, but she feels him staring at her. She always feels his eyes following her, like a creepy portrait at night.
He genuinely scares her. Has her almost debating if she should just quite. She even tried to swap times with a coworker but he followed. He was there every time she was scheduled without fail. How he knew she was trying to change shifts made her even more unsettled. Making her skin prickle like she was being stabbed by tiny needles. 
She mentioned it to her manager but he just dismissed how she felt. Saying she was over reacting; the guy isn’t disruptive and he hasn’t actually done anything to her. All she could think was, ‘yet, he hadn’t done anything yet’.
She didn't bother trying to change shifts after that. She was ready to just leave the pub all together, but the pay was good. Too good to try and job hunt because of one man that creeped her out. 
She shakes herself out of her spiraling thoughts and tries to keep working. There was no use sitting there stewing on him, it would just terrify her. She wraps up her shift and goes in the back to clock out. Before she walks out though, she goes back to ask Andy a question about a show they were hosting the next night. She needed the contact information and Andy had taken the call. 
When she walks back out, she sees the guy is gone. Her gut is telling her it's wrong, he usually stays all night. Her face pales at the idea of walking out.
“Where did he go?” MJ asks pointing to his empty chair, her tone clipped. 
Andy shrugs nonchalantly, “He just closed out his tab. Why?”
MJ grows quiet and crosses her arms. “This is gonna sounds crazy, but something about him really freaks me out.”
Andy shakes her head. “No, not crazy. I don’t like how he looks at you. It’s fucking gross.” Andy frowns looking at her friend. It validates MJ's feelings and she sighs in mild relief. Someone else noticed. 
MJ leans on the back counter thinking, “Can I stay until you get off? I- I just have a bad feeling.” She asks looking at Andy with pleading eyes.
Andy nods her head, “Absolutely!" She replies reassuringly. "My boyfriends picking me up tonight and we can walk ya home or you can tag along with us. I’d hate for that guy to try and follow ya home.” She mutters bitterly making a disgusted face. 
MJ nods her head. “Thanks, I’m just gonna hang out in the office then. Maybe check the cameras.” She says pointing to the back.
MJ goes into the managers office, he wasn’t working tonight anyway, and she looks through his desktop to check the cameras. Her stomach was churning with uncertainty. 
Sure enough, the guy is creeping around the corner. He’s watching the back door. Suddenly a cold chill runs up her back. She jolts up and makes sure the back doors are locked. She quietly goes back into the office and curls in the chair, her body shaking. She takes a deep, nervous breath and just tries to not think about it.
There is no denying it, he definitely was waiting for her.
She shoves her face into her hands and tries to take some calming deep breathes. Her fingers dig into her hair and she holds it tightly. It doesn’t stop the panic rising in her chest. It burns in the back of her throat like bile and she squeezes her eyes shut.
With unsteady hands she shoots Hobie a text, asking if he could come pick her up. She doesn’t know if she can wait until Andy gets off. She looks back over to the cameras and the man isn't there anymore.
It should calm her down, she should be relieved, but it doesn’t. It's the opposite of reassuring... in fact it puts her on edge and she's more nervous than before.
Suddenly the back door handle starts to jiggle, almost as if someone’s trying to open it. She stares at the handle frozen in fear for what feels like forever. Her heart feels like it’s in her throat. 
Just as soon as the door handle shook, it ends. Leaving her alone in the silence.
She’s trembling and tries to calm herself down. He can’t get in.
He can’t get in. He can’t get in. He can’t get in. He can’t get in. He can’t get in. He can’t get in. She tells herself over and over again.
She locked it, it’s industrial, as long as she's in the back she's safe. She spends the next ten minutes trying to come down from her mini panic attack. Her body feels numb and she's never felt this frighten for her own life. Which feels trivial in the face of the strange super humans running around Old York.
Her phone buzzes, pulling her out. Hobie had texted her back, saying he was on his way. She was going to be fine.
She finally settles her breathing and feels calm enough to wait for Hobie. Her judgement was correct. She hears screaming and glasses shattering. The noise is so foreign she doesn't realize it's real until Andy comes plowing around the corner and barreling into the office. Andy slams the door shut, and turns off the lights. Her face is filled with fear as she turns around to grab MJ. 
“That guy, MJ, he- he came back!" Andy starts to whisper shout. Her voice hitching in anxiety. "He's bonkers! Threw a fit and breaking shit!" she says rushing over her words. "He was screaming for you MJ, Lars is handling it but I bolted." She grabs her hand and tries to drag MJ with her, "We have to go!” She’s whispering at her aggressively.
MJ moves to hold Andy's arms, she looks past her down at the computer's camera and sees Lars handing the man. The two girls take the opportunity to go to the back door and try to escape. They are met with an unbudging door.
“No, no, no, no!” MJ hisses and tries to open the door again, throwing her body weight at the door. She's frantic to get out, just escape.
“What the fuck!” Andy almost shouts. They try again and are meet with nothing. They're trapped. 
They hear glass breaking and it makes them freeze for only a moment before fear grips them. They run into the office, closing the door and locking it.
MJ makes her way over to the computer and sees the guy standing over Lars, holding a broken liquor bottle with a tight grip. She clutches at Andy and looks at her with wide eyes.
“I think he just killed Lars!” She hisses.
“What the fuck!” Andy replies and the two girls watch him through the camera. He’s blocking their only exit.
“We have to hide, that’s all we can do, or distract him…” MJ mutters.
“Where the hell are we gonna hide?!” Andy says in irritation.
MJ looks over to the closet in the office and shoves herself and Andy in it. The closet is filled with anything and everything, it’s honestly a mess. This could be to their advantage though. MJ finds an empty barrel, one used as decoration, and tells Andy to get in. Her friend looks at her like she’s mad.
“I’m not getting in that.” Andy hisses in a whisper.
“It’s the best spot you have and we don’t have a lot of time right now Andy!" MJ shots back quickly in irritation. "If he finds a locked door he’s breaking in. I’m gonna lock the closet but it can only give us so much time.” MJ whispers aggressively.
Andy sighs and gets in the barrel. “If he finds me first I’m killing you, not him.” She mutters.
MJ rolls her eyes but closes the barrel’s lid. She looks at the corner that’s filled with an abundance of random things. She moves some stuff around to hide behind. This is as good as it's going to get. The objects she's hiding behind are also hidden by a curtain. She hopes it'll be enough to save her. She’s shaking, clutching her phone to her chest. She turns it on silent, but texts Hobie quickly. She tells him in as little words as possible she’s hiding in the office and for him to call for help.
She knows the cops won’t come, even after their ‘reform’ they still don’t do much. Much less care about a local pub issue. That’s why they had Lars as their bouncer. Now Lars was maybe dead and it’s not like she could just call up the local vigilante.
