#This was very long
thornybubbles · 9 months
Playing Minecraft with the Stardust Crusaders
**Note: Originally I was going to have this be a story with just Kakyoin, but I decided to add the rest of the Stardust Crusaders. Also I decided to just do headcanons instead of writing a full story. I’ve been writing a lot of dark yandere stuff and I just wanted a break. So here’s something wholesome. PS. Polnareff’s part was my favorite to write. XD **
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He may be an old man, but he’s not completely out of touch when it comes to the concept of video games. It takes him a little bit to learn how to play, but once he gets the hang of it, there’s no stopping him. Joseph’s building skills are pretty basic. He’s more interested in the survival and exploration elements of Minecraft. Once he gets his house built, he does a little mining to get a full set of iron armor, weapons, and tools and then he’s off to explore. He’s almost never seen around the main base and spends most of his time many, many blocks away, discovering cool things. He will often ask questions about things he’s unfamiliar with and you explain it to him. Sometimes he hardly speaks at all because he’s too enamored with all the stuff he’s discovering. 
Then there was the “Creeper Incident”. Joseph made the mistake of doing some exploring at night instead of going to sleep like a good little Minecrafter. 
“Hey, what’s this freaky green thing?” he asked you. 
“Freaky green thing? What kind of freaky green thing?” you said, wanting some specifics. 
“It looks like a depressed cactus,” he explained. 
Uh oh.
“Oh! That’s a cr---!” 
There was a distant explosion followed by Joseph screaming, “Oh my God! Son of a bitch!!!” 
After that, something changed in Joseph’s play style. He went from explorer to monster hunter. Angry at having been blown up and losing all his stuff, he goes on a vendetta to destroy all creepers. And why stop there? Zombies, spiders,skeletons or any other creature of the night that crosses his path were quickly dealt with. He goes deep into learning brewing, armor and weapon enchanting, and anything else he can think of to give him an edge against the hostile mobs. With Avdol’s help he builds a battle tower and protective wall around the base. He has very big dreams about taking out the Ender Dragon. 
Joseph is a bit of a jack of all trades when it comes to Minecraft. He may not be the best builder but he has a lot of creative ideas that help all of you with whatever projects you might be working on, especially when it comes to base defense and monster fighting.
He only ever plays when either you or one of the other Crusaders asks him to. When he first spawned in he wasn’t too impressed. He had a hard time figuring out what he wanted to do. At first, he doesn’t bother building a house or anything and just bums around his grandpa’s house. He makes a snide comment about how Joseph’s house is just a big, wooden block with one window and a door. Joseph grumbles something about how his house didn’t need to be pretty, just practical. Joseph ends up being the one to teach Jotaro how to play, while you occasionally interject to mention something Joseph may have forgotten about. Jotaro just responds with non-committal grunts and wanders around the base, checking things out. 
Eventually, he goes off on his own to explore and find somewhere nearby to build a house. He hasn’t collected any resources, has no tools, or crafted a weapon of any kind when he starts exploring. You try to warn him that he should at least get a wooden sword to defend himself with, but he ignores you. It isn’t until night comes and he is nearly killed by zombies that he finally decides to get some wood and stone and make some basic tools. He still hasn’t found a decent place to build yet, though.  
After he’s wandered around for about 4 in-game days, he comes across a village. Jotaro watches the villagers run around, doing their thing, and is bemused at their silly appearance and sounds. But when nighttime comes and zombies start attacking them, Jotaro feels he’s found his purpose in the game. Somebody has to protect these dumb looking guys and it may as well be him. He teams up with Avdol and Joseph (who is a little miffed that someone found a village before he did) to form a “Village Security Team”. While Avdol fixes the village up by patching holes in walkways, correcting poorly spawned buildings, and starting work on building a monster proof wall around the village, Jotaro and Joseph stay up at night to fight off the monsters. 
Eventually, Jotaro builds a massive fortress near the village and Avdol attaches the wall to it. This fortress serves as Jotaro’s home and the village becomes the secondary base for you guys. Joseph jokingly calls him “King JoJo” and “Your Highness” which usually has Jotaro grumbling under his breath. He spends most of his days decorating or improving either the fortress or the village itself. When he’s not doing that, he’s usually tagging along on one of his Grandfather’s adventures. 
The redstone wizard of the group. Noriaki’s beaten the game a few times already, but only recently started messing around with redstone contraptions. He set up an automated farm that both harvests and replants crops as well as a huge mineshaft with minecarts set up so that they returned to the surface to be unloaded whenever players filled them up with resources.
As innovative as he is, though, he often uses his redstone skills to be an absolute troll. And usually, his victim is you. That’s not to say that he hasn’t pranked any of the others yet, it’s just that you’re his favorite target. It’s kinda your fault though. It started back when you first started playing Minecraft together and you might have, possibly, sorta, kinda, completely un-accidentally pilfered a diamond or two from one of his chests. He knew you were the culprit because there wasn’t anyone else in the game at the time but the two of you. He didn’t call you out on it, though, assuming that you would replace the diamonds as soon as you got a chance. You never did. While you actually did have every intention of returning the diamonds to him, you just forgot about it. It didn’t help that you later developed a habit of helping yourself to whatever you found in his chests instead of going out and getting the resources for yourself. Hey, it was easier and it saved time!
Nori never said a word about it, instead opting to quietly plan his revenge. One day you went down into his storage basement to grab some cobblestone from one of his chests. You were only going to grab a stack or two and make a mental note (for the hundredth time) to replace whatever you took, but knowing that you’d probably forget. When you opened the chest, though, you didn’t find any cobblestone. Instead you found yourself staring into the sullen face of a creeper, its warning hiss in your ears. You let out a shriek of terror and braced yourself for the inevitable explosion, but it never came. You examined the “creeper” again only to see that it was nothing more than an armor stand wearing a creeper head and green dyed leather armor. It was inside of a minecart that was cleverly hidden behind the chest. You just stared at it as your brain slowly came to the conclusion that you’d just been pranked. 
“Ah, I see you found my theft deterrent.” Noriaki said, amusement clear in his voice. “It’s a nifty little project I found online called the ‘creeper in a box’ prank.” 
You can’t even say anything. He got you good and you know it. You made it a point to stay out of his storage basement from then on. 
It doesn’t stop there though. That one little incident unleashed Noriaki’s inner troll and you’re the one who gets to suffer for it. From filling your house with dirt blocks to slowly rearranging your decorations over time to see how long it would take for you to notice, Noriaki just seems to love messing with you. You have to admit that while his pranks are annoying, they are pretty funny and too clever for you to really get mad at. Your “favorite” was when he hid a bunch of note blocks under your house and arranged them to play a certain song when you opened the front door. 
“Nori, why is my house Rick Rolling me?” you demand of him, annoyed but admittedly amused. 
“Why are you asking me?” he says, playing dumb. 
He knows what he did. 
You eventually do give him his diamonds back in hopes that will appease him. It does… for a little while at least. 
The master builder. Before being invited to play Minecraft with you guys, he’d never really played a video game before. But there was something about the building mechanics of the game that awakened something within him, possibly nostalgia for those calm times with building blocks when he was a little kid. Whatever the case, Avdol takes to building like a pro and all without any YouTube tutorials, too. You want a medieval style bakery? You got one. Want a modern bungalow? He’ll do it. Giant fire breathing demon chicken to put in the middle of the base? You can envision the weird looks he wants to give you, but he’ll make one of those, no problem. His best projects are the ones he does on his own, though, with no guidance and with minimal suggestions. 
Due to his building skills, he finds himself constantly busy within the game as someone always has some kind of building project they want help with. He even offered to improve Joseph’s plain block house. The old man told him to do whatever he pleased and then went off to go treasure hunting with Jotaro and Kakyoin. When Joseph came back he found his simple home had been converted into a deceptively cute cabin. While Joseph was impressed enough with how cozy it looked, Avdol revealed that the cabin had a secret, a well hidden secret chamber that appealed to Joseph's inner superhero fanboy. He had his very own secret lair now (yeah, it’s not really a secret if everybody on the server knows about it, but let the old man dream)!
Over time, Avdol has added things here and there to the base to keep things from looking so plain. He’s added a decorated pond for fishing and just a place to hang out. There’s also a meeting area for when the whole gang gets together right before going on an adventure (brings back bittersweet memories. At least this time there’s no danger of anyone actually dying.). 
And yes, he even added that giant fire breathing demon chicken statue you wanted so badly. Your odd tastes aside, Avdol managed to make the abomination of a statue look rather cool and stylized. Kakyoin wants it to be the mascot for your group. It ends up being put on any and all banners for the base, much to Avdol’s chagrin. 
Every time he gets online with you guys he is either working on a project or starting another one. He never seems to run out of things to do. Surprisingly, his own home is rather quaint. Just a regular old farm house, but it’s very pretty. And yes, he has a chicken farm. 
