#and no matter what role he's in he's not going to 100% separate himself from it
mrdrhenwardhykle · 1 year
Was it like a common thing for Youtube animation and nostalgia reviewers to not understand the concept of voice acting? Like, I remember on multiple occasions where one would say something like "I want to like this character, but I can't because their voice sounds like *'annoying' character that's not actually annoying*-and I hate *character name*!"
Like, there's really just a collective group of grown men out there who really believe that voice acting requires you to sound like a completely different person-or even go as far as somehow using someone else's voice for your voice acting role. It's like being upset at an actor for looking and acting the way they do, and not completely disguising themselves just so they don't remind you of their previous role. Do we understand why these people were casted? Do you understand that they weren't just selected as a victim to fill voids in the script-and actually were selected because the producers and casters specifically wanted THEM?!
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ryker-writes · 11 months
Hi! Hi! I would like a headcanon about malleus and the other diasomnia boys except for lilia meeting malleus's sister for the first time, malleus doesn't know that he has a sister because she was separated to him when they were kids and a servant took care of her and lilia was asked to keep quiet about it. If you end up doing this thank you very much!!!
ooo not even Malleus knows? this should be fun
Request rules and Masterlists
Malleus is in shock
how could he not know about this? And how could Lilia keep this from him?
he's a bit mad at Lilia and his grandmother for not telling him
all this time, all those years spent alone, he could've had someone else?
still, now that you are here, he's going to want to get to know you and spend a lot of time with you
he has so many years you two need to catch up on
Malleus will ask you a bunch of questions and want to know what you like and your hobbies
he gets really excited if you like gargoyles or exploring ruins like he does
he would be crushed if you don't want to spend time with him, and may even get possessive of your attention
he doesn't have much family left, so he wants to create a sibling bond with you and treasure it
he also just becomes protective of you in general
he hates the idea of losing some of the only family he has left so he's going to do everything he can to protect you
you're also banned from being near Leona
how could Lilia keep quiet about something as big as that?
it doesn't make much sense and he is very confused about why it happened
but what matters now is that you're here
and since you're part of the Draconia family, it's his duty as a knight to protect and serve you
so he kinda treats you the same way he does to Malleus
he respects you, and he'll do his best to help you with anything you may need
he's happy to show you around the school if you'd like and be like a escort
Silver kinda thinks you're a bit similar to him in a way
he was taken in as a baby and raised by someone else, but you have Malleus as a sibling to look to
and now that you are here, the Draconia family has grown stronger
maybe Malleus can even be happier now that he has someone there with him
instant respect
you're related to the great Malleus Draconia so of course you have his respect
but you aren't Malleus so you are a close second on his priority list
he still will admire and value anything you do and tell him because you are a part of the Draconia family
anything you say to him is considered words of wisdom and there isn't a doubt in his mind that you may be lying or anything
of course he's going to do his best to be a knight for you too
if anyone even slightly disrespects you, just let him know and he's all over it
Sebek doesn't even think about why Lilia might have hidden it or anything
he believes Lilia had good intentions, and that's enough for him
Sebek takes his role as a knight very seriously, so he's going to insist you be guarded at all times like Malleus
and he'll be happy to guard you himself
if he ever gets too annoying, in your space, or to loud, just tell him and he'll back off after apologizing like 100 times
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pet-pet-peet · 1 year
For the 100 follower event can i request the pocky game hcs like the dorm leaders but with the vice dorm leaders this time? If thats okay
I’m very down, vice dorm leader requests = bat daddy requests Story: When visiting you in your world, you introduce him to pocky and say you have to play the pocky game since it’s pocky day! * This is female reader, but I generally don’t use many gendered terms in my writing..just know that I’ll opt more for feminine ones if I add any (aka, probably good for anyone, but the occasional gendered term will be female) Tw: lots of kissing and intimacy, Lilia's is a bit spicy as always, ORTHO IS INVOLVED BUT HIS HAS NONE OF THE PREVIOUS THINGS MENTIONED HIS IS WHOLESOME AND PLATONIC AND THERE IS NO PHYSICAL TOUCH INVOLVED
Pairing(s): Trey, Ruggie, Jade, Jamil, Rook, Ortho (platonic I promise), Lilia x female reader playing the pocky game (separate)
He’s heard of something like pocky before, but he’s never tried making some
Probably asks if you want to make some with him so you two can try it out and see how it goes; ends up being pretty fun!
After making sure they tasted okay, you told him about the pocky game and it had him curious, he asks you to tell him more
After your explanation, he smiles kindly and asks if you want to play it
You both bite your respective ends and muffle a “three..two..one!” Thus, the race begins
As you almost reached the halfway mark, Trey took a big bite and beat you to it, looking at you with a mischievous gaze
Your pouting only made him feel more accomplished, and he quickly agreed to a rematch
You put a piece of pocky between you both and continue the rematch
This time he got as close as he could before pulling back suddenly and laughing a bit, saying you won
Every turn after is a mixed bag of reactions from him, but he definitely keeps you on your toes
This little shit- don't expect anything fair..
He's honestly not too interested in the idea of a pocky game, he doesn't think you should play with food
That said, he did get kind of curious when you explained it to him
He would agree to only one round, but he wouldn't do anymore (for free)
You put the pocky between you both and both of you bite down on your respective ends
Then no one moves- you both just stare at each other while holding pocky between
You decide you'll go for the kill, but figure out you actually can't move
Ruggie laughs at your puzzled expression
He uses his unique magic to just make you give him the stick of pocky and he eats it quickly before you could do anything
Pecks your lips before getting up and leaving with the rest of the pocky
You ask if he's ever had pocky, to which he says he's heard of it but never had it
You then make a terrible mistake by asking it he wants to try it by playing the pocky game
You have his curiosity, so he asks you to explain the roles; he listens intently with a calm smile
He requests that you demonstrate what you're meant to do, his smile grew as if he was talking about his beloved mushrooms
You go ahead and set the game up between you two
You start taking slow bites towards the center, but notice that Jade's not moving at all
He stayed like that for a bit longer, just watching you chew closer and closer
At some point, he puts his head on your chin and gently pull you closer, giving you a short kiss
He smiles innocently when you pull away, saying he thought it was an interesting game and that you two should play more
Sits silently like a menace as he "innocently" watches you stumble over yourself
He doesn't usually have much time for games, or himself..or you for that matter-
But anytime he can be around you, he wants to make sure you're satisfied
Kind of concerning, between worrying about Kalim's need and worrying about your needs he doesn't seem to have much time for himself
So you decided that this would be a good way for him to let loose a little
You both sat under a tree, his head laying on your lap as you both shared a box of pocky
You asked him to just hold one in his mouth, so he did while looking at you with curiosity
He lowkey got flustered when you leaned closer and ate at the pocky, he almost choked on it, but he kept in that position
You made it to his lips and kissed him sweetly, he returned the gesture but was a bit confused on your approach with it
You told him he should have more time to just be, and not have to worry about satisfying people
He was slightly embarrassed about being called out, but he let you take care of him a bit more afterwards
He was on board as soon as you mentioned that there was a game
No hesitation, he put a pocky in his mouth without even hearing the rules
When you asked if he wanted to know them, he shook his head and stared at you expectantly
He watched as you started to eat the pocky, but he didn't move
When you were about to touch his lips you pulled back, which confused him
You laughed at his thoughtful reaction and proclaimed victory, making him think even more
In the end he just laughed and congratulated you for your victory
Endless praises as he asks in a chivalrous way for a rematch, which you accept
It essentially was the same as the first round, which made you feel a bit bad since in your mind he clearly didn't understand the rules
Head went empty when he pulled you into a kiss before you were able to back away, though
He noticed you always talk about pocky with Idia, so he found a way to make some for you!
Brought out his (slightly burnt) homemade pocky sticks during one of your binge nights with him and his brother
You ate them regardless of their faults, but felt a bit bad that Ortho couldn't indulge in his creation too
So you asked him and Idia if they wanted to play a game with the pocky!
Idia was a bit on the fence but asked for you to explain the rules
You distributed an even amount of pocky to each of you, saying that whoever makes the best creation (via Magicam poll) with the limited amount of pocky in 30 minutes wins
Both brothers seemed interested, so you set the timer and all of you rushed to stack pocky pieces
It wasn't the easiest, since pocky didn't exactly like to stay in the positions you put it, but you gave it your all
Ortho had the advantage, as he could use a small laser to melt the chocolate enough to stick them together
Magicam agreed, as Ortho's cute little pocky cabin got majority of the votes
He was incredibly curious about pocky since it's not something he's experienced
In all his travels, never once had he heard of it, so trying the snack from your world was something he was very invested about
Especially with how much you seemed to gush about it
As you pulled a box out and toward him, he noticed a cute slyness twinkle in your eyes, and you mentioned a game
He asked for the rules, so he knew what he was getting into; it was inevitable that he'd accept the challenge
He made sure to run his fingers over your scalp and behind your ear, attempting to fluster you as you took your positions
Otherwise he played fair for the round
Playing fair doesn't mean going easy, he gave it his all and it payed off
He won and gave you a celebratory kiss
You probably don't play anymore rounds after, he'd rather take the intimate opportunity to make out with you
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
someday / christian pulisic
Tumblr media Tumblr media
request: Waiiittt what ab Christian being broody after seeing his girl bsfr playing with his niece
summary: after seeing you and his niece peacefully sharing a moment together, he starts to doubt whether he had been lying to himself about his feelings for you.
word count: 1.1k
author's note: changed a few things and i’m not sure i’m 100% sure if i liked it or not but i guess this is it (?? please leave feedback if u can <33
christian always wanted kids.
it was no secret that he was a family man. he was portrayed like that by every magazine that has ever interviewed him, and by every teammate that saw that the first thing he did in the changing rooms was facetiming his mom, no matter the outcome.
still, he was only 24, so he wasn't so worried about the timeline. yeah, he wanted a family, maybe one or two kids running around in the backyard, but it wasn't his main focus. he wasn't even in a long-term relationship, having broken up with his last girlfriend almost eight months ago now. his focus was undoubtedly on his career, wanting to reach big things with football. he knew he had the potential to achieve whatever he put his mind into, not even the sky being the limit for the american player.
his share of kids was now covered with his niece, the light of his life since arriving into this world. and even when he couldn't see her in person that often due to the ocean that separated him and his family, he always made time to include her in the daily video-calls, to ensure that she knew her uncle even when he wasn't physically there with her.
today, though, he was lucky enough to be spending his day with his whole family who had recently arrived in england after joining him in the trip to the world cup. he hadn't wished to come back home as soon as they did, with the national team not being able to reach the final stages of the competition as they dreamed, but he was glad to have another few weeks to enjoy with them before the international break comes to an end, and the second part of the season begins again.
due to you being christian’s assistant (a rather fictional role, created by him to have an excuse as to always having you by his side), you already were joining them to qatar, so it was a no-brainer that you would be spending the rest of the break with them. thankfully, you had developed a great relationship with the whole pulisic family, including the newest addition, avery. that’s how you ended up with her in your arms, cradling her softly in hopes of not waking her up from her nap, knowing how grumpy babies could be if you disrupted their sleep schedules.
