#Sweet Bruce Wayne
dudedidujust · 3 months
Au where Damian comes to Gotham with the goal of infiltrating and eventually overthrowing Batman instead of inheriting the mantle. Not much changes from canon except for the fact that he views everything that batman owns as his. That's his future cave and his future batmobile. This also includes his robins. After all everyone knows Batman wouldn't really be Batman without them.
Cue a very bewildered Tim being lectured on his eating habits by a righteous Damian who won't let one of his people take shortcuts with their health.
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okay but brucie wayne IS a single mom WHO DOES work two jobs who LOVES his kids and never stops!!! he has gentle hands AND a heart of a fighter!!! HE’S A SURVIVOR!!!
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bruciemilf · 3 months
I can’t explain, it but Thomas Wayne should be a cigarette mom
God help you if you cross this man at 4 in the morning at a Krispy Donut parking lot cause his cat of a child chased a rat. Voice sounding like a broken car motor, but like. Sexy. “The hell are you lookin’ at?! God damn it— BRUCE. Take that outta your mouth.”
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morgangalaxy43 · 2 months
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They are literally so Too Sweet by Hozier coded
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covertblizzard · 2 months
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something kind of adorable about jason encouraging bruce
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ashoss · 1 month
Hi Ash, your art is so amazing! 💙 I love love loved your drawing of Bruce carrying fake-sleeping Jason. You draw the best batdad smiles. And I’m obsessed with baby Jay’s little knee and elbow pads. Any chance you want to draw the two of them training together in the cave? It would make my heart so gooey.
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free kick ur dad pass
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safety first!
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emo-batboy · 1 year
I GIVE YOU a totally real list of viral photos of Battinson with his newly adopted son, Dick Grayson, that took Gotham by storm
Bruce crossing the street with a rosy-cheeked Dick Grayson dutifully holding his hand, Dick somehow found the camera and is waving to it excitedly (this is the first ever photo of them together)
Dick balanced perfectly at the top (and I mean on top) of a jungle gym while Bruce looks stressed out of his mind, pleading for Dick to get down before he hurts himself
Dick doing the exact same thing a month later but this time Bruce looks completely unfazed, sipping a coffee like it’s just a normal Tuesday (the photos are regularly paired together as a popular meme template in Gotham)
A selfie of Bruce and Dick making stupid faces at the camera that Dick turned into his class for one of those “About Me” posters you make in 3rd grade
Dick asleep in Bruce’s arms after a fancy dinner party, they’re wearing matching suits, Bruce is kissing his forehead :(
Bruce and Dick propped up against a wall, sharing a packet of fruit snacks in an empty room next to the charity gala they’re supposed to be attending
A plethora of photos of Dick climbing on top of Bruce at inopportune moments (à la this post)
Including a press conference.
And an investors’ meeting (bring your kid to work day)
Bruce standing outside of Gotham Elementary holding Dick in his arms with matching scowls on their faces. A mother and her son have been cropped out after the boy shoved Dick, and the mother refused to make him apologize. (It almost got physical. The mom has since quit the PTA.)
Bruce and Dick wearing matching sunglasses on the Gotham pier, Bruce is sipping another coffee while Dick eats from a comically large ice cream cone. A second photo shows Dick offering some to Bruce, which he accepts
Bruce retying Dick’s tie in the middle of another charity gala (for the children’s hospital)
Dick doing a cartwheel in the park while Bruce looks at him with the fondest look humanly possible
Bruce and Dick in a convenience store at 10pm (on a Friday) wearing matching oversized Nirvana shirts and pajama pants, it looks like they’re having a movie marathon (it’s Grey Ghost reruns <3)
pspspspsps @bruciemilf
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Halloween prompts year 2 day 18
Danny raced through the ghost zone in a panic, how had he missed this? Appearently vlad had released Pariah Dark from his coffin again and got smeared into a paste. The mad king had then went into another dimension, hoping to conquer it and gain more power and skeleton soldiers only to be met in battle by a group of powerful warriors calling themselves the Justice League. Vlad had somehow survived the initial butt kicking and tried to use ghost tech to finally take the king down.
Unfortunately for him, pariah saw him coming in the reflection of a lady warriors blade and killed him.
