#also yes I know I don’t HAVE to be a marine biologist to get a half sleeve of ocean life tattooed on my arm
ilovecoelacanths · 1 year
I went to a tattoo/piercing parlor yesterday to get a piercing and I started thinking about how sick it would be to get a coelacanth tattoo
And then I was thinking about if I actually did switch my major and become a marine biologist I could have a half sleeve of a bunch of ocean stuff!!! That would be so cool
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eetherealgoddess · 5 months
ꨄBeneath The Watersꨄ
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Oneshot - Yandere Mermen/Soulmate Au
❦Y/n, a new marine biologist, was working along with her older brother and coworkers on a trawler. They come across the most ethereal yet dangerous sea creatures. Survival rate? Guess who the one percent is❦
Sano Manjiro, Hanemiya Kazutora, Sanzu Haruchiyo, & Haitani Brothers x Reader
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Not fully proofread
Mermaid language is blue
I apologize if I get any Japanese etiquette or culture wrong, I literally have to research the culture for some of my fandom stories so if anything is wrong, please excuse my ignorance.
The guys are mermen princes and they’re all brothers. Their dad is the king so because of their royal blood, they have the gift of singing which puts their victims in a trance, and can form legs. They can also change any human they want into mermaids. They can understand human language but have a harder time speaking it. ‘Human’ language is all languages btw I’m just doing english bc that’s the only language I know.
✩Y/n is 18+. I picture her as a black female but you can see her however.
✩Some parts of the story may not be realistic or factual. After all, this is a work of fiction.
✩Although it's a dark 'romance,' I do not condone any of the behavior displayed.
✩Dark content such as: gore, violence, triggering topics, graphic scenes, vulgar language, explicit sexual content, etc.
✩There will be scenes that involve non con and/ or dubcon so don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable
✩That being said, this story is for 18+ only.
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Beneath the Waters
“Did you receive the latest sample for the lab, Y/n?” Darius, her older brother asks as he stands beside her resting form on the trawler. The waves of the ocean rocking the ride slightly as the current carries them on.
“Yes, for the fiftieth time.” She sighs, sitting up from her leaned position against the side of the boat. She pulls her sunglasses off as she places them inside of her backpack. He nods in response as he chuckles.
“Sorry, I just want to make sure you have everything.” He scratches the back of his head with a sheepish smile. She smirks light heartedly as she shifts her arms to rest against her knees which are bent as the platform of her shoes are plastered against the floor.
“There’s nothing to be worried about. I got this! Yeah, I’m new to this thing but you know more than anyone else that I’m a fast learner when I put my mind to something.” She states, waving her hands as she gives him a comforting smile.
He sighs as he looks across the water, “Yeah, yeah I know.” He places his hands in his pockets. “I’m proud of you, Y/n. You’ve come far in this industry.”
“Don’t get all sappy on me now, dude.” She laughs, standing from her spot after their coworkers are heard yelling. She eyes her brother with a raised brow, him mimicking the same expression out of confusion.
The trawler rocks as they walk toward the gathering of individuals, four of them bent as they seem to be pulling a net from the outer side of the boat. Everyone else stands around them. When she gets closer, her eyes widen as she notices a large pink tail flapping around the net violently.
One of the men seems to be holding it down as the woman beside him moves her arms around as if she’s wrapping something quickly. Y/n and Darius walk beside one of the designated divers.
“Check this baby out!” She exclaims, standing from her position as she moves out of the way. Y/n’s eyes widen at the sight of an ethereal looking man. Despite his narrowed icy blue eyes glaring at the employees, nobody could deny the intense beauty of the man’s face. His blonde eyelashes cause his irises to pop as his long platinum hair lays out gorgeously under him, some falling over his shoulders.
Once his wrists are tied, they pull him over the boat, still wrapped in the net as he struggles against his restraints. His long nails, sharp as he accidentally cuts his own skin. Y/n could only look as she felt guilt suddenly overtake her mind. After they bound his tail, holding it down, Y/n had enough.
“I think we should let i-, him go, guys.” Everyone, except the mermaid turns to look at her as if she just grew two heads. Her hands place themselves on her hips as she eyes them back.
“Y/n, you’re new so I’m just going to let this slide. You see, this is a one chance in a lifetime kind of deal, you get it? We’d be the second in years to have not only discovered, but captured a real life mermaid. There’s no way we’re letting him go.”
“But why can’t we just study them down in the ocean as we swim? I know that some can be dangerous but not all of them are.” She suggests.
“Because they are dangerous creatures as a whole. They don’t just think like a fish they can act and think like a human which is bad for us. Not to mention, we’re their choice of food besides other species of fish.”
“I get that but we have gear for that, don’t we?”
“Y/n, stop! Okay? It’s fine, they can breathe for at least twenty four hours outside of water and we’ll put it in a secure tank. If you’re worried about its well-being, it will be fine.” Darius explains, trying to keep her from getting fired.
The blonde merman’s eyes shift back and forth between the two humans conversing, particularly observing the woman who is speaking for the merman. Under the cloth, he licks his lips as he smells the divine scent spewing from the female, closing his eyes as he inhales. The smell brings his tense body to a tingling, relaxed sensation, a deep purr emitting from his body as his eyes shut.
“Fine, alright! I’m sorry. I’ll leave it alone.” She sighs, crossing her arms as she turns away, refusing to look at the creature with pity.
“Alright, everyone! Let’s get this show rolling!”One guy says as they walk over to the netted merman. Before any could move any further, a high pitched whistle sounded in the air, causing everyone to pause. Y/n’s eyes widen in concern as some of the coworkers stop their movements. Everyone stares across the ocean, over the being that’s lying down.
“Shit! Everyone, grab the ear plugs!” Someone yells out.
Y/n immediately turns her body as she runs to her bag. Roughly grabbing the ear plugs as she shoves them into her ears as the sound of a melody occurs. She sighs in relief as she stands from her crouched position, sound muffled as she turns around. Her breath hitches as she watches everyone slowly walk towards the edge of the trawler as they look to be in a trance.
“No!” She yells as she runs to Darius, roughly gripping his arms as she pulls him in a hug, his heavy body walking ahead as if she weighs nothing.
“No! Please, Darius! Wake up!” She smacks his face multiple times as he continues his stroll.
A muffled tune could be heard once more through her ear plugs as she eyes the ocean, four heads peeking from below as only their eyes are shown glaring at the crowd coming toward them.
“Fuck! Darius, wake up! Please!” She runs quickly to grab a random pair of ear plugs dropped from the others. She runs back to him, shoving them into his ears. Unfortunately, the melody is already pulling him in.
She runs to the edge as she blocks him from moving further, though he tries. She turns her body slightly to face the other sea creatures as all the other people climb over the trawler and hop into the water as they swim toward the predators.
“You already have enough, don’t take him goddamnit!” She shrieks. Her nails scrape against the paint as she holds on to the edge as he attempts to push her to the side.
The blonde watches the display as he observes her distressed state. He shakes the feeling of wanting to nurture her, guiding her into letting go of that useless human considering his restraints and her species. The scent gets the best of him as his tail tingles, moaning softly as his eyes roll into the back of his head, the fumes becoming overwhelming as a cold heat fills his body.
The four glare curiously as they ignore their incoming meal to watch the girl struggle. The one with black hair and blonde streaks tilts his head as he watches her actions. He disappears under the water as his yellow tail splashes the water. The other three ethereal beings use their nails and sharp teeth to shred the flesh of their victims.
“Darius, please wake up.” She cries, tears finally falling as he continues to struggle in her hold. The yellow tailed male peaks above the water closest to the trawler as he eyes Y/n.
She makes eye contact with his brown irises. He emerges from the water slightly.
“L-…let go. Too l-late.“ His soft voice struggles to speak English as the human language differs from the sea.
She gasps as she fully turns her body to face the male.
“No! I can-!” Darius shoves her to the side, almost knocking her over as he dives into the water.
“DARIUS!” She releases a blood curdling scream as she runs for him, only to be forced back by the merman jumping from the water and pushing her on her back as he falls on top of her. His tail fits in between her legs as his claws hold on to her wrists. She struggles under him as he uses his heavy body weight to hold her down. Goosebumps form on her body as the water drips onto her from all over, including his hair that drapes over both of them. The symbols embedded into his skin, black and prominent as she analyzes her situation.
“Get off of me! I need to save him!” She yells. He shakes his head as he inhales her scent, his grip tightening when the addictive fumes reach deep into his nostrils. Her eyes widen when his head drops to her shoulder, smearing the water against her neck. Rustling causes both to turn their heads toward the merman who they originally came to the trawler for. The man on top of her points to his restrained sibling.
She ignores him, peaking over his shoulder as the sound of screams and shredding could be heard, muffled through her ear plugs. She grits her teeth as all she could see was red covering the area, splashes here and there but no sign of any humanity. No sign of her brother.
She releases a strangled cry as the emotional pain takes its toll, realization creeping in as she finds it hard to accept her brother’s demise. Her head drops to the floor as her eyes shut tight, tears and snot mixing together as she weeps. The man on top stares in awe as the moisture falls from her eyes, gaining the knowledge of a human being able to express such heart wrenching emotions for another. He uses one hand to hold both wrists as he uses the other to trace the streak of tears. He eases his face lower as she sobs, slowly leaning in to lick the tears before a hiss sounds from the side, reminding him of why he’s here.
He pulls back, using his hand to gently smack her cheek to gain her attention, succeeding as she opens her lids.
“R-release?” He demands, though it comes out more softly as he knows she’s in a vulnerable state.
“Fine.” She whispers, voice hoarse as she sits up from her position. He shifts his body to allow her to stand up. The pink tailed man stares at her as she walks toward him. He observes her intently as she releases his restraints, including the cloth around his mouth causing her eyes to slightly widen as she notices the scars shaping his lips. She also notices the blood staining his wrists from when he cut himself. He sits up as they face each other. She yelps as she grabs his wrist by reflex when his hand wraps around her throat and pulls her in.
He inhales her scent deeply as he breathes heavily, revealing his sharp teeth as blood rushes to his face. She watches with concern, kneeling as he pulls her once more. His nose reaches the side of her neck as he takes in more air. It’s only in this instance that the feeling of danger comes back, as she is now alone on this boat with these man-eating creatures.
She removes his hand gently as he allows her to before standing back.
“I have to leave so everyone just needs to get off this boat so I can.” She sniffs, wiping her eyes as well as her nose. She hears a muffled shriek as she turns to the end of the boat where the other three mermen float. Her body tenses as she sees faint blood dripping from the corner of the black haired one’s mouth, his dark eyes boring into hers. Seemingly, at the same time the three men inhaled the air before the blonde and black haired man on the left opened his mouth, indicating his singing as she could hear a muffled hum through her ear plugs.
“No, you can’t eat me.” She growls, pointing to her ears as her eyes narrow. “Haven’t you had enough anyway?”
She eyes the faint colors of their tails, two of them being a matching purple while the middle blends in with the darkness of the ocean, a little darker indicating that it’s black. She turns on her heel as she begins to walk to the wheel, luckily having the knowledge of driving this kind of boat. After hearing the water swish, she hears footsteps behind her, she turns quickly, hoping it to be another human. Her breath hitches as her eyebrows raise when she sees the men climbing on the boat with their newfound scaly legs, a pale hue that matches with their individual tail colors, though shimmering as they walk. Her eyebrows furrow at the nakedness, quickly looking away as her face warms. To the side, she sees that the yellow and pink tailed men are now standing on their own pair of feet.
How could I forget that the most powerful of mermaids can shift their tails to walk on land? They’re also the same type to even use their voices as a weapon. They even have tattoos that symbolize their royalty! What did we get ourselves into?
She internally gulps as they all stand intimidatingly across from her. She looks around for any weapon near her, unfortunately one not in her eyesight whatsoever.
“Shit.” She whispers. All she could do is stand alert as she watches them, attempting to cover her evident fear as she eyes the murderous creatures standing in front of her.
She eyes them as she notices all inhaling intensely, furrowing her brows when she observes through her peripheral how their bare cocks erect the more they inhale. Besides the very light hue of their normal tail colors covering their erections, it looks human for the most part besides that and their size. Nothing too big but bigger than the average human.
She shrieks as the blonde and blue haired man and his black haired twin run full speed towards her, grabbing her arms before she had time to move. They hold her arms, long nails slightly piercing her skin as they grip her, all forcing themselves on the ground to kneel as they force her to sit on her bottom.
She breathes heavily as she watches the other three get closer. She struggles harder as she yanks her arms. One of the grips actually uses his claw to scratch her skin, splitting it slightly as he leans to her ear.
“Stop it!” The blonde and blue haired man hisses, giving her a painful squeeze as the blood drips down her arm. She yelps as she stops pulling.
“Big brother, what are we going to do with her?” The pink man asks, her eyebrows furrowing at the differing language that consists of croaks and low shrieks.
“Take those things out of her ears.” He answers. The black haired twin listens as he uses one hand to take out both ear plugs and throws them to the side, causing her to gasp.
“Get away from me!” She yells.
The short man walks forward before crouching in front of her, kneeling and crawling half way on to her body. His cold skin drips with water as it falls on her. He inhales her scent once more as his palm holds her cheek. She sits frozen in fear, not anticipating what comes out of his mouth.
“Mate.” He states in her language. Her eyes widen as she pulls back.
“N-no! Humans don’t have mates!” She exclaims.
“Mate.” She hears the others whisper.
“No, absolutely not!” She shakes her head, frowning at the creatures surrounding her.
“Sanzu, Kazutora, secure her legs.” They comply by grabbing her legs and pulling her to lie on her back as the other two secure her arms down.
“What are you doing?” She questions, anxious thoughts forming as the worst case scenarios appear. He climbs higher as his hair drapes over both of their faces. His dark eyes staring at her with intensity and determination.
“Mikey.” He says, wanting to hear his name from her lips. She pauses as she hears his words.
“Mikey, please get off of me! All of you, just go away! I want to go home!” She exclaims in frustration, wanting privacy and peace to mourn before having to contact their facility about the deaths.
“Home?” The older brother on the left asks, his purple eyes observing her as he points over to the ocean. “O-our, no…. y-your home.” He nods.
“No, no, no that is not my home! I am not your mate! I’m not anyone’s mate, I’m human!” She reasons, hoping to get that through their heads. She yells in pain when she feels a harsh scratch on her leg, blood oozing from the wound.
“Y-you are mate!” Sanzu hisses, his nail paused against the end of her wound with his other hand wrapped around her ankle. Kazutora grips her other leg tighter as a frown falls on his face to the rejection, his eyebrows furrowing. The twins glare at her as they also give her a warning squeeze, involving the tip of their nails. She breathes heavily as she tries to ignore the pain.
“N-no, I’m not! I can’t be because I’m -!” She’s cut off by cold lips smashing on hers, Mikey gripping her chin painfully as he roughly combines their lips. His other hand grabs her shoulder as his naked chest is pressed against her clothed breasts. His erection pressed in between her legs.
The two brothers above her bend their bodies to gain better access to her neck as they satisfy their taste buds. Nipping and sucking as they bruise her skin. Sanzu licks the blood of her wound, slowly savoring the taste. Kazutora purrs as he caresses her other leg, removing her shoe and sock, throwing them to the side. Sanzu does the same so he can smell more of her sweet flesh.
“Rin, let’s release the stimulant.” The oldest twin says. He nods his head as they both bare their sharp teeth, piercing her skin as they release the venom. She let out a scream as the pain was sudden and prominent.
“Oh, God!” She exclaims against Mikey’s lips as the feeling becomes unbearable, the throbbing in her neck reaching all over her body.
“Ah.” She breathes out as the feeling turns into an intense sensation, tingling and arousal surrounding her body as her nipples harden and clit gains a heartbeat. Wet slick forms, beginning the breeding process her body has been forced into. Her chest rises and lowers as she breathes deeply, her eyelids heavy as her body yearns to be bred.
“Fuck, n-no! L-let me go.” She whines, sobbing as her reproductive system takes over, her clit pounding as her hips slightly buck against Mikey’s erection. She shivers as they all smile in content, smelling her heat as her pheromones fill their nostrils, turning them on even more.
Rin rips her shirt open, revealing her bra as she yelps. Mikey grabs her hand from the other twin as he wraps his lips around her finger, slowly suckling as he sits himself on top of her torso, using his other hand to trace from her chest to her stomach, lightly scraping his nails against her skin. Both twins rip her bra apart, revealing her diamond hard nipples, her gasping at the cold air hitting her breasts.
She begins to struggle against their holds, only to regret it as Mikey pulls her finger out and chomps on her hand as a warning, drawing blood. She cries out, tears falling as her mind conflicted with the sensations all over her body. He returns to suckling her fingers and tracing her skin, licking the blood up as well. The twins move to grab her breasts as both use their tongues to lick her nubs, Rin roughly pulling and nibbling her as his brother gently sucks and kisses her other. She could only breathe heavily as they continued their assault.
Kazutora and Sanzu tore her pants, spreading her legs as far as they could while gripping her thighs with one hand. Both men position their heads between her legs before using a claw to slice her panties off, leaving her wet and bare for them to see. Her head falls back as her clit throbs, anticipating contact but only bucking her hips against the air.