She’s screwed unless she can somehow take this guy out herself with Andy. She’s trembling, clutching onto herself to not cry, this is not how she wants to go. Not from some creepy drunk patron. 
She hears the office door get kicked in and she tries to not gasp. He’s more than likely going to find her and not Andy, which she knew that was the risk. She’s holding onto a crowbar with a death grip. She’s just waiting for him to get in the closet. If he finds her she'll swing, fight, scream and claw her way out.
She wants to shut her eyes like a little kid and pretend this isn’t happening, but she can’t. Her hearts pounding as she hears the loud bangs on the closet door. With every hit it makes her jump. Then she hears it crash to the floor followed by heavy footsteps.
She’s trying to keep it together but tears fall down her face. She’s only human and fear is gripping at her heart.
She hears a loud grunt and a collapsing. She doesn’t dare look, but she hears something dragging against the floor.
“I don’t think ladies like stalkers much.” She hears, a new voice says mockingly.
She sits up quickly as she hears the familiar voice. She moves to stand up and quietly goes to look. She sees a distinctly spider silhouette through the broken down doorway.
His figure disappears but she can still hear him. He’s talking to the drunkard so she uses this opportunity to grab Andy. She rushes over to the barrel that Andy’s in and slides the lid off. She whispers to her, “Spider-Man’s here!”
“What?! How?” Andy says in surprise, they can hear the guy getting slammed into something, making them both jump. The noises they hear consist of loud banging and something being broken.
“Hell, if I know!” MJ hisses and makes her way over to the fallen doorway.
She peers around the corner, still trying to hide herself, and sees that Spider-Man has the guy pinned down. Arms tied behind his back and his face had been slammed into the desk. Specifically, the keyboard. The pieces are scattered and broken on the floor, a small pool of blood is underneath the man's head. 
She takes a shaky breath, one entirely too quiet, it’s enough to notify Spider-Man of her presence, his head shooting up to look at her. She sees his body relax, if just a fraction, upon seeing her.
“Mariana,” he whispers her name, so soft she almost misses it. “Always in trouble…” He says much louder, scoffing and shaking his head. She's frozen in place just watching him with large eyes.
He leans down next to the man's ear, “You’re lucky I got better things to do than rip you apart…” he hisses out.
He webs the guys arms together behind his back and throws him against the wall and webbing him there. He’s covered from the neck down to his feet, he is definitely not moving anytime soon.
Andy comes over next to her and grips MJ’s arm, letting out her own shuddering breath.
“Fuck, Lars!” Andy says in realization and bolts back to the front of the pub to assess their security guard.
MJ can’t move, her eyes are glued to Spider-Man, she feels like she’s going to pass out from the swell of relief. He turns back and silently comes over gently grabbing her shoulders to look at her.
“C’mon let’s get you outta here.” He says, voice a little gruff as he wraps an arm around her. She leans her weight into him as a support almost instinctively. She’s still trembling slightly from the fear that gripped her heart.
They walk through the front and MJ sees Andy helping Lars sit up. He was okay, just a little scratched up. MJ smiles, glad to know her bouncer was safe and not dead.
“We’re gonna call someone and I’m staying with Lars. MJ you should go.” Andy says looking over at the two.
Before she can open her mouth and protest staying with them the vigilante speaks up, “I’ll get her home.” 
Before MJ can even find her voice to respond the two are outside and he’s pulled her against him like before and starts swinging them across the city.
She’s confused and nauseous her grip tight as he swings them.
“You okay?” He asks her.
“Is this really the best time to ask me?” She mutters, groaning at the quick movements and feeling the air hit her face. Instead of it being refreshing, it stings instead.
“You gotta talk to me, it doesn’t have to be about that.” He says, voice a little rough. His grip on her tightening a fraction.
“Why?” She asks. She leans back enough to try and look at his face. Even covered in a mask, she’s trying to find something to help her read his expression.
“I just need a distraction or I’m gonna go back and rip him in half like the scum he is.” He mutters bitterly.
She narrows her eyes and whatever jumbled thoughts were swimming in her brain have finally clicked together, like pieces of a puzzle.
“Fine…but I can’t talk about what just happened.” she replies.
He grunts in acknowledgement, “Anything, we can talk about anything.” He keeps swinging, he doesn’t even need directions to get to her flat. He’s taking the right turns, as if he's done it a million times before.
“When were you gonna tell me you’re Spider-Man?” she accuses without hesitation. 
He misses his next web, causing them to fall a bit before he catches them again. His masks eyes widen as he looks at her.
Her brows are furrowed and she’s looking at him expectantly.
“What ya talkin’ about? Course I’m Spider-Man.” He tries to play off with a fake laugh.
Her face doesn’t change she raises a brow in irritation, “Hobie.” Her voice is shaking a bit, “When were you going to tell me?” She says again.
He groans and stops swinging them, he lands them on a random roof and he sets her down. His hands cover his masked face as he shakes his head. Pacing back and forth. He turns to look at her, pauses, and then rolls his head back again.
He pulls his mask off and gives her a look like he’s mildly impressed. “What gave it away?” He asks.
She takes a deep breath, “You, you were the only one I had texted…and well, you called me Mariana. Pretty sure I never told Spider-Man my name.” she whispers.
He nods and walks closer to her, he brushes his hand along her cheek, “You’re okay right? He didn’t find you?” he asks. His eyes looking over her, making his own assessment.
She nods, “No you got there just in time.” She whispers, she takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. She presses the heels of her palms into her eyes trying to stop herself from crying.
 She’s safe. She knows she’s safe. Hobie came like he said he would.
She runs her hands down her face and looks up at him, his body has relaxed and he pulls her to him. Tightly hugging her. She easily wraps her own arms around him, grounding herself.
“You’re too much trouble…” He murmurs into her hair.
She chuckles in response and presses her forehead to his shoulder, “Maybe it’s you who’s trouble.” She replies.
He gives a dry laugh, “Yeah, probably.”
The two hold onto each other tightly, breathing together, trying to match their hearts to the same gentle rhythm. 
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dokiyeom · 11 months
2:33 AM  .  K. SOONYOUNG
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PAIRING: idol! soonyoung/hoshi x gn! reader
GENRE: fluff! 
WARNINGS: alcohol consumption
NOTE: i haven’t finished a wip or posted a written fic in forever i am so sorry <//3
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SOONYOUNG SPORADICALLY CALLING YOU  DURING ODD HOURS IN THE NIGHT wasn’t particularly unusual, given his odd work schedule, but tonight was different. from what you were aware, he shouldn’t have much time to call while he’s away filming something for his group’s variety show. nonetheless, it's 2 am and your phone is ringing because your precious boyfriend wants to talk.
“hello? babe, is everything okay?” you ask once you pick up.
