#aaaaand i got carried away with it
dawnthefluffyduck · 7 months
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Happy (very late) Halloween 👻👻 Made this one too smol, spare me by not zooming in haha
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mocuna-sims · 2 years
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Nico: "What do you think? Am I rushing into things? I'm a pretty confident guy but he... he just makes me feel all sort of things. Good thigs. Really great things. I see him and I just wanna smooch his pretty face. I want him between my arms for all eternity. By The Watcher, I love him! So... what do you say?"
Ronaldo: "Umm... yeah man, that's cool and whatever. I just..."
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Ronaldo: "...wanted you to help me clean up."
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makoodles · 1 year
tìtunu | tsu'tey (part 3 | nsfw)
pairing: tsu'tey x human fem reader
word count: 12k words (oops)
warnings: alien courting rituals, misunderstandings, oral sex (fem receiving), size difference, p in v sex (get some, big boy!)
summary: Perhaps the Sky People had injured him beyond repair when they had hurt him and pushed him from their enormous metal bird. 
That is the only reason he can think of to explain why the one person who has captured his thoughts so wholly is you, the little human demon that is constantly lurking around the Omaticaya camp.
(in which Tsu'tey doesn't consider the cultural differences when it comes to human x navi courting, but is very determined anyway)
read it on ao3
aaaaand i actually got the third part finished early, so i figured i'd just upload it! please peep the rating change (we're officially getting porn in this chapter lmao x).
also! i totally forgot that na'vi also need breathing masks in human spaces, so lets just pretend that their limit for human atmosphere's is WAY higher alright
part one | part two | part three (nsfw) | part four (nsfw) masterlist
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You have no idea what’s going on with Tsu’tey, and it’s driving you crazy.
In the beginning, it was crystal clear what he thought of you. Your presence around the village was met with the same curled lips, narrow-eyes, and disdainful scowls that Tsu’tey reserved for all the humans occupying his home planet. You don’t take it personally; you’re only an interloper on Pandora, after all, and you have to work to gain his respect. 
You’re not afraid to admit that you have a big fat crush on him. Who wouldn’t?
He’s one of the most beautiful people you’ve ever seen, alien or not. His face is just so pretty, with such big golden eyes and proud features. His wide, toned shoulders and slim narrow waist send your thoughts scattering to the wind when you’re around him. You’ve tried everything to try and capture his attention. You try makeup, you try wearing one of your silly little sundresses (one of the few luxuries you had brought to Pandora), you try flirty jokes. None of it seems to work.
You’re not sure when the dynamic between you really starts to change, but you certainly notice when it does. His stares began to turn less hostile, although no less intense, and some of his sharp edges had begun to soften. He doesn’t snap as often anymore, he doesn’t insult you all that much (nicknames notwithstanding), and he allows you to follow along beside him some days as he carries out his duties in the village. He remains as stoic and inexpressive as ever in your presence, but it’s thrilling for you that he doesn’t simply send you away when you try to spend time with him.
But the real catalyst seems to be the night he had tried to feed you with food cooked from the village’s own cook fire, and you had so rudely vomited it right back up. It was one of the most mortifying moments of your whole life, and you’re certain that he’ll never forgive you for it. 
He ignores you for days afterwards, retreating into the village and refusing to come and see you even when you try to seek him out. It’s humiliating, but the cold shoulder doesn’t last for too long. However, what comes after that is even more confusing.
The man runs so hot and cold that dealing with him feels like suffering from constant whiplash. One minute he’s ignoring you, the next he’s seeking you out in the forest and sending away the other scientists just so he can make you watch him fish. Then he’s bringing you little gifts and you start to think that maybe, just maybe, he’s actually picked up on your crush on him. 
Is it insane to wonder if perhaps he might actually return your interest? You’re desperate enough that you’d accept any sort of interest from him, even if it was just morbid curiosity. It probably doesn’t bode well for your self-respect, but you think that you’d be quite content to be the subject of his experimentation, if that’s what he wanted.
The necklace is what makes you really start to wonder what the fuck is going on.
It’s beautiful, Na’vi in make and design, and it fits you so perfectly that it’s like it’s been made especially for you. You fall in love with it the moment he presents it to you, unable to believe that something so lovely has been crafted with you in mind. 
And then, after having been gifted with the jewelry, he lets you touch him more intimately than you’ve touched anyone since you came to Pandora. You can hardly believe your luck – he’s usually so harsh, so firm and unrelenting, that you thought he would crush you like a bug underfoot if you ever dared to touch him so familiarly. But he lets you, encourages you even. 
You think you may have blacked out a little from the sheer thrill of touching his velvety blue skin, the firm definition of his pectorals, his narrow waist, and his soft, whip-like tail.
But you must have gone too far, because he had whipped away from you like you were diseased. He had practically fled from you, throwing some lame excuse about seeing you tomorrow as he ran.
It’s humiliating. If you had any sense, you would keep to yourself for a few days after you had groped him so boldly. 
And yet, you find yourself wandering the forest just outside the Na’vi settlement the following day. 
You’re close enough to the village that Tsu’tey could find you if he wanted, but you also have enough distance to preserve some of your dignity – you really don’t want him to think you’re stalking him. If anyone happens upon you, you can say that you’re gathering samples to study. That’s your job as a xenobotanist here, after all.
As you wander the area close to the village, you catch a glimpse of a group of bladder polyps that poke out of the dirt in regular intervals. Utterly captivated, you sink to your knees for a better look.
They look just like blue rocks, but you know that the Na’vi use them as a food source both for them and for their animals. They’re glowing a much brighter colour than the usual dull blue that you’ve reported on the little glowing plants before, and their bioluminescence is pulsing in slow, soothing intervals.
You are, after all, a professional, and your scientific curiosity outweighs your desire to wander until you ‘accidentally’ stumble across the large, handsome warrior you had become so enamoured with. You shuffle onto your belly, personal mission abandoned, and begin watching the behaviour of the plant life in wide-eyed awe.
Luckily you bring your field kit with you everywhere, and it’s with poorly disguised eagerness that you dig it out from where it’s clipped to the belt on your utility trousers. It’s difficult to get as close a look at the polyps as you’d like thanks to the damned breathing mask, but you’re still able to press your face right up to it as you begin tracing out a rudimentary field sketch.
You’ve never seen the bioluminescence act quite like this, pulsing in a regular sort of rhythm like rolling waves, and you jot down as many notes as you can in a messy, excitable scrawl. After just observing the soft pulsing phosphorescence for a little while, you manoeuvre yourself onto your belly and wrestle your tablet out of your rucksack. Laying flat like this isn’t the most ideal position for you to be in from a security standpoint, but it’s the only way that you can get the angle you want for the video that you want to take.
There’s no telling how long you had been laying there, watching the little plants pulsate with soft light. You think you might fall into some sort of daze, because you lose track of time as you fall into the familiar, comforting routine of documenting the flora’s behaviour. But your peace doesn’t last forever.
You’re not sure what it is that pulls your focus away from your work. It’s not like there’s any sudden noise or real change in your surroundings to catch your attention, but you feel the sudden and unavoidable weight of someone’s gaze resting on your back, and you yank your head up to try and find it, blinking.
For a moment, you wonder if you had imagined it. But then a figure moves in the trees to your left, and your heart lurches as your brain finally processes the appearance of the large, semi-camouflaged form of the Na’vi watching you.
“Tsu’tey!” You blurt, staring up at him with wide, startled eyes.
He’s looking down at you with an odd sort of look on his face, his head tilted to the side as he watches you. He doesn’t look all too impressed to see you laying out on the ground on your belly.
“What are you doing down there, Säsrätx?” He asks, one of his ears twitching.
Säsrätx. It’s one of his many nicknames for you – it means annoyance. It lacks the bite that it used to have. Now, he sounds almost fond. Or maybe that’s just your hopeless optimism hearing things.
When you don’t immediately explain, he frowns. “You will get yourself killed, alone in the forest like this.” 
That rankles a little. You’re aware that you don’t look like much now, considering that you’re just over half his height and covered in mud from laying on the ground, but you’re capable of handling yourself. You’ve been working with Pandoran flora for nearly two years now, after all.
You frown, a little offended. “I’m studying the plants.”
When you point at the bladder polyps at your feet, he follows your finger and his expression turns a little scathing. He doesn’t appear very impressed with your work.
“That is rawp.” He says, eyeing the mud stains down your front. “It grows from animal waste.”
You freeze. “What?”
Mortification settles like a thick cloud over you. This is just fucking typical. First you vomit in front of him, then you grope him and make him uncomfortable, and now you show up in front of him covered in shit. This is just perfect.
“Oh god,” You whisper, pulling at your standard-issue tank top as your body grows hot and prickly with embarrassment. 
You want to sink into the ground, to hide yourself from his intense golden eyes, but that humiliation wars with professional curiosity and the thrill of learning something new.
“So it uses manure as a direct food source?” Your fingers twitch towards your journal so you can record the information. “That’s rare, even for a halophyte! And it’s edible, right?”
Tsu’tey’s expression flickers for a second, before falling into scowling disapproval. “Vrrtep, stand up out of the dirt.”
You hardly hear him, too busy peering at the roots of the polyps. “What are the root systems like?”
Before you can get properly absorbed in your observations, two large hands enclose around your upper arms and you yelp loudly as you’re tugged to your feet. He is easily twice your size, and the casual display of strength sends a thrill of excitement rushing through you and leaves you breathless as you’re set on your feet. 
You stare at him like a total moron now that you’re standing in front of him again. God, he’s so tall, so strong and pretty, and his little white luminescent freckles are glowing in the shade of the forest.
“You are dirty.” He mutters, reaching out tug at your soiled top.
Your toes curl in your shoes. “Um- yeah. Sorry.”
His eyes fall on your neck, still adorned with the choker-like necklace he had given you only the day before. His expression flickers, and his hand drifts from your top to your jewellery, tracing over the woven plant fibres. 
Your breath catches as you watch him right back, captivated by the strong curves of his face and the sweet little glowing dots all over him. You lean forward without conscious thought, relishing the feeling of his huge hand tracing around your throat and chest.
But just as you’re beginning to get excited, he hastily removes his hand. 
“Come with me.” He says, his voice low and calm and rumbly. “I will show you my hut, and clean you up.”
Your heart leaps, and you nod immediately. God, how could you refuse him that? He’s inviting you back to his house so he can clean you up. You can only pray that he’s giving you the signals that you think he is, and that you’re not reading too much into things.
Unlike the last few times you’ve followed Tsu’tey around the forest, padding along behind him as he bizarrely keeps his back entirely and firmly turned to you, this time he reaches out and takes a hold of your arm. He keeps his grip firm but light, not enough to hurt but enough to guide you firmly and keep you by his side. 
As you stagger along at his side, your brain gets stuck on the heat of his very large hand on your arm. He’s so strong and so much bigger than you, and you feel supremely stupid for the way that you’re blushing. You absolutely hate yourself for the places that your thoughts are currently jumping to.
You’re so busy eyeing the way his very long fingers curl around your arm that you don’t look where you’re going, and end up tripping over one of the large roots that stick out of the ground. If not for his hold on you, you likely would have fallen on your face. 
He says something in Na’vi that sounds like a curse, and then grabs at your other arm with his free hand before you hit the ground. Using both hands, he hauls you up with an ease that makes your stomach quiver.
“You are like blind talioang, crashing around and making noise like a fool,” He says. Though his words are harsh, his tone sounds almost amused. “Are you hurt?”
“No.” You stay, sounding distinctly strangled. “I’m good.”
He hums in acknowledgement, and doesn’t pull his hands away from you. His thumb strokes over your upper arm in a movement that seems absent-minded, but sends your hopes soaring. That’s an incredibly familiar gesture, right? That can’t just be platonic, surely?
You have to snap back into yourself, trying to regain some sense. You’re hot and sweaty and frazzled from the jungle air, and he’s just found you laying in animal shit. He is definitely not looking at you with any sexy undertones right now, as much as you’d like him to be. The kindness of his gesture in bringing you back to clean you up should be enough for you.
Tsu’tey’s tree hut is, as it happens, located in one of the enormous trees just at the edge of the village. The Omaticaya have built their temporary settlement around the Well of Souls, their houses located high up in the foliage and branches of the forest above them. It is impressive engineering and craftsmanship, and you stare up at the wooden structures with awe as you approach.
However, a problem reveals itself to you as you get close to the tree where Tsu’tey’s home has been built.
“How do we get up to it?” You ask, tilting your head all the way to stare up at the canopy of trees over your head.
At the question, Tsu’tey goes still. In fact he seems to freeze entirely, his muscles tensing and his back going ram-rod straight. The reaction is a little unnerving – you wonder if the question was offensive somehow.
“I-” He begins, and then breaks off. His brow is furrowed, and he looks from you to his hut overhead with a look of dawning frustration mixed with an odd sense of horror. “I had not considered this.”
“Considered what?”
“How you would get up.” His ears twitch as he glares up at the tree as though it’s personally offended him. His head snaps back to you, his tail lashing around his ankles. “I will fix this.”
“Oh,” You blink, surprised by his consideration. There’s no real reason he should be that concerned about you being able to get you to his house, but you find yourself smiling at his kindness all the same. “Don’t worry about it.”
“It is not worry,” He says firmly, bending down so that he is looking you straight in the eye. His expression is solemn and intense. “It is a promise. I will fix this.”
“Okay.” You say. It sounds as though you’ve just been punched in the stomach. God, does he even know how he sounds right now?
He’s so damn intense, but you decide to take a chance. You swallow thickly, and make a suggestion that you pray isn’t going to get you punched. 
“I could, um…” You begin haltingly, “You could probably lift me up, right? You’re pretty big, and strong, and-” He turns to look at you, his expression as carefully neutral as ever, and you falter. “Or- you know what, that’s a terrible idea, never mi-”
You don’t even get to finish. Tsu’tey steps forward and reaches for you, and in a movement that sends your head spinning he picks you up and tosses you over his shoulder. You let out a startled squeal and grab at his shoulders, clutching at his neck as he steps forward and begins to haul himself up the tree.
You had meant that he could carry you piggy-back-style, not in a fireman’s carry, but you can’t find it within yourself to complain. You’re a little preoccupied with the flexing muscles in his back and the bulge of his biceps, and when one of his large hands wraps around your upper thigh under your ass to keep you steady you damn near jolt right out of his arms..
By the time he reaches the upper branches where his hut has been built, you feel as though you’re about to squirm right out of your skin. His hand is so big and warm and rough, and though he’s just trying to make sure that you don’t fall off his shoulder to your death, you can’t help but imagine his hands on you in other, more intimate situations.
By the time he reaches the upper branches where his hut is and sets you back down on your feet, you feel as though you’re about to lose your mind. You’ve never necessarily had a size kink before, but right now you feel as though you’re going insane.
You half-stagger as you attempt to keep your balance now that you’re standing, and Tsu’tey places his hand at the base of your spine to steady you. You flush with embarrassed heat, and look up at his face – he looks as implacably indifferent as ever, which makes you wonder if you’re imagining the tension between the two of you.
“Come,” He murmurs, reaching for your hand so he can tug you into the enclosed space of his hut. “I have something for you.”
You perk up at that, excited. “Another gift?”
Finally, his expression shifts to something other than neutral calm. He looks pleased, a little smirk tugging at his mouth.
“Yes.” He says simply.
You beam, delighted. The Na’vi as a people seem to have a culture that revolves around gift-giving. You can’t count the amount of little flowers and cute rocks that you’ve been given from the Na’vi children that run around, and you happily save everything you receive. But the gifts from Tsu’tey are so thoughtful, and mean so much more than any of the other little trinkets you receive from the children.
When you step into the woven reed-like lean-to, you pause. The inside of Tsu’tey’s home is nothing like what you had expected. The Na’vi are usually fans of wide-open spaces and open skies, and their homes are usually open-plan and sparse inside due to all their spare time being spent outdoors. But Tsu’tey’s home is cosy, the floors and walls cushioned with spongey leaves and woven mats. 
From the ceiling, bioluminescent flowers and plantlife hang in bunches like tiny little fairy lights, and your mouth drops open admiringly as you step in and gaze around. There are gaps in the woven walls, allowing for an airy atmosphere and a beautiful view of the forest and the village below. The whole place is beautiful.
You turn back to Tsu’tey, and you’re startled to find that he’s already watching you. He’s barely even blinking, watching every expression on your face with near-frightening intensity. It looks as though he’s waiting on you to say something, and you realise that you should be polite and compliment his home.
“It’s so beautiful here,” You say earnestly, offering him a smile. “Wow. You must have spent forever decorating! It’s incredible.”
Tsu’tey relaxes, tension leaking out of his shoulders so obviously that it’s almost comical. His tail is raised and his ears are high and alert – not for the first time, you wish you were able to interpret Na’vi body language.
“You like it.” He says quietly. He sounds pleased, which makes you flustered in return – it’s terribly flattering that your opinion matters so much to him.