Kazutora leans in as he gives a slow and light kiss on her clit, her twitching at the contact. She bites her lip to remain in control, not moaning out or begging for more. Sanzu retracts his nails to a normal size, using his finger to scrape her juices and wrap his lips around his own finger, quietly moaning as her taste reaches his tongue. Kazutora takes her whole clit in his mouth, sucking her clit as he bobs his head slowly.
“Oh my god.” She whispers, the sensations becoming overwhelming as she feels Sanzu gathering more slick and entering a finger into her vagina. Mikey takes the opportunity to lick all around her hand and wraps her fingers around his cock. She attempts to pull back but his hold is tighter.
“P-please? N-need it.” He says softly. Although she’s almost blinded by pleasure, she wants to end everything as fast as possible. She begins to move her hand up and down at a steady pace. He moans as he thrusts back into her hand.
“Feels good, Mikey?” He teases.
“Shut up, Ran.” He whispers as his head falls back, thrusting a little harder as his cock pulsates. He grabs her wrist to balance himself. Her head is pulled to the side as the blonde and blue haired man eases the head of his cock to her mouth. She shakes her head and attempts to turn away. He keeps his hold on her head as he grabs her nipple roughly.
“B-bite off.” He growls, threatening her as his cock throbs in her face. He releases her nipple when she nods and opens her mouth. He shoves his erection all the way to the back of her throat. He grunts as he pulls back and enters again. She whimpers around his cock as she feels two fingers hitting her g spot as a tongue flicks her clit. She grinds her hips subconsciously, seeking more as they continue to stimulate her.
Both Rin and Mikey moan as they thrust into her, eyes rolling in the back of their heads as their hair flops against their back. Ran reaches for his own cock as he plays with her nipples.
Suddenly, an idea popping into his head, he restrains his thrusts as he gives her hand to Ran. He positions his cock between her breasts and squeezes them together. Mikey thrusts her chest as he purrs. Ran takes the opportunity to wrap her fingers around his cock, essentially the same idea with Mikey a minute ago.
Kazutora and Sanzu stop their motions, their dicks tense and in need of assistance, dripping as they throb.
“Guys, readjust so I can get behind her.”
They ignore him until he lets out an ear piercing shriek, causing her to groan in pain for her ears. This gets everyone’s attention so he repeats himself. Everyone readjusts so that he she lies on top of him, her ass rubbing against his abdomen.
Mikey stays sitting on top of her in the same position and fits his cock back in between her breasts. Sanzu sits behind Mikey, positioning his cock to her entrance. Rin reconnects his erection with her mouth as well as Ran using her hand.
She cries out when Kazutora and Sanzu shove their cocks inside of her until they reach the end of her walls, deeply stuffing themselves inside of her slowly. Kazutora grips her hips as Sanzu grips her legs. Both men pull back as they slam back in, the slick coming from their cocks moisturizing her up enough to enter, besides her own slick.
She grunts loudly as they fill her up, her body being used every which way as her nipples are pinched occasionally. The men’s beautiful moans echo in the middle of the ocean, enticing her as she feels nothing but intense pleasure. The wet squelching sounds of their cocks connecting with her skin accelerate as they move faster.
Her own walls tighten around Kazutora and Sanzu’s cocks, pulling them in as they push, sinking deeper into her as Sanzu hits her cervix. The feeling of her body bouncing with movement was enough to send her over the edge as her body is very sensitive from the stimulant.
“Mm, s’ fucking good.” Kazutora whispers as he takes her ear into his mouth. His grip tightening, leaving indents in her skin. His thrusts are steady and hard as her asshole grips him.
Mikey breathes hard as slight moans draw from his lips occasionally, almost slamming his cock against her chin as he relentlessly thrusts his hips. Sanzu moans as he leaned over her lower body, thrusting hard as he bites his bottom lip.
“Good fucking girl. So fucking good for me.” Rin’s head falls back as he fucks her mouth. He holds her head in place with both hands as he rises closer and closer. Ran releases breathy moans as his jaw falls slightly open, gripping her wrist tightly as he gets close.
She moans loudly as she releases, the men following behind as Sanzu and Kazutora cum deep inside her, semen falling out of her holes as there was too much to fit all of it. Mikey’s cum reaches her chin and chest as Ran hits the side of her head. Rin cums in her throat, forcing her to stay in the same place.
After taking a moment to breathe, everyone removes themself as she lies there with tears in her eyes, worn out as she breathes heavily.
“We should change her now and then breed her when we’re home.” Ran states, leaning back against his arms as he sits on the ground.
“No, we should mate her and then change her.” Rin argues.
“No, sex now and then we mate her. I want to breed her.” Mikey pouts.
They continue their argument, Kazutora and Sanzu joining in as Y/n watches the brothers argue weakly.
“How about we mate her, breed and then change her.”
“It wouldn’t make sense to breed her up here.”
“Fine, let’s mate, change her and then finish breeding.”
She would’ve used this opportunity to escape if the stimulant hadn’t weakened her body. She can barely shift on her own comfortably. A hand rubs her forehead as it caresses her cheek. Tears fall as she mourns her brother, coworkers, and life before this moment. She couldn’t even fight as she lay in despair, awaiting her fate to live in the ocean and be tied to these creatures forever.
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blackopals-world · 9 months
Oh, okay, I see! Umm. I have a couple things to throw out, that also have my own thoughts and I was also thinking of other possible Yuu ideas if you’re interested in them( just what their “!” Is for and personality, not who they’re matched with) and up to hearing about them. Uh. This ask though is for the creature post and-
Me, a person who loves mythology and folklore: My time has come-
Theatre kid!Yuu as a changeling(or some other shapeshifting creature, I know of the background surrounding changelings and can understand why one may be uncomfortable with changelings(I am also the ✨neurodivergent✨))
Harpy!Yuu as a Manananggal(I know that harpies are already mythical creatures, but think about it)
Maid!Yuu as a Brownie (yes, you read that right, though it can also be spelt “broonie” or “brùnaidh” and they are a type of fae, but ,ah)
Special Forces!Yuu as a Grim Reaper(I just think it’d be neat if their role was to guide and protect the dead on the way to the afterlife instead of being what people usually expect/think of reapers, and also because they themself are often depicted as scary and dangerous, and they are, but they more so just. Guide souls to the after)
Vet!Yuu OR Marine Biologist!Yuu as a Selkie(I want them to go on a rant of how selkies are NOT half seal half human, their lower body is NOT that of a seal!(this is my being frustrated by Selkie designs that aren’t actually selkies, but the art is still really good/nice))
Oookay, that’s all of them that I had prepared. Uh. And of course, these are just suggestions, you don’t have to add anything if you don’t want to or you can pick and choose which you’re interested, I hope this isn’t coming off as forced and I apologize if it does-
🎭Theater Kid!Yuu- Shapeshifter
The ultimate actor.
Can play any role and use any voice.
They spend time endlessly rehearsing.
Likes to play pranks by pretending to be an injured animal to have people take care of them.
Allergic to iron.
Will not use their powers responsibly
They don't consider any one form their true form. They simply are.
Agender icon.
"What's gender? Is it edible?"
🧹 Maid!Yuu- Brownie
Got inside after someone left a bowl of cream out
They set up shop and began cleaning at night.
During the day they hide out in the form of a dormouse.
They have a fuzzy tail
They fix up broken items. You might find an extra mismatched button on your shirts.
Don't leave a mess on purpose. It's impolite.
If they feel taken advantage of they with make a mess and leave.
Leave out a treat for them and they will reward you in kind.
You'll never lose an item again. It will appear just where you remember it. Unfortunately, that always the last place you look.
🔫Special Forces!Yuu-Reaper
It's hard work and the coworkers are the worst.
One of the many reapers tasked with dealing with the recently deceased.
Really prickly due to being constantly tasked with the most stubborn ghosts.
"Shut up before I kill you again!"
Believes Sam was a Reaper (is he? Possibly)
Their skin has white skeleton tattoos. But when they are working their skin turns translucent and reveals their actual skeleton.
Enjoys their job when they actually get to do it without problems.
Believes in the myth they tell all reapers about that guy sisyphus.
Their favorite job is chasing down wondering souls that are on the run.
💉Nurse!Yuu - Caladrius
They have white wings.
Gets confused for a angel but they are firm that they are not.
Their job is to take sickness and transfer it into their body. Then they fly away with it as they disperse it, healing themselves.
Gives away feathers to ward off danger and illness.
Hates that Savanaclaw students use them as a cat toy.
A long suffering birdy who is losing too many feathers.
🩺 Vet!Yuu- Werewolf
Not the same as beastmen and is firm about that.
They look human most of the time but the whole transformation thing gets in the way.
Is still a vet but if now they are liable to snap their jaws at patients.
They love a good nap in the sun but must resist.
Jack knows to keep his head down if he doesn't want to get along. That just how wolves do. Make nice in the pack or be pushed out.
They don't imprint. If you say that they will rip out your throat.
They don't have soulmates. They have normal relationships like normal people. They just believe in loyalty to make relationships last. They can change partners but they usually don't.
🌊Marine Biologist!Yuu- Selkie
Not a mer just a cute rolly polly seal.
Such a friendly face, but they have sharp teeth.
Keeps their seal skin hidden away.
These days if someone does take their skin they are trained to attack them. Watch out they go for the fingers first.
The seal skin is unique to every selkie so it can't be replaced.
They will always choose the ocean if it came between it and love. But Yuu is a strange Selkie.
They know the tale of Ursilla, a human who loved a male selkie. This is part of why they believe they are destined to be with Azul so that history repeats itself.
Selkies lure their human partners into the sea and most tales say they never return. Yuu attempted with Azul not knowing he was a mer. Very embarrassing.
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ashensgrotto · 11 months
The Sea's Sacrifice (Part 3)
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Characters: Azul Ashengrotto / Jade Leech / Floyd Leech x F!Reader
Total Word Count: 14.7k+
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (You are Here) Part 4 Part 5
Synopsis: A potential job as a marine biologist’s assistant leaves (Y/N) feeling something fishy going on behind the scene…
Author's Notes: Original Idea came from @merakiui 's annonymous ask with a short story / headcannon -> https://www.tumblr.com/merakiui/684490143936167936/ooohhh-i-love-those-writing-ideas-you-had-for-sea?source=share
and I absolutely love this concept and wanted to take it a step further. I don't write yandere nor fanfiction as much as I did a few years ago. However, I do hope I do this piece justice; I will had links to the next part once it is completed and ready for viewing.
Also, this is a work of fiction. I disagree with anyone that justifies the following behaviors which are represented in this fic (if I think of more, I will add them as I go):
rape/non-consent/dub-consent, possessive/controlling/dominating behaviors, and manipulation
Play the song you sang long ago
And wherever the storm may blow
You will find the key to my heart
We'll never be apart
“...And how is everything going with our trio?” Mr. Crowley had called both Trein and Crewel into his office along with Grimsley for a meeting that night after the rest of the staff had left for the day.
“Absolutely swimmingly,” Professor Crewel answered with a psychotic grin on his face, “Only nearly got my head bitten off by two mers today, but other than that, we’re fine!”
“You weren’t even near the pool,” Professor Trein let out a sigh, rolling his eyes heavenward, before turning toward Mr. Crowely, “The subjects have allowed test number 03182020 to interact with them as well as talk with them. We know that both of the morays see 03182020 as a match, we are still waiting for the octopus to make the decision as well.”
“I heard about that attack,” Mr. Crowley leaned forward on his desk, elbows resting on the surface as his long fingers criss crossed each other, “and the morays’ first instinct was to protect, not only the octomer, but 03182020 as well?”
“Yes, sir,” Trein answered.
“Hmmm…” Crowley shifted, fiddling a contract in his hands before one nail tapped against the desk.
“Whacha thinking?” Grimsley asked, a dark brow raised in question.
“We don’t have much time left before the contract is up - I had sort of hoped it wouldn’t come to this, not yet at least,” Mr. Crowely stood from his desk, moving toward the window and looking out into the courtyard behind the office, “When was the last time they went into heat?”
“All three had experienced their urges around September last year,” Crewel answered, pressing his hands into his pockets, “Now, normally for moray eels, their mating season runs from July to September - and octopi fry are typically hatching at this point.”
“And if they are anything like their counterparts,” Trein mused, “The twins and the octomer will likely die following the mating process.”
“Hold on, these things die after mating?” Grimsley cocked a brow at the two of them.
“Unfortunately so,” Crewel answered with a nod, “Octopi will mate somewhere between November and early February - following that process, the female will eat the male before she goes into incubation. The few lucky males that are able to escape their mate’s hungry clutches eventually succumb to death a few months after the mating process - some male Giant Pacific octopi have also been known to get dementia before passing. As for the females, after they lay their clutch of eggs - which can be roughly around a hundred thousand, they starve themselves and sometimes tear themselves apart piece by piece. After the eggs hatch, she succumbs to death as well - leaving all of her fry to the current of the sea and one can only hope some of the eggs make it.”
“As for morays,” Trein answered, “depending on the type, males and females will travel to a particular spot and breed there, the males - exhausted from the travel and mating - pass away. The female will incubate her clutch - which is about ten thousand eggs - before laying them in the rocky beds among seaweed before passing away as well. If the water is warm enough, the eggs will only take about 30 to 45 days to hatch - sometimes sooner depending on the temperature of the water.”
“Sheesh, talk about a sexual turn off,” Grimsley crossed his arms over his chest.
“But, we don’t know if mers act in the same fashion,” Crewel answered, “I’m guessing that they follow some of the same mating habits as their counterparts, but not all of them.”
“And we won’t know anything unless we try something,” Crowley spoke, turning toward the duo, “We can't wait seven months, it's now or never. Speed the process up - add about three degrees to the pool each day and try to see how the mers’ attitudes change toward 03182020 in the coming weeks. I want to see some results before the end of next month.”
“Consider it done,” Crewel and Trein smiled as their hands rested over their hearts, a sign of their understanding.
"We've got one last shot - do not fail me."
Floyd and Jade greeted you in their usual fashion the following morning, with chirps, clicks, and echoes of ‘Hello’ and your name.
“Good morning,” you smile with a soft wave at the duo, “Are you guys hungry?”
“Hungry!” Floyd shouts, back flipping into the water to toss it in your direction before reappearing on the surface again.
You only snort, pulling the buckets from the freezer before strolling toward the edge of the pool, kneeling down to deposit the contents into the murky depths. 
Before you can do so, however, both of the twins pounce. Jade had shifted so his upper body laid behind you on the edge of the pool, his long tail still draped into the water with your shoulders trapped between his webbed hands as his face buried itself into your hair, cool breaths tickling your nape; Floyd, on the other hand, had attached himself to your front - arms wrapped tightly around your waist with his head tucked under your chin as he rested against your chest. Soft clicks and coos came from both brothers as they twisted their bodies closer to yours, noses nuzzling your warm skin as the slippery film that coated their bodies clung to your skin and clothing.
“Safe?” Jade had asked after a moment, pulling away and looking directly at your face.
“Safe?” you ask, confusion slowly writing across your features.
“Shimpy safe, Jade,” Floyd grinned, sharp teeth on display.
“Wait a minute, who are you calling shrimpy?!”
The twins only clicked and chuckled before removing themselves from you, though each still clung onto each of your hands, sharp nails tracing the smooth skin of your wrists as the two brothers chattered with each other.
It was then that it dawned on you.
Following the arrival of Crewel after the first encounter with Azul the previous day, the twins had believed that you, maybe even Azul, were in danger - hence why Floyd had acted like a guard dog most of the day, even going so far as to refuse to return to the water. It had been yours and Jade’s gentle urging that allowed him to submerge under the water, allowing the gills behind his ears and on his sides to breath again; now, Jade - on the other hand - had paced the water, keeping one eye on the set of glass double doors and growling any time someone walked by it. When you set out to leave for the day, both of the twins had let out ferocious growls that you jumped in your skin - but seeing you frightened was the last thing they wanted. You had made it clear that you were going to be careful and that you would return in the morning like usual - the two could do so little as they watched you leave, worry filling their brown and gold gazes.  
You shouldn’t have been surprised since the two were likely very apprehensive about you and maybe had been up all night, wondering if or when you would return - and when you did, they wanted to make sure that you were safe; no injuries or pain on your body from the other humans that had made appearances prior to your arrival.
You smiled and patted both of their heads, trying to show some reassurance, “Don’t worry, guys. I’m okay. I was just a little nervous from that incident yesterday.”
Jade growled while Floyd hissed in agreement.
“I swear I’m okay,” you sigh, dipping your hands into the water as you lay on your stomach before the duo, “I wasn’t attacked or anything, I don’t have any bruises or cuts - nothing worth reporting. So, please be a bit more gentle when the others come in. I know you guys like me and all, but you also have to work with them too - after all, they brought me here to look out for you and vice versa.”
The twins looked at each other before clicking in agreement, although Floyd looked dejected - likely hoping you’d allow him to do more than splash the intruders during your time together.
You could only chuckle before standing and taking the knocked over bucket of seafood and depositing it over the side, “I hope you guys are hungry. You look like you both deserve this one!”
The next two weeks pass by slowly as you continue your interactions with the duo - now turned trio.