Chaos incarnate. This man got into the game and immediately started doing everything WRONG! Digging straight down, forgetting to sleep at least once to ward off phantoms, forgetting to crouch when standing at the edge of great heights, you name it he’s messed it up. So basically just Polnareff being Polnareff. He always manages to find danger or danger finds him. Every monster in the area seems to target him specifically. On one mining trip you actually watched around five zombies shamble right past you and head straight for a very startled Polnareff. They completely ignored you! He’s died so many times that you actually put in the “keep inventory” cheat so that at the very least he stops losing all of his hard earned resources. 
Speaking of resources, when it comes to mining it’s the one thing that Jean Pierre is really, really lucky at. To the point that it makes everyone else jealous. He was the first to find diamonds and emeralds and the first to manage to get full stacks of both. You never even thought it possible to find 64 emeralds naturally, but Polnareff managed to pull it off. Joseph is quick to accuse him of cheating which results in a very childish argument between the two until you step in and explain that you were with Polnareff the whole time and he just finds diamonds and emeralds by chance. Joseph apologizes but grumbles when Polnareff laughs. Ever since then, whenever he comes across diamonds, or anything even remotely interesting, he is very obnoxious about it. 
“HEY GUYS!!! GUESS WHO FOUND EVEN MORE DIAMONDS?!!” he’ll shout in an annoying sing-song voice.
This usually results in annoyed huffs from Avdol and Kakyoin, disgruntled “Good griefs” from Jotaro, not-so-humble requests for him to stop bragging like an asshole from Joseph, and a threat or two from you that if he didn’t stop rubbing your faces in it, you would shove him into the nearest lava pit. This always earns a mischievous giggle or two from him. He’s so full of himself about it. He does make up for it though, when he crafts full sets of diamond armor for you all. For all his arrogant bragging, he’s really rather generous with his finds. If any of you need diamonds or emeralds he’s the first to offer up his stash. After all, he has so many, why shouldn’t he share? ~ ❤
Whenever he goes mining, you usually tag along. You say that it’s so you can help him carry his loot, but actually it’s because you’re his self appointed babysitter. Just like in real life, it just isn’t a good idea for him to run off by himself. You never say that out loud though because you know how sensitive he is about being danger-prone. Besides he likes having you along and the two of you end up as mining buddies almost every time you play. Sometimes Kakyoin joins you as he’s always in need of redstone and other materials for his contraptions (it’s important to note that Polnareff is Kakyoin’s second favorite trolling victim and it always makes you nervous whenever he tags along because you never know if he’s up to something or just genuinely wants to collect resources.). 
Whenever you and Polnareff go off on your own to do anything, the rest of the Crusaders server prepares their poor ears for the inevitable screaming and swearing that will follow. Something happens to you whenever you pair up with Polnareff. Your brain power seems to get cut in half and the two of you end up becoming an unintentional comedy duo that has everyone else either laughing or, in Jotaro’s case, muting you for being “too damn loud”. 
There was one time that Polnereff was digging a strip mine that ended up leading right into the Deep Dark and the Warden’s territory. You can probably guess what happened. Before you could warn him, Polnareff’s antics end up summoning the Warden and the monster kills you both before either of you have a chance to panic. This results in Polnareff seeking revenge (or trying to) and going all the way back to the Deep Dark to fight the Warden again (and dragging you along each time), and (both of you) dying again. This happens about three more times before he actually manages to defeat the Warden only to find out that he doesn’t get any kind of reward for it (other than bragging rights, which believe me, he takes advantage of). 
On a minor note, Polnareff’s inventory is always extremely unorganized. Whether referring to his personal inventory or his storage chests his inventory is in shambles. There’s no rhyme or reason for where he places things in his hotbar and sometimes he’ll end up hitting monsters with a stick or block of glass rather than his sword. He also has a bad habit of using the wrong tool for certain jobs, such as using his pickaxe on dirt instead of his shovel and it drives more organized players like Kakyoin and Avdol insane. 
(We’re assuming that the little gremlin lives with you) While he can’t exactly play video games for obvious reasons, he does kinda like watching you play, but that’s only if he’s not trying to take a nap (you’re kinda noisy). Most of the time he just plops down in his comfy spot and watches you struggle to survive in what he mentally calls the “stupid human block game”. He is really amused whenever you and Polnareff team up because watching you two together is comedy gold. Sometimes, when you’re playing alone, he’ll wait for you to be exploring a dark, creepy cave and suddenly bark very loudly for no reason, causing you to very nearly jump out of your skin. 
Iggy: “BARK!”
You scream, swear, and jump back so hard that your headset falls off. Your mouse has been practically thrown across the room. You turn around and glare at the little brat. 
“IGGY!” you shout accusingly. 
The cheeky little doggo runs out of the room making sounds that can be interpreted as the canine equivalent of snickering.
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achaotichuman · 6 months
Acotar Rant Time
The amount of shit Rhysand says about Tamlin that's just straight up not true is so annoying. The main reasons people hate Spring boy is just because of whatever Rhysand or Morrigan has conjured up to make the Night Court look better.
I'm fairly certain it was Morrigan who went on her little tangent about how Feyre would have been 'bred like a prized mare' at the Spring Court. When Tamlin literally mentioned in passing having a SINGLE son far into the future. At the tithe he told Feyre his son would continue on with the duties of High lord, then added, someday. SOMEDAY he didn't want a kid immediately, and I highly doubt Tamlin even wanted children for the sake of having children, it was a duty he would HAVE to fulfill, it wasn't optional, he needed an heir. I have my theories if Tamlin had a choice he wouldn't ever have children. Especially since it is mentioned oh so many times that he wanted to go off in a travelling act, I doubt he even wanted a relationship. I also find it so, so difficult to believe that Tamlin would have wanted more than one child because he grew up in a household with older siblings. He damn well knows the competition in a place like that. He carries the trauma of it everyday! He would never want to inflict that on his kid!
Then there's Rhysand. He was the one who carried on about how Tamlin should've tried to get Feyre out from Under the Mountain. He did! He sent her back to the human lands to get her away from Amarantha! It was Feyre's choice to go Under the Mountain. She could've stayed in the human lands and lived a rich, lavish life, and she chose to go after Tamlin. Not to mention, Amarantha had been waiting for Tamlin for fifty years, she wasn't about to give him any chance to run. Rhysand actually said to Feyre Under the Mountain that eyes and ears were on Tamlin at all times. If Tamlin tried to get her out from Under the Mountain, he would've failed and signed Feyre's death warrant. Not to mention human Feyre used to be badass as fuck and would've absolutely scoffed at Tamlin if he tried to get her out from the Under the Mountain, she loved him and the Spring Court. She wouldn't have left even if given the chance.
Then there's what Rhysand said about Tamlin locking Feyre up because 'he knew she was gem'. Now, what Tamlin did to Feyre was abusive. He did become abusive during that period of time towards her, none of what I'm about to state disagrees with that. However, if you're going to hate this man, hate him for legitimate reasons. Tamlin never locked her up 'because she was a gem he wanted to hoard'. That's a straight up lie. It is stated many, many times throughout Acomaf and Acowar that Tamlin locked Feyre up because in his mind that was the only way to prevent her from getting into danger. He had an actual concern, and that concern was valid, but he took it way, way, way too far. He never should've locked her in there. I'm glad that Feyre got away from that situation. But he never *wanted* to hurt her. Tamlin has never been a malicious man (cough unlike Rhysand cough) His abuse towards Feyre was terrible and she absolutely was right in getting out. But none of his abuse was ever designed to hurt her. When it comes to narcissists, or self-serving abusers, their abuse is carefully crafted, it is designed to hurt. Tamlin however never intended to hurt her. It wasn't crafted to break her. Tamlin's mental health is completely fucked, and I highly doubt he ever came out of fight or flight mode, if you've ever been stuck in fight or flight mode, you'd know it fucking sucks. Every single little thing becomes a massive threat. And in his fucked mind Tamlin was convinced the actions he was taking were the best course of action to protect her from harm, not to cause it. Obviously, this does not excuse his actions, but it does help to explain them, and knowing what drove you to do things is the first step in being able to take accountability and then work on it.
Not to mention, Tamlin has taken accountability, he knows he's fucked up. He helped bring Rhys back to life, told Feyre to be happy because he knew that couldn't happen if she was with him, then he fucked off back to the Spring Court.
And you know what really drives me up the fucking wall? When Feyre insisted she was stronger now and didn't need protection from the sentries and Tamlin responded with "my family were fae and they were killed quite easily." Like that is a valid fucking point! They were killed very easily! Tamlin would be extremely traumatized from that! He probably blames himself for not protecting his mother! The death of his family is most likely one of the core reasons for his extreme paranoia! Am I saying he was justified in his actions in protecting Feyre? No! What I am saying is that you cannot hate him because of his intentions! Hate him for his actions, fine! But never once throughout this entire goddamned series did he intentionally want to hurt Feyre!
