#To not make riddle look bad in photos
poisoned-pearls · 22 days
2nd year dance
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(taken minutes before flo and rook got into a physical fight over their gfs being the queen of the dance)
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 months
Savanaclaw students: Wait— Is that Yuurin?
Yuurin: *running laps*
Savanaclaw student A: *shouts* HEY!!! YUURIN!!!
Savanaclaw student A: HOW MANY LAPS ARE YOU DOING?!!
Yuurin: *signals with her hand that she's doing 50 laps*
Savanaclaw student A: Oh. Okay. That's not bad.
Leona: *sips his coffee* She meant last 50 laps.
Savanaclaw students: Eh?
Ruggie: Yuurin woke up at 4AM.
Leona: Yeah. The lady already finished 100 laps.
Savanaclaw students: ...
Savanaclaw student B: HEY, YUURIN!!! TAKE SOME WATER BREAK!!!
Savanaclaw students: YUURIIIIIIN!!!
Leona: You don't feel sleepy at all after running like that?
Yuurin: No. Actually, I feel wide awake.
Leona: ...
Leona: You remind me of an Arctic tern.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: I don't think that animal suits me.
Leona: It does. Here. I bought you a hairpin that looks like one.
Yuurin: ...
Leona: This will look good on your hair.
Yuurin: ...
Leona: You didn't need to send a photo to your parents, did you?
Yuurin: No.
Leona: That's good. *clips the hairpin on her*
Yuurin: ...Thank you, housewarden.
Leona: You're too formal. Just call me by my name.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: Leona-senpai.
Leona: *ruffles her hair*
Yuurin: *her hair gets messy*
Leona: Shit— Let me fix that.
Other first-years: *staring at MC because of her bird hairpin*
Ace: *teasing smirk* That looks good on you, bro.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: Thanks.
Ace: ...That's not what I—
Yuurin: *ignores him and focuses on class*
Professor Trein: Yuu, can you answer this question?
Yuurin: Yes, professor. *then proceeds to answer the question correctly*
Professor Trein: *smiles in satisfaction* You didn't forget any details. Great job, Yuu.
Yuurin: Thank you, Professor.
Ace: *mutters* Nerd.
Deuce: Dude, what?
Ace: What? He reminds me of Housewarden Riddle!
Yuurin: *looking at him*
Ace: ...
Professor Trein: Yuu? Is there something wrong?
Yuurin: Nothing, professor. *sits back down*
Akihiko — You look great with your hairpin, Yuurin.​ (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)
Yuurin — Thanks, Aki. How's your health?
Akihiko — It's great. I haven't been sick for a week now. ​(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)
Yuurin: *smiles*
Ace: *approaches her* Yo! *smirks* You were textin' your girlfriend?
Yuurin: *her face turned serious* No. It's my brother.
Ace: Eh? *stands next to her* You enjoy talking with your brother?
Yuurin: Yes. Is there a problem?
Ace: Whoa— You don't have to look at me like that.
Yuurin: ...
Ace: Anyway, who gave you that hairpin?
Yuurin: ...My housewarden.
Ace: ...
Ace: You're just new here and you're being bullied? *clicks his tongue*
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: No one's bullying me.
Ace: You must be naive then.
Ace: No decent guy would think that receiving a cute hairpin is a good thing.
Ace: What you're experiencing is lowkey bullying— Hey! Where are you going?!
Yuurin: *has already walked away from him*
Ace: Hey! I'm still talking to you! Hey!!!
Jack: What? ACE SAID THAT?
Yuurin: Hm.
Jack: ...
Jack: Well, does it make you want to take off the hairpin Leona-senpai has given you?
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: I don't want to take it off, but at the same time, I don't want anyone to think that Leona-senpai is bullying me.
Jack: ...
Jack: Well, I can wear hairpins too.
Jack: So we're matching.
Yuurin: ...
Jack: ...
Yuurin: Won't that cause an even bigger misunderstanding?
Jack: ...
Jack: You think?
Yuurin: Yes.
Leona: That's not a problem. I'll start wearing hairpins too.
Yuurin: ...
Leona: Oi, Ruggie! Buy every freaking hairpins from Sam!
Ruggie: Sure. You want the cute ones?
Leona: Yeah. The cuter the better, that little shit. (referring to Ace)
Yuurin: ...
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hotchscvm · 11 months
Andy Barber
best friend’s daddy one two three
• Andy finds interest in his son's best friend.
Aaron Hotchner
bad ideas (and good results) one two
• after aaron’s rejection, you enlist spencer’s help to make him jealous.
leaked nudes one two three
• while looking at crime scene pictures on your phone, aaron swipes too far left and discovers some … sexy photos.
three cents
• you butt dial your boss during a girls night … the girls night where you told them you’d fuck aaron hotchner for three cents.
pass the salt, daddy
• in which both your daddies reach for the salt.
baby fever
• you pretending to be pregnant during an undercover mission has aaron thinking about making it real.
dildo shopping one two
• aaron catches you dildo shopping.
• aaron’s interest in you becomes an obsession.
tiktoks and bcc’s
• strauss calls you into her office about a few tiktoks you made about your boss.
performance evaluation
• after making a wrong move on the field, aaron is forced to evaluate your performance. you make sure to give him a good one.
Spencer Reid
not his girlfriend
• you’re not his girlfriend, but …
spencer doesn’t swear
• after realizing spencer doesn’t curse, you make it your mission to do so, no matter how many times you have to bend over on his desk.
teddy bear
• when he's away on cases, his teddy bear keeps an eye on you.
Tom Riddle
drisson one
• thrust back in time, she must navigate her way through the 1940s with tom riddle’s obsession.
thank u, next one two
• A new team member in the group shakes things up for the super soldier.
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thegayestmferintown · 2 months
Can i request for any twisted wonderland characters that's fit x reader who don't know how to cook
yeah, of course!
Some of these characters have shorter parts because I added every character in the game, minus side characters such as (Artemiy Artemiyevich Pinker (Che'nya), Rollo Flamme, et cetera)
Also! If there are any inadequacies with grammar, I apologize, I'm at a friend's house while i'm writing this and I'm very easily distracted.
If it's not obvious, I'm a sucker for soft Sebek
Ortho is strictly platonic!
And Reader can be viewed as either Yuu or not!
@nisobird because there's Azul
Warnings ;; None
Relationship ;; Romantic
Type ;; Headcanons
Riddle Rosehearts ;; Heartslabyul Housewarden ;; Second Year
Riddle's world comes crashing down, in all honesty.
The boy was raised with the ideal that a partner is supposed to be at least a decent cook, but you are the exact opposite.
He will eat your food only to be nice.
Even though he can't cook all that well himself, he'll try to suggest ways to make it better even though none of his suggestions really, truly help the awfulness of your cooking.
Let's just hope you don't end up cooking for his mother.
Trey Clover ;; Heartslabyul Vice-Housewarden ;; Third Year
Trey is quite literally the sunshine to your moonlight, your sky to your ground.
You two are total, clear opposites.
He can cook almost anything without flaw, especially pastries and sweets.
He will panic if he ever sees you in the kitchen, trying to cook something.
He'll subtly take over for you, slowly taking more and more control of the kitchen.
Cater Diamond ;; Heartslabyul ;; Third Year
Cater would not care one single bit.
He is taking so, so many photos and posting them on Magicam, he does not give two shits whether it looks amazing, or absolutely terrible.
He will post it, specifically because you're his partner, you're his significant other.
And yes, he will shove it down his throat even if he needs to vomit it up later.
Ace Trappola ;; Heartslabyul ;; First Year
Ace can't cook, not one bit.
He's also very weird about his tastes.
He'll eat pickles and ice cream but he probably won't eat a single slice of cheese.
He'll eat anything you make at all whatsoever, unless there's cheese. (I headcanon he absolutely hates cheese, don't ask why)
He'll watch you cook and won't even interfere.
He does notice how bad your cooking is but he won't say or do anything about it because he genuinely does not care.
He'll even tell you it's actually good
Deuce Spade ;; Heartslabyul ;; First Year
Deuce doesn't even notice how bad it is, and if he did, he wouldn't even care.
He'll anything and everything, minus bell peppers.
He cannot, and will not, eat bell peppers.
He hates the taste, the texture, everything about bell peppers is everything he hates in all of Twisted Wonderland.
He tends to not watch you cook and has no reason for it.
Leona Kingscholar ;; Savanaclaw Housewarden ;; Third Year
Leona's not exactly shameless when it comes to meats, despite any sort of meat being among his absolute favorite foods.
He's not very picky about meats though. Just as long as it's cooked decently, and seasoned alright, he's fine.
Despite being a literal prince, he does not have a prince's palette.
He'll literally eat raw meat if it suits his needs
Of course, that's mostly because of the lion beastman part of him
Ruggie Bucchi ;; Savanaclaw ;; Second Year
Ruggie is literally shameless, make him anything and he'll eat it.
Just as long as it's not rotten, he'll eat quite literally anything.
He's not the greatest cook, but he'll help in any way he possibly can.
He'll most definitely bring your food to the kids in his neighborhood, no matter how terrible it is.
He wants to make sure they're fed, and he's happy when you're willing to cook.
He never tells you if he genuinely thinks you're food is bad, he'll end up feeling terrible and he knows that so he won't say a thing about your cooking.
Unless it's any sort of praise.
Jack Howl ;; Savanaclaw ;; First Year
Jack isn't entirely picky, but he's not the biggest fan of your cooking.
Being who he is, he'll feel bad for even thinking that your food is bad.
Also being the honest man he is, he'll sadly point it out to you, admitting his wrongdoing.