Azul made his appearance again a day or two after the Crewel incident, but only stayed and watched your interactions with the twins for a few minutes before disappearing beneath the surface again. Every time you saw him, you waved at him - trying to reach a hand out to accept your presence into the group, especially since Crewel had interrupted that near precious moment between the two of you; Azul was always shocked to see you wave at him and slowly began copying the movement with the tips of his fingers peeking out from beneath the water. He began to grow bolder, appearing closer and closer to the pool’s edge with each passing day until by the end of the second week, he was greeting you with the twins as you walked in - clicks and coos higher pitched than the twins'.
“Hey guys!” You grin, setting your bag down and heading over to the freezer, “And I see Azul decided to join us this morning! Nice to see you again!”
Azul ducked his head down, but you had seen the blush slowly creep up his face - turning his face and ears a deep shade of blue.
You giggled, setting the buckets down before them. You had stopped dumping the contents into the water earlier last week, instead handing out the food to the hungry mers as a way to continue to build trust between the four of you. Azul was far too nervous to approach you at the time, so you had tossed what he was interested in eating towards him - allowing you to get a good glimpse at his tentacles for the first time. They were long and black with a purple underbelly and multiple suckers that appeared to be the size of quarters and half-dollar coins. Whenever you tossed something in his direction, one of his appendages would shoot out of the water like a snake launching at its prey. It was fascinating to watch the tentacle curl around the meal, nearly crushing it within its grasp - the dozens upon dozens of suckers clutching it tightly as if it was afraid to let go.
 After giving the impatient twins their choice of meals, you smile at Azul, “What would you like? I still have some crab, shrimp, some fish, and a few snails left over…”
Azul looks into the bucket that is turned on its side before several tentacles reached forward and pulled several pieces of fish and crab from the container before dipping below the surface to eat.
You take the remaining contents and dump it over the side before standing to get your notes. You flip through the filled pages as you take a seat on the edge of the pool, your shoes discarded so you can soak your feet in the water. You absent-mindly begin to hum, your head swaying with the tune that had been trapped in your head for a few hours at least. 
Something slimy touches your foot, causing you to jerk slightly before you realize Azul had attempted to touch you. He looked broken as he regarded you, moving a bit away from you.
“Hey, it’s ok,” you offer your hand out, palm upward, “you just startled me is all.”
A soft click comes from the octomer as he comes to your side again, slowly.
“There we go, I won’t hurt you.”
The scene plays itself out how it should have been the first day Azul approached you; his hand slips into yours, allowing you to feel the surprising smoothness of his skin. One tentacle slips around your ankle, squeezing slightly as his gaze remains on your smiling face. You recalled reading somewhere that octopi used their suckers to help them travel along the ocean floor, but they were also used to taste by touch. Azul was likely testing to see if you were good enough to eat - maybe.
"Am I tasty?" you joked, which earned you a disapproving grunt from the octomer.
You giggled and reached out with your other hand to touch the top of another tentacle that had made its way up the side of the pool. It felt like a soaked piece of gummy candy - slimy and smooth - before lifting the edge and admired the pale lavender-colored suckers, rubbing your thumb slowly around the inner edge. Azul squeaked slightly, the tentacle around your ankle squeezing tighter and causing you to wince.
"Hey, not so tight there," you pull your legs up from the water and away from Azul’s grasp.
The octomer whined, his hands reaching out and clutching the ankle that had been in his grasp. Your eyes widened at the sight of multiple little circles that surrounded your ankle - deep blue in color and slowly turning darker to a dark purple. Azul releases you and ducks down so you can only see the top of his head and his eyes as they shift nervously between you and the marks in your leg. You offer another smile and reach out, stroking the top of his head, offering words of kindness and support - letting him know you were okay and that it didn't bother you.
One finger traces the outline from one of his suckers - a strange feeling settling in your gut at the thought that this was more than just a mere marking.
As time goes on and you interact with Azul more and more, you realize that he was touch-starved to an unhealthy amount.
He enjoys wrapping his tentacles around your legs when you sit on the edge of the pool before him, his head on your lap while you hold your notebook above him and jot notes down about your experiences with the mers. Jade and Floyd often attempt to sneak in for what you've deemed as a "cuddle session" - but Azul often growls at them with a few clicks in their direction before his arms wrap around your waist tighter. The trio do switch things up eventually, with Jade and Floyd both curled protectively around your form as Azul keeps a set of eyes on the glass doors.
Whenever someone attempts to enter the enclosure, all three go into defensive mode - Azul now taking a stance in front - or rather, over - you as the twins shift to lean over the edge of the pool, all three growling frighteningly and baring teeth at the intruders. It was also during the last week you noticed how their touches would linger longer on your skin, Azul - on more than one occasion - wrapping his tentacles around both your ankles, wrists, and your waist multiple times, leaving marks that had many of your coworkers arching brows at you.
"Not that I mind the interactions between the four of you, puppy," Crewel comments when you meet up with him and Trein at the end of the second month, two notebooks resting before you on the desk as Trein goes over them, "but the results we've seen are… kind of startling."
"I've noticed the trio has been a bit more aggravated than usual, as well," you answer.
"How so?"
You press your lips together, trying to think of the best way to describe the events of the previous week.
It wasn't uncommon for the trio to touch you - especially Azul, who seemed to now dominate the spotlight - however, those touches that had shifted from curiosity to protectiveness had now shifted to what you thought was longing. The trio's eyes would watch you intently when you were away from the edge of the pool - either as you were entering, getting their food ready, or preparing to leave - their gaze not once shifting away from your form. As soon as you had taken a seat at the poolside, all three were upon you in the same fashion following the "Splashing Crewel" incident. The twins would pull themselves up to sit behind you, pulling you into their arms while each of them grasped one hand to keep you still, as Azul would launch to lay on top of you with his tentacles curling around your legs and thighs. They would coo and click softly at you, noses running along the column of your neck and into your hair. It would take hours just for them to let you go, even with your soft pleading - only releasing you when you mentioned food. You also notice how the trio enjoy hearing your humming - it may have been the reason why they nuzzle at your neck, wishing to hear your voice bring whatever tune you happened to be humming out of your mouth.
As you explained this, Crewel’s and Trein's expressions turned dark.
"That is… unsettling," Trein answered after a moment.
"Perhaps those puppies should be put in place," Crewel thought aloud, crossing his arms and tapping a finger against his bicep.
"Why are they acting this way is what I'm concerned about," you answered.
"We couldn't be sure," Trein explained, "Personally, we've never had a keeper get this close to them, never mind see them react in this fashion."
"I would venture a guess as to say they might see you as a member of their 'family' or 'school'," Crewel answered, "Given the circumstances of your arrangement, I wouldn't be surprised if the reason they cling to you is primarily due to their worry when you are away from them."
"That’s what I was thinking as well," you nod in agreement.
"And as for the humming," Trein spoke, "Sound travels faster in the water than it does on land. Legends of merfolk often indicate that they are attracted to music - though it's typically the mers that use it to lure in unsuspecting prey."
"Do you think they were interested in my humming because of their love for music?"
"Perhaps," Trein nodded in agreement.
"I also noticed when they are, well, clinging to me, they also seem… warmer than usual?" You ask, trying to think of the proper terms, "I also noticed the water seemed visibly warmer too. Do you think their change in behavior may have something to do with it?"
"We'll have one of our men check it out," Crewel nodded, "If someone messed with the thermostat, we'll know."
You nod and leave the office, the door closing behind you.
"Think she's onto us?" Trein asked 
"Never trust anyone, Trein," Crewel pulled a cigarette out of its case, "even your own coworkers."
"I suppose with all of those hints we've dropped, if she hasn't figured out what our plan is yet she likely never will."
"The only thing we can do now is wait for the right time. Hopefully this will satisfy that crow's interest."
Unbeknownst to the world above, the waters of the enclosure shifted as the twin mers lounged about outside a built cave.
"Jaaade! I'm boooored!!" Floyd grumbled, shifting his body to drape over one of several rocks that lined the entrance to their dwelling, "I wanna play with Shrimpy!"
"In time, Floyd," His twin shifted, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned against the rocky walls, "Azul has to finish up the final piece. Besides, our little pearl isn't around right now to play with."
"This suuucks! Why couldn't we just pull her under when we had the chance?"
"She would never survive if we did that, Floyd. You know humans can't breathe underwater, nor swim like this. We need to bide our time, just a bit longer."
"Luckily we won't have to wait too much longer," Azul appeared in the entrance, his tentacles swaying with motion as he moved to greet his friends and fellow captives.
Both twins perked up, shark-like smiles appearing on their features.
"Did you make it?" Jade asked.
"It's almost complete, I just need scales from both of you," Azul answered.
"Sooo, what does our scales have to do with a mer potion?" Floyd asked.
“It will make our mate more compatible,” Azul answered, “In order for us to successfully, one, produce fry, and two, live with us, she needs to be our equivalent. A human mate isn’t a bad thing, we just need a bit more… well, given that those other two-legged monsters have been observing us for the past two years, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were planning on using her for something.”
“Hence we need to take precautions to make sure she’s safe and comfortable,” Jade followed through.
“Does that mean we can eat them?” Floyd asked.
“When the time is right, you’ll be able to squeeze those beasts who’ve harmed our mate to your heart’s desires,” Azul grinned, “Personally, I don’t think they would taste good, but if you want to eat them, by all means help yourself.”
Floyd grinned, all teeth and gums as he bounced giddily in the water.
“How long after the scales are added will we need to wait?” Jade asked, turning toward Azul.
“At least one week.”
“What’s the plan for our Shrimpy, then?”
Azul grinned, indicating for the twins to follow him into the lair, explaining things as they moved, “Our home here will only be temporarily. Once they realize their precious little angelfish is one of us, they will try every means to get her away from us to revert the process. When they make their move, we’ll be able to shift our focus to breaking out. I’ll need several things to create a temporary transformation potion that will allow one of us to move about the surface to transfer us back to the Coral Sea. And we’ll need to work fast - once (Y/N) lays those eggs, she’ll need to be protected and guarded at all times. I’d rather not have her lay them here - hence our haste to get her out of here.”
“And then the big family we’ve always dreamed of!”
“Indeed - so, two weeks?”
“Two weeks. When the moment is right, (Y/N) will be ours…”
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luis-block · 1 year
I got one, kallamar with a mantis shrimp reader who makes extremely high grade weapons that's is is quite friendly unless you act like a jerk to them then your catch those claws(also incase you didn't know mantis shrimp punches can put a hole in a leather boot).
Oh dude, I love the mantis shrimp! I am actually studying in collage to become a marine biologist, so this is right up my alley! I also picked to do the reader as a Peacock Mantis Shrimp for this one, as there are actually 450 different kinds!
Warnings: Canon typical violence, death mention, swearing
Kallamar with a Weaponsmith reader who is a Mantis Shrimp
The sparks from your anvil go flying as you work on another sword. This one was one for your general stock that you sell to the various followers that reside in the Anchordeep. This was more of a thing to keep you busy at this point, as your wagon has been unloaded and your booth has been set up in front of the temple of Kallamar. You always make this stop at the temple once a month to sell your handcrafted weapons. You also may be a bit biased, as your best customer also happens to live in the temple. But who can blame you? Having a bishop praise your work and pay a premium for it is a weaponsmith’s dream! It also helps that Kallamar is cute… Not that you would tell him that to his face.
Your colorful abdomen twitches as your gills flutter. Kallamar has always been so kind to you, it’s little wonder that you have developed a crush on the ruler of Anchordeep. But you are sure that its not meant to be, no bishop would want to be with a simple weaponsmith, right? You shake the thought of the squid from your mind as you decide it was time to open for the day. Kallamar wouldn’t be here for a while, as he had some duties to attend to. You take off the covers of your tent to display your legendary quality weapons to the waiting followers. They excitedly look at your stock, asking you questions and ogling at your craftsmanship.
You were one of the best weaponsmiths on the island, so it was little wonder why they were so ecstatic. The morning wore on as it became afternoon. A scythesman had asked you for instructions on upkeep for the scythe you had sold to him. You happily obliged, thanking him for wanting to take care of your hard work. Your attention is mostly centered on the tutorial at hand, but you hear a clatter of fallen swords that make you cringe.
One of your compound eyes looks over to the sound, not turning yourself fully to it so as not to accidentally swing the scythe in your hands and alert everyone to a problem. You see a crab follower look around to see if anyone has noticed the commotion. With little people around the booth right now and you seemingly have not noticed. The follower quickly put the sword into their holster and started to casually walk away.
Your blood boiled as you looked at the customer you were helping. “I’m sorry to cut this short, but I have a pest to deal with.” You say as you give him his weapon back. “Oh, don’t worry about it, I’ll come back if I have any questions. You go get your sword back.” He laughed as he watched you storm over to the thief. “Hey you, stop where you are!” You yelled, trying to keep your cool as they stopped with a startled expression. You would at least hear what they had to say, it would be unfair to not in your eyes. “O-oh, y-yes (Y/N)? What can I help you with?” They stutter, not looking you in the eyes as yours scan them.
“Why did you steal one of my swords, hm? I know that you didn’t come in with one of your own.” You say with a hard expression. “W-what! I would never steal! I swear!” They explain, slowly inching away from you and turning their holster away from you. “You are full of shit, and you know it. Just give it back to me and I will simply ban you from my store. So please give it back.” Both sets of  your antenna are now twitching out of anger, your second set of arms the serve as your ‘hunting’ or ‘boxing set are ready to move if needed.
They notice your irritation, but still try to defend their actions. “I promise that this sword is mine! You must have been m-mistaken!”. You scoff, “Do you think of me as dull? Well, I promise you that I am sure of this thief you have committed. I will give you one last chance to give my weaponry back, and then I will not be so nice.” You hear a crowd of followers gathering to watch the scene, knowing the fate the new follower would have If they chose to not head your warnings. They look you in the eyes for the first time since you came over, fear lased their face as they try to turn and run.
But before they could even turn from you, the water around your punch boils as their head goes flying. Their body crumbles to the ground as you let the water cool down. You gave them multiple chances! Your antennal fins flutter to calm you down as you hear cheers thrown your way. You grab your sword from the dead follower’s holster, as you hear a familiar voice above the rest. “That was a lovely shot, my friend. I do apologize for that of follower of mine giving you such trouble.” Kallamar says as he claps his hands, smiling at you with joyful amusement in his eyes.
You blush furiously as you stand up, brushing yourself off even though there is some blood on your apron. “O-oh! Thank you Kallamar, I am glad to see you.” You smile as you walk back over to your booth to clear up the mess the thief left. “What kind of weapons are you looking for today? I made a great on that would look lovely in your collection-“
“Well actually, there was something else I was hoping to talk to you about, my dear...” he blushes.
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Lessons Learned (W.M) Pt.1
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader.
Tumblr media
Pairing: Professor!Wanda Maximoff x Student!FemReader (College AU)
Summary: Y/n has been looking forward to this particular class but something unexpected happened on the first day.
Warning: 18+ Fluff, angst and maybe a little humor, with smut in future chapter.
Requested: Yes by @mizzgay
A/n: Hello peeps! Here it is! The new mini series is here! It's still in the process but as I announced before, here is Pt. 1. Thank you @stonemags and @silver-lotus for the idea and helping me brainstorming. I also want to thank @thatpersonthatisgenderfluid for helping me with cool information of Marine Biology that they are expert with. I'm excited and I hope you enjoy this series! Happy reading!
Series Masterlist
Ah, fall semester. It’s finally here! This is your second year in college. You are really glad to be back at your dorm and to see your room mate again but mostly, you are thrilled for this semester because of one particular class you are taking. You are as excited as a kid who finally goes to Disneyland. Well, that’s what your roommate a.k.a best friend, Natasha, said. Maybe, she is right. 
You have been dreaming to be a marine biologist since you were a kid, hence the major you are taking. This semester, you are finally able to take Mr. Fury’s class. He is one of the famous marine biologists there is. You love his books. So when you know that he will teach a class here, you feel like you just won a jackpot and of course you register to his class as soon as you can.
“Nat, are you almost ready?” You ask impatiently as you sit on her bed, looking at your red-haired best friend getting ready. “Oh my god. Yes I am, y/n. Geez. I know you have been waiting for this class but be patient with me, will ya?” Nat rolls her eyes playfully as she answers you and puts some books into her bag.
“Well, can you blame me? It’s Mr. Furry’s class. Don’t you know that he is—” You reply but Nat quickly finishes your sentence “--one of the best marine biologists and his books are masterpieces? Yes, y/n, I know.. Because you haven’t stopped talking about him and this class in the last few months. So trust me, I know.” She teases as she finally lays the strap of her backpack on her shoulder and signs you that she’s ready to go. “Let’s go.”
You get up and walk with her. “You will be glad that you take his class this semester.” You excitedly give her assurance. “I actually don’t have to take this class yet and I was going to take Mrs. Harkness’ class. You made me take this class.” She complains but you know she was just joking. You and Nat quicken your steps to where both of you should be.
“Well, isn’t that the best idea? We always try to take the same classes together. I will always help you with homeworks. You know that I didn’t tell you not to take Mrs. Harkness’ class, right?” You winked confidently right after you answered her. Both of you swift your steps into the building.
“Yeah but I already have two other classes. I can’t juggle four classes at once. I’m not as smart as you are.” She quickly pitched back a response to your statement as both of you finally walked into the class and picked the back row seats. “Aw, you are so humble. You are smart too, Nat.” You nudge her arms and she rolls her eyes once more.