Anyway, this post is quite long, sorry for that. In summary, hate Tamlin all you want, but at the very least hate him for the things he actually did. I'm probably missing a ton of other things Rhysand's straight up made up about Tamlin, but these are the main things I've found people hate him for. Tell me if I've missed anything.
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hchollym · 1 year
A Percy Weasley AU idea
Voldemort wins and people are hunted down and killed. In a desperate attempt to right the story, Percy, along with Luna (and maybe some others idk) do some rituals or something to be sent back in time to actually defeat Voldemort.
How do you think that would play out?
Would Percy be the only one to be sent back or will others be as well (ex. Luna)?
Would he stay in the body he was originally in or will he be sent into his childhood body (depending on when he gets sent back to)?
How would his relationships with others change? For example, his family?
Since his story has now changed due to knowledge of the future, would anyone else’s story change? (Ex. If he gets sent back to POA, or at least before Scabber’s is revealed at Peter, how would he deal with that?)
Wow, that's a lot to answer! 🙃 I'll try my best, but be warned that this is all purely speculation, and there's some definite bias here because of my headcanons.
I'm going to put this under the cut due to length.
If we're being "realistic" (as much as possible), then Luna isn't going to be a part of this, and Percy is going to stay in his adult body.
It's super fun to read fanfiction stories where Luna is involved & the characters wake up in the body of their younger selves, because it affects their interactions and relationships with other characters, so please feel free to keep writing this type of thing if it appeals to you. However, I don't think it would actually play out like that.
I love Luna - she's one of my favorite characters - but her personality in canon just doesn't fit into this storyline. Look at her conversation with Harry in Book 5:
“Have you . . .” he began. “I mean, who . . . has anyone you’ve known ever died?” “Yes,” said Luna simply, “my mother. She was a quite extraordinary witch, you know, but she did like to experiment and one of her spells went rather badly wrong one day. I was nine.” “I’m sorry,” Harry mumbled. “Yes, it was rather horrible,” said Luna conversationally. “I still feel very sad about it sometimes. But I’ve still got Dad. And anyway, it’s not as though I’ll never see Mum again, is it?” “Er — isn’t it?” said Harry uncertainly. She shook her head in disbelief. “Oh, come on. You heard them, just behind the veil, didn’t you?” “You mean . . .” “In that room with the archway. They were just lurking out of sight, that’s all. You heard them.”
She doesn't dwell on the past, and her absolute belief in seeing her loved ones again after death would prevent her from trying to mess with fate. For all they know, going back in time could make things worse (i.e. Voldemort could take over all of Europe, he could torture everyone into permanent madness instead of killing them, etc.), and Luna just doesn't have the reckless motivation to risk it.
Percy, on the other hand, would 100% be reckless enough if he loses his sibling(s) like he lost Fred in the books. If his siblings are all still alive, then Percy's not going back in time either, but if one or more of them dies (particularly around Percy so he feels guilty about it), then he wouldn't be thinking clearly. He would blame himself and be out for blood like we saw in Book 7:
Rounding the corner, Percy let out a bull-like roar: “ROOKWOOD!” and sprinted off in the direction of a tall man, who was pursuing a couple of students.
In this situation, he doesn't care that he could potentially make things worse; he's going anyway.
The most likely person to go with him is actually Ron. If Voldemort wins, chances are that Harry is dead, and Ron is left in a very similar state to Percy - guilt and grief are swallowing him whole, and he's willing to take some serious risks, like we also saw in Book 7:
...he saw that Hermione was trying to restrain Ron, to stop him running after Percy. “Listen to me—LISTEN RON !” “I wanna help— I wanna kill Death Eaters— ” His face was contorted, smeared with dust and smoke, and he was shaking with rage and grief.
Hermione would likely be wary of going back because she is rational enough to know it's a huge risk, but she goes with them anyway, because she's not abandoning Ron (especially if they may get Harry back).
Ron and Percy would have some serious baggage to work through (especially if Ron felt like Percy was trying to take Harry's place in their trio), and they would likely want to approach the situation in vastly different ways, so there would be plenty of conflict.
Since they probably stay in their same bodies, they avoid interacting with anyone else as much as possible, because they know how dangerous it would be for their younger selves if they were seen:
Professor McGonagall told me what awful things have happened when wizards have meddled with time…. Loads of them ended up killing their past or future selves by mistake!
Therefore, we wouldn't see too much interaction between them and other characters (besides each other). However, we might see some interaction between Percy & Dumbledore (because it might eventually be necessary to involve him), which would be interesting since Percy had legitimate reasons not to trust Dumbledore (even though he was telling the truth about Voldemort).
They likely decide to hunt down the Horcruxes themselves (since Ron & Hermione know where they are and how to destroy them). In order to do so, they sneak into Hogwarts and Ron enters the Chamber of Secrets (by mimicking Harry's Parseltongue) to get the Basilisk's fang to destroy the Horcruxes.
The fun part of the story would be that some of the Horcruxes are actually more difficult to get when they're in the past. For example, one is in Bellatrix's vault at Gringotts, but if she's still in Azkaban, then they can't use Polyjuice to look like her, which causes complications (and I headcanon that Percy would use the Imperius Curse at that point).
It really depends on what year they go back in time to though. I think Percy & Hermione would have thought very carefully about it and decided to go back to the summer after Book 3; they want to stop Voldemort from being completely ressurected, but they don't want to stop Wormtail from escaping, because they need him to find Voldemort's shell of a being so Harry can eventually kill it:
“I returned to my hiding place far away, and I will not pretend to you that I didn’t then fear that I might never regain my powers. . . . Yes, that was perhaps my darkest hour . . . I could not hope that I would be sent another wizard to possess . . . and I had given up hope, now, that any of my Death Eaters cared what had become of me. . . .”
I also imagine that Percy would want to save Cedric too, because I headcanon that they were friends. Therefore, the best course of action is to stop Barty Jr. from escaping and returning to Voldemort's side (because he sets everything in motion for Voldemort's return). This wouldn't be too difficult if they returned right at the beginning of the summer, because Percy would be able to easily access Mr. Crouch's house (where Barty Jr. is still under the Imperius Curse) by pretending to be his younger self (because Mr. Crouch was not paying attention enough to notice a few years difference in his age).
I honestly think Percy would murder Barty Jr. He may pretend that he wouldn't (for Hermione and Ron's sake), but Percy has a very personal motivation for this - not only did Barty kill Cedric, but he also almost destroyed Percy's career, and it's my headcanon that he hurt Percy. Plus, Percy knows that Barty is a flight risk, since he escaped from Azkaban, and he's not going to take any chances. He probably pretends it was self defense with Hermione and Ron, but he's too far gone to feel guilty by then. (I love darkish Percy, by the way; he's not a bad person, but once he loses someone he loves, I can see him spiraling out, because it's clear in canon that Percy feels things so deeply).
If Barty Jr. is dead, then Harry never enters the Triwizard Tournament, and this is where plenty of things change. For starters, one of the other competitors wins (likely Viktor, because Cedric wouldn't get any heads up about the dragons or the egg without Harry's involvement), so Cedric lives, and Harry never gives Fred and George money for their joke shop. This forces the twins to wait several more years to save enough, so they don't drop out of school and actually graduate. Umbridge doesn't get involved at Hogwarts, because there's no Dark Lord returning so the Ministry doesn't care what Dumbledore is doing; Sirius lives because Voldemort doesn't return enough for him to give Harry visions; Dumbledore lives because Draco never becomes a Death Eater; and none of the people/creatures in Book 7 die because all the Death Eaters in Azkaban don't escape/come back together.
Interestingly enough, there would be a ripple effect for some other characters as well. I highly doubt Remus would marry Tonks if Sirius was alive (he seemed perfectly content to stay at Grimmauld Place with him); Bill doesn't move back to England to work at Gringotts and help with the war, so he never dates and marries Fleur; and when Dumbledore eventually tells Harry that he has to die to permanently defeat Voldemort, Harry's not as likely to listen. He's probably living with Sirius, who would fight against the suicide thing, tooth and nail. Plus, if there's no war going on because Voldemort wasn't fully resurrected, then there's no battles or deaths, particularly ones that are close to Harry. Harry's also living in a relatively happy and stable home with Sirius and Remus, so his motivation for committing suicide (based off only Dumbledore's word) is not really there.
This actually doesn't change much though, except that Voldemort finds a way to return much later on (without any other Horcruxes), but everyone is better prepared because they're adults/possibly Aurors. Harry fights him, let's himself be killed, and then kills Voldemort. Done. A few other people might die in the crossfire, but it's impossible to guess who, especially if Dumbledore is still around.
Wow, that was a lot! 😱
But we're still not done! 🤣 Where are the older versions of Percy, Hermione, and Ron after all this?
They don't disappear when their mission is complete, but they can't go back to their old lives either (since their younger selves are still living the happier version). It's possible that Percy leaves his younger self a note, but that's about it.
