#She-Hulk x Abomination
josephinekhawaja · 2 years
Just Jen
The second time we have heard our heroine refer to herself as that -- after of course her morning after with Doctor Arthur -- and as with the first time, I immediately pounced upon the recollection of Just Emil (Simply Emil) when he revives his introduction from the Hulk film. I keep sniffing out parallels between them like the feral shipper that I am, but I do love how though they will both in time fully embrace their so-called monster personas with confidence, at heart they both long for being accepted as just even their puny human selves. And I am obviously biased in where I feel they could ultimately find that sense of home and common ground, but anyway.
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king-valkyriee · 2 years
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SHE HULK really never disappoints....I love this show 😻💚💚💚
Btw I was kinda suspicious of Pug 🧐 like he must be having powers too right???
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exhalcyon · 2 years
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pls pay attention to him Jen, so Wong can finish binging The Wire.
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
The women fawning over Emil/Abomination is such a mood 💕💞💗
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strawberrywindow · 2 years
Jen and Emil have drinks. Fluff loosely based on a convo @exhalcyon and I had.
Eye rolls and sighs abound when these two get together 💚
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Which one should I post first?
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@ashifloof @u2frommars
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gammacousin · 1 year
Finding Skaar
And that’s a wrap!
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yautjalover · 1 year
Okay, here’s a new short for y’all! I wanted this to short and to the point, but give just enough. I hope it’s not horribly awful as I worry. 🫠
Rating: NSFW 18+ for Gore & Death
Contents: Angst, Tragic Accident, Hunt Gone Wrong, Major Character Death, Death of a Mate
F human x M Yautja
The Goo ☣️
This hunt had gone just like all the others. It was the same routine of scoping out the hunting grounds, seeding them, and letting it flourish before the hunt. But, it didn’t go to plan.
Something went seriously wrong.
The human had been excited to see another world with her Yautja mate.
He was tall and stoic, a male of few words, but he was very expressive. There was a kindness he possessed that others didn’t have. They shared a bond that had been forged with time and proximity. Their hearts were entwined on a deeper level because of this.
It was on this hunt that as she was helping him set out a container of black goo that some of it splashed onto him. At first, nothing happened, as he used a cloth to wipe it off. Moments later however, as they board the scout ship he stumbled and fell to his knees. She and everyone else in the party could only watch with confusion as he growled and grunted in pain. Every attempt by her trying to help him, she was pushed away. One of his hunt brothers held her back when the transformation began.
The black goo began to mutate him. He howled in pain as he grew bigger in size, his muscles bulging obscenely. His armor was forced off his changing body as he quickly outgrew it entirely.
Others spoke rapidly around her as he stumbled around gripping his head. That, too, was changing. His eyes turned a solid black and his head bulged along his cranium where his clan marking was. Even his mandibles mutated; he grew two more on each side giving his mouth a spider-like look.
“You have to help him! Please! He’s in pain!” She cried, desperately clawing to get to her mate.
She sobbed as she watched him hulk out before her eyes. A pain burned in her chest watching him suffer. It was soon over, though. He fell quiet, sitting in a crouch panting on the ground.
“He is an abomination now,” commented someone. “We must end his misery so he dies with honor.”
That was when the human but her captor, digging her teeth into his flesh until he bled. He released her with a hiss.
The human mate stumbled forward and knelt before her alien mate, gingerly touching his now-massive shoulder. His black beady eyes shot up with a ragged growl. Strangely, he did nothing but wrap his massive paw around her slender neck. She squeaked and several hunters rushed forward to her aid.
There was a flurry of limbs and a flash of metal weapons. Quicker than she was able to keep up, the hunters were fighting off her mutated mate. He lumbered around attacking the others. Four hunters had been brutally slain before she decided to step in.
She thought of the times they had shared together, whether it was having amazing sex or him training her, as well as when they first met so many years ago. It was obvious there wouldn’t be any more of those moments. The goo has mutated him into a killing machine. He was mindless with nothing but kill on his mind. Drawing on her resolve, she jumped onto his back as he bent over someone beating them to death with his meaty fists.
Her blade sung true and she buried into his lungs, forcing it to the hilt.
The mutated Yautja snarled, falling to his knees and turning his head to find her with his beady eyes. She landed hard on her rump and stared up at him, tears in her eyes. A cry of pain left her as he wrapped an almost crushing grip around her leg and dragged her closer. He raised a mighty fist to end her life but something shimmered in the inky depths of his eyes.
“Please,” she pleaded tearfully, “don’t do this, my love. I’m ending your pain.”
There was a moment of silence as he sat there, struggling to breath, his wheezing growing stronger. He shook violently before falling to the ground. One of his massive hands reached out for her and she took it, scooting closer to stroke his jaw and give him comfort. He let out a final rumble, his hand caressing her leg as it loosened.
Other hunters had to drag her away again as they commenced the burial rights. She was afforded his mask as a keepsake. It was safely tucked in her arms while she watched his body burn. Some made real attempts at comforting her, the Yautja hunters telling comedic tales about her mate and reminisce with her.
It was a total mystery how she’d raise their child alone now.
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thebibliomancer · 4 months
Essential Avengers: Atlantis Attacks Part 2
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Geez, Set, why does mom let you have seven brides?
Last time in half-ish of Atlantis Attacks, the annual event: I covered the Silver Surfer, Iron Man, X-Men, Amazing Spider-Man, Punisher, Spectacular Spider-Man, Daredevil, and Avengers annuals.
Silver Surfer accidentally resurrected the Deviant Priestlord Ghaur out in space. Ghaur returns to Earth and allies with Lemurian Llyra to reconstruct the Serpent Crown and summon Elder God Set.
As part of this plan, Ghaur makes an alliance with Attuma-controlled Atlantis and gets him to agree to attack the surface world to keep the heroes and military from interfering with the greater plan. An Atlantean force trying to sneak through the Panama Canal unfortunately runs into Iron Man and Namor who are dealing with Hydra narcotics schemes. Namor is on the Hydra ship when it blows up.
Ghaur hires the Serpent Society to retrieve several mystical artifacts in order to rebuild the Serpent Crown. Despite some body-switching shenanigans caused by the owner of one of those artifacts and the involvement of the X-Men, the Serpents technically succeed and construction of the crown begins.
Also as part of the plan, Ghaur frees Tyrannus from Abomination. Tyrannus goes on to free Viper from jail so they can collaborate on a scheme to use a drug addiction cure to turn people into snake people. The Abomination body goes on a rampage and is fought by Spider-Man and She-Hulk. She-Hulk gets knocked out in the fight and Ghaur marks her as one of the Brides of Set (collect all 7).
Punisher and Moon Knight wind up investigating the Save Our Society organization that's the front for the drug addiction cure that turns people into sneople. The heroes team up and shut down Viper's operation.
Spider-Man investigates another Save Our Society facility and discovers them turning people into sneople. But he gets brainwashed by Tyrannus' CHARISMA EYES. Dagger gets kidnapped and marked as another Bride of Set and Cloak gets forced to steal a mystic tome for Tyrannus. Tyrannus orders the sneople to kill Cloak but he's saved by a mysterious armored figure.
A wandering Daredevil is recruited by Dr Strange to shut down the main Save Our Society compound, out in the countryside. Tyrannus attempts to backstab Ghaur by summoning Set first but summons a different snake demon and gets eaten. Dr Strange cures all the sneople, turning them back into people. A brainwashed Spider-Man was in this and barked like a dog.
Attuma finally gets around to the titular Atlantis Attacks and sends four Atlantean armies to attack four locations in the US. The Avengers must everyone they can, split into four teams, and defeat all four of the armies. During the fighting, Ghaur marks Scarlet Witch as the third Bride of Set. Attuma has yet more forces available, though, and readies them to attack New York City.
Also, the Giant-Sized Serpent Crown has been created by Ghaur and Llyra, which will enable Set to manifest his essence on Earth.
A lot has happened but the seven-headed snake god isn't summoned yet and there's still the New Mutants, X-Factor, Web of Spider-Man, West Coast Avengers, Thor, and Fantastic Four annuals still to cover.
Will Atlantis Attack some more? Why wasn't this event given a name more representative of the story? Is anyone going to wear that Giant-Sized Serpent Crown?
Let's find out.
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So the New Mutants. They've lost some peeps since the last annual. And they're being watched by X-Factor now instead of Magneto.
Apparently they had an adventure recently where they found the Horn of Doom and squabbled with Namor about it.
And the Horn of Doom is what concerns this annual.
Lord Ghaur is a fervent New Mutants reader so he saw that adventure. He wants that horn and all he has to do is wait until Namor stops guarding it.
