#Sue Snell imagine
You see if i played Tommy Ross in Carrie: The Musical during the scene where Tommy asks Carrie out and the prom scene I would make Tommy seem more reluctant to ask out/dance with Carrie.
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Sue saves Carrie
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It was the night of the prom. Sue ran into the school building as fast as she could. She looked for Chris Hargensen and saw the bucket. “Carrie!! Tommy!! Watch out!!” Sue yelled.
Everyone turned around and saw Sue. She ran full speed to save Carrie from the bucket of pig blood that Chris was holding onto. Billy just stared on and Chris pulled the bucket from the string. Sue brought Carrie to the ground and the pigs blood spilled all over Sue and Carrie. Tommy looked up an saw Chris and Billy. “Hey! What the hell!”. He yelled. Everyone looked up and Billy and Chris ran.
Sue helped Carrie up. “Sue? You saved me”. Carrie said.
“Carrie. I’ve been so horrible to you all these years and no apology is gonna fix all the horrible things I’ve done and said to you. You didn’t do anything to me to deserve that and I really am sorry”. Said Sue
Carrie listened and so did everyone else.
“I love you Carrie. And I promise I will help you if you let me help you”. Sue said to Carrie.
“Awww!” Everyone said
“What did you say?” Carrie asks Sue.
“I said I love you”. Said Sue.
“Tommy”, Sue said. “I love you but I wanna work things out with Carrie. And I think we can still be good friends if that’s what you want”. She said to Tommy.
“Of course. I’d love that. Carrie is a great girl. Go get the girl”. He said to Sue.
Sue turned her attention to Carrie and she kissed her. And Carrie kissed Sue back. “I love you”. Carrie said to Sue. “I love you more” Sue said to Carrie. “Come on. Come stay at my house. My parents will be glad to help you too”. Sue said.
Carrie told Sue everything. About how her mom locks her in a closet. And Sue immediately called the cops and one police officer asks if Carrie has a place to stay. “She’s gonna stay at my house”. Said Sue. Carrie had her head on Sue’s shoulder. And Sue had her arm around Carrie.
Another police officer had Carrie’s mom in handcuffs.
Carrie took all of her stuff and put it in Sue’s car. Sue drive to her house. She helped Carrie bring in her stuff. “Hi-oh. Who’s this?” Sue’s mom asked.
“Mom. This is Carrie. This is my friend. Friend right?” Sue asked Carrie.
“Girlfriend”. Said Carrie. “I’m her girlfriend”. She said.
Sue smiled and she kissed Carrie on the cheek. “My girlfriend”. She said. Carrie smiled.
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scary-white · 1 year
i hate the fact that some musical adaptations make tommy laugh after the blood is poured like sure it makes it more tragic but it kinda destroys the message of the book
Me too! it's such a bad choice, I don't know why so many productions run with it. A good portion of "My Name is Susan Snell" from the novel is Sue defending Tommy from people who wanted to see him as the bad guy after all is said and done. it totally does his original character a disservice to include him in the taunting. It doesn't even make sense in the context of the musical's canon after having heard songs like "Dreamer in Disguise," "You Shine," and "Dreamer in Disguise Reprise." The script has him invite her for dinner after the prom, he genuinely seems to like her up until that one point at which point they throw all his prior characterization out the window.
If they want to have the added tragedy, just do what the novel and movies did. Tommy's death seals the deal in Carrie's mind that she will never be afforded any form of kindness. She believes that he was purposely killed as punishment for bringing her to prom, and that only serves to further her anger.
In the novel, as she's running away from the prom, Carrie thinks about Tommy's death and thinks: "Full price paid full price for bringing a thing of darkness into the light." And that is way more tragic than what they have going on in the musical.
Carrie bonds with Tommy and finally finds connection with others, only for him to die with her blaming herself. For once, Carrie imagined that she too deserved love and kindness, only for that to come crashing down on top of her. Reminding her how cruel people are.
Anyways, it goes without saying that I prefer the productions where he slips and hits his head. I once saw one where this happened, and as she's cradling his body, the other students are still taunting her and she's screaming. That one was chilling.
I think in the Off-Broadway musical he gets hit on the head by the bucket, but I could be wrong. It's very dark in that production.
Anyways. To make a long point short: Fuck those other productions. Stop slandering my boy 🙄🤚
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hilarychuff · 3 months
for the wip game: chrissy carrie?? I feel like you mentioned this before?? but I want to hear all the details
wip titles tag game
ok so i checked when i added this to the list and there is exactly one and a half sentences in there lmao BUT i was like well i still love this and might do it so!!!!!
it's based on the stranger things au graphic i made (one of my favorite ones!! was actually my tagged post for a long time) in which chrissy is carrie like 1976 psychic killer prom queen carrie
chrissy is carrie who has been socially isolated from her peers by/because of her mother and nancy is sue snell who gets her boyfriend steve harrington to take chrissy to the prom after a bullying incident has her wanting to make amends
i'm super proud of the graphic i made for it but i'm also just like super super invested in imagining this au!! i wrote the blurb from nancy's perspective and i think i would maybe have to perspective hop to figure out how to write this. a bit for each of the main three maybe?? chrissy to open, steve at the prom, nancy to close??
idk. feels like it could be a good project because i have a script to work from (love cheater's fanfiction for an au) and it would be a truly self-contained project aka not getting lost in a larger universe or framework or sequel brainstorming etc
i would love to write it one day!! for now here's the single sentence and a half i have lol:
At first when she sees the blood, she doesn’t understand where it came from. It’s as though it just appeared on her hands, 
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tawneybel · 4 years
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Imagine Tommy asking his girlfriend if taking Carrie to the prom is anything like when Sue wants him to take you out, or is she just being nice to Carrie? (Because Sue likes the idea of other people finding her boyfriend attractive.)
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sprnklersplashes · 4 years
Sue: Small animals are more vicious, they have less space for their anger and rage to be bottled up
Chris: That’s ridiculous name one-
Sue: Wasps
Tommy: Chihuahuas
Sue: Carrie.
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billiewena · 2 years
okay, you know the movie/book "carrie." yeah, that carrie. okay, imagine if instead of setting carrie up with her boyfriend to make amends, the nice popular girl sue snell just dated and fell in love with carrie instead. and also sue is psychic too, somehow. this is patience/magda to me. alternatively, they are willow/tara from buffy but replace "witch" with "psychic"
anyways, SUCHHHH an underrated rarepair that I adore. psychic4psychic, sammirror4sammirror. definitely a complicated one because supernatural's psychic lore is soooooo inconsistent. patience, missori and pamela are basically "good" fortune tellers and seers, whereas magda is more similar to sam and the psychic kids where their powers are treated as carrielike and inherently evil. but if anything, them meeting would make the show have to confront that difference head-on and do something about it. and maybe find a happy middle.
but I looooove that patience and magda come from such wildly different backgrounds (culturally, racially, classwise, familywise) and that they would probably feel like they have nothing in common, but their abilities bring them together. magda helps patience reach her true potential, patience gives magda the empathy and care she never had. patience is definitely shown to be an anxious person so she'd be very protective of her too.