“hi yn!” soonyoung whisper yells, “we’re playing hide and seek so i have to keep quiet,”
“do you want to text instead then? so your voice doesn’t give you away?” you offer, smiling inwardly as you envision your boyfriend tucked away somewhere undetected. he’s always had an exceptional knack for hiding, having been distinguished as the reigning king of every variation of hide-and-seek that his group seems to conjure up.
“no, no, i want to hear your voice,” soonyoung insists, “and we took off our mics so it’s okay!”
“alright then,” you smile, “so, how’s everything going? what’d you guys do?”
“mm, things are nice! we had a few snacks earlier and we’re going to cook dinner soon,” soonyoung eagerly reports, his smile falters a bit suddenly as his tone drops, “i wish you were here with us though. i want to be hiding with you right now,”
“so we could play speed and you could rest on my shoulder?” you muse, resting your chin on one hand.
“so this wouldn’t have to happen! yn! your chin should be on MY shoulder, not your hand!” soonyoung objects quietly, “and hiding with you is so fun, don’t you think? we could have fun conversations and discuss a game plan for whatever we end up playing next,”
“and most importantly, we could play anything as a team!” soonyoung proudly proclaims
“even if your members decide to split into a 2 v 12 game?” you giggle, recalling some of the retreats you tagged along to that concluded with you and soonyoung being less than functional due to jeonghan and joshua  pushing for the two of you to team up against the rest of the group because in their words, not yours, ‘being a truly good couple means that no obstacles can stand in your way’.
apparently to soonyoung, that signified you two would win every game because he thoroughly believed you and him were the ultimate couple and team.
“especially if we end up in a 2 v 12 game yn! babe we are the dream team. you’re the brain and i’m the tiger. together we’re going unstoppable! as long as you can convince jeonghan and joshua to not cheat, we’re good!” soonyoung gives you a thumbs up to accentuate his resolve, making you burst into a fit of laughter.
“of course, of course, but soon, babe, don’t you think you have a bit too much faith in me? i’m not sure that i, or anyone, could convince jeonghan and joshua to ease up on us,” you hum. your smile widens to incomprehensible lengths as you watch soonyoung’s eyes illuminate.
“babe, you’re one of the smartest people i know, of course, you can!” soonyoung bobs vigorously.
“oh! i almost forgot!” soonyoung stiffens suddenly before easing, “we were supposed to all take a shot earlier together before we started playing hide and seek, but i hid mine so we could take it together,”
“aw soonyoung,” you melt and position your hand over your heart, “you’re too cute,”
soonyoung giggles softly over your remarks, his eyes morphing into charming upturned crescents, “you can just drink whatever drink you have nearby! it can even be water! anything’s fine, i just want to take my first shot of the night with you,”
you nod and hold up your mug of tea to the screen as soonyoung swiftly produces his hidden shot glass. the two of you tap your glasses to the screen as soonyoung dubs a faint little “clink!” before he gulps down his shot of soju and you sip your tea.
“so, how was your day?” soonyoung sings, hugging his legs closer to himself as he lays his head atop his knees.
“very quiet, not as eventful as yours,” you reply, “i got a bit of a rest day, so i mostly just read and got some work done,”
your phone buzzes with a text notification and its abruptness momentarily takes your attention away from your boyfriend, which instantly sets off lighthearted protests from him.
“oh! seungkwan texted,” you inform him.
“noo yn, can you ignore him so we can keep talking?” soonyoung helpfully suggests as you laugh and click on the notification.
boo 🍊: hi yn, sorry to bother, but can u tell hoshi to come out? we found him already but we didn’t want to interrupt and we’re gonna cook shin ramyeon now
yn 🍙: okok sorry to keep him away from u guys!! ill let him know and enjoy urselves !! pls take lots of pics and send them over :)
boo 🍊: ok!! sorry we couldn’t invite u to come :(((( and ik hoshi wants u here and so do we
yn 🍙: no need to apologize at all!!! u guys are there for going sev! we can hang out together next time when u guys have time :))
boo 🍊: for sure!!!! also dokyeomie says hi yn i miss u :)))))
yn 🍙: hi kyeom !!!! miss u && everyone else tooooo
“yn? ynnn!” soonyoung hums, waiting for your attention.
“yes, soon?” you match his singsong tone.
“do you think they’re ever going to find me?” soonyoung marvels, “i’ve been hiding here for a while,”
“they have, babe,” you reply, laughing a little as soonyoung’s eyes widen in shock, “seungkwan just texted to let you know that they found you earlier and now they’re going to start cooking ramen,”
“aw i don’t want to leave you though,” soonyoung pouts, clearly conflicted about what he should do, despite knowing that only one option will prevail.
“i’ll be here when you come back, okay babe? just go enjoy your snacks and drinking games. but don’t get too drunk please! take care of yourself,” you reassure him, wishing you could reach through the screen to ruffle his hair and kiss his cheek.
“okay fine,” soonyoung sighs, wavering before speaking again, “but when i come back, we’re going to have a game night with everyone! you and me versus them, okay?”
“anything you want,” you promise, “now go before they get mad!”
“okay bye yn! send me photos of whatever you eat for breakfast tomorrow please!”
“will do,” you beam, “i love you soonie!”
hoshi waves at the screen and holds it close to his face until the background is completely obscured by his radiant eyes, “i love you too yn! goodbye!”
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hgejfmw-hgejhsf · 4 months
Six Sentence Sunday
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Greetings, my dearest loves, and welcome back to another installment of "Val has worked a ridiculous amount of hours this week/weekend, AND she has to work tomorrow, so she's scheduling the shit out of this post and going to sleep!" Hooray!
I went back and forth on which snippet to share with y'all this week. Did I decide to go with another portion of the next chapter of At the End of a Bar, that nearly every reader/commenter has been begging for a continuation of (and making me blush every time)? Or did I choose a portion of a new WIP that I started before the sun had even risen earlier this week while talking with @thinkof-england about some...things I can't yet share...that were going on in my personal life?
Well...since the new WIP barely HAS six sentences, I'm going to be gracious and give y'all more than six sentences of At the End of a Bar. Enjoy! (Hopefully)
He’s already heard Henry laugh. Several times, in fact, in several ways, just tonight alone. A nervous giggle when Alex leaned in and whispered that he was the hottest person he’d ever seen. An incredulous huff when he revealed his favorite Star Wars movie and Alex informed him how completely and utterly wrong he was. A full-bodied howl of a thing that turned a few heads as he recalled the look on his ghoul of a grandmother’s face when he told her that he was moving to Texas and would be riding more than just horses. But the laugh that crosses the boundary of his perfect lips when he comes can only be described as euphoric. A sound so exquisite that anyone who’s ever heard it should consider themselves blessed to have witnessed such a remarkable thing. Head thrown back, blond hair glistening with sweat, pink lips pulled over white teeth in a wide, gummy grin, blue eyes practically glowing. Alex would like nothing more than to be the cause of such utter bliss every day, several times a day, for as long as Henry will allow him.