Somehow the fight dragged on halfway across the US until they got to New Jersey where some billionaire guy was hosting one of his kids 18th birthday bash at his mansion. Pariah appearently crashed threw the roof, a hero dropped the weapon they had taken from Vlad and, in an effort to save his family, Brucie Wayne took the weapon and warned Pariah not to come any closer to his kids.
Pariah mocked him and raised his weapon to a young man with a white streak in his hair they was spayed across the floor in a daze.
Next thing anyone knew the King was dead.
Bruce Wayne had killed the previous king in single combat.
Bruce Wayne was the new Ghost King
Bruce Wayne was sitting on the throne in Pariahs keep looking very unsettled.
Crud. Danny needs to keep this guy and his kids safe doesn't he?
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bbbbbbbbatman · 1 year
Superbat college professors au
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superbat-love · 3 months
Happy Birthday Superman!
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blackbatcass · 6 months
I’ve said this in tags before but I want to make it known: dick and cass desperately need regular brunches wherein they can get some fucking moral support. It’s called the ‘we understand batman a LITTLE TOO WELL to be healthy’ club
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goatsghost · 1 year
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i love how, in every universe, no matter how much jason hates bruce or wants to distance himself from the family, he still loves alfred just as much as he always has
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bruciemilf · 2 years
Dick is the kid who stubbornly leaves Bruce on read for months if his dad says ONE thing he doesn't like. Jason is the kid who'll obsessively check his phone to see if Bruce returned his " Morning, fuckface" text with his usual " Good morning, son. Love you" and WILL freak out if he doesn't get the ❤️ attached to it
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mistergreatbones · 1 month
i like to think that bruce is as bad about physical affection as he is with verbal affection so the kids have to take it upon themselves. cass is a total cuddlebug and just grabs him when she wants to snuggle, dick is always drapeing himself over bruce's shoulders, jason likes to use him as a foot rest, damian tends to lean against him, duke will just randomly punch him in the arm or tap him while walking by, stephanie will squeeze into his chair when she wants to show him something on her phone, barbara grabs his hand when they're talking, and tim just. sits on the floor against his shins. for some reason.
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Nasty Burger explosion happens. In order to not become Dan, Danny tries to do the opposite of what let to his dark reality. He locks away his ghost half and focuses solely on being human.
Vlad has guardianship over Danny and names him heir and successor to Dalv Co. This would be a semi-redemption for Vlad, he would care for Danny but be distant from him. Off of that, if Danny is the Ghost King, he would actually be the Crown Prince until his death with Vlad as his Regent. If Danny isn't GK then Vlad is is distant only emotionally. (Neither option affects the rest of the prompt.)
Danny is in his late 20s, or early 30s when Martha and Thomas Wayne are shot dead in front of their son. Danny relates to Bruce in a way, having lost all of his friends and family in a tragedy. Danny adopts young Bruce, raising him with Alfred (not shipped). Bruce lives mostly at Wayne Manner though Danny purchased a property near the estate to be closer (since he is still a businessman.) When Bruce starts showing signs of wanting revenge and heroism, Danny is there to guide him.
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emo-batboy · 3 months
Somewhere out there in the DC multiverse, there’s a world where Battinson’s parents didn’t die, and he became the Lance Stroll of Formula One racing. Wayne Enterprises has an F1 team, Thomas brought Bruce to races when he was young, they indulged his love of cars until he was winning kart races at 8. He BEGGED to help design the race cars, ended up making a great car, and now Wayne has turned from a midfield team to nearly top three.
You’d think everyone hates Bruce because he’s a nepo baby, but he’s just so nice and smiley (like Lance lol) that everyone loves him anyway. His dad is the team’s chairman and pretty hands-on just like Lawrence Stroll. Fans call Bruce the F1 Princess as a joke since he’s already the Prince of Gotham, but then it sticks, and now everyone makes edits of him with tiaras on every time he makes it to the podium. He doesn’t get it, but he’s not going to complain either. His fans are just silly. (He blushes so much when anyone calls him princess to his face, though. Fight me.)