Which is accomplished when Namor is apparently blown up by Hyrda!
So Lord Ghaur sends Deviants Coal, String, and Spike to steal the Horn from Namorita, Namor's cousin.
Despite the help from New Atlantean Mutants Sharkskin, Undertow, and Eel, the Deviants get away with it. And because Lord Ghaur chose his trio of stooges for their superficial similarity to Sunspot, Warlock, and Wolfsane, Namorita and co go pick a fight with the New Mutants leaving Ghaur free to toot as he pleases.
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Lord Ghaur isn't just a rare horn fancier, though.
Remember how Tyrannus said a sacrifice was needed to summon Set? Well, Lord Ghaur has decided to sacrifice Atlantis.
The real reason he made an alliance with Attuma and got him to send all his armies to attack the surface was so nobody would be left to defend Atlantis when he summoned a giant sea monstrosity that smashes the place up, kills a lot of the people, and poisons the waters around the city.
I suspect Ghaur also summoned the monster that ate one-quarter of the Atlantean army in the Avengers Annual.
Anyway, the New Mutants and Namorita's group Surf, manage to bury the monster in an undersea trench and the Horn of Doom gets broken in the chaos, but Lord Ghaur has the sacrifices he needed.
Huh. This event is more accurately called Atlantis Attacked, amirite?
X leads to X so the next annual is X-Factor.
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The bunny on Attuma's head is really mad.
Do you think he learned that Atlantis got smashed while he was gone?
I wonder why he's blaming Jean.
The short answer is no. He doesn't seem to know yet and/or it hasn't happened yet. This part of Atlantis Attacks is focused on a different part of Ghaur's plan.
His plan to get his boy Set lots of brides.
The story starts with Marvel Girl Jean Grey in a trance and being yoinked through the air with a tractor beam.
Ghaur just has the technology to do that. That would have been useful to employ at several other points of this story but let's just ignore that.
Beast is clinging to her as she's yoinked and he manages to get her to disrupt the beam so both tumble into the ocean.
Attuma is in the area, attacking a water purification plant as part of his attack on the surface world and recognizes Jean as the hot girl who wouldn't give him the time in some other story. So he brings her back to his grotto and instructs his dudes to kill Beast.
Beast is saved by his former fellow Defender and Attuma's daughter Andromeda and they team up to go save Jean. Who they find being drowned by Attuma because she once again told him to fuck right off.
Beast takes Jean to the shore but she's still very drowned. Lord Ghaur projects his head to the area and tells Beast he's the dude that tried to tractor her earlier but also Jean's best shot at not dying.
Reluctantly, Beast stands by while Jean is zoomed away.
Andromeda stayed behind to challenge Attuma for leadership but got her ass kicked.
Lord Ghaur also takes her over Attuma's objections. Probably out of spite for Attuma trying to take Jean.
So Bride of Set count up to... She-Hulk, Dagger, Scarlet Witch, Marvel Girl, and Andromeda with Storm suggested as a possible target?
We've got five so far. I wonder how far from a full set of Brides of Set we are.
That's mostly what happens, overarching plot wise. Ghaur collects two brides, the Atlantis attacking continues, and Attuma hasn't heard about Atlantis Attacked yet.
And between the New Mutants Annual and this, the Deviants being Up To Something is becoming known to some of the heroes.
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"At last! It finally happens!"
Is that poking fun at how little Atlantis Attacking there was in this Atlantis Attacks event?
Bit late now that the Avengers Annual made a big deal about the Atlantis Attacking.
Ah well.
The Fantastic Five of Mr Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Ms Marvel the Sharon Ventura version, Human Torch, and non-powered Ben Grimm with no Thing exo-skeleton join forces with Spider-Man to fight off the Atlantis Attacks when Atlantis Attacks New York City.
Where did Atlantis get another whole army?
Attuma probably scraped together whoever they had. All those guys we saw swimming towards Avengers Island at the end of Avengers Annual were probably actually grouping to attack New York.
Some US soldiers comment that the Atlantis Attacks is pretty underwhelming (ha) because the military forces on the scene outnumber the Atlantean forces. Even no-powers Ben Grimm can contribute by just punching dudes.
Atlantis blew its load on the attacks in the Avengers Annual.
Then Attuma pulls out his trump card.
Since this is a Spider-Man annual, the Fantastic Five get knocked out by the monster in various ways so Spider-Man can be the hero who figures out how to knock-out the Atlantean controlling the monster and then lure the monster out to sea.
While Invisible Woman is trying to rouse an unconscious Reed, Lord Ghaur shows up and abducts Sue to be one of the Brides of Set.
Lord Ghaur also has his Lemurian allies blow Atlantis the fuck up.
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I thought it was already destroyed by the big monster. The city trashed, the waters poisoned, and the people dead or scattered.
Did people come back just to get blown the fuck up?
This is the first time the event majorly steps on its own toes.
I thought it was clever how the villain plan had several different aspects so that different annuals could each progress the story in a different way without contradicting each other.
It doesn't help that blowing up Atlantis is an afterthought in an issue that is otherwise about Spider-Man (and the Fantastic Five) fighting an Atlantis Attacks of New York.
The New Mutants Annual focused on being just about Lord Ghaur's plan to destroy Atlantis using the Horn of Doom, hiding Deviant involvement and distracting its defenders by sending them after the New Mutants instead.
If he hadn't intervened in the battle to try to stop the New Mutants and Surf from stopping the monster, nobody would have known he was involved.
Here, a Lemurian ship blatantly blows up Atlantis.
Anyway, after Spider-Man leads away the monster, Attuma tries to rally his troops but then news breaks that Lemuria underwater nuked Atlantis.
The army is so demoralized that they flee back into the ocean and Attuma is so broken by how he was played by Ghaur that he doesn't resist as the heroes capture him.
So this issue: continues the Atlantis Attacks, secures another Bride of Set, gives Spider-Man yet more time in the spotlight that he apparently needed, blows up Atlantis again.
It also had a fun conceit where the narration was journalist Trish Fox covering the events and constantly yelling at her coworker Todd Tremaine for being the worst human being alive, I guess.
Time for more Avengers!
"Gather Now Ye 7 Brides!"
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So seven brides total. Lord Ghaur got pretty much everyone but Storm by the last annual and he gets Storm between issues somehow in time for this.
He probably just yoinked her through the air like he did for Jean. Kinda makes him look like a fool chump for visiting in person all the other times.
Lord Ghaur discovers Dagger is blind, to his irritation. He specifically needs her powers so he can't just replace her.
He's also pissed because the plot has abruptly shifted. It turns out that the real sacrifice wasn't sending a monster to destroy Atlantis or nuking it. It would have been if the humans slaughtered the Atlanteans during their Attack.
If that's the case why did you blow up Atlantis at all? Why is it a sacrifice if you're not even the one who did the killing?
This is stupid.
This feels like destroying Atlantis twice. The event stepping on its own toes.
With the end approaching, all the plot threads that each annual was able to pursue independently has to come together and that's where clashes between what the various authors think the story is come into play.
But Lord Ghaur has a backup plan to summon Set even if destroying Atlantis twice over didn't count for some reason.
Over at the Avengers West Coast Compound, the Avengers are meeting here instead of at Avengers Island for some reason.
I'm telling you guys, enjoy the island while it lasts!
The meeting only has Captain America, Thor, the Vision, the Wasp, Wonder Man, Iron Man, Beast, Quasar, and special guest Sersi.
The rest of the Avengers are dealing with the Serpent Cult and giving any Atlantean Attacks stragglers a boot towards the ocean.
Vision reports that Scarlet Witch has been missing for eight hours and its a trend of superheroines being abducted. Thanks to Beast, they have a name and face to put to the abductions: Ghaur of the Deviants.
While Vision goes over the situation, Wonder Man glares at him and thinks about what an emotionless prick Vision is, not even sounding like he cares that his wife is missing.
Asshole! You're the one who refuses to help fix his emotions!
Since the Deviants are involved, Captain America asked Sersi to sit in on their meeting. Eternals are the best at punching Deviants.
The Thing show up. Although given what was said in the Web of Spider-Man Annual, this is Ben Grimm in a the Thing exo-skeleton.
Somehow, between annuals, Reed Richards learned that the Atlanteans were double crossed by the Lemurians and that the Atlantean army was supposed to be killed in the fighting against the surface dwellers, which would be a blood sacrifice that would summon Set.
So now that didn't happen, Reed is worried that the various missing superladies are a backup sacrifice.
As the god guy here, Thor exposits a little about Set. How he's an elder god even older than the Asgardians. How he's a real dick who is always causing problems or evolving snake people or making Serpent Crowns.