“what are you doing?” said christian behind your back, startling you and disrupting the silence that had lulled the baby to sleep. you turned around softly, signaling to his niece that was deeply asleep in your arms to keep him from shouting again. he seemed to have understood, getting closer to you two, but rather silently now. after ensuring he kept quiet, you brought your attention back to avery, silently stroking her cheek, at which she let out a peaceful sigh that made your heart rise in content. 
christian swore that he had never seen something so beautiful. at that moment, he thought that it was it, his facade had gone down and he was done: his brain seemed to have malfunctioned on the spot, not being able to speak any longer but, at the same time, not being able to tear his eyes from you two. 
even with the amount of time you two had spent together in the past few years, he was sure his feelings were strictly platonic, having told his family exactly that each time they asked about what you two were. but now, after involuntarily fantasizing for a second or two about a future with you, including kids, a big house, even a dog or two, he didn’t know how he could face his family the next time they asked about you two. how could he convince them this time thay they were only friends, if he had allowed himself to go this far into his mind?
christian hadn’t considered that he was very much not taking his eyes out of you, almost not blinking while staring into his niece’s peaceful face. "do you want to hold her?” you asked, wishing that your voice could bring him back from the trance he seemed to be immersed in. he shaked his head, trying to regain his senses and drown the fake scenarios he had silently conjured. “w-what?” he asked, confused at your wide grin.
“i asked if you wanted to hold her, since you hadn’t stopped looking. are you okay?” whispering, you said, and took your hand away from avery’s cheek to squeeze his arm reassuringly. christian nodded, still too embarrassed to look straight into your eyes. he was used to you reading him like an open book on the daily, and he wanted to prevent you from recognizing the guilt in his features, even if he wasn’t at fault of where his thoughts had gone to, without asking for permission first. 
"she looks like she's yours" christian blurted out, and immediately tried to fix what had escaped his mouth. “i mean, you are a natural” he couldn’t believe how dumb he sounded, but your smile comforted him, taking it as some sort of ‘compliment’, since you had always wanted kids. “it’s all her, honestly. did you see how cute she is?” you gushed, profoundly amazed at the little human that was still, even after all the talking occurred in the past few minutes, deeply asleep in your arms. against his better judgment, it seemed like christian couldn’t let the topic go, so he continued. "do you think about having kids? someday?".
"yeah, sometimes, i guess. i just don't know if i'll be a good mom, you know?".
he couldn’t disagree more with you, knowing that, if you wanted to have kids on your own in the future, you’d be the most loving mom ever. he had plenty of reasons to back up his opinion, mainly after seeing how bright your eyes got when a kid got near, whether it was his niece, with who you had created the cutest bond, even if you hadn’t had the chance to engage as much due to the distance that kept both you two separated from your families, or the little kids that always asked christian for a picture or an autograph before entering cobham. he was sure that, if your children turned up to be even half as caring and loving as you were, they would become fantastic human beings. christian could already picture a sweet, loving child, with the softest features and the kindest eyes, just as their mother.
"i'm sure you'll be a great one" he smiled, lovingly, now taking his turn in stroking his niece’s cheek. moments after, his sister came back into the room with the stuff she had claimed to need, and a knowing smile painted on her face, showing that her plan, even if not fully devised, had worked out just fine.
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youcouldmakealife · 6 months
LBTE: Jared (138-139)
138. Change of Scenery (Redux)
Original Change of Scenery was Jared heading back to Edmonton, so he’s got to say he likes this one better.
Bryce is more nervous than Jared’s ever seen him.
Okay, maybe not like, as nervous as he was stepping out of the car and offering his hand to Jared’s dad after he caught them with Jared’s hand in his pants, or the wrung tight anxiety of the final days of trade negotiations — which, holy shit no wonder — but it’s close, Bryce practically vibrating out of his skin as they get ready for media day. If Bryce tries to fix his hair one more time —
He wants them to like him so bad. Like, never wanted it more, and that’s saying something, because Bryce desperately wants to be liked.
“I want this to be my team, you know?” Bryce says. “Like, we’re going to be here for awhile, and—”
He wants them to like him SO BAD.
Jared kisses his scrunched up forehead. “They’ll like you. Just like. Be Bryce. Real Bryce. Real Bryce is great.”
Excellent advice from someone who otherwise does not consider himself an authority on making people like you. But as someone who doesn't like other people and is still pretty fucking charmed by Real Bryce, he has experience on this one.
They’ve made ground rules: they’re going to go to team stuff separately, at least to start. Revisit later, but right now Bryce will go in alone and Gabe will pick Jared up, which he started doing last season for Environment Reasons, like they aren’t flying in chartered planes on the regular. They’re not going to sit together on the plane either, Jared back in the rotation with Gabe, who goes between him and Dmitry depending on if he wants chill company or not.
Eating together at dinners, that’s fine, because it’s not like, a partner thing, so Jared will continue to eat with Gabe and Bryce will join. They’re not going to lean into any media about a bromance. They don’t need to like, stick together twenty four hours a day, they get to spend more time together than they ever have, so team time’s like, different. Will some teammates figure out they’re together anyway? Probably, judging by the past, but they’re going to do their best to avoid it, and just take it as it comes.
And no sleepovers on the road, Jared doesn’t care how much Bryce pouts about it.
No matter how old and jaded Jared gets, he still remains terribly naive about certain things. It’s so cute that you think there won’t be any sleepovers on the road, Jared.
“He went ahead,” Jared says. “We figured we’d like, come in separately for a bit, be like, subtle.”
Gabe and Stephen exchange a look. Jared’s not sure what it’s meant to convey, but it succeeds at annoying him.
I think we all know this look conveys ‘our boy somehow still thinks they can be subtle’.
“I know,” Gabe says. “Just — don’t get your hopes up about not getting caught? The guys aren’t dumb.”
“I know,” Jared says.
“And you’re kind of obvious,” Gabe says.
“I know,” Jared mutters.
Stop bursting his bubble by stating facts, Gabe.
“Oh my god, are you like, momming and dadding me right now?” Jared says.
“Are you the mom?” Stephen asks.
“I think I’m the mom,” Gabe says.
Gabe is 100% the mom. In their parenting of this sullen teenager and in his role as an A on the Canucks. He’s also totally the mom friend. He accepts this.
“You guys fucking suck at hiding your relationship,” Stephen says. “And yeah, yeah, that’s at me and Gabe’s, safe space, but it took Gabe, what, thirty seconds?”
“At least a minute,” Gabe says.
“It took Gabe fifteen seconds to figure out you guys were together the first time he met Bryce,” Stephen says.
Stephen accurately assuming Gabe is being diplomatic with this minute business.
“It’s best not to lie to the children,” Stephen says. “Santa’s not real, neither is the Easter Bunny, you two are going to get caught.”
Jared rolls his eyes.
“The hockey gods probably exist though,” Gabe says.
“Oh, absolutely,” Stephen agrees.
They 100% exist. Because this is my ‘verse and I say so.
“They don’t,” Jared mutters.
“If they didn’t you wouldn’t be on the same team as your husband,” Stephen says.
Jared cannot retort, because ‘no that’s because his agent and him did some pretty unethical shit to make it happen’.
Excellent use of brain to mouth filter here. Also it’s ‘he and his agent’. Grammar fail.
“He’s sulking, Gabriel,” Stephen says.
“Yeah, he does that,” Gabe says.
Excellent use of brain to mouth filter by Gabe not pointing out that Stephen is prone to that himself. But he's generally good at the brain to mouth filter thing.
Jared scowls out the window.
“Chin up, Math,” Gabe says. “You’re about to see your husband.”
Jared bites his lip hard so he doesn’t smile. He doesn’t think it works.
Gabe’s a good hockey mom.
“I wonder what his nickname’s going to be,” Stephen muses. “Since they’ve already got a Marksy.”
Bryce was indeed Marksy on the Flames (Marcsy?). But Gabe’s got dibs in Van.
“Probably something skill related,” Gabe says. Clearly he is uninterested in ceding the Marksy name. “Maybe military? Snipeshow, Gunner. Or something tactical if they figure out early that he’s got a killer hockey IQ.”
Jared gives into the inevitable smile.
Gabe nailing it here — Bullet it is. And a bit of a self-referential thing with the tactical names for the titles of early IJ(aoe).
Also Jared continues to be such a sucker for Bryce’s hockey IQ, and such a sucker for people that aren’t him noticing and admiring said hockey IQ.
“What’s his middle name?” Stephen asks.
“Justin,” Jared says.
“BJ?” Stephen says. “Yeah, you two keep that to yourselves.”
“No kidding,” Jared says.
“BJ,” Stephen snickers, and Jared has the sinking feeling that Stephen is exclusively going to refer to Bryce as BJ from now on.
That would be so CHILDISH, Jared. Obviously he will carefully save it for the moment that it will annoy Bryce the most, like an adult.
he fiddles around on his phone and waits, enduring a crushing hug from Dmitry Kurmazov and an even more irritating hair ruffle before Dmitry unceremoniously crashes Gabe’s interview to do the same thing to him in front of laughing reporters. Gabe endures it with much more grace than Jared. Jared supposes he’s used to it after a decade on the same team.
Gabe, getting a hug from one of his closest friends after not seeing him for months: :)
Jared: Wow, good work enduring that indignity, Gabe. I don’t know how you do it.
Jared leaves him to it, endures another hug from Dmitry — he just saw him —
Hugging Jared Matheson twice in 24 hours if you aren’t a) Bryce Marcus or b) it’s literally just Bryce Marcus but he’ll endure it from Elaine he guesses... is like petting a hissing cat. Watch your hands.
echoes Gabe’s ‘good to see you again, Bryce’ when Bryce’s introductions land in their corner.
Gabe rolls his eyes at Jared.
“What,” Jared.
Bryce: Hey guys.
Gabe: Hey, Bryce, good to see you again.
Bryce: Okay I’m gonna—
Gabe: Good idea.
It’s all of twenty minutes into training camp before Bryce has made a friend.
Jared eyes him.
Dmitry says something, and Bryce dissolves into giggles.
Jared’s eyes grow narrower.
“Glaring at your liney because he’s making your boy laugh is not being subtle, Math,” Gabe murmurs right into his ear.
Jared glowering in the corner, horrible visions of more Dmitry in his future in his head.
It’s off ice stuff in the morning — Coach is big on team-building, and Jared would roll his eyes but the Canucks are a close-knit team, so it seems to work —
Jared implying that he isn’t rolling his eyes anyway and that’s a lie.
Gabe elbows him again. “Math,” he says.
“Hm?” Jared says.
“Please don’t tell me that’s your handwriting over his heart,” Gabe says, low
Gabe and Stephen give Jared this whole ‘don’t get your hopes up about not getting caught’ speech and Jared neglects to inform them Bryce has a TATTOO OF HIS NAME? There will be so much kvetching to Stephen later. Over his HEART, Stephen. These boys say they don’t want to come out and then he gets his a tattoo of Jared’s name on his HEART. What is the MATTER with these kids?
It still gets to him, a low punch in the gut when he sees it, but then, it’s only been a few weeks since Bryce snuck out and got the tattoo. Would Jared have vetoed it if Bryce asked first? Absolutely. Is Jared kind of stupidly obsessed with it? Also the case.
Jared is embarrassed and horny about it.
“Don’t tell Stephen,” Jared says.
“No way Stephen doesn’t watch an interview and put two and two together,” Gabe says. “Sorry.”
If he doesn’t tell Stephen who will he complain to, Jared? Do you want Gabe to EXPLODE?
“He tattooed your name on his chest and you two think you aren’t going to be caught,” Gabe mumbles, more to himself than Jared.
Gabe continues to be in utter disbelief.
Jared gets a ride back with Gabe after training camp, starts making them dinner, because if he doesn’t start now it’s not going to happen. They got bag skated at the end of the day. Bag skating’s always hell, but at least when it’s a punishment you feel like you’re atoning for something. Bag skating at the start of training camp’s a fitness gauge, nothing more, but it still feels like a punishment.
Bag skates are getting rarer and rarer, both during the season and during training camps, but under Travis Green the Canucks were indeed bag skated every training camp. Somebody always pukes.
“My legs feel like lead,” Jared says.
“Sit, I’ll take over,” Bryce offers, and Jared takes him up on it, though he does drag the chair closer, half to keep Bryce company, half to backseat cook because he doesn’t trust him. He hasn’t earned it.
Extremely valid.
“I can’t believe he manipulated you into free babysitting within one day of meeting you,” Jared says.