“Oh, I love it!” You’re probably hamming it up a little at this point, but sue you. You’re all alone with a huge sexy blue alien that has been touching you in a potentially suggestive manner, and you’ve already humiliated yourself several times in front of him. You don’t think you can be blamed for trying to redeem yourself a little here.
Tsu’tey’s ears twitch again, and his expression seems to lighten a little. He still looks pretty serious and scowly, but his eyes are softer now.
His home is only made up of one room, and most of the space is taken up by what looks almost like a bed, but it’s not like the usual hammock-type pieces that the Omaticaya usually sleep in. This piece is made from plant fibres, just like most things that the tribe uses, and it looks almost like a makeshift mattress. It’s huge, bigger than even a big guy like Tsu’tey would need, and it looks impossibly soft. You stare at it curiously. Why would Tsu’tey use something like that? He’s always struck you as somewhat of a traditionalist.
Tsu’tey is still watching you, so you tear your eyes away from the bed and smile bashfully at him.
“Um.. could I get cleaned up?” You ask. You’re beginning to get seriously self-conscious in your soiled clothes – even through your exo-mask you can smell the animal waste.
He hums. “Demanding thing.”
It doesn’t sound like a complaint – if anything, his mouth is twitching. He turns and makes his way towards the bed structure, leaving you flustered and embarrassed. There’s something laying on the bed; you only notice it when he pulls it carefully up into his hands and turns around to present it to you.
At first, you think it is tendrils from one of the purple plants you’ve seen in the forest. But then you look closer and realise that the tendrils are beaded, and the full thing begins to take shape. He’s offering you clothes. Na’vi clothes.
It would be rude not to take them, so you accept them and peer closer at the fabric. It is very pretty, a soft lilac colour, but you can’t imagine how on earth it’s meant to go on you. There don’t appear to be any straps. The loincloth is simpler, more similar to Tsu’tey’s, but you feel yourself growing warm just at the thought of changing into this in front of the big man in front of you.
He’s still watching you closely, looking for any reaction, and you really don’t want to disappoint him. For some reason, you feel that it’s incredibly important to react correctly right now.
“Thank you.” You say politely, before fidgeting a little. “Um..”
You wait a moment, before realising that he’s not going to turn around. Why would he? The Na’vi do not share the same sense of self-consciousness about their bodies or nudity that humans have, and no doubt he would be confused if you asked him to look away.
You clear your throat, and push your inhibitions aside. He’s not going to care – to him, it’s just a strange alien body in front of him.
You start with your cargos. Wriggling your way out of them, you leave them on the floor as you slip into the loincloth material. You leave your panties on for comfort and a little added security. To your surprise, the loincloth fits perfectly.
Next comes your soiled tank top, and you pull that overhead and drop it to the floor with the trousers. You hesitate a moment before unclipping your bra and adding that to the pile too, but that’s as far as you get on your own.
You look back to Tsu’tey a little nervously. He’s still watching you, though he has stepped back and sunk down to sit on his hunkers near the bed. Even hunkering like that, he’s as tall as you. It feels like being watched by a large predator, and you feel blood rush to your head as you raise your arms nervously to cover your breasts.
“Could you help me put this on?” You whisper. It’s loud in the thick atmosphere that lays between you, and for the first time you notice the way his hands are gripping his thighs.
He doesn’t answer verbally. Instead he beckons you over, and you step mincingly closer before handing the chest covering back to him.
“There are no straps.” You laugh a little breathlessly, fighting to sound casual. “I can’t figure it out.”
Tsu’tey’s big hands are beginning to feel familiar to you, and you can’t figure out whether you want to relax into him or tense from the electrifying touch. You hold your breath as he reaches out and begins to fix the tendrils over your breasts and around your neck.
His touch feels positively searing. You have to keep fighting to remind yourself that this is non-sexual for him – he’s just doing you a favour by helping you out with the clothes. You don’t want to be an absolute freak by making it weird.
If it weren’t for the fact that Tsu’tey’s large hands keep brushing your tits, you might be a little bit more interested in the way the tendrils that make up the top adhere to your skin. As it is, all you can do is stare at him like a total moron. He is so close like this, allowing you to gaze at his face and take in all the details you’ve never noticed before.
“There.” He says quietly, and his breath ghosts over your skin. “That is better.”
The garments hardly offer you any coverage at all, and you can feel the heat in your cheeks as he drops his gaze down the length of your body to examine how it fits you. 
You clear your throat and step back before you do something terribly stupid like lean forward to kiss him. You’re terribly flustered, and you have no idea what to do with your hands. The worst part is that no matter how embarrassed you get, Tsu’tey remains completely calm and unflappable with his cool expression. 
You’re hyper-aware of the fact that you had literally been rolling in shit, so you move to your utility trousers and begin rooting around in some of the enormous pockets. It’s embarrassing that you’re so aware of how you smell, but you dig out the small bottle of body spray you’ve been carrying around everywhere with you. It’s sweet vanilla scented, and it’s probably a pretty pathetic attempt to make yourself appear more attractive to him, but you’re really grasping at straws here. You spritz it quickly on your neck before turning back to him. The sweet smell makes you feel a little more confident, and you face him with a little smile. 
“It’s very pretty,” You say, stroking over the velvety soft material of the loincloth around your waist.
Tsu’tey looks smug, but only for a moment. Then his expression turns confused, and his nose wrinkles.  
“What is that?” He asks.
He leans forward, and you stare up at him with big, hopeful eyes as he comes close to you. “You smell… strange.” 
You blink. “Oh. Sorry, I just- I sprayed perfume.” Your smile turns hopeful. “Do you like it?”
His eyes are so big and so golden, it feels as though you could just fall right into them and get lost forever. God, you’re down so bad.
“No.” His nose wrinkles. “I do not like it.”
“Oh.” You say again. Your stomach sinks a little – you’re beginning to feel like a total idiot. You can’t even get it off now that you’ve sprayed it on yourself. Fuck, it’s like all you can do is continuously sabotage yourself.
Tsu’tey takes a single step back, and for a wild moment you panic thinking that you now smell so repulsive to him that he’s attempting to escape. As it turns out though, he’s only stepping back so that he can take a look at you in the thin top and tiny loincloth. You’re practically nude – the top is little more than a decorative nipple cover, and the loincloth seems to have been fashioned for someone your size from half a regular loincloth. You probably look ridiculous, and you feel mortifyingly exposed under his intense gaze.
“Do I look like a Na’vi?” You joke in an attempt to cover your awkwardness. You even hold your arms out like you’re showing off your new outfit, despite how naked you feel.
“No, ma’yawntutsyìp.” Tsu’tey says with a snort, fixing one last strand of your top before withdrawing his hand. “You are too odd-looking for that.”
You are unfamiliar with the word he’s just called you, but the second half of what he’s said has your stomach plummeting to your feet.
You feel your smile freeze on your face. “Oh! Right!”
Oh shit, you’ve never felt like such a fucking idiot before in your life. How stupid of you. Why would you even ask that, what were you expecting him to say in response?
He tilts his head, eyes narrowing at you. He must have noticed your change in demeanour, but judging by his big eyes and the flick of his ears he can’t figure out why your mood has changed.
You feel like an idiot, so you just force a smile. It probably just looks like a grimace, so you hurriedly clear your throat.
“Thank you very much for the clothes.” You say. “And for showing me your home. Um. It’s all very lovely and very kind of you. But I should go now.”
Tsu’tey has been listening to you carefully, but his brow collapses into a frown when you finish speaking. 
“I did not mean to-” He begins, and his voice has taken on an odd sort of tone of contrition. For some reason that’s even more mortifying than everything else, and you rush to cut him off.
“It’s fine!” You say quickly. “No worries, really! I just- I should be getting back.”
Tsu’tey hesitates, his gaze dropping from your face to the necklace around your throat, before clenching his jaw and nodding.
“Very well.” He says, a little stiffly. “I will take you back.”
The new science outpost is pretty janky in comparison to the state of the art technology that had made up Hell’s Gate, but it’s home all the same and the other scientists there watch your comings and goings with the tired exasperation of a vaguely disapproving auntie or uncle. It’s difficult to find any real privacy, so they end up aware of your interests whether you want them to be or not. That just so happens to include any embarrassing crushes.
The outpost itself is just one long prefabricated building, sectioned inside with steel walls into laboratories and workspaces, and a large open area for living. In an attempt to achieve some level of personal privacy, most people have erected makeshift curtain walls and hung them from the ceiling to section their bunks off from the rest of the space.
You spend the next several days hiding out in your own little curtained off bed bunk, trying to smother your mortification under your pillows. The other scientists exchange knowing glances (it’s not as though your crush on Tsu’tey was a secret), but mercifully they’ve decided to leave you alone. You spend days wallowing in self-pity as you attempt to stitch together the scraps of your dignity. You only emerge from your curtained off little living area to get food or use the bathroom and shower before scurrying back into the safety of your private area. You can’t escape the feeling that the other inhabitants of the science outpost find your embarrassment terribly funny.
It’s difficult not to feel discouraged. You’ve been trying so hard to drop hints and send out tentative feelers in an attempt to determine how receptive Tsu’tey may be to your feelings, yet you find yourself at a total loss. 
You had really thought he was interested when he started giving you all those little gifts and bringing you foraging and fishing with him, and you had been certain that he meant something by giving you the pretty necklace that you now never took off, but now you’re just not sure. You’ve embarrassed yourself so many times in front of him, and he thinks you’re weird looking, so why would one of the most handsome, brave, and skilled warriors in the clan be in any way interested in a Sky Person like you?
And yet he’s gotten so touchy recently! You groan into your pillow – you have to wonder if perhaps you’re reading too much into things just because you want him to be interested in you.
On the fourth day of your self-imposed exile in your bed, you hear your name called by one of the older botanists who’s working out in the main laboratory. You elect to pretend you didn’t hear her. You hope that perhaps she’ll give up if you don’t answer immediately.
It doesn’t work. In fact, she simply calls your name again, louder this time. Oddly, she sounds a little bit more frantic this time, too.
“What?” You shout back, voice muffled by your pillow.
“Come here! He says he won’t leave until-”
The scientist’s voice is cut off by a louder, deeper, familiar voice.
You shoot up in bed, nearly knocking the laptop playing comfortingly old human films right onto the floor. That sounds like- but there’s no way-
“Wait!” Comes another scientist’s frantic voice. It sounds like Norm. “You can’t just-!”
The curtain that sections your own makeshift space from the rest of the living area is pulled back with such force that the whole wire fixing it to the ceiling snaps and it all goes tumbling to the floor. Standing there (although standing may not be entirely accurate considering he is hunched over almost comically in order to fit inside the space) is Tsu’tey.
You nearly scream. You’re just laying around in your unmade, messy bed in nothing but an enormous t-shirt and an old pair of underwear, your hair is a mess, and you’re pretty sure there’s crumbs all over the mattress. This is most certainly not the sexy, attractive image you would like him to have of you.
“What the fuck-!” You start to yell, panicked.
Norm is standing just behind Tsu’tey, glancing from you to the huge Na’vi man with an expression that suggests he would like nothing more than to disappear. Without his Avatar’s body, he looks hopelessly tiny next to Tsu’tey.
“Will I- should I go and get Jake-?” He asks uncertainly, darting a look in your direction.
“No.” Tsu’tey snaps with such force that Norm looks as though he’s about to get bowled over. “No Jakesully.”
“Got it.” Norm squeaks.
Tsu’tey turns to you again, his expression collapsed into a visibly frustrated scowl. “You will talk to me.”
You swallow thickly. You’re pretty sure he’s furious with you, but damn. He looks so good like this, all scowly and strong and pretty. The cramped interior of the science outpost makes him look even bigger, and your eyes are stupidly drawn to the contours of his chest and abs.
“Got it.” You echo Norm, though even more pathetically.
Norm wavers where he’s standing. “Right. You’ve got this sorted, then?”
“Uh.” You say, a little hesitantly. “Yeah. I got this.”
Tsu’tey turns his scowl on Norm, and it intensifies tenfold. “Leave.”
Norm doesn’t wait to be told twice. He practically scampers away, and after he disappears from sight you can hear the heavy, pressurized door to the living area whoosh shut. In the ensuing silence, you can hear him yelling at everyone to get out. You realise he’s clearing everyone out of the outpost; your stomach gives a nervous sort of tremble at the thought.
Tsu’tey steps forward, still looming over despite the way he’s hunching, and you scramble to get out of bed and straighten out your oversized t-shirt.
“I- I’m sorry, it’s a mess in here-” You blabber. Ridiculously, you find yourself attempting to make your bed.
“Sit.” Tsu’tey intones, and your legs practically buckle beneath you without conscious thought as you take a seat on the edge of your mattress.
You thought that Tsu’tey would be even angrier once he was alone with you, but the opposite appears to be true. He has relaxed slightly, and his expression has shifted a little further towards confused frustration. He comes to a stop just in front of your bed, settling into a crouch at your feet. Even crouching, he is taller than you, and you swallow thickly as you stare back at him.
“You are difficult," he begins with a frown. “And confusing. I do not mind this – it pleases me, on some level. I do not mind that you are demanding. I am capable of pleasing my mate, and I will show you this. But you must tell me what exactly to do to please you. I am not used to Sky People.”
That absolutely blindsides you, and you let out a strange wheezing gasp of disbelief. Mate? Please you? What the fuck is going on? What is he talking about?
He continues before you can demand an explanation. “You have not returned to the village in many days. Have I upset you?”
“I-” you choke, grasping onto one part of what he’s said and disregarding the parts that you’re having trouble understanding. “Difficult? Confusing? I’ve been- I’ve practically been making a fool of myself trying to get your attention!”
His expression changes. “My attention?”
“I’ve been-” Ridiculously, your voice wobbles. “God, this is all just so embarrassing. All I wanted to do was spend time with you. I wanted you to like me. I’ve been trying to make myself look pretty with make-up, I've been trying to wear my nice clothes, but none of it has worked! You hate my perfume, you think I look gross-”
“No!” He jolts forward so rapidly that you startle, shuffling closer to the bed so that he’s eye-level with you.
You take a breath, watching him carefully as he reaches out to lay his hand on the necklace that sits above your collarbones.
“I do not think this.” His voice is rough and low, his eyes fervent as he watches you like he’s begging you to listen to him. “I swear, I do not.”
“You-” Oh fuck, now you’re snivelling like an absolute loser. “You think I’m weird-looking, you said so-”
“No.” Tsu’tey responds. His voice has turned strained and a little frenetic, and he reaches out to grasp your jaw in his enormous hand so he can turn your face to look at him directly. “You are- I think you are lovely. Yuey, ma’yawntutsyìp.”
His hand nearly encompasses your whole face, and you lean into him reflexively as you blink the tears from your eyes. God, you don’t even know why you’re crying. It’s ridiculous, and you’re terrified that Tsu’tey will think you’re a total idiot.
When a single tear overflows and streaks down your cheek, Tsu’tey jolts forward yet again as he places one knee on the bed and climbs up. He’s huge, almost twice your height and width, and yet he’s so gentle as he cups your face and wipes desperately at the tear track. The two of you are pressed close together in the tiny space of your bed, and the proximity makes your breath  catch in your chest.
“Ma’muntxatu,” He murmurs, leaning forward to rest his forehead against yours. He translates, “My mate. I am meant to care for you. Why would you hide yourself from me instead of telling me you were feeling this way?”
Your brain just about grinds to a full halt. This is the second time he’s mentioned the word mate – what the fuck is going on? You stare up at him, almost afraid to ask what he’s talking about in case you ruin the moment.
“I-” You gape at him, bewildered.
“I understand the Sky People have different customs,” Tsu’tey says seriously; his expression suggests he doesn’t regard these customs very highly. “But here, mates share their burdens.”
“Mates.” You repeat with a gasp, head spinning. Is that what’s happening here? 
He hums, and his soft, velvety nose nuzzles at your temple. Despite his size, he handles you with such care that you feel like something delicate to be treasured.
“I do think that you are unusual looking,” He murmurs, his voice so low that it rumbles right into your chest. “But I also find you attractive. You think I would have put effort into courting someone I did not desire?”
Courting. Slowly, all of your interactions over the last few weeks begin to reframe themselves in your head. The little gifts, the hunting, the walks, the increasingly bold touches. The necklace. You had thought that he might perhaps be nudging you to show subtle interest – you had never considered there may be something deeper, such as an alien courting ritual.
And yet, it’s not the mate part that your mind has gotten stuck on. “You desire me?”
He groans, and the sound rumbles through your chest and down into your stomach. “Of course.”
When his hand comes to settle on your necklace again, you swear you nearly combust. He’s done this several times since he had gifted the piece of jewellery to you, but this time the connotations of the touch steal your breath away. His hand is so big that it overlaps the necklace and frames your throat, and you stare up at him with your lips softly parted. 
You realise that this is the first time you’ve been in front of Tsu’tey without your exo-pack. He can breathe your air for far longer than you can breathe his, and now your bare faces are almost touching.