Thor even mentions that everything the heroes have done during this event will be moot unless Set is banished to the nether realms. And he suggests that he do that.
Alas, we're losing Thor for the rest of this issue. But only because he has to go punch Set in the face in his own annual.
Meanwhile, elsewhere, the Brides of Set have been sent on a scavenger hunt.
(Something that is pretty horrifying is that the Brides aren't brainwashed. They're aware of what they're doing, they hate what they're doing, and yet they are compelled to follow Ghaur's will.)
She-Hulk and Andromeda have been sent to the Altar of Neptune's Wrath. An ancient place of worship to Neptune until Atlanteans started worshipping Set instead and Neptune got mad and smote the place.
After Neptune got big mad, he left a big mad sea-beast to guard a fragment of Set's life force that was left behind.
She-Hulk finds the life force and starts to pry it from the altar but aggros the sea-beast.
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Meanwhile, Jean Grey visits the Museum of Cultural Antiquities in Chicago and finagles her way into a tour of the vaults.
I think Ghaur gave her some Lemurian treasure to pass along to the museum as a donation so she would look like a big donor. Then she asks to make sure the security is up to snuff.
But after the curator opens up the vault, the Invisible Woman bonks him in the back of the head with an invisible sphere.
The two grab the lens of power from the vault and invisible take off past the guards.
Elsewhere meanwhile, She-Hulk fights the sea-beast and is spotted by a fishing boat. It makes an SOS and hearing about a green woman fighting a giant octopus is enough to get the Avengers assembled.
Iron Man flies from the Quinjet to blast at the sea-beast fruitlessly.
He also muses about how rough it is that he has to pretend not to be Tony Stark to the Avengers.
While still not really explaining why.
Iron Man electrocutes the sea-beast, which causes it to flail the tentacle grasping She-Hulk above the water. Iron Man activates underwater mode and goes underwater to offer to help She-Hulk and she punches him in the face.
Wonder Man flies out and punches the sea-beast, to not much effect.
Beast asks Sersi to use her transmutation powers to just end this fight but she says she can't. Trying to change something that big would be so much of a strain that it'd kill her.
Hello another thing that keeps Sersi's powers from just being the win button.
The problem with abilities that are so powerful that they either work or don't is that there's no middle ground so the character might just sit on their ass, not helping.
When one win button doesn't work, maybe another will.
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Vision intangibles inside the sea-beast and lodges semi-tangible in its heart. Which knocks the monster the hell out.
Hopefully it doesn't... uh, drown? If sea-beasts that seem to be octopus-esque can drown?
The Avengers regroup and Iron Man pulls an unconscious She-Hulk from the water, who he stunned when she kept trying to rip his armor open.
Back at Lord Ghaur's base, Andromeda returns with the magical ball that is a piece of Set's lifeforce.
When they were beset by sea-beast, Andromeda took the ball and ditched She-Hulk to keep the guardian busy.
Lord Ghaur sees the logic in it but comments that he's down a bride now and the plan once again seems to be unraveling.
It had so many moving parts and so many of those moving parts were thwarted by superheroes who had no idea of the bigger picture.
The sneople production was cut off by Moon Knight, Punisher, Daredevil and Dr Strange.
The Avengers, Fantastic Four, and Spider-Man thwarted the Atlantis Attacks part of the story and then didn't brutally slaughter all the Atlanteans like was apparently necessary.
Monstering Atlantis was somewhat thwarted by the New Mutants and then blowing it up apparently had nothing to do with anything.
At least the plan to reconstruct the Serpent Crown and collect Brides has gone mostly right.
But if there's only six wives then there's only six wives. Set will have to deal.
Meanwhile, She-Hulk is still under compulsion to return to Lord Ghaur and she is very hard to keep contained.
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Sersi comes up with the idea of just let her go. And then follow her to Lord Ghaur's lair and rescue all the kidnapped ladies.
And since Sersi says she can keep a telepathic lock on She-Hulk that Ghaur won't be able to block, Captain America okays the plan.
Meanwhile, back at Lord Ghaur's lair, he's slapping Dagger.
He's kind of a dick like that.
He needs her to focus her light daggers into the thinnest possible beam and she's finding it very difficult without being able to see what she's doing.
Jean Grey and Invisible Woman return with the Lens of Power and Ghaur reveals what this backup plan is.
To focus Dagger's life energy light daggers through the lens to invigorate the piece of Set's life force.
That will allow Set to manifest despite the sacrifice apparently not happening. Supposedly apparently.
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As a back-up plan, this seems easier actually than hoping that humans will kill a bunch of Atlanteans for you. Why wasn't this Plan A?
Lord Ghaur: "Before the hour is struck, we shall see a new age aborning in the world! Set will rise! And I pity the power, human, Deviant, or Eternal that dares to stand against him!"
Speaking of standing against, the Avengers. The Avengers everyone!
Sersi shows off a fun use of her powers by transmuting the whole team (minus Iron Man and Vision) into water-breathers so they don't need extra gear to sneak into Ghaur's underwater base.
Once they get there, Iron Man knocks.
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While Sersi changes most of the Avengers back to air-breathers, Iron Man and Vision get started knocking people on their asses and fisting them.
But before long, the Avengers encounter Bride Storm who blasts Cap with lightning and hurricane force winds indoors.
Cap bounces his shield all over the place before Storm blocks it with lightning.
... Can lightning knock something in motion away? That's weird.
But the shield bouncing was a cover for Wasp to sneak in while Storm's attention was drawn. Wasp blasts Storm who is knocked the hell out.
And standard disclaimer that she was fighting from the inside and that's why it was so easy to beat her.
Wonder Man belt jets ahead and punches the Lens of Power into bits, thwarting Ghaur's plans right when the Set orb was just a little bit short of life energy.
UNLESS... unless he can get comic bullshit to work for him?
Ghaur grabs Scarlet Witch and runs off with her, commanding the other Brides to stop Wonder Man.
He places the Set orb on the dais he long preached the Age of Set.
Lord Ghaur: "Come, woman! Use your power to change the shape of reality, to warp the fabric of probabilities! MAKE THE ENERGY INJECTED SUFFICIENT TO THE TASK!"
The Set Orb begins to expand.
Beast runs in with an iron gauntlet and fists the orb, hoping that iron's known power against the mystic will come into play here. But the Orb explodes, flinging him.
As the Brides chant "he rises!" Set is reborn on Earth.
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Uh oh, twelve annuals in and Ghaur has succeeded in bringing an Elder God back to Earth. And only two annuals to fix this mess.
We'd need an act of god!
Oh, wasn't Thor off somewhere?
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Yes, he is.
Thor grabbed Quasar and the Thing due to their past exposure to the Serpent Crown and went to go see Dr Strange.
Where they'll be going, you need to be magical, a god, or have exposure to the Serpent Crown to survive. And these two are the only ones Thor could find since Scarlet Witch is under Ghaur's sway, Namor blew up, and Viper is untrustworthy.
Where are they going? Right to Set's home address to take the fight directly to him.
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Thor's group arrives right at the end of the last issue, when Set manifests on Earth.
(Thor points out something I didn't notice. Seven Avengers went on the mission to stop Ghaur, echoing Seven Brides, and Set the Seven Headed. That's a fun detail.)
The Avengers aren't the type to just not fight an Elder God so they all throw their best attacks at Set. But nothing they try even gets Set to blink. Even Vision bounces off when he tries to do his intangible thing.
Thor insists they need to pull Set back into his own dimension before he gains a real foothold on Earth. And since Set's seven heads are completely clogging the dimensional hole he's coming through, that leaves only one way to get into Set's dimension.
Through the mouth.
(The Avengers see Thor and Co. fly right into an Elder Snake God's mouth and Cap decides uhhhhhh well they must have a plan.)
Team Thor forces their way down Set's throat and all the way as far as they can go and then they force their way past that.
They emerge in Set's domain and so does Set except yanking him back into his own home from the inside out has kind of left him... inside out.
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Thing: "Yecch! What a revoltin' development this is -- an' I do mean 'revoltin'!"
Well said.
Thor and Co. try fighting Set but he's an Elder God. You have the Sorcerer Supreme, the God of Thunder, the Guardian of the Universe, and Ben Grimm in a Thing exoskeleton here and its not enough.
If Dr Strange tries his hardest, he can manage to still be overwhelmed by one of the heads. Out of seven.
Things get worse when Set silently screams at the intruders in his domain, screams that threaten to drive them insane.
Thor just up and ditches. Mjolniports away.
But to a purpose. He went to speak with Gaia, his mom and another Elder God. To ask for her help against Set and specifically help contacting Atum, the Sun-Being who can turn to Demogorge, the God-Eater.