To be fair, Bryce offered.
“You aren’t tired,” Jared accuses.
“I’m tired,” Bryce says.
“You don’t look tired,” Jared mutters.
Bryce kisses the top of his head.
Jared absolutely livid that Bryce isn’t tired. And Bryce remembering that training camp Jared is like an angry hedgehog.
“Went pretty well for a first day,” Bryce says.
“Shh, sleeping,” Jared mumbles.
“You’re kind of mean when you’re exhausted,” Bryce says, but like, fondly.
“Shh,” Jared repeats. “Sleeping.”
Angry hedgehogs are adorable.
“He wasn’t tired after the bag skate,” Jared says.
Gabe gives him an incredulous look.
“I know,” Jared says.
“Maybe he’s just better at pretending?” Gabe asks.
“He isn’t,” Jared says. “We hate him.”
“We absolutely hate him,” Gabe agrees.
Bryce and Dmitry are giggling about something when they get in.
Jared glares at them and then slowly gets into his gear.
ONE DAY. One day before Bryce makes an enemy in the Canucks locker room. It is his husband.
139. Proving Ground
Jared’s sure plenty of them mocked Bryce when he was the enemy, but they’re pretending butter wouldn’t melt in their mouths now that he’s their guy.
I believe this is legally required of all homers.
They’re a good group of guys. Jared may not hang out with any of them other than Gabe and sometimes Dmitry if he tags along, but that’s not an indictment of his teammates, just personal preference.
Jared hates 99.99% of people, so don’t take it personally.
It isn’t even halfway through preseason before Bryce has a buddy on every line. He sits with Gabe and Jared at meals sometimes, but just as often he’s off talking with his lineys, or laughing with the rowdy group Jared keeps his distance from, sometimes sitting with the vets, talking strategy, is even chatty with the coaching staff.
Look at Bryce Marcus making friends everywhere he goes!! He’s trying, but he’s not desperate, and that makes a big difference. As does the locker room a) not being toxic AF and b) not having particular expectations for him, other than ‘scores lots’, they hope.
Bryce, in lieu of Marksy, which belongs firmly to Gabe, becomes Bullet to the Canucks room. It’s a pretty lazy nickname — alliteration, yeah, Bryce has killer accuracy, a snapshot that comes off his stick before you can blink, skates faster than his size would indicate. Marksman with a bullet, shot like a bullet, fast like a bullet, sure. Accurate. Lazy, though.
Sounds kind of like you like it, Jared.
They need to practice him with his new line in actual game situations, and there’s no better place to see how he’s going to stack up against his former team than against said team, so Jared suspects they’re saving his first appearance against the Flames for the drama of it all.
Coaches do not use ‘the drama of it all’ as a factor for player deployment. Though they should.
Julius plays his ass off that night, a giant pain — Jared’s still going to read Bryce the riot act for cross-checking him that hard, if he injured Julius Jared’s going to be pissed
Cross-checking Jared’s friends is only acceptable after a hat trick minimum.
“I barely tapped him,” Bryce mutters.
Jared pulls his phone out.
“Okay I more than tapped him!” Bryce says, while Jared goes to twitter to find a gif as counter-evidence.
Why would you blatantly lie to Jared and not expect him to immediately pull receipts.
“You wouldn’t cross-check Chaz,” Jared says. So that just leaves Julius and Raf and like, Gabe and Stephen, and Raf’s in the East, Gabe’s his teammate, and Stephen’s a civilian now, albeit one who deserves a whack or two sometimes.
“I might,” Bryce says, but not with any sincerity. He’s too soft for this sport.
Stephen definitely deserves to be cross-checked.
Also you can’t bitch about Bryce cross-checking your friends and then call him soft for not cross-checking one of them, Jared.
The game against the North Stars is also a blowout — they’re getting on their colt legs in the rebuild, and there’s indisputably talent there, but it’s fragile. The Canucks grind that immaturity in their too-young-to-shave faces.
These aren’t our Rookie Detectives — in fact, Roman’s the only one in Minny at this point (not counting Mike). Liam’s in Detroit, Harry and Victor playing NCAA, Val in Russia, Connie in the WHL (he hasn’t even been drafted yet). But soon!
Bryce is still pouty in the morning; he stole the Eeyore cup for maximal glumness and everything.
Love that max glumness for Bryce involves Jared’s cup. What does this mean, Jared? Surely, Jared says, it’s because Eeyore’s on it, not for any other reason.
“Obviously this is so you get your first against the Flames,” Jared says. “Divine retribution and all that.”
“Fuck the Flames,” Bryce says, brightening up.
You had Bryce at ‘divine retribution’.
Hell, Bryce isn’t nervous, humming over breakfast, cheerful in a sort of bloodthirsty way, like he can’t wait to humiliate the Flames.
Divine retribution!!
Warm-ups don’t help. Bryce sticks like glue to the home end, pots shot after shot on Salazar, back firmly to the visitors’ side of the ice, posture tense. Gabe gives Jared a significant look as they’re filing back into the locker room, but Jared can’t exactly go over to Bryce and say what he wants to, do what he wants to, wrap a hand around the nape of Bryce’s clammy neck, press their foreheads together, tell him he has this. Anything that would actually help Bryce would be the sort of obvious that might get picked up on.
Jared is probably right that they wouldn’t be able to make any moral support from Jared look ‘bro’ enough, but also Bryce clearly needs it right now. So cue Gabe’s significant look.
Gabe’s the last one to get to Bryce, gets him in a headlock in the hall, and Bryce is still grumbling about it when he steps onto the ice, fully distracted as he skates over to the blue line. Jared taps Gabe’s knee on the bench, and Gabe taps his right back.
Gabe’s got his back. Both their backs.
The second seems to be more of the same. Halfway through the game they’re still knotted at 0-0, and Jared can count good chances on one hand. For both teams. Combined. At this rate it’s going to be the worst of all worlds — a goalie battle without the show-stopping saves, a physical game without the big hits, a tight fought tight defended cleanly played boring ass game.
Woo, the trap. When you want to win, but you don’t want your fans to enjoy it.
Thankfully the Canucks’ first line makes the executive decision to break the stalemate just as Jared’s wincing and trying to take that thought back, like he’s cursed the team with it
For someone who insists he’s not superstitious, Jared sure thinks about curses a lot.
Bryce gets a secondary assist on a power play goal, the start of a tic-tac-tip, and that’s all they need to win it. Bryce with a point in every goal, Bryce’s goal the game-winner, and he’s absolutely mobbed when they get off the ice, teammates with claps on the back and media impatiently waiting at the doors to mob him themselves, but not before he has to go right back out for first star of the game.
Divine retribution!!! (And a very motivated player.)
He replies to a very kindly worded demand for a celebratory dinner from Elaine when he gets back to their condo, listens to a voicemail from his dad, who enjoyed a Flames loss for the first time in his entire life, judging by the gleeful malice in his voice, is finishing up a surprisingly decent dinner from the meal service they’re trying out when the front door flies open.
It’s good that Jared recognises that Elaine being polite and friendly doesn’t make that any less of a demand. Also — friendship with Flames over, Canucks are Don’s new best friend.
“Jared!” Bryce calls, like he hasn’t seen him in days and can’t wait a minute longer. Jared can hear him taking off his shoes, mostly because they hit the wall with two thuds.
“Jared!” he says again when he sees Jared at the kitchen island. Which is like, visible from the front hall, it’s an open concept place. Jared was right there the whole time.
Jared did you see!!!!
“Shut up,” Bryce says, still very cheerful about it.
“Make me,” Jared says. It’s not a hat trick or anything, but he thinks a three point night deserves something, let alone a three point night against the Flames. That’s like hat trick level spite.
“Do I need to?” Bryce asks. “Or are you going to do it because that goal was hot as fuck?”
Finally Jared can find Bryce’s goals hot without being conflicted about that because it was against his team. Truly big for him.
“Cocky,” Jared says, but it’s not exactly a hardship. Well, a bit of one, because he can’t keep giving Bryce shit if he’s got his dick in his mouth, but Bryce did the Canucks like, a service. This is team building. Offering an incentive for good play. Building positive habits.
What, do YOU want the A, Jared?
Apparently Bryce is coasting on endorphins after a hell of a night — and who could blame him — because he doesn’t actually occupy Jared’s mouth all that long. Jared is not the only one who gets off on Bryce’s goalscoring, apparently.
“Fast as a bullet,” Jared murmurs against his hip, then, “Ow!”, because Bryce, even come dumb, is still completely capable of landing a stinging flick to his ear.
He’s such a shit that Bryce knew that was coming eventually. Bullet was prepared.
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eshithepetty · 11 months
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I was going to just reply to it, but, actually - no. this deserves to be its own post. Because YES!!! Yes, exactly!!!! This isn't something that I often see discussed in this fandom, if ever, but I think about it so much. I think @peepee-envy is exactly right. So much of this show is much more metaphorical than you think. All the fantastical stuff really just exists to... amplify the mundane. It doesn't really stand on its own two feet on its own. That's why we never really see the power system explored that in depth, that's why the terrorism organisation stuff is very secular in the story and doesn't affect the world more beyond its focused arcs, that's why buckwild stuff like the divine tree exists and is kind of just treated as normal, that's why the aliens just... show up, one day, and do nothing else. Those are all just footnotes. Just glass mozaics the story puts over the actual messages and character arcs to make them more colorful and fun. We already know that part of the story's presentation is changed by Mob's point of view - Tsubomi, the body improvement club and 100% carried away being the most obvious examples - so why couldn't that extend to more of this universe?
Of course, I'm not out here claiming that every fantastical and improbable thing in this story is just a projection of Mob's imagination or whatever, that would be kinda dumb and not that fun. But what is fun to me is thinking about what it could all mean!! What lies beneath the surface, what we can interpret and extract from these events! Like, as the reply above notes - the big clean up arc isn't so much about Ritsu literally going and beating the shit out of people... because, yeah, that does happen... but if we were to take it through a realistic lens, Ritsu would probably be in juvie rn lmao. No, what really matters here is the drama. Put as short as I can, it all goes like this:
There are 2 siblings. One of whom is noticeably different in how he percieves and interacts with the world, something that starts to alienate him (how do you take this to its fantastical extreme? Make him literally see the world differently (seeing spirits) and having different abilities (ESP) of course!)
Because of this alienation, there begins a rift in how this boy views himself and the traits that make him different (thus: a literal separation between mob and ???%...)
Only, these identity issues are obviously not healthy - the way he's started to reject himself is not healthy - and it, inevitably... ends with him lashing out, in a way that noone expected. And his younger brother, who had seen his brother as his role model up to that point... understandably got hurt and influenced the most. (And this being the story that it is.... that means the hurt and confusion gets made physical. Blood on the asphalt. A shadowy demon, 'something else', beneath your brother's skin)
Thus begin 3 long, suffocating years of neither of them being able to deal with it. One has decided to abandon his every desire and personality trait in the hopes that being invisible will make sure he drives noone else away ever again. And the other takes a similar page out of his older sibling's book, and hopes that by doing just what society tells him to do, being good, being quiet and nice and always accomodating to his brother, will mean he can avoid that trauma repeating. (Only, in this case - the feelings are so much more amplified, by the fact that this is not just hurt - this is death. Shigeo very much almost Murdered his little brother that day. And the both he and Ritsu are achingly aware of this.)
(But noone can bear these burdens forever.)
So eventually... the younger snaps. He's tired of upholding this image of perfection, of intelligence, of helpfulness - he feels like none of what he's done, what he's been, in the past 3 years is true, because it's all been born from fear. So when a crack appears in front of him - a chance to not do that anymore, to be someone else... he takes it. He finally lets himself be flawed. And he finally breaks down. (And in this world where he fears death and aspires literal powers with which to defend himself - this rebellion is exhagarated. He lies and cheats and hurts in the most blatant way possible. He's violent. Because in this world where he fears dying - what's a little more blood on the asphalt? He just needs to know it won't be him next. He accepts all this guilt and sinks into it because he's finally allowed to. Because for once, these feelings and destruction is something he controls. Noone else.)