You love the front row seats but Nat doesn’t, neither do your other friends so majority rules. Some more students walk into the class and slowly fill the class, you quickly raise your hand as soon as you see Tony and Vision walk in. “Guys, over here!”
Both of them quickly walk towards you and Nat and take the seats shortly after both of you remove your bags off the chairs you saved for them.
“I can’t believe y/n also made you boys take this class too.” The redhead teases with a smirk. “Well, I always love competing with Y/n.” Tony answers nonchalantly. “Even though I always beat your grades?” You try to poke fun out of Tony’s competitive traits.
“Shussh you two. We all know who is smarter.” The Russian interrupts as she moves both of her hands as if she is a referee for the competition between you and Tony. “Me!” Both you and Tony answer right away at the same time, making Nat and Vision laugh. “Well, to be honest the subject of this class intrigued me, so why not? Plus, I'm a big fan of Mr. Fury’s books.” The tall British exchange student lets out his thoughts as he shrugs his shoulders followed with a smile.
“And to watch me beat Tony’s grades.” You tease Tony one more time. “That too.” Vision plays along with your joke.
The class is filled with the sounds of students talking to each other for a little while more until the door is opened followed by sounds of steps from what seems like a pair of high heels. The class went full on silent as soon as a fairly tall dirty blonde haired woman walked in carrying a briefcase-like handbag, then without hesitation, she took her seat in front of the class. “Good morning everybody.” Her broad accent and words echo in the room and the students answer.
You are in deep confusion, so is almost the rest of the class. You look at your friends with furrowed eyebrows then bring your sight back to the woman who is busy taking out some papers and a book. From what you see, she is preparing herself to start a lecture.
“Hmmm.” The only thing the class could hear from her since the greetings. She clicks her tongue a few times as she is reading what it seems the list of the students’ name list.
Your brain is still trying to process what is going on. You even think that the young professor is in the wrong class and doesn’t realize it. The sunlight that penetrates the window from her right hand side brings up the color of her flawless wavy hair. Her nude makeup colors perfectly shows her angelic face’s features.
You lock your gaze on her and plan on not looking somewhere else until you find out what on earth is she doing here. Your eyes follow her movement as she stands up, walks to the front of her desk and lean her lower body on it. Natasha and Tony notice that you are looking at her from head to toe, as if you are studying what she is wearing.
The navy blue blazer jacket and pants with white swallow bird prints all over them pair nicely with her white shirt under it and her black and white high heels. To say that you are astonished with her beauty and perfect figure is somewhat of an understatement.
You would wish that she is your professor if it’s another class she is teaching, not in this class. Despite how attractive she is, you hope she is not here to teach Mr. Fury’s class. Your stomach starts to churn, your face probably turns pale. Nat nudges your arm to bring your back from your daze. “You okay?” She whispers.
As you turn your head to your best friend to answer her question, your head quickly follow back to the next voice that you hear. “Hello everybody. My name is Wanda Maximoff. I’m here to cover Mr. Fury’s class for a month or a month and a half. Some voices of disappointment quickly made their way to be heard. Wanda waits for a few seconds until the students realize and focus back on her. As soon as the class is back in silence, Wanda continues her words. “I know, I know most of you were excited for Mr. Fury’s class but he has an emergency but before you know it, he will be standing here teaching all of you.”
"So, let's start with the names, shall we?" Her thick accent and her raspy voice tickle your ears and perhaps wake up the butterflies in your stomach without you realizing it. Your mind is far too occupied with your disappointment that it is not the professor you expected yet you want to know how much experience she has in this field. Your guess is she is not that much older than you. That's another thing, you are being skeptical.
While Wanda calls the students' names one by one and tries to remember it at the same time, Nat whispers to you. "Stop staring, y/n. Already have a crush on your professor?" Nat teases you, of course.
"What? No!" You deny as quickly as you can. "How old is she, do you think?" You whisper but this you didn't turn your head too much, with your eyes focused on Wanda.
"She is definitely older than you but not that much." Tony jumps into the conversation. "Ouh I never knew that you are into older women." Nat smirks and Tony tries hard not to laugh.
"I just want to know how good she is at this subject." You defend yourself. "She looks very smart. It seems like it's not her first time teaching a class and knows what she's doing." Vision expresses his opinion.
"Why don't you ask her?" Tony casually challenges you. "What? No! No student asks that of their professor!" Nat yells in whispers, trying to stop you because she knows that you would do that. "Oh she will." Tony comments, a laugh almost slips out of his lips.
Nat glares at Tony and before she tells you not to do it, you raise your hand. "Uh-excuse me? I have a question." Some students turn their head to you in the back.
"Yes? And, your name?" Wanda answers you with another question and one raising eyebrow.
"Oh, my name is Y/N Y/L/N." You answered. "Yes, miss y/l/n, what's your question?" Wanda lays her hands on her thighs while still holding the name list.
"Do you know Prof. Fury? If you do, how do you know him?" You pitch your question.
Wanda nods softly before she answers you. "Yes, I know him. I'm actually his assistant and also his student from his other class in another university."
"Oh, so a student teaches students." You arrogantly replied. Gasping from some students sounds clear in the air, including from Nat who pinches the bridge of her nose having the second embarrassment from what you just said.
Wanda didn't expect your harsh comment, her lips pressed into a smile. "Well, I'm doing my master in marine biology and I'm almost done with my final paper. So I'm sure I know a LOT more than you do. I assume you know that it's not easy to be hired as his assistant. Plus, despite all of that, so far I can remember in this class I'm your professor and you are my student." the blonde woman tilted her head as she finished her answer followed by a victorious smile.
"Oooohhhh" some students react to Wanda's answer that feels like a right jab to your jaw and it catches your tongue. Few seconds of silence and Wanda takes it as the conversation with you is done. She turns her face away and looks around the class. "Okay, so let's continue the name list and we'll start the class. We'll learn The Study of Characteristics of Species." Wanda tells the class and proceeds.
The whole time of the class with Wanda, regardless of what happened earlier, you still pay attention to everything she teaches. How she walks around the front of the class or how her hands swing a bit while she explains things are so mesmerizing to you for some reason.
Maybe Vision was right? She looks like she knows what she's doing. Also, she looks smart and it intrigues you to see how much she knows her field. You love to compete or call out when someone makes a mistake. Yes, you admit that calling out people’s mistakes is your worst trait and you are working on it. Your best friend keeps reminding you about that.
Her voice and her accent when she teaches, sounds passionate in the same major you are very interested in. Your mind starts to think it must be nice to discuss some of your Marine Biology related topics with her.
Uh oh wait, there's no way you have a crush on your professor. Not in the very first class. Your eyes blink as you come back from your daze when Tony secretly kicks your legs under the table. He waggled his eyebrows up and down with a knowing smirk. "You like her, y/n?
"What? No, Tony." You quickly tackle his assumption yet a shade of red blush slowly shows on your cheeks.
"Okay, that's it for today's class. We'll talk about this more in the next class. Don't forget to read page 10 to 15 for our next meeting. Have a good day everyone." said the blonde professor as she realized that her class is over for today.
All the students stand up and leave the class. You and your friends are slowly walking away from the back of the class. As four of you get closer to pass Wanda's desk, you hear your name beautifully wrapped in her voice. "Y/n, can I talk with you for a second, please?" With that, the three of your friends walk out and wait for you outside.
"Yes, Mrs. Maximoff?" You ask as soon as you stand in front of her desk. Wanda puts the pen down and she looks up at you as she entwines her own hand with her others, a few inches away from her face. “That was quite a way of introducing yourself to me, Y/n.” Her unamused piercing green eyes look straight to yours. To Wanda’s surprise, you patch a smile on your face for her prior to answering her. “I always aim to make an impression.”
Her eyebrows rose. She is bewildered with how confident you are, too confident in a bad way. It exasperates her. “Oh? So you always aim to make a bad impression?” she asks in sarcasm as she collects her things, getting ready to leave.
“Of course not. Not at all.” You answer casually. She took a deep breath. “Well, too bad, y/n, because it wasn’t a good impression at all.” Her answer quickly ripped your smile off your face. Your forehead puckered in surprise and confusion. The unexpected answer from Wanda froze your tongue for a good few seconds. Wanda gives you a quick glance and pulls back her focus on getting ready to leave. “But… I didn’t–” The slightly older woman didn’t even let you finish your sentence as she stood up and says “I think we are done here, y/n. See you in the next class.”
With that, she leaves her desk and walks towards the door, leaving you perplexed. You turn around and you walk out the class to find your friends, still with your brain trying to comprehend Wanda’s words.
“Y/n, what happened?” Nat asks as soon as she sees you. “Yeah, what did she say?” Tony added another question.
“She just told me that I gave her a bad impression. She looked upset too.” Your eyes blink a few times. “Well, d’uh? Of course, you dumbass.” Your Russian classmate raises one of her open palms, giving you a dirty look.
“I couldn’t agree more with Nat here, y/n.” Vision adds in his agreement. “Come on, y/n. For someone who keep bragging that you beat my grades, you can’t be this dumb.” The Stark company’s only heir comments.
“Y/n, you pretty much insulted her in front of the class. Of course she got upset. I’m surprised that she didn’t kick you out after what you said about her being a student and teaching us.” Nat expresses her thoughts as four of you walk.
“Well, I was right, weren’t I?” Your stubbornness makes you disagree with Nat even though deep down your heart telling you that Nat was right. “Yes but it wasn’t really wise that you said it out loud.” Vision adds. “Yeah, y/n. Nobody says that to their professor in front of the class.” Tony backs up both Vision and Nat as he playfully punches your arm.
“Okay okay. What day is it today? Ganging up on Y/n day, or something?” You joke in sarcasm. “Aw such a cry baby.” Tony baby-talk at you with a fake pout. You roll your eyes at him and the four of you move on with your day.
You toss and turn a lot. It’s hard for you to fall asleep. All you can see when you close your eyes is Wanda. How her hair sways following the rhythm of her movement when we teach. How she looks from behind when she writes on the board, the blazer wraps the curve of her body perfectly. The way her friendly smile showed up when a student or two asked questions to her before she gladly answered them. The difference in her voice can turn when she was teaching and when she was talking to you. Why was she even mad at you? Oh well, that’s right. You upset her.
Now your brain switches lanes from adoring her subconsciously to feeling bad for her for what you said. You think and think hard, debating on what you should do. Part of you thinks you didn't do anything wrong but the other part encourages you to do something to redeem yourself. Then a thought popped in.
“Seriously, y/n? You are joking, right?” The redhead’s annoyed surprise tone. “Oh my god, you rush me and the boys to come early just to hang out here at the library before Mrs. Maximoff class and now you gotta leave?” Nat continues her protest. “Sorry, Nat. I forgot to bring my book. I gotta grab it. I’ll be fast.” You lied and you walked away in a rush.
As you are gone, Nat's mind is going, sensing that something is unusual. "Hey, did you guys notice that?" Nat curiously asks Vision and Tony.
“You meant, y/n forgot her book? It’s a bit odd, yes.” Vision’s examining tones sound clear as he thinks about it more after she mentions it. Meanwhile for Tony, he thinks there’s always a first time for everything. “Eh, I meant, yeah it never happened to her before but I don’t think it’s something big or anything. Unless she gets nervous with Mrs. Maximoff class and then forget to bring her book.” Tony shrugs his shoulders after he lays out his theory.
“Something fishy.” Nat says under her breath that the two men didn’t hear it.
You rush your step and check your surroundings to make sure that Nat is not following you. Both of you have been best friends for years now and you know well that she knows you like the back of her hands. One of your hands holds a note tightly inside the pocket of your jacket. Your eyes are anchored on the classroom door as soon as you get closer and closer. You look around once more before you open the door and sneak in. Your heart races. Your eyes rapidly jump back and forth from the door to the desk and back to the door again. You carefully put the note on the desk then rush yourself out of the class and definitely need to hurry back to your friends before they notice anything.
“Hey. Sorry, I tried to get back here as soon as I could.” You take your seat back with your friends. “It’s okay. You okay y/n?” Nat asks you as if she is a detective who is trying to find a clue. “Yeah, why?” You try hard to keep your cool. “Nothing, just making sure.” Nat replies.
“Uh, I think we better go now so we won’t be late.” Vision suggests and the four of you walk together to the class.
Once the four of you got to the class, you were quiet. You are restless and can’t focus on the conversations with your friends. Everything sounds as if you are under water. Subconsciously, you can’t wait for Wanda to come yet anxious at the same time. You are too occupied to notice that Nat is examining your body language and what is going on.
As she was going to ask you, Wanda walked into the class. “Hello, everybody.” She glances a little bit at her class and her eyes make a brief stop at you then she puts her bag on her desk.
You notice that her eyebrows furrow as she finds a little note on her desk. She takes a seat and grabs the note to check it secretly enough that nobody notices it.
“The second you walked into this room, I lost control over myself. My eyes voluntarily anchored on your beauty and your voice is the most addictive melody to my ears.” the simple sweet note fluttered her and she tried to suppress her smile as she put the note down.
You caught how a smile almost formed on her beautiful face and you know that she likes the note you put earlier. It makes you feel better after how you were to her in the first class. You lower your head and try to hide your own smile. You feel bad that you didn’t tell your bestfriend about this. As much as you know that she won’t stop poking fun out of this for a while but you are planning on telling her about this, just not right now.
You were almost lost in our deep thought about her until you heard her clear her throat to get the class’ attention as she starts her lecture today.
The lecture goes well, the more you pay attention to Wanda’s lecture and how she teaches, the more you subconsciously can’t take your eyes off of her. You take notes on anything important that she said in her lecture. You try your best not to let your “know-it-all” side take the best of you. Deep down you get nervous sometimes when you catch her gaze glance at you every now and then. Her gaze sometimes feels sharp even if it was only for a few seconds.
Wanda walks around a bit close to the front row seats of the class. “This is mantis shrimp. They look cute, don't they? Their colors are interesting.” Wanda pauses her lecture as she shows some pictures through the projector. She raises her arms pointing at the pictures. You think she looks adorable as excitement shows on her face as she talks about one of the little sea creatures.
Unfortunately, it starts to bother you when Wanda is talking more about the mantis shrimp. The wrong fact, to be precise. “Another interesting fact about them is that they punch, you know, like the karate punch.” She explains as both her fists demonstrate a punching move playfully and some students laugh a little. “Yes, they do. Unfortunately, due to their size and they don’t have springs, levers and latches like humans do, their punch isn’t that powerful and they don’t have a regular way of punching.” She adds as she smiles.
As she is going to proceed with her lecture, you raise your hand and surely it halts her lecture. She quickly turns her head to you. Her smile slowly curves down to almost a frown. “Yes, y/n?” her tone clearly swift to a serious tone or perhaps, unimpressed tone from your interruption.
She lifts her chin up a little and her shoulders tensed up as her way to remind you of her dominance in this class shortly after her mind instantly remembers how you were to her on the first day of class.
“Uh, actually, what you just said was incorrect.” You criticized her. Natasha’s heart jumps up to her throat as she hears what you just said. She clears her throat nervously that it caught Wanda’s attention. Her gaze jumps to Nat and bounces back to you. If her gaze could cut, it would cut your desk right now easily like butter. “Excuse me?” Her broad accent suddenly sounds way more clearer than before as if it’s cooperating with her irritated tone.
“Yes, mantis shrimps are small but unlike humans they actually have biological springs, levers and latches that in fact, help power their punches and make them the fastest punch in the animal kingdom. Their punches can go as fast as a 22-caliber bullet and can produce an underwater shockwave.” You explain the fact you know about the ocean version of mantis confidently.
Wanda’s annoyance flares and is visible on her face. “And what’s this “fact” based on?” The Sokovian professor does the air quote gesture on the word fact as she responds to you. “It’s based on the books I read including Mr. Fury’s book. I’m sure you have read it too.” You smile. In your defense, you didn’t want to be a pain in the butt for her. It’s just you being yourself. You can’t help yourself to correct her because you know and you are sure that what she said was not the right one.
As soon as you mention Fury’s book, it hits her. Internally, Wanda realizes that she is wrong and she hates it that you are right and not just that, she hates it that you call out her mistake. She knows better to keep it professional and play along with what you want at this moment, by feeding your ego with her way.
“Good job, Y/n. I was wondering how fast you would notice the mistake because you sound like you know it all since the first time we talked in this class.” Wanda “compliments” you in sarcasm followed by a fake smile as she tilts her head.. You know what she meant from the way she looks at you and says the know-it-all word, even your friends know.
“Well, it was pretty easy–” Your words are interrupted by a vague nudge from Nat’s elbow. You smile once more but it’s an awkward smile this time. Wanda takes your smile differently especially after the words that just slipped out of your lips. She clenches her jaws and fists secretly. “Oh, really?” She asks in such suppressed irritation and covered in another fake smile.
Vision notices what is really going on and he quickly raises his hand to pitch a question before the tension grows. “Uh pardon me, Ms. Maximoff. What is the average size of Mantis Shrimps? I think I missed it.”
Wanda seems to finally loosen up as she answers Vision’s questions and just like that she jumps back into her lecture. Everytime Wanda glances at you, she feels irritation but as someone who has experience in teaching she actually sees that you have a lot of potential.
After Wanda gives essay homework to her students, she dismisses the class right on time. You and your friends walk past Wanda’s desk and as if you are having a deja vu, The blonde woman calls your name and tells you that she needs a minute with you. Just like last time, your friends wait for you outside.