(also this ship means this is a secret good spn where magda is alive and probably taken in by jody and in my head it's also a more secret good spn where missouri is alive still so she takes patience in and mentors both of them <3)
send me a ship and I’ll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
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r0tten-brainz · 3 years
hey do you want my carrie fix it au? no?
too bad!!!
Everything seemed to stop when the blood was dumped on Carrie. All the cheers and applause was cut off by shocked gasps and silence. Wide eyes stared upon the stage at their prom queen, now drenched in red sludge, her beautiful dress ruined.
Tommy Ross, the prom king, was staring at his date, some of the liquid (blood, literal blood, he realizes in horror) splashing all over his rental tuxedo. After the initial shock, anger bubbled in his chest so quickly his ears turned red and he turned to the crowd, searching for who could’ve done something so awful, his shouts of “What the hell?!” cutting through the quiet.
In the front row, George Dawson seemed to have the same reaction, he always was quick to anger but now he had a fair reason to. He was disgusted someone would do this, and almost everyone around him agreed. Almost.
It only took a minute for Norma to snort, and double over to quiet her laughter. A few others chuckled but otherwise they were alone in finding this funny.
The only one who hadn’t moved was Carrie. She was frozen, mouth agape and eyes wide. She only moved when the bucket itself came crashing down, right onto Tommy. She tried to catch him but he just collapsed onto the stage, groaning in pain.
People knew immediately something was off when she stood up straight, shoulders back and arms extending out at her sides. The ones who were laughing decided they wanted to leave, the pungent smell of the stale blood getting gross and killing their good time.
There were a few shouts of confusion and fear when the doors suddenly slammed shut and the room was flooded in red light. When one of the jocks tried to open it, he yelled in pain, like the door handle burned him.
That’s what made Tommy stir on the ground, his head aching and warmth trailing down his face. When he looked up the gym was in chaos, people screaming and trampling each other to find a way out. One guy, someone Tommy knew, had climbed up to try the window, but he was flung off like a bug. A squeaking noise made him look up and the fire sprinklers flipped on.
Murky water fell over everyone, only adding to the rotten smell permeating what with the blood also having its own stench. Tommy’s breath caught as he looked around, his eyes finally landing on Carrie.
She seemed unresponsive, barely even blinking as the chaos unfolded around her, like she was in the middle, stirring up the misfortune herself.
“Carrie- huff,” Tommy started, pulling himself up off the ground. His head spun and he nearly got sick with everything mixing around him, his stomach was never the strongest. “Carrie, we have to get you out of here.”
She didn’t move, didn’t even look at him, just tilted her chin up indignantly. The lights above them suddenly sparked, clearly not mixing well with the water. That frightened Tommy a lot, they could all die, and it seemed that’s probably what Carrie was aiming for.
“Carrie!” Tommy tried again, grabbing onto her shoulders. His breath was getting more frantic as he looked around behind him. “Carrie, listen to me. Look at me, Carrie.”
She blinked then, eyes focusing on the boy in front of her. She looked like she was on the brink of tears. When she noticed the blood flowing down his face it only made her feel worse.
“Is this why?” Her voice was quiet, if Tommy had been any further away he wouldn’t have been able to hear. “Is this why you asked me to go with you?”
A devastated look crossed over Carrie’s face. “So you could laugh at me?” Tommy gulped, really starting to feel sick now, realizing that in some sick way this was partially his fault. “She was right, I shouldn’t have come, I shouldn’t have-”
“No! Carrie, if I knew it wouldn’t have happened! I didn’t know- I swear whoever did this is dead.” He shouted, his grip on her shoulders tightening. “Please, you need to calm down. Just breathe, we can get you out of here.”
Flames caught his eye, the curtain behind them was on fire. They needed to go, now. Carrie sniffled, the tears finally falling. “They all laughed at me, they laughed…”
Tommy looked back at the crowd then back to Carrie. “No one laughed, no one did Carrie.” She let out a breath like she’d been holding it. The heat from the fire was getting unbearable.
“Do you swear?” Carrie whispered, looking up at him. She was in agony, he could see it clear on her face.
“Carrie, I swear.” Tommy holds out his arms for her, finally stepping back to lead her away from the gym. He could hear sirens approaching.
Carrie looked out a final time before the doors swung open and the students flooded out. The air was cool which was relieving to everyone. She took his hands then, and he led her off the stage out to the cool evening air.
Sue Snell pushed her way through everyone, Frank Green (notoriously known as the Beak) and George at her side, searching through the scared faces for Tommy and Carrie. “There they are!” She shouts, grabbing her friends and making their way over to the pair.
Tommy perked up at the sound of Sue’s voice, carefully leading Carrie to the grass so they could sit. Further away from everyone. Sue ran over and pulled Tommy down into a hug. Beak and George made their way over a second after, clearly left behind in the madness behind them.
Whispers were exchanged between the group, everyone sparing sympathetic glances to Carrie every once in a while. Carrie just sunk in on herself, Trying to calm herself down enough so she could walk home, figuring she messed up their night enough.
It surprised her all when they all sat around her, Tommy to her left and Sue on the other side. Beak and George settled across from them.
They didn’t talk, no one really knew what to say. It was Carrie who broke the silence. “I ruined your plans with your friends, didn’t I?”
Tommy just shook his head as he shrugged off his jacket, wrapping it around her shoulders. “No,” he assured her. “You didn’t do anything wrong at all, actually.”
Carrie blinked up at him, tears threatening to fall again but she willed them away and sank into the coat. If it was salvageable before, it’s definitely ruined now. Tommy wondered if the rental place had it in their hearts to cut them some slack.
“Carrie I- we- are so sorry,” Sue spoke up, reaching to hold her hand. “I tried to stop it, if I knew they were planning something I wouldn’t have asked, that was so cruel.” She whispered the end of her apology, like she couldn’t believe it had happened.
Carrie ducks her head. “I shouldn’t have come,” she says back. “Mama was right I shouldn’t have.” The group share worried glances, but they’ll unpack that later.
George sneers. “Don’t you think like that, it was fun at the beginning right?” Carrie glances up to him and nods. “Right! Don’t you worry, whoever did this will pay.” Frank nods along beside him, patting him on the shoulder encouragingly. “So inspiring.” Beak always did like to make a joke, to lighten the mood when things were heavy.
Tommy’s arm tucks around her, pulling Carrie closer to comfort her. “Even if it all ended bad, we’re all together, right?” He looked down to her, waiting for the response. Even now he’s pushing her gently, to get her out there. Maybe this is Tommy’s super power. She had telekinesis and he was good at making anyone comfortable, even Carrie White.