(He's finally like his brother. He feels, he's finally able to understand him. He wanted psychic powers, because the time his brother fully showed his psychic powers is the time he was truly whole, and he aches to feel whole himself, too. To unmask and become something truer to himself, something that will bring him closer to his nii-san.)
And as for the other... well. There goes the whole rest of the story of Mob Psycho. Shigeo learning to open up. To find friends. To understand himself. To accept his differences. To reach out. To change people. And to finally, be able to mess up, and walk away after it - because it might feel like the worst possible thing in the world. It might feel like he's the worst person in the world, this horrible beast who's just so angry, and who can't stop hurting people, and who suddenly blames everyone around him and is destroying everything he touches as a result... but that's only because he's never allowed himself to take himself into account before. He's never seen himself before, never let himself protect himself before.... and to a person who's lived their whole life in darkness, only candlelight to guide them - the sun would feel like an apocalypse. It's only so overwhelming, because it is so to Shigeo. It's all just a representation of how he feels.
And I just think that's all so fun. It's fascinating... I love thinking about this stuff. And it's also why, I realize as I'm writing this, I've always felt that terms like 'parody' and 'deconstruction' do not 100% apply to all of mob psycho, to what it is as a series.... because, yes, there's definitely elements of both (particularly in the more actiony parts of the series). But at it's heart... it almost leans more into the logic of something like magical realism, where fantastical elements do exist - but they don't explain themselves, and they don't impact the universe they inhabit in a way that people would deem as realistic - they just are. They're there to be a set dressing, they're there to be an allegory, they're there to make it more interesting - but the story was never about them. It was about what lied beneath that fantasy. It's about the humanity of it all.
And it also just makes the story So funny. Like, yeah, guess there's a mind controlling broccoli now in the middle of the town,, why not!! One of my best friends is a green booger, and my father-uncle-brother figure is a scam psychic, and my little brother almost strangled someone to death for me, and one of my classmates want me to be a cult leader.. Also my confession to a girl Literally left 11 dead 69 injured but thats fine !! Etc. etc. I just really like that, jdhdjdhj
This is a story about how even the most special looking people are actually just as normal as anyone else; that the most ridiculous things are just a part of life, that we can find connection in the strangest of circumstances, that life and growing up is awkward and cringe and confusing and!!! It's all just normal. This is life. And I love this beatiful and weird series, with all my heart <3
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berrymoos · 11 months
MY BABY MY BAAABYYYY .... YOURE MY BAAABY SAAAAAY IT TO MEEEEEE .... im on s13 of ninjago & he has not left my mind since s1 oughshdjshdj he's so baby
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𓂃 ..🍪🐻🧡🏵🧃
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🎂 — regressor cole headcanons!
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the rock of the group deserves to have some small time sometimes. what more can i say? rocks can crack too, specially ninja rocks (。-`ω-)ー
stress regressor, 100%. he rushes to be the responsible one of the team whenever something goes wrong, worries himself sick over mistakes, pushes himself to make up for them no matter what bc if he doesn't something could go wrong again and someone could get hurt and then his friends won't like him anymore– and all that weight on his shoulders is rough
all of the ninja r his caregivers to some capacity. every single one. all of them r strong too – kinda comes w being elemental masters / ninja n all – so they can carry him whenever they want <33 cole loves it too, they're so cozy (o^∀^o)
i don't think wu or misako know directly, but if cole ever told / regressed around them, they wouldn't be v surprised – like they know smth is up, but they won't confront him bc that's his business
lots of ppl hc cole having a kindergarten to middle / teen regressor headspace & that's SO big-brained, i eat it up every time – BUT baby cole my sweet sweet boy. infant ages to like 2yrs old. give him a rattle; he likes rattles kenwkdek
the eepiest baby ever, partially bc of how young his headspace is, partially bc he's the master of earth – it takes up a lot of his energy when he's big, but since he's so used to it, it doesn't rlly register how wiped he actually is until he's sitting down, his brain is whirling to a stop ... & then it's like “mmnn woa m eepy..” hes also very prone to regressing when he's tired; doesn't happen all the time, but it's become more often than not
(jay has, in fact, taken a picture of a sleeping cole on the couch, meme-ified it w the “why he so eepy” caption , & sent it to the gc. they went loco /pos)
on that note, he can fall asleep p much anywhere: on the couch, on the floor, over a bowl of cereal, literally anywhere. his favorite places (aside from his bed) r his friends' laps <3 he's being held? out like a light
that earth master strength Does Not magically go away when cole is small, meaning his tantrums could cost them a wall & possibly new flooring. not that he has tantrums often bc he's v chill & low-energy!
(... it happened once & jay refused to babysit for a good week. for unrelated reasons ofc /j)
OOUHEJSH loves bears sooooo much it's almost silly. he's got a black bear onesie w ears on the hood, a tiny tail on the butt, & a dark brown teddy bear to match - his fave. "we bare bears" & "little bear" are his go-to shows. he can devour a box of teddy grahams in two sittings. glamrock freddy his absolute beloved. bears bears BEARS bears bears!!!!
kai called himself a papa bear once & cole went nuts jahdkajdkw “’apa bear ’apa bear!!!! ʕ→ᴥ← ʔ” — “yup, that's me, don't wear it out! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧”
ok guys wait here me out: bearcub regressor cole. makin grororgroo noises to communicate. cute little snuffles n nose wrinkles when he smells smth good. loooong naps in a blanket fort. honey added to his bottle. bearcub regressor cole
the teddy's name is muffin btw. he & mr. cuddlywump are best friends & they always have playdates together 🫶
speaking of — jay is older than cole by a few years (maybe 4-7?), so he's consistently playing the older playmate / big brother role for cole. YES he will absolutely drag the baby into mischief, but if anyone dares to try separating them he IS throwing a fit about it. also he's the only one who can turn a laid-back baby cole into a zoomin 2y/o. watch out for them.../silly
back to the rattle thing for a sec – jay has a toy drumset & nya has a toy guitar, so the three of them put on a music show for the rest of the team! they're always asked for encores & they always deliver! their band name is The Mudshockers & kai is their biggest fan👍🏾
he likes dancing but since he's unsteady on his feet the younger he is, sometimes he'll just sway his body o, bop his head, or shake his rattle to whatever beat there is – even if said beat is just in his head. other times he'll get nya or zane to dance with him when he's able to stand!
omigosh wait ,,,, zane picking cole up & bouncing him to the beat ,,,, im gonna MELT they're so cute 🥹
cole adores fuzzy / fluffy material. his element requires him to summon rocks from the ground, & rocks are hard - he deserves some soft things in his life ( =^×^= )/ᰔᩚ if any of the ninja have something visibly fluffy in his presence, they'll very quickly have a small in their lap, nuzzling them & humming contentedly. muffin & his bear onesie r his favorites because of that!
ALSO remember the casual outfit he wore in "child's play" (the ep where the ninja got turned into kids)? he managed to find the adult-sized sweatshirt of that shirt & it's now a staple regression outfit ... whenever he's not in his onesie
he's still got a MASSIVE sweet tooth, bc who would cole be w/o it? (/j) ,, the only difference is that, instead of it manifesting in “oooo chocolate cake & cookies & ice cream!!!” it manifests as “mmm baba w sugar n hunny.....” – not to say cole doesn't have his moments where he craves a cakepop over warm chocolate milk. zane usually is in charge of preparing his bottle bc he always gets it juuuust right
THE NINJA HAVE A BABY BAG IN CASE HE DROPS ON LONGER MISSIONS AAAAA ,,, cole's a lil embarrassed @ first & fervently insists that he won't be regressing on the mission, but it proves to be incredibly useful when he gets hungry in the middle of like, nowhere & there's a section completely dedicated to snacks & drinks
(... & when cole actually regresses bc of stress / sleepiness & they have the majority of his stuff on-hand)
jay can never escape being called a dingus no matter what. baby cole catches him doing something stupid? “ ‘ingus...”. a joke too corny for his taste? “ ’inguuus.” jay complains abt this unfair treatment, how he's being bullied by a baby & he is slandering him ... but no one comes to his aid. zane'll scoop up cole & say “hm, are you sure that was an unprovoked statement on his part?” while kai will just spout nonsense like “wooooow jay ... a power outage in ninjago city and bordering countries?” by your hands?” w/ lloyd n nya just shaking their heads. jay's like “GAAAAAAAASP, NOBODY is on my side??? coco is being a BULLY & you guys are just ALLOWING it???? i see how it is.......”. cole's laughing hysterically throughout all of this 🫶
honestly jay's the funniest person to cole when he's small. he could be being Himself & cole's losing his mind over it. nobody can compete against his hilarity no matter how hard they try. best way to tell when cole's dropping is if he's laughing way harder at one of jay's stupid jokes /silly
mmmhmdhsjshsi ,,, jay coming up w the nickname "coco" & callin him that as a joke while he's big, but cole just gets super fuzzy-brained bc ,,,,,,,, coco ........ ohohohohoh ,,,,,,, & jay is like “oh! mkay then!” now he uses it all the time when he's regressed hdksjdk
ON THAT NOTE, nya came up w "pebble", & just like "coco", it spread to the rest of the team like butter on a warm stack of pancakes. nowadays they very rarely use "cole" when he's small – why should they, when they have "pebble" & "coco" under their belts!
... kai calls him "coco pebble(s)" sometimes 🫢
spoiled to the max. he breaks the handle to his paci? don't worry, zane just ordered 6 more. he loses a stuffie? jay's giving 3 of his to him. he's hungry? nya's got several different flavors of milk in one arm & baggies filled with teddy grahams in the other. absolutely spoiled rotten
he doesn't have any of those fancy deco pacis bc hes v prone to dropping them in his sleep & doesn't wanna mess them up, so he gets the printed designed ones or the plain-colored ones & slaps some stickers on them :] he rlly likes his black-stickered paci but he's not picky!
lloyd loves joking abt how he's no longer the youngest on the team whenever cole drops. he'll walk into the room & say “guys, i'm not the youngest anymore!” without warning while cole's in his arms, half asleep w a paci
sometimes he feels like he shouldn't be regressing bc of his status as "the rock of the group" & gets hit with an influx of negative thoughts. like – he's their anchor, their strength, the glue that holds everyone together when things go south ... so what is he doing regressing of all things? if they don't have a rock, the team won't make it! all of that negativity :( hes prone to pushing down his regression & busies himself w other things until he just ... breaks. wooo :((
after day of the departed (read: cole gets his physical body back), he literally launches himself into his friends & snuggles them like there's no tomorrow in sight. for a good two weeks he's the clingiest baby boy to ever exist: holding everyone's hands, leaning against the nearest person, cuddling, sleepy cuddling – the most common occurrence bc sleepy cole is sleepy. GOODNESS hes so clingy!! if he's in the right (or ig wrong) mood he gets fussy if his human pillow moves away from him kdnfoendk. nobody minds at all; they got their baby boy back & that's all that matters <3
self-indulgent pkmn au hc: cole's midnight lycanroc may look scary (...and kind of is hssjskdje), but it's soooo sweet & gentle with him omg. it has special mittens it puts on its paws to keep from accidentally hurting him w its claws & 100% will help zane make a bottle or lloyd prepare a snack. the fur on its neck is mad fluffy - there have been many, many times someone's walked in on cole with his face stuffed in lycanroc's fur, fast asleep on its back while roc's layin there with him, tail slowly awag <3
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cinamun · 8 months
catching up might be bad for my heart, but it's good for my soul...