This is a lot of lore to suddenly throw in. Which is why it was part of the history of the Serpent Crown back-up stories that have been in each annual.
I already had to split this post in two so there wasn't a good way to go over all that lore so I just decided I'd bring it up if it were relevant.
And here it's relevant!
When Set was running amok on primeval Earth along with Chthon, Gaia got big mad and created Atum, who ate some of the Elder Gods to power-up into the Demogorge.
This was what frightened Set and Chthon into their dimensional hideaways.
We've got Set running amok again so can Atum help??
Gaia can't help with that. Set entering the world has imprisoned her.
So Thor whirls his go-anywhere hammer and goes to the Sun.
Except Atum says he can't help either because when he becomes the Demogorge, he can't stop himself from devouring. It would be trading one problem for another and besides, he hates himself like that.
So Thor annoys Atum into eating him.
Good job, Thor?
Good job. When the Demogorge shows up in Set's domain, he has Thor's head because Thor's willpower has taken over.
(He's done that sort of thing before, when the Destroyer armor ate him.)
It's a limited time thing before he's fully absorbed and digested, though, so Demothorge gets busy kicking Set's ass. And Set's ass has nowhere to flee because he's already in his bolt hole.
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The Demothorge rips Set to pieces and then flings each head into a different dimension.
Gonna make it harder to come back from.
The Demogorge seems to finally absorb Thor so the Thing, Quasar, and Dr Strange prepare to try to beat Thor out of the guy.
But he tells them to HOLD and horks up Thor, reverting back to Atum.
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In all his history of eating gods, he never ate one as noble as Thor. He was willing to sacrifice his immortal life for the sake of the mortals of Earth. And frankly, that's far too noble for Atum to stomach (complimentary) and it allowed Atum to keep the Demogorge's hunger under control.
Good job, Thor!
Set's dimension starts imploding without a Set to keep it stable.
Thor and Co. rush towards the portal but it's collapsing too.
But luckily Lord Ghaur screws up.
The time difference means its only been a few moments since Set was shoved back through the portal. So Ghaur assumes Set is trying to come back through. So he uses his own energy to stabilize the portal.
Ghaur: "I can help him reach the Earth again! By the Celestials! Instantaneous success! The fragment enlarges -- with it, the portal -- and through that portal I see -- "
Dr Strange, Quasar, Thor, and the Thing pop out of the portal.
Ghaur: " -- something I would rather not see."
Womp womp.
Ghaur tosses a blackout bomb and immediately flees with the Seven Brides.
It's an odd feeling where the evil scheme of the whole event has been thwarted (summoning Set) but the mastermind behind the scheme is still at large.
So they're going to go beat the shit out of him. Since Dr Strange can mystically track him and all.
Thor: "And when we do find Lord Ghaur, cringing in some far corner of the planet he betrayed to the serpent Set -- not all the grotesque godlings of Deviant Lemuria shall shield him from our righteous wrath!"
Which brings us to the conclusion of this whole thing.
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Oh, hey, Namor is alive again. Neat.
And ignore that Tigra. I'm pretty sure she's a figment of your imagination. The real Tigra is tiny and in a terrarium.
All the Avengers and also the Fantastic Four and also Dr Strange gather in two Quinjets and an "amphibious Fantasticar" - which is clearly a submarine just call it a submarine -head towards Lemuria to bring this to an awesome conclusion.
While many of the Fantastic Avengers are ready to set to the task with grim purpose, Dr Pym and the Thing are pretty sure that this is just wrap-up.
After all, Thor and Co. from last annual already blew Set up so what does Lord Ghaur have left up his sleeve?
(A giant Serpent Crown, but who's counting?)
Weirdly, when Ben recaps the event (only stuff he would have some way of knowing, naturally) he mentions that the New Mutants beat up U-Man when he attacked Avengers Island.
We did see U-Man and some Atlanteans heading towards Avengers Island at the end of the Avengers Annual. And the New Mutants Annual was the very next part of the event. But neither U-Man nor Avengers Island appears in it.
Did wires get crossed? Was that what the New Mutants Annual was supposed to cover but it decided to show the destruction of Atlantis instead, conflicting with the destruction of Atlantis shown in Web of Spider-Man?
I have no idea.
I think the destruction is better in New Mutants and Lord Ghaur definitely says that the destruction caused by the monster he summoned counts as the needed ritual sacrifice. So if New Mutants instead was about them fending off an attack on Avengers Island by U-Man, the event would technically make more sense...
Over at Llyra's stronghold, she and Lord Ghaur make a plan to go down fighting, protected by their loyal Lemurians and Deviants.
It's less of a plan and more spite, honestly.
Which is why Ghaur pulls a plan out of his ass.
It is very maybe possible that if they spin the Brides of Set around really fast above the crown, the Giant-Sized Serpent Crown will absorb their essences and that could re-unite Set's heads and let him manifest.
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Plan A of build giant Serpent Crown and sacrifice a huge number of people to summon Set felt appropriately Elder God-ish.
Plan B of Actually Dagger can just shoot energy through a lens at an orb to summon Set, we don't need to kill thousands of people felt easier.
Plan C of spin some women around until Set unexplodes is hilarious and desperate.
Lord Ghaur plans just devolve into wackiness over the course of this event.
I'm not even convinced that this will actually work. But it probably will kill some or all of the Brides and I like some or all of them so the heroes should stop this anyway.
But if it does work, how annoyed do you think Set will be? They're going to summon him into a world with no snake people cultists, no brides, and with him getting exploded the first time he poked his head through the door.
Even if Ghaur and Llyra succeed, they're not going to get rewarded by Set. Today has been hell on him.
The Avengers land in Lemuria and charge forward to have a big, exciting fight scene against Llyra's Lemurian army. Meanwhile, a shadowy figure sneaks off the Quinjet, having stowed along.
We can rule out it being Tigra, as she is not in this event.
The big Lemurian army is able to keep the Avengers and Fantastic Four and so on away from the room with the giant Serpent Crown because heaviest hitters Dr Strange and Thor are exhausted from fighting Set last annual. Also, there's just a lot of Lemurians.
I'm going to brush past most of the fighting. Some of it is cool but I don't need to do a blow by blow.
I will highlight Sersi's contribution though.
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Where she calls the Deviants dogs and then is so pleased with her wordplay that she starts turning Deviants into dogs.
You and your sense of humor, Sersi.
(Does she turn them back later? Does she get them adopted into a good family?)
Llyra worries that the heroes will manage to fight through their armies before they finish spinning the Brides so she brings out the big guns. An enormous gun. A really big infra-sonic cannon.
Turns out he wasn't dead. He was lying low, letting them think he was dead, and disguised as that mysterious armored figure who kept showing up.
The Fantastic Four (because Sue is missing and we've still got Reed, Johnny, Sharon, and Ben) help Namor tear the cannon apart.
But they can't get through the door to where Llyra, Ghaur, and the Brides are. Door is adamantium or something. Walls too, so don't get any bright ideas.
But Namor has a very good idea.
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An underwater door that's unguarded because Llyra thought Namor dead.
While Namor and the Fantastic Four are swimming toward it, Namor exposits to a captive audience. The Fantastic Four can't really join the conversation because the water pressure will kill them.
He confides in them how much Llyra has taken from him. His bride, his cousin, and his father. So he very personally wants to rip open this secret sea entrance because Pride but as he struggles with it, he admits he actually needs some help and he's no longer ashamed to ask his friends, the Fantastic Four for it.
The Thing and Ms Marvel (the Sharon Ventura one, I'm not sure if she's called She-Thing here or not) help Namor get the hatch open just a little bit. And Mr Fantastic can fit through that gap and pry the hinges open from the inside. Getting them all inside before the water pressure pills wear off.
(I'm sorry but I'm going to assume they're the giant suppository ones from Futurama.)
The Fantastic Four and Pal Namor zoom through the hallways. Namor tries to give a history lesson about Naga of Lemuria who found the Serpent Crown centuries ago but Ben tells him to shut up.
That stuff is never going to be applicable in real life.
The heroes and Namor rush into the chamber with the giant-sized Serpent Crown and the whirling women, much to Ghaur and Llyra's dismay.
Llyra sends her guards to delay them but Ghaur tells her that the two of them will have to tap into the power of the Serpent Crown.
Namor lunges right at Llyra but she touches the Crown and shoots EYE BEAMS at him.
Ben in the Thing suit ruins up and starts punching the spinny thing but Ghaur waves his hands like a wizard and shoots mind control beams at the Fantastic Four, Fantastic Forcing them to fight each other.
Like with She-Hulk earlier, they're aware what they're doing and don't want to fight each other but are compelled by Ghaur's beams.