You took a soft deep breath as you asked “Yes, Ms. Maximoff?”
“Special for you, instead of 1500 words,I want you to do 2500 words for the essay homework.” Wanda instructs in a stern tone yet calm as her piercing green eyes look at you.
Surprised, you instantly ask and complain at the same time. “Wait, what?” Your eyebrows snapped together and you squeeze your backpack’s strap that comfortably lays on on of your shoulders.
“You heard me. 2500 words for the essay with the same deadline date. Do you have a problem with it?” Wanda responds without even looking at you as she casually checks some papers, her tone was flat and cold.
“Well, it’s almost double the work with the same amount of time.” You fuss.
“Well, don’t you know it all? I’m sure you can get it done easily in no time.” She answers without leaving any space for you to bargain. You are upset but you don’t know what else to say. Silence rises up quickly and it makes Wanda avert her eyes from the papers she was reading then look at you. “Is there anything else you want to say, y/n?”
“No, Ma’am.” You answer in defeat.
“That’s what I thought. See you in the next class.” Wanda doesn’t even show any interest in giving you eye contact as she ends the conversation with you then back to focus on some papers to sign.
A few minutes after you left and a few paperwork later, Wanda gathers her things but she stops when the little lovely note on her desk calls for her attention. She reads the notes once again and this time a smile appears on her face. Her mind starts to wonder who wrote it and her heart skitters from the lovely words.
Pt. 2
A/n: Welp, that's all. I hope you enjoy this first part. Let me know what you think. I appreciate your reblog and comments. See you in next!
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sugaimhome · 2 years
mars - chapter one
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genre : sci - fi, lots of smut, fluff, angst, slight yandere ngl
pairing: ot7 non idol bts x reader (this one focuses on taehyung)
summary: you’ve been friends with the members of the mars exploration team for years now, despite having known them for so long new feelings emerge in the isolation of life on mars.
warnings: sexual content, oral (female receiving) , fingering, slight dom + sub thingy going on, voyeurism.
words: 2.2k
A/N - i’ve proof read but I don’t have a proof reader so its a bit of a shit show i can imagine. i also haven’t quite figured out the timeline of this in my head so if it keeps changing i’m sorry [:
part: 1/?
“Palaeontologist and Genesisit to command room please” Taehyung calls over the speaker.
“Couldn’t he have just said my name?” you ask Yoongi who is, as you were a moment ago, half way through writing a sentence in his report paper. He just shrugs, only half listening. You tell him you’ll be back in 10 minutes, he doesn’t reply to that either. You sulk on the way to the command room, wishing you didn’t get ignored by Yoongi all the time.
The walk across the centre courtyard was chilly, you wish you’d picked up your jacket from the back of your office chair, you cross your arms and pick up your pace. It takes two times for your fingerprint to scan, your cursing under your breath when the door finally opens into the lobby, the air sucks around you, the familiar beeping of the “clean” buzzer allows a rush of warm air to hit you. You exhale in relief. 
“Good morning Palaeontologist and Genesist” Taehyung smiles from behind his computer screen. He looks like he’s up to mischief. 
“Do you want to keep calling me by my formal name or are you going to address me normally?” you ask, a tad of annoyance in your voice.
“I don’t know, all the “ist’s” make you sound cleverer than you are, and we’re broadcasting this home so formal is the code is it not, Palaeontologist and Genesit?”
Your heart drops. A broadcast home? You suddenly feel guilty for making Taehyung look disrespected. “Yes sir” you agree as you sit down. A light smirk covers his lips.
“Headquarters requires your report.” he pauses, pushing his glasses back onto his nose and biting his lip. “The report that's already late.”
Inside you're panicking, but you manage to calmly say. “I’ve been struggling to report on something that hasn’t changed. Animal DNA is still as stable as it was two months ago. Animal behaviours seem normal, other than the mating season,” a blush covers your cheeks. “Everything is how we would expect” Taehyung raises an eyebrow at you, the final straw in your decision to give him a punch later. “Sir” you finish. He presses the spacebar on his computer.
“Brilliant, thank you Y/N I'll send it off now” he's still smiling. 
“You, Kim Taehyung, are insufferable” you resort. He only chuckles. 
“I have a mission for you” You’re suddenly a lot more interested than you were a moment ago. You had been getting bored of doing the same thing over and over again, a mission sounded wonderful. “Can you send a voice over for everyone to meet here, we have an new announcement from HQ”
Though a small mission you’re happy to comply, pressing the voice over button and voicing over the speakers. “Can Botanist Yoongi, Biochemist Seokjin, Doctor Namjoon, Geologist Jimin, Hydrologist Jungkook and Marine Biologist Hoseok make their way to the command room.”
“Very funny” Taehyung comments sarcastically before snatching the still running audio device from you. “Hurry up Mars Expedition Team, we have headquarters news and a change of mission to report.” He turns the device off.
“Bet that Jungkook is the first here.” you suggest.
“Bet that Yoongi is last.” He replies. You admit, his bet is probably more likely. 
“What are we betting on?” you smile as he leans over you to place the audio device back where it belongs on his desk. He whispers into your ear, 
“If you lose you have to give head, and if I lose I have to give head.” He suggests, your breath gets caught in your throat. It's been like this for months now, this back and forth, you're just about to agree when the buzzer goes off in the hatch and Jungkook walks in. He almost swaggers into the room, he mentions something about being first as you move a professional distance from Taehyung with a smile on your face. 
Jimin is next, "I was in the middle of a sample experiment,"
"Sorry doctor rocks" Jungkook taunts, he gets a gentle slap around the head as a response and as he's fixing his hair the buzzer rings again. 
"Look who I found in the courtyard" it's Hoseok, followed by Yoongi, who after scouting the people in the room looks extremely proud to not be last. He scrunches his nose a little.
As he greets everyone you can almost feel Taehyung's annoyed aura. Yoongi had redeemed himself after ignoring you earlier. 
Namjoon and Jin filter in a couple minutes later, both complaining about being in the middle of something.
“This better be good” Yoongi claps his hands. Rubbing them together in mock excitement, or perhaps genuine excitement, you could never tell with him. 
“They are debating moving on to phrase two” Taehyung announces and in response the whole room falls quiet.
“You’re having a laugh” Seokjin's mouth almost falls open in shock.
“Nope” Taehyung looks torn, this experiment has been the sole reason for his existence for the past 5 and a half years, but he is as aware as the others that this operation is still very new, and could easily take a curveball. In response the room interrupts into complaints and worries, theories and gaps in theories. “The final vote comes down to us, we just have to write it in our next reports.” Taehyung reveals.
“It's madness” you say, everyone is on the same train of thought as you.
“Considering we are on the same page, this meeting is dismissed. See you all later.”
“Hoseok, Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi and I will be out on a scouting mission this afternoon Taehyung” Jimin announces, it had been a while since he had needed more experimental material, Taehyung only nods.
“See you in the morning then team.” One by one everyone slowly filters out the room, you give Taehyung a smile and wink before exiting behind Yoongi. He looks annoyed.
It was often that other members of the team went out to scout for material, be it within the terrarium or not it gave you the time to be alone for just a moment. As you walk to Taehyung's office you bump into Jungkook.
“Good Evening y/n” he greets you. “Fancy a movie after dinner tonight?”
“Sounds good, I heard there was a new Marvel movie, do you think it would have been uploaded to our satellites yet?” you ask, hoping to keep him occupied for half an hour so you could receive your winnings from the bet.
“I’ll have a look,” he responds, smiling. “See you later Y/N”
Jungkook had a special place in your heart, though not much younger than you he always felt as if he was much younger than he was, he was so polite, didn’t understand naughty jokes and was sometimes so oblivious to the world you just wanted to keep him safe. It is often you were the one to give him a nudge in interviews when he zones out or starts swinging on his chair or something. He can never keep still. Though you don’t think of him for long as your mind wanders to Taehyung again. 
This time your walk across the courtyard was less chilly, you’d made sure to pick up your jacket and over the day the sun had slowly warmed the biosphere. Your fingerprint scans on the first attempt, it must be a good omen. 
The command room is empty. You can’t help but feel betrayed by Taehyung. Perhaps he had gone out with the others and hadn’t got the chance to communicate it across to you? You shrug, about to leave when you feel the urge to sit at his desk. The budget of this experiment had, in places, put a halt on the comforts of the place. Taehyung's office chair was memory foam and the most comfortable of them all. After slumping down into the chair it's obvious that Taehyung has been here very recently, it's still warm. The budget definitely did not have leverage for heated chairs. “Taehyung?” you call, half expecting him to appear from under a meeting chair or even to fall from the ceiling. You look up to check just in case. 
“Tae?” you call again. No reply.
You huff. You’d been looking forward to this all day and hadn’t planned to be playing hide and seek. You debate leaving to find Jungkook for that movie night when the buzzer goes off in the Lobby and Taehyung is revealed leaning back against the outside door.
You freeze, feeling suddenly guilty. 
“Like a deer in headlights” he comments. “Were you going to sit there all night and wait for me?”
“I’ve only been here two minutes” you reply, trying to sound confident, but your voice is wavering a little. Cursing yourself, you move to stand up. “I suppose you’ll want your chair back.” 
“No, I quite like you there.” Taehyung replies. “Plus you’re missing a word”
Heat rushes to your cheeks “Sir.”
“Good Girl” he murmurs, walking into the room. He runs his hand along the top of all the meeting chairs, when he reaches the one with your name intricately inscribed into its back he pulls it out and sits down. Your stomach tightens. You’ve switched roles but somehow Taehyung holds all the power. “I was thinking about our deal earlier-” 
“Bet” You interrupt, there is a difference between a bet and a deal. A deal is a mutual agreement, a bet when one comes out over the other.
“I was thinking about our bet then.” he continues, leaning forward on his chair, you never quite realised how close your chairs were in meetings. 
“You were?” you ask in anticipation.
He doesn’t reply. After a few moments he stands from your chair, walking around the table to stand in front of you in his chair. Butterflies flutter around your body, your skin painfully goosebumped. Resorting to wiggling in your chair to get even a drop of pleasure and contact, Taehyung turns his lip up at you.
“So pathetically desperate” he comments “It’s disgusting.”
He drops to his knees, causing you to suck in a breath as he uses the palms of his hands to pull your legs apart. “I think it's unfair you get all the pleasure tonight.”
He’s undoing the button of your pants now, taking his time to pull down the zipper. As you rise to let him pull them down around to your ankles you comment “don’t be such a sorry loser”
He hums, pressing a thumb to your clit. The sudden contact is shocking and you try to push back on the wheels of the chair but they're locked. “So desperate to be touched and now you want to move away?” 
“I’m sensitive” you hiss, in response Taehyung only pushes his thumb harder.
“You’re all swollen.” 
“Been thinking about it all day, sir” you whine, no longer caring if you sound desperate.
“I bet they could all smell you” he comments, looking away from your cunt to mark your reaction.
“Don’t be silly Tae.”
“Bet they all wondered who got you all worked up” He presses little kisses to the inside of your knees, slowly working up your thighs. You have no words to respond with. “I am uncomfortable here, move to the desk.” 
Part of you wants to decline him, you like the feeling of being in his chair, but he had made it clear when you started this, he was in charge. So you do as you're told, accepting his hand as you sit bare on the edge of his desk. “Perfect” he says as he pulls his chair in front of you, pulling on the lever so he's at the lowest level. He leans forward and presses a kiss right to your clit. You jump in anticipation, one hand flying to the messy mop of his hair and the other to his desk, you knock something on your hand, distantly something makes a clicking noise. You quickly forget as he runs his tongue from your entrance to your clit, whilst circling the bud a few times he toys one finger at your entrance. “Already dripping wet.” he smirks, you're almost embarrassed and attempt to shut your legs.
“Don’t be shy.” he groans, your legs prevented from closing with the width of his shoulders “it’s hot.”
“Mmh” you respond, earning a low laugh from him. 
“You like that huh? Being so bare and vulnerable in front of me?” Taehyung had always been so good at saying the correct things, in making everything seem so much more sensual with a few words.
With the intensity of the moment you can only nod.
“Wonder if your legs would stay open if someone else came in right now” 
Involuntary you clench. “Huh?” you ask. He pushes a finger inside you, wiggling it about a little. His finger feels so soft inside of you.
“Would you let them touch you?” he's looking right up at you now, eyes locking with yours, waiting for a reaction.
You shake your head but your cunt pulses, giving you away. You whimper, how did you become so vulnerable? So needy? When did you start falling for Taehyung's traps?
“Whore” He sneers. Pushing another finger into you. “So dirty. Would let all the members touch you.”
You shudder, his fingers begin to move in and out your pussy. “What about Jungkook? He's not gone out tonight” 
You shake your head, a moan that had been stuck in your throat escaping. “Would you let him fuck you over my desk as I watched?”
“Taehyung you-” he interrupts your flow of words by removing his fingers and giving a slap to your pussy.
“I know” he continues as he pushes his fingers back in, three this time. “You don’t want cock.” his other hand comes to circle your clit. In shock you almost fall back on his desk. “But you want tongues and fingers, and if we had them you’d want all the toys in the world, wouldn’t you?” You have no words, not even a moan to give him. 
“That's what I thought” he smirks. He moves to place his tongue on your clit but you tangle a hand in his hair, stopping him in his tracks.
“Too much” you whine, starting to feel the knot in your stomach tighten. 
“Why would I care, this is what you wanted isn’t it?” he questions, using his free hand to remove your fingers from his hair and holding your hand in his, there’s nothing romantic in the gesture it's just restrictive. You moan. 
He smirks in response, kissing the side of your thigh before attaching his lips to your bud. You go to say something, anything, to get him to calm down but instead of words moan after moan escapes your lips.
There was one thing about Taehyung, he was cocky. Every time his head or fingers were between your legs you tried to not let it show how pleased you were, he’d never let you forget it. Today, moans tumble off your lips with no remorse. He smirks against you, humming in humour, the vibrations echo up your core.
You crumble. Everything goes black around you, white spots dance in the corner of your eyes and your body shakes in pleasure. Taehyung doesn’t let up his attack. You're overstimulated when you try to move away from him. He stops you with one hand around your ass. “One more, Y/N”
“Can’t-” you say, your voice betraying you. The initial overstimulation pain dwindles away and intense pleasure starts again. 
“Pretend I’m Jungkook this time” He says, twisting his fingers to hit a new angle inside of you and you're falling apart again. Your core is clenching and unclenching around Taehyung's fingers, or was it Jungkooks? You're so far out of it, neck thrown back, you can’t even remember who's between your legs.
“Fuck me” Taehyung laughs, it’s a smile you don’t see on him often. “That was something else”
Your voice is hoarse. You can’t speak.
“It's a good job everyone went out, I’ve never heard you moan so much” You blush in response.
“Sorry” you mumble. “Was good, thank you”
Your brain seems miles away from you, it could be at home on earth for all you know, the room was blurry, Taehyung's movements as he pulls you from the table and pulls your trousers back up seem distant. You focus on using your wobbly legs to keep upright. He’s so close, with his arms around your armpits to keep you upright, it looks like you're about to kiss but that would be pushing the boundaries, wouldn’t it? You can feel his breath on your lips though. 
Then he’s gone, you're sure you fall asleep, when you wake up 5 minutes later, you're sitting on your meeting chair and Taehyung is nowhere to be seen. You curse under your breath.
parts: masterlist 
next (coming soon)
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ley-med · 16 days
Hey Ley,
You don’t know me, but I have been a follower of yours for a long time now. I just graduated with my undergraduate degree as a premed student, but I will be taking a gap year to really punch up my experience. I am in a bit of a pickle, and I was wondering if someone further along in the journey may be able to shed some light. You are more than welcome to pass on this if you do not feel equipped to give advice. In short, what should I do if I am having trouble answering why I want to go into medicine? This is admittedly a silly question, but it is something I have been in a bit of a tailspin about since graduating. Before then, I was SO steadfast about it. My undergrad major is unconventional, but it does back up a lot of anatomy and physiology concepts. Since I was a kid, I’ve yearned for this. I have never felt as satisfied as I have being challenged and pushed to learn when it came to medicine. Doubly so when it came to helping people. But when I look at how much left I have to go, and how overwhelming the system feels, I falter.  
My major exposed me to a lot of great work and folks who do amazing things for others, and as much as I loved doing it, I feel irreconcilably split. For so long I had engaged myself to medicine as my future, and it felt earth shattering to realize I could find that passion somewhere else. I still want to become a physician, but I am having a harder and harder time justifying this.
Regards, Anon
Hi Anon!
First of all, ask yourself if you might need a break. You finished a degree, you are tired, let yourself rest a bit and celebrate your accomplishments! You don't have to figure out everything immediately. Enjoy your year a bit :) And congratulations on your degree!
Now, this is a good question. It's only my personal opinion, but if you do medicine just because you've always wanted to do medicine, and can't imagine yourself being happy any other way, I'm pretty sure it would break you. Because when the inevitable hard times come, during med school, or residency, or later, you would stand feeling miserable, and think if this is my happy then what's the point of it all. And that's how miserable and depressed doctors are made...