“Right,” she finished for him, which made Tommy smile. In return it made Carrie smile. Sue reached and brushed some bloody hair out of Carrie’s face.
“Wow, Sue,” Beak starts. “Before too long Carrie might steal Tommy from you curled up to him like that. Sue laughed and Carrie smiled, cheeks flushing red under the caked up blood.
Tommy grinned and shot him a look. “Oh yeah? Why don’t you beat her to it and steal me yourself, smart guy?”
Beak opened his mouth but was quickly cut off by George. “Oi! Don’t be comin’ onto my man y’ hear?” He shot back, elbowing Frank with a grin.
Tommy felt Carrie’s shoulders bouncing, but when he looked to her to see if she was crying, a small grin graced her face and quiet giggles bubbled up. Despite it all she was laughing. It made something twist in Tommy’s chest, he had to make himself look away.
“It isn’t much,” Sue starts. “But if you all wanted to stop by my house to get cleaned up, maybe we could still go to the Hive.” Carrie perks up, of course Sue was invited, why wouldn’t she be?
George whooped excitedly. “You’re a lifesaver, Susan, I really need a shake after all this.” Everyone cheered in agreement.
“Carrie?” Tommy said quietly. She looked up to him, still smiling a little. “Would that be okay?” He was so patient with her.
Commotion caught her attention though and she looked past Tommy towards the gym. The flames had been dealt with it’d seem, but that’s not what she’s looking at.
Two police officers were taking Chris Hargensen and Billy Nolan out of the school, Chris kicking and shouting the whole way to the car. Miss Collins watched them go, nothing but anger in her eyes. It only made Carrie’s smile widen. She hoped she’d never have to see Chris ever again after this.
“Yes,” she finally replied. “That seems fun.” Tommy grinned and stood, offering his hands to Carrie first to help her stand, then to Sue. “No help for me?” Frank joked. “Shut up, Beak,” Tommy joked back.
The rest of the night was filled with similar jokes, everything being kept lighthearted (lucky for Carrie, she may fall apart if anything else bad happened). The Hive was so much better than she imagined. They had delicious waffle fries, and soda flavors she didn’t know existed, she and Sue even shared an ice cream. Everything was perfect. She prayed to God that come Monday morning she wouldn’t be forgotten by Tommy Ross, or any of them.
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oneboxofmatches · 3 years
All You Need to Know About Matchups!
Hi y'all!
This account is solely for matchups for several different fandoms. That means requests for imagines, oneshots, headcanons, etc. will NOT be taken.
Here are some basic things to know about requesting a matchup!
Unless otherwise specified for a certain fandom, a request yields one romantic pairing AND one friendship pairing as well as information on why I think you work well with the individuals I choose. Of course, if you only wish to receive either just the romantic matchup or just the friendship matchup, just let me know!
You can request matchups for several different fandoms at once! For each fandom you request, I will match you up with one romantic partner and one friend unless you request differently.
You can ask to exclude any character(s)!
Where can I request a matchup?
Requests can be made in the MATCHUP REQUESTS/ASK ME ANYTHING tab.
What do I need to include in my request?
Your gender and/or pronouns
Your sexual orientation and/or preferences
Description of personality
Optional (but definitely helps me out!)
Description of appearance
Personality alignment (Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, Hogwarts House, etc.)
What you would look for in a partner and/or friend
Any other information you think would be helpful �� the more you provide, the more I can work with!
Now with that out of the way, onto the fandoms!
Listed directly below is a shortlist of all the fandoms I take requests for as well as some extra information as needed.
If a title is in italics, it means that while I feel comfortable providing matchups for this show, I have not watched every season. If a character drastically changes after a certain point, I may not be aware. The last season I watched of these shows will be included in parentheses.
All movies/shows based on novels will most likely focus on the on-screen adaptations of characters.
The 100 (6)
Good Omens
The Good Place (3)
Lucifer (4)
On My Block
Parks and Recreation (4)
Prodigal Son (1)
Space Force
Supernatural (14)
The Walking Dead (8)
The Greatest Showman
Harry Potter -- Unless specified in request, will entail 2 sets of matchups as a student (Golden Trio and Marauders eras respectively)
The Hunger Games
Marvel Cinematic Universe -- Unless age is specified, underage characters will NOT be available for romantic matchups
Carrie (2012 Off-Broadway)
Les Misérables
The Phantom of the Opera
Detroit: Become Human
Red Dead Redemption 2
What’s below the cut?
A masterlist of characters in each fandom that will be considered for each request (unless marked with an asterisk (*), all characters are assumed to be available for both romantic AND friendly matchups while names marked with an asterisk are only available for friendly matchups). Listed alphabetically by first name.
Don’t be afraid to tell me about a typo!
Any questions? Just want to talk? You can also use the  MATCHUP REQUESTS/ASK ME ANYTHING tab to get ahold of me!
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Bellamy Blake
Clarke Griffin
Finn Collins
Harper McIntyre
Jasper Jordan
Johnathan “John” Murphy
Jordan Green
Marcus Kane
Monty Green
Octavia Blake
Raven Reyes
Wells Jaha
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Anathema Device
Newton Pulsifer
Mme. Tracy*
Witchfinder Sgt. Shadwell*
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Chidi Anagonye
Eleanor Shellstrop
Jason Mendoza
Tahani Al-Jamil
Tumblr media
Det. Chloe Decker
Det. Daniel “Dan” Espinoza
Ella Lopez
Dr. Linda Martin*
Lucifer Morningstar
Mazikeen “Maze”
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Cesar Diaz
Jamal Turner
Jasmine Flores
Monsé Finnie
Oscar “Spooky” Diaz
Ruben “Ruby” Martinez Jr.