I think Hermione and Ron just move to a different country to live a new life, and Percy does the same, but I can actually picture Percy choosing to live a Muggle life after everything that's happened (if he doesn't die trying to destroy the Horcruxes, because he was probably hoping for that).
Overall, I think the whole ordeal gives Ron & Hermione closure; they saved Harry (and Fred), but they lost them anyway in a different sense, because they can't be a part of their lives. They've spent so long dedicating their lives to Harry, but now they have to learn to live for themselves and let him go. It's bittersweet.
Percy's arc is a little darker/sadder. He has to face the fact that he's willing to go to extreme lengths to prevent his family's death, and he has to grapple with his own guilt, conscience, and mental health issues. He also has to learn to forgive himself and move on, which means letting go of his family once and for all.
I know everyone thinks that Percy has to reconnect with the Weasleys to be happy, but I don't really believe so. Especially if his younger self is still around, then Percy gets a free pass to break away from a family that was never truly going to be healthy for him (see this and this post). He learns that he can love them and still leave without resentment or anger. It's kind of like the lyrics to a Shinedown song: "Sometimes goodbye is a second chance."
He has to start over and figure out who he is now and what he wants out of life. Perhaps he ends up adopting children in the Muggle world. Regardless, he ultimately finds himself, and he finds peace.
Thanks for the ask! 😊
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Can I have Yumi Ishiyama x Fem autistic reader where they tell each other their feelings and begin dating? (Make it all fluffy!)
Of course!
Thank you, @micheleamidalajedi for requesting this, and also, for sending me resources to begin my research with.
I hope you enjoy!
Added A/N: When I started this, I was confident, but I'm not too sure of the ending? I think it's okay? Not sure? Gaaaaaah! But yes, I have to mention that this request took away some of my writer's block and helped me acheive some of my personal word count goals (also, i apologize for typos).
Word count: 4008
Reader Pronouns: She/Her Gender: Female Paired with: Yumi Ishiyama
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Being a Lyoko warrior was demanding. Exhausting. Sometimes, all Yumi wanted to do was scream.
She values everything she's gained from being a Lyoko warrior, though -- she's met her absolute best friends, and learnt more about herself and her world than she had ever known before -- and through it all, she's understood the value of the little moments.
The time she gets to spend eating with her family. The time she gets to hang out with her brother. The few minutes of quiet she gets when she's walking home and everything is calm ...
Yumi understood how precious those moments were. X.A.N.A. might be something she and her friends faced alone, but all of it was worth it if they could do whatever they can to protect this world, and the people in it.
Besides, Jeremie was getting close to finishing his multi-agent system against X.A.N.A. Just a few more days, and everything would be worth it.
Of course, being a Lyoko warrior had too many downsides -- Yumi had almost died twice; her parents had almost died twice; Jeremie, Ulrich, Odd, Aelita, and Sissi had almost died multiple times, and she had lost count of the number of times they'd had to return to the past to fix everything.
Then, she had to lie to her parents about staying late, keep away from William, and think too many times before having to make committments with other friends of hers. Yumi's social life was in ruins.
Especially when it came to (Y/N).
(Y/N) lived two streets away from Yumi's, and both of them went to Kadic together. Every day, the two of them would walk to school grounds, first holding their bags, and -- as they grew older and closer -- linking pinkies.
Classes were a breeze. (Y/N)'s neatly organized notes, cataloged and underlined with pens and highlighters of different colors held a special place in Yumi's heart, and -- having known her for a long time -- Yumi was the only person in Kadic who could understand (Y/N)'s behaviors and provide whatever she would require (reassurance, assistance, or even just some extra pens) when she needed it.
"Arigato!" (Y/N) would always reply, pleasantly, like the chirp of a lovely little bird, and it brought a smile to Yumi's face without fail.
(Y/N) always gave Yumi her notes to study with whenever she had to leave the classroom (X.A.N.A being a pain in the ass), with small notes with hearts and smiley faces between the pages just for Yumi to see.
The world does not deserve someone as precious as you, (Y/N), Yumi would tell her, handing her notes back to her with a big grin.
What are you thanking me for, silly? Anything for you!, (Y/N) would reply back.
It was one year after X.A.N.A had plagued Yumi's life that something else also happened -- Yumi and (Y/N) had been put in different classes for the new school year.
This had happened in conjunction with Odd being put in a different class from Jeremie and Ulrich, and even after the whole mess with Jim and his disco tape -- even after Odd got to be in the same class as the others -- Yumi and (Y/N) were in different classes.
"Will you be okay, (Y/N)?"
"I'll be fine, Yumi. I'm only worried about you."
"I'll be fine if you are."
"Okay, I love you."
Yumi had nearly stopped breathing.
"I love you!" (Y/N) had repeated, smiling brighter, (E/C) eyes twinkling brighter than the sunlight falling on her hair (the two of them had been sitting on one of the benches in the grounds). "Best friends forever, right? I love you."
"I love you too, (Y/N)."
Those words had set off something akin to a ripple in Yumi's heart, and, after a whole week of psychoanalyzing everything -- everything -- she had realized that, of course, she felt the same way towards (Y/N).
But not as friends.
Regardless of X.A.N.A's already troubling interventions, it became that much harder to hold a conversation with (Y/N) after Yumi had realized her feelings for her. Being around her made Yumi forget words, forget balance and sanity, and she was almost too thankful for her friends calling her to the factory.
In the background -- and it only became background since Yumi was being pulled in so many different directions -- (Y/N), after struggling in her new class, slowly made friends, and was enjoying her school days with those friends. Yumi made it a point to spend as much time as she could with her best friend, so she felt guilty for running off towards the factory with no explanations, leaving (Y/N) alone. So the new friends were a wonderful thing. More people could see how amazing and beautiful and kind (Y/N) was, how everything she did -- from the way she meticulously organized her notes to the way she animatedly moved her hands up and down when she was talking about birds and clouds and nature and everything she loved -- was so authentic and real and absolutely mesmerizing--
Oh no, Yumi thought to herself. I'm in love with her. Holy shit. I love (Y/N).
And when she spoke to the others about this, she was only met with knowing smirks, and Odd collecting about 60 bucks of betting money from the others (Yumi had no idea they'd had a betting pool about this).
"You should tell her how you feel, Yumi." Aelita encouraged her.
As if Yumi hadn't tried. She became a fool when she was alone with her best friend, which confused her and annoyed her to no end, because she craved that aloneness, that intimacy, them holding pinkies every morning on their way to Kadic, and she was reduced to a blubbering fool.
Every morning -- though now it became every morning that she wasn't at the factory or on school grounds already -- she would walk with (Y/N), link pinkies with her and watch her out of the corner of her eyes, trying to pick the right moment to tell her how she felt. She would stare at the way small strands of her (E/C) hair would sway with the wind, how the dimple on her right cheek would become more prominent as she smiled, and confessing became harder because it became that much harder to breathe and stay sane in the first place.
Many times, (Y/N) had noticed.
"Is there something wrong, Yumi?", "Is there something on my face?", "Are you okay, Yumi?". "Yumi, you've been distant and weird lately... is everything okay?" All of her concerned remarks slowly turned into something else. "Are you hiding something from me?" "Do you not like me?"
"Of course not!", "(Y/N), I'm fine.". "Nothing's wrong.", "We're okay. There's nothing I'm keeping from you.". Yumi replied with general replies, then, as time passed, and her silence and hesitation became more X.A.N.A. and William-related, she stuck to a new response. "I'm just pre-occupied with some stuff. It doesn't concern you, (Y/N)."
Yumi hated saying those words, because the more she said them, or some similar forms of them, the more she was putting distance between herself and her best friend.
Morning pinkie holdings had turned into once-a-month things now.
"I hate what I've done, Odd." she confessed to Odd and Aelita one day. This was recently -- two days before William had been brought back.
"That sucks, Yumi. It really does." Odd sighed wistfully. This was unlike him, but Yumi of course had rarely seen Odd sober up for once. "Einstein's working on something. Then it'll be worth it and you can go back to talking to (Y/N) as usual again."
Aelita gave Odd a withering look, and turned to Yumi.
"Yumi, I've seen you pine for (Y/N) for the longest time." she told her. "And I know that I don't know her very well, not like you do, but I can tell she misses you! Go and talk to her tomorrow."
"Yeah, tomorrow."
"She might have a point." Odd mused thoughtfully. "Sundays are no-Kadic days, so there's less chances of interruption when you have a heart-to-heart. X.A.N.A will also need some time to recover from the previous attack, so we won't pull you either."
Sundays were holidays, but (Y/N) would be at the pool. She loved to swim -- young Yumi had joined swimming classes only because (Y/N) had talked her into it.
.... why not?
Aquatic therapy had worked wonders for (Y/N) as a child, and it had given her a love for nature, for air and water and earth, and swimming became a favorite passtime.