When I decided to apply for med school, my wonderful mother asked me the same question, why medicine? Easy, I want to help people. Then she said, "okay, fair, but there are several ways to do that. I am a psychologist, I help people. A hairdresser helps people day after day. Why medicine?"
I didn't always used to, but I have an answer now, and that's because I tried to find happiness in the little things. Reading and trying to memorize a genetics textbook with bleary eyes, exhausted from the previously failed exam, while pinterest randomly shows "remember why you started" quotes in your face, really makes you think if it's worth it at all...
I freaking love the human body, science, and knowing the whys of how the body works. The fact that I also get to "play" with it, see the many ways I can affect the body's functions, makes medicine a heaven for me. And yes, I also love bringing people comfort in their darkest hours and easing their pain, and keeping them alive when their body would give up otherwise.
All that said, medicine is great, but in the end, it's a job just like any other job. I do it because I love my job, for now, but I think I would also love owningworking in a bakery, or becoming a biologist (marine biology my beloved I will never entirely give you up). Life is ever changing and that's the beauty of it, no career is set in stone.
What I'm trying to say is, keep thinking about it, and don't think big, just small aspects you enjoy to do. Then take a step away from it, and let it simmer, then think about it once again. Then take away the part where you help people, what's left? If you can, ask other graduated doctors too, how's their job, what do they like about it, so you can decide more fairly for yourself.
And if you realise you don't have any reason, apart from "this used to be my dream", you don't have to. It's not an obligation, don't push yourself into something you will not enjoy, because honestly, the work hours aren't that great...
Once you have an answer though, don't let the long road ahead of you, or the failures of the system stop you. The system is faulty, severely, but so are other systems (and with meticulous and slow work, we can also work on changing it). Med school and residency are hard and long, but every career has its learning curve, before you become an expert (and if I already admitted using Pinterest in my early medschool days, let me add, "the time will pass anyway") and let me be honest, I love residency and learning the things that matter
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hedghost · 13 days
hedge can we have your review on the season? Like for each player give us a summary sentence on ur ops on their performance
oh yes gladly i love shit like this. you said one sentence but it’s way more than that bc i have a lot of thoughts hehe:
Mary Earps: honestly didn’t have her best season, especially in the first half, which i think was a mental thing. around january she seemed back to her old self and she did have some great games. kept us in a lot, pulled off some mega saves - we all know how fucking good she is there’s no denying that. however people chat a lot about our defence but i definitely don’t think she’s entirely without blame for some goals/results. still love her tho, just not her best season. genuinely no idea if she’ll stay.
Phallon Tullis-Joyce: that’s my fucking marine biologist!!! i’m so in love with phallon. criminal that we didn’t see her in the league, but her conti cup performances were brilliant. seems to work so well with the defence in such a short time despite lack of minutes played with them. good with the ball at her feet, good distribution, and made some fucking incredible saves (the one v liverpool was save of the season for me.) i genuinely won’t be mad if mary leaves bc i think phallon is more than good enough to replace her. hope to see more of her.
Gabby George: one of our smartest signings imo, was sceptical at first but she impressed hugely in the short time we saw her. made a huge impact on attacks down the left. gutted she got injured, def prefer her over blundell and think she would’ve made a big difference in some of our results if she was able to play.
Maya Le Tissier: will defend her with my life. made a few mistakes this season that she didn’t make last year but people forget she’s still v young, and i firmly believe she has the potential to be one of the best. grew into a leadership role this season. would have loved to see her push up more into midfield, or play in rb but 🤷‍♀️. long balls remain elite. if i were skinner i’d be building the team around her and prepping her for the armband.
Aoife Mannion: Didn’t see much of her due to injury but she remains solid. a bit slower, def not a starter but with the limited options we have she’s our best (and only) cb cover so.
Hannah Blundell: listen i like hannah and i think she’s decent but i also think a new lb is our priority (maybe less so when gabbys back fit but still). she’s solid and consistent but i think the team has outgrown her. done dirty a lot this season by being shifted to the right as it definitely doesn’t favour her. has a good linkup with galton but we still need more of an attacking fb to replace her imo.
Jayde Riviere: my Queen. i get flashbacks to ona when i watch her play and fall in love with her a little more each time. still young and needs more experience but has the potential to grow and be one of the best fullbacks. i expect her to be getting a lot of assists in the near future. super speedy, good awareness and vision, gets stuck in. all i can ask in an fb. only thing is she’s a bit too prone to injury but i’m chalking that down to inconsistent game time and being chucked back in by skinner before she’s fully healed.
Millie Turner: millie was consistent and great this season. glad she’s finally getting her flowers. times where she’s struggled have been when she’s had to deal with gemma evans next to her so i don’t blame her too much. she’s also less of a physical cb than maya is, which we saw a lot especially against ramirez, but that’s why i think the two compliment each other well.
Gemma Evans: hate this woman with a passion i didn’t see a single good thing all year. most baffling signing of all time. done dirty by being put as lb instead of cb but she’s still pretty crap as a cb. stunts all attacks as soon as she’s on the pitch because she continuously passes backwards even when there’s options, but also impacts attacks down our right bc blundell gets moved over and she can’t attack as well down the right as jayde, and we all know our midfield is too shit to go down the middle. gets beaten easily and loses her man constantly, impacts millie and maya bc they have to come over and cover often, and gives away too many fouls in bad positions bc she can’t compete with players so just takes them out dirty. shit as fuck.
Evie Rabjohn: gutted we didn’t see much of her, exciting prospect for the future.
Ella Toone: despite many lacklustre performances has had one of her best seasons statistically, however (controversial) she’s still not a starter. when she’s in the right space and gets the right ball she’s magic, but a lot of the time she spends 60 minutes completely invisible, then gets one banger of a goal and everyone pretends she’s had the game of her life. could be down to a shit midfield but im not fully sold. especially w/ the talent we have in the midfield she should be our super sub if you ask me. elite gamechanger, but not a starter.
Irene Guerrero: will never forgive skinner for what he did to her. the 8 minutes she was on the pitch were the best 8 minutes i’ve seen our midfield play. criminally underused, baffling as to why you would play zelem over her. hope she gets the chance bc she’ll storm the wsl.
Katie Zelem: when will we be free of a zelem midfield. i genuinely don’t understand why people think she’s good enough. loses the ball, and passes back wayyy too much, invisible half the time, not a good cam, not a good cdm, what’s the point? impossible for us to launch anything through the middle. great set pieces but we’ve seen multiple players who can do that too. a good captain and a good leader however, which i reckon is the only reason she stays, which is why i would be prepping maya for captaincy asap.
Hayley Ladd: while i don’t think she’s a starter i think we under-utilised her too much this season. she’s really our only strong cdm who can take control of the midfield and we needed her against teams like arsenal and chelsea who have v good midfields. when she has played she’s been v strong, and consistent.
Lisa Naalsund: my norwegian queen. she walked through the fiery pits of skinnerhell last season and came out the other side with a vengeance. has proved herself and firmly earned that starting position. really good on the ball, great vision, and scored quite a few screamers too. suffers a bit when she’s played with toone and zelem because she’s kind of the only one doing anything. dominates the right side more than the left - her link ups with jayde, geyse and lucia are brilliant. hope she stays.
Hinata Miyazawa: again, criminally underused. yes she was injured for a while but she should be a consistent starter if you ask me. so good on the ball, so good with pockets of space. i call her my tiny terrier bc she’s absolutely relentless with winning the ball back. never intimidated by any player. love her. hasn’t had the time to integrate fully with the forwards but when the cohesion is there it’ll be mega. i believe she can play on the wing too so i’d like to see some of that.
Emma Watson: another player i’m gutted was injured. so so excited to see her play as i believe she’ll be one of the best.
Grace Clinton: yes she was on loan but i’m still gonna include her. what a fucking season, and what a fucking player. i do think the loan to spurs was the best thing for her as she needed minutes which she wouldn’t have gotten here so i’m not criticising skinner for that, but we now have to do everything we can to keep her, not just the summer but the next. unreal. we’ve seen what she can do so i can’t wait to see her in a united shirt (fingers crossed)
Melvine Malard: if we don’t trigger the to-buy option we’re fucking stupid but my hopes aren’t high with skinner. should’ve got way more game time but hey ho. i don’t know why we don’t play her in the 9 when it’s clearly her best position. just love her energy, her connections, the way she moves the ball and gives everything. just need her to bag a few more goals.
Leah Galton: i love her sm but i think she’s kind of past her best now. she shouldn’t start bc she just gets tired too easily but she has had good moments so there’s still a space for her as a sub. has definitely suffered from not having a good fb behind her, but i think it’s time to move beyond her. still a clinical player with good skills, and hella agile but doesn’t have the connection with new forwards to make a real impact.
Lucia Garcia: i fucking love this girl. god i hope she stays but i do think she’s going unfortunately. our best and most consistent winger, fast as shit, moves the ball well, holds the ball up well, beats players, clinical on goal, commits to the ball but also so good at getting back to defend. player of the season for me, not a bad thing to say about her. just incredible we should be throwing the kitchen sink at her.
Nikita Parris: had a great season, def our most clinical finisher. i kind of prefer when she’s on the wing but she’s good in both positions. quick, relentless, good finishes, yeah she’s good. can def see her leaving though and i’m not up in arms about that as i feel we should be buying new strikers this summer. not so much of a ball carrier than our other forwards so mostly relies on service from others, but has good positioning and good finish.
Geyse: example of a brilliant player who’s suffering under poor coaching. mad skills but needs coaching to improve her decision making and finishing, which is what will make her a great player. she’s so fun to watch that sometimes i don’t even care when she loses the ball, but she def does way too much. shoots when she shouldn’t and doesn’t when she should. skinner can’t coach which is the problem, bc if she could finish she’d be immense. i’ve seen a lot of growth from her this season as she’s become more integrated in the team so i have hope.
Rachel Williams: had a great season but we really shouldn’t be relying on a 36 year old to win us games. just has that strikers instinct that you can’t teach but she’s ancient and so we desperately need a replacement. can’t deny that she’s saved us multiple times this season though.
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cocoartistwrites · 9 months
sooooo my dad is a white man and my mom is an asian. they have 11 years age gap. recently i found out that my dad purposely go my mom’s country to find a wife and he was practically grooming her bcs he met her when she was 17 and married her when she turned 19. ntm she came from a poor family and an orphan.
throughout my life i never asked my parents about how they met because i was a very tomboy girl who doesn’t like romance thing. now that im older and somehow my fyp has this asian woman-white man discourse that will not go away.
realizing this make me feel sick tbh. i wanna hate my dad but at the same time he treated her so well and she loves him. i think he loves her more because she is so spoiled by him. i used to look at them and think that they are couple goals. but now i have this mixed sickening feeling.
i can’t talk to my dad about this but i’m harboring this resentment towards him. and i find myself hugging my mom more and crying. she has a very good life here. i know and i’m aware we have so many privileges. my mom did get her bachelor’s degree and got a job here.
my mom is so kind, so so so so smart, so beautiful and clever and absolutely the best person in the world. sometimes i wonder if she never got married young what would happen to her? i know she will be the coolest and most compassionate woman. i know she will have amazing career like marine biologist or something awesome.
i have the urge to protect her even though my dad is not threatening and kind actually. but i resent him for taking away her youth.
i just don’t know how to behave when he’s around. he noticed i’m getting distant but i said it’s because of homeworks. help pls
This is a really tough one isn’t it. I don’t think you can be angry at your mum’s imagined lost future, firstly. She was young but she made a choice that she has chosen to stick with all her life, she went to university, she got a job, she found her own way out of poverty, she had you - she’s happy. Yes she was very young, but also it seems like this has worked for them. If she hadn’t married him she might have actually been worse off. Sure she might have done something cooler but did she want to? If she was living in poverty and an orphan I am sure her youth and childhood was taken from her very early. She would probably have been forced to grow up very young.
I think you really need to talk to her about it. You’re angry at shadows and based on current internet discourse and not on real people and you’re not being fair to your mum because you’re deciding how to feel for her, as if she somehow can’t make her own decisions.
As for your dad: one of the tough bits about growing up is that we have to learn to accept our parents as humans. The way you’ve presented what he did is uncomfortable. You haven’t spoken to him about it and you’re holding it up against a 2023 conversation so I don’t know what exactly happened between them. 11 years is a lot. I think you need to talk to your mum, really listen to her, then at some point talk to your dad. But not like presenting him with a load of internet discourse. Listen to him and see him in his own context and story and as a person.
I used to fight with my dad based on online discourse about feminism etc and it was incredibly freeing to realise that he doesn’t have to keep up with that, that he’s lived most of his life and lived it as a good and kind man and if he’s not perfect that’s fine. I love him so much and I’m so sad I had those fights with him because they weren’t fair and they were coming from my own anxieties and anger about the world. I don’t want you to do that because I think you’ll regret it. I know you probably have a burning sense of injustice but you need to think about whether that’s more important than your family being happy together.
When people say families are tough this is what they mean. But I do really urge you not to judge your parents too quickly. Your dad loves you very much, what good will it do to be angry about something you don’t really know anything about? You’re just going to hurt him and probably put your mum in the middle and hurt her too. But don’t bury this anxiety either! Talk to your mum. Just be really honest with her that you worry about white men and Asian women and their story sounded like maybe she’d got married too young and will she tell you more about it. Get to know her as a friend as well as a mother as you get older.
Sending you lots of love.
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theunfortunateplace · 2 years
Home coming ( Namor X POC Original female character
AO3 18+ Chapter 2
After being away from home for so many years due to school keeping Adella busy she's finally able to go home after her hard work pays off but what she didn't expect was such an eventful homecoming. 
                                                       Chapter 1
I slid my sunglasses on as I let the door close behind me. After a long drawn-out senior year, I’m finally a marine biologist. If my mom was alive today she would be proud of who I’ve become I know it. “ I can’t believe you’re leaving me!” My roommate Mel whined. I chuckled and turned around while lifting my glasses up. “You only say that because you now have to find someone to pay rent.” She snickered and rolled her “I'm serious, I’ll never find someone like you! Especially someone who pays rent on time” she smirked and I playfully pushed her
“I’ll miss you too if I'm ever back in town, I'll give you a shout.” I smiled and leaned in for a hug. She wrapped her arms around me eagerly. We both knew our words were true. We might have not been super close but we both enjoyed each other's company, especially the nights that kept us up. No thanks to boy trouble
“ Now go before you miss your boat I don't want to be the one behind your anger” she patted my back and I said my final goodbye. The pier wasn't far from where I stayed living by the water was a benefit for me. Not only did it remind me of home it made my student life easier not having to travel hours just to conduct an experiment or research. “Adella! Princesita I've missed you so much!” I immediately drop my bags not caring where they land and snatch my glasses off and squeal. “TIO!” I ran as fast as I could and ran almost tackling him in the process
“Umpf my gosh look how much you've grown” he hugged me tightly but pulled back shortly after “ And this hair you've grown out it's beautiful” he smiled wide moving my coiled hair so that it rested on my shoulders.
“I've grown? Look at you Tio I see Tia finally let you grow your beard out.” He let out a belly laugh grabbing my shoulder in the process “Yes, but I have to cut it soon,” she says, it makes her face itch.” I shake my head knowing exactly what she sounded like saying that she hated when he grew his beard out. He leaned down abruptly and grabbed my bags. I didn't even try protesting because I knew he wouldn't budge. Even if I took the bag from him he would snatch it back. Tio Mateo was very old school in the sense of how a man is supposed to treat a woman
“ I'm sorry I didn't get to come to your graduation.” I groaned as we boarded his boat. He apologized profusely already for this and I knew he was going to start up again. I knew he was sorry and even upset he had to miss it but I wasn't. I understood he needed the money. The boat I stood on now was the one he was constantly sailing around with fishermen that didn't have their own boats. He got a small fraction of whatever they caught but also got paid to keep the lights on. But he insisted it was his duty as an uncle to be there since my mom wasn't here anymore and my dad well I never knew him he died before I was born.
This was going to be a long ride I missed being on the boat. Sure I went out in the sea during my years of college but nothing compares to being on my Tio’s boat. I don't know how I even managed to graduate high school. I was always sneaking on his boat to skip school. Of course, he lectured me every time and had Tia’s slippers thrown at me.
“You know, every time I see you the more you look like your mother,” he said as I stood behind the wheel. I sat down in one of the chairs nearby I always loved watching him.
“My brother would be pissed if he heard me saying that.” He let out a soft chuckle making me smile. I knew exactly where this was going. “Before you were born he would always say you were going to look like him and how he was going to get you to say papa first.” I would be lying if I said I didn't mourn his death and the death of having a father because I did know my mom missed him for sure.
She wasn't native to the lands or anywhere nearby. I laugh to myself recalling the story I heard so many times but it never got old She was originally born in Jamaica and one day while she was at the beach with her friends, she said a man in cargo shorts came walking up to her with the most confused look on his face. She immediately could tell he wasn't from there and when he opened his mouth, her suspicions were confirmed. But good thing for her she knew Spanish. Turns out it was his first time sailing and found himself in the Caribbean and the rest is history “ If you need me to take over I’ll be in the back” he scoffed and shook his head making me smirk. We both knew I only took over in case of emergency other than that he was the one calling the shots
It was as if time passed by way too fast when I was at sea. It was always like that and I hated it. If it were up to me I would live at sea not having to worry about anything. But I know Tia would raise hell she already does with Tio, but through recent conversations with her, she finally eased up on him.