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Andrew “Andy” Dwyer
Ann Perkins
April Ludgate
Benjamin “Ben” Wyatt
Christopher “Chris” Traeger
Donna Meagle*
Gerald “Jerry” Gergich*
Jean-Ralphio Saperstein*
Leslie Knope
Ronald “Ron” Swanson*
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Ainsley Whitly
Det. Dani Powell
Edrisa Tanaka
Lt. Gil Arroyo
Det. James “JT” Tarmel
Jessica Whitly
Malcolm Bright
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DI Greg Lestrade
Mrs. Hudson*
James “Jim” Moriarty
Dr. John Watson
Mary Morstan*
Molly Hooper
Mycroft Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Tumblr media
Dr. Adrian Mallory*
Capt. Angela Ali
Brig. Gen. Bradley Gregory*
Dr. Chan Kaifang
Duncan Tabner
Erin Naird
F. Tony Scarapiducci
Kelly King
Maggie Naird*
Gen. Mark Naird*
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Abbie “Bela” Talbot*
Adam Milligan
Alex Jones
Benjamin “Benny” Lafitte
Charlene “Charlie” Bradbury
Claire Novak
Dean Winchester
Sheriff Donna Hanscum
Eileen Leahy
Ellen Harvelle*
Garth Fitzgerald IV
Jack Kline
Jessica “Jess” Moore*
Joanna “Jo” Harvelle
Sheriff Jody Mills*
John Winchester
Kaia Nieves
Kevin Tran
Meg Masters
Michael “Mick” Davies
Patience Turner
Robert “Bobby” Singer*
Rowena MacLeod
Rufus Turner*
Samuel “Sam” Winchester
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Abraham Ford
Beth Greene
Carl Grimes*
Carol Peletier*
Dale Horvath*
Daryl Dixon
Eugene Porter*
King Ezekiel*
Father Gabriel Stokes
Glenn Rhee
Hershel Greene*
Maggie Greene
Morgan Jones*
Negan Smith
Paul “Jesus” Rovia
Rick Grimes
Rosita Espinosa
Sasha Williams
Tara Chambler
Tyreese Williams
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Cher Horowitz
Dionne Davenport
Josh Lucas
Tai Frasier
Travis Birkenstock
Tumblr media
Anne Wheeler
Charity Barnum
Jenny Lind
Lettie Lutz*
Phillip Carlyle
Phineas “P.T.” Barnum
W.D. Wheeler
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Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody*
Albus Dumbledore*
Arthur Weasley*
Cedric Diggory
Cho Chang
Draco Malfoy
Fleur Delacour
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginevra “Ginny” Weasley
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
James Potter
Lily Evans
Luna Lovegood
Minerva McGonagall*
Molly Weasley*
Neville Longbottom
Nymphadora Tonks*
Oliver Wood
Remus Lupin
Ronald “Ron” Weasley
Rubeus Hagrid*
Severus Snape
Sirius Black
Viktor Krum
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Effie Trinket*
Finnick Odair
Gale Hawthorne
Haymitch Abernathy*
Johanna Mason
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
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Anthony “Tony” Stark -- Iron Man
Dr. Bruce Banner -- Hulk
Carol Danvers -- Captain Marvel
Dr. Christine Palmer*
Clint Barton -- Hawkeye
Drax the Destroyer*
Edward “Ned” Leeds
Harold “Happy” Hogan*
Dr. Henry “Hank” Pym*\
Hope van Dyne -- Wasp
Sgt. James “Bucky” Barnes -- Winter Soldier
Col. James “Rhodey” Rhodes -- War Machine
Loki Laufeyson
Dr. Margaret “Peggy” Carter*
Cdr. Maria Hill*
May Parker*
Lord M’Baku
Michelle “MJ” Jones
Natasha Romanoff -- Black Widow
Col. Nicholas “Nick” Fury*
Peter Parker -- Spider-Man
Peter Quill -- Star-Lord
Agt. Phillip “Phil” Coulson*
Pietro Maximoff -- Quicksilver
Samuel “Sam” Wilson -- Falcon
Scott Lang -- Ant-Man
Dr. Stephen Strange
Steven “Steve” Rogers -- Captain America
King T’Challa -- Black Panther
Thor Odinson
Virginia “Pepper” Potts
Wanda Maximoff -- Scarlet Witch
Yelena Belova
Yondu Udonta*
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Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanov
Dimitri Sudayev
Gleb Vaganov
Countess Lily Malevsky-Malevitch*
Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna*
Vladimir “Vlad” Popov*
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Adam Maitland
Barbara Maitland
Delia Schlimmer
Lydia Deetz*
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Carrie White
Christine “Chris” Hargensen
Susan “Sue” Snell
Thomas “Tommy” Ross
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Tumblr media
Aaron Burr
Alexander Hamilton
Angelica Schuyler
Elizabeth “Eliza” Schuyler
George Washington
Hercules Mulligan
James Madison
John Laurens
Margarita “Peggy” Schuyler
Maria Reynolds
Marquis de Lafayette
Philip Hamilton
Thomas Jefferson
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Éponine Thénardier
Insp. Javert
Jean Valjean
Marius Pontmercy
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Carlotta Giudicelli*
Christine Daaé
Erik “The Phantom”
Mme. Giry*
Meg Giry
Raoul de Chagny
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Anna of Cleves
Anne Boleyn
Catherine of Aragon
Catherine Parr
Jane Seymour
Katherine Howard
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Carl Manfred*
Det. Chris Miller*
Elijah Kamski
Lt. Hank Anderson*
Capt. Jeffrey Fowler*
Leo Manfred
Rose Chapman*
Tumblr media
Abigail Roberts
Arthur Morgan
Beau Gray*
Charles Smith
Daniël “Dutch” Van der Linde
Eagle Flies
Hosea Matthews*
Javier Escuella
Johnathan “John” Marston Sr.
Josiah Trelawny
Karen Jones
Kieran Duffy
Leonard “Lenny” Summers
Marion “Bill” Williamson
Mary-Beth Gaskill
Micah Bell
Molly O’Shea
Penelope Braithwaite*
Rev. Orville Swanson*
Sadie Adler
Sean MacGuire
Simon Pearson*
Tilly Jackson
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tibby · 3 years
tibby do you have any fun riverdale takes, i'm already dying in the hiatus and need to hear you talk about serial killer genes and milfs again
this isn’t really fun or about milfs and it’s mainly just rambly feelings, but hopefully it’s something. anyway i’ve been thinking a lot about how each main character in riverdale can be seen as representing specific genres in film/tv/books, and betty is meant to represent thriller/psychological horror, if you subscribe to that theory. and i think in a lot of ways that betty is sort of...a reinvention of the final girl. long time followers of mine know how much it annoys me when people call every female character in horror a final girl, and i think the trope itself has been completely twisted away from its original meaning, but i think betty DOES represent a lot of the core elements, even if she strays from some of the others (hence why she’s a reinvention of one, as opposed to a classic final girl).
to borrow quotes from carol clover, who coined the term:
"she is the one who encounters the mutilated bodies of her friends and perceives the full extent of the preceding horror and of her own peril; who is chased, cornered, wounded; whom we see scream, stagger, fall, rise, and scream again. she is abject terror personified...she alone looks death in the face, but she alone also finds the strength either to stay the killer long enough to be rescued (ending a) or kill him herself (ending b).”