Putting some no-pressure tags out into the universe and behind the cut, as well as laying out an open tag for anyone else who might wish to tag me and share their beautiful work from this past week!
@adreamareads @affectionatelyrs @anchoredarchangel @anincompletelist @barbiediaz @cha-melodius @cricketnationrise @daisymae-12 @duchessdepolignaca03 @firenati0n @gayrootvegetable @getmehighonmagic @guillermosfamiliar @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heybuddy-drabbles @indomitable-love @indestructibleheart @inexplicablymine @junebugclaremontdiaz @kiwiana-writes @leaves-of-laurelin @leojfitz @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @magicandarchery @msmarvelouswinchester @mulderscully @ninzied @notspecialbabe @onthewaytosomewhere @priincebutt @rockyroadkylers @ships-to-sail @songliili @sparklepocalypse @ssmtskw @stereopticons @suseagull04 @theprinceandagcd @thinkof-england @tintagel-or-cockleshells @typicalopposite @user-anakin @vanillahigh00 @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @whimsymanaged @wordsofhoneydew @zwiazdziarka
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thehusbandoden · 6 months
Crushing on the Same Heroine (Shoto and Dabi) (Two different endings)
Genre: slice of life (??) \\ wc: 711 \\ posted: 12/19/2023 \\ requested
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So in this scnerio you're a few years older than Shoto, and a few years younger than Dabi.
Both you and Shoto are pro heroes. You're four years older than him, and have a lot more experince under your belt.
Shoto immediatly started looking for a hero to work under when he graduated. You were lucky enough to catch his intrest from the dozens who offered.
He became your sidekick and you worked together for about a year.
Shoto fell in love with you in that time, and is completely smitten.
He does his very best to please and impress you, bathing in the glorious bask of your praise.
During an attack initiated by the lov, Dabi saw you up close for the first time.. your beauty immediatly caught his attention.
He defied Shigaraki's orders and attacked you straight on. He was grinning as he flirted with you while the two of you fought.
Your witty remarks and captivating apperance instantly stole his heart, and he became obsessed.
He intentionally didn't hurt you.
After several calls from Shigarki he finally listened when Shigarki started to spew vulgar words at him, promising him pain if he didn't listen.
With a sassy eye roll, Dabi restrained you just to press a kiss to the back of your left hand, leaning down to whipser in your ear:
"Bye for now, Doll."
He then released you, heading back to Shigarki.
Shoto was helping several civillians evacuate at the time.. but when he watched the video the News reporter caught... he was fuming.
He grew insanely protective, staying glued to your side even off hours.
When you scolded him he got really sad and felt guilty. He properly bowed, apologizing.
But before he left.. he left a kiss on the back of your right hand.
You were shocked, you mouth opened slightly as you watch Shoto fade into the distance.
Dabi on the other hand, was in a great mood.
He argued less, simply mindlessly agreeing or waving it off, he was eager to go on patrols and/or missions, and he volunteered to go on grocery runs.
He started disapearing for long hours... but he came back every night.
He was just.. obsessed with you.
He stalked you.. like straight up stocked you.
He learned your schedule, followed you wherever you went, and did his best to seperate you and Shoto whenever possible.
Now.. this good technically go two ways.
(In my book anyways)
One, you fall in love with Shoto.
You and Shoto grow closer, and you slowly start to fall in love with him.
He is completely overjoyed with your new behavior, and asks you out after a few monhts.
You accept, and you go on a lovely date.
Well.. one thing leads to another and the two of you are officaly dating.
You spend almost ever waking hour with each other, falling deeper and deeper in love.
Dabi gets increasingly jealous, and messed up one day.
Shoto catches sight of him, and watches carefully for the remainder of the day, his arm wrapped around your shoulders protectively.
He ends up catching Dabi in the act, and he notifies you and several agencies.
After months of failure, your agency and three others team up to capture him- which you did! He gets put into Taurus, and you are no longer being stocked.
You and Shoto end up getting married two years later, and the two of you are deeply in love.
And two, you fall in love with Dabi.
Dabi commits several crimes just to fight with you again.
He flirts with you each time, and his alluring words and charming grin start to get to you..
One day after a battle he pulls you into an alley, a hand covering your mouth.
He leans down next to your ear, his hot breath against your jaw.
"Doll, talk with me.. I promise I won't hurt you if you promise me a nice little chat.."
One chat became two.. and two became three..
You started to meet up with Dabi in the middle of the night, laughing for hours as you talk about everything and anything.
He kissed you one night, and you kissed back.
The two of you secretly dated for years, before he finally convinced you to leave your old life and run away with him.
You both ran away from the rest of the world, settling down in the middle of nowhere.
He proprosed and the two of you eloped.
You didn't have much.. but you loved one another greatly.. and either of you would watch the world burn if it meant the safety of the other.
Dabi's masterlist | Shoto's masterlist | Masterlist | Navigation | You can tip me here <3
Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated <33
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way -minus reblogging.
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gorbachev’s funeral was a solemn affair kept purposefully small by an outsized police presence, ordered there by a regime that wants to distance itself as much as possible from his legacy but which cannot forsake something as momentous as the last general secretary of the ussr. at the same time, those in power hate the people who embrace gorbachev and what he stood for. therefore you have “elements of a state funeral,” a ridiculous amount of police, riot police, plainclothes police, military police, elaborate ways of making sure as few people show up as possible (gorbachev was supposed to lie in state until 2pm, but this was suddenly moved to noon; the burial was closed to the public, but it was actually open). one person was arrested for holding up an anti-war sign. surprisingly, many complained about putin snubbing the funeral due to “scheduling conflicts.” good riddance! who among those present really wanted to see him?
it was something of a quiet protest action against him and the war, even without posters. a pensioner at novodevichy cemetery told me as much: “this is the only way i can protest against what’s going on without getting arrested, and they know it. i couldn’t not take the opportunity.” but what is a protest if it’s sanctioned, quiet, and cordoned off?
at 9:30 am, crowds began to gather at the house of the unions in the city center, where all former soviet leaders were displayed in state. it was both larger than i’d expected and much smaller than i’d hoped for from moscow. from a city of 12 million, there were perhaps a few thousand people all together, many with red carnations. there were several gate systems to the memorial manned by cops who had orders not to let in more than 50 people at a time (i overheard one say so on his walkie-talkie). as with the the funeral procession later on, there was a good showing by the post-soviet generation and those who would’ve been too young to remember much of anything from the gorbachev years; there was also a fair amount of pensioners. the crowd moved fast—the cops didn’t want to let anyone linger for too long in any place—and after three security checkpoints and five gates, i was in the luxurious hall of pillars, though made austere for gorbachev. after seconds of looking at a man who embodied the twentieth century like few others, i was urged to move on as fast as possible. on the way out, a couple behind me, a man and a woman in their 50s, started crying. they were not the only ones.