“Oh, Dios mío, ¿esa es mi Adella?” (oh my gosh is that my Adella?!) I heard from behind me. I turned around and was engulfed in a warm hug.
“ Mateo she's grown!” she spun me around observing every inch of me “ but what's this you've lost weight?” I chuckled knowing she would say something like that. Thankfully she wasn't the type to call you out for eating too much or gaining weight. She was the complete opposite
“Just a bit this year was stressful” she tsked at me, shook her head, and dragged me into the house.
“That won’t do you need to eat!” She opened the front door and slipped off her shoes, quickly putting on her signature house slippers.“Your Tio and I cleaned up the house.”
I slipped my shoes off and my feet were greeted by the cold comforting tile. I knew exactly what house she was referring to it was the one I grew up in “But you know you can come back here anytime.” I nodded my head and viewed all the pictures on the wall. It was a routine of mine. It's been years since I’ve been back and I indeed missed these walls. Finally making it to the kitchen the smell of soup hits my nose.
“How did I know?” She turned around and smirked, just like my mom. She would make soup on a hot day. I never understood it. The outside of my body is already hot why would I want the inside to be as well? But I never fussed because I loved how the soup tasted.
“ I made a lot of food for you to take back and I don’t want to hear it.” She pointed the spatula at me and I held my hands up “Mmm after being away for all these years I’ll gladly take it.” She placed the big bowl of soup on the table and I thanked her.
“You look just like Cynthia.” She tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear and smiled.“ Tio said the same thing.” I said while scooping some of the liquid goodness in my mouth.
“He's right, the only part of your father you have are your eyes and ears.” She smiled as she continued to fix my hair. Besides me being me my hair was one of the many things she loved. Constantly learning from my mom how to do it since her hair was a lot straighter than mine it still had some curl to it but nowhere close to the ones that grew out of my head. We sat there in the kitchen catching up on everything of course she asked for me to tell her about my relationship.
Just like any close relative, as soon as you were done with school the next step was to find a husband get married, and have kids. And it’s not that I was opposed to finding a partner it’s just that I seem to repel the good ones and attract the ones that should have stayed in the sewer. “ I don’t see why a good man hasn’t gotten with you yet back in my day.
"Oi mi armor, don't bore the child with your love affairs.” Tio said with an annoyed voice cutting her off She rolled her eyes and looked back at me “ he’s only saying that because he’s jealous.”
“What’s there to be jealous about?” He raised an eyebrow
“You do this every time it’s clear as day you get jealous whenever I talk about the men who were on their knees for me.” He scoffed and waved her off. I snickered as they bickered. It's cute that they act like this. Especially at the age, they're at and how long they’ve been together.
“Anyway Adella, your car is out front. You should get going before night falls you know how the street lights are around here.” I nodded my head thanking him in the process. Especially for keeping my car safe. It was too expensive to bring with me while I was off at school so I had to stay here. Tia kissed my forehead and handed me a big bag full of containers. Most likely filled with food.
She took the empty bowl of soup, and I made sure to say my goodbyes for the night. Though the house was far I will always make the effort to come back here. “Don't stay out too late I know how much you love going down to the beach for a swim!” She warned. “ I make no promises!” I smirked mischievously and she playfully rolled her eyes.
And just like that, I was off traveling down the winding road that would take me to my childhood home. A home that I haven’t been to in years but home nonetheless after two hours of driving I finally made it. I piled all my belongings in the kitchen and ran to the beach. I didn’t care that the sun was setting.
Nothing bad ever happened on this side of the island but I always carried some sort of weapon with me. I quickly stripped out of my clothes. I didn’t care that I was about to go swimming in my underwear and bra. The fish are lucky I’m not going in there naked.
I pull my thick voluminous hair into a high bun and make my way to the water that I missed so much. My friends would always get mad at me when we would go swimming or play a game. Saying that I was cheating when going underwater at one point they thought I was dead because I was under for such a long time So when I say I have a love for water I mean it I closed my eyes as the warm breeze hit my skin.
“ I’m finally home” I smiled and ran full force into the ocean. I needed to feel the waves on my back and the slimy seaweed at my feet. My friends always said I should have joined a swimming team. Not only was my swimming good I could see clear as day underwater. When my grandma was alive she would joke about how I was her little fish sometimes I wondered if I was.
She would always tell me stories about how our family were good swimmers. That’s why most of us stayed by the ocean we didn’t need those big fancy oxygen tanks or insulated suits. We could go hunting for fish and didn’t have to worry about running out of breath. It could be evolution it could just be plain luck but she said it was a gift from the gods that was given to our ancestors.
I don’t know much about them but from the stories I was told they were great, no one could compare to them in battle that is when it’s fought fairly. I roll over onto my back and look up at the sky. The sun was setting fast but I didn’t want to leave the water. I knew I'd been out here for hours now but no matter how long it’s been it felt like a mere couple of seconds.
I swam back to shore and lay out in the sand watching the sunset. It feels good to be home and to be done with school. The sound of children’s laughter begins to fade the sun is soon replaced with the bright moon. Nothing in the world compared to this. You could take me to the top of the Eiffel tower, and I wouldn’t be impressed. I sit up and bring my knees to my chest listening to the waves crash and dance
My eyes widen as the water becomes still ahead slowly rising from the water, catching me by surprise. I look around frantically I was the only one here where did this person come from? I jump to my feet and rush into the water. I don’t know who this person was but I wasn’t about to let the die in front of me.
The cold water didn’t stun me I kicked my feet vigorously while moving my arms I needed to get them back to shore! After swimming closer to them, I wrapped my hand around their muscular frame and started my journey back. They were limp I didn’t even know if I could help them...no that’s not an option. Getting back to shore, I wrapped both hands under the man’s arms and began to pull him away from the waves that have grown violent all of a sudden.
Placing him flat on the sand I rush to his side and began performing CPR rapidly, pressing on his chest hoping something would change. “God damn it WAKE UP! I frantically yelled “this isn’t going to work” I quickly placed my lips on his and began to perform mouth-to-mouth. After a few pushes of air into his mouth, the taste of salt water rushes into my mouth. I quickly move back and spit the salty taste out. He turned over on his side instinctively and began to cough out the water that had gotten stuck in his lungs.
I took the limited time to observe the man in front of me. Tanned brown skin probably three shades lighter than me, but the thing that stuck out to me the most was his ears. I’d never seen someone with ears like his they were pointed at the top Just then he starts coughing ferociously my eyes widen and I start slapping his back to get whatever was left remaining in there.
His eyes widen clutching the sand below him then with one last swing to his back he coughed out a big chunk of seaweed. “Are-“ he swung his head back surprised by my voice “Níib óolal” (Thank you)
He said with a hoarse deep voice, I didn’t understand what he said. The language he spoke wasn’t one I knew nor recognized. He tried getting up be instantly fell back down. “Wow wow! You hurt your leg” He looked at me confused then proceeded to stay and stand again. Like the last time he didn’t make it far he fell once more but didn’t get up.
I rushed over to him and tried my best not to injure him any more than he already was. My house isn’t far I can bring him there and help him better. If I kept him here he would just wake up and try to get back to the water again. I didn’t have time nor the hands to grab my clothes they weren’t important. What was important was helping this man. I wouldn’t normally do this for all I knew he could be faking or crazy and then turn around to kill me but I had a feeling an inkling he wasn’t going to harm me.
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Underocean Headcanons
Now that both Bubbles (Triton) and Delphin (usually called Finn by most people) have been introduced in RP, I figured I’d post an official thing about the two of them. They will be available for asks and imagines once the RP is done, but won’t be part of a roleplay after this one unless we do something else at the beach.
The UO bros came through the machine back before all the boys lived at Anne’s house. They couldn’t really stay long with the main crew, so they found their way to Sweet Sands and have lived in the water near there ever since. They spent a lot of time with Blue and Stretch when those guys lived in Sweet Sands. They don’t NOT get along, but Blue and Delphin butt heads sometimes and their brothers tend to rile each other up for annoying their brothers.
Underocean Sans — Bubbles (Triton)
Officially, his nickname is Triton, but he hates it. His brother picked it to go with his own nickname but it feels snooty to Bubbles. He insists on being called Bubbles or Bubs instead.
His fish half is based on a clownfish, with orange, white, and black stripes. Like a clownfish, he gets protection from sea anemones. If he swims through one on a regular basis, his HP goes up. If he forgets, the protection goes away.
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He wanted his nickname to be Clown but got shouted down by at least five voices. He also tried to go for Nemo but that got vetoed too.
He is very relaxed and laid-back and as much of a jokester as the other lazybones.
He has a singing voice similar to Scuttle the seagull, but that doesn’t stop him from singing (mostly to annoy others).
He “works” with Bailey at the shell shop. Most of the really good shells and sea treasures they have in the shop are from Bubs. Bubs and Bailey are…not dating, but not Not Dating, if that makes sense.
Bubbles likes to call people “guppy”. Usually it’s a term of endearment but it depends on tone.
He can teleport, like most Sanses. This ability includes teleporting to a different body of water. Technically the boys could live in any body of water, but they like the ocean near Sweet Sands best. (They might pop up in the pond at Anne’s house for a big important event at some point.)
Underocean Papyrus — Delphin or Finn
He picked his nickname and his brother’s very carefully. It took him a long time and he did a lot of research into Greek mythology, etc. He is very insulted that his brother didn’t like what he picked and is the only one who calls him Triton. Other than that, the two of them get along like most Sanses and Papyri.
Finn is very proud (as evidenced above) and he doesn’t like being wrong. He will bluster and sputter and try to correct himself. “What? Oh, yes, of course. That’s what I meant, obviously.”
His lower half is a dolphin, which is why he chose his nickname in the first place. Delphin was the Greek god of dolphins, which Finn thinks is really cool!
Because he’s part dolphin, he does like to do tricks. He’s very acrobatic and clever and loves showing off for people.
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Finn’s best friend is a marine biologist named Quinn (yes, with the rhyming names). They met when Quinn discovered the hidden reef where the brothers live. Finn has assigned himself the protector of the reef, so he wasn’t too pleased to find someone trying to visit. Of course, it turned out Quinn just wanted to study the reef and was working with a conservation group to help further protect it. Finn agreed to help them with their studies and the two of them are now Best Friends. (There might be a crush on one side…or both…but neither of them is confessing to anything more than friendship at the moment.)
I haven’t thought too much about these boys, so I’d love to flesh them out a bit more. If you end up meeting one of them in the RP, feel free to ask questions and get to know them more. Otherwise, please save questions for after the RP is over.
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werewolfrevenge · 1 year
Yes!!!! I absolutely do!!!!!!!!
She collects knifes more specifically butterfly knifes
She’s possibly related to a 60s actress only possibly since they never did figure out what happened to that actress she just disappeared one day!
She knows at least one or two martial arts!
Her favorite movie is the brain that wouldn’t die
She also has some mad scientist tendencies herself like if someone let her go be a mad scientist she would be a pretty good one (she’d probably a a crazier version of ark because I can’t imagine she’d be that scary probably more cheesy?)
She’s good at picking locks (she was probably a robber at some point because well she was bored and decided ehh it could be fun?)
I’d like to imagine she’d get a episode where she gets to riff a movie kinda like the one where pearl and Mike switch places expect Mike is still there? I think the movie they’d riff would be night of the Lepus
She has a plague doctor outfit for some reason where did she get? Don’t ask what’s it for? Don’t ask
And final one!! She’s really like sea life and if she could have she would have been a marine biologist instead of a maid (and robber and assassin or jewel thief or nurse or a horror magazine model) her favorite sea animal are whales she thinks their faces are just the cutest
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bilbobagginshome · 1 year
A Deadbeat’s Journal 15
A Jotaro Kujo x blackfemreader fic
March 15 20XX,
Despite doing absolutely nothing for the past three months, the day at the hotel felt well deserved, especially since I don’t remember the last time I had my back properly massaged . I could feel the literal stress in my body evaporate as the masseuse kneaded and pressed me like chapati dough. By the time I was done, even Grandpa Joseph, who had his own massage , noticed that I had become less rigid. So I spent the entire day sipping mocktails , enjoying the large sized pool and eating an abundance of culinary delights. Maybe I’ll enjoy working at a hotel, after all I’m a big advocate of soft life.
By dinnertime, I had to borrow one of mama Holly’s light green,satin strap dresses because the pretentiousness of the evening banquet did not allow my cotton vest and thrifted jean shorts to make an appearance. Though I did look good and Jotaro’s sidelong glance confirmed it . I did feel bad for Samosa so before we headed home, I bought her some prawns to snack on before sleeping . Jotaro insists that she is not that affected by me not being at home as much but he doesn’t know how much we spend time together .I literally get separation anxiety when I’m away from her for more than 6 hours.
Jotaro seemed exhausted . I asked him about it and he didn’t want to talk about it . I mean I care for him but he almost skipped his prescription drugs, his eye bags are becoming more prominent and there isn't enough eye size to carry those bags . His complexion , despite being a bit tanned, seems greyer too. I don’t want to push him but I feel like he’s trying to quickly get over the workload. Like no offence but I thought marine biologists just looked at dolphins and went , “Yes that is indeed a dolphin.” He has hefty encyclopaedias , some could even be half my weight considering how gigantic they are and is consistently hunching over them when writing his paper. He once mentioned that because of how unresearched the Indian coast is from the turn of the century , he has to update said encyclopaedias .Some of the books become entirely useless because of the  alarming climatic conditions that are affecting the global south. He almost gave me an existential crisis by informing me that by 200 years due to the dramatically rising sea levels, Mombasa may not even exist. I may be cremated thanks to this timely information.
An overworked and undervalued job that is Jotaro Kujo’s profession .He practically dragged his body to bed . He should have lived a trust fund baby lifestyle but the workaholic eats and breathes his job so that is out of the question.
In other related news, my feline firstborn was entirely happy to see us , she ignored Jotaro (a first for both of us) and went straight to lapping at my legs in an attempt for me to hoist her up. She’s gotten bigger , almost too big considering she’s only 8 weeks old and has quite a tummy despite her stubby legs. She graciously feasts on the prawns and heads to my room for our skin care routine which consists of me actually doing my skin care and brushing out her fur when I’m done . Her kittish nature is very much alive , playing with my braid stands whenever they aren’t in a bonnet and encouraging me to jump whenever she pounces at me . What a cutie!
I plan to take mom Holly and gramps to boat rides in the South Coast, partly because I want to jet ski but also they mentioned wanting to do paragliding and swimming with dolphins.
March 16 20XX,
I’m shaking as I write this? Considering how great of a day I had, I should not have come home to this . First of all, I’ll focus on the positives .The day was splendid, we didn’t spend a lengthy amount of time trying to take the ferry. It was actually surprisingly enjoyable swimming with the despicable dolphins who’s pretty privilege won me over . We also jet skied, mom Holly loved  it , even taking over from the instructor and rode it herself. The day turned for the worst from the moment I arrived home.
To give you some context, I was rushing out and I mistakenly forgot to switch off the stove . Luckily the gas was already out so nothing bad happened but I got home and found an infuriated Jotaro. I can even vividly remember the conversation ;
“Hi jojo.”
No answer, I walked in and saw him glaring at me as he sat on the kitchen counter . Samosa must have sensed something was about to go down as she leisurely walked to my room.Look I wasn’t even mad, he had a tough day and the dopamine from riding a jet ski for the first time was still giving me a euphoric rush . I drank the water from the dispenser and told him good night .He however demanded for me to sit down . I blankly stared and sat across from him.
“Why did you leave the stove open?”he questions with a very unamused tone. I look onto the stove and realise I must have left it on after making Pilau for his dinner. I shrugged and said 
“I’m sorry I didn’t realise . I’ll be careful next time.”Which I may add , was a proper response . I didn't justify my recklessness and assured him in a simple sentence that I wouldn’t repeat the mistake . Thinking he had acknowledged my mistake , I stood up .
“We aren’t done here.” He harshly responded . I haven’t heard him raise his voice at anyone since his teen days and he decides to shout at me. I’m now fuming.
“What could have happened to Samosa had the stove still been lit ? Aren’t you too loose with your mistakes?” My mind just went ‘Be for real’.
“I recognise my mistake Jotaro and I thank God nothing serious happened as a consequence. “
“Maybe it's because you can’t think of anyone but yourself but I had months of research papers here and had yet to have them in digital format . They could have been gone!” He boomed. I flinched . He noticed and moved closer . What could I have done?
“I said I’m sorry! What do you want me to do ? Reverse time ? I can’t do that .You’re scaring me and I feel uncomfortable around you .” I say and run to my room.
I’ve always been scared of people shouting . Less because of the act itself and more because of what it may lead to . I vividly remember the post election violence. I was in a secure estate so I didn’t face the brunt of the impact . But at seven I remember the shouting , the screaming that filled the streets. My mom barricading the gates to ensure the rioting masses didn’t attempt to kill us based on our tribal ties. At seven I contemplated whether it was better to burn within your home or be displaced and become a domestic refugee. Both options carried a low survival rate. The ending to that tragic event was grim . The politicians , unaffected , decided on a compromise alongside a new constitution . 600,000 people were displaced,3,000 injured and killed. It was a far hopeful outcome than the Rwandan Genocide , but like a small scar, forever left its mark .