You give into the desire that’s been hounding you for months now, and lean forward to boldly press a kiss to his mouth.
For a split second, you wonder with a thread of panic if you were being too hasty. Were you moving too quickly? Perhaps he didn’t actually want to kiss you-
Your thoughts are cut short, because it’s almost like Tsu’tey was just waiting for you to make the first move. 
He surges into you, his huge hands engulfing your face as he kisses insistently at your lips, nipping lightly at you and humming and purring against your mouth. It’s frantic, passionate, overwhelming, and your eyes practically roll back in your head as you allow him to kiss you stupid.
When one of his big hands drops from your face to your thigh and wraps around the soft flesh there, you let out an embarrassing sort of breathy whimper against his mouth. It feels like the culmination of all your hopes and desperate dreams over the past few months, and you can hardly believe he’s actually kissing and touching you like this. It almost feels like a wild dream.
He pulls back at the sound, and looks at you. He pauses. His ears flick and his pupils flare wide, and in that moment you wonder exactly how much of his body language has flown over your head due to the simple fact that it is alien to you.
His long blue fingers tangle in the thin, worn material of your old oversized shirt. His voice is gruff and gravely when he says, “I do not like this. Where is the tewng I gave you? I want to see you wearing it again.”
“You don’t like my shirt?” You ask, dazed.
“I do not,” He bends his head and nips at the hinge of your jaw, causing you to jerk into him. “You look better in the clothes of the People.”
You laugh breathlessly. “I can- I can take it off.”
“Yes,” He mutters, his ears twitching. “I would like that.”
A thrill runs through you at that. He’s so big and pretty and sexy and he’s sitting in front of you telling you that he desires you – it’s enough to send your head spinning into the atmosphere. You don’t think you’ve ever moved to strip so quickly in your life, and you toss your ugly old shirt to the floor.
A little tremor seems to run through Tsu’tey as he watches you, now laid bare before him in nothing but an old pair of cotton panties. His eyes are burning into you, all molten gold and heat. You’ve never had a partner watch you so attentively, curiously, and appreciatively before.
“Ma’muntxatu,” He whispers. His voice is still low and gravelly, but his tone is cautious. “What comes next is mating, fully. If you are not ready-”
“I’m ready.” You gasp stupidly. God, you don’t think you’ve ever been so ready for anything in your life. You’ve been dreaming for months about being given a chance with him, and you’d literally rather die than waste this opportunity.
Tsu’tey has always been pretty difficult to read. His facial expressions tend to be pretty limited to scowls and smug smirks, but even now you can spot the brightening of his eyes. His smile has an excited edge to it, and the luminescent freckle-like dots that cover his face seem to glow brighter in the dim alcove of your bunk.
His palm is big and rough and warm when it comes up to settle over your exposed breasts, and you arch your back to try and push further into his hands. Tsu’tey is tall. Taller than any other partner you ever had before, and that alone does things to you. He dwarfs you as he leans over you, and when he climbs fully onto the bed with you the springs creak ominously. His mass hunches over you, and makes you feel tiny as his head drops down to nuzzle at your bare belly.
You make a strangled little sound, your thoughts whiting out at the idea of his huge hands touching you properly. God, you’re so wet and so stupid.
He rumbles again, deep in his chest. “I can smell you, ma’yawne. You smell so sweet.”
His fingers hook into the hem of your underwear. For a moment he seems to get distracted by the soft cotton fabric, pulling at it curiously, before he gets impatient and starts tugging at them earnestly. There’s an ominous ripping sound, and you feel the cheap stitching give way until his strong hands.
“Holy fuck.” You breathe, staring up at him with wide eyes. He’s just torn your fucking panties right off you.
He buries his face into the juncture of your shoulder and lays a hot, biting kiss on your throat, leaving you hot and shuddering beneath him. His lips travel to the sensitive flesh just beneath your jaw just as one of his hands enclose around the soft flesh of your upper thigh.
“You are very soft,” He breathes, his nose tracing a path down your neck to your sternum, right between your breasts. “Softer than anything I’ve ever felt. You are so- I do not know the word. You are… less firm, than Na’vi women.”
You gasp a laugh as his fingers brush your nipples. “Squishy, is the word I think you’re looking for.”
When his palm lays over your breast, the dry roughness of his hand covers almost from your navel to your collarbones. Your whole body clenches at the thought of even one of his big fingers inside you. You can’t even bring yourself to be embarrassed at the pathetic little noise that’s escaped you, because the sound brings a smug little grin to his face. 
“Squishy.” He repeats, and he sounds approving. His trailing hands leave tingles in their wake, and it’s so overwhelming that you don’t know whether to push into them or shy away.
“Touch me,” You whisper, thighs splaying open as his wide frame settles between your legs. “Please-”
You don’t need to plead; he moves to do as you ask immediately, his hand sliding down to cup your sex between your legs. You’ve only just started to relax into the mattress, delighted with the contact, when he pulls back and pushes himself down further.
To your bewilderment, he lays one of his hands on the inside of your knees and pushes it to the side. You move to sit up, exposed and mortified, but his grip on your legs keep you pinned in place. His head ducks down, and he squints at your pussy. 
“What are you doing!” You yelp, mortified.
“I wanted to see if you looked the same as a Na’vi down there-” He cuts himself off when you slap at his head, pulling back with an offended frown as he catches your swinging hands. “Why are you hitting me?”
“Stop looking at me like that!” You hissed, hot from a shameful sort of arousal. “It’s embarrassing!”
Tsu’tey’s grin turns wolfish, and you just have time to take a breath before he leans in and murmurs, “I plan to do more than look, little demon.”
His long thumb rubs soothing, maddening circles around your clit and making your hips jump to try and increase his pace. The rhythm is nice, but it’s not nearly enough.
“Can you-” You start, brow furrowing as you reach for him. Your hands settle on his shoulders, and you pull ineffectually at him. “Please, I want to touch you too-”
He presses a kiss to your lower belly, and you feel the scrape of his teeth against your naked belly. He’s grinning.
“I knew you were a demanding little thing.” He whispers against your stomach, before biting at your hip bone and making your hips jump again. “Be patient.”
“Okay.” You choke out stupidly, struggling to keep yourself still.
The next kiss Tsu’tey gives you is directly between your legs, right where you’re growing wet. It's such a surprise that you choke a cough, hips jolting towards him without conscious thought. The beads in his braids trail over your bare skin, tickling you.
Tsu’tey just sends you a tiny lopsided smirk, as though he knows exactly how desperate you are right now. A single dimple appears in his cheek, before it disappears from sight as he buries his entire face between your legs.
Your entire body jerks in surprise. His tongue is hot and wet and so much bigger than any human tongue you’ve ever experienced. The texture is a little rougher too, and as he licks at you it feels like liquid fire erupts through your nerves. Your hips twitch and chase after his touch, but he keeps you in place with a single big hand spread across your belly.
"Oh my god," You gasp, tilting your head back into the mattress. "Oh fuck-"
You can feel the bastard's smile pressed up against your core, but only for a moment before he licks all up the length of your pussy. You’ve never felt anything like this before — it's red-hot molten pleasure, and he’s so big that it feels like the whole world starts and ends with his mouth and his tongue.
When he pulls back, only an inch or so, you nearly cry out in protest.
“Hush,” He murmurs, turning his head so that his lips brush against your inner thigh. 
"Tsu’tey," You gasp, bare chest heaving. "Please-"
You hardly even know what you’re asking for, but you bury your fingers in his neat braids and hold on tight. He seems to take your grip on his hair as encouragement, because he makes a rumbly sound in your throat and sucks at your clit hard.
You let out a little scream, startled and overwhelmed by how unbelievably good that feels. Your back arches right off the bed as you push into Tsu’tey’s mouth; you don't even have time to worry that you might be too insistent, because his hands only hold your thighs spread with ease. He even takes both of her legs and tucks them over his shoulders — whether it's to give himself a better angle to lick at you at or whether it's to allow you to hump against his face easier isn't clear, but you appreciate it all the same.
Distantly you’re aware that Tsu’tey’s own hips are moving against the mattress, and you let out another soft moan at the realisation that he’s rutting against your bed as he licks into you. His rough, wet tongue rasps against your clit in a way that is so damn overwhelming that you feel like you’re melting, a thin layer of sweat glittering on your skin as you writhe against his face.
When one of Tsu’tey’s big fingers begin to press into you, you let out a truly pathetic sort of moan. Even a single one of his fingers offers a stretch that has you squeezing your eyes and rocking into him eagerly. His mouth is so hot and eager and big that it feels as though he’s trying to swallow you whole even as his single finger cautiously stretches you wide.
"Tsu’tey," You manage to say, your voice high and wavering. "I want- I want you to.."
He lets out a soft noise against you, then pulls back to look at you with wide, shining eyes. He licks his mouth like a cat with cream, and blinks innocently.
"What do you want, ma’yawne?" He asks, his voice rough. Though his mouth has pulled back, his fingers continue kneading insistently at your pussy.
"I want-" You say, then choke a gasp as a second finger begins to push into you, your legs squeezing tight around his hand. "Just- I just want you to-"
Tsu’tey bends his head and curls his tongue against you again, focusing on your clit. "Just what? You must tell me how to please you-"
"Oh, for fuck’s sake!" You curse, slapping at his shoulders as impatience wars with pleasure in your lower belly. "Have sex with me, dickhead!"
His expression goes slack momentarily with surprise, before he laughs breathlessly. 
“Yes,” He whispers, his teeth bared in a feral sort of smile. “I can do this.”
He sits up then, towering over you as he reaches down to remove his tewng in one smooth movement. You get distracted by his sleek muscles and slim waist, and you reach out automatically to stroke a hand over his warm velvety skin. He shudders slightly under your fingers, and reaches eagerly to pull you right up off the bed and into his arms as he settles back against the mattress with you atop him.
God, the size difference between you sets your head spinning; you end up straddling his thighs, your legs splayed out on either side of his narrow hips as he keeps your naked body pressed tight against his. You’re so wet and needy still that all you can do is rock desperately against him – the length of his cock is pressing against your thigh, hot and hard, and you squeeze your eyes shut tight as you realise just how big he is. Fuck, is he even going to fit?
Apparently, Tsu’tey is thinking the same thing. 
“You are small,” He murmurs as he noses at your sweat-slick temple. “I do not want to hurt you.”
A lightbulb moment strikes, and you push gently at his shoulders as you say, “I- hang on, I have-”
He lets you go, albeit reluctantly. When you scramble off the bed, naked as the day you were born, and scurry over to one of the other bed bunks, Tsu’tey reclines back on your mattress and watches you with a heavy, heated gaze. His gaze on you feels like a weight, and you grow flustered as you start pulling out drawers in the dresser you’re searching.
“What are you doing?” He demands – out of the corner of your eye, you can see the way his tail swishes impatiently. He’s so confident in his own nudity that it makes you blush.
“This is Steiner’s bunk, and I know that he has- aha!” You cry out in triumph as you pull out the little bottle of lube you knew he had squirrelled away.
Tsu’tey just blinks blankly at it, clearly not comprehending why exactly you’re so pleased. Despite his confusion, his mouth twitches as you bound back to the bed and leap up to join him. 
You crack the lube open. Admittedly you’re a little too eager, and the gooey liquid leaks all over your hands, but no matter. Judging by the sheer size of the weapon between Tsu’tey’s legs, you’ll need every last drop of that lube. Tsu’tey himself is eyeing the lube mistrustfully, though he doesn’t pull away from you when you reach for him.
“What is it-” He starts to ask, before baring his sharp teeth in a hiss when your slick hand closes around his cock. His hips buck against you so violently that it startles a breathless laugh out of your mouth.
“It’s lube,” You breathe, enraptured by the sight of your own hands stroking his cock. It’s almost comically large in your grip, the same rich blue colour as the rest of him but for the tip which is flushed a pretty pale lilac colour. “It’ll help.”
It doesn’t seem like Tsu’tey is in the headspace to argue, because he just lets out a cut-off little groan before tilting his head back. Encouraged by his reactions, you reach one slick hand down between your legs and begin to stretch yourself out. Truthfully, there’s not all that much work to do. Tsu’tey had already begun stretching you on his own fingers, and you’re so aroused that you open up easily. Besides, you’re a little impatient; Tsu’tey is letting out breathy little pants and bitten-off growls, and you don’t want to wait anymore. 
“Okay,” You breathe, pushing yourself up on his body and swinging your legs around his trim hips. “Okay, okay, let’s go-”
“Easy,” He says quietly. Despite his very obvious signs of arousal, his voice is soothing enough to have you going lax against him. “We will go slow.”
Slow definitely isn’t what you want right now, but he’s right. Judging by the size of his cock where it’s pressing insistently between your legs, slow is the only way you’re going to be successful here.
For a split second, you start to doubt yourself. But then Tsu’tey’s big, four-fingered hands come to settle on your hips, wrapping almost the whole way around you, and your doubt disappears as your stomach clenches in excitement. 
As soon as the head of his cock presses against your folds, you take a breath and hold it. You had wondered if the amount of lube you had used was overkill, but as soon as you begin to bear down you realise that nope, you definitely needed that lube.
Tsu’tey swears, deep and rough as he throws his head back against your bed. The tendons in his neck are straining, but he manages to hold perfectly still as you sit astride him and lower yourself slowly but steadily down his cock.
“Fuck,” You wheeze, grabbing at his broad shoulders for balance. The stretch is intense, almost all-consuming. Your mind has gone blank, thoughts narrowed down to nothing but the size of him as the slow, inexorable stretch of it has your breath catching in your throat.
“Easy,” Tsu’tey says again, but this time he sounds distinctly strained. His self-restraint is admirable – you can see from his clenched jaw, the sweat on his brow, and his shallow breaths that he wants so desperately to move, but he keeps himself entirely still as you attempt to adjust to him.
You’re taking deep, careful breaths. It feels like you’re about to crack, but when you glance down you find that he’s not even halfway in. The stretch is starting to sting, but you’ve been stretched well and the excess of lube is helping to dull it – it’s nothing you can’t breathe through.
Tsu’tey’s fingers flex around your waist, and he lets out a quiet groan as he edges his hips forward, rocking his cock another inch inside of you. When he finally bottoms out inside you, the sweet ache of the stretch has you leaning forward and burying your face into his defined pectorals and groaning into his chest.
“Are you-” He starts, before breaking off with a stifled groan. His hands flex around your waist again, a little rougher than before but not hard enough to hurt, before he starts again. “Are you alright?”
You don’t answer immediately. Truthfully, you’re trying to catch your breath. Your chest is heaving as you pant, and you can feel your own body trying to suck him in further but there’s nowhere else to go because he’s filling you up so completely. The ache is fading, and you find your hips humping back against him subconsciously..
“Yes,” You moan, face still buried in his chest. “Yes, I’m so good.”
Tsu’tey laughs, a breathless little chuckle, and you think it might just be the loveliest sound you’ve ever heard. Encouraged by his reaction, you lift yourself up a few inches so you can ease back down. You repeat the movement a few more times, and then you’ve established a steady pace of fucking yourself on his cock.
Even as you’re riding him though, you can't help but look down to admire the view — the expanse of his torso stretches long and lean beneath you, musculature tensing as you roll and undulate on top of him. His eyes are bright and glassy with arousal as he watches you move, his gaze flicking rapidly over you as though he can't decide what part he wants to watch the most.
Eventually his eyes settle on your face, and he moans softly as you plant your hands on his chest for balance and begin to move faster. The muscles in his thighs ripple as he strains his hips forward to meet yours, though he’s still fighting to keep himself contained. You pay no mind to the way he tries to meet your thrusts, focusing on grinding desperately against him, trying to get his cock to hit just right.
He’s watching you with such fierce interest that it’s overwhelming, and you lean forward to kiss him again. It’s still so surreal that you can kiss him, that this is something he wants to do with you. 
When you lean forward to kiss him, the angle shifts and all of a sudden he's hitting the spot that makes your knees go weak. Your thighs are already burning from the exertion of riding him, and the liquid heat that shoots up your spine every time you sink down on him has your breath catching in your chest. 
Your breathing is beginning to become interspersed with gasping moans as you feel your stomach tightening, the muscles in your legs beginning to clench up. You’re minutes away from getting a cramp in your thighs, but the pressure building in your belly is almost overwhelming. You’re so close, you don't think anything could convince you to stop now.
“I-” You gasp, and your words come out on a whimper. “I’m going to- please, please, please-”
You had been close before, when Tsu’tey had his head buried between your legs with his mouth suctioned to your cunt, but now you swear your vision whites out every time hips grind up into you.
“Yes, ma’yawne,” Tsu’tey grunts, watching your face eagerly, “Go ahead. I have you, I see you.”
When one of his hands creeps between your legs so that he can tease at your clit, you shudder hard. The pressure in your belly begins to tighten into a knot, and the pleasure begins to crest over you.