across the street, a large “we will fulfill our mission” poster, written with the propaganda Zs and Vs, hangs on the scaffolding of the new bolshoi theatre, as if to put a period on what had already ended months, if not years ago. the crowds only became bigger when i left at half past ten. on my way to novodevichy cemetery, i ran into gennady zyuganov, head of russia’s communist party, and asked for a photo—why not. a smaller crowd of CPRF, left front, and other “left” parties gathered for some event near red square. later, i learned that he gave a speech celebrating the end of wwii with the victory over japan. zyuganov said that we must continue the fight and cleanse the earth of nazis, as russia is doing now. this, too, is part of gorby’s legacy, the shattered pieces of a massive, unfinished political project.
a few hours passed before gorbachev’s procession arrived to novodevichy, where the crowd was a bit thinner. i stood next to a young law student in his junior year who skipped his first day of classes to pay respects, chatting with him to pass the time. “how excellent that so many young people showed up,” he said. maybe a third of those gathered was under 30. “if we are here together, it means russia still has a future.” the police moved us around from time to time to “make space.” after finding my way to him again, i noticed he had two carnations instead of four: he gave two to a journalism student and exchanged numbers. a pensioner: “is she your sister? no? watch over her, keep each other safe.”
the procession was headed by a downcast dmitry muratov, a massive portrait of gorbachev in his hands: one nobel peace laureate parting with the other. among those present for the funeral service were ambassadors, including john sullivan from the US, the south korean, french, and german ambassadors, and suzanne massie, a historian who served as advisor to reagan and allegedly introduced him to the russian idiom “trust, but verify,” with pavel palazhchenko, gorbachev’s long-time translator. 
after the service, a 21-gun salute, the crowds thronging to the burial by raisa gorbachev’s grave. alexei venediktov (editor-in-chief of the now-dissolved echo of moscow, another glasnost creation) recently talked about how he went to novodevichy with gorbachev around 2010. gorbachev started crying, telling him that all he wanted now was to be buried with raisa. the love he had for her was immense. out of all the biographies and gorbachev/perestroika studies i’ve read, it’s only taubman’s that covers how profoundly he loved her with the space that such a deep, lasting relationship merited.
during the burial: “who do you think is next,” from one pensioner to another, two strangers. “well... you know.” “yes, let’s hope it happens soon.” 
a last opportunity to pay respects at a grave heaped, heaped, heaped on with roses and carnations, and then the throngs dissolved. it was the best of who and what you could see in moscow, or, russia’s conscience—what’s left of it—on public display. i have no doubt everyone at the memorial and the cemetery was anti-war. the palpable depression of this crowd was alleviated only by the reinforcing mutual presence of everyone there, a silent solidarity drawn from an organization that hasn’t been seen on the streets since march. you understand what people feel from what’s not said—the looks—the tears—the efforts of men and women in their 80s and 90s to stand for hours, so long as they could say farewell. 
the possibility of such organization, reluctantly allowed for the funeral and which was widely admissible in years passed, was the legacy with which we parted today. the defining feature of gorbachev’s rule was openness, glasnost, a gust of fresh air blowing through a hot, humid room, more than economic ideas that were a halfway house for the conditions the soviet state found itself in, and which he didn’t fully understand. yet he opened windows and doors. he returned memory to the people, he allowed memorial to form, he brought sakharov from exile, and yes, he then turned off his microphone during the congress of people’s deputies. gorbachev was a complicated, flawed individual who rose through the ranks of a bloody, ruthless bureaucracy to lead an imperial superpower whose continued survival was his overarching political imperative. he couldn’t have been gandhi. at one point, he nearly killed yeltsin with nothing more than a prolonged party criticism session; he was, directly or indirectly, responsible for the deaths of those on the imperial periphery. 
but what could have been instead? nothing is precisely inevitable. had andropov been healthier, the soviet union could’ve been held together to this day by sheer force, or perhaps by prolonged conflict in azerbaijan, or mass-scale repression in the baltics. set in this context, gorbachev leashed the security institutions of the ussr, but didn’t properly dispose of them. thirty years later, his failure is zyuganov’s gleeful speech on denazification, the descent into a fascist society waging genocidal war. his success was thirty years of lost opportunity.
where do we go from here? the feeling of helplessness predominates, resonating through the said and unsaid perception of what could have been and what we have had. the crowd goes home, the opposition stays in jail, the war continues. 
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Vox biology headcanons I mentioned last time, because why tf not
• Vox has 2 brains Well, only technically. He has hardware needed to power a TV in his TV head and an actual, human brain just below his head, somewhere along high-chest level. The actual biological spine starts just under where the neck part of it would end, but instead of there being unsupported nothingness, there's a fucking metal spine that fills in the void. A bunch of wires extend from the hardware, forming a sort of secondary nervous system, allowing Vox to do all his tech bullshit.
The thickest of the wires runs all the way down Vox's spine and exits in the place where the tailbones would usually be, succesfully forming a tail. The tail actually can extend about 2 meters (or 6ft), but about half of it is tucked away inside his body. He can roll up the tail to about 25 cm (3ft : 4, 3/4 of a foot ig?) or extend it up to the afformentioned 2m/6ft. It's mainly used to be able to move around while charging or to be able to find a chargeport from the comfy spaces to sit.
Vox's tail is shaped like your standard computer charger, with the end being a B-type plug used in the US (due to him being American while alive). It is, as mentioned before, not actually a tail, but, rather a charging cable. After updating his head to a newer, more energy-consuming model it just appeared one day. As stated in previous hc's, Vox needs both sleep and charging, and here I explain why.
Basically, charging is for his hardware, and without it he can't do all his tech bullshit, overheats a lot and generally enters a state that is most simmilar to the flu. He also experiences problems with his display due to the hardware powering it literally dying.
Now, sleep in needed for his human brain. Without sleep he will show typical symptoms of a person who hasn't fucking slept in a while. What's suprising is that he won't notice for a while, since his biological NS (nervous system) will use the energy of his mechanical NS to stay alive (and vice versa!), but before the 'no sleep' symptoms set in, he'll have trouble with his memory due to the lack of sleep, which makes it unable for his short-term memory to be transfered to his long-term memory, and his ADHD making the whole short-term memory shit even worse. (Yes, he does have ADHD; will be explained in another post)
When Alastor dissapeared, Vox put himself on the amazing "23h work day" schedule and allowed himself one hour of charging time. Due to sufficient charging, his symptoms of lack of sleep were limited to shitty memory and light chronic fatigue, which kept progressively getting worse each year that Alastor was gone, but Vox substitued sleep and combatted his symptoms with...!!! (drumroll please!)