As she stepped into the pool, and the water hugged her from all sides, (Y/N) took a deep breath. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale.
Putting her and Yumi in different classes, and their routines changing... all of it was hard for (Y/N), physically, mentally and emotionally. She had hence made a decision to join the swim team and use the pool as much as she could to find herself, her center.
There weren't many people around, mostly because it was a Sunday and only members of different clubs could attend school, to use their respective club areas. Nobody came to the pool on a Sunday, and even if they did, the members of the swim team -- kind souls -- would let (Y/N) do her thing undisturbed.
So, (Y/N) began trto swim, and let her mind drift. This had been a stressful time for her, and the water was good to her. She could feel her muscles, her limbs, understand the flow of her body, and ground herself. Swimming was a welcome escape.
(Y/N) calmly practiced her strokes. The backstroke was her favourite. She looked up at the ceiling as she swam with her back in the water, and smiled. Jim had told her once that she could be a great swimmer, if she put a little more effort into it, but she liked doing this for herself.
When she got out of the water and sat by the benches to relax, though, her thoughts somehow circled to Yumi.
When they were put into different classes, (Y/N)'s first concern had been Yumi. Yumi was a delight -- she was kind, mature, confident, and everything about her made (Y/N) so happy -- but she also had a tendency to keep her problems to herself, and (Y/N) hated seeing her struggle alone.
(Y/N) had made plenty of friends in her class -- some had proven to be 'idiots of the worst degree' (Yumi's words), making fun of her for her autism, making fun of her behaviors -- but she had found the good people. People like Yumi, who made efforts to understand (Y/N). People who were different from Yumi, but understood her and accepted her in their own ways.
New friends, who loved bird watching and biology just like she did.
New friends, who loved the same music artists and bands that she did.
New friends, who had completely different tastes than her but still appreciated her, like she appreciated them.
But nobody came close to Yumi.
She let out a sigh, and removed her swim cap, letting her (H/C) hair fall onto her shoulders. A pang in her chest. She missed her best friend dearly.
(Y/N) missed linking pinkies with Yumi. That was always her favorite part of the day. Their morning walks became a rare occassion nowadays, and she missed the little squeeze that Yumi did when their fingers touched every single time.
(Y/N) missed happily skipping to Yumi's house and hang out with her on a whim -- now, Yumi was barely around. She was studying after school hours with Jeremie, Aelita, Ulrich and Odd, barely even came home, according to Hiroki.
(Y/N) also missed being able to give Yumi her notes, her little sticky notes with hearts, and class notes neatly scrawled for her. She missed seeing Yumi show her one of the little messages she drew, and tell her that it made her smile.
Everything felt different without her.
(Y/N) could understand that there was something Yumi was going through alone -- something that she couldn't tell her -- and she hated that the comfortable silences they shared became too quiet for her to bear. She had tried asking too, but Yumi insisted that it was nothing to trouble her with. That there was nothing she could do.
She hated it.
She missed Yumi.
She let out a sigh, needing to slip her cap back on, needing the water and the calm it gave her once again. She never knew that she could miss someone who only lived two blocks away, never knew how it would hurt to miss someone she loved.
So much.
She was about to step into the pool again when she heard someone call for her.
Yumi stood at the entrance of the pool area, wearing her black and grey swimsuit. She had a towel around her neck and waved at (Y/N).
All (Y/N) could do was stare as Yumi walked to her. She didn't think intense longing for someone could actually summon them, but she wasn't unhappy that it turned out this way.
"I was just thinking about you." (Y/N) told her when Yumi was just a few strides away.
Yumi's eyebrows shot up. "Really?"
"Yes." I missed you so much, Yumi. "How come you're here on a Sunday?"
"I... um, I wanted to hang out." Yumi explained. "It's been a while, and I knew you'd be here today. I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"
"Oh no, you're not." (Y/N) replied quickly, shaking her head. Quite the contrary! "I'm glad you're here. Shall we swim and catch up, then?"
Both of them got into the pool, and this time, the water was that much more welcoming. Yumi splashed some water at (Y/N) playfully.
"Hey, I haven't got my cap on!" (Y/N) exclaimed, giggling. Her swim cap was indeed, forgotten.
"Neither have I." Yumi shot back and at this, (Y/N) swam away, kicking the water hard so that it would splash Yumi too. Yumi laughed and swam beside her.
"I love your swimsuit. Is it new?" Yumi asked her after a while. (Y/N) was wearing a new, red swimsuit, similar in style to Yumi's.
"Yep. Just bought it last week, actually."
"At the mall?"
"Mhmm! Hiroki bought a new pair too."
Yumi's eyebrows shot up again. "Hiroki? Really? He hates the pool! Anyway, when did the two of you go to the mall without me?"
"It was just supposed to be me." (Y/N) explained, turning at the pool's corner to swim back to their starting point. "Then Hiroki saw me and came with me. I asked for you, actually, but you were out with Ulrich?"
Knowingness dawned upon Yumi's face. "Oh, yeah... he needed help with studying. Ulrich doesn't understand math, and Jeremie's not good at teaching math in a way that he can understand."
They swam around the perimeter of the pool for a while, and (Y/N) went back to the backstroke again. Yumi, on the other hand, swam like a mermaid around (Y/N). Being the taller one, with longer legs and more graceful movements, she really did look like a mermaid.
Then, Yumi suddenly changed course, and joined (Y/N), swimming backstroke.
"Man, I forgot how fun this is." Yumi said as they both moved their limbs synchroniously.
"And relaxing."
"Of course."
"We can just float around now, though."
"Sure, that's fine by me."
They took out the emergency floaties from the club supplies and got back in, using the floaties to simply float in the water. There was no one in the pool area now -- some of the members waved goodbye to (Y/N) as they left -- and it felt peaceful. Just the two of them.
"I missed you, Yumi." she told Yumi, swimming under and reappearing inside the floatie, and letting her arms and legs hang out while she floated aimlessly. She sighed. "It's been a while since it was just the two of us."
Yumi smiled, and did the same, only, with one hand on (Y/N)'s floatie so that they wouldn't float away from each other. "I know, (Y/N). I missed you too."
She continued. "Hey, I'm sorry I've been distant for the past few months..."
"Oh. That's okay. Do you mind telling me why, though?" Yumi looked away for a moment, and that's when (Y/N) decided to add, "It's okay if you can't fully tell me. I just want to know a little bit. It sucks watching you hide things from me and go through things on your own."
Yumi nodded. "I get that, and it isn't my intention to hide things from you too, (Y/N). After all, you're my best friend, at the end of the day." She let out a sigh. "My friends and I have been having a hard time, I guess."
"Hard time with?"
"Stuff in general." Yumi supplied. "You know how Ulrich had a crush on me, and then Odd went and dated half the people in school. And then, with Aelita coming in, she had a hard time adjusting to Kadic. It was really tough for all of us. Not to mention stuff at home for each and every one of us, and Sissi and her antics. It's weird."
"I get that." It could be hard with a bunch of people trying to stick together. Even with the swim club, there were a lot of internal communication problems, and with others in her class too. "Please tell me next time. How are things now, though?"
"Better." Yumi said, smiling. "Loads better. And yes, I promise I'll tell you more next time." Yumi's hand by her floatie moved to grasp one of (Y/N)'s own. "I really did miss you."
(Y/N), unable to keep herself from doing so, linked their pinkies together. "I know."
"Can we walk together in the mornings again?" Yumi asked, smiling wider. "I missed that so much, you have no idea."
Was this a dream? Yumi seemed to know exactly what was going on in (Y/N)'s mind, almost like she was a mindreader. (Y/N) had just been gathering the courage to ask her the same thing.
"But you have after-school study sessions.. you must be tired and want to sleep in for a bit.."
Yumi shook her head. "That's alright. I'm changing my schedule for the better so that it isn't very packed. I can definitely make it now."
"If you're sure that it won't be too much trouble.."
"(Y/N), I am sure." Yumi then blinked. "Unless you don't want to..?"
"No, no, I didn't say that!" (Y/N) sat straighter, but the water made the floatie slippery and she lost balance, so she went underwater. A moment later, though, Yumi's hand had reached for her and she had pulled her up. Yumi's floatie was abandoned, and the two of them were at the centre of the pool, holding hands. "Thank you.."
"Careful, (Y/N), you could've hurt yourself." Yumi chastied her.
"It was a slip. Anyway," (Y/N) looked into Yumi's eyes, at her wet hair and kind face, and had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep herself from blushing. Certainly, being too close to Yumi was a mistake. "I didn't say I didn't want to. I just wanted to make sure it was perfectly okay with you."
"Are you kidding? It's perfectly fine with me--"
"Because, well, what if we start walking together, and everything became normal, and something stresses you out, and you shut me out again?" (Y/N) asked before Yumi could finish. At this, Yumi fell silent. "That thought worries me a lot."