my heart is breaking for everyone, rah included. here's all the stuff I've been thinking, feeling, speculating on, and just wallowing in as I caught up...
he cares deeply for dira
he was deeply hurt by her abandoning their friendship, and whatever simmering romantic feelings were there that were also seemingly discarded was just more salt on the wound
he knows he fucked up, but he also meant everything he said in the hotel room
he's scared of himself and what he did
he did not want to be forgiven by dira because he doesn't think he deserves to be
even though he wanted to be with her, he doesn't think she should be with him
he's only seeing the doctor because she wanted it for him, but he seemed like he would have preferred disappearing into nothing
he still isn't looking for forgiveness, but he doesn't want to be a burden to dira anymore, so he asked for what he truly knew could be certain death, to meet with darren
dira was right there and he didn't even try to speak to her, and I don't think it was because darren was there, like he knows he's at darren's mercy, but his desire not burden dira anymore and to remove even the shadow of blame from her is greater than his fear of what darren would do to him
she feels betrayed by her friend
she feels betrayed by her own actions
she got called out and had to work through the difficult task of separating rah's words from his actions, of reconciling her own actions with her true feelings
she has unearned guilt about how it got to that point
she has feelings for rah, but they're all muddled because it was a dire situation that forced her to acknowledge them, and they're tainted because, for the time being, and possibly for some undetermined amount of time into the future, she may not be able to feel those feelings without also feeling the fear that preceded them
she didn't hide the truth from Indya just because she had sex or to cover for rah
she was emotionally overwhelmed with everything that happened, but the feelings were compounded by her realizing she fucked up, that she was not where she thought she was head-wise or heart-wise, that in her attempts to escape from her sister's shadow, in her desire to be seen as Indira Dior, a "woman" who has her own thoughts and is her own person and not Hope the 2nd in her parents eyes, she went about it the wrong way
she knew that telling indya would mean that she wasn't at a point where she could take full responsibility for her herself, that she was still a child, and, with or without hope as margin, she still has a ways to go
her fear about another elliot situation is 100% percent real and the way she brings it up to hope and darren is like saying even if you think I'm wrong about everything else, even if you are disappointed in me, worried for me, angry at me or the situation, at least understand, at least agree with me about that.
she didn't make it about her; parents can get so wrapped up in fighting the past that they forget to see that no matter how similar the situation or how similar the personality, their child is still a person separate from them
she was hurt by the situation and it brought to mind and to heart an uncomfortable past and she did feel like she was seeing herself and she didn't want that for her daughter
she walked a fine line when talking to dira by making the connection to what was on her heart to dira, but she focused on dira's feelings and dira's mindset and dira's role in the situation
he drew a line that was understandable, but also a little startling because he stood on it while his Wife was on one side and everybody else, even his child, was on the other
he acted in a way that would leave me unsurprised if he was of the mind that his love for his children is undeniable and hell hath no fury like him when he's protecting them, but children are meant to be nurtured and loved, but they will move on, and though hope might be their diamond, it's indya who is forever
he should not consort with criminals, but I think between rah and bishop, he's got people in his orbit that could help him out with some surveillance equipment so that he has back up/proof against whatever games that student might play
ATTENTION READERS™ PLEASE READ THIS!!! Excellent observations my friend!
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I know we often joke about how Dean sees the world in two categories: Sam and not-Sams. I honestly think this is a very accurate depiction of Dean's view of the world. Cass is not Sam. Is nowhere near as important to Dean as Sam is. Even their mom and dad are second to Sam. They didn't try to bring their mom back. Dean didn't make the demon deal for their dad that he ended up making for Sam. Dean usually ends up sacrificing every one of their friends or family for Sam in some way. Whether it be kicking Cass out of the bunker, choking their grandfather to make sure he didn't go back in time, or someone actually dying as the result of Dean being focused on Sam and no one else. Sometimes he even seems surprised when people have other priorities that aren't Sam. He's annoyed with Bobby when he has to take another call or yells at Cass for not showing up when he's been praying to him because he needs his help regarding Sam. Sam's the priority no matter what's going on in their lives. I do truly believe that whenever they're hunting part of Dean's mind is focused on making sure Sam doesn't die on a hunt. I am in no way saying Dean wanted to die but I am sure he was relieved that it wasn't Sam. That he wasn't the one who was going to have to watch the life go out of his baby brother's eyes. Again.
I think Dean has a need for Sam to be with him. It's a mixture of obsessiveness, protectiveness, and possessiveness all rolled into one. Despite that as long as Sam is alive Dean may be willing to let Sam leave or even leave himself. At the Boy's Home Dean was there for two months. He couldn't have really left anyway but he had been enjoying it, as brief as it lasted. I do think that he missed Sam but I'm sure Dean knew Sam would be taken care of. He wasn't going to be abandoned at the side of the ride or anything. And of course, the minute Dean saw Sam he decided to leave everything behind and go back to him. When Sam went to Stanford Dean was angry and secretly proud but he also missed him a lot. I'm sure Dean had been hanging around Palo Alto during those years checking up on Sam and making sure he was okay. We also know from the finale how scared Dean was of Sam's rejection. Other separations were temporary and honestly, I'm sure they realized at some point that those separations never seem to be permanent anyway even as they keep doing them out of anger. It doesn't really help them, it hurts them. Sam and Dean are meant to be together in each other's space and I don't think they could ever be truly happy unless they're together.
Sam is Dean's exception to any rule he has even if they were implemented by their dad. Sam could do anything and while there may be harsh words back and forth Dean would 100% eventually forgive him for it. Sam is the same way with Dean as well. Dean is Sam's exception to everything just as much as Dean is Sam's.
Sam is Dean's world. Whereas Dean is the center of Sam's world. For Sam, there is a world outside of Dean though it is distant and often out of his reach. Sam chose Dean over that distant world or normal life. For Dean though that isn't the case. He doesn't value independence like Sam does and his life has revolved around taking care of Sam for as long as he can remember. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. Dean is protective by nature and he likes the role of taking care of Sam. That is a role he chooses even as an adult to continue. Once they were adults it wouldn't be necessary anymore. Sam has tried to get Dean to look after himself more and stop looking out for him as much and anytime Sam brings it up Dean looks lost.
Because Sam is Dean's entire world Dean tends to only sacrifice for Sam. I don't necessarily mean that Dean isn't a hero just on the whole he's more worried about Sam's safety than the world's or even a civilian's. If Dean feels guilty it's usually because he couldn't protect Sam from something. Sam will, of course, sacrifice for Dean and has done so but I do think he's a little more conscientious of the world outside than Dean is because Dean is at the center but he isn't necessarily all there is unless, of course, Sam chooses that. He did choose that but it wasn't right away. In the end, Sam and Dean always choose each other.
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henrysglock · 9 months
finally got the time to read chapter 3 of ptolemaea…. MISTER NIFTY AND MISTER NEAT JSKSBSJSNS CRYINGGGG SOBBING
Bob and henry have my whole heart I love them so muchhhh and young Scott is exactly how I’ve envisioned him, I also love how u write henry in regards to his trauma n how it can warp your perspective of situations, I relate so hard to how he downplays or twists things in his head because of what he’s been thru like being excited by hearing that Scott liked him to deciding it must just be fascination or something and settling on that. And I like how u don’t hold back w him still being triggered by the actions/words of ppl who have good intentions, that’s v real. And his pang of fear at the mere mention of doctors, also v real.
I felt it IN MY SOUL henry would take to sleeping in an oversized t shirt that’s why I always draw him it one !!!! I started kicking my feet when I read that
I also just love the small touches of references from the show like Henry’s insistence on “it’s not safe” and a bunch of others I noticed while reading like that
The pacing of it all is rlly satisfying too Im so intrigued
<3<3<3 shsksnsj
The Bob-Henry dynamic has been so fun because like. Bob's in kind of this Steve-like role? Where he's a teenager himself but he's just got this kinda batshit kid attached at his hip and he has NO idea what the hell is going on. but he's here for it 🫡 Which is kind of akin to his role in ST2. Mans has NO idea what he's getting into, but dammit he's going to be helpful!!
Young Scott is my sweetie pie pookie little guy. He's got so much enthusiasm. He's dramatic and a little over the top sometimes which...looking at the dramatics he uses in canon as an adult? Yeah. 15 year old Scott feels like an absolute goober of a kid. He puts so much energy behind his interaction with Henry, it's just natural for him to. He's kind of puppy-like in that way; he charges forward with so much enthusiasm, only to realize a bit later that he may have come on a little strong and that he needs to be a little gentler. He's learning how to interact with Henry in a way that isn't overwhelming, but he's doing it without framing that change as burdensome (like we see with Max in canon, when she corrects him on her name and he just goes with it like it's no big deal). I adore him. He's such a good kid.
Young Henry has been a joy to write honestly. There's a delicate balance between capturing the fact that he's just some snarky teenager and having that trauma come in with a steel chair every once in a while. Because like a lot of the time that's how it is with trauma. Henry's got baggage, sure, but it's not everything all the time. He can still be and think about so many other things outside of his experiences in the lab. It just means his perception of himself is a little warped and certain settings/phrases make the hurt kick up a little dust.
Like that's how trauma goes! It's the lights going on in the foyer, something Bob doesn't think twice about re: the Creels, and Henry being hit hard with the last time he was there. It's Henry having a nightmare about something that was done to him, or a mistake he made that had disastrous consequences, and that turning around to color his self worth, making him go from expressive and present to completely shut down in a matter of seconds. Like you said, it's Bob with the best intentions (Bob, who's 100% correct), trying to get him to see a doctor for his concussion and him getting snappy about it out of fear.
And that's something that follows Henry, too, into adulthood. His mother still haunts him. Brenner still haunts him. The self-esteem issues still haunt him. It all just happens less frequently/with less intensity. It never goes away, he just...gets used to it. He gets better at pushing it away.
But anyway moving on!! Yes!!! He's such an oversized t-shirt guy. Personally I was thinking about that John Mulaney bit about the ghost of the little girl vs him in the too-big sleep shirt, because that's SO Henry. (Was there ever a ghost? Or was it just me all along?)
And okay like. As one of the main timeline theorists on this hellsite, I had to include my baby Edward in here somewhere. Yes, he is going to be plot important. It may or may not end up being canon compliant. We'll see how it fleshes out!! But yeah Bob doesn't know what he's getting into lmao he's seeing the Surface. Hell, even Henry doesn't know what's going on with that, but he knows that every "coincidence" has something more to it, even if he doesn't know what that something entails.
Okay okay and finally. I'm a slut for direct references to canon. Henward/El/Will are all canonically very similar to each other, it's just that they're shaped by differing circumstances. That is to say, 15 year old post-lab Henry would react to things in a mixture of El and Will: shoving hurt down/turning it inwards while also taking matters into his own hands and refusing to let others help. So...I would die before missing chances to make references!! (there's also a Robin-Steve reference, in chapter 2, I think, about being friends with 15 year olds pfft)
Gougjhfghjf I'm so glad the pacing is coming across alright!! I have No idea how long this fic is going to be so I'm just. writing how it comes and seeing how far it goes!!
<3 <3 <3
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pentition · 1 year
I'd love to babble about portia, sandrock and especially Pen to you! My brains is a little covid addled though so depth might be a bit lacking. (I've been feeling better slowly but steadily, but this shit is not a normal flu, fuck this everything tastes extremely bitter or like nothing. Sadness.)
As for Pen and the new sandrock update, I felt like that mission with Pen training you genuinely really revealed a lot about his character. I can't really put it into words right now. But I genuinely like him, despite what he did. I don't think he is entirely black and white. And while it's not the same 100%, as a perfectionist and someone who is always thinking about how others perceive me I can relate somewhat.
Oh gosh, that's awful. Don't push yourself if you're unwell! (●´□`)♡ I've somehow dodged Covid all this time (as I punch a hole through the nearest wooden object, lmao) so I'm not even going to pretend I understand how crummy you must feel. I hope it passes asap with no aftermath issues to deal with!!