He's a big sweetheart, so he'll try to be as kind to you as he can, no matter how you end up reacting.
Azul Ashengrotto ;; Octavinelle Housewarden ;; Second Year
Given that Azul grew up with his mother owning a restaurant, and he himself owning a restaurant, he's a bit... iffy over your cooking skills.
Of course, he'll always be nice when he brings it up. You're his significant other after all.
He'll point it out and he may give you some of his mom's recipes to help you follow along.
He helps you cook much more than he used to, letting you have most of the control, but he will come in if he sees you do something wrong.
Jade Leech ;; Octavinelle Vice-Housewarden ;; Second Year
Jade finds you and your cooking very, very entertaining.
He doesn't ever actually help you unless he finds you cooking mushrooms and.... screwing them up.
After that, he's immediately on your case and helping you cook.
Within the next two or three weeks, you're an absolute master chef.
Especially with mushrooms. By time Jade is done with you, you're more than likely a better chef when it comes to mushrooms than he is.
Floyd Leech ;; Octavinelle ;; Second Year
Floyd thinks you are the most entertaining human he's ever met.
Like some other people, he doesn't think your food is bad, just that it's so unbelievably entertaining and unique.
He actually doesn't try to help your cooking or change it or buy you anything new.
He simply watches the chaos of your cooking unfold, while occasionally adding his own, odd concoction to the mix.
And he will eat your food, no matter what you put on his plate, or what you put in the odd concoction you call your cooking.
Just don't add any shiitake mushrooms, he begs of you.
Kalim Al-Asim ;; Scarabia Housewarden ;; Second Year
Kalim more than likely trusts you enough to not have Jamil test the food you give him.
The only way Jamil would let Kalim eat your food is if Jamil himself trusted you.
So, if Jamil trusted you, Kalim would more than happily eat your food himself.
He probably wouldn't care if your food was the best food in the whole of Twisted Wonderland, or if your food is the worst thing in all of Twisted Wonderland.
He'll eat it happily and won't complain one bit.
Jamil Viper ;; Scarabia Vice-Housewarden ;; Second Year
Jamil, if he truly trusts you, will eat small bits of your food and will help you cook every single time you step in a kitchen.
He won't completely take over like Trey would, but he will guide you in every single way, subtle or not.
Once you get better and better, he'll eat your food more and more.
He'll take over for you at any time and finish the cooking for you, if that's what you'd like, all you'd have to do is say the word.
Vil Schoenheit ;; Pomefiore Housewarden ;; Third Year
You're going to make the Vil Schoenheit break out. And that's a feat, especially considering his rigorous skincare routine.
He won't eat any of your food, and he will flat-out tell you, in a relatively nice tone of voice, that your food is not exactly good.
If he realizes that it hurts you, he'll try to find ways for your cooking to taste relatively better, whether it be buying you new utensils, or buying you cookbooks or any other things like that.
He promises you that he never meant to hurt you, he just wants to... help.
Rook Hunt ;; Pomefiore Vice-Housewarden ;; Third Year
Oh, Rook does not care. He genuinely thinks that your cooking is beautiful and wonderful in every single way possible.
He will eat your food and compliment you even if you put whole-ass children's toys in your food.
He'll buy you whatever you need for your cooking without you even need to ask him, he's kind of a freak like that.
Epel Felmier ;; Pomefiore ;; First Year
Epel is very in the middle, he's fine with your bad cooking just.... don't make him eat it because he will act like a toddler having to eat vegetables.
Or, that's what he says he won't do.
He says he'll be all manly and eat it like a man, but you know for a fact that he won't and he will act like a little kid.
Idia Shroud ;; Ignihyde Housewarden ;; Third Year
Idia barely eats as it is, so when you bring him food, his hair will immediately turn pink and he'll try to hide his face by tightening his hood over his head.
He won't care whether it's bad or good, he'll only care about the fact that you actually... brought him food.
Of course, Ortho does so all the time, but it's different when your significant other brings you a whole meal because they don't want you to starve.
Once again, he doesn't care whether it's good or bad, he'll shove it down his throat either way.
Ortho Shroud ;; Ignihyde ;; First Year
Ortho can't exactly eat, given that he's both a robot and a machine.
But he'll look up recipes and help you cook and help you get as best and as good as you can get.
He'll always help, and use every single upgrade he's ever got put into him by his big brother to help you cook as best as you can.
Malleus Draconia ;; Diasomnia Housewarden ;; Third Year
Oh, boy. Malleus is scared that he has another Lilia on his hands. Of course, your food is not as bad as Lilia's, but it's still not, for lack of a better word, good.
He will eat it, but he'll compliment and praise your cooking in a very... odd way.
He'll compliment you, yes. But he'll also add in some, not-so-subtle ways you can improve.
Don't tell him, he genuinely thinks his attempts at helping are extremely subtle, when they are absolutely not.
Lilia Vanrouge ;; Diasomnia Vice-Housewarden ;; Third Year
Lilia, like Rook, Kalim, and Deuce, won't even notice that your food is bad.
And that is mostly because he, himself is a bad chef.
He's such a bad chef he can't even tell when foods are actually bad.
Even if he could tell that your food was not good, he still wouldn't care because he just loves you far, far too much to even think of pointing it out.
Silver Vanrouge ;; Diasomnia ;; Second Year
Silver is internally sobbing. First, his Father, and now, his significant other.
He's very sweet about telling you ways you can improve.
He actually does this with his father, too. But you're the only one who picks up on it, Lilia, sadly, does not.
Silver tries his absolute hardest to help, but he eventually succumbs to his sleep, but he always profusely apologizes afterward.
Sebek Zigvolt ;; Diasomnia ;; First Year
Sebek is oddly much sweeter about it than you'd ever expect.
He doesn't yell, but he does let you know that it doesn't taste good.
He explains ways you can fix it, despite he himself not knowing how to cook all that well.
He explains everything he knows about cooking to try and help you.
If Sebek manages to view a human as a significant other, or partner, he will dote on your every need or want in the sweetest way that you'd never, ever expect from him.
He's very sweet as he helps you cook, making sure that you do everything to the best of your genuine ability.
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⋆ 𝓡𝓲𝓭𝓭𝓵𝓮 𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓼: 𝓓𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓬 𝓑𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓼 ⋆
Please note: This is a repost from my old blog, @sugarcookiesheep!
This was the first story I ever posted on my old blog, and my first series too! It was a series that featured most of the Twisted Wonderland cast as fathers, and what their child/children are like! (With the Reader being referred to as mom!)
I had only completed Riddle and Cater's parts (while posting sneak peaks of others), and I may come back to it someday! Until then, enjoy! ♡
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⋆ As a father I believe that Riddle would be strict but fair. He would be patient with his children and control his temper but wouldn’t be afraid to put his foot down. He’d be the type of parent to implement chore wheels and good behavior charts and use parental controls on electronics to make sure his kids keep up with their studies. If they were doing particularly bad in a certain subject or struggled with something, Riddle would be more than happy to tutor them. He would make worksheets to help them practice and would take extra care helping them with homework or assignments, and make sure to go over exactly what they’re struggling with until they understood. If his child’s school had a PTA (Parent Teacher Association) he would be a part of it for sure.
⋆ Riddle’s eldest son would be a little troublemaker, not really following any of the rules Riddle makes. Instead, he would question Riddle’s rules and create his own, making a game out of it. Riddle once tried to follow his son’s rules (in the hopes that it would teach him some obedience), but his son just gave him a look of confusion before stating that the rules had changed, and that Riddle was now breaking the rules by following the old ones. Let’s just say this game is Riddle’s least favorite lol
⋆ While he’s good for his mom, he enjoys riling his father up and always acts innocent afterwards in the hopes of getting away with it (You never really seem to buy it though)
⋆ He has a big sweet tooth (just like his father), constantly trying to sneak cookies or tarts or cakes out of the kitchen. Half the time he doesn’t even try to sneak it, just grabs whatever he’s after and makes a run for it. You’ll be doing some cleaning, trying to tidy up the house, when suddenly here comes your toddler running with fistfuls of cookies while your husband chases after him. Even when you lock the desserts up he still somehow manages to get them, much to Riddle’s dismay.
⋆ In place of gold stars you decided to get scented stickers shaped like desserts for the good behavior chart, as that seemed to encourage your eldest son to behave more
⋆ Whenever he has a nightmare, he always goes to his dad. You’ve walked into the kitchen more than once in the early morning and found Riddle and your son fast asleep at the table, half empty mugs of milk and cookie crumbs around them. It’s a sight that always fills you with warmth.
⋆ When he gets to be a little bit older (around 5 or 6) You and Riddle cave and get him the pet hedgehog he’d been wanting (Riddle hoping it teaches him some responsibility) He is very responsible when it comes to his pet and takes excellent care of him. He considers the hedgehog to be his best friend (and partner in crime), taking him wherever he goes. (The hedgehog’s name is Beef Hedgington, and he’s named after Beef Wellington)
⋆ The boys are around 5-6 years apart age wise, so your eldest son got his pet hedgehog Beef before his little brother was born.
⋆ There are plenty of times where you or Riddle would enter the baby’s room and find that your eldest left his pet in his brother’s crib. When you ask him, he’d simply say that Beef is there to watch over him and protect him if need be. It makes for some cute photos in the family album!
⋆ Riddle’s younger son is quite the contrast to his brother, a shy boy that tries his best to follow the rules and doesn’t want to stand out. He’s content watching quietly in the background as his older brother gets up to his latest shenanigans, though on occasion he can be convinced to join him.