It gets violent too. Also, melodramatic.
Human Torch: "This is -- tearing me apart too, Reed -- only my flames keep burning away -- my t-tears!"
Over with Namor, Llyra tries to tempt him with illusions of Dorma and Marinna. The wife Llyra killed and the other wife that turned into a sea monster and Namor killed. Namor can bring one back to life! All he has to do is punch the one he doesn't want!
(It is, of course, a trick. Namor chooses neither and discovers that if he had punched he'd have killed a captive Namorita, who got captured off-panel after the New Mutants annual.)
Ghaur complains that Llyra is dicking around with Namor instead of helping him because the Fantastic Four aren't killing each other fast enough and he's getting worn out!
Llyra can't come help him because she's made Namor really mad and her eye beeeeams are only just keeping him at bay.
So Ghaur decides. Fuck this, actually. He taps deeper and deeper into the Serpent Crown's power. I guess he's given up on bringing Set back and just wants to kill these dudes and Sharon.
But tapping so deeply into the crown summons... Naga of Lemuria?
Dammit, if only Ben hadn't interrupted Namor's history lesson!
(Naga was covered in those history of the Serpent Crown back-up stories. All you need to know is that Naga was too much of a dick to his most loyal soldiers and one stabbed him. But I guess his soul or spirit or ghost got eaten by the Crown.)
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Ghaur and Naga fight over the crown and their perfectly symmetrical violence destroys them both.
For some reason, Ghaur will be back. And in Avengers so I'll have to care!
Llyra also vanishes right in the middle of getting choked by Namor. She doesn't know what's happening and neither do I. Because her next appearance is in a book that doesn't have a synopsis on Marvel wiki.
That's part of why I do this liveblog. A lot of Avengers issues didn't have much of a summary and I wanted to know what happened.
Now that the Fantastic Four sorta technically won the day by being bad at killing each other until another bad guy showed up and took care of the one they were fighting.... the rest of the heroes finally break through and into the crown room.
Also, the woman wheel stops spinning and the Mark of Set vanishes from all their necks.
When Ben suggests tossing the giant-sized Serpent Crown down a crevice that formed during the fight, the former Brides all charge forward in unison and push the sucker in.
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Where it explodes. And the explosion seals the crevice.
That's a weird thing for it to have done.
Beast asks why the ex-Brides were able to act in unison like that and Dagger says the wheel spun them into a hive mind but only for long enough to push the Crown.
That's a weird thing to establish and throw away!
Why did you need to justify them acting together?
(Also, funny moment. When Ben Grimm sees all the Brides together he goes 'hey that one looks like Storm, exactly like Storm, but clearly its not because she's dead.' This is important because the X-Men have turbo faked their death and won't even tell the loved ones they left behind they're alive. Can't casually spill the beans in a big crossover.)
Reed asks what Namor is going to do now. Atlantis was double destroyed and its people have once again scattered to parts unknown.
This happens to the Atlanteans so, so often.
That was even the status quo when he first appeared in Avengers. That's why he had so much time to hassle them. His people had abandoned city and he had nothing else going on in his life.
Namor decides he's not going to try to find and reunite his people. He doesn't say so but they chose Attuma over him. Fuck them.
(And when the missing Atlanteans plot point gets resolved, its going to turn out that they once again unite under Attuma. So fuck them!)
Instead, Namor is going to just hang out with Namorita, who is his whole family now.
Namorita, on the other hand, tells Namor she's going to college but he's free to visit.
Womp womp.
As everybody disbands back to whatever they were doing, Robot Human Torch and Captain America take time to muse on how Namor was a moody loner back in The War while Torch and Cap had Toro and Bucky. But now they don't and Namor has Namorita.
Which seems to misinterpret the dynamic here. Namor said he's going to follow Namorita around because he has nothing else going on and she's going to do college.
Not everything is about you and your life, Cap.
So that was Atlantis Attacks.
I'll give it this much: it was definitely an improvement on Evolutionary War.
Evolutionary War had three issues that tried to actually move the plot forward. The X-Factor Annual, where the High Evolutionary debated his philosophy with Apocalypse, the West Coast Avengers Annual where we learned he was building a big ol' evolution bomb, and the Avengers Annual where a rag-tag group of Avengers learned about the scheme and managed to thwart him by shooting their friend Hercules with dangerous evolution radiation.
Most of the event spun its wheels or was very unclear on what the High Evolutionary was actually trying to do. It really seemed like every writer got to decide that for themself so by the end, the whole story felt very inconsistent. The need to somehow give the Punisher a reason to be involved led to a weird drug subplot that ran through several of the annuals.
Atlantis Attacks tried to have each annual contribute to the story. Resurrecting Ghaur, showing the beginning of the Atlantis attacks, Marking a Bride, collecting mystical artifacts to reconstruct the Serpent Crown, having a weird drug subplot...
Oh, dammit, they did it again!
The Tyrannus stuff that runs through Amazing Spider-Man, Punisher, Spectacular Spider-Man and Daredevil really feels like an unnecessary subplot to get drugs in the story so Punisher has a reason to be involved.
Trying to come up with a story that involves every single annual runs into the problem that the fate of the world stuff that can unite every hero is an odd fit for the Punisher. Because the plot is brought down to his level instead of him up to the plot.
Unlike when other parts of his plan failed, Ghaur didn't really bother trying to come up with a Plan B for losing all those snake people so I guess they weren't really necessary to the scheme.
There's also the problem where Atlantis gets destroyed twice as a sacrifice but then it turns out that wasn't the sacrifice, the sacrifice would have been if the US military and superheroes had slaughtered all of the Atlantean soldiers. So why blow up Atlantis at all? Why choose a method of sacrifice that's so out of your control?
And the New Mutants fighting U-Man on Avengers Island gets referenced but never happens in the event, making me think that someone got the wrong script sent to them.
So, Atlantis Attacks has problems.
It tried harder to tell a story that would unite all the annuals of a year and it stumbled.
I'm going to give it points for trying and improving on the last attempt.
And in the early parts of the story, I was legitimately surprised by how okay it was. Excited to try to piece things together from how each annual progressed the overall plot.
I like how instead of just constantly winning, Ghaur keeps suffering setbacks and switches to a backup plan. I think a lot of events would just make the villain win all the time until he grasps the villain ball at the end so he can actually be defeated. But here, Ghaur is defeated because the heroes just kept coming and he ran out of plans and wound up destroying himself. Or rather, a snake ghost destroyed him but whatever.
And I like how the obvious end boss Elder God Set is defeated in the penultimate issue, leaving Ghaur scrambling with a backup backup backup plan that seemed based on more wistful thinking than anything.
The next year's annuals are broken into smaller events. Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, West Coast Avengers, and Avengers telling one story rather than trying to come up with a story that fits every book being published.
The Spider-Man Annuals get to tell their own story, instead of having a disproportionate share of a company wide event.
The X-books and Fantastic Four revisit Days of Future Past for their annuals.
And Punisher, Daredevil, Hulk, and Silver Surfer share a story for theirs. Now that grouping is a bit eclectic.
Telling smaller events with fewer books is probably a smarter idea and easier to write a good story for. It is also much easier for me to cover.
I thought Evolutionary War was tough. Atlantis Attacks nearly killed me.
Follow @essential-avengers. Like and reblog maybe. Brain fried, can't think of silly ending text.
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 2 years
MCU News, part 1
For those of you not keeping up with San Diego comic con I'll update you on upcoming MCU projects covered in their panels.
First, now on Disney+: Logan, Deadpool, Deadpool 2
Second, Phase 4 ends with She-Hulk & Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Upcoming animated shows:
I Am Groot (August 10, 2022)
5-episode series
Confirmed: Bradly Cooper will voice Rocket Racoon
Confirmed: 5 more episodes will be out, date to be determined
What If...? Season 2 (Early 2023)
Attendees were shown the first episode of the new season, “Captain Carter vs The Hydra Stomper”
Confirmed characters: Captain Carter, Iron Man, Hulk, Mandarin, Black Widow, Odin, Winter Soldier, Hela, Star-Lord, Hydra Stomper, Ego, The Scarlet Witch, Valkyrie
Reportedly Elizabeth Olsen will voice Wanda Maximoff
Rumor: In Captain Carters universe  Dreykov that runs the Red Room, but Melina Vostokoff does.