There’s a soft pressure around your waist, and you realise that his tail has come to wrap around your belly as your orgasm hits you for real. Your eyes roll back and your mouth falls open as you clutch at Tsu’tey’s beaded hair, rocking against him desperately as you shake apart in his arms. Your legs quake so dramatically that you can barely keep moving, and you let out a choked sob as the orgasm rips through you.
You’re still gasping and shivering from the aftershocks when Tsu’tey shoves himself up. His arms wrap tight around your back as he spins, keeping your hips locked together as he switches your positions so that you’re the one on your back beneath him.
“I have to- May I-” He starts, stuttering uncharacteristically. His hips are twitching as though he can’t quite control them, and his eyes are a little glassy as he pants over you.
He looks half-feral, desperate and sweaty and trying so hard to keep himself under control. It’s impossibly sexy, and you nod wildly.
“Yes!” You gasp eagerly. “Yes, you can keep going-”
He doesn’t need any more encouragement than that. One of his hands snakes under your back and curls around your waist to pull you up against him as he begins to set an even, cautious pace. With the other arm, he's balanced himself on his forearm beside your head for leverage as he drives into you, beginning to pick up speed. He’s still being careful not to hurt you even as he begins to lose himself in pleasure. He looks totally blissed out, his eyes a little unfocused as he lets out soft breathy pants.
Tsu’tey grunts, his arms pushing your legs up and to the side, and then suddenly he’s fucking into you for real. All you can do is gasp against him as the breath is driven straight out of your lungs by his desperate humping. Despite the size of him, he fucks you with an ease that is startling – your legs lock around his slim hips as he rocks into you, clutching at him as he quite literally fucks you into your mattress. You find yourself shoved up the bed by his thrusts until you have to throw your arms up to grab the headboard in order to prevent yourself from being driven right into it.
It’s beginning to get overwhelming, your orgasm making you over-sensitive and shivery, but you breathe through it – you want to give him this, and you desperately want to feel him come in you. With shaking hands, you cup his face carefully as he rolls his hips against you, his chest pressed to yours. His eyes flicker open and dart to yours, golden and heated as he pants; it’s so intimate that it nearly steals your breath away entirely.
You’re not sure what drives your next move – truthfully, you think it’s an action borne entirely from instinct. 
With one hand cupping his jaw, your other arm snakes around his shoulders and trails through the braids that are beginning to loosen from the upstyle he had them pulled back. Your fingers tentatively brush against the braid that protects his neural queue – thinking back to the day you had been exploring his body so carefully, you take a chance and tug lightly at the queue.
Tsu’tey’s reaction is almost instantaneous. A moan is punched out of him, and his eyes roll back in his head. His hand flexes and fists into the sheets by your head, his hips stutter and falter as his brow pinches, and then you feel him coming inside of you.
“Oh.” He chokes, his head dropping down to rest between your breasts as his hips roll unevenly, riding out his pleasure in the cradle of your legs. He rocks into you until it grows to be too much for him, and he goes still with his face buried in your tits.
“Fuck.” Is all you can manage to say in reply, closing your eyes and breathing heavily. 
A beat passes, the two of you breathing heavily, before Tsu’tey raises his head to regard you carefully. “Are you okay, ma’yawne?”
Your pussy is feeling achy from being stretched so wide, and you’re definitely going to have trouble walking tomorrow. Your hips ache and your muscles burn, and you lay flopped on the bed like a ragdoll. You’ve never felt so happy in your life.
“Yes,” You whisper to him, a grin beginning to stretch wildly across your face. “I’m amazing, actually.”
Tsu’tey returns your smile, sharp teeth revealed as his full lips peel back in a pleased, feral grin.
Now that he’s stopping fucking into you, the silence that falls over the room makes you realise just how damn loud your mattress springs were. It’s a wonder that the weight of Tsu’tey alone hasn’t brought your whole bed crashing down to the ground.
Tsu’tey must notice the same thing, because he makes a dissatisfied sound as he pulls out of you and moves to settle down beside you. In one smooth move, he pulls you right up against his chest as he lounges back against the pillows as though he belongs there.
“I do not like your kelku,” He mutters, nosing into your sweaty temple before brushing his lips against your skin in a kiss. “It is not suited to you.”
You let out a breathless laugh, allowing your head to drop against his chest heavily as his long, strong fingers begin stroking soothingly over your bare back.
“No?” You ask, closing your eyes as you laze comfortably against the length of his large, nude body. There’s something impossibly comforting about being all wrapped up in the body of someone twice your size that is so dedicated to treating you as though you’re built from spun sugar. You feel like you’re something precious, someone worthy of being protected.
He hums, tracing delicate little shapes in between your shoulderblades. It’s amazing that such big hands could be so gentle, especially considering just how thoroughly he’s fucked you. 
“My kelku is better.” He says decisively, his nose wrinkling in a sneer as he peers up at the snapped wire hanging from the ceiling where he tore your privacy curtain down. “You will be more comfortable there.”
Dear god, was he asking you to move in with him? You raise your head from his chest just so you can blink at him, bewildered. He’s watching you expectantly, ears twitching; he clearly expects a response.
“It’ll be a pain to bring my oxygen reserves for my exo-packs over.” You say, the only thing you can think of.
He makes a face, as though he thinks that is a silly concern. “If you need it, we will bring it.”
As simple as that. You bite back a smile. Well, damn. Why the fuck not? You don’t think you could refuse him anything even if you wanted to, especially when his ears twitch as he awaits your verdict.
“Alright,” You whisper, lips curving. “Your bed definitely looked more comfortable.”
Tsu’tey grins, his eyes bright and fervent as he wraps one arm around your back and hauls you up so that you’re laying flat over the length of his body, your chest pressed to his. He’s so tall that his legs are hanging off the edge of your bed, his feet pressed flat against the floor.
It’s difficult to kiss considering you’re both smiling into each other’s mouths, but it’s also one of the sweetest and most rewarding kisses you’ve ever experienced. 
“Ma’yawntutsyìp.” He murmurs into your mouth, one of his large thumbs brushes your jawline tenderly.
He’s called you that before; right before calling you odd-looking that day that you had gotten so upset and discouraged by what you thought had been unrequited interest. You had assumed it meant something similar to the little nicknames he always used, säsrätx or vrrtep, annoyance and demon.
“What does that mean?” You ask as he kisses you one last time before allowing you to bury your head sleepily in the crook of his neck.
“Precious one,” He translates, and you can feel his sharp smile against the top of your head. The warm weight of his hand comes to settle over the woven necklace around your neck, just like all those times before; this time, you feel the significance of the gesture. “It suits you, my small one.”
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heyclickadee · 25 days
So, here’s the thing. The finale is weird. Yes, I’m hurt by the fact that Tech didn’t come back and that a character that’s very near and dear to my heart was badly handled, and that will never sit right with me. But even apart from that, the finale fundamentally does not function as a piece of storytelling or as the end to this story. I’m glad that people are enjoying it, and I will never tell anyone not to. But I don’t think it works. (I get very negative about the TBB finale under the cut.)
It’s not just the Tech stuff or the CX-2 stuff (which may very well have been the same stuff) that got dropped. It’s *everything*. Every theme, Every narrative thread besides retrieving Omega, every character arc except marginally Omega’s, Echo’s (also marginal), and Emerie’s, which was the shortest and gets wrapped up by her deciding to help Echo rescue the kids. It all stops. It makes everything that came before seem cheap and pointless if you take it into account. And this is so, so frustrating for me, because the entire show was driving towards this incredibly rich payoff, it could have been immaculate, and then it whiffed the ball so bad in the last episode that it didn’t just miss, it managed to knock over the bleachers and set the entire court on fire.
Some examples:
1. This season had a really interesting exploration of Crosshair’s PTSD via his hand tremor and how it was something he can learn to manage, but not something that would ever fully go away. Aaaaand then his hand gets chopped off. One, that was stupid. I’ve seen some excellent posts (here’s one by @the-bi-space-ace) detailing why that was a terrible way to handle Crosshair’s lingering trauma, and others talking about how the idea there was that Crosshair needed to move on and it was severing his last ties with the empire. The former, I agree with; the latter, I don’t, because not only—not only!—does this episode stop dealing with Crosshair’s trauma, it doesn’t even deal with having cut off his hand! It just sort of occurs. No one reacts to it, no one says anything about it, there’s no follow up or commentary, nothing happens as a result—it’s an event which occurs with no results coming after it. It may as well be an animation error. You can say it was about Crosshair needing to let go and move on, but that’s something you have to project on to the text, not something that’s actually offered by it. It’s empty.
2. Crosshair again: We also have the lingering issue of Crosshair’s guilt and the fact that he never seems to get to a point where it’s resolved. There’s set up for a resolution. We have that, “Sure you have,” like about Crosshair from Rampart. We also have Crosshair saying he deserves whatever happens to him in Tantiss. And then…no pushback. No resolution. No moment of Crosshair realizing that he doesn’t need to carry that burden. Nothing that says he didn’t deserve what happened to him. He had all this character development this season, but he needed - last little push to forgive himself—and we never get any indication that he does. It, like his trauma, gets dropped like a rock.
3. Hey! More Crosshair! A good chunk of Crosshair’s arc this season was about learning that anyone can change, first, and that no one is beyond saving. Eeexcept that goes no where.
4. Which brings me to my next point: There is set up for the CXs to be saved. Even if we’re laboring under the conclusion that CX-2 was never intended to be Tech at any point in the writing process (I have. Doubts. Yes, I’m calling the creative team liars, here, but with the understanding that they have contracts that may require them to lie), we do have the set up where we learn the electrocyanide zappers can be removed, and with Rex offering forgiveness to CX-1. “Whatever they did to you, whatever you’ve done, you’re still one of us.” CX-Tech or no, Crosshair’s arc was tied up with the CX plot, and because he’s the one the CXs tend to react to—or, at least, understands what was done to them—the set up was there for him to help save and maybe rehab the CXs. At the least, there was an indication that they could be saved. Eeexcept nope! That gets dropped like a rock, too, and they’re not going to deal with it. Time for maximum carnage.
5. Hunter’s arc actually takes a step backwards. Sure, he gets a technically happy ending, but because the squad is basically in the same place they were in “Pabu” back in season two (down a member but successfully hiding from the Empire in a safe place), it negates Hunter’s development towards actually taking action—and actually hurts Echo’s arc, too.
There’s been this tension all through the show between just sitting things out on the one hand (Hunter’s way) and taking direct action despite the futility on the other (Echo’s way), but instead of finding some kind of middle ground or third road, it sort of comes back around to saying that, actually, Hunter was right, they should have just gone to Idaflor back in episode three and never left even though the Pabu invasion said that no, you can’t just hide, and even Hunter’s development was moving in the opposite direction. And this also means that Echo never reaches a point where he feels like he can walk away and that he doesn’t have to get himself killed doing this. Despite development otherwise they both end up back at that conversation in “Tipping Point” without any move in either direction or resolution of that tension.
6. Omega. Okay, Omega probably comes out the best after the finale, and, conceptually, I actually love the idea of Omega becoming a pilot even if the epilogue falls a little flat for me. But stuff with Omega still got dropped, including:
- The force stuff. We have two episodes dealing with m-count (after learning in episode three what Omega was created to do). We also have Ventress telling Omega that she doesn’t have a high m-count as far as she can see, Crosshair immediately calling Ventress out for lying, and then Ventress basically saying, “Yeah, no shit, but if she has force potential she’d have to leave you behind, and it doesn’t matter what your opinion on that is, so I’m not dealing with that.” Aaaand then,m. That. Goes nowhere. Despite a bit of set up for Omega connecting to the force as early as episode one, and some more set up in Tribe, and that whole subplot of her learning how to meditate, and so on.
Now, I don’t think that it was ever going to turn out that Omega did actually have a high m-count or that she had a particularly powerful natural connection to the force. I think she’s probably got a low or baseline m-count. What I do think, however, is that we were going to see Omega connect anyway as a refutation of Palpatine’s and Hemlock’s entire scheme. Their goal (based off of the ST) was to create extremely force sensitive clones as a way for Palpatine to jump bodies without having to waste time re-learning how to connect to the force. You know—dark side, quick and easy path, focus on eugenics and raw power, etc. Had Omega connected anyway because of her big heart and desire to protect, it would have not only paid off that set up, it would have also refuted Palpatine’s and Hemlock’s entire goal. It would have worked so well thematically and the set up was THERE.
- branching off of that, I think the Omega force stuff was probably tied to the Zillo beast. We also had a through-line of Omega being good with animals and taking the time to calm them instead of responding with violence. The first time we see this is in “Replacements,” where she realizes that the ordo moon dragon (also an electrophage—I don’t know what to call these things—like the zillo beast) is just scared and hungry. This is all conjectural, but it still fits with what was set up.
- Moving on from the force stuff, we also had a through-line that started way back in episode two of the series, but which was really emphasized this season, about Omega feeling like she’s the cause of the bad things that happen to the people she loves. This is why she gives herself up during the Pabu invasion in the first place. This is never resolved! We get Omega’s confidence boost when she realizes she has the force kids to take care of, but we never get a moment where Omega realizes that she has no reason to feel guilty. She’s the glue that holds the family together! But nope! Also dropped!
- But wait! There’s more! The first two season finales have Omega watching someone she loves fall away while she’s helpless to do anything to save them. That’s perfect set up to put Omega in the same situation, but be able to save them, because she’s finally come into her own. Instead we just end up with her needing to be rescued again.
- Omega has this big speech in Shadows of Tantiss about spending her life stuck in one place or another against her will, and how she refuses to be confined like that. I don’t think Omega would have been happy just staying on Pabu for the entire rest of her childhood and young adult life, even if I think she’d want to use it on a home base. But! Dropped!
7. I still can’t get over the fact that the zillo beast is on screen for about two minutes and then just. Walks away. It’s a large beastie that’s been locked in confinement for a while and is probably hungry. And somehow it didn’t go straight to the reactors for some delicious energy smoothies. Like. It. Did. The. Last. Time. Someone. Let. It. Out. But no, that would have required it sticking around for something that was probably dropped sooooo ZILLO BEAST EXIT STAGE RIGHT I GUESS. (Edit: I have been reminded that Hemlock does say to turn off the generators once the zillo beast is out, so that at least makes sense. I still think the zillo beast should have stuck around to do something.)
8. You notice how there are a ton of commandos around Tantiss, even up through “Flash Strike?” And how they kind of largely cease to exist? And how Echo says that there are far more clones imprisoned in Tantiss than anyone thought? And then how they rescue, like, a dozen guys? Because we never find our way back to those cells Crosshair was held in during season two? And how Tarkin does mention not wanting to allow clone dissidence to turn into an uprising back in “The Summit?” Because I did. This show was never going to be about a clone rebellion, that wasn’t the point, buuut I do think the set up was there for an uprising at Tantiss itself. Begin the series with clones losing their agency en masse, end the series with some of the most subdued clones taking it back. Except nope, dropped, soooo we gotta pretend the commandos don’t exist and murder the hell out of poor Scorch.
9. SPEAKING OF. The batch does kill clones sometimes, that does happen, but they do at least usually make some kind of effort to be non-lethal even when they’re not using stun, and times when they do resort to lethal tactics are usually born out of extreme circumstances. Not here, though!! NO HESITATION MAXIMUM CARNAGE. For. Reasons I guess.
10. There’s one point IN THE FINALE where Echo mentions signaling for Rex. This never comes up again. Rex does not show up. In fact, despite being called, “The Cavalry Has Arrived,” the cavalry does not in fact arrive. There is no cavalry. Yes, I know it’s a reference to Wrecker’s first line. But I’m sorry if you call an episode that YOU HAD BETTER HAVE A CAVALRY SHOW UP. Especially when you have a one about calling them in! But that also!! Got dropped like a rock!!
11. One positive: the moment Crosshair and Hunter leaning on each other to make that shot was nice.
12. Sorry, but Hemlock’s death was deeply unsatisfying. Let’s do something more than just shoot him multiple times, okay?
13. Rampart’s death, on the other hand, was incredibly satisfying. That said, the conversation about project necromancer? I’m dying. It’s actually hilarious, because it basically goes like:
“Tell me about project necromancer.”
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“Wow! How interesting!”
Are you serious?
I’m going to become the Joker.
Yes, I know we know what project necromancer is because of a different show. That’s not the point, the POINT. Is that any pay off for project necromancer in this show got dropped. And that’s deeply frustrating from a narrative perspective.
14. Speaking of, we never find out anything more regarding that partially successful m-count transfer from episode three.
15. We also never do anything with those medical records!
16. And Omega has a whole crossbow she never actually shoots despite the fact that her role on the team was as a sharpshooter after Crosshair left, and despite her getting advice from Crosshair on how to be a sniper. The literal chekov’s gun never goes off. I’m going to go eat gravel.
17. AZI, likewise, got toted around for three seasons for no reason. Probably could have helped with the medical records. Given that he was a Kaminoan medical droid. Oh, and that Omega was Nala Se’s medical assistant. So. Hmm.