Also to anyone reading: SPOILERS! I hope putting it like that always draws the eye, haha.
I agree, I can't see him as a black and white character either. What he decides is worth spending his time on says a lot to me, honestly. Like in Simply the Best, I feel like what he says leading up to the mission to be really interesting. It shows Pen is potentially self-aware of himself and what he is as a super soldier.
He has "unconventional tastes" with dates and only "feels alive on the battlefield". It's also the only time we see him freely complimenting the Builder separate from himself, iirc. Also using the term 'love' in a few ways.
To me, it came across like Pen was trying to take it more seriously and that was likely new to him. He broached the subject of what interested him and made it clear enough to the Builder, acknowledged attraction physically and wanting to see if it went beyond that. Almost like he was voicing in his own way a manner of uncertainty and poking around to see if this whole 'true love' thing was real. Real and mutual. All sandwiched between his usual egotistical comments about himself we know and expect (and love).
But that's also interesting to me because in his role, if he's really a Knight, or by just being an experimented upon super soldier - I imagine he could be someone important to Duvos. Not to say Duvos cares about their soldiers, we have no real proof of that. But if he was a successful experiment, as it seems, that may be what warranted this ego in the first place. So maybe the idea of sharing yourself with someone else, or finding them even good enough, probably is something he thinks is reasonable to be picky with.
Also even if there was the chance the Builder was accepting of him if they learned the truth then it's even more imperative they are worth something to Duvos. Pen vouching because he loves them as their super soldier I don't think is enough for them to accept a non-Duvos citizen. At least, that's my impression given how everyone seems to regard both the country and its people so far.
I feel like Pen is always saying more than what it seems. Combat tutorial was funny and great but you could say he was also just trying to assess someone new on the board. You can argue the whole heart knot acceptance and romance mission is a manipulation scheme but that still makes me ask why. Why is that worth his time when there are surely easier people to turn into his fans or have fawn over him? Was he just bored and is actually nasty and cruel? I don't think from his perspective that the Builder is a threat, not until Knives Out hits and they have potentially met Logan after taking a fall. Then there's a slightly awkward 'welcome back' from him that seems torn between acknowledging it as your pal/partner Pen and Duvos's spy Pen.
Gosh I'm rambling but yeah, I don't think he's black and white. I think he is all the things he presents all at once. It's just a matter of how self-aware he is in that moment, or how much he cares. The context of the situation and who is present. But either way, the perception of others means a lot to him given both his true role and the protector role. And I think that carries over to how the Builder perceives him, just in a more personal manner the more they get on.
It makes me want more romance missions with him and all that content just to see more of him in contexts outside of what we consider his norm.
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essayofthoughts · 2 years
Different nonny here—Anna Ripley is probably one of my favorite “love to hate” characters out there, and I’ve been watching CR since C1 up to the animated series. One thing I did take notice of, however, during the torture scene in the tv show, Percy’s pants looked to be unbuttoned. Now, I know Matt has said that the tv series and the original campaign are two separate canons, but I can’t help but combine them where I feel the gaps need to be filled. —>
Cont. — And actually /seeing/ Anna in the show kind of put the character in a different light for me. I do sort of agree with you, though, I don’t think she assaulted him, but she may have, I don’t know, threatened/used his “bits” to her advantage (in the least s*caul way possible) or something at one point before she decided not to and continued onto other means.
See, I don’t think that a canon as different as the show is to the campaign is really of any value when it comes to filling gaps? There’s a lot of nuance lost in the show due to the shortened runtime and there are definite differences in characterisation as well as plot choices due, again, to that shortened runtime as well as to the different medium. There’s also bits they 100% changed such as Archibald Desnay’s appearance and role or how and when Cassandra’s name appeared on the List. The two are not compatible worlds and using pieces from one puzzle to fill the gaps of another is generally a fruitless endeavour.
So.. yeah, I don’t use the show to fill percieved gaps in the original, especially when what I can infer from the character choices of the original can at least give me outlines for some of those gaps and the Dungeon Master of the Campaign outright says the show is a different world and canon to the original.
Due to the subject matter and the length, the rest of this is going beneath a cut.
I do agree, however, that Ripley could plausibly have threatened Percy in the way you suggest before moving onto other forms of torture. It’s not unlikely and she seems like the methodical kind to have gone through various options to find what they most feared before going from that. It is the kind of terrible thing her particular brand of impersonal, scientific callousness would likely lean towards, I imagine.
That said, though, based on Percy’s general reactions to various things through the course of the campaign, his primary fears seem to be burning (his reaction to being told they would be branded as members of the Slayer’s Take), loss of autonomy (his responses to being Hold Person’d), loss of senses/use of part of himself (his panic attack when he’s blinded in the Feywild), and seeing the bodies of deceased loved ones (him hauling Pike back into the pool while Vax was with Artagnan - his words were “You don’t want that in your head, trust me - and his nightmare under Orthax’s influence before the invisible stalker attack). I am inclined to believe his torture at her hands largely took the form of restraints, burning, limiting of senses, perhaps surgical damage (Ripley was a Doctor), and psychological torture in the form of his family’s slow deaths and their bodies in his or the neighbouring cell (depending on how literally you take his Orthax nightmare).
The thing is, if he’s being tortured, his clothes are going to get damaged. He’s going to be hauled around, thrown around. His clothes are going to be forced off him or damaged to allow access for torture. He’s not going to be allowed to change those clothes or get new ones. He may damage those clothes to bandage wounds. In canon it was a massacre before they were hauled down to the cells; it’s quite likely some of them tried to run or fight; further things that could well do damage to clothes. And again, regardless of the nature of the torture, some access to the victim’s body is going to be necessary - I don’t think it necessarily is 100% indicative, and you’re still using the show and not the original campaign canon to make these conclusions.
And, again, as I said in my ... damn near an essay, really - I think there’s more to it than just whether or not it was likely. I think the fact that, though we are never given the indication in canon it is nonetheless assumed - and these assumptions predate the animated show - says a great deal about the way trauma from torture is devalued by fandom when compared to sexual assault. The assumption seems to be that, for that torture to be meaningfully traumatic - and we know it was for Percy - that it has to involve a sexual element and that really says a lot about people’s perspectives on torture, trauma, and sex.
Namely, that torture isn’t as big of a deal and that sex is uniquely powerful both with regards to being a powerful experience and being uniquely traumatising. Which is bullshit.
I want to make this clear: I have been assaulted. I know very well how it fucks you up - that is why I have written some of the fics that I have written - and I find this belief that torture has to involve a sexual element to “matter” to be... insulting, frankly, to survivors of assault and of torture alike because it carries the assumption that one group has “really” been hurt, while the others... not so much. People who do this are using my trauma, my experiences, to dismiss or demean the trauma and experiences of others and I do not give them permission to do that.
And if these people will dismiss one person’s trauma as less significant, how can they be trusted not to dismiss the trauma of another? All it takes is for it to be framed in a way which it can be found acceptable. Anyone can be manipulated into believing something excusable. That’s how cults and authoritarianism work. All they have to do is find your poison.
Also... I just wanna say here that I have no idea what you mean by "s*caul" and I really do hate this new trend of removing letters from words to censor them. It makes blacklisting much more difficult for people who actually do want to avoid the words and to some people, it makes what's being said unintelligible.
Thank you for your thoughts, but I think we disagree quite a bit.
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nothieflike · 1 year
The Covenant (2023)
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Directed by: Guy Ritchie
Written by: Ivan Atkinson, Marn Davies, and Guy Ritchie
The Covenant has the pastiche and air of a "based on the true story" war film, although it is an original story that dramatizes some legitimate issues faced by Afghans who served as interpreters for the US military during the two-decade long war in Afghanistan. The plot follows Sergeant John Kinley (played a bit unevenly by Jake Gyllenhaal) and his squad of soldiers as they fruitlessly search for locations where the Taliban may be manufacturing or storing explosive devices. When their interpreter is killed in a bomb attack (that's not a spoiler, it happens in the first five minutes of the film), Kinley's squad is assigned a replacement named Ahmed (Dar Salim in a standout, potentially star-making performance).
With Ahmed's help and some unconventional tactics, Kinley and his squad close in on a legitimate IED factory. But when they arrive, one of the workers notifies the local Taliban leaders of the Americans' presence and discovery of their stash. As the Taliban close in, Kinley's squad is picked apart and Kinley and Ahmed are separated from everyone, ultimately forced to flee on foot. What follows is a very protracted chase sequence culminating in Kinley being seriously wounded. Ahmed bandages the sergeant up and starts off to drag, carry, and care for Kinley across over 100 kilometers of Taliban-controlled territory.
Eventually Ahmed is successful in saving Kinley, who wakes up weeks later in the hospital. Once back home in the States, Kinley is haunted by grief and remorse once he learns that Ahmed has been forced into hiding for his actions, becoming something of an anti-Taliban folk hero. The third act of the movie is then an extended rescue mission where Kinley returns to Afghanistan in an attempt to locate and extract Ahmed and his family to the US.
It's sort of an interesting structure for this particular story. I think a lot of screenwriters (or perhaps editors) would typically focus on a more protracted third act and either deal with Ahmed's perilous journey in flashbacks or intersperse it throughout Kinley's rescue mission. Here, though, the events are depicted linearly which puts the bulk of the film's runtime on the second act. It's a pretty great second act, to be sure, full of high stakes escapes, and a truly exhausting level of heightened tension. This is where Dar Salim truly shines and his character is displayed through a handful of dialogue-free actions and pivotal decision points.
The bridge between this sequence and Kinley's decision to return to try and save Ahmed is where the film broke down for me. Gyllenhaal's wooden stoicism from the first act is replaced by a see-saw between extra wooden and over-the-top ham as he rages against the system dragging their feet about securing Ahmed's immigration visa. I get that he was going for a PTSD effect and perhaps the editors did him no favors, but it just didn't work for me. There are a few other odd choices in this section as well: Johnny Lee Miller's Colonel Vokes is hinted at having a deeper backstory connection with Kinley than was previously indicated, Alexander Ludwig's strangely menacing turn as Sergeant Declan O'Brady takes a momentarily prominent role, and poor Emily Beecham as Kinley's wife Caroline puts up a valiant struggle to adopt a convincing American accent in the one single monologue of substance she gets, but ultimately the writing and her accent torpedo the scene. Ultimately it culminates in a tedious subplot where Kinley tries to hire and then convince a private military contractor (played beardily and pointlessly by Antony Starr) to honor a deal, which of course fails, leading Kinley to believe he has to go in to save Ahmed and his family all by himself. (For some inexplicable reason this turns out to all be a big misunderstanding, which doesn’t matter in the least except that to me it kind of neatly encapsulated how roughshod and arbitrary the whole screenplay feels.)
All of which amounts to a dull interlude leading up to the very abbreviated-feeling escape scene that merely sets up a deus ex machina moment which might be the most unsatisfying denoument in recent memory.
In the end, then, the film is quite a mixed bag. Ritchie is great at blocking complex pursuit and combat scenes, and he knows how to create an atmosphere of tension without much dialogue. The cinematography is generally excellent, too, which is probably why the firefight-into-Kinley-and-Ahmed-escape is the best sequence of the whole film, even if narratively it should have been either the entire movie or edited into the rescue scenes instead. There are too many characters introduced in the beginning who end up getting basically zero development other than some colorful nicknames; there is too much clumsiness in the non-action scenes both in terms of acting and directing; and the whole thing feels like the producers were trying to treat real-life characters and circumstances with an appropriate level of gravitas and sincerity that a wholly fictional story doesn't require.