A shit ton of energy drinks, coffee (both drink and powder) and sugar mixed together into an unholy mixture that no other denizen of Hell nor Heaven would dare to touch with a 300m/900ft pole
So when Alastor returned to find his bf/husband barely alive (or, well, as alive as a demon can be) he analyzed his schedule and proceeded to seduce/force Vox into taking a week-long break to get some motherfucking sleep for once. Vox then proceeded to not be able to sleep on the first day and then completely crashing and sleeping about 60 hours straight (gay) on days 2-4. Alastor basically wandered around, cuddled Vox and was happy that his masterplan worked. After trying to make up for as much missed sleep as he could, Vox woke up, ate like 5 kg of spaghetti (Al was in the mood for pasta), drank like three big-ass bottles of water (about 4,5 liters), went to the bathroom and took an hour-long shower, after whichhe crashed back too sleep for another 12 hours before he stopped the sleep fest.
Alastor was both concerned and impressed at that, since that's a lot of fucking spaghetti, but also that's almost certainly more water than the average demon is supposed to drink per day.
In the end they went on a date and just chilled for the remaining time and Alastor made Vox a new, 6 hour work plan and he would't take 'no' for an answer.
(credits to @deppresion-soup for the tail thing and most of the Radiostatic bonus. It was their idea, I just kinda changed and expanded it in the 1:35 AM rush) (PS they have an amazing fic on ao3 with two-sided radiostatidc for once)
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The RA Immunity Treaty, and the one night it was broken
The spirit of the RA Immunity Treaty has only ever been truly violated once, in a 2021 incident that shook the core of every Elsewhere RA. While the nature of the Fair Folk and young people sometimes meant that the treaty’s exact wording was taken advantage of (at least once a year someone’s final exam schedule would be altered at the last minute or a musically talented RA not wearing their pin would be offered a quick trip under the hill) the mutual understanding of the RA’s role and importance was a sacred trust earning respect from the Fair Folk and students alike.
The incident took shape when the seventh daughter of one of Elsewhere’s most beloved RAs took up her mother’s old mantle in her final year of study. The mother was a 1992 grad, and held the distinction of being the only Elsewhere RA to negotiate the return every single one of her residents, every single semester, for her three years as an RA (and two years as a grad student). “The Fey were easier to negotiate with than our girls.” She’d bemoan to her partner when the girls became teenagers. The mother had passed her RA pin down to each daughter and then she pined it one final time on her youngest’s favorite jean jacket. The pin had tarnished some over the 30 years, but its luster still shone brightly and pushed each daughter’s heart in beating “bring them home. bring them home. bring them home.” The Fair Folk found each daughter to be as joyfully tenacious and verbally gifted as their mother, and delighted in their end of semester ventures under the hill. No daughter was exactly like her mother, and no sister was like the one who had proceeded her, but all loved the residents and changelings in their care. 
The seventh daughter wore her pin with pride, but she struggled with balancing her identity in her role, as new RAs and seventh daughters often do. The pin was affixed to her rain jacket as she completed her rounds that fateful night. As the clock struck 12, a mix of curiosity and perhaps a note of cruelty caused four water spirits to carry the RA under the hill. By 1am, the Head RA was aware she was missing. By 3am, every RA was at their post, pins affixed, salt packets out, and ready to defend their residents, including changelings, from whatever was coming. By 6am, the call had gone out, and the mother had returned. Six daughters walked behind the mother and their hearts beat out "bring her home. bring her home. bring her home.“ By 8am, every past RA within a two hours drive of campus stood at the base of the athletics building. Alumni from the past graduating class, all through the 1960s, more than 300 of them. Anger and confusion burned in their eyes. Current RAs ran up to the mother with toys from the dollar store, cream cheese packets, and Dunkin Doughnuts coffee. She waved them off. This was not a time for bartering. 
Their procession entered the tennis court, and greeted the Fey court as old friends. 
The mother stood before the Fey Queen. The Queen smiled, noting the mother’s salt earrings and silver wedding band. The mother did not return her smile. 
"30 years ago, I protected each and every one of your people as they passed through my halls. I was not unique. I was one link in the chain. Why violate it now?”
“A seventh daughter is a rare treasure.”
“My daughter is a treasure. She is loved beyond measure back in our world. Return her now, and we will continue to love and protect each of your children as they journey through our world. Do not gamble all of their safety against my one daughter." 
"You would risk every changeling for one daughter?" 
"I would risk everything for my daughter. Such is the oath every parent takes on, and such is the promise of being an RA at Elsewhere.”
“You are no longer an RA. You have no power here.” The Queen offered. Her tone placid, and gentle. The mother threw back her head and laughed.
“When I was 19, I swore an oath to bring them all home, to love those who deemed themselves unloveable, and to safeguard those behind me on their own journey. It’s true, I no longer complete rounds here but I have never turned my back on a lost child in a grocery store, I have loved those around me when they said they were unloveable, I have spoken for justice and built community wherever I went. I have not broken my oath. We are RAs from our first duty day to our last breath. We bring them home, and when needed, we bring home to them.”
The Queen nodded in understanding. Diplomacy was a fraught game, the mother had always been one of the better players. The mother spoke again.
“Return my child. Return the RA to her post. Return to the treaty.”
“I agree.” The Queen waved her hands and the daughter materialized. She sprinted to the arms of her sisters. The mother nodded her thanks, for she could not speak it lest she incur a debt, but turned and began to point the procession home.
The seventh daughter paused to hug her mother, then addressed the court. “I will see you in a month,” She promised. “You have three of my residents. I will bring them home.” And arm in arm with her sisters and mother, they went home.
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zixinwonderland · 2 months
Posting Black Butler facts once a day until season 4 is released!
For real this time cuz i realized I’m not actually as tired as i thought, this ones a bit long so its under the cut!
1 more day!
(tho technically 0 in my timezone… this is to make up for my last post!!)
Oops! All Sebastian!
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(Excluding Our Ciel) He is the only character to appear on more than one Volume cover (he is on 8 of them).
Yana Toboso uses Sebastian to measure other characters (Ex: 1 Sebastian tall).
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His wish, when celebrating Tanabata, was “that the servants don't idle but do their job.”
His age is a secret.
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He views humans as grasshoppers.
In early concept stages, he did not have a name, they just called him “the butler”.
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He claims to be responsible for the Black death.
Yana Toboso considers him to be the protagonist, but also thinks he is “elite trash” because he lacks shame and moral.
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Her and her team also think he is a “muscle brained shithead” apparently.
He was going to stand on a piano and play it with his feet but Toboso wasn’t sure if she could draw that. She says she’s open to adding the scene if the plot calls for it. (I hope it doesn’t, i live in fear of that day)
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His last name originates from the Japanese word 見返り (mikaeri) meaning repayment.
His grave in the Manor Murders arc says "To The Memory of Sebastian Michaelis. Died March 1889. May ye be in heaven an hour before the devil knows you're dead."