18. You can cut everything in the season past episode five and skip straight to the epilogue and end up in the same place. This is not because the other episodes are filler. Far from it! The other episodes are great and deliver some amazing set up. But, because the finale does nothing with that set up, it doesn’t go anywhere.
19. And you know what else? From a narrative perspective, there’s no reason for Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair to be in these episodes at all. They don’t accomplish anything and make everyone else’s job harder. Omega was doing fine, she would have gotten out with the kids with just Echo and Emerie, and Tarkin was coming to cut off Hemlock’s funding and shut everything down once Hemlock lost control of the facility anyway. I can only suppose that the whole reason they were in this episode ended up getting dropped, too.
20. CX-2. Listen, the answer we get about CX-2 isn’t that he’s not Tech. It’s, “Maybe, maybe not—you don’t get to know.” Because. He’s the only CX whose mask never comes off. After a season and a half worth of buildup of unmasking CXs and people pressing them to learn their names. It’s not a no, it’s a non-answer, which is far less satisfying.
And finally:
21: CX-Tech. I’ve seen some people speculating that there was a planned CX-Tech reveal that got scrapped at the last minute—dropped, along with the other points I’ve already laid out. And, honestly? I have to agree. Despite what the creative team says, because even their denials kind of come out weird (like the Kiners saying that the large brass chord in “Battle of the Snipers” was just a nice sounding brass chord and not a reference to “Plan 99.” They also basically say that the sacrifice theme from “Plan 99” is Tech’s leitmotif. Which. Is all over “Battle of the Snipers.” That theme. Not Crosshair’s. In a scene. Where he’s supposed to be fighting a shadow of himself who Totally Isn’t Tech but we put Tech’s leitmotif here and layered it in Techno music but nooo that was never supposed to be him. Nope. I mean, come on. I’m not stupid).This post is already long enough, so here are some posts by @apocalyp-tech-a pointing out the reasons why I think this was the case, and one by @eriexplosion pointing out why CX-2 as Crosshair’s shadow and only that doesn’t quite work. I don’t need to go over the trail that was laid out again. Up to the finale this was a character that had more screen time—and far more solo screen time—than Echo. Some people will not stop yelling that there was no evidence, and. No. I’m sorry, there was. I can’t agree.
And some people might say, well, okay, the show misdirected you guys and pulled off a twist by having CX-2 be no one, and well, I can’t agree with that either. Twists only function if the twist is more satisfying than the conclusion to which the story seems to be leading. And I’m sorry, you can’t tell me that a season and a half of CX building and three seasons (because I can find set up all the way back in episode one of the show) for Tech survival culminating in what amounts to a boss fight is more satisfying than getting to see Omega have her big brother back. You can’t.
The reason I bring this up last is because, yes, I think CX-Tech was a plot dropped at the last minute, but because I also think that it’s the dropped plot that ripped everything else apart. CX-Tech was an incredibly efficient way to tie up most of the lingering plot threads and dropped character development.
-Crosshair’s guilt? Okay, he faces down the end result of his decision to stay with the empire and possibly something he knew about (Tech would be in this situation because of Crosshair, and were given hints that Crosshair knew) and is finally able to forgive himself because they’re able to save him.
- Hunter’s decision to finally take action and be proactive rather than reactive is validated, because it’s the thing that finally gets him his entire family back.
- Echo saves someone the same way he was saved, and maybe he realizes that it is enough and that he doesn’t have to be a soldier forever.
- Wrecker’s efforts to keep the family together and keep Hunter sane finally pay off.
- Omega is able to protect the people she charges about and finally, finally has all of her brothers.
- Thematically, it rounds off each member of the batch (Omega included) traumatically losing and then taking back their agency in a way that correlates directly to who and how they are as people.
- It also rounds out the OG batchers each being haunted by a failure that has to do with the thing that makes them special.
- You get pushback against “Clone Force 99 died with Tech! We’re not that squad anymore!” because no, it didn’t, and they’re more than a squad, they’re a family.
- It comes around and closes the wound opened in Aftermath and ripped back open by Return to Kamino: they go in for Omega and lose someone, but here, they go in for Omega and get someone back.
- Would allow Tech to close off his lingering threads and finish his character development BECAUSE THOSE REMAINED UNFINISHED.
- Completely subverts the “bury your disabled” trope by making sure we know the character whose disability was explored the most’s life is more important than his death. Seems like an important thing to do in a show that is kind of about disability. Just saying.
- Makes the lack of closure and little mentions of Tech make sense from a storytelling POV because the necessarily catharsis would come from his return.
- And it would actually add some triumph to the ending. Yes, this little family survived. They outlived the war. They’re together, despite every effort to rip them apart. They made it, despite the dark times, despite the Empire, despite what they were made to do and be. They defied all of that. That would have been so, so satisfying.
As is, without Tech, without that CX-Tech reveal, we sort of end up in this weird place where all the themes are half-baked. They are more than soldiers…except Tech, who had to fall out of the story as a soldier (despite us getting the clearest glimpse of what his life outside of soldiering could have been). They get to live how they want…except Tech. They don’t leave their own behind, except Tech that one time. They should value their own lives a little…except Tech. They’re more than a squad, they’re a family…except Tech, the only one besides Omega to say that’s what they are, doesn’t get to see it, and they don’t get to have him around. We begin the series with a broken family and end it with a family broken differently. That’s not dynamic.
So there’s no really punch to the ending. It’s sort of…well, okay, we tortured a family for three seasons I guess. Relieved that the survivors are doing okay, but that’s kind of it.
22. The finale in general is just sort of a bunch of events which happen, but which don’t lead into one other. It’s weird. It’s not that too much happens, it’s that almost nothing happens. Nothing of substance, in a way. The finale is, in a word, the only true filler episode in the entire show.
TL;DR: I think a lot of stuff got dropped from the finale. I don’t know why. I suspect that it might have to do with the strikes—basically, the script was done, most everything was recorded and boarded, and then when the finale was in production they got sudden drastic budget cuts (this was during a time when the studios were disappearing entire completed shows and movies as tax write-offs), had to gut what they had planned, and couldn’t bring the writers or even showrunners in to smooth over what was gutted or to even pick what got taken out. They wouldn’t have gotten to choose or compress things. They were on strike (because the studios wouldn’t negotiate), and whoever did choose ended up just ripping out the stuff that would actually take any time or budget to deal with (so, basically everything I laid out), killing it (literally), and using the remains of what they already had recorded. And who knows how they had to fill in gaps.
But I don’t know for sure. Maybe it was that. Maybe it was a last minute decision to take certain plot points and put them in a different show. Maybe it was executive mandate. Maybe the creative team just sucked the whole time (that’s one I have a hard time buying—we have four other shows and most of this one that tell me that they’re better at their jobs than this). Maybe everyone said screw it, who even cares anymore at the same time.
Maybe nothing happened. Who knows? I strongly suspect something bad did happen behind the scenes that was out of the creative team’s hands—I really do, because that’s the only way I can make sense of this—but until we can get someone talking without six layers of PR and NDAs, we won’t know for sure. All I know is that The Bad Batch is an amazing show with 46 episodes that range from “fine-but-clunky” to “IMMACULATE,” with more leaning towards immaculate than not, and some incredible set up, and one episode so nonsensically bad it makes me want to eat drywall.
It’s just that the one terrible episode comes right at the end.
I love The Bad Batch. I love every single episode and all the things that were set up, but…eh, I think I’ll be ignoring the finale until further notice.
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janaispunk · 6 months
takes one to know one
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another extra from the dress series universe, but can be read as a stand-alone!
pairing: Dave York x f!reader
word count: ~3.3k
summary: “Not a sound,” a deep voice snarls into your ear. A familiar voice. You turn your head ever so slightly to make out his face over your shoulder, your wide gaze meeting his, the brown eyes that you know so well almost black as he drinks you in. You whimper against his palm and he smirks.
warnings/tags: explicit smut (18+ only!), consensual non-consent (it’s not explicitly mentioned but they have a safeword), Dave breaks into reader’s place and chases her, dom/sub dynamics, dom!Dave, sub!reader, degradation kink, knife play, oral sex (m receiving), unprotected p in v (reader is on birth control), rough sex, slapping, spitting, choking, established relationship, hints of fluff because i can’t help myself, able-bodied reader, Dave pulls her hair, as always: let me know if i missed anything please <3
i want to make it very clear that cnc has been discussed between the both of them before and that reader is consenting throughout the entire scene that i’ve written here. still, check the tags and if this kind of content upsets you, please don’t read it 🤍
a/n: I’m still struggling with the plot for the main series, but I was horny aaaaand that’s really all I can say for myself. Because I know of several people who have written or want to write about some variation of the ✨knife riding✨, let’s not open up some kind of plagiarism discourse about this, please <3 I got my inspiration from this post and I know others have too, and honestly, I’d read a thousand fics about that shit because it’s fucking hot, so to anyone who wants to write it: PLEASE DO IT
dividers by @/saradika-graphics <3
find my full masterlist here!
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You’re sat on your couch, headphones over your ears, typing away on your laptop when a large hand wraps over your mouth, trapping the surprised scream that’s fighting its way up your throat. The headphones are roughly pulled away as you’re frozen in shock, your heart hammering in your chest.
“Not a sound,” a deep voice snarls into your ear. A familiar voice. You turn your head ever so slightly to make out his face over your shoulder, your wide gaze meeting his, the brown eyes that you know so well almost black as he drinks you in. You whimper against his palm and he smirks.
You hadn’t expected him for another few days and you sure as hell hadn’t expected this, but a twisted sensation of anxious excitement is thrumming through your veins.
Your eyes flit over his figure, taking in his dark clothes, more casual than you’re used to and a black cap that you’ve never seen on him before that accentuates his hard jawline and his dark eyes. A buzzing desire shoots through you before you can stop it. He quirks an eyebrow, seemingly amused by the reactions replaying on your face.
You take another breath, your brain running a mile a minute, clocking his hold on you that’s strong but not as strong as it could be and the door in your back that leads out of your apartment. Before you can overthink it, you twist out of his grasp, driving your elbow into his side sharply. His surprised and slightly pained intake of breath barely registers with you as you bolt for the door, your bare feet hitting your hardwood floor. You throw the door open and fly down the stairs as quick as your feet carry you, adrenaline pumping through your veins.
You’ve never played the scenario like this before, but the thought of him chasing after you, his dark figure hunting you down, and the things that he might do to you once he’s caught you, have you breathless with excitement.
You step out onto your street, which is thankfully almost empty in the early evening hours, and take off to one side without thinking. You don’t dare to turn around to check if you’re being followed before you dart into a small alley between two townhouses and press yourself against the wall, praying that he didn’t see and will pass you without noticing.
Your breath is coming in short pants and your gaze is glued to the street while you’re staying hidden in the shadows, determined not to miss him when he -hopefully- passes your hiding spot.
It feels like several minutes tick by, and while you can’t really be sure in your current nervous state, you start feeling anxious. You begin to creep towards the opening between the houses when a hand covers your face for the second time this night, the other hand wrapping around your wrist in an iron grip.
“Boo,” Dave whispers into your ear from behind you, making you jump, his body crowding you in as he spins you around to face him.
“Thought you could run away from me?” he smirks, his hand moving away from your mouth to possessively wrap around your neck. “Let’s get you back home, doll.”
He keeps a tight hold on your slightly trembling body, much tighter than before, and the adrenaline is slowly being replaced by more nervous excitement as he leads you back to your place, up the stairs until you’re standing in front of the door. He pulls the keys out and opens up, shoving you inside before he slams the door shut behind the both of you.
He holds your weary gaze while he locks the door, then he’s on you, pushing you against the wall, his hands clawing at your body, sliding under your shirt and tearing at the waistband of your leggings.
“P-please,” you whimper, pushing weakly at his hands.
“No,” he growls, capturing both of your wrists and holding them above your head while he glares down at you.
“You thought that was funny, huh?” He motions with his head towards the door, his voice an angry snarl. “Thought you were smart, that you could trick me?”
“N-no, please, I-” You shake your head, your voice thick with tears that are brimming in your eyes. He gathers both of your wrists in one hand, the other hand roughly slapping your cheek and causing your head to fly to the side.
“Shut up,” he spits, “I don’t want to hear another word from you, is that clear?”
Traces of real fear are coursing through your veins, but this is exactly how you wanted it to be, exactly how you had asked to be treated. Despite the fear, you feel wetness gathering between your thighs, and desire blooming in your whole body.
“Please,” you try again, not sure what you’re even begging for, just playing into the feeling of being completely at his mercy that you enjoy so much.
His hand hits your cheek again, twice in quick succession this time, and a whimpering moan escapes your mouth. “Not another word,” Dave repeats, his cold eyes boring into yours. He reaches for his belt and raises his hand a moment later, holding a knife that looks concerningly big, especially with how close it is to your face. He presses the blade against your throat and you freeze, your heartbeat loud in your ears and your eyes wide, your entire focus on him.
“Not another word, or you’ll regret it. Is that clear?” he asks again, his voice low and drenched in coldness. You manage the tiniest nod, scared to move against the blade that you can still feel on the delicate skin beneath your jaw.
“Good,” he grins, slotting his knee between your thighs and it takes everything in you not to grind down onto him. He removes the knife from your throat and presses his mouth onto your skin instead, his hands sliding under your shirt and groping at your tits while he sucks and bites on your neck with a roughness that is surely going to leave your skin sore for days. He kneads your breasts and pinches your nipples, sending jolts of equally pain and pleasure through your body. Your head is leaning back against the wall, your eyes pinched shut and high pitched whimpers falling from your lips.
He stops abruptly and gathers your face in his hand, squeezing your cheeks between his thumb and his fingers. “Stop complaining,” he snarls, “you think I can’t feel the way you’re soaking my pants right here?” His other hand cups your mound over your leggings, fingers digging into the drenched fabric and you can’t stop your moan, nor the way your hips buck to chase his touch when he pulls it away again.
“Desperate little slut, so fucking easy, just waiting around for someone to come and fuck you, weren’t you?” You try shaking your head and he tightens his hold on your face. “Don’t lie, sweetheart,” he says, his voice a cold whisper, “you love being treated like this. Love being put in your place. I think you should thank me.”
You give another small shake of your head and he lets go of your face to wrap his hand around your throat instead. His hold there tightens slowly and your eyes grow wider as he arches an eyebrow at you. You start feeling dizzy and your hand flies to his wrist, tugging desperately, but he just chuckles, squeezing your throat tighter. Desire burns between your legs as you’re gasping for breath, finally giving up on the defiance, like you both knew you would.
“Thank you,” you force out, almost choking on the words, and Dave grins triumphantly, loosening his grip on your throat.
“See,” he coos, leaning closer until you can feel his breath on your face, “that wasn’t so hard, was it?”
He grabs your neck again and maneuvers you into your bedroom, where he orders you to strip, to show me what I came here for, doll, while he leans against your doorframe, watching your trembling form with a smirk in his face. You do as he says, pulling your shirt over your head and your leggings down your legs until you’re standing in front of him in nothing but your panties.
His eyes flit over your body, lingering on your breasts with an expression of hunger on his face, until they stop at your underwear. “Those too. Unless you’d rather have me cut them off?” The knife is back in his hand and he’s twirling it mindlessly. Your gaze follows the motion for a second, mesmerized by the casual ease with which he’s handling the weapon, until you remember his threat and hastily strip out of the panties, leaving yourself completely bare while he’s still fully dressed.
He stalks towards you, crowding you in and his fingers wander between your legs, swirling through the wetness at your entrance and making you gasp when he flicks your clit. “I knew it,” he grins smugly, “you’re so fucking wet for me. Like it or not, sweetheart, you love being treated like this. Best to just accept it.” He leans in to bite at your neck again, still playing with your clit while his other hand splays over your ass, causing you to flinch when the knife’s blade makes contact with your skin there. You’re helplessly turned on, so many sensations all over your body that you can barely process and you wrap your arms around his neck without thinking about it, just wanting him to give you more, to make you feel good the way you know he can.
“Good girl, there she is,” he whispers into your ear. Then he pulls back, stepping around you and throwing your naked body down onto the bed, looming over you, the knife still clutched in his hand. He straddles your thighs, smirks at you and pecks your lips, then he pulls back and drives the knife into the mattress beside you in one fluid motion, tearing through the material until only the handle is visible, sticking out of your bed.
A small scream had escaped your throat at the sudden motion and another slap lands on your face. “There,” he grins, the amusement clear on his face. “You so desperately want to have your cunt filled - use this.” Your stare flickers between him and the knife a couple of times, understanding slowly growing inside your mind.
“Y-you want me to ride? …T-this?”
Dave pets your cheek almost affectionately, then nods towards the handle. “Exactly. And you better get on with it, you don’t want to test my patience, do you?” You gulp and shake your head, wearily eyeing the intimidatingly large piece of black material that’s sticking out of your mattress. Dave clicks his tongue impatiently and you scramble to your knees, positioning yourself until you’re hovering over the knife.