Jotaro doesn’t know the trauma that time had on me. But God don’t I hate how intimidating he looked . What the momentary flashes of the past panged me with . He hasn’t tried to talk to me , nor did he follow me . I’ll sleep it off . Maybe I’ll talk about it with Ms Khadija.
Third Person Narration.
Jotaro didn’t understand why y/n spooked out when he shouted. Granted he assumed he wasn’t as loud but he didn’t know the impact it had on her . He thought he’d wake up and apologise . The previous day had been rough on him.He had messed up on writing one of the records and this messed up the entire file so he was stuck fixing the mistakes of a past sleepy Jotaro. When he comes home, he finds the stove left on and his seemingly short fuse bursts. He wanted a shouting match and y/n was the perfect person he could shout at especially since she wouldn’t take that  sitting down . He didn’t expect wide glassy eyes and an ever shrinking figure . He only wanted to check on why she reacted like that , but she skirted away, dashed to her room and locked the door.
He came back from the gym , guilt in full motion. He shouldn’t have tried to instigate a fight . She wasn’t home, must have left when she noticed he left . She didn’t even make him oatmeal and eggs (which she always kindly did despite his adamant refusal). Yep she’s scared of him and he’s realising the consequences of lashing out full force without thinking through. She had apologised, willingly as a matter of fact, and he didn’t take the cue that she was uninterested in arguing with him . It was his fault.
He is lost throughout the entire workday, his colleagues snapping him back.He reasons that his mom and gramps are unaware and are off dragging y/n to show them around. He decides after work he’ll apologise . He’ll willingly grovel at her feet.One day passes , he attempts to stay up but the exhaustion kills him and he sleeps, She smartly avoids him . Coming home at times she knows he’ll be asleep and waking up bright and early before he wakes up.
By the third day he decides to go to the hotel , believing that she stays there for a longer duration to avoid him .He finds her beside the pool, smiling widely at whatever anecdote Gramps is dramatically exaggerating about and he’s envious. The pool lights illuminate her wide smile and the one who gets to see this carefree view swinging on the hammock is a blubbering old man.She looks up and a frown hardens her features.He’s ready to bow down, profusely apologising for his sins .Joseph looks back and notices Jotaro’s approaching figure . If he knows anything about their argument , his expression reflects nothing of acknowledgement. He sadly says;
“Picking her up today? It's sad , I was about to get to the good part.”
“Talking about your plane crashes is not a casual post dinner conversation . “ Jotaro admonishes.
“Sheesh , well I’m heading to bed . You better be free tomorrow, we are going golfing and I want some of my associates to meet the family.” He says and winks at y/n who nods in affirmation .
“I’ll be there ,” And with that Joseph abruptly leaves.
They sit in silence.The sound of the fanned leaves cover up the excruciatingly awkward prolonging quietness. Y/n makes no move to talk and Jotaro is unnoticeably jittery.He finally says;
“I’m sorry.”
“It's fine.”
“Please , forgive me. I don’t know why you were afraid , but I didn’t mean to scare you at the moment.”
“Jotaro, It's late, let’s go home okay ? I’m tired and you must be too.”She rises up and walks to the reception area , Jotaro, after a long glance, follows her.
Her icy demeanour retains its rigidness even when they go over to take Joseph and Holly during the next day. She encourages Joseph to take the front seat and talks largely to Holly throughout the ride , She looks angelic in her blue sweater vest and tennis skirt but Jotaro refutes on complimenting cause , that wasn’t the time.
Once the arrive , one of the associates , a bald headed man with a pot belly underneath an all white outfit welcomes them, gesturing them to the court .He drags a glance at y/n and when she mentions her name replies;
“What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl! My son , the useless bastard, is having problems getting a wife, maybe I should pair him up with you.”
She refutes and Jotaro adds;
“Actually we are in a serious relationship .It would be disastrous if they met right?” He warningly smiles and the man drops the conversation immediately .Holly and Joseph however , smile knowingly at Jotaro who ignores their telepathic teasing.Noticing the stares y/n gets as they walk to the field, he places his arm on her lower back which she begrudgingly allows.
Y/n is contemplating . Her usual course of action is to force Jotaro to grovel in forgiveness but her conscience is now against that . Ignoring him is difficult, considering their living arrangements but she doesn’t want to forgive him yet.She decides on guilting him a bit, perhaps talking about her trauma will put him in place .They trail behind Joseph’s and Holly’s golf cart in silence and quickly get out once they reach the first field. She is average at playing , which is good considering she’s a beginner, Jotaro however is struggling throughout the holes, needing adjustment from Holly who seems to be a professional in the sport , easily beating everyone else playing .
“How are you so good mom?”
“I’ve been playing since I was accompanying papa to his meetings.”She gleefully responds. Y/n is in awe .
“Then why didn’t you go pro.”
“I did . I quit after a year. The sport isn't fun when it's your job.”
“Why does it always seem like you’ve lived a thousand lives?” Y/n rhetorically remarks which earns a laugh from Holly.
By the eighteenth hole the results confirm that Jotaro is dead last alongside Joseph. Holly is at top and Mutua(Jotaro’s associate) is the runner up followed by y/n.
“It seems the women in your family are very capable in comparison to the men.”Mutua Jokes.
“I can't refuse that, Y/n here can probably run a country with ease.” Jotaro chuckles in agreement while slowly shaking the shoulder of a timid y/n.
“Anyway let’s have lunch then we can discuss business.” Mutua instructs.As they head to the carts, Y/n slowly says to Jotaro with a small chuckle
“If you weren’t so impactful with your hits, you would have landed some hits rather than consistently scraping the ground.” .Jotaro loudly laughs at this much to the shock of everyone 
“I hope you can teach me someday.” He responds while revving the engine.
They spend the afternoon casually eating lunch and much to Joseph’s annoyance , Jotaro excuses both him and y/n out the country club early.
“Why are we leaving early? and who’s going to take mom and gramps home?” Y/n questions. Jotaro offers a small assurance that he ordered an uber and drives off to ..
“Tudor! Are we having mishkakis for dinner?” She excitedly questions as she hopes off the car.
“Yep,” Jotaro says. She isn't usually in this area of Mombasa so she rarely gets to enjoy the savoury food as often . Y/n took it as takeaway largely because it's much easier than stuffing herself with foodstuffs .
They walked around the area in silence, despite the cars the streets were not as packed as it was approaching seven. Jotaro suddenly breaks the silence by saying;
“The day we argued , I was stressed and when I saw the stove top on and went berserk. I apologise for scaring you and for putting you in such a position.”He looks down in shame.
“You remember when we came to Japan during April? And we weren't able to come during the usual Christmas time?”Y/n askes and Jotaro nods in confusion.
“We didn’t come because Kenya was at the brink of civil war and everyone was barricading themselves at home, fearing the worst.”She adds and Jotaro shoots up in utter bewilderment . 
“I wasn’t exactly harmed but the screams and shouting I heard on the streets were practically nightmare fuel for weeks. That’s why I reacted that way. Thank you for apologising but the next time we argue , please try to lower your tone.”She finishes with a slight smile gracing her lips.
Jotaro’s heart is heavy. After composing himself, he bows down much to the surprise of y/n and the people surrounding them . He then solemnly says;
“I’m so sorry . I’ll do everything I can to repent.”
Y/n forces him to get up , largely because she’s embarrassed but also because she had planned on forgiving him anyway. They walk back to the car and Jotaro remains silent for the rest of the ride back.
“You know you can speak to me right?I’m not going to start quivering whenever you speak.”Y/n says once they alight from the car.
“I was thinking, maybe we should go out, at the mall. We can even check out Miniso's”Jotaro says whilst  needlessly stratching the back of his neck
“We should. Not for me though, you need a lot more clothes that are fashionable, I’ll just buy stationery.” She excitedly responds , not without casting a withering glance at Jotaro’s outfit.
He smiles in response.
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It seems my poorly written fanfic has earned some views ,Thank you so much for the support.
But seeing as my first uni semester is ending I need to pay more attention to the books. Updates will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays (Cross your fingers for Saturdays) . I apologise and now understand authors who don't post as regularly.
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thatcontrolfangirl · 2 years
The Big Ole Post Of My OCs!!
All of my OCs come from a cartoony fishing town in Maine called Slate Beach, in a world where supernatural creatures live alongside humans. Nobody is straight, everyone’s a dumbass, and the whole town will chase you out with pitchforks and fishing nets if you dare to be a bigot.
The Picrew I used to make them will be linked at the bottom.
Doris Lachlan (Main Character)
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She’s an autistic bisexual demigirl who grew up with ableist and mildly homophobic parents- and she’ll kick your ass if you’re mean to her or her friends (not a joke, this girl means it). She touched a magic pearl that gave her the ability to breathe underwater at the cost of gaining a few scales here and there. She loves the ocean and wants to be a marine biologist. They like to be on their own or with their close friends, preferably messing around in the ocean. She has insecurity issues and can’t stop pining after every cute person she meets. A hopeless romantic for sure. But, they are dating Micheal, but who knows how that’ll go. She’s got blue eyes, brown hair, and tan skin with a whole bunch of freckles. Pronouns are she/they.
I made a Spotify playlist for her, here it is.
Darcy Morris (Master Of Bullshit)
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She’s a butch lesbian (there are a LOT of lesbians among my OCs…. what a coincidence) and she’s a witch! Not the Harry Potter kind. She actually hates Harry Potter. Her spells require prep-work and take a long time to do, but she does own a few magic items she can use in a hurry. She’s a fiery woman who isn’t afraid to slap a bitch. She enjoys wearing cozy sweaters and watching the sun set on the dock. Her mom (also a witch) runs a butcher shop and her dad’s away at an oil rig, and she loves both of them. Her two brothers, Raven and Kieran, are also witches, and their pranks usually involve magic. She has short black hair, purple eyes, and very pale skin. She’s usually either blushing at her girlfriend Ellie, or she’s horribly sunburnt. She wants to open a shop of her own when she’s older, but she may end up inheriting the butcher shop. She’s fine with either option. Pronouns are she/her.
Ellie Russo (Done With Darcys BS)
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A lesbian who isn’t taking any bullshit, Ellie is half-human, half-harpy. Her arms are covered in feathers, her fingers have claws, and she’s got sharp teeth. And yes, she’s got blue hair and pronouns. Though, the blue hair is actually natural. You know why golden dart frogs have bright colors? Yeah, she’s poisonous. The bright colors are a warning. But, she’s really a sweetheart, just absolutely done with humanity. Is definitely the type to say “calm down, children” to a group of adults arguing. Her parents are very loving, but the struggles society places on her family made it so that they could never marry. So, they decided to circumvent the law and share custody of Ellie. Her mom’s a harpy, her dad’s just Italian. Her parents are those confused allies at Pride that are there for their kids. Definitely best friends with Emma’s parents. They spoil her girlfriend Darcy whenever she comes to visit. Pronouns are she/her.
Michael (Desperately Needs Love)
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He’s a (literal) fallen angel, and BOY does he have some words to say to his mom. After being kicked out of the super-secret angel kingdom by his mom because he was embarrassing, he’s been trying to find a way to get back up there and give her a piece of his mind. If you wanna envision this, his mom is just a Karen. Blonde, same haircut, definitely the “can I speak to your manager” type. But with a fuck load of power and an ego the size of Alaska. His dad is absolutely terrified of her. The human forms of angels are random, and genetics don’t really play a role. It’s a mix of completely randomized traits, and you’re considered lucky if you look somewhat normal. (There’s an angel that can never take human form bc her human form literally doesn’t have a heart or lungs). Michael’s one of the lucky ones in that regard. Despite their normal appearance, Michael’s right wing doesn’t work properly and so he can’t fly very far. When he takes a fully human form (without wings), there’s a big scar on his right arm to mark the difference. Parents aside, he loves building things, sports, and cheating at cards. He also loves his girlfriend, Doris. They bond over having shitty parents and devising new ways to inconvenience them. Though Doris is secretly planning a raid with Darcy, Ellie, and Emma to absolutely destroy his mom. He doesn’t really care about human labels, but he likes all genders. They really don’t care about pronouns, but prefer he/they.
Emma Lewis (The Artist)
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Another lesbian (help me I can’t stop making lesbians), a total sweetheart, and just as much a hopeless romantic as Doris, she’s actually completely human! A shocker considering my penchant for making people with odd powers. She’s an artist, and she’s very good at painting and cake decorating. She works in Claire’s bakery as a cake decorator (and is paid very nicely for a teenager) while saving money for college to become a doctor. She loves helping people, and her parents are doctors as well. They work together in a children’s hospital in the nearest city. They’re the same type of enthusiastic ally as Ellie’s parents, and the two couples have known each other for years. She’s Mayor Lewis’ niece and the whole family is close-knit and supportive. She’s the one to round up Doris, Darcy, Ellie, and Micheal to help Mayor Lewis find her sister’s mom to tell her about her sister’s new baby- despite the mom being a sea nymph that lives in the middle of the ocean, she’s still part of the family and should be treated as such. (Can’t you see, I’m projecting because of all these families that totally accept their child being a lesbian). Pronouns are she/her.
Claire Lachlan (Dumbass)
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Second-to-last lesbian, I promise! She owns a bakery, has a small sailboat, and generally radiates positive vibes. Her favorite thing to do is sit outside in the sun with her best friends and chat. She’s friends with Darcy’s parents, Ellie’s parents, and almost all of Emma’s family. It’s only natural that Doris would befriend Darcy, Ellie, and Emma, then. Her bakery is a gathering point for people looking for a quiet spot to chill, kids who are off from school, and fishermen coming back from the ocean. She’s Doris’ cousin, though she’s 29 and Doris is 15. In fact, Ellie, Darcy, Michael, Doris, and Emma are all 15. Her favorite things to bake are scones and apple pie. She enjoys watching people fail at baking, before trying to help them and show them where they went wrong. It’s the simple things in life that matter, huh. Pronouns are she/her.
Mayor Lewis (Voice Of Reason)
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The lesbian mayor of Slate Beach, Mayor Sophia Lewis is the oldest character of the bunch. She’s 56 and treats the town like family. Probably because she’s a Mom Friend. It’s a small town, she can find time to hang out with everyone. At least, that’s what she says. She’s single but not too unhappy about it, and has two golden retrievers named Lucy and Scout. She’s definitely not afraid of the pile of paperwork on the desk. She has a boat called the Argo and spends a lot of her free time on the water with friends and family. She definitely decks the old thing out in pride flags, year-round. Also puts Christmas lights on it in December as part of a ongoing challenge against the other towns in the area as to who can be the most festive. The red and green magic fireworks provided by Darcy sealed Slate Beach’s position as the most festive town. Her sister is half sea nymph, and Mayor Lewis took it upon herself to travel the ocean to inform her sister’s mom about her sister’s new baby. Mayor Lewis is human. It’s complicated, she says. She may be old, but she loves to mess around and have fun. Pronouns are she/her. Also, I couldn’t find a Picrew with both wrinkles and skin tones that weren’t just two different shades of white, so bear with Younger Sophia. She owned many a pair of pink glasses and earrings back in her heyday. pink. But hey, her friends were all wearing it and she isn’t immune to peer pressure. Trust me, she aged extremely well.
And here’s the Picrew I used for Mayor Lewis:
Here’s the Picrew I used for everyone else: https://picrew.me/share?cd=cH1BeFugtA
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queen-asiad · 1 year
15 Questions for 15 Mutuals
Tagged by @theanimepsychologist, thank you so much! This was fun❤️
Are you named after anyone?
• an entire continent beloved. Why? I have no idea. My mom said she liked the name. Bright side? It means sunrise and resurrection and I literally feel like I’m recreating myself all the time. Also, it’s an iconic name. Bad side? Whenever I got in trouble at school or around town, I couldn’t blame anyone else because no one has the name.
When was the last time you cried?
• Last night after drinking an entire bottle of wine🫠
Do you have kids?
• I’m too immature for children 🥴
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
• Yes, it’s quite literally a personality trait.
What sports do you play/have you played?
•Softball and Lacrosse (which is unheard of in the south lol). I wanted to play soccer but my mom didn’t think I should play contact sports
What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
• Their smile or their eyes
Eye color?
• Dark brown!
Scary movies or happy endings?
• Scary movies. I love horror and thriller movies and enjoy a good twist at the end
Any special talents?
• I’ve survived this far and have survived a lot of crazy stuff. Quite literally a miracle
Where were you born?
• The US, and I’m still here unfortunately 😒
What are your hobbies?
• I’m getting into painting. I like to cook. I like to workout. I love skincare. I like to do my nails and do hair care mask. Making Pinterest boards. Reading (currently in a slump). Trying new restaurants. I’m actually trying to find new hobbies to stick with (I have ADHD🫠) so comment some that you suggest!
Do you have any pets?
•My baby Bella. Love this dog. She’s been with me from being a preteen to approaching my mid twenties ❤️ best doggo
How tall are you?
• 5’3 or 5’4. Every time I go to the doctor they give me a different one but it’s always those 2 lol 😒
Fave subject in school?
• Science, anthropology and psychology. I love the human brain, I loved learning about different cultures and I wanted to be a marine biologist or archaeologist as a child (I think the archaeology part came from watching the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants tho)
Dream job?
• I don’t think I’m adult enough to answer this question lol. I quite literally don’t know.
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