⋆ He prefers to play alone or with his brother, usually keeping to himself while your eldest is running around with the other kids at the park. He gets a bit anxious in social situations, especially when he’s unfamiliar with the person. But if another kid did approach him and wanted to play with him he would hesitate for a second before nodding his head yes, gesturing towards the toys he was playing with. It always makes you and Riddle so happy whenever he makes a new friend at school, his body language giving away how excited he is.
⋆ Much like your husband and eldest son (and you), your younger son also has a big sweet tooth. Unlike your eldest though, he doesn’t try to sneak or take any desserts. Instead he would follow you around as you’re baking, or gaze longingly at whatever sweet he wanted. You would pick up on this and give him one as a treat, or let him lick the spoon while you’re baking (after making him promise not to tell his brother)
⋆ Riddle started a tradition where when it’s someone’s birthday in the family, you would all go to Trey’s bakery and get them their own special cake/dessert. The kid’s always get so excited whenever they get to go see their “Uncle Trey”, especially when it’s one of their birthdays. They always have fun choosing a different cake flavor or dessert every year, watching Trey make and decorate it before serving it to them. You have a special photo album specifically for these occasions, making sure to always include Trey and his family in the pictures.
⋆ One of your favorites in the album is a photo from Riddle’s birthday, his face and shirt a mess of frosting as your two boys had both wanted to feed their father his cake. Trey is in the background laughing while your off to the side trying to wipe some frosting off Riddle’s face, your two boys smiling towards the camera with frosting smudged around their mouths. It’s a photo you love so much you end up framing it and hanging it near the front door so that it’s the last thing Riddle sees when he leaves to go to work. A beautiful reminder of his wonderful and loving family ♡
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Originally posted: November 25th, 2023
𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾! ♡
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cupids-chamber · 1 year
❝ 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐂𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐒.. .ᐟ ❞ Shall we look underneath the tree? And see what he got you..
GENDER NEUTRAL READER A/N: Ortho's part is strictly platonic, each part is different. Also, I do not think I wrote the letters well, but I did smthing!!
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Matching charm bracelets, engraved with the date the two of you first met. One of the greatest moments of his life. Small little dangling charms of Gargoyles attached to each bracelet. And if you squint your eyes, and check behind the heart charm, you'll find the engravings "M.Dracona +Y.L/n"
A scrapbook of all the memories he had shared with you, each page filled with your favorite colors and aesthetic. He put a lot of effort decorating everything just for you..
A small album, filled with all his favorite moments with you. He couldn't think of anything better, it seemed like the best gift.. A album of all the best memories he shared with you..
That's not to say that all the memories and moments he has created with you were bad, he loved all of them! But their are particular memories that fill him up with immeasurable warmth, and he hopes you'll feel the same.
Sebek couldn't figure out what to give you, something that could highlight and really show you how much he loves you.. that's when Lilia pitched in a idea to him...
Sebek's gift was filled with multiple letters, in a handmade/hand painted box, the letters were filled with sweet messages for anytime he may have upset you.. He's not the best at expressing his love, but he hopes this gift could provide you some comfort..
He personally hands you the gift, it was a photo frame of sorts, a small blue bow displayed at it's front. The device flipped through photo's of the two of you together, and it held gif's and whatnot.. Attached with a audio box of your favorite songs.. "I made it myself.."
A perfectly wrapped gift was displayed underneath the the tree, inside there's a small figure of you and Ortho holding hands, he didn't know what to give you, to be exact.. so, instead he choose to get you something sentimental.. He heard from a certain somewhere that sentimental gifts were much more thoughtful then others!
Kalim decided not to go too grand for the scenario, giving you a multitude of gifts would erase the sentiment of a gift in general..
Instead he choose to give you a few small handmade trinkets, and small things he saw you eyeing, efficiently showing that he pays attention to where your eyes travel when going out shopping or on dates.
A small bracelet with your birthstone, he didn't quite know how to leave a lasting impression with his gift, but he knew he was happy for your birth.. so the aspect of a birth stone suited the scenario well..
A customized pen, with a small spell attached, so you can change the smoothness and colour, it's pretty friendly with people who want to learn cursive..
It'll have his name engraved, in a place where he assumes you wouldn't have noticed.. The gesture itself was lovely!
A beautiful large basket, filled with all sorts of pastries.. Savory and spicy snacks. Everything specialized to your tastes, he paid close detail as to what you preferred eating when creating the basket, it was sure to last you for quite the while.
A personalized acrylic map, it displayed the date of your first ever confession, and the place. The painting could have used a bit of work, but the gesture was filled with love..
The gift box was black, with a blue spade on the top instead of a bow. The ribbon was carefully done, to have the gift look as pleasing as possible.. Inside you could find a music box, with a message! It read:
"To my dearest partner, I can't really express how I feel within words but you brighten up my day Seeing you smile makes me smile.. I love you"
Couples bracelets, that looks like handcuffs. It's a stupid joke, when you ask him he'll say, "Then we'll literally be attached together". The joke may have not been what you expected, but the gesture was cute.
A personally hand picked and assorted candle set, he finds candles extremely calming, and uses them when he needs a light stress reliever, he's been noticing you felt a bit stressed lately.. maybe it was Crowley? Regardless.. he can't have you dying on him, can he!?
So, he took the time and effort to make you a personally assorted candle set.
A collection of small bow pins, and whatnot.. Things to go on your hair, etc.. Essentially, a box of trinkets, that follow a hunting theme, some were cute bunnies the others were a variety of things!
He hand picked the trinkets, to make it all the more meaningful!
And engraved wood sculpture of an apple, carved with beautiful details.. The wood work was utterly beautiful, the gift would be wrapped in a small white box, with a sparkly purple ribbon..
A small note would be at the front:
"Not to be sweet or anything.. The design is inspired by my heart racing.. Whenever I speak with you"
A mini piano, it's completely playable. Yet it seems like it came out of a doll house, it's custom made to match one similar to what Azul has.. Something you have witnessed Azul playing first hand..
A small necklace, in the shape of a letter.. In the back of it a small note and declaration of love was written, signed off as J.Leech.. (Yes these exist)
A stunning art piece of you.. in puzzle form.. The trick is that there are over 1000 pieces.. And the two of you will need to work together to put it together..
Halfway through he'll get slightly bored, but since he caused this mess.. and he's doing it with you.. He'll enjoy it.
Plus your focused face is cute.
He's not good at sentimental gestures and whatnot, and definitely sucks in this category of giving. So, he decided to give you a necklace, engraved with his name of course..
He is your al-mighty Leona Kingscholar. (Who will never be king)
A handmade 30 day, scratch off.. Each day, you'll scratch and find a goovy picture of you two together, or a sweet message he wrote to you..
At the very last day, you'll find a small letter, it'll be a letter where he expresses his more vulnerable side, writing down how he truly feels for you..
A personalized gift box, once unfolding it there will be many compartments you can open up and read notes, letters, quotes, etc from your lover!... As for the gift, he had a given you a handmade candle!
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© cupids-chamber, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work without prior permission and or confirmation from me.
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underqualified-human · 11 months
Riddle, Vil, Rook, Azul: S/O kept their birthday hidden
→ Request: Hello 👋 I love your works so much 🥺 May I please request a headcannon GN!S/O w/ Vil Schoenheit,Riddle Roseheart,Rook Hunt and Azul Ashengrotto
'Their s/o never told them when their birthday and they forgot to ask until one day,they accidentally hear their s/o just celebrating by theirself.'
You can ignore this request if u want,if you DO this request then thank you~
→ A/N: So I added a little drabble in between the headcanons for fun!
→ Warnings:
→ Fandom: Disney: Twisted Wonderland
→ Genre: Headcanons/Drabbles
→ Pronouns: They/Them
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Riddle Rosehearts:
I know for a fact how this played out
Riddle wanted to invite you to an unbirthday party. You were his significant other of course he wanted you to attend. He also wanted to show off a little bit, though it was only natural to want to show your partner the best of yourself. A few times you'd asked him to let you help with setting up. Those were his favourite times. He'd sent you a letter invitation - as he usually does- but you hadn't responded to it yet. There was a small ball of nerves forming in the pit of his stomach.
As he climbed the steps to The Ramshackle dorm, he heard laughter. With a slightly angry hand, he knocked on the dorm. His anger lessened ever so slightly you answered the door, still smiling. "Why didn't you respond to my letter?" 
He asked, trying to hide his fear behind irritation. He looked past you and saw streamers hanging from the dirty dorm ceiling.
"Well, today's my birthday. It would be pretty rude to show up to an unbirthday party on my birthday."
The ghosts dragged him into Ramshackle and made him miss his own unbirthday party 
He felt so bad, but doesn't let it show too much
Constantly beats himself up over the fact that he didn't even ask you
He gets you a gift the next day to try and make up for it
Marks the date on his calendar with a bright red heart
Vil Schoenheit:
The photographer had called for a 15-minute break and Vil had quickly checked his Magicam feed. On there he saw you'd posted a photo of a cake you had baked yourself (he could tell). There was a caption under the photo which said 'Happy Birthday To Me!'
Oh boy strap in
Is honestly upset with both you and himself. You because 'why didn't you tell me?' and himself because 'why didn't I just ask?'