Your insides are burning with the humiliation that he’s putting you through, but there’s also a twisted sense of excitement bubbling inside of you, knowing that no one but him would push you like this, which is why no one like him makes you feel like this. Your slick is dripping down your legs and you know that he can see it, with the way he’s watching you closely as you’re still hovering, anxiously biting your lip.
You look up at his face and despite the cold and cruel mask that he’s been wearing all evening, you can still see the fire in his eyes, making you feel warm, telling you that ultimately, despite everything, you’re safe with him and he wants you to enjoy yourself, will push you to enjoy yourself if necessary. He doesn’t say it, doesn’t take you out of the scene, but his voice is still clear in your head, speaking words that you’ve heard a hundred times. For me, sweetheart. I know you can.
You take a deep breath, your brows furrowing in concentration, and start sinking down. It’s an awkward angle at first and you need to adjust your position, but then the knife’s handle is pressing against your entrance. You gaze up at Dave again, whose eyes are trained on your pussy, watching eagerly as you sink down further. It feels strange, not unlike a toy, you think, but the shape isn’t exactly right and with a toy you wouldn’t be worried about cutting yourself with a wrong move. Your walls stretch around the foreign item and you gasp at the sensation, the feeling of finally being filled up giving you the sweet pleasure that you had been craving.
You begin moving your hips over the handle without further instruction from Dave, sliding up and down in careful motions, still aware of the sharp blade that’s currently buried in your bed, but sparks of pleasure are traveling up your spine nonetheless.
Dave reaches out to tweak your nipples again and you arch your back towards his touch, causing him to laugh. “That’s right, slut, fuck yourself on my knife. You’d do anything as long as that greedy pussy gets filled up, wouldn’t you?” You nod mindlessly, chasing your pleasure, the whole situation sending your arousal into overdrive.
Standing beside you, Dave finally pulls his dark sweater over his head, then opens his belt buckle. You eagerly drink in the sight of him, his broad chest and shoulders, his strong arms and his softer stomach, the smatter of dark hair disappearing beneath his waistband.
“Please,” you whisper, once again not certain what you’re even asking for, but you want more, more of him.
“Open your mouth,” Dave demands, leaning down to your level when you obey eagerly. He spits into your mouth, his saliva pooling on your tongue, the degrading but weirdly intimate motion making you moan desperately. “Keep it open,” he mutters as he pushes down his pants and underwear in one motion, your eyes flying to his cock before you can help yourself. He glides his hand along his length slowly, watching you while you’re still riding his knife, your combined saliva pooling in your open mouth and the desperate longing clear on your face.
He steps closer and taps the head of his cock on your tongue, eliciting another moan from you when you feel the familiar weight. “Yeah, need all your holes stuffed, one just isn’t enough, huh?” He doesn’t wait for an answer and thrusts into your mouth, holding your head steady as he presses his cock into your mouth until he’s nudging at your throat. You try your hardest not to gag and shudder in his grasp, tears spilling from your eyes and mixing with the spit that’s drooling out of your mouth.
He pulls back a little, letting you suck on him instead while you try to keep up your rhythm on the knife’s handle. “So good,” he groans, his hand curled in your hair, “taking me so fucking good.” He starts fucking your mouth again in quick thrusts and tweaks your nipples until you moan around him, the vibration causing his grip in your hair to tighten. “Think you can come like this?” he pants, “does riding my fucking knife while I’m fucking your throat turn you on that much?”
You nod as best as you can, pleadingly looking up at him. “Dirty fucking slut,” he snarls, landing another slap on your cheek that has you clenching almost painfully around the knife. “Go on then, touch yourself.” Your hand flies to your clit at his words, rubbing at the tight bundle of nerves and shuddering at the pleasure that’s thrumming through your veins. You come almost embarrassingly quick, the different forms of stimulation flooding your senses until you’re writhing on your knees, moaning around the cock in your throat as waves of pleasure roll through your body.
You faintly register Dave getting on the bed behind you and his hands on your shoulders. He pulls you off of the handle roughly and you fall back against his chest, still on your knees, barely keeping yourself upright. “Good fucking girl,” he coos into your ear as he pulls you into his body, his large hands pressing into your flesh. “You’re a quick learner. No need to get hurt when you’re obedient like this, see?” Then he pushes your head back down until you’re at eye level with the handle, still drenched in the wetness that your pussy has left behind. “Open up,” his cold voice demands from above you, underlining the order with a sharp slap to your ass when you don’t react quick enough. “Clean up your mess, make it all nice and shiny while I fuck this dirty little cunt.”
You feel a new wave of wetness between your legs at his words and obediently close your lips around the tip of the handle, moaning at the taste of yourself. “Just like that,” you hear Dave from behind you before his hand is in your hair again, pushing you down further. His other hand’s fingers are digging into your hip as he’s lining himself up and thrusting into you in one rough motion. Your scream at the sudden stretch gets muffled in your mouth and you hear his faint chuckle before he starts moving, setting a brutal pace right from the beginning that has you writhing, your hips stuttering with the force of his thrusts.
“That’s it, good girl, take it just like that,” Dave pants, his voice wrecked, “good fucking girl.” Getting praised while being in this degrading situation has your head spinning. You hear the wet squelch every time his cock presses inside of you, the smack of his flesh against his, the touch of his hands feeling so rough but so right on your body.
Dave is groaning behind you, sliding into you in hard thrusts that make your eyes roll back into your head and moving against your g-spot again and again. You feel yourself tightening up around him, more wetness seeping out of you until you can’t take it anymore. You tip over the edge, your whole body tensing up, shudders running through you as stars explode across your vision and your pussy clenches around his cock rhythmically.
You hear him swear behind you, his hips stilling and his hands pulling your body back against his chest, his cock pulsing deep inside of you and painting your walls with his release.
“So fucking good,” he murmurs and presses a gentle kiss against the soft skin under your ear. You nod, your mind still dazed but a tired smile growing on your face.
He gently pulls out of you and moves your body up the bed until your head is resting on the pillows. He cleans you up, peppering your entire face with kisses, muttering praises against your skin, replacing his demanding hands with soft, featherlight touches.
You watch with wide eyes as he carefully pulls the knife back out of your now ruined mattress and puts it down on your nightstand. The handle is still glistening with the remnants of your spit. Dave catches your eye and grins in that cocky way of his that almost makes you want him between your legs again immediately.
“Don’t worry. I’ll buy you a new one.” You smirk and stretch your arms out towards him, your fingers tangling in his hair as you pull him down into a kiss, his lips softly moving against yours, the dominating persona all but blown away.
“You better,” you murmur against his mouth and his responding chuckle makes you smile.
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tags: @amanitacowboy @planet-marz1 @catchallfangirl @joelscurls @reddedmiller @iamasaddie @guelyury @theywhowriteandknowthings @corazondebeskar @vabeachazn @mellymbee @bbyanarchist @untamedheart81 @missladym1981 @no1-nosesitter
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if you liked this fic, please consider reblogging or leaving a comment, you’d really make me suuuuper happy! 🤍
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doe-drawz · 4 months
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More Better Call Saul Ponies!! Someone asked what Jimmy’s name would be in this au since I only included Saul’s (Double’r’Nothin) . Aaaaand i got carried away!
Edit- I added Breaking Bad ponies!!
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iamwestiec · 2 months
novel jyl didn't forgive wwx? i've only watched the drama and thought she did
Ohhhhh nonny, it's really sad. 😭
Here's the scene in the novel (EXR Translation, Ch. 78: Nightfall), just after Jiang Yanli has been slashed by a fierce corpse at Nightless City, and Wei Wuxian is facing the horrified realization that he does not, after all, have everything under control:
As [Jiang Cheng] spoke, he was about to pick up Jiang Yanli when she spoke up, “… A-Xian.” Wei Wuxian felt shivers go down his spine, “Shijie, I… I’m here.” Slowly, Jiang Yanli opened her dark eyes. Wei Wuxian felt fear rumble within him. Jiang Yanli managed, “… A-Xian. Before… why did you run away so fast… I didn’t even get the chance to look at you, or say something to you…” Hearing this, Wei Wuxian’s heart beat fast. He still didn’t dare look at Jiang Yanli’s face. Right then, the face was the same as Jin Zixuan’s back then, covered in dust and blood. He was even more scared to hear the words she was about to say. Jiang Yanli, “I’m… I’m here to tell you…” To tell him what? That it’s fine? That I don’t hate you? That everything is fine? That I don’t blame you for having killed Jin Zixuan? It was impossible. But she couldn’t say anything that was the opposite either. And so, she didn’t know what else she could say to Wei Wuxian, under such circumstances. It was just that she felt like she had to see this brother of hers once more. Jiang Yanli sighed, “A-Xian, you… you should stop first. Don’t, don’t…” Wei Wuxian hurried, “Yes, I’ll stop."
And he does! He picks up Chenqing and tries to stop the fierce corpses! They're finally listening! Aaaaand then someone comes from behind to stab Wei Wuxian, and Jiang Yanli summons the last of her strength to push him aside, taking the blow herself. 🥲🥲🥲
Sitting on the dirty ground, Wei Wuxian stared with disbelief at Jiang Yanli, whose head had already dipped, blood trickling ceaselessly from her neck. He was still waiting for her to speak, to give him his final judgment. Jiang Cheng was at a loss as well, arms still wrapped around his sister’s body. He hadn’t completely realized what happened yet. A moment later, finally, Wei Wuxian let out a bitter scream.
She dies without delivering either condemnation or forgiveness—and honestly... as much as it hurts, I think from a storytelling perspective, it's the perfect choice. What could she possibly have said? How would she have come to feel if they'd all lived? What would she have been able to work through and what would she have carried forever? We'll never know. She never got the chance. 💔
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daydreamwalker13 · 2 months
Mk1 Random Drawings # 40
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Protectors of Earthrealm: Mister Takahashi (with small sketch comic)
My au, teen Kenshi, aaaaand his dad (my oc).
I got nothing else to think of, so I got curious of what's my teen Kenshi's father look like. I'm trying making him look like a samurai and also a yakuza. An intimidating man.
He still got no name.
It's supposed to be a joke but I got carried away.
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nejiverse · 1 year
[Hayakawa Family series]
In which Power and Denji are left alone to take care of Yuna..
a/n: i saw somewhere in my inbox that someone suggested naming Aki and Y/n’s daughter Yuna meaning kindness so I did
cw: a bit of crack, Power and Denji
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1k words
Denji whizzed around the room with Yuna on his shoulders, making airplane noises with his mouth as she erupted into a fit of laughter, giddily patting her small hands against Denji's head.
"Aaaaand we're landing!", he exclaimed.
The blondie swiftly landed on the floor on his knees, lifting the little girl up and down onto the floor as she gripped onto the short table to help her keep her balance.
She watched how Denji observed Power who had a confused look on her face as she stood in front of the sink so he decided to go check on what she was doing.
Yuna didn't like that though. She made grabby hands with her right hand but it was of no avail owing to the fact that Denji's back was already turned to her. Tears welled up in her eyes and she began to let out small fussy noises which made it evident to Denji and Power that she was about to cry.
"Aw c'mon Yuna! We've played airplane nine times already, please don't make it ten", he frowned. His neck was getting tired and so were his arms.
But the little girl wasn't having it. Her lips began to quiver and she let out sniffles.
"Just carry her normally idiot. I don't think she cares about the game anymore", Power intruded, inspecting the two containers she had in her hand. "Quick before the waterworks start!".
Denji sighed dramatically, his shoulders slumping in defeat. He knew it was unavoidable because every single time Yuna wanted to be carried, she'd follow him around like a little duckling. She always got her way, much like her mother.
He made quick work with picking her up and wrapping an arm around her legs, letting her rest her head on his shoulder happily.
"What're you doing?", he narrowed his eyes at Power as he walked over to her. "SERIOUSLY?! ARE YOU TRYING TO GIVE THE CHILD DIABETES??", Denji screamed in her ear.
Power could only let out a hum of confusion.
She inspected the two tubs side by side. They were the same colour, how was she supposed to know?
"Do I look literate to you?", she rolled her eyes.
Yuna kicked her feet against Denji's side. She wasn't a fan of all the noise and would much prefer being put down to venture off elsewhere.
Denji abided to her whines of complaint and placed her on her feet, watching her waddle away to who knows where.
"You don’t have to be able to read to know that they both look AND taste different", he shook his head.
“Sugar, formula, what’s the difference honestly”, Power swatted her hand. They were both foods that could be eaten and shat out again so she was indifferent to them.
“Life and death. That’s the difference”, Aki was super overprotective when it came to his daughter. If anything was to happen to her while he wasn’t around, they two would never see the light of day again.
Speaking of Yuna..
"What have you done!", Denji gasped, terror taking over his face. He could literally feel Aki's wrath already.
The little girl was after messing with the buttons of the washing machine. How she made it leak water was beyond him.
She sat in the pool of water, cheerfully splashing her palms in the liquid. As she was about to put her wet hand in her mouth, Denji quickly stopped her and held her under her armpits as to avoid getting his clothes wet.
He looked at the girl with an unimpressed expression.
"Be honest with me for a second here...do you want your pops to kick me out?".
Power let out a scream and flung her arms around frantically.
"They're back Denji!", she belted as she furiously tried to wipe up the puddle of water.
"Shit shit shit shit shit!", Denji quickly went into Aki and Y/n'a shared room to look for a spare change of clothes for Yuna.
"They're good kids Aki, don't be so worried", Y/n clung to his arm and gave him a smile.
"You put way too much faith in them", he shook his head. As the two approached the door, Aki scoffed a laugh. "I'm surprised the door is still on its hinges". She playfully hit his shoulder as he opened the door.
Through the silent squeaking of the door opening, the couple were surprised to see Denji and Power sitting on their knees with their hands on their lap and a fake smile plastered on their lips, Yuna sitting in between them as she chewed on a teething toy.
"Welcome home!", the two said in unison which was beyond strange to Aki and Y/n.
Aki looked around suspiciously as Y/n approached the three.
"You two did an amazing job!", she ruffled their hair before picking Yuna up. "I hope she wasn't much trouble".
"No trouble at all..", Denji glanced at the washing machine briefly.
It was as if his eyes held some kind of power because just as he finished his sentence, water came gushing out from the bottom of the machine.
"Oh em gee", Power uttered.
Denji on the other hand was simply speechless.
Yuna let out a giggle at her mother's shocked expression. It was much like the funny faces she made to cheer her up whenever she was sad.
Power and Denji expected Aki to go off on a tangent about how irresponsible they were but he simply opened up the laptop that rested idly on the counter and started typing.
"What are you doing?", Y/n inquired.
"Looking for plumbing apprenticeships for these two", he responded.
Denji and Power turned to face each other. "WHAT?!".
hayakawa family series masterlist :)
a/n: it feels like forever since i’ve updated this series 😭
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galaxywing-has-adhd · 4 months
the Squad
Angel dust: If you water water, it grows.
Alastor : ...What.
Ava : They've got a point.
Vaggie : Okay, who's turn is it to give the pep talk?
Angel dust: It's Husker's turn.
Husker: Don't die.
Angel dust, wiping a tear away: Truly inspirational.
Husker: Ava ! For the love of god, please turn down that music. I have a hangover.
Ava : *blasting the mii theme at full volume* That sounds like a you problem, not a mii problem.
Ava : I give up. I am so tired.
Angel dust: Get the emergency supply!
Husker: *somehow carries Alastor and places them in front of Ava *
Alastor : *smiles*
Ava : You're violent.
Niffty : Yeah but I'm also short and that's adorable. (Ava: I cheered you on after you killed adam)
Husker: You're a lying piece of shit!
Angel dust: Oh yeah? You're the idiot that thinks you can get away with everything you do, WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD!
Charlie : I'm leaving and I'm taking Vaggie with me!
Ava , gathering cards: Aaaaand that's enough Monopoly for today.
Ava : I'm having problems with a guy...
Angel dust: Like his dead body won't fit into your trunk kind of problems, or you like him kind of problems?
Ava : Accidentally indulged in too much ‘free time’, turns out I’ve been reported missing for over six months and presumed dead by most local and national authorities.
Alastor : Accidentally indulged in too much ‘free time’, turns out I’ve been reported missing for over seven years and presumed dead by most local and national authorities.
Niffty taping a knife to a roomba: be free my child.