9-episode series
Confirmed: Season 3 is in the works
X-Men ‘97 (Fall 2023)
Continuation of the original X-Men show from the 90′s
Continuity issues will be fixed
Confirmed characters, X-Men: Magneto, Rouge, Gambit, Wolverine, Jubilee, Cyclops, Storm, Jean Grey, Beast, Sunspot, Morph, Cable, Bishop, Forge, Nightcrawler
Confirmed characters, Villains: Val Cooper, Sebastion Shaw, Mr. Sinister, Emma Frost/White Queen, Calisto
10-episode series
Confirmed: A second season is in the works
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Spider- Man: Freshman Year (2024)
Tom Holland will not voice Peter Parker/Spider-Man, but Charlie Cox will voice Daredevil.
Takes place in a different universe, a sorta 'What if' scenario
Characters confirmed: ?, Amadus Cho, ?, Peter Parker, Nico Minoru, ?, ?, Harry Osborn, Aunt May, Doctor Strange
Characters confirmed, Villains: Rhino, Scorpion, Tarantula, Butane he Pyromaniac, Doc Oc, ?, Tombstone, Speed Demon, Chameleon, Norman Osborn
Confirmed: A sequel series, “Sophomore Year” is in the works
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Marvel Zombies (2024)
Confirmed to be rated MA due to violence
Confirmed Heros: Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop, Jimmy Woo, Shang-Chi, Kamala Khan, Death Dealer, Red Guardian/Alexei, Katie
Confirmed Zombies: Scarlet Witch, Ghost, Hawkeye, Okoye, Abomination, Captain Marvel, half of Captain America, Ikarus
Rumor: a biker gang of Skrulls as well as a team of Black Widows make an appearance
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Upcoming live action projects:
Secret Invasion (Spring 2023)
Confirmed cast: Samuel L Jackson, Cobie Smulders, Don Cheadle, Emilia Clark
Said to be interesting to views because 'you will not know who is a skrull and who is not'
Blade (November 3, 2023)
Confirmed cast: Mahershala Ali, Delroy LINDO, Aaron Pierre
Daredevil: Born Again (Spring 2024)
Confirmed to return: Charlie Cox & Vincent D’Onofrio
18-episode series
Captain America: New World Order (May 3, 2024)
Will explore what makes someone Captain America
Thunderbolts (July 26, 2024)
Will conclude phase 5
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josephinekhawaja · 2 years
"People only care because I'm representing Emil Blonsky."
With each succeeding elaboration on just how involved these two are going to be in the show, at least professionally, am only feeling more and more encouraged in my ship. Even if it ends up another Rare Pair for me, what else is new.
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therese-lokidottir · 7 months
The Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes & X-Men Evolution series watch
Masters of Evil written by Christopher Yost
The episode opens with The Wasp in pursuit of Whirlwind through New York City. However, it turns out to be Amora the Enchantress in disguise. She, along with other villains she has recruited, ambushes Wasp, knocks her out and captures her.
Later in the Wakandan embassy, Hawkeye goes off towards T'Challa about how he feels none of the Avengers are the least bit qualified to be a superhero team. He also questions why T'Challa, being a king, would choose to be a part of such a team. T'Challa doesn't have much of a chance to answer before Hawkey makes a fool of himself.
Tony is in his lab working on new Iron Man suits before JARVIS gets hacked and The Crimson Dynamo attacks. Dynamo nearly crushes Tony's head, but he is stopped by Zemo, saying they can't kill him yet. Hulk is lounging in the mansion watching TV when suddenly Amora appears on the screen. Hulk smashes the TV when the abomination attacks from behind. During their fight, Amora opens a portal sending Hulk to Jotunheim. Captain America is training when the power goes out and he's ambushed by The Executioner and Wonder Man, leaving him unconscious. Amora and Zemo arrive soon after. Amora questions where Thor is, and Zemo tells her that capturing Thor and Ant-Man won't take much longer. He then uses Wasp's Avengers card to call for the Avengers to assemble.
Thor is on a date with Jane Foster in Central Park. He tells her that he feels more needed on Earth by the Avengers than he does on Asgard when suddenly he gets the signal that was sent by Zemo. Jane tells him he should go to check it out and Thor leaves for the Avengers mansion. When Thor arrives he calls for the Avengers but is ambushed by the masters of evil. Thor attempts to fight them off but he is overwhelmed and knocked out as well.
Hawkeye and Black Panther can spot from afar the masters of evil's invasion of the mansion and their capture of Thor. Hawkeye wants to call in Shield but Black Panther feels that would be a bad idea and that would only cause more unnecessary fighting and suggest that they go in alone. They do go in and manage to sneak past the executioner.
The captured Avengers are in the meeting room. Zemo wakens Captain America, Cap tries to plead for the release of the others, but Zemo refuses saying that each one of them has made an enemy that wants them dead. Amora wakes Thor, he questions why she doing this she tells him that she wants him. She tells him they could leave somewhere together but he refuses. Zemo interrupts them and asks what Amora is doing. The Abomination feels it's a bad idea to keep the Avengers alive and doesn't feel like Zemo should be the one giving orders. Zemo puts him down saying they have yet to capture Ant-Man and won't proceed until they do.
Hawkeye appears in the meeting room and fights with Zeme, Amora, and Abomination while Black Panther fights with the executioner, Crimson Dynamo, and wonder man. Hawkeye is restrained while the other MoE drags in Black Panther. Tony wakes and sees what happened and asks why they didn't call in Shield. Zemo threatens to kill one of them mocking them for their plan but the two scoff that off saying that this wasn't the plan. They were stalling for enough time for Ant-Man to go to the lab and gather the equipment he needed to take out Wonder Man. Ant-Man turns giant to take the masters of evil and Hawkeye and Panther manage to release the others.
Tony activates the mansion's defense systems while Thor creates a portal back to Jotunheim for the Hulk to return. Who is not happy when he sees Amora? She quickly calls the executioner to protect her while Hawkeye and Captain America fight with Zemo. The Avengers fight off the invading villains and get them to teleport away.
The Avengers gather in the mansion living room to rest and they question why that all happened. Captain America recalls how Zemo said he was promised something and questioned who that was from. Back at their lair the Masters of evil are angry at their loss but Amora says that it doesn't matter since it was only a game. She walks off and creates a portal to meet Loki and informs him that the pieces are all in place.
This is another great episodes, but is another heavily based episode so it's a little hard to talk about. The episode does a good job at having the villains take out the heroes in believable was without it ever coming off as contrived and it still making sense that the villains themselves can lose after their brief victory.
Hawkeye is kind of a huge dork and I love him for it and T'Challa makes a surprisingly good foil for him. T'Challa has some great dry wit that I am loving.
Ant-man is not in this episode much but it's nice to see him still care about Simon Williams/Wonder Man which does a great job at establishing as the heart of the team.
Amora doing a bunch of cool magic stuff honestly just makes me more disappointed in how much the MCU was waisted opportunity in that field.
Also think show does a good job with inducing it's villains. The do a good job with setting them up earlier episodes, so the pay off has some weight instead just dropping a bunch of characters all at once and expecting the audience to care.
The Cauldron part 1&2 written by Simon Furman and Greg Johnson
The episode starts with Jean and Scott arriving at the institute. Scott runs off but Jean finds Toad in the trees. He attacks her with a branch, she pushes him into a well. A silver sphere lands nearby, tentacles pull Jean in and it takes off. Toad screams in frustration.
In Hawaii a boy Alex was surfing when a great white shark attacked him. He defended himself by unleashing a blast of energy that killed the shark. Back at the mansion Charles Xavier informs Logan that they have found a new mutant, Alex, who is Scott's presumed dead brother. They are heading to Hawaii and Xavier asks Logan to have Scott meet them in the hangar.
Meanwhile, Magneto offers to help Alex. In the hangar, Xavier reveals to Scott that his brother is still alive. They board the Blackbird and leave. Rogue, Kitty, and Evan are left behind and decide to go to a local beach. While leaving, Rogue nearly trips over a cat, which then morphs into Mystique. She radios Lance to inform him that the plans have changed and they are on the move.
In Hawaii, Scott and Logan find Alex's surfboard and follow footprints to Magneto's location. In the jet, Xavier tries to reach Magneto, but the jet lifts off. Wolverine chases it, while Cyclops stays with Alex. Alex shows Scott his powers and begs him to come meet Magneto. Scott agrees, and they take off in a sphere. Magneto pulls Wolverine off the jet, lands in the ocean, and swims to an island.
Storm arrives back at the mansion while everyone is gone. Mystique sneaks in in disguise as a cat before transforming back and attacking Storm. Brotherhood tracks down the X-kids and forces them to crash before attacking them. Sabertooth is on the Wolverine swam to and starts a fight with him there.
The Blackbird hovers into Magneto's base in space, Asteroid M. Magneto greets Xavier and tells him that all of the X-Men are facing a "trial". The X-Men and Brotherhood will fight and the winner will win sanctuary on Asteroid M. Xavier tries to talk him out of it, but Magneto won't listen.