"And when I did ask you all those times before, you couldn't even look at me. I don't want you or me to go through that again."
Yumi shook her head resolutely. "That's not going to happen again. I promise." Then, she took both of (Y/N)'s hands into her own and squeezed them gently. "Listen, (Y/N)... I'm really sorry I shut you out. I'm sorry I kept my problems to myself and worried you. I should have come to you, at least to let you in a little bit, and that's on me. I hated doing that to you, and I won't do that again -- ever again."
(Y/N) nodded. "Okay, Yumi. I appreciate it.."
"Wait, that's not all I wanted to say." Yumi added, almost hurriedly. "When I couldn't look at you, when we walked together during mornings.... that wasn't entirely because I was keeping my friends' problems from you."
"Then?" Yumi looked at her contemplatively for a moment too long, and (Y/N) pressed, "Yumi?"
Yumi snapped back into her senses, shaking her head. "It was because... well, you're beautiful when you're walking with me in the mornings."
That was the last thing (Y/N) had expected her to say. She swam slightly away from Yumi, though they were still holding hands.
"What do you mean?"
"Sorry, I should rephrase that." Yumi laughed nervously. "This is hard."
"Then tell me in a way that isn't hard, Yumi." (Y/N) told her. "What about it is hard?"
"The part where I'm confessing to you is hard, (Y/N)!" Yumi exclaimed.
Her words echoed across the room, and time stopped for (Y/N).
Yumi blushed. "I love you, (Y/N). I... When we changed classes, and when we weren't able to speak and hang out... I realized how much I missed you. How much I love you. And yet, whenever we did get to hang out, walk to school together, I tried to tell you, but I... I just couldn't. It was so hard to tell you the truth and risk our friendship when things were already changing between us. I.. wanted to tell you before it was too late."
She let go of (Y/N)'s hands, and that was when (Y/N) spoke up.
"Don't let go." she said, grabbing Yumi's hands and holding them again. Yumi gasped, audibly, obviously surprised and taken aback. "I love you too, Yumi."
"What? Really?" Yumi exclaimed, eyes wide, smile even wider. "Oh my god, I... I can't believe it!"
"I thought that you liked me only as a friend, and so I didn't want to say anything." (Y/N) admitted. All those years of what-ifs were finally answered, and it felt so good! "And then, when you became friends with Jeremie and the others, and Ulrich and William had asked you out, I thought I would never have a chance, but I was okay with being friends with you if that's what it meant to have you in my life. That's why I never said anything.."
Yumi laughed, throwing her head back like a little kid, beautifully so. "Ulrich and William? Please, they don't hold a candle next to you."
The thought of being adored by Yumi all this while, even with good-looking boys drooling over her, made (Y/N) squeal with delight. She hugged Yumi, who laughed loud and hugged her back, reveling in the closeness. "You have no idea how happy I am right now."
"I think we're both equally happy, (Y/N)." Yumi reasoned as they pulled slightly away. "You have no idea... watching you speak, watching you walk, swim, take those beautiful notes... all of it drives me crazy. I love you so much." Slowly, she bent down to press her forehead to (Y/N)'s. "Will you be my girlfriend?"
(Y/N) looped her arms around Yumi's neck with a smile. "Yes! Yes, I'll be your girlfriend, Yumi."
Yumi kissed her forehead and (Y/N) could feel herself melt with happiness. She smiled up at Yumi and kissed her on the lips.
This was so much better than linking their pinkies together.
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drinkacefahz · 1 year
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[Reader Request] Financier Cobbler | Mitsuru Kirijo | Persona 3 
[Note: Not exactly sure how to calculate yield/abv for this kind of drink using the morgenthaler spreadsheet. gomenasorry] 
This is the second specific reader request post for the blog and a very good friend of mine requested a drink based on the imperious empress and your close upperclassman in SEES, Mitsuru from Persona 3! This was actually a really interesting one to develop. I definitely felt like it had to have a little something eyecatching in the presentation, ideally a reddish element, but the truth is, drinks-wise, except for 5 really with the coffe shop, Persona games don’t give you a ton to work with. This is why we do research, and why I was also very relieved -- and inspired -- by the discovery that in the seemingly infinite amount of Persona spinoff media, something about Mitsuru’s tastes is revealed; Specifically, a taste for fresh fruit and financier cake. Financier is a very refined cake that is deceptively simple when evaluated on its ingredients list; sugar, almond flour, browned butter, maybe sliced almond or a raspberry on top... something clicked in my head. The cobbler, traditionally made with about 3-4 ounces of lower-proof sherry, a little sugar, fruit, and a cornucopia of attractive garnishes, is much like a financier; you can’t hide behind poor technique or imbalanced flavor. Their clarity is upfront, but reveals depth and nuance in a well made one. I think that also reflects Mitsuru, leading me to marry them into a drink she would enjoy. This did also give me the crazy challenge of making a baked good into a drink. It’s early winter here, and so the concept came to me, of taking a really interesting way of infusing spirits with flavor and using it in a very unusual context. A few guides exist for butter-washed rum, in the context of making a hot buttered rum. Would it work in a cold drink, piled high with tiny jewels of ice and adornment? 
Well, actually, I think its great.  
3-5 Raspberries
1 half wheel slice orange, about as wide as your pinky
1 wedge lemon, about 1/4-1/3 of the fruit sliced lengthwise
2 fl oz or 60ml Browned Butter Washed Rum (see below) 
.75 fl oz or 22.5ml Amaretto 
.25 fl oz or 7.5ml Demerara Syrup 
.25 fl oz or 7.5ml Orgeat
[If you don’t have orgeat, just use a .5 ounce demerara syrup or other sugar syrup of your choice. The orgeat split just adds a bit more of a baked-good element]
In a mixing tin, combine the syrup(s) and fruit. Muddle them by firmly pressing them. You don’t have to beat the crap out of them, but get them fairly squished. Add your rum and amaretto liqueur. Stir them together a little bit with a little cracked ice, since rum is higher proof than the traditional sherry the dilution won’t hurt. 
At this point, I would have your glass prepared to receive. You can roll it, even shake it if you want, but I usually just kind of stir or swirl them together. Pour the whole thing into your glass. Then fill the glass -- this is a pilsner glass, which depending how much ice we use and the size of our citrus pieces gives us decent headroom -- with finely cracked/crushed/pebbled ice. Some people add a little ice before pouring it in, but I like the nice frosty pile of ice on top. You will serve with a straw. Stick that in now. 
Garnishing time! Get her all nice and pretty. Use some more raspberries or other berries like strawberry slices if you have them, that other half of the orange wheel, a nice sprig of mint, and maybe a little dusting of powdered or caster sugar. As a final touch and nod to the financier cake, the admittedly completely decorative but charming arrangement of sliced almonds on top completes the look. The over-the-top garnishes of the modern Bloody Mary are really just the new take on the 19th century luxury of a glass covered in fresh fruit, sugar and mint, filled with the opulence of all that shining ice. Truly a drink fit for an empress. 
Is this a lengthy process, that requires a fair bit of attentiveness and some prepwork? Yes. Is it worth it? Honestly, I think it is. It’s a really unique, delicious long drink. But I mean, if you play Persona games I think you can master this, too. According to howlongtobeat, Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 takes almost 90 hours to beat! You could make batches and batches of these in that time! Speaking of, 
Below the cut you will find the guidance on creating roughly 1 bottle of Brown Butter-washed Rum
Brown Butter-washed Rum: 
You will need 
-A Bottle of Rum. Ideally something not overly funky or grassy, so no super-firey rums, no Agricole or Barbancourt which are made of cane juice and have those vegetal flavors, DO NOT USE ‘SPICED RUM’ . Appleton Estate Signature or Appleton Estate Reserve 8 are both great bottles for this. I think something between about 5 and 10 years of age, not overproof, and not filtered is good. Real McCoy 5, El Dorado 5, I think are both great, there’s literally so many rums if you want more information on rum I can recommend you books about rum.  but also, this is up to your tastes, I’m not the boss of you except for the SPICED RUM WARNING. I’M SERIOUS. DON’T DO IT. In most countries a standard bottle is sold as a “fifth”; 750ml. in some countries you will find 70cl(700ml) bottles more common. either is fine AS LONG AS THEY ARE NOT A BOTTLE OF SAILOR JERRY OR KRAKEN OR CAPTAIN MORGAN. I AM SERIOUS ABOUT THE SPICED RUM THING. 
-About a half pound or 250g Unsalted Butter. I used Kerrygold Irish Butter. Unsalted is important. I have not tried this with cultured butters, IDK, but unsalted. If your butter only comes in like a 226grm block, that’s fine. the difference in proportion here isnt actually that major if its a matter of a few grams or milliliters. 