Vaggie , entering the room with a small cut on their ankle: Who the f-
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stylintwirlforu · 4 months
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-her dad got remarried to a woman that literally started to hate her for "endangering her children" knowing DAMN WELL it wasn't her fault. Even if her stepmother changed for the better it wasn't always the case. -Step mom kept her from interacting with her step brothers and especially her father -she was tormented with nightmares of her biggest fear -she ran away at the age of 7. How about I say it louder? SEVEN! not enough? Lemme spell it out. S E V E N! she was SEVEN when she ran away. And for a time before she met Thalia and Luke she was ALONE she left her family and made her own. But it didn't last because a Cyclops nearly killed Thalia and she was turned into a tree and pronounced dead. -she had to get over that at the age of 7 because she arrived at camp the same age she left her previous home. -she had to bear the fact that Luke had betrayed them. Someone she looked up to and loved. -she had to be reminded of cyclops when Tyson came into the picture. -Yeah she accepted him as her own brother and family later but having a cyclops, the same thing that she thought took Thalia's life on the team bore down on her like betrayal hand the hands of Chaos and was pressing on her shoulders -speaking about pressing on her shoulders, let's talk about how she bore the weight of the sky. Percy got 2 visions. One where Luke passed the sky to Annabeth. The other when Artemis took the sky off of Annabeth's shoulders. These 2 visions were separate. Meaning that Annabeth was holding the sky for quite some time. Definitely longer than Percy. She was COMPLETELY drained and exhausted. More so that Luke left her to carry it alone. -she was told Luke died but couldn't believe it -Luke visited her but she couldn't bring herself to kill him. A promise she kept, but like didn't. -not as important but the whole "perachel" thing -her half brother died in front of her after passing his work to her -she then proceeds to get stabbed in the shoulder for Percy and nearly freaking dies AGAIN -the person she loved but then loved as a brother started to thrash her around, even if it was another entity in control -HER blade was the one that killed Luke. HER BLADE. imagine how she must have felt holding and fighting with it after -then she got a break -SIKE HER BOYFRIEND DISAPPEARED FOR 8 MONTHS CAUSING HER TO OVERWORK HERSELF TRYING TO LOCATE HIM -she was called worthless by Athena, her own mother, and was given a coin that could have led her to her death -oh they got reunited JUST BEFORE NEW ROME WAS BOMBED NEARLY WIPING ANY CHANCE OF BECOMING ALLIES -realizes she needs to go on a solo quest that ends with the mother of the spiders that have been tormenting her. Seems easy right? Yep! You could even do it with a broken ankle! -she gets the Athena parthenos 🎉🎉🎉 ….aaaaand promptly falls into Tartarus with her boyfriend -puts all her trust in Reyna, who she had probably interacted with for 20 minutes tops to escort the statue of her mother -demon grandmas blind her and make her think Percy broke up and left her -she watches her boyfriend nearly choke a goddess with some scary blood bending shit -she had to step down as a leader and leave Bob and Damasen. Do you even know how much that may have DESTROYED her!? -then she embarks to where her mom and soon-to-be father-in-law's rivalry started to then battle the literal Earth's children, get tossed back to CHB, quite literally, and promptly starts fighting like they weren't just done with mass murdering her great great grandma's other children -immediately thereafter practically watches Leo 'die' -as she is about to go to college and finally get an ounce of a normal human life her friend Jason dies. You guys don't even know how strong their bond must have been after all that. They are so similar but so different at the same time. No way that they didn't bond. -then she learns Nico is going back to Tartarus to get Bob and it hits her that she didn't even think of Bob. She felt so damn guilty
She is scared of tiny spiders, but not of plummeting to her death from a set of monkey bars. Go figure.
She looks beautiful
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fangswbenefits · 11 months
omggg i just realized i have this perfume by commodity called milk!!! its so good and has lactonic scent, and i imagine what if miguel get really feral and lowkey turned on whenever reader use that kind of perfume? orrr maybe he gifted it to reader? ORRR he used it on himself to get off whenever he's not with reader uwww :3
WHAT???? HELLO??? 🍼 perfume!!!
Okay… but I just pictured pregnant reader spraying some of it, then Miguel walks in from behind, pressing himself against her and gets ROCK HARD. He’s so proud that he knocked her up, because now he’ll have unlimited supply of actual tiddy milk that he can use to get off whenever she’s away (he just steals a milk bag from the freezer aaaaand 👀)
…. I’ll leave now 🚪 (I ALREADY GOT CARRIED AWAY… this is on you, anon)
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yaggy031910 · 8 months
A fun little ask: the Marshalate is informed there is cake in the break room. How do each of them react?
Who ever you are, thank you for this sweet little question and I apologise for my late response. 🙈💕
I have ideas for some of them, however I am **not** aware of the maréchals eating habits so any input is welcome here. Also, I don't know all of the marshals well enough but I will try to include as many as possible. Don’t expect any historical accuracy in this.
See this post as a very big headcanon and as one ongoing story where I am going to try to mimic the marshals characters and miserably fail.
Shall we begin? :D
Les Maréchals and cake
Berthier would hear about it and quietly get excited by the idea of having a nice little piece of cake, just for him to be too busy with everything so that he isn't able to leave his desk. Either this or someone (probably one of his adcs) would be nice enough to get for Berthier his piece of cake.
Murat: You bet he is one of the first ones to look at this cake. His reaction might depend on how the cake looks. If it's a huge cake with a lot of golden details, Murat will carry it around so everyone admires this phenomenal cake because it deserves to be looked at.
Augerau and Masséna wonder why there is such a fancy a cake in the break room in the first place and who might have put it there. Augerau asks Masséna with a low voice: “How much money do you want to bet on the cake being poisoned?” Before Masséna is able to answer, Lannes enters the scene.
Lannes runs after Murat with the cake knife demanding to finally get his damn piece of this cake while Murat can't make himself to cut it because this cake is “so damn beautiful that it would be a waste to eat it.” This little game goes on for a minute or two until the other marshals grow impatient, one of them being Ney.
Ney who is known for his hotheadedness tries to save this cake from a disaster aaaaand fails. :) The three of them dispute over who is the actual culprit of this mess.
L: Murat, what have you done? M: I have done nothing. You followed me with a knife. N: You let the cake fall. M: You intervened in my business with Lannes.
The cake has fallen to the ground as Davout, Suchet and Macdonald watched. “Aaand here goes the cake”, Macdonald says; “At least the floor was able to taste it.” Suchet asks: “What do you think was its flavour?” ”Chocolate vanilla.” Davout answers. After a moment of silence, he adds. “Soult has a good recipe.” Mortier walks in, seeing how Lannes, Murat and Ney are loudly disputing while Masséna and Augerau get themselves black coffee and Davout, Suchet and Macdonald talking. Lefebvre who was walking right behind Mortier gestures him to move away from the door so he can get into the break room: “What is going on?”
Suchet: “We found a cake-“ Davout interrupts him: “We found a chocolate vanilla cake which we don’t know how it got here or if it was poisoned and now it’s inedible because his royal highness, the King of Naples, made it fall.”
Murat shouts from the back: “I didn’t let it fall.” Lannes: “Oh, you did.”
Lefebvre offers a solution like the good fatherly figure he is: “Do you still want cake? We could bake a new cake, messieurs.” Davout replies: “This sounds like a smart idea, Monsieur. Maréchal Soult knows an excellent recipe.”
Lefebvre: “Ahh, excellent. Where is our maréchal?”
Mortier: “He is in his office.”
“Then this where our journey goes next.” Lefebvre slams the door open and accidentally hits Oudinot. “Ah, Monsieur, my apologies. If I had known you were there, I wouldn’t have slammed the door as hard as I did. Are you alright? Yes? Until the next time then.”
Davout walks up to his friend to make sure how Oudinot is doing and explains to him in the meanwhile what is going on and also promises Oudinot to bring him a piece of the cake they are going to bake.
Lefebvre takes the lead and walks straight to Soult’s office while Davout and Mortier follow him. Suchet decides to stay behind while Macdonald thinks about it. Lefebvre knocks on Soult’s office door: “Monsieur, le maréchal? Are you here?” *Lefebvre knocks again with his energetic manner.* “Monsieur, le maréchal, it’s me, Lefebvre. Open the door!*
Soult opens the door with his usual unimpressed demeaner: Hm? Lefebvre: “Excusez-moi, mon maréchal, I heard you have a recipe for a delicious cake?” Soult: Cake? What cake? Davout: The chocolate vanilla one… the one you baked for your daughter Hortense’s birthday. The delicious one. Soult: Ah, yeah. That one. What of it? Mortier: We would like to bake this cake, which is why we want to ask if you mind us borrowing the recipe? Soult stares at his co-maréchals for a second, he shuts the door, opens it again with a piece of paper in his hand which he gives to Lefebvre. “Here. Is there anything else you need?” Macdonald who decided to join the baking group walks up to them and asks Soult: “Would you mind to lend us your baking equipment?” - “No. Have a nice day.” Soult shuts his door while Lefebvre shouts: “Thank you for your help, Monsieur Soult.” Macdonald asks: “What are we going to do now?” “We are going to bake the cake now, my good friend”, Davout answers. Mac: “Where? Where do you want us to bake the cake? Do we have the right ingredients?” D: In the kitchen and I don’t see why we shouldn’t have the ingredients. Macdonald looks at Davout with suspicious eyes about the matter if they are going to manage to bake this cake… The group of maréchals appear in the imperial kitchen where they start to gather the right ingredients. While the group is busy with the preparations, les maréchals Pérignon and Sérurier appear, wondering what is going on. As Lefebvre is explaining these two their baking journey up until now, Pérignon and Sérurier decide to join them: “A cake made by maréchals for maréchals.”
What could possibly go wrong with two additional heads in the kitchen? As it turns out: Everything. Pérignon and Sérurier manage to overdo the cake by confusing salt with sugar. The cake tastes salty, the icing itself is fine because it was made by Davout who religiously followed Soult’s directions. In addition to that, monsieur Lefebvre manages to mix up usual paper with baking sheets.
Bernadotte walks into the kitchen as he sees his fellow maréchals working on their baking project. He comments on the scenery: “This is just pure chaos without any discipline, a chaos which can’t possibly create something edible.” Davout replies “Well, have you ever baked anything in your miserable existence which you so call your life?”; to which Bernadotte says: “wELL, no, BUT-“ Davout continues: “Then get out of this room and give me my peace back or shut up.” Bernadotte decides to leave.
As Bernadotte is leaving, Jourdan walks right into the scene with an apple in his hand. A fire starts to break out in the oven and Jourdan, like the team player he is, turns and leaves this mess to his co-maréchals without saying one word.
Nothing is going as Davout had it planned. He sits in a corner, mourning this beautiful chocolate vanilla cake he had in mind. Macdonald sits right next to him with a spoon, telling him: “Well, at least the frosting you made yourself is delicious.” Davout, completely shattered by the fact that he wasn’t able to make his desired chocolate vanilla cake, puts his face into his palms until a surprise visits the kitchen: It’s maréchal Soult. With a cake. A chocolate vanilla cake. A chocolate vanilla cake which is neither burnt nor oversalted. A chocolate vanilla cake according to the recipe. Next to Soult is Oudinot who cuts two pieces of the cake: one for himself and one for his good old friend, Louis Nicolas Davout.
After Soult, Ney and Lannes enter the kitchen. Ney silently takes a piece of Soult’s cake, saying nothing except a simple “thank you”. So do Macdonald and Mortier. Soult tolerates Ney’s presence. Lannes on the other hand goes straight to the oversalted and burnt cake which the older maréchals made and are also eating. Kellermann and Grouchy, as late to the party as ever, also go for Lefebvre’s bad cake while Soult’s good cake is still sitting there. Soult can’t hide his look of disgust.
At some point, Bessières and Murat join or rejoin retrospectively the scene, walking up to Soult’s cake. Bessières, as well mannered as he is, takes one piece of a cake to which Murat comments: “I know how much you like this lovely type of cake, Bessières, take a second piece.” - “No”, Soult replies: “That’s not your cake. Take your piece and leave.” Murat adds: “For whom are the other pieces then? I don’t see anybody who would possibly want to eat this gorgeous baked good. We want to eat your delicious creation of a fabulous cake.” - “One piece each. You can give him your piece if you like to.” Bessières interrupts the two: “I am content with my piece.” Murat doesn’t listen to what Bessières says and continues his conversation with Soult: “My fellow maréchal, I don’t understand, why do you struggle so much with allowing somebody to have one additional piece of cake than the other ones?”
While Murat and Soult continue their dispute which leads to nowhere, one adc enters slowly the kitchen. He looks at Soult who recognises this man as one of Berthier’s adcs. He came to get a piece of cake for his marshal. Soult lets him take one of the few pieces left. All of a sudden, Kellermann seems to be chocking on his salty cake piece. All the maréchals are gathering around him and in the chaos, the last few pieces of Soult’s cake fall to the ground. Soult looks at his cake or what’s left of it. One could argue that everyone who wanted to eat it was able to eat it. One could argue that these fallen pieces can be ignored and Soult could go on with his day never ever thinking about the pieces again. However, we are talking about maréchal Soult here who sees the art in baking. The love, the accuracy of it. Today he didn’t just bring cake to his fellow maréchals. Today he witnessed how some of them have no sense of dignity for what it means to be able to eat good food. Good cake. Soult is leaving the room, not bothered about Kellermann as he wouldn’t be able to help anyway. He is going to his wife, his Louise Berg, who asks him about his day. He tells her the whole of it. How he was surprised by his fellow maréchals who wanted to bake a cake. How he knew that they are going to mess up his recipe. How he baked that cake properly and how a part of it went to waste. “Some of them ate oversalted and burnt cake. Who eats bad cake? Who likes bad cake???”
Davout on the other hand was thankful for Soult. With a smile on his face, Davout enjoyed his so desired chocolate vanilla cake, unbothered by the event surrounding him. The end. :)
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mvybanks · 1 year
okay but what if jj is the one who got a kid? the mom just left cause they’re young and she wanted to live her life, so she left the baby with jj and now he has to do it all alone (ofc he has the pogues but you know)
jj is buying some stuff for home and gets a little distracted, so the baby (she’s like, two and a half) go to the candy session and bumps into you. You ask if she’s alone in there and if she need something but she doesn’t speak much and it’s just baby language so you don’t really know what to do.
but that’s when jj shows up and picks her up like “baby you can’t do this to me. Daddy almost died right now” and the he apologizes to you but you’re just too focused on his smile and how gentle his voice sounds when he talks to his baby girl and how pretty he is. you guys kept bumping into each other after that and the story started when you see each other at the beach and he finally decided to ask for you number. (this is too long I got excited sorry lol)
don’t apologize about this being too long ITS PERFECT I LOVE IT!!!! i know jj does the baby voice when he talks to his kid so when you see this grown ass man being like “you scared daddy, honey. don’t cry, it’s okay, everything’s okay. daddy is here.” you’re??????where the hell has this man been hiding????? then he clears his throat, a little bit embarrassed but he doesn’t really care because if he needs to comfort his baby girl, he’s going to do it, “sorry about this. i hope she didn’t cause too much trouble,” and you just stare at him because he’s giving you the most beautiful smile you’ve ever seen “oh y-yeah, no. she’s adorable. don’t worry.” but then a couple of days later, you’re at the park, reading a book and you see her again. you approach her, “hi, do you remember me? where’s your daddy?” because you’re scared she has ran away again but she screams “stranger danger” AND YOU’RE SWEATING!! jj comes running and you’re trying to calm yourself down “i-i’m sorry. i just saw her all alone and i wanted to make sure she was okay because i didn’t see anyone. so sorry, i didn’t do anything-“ he laughs “i was on the bench right there, don’t worry, i saw everything. she screamed stranger danger at her uncle yesterday, it’s okay.” but you’re so embarrassed that you just apologize again and leave before he thinks you’re a freak but he actually wanted to ask you out because damn it you’re the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen. a week goes by and this time, he sees you first. you’re at the beach, tanning on a towel, when you sense someone standing in front of you, blocking the sun. you open your eyes and he’s there, shirtless and so hot you’re praying for him to not have a wife or a girlfriend, “hi, can i help you?” you ask him, sitting on your elbows and tilting your head amused. “yeah, actually. i saw you were here and i was wondering what you were doing this saturday.” you celebrate in your head and then “it depends. does your daughter have a mother?” he chuckles because…well, you’re right, “yeah, she does but she’s not in the picture anymore. so…saturday?” and you smile up to him, “saturday.” then you exchange numbers and everything aaaaand i got carried away again HELP
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angelbroad · 1 month
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Stop, Drop, Roll
The three other band members stood outside of the abandoned gymnasium, Pearl clutching the handle of her guitar bag nervously.
"You sure everything is alright?", she asked.
"Well, she called us here.", Stephanie responded, fighting to stay calm herself, "So, she must be feeling better..."
"Alright, then.", Anthony said as he opened the gates, which creaked, as the metal had long turned rusted.
As they set their organs on stage, Stephanie noticed that Nadine had already set up her drum set, but she was nowhere in sight. She put her bag down, confused. Where was she?
"Naaaad. We're here!", Pearl called out, her voice echoing in the hall.
"Dang...you sure she called you, or was it a dream situation again?", Anthony asked Stephanie, who looked very offended.
"Bitch, have I ever lied to you-?!"
"Hey guys!"
The three looked up to see where the sound of Nadine's voice came from. They assumed the bleachers at first, but they were empty.
"Up here!"
The three then looked up to see Nadine on the ceiling beams.
"W-What the-? How did you get up there??"
"Do you want us to get the fire department?? Wait...why didn't you call the fire department?", Pearl mused.