More so than anything else though the film feels like what it really needed was some kind of purpose, a point of view, some kind of message or position to take. It doesn't really have much to say about the US's war in Afghanistan in general, and barely has enough of an opinion about the treatment of Afghan interpreters serving the US military and their treatment both by the US and by the Taliban outside a small title card at the end of the film. It doesn't attempt to illuminate a broader topic or even make any commentary on this conflict and seems content to assume everyone watching it will view the Taliban as generically evil and the US military as generically noble.
Despite some promising elements, I can't fully recommend The Covenant. It doesn't work as a popcorn flick because it's a bit too self-serious and hampers itself with an awkward structure. And it can't even claim to try to be a thoughtful meditation on self-sacrifice, war, or the plight of the average citizens of a war-torn country as it never bothers to take a stance on much of anything. What's left are some slickly produced but disjointed action scenes, one great performance, and a lot of close-but-not-quite work by everyone else. Catch it on streaming services in a month if you have nothing better to watch, but it's not worth making a special effort to see in theaters.
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genshinbent · 2 years
Let me drop some more takes i've once thought of for you to sort through and consider if you don't mind: Prince of Blood Eula, Prince of Void Diona, Mage of Breath Kazuha, Knight of Breath Jean, Knight of Blood Keqing, Maid of Mind Kokomi, Seer of Space Mona, Maid/Knight of Void Noelle, Sylph of Hope Barbara, Rogue of Blood Razor, Prince of Rage Tartaglia, Knight of Hope Xingqiu, Heir of Hope Chongyun.
Sorry for the late reply! I was sending some time going over and considering some of the characters and then I got sidetracked for a bit but here are some of my thoughts! Let me know what you think or what your reasoning was if you want because some of them I'm not as sure on ^_^
Okay so first I'm going to set to the side Eula, Diona, Jean, Keqing, and Kokomi for now because I don't have those characters and/or I don't know enough about them to be confident enough in assigning them a role. I will come back to them eventually.
Kazuha- He's so clearly Breath there's nothing else he could be. I see why you chose Mage, with his extrasensory ability to read the weather and the people around him. I'm not against it and it is in my considerations, but he doesn't do a lot of other Mage-y things- he doesn't especially understand freedom and drive, nor does he give a lot of guidance other than pointing out inclement weather. I'm not 100% sure on what his class actually is, but I'm leaning towards Rogue. To move motivation around, inspiring some and cutting down others. Adding wind to the sails, so to speak.
Mona- I definitely see that too, however I also see Mage since she doesn't really seek people out to give them readings or help them unless they ask. Additionally, Light, or even Void could fit as well. My first thought was Space, but she seems largely focused on separating truth from illusion and giving those who request a reading the very blunt truth. I am uncertain right now
Noelle- ...I am deeply intrigued as to why you chose Void for Noelle. Is it the physical strength? Personally, I see her as Life. The need to overcome any obstacle and fix the problem, no matter what it could be, is very Life. There's also her won't-take-no-for-an-answer demeanor, which calls to mind all of the known Life players in Homestuck. As for class, I agree with Knight! Very much a servant at heart and extremely good at exploiting whatever is at hand to solve the issue. Knight of Life is my decision for her so far
Barbara- Agreed 👍 Sylph of Hope is what I had for her as well (fun fact, she was the first character I got to 10 friendship with :D)
Razor- hugely agree on Blood, vaguely agree on Rogue. I feel like I haven't seen enough of him to know how he approaches life. Rogue, Knight, or Heir are possibilities I will be considering
Xingqiu- Definitely Hope. Xingqiu actually feels more like the Maid of Hope to me. I'm not completely set on it yet, but he's set out to improve the fate of the Guhua clan, and heal people's beliefs about it. He also often goes out to "advance the cause of compassion and justice" as his character introduction states, which, while it is an act of servitude, it's more about creating the image of himself as the chivalric hero, and spreading the belief in chivalry among others. I'm hesitantly saying Maid of Hope, while keeping Heir and Knight as possibilities
Chongyun- Also either Hope... or Rage? He's not super imaginative or fantastical, instead he's straight-forward and refuses to pretend or lean into the public image of what an exorcist should be or should do. As for Heir? I'm not so sure. It is something I can see but idk if it's the best fit. Frankly, I feel as though Chongyun hasn't come into his own yet. He has the conviction of the Hope/Rage duo but he doesn't know what to do with it. This makes it hard for me to say anything for sure, though I'm leaning towards Page for the same reason. I don't have super strong opinions on him because I can see many options, but for now I'm leaning towards Page of Rage
Tartaglia- This one was the hardest (and longest) to write because I had a wild time pinning him down before I even got this ask. So I was thinking about Rage for him, but while he's very... unpredictable... his life and his goals aren't focused on defiance, righteousness, negativity, truth, etc. So them I thought about Blood because of his strong family and country ties, but while they are undeniably important to him, they don't really run his life either, as he mostly does his own thing under the Fatui off in other countries. So what does run his life? To become stronger. To be the very biggest fish in the sea and eventually conquer the world. Tartaglia is Life down to the bone! I was sure of it as soon as I had that thought. His class was giving me some trouble however. He also definitely fits the archetype of Prince or Bard, but he's not actually especially destructive? He was not enthusiastic about the plan in Liyue, he only did it for the Tsaritsa. The rest of his life seems to be collecting debt and information, and challenging whoever he wants to fight. Dirk was not particularly destructive in a physical way, but as Heart he was definitely self-destructive and destructive of other's emotions. But Childe is pretty genuine honestly. He wasn't lying or pretending about being the traveller's friend even though it started with ulterior motives. Anyway, I just can't see him as a destroyer class. But he absolutely fits the Thief personality. Along with Vriska and Meenah, he is straight-forward about what he wants, and he goes to great lengths to take it. Debt collection and information gathering are thievery actions but he really shines in taking on strong opponents and learning how to defeat them to grow stronger himself. He was not born with exceptional battle skill, he had to take it by force down in the Abyss. Thief of Life Tartaglia ftw
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discordiansamba · 2 years
tag list
kintsugi: After being banished from the Fire Nation and set to roam in the Earth Kingdom, Zuko accidentally winds up becoming the bodyguard of the young Beifong daughter. The rest, they say, is history.
heart of a dragon: Fate turns a little differently, and Zuko ends up being raised far away from the royal palace- and with dragons. But no matter how things change, one thing remains the same- that it's his destiny to teach the Avatar firebending, and to fight against the Fire Lord. That's the easy part. The hard part? Literally everything else.
second spark: in which azula kills Zuko during The Chase, forcing him to accept a bum deal from Agni himself in order to return to life- which means he has to teach the Avatar firebending if he doesn’t want to die again
toph beifong’s guide to being a paradox: in which toph mentally time travels back to before Aang is freed from the iceberg after dying during the finale and vows to fix things... by befriending zuko and forcing him to become good earlier
moonlit: in which Yue is the avatar instead
unnamed bounty hunter zuko au: in which June raises an amnesiac Zuko as her apprentice
cosmic dust: in which pidge and keith are space pirates 
anomalous point: in which Keith is a cryptid and the war between the Voltron Alliance and the Galra Empire started recently
burgundy: in which BOM agent Keith is sent to find the blue lion on earth, only to become a paladin himself
who you are in the dark: in which Keith is recruited by Lotor after being captured and experimented on by Haggar... and decides to play double agent
abyss of memory: in which Keith is captured by Haggar and loses his memories after being experimented on before being rescued by Ulaz
the stars shine a different shine: in which Shiro and Keith swap ages, but stay as their respective paladin roles
desert born: the one where Shiro inadvertently adopts a half-alien desert child
long live the queen: in which Allura and Keith go up against the space equivalent of an eldritch horror
under the pale moonlight: Voltron but make it a fantasy AU
when a black cat: in which Keith is a were-cat, but there’s still aliens
flicker: in which Keith never joins the Garrison and stays behind on Earth for Sendak’s invasion
ignis: in which Keith survives Naxzela in secret and learns the truth behind Kuron
run all through the night: Heath lives, and raises Keith with the full knowledge of his Galra heritage. This absolutely does not stop Keith from making some of the worst decisions you’ve ever seen after he gets locked into his Galra form.
what’s hidden next to you (will soon be seen): in which Shiro finds himself in the crosshairs of a supernatural threat that could doom the world
pidge’s (highly improvised) guide to demons: In which Pidge summons a demon. The demon is Keith.
temporal shift: in which a future Keith travels back in time to prevent the worst possible future- starting with the destruction of Earth during Sendak’s invasion
lion’s pride: Voltron but it’s a superhero AU
parallel reverse: altean empire AU
avatar legend of hunk: (atla au) two separate groups set out a quest to find the avatar before Empress Honerva and her Fire Nation forces can locate him- meanwhile, the Avatar is just trying to reunite with his family, unaware of his true identity.
scrap: in which Keith is a druid raised by Haggar who betrays everything he knows after he helps rescue Shiro from the arena
unnamed heith area 51 au: in which Hunk unwittingly involves himself with government conspiracies and alien bullshit by hiring the cute new guy in town to work at his bakery
unnamed earthbound krolia au: in which Krolia stays on earth to raise Keith
fully human keith raised by BOM au: in which Keith is 100% human and ends up raised by the Blade after his father’s death
unnamed pidge keith ageswap au: in which Pidge and Keith swap ages.
unnamed undercover BOM agent keith au: in which Keith is raised as a Blade and infiltrates the Empire alongside his mother
galra prince keith AU: The universe fucks up, deletes Lotor, panics and tries to replace him with Keith... to very, VERY mixed results.
quintessence poisoning AU: AU in which Haggar poisons Keith’s mind with quintessence, effectively brainwashing him and bringing him over to the side of the Galra Empire- along with the red lion.
parental figure bodyswap au: Pre-Kerberos AU in which Shiro and Krolia mysteriously swap bodies, and have to figure out a way to swap back... which is very difficult, when you’re on the opposite sides of the universe.
twin au: AU in which Keith and Akira are twins, and circumstances lead them to pretending to be one person.
MFE paladins AU: Keith turns purple at the Garrison. This leads to a a cascading series of event that results in Keith and the MFE pilots being the ones launched into space instead.
zombie apocalypse AU: The Kerberos mission returns to a backdrop of the zombie apocalypse.
assassin AU: Modern day AU in which Keith and Romelle are assassins searching for answers about their missing family members, with a dash of shadowy corporation and unethical human experimentation.
identity crisis AU: the one in which due to the corrupted wormhole, PIdge, Hunk, Lance and Keith all swap personality traits with each other. No, Allura, we can’t just call this a bonding exercise.
commander and druid AU: Keith and Shiro both go on the Kerberos mission. Haggar gets a new druid and Zarkon gets a new Commander. featuring black paladin Adam and Galra Shiro.
amnesiac blade AU: Keith is raised as a Blade, but crash-lands on Earth during a mission and loses his memories.
oops! all Galra AU: Au in which all of the paladins are Galra.
displaced rebel AU: Matt from a bad reality swaps places with a Matt from a good reality, and needs to find his way back- except he’s stuck on Earth.
accidental paladin Matt AU: Matt mentally time travels back to the past when he first joined the Garrison and accidentally prepares for the outcome of the Kerberos mission so hard he takes over Shiro’s role as Champion and black paladin. oops.
you are (not) a weapon: The Garrison knew about the Galra much earlier, and raise Keith to be a weapon against them. Up in space, far away from the Garrison, Shiro begins the long task of trying to deprogram him.
reality scramble AU: Defeated during the events of Genesis, Honerva instead opts to rewrite this reality to her liking. She assumes she’s wiped Allura from existence, but she could not be more wrong...
double Keith AU: Keith accidentally time travels back to the past and prevents his father’s death, destroying the original timeline he came from and stranding him in the past.
mer AU: obligatory mer AU
macross AU: In which Hunk and Romelle are idols on an intergalactic peace tour, escorted by Captain Shirogane and the IGF-Atlas and their childhood friend and bodyguard, Keith.
vld wing AU: vld but make it wingfic
triple agent AU: Au in which the Galra have taken over Earth, and Keith works as a triple agent for the human resistance and the Empire, but his true loyalty is to the Blade of Marmora.
in daylight: in which Jim is born half-troll, but still becomes the Trollhunter
unnamed trollhunter claire au: in which claire is the trollhunter, toby is a changeling, and jim is raised by angor rot
Detective Conan
(don’t) believe what you know: in which there’s more behind Heiji’s string of supernatural related cases than he lets on
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 316: We've Had One, Yes, But What About Second Explosion
Previously on BnHA: Deku was all “[powers up like whoa because it’s time to end the fight]”, and he saved Overhaul from getting not-shot, and then smashed up Nagant’s arm with the power of his new rechargeable super knees. Nagant was all “yoooo this kid is crazy strong whaaaat, it’s like he’s some kind of protagonist or something.” Deku was all “I AM A PROTAGONIST, ACTUALLY, DO YOU WANT TO JOIN FORCES AND FIGHT BAD GUYS WITH ME?” Nagant was all “ah shit why the hell no -- ” and then AFO was all “SURPRISE” and everyone was all “?!?!?!” and AFO was all “TIME TO EXPLODE NOW” and made Nagant explode because he’s an absolute fucking dick. And then Hawks showed up, because Horikoshi just wanted to stuff as many plot points as humanly possible into a single chapter I guess.