Forces Convinces you to join him on a spa day when he's done with his work
Goes shopping with you and lets you pick out almost anything you want to buy
Makes sure to always remember the date from now on
Rook Hunt:
Rook likes to watch you from afar. This is not new information. The Frenchman is almost always nearby, just observing. It brought a sense of calm to your life knowing that he was never too far away. Whether you’d just grown accustomed to the feeling of him being around, or he’d gotten much better at hiding, you couldn’t feel his eyes watching that day. You saw him later walking in the hallway, but you never interacted with him that day beyond a small wave and a smile. You can’t always spend time with your boyfriend, life is busy sometimes. So, you spent the day with yourself and your friends. He popped up later that night, in the middle of your own little birthday party. How he found out you had no idea, maybe he didn’t know and just wanted to spend time with you. Whatever the reason may be, he was here and you were happy about it.
Honestly thinks it's funny that you managed to keep this a secret from him for so long, but still tries to hide it.
Bakes a cake/whatever else you want with you [macarons, he also makes macarons]
Your birthday is now one of his passwords
Takes you on a cute little picnic date the next day
Azul Ashengrotto:
Azul hadn't seen you all day and he'd started to get worried. You didn't have a lot of classes that overlapped, but you would normally spend lunches together. Today was a weekend, which made him even more nervous.
Luckily or not, weekends were when the lounge was most busy so he threw himself into his work to distract from the growing thoughts that swirled in his head.
He made it until past noon before he left to go look for you.
He checked all your usual spots but couldn't find you or your friends. When he finally checked your dorm, he heard loud laughter from the backyard. He walked along the side of the house and spotted you and Grimm having a water balloon fight. One hit you in the face and you slipped, laughing all the way down. 
When Grimm spotted him, his laughter died down. You turned your head to see Azul standing at the entrance to your little overgrown garden.
Before he could ask what was going on he saw a small cake on one of the nearby tables. You hit him in the face with a balloon, the plastic sticking to his glasses.
Congrats! You now have to comfort him for hours on your birthday because he's sad 😢
But seriously he knows well enough what it's like to be alone on your birthday and feels horrible that he'd unknowingly subject you to that. 
Spends the rest of the day with you doing what you want
At the end of the day, he has a little impromptu dinner at the Lounge, free of charge! (The price is actually a kiss on the cheek)
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Tagging: None
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qierxing · 10 months
hnnnngh animal hybrids getting me so…..yan hybrid heartslabyul time
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Riddle is a pampered little kitty, who always knows he's the best of the best! He's got the pedigree to back him up on it too. there's a strict routine he follows down to the letter-wake up, groom himself neatly, eat a balanced breakfast, spend time observing for intruders-it's all rather tiring, but he sticks to it like no other. if his carefully set up routine is offset, expect some major temper tantrums incoming. still, he is a cat, and as such he'll still adamantly stick to your side for cuddles and petting. once you see him sleepy eyed and pouty lipped, perhaps you can forgive him for his stringent attitude other times. But you know he only does all these tiresome things to make sure you pay attention to him, and him only, right? best make sure you don’t indulge in bad habits, lest you end up on the wrong side of his claws. If you won’t look at him, then he’ll make you look at him.
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a faithful companion is what Trey is, as being a dog hybrid, especially of the Newfoundland breed, means his loyalty and ability to care for others is second to none. He's extremely good natured and so patient, even with the rowdy younger ones. you have to remind him to not hover over the others too much, lest he stretch himself too far or his mother henning ends up controlling. It's already happened to you so far, even though you'd argue that's what you're supposed to be doing for him. his instinct to protect must be ingrained deeply, for why does it seem like he's always trailing after you nagging? it's one thing to look out for you, it's completely another thing to run his paws down your body for injuries. maybe you should enlist in some retraining advice…otherwise you might end up pinned to your bed with a possessive hound rutting into you.
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a sly little thing, that Cater. Foxes are mischievous by nature, and he is no different. always pulling you to his side for surprise selfies or stealing your ribbon to tie up his own hair, he sure knows how to keep you on your toes. that said, he's still a lovable guy, just not very…honest. Is that another inherent trait? You often ask him where he’s been most of the day and he answers with a vague “just hanging around with other people!”(even though you swear you saw a flash of red orange fur out of the corner of your eye when you went shopping), or when you ask if he’s seen your favorite shirt, only to catch him red handed with it in the laundry. Still, it’s not like he’s weird or mean, it’s just that he needs a firm hand when going too far. And when it gets to the point where you’re having to confiscate his phone for having numerous photos of you, you’ll have to do something real quick or else you might end up flashing more than just underwear in those snaps.
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you swear that Ace is a rascal, a rascal! Do all weasel hybrids act like this? one moment you're minding your own business and the next you're having to stop him from consuming your entire snack supply from the pantry. he's always managing to get himself in trouble that it has to be a talent at this point. Some days, you have to seriously consider whether you regret bringing him in from the shelter. Although, maybe that’s too harsh. When he’s not hellbent annoying the soul out of you, he entertains you with tricks up his sleeves, always smugly smiling whenever you compliment his skills. He has his soft moments. but sometimes he gets too mean–always snarling at your other friends or insulting you to the point of tears or frustration. Just when you think about returning him to another handler who could take care of such a rowdy guy, he always manages to come pleading and begging for your forgiveness and then your heart is too nice to not forgive him in the end. this game of tug of war can’t be good for you, but you don’t know that Ace is too well versed in playing hot and cold, and if it means you’ll be isolated from one more rival that isn’t him, then he’ll gladly play this game of breaking your heart.
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your heart melts when you look at Deuce. you found the raccoon hybrid shivering in the snowy cold and brought him inside immediately. He’s a little roughed up but with a lot of warm food and being dried by a fluffy towel, he’s practically sparkling with a cool beauty that can’t be seen anywhere. You calm him down from his fretting and over time, he grows rather attached to your side. always insisting on doing your share of the work, claiming it’s to repay you for all you’ve done for him. It’s a little worrying though. Raccoons are mostly solitary creatures, but Deuce has told you he’s been separated from his mother, and you wish to help him reunite with his family. But why is it that he’s not in any hurry to leave? Is he afraid? surely not, as you’ve seen him send intimidating guys twice his size packing from his fighting skills. It’s a secret, but Deuce has been chickening out on proposing to you. he’s been wanting to introduce someone to his mother for a while and put her worries to rest, but every time he’s faced with your smiling face he always ends up red faced and silent. Just give him a couple more days to drum up his courage! once he returns triumphantly with you swollen with his cubs by his side, he’ll be able to rest easy.
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mizuki-herazaki · 6 months
TWST characters reactions to surprise hugs
another headcanon just cute scenarios (very little but kinda suggestive in Jades) not grammer checked I kind of just wrote whatever lol. have fun!! GN reader
Riddle Rosehearts
Yuu run up and hug riddle from behind as he leaves the classroom
He freezes up and almost turns as red as his hair.
You feel his whole body stiffen and he tries to speak fluently but stutters.
“W-what are you doing?”
You let go and walk in front of him “What is it against the rules?~” Yuu ask with a smile
Riddle relaxes and fixes his voice “No. But it would be nice to have a warning beforehand.” he replies sternly before walking off with a slight blush.
     Cater Diamond
Cater was trying to take a selfie but…PHOTOBOMB!!!
Just as he clicked the button to capture the photo, Yuu jumped out and hugged him from the side smiling.
When Cater notices that it is you he smiles and laughs
You two look at the photo and Cater has a surprised face as a smiley Yuu is clinging onto him.
“I am totes posting this! We’re total #couple goals!”
     Deuce Spade
Completely startled and most likely thought he was getting jumped.
After he notices it was just you he breathes a sigh of relief.
“Don’t do that Yuu, I almost got a heart attack”
Be Careful he’s a swinger.
    Leona Kingscholar
Already knew it was you
Smelt your scent from a mile away
When you are about to let go he growls
“Oi who said you could let go”
With that you keep your arms wrapped around him
It turns into a surprise cuddle session
   Jack Howl
Was working out doing runs
Yuu jumps in front of Jack out of nowhere arms open wide
It’s too late for Jack to stop; it's a direct collision as you both fall to the ground with a thud.
Yuu clings on tightly preventing Jack from getting up
“Come on Yuu, you ruined my time!” Jack says slightly annoyed
“Yea~ but now your time is mine” Yuu says happily until the gym instructor comes.
“ If you two have time for fooling around surely a 5 mile run should be no issue.”
Jack handled it well, but ended up having to carry Yuu home.
   Ruggie Bucchi
Yuu is mad at Ruggie for a “small” prank he played.
“Come on, I said sorry!” Ruggie says pleadingly
Yuu just keeps walking away ignoring him but feels slightly bad for being so upset with him.
What Yuu doesn’t notice is that Ruggie is using his special skill on them.
Next thing they notice that they are in a hug with Ruggie as he snickers.
“W-Wha- - - RUGGIE! I’m still mad at you!” Yuu yells while blushing
“Oh come on, I said sorry already. Plus you love me, don't deny it.”
You really can’t deny it. Ruggie stops his spell and you two just stand in an embrace.
  Azul Ashengrotto
After Azul finished with his (scams) I mean totally legitimate business.
He was walking back to his office with his newly made contracts.
Then BOOM Yuu jumps from a hallway and hugs him
This startles him and he grabs his contracts very close, fearing he almost dropped them.
When he notices that it is you he blushes a bit
“Please be more careful next time!” he states exasperated
“Yeah yeah, whatever you say my cutie” Yuu say with a smile
The term makes him blush even more
Floyd comes from nowhere “Someones being squeezed~”
Floyd then hugs the 2 of them and picks them up squeezing them.
Jade joins too because why not.
Azul is just in between the 3 now annoyed:Sweet moment over “Can I please put my contracts away!” he yells with annoyance
There is a no from all 3 of them
  Floyd Leech
So You drank a potion (doing stupid stuff with Ace and Deuce)long story short you are now a child.