"How did you even get up there??", Anthony asked.
Nadine then stood up, doing her best to carry her voice down to their level.
"Remember that scarab that stuck itself on my back yesterday?"
"Y-Yeah, but what's that have to do with-"
Anthony thought his heart stopped as he and the other two saw Nadine turn around and letting herself fall from the ceiling. Anthony was the first to sprint to try and catch her as she was falling, only for her to never reach the ground. Instead, she flew as a green and black armor enveloped her. Now Anthony was really going to have a heart attack.
Nadine did a little spin in the air while floating in one spot.
"So I uh...got powers now, I think.."
Nadine still sounded nervous and timid, despite her someewhat intimidating appearance. The only thing that was not intimidating about the new armor were the eyes. They were still big and expressive, albeit with an orange sclera and red irises.
"Dude...that...is so fucking COOL!!", Pearl jumped in excitement, Stephanie letting out a breath she did not realise she was holding as she supported herself on her knees.
Are you certain these were the correct people to inform?
"Of course. They're my friends, trust me."
"Uhh, what?"
"Aaaaaaanyway, dude. Hold up, give me a sec, I gotta look for something!", Pearl said as she turned around to do something on her phone.
Stephanie looked at her as she landed on the ground, "So...found out more?"
Nadine nodded, "Yes. So, this is an alien machine-"
"You have an alien strapped on your back??", Anthony asked.
Alien-made. you should correct him.
"A-Alien-made, Anth.", Nadine reciprocated.
"Ha! Found it!", Pearl said as she moved closer to the group to show them something on her phone.
The video had a lot of views, with a very fake title that read 'Was that a supersoldier on an alien?? What the Goverment DOESN'T want you to know !'. Despite those red flags, Nadine and the other two decided to give it a shot. The video appeared to be recorded on a phone, judging by the low quality and the shakiness. Nadine recognised this scene from the news. An attack somewhere in Nevada. It would seem that someone had managed to get closer to this fight, because the sound of battle was very loud. Smoke obscured most of the view, but there were flashes of blue spotted through the natural wall. Then, something tried to attack the person recording, but another blast blew it away.
Plasma blast., Loxz-Ha informed her. Nadine nodded as she continued watching.
Everything else was a little blurry after that moment, until Pearl paused the video.
The frame it was paused on revealed the blurry figure of a blue armor. Was this another superhero? The three squinted their eyes to look at it better. Stephanie was the first to look up at Pearl with a straight face.
"That...doesn't tell us shit."
"Wha-What do you mean?? It's someone like Nads!"
"Girl, have you gone blind?"
Nadine placed a hand on Stephanie's shoulder, who flinched at the new material touching her.
"Stephanie. That was uncalled for.", Nadine calmly said before she looked at Pearl, "Can I look at it closer?"
Pearl nodded and allowed Nadine to take the phone in her hands. The video was still paused, but she also couldn't tell what it was that she was looking at. Her eyes suddenly felt bigger.
Allow me. I can enhance our sight. Zooming in on the image. Increasing quality.
The voice sounded almost robotic, but Nadine figured it was normal for a machine. So, she allowed Loxz-Ha to zoom in on this mysterious blue figure. It turned out, Pearl was right. This was someone that looked a lot like Nadine, albeit blue instead of green with a few altercations in their armor.
"Is he also one of you?", Nadine asked.
So it would seem. There is something oddly familiar about this one...
"Okay, what?"
"What-Who are you talking to?", Stephanie cleared up.
"Oh, right uh. The scarab has sentience and speaks to me in my head.", Nadine said as she pointed at her head.
Her three friends blinked at her.
"...Don't try that anywhere else, you're gonna look crazy.", Stephanie said.
"A-Ah, yeah, of course."
"Anyway.", Anthony said, trying to steer the conversation to a more productive path, "What did that video have to do with anything?"
"It proves that there are more people with Nad's powers!", Pearl spelled out, "We have to find them."
"I am...still getting used to these powers, Pearl. I think we need to slow down a little."
"She's right.", Stephanie said, "Gotta make sure that freaky machine doesn't control you."
"Hey, it's not freaky. It's just not every day you see one.", Nadine said.
"And here I thought I saw everything in Gotham.", Pearl said, scratching her head.
Nadine allowed the armor to retreat back to the scarab. "So...will we...still practice?"
Anthony smiled at her and playfully punched her bicep. "You already set up the drums."
After band practice, the four decided they'd work on helping Nadine figure out the basic functions of the armor. Loxz-Ha agreed too, stating they did not want their host to be so clueless. So, she suited up again.
"Okay, we can start with the safest thing first.", Stephanie said, "We can start with the wings. How up can they go?"
"Well, I kinda flew to space.", Nadine admitted.
"For real? Aw man, lucky you!", Pearl said, ready to record her friend's fumbles on her phone.
"Okay...", Nadine said as she lifted her legs up and down one at a time, "So how do we do this? Do I just command you to give me wings?"
"Weren't you able to do that like a minute ago?", Anthony asked.
"I uh...kinda let Loxz-Ha catch me."
"...You had this...thing, for less than a day, and you're doing trust falls??"
Anthony Carney is overreacting
"No, he's-wait, how do you know his last name? i don't remember telling you?"
I have access to your mind and memories through our link, Nadine Estrada
"...Okay. So, you can read my mind and know when I need wings, right?"
"Great. Let's do this."
Wings, Nadine thought, and the pair sprung from her back, the sudden pop catching her off-guard. Nadine shook her head, and took some steps back to jump off the bleachers. the flight kicked into motion...a little bit too much. Nadine went through the gymnasium's thin walls and slammed into a nearby building. She dropped to the ground like a bug.
Are you alright?
"Too fast.."
"Nad! Holy shit are you okay?"
Nadine winced as she sat up, but her injuries did not seem dire...or there at all. Thank gods for having the helmet snapped on. Anthony helped her get up.
"Are you sure this is a good call?", he asked, "Maybe we should listen to Pearl and try to find that blue guy first."
"Anthony.", Nadine said, placing a hand on her armored chest, "I need to get used to this. I can't just have Loxz-Ha carry the workload all the time."
"I know that but...isn't that just a machine?"
The beetle appendages lunged forward, making Anthony jumped back to avoid them.
"Hey-hey! Loxz-Ha, calm down. I'm sure Anthony didn't mean it."
I do not approve of the boy's views
Nadine decided to try and wave that off. Besides, she knew Anthony better than Loxz-Ha, and she knew he meant well.
"So...how will we do this?", Nadine asked her scarab.
Not enough room. Need more
"Okay, and where can we find more room? Gotham isn't really known for being spacious."
Scanning: United States of America terrain
Scanning: Complete
Conclusion: Chihuahuan Desert-Directions aquired
"H-Hold on, isn't that too faaaaaaaaa!"
Nadine didn't get to finish her sentence as Loxz-Ha took over and they flew in the air at maximum speed.
"...What just happened?", Stephanie asked, Pearl next to her and recording the take-off.
Nadine tried to keep her limbs from flailing around in the air as they were flying at maximum velocity.
"L-Loxz-ha! That's too fast!"
The faster we fly, the quicker we will get to our desired location
"I don't think I'll do well in a desert!"
I will be escorting you back when the hydration levels of your body drop to a dangerous amount
"Right. Of course you will know when that happens.", Nadine said, mostly to herself.
Correct assumption
When the sand of the desert started to show under her, the scarab lowered them both down, slowing its pace so Nadine would have time to land carefully. After a few stumbling steps, and almost falling down, Nadine landed more gently than the previous try.
"Okay...okay.", Nadine slowly said. She instinctively went to wipe her forehead from the heat, almost forgetting she had a helmet on.
Activating: Cooling systems
"Wow...you're really helpful, aren't you?", Nadine asked.
Your comfort and safety are essential to my existence
"They are?", Nadine asked again as she stretched to prepare.
You die, I am left virtually defenseless. Plain and rather simple
Shall we proceed with the syncronising testing?
"Y-Yes. Of course.", Nadine said, readying herself, "So how do we start?"
I advise only flight for today. Learning to use my full arsenal can be challenging
"No weapons, please."
Nadine Estrada. If we are to help clean the streets of your home, some force will be necessary
Has any hero of your world solved a crime simply by talking?, Loxz-Ha reasoned.
"N-No...you're right. But it still feels wrong. I don't want to use anything too lethal."
That is rather fine. Perhaps we could discuss this matter later
"That'd be great. Thanks Loxz."
Of course. Now, try to follow my instructions carefully
Nadine did her best to do as asked. Her attempts came out sloppy at first, but she soon started to gain more balance during her flights, no longer swaying from side to side from the lack there of. She still found it difficult to control exhiliration, but she fixed that one too. Eventually, however, Nadine started to become thirsty, and asked Loxz-Ha if it was okay to return to Gotham. Loxz-Ha provided directions, while allowing Nadine to be in the driver's seat this time, so to speak. During their flight back home, Nadine had time to talk to her companion.
"What are you guys called?"
"I meant your species. I mean, like humans, martians, that kind of name."
Ah. We are simply called scarabs, although we belong to an extended empire known as Reach
"That name...sounds pretty intimidating."
There is no need to be intimidated, Nadine Estrada., Loxz-Ha said, You have nothing to be afraid of
Nadine chose to believe that. A beeping in her ear paused their conversation. She placed a hand on her ear as she tried to figure out what this was, and she was suddenly in a call.
"Nad! Oh thank god-where are you??"
It was Anthony. How-
I have adapted your cellular device to our armor., Loxz-Ha answered.
"Oh, thanks!"
"O-Oh sorry. I was taking to Loxz-Ha."
"Right...but where are you?"
"Coming back right now. I kinda got flown into the desert."
"There is no desert in Jersey-"
"In Mexico.."
"What?! Dude, are you okay??"
"I am.", Nadine answered as she carefully landed on a building, "I just came back, where are you?"
"I'm back home. Mom changed our curfew again."
"Oh, I see.", Nadine twisted her leg as she continued talking, "I'll...see you again tomorrow, right?"
"You bet. Just, be careful, okay? I get that you want to give people chances, but I don't know about this."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean this scarab, what if it-zzzzz"
The call suddenly went to static, Nadine tapping her ear in confusion.
Apologies. We must have lost signal
Nadine frowned in suspicion, but she shrugged and let it go. Maybe Loxz-Ha didn't like how Anthony was talking about them, but maybe they really did lose signal.
"Okay. I guess we return home now. We might just catch dinner.", Nadine said, looking at the increasingly darkening sky.
Wise. You are heavily malnourished
Nadine had not even realised that her mouth was dry until Loxz-Ha said that. She must have gotten carried away, again.
They made it back home without much issue, and Loxz-Ha retreated back in the scarab. Opening the door and walking inside, she saw her mom in the kitchen. With a smile, she walked up to her and pulled her into a hug, which startled the woman.
"Hey mom. How are you?"
The woman used one hand to push her away, a terrified look on her face. She gave her daughter a look before going back to mixing the soup. Nadine gave a small hurt look before walking away.
"G-Glad to see you're okay!", she said before leaving the kitchen.
Your parent seemed distant. Is this how human parents behave with their children?
"I mean...not...really?"
Huh. They must have mulfunctioned. Perhaps a recalibration-
"Humans don't work like that.", Nadine whispered as she sat on the couch, bringing her knees to her chest. Sometimes she wished things were that simple.
I detect a drop of your serotonin levels. Permission to increase the levels
"N-No, thanks.", Nadine was quick to answer. She appreciated the help, but she didn't want any massive changes in her body right now.
A slam of the front door caught their attention. Nadine could hear the tone of her father's voice as he grumbled, taking off his coat and hat as he walked into the kitchen. Nadine took a deep breath, and with shaking legs she made her way into the kitchen once more. Terrance was already seated, Nadine moving to help mom with the plates despite not being asked.
Dinner was quiet, as usual, the only sounds being of them eating.
"How was work?", her mom asked after a while, not looking up from her plate.
"...Fine.", Terrance simply responded. After taking another spoonful, he furrowed his brows, "This tastes like shit."
"You ate half of it, you'll eat the rest."
"Don't you order me around, woman!", Terrance shouted, causing both women to flinch.
Nadine was staring at her soup, shaking and standing in place as best she could.
Aggressive behaviour detected
Suggestion: retaliate
Nadine's following whisper went mostly unnoticed as her parents argued over soup. The sound of fighting was making Nadine fearful, close to tears. She felt an odd sensation on her arm, and looking right she saw the black of the armor slowly snaking up from her shoulder.
Suggested method: blunt force trauma to the head
"No!", Nadine shouted, grabbing her shoulder quick and making the little armor retreat. Unfortunately, her rush to cover the armor and the raise in her voice led to both the bowl of soup falling to the floor and catching both of her parents' attention.
Nadine realised what had just happened. "I-I-I'm sorry I-"
"What the hell is wrong with you??", Terrance shouted, nearly making Nadine fall back from her chair.
"You can't even keep cold fucking soup on the table! Are you the thing most of my hard-earned money has to go to??"
Nadine shook her head, tears escaping her eyes as she made a run for it, escaping to her room with Terrance hot on her tail, screaming that he was not done with her. The scarab took over her arms and legs, quickly locking the room and getting Nadine away from the door as Terrance banged on it from the other side. The girl could swear she heard something akin to a scoff coming from the scarab.
You should rest., Loxz-Ha interrupted, I shall keep up my guard
Nadine was hesitant, but still listened. Shakily changing into her pijamas as she buried herself in her blankets. Loxz-Ha was blinking through lights on her back.
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britcision · 3 months
I had the funniest fucking dream and also I am now mid-sad
So my sister and I, we do not get along irl; never did as kids, everyone said “oh you’ll be best friends once you’re grown up”, we do not speak to each other even both at the same family dinner
(This is not what the sad is for it’s stage setting)
So I dreamed we were setting up her wedding (and true to life, I did not like her, but I was helping out and doing my best) and one of the tasks involved in this planning was going to dinner in a restaurant
(I am immunocompromised, this has happened to me twice in five years and only with precautions)
I was not allowed precautions
But a couple tables away were two large tables fucking DROWNING in large and noisy men
And for some reason I immediately recognised these loud and noisy men; they were my brothers, and we were angels - not as in good things, as in Supernatural style bullshit, and I’d skipped out right at the beginning and none of them saw me since
Note: human family not aware of any of this
And I knew they’d all be super happy to see me, and know I was okay, and if it was all of them at once they’d probably try and make me come back with them
But you know what else?
One on one I could probably get them to do anything I wanted cuz they missed me
(This has never been a lived experience this is the sad)
So I waited til one got up, wandered past and asked if we could chat while the others were busy arguing, and we snuck off outside
And he kept trying to drag me back but I just kept walking towards the church and told him if he went back for the others he’d only lose track of me so he folded and we just kept hanging out and chatting
And so as to avoid detection and comment, he disguised himself as a decorative backdrop I was carrying around to set up
And that was working great, we chatted a lot about the family and getting home and I had to explain how weddings work
And the ceremony started and everything was EXTREMELY physically all over the place so I got the brother to make a flashlight for me that we pretended was part of the backdrop and I had to “focus” it to keep the light big and illuminating my sister as we chased her around
(This took the form of poking and muttering at said brother to stop being a little bitch and pretending I was adjusting a lens)
And then it was time to go find my Nana and set up to record sister leaving the church with her spouse
So I casually abandoned backdrop-brother somewhere and went back to the restaurant to steal another one
(I think one of the others clocked me while I was kidnapping)
And again we got outside and we were chatting and he was asking what I’d done all this time and I couldn’t stop giggling as I told him what I’d done with backdrop-brother
(Sister had now picked him up and was carrying him around and having a lovely time)
And asked other brother to help me find my human grandmother
And he was helping, and then we witnessed Drama. Because we saw my Nana, and we saw the groom’s dad deliberately redirect her away from the doors
And obviously I was ECSTATIC, now it’s a wedding there is WEDDING DRAMA
(Pretty sure father-of-the-groom was actually disinvited from the real wedding or nearly disinvited for cheating so it tracks)
And I was explaining the concept of wedding drama to my other brother while we hunted down Nana aaaaand contemplating rescuing backdrop-brother from my sister
And then the rest of the angel siblings caught up and kept trying to sweep me away, but now there was Wedding Drama and we were Intrinsically Involved so we couldn’t leave and I just kept the walk-purposefully-so-you-look-like-you-belong hack going
And we got through the wedding, got all of the shots, eventually rescued backdrop-brother and brought him somewhere he could get out of disguise, and generally had a lovely time
And then I woke up and I didn’t wanna but I’m not allowed to go back to sleep cuz I have already had so much and I’m not allowed more, says my brain
(i was asleep for about 3 hours)
And I’ve just. Never had anyone miss me to the point where I could lead them on a crazy adventure and they’d just go with it
I do semi-regularly grab people and go on crazy adventures, don’t get me wrong, but that’s because they also want crazy adventures, not just because they loved me
And it was nice having siblings who cared and wanted me around
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