Today on BnHA: Hawks is all “good job giving motivational shounen redemption speeches Deku but I’ll take it from here” and screams very earnestly right in Nagant’s face until she finally wakes up. Nagant is all “oh hey it’s my successor, you seem surprisingly unfucked-up from your own HPSC tenure, how did you manage that?” Hawks is all “fandom is going to love hearing this one, but basically it’s because I’m very upbeat and also I had the world’s best role model Endeavor to look up to,” and I swear this man stirs the pot on purpose, but damn it I still love him so damn much. Overhaul is all “HELLO AGAIN, JUST A REMINDER THAT, THE BOSS!!” and Deku is all “MAYBE TAKE TWO SECONDS TO REFLECT ON HOW YOU TORTURED A LITTLE GIRL,” which, thank you, lol. Nagant is all “btw AFO’s hiding in a house in the woods”, and so Deku and the gang go to the house in the woods. Video recording!AFO is all “hi I’m AFO welcome to Jackass” and blows up the house. Sometimes I wonder if this manga is just a weird dream.
I am once again reading the Bean version because I think it was actually the best out of all three translations last week. and that is surprisingly including Viz’s. “faux” is not nearly as entertaining as “knockoff”, and also I have literally no idea why Caleb thought Deku was saying the Third’s lines lol
oh hey, Endeavor’s here too! not that you’d ever be able to tell from this first panel lmao
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glad you received All Might’s call, mysterious unidentified glowing smudge
oh snap he says he’s weaker in the rain. is that why AFO told Nagant to attack then?? except that as we discussed the other day, I believe that AFO fully intended for Nagant to lose the fight, so him giving her info that would give her an advantage doesn’t really fit in with that. maybe he wanted Deku to be separated from Endeavor and the rest for maximum angst, though
btw Deku’s eyes are unsurprisingly back to the new normal here
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alas, the angst continues. I say, pretending like I’m not totally eating it up each and every week and writing essay after essay about it lol
anyway so apparently Hawks can’t actually fly lmao. he was just yeeting himself with style
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for some reason this is the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever seen omfg. wave to Hawks, kids! say “bye, Hawks!”
j/k of course Deku is catching them. -- except???
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wow so he was just running on fumes there at the end. well, good to know there is actually a limit to his shenanigans, particularly regarding this new “knockoff” 100% OFA. it will definitely not alleviate any of the discourse, but it’s good for my own peace of mind because it’s solid confirmation that he still needs his pals in order to win this thing
anyway, but on to the rest of this conversation, which is basically Deku deducing what we all deduced last week -- AFO implanted some sort of trap into Nagant when he gave her Air Walk. though I’d still like to get the actual details from AFO and/or Horikoshi, because this was particularly wild even by quirk standards lol
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she still has a face after all!! so it’s confirmed, Horikoshi has no idea what “blowing up” actually means. we might have guessed, based on what happened to Toga in the MVA arc, and also based on everything Katsuki does ever, but shhh
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this is actually kind of touching though because even though we all know (or most of us acknowledge at any rate) that Hawks is a pretty caring person, it’s rare to see him actually panic over someone’s welfare like this
oh shit Horikoshi is really doubling down on it
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I wonder how much Hawks knew about what really happened between Nagant and the HPSC. regardless, he probably sees her as a kindred spirit of sorts, and I’m more than happy for Deku to pass the redemption torch onto him now that he’s on the scene. like no offense Deku but they actually know each other and stuff lol
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apparently being freed from his HPSC shackles has finally given Hawks the space to embrace his own inner shounen protagonist. is there anything more shounen than trying to motivationally scream someone awake when they’re lying in your arms inches from death?? 100% guaranteed to work
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SO SHE IS ALIVE. THANK GOD. Horikoshi doesn’t want to meet with my emotional distress lawyer today after all
love how she’s all “just gonna stir up the weekly Hawks Discourse pot here by implying that he probably committed a lot of Atrocities just like I did, so now people can get all hopped up about that, even though there’s no evidence he’s ever killed anyone aside from that one horrible ‘damned-if-you-do...’ situation with Twice.” no one asked for your provocative speculation young lady!! trust me Nagant, our rabbles don’t need the rousing lol
but nice save there with the “so how are your eyes so untainted” well you see it’s because even when he was following the HPSC’s orders he always went to great lengths never to go against his own moral compass. which just to be clear was incredibly difficult, and led to a ton of pain and suffering on his part, because the life of a spy is basically just one impossible situation after another. but in spite of that he never stopped trying to do his best to help people. I don’t really know where this tangent came from or is leading to, lol, but anyway p.s.a. I love Hawks a lot and he’s a good kid dammit
oh shit??!?
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how is the League always able to swing all these fancy forest mansions. where do they find them. how many do they have
so Deku’s dropping them -- very roughly, not sure if he was reacting to finally getting AFO’s location, or if his energy really is giving out -- and now Nagant’s saying that AFO hired other villains as well. well of course he did. gotta keep chipping away at OFA’s ninth successor little by little
now Nagant is asking Hawks how he’s able to keep making “that” face. I assume she’s again talking about the fact that he somehow didn’t let the HPSC wear down his spirit
oh my god???
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thanks for stuffing this chapter to the brim with good nutritional Hawks Feels, Horikoshi. what a good. he just keeps on trudging forward undeterred no matter what bullshit comes his way. what a steadfast little guy. I WILL PROTECT YOU FROM DISCOURSE MY SWEET SUNSHINE
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anyway so you don’t really need me to tell you that Overhaul is immediately starting in with the “BUT THE BOSS WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO TAKE ME TO THE BOSS YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD TAKE ME TO THE BOSS” stuff again. but I will go ahead and tell you anyway. so yeah. he’s doing that
OMG YOU GUYS LOOK AT DEKU’S “of all the fucking assholes to just randomly drop in on my life once again why did it have to be you” FACE THOUGH, OMG
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fun fact, if you go back to chapters 124 through 160, there was an entire story arc where Overhaul imprisoned and tortured a little girl. yeah, I know!! suuuuuuuuper evil. anyways just an interesting little anecdote for you all that’s somewhat relevant to the current situation
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(ETA: so apparently there’s some discourse about this because some people are interpreting this as Deku saying “you should apologize to Eri”, which would obviously be a terrible idea even if Overhaul actually wanted to do that, because Eri shouldn’t ever have to see him again. however I just want to point out that there is a HUGE difference between saying “it would be nice if you could direct that feeling of regret/being sorry towards Eri as well”, vs saying “you should also apologize to her.” all Deku is doing is rightfully pointing out that Overhaul has hurt way more people than just his boss, and if he really is remorseful, then he should extend those feelings of remorse to Eri and the rest as well. it’s not a directive to take any specific action, and I’m 1000% sure no one at U.A. would let Overhaul within 100 miles of Eri ever again.
tl;dr “try feeling remorse sometime” =/= “do you want me to fly you over to U.A. right now to surprise the little girl you traumatized”, lol.)
[slings an arm around Deku’s shoulders] you’re a good kid. I like you. I don’t know if I tell you that enough, but it’s true
meanwhile here is Overhaul’s “spare... a thought... for Eri...???????” face sigh
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the struggle is real y’all
(ETA: and that’s... the last we ever saw of Overhaul, I guess? well all right then. I assume Deku will make good on his promise, so we know he’ll get that little bit of closure before going back to jail or whatever, and I confess I’m more than fine with leaving the rest of it open-ended, especially given his character’s history. I think this was pretty generous all things considered.)
lmao holy shit
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All Might what did you do to those tiki torch guys?? did you thrash them. did you give ‘em those hands. did you deliver their own asses to them complete with a sticker reminding them Amazon Prime Day is on June 21. we missed out goddammit
so Endeavor, who wasn’t the one he was asking, is telling him that they captured (well let’s be real, Deku captured, give the credit where it’s due) Nagant and Overhaul. and so I guess they’re going to take Nagant to the ER now
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fire is no one’s weakness
-- oh my GOD I scrolled down and audibly gasped
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[is politely but firmly approached and asked to remove my arm from Deku’s shoulder by the physical manifestation of all this Dekuangst] “we’re sorry, he’s not allowed to have visitors right now” oh shit, my bad. [goes to stand behind a police barricade]
lmao what. did you run out of room on the previous page
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what an exaggerated fade to black lmao
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I actually can’t see what he’s reacting to so maybe I’m just seriously jumping the gun here lol, but THE HELL WITH IT. the next panel appears to be a cut to Haibori Forest, so I’m just gonna go ahead and declare that Deku ran off on his own all wounded to go have more Dekuangst, just like I manifested. now go call Katsuki goddammit
[scrolls three more inches down] oh
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yeah so like I said, Deku is walking very slowly a few feet in front of Endeavor, who’s telling him to wait up. yep. we’ve all gotta be so careful to not just jump to conclusions. I know we’re excited but still
anyway, so! welcome back to Mt. Lady and Kamui Woods (ARE YOU GUYS DATING) and Edgeshot! have fun walking into this obvious trap lol
dammit Deku why are you so determined to tempt fate
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[monkey puppet meme faces]
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that’s such a weird way of clapping who claps like that
unlike certain other people who shan’t be named, AFO doesn’t feel the need to inexplicably take his shirt off when recording sinister villain monologues. I think we’re all pretty grateful for that
high fives to everyone who called it!! yep yep
anyway so this whole scene has major booby-trap vibes, which I’m enjoying immensely even though I don’t think anything is really going to come of it lol. probably just another long-winded AFO Speech. but wouldn’t it be funny if like the ceiling started lowering down to try and squish Deku afterwards lol
(ETA: well the explosion was still pretty funny too ngl.)
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[“Dekuangst is the trap” intensifies]
anyway so yeah. he’s just hitting up all of his usual villain talking points. we get it, you’re so smart and you see right through the thin veneers of society and people who don’t conform are left to fend for themselves and labeled as villains and history is written by the victors, and blah blah blah dude are you just jumping randomly from one soundbyte to another lol. literally what are you talking about. what does this have to do with you blowing up Nagant
-- holy shit??
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[”Dekuangst is the trap” intensifies MORE?????]
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r.i.p. to this particular forest mansion. don’t worry they have a ton of backups
remember last week when I said maybe AFO thinks explosions are gauche. well never mind. he fucking loves explosions
anyway so that’s the end of BnHA, everyone. hope you enjoyed. it was a good ride while it lasted. see you all, good luck in your travels
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