“But! that is too much! this drink only calls for 2 oz!” I hear you. But, this isn’t going to rapidly degrade. You don’t even need to fridge it. And you can always make a hot buttered rum with it, all of the buttery flavor, none of the having to make a weird batter, its literally just adding this and a sweetener/spice accents to taste and hot water basically. But its easy to halve this amount if you can find a halfsized bottle of the rum you want to use.
A stove, and frying pan or skillet on that stove 
A large container
A whisk, egg beater, hand mixer, or immersion blender
A freezer
A filtration method. A pour-over coffee filter&paper filter, a mesh strainer with cheesecloth or muslin, something that can handle pretty fine filtration. 
A thing to filter it into thats easy to pour with, like a liquid measure cup or a jug
A funnel
Step One: Brown your butter. don’t burn it. this will take a while. Cooks on the internet are probably better at explaining browning butter than I am. you just stir it every now and then. or even just swirl the pan. just move the butter as it browns so the milk solids dont stick and burn and it cooks evenly. 
Step Two: Pour that butter in your rum. Put it in something big. ideally a jar or tupperware. Mix that in vigorously. Really distribute the liquid nutty gold through the other funky liquid gold. To save your arm a hand mixer or immersion blender will help or get your workout in. Akihiko would be proud of your arm strength. 
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Step Three: Freeze that. Note. Try not to accidentally shake it hard when transferring it, which I managed to do, woops. You’ve already distributed the butter through the rum, so you’re just going to make a mess of the top half of your container with little bits of butter sticking to it. I am telling you that this photo is not quite an exemplar because I want to save you from fatwashing forcing you to work harder on dishwashing. Not shaking it will freeze the butter into a consistent puck on top of the rum in a couple hours at most. 
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Step Four: Remove the butter. Again, if you didn’t shake it, you’ll have less broken up little droplets to deal with but you’ll still have some. You’re going to want to filter it extremely finely -- you don’t need to worry about this going bad, the proof takes care of that, there will be a little bit of sediment like basically any home infusion. But you don’t want to drink giant lumps of butter. Discard. This is a little bit of a process and will take some time, and you will probably have some spillage. Don’t fret none. I went through multiple paper filters here. Just be methodical and you will pull through. 
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We are so close to butterscotchy delicious goodness 
Step Five: Re-bottle it. This is pretty self explanatory. Use a large enough funnel and don’t pour it too fast. 
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Congrats! You have buttered the rum! 
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smashthegiantkiller · 8 months
Smash! For the Ask Game -
Feud ~ Your favourite rivalries?
Gold ~ Your favorite championship title(s)? Why?
OTP (One True Pair) ~ Your favorite wrestling paring(s)/ship(s)? (can be friendships or romantic parings)
Theme ~ Your favorite and/or least favorite wrestling theme songs?
<3 - Mitch
Feud ~ Your favourite rivalries? - This seems similar to the storylines question that I answered here, but this gives me a chance to highlight some of my other favorite rivalries (these are mostly women's feuds, btw):
Nikki Bella vs Carmella (2016) - I know what you are saying, really, a Nikki Bella feud? But that feud was so well done for a short term feud, and it did a well job on introducing Carmella to the main roster audience.
Trish Stratus vs Stephanie McMahon (2001) - I know the reasoning of this feud was due to... well, yeah (thank god Shane ended that shit), but they worked well together, and it was a fun feud.
Deonna Purrazzo vs Jordynne Grace - After watching parts of their Victory Road match, they have that we are destined to do this forever vibes.
Sasha Banks vs Bayley (see above)
Gold ~ Your favorite championship title(s)? Why? - WWE (later NXT) UK Championship. God that belt is so sexy. Stone Cold's Smoking Skull belt, the White IC title belt, and the Women's World Title belt (white on gold is just *chef's kiss*)
OTP (One True Pair) ~ Your favorite wrestling paring(s)/ship(s)? (can be friendships or romantic parings) -
Mercedes Mone, Trinity, Tamina, & Bayley. Their friendship is wonderful to me.
Baymella (Carmella and Bayley)
Saraya and Renee Paquette
Britt Baker and Adam Cole
Triple H and Shawn Michaels
MJF and Adam Cole
Shane McMahon and Chyna
Shane and Dean Ambrose
... and lastly Shane and AJ Styles
That's a lot of pairings, but those are the first that come to mind.
Theme ~ Your favorite and/or least favorite wrestling theme songs? I stated my favorite ones in a previous ask, but here are my least favorite ones:
Saraya (mainly because it's a song by her boyfriend addressing him being cancelled, and I really don't know why you would use that as an entrance theme).
JD Mcdonagh - I mentioned this on Monday, but it truly sounds like a generic CAW themes
most themes composed by def rebel in general
Right to Censor - it gives me sensory overload.
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michiganrag · 2 years
In response to Anonymous following up on their Looney Tunes comics character dynamics ask from two years ago:
It’s good to hear from you! I actually deleted that initial ask because I didn’t think that you/anyone would still be interested if I didn’t answer within a couple of days...I'm keeping this follow up ask in my drafts until I’m able to give it a proper response--you deserve one lol. The comics are their own strange canon I’d love to get back into exploring so no worries! I do wish some things like Petunia and Bugs like you mentioned would get re-explored in LTC, a lot of potential there.
9/11/22 EDIT: I feel stupid being this way about an ask I could probably throw some stuff down on, but I wanted to reread the comics so I remembered stuff I’ve forgotten the past couple years when things were fresh in my mind, but that’s just…. Not happening. Late July things got unexpectedly rough and even tho it’s doing better now in terms of my schedule I’m at a point where I’m so far behind in classwork now from late July that I can’t keep up. I don’t know if you were keeping tabs on this, it’s so embarrassing but I’m probably not ever getting to it or doing a serious write up for this blog in the foreseeable months.
UHHH BASICALLY THINGS ARE DIFFERENT BUGS AND ELMER AND DAFFY ARE MORE EXPLICITLY FRIENDS, YOSIMITE SAM EVEN IS EASIER TO GET ALONG WITH, we have daffy that isn’t cynical interacting with Bugs which I thought was fresh and still really like. There’s also Bugs and Porky able to be chums but also get into little rivalries (if memory serves) which is great for them, and it’s interesting to see since they never interact in the show. That’s the crux of it never interacting in the show. HERES WHERE I WOULD ADD PICTURES AND ENDEARING EXAMPLES BUT I GOTTA BE GETTING READY FOR WORK IN A HANDFUL OF HOURS SORRY.
Here’s what I wrote in July, tl;dr my main tumblr, life update from the past couple years, and that you can DM me for my discord:
Also, since you asked how I’ve been (two years ago I was taking a break from Tumblr), I think I’ll update here publicly for anybody curious on this blog slowing down/me personally:
Basically, I’m doing fine. I honestly lost a bit of interest in LT compared to where I’ve been in the past. If you want to see what I’m into at any given time I’m active daily on @surfinthehighway​ though I don’t really pressure myself to post original content at all and just ramble, sometimes A LOT, in the tags of reblogs. It’s fun.
My LT interest will crop back up with time no doubt--old ones always come back around.
Outside of hobbies, where we last left off with me taking a break was a period of wild unhappiness which has since led to me getting my first job and dropping out of my four-year college to take classes more geared towards working in the animation industry from online institutions and art colleges via continuing education classes. So I’ve been busy busy busy! If anyone does want to connect, I think Discord might be the best way. I don’t want to have my Discord tag here publicly but shoot me a DM if you want to connect there or if you want to join my LT server (it’s been quiet recently but it’s small and comfy... infodumping encouraged!)
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whiteshipnightjar · 3 months
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Zoozve, my beloved
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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The math just adds up!
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wildbasil · 1 month
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things haven't been great but i think they will be. eventually 🌻🌼🩷
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hamletthedane · 3 months
I was meeting a client at a famous museum’s lounge for lunch (fancy, I know) and had an hour to kill afterwards so I joined the first random docent tour I could find. The woman who took us around was a great-grandmother from the Bronx “back when that was nothing to brag about” and she was doing a talk on alternative mediums within art.
What I thought that meant: telling us about unique sculpture materials and paint mixtures.
What that actually meant: an 84yo woman gingerly holding a beautifully beaded and embroidered dress (apparently from Ukraine and at least 200 years old) and, with tears in her eyes, showing how each individual thread was spun by hand and weaved into place on a cottage floor loom, with bright blue silk embroidery thread and hand-blown beads intricately piercing the work of other labor for days upon days, as the labor of a dozen talented people came together to make something so beautiful for a village girl’s wedding day.
What it also meant: in 1948, a young girl lived in a cramped tenement-like third floor apartment in Manhattan, with a father who had just joined them after not having been allowed to escape through Poland with his pregnant wife nine years earlier. She sits in her father’s lap and watches with wide, quiet eyes as her mother’s deft hands fly across fabric with bright blue silk thread (echoing hands from over a century years earlier). Thread that her mother had salvaged from white embroidery scraps at the tailor’s shop where she worked and spent the last few days carefully dying in the kitchen sink and drying on the roof.