The x-kids and brotherhood fight. Most of the brotherhood take the x-kids down for the count except Rogue smacks down toad. The spheres take away the Rogue and brotherhood sans toad away Meanwhile, during the fight with Mystique, Storm manages to punch her, and another sphere takes Storm away.
Magneto shows Xavier footage of Wolverine and Sabretooth fighting. Rogue, Jean, and Storm are in stasis tubes. Magneto offers Xavier to join him.
On the beach, Toad explains Magneto's plan and background to the rest of the X-kids
On Asteroid M, Xavier confronts Scott for being there. Scott claims to be there just to listen, but Xavier points out that Jean, Rogue, and Storm are also present. Magneto insists on being cautious and keeping them in custody. Xavier is put into stasis alongside the others. He manages to warn Wolverine to lose the fight. Scott freaks out, but Magneto tells him that if he attacks Xavier, he will not survive decompression. Scott then turns on Magneto, but Alex intervenes and insists that no one should be hurt. Ultimately, Scott complies with Alex's request.
On the island, Wolverine and Sabretooth fight. Wolverine retracts his claws and allows Sabretooth to sucker punch him. Wolverine falls off the cliff, but he jumps up and finds a helicopter.
At the mansion, the X-Kids find Mystique defeated. She tells them about Magneto and they all leave together in her jet made of plastic.
Scott and Alex are on Asteroid M with Magneto. Magneto offers to enhance their mutant powers with a "Gem of Cyttorak." In exchange, he wants Scott to go through the enhancer first. Sabretooth goes through as a demonstration. Sabretooth transforms after entering the enhancer. Scott convinces Alex to go in, but Magneto brings the other X-Men out of stasis. As Scott enters, Xavier tries to stop him, but the door closes. Scott and Alex emerge as adults with white hair. Magneto gives Alex the name Havok and tells Scott to remove his visor, but the enhancer has affected their minds as well, wiping out emotions.
Magneto attacks Mystique and the X-Men flying in but fails as there is no metal around. He sends Alex and Scott to stop them, but Wolverine crashes the jet on top of them. Mystique goes after Magneto, Xavier frees the trapped brothers and Storm and Rogue get the X-Jet ready.
X-Men fight the Brotherhood. Mystique gets knocked into the enhancer, and Magneto goes after her. Sabretooth beats Wolverine, but Rogue absorbs Quicksilver's speed. Storm tries to clear the way to the X-Jet with lightning as the asteroid quakes. The Brotherhood realizes they need to escape quickly. Everyone heads for the x-jet but Alex and Scott are still trapped and Wolverine is having trouble with Sabretooth.
Storm uses a cyclone to slam Sabretooth against a wall and bury him in debris. The brothers free themselves by blasting their way through and arguing with Jean and Xavier. Jean tells Scott she doesn't want anything to do with him, and walks away as Xavier scolds Scott for crossing the line and then leaves.
Mystique emerges from the enhancer now "enhanced". Alex and Scott change their minds and make a break for the jet. They fall off a ledge during an earthquake but use their powers to land safely. The X-Jet can't reach them due to falling debris. They blast apart Asteroid M as it falls towards them and collapses to the ground. The X-Jet lands and Scott apologizes. Avalanche informs that two spheres left the asteroid before it blew, meaning Mystique and Magneto escaped. Xavier offers to help Alex with his powers and unite as X-Men.
Thats Season 1 wrap up. I might watch more but for now I'm done with episode by episode summaries. The episode on it's own was just alright. It wasn't bad but it never really brought that excitement I thought EMH's Gamma World did. Magento was in shadows all season they finally show him and all he really is, is just the gravelly voiced bad guy. We don't know anything about him, he doesn't have any of that depth you expect from Magento. He just kinda there.
Even the reunion between the Summers feels a little underwhelming. Like, the haven't seen each other sense they were children, they thought the other was dead and like what should be them catching up is overtaken by the Magento plot. It's only been a day and Alex is way to enthusiastic about following Magneto.
The action and animation where on point. Mystique and Storm get a cool fight scene. Mystique does so many flips in this episode. But if I'm being honest there were a few science that were meant to be dramatic but I thought were just silly. The dramatic coming out of the enhancer scene made me laugh. Alex and Scott looked so silly, even Sabretooth looked more dumb then. The flashback to Scott and Alex's past was also weirdly edited. Again it came of more odd then dramatic.
Overall I would say the first season was pretty good. I really enjoyed how it took the time building the team and I like Rogue's development. A bit disappointing that Storm didn't get much to do this season. She is really in the background for the most part. The season focuses more on the younger cast. Wolverine is the only adult who gets any real focus. I think they manage to make the teenage x-men concept really work. And they can keep Wolverine as an adult and make him a weird creep, Millar! Anyway the ultimate universe was bad, but this show was good I would recommend to anyone.
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lunarspiral1127 · 2 years
So......Jen basically makes K.E.V.I.N. retcon not just the final episode but many storylines in the whole show! Let's break this down, shall we?
No Todd stealing her blood. This was set up since episode 1 when Bruce said that their blood cannot fall into the wrong hands. In fact, the blood plot was the only recurring thing in this entire show and the only thing that kept me invested when everything else felt like pure filler. The whole point was that Todd hated Jen for getting the powers of Hulk which he believed she didn't earn. So wouldn't him stealing her blood so he could get Hulk powers make sense?! Earlier, he said "superpowers should go to the best person for the job". It'd make sense if he thought that HE was the best person for the job, cause that's how his mind works!
I'll admit that Bruce showing up comes out of nowhere, cause he wouldn't know where Jen is and he's been in Sakaar for....weeks? Months? Hell, a year or two?! How long has he been in Sakaar?! Anyway, that's something I do agree should be left out or built up better to lead to him showing up, but the way Jen worded it sounded so egotistical. Like I see it as family saving family, but she sees it as Bruce hogging the spotlight when it could've been a good team-up. I mean, Thor and Jane teamed up and worked well together and neither hogged the spotlight away from each other. It was still Thor's movie. So, why couldn't we do that with both Hulk and She-Hulk? Oh, cause it's Jen's show, that's why.
Jen brushes off K.E.V.I.N.'s reasoning of bring back Bruce, saying that we don't need to hear why Bruce left to space and to save it for the movie. That just could be a hint for a future Planet Hulk/World War Hulk movie, but don't we deserve a little bit or a hint at what he was doing in Sakaar?!
Abomination being accountable for what? Breaking his parole rules? I hope it's that. Or does she believe that he was working for Intelligencia, cause clearly it was all a misunderstanding. He was just trying to help people as a life coach but ends up helping the....wrong people.
Why does it matter that it's daytime instead of nighttime? This is taking place inside a building.
She wants Daredevil so that they can bang....that's the only reason to bring back Matt Murdock. Y'know, I did ship them last week, but now I'm concerned with how this is being rushed. Plus, with Daredevil's show coming to the MCU, I don't know if those two will still be a thing.
Questioning daddy issues with some of the characters. The thing is, not every character has those issues, but the ones that Jen brought up didn't have good dads and they're dead. Jen's lucky though, she has a dad who's alive and loves her.
DON'T BRING UP THE X-MEN! I know we're getting Deadpool 3 featuring Wolverine, but we've seen what the MCU did with three of the X-Men characters. We're fearing what they'll do to the rest at the moment.
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ashifloof · 1 year
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I posted 496 times in 2022
That's 494 more posts than 2021!
72 posts created (15%)
424 posts reblogged (85%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 364 of my posts in 2022
Only 27% of my posts had no tags
#emil blonsky - 117 posts
#arthur harrow - 104 posts
#moon knight - 95 posts
#she hulk - 59 posts
#reblog - 58 posts
#arthur harrow x reader - 39 posts
#tim roth - 14 posts
#she hulk attorney at law - 12 posts
#abomination - 12 posts
#ask - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 105 characters
#wanted to reblog this because you have to expect a lot more talos posts/reblogs when secret invasion airs
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Next SHE-HULK episode let's gooo
79 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
Neck kisses headcanons, please
Hi dear Anon!
I'm so sorry for the long wait,I was in a bad mental state due to my mom passing away,but now I feel ready to write some stuff again. I hope you like it :3
-Arthur loves kissing your neck, something about his lips on your soft skin and hearing those little sounds of enjoyment coming out of your mouth make him go crazy
-he likes to comfort you with neck kisses,any time you feel down he'll give you some soft kisses on the neck which never fails to make you smile
-he's usually more of a private guy but sometimes he can't help but sneak a kiss onto your neck while being with the community,for example at dinner
-sometimes he gives you so many kisses that it starts to tickle,hearing you laugh will not slow him down but rather make him kiss you even more
-he trys not to leave any marks while kissing your neck but sometimes there will be one, secretly he likes seeing you covered in them for the community to see
-but he also loves his neck to be kissed by you, it's comforting to him,it feels like home
-your neck is really his favorite place to kiss you
125 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
I can't be the only one is absolutely obsessed with Arthur Harrow.