“she is intelligent, watchful, levelheaded; the first character to sense something amiss and the only one to deduce from the accumulating evidence the pattern and extent of the threat; the only one, in other words, whose perspective approaches our own privileged understanding of the situation. when she downs the killer, we are triumphant. “
““tortured survivor” might be a better term than “hero”...or, as i call her, “victim-hero,” with an emphasis on “victim.” it’s a great moment when she stops the killer, but to imagine that her, and our, experience of the film reduces her to that last-minute reversal is to truly miss the point.”
betty is repeatedly shown to be inspired by iconic final girls: she dresses like laurie strode on halloween, she lives on elm street like nancy thompson, she played sue snell, and she’s constantly being a parallel to clarice starling. betty may not be a nice person, but she was originally sold as the good girl. she didn’t party, she was a virgin, she was your classic 1980s slasher survivor with her ponytail and jeans and sweaters. she was intelligent, watchful, and levelheaded. until things started to go wrong, and the people she loved started to get hurt, and suddenly she wasn’t so levelheaded anymore. betty will hunt down killers, threaten lives, manipulate others - but always breaks down at the moment when she actually has to pull the trigger. she’s the equal to the black hood, to charles, to the gargoyle king, etc etc. she knows how to make it to the end, but she also knows how slippery the slope from Horror Survivor to Insane and Dangerous can be. she’s both alice and mrs voorhees: a victim hero, but also a woman who’ll go to insane lengths to get vengeance.
and i think betty is sort of where the trope was always headed. final girls no longer run and hide and only kill the killer when there’s no other options left and no friends to turn to (if they’re even the one to pull the hypothetical trigger). sidney prescott gives them hell every single time, grace le domas quickly learns how to beat her husband’s fucked up family at their brutal little game, tree gelbman gets tough and gets even, dana polk decides that if you can’t beat them, destroy us all. betty is struggling with her inner demons, but that doesn’t stop her from fighting dirty in her attempts to get justice or solve the case or outsmart the bad guys.
betty is riverdale’s representation of horror and thriller, she’s abject terror personified, she’s the girl that emerges in the end, covered in blood that isn’t entirely her own. if betty is a hero, then she’s a victim hero, a tortured survivor hardened by her experiences, and the genre she’s constrained by.
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groovyzombiellama · 3 years
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Imagine: Being Rudy Pankow’s sister, and you’re an actress who played Sue Snell in a TV show based on Stephen King’s book Carrie and Julie in the movie Blockers. and now you and your brother have been cast as Sue and Johnny in the MCU Fantastic Four movie
---***--- Hey anon I hope you like it :) let me know I love feedback :) <3
Buy me a coffee?: https://ko-fi.com/groovyzombiellama
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Fear Street Part Two: 1978 Ending and Theories Explained
This article contains Fear Street Part Two: 1978 spoilers.
When it comes to horror movies, things are never as easy as they first appear. The key influences of Fear Street Part Two: 1978 could’ve taught its characters this unfortunate truth. The final girl in 1980’s Friday the 13th, Alice (Adrienne King), thought she was home free after she beheaded Mrs. Voorhees (Betsy Palmer); then she got a good look at her beautiful boy Jason in the lake. And Sue Snell (Amy Irving) thought she was honoring the memory of the title character (Sissy Spacek) in Carrie (1976) until she realized she was being haunted from a literal grave.
So too did things go sideways for Deena and Josh (Kiana Madeira and Benjamin Flores Jr.) at the end of Fear Street Part Two. After hearing an adult Ziggy’s painful memories of her time at Camp Nightwing and the slaughter that followed, the pair seemed to have discovered the answer for putting the witch’s curse over Shadyside to rest once and for all… but things didn’t work out that way, huh?
Fear Street Part 2 Ending
How Deena ended up time-warped to the year 1666 is itself pretty nifty. Beforehand, she and Josh were mostly passive characters as the invaluable Gillian Jacobs recounted her character’s golden days at summer camp. Initially set up to appear as the older version of Cindy (Emily Rudd), we eventually learn Jacobs is the thirtysomething future version of Sadie Sink’s Ziggy. I guess Ziggy dyed her hair in the same hue as her sister to honor her memory?
Back in 1978, Cindy was the optimistic-to-a-fault popular sister at school/camp while Ziggy was the rebel who renamed herself after glam rock royalty. Yet both girls’ hope for the future and their town is shaken to its core when they discover Camp Nightwing is situated atop the very site where the witch Sarah Fier cursed the land in 1666 with her severed hand before being hanged from a nearby tree. Perhaps this is one reason why the witch selected Cindy’s perfect boyfriend Tommy Slater (McCabe Sly) as her next vessel for movie murder mayhem.
Going from everyone’s favorite benevolent counselor to a Jason Voorhees stand-in, Tommy begins a killing spree, slaughtering kids who looked up to him and former friends alike. Eventually, Cindy discovers an ancient book which confirms that the only way to stop Sarah Fier’s curse is to reunite her severed hand. As the local legend goes:
Before the witch’s final breath, she found a way to cheat her death.
By cutting off her wicked hand, she kept her grip upon the land.
She reaches from beyond the graves, to make good men her wicked slaves.
She’ll take your blood, she’ll take your head.
She’ll follow you until you’re dead.”
So by discovering her severed hand buried near the Satan stone where Sarah cut it off as part of her pact with the Devil, Cindy and Ziggy thought they had found the solution for ending the curse: They’d bury it with Sarah Fier’s body! Unfortunately for both sisters, especially Cindy, they were wrong to believe the legend’s claim that the witch was buried beneath the hanging tree.
The Berman Sisters thought they were digging up Sarah’s grave when instead they were digging their own. After finding nothing beneath the dirt, they only had a moment to see the reanimated corpse of Tommy Slater and other previous Shadyside ghouls coming for them. Ziggy is brutally gutted by “the Milkman” (yet somehow later survives the holes in her intestinal track thanks to CPR?!) while Cindy is even more cruelly eviscerated by her possessed boyfriend’s axe. For a movie aimed at kids who grew up on Stranger Things, this sequence is merciless.
However, unlike the Berman Girls, Deena and Josh know where Sarah Fier is buried in 1994. So they take Ziggy’s story to heart by finding the hand where the Bermans left it, and then Deena puts it to rest with the rest of Sarah’s actual bones scattered by the highway. In theory, this should’ve been the end of the nightmare…. and yet, when Deena personally shoved the witch’s hand in its proper resting place, she was transported to 1666.
… Kind of. In the ultimate cliffhanger tease, we get a glimpse of the past just long enough to realize Deena is not herself, but rather she is inhabiting Sarah Fier’s body circa 1666. What?!
Fear Street Part 3 Theories
…So that ending leaves a lot of questions, both in regards to what exactly was happening during 1978’s final minute and what it means for Fear Street Part Three: 1666. Well, without having watched the third entry yet, we’d like to posit some theories…
Firstly, there is the actual logic behind Deena’s trip into the past and, specifically, into Sarah Fier’s witchy shoes. At a glance, the way the time travel works is somewhat similar to how comic book writer Chris Claremont imagined it in the seminal X-Men storyline Days of Future Past, which became a pretty good superhero movie in 2014: The only way to travel into the past is to assume control over the body of a former self. Except, of course, Deena wasn’t alive in 1666… she’s in the body of the witch!
In fact, she has possessed Sarah’s body in much the same way that Sarah apparently possesses the bodies of her “slaves” Tommy Slater in 1978 and Ryan Torres in 1994. It is a home invasion of someone else’s biological space. So why would Sarah Fier want Deena to do this?