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His schedule is the following:
5:50 A.M. - Getting up, getting dressed
6:00 A.M. - Preparing the master's breakfast, ironing the newspapers, instructing the staff
8:30 A.M. - Waking up the master with "Early Morning Tea," assisting with the morning toilet, serving breakfast
9:30 A.M. - The master's breakfast
10:30 A.M. - Start of the master's daily plan (work, learning, etc.), polishing the silverware, beginning lunch preparations
12:30 A.M. - The master's lunch
2:00 P.M. - Preparations for the afternoon tea
3:30 P.M. - The master's afternoon tea
6:00 P.M. - Preparations for dinner
8:00 P.M. - The master's dinner
9:00 P.M. - Cleaning up the dinner leftovers, polishing the silverware
10:00 P.M. - The master's evening toilette (bathing, getting changed)
11:00 P.M. - Putting him to bed
0:00 P.M. - Locking the rooms, extinguishing the chimney fire, etc., preparations for breakfast
2:00 A.M. - End of work
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offender42085 · 17 days
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Post 1242
Before and After.....
Devon Ray Cannon, South Carolina inmate 380702, born 1996, incarceration intake June 2023 at age 27, scheduled for release September 2028
Financial Identity Fraud, Grand Larceny in excess of $10k, Manufacture/Distribution/Possession of Narcotics, Commission of a Crime with a Firearm, Trafficking Meth/Cocaine
In the early hours of Tuesday, July 12, 2022, a South Carolina man was taken into custody after leading law enforcement on a high-speed chase that ran through Alexander County before ending with a crash in Caldwell County.
The North Carolina Highway Patrol began pursuit of a motorcycle operator in the early morning hours. The motorcycle was also occupied by a female passenger. 
After crossing into South Carolina hopeful to elude North Carolina police, local police Taylorsville Police took up the pursuit on Highway 64-90. The biker refused to stop for blue lights and sirens and continued to leed law enforcement at a high rate of speed into neighboring Caldwell County before the biker crashed just east of Lenoir.
The female passenger was injured and taken to an area hospital with multiple non-life threatening injuries. The operator of the motorcycle, 26-year old Devon Ray Cannon of Boiling Spings, South Carolina fled the scene on foot. The diminutive (5ft-2in, 135lb) Cannon was able to elude capture for over an hour but was eventually captured after a search.
Cannon is charged with felony flee to elude law enforcement, misdemeanor driving with license revoked and no registration. (These charges were dropped as part of the plea agreement.) Cannon had outstanding warrants from a prior South Carolina arrest occurring six weeks earlier.
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fuck-customers · 6 months
Ok what the fuck did I ever to do to this bitch? I'm never late. I very rarely call out, and if I do, I am considerate enough to call out hours ahead of time so they can get coverage. I do my work and finish my tasks and have been a good employee for multiple years.
I've never changed my availability since being hired years ago. I've had open availability forever. It has never been utilized, only exploited. I get the shit shifts that no one else wants and nearly every week, I get asked to come in on one of my days off and now I'm getting rock-bottom hours, yet I still show up.
Then last week I changed my availability due to some changes in my personal life and submitted an Availability Change Form, as store policy listing my new availability. Which is basically no weekends and not after 5:30 on Fridays.
THEN 3 days ago, my boss mentions it. "Hey I saw your availability form. So, no weekends. Correct?" I say yes. That should be the end of it.
I get my schedule for the week after next (which makes me think this is some personal dig, because my boss NEVER has the schedule out 2 weeks ahead, let alone 2 days ahead) and for BOTH WEEKS, she's scheduled me outside of my availability for separate times on separate days, but still out of my availability.
My availability is Tuesday-Thursday:open. Monday:open after 12:30 p.m. And Friday:open before 5:30. No weekends.
This bitch
After going OUT OF HER WAY TO CONFIRM IT WITH ME, schedules me on both Saturday AND Sunday of next week, which are 2 days I am NOT AVAILABLE all day. And then honors (or forgets about) the weekend the week after, but still SCHEDULES ME UNTIL 6:00 ON FRIDAY!!
I know realistically they're trying to make me quit because I make a whole 30 cents more an hour than these high schoolers, but my personal situation is making extremely difficult to look for another job. Essentially, I'm drowning and every chance it gets, some aspect of my life is throwing a weight on me.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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ninja-muse · 1 month
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Last month I clearly posted my wrap-up a day too early because I ended up DNFing a book that same day and therefore starting another. I don't think that'll happen again, but I'm making sure to schedule this for the first just to be sure.
Anyway, this was an all right month of reading—some greats, some simple okays—and a very good month for not acquiring books. Only one ARC came home with me, I offloaded three, and I'm almost certainly not going to buy any books in the last day of the month, but I still have 12 hours. That might change, in which case this post will also and you'll never know what I originally typed. Yeah, that worked well. Darn used bookstores!
You already know how much I liked The Briar Club. My other top reads were A Desolation Called Peace (anyone surprised?), Wandering Stars (outside my wheelhouse but good), and Nicked, which is also out in the summer and was my solo ARC haul of the month. If anyone thinks "gay medieval heist novel" sounds like a good time, they should pick that up. Also, anyone who likes cats and picture books needs to pick up Floof.
And my lows might as well start with my DNF from last month, I'm Afraid You've Got Dragons. I was really hoping it would pick up and I could push through, but it was just the wrong sort of silly for me. (I ended up going home without a book, then binging Most Ardently over the next couple days after my Libby hold came early.)
I also found The Deerfield Massacre to be odd—less rigorous than I'd have liked, a little wobbly on its thesis, doing a poor job of balancing "this must have sucked for the survivors" with Indigenous perspectives and an awareness that the Europeans were, in fact, colonizers. And A Letter to the Luminous Deep sounded so good, but I found it slow and couldn't quite connect to the characters or world.
I don't know how May is going to go, in terms of reading, so this book might end up being my review of the month, but I'm enjoying it so am going to rec it now: Evelina! Frances Burney was one of Austen's favourite authors and I can absolutely see why, and how she influenced her. If you like Austen's novels, you should 110% pick this up, because it's got romantic troubles, a highly embarrassing family, a number of awkward balls and parties, and all manner of drama. Why hasn't this been adapted? It should have been years ago.
Lastly in bookish and/or life news, my store's latest Indie Bookstore Day party was a rousing success and I don't think my legs have recovered yet from all the walking. My ability to socialize almost certainly hasn't. (It's been three days.) Thank goodness for book lovers and my fellow booksellers. Couldn't have done it without all of them.
Click through to see everything I read this month, in the rough order of how glad I was to have read them.
A Desolation Called Peace - Arkady Martine
The war with the aliens is not going well and Mahit Dzmare and Three Seagrass are called on to help. Which won’t be easy, but it’s harder because politics.