You still have your memories but have gained a child like fear of everything
Since everybody kinda worries Yuu, they run to the person they trust the most, Floyd!
When Yuu spots Floyd about to harass Riddle, they scurry over and hugs his leg from behind.
Riddle looks down at the familiar looking kid questioningly but Floyd doesn’t seem to notice a child clinging to him.
Riddle: Well I must be off now, so before you decide to bother me, you should see to the kid attached to you.” with that he walks away
“Ehh~ what kid?” Floyd questions. He then looks down to see a child you clinging to him
Brain dial up noises
He picks Yuu up by the shirt collar to see eye to eye. He has a wide grin.
Yuu nod at his statement
He hugs You tightly and happily to his chest “Shrimpy is tiny Shrimpy now, makes me want to eat you whole.
“Please don’t” You say to him knowing he would follow through with his words.
Safe to say you didn’t leave his arms for the rest of the day (P.S. eventually the potion wore off not that Floyd cared)
  Jade Leech
Unfazed this man
Yuu decides to jump on him hugging him from behind as he works
Aww… you must miss me. Don’t worry I shall assist to your needs later tonight 😉
And he continues working but hey! He stays true to his promise
Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim is being scolded by Jamil (Not that any of it is registering)
Yuu sneaks up and hugs him
Kalim doesn't get scared but super Happy “Yay Surprise Hugs!!” He exclaims
He turns and Hugs Yuu back happily
The 2 are extremely giddy and just holding each other tighter while giggling.
Jamil is annoyed and cringing at the show of affection
Kalim then invites Yuu to a sleepover to which they gladly accept
Jamil just doesn’t even bother.
Jamil Viper
So he had a hard day of work, scratch that, week
Yuu see him in the hallway looking completely exhausted 
So you decided to give him a small happy surprise
You walk up quietly and gently wrap your arms around him
He flinches a little but then relaxes under your touch
He turns around and rest his forehead on your shoulder as he hugs back
“We should probably get to class soon.” You state quietly
“Let’s just stay like this a little longer please” He responds back tired
You smile as you softly pat his head.
Rook Hunt
Yuu sees Rook in the distance watching someone and thinks it would be a great chance to surprise him.
Yuu goes to tackle Rook but then it looks like he disappeared into thin air as Yuu feels arms wrap around them from behind.
Yuu is stunned 
“Hello Mademoiselle!!” Rook says excitedly “h-how did you?” Yuu questions
“Oh mi Amor you cannot hunt the hunter, Now let us go!” 
They continue to go on a cute and calm date
Vil Schoenheit 
Vil is walking through the garden elegantly, basically sparkling.
Yuu can’t hold back the urge to hug the ever so handsome, beautiful man
Yuu run up and hug him careful not to disorientate his perfect demeanor
He is slightly shocked but gains composure quickly as he turns around.
“Hello my lovely spudling”
Yuu rolls their eyes and vill gently fixes a misplaced hair on Yuu
The blossoms are basically budding and the 2 are sparkling with perfectness.
Epel Felmier
Epel was coming to visit Yuu at Ramshackle, but Yuu wasn’t in the dorm.
Yuu spots Epel standing in the front and gains a brilliant idea
Full sprint Yuu runs towards Epel and hugs him harshly
Epel stumbles but keeps them from falling over and his accent slips out as Yuu laughs
Epel holds his hands to his chest and sighs “Geez don’t do that Yuu, nearly gave me a heart attack”
“Oh Epel classy Epel” Yuu teases as they go to hang out the rest of the day.
Idia Shroud
Idia is in his room being a shut-in but Yuu wants to see him.
Yuu get Ortho and they discuss a plan to get Idia to open the door
Idia hears a knock at the door and instantly assumes it is ortho “Yeah Ortho?”
“Can I come in really quick brother?” ortho questions and Idia responds “sure" and goes to open the door.
As soon as the door opens there is no time for him to react. Yuu has already dived in and hugged him.
Idia’s skin is now as red as a strawberry (hair too) and he is as frozen as a statue.
Ortho giggles “Oh yeah and Yuu wanted to see you”
Yuu release your hug “um hello earth to Idia”
Idia.exe is not responding
Oops you might have broke him
Idia crouches down and takes a few moments to breathe. After a while of him calming down; Yuu, Idia, and Ortho play games for the rest of the day.
Silver (sweepy baby :3)
Yuu spots Silver asleep directly in front of the school gates blocking the way
Yuu stands over his sleeping body menacingly with a smile and stares down your shadow covering Silver's face.
Yuu then plop yourself harshly with a thud right onto silver as you hug him and rub your face into his chest.
Silver wakes up from the impact with an oof and needs a moment to process
Once he processes the event happening he hugs Yuu back softly and you both fall asleep at the school entrance.
Riddle walks up to the entrance to see you two blocking the way
(Insert Jojo’s Bizzare adventures “Roundabout” here)
Malleus (Hornton)
He was admiring the gargoyles in front of Ramshackle. Yuu happily run up and hop onto Malleus’ back hugging him
Malleus was surprised but did not show it.
“Hello Yuu, nice weather wasn’t it”
“Yep!” Yuu say as Yuu keep your legs clung around Malleus and now Malleus has an Yuu riding on their back everywhere.
He doesn’t really show it but he is happy
Lilia Vanrouge
You can’t surprise him
A lot like Rook
Yuu are just generally looking for Lilia to ask him to hangout at an event in Scarabia
Yuu runs into Silver and asks about Lilia’s location.
 “Father? I am actually not aware of his whereabouts but I’ll put in word for you if I see him.”
“Talking about me?” a voice comes from behind you as arms slither around your waist.
“AHH!!!” Yuu jump a bit instinctively
“Hello Father.” Silver says unphased
Lilia laughs at your reaction and contemplates making this a habit before you change the topic to the invitation.
You guys also invite Silver because as Kalim once said “The more, The merrier!!”
You all had a fun time.
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urmanzack · 4 months
head canons of heartslabyul boys having a crush on a gender neutral reader?
Heartslabyul boys crushing on you
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Summary: Short head canons on what they'd be like if they had a crush on you Fandom: Twisted Wonderland Characters: Riddle, Trey, Deuce, Ace, Cater Warnings: None! A/N: zero clue how to write trey
Riddle 🌹
- poor boy
- he'd be SO nervous around you, but at the same time try to look like the cool house warden he is
- ace teases him way too much, whispering and elbowing him obviously whenever you walk by, or straight up waving you over
- trey, on the other hand, would gently encourage him; try to get him to learn about your favourite things
- it’d take a little bit, but if you hadn’t already he would talk to you probably after class, and offer to study with you to get your grades up even if theyre already great
- he absolutely melts at your praise
- riddle just thinks you’re the sun, you’re so gorgeous to him
- definitely stares, and blushes if you notice while hes obviously admiring you
Ace 💖
- ace has been in a relationship in the past (his middle school girlfriend NO IM NOT MAKING THAT UP HE FR GHOSTED HER), but when it comes to you? it’s so much more complicated
- will go on and on to deuce about how much he likes you and why
- tries to be really confident around you to get your attention
- the type of dude to do idiotic things in front of his crush and fall on his ass
- terrified of what you think of him, do you think he’s annoying? cocky?
- will bite someone's head off if they say anything bad about you, even in casual conversation. you know he likes you if he gets annoyed instead of joking about it
- you would have to be friends with deuce, the 3 of you would most likely hang out together
- but on some days you sit with ace under a tree, having your own little picnic
Deuce ♠
- mamas boy
- does his best!
- tries to avoid you finding out he was a delinquent during school, he doesn’t want you to think he’d be a bad boyfriend
- similar to ace, you’d have to get along
- now and then he makes dumb jokes to try to get you to smile
- definitely someone who pines (pining is when you think the other person doesn’t feel the same way)
- befriends you first, friends to lovers fashion
- then would ask you out real casually
- literally loves you so much
- writes letters to his mom about you
Cater ♦
- there’s no way this man hasn’t been in a relationship before, he’s so social!
- he flirts with you 24/7, but it’s hard to tell if he’s joking around or if he actually means it
- likes all of your social media posts, and definitely would stalk your account to see what you’ve been up to
- not afraid to talk to you at all, one day he might come up behind you, wrap his arm around your shoulder and start making conversation as if you’re the best of friends
- very good at hiding he likes you
- but tries to make it obvious
- if you’re oblivious and don't get the hint… he’d just ask you out
- adores taking photos with you
- matching profile pictures, phone cases, bios, you name it
Trey 🍀
- he’s not an obvious flirt, but he’s not shy either
- trey most likely compliments you often, being really casual and calm
- he wants to make a good impression
- “You didn’t eat breakfast? Here, have some candied violets, they’re my favourite.”
- always wishes you a goodnight's sleep and says good morning
- a worry bug if you're late to class
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blues824 · 1 year
🌹Can I please request the heartslabyul boys reacting to their female s/o acedently getting white bunny ears during a chemistry accident and just goes with it.
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(I had to Google his name it's. Nivens McTwisp)
❤️Her going to there dorm dressed like the white rabbit from Alice in wonderland who was the red queen's herald who specifically told her the time with a golden watch that was ironically always late.
🌹Imagen her coming intentonly late to a unbirtday party and then they see her running up to them holding something and before riddle could nag to her he sees her outfit (houd he let her go for being late in this situation. )
❤️And her just playing her role perfectly as the rabbit.
🌹What would the heartslabyul students find of their s/o doing it for their dorm instead of saying she is not coming.
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Riddle Rosehearts
Ace and Deuce reported to him that you had received bunny ears due to a chemistry accident, and he was about to behead them when he saw you running in exclaiming how you were late, you were late, you were late.