Personally, I suspect placing the hand with the rest of Sarah Fier’s corpse succeeded in undoing the curse, at least temporarily. Deena has broken the witch’s thrall that has lasted for more than 300 years over the Shadyside landscape… but perhaps it only works if the hand stays in Sarah Fier’s grave.
Read more
Netflix’s Fear Street Part 1: 1994: Shadyside Killers Explained
By Rosie Fletcher
How Netflix’s Fear Street Could Become an MCU-Style Shared Universe
By Rosie Fletcher
There are multiple reasons Sarah Fier could wish to bring Deena back to the fateful days that doomed her and her community for centuries to come. It is telling that in the preview for Fear Street Part Three that many of the faces of villagers in the 17th century resemble the countenances of victims and descendants from the future. A many times over great-grandfather to Tommy Slater, also played by McCabe Sly, can be spotted in the sizzle reel; as can Olivia Scott Welch who plays Deena’s first love, Sam, in 1994. Even Sadie Sink as a girl decidedly not named Ziggy can be seen in the puritanical setting.
Ergo, it is possible that every person bewitched into becoming a killer in the 20th century and earlier—or at least bedeviled by the witch’s minions—is descended from an ancestor who persecuted Sarah Fier in 1666. Based purely on our understanding of the superstitions and misogynies which led to the witch hunt manias in Europe and colonial New England, it is easy to already predict that Sarah Fier will be at least somewhat unjustly harassed and hounded to her death.
So is there even the possibility that Sarah Fier is not the actual witch who cursed Shadyside? Could she even be just a victim of false accusations and then centuries of propaganda that have disguised the identity of the true spell-caster?! While it’s possible, I don’t believe this is actually the case. For starters, there is the fact that uniting the hand, which is said to be Sarah Fier’s, with the actual remains of Sarah Fier’s body—which are so identified by the chains around her coffin in its unarmed grave—is something the witch fought hard at preventing in 1978. When Cindy and Ziggy picked up that hand, the guilty party behind all this death sent all her minions after them.
Then there is the fact that once the hand and other bones are reunited Deena is instantly transported into Sarah’s skin. All of this would seem to suggest Sarah is, indeed, the actual witch who damned Shadyside in 1666 and is tormenting it to this day (or at least in ’94). I do not believe Deena was asked to walk in Sarah’s shoes to come to realize Sarah’s innocence… Rather Sarah wants Deena to understand her rage.
If I had to guess the direction of Part Three, it’s that by living through the torment Sarah Fier endured in 1666, Deena will be asked to empathize with and even come to agree with Sarah’s witchy vengeance; the final part of the trilogy will reveal Sarah’s origins and also act as a motivation for Deena to remove the hand from Sarah’s grave, thereby allowing the witch to continue her curse into the 21st century…and all there sequels therein.
That’s at least one theory. What’s yours?
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Will you go to prom with me?
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“Carrie white? Will you go to prom with me?” Sue asked
Carrie shook her head. “I..I can’t”. She said
“Yes you can. Just say yes”. She said
Carrie shook her head. “No. Aren’t you with Tommy Ross? Why do you wanna go to prom with me anyway?” Carrie asked
“Because I’m sorry Carrie. I’m sorry about everything. I’m sorry for bullying you. You really are a wonderful girl and I wanna make it up to you. I wanna try at least. I wanna do something that counts”. Said sue
“Thank you for the apology. But no I don’t wanna go to prom with you. I’ve been hurt my whole life. So what’s the..change of heart all of a sudden?” Carrie asked
Sue looked around and went for it. She kissed Carrie. And to her surprise Carrie kisses back.
“Because I love you. I just didn’t know how to tell you. I don’t care what people in this town will think of me. I love you Carrie”. Said Sue
“You..You do?” Carrie asked
Sue nodded. “I do. For every year we’ve had gym class together I’ve loved you. I always wanted to show you how beautiful you are and this is my chance now. Carrie white. Will you be my girlfriend?”
Carrie smiled. “I love you too. And yes. I’ll go to prom with you”. Said Carrie. “It’s a date. Our first date”. She said. “And yes. I’ll be your girlfriend!” She smiled
Sue smiled too. “Yay!”
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scary-white · 3 years
Sue: My policy is if you see something, say something
Carrie: I saw a frog at the park today
Sue: Amazing! This is what I'm talking about, people!
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Please Come Home For Christmas
Summary:  Carrie giggled, waving her hands to get the girl to stop. The fear of her Mama waking up to a teenage girl serenading her outside was a nightmare she’d like to avoid. She could see Sue’s nose wrinkling from the bitter chill and ached to pull her inside just so the warm air could hug her in a way Carrie herself just couldn’t manage yet.
Fandom: Carrie 
Ships: Carrie White/Sue Snell
Word Count: 3,012
Not a sound beat it’s living heart in the White household on a Saturday night. 
There would be nothing to ease Carrie into sleep until dawn broke and the only ambiance then would be her Mother’s small footsteps atop the lonesome hardwood. But as times turned to Winter and soft flakes of snow hurtled to the ground, Carrie White orchestrated her own performance.
Kneeling in-front of her mirror, she dug a thin brush a bit too harshly into a tube of mascara she’d yet to wear once without crying it off before even leaving her bedroom. Her mother wanted for her to be celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ but the young daughter was just realizing she’d been born with the will to celebrate herself. 
So she sat, blinking her eyes at the glass while allowing herself to admire the reflection. Her head bounced...words coming and going with the same speed as distant hail. ‘Spastic’ and ‘weirdo’. She frowned, clawing at the velvety pink fabric of her shirt. ‘Scary White’.
Carrie flung the tube of makeup against the wall...it thumped but gave her no satisfaction. Her eyes followed it as it rolled back towards he folded legs and rattled there against the skin for a few seconds. Mama remained still in her sleep downstairs. Thank goodness. 
Pebbles hitting the window like a headache to her right temple awakened Carrie from her thoughts. She crawled across the floor and gently threw open the window with something like a smile playing at the corners of her lips. 
A stray pebble came through the corner as she popped up...getting her first peek at the lovely Sue Snell who was bouncing (partly from the cold) to get her eyes on her. But young Carrie’s attention was got from her first tease of Sue’s sweet voice...singing...
“Carrie, Carrie, baby
Carrie baby
Carrie, can you come out tonight?”
Carrie giggled, waving her hands to get the girl to stop. The fear of her Mama waking up to a teenage girl serenading her outside was a nightmare she’d like to avoid. She could see Sue’s nose wrinkling from the bitter chill and ached to pull her inside just so the warm air could hug her in a way Carrie herself just couldn’t manage yet. 
“You stop that!” She tried to hold back her chuckles. “I’ll be down in a minute. That is if you’re singing didn’t wake Mama.” She scoffed as if she were really upset but Sue didn’t buy that and Carrie could tell. 
“Hurry down, fair Carrie!” Sue continued her restless hopping, hands now stuffed into the pockets of her coat. “I want to see the Christmas lights!” Her curly hair bounced high with her. 