Like I totally get the hype around Steven/Marc, but my stupid-ass, morally destroyed heart focuses on Arthur.
I'm currently waiting for fanfic authors to write Reader insert ffs of him. There
must be other Arthur simps out there,right? I'm so close to write one myself...
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137 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
In honor of this amazing she hulk episode and Emil Blonsky I made these:
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See the full post
239 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So do you have any nsfw Harrow headcanons 🤠? Because I love your work and I’d love to know how you’d think he’d be in bed. No problem if you don’t want to share tho.
Hey my friend
You probably meant to send this to one of the great fanfic authors whose work I reblogged , because I haven't written anything yet. But now that this was here in my inbox, I'll answer it ;) Hope you like it
-Oh, Arthur,when it comes to nasty times he really is unpredictable
-one day he's the softest man you can imagine
-soft kisses,praises,you want it you'll get it
-one other days tho he's the exact opposite meaning he's turning into a beast
-then he's rough as hell and won't stop for a good while
-he is a big fan of begging,hearing you beg for him makes him go insane,he could listen to you whining for release for hours
- definitely a big fan of body worship,both giving and receiving
-he will make you feel like you're special, he'll definitely make sure that you know how beautiful you are to him
-also loves when you show him how special you are to him,he loves feeling like he's the "chosen one" also when it comes to bedroom activities
-loves when you scream his name,hearing his name leave your mouth makes him feel powerful
-can get lost in the power tho and can go overboard at times,but he'll always listen to you and if you say it's enough it's enough
-all in all, you're in for a fun ride with this man
262 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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wikiangela · 2 years
she hulk finale!!! 😍 it was awesome and I loved it and here are some comments I made while watching (kinda long post sns)
spoilers under the cut!
the opening was fantastic, so funny lol
oh shit and Bruce is still in space huh 😳
and she can't turn, just like Blonsky? I mean, from the perspective of the witnesses... understandable
aw I feel so bad for her, she doesn't deserve all that 😭
oh no she's moving 😭 like, I get it, but I love her apartment, it's so cute lol
"by any and all means" I fucking love Nikki 😂😂 where do I find a bestie like her lol
Dennis what the fuck 🤦🏻‍♀️ tbh I genuinely forgot this guy existed lmao "dated for a significant about of time" HA, you fucking wish 😂 you wish you could pull anyone even remotely as awesome as Jen lmao
we're gonna see Blonsky again??? yaaay!
"I'm not running from my problems, it's a mental health break" ain't that a mood lol
Nikki's a genius 👑
"deep haikus" by Emil Blonsky - I fucking need this book in my life 😂😂😂
I love Pug, I wish we could've seen more of him in this series lol
"I would have the exact same criticism if she was a man" OMG but this is exactly what males say on the internet 😂😂😂
fucking Todd 😂 for a second there i was afraid Pug's cover was blown lol
Pug is doing so good and I'm loving how uncomfy he is about all that 😂
TODD is HulkKing???! I mean, there were theories after he called her a specimen and all, but I honestly didn't expect that, because I was sure it had to be someone smarter 😂😂😂
I still don't trust the wrecking crew guy 👀
wait, is Blonsky with inteligencia?????! WHAT? obvi he wasn't suddenly good but like... why - also, how can he suddenly transform without alerting his parole officer now????
seeing Blonsky's voice come out of the Abomination is so silly oh my god 😂😂
fucking Todd 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
oh, and Titania's here! "does that bitch ever use a door" seriously 😂😂
oh, so Emil protected Jen - so he really does do it for profit huh - still doesn't make it okay hah
BRUCE IS HERE!!!! OH MY GOD?? I thought he was in space???
noo, Bruce, wrong guy to fight 😂😂😂
"what is even happening here" 😂😂 it's so chaotic and I'm loving every second 😂😂😂
oh my god for a second I panicked when it switched to the Disney plus menu 😂😂 this is so funny
so she broke the inhibitor and jumped into marvel assembled - aka the real world???! this episode is completely unhinged and insane and I love it 😂😂😂
is she going to complain about the storylines 🤣 this is so meta and that whole thing was unexpected but it's so good???
Kevin 😂 or, K.E.V.I.N. 😂😂 so funny
"you are very expensive" I cannot stop laughing 😂😂😂
okay, I fucking love this episode 😂 😂
making fun of the usual overdone formula? I'm all here for it 😂
no, but seriously, I kinda love that she's like: the stakes were high enough for me personally, I don't need to have to save the world or anything, it was supposed to be a fun legal comedy with me coming to terms with my superpowers - because I genuinely loved the show and this brand new thing they're trying and I love that for once the stakes don't have to be threatening to everyone around
"save it for the movie" YES - as much as I loved seeing Bruce again, it is kinda like: a man has to come to the rescue because she wouldn't be able to do it without him 😅 he's getting his own project, we don't need to know now (even tho I'm curious haha)
"when are we getting the x-men" wait I need to finish the movies 😂😂😂
"I smash fourth walls and bad endings" AS YOU SHOULD 💪😂😂 I can't believe we finally got marvel saying "yeah, it's been repetitive, let's change it up" 😂😂
"and sometimes Matt Murdock" YAS, get it girl 😏😂
MATT IS BACK????!!!!! FUCK YEAH!! (but seriously, get him the red suit back, the yellow looks so bad 🤢)
he met the fam? 👀 so they're a thing? I'm so here for it, pls let them be together forever lol
And Bruce is back the right way lol
wait what, a son??? I am so confused 😂
Wong breaking Emil out again 😂😂😂
oh my god I loved it!!!! so good!!! honestly this might be my fave finale of marvel shows so far because it was SO unexpected and different and just completely chaotic and unhinged and I'm here for all of it 😂😂
the meta jokes and comments were absolutely hilarious and I laughed my ass off
I love how the ending was finally something different and more grounded I guess (as much as it can be in a hulk show lol) with no nonsense about Todd getting powers and all that
and I think everyone got what they deserved, with Todd being sued (it is a lawyer show lol) and Blonsky going back to prison - tho obvi he's not there anymore lol
despite being a superhero show, it dealt more with Jen and her life and coming to terms with herself, balancing her life as she hulk and Jen, and it was a legal comedy (could've used more legal stuff but those were 20 minute episodes so I get it lol) and I'm glad it all ended the way it ended rather than have the usual everyone shows up completely out of the blue for the last big fight that the hero's gonna win anyway
(and Matt!! god I hope they're dating lol I can't wait to see him again in born again!)
I fucking loved the show and this ending completely subverted expectations and made this show even better
so good, I hope we'll get s2 and I really hope to see her on the big screen one day (also, Bruce has a son wtf, when is his movie or whatever coming out lol)
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Not afraid
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(Emil Blonsky x reader made when I was half awake and half asleep)
Warnings: smut with a plot (I guess?)
Y/n was laying naked on her bed with Emil Blonsky on top of her leaving hickeys all over her neck
He wanted to take it slow since he was afraid that she would be scared of him since this is their first time doing this together
Y/n however was becoming needy and wanted him right now
“Daddy I need you” she moans out which makes him stop sucking her neck
His blue eyes stare deeply into her eyes
“Are you sure…?” He asked her which makes her kiss him on the lips
He returned the kiss and after that she deepened the kiss
He moans and then pulls apart
“I’m sure. Are you sure though? You seem worried” he told her the truth which makes her surprised that he would ever think she would be scared of him because of the other guy
“I’m not scared. I’ve wanted to do this since we first started dating, but I didn’t want pressure you” she explained which makes him smile
With that, he goes into her
Her head rolls back and her eyes were at the back of her head already
He starts thrusting and now both of them were moaning
Her hands were on the sheets and his hands were on top of hers
His lips go to her shoulder where he starts leaving hickeys
“Emil” she moans which makes him smirk against her skin
He hits her g spot now which made her hands tighten their grip on their sheets
He starts to become rougher with the thrust which makes her moan louder
“Your doing amazing love” Emil praises which makes Y/n’s walls tighten
“Fuck! I-I’m g-gonna-“ she came all over his cock which makes him stop
He pulls out and then lays down next to her
Emil faces his body towards her once she was facing the other way
He wraps his arms around her and then pecks her neck
Their was silence afterwards which lead to Y/n falling asleep
Emil eventually went to sleep as well
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