Just one look at the soft white ears that sat upon the top of your head had the Housewarden’s heart fluttering. Your outfit didn’t make his already-red face clear up at all. Any thought of scolding you for being late for your date in the labyrinth was gone as he just admired you.
“Your Majesty, I’m sorry I’m late! I can only beg for your forgiveness!” You pleaded as you knelt to the ground and bowed before Riddle.
The poor boy didn’t know what to do; he was truly at a loss for words. He heard Ace make some comment about how he was ‘down bad for you’, and he resumed the beheading before asking you to rise. He extended his arm out to you, and you took it and you both made your way through the rose garden to the spot he set up for your afternoon tea outing.
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Trey Clover
He let out an exasperated sigh when the ADeuce duo told him that because of a chemistry incident, you had gained bunny ears. Every single time you were involved with those two, you always ended up with an entirely new problem. But, right then you walked into the kitchen while looking at a golden pocket watch.
Trey greeted you, which broke you out of your panicked trance. He thought you looked absolutely adorable with the ears, but he didn’t dwell on it too much. After all, he was glad that his beloved was finally there to help him with baking.
“Sorry I’m late, Trey! My watch is a few minutes behind, now that I think about it,” you scratched the back of your head, and he just chuckled as he placed a kiss on your forehead.
It didn’t matter to the baker, because as long as you were there at all everything was alright. You got started on mixing the dry ingredients of the tart together when you felt your boyfriend wrap his arms around your torso from behind. Your ears twitched in embarrassment, but it made him a bit smug.
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Cater Diamond
This man was intrigued when Ace texted him and said that you got rabbit ears because of an accident in chemistry. From what he could tell, you already seemed adorable. So, imagine his reaction when you walked into the garden with white bunny ears, a cute outfit, and a golden pocket watch to go with.
You were walking quickly, mumbling to yourself that you were late. If you thought that Cater would quickly pull out his phone and take a picture of you, you would be correct. However, he is not planning on posting it. This photo is for him and him alone.
“Here I am, Cater! Sorry for being late!” Once you spotted him, you ran up to him and gave him a hug, to which he gladly reciprocated. 
Oh, you were going to kill him if you continued to be this cute. But if this is how he went out, then he would die a happy man. He pulled away from the embrace to grab your hand and lead you to the unbirthday party, to which you were now both late to. 
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Ace Trappola
He was probably the one who messed up the potion in the first place, but he was definitely not upset at the result. His oh-so-lovely girlfriend got rabbit ears as a consequence, and he is eating it up. Don’t even get me started on when you went to change and came to Heartlabyul dressed in an outfit based on the White Rabbit. 
This man just about died from how cute you were with the ears, and the way you were looking for him in a frenzied way. Did you do all of this for him? Is the room growing hotter? Is it just him? Wait, he’s outside…
“Sorry I’m late, Ace! Do you need help with the table decorations?” You asked innocently after pressing a short kiss to his lips.
Immediate nosebleed. He was way too flustered to even begin comprehending what just happened, and a few of his dorm members started laughing at how much of a simp he was being. But, he honestly didn’t care. None of the other guys had a super cute/hot girlfriend who dresses up for them.
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Deuce Spade
He was in the classroom when Ace accidentally dropped an unfinished potion on you, so that means he saw the bunny ears grow out of the top of your head. You were dismissed from class early, but you texted him and said that you would be able to make it for the unbirthday party. 
What he did not expect was for you to 1) be late and 2) show up in a cute outfit. You were checking a pocket watch that you had while also looking for someone, presumably him. When you did find him, you ran and threw your arms about his neck as you pulled him into a kiss.
“I’m finally here! Do you like my outfit?” You asked in a very excited manner.
The poor man’s heart was racing, and his face was glowing red at this point. It took everything in him to not have his nose bleed. Then, the teasing from Ace began, and he would have thrown hands had you not laced your arm with his. You really did have him wrapped around your finger, didn’t you?
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yurinaa-world · 9 months
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Characters: Trey, Cater, Ace, and Deuce x Gender Neutral Reader
Synopsis: Boyfriend Headcanons
Warnings: fluff and spelling mistakes
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𝒯𝓇𝑒𝓎 𝒞𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇
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Oh, he loves to gift a piece of the dessert he makes or make a whole cake just for you because he is so smitten over you, but how can he not be so cute when your face lights up whenever you try the cakes he makes for you?
He finds it cute whenever you take his glasses off to try them on, asking if you look good with his glasses with a grin on your face, or even better when you mirror the club on his cheek and put on yours, so now you two match with each other.
Just like he did with his younger siblings, he is going to remind you to brush your teeth every day since he doesn't want you to have any cavities since he spoils you a lot. This man cares about dental hygiene.
He is not going to karaoke if life depends on it. He says that he’s a terrible singer, but it’s not like you listen to him; you just love to drag him along and sing a duet together. He wasn’t wrong; he doesn’t really have a good singing voice, but you had fun, so it’s not a big deal.
You’ll bake with him; even if you're bad at baking, he’ll teach you. He tells you that you can’t just get better overnight; it takes time and patience to master something, so don’t think you're lost. If you just want to watch him, that's fine, but you’ll have to grab ingredients for whatever he might be baking.
I can tell he’s just good at cooking in general, so if you don’t have anything to eat or any ingredients to make something when you come back from your class, you can just shoot him a text to help you out. There's nothing to be ashamed of when you ask him.
He doesn’t mind PDA that much, like kissing him on the cheek as you leave or holding his hand, but it does make him blush a little when done in front of other people, especially in front of Cater or Riddle (Riddle just clears his throat to get back on topic).
𝒞𝒶𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒟𝒾𝒶𝓂𝑜𝓃𝒹
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Cater is basically your boyfriend and best friend at the same time.
He’s always taking photos of you and him doing those cringy couple poses where you kiss him on the cheek. Post that on Magicam because why not show you off? If you don’t have a Magicam account, he’s going to make you one, of course. you're following each other.
You guys probably dress up matching with each other and then do a magicam photoshoot.
He makes doubles of himself just to mess with you, like asking which one is the real him: the one in the Drom uniform or the NRC uniform; if you get it right, you’ll get a kiss, and if you don't, he’ll pout about how he could not know. But don’t worry, he’ll forgive you if you give him a kiss.
Cater doesn’t like sweets that much, but the exception is you, since your lips are so sweet that he just loves them, so don’t mind him stealing kisses from you throughout the day.
He’ll also put a diamond mark on your face just like his, even if you're not in Heartslabyul. You just look cute with his mark on your face (and he’s going to take 100 photos of you with that diamond mark).
His hobby is visiting cafes, and I bet you're going with him. You go to the whole bench together, from maid cafes to cat cafes and even the weird ones, and he doesn’t care unless you're having fun with him, because what's the point if he’s the only one having fun and not you always?
And to add to the cafe, you’ll definitely go to ramen restaurants. He’s going to order the most spicy ramen and then just add more hot sauce, which surprises you, but if you're not a big fan of spicy ramen, it’s fine; you can just order mild ramen.
𝒜𝒸𝑒 𝒯𝓇𝒶𝓅𝓅𝑜𝓁𝒶
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He loves to tease and pull little pranks on you because you're just easy to mess with (and he loves you). If you try to tease him back and succeed, he’ll deny it all with a flustered face; if you point out his red cheeks and ears, he’ll go quiet in embarrassment.
He loves to impress you with his magic tricks; he’ll even learn new ones so he can keep on seeing your expression filled with amazement by him and only him. It feeds his ego so much.
He’ll invite you to watch him practice basketball after school; he would probably be like "This shot is for you" and then completely miss the hoop while you just start laughing at him. He gets it after the 4th time while he blushes, saying "I got it in, so stop laughing!".
Once you want to surprise him with a cherry pie that you made with your own two hands, he’s going to be ecstatic and tell you that he loves you.
He’ll show you off to everyone like it must suck for them to still be single while he’s in a relationship with the most beautiful person ever; deuce wants to punch him in the face for how annoying ace is being.
Deuce, Jack, and Epel ask if Ace bribed you or if he’s forcing you to be in a relationship with him and are shocked to find you want to be with him.
𝒟𝑒𝓊𝒸𝑒 𝓈𝓅𝒶𝒹𝑒
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The boy is nervous at the beginning of your relationship since he’s never been with anyone before (he probably gets embarrassed seeing a kiss scene in a movie and closes his eyes).
Ace makes fun of Deuce since he can’t look him in the eye with his brain going blank and not know what to say, but he gets over it after a while.
Whenever you two are alone together and Deuce ends up in a dispute with some passersby who said he was rude when he bumped their shoulder by accident, he tries to calm the other party down and himself since he doesn’t want to show his delinquent side in front of you, especially since who knows what you might think about him?
But it fails and turns bad, but in the end, the other people run away, and he apologizes to you, saying that he didn’t want you to see that side of him, his face full of shame, but you don’t blame him at all, nor do you see him any different; he’s happy that you don’t.
Back to Deuce being embarrassed, he was freaking out when you first held hands with each other; he was screaming in his head about how lucky he was, and even more when you had your first kiss together like he was on cloud 9, you saw how red his face was.
He would take you blastcycling to the beach to look at the sunset together.
You and Deuce always study together, so you both can be honor students together.