The dress is in the traditional Hungarian fashion and is folded across her mother’s lap: her mother doesn’t had a pattern, but she doesn’t need one to make her daughter’s dress for the fifth grade dance. The dress would end up differing significantly from the pure white, petticoated first communion dresses worn by her daughter’s majority-Catholic classmates, but the young girl would love it all the more for its uniqueness and bright blue thread.
And now, that same young girl (and maybe also the villager from 19th century Ukraine) stands in front of us, trying not to clutch the old fabric too hard as her voice shakes with the emotion of all the love and humanity that is poured into the labor of art. The village girl and the girl in the Bronx were very different people: different centuries, different religions, different ages, and different continents. But the love in the stitches and beads on their dresses was the same. And she tells us that when we look at the labor of art, we don’t just see the work to create that piece - we see the labor of our own creations and the creations of others for us, and the value in something so seemingly frivolous.
But, maybe more importantly, she says that we only admire this piece in a museum because it happened to survive the love of the wearer and those who owned it afterwards, but there have been quite literally billions of small, quiet works of art in billions of small, quiet homes all over the world, for millennia. That your grandmother’s quilt is used as a picnic blanket just as Van Gogh’s works hung in his poor friends’ hallways. That your father’s hand-painted model plane sets are displayed in your parents’ livingroom as Grecian vases are displayed in museums. That your older sister’s engineering drawings in a steady, fine-lined hand are akin to Da Vinci’s scribbles of flying machines.
I don’t think there’s any dramatic conclusions to be drawn from these thoughts - they’ve been echoed by thousands of other people across the centuries. However, if you ever feel bad for spending all of your time sewing, knitting, drawing, building lego sets, or whatever else - especially if you feel like you have to somehow monetize or show off your work online to justify your labor - please know that there’s an 84yo museum docent in the Bronx who would cry simply at the thought of you spending so much effort to quietly create something that’s beautiful to you.
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ardri-na-bpiteog · 2 months
Also increasingly aware that a LOT of people "manage" getting through the 40+ hour work week by sleeping less than is healthy and relying on stimulants like coffee and energy drinks to keep them going.
For people who are unwilling or unable to do this...work really does just dominate your life. Like we really should not have to rely on unhealthy practices just to have a social life or keep on top of housework or whatever.
I know I post about this a lot but I'm so TIRED all the time and it's just so depressing that this is how we're expected to spend the one life we have.
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endusviolence · 2 months
Rowling isn't denying holocaust. She just pointed out that burning of transgender health books is a lie as that form of cosmetic surgery didn't exist. But of course you knew that already, didn't you?
I was thinking I'd probably see one of you! You're wrong :) Let's review the history a bit, shall we?
In this case, what we're talking about is the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, or in English, The Institute of Sexology. This Institute was founded and headed by a gay Jewish sexologist named Magnus Hirschfeld. It was founded in July of 1919 as the first sexology research clinic in the world, and was run as a private, non-profit clinic. Hirschfeld and the researchers who worked there would give out consultations, medical advice, and even treatments for free to their poorer clientele, as well as give thousands of lectures and build a unique library full of books on gender, sexuality, and eroticism. Of course, being a gay man, Hirschfeld focused a lot on the gay community and proving that homosexuality was natural and could not be "cured".
Hirschfeld was unique in his time because he believed that nobody's gender was either one or the other. Rather, he contended that everyone is a mixture of both male and female, with every individual having their own unique mix of traits.
This leads into the Institute's work with transgender patients. Hirschfeld was actually the one to coin the term "transsexual" in 1923, though this word didn't become popular phrasing until 30 years later when Harry Benjamin began expanding his research (I'll just be shortening it to trans for this brief overview.) For the Institute, their revolutionary work with gay men eventually began to attract other members of the LGBTA+, including of course trans people.
Contrary to what Anon says, sex reassignment surgery was first tested in 1912. It'd already being used on humans throughout Europe during the 1920's by the time a doctor at the Institute named Ludwig Levy-Lenz began performing it on patients in 1931. Hirschfeld was at first opposed, but he came around quickly because it lowered the rate of suicide among their trans patients. Not only was reassignment performed at the Institute, but both facial feminization and facial masculization surgery were also done.
The Institute employed some of these patients, gave them therapy to help with other issues, even gave some of the mentioned surgeries for free to this who could not afford it! They spoke out on their behalf to the public, even getting Berlin police to help them create "transvestite passes" to allow people to dress however they wanted without the threat of being arrested. They worked together to fight the law, including trying to strike down Paragraph 175, which made it illegal to be homosexual. The picture below is from their holiday party, Magnus Hirschfeld being the gentleman on the right with the fabulous mustache. Many of the other people in this photo are transgender.
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[Image ID: A black and white photo of a group of people. Some are smiling at the camera, others have serious expressions. Either way, they all seem to be happy. On the right side, an older gentleman in glasses- Magnus Hirschfeld- is sitting. He has short hair and a bushy mustache. He is resting one hand on the shoulder of the person in front of him. His other hand is being held by a person to his left. Another person to his right is holding his shoulder.]
There was always push back against the Institute, especially from conservatives who saw all of this as a bad thing. But conservatism can't stop progress without destroying it. They weren't willing to go that far for a good while. It all ended in March of 1933, when a new Chancellor was elected. The Nazis did not like homosexuals for several reasons. Chief among them, we break the boundaries of "normal" society. Shortly after the election, on May 6th, the book burnings began. The Jewish, gay, and obviously liberal Magnus Hirschfeld and his library of boundary-breaking literature was one of the very first targets. Thankfully, Hirschfeld was spared by virtue of being in Paris at the time (he would die in 1935, before the Nazis were able to invade France). His library wasn't so lucky.
This famous picture of the book burnings was taken after the Institute of Sexology had been raided. That's their books. Literature on so much about sexuality, eroticism, and gender, yes including their new work on trans people. This is the trans community's Alexandria. We're incredibly lucky that enough of it survived for Harry Benjamin and everyone who came after him was able to build on the Institute's work.
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[Image ID: A black and white photo of the May Nazi book burning of the Institute of Sexology's library. A soldier, back facing the camera, is throwing a stack of books into the fire. In the background of the right side, a crowd is watching.]
As the Holocaust went on, the homosexuals of Germany became a targeted group. This did include transgender people, no matter what you say. To deny this reality is Holocaust denial. JK Rowling and everyone else who tries to pretend like this isn't reality is participating in that evil. You're agreeing with the Nazis.
But of course, you knew that already, didn't you?
Edit: Added image IDs. I apologize to those using screen readers for forgetting them. Please reblog this version instead.
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stil-lindigo · 17 days
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lead balloon (the tumblr post that saved me)
if this comic resonated with you, it would mean the world to me if you donated to this palestinian family's escape fund.
no creative notes because this isn't that kind of comic.
I know I don’t owe any of you anything but I still felt compelled to write about my long term absence. And I feel far enough away from the dangerous spot I was in to be able to make this comic. I have a therapist now, and she agreed that making this could be a very cathartic gesture, and the start of properly leaving these thoughts behind me. I am still, at seemingly random times, blindsided by fleeting desires to kill myself. They’re always passing urges, but it’s disarming, and uncomfortable. I worry sometimes that my brain’s spent so long thinking only about suicide that it’s forgotten how to think about anything else. Like, now that I've opened that door for myself, I'll never be able to fully shut it again. But I’m trying my best to encourage my mind in other directions. We'll see how that goes.
I am still donating all proceeds from my store to Palestinian causes. So far, I've donated over $15K, not including donations coming from my own pocket or the fundraising streams which jointly raised around $10K. In the time since I made my initial post about where this money would be going, the focus has shifted from aid organisations to directly donating to escape funds.
If you'd like to do the same, you can look at Operation Olive Branch, which hosts hundreds of Palestinian escape funds or donate to Safebow, which has helped facilitate the safe crossing and securing of important medical procedures for over 150 at-risk palestinians since the beginning of the genocide.
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emberglowfox · 7 months
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Keeper -- a short comic about an angel meeting a robotic lighthouse keeper that doesn't know the world has already ended. Made in about 18 hours for a 24-hour 24-page* black and white comic challenge (that I arrived late to, ha.)
*the actual submission does not include the cover, which was created after the fact for this post.
This was a really great learning experience as someone who's... never really made a completed comic. I ended up really attached to the story by the end of the project (possibly due to all-nighter deliriousness lol) and ultimately am very proud of what I made.There are some things I'd still like to change, particularly text placement, but in keeping with the spirit of the challenge I've elected to leave it as is.
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catmask · 7 months
does anyone have like an anti aesthetic. like something you look at and can recognize as a complete fashion/interior design/artistic movement and understand it but it makes you shudder seeing it. i am not talking like “its morally bad” “its poorly structured” like just sheerly devoid of joy for you actually invites a repulse response.
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