Bruce still insists on everything being black because it’s his favorite color. It was already mostly black before he joined, but now it’s even blacker. His suit is all black. The car is all black. The helmet is all black. He loves it. He looks just like the dark, regal old money rich boy you’d imagine until he’s smiling and talking about racing. (Imagine a meme with two cars next to each other, one being WE’s. It says: “Bruce’s Car v. Bruce’s Personality.” The other one is covered in glitter obv.) One time, a little girl gives him a tiara that she painted black herself and asks him to wear it if he wins. (He does win. He puts it on at the podium. He’s embarrassed the entire time. The champagne rubs some of the black away. It’s a treasured memory and sits right on top in his trophy case.)
His fellow drivers call him Brucie to tease him. He’s a bit awkward during interviews, but that just makes him endearing. He’s also tall for an F1 driver (nepo baby core) so there’s always jokes about him towering over everyone. One time, he came second to Lewis Hamilton, but you could still see he was visibly standing taller on the podium, and people would not stop making jokes about it. (It was mostly his hair, but you know how Twitter is.) Speaking of hair, it will NOT stay flat. He looks insane every time he takes his helmet off. He could be sweating for hours in there but when he takes the thing off, he looks like he’s through in a tornado. (Again, memes.) He knows so much about car mechanics, even for a driver, and will regularly start talking to other drivers or the press about the tiniest of parts in the engine or break system, unaware that everyone is completely lost. (Also memes about that.)
When he’s 23, he suffers a pretty bad crash. It knocks him out for about twenty seconds, and his mom and dad are ready to pull him completely from the sport, but he refuses to stop, and despite missing a few races to recover—his dad’s still a doctor—he ends up winning the next race and gets to stay.
During his F1 career, it’s pretty much guaranteed that he’ll get fastest laps, but he only gets podium like 40–50% of the time. There’s always drama that apparently Wayne Enterprises is trying to become top three, but they insist that they’re not as competitive. They will always have respect for every team, and it shows. They never join in on protests. They always wish the other teams luck, and they genuinely congratulate the winners. Bruce is always the first to hug the winner :)
Before Bruce joined, the Wayne team was always a midfield team, and they were perfectly comfortable with it. WE had good-looking cars, they designed good-looking cars, and they sold good-looking cars, and F1 was just a way of promoting that. Thomas loved watching the races, and he was happy to see them get podium a few times per season, and that was it.
Until Bruce became their lead driver, and he wanted to really earn his seat, and he wanted to get podium, and he wanted to design a faster car, and he wanted to win, and Thomas Wayne couldn’t say no to his son, and suddenly Wayne Enterprises was inching closer and closer to the front of the grid. Now, they’re still not The Best, but they’re a team that future drivers look up to.
During a season of DTS, Bruce is 27. Netflix films the Wayne episode when there’s a fatal crash in F2, and Bruce was nearby when it happened. He ends up crying on camera for ten minutes. They had to cut almost all of it, but we get the most gut-wrenching confessional about how after he heard the news, in that moment, he didn’t want to be an F1 driver. He admits that if he hadn’t become a driver, he was going to become a doctor like his father, and he wonders if he could have saved the driver’s life if he did that instead. “What am I really doing if I can’t help others? I could have been anything…Maybe being a driver was selfish. Maybe I don’t belong on the track anymore.”
He’s visibly distraught during the moment of silence on the day of the race, but Bruce decided to continue because he wants to make the fans and spectators happy. (That’s his job, anyway. That’s what he does.) Despite getting pole position the previous day, he doesn’t get fastest lap or make it to the podium, but he still gets fourth. He has a long talk with his father away from cameras and calls his mom. The future’s uncertain for a few days until Bruce comes back to training. To finish the episode, he says he’s going to continue driving, even if he might need a bit of time to get his confidence back, and he pledges to one day make the safest F1 car ever seen. Even if it’s part of the risk of being a driver, he doesn’t want to see any more drivers losing their lives to the sport they love.
When he’s around 35 or 40, he retires from Formula One so he can inherit Wayne Enterprises, and he takes his father’s place as chairman of the team. Since he has the time now, he holds up on his promise to make an even safer car—the designs inspiring safer car designs for other teams as well—and they pick out two incredible drivers who end up finally (FINALLY) moving Wayne Enterprises into one of the top three teams. They win the world championship twice in a row before falling back a bit and only winning it every couple of years, but they’re nonetheless fierce competitors. Bruce still has a ton of kids, some of which like F1 just like he does, but he is the only Wayne to become a Formula One driver.
I just think Battinson would love driving for F1 :)
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