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merakiui · 1 year
We love teacher!character/Teacher's Assistant!character x reader, so let's hear your thoughts on teacher!reader/TA!reader x student!character
(cw: yandere, slight nsfw, forced pregnancy/baby-trapping, pregnancy, stalking, one-sided teacher-student relationship)
Azul who knocks up his professor during one of the times he’s visiting for office hours. It’s something regarding a scholarship opportunity or maybe he’s talking to you about a career path he’s thinking of pursuing. Whatever the case, he’s so infatuated with you. He’s at the top of your class, always excelling in everything he does. He’s a model student, so intelligent and on top of his academics. He’s always bringing you coffee each morning. Some say it’s to get within your good graces. When you take the coffee from him, you think nothing of it. But then you’re losing the feeling in your limbs and you feel so sleepy and weak and so strangely insatiable… Azul smiles at you, asks, “Is everything all right, Professor?” You can’t even answer, but maybe you don’t have to when he’s unbuckling his belt, the door now shut and locked tight. He has you right where he wants you. :)
Or the twins tormenting you beyond the campus. You’ve always been so good to them, their cute, diligent professor. Floyd didn’t mean to scare you when he broke into your home late at night, and Jade only wishes to cook you a nice dinner. After all, they have to return the favor for when you brought them meals when they were “struggling” to get by (or so you thought; they’re liars, those eels…).
Riddle who’s taken to stalking his professor. He’s not sure what compels him to do it. He finds a certain intimacy in knowing you beyond the classroom. He’s bad at taking covert photos of you because his hands are always shaking, but even if he’s managed to get one clear photo of your face that’s all that matters. He looks up your professor profile on his university’s website and masturbates to the profile picture of you in professional wear and smiling so kindly. He’s down so bad. >_< he signs up for all of your classes even if they have nothing to do with his major.
Idia who’s hacked into your phone and laptop to watch you from the comfort of his room. He’s seen you at your most intimate, and he always makes sure to take plenty of video and audio recordings for his own enjoyment. He may or may not occasionally make lewd sketches of you just to fulfill his own fantasies. He might even look for hentai characters that remind him of you so he can pretend it’s you getting railed by tentacles or a monster-sized sex toy. If he catches you with a partner while stalking you, the illusion of fantasy shatters and he becomes quite upset. How dare you like someone else?
Silver is such a sweet, honest student, so it’s quite shocking to think he could ever harbor such an intense obsession. Even Silver doesn’t realize just how badly he loves you until he’s following you from a distance just to make sure you make it home safely. He does everything for the sake of your well-being, even if it falls under a rather dubious umbrella. Silver dreams of you often, and every time he wakes from such good dreams he’s disheartened to find it isn’t reality. Oh, how he wishes he could fuck you and fall asleep with his dick still inside you, keeping you plugged full of his cum… :( one day it’ll be a reality. Hopefully. Until then, he’ll watch you from afar.
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Hi! Could I please the dorm leaders reactions when their fem!S/O ends up in the office because she kicked someone who was trying to look up her skirt?
Azul Ashengrotto:
Hearing that someone was looking up your skirt made Azul feel some type of way, but it’s hard to pinpoint at first. He had been bullied plenty back in the day and he had never managed to strike back, only now finding he had power to do something. He considered sending Jade and Floyd after them but it’s a personal matter that he wants to see to himself. Your assailant is tied up in a contract in which they’ll never buy their way out of, essentially subservient to Azul’s whims and by extension yours.
Idia Shroud:
Idia is shocked to hear it but is even more at a loss of what he can do to help you. He’s never had an issue listening to you complain or vent to him but this type of situation feels like it requires an extra step. Was this his revenge era? Not for himself but for a loved one? He brainstormed with Ortho one night for little petty things they could do to make your attackers life worse. It’s almost nothing to find embarrassing photos and post them all over Magicam, your attackers reputation thoroughly ruined by the time Idia’s finished with him.
Kalim Al-Asim: 
Kalim is in your corner one hundred percent! Even if you had kicked the person for simply saying something rude, he would argue that you were in the right. He had always been your biggest fan and he might come on a little strong as he tried to cheer you up, knowing you had to be feeling bad after all that happened. He wants you to know that it wasn’t right that someone did that to you as well as Crowley getting you in trouble instead, saying he’d interfere in a heartbeat and take the punishment himself if the person tried to bother you again.
Leona Kingscholar:
Leona is quiet when you tell him, and quiet is always dangerous when it comes to him. You can already see the scheme forming in his head, even if you told him not to get involved you were unlikely to get through to him now. A slight against you was a slight against him in his book, and he wasn’t one to let disrespect slide. He doesn’t quite tell you what he did but you’re offered an apology from Crowley; he admitted the other party came forward and admitted to being the aggressor, looking rather worse for wear though he didn’t expand on that any further.
Malleus Draconia:
There’s a dangerous glint in Malleus’ eyes that even makes Lilia a little nervous, despite the fact he looks rather interested in seeing what he might do. He does give Malleus a reminder of his position and the consequences that can come from drastic, emotional responses to serious situations but Malleus assured him everything would be fine. You’re greeted by your attacker on their hands and knees, begging for your forgiveness as they shook and warily eyed Malleus standing off to the side.
Riddle Rosehearts:
Riddle is a little conflicted. It’s against the rules to use physical violence against another person when not specifically in an environment where you’re supposed to brawl… But it’s not exactly within the rules to disrespect the boundaries set by society. He upset you at first as it seemed like he was almost blaming you, but he apologized for making it seem so. He couldn’t excuse your rule breaking but he would find a way, within the rules, to make the person suffer to the full extent of the law for invading your privacy.
Vil Schoenheit: 
Vil was no stranger to people invading his personal space or trying to get little glances of parts of him he didn’t often show off in public. He can imagine how uncomfortable you might feel wearing a skirt again and encouraged you to do what you could to make yourself feel safe. He’s irritated that Crowley got you in trouble rather than the person who attacked you, and he has Rook on the case, hunting down the person who had committed the crime. Rook was more than happy to help, telling you that it would be a crime if you couldn’t walk around looking as elegant as you normally did.
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Trey, Leona: The Cat's Meow
Ooooh, I see the vision now... Maybe?? It looks like each member of the same dorm might have a similar default image in the bottom frame of their initial art? Both Ace and Trey have the Queen of Hearts… I guess we’ll have to wait until Cater’s birthday to see if the pattern keeps up?
nfdbwjccwbxgak How fitting to see Trey posed alongside a painting of the Cheshire Cat considering who he’s childhood friends with… and also that Trey’s VA also goices Lucius www (Side note: they fr always gotta have Trey claim he’s “normal” right before he pulls the sussy face which is most certainly NOT normal 😭)
A Tale as Old as Time.
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A rotund feline stood on hind legs in a platinum frame, one paw curled under its round chin and resting on its fluffy tail, the other flicked out in a devil-may-care gesture. Purple, pink, purple, pink—its fur was striped in a repeating pattern. Eyes raised upward, the cat looked inquisitive among the gnarled trees, as if posing a riddle to the viewer. Why is a raven like a writing desk?, perhaps.
Huh, I wonder what he's wondering about. Trey rested his chin in one hand as he pondered the painting—and the question.
The longer he gazed at the cat, the more familiar its silly smile seemed to be. How difficult he was to read. A thought crept up on him, one lazy stride at a time.
"... Reminds me of a certain guy," he muttered.
"I hope you’re not talking about me," came a sarcastic drawl from beside him. It, too, was cat-like in its own right, a different flavor of feline: more languid than whimsical. “Because I won’t be laughing like a hyena at jokes made in poor taste.”
"Leona." Trey immediately made to step back, making space for the dorm leader. Leona's immense presence practically demanded it. "No, of course not. I was thinking about a childhood friend.“
“Hmph. You’ve got a childhood friend like this?” He made a face at the Cheshire Cat. A frown to challenge its foolhardy grin. “… Now I almost feel sorry for you, having to put up with a guy like that.”
“Oh, Chenya’s not that bad,” Trey said dismissively. “He’s a troublemaker, sure—but he’s got a good heart beneath all of that, and he wouldn’t hurt a fly. The worst is gets up to is playing a trick or two and stealing snacks.”
“What an exciting life,” Leona snorted, clearly not convinced. “He sounds like a real rascal for his age.”
“Like you wouldn’t believe. Sometimes it feels like he never really grew up from the times him, Riddle, and I were rolling around in clover fields and stuffing our faces with cake. Still, he’s our friend—even if we’re far apart for schooling.”
“It was already hard enough to believe you’d be friends with him, but Riddle too?” A smirk rose on Leona’s lips. “Life works in mysterious ways.”
There was a chuckle from Trey. “Ahahah… Does it surprise you? We all come from the same hometown. The community there’s very welcoming. I guess that’s why we ended up reaching out to Riddle one day and… I’m sure you know how the rest of that story goes.”
He didn’t—and nor did he care to know, so he said nothing. Instead, Leona inclined his head. In the dimness of the museum, his eyes glinted a bright green.
He gave a command.
“… Oi, herbivore. Tell me more about this hometown of yours. Tell me what it’s like.”
Trey blinked, slightly flabbergasted at what he was hearing. Leona stared at him expectantly. He clicked his tongue.
“Well? Don’t keep me waiting.“
Huh, I didn’t think of Leona as the curious type. If that’s what he wants though, who am I to deny it?
“Okay. so…”
Trey returned a hand to his chin. His words, he considered. How to best arrange them to paint the most flattering photo?
Green, so much green. A scattering of red dotting the landscape. Saturation, cheer. Something warm and fuzzy whenever he imagined those scenes—like the sun upon his face.
“Imagine a place bursting with flowers. Every color, every shape, every smell. Some remind you of cotton candy that rots your teeth, others of old shoes and skunk."