The rough plan was to take a stroll around the neighborhood, maybe observe the shiny decorations, and head to the Drive-In for Root-beer floats or something. No big deal but Carrie had been thinking about it non-stop for the days since Sue asked when she’d come home from her college’s Christmas break. That was just something she couldn’t help, being that she was a textbook overthinker. 
But judging the way Sue had arrived exactly on time (not even off by a minute) and seemed awfully fidgety, the girl was probably no better. She stood at the end of the walk-way, snowflakes flying down atop her like a living angel...she was bathed in a white shine. Carrie had no way of knowing that Sue was thinking the very same thing about her...
“Tommy asked me to give you his Christmas gift.” She slipped a shinning slim box from her purse of wonders and waved it out for Carrie. “He’s tragically spending his Holiday studying. You miss him, though. I know, sooo...”
She sped over with a bashful smile and accepted the pure looking gift. For a horrid moment, Carrie pictured a tampon sitting there atop the blue fuzzy bed which was of course, a cruel joke from her own mind because what did lay there was a delicate silver chained bracelet. 
“He got me a matching one.” Sue giggled, wiggling her wrist. “Tommy’s a sweet boy, huh? He thought we can fill them up with charms-”
“Like real friendship bracelets?” Carrie abruptly looked up with watery eyes full of an earnest emotion that was hard to place. 
“Yeah!” She gently took Carrie’s wrist, skin-to-skin, and lined up their arms to show off the whole matching gimmick. There was just 1 charm on each of their chains. A glittering star on Carrie’s & a shining heart for Sue. Carrie turned her wrist slowly to watch the charms soak in the night’s light. “He fell for us both, I think.” 
Carrie snapped her head up at that. “Oh, Sue--I don’t think that’s true-”
Sue shook her head with a smile. “My goodness, Carrie White.” Her giggle filled the space between them. “See that it’s true-” She flicked the other girls star charm and then her own. “Poor thing just never had a shot with either of us.” She hummed, almost sad. “I never could love Tommy the way he deserved. The life I would have had with him wasn’t what I wanted. You know that, I guess.” 
Carrie pursed her lips. Yes, she remembered lovely Sue pouring her heart and soul into the cupped palms of one Carrie White. After the prom, Sue hiccupped everything out like thick blood from her throat.
It was criminally endearing. The way Sue had clawed at the tears on her cheeks, explaining that it was just fine for Carrie to date Tommy. In fact, she had subconsciously wished it would happen that way, Sue did. But Carrie didn’t fall for Tommy quite as hard as she did for Sue that night. 
“I love you, Sue.” Was all she could think to say. 
“And I love you, Carrie.” Her nose wiggled again. “I’m working on loving you the way you deserve.” She shrugged, taking her wrist away and starting on the holiday walk. Her boots thudded against the concrete. 
Carrie nearly rolled her eyes, which would have struck Sue as cute. “You love me like you love me.” She hesitantly took the girl’s cold hand in hers...feeling overwhelmingly warm inside. “It’s just the perfect way to live, Sue. To be loved by you.”
Sue slowed down a bit, a pace where the houses behind her stopped being blurry, and blushed. “You always know just what to say Carrie White.” She paused just to admire the girl. “How do you do it?”
Carrie felt her own blush creep up her neck as she shrugged. “I just say what I mean.” She fumbled on her words, feeling like a little mess but was rewarded with a quick kiss on the cheek. It felt criminally undeserved but she still enjoyed the peck of Sue’s pink lips. Part of her felt so eternally grateful for the girl that she had to hold back tears.
They strolled past lawns of beautiful Christmas decorations, Carrie felt the distant eyes of blow mold Santa’s. A tall brown house eclipsing the moon from her vision had the whole baby in the manger set-up. The baby Jesus seemed to sit up in the wooden basket and she imagined it’s glare directed at her. But when Carrie looked up, the plastic baby was asleep just like any decoration.
She sighed. Not realizing she’d stopped until Sue curled up next to her and gently grabbed her arm. She reached out to brush a few blonde baby hairs from Carrie’s temple, a simple gesture but so filled with love. “Save yourself from wasting your young-adulthood, Carrie...” She whispered against the girls skin. “Think about coming home with me.” 
The falling snowflakes around only them grew fatter and a tiny bit slanted as Carrie snapped her head over to gaze at the girl. Both knew the magical element which lay at it’s cause but neither said anything of it. In fact, Sue opened her mouth to stick out her tongue and taste the fluffy ice. 
It ignited a small fire in Carrie’s chest. “My mom-”
Sue deflated slightly, it was hard not to notice. “She doesn’t deserve you Carrie.” 
The blonde pulled her eyes away from Sue and landed them back on the front of the brown-brick home. Their left window glowed green, the right was a glittery crimson. “I deserve her...” She mumbled, mostly to herself. “I can’t Sue. I’m sorry-”
Sue blinked, letting go of Carrie’s arm to wiped her sleeve under her left eye, attempting to look away but Carrie caught the bit of water leaking out. Her chest thumped with pain. Never in her life did she want to make Sue Snell cry. It stung her with a horrible burning sensation all over her body. “Sue?”
She sniffled. “It’s fine. I’m being a baby, huh?” Her giggle then sounded strained. “I just want you to be happy, ok? I would only try to step in like this if I really thought you needed it.” She looked off again.
Carrie felt a flicker of resentment towards the girl, flashes of the prom night played like an old movie in her head. Flashes of hard reds mixed with the hues of Easter colored dresses. “I don’t need you to step in, Sue.” Her voice twitched in it’s tone, a sign of growing anger that while recognized...couldn’t be helped. “Getting your boyfriend to take me to prom just because you felt sorry for me doesn’t earn you that right.”
Sue didn’t flinch but almost. Instead, the girl just shifted her weight to her right leg to disguise her step back. She wasn’t scared. Just a little disappointed in herself for jerking Carrie around. She turned her attention to the lawn of Blow Molds again, making eye contact with one of the old Santas. Tethered reindeer raising his packed sleigh. He smiled, a grin thick with teeth which were blotted in the red color bleeding in from the poorly painted lips. 
A shiver went down her spine. “I’m sorry.” 
“It’s ok, Sue.” Carrie blew a flying piece of hair away from her eyes and sighed. “I shouldn’t have-”
Sue pursed her lips and shook her head. “Don’t apologize. I do have a history of making you do things you don’t want to do.” 
Carrie smiled gently. “I had a lovely time with Tommy. Prom...” Her eyes glittered a brief reflection of the Christmas lights across the street. “Turned out pretty okay.” She pinched Sue’s arm softly as if to strengthen the point. 
“My boyfriend fell in love with you.” Sue burst into delightful giggles. Carrie couldn’t help but join her. 
“And I fell in love with his Girlfriend.” She added, tilting her chin so as to hide  behind her long blonde hair. But that didn’t block the feeling of Sue’s joy from radiating around her. Thankfully. 