🏳️‍🌈 main characters (bisexual, sapphic), 🏳️‍🌈 author
library book
Wandering Stars - Tommy Orange
150 years in the life of a Cheyenne family, before and after the events of There, There.
largely Cheyenne cast, 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (multisexual, nonbinary), Cheyenne-Arapaho author
warning: genocide, alcoholism, addiction, drug use, self-harm
library book
The Briar Club - Kate Quinn
A new boarder moves into Briarwood house in Washington, D.C. in 1950, upending the dull day-to-day. Four years later, someone dies. Out in July.
🏳️‍🌈 POV character (bisexual), 🏳️‍🌈 secondary character (sapphic), Black secondary and minor characters
warning: domestic abuse, murder, race riot
reading copy
Nicked - M.T. Anderson Brother Nicephorus accompanies the saint hunter Tyun and his piratical crew on a mission to, erm, liberate the bones of St. Nicholas. Out in July.
🏳��‍🌈 protagonist (Achillean), major 🏳️‍🌈 character (Achillean), major Central Asian character, Muslim secondary characters
reading copy
Nanny Ogg’s Cookbook - Terry Pratchett with Stephen Briggs and Paul Kidby (illustrator)
A collection of Nanny Ogg’s recipes and thoughts.
gifted/off my TBR shelves
Most Ardently - Gabe Cole Novoa
Oliver Bennett yearns to live on his own terms, under his real name, and kiss boys. Unfortunately, the first boy in question, one Fitzwilliam Darcy, might like him as Oliver but hates his “other self”.
🏳️‍🌈 main character (trans man), 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (gay, bisexual women), 🏳️‍🌈 author
warning: deadnaming, misgendering
library ebook
Slippery Creatures - KJ Charles
When various threatening men appear in Will Darling’s bookshop seeking information he doesn’t have, Will turns to the first helpful person he meets—an aristocrat named Kim.
🏳️‍🌈 protagonists (bisexual man, achillean), Black Welsh secondary character
library ebook
A Letter to the Luminous Deep - Sylvie Cathrall
In 1002, E. and Henerey begin a correspondence. In 1003, her sister and his brother begin to piece together what might have happened to them.
POV character with anxiety disorder, 🏳️‍🌈 POV characters (lesbian, bi man), 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (sapphic, achillean), brown-skinned secondary character
reading copy
Hansel and Gretel - Neil Gaiman with Lorenzo Mattotti (illustrator)
An illustrated retelling.
off my TBR shelves
The Deerfield Massacre - James L. Swanson
The story of an infamous raid in 1704 New England, and the way it’s been mythologized since.
warning: racism, violence, murder, murder of children
library book
Picture Books
The Pie Reports - Hayley Lowe
Noor and Granddad love pie, but there’s an ocean between them, so they meet every week to eat pie on video chat. Then one day, Granddad doesn’t log on—he’s having a blue day.
Floof - Heidi McKinnon
A day in the life of Floof the cat.
I’m Afraid You’ve Got Dragons - Peter S. Beagle
Robert doesn’t want to be the country’s dragon exterminator on the best of days, but then Princess Cerise meets Prince Reginald. Out in May.
Currently reading
Evelina - Frances Burney
Evelina travels to London and learns that the only thing more distressing than suitors is her newly discovered family. Inspired Austen.
off my TBR shelves
The Demon of Unrest - Erik Larson
The story of the six months leading up to the American Civil War.
warning: racism, slavery
reading copy
Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century - Richard Taruskin
A history of early written European music, in its social and political contexts.
The Penguin Complete Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle
Victorian detective stories
disabled POV character (limb injury), occasional Indian secondary characters
warning: racism, colonialism
Monthly total: 10 + 2 Yearly total: 42 Queer books: 5 Authors of colour: 2 Books by women: 4 Authors outside the binary: 0 Canadian authors: 0 Classics: 0 Off the TBR shelves: 2 Books hauled: 4 ARCs acquired: 1 ARCs unhauled: 4 DNFs: 1
January February March
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paper-starz · 1 year
I hate to bother but what all the Puppets sleep schedules
Oh you are never a bother Anon!!
As for the sleep schedules... they are nothing good I can tell you that.
We've all seen Frank's horrendous sleep schedule so Imma skip over them.
As for the others:
Wally- The BEST sleep EVER. Surrounded by comfy pillows, a glass of milk and cookies on his nightstand, and read by a sentient house, Wally Darling gets the best sleep outta all of them. He wakes up at 6 AM and goes to bed by 8PM.
Poppy- Tries to be "responsible" and get a good 8 hrs of sleep, buuut she ends up either practicing her stitch-work, knitting, or reading a long book before going to bed. She'll get a good 6 hours of sleep.
Sally- Yeah you KNOW she aint getting enough sleep. She spends most of the night perfectly practicing her lines in front of the mirror, once she's satisfied, she goes to bed.... which knowing her, will probably take a while. She gets a good 4 hrs at MOST.
Barnaby- Oh boy. Ok so most of the puppets here get too little sleep, while Barnaby is the COMPLETE opposite. He gets a wee bit too much. He gets super tired so he goes to bed real early... the problem is that he gets so tired that he doesn't want to get outta bed. The rest of the puppets (either Sally or Julie) have to drag him outta bed or convince him to get up. He gets around 10-12 hrs of sleep.
Eddie- Eddie is one of the few that manages to get a good night of sleep, or at least he tries. If he isn't awoken by Frank's theory ramblings, he'll get a solid 8 hrs of sleep!
Julie- Julie's schedule is also pretty bad. Even if she gets to bed at the "appropriate" hour, her mind is wide awake and way too restless. Most of the time, she'll pull an all nighter. She'll pass the time by either dancing, singing (quietly), painting, or screaming into a pillow.
Howdy- Also one of the worst sleep schedules. Like Eddie and Poppy, he TRIES to get a good 8 hrs of sleep, but like Julie he'll pull an all nighter. He's usually plagued by night terrors so he's terrified of going to sleep.
Although this looks pretty bad (and believe me it is), as I mentioned before, they usually combat this by having sleepovers! Battling self-awareness is a lot easier when you have someone to cuddle with!
Most of the puppets go to Poppy's barn after having a nightmare and they'll do lots of activities before going to bed. Poppy (being the best mama bird) will read them all a bed-time story, Barnaby and Howdy will crack a few jokes, Julie will dance with the rest of the puppets, Sally will put on a play (the rest of the puppets will ofc be casted as characters), Eddie will bring in some arts-n-crafts supplies from the post office, Frank will tell the rest of the puppets his latest findings, and to finish everything, Barnaby will sing lullabies to rock them all to sleep (Oh you know which lullaby! And if ya don't, its Beautiful Dreamer)
Yes, this also ends in a massive cuddle party! Frank is usually in the middle and tries to sneak out, but he's usually caught by Poppy.
Poppy: Frank...
Frank: Yes...?
Poppy: What are you doing?
Frank: Catchiiingggg some midnight butterflies....?
Frank: (long-ass sigh): Fiiineeeeeeee...
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