Leona's sensitive nose wrinkled at the suggestion. "Real poetic there."
Trey continued. "Everyone knows each other not because the community is small--I'd say it's a decent size?--but because people see each other and talk. They ask how you are, how your family and business are doing. They come over with a platter of cookies to welcome new neighbors, ask if your kids want to come over and play with theirs."
Fond memories played out in his head: the time he had eaten a whole bottle of mustard to prove a point, messing up his signature spell and imparting a loaf of bread with a bad flavor, his first cake at four years old. Everyone had told him he had such talent for baking--but looking back on it, hadn't his "cake" been a lumpy, gooey mess?
"You could screw up pretty badly and they'd still pat you on the head and tell you it's fine, it's just an honest mistake or what a good job you did. My parents are like that too. It must come with the territory."
Leona listened and nodded to every piece of information Trey presented. He appeared bemused as he watched the vice dorm leader, a fleck of sunlight caught in his emerald eyes. Like that of a silent predator stalking innocent prey.
“How picturesque. No wonder you’re so well-adjusted and normal,” Leona purred, his gaze half-lidded. “It must be the power of true love at work.”
“You could say that. The community I grew up in was very loving and supportive. I’m thankful for that.” Trey smirked so briefly that onlookers could have easily missed it. "... It lets me get away with a whole lot more."
"You don't strike me as the kind of guy to act out."
"Not often," Trey corrected. "Only little acts when it's deserved."
"You and your bleeding heart." Leona's scoff gave way to an eerie quiet. From it came a soft, contemplative sigh. "... Must be nice, being able to afford to live so contentedly."
"Ah, you probably didn't have that kind of luxury," Trey recognized. "The life of a prince is different from us common folk."
"There’s pressure to perform and social politics to navigate. Complicated webs that span several circles, grace and relations to uphold, airs to wear. Aaaah, it’s such a drag," the lion beastman groaned.
"Yeah, I can imagine that." Trey smiled sympathetically. "But even though we come from very different places, I'm sure that you also had loving and supportive people in your life, Leona. Everyone does."
"Hah. Are you listening to yourself? You sound as mad as him." Leona jabbed at thumb at the Cheshire Cat. "It's the first-born prince--the one destined to be king--that they all adore."
“… That’s not completely true, is it?” Trey adjusted his glasses. A stray beam of light reflected off the face of them, casting the glass in pure white for a fraction of a second.
The reason Leona was asking about my hometown... It must be genuine curiosity. He's never known something like it. But the fact that he asked must mean he wants to learn, right?
The prince's eyes were angry, suspicious slivers now. "What are you suggesting?"
“I heard from Ace and Deuce that you have a cute little nephew that adores you. A lot of the Savanaclaw underclassman as well. And from Lilia—there’s a grand chamberlain you used to be close with as a kid. Playing chess and getting you out of trouble. Your brother too, he must care for..."
Leona bared his teeth, raised his voice. "Don't act like you know--"
Me. What I've been through, what I've suffered.
"Whoa, whoa!" Trey held up both hands. "Sorry. I said too much. I shouldn't have let my own curiosity get the better of me."
A growl--colored with residual anger--emanated from Leona's throat. "If you understand that, then don't stick your hand into a lion's den a second time."
"I'll keep that in mind."
Trey pulled back, the fingers of one hand curling into a loose first. The other hand found its way to perching at his waist as he leaned his body forward. He attempted an apologetic confession--but instead produced something slightly sinister.
"What are you doing now?"
"Cat to cat communication," Trey said, deadly serious. "You know, like 'nyah'!"
A pause.
"... Is that good enough of an apology?" Trey inquired.
"Don't screw with me," Leona muttered, batting away at his peer's poised "paw". "In the first place, your posture's all wrong. Are you trying to piss me off?"
"Looks like I failed to lighten the mood."
"You're really terrible at it," Leona grumbled under his breath. "You sure that childhood friend of yours is the troublemaker of the group? Cuz to me, I see another troublemaker in the trio."
"I'm a normal high school boy. You even said it yourself."
"And which one of us started meowing at the other out of the blue?" Leona expertly countered.
Trey stifled his voice, which had started to work its way up into an awkward laugh. "Pfft, alright. Point taken."
"Here I was, thinking you were 'normal'," Leona simpered. "The red young master sure has a way with picking the company he keeps. You're all odd to balance out his rationale."
"That's the role a card soldier plays for his queen. Friend, baker, cat, trump card--I'm here to be them all."
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schumigrace · 4 months
My life will, quite literally, never be the same.
I moved to the motorsport county for a multitude of reasons, but having Silverstone on my doorstep was at the top of the list.
The mileage counter in my beaten-up racing green Vauxhall has racked up most of it's digits on the A43 through Towcester, I can tell you the exact position of every road sign painted with a brown rectangle, a chequered flag next to the word "Silverstone". I could tell you which direction the track is in from anywhere in the world, as if it's Wing shaped roof hangs like a petrol-laden North Star. All roads lead to Silverstone, you may say (no-one has ever said this)
So, Grace, I hear you asking, how often do you go?
That is, of course, until I received an email from God herself (the Aston Martin F1 Team Marketing Analyst) informing me of my invitation to their AMR24 Launch. An invitation I very obviously accepted, after 24 hours worth of crying, screaming, and stalking said marketing analyst on LinkedIn to make sure this was not in fact some messed up kind of joke
So it's 7 in the morning, I'm doing my usual commute through the god-awful traffic hell that is Northamptonshire, only this time I'm not going straight ahead on the Silverstone Bypass, I am taking the ever elusive right turn into the brand new Aston Martin Technology Centre and being handed a visitor's pass
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The first thing I notice is that they've only gone and put a bloody AMR23 (with the new livery) right in the middle of the lobby, it's covered up at this point, and I'm staring daggers through the cover just daring it to be riddled with carbon fibre underneath. AMR team members are floating around like green angels everywhere I look, shelves are adorned with this past year's trophies (I make a comment to a passing team member - "you'll need more shelves after this year", she chuckles and moves on - I try not to take this is a bad sign)
8 o'clock hits, the official launch video plays, and the cover is removed. jesus fucking christ she's green. thank fuck. I can go home now.
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Oh, hang on, is that Mike Krack?
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Shit it is.
Mike has a shakedown to run of course, so he doesn't hang around for too long. He's confident in this car though, they've been working on it for years, and he's sure we'll be quick out of the gate. Off he goes across the road to the garage. "Don't worry," they say, "you'll be going over to watch the cars on track too."
Sorry, can you repeat that please, I believe you just said we are going to go over to the track to watch the cars.
"Yes of course, but not before we ply you with cake and coffee, naturally, oh and also Pedro De La Rosa is here along with Jessica Hawkins. Do you want to chat to them?"
I ask Pedro where he and Fernando went to dinner last night. Somewhere in Oxford I think, I stopped listening, I was thinking about how much I would be willing to be a thir-
At this point no photos are allowed for the rest of the day, they are literally building the car right in front of you no you cannot put that on social media.
We're heading across the road now, along the Hamilton straight and up around Stowe, we head past the Porsche Experian Centre and I make some vague comment about Webbonso that nobody picks up on. Nevermind. We turn left just before Maggots and Becketts to head towards the pit lane, and into the Aston Martin garage.
The smell of petrol is so overwhelmingly strong and I make sure every single cell of my lungs is scarred from it. A batak machine is being set up and I joke "wouldn't it be funny if someone beat Jenson Button's world record today". Someone did, not even 5 minutes later. A wave of "get Jenson on the phone!" fills the garage.
I turn around, Stoffel Vandoorne and Felipe Drugovich are on a stage talking about how exciting it is to see the car, or at least they're trying to look excited. I'm not sure Drugo knows what that even means.
Lawrence Stroll is talking to a mechanic and I can literally hear the thousands of dollars dropping into his bank account with every heartbeat. Surely his son is nearby? Oh yes, right infront of us. Imagine that. (Lance did of course look gorgeous, his racesuit tied around his waist, laughing with his engineers like the whore he is)
We're heading over to the PU station now and the wonderful AM team member is talking us through the specifics of it, but I haven't heard a single word she has said, because unfortunately for her Fernando has decided to enter the garage at that exact moment. I am stood near a space heater, and he locks eyes on me (nope, the space heater) immediately. He makes his way over and sticks his backside directly towards the heater and my face is about as red as the radiator.
"Good morning! How are you?"
I have so many words to say to you right now, and not a single one of them is in a language that either of us can understand. I think I eventually vomitted up some form of acceptable response, however, because he smiled at me.
"Are you cold?"
"Only a little" I respond. Not anymore, I'm picturing myself under you, I think.
I totally lost a good hour after this because there's not a single memory here for me to put into words, damn you Alonso
The blur fades with the freezing air outside, and we're stood on the pitwall. Sky Sports are here now and have us doing media stuff, I run as far away from them as possible and climb onto the pitwall. FIA, if you're reading this, I promise I kept both feet on the ground at all times.
They tell us the shakedown isn't going to plan, suprise surprise, and you actually cannot see the car on track today. I mentally curl into a ball and sob the whole way back to the AMRTC but all of a sudden we are being led to mission control and the composite engineering stations and they are, literally, building a car infront of us whatthefuckishappening
By this point I have recovered from my minor sulk - Grace this is literally the best day of your life get over yourself - and then we're being told that as an apology they have hired a room in the Hilton Hotel opposite the pitlane, free food and drinks for as long as we want, oh and... cars on track. all. day. long.
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Whilst writing this i received another email from biblically-accurate marketing analyst god asking for feedback. I think a string of letters indicating incessant shrieking will probably do the trick
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