Moonlight bathed the houses in a mystic pale light, leaving Carrie feeling mute and cold in the winter snow. There was a sense of deadened glee there, after the laughs passed, which they might’ve been able to keep had Sue not invited such tension into air between them. Both girls thought, different in each introspective mind, about how to pass go and collect their 200 dollars. 
Carrie sniffled, red nose flaring, and found it in her to smile. “What do you want for Christmas?” 
Sue chuckled, shoving her cold hands back into the long pockets of her coat as they strolled on. They passed more and more glittering houses that screamed of warm cookies and casual family bickering. To Carrie, it looked very beautiful and very neighborly. 
“A Christmas card, from you.” She chose her words carefully, that much was very clear to her quiet friend. “With words straight from the heart, Missy.” She poked at her. 
Carrie shook her head with a tight grin. “To you and all your family, your neighbors and your friends, May all your days be happy with a joy that never ends-” She sang so softly that no one would ever hear but Sue Snell. 
“Oh, stop that.” Sue thumped her arm gently and burst into sweet giggles. “David Cassidy’s words are not what I want from you.” 
“And what do you want?”
Sue rolled her eyes and bent her knees to pick-up a fallen Candy Cane from the next house’s lawn. Her shoes scoffed against the hard flakes of ice but she had no trouble keeping balance. “I believe I said that already.” She flicked her tongue. 
Carrie shrugged, knowing that she’d agonize over what to write for as long as possible. 
Sue stuck the decoration harder into the grass, stepped back and admired her work with a faint mumbling of lyrics pouring from her mouth. Carrie was positive she didn’t even know she was doing it. “Hello world! I'm your wild girl. I'm your ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb!”
"Who sings that?” 
Sue blinked a few times before realizing what she’d done. “Oh, the Runaways...” Her smiled refreshed, much brighter, as she waited for Carrie to catch up to her side again. “If you came to live with me, I could show you all my records.” 
Carrie knew now that the battle to shove that conversation down was not going to favor her. “I have missed out on a lot.” 
Sue smirked. “Are you humoring me? Finally.” She sighed happily, dramatically too, and grabbed for Carrie’s hand again. She opened her mouth, ready to list more wonderful things but stopped suddenly. Her hand weakened almost instantly.
She looked up and frowned. “I’m really lonely up there, Carrie.” There was an earnest look of despair that chilled her friend to the bone. “I’m not used to that, I guess. Being one half of a high school sweetheart couple for that long...well, it makes you really dependent.” 
Carrie squeezed her dead palm softly. “Maybe that’s good for you, Sue...” 
The young girl sighed, no dramatics that time, and nodded a few times. “Maybe.”
The epitome of sad...that was Sue Snell.
“Bells will be ringing this sad sad New Years Oh what a Christmas to have the blues My baby's gone I have no friends To wish me greetings once again...”  
The Drive-in, affectionately known as Bluebell’s, was covered in the perfect sprinkling of dusty snow. Making it a picture perfect enough for a postcard (that is if anyone gave a shit about Chamberlain, Maine). 
Sue Snell pulled her straw in-and-out of her root-beer float and watched Carrie White scoop the frothy ice-cream onto her spoon with eager eyes. It was endearingly sweet. “I think we can be independent together.” 
Carrie swallowed, spoon clinking against her glass. “Doesn’t that defeat the purpose, Sue?” 
She shook her head and took a long sip of the sweet treat. “No.” Her face was neither in a happy or sad expression. “I don’t need to be independent from you, Carrie. Just...from the life I almost had. One where I end up being a housewife.” A huge hunk of ice-cream fell down her chin, which she wiped at instantly. “And you need independence from...” 
“My mother.” Carrie frowned, putting her chin in her hand. 
“I don’t think independence has to come at the expense of companionship...” Sue shook her head again. The girls went quiet again, just enjoying their--poorly decided--icy cold drink in the middle of a chilling winter night. 
“It’s a nice thought.” Carrie mumbled, licking off any ice cream from her lips in a rush as Sue blinked up at her. “But someone needs to take care of-”
“She’s an adult, Carrie.” Sue gently set her glass down on the table, fluorescent lights blinking above her in a off-putting green hue. “Your Mother can take care of herself. You need to start taking care of yourself.” She finished her point by taking another long slurp of her float. Carrie thought she was hoping to hide her nerves.
A feeling of anxiety pounded from Carrie’s chest and sunk down to her gut as she let those words rush over her. Sue didn’t pressure for any sort of response and instead smiled softly, enjoying the Holiday music. “If I was starting to consider the idea of potentially going away, what might you say to me?” Carrie twirled her straw but didn’t look up. 
The girl brightened considerably but remained calm. “I’d say...” She paused momentarily.
“But this is Christmas yes Christmas my dear The time of year to be with the ones you love So won't you tell me you'll never more roam Christmas and new Years will find you home...”  
“Don’t do it for me, y’know? Just because I’ve been...annoying you about it all night.” Sue frowned, looking madly depressed with herself. “Do it for you. Go anywhere. Just don’t stay here...with her.” 
Carrie found them very low in company, the only other customer around was hidden inside their car. She planned to reach over to cradle the girls freezing hand but found that to be even too much for her fear. So she settled for bumping their legs together from under the table, jean-covered ankles finding each other’s warmth. 
Carrie thought briefly about the baby Jesus outside that tall brown home they’d passed on the way. Laying as still as any decoration had to be in it’s wooden basket. 
She reached out for that hand. Sue instantly squeezed back but stayed quiet, possibly letting Carrie now take the lead because she felt badly. Snow continued to fall but they stayed safe under the tiny roof of the drive-in, remaining a delighted audience to the winter wonderland scene. 
There would come a time and a place during Sue’s College Break stay to discuss further but for now, the girls just relaxed. For Carrie had finally been gifted the ability to take it easy, as long as Sue kept tracing circles onto her skin. 
She’d come out tonight without permission from Mama & that was enough to make her smile. If she could make it as far as the drive-in...well, there was a big chance she’d see herself farther. 
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A Merik Carrie au?
Y’know, I’ve often thought about a Carrie au, since Meg is perfect for the Sue Snell role! I always imagined Christine would be Carrie, but this might work better with Erik in the title role. Meg feels terrible for gossiping about the social outcast Erik with the rest of his classmates, so she sets him up with her best friend Christine for the senior prom. She knows he has a crush on her, and figures there’s no harm, even though Chris is in a serious relationship with football captain Raoul. 
However, bitter prep Carlotta makes sure the prom is a disaster for Erik and Christine, and when Erik vows telekinetic revenge after Carlotta douses Chris with pig’s blood, he is ironically the one disfigured by the fire he sets.
Wracked even more with guilt, Meg seeks him out in his hiding place beneath the burned down school in the weeks after. A tentative partnership begins!
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